FreeBSD New Ports Index

This page is a slightly modified version of the following one-liner output. created_at: 2023-08-10T12:50:28+09:00

# git -C /usr/ports log --diff-filter=A --name-status --pretty="format:%aI %H" origin/master | perl -nlE '/^\d/ ? $d=$_ : print "$d\t$_"' | ack "\t[0-9a-z-]+/[^/ ]+/Makefile$"
timestamp origin comment / pkg-descr
2021-06-26T10:23:05+02:00 sysutils/devedeng Gtk3 DVD disc authoring program
DevedeNG is a program to create video DVDs and CDs (VCD, sVCD or CVD),
suitables for home players, from any number of video files, in any of
the formats supported by Mplayer. The big advantage over other utilites
is that it only needs Mpv, FFMpeg, DVDAuthor, VCDImager and MKisofs
(well, and Python3, PyGTK and PyGlade), so its dependencies are quite
2021-10-14T16:36:29+02:00 graphics/gpu-firmware-radeon-kmod
2021-10-14T16:08:48+02:00 graphics/gpu-firmware-amd-kmod
2021-10-14T15:09:18+02:00 graphics/gpu-firmware-intel-kmod
2021-10-29T20:55:29+00:00 sysutils/rubygem-redfish_client
2021-10-29T21:01:27+00:00 devel/rubygem-server_sent_events
2021-04-30T18:42:59+03:00 games/freebee Multi-platform ncurses-based console client for Free Bee
Free Bee is an enhanced Free Software clone of The New York Times
game Spelling Bee.

In this game, your goal is to find as many words as you can with
the seven letters you are given. You don't have to use any letter
except the middle letter and letters can be used more than once in
a word. Finding a word that uses all seven letters yields bonus
points! Every game has at least one such word, and many games have

Earning enough points to reach the rank of Queen Bee wins the game!

You can play the daily challenge like the original game or try your
hand at a nearly infinite number of computer-generated random
challenges. Unlike the original game, you are not restricted to
only a single game per day!

2021-12-24T12:25:31+03:00 archivers/stormlib Library to process MPQ (MoPaQ) archives
StormLib is a pack of C++ modules, which provide the user means to modify MPQ

MPQ (MoPaQ) is an archive format developed by Blizzard Entertainment, purposed
for storing data files, images, sounds, music and videos for their games. The
name MoPaQ comes from the author of the format, Mike O'Brien (Mike O'brien

2021-12-23T11:10:56+00:00 graphics/simple-scan Simple scanning utility
Document Scanner is a document scanning application for GNOME. It
allows you to capture images using image scanners (e.g. flatbed
scanners) that have suitable SANE drivers installed.

2021-10-29T16:58:50+02:00 archivers/py-python-rpm-packaging Python rpm packaging
Python rpm packaging helpers and scripts

2021-12-22T21:57:57+00:00 x11/wayout Output simple text to a Wayland desktop widget
Wayout takes text from standard input and outputs it to a desktop-widget
on Wayland desktops. Periodic updates are supported; e.g. newline-separated
input or any other delimiter of choice. We call this a feed. The desktop
widget can be shown either on top (OSD-like functionality) or below other

A Wayland compositor must implement the Layer-Shell and XDG-Output for wayout
to work.

- Allow updating from standard input at a regular interval; custom delimiters
- Configurable colours/border/position/fonts
- Supports the pango markup language for text markup/colours.

2021-12-22T16:26:26+01:00 multimedia/emby-server-devel Media server to organize, play & stream audio/video to various devices
Emby Server is a home media server built on top of other popular open source
technologies such as Service Stack, jQuery, jQuery mobile, and .NET Core.

It features a REST-based API with built-in documention to facilitate client
development. It also offers client libraries for its API to enable rapid

2021-12-22T17:37:48+01:00 multimedia/aribb24 ARIB STD-B24 library
A library for ARIB STD-B24, decoding JIS 8 bit characters
and parsing MPEG-TS stream.

2021-08-01T15:46:05+00:00 x11/kickoff Minimalistic program launcher
kickoff is a program launcher for Wayland. All programs found in $PATH
are included in the search results. This list is then combined with
your previous searches and sorted by amount of usage and if it fits
the search query.

- Wayland native (only wlroots based compositors though)
- Fuzzy search
- Fast and snappy
- Remembers often used applications
- Argument support for launched programs
- Paste support

2021-10-24T20:51:36+02:00 devel/py-sip4 Python to C and C++ bindings generator
SIP is a tool for generating Python bindings for C and C++ libraries.

2021-10-24T20:51:36+02:00 devel/py-qt5-pyqt Python bindings for the Qt5 toolkit, QtCore module
PyQt5 is a set of Python bindings for Qt5 application framework.
This package provides the QtCore module.

2021-09-16T09:24:15+02:00 databases/influxdb2-cli CLI for managing resources in InfluxDB v2
CLI for managing resources in InfluxDB v2.

2021-09-16T09:24:15+02:00 devel/influx-pkg-config Drop-in pkg-config replacement for compiling C libraries for InfluxData
This binary is intended as an easier way to include C code in your Go program.

This binary can be installed and Go can be told to use this binary when it
invokes pkg-config. If it finds a library that is known by the program,
it will compile and output the location for that binary. If it doesn't know
what the program is, it will default to invoking the system pkg-config to
obtain the compilation flags.

2021-12-04T12:31:05+01:00 devel/rubygem-mustache-sinatra Support for Mustache in your Sinatra app
Mustache implementation for modern C++ (requires C++11).

* Header only
* Zero dependencies
* Templated string type for compatibility with any STL-like string
(std::string, std::wstring, etc)

2021-12-08T18:13:36+00:00 x11/swayfloatingswitcher Simple Alt+Tab switcher for floating windows
A simple daemon for switching between floating windows with Alt+Tab.

2021-12-24T12:44:40+00:00 x11/sway-audio-idle-inhibit Disable swayidle during audio playback/recording
Prevents swayidle from sleeping while any application is outputting or
receiving audio. Should work with all Wayland desktops that support
the zwp_idle_inhibit_manager_v1 protocol but only tested in Sway.

This only works for PulseAudio / PipeWire Pulse.

2021-12-31T12:32:37+01:00 devel/rubymine Ruby on Rails IDE by JetBrains
RubyMine is a cross-platform IDE that supports Ruby, Ruby on Rails and web

2021-12-31T12:17:26+01:00 www/py-social-auth-app-django Social Authentication and Django integration
Python Social Auth is an easy to setup social authentication/registration
mechanism with support for several frameworks and auth providers.

This is the Django component of the python-social-auth ecosystem, it implements
the needed functionality to integrate social-auth-core in a Django based

2021-12-31T08:30:48+08:00 net/landrop Drop any files to any devices on your LAN
LANDrop is a cross-platform tool that you can use to conveniently transfer
photos, videos, and other types of files to other devices on the same local

2021-12-30T19:56:52+00:00 x11-wm/dwl dwm for Wayland
dwl is a compact, hackable compositor for Wayland based on wlroots. It is
intended to fill the same space in the Wayland world that dwm does in X11,
primarily in terms of philosophy, and secondarily in terms of
functionality. Like dwm, dwl is:

- Easy to understand, hack on, and extend with patches
- One C source file (or a very small number) configurable via config.h
- Limited to 2000 SLOC to promote hackability
- Tied to as few external dependencies as possible

dwl is not meant to provide every feature under the sun. Instead, like dwm,
it sticks to features which are necessary, simple, and straightforward to
implement given the base on which it is built. Implemented default features:

- Any features provided by dwm/Xlib: simple window borders, tags,
keybindings, client rules, mouse move/resize. Providing a built-in
status bar is an exception to this goal, to avoid dependencies on
font rendering and/or drawing libraries when an external bar could
work well.
- Configurable multi-monitor layout support, including position and rotation
- Configurable HiDPI/multi-DPI support
- Provide information to external status bars via stdout/stdin
- Urgency hints via xdg-activate protocol
- Various Wayland protocols
- XWayland support as provided by wlroots (can be enabled in
- Zero flickering - Wayland users naturally expect "every frame is perfect"

2021-12-29T22:15:01-08:00 cad/padring Padring generator for ASICs
This tool makes padrings for ASICs using a LEF file and a
placement/configuration file. The padrings can be output in GDS2, DEF
and/or SVG format. Check out the example in the example directory.

2021-12-30T11:19:13+09:00 databases/py-databases Async database support for Python
Databases gives you simple asyncio support for a range of databases.

It allows you to make queries using the powerful SQLAlchemy Core expression
language, and provides support for PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite.

Databases is suitable for integrating against any async Web framework, such as
Starlette, Sanic, Responder, Quart, aiohttp, Tornado, or FastAPI.

2021-12-30T01:14:23+01:00 graphics/darktable38 Virtual lighttable and darkroom for photographers v3.8
Darktable is a virtual lighttable and darkroom for photographers: an open
source photography workflow application and raw image developer. It manages
digital negatives in a database and lets one view them through a zoomable
lighttable. It also enables one to develop raw images and enhance them.

Darktable tries to fill the gap between many excellent existing free raw
converters and image management tools (such as UFRaw or F-Spot). The user
interface is built around efficient caching of image metadata and mipmaps,
all stored in a database. The user will always be able to interact, even
if the full resolution image is not yet loaded.

All editing is fully non-destructive and only operates on cached image
buffers for display. The full image is only converted during export. The
frontend is written in Gtk+/Cairo, the database uses SQLite3, raw image
loading is done using libraw and rawspeed, high-dynamic range and standard
image formats such as JPEG are also supported. The core operates completely
on floating point values, so darktable can not only be used for photography
but also for scientifically acquired images or output of renderers (high
dynamic range).

2021-12-28T23:33:10-08:00 cad/cvc Circuit Validity Checker
CVC: Circuit Validity Checker. Voltage aware ERC checker for CDL netlists.

* Input netlist format is Calibre LVS CDL (Mentor, a Siemens business)
* Checks netlists with up to 4B devices (2^32).
* Power and device parameters from Microsoft Excel
* Hierarchical power files possible
* Ability to differentiate models by parameters
* Setup option to list models and power nets
* All rules are automated. No need to write rule files.
* Interactive netlist analyzer
* Script execution available
* Automatic subcircuit debug environment creation
* GUI to record error analyses results

2021-12-28T20:09:08-06:00 www/php81-tidy
2021-12-28T20:09:08-06:00 www/php81-session
2021-12-28T20:09:08-06:00 www/php81-opcache
2021-12-28T20:09:08-06:00 www/mod_php81
2021-12-28T20:09:08-06:00 textproc/php81-xsl
2021-12-28T20:09:08-06:00 textproc/php81-xmlwriter
2021-12-28T20:09:08-06:00 textproc/php81-xmlreader
2021-12-28T20:09:08-06:00 textproc/php81-xml
2021-12-28T20:09:08-06:00 textproc/php81-simplexml
2021-12-28T20:09:08-06:00 textproc/php81-pspell
2021-12-28T20:09:08-06:00 textproc/php81-enchant
2021-12-28T20:09:08-06:00 textproc/php81-dom
2021-12-28T20:09:08-06:00 textproc/php81-ctype
2021-12-28T20:09:08-06:00 sysutils/php81-posix
2021-12-28T20:09:08-06:00 sysutils/php81-fileinfo
2021-12-28T20:09:08-06:00 security/php81-sodium
2021-12-28T20:09:08-06:00 security/php81-openssl
2021-12-28T20:09:08-06:00 security/php81-filter
2021-12-28T20:09:08-06:00 net/php81-sockets
2021-12-28T20:09:08-06:00 net/php81-soap
2021-12-28T20:09:08-06:00 net/php81-ldap
2021-12-28T20:09:08-06:00 net-mgmt/php81-snmp
2021-12-28T20:09:08-06:00 misc/php81-calendar
2021-12-28T20:09:08-06:00 math/php81-gmp
2021-12-28T20:09:08-06:00 math/php81-bcmath
2021-12-28T20:09:08-06:00 mail/php81-imap
2021-12-28T20:09:08-06:00 lang/php81 The ${PHP_MODNAME} shared extension for php
PHP, which stands for "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor" is a widely-used Open
Source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for
Web development and can be embedded into HTML. Its syntax draws upon C,
Java, and Perl, and is easy to learn. The main goal of the language is to
allow web developers to write dynamically generated webpages quickly, but
you can do much more with PHP.

2021-12-28T20:09:08-06:00 lang/php81-extensions "meta-port" to install PHP extensions
This is a "meta-port" to install the extensions for PHP 8.0

Defaults to:
ctype, dom, filter, iconv, json, opcache, pdo, pdo_sqlite, phar, posix,
session, simplexml, sqlite3, tokenizer, xml, xmlreader and xmlwriter.

2021-12-28T20:09:08-06:00 graphics/php81-gd
2021-12-28T20:09:08-06:00 graphics/php81-exif
2021-12-28T20:09:08-06:00 ftp/php81-ftp
2021-12-28T20:09:08-06:00 ftp/php81-curl
2021-12-28T20:09:08-06:00 devel/php81-tokenizer
2021-12-28T20:09:08-06:00 devel/php81-sysvshm
2021-12-28T20:09:08-06:00 devel/php81-sysvsem
2021-12-28T20:09:08-06:00 devel/php81-sysvmsg
2021-12-28T20:09:08-06:00 devel/php81-shmop
2021-12-28T20:09:08-06:00 devel/php81-readline
2021-12-28T20:09:08-06:00 devel/php81-pcntl
2021-12-28T20:09:08-06:00 devel/php81-intl
2021-12-28T20:09:08-06:00 devel/php81-gettext
2021-12-28T20:09:08-06:00 devel/php81-ffi
2021-12-28T20:09:08-06:00 databases/php81-sqlite3
2021-12-28T20:09:08-06:00 databases/php81-pgsql
2021-12-28T20:09:08-06:00 databases/php81-pdo_sqlite
2021-12-28T20:09:08-06:00 databases/php81-pdo_pgsql
2021-12-28T20:09:08-06:00 databases/php81-pdo_odbc
2021-12-28T20:09:08-06:00 databases/php81-pdo_mysql
2021-12-28T20:09:08-06:00 databases/php81-pdo_firebird
2021-12-28T20:09:08-06:00 databases/php81-pdo_dblib
2021-12-28T20:09:08-06:00 databases/php81-pdo
2021-12-28T20:09:08-06:00 databases/php81-odbc
2021-12-28T20:09:08-06:00 databases/php81-mysqli
2021-12-28T20:09:08-06:00 databases/php81-dba
2021-12-28T20:09:08-06:00 converters/php81-mbstring
2021-12-28T20:09:08-06:00 converters/php81-iconv
2021-12-28T20:09:08-06:00 archivers/php81-zlib
2021-12-28T20:09:08-06:00 archivers/php81-zip
2021-12-28T20:09:08-06:00 archivers/php81-phar
2021-12-28T20:09:08-06:00 archivers/php81-bz2
2021-12-28T23:13:45+00:00 www/glewlwyd Single Sign On server, multiple factor authentication
Single-Sign-On (SSO) server with multiple factor authentication.

Authentication processes supported:

* OAuth2
* OpenID Connect
* Allows users to authenticate via multiple factors:

* One-time password (TOTP/HOTP)
* Webauthn (Yubikey, Android devices)
* One-time password sent via e-mail
* TLS Certificate
* Users and clients can be stored and managed from various backends:

* LDAP service
* HTTP Backend service providing Basic Authentication

2021-12-28T23:10:46+00:00 www/ulfius Web Framework to build REST APIs, Webservices in C
HTTP Framework for REST Applications in C.

Based on GNU Libmicrohttpd for the backend web server, Jansson for the json
manipulation library, and Libcurl for the http/smtp client API.

Used to facilitate creation of web applications in C programs with a small
memory footprint, as in embedded systems applications.

You can create webservices in HTTP or HTTPS mode, stream data, or implement
server websockets.

2021-12-28T23:07:35+00:00 devel/hoel Database abstraction library written in C
Database abstraction library written in C.

Simple and easy to use database access library. Works with SQLite 3,
MariaDB and PostgreSQL databases. Uses a JSON-based language with
jansson to execute simple queries based on one table.

2021-12-28T22:20:53+00:00 devel/yder Logging library for C applications
Logging library written in C.

Simple and easy to use logging library. You can log messages to the console,
a file, syslog or journald.

Yder is mono-thread, which mean that you can use only one instance of yder log
at the same time in your program.

2021-12-28T22:15:12+00:00 devel/orcania Potluck with different functions for different purposes
Orcania is a potluck with different functions for different purposes that can
be shared among C programs.

Here is a list of all modules:

* string functions
* split string and string array functions
* _pointer_list structure
* Memory functions
* Base64 encode and decode functions

More documentation at

2021-12-29T01:48:29+03:00 net/libslirp General purpose TCP-IP emulator library
libslirp is a user-mode networking library used by virtual machines,
containers or various tools.

2021-12-27T19:27:04-06:00 databases/pgpool-II-43 Connection pool server for PostgreSQL (4.3.X branch)
pgpool is a connection pool server for PostgreSQL. pgpool runs between
PostgreSQL's clients(front ends) and servers(back ends). A PostgreSQL client can
connect to pgpool as if it were a standard PostgreSQL server.

pgpool caches the connection to PostgreSQL server to reduce the overhead to
establish the connection to it.

2021-12-27T09:29:43-08:00 cad/uhdm Universal Hardware Data Model
Universal Hardware Data Model. A complete modeling of the IEEE SystemVerilog
Object Model with VPI Interface, Elaborator, Serialization, Visitor and
Listener. Used as a compiled interchange format in between SystemVerilog tools.

2021-12-27T09:06:26-08:00 cad/surelog SystemVerilog 2017 Pre-processor, Parser, Elaborator, etc
SystemVerilog 2017 Pre-processor, Parser, Elaborator, UHDM Compiler. Provides
IEEE Design/TB C/C++ VPI and Python AST API.

2021-12-27T09:26:07+01:00 devel/rubygem-rdoc63 RDoc produces HTML and command-line documentation for Ruby projects
RDoc produces HTML and command-line documentation for Ruby projects. RDoc
includes the +rdoc+ and +ri+ tools for generating and displaying online
documentation. See RDoc for a description of RDoc's markup and basic use.

2021-12-26T19:23:47-08:00 net-mgmt/adguard-exporter Prometheus metrics exporter for AdGuard Home DNS
adguard-exporter connects to AdGuard Home and returns the data as
Prometheus metrics. Based on the original pihole-exporter.

2021-12-26T18:30:48-08:00 cad/py-pymtl Python-based hardware generation, simulation, verification framework
Pymtl 3 (Mamba) is an open-source Python-based hardware generation, simulation,
and verification framework.

2021-12-26T14:26:56+00:00 deskutils/notekit Hierarchical markdown note-taking application
This program is a structured note-taking application based on GTK v3.
Write notes in instantly-formatted Markdown, organise them in a tree
of folders that can be instantly navigated from within the program,
and add hand-drawn notes by mouse, touchscreen, or digitizer.

2021-12-26T11:57:55+09:00 devel/py-aiocontextvars Asyncio support for PEP-567 contextvars backport
Contextvars with asyncio support.

2021-12-25T10:43:08+00:00 misc/fq Tool, language, and decoders for inspecting binary data
Tool, language, and decoders for inspecting binary data.

In most cases fq works the same way as jq but instead of reading JSON it
reads binary data. The result is a JSON-compatible structures where each
value has a bit range, symbolic interpretations, and knows how to present
itself in a useful way.

2021-12-22T21:40:19-05:00 security/archlinux-keyring Arch Linux PGP keyring
Arch Linux package repository signing keys, used with archlinux-pacman.

2021-12-24T11:44:03+00:00 x11/sirula Simple app launcher for Wayland written in Rust
Sirula (simple Rust launcher) is an app launcher for Wayland.
Currently, the only feature is launching apps from .desktop files.
Feel free to submit pull requests for any feature you like.

2021-12-23T21:24:31-08:00 devel/libgusb GUsb is a GObject wrapper for libusb1
GUsb is a GObject wrapper for libusb1 that makes it easy to do asynchronous
control, bulk and interrupt transfers with proper cancellation and integration
into a mainloop. This makes it easy to integrate low level USB transfers with
your high-level application or system daemon.

Not everything you can do in libusb1 is wrapped, although we'll accept feature
requests (with patches) if it makes sense.

2021-12-23T21:41:02+01:00 emulators/dps8m SIMH based simulator for the Honeywell h6180/dps8m Multics processor
SIMH based simulator for the Honeywell h6180/dps8m Multics processor.
Capable of booting Multics MR12.5 and Multics MR12.6f.

The fastest way to your running Multics-system is the
Quickstart Image, downloadable from:

2021-12-01T18:01:43+00:00 x11/wvkbd On-screen keyboard for wlroots
wvkbd project aims to deliver a minimal but practically usable
implementation of a wlroots on-screen keyboard in legible C. This will
only be a keyboard, not a feedback buzzer, led blinker, or anything
that requires more than what's needed to input text quickly. The end
product should be a static codebase that can be patched to add new

- Typing, modifier locking, layout switching
- Positive visual feedback on key presses
- Custom layouts and underlying keymaps
- On-the-fly layout and keymap switching
- Custom color schemes
- Proper font drawing
- Intuitive layouts
- International layouts (cyrillic, arabic)
- Support for 'Copy' keys which are not on the keymap
- Emoji support
- Compose key for character variants (e.g. diacritics)
- Show/hide keyboard on signals (SIGUSR1 = hide, SIGUSR2 = show)
- Automatic portrait/landscape detection and subsequent layout switching

2021-12-21T21:30:53+01:00 devel/rubygem-gitlab-license_finder Generate, verify and enforce software licenses
LicenseFinder works with your package managers to find dependencies,
detect the licenses of the packages in them, compare those licenses
against a user-defined list of permitted licenses, and give you an
actionable exception report.

2021-12-22T02:42:10+08:00 textproc/py-python-markdown-math Math extension for Python-Markdown
This extension adds math formulas support to Python-Markdown

2021-12-22T02:38:57+08:00 devel/rubygem-sidekiq62 Simple, efficient background processing for Ruby
Simple, efficient background processing for Ruby

2021-12-22T02:38:56+08:00 devel/rubygem-rbs_json_schema Generate RBS type definitions from JSON schema
rbs_json_schema is a RBS type definition generator from JSON Schema. It loads
JSON files and writes RBS type definitioins.

2021-12-22T02:38:54+08:00 devel/rubygem-pstore Transactional File Storage for Ruby Objects
PStore implements a file based persistence mechanism based on a Hash. User code
can store hierarchies of Ruby objects (values) into the data store file by name
(keys). An object hierarchy may be just a single object. User code may later
read values back from the data store or even update data, as needed.

The transactional behavior ensures that any changes succeed or fail together.
This can be used to ensure that the data store is not left in a transitory
state, where some values were updated but others were not.

Behind the scenes, Ruby objects are stored to the data store file with Marshal.
That carries the usual limitations. Proc objects cannot be marshalled, for

2021-12-22T02:38:53+08:00 devel/rubygem-profile Profile your Ruby application
Profile provides a way to Profile your Ruby application.

Profiling your program is a way of determining which methods are called and how
long each method takes to complete. This way you can detect which methods are
possible bottlenecks.

Profiling your program will slow down your execution time considerably, so
activate it only when you need it. Don't confuse benchmarking with profiling.

2021-12-22T02:38:52+08:00 devel/rubygem-ostruct Class to build custom data structures, similar to a Hash
An OpenStruct is a data structure, similar to a Hash, that allows the definition
of arbitrary attributes with their accompanying values. This is accomplished by
using Ruby's metaprogramming to define methods on the class itself.

2021-12-22T02:38:51+08:00 devel/rubygem-mutex_m Mixin to extend objects to be handled like a Mutex
When 'mutex_m' is required, any object that extends or includes Mutex_m will be
treated like a Mutex.

2021-12-22T02:38:50+08:00 devel/rubygem-fcntl Load constants defined in the OS fcntl.h C header file
Fcntl loads the constants defined in the system's <fcntl.h> C header file, and
used with both the fcntl(2) and open(2) POSIX system calls.
- To perform a fcntl(2) operation, use IO::fcntl.
- To perform an open(2) operation, use IO::sysopen.

The set of operations and constants available depends upon specific operating
system. Some values listed below may not be supported on your system.

2021-12-22T02:38:49+08:00 devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-drs Official AWS Ruby gem for Elastic Disaster Recovery Service (drs)
Official AWS Ruby gem for Elastic Disaster Recovery Service (drs).

2021-12-22T02:38:48+08:00 devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-appconfigdata Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS AppConfig Data
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS AppConfig Data.

2021-12-22T02:38:45+08:00 textproc/py-mdurl Markdown URL utilities
URL utilities for markdown-it parser.

2021-12-22T02:38:30+08:00 textproc/json2yaml Convert JSON to YAML or vice versa
Command line utilities to convert between JSON and YAML while preserving the
order of associative arrays.

Preserving the mapping order is helpful to humans reading the documents, despite
not affecting their meaning.

2021-12-21T14:07:56+01:00 games/suyimazu Wine-based Game Launcher for FreeBSD
Suyimazu is a launcher that makes it easy to run Windows games/launcher easily on
FreeBSD by providing the required fixes and workarounds.

The Windows emulation is provided by Wine.

2021-12-21T16:49:39+00:00 sysutils/py-concurrent-log-handler RotatingFileHandler replacement with concurrency, gzip
This package provides an additional log handler for Python's standard logging
package (PEP 282). This handler will write log events to a log file which is
rotated when the log file reaches a certain size. Multiple processes can
safely write to the same log file concurrently. Rotated logs can be gzipped
if desired. Both Windows and POSIX systems are supported. An optional threaded
queue logging handler is provided to perform logging in the background.

This is a fork of Lowell Alleman's ConcurrentLogHandler 0.9.1 which fixes
a hanging/deadlocking problem.

2021-12-21T10:28:56+00:00 graphics/filmulator Simplified raw editor with the power of film
Filmulator is a raw photo editing application with library management
focusing on:

- Simplicity over flexibility
- Ease of learning
- Streamlined workflow

Filmulator accepts raw files from cameras and simulates the development
of film as if exposed to the same light as the camera's sensor.

2021-12-21T06:46:28+00:00 graphics/librtprocess Library for raw image processing
This project aims to make some of RawTherapee's highly optimized raw
processing routines readily available for other photo editing software.

The goal is to move certain source files from RawTherapee into this
library. Thus, any changes to the source can be done here and will be
used by the projects which use librtprocess.

2021-09-30T18:50:31+00:00 sysutils/pass-secrets Freedesktop secrets provider that uses pass as a backend
CLI Application that provides the Freedesktop Secret Service using
Pass as its backend!

2021-11-26T13:38:35-04:00 devel/git-arc FreeBSD Phabricator reviews based on git commits
The git-arc utility creates and manages FreeBSD Phabricator reviews
based on git commits. It is a git plugin that provides a wrapper around

The arc command has a few limitations that make it awkward for FreeBSD

- Arcanist uses its own commit log template with a format does not match
FreeBSD's template.

- Arcanist presumes a model where all the commits in a development
branch are uploaded for review as a single Differential revision.
When working on a feature branch with multiple commits, it is usually
more efficient to review each commit individually.

git-arc mitigates these limitations.
2021-12-20T22:19:35+08:00 devel/py-intelhex Python library and scripts to work with files in Intel HEX format
The intelhex Python library is developed to read, write, create from
scratch and manipulate data from Intel HEX file format. The distribution
package also includes several convenience Python scripts, including
"classic" hex2bin and bin2hex converters and more, those based on the
library itself.

2021-12-19T13:46:36+01:00 games/cmatrix Show a scrolling 'Matrix' like screen
CMatrix - show a scrolling 'Matrix' like screen (curses based)

CMatrix by default operates in 'eye candy' mode. It must be aborted with
control-c. If you wish for more of a 'screen saver' effect, you must
specify -s on the command line. For usage, use cmatrix -h.

If you have any suggestions/flames/patches to send, please feel free to
do so. Please do not critique my code, I know I'm a hack ;-) I just got
the urge to write this one evening, and decided to see how fast I could do
it. It's probably not particularly portable or efficient, but I'm pretty
sure it wont hog *too* much CPU time.

This software is provided under the GNU GPL. I am in no way affiliated
in any way with the movie 'The Matrix', just a big fan.

2021-12-19T10:30:20+01:00 games/tmatrix Terminal based replica of the digital rain from The Matrix
TMatrix is a program that simulates the digital rain from The Matrix.
It's focused on being the most accurate replica of the digital rain
effect achievable on a typical terminal, while also being customizable
and performant.

2021-12-16T10:40:40+01:00 games/neo cmatrix clone with 32-bit color and Unicode support
Simulates the digital rain from "The Matrix".
cmatrix clone with 32-bit color and Unicode support.

neo recreates the digital rain effect from "The Matrix".
Streams of random characters will endlessly scroll
down your terminal screen.

2021-12-20T16:18:51+08:00 devel/py-dexml2 Dead-simple Object-XML mapper for Python
The dexml module takes the obvious mapping between XML tags and
Python objects and lets you capture that as cleanly as possible.
Loosely inspired by Django's ORM, you write simple class definitions
to define the expected structure of your XML document.

2021-12-19T13:47:30-08:00 devel/py-frozenlist List-like structure which implements
The list is mutable until FrozenList.freeze() is called, after which
list modifications raise RuntimeError. A FrozenList instance is
hashable, but only when frozen. Attempts to hash a non-frozen instance
will result in a RuntimeError exception.

2021-12-19T20:50:48+08:00 math/p5-Alien-GSL Detect and get configuration setting for GSL
Alien::GSL can be used to detect and get configuration settings
from an installed GSL library.

2021-12-19T07:12:28+00:00 x11/swaysettings GUI for setting Sway wallpaper, default apps, GTK themes, etc.
SwaySettings is a GUI for configuring your Sway desktop.

- Set and remove auto start apps
- Change default apps
- Change GTK theme (GTK 3 and potentially GTK 2)
- Mouse and trackpad settings
- Keyboard layout settings
- Switch Wallpaper (selected wallpaper will be located at .cache/wallpaper)
- Configure Sway Notification Center (package: swaync)

2021-11-10T00:19:42+09:00 lang/ruby31 Object-oriented interpreted scripting language
Ruby is the interpreted scripting language for quick and
easy object-oriented programming. It has many features to
process text files and to do system management tasks (as in
Perl). It is simple, straight-forward, and extensible.

Features of Ruby are shown below.

+ Simple Syntax
+ *Normal* Object-Oriented features(ex. class, method calls)
+ *Advanced* Object-Oriented features(ex. Mix-in, Singleton-method)
+ Operator Overloading
+ Exception Handling
+ Iterators and Closures
+ Garbage Collection
+ Dynamic Loading of Object files(on some architecture)
+ Highly Portable(works on many UNIX machines, and on DOS,
Windows, Mac, BeOS etc.)

2021-12-10T11:30:31+01:00 databases/postgis32 Geographic objects support for PostgreSQL databases
PostGIS adds support for geographic objects to the PostgreSQL
object-relational database. In effect, PostGIS "spatially enables"
the PostgreSQL server, allowing it to be used as a backend spatial
database for geographic information systems (GIS), much like ESRI's
SDE or Oracle's Spatial extension. PostGIS follows the OpenGIS
"Simple Features Specification for SQL" and has been certified as
compliant with the "Types and Functions" profile.

PostGIS development was started by Refractions Research as a project
in open source spatial database technology. PostGIS is released
under the GNU General Public License. PostGIS continues to be
developed by a group of contributors led by a Project Steering
Committee and new features continue to be added.

2021-12-17T17:32:56+00:00 deskutils/mindforger Thinking notebook and markdown editor
MindForger is open, free, well performing Markdown editor which respects your
privacy and enables security.

MindForger is actually more than an editor or IDE -- it's human mind inspired
personal knowledge management tool.

2021-12-16T17:39:16+01:00 www/py-grafana-dashboard-manager CLI for saving and restoring Grafana dashboards via HTTP API
A simple CLI utility for importing or exporting dashboard JSON definitions
using the Grafana HTTP API.

This may be useful for:

- Backing up your dashboards that already exist within your Grafana instance,
e.g., if you are migrating from the internal sqlite database to MySQL.
- Updating dashboard files for your Infrastructure-as-Code, for use with
Grafana dashboard provisioning.
- Making tweaks to dashboard JSON files directly and updating Grafana with one

Notable features:

- Mirrors the folder structure between a local set of dashboards and Grafana,
creating folders where necessary.
- Ensures links to dashboards folders in a dashlist Panel are consistent with
the Folder IDs - useful for deploying one set of dashboards across mulitple
Grafana instances, e.g., for dev, test, prod environments.

2021-10-16T00:50:55+02:00 net-p2p/prowlarr Indexer Manager for Usenet and BitTorrent users
Prowlarr is an indexer manager/proxy built on the popular *arr .net/reactjs
base stack to integrate with your various PVR apps.
Prowlarr supports management of both Torrent Trackers and Usenet Indexers.
It integrates seamlessly with Lidarr, Mylar3, Radarr, Readarr, and Sonarr
offering complete management of your indexers with no per app Indexer setup
required (we do it all).

2021-12-14T22:33:41+01:00 emulators/vt100 Simulation of VT100 terminal hardware
This is a software simulation of the VT100 hardware. The original
firmware ROM is built in and executed by an 8080 emulator. Other
components include video display with character generator ROM, settings
NVRAM, Intel 8251 USART, and a keyboard matrix scanner. The Advance
Video Option is not included.

2021-12-14T19:46:17+03:00 graphics/recastnavigation Art navigation mesh construction toolset for games
Recast is state of the art navigation mesh construction toolset for games.

It is automatic, which means that you can throw any level geometry at it and you will get robust mesh out
It is fast which means swift turnaround times for level designers
It is open source so it comes with full source and you can customize it to your heart's content.

2021-12-13T08:40:05-08:00 audio/fatfrog-lv2 High gain amplifier LV2 audio plugin
FatFrog is a high gain amplifier LV2 audio plugin.

* Valve amplifier simulation

2021-12-10T07:48:53-08:00 sysutils/cfengine-masterfiles319 cfengine sample policies for installations and upgrades
CFEngine 3 is a popular open source configuration management system.
Its primary function is to provide automated configuration and
maintenance of large-scale computer systems.

The repository is intended to provide a stable base policy for
installations and upgrades, and is used by CFEngine 3.6 and newer.
The port installs the repository as examples which should be copied by
the user to the masterfiles directory (usually /var/cfengine/masterfiles).

2021-12-10T07:45:50-08:00 sysutils/cfengine319 Systems administration tool for networks
Cfengine is an automated suite of programs for configuring and
maintaining Unix-like computers. It has been used on computing arrays
of between 1 and 20,000 computers since 1993 by a wide range of
organizations. Cfengine is supported by active research and was the
first autonomic, hands-free management system for Unix-like operating
systems. Cfengine is an autonomic maintenance system not merely a
change management roll-out tool. Cfengine has a history of security
and adaptability.

2021-12-10T18:11:29+03:00 archivers/7-zip Console version of the 7-Zip file archiver
7-Zip is a file archiver with a high compression ratio in 7z format with LZMA
and LZMA2 compression. Supported formats:

* Packing / unpacking: 7z, XZ, BZIP2, GZIP, TAR, ZIP and WIM
* Unpacking only: AR, ARJ, CAB, CHM, CPIO, CramFS, DMG, EXT, FAT, GPT, HFS,

2021-12-10T00:19:44-05:00 devel/R-cran-lintr A 'Linter' for R Code
Checks adherence to a given style, syntax errors and possible semantic issues.
Supports on the fly checking of R code edited with 'RStudio IDE', 'Emacs',
'Vim', 'Sublime Text' and 'Atom'.

2021-12-10T00:03:40-05:00 devel/R-cran-cyclocomp Cyclomatic Complexity of R Code
Cyclomatic complexity is a software metric (measurement), used to indicate the
complexity of a program. It is a quantitative measure of the number of linearly
independent paths through a program's source code. It was developed by Thomas
J. McCabe, Sr. in 1976.

2021-12-10T00:03:25-05:00 math/R-cran-date Functions for Handling Dates
Functions for handling dates.

2021-12-10T01:20:06+03:00 www/kristall Minimalistic Gemini/HTTP(S) browser
Graphical small-internet client for windows, linux, MacOS X and BSDs.
Supports gemini, http, https, gopher, finger.

2021-12-09T12:19:03-05:00 textproc/R-cran-spelling Tools for Spell Checking in R
Spell checking common document formats including latex, markdown, manual pages,
and description files. Includes utilities to automate checking of documentation
and vignettes as a unit test during 'R CMD check'. Both British and American
English are supported out of the box and other languages can be added. In
addition, packages may define a 'wordlist' to allow custom terminology without
having to abuse punctuation.

2021-12-09T12:18:46-05:00 math/R-cran-intervals Tools for Working with Points and Intervals
Tools for working with and comparing sets of points and intervals.

2021-12-09T09:09:46-08:00 graphics/ospray-studio Application to showcase OSPRay's rendering capabilities
Intel OSPRay Studio is an open source and interactive visualization and ray
tracing application that leverages Intel OSPRay as its core rendering engine.
It can be used to load complex scenes requiring high fidelity rendering or very
large scenes requiring supercomputing resources.

2021-12-09T11:57:26-05:00 textproc/R-cran-hunspell High-Performance Stemmer, Tokenizer, and Spell Checker
Low level spell checker and morphological analyzer based on the famous
'hunspell' library <>. The package can analyze or
check individual words as well as parse text, latex, html or xml documents. For
a more user-friendly interface use the 'spelling' package which builds on this
package to automate checking of files, documentation and vignettes in all
common formats.

2021-12-09T08:39:06+01:00 x11-fonts/fnt Missing font manager for UNIX
The missing font manager for UNIX. It helps you to download vector fonts
from Debian sid, and Google Web Fonts.

2021-12-08T22:37:38-08:00 graphics/ospray Ray tracing based rendering engine for high-fidelity visualization
OSPRay features interactive CPU rendering capabilities geared towards Scientific
Visualization applications. Advanced shading effects such as Ambient Occlusion,
shadows, and transparency can be rendered interactively, enabling new insights
into data exploration.

2021-12-08T19:06:44+00:00 devel/soft-serve Self-hosted Git server for the command line
A tasty, self-hosted Git server for the command line.


o Configure with git
o Create repos on demand with git push
o Browse repos with an SSH-accessible TUI
o Easy access control
- Allow/disallow anonymous access
- Add collaborators with SSH public keys
- Repos can be public or private

2021-12-08T18:53:10+08:00 www/py-django40 High-level Python Web Framework
Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development
and clean, pragmatic design.

Developed and used over the past two years by a fast-moving online-news
operation, Django was designed from scratch to handle two challenges: the
intensive deadlines of a newsroom and the stringent requirements of experienced
Web developers. It has convenient niceties for developing content-management
systems, but it's an excellent tool for building any Web site.

2021-12-08T11:44:19+01:00 net-im/purple-googlechat Google Chat Plugin for libpurple
Google Chat for libpurple is a plugin for pidgin to support the proprietary
protocol that Google uses for its "Google Chat" service.

2021-12-07T23:18:47+01:00 devel/gopls Go language LSP server
gopls (pronounced "Go please") is the official Go language server
developed by the Go team. It provides IDE features to any
LSP-compatible editor.

You should not need to interact with gopls directly---it will be
automatically integrated into your editor. The specific features and
settings vary slightly by editor, so we recommend that you proceed to
the documentation for your editor below.

2021-12-06T11:28:56+00:00 deskutils/todour Qt-based UI for editing of todo.txt files
Todour is an application for handling todo.txt files (as made famous by
Gina Trapani of Lifehacker) on Windows, macOS, and Unix-like operating
systems. The format is especially practical for an approach similar to
the one suggested in the book ``Getting Things Done'' by David Allen,
often referred to as GTD.

2021-12-05T19:58:35-06:00 devel/getoptions Elegant option parser for shell scripts
An elegant option parser for shell scripts (full support for all POSIX shells)

getoptions is a new option parser and generator written in POSIX-compliant shell
script and released in august 2020. It is for those who want to support the
POSIX / GNU style option syntax in your shell scripts. Most easy, simple, fast,
small, extensible and portable. No more any loops and templates needed!

2021-12-05T14:02:27-08:00 misc/usd Universal Scene Description is a scene description management system
Universal Scene Description (USD) is an efficient, scalable system for
authoring, reading, and streaming time-sampled scene description for
interchange between graphics applications.

2021-12-05T13:03:41-08:00 misc/opensubdiv Subdivision surface library for digital content creation
OpenSubdiv is a set of open source libraries that implement high performance
subdivision surface (subdiv) evaluation on massively parallel CPU and GPU
architectures. This codepath is optimized for drawing deforming subdivs with
static topology at interactive framerates. The resulting limit surface matches
Pixar's Renderman to numerical precision.

2021-12-05T14:50:42-06:00 biology/libgff GFF/GTF parsing library based on GCLib
This is an attempt to perform a simple "libraryfication" of the GFF/GTF
parsing code that is used in GFFRead codebase. There are not many
(any?) relatively lightweight GTF/GFF parsers exposing a C++ interface,
and the goal of this library is to provide this functionality without
the necessity of drawing in a heavy-weight dependency like SeqAn. Note:
This library draws directly from the code in GFFRead and GCLib, and
exists primarily to remove functionality (and hence code) that is
unnecessary for our downstream purposes. In the future, it may be
appropriate to just replace this library wholesale with GCLib.

2021-12-04T09:47:19+01:00 textproc/rubygem-diffy330 Convenient diffing in ruby
Convenient diffing in ruby

2021-12-04T09:47:19+01:00 security/rubygem-omniauth-dingtalk-oauth2 Wrapper the DingTalk Oauth2 API
Wrapper the DingTalk Oauth2 API

2021-12-04T09:47:19+01:00 graphics/rubygem-tanuki_emoji Emoji character information and metadata
This library helps you implement Emoji support in a ruby application
by providing you access to native Emoji character information.

2021-12-04T09:47:19+01:00 devel/rubygem-sd_notify Communicate Ruby state changes to systemd
Notify systemd about various service status changes of Ruby programs

2021-12-04T09:47:19+01:00 devel/rubygem-ipynbdiff Human readable Jupyter Notebook diffs
This is a simple diff tool that cleans up jupyter notebooks, transforming each
notebook into a readable markdown file, keeping the output of cells, and
running the diff after. Markdowns are generated using an opinionated Jupyter
to Markdown conversion. This means that the entire file is readable on the diff.

2021-12-04T10:10:49+00:00 misc/g810-led LED controller for Logitech G-series keyboards
LED controller for Logitech G-series keyboards

2021-11-23T22:54:08+00:00 databases/jetbrains-datagrip JetBrains DataGrip IDE for your Databases
DataGrip - A cross-platform IDE for Databases

Native support for PostgreSQL, MySQL, Hive, SQLite, and many more
Cloud-hosted DBs, enabling you to introspect and modify objects,
schemas, columns, and rows. Supports parametrized SQL queries, entity
relationship diagrams using key relations, scripting and version control

While this is trial software, there are commercial and academic licenses

2021-12-03T18:24:11+00:00 sysutils/viddy Modern watch command
Modern watch command. It can run a command periodically,
displaying the result, highlighting diffs in output. It
also has a time machine mode which allows rewinding output
over time like video, moving backwards and forwards in time.
viddy also allows for searching text, has vim like keymaps,
as well as the ability to suspend and restart execution.

2021-12-03T07:41:26-06:00 biology/bio-mocha bcftools plugin for mosaic chromosomal alteration analysis
MoChA is a bcftools plugin released under the MIT license for mosaic
chromosomal alteration detection and analysis from DNA microarray or
whole genome sequence data. It can be used both with Illumina and
Affymetrix data. It can also be used for detection of germline copy
number variants. Data can be prepared in usable file formats using the
gtc2vcf plugin.

2021-11-30T22:29:47+01:00 textproc/gojq Pure Go implementation of jq
gojq is an implementation of the jq command written in Go.
You can also embed gojq as a library to your Go products.

2021-11-30T22:45:49-05:00 security/zaproxy The OWASP zed attack proxy
The OWASP Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP) is one of the world’s most popular fr
security tools and is actively maintained by a dedicated international team
of volunteers. It can help you automatically find security vulnerabilities in
your web applications while you are developing and testing your applications.
It's also a great tool for experienced pentesters to use for manual security

2021-11-30T19:18:43+01:00 devel/wasi-compiler-rt12 Clang builtins library for WebAssembly System Interface
The LLVM Project is a collection of modular and reusable compiler and
toolchain technologies.

This port includes Clang builtins for WASI
(WebAssembly System Interface).

2021-11-30T19:46:12+08:00 www/mediawiki137 Wiki engine used by Wikipedia
MediaWiki is the collaborative editing software that runs Wikipedia,
the free encyclopedia, and other projects.
It's designed to handle a large number of users and pages without imposing
too rigid a structure or workflow.

2021-11-28T18:48:00+01:00 math/primecount Fast prime counting function implementations
primecount is a command-line program and C/C++ library that counts the primes
below an integer x <= 1031 using highly optimized implementations of the
combinatorial prime counting algorithms.

2021-11-28T17:26:03+01:00 math/libdivide Fast prime counting function implementations
libdivide allows you to replace expensive integer divides with comparatively
cheap multiplication and bitshifts. Compilers usually do this, but only when the
divisor is known at compile time. libdivide allows you to take advantage of it
at runtime. The result is that integer division can become faster - a lot

Furthermore, libdivide allows you to divide SIMD vectors by runtime constants,
which is especially nice because SIMD typically lacks integer division.

2021-11-27T19:59:03+01:00 converters/yj-bruceadams Command line tool that converts YAML to JSON
Simple command line tool to convert a YAML input file into a JSON output file.

2021-11-27T19:43:42+01:00 devel/libsoup3 HTTP client/server library for GNOME
bsoup is an HTTP client/server library for GNOME. It uses GObjects and the glib
main loop, to integrate well with GNOME applications, and also has a synchronous
API, for use in threaded applications.

Features include:
* Both asynchronous (GMainLoop and callback-based) and synchronous APIs
* Automatically caches connections
* SSL Support using GnuTLS
* Proxy support, including authentication and SSL tunneling
* Client support for Digest and Basic authentication
* Server support for Digest and Basic authentication

2021-11-27T08:27:59-08:00 java/bootstrap-openjdk17 Java Development Kit 17
OpenJDK is an open-source implementation of the Java Platform, Standard Edition.

Much of the OpenJDK code is licensed under the GPL version 2 with the
Classpath exception. The Java Hotspot virtual machine source code is
licensed under the GPL version 2 only.

2021-11-26T18:58:03+01:00 devel/py-jsonpath-ng JSONPath implementation based on jsonpath-rw and jsonpath-rw-ext
A final implementation of JSONPath for Python that aims to be standard
compliant, including arithmetic and binary comparison operators, as
defined in the original JSONPath proposal.

This packages merges both jsonpath-rw and jsonpath-rw-ext and provides
several AST API enhancements, such as the ability to update or removes
nodes in the tree.

2021-11-26T18:32:03-08:00 math/xtensor-python Python bindings for xtensor # it is called "bindings" but it doesn't install python modules, it's rather a header-only library to use xtensor from python extensions
Python bindings for the xtensor C++ multi-dimensional array library.

xtensor is a C++ library for multi-dimensional arrays enabling numpy-style
broadcasting and lazy computing.

2021-11-26T11:48:37-08:00 math/zarray Dynamically typed N-D expression system based on xtensor
zarray is a dynamically typed N-D expression system built on top of xtensor.

2021-11-26T11:39:58-08:00 math/xtensor-io Xtensor plugin to read/write images, audio files, numpy npz and HDF5
xtensor-io offers an API to read and write various file formats into xtensor
data structures:
* images
* audio files
* NumPy's compressed storage format (NPZ)
* HDF5 files
* Blosc

2021-11-26T11:25:31-08:00 math/xtensor-blas BLAS extension to xtensor
xtensor-blas is an extension to the xtensor library, offering bindings to BLAS
and LAPACK libraries through cxxblas and cxxlapack from the FLENS project.

2021-11-26T19:33:58+01:00 textproc/write-good Naive linter for English prose
write-good is a naive linter for English prose. For example,
it is able to check for the following issues in text:

- passive voice
- lexical illusions – cases where a word is repeated
- "so" at the beginning of the sentence
- "there is" or "there are" at the beginning of the sentence
- weasel words
- adverbs that can weaken meaning: really, very, extremely, etc.
- wordy phrases and unnecessary words
- common cliches

2021-11-26T15:27:01+01:00 finance/nextcloud-cospend cospend app for Nextcloud

Nextcloud Cospend is a group/shared budget manager.
It was inspired by the great IHateMoney.
You can use it when you share a house, when you go on vacation with friends,
whenever you share money with others.
It lets you create projects with members and bills.
Each member has a balance computed from the project bills.
This way you can see who owes the group and who the group owes.
Ultimately you can ask for a settlement plan telling you
which payments to make to reset members balances.
Project members are independent from Nextcloud users.
Projects can be accessed and modified by people without a Nextcloud account.
Each project has an ID and a password for guest access.
MoneyBuster Android client is available in F-Droid and on the Play store.
PayForMe iOS client is currently being developped!

2021-11-26T11:21:50+01:00 ports-mgmt/parfetch-overlay Fetch distfiles in parallel and with pipelining
Fetch distfiles in parallel and with pipelining

Ports that fetch multiple distfiles from the same host can
especially benefit from this.

This is a glue application between libcurl and the ports
framework. It comes with a ports overlay that replaces the
default do-fetch and checksum targets.

This is an experiment. Use at your own risk.

2021-11-26T10:33:32+01:00 devel/texlab Language Server Protocol for LaTeX
A cross-platform implementation of the Language Server Protocol providing rich
cross-editing support for the LaTeX typesetting system. The server may be used
with any editor that implements the Language Server Protocol.

2021-11-25T13:43:39-08:00 multimedia/qpwgraph PipeWire Graph Qt GUI Interface
qpwgraph is a graph manager dedicated for PipeWire, using the Qt C++ framework,
based and pretty much like the same of QjackCtl.

2021-11-25T20:16:42+01:00 ports-mgmt/sccache-overlay Ports overlay for sccache
Ports overlay for sccache

Sccache is a compiler cache but unlike ccache it comes with Rust
support. This package provides a standalone version of sccache
that can work in Poudriere jails with glue for hooking it up to
the ports framework by simply activating an overlay.

2021-11-24T09:50:30-08:00 graphics/openvkl Intel Open Volume Kernel Library for graphics applications
Intel Open Volume Kernel Library (Intel Open VKL) is a collection of
high-performance volume computation kernels, developed at Intel. The target
users of Open VKL are graphics application engineers who want to improve the
performance of their volume rendering applications by leveraging Open VKL's
performance-optimized kernels, which include volume traversal and sampling
functionality for a variety of volumetric data formats. The kernels are
optimized for the latest Intel processors with support for SSE, AVX, AVX2,
and AVX-512 instructions, and for ARM processors with support for NEON

2021-10-28T15:26:49+03:00 lang/python311 Interpreted object-oriented programming language (beta version)
Python is an interpreted object-oriented programming language, and is
often compared to Tcl, Perl or Scheme.

2021-11-17T16:42:48+03:00 lang/cython-devel Compiler for Writing C Extensions for the Python Language
The Cython language makes writing C extensions for the Python language
as easy as Python itself. Cython is a source code translator based on
the well-known Pyrex, but supports more cutting edge functionality and

The Cython language is very close to the Python language (and most
Python code is also valid Cython code), but Cython additionally supports
calling C functions and declaring C types on variables and class
attributes. This allows the compiler to generate very efficient C code
from Cython code.

This makes Cython the ideal language for writing glue code for external
C libraries, and for fast C modules that speed up the execution of
Python code.

2021-11-24T17:28:24+09:00 devel/electron13 Build cross-platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
Build cross platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.

It's easier than you think.

If you can build a website, you can build a desktop app. Electron is a
framework for creating native applications with web technologies like
JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. It takes care of the hard parts so you can
focus on the core of your application.

2021-11-23T18:33:27-08:00 devel/rkcommon Intel RenderKit common C++/CMake infrastructure
rkcommon is a common set of C++ infrastructure and CMake utilities used by
various components of Intel oneAPI Rendering Toolkit.

2021-11-23T20:20:38+01:00 sysutils/libptytty OS independent and secure pseudo-tty management
Libptytty is a small library that offers pseudo-tty management in an
OS-independent way. It was created out of frustration over the many differences
of pty/tty handling in different operating systems for the use inside

In addition to offering mere pty/tty management, it also offers session database
support (utmp and optional wtmp/lastlog updates for login shells).

It also supports fork'ing after startup and dropping privileges in the calling
process, so in case the calling process gets compromised by the user starting
the program there is less to gain, as only the helper process runs with
privileges (e.g. setuid/setgid), which reduces the area of attack immensely.

Libptytty is written in C++, but it also offers a C-only API.

2021-11-22T10:36:38+01:00 ports-mgmt/portconfig Utility to set up FreeBSD port options
Utility to set up FreeBSD ports options

2021-11-22T10:33:43+01:00 devel/bsddialog Text User Interface Widgets
Utility (bsddialog(1)) and library (libbsddialog) to build scripts and tools
with TUI Widgets.

2021-09-30T06:45:11+00:00 multimedia/helvum GTK patchbay for PipeWire
Helvum is a GTK-based patchbay for PipeWire, inspired by Catia for JACK.

2021-11-21T18:37:19+01:00 security/py-vpn-slice Customized VPN split-tunnel
This is a replacement for the vpnc-script used by OpenConnect or VPNC.

Instead of trying to copy the behavior of standard corporate VPN clients, which
normally reroute all your network traffic through the VPN, this one tries to
minimize your contact with an intrusive VPN. This is also known as a
split-tunnel VPN, since it splits your traffic between the VPN tunnel and your
normal network interfaces.

2021-10-25T07:02:37+00:00 devel/sdbus-cpp High-level C++ D-Bus library
sdbus-c++ is a high-level C++ D-Bus library for Linux designed to
provide expressive, easy-to-use API in modern C++. It adds another
layer of abstraction on top of sd-bus, a nice, fresh C D-Bus
implementation by systemd.

sdbus-c++ has been written primarily as a replacement of dbus-c++,
which currently suffers from a number of (unresolved) bugs,
concurrency issues and inherent design complexities and
limitations. sdbus-c++ has learned from dbus-c++ and has chosen a
different path, a path of simple yet powerful design that is intuitive
and friendly to the user and inherently free of those bugs.

Even though sdbus-c++ uses sd-bus library, it is not necessarily
constrained to systemd and can perfectly be used in non-systemd
environments as well.

2021-11-21T08:56:27+01:00 textproc/rubygem-autoprefixer-rails1025 Parse CSS and add vendor prefixes to CSS rules
Autoprefixer is a tool to parse CSS and add vendor prefixes to CSS rules using
values from the Can I Use. This gem provides Ruby and Ruby on Rails integration
with this JavaScript tool.

2021-11-21T08:56:27+01:00 net/rubygem-grpc142 Ruby implementation of gRPC
A Ruby implementation of gRPC.

2021-11-22T11:49:45+01:00 devel/py-mrkd Write man pages using Markdown, and convert them to Roff or HTML
Write man pages using Markdown, and convert them to Roff or HTML.

2021-11-21T14:33:19-08:00 net/openldap26-server Open source LDAP server implementation
OpenLDAP is a suite of Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3) servers,
clients, utilities and development tools.

This package includes the following major components:

* slapd - a stand-alone LDAP directory server
* LDIF tools - data conversion tools for use with slapd

This is the latest stable release of OpenLDAP Software for general use.

2021-11-21T14:33:19-08:00 net/openldap26-client
2021-11-21T22:53:01+01:00 deskutils/kalendar Calendar application using Akonadi and QML for online calendars
Kalendar is a Kirigami-based calendar application that uses Akonadi. It
lets you add, edit and delete events from local and remote accounts of
your choice, while keeping changes synchronised across your Plasma desktop
or phone.

2021-11-22T05:14:04+08:00 devel/rubygem-debase-ruby_core_source Provide Ruby core source files for C extensions that need them
Fork of debugger-ruby_core_source that uses included Ruby headers (*.h and
*.inc) instead of downloading them.

2021-11-22T05:14:03+08:00 devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-migrationhubstrategyrecommendations Official AWS Ruby gem for Migration Hub Strategy Recommendations
Official AWS Ruby gem for Migration Hub Strategy Recommendations.

2021-11-22T05:13:59+08:00 devel/py-click7 Python package for creating command line interfaces
Click is a Python package for creating beautiful command line interfaces
in a composable way with as little code as necessary. It's the "Command
Line Interface Creation Kit". It's highly configurable but comes with
sensible defaults out of the box.

2021-11-21T19:14:43+01:00 devel/p5-B-Debug Walk Perl syntax tree, printing debug info about ops
Walk Perl syntax tree, printing debug info about ops

Without actually executing a Perl 5 program, you can walk its optree:

$ cat
print "Hello world!\n";

$ perl -MO=Debug syntax OK
LISTOP (0x55d1520414f8)
op_ppaddr 0x55d1520414f8 LISTOP [OP_LEAVE]
op_next 0x0
op_sibling 0x0
op_targ 1
OP (0x55d1520414c8)
op_ppaddr 0x55d1520414c8 OP [OP_ENTER]
op_next 0x55d152041538 COP [OP_NEXTSTATE]
op_sibling 0x55d152041538 COP [OP_NEXTSTATE]
op_targ 0

2021-11-21T18:38:08+00:00 benchmarks/linux-unigine-valley Unigine Valley Benchmark, basic version, linux binaries
Valley Benchmark is a new GPU stress-testing tool from the developers
of the very popular and highly acclaimed Heaven Benchmark. The
forest-covered valley surrounded by vast mountains amazes with its
scale from a bird's-eye view and is extremely detailed down to every
leaf and flower petal. This non-synthetic benchmark powered by the
state-of-the art UNIGINE Engine showcases a comprehensive set of
cutting-edge graphics technologies with a dynamic environment and
fully interactive modes available to the end user.

This port includes the linux-binaries of the basic (free-to-use)
version of the benchmark.

2021-11-21T18:38:08+00:00 benchmarks/linux-unigine-heaven Unigine Heaven Benchmark, basic version, linux binaries
Heaven Benchmark immerses a user into a magical steampunk world of
shiny brass, wood and gears. Nested on flying islands, a tiny village
with its cozy, sun-heated cobblestone streets, an elaborately crafted
dirigible above the expanse of fluffy clouds, and a majestic dragon
on the central square gives a true sense of adventure. An interactive
experience with fly-by and walk-through modes allows for exploring
all corners of this world powered by the cutting-edge UNIGINE Engine
that leverages the most advanced capabilities of graphics APIs and
turns this benchmark into a visual masterpiece.

This port includes the linux-binaries of the basic (free-to-use)
version of the benchmark.

2021-11-22T02:18:33+08:00 www/rubygem-uglifier-node16 Ruby wrapper for UglifyJS JavaScript compressor
Ruby wrapper for UglifyJS JavaScript compressor

2021-11-22T02:18:29+08:00 www/rubygem-rails61-node16 Full-stack web application framework
Rails is a web-application framework for the MVC pattern that includes
both a template engine, controller framework, and object-relational
mapping package. Everything needed to develop web-apps that can run on
CGI, FastCGI, and mod_ruby

Being a full-stack framework means that all layers are built to work
seamlessly together. That way you Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) and you
can use a single language from top to bottom. Everything from templates
to control flow to business logic is written in Ruby - The language of
love for industry heavy-weights.

2021-11-22T02:18:25+08:00 textproc/rubygem-autoprefixer-rails-node16 Parse CSS and add vendor prefixes to CSS rules
Autoprefixer is a tool to parse CSS and add vendor prefixes to CSS rules using
values from the Can I Use. This gem provides Ruby and Ruby on Rails integration
with this JavaScript tool.

2021-11-22T02:18:20+08:00 devel/rubygem-webpacker-rails61-node16 Use Webpack to manage app-like JavaScript modules in Rails
Webpacker makes it easy to use the JavaScript preprocessor and bundler Webpack
to manage application-like JavaScript in Rails. It coexists with the asset
pipeline, as the primary purpose for Webpack is app-like JavaScript, not images,
css, or even JavaScript Sprinkles (that all continues to live in app/assets). It
is, however, possible to use Webpacker for CSS and images assets as well, in
which case you may not even need the asset pipeline. This is mostly relevant
when exclusively using component-based JavaScript frameworks.

2021-11-22T02:18:19+08:00 devel/rubygem-execjs-node16 ExecJS lets you run JavaScript code from Ruby
ExecJS lets you run JavaScript code from Ruby.

2021-11-22T02:18:18+08:00 devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-resiliencehub Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Resilience Hub
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Resilience Hub.

2021-11-22T02:18:17+08:00 databases/py-psycopg-pool Connection Pool for Psycopg
PostgreSQL database adapter for Python - Connection Pool

This distribution contains the optional connection pool package psycopg_pool.
This package is kept separate from the main psycopg package because it is likely
that it will follow a different release cycle.

2021-11-22T02:18:16+08:00 databases/py-psycopg-c PostgreSQL database adapter for Python - C optimization distribution
PostgreSQL database adapter for Python - optimization package

Psycopg 3 is a modern implementation of a PostgreSQL adapter for Python.

2021-11-22T02:18:14+08:00 devel/p5-Future-IO Future-returning IO methods
Future::IO provides a few basic methods that behave similarly to the same-named
core perl functions relating to IO operations, but yield their results
asynchronously via Future instances.

This is provided primarily as a decoupling mechanism, to allow modules to be
written that perform IO in an asynchronous manner to depend directly on this,
while allowing asynchronous event systems to provide an implementation of these

2021-11-21T10:29:24+01:00 www/xcaddy Command line tool to make custom builds of the Caddy Web Server
Caddy is a powerful, enterprise-ready, open source web server with
automatic HTTPS written in Go.

This command line tool and associated Go package makes it easy to
make custom builds of the Caddy Web Server.

2021-11-20T23:07:56+01:00 ftp/coeurl Simple async wrapper around CURL for C++
Simple library to do http requests asynchronously via CURL in C++.
(Eventually as coroutines, once all the compilers I need to support
support them.) This is based on the CURL-libevent example.

2021-11-20T07:26:46+00:00 devel/p5-CPU-Z80-Assembler Z80 assembler written in Perl
This Perl module implements a Z80 assembler.

2021-11-20T07:01:46+00:00 devel/p5-Asm-Preproc Preprocessor to be called from an assembler
Asm::Preproc is a preprocessor module to be called from an assembler,
which grew out of Z80 assembly-specific into independent module.

2021-11-19T13:14:54-08:00 devel/lyra Command line parser for C++11
Lyra is a simple to use, composing, header only, command line arguments parser
for C++ 11 and beyond.

2021-11-17T15:58:44+01:00 devel/grpc130 HTTP/2-based RPC framework
gRPC is a modern, open source, high-performance remote procedure call (RPC)
framework that can run anywhere, enables client and server applications to
communicate transparently, and simplifies the building of connected systems.

2021-11-19T14:18:56+00:00 devel/z88dk Complete Z80/Z180 development kit
Z88DK is a collection of software development tools that targets the 8080
and Z80 family of machines. It allows development of programs in C,
assembly language, or any mixture of the two. What makes Z88DK unique is
its ease of use, built-in support for many Z80 machines and its extensive
set of assembly language library subroutines implementing the C standard
and extensions.

2021-11-19T09:12:50+00:00 devel/p5-Iterator-Simple-Lookahead Simple iterator with lookahead and unget
Simple, fast, and powerful iterator utility with lookahead and unget.

2021-11-19T08:30:32+00:00 devel/p5-Capture-Tiny-Extended Capture output from external programs (with some extras)
This module is for capturing standard output and error streams from
Perl, XS, or external programs (with some extras).

2021-11-19T08:00:32+00:00 devel/p5-Object-Tiny-RW Class building as simple as it gets (with RW accessors)
This module is a fork of Object::Tiny; the only difference is that it
also accepts arguments to its accessors to set the value accordingly.

Please see Object::Tiny for all the original ideas.

2021-11-19T07:39:56+00:00 textproc/p5-Template-Plugin-YAML Plugin interface to YAML
This is a simple Template Toolkit Plugin Interface to the YAML module.

2021-11-18T03:03:54+03:00 www/wget2 File and recursive website downloader
GNU Wget2 is the successor of GNU Wget, a file and recursive website

Designed and written from scratch it wraps around libwget, that
provides the basic functions needed by a web client.

Wget2 works multi-threaded and uses many features to allow fast

In many cases Wget2 downloads much faster than Wget1.x due to HTTP2,
HTTP compression, parallel connections and use of If-Modified-Since
HTTP header.

2021-11-18T03:01:30+03:00 www/libhsts Library to check a domain against the Chromium HSTS Preload list
The HSTS preload list is a list of domains that support HTTPS. The
list is compiled by Google and is utilised by Chrome, Firefox and

With this information, a HTTP client may contact a website without
trying a plain-text HTTP connection first. It prevents interception
with redirects that take place over HTTP. None of the sent data
will ever be unencrypted.

2021-11-18T11:23:08+00:00 devel/xelfviewer Cross-platform graphical ELF file viewer/editor
This is versatile graphical viewer and editor for ELF files,
based on the stock Qt libraries and a few custom components.

2021-11-17T06:42:58+00:00 devel/xopcodecalc Graphical x86 CPU opcode calculator
This small program calculates and displays x86 CPU opcodes in
graphical, easily readable way. It is based on Qt libraries.

2021-11-16T14:03:37-06:00 emulators/qemu5 QEMU CPU Emulator - 5.X.X branch
QEMU is a FAST! processor emulator using dynamic translation to achieve
good emulation speed.
QEMU has two operating modes:

* Full system emulation. In this mode, QEMU emulates a full system
(for example a PC), including a processor and various peripherials.
It can be used to launch different Operating Systems without rebooting
the PC or to debug system code.
* User mode emulation (Linux host only). In this mode, QEMU can launch
Linux processes compiled for one CPU on another CPU. It can be used to
launch the Wine Windows API emulator or to ease cross-compilation and

As QEMU requires no host kernel patches to run, it is very safe and easy to use.

See also the preconfigured system images on
Many live cd isos also work.

2021-11-15T17:52:42+00:00 benchmarks/linux-unigine-tropics Unigine GPU benchmark depicting tropical paradise
Extreme performance and stability test for PC hardware: video card,
power supply, cooling system. Check your rig in stock and overclocked
modes with real-life load! Also includes interactive experience in a
beautiful, detailed environment.

The benchmark depicts tropical paradise: waves of the infinite ocean
leisurely rolls over the sun-splashed shores of lagoon islands. The
sunset paints straw huts with warm colors while the mild breeze gently
stirs the coconut palm leaves. Hovering high in the tranquil sky the
gulls are watching crabs crawling on the velvety sand among the
abandoned boats.

Original version was released in 2008, the 1.3 update was out in 2010.

Key features:

- Visuals powered by UNIGINE 1 Engine
- Support of DirectX 9, DirectX 10, DirectX 11, and OpenGL
- Dynamic sky with light scattering
- Dynamic water with a surf zone and caustics
- HDR rendering, real-time ambient occlusion
- Up to 2M polygons per frame
- Interactive experience with fly-through mode
- Stereo 3D modes: Anaglyph, Separate images, 3D Vision, iZ3D

The program requires linprocfs(5) and linsysfs(5) to be mounted under
/compat/linux/{proc,sys} to operate and writable /compat/linux/dev/shm
directory, which is typically backed by tmpfs(5).

2021-11-15T17:52:42+00:00 benchmarks/linux-unigine-sanctuary Unigine GPU benchmark depicting a Gothic chapel
Extreme performance and stability test for PC hardware: video card,
power supply, cooling system. Check your rig in stock and overclocked
modes with real-life load! Also includes interactive experience.

The benchmark depicts a Gothic chapel with sorrowful statues stand in
solemn stillness lit by the trembling light of torches. Only few rays
of sun coming through the stained glass windows slide over the biblical
fresco and ominous creatures carved in cold stone.

The very first GPU benchmark from UNIGINE, the original version was
released in 2007, the 2.3 update was out in 2010.

Key features:

- Visuals powered by UNIGINE 1 Engine
- Support of DirectX 9, DirectX 10, and OpenGL
- Five dynamic lights, HDR rendering
- Parallax and ambient occlusion mapping
- Volumetric light and fog, particle system
- Interactive experience with fly-through mode

The program requires linprocfs(5) and linsysfs(5) to be mounted under
/compat/linux/{proc,sys} to operate and writable /compat/linux/dev/shm
directory, which is typically backed by tmpfs(5).

2021-09-13T22:51:02+00:00 multimedia/onevpl oneAPI Video Processing Library dispatcher, tools, and examples
The oneAPI Video Processing Library (oneVPL) provides a single video
processing API for encode, decode, and video processing that works
across a wide range of accelerators.

This package contains the following components of oneVPL:

- Copies of the oneVPL Specification API header files
- oneVPL dispatcher
- Examples demonstrating API usage
- oneVPL command line tools

2021-11-14T15:32:03-08:00 net/py-duet Simple future-based async library for python
Duet takes inspiration from the amazing trio library and the structured
concurrency approach to async programming that it uses. However, duet differs
from trio in two major ways:
* Instead of a full-blown implementation of asynchronous IO, duet relies on the
Future interface for parallelism, and provides a way to run async/await
coroutines around those Futures. This is useful if you are using an API that
returns futures, such as RPC libraries like gRPC. The standard Future
interface does not implement __await__ directly, so Future instances must be
wrapped in duet.AwaitableFuture.

* duet is re-entrant. At the top level, you run async code by calling Inside foo suppose you call a function that has not yet been
fully refactored to be asynchronous, but itself calls Most
async libraries, including trio and asyncio, will raise an exception if you
try to "re-enter" the event loop in this way, but duet allows it. We have
found that this can simplify the process of refactoring code to be
asynchronous because you don't have to completely separate the sync and async
parts of your codebase all at once.

2021-11-14T23:41:22+00:00 security/snowflake-tor Pluggable Transport using WebRTC inspired by Flashproxy
Snowflake is a system to defeat internet censorship. People who are censored
can use Snowflake to access the internet. Their connection goes through
Snowflake proxies, which are run by volunteers. For more detailed information
about how Snowflake works see our documentation wiki.

2021-11-13T21:37:01-03:00 textproc/htmltest HTML validator written in Go
htmltest runs your HTML output through a series of checks to ensure all your
links, images, scripts references work, your alt tags are filled in, et cetera.

2021-11-13T14:12:22-06:00 devel/py-pyparsing2 General parsing module for Python - 2.X branch
Pyparsing is a general parsing module for Python. Grammars are implemented
directly in the client code using parsing objects, instead of externally, as
with lex/yacc-type tools. Includes simple examples for parsing SQL, CORBA IDL,
and 4-function math.

This is 2.X branch of pyparsing.

2021-11-13T15:30:48+01:00 devel/rubygem-sorted_set Implements a variant of Set
Implements a variant of Set whose elements are sorted in ascending order

2021-11-13T15:30:48+01:00 devel/rubygem-rbtree RBTree is a sorted associative collection
A RBTree is a sorted associative collection that is implemented with a
Red-Black Tree. It maps keys to values like a Hash, but maintains its elements
in ascending key order. The interface is the almost identical to that of Hash.

2021-11-05T07:02:57+01:00 devel/rubygem-with_env Execute code with env variables
WithEnv is an extremely small helper module for executing code with ENV
variables. It exists because I got tired of re-writing or copying over
a #with_env helper method for the 131st time.

2021-11-05T07:02:57+01:00 devel/rubygem-thor10 Scripting framework that replaces rake, sake, and rubigen
A scripting framework that replaces rake, sake and rubigen

2021-11-05T07:02:57+01:00 devel/rubygem-license_finder Generate, verify and enforce software licenses
LicenseFinder works with your package managers to find dependencies,
detect the licenses of the packages in them, compare those licenses
against a user-defined list of permitted licenses, and give you an
actionable exception report.

2021-11-01T22:51:07+01:00 www/yarn-node17
2021-11-01T22:51:07+01:00 www/npm-node17
2021-11-11T20:51:20-08:00 net-im/cawbird Fork of Corebird GTK Twitter client
Cawbird is a fork of the Corebird Twitter client from Baedert, which became
unsupported after Twitter disabled the streaming API.

Cawbird works with the new APIs and includes a few fixes and modifications
that have historically been patched in to IBBoard's custom Corebird build
on his personal Open Build Service account.

2021-11-12T03:57:16+00:00 misc/sfm Simple file manager for Unix-like systems
sfm is a simple file manager for Unix-like systems. It features:

- pthread(3) to read events, no timers
- BSD kqueue(2) notification mechanism
- dual panel, bottom statusbar
- open files by extension
- bookmarks, filters
- vim-like key bindings

2021-11-11T09:01:39-08:00 security/libxcrypt Extended crypt library for descrypt, md5crypt, bcrypt, and others
libxcrypt is a modern library for one-way hashing of passwords. It supports a
wide variety of both modern and historical hashing methods: yescrypt,
gost-yescrypt, scrypt, bcrypt, sha512crypt, sha256crypt, md5crypt, SunMD5,
sha1crypt, NT, bsdicrypt, bigcrypt, and descrypt. It provides the traditional
Unix crypt and crypt_r interfaces, as well as a set of extended interfaces
pioneered by Openwall Linux, crypt_rn, crypt_ra, crypt_gensalt,
crypt_gensalt_rn, and crypt_gensalt_ra.

libxcrypt is intended to be used by login(1), passwd(1), and other similar
programs; that is, to hash a small number of passwords during an interactive
authentication dialogue with a human. It is not suitable for use in bulk
password-cracking applications, or in any other situation where speed is more
important than careful handling of sensitive data. However, it is intended to be
fast and lightweight enough for use in servers that must field thousands of
login attempts per minute.

2021-11-10T14:49:10-06:00 biology/gffread GFF/GTF format conversions, filtering, FASTA extraction, etc
GFF/GTF utility providing format conversions, filtering, FASTA sequence
extraction and more.

2021-11-10T09:39:34-06:00 audio/zmusic GZDoom's music system as a standalone library
ZMusic is a library that's used in GZDoom, Raze, and may be used in the newer
PrBoom+. This is GZDoom's music library pulled out into standalone form for

2021-11-10T18:17:02+09:00 devel/rubygem-debug Debugging functionality for Ruby
Debugging functionality for Ruby. This is completely rewritten
debug.rb which was contained by the encient Ruby versions.

2021-10-31T23:31:20-05:00 devel/zmusic GZDoom's music system as a standalone library
ZMusic is a library that's used in GZDoom, Raze, and may be used in the newer
PrBoom+. This is GZDoom's music library pulled out into standalone form for

2021-11-09T18:14:18-08:00 lang/eisl Interpreter and compiler compatible with ISLisp standard
Easy-ISLisp (EISL) is an interpreter and compiler compatible with the ISLisp

2021-10-31T20:56:47+00:00 multimedia/av1an Command-line encoding framework with per scene quality
Av1an is a cross-platform framework to streamline encoding, providing
an easy way to start using AV1 / HEVC / H264 / VP9 / VP8 encoding.
AOM, RAV1E, SVT-AV1, VPX, x265, x264 are supported.

## Main Features

Splitting video by scenes for parallel encoding because AV1 encoders
are currently not very good at multithreading and encoding is limited
to a very limited number of threads.

- Vapoursynth script input support.
- Speed up video encoding.
- Target Quality mode. Targeting end result reference visual quality.
VMAF used as a substructure
- Resuming encoding without loss of encoded progress.
- Simple and clean console look.
- Automatic detection of the number of workers the host can handle.
- Both video and audio transcoding.

2021-11-08T11:44:50+01:00 www/jira-cli Feature-rich Interactive Jira Command Line
JiraCLI is a command line tool for Jira created with an idea to avoid
the Jira UI as much as possible. It includes features like navigation,
issue creation, cloning, linking, ticket transition, and so on.

2021-11-05T14:50:35+01:00 textproc/gron.awk AWK implementation of gron, a JSON-to-greppable-text transformer
Make JSON greppable!

gron.awk transforms JSON into discrete assignments to make it easier to grep
for fields and to see absolute paths of those.

It is reasonably fast with Gawk/Mawk/GoAWK even on large-ish files. Slow with
BWK on big JSON files (100K+).

2021-10-06T18:23:53-03:00 sysutils/devcpu-data-intel Intel CPU microcode updates
This port uses the cpuctl(4) microcode update facility to keep your Intel
processor's firmware up-to-date.

Updating your microcode can help to mitigate certain potential security
vulnerabilities in CPUs as well as address certain functional issues that could,
for example, result in unpredictable system behavior such as hangs, crashes,
unexpected reboots, data errors, etc.

2021-10-06T18:23:53-03:00 sysutils/devcpu-data-amd AMD CPUs microcode updates
This port uses the cpuctl(4) microcode update facility to keep your AMD
processor's firmware up-to-date.
2021-11-07T14:16:29+01:00 shells/nsh Command-line shell like fish, but POSIX compatible
A command-line shell that focuses on productivity and swiftness featuring:
- A POSIX compliant interactive shell with some Bash extensions.
- Tab completions and syntax highlighting.
- Bash completion support (by internally invoking the genuine Bash).
- Builtin zero configration features.
- Written in Rust :crab:

2021-11-06T17:46:07-04:00 devel/R-cran-devtools Tools to Make Developing R Packages Easier
Collection of package development tools.

2021-11-07T03:29:53+08:00 devel/elfcat ELF visualizer, generates HTML files from ELF binaries
ELF visualizer. Generates HTML files from ELF binaries.

2021-11-06T17:12:13+01:00 sysutils/zpool-iostat-viz ZFS pool I/O latency statistics
This tool displays ZFS pool latency histogram in a way that should
be more intuitive than the numbers output by "zpool iostat -r".

Letters from "." over "a" to "z" and finally "^" are displayed for
higher numbers of latencies observed either over the run-time of
the program or within each 3 second interval.

2021-11-06T13:29:44+09:00 sysutils/p5-Device-RAID-Poller RAID poller providing LibreNMS JSON app and Nagios style checks
The included check_raid provides LibreNMS JSON app or
Nagios style check output.

The RAID checking is supported for the following.

- Adaptec arcconf
- Avago tw_cli
-- mirror
-- graid3
-- graid

2021-11-06T07:53:45+08:00 devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-chimesdkmeetings Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Chime SDK Meetings
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Chime SDK Meetings.

2021-11-06T03:02:06+08:00 textproc/rubygem-elasticsearch-transport713 Ruby client for Elasticsearch
Ruby client for Elasticsearch. See textproc/rubygem-elasticsearch for more

2021-11-06T03:02:01+08:00 textproc/rubygem-elasticsearch-api713 Ruby API for Elasticsearch
Ruby API for Elasticsearch. See textproc/rubygem-elasticsearch for more

2021-11-06T03:01:56+08:00 textproc/rubygem-elasticsearch713 Ruby integrations for Elasticsearch
Ruby integrations for Elasticsearch that feature:

* a client for connecting to an Elasticsearch cluster
* a Ruby API for the Elasticsearch's REST API
* various extensions and utilities

2021-11-06T03:01:51+08:00 www/npm-node16
2021-11-05T13:24:22-05:00 www/dolibarr13 Modern software package to manage your company or foundation
Dolibarr ERP & CRM is a modern software package to manage your organization's
activity (contacts, suppliers, invoices, orders, stocks, agenda)

It's an Open Source Software (written in PHP language) designed for small,
medium or large companies, foundations and freelances.

You can freely use, study, modify or distribute it according to its Free
Software licence.

You can use it as a standalone application or as a web application to be able
to access it from the Internet or a LAN.

2021-11-05T09:31:20+01:00 www/py-django-radius Django authentication backend for RADIUS
django-radius enables you to authenticate your Django users against one or many
RADIUS servers easily.

2021-11-05T17:07:10+09:00 textproc/p5-Number-Format-Metric Format number with metric prefix
Format number with metric prefix.

format_metric(14 , {base=>10}); # => "14"
format_metric(12000 , {base=> 2, precision=>1}); # => "11.7K"
format_metric(12000 , {base=>10, precision=>1}); # => "11.7Ki"
format_metric(-0.0017, {base=>10}); # => "1.7m"

2021-11-05T01:49:46-04:00 devel/R-cran-usethis Automate Package and Project Setup
Automate package and project setup tasks that are otherwise performed
manually. This includes setting up unit testing, test coverage, continuous
integration, Git, 'GitHub', licenses, 'Rcpp', 'RStudio' projects, and more.

2021-10-02T21:28:13+02:00 net-p2p/autoscan Scan Plex library on webhook triggers
Autoscan replaces the default Plex and Emby behaviour
for picking up file changes on the file system.

Autoscan integrates with Sonarr, Radarr, Lidarr and Google Drive
to fetch changes in near real-time without relying on the file system.
2021-10-14T15:22:02+00:00 x11-wm/kwinft Wayland compositor and X11 window manager
KWinFT (KWin Fast Track) is a robust, fast and versatile yet easy to
use composited window manager for the Wayland and X11 windowing
systems on Linux.

The KWinFT project is a reboot of KDE's KWin and intended to be used
as part of a KDE Plasma Desktop.

2021-10-14T15:47:28+00:00 x11/kdisplay App and daemon for display managing
KDisplay is a small display management app. It provides a simple and
straightforward UI for managing an arbitrary number of displays.

* Displays can be repositioned with drag-and-drop.
* An optimal resolution and refresh rate are automatically selected.
Manual override is possible.
* Displays can be seemlessly "replicated".
* The settings of a display is by default remembered globally
but can be overridden for specific combinations of displays.
* Provides additional integration for the KDE Plasma Workspace through
a plasmoid and an OSD activated by hardware key for quick
configuration changes.

2021-10-14T15:23:56+00:00 x11/disman Qt/C++ display management library
Disman is a display management service and library.

The service can communicate with the X11 windowing system and a
multitude of Wayland compositors. The library provides convenient
objects and methods for writing frontend GUI applications that
interact with the service.

Additionally the command line utility "dismanctl" is provided to query
and modify display settings directly from the command line.

2021-10-14T10:58:33+00:00 graphics/wrapland Qt/C++ library wrapping libwayland
Wrapland is a Qt/C++ library that wraps and mediates the libwayland
client and server API for its consumers. Wrapland is an independent
part of the KWinFT project with the KWinFT window manager being
Wrapland's first and most prominent user.

2021-11-04T16:35:13+01:00 graphics/skanpage Multi-page image scanning application
Skanpage is a multi-page scanning application and supports multi-page PDF
export. It is based on the libksane library.

2021-11-03T22:10:59+01:00 print/linux-jabref BibTeX native bibliographic reference manager (Linux version)
JabRef is an open source bibliography reference manager. The native file
format used by JabRef is BibTeX, the standard LaTeX bibliography format.
As such it can also be considered a BibTeX editor.

Some of its features:

o Search and fetch references from Medline/PubMed and CiteSeer
o Search, classify and sort entries in your BibTeX files
o import and export of references in various formats
o launch external viewers and insert citations into LyX and Kile
o automatically generate BibTeX keys
o customize (add your own) BibTeX fields

This port is based on the portable Linux release of JabRef.

2021-10-08T11:26:50+02:00 databases/postgresql-semver SemVer 2.0.0 compatible datatype for PostgreSQL database
This library contains a single PostgreSQL extension, a semantic version data
type called `semver`. It's an implementation of the version number format
specified by the Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 Specification.

2021-11-03T17:14:48+01:00 science/linux-zotero Reference management for bibliographic data and research materials
Zotero is a reference management software to manage bibliographic data and
related research materials.

2021-11-03T14:50:36+00:00 graphics/dust3d Open-source 3D modeling software
Dust3D is a cross-platform open-source 3D modeling software, offering
auto-UV unwrapping, auto-rigging with PBR material support, pose, and
motion authoring all in one.

It allows to create watertight 3D models in seconds. Use it to speed
up character modeling for games, 3D printing, and so on.

2021-11-03T04:37:50+00:00 textproc/vgrep User-friendly pager for grep
Pager for grep, git-grep, ripgrep and similar grep
implementations, and allows for opening the indexed
file locations in a user-specified editor such as vim
or emacs.

vgrep is inspired by the ancient cgvg scripts but
extended to perform further operations such as listing
statistics of files and directory trees or showing the
context lines before and after the matches.

2021-11-03T04:09:44+00:00 textproc/gh-grep Find lines matching a pattern within GitHub repositories
Find lines matching a pattern within GitHub repositories
using the GitHub API.

2021-11-02T15:03:51+08:00 dns/prometheus-dnssec-exporter DNSSEC exporter for Prometheus
Check for validity and expiration in DNSSEC signatures
and expose metrics for Prometheus

2021-11-01T21:13:49-04:00 textproc/redisearch20 Full-text search over Redis
RediSearch is a source available Full-Text and Secondary Index
engine over Redis, developed by Redis Labs.

Redisearch implements a search engine on top of Redis, but
unlike other Redis search libraries, it does not use internal
data structures like sorted sets.

This also enables more advanced features, like exact phrase
matching and numeric filtering for text queries, that are not
possible or efficient with traditional Redis search approaches.

2021-11-02T05:18:33+08:00 graphics/py-railroad-diagrams Generate SVG railroad syntax diagrams, like on
Railroad-diagram Generator is a small library for generating railroad diagrams
(like what uses) using SVG, with both JS and Python ports.

Railroad diagrams are a way of visually representing a grammar in a form that is
more readable than using regular expressions or BNF. They can easily represent
any context-free grammar, and some more powerful grammars. There are several
railroad-diagram generators out there, but none of them had the visual appeal I
wanted, so I wrote my own.

2021-11-01T22:26:35+03:00 ports-mgmt/hs-panopticum Query port information with every combination of OPTIONS
Panopticum is a tool to perform some operations on FreeBSD ports for every
OPTIONS combination possible. These operations include generating a list of
dependencies as well as the packing list.

2021-11-01T21:23:26+08:00 math/py-ndindex Python library for manipulating indices of ndarrays
ndindex is a library that allows representing and manipulating objects that can
be valid indices to numpy arrays, i.e., slices, integers, ellipses, None,
integer and boolean arrays, and tuples thereof. The goals of the library are:
- Provide a uniform API to manipulate these objects. Unlike the standard index
objects themselves like slice, int, and tuple, which do not share any methods
in common related to being indices, ndindex classes can all be manipulated
uniformly. For example, idx.args always gives the arguments used to construct
- Give 100% correct semantics as defined by numpy's ndarray. This means that
ndindex will not make a transformation on an index object unless it is correct
for all possible input array shapes. The only exception to this rule is that
ndindex assumes that any given index will not raise IndexError (for instance,
from an out of bounds integer index or from too few dimensions). For those
operations where the array shape is known, there is a reduce() method to
reduce an index to a simpler index that is equivalent for the given shape.
- Enable useful transformation and manipulation functions on index objects.

2021-11-01T21:23:17+08:00 devel/py-jsonschema3 JSON Schema validation for Python
jsonschema is an implementation of JSON Schema for Python

- Full support for Draft 3 and Draft 4 of the schema.
- Lazy validation that can iteratively report all validation errors.
- Small and extensible
- Programmatic querying of which properties or items failed validation.

2021-11-01T21:23:16+08:00 devel/py-grpcio-status Status proto mapping for gRPC
Reference package for GRPC Python status proto mapping.

2021-11-01T21:23:15+08:00 databases/py-caterva Caterva for Python (multidimensional compressed data containers)
Python wrapper for Caterva.

2021-11-01T21:23:14+08:00 archivers/p5-Compress-Zstd Perl interface to the Zstd (Zstandard) (de)compressor
The Compress::Zstd module provides an interface to the Zstd (de)compressor.

2021-11-01T21:23:13+08:00 lang/v8-beta Open source JavaScript engine by Google
V8 is Google's open source high-performance JavaScript and WebAssembly engine,
written in C++. It is used in Chrome and in Node.js, among others.

V8 implements ECMAScript and WebAssembly. V8 can run standalone, or can be
embedded into any C++ application.

V8 compiles and executes JavaScript source code, handles memory allocation for
objects, and garbage collects objects it no longer needs. V8's stop-the-world,
generational, accurate garbage collector is one of the keys to V8's performance.

V8's Git repository is located at,
with an official mirror on GitHub:

2021-11-01T21:23:12+08:00 databases/caterva Multidimensional data container on top of Blosc2
Caterva is a C library for handling multi-dimensional, compressed datasets in an
easy and convenient manner. It implements a thin metalayer on top of C-Blosc2
for specifying not only the dimensionality of a dataset, but also the
dimensionality of the chunks inside the dataset. In addition, Caterva adds
machinery for retrieving arbitrary multi-dimensional slices (aka hyper-slices)
out of the multi-dimensional containers in the most efficient way. Hence,
Caterva brings the convenience of multi-dimensional and compressed containers to
your application very easily.

2021-11-01T21:23:11+08:00 archivers/c-blosc2 High performance compressor optimized for binary data
Blosc is a high performance compressor optimized for binary data (i.e. floating
point numbers, integers and booleans). It has been designed to transmit data to
the processor cache faster than the traditional, non-compressed, direct memory
fetch approach via a memcpy() OS call. Blosc main goal is not just to reduce the
size of large datasets on-disk or in-memory, but also to accelerate memory-bound

C-Blosc2 is the new major version of C-Blosc, and tries hard to be backward
compatible with both the C-Blosc1 API and its in-memory format. However, the
reverse thing is generally not true; buffers generated with C-Blosc2 are not
format-compatible with C-Blosc1 (i.e. forward compatibility is not supported).

2021-11-01T12:19:54+09:00 graphics/povray38 Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer v3.8.0 Beta 2
POV-Ray(TM) Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer

The Persistence of Vision(tm) Ray-Tracer creates three-dimensional,
photo-realistic images using a rendering technique called ray-tracing. It
reads in a text file containing information describing the objects and
lighting in a scene and generates an image of that scene from the view point
of a camera also described in the text file. Ray-tracing is not a fast
process by any means, but it produces very high quality images with realistic
reflections, shading, perspective and other effects.

This is a beta version of the upcoming version 3.8.

2021-10-31T19:11:36-04:00 www/tusc TUS Command line client and server
TUS Command line (tusc) is a small static binary for both server
and client of tus resumable upload protocol.

2021-11-01T00:44:19+09:00 polish/napi Command line subtitles downloader for
"" is a client written in Bash. The purpose of the project
was to create simple tool for systems with very limited resources (NAS QNAP
drives, Synology, OpenWRT routers, Popcorn streamers, etc). It was inspired by
"" script.

"" is distributed together with automatic subtitle format converter
"" created specially for "". "" is written in Bash
and uses awk for text processing.

2021-10-30T10:44:54+00:00 mail/roundcube-twofactor_gauthenticator Roundcube TOTP auth plugin
This plugin adds the option to use TOTP as second-factor

2021-10-28T05:56:36+00:00 devel/py-circuitbreaker Python Circuit Breaker pattern implementation
This is a Python implementation of the "Circuit Breaker" Pattern.

Inspired by Michael T. Nygard's highly recommendable book Release It!

2021-10-29T10:49:48+00:00 math/fastops AVX/AVX2-accelerated bulk call of math functions
This small library enables acceleration of bulk calls of certain math
functions on AVX and AVX2 hardware. Currently supported operations are
exp, log, sigmoid, and tanh. The library is designed with extensibility
in mind.

2021-10-28T06:11:15+02:00 www/yarn-node16
2021-10-27T08:27:59-07:00 textproc/py-Morfessor Discover the regularities behind word forming in natural languages
The goal of the Morpho project is to develop unsupervised data-driven methods
that discover the regularities behind word forming in natural languages. In
particular, we are focussing on the discovery of morphemes, which are the
primitive units of syntax, the smallest individually meaningful elements in the
utterances of a language. Morphemes are important in automatic generation and
recognition of a language, especially in languages in which words may have many
different inflected forms.

2021-10-29T08:56:32+08:00 astro/py-extension-helpers Building and installing packages in the Astropy ecosystem
The extension-helpers package includes convenience helpers to assist
with building Python packages with compiled C/Cython extensions. It
is developed by the Astropy project but is intended to be general
and usable by any Python package.

2021-10-29T08:42:21+08:00 astro/py-pyerfa Python wrapper for the ERFA library
PyERFA is the Python wrapper for the ERFA library (Essential Routines for
Fundamental Astronomy), a C library containing key algorithms for astronomy,
which is based on the SOFA library published by the International Astronomical
Union (IAU). All C routines are wrapped as Numpy universal functions, so
that they can be called with scalar or array inputs.

2021-10-28T15:55:50+09:00 devel/py-cadquery-pywrap C++ binding generator for python
PyWrap is a C++ binding generator using pybind11, libclang and jinja.
The main goal of this project is to automatically generate bindings for OCCT7.3
and beyond without single manual edit of the generated code.
Once finished the project will be usable as a general C++ binding generator.

2021-10-28T13:20:43+09:00 devel/py-cymbal Easily add functionality missing from libclang Python bindings
Cymbal makes it easy to add functionality missing from libclang Python

The Clang libclang python bindings use ctypes to invoke functions
present in libclang dynamic library. In some cases, only a subset of
the C functions are available, because the platform or version
specific Python bindings omit functions. Cymbal simplfies the process
of dynamically adding those methods to Types and Cursors.

2021-10-28T09:27:49+09:00 devel/py-clang Python bindings for libclang
This is the python bindings subdir of llvm clang repository.

2021-10-28T10:24:45+09:00 devel/py-logzero Robust and effective logging for Python
Robust and effective logging for Python 2 and 3.

- Easy logging to console and/or (rotating) file.
- Provides a fully configured standard Python logger object.
- Pretty formatting, including level-specific colors in the console.
- Windows color output supported by colorama
- Robust against str/bytes encoding problems, works with all kinds of
character encodings and special characters.
- Multiple loggers can write to the same logfile (also across multiple
Python files).
- Global default logger with logzero.logger and custom loggers with
- Compatible with Python 2 and 3.
- All contained in a single file.
- Licensed under the MIT license.
- Heavily inspired by the Tornado web framework.

2021-10-27T21:07:36-04:00 lang/luajit-devel Just-In-Time Compiler for Lua
LuaJIT is a Just-In-Time Compiler for the Lua programming language.

2021-10-25T15:45:14+09:00 mail/postfixadmin-lite
2021-10-27T08:18:11+02:00 databases/rubygem-redis44 Ruby client library for Redis, the key value storage server
rubygem-redis is a Ruby client library for the Redis key-value store.

2021-10-25T16:36:01+09:00 mail/postfixadmin33 PHP web-based management tool for Postfix virtual domains and users
Postfix Admin is a web-based management tool written in PHP for
Postfix with Postfix-style Virtual Domains using MySQL or
PostgreSQL lookups. Postfix Admin is known to work on Apache
and Lighttpd, but is designed to work on any web server with
PHP 5.1.2+ support.

Postfix Admin features:

- Virtual Mailboxes, Virtual Aliases and Forwarders;
- Domain-to-Domain Forwarding (Catch-All Aliases);
- Vacation (auto-responder) for Virtual Mailboxes;
- Quota, Alias & Mailbox limits per domain;
- Backup MX;
- Packaged with over 25 languages.

2021-10-25T16:36:01+09:00 mail/postfixadmin33-lite
2021-10-26T05:22:22+08:00 net/rubygem-ipaddr Set of methods to manipulate an IP address
IPAddr provides a set of methods to manipulate an IP address. Both IPv4 and IPv6
are supported.

2021-10-26T05:22:11+08:00 devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-panorama Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Panorama (Panorama)
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Panorama (Panorama).

2021-10-26T05:22:10+08:00 www/p5-HTTP-Tiny-UNIX Subclass of HTTP::Tiny to connect to HTTP server over Unix socket
HTTP::Tiny::UNIX is a subclass of HTTP::Tiny to connect to HTTP server over Unix
socket. URL syntax is "http:" + path to unix socket + "/" + uri path. For
example: http:/var/run/apid.sock//api/v1/matches. URL not matching this pattern
will be passed to HTTP::Tiny.

2021-10-25T23:05:07+08:00 textproc/py-tomli-w Lil' TOML writer
Tomli-W is a Python library for writing TOML. It is a write-only counterpart to
Tomli, which is a read-only TOML parser. Tomli-W is fully compatible with TOML

2021-10-25T22:44:13+08:00 sysutils/rubygem-license_scout Discover license files of a project's dependencies
License Scout is a utility that discovers and aggregates the licenses for your
software project's transitive dependencies.

2021-10-25T22:44:06+08:00 sysutils/rubygem-chef-cleanroom Safely evaluate Ruby DSLs with cleanroom
The cleanroom pattern is a safer, more convenient, Ruby-like approach for
limiting the information exposed by a DSL while giving users the ability to
write awesome code!

This is a chef fork of

2021-10-25T22:43:59+08:00 devel/rubygem-zhexdump Highly flexible hexdump implementation
ZHexdump provides a very flexible hexdump implementation.

2021-10-25T22:43:58+08:00 devel/rubygem-pedump Dump headers, sections, extract resources of Win32 PE exe, dll, etc
pedump provides a pure ruby implementation of Win32 PE binary files dumper.

2021-10-25T22:43:57+08:00 devel/rubygem-omnibus Framework for building self-installing, full-stack software builds
Omnibus is a framework for building self-installing, full-stack software builds.
Omnibus provides both a DSL for defining Omnibus projects for your software, as
well as a command-line tool for generating installer artifacts from that

2021-10-25T22:43:56+08:00 devel/rubygem-iostruct Struct that can read/write itself from/to IO-like objects
iostruct provides a struct that can read/write itself from/to IO-like objects.

2021-10-25T22:43:55+08:00 devel/rubygem-contracts016 Contracts for Ruby
Contracts let you clearly -- even beautifully -- express how your code behaves,
and free you from writing tons of boilerplate, defensive code.

You can think of contracts as assert on steroids.

2021-10-25T22:43:54+08:00 devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-managedgrafana Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Managed Grafana
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Managed Grafana.

2021-10-25T22:43:53+08:00 textproc/py-sphinxcontrib-towncrier RST directive for injecting a Towncrier-generated changelog draft
sphinxcontrib-towncrier is an RST directive for injecting a Towncrier-generated
changelog draft containing fragments for the unreleased (next) project version.

2021-10-25T22:43:48+08:00 net/py-suds-community Lightweight SOAP client (community fork)
Suds is a lightweight SOAP-based web service client for Python licensed under
LGPL. This is a community fork of the jurko fork.

2021-10-23T13:43:44+01:00 security/aws-c-auth C99 library implementation of AWS client-side authentication
C99 library implementation of AWS client-side authentication:
standard credentials providers and signing.

2021-10-23T13:42:59+01:00 devel/aws-crt-cpp C++ wrapper around the aws-c libraries
C++ wrapper around the aws-c-* libraries.
Provides Cross-Platform Transport Protocols and SSL/TLS implementations for C++.

2021-10-23T13:42:23+01:00 devel/aws-c-sdkutils AWS SDK C utilities
AWS SDK C utilities.

2021-10-23T13:41:42+01:00 devel/aws-c-s3 C99 library implementation for communicating with the S3 service
C99 library implementation for communicating with the S3 service,
designed for maximizing throughput on high bandwidth EC2 instances.

2021-10-23T13:40:50+01:00 devel/aws-c-mqtt C99 implementation of the MQTT 3.1.1 specification
This library contains an MQTT implementation that is simple
and easy to use, but also quite powerful and low on unnecessary copies.

2021-10-23T13:39:59+01:00 devel/aws-c-http C99 implementation of the HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 specifications
C99 implementation of the HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 specifications

2021-10-23T13:38:43+01:00 devel/aws-c-compression C99 implementation of compression algorithms
This is a cross-platform C99 implementation of compression
algorithms such as gzip, and huffman encoding/decoding.

2021-10-24T14:09:27-07:00 audio/inscore Environment for the design of interactive augmented music scores
INScore is an environment for the design of interactive augmented music scores.
It extends the music representation to arbitrary graphic objects, including
symbolic music notation. It provides time synchronization in the graphic space,
signals graphic representations, interaction processes representation, dynamic
and interactive scores. It supports Web and local network extensions.

2021-10-23T21:42:15-03:00 devel/sfsexp Small Fast S-Expression Library
The sfsexp library is intended for developers who wish to manipulate
(read, parse, modify, and create) symbolic expressions from C or C++
programs. A symbolic expression, or s-expression, is essentially a
LISP-like expression such as (a (b c)). S-expressions are able to
represent complex, structured data without requiring additional
meta-data describing the structure. They are recursively defined: an
s-expression is a list of either atoms or s-expressions. In the example
above, the expression contains an atom "a" and an s-expression, which in
turn contains two atoms, "b" and "c". They are simple, useful, and well

This library is designed to provide a minimal set of functions and data
structures for the four functions listed above: reading s-expressions
(I/O), parsing strings containing them into an AST equivalent, modifying
the AST representation, and converting the AST back into a well
formatted string. The primary goals are efficiency and simplicity. This
library forms the basis of the data representation and transmission
protocol for the Supermon high-speed cluster monitoring system from the
LANL Advanced Computing Laboratory. The usefulness and lack of choice in
available, open source s-expression libraries around 2003 motivated the
independent (from supermon) release of this library.

2021-10-21T22:35:04+00:00 www/node16 V8 JavaScript for client and server
Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript
engine. Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that
makes it lightweight and efficient. Node.js' package ecosystem,
npm, is the largest ecosystem of open source libraries in the world.

2021-10-22T20:40:49-03:00 textproc/py-sphinxemoji Sphinx extension that provides emoji codes
An extension to use emoji codes in your Sphinx documentation!

For installation and usage details, see the documentation.

2021-10-22T13:53:47+08:00 net/fort FORT Validator is an open source RPKI validator
FORT validator is an MIT-licensed RPKI Relying Party, this is a tool offered as
part of the FORT project. It is a solution that allows operators to validate BGP
routing information against the RPKI repository for use in router configuration
and resolution. The service performs the validation of the entire RPKI
repository, and which serves the resulting ROAs for easy access by your routers.

2021-10-20T08:43:39+02:00 devel/wasi-compiler-rt13 Clang builtins library for WebAssembly System Interface
The LLVM Project is a collection of modular and reusable compiler and
toolchain technologies.

This port includes Clang builtins for WASI
(WebAssembly System Interface).

2021-10-21T17:30:11+02:00 net-mgmt/py-pynetbox NetBox API client library
This package offers direct access to the API of NetBox and allows to manipulate
several objects within a NetBox instance.

2021-10-19T13:56:38+02:00 devel/gocritic Opinionated Go source code linter for code audit
Highly extensible Go source code linter providing checks currently
missing from other linters. Features:

- Almost 100 diagnostics that check for bugs, performance and style issues
- Extensible without re-compilation with dynamic rules
- Includes #opinionated checks with very strict and specific requirements
- Self-documented: gocritic doc <checkname> gives a checker description

2021-10-18T21:05:05-03:00 devel/linux-sublime-merge Cross-platform Git client, done the Sublime Text way
Sublime Merge is a Graphical Git Client from the creators of Sublime Text.
It is powered by the same performant cross-platform GUI toolkit and syntax
highlighting engine used in Sublime Text. Sublime Merge wraps around the
core Git functionality, so when you're using Sublime Merge, you're using Git.

2021-10-18T20:43:04-03:00 editors/linux-sublime-text4 Sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose
Sublime Text is a sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose.

2021-10-18T17:01:03+02:00 devel/py-breathe an extension to reStructuredText and Sphinx to render Doxygen xml output
Breathe provides a bridge between the Sphinx and Doxygen documentation systems.

It is an easy way to include Doxygen information in a set of documentation
generated by Sphinx. The aim is to produce an autodoc like support for people
who enjoy using Sphinx but work with languages other than Python. The system
relies on the Doxygen’s xml output.

2021-10-18T18:06:44+00:00 security/py-django-auth-kerberos Kerberos authentication backend for Django
Make sure following settings are configured in


# kerberos realm and service

# Enabled KDC verification defending against rogue KDC responses
# by validating the ticket against the local keytab.

# Enable case-sensitive matching between Kerberos and database user names

# redirect url after login

2021-10-17T10:43:20-03:00 devel/py-azure-keyvault-keys Microsoft Azure Key Vault Keys Client Library for Python
Azure Key Vault Keys client library for Python

Azure Key Vault helps solve the following problems:
- Cryptographic key management (this library) - create, store, and control
access to the keys used to encrypt your data
- Secrets management (azure-keyvault-secrets) - securely store and control
access to tokens, passwords, certificates, API keys, and other secrets
- Certificate management (azure-keyvault-certificates) - create, manage, and
deploy public and private SSL/TLS certificates
- Vault administration (azure-keyvault-administration) - role-based access
control (RBAC), and vault-level backup and restore options

2021-10-17T03:10:24+00:00 math/R-cran-terra Spatiall Data Analysis
Methods for spatial data analysis with raster and vector data.
Raster methods allow for low-level data manipulation as well as
high-level global, local, zonal, and focal computation. The predict
and interpolate methods facilitate the use of regression type
(interpolation, machine learning) models for spatial prediction,
including with satellite remote sensing data. Processing of very
large files is supported. See the manual and tutorials on
<> to get started. 'terra' is very similar
to the 'raster' package; but 'terra' can do more, is easier to use,
and it is faster.

2021-10-17T10:10:52+08:00 devel/py-pythran Ahead of Time compiler for numeric kernels
Pythran is an ahead of time compiler for a subset of the Python language,
with a focus on scientific computing. It takes a Python module annotated
with a few interface descriptions and turns it into a native Python module
with the same interface, but (hopefully) faster.

2021-10-16T16:33:48-07:00 science/py-pyberny Optimizer of molecular geometries with respect to the total energy
PyBerny is an optimizer of molecular geometries with respect to the total
energy, using nuclear gradient information.

In each step, it takes energy and Cartesian gradients as an input, and returns
a new equilibrium structure estimate.

The package implements a single optimization algorithm, which is an amalgam of
several techniques, comprising the quasi-Newton method, redundant internal
coordinates, an iterative Hessian approximation, a trust region scheme, and
linear search. The algorithm is described in more detailed in the documentation.

2021-10-15T19:25:39+00:00 games/LibreMines Free/Libre and Open Source Software Qt based Minesweeper
LibreMines is a Free/Libre and Open Source software Qt based Minesweeper clone
available for GNU/Linux, FreeBSD and Windows systems.

2021-10-15T09:12:33-07:00 databases/timescaledb-backup Tool for performing TimescaleDB backups across versions
timescaledb-backup is a program for making dumping and restoring a TimescaleDB
database simpler, less error-prone, and more performant.

2021-10-15T09:04:42-07:00 net-mgmt/promscale Timescale analytical platform for Prometheus metrics
Open source storage system and query language for metrics and traces. Native
support for Prometheus and OpenTelemetry. 100% PromQL compliant. Backed by
PostgreSQL and TimescaleDB.

2021-10-15T08:08:11-07:00 databases/timescaledb-tune Tool for tuning TimescaleDB for better performance
A tool for tuning TimescaleDB for better performance by adjusting settings
to match your system's CPU and memory resources.

2021-10-15T07:48:23+02:00 deskutils/bookworm Simple, focused ebook reader
Bookworm is a simple, focused eBook reader.

Read the books you love without having to worry about the different format
complexities like epub, pdf, mobi, cbr, etc. This version supports EPUB, PDF
and Comics (CBR and CBZ) formats with support for more formats to follow soon.

2021-10-14T09:46:40-07:00 games/SpaceCadetPinball Decompilation of 3D Pinball for Windows
Decompilation of Space Cadet - 3D Pinball for Windows.

2021-10-14T06:51:12-05:00 biology/py-deeptools User-friendly tools for exploring deep-sequencing data
deepTools contains useful modules to process the mapped reads data for
multiple quality checks, creating normalized coverage files in standard
bedGraph and bigWig file formats, that allow comparison between
different files (for example, treatment and control). Finally, using
such normalized and standardized files, deepTools can create many
publication-ready visualizations to identify enrichments and for
functional annotations of the genome.

2021-10-14T15:17:48+08:00 net/dpdk-20.11 DPDK: Software libraries for packet processing
The Data Plane Development Kit (DPDK)

The DPDK is a set of software libraries to enable packet processing. It
consists of a set of polling mode drivers (PMD) which can be used to pull
network packets directly from a Network Interface Card (NIC), as well as
other libraries to assist in the processing of those packets. The additional
libraries include ones for:
* memory and buffer management
* packet classification
* software rings or FIFOs to allow packet transfer between cores
amongst others.

Applications written using the DPDK run in userspace. The devices used by a
DPDK application are removed from kernel control and are instead managed
directly by that application.

2021-10-14T03:11:18+08:00 devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-cloudcontrolapi Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Cloud Control API (CloudControlApi)
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Cloud Control API (CloudControlApi).

2021-10-14T03:11:17+08:00 devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-account Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Account
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Account.

2021-10-14T03:10:23+08:00 textproc/py-tomli_w Lil' TOML writer
Tomli-W is a Python library for writing TOML. It is a write-only counterpart to
Tomli, which is a read-only TOML parser. Tomli-W is fully compatible with TOML

2021-10-13T11:01:52-05:00 biology/py-deeptoolsintervals Python interface for deepTools interval trees
Deeptools_intervals is an interval tree backend designed to interface
with deepTools, supporting metadata associated with each interval.

2021-10-13T08:03:21-05:00 biology/py-pybigwig Python access to bigWig files using libBigWig
py-bigwig is a python extension, written in C, for quick access to
bigBed files and access to and creation of bigWig files. This extension
uses libBigWig for local and remote file access.

2021-10-13T07:53:09-05:00 biology/py-py2bit Python interface for 2bit packed nucleotide files
py2bit is a python extension, written in C, for quick access to 2bit
files for randomly accessible, packed nucleotide sequences. The
extension uses lib2bit for file access.

2021-10-13T07:32:54+01:00 games/wordsearch Classic word search game that you can play in your terminal
wordsearch is a classic word search game that you can play in your terminal. It
features curses full screen gameplay with an easy to customize puzzle directory
so you can share your creations with friends. It has simple to pick up gameplay
with word-based scoring so you can play anytime.

2021-10-13T13:34:05+08:00 devel/rubygem-google-apis-sqladmin_v1beta4 Simple REST client for Cloud SQL Admin API V1beta4
This is a simple client library for version V1beta4 of the Cloud SQL Admin API.
It provides:
- A client object that connects to the HTTP/JSON REST endpoint for the service.
- Ruby objects for data structures related to the service.
- Integration with the googleauth gem for authentication using OAuth, API keys,
and service accounts.
- Control of retry, pagination, and timeouts.

2021-10-13T13:34:04+08:00 devel/rubygem-google-apis-pubsub_v1 Simple REST client for Cloud Pub/Sub API V1
This is a simple client library for version V1 of the Cloud Pub/Sub API. It
- A client object that connects to the HTTP/JSON REST endpoint for the service.
- Ruby objects for data structures related to the service.
- Integration with the googleauth gem for authentication using OAuth, API keys,
and service accounts.
- Control of retry, pagination, and timeouts.

2021-10-13T13:34:02+08:00 devel/rubygem-google-apis-monitoring_v3 Simple REST client for Cloud Monitoring API V3
This is a simple client library for version V3 of the Cloud Monitoring API. It
- A client object that connects to the HTTP/JSON REST endpoint for the service.
- Ruby objects for data structures related to the service.
- Integration with the googleauth gem for authentication using OAuth, API keys,
and service accounts.
- Control of retry, pagination, and timeouts.

2021-10-13T13:34:01+08:00 devel/rubygem-google-apis-compute_v1 Simple REST client for Compute Engine API V1
This is a simple client library for version V1 of the Compute Engine API. It
- A client object that connects to the HTTP/JSON REST endpoint for the service.
- Ruby objects for data structures related to the service.
- Integration with the googleauth gem for authentication using OAuth, API keys,
and service accounts.
- Control of retry, pagination, and timeouts.

2021-10-13T13:34:00+08:00 devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-voiceid Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Voice ID
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Voice ID.

2021-10-13T13:33:59+08:00 devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-connectwisdomservice Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Connect Wisdom Service
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Connect Wisdom Service.

2021-10-13T13:33:57+08:00 devel/py-backports.cached-property cached_property() - computed once per instance, cached as attribute
Python 3.8 adds great descriptor to functools: cached_property. Technically all
required APIs was available since python 3.6, but it is what it is.

This package is a backport of this functionality for python 3.6 and 3.7.

2021-10-13T13:33:56+08:00 devel/capnproto080 Serialization/RPC system
Cap'n Proto is an insanely fast data interchange format and capability-based RPC
system. Think JSON, except binary. Or think Protocol Buffers, except faster.

2021-10-12T19:34:24+02:00 devel/py-resolvelib07 Resolve abstract dependencies into concrete ones
ResolveLib at the highest level provides a Resolver class that includes
dependency resolution logic. You give it some things, and a little information
on how it should interact with them, and it will spit out a resolution result.

2021-10-12T11:40:35-05:00 biology/bamutil Utilities for working with SAM/BAM files
Utilities for working on SAM/BAM files from The Center for Statistical
Genetics at the University of Michigan School of Public Health. It
includes numerous functions such as splitting, merging, trimming reads,
filtering, validation, diff, etc.

2021-10-08T08:48:52-03:00 devel/git-svn Bidirectional operation between a Subversion repository and Git
Bidirectional operation between a Subversion repository and Git

git svn is a simple conduit for changesets between Subversion and Git. It
provides a bidirectional flow of changes between a Subversion and a Git
2021-10-08T08:48:52-03:00 devel/git-p4 Import from and submit to Perforce repositories using git
Import from and submit to Perforce repositories

This command provides a way to interact with p4 repositories using Git.
2021-10-12T17:00:19+02:00 textproc/mantra CLI for previewing mandoc manual pages with live auto-reload in a pager
Mantra is a CLI for previewing mandoc manual pages
with live auto-reload in a pager.

2021-10-11T08:39:37-07:00 science/py-OpenMC Monte Carlo neutron and photon transport simulation code (Python)
Python bindings for OpenMC.

OpenMC is a community-developed Monte Carlo neutron and photon transport
simulation code. It is capable of performing fixed source, k-eigenvalue, and
subcritical multiplication calculations on models built using either a
constructive solid geometry or CAD representation. OpenMC supports both
continuous-energy and multigroup transport. The continuous-energy particle
interaction data is based on a native HDF5 format that can be generated from
ACE files produced by NJOY. Parallelism is enabled via a hybrid MPI and OpenMP
programming model.

2021-10-10T20:56:01-07:00 science/openmc Monte Carlo neutron and photon transport simulation code
OpenMC is a community-developed Monte Carlo neutron and photon transport
simulation code. It is capable of performing fixed source, k-eigenvalue, and
subcritical multiplication calculations on models built using either a
constructive solid geometry or CAD representation. OpenMC supports both
continuous-energy and multigroup transport. The continuous-energy particle
interaction data is based on a native HDF5 format that can be generated from
ACE files produced by NJOY. Parallelism is enabled via a hybrid MPI and OpenMP
programming model.

2021-10-10T17:59:45+00:00 security/nextcloud-twofactor_nextcloud_notification Use Nextcloud notification as MFA app for Nextcloud
Allows using any of your logged in devices as second factor

2021-10-10T17:38:17+00:00 security/nextcloud-twofactor_admin Admin create one-time TOTP app for Nextcloud
A Two-Factor-Auth Provider for TOTP (RFC 6238)

2021-10-10T18:33:08+02:00 games/runelite Open source Old School RuneScape client
Popular free, open-source and super fast client for Old School RuneScape.

2021-10-10T04:48:08-04:00 x11-themes/skeuos-gtk-themes Light and dark colorful Gtk3.20+ theme
Light and dark colorful Gtk3.20+ theme

Supported Desktop Environments:

* Cinnamon
* Gnome-Shell
* Metacity
* Xfce

2021-10-09T21:45:26-07:00 science/py-PyNE PyNE: The Nuclear Engineering Toolkit
PyNE is a suite of tools to aid in computational nuclear science & engineering.
PyNE seeks to provide native implementations of common nuclear algorithms, as
well as Python bindings and I/O support for other industry standard nuclear

2021-10-10T14:02:00+09:00 net/py-pypacker Packet manipulation library for Python
pypacker is a packet manipulation library for Python.

Key features:
- Creating custom Packets (via keywords) or from raw byte and change their data
- Reading/writing packets from/to file (Support only for Wireshark/tcpdump pcap format)
- Merging multiple pcap files to one file

2021-10-09T20:21:50+02:00 security/weggli Semantic search tool for C and C++ codebases
weggli is a fast and robust semantic search tool for C and C++ codebases. It is
designed to help security researchers identify interesting functionality in
large codebases.

weggli performs pattern matching on Abstract Syntax Trees based on user
provided queries. Its query language resembles C and C++ code, making it easy
to turn interesting code patterns into queries.

weggli is inspired by great tools like Semgrep, Coccinelle, joern and CodeQL,
but makes some different design decisions:
- C++ support: weggli has first class support for modern C++ constructs, such
as lambda expressions, range-based for loops and constexprs.
- Minimal setup: weggli should work out-of-the box against most software you
will encounter. weggli does not require the ability to build the software and
can work with incomplete sources or missing dependencies.
- Interactive: weggli is designed for interactive usage and fast query
performance. Most of the time, a weggli query will be faster than a grep
search. The goal is to enable an interactive workflow where quick switching
between code review and query creation/improvement is possible.
- Greedy: weggli's pattern matching is designed to find as many (useful)
matches as possible for a specific query. While this increases the risk of
false positives it simplifies query creation. For example, the query $x = 10;
will match both assignment expressions (foo = 10;) and declarations
(int bar = 10;).

2021-10-07T17:41:33+03:00 devel/py-pytest-regtest Pytest plugin for regression tests
pytest-regtest is a pytest-plugin for implementing regression tests.
Compared to functional testing a regression test does not test if
software produces correct results, instead a regression test checks
if software behaves the same way as it did before introduced changes.

pytest-regtest allows capturing selected output which then can be
compared to the captured output from former runs.

2021-10-07T17:40:11+03:00 devel/py-pytest-canonical-data Plugin which compares results with canonical ones from previous runs
A plugin which allows to compare results with canonical results,
based on previous runs.

Inspired by Yandex's canondata plugin, pytest-needle and

2021-10-08T10:08:11-07:00 biology/libneurosim Common interfaces for neuronal simulators
libneurosim is a general library that provides interfaces and common utility
code for neuronal simulators.

Currently it provides the ConnectionGenerator interface.

The ConnectionGenerator API is a standard interface supporting efficient
generation of network connectivity during model setup in neuronal network
simulators. It is intended as an abstraction isolating both sides of the API:
any simulator can use a given connection generator and a given simulator can use
any library providing the ConnectionGenerator interface. It was initially
developed to support the use of libcsa from NEST.

2021-10-08T08:14:55+02:00 graphics/airsaned Apple AirScan compatible SANE web frontend
A SANE WebScan frontend that supports Apple's AirScan protocol.
Scanners are detected automatically, and published through mDNS.
Though images may be acquired and transferred in JPEG, PNG, and
PDF/raster format through a simple web interface, AirSane's intended
purpose is to be used with AirScan/eSCL clients such as Apple's
Image Capture.

Images are encoded on-the-fly during acquisition, keeping memory/storage
demands low. Thus, AirSane will run fine on a Raspberry Pi or similar

AirSane has been developed by reverse-engineering the communication
protocol implemented in Apple's AirScanScanner client (macos 10.12.6,
/System/Library/Image Capture/Devices/

Authentication and secure communication are not supported.

If you are looking for a powerful SANE web frontend, AirSane may
not be for you. You may be interested in phpSANE instead.

2021-10-07T10:29:09-07:00 audio/lms Web based music streaming client
Lightweight Music Server (LMS) is a self-hosted music streaming client
with a sleek web interface. Access your music collection from anywhere using
a web interface.
2021-10-07T13:23:07+02:00 graphics/quickqanava Library for QML-based Graph Visualisation
QuickQanava is a C++14 library designed to display graphs and relational content
in a QtQuick application. QuickQanava provide QML components and C++ classes
to visualize medium-sized directed graphs in a C++/QML application. QuickQanava
does not provide advanced layout algorithms, but rather focus on displaying
relational content in advanced dynamic user interfaces (with DnD support,
resizable content, visual connection of nodes).

2021-10-07T13:24:53+02:00 security/linux-bitwarden-cli Bitwarden CLI
The Bitwarden CLI is a powerful, full-featured command-line interface
(CLI) tool to access and manage a Bitwarden vault. The CLI is written
with TypeScript and Node.js and can be run on Windows, macOS, and Linux
distributions. This port is using the Linux binary thanks to the Linux
binary compatibility provided by FreeBSD.

2021-09-18T17:44:56+09:00 security/clamav-lts Command line virus scanner written entirely in C
This the Long Term Support (LTS) version of Clam Antivirus.
Clam Antivirus is command line virus scanner written entirely in C
and its database is kept up to date. It also detects polymorphic
viruses, scans compressed files and supported by AMaViS.
Optionally you can use the clamav-milter interface to connect
clamav with sendmail.

2021-10-07T01:10:04-07:00 security/hexl Intel homomorphic encryption acceleration library
Intel HEXL is an open-source library which provides efficient implementations of
integer arithmetic on Galois fields. Such arithmetic is prevalent in
cryptography, particularly in homomorphic encryption (HE) schemes. Intel HEXL
targets integer arithmetic with word-sized primes, typically 30-60 bits. Intel
HEXL provides an API for 64-bit unsigned integers and targets Intel CPUs.

2021-10-06T21:11:09+02:00 textproc/htmlq Command-line HTML processor, similar to jq
Like jq, but for HTML. It uses CSS selectors to extract bits of content
from HTML files.

2021-07-30T16:23:25-06:00 sysutils/gstat-rs Replacement for gstat(8)
Replacement for gstat(8)

This is a gstat replacement, written in Rust. It is more featureful than the
original, and works much better on systems with large numbers of disks. The
key differences are:

* gstat-rs supports sorting the disks using the '+', '-', and 'r' keys, and the
"--sort" and "-r" command line options.
* gstat-rs can enable/disable columns at any time using the insert and
delete keys. gstat can only do that at startup, and only for certain
infrequently used columns.
* If the screen has enough space, gstat-rs will display multiple disks side by
* gstat-rs can pause the display without exiting the program.
* gstat-rs's settings are automatically persisted to a config file.
* gstat-rs does not support batch mode (`-bBC`) output. If you want that kind
of information, use iostat(8) instead.
* gstat-rs does not display GEOM consumers (`-c`), but it can easily be
added if there's any demand for that feature.

2021-10-06T14:44:13+08:00 net-mgmt/php-fpm_exporter Export php-fpm metrics in Prometheus format
A prometheus exporter for PHP-FPM. The exporter connects directly to PHP-FPM
over FastCGI and exports the metrics via HTTP.

2021-10-06T13:38:23+08:00 net/kcat Generic command line non-JVM Apache Kafka producer and consumer
kcat is a generic non-JVM producer and consumer
for Apache Kafka. Think of it as a netcat for

2021-10-05T17:57:28+02:00 sysutils/py-prometheus-zfs Prometheus exporter for ZFS statistics using py-libzfs
This is a simple exporter for the Prometheus metrics for ZFS using
py-libzfs. It comes with a zfsprom service that can be run in the
background as an HTTP server.

2021-10-05T11:27:28+02:00 games/py-2048-py Console version of the 2048 game written in Python
The console version of the 2048 game implemented in Python by the Ladue High
School Computer Science Club.

2021-10-05T09:38:10+02:00 www/rubygem-responders-rails613 Simple Ruby DSL for making HTTP requests
Responders provides a set of responders modules to dry up your Rails app.

2021-10-05T09:38:10+02:00 www/rubygem-railties613 Rails internals bootup, plugins, generators, and rake tasks
Railties is responsible for gluing all frameworks together. Overall, it:
- handles the bootstrapping process for a Rails application;
- manages the rails command line interface;
- and provides the Rails generators core.

2021-10-05T09:38:10+02:00 www/rubygem-rails613 Full-stack web application framework
Rails is a web-application framework for the MVC pattern that includes
both a template engine, controller framework, and object-relational
mapping package. Everything needed to develop web-apps that can run on
CGI, FastCGI, and mod_ruby

Being a full-stack framework means that all layers are built to work
seamlessly together. That way you Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) and you
can use a single language from top to bottom. Everything from templates
to control flow to business logic is written in Ruby - The language of
love for industry heavy-weights.

2021-10-05T09:38:10+02:00 www/rubygem-lograge-rails613 Tame Rails' multi-line logging into a single line per request #'
Tame Rails' multi-line logging into a single line per request

Lograge is an attempt to bring sanity to Rails' noisy and unusable, unparsable
and, in the context of running multiple processes and servers, unreadable
default logging output. Rails' default approach to log everything is great
during development, it's terrible when running it in production.

2021-10-05T09:38:10+02:00 www/rubygem-actionpack613 Action Controller and Action View of Rails MVC Framework
Action Pack is a framework for handling and responding to web requests. It
provides mechanisms for routing (mapping request URLs to actions), defining
controllers that implement actions, and generating responses by rendering views,
which are templates of various formats. In short, Action Pack provides the view
and controller layers in the MVC paradigm.

It consists of several modules:
- Action Dispatch, which parses information about the web request, handles
routing as defined by the user, and does advanced processing related to HTTP
such as MIME-type negotiation, decoding parameters in POST, PATCH, or PUT
bodies, handling HTTP caching logic, cookies and sessions.
- Action Controller, which provides a base controller class that can be
subclassed to implement filters and actions to handle requests. The result of
an action is typically content generated from views.

With the Ruby on Rails framework, users only directly interface with the Action
Controller module. Necessary Action Dispatch functionality is activated by
default and Action View rendering is implicitly triggered by Action Controller.
However, these modules are designed to function on their own and can be used
outside of Rails.

2021-10-05T09:38:10+02:00 www/rubygem-actioncable613 Integrated WebSockets for Rails
Action Cable seamlessly integrates WebSockets with the rest of your Rails
application. It allows for real-time features to be written in Ruby in the same
style and form as the rest of your Rails application, while still being
performant and scalable. It's a full-stack offering that provides both a
client-side JavaScript framework and a server-side Ruby framework. You have
access to your full domain model written with Active Record or your ORM of

2021-10-05T09:38:10+02:00 textproc/rubygem-sassc-rails-rails613 Integrate SassC-Ruby into Rails
We all love working with Sass, but compilation can take quite a long time for
larger codebases. This gem integrates the C implementation of Sass, LibSass,
into the asset pipeline.

2021-10-05T09:38:10+02:00 textproc/rubygem-sass-rails-rails613 Sass adapter for the Rails asset pipeline
Sass adapter for the Rails asset pipeline.

2021-10-05T09:38:10+02:00 textproc/rubygem-actiontext613 Edit and display rich text in Rails applications
Action Text brings rich text content and editing to Rails. It includes the Trix
editor that handles everything from formatting to links to quotes to lists to
embedded images and galleries. The rich text content generated by the Trix
editor is saved in its own RichText model that's associated with any existing
Active Record model in the application. Any embedded images (or other
attachments) are automatically stored using Active Storage and associated with
the included RichText model.

2021-10-05T09:38:10+02:00 security/rubygem-devise-two-factor-rails613 Barebones two-factor authentication with Devise
Barebones two-factor authentication with Devise

2021-10-05T09:38:10+02:00 net/rubygem-activestorage613 Attach cloud and local files in Rails applications
Active Storage makes it simple to upload and reference files in cloud services
like Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, or Microsoft Azure Storage, and attach
those files to Active Records. Supports having one main service and mirrors in
other services for redundancy. It also provides a disk service for testing or
local deployments, but the focus is on cloud storage.

Files can be uploaded from the server to the cloud or directly from the client
to the cloud.

Image files can furthermore be transformed using on-demand variants for quality,
aspect ratio, size, or any other MiniMagick or Vips supported transformation.

2021-10-05T09:38:10+02:00 mail/rubygem-actionmailer613 Easy email delivery and testing for Ruby
Action Mailer is a framework for designing email service layers. These layers
are used to consolidate code for sending out forgotten passwords, welcome wishes
on signup, invoices for billing, and any other use case that requires a written
notification to either a person or another system.

Action Mailer is in essence a wrapper around Action Controller and the Mail gem.
It provides a way to make emails using templates in the same way that Action
Controller renders views using templates.

Additionally, an Action Mailer class can be used to process incoming email, such
as allowing a blog to accept new posts from an email (which could even have been
sent from a phone).

2021-10-05T09:38:10+02:00 mail/rubygem-actionmailbox613 Receive and process incoming emails in Rails applications
Action Mailbox routes incoming emails to controller-like mailboxes for
processing in Rails. It ships with ingresses for Mailgun, Mandrill, Postmark,
and SendGrid. You can also handle inbound mails directly via the built-in Exim,
Postfix, and Qmail ingresses.

The inbound emails are turned into InboundEmail records using Active Record and
feature lifecycle tracking, storage of the original email on cloud storage via
Active Storage, and responsible data handling with on-by-default incineration.

These inbound emails are routed asynchronously using Active Job to one or
several dedicated mailboxes, which are capable of interacting directly with the
rest of your domain model.

2021-10-05T09:38:10+02:00 devel/rubygem-webpacker-rails613 Use Webpack to manage app-like JavaScript modules in Rails
Webpacker makes it easy to use the JavaScript preprocessor and bundler Webpack
to manage application-like JavaScript in Rails. It coexists with the asset
pipeline, as the primary purpose for Webpack is app-like JavaScript, not images,
css, or even JavaScript Sprinkles (that all continues to live in app/assets). It
is, however, possible to use Webpacker for CSS and images assets as well, in
which case you may not even need the asset pipeline. This is mostly relevant
when exclusively using component-based JavaScript frameworks.

2021-10-05T09:38:10+02:00 devel/rubygem-web-console-rails613 Debugging tool for your Ruby on Rails applications
A debugging tool for your Ruby on Rails applications.

2021-10-05T09:38:10+02:00 devel/rubygem-rails-i18n-rails613 Common locale data and translations for Rails i18n
A set of common locale data and translations to internationalize and/or localize
your Rails applications.

2021-10-05T09:38:10+02:00 devel/rubygem-peek-rails613 Take a peek into your Rails application
This is a profiling tool originally built at GitHub to help us get an insight
into our application. Now, we have extracted this into Peek, so that other Rails
application can experience the same benefit.

Peek puts a little bar on top of your application to show you all sorts of
helpful information about your application. From the screenshot above, you can
see that Peek provides information about database queries, cache, Resque workers
and more. However, this is only part of Peek's beauty.

The true beauty of Peek lies in the fact that it is an extensible platform. If
there are some performance metrics that you need but are not available on Peek,
you can find it from the list of available Peek Views and integrate it into
Peek. Even if you do not find what you want on Peek Views, you can always create
your own.

2021-10-05T09:38:10+02:00 devel/rubygem-gettext_i18n_rails_js-rails613 Make gettext_i18n_rails .po files as JSON
GettextI18nRailsJs extends gettext_i18n_rails, making your .PO files available
to client side Javascript as JSON. It will find translations inside your .js,
.coffee, .handlebars and .mustache files, then it will create JSON versions of
your .PO files so you can serve them with the rest of your assets, thus letting
you access all your translations offline from client side Javascript.

2021-10-05T09:38:10+02:00 devel/rubygem-devise47-rails613 Flexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden
Flexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden

2021-10-05T09:38:10+02:00 devel/rubygem-devise-rails613 Flexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden
Flexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden

2021-10-05T09:38:10+02:00 devel/rubygem-activesupport613 Utility classes and extension that are required by Rails MVC Framework
Active Support is a collection of utility classes and standard library
extensions that were found useful for the Rails framework. These additions
reside in this package so they can be loaded as needed in Ruby projects outside
of Rails.

2021-10-05T09:38:10+02:00 devel/rubygem-activejob613 Job class declarations for a variety of queueing backends
Active Job is a framework for declaring jobs and making them run on a variety of
queuing backends. These jobs can be everything from regularly scheduled
clean-ups, to billing charges, to mailings. Anything that can be chopped up into
small units of work and run in parallel, really.

It also serves as the backend for Action Mailer's #deliver_later functionality
that makes it easy to turn any mailing into a job for running later. That's one
of the most common jobs in a modern web application: sending emails outside of
the request-response cycle, so the user doesn't have to wait on it.

The main point is to ensure that all Rails apps will have a job infrastructure
in place, even if it's in the form of an "immediate runner". We can then have
framework features and other gems build on top of that, without having to worry
about API differences between Delayed Job and Resque. Picking your queuing
backend becomes more of an operational concern, then. And you'll be able to
switch between them without having to rewrite your jobs.

2021-10-05T09:38:10+02:00 devel/rubygem-actionview613 Rendering framework putting the V in MVC (part of Rails)
Action View is a framework for handling view template lookup and rendering, and
provides view helpers that assist when building HTML forms, Atom feeds and more.
Template formats that Action View handles are ERB (embedded Ruby, typically used
to inline short Ruby snippets inside HTML), and XML Builder.

2021-10-05T09:38:10+02:00 databases/rubygem-activerecord613 Object-relational mapping layer for Rails MVC Framework
Active Record connects classes to relational database tables to establish an
almost zero-configuration persistence layer for applications. The library
provides a base class that, when subclassed, sets up a mapping between the new
class and an existing table in the database. In the context of an application,
these classes are commonly referred to as models. Models can also be connected
to other models; this is done by defining associations.

Active Record relies heavily on naming in that it uses class and association
names to establish mappings between respective database tables and foreign key
columns. Although these mappings can be defined explicitly, it's recommended to
follow naming conventions, especially when getting started with the library.

2021-10-05T09:38:10+02:00 databases/rubygem-activemodel613 Toolkit for building modeling frameworks
Active Model provides a known set of interfaces for usage in model classes. They
allow for Action Pack helpers to interact with non-Active Record models, for
example. Active Model also helps with building custom ORMs for use outside of
the Rails framework.

Active Model provides a default module that implements the basic API required to
integrate with Action Pack out of the box: ActiveModel::Model.

2021-10-05T08:38:26+08:00 www/typo3-11 Typo3 content management system
TYPO3 v11 LTS is scheduled to be released in October 2021.

Updates and security fixes will be provided for three years starting from the
release date. We encourage users and agencies to install and use the v11 sprint
releases until the LTS release is available. Further details about the releases
and release dates are available in the roadmap.

System requirements
* PHP 7.4 or 8.0
* MySQL 5.7+ / MariaDB / Postgres / SQLite support
* Modern Browsers

Supported Until
Free: 2024-10-31
ELTS: 2027-10-31

2021-10-04T23:31:10+02:00 dns/dnsjit Engine for capturing, parsing and replaying DNS
dnsjit is a combination of parts taken from dsc, dnscap, drool, and
put together around Lua to create a script-based engine for easy
capturing, parsing and statistics gathering of DNS messages while
also providing facilities for replaying DNS traffic.

One of the core functionality that dnsjit brings is to tie together
C and Lua modules through a receiver/receive interface. This allows
creation of custom chains of functionality to meet various requirements.
Another core functionality is the ability to parse and process DNS
messages even if the messages are non-compliant with the DNS

2021-10-04T23:08:58+02:00 net-p2p/py-nicotine-plus Graphical client for the Soulseek file sharing network
Nicotine-Plus is a fork of Hyriand's original Nicotine Soulseek client.

Nicotine+ is an attempt to keep Nicotine working with the latest libraries,
kill bugs, keep current with the Soulseek protocol and add some new features
that users want and/or need. The main developer now is daelstorm.

2021-10-04T19:03:36+02:00 security/py-netbox-secretstore Secret store for NetBox
With NetBox 3.0 the secrets are no longer managed by NetBox itself. This is
the continuation of the secrets app.

2021-10-04T19:02:27+02:00 net-mgmt/py-netbox-plugin-extensions Wrappers for NetBox generic objects
This package contains a collection of plugin extensions for NetBox, including
generic wrappers around NetBox objects.

2021-10-04T19:07:25+02:00 www/py-pyjwt1 JSON Web Token implementation in Python
A Python implementation of JSON Web Tokens.

2021-09-30T01:59:21+03:00 devel/py-unittest2pytest Convert unittest test-cases to pytest
unittest2pytest is a tool that helps rewriting Python unittest
test-cases into pytest test-cases.

In contrast to other similar tools, this unittest2pytest

* handles keyword arguments,
* handles single-line test-cases and several tests on one line,
* uses context-handlers where appropriate.

This is done by using lib2to3 and Python's mighty inspect module.

2021-10-04T09:29:44+02:00 audio/freebsd-13-mixer Original mixer(8) from FreeBSD 13.0
The mixer utility is used to set and display soundcard mixer device levels. It
is a copy of the mixer(8) command from FreeBSD 13.0 from before the utility was
completely redesigned for FreeBSD 14.0.

2021-10-04T00:08:15-07:00 cad/gds3d Application for rendering IC (chip) layouts in 3D
GDS3D is an application that can interpret so called IC layouts and render them
in 3D. The program accepts standard GDSII files as input data. Along with the
layout file, it requires a so called process definition file which contains the
3D parameters of the process being used. These files combined allow the program
to create a 3D representation of an ASIC design.

2021-10-03T22:39:03+02:00 finance/chiapos Chia proof of space plotting, proving, and verifying (cmake part)
Chia's proof of space is written in C++. Includes a plotter, prover, and
verifier. It exclusively runs on 64 bit architectures. Read the Proof of
Space document to learn about what proof of space is and how it works.

i386 is not supported, and would be too slow for practical use if supported.

This port is for the cmake build (binaries).

2021-10-03T19:09:03+00:00 math/kalker Scientific calculator that supports math-like syntax
A scientific calculator that supports math-like syntax with
user-defined variables, functions, derivation, integration,
and complex numbers.

2021-10-02T23:59:25-03:00 devel/sublime-merge Cross-platform Git client, done the Sublime Text way
Sublime Merge is a Graphical Git Client from the creators of Sublime Text.
It is powered by the same performant cross-platform GUI toolkit and syntax
highlighting engine used in Sublime Text. Sublime Merge wraps around the
core Git functionality, so when you're using Sublime Merge, you're using Git.

2021-10-03T01:11:11+02:00 sysutils/root-tail Print text directly to X11 root window
Simple utility to tail files/logs to a root X window.
Useful for keeping tabs on log files in X without having
an additional terminal window open.

2021-10-02T15:47:07-07:00 math/dune-multidomaingrid DUNE framework: meta grid for subdomains spanning parts of host grid
dune-multidomaingrid is a meta grid built on top of the DUNE grid interface.
It can be used to carve out subdomains from an underlying host grid which are
then available as fully featured DUNE grids in their own right.

2021-10-01T14:54:23+02:00 graphics/nsxiv Simple X image viewer
Neo (or New or Not) Simple (or Small or Suckless) X Image Viewer is a fork of
now unmaintained sxiv, the Simple X Image Viewer, with the purpose of
maintaining it and adding simple, sensible features. nsxiv is free software
licensed under GPLv2 and aims to be easy to modify and customize.

Some of its features are:

- Basic image operations, e.g. zooming, panning, rotating
- Customizable key and mouse button mappings (in config.h)
- Thumbnail mode: grid of selectable previews of all images
- Ability to cache thumbnails for fast re-loading
- Basic support for multi-frame images
- Load all frames from GIF files and play GIF animations
- Display image information in status bar

2021-10-01T14:49:00+02:00 sysutils/cpufetch Simple yet fancy CPU architecture fetching tool
Simple yet fancy CPU architecture fetching tool.

cpufetch is a command-line tool written in C that displays the CPU information
in a clean and beautiful way.

2021-09-29T21:16:47+00:00 devel/erlang-native-compiler Native Code Compiler helper for Erlang
erlang-native-compiler, or enc, as it is installed, is an Erlang build
tool that makes it easy to compile erlang NIFs - native interface
functions - in rebar3 and mix projects, handling the port compiler
options that rebar and rebar2 provided, but were subsequently removed
from rebar3 and not included in mix itself.

enc is a self-contained Erlang script, so it's easy to distribute
or even embed directly in a project.

2021-09-30T14:39:39+08:00 graphics/libimagequant Image Quantization Library
Small, portable C library for high-quality conversion of RGBA images
to 8-bit indexed-color (palette) images. It's powering pngquant2.

2021-09-29T18:00:27-05:00 databases/py-alembic14 Database migration tool for SQLAlchemy - 1.4.X Branch
Alembic is a new database migrations tool, written by the author of
SQLAlchemy. A migrations tool offers the following functionality:

- Can emit ALTER statements to a database in order to change the structure of
tables and other constructs
- Provides a system whereby "migration scripts" may be constructed; each
script indicates a particular series of steps that can "upgrade" a target
database to a new version, and optionally a series of steps that can
"downgrade" similarly, doing the same steps in reverse.
- Allows the scripts to execute in some sequential manner.

This is 1.4.X branch that works with sqlalchemy 1.2.X branch.

2021-09-29T12:54:11+02:00 sysutils/kpmcore KDE Partition Manager core library
KPMcore, the KDE Partition Manager core, is a library for examining
and modifying partitions, disk devices, and filesystems on a
Linux system. It provides a unified programming interface over
top of (external) system-manipulation tools.

2021-09-28T23:07:19-07:00 math/py-arybo Manipulation of mixed boolean-arithmetic symbolic expressions
Arybo is a software for manipulating canonicalization and identification of
mixed boolean-arithmetic symbolic expressions using bit vectors and gives a
bit-per-bit symbolic representation.

The ANF (Algebric Normal Form) form is used, which basically represents boolean
expressions using the XOR and AND operators.

2021-09-28T22:32:45-07:00 math/py-pytanque Petanque static python bindings
Python binding for petanque, a library that helps manipulate symbolic boolean

2021-09-28T22:30:35-07:00 math/petanque Library that helps manipulate symbolic boolean expressions
petanque is a library that helps manipulate symbolic boolean expressions.

2021-09-28T12:55:12+02:00 sysutils/calamares Distro- and desktop-independent installer
Calamares is a distro- and desktop-agnostic installer. Developed as an
installer for Linux distributions -- dozens of them -- it is modular
and highly configurable. It can be used as an installer for FreeBSD-
based distributions as well, though it needs extensive configuration
(which is not included in the port yet).

Upstream tracking of what still needs tweaking can be found at

2021-09-28T04:33:37+08:00 www/py-ghp-import Copy your docs directly to the gh-pages branch
GitHub Pages is a pretty awesome service that GitHub provides for hosting
project documentation. The only thing is that it requires a gh-pages branch that
is the site's document root. This means that keeping documentation sources in
the branch with code is a bit difficult. And it really turns into a head
scratcher for things like Sphinx that want to access documentation sources and
code sources at the same time.

Then I stumbled across an interesting looking package called github-tools that
looked almost like what I wanted. It was a tad complicated and more involved
than I wanted but it gave me an idea. Why not just write a script that can copy
a directory to the gh-pages branch of the repository. This saves me from even
having to think about the branch and everything becomes magical.

This is what ghp-import was written for.

2021-09-28T04:33:33+08:00 devel/py-pyyaml_env_tag Custom YAML tag for referencing environment variables in YAML files
pyyaml_env_tag is a custom YAML tag for referencing environment variables in
YAML files.

2021-09-28T03:44:11+08:00 textproc/py-marko Markdown parser with high extensibility
Marko is a markdown parser written in pure Python that complies with
CommonMark's spec v0.30. It is designed to be highly extensible.

Among all implementations of Python's markdown parser, it is a common issue that
user can't easily extend it to add his own features. Furthermore,
Python-Markdown and mistune don't comply with CommonMark's spec. It is a good
reason for me to develop a new markdown parser.

Respecting that Marko complies with CommonMark's spec at the same time, which is
a super complicated spec, Marko's performance will be affected. However, using a
parser which doesn't comply with the CommonMark spec may give you unexpected
rendered results from time to time. A benchmark result shows that Marko is 3
times slower than Python-Markdown, but a bit faster than Commonmark-py, much
slower than mistune. If performance is a bigger concern to you than spec
compliance, you'd better choose another parser.

2021-09-28T03:44:07+08:00 textproc/py-atoml Yet another style preserving TOML library
ATOML is a 1.0.0rc1-compliant TOML library.

It includes a parser that preserves all comments, indentations, whitespace and
internal element ordering, and makes them accessible and editable via an
intuitive API.

You can also create new TOML documents from scratch using the provided helpers.

2021-09-28T03:44:02+08:00 devel/py-pythonfinder Python discovery tool to help locate python on any system
PythonFinder is a cross-platform search tool for finding Pythons.

2021-09-28T03:44:01+08:00 devel/py-pdm-pep517 PEP 517 backend for PDM that supports PEP 621 metadata
This is the backend for PDM projects, while you can also use it alone. It reads
the metadata of PEP 621 format and coverts it to Core metadata.

2021-09-28T03:44:00+08:00 devel/py-pdm Python Development Master
PDM is meant to be a next generation Python package management tool. It was
originally built for personal use. If you feel you are going well with Pipenv or
Poetry and don't want to introduce another package manager, just stick to it.
But if you are missing something that is not present in those tools, you can
probably find some goodness in pdm.

2021-09-28T03:44:00+08:00 devel/py-installer Library for installing Python wheels
This is a low-level library for installing a Python package from a wheel
distribution. It provides basic functionality and abstractions for handling
wheels and installing packages from wheels.

- Logic for "unpacking" a wheel (i.e. installation).
- Abstractions for various parts of the unpacking process.
- Extensible simple implementations of the abstractions.
- Platform-independent Python script wrapper generation.

2021-09-27T23:28:17+08:00 devel/rubygem-actionpack-page_caching Static page caching for Action Pack (removed from core in Rails 4.0)
Static page caching for Action Pack (removed from core in Rails 4.0)

2021-09-27T23:28:17+08:00 security/py-krb5 Kerberos API bindings for Python
This library provides Python functions that wraps the Kerberos 5 C API. Due to
the complex nature of this API it is highly recommended to use something like
python-gssapi which exposes the Kerberos authentication details through GSSAPI.

2021-09-27T23:28:08+08:00 devel/py-debugpy Implementation of the Debug Adapter Protocol for Python
This debugger implements the Debug Adapter Protocol: debugProtocol.json [1].


2021-09-27T23:28:07+08:00 databases/py-asyncmy Fast asyncio MySQL driver
asyncmy is a fast asyncio MySQL driver, which reuse most of pymysql and aiomysql
but rewrite core protocol with cython to speedup.

2021-09-27T08:20:59+00:00 devel/stylua Opinionated Lua code formatter
An opinionated code formatter for Lua 5.1,
Lua 5.2 and Luau, built using full-moon.
StyLua is inspired by the likes of prettier,
it parses your Lua codebase, and prints it
back out from scratch, enforcing a consistent
code style.

2021-09-26T22:54:10-05:00 math/qhull8 Qhull computes convex hulls, Delaunay triangulations, and halfspaces
Qhull computes convex hulls, Delaunay triangulations, halfspace
intersections about a point, Voronoi diagrams, furthest-site Delaunay
triangulations, and furthest-site Voronoi diagrams. It runs in 2-d,
3-d, 4-d, and higher dimensions. It implements the Quickhull algorithm
for computing the convex hull. Qhull handles roundoff errors from
floating point arithmetic. It computes volumes, surface areas, and
approximations to the convex hull.

2021-09-26T15:44:44-07:00 devel/libsigc++30 Callback Framework for C++
Libsigc++ -- The Typesafe Callback Framework for C++

This library implements a full callback system for use in widget libraries,
abstract interfaces, and general programming.

To get a good overview of how to use the library, read

2021-09-26T10:00:44-07:00 graphics/rlottie Platform independent standalone library that plays Lottie Animation
rlottie is a platform independent standalone c++ library for rendering vector
based animations and art in realtime.

Lottie loads and renders animations and vectors exported in the bodymovin JSON
format. Bodymovin JSON can be created and exported from After Effects with
bodymovin, Sketch with Lottie Sketch Export, and from Haiku.

2021-09-25T11:28:38-07:00 java/openjdk17 Java Development Kit ${JDK_MAJOR_VERSION}
An open-source implementation of the Java Platform, Standard Edition,

2021-09-25T21:09:22+03:00 devel/go-perf Go performance measurement, storage, and analysis tools
This port contains utilities to analyse and publish Go benchmark
results. The main use case is to compare two series of benchmarks
for minuscule performance improvements. Four programs are included:
- benchstat is a command-line tool that computes and compares
statistics about benchmarks
- benchsave is a command-line tool for publishing benchmark results
- localperfdata is a local version of the
benchmark result storage system
- localperf is a local version of the
benchmark result analysis system.

2021-09-24T01:05:08+00:00 devel/R-cran-fontawesome Easily Work with 'Font Awesome' Icons
Easily and flexibly insert 'Font Awesome' icons into 'R Markdown'
documents and 'Shiny' apps. These icons can be inserted into HTML
content through inline 'SVG' tags or 'i' tags. There is also a
utility function for exporting 'Font Awesome' icons as 'PNG' images
for those situations where raster graphics are needed.

2021-09-24T09:29:28+02:00 x11-toolkits/qt5-declarative-test Qt declarative framework for dynamic user interface (testing)
Qt is a cross-platform application and UI framework for developers
using C++ or QML, a CSS/JavaScript-like language.

Qt Quick is a collection of technologies that are designed to help
developers create intuitive, modern, and fluid user interfaces.

2021-09-24T13:53:25+02:00 www/py-dj32-django-graphiql-debug-toolbar Django Debug Toolbar for GraphiQL IDE
This package is an extension for Django Debug Toolbar which enables support
for debugging GraphiQL queries in Django Projects.

2021-09-24T13:41:10+02:00 devel/py-pyyaml-env-tag Custom YAML tag for referencing environment variables in YAML files
This package was inspired by the Ruby package "yaml-env-tag". Its main
purpose is to reference environment variables in YAML scripts.

In contrast to other Python packages, that provide similar functionality, e.g.
"pyyaml-tags" it also offers to define defaults and to have the values not only
as strings.

2021-09-24T13:29:36+02:00 devel/py-mergedeep Deep merge function for Python
This package makes the merging of Python dictonaries easier. It offers
following features:

* Deep merge without mutating the source dicts.
* Deep merge into an existing dict.

The functions provide merge strategies as well:

* Replace (default)
* Additive
* Typesafe replace
* Typesafe additive

2021-09-24T08:17:40-03:00 editors/pluma-plugins Plugins for pluama
Various additional plugins for Pluma.

2021-09-24T02:35:21-07:00 math/tiny-bignum-c Small portable multiple-precision unsigned integer arithmetic in C
tiny-bignum-c is a small portable arbitrary-precision unsigned integer
arithmetic in C, for calculating with large numbers.

Uses an array of uint8_t, uint16_t or uint32_t as underlying data-type utilizing
all bits in each word.

2021-09-24T11:12:10+02:00 net/tinyfugue-devel Popular programmable MUD client, with macro support and more
TinyFugue is a powerful, programmable MUD client with macro support
and multi-worlding support and much more.

2021-09-23T12:17:26+02:00 benchmarks/shellbench Benchmark utility for POSIX shell comparison
Shellbench is a benchmark utility for POSIX shell comparison.

It allows to compare the performance of shell commands and operations
and comes with a set of sample scripts. Supported shells are sh, bash,
dash, ksh, zsh and many more.

2021-09-23T00:58:45-07:00 math/blahtexml TeX to MathML converter designed with MediaWiki in mind
Blahtex is a program written in C++, which converts an equation given in a
syntax close to TeX into MathML. It is designed by David Harvey and is aimed at
supporting equations in MediaWiki.

Blahtexml is a simple extension of blahtex, written by Gilles Van Assche. In
addition to the functionality of blahtex, blahtexml has XML processing in mind
and is able to process a whole XML document into another XML document. Instead
of converting only one formula at a time, blahtexml can convert all the formulas
of the given XML file into MathML.

2021-09-22T19:36:56-07:00 audio/ssr-lv2 Sympathetic string resonator LV2 plugin
ssr is a sympathetic string resonator LV2 plugin.

Sympathetic strings or resonance strings are auxiliary strings found on many
Indian musical instruments, as well as some Western Baroque instruments and a
variety of folk instruments.

2021-09-21T19:54:35-07:00 x11/elementary-terminal Terminal emulator designed for elementary OS
A super lightweight, beautiful, and simple terminal. Comes with sane defaults,
browser-class tabs, sudo paste protection, smart copy/paste, and little to no

2021-09-21T18:23:10-07:00 multimedia/musique Music player built for speed, simplicity and style
Musique is a music player built for speed, simplicity and style. It is written
in C++ using the Qt framework.

2021-09-22T06:11:42+08:00 devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-kafkaconnect Official AWS Ruby gem for Managed Streaming for Kafka Connect (Kafka Connect)
Official AWS Ruby gem for Managed Streaming for Kafka Connect (Kafka Connect).

2021-09-22T06:22:22+08:00 devel/py-dj32-graphene-django Graphene Django integration
A Django integration for Graphene.

2021-09-22T06:11:41+08:00 devel/p5-Proc-FastSpawn fork+exec, or spawn, a subprocess as quickly as possible
The purpose of this small (in scope and footprint) module is simple: spawn a
subprocess asynchronously as efficiently and/or fast as possible. Basically the
same as calling fork+exec (on POSIX), but hopefully faster than those two

Apart from fork overhead, this module also allows you to fork+exec programs when
otherwise you couldn't - for example, when you use POSIX threads in your perl
process then it generally isn't safe to call fork from perl, but it is safe to
use this module to execute external processes.

2021-09-22T06:11:40+08:00 devel/p5-Convert-Scalar Convert between different representations of perl scalars
Convert::Scalar exports various internal perl methods that change the internal
representation or state of a perl scalar. All of these work in-place, that is,
they modify their scalar argument. No functions are exported by default.

2021-09-22T06:11:09+08:00 devel/p5-AnyEvent-Fork Create new worker processes like fork()
AnyEvent::Fork allows you to create new processes, without actually forking them
from your current process (avoiding the problems of forking), but preserving
most of the advantages of fork.

It can be used to create new worker processes or new independent subprocesses
for short- and long-running jobs, process pools (e.g. for use in pre-forked
servers) but also to spawn new external processes (such as CGI scripts from a
web server), which can be faster (and more well behaved) than using fork+exec in
big processes.

2021-09-21T18:04:51+00:00 security/rubygem-hrr_rb_ssh-ed25519 hrr_rb_ssh extension that supports ED25519
hrr_rb_ssh extension that supports ED25519 public key algorithm.

2021-09-21T18:01:33+00:00 security/rubygem-unix-crypt UNIX crypt(3) algorithm using DES, MD5, SHA256 and SHA512
Performs the UNIX crypt(3) algorithm using DES (standard 13 character
passwords), MD5 (starting with $1$), SHA256 (starting with $5$) and
SHA512 (starting with $6$)

2021-09-21T17:57:57+00:00 devel/rubygem-swagger-blocks Define and serve live-updating Swagger JSON for Ruby apps
Define and serve live-updating Swagger JSON for Ruby apps.

2021-09-21T11:06:28+08:00 devel/rubygem-google-protobuf317 Ruby extension to Google Protocol Buffers
rubygem-google-protobuf is a Ruby extension that implements Protocol Buffers
functionality. It makes use of generated Ruby code that defines message and enum
types in a Ruby DSL. You may write definitions in this DSL directly, but we
recommend using protoc's Ruby generation support with .proto files. The build
process in this directory only installs the extension; you need to install
protoc as well to have Ruby code generation functionality.

2021-09-21T11:06:27+08:00 devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-snowdevicemanagement Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Snow Device Management
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Snow Device Management.

2021-09-21T11:06:26+08:00 devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-opensearchservice Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon OpenSearch Service
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon OpenSearch Service.

2021-09-21T11:06:25+08:00 devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-memorydb Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon MemoryDB
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon MemoryDB.

2021-09-21T11:06:24+08:00 www/py-quilt3 Python client for Quilt data hub
Quilt is for data-driven teams and offers features for coders (data scientists,
data engineers, developers) and business users alike.

Quilt consists of a Python client, web catalog, lambda functions -- all of which
are open source -- plus a suite of backend services and Docker containers
orchestrated by CloudFormation.

2021-09-21T11:06:20+08:00 textproc/py-fluent.syntax Localization library for expressive translations
Project Fluent is a collection of Python packages to use the Fluent localization

The syntax package includes the parser, serializer, and traversal utilities like
Visitor and Transformer. You're looking for this package if you work on tooling
for Fluent in Python.

2021-09-21T11:06:15+08:00 textproc/py-charset-normalizer Real First Universal Charset Detector
A library that helps you read text from an unknown charset encoding. Motivated
by chardet, I'm trying to resolve the issue by taking a new approach. All IANA
character set names for which the Python core library provides codecs are

2021-09-21T11:06:10+08:00 math/py-rvlib Probability distributions mimicking Distrbutions.jl
Anyone who has used Distributions.jl will tell you how nice the interface is
relative to the "exotic" (the most polite word we can think of) interface to
distributions exposed by scipy.stats. Distributions.jl also brings better
performace, particularly when its methods are used inside loops.

For these reason we've put together rvlib, which mimics the interface of
Distributions.jl, while at the same time attaining similar performance by
exploiting numba.

This package was inspired by Joshua Adelman's (@synapticarbors) blog post
describing how to call the Rmath C library from numba using CFFI, and utilizes
his build script to set up the CFFI interface.

2021-09-21T11:06:01+08:00 devel/py-oslo.metrics Oslo Metrics API
This Oslo metrics API supports collecting metrics data from other Oslo libraries
and exposing the metrics data to monitoring system.

2021-09-21T11:06:00+08:00 devel/py-executing Get the currently executing AST node of a frame, and other information
This mini-package lets you get information about what a frame is currently
doing, particularly the AST node being executed.

2021-09-21T11:05:59+08:00 devel/py-aws-requests-auth AWS signature version 4 signing process for the python requests module
This package allows you to authenticate to AWS with Amazon's signature version 4
signing process with the python requests library.

Conceivably, the authentication class is flexible enough to be used with any AWS
service, but it was initially created to interface with AWS Elasticsearch

2021-09-21T11:05:58+08:00 devel/p5-Time-Elapsed Transform the elapsed seconds into a human readable string
Time::Elapsed transforms the elapsed seconds into a human readable string. It
can be used for (for example) rendering uptime values into a human readable
form. The resulting string will be an approximation.

2021-09-21T11:05:57+08:00 devel/p5-Syntax-Keyword-Dynamically Dynamically change the value of a variable
Syntax::Keyword::Dynamically provides a syntax plugin that implements a single
keyword, dynamically, which alters the behaviour of a scalar assignment
operation. Syntactically and semantically it is similar to the built-in perl
keyword local, but is implemented somewhat differently to give two key
advantages over regular local:
- You can dynamically assign to lvalue functions and accessors.
- You can dynamically assign to regular lexical variables.

2021-09-21T11:05:56+08:00 devel/p5-File-TreeCreate Recursively create a directory tree
File::TreeCreate was extracted from several near-identical copies used in the
tests of some of my CPAN distributions.

2021-09-20T12:44:43+03:00 devel/purescript-language-server LSP provider implementation for PureScript language
PureScript language server is an implementation of the LSP protocol for
PureScript programming language. It is a Node application features type
information, a formatting provider, code autocompletion and other common LSP

2021-09-20T16:19:44+08:00 devel/goreleaser Deliver Go binaries as fast and easily as possible
GoReleaser builds Go binaries for several platforms, creates a GitHub
release and then pushes a Homebrew formula to a tap repository. All
that wrapped in your favorite CI.

With GoReleaser, you can:

- Cross-compile your Go project
- Release to GitHub, GitLab and Gitea
- Create Docker images and manifests
- Create Linux packages and Homebrew taps
- Sign artifacts, checksums and Docker images
- Announce new releases on Twitter, Slack, Discord and Microsoft Teams
- ... and much more!

2021-09-20T09:48:59+02:00 graphics/sane-airscan SANE backend for AirScan (eSCL) and WSD document scanners
SANE backend for AirScan (eSCL) and WSD document scanner

Similar to how most modern network printers support "driverless" printing,
using the universal vendor-neutral printing protocol, many modern network
scanners and MFPs support "driverless" scanning.

Driverless scanning comes in two flavors:

* Apple AirScan or AirPrint scanning (official protocol name is eSCL)
* Microsoft WSD, or WS-Scan (term WSD means "Web Services for Devices)

This backend implements both protocols, choosing automatically between them.
It was successfully tested with many devices from Brother, Canon, Dell,
Kyocera, Lexmark, Epson, HP, OKI, Panasonic, Pantum, Ricoh, Samsung and
Xerox both in WSD and eSCL modes.

2021-09-06T17:39:18-10:00 textproc/opensearch-dashboards Visualization dashboards for OpenSearch
OpenSearch Dashboards is the default visualization tool for data in OpenSearch.
It also serves as a user interface for many of the OpenSearch plugins,
including security, alerting, Index State Management, SQL, and more.

2021-09-06T16:50:23-10:00 textproc/opensearch Full-text search engine for Java
OpenSearch is a fork of Elasticsearch which aims to be a Distributed,
RESTful, Search Engine built on top of Apache Lucene.

2021-09-19T11:14:45-07:00 biology/py-libsedml SED-ML library for Python
Python binding libSEDML.

The libSEDML project makes use of libSBML XML layer as well as code generation
as starting point to produce a library for reading and writing of SED-ML models.

2021-09-19T11:13:21-07:00 biology/libsedml C++ SED-ML library
The libSEDML project makes use of libSBML XML layer as well as code generation
as starting point to produce a library for reading and writing of SED-ML models.

2021-09-19T12:36:57+02:00 www/py-dj32-django-treebeard Efficient tree implementations for Django
django-treebeard is a library that implements efficient tree implementations for
the Django Web Framework 1.8 and later.


- Flexible: Includes 3 different tree implementations with the same API:
* Adjacency List
* Materialized Path
* Nested Sets
- Fast: Optimized non-naive tree operations
- Easy: Uses Django Model Inheritance with abstract classes to define your own
- Clean: Testable and well tested code base. Code/branch test coverage is
above 96%.

2021-09-19T10:51:08+02:00 lang/jpm Janet Project Manager tool
JPM is the Janet Project Manager tool. It is for automating builds
and downloading dependencies of Janet projects.

2021-09-18T23:46:04-07:00 biology/py-libnuml Numerical Markup Language for Python
This is a Python binding for libnuml, the Numerical Markup Language library.

The Numerical Markup Language (NuML) aims to standardize the exchange and
archiving of numerical results. NuML originates from the numerical aspects of
the Systems Biology Results Markup Language (SBRML) with the aim of re-using it
in multiple other standardization efforts.

2021-09-18T23:15:20-07:00 biology/libnuml C++ library for Numerical Markup Language
The Numerical Markup Language (NuML) aims to standardize the exchange and
archiving of numerical results. NuML originates from the numerical aspects of
the Systems Biology Results Markup Language (SBRML) with the aim of re-using it
in multiple other standardization efforts.

2021-09-19T13:59:24+08:00 devel/py-python-application Basic building blocks for python applications
Basic building blocks for python applications

2021-09-19T13:25:41+08:00 www/py-dj32-django-modelcluster Django extension for working with clusters of models as a single unit
django-modelcluster extends Django's foreign key relations to make this
possible. It introduces a new type of relation, ParentalKey, where the related
models are stored locally to the 'parent' model until the parent is explicitly
saved. Up to that point, the related models can still be accessed through a
subset of the QuerySet API.

2021-09-19T13:25:37+08:00 devel/py-types-docutils Typing stubs for docutils
This is a PEP 561 type stub package for the docutils package. It can be used by
type-checking tools like mypy, PyCharm, pytype etc. to check code that uses

2021-09-19T13:25:35+08:00 devel/py-platformdirs Python module for determining appropriate platform-specific dirs
When writing desktop application, finding the right location to store user data
and configuration varies per platform. Even for single-platform apps, there may
by plenty of nuances in figuring out the right location.

This kind of thing is what the platformdirs module is for. platformdirs will
help you choose an appropriate:
- user data dir (user_data_dir)
- user config dir (user_config_dir)
- user cache dir (user_cache_dir)
- site data dir (site_data_dir)
- site config dir (site_config_dir)
- user log dir (user_log_dir)
- user runtime dir (user_runtime_dir)

And also:
- Is a single module so other Python packages can vendor their own private copy.
- Is slightly opinionated on the directory names used. Look for "OPINION" in
documentation and code for when an opinion is being applied.

2021-09-19T13:25:34+08:00 devel/py-backports.entry-points-selectable Compatibility shim providing selectable entry points for older implementations
Compatibility shim to ease adoption of importlib_metadata 3.6. Supplies
forward-compatibility of "selectable" entry points even on older versions of
importlib_metadata and importlib.metadata, and avoids usage that triggers
deprecation warnings.

Use this shim for libraries or applications invoking entry_points() that run on
Python older than 3.10 or where importlib_metadata is older than 3.6. In most
cases, this shim is unnecessary and the easiest thing to do is simply require
importlib_metadata >= 3.6 on all Pythons (or only those prior to 3.10a7). In
some environments, a library may be constrained on which versions of
importlib_metadata can be required, so this library bridges that gap.

2021-09-19T13:25:33+08:00 devel/p5-alias-module Alias one module as another
alias::module aliases one module name to another. It is useful if you want to
let users access a module's functionality under a different (usually shorter)

2021-09-19T13:25:32+08:00 www/llhttp Port of http_parser to llparse
llhttp is a port of http_parser to llparse.

This project aims to:
- Make it maintainable
- Verifiable
- Improving benchmarks where possible

2021-09-19T12:43:55+08:00 devel/wasm3 The fastest WebAssembly interpreter, and the most universal runtime.
The fastest WebAssembly interpreter, and the most universal runtime.

2021-09-18T07:11:13+00:00 editors/helix Post-modern modal text editor
A kakoune / neovim inspired editor, written in Rust.


o Vim-like modal editing

o Multiple selections

o Built-in language server support

o Smart, incremental syntax highlighting and code
editing via tree-sitter

2021-09-16T09:45:46-07:00 science/ascent Visualization and analysis runtime for multi-physics HPC simulations
Ascent is an easy-to-use flyweight in situ visualization and analysis library
for HPC simulations.

It supports:
* Supports: Making Pictures, Transforming Data, and Capturing Data for use
outside of Ascent
* Young effort, yet already includes most common visualization operations
* Provides a simple infrastructure to integrate custom analysis
* Provides C++, C, Python, and Fortran APIs

2021-09-15T22:37:23-07:00 security/liboqs C library for quantum-resistant cryptography
liboqs provides:
* a collection of open source implementations of quantum-safe key encapsulation
mechanism (KEM) and digital signature algorithms; the full list can be found
* a common API for these algorithms
* a test harness and benchmarking routines

liboqs is part of the Open Quantum Safe (OQS) project led by Douglas Stebila and
Michele Mosca, which aims to develop and integrate into applications
quantum-safe cryptography to facilitate deployment and testing in real world
contexts. In particular, OQS provides prototype integrations of liboqs into TLS
and SSH, through OpenSSL and OpenSSH.

2021-09-15T09:35:31-07:00 devel/hs-ormolu Formatter for Haskell source code
Ormolu is a formatter for Haskell source aiming to write code in such
a way so it's easy to modify and maintain. It implements one ?true?
formatting style which admits no configuration, result in minimal
diffs and is compatible with modern dialects of Haskell. Ormolu is
well-tested and robust so that the formatter can be used in large

2021-09-15T08:53:20+02:00 net/s5cmd Very fast S3 command-line tool written in Go
s5cmd is a very fast S3 and local filesystem execution tool. It comes
with support for a multitude of operations including tab completion and
wildcard support for files, which can be very handy for your object
storage workflow while working with large number of files.

2021-09-14T14:33:32+00:00 devel/ocaml-topkg Transitory OCaml software packager
Topkg is a packager for distributing OCaml software. It provides an API
to describe the files a package installs in a given build configuration
and to specify information about the package's distribution, creation,
and publication procedures.

2021-09-13T17:23:33+02:00 sysutils/plasma5-ksystemstats Plasma5 library to report system activity
KSystemStats is a daemon that collects statistics about the running system.

On FreeBSD, KSystemStats implements low-overhead sysctl-based
monitoring for KDE Plasma applications that report on system resource
usage (e.g. ksysguard and system-monitor and widgets).

2021-09-13T23:02:11+09:00 japanese/font-plemoljp Plex Mono Language JP
Plex Mono Language JP is a composite font of IBM Plex Mono and
IBM Plex Sans JP.

2021-09-13T23:02:11+09:00 japanese/font-plemoljp-nf Plex Mono Language JP (Nerd Fonts)
Plex Mono Language JP is a composite font of IBM Plex Mono and
IBM Plex Sans JP (Nerd Fonts).

2021-09-13T23:02:11+09:00 japanese/font-plemoljp-hs Plex Mono Language JP (Hidden Space)
Plex Mono Language JP is a composite font of IBM Plex Mono and
IBM Plex Sans JP (Hidden Space).

2021-09-13T09:47:02+02:00 www/py-django-graphiql-debug-toolbar Django Debug Toolbar for GraphiQL IDE
This package is an extension for Django Debug Toolbar which enables support
for debugging GraphiQL queries in Django Projects.

2021-09-13T07:51:18+00:00 devel/ocaml-uchar Compatibility library for OCaml's Uchar module
The uchar package provides a compatibility library for the Uchar module
introduced in OCaml 4.03.

2021-09-12T15:01:21+00:00 sysutils/bhyve+ BHyVe with unofficial extensions
A patched version of BHyVe, the BSD Hypervisor from the base system
that includes features and fixes that are not yet officially there.

2021-09-12T16:28:37-07:00 cad/opentimer High-performance timing analysis tool for VLSI systems
OpenTimer is a new static timing analysis (STA) tool to help IC designers
quickly verify the circuit timing. It is developed completely from the ground up
using C++17 to efficiently support parallel and incremental timing.

Key features are:
* Industry standard format (.lib, .v, .spef, .sdc) support
* Graph- and path-based timing analysis
* Parallel incremental timing for fast timing closure
* Award-winning tools and golden timers in CAD Contests

2021-09-12T15:44:42-03:00 devel/py-azure-synapse-managedprivateendpoints Microsoft Azure Synapse Managed Private Endpoints Client Library for Python
This is the Microsoft Azure Synapse Managed Private Endpoints Client Library.

Azure Synapse is a limitless analytics service that brings together enterprise
data warehousing and Big Data analytics.

2021-09-12T12:28:24-07:00 devel/quantum Multi-threaded coroutine dispatcher and parallel execution engine
Quantum is a full-featured and powerful C++ framework build on top of the Boost
coroutine library. The framework allows users to dispatch units of work
(a.k.a. tasks) as coroutines and execute them concurrently using the 'reactor'

2021-09-12T11:10:26-07:00 devel/marl Hybrid thread / fiber task scheduler written in C++11
Marl is a C++11 library that provides a fluent interface for running tasks
across a number of threads.

Marl uses a combination of fibers and threads to allow efficient execution of
tasks that can block, while keeping a fixed number of hardware threads.

2021-09-12T10:44:13-07:00 devel/concurrentqueue Fast C++11 multi-producer multi-consumer lock-free concurrent queue
concurrentqueue is an industrial-strength lock-free queue for C++.

2021-09-11T22:32:13+02:00 devel/freebsd-sysroot FreeBSD ${_SYSROOT_VER} ${FLAVOR:S/_/ /} sysroot
This port is intended as a helper for lang/rust-bootstrap and
provides the necessary sysroots to cross-compile the bootstraps.

The sysroots provide target architecture base headers, base libraries,
and convenient cc and c++ wrapper scripts. Always for the lowest
supported FreeBSD version.

2021-09-11T14:07:44-07:00 devel/concurrencpp C++ concurrency library: tasks, executors, timers, C++20 coroutines
concurrencpp is a tasking library for C++ allowing developers to write highly
concurrent applications easily and safely by using tasks, executors and
coroutines. By using concurrencpp applications can break down big procedures
that need to be processed asynchronously into smaller tasks that run
concurrently and work in a co-operative manner to achieve the wanted result.
concurrencpp also allows applications to write parallel algorithms easily by
using parallel coroutines.

2021-09-11T02:24:14-07:00 science/helfem Finite element methods for electronic structure calculations
HelFEM is a suite of programs for finite element calculations on atoms and
diatomic molecules at the Hartree-Fock or density-functional levels of theory.
Hundreds of functionals at the local spin density approximation (LDA),
generalized gradient approximation (GGA), and meta-GGA levels of theory are

2021-09-11T00:12:17-07:00 science/py-pyked Package for manipulating Chemical Kinetics Experimental Data files
PyKED is a Python package that provides the reference implementation of the
interface to ChemKED files. PyKED reads ChemKED files, validates their structure
and content, and allows the user to interact with the data contained in the
ChemKED file.

2021-09-10T23:23:28-07:00 www/py-habanero Low-level client for Crossref search API
This is a low level client for working with Crossref's search API. It's been
named to be more generic, as other organizations are/will adopt Crossref's
search API, making it possible to interact with all from one client.

2021-09-10T23:14:30-07:00 textproc/py-sphinxcontrib-issuetracker Sphinx integration with different issue trackers
sphinxcontrib-issuetracker is a Sphinx extension to reference issues in issue
trackers, either explicitly with an "issue" role or optionally implicitly by
issue ids like #10 in plaintext.

Currently the following issue trackers are supported:
* GitHub
* BitBucket
* Launchpad
* Google Code
* Debian BTS
* Jira

2021-09-10T22:54:03+00:00 games/SRB2 3D Sonic the Hedgehog fangame
Sonic Robo Blast 2 is a 3D open-source Sonic the Hedgehog fangame built using
a modified version of the Doom Legacy port of Doom. SRB2 is closely inspired by
the original Sonic games from the Sega Genesis, and attempts to recreate
the design in 3D. While SRB2 isn't fully completed, it already features
tons of levels, enemies, speed, and quite a lot of the fun that the original
Sonic games provided.

2021-09-10T11:48:19-07:00 science/cantera Chemical kinetics, thermodynamics, and transport tool suite
Cantera is an open-source suite of tools for problems involving chemical
kinetics, thermodynamics, and transport processes.

2021-09-10T16:41:44+01:00 devel/stuffbin Compress and embed static files and assets into Go binaries
Utility to compress and embed static files and
assets into Go binaries for distribution. It
supports falling back to the local file system
when no embedded assets are available, for
instance, in development mode.

2021-09-07T20:13:49+03:00 x11/sdwmbar Simple statusbar for the dwm window manager
A simple statusbar for x11-wm/dwm

Shows load averages, date-time and battery life.

2021-09-08T23:53:10-07:00 math/munkres-cpp Kuhn-Munkres (Hungarian) algorithm in C++
munkres-cpp is an implementation of the Kuhn-Munkres algorithm in C++.

The Kuhn-Munkres algorithm, also called the Hungarian method, is a combinatorial
optimization algorithm that solves the assignment problem in polynomial time and
which anticipated later primal-dual methods.

2021-09-08T16:55:17+01:00 security/gokart Go Security Static Analysis
GoKart is a static analysis tool for Go that finds vulnerabilities
using the SSA (single static assignment) form of Go source code.

2021-09-08T11:08:37+00:00 devel/R-cran-future.apply Apply Function to Elements in Parallel using Futures
Implementations of apply(), by(), eapply(), lapply(), Map(),
.mapply(), mapply(), replicate(), sapply(), tapply(), and vapply()
that can be resolved using any future-supported backend, e.g.
parallel on the local machine or distributed on a compute cluster.
These future_*apply() functions come with the same pros and cons
as the corresponding base-R *apply() functions but with the additional
feature of being able to be processed via the future framework.

2021-09-08T06:01:43+00:00 devel/R-cran-future Unified Parallel and Distributed Processing in R for Everyone
The purpose of this package is to provide a lightweight and unified
Future API for sequential and parallel processing of R expression
via futures. The simplest way to evaluate an expression in parallel
is to use 'x %<-% { expression }' with 'plan(multisession)'. This
package implements sequential, multicore, multisession, and cluster
futures. With these, R expressions can be evaluated on the local
machine, in parallel a set of local machines, or distributed on a
mix of local and remote machines. Extensions to this package implement
additional backends for processing futures via compute cluster
schedulers, etc. Because of its unified API, there is no need to
modify any code in order switch from sequential on the local machine
to, say, distributed processing on a remote compute cluster. Another
strength of this package is that global variables and functions are
automatically identified and exported as needed, making it
straightforward to tweak existing code to make use of futures.

2021-09-08T10:53:32+00:00 devel/R-cran-globals Identify Global Objects in R Expressions
Identifies global ("unknown" or "free") objects in R expressions
by code inspection using various strategies (ordered, liberal, or
conservative). The objective of this package is to make it as simple
as possible to identify global objects for the purpose of exporting
them in parallel, distributed compute environments.

2021-09-08T10:19:10+00:00 devel/R-cran-listenv Environments Behaving (Almost) as Lists
List environments are environments that have list-like properties.
For instance, the elements of a list environment are ordered and
can be accessed and iterated over using index subsetting,
'x <- listenv(a = 1, b = 2);
for (i in seq_along(x)) x[[i]] <- x[[i]] ^ 2;
y <- as.list(x)'.

2021-09-08T10:05:36+00:00 devel/R-cran-parallelly Enhancing the 'parallel' Package
Utility functions that enhance the 'parallel' package and support
the built-in parallel backends of the 'future' package. For example,
availableCores() gives the number of CPU cores available to your R
process as given by the operating system, 'cgroups' and Linux
containers, R options, and environment variables, including those
set by job schedulers on high-performance compute clusters. If none
is set, it will fall back to parallel::detectCores(). Another example
is makeClusterPSOCK(), which is backward compatible with
parallel::makePSOCKcluster() while doing a better job in setting
up remote cluster workers without the need for configuring the
firewall to do port-forwarding to your local computer.

2021-09-07T15:32:29-05:00 biology/sam2pairwise Show pairwise alignment for each read in a SAM file
sam2pairwise takes a SAM file and uses the CIGAR and MD tag to
reconstruct the pairwise alignment of each read.

2021-09-07T12:11:40-07:00 audio/phaserotate-lv2 Phase rotation LV2 plugin
x42-phaserotate is an audio phase rotation plugin. It is a simple plugin with
a single control-slider to shift the phase of the signal +/- 180 deg.

2021-09-07T09:04:24-07:00 math/dune-grid-glue DUNE framework: infrastructure for coupling of unrelated Dune grids
The dune-grid-glue module provides infrastructure for the coupling of two
unrelated Dune grids. The coupling may be overlapping or nonoverlapping,
conforming or nonconforming. The two grids are not requested to be of the same
type, and they may even be of different dimensions.

Couplings are described as sets of remote intersections. Conceptually, these
remote intersections are very close to what the regular intersections in the
Dune grid interface are, with the difference that the inside and outside
entities are taken from different grids.

2021-09-07T12:53:30+00:00 devel/R-cran-progressr Inclusive, Unifying API for Progress Updates
A minimal, unifying API for scripts and packages to report progress
updates from anywhere including when using parallel processing. The
package is designed such that the developer can to focus on what
progress should be reported on without having to worry about how
to present it. The end user has full control of how, where, and
when to render these progress updates, e.g. in the terminal using
utils::txtProgressBar() or progress::progress_bar(), in a graphical
user interface using utils::winProgressBar(), tcltk::tkProgressBar()
or shiny::withProgress(), via the speakers using beep::beepr(), or
on a file system via the size of a file. Anyone can add additional,
customized, progression handlers. The 'progressr' package uses R's
condition framework for signaling progress updated. Because of this,
progress can be reported from almost anywhere in R, e.g. from
classical for and while loops, from map-reduce APIs like the lapply()
family of functions, 'purrr', 'plyr', and 'foreach'. It will also
work with parallel processing via the 'future' framework, e.g.
future.apply::future_lapply(), furrr::future_map(), and 'foreach'
with 'doFuture'. The package is compatible with Shiny applications.

2021-09-06T07:55:49-05:00 biology/py-pywgsim Modified wgsim genomic data simulator
pywgsim is a modified version of the wgsim short read simulator. The
code for wgsim has been modified to allow visualizing the simulated
mutations as a GFF file.

2021-09-06T01:21:58-07:00 math/psurface Piecewise linear bijections between triangulated surfaces
Psurface is a C++ library that handles piecewise linear bijections between
triangulated surfaces. These surfaces can be of arbitrary shape and need not
even be manifolds.

There are two main uses for psurface. When doing adaptive finite element
simulations on grids with parametrized boundaries, psurface can store the
parametrization. Boundary parametrizations are practically mappings from the
coarse grid boundary to the actual boundary, and if that actual boundary is a
triangulated surface then psurface can handle it. This is implemented, for
example, in the dune-grid module of Dune.

2021-09-05T20:19:05-07:00 math/alberta Adaptive multi-level finite element toolbox
Alberta is an adaptive multi-Level finite element toolbox using bisectioning
refinement and error control by residual techniques for scientific

2021-09-05T14:05:56-07:00 net/openldap25-server Open source LDAP server implementation
OpenLDAP is a suite of Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3) servers,
clients, utilities and development tools.

This package includes the following major components:

* slapd - a stand-alone LDAP directory server
* LDIF tools - data conversion tools for use with slapd

This is the latest stable release of OpenLDAP Software for general use.

2021-09-05T14:05:56-07:00 net/openldap25-client
2021-09-05T20:29:35+02:00 net/opensips31 Open SIP Server
OpenSIPS (Open SIP Server) is a mature Open Source implementation
of a SIP server.

It includes application-level functionalities and is the core component
of any SIP-based VoIP solution. With a very flexible and customizable
routing engine, OpenSIPS unifies voice, video, IM and presence
services in a highly efficient way, thanks to its scalable (modular)

It is reliable and fast, for enterprise or carrier-grade use cases.

2021-09-03T19:19:27-07:00 math/plantri Plantri and fullgen are programs to generate planar graph
plantri and fullgen are programs for generation of certain types of planar

Exactly one member of each isomorphism class is output, using an amount of
memory almost independent of the number of graphs produced. This, together with
the exceptionally fast operation and careful validation, makes the program
suitable for processing very large numbers of graphs.

Isomorphisms are defined with respect to the embeddings, so in some cases
outputs may be isomorphic as abstract graphs.

2021-09-03T18:09:39-04:00 devel/tlsh Trend Micro Locality Sensitive Hash library and utilities
TLSH is a fuzzy matching program and library. Given a file (min 50 bytes),
TLSH generates a hash value which can be used for similarity comparisons.
Similar files will have similar hash values which allows for the detection of
similar objects by comparing their hash values.

This port only includes the core C++ library.

2021-09-03T15:20:29+00:00 net-im/conduit Simple, fast and reliable chat server powered by Matrix
An efficient Matrix homeserver that's easy to set up
and just works. You can install it on a mini-computer
like the Raspberry Pi to host Matrix for your family,
friends or company.

2021-09-03T08:47:52+02:00 devel/rgxg Regular expression generator
rgxg (ReGular eXpression Generator) is a C library and a command-line tool
to generate (extended) regular expressions.

2021-09-02T17:31:07+00:00 devel/sdl12-compat SDL-1.2 compatibility layer that uses SDL 2.0 behind the scenes
This code is a compatibility layer; it provides a binary and source
compatible API for programs written against SDL 1.2, but it uses SDL 2.0
behind the scenes. If you are writing new code, please target SDL 2.0
directly and do not use this layer.

2021-09-02T10:41:29-07:00 ftp/fineftp-server C++ minimal FTP server library
FineFTP is a minimal FTP server library for Windows and Unix flavors.

You can easily embed this library into your own project in order to create an
embedded FTP Server.

* FTP Passive mode (the only mode you need nowadays)
* Listing directories
* Uploading and downloading files
* Creating and removing files and directories
* User authentication (and anonymous user without authentication)
* Individual local home path for each user
* Access control on a per-user-basis

2021-09-02T07:02:39+00:00 devel/gitty Smart terminal helper for git projects
Gitty is a smart little CLI helper for git projects, that shows you all
the relevant issues, pull requests and changes at a quick glance. It
currently only supports the GitHub API.

It requires you to set a GitHub Token as an environment variable called

2021-08-31T08:34:22-05:00 x11/coreterminal Terminal emulator from the CoreApps family
Coreterminal is terminal emulator from the CuboCore suite of simple,
lightweight Qt-base applications.

2021-08-31T08:27:24-05:00 deskutils/coregarage Settings manager for C Suite
Coregarage is a settings manager for C Suite, part of the CuboCore
suite of simple, lighweight Qt applications. Coregarage is a
centralized tool that manages settings for a variety of CuboCore apps.

2021-08-31T08:24:16-05:00 deskutils/libcprime Library for bookmarking, saving recent activites, managing settings
Licprime is a library for bookmarking, saving recent activites,
managing settings for C Suite. It is part of the CuboCore suite of
simple, lightweight Qt applications.

2021-08-31T08:14:37-05:00 archivers/libarchive-qt Qt based archiving solution with libarchive backend
Libarchive-qt is a simple archiving library for Qt mainly based on
libarchive supporting numerous compression and archive formats.

2021-08-31T11:37:45+02:00 devel/rubygem-warning Adds custom processing for warnings
ruby-warning adds custom processing for warnings, including the ability to
ignore specific warning messages, ignore warnings in specific
files/directories, include backtraces with warnings, treat warnings as
errors, deduplicate warnings, and add custom handling for all warnings in
specific files/directories.

2021-08-30T20:42:14-07:00 math/obake C++ library for the symbolic manipulation of sparse polynomials & co
obake is a C++ computer algebra library for the symbolic manipulation of sparse
multivariate polynomials and other closely-related symbolic objects (such as
truncated power series, Poisson series, etc.).

2021-08-30T20:27:46-07:00 math/py-heyoka Python library for ODE integration via Taylor's method and LLVM is a Python library for the integration of ordinary differential
equations (ODEs) via Taylor's method. Notable features include:
* support for both double-precision and extended-precision floating-point
types (80-bit and 128-bit),
* the ability to maintain machine precision accuracy over tens of billions of
* high-precision zero-cost dense output,
* accurate and reliable event detection,
* batch mode integration to harness the power of modern SIMD instruction sets,
* interoperability with SymPy,
* a high-performance implementation of Taylor's method based on automatic
differentiation techniques and aggressive just-in-time compilation via LLVM.

2021-08-30T19:21:23-07:00 math/heyoka C++ library for ODE integration via Taylor's method and LLVM
heyoka is a C++ library for the integration of ordinary differential equations
(ODEs) via Taylor's method. Notable features include:
* support for both double-precision and extended-precision floating-point types
(80-bit and 128-bit),
* the ability to maintain machine precision accuracy over tens of billions of
* high-precision zero-cost dense output,
* accurate and reliable event detection,
* batch mode integration to harness the power of modern SIMD instruction sets,
* a high-performance implementation of Taylor's method based on automatic
differentiation techniques and aggressive just-in-time compilation via LLVM.

2021-08-30T23:30:00+02:00 sysutils/snapraid File-level Backup/RAID program for disk arrays
SnapRAID is a backup program for disk arrays. It stores parity information of
your data and it recovers from up to six disk failures.
SnapRAID is mainly targeted for a home media center, where you have a lot of
big files that rarely change. Beside the ability to recover from disk failures,
the other features of SnapRAID are:

* You can use disk already filled with files, without the need to reformat them.
You will access them like now.
* All your data is hashed to ensure data integrity and to avoid silent
* If the failed disks are too many to allow a recovery, you lose the data only
on the failed disks. All the data in the other disks is safe.
* If you accidentally delete some files in a disk, you can recover them.
* The disks can have different sizes.
* You can add disks at any time.
* It doesn't lock-in your data. You can stop using SnapRAID at any time without
the need to reformat or move data.
* To access a file, only a single disk needs to spin, saving power and producing
less noise.

2021-08-30T16:07:43+00:00 games/augustus Open source re-implementation of Caesar III
Augustus is a fork of the Julius project that intends to incorporate gameplay

The aim of this project is to provide enhanced, customizable gameplay to
Caesar 3 using project Julius UI enhancements.

Augustus is able to load Caesar 3 and Julius saves, however saves made with
Augustus will not work outside Augustus.

Gameplay enhancements include:
* Roadblocks
* Market special orders
* Global labour pool
* Partial warehouse storage
* Increased game limits
* Zoom controls
* And more!

2021-08-30T08:09:23-05:00 biology/biolibc-tools High-performance bioinformatics tools based on biolibc
Biolibc-tools is a collection of simple fast, memory-efficient,
programs for processing biological data. These are simple programs
built on biolibc that are not complex enough to warrant a separate

2021-08-28T19:44:23+02:00 net-im/signald Daemon to facilitate communication via Signal Private Messenger
signald - unofficial utility for interacting with Signal

Signal does not offer any sort of official API. Their server software is
open source and anyone can figure out the REST endpoints, but formatting the
payloads turns out to be a little trickier. Signal, unlike traditional
messaging applications, puts a number requirements around encryption and
account data storage on the client software. signald aims to handle all of
the Signal-specific requirements, exposing an API that sends and receives
unencrypted messages with other software on the same machine.

signald does not come with a user friendly frontend. Users should select an
existing client to use signald with.

2021-08-28T10:29:28+00:00 textproc/mdbook-linkcheck mdBook backend to check links
A backend for "mdbook" which will check your links for you. For use alongside
the built-in HTML renderer.

2021-08-28T12:16:48+00:00 www/cinny Yet another Matrix client for the web
Cinny is a Matrix client focusing primarily on simple,
elegant and secure interface.

2021-08-27T22:45:23-07:00 math/stan C++ package for Bayesian inference, maximum likelihood estimation, etc
Stan is a state-of-the-art platform for statistical modeling and
high-performance statistical computation. Thousands of users rely on Stan for
statistical modeling, data analysis, and prediction in the social, biological,
and physical sciences, engineering, and business.

Users specify log density functions in Stan's probabilistic programming language
and get:
* full Bayesian statistical inference with MCMC sampling (NUTS, HMC)
* approximate Bayesian inference with variational inference (ADVI)
* penalized maximum likelihood estimation with optimization (L-BFGS)

2021-08-27T20:39:48-07:00 math/stanmath C++ template library for automatic differentiation
The Stan Math Library is a C++, reverse-mode automatic differentiation library
designed to be usable, extensive and extensible, efficient, scalable, stable,
portable, and redistributable in order to facilitate the construction and
utilization of algorithms that utilize derivatives.

2021-08-26T23:26:04-05:00 comms/wsjtz Clone of WSJT-X software with additional features
WSJT ("Weak Signal Communication, by K1JT") offers specific digital protocols
optimized for meteor scatter, ionospheric scatter, and EME (moonbounce)
at VHF/UHF, as well as HF skywave propagation. The program can decode
fraction-of-a-second signals reflected from ionized meteor trails and
steady signals 10 dB below the audible threshold.

WSJT-Z is a clone of WSJT-X software by Joe Taylor K1JT


- Modified user interface, including a larger Band Activity window
- Extended filtering features
- Auto CQ and auto responding
- QRZ.COM integration
- Audio alerts
- DXCC / Continent Filtering

2021-08-27T11:49:37+09:00 mail/mew-devel Messaging in the Emacs World for emacs (Development Version)
Mew is a user interface for text messages, multimedia messages(MIME),
news articles and security functionality including PGP, SSH and SSL.

2021-08-26T19:12:05-07:00 www/openarc Open source ARC implementation
The Trusted Domain Project (TDP) is a non-profit corporation dedicated to
research and development of technologies that promote trust in the use of
domain names in on the Internet. OpenARC is an initiative of TDP, and is
primarily community effort to develop and maintain an open source library
for producing ARC-aware applications, and a "milter"-based filter for
providing ARC service.

2021-08-26T18:06:54-05:00 editors/lazarus-qt5-devel Portable Delphi-like IDE for the FreePascal compiler (QT5 devel)
2021-08-26T18:06:54-05:00 editors/lazarus-devel Portable Delphi-like IDE for the FreePascal compiler (GTK2 devel)
Lazarus is the class libraries for Free Pascal that emulate Delphi.
Free Pascal is a GPL'ed compiler that runs on Linux, Win32, OS/2, 68K
and more. Free Pascal is designed to be able to understand and compile
Delphi syntax, which is of course OOP.

Lazarus is the part of the missing puzzle that will allow you to
develop Delphi-like programs in all of the above platforms. Unlike Java
which strives to be a write once run anywhere, Lazarus and Free Pascal
strives for write once compile anywhere. (devel version)

2021-08-26T08:08:57-03:00 textproc/rubygem-asciidoctor-epub3 Convert AsciiDoc documents to EPUB3
Asciidoctor EPUB3 is a set of Asciidoctor extensions for converting AsciiDoc
documents directly to the EPUB3 and KF8/MOBI e-book formats. It's a tool for
creating highly aesthetic, professional, easy-to-read e-books.

2021-08-26T08:03:07-03:00 textproc/rubygem-gepub Ruby generic EPUB parser/generator
Gepub is a generic EPUB parser/generator. Generates and parse EPUB2 and EPUB3.

2021-08-26T01:57:51-07:00 sysutils/f2 Command-line tool for batch renaming files and directories
F2 is a cross-platform command-line tool for batch renaming files and
directories quickly and safely.

2021-06-11T19:24:37+00:00 lang/zig-devel Language designed for robustness, optimality, and maintainability
Zig is a general purpose programming language designed for robustness,
optimality, and maintainability.

2021-08-24T18:44:55+01:00 devel/llvm13 LLVM and Clang
The LLVM Project is a collection of modular and reusable compiler and
toolchain technologies.

This port includes Clang (a C/C++/Objective-C compiler), LLD (a linker),
LLDB (a debugger), an OpenMP runtime library, and the LLVM infrastructure
these are built on.

2021-08-24T15:07:47+00:00 multimedia/celluloid-devel
2021-08-24T08:56:22-05:00 sysutils/fusefs-xfuse Read-only FUSE server implementing XFS
This is read-only implementation of the XFS filesystem, a high-performance
64-bit journaling file system created by Silicon Graphics, Inc (SGI) in 1993,
and popular in various Linux distributions.

While the implementation is in early stages, it should be useful enough for
migration purposes.

This project runs in userland through the use of the FUSE kernel module. This is
the only run-time requirement.

This project was done as part of Google Summer of Code 2021.

2021-08-24T13:24:42+00:00 net/rssguard Simple (yet powerful) Qt5 feed reader
RSS Guard is simple, lightweight, and easy-to-use RSS/Atom feed aggregator
developed using Qt framework which supports online feed synchronization
with several services: Feedly, Gmail, Google Reader, Inoreader, Nextcloud
News, and Tiny Tiny RSS.

2021-08-24T03:06:35+00:00 audio/gnome-podcasts Podcast app for GNOME
Listen to your favorite podcasts, right from your desktop.

2021-08-23T18:30:22+02:00 textproc/py-sphinxext-opengraph Sphinx extension to generate OpenGraph metadata
This Sphinx extension allows you to generate OpenGraph metadata.

The Open Graph protocol enables any web page to become a rich object
in a social graph (see

2021-08-23T12:28:41-05:00 biology/bfc Correct sequencing errors from Illumina sequencing data
BFC is a standalone high-performance tool for correcting sequencing
errors from Illumina sequencing data. It is specifically designed for
high-coverage whole-genome human data, though also performs well for
small genomes.

2021-08-23T12:26:47-05:00 biology/flash Fast Length Adjustment of SHort reads
FLASH (Fast Length Adjustment of SHort reads) is a very fast and
accurate software tool to merge paired-end reads from next-generation
sequencing experiments. FLASH is designed to merge pairs of reads when
the original DNA fragments are shorter than twice the length of reads.
The resulting longer reads can significantly improve genome assemblies.
They can also improve transcriptome assembly when FLASH is used to
merge RNA-seq data.

2021-08-22T16:36:02+00:00 security/authenticator Generate Two-Factor Codes
Simple application for generating Two-Factor Authentication Codes.

- Time-based/Counter-based/Steam methods support
- SHA-1/SHA-256/SHA-512 algorithms support
- QR code scanner using a camera or from a screenshot
- Lock the application with a password
- Beautiful UI
- Backup/Restore from/into known applications like FreeOTP+, andOTP

2021-08-23T10:30:02+00:00 x11-toolkits/gstreamer1-plugins-gtk4 GStreamer GTK4 video sink plugin
GTK4 plugin features:

- gtk4glsink: A video sink that renders to a GtkWidget using OpenGL
- gtk4sink: A video sink that renders to a GtkWidget

2021-08-23T08:05:05+02:00 www/h2c Provided a set of HTTP request headers, output a curl command line
h2c stands for headers 2 curl. Provided a set of HTTP request headers,
it outputs the curl command line for generating the desired request.

2021-08-22T00:08:31-03:00 www/writefreely Clean, Markdown-based publishing platform made for writers
WriteFreely is a clean, minimalist publishing platform made for writers.
Start a blog, share knowledge within your organization, or build a
community around the shared act of writing.

2021-08-22T13:44:21+00:00 deskutils/solanum Pomodoro timer for the GNOME desktop
Solanum is a pomodoro timer for the GNOME desktop. It keeps you on
track, with frequent short breaks, and a long break after sessions of

2021-08-21T22:46:15-07:00 math/normaliz Tool for computations in affine monoids, vector configurations, etc
Normaliz is an open source tool for computations in affine monoids, vector
configurations, lattice polytopes, and rational cones. Normaliz also computes
algebraic polyhedra, i.e., polyhedra defined over real algebraic extensions
of Q.

2021-08-21T18:00:58-07:00 math/py-pynauty Isomorphism testing and automorphisms of graphs
Pynauty can be used to compare graphs for isomorphism and to determine their
automorphism group in a Python programming environment. Pynauty is a Python/C
extension module using library components from the Nauty package by Brendan

2021-08-21T23:10:58+00:00 audio/shortwave Listen to internet radio
Find and listen to internet radio stations.

2021-08-21T01:07:11-07:00 devel/py-rapidfuzz Rapid fuzzy string matching in Python
Rapid fuzzy string matching in Python using various string metrics.

2021-08-21T00:16:08-07:00 devel/rapidfuzz-cpp Rapid fuzzy string matching in C++ using the levenshtein distance
RapidFuzz is a fast string matching library for Python and C++, which is using
the string similarity calculations from FuzzyWuzzy.

2021-08-19T01:45:29-07:00 cad/appcsxcad Minimal GUI Application using the QCSXCAD library
AppCSXCAD is a minimal application using the QCSXCAD library.

2021-08-19T01:38:17-07:00 cad/qcsxcad Qt-GUI for CSXCAD
QCSXCAD the Qt-GUI for CSXCAD, a C++ library to describe geometrical objects and
their physical or non-physical properties.

2021-08-18T18:19:57-07:00 science/openems Electromagnetic field solver using the EC-FDTD method
openEMS is a free and open electromagnetic field solver using the FDTD method.
Matlab or Octave are used as an easy and flexible scripting interface.

It features:
* fully 3D Cartesian and cylindrical coordinates graded mesh
* multi-threading, SIMD (SSE) and MPI support for high speed FDTD

2021-08-18T17:27:24-07:00 cad/csxcad C++ library to describe geometrical objects
CSXCAD, Continuous Structure XML, is a C++ library to describe geometrical
objects and their physical or non-physical properties.

2021-08-18T17:25:06-07:00 math/fparser Function parser for C++
This C++ library offers a class which can be used to parse and evaluate a
mathematical function from a string (which might be eg. requested from the
user). The syntax of the function string is similar to mathematical
expressions written in C/C++ (the exact syntax is specified in the
documentation below). The function can then be evaluated with different values
of variables.

2021-08-18T18:01:46-04:00 databases/redis6 Persistent key-value database with built-in net interface
Redis is an open source, advanced key-value store. It is often referred
to as a data structure server since keys can contain strings, hashes,
lists, sets and sorted sets.

You can run atomic operations on these types, like appending to a string;
incrementing the value in a hash; pushing to a list; computing set
intersection, union and difference; or getting the member with highest
ranking in a sorted set.

In order to achieve its outstanding performance, Redis works with an
in-memory dataset. Depending on your use case, you can persist it either
by dumping the dataset to disk every once in a while, or by appending each
command to a log.

Redis also supports trivial-to-setup master-slave replication, with very
fast non-blocking first synchronization, auto-reconnection on net split
and so forth.

2021-08-18T01:54:21-07:00 archivers/draco Library for compressing and decompressing 3D meshes and point clouds
Draco is an open-source library for compressing and decompressing 3D geometric
meshes and point clouds. It is intended to improve the storage and transmission
of 3D graphics.

2021-08-17T14:29:13-07:00 biology/py-PySCeS Python Simulator for Cellular Systems
PySCeS provides a variety of tools for the analysis of cellular systems.

2021-08-17T14:21:57-07:00 biology/py-python-libsbml LibSBML Python API
Python binding for libsbml - Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML) read/write

2021-08-17T21:57:03+02:00 databases/gmdb2 Official GUI for mdbtools
This is the official GUI for mdbtools. It is a standalone
package that was ported to GTK+3.

2021-08-17T18:38:43+03:00 devel/py-lxml-stubs Type annotations for the lxml package
This repository contains external type annotations (see PEP 484)
for the lxml package.

2021-08-17T05:38:07-04:00 textproc/ripgrep-all Improved search capacities of ripgrep
ripgrep-all is a line-oriented search tool that allows you to look for a regex
in a multitude of file types. rga wraps the awesome ripgrep and enables it to
search in pdf, docx, sqlite, jpg, zip, tar.*, movie subtitles (mkv, mp4), etc.

2021-08-17T08:17:55+01:00 dns/p5-DNS-nsdiff Create an "nsupdate" script from DNS zone file differences
create an "nsupdate" script from DNS zone file differences

The nsdiff program examines the old and new versions of a DNS zone,
and outputs the differences as a script for use by BIND's nsupdate
program. It provides a bridge between static zone files and dynamic

The nspatch script is a wrapper around nsdiff | nsupdate that checks
and reports errors in a manner suitable for running from cron.

The nsvi script makes it easy to edit a dynamic zone.

2021-08-17T00:04:38-07:00 biology/sigviewer Viewing application for biosignals
SigViewer is a viewing application for biosignals such as EEG or MEG time
series. In addition to viewing raw data, SigViewer can also create, edit, and
display event information (such as annotations or artifact selections).

2021-08-16T20:17:53-07:00 misc/libxdf C++ library for loading XDF files
Libxdf is a cross-platform C++ library for loading multimodal, multi-rate
signals stored in XDF files.

2021-08-16T19:50:48-07:00 biology/biosig Library for reading and writing different biosignal data format
BioSig is an open source software library for biomedical signal processing,
featuring for example the analysis of biosignals such as the
electroencephalogram (EEG), electrocorticogram (ECoG), electrocardiogram (ECG),
electrooculogram (EOG), electromyogram (EMG), respiration, and so on. Major
application areas are: Neuroinformatics, brain-computer interfaces,
neurophysiology, psychology, cardiovascular systems and sleep research. The aim
of the BioSig project is to foster research in biomedical signal processing by
providing open source software tools for many different applications.

2021-08-16T15:00:18+00:00 audio/lewton Rust vorbis decoder
Vorbis decoder written in pure Rust.

2021-08-16T17:49:11+03:00 devel/py-types-Pillow Typing stubs for Pillow
This is an auto-generated PEP 561 type stub package for Pillow
package. It can be used by type-checking tools like mypy, PyCharm,
pytype etc. to check code that uses Pillow.

2021-08-16T17:45:26+03:00 devel/py-types-psycopg2 Typing stubs for psycopg2
This is an auto-generated PEP 561 type stub package for psycopg2
package. It can be used by type-checking tools like mypy, PyCharm,
pytype etc. to check code that uses psycopg2.

2021-08-16T16:24:33+03:00 devel/py-types-Flask Typing stubs for Flask
This is an auto-generated PEP 561 type stub package for Flask
package. It can be used by type-checking tools like mypy, PyCharm,
pytype etc. to check code that uses Flask.

2021-08-16T16:23:46+03:00 devel/py-types-Jinja2 Typing stubs for Jinja2
This is an auto-generated PEP 561 type stub package for Jinja2
package. It can be used by type-checking tools like mypy, PyCharm,
pytype etc. to check code that uses Jinja2.

2021-08-16T16:21:56+03:00 devel/py-types-MarkupSafe Typing stubs for MarkupSafe
This is an auto-generated PEP 561 type stub package for MarkupSafe
package. It can be used by type-checking tools like mypy, PyCharm,
pytype etc. to check code that uses MarkupSafe.

2021-08-16T16:21:18+03:00 devel/py-types-Werkzeug Typing stubs for Werkzeug
This is an auto-generated PEP 561 type stub package for Werkzeug
package. It can be used by type-checking tools like mypy, PyCharm,
pytype etc. to check code that uses Werkzeug.

2021-08-16T15:54:50+03:00 devel/py-types-click Typing stubs for click
This is an auto-generated PEP 561 type stub package for click
package. It can be used by type-checking tools like mypy, PyCharm,
pytype etc. to check code that uses click.

2021-08-16T17:30:05+03:00 devel/py-types-xxhash Typing stubs for xxhash
This is an auto-generated PEP 561 type stub package for xxhash
package. It can be used by type-checking tools like mypy, PyCharm,
pytype etc. to check code that uses xxhash.

2021-08-16T05:41:20+05:30 net/wifibox Wireless card driver via virtualized Linux
Wifibox deploys a Linux guest to drive a wireless networking card on
the FreeBSD host system with the help of PCI pass-through. There have
been guides on the Internet to suggest the use of such techniques to
improve the wireless networking experience on FreeBSD, of which
Wifibox tries to implement as a single easy-to-use software package.

2021-08-15T19:10:45+02:00 x11/xfce4-docklike-plugin Modern, minimalist taskbar for Xfce
This is a taskbar panel plugin for xfce4, designed to mimic the look
and functionality of docks and application bars used in Windows and
MacOS. It includes optional features like window previews and launcher

2021-08-15T22:46:02+08:00 x11/lightdm-slick-greeter Slick-looking LightDM greeter
- Slick-Greeter is cross-distribution and should work pretty much anywhere.
- All panel applets are embedded. No external indicators are launched or loaded
by the greeter.
- No settings daemon are launched or loaded by the greeter.
- This greeter supports HiDPI.
- Sessions are validated. If a default/chosen session isn't present on the
system, the greeter scans for known sessions in /usr/share/xsessions and
replaces the invalid session choice with a valid session.
- You can take a screenshot by pressing PrintScrn. The screenshot is saved in
- The default configuration is stored in dconf under the schema
- Users can create and modify /etc/lightdm/slick-greeter.conf, settings in this
files take priority and overwrite dconf settings.

2021-08-05T15:13:43+00:00 multimedia/gstreamer1-plugins-rust Various GStreamer plugins written in Rust
Repository containing various GStreamer plugins and elements written
in the Rust programming language:

* generic
- file: A Rust implementation of the standard filesrc and filesink

- sodium: Elements to perform encryption and decryption using

- threadshare: Some popular threaded elements reimplemented using common
thread-sharing infrastructure.

* net
- reqwest: An HTTP source element based on the reqwest library.

- rusoto: A source and sink plugin to talk to the Amazon S3 object
storage system using the Rusoto library.

* audio
- audiofx: Plugins to apply audio effects to a stream (such as
adding echo/reverb, removing noise or normalization).

- claxon: A FLAC decoder based on the Claxon library.

- csound: A plugin to implement audio effects using the Csound

- lewton: A Vorbis decoder based on the lewton library.

* video
- cdg: A parser and renderer for CD+G karaoke data.

- closedcaption: Plugins to deal with several closed caption formats
(MCC, SCC, EIA-608/CEA-608 and timed text).

- dav1d: AV1 decoder based on the dav1d library.

- flavors: FLV demuxer based on the flavors library.

- gif: A GIF encoder based on the gif library.

- rav1e: AV1 encoder based on the rav1e library.

* utils
- fallbackswitch: Aggregator element that allows falling back to a
different sink pad after a timeout.

- togglerecord: Element to enable starting and stopping multiple
streams together.

2021-08-14T01:55:33-07:00 science/dynare Software platform for handling a wide class of economic models
Dynare is a software platform for handling a wide class of economic models, in
particular dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) and overlapping
generations (OLG) models. The models solved by Dynare include those relying on
the rational expectations hypothesis, wherein agents form their expectations
about the future in a way consistent with the model. But Dynare is also able to
handle models where expectations are formed differently: on one extreme, models
where agents perfectly anticipate the future; on the other extreme, models where
agents have limited rationality or imperfect knowledge of the state of the
economy and, hence, form their expectations through a learning process. In terms
of types of agents, models solved by Dynare can incorporate consumers,
productive firms, governments, monetary authorities, investors and financial
intermediaries. Some degree of heterogeneity can be achieved by including
several distinct classes of agents in each of the aforementioned agent

2021-08-13T20:25:15-04:00 sysutils/g15daemon Daemon for Logitech G15 Keyboards
G15daemon takes control of the G15 keyboard, allowing the use of all keys
through the uinput device driver. It also controls the use of the
keyboard's LCD display, allows multiple, simultaneous client applications
to connect, and gives the user the ability to switch between client apps
at the press of a button.

2021-08-13T20:23:27-04:00 net/ipinfo-cli Official Command Line Interface for the IPinfo API
ipinfo-cli allowing you to lookup IP deltails, ASN, IP geolocation,
IP CIDR, IP range.

2021-08-13T14:41:08-04:00 games/libretro-beetle_saturn Standalone port of Mednafen Saturn to libretro
Standalone port of Mednafen Sega Saturn to libretro.

2021-08-13T14:40:50-04:00 games/libretro-freeintv Libretro emulation core for the Mattel Intellivision
A libretro emulation core for Mattel Intellivision.

2021-08-13T12:07:22+00:00 games/ponscripter-07th-mod NScripter-like novel-game interpreter with Unicode support
Ponscripter was created as an NScripter-style visual novel game
interpreter with an emphasis on supporting games in Western languages.

This fork is intended to provide additional features to Ponscripter
that make it more suitable for releasing games on Steam. It, however,
does not have qualms with breaking compatibility in minor ways.

2021-08-13T08:34:09-05:00 biology/py-ont-fast5-api Interface to HDF5 files in Oxford Nanopore .fast5 format
The ont_fast5_api is a simple interface to HDF5 files of the Oxford
Nanopore .fast5 file format. It provides:

o Implementation of the fast5 file schema using h5py library
o Methods to interact with and reflect the fast5 file schema
o Tools to convert between multi_read and single_read formats
o Tools to compress/decompress raw data in files

2021-08-13T02:59:17-07:00 math/cado-nfs Implementation of the Number Field Sieve Algorithm
CADO-NFS is a complete implementation in C/C++ of the Number Field Sieve (NFS)
algorithm for factoring integers and computing discrete logarithms in finite
fields. It consists in various programs corresponding to all the phases of the
algorithm, and a general script that runs them, possibly in parallel over a
network of computers.

2021-08-13T01:31:30+00:00 multimedia/kooha Elegantly record your screen (development snapshot)
Capture your screen in a straightforward and painless way without

Kooha is a simple screen recorder with a minimal interface. You can
simply click the record button without having to configure a bunch of

The main features of Kooha include the following:
- Capture your screen without any hassle.
- Record your microphone, computer sounds, or both at the same time.
- Support for WebM, MP4, GIF, and MKV formats.
- Multiple sources selection.
- Optional hardware accelerated encoding
- Select a monitor or window to record.
- Create a selection to capture certain area from your screen.
- Set delay to prepare before you start recording.
- Hide or show mouse pointer.
- Choose a saving location for your recording.
- Utilize helpful keyboard shortcuts.

2021-08-12T19:06:10-07:00 math/gismo C++ library for isogeometric analysis (IGA)
G+Smo (Geometry + Simulation Modules, pronounced "gismo") is an open-source C++
library that brings together mathematical tools for geometric design and
numerical simulation. It implements the relatively new paradigm of isogeometric
analysis, which suggests the use of a unified framework in the design and
analysis pipeline. G+Smo is an object-oriented, cross-platform, template C++
library and follows the generic programming principle, with a focus on both
efficiency and ease of use. The library aims at providing access to high
quality, open-source software to the forming isogeometric numerical simulation
community and beyond.

2021-08-12T20:48:47-05:00 archivers/vbz-compression Variable byte integer encoding to compress Oxford Nanopore signal data
VBZ Compression uses variable byte integer encoding to compress Oxford
Nanopore signal data.

The performance of VBZ is achieved by taking advantage of the properties of the
raw signal and therefore is most effective when applied to the signal dataset.
Other datasets you may have in your Fast5 files will not be able to take
advantage of the default VBZ settings for compression. VBZ will be used as the
default compression scheme in a future release of MinKNOW.

2021-08-12T19:38:32-05:00 archivers/streamvbyte Integer compression with SIMD based on Google's varint
StreamVByte is an integer compression technique that applies SIMD
instructions (vectorization) to Google's varint approach. The net result
is faster than other byte-oriented compression techniques.

The approach is patent-free, the code is available under the Apache License.

It includes fast differential coding.

It assumes a recent Intel processor (e.g., haswell or better, though we provide
runtime dispatching for compatibility with legacy systems) or an ARM processor
with NEON instructions (which is almost all of them).

2021-08-11T15:50:10-07:00 science/siconos Simulation framework for nonsmooth dynamical systems
Siconos is an open-source scientific software primarily targeted at modeling and
simulating nonsmooth dynamical systems in C++ and in Python:

* Mechanical systems (rigid or solid) with unilateral contact and Coulomb
friction and impact (nonsmooth mechanics, contact dynamics, multibody systems
dynamics or granular materials).
* Switched Electrical Circuit such as electrical circuits with ideal and
piecewise linear components: power converter, rectifier, Phase-Locked Loop
(PLL) or Analog-to-Digital converter.
* Sliding mode control systems.
* Biology (Gene regulatory network).

Other applications are found in Systems and Control (hybrid systems,
differential inclusions, optimal control with state constraints), Optimization
(Complementarity systems and Variational inequalities), Fluid Mechanics, and
Computer Graphics.

2021-08-11T12:52:08+02:00 devel/rubygem-mini_portile2-25 Simple autoconf builder for developers
This project is a minimalistic implementation of a port/recipe system
for developers. Because "Works on my machine" is unacceptable for a
library maintainer.

2021-08-10T18:47:43-04:00 databases/redisjson JSON data type for Redis
RedisJSON is a Redis module that implements ECMA-404 The JSON Data
Interchange Standard as a native data type. It allows storing,
updating and fetching JSON values from Redis keys (documents).

Primary features:
- Full support of the JSON standard
- JSONPath-like syntax for selecting elements inside documents
- Documents are stored as binary data in a tree structure, allowing
fast access to sub-elements
- Typed atomic operations for all JSON values types

2021-06-10T13:32:12+00:00 graphics/vapoursynth-waifu2x-ncnn-vulkan Waifu2x (waifu2x-ncnn-vulkan) plugin for VapourSynth
Waifu2x filter for VapourSynth, based on waifu2x-ncnn-vulkan.

2021-08-10T02:13:46-07:00 audio/zplugins-lv2 Collection of LV2 plugins to be bundled with Zrythm
Collection of audio DSP plugins inteded to be bundled with the Zrythm DAW.

2021-04-23T06:00:30+00:00 x11/wapanel Desktop bar for Wayfire and other wlroots compositors
Simple panel/status bar/task bar for your custom stacking
Wayland-based desktop.

- Good configurability
- Config hot reload
- Exposed API for writing custom applets
- Custom themes with CSS

2021-07-29T19:22:29+00:00 devel/vc-intrinsics LLVM intrinsics for SIMD on GPU
VC Intrinsics project contains a set of new intrinsics on top of core
LLVM IR instructions that represent SIMD semantics of a program
targeting GPU.

2021-08-05T11:29:27-07:00 sysutils/tracker3 Object database, tag/metadata database, search tool and indexer
Tracker is a powerful desktop-neutral first class object database, tag/metadata
database, search tool and indexer.

Tracker is also extremely fast and super efficient with your systems memory when
compared with some other competing frameworks and is by far the fastest and most
memory efficient Nautilus search and Deskbar backends currently availble.

It consists of a common object database that allows entities to have an almost
infinte number of properties, metadata (both embedded/harvested as well as user
definable), a comprehensive database of keywords/tags and links to other

2021-08-09T10:31:48-07:00 math/paritwine Glue library between PARI/GP and other mathematics libraries
PariTwine is a glue library between the system for computer algebra and number
theory PARI/GP and a number of other mathematics libraries, currently GMP,

2021-08-09T23:57:23+08:00 textproc/go-yq Portable commandline YAML processor written in go
yq is a lightweight and portable command-line YAML processor in go.
yq uses jq like syntax but works with yaml files as well as json.
It doesn't yet support everything jq does - but it does support the most common
operations and functions, and more is being added continuously.

2021-08-09T17:46:24+02:00 games/vt100-art-and-animations VT100 art and animations
These are VT100 Animation files, which are meant to be thrown up raw at a
vt100-compatible terminal. ANSI-ready terminals should do fine, although the
ideal venue is a Digital Equipment Corporation VT100 Terminal connected at 9600
baud. Many of these animations will fly by at modern speeds, when they were
meant to move much slower. The files themselves are simply text with cursor
movement instructions, deleting and erasing the characters necessary to appear
animated. Usually, they represent a long hand-crafted process done by a single
person to tell a story. Some of these files may date back to the 1960's and

2021-08-09T23:06:41+08:00 net/jotta-cli Jotta Cloud Daemon and Command-Line Interface
From the Jottacloud website:

The Jottacloud Command-line Tool or Command-line Client is a
Command-line tool for Jottacloud users.

The command-line client (CLI) is capable of running on most devices
with Windows, OS X and linux systems such as desktops, servers, NAS
devices, and even Raspberry Pi.

Note: The command-line client a special software designed for running
on servers or headless systems. It is not meant to control the
Jottacloud Desktop Client.


* Automatic folder backup
* Archive files
* Custom scan interval
* Ignore files and folders with simple gitignore style pattern
* Simple webhooks
* Manage remote hosts

2021-08-09T15:53:25+01:00 x11-wm/nscde Modern CDE clone based on fvwm
NsCDE is a retro but powerful UNIX desktop environment which resembles CDE look
(and partially feel) but with a more powerful and flexible framework beneath-
the-surface, more suited for 21st century unix-like and Linux systems and user
requirements than original CDE.

NsCDE can be considered as a heavyweight FVWM theme on steroids, but combined
with a couple other free software components and custom FVWM applications and a
lot of configuration, NsCDE can be considered a lightweight hybrid desktop
2021-08-09T08:31:10+02:00 textproc/sl-hunspell Slovenian hunspell dictionary
Slovenian hunspell dictionary

2021-08-09T07:06:59+02:00 x11/i3lock-color Enhanced i3lock with higher capacity
An improved version of i3lock, with more capabilities.

2021-08-09T05:34:03+08:00 devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-chimesdkmessaging Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Chime SDK Messaging
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Chime SDK Messaging.

2021-08-09T05:34:02+08:00 devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-chimesdkidentity Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Chime SDK Identity
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Chime SDK Identity.

2021-08-08T23:35:32+08:00 textproc/py-latexcodec Lexer and codec to work with LaTeX code in Python
The codec provides a convenient way of going between text written in LaTeX and
unicode. Since it is not a LaTeX compiler, it is more appropriate for short
chunks of text, such as a paragraph or the values of a BibTeX entry, and it is
not appropriate for a full LaTeX document. In particular, its behavior on the
LaTeX commands that do not simply select characters is intended to allow the
unicode representation to be understandable by a human reader, but is not
canonical and may require hand tuning to produce the desired effect.

2021-08-08T22:32:38+08:00 www/rubygem-faraday-rack Faraday adapter for Rack
Faraday Rack adapter is a Faraday adapter for a Rack app. Faraday is an HTTP
client library that provides a common interface over many adapters. Every
adapter is defined into its own gem. This gem defines the adapter fora Rack app.

2021-08-08T22:32:34+08:00 devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-route53recoveryreadiness Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Route53 Recovery Readiness
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Route53 Recovery Readiness.

2021-08-08T22:32:33+08:00 devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-route53recoverycontrolconfig Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Route53 Recovery Control Config
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Route53 Recovery Control Config.

2021-08-08T22:32:32+08:00 devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-route53recoverycluster Official AWS Ruby gem for Route53 Recovery Cluster
Official AWS Ruby gem for Route53 Recovery Cluster.

2021-08-08T22:32:31+08:00 textproc/py-sphinxcontrib-bibtex Sphinx extension for BibTeX style citations
The bibtex extension allows BibTeX citations to be inserted into documentation
generated by Sphinx, via a bibliography directive, along with :cite:p: and
:cite:t: roles. These work similarly to LaTeX's thebibliography environment and
the \citet and \citep commands.

2021-08-08T22:32:27+08:00 textproc/py-pybtex-docutils Docutils backend for pybtex
pybtex-docutils is a docutils backend for pybtex.

2021-08-08T22:32:23+08:00 textproc/py-pybtex BibTeX-compatible bibliography processor in Python
Pybtex is a BibTeX-compatible bibliography processor written in Python. You can
simply type pybtex instead of bibtex.

Pybtex aims to be 100% compatible with BibTeX. It accepts the same command line
options, fully supports BibTeX's .bst styles and produces byte-identical output.

2021-08-08T22:32:18+08:00 textproc/py-nbsphinx Jupyter Notebook Tools for Sphinx
nbsphinx is a Sphinx extension that provides a source parser for *.ipynb files.
Custom Sphinx directives are used to show Jupyter Notebook code cells (and of
course their results) in both HTML and LaTeX output. Unevaluated notebooks --
i.e. notebooks without stored output cells -- will be automatically executed
during the Sphinx build process.

2021-08-08T22:32:14+08:00 devel/phpunit9 Testing framework for unit tests
PHPUnit is a programmer-oriented testing framework for PHP. It is an instance of
the xUnit architecture for unit testing frameworks.

2021-08-08T22:32:13+08:00 devel/p5-Module-Installed-Tiny Check if a module is installed, with as little code as possible
To check if a module is installed (available), generally the simplest way is to
try to require() it. However, this actually loads the module. There are some
cases where this is not desirable: 1) we have to check a lot of modules
(actually loading the modules will take a lot of CPU time and memory; 2) some of
the modules conflict with one another and cannot all be loaded; 3) the module is
OS specific and might not load under another OS; 4) we simply do not want to
execute the module, for security or other reasons.

Module::Installed::Tiny provides a routine module_installed() which works like
Perl's require but does not actually load the module.

2021-08-08T22:32:12+08:00 x11-fonts/genyog Free Gothic font family derived from Adobe Source Han Sans
GenYo Gothic (源樣黑體) is a free font family derived from Adobe Source Han

2021-08-08T22:32:11+08:00 x11-fonts/genyo Free Ming font family derived from Adobe Source Han Serif
GenYo Ming (源樣明體) is a free font family derived from Adobe Source Han Serif.

2021-08-08T22:32:11+08:00 x11-fonts/genwan Free Ming font family derived from Adobe Source Han Serif
GenWan Ming (源雲明體) is a free font family derived from Adobe Source Han

2021-08-08T22:32:10+08:00 x11-fonts/gensen Free Rounded font family derived from Adobe Source Han Sans
GenSen Rounded (源泉圓體) is a free font family derived from Adobe Source Han

2021-08-08T22:32:09+08:00 x11-fonts/genseki Free Gothic font family derived from Adobe Source Han Sans
GenSeki Gothic (源石黑體) is a free font family derived from Adobe Source Han

2021-08-08T22:32:08+08:00 x11-fonts/genryu Free Ming font family derived from Adobe Source Han Serif
GenRyu Ming (源流明體) is a free font family derived from Adobe Source Han

2021-08-08T15:21:28+02:00 www/rubygem-faraday14 HTTP/REST API client library in Ruby
Faraday is an HTTP client lib that provides a common interface over many
adapters (such as Net::HTTP) and embraces the concept of Rack middleware when
processing the request/response cycle.

2021-08-08T05:17:06-07:00 x11/dwmblocks Modular status bar for dwm
Modular status bar for dwm written in c.

The statusbar is made from text output from commandline programs.
Blocks are added and removed by editing the blocks.h header file.

2021-08-08T11:54:05+02:00 www/janus WebRTC gateway
Janus is an open source, general purpose, WebRTC gateway designed and
developed by Meetecho

2021-08-07T17:26:56-04:00 science/orthanc-mysql Orthanc plugin to use MySQL/MariaDB for indexing or storage
Orthanc-mysql is an Orthanc plugin that replaces the default SQLite
engine of Orthanc with a MySQL back-end. The plugin is compatible
with MariaDB as well.

2021-08-07T05:15:51+00:00 x11-toolkits/libdecor Client-side decorations library for Wayland client
libdecor is a library that can help Wayland clients draw window
decorations for them. It aims to provide multiple backends that
implements the decoration drawing.

2021-04-29T08:56:26+00:00 benchmarks/vkpeak Profile Vulkan devices to find their peak capacities
vkpeak is a synthetic benchmarking tool to measure peak capabilities
of Vulkan devices. It only measures the peak metrics that can be
achieved using vector operations and does not represent a real-world
use case.

2021-08-06T10:16:44-04:00 comms/py-fritzconnection Python tool to communicate with AVM FritzBox routers
A Python tool to communicate with the AVM FritzBox family of home routers.
It uses the TR-064 protocol over UPnP.

2021-08-06T08:14:42-04:00 devel/R-cran-gert Simple Git Client for R
Simple git client for R based on 'libgit2' with support for SSH and
HTTPS remotes. All functions in 'gert' use basic R data types (such
as vectors and data-frames) for their arguments and return values.
User credentials are shared with command line 'git' through the
git-credential store and ssh keys stored on disk or ssh-agent.

2021-08-06T05:34:24-04:00 net/rospo Simple and reliable ssh tunnels with embedded ssh server
Rospo is a tool meant to create reliable ssh tunnels. It embeds an SSH
server too if you want to reverse proxy a secured shell.

It's meant to make ssh tunnels fun and understandable again.

Rospo supports a cool UI, too. The UI lets you handle tunnel and
pipe configuration at runtime through a web interface. You can
start/stop new tunnels and pipes at runtime.

2021-08-06T11:25:33+08:00 textproc/py-sphinx-markdown-tables Sphinx extension for rendering tables written in markdown
Sphinx supports markdown via Recommonmark, which does not support tables.
This extension provides them.

It renders markdown tables as HTML, as defined by python-markdown.

2021-08-05T09:51:13-07:00 science/phonopy Package for phonon calculations at harmonic and quasi-harmonic levels
Phonopy is an open source package for phonon calculations at harmonic and
quasi-harmonic levels.

The following features of phonopy are highlighted:
* Phonon band structure, phonon DOS and partial-DOS
* Phonon thermal properties: Free energy, heat capacity (Cv), and entropy
* Phonon group velocity
* Thermal ellipsoids / Mean square displacements
* Irreducible representations of normal modes
* Dynamic structure factor for INS and IXS
* Non-analytical-term correction: LO-TO splitting (Born effective charges and
dielectric constant are required.)
* Mode Gruneisen parameters
* Quasi-harmonic approximation: Thermal expansion, heat capacity at constant
pressure (Cp),
* Interfaces to calculators: VASP, VASP DFPT, ABINIT, Quantu ESPRESSO, SIESTA,
Elk, FHI-aims, WIEN2k, CRYSTAL
* Python APIs

2021-08-05T00:14:15-07:00 science/py-hiphive High-order force constants for the masses
hiPhive is a tool for efficiently extracting high-order force constants from
atomistic simulations, most commonly density functional theory calculations.
It has been implemented in the form of a Python library, which allows it to be
readily integrated with many first-principles codes and analysis tools
accessible in Python.

2021-07-02T10:35:50+00:00 sysutils/atf-fvp
Arm Trusted Framework for the Arm Fixed Virtual Platform

Trusted Firmware-A (TF-A) provides a reference implementation of secure world
software for Armv7-A and Armv8-A, including a Secure Monitor executing at
Exception Level 3 (EL3).

2021-08-05T10:20:13+08:00 multimedia/py-metadata-cleaner Python GTK application to view and clean metadata in files, using mat2
Metadata within a file can tell a lot about you. Cameras record data
about when a picture was taken and what camera was used. Office
applications automatically add author and company information to
documents and spreadsheets. Maybe you don't want to disclose those
pieces of information.

This tool allows you to view metadata in your files and to get rid of
them, as much as possible.

Under the hood, it relies on mat2 to parse and remove the metadata.

2021-08-04T20:17:53-03:00 x11-wm/sdorfehs Tiling window manager descended from ratpoison
sdorfehs (pronounced "starfish") is a tiling window manager descended
from ratpoison (which itself is modelled after GNU Screen).

sdorfehs divides the screen into one or more frames, each only
displaying one window at a time but can cycle through all available
windows (those which are not being shown in another frame).

Like Screen, sdorfehs primarily uses prefixed/modal key bindings for
most actions. sdorfehs's command mode is entered with a configurable
keystroke (Control+a by default) which then allows a number of bindings
accessible with just a single keystroke or any other combination. For
example, to cycle through available windows in a frame, press Control+a
then n.

2021-08-04T08:06:01-03:00 x11/xfce4-appmenu-plugin Application Menu plugin for XFCE panel
This is an Application Menu applet providing Global Menu for the XFCE panel.

2021-07-22T14:53:48+02:00 multimedia/py-mat2 Handy tool to trash your metadata
Metadata consist of information that characterizes data. Metadata are
used to provide documentation for data products. In essence, metadata
answer who, what, when, where, why, and how about every facet of the
data that are being documented.

Metadata within a file can tell a lot about you. Cameras record data
about when a picture was taken and what camera was used. Office
documents like PDF or Office automatically adds author and company
information to documents and spreadsheets. Maybe you don't want to
disclose those information.

This is precisely the job of mat2: getting rid, as much as possible,
of metadata.

mat2 provides a command line tool, and graphical user interfaces via
a service menu for Dolphin, the default file manager of KDE, and an
extension for Nautilus, the default file manager of GNOME.

The following formats are supported: avi, bmp, css, epub/ncx, flac,
gif, jpeg, m4a/mp2/mp3/..., mp4, odc/odf/odg/odi/odp/ods/odt/...,
off/opus/oga/spx/..., pdf, png, ppm, pptx/xlsx/docx/..., zip, torrent,
svg/svgz/..., tar/tar.gz/tar.bz2/tar.xz/..., tiff, wav, wmv, ...

2021-08-03T06:46:19+00:00 security/vouch-proxy SSO solution for Nginx using the auth_request module
An SSO solution for Nginx using the auth_request module. Vouch Proxy
can protect all of your websites at once.

Vouch Proxy supports many OAuth and OIDC login providers and can
enforce authentication to Google, GitHub, Okta and many more.

2021-08-02T22:21:12-07:00 math/py-unyt Package for handling numpy arrays with units
A package for handling numpy arrays with units.

Often writing code that deals with data that has units can be confusing.
A function might return an array but at least with plain NumPy arrays, there is
no way to easily tell what the units of the data are without somehow knowing a

The unyt package (pronounced like "unit") provides a subclass of NumPy's ndarray
class that knows about units.

2021-08-02T15:21:36+02:00 sysutils/e2tools Utilities to manipulate files in an ext2/ext3 filesystem
e2tools is a simple set of GPL'ed utilities to read, write, and
manipulate files in an ext2/ext3 filesystem. These utilities access a
filesystem directly using the ext2fs library. I wrote these tools in
order to copy files into a linux filesystem on a machine that does not
have ext2 support. Of course, they can also be used on a Linux machine
to read/write to disk images or floppies without having to mount them
or have root access.

Supported functionality:

- copy files: e2cp
- move files: e2mv
- remove files: e2rm
- create directory: e2mkdir
- create hard links: e2ln
- list files/directories: e2ls
- output the last part of a file: e2tail

2021-08-02T18:46:13+02:00 games/brogue Much-loved minimalist roguelike game (community edition)
Countless adventurers before you have descended this torch-lit
staircase, seeking the promised riches below. As you reach the bottom
and step into the wide cavern, the doors behind you seal with a powerful

Welcome to the Dungeons of Doom!

Brogue is a single-player strategy game set in the halls of a mysterious
and randomly-generated dungeon. The objective is simple enough --
retrieve the fabled Amulet of Yendor from the 26th level -- but the
dungeon is riddled with danger. Horrifying creatures and devious,
trap-ridden terrain await. Yet it is also riddled with weapons, potions,
and artifacts of forgotten power. Survival demands strength and cunning
in equal measure as you descend, making the most of what the dungeon
gives you. You will make sacrifices, narrow escapes, and maybe even some
friends along the way -- but will you be one of the lucky few to return

2021-08-03T03:41:18+08:00 sysutils/damager Overrides chunks of files with garbage
Takes a small amount of ramdon data from /dev/random and writes it to
some place inside the file passed as argument. Then you can test your
FAM or checksuming system for integrity protection.

2021-07-28T10:22:51+00:00 devel/esbuild Extremely fast JavaScript bundler and minifier
esbuild is an extremely fast JavaScript bundler.

Major features:

- Extreme speed without needing a cache
- ES6 and CommonJS modules
- Tree shaking of ES6 modules
- An API for JavaScript and Go
- TypeScript and JSX syntax
- Source maps
- Minification
- Plugins

2021-08-01T07:14:32+00:00 sysutils/keyd Key remapping daemon for evdev
keyd has several unique features many of which are traditionally only
found in custom keyboard firmware like QMK. Some of the more
interesting ones include:

- Layers.
- Key overloading (different behaviour on tap/hold).
- Per keyboard configuration.
- Instantaneous remapping (no flashing required).
- A simple and intuitive config format.
- Being display server agnostic (works on wayland and virtual console alike).

2021-08-02T08:39:02+02:00 audio/alsa-seq-server ALSA MIDI sequencer server
ALSA MIDI sequencer server.

2021-08-01T09:26:41+00:00 graphics/corrupter Simple image glitcher for screen lockers
corrupter is simple image glitcher suitable for producing nice looking
i3lock backgrounds.

2021-07-31T20:52:39-05:00 devel/fpc-tplylib Unit for a compiler generator for Turbo Pascal and compatibles
2021-08-01T00:43:58+00:00 devel/zls Zig LSP implementation + Zig Language Server
Zig Language Server, or zls, is a language server for Zig. The Zig
wiki states that "The Zig community is decentralized" and "There is no
concept of 'official' or 'unofficial'", so instead of calling zls
unofficial, and I'm going to call it a cool option, one of many.

2021-08-01T05:27:19+08:00 databases/metabase Simple and powerful analytics tool that supports multiple data stores
Metabase is an open source business intelligence tool. It lets you ask
questions about your data and displays answers in formats that
make sense, whether that's a bar graph or a detailed table.

Your questions can be saved for later, making it easy to come back to them,
or you can group questions into great looking dashboards. Metabase also
makes it easy to share questions and dashboards with the rest of your team.

2021-07-31T05:48:15-04:00 devel/py-pycognito Makes working with AWS Cognito easier for Python developers
Makes working with AWS Cognito easier for Python developers.

2021-07-30T20:46:37-03:00 sysutils/ztop Display ZFS dataset I/O in real time
Display ZFS dataset I/O in real time

ztop is like top, but for ZFS datasets. It displays the real-time
activity for datasets. The built-in zpool iostat can display real-time
I/O statistics for pools, but until now there was no similar tool for

2021-07-31T07:48:48+08:00 math/mdal Mesh data abstration library
Mesh Data Abstraction Library (MDAL) is a C++ library for handling unstructured
mesh data released with MIT license. It provides a single data model for
multiple supported data formats. MDAL is used by QGIS for data access for mesh

2021-07-30T19:43:02+02:00 multimedia/mlt7 Multimedia framework for TV broadcasting
MLT is an open source multimedia framework, designed and developed for
television broadcasting. It provides a toolkit for broadcasters, video
editors, media players, transcoders, web streamers and many more types
of applications. The functionality of the system is provided via an
assortment of ready to use tools, XML authoring components, and an
extensible plug-in based API.

2021-07-30T19:43:02+02:00 multimedia/mlt7-qt5 Qt plugin for the MLT multimedia framework
2021-07-30T19:39:04+02:00 multimedia/py-mlt6 Python bindings for the MLT multimedia framework
2021-07-30T19:39:04+02:00 multimedia/mlt6 Multimedia framework for TV broadcasting
MLT is an open source multimedia framework, designed and developed for
television broadcasting. It provides a toolkit for broadcasters, video
editors, media players, transcoders, web streamers and many more types
of applications. The functionality of the system is provided via an
assortment of ready to use tools, XML authoring components, and an
extensible plug-in based API.

2021-07-30T19:39:04+02:00 multimedia/mlt6-qt5 Qt plugin for the MLT multimedia framework
2021-07-29T16:47:07+00:00 x11/swaync Simple Wayland notification daemon with GUI
swaync is a simple notification daemon with a GUI
built for Sway (potentially any WM with wlroots).

- A panel to view previous notifications
- Show album art for notifications like Spotify
- Do not disturb
- Click notification to execute default action
- Show alternative notification actions
- The same features as any other basic notification daemon

Planned Features:
- Customization through a CSS file
- Slick animations

2021-07-29T20:26:39-07:00 devel/py-qcs-api-client Client library for accessing the Rigetti QCS API
A client library for accessing the Rigetti QCS API.

2021-07-29T01:22:12-07:00 devel/py-rfc3339 Format dates according to the RFC 3339
Formats dates according to the RFC 3339.

2021-07-23T18:59:08+02:00 finance/ticker Terminal stock ticker with live updates and position tracking
Terminal stock watcher and stock position tracker


* Live stock price quotes
* Track value of your stock positions
* Support for multiple cost basis lots
* Support for pre and post market price quotes

2021-07-28T17:53:11+00:00 archivers/unrpa Extract RenPy Archives
unrpa is a tool to extract files from the RPA archive format (from the
Ren'Py Visual Novel Engine).

It can also be used as a library.

2021-07-28T09:45:20-07:00 science/py-cirq-pasqal Cirq module to run on pasqal quantum computers
cirq-ionq provides everything you'll need to run Cirq quantum algorithms on
pasqal quantum computers.

2021-07-28T09:45:20-07:00 science/py-cirq-ionq Cirq module to run on IonQ quantum computers
cirq-ionq provides everything you'll need to run Cirq quantum algorithms on IonQ
quantum computers.

2021-07-28T09:45:20-07:00 science/py-cirq-aqt Cirq module to run on AQT quantum computers
cirq-ionq provides everything you'll need to run Cirq quantum algorithms on AQT
quantum computers.

2021-07-28T17:27:20+08:00 devel/p5-Mock-MonkeyPatch Monkey patching with test mocking in mind
Mocking is a common tool, especially for testing. By strategically
replacing a subroutine, one can isolate segments (units) of code to
test individually. When this is done it is important to know that the
mocked sub was actually called and with what arguments it was called.

Mock::MonkeyPatch injects a subroutine in the place of an existing one.
It returns an object by which you can revisit the manner in which the
mocked subroutine was called. Further when the object goes out of scope
(or when the "restore" method is called) the original subroutine is

2021-07-27T12:03:41-07:00 audio/py-zita-jacktools Audio tools running as a Jack client
Python audio tools running as a Jack client.

zita-jacktools is a part of the LinuxAudio project.

2021-07-27T11:43:08-07:00 audio/zita-jclient Library to create a Jack client with a few lines of C++
The zita-jclient library was written originally as a part of the
Python library zita-jacktools, but it can be used as well to create
a Jack client with a few lines of C++.

2021-07-27T11:18:52-07:00 audio/py-zita-audiotools Tools for audio processing
Python library for audio processing from the LinuxAudio project.

2021-07-27T06:00:14-07:00 science/py-PubChemPy Simple Python wrapper around the PubChem PUG REST API
PubChemPy provides a way to interact with PubChem in Python. It allows chemical
searches by name, substructure and similarity, chemical standardization,
conversion between chemical file formats, depiction and retrieval of chemical

2021-07-26T15:34:51-07:00 science/py-cirq-google Google Cirq adapter for IQM's quantum architectures
Google Cirq adapter for IQM's quantum architectures.

Part of the Cirq quantum computing framework.

2021-07-26T15:34:51-07:00 science/py-cirq-core Framework for Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) circuits
Cirq is a Python library for writing, manipulating, and optimizing quantum
circuits and running them against quantum computers and simulators.

2021-07-25T04:20:50+08:00 x11-fonts/py-opentypespec Data derived from the OpenType specification
opentypespec currently provides the opentypespec.tags module, which exports
representing data from the Layout Tag Registry (section 6.4 of the Open Font
Format specification).

2021-07-25T04:20:49+08:00 devel/pytype Python type inferencer
Pytype checks and infers types for your Python code - without requiring type
annotations. Pytype can:
- Lint plain Python code, flagging common mistakes such as misspelled attribute
names, incorrect function calls, and much more, even across file boundaries.
- Enforce user-provided type annotations. While annotations are optional for
pytype, it will check and apply them where present.
- Generate type annotations in standalone files ("pyi files"), which can be
merged back into the Python source with a provided merge-pyi tool.

Pytype is a static analyzer; it does not execute the code it runs on.

Thousands of projects at Google rely on pytype to keep their Python code
well-typed and error-free.

2021-07-24T16:05:34-04:00 dns/dns-ui LDAP-authenticated PowerDNS user interface by Opera
A tool to manage a PowerDNS authoritative server in a corporate LDAP-driven

* Connects to PowerDNS via its JSON API.
* Allows login managed by LDAP server.
* Create zones; add, edit and delete records.
* Grant multiple users access to administer a zone.
* Lower access level that allows to view a zone and request changes.
* Provides its own JSON API for making changes to DNS records.
* Keeps a changelog of all DNS changes done through it.
* (Optionally) export all zones as bind-format zone files and store changes
in git.

2021-07-24T09:21:55-07:00 net/krill RPKI daemon, Certificate Authority and Publication Server
Krill is a Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) daemon, featuring
a Certificate Authority and Publication Server.

2021-07-24T12:00:12+00:00 graphics/vulkan-extension-layer Layer providing Vulkan features when native support is unavailable
There are some extensions and features in Vulkan that are not
available everywhere due to various reasons. While not available, some
extensions are capable of being done as layer and mapping to any
Vulkan implementation regardless of it supporting the desired
functionality or not.

2021-07-22T15:37:02+02:00 deskutils/plasma5-xdg-desktop-portal-kde Backend implementation for xdg-desktop-portal
A backend implementation for xdg-desktop-portal that is using Qt/KF5.

xdg-desktop-portal works by exposing a series of D-Bus interfaces known as
portals under a well-known name (org.freedesktop.portal.Desktop) and object
path (/org/freedesktop/portal/desktop).

The portal interfaces include APIs for file access, opening URIs, printing and

2021-07-22T15:13:56+02:00 textproc/py-restructuredtext-lint reStructuredText linter
This is a linter for reStructuredText files. It is being
developed in junction with a Sublime Text linter.

2021-07-22T10:56:06+09:00 textproc/R-cran-vroom Read and Write Rectangular Text Data Quickly
The goal of 'vroom' is to read and write data (like 'csv', 'tsv'
and 'fwf') quickly. When reading it uses a quick initial indexing
step, then reads the values lazily , so only the data you actually
use needs to be read. The writer formats the data in parallel and
writes to disk asynchronously from formatting.

2021-07-22T00:49:44-04:00 devel/py-thriftpy2 Pure python implementation of Apache Thrift
ThriftPy2 is a pure python implementation of Apache Thrift in a pythonic
way. It is fully compatible to ThriftPy and aims to provide long-term

2021-07-22T11:05:57+09:00 devel/R-cran-tzdb Time Zone Database Information
Provides an up-to-date copy of the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
(IANA) Time Zone Database. It is updated periodically to reflect
changes made by political bodies to time zone boundaries, UTC
offsets, and daylight saving time rules. Additionally, this package
provides a C++ interface for working with the 'date' library. 'date'
provides comprehensive support for working with dates and date-times,
which this package exposes to make it easier for other R packages
to utilize. Headers are provided for calendar specific calculations,
along with a limited interface for time zone manipulations.

2021-07-22T05:12:49+08:00 devel/py-grpc-stubs Mypy stubs for gRPC
gRPC Typing Stubs for Python is a PEP-561-compliant stub-only package which
provides type information of gRPC.

2021-07-22T01:11:58+08:00 www/rubygem-http-accept Parse Accept and Accept-Language HTTP headers
HTTP::Accept provides a robust set of parsers for dealing with HTTP Accept,
Accept-Language, Accept-Encoding, Accept-Charset headers.

2021-07-22T01:11:55+08:00 devel/rubygem-trailblazer-option Dynamic options to evaluate at runtime
Trailblazer::Option is the one of the core concept behind traiblazer-operation's
step API, reform's populator API etc. It makes us possible to accept any kind of
callable objects at compile time and execute them at runtime.

2021-07-22T01:11:52+08:00 textproc/py-tomli Lil' TOML parser
Tomli is a Python library for parsing TOML. Tomli is fully compatible with TOML

2021-07-21T03:36:41+05:30 net-im/biboumi XMPP gateway to IRC
Biboumi is a Free, Libre and Open Source XMPP gateway that connects to IRC
servers and translates between the two protocols. Its goal is to let XMPP users
take part in IRC discussions, using their favourite XMPP client.

2021-07-20T14:18:21+02:00 www/py-dj32-drf-yasg Yet Another Swagger Generator
Generate real Swagger/OpenAPI 2.0 specifications from a Django Rest
Framework API.


- full support for nested serializers and schemas
- response schemas and descriptions
- model definitions compatible with codegen tools
- customization hooks at all points in the spec generation process
- JSON and YAML format for spec
- bundles latest version of swagger-ui and redoc for viewing the generated
- schema view is cacheable out of the box
- generated Swagger schema can be automatically validated by
swagger-spec-validator or flex
- supports Django REST Framework API versioning with URLPathVersioning
and NamespaceVersioning (other DRF or custom versioning schemes are
not currently supported)

2021-07-20T14:18:21+02:00 www/py-dj32-djangorestframework Django REST framework
Django REST framework is a powerful and flexible toolkit that makes
it easy to build Web APIs.

2021-07-20T14:18:21+02:00 www/py-dj32-django-timezone-field Provides database and form fields for pytz timezone objects for Django
Provides database and form fields for pytz timezone objects for Django.

2021-07-20T14:18:21+02:00 www/py-dj32-django-taggit Reusable Django application for simple tagging
django-taggit a simpler approach to tagging with Django.

2021-07-20T14:18:21+02:00 www/py-dj32-django-tables2 Table/data-grid framework for Django
django-tables2 simplifies the task of turning sets of data into HTML tables.
It has native support for pagination and sorting, does for HTML tables what
django.forms does for HTML forms.

2021-07-20T14:18:21+02:00 www/py-dj32-django-redis Full featured Redis cache/session backend for Django
Django-redis is a BSD Licensed, full featured Redis cache/session
backend for Django.

Why use django-redis?

* Modular client system (pluggable clients).
* Master-Slave support in the default client.
* Used in production in several projects as cache and session storage.
* Supports infinite timeouts.
* Python 3 support in same code base.
* Facilities for raw access to Redis client/connection pool.
* Highly configurable (can emulate memcached exception behavior, for
* Unix sockets supported by default.
* Pluggable parsers.

2021-07-20T14:18:21+02:00 www/py-dj32-django-prometheus Export Django monitoring metrics for
This library exports Django monitoring metrics for

It provides support to monitor the following databases types:

* SQLite (via Django)
* PostgreSQL

In addition, caches can also be monitored:

* memcached
* Redis

It's even possible to export metrics of Django models and migrations.

2021-07-20T14:18:21+02:00 www/py-dj32-django-mptt Utilities for implementing Modified Preorder Tree Traversal in Django
Utilities for implementing Modified Preorder Tree Traversal with your Django
Models and working with trees of Model instances.

2021-07-20T14:18:21+02:00 www/py-dj32-django-js-asset Insert script tags with additional attributes for django.forms.Media
Insert script tags with additional attributes (such as "id" and "data" for
CSP-compatible data injection) for the django.forms.Media package.

2021-07-20T14:18:21+02:00 www/py-dj32-django-filter Dynamic filtering for querysets with Django
Django-filter is a reusable Django application allowing users to declaratively
add dynamic QuerySet filtering from URL parameters.

2021-07-20T14:18:21+02:00 www/py-dj32-django-debug-toolbar Configurable set of panels to display debug information
The Django Debug Toolbar is a configurable set of panels that display various
debug information about the current request/response and when clicked, display
more details about the panel's content.

2021-07-20T14:18:21+02:00 www/py-dj32-django-cors-headers Handles server headers required for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
A Django App that adds CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) headers to

2021-07-20T14:18:21+02:00 www/py-dj32-django-cacheops Slick ORM cache with automatic granular event-driven invalidation
A slick app that supports automatic or manual queryset caching and automatic
granular event-driven invalidation.

It uses redis as backend for ORM cache and redis or filesystem for simple
time-invalidated one.

And there is more to it:

* Decorators to cache any user function or view as a queryset or by time
* Extensions for django and jinja2 templates
* Transparent transaction support
* Dog-pile prevention mechanism
* A couple of hacks to make django faster

2021-07-20T14:18:21+02:00 www/py-dj32-django-auth-ldap LDAP integration for django.contrib.auth
This is a Django authentication backend that authenticates against an LDAP
service. Configuration can be as simple as a single distinguished name template,
but there are many rich configuration options for working with users, groups,
and permissions.

2021-07-20T14:18:21+02:00 devel/py-dj32-django-rq Provides Django integration for RQ (Redis Queue)
Django integration with RQ, a Redis based Python queuing library. Django-RQ is a
simple app that allows you to configure your queues in django's and
easily use them in your project.

2021-05-10T16:04:11+02:00 devel/elf-dissector Tools for inspecting, analyzing and optimizing ELF files
ELF Dissector: Static analysis tool for ELF libraries and executables.

ELF Dissector is useful if you need to do one or more of the following:

- Inspecting forward and backward dependencies, on library
and symbol level.
- Identifying load-time performance bottlenecks such as expensive
static constructors or excessive relocations.
- Size profiling of ELF files.

2021-07-19T20:21:54+08:00 databases/p5-DBIx-QuickDB Quickly start a db server
DBIx::QuickDB makes it easy to spin up a temporary database server for any
supported driver. PostgreSQL and MySQL are the initially supported drivers.

2021-07-19T01:57:47-07:00 math/colpack Graph Coloring Algorithm Package
ColPack is a package comprising of implementations of algorithms for the
specialized vertex coloring problems discussed in the previous section as well
as algorithms for a variety of related supporting tasks in derivative

2021-07-19T06:05:27+08:00 security/rubygem-net-sftp2 Implementation of the SFTP client protocol
Net::SFTP is a pure Ruby implementation of the SFTP client protocol
(versions 1 through 5).

2021-07-19T06:04:05+08:00 security/rubygem-net-scp1 Non-interactive SCP processing
Net::SCP is a pure-Ruby implementation of the SCP protocol. This operates over
SSH (and requires the Net::SSH library), and allows files and directory trees
to copied to and from a remote server.

* Transfer files or entire directory trees to or from a remote host via SCP
* Can preserve file attributes across transfers
* Can download files in-memory, or direct-to-disk
* Support for SCP URI's, and OpenURI

2021-07-19T05:43:33+08:00 security/rubygem-hkdf0 HMAC-based Key Derivation Function
A ruby implementation of RFC5869: HMAC-based Extract-and-Expand Key
Derivation Function (HKDF). The goal of HKDF is to take some source key
material and generate suitable cryptographic keys from it.

2021-07-18T23:36:52+02:00 security/arti Implementation of Tor, in Rust
Arti is a project to produce an embeddable, production-quality implementation
of the Tor anonymity protocols in the Rust programming language.
Arti is not ready for production use!!!

2021-07-19T01:46:58+08:00 www/py-pygsheets Google Spreadsheets Python API v4
A simple, intuitive library for google sheets which gets your work done.

- Open, create, delete and share spreadsheets using title or key
- Intuitive models - spreadsheet, worksheet, cell, datarange
- Control permissions of spreadsheets.
- Set cell format, text format, color, write notes
- Named and Protected Ranges Support
- Work with range of cells easily with DataRange and Gridrange
- Data validation support. checkboxes, drop-downs etc.
- Conditional formatting support
- get multiple ranges with get_values_batch and update wit update_values_batch

2021-07-19T01:46:54+08:00 security/py-google-auth-oauthlib Google Authentication Library
google-auth-oauthlib provides oauthlib integration with google-auth.

2021-07-19T01:46:47+08:00 devel/py-pyquery jQuery-like library for Python
pyquery allows you to make jQuery queries on xml documents. The API is as much
as possible the similar to jQuery. pyquery uses lxml for fast xml and html

2021-07-19T01:46:47+08:00 www/p5-Plack-Middleware-DBIx-DisconnectAll Disconnect all database connection at end of request
Plack::Middleware::DBIx::DisconnectAll calls DBIx::DisconnectAll at end of
request and disconnects all database connections.

This modules is useful for freeing resources.

2021-07-19T01:46:43+08:00 devel/p5-Test2-Harness-UI Web interface for viewing and inspecting yath test logs
Test2::Harness::UI provides a web UI for yath logs.

2021-07-19T01:46:42+08:00 devel/p5-String-Interpolate-Named Interpolated named arguments in string
String::Interpolate::Named provides a function to interpolate named arguments by
target texts in a template string. The target texts are provided to the function
via a hash, where the keys correspond to the named argument to be replaced, or a
subroutine that performs the lookup.

2021-07-19T01:46:41+08:00 devel/p5-File-LoadLines Load lines from file
File::LoadLines provides an easy way to load the contents of a text file into an
array of lines. It is intended for relatively small files like config files that
are often produced by weird tools (and users).

It automatically handles ASCII, Latin-1 and UTF-8 text. When the file has a BOM,
it handles UTF-8, UTF-16 LE and BE, and UTF-32 LE and BE.

Recognized line terminators are NL (Unix, Linux), CRLF (DOS, Windows) and CR

2021-07-19T01:46:40+08:00 databases/p5-DBIx-DisconnectAll Disconnect all databases
DBIx::DisconnectAll is utility module to disconnect all connected databases.

DBI has DBI->disconnect_all methods, but some DBD modules does not support it,
so DBI->disconnect_all is undocumented yet and unusable.

DBIx::DisconnectAll realizes disconnect_all from DBI's public API.

2021-07-18T15:19:11+01:00 sysutils/brut Multitool, Partition Editor, Manage User/Groups
Graphical user interface (GUI) for various administrative tasks.

- partition editor, disk editor
- group/user management
- date, time, timezone

2021-07-18T21:45:10+09:00 japanese/font-firge Firge is a composite font of Fira Mono and GenShin-Gothic
Firge is a composite font of Fira Mono and GenShin-Gothic.

2021-07-18T21:45:10+09:00 japanese/font-firge-nerd Firge is a composite font of Fira Mono and GenShin-Gothic
Firge is a composite font of Fira Mono and GenShin-Gothic.

2021-07-17T10:02:41-03:00 textproc/docproj-legacy Meta-port for the FreeBSD Legacy Documentation Project
The FreeBSD Documentation Project maintains the FAQ, Handbook and tutorials.

This package does not contain anything by itself -- it is a
"meta-port" that depends on other text processing packages. Its sole
purpose is to require dependencies so users can install this package only
and have all the Documentation Project stuff pulled in by the port/package
dependency mechanism.

2021-07-17T12:24:08-05:00 audio/mixxx22 DJ mixing application (previous version)
Mixxx is software for DJ'ing. You can use wave based audio files, Ogg Vorbis
and MP3 files as audio input. Mixxx can be controlled through the GUI and
with external controllers including MIDI devices, joysticks, and more.

2021-07-17T15:36:39+02:00 www/writeas-cli Command line client for / WriteFreely
Command line utility for publishing to any WriteFreely instance.
The WriteFreely CLI is compatible with WriteFreely v0.11 or later.


* Authenticate with any WriteFreely instance
* Publish drafts
* Manage multiple WriteFreely accounts on multiple instances
* A stable, easy back-end for your GUI app or desktop-based workflow
* Locally keeps track of any posts you make
* Update and delete posts
* Fetch any post by ID

2021-07-16T21:31:07-05:00 audio/portmidi Library for real time MIDI input and output
PortMIDI is a cross platform (Windows, macOS, Linux, and BSDs which support
alsalib) library for interfacing with operating systems' MIDI I/O APIs. It was
started by Ross Bencina and Phil Burk, then maintained by Roger B. Dannenberg,
and now maintained by the Mixxx DJ Software team.

2021-07-16T21:07:26-05:00 audio/libkeyfinder Small C++11 library for estimating the musical key of digital audio
libkeyfinder is a small C++11 library for estimating the musical key of digital
audio. It is published under the GNU General Public License version 3 or later.

It was written by Ibrahim Shaath who wrote it in 2011 as part of a master's
thesis in computer science. A GUI application to use it is available for macOS
and Windows, however that is no longer maintained and does not build on
contemporary Linux distributions.

In 2020, Ibrahim handed over maintenance of libkeyfinder to the Mixxx DJ
software team who incorporated it into Mixxx as of Mixxx 2.3. If you want to
discuss anything related to libkeyfinder with us, please get in touch on the
Mixxx Zulip chat. Contributions are welcome by opening pull requests and issues
on GitHub.

2021-07-16T04:31:19+08:00 devel/rubygem-flipper021 Act of enabling/disabling features in your application
Feature flipping is the act of enabling or disabling features or parts of your
application, ideally without re-deploying or changing anything in your code

The goal of this gem is to make turning features on or off so easy that everyone
does it. Whatever your data store, throughput, or experience, feature flipping
should be easy and have minimal impact on your application.

2021-07-15T10:57:58-07:00 games/ API wrapper for Discord written in Python is a modern, easy to use, feature-rich, and async ready API
wrapper for Discord written in Python.

2021-04-09T01:31:49+03:00 lang/python310 Interpreted object-oriented programming language (beta version)
Python is an interpreted object-oriented programming language, and is
often compared to Tcl, Perl or Scheme.

2021-07-14T18:58:32+03:00 devel/py-types-futures Typing stubs for futures
This is an auto-generated PEP 561 type stub package for futures
package. It can be used by type-checking tools like mypy, PyCharm,
pytype etc. to check code that uses futures.

2021-07-15T01:28:41+08:00 security/rubygem-omniauth1 Generalized Rack framework for multiple-provider authentication
A generalized Rack framework for multiple-provider authentication.

2021-07-14T16:36:54+00:00 net-mgmt/icingaweb2-module-x509 Automates certificate monitoring with Icinga
The certificate monitoring module for Icinga keeps track
of certificates as they are deployed in a network environment.
It does this by scanning networks for TLS services
and collects whatever certificates it finds along the way.
The certificates are verified using its own trust store.

2021-07-14T23:48:44+08:00 x11-toolkits/rubygem-gtksourceview4 Ruby binding of gtksourceview 4.x
Ruby/GtkSourceView3 is a Ruby binding of gtksourceview-3.x.

2021-07-14T23:48:43+08:00 x11-toolkits/rubygem-gtk4 Ruby binding of GTK+ 4.x
Ruby/GTK4 is a Ruby binding of GTK+-4.x.

2021-07-14T23:48:42+08:00 x11-toolkits/rubygem-gdk4 Ruby binding of GDK 4.x
Ruby/GDK4 is a Ruby binding of GDK-4.x.

2021-07-14T23:48:41+08:00 www/py-django-hashid-field Hashids obfuscated Django Model Field
A custom Model Field that uses the Hashids library to obfuscate an IntegerField
or AutoField. It can be used in new models or dropped in place of an existing
IntegerField, explicit AutoField, or an automatically generated AutoField.

2021-07-14T23:48:38+08:00 textproc/py-pyexcel-xlsx Read, manipulate and write data in xlsx and xlsm format
pyexcel-xlsx is a tiny wrapper library to read, manipulate and write data in
xlsx and xlsm format using read_only mode reader, write_only mode writer from
openpyxl. You are likely to use it with pyexcel.

2021-07-14T23:48:33+08:00 textproc/py-pyexcel-xls Read, manipulate and write data in xls format
pyexcel-xls is a tiny wrapper library to read, manipulate and write data in xls
format and it can read xlsx and xlsm fromat. You are likely to use it with

2021-07-14T23:48:29+08:00 textproc/py-pyexcel-ods3 Read, manipulate and write data in ods format
pyexcel-ods3 is a tiny wrapper library to read, manipulate and write data in ods
format. You are likely to use pyexcel together with this library.

2021-07-14T23:48:24+08:00 textproc/py-pyexcel-io Read/write structured data in CSV, zipped CSV format and to/from databases
pyexcel-io provides one application programming interface (API) to read and
write the data in excel format, import the data into and export the data from
database. It provides support for csv(z) format, django database and sqlalchemy
supported databases. Its supported file formats are extended to cover "xls",
"xlsx", "ods".

2021-07-14T23:48:20+08:00 textproc/py-pyexcel-ezodf Create/manipulate OpenDocumentFormat files
ezodf is a Python package to create new or open existing OpenDocument (ODF)
files to extract, add, modify or delete document data. pyexcel-ezodf is a fork
maintained by pyexcel.

2021-07-14T23:48:15+08:00 textproc/py-pyexcel Provide one API to read, manipulate and writedata in different excel formats
pyexcel lets you focus on data, instead of file formats. It supports csv, tsv,
csvz, tsvz, xls, xlsx, xlsm, ods, fods, json, html, simple, rst and media wiki

2021-07-14T23:48:11+08:00 textproc/py-hashids Implement the hashids algorithm in python
hashids is a Python port of the JavaScript hashids implementation. It generates
YouTube-like hashes from one or many numbers. Use hashids when you do not want
to expose your database ids to the user.

2021-07-14T23:48:06+08:00 math/py-pyreadr Read/write R RData and Rds files into/from pandas data frames
pyreadr is a python package to read and write R RData and Rds files into/from
pandas dataframes. It does not need to have R or other external dependencies

2021-07-14T23:47:58+08:00 devel/py-poetry2setup Convert python-poetry to
poetry2setup converts python-poetry (pyproject.toml) to It only relies
on poetry.core, so the effect is better than any other third-party software. The
author created this library because python-poetry does not support exporting to and dephell will generate incorrectly in some cases.

2021-07-14T23:47:44+08:00 net/gupnp-tools Set of utilities and demos to work with UPnP
GUPnP is an object-oriented open source framework for creating UPnP devices and
control points, written in C using GObject and libsoup. The GUPnP API is
intended to be easy to use, efficient and flexible.

GUPnP Tools are free replacements of Intel UPnP tools that use GUPnP. They
provides the following client and server side tools which enable one to easily
test and debug one's UPnP devices and control points:
- Universal Control Point: a tool that enables one to discover UPnP devices and
services, retrieve information about them, subscribe to events and invoke
- Network Light: a virtual light bulb that allows control points to switch it on
and off, change its dimming level and query its current status. It also
provides a simple UI to control all the network lights available on the
- AV Control Point: a simple media player UI that enables one to discover and
play multimedia contents available on a network. It is strictly a control
point and therefore does not have any playback capabilities of it's own and
relies on external UPnP MediaRenderer devices for actual playback.
- Upload: a simple commandline utility that uploads files to known MediaServers.
Use Universal Control Point for discovering the MediaServers.

2021-04-28T15:20:58+02:00 net-p2p/bazarr Automatic subtitle downloader for Radarr and Sonarr
Bazarr is a companion application to Sonarr and Radarr.
It manages and downloads subtitles based on your requirements.
You define your preferences by TV show or movie
and Bazarr takes care of everything for you.
2021-04-28T15:20:58+02:00 net-p2p/bazarr-devel Automatic subtitle downloader for Radarr and Sonarr
Bazarr is a companion application to Sonarr and Radarr.
It manages and downloads subtitles based on your requirements.
You define your preferences by TV show or movie
and Bazarr takes care of everything for you.
2021-07-14T12:32:37+02:00 net/remarkable-devd Devd hotplug rules for Remarkable Tablet
Automatic IP address when connecting a Remarkable Tablet to USB. This
makes it possible to access your Remarkable tablet via ssh or its USB
web interface when it's enabled.
2021-07-04T23:36:21+02:00 security/certmgr Automated certificate management using a CFSSL CA
certmgr is a tool for managing certificates using CFSSL. It does the

- Ensures certificates are present.
- Renews certificates before they expire.
- Triggering a service reload or restart on certificate updates.

It operates on certificate specs, which are JSON files containing the
information needed to generate a certificate.

2021-07-13T20:36:03-07:00 math/py-pytorchvideo Video understanding deep learning library
PyTorchVideo is a deeplearning library with a focus on video understanding
work. PytorchVideo provides reusable, modular and efficient components needed
to accelerate the video understanding research. PyTorchVideo is developed using
PyTorch and supports different deeplearning video components like video models,
video datasets, and video-specific transforms.

2021-07-13T20:29:40-07:00 math/py-fvcore Shared code among different Facebook research projects
fvcore is a light-weight core library that provides the most common and
essential functionality shared in various computer vision frameworks
developed in FAIR, such as Detectron2, PySlowFast, and ClassyVision. All
components in this library are type-annotated, tested, and benchmarked.

2021-06-30T23:32:08+00:00 x11/nwg-bar GTK3-based button bar for sway and other wlroots-based compositors
nwg-bar is a Golang replacement to the nwgbar command (a part of
nwg-launchers), with some improvements. Aimed at sway, works with
wlroots-based compositors only.

The nwg-bar command creates a button bar on the basis of a JSON
template placed in the ~/.config/nwg-bar/ folder. By default the
command displays a horizontal bar in the center of the screen. Use
command line arguments to change the placement.

2021-07-13T11:43:49-07:00 devel/py-yacs Yet Another Configuration System
YACS is a lightweight library to define and manage system configurations, such
as those commonly found in software designed for scientific experimentation.

These "configurations" typically cover concepts like hyperparameters used in
training a machine learning model or configurable model hyperparameters, such
as the depth of a convolutional neural network.

2021-07-13T11:28:36-07:00 devel/py-iopath Library providing I/O interface among storage backends
iopath is a lightweight I/O abstraction library that provides a common
interface across storage backends.

2021-07-13T07:35:12+00:00 sysutils/batterycat Graphical battery monitoring tool
BatteryCat is a laptop battery monitoring and health tool: it monitors
the current charging state as well as the long-term degradation of the
laptop's battery by keeping history.

2021-07-12T22:45:44+00:00 sysutils/mkjail Fat jail creation script
mkjail can be used on FreeBSD to create new jails, keep them updated,
and upgrade to a new release.

mkjail requires the use of ZFS and will create each new jail in a
separate filesystem.

mkjail is not a jail manager. Jails are configured via /etc/jail.conf
and started/stopped via service jail start foo.

2021-07-12T21:09:26+00:00 devel/py-celery-progress Distributed Task Queue
Task queues are used as a mechanism to distribute work across threads or

Celery communicates via messages, usually using a broker to mediate between
clients and workers.

2021-07-12T15:54:01+02:00 sysutils/cbsd-mq-api Simplified API for creating and destroying CBSD virtual environments
Provides a simplified API for creating and destroying CBSD
virtual environments.

2021-07-11T18:52:14-07:00 audio/zita-alsa-pcmi Easy access to ALSA PCM devices
Library and tools to access to ALSA PCM devices.

2021-07-11T18:40:05-07:00 audio/zita-at1 Autotuner Jack application
Zita-at1 is a 'autotuner' Jack application, normally used to correct the pitch
of vocal tracks that are out of tune.

2021-07-11T10:49:04-07:00 audio/ebumeter Real-time audio level metering according to the EBU R-128
Ebumeter provides real-time level metering according to the EBU R-128
recommendation. The current release implements all features required by the EBU
document except the oversampled peak level monitoring. This will be added in a
future release. A separate command-line utility to measure audio files is
provided as well.

2021-07-11T10:40:37-07:00 audio/zita-mu1 Simple Jack app used to organise stereo monitoring
Zita-mu1 is a simple Jack app used to organise stereo monitoring. Originally
written for use with Ardour2, but still useful with Ardour3 (or other DAWs) as
it provides some extra functions.

2021-07-11T10:38:31-07:00 audio/zita-rev1 Reworked version of the reverb originally developed for Aeolus
Zita-rev1 is a reworked version of the reverb originally developed for Aeolus.
The Jack application can be used in either stereo or ambisonic mode.

2021-07-11T10:33:10-07:00 audio/zita-bls1 Blumlein Shuffler converter of binaural signals to stereo speaker pair
Zita-bls1 is a digital implementation of the 'Blumlein Shuffler', used to
convert binaural signals into a form suitable for reproduction on a conventional
stereo speaker pair.

2021-07-11T10:30:10-07:00 audio/zita-dpl1 Look-ahead digital peak level limiter
Zita-dpl1 is a look-ahead digital peak level limiter using some special
algorithms to allow fast response without excessive LF distortion.

2021-07-11T11:09:20+08:00 www/mediawiki136 Wiki engine used by Wikipedia
MediaWiki is the collaborative editing software that runs Wikipedia,
the free encyclopedia, and other projects.
It's designed to handle a large number of users and pages without imposing
too rigid a structure or workflow.

2021-07-10T11:36:38-07:00 audio/jmatconvol Real-time convolution engine for dense matrix of short convolutions
Jconvolver is a Convolution Engine for JACK, based on FFT convolution and using
non-uniform partition sizes: small ones at the start of the IR and building up
to the most efficient size further on. It can perform zero-delay processing with
moderate CPU load. Jconvolver uses the convolution engine designed for Aella, a
convolution application for reverberation processing (to be announced later).
This distributes the calculation over up to five threads, one for each partition
size, running at priorities just below the the one of JACK's processing thread.
This engine is a separate library that will be documented as soon as I can find
the time.

Main features:
* Any matrix of convolutions between up to up 64 inputs and 64 outputs, as long
as your CPU(s) can handle it.
* Allows trading off CPU load to processing delay, and remains efficient even
when configured for zero delay.
* Sparse and diagonal matrices are handled as efficiently as dense ones. No CPU
cycles or memory resources are wasted on empty cells in the matrix, nor on
empty partitions if IRs are of different length.
2021-07-10T11:33:32-07:00 audio/jconvolver Real-time convolution engine
Jconvolver is a Convolution Engine for JACK, based on FFT convolution and using
non-uniform partition sizes: small ones at the start of the IR and building up
to the most efficient size further on. It can perform zero-delay processing with
moderate CPU load. Jconvolver uses the convolution engine designed for Aella, a
convolution application for reverberation processing (to be announced later).
This distributes the calculation over up to five threads, one for each partition
size, running at priorities just below the the one of JACK's processing thread.
This engine is a separate library that will be documented as soon as I can find
the time.

Main features:
* Any matrix of convolutions between up to up 64 inputs and 64 outputs, as long
as your CPU(s) can handle it.
* Allows trading off CPU load to processing delay, and remains efficient even
when configured for zero delay.
* Sparse and diagonal matrices are handled as efficiently as dense ones. No CPU
cycles or memory resources are wasted on empty cells in the matrix, nor on
empty partitions if IRs are of different length.
2021-07-09T18:48:53+00:00 sysutils/u-boot-nanopi-r4s
U-Boot loader and related files for the FriendlyARM NanoPi-R4S (4GB/LPDDR4)

To install this bootloader on an sdcard just do:

dd if=/usr/local/share/u-boot/u-boot-nanopi-r4s/idbloader.img of=/path/to/sdcarddevice seek=64 bs=512 conv=sync
dd if=/usr/local/share/u-boot/u-boot-nanopi-r4s/u-boot.itb of=/path/to/sdcarddevice seek=16384 bs=512 conv=sync

2021-07-09T18:28:22+00:00 www/yarr Yet another rss reader
yarr (yet another rss reader) is a web-based feed aggregator which can
be used both as a desktop application and a personal self-hosted server.

It is written in Go with the frontend in Vue.js. The storage is backed
by SQLite.

2021-07-09T07:26:58-05:00 biology/erminej Analyses of gene sets such as gene expression profiling studies
ErmineJ performs analyses of gene sets in high-throughput genomics data such as
gene expression profiling studies. A typical goal is to determine whether
particular biological pathways are "doing something interesting" in an
experiment that generates long lists of candidates. The software is designed to
be used by biologists with little or no informatics background (but if you do,
you might be interested in the CLI or the R support).

2021-07-09T13:46:48+02:00 graphics/synfig Vector based 2D animation package
synfig is a vector based 2D animation package. It is designed to be
capable of producing feature-film quality animation. It eliminates the
need for tweening, preventing the need to hand-draw each frame. synfig
features spatial and temporal resolution independence (sharp and smooth
at any resolution or frame rate), high dynamic range images, and a
flexible plugin system.

This package contains the renderer used to convert synfig .sif files to
raster images, videos and other formats. Layer types include geometric,
gradient, filter, distortion, transformation, fractal and others. Output
targets include JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, PPM, DV, OpenEXR, ffmpeg (MPEG1),
libavcodec (AVI), imagemagick (MIFF), yuv420p and others.

2021-07-08T17:24:18-07:00 devel/google-cloud-cpp117 C++ Idiomatic Clients for Google Cloud Platform services
Google cloud C++ librariesC++ libraries for use with the Google
Cloud platform. Google Cloud Platform provides infrastructure as a
service, platform as a service, and serverless computing environments.

2021-07-08T11:03:56-07:00 net/freebsd-telnetd FreeBSD telnetd
FreeBSD-telnetd: This is/was FreeBSD libexec/telnetd prior to its removal
in FreeBSD-14.

2021-07-07T10:37:53+02:00 x11/x-on-resize Daemon for hotplug and screen reconfigure events of X displays
x-on-resize is a simple display configuration daemon.

It is used to monitor the X display for output configuration
changes and/or screen resize events. When these occur, it can call
external programs to respond to the new display environment.

2021-07-07T08:16:45-03:00 x11/mate-applet-appmenu Application Menu plugin for mate-panel
This is an Application Menu applet providing Global Menu for the MATE panel.

2021-07-06T21:26:18-03:00 x11/appmenu-registrar Appmenu DBusMenu registrar
Provides a standalone Appmenu registrar that allows other applications
to access any active window's application menu tree.

2021-07-07T00:41:36+02:00 textproc/py-rstfmt Formatter for reStructuredText
rstfmt is a tool for automatically formatting reStructuredText files in a
consistent way.

Like Black and gofmt, the motivation is to provide a format that is reasonable
and minimally configurable to prevent teams from wasting time on style
discussions (or individuals on manually doing formatting, for that matter).

Currently, rstfmt is in a very early stage of development. Not all reST
constructs are covered and the interface or formatting may change at any time
without warning.

2021-07-07T03:14:48+08:00 www/rubygem-faraday-patron Faraday adapter for Patron
Faraday::Patron is a Faraday adapter for the Patron library. Faraday is an HTTP
client library that provides a common interface over many adapters. Every
adapter is defined into its own gem. This gem defines the adapter for Patron.

2021-07-07T03:14:39+08:00 www/rubygem-faraday-httpclient Faraday adapter for HTTPClient
Faraday::Faraday is a Faraday adapter for the HTTPClient library. Faraday is an
HTTP client library that provides a common interface over many adapters. Every
adapter is defined into its own gem. This gem defines the adapter for

2021-07-07T03:13:58+08:00 devel/p5-XS-Parse-Sublike XS functions to assist in parsing sub-like syntax
XS::Parse::Sublike provides some XS functions to assist in writing parsers for
sub-like syntax, primarily for authors of keyword plugins using the
PL_keyword_plugin hook mechanism. It is unlikely to be of much use to anyone
else; and highly unlikely to be any use when writing perl code using these.
Unless you are writing a keyword plugin using XS, this module is not for you.

2021-07-07T03:12:31+08:00 devel/p5-Object-Pad Simple syntax for lexical slot-based objects
Object::Pad provides a simple syntax for creating object classes, which uses
private variables that look like lexicals as object member fields.

2021-07-06T22:54:58+08:00 graphics/rubygem-red-colors Provide a wide array of features for dealing with colors
Red Colors provides a wide array of features for dealing with colors. This
includes conversion between colorspaces, desaturation, and parsing colors.

2021-07-06T22:54:53+08:00 graphics/rubygem-histogram Give objects the ability to 'histogram' in several useful ways
Generates histograms similar to R's hist and numpy's histogram functions.
Inspired somewhat by Richard Cottons's matlab implementation and the wikipedia
histogram article.

2021-07-06T22:54:47+08:00 devel/rubygem-simplecov_json_formatter JSON formatter for SimpleCov
JSON formatter for SimpleCov generates a formatted JSON report of your SimpleCov
ruby code coverage results.

2021-07-06T22:54:41+08:00 devel/rubygem-generator Templates generators
Generator gem is designed for use in Ruby projects and provides templates
generators like Rails 3.

2021-07-06T22:54:37+08:00 www/py-priority1 Pure-Python implementation of the HTTP/2 priority tree
Priority is a pure-Python implementation of the priority logic for HTTP/2, set
out in RFC 7540 Section 5.3 (Stream Priority). This logic allows for clients to
express a preference for how the server allocates its (limited) resources to the
many outstanding HTTP requests that may be running over a single HTTP/2

Specifically, this Python implementation uses a variant of the implementation
used in the excellent H2O project. This original implementation is also the
inspiration for nghttp2's priority implementation, and generally produces a very
clean and even priority stream. The only notable changes from H2O's
implementation are small modifications to allow the priority implementation to
work cleanly as a separate implementation, rather than being embedded in a
HTTP/2 stack directly.

While priority information in HTTP/2 is only a suggestion, rather than an
enforceable constraint, where possible servers should respect the priority
requests of their clients.

2021-07-06T07:40:02+02:00 editors/py-vim-bridge Decorator enabing transparent calls to Python functions in Vim scripts
vim_bridge is a Python-to-Vim bridge decorator that allows transparent calls to
Python functions in native Vim scripts.

2021-07-05T12:34:48-07:00 math/oink Modern parity game solvers written in C++
Oink is an modern implementation of parity game solvers written in C++. Oink
aims to provide high-performance implementations of state-of-the-art algorithms
representing different approaches to solving parity games.

2021-07-05T08:13:20-07:00 sysutils/cfengine-masterfiles318 cfengine sample policies for installations and upgrades
CFEngine 3 is a popular open source configuration management system.
Its primary function is to provide automated configuration and
maintenance of large-scale computer systems.

The repository is intended to provide a stable base policy for
installations and upgrades, and is used by CFEngine 3.6 and newer.
The port installs the repository as examples which should be copied by
the user to the masterfiles directory (usually /var/cfengine/masterfiles).

2021-07-05T08:10:22-07:00 sysutils/cfengine318 Systems administration tool for networks
Cfengine is an automated suite of programs for configuring and
maintaining Unix-like computers. It has been used on computing arrays
of between 1 and 20,000 computers since 1993 by a wide range of
organizations. Cfengine is supported by active research and was the
first autonomic, hands-free management system for Unix-like operating
systems. Cfengine is an autonomic maintenance system not merely a
change management roll-out tool. Cfengine has a history of security
and adaptability.

2021-07-05T15:00:31+02:00 databases/pg_tileserv PostGIS-only tile server written in Go
pg_tileserv is a PostGIS-only tile server written in Go. By restricting itself
to only using PostGIS as a data source, pg_tileserv gains the following

- Automatic configuration. The server can discover and automatically publish
as tiles sources all tables it has read access to: just point it at a
PostgreSQL/PostGIS database.
- Full SQL flexibility. Using function layers, the server can run any SQL to
generate tile outputs. Any data processing, feature filtering, or record
aggregation that can be expressed in SQL, can be exposed as parameterized tile
- Database security model. You can restrict access to tables and functions
using standard database access control. This means you can also use advanced
access control techniques, like row-level security to dynamically filter
access based on the login role.

2021-07-04T19:37:00+00:00 security/nextcloud-twofactor_webauthn U2F webauthn app for Nextcloud
A two-factor provider for Webauthn devices

2021-07-04T21:27:25+02:00 math/lib2geom Easy to use 2D geometry library in C++
2geom is a C++ library of mathematics for paths, curves, and other geometric
calculations. Designed for vector graphics, it tackles Bézier curves, conic
sections, paths, intersections, transformations, and basic geometries.

2021-07-04T15:03:47+02:00 sysutils/fusefs-unreliablefs FUSE-based fault injection filesystem
UnreliableFS is a FUSE-based fault injection filesystem that allows to change
fault-injections in runtime using simple configuration file.

Supported fault injections are:

- errinj_errno - return error value and set random errno.
- errinj_kill_caller - send SIGKILL to a process that invoked file operation.
- errinj_noop - replace file operation with no operation (similar to
libeatmydata, but applicable to any file operation).
- errinj_slowdown - slowdown invoked file operation.

2021-07-03T08:00:55+02:00 devel/rubygem-gitlab-rdoc RDoc produces HTML and command-line documentation for Ruby projects
RDoc produces HTML and command-line documentation for Ruby projects. RDoc
includes the +rdoc+ and +ri+ tools for generating and displaying online
documentation. See RDoc for a description of RDoc's markup and basic use.

2021-06-23T00:10:12+02:00 www/rubygem-responders-rails61 Simple Ruby DSL for making HTTP requests
Responders provides a set of responders modules to dry up your Rails app.

2021-06-23T00:10:12+02:00 www/rubygem-redis-rails-rails61 Redis for Ruby on Rails
Redis for Ruby on Rails

2021-06-23T00:10:12+02:00 www/rubygem-lograge-rails61 Tame Rails' multi-line logging into a single line per request #'
Tame Rails' multi-line logging into a single line per request

Lograge is an attempt to bring sanity to Rails' noisy and unusable, unparsable
and, in the context of running multiple processes and servers, unreadable
default logging output. Rails' default approach to log everything is great
during development, it's terrible when running it in production.

2021-06-23T00:10:12+02:00 www/rubygem-kaminari-rails61 Sophisticated paginator for Rails 4+
Kaminari is a Scope & Engine based, clean, powerful, agnostic, customizable and
sophisticated paginator for Rails 3

2021-06-23T00:10:12+02:00 www/rubygem-kaminari-activerecord-rails61 Kaminari Active Record adapter
kaminari-activerecord lets your Active Record models be paginatable.

2021-06-23T00:10:12+02:00 www/rubygem-kaminari-actionview-rails61 Kaminari Action View adapter
kaminari-actionview provides pagination helpers for your Action View templates.

2021-06-23T00:10:12+02:00 www/rubygem-gon-rails61 Framework to pass data to JS easily
If you need to send some data to your js files and you don't want to do this
with long way trough views and parsing - use this force!

2021-06-23T00:10:12+02:00 security/rubygem-devise-two-factor-rails61 Barebones two-factor authentication with Devise
Barebones two-factor authentication with Devise

2021-06-23T00:10:12+02:00 net/rubygem-kas-grpc Auto-generated gRPC client for KAS
Auto-generated gRPC client for KAS.

2021-06-23T00:10:12+02:00 mail/rubygem-premailer-rails-rails61 Improve the rendering of HTML emails
This gem brings you the power of the premailer gem to Rails
without any configuration needs. Create HTML emails, include
a CSS file as you do in a normal HTML document and premailer
will inline the included CSS.

2021-06-23T00:10:12+02:00 devel/rubygem-redis-activesupport-rails61 Redis store for ActiveSupport::Cache
Redis store for ActiveSupport::Cache

2021-06-23T00:10:12+02:00 devel/rubygem-rails-i18n-rails61 Common locale data and translations for Rails i18n
A set of common locale data and translations to internationalize and/or localize
your Rails applications.

2021-06-23T00:10:12+02:00 devel/rubygem-peek-rails61 Take a peek into your Rails application
This is a profiling tool originally built at GitHub to help us get an insight
into our application. Now, we have extracted this into Peek, so that other Rails
application can experience the same benefit.

Peek puts a little bar on top of your application to show you all sorts of
helpful information about your application. From the screenshot above, you can
see that Peek provides information about database queries, cache, Resque workers
and more. However, this is only part of Peek's beauty.

The true beauty of Peek lies in the fact that it is an extensible platform. If
there are some performance metrics that you need but are not available on Peek,
you can find it from the list of available Peek Views and integrate it into
Peek. Even if you do not find what you want on Peek Views, you can always create
your own.

2021-06-23T00:10:12+02:00 devel/rubygem-gettext_i18n_rails_js-rails61 Make gettext_i18n_rails .po files as JSON
GettextI18nRailsJs extends gettext_i18n_rails, making your .PO files available
to client side Javascript as JSON. It will find translations inside your .js,
.coffee, .handlebars and .mustache files, then it will create JSON versions of
your .PO files so you can serve them with the rest of your assets, thus letting
you access all your translations offline from client side Javascript.

2021-06-23T00:10:12+02:00 devel/rubygem-flipper-active_support_cache_store-rails61 ActiveSupport::Cache store adapter for Flipper
ActiveSupport::Cache store adapter for Flipper

2021-06-23T00:10:12+02:00 devel/rubygem-devise47-rails61 Flexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden
Flexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden

2021-06-23T00:10:12+02:00 devel/rubygem-devise-rails61 Flexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden
Flexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden

2021-06-23T00:10:12+02:00 databases/rubygem-redis-actionpack-rails61 Redis session store for ActionPack
Redis session store for ActionPack

2021-06-23T00:10:12+02:00 databases/rubygem-flipper-active_record-rails61 ActiveRecord adapter for Flipper
Flipper ActiveRecord is an ActiveRecord adapter for Flipper.

2021-07-02T12:35:19-07:00 audio/zita-njbridge Command line client to transmit audio over a local IP network
Command line Jack clients to transmit full quality multichannel audio over a
local IP network, with adaptive resampling by the receiver(s). Zita-njbridge can
be used for a one-to-one connection (using UDP) or in a one-to-many system
(using multicast). Sender and receiver(s) can each have their own sample rate
and period size, and no word clock sync between them is assumed. Up 64 channels
can be transmitted, receivers can select any combination of these. On a lightly
loaded or dedicated network zita-njbridge can provide low latency (same as for
an analog connection). Additional buffering can be specified in case there is
significant network delay jitter. IPv6 is fully supported.

2021-07-02T13:29:32-04:00 devel/tree-sitter Incremental parser generator
Tree-sitter is a parser generator tool and an incremental parsing library. It
can build a concrete syntax tree for a source file and efficiently update the
syntax tree as the source file is edited. Tree-sitter aims to be:

- General enough to parse any programming language
- Fast enough to parse on every keystroke in a text editor
- Robust enough to provide useful results even in the presence of syntax
- Dependency-free so that the runtime library (which is written in pure C)
can be embedded in any application

2021-07-02T12:00:29-05:00 biology/py-goatools Tools for processing and visualizing Gene Ontology terms
Goatools is a python library for processing Gene Ontology (GO) terms. It
includes routines for processing, filtering, and visualizing GO data.

2021-07-02T12:42:18-04:00 devel/forge-devel Work with Git forges from the comfort of Magit (Development Version)
Forge allows you to work with Git forges, such as Github and Gitlab,
from the comfort of Magit and the rest of Emacs.

Forge fetches issues, pull-requests and other data using the forge's
API and stores that in a local database. Additionally it fetches the
pull-request references using Git. Forge implements various features
that use this data but the database and pull-request refs can also be
used by third-party packages.

2021-07-02T12:40:43-04:00 devel/py-envs Easy access of environment variables from Python
Easy access of environment variables from Python with support for
booleans, strings, lists, tuples, integers, floats, and dicts.

If you need environment variables for your settings but need an easy way
of using Python objects instead of just strings. For example, if you
need a list of strings.

2021-07-02T15:03:03+02:00 textproc/kepubify EPUB to KEPUB converter
Kepubify converts EPUBs to KEPUBS. Kepubify also includes two
standalone utilities which do not depend on kepubify (and don't conflict
with Calibre): covergen (which pre-generates cover images), and
seriesmeta (which updates Calibre or EPUB3 series metadata).

2021-07-02T05:26:40-04:00 devel/py-ciso8601 Fast ISO8601 date time parser for Python written in C
ciso8601 converts ISO 8601 or RFC 3339 date time strings into Python
datetime objects. Since it's written as a C module, it is much faster
than other Python libraries.

Note: ciso8601 doesn't support the entirety of the ISO 8601 spec,
only a popular subset.

2021-07-01T10:01:55+02:00 sysutils/schilyutils Collection of utilities from J. Schilling
Collection of miscellaneous utilities from the schilytools, including
a variety of shells (bosh, bsh, and obosh), a traditional K&R-style
preprocessor (krcpp), improved versions of standard UNIX utilities
(scal, sod, sprintf, scut, sdd, sfind, spatch), a C/C++ style checker
(cstyle.js, Cstyle) as well as various others.

2021-07-01T10:01:55+02:00 net/rscsi Remote SCSI transport server program (daemon)
The rscsi command is a remote generic SCSI transport server program.
rscsi is a program that is run locally on the machine with SCSI
devices, it is used by remote programs like cdrecord(1), cdda2wav(1),
readcd(1), and sformat(1) that like to access SCSI devices through an
interprocess communication connection via libscg. rscsi is normally
started up with an rexec(3) or rcmd(3) call but it may also be
connected via an internal pipe to an ssh(1) session that was set up by
the remote user.

The rscsi command must be installed setuid root for full functionality.
For this reason it is provided as a separate package to cdrtools.

2021-07-01T10:01:55+02:00 misc/schilytools Collection of tools and libraries by J. Schilling (metaport)
Schily-Tools are a set of tools developed or maintained by Joerg Schilling.
This is a meta port to install all packages derived from the Schily-Tools.

Programs and tools included in the Schily-Tools bundle:

* Cdrtools (cdrecord/cdda2wav/mkisofs/...)
* The Schily-Bourne Shell
* The Schily-SunPro Make
* A K&R cpp derived from the original cpp sources from John F. Reiser
* cstyle is a C-indentation lint tool derived from the OpenSolaris sources
* spatch is derived from the last patch from Larry Wall, POSIX compliant
and using a 1-clause BSD license.
* SCCS derived from OpenSolaris sources
* star, the oldest free TAR implementation, started in 1982
* ved, A portable, easy to learn and extremely fast screen oriented editor.
2021-07-01T10:01:55+02:00 devel/sunpromake Parallel-execution enabled SunOS make program, enhanced to fit POSIX
SunPro Make is a parallel make program from SUN Microsystems.
This package was derived from the SunPro Make sources from
OpenSolaris. While the distributed make functionality has
never been open-sourced and is missing from this version of
SunPro Make, the parallel make functionality was succesfully
reconstructed from the present source.

2021-07-01T10:01:55+02:00 devel/schilybase Support files and libraries for the schilytools
Support files and libraries for schilytools, a collection
of programs by Joerg Schilling. This includes among others

* libedc -- CD sector formatting library
* libfind -- find(1) as a library
* libhfs -- library to handle Apple HFS extensions
* libmdigest -- message digest library
* libparanoia -- Portable CD Audio paranoia extraction library
* librscg -- remote SCSI transport library
* libsiconv -- NLS library for Unicode and iconv wrapper
* libscg -- portable SCSI transport library
* libschily -- portable extensions to the POSIX API
* libshedit -- bsh command line editor
* libxtermcap -- extended termcap library

2021-07-01T10:01:55+02:00 devel/sccs Source Code Control System (SCCS)
SCCS is an implementation of the POSIX standard Source Code Control
System. It provides actively maintained code based on the original UNIX
SCCS code OpenSourced by Sun as part of OpenSolaris and was made
portable to other platforms.

2021-07-01T09:38:45-07:00 audio/dmidiplayer Featured MIDI file player
Featured MIDI File Player for Linux, Windows, and macOS written in C++, and
using Qt5 and Drumstick2.

* MIDI Output to hardware MIDI ports, or any other Drumstick backend
* Transpose song tonality between -12 and +12 semitones

2021-07-01T07:23:02+00:00 x11/swayr Urgent-first/LRU window switcher for sway
Swayr consists of a demon, and a client. The demon swayrd records
window/workspace creations, deletions, and focus changes using sway's
JSON IPC interface. The client swayr offers subcommands, see swayr
--help, and sends them to the demon which executes them.

Right now, there are these subcommands:
* next-window focuses the next window in depth-first iteration order of the
* prev-window focuses the previous window in depth-first iteration order of
the tree.
* switch-window displays all windows in the order urgent first, then
last-recently-used, focused last and focuses the selected.
* quit-window displays all windows and quits the selected one.
* switch-to-urgent-or-lru-window switches to the next window with urgency
hint (if any) or to the last recently used window.
* switch-workspace displays all workspaces in LRU order and switches to the
selected one.
* switch-workspace-or-window displays all workspaces and their windows and
switches to the selected workspace or window.
* quit-workspace-or-window displays all workspaces and their windows and
allows to quit either the selected workspace (all its windows) or the
selected window.
* execute-swaymsg-command displays most swaymsg which don't require
additional input and executes the selected one. That's handy especially for
less often used commands not bound to a key.
* execute-swayr-command displays all commands above and executes the selected
one. (This is useful for accessing swayr commands which are not bound to a

2021-07-01T02:07:18+02:00 devel/py-resolvelib05 Resolve abstract dependencies into concrete ones
ResolveLib at the highest level provides a Resolver class that includes
dependency resolution logic. You give it some things, and a little information
on how it should interact with them, and it will spit out a resolution result.

2021-07-01T04:27:39+08:00 textproc/rubygem-cucumber-html-formatter13 HTML formatter for Cucumber
Cucumber HTML Formatter is a cross-platform formatter that produces a HTML
report for Cucumber runs. It is built on top of cucumber-react and works with
any Cucumber implementation with a protobuf formatter that outputs cucumber

2021-07-01T04:27:34+08:00 textproc/rubygem-cucumber-gherkin18 Fast Gherkin lexer/parser based on the Ragel State Machine Compiler
A fast Gherkin lexer/parser based on the Ragel State Machine Compiler.

2021-07-01T04:27:30+08:00 devel/rubygem-cucumber-messages15 Protocol Buffer messages for Cucumber
Cucumber Messages is a message protocol based on Protocol Buffers. It allows one
process to construct message objects and send them to another process. Protobuf
takes care of serialising those messages to a binary format, and deserialise
them on the other end.

2021-07-01T04:27:29+08:00 devel/rubygem-cucumber-create-meta4 Produce the meta message for Cucumber Ruby
Utility function for creating system-specific meta messages.

2021-07-01T04:27:28+08:00 devel/py-typer Library for building CLI applications
Typer is a library for building CLI applications that users will love using and
developers will love creating. Based on Python 3.6+ type hints.

The key features are:
- Intuitive to write: Great editor support. Completion everywhere. Less time
debugging. Designed to be easy to use and learn. Less time reading docs.
- Easy to use: It's easy to use for the final users. Automatic help, and
automatic completion for all shells.
- Short: Minimize code duplication. Multiple features from each parameter
declaration. Fewer bugs.
- Start simple: The simplest example adds only 2 lines of code to your app: 1
import, 1 function call.
- Grow large: Grow in complexity as much as you want, create arbitrarily complex
trees of commands and groups of subcommands, with options and arguments.

2021-07-01T04:27:27+08:00 devel/py-frictionless Framework to describe, extract, validate, and transform tabular data
Frictionless is a framework to describe, extract, validate, and transform
tabular data (DEVT Framework). It supports a great deal of data schemes and
formats, as well as provides popular platforms integrations. The framework is
powered by the lightweight yet comprehensive Frictionless Data Specifications.

2021-06-30T13:47:00+02:00 deskutils/maliit-keyboard Virtual keyboard based on Maliit framework
Maliit provides a flexible and cross-platform input method framework for mobile
and embedded text input, including a virtual keyboard. It has a plugin-based
client-server architecture where applications act as clients and communicate
with the Maliit server via input context plugins.

2021-06-30T13:18:18+02:00 deskutils/maliit-framework Core libraries of Maliit and server
Maliit provides a flexible and cross-platform input method framework for mobile
and embedded text input, including a virtual keyboard. It has a plugin-based
client-server architecture where applications act as clients and communicate
with the Maliit server via input context plugins.

2021-06-30T13:15:31+02:00 deskutils/qtfeedback Qt Tactile Feedback Add-on Module
The QtFeedback module offers classes that allow you to manage tactile feedback
and device vibration.

2021-06-30T13:06:17+02:00 deskutils/presage An intelligent predictive text entry system
Presage is an intelligent predictive text entry system.

Presage (formerly known as Soothsayer) generates predictions by modelling
natural language as a combination of redundant information sources. Presage
computes probabilities for words which are most likely to be entered next by
merging predictions generated by the different predictive algorithms. Presage’s
modular and extensible architecture allows its language model to be extended
and customized to utilize statistical, syntactic, and semantic predictive

2021-06-30T02:44:25-04:00 devel/py-awesomeversion Python module to deal with versions
Python module to deal with versions if it comes to comparing them.
Make anything a version object, and compare against a vast section of
other version formats.

2021-06-30T02:44:01-04:00 devel/py-backports.zoneinfo Backport of the standard library module zoneinfo
This package was originally the reference implementation for PEP 615,
which proposes support for the IANA time zone database in the standard
library, and now serves as a backport to Python 3.6+ (including PyPy).

This exposes the backports.zoneinfo module, which is a backport of the
zoneinfo module. The backport's documentation can be found on readthedocs.

The module uses the system time zone data if available, and falls back
to the tzdata package (available on PyPI) if installed.

2021-06-30T02:43:35-04:00 astro/py-astral Calculations for the position of the sun and moon
Astral is a python package for calculating the times of various
aspects of the sun and phases of the moon. It can calculate times for
various positions of the sun: dawn, sunrise, solar noon, sunset,
dusk, solar elevation, solar azimuth and rahukaalam, as well as the
phase of the moon for a specified date.

2021-06-30T02:43:09-04:00 textproc/yaml.el YAML parser in Elisp
yaml.el is a YAML parser written in Emacs List without any external
dependencies. It provides an interface similar to the Emacs JSON
parsing utility.

2021-06-29T19:25:29+00:00 security/nebula Scalable overlay networking tool
Nebula is a scalable overlay networking tool with
a focus on performance, simplicity and security.
It lets you seamlessly connect computers anywhere
in the world. Nebula is portable, and runs on Linux,
OSX, Windows, iOS, and Android. It can be used to
connect a small number of computers, but is also
able to connect tens of thousands of computers.

2021-06-28T18:16:31-07:00 net-im/tox_extension_messages Message extension library for tox
Message extension library for tox.

2021-06-28T18:14:13-07:00 net-im/toxext Extension library for tox
Tox provides a reasonable base set of features, but new features are slow to
implement, and may not be wanted by all clients. This is reasonable as any
protocol changes are API breaking and force clients to update to use them. Once
the features are in they are there forever meaning quality of the API and the
network layer have to be very strong.

An extension library with negotiation allows more experimentation with less risk
resulting in more features for tox clients.

2021-06-28T13:49:20+03:00 devel/py-types-PyYAML Typing stubs for PyYAML
This is an auto-generated PEP 561 type stub package for PyYAML
package. It can be used by type-checking tools like mypy, PyCharm,
pytype etc. to check code that uses PyYAML.

2021-06-28T13:48:34+03:00 devel/py-types-protobuf Typing stubs for protobuf
This is an auto-generated PEP 561 type stub package for protobuf
package. It can be used by type-checking tools like mypy, PyCharm,
pytype etc. to check code that uses protobuf.

2021-06-28T13:47:49+03:00 devel/py-types-requests Typing stubs for requests
This is an auto-generated PEP 561 type stub package for requests
package. It can be used by type-checking tools like mypy, PyCharm,
pytype etc. to check code that uses requests.

2021-06-28T09:39:48+00:00 multimedia/cineencoder HDR-aware multimedia file converter
Cine Encoder is GUI program based on FFmpeg, MKVToolNix, and MediaInfo
that allows to convert media files while preserving HDR metadata.

Supported hardware encoding NVENC for codecs H265, H264 and Intel QSV
(experimental) for codecs H264, MPEG-2. The following encoding modes
are implemented: H265, H264, VP9, MPEG-2, XDCAM, DNxHR, ProRes.

2021-06-28T01:01:08-04:00 security/R-cran-credentials Tools for Managing SSH and Git Credentials
Setup and retrieve HTTPS and SSH credentials for use with 'git'
and other services. For HTTPS remotes the package interfaces
the 'git-credential' utility which 'git' uses to store HTTP
usernames and passwords. For SSH remotes we provide convenient
functions to find or generate appropriate SSH keys. The package
both helps the user to setup a local git installation, and also
provides a back-end for git/ssh client libraries to authenticate
with existing user credentials.

2021-06-27T20:26:38-05:00 databases/firebird40-server Firebird-4 relational database (server)
Firebird is a relational database offering many ANSI SQL-99 features
that runs on Linux, Windows, and a variety of Unix platforms. Firebird
offers excellent concurrency, high performance, and powerful language
support for stored procedures and triggers. It has been used in
production systems, under a variety of names since 1981.

Firebird is completely free of any registration, licensing or deployment
fees. It may be deployed freely for use with any third-party software,
whether commercial or not.

2021-06-27T20:26:38-05:00 databases/firebird40-client Firebird-4 database client
2021-06-27T20:11:43-05:00 databases/firebird30-server Firebird-3 relational database (server)
Firebird is a relational database offering many ANSI SQL-99 features
that runs on Linux, Windows, and a variety of Unix platforms. Firebird
offers excellent concurrency, high performance, and powerful language
support for stored procedures and triggers. It has been used in
production systems, under a variety of names since 1981.

Firebird is completely free of any registration, licensing or deployment
fees. It may be deployed freely for use with any third-party software,
whether commercial or not.

2021-06-27T20:11:43-05:00 databases/firebird30-client Firebird-3 database client
2021-06-27T19:47:21+02:00 sysutils/setsid Run a command in a new session
Small wrapper for the setsid(2) syscall to run a command in a new

2021-06-27T10:57:26-07:00 audio/spectmorph Analyze and combine samples of musical instruments
SpectMorph is a free software project which allows to analyze samples of musical
instruments, and to combine them (morphing). It can be used to construct hybrid
sounds, for instance a sound between a trumpet and a flute; or smooth
transitions, for instance a sound that starts as a trumpet and then gradually
changes to a flute. In its current version, SpectMorph ships with many
ready-to-use instruments which can be combined using morphing.

2021-06-27T10:11:31-07:00 audio/bangr-lv2 Multi-dimensional dynamicly distorted staggered multi-bandpass
A multi-dimensional dynamicly distorted staggered multi-bandpass LV2 plugin, for
extreme soundmangling. Based on Airwindows XRegion.

Key features:
* Multi-bandpass / distortion
* Cross-fading between four instances
* Automatic or user-controlled

2021-06-26T19:24:33-07:00 audio/psindustrializer Percussion sounds synthesizer using physical modelling
Industrializer is a program for generating percussion sounds for musical
purposes. This program is great for generating new techno and industrial
sounds. It also can produce chimes, bubbles, gongs, hammer hits on different
materials and so on.

2021-06-26T21:51:07-04:00 devel/gradle6 Project automation tool
Gradle is build automation evolved.

Gradle can automate the building, testing, publishing, deployment
and more of software packages or other types of projects such as
generated static websites, generated documentation or indeed anything

Gradle combines the power and flexibility of Ant with the dependency
management and conventions of Maven into a more effective way to
build. Powered by a Groovy DSL and packed with innovation, Gradle
provides a declarative way to describe all kinds of builds through
sensible defaults. Gradle is quickly becoming the build system of
choice for many open source projects, leading edge enterprises and
legacy automation challenges.

2021-06-26T08:22:06+00:00 devel/libmodi Library and tools to access the Mac OS disk image formats
Library and tools to access the Mac OS disk image formats

2021-06-25T23:22:32-07:00 devel/py-jsonnet Python bindings for Jsonnet - The data templating language
Python bindings for Jsonnet - The data templating language.
Jsonnet lets you compute fragments of JSON within the structure, bringing
the same benefit to structured data that templating languages bring to plain

2021-06-25T22:39:46+02:00 textproc/snowballstemmer Snowball stemmer library for C
Stemming algorithms library for the C language provided by the
snowball project.

2021-06-25T21:33:51+08:00 devel/py-ctypesgen Python wrapper generator for ctypes
ctypesgen is a pure-python ctypes wrapper generator. It can also output JSON,
which can be used with Mork, which generates bindings for Lua, using the alien
module (which binds libffi to Lua).

2021-06-25T00:00:53+08:00 japanese/qolibri EPWING dictionary viewer
EPWING dictionary reader originally developed at

2021-06-24T12:29:51-05:00 biology/mmseqs2 Ultra fast and sensitive sequence search and clustering suite
MMseqs2 (Many-against-Many sequence searching) is a software suite to search
and cluster huge protein and nucleotide sequence sets. MMseqs2 is open source
GPL-licensed software implemented in C++ for Linux, MacOS, and (as beta
version, via cygwin) Windows. The software is designed to run on multiple cores
and servers and exhibits very good scalability. MMseqs2 can run 10000 times
faster than BLAST. At 100 times its speed it achieves almost the same
sensitivity. It can perform profile searches with the same sensitivity as
PSI-BLAST at over 400 times its speed.

2021-06-22T12:55:15-05:00 biology/sra-tools NCBI's toolkit for handling data in INSDC Sequence Read Archives
SRA tools is a toolkit for using data in the INSDC Sequence Read Archives.

SRAs operated by International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration
houses sequence reads and alignments generated by "next-gen" sequencers.
SRA tools allows conversion of .sra files, which INSDC SRAs maintain,
from/to other formats that the 'next-gen' sequenecers generate including:

* csfasta/csqual (ABI SOLiD)
* fastq (and fasta for writing)
* hdf5 (PacBio, reading only)
* qseq (older Illumina)
* sam (writing only) / bam (reading only)
* sff

The toolkit uses NCBI-VDB back-end enabling seamless access to remote SRA data
and local SRA files.

2021-06-19T22:37:54+02:00 devel/py-qt5-positioning Python bindings for the Qt5 toolkit, QtPositioning module
PyQt5 is a set of Python bindings for Digia's Qt5 application framework.
This package provides the QtPositioning module.

The QtPositioning module contains classes to determine a position by
using a variety of possible sources, including satellite, or wifi, or
a text file, and so on. That information can then be used to, for
example, determine a position on a map. In addition satellite
information can be retrieved and area based monitoring can be performed.

2021-06-21T19:29:29+00:00 x11/nwg-menu MenuStart plugin to nwg-panel, also capable of working standalone
nwg-menu displays the system menu with simplified FreeDesktop Main
Categories (8 instead of 13). It also provides the search entry, to
look for installed application on the basis of .desktop files, and for
files in XDG user directories.

It's being developed with sway in mind, but should also work with
other wlroots-based Wayland compositors such as Wayfire.

2021-06-21T20:20:34+00:00 x11/nwg-dock GTK3-based dock for sway
Fully configurable (with command line arguments and css) dock, written
in Go, aimed exclusively at sway Wayland compositor. It features
pinned buttons, task buttons, the workspace switcher and the launcher
button. By default the launcher starts nwg-drawer or nwggrid (if found).

2021-06-21T21:36:11+00:00 x11/nwg-drawer Application drawer for sway and other wlroots compositors
nwg-drawer displays the application grid. The search entry
allows to look for installed applications, and for files in XDG user
directories. The grid view may also be filtered by categories.

nwg-drawer is a golang replacement to nwggrid from nwg-launchers.
It's being developed with sway in mind, but should also work with
other wlroots-based Wayland compositors.

2021-06-21T22:27:14+02:00 comms/rtl-433 Generic RF data receiver and decoder for ISM band devices
rtl_433 is a generic data receiver, mainly for the 433.92 MHz, 868 MHz
(SRD), 315 MHz, and 915 MHz ISM bands. It works with RTL-SDR and/or
SoapySDR. Actively tested and supported are Realtek RTL2832 based DVB
dongles (using RTL-SDR) and LimeSDR (LimeSDR USB and LimeSDR mini
engineering samples kindly provided by MyriadRf), PlutoSDR, HackRF One
(using SoapySDR drivers), as well as SoapyRemote.

2021-06-20T21:56:10-04:00 devel/R-cran-roxygen2 In-Line Documentation for R
Generate your Rd documentation, 'NAMESPACE' file, and collation field using
specially formatted comments. Writing documentation in-line with code makes
it easier to keep your documentation up-to-date as your requirements change.
'Roxygen2' is inspired by the 'Doxygen' system for C++.

2021-06-21T04:44:33+08:00 net/py-pyroute2.protocols Python Netlink library: supplementary protocols
PyRoute2 is a pure Python netlink library.

Supplementary module with some related protocols.

2021-06-21T04:44:24+08:00 net/py-pyroute2.nslink Python Netlink library: NetNS, NSPopen and remote modules
PyRoute2 is a pure Python netlink library.

This module provides NetNS, NSPopen and RemoteSocket classes.

2021-06-21T04:44:14+08:00 net/py-pyroute2.nftables Python Netlink library: nftables
PyRoute2 is a pure Python netlink library.

This module provides very basic nftables API.

2021-06-21T04:44:05+08:00 net/py-pyroute2.ndb Python Netlink library: NDB module
PyRoute2 is a pure Python netlink library.

NDB is a high-level network management module. It provides a transactional DB
with multiple sources, from local RTNL source to netns and remote systems. The
DB provides Python API and HTTP RPC (json and plain text), my run as a
standalone service or may be used as a Python module.

2021-06-21T04:43:55+08:00 net/py-pyroute2.minimal Python Netlink library: minimal installation
PyRoute2 is a pure Python netlink library.

This module provides minimal subset of pyroute2 modules. Only netlink parser,
basic netns management and some netlink protocols implementations.

2021-06-21T04:43:46+08:00 net/py-pyroute2.ipset Python Netlink library: ipset
PyRoute2 is a pure Python netlink library.

This module provides IPSet and WiSet classes.

2021-06-21T04:43:36+08:00 net/py-pyroute2.ethtool Python Netlink library: ethtool
PyRoute2 is a pure Python netlink library.

This module provides Ethtool.

2021-06-21T04:43:26+08:00 net/py-pyroute2.core Python Netlink library: the core
PyRoute2 is a pure Python netlink library.

This is the core package, it implements the netlink parser and several netlink
sockets, including RTNL (IPRoute), WireGuard, MPTCP etc.

2021-06-21T04:43:17+08:00 devel/py-telepath Library for exchanging data between Python and JavaScript
telepath is a Django library for exchanging data between Python and JavaScript,
allowing you to build apps with rich client-side interfaces while keeping the
business logic in server-side code.

2021-06-21T00:03:00+08:00 www/py-google-cloud-audit-log Google Cloud Audit Protos
The python classes generated from the google/cloud/audit protos in the
googleapis/googleapis repository.

2021-06-21T00:02:49+08:00 www/py-google-cloud-appengine-logging Python Client for Google Cloud Appengine Logging
This package contains generated Python types for

2021-06-20T16:52:03+02:00 misc/openhab Vendor and technology agnostic open source smart-home software
openHAB is a software for integrating different home automation systems and
technologies into one single solution that allows over-arching automation
rules and that offers uniform user interfaces.

2021-06-20T16:52:03+02:00 misc/openhab-addons Addons for openhab
Addons for the openHAB smart-home software.

2021-05-31T11:37:14+00:00 lang/elixir-devel Functional, meta-programming aware language built on top of Erlang VM
Elixir is a functional, meta-programming aware language built on top of the
Erlang VM. It is a dynamic language that focuses on tooling to leverage
Erlang's abilities to build concurrent, distributed and fault-tolerant
applications with hot code upgrades.

2021-06-19T08:26:47-03:00 devel/py-azure-mgmt-extendedlocation Microsoft Azure Extendedlocation Management Client Library for Python
This is the Microsoft Azure Extendedlocation Management Client Library.

Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the next generation of management APIs that
replace the old Azure Service Management (ASM).

2021-06-19T04:07:37-04:00 devel/R-cran-rcmdcheck Run 'R CMD check' from 'R' and Capture Results
Run 'R CMD check' from 'R' and capture the results of the individual checks.
Supports running checks in the background, timeouts, pretty printing and
comparing check results.

2021-06-18T15:56:04-07:00 ftp/freebsd-ftpd FreeBSD ftpd
FreeBSD-ftpd: This is/was FreeBSD libexec/ftpd prior to its removal in

2021-06-18T16:56:23-05:00 biology/biostar-tools Meta-port for Biostar Handbook tools
Biostar-Tools is a metaport for installing all the tools necessary to work
through the Biostar Handbook, except for bedGrapToBigWig, which has license
restrictions. If you need bedGraphToBigWig, run

cd /usr/ports/biology/ucsc-userapps && make install clean

The handbook instructs the user to install these tools mostly via bioconda,
which then requires the user to activate the bioconda environment each time
they want to use the tools. This meta-package installs all of the tools
except emboss to the default PATH so they just work without any special
environment. Emboss commands are installed to /usr/local/emboss/bin due to
conflicts with other packages.

You can also install conda packages on FreeBSD. For details, see


2021-06-18T16:28:21-05:00 science/csvtk Cross-platform and ultrafast toolkit for CSV/TSV processing
CSV/TSV formats are basic and ubiquitous file formats in both Bioinformatics
and data science.

People usually use spreadsheet software like MS Excel to process table data.
However this is all by clicking and typing, which is not automated and is
time-consuming to repeat, especially when you want to apply similar operations
with different datasets or purposes.

csvtk is convenient for rapid data investigation and also easy to integrate
into analysis pipelines. It could save you lots of time in (not) writing
Python/R scripts.

2021-06-18T17:08:44+00:00 lang/gcc11 GNU Compiler Collection 11
GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection, supports a number of languages.
This port installs the C, C++, and Fortran front ends as gcc11, g++11,
and gfortran11, respectively.


Gerald Pfeifer <>
2021-06-18T12:59:54+00:00 misc/clifm Non-curses, KISS file manager for the terminal
Unlike most of the terminal file managers, CliFM replaces the traditional
curses interface by a simple command-line interface. It is a file manager,
but also a shell extension.

Search for files, copy, rename, and trash some of them, but, at the same
time, update/upgrade your system, add some cronjob, stop a service, and
run nano (or vi, or emacs, if you like).

Those familiar with the command-line will find in a file manager based on
it a desirable addition to its functionality. The command-line is still
there, never hidden.

2021-06-18T09:16:41+02:00 devel/py-aiorpcX-legacy Generic async RPC implementation, including JSON-RPC
A generic asyncio library implementation of RPC suitable for an application that
is a client, server or both.

2021-06-17T12:06:41-05:00 benchmarks/mst-bench Maximum sustained throughput benchmark
MST-bench is a simple program to measure optimal sustained memory and disk

Unlike many benchmarks, it does not attempt to simulate naturally occurring
loads. Rather, it indicates what is the best performance you can expect out of
your hardware, providing a reference to which software can be compared.

2021-05-28T16:57:54+00:00 graphics/libjxl JPEG XL reference encoder/decoder
The JPEG XL Image Coding System (ISO/IEC 18181) has a rich feature set
and is particularly optimised for responsive web environments, so that
content renders well on a wide range of devices. Moreover, it includes
several features that help transition from the legacy JPEG format.

2021-06-16T18:21:36-04:00 chinese/linux-wps-office-zh_CN Complete office suite with PDF editor
WPS Office is a free productivity office suite. WPS Office contains
four major functional modules: WPS Word, WPS PDF, WPS Excel, and WPS
Presentation. It is accessible and compatible with doc, xls, ppt, and
other file formats. You can directly save and open Microsoft Word,
Excel, and PowerPoint files. You can also easily edit WPS files with
Microsoft Office 365.

2021-06-16T18:12:16-04:00 www/grafana8 Dashboard and graph editor for multiple data stores
Grafana is an open source, feature rich metrics dashboard and graph editor for
Graphite, ElasticSearch, OpenTSDB, Prometheus and InfluxDB.

2021-06-16T21:30:17+00:00 net/haproxy22 Reliable, high performance TCP/HTTP load balancer
HAProxy is a free, very fast and reliable solution offering high
availability, load balancing, and proxying for TCP and HTTP-based
applications. It is particularly suited for web sites crawling under
very high loads while needing persistence or Layer7 processing.

2021-06-15T15:26:53-07:00 editors/linux-bcompare Compare, sync, and merge files and folders (X11)
Compare files and folders using simple, powerful commands that focus on
the differences you're interested in and ignore those you're not. Merge
changes, synchronize files, and generate reports.

2021-06-15T13:35:57-07:00 x11-fonts/urw-base35-fonts URW core35 fonts in various formats
Recent Ghostscript versions come with a new set of URW fonts that
have additional support for the Greek and Cyrillic scripts (thus
superseding the fonts contained in the 'urw-fonts' port). Ghostscript
distributes the URW fonts in Type1 format; in addition to these
files, this port also contains the corresponding Type1 metrics files
(AFM), together with TrueType (TTF) and OpenType (OTF) versions of
the fonts.

2021-06-15T13:19:59-07:00 multimedia/navidrome Modern Music Server and Streamer compatible with Subsonic/Airsonic
Modern Music Server and Streamer compatible with Subsonic/Airsonic.

Navidrome is an open source web-based music collection server and streamer.
It gives you freedom to listen to your music collection from any browser or
mobile device. It's like your personal Spotify!

2021-06-15T12:27:11-07:00 x11/nvidia-secondary-driver NVidia graphics card binary drivers for hardware OpenGL rendering on secondary device
2021-06-15T12:27:11-07:00 x11/nvidia-secondary-driver-390
2021-06-15T12:27:11-07:00 x11/nvidia-hybrid-graphics NVIDIA secondary GPU configuration - Optimus Technology support
This port integrates the Nvidia graphics driver and supporting utilities with
VirtualGL, enabling use of Nvidia acceleration on a system with hybrid graphics
hardware configuration, aka "Optimus".

Applications to be run with Nvidia acceleration should be started using

2021-06-15T12:01:32-07:00 dns/hetzner_ddns Hetzner Dynamic DNS Daemon
Hetzner Dynamic DNS Daemon

A simple daemon to continuously update Hetzner DNS
A and AAAA records for your server with a dynamic IP address.

It features support for multiple subdomain records with painless
configuration and administration.

2021-06-14T21:22:16-04:00 net-mgmt/bind_exporter Prometheus exporter for BIND server statistics
BIND exporter is a Prometheus exporter for statistics from a BIND DNS server.
It uses the statistics channel support in BIND to collect the statistics.

2021-06-14T14:40:44-07:00 audio/tetraproc Tetrahedral microphone processor for ambisonic recording
TetraProc converts the A-format signals from a tetrahedral Ambisonic microphone
into B-format signals ready for recording.

Main features:
* A-B conversion using a classic scalar matrix and minimum phase
filters, or
* A-B conversion using a 4 by 4 convolution matrix using measured
or computed impulse responses, or a combination of both.
* Individual microphone calibration facilities.
* 24 dB/oct higpass filters.
* Metering, monitoring and test facilities.
* Virtual stereo mic for stereo monitoring or recording.
* Unlimited number of stored configurations.
* Jack client with graphical user interface.

2021-06-14T14:38:41-07:00 devel/clxclient C++ wrapper library around the X Window System API
clxclient is a C++ wrapper library around the X Window System API that is used
in some LinuxAudio-hosted projects.

2021-06-15T03:46:20+08:00 devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-proton Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Proton
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Proton.

2021-06-15T01:32:51+08:00 lang/rubygem-ruby_language_server Language server implementation for Ruby
The goal of this project is to provide a language server implementation for ruby
in ruby.

2021-06-15T01:32:50+08:00 devel/rubygem-rubocop-rspec RuboCop plugin of code style checking for RSpec files
RuboCop RSpec provides RSpec-specific analysis for your projects, as an
extension to RuboCop.

2021-06-15T01:32:49+08:00 devel/rubygem-rubocop-performance Collection of RuboCop cops to check for performance optimizations
RuboCop Performance provides performance optimization analysis for your
projects, as an extension to RuboCop.

2021-06-15T01:32:48+08:00 devel/rubygem-red-datasets Provide common datasets
Red Datasets provides classes that provide common datasets such as iris dataset.

You can use datasets easily because you can access each dataset with multiple
ways such as #each and Apache Arrow Record Batch.

2021-06-15T01:32:47+08:00 devel/rubygem-fuzzy_match Fuzzy match using string similarity and regexp rules
FuzzyMatch finds a needle in a haystack based on string similarity and regular
expression rules.

2021-06-15T01:32:46+08:00 devel/rubygem-childprocess40 External background process controller
This gem aims at being a simple and reliable solution for controlling
external programs running in the background on any Ruby / OS

The code originated in the selenium-webdriver gem, but should prove
useful as a standalone library.

2021-06-15T01:32:44+08:00 www/py-respx Utility for mocking out the Python HTTPX and HTTP Core libraries
RESPX is a simple, yet powerful, utility for mocking out the HTTPX, and HTTP
Core, libraries.

2021-06-15T01:32:40+08:00 security/py-tls-parser Small library to parse TLS records
tls_parser is a small library to parse TLS records used by SSLyze.

2021-06-15T01:32:33+08:00 finance/py-yfinance Yahoo! Finance market data downloader
Ever since Yahoo! finance decommissioned their historical data API, many
programs that relied on it to stop working. yfinance aimes to solve this problem
by offering a reliable, threaded, and Pythonic way to download historical market
data from Yahoo! finance.

2021-06-15T01:32:32+08:00 dns/py-dns-crawler Crawler for getting info about DNS domains and services
Despite the name, the crawler gets info for more services than just DNS:
- DNS:
- all A/AAAA records (for the 2nd level domain and www.subdomain), annotated
with GeoIP
- TXT records (with SPF and DMARC parsed for easier filtering)
- TLSA (for the 2nd level domain and www.subdomain)
- MX
- DNSSEC validation
- nameservers:
- each server IP annotated with GeoIP
- HOSTNAME.BIND, VERSION.BIND, AUTHORS.BIND and fortune (also for all IPs)
- users can add custom additional RRs in the config file
- E-mail (for every server from MX):
- SMTP server banners (optional, ports are configurable)
- TLSA records
- Web:
- HTTP status & headers (inc. parsed cookies) for ports 80 & 443 on each IP
from A/AAAA records
- certificate info for HTTPS (optionally with an entire cert chain)
- webpage content (optional)
- everything of the above is saved for each step in the redirect history --
the crawler follows redirects until it gets a non-redirecting status or hits
a configurable limit

2021-06-15T01:32:32+08:00 devel/py-pint-pandas Physical quantities module
Pint-Pandas provides pandas support for pint.

2021-06-15T01:32:31+08:00 devel/py-multitasking Non-blocking Python methods using decorators
MultiTasking is a tiny Python library lets you convert your Python methods into
asynchronous, non-blocking methods simply by using a decorator.

2021-06-15T01:32:20+08:00 devel/p5-XS-Parse-Keyword XS functions to assist in parsing keyword syntax
XS::Parse::Keyword provides some XS functions to assist in writing syntax
modules that provide new perl-visible syntax, primarily for authors of keyword
plugins using the PL_keyword_plugin hook mechanism. It is unlikely to be of much
use to anyone else; and highly unlikely to be any use when writing perl code
using these. Unless you are writing a keyword plugin using XS, this module is
not for you.

2021-06-14T11:40:33-05:00 biology/peak-classifier Classify ChIP/ATAC-Seq peaks based on features provided in a GFF
Classify ChIP/ATAC-Seq peaks based on features provided in a GFF

Peaks are provided in a BED file sorted by chromosome and position. The GFF
must be sorted by chromosome and position, with gene-level features separated
by ### tags and each gene organized into subfeatures such as transcripts and
exons. This is the default for common data sources.

2021-06-14T08:55:56-07:00 devel/git-filter-repo git filter-repo is a versatile tool for rewriting history
git filter-repo is a versatile tool for rewriting history, which
includes capabilities I have not found anywhere else. It roughly falls
into the same space of tool as git filter-branch but without the
capitulation-inducing poor performance, with far more capabilities,
and with a design that scales usability-wise beyond trivial rewriting
cases. git filter-repo is now recommended by the git project instead of
git filter-branch.

2021-06-14T14:03:13+09:00 databases/mongodb50 Distributed document-oriented "NoSQL" database (5.0.x Branch)
Mongo (from "humongous") is a high-performance, open source,
schema-free, document-oriented database. A common name in the
"NOSQL" community.

2021-06-13T14:05:04-06:00 sysutils/gobi_loader Firmware Loader for Qualcomm Gobi USB Chipsets
Firmware Loader for Qualcomm Gobi USB Chipsets.

- clone from
- fix CDMA firmware download failed issue
- add openwrt big-endian platform support
- trimming and initial FreeBSD port support

2021-06-13T16:10:14+03:00 deskutils/xdg-desktop-portal Portal frontend service for Flatpak
Flatpak is a technology for packaging and distributing standalone dekstop
applications. It uses interfaces called "portals" to communicate with the
rest of the system.

xdg-desktop-portal works by exposing a series of D-Bus interfaces known as
portals under a well-known name (org.freedesktop.portal.Desktop) and object
path (/org/freedesktop/portal/desktop). The portal interfaces include APIs for
file access, opening URIs, printing and others.

2021-06-13T13:32:22+03:00 deskutils/libportal GIO-styled async APIs for Flatpak
Flatpak is a technology for packaging and distributing standalone dekstop
applications. It uses interfaces called "portals" to communicate with the
rest of the system.

libportal is a small library that provides an asynchronous API to the
most Flatpak portals.

2021-06-13T15:39:33+02:00 www/py-httpx-socks Proxy (HTTP, SOCKS) transports for httpx
The httpx-socks package provides proxy transports for httpx
client. SOCKS4(a), SOCKS5, HTTP (tunneling) proxy supported.
It uses python-socks for core proxy functionality.

2021-06-13T08:15:08+02:00 x11/plasma5-layer-shell-qt Qt component to make use of the Wayland wl-layer-shell protoco
This component is meant for applications to be able to easily use clients based
on wlr-layer-shell. Here you can read about what the protocol does and how
shells work:

2021-06-12T11:54:28+00:00 audio/freac Free, open-source audio converter and CD ripper
fre:ac is a free audio converter and CD ripper with support for various
popular formats and encoders. It converts freely between MP3, M4A/AAC,
FLAC, WMA, Opus, Ogg Vorbis, Speex, Monkey's Audio (APE), WavPack, WAV,
and other formats.

With fre:ac you easily rip your audio CDs to MP3 or M4A files for use
with your hardware player or convert files that do not play with other
audio software. You can even convert whole music libraries retaining
the folder and filename structure.

The integrated CD ripper supports the CDDB/GNUdb online CD database.
It will automatically query song information and write it to ID3v2 or
other title information tags.

2021-06-12T08:48:08+00:00 audio/boca Audio component collection and framework
BoCA is the component framework behind the fre:ac audio converter.
It provides unified interfaces for audio components like encoders,
decoders, taggers, and extensions as well as the code to support
communication between the application and its components.

2021-06-12T06:09:12+00:00 devel/smooth Object-oriented class library
smooth is an object-oriented C++ class library for Windows, macOS, and
most Unix-like operating systems. It provides basic functionality and
platform support for applications and libraries.

Features provided by smooth include:

- User interface API with various widgets
- Simple to use multithreading API
- File and network I/O interface
- Unicode and internationalization support
- Libxml2-based XML parser

2021-06-11T17:53:50-07:00 news/inn-CURRENT
InterNetNews is a complete Usenet system. The cornerstone of the package
is innd, an NNTP server that multiplexes all I/O. Newsreading is handled
by a separate server, nnrpd, that is spawned for each client. Both innd
and nnrpd have some slight variances from the NNTP protocol.

This version follows the CURRENT snapshots.

2021-06-11T00:54:50+09:00 graphics/R-cran-s2 Spherical Geometry Operators Using the S2 Geometry Library
Provides R bindings for Google's s2 library for geometric calculations
on the sphere. High-performance constructors and exporters provide
high compatibility with existing spatial packages, transformers
construct new geometries from existing geometries, predicates provide
a means to select geometries based on spatial relationships, and
accessors extract information about geometries.

2021-06-11T11:58:10+00:00 editors/sublime-text4 Sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose
Sublime Text is a sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose.

2021-06-11T01:13:45+09:00 math/R-cran-wk Lightweight Well-Known Geometry Parsing
Provides a minimal R and C++ API for parsing well-known binary and
well-known text representation of geometries to and from R-native
formats. Well-known binary is compact and fast to parse; well-known
text is human-readable and is useful for writing tests. These formats
are only useful in R if the information they contain can be accessed
in R, for which high-performance functions are provided here.

2021-06-11T06:09:20-04:00 editors/linux-wps-office Complete office suite with PDF editor
WPS Office is a free productivity office suite. WPS Office contains
four major functional modules: WPS Word, WPS PDF, WPS Excel, and WPS
Presentation. It is accessible and compatible with doc, xls, ppt, and
other file formats. You can directly save and open Microsoft Word,
Excel, and PowerPoint files. You can also easily edit WPS files with
Microsoft Office 365.

2021-06-11T06:08:17-03:00 editors/sublime-test4 Sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose
Sublime Text is a sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose.

2021-06-10T22:25:43+08:00 www/rubygem-rack-proxy06 Request/response rewriting proxy capabilities with streaming
A request/response rewriting HTTP proxy. A Rack app. Subclass Rack::Proxy and
provide your rewrite_env and rewrite_response methods.

2021-06-10T22:25:40+08:00 devel/rubygem-weakref Allow a referenced object to be garbage-collected
Weak Reference class that allows a referenced object to be garbage-collected.

A WeakRef may be used exactly like the object it references.

2021-06-10T22:25:39+08:00 devel/rubygem-rinda Linda distributed computing paradigm in Ruby
Rinda is a module to implement the Linda distributed computing paradigm in Ruby.

2021-06-10T22:25:38+08:00 devel/rubygem-pp Provide a PrettyPrinter for Ruby objects
PP provides a pretty-printer for Ruby objects.

2021-06-10T22:25:37+08:00 security/py-pysaml26 Python implementation of SAML Version 2
PySAML2 is a pure python implementation of SAML2. It contains all necessary
pieces for building a SAML2 service provider or an identity provider. The
distribution contains examples of both. Originally written to work in a WSGI
environment there are extensions that allow you to use it with other frameworks.

2021-06-10T22:25:30+08:00 devel/py-lml Load me later, a lazy plugin management system
lml seamlessly finds the lml based plugins from your current python environment
but loads your plugins on demand. It is designed to support plugins that have
external dependencies, especially bulky and/or memory hungry ones. lml provides
the plugin management system only and the plugin interface is on your shoulder.

lml enabled applications helps your customers in two ways:
- Your customers could cherry-pick the plugins from pypi per python environment.
They could remove a plugin using pip uninstall command.
- Only the plugins used at runtime gets loaded into computer memory.

When you would use lml to refactor your existing code, it aims to flatten the
complexity and to shrink the size of your bulky python library by distributing
the similar functionalities across its plugins. However, you as the developer
need to do the code refactoring by yourself and lml would lend you a hand.

2021-06-10T22:25:29+08:00 devel/py-gapic-generator Python client library generator for APIs defined by protocolbuffers
This is a generator for API client libraries for APIs specified by protocol
buffers, such as those inside Google. It takes a protocol buffer (with
particular annotations) and uses it to generate a client library.

2021-06-10T22:25:28+08:00 graphics/p5-Geo-GDAL-FFI Foreign function interface to GDAL
Geo::GDAL::FFI is a foreign function interface to the GDAL geospatial data
access library.

2021-06-10T22:25:26+08:00 devel/p5-FFI-Platypus-Declare Declarative interface to FFI::Platypus
FFI::Platypus::Declare provides a declarative interface to FFI::Platypus. It
provides a more concise interface at the cost of a little less power, and a
little more namespace pollution.

2021-06-10T22:25:16+08:00 graphics/lerc C++ library for Limited Error Raster Compression
LERC is an open-source image or raster format which supports rapid encoding and
decoding for any pixel type (not just RGB or Byte). Users set the maximum
compression error per pixel while encoding, so the precision of the original
input image is preserved (within user defined error bounds).

2021-06-10T08:12:06+00:00 editors/rehex Hex editor for reverse engineering
This is cross-platform (wxWidgets-based) hexadecimal editor for reverse
engineering, and everything else. It features:

- Large (1TB+) file support
- Decoding of integer/floating point value types
- Inline disassembly of machine code
- Highlighting and annotation of ranges of bytes
- Side by side comparison of selections
- Lua scripting support with documented API
- Virtual address mapping support

2021-06-09T22:33:28-07:00 math/kfr C++ DSP framework, FFT, Sample Rate Conversion, FIR/IIR/Biquad Filters
KFR is an open source C++ DSP framework that focuses on high performance.

2021-06-09T19:09:58-07:00 databases/sqlitecpp SQLiteC++: Easy to use C++ SQLite3 wrapper
SQLiteC++ offers an encapsulation layer around the native C APIs of SQLite, with
a few intuitive and well documented C++ classes.

2021-06-09T15:22:55-07:00 misc/slides Terminal based presentation tool
Slides shows presentation slides in your terminal.

2021-05-08T21:51:43+00:00 sysutils/czkawka Multi functional app to find duplicates, empty folders, similar images etc.
Czkawka (tch-kav-ka, hiccup) is a simple, fast and free app to remove
unnecessary files from your computer.

- Written in memory safe Rust
- Amazingly fast - due to using more or less advanced algorithms and
- Free, Open Source without ads
- Multiplatform - works on Linux, Windows and macOS
- Cache support - second and further scans should be a lot faster than
the first one
- CLI frontend - for easy automation
- GUI frontend - uses modern GTK 3 and looks similar to FSlint
- Rich search option - allows setting absolute included and excluded
directories, set of allowed file extensions or excluded items with
the * wildcard
- Multiple tools to use:
- Duplicates - Finds duplicates basing on file name, size, hash,
first 1 MB of hash
- Empty Folders - Finds empty folders with the help of an advanced
- Big Files - Finds the provided number of the biggest files in
given location
- Empty Files - Looks for empty files across the drive
- Temporary Files - Finds temporary files
- Similar Images - Finds images which are not exactly the same
(different resolution, watermarks)
- Zeroed Files - Finds files which are filled with zeros (usually
- Same Music - Searches for music with same artist, album etc.
- Invalid Symbolic Links - Shows symbolic links which points to
non-existent files/directories
- Broken Files - Finds files with an invalid extension or that are

2021-06-08T19:20:40+01:00 sysutils/gdu Disk usage analyzer with console interface written in Go
Pretty fast disk usage analyzer written in Go.

Gdu is intended primarily for SSD disks where it
can fully utilize parallel processing. However HDDs
work as well, but the performance gain is not so huge.

2021-06-04T16:06:23+00:00 ftp/sftpgo Fully featured and highly configurable SFTP, FTP/S, and WebDAV server
Fully featured and highly configurable SFTP server with optional FTP/S and
WebDAV support, written in Go. Several storage backends are supported:
local filesystem, encrypted local filesystem, S3 (compatible) Object Storage,
Google Cloud Storage, Azure Blob Storage, SFTP.

2021-06-08T16:57:17+02:00 textproc/p5-Parse-EDID Extended display identification data (EDID) parser
This module provides some function to parse Extended Display Identification
Data binary data structures.

2021-06-08T02:38:55-07:00 cad/ldview LDraw model viewer
LDView is a real-time 3D viewer for displaying LDraw models using
hardware-accellerated 3D graphics. For information on LDraw, please visit, the centralized LDraw information site.

The program can read LDraw LDR/DAT files as well as MPD files. It then allows
you to rotate the model around to any angle with the mouse.

2021-06-08T02:32:09-07:00 irc/ergo Modern IRC server (daemon/ircd) written in Go
Oragono is a modern, experimental IRC server written in Go. It's designed to be
simple to setup and use, and it includes features such as UTF-8 nicks/channel
names, client accounts with SASL, and other assorted IRCv3 support.

Oragono is a fork of the Ergonomadic IRC daemon.

2021-06-06T19:53:35+02:00 textproc/py-mathics-pygments Lexer and highlighter for Mathematica/Wolfram Language source code
This is a lexer and highlighter for Mathematica/Wolfram Language source code
using the pygments engine.

It currently supports:
- All builtin functions in the System context including unicode symbols except
those that use characters from the private unicode space (e.g. \[FormalA]).
- User defined symbols, including those in a context.
- All operators including unicode operators like U+1D70B (pi).
- Comments, including multi line and nested.
- Strings, including multi line and escaped quotes.
- Patterns, slots (including named slots #name introduced in version 10) and
slot sequences.
- Message names (e.g. the ivar in General::ivar)
- Numbers including base notation (e.g. 8 ^^ 23 == 19) and scientific notation
(e.g. 1 *^ 3 == 1000).
- Local variables in Block, With and Module

2021-06-05T21:08:09-07:00 devel/libfort C/C++ library to print formatted ASCII tables for console applications
libfort is a simple crossplatform library to create formatted text tables.

* Customization of appearance (various border styles and row/column/cell
properties for indentation, alignment, padding)
* A number of functions to fill the table (add content by adding separate cells,
rows or use printf like functions)
* Support of multiple lines in cells
* Support of UTF-8 and wide characters

2021-06-05T12:59:42-07:00 science/py-pyscf Python module for quantum chemistry
PyMOL is a Python-enhanced molecular graphics tool. It excels at
3D visualization of proteins, small molecules, density, surfaces,
and trajectories. It also includes molecular editing, ray tracing,
and movies. Open Source PyMOL is free to everyone!

2021-06-05T12:33:21-07:00 science/xcfun Exchange-correlation functionals with arbitrary-order derivatives
XCFun is a library of exchange-correlation (XC) functionals to be used in
density-functional theory (DFT) codes. XCFun follows a unique implementation
strategy which enables the computation of derivatives of the XC functional
kernel up to arbitrary order. It does so by relying on forward-mode automatic

2021-06-03T12:32:30-04:00 games/libmanette Simple GObject game controller library
libmanette offers painless access to game controllers, from any
programming language and with little dependencies.

It supports the de-facto standard gamepad, as defined by the W3C
standard gamepad specification or as implemented by the SDL
GameController. Convertion of raw gamepad events into usable ones
is handled transparently using an embedded library of mappings in
the popular SDL mapping string format.

The API is inspired by the device and event handling of GDK, so
anybody used to GTK should feel right at home.

2021-06-05T16:53:43+03:00 print/pdfarranger Split, Merge, Rotate and Reorder PDF Files
Small python-gtk application, which helps the user to merge or split
pdf documents and rotate, crop and rearrange their pages using an
interactive and intuitive graphical interface.

2021-06-04T23:19:06+02:00 databases/pgpool-II-42 Connection pool server for PostgreSQL
pgpool is a connection pool server for PostgreSQL. pgpool runs between
PostgreSQL's clients(front ends) and servers(back ends). A PostgreSQL client can
connect to pgpool as if it were a standard PostgreSQL server.

pgpool caches the connection to PostgreSQL server to reduce the overhead to
establish the connection to it.

2021-06-03T14:44:50+03:00 databases/pgbackrest Reliable PostgreSQL Backup & Restore
pgBackRest aims to be a reliable, easy-to-use backup and restore solution for
PostgreSQL that can seamlessly scale up to the largest databases and workloads
by utilizing algorithms that are optimized for database-specific requirements.

2021-05-26T18:17:56+03:00 devel/py-setuptools44 Python packages installer
Setuptools is a fully-featured, actively-maintained, and stable library
designed to facilitate packaging Python projects, where packaging includes:
- Python package and module definitions
- Distribution package metadata
- Test hooks
- Project installation
- Platform-specific details
- Python 3 support

2021-06-03T06:35:10-04:00 devel/forge Work with Git forges from the comfort of Magit
Forge allows you to work with Git forges, such as Github and Gitlab,
from the comfort of Magit and the rest of Emacs.

Forge fetches issues, pull-requests and other data using the forge's
API and stores that in a local database. Additionally it fetches the
pull-request references using Git. Forge implements various features
that use this data but the database and pull-request refs can also be
used by third-party packages.

2021-06-02T01:48:20-07:00 archivers/libzippp C++ wrapper for libzip
libzippp is a simple basic C++ wrapper around the libzip library. It is meant to
be a portable and easy-to-use library for ZIP handling.

2021-06-01T23:44:05-04:00 databases/closql Store EIEIO objects using EmacSQL
Store uniform EIEIO objects in an EmacSQL database. SQLite is used as
backend. This library imposes some restrictions on what kind of
objects can be stored; it isn't intended to store arbitrary
objects. All objects have to share a common superclass and subclasses
cannot add any additional instance slots.

2021-06-01T22:18:54-04:00 databases/emacsql High-level Emacs Lisp RDBMS front-end
EmacSQL is a high-level Emacs Lisp front-end for SQLite (primarily),
PostgreSQL, MySQL, and potentially other SQL databases.

It works by maintaining a inferior process running (a "connection")
for interacting with the back-end database. Connections are
automatically cleaned up if they are garbage collected. All requests
are synchronous.

Any readable lisp value can be stored as a value in EmacSQL, including
numbers, strings, symbols, lists, vectors, and closures. EmacSQL has
no concept of "TEXT" values; it's all just lisp objects. The lisp
object nil corresponds 1:1 with NULL in the database.

2021-06-01T22:18:26-04:00 www/civetweb Embedded C/C++ web server
Embedded C/C++ web server

2021-05-31T22:33:55+02:00 astro/py-kosmorrolib Library that computes the ephemerides
A library that calculates your astronomical ephemerides.

It can be used either from your program, or from astro/kosmorro.

2021-05-29T19:06:14+03:00 games/redeclipse16 Single-player and multi-player first-person ego-shooter
Red Eclipse is a single-player and multi-player first-person ego-shooter,
built as a total conversion of Cube Engine 2, which lends itself toward
a balanced gameplay, with a general theme of agility in a variety of

2021-05-29T19:06:14+03:00 games/redeclipse-data16 Data files for Red Eclipse first-person shooter
Data files for Red Eclipse first-person shooter.

2021-06-01T23:03:55+08:00 net/gamenetworkingsockets GameNetworkingSockets is a basic transport layer for games
GameNetworkingSockets is a basic transport layer for games. The features are:

- Connection-oriented API (like TCP)

- ... but message-oriented (like UDP), not stream-oriented.

- Supports both reliable and unreliable message types

- Messages can be larger than underlying MTU. The protocol performs
fragmentation, reassembly, and retransmission for reliable messages.

- A reliability layer significantly more sophisticated than a basic
TCP-style sliding window. It is based on the "ack vector" model
from DCCP (RFC 4340, section 11.4) and Google QUIC and discussed
in the context of games by Glenn Fiedler. The basic idea is for the
receiver to efficiently communicate to the sender the status of
every packet number (whether or not a packet was received with that
number). By remembering which segments were sent in each packet,
the sender can deduce which segments need to be retransmitted.

- Encryption. AES-GCM-256 per packet, Curve25519 for key exchange
and cert signatures. The details for shared key derivation and
per-packet IV are based on the design used by Google's QUIC
protocol. Tools for simulating packet latency/loss, and detailed
stats measurement IPv6 support Peer-to-peer networking:

2021-06-01T15:41:48+08:00 sysutils/tflint Terraform Linter
A Pluggable Terraform Linter

2021-06-01T03:31:31-04:00 databases/pg.el PostgreSQL Elisp interface
This is an Emacs Lisp interface for PostgreSQL.

This module lets you access the PostgreSQL object-relational DBMS from
Emacs, using its socket-level frontend/backend protocol. The module is
capable of automatic type coercions from a range of SQL types to the
equivalent Emacs Lisp type. This is a low level API, and won't be
useful to end users.

2021-05-31T20:51:47+02:00 security/gpg-tui Terminal User Interface for GnuPG
gpg-tui is a Terminal User Interface for GnuPG.

It aims to ease the key management operations such as listing, exporting,
signing by providing an interface along with the command-line fallback for
more complex operations. It is not trying to be a full-fledged interface
for all the features that gpg provides but it tries to bring a more
interactive approach to key management.

2021-05-31T08:07:32-10:00 irc/pounce Multi-client IRC bouncer
pounce is a multi-client, TLS-only IRC bouncer. It takes a simple
approach, using a multiple-consumer ring buffer and the IRCv3.2
server-time extension to communicate with clients.

2021-05-31T11:37:14+00:00 lang/erlang-runtime24 Functional programming language from Ericsson
Erlang is a programming language used to build massively scalable soft
real-time systems with requirements on high availability. Some of its
uses are in telecoms, banking, e-commerce, computer telephony and
instant messaging. Erlang's runtime system has built-in support for
concurrency, distribution and fault tolerance.

This port contains a standalone runtime environment of Erlang 24
to be used during the development of OTP applications.

2021-05-30T17:56:05+00:00 x11/py-i3-quickterm Drop-down "quake style" terminal for i3 and sway
A small drop-down terminal for i3wm and sway, supporting your preferred
terminal emulator, is multi-monitor and screen-width aware, and plays
with dmenu, rofil, and more.

When launched, it will minimize the quickterm on the current screen if
there is one. Otherwise, it will either prompt the user for the shell to
open or use the one supplied in argument.

If the requested shell is already opened on another screen, it will be
moved on the current screen.

It is recommended to map it to an i3 binding. See WWW for user config.

2021-05-30T17:56:05+00:00 devel/yaegi Elegant Go Interpreter - a REPL for Go
Yaegi is an intuitive go interpreter.

Note that you can use rlwrap, and alias the yaegi command via:

alias yaegi='rlwrap yaegi'

in your shell, to have history and command line editing.

2021-05-30T15:28:08+00:00 devel/py-reedsolo Pure-Python Reed Solomon encoder/decoder
A pure-python universal errors-and-erasures Reed-Solomon Codec, based on
the wonderful tutorial at wikiversity, written by "Bobmath" and "LRQ3000".

2021-05-31T07:42:21+08:00 www/p5-CGI-Tiny Common Gateway Interface, with no frills
CGI::Tiny provides a modern interface to write CGI scripts to
dynamically respond to HTTP requests as defined in RFC 3875.

2021-05-31T02:23:03+02:00 comms/rtl-443 Generic RF data receiver and decoder for ISM band devices
rtl_433 is a generic data receiver, mainly for the 433.92 MHz, 868 MHz
(SRD), 315 MHz, and 915 MHz ISM bands. It works with RTL-SDR and/or
SoapySDR. Actively tested and supported are Realtek RTL2832 based DVB
dongles (using RTL-SDR) and LimeSDR (LimeSDR USB and LimeSDR mini
engineering samples kindly provided by MyriadRf), PlutoSDR, HackRF One
(using SoapySDR drivers), as well as SoapyRemote.

2021-05-30T17:14:49-04:00 security/crlfuzz Fast tool to scan CRLF vulnerability written in Go
Fast tool to scan CRLF vulnerability written in Go.

2021-05-30T17:12:36-04:00 www/mirrorselect HTTP service that selects pkg(8) mirrors near to the client
Mirrorselect is an HTTP backend service that selects the pkg(8) mirrors
according to their "distances" to the client.

2021-05-31T03:52:13+08:00 textproc/p5-PPIx-Utils Utility functions for PPI
PPIx::Utils is a collection of utility functions for working with PPI documents.
The functions are organized into submodules, and may be imported from the
appropriate submodule or via this module.

These functions were originally from Perl::Critic::Utils and related modules,
and have been split off to this distribution for use outside of Perl::Critic.

2021-05-31T03:52:09+08:00 devel/p5-CLI-Osprey MooX::Options + MooX::Cmd + Sanity
CLI::Osprey is a module to assist in writing commandline applications with M* OO
modules (Moose, Moo, Mo). With it, you structure your app as one or more
modules, which get instantiated with the commandline arguments as attributes.
Arguments are parsed using Getopt::Long::Descriptive, and both long and short
help messages as well as complete manual pages are automatically generated. An
app can be a single command with options, or have sub-commands (like git).
Sub-commands can be defined as modules (with options of their own) or as simple

2021-05-30T17:31:32+02:00 devel/cpplint Static code checker for C++
Cpplint is a command-line tool to check C/C++ files for style issues following
Google's C++ style guide. Cpplint is developed and maintained by Google Inc. at
google/styleguide <>, also see the wikipedia
entry <>.

While Google maintains cpplint, Google is not (very) responsive to issues and
pull requests, this fork aims to be (somewhat) more open to add fixes to cpplint
to enable fixes, when those fixes make cpplint usable in wider contexts.

2021-05-30T13:35:19+00:00 sysutils/kvmclock-kmod Paravirtualized Linux KVM clock support
Development version of kvmclock FreeBSD driver for virtual machines.

References and prior art:

2021-05-30T08:08:26-03:00 devel/py-itemloaders Base library in Python for scrapy's ItemLoader
itemloaders is a Python library that helps you collect data from HTML and XML

It comes in handy to extract data from web pages, as it supports data
extraction using CSS and XPath Selectors.

It's specially useful when you need to standardize the data from many sources.
For example, it allows you to have all your casting and parsing rules in a
single place.

2021-05-30T08:02:34-03:00 devel/py-itemadapter Common interface for data container classes in Python
The ItemAdapter class is a wrapper for data container objects, providing a
common interface to handle objects of different types in an uniform manner,
regardless of their underlying implementation.

2021-05-30T07:57:50-03:00 www/py-protego Pure-Python robots.txt parser
Protego is a pure-Python robots.txt parser with support for modern conventions.
It is mainly used by Scrapy application when crawling websites.

2021-05-29T13:42:06+02:00 security/rubygem-declarative_policy Authorization framework with a declarative DSL
This library provides an authorization framework with a declarative
DSL With this library, you can write permission policies that are
separate from business logic. This library is in production use at

2021-05-29T13:42:06+02:00 net/rubygem-spamcheck Auto-generated gRPC client for SpamCheck
Auto-generated gRPC client for SpamCheck.

2021-05-29T13:42:06+02:00 net/rubygem-gitlab-omniauth-openid-connect OpenID Connect Strategy for OmniAuth
OpenID Connect Strategy for OmniAuth.

2021-05-28T16:07:52+00:00 net/arataga Performant SOCKS5/HTTP1.1 proxy server
arataga is a high-performance, configurable, authenticating, throttling
SOCKS5 and HTTP/1.1 proxy server. It was developed by Stiffstream for
a customer who then abandoned the project. So as not to throw away the
result, the source code of arataga had been opensourced.

2021-05-28T13:38:57+02:00 www/redmine42 Flexible project management web application
Redmine is a flexible project management web application
written using Ruby on Rails framework, it is cross-platform
and cross-database.

Feature Overview:
* Multiple projects support
* Flexible role based access control
* Flexible issue tracking system
* Gantt chart and calendar
* News, documents & files management
* Feeds & email notifications
* Per project wiki
* Per project forums
* Time tracking
* Custom fields for issues, time-entries, projects and users
* SCM integration (SVN, CVS, Git, Mercurial, Bazaar and Darcs)
* Issue creation via email
* Multiple LDAP authentication support
* User self-registration support
* Multilanguage support
* Multiple databases support

2021-05-27T20:43:12+02:00 textproc/py-gi-docgen Documentation generator for GObject-based libraries
GI-DocGen is a document generator for GObject-based libraries. GObject is the
base type system of the GNOME project. GI-Docgen reuses the introspection data
generated by GObject-based libraries to generate the API reference of these
libraries, as well as other ancillary documentation.

2021-05-27T18:32:36+00:00 devel/sobjectizer Cross-platform C++ actor framework
SObjectizer is one of the cross-platform and open-source actor frameworks
for C++, yet it supports not only Actor Model, but also Publish-Subscribe
Model and CSP-like channels. The goal of SObjectizer is to significantly
simplify development of concurrent and multithreaded applications in C++.

SObjectizer allows to create a concurrent application as a set of agent-
objects which interact with each other through asynchronous messages.
It handles message dispatching and provides a working context for message
processing, and allows to tune those things by supplying various ready-
to-use dispatchers.

2021-05-27T15:20:46+01:00 www/xh Friendly and fast tool for sending HTTP requests
Friendly and fast tool for sending HTTP requests.
It reimplements as much as possible of HTTPie's excellent

2021-05-27T14:01:21+01:00 games/rpg-cli Your filesystem as a dungeon
Bare-bones JRPG-inspired terminal game written in Rust.
It can work as an alternative to cd where you randomly
encounter enemies as you change directories.

2021-05-27T14:09:25+03:00 graphics/blender-lts28 3D modeling/rendering/animation package - LTS
Blender is a free and fully functional 3D
modeling/rendering/animation/gaming package.

The blender LTS releases provide two years official support.

2021-05-27T12:40:26+02:00 security/openiked-portable IKEv2 daemon
OpenIKED is a free, permissively licensed Internet Key Exchange
(IKEv2) implementation, developed as part of the OpenBSD project.
It is intended to be a lean, secure and interoperable daemon that
allows for easy setup and management of IPsec VPNs.

The portable versions take the OpenBSD based source code and add
compatibility functions and build infrastructure for other operating

2021-05-26T19:03:50-07:00 sysutils/rush Command-line tool for executing jobs in parallel
rush is a tool similar to GNU parallel and gargs. rush borrows some ideas from
them and has some unique features, e.g., supporting custom defined variables,
resuming multi-line commands, more advanced embedded replacement strings.

These features make rush suitable for easy and flexibe parallelization of
complex workflows in fields like Bioinformatics.

2021-05-26T16:46:15-07:00 x11-toolkits/libadwaita Building blocks for modern GNOME applications
GTK+ is a collection of GUI widgets. GTK+ essentially provides the
building blocks from which GUIs can be built. It is highly themable,
and its functionality is highly extensible.

2021-05-26T14:49:16-07:00 biology/taxonkit Practical and efficient NCBI taxonomy toolkit
TaxonKit allows to:
* list taxonomic subtrees (TaxIds)
* query taxonomic lineage of given TaxIds
* reformat lineage in canonical ranks
* convert scientific names to TaxIds
* filter TaxIds by taxonomic rank range
* compute lowest common ancestor (LCA) for TaxIds
* create TaxId changelog from dump archives

2021-05-26T14:39:02-07:00 biology/unikmer Toolkit for nucleic acid k-mer analysis, set operations on k-mers
unikmer is a golang package and a toolkit for nucleic acid k-mer analysis,
providing functions including set operation k-mers (sketch) optional with TaxIds
but without count information.

K-mers are either encoded (k<=32) or hashed (arbitrary k) into uint64, and
serialized in binary file with extension .unik.

TaxIds can be assigned when counting k-mers from genome sequences, and LCA
(Lowest Common Ancestor) is computed during set opertions including computing
union, intersecton, set difference, unique and repeated k-mers.

2021-05-26T11:51:32-07:00 x11-toolkits/tepl6 Text editor product line
Tepl is a library that eases the development of GtkSourceView-based text
editors and IDEs. Tepl is the acronym for "Text editor product line".
It serves as an incubator for GtkSourceView.

Tepl was previously named Gtef (GTK+ text editor framework). The project has
been renamed in June 2017 to have a more beautiful name. The end of Tepl is
pronounced like in "apple".

2021-05-27T02:53:26+08:00 www/rubygem-faraday-em_synchrony Faraday adapter for Em::Synchrony
Faraday Em::Synchrony is a Faraday adapter for the Em::Synchrony library.

2021-05-27T02:53:23+08:00 www/rubygem-faraday-em_http Faraday adapter for Em::Http
Faraday Em::Http is a Faraday adapter for the Em::Http::Request library.

2021-05-26T13:27:55+00:00 devel/py-pyzipper Read and write AES encrypted zip files
A 100% API compatible replacement for Python's zipfile
that can read and write AES encrypted zip files

2021-05-26T20:54:15+08:00 devel/py-jupyter-client Jupyter protocol implementation and client libraries
Jupyter protocol implementation and client libraries.

2021-05-26T20:54:14+08:00 devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-apprunner Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS App Runner
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS App Runner.

2021-05-26T20:54:13+08:00 devel/py-pep562 Backport of PEP 562
A backport of PEP 562. Allows controlling a module's __dir__ and __getattr__.
Useful for deprecating attributes.

2021-05-25T12:24:23+02:00 misc/py-halo Beautiful terminal spinners in Python
Halo is a Python library for beautiful spinners. It is inspired by the
JavaScript library called ora.

2021-05-25T12:08:47+02:00 misc/py-spinners Spinners for terminal
This is a Python port of the Node library cli-spinners.
It features more than 60 spinners for terminal.

2021-05-25T11:58:46+02:00 misc/py-log_symbols Colored symbols for various log levels for Python
This Python package offers a way to add colored symbols to log messages.

2021-05-24T18:45:36+02:00 math/suitesparse-umfpack Sparse multifrontal LU factorization
This port installs the module UMFPACK of SuiteSparse.

UMFPACK is a set of routines solving sparse linear systems via LU factorization.

2021-05-24T18:45:06+02:00 math/suitesparse-spqr Sparse QR factorization
This port installs the module SPQR of SuiteSparse.

SuiteSparseQR is a multithreaded, multifrontal, rank-revealing sparse QR
factorization method.

2021-05-24T18:44:41+02:00 math/suitesparse-slip_lu Sparse Left-looking Integer-Preserving LU Factorization
This port installs the module SLIP_LU of SuiteSparse.

SLIP_LU is software package used to solve a sparse systems of linear equations
exactly using the Sparse Left-looking Integer-Preserving LU factorization.

SLIPLU Purpose: Exactly solve a sparse system of linear equations using a given
input matrix and right hand side vector file. This code can output the final
solution to a user specified output file in either double precision or full
precision rational numbers.

2021-05-24T18:44:13+02:00 math/suitesparse-rbio Read/write sparse matrices
This port installs the module RBio of SuiteSparse.

RBio can be used to read and write sparse matrices.

2021-05-24T18:43:46+02:00 math/suitesparse-mongoose Symmetric approximate minimum degree
This port installs the module Mongoose of SuiteSparse.

Mongoose is a graph partitioning library. Currently, Mongoose only supports edge
partitioning, but in the future a vertex separator extension will be added.

2021-05-24T18:43:16+02:00 math/suitesparse-ldl Simple LDL^T factorization
This port installs the module LDL of SuiteSparse.

LDL is a sparse LDL' factorization and solve package.

These routines are not terrifically fast (they do not use dense matrix kernels),
but the code is very short and concise. The purpose is to illustrate the
algorithms in a very concise and readable manner, primarily for educational
purposes. Although the code is very concise, this package is slightly faster
than the built-in sparse Cholesky factorization in MATLAB 6.5 (chol), when
using the same input permutation.

2021-05-24T18:42:48+02:00 math/suitesparse-klu Sparse LU factorization, for circuit simulation
This port installs the module KLU of SuiteSparse.

KLU is a set of routines for solving sparse linear systems of equations. It is
particularly well-suited to matrices arising in SPICE-like circuit simulation
applications. It relies on a permutation to block triangular form (BTF), several
methods for finding a fill-reducing ordering (variants of approximate minimum
degree, and nested dissection), and a sparse left-looking LU factorization
method to factorize each block.

2021-05-24T18:42:19+02:00 math/suitesparse-graphblas Graph algorithms in the language of linear algebra
This port installs the module GraphBLAS of SuiteSparse.

SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS is a complete implementation of the GraphBLAS
standard, which defines a set of sparse matrix operations on an extended
algebra of semirings using an almost unlimited variety of operators and
types. When applied to sparse adjacency matrices, these algebraic
operations are equivalent to computations on graphs. GraphBLAS provides
a powerful and expressive framework for creating graph algorithms based
on the elegant mathematics of sparse matrix operations on a semiring.

2021-05-24T18:41:50+02:00 math/suitesparse-cxsparse Extended version of CSparse
This port installs the module CXSparse of SuiteSparse.

CXSparse is a version of CSparse that operates on both real and complex
matrices, using either int or SuiteSparse_long integers.

2021-05-24T18:41:20+02:00 math/suitesparse-csparse Concise Sparse Matrix package
This port builds the module CSparse of SuiteSparse.

CSparse is a Concise Sparse Matrix package. This code goes with the book "Direct
Methods for Sparse Linear Systems," Timothy A. Davis, SIAM, Philadelphia, 2006.

Note: the CSparse library is meant for personal experimentation. For system-wide
installation, please install math/suitesparse-cxsparse instead.

2021-05-24T18:40:46+02:00 math/suitesparse-config Common library for SuiteSparse
This port (previously UFconfig) installs a common library used by many modules
of SuiteSparse.

2021-05-24T18:40:15+02:00 math/suitesparse-colamd Column approximate minimum degree ordering algorithm
This port installs the module COLAMD of SuiteSparse.

The CCOLAMD column approximate minimum degree ordering algorithm computes a
permutation vector P such that the LU factorization of A (:,P) tends to be
sparser than that of A. The Cholesky factorization of (A (:,P))'*(A (:,P)) will
also tend to be sparser than that of A'*A. CSYMAMD is a symmetric minimum degree
ordering method based on CCOLAMD, also available as a MATLAB-callable function.
It constructs a matrix M such that M'*M has the same pattern as A, and then uses
CCOLAMD to compute a column ordering of M.

2021-05-24T18:39:48+02:00 math/suitesparse-cholmod Sparse CHOLesky MODification package
This port installs the module CHOLMOD of SuiteSparse.

CHOLMOD is a set of routines for factorizing sparse symmetric positive definite
matrices of the form A or AA', updating/downdating a sparse Cholesky
factorization, solving linear systems, updating/downdating the solution to the
triangular system Lx=b, and many other sparse matrix functions for both
symmetric and unsymmetric matrices. Its supernodal Cholesky factorization relies
on LAPACK and the Level-3 BLAS, and obtains a substantial fraction of the peak
performance of the BLAS. Both real and complex matrices are supported.

2021-05-24T18:39:21+02:00 math/suitesparse-ccolamd Constrained column approximate minimum degree ordering
This port installs the module CCOLAMD of SuiteSparse.

The CCOLAMD column approximate minimum degree ordering algorithm computes a
permutation vector P such that the LU factorization of A (:,P) tends to be
sparser than that of A. The Cholesky factorization of (A (:,P))'*(A (:,P)) will
also tend to be sparser than that of A'*A. CSYMAMD is a symmetric minimum
degree ordering method based on CCOLAMD, also available as a MATLAB-callable
function. It constructs a matrix M such that M'*M has the same pattern as A, and
then uses CCOLAMD to compute a column ordering of M.

2021-05-24T18:38:51+02:00 math/suitesparse-camd Symmetric approximate minimum degree
This port installs the module CAMD of SuiteSparse.

CAMD is a set of routines for permuting sparse matrices prior to factorization.

2021-05-24T18:38:21+02:00 math/suitesparse-btf Permutation to block triangular form
This port installs the module BTF of SuiteSparse.

BTF is a software package for permuting a matrix into block upper triangular
form. It includes a maximum transversal algorithm, which finds a permutation
of a square or rectangular matrix so that it has a zero-free diagonal (if one
exists); otherwise, it finds a maximal matching which maximizes the number of
nonzeros on the diagonal. The package also includes a method for finding the
strongly connected components of a graph. These two methods together give the
permutation to block upper triangular form.

2021-05-24T18:37:22+02:00 math/suitesparse-amd Symmetric approximate minimum degree
This port installs the module AMD of SuiteSparse.

AMD is a set of routines for pre-ordering sparse matrices prior to Cholesky
or LU factorization, using the approximate minimum degree ordering algorithm.

2021-05-24T22:21:29+03:00 x11/nfy Minimal and daemonless notification program for X
nfy is a minimal and daemonless notification program for X. Configuration
is done by editing a config.h file.

2021-05-24T22:53:47-07:00 sysutils/brename Tool for batch renaming files/directories via regular expressions
brename is a practical cross-platform command-line tool for safely batch
renaming files/directories via regular expressions.

2021-05-25T10:26:54+08:00 www/dooble Dooble Web Browser
Dooble, the weather bug browser. Minimal, cute, and unusually stable.

- A Web browser!
- Basic themes.
- Compact.
- Cookie crusher.
- Custom search engines.
- Custom style sheets.
- Documented.
- Domain restrictions.
- Favorites.
- Floating digital clock.
- FreeBSD, Linux, Mac, Windows.
- Gopher support.
- Multiple private instances, including downloads.
- Original implementations of AES-256, Threefish-256.
- Qt-only dependency.
- Windows portable.

2021-05-24T16:28:51-07:00 devel/py-connection_pool Thread safe connection pool for Python programs
Thread-safe connection pool for python.

It allows to cache network connections.

2021-05-24T12:17:48-07:00 x11-toolkits/gtk40 Gimp Toolkit for X11 GUI (current stable version)
GTK+ is a collection of GUI widgets. GTK+ essentially provides the
building blocks from which GUIs can be built. It is highly themable,
and its functionality is highly extensible.

2021-05-24T12:12:27-07:00 textproc/gi-docgen Documentation generator for GObject-based libraries
GI-DocGen is a document generator for GObject-based libraries. GObject is the
base type system of the GNOME project. GI-Docgen reuses the introspection data
generated by GObject-based libraries to generate the API reference of these
libraries, as well as other ancillary documentation.

2021-05-24T13:47:38-04:00 math/R-cran-maps Draw Geographical Maps
Display of maps. Projection code and larger maps are in separate packages
('mapproj' and 'mapdata').

2021-05-24T13:47:08-04:00 devel/R-cran-pkgcache Cache 'CRAN'-Like Metadata and R Packages
Metadata and package cache for CRAN-like repositories. This is a utility
package to be used by package management tools that want to take advantage of

2021-05-24T15:14:29+00:00 security/crowdsec-firewall-bouncer Crowdsec bouncer written in golang for firewalls
Crowdsec bouncer written in golang for firewalls.

cs-firewall-bouncer will fetch new and old decisions from a CrowdSec API to add
them in a blocklist used by supported firewalls.

2021-05-24T14:27:06+02:00 graphics/pikchr PIC-like markup language for diagrams
Pikchr (pronounced "picture") is a PIC-like markup language for diagrams in
technical documentation.

Pikchr is designed to be embedded in fenced code blocks of Markdown or similar
mechanisms of other documentation markup languages.

2021-05-24T10:07:28+02:00 devel/py-qstylizer Qt Stylesheet Generator for PyQt/PySide
qstylizer is a python package designed to help with the
construction of PyQt/PySide stylesheets.

2021-05-24T03:49:23-04:00 math/R-cran-tensor Tensor product of arrays
The tensor product of two arrays is notionally an outer product of the arrays
collapsed in specific extents by summing along the appropriate diagonals.

2021-05-23T22:34:46-07:00 x11-toolkits/ztoolkit GUI toolkit heavily inspired by GTK
ZToolkit (Ztk) is a cross-platform GUI toolkit heavily inspired by GTK.

It handles events and low level drawing on behalf of the user and provides a
high-level API for managing the UI and custom widgets.

ZToolkit is written in C based on pugl and was created to be used for various
plugins bundled with the Zrythm digital audio workstation.

2021-05-23T18:39:59-07:00 audio/wolf-shaper-lv2 Waveshaper plugin with a graph editor
Waveshaper plugin with a spline-based graph editor (LV2, VST, DSSI and Jack).

2021-04-27T23:43:23+02:00 games/xnethack Experimental features and improvements applied to NetHack 3.7-dev
xNetHack is a fork of the dungeon exploration game NetHack. It is a
distant descendent of Rogue and Hack, and a direct descendant of the
development version of NetHack 3.7.

The main goals of xNetHack are to take vanilla NetHack and:

- Fix gameplay balance issues.
- Remove tedious and frustrating parts of the game.
- Make uninteresting parts of the game more interesting.
- Experiment with new ideas from the community.

In general, the game design takes a conservative approach to changing
the gameplay compared to other variants, with focus on deepening
elements of the game rather than broadening them. For example, this
philosophy would prefer to differentiate monsters in a class that all
tend to play the same way, instead of adding new monsters to that class.

2021-04-27T23:43:23+02:00 games/xnethack-nox11
2021-04-23T16:18:46+02:00 games/nbsdgames 17 text-based modern games
A collection of terminal games including, Jewels, Sudoku, Mines,
Reversi, Checkers, Battleship, SOS, Rabbithole, Pipes, Fifteen,
Memoblocks, Fisher, Muncher, Miketron, Redsquare, Darrt, and Snakeduel.

The difficulty and/or dimensions are adjustable through simple command
line options, you can play a minesweeper game that take hours to
complete, or exprience hexadecimal sudoku and 8x8 fifteen-like puzzles!

Play on xterm for best experience.

2021-05-23T09:32:31-10:00 sysutils/pxp-agent PCP eXecution Protocol Agent
This is the agent for the PCP Execution Protocol (PXP), based on the the Puppet
Communications Protocol (PCP). It enables the execution of actions on remote

2021-05-23T09:28:45-10:00 net/cpp-pcp-client Client libraries for the PCP protocol
cpp-pcp-client is a C++ client library for the Puppet Communications Protocol
(PCP) protocol. It includes a collection of abstractions which can be used to
initiate connections to a PCP broker, wrapping the PCP message format and
performing schema validation for message bodies.

2021-05-23T13:43:02-05:00 astro/phd2 Guiding software inspired by Stark Labs PHD Guiding
PHD2 is telescope guiding software that simplifies the process of tracking a
guide star, letting you concentrate on other aspects of deep-sky imaging or

2021-05-23T01:42:14-05:00 astro/indiwebmanagerapp Graphical program to manage an INDI WebManager
A Graphical program to Manage, Configure, Launch, and Monitor an INDI
WebManager on OS X, Linux and FreeBSD

What it does:
- Allows easy and extensive configuration of the options for an INDI Web
Manager and an INDI server.
- Makes it easy to set up a Stand alone INDI Server on OS X.
- Allows the setup of an INDI Web Manager on an OS X machine (which was
formerly VERY difficult)
- Provides a GUI interface for Starting, Stoping, Accessing, Configuring, and
Monitoring an INDI Web Manager and INDI Server on OS X and Linux

2021-05-22T15:34:29-07:00 math/conauto Program for graph isomorphism testing & automorphism group computation
Algorithm conauto for Graph Isomorphism Testing and automorphism group

2021-05-22T15:06:51-07:00 math/bliss Tool for computing automorphism groups and canonical forms of graphs
bliss is an open source tool for computing automorphism groups and canonical
forms of graphs. It has both a command line user interface as well as C++ and C
programming language APIs.

2021-05-22T16:16:00-05:00 astro/py-indiweb Simple web application to manage INDI server
INDI Web Manager is a simple web application to manage INDI server

2021-05-22T14:04:14-05:00 astro/stellarsolver Astrometric Plate Solver built on and SEP
- An Astrometric Plate Solver for Mac, Linux, and Windows, built on and SEP (sextractor)
- Meant to be an internal library for use in a program like KStars for internal
plate solving on all supported operating systems
- Python is not required for the library
- Netpbm is not required for the library
- Internal Library, so calls to external programs are not required
- No Astrometry.cfg file is needed, the settings are internal to the program
- Directly loads the image data into SEP and then takes the generated xy-list
internally from Sextractor into, so there is no need to save
any files.
- No temporary files need to be created for solving and no WCS file needs to be
created to read the solved information. Although does monitor
for the creation of 2 files indicating that a field is solved or a cancel was
made, so these are created for now.
- The Index Files are still required for solving images, but the program or the
user can specify the folder locations rather than putting them in the config

2021-05-22T22:42:12+08:00 textproc/rubygem-html-proofer Test your rendered HTML files
HTMLProofer is a set of tests to validate your HTML output. These tests check if
your image references are legitimate, if they have alt tags, if your internal
links are working, and so on. It's intended to be an all-in-one checker for your

In scope for this project is any well-known and widely-used test for HTML
document quality. A major use for this project is continuous integration -- so
we must have reliable results. We usually balance correctness over performance.
And, if necessary, we should be able to trace this program's detection of HTML
errors back to documented best practices or standards, such as W3

2021-05-22T22:42:08+08:00 devel/rubygem-drb Distributed object system for Ruby
dRuby is a distributed object system for Ruby. It allows an object in one Ruby
process to invoke methods on an object in another Ruby process on the same or a
different machine.

The Ruby standard library contains the core classes of the dRuby package.
However, the full package also includes access control lists and the Rinda
tuple-space distributed task management system, as well as a large number of

2021-05-22T22:42:07+08:00 devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-applicationcostprofiler Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Application Cost Profiler
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Application Cost Profiler.

2021-05-22T22:42:06+08:00 devel/p5-Test-MockTime-HiRes Replaces actual time with simulated high resolution time
Test::MockTime::HiRes is a Time::HiRes compatible version of Test::MockTime. You
can wait milliseconds in simulated time.

It also provides mock_time to restrict the effect of the simulation in a code

2021-05-22T12:52:03+02:00 graphics/py-pytesseract wrapper for Google's Tesseract OCR engine
Python-tesseract is an optical character recognition (OCR) tool for python.
That is, it will recognize and “read” the text embedded in images.

Python-tesseract is a wrapper for Google’s Tesseract-OCR Engine. It is also
useful as a stand-alone invocation script to tesseract, as it can read all
image types supported by the Pillow and Leptonica imaging libraries, including
jpeg, png, gif, bmp, tiff, and others. Additionally, if used as a script,
Python-tesseract will print the recognized text instead of writing it to a

2021-05-22T12:18:21+02:00 textproc/py-jq a lightweight and flexible JSON processor a lightweight and flexible JSON processor

py-jq contains Python bindings for jq.

2021-05-21T18:19:49-07:00 security/libreswan IPsec and IKE based firewall
Libreswan is a free software implementation of the most widely supported and
standardized VPN protocol using "IPsec" and the Internet Key Exchange ("IKE").
These standards are produced and maintained by the Internet Engineering Task
Force ("IETF").

2021-05-21T18:20:13+02:00 security/openconnect-freebsd-daemon OpenConnect service daemon for FreeBSD rc(8)
A service daemon for the FreeBSD rc(8) framework. It lets the user configure
OpenConnect VPN in rc.conf(5) and use the standard FreeBSD tools to control the

- Support for starting multiple OpenConnect services.
- Support for running arbitrary commands for OTP-based authentication.

2021-05-21T13:56:26+00:00 graphics/goocanvas3 Cairo-based canvas widget for GTK+
GooCanvas is similar in many ways to GnomeCanvas and FooCanvas, but uses
cairo graphics library for rendering.

2021-05-21T08:08:56+00:00 x11/runner Fast program launch menu for X Window System
Runner is a launch menu for X Window System. It is meant to start fast
and give access to often used programs but also run any command. It is
also optimized for keyboard usage. Its features are:

- Configurable list of programs
- Integrated dialog to run arbitrary commands with arguments
- Unlimited command history
- Completion for programs in history file and PATH variable
- Keyboard support in popup menu with type-ahead filtering

2021-05-20T10:53:00+02:00 databases/postgresql14-server PostgreSQL is the most advanced open-source database available anywhere
PostgreSQL is a sophisticated Object-Relational DBMS, supporting
almost all SQL constructs, including subselects, transactions, and
user-defined types and functions. It is the most advanced open-source
database available anywhere. Commercial Support is also available.

The original Postgres code was the effort of many graduate students,
undergraduate students, and staff programmers working under the direction of
Professor Michael Stonebraker at the University of California, Berkeley. In
1995, Andrew Yu and Jolly Chen took on the task of converting the DBMS query
language to SQL and created a new database system which came to known as
Postgres95. Many others contributed to the porting, testing, debugging and
enhancement of the Postgres95 code. As the code improved, and 1995 faded into
memory, PostgreSQL was born.

PostgreSQL development is presently being performed by a team of Internet
developers who are now responsible for all current and future development. The
development team coordinator is Marc G. Fournier (scrappy@PostgreSQL.ORG).
Support is available from the PostgreSQL developer/user community through the
support mailing list (questions@PostgreSQL.ORG).

PostgreSQL is free and the complete source is available.

2021-05-20T10:53:00+02:00 databases/postgresql14-pltcl Module for using Tcl to write SQL functions
2021-05-20T10:53:00+02:00 databases/postgresql14-plpython Module for using Python to write SQL functions
PL/Python allows one to write PostgeSQL stored functions and
procedures in Python (

This software is part of the standard PostgreSQL distribution.

2021-05-20T10:53:00+02:00 databases/postgresql14-plperl Write SQL functions for PostgreSQL using Perl5
2021-05-20T10:53:00+02:00 databases/postgresql14-pgtcl
2021-05-20T10:53:00+02:00 databases/postgresql14-docs The PostgreSQL documentation set
2021-05-20T10:53:00+02:00 databases/postgresql14-contrib The contrib utilities from the PostgreSQL distribution
This is the port for all stuff that comes in the contrib subtree of
the postgresql distribution. This subtree contains porting tools,
analysis utilities, and plug-in features that are not part of the core
PostgreSQL system, mainly because they address a limited audience or
are too experimental to be part of the main source tree. This does
not preclude their usefulness.

Each subdirectory contains a README file with information about the
module. Some directories supply new user-defined functions, operators,
or types. After you have installed the files you need to register the
new entities in the database system by running the commands in the
supplied .sql file. For example,

$ psql -d dbname -f module.sql

The .sql files are installed into /usr/local/share/postgresql/contrib

For more information, please see

This software is part of the standard PostgreSQL distribution.

2021-05-20T10:53:00+02:00 databases/postgresql14-client PostgreSQL database (client)
2021-05-20T16:13:31+02:00 x11/srandrd Simple randr daemon
srandrd(1) is a tool that executes a command on xrandr output change events,
i.e., if a monitor is plugged or unplugged. By default srandrd forks to
background and exits if the xserver exits.

2021-05-20T14:41:25+02:00 devel/git-lab GitLab management commands for git CLI
git-lab is an extension for the git command-line tool that
helps with interacting with a gitlab instance (e.g.,
or GNOME or KDE gitlab instances). It adds a `git lab`
subcommand to git, which allows you to manage issues,
merge requests and more from the command-line.

2021-05-19T22:19:29-04:00 devel/py-decorator4 Decorators for Humans
As of now, writing custom decorators correctly requires some
experience and it is not as easy as it could be. For instance, typical
implementations of decorators involve nested functions, and we all
know that flat is better than nested. Moreover, typical
implementations of decorators do not preserve the signature of
decorated functions, thus confusing both documentation tools and

The aim of the decorator module it to simplify the usage of decorators
for the average programmer, and to popularize decorators usage giving
examples of useful decorators, such as memoize, tracing,
redirecting_stdout, locked, etc.

2021-05-19T18:18:41-05:00 devel/indi Implementation of the Instrument-Neutral-Device-Interface protocol
INDI is a standard for astronomical instrumentation control. INDI Library is
an Open Source POSIX implementation of the Instrument-Neutral-Device-Interface

2021-05-16T18:15:52+00:00 devel/pydio-packr Pydio fork of packr v1
This is a fork of gobuffalo's packr v1 customized by pydio team.
Its sole purpose is to be used in building the www/pydio-cells port.

2021-05-19T18:18:24+03:00 x11/kitty Cross-platform, fast, featureful, GPU-based terminal emulator
Kitty is the fast, featureful, GPU based terminal emulator.

kitty is designed for power keyboard users. To that end all its controls work
with the keyboard (although it fully supports mouse interactions as well). Its
configuration is a simple, human editable, single file for easy reproducibility
(I like to store configuration in source control).
kitty is designed from the ground up to support all modern terminal
features, such as unicode, true color, bold/italic fonts, text formatting, etc.
It even extends existing text formatting escape codes, to add support for
features not available elsewhere, such as colored and styled (curly) underlines.

2021-05-18T17:29:46-05:00 devel/libxtend Miscellaneous functions to extend libc
Libxtendc is a library of miscellaneous functions, the likes of which might
be found in libc or libm.

They provide some convenient functionality lacking in standard library
functions as well some more esoteric features.

2021-05-19T03:27:11+08:00 devel/py-jupyter-core Jupyter core package
Jupyter core package. A base package on which Jupyter projects rely.

2021-05-19T03:26:55+08:00 devel/py-click-default-group Extend click.Group to invoke a command without explicit subcommand name
DefaultGroup is a sub class of click.Group. But it invokes a default subcommand
instead of showing a help message when a subcommand is not passed.

2021-05-18T09:22:40-07:00 sysutils/k9s Kubernetes command-line tool
Use the Kubernetes command-line tool, k9s, to interact with
your Kubernetes clusters. K9s can help explore a Kubernetes
cluster with a text-based user interface (UI).

2021-05-18T06:07:28+00:00 benchmarks/kdiskmark Graphical HDD/SSD benchmarking tool
KDiskMark is an HDD and SSD benchmark tool with a very friendly graphical
user interface. KDiskMark with its presets and powerful GUI calls Flexible
I/O Tester and handles the output to provide an easy to view and interpret
comprehensive benchmark result. The application is written in C++ with Qt
and has minimal KDE dependencies.

2021-05-18T07:14:49+02:00 audio/pamixer Pulseaudio command line mixer
Pulseaudio command line mixer.

pamixer is like amixer but for pulseaudio. It can control the
volume levels of the sinks. Also, this project can provide you
a small C++ library to control pulseaudio.

- Get the current volume of the default sink, the default
source or a selected one by his id
- Set the volume for the default sink, the default
source or any other device
- List the sinks
- List the sources
- Increase / Decrease the volume for a device (using gamma
correction optionally)
- Mute or unmute a device

2021-05-17T20:44:03-07:00 audio/wavetral Convert between single cycle waveforms and audio spectra
wavetral is a small program to convert single cycle waveforms to spectra and
vice versa. It supports different input and output formats to export
your waveforms/spectra from one synthesizer to another.

2021-05-17T15:52:39-07:00 www/wslay C WebSocket library
Wslay is a WebSocket library written in C. It implements the protocol version 13
described in RFC 6455. This library offers 2 levels of API: event-based API and
frame-based low-level API. For event-based API, it is suitable for non-blocking
reactor pattern style. You can set callbacks in various events. For frame-based
API, you can send WebSocket frame directly. Wslay only supports data transfer
part of WebSocket protocol and does not perform opening handshake in HTTP.

Wslay supports:
* Text/Binary messages.
* Automatic ping reply.
* Callback interface.
* External event loop.

2021-05-17T23:26:36+02:00 net-mgmt/zabbix54-server Enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring (${PKGNAMESUFFIX:S/^-//})
Zabbix is an enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring solution.

Zabbix is software that monitors numerous parameters of a network and the
health and integrity of servers. Zabbix uses a flexible notification
mechanism that allows users to configure e-mail based alerts for virtually
any event. This allows a fast reaction to server problems. Zabbix offers
excellent reporting and data visualisation features based on the stored
data. This makes Zabbix ideal for capacity planning.

2021-05-17T23:26:36+02:00 net-mgmt/zabbix54-proxy
2021-05-17T23:26:36+02:00 net-mgmt/zabbix54-java
2021-05-17T23:26:36+02:00 net-mgmt/zabbix54-frontend
2021-05-17T23:26:36+02:00 net-mgmt/zabbix54-agent
2021-05-17T19:54:14+02:00 textproc/slowcat Write output slowly, emulating physical serial terminal
The "Slowcat" program is intended for use with various VT100 and other
animations from, where a time delay
not unlike a terminal or modem makes the entire thing actually understandable.
This program will add an artificial 9600 baud delay while printing a file.

2021-05-17T09:52:10-07:00 emulators/magia GBA emulator written in golang
Magia is GBA emulator written in golang.

Warning: This emulator is WIP, so many ROMs don't work correctly now.

2021-05-17T14:36:24+00:00 sysutils/kdiskmark Graphical HDD/SSD benchmarking tool
KDiskMark is an HDD and SSD benchmark tool with a very friendly graphical
user interface. KDiskMark with its presets and powerful GUI calls Flexible
I/O Tester and handles the output to provide an easy to view and interpret
comprehensive benchmark result. The application is written in C++ with Qt
and has minimal KDE dependencies.

2021-05-17T01:40:34-03:00 x11-wm/leftwm Tiling window manager for Adventurers
LeftWM is a tiling window manager written in Rust that aims to be stable
and performant. LeftWM is designed to do one thing and to do that one thing
well: be a window manager. LeftWM therefore follows the following mantra:

- LeftWM is not a compositor.
- LeftWM is not a lock screen.
- LeftWM is not a bar. But, there are lots of good bars out there. With
themes, picking one is as simple as setting a symlink.

2021-05-16T20:13:36-07:00 misc/timetrace Simple time tracking CLI
timetrace is a simple CLI for tracking your working time.

2021-05-17T09:43:32+08:00 www/moodle311 Course management system based on social constructionism
Moodle is a course management system (CMS) - a free, Open Source software
package designed using sound pedagogical principles, to help educators
create effective online learning communities. You can use it on any
computer you have handy (including webhosts), yet it can scale from a
single-teacher site to a 40,000-student University.

2021-05-16T15:12:41-07:00 www/srt Secure Reliable Transport (SRT) Protocol
SRT is an open source video transport protocol and technology stack that
optimizes streaming performance across unpredictable networks with secure
streams and easy firewall traversal, bringing the best quality live video over
the worst networks. The SRT Open Source project, driven by the SRT Alliance, is
a collaborative community of industry leaders and developers striving to achieve
lower latency internet video transport by continuously improving open-source

2021-05-16T13:52:55-07:00 www/libdatachannel WebRTC Data Channels, WebRTC Media Transport, and WebSockets library
libdatachannel is a standalone implementation of WebRTC Data Channels, WebRTC
Media Transport, and WebSockets in C++17 with C bindings for POSIX platforms
(including GNU/Linux, Android, and Apple macOS) and Microsoft Windows.

2021-05-16T09:48:42-07:00 devel/sol2 C++ header-only library binding to Lua
sol2 is a C++ library binding to Lua. It currently supports all Lua versions
5.1+ (LuaJIT 2.0+ and MoonJIT included). sol2 aims to be easy to use and easy to
add to a project. The library is header-only for easy integration with projects,
and a single header can be used for drag-and-drop start up.

2021-05-15T21:10:38-07:00 devel/py-prefixed Prefixed alternative numeric library
Prefixed provides an alternative implementation of the built-in float which
supports formatted output with SI (decimal) and IEC (binary) prefixes.

2021-05-16T23:13:11+08:00 www/rubygem-http4 Simple Ruby DSL for making HTTP requests
The HTTP Gem is an easy-to-use client library for making requests from Ruby. It
uses a simple method chaining system for building requests, similar to Python's

Under the hood, The HTTP Gem uses http_parser.rb, a fast HTTP parsing native
extension based on the Node.js parser and a Java port thereof.

2021-05-16T23:13:07+08:00 www/rubygem-llhttp-ffi Ruby FFI bindings for llhttp
This is a monorepo that includes projects for MRI and FFI. Generally speaking,
you should prefer the MRI version and fallback to the FFI version for better
compatibility. There is parity between the two implementations, but the MRI
implementation is more performant.

2021-05-16T23:13:03+08:00 devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-ssmincidents Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Systems Manager Incident Manager (SSM Incidents)
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Systems Manager Incident Manager (SSM Incidents).

2021-05-16T23:13:02+08:00 devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-ssmcontacts Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Systems Manager Incident Manager Contacts (SSM Contacts)
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Systems Manager Incident Manager Contacts (SSM

2021-05-16T23:13:01+08:00 x11-fonts/py-babelfont Abstract interface to font source files based on fontParts
babelfont reads font files into fontParts objects and writes them out again.

2021-05-16T23:13:00+08:00 print/py-vharfbuzz User-friendlier way to use Harfbuzz in Python
uharfbuzz is an awesome tool for shaping text in Python. But it wraps the
Harfbuzz C interface quite closely, so still requires you to perform a bunch of
boilerplate operations before you can get on with the shaping. vharfbuzz allows
you a slightly more high-level interface to the text shaping process.

2021-05-16T23:12:57+08:00 print/py-uharfbuzz Streamlined Cython bindings for the harfbuzz shaping engine
uharfbuzz provides streamlined Cython bindings for the HarfBuzz shaping engine.

2021-05-16T23:12:55+08:00 print/py-glyphtools Routines for extracting information from fontTools glyphs
glyphtools provides routines for extracting information from font glyphs.

2021-05-16T23:12:52+08:00 print/py-fontpens Collection of classes implementing the pen protocol for manipulating glyphs
fontPens provides a collection of classes implementing the pen protocol for
manipulating glyphs.

2021-05-16T23:12:49+08:00 print/py-fontparts API for interacting with the parts of fonts during the font development process
FontParts provides an API for interacting with the parts of fonts during the
font development process. FontParts is the replacement for RoboFab.

2021-05-16T23:12:46+08:00 print/py-dehinter Remove TrueType instruction sets (hints) in fonts
dehinter is a Python command line application that removes TrueType instruction
sets, global hinting tables, and other associated OpenType table data in font

What it does
- Removes OpenType glyf table instruction set bytecode data
- Removes OpenType and other TTF hinting related tables - cvt table - fpgm table
- hdmx table - LTSH table - prep table - TTFA table (not part of the OpenType
specification) - VDMX table
- Removes OpenType cvar table from variable fonts
- Updates gasp table values
- Updates maxp table values
- Updates head table bit flags
- Displays file sizes of the hinted and dehinted versions of the fonts

2021-05-16T23:12:44+08:00 print/py-collidoscope Brute force detection of glyph collisions
collidoscope reports on situations where paths overlap in a shaped piece of

This software tries every combination of glyphs within a specified Unicode range
and up to a specified length of string and outputs a report of all situations
where the glyphs collide. It has a number of collision tests:
- Paths in non-adjacent glyphs are never allowed to collide.
- If the cursive test is turned on, then paths with a cursive attachment anchor
are allowed to overlap with paths in an adjacent glyph which also contain a
cursive attachment anchor, but are not allowed to overlap with a path without
a cursive attachment anchor.
- If the area test is turned on, then paths in adjacent glyphs may collide so
long as the area of overlap does not exceed a given percentage of the smallest
path's area. i.e. if the area percentage is set to 25%, then two strokes may
connect, because the overlap is likely to be quite small compared to the size
of the paths involved. But if a stroke significantly overlaps a nukta, it will
be reported as a collision. (Of course, this will not detect strokes which
merely graze a nukta.)

2021-05-16T23:12:41+08:00 finance/py-mplfinance Utilities for the visualization, and visual analysis, of financial data
mplfinance provides matplotlib utilities for the visualization, and visual
analysis, of financial data.

2021-05-16T23:12:40+08:00 devel/py-stringbrewer Generate random strings matching a pattern
Patterns are specified in the StringBrewer pattern language, and are made up of
two parts: a recipe and a set of ingredients. A recipe is essentially a modified
form of regular expression; whitespace is not significant, and each ingredient
name is replaced by its definition. An ingredient is a space-separated list of
items; each item is either a character (specified either as a literal character
or as a Unicode codepoint in hexadecimal), a range of characters separated by
hyphens, or a union of items separated by commas. Ingredients may also contain
references to other ingredients.

2021-05-16T23:12:39+08:00 devel/py-sre-yield Expand a regular expression to its possible matches
The goal of sre_yield is to efficiently generate all values that can match a
given regular expression, or count possible matches efficiently. It uses the
parsed regular expression, so you get a much more accurate result than trying to
just split strings.

2021-05-16T23:12:38+08:00 devel/py-rstr Generate random strings in Python
rstr is a helper module for easily generating random strings of various types.
It could be useful for fuzz testing, generating dummy data, or other

It has no dependencies outside the standard library.

2021-05-16T16:58:54+02:00 security/vaultwarden Bitwarden compatible backend server
This is a Bitwarden server API implementation written in Rust
compatible with upstream Bitwarden clients*,
perfect for self-hosted deployment
where running the official resource-heavy service might not be ideal.

2021-05-15T09:29:48+00:00 audio/vban Command-line VBAN (audio over UDP protocol) tools
This project an open-source implementation of VBAN protocol. VBAN is a
simple audio over UDP protocol proposed by VB-Audio. It is composed of
several command-line tools allowing to stream audio coming from audio
backend interfaces to VBAN stream (vban_emitter) or play incoming VBAN
stream to audio backend interfaces (vban_receptor), or send text over
the VBAN protocol (vban_sendtext).

ALSA, Jack, and PulseAudio audio backends have been implemented. FIFO
(pipe) output is also available, to allow chaining command-line tools,
and a file output too (for writing raw PCM data).

2021-05-14T00:55:16-07:00 math/creme Randomized thermal relaxation method for MaxFS problems
Creme is an implementation of the randomized thermal relaxation method to find
a feasible solution of the Maximum Feasible Subsystem (MaxFS) problem. The MaxFS
problem consists, given a Linear Programming problem

A x <= b,

generally infeasible, in finding a feasible subsystem containing a maximum
number of inequalities.

2021-05-13T20:40:16-07:00 textproc/xlnt C++ xlsx library for reading/writing/manipulating spreadsheets
xlnt is a modern C++ library for manipulating spreadsheets in memory and
reading/writing them from/to XLSX files as described in ECMA 376 4th edition.

2021-05-13T14:48:47-07:00 www/py-fastapi High-performance Python API Framework
FastAPI is a modern, fast (high-performance), web framework for building APIs
with Python 3.6+ based on standard Python type hints.

The key features are:

* Fast: Very high performance, on par with NodeJS and Go.

* Fast to code: Increase the speed to develop features by about 200% to 300%.

* Fewer bugs: Reduce about 40% of human (developer) induced errors.

* Intuitive: Great editor support. Completion everywhere. Less time debugging.

* Easy: Designed to be easy to use and learn. Less time reading docs.

* Short: Minimize code duplication. Multiple features from each parameter
declaration. Fewer bugs.

* Robust: Get production-ready code. With automatic interactive documentation.

* Standards-based: Based on (and fully compatible with) the open standards for
APIs: OpenAPI (previously known as Swagger) and JSON Schema.

2021-05-13T20:54:43+00:00 www/pydio-cells Nextgen file sharing platform for organizations
Installed on your own infrastructure, Pydio Cells provides a central place for
your users to collaborate and share files internally and externally, while
empowering your IT admins to monitor and protect your company's data.

2021-05-12T16:23:06-07:00 math/gravity Mathematical modeling for optimization and machine learning
Gravity is a Modeling Language for Mathematical Optimization and Machine

2021-05-12T19:34:08+00:00 sysutils/containerd Open and reliable container runtime
containerd is an industry-standard container runtime with an emphasis on
simplicity, robustness and portability. It is available as a daemon for
Linux and Windows, which can manage the complete container lifecycle of
its host system: image transfer and storage, container execution and
supervision, low-level storage and network attachments, etc.

2021-05-12T12:05:46-07:00 math/disco Discrete Conic Optimization Solver
DisCO (Discrete Conic Optimization) is a solver for Mixed Integer Second Order
Conic Optimization (MISOCO) problems. It is developed on top of COIN-OR
High-Performance Parallel Search (CHiPPS) framework.

2021-05-12T12:03:34-07:00 math/cgl-conic Strategies for conic problems for COIN-OR Cut Generation
CGL-Conic is library for generation of conic cuts for Mixed Integer Second
Order Conic Optimization (MISOCO) problems. CGL-Conic can be considered as
a generalization of COIN-OR's Cut Generation Library (CGL).

2021-05-12T11:59:56-07:00 math/osiipopt Conic solver interface for Ipopt
OsiIpopt is a conic solver interface for COIN-OR's Ipopt solver. OsiIpopt
implements OsiConic interface, which extends Open Solver Interface (OSI) to
second order conic optimization problems.

2021-05-12T11:57:26-07:00 math/osi-conic Conic problem solver interface extending OSI to conic problems
Conic problem solver interface library. Extends Coin-OR's OSI interface to
conic problems. Inherits Coin-OR's OsiCLpSolverInterface class and adds conic
problem specific methods (querying cones, etc.).

2021-05-12T20:45:07+02:00 sysutils/py-ansible-base Radically simple IT automation
Ansible is a radically simple configuration-management, deployment,
task-execution, and multinode orchestration framework.

ansible-base contains the core engine, modules and plugins. It does not
contain community and partner supported Ansible Collections of modules and
plugins. For future versions of Ansible, ansible-base is going to be
superseded by the ansible-core Python package, available in the FreeBSD
ports as sysutils/py-ansible-core.

2021-05-12T20:44:57+02:00 sysutils/ansible2 Radically simple IT automation
Ansible is a radically simple configuration-management, deployment,
task-execution, and multinode orchestration framework.

2021-05-12T20:44:54+02:00 sysutils/py-ansible-core Radically simple IT automation
Ansible is a radically simple configuration-management, deployment,
task-execution, and multinode orchestration framework.

ansible-core contains the core engine, modules and plugins. It does not contain
community and partner supported Ansible Collections of modules and plugins.

2021-05-12T20:44:51+02:00 devel/py-resolvelib Resolve abstract dependencies into concrete ones
ResolveLib at the highest level provides a Resolver class that includes
dependency resolution logic. You give it some things, and a little information
on how it should interact with them, and it will spit out a resolution result.

2021-05-12T15:00:55+09:00 devel/electron12 Build cross-platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
Build cross platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.

It's easier than you think.

If you can build a website, you can build a desktop app. Electron is a
framework for creating native applications with web technologies like
JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. It takes care of the hard parts so you can
focus on the core of your application.

2021-05-11T18:20:55-07:00 biology/seqan3 C++ header-only library for biological sequence analysis
SeqAn3 is the new version of the popular SeqAn template library for the analysis
of biological sequences. It enables the rapid development of high-performance
solutions by providing generic algorithms and data structures for:
* sequence representation and transformation
* full-text indexing and efficient search
* sequence alignment
* input/output of common file formats

2021-05-11T16:24:05-07:00 audio/qxgedit Editor for MIDI System Exclusive files for XG devices
QXGEdit is a Qt framework GUI for editing MIDI System Exclusive files for XG
devices (eg. Yamaha DB50XG).

2021-05-12T05:14:22+08:00 textproc/rubygem-autoprefixer-rails1020 Parse CSS and add vendor prefixes to CSS rules
Autoprefixer is a tool to parse CSS and add vendor prefixes to CSS rules using
values from the Can I Use. This gem provides Ruby and Ruby on Rails integration
with this JavaScript tool.

2021-05-12T05:14:18+08:00 textproc/rubygem-parse-cron Parse cron expressions and calculates the next occurence
The goal of Parse-Cron is to parse a crontab timing specification and determine
when the job should be run. It is not a scheduler, it does not run the jobs.

2021-05-12T05:14:13+08:00 devel/rubygem-google-protobuf315 Ruby extension to Google Protocol Buffers
rubygem-google-protobuf is a Ruby extension that implements Protocol Buffers
functionality. It makes use of generated Ruby code that defines message and enum
types in a Ruby DSL. You may write definitions in this DSL directly, but we
recommend using protoc's Ruby generation support with .proto files. The build
process in this directory only installs the extension; you need to install
protoc as well to have Ruby code generation functionality.

2021-05-12T05:14:12+08:00 devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-finspacedata Official AWS Ruby gem for FinSpace Public API (FinSpace Data)
Official AWS Ruby gem for FinSpace Public API (FinSpace Data).

2021-05-12T05:14:11+08:00 devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-finspace Official AWS Ruby gem for FinSpace User Environment Management service (finspace)
Official AWS Ruby gem for FinSpace User Environment Management service

2021-05-12T05:13:36+08:00 devel/py-pytest-checkdocs Check the README when running tests
pytest-checkdocs is a pytest plugin that checks the long description of the
project to ensure it renders properly.

2021-05-12T05:13:11+08:00 devel/py-google-re2 RE2 Python bindings
google-re2 is a rop-in replacement for the re module.

It uses RE2 under the hood, of course, so various PCRE features (e.g.
backreferences, look-around assertions) are not supported.

2021-05-11T22:31:54+02:00 textproc/p5-PDF-Builder Facilitates the creation and modification of PDF files
There seem to be a growing plethora of Perl modules for creating and
manipulating PDF files.

PDF::Builder is a fork of PDF::API2, which is developed with the goal
of a more aggressive schedule of new features and bug fixes, while
aiming to keep all internal methods as upwardly compatible with PDF::API2
as possible.

2021-05-11T22:29:58+02:00 x11-toolkits/p5-Gtk3-ImageView Perl bindings to the GtkImageView image viewer widget
The Gtk3::ImageView widget allows the user to zoom, pan and select the
specified image and provides hooks to allow additional tools, e.g.
painter, to be created and used.

Gtk3::ImageView is a Gtk3 port of Gtk2::ImageView.

Find out more about GtkImageView at

2021-05-11T22:23:43+02:00 graphics/p5-Graphics-TIFF Perl extension for the libtiff library
Perl bindings for the libtiff library. This module allows you to access
TIFF images in a Perlish and object-oriented way, freeing you from the
casting and memory management in C, yet remaining very close in spirit
to original API.

Find out more about libtiff at

2021-05-11T09:42:48+00:00 net/spiritvnc Multi-view FLTK-based VNC client
SpiritVNC is FLTK-based VNC viewer that allows to have many simultaneous
connections opened and allows to switch between them efficiently.

Besides regular VNC connections, SpiritVNC also supports VNC-through-SSH
for encryption and more secure connections. Also supported are reverse
or "listening" VNC connections as well as an auto-scanning function that
displays one VNC viewer for a user-defined time, then automatically
displays the next connected viewer, and so-on.

2021-05-10T17:06:00+02:00 comms/py-hid Ctypes bindings to comms/hidapi
Ctypes bindings for hidapi.

2021-05-11T07:03:06+00:00 net/p5-Net-Netcat Perl wrapper class for nc(1) utility (netcat)
This package provides simple Perl interface for nc(1) command line
utility, known as Swiss army knife of networking, to construct and
run TCP, UDP, or Unix domain servers and clients.

2021-05-10T10:58:03-07:00 games/weebsay Like cowsay but with random anime quotes
weebsay is like cowsay but it's with a random anime quote.

2021-05-10T09:16:11-07:00 x11-themes/chicago95 Classic Redmond theme
Chicago95 is a theme rendition of classic 1995 Microsoft operating system.
It includes various backgrounds, themes, and icons for consistent look.

2021-05-10T09:15:26+00:00 net-p2p/btcheck BitTorrent data checker and torrent file content viewer
BtCheck can check downloaded data integrity according to the given
torrent and it can also show the information stored in the torrent
file: announce trackers, list of files with their size, hash value,
creation date, comments, etc.

2021-05-07T10:01:08-07:00 x11-wm/fvwm3 F? Virtual Window Manager
Fvwm3 is a multiple large virtual desktop window manager, originally (a
looooong time ago!) derived from twm.

The successor to fvwm2.

Fvwm3 is intended to have a small memory footprint but a rich feature set, be
extremely customizable and extendible, and have a high degree of Motif mwm

2021-05-09T18:21:25-07:00 security/tang Tang is a small daemon for binding data to the presence of a network
Tang is a server for binding data to network presence.

This sounds fancy, but the concept is simple. You have some data, but you only
want it to be available when the system containing the data is on a certain,
usually secure, network. This is where Tang comes in.

First, the client gets a list of the Tang server's advertised asymmetric keys.
This can happen online by a simple HTTP GET. Alternatively, since the keys are
asymmetric, the public key list can be distributed out of band.

Second, the client uses one of these public keys to generate a unique,
cryptographically strong encryption key. The data is then encrypted using this
key. Once the data is encrypted, the key is discarded. Some small metadata is
produced as part of this operation which the client should store in a convenient
location. This process of encrypting data is the provisioning step.

Third, when the client is ready to access its data, it simply loads the metadata
produced in the provisioning step and performs an HTTP POST in order to recover
the encryption key. This process is the recovery step.

2021-05-09T18:05:46-07:00 net/jose Tools for JSON Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE)
Jose is a command line utility for performing various tasks on JSON
Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) objects. Jose provides a full
crypto stack including key generation, signing and encryption.

2021-04-21T09:42:22+00:00 x11/showmethekey Show keys you typed on screen
Show keys you typed on screen, so your audiences can see what you do
clearly while you are streaming or recording. A screenkey alternative
that works on both X11 and Wayland.

- Key events reading via libinput
- Configurable floating window size
- Click-through but dragable floating window
- Temporary hiding support
- Keymap handling via xkbcommon
- Mouse button support

2021-05-08T12:08:56-07:00 print/epson-inkjet-printer-escpr2 Epson Inkjet Printer Driver 2 (ESC/P-R) for Linux
This software is a filter program used with Common UNIX Printing
System (CUPS) from the Linux. This can supply the high quality print
with Seiko Epson Color Ink Jet Printers.

This product supports only EPSON ESC/P-R printers. This package can be
used for all EPSON ESC/P-R printers.

For detail list of supported printer, please refer to below site:

2021-05-08T18:41:45+02:00 sysutils/lxqt-powermanagement LXQt power management
lxqt-powermanagement can monitor power management events and
optionally triggers actions like e.g. shut down a system when
laptop batteries are low on power.

2021-05-08T17:58:31+02:00 archivers/lxqt-archiver Qt file archiver
A simple & lightweight Qt file archiver.
The core I/O functions are ported from Engrampa

2021-05-07T11:50:16-07:00 net/gemserv Gemini server written in Rust
A gemini server written in Rust. It features:

- Vhosts
- User directories
- Reverse proxy
- Redirect

2021-05-07T10:34:38-07:00 sysutils/chezmoi Manage your dotfiles across multiple diverse machines, securely
chezmoi manages your dotfiles across multiple diverse machines, securely.
chezmoi is helpful if you have spent time customizing the tools you use and
want to keep machines running different accounts (e.g. home and work) and/or
different operating systems in sync, while still being able to easily cope
with differences from machine to machine.

2021-05-07T17:19:51+08:00 devel/py-future-annotations Backport of __future__ annotations to python < 3.7
future-annotations is a backport of __future__ annotations to python < 3.7.

2021-05-06T20:27:53-07:00 security/gitjacker Leak git repositories from misconfigured websites
Gitjacker downloads git repositories and extracts their contents from sites
where the .git directory has been mistakenly uploaded. It will still manage
to recover a significant portion of a repository even where directory listings
are disabled.

For educational/penetration testing use only.

2021-05-06T19:12:22-04:00 security/duo_openvpn Duo two-factor authentication for OpenVPN
Duo provides simple two-factor authentication as a service via:

1. Phone callback
2. SMS-delivered one-time passcodes
3. Duo mobile app to generate one-time passcodes
4. Duo mobile app for smartphone push authentication
5. Duo hardware token to generate one-time passcodes

Duo two-factor authentication for OpenVPN

2021-05-06T15:12:12-07:00 net-im/tdlib Library for building Telegram clients
TDLib (Telegram Database library) is a cross-platform library for building
Telegram clients. It can be easily used from almost any programming language.

2021-05-06T19:28:15+02:00 multimedia/haruna KDE video player
Haruna is an open source video player built with Qt/QML and libmpv.

2021-05-06T19:09:50+02:00 mail/postfix35 Secure alternative to widely-used Sendmail
Postfix attempts to be fast, easy to administer, and secure, while at the same
time being sendmail compatible enough to not upset existing users. Thus, the
outside has a sendmail-ish flavor, but the inside is completely different.

Some features:

Connection cache for SMTP, DSN status notifications, IP version 6, Plug-in
support for multiple SASL implementations (Cyrus, Dovecot), TLS encryption and
authentication, Configurable status notification message text, Access control
per client/sender/recipient/etc, Content filter (built-in, external before
queue, external after queue), Berkeley DB database, LDAP database, MySQL
database, PostgreSQL database, Maildir and mailbox format, Virtual domains,
VERP envelope return addresses and others.

2021-05-06T15:07:58+02:00 lang/perl5.34 Practical Extraction and Report Language
Perl is a language that combines some of the features of C, sed, awk and
shell. See the manual page for more hype. There are also many books
published by O'Reilly & Assoc. See pod/perlbook.pod for more

2021-05-06T00:49:24-07:00 security/kuku Cuckoo hashing library written in C++
Kuku is a simple open-source cuckoo hashing library developed by the
Cryptography and Privacy Research Group at Microsoft. Kuku is written in modern
standard C++ and has no external dependencies, making it easy to compile and run
in many different environments.

2021-05-05T12:33:01+01:00 net/td-system-tools Printing basic system information and system maintenance
This package contains programs for printing basic system
information and for system maintenance.
System-Info displays basic status information about the
system: hostname, uptime, CPU, memory statistics, disk
space statistics, SSH public key hashes, and networking
information. Furthermore, it can be configured to show
one or more banners (for example, a project name).
System-Info can be configured to be automatically run when
logging in, providing the user an up-to-date overview of
the system.
System-Maintenance runs basic system maintenance tasks:
trying to repair broken package management, updating the
package management databases, installing all available
updates, checking for old kernels and removing them, trim
SSD or unmap unused storage.

2021-03-29T22:50:34+00:00 sysutils/pam_xdg PAM module to manage XDG Base Directories
Complete XDG Base Directories support via PAM, including injection of
according environment variables into user sessions, as well as creation
support for per-user $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR.

2021-05-04T16:18:50-04:00 devel/R-cran-waldo Find Differences Between R Objects
Compare complex R objects and reveal the key differences. Designed particularly
for use in testing packages where being able to quickly isolate key differences
makes understanding test failures much easier.

2021-05-04T10:42:25-07:00 math/gecode Generic Constraint Development Environment
Gecode is a toolkit for developing constraint-based systems and
applications. Gecode provides a constraint solver with state-of-the-art
performance while being modular and extensible.

2021-04-19T14:35:35+02:00 net/libpfctl Library for interaction with pf(4)
Ports version of the base system pf(4) library, libpfctl.

Ports should ideally use this interface rather than manually implementing the
pf(4) ioctl() interface.

2021-05-04T13:55:29+03:00 devel/hs-git-brunch git branch checkout command line tool
git-brunch is a git branch checkout command-line tool featuring:
- Checking out local or remote branch
- Rebasing onto a branch
- Searching for a branch
- Deleting a branch
- Performing a fetch and update operations

2021-05-03T22:43:18-07:00 math/jacop Java Constraint Programming solver
Java Constraint Programming (JaCoP) solver for MiniZinc.

2021-05-03T17:39:14-07:00 math/minizinc-solvers Metaport for MiniZinc solvers
All MiniZinc solvers available as FreeBSD ports.

This is the metaport.

2021-05-03T12:24:37-07:00 math/asl COIN-OR autotools harness to build AMPL Solver Library
This is an autotools-based build system to build and install the Ampl Solver
Library (ASL) as it is used by some COIN-OR projects.

2021-05-03T11:48:29-07:00 math/chuffed Lazy clause generation CP solver for MiniZinc
The Chuffed CP solver backend for the MiniZinc constraint modelling language.

2021-05-03T10:20:10-07:00 devel/libbacktrace C library that produces symbolic backtraces in C/C++ programs
libbacktrace is a C library that may be linked into a C/C++ program to produce
symbolic backtraces.

2021-05-03T10:45:02+00:00 lang/gcc12-devel GNU Compiler Collection 12
GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection, supports a number of languages.
This port installs the C, C++, and Fortran front ends as gcc12, g++12,
and gfortran12, respectively.


Gerald Pfeifer <>
2021-05-02T23:53:40-07:00 math/bcps Branch, Constrain, and Price Software (BiCePS)
Branch, Constrain, and Price Software (BiCePS), a layer of the COIN-OR High
Performance Parallel Search framework supporting the implementation of
relaxation-based optimization algorithms.

2021-05-02T23:51:44-07:00 math/alps Abstract Library for Parallel Search (ALPS)
Abstract Library for Parallel Search (ALPS), the abstract base layer of the
COIN-OR High Performance Parallel Search framework.

2021-05-02T16:15:38-07:00 math/highs Solver for large scale sparse linear programming (LP) problems
HiGHS is a high performance serial and parallel solver for large scale sparse
linear programming (LP) problems of the form:

Minimize c^Tx subject to L <= Ax <= U; l <= x <= u

2021-05-03T03:43:23+08:00 devel/rubygem-devise47-rails60 Flexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden
Flexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden

2021-05-03T03:43:11+08:00 devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-nimblestudio Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Nimble Studio
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Nimble Studio.

2021-05-03T03:43:01+08:00 archivers/py-brotlicffi Python CFFI bindings to the Brotli library
BrotliCFFI contains Python CFFI bindings for the reference Brotli
encoder/decoder. This allows Python software to use the Brotli compression
algorithm directly from Python code.

2021-05-03T03:42:50+08:00 ftp/cpr C++ Requests: Curl for People
C++ Requests is a simple wrapper around libcurl inspired by the excellent Python
Requests project.

Despite its name, libcurl's easy interface is anything but, and making mistakes
misusing it is a common source of error and frustration. Using the more
expressive language facilities of C++11, this library captures the essence of
making network calls into a few concise idioms.

2021-05-01T14:12:15-07:00 devel/xsimd C++ wrappers for SIMD intrinsics and mathematical functions
xsimd provides a unified means for using SIMD features of the CPU for library
authors. Namely, it enables manipulation of batches of numbers with the same
arithmetic operators as for single values. It also provides accelerated
implementation of common mathematical functions operating on batches.

2021-05-02T06:12:51+08:00 devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-lookoutequipment Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Lookout for Equipment (LookoutEquipment)
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Lookout for Equipment (LookoutEquipment).

2021-05-02T06:12:39+08:00 devel/p5-Test2-Plugin-Cover Fast and Minimal file coverage info
Test2::Plugin::Cover will collect minimal file coverage info, and will do so
with minimal performance impact.

Every time a subroutine is called this tool will do its best to find the
filename the subroutine was defined in, and add it to a list. Also, anytime you
attempt to open a file with open() or sysopen() the file will be added to the
list. This list will be attached to a test2 event just before the test exits. In
most formaters the event will only show up as a comment on STDOUT # This test
covered N source files. . However tools such as Test2::Harness::UI can make full
use of the coverage information contained in the event.

2021-05-01T19:07:51-03:00 math/py-matplotlib-inline Matplotlib Inline Back-end for IPython and Jupyter
Matplotlib Inline Back-end for IPython and Jupyter.

Matplotlib is a comprehensive library for creating static, animated, and
interactive visualizations in Python.

2021-04-30T19:40:19+00:00 sysutils/opendircolors BSD-licensed replacement for dircolors
A BSD-licensed replacement for GNU dircolors(1),
with support for FreeBSD's ls(1) using LSCOLORS.

2021-01-22T19:21:13+00:00 x11-themes/yaru-icon-theme Default icon theme for Ubuntu
Default icon theme for Ubuntu

2021-01-22T19:21:13+00:00 x11-themes/yaru-gtk-themes Default GTK theme for Ubuntu
Yaru is the default GTK theme for Ubuntu, backed by the community.

Supported Desktop Environments:

* Gnome-Shell

2021-01-02T17:56:19+00:00 x11-themes/qogir-icon-themes Flat colorful design icon theme for linux desktops
A flat colorful design icon theme for linux desktops

2021-03-20T18:37:35+00:00 x11-themes/qogir-gtk-themes Qogir is a flat Design theme for GTK
Qogir is a flat Design theme for GTK 3, GTK 2 and Gnome-Shell.

Supported Desktop Environments:

* Cinnamon
* Gnome-Shell
* Metacity
* Plank
* Unity
* Xfce

2021-02-18T19:01:29+00:00 x11-themes/pop-icon-theme System76 Pop icon Theme
System76 Pop icon Theme

2021-01-17T00:09:20+00:00 x11-themes/layan-gtk-themes Layan is a flat Design theme for GTK 3, GTK 2 and Gnome-Shell
Layan is a flat Material Design theme for GTK 3, GTK 2 and Gnome-Shell.

Supported Desktop Environments:

* Gnome-Shell
* Plank
* Xfce

2021-01-02T21:27:55+00:00 x11-themes/canta-icon-theme Flat icons for Canta GTK theme
Flat icons for Canta GTK theme

2021-04-30T12:30:25-07:00 math/flopc++ Library for solving Linear Optimization Problems in C++
FlopC++ is an open source algebraic modelling language implemented as a C++
class library.

2021-04-30T21:19:03+02:00 textproc/py-python-lsp-server Python implementation of the Language Server Protocol
A Python 3.6+ implementation of the Language Server Protocol.

Language Server Features: Auto Completion, Code Linting,
Signature Help, Go to definition, Hover, Find References,
Document Symbols, Document Formatting, Code folding, and
Multiple workspaces

2021-04-30T20:48:10+02:00 textproc/py-python-lsp-jsonrpc Python JSON RPC Server
A Python 3.6+ server implementation of the JSON RPC 2.0
protocol. This library has been pulled out of the Python
LSP Server project.

2021-04-30T16:10:21+02:00 multimedia/scte35dump Dump SCTE-35 data from a Transport Stream
Dump SCTE-35 data from a Transport Stream contained
within a file or RTP network stream.

2021-04-29T22:10:23+08:00 devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-mgn Official AWS Ruby gem for Application Migration Service (mgn)
Official AWS Ruby gem for Application Migration Service (mgn).

2021-04-29T22:10:19+08:00 devel/py-pylint-plugin-utils Utilities and helpers for writing Pylint plugins
Utilities and helpers for writing Pylint plugins. This is not a direct Pylint
plugin, but rather a set of tools and functions used by other plugins such as
pylint-django and pylint-celery.

2021-04-29T22:10:18+08:00 devel/py-pylint-django Pylint plugin to understand the Django web framework
pylint-django is a Pylint plugin for improving code analysis when analysing code
using Django. It is also used by the Prospector tool.

2021-04-29T22:10:17+08:00 textproc/p5-Text-Table-TickitWidget View table data on the terminal using Tickit::Widget::Table
Text::Table::TickitWidget uses the Text::Table::Tiny interface to let you view
table data on the terminal using Tickit::Widget::Table.

2021-04-29T22:10:11+08:00 devel/p5-Variable-Disposition Helper functions for disposing of variables
Variable::Disposition provides some basic helper functions for making sure
variables go away when you want them to.

2021-04-29T22:10:09+08:00 devel/p5-Tickit-Widget-Table Table widget with support for scrolling/paging
Tickit::Widget::Table provides a scrollable table implementation for use on
larger data sets.

This abstraction should allow access to larger datasets than would fit in
available memory, such as a database table or procedurally-generated data.

2021-04-29T22:10:08+08:00 devel/p5-Tickit-Widgets Abstract base class for on-screen widgets
Tickit::Widget acts as an abstract base class for on-screen widget objects. It
provides the lower-level machinery required by most or all widget types.

2021-04-29T22:10:04+08:00 devel/p5-Tickit Terminal Interface Construction KIT
Tickit is a high-level toolkit for creating full-screen terminal-based
interactive programs. It allows programs to be written in an abstracted way,
working with a tree of widget objects, to represent the layout of the interface
and implement its behaviours.

Its supported terminal features includes a rich set of rendering attributes
(bold, underline, italic, 256-colours, etc), support for mouse including wheel
and position events above the 224th column and arbitrary modified key input via
libtermkey (all of these will require a supporting terminal as well). It also
supports having multiple instances and non-blocking or asynchronous control.

2021-04-29T22:10:03+08:00 devel/p5-Parser-MGC Build simple recursive-descent parsers
Parser::MGC class provides a low-level framework for building recursive-descent
parsers that consume a given input string from left to right, returning a parse
structure. It takes its name from the m//gc regexps used to implement the token
parsing behaviour.

It provides a number of token-parsing methods, which each extract a grammatical
token from the string. It also provides wrapping methods that can be used to
build up a possibly-recursive grammar structure, by applying a structure around
other parts of parsing code.

2021-04-29T22:10:02+08:00 devel/p5-Module-Build-Using-PkgConfig Extend Module::Build to use platform libraries provided by pkg-config
Module::Build::Using::PkgConfig provides some handy methods to assist the
Build.PL script of XS-based module distributions that make use of platform
libraries managed by pkg-config.

2021-04-29T22:10:01+08:00 devel/p5-List-BinarySearch Binary Search within a sorted array
List::BinarySearch performs a binary search on an array.

The binary search algorithm implemented in this module is known as a Deferred
Detection variant on the traditional Binary Search. Deferred Detection provides
stable searches.

2021-04-29T22:09:59+08:00 devel/p5-Adapter-Async Provide a way to link a data source with a view
Adapter::Async provides a way to link a data source with a view.

2021-04-29T22:09:34+08:00 devel/libtickit Terminal Interface Construction Kit
Terminal Interface Construction Kit provides an abstracted mechanism for
building interactive full-screen terminal programs. It provides a full set of
output drawing functions, and handles keyboard and mouse input events.

2021-04-28T22:16:55+02:00 security/rubygem-ssrf_filter Gem to prevent SSRF attacks
A gem that makes it easy to prevent server side request forgery (SSRF) attacks

2021-04-28T17:58:51+02:00 dns/blocky Fast and lightweight DNS proxy as ad-blocker
Fast and lightweight DNS proxy as ad-blocker for local
network with many features.

2021-04-28T21:06:14+02:00 sysutils/discus Discus is a program to display hard drive space usage
Discus is a program to display hard drive space usage, much like the standard
UNIX command df.

Discus aims to make df(1) prettier. Features include color, bar graphs, and
smart formatting of numbers (automatically choosing the most suitable size
from kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes). Or choose your own size,
along with specifying the number of decimal places you'd like to see.

To configure Discus on a system-wide basis, edit the /usr/local/etc/discusrc
file. But you should probably change things just for yourself, by copying
/usr/local/etc/discusrc to ~/.discusrc and editing that.

2021-04-28T10:39:12-07:00 textproc/py-rst2ansi RST converter to ansi-decorated console output
rst2ansi is a library for rendering reStructuredText (RST) in a terminal.

2021-04-28T10:36:28-07:00 devel/py-phx-class-registry Factory+Registry pattern for Python classes
Factory+Registry pattern for Python classes.

2021-04-28T10:27:20-07:00 net-mgmt/py-opn-cli OPNsense CLI written in Python
A CLI Interface to communicate with OPNsense firewalls using API requests.

2021-04-28T10:24:14-07:00 comms/soapysdr-rtlsdr Soapy SDR module for RTLSDR
This is the SoapySDR module for RTLSDR, an open source software defined radio
(SDR) platform.

SoapySDR is an open-source generalized C/C++ API and runtime library for
interfacing with SDR devices.

2021-04-28T16:04:51+02:00 textproc/go-md2man Converts Markdown into roff (man pages)
go-md2man: Converts Markdown into roff (man pages).

It uses blackfriday to process Markdown.

2021-04-25T22:52:25+02:00 sysutils/zellij Versatile, extensible terminal multiplexer
Zellij is a workspace aimed at developers, ops-oriented people and anyone who
loves the terminal. At its core, it is a terminal multiplexer (similar to tmux
and screen), but this is merely its infrastructure layer.

Zellij includes a layout system, and a plugin system allowing one to create
plugins in any language that compiles to WebAssembly.

2021-04-27T13:50:18-07:00 security/p5-Crypt-JWT JSON Web Token (JWT, JWS, JWE) as defined by RFC7519, RFC7515, RFC7516
JSON Web Token (JWT, JWS, JWE) as defined by RFC7519, RFC7515, RFC7516
implements the Perl interface to:

* JSON Web Token (JWT)
* JSON Web Signature (JWS)
* JSON Web Encryption (JWE)

As defined by RFC7519, RFC7515, RFC7516.

The module implements all (100%) algorithms defined in RFC7518 - JSON
Web Algorithms (JWA). This module supports Compact JWS/JWE and
flattened JWS/JWE JSON serialization, general JSON serialization
is not supported yet.

2021-04-27T11:09:20-07:00 net/gmid Simple and secure Gemini server
gmid is a server for the Gemini protocol. It has various
features, among which Capsicum support and a "config-less"
mode akin to "python -m http.server" to quickly serve local
directories from the shell.

2021-04-27T10:58:48-07:00 sysutils/opa Open Policy Agent for policy enforcement across the entire stack
The Open Policy Agent (OPA) is an open source, general-purpose policy engine
that enables unified, context-aware policy enforcement across the entire stack.

2021-04-27T18:49:24+02:00 www/owncast Self-hosted streaming service written in Go
A self-hosted minimalistic streaming service written in Go.

It's designed for a single streamer to host his own streams.
You can utilize S3 compatible object storage to distribute
your stream and lower your own bandwidth needs.

2021-04-27T01:31:12-07:00 math/py-point-annotator Annotate data with labels based on the Mann-Whitney U test
The point-annotator package provides functionalities to annotate data with
labels based on the Mann-Whitney U test and Hypergeometric test. Currently, we
provide examples of the fast annotation of gene expression data with the cell
types based on marker genes.

2021-04-26T22:19:37+01:00 www/p5-RT-Extension-RepeatTicket2 RT Extension to repeat tickets base on a schedule
RT extension that repeats tickets based on a schedule

2021-04-26T11:15:16+00:00 sysutils/p5-App-Regather Script to perform actions on LDAP syncrepl events
regather is an LDAP syncrepl consumer which can generate (re-gather) files,
create or delete directories, etc. based on LDAP syncrepl events.

It uses Net::LDAP(3) to do all LDAP related stuff and Template to generate
files. Configuration file is processed with Config::Parser.

For example, regather can re-write each OpenVPN client configuration file
on changes to client LDAP configured data, or re-write CRL file on update
in LDAP, or change sieve script for mail user.

2021-04-26T12:14:38+02:00 science/frontistr Large-Scale Parallel FEM Program for Nonlinear Structural Analysis
FrontISTR is an Open-Source Large-Scale Parallel FEM Program for Nonlinear
Structural Analysis.

2021-04-26T00:07:05-07:00 math/py-ducc0 Distinctly Useful Code Collection (DUCC)
ducc0 is a collection of basic programming tools for numerical computation,
including Fast Fourier Transforms, Spherical Harmonic Transforms, non-equispaced
Fourier transforms, as well as some concrete applications like 4pi convolution
on the sphere and gridding/degridding of radio interferometry data.

2021-04-25T21:14:14-07:00 math/libsharp2 Library for fast spherical harmonic transforms
Library for efficient spherical harmonic transforms at arbitrary spins,
supporting CPU vectorization, OpenMP and MPI.

2021-04-26T04:11:31+08:00 www/rubygem-faraday-net_http_persistent Faraday adapter for NetHttpPersistent
Faraday::NetHttpPersistent is a Faraday adapter for the Net::HTTP::Persistent

2021-04-26T04:11:28+08:00 devel/rubygem-faraday-excon Faraday adapter for Excon
This gem is a Faraday adapter for the Excon library. Faraday is an HTTP client
library that provides a common interface over many adapters. Every adapter is
defined into its own gem. This gem defines the adapter for Excon.

2021-04-26T04:11:27+08:00 devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-lookoutmetrics Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Lookout for Metrics (LookoutMetrics)
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Lookout for Metrics (LookoutMetrics).

2021-04-26T04:11:26+08:00 science/py-skrebate Relief-based feature selection algorithms
This package includes a scikit-learn-compatible Python implementation of ReBATE,
a suite of Relief-based feature selection algorithms for Machine Learning. These
Relief-Based algorithms (RBAs) are designed for feature weighting/selection as
part of a machine learning pipeline (supervised learning). Presently this
includes the following core RBAs: ReliefF, SURF, SURF*, MultiSURF*, and
MultiSURF. Additionally, an implementation of the iterative TuRF mechanism and
VLSRelief is included.

2021-04-26T04:11:24+08:00 net/py-pyu2f U2F host library for interacting with a U2F device over USB
pyu2f is a python based U2F host library. It provides functionality for
interacting with a U2F device over USB.

pyu2f uses ctypes to make system calls directly to interface with the USB HID
device. This means that no platform specific shared libraries need to be
compiled for pyu2f to work.

By default pyu2f will use its own U2F stack implementation to sign requests. If
desired, pyu2f can offload signing to a pluggable command line tool. Offloading
is not yet supported for U2F registration.

2021-04-26T04:11:16+08:00 devel/py-jupyter-server-mathjax MathJax resources as a Jupyter Server Extension
jupyter-server-mathjax provides MathJax resources endpoints for Jupyter Server.

2021-04-26T04:10:42+08:00 devel/py-findlibs Search for shared libraries on various platforms
findlibs is a Python package that search for shared libraries on various

2021-04-25T13:23:08-07:00 multimedia/lms Lightweight Music Server
LMS is a self-hosted music streaming software: it allows users to access their
music collections from anywhere using a web interface.

2021-04-25T12:18:38-05:00 biology/ucsc-userapps Command line tools from the UCSC Genome Browser project
These are the command-line bioinformatics utilities associated with the UCSC
genome browser. Care has been taken to install only the freely available
tools. However, the license information at
is not entirely clear and we may add non-free utilities in the future.

Contact UCSC if you are using this port for commercial purposes.

2021-04-24T18:40:16-05:00 biology/ncbi-entrez-direct Access to the NCBI's suite of interconnected databases
Entrez Direct (EDirect) provides access to the NCBI's suite of interconnected
databases (publication, sequence, structure, gene, variation, expression, etc.)
from a UNIX terminal window.

2021-04-24T03:07:34-07:00 security/solana Web-scale blockchain for decentralized apps and marketplaces
Solana is a fast, secure, and censorship resistant blockchain providing the open
infrastructure required for global adoption.

2021-04-23T21:41:48-07:00 textproc/cpp-peglib C++ header-only PEG (Parsing Expression Grammars) library
cpp-peglib is a single file C++ header-only PEG (Parsing Expression Grammars)

This library supports the linear-time parsing known as the Packrat parsing.

2021-04-23T20:54:03+02:00 devel/rubygem-ruby-magic File Magic in ruby
File Magic in Ruby.
Simple interface to libmagic for Ruby Programming Language.

2021-04-22T17:36:27+01:00 audio/visp-go Vi-like Spotify client for terminal users
Visp is an interactive console client for Spotify, written in Go.
Its interface is similar to Vim, and aims to be fast, configurable,
and practical. Visp means whisk, and just like the simple mechanical
tool it makes it easy to create that smooth and perfect mixture through
the power of manual control, and without any unfortunate lumps.

This interface has many features that involve sorting, searching, and
navigating. It's designed to let you navigate your music collection
effectively and efficiently.

2021-04-21T16:33:46+02:00 sysutils/plasma5-plasma-systemmonitor Plasma5 system monitor
KSysGuard, also known as KDE System Guard and KDE System Monitor, is designed
to make simple process control available to a user without needing to do any
special setup - the defaults are usually perfectly adequate. There are two
worksheets - the System Load page, pictured above, and the Process Table.

2021-04-21T22:15:21-07:00 misc/frugally-deep C++ header-only library to use Keras models in C++ with ease
frugally-deep is a C++ header-only library for building/training
Keras AI models.

2021-04-21T18:34:28-07:00 dns/doggo Modern command-line DNS client (like dig)
doggo is a modern command-line DNS client (like dig) written in Golang. It
outputs information in a neat concise manner and supports protocols like DoH,
DoT as well.

* Human readable output - supports colors and tabular format.
* Supports JSON format - can be useful while writing scripts.
* Has support for multiple transport protocols:
DNS over HTTPS (DoH)
DNS over TLS (DoT)
DNS over TCP
DNS over UDP
* Supports ndots and search configurations from resolv.conf or command-line
* Supports multiple resolvers at once.
* Supports IPv4 and IPv6 both.
* Available as a web tool as well:
* Shell completions for zsh and fish.

2021-04-21T22:32:22+02:00 x11-clocks/catclock Kit-cat xclock
This is a version of the X Window System xclock program, which has been
enhanced with a "cat mode".

2021-04-21T09:16:32+00:00 devel/linux-c7-libtool-ltdl Runtime libraries for GNU libtool (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
2021-04-21T08:58:58+00:00 databases/linux-c7-unixODBC Complete ODBC driver manager (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
2021-04-20T17:45:37+00:00 www/py-django-reversion-compare Extension to django-reversion that provides a history compare view
An extension to django-reversion that provides a history compare view to compare
two versions of a model which is under reversion.

2021-04-20T17:40:20+00:00 www/py-django-object-actions Django app for adding object tools for models in the admin
If you've ever tried making admin object tools, you may have thought,
"why can't this be as easy as making Django Admin Actions?"

Well now they can be.

2021-04-20T17:34:56+00:00 devel/py-mime MIME types are used in MIME-compliant communications
MIME Types for Python, clone of halostatue/mime-types.
This library allows for the identification of a file's likely MIME content type.
MIME types are used in MIME-compliant communications

2021-04-20T17:24:03+00:00 devel/py-cvss Computation utilities and interactive calculator compatible
This Python package contains CVSS v2 and v3 computation utilities
and interactive calculator compatible with both Python 2 and Python 3.
run cvss_calculator --help

2021-04-20T17:21:22+00:00 www/py-django-smart-selects Quickly filter or group "chained" models
This package allows you to quickly filter or group "chained" models
by adding a custom foreign key or many to many field to your models
This will use an AJAX query to load only the applicable chained objects.

2021-04-20T17:17:57+00:00 www/py-django-ckeditor-5 Django ckeditor-5
Add to your

from django.db import models
from django_ckeditor_5.fields import CKEditor5Field

class Article(models.Model):
title=models.CharField('Title', max_length=200)
text=CKEditor5Field('Text', config_name='extends')

2021-04-20T08:18:38-07:00 textproc/py-markdown3 Python implementation of Markdown
This is a Python implementation of John Gruber's Markdown. It is almost
completely compliant with the reference implementation, though there are a
few very minor differences.


* International Input
* Extensions
* Output Formats
* "Safe Modes"
* Command Line Interface

2021-04-19T21:20:35-07:00 biology/py-resdk Resolwe SDK to interact with Resolwe server and Resolwe Bioinformatics
Resolwe SDK for Python supports interaction with Resolwe server and its
extension Resolwe Bioinformatics. You can use it to upload and inspect
biomedical data sets, contribute annotations, run analysis, and write

2021-04-19T22:20:45+02:00 x11/dsbxinput Graphical tool for configuring pointing devices
DSBXinput is a graphical fontend to xinput which allows you to configure
pointing devices.

2021-04-19T16:28:34+02:00 sysutils/herbe Daemon-less notifications without D-Bus
herbe provides daemon-less notifications without D-Bus. It's meant to be
minimal and lightweight.

Some of its features are:

- Under 200 lines of code
- Doesn't run in the background, just displays the notification and exits
- No external dependencies except Xlib and Xft
- Configurable through config.h or Xresources
- Actions support
- Extensible through patches

2021-04-19T23:11:45+09:00 mail/cyrus-imapd34 Cyrus mail server, supporting POP3 and IMAP4 protocols ${COMMENT_${FLAVOR}}
The Cyrus IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) server provides access to
personal mail and system-wide bulletin boards through the IMAP protocol.
The Cyrus IMAP server is a scaleable enterprise mail system designed for use
from small to large enterprise environments using standards-based

A full Cyrus IMAP implementation allows a seamless mail and bulletin board
environment to be set up across multiple servers. It differs from other
IMAP server implementations in that it is run on "sealed" servers, where
users are not normally permitted to log in. The mailbox database is stored
in parts of the filesystem that are private to the Cyrus IMAP system. All
user access to mail is through software using the IMAP, POP3, or KPOP

The private mailbox database design gives the server large advantages in
efficiency, scalability, and administratability. Multiple concurrent
read/write connections to the same mailbox are permitted. The server
supports access control lists on mailboxes and storage quotas on mailbox

2021-04-18T17:21:30-07:00 security/pkcs11-tools Tools for managing PKCS11 cryptographic tokens
pkcs11-tools is a toolkit containing a bunch of small utilities to perform key
management tasks on cryptographic tokens implementing a PKCS#11 interface. It
features a number of commands similar to the unix CLI utilities, such as ls, mv,
rm, od, and more. It also has specific commands to generate keys, generate CSRs,
import certificates and other files, in a fashion compatible with most
implementations, including both IBM and Oracle JVMs.

2021-04-18T16:15:46-07:00 sysutils/rset Configure systems using using any scripting language
rset allows to configure systems using any scripting language.

2021-04-18T19:05:10-04:00 www/R-cran-gh GitHub API for R
Minimal client to access the 'GitHub' 'API'.

2021-04-18T11:54:29-07:00 audio/nyquist Language for sound synthesis and music composition (sound is broken) # likely caused by outdated bundled PortAudio, reported to upstream Apr 18, 2021
Nyquist is a sound synthesis and composition language offering a Lisp syntax as
well as an imperative language syntax (SAL) and a powerful integrated
development environment. Nyquist is an elegant and powerful system based on
functional programming.

2021-04-18T19:49:07+01:00 misc/xplr Hackable, minimal, fast TUI file explorer
Hackable, minimal, fast TUI file explorer, stealing
ideas from nnn and fzf. XLPR strives to be fast and
minimalist, it's speciality is it's hackability. You
can configure the key bindings, different run modes,
the way it looks, and much more by modifying one single
configuration file.

2021-04-18T00:29:24+01:00 textproc/askgit Query git repositories with SQL
Command-line tool for running SQL queries on git
repositories. It's meant for ad-hoc querying of
git repositories on disk through a common interface
(SQL), as an alternative to patching together various
shell commands.

There is also preliminary support for executing queries
against the GitHub API.

2021-04-18T13:46:14-05:00 biology/snpeff Genetic variant annotation and effect prediction toolbox
Genetic variant annotation and functional effect prediction toolbox. It
annotates and predicts the effects of genetic variants on genes and proteins
(such as amino acid changes).


Supports over 38,000 genomes
Standard ANN annotation format
Cancer variants analysis
GATK compatible (-o gatk)
HGVS notation
Sequence Ontology standardized terms

2021-04-18T11:21:29-05:00 biology/bbmap BBMap short read aligner, and other bioinformatic tools
This package includes BBMap, a short read aligner, as well as various other
bioinformatic tools. It is written in pure Java, can run on any platform, and
has no dependencies other than Java being installed (compiled for Java 6 and
higher). All tools are efficient and multithreaded.

2021-04-18T08:52:41-05:00 biology/readseq Read and reformat biosequences, Java command-line version
Sequence reading library developed by the Ribosomal Database Project. It can
handle genbank, embl, fasta, fastq, sff and sto files, can read from files or
streams, and can handle indexing files.

2021-04-17T12:39:09-03:00 devel/py-azure-mgmt-servicefabricmanagedclusters Microsoft Azure Servicefabricmanagedclusters Management Client Library for Python
This is the Microsoft Azure Servicefabricmanagedclusters Management Client

Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the next generation of management APIs that
replace the old Azure Service Management (ASM).

2021-04-18T12:55:46+08:00 devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-fis Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Fault Injection Simulator (FIS)
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Fault Injection Simulator (FIS).

2021-04-18T12:55:45+08:00 textproc/py-sphinx-copybutton Add a copy button to each of your code cells
sphinx-copybutton is a small sphinx extension to add a "copy" button to code

2021-04-18T12:55:42+08:00 security/pecl-pkcs11 PKCS11 bindings for PHP
PKCS11 bindings for PHP

2021-04-18T12:55:37+08:00 devel/py-marshmallow-enum Enum field for Marshmallow
marshmallow-enum provides enum field for use with Marshmallow.

2021-04-18T12:55:36+08:00 devel/py-dataclasses-json Easily serialize dataclasses to and from JSON
This library provides a simple API for encoding and decoding dataclasses to and
from JSON.

2021-04-18T12:54:48+08:00 devel/p5-Feature-Compat-Try Make try/catch syntax available
Feature::Compat::Try is written in preparation for when perl will gain true
native syntax support for try/catch control flow.

2021-04-17T16:45:39+01:00 textproc/ov Feature rich terminal pager
ov is a feature rich terminal pager. It has an
effective function for tabular text. Previously
known as oviewer.

2021-04-17T17:14:22+02:00 multimedia/ytfzf Find and watch YouTube videos from the terminal
Ytfzf is a POSIX script that helps you find Youtube videos (without API)
and opens/downloads them using mpv/youtube-dl.

2021-04-17T15:21:18+02:00 graphics/py-ueberzug Draw images on terminals with X11 child windows
Überzug is a command line util which allows to draw images on terminals by
using child windows.

Advantages to w3mimgdisplay:
- no race conditions as a new window is created to display images
- expose events will be processed,
- so images will be redrawn on switch workspaces
- tmux support (excluding multi pane windows)
- terminals without the WINDOWID environment variable are supported
- chars are used as position - and size unit
- no memory leak (/ unlimited cache)

2021-04-16T14:08:44-07:00 textproc/py-typogrify Filters to enhance web typography
Typogrify is set of Django template filters to make caring about typography
on the web a bit easier.

2021-04-16T14:03:15-07:00 biology/seqkit Cross-platform and ultrafast toolkit for FASTA/Q file manipulation
FASTA and FASTQ are basic and ubiquitous formats for storing nucleotide and
protein sequences. Common manipulations of FASTA/Q file include converting,
searching, filtering, deduplication, splitting, shuffling, and sampling.
Existing tools only implement some of these manipulations, and not particularly
efficiently, and some are only available for certain operating systems.
Furthermore, the complicated installation process of required packages and
running environments can render these programs less user friendly.

SeqKit is a cross-platform ultrafast comprehensive toolkit for FASTA/Q
processing. SeqKit provides executable binary files for all major operating
systems, including Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X, and can be directly used
without any dependencies or pre-configurations. SeqKit demonstrates competitive
performance in execution time and memory usage compared to similar tools. The
efficiency and usability of SeqKit enable researchers to rapidly accomplish
common FASTA/Q file manipulations.

2021-04-16T14:01:43-07:00 textproc/py-smartypants Translate plain ASCII punctuation into smart typographic HTML
Smartypants translates plain ASCII punctuation characters into smart
typographic punctuation HTML entities.

2021-04-16T13:51:54-04:00 emulators/yaze-ag Z80 and CP/M-80 emulator
YAZE-AG is an excellent Z80 emulator, written in ANSI C, that works on many
Unix architectures. It is fast, emulates undocumented opcodes, and passes
instruction regression tests against real Z80 hardware.

2021-04-16T11:23:56-05:00 sysutils/linux-miniconda-installer Aid for installing and using miniconda
Conda, like pip and CRAN, is a popular system that allows non-root users to
install many binary software packages in their own directories. The system
includes a base "channel" (repository) as well as 3rd party community
channels, such as "bioconda". QC for community channels is generally below
that of the base channel and FreeBSD ports, but they provide users with a
convenient way to install software not yet available in FreeBSD ports.

Packages are available for Linux, MacOS, and Windows. Linux Conda packages
work about as well on FreeBSD as they do on CentOS, which is the basis of
FreeBSD's Linux compatibility tool set. However, Conda and its packages
require a complete Linux environment for full functionality.

Typical Conda users do not know how to configure this environment on FreeBSD.
Miniconda-installer ensures a proper environment for installing and using
Miniconda and the packages it provides.

2021-04-15T19:39:03+00:00 devel/py-sgmllib3k Python 3 port of sgmllib
sgmllib3k is a Python 3 port of the old Python 2's sgmllib stdlib module.

sgmllib was dropped from the Python standard library in Python 3. This package
provides a port of the library to Python 3.

2021-04-15T19:59:38+02:00 sysutils/ansible-sshjail Ansible connector for remote jails
An Ansible connection plugin for remotely provisioning FreeBSD jails
separately from their jailhost.

2021-04-15T14:19:31+00:00 www/py-django-admin-rangefilter Add the filter by a custom date / datetime range on the admin UI
django-admin-rangefilter app,
add the filter by a custom date / datetime range on the admin UI.
For Django 1.8+, if django-csp is installed,
nonces will be added to style and script tags.

2021-04-15T14:12:19+00:00 www/py-django-advanced-filters Django ModelAdmin mixin
A django ModelAdmin mixin which adds advanced filtering abilities to the admin.

2021-04-15T14:04:07+00:00 www/py-django-autocomplete-light Fresh approach to autocomplete implementations
A fresh approach to autocomplete implementations specially for Django.

Please DO regularely ping us with your link at #yourlabs IRC channel

2021-04-15T13:52:08+00:00 mail/py-django-mailbox Easily ingest messages from POP3, IMAP, or local mailboxes
Easily ingest messages from POP3, IMAP, or local mailboxes
into your Django application.

This app allows you to either ingest e-mail content from common e-mail services
(as long as the service provides POP3 or IMAP support), or directly receive
e-mail messages from stdin (for locally processing messages
from Postfix or Exim4).

2021-04-15T13:00:46+00:00 net-mgmt/py-pdagent-integrations PagerDuty integrations for monitoring monitoring tools
This project contains integrations for various monitoring tools with
the PagerDuty Agent.

It currently includes support for:


2021-04-15T12:42:58+03:00 x11/xpra-html5 Browser-based client for x11/xpra
Xpra gives you persistent remote applications for X. So basically it is a
screen for remote X apps.

This package contains Xpra HTML5 client that runs in the browser window.

2021-04-15T11:20:24+02:00 devel/gettext-tiny Replacements for tools typically used from the GNU gettext suite
lightweight replacements for tools typically used from the GNU gettext suite

2021-04-15T10:41:48+02:00 devel/envsubst Perform variable substitutions on input
The envsubst utility is designed to take a set of strings as input and replace
variables in them, in the same way that shells do variable substitution.
Additionally, the variables that will be substituted can be restricted to a
defined set.

2021-04-12T20:48:56+03:00 devel/hs-hls-install Helper for building devel/hs-haskell-language-server
Haskell language server is an implementation of the LSP protocol for Haskell
programming language. It features code evaluation codelens, type information
and documentation on hover, integration with retrie, code lenses for explicit
import lists.

This package contains a helper executable used to compile the server itself.

2021-04-12T20:48:56+03:00 devel/hs-haskell-language-server LSP provider implementation for Haskell language
Haskell language server is an implementation of the LSP protocol for Haskell
programming language. It features code evaluation codelens, type information
and documentation on hover, integration with retrie, code lenses for explicit
import lists.

2021-04-14T13:26:39-07:00 sysutils/helmfile Helmfile is a declarative spec for deploying helm charts
Helmfile is a declarative spec for deploying helm charts. It lets you...
- Keep a directory of chart value files and maintain changes in version control
- Apply CI/CD to configuration changes
- Periodically sync to avoid skew in environments

2021-04-08T14:20:30+00:00 devel/sd-mux-ctrl Control utility for Tizen SD card multiplexer
sd-mux-ctrl is a control program for the Tizen Secure Digital (SD) card

2021-04-12T18:30:30-05:00 biology/py-crossmap Lift over genomics coordinates between assemblies
CrossMap is a program for genome coordinates conversion between different
assemblies (such as hg18 (NCBI36) <=> hg19 (GRCh37)). It supports commonly used
file formats including BAM, CRAM, SAM, Wiggle, BigWig, BED, GFF, GTF, MAF VCF,
and gVCF.

2021-04-12T18:21:41-05:00 biology/py-bigwig Python access to bigWig files using libBigWig
A python extension, written in C, for quick access to bigBed files and access
to and creation of bigWig files. This extension uses libBigWig for local and
remote file access.

2021-04-12T14:18:36+03:00 devel/R-cran-git2r Provides Access to Git Repositories
Interface to the 'libgit2' library, which is a pure C implementation of the
'Git' core methods. Provides access to 'Git' repositories to extract data and
running some basic 'Git' commands.

2021-04-12T02:29:15-07:00 biology/ncbi-vdb NCBI's virtualized back-end for accessing Sequence Read Archive
NCBI-VDB is a virtualized back-end engine library for Sequencing Read Archives.
The 'front-end' API are provided by biology/ngs-sdk port.

Although the GitHub repository also contains Java and Python codes,
this port currently builds only C- and C++-based libraries.

2021-04-10T12:11:00+02:00 math/Imath C++/Python lib of 2D/3D vector, matrix, math ops for computer graphics
Imath is a basic, light-weight, and efficient C++ representation of 2D and 3D
vectors and matrices and other simple but useful mathematical objects,
functions, and data types common in computer graphics applications, including
the "half" 16-bit floating-point type.

Imath also includes optional python bindings for all types and functions,
including optimized implementations of vector and matrix arrays.

Imath was originally developed at Industrial Light & Magic in the early 2000's
and was originally distributed as open source as a part of the OpenEXR project.

Imath continues to be maintained as a sub-project of OpenEXR, which is now a
project of the Academy Software Foundation. See the OpenEXR project's for more information about how the project operates.

2021-04-12T07:48:08+08:00 www/py-django32 High-level Python Web Framework
Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development
and clean, pragmatic design.

Developed and used over the past two years by a fast-moving online-news
operation, Django was designed from scratch to handle two challenges: the
intensive deadlines of a newsroom and the stringent requirements of experienced
Web developers. It has convenient niceties for developing content-management
systems, but it's an excellent tool for building any Web site.

2021-04-11T21:24:37+02:00 emulators/z80pack Complete CP/M-80 emulator
z80pack emulates an 8080 or Z80 CPU and provides CP/M-80 and UCSD-Pascal
environments. Besides emulation of a generic CP/M system, support for
full emulation of typical ALTAIR or IMSAI systems and their specific
hardware is possible, including a graphical front-panel.

2021-04-11T17:54:14+02:00 multimedia/opentoonz 2D animation software
OpenToonz is a 2D animation software published by DWANGO. It is based on Toonz
Studio Ghibli Version, originally developed in Italy by Digital Video, Inc.,
and customized by Studio Ghibli over many years of production.

2021-04-10T08:00:35+00:00 net-mgmt/vmutils Ancillary utilities and agent for VictoriaMetrics
VictoriaMetrics is fast, cost-effective, and scalable monitoring solution
and time series database.

This package installs ancillary utilities and agent for VictoriaMetrics.

2021-04-10T07:20:02+00:00 net-mgmt/victoria-metrics Fast, cost-effective, and scalable time series database
VictoriaMetrics is fast, cost-effective, and scalable monitoring solution
and time series database.

VictoriaMetrics can be used as long-term storage for Prometheus or for
vmagent. It also supports Prometheus querying API so it can be used as
Prometheus drop-in replacement in Grafana.

2021-04-09T23:47:39-07:00 audio/mamba Virtual MIDI keyboard
Mamba is a virtual Midi keyboard and Midi live looper for Jack Audio Connection

2021-04-09T15:15:11-07:00 audio/madronalib C++ framework for DSP applications
Madronalib provides one clear path to writing maintainable audio code without
sacrificing performance. It enables efficient audio DSP on SIMD processors with
readable, brief code.

2021-04-09T14:55:15-07:00 audio/gula-plugins-lv2 Collection of guitar effect LV2 plugins
Gula Plugins is a collection of guitar effect LV2 plugins with MOD Devices user

2021-04-09T12:14:47+02:00 devel/py-guppy3 Python Programming Environment & Heap analysis toolset
Guppy 3 is a fork of Guppy-PE, a Python Programming Environment & Heap analysis
toolset, created by Sverker Nilsson for Python 2.

This package contains the following subpackages:

etc - Support modules. Contains especially the Glue protocol module.
gsl - The Guppy Specification Language implementation. This can be used to
create documents and tests from a common source.
heapy - The heap analysis toolset. It can be used to find information about
the objects in the heap and display the information in various ways.
sets - Bitsets and 'nodesets' implemented in C.

2021-04-08T19:21:48-07:00 audio/myxer Modern volume mixer for PulseAudio
Myxer is a lightweight, powerful Volume Mixer built with modern UI design for
a seamless user experience. Devices, Streams, and even Card profiles can all be
managed with Myxer, providing a complete replacement for your system Volume

2021-04-08T18:09:56-07:00 multimedia/libvlcpp C++ bindings for libvlc, VLC mediaplayer library
C++ bindings for libvlc, VLC media player library.

2021-04-08T14:34:39-07:00 audio/kapitonov-plugins-pack-lv2 Kapitonov LV2 Plugins Pack (KPP)
Kapitonov Plugins Pack (KPP) is a set of LV2 plugins for audio processing.

Currently available plugins
* tubeAmp. Advanced guitar tube amp emulator. Contains preamp, tonestack, power
amp with voltage sag, cabinet emulators. Emulation parameters of each
component are set by profile files.
* Bluedream. Booster/Tube Screamer pedal with equalizer (tonestack). Has GUI
* Distruction. Distortion pedal with equalizer (tonestack). Has GUI.
* Fuzz. Vintage fuzz pedal. Has GUI.
* Deadgate. Effective Noise Gate/Dead Zone effect plugin.
* Octaver. Analog octaver pedal.
* Single2Humbucker. Plugin for emulation humbucker pickup sound with single coil
pickup on the guitar. Useful for playing heavy-metal on Stratocaster guitar
with single coil pickups.

tubeAmp is the main and most complex plugin in the set. It can be used to
emulate the sound of any common models of guitar combo amplifiers.

2021-04-08T22:28:18+03:00 devel/rubygem-valid Standalone, generic object validator for ruby
Validator is a simple ruby validation class.

It's not used directly inside the class but rather outside.

2021-04-07T17:32:27-07:00 audio/littlefly-lv2 Overdrive/distortion pedal simulation LV2 plugin
LittleFly is an LV2 plugin performing overdrive pedal simulation.

2021-04-07T17:21:09-07:00 audio/fluida-lv2 Fluidsynth as LV2 plugin
Fluida is an LV2 plugin that uses FluidSynth to convert MIDI signal to audio

2021-04-07T12:37:02-07:00 audio/poly-lv2 Collection of LV2 plugins designed for modular/eurorack style use
PolyLV2 is a collection of LV2 plugins designed for modular/eurorack style use.

2021-04-07T17:16:42+02:00 mail/mlmmj-webview Tiny web frontend for mlmmj
Tiny web frontend for mlmmj.

Provides an index of mailing lists including a frontend to handle subscription,
unsubscription and access to the archives.

2021-04-06T19:14:04-07:00 net/astron Server Technology for Realtime Object Networking
Astron is an open-source, distributed server suite particularly well-suited
for powering MMO games. The design is inspired by a similar unrelated project
developed at the Disney Interactive Media Group, and used in-house from 2001
until 2013.

The suite consists of many components, which handle separate tasks in order
to distribute the workload of managing a multi-sharded game/application
environment with many objects and clients.

2021-04-06T17:38:11-07:00 audio/bschaffl-lv2 Groove quantizer LV2 MIDI plugin
B.Schaffl is a groove quantizer LV2 MIDI plugin.

B.Schaffl is a slider/shape-controlled MIDI amp & time stretch plugin to
vitalize sequencer-controlled MIDI instruments and to produce shuffle/swing

Key features:
* MIDI velocity amplification and timing manipulation plugin
* Swing and shuffle rhythms
* Pre-generator dynamics
* Tempo rubato
* Pattern (sliders) or shape-controlled
* MIDI filters
* Smart quantization
* Group / link individual instances of B.Schaffl
* Free and open source

2021-04-06T17:18:15-07:00 audio/bamp-lv2 Basic testing plugin for using BWidgets for LV2
B.Amplifier (BAmp) is a basic testing plugin for using BWidgets for LV2.

2021-04-06T16:51:39-07:00 audio/boops-lv2 Glitch effect sequencer LV2 plugin
B.Oops is a glitch effect sequencer LV2 plugin.

Key features:
* Multi-effect plugin controlled by a step sequencer pattern
* Apply glitch effects in live or on a sample track
* 24 effects
* Up to 12 effect slots, freely select effects and effect order
* Random effects: 3 different ways of randomization
* Autoplay, host controlled, or MIDI controlled sequencer

2021-04-06T18:26:36+02:00 databases/webdis HTTP interface for Redis
Webdis is a simple HTTP server which forwards commands to Redis and
sends the reply back using a format of your choice.

2021-04-06T17:30:47+02:00 www/p5-Mojo-IOLoop-Delay Flow-control helpers for Mojo::Promise
Mojo::IOLoop::Delay adds flow-control helpers to Mojo::Promise,
which can help you avoid deep nested closures that often result
from continuation-passing style.

2021-04-06T13:09:25+02:00 www/phpvirtualbox-legacy AJAX Web Interface for VirtualBox
An open source, AJAX implementation of the VirtualBox user
interface written in PHP. As a modern web interface, it allows
you to access and control remote VirtualBox instances

2021-04-06T11:55:35+02:00 databases/mongodb49 Distributed document-oriented "NoSQL" database (4.9.x Branch)
Mongo (from "humongous") is a high-performance, open source,
schema-free, document-oriented database. A common name in the
"NOSQL" community.

MongoDB 4.9 is a developer preview. It is not guaranteed to
become an official release. It probably will become the 5.0
version in the future.

2021-04-06T09:16:16+02:00 devel/rubygem-ruby-magic-static File Magic in ruby
File Magic in Ruby.
Simple interface to libmagic for Ruby Programming Language.

2021-03-30T19:13:29+00:00 net/libsignal-protocol-c Signal Protocol C Library
Signal Protocol is a ratcheting forward secrecy protocol that works in
synchronous and asynchronous messaging environments.

2021-03-30T19:11:54+00:00 devel/py-aniso86016 Library for parsing ISO 8601 strings
A library for parsing ISO 8601 strings.

2021-03-29T14:59:45+00:00 sysutils/fluxengine USB floppy disk interface for reading and writing non-PC disk formats
The FluxEngine is a very cheap USB floppy disk interface capable of reading
and writing exotic non-PC floppy disk formats. It allows you to use a
conventional PC drive to accept Amiga disks, CLV Macintosh disks, bizarre
128-sector CP/M disks, and other weird and bizarre formats.

The hardware consists of a single, commodity part with a floppy drive
connector soldered onto it. No ordering custom boards, no fiddly surface
mount assembly, and no fuss: nineteen simple solder joints and you're done.

2021-03-29T10:04:32+00:00 finance/tickrs Realtime ticker data in your terminal
Realtime analytics and charts of stock tickers, as
provided by Yahoo Finance.

2021-03-28T23:48:44+00:00 net/pecl-xmlrpc PHP extension for XML-RPC servers and clients
These functions can be used to write XML-RPC servers and clients.
You can find more information about XML-RPC at,
and more documentation on this extension and its functions at

2021-03-28T22:41:17+00:00 sysutils/sd-mux-ctrl Control utility for Tizen SD card multiplexer
sd-mux-ctrl is a control program for the Tizen Secure Digital (SD) card

2021-03-27T21:19:11+00:00 mail/mailman-postfix mailman with postfix dependency
2021-03-27T21:19:11+00:00 mail/mailman-exim4 mailman with Exim4 configuration and dependency
2021-03-27T19:00:08+00:00 editors/poke Scriptable interactive binary editor
GNU poke is an interactive, extensible editor for binary data. Not
limited to editing basic entities such as bits and bytes, it provides
a full-fledged procedural, interactive programming language designed
to describe data structures and to operate on them.

2021-03-27T17:29:28+00:00 devel/py-azure-identity Microsoft Azure Identity Library for Python
This is the Microsoft Azure Identity Client Library.

The Azure Identity library provides a set of credential classes for use with
Azure SDK clients which support Azure Active Directory (AAD) token

2021-03-26T23:27:31+00:00 textproc/halibut Free document preparation system
Halibut is a documentation production system, with elements similar to TeX,
debiandoc-sgml, TeXinfo, and others. It is primarily targeted at people
producing software manuals.

2021-03-26T22:25:51+00:00 multimedia/librist Library for Reliable Internet Stream Transport (RIST) protocol
Reliable Internet Stream Transport is an open source, open specification
transport protocol designed for reliable transmission of video over lossy

2021-03-25T23:11:28+00:00 devel/juce C++ application framework to develop desktop and mobile applications
JUCE is a framework for multi-platform audio applications.

It is focused on audio application development and has an extensive set of
audio-related modules.

It doesn't yet support makefile export or IDE project export on Linux/BSD,
so for now it can only create .jucer projects.

2021-03-25T17:34:31+00:00 x11/libxcvt Calculate VESA CVT mode lines
libxcvt is a library providing a standalone version of the X server
implementation of the VESA CVT standard timing modelines generator.

libxcvt also provides a standalone version of the command line tool
cvt copied from the Xorg implementation and is meant to be a direct
replacement to the version provided by the Xorg server.

2021-03-25T13:09:38+00:00 sysutils/rubygem-ohai15 Ohai profiles your system and emits JSON
Ohai detects data about your operating system. It can be used standalone, but
it's primary purpose is to provide node data to Chef.

Ohai will print out a JSON data blob for all the known data about your system.
When used with Chef, that data is reported back via node attributes.

2021-03-25T13:09:38+00:00 sysutils/rubygem-chef15 Systems integration framework. Client part
Chef is a systems integration framework, built to bring the benefits of
configuration management to your entire infrastructure. With Chef, you can:

* Manage your servers by writing code, not by running commands.
* Integrate tightly with your applications, databases, LDAP directories, and
* Easily configure applications that require knowledge about your entire
infrastructure ("What systems are running my application?" "What is the
current master database server?")

2021-03-25T13:09:38+00:00 sysutils/rubygem-chef-config15 Default configuration and config loading library for Chef
ChefConfig is the default configuration and config loading library for Chef.

2021-03-25T13:09:38+00:00 security/rubygem-bcrypt_pbkdf10 This gem implements bcrypt_pdkfd
This gem implements bcrypt_pdkfd (a variant of PBKDF2 with bcrypt-based PRF)

2021-03-25T13:09:38+00:00 net/rubygem-omniauth-azure-activedirectory-v2 OAuth 2 authentication with the Azure ActiveDirectory V2 API
OAuth 2 authentication with Azure ActiveDirectory's V2 API. is no longer
maintained. contains
important additions.
This gem combines the two and makes some changes to support the full

The ActiveDirectory V1 auth API used OpenID Connect. If you need this,
a gem from Microsoft is available here, but seems to be abandoned.

2021-03-25T13:09:38+00:00 net/rubygem-gitlab-fog-google Module for the 'fog' gem to support Google Cloud
Fog currently supports two Google Cloud services (Google Compute Engine and
Google Cloud Storage) via Fog::Google.

2021-03-25T13:09:38+00:00 net-im/rubygem-discordrb-webhooks Discord API for Ruby
A client for Discord's webhooks to fit alongside [discordrb]

2021-03-25T00:21:41+00:00 mail/spamassassin-devel Highly efficient mail filter for identifying spam
SpamAssassin is a mail filter which attempts to identify spam using text
analysis and several internet-based realtime blacklists.

Using its rule base, it uses a wide range of heuristic tests on mail
headers and body text to identify "spam", also known as unsolicited
commercial email.

Once identified, the mail can then be optionally tagged as spam for later
filtering using the user's own mail user-agent application.

Additional drop-in rule sets are available at

2021-03-24T16:01:19+00:00 devel/py-us Easily work with US and state metadata
python-us is a package for easily working with US and state metadata

2021-03-24T13:56:09+00:00 devel/py-filetype Python port from filetype Go package
Small and dependency free Python package to infer file type and MIME type
checking the magic numbers signature of a file or buffer.

This is a Python port from filetype Go package.

2021-03-23T16:32:29+00:00 biology/vcf2hap Generate .hap file from VCF for haplohseq
vcf2hap is a simple tool for generating a .hap file from a VCF. The .hap file
is required by haplohseq. vcf2hap is extremely fast and requires a trivial
amount of memory regardless of the size of the VCF file.

2021-03-23T15:15:00+00:00 biology/ad2vcf Add allelic depth info from a SAM stream to a VCF file
ad2vdf extracts allelic depth info from a SAM stream and adds it to a
corresponding single-sample VCF file. SAM input is read via stdin and the VCF
input file is taken as a command-line argument. This allows expensive BAM/CRAM
decoding to be performed in parallel by a separate samtools process.

2021-03-23T13:14:13+00:00 multimedia/kodi-addon-visualization.shadertoy Shadertoy visualizer for Kodi
Shadertoy visualizer for Kodi

2021-03-23T13:11:26+00:00 multimedia/kodi-addon-visualization.spectrum Spectrum visualizer for Kodi
Spectrum visualizer for Kodi

2021-03-22T21:25:47+00:00 audio/vst3sdk VST3 SDK (VST3 audio plugins Software Development Kit)
The VST SDK package contains
* The VST 3 API
* VST 3 Implementation Helper Classes
* AAX, AU, AUv3 and VST 2 wrappers
* VST 3 plug-ins Examples

2021-03-22T12:07:45+00:00 net/wireguard-tools Fast, modern and secure VPN Tunnel
This supplies the main userspace tooling for using and configuring
WireGuard tunnels, including the wg(8) and wg-quick(8) utilities.

2021-03-21T15:17:27+00:00 biology/vcf-split Split a multi-sample VCF into single-sample VCFs
Vcf-split splits a multi-sample VCF into single-sample VCFs, writing thousands
of output files simultaneously. Parsing the TOPMed human chromosome 1 BCF
with bcftools takes two days, so extracting the 137,977 samples one at a time
or using thousands of parallel readers of the same file is impractical.
Vcf-split solves this by generating thousands of single-sample outputs during
a single sweep through the multi-sample input.

2021-03-21T15:10:17+00:00 biology/biolibc Low-level high-performance bioinformatics library
Biolibc is a library of fast, memory-efficient, low-level functions for
processing biological data. Like libc, it consists of numerous disparate,
general-purpose functions which could be used by a wide variety of
applications. These include functions for streaming common file formats such
as SAM and VCF, string functions specific to bioinformatics, etc.

2021-03-20T04:01:56+00:00 x11-themes/icewm-extra-themes Big collection of IceWM window manager themes
This is the collection of extra themes for IceWM window manager that are
too numerous to be included with the IceWM itself. The purpose of this
project is to act as a source of themes for distribution maintainers of
IceWM to select from when building and installing IceWM.

2021-03-19T19:45:31+00:00 net/oha Web load generator
oha is a tiny program that sends some load to a web application and
show realtime tui.

2021-03-19T19:12:25+00:00 net/wireguard-kmod WireGuard implementation for the FreeBSD kernel
Kernel module for FreeBSD to support Wireguard.

At this time this code is new, unvetted, possibly buggy, and should be
considered "experimental". It might contain security issues. We gladly
welcome your testing and bug reports, but do keep in mind that this code
is new, so some caution should be exercised at the moment for using it
in mission critical environments.

2021-03-19T10:52:17+00:00 devel/gettext-po-mode GNU gettext po-mode for emacs
GNU gettext is a framework of libraries and tools for internationalisation
and localisation of software.

This package contains the po-mode for the emacs editor.

2021-03-19T00:18:22+00:00 security/wpa_supplicant-devel Supplicant (client) for WPA/802.1x protocols
wpa_supplicant is a client (supplicant) with support for WPA and WPA2
(IEEE 802.11i / RSN). It is suitable for both desktop/laptop computers and
embedded systems. Supplicant is the IEEE 802.1X/WPA component that is used
in the client stations. It implements key negotiation with a WPA
Authenticator and it controls the roaming and IEEE 802.11 authentication/
association of the wlan driver.

wpa_supplicant is designed to be a "daemon" program that runs in the
background and acts as the backend component controlling the wireless
connection. wpa_supplicant supports separate frontend programs and a
text-based frontend (wpa_cli) and a GUI (wpa_gui) are included with

2021-03-19T00:18:22+00:00 net/hostapd-devel IEEE 802.11 AP, IEEE 802.1X/WPA/WPA2/EAP/RADIUS Authenticator
hostapd is a user space daemon for access point and authentication
servers. It implements IEEE 802.11 access point management, IEEE
802.1X/WPA/WPA2/EAP Authenticators, RADIUS client, EAP server, and
RADIUS authentication server. The current version supports Linux
(Host AP, madwifi, mac80211-based drivers) and FreeBSD (net80211).

Add the following to /etc/rc.conf to use the ports version instead
of the base version:


2021-03-18T20:02:59+00:00 math/s2geometry Geometry library for manipulating geometric shapes
s2geometry is a package for manipulating geometric shapes. Unlike many geometry
libraries, S2 is primarily designed to work with spherical geometry, i.e.,
shapes drawn on a sphere rather than on a planar 2D map. This makes it
especially suitable for working with geographic data.

2021-03-18T16:06:00+00:00 net-p2p/go-prysm Go implementation of the Ethereum 2.0
Ethereum is a community-driven project aiming to decentralize the internet and
return it to its democratic roots. It is a platform for building and running
applications which do not need to rely on trust and cannot be controlled by
any central authority.

This is the Go implementation of the Ethereum 2.0 blockchain.

2021-03-18T09:56:01+00:00 misc/terminfo-db Terminal Description database
Terminal description database in the "terminfo" format.

2021-03-18T07:22:11+00:00 www/rearx TUI client for the Searx meta-search engine, written in Rust
rearx is a TUI client for the Searx meta-search engine, written in Rust.

2021-03-18T06:08:18+00:00 net/frp Reverse proxy to expose local server behind NAT/firewall to Internet
frp is a fast reverse proxy to help you expose a local server behind a NAT or
firewall to the Internet. As of now, it supports TCP and UDP, as well as HTTP
and HTTPS protocols, where requests can be forwarded to internal services by
domain name.

frp also has a P2P connect mode.

2021-03-18T01:47:05+00:00 games/marblemarcher Marble Marcher: Community Edition
This is the community edition of Marble Marcher, a procedurally rendered fractal
physics marble game in which you must get to the flag in each level as fast as
you can. With 24 levels to unlock and an active speedrunning community, along
with a fully-featured level editor, there's always new features being developed.
If you complete all levels, you can use cheats to create and enhance a more
exploratory experience.

2021-03-17T22:29:37+00:00 graphics/freetype-gl C OpenGL Freetype engine library
A small library for displaying Unicode in OpenGL using a single texture and a
single vertex buffer.

2021-03-17T22:27:32+00:00 graphics/anttweakbar C library to add light and GUI into graphic apps
AntTweakBar is a small and easy-to-use C/C++ library that allows programmers to
quickly add a light and intuitive graphical user interface into graphic
applications based on OpenGL (compatibility and core profiles), DirectX 9,
DirectX 10 or DirectX 11 to interactively tweak parameters on-screen.

2021-03-17T13:50:31+00:00 sysutils/runj Experimental, proof-of-concept OCI-compatible runtime for jails
runj is an experimental, proof-of-concept OCI-compatible runtime for
FreeBSD jails.

Important: runj is a proof-of-concept and the implementation has not
been evaluated for its security. Do not use runj on a production
system. Do not run workloads inside runj that rely on a secure
configuration. This is a personal project, not backed by the
author's employer.

2021-03-17T12:45:18+00:00 devel/R-cran-clisymbols Unicode Symbols at the R Prompt
A small subset of Unicode symbols, that are useful when building command line
applications. They fall back to alternatives on terminals that do not support
Unicode. Many symbols were taken from the 'figures' 'npm' package
(see <>).

2021-03-17T00:12:47+00:00 textproc/py-elasticsearch-dsl6 High level Python client for Elasticsearch
Elasticsearch DSL is a high-level library whose aim is to help with writing
and running queries against Elasticsearch. It is built on top of the official
low-level client (elasticsearch-py).

It provides a more convenient and idiomatic way to write and manipulate
queries. It stays close to the Elasticsearch JSON DSL, mirroring its terminology
and structure. It exposes the whole range of the DSL from Python either directly
using defined classes or a queryset-like expressions.

It also provides an optional wrapper for working with documents as Python
objects: defining mappings, retrieving and saving documents, wrapping the
document data in user-defined classes.

To use the other Elasticsearch APIs (eg. cluster health) just use the underlying

2021-03-16T23:30:47+00:00 emulators/qemu-guest-agent QEMU guest-agent utilities
QEMU Guest Agent for FreeBSD

Port homepage

2021-03-16T18:31:51+00:00 multimedia/filebot FileBot is the ultimate tool for organizing and renaming your media
FileBot is the ultimate tool for organizing and renaming your Movies, TV Shows
and Anime as well as fetching subtitles and artwork. It's smart and just works.

FileBot makes organizing your movies and TV shows a breeze! We'll automatically
match your files with information from various online databases. How you want
your media files to be named and organized is completely up to you. Our groovy
format engine supports pretty much anything!

Fetching subtitles is just as easy, just drop it in! Besides automatic lookup
you'll also be able to manually search and download subtitles, preview subtitles
and fix encoding problems (e.g. force UTF-8).

Use FileBot on the command-line! There is a simple CLI for core tasks like
renaming media files and fetching subtitles as well as checking or creating SFV
files. On top of that you can use our scripting engine to define more complex
automated processing. There's already shared scripts for various tasks that you
can just run right away or further customize to your needs.

Setting up a fully automated media center - extract archives, organize tv shows
and movies, download subtitles, fetch artwork and metadata, update Kodi - with
FileBot it's that easy!

2021-03-16T18:26:31+00:00 lang/mecrisp-stellaris Native code Forth system for ARM
Mecrisp Stellaris is an implementation of a standalone native code Forth
for ARM. It fits into 16 kb of flash and runs with at least 1 kb of
RAM. You can choose to compile to flash or to RAM, and it generates
native code with folding, inlining of short words and it opcodes common
instructions. Note that it doesn't need to save any pointers, so it
compiles directly into flash memory without the need for erase cycles.
Although it is in spirit of ANS, there are a few differences: Be

2021-03-16T16:35:49+00:00 x11/rofi-wayland
2021-03-16T11:45:14+00:00 math/R-cran-proxy Distance and Similarity Measures
Provides an extensible framework for the efficient calculation of
auto- and cross-proximities, along with implementations of the most
popular ones.

2021-03-16T10:39:33+00:00 editors/sly-asdf SLY support for ASDF
sly-asdf is an external contrib for SLY that enables specific support and
shortcuts for ASDF operations.

2021-03-16T10:38:16+00:00 editors/sly-quicklisp Basic Quicklisp support for SLY
sly-quicklisp is an external contrib for SLY that provides a `sly-quickload'
command (C-c C-d C-q) that prompts the user for a package to install.

2021-03-16T10:36:51+00:00 editors/sly-named-readtables Support different readtables in the same file for SLY
sly-named-readtables is an external contrib for SLY that enables
different readtables to be active in different parts of the same file.

2021-03-16T10:35:08+00:00 editors/sly Sylvester the Cat's Common Lisp IDE for Emacs
SLY is a fork of SLIME. We track its bugfixes, particularly to the
implementation backends. All SLIME's familiar features (debugger, inspector,
xref, etc...) are still available, with improved overall UX.

SLY's highlights are:
- A full-featured REPL based on Emacs's comint.el. Everything can be copied to
the REPL.
- Stickers, or live code annotations that record values as code traverses them.
- Flex-style completion out-of-the-box, using Emacs's completion API. Company,
Helm, and other supported natively, no plugin required.
- An interactive Trace Dialog.
- Cleanly ASDF-loaded by default, including contribs, enabled out-of-the-box.
- Multiple inspectors and multiple REPLs.
- "Presentations" replaced by interactive backreferences which highlight the
object and remain stable throughout the REPL session.
- Support for NAMED-READTABLES, macrostep.el and quicklisp.
- A portable, annotation-based stepper in early but functional prototype stage.

2021-03-15T21:14:43+00:00 textproc/node-re2 Node.js bindings for devel/re2
This project provides bindings for RE2: fast, safe alternative to
backtracking regular expression engines.

2021-03-15T21:04:56+00:00 devel/node-nan Native Abstractions for Node.js
Native Abstractions for Node.js.

2021-03-15T21:02:55+00:00 devel/node-gyp Cross-platform command-line tool written in Node.js
node-gyp is a cross-platform command-line tool written in Node.js for
compiling native addon modules for Node.js. It contains a vendored copy
of the gyp-next project that was previously used by the Chromium team,
extended to support the development of Node.js native addons.

2021-03-15T20:11:39+00:00 devel/inih Simple .INI file parser written in C
inih (INI Not Invented Here) is a simple .INI file parser written in C. It's
only a couple of pages of code, and it was designed to be small and simple, so
it's good for embedded systems. It's also more or less compatible with Python's
ConfigParser style of .INI files, including RFC 822-style multi-line syntax and
name: value entries.

2021-03-15T20:09:28+00:00 biology/generand Generate random genomic data in FASTA/FASTQ, SAM, or VCF format
Generate random genomic data in FASTA/FASTQ, SAM, or VCF format, suitable for
small academic examples or test inputs of arbitrary size. Output can be piped
directly to programs or redirected to a file and edited to taste.

2021-03-15T19:45:11+00:00 www/vger Simplistic and secure Gemini server
Vger is a gemini server supporting chroot, virtualhosts, CGI, default language
choice, redirections and MIME types detection.

Vger design is relying on inetd and a daemon to take care of TLS. The idea is
to delegate TLS and network to daemons which proved doing it correctly, so vger
takes its request from stdin and output the result to stdout.

2021-03-15T17:44:22+00:00 www/webtrees20 Online genealogy viewer (for PHP 7.1-7.4)
webtrees is the web's leading online collaborative genealogy
application. webtrees works from standard GEDCOM files, and is
therefore compatible with every major desktop application. webtrees
aims to be efficient and effective by using the right combination
of third-party tools, design techniques and open standards.

2021-03-15T13:46:35+00:00 devel/py-hidraw Python interface to gather hidraw information
Python interface to gather hidraw information.

2021-03-14T13:50:25+00:00 x11/mxascii X/Motif Display an ASCII table
mxascii is a X/Motif program to display ASCII character set (0-127)
in decimal, hexadecimal, or octal.

This port requires Motif or equivalent to build.

2021-03-14T13:50:18+00:00 sysutils/mxkill X/Motif interface to ps with kill capability
mxkill is a X/Motif interface to ps. Inspired by xzap by xzap is an X Athena widget version
of the zap command described in Kernighan &l Pike's "The Unix
Programming Environment". I am not a big fan of Athena widget
set, so I had to write it in Motif.

This port requires Motif or equivalent to build.

2021-03-14T11:45:56+00:00 emulators/sameboy Game Boy and Game Boy Color emulator written in C
SameBoy is a user friendly, powerful and open source Game Boy, Game
Boy Color and Super Game Boy emulator. SameBoy is extremely accurate
and includes a wide range of powerful debugging features, making
it ideal for both casual players and developers. In addition to
accuracy and developer capabilities, SameBoy has all the features
one would expect from an emulator from save states to scaling

2021-03-14T09:54:20+00:00 emulators/hv_kvp_cmd Hyper-V Data Exchange Service (KVP), users command line utility
Hyper-V Data Exchange Service (KVP),
users command line utility

Provides a mechanism to exchange basic metadata between
the virtual machine and the host.

2021-03-13T23:37:12+00:00 math/py-openTSNE Fast, parallel implementations of t-SNE
openTSNE is a modular Python implementation of t-Distributed Stochasitc Neighbor
Embedding (t-SNE), a popular dimensionality-reduction algorithm for visualizing
high-dimensional data sets. openTSNE incorporates the latest improvements to the
t-SNE algorithm, including the ability to add new data points to existing
embeddings, massive speed improvements, enabling t-SNE to scale to millions of
data points and various tricks to improve global alignment of the resulting

2021-03-13T21:54:58+00:00 misc/py-XlsxWriter Python module for creating Excel XLSX files
XlsxWriter is a Python module for writing files in the Excel 2007+ XLSX file

XlsxWriter can be used to write text, numbers, formulas and hyperlinks to
multiple worksheets and it supports features such as formatting and many more.

2021-03-13T21:29:57+00:00 math/py-baycomp Library for Bayesian comparison of classifiers
Baycomp is a library for Bayesian comparison of classifiers.

Functions compare two classifiers on one or on multiple data sets. They compute
three probabilities: the probability that the first classifier has higher scores
than the second, the probability that differences are within the region of
practical equivalence (rope), or that the second classifier has higher scores.
We will refer to this probabilities as p_left, p_rope and p_right. If the
argument rope is omitted (or set to zero), functions return only p_left and

2021-03-12T18:34:25+00:00 devel/libvsgpt Library and tools to access the GPT volume system format
libvsgpt is a library to access the GUID Partition Table (GPT) volume system

2021-03-12T15:59:19+00:00 security/ubuntu-keyring GPG keys for Ubuntu package signature verification
Public GPG keys used to verify authenticity of Ubuntu packages.

2021-03-12T08:41:52+00:00 dns/dnsdbflex Tool to use the DNSDB Flexible Search API extensions
Command line tool to use the DNSDB Flexible Search API extensions on
systems such as:
* the DNSDB Flex API server at Farsight Security

An API key is required for operation.

2021-03-12T05:47:11+00:00 databases/py-pgmigrate PostgreSQL migrations made easy
PGmigrate is a database migration tool developed by Yandex.

2021-03-12T03:08:52+00:00 games/minetestmapper Generate an overview image of a minetest map
Minetestmapper generates an overview image from a Minetest map.

2021-03-11T20:55:59+00:00 multimedia/tinyobjloader C++ single file wavefront obj loader
Tiny but powerful single file wavefront obj loader written in C++03. No
dependency except for C++ STL. It can parse over 10M polygons with moderate
memory and time.

2021-03-11T13:06:35+00:00 databases/pg_hashids PostgreSQL extension for generates short, unique, non-sequential ids from numbers
PostgreSQL extension for generates short, unique,
non-sequential ids from numbers.

2021-03-11T06:31:53+00:00 databases/lua-pgsql Lua binding for PostgreSQL
Lua binding for PostgreSQL.

2021-03-10T22:11:41+00:00 textproc/redisearch16 Full-text search over Redis
RediSearch is a source available Full-Text and Secondary Index
engine over Redis, developed by Redis Labs.

Redisearch implements a search engine on top of Redis, but
unlike other Redis search libraries, it does not use internal
data structures like sorted sets.

This also enables more advanced features, like exact phrase
matching and numeric filtering for text queries, that are not
possible or efficient with traditional Redis search approaches.

2021-03-10T06:26:22+00:00 devel/rgbds Free assembler/linker for the Game Boy and Game Boy Color
RGBDS is a free GBZ80 assembler/linker package for the Game Boy and
Game Boy Color. RGBDS additionally contains 2 extra tools to fix
ROM headers, and convert PNG files to the Game Boy's planar tile

The binaries it provides are:
rgbasm(1) (assembler)
rgblink(1) (linker)
rgbfix(1) (checksum/header fixer)
rgbgfx(1) (PNG-to-Game Boy graphics converter)

2021-03-09T18:27:36+00:00 emulators/virtualbox-ose-nox11-legacy
2021-03-09T18:27:36+00:00 emulators/virtualbox-ose-additions-nox11-legacy
2021-03-09T18:27:36+00:00 emulators/virtualbox-ose-additions-legacy VirtualBox additions for FreeBSD guests
These additions are for installation inside a FreeBSD guest.

VirtualBox is a family of powerful x86 virtualization products for
enterprise as well as home use. Not only is VirtualBox an extremely
feature rich, high performance product for enterprise customers, it
is also the only professional solution that is freely available as
Open Source Software under the terms of the GNU General Public License.

2021-03-09T09:57:59+00:00 x11-fonts/otf2bdf OpenType to BDF converter
otf2bdf is a command line utility that uses the FreeType 2 font
rendering library to generate BDF bitmap fonts from OpenType outline
fonts at different sizes and resolutions.

2021-03-09T09:03:54+00:00 sysutils/u-boot-orangepi-zero-plus
U-Boot loader for OrangePi Zero Plus.

To install this bootloader on an sdcard just do :
dd if=$LOCALBASE/share/u-boot/u-boot-orangepi-zero-plus/u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin of=/path/to/sdcarddevice bs=128k seek=1 conv=sync

This version is patched so that:
* API features are enabled.
* A boot.scr (U-Boot script) that loads ubldr.bin and execute it is included

For information about running FreeBSD on Allwinner boards, see

2021-03-08T17:50:18+00:00 devel/pcg-cpp PCG Random Number Generation, C++ Edition
This code provides an implementation of the PCG family of random number
generators, which are fast, statistically excellent, and offer a number of
useful features.

There are two kinds of generator, normal generators and extended generators.
Extended generators provide k dimensional equidistribution and can perform party
tricks, but generally speaking most people only need the normal generators.

There are two ways to access the generators, using a convenience typedef or by
using the underlying templates directly (similar to C++11's std::mt19937 typedef
vs its std::mersenne_twister_engine template).

2021-03-08T17:31:27+00:00 devel/loguru Lightweight and flexible C++ logging library
loguru is a logging library that produces logs that are both human-readable and
easily greped. It can also hook into the logging process to print some of the
more severe messages on-screen.

2021-03-08T13:40:09+00:00 security/crowdsec Crowdsec lightweight and collaborative security engine
Crowdsec is an open-source, lightweight software, detecting peers with
aggressive behaviors to prevent them from accessing your systems. Its user
friendly design and assistance offers a low technical barrier of entry and
nevertheless a high security gain.

2021-03-07T22:56:20+00:00 devel/rubygem-google-protobuf314 Ruby extension to Google Protocol Buffers
rubygem-google-protobuf is a Ruby extension that implements Protocol Buffers
functionality. It makes use of generated Ruby code that defines message and enum
types in a Ruby DSL. You may write definitions in this DSL directly, but we
recommend using protoc's Ruby generation support with .proto files. The build
process in this directory only installs the extension; you need to install
protoc as well to have Ruby code generation functionality.

2021-03-07T22:10:09+00:00 print/rubygem-pdf-core07 Ruby library to render PDF documents
PDF::Core is a pure Ruby library to render PDF documents.

It supports several PDF features, such as among others:
* low-level annotation
* istream objects and stream filters
* NameTree
* object repository
* object serialization
* indirect objects
* page geometries

It is used internally by Prawn (provided in the rubygems-prawn package),
a Ruby PDF generation library.

2021-03-07T22:10:03+00:00 net/py-geopy Python Geocoding Toolbox
geopy is a Python client for several popular geocoding web services.

geopy makes it easy for Python developers to locate the coordinates of
addresses, cities, countries, and landmarks across the globe using third-party
geocoders and other data sources.

geopy includes geocoder classes for the OpenStreetMap Nominatim, Google
Geocoding API (V3), and many other geocoding services. The full list is
available on the Geocoders doc section. Geocoder classes are located in

2021-03-07T22:09:56+00:00 graphics/py-urbansim Platform for building statistical models of cities and regions
UrbanSim is a platform for building statistical models of cities and regions.
These models help forecast long-range patterns in real estate development,
demographics, and related outcomes, under various policy scenarios.

This urbansim Python library is a core component. It contains tools for
statistical estimation and simulation; domain-specific logic about housing
markets, household relocation, and other processes; and frameworks and utilities
for assembling a model.

2021-03-07T22:09:49+00:00 graphics/py-urbanaccess Tool for creating GTFS transit and OSM pedestrian networks
UrbanAccess is tool for creating multi-modal graph networks for use in
multi-scale (e.g. address level to the metropolitan level) transit accessibility
analyses with the network analysis tool Pandana. UrbanAccess uses open data from
General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) data to represent disparate
operational schedule transit networks and pedestrian OpenStreetMap (OSM) data to
represent the pedestrian network. UrbanAccess provides a generalized,
computationally efficient, and unified accessibility calculation framework by
linking tools for: 1) network data acquisition, validation, and processing; 2)
computing an integrated pedestrian and transit weighted network graph; and 3)
network analysis using Pandana.

2021-03-07T22:09:42+00:00 graphics/py-pandana Python library for network analysis
Pandana is a Python library for network analysis that uses contraction
hierarchies to calculate super-fast travel accessibility metrics and shortest
paths. The numerical code is in C++.

2021-03-07T22:09:35+00:00 graphics/py-osmnet Tools for the extraction of OpenStreetMap street network data
OSMnet offers tools to download street network data from OpenStreetMap and
extract a graph network comprised of nodes and edges to be used in Pandana
street network accessibility calculations.

2021-03-07T22:09:29+00:00 devel/py-orca Python library for task orchestration
Orca is a Python library for task orchestration. It's designed for workflows
like city simulation, where the data representing a model's state is so large
that it needs to be managed outside of the task graph.

The building blocks of a workflow are "steps", Python functions that can be
assembled on the fly into linear or cyclical pipelines. Steps typically interact
with a central data store that persists in memory while the pipeline runs.
Derived tables and columns can be updated automatically as base data changes,
and pipeline components are evaluated lazily to reduce unnecessary overhead.

2021-03-07T22:09:22+00:00 devel/py-openapi-schema-validator OpenAPI schema validation for Python
Openapi-schema-validator is a Python library that validates schema against the
OpenAPI Schema Specification v3.0 which is an extended subset of the JSON Schema
Specification Wright Draft 00.

2021-03-07T22:09:15+00:00 textproc/p5-Text-UnicodeBox Text box drawing using the Unicode box symbols
Text::UnicodeBox is a low level box drawing interface. You'll most likely want
to use one of the higher level modules such as Text::UnicodeBox::Table.

The unicode box symbol table is a fairly robust set of symbols that allow you to
draw lines and boxes with monospaced fonts. This module allows you to focus on
the content of the boxes you need to draw and mostly ignore how to draw a good
looking box with proper connections between all the lines.

The low level approach is line-based. A box object is created, add_line is
called for each line of content you'd like to render, and render is called to
complete the box.

Output is built up over time, which allows you to stream the output rather then
buffering it and printing it in one go.

2021-03-07T22:09:08+00:00 textproc/p5-Text-Table-TinyBorderStyle Text::Table::Tiny and support for border styles
Text::Table::TinyBorderStyle is like Text::Table::Tiny with added support for
using border styles. For more details about border styles, see BorderStyle
specification. The styles are in BorderStyle::* modules. Try installing and
using the border style modules to see what they look like.

Interface, options, and format variables are the same as in Text::Table::Tiny.

2021-03-07T22:09:00+00:00 textproc/p5-Text-Table-Sprintf Generate simple text tables from 2D arrays using sprintf()
Text::Table::Sprintf provides a single function, table, which formats a
two-dimensional array of data as a simple text table.

2021-03-07T22:08:53+00:00 textproc/p5-Text-Table-More Generate text table with simple interface and many options
Text::Table::More uses the simple interface of Text::Table::Tiny with support
for more formatting options like column/row spans, border style,
per-row/column/cell align/valign.

2021-03-07T22:08:46+00:00 textproc/p5-Text-NonWideChar-Util Utility routines for text
Text::NonWideChar::Util provides the non-wide version of some of the routines in

2021-03-07T22:08:39+00:00 textproc/p5-Pod-POM-View-Restructured View for Pod::POM that outputs reStructuredText
Pod::POM::View::Restructured outputs reStructuredText that is expected to be
used with Sphinx. Verbatim sections (indented paragraphs) in the POD will be
output with syntax highlighting for Perl code by default.

2021-03-07T22:08:32+00:00 databases/p5-SQL-Abstract-Pg PostgreSQL features for SQL::Abstract
SQL::Abstract::Pg extends SQL::Abstract with a few PostgreSQL features used by

2021-03-07T15:34:46+00:00 devel/libserdes Schema-based serializer/deserializer with support for Avro
libserdes is a schema-based serializer/deserializer
C/C++ library with support for Avro and the Confluent
Platform Schema Registry.

The library is aimed to be used in the streaming pipeline,
e.g. Apache Kafka, to perform data serialization and
deserialization with centrally managed schemas.

2021-03-07T13:35:34+00:00 net-im/libsignal-client Implementation of the Signal client protocol
libsignal-client is an implementation of the Signal client protocol in Rust.

It is under heavy development at the moment and subject to change without
notice. Its use outside Signal is not yet recommended.

2021-03-07T06:02:45+00:00 textproc/addts Prepend current timestamp to every line of input text
A small filter that prints its input prefixing each line with the current
timestamp. Typical usage is for Apache forensic log:

ForensicLog "|/usr/bin/addts -a /var/log/httpd/forensic.log"

2021-03-07T00:53:57+00:00 devel/libabigail ABI Generic Analysis and Instrumentation Library
ABI Generic Analysis and Instrumentation Library

This project aims at providing a C++ library for constructing, manipulating,
serializing and de-serializing ABI-relevant artifacts. The set of artifacts
that we are interested in is made of constructions like types, variables,
functions and declarations of a given library or program. For a given program
or library, this set of constructions is called an ABI corpus.

Thus the project aims at providing a library to manipulate ABI corpora, compare
them, provide detailed information about their differences and help build tools
to infer interesting conclusions about these differences.

2021-03-06T19:46:17+00:00 shells/modernish POSIX shell feature detection and language extension library
The programming/scripting language that incorporates the most frustrating
combination of deficiencies and awesome power is probably the POSIX shell with
accompanying utilities, which all exist in several variant implementations. Due
to said power, the shell refuses to die as a scripting language. But when
scripters are bitten by arcane grammar pitfalls, defective tutorials on the
web, or shell functionality deficits, then 'use a real programming language
instead' is generally the mantra.

Enter modernish, a new vision on shell scripting. Modernish aims to provide a
standard library that allows for writing robust, portable, readable, and
powerful programs for POSIX-based shells and utilities. It can solve the shell
language problems mentioned above, and many more. With modernish, you'd almost
think the shell has become a modern programming language!

The library builds on the POSIX 2018 Edition standard, so it should run on any
sufficiently POSIX-compliant shell and operating system. But it also takes
advantage of certain shell-specific enhancements if it detects them.

2021-03-06T14:54:48+00:00 security/openssl-quictls QUIC capable fork of OpenSSL
This is a fork of OpenSSL to enable QUIC. This fork adds API that can be
used by QUIC implementations for connection handshakes.

There is a community need for a QUIC capable TLS library. This fork is
intended as stopgap solution to enable higher level frameworks and runtimes
to use QUIC with the proven and reliable TLS functionality from OpenSSL.
This fork will be maintained until OpenSSL officially provides reasonable
support for QUIC implementations.

2021-03-06T02:08:24+00:00 math/muparserx C++ math parser library with array and string support
muParserx is a C++ library initially based on muParser enhanced with support for
arrays, matrices and strings, and with a completely new parsing engine.

2021-03-05T01:47:32+00:00 devel/llvm12 LLVM and Clang
The LLVM Project is a collection of modular and reusable compiler and
toolchain technologies.

This port includes Clang (a C/C++/Objective-C compiler), LLD (a linker),
LLDB (a debugger), an OpenMP runtime library, and the LLVM infrastructure
these are built on.

2021-03-04T21:07:17+00:00 sysutils/p5-Filesys-ZFS-Stat Perl interface to kstat.zfs
Filesys::ZFS::Stat works on top BSD::Sysctl and provides handy access
to kstat.zfs sysctl tree.

2021-03-04T18:42:52+00:00 emulators/aranym Atari Running on Any Machine
ARAnyM is a multiplatform virtual machine (a software layer, or an emulator) for
running Atari ST/TT/Falcon operating systems and applications on almost any
hardware with many host operating systems. The reason for writing ARAnyM is to
provide Atari power users with faster and better machines. The ultimate goal is
to create a new platform where TOS/GEM applications could continue to live

2021-03-04T11:47:56+00:00 mail/py-mailsuite Python package to simplify receiving, parsing, and sending email
A Python package to simplify receiving, parsing, and sending email
* Receive emails via IMAP
* Retrieve email from any folder
* Create new folders
* Move messages to other folders
* Delete messages
* Monitor folders for new messages using the IMAP IDLE command
* Always use / as the folder hierarchy separator, and convert
to the server's hierarchy separator in the background
* Always remove folder name characters that conflict with the
server's hierarchy separators
* Prepend the namespace to the folder path when required
* Automatically reconnect when needed
* Work around quirks in Gmail/G-suite, Office 365, Exchange,
Dovcot, and DavMail
* Consistent email parsing
* SHA256 hashes of attachments
* Simplified email sending via SMTP
* Uses opportunistic encryption (STARTTLS) by default
* Easily add attachments, plain text, and HTML

2021-03-04T11:47:56+00:00 mail/py-imapclient Easy to use, Pythonic and complete IMAP client library
IMAPClient is an easy-to-use, Pythonic and complete IMAP client library.
* Arguments and return values are natural Python types.
* IMAP server responses are fully parsed and readily usable.
* IMAP unique message IDs (UIDs) are handled transparently. There is no need
to call different methods to use UIDs.
* Escaping for internationalised mailbox names is transparently handled.
Unicode mailbox names may be passed as input wherever a folder name is
* Time zones are transparently handled including when the server and client
are in different zones.
* Convenience methods are provided for commonly used functionality.
* Exceptions are raised when errors occur.

2021-03-04T05:42:15+00:00 x11/ulauncher Advanced graphical application launcher
Ulauncher is graphical application launcher written in Python and GTK.
It offers fuzzy search, custom color themes, shortcuts and extensions,
and fast directory browser.

2021-03-04T00:08:23+00:00 x11-wm/labwc Wayland stacking compositor
Labwc is a wlroots-based stacking compositor for Wayland.

It aims to be light-weight and independent, with a focus on simply
stacking windows well and rendering some window decorations. Where
practicable, it uses clients for wall-paper, panels, screenshots, and
so on.

2021-03-03T21:18:40+00:00 games/re3 Reverse-engineered GTA3 engine
Reverse-engineered GTA3 engine

2021-03-03T18:06:39+00:00 devel/py-opencensus-context OpenCensus Runtime Context
The OpenCensus Runtime Context provides in-process context propagation.

2021-03-03T18:06:27+00:00 devel/py-opencensus Stats collection and distributed tracing framework
OpenCensus provides a framework to measure a server's resource usage and collect
performance stats.

2021-03-03T15:42:09+00:00 japanese/font-hackgen-nerd HackGenNerd is a composite font of Hack and GenJyuu-Gothic
HackGen is a composite font of Hack and GenJyuu-Gothic.

2021-03-03T14:11:51+00:00 net/openrsync Implementation of rsync with a BSD (ISC) license
This is an implementation of rsync with a BSD (ISC) license. It's compatible
with a modern rsync (3.1.3 is used for testing, but any supporting protocol 27
will do), but accepts only a subset of rsync's command-line arguments.

Its officially-supported operating system is OpenBSD, but it will compile and
run on other UNIX systems. See Portability for details.

2021-03-03T11:29:50+00:00 www/py-adblock Brave's adblock library in Python
Python wrapper for Brave's adblocking library, which is written in Rust.

2021-03-02T05:59:44+00:00 sysutils/ipfs-go-fs-repo-migrations Migrations for the filesystem repository of ipfs clients
Migrations for the filesystem repository of ipfs clients

2021-03-01T20:06:18+00:00 devel/ros-vcstool Version control system (VCS) tool for ROS
Robot Operating System (ROS) command-line tools for maintaining a workspace of
projects from multiple version-control systems.

This is the recommended replacement for devel/ros-wstool.

2021-03-01T14:11:36+00:00 multimedia/kodi-addon-visualization.fishbmc Fische visualizer for Kodi
Fische visualizer for Kodi

2021-03-01T14:08:54+00:00 multimedia/kodi-addon-screensaver.stars Starfield screensaver for Kodi
Starfield screensaver for Kodi

2021-03-01T14:04:51+00:00 multimedia/kodi-addon-screensaver.biogenesis BioGenesis screensaver for Kodi
BioGenesis screensaver for Kodi

2021-03-01T08:56:24+00:00 multimedia/kodi-addon-peripheral.joystick Joystick support for Kodi
Joystick support for Kodi

2021-03-01T08:43:32+00:00 multimedia/kodi-addon-inputstream.adaptive Adaptive stream support for Kodi
Adaptive stream support for Kodi

This addon adds support for multiple manifest types and is used by
other addons to dynamically select the best audio/video quality/resolution
according to available bandwith.

For example, it is required by the MPEG-DASH functionality of Kodi's
YouTube addon to support video playback in higher resolutions than 720p.

2021-03-01T08:26:23+00:00 multimedia/kodi-addon-pvr.hts Tvheadend PVR addon for Kodi
This is a Kodi PVR addon for connecting to a tvheadend backend.

2021-03-01T08:22:00+00:00 multimedia/kodi-addon-pvr.iptvsimple IPTV Live TV and Radio PVR client for Kodi
This is a Kodi PVR addon for IPTV Live TV and Radio

2021-02-28T21:31:09+00:00 games/OpenLara Classic Tomb Raider open-source engine
Classic Tomb Raider open-source engine

2021-02-28T19:09:18+00:00 net-mgmt/py-gstat_exporter Prometheus exporter for gstat data
Prometheus exporter for FreeBSD gstat data

2021-02-28T18:58:46+00:00 multimedia/kodi-addon-screensaver.matrixtrails Matrix trails screensaver for Kodi
Matrix trails screensaver for Kodi

This port is for multimedia/kodi-devel only.

2021-02-28T18:55:27+00:00 games/kodi-addon-game.libretro.picodrive Kodi game addon for Sega - MS/MD/CD/32X (PicoDrive)
This is yet another Megadrive / Genesis / Sega CD / Mega CD / 32X / SMS
emulator, which was written having ARM-based handheld devices in mind
(such as smartphones and handheld consoles like GP2X and Pandora),
but also runs on non-ARM little-endian hardware too.

The emulator is heavily optimized for ARM, features assembly cores for
68k, Z80 and VDP chip emulation, also has dynamic recompilers for SH2
and SSP16 (for 32X and SVP emulation). It was started by Dave (aka fdave,
finalburn author) as basic Genesis/Megadrive emulator for Pocket PC,
then taken over and expanded by notaz.

PicoDrive was the first emulator ever to properly emulate Virtua Racing
and it's SVP chip.

2021-02-28T18:52:47+00:00 games/kodi-addon-game.libretro.pcsx-rearmed Kodi game addon for Sony - PlayStation (PCSX ReARMed)
PCSX ReARMed is yet another PCSX fork based on the PCSX-Reloaded
project, which itself contains code from PCSX, PCSX-df and
This version is ARM architecture oriented and features MIPS->ARM
recompiler by Ari64, NEON GTE code and more performance improvements.
It was created for Pandora handheld, but should be usable on other
devices after some code adjustments (N900, GPH Wiz/Caanoo, PlayBook
versions are also available).

PCSX ReARMed features ARM NEON GPU by Exophase, that in many cases
produces pixel perfect graphics at very high performance. There is also
Una-i's GPU plugin from PCSX4ALL project, and traditional P.E.Op.S. one.

2021-02-28T18:49:24+00:00 games/kodi-addon-game.libretro.genplus Kodi game addon for Sega - MS/GG/MD/CD (Genesis Plus GX)
Genesis Plus GX is an open-source Sega 8/16 bit emulator focused on
accuracy and portability. Initially ported and developped on
Gamecube / Wii consoles through libogc / devkitPPC, this emulator is now
available on many other platforms through various frontends such as:
- Retroarch (libretro)
- Bizhawk
- OpenEmu

The source code, initially based on Genesis Plus 1.2a by Charles
MacDonald has been heavily modified & enhanced, with respect to original
goals and design, in order to improve emulation accuracy as well as
adding support for new peripherals, cartridge or console hardware and
many other exciting features.

The result is that Genesis Plus GX is now more a continuation of the
original project than a simple port, providing very accurate emulation
and 100% compatibility with Genesis / Mega Drive, Sega/Mega CD, Master
System, Game Gear & SG-1000 released software (including all unlicensed
or pirate known dumps), also emulating backwards compatibility modes
when available. All the people who contributed (directly or indirectly)
to this project are listed on the Credits page.

2021-02-28T18:46:10+00:00 games/kodi-addon-game.libretro.beetle-psx Kodi game addon for Sony - PlayStation (Beetle PSX)
Beetle PSX is a port/fork of Mednafen's PSX module to the libretro API.
It can be compiled in C++98 mode, excluding the Vulkan renderer, which
is written in C++11 for the time being. Beetle PSX currently runs on
Linux, OSX and Windows.

2021-02-28T18:35:57+00:00 games/kodi-addon-game.libretro Libretro compatibility layer for the Kodi Game API
This add-on provides a wrapper that allows Libretro cores to be loaded
as game add-ons. Libretro cores are shared libraries that use the
Libretro API, so the wrapper is responsible for translating function
calls between the Libretro API and the Game API.

2021-02-28T06:39:16+00:00 astro/py-pykep Python binding for pykep, library for astrodynamics research
pykep is a scientific library providing basic tools for astrodynamics research.
Algorithmic efficiency is a main focus of the library, which is written in C++
and exposed to Python using the boost::python library. At the library core is
the implementation of an efficient solver for the multiple revolutions Lambert's
problem, objects representing direct (Sims-Flanagan), indirect (Pontryagin) and
hybrid methods to represent low-thrust optimization problems, efficient
keplerian propagators, Taylor-integrators, a SGP4 propagator, TLE and SATCAT
support and more.

2021-02-28T05:16:00+00:00 astro/pykep C++ library providing basic tools for astrodynamics research
pykep is a scientific library providing basic tools for astrodynamics research.
Algorithmic efficiency is a main focus of the library, which is written in C++
and exposed to Python using the boost::python library. At the library core is
the implementation of an efficient solver for the multiple revolutions Lambert's
problem, objects representing direct (Sims-Flanagan), indirect (Pontryagin) and
hybrid methods to represent low-thrust optimization problems, efficient
keplerian propagators, Taylor-integrators, a SGP4 propagator, TLE and SATCAT
support and more.

2021-02-27T20:01:40+00:00 textproc/py-enrich Extensions to py-rich
Enriched extends rich library functionality with a set of changes that
were not accepted to rich itself.

2021-02-27T18:29:02+00:00 astro/kosmorro Ephemerides computation
A program that calculates your astronomical ephemerides.

By default, it will give you the current Moon phase and, if any, the events that
will occur today. To get the rise, culmination and set of the objects of the
Solar system, you will need to give it your position on Earth: get your current
coordinates (with OpenStreetMap for instance), and give them to Kosmorro by
invoking it with the following parameters: --latitude=X --longitude=Y (replace X
by the latitude and Y by the longitude).

Kosmorro has a lot of available options. To get a list of them, run kosmorro
--help, or read its manual with man kosmorro.

Note: the first time it runs, Kosmorro will download some important files needed
to make the computations. They are stored in a cache folder named
~/.kosmorro-cache .

2021-02-27T18:28:18+00:00 astro/py-skyfield Ephemerides computation
Skyfield is a pure-Python astronomy package that makes it easy to generate high
precision research-grade positions for planets and Earth satellites.

2021-02-27T18:28:18+00:00 astro/py-skyfield-data Minimal data files to work with py-skyfield
Skyfield (astro/py-skyfield) is a Python library for astronomical computations.
It depends on various data files to accurately compute moon phases, planet
positions, etc. Several issues are raised by these data files:

- If they're not found in the path of the Loader, they're downloaded at
runtime. Depending on the archive you're requesting, some files might be very
large, causing a long delay (directly related to your network bandwidth). In
the case of a web server app, you'd cause a timeout on client's end.

- They come mainly from 2 sources: NASA's JPL, and the IERS. If one of them is
temporarily unavailable, you couldn't perform any computation.

- In some countries, or behind some filtering proxies, some hosts may be

- These files have an expiration date (in a more or less distant future). As a
consequence, even if the files are already downloaded in the right path, at
each runtime you could possibly have to download one or more files before
making any computation using them.

This package provides at least the most common of these assets.

2021-02-27T18:27:26+00:00 astro/py-spktype21 Supporting module for jplephem to handle data type 21
This module computes positions and velocities of a celestial small body, from a
NASA SPICE SPK ephemeris kernel file of data type 21 (Extended Modified
Difference Arrays).

You can get SPK files for many solar system small bodies from HORIZONS system of

This module reads SPK files of data type 21, one of the types of binary SPK
file. At the point of Oct. 2018, HORIZONS system provides files of type 21 as
binary SPK files by default. You can get type 21 binary SPK file for celestial
small bodies through TELNET interface by answering back 'B' for 'SPK file
format'. Also you can get type 21 binary SPK file from:

2021-02-27T18:27:26+00:00 astro/py-spktype01 Supporting module for jplephem to handle data type 1
This module computes positions and velocities of a celestial small body, from a
NASA SPICE SPK ephemeris kernel file of data type 1 (Modified Difference

You can get SPK files for many solar system small bodies from HORIZONS system of

This module reads SPK files of data type 1, one of the types of binary SPK file.
At the point of Oct. 2018, HORIZONS system provides files of type 21 as binary
SPK files by default. You can get type 1 binary SPK file for celestial small
bodies through TELNET interface by answering back '1' for 'SPK file format'.

2021-02-27T18:26:39+00:00 astro/py-jplephem Python version of NASA DE4xx ephemerides
This package is a Python implementation of the math that standard JPL
ephemerides use to predict raw (x,y,z) planetary positions. It is one of the
foundations of the Skyfield astronomy library for Python (astro/py-skyfield).

But you can also use jplephem standalone to generate raw vectors.

2021-02-27T18:25:53+00:00 astro/py-sgp4 Python version of the SGP4 satellite position library
Python implementation of most recent version of the SGP4 satellite tracking

2021-02-27T14:01:26+00:00 audio/ft2play Bit-accurate C port of Fasttracker's XM replayer
Bit-accurate C port of Fasttracker's XM replayer (SB16/WAV render mode).
It is a direct port of the original asm/Pascal source codes.

2021-02-27T12:28:21+00:00 textproc/py-wcmatch Wildcard/glob file name matcher
Wildcard Match provides an enhanced fnmatch, glob, and pathlib library
in order to provide file matching and globbing that more closely
follows the features found in Bash. In some ways these libraries are
similar to Python's builtin libraries as they provide a similar
interface to match, filter, and glob the file system. But they also
include a number of features found in Bash's globbing such as
backslash escaping, brace expansion, extended glob pattern groups,
etc. They also add a number of new useful functions as well, such as
globmatch which functions like fnmatch, but for paths.

2021-02-27T12:08:41+00:00 textproc/py-bracex Brace expansion
Bracex is a brace expanding library (a la Bash) for Python. Brace
expanding is used to generate arbitrary strings.

2021-02-27T10:16:58+00:00 devel/py-pyls-black Black plugin for the Python Language Server
Black plugin for the Python Language Server.

- Can either format an entire file or just the selected text
- The code will only be formatted if it is syntactically valid
- Text selections are treated as if they were a separate
Python file. This also means that an indented block of code
cannot be formatted
- Will use your project's pyproject.toml if it has one.

Using pyls-black while yapf and autopep8 are installed, may
lead to unexpected results!

2021-02-27T09:18:56+00:00 textproc/py-pyls-spyder Spyder extensions for the python-language-server (pyls)
Spyder extensions for the python-language-server (pyls).

Provides Spyder-specific extras for the Language Server
Protocol (LSP) on Python, such as document symbol searching
and others.

2021-02-27T09:12:37+00:00 textproc/py-python-language-server Python implementation of the Language Server Protocol
An implementation of the Language Server Protocol for Python.

The base language server provide Completions, Definitions,
Hover, References, Signature Help, and Symbols.

2021-02-27T00:23:16+00:00 math/R-cran-gsl Wrapper for the Gnu Scientific Library
An R wrapper for some of the functionality of the Gnu Scientific Library.

2021-02-27T00:06:36+00:00 net/p5-Net-Connection-ncnetstat Netstat like utility that supports color and searching
Provides a enhances colorized netstat like tool that is
capable of doing searches.

The search criteria can be any of the following.

* port
* host
* pctcpu
* pctmem
* Regex PTR
* state
* username
* wait channel

Among other unique features it can also display the full
command, PctMem, and PctCPU of the process with the connection.

2021-02-27T00:06:18+00:00 net/p5-Net-Connection-lsof Creates Net::Connection objects using lsof
Creates Net::Connection objects using lsof.

2021-02-27T00:06:14+00:00 net/p5-Net-Connection-Sort Sorts array of Net::Connection objects
This sorts a array of Net::Connection objects.

Currently the methods below are supported.

* host_f - Host foreign
* host_fl - Host, foreign then local
* host_l - Host, local
* host_lf - Host, local then foreign
* pid - Process ID
* port_f - Port, foreign, numeric
* port_fa - Port, foreign, alpha
* port_l - Port, local, numeric
* port_la - Port, local, alpha
* proto - Network connection protocol
* ptr_f - PTR, foreign
* ptr_l - PTR, local
* state - Connection
* uid - User ID
* user - Username

2021-02-27T00:06:09+00:00 net/p5-Net-Connection-Match Runs a stack of checks to match Net::Connection objects
Provides a easy to use method for checking if a Net::Connection
object mathes a series of checks.

Currently can do matching based off of the following.

* Command
* PctCPU
* PctMem
* Ports
* Protocol
* State
* RegexPTR
* Username
* WChan

2021-02-27T00:05:49+00:00 net/p5-Net-Connection Represents a network connection as a object
This module crates a object that basically serves as a means to
store basic connection information and retrieve it.

2021-02-26T20:21:53+00:00 graphics/kgeotag Photo geotagging manually or from GPX files
KGeoTag is a photo geotagging program.

Photos (e. g. JPEG images) contain metadata like the creation date, camera
information etc. Those are either stored in the so-called Exif header,
in an XMP sidecar file or in both. This data can also represent geographic
coordinates so that it's replicable where the images were taken.

Most cameras don't have GPS receivers, so, most can't save coordinates when
taking images. A common approach is to e. g. carry a small GPS logging device
along, which records a track all the time. Later on, the images' dates can
be compared to the GPS log's points' dates to figure out where an image
was taken.

If one knows for sure where the respective photo was taken, it's also
possible to assign coordinates to the images manually.

2021-02-26T20:08:40+00:00 devel/py-spyder-kernels Jupyter kernels for the Spyder console
Provides Jupyter kernels for use with the consoles of Spyder,
the Scientific Python Development Environment.

These kernels can be launched either through Spyder itself or
in an independent Python session, and allow interactive or
file-based execution of Python code inside Spyder.

2021-02-26T19:27:14+00:00 net/libproxy-pacrunner pacrunner plug-in for libproxy
Libproxy exists to answer the question: Given a network resource, how do I
reach it? It handles all the details, enabling you to get back to

This plug-in contains the pacrunner of libproxy.

2021-02-26T17:32:10+00:00 misc/py-wurlitzer Capture C-level output in context managers
Wurlitzer captures C-level stdout/stderr pipes in Python via os.dup2.

2021-02-26T12:27:53+00:00 textproc/py-textdistance Comparing distance between two or more sequences by many algorithms
TextDistance -- python library for comparing distance between two or
more sequences by many algorithms.

- 30+ algorithms
- Pure python implementation
- Simple usage
- More than two sequences comparing
- Some algorithms have more than one implementation in one class
- Optional numpy usage for maximum speed

2021-02-26T11:25:36+00:00 textproc/py-three-merge Perform a 3-way merge between strings
Simple Python library to perform a 3-way merge between strings, based on
diff-match-patch. This library performs merges at a character level, as
opposed to most VCS systems, which opt for a line-based approach.

2021-02-26T07:01:38+00:00 devel/py-orange-widget-base Base widget for Orange canvas
This project implements the base OWBaseWidget class and utilities for use in
Orange Canvas workflows.

* OWBaseWidget class
* gui module for building GUI
* WidgetsScheme the workflow execution model/bridge
* basic configuration for a workflow based application

2021-02-26T06:56:35+00:00 devel/py-orange-canvas-core Core component of Orange Canvas
Orange Canvas Core is a framework for building graphical user interfaces for
editing workflows. It is a component used to build the Orange Canvas data-mining
application (for which it was developed in the first place).

2021-02-26T06:48:49+00:00 devel/py-qasync Implementation of the PEP 3156 Event-Loop with Qt
qasync allows coroutines to be used in PyQt/PySide applications by providing an
implementation of the PEP 3156 event-loop.

2021-02-26T06:40:59+00:00 misc/py-dictdiffer Python library that helps you to diff and patch dictionaries
Dictdiffer is a helper module that helps you to diff and patch dictionaries.

2021-02-26T01:33:39+00:00 multimedia/snapcast Multiroom client-server audio player
Snapcast is a multiroom client-server audio player, where all clients are time
synchronized with the server to play perfectly synced audio. It's not a
standalone player, but an extension that turns your existing audio player into
a Sonos-like multiroom solution.

Audio is captured by the server and routed to the connected clients. Several
players can feed audio to the server in parallel and clients can be grouped to
play the same audio stream.

One of the most generic ways to use Snapcast is in conjunction with the music
player daemon (MPD) or Mopidy.

2021-02-25T15:35:57+00:00 print/limereport Multi-platform C++ report generator library written using Qt framework
LimeReport - multi-platform C++ report generator library written using Qt

2021-02-24T17:21:54+00:00 sysutils/vivid Themeable LS_COLORS generator with a rich filetype datebase
vivid is a generator for the LS_COLORS environment variable that controls the
colorized output of ls, tree, fd, bfs, dust and many other tools.

It uses a YAML configuration format for the filetype-database and the color
themes. In contrast to dircolors, the database and the themes are organized in
different files. This allows users to choose and customize color themes
independent from the collection of file extensions. Instead of using cryptic
ANSI escape codes, colors can be specified in the RRGGBB format and will be
translated to either truecolor (24-bit) ANSI codes or 8-bit codes for older
terminal emulators.

2021-02-24T16:07:51+00:00 security/uacme Lightweight C ACMEv2 client which uses external authenticators
Lightweight client for the RFC8555 ACMEv2 protocol, written in plain
C with minimal dependencies (libcurl and one of GnuTLS, OpenSSL or
mbedTLS). The ACMEv2 protocol allows a Certificate Authority (Let's
Encrypt is a popular one) and an applicant to automate the process
of verification and certificate issuance. The protocol also provides
facilities for other certificate management functions, such as
certificate revocation.

2021-02-24T10:39:04+00:00 devel/py-protobuf-compiler Compile all protobuf files and create package distributions
Python protobuf compiler can be used to compile collections protobuf files and
create a single package distribution suitable for installing with pip.

2021-02-24T09:55:45+00:00 devel/py-pytest-httpbin Easily test your HTTP library against a local copy of
Pytest-httpbin creates a pytest fixture that is dependency-injected
into your tests. It automatically starts up a HTTP server in a
separate thread running httpbin and provides your test with the URL
in the fixture.

2021-02-24T09:54:19+00:00 www/py-httpbin HTTP Request & Response Service
A simple HTTP Request & Response Service.

2021-02-24T09:32:43+00:00 devel/py-jupyterlab-widgets JupyterLab extension for Jupyter/IPython widgets
ipywidgets, also known as jupyter-widgets, are interactive HTML widgets for
Jupyter notebooks and the IPython kernel. This port provides JupyterLab
extension for ipywidgets.

2021-02-24T07:39:06+00:00 science/libecpint Library for the evaluation of integrals over effective core potentials
Libecpint is a C++ library for the efficient evaluation of integrals over
ab initio effective core potentials, using a mixture of generated, recursive
code and Gauss-Chebyshev quadrature. It is designed to be standalone and
generic, and is now in its first stable release. If you experience any problems
please raise an issue here; contributions and suggestions are also welcome.

2021-02-24T02:33:02+00:00 sysutils/bacula11-server Network backup solution (server)
Bacula is a set of computer programs that permit you (or the system
administrator) to manage backup, recovery, and verification of
computer data across a network of computers of different kinds.
In technical terms, it is a network Client/Server based backup program.
Bacula is relatively easy to use and efficient, while offering many
advanced storage management features that make it easy to find and
recover lost or damaged files. Due to its modular design, Bacula is
scalable from small single computer systems to systems consisting of
hundreds of computers located over a large network.

2021-02-24T02:33:02+00:00 sysutils/bacula11-docs Bacula document set
Bacula is a set of computer programs that permit you (or the system
administrator) to manage backup, recovery, and verification of
computer data across a network of computers of different kinds.
In technical terms, it is a network Client/Server based backup program.
Bacula is relatively easy to use and efficient, while offering many
advanced storage management features that make it easy to find and
recover lost or damaged files. Due to its modular design, Bacula is
scalable from small single computer systems to systems consisting of
hundreds of computers located over a large network.

This port installs the latest documentation for Bacula.

2021-02-24T02:33:02+00:00 sysutils/bacula11-client Network backup solution (client)
2021-02-24T02:33:02+00:00 sysutils/bacula11-client-static Network backup solution (static client)
2021-02-24T02:33:02+00:00 net-mgmt/nagios-check_bacula11 Nagios plugin for Bacula
check_bacula is a plugin intended for use with the
Nagios network monitoring system to monitor Bacula.
2021-02-23T10:28:03+00:00 sysutils/cbsd-mq-router CBSD message queue router
Deliver tasks to the CBSD using beanstalkd broker. The service
acts as an intermediate link between the broker and the CBSD.

2021-02-23T07:10:34+00:00 audio/guidoar Library to browse, transform and manipulate Guido scores
A library providing a simple memory representation and a consistent
way to browse and transform Guido Music Notation scores.
It provides also a set of score level manipulation operations
(like putting scores in sequence, in parallel, stretching etc.).

2021-02-23T07:02:51+00:00 audio/midisharelight Light version of the MidiShare library
midisharelight is a light version of MidiShare.

MidiShare is a real-time operating system for musical applications. It provides
high level services to developers and ensures platform independance.

It supports:
* High level musical events, fully structured and time stamped with a
millisecond resolution. These events include both the MIDI and the MIDIFile
* An efficient scheduler, in charge of delivering events at their falling dates
to the communication manager.
* Inter-applications communication.
A communication manager routes the events to the client applications,
according to the connection set between them.
* Real-time tasks, to control the real-time behavior of an application. Function
calls can be scheduled in the future and are automatically achieved by
MidiShare at interrupt level.
* Real-time alarms. Incoming MidiShare events as well as global context changes
(new clients starting a session, modifications of the connections between
applications, etc.) can be processed in real-time by user defined alarms.

2021-02-22T23:01:54+00:00 audio/toccata-lv2 Simple wavetable-based church organ as an LV2 plugin
toccata.lv2 is a simple wavetable-based church organ as an LV2 plugin. It uses
the sfizz library to load an SFZ file containing the wavetables, and create LV2
parameters for the volume of each rank.

2021-02-22T22:55:14+00:00 audio/prelude-lv2 Simple wavetable-based church organ as an LV2 plugin
prelude.lv2 is a simple wavetable-based church organ as an LV2 plugin, similar
to toccata.lv2 but with only 2 controls akin to crescendo pedals for flues and

2021-02-22T22:38:41+00:00 audio/miniaudio C single header audio playback and capture library
miniaudio is a single file audio playback and capture library written in C.
Written from scratch, it has no external dependencies with the exception of
the C standard library and necessary platform-specific backends.

2021-02-22T08:01:17+00:00 math/py-iminuit Jupyter-friendly Python frontend for MINUIT2 in C++
iminuit is a Jupyter-friendly Python interface for the Minuit2 C++ library
maintained by CERN's ROOT team.

It can be used as a general robust function minimisation method, but is most
commonly used for likelihood fits of models to data, and to get model parameter
error estimates from likelihood profile analysis.

2021-02-21T21:14:42+00:00 graphics/drawing Drawing application for the GNOME desktop
A simple drawing application.

This application is a basic image editor, similar to Microsoft Paint,
but aiming at the GNOME desktop.

PNG, JPEG and BMP files are supported.

2021-02-21T20:52:45+00:00 databases/litestream Standalone streaming replication tool for SQLite
Litestream is a standalone streaming replication tool for SQLite. It runs as
a background process and safely replicates changes incrementally to another
file or S3. Litestream only communicates with SQLite through the SQLite API
so it will not corrupt your database.

2021-02-20T09:12:55+00:00 math/mathics-django Django front-end to Mathics
This is the Django front-end to Mathics (math/py-mathics).

Previously, it was included in the Mathics package.


+ Extensive online documentation
+ Integrated graphics and MathML mathematics output
+ Notebook-like sessions

2021-02-20T09:11:55+00:00 math/mathicsscript Terminal CLI to Mathics
mathicsscript is a command-line interface to Mathics (math/py-mathics).

Previously, it was included in the Mathics package.

2021-02-20T09:10:34+00:00 math/py-mathics-scanner Tokeniser, char tables, & conversion routines for the Wolfram Language
This is a tokeniser or scanner portion for the Wolfram Language.

As such, it also contains a full set of translation between Wolfram Language
named characters, their Unicode/ASCII equivalents and code-points.

This is used as the scanner inside Mathics but it can also be used for
tokenizing and formatting Wolfram Language code. This library is also quite
usefull if you need to work with Wolfram Language named character and convert
them to various formats.

2021-02-20T09:07:00+00:00 deskutils/py-term-background Shell scripts and Python module to figure out terminal background
POSIX shell scripts to figure out if a terminal has a dark or light background.

The Python module contained is part of a broader set of scripts.

2021-02-20T00:44:15+00:00 science/dakota Interface between analysis codes & iterative systems analysis methods
The Dakota project delivers both state-of-the-art research and robust, usable
software for optimization and UQ. Broadly, the Dakota software's advanced
parametric analyses enable design exploration, model calibration, risk analysis,
and quantification of margins and uncertainty with computational models.

2021-02-19T23:53:21+00:00 irc/catgirl TLS-only terminal IRC client
catgirl is a TLS-only terminal IRC client with tab-complete, nick
coloring, URL detection, message filtering and split scrolling.

2021-02-19T23:13:38+00:00 devel/allegro5 Cross-platform C library for games and multimedia programming
Allegro is a cross-platform library mainly aimed at video game and multimedia
programming. It handles common, low-level tasks such as creating windows,
accepting user input, loading data, drawing images, playing sounds, etc.
However, Allegro is not a game engine.

Online documentation:

2021-02-19T20:22:55+00:00 graphics/bonzomatic Live shader coding tool and Shader Showdown workhorse
This is a live-coding tool, where you can write a 2D fragment/pixel
shader while it is running in the background.

The tool was originally conceived and implemented after the Revision
2014 demoscene party's live coding competition where two contestants
improv-code an effect in 25 minutes head-to-head.

2021-02-19T17:56:52+00:00 lang/gleam ML-flavoured type-safe language using Erlang's BEAM runtime
Gleam is a fast, friendly, and functional language for building
type-safe, scalable systems.

The Gleam compiler itself is written in rust.

Gleam uses the BEAM runtime, and using the same actor-based multi-core
concurrency, with zero runtime overhead and full inter-operability with
Erlang, Elixir, and LFE.

It has all the features you'd expect from an ML derived language,
including algebraic data-types, immutable data structures, full type
inference, fast compilation, generics, no nulls nor exceptions, and a
few bonus features such as helpful error messages.

2021-02-19T15:14:46+00:00 devel/onetbb Library that provides thread building blocks
oneAPI Threading Building Blocks (oneTBB) lets you easily write parallel C++
programs that take full advantage of multicore performance, that are portable,
composable and have future-proof scalability.

2021-02-19T14:33:02+00:00 graphics/py-pygraph Graph manipulation library in pure Python
Pygraph aims to be an easy-to-use and functional graph library that
doesn't sacrifice advanced capabilities or usability in the process.

By implementing the library in pure Python, it can be installed without
any dependencies aside from the Python core, enabling maximum ease of

2021-02-19T11:13:02+00:00 www/gurl Terminal cURL-like HTTP tool with delightful JSON & header support
command-line cURL-like tool for humans, written in go. gURL can be used
for testing, debugging, and generally interacting with HTTP servers. It
makes using headers and JSON a delight.

A simple GET with custom header:
$ gurl x-header:custom

An automatic choice of POST, with content-type and JSON body:
$ gurl bool=true key=value

A PUT to HTTPS site from stdin:
$ gurl PUT < /etc/os-release

2021-02-18T21:06:54+00:00 sysutils/py-qmk CLI program for working with QMK firmware
A program to help users work with QMK keyboard firmware.

- Interact with your qmk_firmware tree from any location
- Use qmk clone to pull down anyone's qmk_firmware fork
- Setup your build environment with qmk setup
- Check that your environment is correctly setup with qmk doctor

2021-02-18T20:42:33+00:00 devel/py-proxmoxer Wrapper around the Proxmox REST API v2
Proxmoxer is a wrapper around the Proxmox REST API v2.

It was inspired by slumber, but it dedicated only to Proxmox. It
allows to use not only REST API over HTTPS, but the same api over
ssh and pvesh utility.

Like Proxmoxia it dynamically creates attributes which responds to
the attributes you've attempted to reach.

2021-02-18T20:22:35+00:00 textproc/py-hjson User interface for JSON written in Python
Hjson, the Human JSON. A configuration file format that caters to humans and
helps reduce the errors they make.

2021-02-18T20:20:25+00:00 devel/py-dotty-dict Dictionary wrapper for quick access to deeply nested keys
Dotty Dict is a wrapper around builtin dictionary. Provides quick access to
deeply nested keys and values with dot notation. Dotty Dict expose dictionary
public API as proxy to dict implemented underneath and should work with all
dict-like objects which are instances of Mapping.

2021-02-18T19:59:13+00:00 devel/py-milc Opinionated, batteries-included Python 3 CLI framework
MILC is a framework for writing CLI applications in Python 3. It gives you all
the features users expect from a modern CLI tool out of the box:

- CLI Argument Parsing, with or without subcommands
- Automatic tab-completion support through argcomplete
- Configuration file which can be overridden by CLI options
- ANSI color support- even on Windows- with colorama
- Logging to stderr and/or a file, with ANSI colors
- Easy method for printing to stdout with ANSI colors
- Labeling log output with colored emoji to easily distinguish message types
- Thread safety

2021-02-18T19:44:39+00:00 devel/dwz DWARF optimization and duplicate removal tool
dwz is a program that attempts to optimize DWARF debugging information
contained in ELF shared libraries and ELF executables for size, by
replacing DWARF information representation with equivalent smaller
representation where possible and by reducing the amount of duplication
using techniques from DWARF standard appendix E - creating
DW_TAG_partial_unit compilation units (CUs) for duplicated information
and using DW_TAG_imported_unit to import it into each CU that needs it.

2021-02-18T19:04:08+00:00 x11-themes/pop-gtk-themes System76 Pop GTK+ Theme
System76 Pop GTK+ Theme.

Supported Desktop Environments:

* Gnome-Shell

2021-02-18T11:40:05+00:00 mail/roundcube-calendar-kolab Roundcube Calendar plugin from Kolab
Roundcube calendar plugin, by Kolab.

This plugin currently supports a local database as well as a Kolab groupware
server as backends for calendar and event storage.

2021-02-17T18:00:07+00:00 deskutils/coolreader E-book reader
A cross platform open source e-book reader.

2021-02-17T17:51:57+00:00 textproc/rubygem-cucumber-html-formatter9 HTML formatter for Cucumber
Cucumber HTML Formatter is a cross-platform formatter that produces a HTML
report for Cucumber runs. It is built on top of cucumber-react and works with
any Cucumber implementation with a protobuf formatter that outputs cucumber

2021-02-17T17:51:51+00:00 devel/rubygem-cucumber-messages13 Protocol Buffer messages for Cucumber
Cucumber Messages is a message protocol based on Protocol Buffers. It allows one
process to construct message objects and send them to another process. Protobuf
takes care of serialising those messages to a binary format, and deserialise
them on the other end.

2021-02-17T17:51:44+00:00 devel/rubygem-cucumber-create-meta2 Produce the meta message for Cucumber Ruby
Utility function for creating system-specific meta messages.

2021-02-17T17:51:36+00:00 security/py-azure-keyvault-secrets Microsoft Azure Key Vault Secrets Client Library for Python
Azure Key Vault Secrets Client Library provides secrets management. It can be
used to securely store and control access to tokens, passwords, certificates,
API keys, and other secrets.

2021-02-17T17:51:30+00:00 security/py-azure-keyvault-keys Microsoft Azure Key Vault Keys Client Library for Python
Azure Key Vault Keys Client Library provides cryptographic key management. It
can be used to create, store, and control access to the keys used to encrypt
your data.

2021-02-17T17:51:23+00:00 security/py-azure-keyvault-certificates Microsoft Azure Key Vault Certificates Client Library for Python
Azure Key Vault Certificates Client Library provides certificate management. It
can be used to create, manage, and deploy public and private SSL/TLS

2021-02-17T17:51:16+00:00 devel/py-requirementslib Tool for converting between pip-style and pipfile requirements
RequirementsLib provides a simple layer for building and interacting with
requirements in both the Pipfile format and the requirements.txt format. This
library was originally built for converting between these formats in Pipenv.

2021-02-17T17:51:08+00:00 devel/py-devtools Debug print command and other development tools
Python devtools provides Python's missing debug print command and other
development tools.

2021-02-17T10:36:55+00:00 textproc/md4c Markdown Parser written in C
C Markdown parser. Fast.
SAX-like interface. Compliant to CommonMark specification.
Also allows converting from Markdown to HTML via md2html.

2021-02-16T20:55:38+00:00 security/apkid Android Application Identifier
APKiD is an Android Application Identifier for Packers, Protectors, Obfuscators
and Oddities.

It gives you information about how an APK was made. It identifies many
compilers, packers, obfuscators, and other weird stuff. It's PEiD for Android.

2021-02-16T15:44:27+00:00 net-mgmt/check_ups_health Nagios plugin to check various UPS systems
Nagios plugin to check various UPS systems

Instead of one plugin per UPS manufacturer, this plugin should
cover many at once.

2021-02-16T06:13:21+00:00 print/posterazor Cuts an image into pieces which can be printed out as a poster
PosteRazor cuts a raster image into pieces which can afterwards be
printed out and assembled to a poster.

As input, the PosteRazor takes a raster image. The resulting poster is
saved as a multipage PDF document. An easy to use, wizard like user
interface guides through 5 steps.

2021-02-15T19:58:46+00:00 lang/slib-guile1 SLIB installation for Guile1
To use the features offered by the SLIB library, add the following
construct to your programs:

(use-modules (ice-9 slib))
2021-02-15T17:06:19+00:00 textproc/xenv Text preprocessor for environment variable expansion
Xenv is a text preprocessor that expands references to environment
variables in the input text to their actual values. Environment variables
are referenced using POSIX-compatible shell syntax. Text is read from the
standard input and expanded text goes to the standard output.

2021-02-15T14:38:12+00:00 textproc/textnote Tool for creating and organizing daily notes on the command line
textnote is a command line tool for quickly creating and managing daily plain
text notes. It is designed for ease of use to encourage the practice of daily,
organized note taking. textnote intentionally facilitates only the management
(creation, opening, organizing, and consolidated archiving) of notes, following
the philosophy that notes are best written in a text editor and not via a CLI.

All note files are stored locally on the file system in a single directory.
Notes can easily be synced to a remote server or cloud service if so desired by
ensuring the application directory is remotely synced.

2021-02-14T23:07:31+00:00 sysutils/hid-tools Python scripts to manipulate HID data
hid-tools is a set of tools to interact with the kernel's HID subsystem.

hid-recorder prints the HID Report Descriptor from a /dev/hidraw device
node and any HID reports coming from that device. The output format can
be used with hid-replay for debugging.

hid-replay takes the output from hid-recorder and replays it through a
virtual HID device that looks exactly like the one recorded.

hid-decode takes a HID Report Descriptor and prints a human-readable
version of it. hid-decode takes binary report descriptors, strings of
bytes, and other formats.

hid-tools requires hidraw.ko driver to be loaded in to kernel.

2021-02-14T17:33:14+00:00 java/openjdk16 Java Development Kit ${JDK_MAJOR_VERSION}
An open-source implementation of the Java Platform, Standard Edition,

2021-02-14T12:34:53+00:00 misc/hwdata Database of IDs used in PCI, PNP and USB devices
Database of IDs used in Plug and Play devices.

2021-02-13T19:47:51+00:00 x11-themes/canta-gtk-themes Canta is a flat Material Design theme for GTK 3, GTK 2 and Gnome-Shell
Canta is a flat Material Design theme for GTK 3, GTK 2 and Gnome-Shell.

2021-02-13T09:36:34+00:00 www/tomcat10 Open-source Java web server by Apache, 10.0.x branch
Apache Tomcat is a web server written in 100% Pure Java.

Apache Tomcat 10.x is the current focus of development. It builds on
Tomcat 9.0.x and implements the Servlet 5.0, JSP 3.0, EL 4.0, WebSocket 2.0
and Authentication 2.0 specifications (the versions required by Jakarta EE 9

2021-02-13T08:56:35+00:00 multimedia/hypnotix IPTV streaming application using mpv
Hypnotix is an IPTV streaming application with support for live TV,
movies and series.

It can support multiple IPTV providers of the following types:

* Xtream API
* Local M3U playlist

2021-02-12T22:48:40+00:00 devel/R-cran-blob A Simple S3 Class for Representing Vectors of Binary Data ('BLOBS')
R's raw vector is useful for storing a single binary object. What if you want
to put a vector of them in a data frame? The 'blob' package provides the blob
object, a list of raw vectors, suitable for use as a column in data frame.

2021-02-12T22:23:33+00:00 devel/R-cran-whisker Logicless Mustache Templating for R
Implements 'Mustache' logicless templating.

2021-02-12T18:46:10+00:00 databases/py-berkeleydb Python bindings for Oracle Berkeley DB
This module provides a nearly complete wrapping of the Oracle/Sleepycat C API
for the Database Environment, Database, Cursor, Log Cursor, Sequence and
Transaction objects, and each of these is exposed as a Python type in the
berkeleydb.db module. The database objects can use various access methods:
btree, hash, recno, queue and heap. Complete support of Oracle Berkeley DB
distributed transactions. Complete support for Oracle Berkeley DB Replication
Manager. Complete support for Oracle Berkeley DB Base Replication.

Please see the documents in the docs directory of the source distribution or at
the website for more details on the types and methods provided. The goal is to
mirror most of the real Oracle Berkeley DB API so fall back to the Oracle
Berkeley DB documentation as appropriate.

2021-02-12T10:54:45+00:00 deskutils/gnome-pomodoro Time management utility for GNOME
GNOME Pomodoro is a small application that helps managing time
according to Pomodoro Technique. It intends to improve productivity
and focus by taking short breaks. It uses GNOME technologies, and so
it has complete integration with the GNOME desktop environment.

2021-02-11T13:45:56+00:00 x11/screengrab Screen dump utility
ScreenGrab - A program for fast creating screenshots, and easily publishing
them on internet image hosting services.

2021-02-11T12:30:56+00:00 net-im/tg_owt Webrtc library used by telegram-desktop
WebRTC library used by telegram-desktop.

2021-02-11T00:49:40+00:00 x11/wezterm GPU-accelerated terminal emulator and multiplexer
WezTerm is a GPU-accelerated cross-platform terminal emulator and
multiplexer written by @wez and implemented in Rust.

- Multiplex terminal panes, tabs and windows on local and remote
hosts, with native mouse and scrollback
- Ligatures, Color Emoji and font fallback, with true color and
dynamic color schemes
- Hyperlinks
- Searchable Scrollback (use mouse wheel and Shift-PageUp and Shift
PageDown to navigate, Ctrl-Shift-F to activate search mode)
- xterm style selection of text with mouse; paste selection via
Shift-Insert (bracketed paste is supported!)
- SGR style mouse reporting (works in vim and tmux)
- Render underline, double-underline, italic, bold, strikethrough
(most other terminal emulators do not support as many render
- Configuration via a file with hot reloading
- Multiple Windows (Hotkey: Super-N)
- Splits/Panes
- Tabs (Hotkey: Super-T, next/prev: Super-[ and Super-], go-to: Super-[1-9])
- SSH client with native tabs
- Connect to serial ports for embedded/Arduino work
- Connect to a local multiplexer server over unix domain sockets
- Connect to a remote multiplexer using SSH or TLS over TCP/IP
- iTerm2 compatible image protocol support, and built-in imgcat command
- Sixel graphics support

2021-02-10T17:04:17+00:00 sysutils/wmscript System monitoring dockapp for Window Maker
WMScript is a system monitoring dock app for Window Maker.
It allows you to specify a command and have the numeric result of that command
displayed in the dock app's window. You may specify up to 5 things to monitor
and the interval is configurable.
This combines to make it a very flexible tool for system monitoring.
It is based on WMiNet, and the look is the same.

2021-02-10T16:14:51+00:00 x11/gromit-mpx Desktop annotation tool, multi-pointer port of Gromit
Gromit-MPX is an on-screen annotation tool that works with any Unix
desktop environment under X11 as well as Wayland.

Its main use is for making presentations of some application.
Normally, you would have to move the mouse pointer around the point of
interest until hopefully everybody noticed it. With Gromit-MPX, you
can draw everywhere onto the screen, highlighting some button or area.

Key features include:
- [Desktop-independent] Gromit-MPX works with GNOME, KDE, XFCE, ...
under X11 as well as with a Wayland session.
- [Hotkey-based] The fundamental philosophy is that Gromit-MPX does not
get into your way of doing things by sticking some UI widget on your
desktop, potentially obscuring more important contents. It does
provide a UI, but only in form of a tray icon.
- [Configurable] While Gromit-MPX comes with a default config, you are
free to change key bindings as well as drawing tool configuration.
- [Multi-Pointer] Under X11, it enables graphical annotations with
several pointers at once or a dedicated annotation device setup where
you can use a second pair of input devices to annotate while
simultaneously continuing to work normally with the first pair.
- [Fast] Where available, Gromit-MPX makes use of Compositing. This
should be the case on any contemporary desktop environment
making use of the XCOMPOSITE extension under X11 and with
every Wayland-based session.

2021-02-10T01:56:05+00:00 editors/marker Gtk3 markdown editor
Marker is a simple yet robust markdown editor.

The primary goal of Marker is to provide a powerful document editing
experience, without making assumptions about the workflow of the
user. Marker's base configuration is very simple, but it can be
customized to meet the needs of any workflow!

2021-02-09T19:26:26+00:00 sysutils/rmlint Remove duplicates and other lint from your filesystem
rmlint finds space waste and other broken things on your filesystem and
offers to remove it. It is able to find:

- Duplicate files & directories
- Nonstripped Binaries
- Broken symlinks
- Empty files
- Recursive empty directories
- Files with broken user or group id.

2021-02-09T05:54:19+00:00 textproc/py-sphinxcontrib-autoprogram Sphinx Autoprogram Extension
This extension provides an automated way to document CLI programs.

2021-02-09T00:11:34+00:00 graphics/chafa Character art facsimile generator
Chafa is a command-line utility that converts all kinds of images, including
animated GIFs, into sixel or ANSI/Unicode character output that can be displayed
in a terminal.

It is highly configurable, with support for alpha transparency and multiple
color modes and color spaces, combining selectable ranges of Unicode characters
to produce the desired output.

The core functionality is provided by a C library with a public, well-documented

2021-02-08T17:39:28+00:00 sysutils/p5-Filesys-ZFS Perl interface to zpool(8) and zfs(8)
Filesys::ZFS is a simple interface to zfs and zpool commands for
managing ZFS file systems.

2021-02-08T11:16:19+00:00 devel/electron11 Build cross-platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
Build cross platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.

It's easier than you think.

If you can build a website, you can build a desktop app. Electron is a
framework for creating native applications with web technologies like
JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. It takes care of the hard parts so you can
focus on the core of your application.

2021-02-08T01:46:50+00:00 www/yt-dlp Command-line program for downloading videos from various platforms
A command-line program to download videos from and many other video

This is a fork of youtube-dlc which is inturn a fork of youtube-dl.

2021-02-07T21:18:48+00:00 security/R-cran-gitcreds Query 'git' Credentials from 'R'
Query, set, delete credentials from the 'git' credential store. Manage 'GitHub'
tokens and other 'git' credentials. This package is to be used by other
packages that need to authenticate to 'GitHub' and/or other 'git' repositories.

2021-02-07T21:17:42+00:00 www/R-cran-webshot Take Screenshots of Web Pages
Takes screenshots of web pages, including Shiny applications and R Markdown

2021-02-07T06:32:07+00:00 audio/rnnoise Recurrent neural network for audio noise reduction
RNNoise is a noise suppression library based on a recurrent neural network.

2021-02-06T21:28:01+00:00 devel/py-linear-tsv Line-oriented, tab-separated value format
Linear TSV is a line-oriented, portable tabular data format. Tabular data --
rows of tuples, each of the same length -- is commonly stored as CSV and is the
lingua franca of spreadsheets, databases and analysis tools.

CSV is almost but not quite line-oriented, because newlines are quoted, not
escaped. In the TSV format presented here, escape codes are used for newlines
and tabs in field data, allowing naive filtering with line-oriented shell tools
like sort, fgrep and cut to work as expected. In all of its details, the format
derives from the TEXT serialization mode of Postgres and MySQL.

2021-02-06T20:43:20+00:00 textproc/rubygem-google-cloud-translate-v3 Ruby Client for the Cloud Translation V3 API
API Client library for the Cloud Translation V3 API

Cloud Translation can dynamically translate text between thousands of language
pairs. Translation lets websites and programs programmatically integrate with
the translation service.

2021-02-06T20:43:14+00:00 textproc/rubygem-google-cloud-translate-v2 Ruby Client for the Cloud Translation V2 API
API Client library for the Cloud Translation V2 API

Cloud Translation can dynamically translate text between thousands of language
pairs. Translation lets websites and programs programmatically integrate with
the translation service.

2021-02-06T20:43:08+00:00 textproc/rubygem-google-cloud-translate Ruby Client for the Cloud Translation API
API Client library for the Cloud Translation API

Cloud Translation can dynamically translate text between thousands of language
pairs. Translation lets websites and programs programmatically integrate with
the translation service.

Actual client classes for the various versions of this API are defined in
versioned client gems, with names of the form google-cloud-translate-v*. The gem
google-cloud-translate is the main client library that brings the verisoned gems
in as dependencies, and provides high-level methods for constructing clients.

2021-02-06T20:42:55+00:00 databases/py-aiomysql MySQL driver for asyncio
aiomysql is a "driver" for accessing a MySQL database from the asyncio
(PEP-3156/tulip) framework. It depends on and reuses most parts of PyMySQL .
aiomysql tries to be like awesome aiopg library and preserve same api, look and

Internally aiomysql is copy of PyMySQL, underlying io calls switched to async,
basically yield from and asyncio.coroutine added in proper places)). sqlalchemy
support ported from aiopg.

2021-02-06T12:05:58+00:00 mail/py-mailnag Extensible mail notification daemon
Mailnag is a daemon program that checks POP3 and IMAP servers for new
mail. On mail arrival it performs various actions provided by
plugins. Mailnag comes with a set of desktop-independent default
plugins for visual/sound notifications, script execution etc. and can
be extended with additional plugins easily.

2021-02-06T08:08:25+00:00 devel/grpc_old HTTP/2-based RPC framework
gRPC is a modern, open source, high-performance remote procedure call (RPC)
framework that can run anywhere, enables client and server applications to
communicate transparently, and simplifies the building of connected systems.

2021-02-06T01:54:26+00:00 devel/p5-Devel-StrictMode Determine whether strict (but slow) tests should be enabled
This module provides you with a constant STRICT which you can
use to determine whether additional strict (but slow) runtime
tests are executed by your code.

2021-02-06T01:22:51+00:00 net/rubygem-grpc130 Ruby implementation of gRPC
A Ruby implementation of gRPC.

2021-02-06T01:22:51+00:00 devel/grpc134 HTTP/2-based RPC framework
gRPC is a modern, open source, high-performance remote procedure call (RPC)
framework that can run anywhere, enables client and server applications to
communicate transparently, and simplifies the building of connected systems.

2021-02-05T11:09:08+00:00 www/lagrange Beautiful Gemini Client
Lagrange is a desktop GUI client for browsing
Geminispace. It offers modern conveniences
familiar from web browsers, such as smooth
scrolling, inline image viewing, multiple tabs,
visual themes, Unicode fonts, bookmarks,
history, and page outlines.

Like Gemini, Lagrange has been designed with
minimalism in mind. It depends on a small
number of essential libraries. It is written
in C and uses SDL for hardware-accelerated
graphics. OpenSSL is used for secure

2021-02-05T07:30:34+00:00 sysutils/nvimpager Use NeoVim as a pager, with full syntax highlighting
Using neovim as a pager to view man pages, git diffs, whatnot with neovim's
syntax highlighting and mouse support.

The script also has a "cat mode" which will not start up the neovim interface
but instead print a highlighted version of the file to the terminal. Like cat
with neovim syntax highlighting! If the input has less lines than the terminal
cat mode is activated automatically so nvimpager behaves similar to less -F.
Pager mode and cat mode can be enforced with the options -p and -c

Nvimpager comes with a small set of command line options but you can also use
all of neovim's command line options. Use nvimpager -h to see the help text.
The configuration is separated from the users config for neovim. The main
config file is ~/.config/nvimpager/init.vim. See the manpage for further

2021-02-05T03:27:37+00:00 math/mpdecimal C/C++ arbitrary precision decimal floating point libraries
libmpdec is a complete C implementation of the General Decimal Arithmetic
Specification. The specification, written by Mike Cowlishaw from IBM,
defines a general purpose arbitrary precision data type together with
rigorously specified functions and rounding behavior. As described in the
scope section of the specification, libmpdec will - with minor restrictions -
also conform to the IEEE 754-2008 Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic,
provided that the appropriate context parameters are set.

libmpdec++ is a complete C++ implementation of the General Decimal Arithmetic
Specification. libmpdec++ is mostly a header library around libmpdec. The
library frees users from manual memory management and has an easy API with
inline operators. libmpdec++ has a thread local context for inline operators
and other functions that use the implicit context.

2021-02-04T11:25:56+00:00 converters/R-cran-arabic2kansuji Convert Arabic Numerals to Kansuji
Simple functions to convert given Arabic numerals to Kansuji numerical
figures that represent numbers written in Chinese characters.

2021-02-03T23:52:33+00:00 devel/py-pydecor Easy peasy Python decorators
PyDecor aims to make function decoration easy and straightforward, so that
developers can stop worrying about closures and syntax in triply nested
functions and instead get down to decorating.

2021-02-03T19:46:13+00:00 math/py-spopt Spatial Optimization in PySAL
Spatial Optimization

Spopt is an open-source Python library for solving optimization problems with
spatial data. Originating from the region module in PySAL (Python Spatial
Analysis Library), it is under active development for the inclusion of newly
proposed models and methods for regionalization, facility location, and
transportation-oriented solutions.

2021-02-03T19:45:53+00:00 devel/py-catalogue Super lightweight function registries for your library
catalogue is a tiny, zero-dependencies library that makes it easy to add
function (or object) registries to your code. Function registries are helpful
when you have objects that need to be both easily serializable and fully
customizable. Instead of passing a function into your object, you pass in an
identifier name, which the object can use to lookup the function from the
registry. This makes the object easy to serialize, because the name is a simple
string. If you instead saved the function, you'd have to use Pickle for
serialization, which has many drawbacks.

2021-02-03T14:30:54+00:00 security/rnp RNP is a set of OpenPGP (RFC4880) tools
RNP is a set of OpenPGP (RFC4880) tools that works on Linux, macOS,
Windows and *BSD built with C++.

rnpkeys allow to generate, import, export, and list keys.

rnp is used to perform encryption, decryption, signing and signature

librnp is the library used by RNP for all OpenPGP functions, useful
for developers to build against, different from GPGME.

2021-02-03T02:25:32+00:00 lang/fennel Lisp that compiles to Lua
Fennel is a programming language that brings together the speed,
simplicity, and reach of Lua with the flexibility of a lisp syntax and
macro system.

- Full Lua compatibility: Easily call any Lua function or library from
Fennel and vice-versa.

- Zero overhead: Compiled code should be just as or more efficient than
hand-written Lua.

- Compile-time macros: Ship compiled code with no runtime dependency on

- Embeddable: Fennel is a one-file library as well as an
executable. Embed it in other programs to support runtime
extensibility and interactive development.

Anywhere you can run Lua code, you can run Fennel code.

2021-02-02T12:22:33+00:00 multimedia/qwinff Qt5 GUI Frontend for FFmpeg
QWinFF is a GUI for FFmpeg, a powerful command-line media converter. It
provides an intuitive graphical interface and a rich set of presets to
help you use ffmpeg easily without having to type a single command.
Advanced users can also adjust conversion parameters like bitrate and
sample rate in detail.

QWinFF also comes in handy when you need to make a video clip for a
larger video. Starting from version 0.2.0, QWinFF features an
interactive video-cutting interface that lets you watch the video and
select the time range you want to convert. There is also an option that
changes the speed of the video, making it possible to create slow-motion
or fast-motion animations. Audio will also be rescaled without changing
the pitch.

2021-02-02T11:35:56+00:00 audio/py-pulsectl Python high-level interface and ctypes-based bindings for PulseAudio
Python (3.x and 2.x) high-level interface and ctypes-based bindings
for PulseAudio (libpulse), mostly focused on mixer-like controls and
introspection-related operations (as opposed to e.g. submitting sound
samples to play, player-like client).

Originally forked from pulsemixer project, which had this code

2021-02-02T05:01:02+00:00 security/krb5-119 MIT implementation of RFC 4120 network authentication service
Kerberos V5 is an authentication system developed at MIT.

Abridged from the User Guide:
Under Kerberos, a client sends a request for a ticket to the
Key Distribution Center (KDC). The KDC creates a ticket-granting
ticket (TGT) for the client, encrypts it using the client's
password as the key, and sends the encrypted TGT back to the
client. The client then attempts to decrypt the TGT, using
its password. If the client successfully decrypts the TGT, it
keeps the decrypted TGT, which indicates proof of the client's
identity. The TGT permits the client to obtain additional tickets,
which give permission for specific services.
Since Kerberos negotiates authenticated, and optionally encrypted,
communications between two points anywhere on the internet, it
provides a layer of security that is not dependent on which side of a
firewall either client is on.
The Kerberos V5 package is designed to be easy to use. Most of the
commands are nearly identical to UNIX network programs you are already
used to. Kerberos V5 is a single-sign-on system, which means that you
have to type your password only once per session, and Kerberos does
the authenticating and encrypting transparently.

Jacques Vidrine <>
2021-02-02T00:48:20+00:00 science/thermofun Code for calculating thermodynamic properties of materials
A code for calculating the standard state thermodynamic properties at a given
temperature and pressure.

2021-02-01T19:57:53+00:00 misc/quantum++ C++ header-only general purpose quantum computing library
Quantum++ is a modern C++11 general purpose quantum computing library, composed
solely of template header files. Quantum++ is written in standard C++11 and has
very low external dependencies, using only the Eigen 3 linear algebra
header-only template library and, if available, the OpenMP multi-processing

2021-02-01T19:20:45+00:00 devel/py-path Module wrapper for os.path
path implements path objects as first-class entities, allowing common operations
on files to be invoked on those path objects directly.

2021-02-01T19:20:39+00:00 devel/py-autocommand Create a command-line program from a function
autocommand is a library to automatically generate and run simple argparse
parsers from function signatures.

2021-02-01T19:20:31+00:00 devel/p5-Regexp-Stringify Stringify a Regexp object
Regexp::Stringify is an alternative to Perl's default stringification of Regexp
object (i.e.:"$re") and has some features/options.

2021-02-01T19:20:24+00:00 devel/p5-Data-Dmp Dump Perl data structures as Perl code
Data::Dmp is a Perl dumper like Data::Dumper. It's compact (only about 200 lines
of code long), starts fast and does not use any non-core modules except
Regexp::Stringify when dumping regexes. It produces compact single-line output
(similar to Data::Dumper::Concise). It roughly has the same speed as
Data::Dumper (usually a bit faster for smaller structures) and faster than
Data::Dump, but does not offer the various formatting options. It supports
dumping objects, regexes, circular structures, coderefs. Its code is first based
on Data::Dump: I removed all the parts that I don't need, particularly the
pretty formatting stuffs) and added some features that I need like proper regex
dumping and coderef deparsing.

2021-02-01T19:20:17+00:00 devel/p5-Config-Model-Backend-Yaml Read and write config as a YAML data structure
Config::Model::Backend::Yaml is used directly by Config::Model to read or write
the content of a configuration tree written with YAML syntax in Config::Model
configuration tree.

2021-02-01T19:18:33+00:00 x11-toolkits/nuklear Minimal-state, immediate-mode graphical user interface toolkit
This is a minimal-state, immediate-mode graphical user interface toolkit written
in ANSI C and licensed under public domain. It was designed as a simple
embeddable user interface for application and does not have any dependencies, a
default render backend or OS window/input handling but instead provides a highly
modular, library-based approach, with simple input state for input and draw
commands describing primitive shapes as output. So instead of providing a
layered library that tries to abstract over a number of platform and render
backends, it focuses only on the actual UI.

2021-02-01T18:51:20+00:00 audio/gtk-mixer GTK based volume control tool
GTK-Mixer is GTK based volume control tool ("mixer").

GUI from xfce4-mixer: but
xfce4 and gstreamer does not used.

- plugins for support different sound backens
- change system default sound card
- set volume per line/channel
- enable/disable lines (mute/unmute)
- detect sound cards connect/disconnect
- detect default sound card change

2021-02-01T18:18:04+00:00 devel/parallel-hashmap Set of excellent hash map implementations (a C++ header-only library)
The Parallel Hashmap is a set of excellent hash map implementations, as well as
a btree alternative to std::map and std::set

2021-02-01T18:01:32+00:00 devel/tabulate Table maker for modern C++ (a header-only library)
tabulate is a header-only library that makes it easy to manipulate tables
in C++.

2021-01-31T19:29:08+00:00 sysutils/nfs-over-tls Utilities for NFS over TLS
These daemons are required to implement NFS mounts using TLS,
as described in the Internet Draft "Towards Remote Procedure
Call Encryption By Default", which should soon become an RFC.
These daemons require OpenSSL libraries patched to support Kernel TLS (KTLS).
The OPENSSL port found in security/openssl-devel satisfies this requirement.
These daemons also require a FreeBSD system running a kernel built from a
kernel configuration file with "options KERNEL_TLS" specified in it.

2021-01-31T05:00:06+00:00 www/R-cran-bslib Custom 'Bootstrap' 'Sass' Themes for 'shiny' and 'rmarkdown'
Simplifies custom 'CSS' styling of both 'shiny' and 'rmarkdown' via
'Bootstrap' 'Sass'. Supports both 'Bootstrap' 3 and 4 as well as
their various 'Bootswatch' themes. An interactive widget is also
provided for previewing themes in real time.

2021-01-31T04:22:18+00:00 www/R-cran-jquerylib Obtain 'jQuery' as an HTML Dependency Object
Obtain any major version of 'jQuery' (<>)
and use it in any webpage generated by 'htmltools' (e.g. 'shiny',
'htmlwidgets', and 'rmarkdown'). Most R users don't need to use
this package directly, but other R packages (e.g. 'shiny', 'rmarkdown',
etc.) depend on this package to avoid bundling redundant copies of

2021-01-31T04:14:06+00:00 textproc/R-cran-sass Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets ('Sass')
An 'SCSS' compiler, powered by the 'LibSass' library. With this, R
developers can use variables, inheritance, and functions to generate
dynamic style sheets. The package uses the 'Sass CSS' extension
language, which is stable, powerful, and CSS compatible.

2021-01-30T23:18:43+00:00 databases/R-cran-cachem Cache R Objects with Automatic Pruning
Key-value stores with automatic pruning. Caches can limit either
their total size or the age of the oldest object (or both),
automatically pruning objects to maintain the constraints.

2021-01-30T12:18:24+00:00 devel/rubygem-oj310 Fast JSON parser and serializer
The fastest JSON parser and object serializer.

2021-01-30T12:17:57+00:00 devel/rubygem-brpoplpush-redis_script Bring your own LUA scripts into redis
Bring your own LUA scripts into redis

2021-01-30T09:01:08+00:00 ftp/bbftp-server Secure file transfer suite optimized for large files (server)
bbFTP is a file transfer software. It implements its own transfer protocol,
which is optimized for large files (larger than 2GB) and secure as it does not
read the password in a file and encrypts the connection information. bbFTP
main features are:

* Encoded username and password at connection
* SSH and Certificate authentication modules
* Multi-stream transfer
* Big windows as defined in RFC1323
* On-the-fly data compression
* Automatic retry
* Customizable time-outs
* Transfer simulation
* AFS authentication integration
* RFIO interface

bbFTP is open-source software, released under the GNU General Public License.
It was written by Gilles Farrache at IN2P3 Computing Center in Lyon, France.

2021-01-30T09:01:08+00:00 ftp/bbftp-client Secure file transfer suite optimized for large files (client)
bbFTP is a file transfer software. It implements its own transfer protocol,
which is optimized for large files (larger than 2GB) and secure as it does not
read the password in a file and encrypts the connection information. bbFTP
main features are:

* Encoded username and password at connection
* SSH and Certificate authentication modules
* Multi-stream transfer
* Big windows as defined in RFC1323
* On-the-fly data compression
* Automatic retry
* Customizable time-outs
* Transfer simulation
* AFS authentication integration
* RFIO interface

bbFTP is open-source software, released under the GNU General Public License.
It was written by Gilles Farrache at IN2P3 Computing Center in Lyon, France.

2021-01-29T23:16:07+00:00 deskutils/calindori Calendar application for desktop and phone
Calindori is a touch friendly calendar application. It has been designed
for mobile devices but it can also run on desktop environments. It offers:

- Monthly agenda
- Multiple calendars
- Event management
- Task management
- Calendar import

2021-01-29T21:28:31+00:00 deskutils/kongress Conference companion application
Kongress is a conference companion application. Its purpose is to help
participants to organize their visit or online participation in a
conference. It contains the following features:
- A collection of conferences
- The scheduled talks
- Start/end time of each talk (in various timezones)
- List of favorites and warning on overlapping favorites
- Reminders before the beginning of the talk

The primary target user-base of Kongress is people attending a
conference with a Linux mobile phone. It also works on desktop,
leveraging the convergence capabilities of Kirigami.

2021-01-26T19:24:09+00:00 www/py-tornado5 Python Web Server from FriendFeed
Tornado is an open source version of the scalable, non-blocking web server and
tools that power FriendFeed. The FriendFeed application is written using a web
framework that looks a bit like or Google's webapp, but with additional
tools and optimizations to take advantage of the underlying non-blocking

The framework is distinct from most mainstream web server frameworks (and
certainly most Python frameworks) because it is non-blocking and reasonably
fast. Because it is non-blocking and uses epoll or kqueue, it can handle
thousands of simultaneous standing connections, which means it is ideal for
real-time web services. We built the web server specifically to handle
FriendFeed's real-time features - every active user of FriendFeed maintains an
open connection to the FriendFeed servers.

2021-01-26T19:24:04+00:00 devel/py-nbclassic Jupyter Notebook as a Jupyter Server Extension
NBClassic runs the Jupyter Notebook frontend on the Jupyter Server backend.

This project prepares for a future where JupyterLab and other frontends switch
to Jupyter Server for their Python Web application backend. Using this package,
users can launch Jupyter Notebook, JupyterLab and other frontends side-by-side
on top of the new Python server backend.

2021-01-26T19:23:58+00:00 devel/py-jupyter-server The backend to Jupyter web applications
The Jupyter Server provides the backend (i.e. the core services, APIs, and REST
endpoints) for Jupyter web applications like Jupyter notebook, JupyterLab, and

2021-01-26T18:00:25+00:00 net-mgmt/nfs-exporter Prometheus exporter for NFS statistics
FreeBSD NFS statistics exporter for Prometheus

The is a Prometheus exporter for FreeBSD's NFS statistics. Currently only the
server statistics are supported; client stats will come later.

2021-01-26T17:20:22+00:00 dns/rubygem-google-apis-dns_v1 Simple REST client for version V1 of the Cloud DNS API
This is a simple client library for version V1 of the Cloud DNS API. It
- A client object that connects to the HTTP/JSON REST endpoint for the service.
- Ruby objects for data structures related to the service.
- Integration with the googleauth gem for authentication using OAuth, API keys,
and service accounts.
- Control of retry, pagination, and timeouts.

2021-01-26T17:20:17+00:00 devel/rubygem-pry-remote Connect to Pry remotely using DRb
A way to start Pry remotely and to connect to it using DRb. This allows to
access the state of the running program from anywhere.

2021-01-26T17:20:11+00:00 devel/rubygem-google-apis-storage_v1 Simple REST client for version V1 of the Cloud Storage JSON API
This is a simple client library for version V1 of the Cloud Storage JSON API. It
- A client object that connects to the HTTP/JSON REST endpoint for the service.
- Ruby objects for data structures related to the service.
- Integration with the googleauth gem for authentication using OAuth, API keys,
and service accounts.
- Control of retry, pagination, and timeouts.

2021-01-26T17:20:06+00:00 devel/rubygem-google-apis-iamcredentials_v1 Simple REST client for version V1 of the IAM Service Account Credentials API
This is a simple client library for version V1 of the IAM Service Account
Credentials API. It provides:
- A client object that connects to the HTTP/JSON REST endpoint for the service.
- Ruby objects for data structures related to the service.
- Integration with the googleauth gem for authentication using OAuth, API keys,
and service accounts.
- Control of retry, pagination, and timeouts.

2021-01-26T17:20:00+00:00 devel/rubygem-google-apis-generator Code generator for legacy Google REST clients
This library includes common base classes and dependencies used by legacy REST
clients for Google APIs.

2021-01-26T17:19:54+00:00 devel/rubygem-google-apis-discovery_v1 Simple REST client for version V1 of the API Discovery Service
This is a simple client library for version V1 of the API Discovery Service. It
- A client object that connects to the HTTP/JSON REST endpoint for the service.
- Ruby objects for data structures related to the service.
- Integration with the googleauth gem for authentication using OAuth, API keys,
and service accounts.
- Control of retry, pagination, and timeouts.

2021-01-26T17:19:49+00:00 devel/rubygem-google-apis-core Common utility and base classes for legacy Google REST clients
This library implements the code generator used by legacy REST clients for
Google APIs. It automatically generates client gems given discovery documents.
Google-managed clients for publicly-available APIs are maintained using this
tool, and users may also use it to generate clients for private or early-access

2021-01-26T17:19:43+00:00 devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-lexruntimev2 Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Lex Runtime V2 (Lex Runtime V2)
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Lex Runtime V2 (Lex Runtime V2).

2021-01-26T17:19:38+00:00 devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-lexmodelsv2 Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Lex Model Building V2 (Lex Models V2)
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Lex Model Building V2 (Lex Models V2).

2021-01-26T17:19:32+00:00 devel/py-pytest-enabler Enable installed pytest plugins
The 'enabler' plugin allows configuration of plugins if present, but omits the
settings if the plugin is not present.

2021-01-26T17:19:27+00:00 devel/py-jupyter-packaging Jupyter Packaging Utilities
jupyter-packaging provides tools to help build and install Jupyter Python

2021-01-26T17:19:22+00:00 devel/py-cwcwidth Python bindings for wc(s)width
cwcwidth provides Python bindings for wcwidth and wcswidth functions defined in
POSIX.1-2001 and POSIX.1-2008 based on Cython. These functions compute the
printable length of a unicode character/string on a terminal. The module
provides the same functions as wcwidth and its behavior is compatible.

On systems not conforming to POSIX.1-2001 and POSIX.1-2008, Markus Kuhn's
implementation is used to provide the functionality.

2021-01-26T17:15:38+00:00 x11-fonts/ferrite-core Geometric shaped font lending it a futurist look
This display font is built with geometric shapes lending it a futurist look.
It is a great choice for headlines, graphic design and more.

2021-01-26T10:19:02+00:00 www/amfora Fancy terminal browser for the Gemini protocol
Amfora aims to be the best looking Gemini
client with the most features... all in
the terminal. It does not support Gopher
or other non-Web protocols - check out
Bombadillo for that.

It fully passes Sean Conman's client torture
test, as well as the Egsam one.

2021-01-25T11:57:21+00:00 databases/rubygem-pg_query Parses SQL queries using a copy of the PostgreSQL server query parser
This Ruby extension uses the actual PostgreSQL server source
to parse SQL queries and return the internal PostgreSQL parsetree.

In addition the extension allows you to normalize queries (replacing constant
values with ?) and parse these normalized queries into a parsetree again.

2021-01-24T19:24:17+00:00 x11/xssstate Simple tool to retrieve the X screensaver state
xssstate is a simple tool to retrieve the X screensaver extension state.
It could show the idle time of X11, the current state whether on, off, or
disabled, and also the required time for screensaver activation.

2021-01-24T19:15:30+00:00 security/pinentry-efl EFL version of the GnuPG password dialog
2021-01-24T18:06:22+00:00 x11-themes/flatery-icon-themes Flatery is an icon theme for linux in flat style
Flatery is an icon theme for linux in flat style.

2021-01-24T17:25:34+00:00 math/coxeter3 Library for the study of combinatorial aspects of Coxeter group theory
Coxeter is a computer program for the study of combinatorial aspects of Coxeter
group theory, particularly those related to the Bruhat ordering and
Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials.

The main capabilities of the program are the following :

Reduced expression and normal form computations;
Bruhat ordering;
Ordinary Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials;
Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials with unequal parameters;
Inverse Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials;
Cells and W-graphs.

Note: this port is specially crafted to be used with SageMath, with patches from

2021-01-24T14:38:18+00:00 comms/hackrf-devel Low cost open source hardware software radio platform
HackRF One from Great Scott Gadgets is a Software Defined Radio peripheral
capable of transmission or reception of radio signals from 10 MHz to 6 GHz.
Designed to enable test and development of modern and next generation radio
technologies, HackRF One is an open source hardware platform that can
be used as a USB peripheral or programmed for stand-alone operation.

2021-01-23T12:19:34+00:00 audio/tiatracker Music tracker for making Atari VCS 2600
TIATracker is a tool for making Atari VCS music on the PC and a new
sound routine for the VCS. It features ADSR envelopes, up to 7 melodic
and 15 percussion instruments, customizable pitch guides for optimizing
the number of in-tune notes, a size-optimized and configurable replayer
routine and much more.

2021-01-22T22:24:57+00:00 misc/py-mffpy Reader and writer for Philips' MFF file format
mffpy is a lean reader for EGI's MFF file format. These files are directories
containing several files of mostly xml files, but also binary files.

2021-01-22T16:11:33+00:00 www/element-web Glossy Matrix collaboration client for the web
Element (formerly known as Vector and Riot) is a Matrix web client built
using the Matrix React SDK.

Element is officially supported on the web in modern versions of Chrome,
Firefox, and Safari. Other browsers may work, however, official support is
not provided. For accessing Element on an Android or iOS device, check out
element-android and element-ios - element-web does not support mobile devices.

2021-01-22T16:10:27+00:00 graphics/drm-fbsd13-kmod DRM modules for the linuxkpi-based KMS components
amdgpu, i915, and radeon DRM modules for the linuxkpi-based KMS components.
Currently corresponding to Linux 5.4.62 DRM.
This version is for FreeBSD 13.

2021-01-22T00:01:01+00:00 devel/electron9 Build cross-platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
Build cross platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.

It's easier than you think.

If you can build a website, you can build a desktop app. Electron is a
framework for creating native applications with web technologies like
JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. It takes care of the hard parts so you can
focus on the core of your application.

2021-01-21T22:46:03+00:00 net-im/purple-mattermost Mattermost plugin for libpurple
A libpurple/Pidgin plugin for Mattermost

2021-01-21T21:07:38+00:00 misc/py-pyEDFlib Python library to read/write EDF+/BDF+ files based on EDFlib
pyEDFlib is a python library to read/write EDF+/BDF+ files based on EDFlib.

EDF means European Data Format and was first published by Kemp in 1992. In 2003,
an improved version of the file protocol named EDF+ has been published, also
by Kemp.

The EDF/EDF+ format saves all data in the 16 bit format. A version which saves
all data in the 24 bit format was introduces by the company BioSemi.

2021-01-21T19:40:27+00:00 audio/cheesecutter Tracker for composing music for the C64 SID chip
CheeseCutter is a tracker for composing music for the SID chip. It uses
the reSID engine for SID emulation. The packed files can be played on a
real C64.

2021-01-21T18:25:00+00:00 misc/edflib C library to read/write EDF+/BDF+ (medical data series) files
EDFlib is a programming library for C/C++ to read/write EDF+/BDF+ files.
It also reads old-type EDF/BDF files.
EDF means European Data Format. BDF is the 24-bits version of EDF.

* supports reading and writing of 16-bit (EDF) and 24-bit (BDF) resolution
* supports annotations (events)
* strives for strict standard compliance, generated files adheres
to the standard
* API supports wide range of sample formats
* supports multiple annotation channels
* supports wide range of samplerate combinations

2021-01-21T11:06:07+00:00 x11-fonts/bdf2sfd BDF to SFD converter
bdf2sfd is a BDF to SFD converter, allowing to vectorize bitmap fonts. It works
by converting each pixel of a glyph to a polygon, which produces large and
unoptimized SFD files that should be post-processed using FontForge.

It was originally created to generate OpenType versions of Spleen. It works best
on fonts proportional to 8x16. Other sizes will work but the aspect ratio will
not be preserved.

2021-01-21T08:39:47+00:00 www/oauth2-proxy OAuth 2.0 proxy server
A reverse proxy and static file server that provides authentication using
Providers (Google, GitHub, and others) to validate accounts by email, domain
or group.

2021-01-21T03:53:48+00:00 science/py-nilearn Statistical learning for neuroimaging in Python
Nilearn enables approachable and versatile analyses of brain volumes. It
provides statistical and machine-learning tools, with instructive documentation
& open community.

It supports general linear model (GLM) based analysis and leverages the
scikit-learn Python toolbox for multivariate statistics with applications such
as predictive modelling, classification, decoding, or connectivity analysis.

Nilearn now includes the functionality of Nistats. Here's a guide to replacing
Nistats imports to work in Nilearn.

2021-01-21T03:21:18+00:00 science/py-dipy Python toolbox for analysis of MR diffusion imaging
DIPY is the paragon 3D/4D+ imaging library in Python. Contains generic methods
for spatial normalization, signal processing, machine learning, statistical
analysis and visualization of medical images. Additionally, it contains
specialized methods for computational anatomy including diffusion, perfusion and
structural imaging.

2021-01-21T02:28:35+00:00 math/py-python-picard Preconditoned ICA algorithm for Real Data
Picard is a library to run the Preconditioned ICA for Real Data (PICARD)
algorithm and its orthogonal version (PICARD-O). These algorithms show fast
convergence even on real data for which sources independence do not perfectly

2021-01-21T02:21:33+00:00 net/keycloak Identity and access management solution
Keycloak is an open source Identity and Access Management solution
aimed at modern applications and services. It makes it easy to
secure applications and services with little to no code.

2021-01-21T02:07:06+00:00 science/py-nibabel Read/write some common neuroimaging file formats
This package provides read +/- write access to some common medical and
neuroimaging file formats, including: ANALYZE (plain, SPM99, SPM2 and later),
well as Philips PAR/REC. We can read and write FreeSurfer geometry, annotation
and morphometry files. There is some very limited support for DICOM. NiBabel is
the successor of PyNIfTI.

The various image format classes give full or selective access to header (meta)
information and access to the image data is made available via NumPy arrays.

2021-01-20T20:37:03+00:00 x11-fonts/dseg Font family that imitates seven and fourteen segment displays
DSEG is a free font family, which imitate seven and fourteen segment
displays(7SEG,14SEG). It includes the roman-alphabet and symbol glyphs.

2021-01-20T05:37:25+00:00 x11/sprop Simple X property utility
sprop is a simple X property utility. Less is more.

The sprop utility prints the value of the property atom of the window with the
given xid, or alternatively sets it to value if given. It doesn't have the same
arguments as xprop and can only interact with atoms which are strings.
An example of using this utility could be replacing xprop in surf's config.h.

2021-01-19T21:28:29+00:00 multimedia/minisatip Multi-threaded SATIP server that supports DVB cards
Minisatip is a multi-threaded satip server version 1.2 that runs under Linux and
it was tested with DVB-S, DVB-S2, DVB-T, DVB-T2, DVB-C, DVB-C2, ATSC and ISDB-T

2021-01-19T20:33:26+00:00 net/chrony-lite System clock synchronization client and server (lite)
2021-01-19T19:51:31+00:00 archivers/libunrar6 RAR archive extraction library
The UnRAR library is a minor part of the RAR archiver and contains
the RAR uncompression algorithm. UnRAR requires a very small amount
of memory to operate. It can be used by other programs to extract
RAR archives.

2021-01-19T19:01:06+00:00 misc/wmforecast Weather dockapp for Window Maker using the Yahoo Weather API
Wmforecast is a weather dockapp for Window Maker. It displays the current
temperature and an icon representing the current conditions.
A balloon tooltip displays forecast information.
The weather information comes from the Yahoo Weather API.

2021-01-19T17:05:55+00:00 x11/foot Fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator
A fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator.

- Fast
- Lightweight, in dependencies, on-disk and in-memory
- Wayland native
- DE agnostic
- Server/daemon mode
- User configurable font fallback
- On-the-fly font resize
- On-the-fly DPI font size adjustment
- Scrollback search
- Keyboard driven URL detection
- Color emoji support
- IME (via text-input-v3)
- Multi-seat
- Synchronized Updates
- Sixel image support

2021-01-19T09:49:53+00:00 biology/rampler Standalone module for sampling genomic sequences
Rampler is a standalone module for sampling genomic sequences. It supports two
modes, random subsampling of sequencing data to a desired depth (given the
reference length) and file splitting to desired size in bytes.

2021-01-19T09:41:54+00:00 biology/edlib Fast C++ library for sequence alignment using edit distance
A lightweight and super fast C/C++ library for sequence alignment using edit

2021-01-19T09:32:33+00:00 x11-fonts/amigafonts Faithfully remade Amiga fonts
Faithfully remade multi platform Amiga fonts in Amiga aspect.

The Topaz-a1200, TopazPlus-a1200 and P0T-NOoDLE fonts even include all
inverted characters that are present in the original Amiga equivalents.

2021-01-19T09:28:00+00:00 biology/spoa C++ implementation of the partial order alignment (POA) algorithm
Spoa (SIMD POA) is a c++ implementation of the partial order alignment (POA)
algorithm (as described in 10.1093/bioinformatics/18.3.452) which is used to
generate consensus sequences. It supports three alignment modes: local
(Smith-Waterman), global (Needleman-Wunsch) and semi-global alignment (overlap),
and three gap modes: linear, affine and convex (piecewise affine). It also
supports Intel SSE4.1+ and AVX2 vectorization (marginally faster due to high
latency shifts), SIMDe and dispatching.

2021-01-19T09:01:41+00:00 biology/biosoup Collection of C++ header-only data structures for bioinformatics
Biosoup is a c++ collection of header only data structures used for storage and
logging in bioinformatics tools.

2021-01-19T07:56:49+00:00 biology/bioparser C++ header-only parsing library for several formats in bioinformatics
Bioparser is a C++ header only parsing library for several formats in
bioinformatics (FASTA/Q, MHAP/PAF/SAM), with support for zlib compressed files.

2021-01-19T07:38:00+00:00 devel/goredo Go implementation of djb's redo, Makefile replacement that sucks less
This is pure Go implementation of DJB's redo build system proposal. Originally
it was just a rewrite of redo-c, but later most features of apenwarr/redo were
also implemented.

2021-01-19T01:35:02+00:00 audio/midifile C++ MIDI file parsing and writing library
C++ library for parsing and weiring standard MIDI Files.

* Event timestamps can be converted between absolute or delta tick values with
the MidiFile::deltaTicks and MidiFile::absoluteTicks functions
* In absolute tick mode, messages can be inserted into tracks in any order and
later sorted by timestamp with the MidiFile::sortTracks function
* Multi-track files can be converted to a single track in a reversible process
* Event performance times in seconds can be calculated from tick times and tempo
meta messages with the MidiFile::doTimeAnalysis function
* Durations of notes can be extracted using the MidiFile::linkNotePairs function

2021-01-19T01:13:05+00:00 games/fheroes2 Free implementation of Heroes of Might and Magic II engine
Free implementation of Heroes of Might and Magic II engine.

2021-01-18T21:21:21+00:00 x11-fonts/agave TrueType monospaced font designed for X environments
Agave was an attempt at making a small, monospaced, outline font that would be
geometrically regular and simple. The endeavor was motivated by a deep adoration
of old-school console bitmap fonts, of Consolas, of Pragmata Pro, as well as a
novice's curiosity for typographical design.

When it came to establishing a "simple" design scheme, the natural inclination
was to separate the glyph design concerns into that of "frame" and "trait". By
frame, we refer to the naive geometric extent of a glyph and its parts. And by
trait, we mean, for example, the "way" in which a stroke curves, or the
relationship between one part of a glyph and another.

Adhering to personal tastes, bone-deep laziness, and the quirky spirit of old
computer terminal fonts, the delineations of frame and trait amounted to two
mathematical patterns: the power of two and the golden ratio.

2021-01-18T20:56:47+00:00 www/py-weboob-qt Web Outside of Browsers
Weboob is a collection of applications able to interact with websites,
without requiring the user to open them in a browser. It also
provides well-defined APIs to talk to websites lacking one.

2021-01-18T16:33:18+00:00 games/dobutsu Tablebase and Engine for Dobutsu Shogi
An engine for the Japanese chess variant Dobutsu shogi. Dobutsu uses a
comprehensive endgame table base to achieve perfect play from any

2021-01-17T11:37:24+00:00 security/libretls TLS library designed to ease writing foolproof applications
LibreTLS is a port of libtls from LibreSSL to OpenSSL. libtls is "a new TLS
library, designed to make it easier to write foolproof applications".

libtls provides an excellent new API, but LibreSSL can be difficult to install
on systems which already use OpenSSL. LibreTLS aims to make the libtls API more
easily and widely available.

2021-01-17T07:20:10+00:00 math/dune-vtk DUNE framework: File reader and writer for the VTK XML format
dune-vtk is a module of the DUNE Numerics framework for solving partial
differential equations (PDEs) with grid-based methods.

dune-vtk is a file reader and writer for the VTK XML format.

2021-01-17T07:06:16+00:00 math/dune-foamgrid DUNE framework: one- and two-dimensional simplex grids
dune-foamgrid is a module of the DUNE Numerics framework for solving partial
differential equations (PDEs) with grid-based methods.

dune-foamgrid implements one- and two-dimensional simplex grids, which can be
embedded in Euclidean spaces of arbitrary dimension. As a special feature,
FoamGrid does not require the grids to be manifolds and grid can add/remove
elements art run-time.

2021-01-17T06:40:35+00:00 math/dune-polygongrid DUNE framework: 2D polygonal grid
dune-polygongrid is a module of the DUNE Numerics framework for solving partial
differential equations (PDEs) with grid-based methods.

dune-polygongrid is a module implementing 2D polygonal grid.

2021-01-17T02:48:55+00:00 math/dune-fem DUNE framework: Finite Element Methods, Finite Volume Methods, etc
dune-fem is a module of the DUNE Numerics framework for solving partial
differential equations (PDEs) with grid-based methods.

dune-fem is a Distributed and Unified Numerics Environment module which defines
interfaces for implementing discretization methods like Finite Element Methods
(FEM) and Finite Volume Methods (FV) and Discontinuous Galerkin Methods (DG).

2021-01-16T23:43:59+00:00 mail/slimta Configurable MTA based on the python-slimta libraries
The slimta project is a traditional application built on top of the
python-slimta library. It allows a more "out-of-the-box" MTA that offers
all the useful, built-in features needed for a normal mail system setup.

2021-01-16T22:51:43+00:00 math/dune-metagrid DUNE framework: module implementing a variety of DUNE meta grids
dune-metagrid is a module of the DUNE Numerics framework for solving partial
differential equations (PDEs) with grid-based methods.

dune-metagrid is a module implementing a variety of DUNE meta grids.

2021-01-16T13:32:30+00:00 devel/py-iniconfig Simple parsing of ini files in Python
iniconfig is a small and simple INI-file parser module having a unique set of

* maintains order of sections and entries
* supports multi-line values with or without line-continuations
* supports "#" comments everywhere
* raises errors with proper line-numbers
* no bells and whistles like automatic substitutions
* iniconfig raises an Error if two sections have the same name.

2021-01-16T13:15:13+00:00 textproc/py-xmlschema Implementation of XML Schema for Python
The xmlschema library is an implementation of XML Schema for Python (supports
Python 3.6+).

This library arises from the needs of a solid Python layer for processing XML
Schema based files for MaX (Materials design at the Exascale) European project.
A significant problem is the encoding and the decoding of the XML data files
produced by different simulation software. Another important requirement is the
XML data validation, in order to put the produced data under control. The lack
of a suitable alternative for Python in the schema-based decoding of XML data
has led to build this library. Obviously this library can be useful for other
cases related to XML Schema based processing, not only for the original scope.

2021-01-16T00:53:37+00:00 math/dune-curvedgeometry DUNE framework: curved dune geometries by Lagrange parameterization
dune-curvedgeometry is a module of the DUNE Numerics framework for solving
partial differential equations (PDEs) with grid-based methods.

The CurvedGeometry is a Geometry parametrized by a local-to-global mapping that
is interpolated into a local basis. In the Traits type the local basis in
encoded by a LocalFiniteElement Cache type, that allows to construct a local
FiniteElement and with this also the local basis.

2021-01-15T21:43:48+00:00 devel/py-tasklib Python library for interacting with taskwarrior databases
tasklib is a Python library for interacting with taskwarrior databases, using a
queryset API similar to that of Django's ORM.

2021-01-15T14:42:59+00:00 textproc/py-spylls Hunspell ported to pure Python
Spylls is an effort of porting prominent spellcheckers into clear,
well-structured, well-documented Python. It is intended to be useful both as a
library and as some kind of "reference (or investigatory, if you will)
implementation". Currently, only Hunspell is ported.

2021-01-15T11:01:17+00:00 math/cmh Compute Igusa class polynomials
This software package computes Igusa (genus 2) class polynomials, which
parameterise the CM points in the moduli space of 2-dimensional abelian
varieties, i.e. Jacobians of hyperelliptic curves.

This program is also able to compute theta constants at arbitrary precision.

2021-01-15T07:59:52+00:00 graphics/nanort C++ single header modern ray tracing kernel
NanoRT is simple single header only ray tracing kernel.

2021-01-15T07:30:17+00:00 archivers/zstr C++ header-only ZLib wrapper
The zstr C++ header-only library enables the use of C++ standard iostreams to
access ZLib-compressed streams.

For input access (decompression), the compression format is auto-detected, and
multiple concatenated compressed streams are decompressed seamlessly.

For output access (compression), the only parameter exposed by this API is the
compression level.

2021-01-15T07:21:07+00:00 archivers/gzip-hpp C++ header-only library for gzip compression and decompression
Gzip C++ lib for gzip compression and decompression.

2021-01-14T22:55:27+00:00 devel/objconv Agner Fog's object file converter
This utility can be used for converting object files between COFF/PE,
OMF, ELF and Mach-O formats for all 32-bit and 64-bit x86 platforms.
Can modify symbol names in object files. Can build, modify and convert
function libraries across platforms. Can dump object files and
executable files. Also includes a very good disassembler supporting the
SSE4, AVX, AVX2, AVX512, FMA3, FMA4, XOP and Knights Corner instruction

2021-01-14T19:14:12+00:00 science/shelxle Graphical user interface for small-molecule structure refinement
ShelXle is a graphical user interface for SHELXL, currently the most widely used
program for small-molecule structure refinement. It combines an editor with
syntax highlighting for the SHELXL-associated .ins (input) and .res (output)
files with an interactive graphical display for visualization of a
three-dimensional structure including the electron density (Fo) and difference
density (Fo-Fc) maps. Special features of ShelXle include intuitive atom
(re-)naming, a strongly coupled editor, structure visualization in various mono
and stereo modes, and a novel way of displaying disorder extending over special
positions. ShelXle is completely compatible with all features of SHELXL and is
written entirely in C++ using the Qt and FFTW libraries. It is available at no
cost for Windows, Linux and Mac-OS X and as source code.

2021-01-14T19:09:26+00:00 www/p5-Firefox-Marionette Automate the Firefox browser with the Marionette protocol
Automate the Firefox browser with the Marionette protocol

2021-01-14T14:12:12+00:00 www/py-ttrv Tilde Terminal Reddit Viewer
A text-based interface (TUI) to view and interact with Reddit from your
terminal. RTV fork.

2021-01-13T22:23:21+00:00 devel/magit-devel Interface to Git for Emacs (Development Version)
Magit is an interface to the version control system Git, implemented
as an Emacs extension.

Unlike Emacs' native Version Control package which strives to provide
a unified interface to various version control systems, Magit only
supports Git and can therefore better take advantage of its native

2021-01-13T22:23:16+00:00 devel/libegit2 Emacs bindings for libgit2
This is an experimental module for libgit2 bindings to Emacs, intended
to boost the performance of Magit (

2021-01-13T22:23:10+00:00 devel/transient Emacs key and popup interface for complex keybindings
Taking inspiration from prefix keys and prefix arguments, Transient
implements a similar abstraction involving a prefix command, infix
arguments and suffix commands. We could call this abstraction a
"transient command", but because it always involves at least two
commands (a prefix and a suffix) we prefer to call it just a

When the user calls a transient prefix command, then a transient
(temporary) keymap is activated, which binds the transient's infix
and suffix commands, and functions that control the transient state
are added to `pre-command-hook` and `post-command-hook`. The available
suffix and infix commands and their state are shown in a popup buffer
until the transient is exited by invoking a suffix command.

Calling an infix command causes its value to be changed, possibly by
reading a new value in the minibuffer.

Calling a suffix command usually causes the transient to be exited but
suffix commands can also be configured to not exit the transient.

2021-01-13T19:58:12+00:00 devel/please High-performance extensible build system for reproducible builds
Please is a cross-language build system with an emphasis on high performance,
extensibility and reproduceability. It supports a number of popular languages
and can automate nearly any aspect of your build process.

2021-01-13T15:37:27+00:00 databases/redis5 Persistent key-value database with built-in net interface
Redis is an open source, advanced key-value store. It is often referred
to as a data structure server since keys can contain strings, hashes,
lists, sets and sorted sets.

You can run atomic operations on these types, like appending to a string;
incrementing the value in a hash; pushing to a list; computing set
intersection, union and difference; or getting the member with highest
ranking in a sorted set.

In order to achieve its outstanding performance, Redis works with an
in-memory dataset. Depending on your use case, you can persist it either
by dumping the dataset to disk every once in a while, or by appending each
command to a log.

Redis also supports trivial-to-setup master-slave replication, with very
fast non-blocking first synchronization, auto-reconnection on net split
and so forth.

2021-01-13T12:59:52+00:00 sysutils/gomi Unix rm(1) command that can restore deleted files
gomi is a simple trash tool that works on CLI, written in Go.

The concept of the trashcan does not exist in command-line interface, CLI.
If you have deleted an important file by mistake with the rm(1) command,
it would be difficult to restore in Unix-like systems. Now, gomi makes it
easy to restore deleted files by providing trashcan for the CLI.

2021-01-13T08:39:53+00:00 devel/color C++ header-only library for color conversion and manipulation
Key features:
* No virtual functions
* Minimal memory footprint
* Ability to copy array/vector of colors with memcpy, memmove and initialize
with memset.
* Conversions from/to different models ( and its formats ).
* Headers only
One file to include to start the fun
By using del or rm it is reducible in to only two of them.
* No third parties
* No additional binaries
* Out of the box ready
No need to recompile or start some install process.
* Color models:
* YIQ, YUV(BT.601, BT.709), YCgCo, YPbPr(BT.601, BT.709, BT.2020),
* XYZ(sRGB, D65, 2deg), LAB( CIE, Hunter), LUV, LMS (von Kries D65,
von Kries E, BFD, MCAT02), xyY, LabCH, LuvCH

2021-01-13T06:53:53+00:00 devel/transwarp C++ header-only library for task concurrency
transwarp is a header-only C++ library for task concurrency. It allows you to
easily create a graph of tasks where every task can be executed asynchronously.
transwarp is written in C++17 and only depends on the standard library.

2021-01-11T23:39:00+00:00 devel/R-cran-pkgload Simulate Package Installation and Attach
Simulates the process of installing a package and then attaching it. This is a
key part of the 'devtools' package as it allows you to rapidly iterate while
developing a package.

2021-01-11T23:37:18+00:00 devel/R-cran-filelock Portable File Locking
Place an exclusive or shared lock on a file. It uses 'LockFile' on Windows and
'fcntl' locks on Unix-like systems.

2021-01-11T21:36:26+00:00 databases/libmswstr Read and parse mdb file indices
When using Microsoft Jet 4 Databases, index fields are created using
the DBLCMapStringW function (check MSDN library for documentation of
this function).
Jet 4 driver itself loads this function from mswstr.dll on Microsoft
Windows. The library contains static translation tables (as opposed to
LCMapStringW API) in order to have consistent translations across all
Windows Versions.

Libraries that try to read and parse mdb file indices like
databases/mdbtools should work on every platform and therefore a
platform independent version of this library is needed. This is an
attempt to port the library to Posix-systems.

2021-01-10T23:48:27+00:00 devel/R-cran-rappdirs Application Directories: Determine Where to Save Data, Caches, and Logs
An easy way to determine which directories on the users computer you should use
to save data, caches and logs. A port of Python's 'Appdirs'
(<>) to R.

2021-01-10T23:11:06+00:00 sysutils/rubygem-chef-bin Chef-branded binstubs for chef-client
chef-bin provides the binstubs for chef-client.

2021-01-10T22:55:31+00:00 math/amgcl C++ header-only library for solving large sparse linear systems
AMGCL is a header-only C++ library for solving large sparse linear systems with
algebraic multigrid (AMG) method. AMG is one of the most effective iterative
methods for solution of equation systems arising, for example, from discretizing
PDEs on unstructured grids. The method can be used as a black-box solver for
various computational problems, since it does not require any information about
the underlying geometry. AMG is often used not as a standalone solver but as a
preconditioner within an iterative solver (e.g. Conjugate Gradients, BiCGStab,
or GMRES).

2021-01-10T22:22:34+00:00 audio/minimp3 C++ single-header, minimalistic library for decoding MP3
Minimalistic, single-header library for decoding MP3. minimp3 is designed to be
small, fast (with SSE and NEON support), and accurate (ISO conformant).

2021-01-10T22:10:43+00:00 devel/fire-hpp C++ single header library to create a CLI from a function signature
Fire for C++, inspired by python-fire, is a single header library that creates
a command line interface from a function signature.

2021-01-10T14:31:20+00:00 www/rubygem-nanoc-checking Checking functionality for Nanoc
Provides checking functionality for Nanoc.

2021-01-10T14:28:33+00:00 www/rubygem-nanoc-cli CLI for Nanoc
Provides the CLI for Nanoc.

2021-01-10T14:26:58+00:00 www/rubygem-nanoc-deploying Deploying functionality for Nanoc
Provides deploying functionality for Nanoc.

2021-01-10T14:25:09+00:00 www/rubygem-nanoc-core Contains the core of Nanoc
Provides checking functionality for Nanoc.

2021-01-10T14:08:47+00:00 devel/rubygem-json_schema JSON Schema V4 and Hyperschema V4 parser and validator
A JSON Schema V4 and Hyperschema V4 parser and validator.

2021-01-10T08:51:50+00:00 textproc/rubygem-sassc-rails-rails61 Integrate SassC-Ruby into Rails
We all love working with Sass, but compilation can take quite a long time for
larger codebases. This gem integrates the C implementation of Sass, LibSass,
into the asset pipeline.

2021-01-10T08:51:45+00:00 textproc/rubygem-sass-rails-rails61 Sass adapter for the Rails asset pipeline
Sass adapter for the Rails asset pipeline.

2021-01-10T08:51:40+00:00 textproc/rubygem-rails-dom-testing-rails61 Analyse and compare DOMs using Nokogiri
This gem is responsible for comparing HTML doms and asserting that DOM elements
are present in Rails applications. Doms are compared via assert_dom_equal and
assert_dom_not_equal. Elements are asserted via assert_select,
assert_select_encoded, assert_select_email and a subset of the dom can be
selected with css_select. The gem is developed for Rails 4.2 and above, and
will not work on previous versions.

2021-01-10T08:51:36+00:00 devel/rubygem-webpacker-rails61 Use Webpack to manage app-like JavaScript modules in Rails
Webpacker makes it easy to use the JavaScript preprocessor and bundler Webpack
to manage application-like JavaScript in Rails. It coexists with the asset
pipeline, as the primary purpose for Webpack is app-like JavaScript, not images,
css, or even JavaScript Sprinkles (that all continues to live in app/assets). It
is, however, possible to use Webpacker for CSS and images assets as well, in
which case you may not even need the asset pipeline. This is mostly relevant
when exclusively using component-based JavaScript frameworks.

2021-01-10T08:51:30+00:00 devel/rubygem-web-console-rails61 Debugging tool for your Ruby on Rails applications
A debugging tool for your Ruby on Rails applications.

2021-01-10T08:51:25+00:00 devel/rubygem-sprockets-rails-rails61 Sprockets Rails integration
Sprockets Rails integration

2021-01-10T08:51:20+00:00 devel/rubygem-jbuilder-rails61 Create JSON structures via a Builder-style DSL
Create JSON structures via a Builder-style DSL

2021-01-10T08:51:15+00:00 databases/rubygem-globalid-rails61 URIs for your models makes it easy to pass references around
URIs for your models makes it easy to pass references around.

2021-01-10T08:51:11+00:00 www/rubygem-railties61 Rails internals bootup, plugins, generators, and rake tasks
Railties is responsible for gluing all frameworks together. Overall, it:
- handles the bootstrapping process for a Rails application;
- manages the rails command line interface;
- and provides the Rails generators core.

2021-01-10T08:51:06+00:00 www/rubygem-rails61 Full-stack web application framework
Rails is a web-application framework for the MVC pattern that includes
both a template engine, controller framework, and object-relational
mapping package. Everything needed to develop web-apps that can run on
CGI, FastCGI, and mod_ruby

Being a full-stack framework means that all layers are built to work
seamlessly together. That way you Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) and you
can use a single language from top to bottom. Everything from templates
to control flow to business logic is written in Ruby - The language of
love for industry heavy-weights.

2021-01-10T08:51:01+00:00 www/rubygem-actionpack61 Action Controller and Action View of Rails MVC Framework
Action Pack is a framework for handling and responding to web requests. It
provides mechanisms for routing (mapping request URLs to actions), defining
controllers that implement actions, and generating responses by rendering views,
which are templates of various formats. In short, Action Pack provides the view
and controller layers in the MVC paradigm.

It consists of several modules:
- Action Dispatch, which parses information about the web request, handles
routing as defined by the user, and does advanced processing related to HTTP
such as MIME-type negotiation, decoding parameters in POST, PATCH, or PUT
bodies, handling HTTP caching logic, cookies and sessions.
- Action Controller, which provides a base controller class that can be
subclassed to implement filters and actions to handle requests. The result of
an action is typically content generated from views.

With the Ruby on Rails framework, users only directly interface with the Action
Controller module. Necessary Action Dispatch functionality is activated by
default and Action View rendering is implicitly triggered by Action Controller.
However, these modules are designed to function on their own and can be used
outside of Rails.

2021-01-10T08:50:56+00:00 www/rubygem-actioncable61 Integrated WebSockets for Rails
Action Cable seamlessly integrates WebSockets with the rest of your Rails
application. It allows for real-time features to be written in Ruby in the same
style and form as the rest of your Rails application, while still being
performant and scalable. It's a full-stack offering that provides both a
client-side JavaScript framework and a server-side Ruby framework. You have
access to your full domain model written with Active Record or your ORM of

2021-01-10T08:50:51+00:00 textproc/rubygem-actiontext61 Edit and display rich text in Rails applications
Action Text brings rich text content and editing to Rails. It includes the Trix
editor that handles everything from formatting to links to quotes to lists to
embedded images and galleries. The rich text content generated by the Trix
editor is saved in its own RichText model that's associated with any existing
Active Record model in the application. Any embedded images (or other
attachments) are automatically stored using Active Storage and associated with
the included RichText model.

2021-01-10T08:50:46+00:00 net/rubygem-activestorage61 Attach cloud and local files in Rails applications
Active Storage makes it simple to upload and reference files in cloud services
like Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, or Microsoft Azure Storage, and attach
those files to Active Records. Supports having one main service and mirrors in
other services for redundancy. It also provides a disk service for testing or
local deployments, but the focus is on cloud storage.

Files can be uploaded from the server to the cloud or directly from the client
to the cloud.

Image files can furthermore be transformed using on-demand variants for quality,
aspect ratio, size, or any other MiniMagick or Vips supported transformation.

2021-01-10T08:50:41+00:00 mail/rubygem-actionmailer61 Easy email delivery and testing for Ruby
Action Mailer is a framework for designing email service layers. These layers
are used to consolidate code for sending out forgotten passwords, welcome wishes
on signup, invoices for billing, and any other use case that requires a written
notification to either a person or another system.

Action Mailer is in essence a wrapper around Action Controller and the Mail gem.
It provides a way to make emails using templates in the same way that Action
Controller renders views using templates.

Additionally, an Action Mailer class can be used to process incoming email, such
as allowing a blog to accept new posts from an email (which could even have been
sent from a phone).

2021-01-10T08:50:36+00:00 mail/rubygem-actionmailbox61 Receive and process incoming emails in Rails applications
Action Mailbox routes incoming emails to controller-like mailboxes for
processing in Rails. It ships with ingresses for Mailgun, Mandrill, Postmark,
and SendGrid. You can also handle inbound mails directly via the built-in Exim,
Postfix, and Qmail ingresses.

The inbound emails are turned into InboundEmail records using Active Record and
feature lifecycle tracking, storage of the original email on cloud storage via
Active Storage, and responsible data handling with on-by-default incineration.

These inbound emails are routed asynchronously using Active Job to one or
several dedicated mailboxes, which are capable of interacting directly with the
rest of your domain model.

2021-01-10T08:50:31+00:00 devel/rubygem-activesupport61 Utility classes and extension that are required by Rails MVC Framework
Active Support is a collection of utility classes and standard library
extensions that were found useful for the Rails framework. These additions
reside in this package so they can be loaded as needed in Ruby projects outside
of Rails.

2021-01-10T08:50:26+00:00 devel/rubygem-activejob61 Job class declarations for a variety of queueing backends
Active Job is a framework for declaring jobs and making them run on a variety of
queuing backends. These jobs can be everything from regularly scheduled
clean-ups, to billing charges, to mailings. Anything that can be chopped up into
small units of work and run in parallel, really.

It also serves as the backend for Action Mailer's #deliver_later functionality
that makes it easy to turn any mailing into a job for running later. That's one
of the most common jobs in a modern web application: sending emails outside of
the request-response cycle, so the user doesn't have to wait on it.

The main point is to ensure that all Rails apps will have a job infrastructure
in place, even if it's in the form of an "immediate runner". We can then have
framework features and other gems build on top of that, without having to worry
about API differences between Delayed Job and Resque. Picking your queuing
backend becomes more of an operational concern, then. And you'll be able to
switch between them without having to rewrite your jobs.

2021-01-10T08:50:20+00:00 devel/rubygem-actionview61 Rendering framework putting the V in MVC (part of Rails)
Action View is a framework for handling view template lookup and rendering, and
provides view helpers that assist when building HTML forms, Atom feeds and more.
Template formats that Action View handles are ERB (embedded Ruby, typically used
to inline short Ruby snippets inside HTML), and XML Builder.

2021-01-10T08:50:15+00:00 databases/rubygem-activerecord61 Object-relational mapping layer for Rails MVC Framework
Active Record connects classes to relational database tables to establish an
almost zero-configuration persistence layer for applications. The library
provides a base class that, when subclassed, sets up a mapping between the new
class and an existing table in the database. In the context of an application,
these classes are commonly referred to as models. Models can also be connected
to other models; this is done by defining associations.

Active Record relies heavily on naming in that it uses class and association
names to establish mappings between respective database tables and foreign key
columns. Although these mappings can be defined explicitly, it's recommended to
follow naming conventions, especially when getting started with the library.

2021-01-10T08:50:02+00:00 databases/rubygem-activemodel61 Toolkit for building modeling frameworks
Active Model provides a known set of interfaces for usage in model classes. They
allow for Action Pack helpers to interact with non-Active Record models, for
example. Active Model also helps with building custom ORMs for use outside of
the Rails framework.

Active Model provides a default module that implements the basic API required to
integrate with Action Pack out of the box: ActiveModel::Model.

2021-01-10T08:18:37+00:00 textproc/rubygem-liquid4 Library for rendering safe templates
Liquid is an open-source template language created by Shopify and written in
Ruby. It is the backbone of Shopify themes and is used to load dynamic content
on storefronts.

Liquid has been in production use at Shopify since 2006 and is now used by many
other hosted web applications.

2021-01-10T08:18:29+00:00 devel/rubygem-unicode-display_width1 Get the display size of a string
An early draft of a way to determine the size of the characters using
EastAsianWidth.txt, based on the very early draft of a Ruby interface to
UnicodeData.txt by runpaint.

2021-01-09T09:15:59+00:00 audio/klystrack Tracker for making C64/NES/Amiga-style chiptunes
Klystrack is a tracker for making C64/NES/Amiga-style chiptunes.

2021-01-08T16:30:48+00:00 mail/py-python-slimta Python libraries to send, receive, and queue email
The python-slimta project is a Python library offering the building blocks
necessary to create a full-featured MTA. An MTA built with python-slimta can
incorporate any protocol or policy - custom or built-in. An MTA built with
python-slimta can integrate with other Python libraries and take advantage
of Python’s great community.

2021-01-08T16:29:05+00:00 misc/py-alive-progress Enhanced Python Progress Bar
alive-progress is a new kind of Progress Bar, with real-time throughput, ETA,
and very cool animations!

2021-01-08T14:55:00+00:00 databases/py-rrdtool Python interface to RRDTool, the graphing and logging utility
The python-rrdtool provides an interface to rrdtool, the
wonderful graphing and logging utility. This wrapper
implementation has worked from the scratch (without SWIG),
and it's under LGPL.

The bindings are based on the code of the original Python 2
bindings module for rrdtool by Hye-Shik Chang and are now
shipped with the RRDtool distribution. This project is
maintained separately to provide a more pythonic way to
install those bindings via PyPI.

2021-01-08T01:30:58+00:00 devel/functionalplus C++ header-only library that helps write concise and readable C++ code
FunctionalPlus is a small header-only library supporting you in reducing code
noise and in dealing with only one single level of abstraction at a time. By
increasing brevity and maintainability of your code it can improve productivity
in the long run. It pursues these goals by providing pure and easy-to-use
functions that free you from implementing commonly used flows of control over
and over again.

2021-01-08T01:20:54+00:00 devel/indicators C++ header-only library for thread-safe progress bars and spinners
indicators is a header-only C++ library implementing several types of progress
bars indicators and spinners.

2021-01-07T21:41:12+00:00 mail/py-pysasl Pure Python SASL client and server library
pysasl is a Pure Python SASL client and server library. The design of the
library is intended to be agnostic of the protocol or network library.

The library currently offers PLAIN, LOGIN, and CRAM-MD5 mechanisms by
default. The EXTERNAL and XOAUTH2 mechanisms are also available for
special circumstances.

2021-01-07T20:04:35+00:00 graphics/cbonsai Bonsai tree generator, written in C using ncurses
Bonsai tree generator, written in C
using ncurses. It intelligently creates,
colors, and positions a bonsai tree, and
is entirely configurable via CLI options--
see usage. There are 2 modes of operation:
static (the default), and live. See modes
for details.

2021-01-07T15:46:15+00:00 security/gpg-gui GUI wrapper for symmetric GPG file encryption
A simple GUI frontend that interacts with the GPG application to encrypt and
decrypt files symmetrically (using passwords not private/public keys).

The GUI provides a convenient way to use GPG, rather than through the terminal,
making it usable for unexperienced users.

2021-01-07T07:14:07+00:00 devel/hwloc2 Portable Hardware Locality software package
The Portable Hardware Locality (hwloc) software package provides
a portable abstraction (across OS, versions, architectures, ...) of
the hierarchical topology of modern architectures, including as follows:
- NUMA memory nodes;
- sockets;
- shared caches;
- cores and simultaneous multithreading.
It also gathers various system attributes such as cache and
memory information as well as the locality of I/O devices
(such as network interfaces, InfiniBand HCAs or GPUs).
It primarily aims at helping applications with gathering information about
modern computing hardware so as to exploit it accordingly and efficiently [1].

[1] Portable Hardware Locality (hwloc) WWW.

2021-01-07T00:46:21+00:00 math/py-qdldl QDLDL free LDL factorization routine for linear systems: Ax = b
Python interface to the QDLDL free LDL factorization routine for quasi-definite
linear systems: Ax = b.

2021-01-06T20:24:16+00:00 www/rubygem-faraday-net_http Faraday adapter for Net::HTTP
Faraday Net::HTTP is a Faraday adapter for the Net::HTTP library. Faraday is an
HTTP client library that provides a common interface over many adapters. Every
adapter is defined into it's own gem. This gem defines the adapter for Net::HTTP
the HTTP library that's included into the standard library of Ruby.

2021-01-06T13:58:37+00:00 devel/p5-Data-Visitor-Tiny Recursively walk data structures
Data::Visitor::Tiny - Recursively walk data structures

This module provides a simple framework for recursively
iterating over a data structure of hashrefs and/or arrayrefs.

2021-01-06T13:57:05+00:00 sysutils/spcm Tools for building and managing HPC clusters
SPCM (Simple, Portable Cluster Manager) is a free, open source
integrated tool set for managing a simple HPC (High Performance
Computing) cluster.

It is the only portable cluster management suite we are aware of
and is designed to be easily adapted to most POSIX platforms.

SPCM automates the process of configuring a head node, compute
nodes, file servers, and visualization nodes. Most common management
tasks can be performed using a simple menu interface, while additional
tasks are supported by command-line tools.

2021-01-06T12:12:56+00:00 devel/toml11 C++11 header-only toml parser & encoder
A C++11 (or later) header-only toml parser/encoder depending only on C++
standard library.

It is compatible to the latest version of TOML v1.0.0-rc.2, and one of
the most TOML-standard compliant libraries, with great error messages,
configurable serializer and user-defined type conversions, with full
UTF-8 support.

2021-01-06T11:10:57+00:00 net/seaweedfs Distributed Object Store and Filesystem
SeaweedFS is a distributed object store and file system to store and
serve billions of files fast. Its object store has O(1) disk seek,
and transparent cloud integration. The Filer supports cross-cluster
active-active replication, Kubernetes, POSIX, S3 API, encryption,
Erasure Coding for warm storage, FUSE mount, Hadoop, and WebDAV.

2021-01-06T10:50:07+00:00 graphics/py-pydotplus Python interface to Graphviz's Dot language
PyDotPlus is an improved version of the old pydot project that provides a Python
Interface to Graphviz's Dot language.

2021-01-06T09:17:32+00:00 security/gvm Greenbone vulnerability management (metaport)
This is the metaport to install GVM applications and libraries.

2021-01-06T09:01:33+00:00 security/py-gvm-tools The Greenbone Vulnerability Management Tools
The Greenbone Vulnerability Management Tools gvm-tools are a collection of
tools that help with remote controlling a Greenbone Security Manager (GSM)
appliance and its underlying Greenbone Vulnerability Manager (GVM). The tools
aid in accessing the communication protocols GMP (Greenbone Management
Protocol) and OSP (Open Scanner Protocol).

This module is comprised of interactive and non-interactive clients. The
programming language Python is supported directly for interactive scripting.
But it is also possible to issue remote GMP/OSP commands without programming
in Python.

2021-01-06T08:57:31+00:00 security/py-ospd-openvas Scanner wrapper for OSP (Open Scanner Protocol)
This is an OSP server implementation to allow GVM to remotely control OpenVAS,

Once running, you need to configure OpenVAS for the Greenbone Vulnerability
Manager, for example via the web interface Greenbone Security Assistant. Then
you can create scan tasks to use OpenVAS.

2021-01-06T08:48:43+00:00 security/gvmd Greenbone Vulnerability Manager central management service
The Greenbone Vulnerability Manager is the central management service between
security scanners and the user clients.

It manages the storage of any vulnerability management configurations and of
the scan results. Access to data, control commands and workflows is offered
via the XML-based Greenbone Management Protocol (GMP). Controlling scanners
like OpenVAS is done via the Open Scanner Protocol (OSP).

2021-01-06T08:46:26+00:00 security/openvas Open vulnerability assessment scanner
This is the Open Vulnerability Assessment Scanner (OpenVAS) of the Greenbone
Vulnerability Management (GVM) Solution.

It is used for the Greenbone Security Manager appliances and is a full-featured
scan engine that executes a continuously updated and extended feed of Network
Vulnerability Tests (NVTs).

2021-01-06T08:42:12+00:00 security/gvm-libs libraries module for the GVM solution
This is the libraries module for the Greenbone Vulnerability Management

It is used for the Greenbone Security Manager appliances and provides various
functionalities to support the integrated service daemons.

2021-01-06T08:24:12+00:00 security/py-python-gvm The Greenbone Vulnerability Management Python API library
The Greenbone Vulnerability Management Python API library (python-gvm) is a
collection of APIs that help with remote controlling a Greenbone Security
Manager (GSM) appliance and its underlying Greenbone Vulnerability Manager

The library essentially abstracts accessing the communication protocols
Greenbone Management Protocol (GMP) and Open Scanner Protocol (OSP)

2021-01-05T23:28:41+00:00 devel/R-cran-sessioninfo R Session Information
Query and print information about the current R session. It is similar to
'utils::sessionInfo()', but includes more information about packages, and where
they were installed from.

2021-01-05T23:27:27+00:00 devel/R-cran-prettycode Pretty Print R Code in the Terminal
Replace the standard print method for functions with one that performs syntax
highlighting, using ANSI colors, if the terminal supports them.

2021-01-05T23:26:13+00:00 devel/R-cran-mockery Mocking Library for R
The two main functionalities of this package are creating mock objects
(functions) and selectively intercepting calls to a given function that
originate in some other function. It can be used with any testing framework
available for R. Mock objects can be injected with either this package's own
stub() function or a similar with_mock() facility present in the 'testthat'

2021-01-05T23:24:53+00:00 devel/R-cran-pkgbuild Find Tools Needed to Build R Packages
Provides functions used to build R packages. Locates compilers needed to build
R packages on various platforms and ensures the PATH is configured
appropriately so R can use them.

2021-01-05T23:23:14+00:00 sysutils/R-cran-xopen Open System Files, 'URLs', Anything
Cross platform solution to open files, directories or 'URLs' with their
associated programs.

2021-01-05T23:21:59+00:00 sysutils/R-cran-fs Cross-Platform File System Operations Based on 'libuv'
A cross-platform interface to file system operations, built on top of the
'libuv' C library.

2021-01-05T22:41:23+00:00 math/vinci Package that implements algorithms for convex body volume computation
The volume is one of the central properties of a convex body, and volume
computation is involved in many hard problems. Applications range from rather
classical ones as in convex optimisation to problems in remote fields like
algebraic geometry where the number of common roots of polynomials can be
related to a special polytope volume.

Part of the fascination of the subject stems from the discrepancy between the
intuitive notion of "volume" and the actual hardness of computing it. Despite
this discouraging complexity - algorithms in general need exponential time in
the input dimension - steadily growing computer power enables us to attack
problems of practical interest.

Vinci is an easy to install C package that implements several algorithms for
volume computation. It is the fruit of a research project carried out at the
end of the 1990s at the IFOR (Institute for Operations Research) of the ETH

2021-01-05T22:10:16+00:00 math/cm Library for ring class fields of imaginary quadratic number fields
The CM software implements the construction of ring class fields of imaginary
quadratic number fields and of elliptic curves with complex multiplication via
floating point approximations. It consists of libraries that can be called from
within a C program and of executable command line applications. For the
implemented algorithms.

2021-01-05T22:08:52+00:00 math/mpfrcx Arbitrary precision library for arithmetic of univariate polynomials
MPFRCX is a library for the arithmetic of univariate polynomials over arbitrary
precision real (GNU MPFR) or complex (GNU MPC) numbers, without control on the
rounding. The functions implemented are not very numerous and somewhat
idiosyncratic: the main motivation behind the library is to have functionality
available for the floating-point approach to complex multiplication. However,
asymptotically fast routines such as Toom-Cook and the FFT for multiplication of
polynomials are available, as well as fast routines for interpolation and
evaluation based on trees of polynomials.

2021-01-05T18:23:01+00:00 net-im/nextcloud-spreed-signaling Signaling server used for Nextcloud Talk
The standalone signaling server which can be used for Nextcloud

2021-01-05T15:11:31+00:00 devel/aws-c-io Event driven framework for implementing application protocols
aws-c-io is an event driven framework for implementing application protocols.
It is built on top of cross-platform abstractions that allow you as a developer
to think only about the state machine and API for your protocols.

2021-01-05T15:08:29+00:00 security/aws-c-cal Aws Crypto Abstraction Layer
AWS Crypto Abstraction Layer: Cross-Platform, C99 wrapper for
cryptography primitives.

2021-01-05T12:47:13+00:00 misc/cxxmatrix C++ Matrix: The Matrix Reloaded in Terminals
C++ Matrix: The Matrix Reloaded in Terminals (Number falls, Banners,
Matrix rains, Conway's Game of Life and Mandelbrot set)

I wrote a simple terminal program of Matrix digital rain.
A part of the purpose of this program is to test the performance
of terminal emulators. Another purpose is just for fun.
Enjoy it with fast terminals (e.g., urxvt, alacritty, terminology, etc.)!


- Hankaku kana characters as in the original film
- Ten levels of "green"s using terminal 256 color support
- Twinkling effects by adding random brightness fluctuations
- Diffused reflection effects by cell background colors

2021-01-04T15:39:30+00:00 archivers/cmdpack Compresses CD images by stripping unnecessary EDC/ECC data
ECM (Error Code Modeler) compresses CD image files (such as BIN, CDI, NRG, CCD,
or similar) by stripping unnecessary EDC/ECC data.

The space saved depends on the number of sectors with unnecessary EDC/ECC data
in them, which will depend on the specific type of CD.

2021-01-04T10:00:15+00:00 devel/ctre C++ header-only library for Compile Time Regular Expressions
Fast compile-time regular expressions with support for
matching/searching/capturing during compile-time or runtime.

Features and support:
* Matching
* Searching (search or starts_with)
* Capturing content (named captures are supported too)
* Back-Reference (\g{N} syntax, and \1...\9 syntax too)
* Multiline support (with multi_) functions
* Unicode properties and UTF-8 support

2021-01-03T23:40:59+00:00 graphics/kquickimageeditor Simple image editor for QtQuick applications
KQuickImageEditor is a set of QtQuick components providing basic image
editing capabilities. It is roughly kImageAnnotator, wrapped into QML.

2021-01-03T20:04:48+00:00 www/rubygem-net-http HTTP client api for Ruby
Net::HTTP provides a rich library which can be used to build HTTP user-agents.
For more details about HTTP see RFC2616.

Net::HTTP is designed to work closely with URI. URI::HTTP#host, URI::HTTP#port
and URI::HTTP#request_uri are designed to work with Net::HTTP.

If you are only performing a few GET requests you should try OpenURI.

2021-01-03T20:04:43+00:00 textproc/rubygem-abbrev Calculate a set of unique abbreviations for a given set of strings
Given a set of strings, Abbrev calculates the set of unambiguous abbreviations
for those strings, and returns a hash where the keys are all the possible
abbreviations and the values are the full strings.

Thus, given words is "car" and "cone", the keys pointing to "car" would be "ca"
and "car", while those pointing to "cone" would be "co", "con", and "cone".

2021-01-03T20:04:38+00:00 shells/rubygem-shellwords Manipulate strings with word parsing rules of UNIX Bourne shell
Shellwords manipulates strings according to the word parsing rules of the UNIX
Bourne shell.

The shellwords() function was originally a port of, but modified
to conform to the Shell & Utilities volume of the IEEE Std 1003.1-2008, 2016

2021-01-03T20:04:33+00:00 security/rubygem-securerandom Interface for secure random number generator
Securerandom is an interface to secure random number generators which are
suitable for generating session keys in HTTP cookies, etc.

2021-01-03T20:02:56+00:00 net/rubygem-open-uri Easy-to-use wrapper for Net::HTTP, Net::HTTPS and Net::FTP
OpenURI is an easy-to-use wrapper for Net::HTTP, Net::HTTPS and Net::FTP.

2021-01-03T20:02:51+00:00 net/rubygem-nkf Ruby extension for Network Kanji Filter
NKF is a Ruby Extension version of nkf (Network Kanji Filter). It converts the
first argument and returns converted result. Conversion details are specified by
flags as the first argument.

2021-01-03T20:02:46+00:00 net/rubygem-net-protocol Abstruct interface for net-* client
Net::Protocol provides the abstruct interface for net-* client.

2021-01-03T20:02:41+00:00 math/rubygem-prime Prime numbers and factorization library
Prime is a prime numbers and factorization library.

2021-01-03T20:02:36+00:00 mail/rubygem-net-smtp Simple Mail Transfer Protocol client library for Ruby
Net::SMTP provides functionality to send internet mail via SMTP, the Simple Mail
Transfer Protocol.

2021-01-03T20:02:31+00:00 mail/rubygem-net-pop Ruby client library for POP3
Net::POP3 provides functionality for retrieving email via POP3, the Post Office
Protocol version 3. For details of POP3, see RFC1939.

2021-01-03T20:02:25+00:00 mail/rubygem-net-imap Ruby client api for Internet Message Access Protocol
Net::IMAP implements Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) client

2021-01-03T20:02:20+00:00 ftp/rubygem-net-ftp Support for the File Transfer Protocol
Net::FTP implements the File Transfer Protocol. If you have used a command-line
FTP program, and are familiar with the commands, you will be able to use this
class easily. Some extra features are included to take advantage of Ruby's style
and strengths.

2021-01-03T20:02:15+00:00 dns/rubygem-resolv-replace Replace Socket DNS with Resolv
resolv-replace.rb replaces Socket DNS with Resolv.

2021-01-03T20:02:10+00:00 dns/rubygem-resolv Thread-aware DNS resolver library in Ruby
Resolv is a thread-aware DNS resolver library written in Ruby. Resolv can handle
multiple DNS requests concurrently without blocking the entire Ruby interpreter.

2021-01-03T20:02:05+00:00 devel/rubygem-xdg4 XDG Base Directory Standard Library for Ruby
XDG provides an easy to use Ruby library for working with XDG standards.

Presently, it only supports the XDG Base Directory Standard.

If your program utilizes user or system-wide support files (e.g. configuration
files), you owe it to yourself to checkout the XDG base directory standard.

You can learn more about the standard at:

2021-01-03T20:01:59+00:00 devel/rubygem-un Utilities to replace common UNIX commands
un.rb provides utilities to replace common UNIX commands in Makefiles etc.

2021-01-03T20:01:53+00:00 devel/rubygem-tsort Topological sorting using Tarjan's algorithm
TSort implements topological sorting using Tarjan's algorithm for strongly
connected components.

TSort is designed to be able to be used with any object which can be interpreted
as a directed graph.

TSort requires two methods to interpret an object as a graph, tsort_each_node
and tsort_each_child:
- tsort_each_node is used to iterate for all nodes over a graph.
- tsort_each_child is used to iterate for child nodes of a given node.

The equality of nodes are defined by eql? and hash since TSort uses Hash

2021-01-03T20:01:48+00:00 devel/rubygem-tracer Output a source level execution trace of a Ruby program
Tracer outputs a source level execution trace of a Ruby program.

It does this by registering an event handler with Kernel#set_trace_func for
processing incoming events. It also provides methods for filtering unwanted
trace output (see Tracer.add_filter, Tracer.on, and

2021-01-03T20:01:42+00:00 devel/rubygem-tmpdir Extend the Dir class to manage the OS temporary file path
Dir.mktmpdir creates a temporary directory. The directory is created with 0700

Application should not change the permission to make the temporary directory
accessible from other users.

2021-01-03T20:01:37+00:00 devel/rubygem-time Extend the Time class with methods for parsing and conversion
When 'time' is required, Time is extended with additional methods for parsing
and converting Times.

This library extends the Time class with the following conversions between date
strings and Time objects:
- date-time defined by RFC 2822
- HTTP-date defined by RFC 2616.
- dateTime defined by XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes (ISO 8601)
- various formats handled by Date._parse
- custom formats handled by Date._strptime

2021-01-03T20:01:31+00:00 devel/rubygem-tempfile Utility class for managing temporary files
Tempfile is a utility class for managing temporary files. When you create a
Tempfile object, it will create a temporary file with a unique filename. A
Tempfile objects behaves just like a File object, and you can perform all the
usual file operations on it: reading data, writing data, changing its
permissions, etc. So although this class does not explicitly document all
instance methods supported by File, you can in fact call any File instance
method on a Tempfile object.

2021-01-03T20:01:25+00:00 devel/rubygem-syslog Ruby interface for the POSIX system logging facility
Syslog is a simple wrapper for the UNIX syslog system calls that might be handy
if you're writing a server in Ruby.

2021-01-03T20:01:20+00:00 devel/rubygem-shell Ruby interface for common UNIX shell commands
Shell implements an idiomatic Ruby interface for common UNIX shell commands.

It provides users the ability to execute commands with filters and pipes, like
sh/csh by using native facilities of Ruby.

2021-01-03T20:01:14+00:00 devel/rubygem-set Class to deal with collections of unordered, unique values
This library provides the Set class, which deals with a collection of unordered
values with no duplicates. It is a hybrid of Array's intuitive inter-operation
facilities and Hash's fast lookup.

The method to_set is added to Enumerable for convenience.

Set implements a collection of unordered values with no duplicates. This is a
hybrid of Array's intuitive inter-operation facilities and Hash's fast lookup.

Set is easy to use with Enumerable objects (implementing each). Most of the
initializer methods and binary operators accept generic Enumerable objects
besides sets and arrays. An Enumerable object can be converted to Set using the
to_set method.

2021-01-03T20:01:09+00:00 devel/rubygem-prettyprint Pretty printing algorithm for readable structure
PrettyPrint implements a pretty printing algorithm. It finds line breaks and
nice indentations for grouped structure.

By default, the class assumes that primitive elements are strings and each byte
in the strings have single column in width. But it can be used for other
situations by giving suitable arguments for some methods:
- newline object and space generation block for
- optional width argument for PrettyPrint#text
- PrettyPrint#breakable

There are several candidate uses:
- text formatting using proportional fonts
- multibyte characters which has columns different to number of bytes

2021-01-03T20:01:03+00:00 devel/rubygem-pathname Representation of the name of a file or directory on the filesystem
Pathname represents the name of a file or directory on the filesystem, but not
the file itself.

The pathname depends on the Operating System: Unix, Windows, etc. This library
works with pathnames of local OS, however non-Unix pathnames are supported

A Pathname can be relative or absolute. It's not until you try to reference the
file that it even matters whether the file exists or not.

Pathname is immutable. It has no method for destructive update.

The goal of this class is to manipulate file path information in a neater way
than standard Ruby provides. The examples below demonstrate the difference.

All functionality from File, FileTest, and some from Dir and FileUtils is
included, in an unsurprising way. It is essentially a facade for all of these,
and more.

2021-01-03T20:00:58+00:00 devel/rubygem-optparse Class for command-line option analysis
OptionParser is a class for command-line option analysis. It is much more
advanced, yet also easier to use, than GetoptLong, and is a more Ruby-oriented

2021-01-03T20:00:52+00:00 devel/rubygem-open3 Popen, but with stderr, too
Open3 gives you access to stdin, stdout, and stderr when running other programs.

2021-01-03T20:00:47+00:00 devel/rubygem-io-wait Wait until IO is readable or writable without blocking
io-wait provides the feature for waiting until IO is readable or writable
without blocking.

2021-01-03T19:58:56+00:00 devel/rubygem-io-nonblock Enable non-blocking mode with IO class
io-nonblock enables non-blocking mode with IO class.

2021-01-03T19:58:50+00:00 devel/rubygem-find Support top-down traversal of a set of file paths
The Find module supports the top-down traversal of a set of file paths.

2021-01-03T19:58:44+00:00 devel/rubygem-fiddle libffi wrapper for Ruby
Fiddle is an extension to translate a foreign function interface (FFI) with

It wraps libffi, a popular C library which provides a portable interface that
allows code written in one language to call code written in another language.

2021-01-03T19:58:39+00:00 databases/rubygem-sdbm Simple file-based key-value store with String keys and values
SDBM provides a simple file-based key-value store, which can only store String
keys and values.

2021-01-03T19:58:34+00:00 converters/rubygem-iconv iconv wrapper library
Iconv is a wrapper class for the UNIX 95 iconv() function family, which
translates string between various encoding systems.

2021-01-03T19:58:29+00:00 converters/rubygem-base64 Encode and decode binary data using a Base64 representation
The Base64 module provides for the encoding (#encode64, #strict_encode64,
#urlsafe_encode64) and decoding (#decode64, #strict_decode64, #urlsafe_decode64)
of binary data using a Base64 representation.

2021-01-03T19:58:24+00:00 science/py-tobler Areal Interpolation
tobler is a library for areal interpolation and dasymetric mapping. The name is
an homage to the legendary geographer Waldo Tobler.

2021-01-03T19:58:19+00:00 science/py-spaghetti Analysis of Network-constrained Spatial Data
SPAtial GrapHs: nETworks, Topology, & Inference

Spaghetti is an open-source Python library for the analysis of network-based
spatial data. Originating from the network module in PySAL (Python Spatial
Analysis Library), it is under active development for the inclusion of newly
proposed methods for building graph-theoretic networks and the analysis of
network events.

2021-01-03T19:58:14+00:00 science/py-segregation Analytics for spatial and non-spatial segregation in Python
Segregation Analysis, Inference, and Decomposition with PySAL

The PySAL segregation package is a tool for analyzing patterns of urban
segregation. With only a few lines of code, segregation users can calculate over
40 segregation measures from simple to state-of-the art.

2021-01-03T19:58:09+00:00 science/py-libpysal Core components of PySAL A library of spatial analysis functions
Python Spatial Analysis Library Core

libpysal offers four modules that form the building blocks in many upstream
packages in the PySAL family:
- Spatial Weights: libpysal.weights
- Input-and output:
- Computational geometry:
- Built-in example datasets libpysal.examples

2021-01-03T19:58:04+00:00 science/py-inequality Spatial inequality analysis for PySAL
inequality implements measures for the analysis of inequality over space and
time and is part of the PySAL family.

2021-01-03T19:57:58+00:00 science/py-esda Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis
ESDA: Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis

ESDA is an open-source Python library for the exploratory analysis of spatial
data. A subpackage of PySAL (Python Spatial Analysis Library), it is under
active development and includes methods for global and local spatial
autocorrelation analysis.

2021-01-03T19:57:53+00:00 science/py-access Calculate spatial accessibility metrics
Spatial Access for PySAL

Whether you work with data in health, retail, employment or other domains,
spatial accessibility measures help identify potential spatial mismatches
between the supply and demand of services. They indicate how close demand
locations are to supply locations.

2021-01-03T19:57:48+00:00 math/py-spvcm Fit spatial multilevel models and diagnose convergence
Gibbs sampling for spatially-correlated variance-components

This is a package to estimate spatially-correlated variance components
models/varying intercept models. In addition to a general toolkit to conduct
Gibbs sampling in Python, the package also provides an interface to PyMC3 and

2021-01-03T19:57:43+00:00 math/py-spreg PySAL Spatial Econometrics Package
Spatial Regression Models (spreg)

spreg, short for "spatial regression", is a python package to estimate
simultaneous autoregressive spatial regression models. These models are useful
when modeling processes where observations interact with one another.

2021-01-03T19:57:38+00:00 math/py-splot Visual analytics for spatial analysis with PySAL
splot provides PySAL users with a lightweight visualization interface to explore
their data and quickly iterate through static and dynamic visualisations.

splot connects spatial analysis done in PySAL to different popular visualization
toolkits like matplotlib. The splot package allows you to create both static
plots ready for publication and interactive visualizations for quick iteration
and spatial data exploration. The primary goal of splot is to enable you to
visualize popular PySAL objects and gives you different views on your spatial
analysis workflow.

2021-01-03T19:57:33+00:00 math/py-spint SPatial INTeraction models
Spatial Interaction Modeling Package

The Spatial Interaction Modeling (SpInt) module seeks to provide a collection of
tools to study spatial interaction processes and analyze spatial interaction

The module currently supports the calibration of the 'family' of spatial
interaction models (Wilson, 1971) which are derived using an entropy maximizing
(EM) framework or the equivalent information minimizing (IM) framework. As such,
it is able to derive parameters for the following Poisson count models:
- unconstrained gravity model
- production-constrained model (origin-constrained)
- attraction-constrained model (destination-constrained)
- doubly-constrained model

2021-01-03T19:57:28+00:00 math/py-spglm Sparse generalize linear models
This module is an adaptation of a portion of GLM functionality from the
Statsmodels package, this it has been simplified and customized for the purposes
of serving as the base for several other PySAL modules, namely SpInt and GWR.
Currently, it supports the estimation of Gaussian, Poisson, and Logistic
regression using only iteratively weighted least squares estimation (IWLS). One
of the large differences this module and the functions avaialble in the
Statsmodels package is that the custom IWLS routine is fully sparse compatible,
which was necesary for the very sparse design matrices that arise in constrained
spatial interaction models. The somewhat limited functionality and computation
of only a subset of GLM diagnostics also decreases the computational overhead.
Another difference is that this module also supports the estimation of
QuasiPoisson models. One caveat is that this custom IWLS routine currently
generates estimates by directly solves the least squares normal equations rather
than using a more robust method like the pseudo inverse. For more robust
estimation of ill conditioned data and a fuller GLM framework we suggest using
the original GLM functionality from Statsmodels.

2021-01-03T19:57:22+00:00 graphics/py-rasterstats Summarize geospatial raster datasets based on vector geometries
rasterstats is a Python module for summarizing geospatial raster datasets based
on vector geometries. It includes functions for zonal statistics and
interpolated point queries. The command-line interface allows for easy
interoperability with other GeoJSON tools.

2021-01-03T19:57:17+00:00 graphics/py-pointpats Methods and Functions for planar point pattern analysis
Point Pattern Analysis (pointpats)

pointpats is an open-source python library for the statistical analysis of
planar point patterns. It is a subpackage of PySAL (Python Spatial Analysis
Library) and is under active development for the inclusion of many newly
proposed analytics for point patterns.

2021-01-03T19:57:12+00:00 graphics/py-mgwr Multiscale Geographically Weighted Regression
Multiscale Geographically Weighted Regression (MGWR)

mgwr is a Python implementation of multiscale geographically weighted regression
for investigating process spatial heterogeneity and scale. It incorporates the
widely used approach to modeling process spatial heterogeneity - Geographically
Weighted Regression (GWR) as well as the newly proposed approach - Multiscale
GWR (MGWR) which relaxes the assumption that all of the processes being modeled
operate at the same spatial scale. Inferences are available for both approaches.

2021-01-03T19:57:07+00:00 graphics/py-giddy GeospatIal Distribution DYnamics (GIDDY)
GeospatIal Distribution DYnamics (GIDDY)

Giddy is an open-source python library for the analysis of dynamics of
longitudinal spatial data. Originating from the spatial dynamics module in PySAL
(Python Spatial Analysis Library), it is under active development for the
inclusion of many newly proposed analytics that consider the role of space in
the evolution of distributions over time and has several new features including
inter- and intra-regional decomposition of mobility association and local
measures of exchange mobility in addition to space-time LISA and spatial markov

2021-01-03T19:57:01+00:00 devel/py-watermark IPython magic function to print date/time stamps and various system information
watermark is an IPython magic extension for printing date and time stamps,
version numbers, and hardware information.

2021-01-03T19:56:56+00:00 devel/py-anyio High level compatibility layer for multiple asynchronous event loop implementations
AnyIO is a asynchronous compatibility API that allows applications and libraries
written against it to run unmodified on asyncio, curio and trio.

It bridges the following functionality:
- Task groups
- Cancellation
- Threads
- Signal handling
- Asynchronous file I/O
- Subprocesses
- Inter-task synchronization and communication (locks, conditions, events,
semaphores, object streams)
- High level networking (TCP, UDP and UNIX sockets)

You can even use it together with native libraries from your selected backend in
applications. Doing this in libraries is not advisable however since it limits
the usefulness of your library.

2021-01-03T19:56:50+00:00 devel/p5-Test-DiagINC List modules and versions loaded if tests fail
Assuming you shipped your module to CPAN with working tests, test failures from
CPAN Testers might be due to platform issues, Perl version issues or problems
with dependencies. This module helps you diagnose deep dependency problems by
showing you exactly what modules and versions were loaded during a test run.

When this module is loaded, it sets up an END block that will take action if the
program is about to exit with a non-zero exit code or if
$test_builder->is_passing is false by the time the END block is reached. If that
happens, this module prints out the names and version numbers of non-local
modules appearing in %INC at the end of the test.

2021-01-03T18:39:31+00:00 devel/R-cran-callr Call R from R
It is sometimes useful to perform a computation in a separate R process,
without affecting the current R process at all. This packages does exactly

2021-01-03T18:27:04+00:00 audio/noise-suppression-for-voice-lv2 Real-time noise suppression plugin
The plugin is meant to suppress a wide range of noise origins (from original
paper): computer fans, office, crowd, airplane, car, train, construction.

2021-01-03T16:46:35+00:00 security/assh Smart SSH client wrapper
A transparent wrapper that adds support for regex, aliases, gateways,
dynamic hostnames, graphviz, json output, yaml configuration, and more
to SSH.

2021-01-03T16:42:17+00:00 x11/taiga Take animated screenshots on wlroots compositors
Taiga is an animated screenshot program for wlroots based wayland
compositors such as sway.

2021-01-03T02:59:18+00:00 devel/R-cran-rversions Query 'R' Versions, Including 'r-release' and 'r-oldrel'
Query the main 'R' 'SVN' repository to find the versions 'r-release' and
'r-oldrel' refer to, and also all previous 'R' versions and their release

2021-01-02T21:22:10+00:00 devel/py-azure-mgmt-databoxedge Microsoft Azure Databoxedge Management Client Library for Python
This is the Microsoft Azure Databoxedge Management Client Library.

Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the next generation of management APIs that
replace the old Azure Service Management (ASM).

2021-01-02T20:40:36+00:00 emulators/libretro-vice ${${FLAVOR}_COMMENT}
Commodore computer emulator core for libretro API.

2021-01-02T15:23:58+00:00 graphics/realsr-ncnn-vulkan Scale and denoise images using convolutional neural networks
ncnn implementation of Real-World Super-Resolution via Kernel
Estimation and Noise Injection super resolution.

2021-01-01T22:52:46+00:00 multimedia/dvdread Utility to create ISO images of encrypted DVDs
Command line utility with minimal dependencies that allows you to rip
encrypted DVDs to ISO image.

2021-01-01T22:49:18+00:00 devel/rubygem-slow_enumerator_tools Tools for transforming enumerators that produce data slowly and unpredictably
SlowEnumeratorTools provides tools for transforming Ruby enumerators
that produce data slowly and unpredictably.

2021-01-01T22:42:46+00:00 devel/rubygem-ddmemoize Support for memoizing functions
DDMemoize adds support for memoizing Ruby functions.

2021-01-01T22:40:32+00:00 devel/rubygem-ddmetrics Non-timeseries measurements for Ruby programs
DDMetrics is a Ruby library for recording and analysing measurements
in short-running Ruby processes.

2021-01-01T18:01:31+00:00 x11/py-python-xapp Python Xapp library
Python Xapp library

2021-01-01T10:06:27+00:00 math/py-optuna Hyperparameter optimization framework
Optuna is an automatic hyperparameter optimization software framework,
particularly designed for machine learning. It features an imperative,
define-by-run style user API. Thanks to our define-by-run API, the code
written with Optuna enjoys high modularity, and the user of Optuna can
dynamically construct the search spaces for the hyperparameters.

2021-01-01T10:03:13+00:00 math/py-cmaes Lightweight CMA Evolution Strategy implementation for Python
CMA-ES is a Lightweight Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy
(CMA-ES) implementation.

2021-01-01T10:00:12+00:00 graphics/py-box2d-py 2D physics library Box2D 2.3 for usage in Python
2D physics library Box2D 2.3 for usage in Python.

2021-01-01T09:56:21+00:00 deskutils/elementary-calendar Desktop calendar app designed for elementary OS
Desktop calendar app designed for elementary OS.

2021-01-01T07:23:27+00:00 math/sympol C++ library and tool to work with symmetric polyhedra
SymPol is a C++ tool to work with symmetric polyhedra. It helps to compute
restricted automorphisms (parts of the linear symmetry group) of polyhedra and
performs polyhedral description conversion up to a given or computed symmetry

2021-01-01T06:47:02+00:00 math/permlib C++ header-only library for permutation computations
PermLib is a C++ library for permutation computations. Currently it supports set
stabilizer and in-orbit computations, based on bases and strong generating sets
(BSGS). Additionally, it computes automorphisms of symmetric matrices and find
the lexicographically smallest set in an orbit of sets. It also features a very
basic recognition of permutation group types.

2021-01-01T00:56:53+00:00 misc/timezonemap Gtk3 timezone map widget, forked from gnome which forked from Ubiquity
This static library is a copied version of the code in GNOME 3.0's
control center panel 'datetime', which itself is a version of
Ubiquity's map ported to C.