FreeBSD New Ports Index

This page is a slightly modified version of the following one-liner output. created_at: 2021-05-14T02:57:25+09:00

# git -C /usr/ports log --diff-filter=A --name-status --pretty="format:%aI %H" origin/master | perl -nlE '/^\d/ ? $d=$_ : print "$d\t$_"' | ack "\t[0-9a-z-]+/[^/ ]+/Makefile$"
timestamp origin comment / pkg-descr
2009-12-31T22:35:03+00:00 www/trac-math Support for LaTeX math formulas in wiki pages
Allow embedded equations in wiki pages. Basically a port of mt-math to

2009-12-31T18:21:31+00:00 www/trac-fivestarvote Five star plugin for voting on Trac resources
This plugin is a modified version of the VotePlugin (www/trac-vote).

Instead of having up and down arrows, this plugin uses a 5-star approach
to rate resources.

2009-12-31T18:20:39+00:00 www/trac-vote Plugin for voting on Trac resources
This plugin adds a context-navigation entry that lets users easily vote
for a Trac resource, including Wiki pages, tickets, milestones, etc.

If a user has a valid session and the VOTE_MODIFY permission they will
be able to vote.

2009-12-31T17:53:45+00:00 www/trac-ticketimport Import or update tickets from a CSV file or Excel file
This plugin lets you import into Trac a series of tickets from a CSV
file or (if the xlrd library is installed) from an Excel file.

You can also use it to modify tickets in batch, by saving a report as
CSV, editing the CSV file, and re-importing the tickets.

This plugin is very useful when starting a new project: you can import a
list of requirements that may have come from meeting notes, list of
features, other ticketing systems... It's also great to review the
tickets off-line, or to do massive changes to tickets.

Based on the ticket id (or, if no id exists, on the summary) in the
imported file, tickets are either created or updated.

2009-12-31T11:53:33+00:00 textproc/pootle User-friendly web portal for simple translation process
Pootle is a user-friendly web portal that makes
the translation process so much simpler.
It allows online translation, work assignment,
gives statistics and allows easy volunteer contribution.
You can run Pootle as an Internet server like
these projects or run your own copy on an Intranet.

2009-12-29T13:50:29+00:00 devel/boost-pyste Boost.Python code generator
Pyste is a Boost.Python code generator. The user specifies the classes
and functions to be exported using a simple interface file, which
following the Boost.Python's philosophy, is simple Python code. Pyste
then uses GCCXML to parse all the headers and extract the necessary
information to automatically generate C++ code.

2009-12-29T13:39:14+00:00 biology/python-nexus Generic nexus file format reader for python
python-nexus is a generic nexus (phylogenetics) file format(.nex, .trees)
reader for python.

2009-12-29T11:08:56+00:00 audio/arss Additive Image Synthesizer (convert audio to images, images to audio)
The Analysis & Resynthesis Sound Spectrograph (formerly known as the Analysis &
Reconstruction Sound Engine), or ARSS, is a program that analyses a sound file
into a spectrogram and is able to synthesise this spectrogram, or any other
user-created image, back into a sound.

ARSS is now superseded by Photosounder, which makes use of most of the
techniques offered by ARSS in a simple to use and powerful graphical user
interface and built in editor.

2009-12-29T06:07:28+00:00 audio/libmpdclient API library for interfacing MPD
A stable, documented, asynchronous API library for interfacing MPD in
the C, C++ & Objective C languages.

2009-12-28T07:15:33+00:00 devel/py-gearman Gearman Library for Python
py-gearman is a pure Python Gearman library.

2009-12-27T10:10:35+00:00 chinese/ibus-chewing Chewing engine for IBus
Chewing engine for IBus.

2009-12-27T01:34:36+00:00 devel/p5-Config-MVP Multivalue-property package-oriented configuration
Config::MVP is a perl module for multivalue-property package-oriented
configuration.MVP is a mechanism for loading configuration (or other
information) for libraries.It doesn't read a file or a database.
It's a helper for things that do.

2009-12-26T18:00:25+00:00 textproc/p5-Text-Emoticon-MSN Emoticon filter of MSN Messenger
Text::Emoticon::MSN is a text filter that replaces text emoticons like ":-)",
";-P", etc. to the icons of MSN Messenger.

2009-12-26T17:59:50+00:00 www/p5-HTML-Toc Generate, insert and update HTML Table of Contents
Generate, insert and update HTML Table of Contents.
2009-12-26T16:18:52+00:00 net/gupnp-igd Library to handle UPnP IGD port mapping
This is a library to handle UPnP IGD port mapping.

2009-12-26T16:18:30+00:00 net/gupnp-av Helpers for audio/video applications using GUPnP
GUPnP-AV is a collection of helpers for building AV (audio/video) applications
using GUPnP.

2009-12-26T16:17:52+00:00 net/gupnp-ui Framework for UPnP devices
GUPnP-UI provides a collection of simple GTK+ widgets on top of GUPnP.

2009-12-26T13:54:20+00:00 net/gupnp Framework for UPnP devices
GUPnP is an elegant, object-oriented open source framework for creating UPnP
devices and control points, written in C using GObject and libsoup. The GUPnP
API is intended to be easy to use, efficient and flexible. It provides the same
set of features as libupnp, but shields the developer from most of UPnP's

GUPnP implements the UPnP specification: resource announcement and discovery,
description, control, event notification, and presentation (GUPnP includes basic
web server functionality through libsoup). GUPnP does not include helpers for
construction or control of specific standardized resources (e.g. MediaServer);
this is left for higher level libraries utilizing the GUPnP framework.

2009-12-26T13:53:36+00:00 net/gssdp Framework for UPnP devices
A GObject-based API for handling resource discovery and announcement over SSDP.

2009-12-26T12:23:45+00:00 security/pam_ssh_agent_auth PAM module which permits authentication via ssh-agent
PAM module which permits authentication for arbitrary services via
ssh-agent. Written with sudo in mind, but like any auth PAM module,
can be used for many purposes.

2009-12-26T11:18:09+00:00 multimedia/xfce4-parole Lightweight media player for Xfce4 based on GStreamer
Parole is a modern media player based on the GStreamer framework for the
Xfce desktop.

2009-12-26T03:26:53+00:00 devel/p5-Module-Install-Template Treat module source code as a template
Treat module source code as a template

2009-12-25T19:26:55+00:00 www/p5-WWW-Shorten-NotLong Perl interface to the web site
A Perl interface to the web site simply
maintains a database of long URLs, each of which has a unique

2009-12-25T19:26:19+00:00 www/p5-HTML-Field Perl module to generate HTML form elements
The HTML::Field set of modules creates objects that represent HTML form fields
which try to make it easier to interact with CGI objects, databases, and
HTML::Template objects.

The objective of an HTML::Field object is to know how to write its own HTML,
how to get its value out of a CGI object or from a hash,
how to add their value to a hash suitable for passing into a HTML::Template
or into a SQL::Abstract object, for example, and thus re-use some of the code
which is typically repeated several times in a CGI script.

This bundle includes also HTML::FieldForm, which is a very simple module to
manage sets of HTML::Field objects.

2009-12-25T19:25:15+00:00 net/p5-Socket-GetAddrInfo RFC 2553's getaddrinfo and getnameinfo functions
Socket::GetAddrInfo - RFC 2553's getaddrinfo and getnameinfo

2009-12-25T19:24:24+00:00 dns/py-namebench Open Source DNS benchmark utility
An experiment in benchmarking DNS name services. This tool
is designed to help you as a user determine what name services
are the best to use for an individual machine.

2009-12-25T19:20:24+00:00 graphics/aaphoto Auto Adjust Photo, automatic color correction of photos
Auto Adjust Photo is a tiny command-line image manipulation tool for
automatic color correction of photos. It tries to make the picture look
better. The program does this by analyzing the input image and then sets
the most optimal contrast, gamma, color balance and saturation for it.

2009-12-25T19:19:55+00:00 www/p5-WWW-Mechanize-TreeBuilder Combine WWW::Mechanize and HTML::TreeBuilder
This module combines WWW::Mechanize and HTML::TreeBuilder.

2009-12-25T15:06:12+00:00 net/ekiga3 VoIP and video conferencing application
Ekiga (formely known as GnomeMeeting) is an open source
VoIP and video conferencing application for GNOME/KDE.
Ekiga uses both the H.323 and SIP protocols.

2009-12-25T14:21:40+00:00 multimedia/m2tstoavi Utility which eases conversion of AVCHD (m2ts) to AVI
Script which eases the conversion of AVCHD video to AVI

2009-12-25T12:48:41+00:00 www/p5-Catalyst-Authentication-Credential-OpenID OpenID credential for Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication framework
OpenID credential for Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication framework.

2009-12-25T10:31:40+00:00 security/softhsm Software implementation of a Hardware Security Module (HSM)
SoftHSM is an implementation of a cryptographic store accessible
through a PKCS #11 interface. You can use it to explore PKCS #11
without having a Hardware Security Module. It is being developed
as a part of the OpenDNSSEC project. SoftHSM uses Botan for its
cryptographic operations.

2009-12-25T10:17:11+00:00 sysutils/bontmia Small tool for incremental backups over network
This is a port of bontmia, which is a tool to make incremental backups
over network using rsync and ssh. It supports storing of a given number
of archives in which files that has not been changed since last backup
will be hard linked to previous archive to save space and bandwidth.

Bontmia is an acronym of Backup Over Network To Multiple Incremental
Archives which pretty good sums up its intended use.

2009-12-25T04:52:29+00:00 converters/p5-Data-AMF Perl extension to serialize, deserialize AMF data
Serialize / deserialize AMF data.

2009-12-24T23:38:54+00:00 databases/autobackupmysql Make daily, weekly, and monthly backups of your MySQL databases
A script to take daily, weekly and monthly backups of your MySQL
databases using mysqldump.

- Backup multiple databases
- Single backup file or to a separate file for each DB
- Compress backup files
- Backup remote servers
- E-mail logs

2009-12-24T22:15:57+00:00 www/rubygem-jekyll Simple, blog aware, static site generator
Jekyll is a simple, blog aware, static site generator. It takes a
template directory (representing the raw form of a website), runs it
through Textile or Markdown and Liquid converters, and spits out a
complete, static website suitable for serving with Apache or your
favorite web server. This is also the engine behind GitHub Pages,
which you can use to host your project's page or blog on GitHub.

2009-12-24T22:14:56+00:00 textproc/rubygem-liquid Library for rendering safe templates
Liquid is an open-source template language created by Shopify and written in
Ruby. It is the backbone of Shopify themes and is used to load dynamic content
on storefronts.

Liquid has been in production use at Shopify since 2006 and is now used by many
other hosted web applications.

2009-12-24T22:14:20+00:00 devel/p5-Dir-Watch Watches the current directory for file/dir additions or removals
Checks for dir/file addition/removals in the current directory.

2009-12-24T20:05:22+00:00 www/mod_auth_cas Apache 2.x module that supports the CASv1 and CASv2 protocols
mod_auth_cas is an Apache 2.0/2.2 compliant module that
supports the CASv1 and CASv2 protocols.

2009-12-24T08:20:18+00:00 www/p5-Catalyst-Controller-ActionRole Apply roles to action instances
Catalyst::Controller::ActionRole is a perl module that apply roles to
action instances.

2009-12-24T03:27:50+00:00 chinese/scim-array Array 30 SCIM IMEngine module
scim-array is an SCIM IMEngine module for array 30. It supports
array 6.0 Unicode CJK Extension B and special input code.

2009-12-23T15:36:14+00:00 www/p5-Plack-Server-POE Perl extension for Plack Server implementation for POE
Plack Server implementation for POE.

2009-12-23T13:43:00+00:00 audio/p5-MusicBrainz-DiscID Perl interface for the MusicBrainz libdiscid library
MusicBrainz::DiscID is a class to calculate a MusicBrainz DiscID from an
audio CD in the drive. The coding style is slightly different to the C
interface to libdiscid, because it makes use of Perl's Object Oriented

2009-12-23T09:38:49+00:00 devel/p5-Data-MessagePack Perl extension for MessagePack
Data::MessagePack is a binary packer for perl.

2009-12-23T03:31:54+00:00 databases/p5-MongoDB Mongo Driver for Perl
p5-MongoDB is a Mongo Driver for Perl.

2009-12-22T23:38:29+00:00 games/gunfudeadlands Far West themed 2D shooter featuring bullet time
GunFu Deadlands is a Far West themed 2D action shooter featuring
bullet time a la Max Payne and the Matrix movies.

2009-12-22T23:28:28+00:00 graphics/gimp-save-for-web GIMP Save For Web plugin
Save for Web allows to find compromise between minimal file size
and acceptable quality of image quickly. While adjusting various
settings, you may explore how image quality and file size change.
Options to reduce file size of an image include setting compression
quality, number or colors, resizing, cropping, Exif information
removal, etc.

2009-12-22T17:28:54+00:00 devel/py-InlineEgg Python module for writing inline assembler programs
InlineEgg is a Python module that provides the user with a toolbox of
convenient classes for writing small assembly programs. Only that instead of
having to remember confusing assembly mnemonics and requiring the developer
to remember how to use complex tools like assemblers and linkers, everything
is done the easy way: in Python. InlineEgg is oriented - but not limited -
to developing shellcode (sometimes called eggs) for use in exploits.

2009-12-22T09:55:35+00:00 multimedia/bombono DVD authoring program
Bombono DVD is a DVD authoring program. It is made easy to use and has a
nice and clean GUI (GTK+ based). The main features of Bombono DVD are:

- Excellent MPEG viewer, with timeline and monitor
- Real WYSIWYG menu editor with live thumbnails
- Comfortable drag-n-drop support
- Can author to a folder, make ISO image, or burn directly to DVD
- Reauthoring: can import video from DVD discs

2009-12-22T08:26:23+00:00 security/pear-Net_Portscan Provides an API for scanning ports
The Net_Portscan package allows one to perform basic portscanning
functions with PHP. It supports checking an individual port or
checking a whole range of ports on a machine.

2009-12-22T07:14:26+00:00 ports-mgmt/p5-App-Pm2Port Creating port from perl module
App::Pm2Port is a perl module to creat FreeBSD port from
perl module.

2009-12-21T22:35:59+00:00 devel/rubygem-classifier Classifier module for Bayesian and other types of classifications
A general classifier module to allow Bayesian and other types of

2009-12-21T22:35:26+00:00 devel/rubygem-stemmer Implementation of the Porter word stemming algorithm
An implementation of the Porter word stemming algorithm.

2009-12-21T16:45:13+00:00 editors/koffice-kde4-l10n-wa Walloon Bokmaal messages and documentation for KOffice2
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2009-12-21T16:45:13+00:00 editors/koffice-kde4-l10n-nds Low German messages and documentation for KOffice2
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2009-12-21T16:45:13+00:00 editors/koffice-kde4-l10n-kk Kazakh messages and documentation for KOffice2
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2009-12-21T16:45:13+00:00 editors/koffice-kde4-l10n-hne Chhattisgarhi messages and documentation for KOffice2
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2009-12-21T16:45:13+00:00 editors/koffice-kde4-l10n-fy Frisian messages and documentation for KOffice2
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2009-12-21T16:45:13+00:00 editors/calligra-l10n-nds Low German messages and documentation for Calligra
Localized messages and documentation for Calligra.

2009-12-21T16:45:13+00:00 editors/calligra-l10n-kk Kazakh messages and documentation for Calligra
Localized messages and documentation for Calligra.

2009-12-20T14:38:52+00:00 net/minissdpd UPnP IGD discovery speed enhancer
Every UPnP device and UPnP client (or control point in UPnP terminology) needs
to listen to SSDP packets broadcasted to the group When
several UPnP devices are running on the same server, or several UPnP control
points are trying a discovery process on the same server, there is concurence to
open a bind a socket on the UDP port 1900.

MiniSSDPd can also provide a history of the SSDP NOTIFY packets sent on the
network during a period of a few minutes and it keeps track of all UPnP devices
that announced themselves on the network through SSDP NOTIFY packets.

2009-12-20T14:14:57+00:00 textproc/p5-Text-Patch Perl extension to patch text with given patch
Patches text with given patch.

2009-12-19T17:34:37+00:00 devel/py-yapps2 Easy-to-use parser generator that generates Python code
Yapps (Yet Another Python Parser System) is an easy to use parser
generator that is written in Python and generates Python code. Yapps
is simple, is easy to use, and produces human-readable parsers. It is
not fast, powerful, or particularly flexible. Yapps is designed to be
used when regular expressions are not enough and other parser systems
are too much: situations where you may write your own recursive
descent parser. Yapps 1 is more like a functional language (concise
grammars of the form when you see this, return this), while Yapps 2 is
more like an imperative language (more verbose grammars of the form
if/while you see this, do this). Yapps 2 is more flexible than Yapps
1 but it requires Python 1.5 and is not backwards-compatible with
Yapps 1.

This is the development version of Yapps 2.

2009-12-19T13:39:27+00:00 net/tucan Tucan Manager aids file-sharing with 1-click hosters
Supporting the main Hosters like RapidShare or MegaUpload, Tucan
brings a new experience to users discouraged by other file sharing
methods as p2p.

Tesseract OCR engine in combination with PIL library, grant
Tucan the ability to solve any captcha whitout user action.

Tucan also manages waits between downloads and interchangeable
links seamlessly, relieving the user from this nuisance.

2009-12-18T20:10:45+00:00 net-im/pidgin-osd Pidgin plugin for displaying new messages on screen
pidgin-osd is a pidgin plugin which provides on screen displaying a
new one messages from one of your contacts or other notification

2009-12-18T19:22:02+00:00 databases/py-postgresql Python 3 compatible PostgreSQL database driver and tools
Pure Python
All code, at first, is written in pure Python so that py-postgresql will work
anywhere that you can install Python 3. Optimizations in C are made where
needed, but are always optional.

Prepared Statements
Using the PG-API interface, protocol-level prepared statements may be created
and used multiple times. db.prepare(sql)(*args)

COPY Support
Use the convenient COPY interface to directly copy data from one connection to
another. No intermediate files or tricks are necessary.

Arrays and Composite Typescw
Arrays and composites are fully supported. Queries requesting them will returns
objects that provide access to the elements within.

"pg_python" Quick Console
Get a Python console with a connection to PostgreSQL for quick tests and simple

2009-12-18T04:08:01+00:00 devel/boehm-gc-threaded Garbage collection and memory leak detection for C and C++ with threading support
The Boehm-Weiser garbage collection package, for C and C++ -
garbage collection and memory leak detection libraries.

A garbage collector is something which automatically frees malloc'd
memory for you by working out what parts of memory your program
no longer has pointers to. As a result, garbage collectors can also
inform you of memory leaks (if they find memory they can free, it means
you have lost all of your pointers to it, but you didn't free it).

C programs may be linked against either of these, and should run (with
GC or leak detection) without change. C++ programs must include a header
to use garbage collection, though leak detection should work without
such source code modifications. See the man page and header files.

This package only brings Boehm-GC libraries with threading support.

ps: garbage collection is addictive.

2009-12-18T04:07:24+00:00 devel/boehm-gc-redirect Garbage collection and memory leak detection for C and C++ with malloc redirection
The Boehm-Weiser garbage collection package, for C and C++ -
garbage collection and memory leak detection libraries.

A garbage collector is something which automatically frees malloc'd
memory for you by working out what parts of memory your program
no longer has pointers to. As a result, garbage collectors can also
inform you of memory leaks (if they find memory they can free, it means
you have lost all of your pointers to it, but you didn't free it).

C programs may be linked against either of these, and should run (with
GC or leak detection) without change. C++ programs must include a header
to use garbage collection, though leak detection should work without
such source code modifications. See the man page and header files.

This package only brings Boehm-GC libraries with malloc redirection.

ps: garbage collection is addictive.

2009-12-18T03:05:13+00:00 mail/p5-Net-IMAP-Server Single-threaded multiplexing IMAP server implementation
Net::IMAP::Server provides a complete implementation of the RFC 3501
specification, along with several IMAP4rev1 extensions. It provides
separation of the mailbox and message store from the client interaction

2009-12-18T02:31:18+00:00 converters/p5-Encode-IMAPUTF7 Modification of UTF-7 encoding for IMAP
Encode::IMAPUTF7 is a perl module for modification of UTF-7 encoding
for IMAP.

IMAP mailbox names are encoded in a modified UTF7 when names contains
international characters outside of the printable ASCII range. The
modified UTF-7 encoding is defined in RFC2060 (section 5.1.3).

2009-12-18T02:06:31+00:00 chinese/fortune Classic fortune file in Chinese
This package contains classcial Chinese poems and
quotes from other classical Chinese literatures,
like novels, fictions and so on.

2009-12-18T00:42:26+00:00 www/trac-datefield Plugin for creating date fields
This plugin allows for validating custom fields as dates in tickets
and adds fancy date selector to these fields.

2009-12-17T14:21:05+00:00 devel/shflags Command-line flags module for Unix shell scripts
shFlags is a port of the Google gflags library for Unix shell. The code is
written in a way to be as portable as possible to work across a wide array of
Unix variants.

shFlags is simply a library that you include into an existing shell script that
gives you some additional functions that can be called. The power behind those
functions though is somewhat amazing though, and you will hopefully be amazed
with the simplicity with which you can handle command-line arguments in shell.

2009-12-16T14:55:56+00:00 net/py-cloudfiles Python language bindings for Cloud Files API
Python language bindings for Cloud Files API

2009-12-16T08:52:09+00:00 databases/p5-DBIx-Class-Fixtures Perl extension to use fixtures with DBIx::Class
Dump fixtures from source database to filesystem then import to
another database (with same schema) at any time. Use as a constant
dataset for running tests against or for populating development
databases when impractical to use production clones. Describe fixture
set using relations and conditions based on your DBIx::Class schema.

2009-12-15T19:05:30+00:00 deskutils/plasma-applet-fancytasks Plasmoid fancy representation of your tasks and launchers
Plasmoid providing a fancy representation of your tasks and launchers for those
who need full power of task manager and fresh look.

- manages your tasks, launchers and application jobs;
- tasks filtering, grouping (including manual) and sorting;
- keyboard navigation (Tab and Shift+Tab);
- launcher to task transition (icons of launchers with running tasks are
- preview of windows with (live previews with KWin Taskbar Thumbnail effect
enabled) and without Composite (also for groups, you can click them to activate
- dropping files on launchers runs command with parameters or gives option to
move, copy or link them (if this is directory);
- visual drop indicator that helps in manual tasks sorting and dropping
- possibility to browse directories of directory launchers using context menu;
- possibility to add application menus;
- menu with list of all icons shown after activating keyboard shortcut;
- configurable animations (zoom, jump, bounce, highlight, etc.) and appearance
(optional thumbnails and text label);
- fully animated icons (including animations of starting applications, tasks
needing attention and application jobs progress).

2009-12-15T03:56:11+00:00 devel/py-zclockfile Basic inter-process locks
The zc.lockfile package provides a basic portable implementation of
interprocess locks using lock files. The purpose if not specifically
to lock files, but to simply provide locks with an implementation
based on file-locking primitives. Of course, these locks could be
used to mediate access to other files. For example, the ZODB file
storage implementation uses file locks to mediate access to
file-storage database files. The database files and lock file files
are separate files.

2009-12-15T03:14:28+00:00 devel/py-zopeevent Very basic event publishing system
zope.event provides a simple event system on which application-specific
event systems can be built.

Application code can generate events without being concerned about the
event-processing frameworks that might handle the events.

2009-12-15T03:14:28+00:00 devel/py-zope.event Very basic event publishing system
zope.event provides a simple event system on which application-specific
event systems can be built.

Application code can generate events without being concerned about the
event-processing frameworks that might handle the events.

2009-12-14T21:03:06+00:00 devel/mk-configure Lightweight, easy to use replacement for GNU autotools
mk-configure is a lightweight replacement for GNU autotools, written in bmake
(portable version of NetBSD make) and POSIX shell. mk-configure also provides
standalone mkc_check_xxx scripts that can be used without bmake.

2009-12-14T21:02:19+00:00 devel/netbsd-pkgsrc-mk-files Collection of mk-files from pkgsrc project
The NetBSD Packages Collection (pkgsrc) is a framework for building third-party
software on NetBSD and other UNIX-like systems. mk-files is an important part
of pkgsrc but could also be useful for other projects.

2009-12-14T12:31:01+00:00 www/seamonkey2-i18n Localized interface for SeaMonkey 2
Language packs for SeaMonkey 2

2009-12-14T06:25:17+00:00 dns/bind97 BIND DNS suite with updated DNSSEC and threads
Some of the new features of BIND 9.7.x are:

- Fully automatic signing of zones by "named"
- Simplified configuration of DNSSEC Lookaside Validation (DLV)
- Simplified configuration of Dynamic DNS, using the "ddns-confgen"
command line tool or the "local" update-policy option
- New named option "attach-cache" that allows multiple views to
share a single cache
- DNS rebinding attack prevention
- New default values for dnssec-keygen parameters
- Support for RFC 5011 automated trust anchor maintenance
- Smart signing: simplified tools for zone signing and key
- Improved PKCS#11 support

2009-12-14T02:58:44+00:00 www/py-scrapy High level scraping and web crawling framework
Scrapy is a high level scraping and web crawling framework for writing
spiders to crawl and parse web pages for all kinds of purposes, from
information retrieval to monitoring or testing web sites.

2009-12-13T22:30:18+00:00 net-mgmt/zabbix2-server Enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring (${PKGNAMESUFFIX:S/^-//})
Zabbix is an enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring

Zabbix is software that monitors numerous parameters of a network and
the health and integrity of servers. Zabbix uses a flexible
notification mechanism that allows users to configure e-mail based
alerts for virtually any event. This allows a fast reaction to server
problems. Zabbix offers excellent reporting and data visualisation
features based on the stored data. This makes Zabbix ideal for
capacity planning.

2009-12-13T22:30:18+00:00 net-mgmt/zabbix2-proxy
2009-12-13T22:30:18+00:00 net-mgmt/zabbix2-frontend
2009-12-13T22:30:18+00:00 net-mgmt/zabbix16-server Enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring (${PKGNAMESUFFIX:S/^-//})
Zabbix is an enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring

Zabbix is software that monitors numerous parameters of a network and
the health and integrity of servers. Zabbix uses a flexible
notification mechanism that allows users to configure e-mail based
alerts for virtually any event. This allows a fast reaction to server
problems. Zabbix offers excellent reporting and data visualisation
features based on the stored data. This makes Zabbix ideal for
capacity planning.

2009-12-13T22:30:18+00:00 net-mgmt/zabbix16-proxy
2009-12-13T22:30:18+00:00 net-mgmt/zabbix16-frontend
2009-12-13T22:30:18+00:00 net-mgmt/zabbix16-agent
2009-12-13T22:30:18+00:00 net-mgmt/zabbix-server Enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring (${PKGNAMESUFFIX:S/^-//})
Zabbix is an enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring

Zabbix is software that monitors numerous parameters of a network and
the health and integrity of servers. Zabbix uses a flexible
notification mechanism that allows users to configure e-mail based
alerts for virtually any event. This allows a fast reaction to server
problems. Zabbix offers excellent reporting and data visualisation
features based on the stored data. This makes Zabbix ideal for
capacity planning.

2009-12-13T22:30:18+00:00 net-mgmt/zabbix-proxy
2009-12-13T22:30:18+00:00 net-mgmt/zabbix-frontend
2009-12-13T00:31:24+00:00 www/py-satchmo Shopping cart application for Django
Satchmo is a BSD-licensed shopping cart framework built on top of Django.

2009-12-13T00:29:44+00:00 devel/p5-IO-Interactive Utilities for interactive I/O
Utilities for interactive I/O

2009-12-13T00:28:47+00:00 graphics/py-sorl-thumbnail Sorl-thumbnail provides an easy way to generate image thumbnails
The sorl-thumbnail package provides an easy way to generate image

Some of its features:
- Storage support
- Pluggable Engine support for Pillow, GraphicsMagick, ImageMagick and Wand
- Pluggable Key Value Store support (cached db and redis)
- Pluggable Backend support
- Admin integration with possibility to delete
- Dummy generation (placeholders)
- Flexible, simple syntax, generates no html
- ImageField for model that deletes thumbnails
- CSS style cropping options
- Back smart cropping, and remove borders from the images when cropping
- Margin calculation for vertical positioning
- Alternative resolutions versions of a thumbnail

2009-12-13T00:27:45+00:00 net-mgmt/qkismet Qt 4 GUI client for Kismet
qKismet is graphical Kismet client writtent in Qt. It aims to be a full-featured
client, which provides features allowing easy overwiew of Kismet output.
Currently it displays networks, clients, alerts and status messages and allows
to sort and filter them.

2009-12-13T00:26:54+00:00 audio/mehdiaplayer Simple media player using Qt/Phonon
An audio player inspired by Sonata.
In fact, it's my first project with Qt, I developed it in order to apprehend the
Qt framework.

2009-12-13T00:26:31+00:00 multimedia/clipgrab Program to download videos from YouTube and etc
ClipGrab doesn't only allow you to download videos from sites like Youtube,
Dailymotion or Vimeo but also gives you the ability to convert them in a single
step into "usable" formats like WMV, MPEG or MP3. So you'll be able to watch
(or listen to) your favourite Youtube clips wherever you are.
ClipGrab currently supports these sites:


2009-12-13T00:25:59+00:00 x11-themes/gtk-aurora-engine Aurora GTK+ 2.x engine and "Aurora" theme
This is a GTK+ 2.x engine. The Aurora Gtk Engine themes all common Gtk
widgets to provide an attractive, complete and consistent look for Gtk

2009-12-13T00:25:31+00:00 sysutils/abgx360gui wxWidgets frontend for abgx360
abgx360gui is a frontend for the command-line application
sysutils/abgx360. It allows the user to easily select abgx360 options.
It can output an abgx360 log to a new xterm window, a text file,
or an HTML file.

2009-12-13T00:24:49+00:00 sysutils/abgx360 Verify and repair Xbox 360 backup images
abgx360 is a program capable of verifying and repairing Xbox 360 backup
images to help you protect your investment in game media from
damage by accidents or children.

2009-12-13T00:21:31+00:00 www/trac-autocomplete Plugin for autocompletion of user names in ticket fields
The AutocompleteUsersPlugin allows AJAX completion of users
for the owner and CC fields on new and existing tickets.

2009-12-12T16:17:42+00:00 devel/py-mox Mock object framework for Python
Mox is an open source mock object framework for Python, inspired by the Java
library EasyMock.

2009-12-12T13:51:13+00:00 www/py-django-signals-ahoy Extended set of signals for use by Django apps
Provides an extended set of signals for use by Django apps.

2009-12-12T13:50:47+00:00 www/py-django-threaded-multihost Multi-host utilities to Django
This small app provides multi-host utilities to Django projects by using
threadlocals, middleware and simple utilities. Using the middleware provided,
you can "easily" provide multi-site awareness to any project.

2009-12-12T13:50:09+00:00 www/py-django-app-plugins Reusable django application for writing pluggable reusable django applications
Reusable django application for writting pluggable reusable django applications.
Allows 3rd party apps to dynamically insert template inclusions into your apps
at pre-defined plugin points.

2009-12-12T13:47:46+00:00 net-mgmt/p5-SNMP-Trapinfo Process an SNMP trap with perl
Read and process an SNMP trap from Net-SNMP's snmptrapd

2009-12-12T12:35:05+00:00 net-mgmt/bsnmp-jails bsnmpd module to measure statistics about jails
bsnmp-jails is a module for bsnmpd which allows you to measure statistics
about jails on your system. Counters are available for network traffic,
CPU time used, process and thread counts, and disk utilization.


2009-12-12T12:32:58+00:00 security/polarssl Open Source embedded SSL/TLS cryptographic library
PolarSSL is a light-weight open source cryptographic and SSL/TLS library
written in C. PolarSSL is written with embedded systems in mind and has
been ported on a number of architectures, including ARM, PowerPC, MIPS
and Motorola 68000.

Features include:
* Small memory footprint
* Clean and simple API for integration
* Loose coupling of cryptographic code.
* Symmetric encryption algorithms: AES, Triple-DES, DES, ARC4, Camellia, XTEA
* Hash algorithms: MD2, MD4, MD5, SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512
* HAVEGE random number generator
* RSA with PKCS#1 v1.5 padding
* SSL version 3 and TLS version 1 client support
* X.509 certificate and CRL reading from memory or disk in PEM and DER formats
* Over 900 regression and code coverage tests
* Example applications


2009-12-12T12:31:19+00:00 security/yassl Embedded SSL C-Library
Cyassl is an embedded SSL Library for programmers building security
functionality into their applications and devices.

SSL version 3 and TLS versions 1, 1.1 and 1.2 (client and server)
Minimum size of 60-100kb, depending on build options
Runtime memory usage between 5-50kb
DTLS support (client and server)
OpenSSL compatibility layer
zlib compression support
integration in MySQL, stunnel, Lighttpd availible.
ia32 assembly for AES, 3DES, BLOWFISH, TWOFISH, ARC4, MD5, SHA, and RIPEMD
SSE2 instructions for Large Integers
Simple API
Interchangeable crypto and certificate libraries
PEM and DER certificate support
Very fast

LICENSE: GPL2 with FOSS extension

2009-12-11T13:45:54+00:00 devel/p5-Date-Calc-XS XS wrapper and C library plug-in for Date::Calc
Date::Calc::XS is a XS wrapper and C library plug-in for Date::Calc.

2009-12-09T23:34:41+00:00 devel/p5-MooseX-Types-Common Set of commonly-used type constraints that do not ship with p5-Moose
MooseX::Types::Common is a set of commonly-used type constraints
that do not ship with Moose by default.

2009-12-09T07:18:12+00:00 net/p5-XML-RPC-Fast Fast and modular implementation for an XML-RPC client and server
Fast and modular implementation for an XML-RPC client and server

2009-12-09T06:55:01+00:00 textproc/p5-XML-Hash-LX Convert hash to xml and xml to hash using LibXML
This module is a companion for XML::LibXML. It operates with LibXML
objects, could return or accept LibXML objects, and may be used for
easy data transformations.

It is faster in parsing then XML::Simple, XML::Hash, XML::Twig and
of course much slower than XML::Bare.

It is faster in composing than XML::Hash, but slower than XML::Simple.

2009-12-09T05:45:51+00:00 devel/p5-MooseX-Role-WithOverloading Roles which support overloading
MooseX::Role::WithOverloading allows you to write a Moose::Role which
defines overloaded operators and allows those operator overloadings
to be composed into the classes/roles/instances it's compiled to,
while plain Moose::Roles would lose the overloading.

2009-12-08T17:14:54+00:00 comms/dfu-programmer Device Firmware Update based USB programmer for Atmel chips
dfu-programmer is a Device Firmware Update based USB programmer
for Atmel chips with a USB bootloader.

2009-12-08T12:00:52+00:00 graphics/qtgtl Qt bindings for the Graphics Transformation Languages
The Graphics Transformation Languages is a set of libraries for using and
integrating transformation algorithms (such as filter or color conversion) in
graphics applications.
The goal is to provide the tools, languages and libraries to create generic
transformation for graphics. Those transformations could then be used by
different programs (Krita, The Gimp, CinePaint, gegl...).

Currently the focus is on developing two languages, designed for two different
- OpenCTL which is a GPL compatible of the Color Transformation Language, this
language is dedicated at transforming the value of a single pixel (for
instance brightness adjustement or desaturate). CTL is designed to be part of
the Color Management process.
- OpenShiva is inspired by Adobe's Hydra language from the AIF Toolkit, Shiva
is a language that apply a kernel-like transformations on an image, that means
it works using more than one pixel.

2009-12-08T12:00:52+00:00 graphics/opengtl Graphics Transformation Languages
The Graphics Transformation Languages is a set of libraries for using and
integrating transformation algorithms (such as filter or color conversion) in
graphics applications.
The goal is to provide the tools, languages and libraries to create generic
transformation for graphics. Those transformations could then be used by
different programs (Krita, The Gimp, CinePaint, gegl...).

Currently the focus is on developing two languages, designed for two different
- OpenCTL which is a GPL compatible of the Color Transformation Language, this
language is dedicated at transforming the value of a single pixel (for
instance brightness adjustement or desaturate). CTL is designed to be part of
the Color Management process.
- OpenShiva is inspired by Adobe's Hydra language from the AIF Toolkit, Shiva
is a language that apply a kernel-like transformations on an image, that means
it works using more than one pixel.

2009-12-08T10:53:10+00:00 net/xorp-devel Open source network routing platform, development branch
XORP is the eXtensible Open Router Platform.

The XORP project is developing an open source software router. The software
is intended to be stable and fully featured enough for production use, and
flexible and extensible enough for research use. The software is covered by
a mixture of LGPLv2 / GPLv2 licenses, and the code is publicly available,
allowing for production deployment and commercial development.

This port is for the latest SVN version of XORP.

2009-12-07T14:41:50+00:00 math/p5-Math-Random-ISAAC-XS C implementation of the ISAAC PRNG Algorithm
As with other Pseudo-Random Number Generator (PRNG) algorithms like the
Mersenne Twister (see Math::Random::MT), this algorithm is designed to
take some seed information and produce seemingly random results as output.

However, ISAAC (Indirection, Shift, Accumulate, Add, and Count) has
different goals than these commonly used algorithms. In particular, it's
really fast - on average, it requires only 18.75 machine cycles to generate
a 32-bit value. This makes it suitable for applications where a significant
amount of random data needs to be produced quickly, such solving using the
Monte Carlo method or for games.

2009-12-07T14:19:26+00:00 math/p5-Math-Random-ISAAC Perl interface to the ISAAC PRNG Algorithm
As with other Pseudo-Random Number Generator (PRNG) algorithms like the
Mersenne Twister (see Math::Random::MT), this algorithm is designed to
take some seed information and produce seemingly random results as output.

However, ISAAC (Indirection, Shift, Accumulate, Add, and Count) has
different goals than these commonly used algorithms. In particular, it's
really fast - on average, it requires only 18.75 machine cycles to generate
a 32-bit value. This makes it suitable for applications where a significant
amount of random data needs to be produced quickly, such solving using the
Monte Carlo method or for games.

2009-12-07T13:27:02+00:00 www/pear-Services_Amazon_S3 PHP API for Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service)
pear-Services_Amazon_S3 provides an object-oriented interface
to the Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3). This package is
based on the 2006-03-01 REST API.

2009-12-07T09:44:57+00:00 security/pear-Crypt_HMAC2 Implementation of Hashed Message Authentication Code for PHP5
pear-Crypt_HMAC2 is a implementation of Hashed Message Authentication
Code for PHP5.It use the hash or mhash extensions when enabled to
extend the range of cryptographic hash functions beyond the natively
implemented MD5 and SHA1.

2009-12-07T09:00:30+00:00 www/p5-HTML-FormHandler Form handler written in Moose
HTML::FormHandler allows you to define HTML form fields and validators.
It can be used for both database and non-database forms, and will
automatically update or create rows in a database. It can also be used
to process structured data that doesn't come from an HTML form.

2009-12-07T06:59:33+00:00 devel/p5-MooseX-InsideOut Inside-out objects with Moose
MooseX::InsideOut is a inside-out objects with Moose.

2009-12-07T06:52:26+00:00 www/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-AutoCRUD Instant AJAX web front-end for DBIx::Class
Catalyst::Plugin::AutoCRUD is a instant AJAX web front-end for DBIx::Class.

2009-12-06T16:17:29+00:00 lang/u++ The uSystem uC++ Compiler, a concurrent C++ extension language
The uC++ project extends C++ with new constructs providing advanced
control-flow including light-weight concurrency on shared-memory uni-
and multi-processor computers running UNIX and Linux operating systems.

2009-12-06T14:39:30+00:00 textproc/p5-String-Truncate Module for when strings are too long to be displayed
This module handles the simple but common problem of long strings
and finite terminal width.

2009-12-06T07:25:57+00:00 www/lusca-head HTTP Caching Proxy (Squid Derivative) - Stable Release
Lusca is a continuation of Squid-2 development which focuses on stability
whilst improving performance, functionality and compliance.

Lusca supports all of the features found in Squid-2. This release
currently doesn't support ICAP as it was never intergrated into the Squid-2

Lusca is a drop-in compatible replacement for the Squid-2 and Cacheboy packages.
The "squid" configuration parameters, directories and rc script setup is
mirrored from the Squid packages to facilitate this.

2009-12-06T06:01:00+00:00 x11-themes/kde4-style-skulpture KDE style featuring 3D artwork and enhanced the visual experience
Skulpture is a GUI style addon for KDE 4.0 or newer. It features a classical
three-dimensional artwork with shadows and smooth gradients to enhance the
visual experience.

2009-12-05T18:08:03+00:00 x11-themes/kde4-style-nitrogen KDE style with animations
Nitrogen-style is a temporary fork of the Oxygen widget style for KDE4
featuring smooth subtle widget animations.

2009-12-05T18:08:03+00:00 x11-themes/kde4-style-bespin Configurable KDE4 style
A configurable widget style for Qt4. Somewhat Mac like, but not a clone.

2009-12-05T16:33:14+00:00 converters/lua-iconv Iconv binding for Lua 5
Lua-iconv is POSIX 'iconv' binding for the Lua Programming Language. The iconv
library converts a sequence of characters from one codeset into a sequence of
corresponding characters in another codeset. The codesets are those specified
in the call that returned the conversion descriptor, cd.

2009-12-04T06:37:18+00:00 www/p5-Tenjin Perl extension for fast templating engine with support for embedded
Fast templating engine with support for embedded Perl.

2009-12-03T12:50:05+00:00 graphics/solang A photo manager for GNOME
Solang - A photo manager for GNOME

- Browser, editor, enlarged and slideshow renderer for viewing the entire
collection, editing, a single photo and slideshows respectively.
- Camera, Flickr and folder importer to import photos from cameras in PTP mode
Flickr and folders respectively.
- Folder exporter to export selected photos to a folder.
- Date view for showing photo dates.
- Basic editing like brightness, contrast, flipping, rotation, saturation and
scaling, and undo, redo of operations.
- Ability to copy a set of applied operations from one photo and paste it
onto others.
- Support for tagging photos and Exif data.
- Thumbnails for showing RAW files in the browser renderer.
- Search basket for drag and drop search using multiple tags, Exif fields
and/or dates.

2009-12-02T16:11:36+00:00 devel/p5-constant-boolean Define TRUE and FALSE constants
Define TRUE and FALSE constants.

2009-12-02T15:39:09+00:00 devel/p5-Devel-Backtrace Object-oriented backtrace
Object-oriented backtrace

2009-12-02T13:36:52+00:00 sysutils/istatd Daemon for iStat iPhone application
istatd is a daemon serving statistics to your iStat iPhone application
from Linux, Solaris & FreeBSD. istatd collects data such as CPU, memory,
network and disk usage and keeps the history. Once connecting from the
iPhone and entering the lock code this data will be sent to the iPhone
and shown in fancy graphs.

2009-12-02T06:06:47+00:00 devel/chrpath Tool to modify DT_RPATH in existing ELF binaries
chrpath allows you to modify the dynamic library load path (rpath) of
compiled programs. Only removing and modifying the rpath is supported.

Note: The modification performed is in-place; the new DT_RPATH cannot
be longer than the existing DT_RPATH value. Also, the binary can only
work with the ELF class of the host system.
2009-12-01T19:58:17+00:00 x11-toolkits/shared-desktop-ontologies Interoperability between desktops and collaborative environments
The shared-desktop-ontologies package brings the semantic web to
the desktop in terms of vocabulary. It contains the well known core
ontologies such as RDF and RDFS as well as the Nepomuk ontologies
which are used by projects like KDE or Strigi.

2009-12-01T15:27:38+00:00 devel/rubygem-webby Small website management system
Webby is a fantastic little website management system.
It would be called a content management system if it
were a bigger kid. But, it's just a runt with a
special knack for transforming text.

Webby works by combining the contents of a page with
a layout to produce HTML. The layout contains
everything common to all the pages HTML headers,
navigation menu, footer, etc. and the page
contains just the information for that page. You
can use your favorite markup language to write
your pages; Webby supports quite a few.

2009-12-01T15:27:01+00:00 devel/rubygem-logging Logging library based on Java's log4j #'
Logging is a flexible logging library for use in Ruby programs based on the
design of Java's log4j library. It features a hierarchical logging system,
custom level names, multiple output destinations per log event, custom
formatting, and more.

2009-12-01T15:26:40+00:00 devel/rubygem-launchy Helper class for launching cross-platform applications
Launchy is helper class for launching cross-platform applications in a fire and
forget manner. There are application concepts (browser, email client, etc) that
are common across all platforms, and they may be launched differently on each
platform. Launchy is here to make a common approach to launching external
application from within ruby programs.

2009-12-01T15:26:12+00:00 devel/rubygem-little_plugger Mechanism to parse ruby little-plugger files
LittlePlugger is a module that provides Gem based plugin management.
By extending your own class or module with LittlePlugger you can easily
manage the loading and initializing of plugins provided by other gems.

2009-12-01T15:25:45+00:00 devel/rubygem-loquacious Mechanism to parse ruby loquacious files
Loquacious provides a very open configuration system written in ruby and
descriptions for each configuration attribute. The attributes and descriptions
can be iterated over allowing for helpful information about those attributes to
be displayed to the user.

2009-12-01T15:25:11+00:00 devel/rubygem-configuration Mechanism to parse ruby configuration files
Ruby configuration gem provides a mechanism
for configuring ruby programs with ruby
configuration files.

2009-12-01T06:35:55+00:00 net-im/pecl-stomp PECL extension of stomp client
pecl-stomp allows php applications to communicate with any
Stomp compliant Message Brokers through easy object oriented
and procedural interfaces.

2009-12-01T06:28:02+00:00 security/pecl-pam PECL classes for PAM integration
pecl-pam provides PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules) integration.
PAM is a system of libraries that handle the authentication tasks of
applications and services. The library provides a stable API for
applications to defer to for authentication tasks.

2009-12-01T01:06:25+00:00 devel/rubygem-directory_watcher Scans a directory at a set interval and lists files
The directory watcher operates by scanning a directory at some interval and
generating a list of files based on a user supplied glob pattern. As the file
list changes from one interval to the next, events are generated and
dispatched to registered observers. Three types of events are supported --
added, modified, and removed.

2009-11-30T00:18:23+00:00 www/p5-Plack-Middleware-Deflater Perl extension to compress response body with Gzip or Deflate
Compress response body with Gzip or Deflate.

2009-11-29T18:01:23+00:00 sysutils/hwstat Command line tool to display CPU temp and battery infos
FreeBSD only command line tool to display CPU temp and battery infos.

2009-11-29T17:53:18+00:00 japanese/font-mona-ipa IPA Japanese TrueType fonts with Mona font
Japanese TrueType fonts distributed by Infomation-technology Promotion
Agency (IPA) Japan. Included Mona font is for rendering ASCII arts
which assume character width in MS Mincho/Gothic font series.

2009-11-29T00:02:41+00:00 devel/pear-PEAR_PackageFileManager_Plugins The plugins for PEAR_PackageFileManager
The plugins for PEAR_PackageFileManager to pick up what files to use.
Supported are
* File
* Perforce

This package is to be used with PackageFileManager v1 and v2 and can't
be used on it's own

2009-11-28T23:55:53+00:00 devel/pear-PEAR_PackageFileManager2 PEAR class to maintain PEAR packages
This package revolutionizes the maintenance of PEAR packages.
With a few parameters, the entire package.xml is automatically
updated with a listing of all files in a package.
Features include
- manages the new package.xml 2.0 format in PEAR 1.4.0
- can detect PHP and extension dependencies using PHP_CompatInfo
- reads in an existing package.xml file, and only changes the release/changelog
- a plugin system for retrieving files in a directory. Currently four plugins
exist, one for standard recursive directory content listing, one that
reads the CVS/Entries files and generates a file listing based on the contents
of a checked out CVS repository, one that reads Subversion entries files, and
one that queries a Perforce repository.
- incredibly flexible options for assigning install roles to files/directories
- ability to ignore any file based on a * ? wildcard-enabled string(s)
- ability to include only files that match a * ? wildcard-enabled string(s)
- ability to manage dependencies
- can output the package.xml in any directory, and read in the package.xml
file from any directory.
- can specify a different name for the package.xml file

2009-11-28T20:30:12+00:00 audio/ario GTK client for MPD
Ario is a GTK2 client for MPD (Music player daemon). The interface used to
browse the library is inspired by Rhythmbox but Ario aims to be much lighter
and faster.

2009-11-28T20:07:16+00:00 www/gir-repository-webkit
2009-11-28T20:06:37+00:00 x11/gnome-shell Next generation GNOME desktop shell
Next generation GNOME desktop shell

2009-11-28T20:06:37+00:00 x11/gir-repository-gnome-menus
2009-11-28T20:06:37+00:00 x11/gir-repository-babl
2009-11-28T20:06:37+00:00 x11-wm/mutter Window and compositing manager based on Clutter
mutter is a minimal X window manager aimed at nontechnical users and is
designed to integrate well with the GNOME desktop. mutter lacks some
features that may be expected by traditional UNIX or other technical
users; these users may want to investigate other available window man-
agers for use with GNOME or standalone.
2009-11-28T20:06:37+00:00 x11-toolkits/gir-repository-vte
2009-11-28T20:06:37+00:00 x11-toolkits/gir-repository-pango
2009-11-28T20:06:37+00:00 x11-toolkits/gir-repository-libwnck
2009-11-28T20:06:37+00:00 x11-toolkits/gir-repository-gtksourceview2
2009-11-28T20:06:37+00:00 x11-toolkits/gir-repository-gtk20
2009-11-28T20:06:37+00:00 x11-fm/gir-repository-nautilus
2009-11-28T20:06:37+00:00 sysutils/polkit Framework for controlling access to system-wide components
Polkit is a toolkit for defining and handling authorizations. It is used
for allowing unprivileged processes to speak to privileged processes.

2009-11-28T20:06:37+00:00 sysutils/polkit-gnome GNOME frontend to the PolicyKit framework
PolicyKit is a framework for defining policy for system-wide components and
for desktop pieces to configure it. PolicyKit-gnome is a GTK+/GNOME frontend
for that framework.

2009-11-28T20:06:37+00:00 security/gir-repository-gnome-keyring
2009-11-28T20:06:37+00:00 net/gir-repository-avahi
2009-11-28T20:06:37+00:00 mail/libmapi Open Source implementation of Microsoft Exchange protocols
The OpenChange MAPI library aims to provide interoperability with an
Open Source implementation of Microsoft Exchange protocols under UNIX/Linux.
The current implementation offers a client-side library which can be used in
existing messaging clients and offer native compatibility with Exchange Servers
up to 2007.

MAPI stands for Messaging Application Programming Interface and is used in the
Microsoft Exchange Server groupware server. This solution works with Outlook
and provides collaborative features such as a messaging server, shared
calendars, contact databases, public folders and tasks.

2009-11-28T20:06:37+00:00 mail/evolution-mapi Evolution Microsoft Exchange plugin through OpenChange
2009-11-28T20:06:37+00:00 lang/gjs GNOME Javascript binding
JavaScript bindings based on gobject-introspection.

2009-11-28T20:06:37+00:00 graphics/py-clutter-gtk Python modules for Clutter-gtk toolkit
Python bindings for clutter-gtk

2009-11-28T20:06:37+00:00 graphics/libchamplain C library aimed to provide a Gtk+ widget to display rasterized maps and markers
Libchamplain is a C library providing a ClutterActor to display maps. It also
provides a Gtk+ widget to display maps in Gtk+ applications. Mono, Python and
Perl bindings are available.

It supports numerous free map sources such as OpenStreetMap [1],
OpenAerialMap [2] and Maps for free [3].
[1] [2]

2009-11-28T20:06:37+00:00 graphics/gir-repository-poppler
2009-11-28T20:06:37+00:00 graphics/gir-repository-goocanvas
2009-11-28T20:06:37+00:00 graphics/eog-plugins Plug-ins for the Eye of GNOME image viewer application
EoG-plugins is a collection of plugins for use with the Eye of GNOME Image
2009-11-28T20:06:37+00:00 graphics/clutter-qt QT+ Integration library for Clutter
QT+ Integration library for Clutter.

2009-11-28T20:06:37+00:00 devel/seed GObject JavaScriptCore bridge
Seed is a library and interpreter, dynamically bridging (through
GObjectIntrospection) the WebKit JavaScriptCore engine, with the GNOME
platform. Seed serves as something which enables you to write standalone
applications in JavaScript, or easily enable your application to be extensible
in JavaScript.

2009-11-28T20:06:37+00:00 devel/mm-common Common build infrastructure for the GNOME C++ binding libraries
This module is part of the GNOME C++ bindings effort <>.

The mm-common module provides the build infrastructure and utilities
shared among the GNOME C++ binding libraries. It is only a required
dependency for building the C++ bindings from the version
control repository. An installation of mm-common is not required for
building tarball releases, unless configured to use maintainer-mode.

Release archives of mm-common include the Doxygen tag file for the
GNU C++ Library reference documentation. It is covered by the same
licence as the source code it was extracted from. More information
is available at <>.

2009-11-28T20:06:37+00:00 devel/gobject-introspection Generate interface introspection data for GObject libraries
GObject Introspection is a project for providing machine readable introspection
data of the API of C libraries. This introspection data can be used in several
different use cases, for example automatic code generation for bindings, API
verification and documentation generation.

GObject Introspection contains tools to generate and handle the introspection

2009-11-28T20:06:37+00:00 devel/gnome-js-common GNOME JavaScript common modules and tests
gnome-js-common is a module holding tests and JavaScript code useful
or common to both Seed and gjs.
2009-11-28T20:06:37+00:00 devel/gir-repository Introspection information for various libraries
This is a repository of GIR interface description files.
2009-11-28T20:06:37+00:00 devel/gir-repository-libsoup
2009-11-28T20:06:37+00:00 devel/gir-repository-libnotify
2009-11-28T20:06:37+00:00 devel/gir-repository-gconf2
2009-11-28T20:06:37+00:00 devel/gir-repository-dbus
2009-11-28T20:06:37+00:00 devel/eggdbus D-Bus bindings for GObject
EggDBus aims to be an easy-to-use set of GObject bindings for interacting
with DBus. Currently, this interaction is done using libdbus-1 but that
is subject to change.

for more on the goals and design of EggDBus.

2009-11-28T20:06:37+00:00 devel/anjuta-extras Extra anjuta 3 plugins
Extra plugins for the Anjuta IDE.

2009-11-28T20:06:37+00:00 deskutils/gnote C++ version of Tomboy, note taking application
Gnote is a port of Tomboy to C++.

It is the same note taking application, including most of the add-ins (more
are to come). Synchronization support is being worked on.

2009-11-28T20:06:37+00:00 accessibility/gir-repository-atk
2009-11-28T13:52:54+00:00 devel/flexdock Swing windowing and docking framework
FlexDock is a Java docking framework for use in cross-platform
Swing applications. It offers features you'd expect in any desktop
docking framework such as:

* Tabbed and Split Layouts
* Drag-n-Drop capability (with native drag rubber band painting
on some platforms)
* Floating windows
* Collapsible Containers to Save Real Estate
* Layout Persistence

2009-11-28T13:26:18+00:00 www/p5-CSS-Inliner Library for converting CSS blocks and files to inline styles
Library for converting CSS <style> blocks and external CSS files to inline

2009-11-27T21:57:00+00:00 mail/claws-mail-python Python scripting plugin for Claws Mail
This plugin provides Python integration features.

2009-11-27T21:56:26+00:00 mail/claws-mail-bsfilter Spam filtering, bsfilter based plugin for Claws Mail
Check all messages that are received from an IMAP, LOCAL
or POP account for spam using Bsfilter.

2009-11-27T10:53:04+00:00 audio/mp3splt-gtk Utility to split mp3 and ogg files (via GTK Interface)
Mp3Splt is a command line utility to split mp3 and ogg files selecting a begin
and an end time position, without decoding. It's very useful to split large
mp3/ogg to make smaller files or to split entire albums to obtain original
tracks. If you want to split an album, you can select split points and
filenames manually or you can get them automatically from CDDB (Internet or a
local file) or from .cue files. Otherwise if you have a file created either
with Mp3Wrap or AlbumWrap you can extract tracks just in few seconds. Supports
VBR mp3.

2009-11-26T14:28:22+00:00 print/py-trml2pdf Tiny RML2PDF easily creates PDF documents
Tiny RML2PDF is a component of the Open Report project. It can be used with
the Tiny Reporting Server to have a complete solution to render PDF file on
the fly.
2009-11-26T14:21:21+00:00 www/py-django-registration User-registration application for Django
A fairly simple user-registration application for Django,
designed to make allowing user signups as painless as possible

2009-11-25T16:15:17+00:00 databases/py-pylibmc Quick and small memcached client for Python
pylibmc is a client in Python for memcached. It is a wrapper around
TangentOrg's libmemcached library.

The interface is intentionally made as close to python-memcached as possible,
so that applications can drop-in replace it.

pylibmc leverages among other things configurable behaviors, data pickling,
data compression, battle-tested GIL retention, consistent distribution, and
the binary memcached protocol.

2009-11-25T12:14:46+00:00 graphics/gource OpenGL-based 3D visualisation tool for source control repositories
OpenGL-based 3D visualisation tool for source control repositories.

The repository is displayed as a tree where the root of the
repository is the centre, directories are branches and files
are leaves. Contributors to the source code appear and disappear
as they contribute to specific files and directories.

2009-11-25T11:46:52+00:00 www/p5-pQuery Perl Port of jQuery.js
pQuery is a pragmatic attempt to port the jQuery JavaScript framework to
Perl. It is pragmatic in the sense that it switches certain JavaScript
idioms for Perl ones, in order to make the use of it concise. A primary
goal of jQuery is to "Find things and do things, concisely". pQuery has
the same goal.

2009-11-25T02:40:18+00:00 devel/p5-Data-Dumper-Concise Less indentation and newlines plus sub deparsing
Data::Dumper::Concise is a perl module for less indentation and
newlines plus sub deparsing.

2009-11-24T14:51:07+00:00 textproc/p5-Parse-BooleanLogic Parser of boolean expressions
Parse::BooleanLogic is a fast parser for boolean expressions. Originally
written for Request Tracker to parse SQL like expressions, it can be
used to parse other boolean logic sentences with OPERANDs joined using
binary OPERATORs and grouped and nested using parentheses.

2009-11-23T13:33:44+00:00 databases/pymongo Python driver for MongoDB
The PyMongo distribution contains tools for interacting with
the Mongo database from Python. The pymongo package is a native
Python driver for the Mongo database. The gridfs package is a
gridfs implementation on top of pymongo.

2009-11-23T12:43:21+00:00 databases/pecl-mongo PECL classes for Mongo Database Driver
pecl-mongo provides an interface for communicating with the
Mongo database in PHP.

2009-11-22T22:19:10+00:00 net-mgmt/wifimgr WiFi Networks Manager
wifimgr is a GTK+-based GUI for management of WiFi networks on BSD systems.
It acts as an interface to the existing /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf networks
configuration file, and supports WEP and WPA-PSK security.

wifimgr was designed for users of the XFce4 window manager but will work
in any environment with GTK+ libraries installed.

2009-11-22T13:21:29+00:00 textproc/ibus-table Table-based input method framework for IBus
This is the table based input method framework for IBus (Intelligent Input
Bus). It does not include real tables except two demo layouts, "Compose"
(which mimics Compose Key input) and "LaTeX" (which allows you to use LaTeX
commands as keyboard sequences to input various symbols).

2009-11-22T12:14:10+00:00 textproc/ibus-qt IBus input method module for Qt4
Intelligent Input Bus for Linux / Unix OS, iBus, is the next generation
input framework, developed by the developer of scim-python, includes all
its function, and much more.

This is the ibus-qt port, the input method module for Qt4 of ibus.
You may select ibus as the input method in qtconfig after installation.

2009-11-21T15:18:06+00:00 sysutils/p5-Plugtools Manages POSIX users in LDAP and is extensible via a plugin system
Manages POSIX users in LDAP and is extensible via a plugin system.

plgadd - Add a new group to LDAP.
plgclean - Check groups setup in LDAP for non-existent users and remove them.
plgmod - Modify a group setup in LDAP.
plgrm - Remove a group from LDAP.
pluadd - Add a user to LDAP.
plumod - Modify a user in LDAP.
plupass - Update the password for a user in LDAP.
plurm - Remove a user from LDAP.

2009-11-21T10:18:54+00:00 www/anyterm Terminal emulator on a Web page
Anyterm provides a terminal emulator on a Web page using Javascript and a
server daemon. The daemon typically runs behind an HTTP proxy; it forks a shell
and communicates with the script using XMLHTTP on port 80 or securely using
SSL. This provides you with shell access to your machine from almost any Web
browser, even when firewalls are in the way.

2009-11-21T05:17:19+00:00 shells/dash POSIX-compliant implementation of /bin/sh
DASH is a POSIX-compliant implementation of /bin/sh that aims to be as small as
possible. It does this without sacrificing speed where possible. In fact, it
is significantly faster than bash (the GNU Bourne-Again SHell) for most tasks.

2009-11-21T00:18:04+00:00 net/sippy_b2bua SIP Back-to-back user agent (B2BUA) server with Radius support
Sippy B2BUA is a RFC3261-compliant Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
Back-to-back user agent (B2BUA) server software.

The B2BUA is a SIP call controlling component. Unlike a SIP proxy, which only
maintains transaction state, the B2BUA maintains complete call state and
participates in all call requests. For this reason it can perform number of
functions that are not possible to implement using SIP proxy, such as for
example accurate call accounting, pre-paid rating and billing, fail over call
routing etc. Unlike PBX-type solutions such as Asterisk for example, the B2BUA
doesn't perform any media relaying or processing, therefore it doesn't
introduce any additional packet loss, delay or jitter into the media path.

o Realtime calls control and call data records (CDRs) generation;
o Optional ability to use Sippy RTPproxy for media relaying;
o Optional ability to perform Cisco-compatible RADIUS AAA (Authentication,
Authorization and Accounting);
o RFC3261 compliance;
o RFC3326 support;
o IPv6 support;
o Seamless compatibility with majority of popular SIP software and hardware
on the market today;
o Robustness and Resilience.

2009-11-20T20:32:03+00:00 mail/slapd-cyrus Slapd backend to translate DIT into Cyrus configuration
slapd-cyrus is a slapd perl backend, used to translate LDAP DIT into
Cyrus IMAP-server configuration. It can manage user folders, shared
folders and ACLs of shared folders.

2009-11-20T19:07:28+00:00 devel/p5-Log-Handler Object-oriented handler for logging, tracing, and debugging in Perl
Log::Handler is an object-oriented handler for logging, tracing and
debugging. It is very easy to use and provides a simple interface for
multiple output objects with lots of configuration parameters.

2009-11-20T18:56:41+00:00 net/p5-AnyEvent-Twitter Implementation of the Twitter API for AnyEvent
AnyEvent::Twitter - Implementation of the Twitter API for AnyEvent

2009-11-20T18:47:35+00:00 net-mgmt/bgpq3 Lightweight prefix-list generator for various routers
bgpq3 is a lightweight access-list/prefix-list/as-path access-list generator
for Cisco, Juniper and many other routers and routing daemons.

This program is a mostly complete re-implementation of bgpq (net-mgmt/bgpq),
with next major advantages:
- much faster, especially for large as-sets.
- supports ipv6 both at transport level and in prefix/access-lists generation.
- supports asn32 in both asdot and asplain notation, also supports
"transition" as23456 generation instead of asn32.

However, bgpq3 cannot be used as a full replacement of bgpq, because:
- "more specific" prefix filtering is not implemented (and not planned).
- GateD prefix-filters generation is not implemented (and not planned).
- Cisco standard access-lists generation is not implemented (and not planned).

2009-11-19T13:44:38+00:00 science/pybrain Swiss Army knife for neural networking
PyBrain is a modular Machine Learning Library for Python.
It's goal is to offer flexible, easy-to-use yet still powerful
algorithms for Machine Learning Tasks and a variety of
predefined environments to test and compare your algorithms.

PyBrain is short for Python-Based Reinforcement Learning,
Artificial Intelligence and Neural Network Library. In fact,
we came up with the name first and later reverse-engineerer
this quite descriptive "Backronym".

2009-11-19T09:37:24+00:00 mail/p5-Email-MIME-Creator-ISO_2022_JP Perl extension of Email::MIME mixin to create an iso-2022-jp mail
Email::MIME mixin to create an iso-2022-jp mail.

2009-11-19T07:09:00+00:00 databases/mongodb-devel A NOSQL distributed document-oriented database
Mongo (from "humongous") is a high-performance, open source,
schema-free, document-oriented database. A common name in the
"NOSQL" community.

2009-11-19T06:53:27+00:00 databases/mongodb NOSQL distributed document-oriented database
Mongo (from "humongous") is a high-performance, open source,
schema-free, document-oriented database. A common name in the
"NOSQL" community.

2009-11-18T20:03:01+00:00 graphics/klatexformula Convert LaTeX formula to image
KLatexFormula is a Qt program to easily get an image from a LaTeX
formula. Just enter a formula, click "Evaluate", then you can
drag & drop or copy the resulting image to another location (an
OpenOffice document, for example) or save it as an image (many
formats are available).

2009-11-18T10:40:18+00:00 devel/p5-Time-Format Easy-to-use date/time formatting
Time::Format provides a very easy way to format dates and times. The
formatting functions are tied to hash variables, so they can be used
inside strings as well as in ordinary expressions. The formatting
codes used are meant to be easy to remember, use, and read. They
follow a simple, consistent pattern. If I've done my job right, once
you learn the codes, you should never have to refer to the
documentation again.
A quick-reference page is included, just in case. ;-)

Time::Format can also format DateTime objects, and strings created
with Date::Manip.

Also provided is a tied-hash interface to POSIX::strftime and

If the I18N::Langinfo module is available, Time::Format provides
weekday and month names in a language appropriate for your locale.

A companion module, Time::Format_XS, is also available; if it is
installed, Time::Format will detect and use it, which will result in a
significant speed improvement.

2009-11-18T05:53:17+00:00 biology/pyfasta Fast, memory-efficient, pythonic access to fasta sequence files
pyfasta is a python module for fast, memory-efficient, pythonic
access to fasta sequence files.

2009-11-17T16:55:55+00:00 databases/ruby-pg Ruby interface to PostgreSQL library
A Ruby interface to the PostgreSQL Relational Database Management System.

The 'pg' module is the newer module, that has been greatly improved, and
is almost a complete rewrite. It is not backwards compatible. Use this module
for newly written code. It should be more stable, less buggy, and has more

LICENSE: Ruby License or GPL2

2009-11-17T09:13:12+00:00 net/opendpi Open source deep packet inspection engine
The OpenDPI deep packet inspection engine.

2009-11-17T09:12:42+00:00 editors/py-room PyRoom is a clone of WriteRoom and features "distraction-free writing"
With the goal of staying out of your way while writing creatively, PyRoom has a
very specialized featureset. In fact, most features are hidden from your main
interface, not cluttering your workspace with buttons and menus and statistics.

Features of PyRoom:
* no visual clutter
* work on multiple documents at once (main text, outline, etc)
* control PyRoom via keyboard shortcuts
* autosave your work
* check wordcounts on keypress
* choose from preconfigured designs or create your own color scheme
* further customize visual appearance and whitespace (line spacing, border,

2009-11-17T09:12:08+00:00 math/saga System for Automated Geoscientific Analyses
SAGA - short hand for "System for Automated Geoscientific Analyses" - is a free,
hybrid, cross-platform GIS software.
The heart of SAGA is its C++ and thus object oriented Application Programming
Interface (API), providing data object definitions and computational methods for
raster, vector and tabular data. As a normal user, you will not get into touch
with the API. But as an interested scientist or coder you will soon discover
its great flexibility.

2009-11-17T09:10:45+00:00 www/closure-compiler Closure Compiler
Closure Compiler is a JavaScript optimizing compiler. It parses your
JavaScript, analyzes it, removes dead code and rewrites and minimizes
what's left. It also checks syntax, variable references, and types,
and warns about common JavaScript pitfalls. It is used in many of
Google's JavaScript apps, including Gmail, Google Web Search, Google
Maps, and Google Docs.

2009-11-16T06:00:38+00:00 devel/p5-MooseX-Has-Sugar Sugar Syntax for moose has fields
MooseX::Has::Sugar is a perl module of sugar sytax for moose
'has' fields.

2009-11-16T04:42:59+00:00 devel/p5-Find-Lib Helper to smartly find libs to use in the filesystem tree
Find::Lib is a perl helper to smartly find libs to use in the
filesystem tree.

2009-11-15T10:13:21+00:00 databases/ruby-dbd-sqlite3 SQLite3 driver for DBI-for-Ruby
This is the SQLite3 driver for DBI-for-Ruby.

Author: Erik Hollensben
2009-11-13T14:07:49+00:00 textproc/goldendict Feature-rich dictionary lookup program
A feature-rich dictionary lookup program, supporting multiple dictionary
formats (StarDict/Babylon/Lingvo/Dictd) and online dictionaries, featuring
perfect article rendering with the complete markup, illustrations and other
content retained, and allowing you to type in words without any accents or
correct case.

2009-11-13T14:07:49+00:00 textproc/goldendict-devel A feature-rich dictionary lookup program (with QT lib)
The project aims to create a feature-rich dictionary lookup program.
It supports:
* Babylon .BGL files, complete with images and resources;
* StarDict .ifo/.dict./.idx/.syn dictionaries;
* Dictd .index/.dict(.dz) dictionary files;
* ABBYY Lingvo .dsl source files, together with abbreviations.
The files can be optionally compressed with dictzip. Dictionary
resources can be packed together into a .zip file;
* ABBYY Lingvo .lsa/.dat audio archives. Those can be indexed
separately, or be referred to from .dsl files.

LICENSE: GPL3 or later

2009-11-13T02:08:43+00:00 lang/qore Qore Programming Language
Qore is a dynamically-typed, embeddabble programming
language designed for SMP scalability.

2009-11-12T22:42:29+00:00 www/p5-ZConf-RSS-GUI-GTK Provides a GTK backend for ZConf::RSS::GUI
Provides a GTK backend for ZConf::RSS::GUI.

2009-11-12T22:41:48+00:00 sysutils/rubygem-bundler Tool that manages gem dependencies for Ruby applications
Bundler is a tool that manages gem dependencies for your ruby application. It
takes a gem manifest file and is able to fetch, download, and install the gems
and all child dependencies specified in this manifest. It can manage any update
to the gem manifest file and update the bundled gems accordingly. It also
letsyou run any ruby code in context of the bundled gem environment.

2009-11-12T15:32:33+00:00 net/p5-Beanstalk-Client Perl API for beanstalkd, a distributed queue daemon
Beanstalk::Client provides a Perl API of protocol version 1.0 to the beanstalkd
server, a fast, general-purpose, in-memory workqueue service by Keith Rarick.

2009-11-12T11:02:48+00:00 www/blogsum Simple weblog
Blogsum is a weblog application with a focus on simplicity and security.
It was designed from scratch to be easy to use and easier to maintain.

2009-11-12T03:28:15+00:00 print/rubygem-prawn-security Extension of Prawn
rubygem-prawn-security is an extension of Prawn.

2009-11-11T16:43:59+00:00 net-p2p/uhub High performance peer-to-peer hub for the ADC network
uHub is a high performance peer-to-peer hub for the ADC network.
Its low memory footprint allows it to handle several thousand users
on high-end servers, or a small private hub on embedded hardware.

2009-11-11T16:38:48+00:00 graphics/mupdf Lightweight PDF viewer and toolkit
MuPDF is a lightweight PDF viewer and toolkit written in portable C.

The renderer in MuPDF is tailored for high quality anti-aliased graphics. It
renders text with metrics and spacing accurate to within fractions of a
pixel for the highest fidelity in reproducing the look of a printed page on

MuPDF has a small footprint. A binary that includes the standard Roman fonts
is only one megabyte. A build with full CJK support (including an Asian
font) is approximately five megabytes.

MuPDF has support for all non-interactive PDF 1.7 features, and the toolkit
provides a simple API for accessing the internal structures of the PDF
document. Example code for navigating interactive links and bookmarks,
encrypting PDF files, extracting fonts, images, and searchable text, and
rendering pages to image files is provided.

2009-11-11T06:40:29+00:00 www/p5-ZConf-RSS ZConf backed RSS fetching and viewing
A ZConf backed system for fetching and viewing RSS

zcrss-addfeed Calls the addFeed dialog for ZConf::RSS::GUI
zcrss-admin Manages stuff in ZConf for ZConf::RSS.
zcrss-browse Calls the view dialog for ZConf::RSS::GUI
zcrss-get Fetches a feed and applies the template for it.
zcrss-managetemplates Calls the manage di

2009-11-11T01:32:26+00:00 lang/gnat-gcc44 The GNU Ada Compiler system
The GNU Ada compiler system built from GCC 4.4.0.

Please add ${PREFIX}/bin/gcc44 to your PATH variable
before using this port.

2009-11-10T16:13:36+00:00 devel/csoap Client/server SOAP library written in pure C
csoap is a client/server SOAP library implemented in pure C.
It comes with an embedded HTTP server called nanohttp.
The transferred XML structures are handled by libxml2.
csoap comes with the following features:
- client/server HTTP engine
- Attachments via MIME
- https (SSL) with OpenSSL

2009-11-10T11:16:35+00:00 textproc/p5-XML-Validate XML validator factory
XML::Validate is a generic interface to different XML validation backends.

Backends for the following validators are included with this distribution:
** LibXML (& you'll need XML::LibXML)
** Xerces (& you'll need XML::Xerces)

2009-11-10T10:12:23+00:00 mail/archivesmtp SMTP mail archiver
ArchiveSMTP is a mail archiver designed to be run on an SMTP mail server. It
uses rule-based matching to collect and store mail passing through an MTA to
specific locations in mbox format. Adding headers and piping output to other
programs is also supported. The libmilter interface is used and must be
supported by the MTA for ArchiveSMTP to work.

Version: 1.2

2009-11-09T16:43:06+00:00 databases/db48 Berkeley DB package, revision 4.8
Oracle Berkeley DB is a family of open source embeddable databases
that allows developers to incorporate within their applications a
fast, scalable, transactional database engine with industrial grade
reliability and availability. As a result, customers and end-users
will experience an application that simply works, reliably manages
data, can scale under extreme load, but requires no ongoing database
administration. As a developer, you can focus on your application and
be confident that Oracle Berkeley DB will manage your persistence

2009-11-09T12:13:18+00:00 www/lionwiki Minimalis wiki, extensible, templatable and file based
LionWiki is a minimalis Wiki engine programmed in PHP. It's extensible,
templatable, file based (it doesn't need database like MySQL) and requires
just one file to function. It's suitable for small websites, personal
notebooks or journals.

2009-11-08T03:32:10+00:00 games/railroad-rampage Tower Defence-like Arcade and Strategy combination
Railroad Rampage is a cross between an arcade game and a strategy
game. It is similiar in construction to many "Tower Defence" games,
but it has a twist: here, you are part of the action and can affect
the game in many different ways more than just building structures.
Bandits are trying to rob your train and steal all precious cargo!
Thankfully, you are a skilled engineer who can construct many
different kinds of turrets and use them to defend your train. You
have to make it through 20 waves of relentless enemy assault before
you reach your destination, so plan ahead and devise a smart strategy
and you may survive!

2009-11-08T03:19:45+00:00 devel/bennugd-modules High level open source game development suite, modules
Bennu is a high level open source game development suite which
focuses on modularity and portability, making it a perfect choice
for cross-platform game development.

Although officialy it is only supported on Windows, Linux and GP2X
Wiz (on the right), Bennu can run on multiple other platforms,
including *BSD, MacOSX and other consoles such as the Wii, Dingoo
A320, GP2X, or the classic Xbox.

This makes it really fun to code in Bennu: the game can be played
on you computer AND your console!

2009-11-08T03:19:45+00:00 devel/bennugd-core High level open source game development suite, core libs
Bennu is a high level open source game development suite which
focuses on modularity and portability, making it a perfect choice
for cross-platform game development.

Although officialy it is only supported on Windows, Linux and GP2X
Wiz (on the right), Bennu can run on multiple other platforms,
including *BSD, MacOSX and other consoles such as the Wii, Dingoo
A320, GP2X, or the classic Xbox.

This makes it really fun to code in Bennu: the game can be played
on you computer AND your console!

2009-11-07T19:23:14+00:00 www/ftasv Is a commandline scoreboard viewer for the Apache server
Apache's status module is an easy way to get information about what
your webserver is doing - at any time, except when you need that
information. Because this information is normally gathered via the
server-status page, it will be unavailable when the webserver is not responding.
The system administrator can restart the daemon and hope to get a glimpse of the
server-status page, a tiny clue about what is causing the trouble, before the
server gets overloaded again.

This project aims at helping the system administrator get his information
in crisis situations.

2009-11-07T01:23:59+00:00 biology/velvet Sequence assembler for very short reads
Velvet is a de novo genomic assembler specially designed for short read
sequencing technologies, such as Solexa or 454, developed by Daniel Zerbino
and Ewan Birney at the European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI).


Velvet: algorithms for de novo short read assembly using de Bruijn graphs.
D.R. Zerbino and E. Birney. Genome Research 18: 821-829 (2008)

2009-11-06T18:01:27+00:00 net-im/twirssi Twitter script to irssi
Twirssi allows you to post to Twitter and from your favorite IRC
client, as well as:

* Read your friend feed, and your replies (from people on and not on your feed).
* Receive and send direct messages (DMs)
* Use multiple accounts, on either twitter or - follow, read and post
* See the context when your friends reply to users you aren't following

2009-11-06T13:46:00+00:00 databases/p5-Rose-DBx-Object-Renderer Web UI Rendering for Rose::DB::Object
Rose::DBx::Object::Renderer generates web UIs for Rose::DB::Object.
It encapsulates many web conventions in the generated UIs as default
behaviours. For example, email addresses are by default rendered as
mailto links in tables and appropiate validation is enforced
automatically in forms. These behaviours are highly extensible.

Renderer uses CGI::FormBuilder to generate forms and the Google Chart
API to render charts. Template::Toolkit is used for template processing,
however, Renderer can dynamically generate a full set of UIs without
any templates.

2009-11-05T16:36:10+00:00 devel/p5-App-SVN-Bisect Binary search through svn revisions
SVN binary search, based on git-bisect.

2009-11-05T07:55:23+00:00 devel/p5-Devel-Size-Report Generate a size report for all elements in a structure
Devel::Size can only report the size of a single element or the total size of a
structure (array, hash etc). This module enhances Devel::Size by giving you the
ability to generate a full size report for each element in a structure.

You have full control over how the generated text report looks like, and where
you want to output it. In addition, the method track_size allows you to get at
the raw data that is used to generate the report for even more flexibility.

2009-11-05T06:49:05+00:00 irc/p5-AnyEvent-IRC Event system independent IRC protocol module
AnyEvent::IRC is an event system independend IRC protocol module.

2009-11-04T15:12:22+00:00 net-mgmt/nagiosgrapher Collects the output from Nagios and generates graphs
NagiosGrapher is a full-featured RRD based charting software especially
for Nagios. You can extract perfdata and pluginoutput with preg to define
datasources and display it with all RRD options. NG is Template based to
graph thousands of similar charts with one configuration.

2009-11-04T14:56:53+00:00 www/py-django-tagging Generic tagging application for Django
A generic tagging application for Django projects, which allows association of
a number of tags with any Model instance and makes retrieval of tags simple.

2009-11-04T14:37:37+00:00 converters/py-unidecode ASCII transliterations of Unicode text
What Unidecode provides is a function, 'unidecode(...)' that
takes Unicode data and tries to represent it in ASCII characters
(i.e., the universally displayable characters between 0x00 and 0x7F).
The representation is almost always an attempt at *transliteration*
-- i.e., conveying, in Roman letters, the pronunciation expressed by
the text in some other writing system. (See the example above)

2009-11-04T14:22:10+00:00 archivers/p5-Archive-SimpleExtractor Simple module for extract archives
Simple module for extract archives

2009-11-04T14:07:18+00:00 archivers/p5-Archive-Rar Interface with the 'rar' command
Archive::Rar uses the standard perl module install process

2009-11-04T10:18:03+00:00 www/trac-gitplugin Git plugin for Trac
GitTrac is a plugin for Trac which enables Git to be used instead of Subversion
as the VersioningSystemBackend for Trac.

2009-11-04T09:53:24+00:00 devel/py-pudb Full-screen, console-based Python debugger
PuDB is a full-screen, console-based visual debugger for Python.

Its goal is to provide all the niceties of modern GUI-based debuggers in a more
lightweight and keyboard-friendly package. PuDB allows you to debug code right
where you write and test it--in a terminal. If you've worked with the excellent
(but nowadays ancient) DOS-based Turbo Pascal or C tools, PuDB's UI might look

2009-11-04T09:13:22+00:00 www/py-bottle Fast and simple WSGI-framework for small web-applications
Bottle is a fast and simple micro-framework for small web-applications.
It offers request dispatching (Routes) with url parameter support,
Templates, key/value Databases, a build-in HTTP Server and adapters
for many third party WSGI/HTTP-server and template engines.
All in a single file and with no dependencies other than the Python
Standard Library.

2009-11-03T22:37:56+00:00 editors/p5-Vimana Vim script manager
Vimana is an easy to use system for searching, downloading, and installing
vim scripts.

Vimana provides a command-line interface much like the aptitude program on
Debian Linux, for you to search, download, install, and upgrade scripts
from (vimonline site).

2009-11-03T17:00:12+00:00 net/p5-Net-LDAP-posixGroup Creates new Net::LDAP::Entry objects for a posixGroup entry
Creates new Net::LDAP::Entry objects for a posixGroup entry.

2009-11-03T16:59:38+00:00 net/p5-Net-LDAP-posixAccount Creates new Net::LDAP::Entry objects for a posixAccount entry
Creates new Net::LDAP::Entry objects for a posixAccount entry.

2009-11-03T08:00:23+00:00 sysutils/sdparm Utilities to access SCSI device parameters
The sdparm utility accesses SCSI device parameters. When the SCSI device
is a disk, sdparm's role is similar to its namesake: the Linux hdparm
utility which is primarily designed for ATA disks that had device names
starting with "hd". More generally sdparm can be used to access parameters
on any device that uses a SCSI command set. Apart from SCSI disks, such
devices include CD/DVD drives (irrespective of transport), SCSI and ATAPI
tape drives and SCSI enclosures. A small set of commands associated with
starting and stopping the media, loading and unloading removable media
and some other housekeeping functions can also be sent with this utility.

2009-11-02T20:58:44+00:00 sysutils/p5-Sys-User-UIDhelper Helps for locating free UIDs
Helps for locating free UIDs.

2009-11-02T20:57:36+00:00 sysutils/p5-Sys-Group-GIDhelper Helps for locating free GIDs
Helps for locating free GIDs.

2009-11-02T20:06:32+00:00 x11-themes/kde4-windeco-nitrogen KDE4 window decoration
The Nitrogen window decoration is a fork of the oxygen/ozone
decoration that allows notably to:

- resize window borders,
- change buttons size,
- hide the horizontal separator.
- select different title bar blending and frame border size depending on
the window title or name, in order to have better integration of GTK
based windows in the decoration style.
- add a size-grip handle in the bottom-right corner of windows. This is
particularly useful when the no-border option is selected.

2009-11-02T13:28:00+00:00 devel/p5-MooseX-Role-Parameterized Roles with composition parameters
Roles are composable units of behavior. They are useful for factoring out
functionality common to many classes from any part of your class hierarchy. See
L<Moose::Cookbook::Roles::Comparable_CodeReuse> for an introduction to

While combining roles affords you a great deal of flexibility, individual roles
have very little in the way of configurability. Core Moose provides C<-alias>
for renaming methods and C<-excludes> for ignoring methods. These options are
primarily for resolving role conflicts. Depending on how much of a purist you
are, these options are I<solely> for resolving role conflicts. See
L<Moose::Cookbook::Roles::Restartable_AdvancedComposition> for more about
C<-alias> and C<-excludes>.

Because roles serve many different masters, they usually provide only the least
common denominator of functionality. To empower roles further, more
configurability than C<-alias> and C<-excludes> is required. Perhaps your role
needs to know which method to call when it is done processing. Or what default
value to use for its C<url> attribute.

Parameterized roles offer a solution to these (and other) kinds of problems.

2009-11-02T12:05:35+00:00 multimedia/libomxil-bellagio Bellagio is an implementation of the OpenMAX IL API
Bellagio is an opensource implementation of the OpenMAX IL API that
runs on Linux PC, including:

* A shared library with the IL core and a "reference" OpenMAX component
* A number of OpenMAX components which pass Khronos conformance tests

It is intended to show the usage of the IL API and to allow people to
start developing components.

2009-11-02T11:00:25+00:00 devel/dulwich Python implementation of the Git file formats and protocols
Dulwich is a Python implementation of the Git file formats and protocols,
without the need to have Git installed.

It aims to provide an interface to Git repos (both local and remote) that
does not call out to Git directly but instead uses pure Python. All
functionality is available in pure Python. Optional C extensions can be
built for improved performance.

2009-11-02T10:59:22+00:00 devel/hg-git Mercurial extension to pull from or push to a Git repository
The Hg-Git plugin is an extension for Mercurial, adding the ability to push to
and pull from a Git server repository from Mercurial. This means you can
collaborate on Git based projects from Mercurial, or use a Git server as a
collaboration point for a team with developers using both Git and Mercurial.

The Hg-Git plugin can convert commits / changesets losslessly from one system
to another, so you can push via a Mercurial repository and another Mercurial
client can pull it. In theory, the changeset IDs should not change, although
this may not hold true for complex histories.

This plugin is implemented entirely in Python - there are no Git binary
dependencies, you do not need to have Git installed on your system.

*** WARNING: Do not use this software in data critical production environments,
only in safe test environments! This software is still BETA! ***

The plugin is basically functional and usable now, but there are still some
edge cases. However, there are several people using it effectively, so please
test it yourself and report encountered bugs upstream (see website). Thanks!

2009-11-01T21:30:13+00:00 shells/bash3-static
2009-10-31T12:49:47+00:00 textproc/p5-Pod-Autopod Generates pod documentation by analysing perl modules
Pod::Autopod is designed to generate pod documentation of a perl
class by analysing its code. The idea is to have something similar
like javadoc. So it uses also comments written directly obove the
method definitions. It is designed to asumes a pm file which
represents a class.

Of course it cannot understand every kind of syntax, parameters,
etc. But the plan is to improve this library in the future to
understand more and more automatically.

2009-10-30T10:39:53+00:00 devel/p5-DateTime-Format-XSD Format DateTime according to xsd:dateTime
XML Schema defines a usage profile which is a subset of
the ISO8601 profile. This profile defines that the
following is the only possible representation for a
dateTime, despite all other options ISO provides.

2009-10-30T10:23:53+00:00 devel/py-akismet Python interface to the Akismet API
Akismet is a web service for recognising spam comments.
It promises to be almost 100% effective at catching
comment spam. They say that currently 81% of all comments
submitted to them are spam.

It's designed to work with the Wordpress Blog Tool, but
it's not restricted to that - so this is a Python
interface to the Akismet API.

You'll need a Wordpress Key to use it. This script will
allow you to plug akismet into any CGI script or web application,
and there are full docs in the code. It's extremely easy to use,
because the folks at akismet have implemented a nice and
straightforward REST API.

2009-10-30T03:33:23+00:00 x11-toolkits/p5-Pango Perl module for layout and render i18n text
Perl binding to pango library to render and control the layout of
internationalized text, and is the backend for right-to-left text.
Pango is an integral part of the GTK+ and GNOME projects, but its
code is platform- and toolkit-independent.

2009-10-29T23:29:43+00:00 net/p5-ZConf-Bookmarks System for bookmarking URIs using ZConf
Provides a method for storing bookmarks for URIs
in ZConf.

2009-10-29T22:21:45+00:00 x11-fm/p5-PerlFM Perl based file manager
A basic file manager writen in Perl and using ZConf::Runner
to figure out what todo with files and ZConf::Bookmark to
store bookmarks.

2009-10-29T22:19:09+00:00 sysutils/fconfig Read and modify RedBoot embedded boot configuration
fconfig is an application that allows to read and write RedBoot's configuration

fconfig -l
fconfig -w -n console_baud_rate -x 115200

2009-10-29T12:15:10+00:00 databases/ruby-dbd_sqlite3 SQLite3 driver for DBI-for-Ruby
SQLite3 driver for DBI-for-Ruby.

2009-10-29T11:17:15+00:00 deskutils/p5-ZConf-Runner-GUI-GTK The GTK GUI backend for ZConf::Runner
The GTK GUI backend for ZConf::Runner.

2009-10-29T11:16:10+00:00 x11-toolkits/p5-Gtk2-PathButtonBar Creates a bar for path manipulation
Provides a dialog for getting values to use with chmod.

2009-10-29T11:15:27+00:00 devel/p5-ZConf-Bookmarks A system for bookmarking URIs using ZConf
Handles storing bookmarks for URIs in ZConf.

2009-10-29T11:04:11+00:00 devel/p5-uni-perl Modern perl with Unicode
Modern perl with unicode

2009-10-28T14:56:17+00:00 devel/p5-Filesys-Notify-Simple Perl extension for simple and dumb file system watcher
Simple and dumb file system watcher.

2009-10-28T14:33:00+00:00 devel/p5-Log-Any-Adapter Perl extension to log anywhere
The Log-Any-Adapter distribution implements Log::Any class methods to
specify where logs should be sent. It is a separate distribution so as
to keep Log::Any itself as simple and unchanging as possible.

2009-10-26T00:17:47+00:00 mail/mpop Small and fast POP3 client
mpop is a POP3 client: it retrieves mail from POP3 mailboxes.

Features include:

* Support for multiple accounts
* Header based mail filtering: filter junk mail before downloading it
* Delivery to mbox files, maildir folders, or a mail delivery agent (MDA)
* TLS/SSL support including client certificates
* Many authentication methods
* Support for Internationalized Domain Names (IDN)
* Fast POP3 implementation using command pipelining
* SOCKS proxy support

2009-10-25T20:24:03+00:00 games/violetland Top-down survival shoot 'em up
In this game the player should help a girl by name of Violet to
struggle with hordes of monsters. For this purpose the various
weapon, and also the special abilities of the heroine which are
opening with experience can be used. In game there are elements of
RPG in the form of strength-agility-vitality and derivatives. Also
there is an unique feature: dynamic change of day and night.

2009-10-25T02:36:36+00:00 x11/p5-X11-Resolution Provides a method to get the resolution for a X11 screen
X11::Resolution provides a method to easily get the resolution
of screens in X11.

2009-10-25T02:24:37+00:00 graphics/p5-Imager-AverageGray Finds the average gray for a Imager object or image
This uses the Imager to find the average gray value
for a image.

2009-10-24T23:30:19+00:00 lang/clang C, Objective-C, and C++ compiler
The goal of the Clang project is to create a new C, C++, Objective C and
Objective C++ front-end for the LLVM compiler.

2009-10-24T23:30:19+00:00 lang/clang-devel C, Objective-C, and C++ compiler (use devel/llvm${LLVM_SUFFIX})
The goal of the Clang project is to create a new C, C++, Objective C and
Objective C++ front-end for the LLVM compiler.

This is a meta port. The Clang compiler is installed by the
devel/llvm-devel port.

2009-10-24T23:30:19+00:00 devel/clang C, Objective-C, and (alpha-quality) C++ compiler
The goal of the Clang project is to create a new C, C++, Objective C and
Objective C++ front-end for the LLVM compiler.

2009-10-24T10:28:02+00:00 lang/stalin Aggressive optimizing Scheme compiler
Stalin (STAtic Language ImplementatioN) is an aggressive optimizing batch
whole-program Scheme compiler written by Jeffrey Mark Siskind. It uses
advanced flow analysis and type inference and a variety of other optimization
techniques to produce code (using C as an intermediate language) that is
extremely fast, particularly for numerical code. In a number of tests it
has outperformed hand-written C, sometimes by a considerable margin.
Stalin is intended for production use in generating an optimized executable.

2009-10-23T17:48:12+00:00 games/ioquake3-devel Development GIT snapshots of ioquake3
This port builds development snapshots of The project is
known to seldomly produce releases. Due to the conservative development goals
of the project, development snapshots are generally considered reliable.

This port is based of a repository with FreeBSD specific changes:

2009-10-23T03:32:11+00:00 databases/ruby-tokyocabinet Ruby interface to the Tokyo Cabinet DB engine
tokyocabinet-ruby provides an interface to the Toky Cabinet database

2009-10-23T02:59:15+00:00 textproc/p5-Text-MultiMarkdown Convert MultiMarkdown syntax to (X)HTML
Markdown is a text-to-HTML filter; it translates an easy-to-read and
easy-to-write structured text format into HTML. Markdown's text format
is most similar to that of plain text email, and supports features such
as headers, *emphasis*, code blocks, blockquotes, and links.

Markdown's syntax is designed not as a generic markup language, but
specifically to serve as a front-end to (X)HTML. You can use span-level
HTML tags anywhere in a Markdown document, and you can use block level
HTML tags (like <div> and <table> as well).

Text::MultiMarkdown implements the MultiMarkdown markdown syntax
extensions from:

2009-10-22T12:11:46+00:00 deskutils/xfce4-notifyd Visually-appealing notification daemon for Xfce
A simple, visually-appealing notification daemon for Xfce that implements the Desktop Notifications Specification.

* Themable using the GTK+ theming mechanism
* Visually appealing: rounded corners, shaped windows
* Supports transparency and fade effects

2009-10-21T15:03:30+00:00 irc/keitairc2 IRC proxy for mobilephone that have a web interface
Keitairc is an simple IRC client that have a web interface designed for
not-so-rich web client such as mobilephone. There are several features
for mobilephone access:

- Quick: web accesskeys.
- Link: Convert PSID and URL strings to a link.
- Security: password or "phone ID" authentication.
- Convenient: cookie authentication and session management.

2009-10-21T09:16:05+00:00 textproc/p5-OpenOffice-OODoc Perl Open OpenDocument Connector
OpenOffice::OODoc is an extensible Perl interface allowing direct
read/write operations on files which comply with the
OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (ODF),
i.e. the ISO/IEC 26300:2006 standard.

It provides a high-level, document-oriented language, and isolates
the programmer from the details of the file format. It can process
different document classes (texts, spreadsheets, presentations,
and drawings). It can retrieve or update styles and images,
document metadata, as well as text content.

2009-10-21T09:15:39+00:00 textproc/scim-kmfl-varamozhi-malayalam SCIM KMFL IMEngine Malayalam keyboard according to the Mozhi scheme
This is a keyboard for input of the Malayalam according to the transliteration
scheme called Mozhi ( The keymap is
written in Keyman keyboard language and developed as a part of Varamozhi
Project under the LGPL license.

The Mozhi is intended to be the most intuitive scheme for Malayalam speakers.
It simplifies what the user needs to remember and is is not phonetically

This keymap supports the current standard for Malayalam Chillus (i.e. without
special encoding). It offers mnemonic keyboard functionality and smart-quote
functionality with comas and numerals.

This port installs the keyboard so that it can be used through SCIM KMFL
IMEngine (textproc/scim-kmfl-imengine).

2009-10-21T09:15:39+00:00 textproc/kmfl-varamozhi-malayalam KMFL Malayalam keyboard according to the Mozhi scheme
This is a keyboard for input of the Malayalam according to the transliteration
scheme called Mozhi ( The keymap is
written in Keyman keyboard language and developed as a part of Varamozhi
Project under the LGPL license.

The Mozhi is intended to be the most intuitive scheme for Malayalam speakers.
It simplifies what the user needs to remember and is not phonetically

This keymap supports the current standard for Malayalam Chillus (i.e. without
special encoding). It offers mnemonic keyboard functionality and smart-quote
functionality with comas and numerals.

This port installs the keyboard so that it can be used through SCIM or
IBus KMFL IMEngine (textproc/scim-kmfl-imengine, textproc/ibus-kmfl).

2009-10-20T23:51:38+00:00 textproc/p5-XML-Reader Reading XML and providing path information based on a pull-parser
XML::Reader provides a simple and easy to use interface for
sequentially parsing XML files (so called "pull-mode" parsing)
and at the same time keeps track of the complete XML-path.

It was developped as a wrapper on top of XML::Parser.

2009-10-20T09:54:44+00:00 x11-toolkits/p5-Gtk2-Chmod Provides a dialog for getting values to use with chmod
Provides a dialog for getting values to use with chmod.

2009-10-20T09:48:33+00:00 x11/deskpaint Tiny interactive paint program that draws as your desktop wallpaper
`deskpaint' is a small interactive paint program that paints
onto the desktop window, so that the user draws their
own desktop wallpaper.
2009-10-20T03:27:56+00:00 deskutils/osmo Personal organizer
Osmo is a handy personal organizer, which includes calendar, tasks
manager, address book and notes modules. It is a GTK+ based tool
which uses a plain XML database to store all personal data.

2009-10-19T17:22:30+00:00 sysutils/bsdcrashtar Archive FreeBSD kernel crash files
The bsdcrashtar utility creates tar a archive that contains all files needed
for debugging FreeBSD kernel crash (vmcore, kernel, loaded modules, sources
that appear in backtrace). This is useful for debugging a crash on another
host, sending it to developers or if you are going to upgrade the kernel on
crashed host but would like to keep crashdump in case the developers ask you to
provide additional info.

Created tar archive contains also a script that when being run inside unpacked
archive will give kgdb(1) session with crash core loaded in it. The script
should be run with root privileges because it does chroot(8) before starting

2009-10-19T14:00:24+00:00 devel/p5-Carp-Clan-Share Share your Carp::Clan settings with your whole Clan
This is a very lightweight helper module (actually just an import
method) that will automagically create a __PACKAGE__::Carp module for

2009-10-19T11:39:55+00:00 devel/mingw64-binutils
2009-10-18T20:31:16+00:00 archivers/amigadepacker Tool for depacking some compressed Amiga formats
amigadepacker depacks compressed Amiga formats. PowerPacker, XPK SQSH, MMCMP and
StoneCracker 4.04 (S404) formats are supported. Amigadepacker will automatically
determine the compressed format by content. Among other things, the tool is
useful for playing packed Amiga music formats with uade.

2009-10-18T19:07:47+00:00 archivers/zlib A Massively Spiffy Yet Delicately Unobtrusive Compression Library
zlib is designed to be a free, general-purpose, legally unencumbered -- that is,
not covered by any patents -- lossless data-compression library for use on
virtually any computer hardware and operating system. The zlib data format is
itself portable across platforms. Unlike the LZW compression method used in Unix
compress(1) and in the GIF image format, the compression method currently used
in zlib essentially never expands the data. (LZW can double or triple the file
size in extreme cases.) zlib's memory footprint is also independent of the input
data and can be reduced, if necessary, at some cost in compression.

2009-10-17T10:29:21+00:00 graphics/podofo PDF manipulation library and tools
PoDoFo is a library to work with the PDF file format. The name comes from the
first letter of PDF (Portable Document Format). A few tools to work with PDF
files are already included in the PoDoFo package.

The PoDoFo library is a free, portable C++ library which includes classes to
parse PDF files and modify their contents into memory. The changes can be
written back to disk easily. The parser can also be used to extract information
from a PDF file (for example the parser could be used in a PDF viewer). Besides
parsing PoDoFo includes also very simple classes to create your own PDF files.
All classes are documented so it is easy to start writing your own application
using PoDoFo.

2009-10-17T07:11:27+00:00 graphics/pysvg pySVG - creating svg with python
pySVG is a pure Python library to create SVG documents.

2009-10-17T07:10:22+00:00 audio/py-shout Python bindings for libshout2
Shout-python is a set of bindings for libshout2. It allows you to
act as a source for icecast 1 and 2, and shoutcast.

2009-10-17T06:57:53+00:00 net/ldap-stats Program to generate OpenLDAP statistics reports
This program produces numerous reports from OpenLDAP 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4
slapd logfiles to allow OpenLDAP administrator to analyze server's performance.

2009-10-16T07:28:19+00:00 devel/p5-Class-Load Working (require Class::Name) and more
require EXPR only accepts Class/ style module names, not Class::Name.
How frustrating! For that, we provide load_class 'Class::Name'.
It's often useful to test whether a module can be loaded, instead of throwing
an error when it's not available. For that, we provide try_load_class
Finally, sometimes we need to know whether a particular class has been loaded.
Asking %INC is an option, but that will miss inner packages and any class for
which the filename does not correspond to the package name. For that,
we provide is_class_loaded 'Class::Name'.

2009-10-15T14:47:41+00:00 www/p5-Plack-Server-Coro Perl extension for Coro cooperative multithread web server
Coro cooperative multithread web server.

2009-10-14T20:30:47+00:00 audio/dumb-allegro
2009-10-14T18:23:18+00:00 editors/texworks Simple TeX front-end program
The TeXworks project is an effort to build a simple TeX front-end program
(working environment) that will be available for all today's major desktop
operating systems. It is deliberately modeled after Dick Koch's award-
winning TeXShop for Mac OS X.

TeXworks includes an integrated PDF viewer, based on the Poppler library,
and supports source/preview synchronization. This capability is based on
the "SyncTeX" feature developed by Jerome Laurens, and supported by both
the pdfTeX and XeTeX programs in TeX Live, and other current distributions.

2009-10-14T14:31:11+00:00 net/p5-Net-Server-Coro Perl extension for co-operative multithreaded server using Coro
A co-operative multithreaded server using Coro.

2009-10-14T14:21:58+00:00 converters/py-bsdconv Python wrapper for bsdconv
BSD licensed charset/encoding converter library with more function than
libiconv. (Currently, only a few codecs are supported)
This port is a python wrapper for bsdconv.

2009-10-14T11:53:14+00:00 www/p5-Plack-Server-ServerSimple Perl extension for Plack Server w/ HTTP::Server::Simple
Plack Server implementation that uses HTTP::Server::Simple.

2009-10-14T11:50:05+00:00 www/p5-Plack-Server-ReverseHTTP Perl extension of reversehttp gateway for PSGI application
A reversehttp gateway for PSGI application.

2009-10-13T22:27:48+00:00 graphics/alpng Library for display PNG images in programs
This library servers for displaying PNG images in programs
using the Allegro multimedia library.

2009-10-13T17:29:27+00:00 devel/slf4j Simple facade or abstraction for various logging frameworks
The Simple Logging Facade for Java or (SLF4J) serves as a simple facade or
abstraction for various logging frameworks, e.g. java.util.logging,
log4j and logback, allowing the end user to plug in the desired logging
framework at deployment time.

2009-10-13T14:52:25+00:00 www/p5-AnyEvent-ReverseHTTP Perl extension of reversehttp for AnyEvent
A reversehttp for AnyEvent.

2009-10-13T14:50:21+00:00 www/p5-Plack-Server-AnyEvent Perl extension for AnyEvent based HTTP server
AnyEvent based HTTP server.

2009-10-13T14:38:44+00:00 www/p5-Catalyst-Engine-PSGI Perl extension of PSGI engine for Catalyst
PSGI engine for Catalyst.

2009-10-13T14:33:20+00:00 www/p5-Plack-Request Perl extension for portable HTTP request object from PSGI env hash
Portable HTTP request object from PSGI env hash.

2009-10-13T14:16:45+00:00 www/p5-PSGI Pod documentation for Perl Web Server Gateway Interface Specification
Perl Web Server Gateway Interface Specification (pod only).

2009-10-13T14:15:27+00:00 devel/p5-Devel-StackTrace-WithLexicals Perl extension for Devel::StackTrace + PadWalker
Devel::StackTrace + PadWalker.

2009-10-13T13:57:47+00:00 www/p5-Plack Perl extension of PSGI reference implementation and utilities
PSGI reference implementation and utilities.

2009-10-13T11:55:33+00:00 devel/opengrok Fast and powerful code search and cross-reference engine
OpenGrok is a fast source code search and cross reference engine.
It helps you search, cross-reference and navigate your source tree. It can
understand various program file formats and version control histories like
Mercurial, Git, SCCS, RCS, CVS, Subversion, Teamware, ClearCase, Perforce
and Bazaar. In other words it lets you grok (profoundly understand) the
open source, hence the name OpenGrok. It is written in Java.

2009-10-13T11:20:29+00:00 graphics/lcms-python Light Color Management System (python bindings)
LCMS is the Little Color Management System, a Color Matching Method
(CMM) library which implements fast transforms between ICC profiles.
It is released under LGPL with source code and meant to be portable.

Color management refers to techniques that ensure consistent color
as images are transferred from scanners or cameras to monitors and

2009-10-13T11:14:24+00:00 devel/p5-Devel-StackTrace-AsHTML Perl extension to display stack trace in HTML
Displays stack trace in HTML.

2009-10-13T10:12:43+00:00 www/p5-CGI-PSGI Perl extension to enable applications to adapt PSGI
Enable your aware applications to adapt PSGI protocol.

2009-10-12T19:33:13+00:00 sysutils/synergy-plus Maintenance fork for implementing bug fixes to the original Synergy
Synergy+ lets you easily share a single mouse and keyboard between multiple
computers with different operating systems, without special hardware. All you
need is a LAN connection. It's intended for users with multiple computers,
where each system uses its own display.

2009-10-12T12:47:17+00:00 sysutils/superiotool Helper tool for Super I/O chip detection and analysis
Superiotool is a GPL'd user-space helper tool for coreboot development
purposes (but may also be useful for other things). It allows you to
detect which Super I/O you have on your mainboard, and it can provide
detailed information about the register contents of the Super I/O.

2009-10-12T11:59:01+00:00 deskutils/calibre Ebook management application
Calibre is meant to be a complete e-library solution and thus includes
library management, format conversion, news feeds to ebook conversion,
as well as e-book reader sync features and an integrated e-book viewer.

2009-10-11T13:16:15+00:00 devel/p5-Log-Dispatch-Scribe Logging via Facebook's Scribe server software #'
This module provides a Log::Dispatch style interface to Scribe, and is
also fully compatible with Log::Log4perl.

2009-10-11T12:58:20+00:00 www/p5-HTML-Query JQuery-like selection queries for HTML::Element
The HTML::Query module provides jQuery-like selection queries for

2009-10-11T12:58:20+00:00 finance/p5-HTML-Query JQuery-like selection queries for HTML::Element
The HTML::Query module provides jQuery-like selection queries for

2009-10-11T12:41:09+00:00 devel/rubygem-file-tail Ruby library that allows Ruby to 'tail' files
This is a small ruby library that allows Ruby to 'tail' a file,
including following a file, that still is growing like the Unix
command 'tail -f' can.

This Library is similar to Perl's File::Tail. It can be used to
extend Ruby's File-objects, for File-derived classes, or by
using the included simple File::Tail::Logfile class.

2009-10-11T12:37:10+00:00 net/wowzamediaserverpro Commercial flash media server written in Java
Wowza Media Server Pro is a high-performance, extensible and a fully
interactive Flash media server for live and on-demand streaming,
chat, recording and much more.

Wowza Pro lets you take Flash streaming to new heights with its full
set of features and exclusive capabilities like Wowza's H.264/HE-AAC
ive streaming with non-Flash RTSP/RTP and MPEG-TS encoders.

2009-10-11T10:34:08+00:00 devel/rubygem-treetop Ruby-based DSL for text parsing and interpretation
Treetop is a Ruby-based DSL for text parsing and interpretation. It
facilitates an extension of the object-oriented paradigm called
syntax-oriented programming. There's a readme that will get you going
and some examples.

2009-10-11T10:27:34+00:00 devel/rubygem-polyglot Provides a registry of file types
Polyglot provides a registry of file types that can be loaded by
calling its improved version of 'require'. Each file extension
that can be handled by a custom loader is registered by calling
Polyglot.register('ext', <class>), and then you can simply
require 'somefile', which will find and load 'somefile.ext'
using your custom loader.

This supports the creation of DSLs having a syntax that is most
appropriate to their purpose, instead of abusing the Ruby syntax.

Required files are attempted first using the normal Ruby loader,
and if that fails, Polyglot conducts a search for a file having
a supported extension.

2009-10-11T07:08:11+00:00 net/p5-Net-LDAP-Server Perl module for LDAP server side protocol handling
Net::LDAP::Server provides the protocol handling for an LDAP
server. You can subclass it and implement the methods you need
(see below). Then you just instantiate your subclass and call
its handle method to establish a connection with the client.

2009-10-10T09:19:45+00:00 devel/p5-Algorithm-FloodControl Robot protection
Flood control method is used to restrict the number of events to happen or
to be processed in specific perion of time. Few examples are: web server can
limit requsets number to a page or you may want to receive no more than 10 SMS
messages on your GSM Phone per hour. Applications of this method are unlimited.

2009-10-09T03:36:54+00:00 devel/compiler-rt Compiler runtime library with Blocks support
The compiler-rt project is a simple library that provides an
implementation of the low-level target-specific hooks required by code
generation and other runtime components. For example, when compiling
for a 32-bit target, converting a double to a 64-bit unsigned integer
is compiling into a runtime call to the "__fixunsdfdi" function. The
compiler-rt library provides optimized implementations of this and other
low-level routines.

2009-10-08T08:01:47+00:00 x11-themes/kde4-windeco-aurorae Theme engine for KWin window decorations
Aurorae is a theme engine for KWin window decorations.

It was created with the idea of making KWin decorations
as themeable as the Plasma desktop shell. Decoration and
buttons are SVG files.

2009-10-07T19:52:47+00:00 www/weave Mozilla Weave extension
Weave is a Mozilla Labs project to explore ways in which
the browser can broker richer experiences on the Web,
by integrating more closely with online services.

2009-10-07T19:52:47+00:00 www/firefox-sync Mozilla extension to synchronize Firefox data
Free browser add-on that lets you stay in sync with your Firefox.
Access your history, passwords, bookmarks
and even open tabs across all your devices.

2009-10-07T11:16:52+00:00 devel/py-tgMochiKit MochiKit packaged as TurboGears widgets
py-tgMochiKit is a packaging of the MochiKit JavaScript library as a
TurboGears widget.

2009-10-07T11:10:21+00:00 science/libkml Reference implementation of OGC KML 2.2
This is Google's reference implementation of OGC KML 2.2. It also includes
implementations of Google's gx: extensions used by Google Earth, as well as
several utility libraries for working with other formats.

All of original documentation written by google is imported into "wiki" branch:

2009-10-07T05:00:55+00:00 finance/p5-Finance-YahooQuote Get stock quotes from Yahoo! Finance
This module gets stock quotes from Yahoo! Finance. The getonequote
function will return a quote for a single stock symbol, while the
getquote function will return a quote for each of the stock symbols
passed to it. getcustomquote allows to specify a format other than
the default to take advantage of the extended range of available

2009-10-06T18:39:21+00:00 multimedia/kaffeine-devel KDE4 version of kaffeine
kaffeine is a xine-based multimedia player for KDE.

* Full Drag and Drop support
* Import Noatun-playlists as well as M3U, ASX and PLS-Files
* Editable Playlist
* Export Playlist to HTML or PDF (KDE-Print)
* Edit Xine-Options via GUI
* Support for saving screenshots as PNG, BMP or XBM
* The ability to prevent the screensaver from activating OSD Titles

Author: Juergen Kofler <>
2009-10-06T15:32:05+00:00 japanese/MT Japanese localization of the MovableType publishing system
Movable Type is a web-based personal publishing system. It is designed to
ease maintenance of regularly-updated news, journal sites and weblogs.

Author: Ben & Mena Trott
2009-10-06T12:46:20+00:00 multimedia/dvdid Tool for calculating dvdids
The dvdid project provides a library and executable for calculating dvdids,
as returned by Windows' IDvdInfo2::GetDiscID() method. It is available as
source code, which should compile on Windows and any POSIX compliant platform.

2009-10-05T12:43:54+00:00 sysutils/fusefs-gphotofs FUSE-based filesystem for digital cameras
GPhotoFS is a filesystem client based on libgphoto2 that exposes
supported cameras as filesystems; while some cameras implement the
USB Mass Storage class and already appear as filesystems (making
this program redundant), many use the Picture Transfer Protocol (PTP)
or some other custom protocol. But as long as the camera is supported
by libgphoto2, it can be mounted as a filesystem using this program.

2009-10-04T10:10:37+00:00 devel/universalindentgui Graphical UI for multiple source code indent/format/beautify tools
UniversalIndentGUI is a graphical UI for multiple source code indent,
format and beautify tools like GNU Indent, Astyle, GreatCode etc.

2009-10-04T10:09:41+00:00 devel/bmake Portable version of NetBSD 'make' utility
bmake is a portable version of NetBSD's make(1) utility,
conveniently packaged using a configure script, for other environments
which may lack NetBSD's libraries, regular expression code, etc.

2009-10-03T03:21:14+00:00 www/py-tornado Python Web Server from FriendFeed
Tornado is an open source version of the scalable, non-blocking web server and
tools that power FriendFeed. The FriendFeed application is written using a web
framework that looks a bit like or Google's webapp, but with additional
tools and optimizations to take advantage of the underlying non-blocking

The framework is distinct from most mainstream web server frameworks (and
certainly most Python frameworks) because it is non-blocking and reasonably
fast. Because it is non-blocking and uses epoll or kqueue, it can handle
thousands of simultaneous standing connections, which means it is ideal for
real-time web services. We built the web server specifically to handle
FriendFeed's real-time features - every active user of FriendFeed maintains an
open connection to the FriendFeed servers.

2009-10-03T01:30:42+00:00 graphics/p5-GD-Graph-ohlc Create charts displaying the open, high, low, and close
GD::Graph type that shows open, high, low and close as ticks on little sticks

2009-10-02T18:05:29+00:00 audio/etcd Enhanced Tiny CD, a simple ncurses-based CD player
Enhanced Tiny CD is a fork of the original Tiny CD, a simple,
user-friendly ncurses-based CD player, which is available at

Enhancements in etcd include:

* bug fixes
* support for MusicBrainz
* general refactory

2009-10-01T20:57:16+00:00 x11/thingylaunch Lightweight launcher for X
Thingylaunch is a lightweight and fast application launcher for X.
Based on the original thinglaunch by Matt Johnston, it is enhanced
with navigation keys, history, bookmarks and tab-completion.

2009-10-01T14:01:09+00:00 converters/p5-Encode-DoubleEncodedUTF8 Fix double encoded UTF-8 bytes to the correct ones
Encode::DoubleEncodedUTF8 adds a new encoding utf-8-de and fixes double
encoded utf-8 bytes found in the original bytes to the correct Unicode

2009-10-01T12:31:37+00:00 net/tcpdump398 Ubiquitous network traffic analysis tool - FreeBSD 7 version for FreeBSD 8
tcpdump is a ubiquitous network traffic capture tool available in a wide
variety of BSD, Linux and UN*X distributions.

This is the version 3.9.8 which is currently shipped with FreeBSD
7. FreeBSD 8.0 is shipping with version 4.0.0 which gives a different
output with some items missing.
2009-09-30T14:29:12+00:00 sysutils/p5-ZConf-Cron Handles storing cron tabs in ZConf
This provides the required module for managing crontabs stored
in ZConf. Scripts to use thoseare also included.

The utility zccron is a single pass cron utilitie.

zccron - Runs crontabs stored in ZConf.
zccrontab - Manage crontabs stored in ZConf.
gzccrontab - Invokes GUI editor for installed crontabs.

2009-09-30T14:22:41+00:00 astro/p5-ZConf-Weather ZConf module to assist with fetching/printing weather information
A ZConf based library to facilitate fetching weather information
and dumping it or printing it via a template.

zcweather - Fetches the weather for the specified location.

2009-09-30T14:21:44+00:00 textproc/p5-Text-SpellChecker-GUI Implements a user interface to Text::SpellChecker using ZConf::GUI
This implements a spell checker to Text::SpellChecker
using ZConf::GUI.

textspellchecker - Spell checker script.

2009-09-30T14:21:18+00:00 mail/p5-Mail-IMAPTalk-MailCache Caches mail information for Mail::IMAPTalk using Mail::Cache
This provides methods for caching mail information for
Mail::IMAPTalk using Mail::Cache.

2009-09-30T14:20:40+00:00 mail/p5-Mail-Cache Caches mail information
This provides methods for caching mail information.

2009-09-30T12:59:08+00:00 math/p5-Geo-Distance-XS Calculate Distances and Closest Locations faster
The Geo::Distance::XS module provides faster C implementations of the distance
calculations found in Geo::Distance. See the documentation for that module for

2009-09-28T20:12:44+00:00 databases/pear-Doctrine2 Doctrine is a PHP object relational mapper
Doctrine is an object relational mapper (ORM) for PHP 5.2.3+ that
sits on top of a powerful database abstraction layer (DBAL).

One of its key features is the option to write database queries in a
proprietary object oriented SQL dialect called Doctrine Query
Language (DQL), inspired by Hibernate's HQL. This provides developers
with a powerful alternative to SQL that maintains flexibility without
requiring unnecessary code duplication.

2009-09-28T20:12:44+00:00 databases/pear-Doctrine12 Doctrine is a PHP object relational mapper
Doctrine is an object relational mapper (ORM) for PHP 5.2.3+ that
sits on top of a powerful database abstraction layer (DBAL).

One of its key features is the option to write database queries in a
proprietary object oriented SQL dialect called Doctrine Query
Language (DQL), inspired by Hibernate's HQL. This provides developers
with a powerful alternative to SQL that maintains flexibility without
requiring unnecessary code duplication.

2009-09-28T20:12:44+00:00 databases/pear-Doctrine Doctrine is a PHP object relational mapper
Doctrine is an object relational mapper (ORM) for PHP 5.2.3+ that
sits on top of a powerful database abstraction layer (DBAL).

One of its key features is the option to write database queries in a
proprietary object oriented SQL dialect called Doctrine Query
Language (DQL), inspired by Hibernate's HQL. This provides developers
with a powerful alternative to SQL that maintains flexibility without
requiring unnecessary code duplication.

2009-09-26T12:27:08+00:00 mail/wanderlust-devel Mail and news system for Emacs
Wanderlust is a mail/news agent on Emacs/XEmacs.

The features of Wanderlust are as follows:
* Implementation in elisp only.
* Support of IMAP4rev1, NNTP, POP(POP3/APOP) and MH format.
* Integrated access to messages based on Folder Specifications like Mew.
* Key bindings and mark processing like Mew.
* Management of threads and unread messages.
* Folder mode that displays all folder you read.
* Message cache, Disconnected Operation.
* MH-like FCC (FCC: %Backup is possible).
* Support of MIME (by SEMI or tm).
* Draft editing of mail and news as a same interface.
* Icon based interface for the list of Folder (XEmacs).
* Non-fetched operations for a big message part of MIME (IMAP4).
* Server side search (IMAP4), also various charset support.
* Virtual Folder.
* Compression Folder.
* Automatic expiration of old messages.

2009-09-25T18:23:56+00:00 devel/fb303 Facebook Bassline
A standard interface to monitoring, dynamic options and
configuration, uptime reports, activity, etc.

2009-09-25T18:04:28+00:00 audio/gmpc-lyricsplugin Fetch lyrics gmpc plugin
This plugin fetches lyrics from the web from the following sites:

* Neolyrics
* Lyrics tracker

2009-09-25T18:02:55+00:00 audio/gmpc-discogs Album Image fetcher for gmpc
The DiscoGS plugin searches the database of to find available
images for the artists and albums in your music collection.

2009-09-25T18:01:24+00:00 audio/gmpc-albumview Draws all album covers
This plugin shows your music collection in albums, it's showing album covers
with the artist and album name under it.

You can also filter out specific artists or albums and set the amount of albums
per row.

2009-09-25T12:14:32+00:00 astro/osmosis Command line Java app for processing OpenStreetMap data
Osmosis is a command line java app for processing OSM data. The tool consists
of a series of pluggable components that can be chained together to perform a
larger operation. For example, it has components for reading from database and
from file, components for writing to database and to file, components for
deriving and applying change sets to data sources, components for sorting data,
etc. It has been written so that it is easy to add new features without
re-writing common tasks such as file or database handling.

2009-09-24T20:00:52+00:00 devel/p5-pip Perl Installation Program
The pip ("Perl Installation Program") console application is used
to install Perl distributions in a wide variety of formats, both
from CPAN and from external third-party locations, while supporting
module dependencies that go across the boundary from third-party
to CPAN.

Using pip you can install CPAN modules, arbitrary tarballs from
both the local file-system or across the internet from arbitrary

You can use pip to ensure that specific versions of CPAN modules
are installed instead of the most current version.

2009-09-24T19:58:45+00:00 devel/p5-Devel-Refactor Perl extension for refactoring Perl code
The Devel::Refactor module is for code refactoring.

While Devel::Refactor may be used from Perl programs, it is also
designed to be used with the EPIC plug-in for the eclipse integrated
development environment.

2009-09-24T19:57:50+00:00 devel/p5-CPAN-Inject Base class for injecting distributions into CPAN sources
Following the release of CPAN::Mini, the CPAN::Mini::Inject module
was created to add additional distributions into a minicpan mirror.

While it was created for use with a minicpan mirror, similar
functionality can be reused in other situations.

CPAN::Inject replicates the basics of this functionality.

Specifically, it takes an arbitrary tarball and adds it to the CPAN
sources directory for a particular author, and then add the new
file to the CHECKSUMS file.

2009-09-24T19:56:48+00:00 devel/p5-CPAN-Checksums Perl module to write a CHECKSUMS file for a directory as on CPAN
CPAN::Checksums - Write a CHECKSUMS file for a directory as on CPAN

2009-09-23T15:02:29+00:00 devel/libdispatch Grand Central Dispatch API support library
This port contains the userland implementation of Grand Central Dispatch

The central insight of GCD is shifting the responsibility for managing threads
and their execution from applications to the operating system. As a result,
programmers can write less code to deal with concurrent operations in their
applications, and the system can perform more efficiently on single-processor
machines, large multiprocessor servers, and everything in between. Without a
pervasive approach such as GCD, even the best-written application cannot
deliver the best possible performance, because it doesn'tt have full insight
into everything else happening in the system.

2009-09-23T14:43:05+00:00 devel/p5-Parallel-Prefork Simple prefork server framework
devel/p5-Parallel-Prefork is much like devel/p5-Parallel-ForkManager,
but supports graceful shutdown and run-time reconfiguration.

2009-09-23T14:42:08+00:00 devel/p5-Proc-Wait3 Perl extension for wait3 system call
Proc::Wait3 module implements wait3 system call in Perl.
If any child processes have exited, this call will "reap" the zombies
similar to the perl "wait" function. By default, it will return
immediately and if there are no dead children, everything will be
undefined. If you pass in a true argument, it will block until a child
exits (or it gets a signal).

2009-09-23T11:57:02+00:00 devel/p5-autodie Replace functions with ones that succeed or die with lexical scope
The autodie pragma provides a convenient way to replace functions
that normally return false on failure with equivalents that throw
an exception on failure.

The autodie pragma has lexical scope, meaning that functions and
subroutines altered with autodie will only change their behaviour
until the end of the enclosing block, file, or eval.

If system is specified as an argument to autodie, then it uses
IPC::System::Simple to do the heavy lifting. See the description
of that module for more information.

2009-09-23T09:31:30+00:00 devel/gtkparasite GTK+ UI debugging tool
Developing and debugging UIs can be a pain. When something
goes wrong, it's not always obvious why. You can waste hours
writing logging statements only to find out that a widget is
in the wrong container, or an attribute wasn't set correctly.

Developing isn't much better either. Ever spend time writing
temporary code just to test a new feature, code you know you're
going to throw away in an hour, and yet you end up spending the
next 20 minutes debugging your temporary code? Sucks, doesn't

What your program really needs is a good Parasite infestation.

Parasite is a debugging and development tool that runs inside
your GTK+ application's process. It can inspect your application,
giving you detailed information on your UI, such as the hierarchy,
X window IDs, widget properties, and more. You can modify properties
on the fly in order to experiment with the look of your UI.

2009-09-23T08:23:46+00:00 devel/p5-Log-Dispatch-Screen-Color Perl extension to support color for Log::Dispatch::Screen
Color support for Log::Dispatch::Screen.

2009-09-21T12:25:21+00:00 mail/opendkim DKIM library and milter implementation
OpenDKIM is an open source implementation of the DKIM (Domain Keys Identified
Mail) sender authentication system proposed by the E-mail Signing Technology
Group (ESTG), now standardized by the IETF (RFC4871). It also includes
an implementations of the Vouch By Reference (VBR, RFC5518) proposed standard.

The OpenDKIM package consists of a library that implements the DKIM service
and a milter-based filter application that can plug in to any milter-aware
MTA to provide that service to sufficiently recent sendmail MTAs and other
MTAs that support the milter protocol.

2009-09-20T10:06:23+00:00 multimedia/pyjama Frontend to the Jamendo music network
Pyjama is a frontend to the Jamendo network, providing free,
legal and unlimited music published under Creative Commons license.

2009-09-20T01:36:55+00:00 www/free-sa-devel Statistic analyzer for daemons log files similar to SARG
Free-SA is a statistic analyzer for daemons log files similar to SARG.
Its main advantages over SARG are much better speed (7x-20x times),
more reports support, crossplatform work and W3C compliance of
generated HTML/CSS reports code.

2009-09-19T22:35:49+00:00 x11-toolkits/py-traitsgui Gui toolkit derived from the Enthought python traits library
Enthought's pyface gui abstraction layer developed for traits

2009-09-19T20:20:28+00:00 sysutils/uhidd Userland USB HID device driver using libusb20
uhidd is a userland driver/daemon for USB HID devices (e.g., mouse,
keyboard) using libusb20. The driver aims to support USB HID devices
with multiple Top-Level application collections in one interface i.e.,
HID devices with multiple logical device sharing one endpoint.

2009-09-19T12:55:44+00:00 german/pecl-konto_check PHP module to check German and Austrian Bank Account Numbers
konto_check is a PHP module to check the validity of German and
Austrian Bank Account Numbers. All currently defined test methods
by Deutsche Bundesbank (March 2009: 00 to D3) are implemented.

This port only installs the PHP module.

2009-09-19T12:51:18+00:00 net/pear-Net_IPv4 IPv4 network calculations and validation
Net_IPv4 is a Class used for calculating IPv4(AF_INET family)
address information such as network as network address,
broadcast address, and IP address validity.

2009-09-19T12:11:46+00:00 java/servingxml Framework for flat/XML data transformations
ServingXML is an open source, Apache 2.0 licensed, framework for flat/XML data
It defines an extensible markup vocabulary for expressing flat-XML, XML-flat,
flat-flat, and XML-XML processing in pipelines.
ServingXML comes with a console app, and also documents an API for embedding
the software in a standard Java or J2EE application.

2009-09-19T11:02:46+00:00 science/mol2ps Read molecular structure files and generate Postscript output
mol2ps is a freely available command-line utility program which reads
molecular structure files in different formats and generates
Postscript output for 2D display. The Postscript file can then be used
e.g. for creating a bitmap file, using a Postscript interpreter like

2009-09-19T09:53:55+00:00 science/checkmol Analyze molecules for the presence of functional groups
Checkmol is a command-line utility program which reads molecular
structure files in different formats and analyzes the input
molecule for the presence of various functional groups and structural
elements. At present, approx. 200 different functional groups are
recognized. This output can be easily placed into a database table,
permitting the creation of chemical databases with a functional group
search option. Checkmol also outputs a set of statistical values derived
from a given molecule, which can also be used for quick retrieval from a
database. These values include: the number of atoms, bonds, and rings,
the number of differently hybridized carbon, oxgen, and nitrogen atoms,
the number of C=O double bonds, the number of rings of different sizes,
the number of rings containing nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur, the number of
aromatic rings, the number of heterocyclic rings, etc. The combination
of all of these values for a given molecule represents some kind of
"fingerprint" which is useful for rapid pre-selection in a database
structure/substructure search prior to a full atom-by-atom match.

Matchmol complements the capabilities of checkmol. It compares two (or
more) molecular structures and determines whether one of them is a
substructure of the other one. This is done by a full atom-by-atom
comparison of the input structures. Thus, matchmol can be used as a
back-end program for structure/substructure search operations in
chemical databases.

The port installs both checkmol and matchmol.

2009-09-18T23:35:34+00:00 databases/p5-Redis Perl binding for Redis database
Pure perl bindings for

This version support git version 0.08 or later of Redis available at

2009-09-18T22:46:15+00:00 devel/p5-UUID-Tiny Pure Perl UUID Support With Functional Interface
Pure Perl UUID Support With Functional Interface.

2009-09-18T22:44:39+00:00 databases/p5-DBIx-Class-ResultSet-HashRef Adds syntactic sugar to skip the fancy objects
Easy way to turn resultsets into hashrefs.

2009-09-18T08:28:59+00:00 www/p5-HTTP-Parser-XS Perl extension of fast, primitive HTTP request parser
A fast, primitive HTTP request parser

2009-09-18T01:50:25+00:00 sysutils/py-filelike Python module for building and manipulating file-like object
filelike is a Python module for building and manipulating file-like
This module takes care of the groundwork for implementing and manipulating
objects that provide a rich file-like interface, including reading,
writing, seeking and iteration. It also provides a number of useful
classes built on top of this functionality.

2009-09-17T22:29:25+00:00 net/callweaver Open source IP PBX
Callweaver (formely is an open-source multi-platform PBX project.
It is based on Asterisk 1.2 code. Callweaver supports analog and digital
PSTN telephony, IAX/SIP and offers mature T.38 support.

2009-09-17T15:55:53+00:00 security/p5-Net-Radius-Server Framework for RADIUS Servers
Net::Radius::Server provides an extensible framework to create RADIUS
servers suitable for non-standard scenarios where authentication
needs to consider multiple factors. The RADIUS responses may be
created by arbitrarily complex rules that process the request packet
as well as any external data accessible to Perl.

2009-09-17T12:35:41+00:00 devel/gold Google Releases New and Improved GCC Linker
Gold is a new linker, written from scratch. It really only has one new feature
compared to the current GNU linker: it's much faster. I've measured it as five
times faster linking large C++ applications. Since for most programmers the
linker is nothing more than a roadblock between writing code and running the
program, I figure that speed and correctness are the only really important
features of any linker.

LICENSE: GPL3 or later

2009-09-16T14:08:07+00:00 devel/rubygem-jruby-jars JAR files from the JRuby distribution
JRuby is an implementation of the Ruby language atop the Java virtual machine.

This port contains JAR files from the JRuby distribution.

2009-09-16T11:35:33+00:00 mail/milter-manager Super milter that can invoke several milters selectively
milter manager protects you from spam mails and virus mails effectively
with milter. milter manager has embedded Ruby interpreter to control
milters flexibly.

2009-09-15T22:41:57+00:00 devel/p5-Devel-Caller-Perl Perl extension to implement Devel::Caller with Perl only
This module allows a method to get at arguments passed to subroutines
higher up in the call stack.

2009-09-15T16:59:27+00:00 mail/x-face-e21 X-Face utilities for Emacs
X-Face utilities for Emacs 21 (and possibly 22)

2009-09-15T08:46:09+00:00 www/choqok KDE micro-blogging client
Choqok is free/open-source micro-blogging client for K Desktop Environment.
The name comes from an ancient Persian word, means Sparrow. Features are:

- Supports,, and self hosted StatusNet (formerly
Laconica) websites (via their Twitter compatible API)
- Supporting Friends, @Reply, Favorites and Public time-lines
- Allows to easily send and receive direct messages
- Supports multiple accounts simultaneously
- Supports search APIs for all services
- Users can make quick tweets with global shortcuts
- Ability to notify user about new statuses text, with KNotification or
- Supports URL shortening with more than 30 characters, UnTiny short URLs
- Support for configuring status lists appearance
- Supports filtering to hide unwanted posts
- Preview Images from Twitpic, YFrog, and TweetPhoto services
- Preview videos from YouTube and Vimeo services
- KWallet integration and proxy support
- Official Repeat/ReTweet functions

2009-09-15T08:23:25+00:00 devel/py-gitosis Software for hosting git repositories
Manage git repositories, provide access to them over SSH, with tight
access control and not needing shell accounts.

Gitosis aims to make hosting git repos easier and safer. It manages
multiple repositories under one user account, using SSH keys to
identify users. End users do not need shell accounts on the server,
they will talk to one shared account that will not let them run
arbitrary commands.

2009-09-14T19:23:23+00:00 games/linux-worldofgoo-demo Demo version of incredible physics based puzzle/construction game
World of Goo is a physics based puzzle/construction game. The millions of
Goo Balls who live in the beautiful World of Goo do not know that they are
in a game, or that they are extremely delicious.

2009-09-14T18:41:00+00:00 net-mgmt/nagiosagent Qt-based frontend to Nagios
NagiosAgent is a QT-based frontend to Nagios.

2009-09-14T17:32:40+00:00 x11-wm/matwm2 Minimalistic, yet functional window manager for X11
matwm2 is a simple window manager for X11. It features window frames with
titlebar and buttons, configurable key bindings and mouse buttons, support
for EWMH and motif hints, focus-follows-mouse and click-to-focus focus
models, virtual desktops, Xft fonts and Xinerama support.

2009-09-14T16:29:47+00:00 graphics/yagf Graphical interface for an OCR program (tesseract)
YAGF is a graphical interface for text recognition
programs on the Linux platform. With YAGF you can scan images via
XSane, perform images preprocessing and recognize texts
from a single command centre. YAGF also makes it easy to
scan and recognize several images sequentially.

2009-09-14T04:01:22+00:00 devel/monodevelop-vala Vala language support for Monodevelop
Vala support for the MonoDevelop IDE.

2009-09-14T03:58:33+00:00 devel/monodevelop-boo MonoDevelop Boo language support
Boo language binding for MonoDevelop IDE.

2009-09-14T03:56:01+00:00 devel/monodevelop-database MonoDevelop database support
Database support for MonoDevelop.

2009-09-13T21:09:56+00:00 devel/monodevelop-java MonoDevelop Java/IKVM language support
Java language bindings for MonoDevelop (with IKVM).

2009-09-13T14:19:05+00:00 deskutils/dolphin-plugins-mplayerthumbs Video thumbs previewer for dolphin
MPlayerThumbs is a thumbnail generator for all KDE file managers (konqueror,
dolphin, ...) It needs mplayer (of course) to generate thumbnails, and it
contains no linking to any library, so in a x86_64 system you can freely use the
32bit mplayer binary with win32codecs by configuring the application launching
the mplayerthumbsconfig helper application.

2009-09-13T12:39:13+00:00 ports-mgmt/portrac Simple GUI tool for tracking port updates
portrac is a simple GUI tool for tracking port updates.
It's based on Qt and it integrates with the system tray.
portrac shows a simple list of the available updates to
the installed ports on the local machine i.e. shows the
ports that have updates.

2009-09-13T12:34:31+00:00 www/mod_flickr Apache module for Flickr API access
mod_flickr is a apache module (for apache 2.0 and above) that makes call to
flickr via flickr API's to get a users (configured in httpd.conf) public photo
sets, photos in sets and recent photos uploaded in flickr etc...

Currently only 4 api calls have been implmeneted (all are GET calls). These
API's return data in XML format. The XML can then be parsed by the calling code
(e.g. front end Javascript/php) to display thumbnails of the images say in a
scrollbar. (Code for front end is not distributed as yet)

This module can be used by web developers who want to show their photos/albums
uploaded in flickr on their website and/or access to metadata of their photos
for their own needs/purposes.

2009-09-13T12:25:29+00:00 databases/sqlite-ext-inet Library will provide the ipv4 functions in SQL queries
This library will provide the ipv4 ISINNET, IP2INT, INT2IP,

2009-09-12T23:09:13+00:00 x11-toolkits/py-traitsbackendwx Wx backend for TraitsGUI
wx based backend for Enthought's TraitsGUI abstracted GUI library for python

2009-09-12T04:20:05+00:00 misc/ipa_conv IPA accounting/database module for converting statistics
IPA_CONV -- IPA accounting/database module for converting statistics

Main features:

- The module is designed for converting statistics;
- Statistics is converted according to custom plans, several plans
can be used at the same time;
- Each plan can have converting rules for months, days, week days and
time ranges;
- Statistics of one static rule can be converted and sent to another
static rule.

2009-09-12T03:34:36+00:00 japanese/tdiary-devel
2009-09-10T09:09:03+00:00 net-p2p/eiskaltdc A Direct Connect client QT GUI
EiskaltDC++ is a program for UNIX-like systems that uses the Direct Connect
and ADC protocol. It is compatible with other DC clients, such as the
original DC from Neomodus, DC++ and derivatives. EiskaltDC++ also
interoperates with all common DC hub software.

2009-09-10T08:16:23+00:00 devel/p5-MooseX-Aliases Easy aliasing of methods and attributes in Moose
The MooseX::Aliases module will allow you to quickly alias methods in
Moose. It provides an alias parameter for has() to generate aliased
accessors as well as the standard ones. Attributes can also be
initialized in the constructor via their aliased names.

2009-09-09T11:18:23+00:00 devel/py-lockfile Platform-independent file locking module
The lockfile module exports a FileLock class which provides a simple
API for locking files. Unlike the Windows msvcrt.locking function, the
Unix fcntl.flock, fcntl.lockf and the deprecated posixfile module, the
API is identical across both Unix (including Linux and Mac) and Windows
platforms. The lock mechanism relies on the atomic nature of the link
(on Unix) and mkdir (on Windows) system calls.

2009-09-09T11:17:42+00:00 devel/py-timelib Parse English textual date descriptions
timelib is a short wrapper around php's internal timelib module.
It currently only provides a few functions.

2009-09-09T02:03:00+00:00 devel/p5-Module-Install-AuthorRequires Perl extension to declare author-only dependencies
Declare author-only dependencies.

2009-09-09T01:42:44+00:00 security/barnyard2 Interpreter for Snort unified2 binary output files
Barnyard is a critical tool for the parsing of Snort's unified binary files,
processing and on-forwarding to a variety of output plugins. Unfortunately
it has not seen an updated in over 4 years and is not going to be maintained
by the original developers. With the new version of the unified format
(ie. unified2) arriving we need something to bridge this gap.

The SXL team love barnyard. So much so that we want it to stay and have been
tinkering around with the code to give it a breath of new life. Here is what
we have achieved to far for this reinvigorated code base:

* Parsing of the new unified2 log files.
* Maintaining majority of the command syntax of barnyard.
* Addressed all associated bug reports and feature requests arising since
* Completely rewritten code based on the GPLv2 Snort making it entirely

This is an effort to fuse the awesome work of Snort and the original concept
of barnyard giving it a fresh update along the way. We've come a long way so
far and have a very stable build that we've integrated into our NSMnow
framework. If you have any feature requests, bugs or gripes then send them
our way.

2009-09-09T00:04:58+00:00 games/supertuxkart Free 3D kart racing game
SuperTuxKart is a Free 3d kart racing game; we want to make the
game fun more than we want to make it realistic. You can play with
up to 4 friends on one PC racing against each other, or just try
to beat the computer.

See the great lighthouse or drive through the sand and visit the
pyramids. Race under water or in space, watching the stars passing
by. Have some rest under the palms on the beach (watching the other
karts overtaking you :) ). But don't fall in the volcano.

You can do a single race against other karts, compete in one of
several Grand Prix, or try to beat the high score in time trials
on your own.

2009-09-08T01:35:54+00:00 devel/p5-Module-Install-Repository Perl extension to set repository URL from svn/svk/Git checkout
Automatically sets repository URL from svn/svk/Git checkout.

2009-09-08T01:25:56+00:00 games/brikx Puzzle game - remove all tiles from the table
A small puzzle game in which your goal is to remove all tiles from
the table. You are held up by other tiles, gravity walls, and other
things, and you can even redesign the level while playing!

2009-09-08T01:17:37+00:00 devel/p5-Test-Requires Perl extension for checking to see if the module can be loaded
Test::Requires checks to see if the module can be loaded.

If this fails rather than failing tests this skips all tests.

2009-09-07T17:16:23+00:00 devel/monodevelop IDE for the .NET platform
MonoDevelop is a free GNOME integrated development environment (IDE)
primarily designed for C# and other .NET languages.

It was originally a port of SharpDevelop 0.98.

The main features of MonoDevelop are:

* Code Completion
* Class Management
* Built-in Help
* Project Support
* Add-ins

2009-09-07T17:00:23+00:00 lang/boo A CLI-targeted programming language similar to Python
Boo is a new, object-oriented, statically-typed programming language for the
Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) with a Python-inspired syntax and a
special focus on language and compiler extensibility.

2009-09-06T10:34:49+00:00 audio/vitunes Curses-based media player with vim-like keybinds
vitunes is a curses-based playlist manager and media player for *nix operating
systems with vim-like keybinds. Its primary goal is to serve as an index of
"tagged" multimedia files and provide a quick, easy interface for browsing &
searching your files, and creating playlists.

2009-09-04T21:04:44+00:00 security/py-keyring Store and access your passwords safely
The Python keyring lib provides an easy way to access the system keyring
service from Python. It can be used in any application that needs safe password
storage. It supports OSX, KDE, Gnome and Windows's native password storing
services. Besides this, it is shipped with kinds of Python implemented keyring
for the left environments.

2009-09-04T20:39:11+00:00 textproc/ibus-m17n m17n IM engine for IBus framework
This is the m17n IMEngine for IBus (Intelligent Input Bus) framework. It
allows you to use official and contributed keyboard layouts of the m17n
project (available via devel/m17n-db and textproc/m17n-contrib) through
standard IBus interface. m17n-lib currenty supports input of more than 60
languages with more than 70 language-specific input methods.

2009-09-04T13:59:20+00:00 games/blockout BlockOut II is an adaptation of the original Blockout DOS game
BlockOut II is an adaptation of the original Blockout DOS game
edited by California Dreams(1989). It uses Direct3D on Win32 and
OpenGL on Linux/Unix. BL II has the same features than the original game.
Score calculation is also nearly similar to the original.

2009-09-04T00:37:27+00:00 shells/jailkit Utilities to limit user accounts to specific files and/or commands
Jailkit is a set of utilities to limit user accounts to specific files
using chroot() and or specific commands. Setting up a chroot shell, a
shell limited to some specific command, or a daemon inside a chroot jail
is a lot easier and can be automated using these utilities.

Jailkit is a specialized tool that is developed with a focus on security.
It will abort in a secure way if the configuration, the system setup or the
environment is not 100% secure, and it will send useful log messages that
explain what is wrong to syslog.

Jailkit is known to be used in network security appliances from several leading
IT security firms, internet servers from several large enterprise organizations,
internet servers from internet service providers, as well as many smaller
companies and private users that need to secure cvs, sftp, shell or daemon

2009-09-03T19:03:12+00:00 benchmarks/nuttcp TCP/UDP network testing tool
nuttcp is a network performance measurement tool intended for use
by network and system managers. Its most basic usage is to determine
the raw TCP (or UDP) network layer throughput by transferring memory
buffers from a source system across an interconnecting network to
a destination system, either transferring data for a specified time
interval, or alternatively transferring a specified number of bytes.

nuttcp is based on nttcp, but have several useful features such
as a server mode, rate limiting, multiple parallel streams, and
timer based usage.

2009-09-03T12:26:35+00:00 devel/p5-AnyEvent-AIO Asynchronous file and directory I/O with AnyEvent
Loading this module will install the necessary magic to seamlessly
integrate IO::AIO into AnyEvent, i.e. you no longer need to concern
yourself with calling IO::AIO::poll_cb or any of that stuff (you still
can, but this module will do it in case you don't).

2009-09-03T03:38:20+00:00 games/springlobby Cross-platform lobby client for the Spring RTS project
SpringLobby is a free cross-platform lobby client for the
Spring RTS project.

2009-09-02T17:26:54+00:00 textproc/scim-kmfl-sil-galatia SCIM KMFL IMEngine Unicode keyboard for typesetting Ancient Greek
This is a keyboard for typesetting Ancient Greek with precomposed Unicode
characters. It is written in Keyman Keyboard Language by SIL Non-Roman Script
Initiative (NRSI).

The main purpose of the keyboards is to provide a wide range of keying options,
so many characters can be entered in multiple ways. The features include:

* preserving the context when deleting;
* choosing the correct code for the sigma depending upon the encoding and
the context (so the correct final form is used when appropriate);
* understanding the context of gamma so that it can be typed as 'n' before
kappa, xi or chi and as 'ng' before another gamma.
* support for Greek punctuation.

2009-09-02T17:26:54+00:00 textproc/kmfl-sil-galatia KMFL Unicode keyboard for typesetting Ancient Greek
This is a keyboard for typesetting Ancient Greek with precomposed Unicode
characters. It is written in Keyman Keyboard Language by SIL Non-Roman Script
Initiative (NRSI).

This port installs the keyboard so that it can be used through SCIM or
IBus KMFL IMEngine (textproc/scim-kmfl-imengine, textproc/ibus-kmfl).

The main purpose of the keyboards is to provide a wide range of keying options,
so many characters can be entered in multiple ways. The features include:

* preserving the context when deleting;
* choosing the correct code for the sigma depending upon the encoding and
the context (so the correct final form is used when appropriate);
* understanding the context of gamma so that it can be typed as 'n' before
kappa, xi or chi and as 'ng' before another gamma.
* support for Greek punctuation.

2009-09-02T17:25:47+00:00 textproc/scim-kmfl-sil-yi SCIM KMFL IMEngine Unicode keyboard for standardized Yi script
This is a keyboard for input of the standardized Yi script of southwestern
China with Unicode Yi fonts. It is written in Keyman keyboard language and
developed by SIL Non-Roman Script Initiative (NRSI).

To keyboard a Yi syllable, you should type the Pinyin romanization for that
syllable, followed by a space. For keyboarding punctuation, use the usual
punctuation keystrokes.

The keyboard is compatible with Yi range as defined in Unicode 3.0 and it does
not provide keystrokes for the Yi Radicals which were added to Unicode 3.2
(U+A4A2..U+A4A3, U+A4B4, U+A4C1, U+A4C5).

2009-09-02T17:25:47+00:00 textproc/kmfl-sil-yi KMFL Unicode keyboard for standardized Yi script
This is a keyboard for input of the standardized Yi script of southwestern
China with Unicode Yi fonts. It is written in Keyman keyboard language and
developed by SIL Non-Roman Script Initiative (NRSI).

This port installs the keyboard so that it can be used through SCIM or
IBus KMFL IMEngine (textproc/scim-kmfl-imengine, textproc/ibus-kmfl).

To keyboard a Yi syllable, you should type the Pinyin romanization for that
syllable, followed by a space. For keyboarding punctuation, use the usual
punctuation keystrokes.

The keyboard is compatible with Yi range as defined in Unicode 3.0 and it does
not provide keystrokes for the Yi Radicals which were added to Unicode 3.2
(U+A4A2..U+A4A3, U+A4B4, U+A4C1, U+A4C5).

2009-09-02T17:24:41+00:00 textproc/scim-kmfl-sil-panafrican-latin SCIM KMFL IMEngine keyboard for African Latin writing systems
This is a set of two keyboards that provides a single implementation for many
Roman writing systems across Africa, based on results compiled from data from
Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Cote d'Ivoire, Nigeria, Senegal and Togo.

The keyboards are written in Keyman keyboard language and developed by SIL
Non-Roman Script Initiative (NRSI). The software is distributed under the
X11-style license (

This port installs the keyboards so that they can be used through SCIM KMFL
IMEngine (textproc/scim-kmfl-imengine). Two layouts are provided:

* mnemonic layout for any keyboard (using deadkeys);
* positional layout for US keyboard (using deadkeys and/or shift-states, i.e.
RALT and LALT keys).

2009-09-02T17:24:41+00:00 textproc/kmfl-sil-panafrican-latin KMFL keyboard for African Latin writing systems
This is a set of two keyboards that provides a single implementation for many
Roman writing systems across Africa, based on results compiled from data from
Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Cote d'Ivoire, Nigeria, Senegal and Togo.

The keyboards are written in Keyman keyboard language and developed by SIL
Non-Roman Script Initiative (NRSI). The software is distributed under the
X11-style license (

This port installs the keyboard so that it can be used through SCIM or
IBus KMFL IMEngine (textproc/scim-kmfl-imengine, textproc/ibus-kmfl).
Two layouts are provided:

* mnemonic layout for any keyboard (using deadkeys);
* positional layout for US keyboard (using deadkeys and/or shift-states, i.e.
RALT and LALT keys).

2009-09-02T17:23:30+00:00 devel/p5-Devel-REPL Modern Perl interactive shell
This is an interactive shell for Perl, commonly known as a REPL -
Read, Evaluate, Print, Loop. The shell provides for rapid development
or testing of code without the need to create a temporary source code

Through a plugin system, many features are available on demand. You
can also tailor the environment through the use of profiles and run
control files, for example to pre-load certain Perl modules when
working on a particular project.

2009-09-02T17:23:06+00:00 devel/p5-MooseX-Object-Pluggable Make your classes pluggable
This module is meant to be loaded as a role from Moose-based classes
it will add five methods and four attributes to assist you with the
loading and handling of plugins and extensions for plugins. I
understand that this may pollute your namespace, however I took great
care in using the least ambiguous names possible.

2009-09-02T15:38:45+00:00 devel/hs-readline Interface to the GNU readline library
An interface to the GNU readline library. More information on readline can be
found at <>.

2009-09-02T15:38:45+00:00 devel/hs-mmap Memory-mapped files for POSIX and Windows
This library provides a wrapper to mmap(2) or MapViewOfFile, allowing
files or devices to be lazily loaded into memory as strict or lazy
ByteStrings, ForeignPtrs or plain Ptrs, using the virtual memory
subsystem to do on-demand loading. Modifications are also supported.

2009-09-02T15:38:45+00:00 devel/hs-haskeline Command-line interface for user input, written in Haskell
Haskeline provides a user interface for line input in command-line programs.
This library is similar in purpose to readline, but since it is written in
Haskell it is (hopefully) more easily used in other Haskell programs.
Haskeline runs both on POSIX-compatible systems and on Windows.

2009-09-02T15:38:45+00:00 devel/hs-ghc-paths Knowledge of GHC's installation directories
Knowledge of GHC's installation directories.

2009-09-02T15:38:45+00:00 devel/hs-ghc-paths-docs Documentation for ghc-paths
Hyperlinked documentation for the Ghc-Paths libraries.
This documentaion is generated by HsColour and haddock.
2009-09-02T15:38:45+00:00 devel/hs-QuickCheck Automatic testing of Haskell programs
QuickCheck is a library for random testing of program properties.

The programmer provides a specification of the program, in the form of
properties which functions should satisfy, and QuickCheck then tests
that the properties hold in a large number of randomly generated cases.

Specifications are expressed in Haskell, using combinators defined in
the QuickCheck library. QuickCheck provides combinators to define
properties, observe the distribution of test data, and define test data

2009-09-02T09:33:07+00:00 graphics/p5-Color-Palette Handle sets of named colors in Perl
The libraries in the Color-Palette distribution are meant to make it
easy to build sets of named colors, and to write applications that can
define and validate the color names they required.

2009-09-02T08:41:31+00:00 graphics/p5-Color-Scheme Generate pleasant color schemes
This module is a Perl implementation of Color Schemes 2
(, a color scheme generator.
Start by visiting the Color Schemes 2 web site and playing with the
colors. When you want to generate those schemes on the fly, begin using
this module.

2009-09-01T22:19:47+00:00 misc/kde4-l10n-hr Croatian messages and documentation for KDE SC 4
Localized messages and documentation for KDE4.

2009-09-01T21:47:50+00:00 comms/wspr Weak signal for HF ham radio communication package
WSPR (pronounced "whisper") stands for "Weak Signal Propagation Reporter."
This program is designed for sending and receiving low-power transmissions
to test propagation paths on the MF and HF bands. Users with internet access
can watch results in real time at WSPRnet.

2009-09-01T18:07:07+00:00 lang/p5-Try-Tiny Minimal try/catch with proper localization of $$@
This module provides bare bones try/catch statements that are designed
to minimize common mistakes done with eval blocks (for instance assuming
that $@ is set to a true value on error, or clobbering previous values
of $@, and NOTHING else.

2009-09-01T11:40:45+00:00 audio/linux-f10-nas-libs Runtime libraries for NAS (Linux Fedora 10)
2009-09-01T11:39:47+00:00 audio/linux-f8-nas-libs Runtime libraries for NAS (Linux Fedora 8)
2009-09-01T11:38:49+00:00 audio/linux-nas-libs Runtime libraries for NAS (Linux Fedora Core 4)
2009-08-31T23:40:56+00:00 www/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-RunAfterRequest Run code after the response has been sent
Run code after the response has been sent.

2009-08-31T15:12:51+00:00 audio/istream Internet radio player applet for GNOME Panel
iStream is a simple GNOME panel applet that lets you play internet radio
streams (local files work too). It uses Gstreamer for playback. Written in C
using Gtk+.

Configure your streams in ~/.istream file.

2009-08-31T11:41:12+00:00 multimedia/2mandvd DVD authoring and slideshow tool
2ManDVD is the successor of ManDVD, an application for creating video DVDs
from a wide variety of video formats. You can add as many video clips you
want to generate a DVD with chapters, subtitles, transition effects,
brightness and contrast settings.

If the imported videos are not compatible with standard DVDs, they can be
converted. It also offers possibility of extracting images, synchronize
audio and video, create a video introduction to the DVD, reduce the noise,
create subtitles, and even a menu with animation for your DVD.

2009-08-31T10:49:48+00:00 x11-toolkits/linux-f10-blt BLT widget extension to Tcl/Tk scripting language development (Linux Fedora 10)
The BLT Toolkit is an extension to Tcl and Tk. It adds new commands
and widgets to the Tcl interpreter. Included widgets are 2D graph,
barchart, stripchart, tab notebook, and tree viewer.

NOTE: This kit requires as a pre-requisite the Tcl and Tk binary kits.
This version uses Linux shared libraries.
2009-08-30T23:08:30+00:00 www/p5-WWW-Mechanize-Cached Perl extension to cache response to be polite
Uses the Cache::Cache hierarchy to implement a caching Mech. This lets
one perform repeated requests without hammering a server impolitely.

2009-08-30T00:09:22+00:00 devel/p5-Log-Any-Adapter-Dispatch Perl extension for adapter to use Log::Dispatch with Log::Any
Adapter to use Log::Dispatch with Log::Any.

2009-08-29T23:21:11+00:00 devel/p5-Log-Any Perl extension to bring loggers and listeners together
Log::Any allows CPAN modules to safely and efficiently log messages,
while letting the application choose (or decline to choose) a logging
mechanism such as Log::Dispatch or Log::Log4perl.

2009-08-29T07:29:23+00:00 devel/qt4-qdoc3 Qt documentation generator
Qt is a C++ toolkit for application development. It lets application
developers target all major operating systems with a single application
source code.

qdoc3 is the tool used to generate the Qt reference documentation.

2009-08-29T07:15:56+00:00 devel/cmake-gui Qt-based GUI for CMake
CMake is used to control the software compilation process using
simple platform and compiler independent configuration files. CMake
generates native makefiles and workspaces that can be used in the
compiler environment of your choice. CMake is quite sophisticated:
it is possible to support complex environments requiring system
configuration, pre-processor generation, code generation, and
template instantiation.

2009-08-28T23:36:09+00:00 biology/p5-Bio-SCF Read and Update SCF Chromatographic Sequence Files
Bio::SCF module allows you to read and update (in a restricted
way) SCF chromatographic sequence files. It is an interface to
Roger Staden's io-lib. See the installation directions for further

2009-08-28T23:34:20+00:00 biology/iolib General purpose trace file (and Experiment File) reading interface
Io_lib is a library of file reading and writing code to provide a
general purpose trace file (and Experiment File) reading interface.
The programmer simply calls the (eg) read_reading to create a "Read"
C structure with the data loaded into memory. It has been compiled
and tested on a variety of Unix systems, MacOS X and MS Windows.

2009-08-28T19:15:02+00:00 textproc/teckit Toolkit for converting data between 8-bit legacy encodings and Unicode
TECkit (Text Encoding Conversion toolkit) is a toolkit for converting data
between 8-bit legacy encodings and Unicode. It can also be used for
transliteration of Unicode between different scripts.

TECkit uses a mapping description language (mapping byte encodings to Unicode).
Mapping rules can be extended by (1) the use of character sequences rather than
single characters on either side; (2) by the addition of contextual constraints
(environments) determining when a rule should apply; (3) and by the use of
character classes, optional and repeatable elements, grouping and alternation
to express more complex patterns to be matched and processed.

TECkit is particularly useful with XeTeX (Unicode-aware derivate of TeX).

The following binaries are provided:

teckit_compile mapping compiler that allows binary mapping tables (.tec)
to be built from TECkit description files (.map)
sfconv a tool for converting Standard Format (SF) files
txtconv a utility to apply TECkit mappings to plain-text files

2009-08-27T20:45:59+00:00 devel/p5-XML-Pastor Generate Perl classes with XML bindings from a W3C XSD schema
Java has Castor, and now Perl has XML::Pastor!

If you know what Castor does in the Java world, then XML::Pastor
should be familiar to you. If you have a W3C XSD schema, you can
generate Perl classes with roundtrip XML bindings.

2009-08-27T20:22:13+00:00 audio/murmur Server component of Mumble
Murmur is the server component of Mumble, a low-latency, high quality
VoIP application.

2009-08-27T18:46:51+00:00 textproc/p5-Template-Plugin-Autoformat Template Toolkit interface to Text::Autoformat module
Template Toolkit plugin interface to Text::Autoformat module. This is
a separate distribution as of Template-Toolkit 2.22.

2009-08-27T17:05:17+00:00 devel/p5-Data-HashArray Array class of hashes with properties via overloading and AUTOLOAD
Data::HashArray is an array of hashes or hash-based objects. This
class has some magical properties that make it easier to deal with

2009-08-27T09:20:22+00:00 dns/rubygem-dnsruby Pure Ruby DNS client library
Dnsruby is a pure Ruby DNS client library. It provides a
complete DNS client implementation, including full DNSSEC

2009-08-27T09:19:48+00:00 databases/p5-Test-Cukes BBD test tool inspired by Cucumber
Test::Cukes is a BBD test tool inspired by Cucumber.

2009-08-27T09:08:40+00:00 mail/p5-Email-Stuff More casual approach to creating and sending Email
Email::Stuff, as its name suggests, is a fairly casual module
used to email "stuff" to people using the most common methods.
It is a high-level module designed for ease of use when doing
a very specific common task, but implemented on top of the
tight and correct Email:: modules.

Email::Stuff is typically used to build emails and send them
in a single statement, as seen in the synopsis. And it is
certain only for use when creating and sending emails. As such,
it contains no email parsing capability, and little to no
modification support.

2009-08-27T09:08:13+00:00 devel/rubygem-deprecated Library intended to aid developers working with deprecated code
rubygem-deprecated is a small library intended to aid developers working
with deprecated code. The idea comes from the 'D' programming language,
where developers can mark certain code as deprecated, and then
allow/disallow the ability to execute deprecated code.

2009-08-27T09:07:15+00:00 devel/abi-compliance-checker Checks binary compatibility of two versions of a C/C++ shared library
Given the header files and shared objects corresponding to two different shared
library versions, and a simple description of each of the shared libraries in
XML format, abi-compliance-checker searches for the following kinds of binary
compatibility problems:

--added/withdrawn interfaces (functions, global variables)
--changes to constants
--problems in data types:
--classes: added/withdrawn virtual functions (changes in layout of
virtual table), virtual function positions, virtual function
--structural data types: added/withdrawn members (changes in layout of
type structure), changes in members, size changes
--enumerations: member value changes
--interface problems:
--parameter and return type changes
--incorrect symbol versions

The checker then generates a report that assesses the risks of any potential
problems detected.

2009-08-27T06:07:56+00:00 audio/calf Audio plug-in pack for LV2 and JACK environments
Calf Studio Gear is an audio plug-in pack for LV2 and JACK environments.
The suite contains lots of effects (delay, modulation, signal processing,
dynamics, distortion and mastering effects), instruments (SF2 player,
organ simulator and a monophonic synthesizer) and tools (analyzer,
mono/stereo tools). Calf Studio Gear aims for a professional audience.

2009-08-27T04:40:53+00:00 net/libnatpmp NAT-PMP lightweight library
libnatpmp is an attempt to make a portable and fully compliant implementation
of the protocol for the client side. It is based on non blocking sockets and
all calls of the API are asynchronous. It is therefore very easy to integrate
the NAT-PMP code to any event driven code.

2009-08-26T16:36:18+00:00 mail/roundcube-umich Theme for RoundCube Web Mail
While deploying RoundCube at the University of Michigan was developed a new
skin. It is a modern, open interface with tools and actions arranged with
optimal usability in mind. Light color blocks and borders delineate application
areas without drawing too much attention or drawing focus away from the

2009-08-26T00:00:14+00:00 games/zaz Puzzle game where the player has to arrange balls in triplets
Zaz ain't Z*** is a puzzle game where the player has to arrange
balls in triplets.

2009-08-25T01:16:31+00:00 graphics/mmrecover Recover lost JPEG images from device dumps
mmrecover is a data recovery utility intended to save your girlfriend's life
when she has accidentally deleted all photos of the last holidays of her
parents to Portugal from the family's computer.

By extension, it can recover any contiguous JPEG file from a raw data device
2009-08-25T01:13:19+00:00 www/gist Gist pastebin posting command
This port is for the Gist commandline tool, which allows for posting to the
Gist pastebin.

2009-08-24T15:35:37+00:00 audio/qsampler Qt-based front end to LinuxSampler
Qt-based front end to LinuxSampler.

2009-08-24T11:03:03+00:00 misc/compat8x Convenience package to install the compat8x libraries
This package allows you to install the compat8x libraries on your
system, so you can use legacy binaries that depend on them.

Ports usage example:

.include <>

.if ${OSVERSION} >= 900042
LIB_DEPENDS+= ufs.5:misc/compat8x
2009-08-24T11:03:03+00:00 misc/compat7x Convenience package to install the compat7x libraries
This package allows you to install the compat7x libraries on your
system, so you can use legacy binaries that depend on them.

Ports usage example:

.include <>

.if ${OSVERSION} >= 800105
LIB_DEPENDS+= alias.6:misc/compat7x
2009-08-23T23:19:40+00:00 devel/p5-ExtUtils-XSpp XS for C++ in Perl
XS++ is just a thin layer over plain XS, hence to use it you are
supposed to know, at the very least, C++ and XS. This means that
you will need typemaps for both the normal XS pre-processor xsubpp
and the XS++ pre-processor xspp.

2009-08-23T19:11:58+00:00 audio/linuxsampler Modular MIDI sampler
The LinuxSampler project was founded with the goal to produce a
free, streaming capable open source pure software audio sampler
with professional grade features, comparable to both hardware and
commercial Windows/Mac software samplers and to introduce new
features not yet available by any other sampler in the world.

2009-08-23T16:53:01+00:00 math/octave-forge-quaternion Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
The octave-forge package is the result of The GNU Octave Repositry project,
which is intended to be a central location for custom scripts, functions and
extensions for GNU Octave. contains the source for all the functions plus
build and install scripts.

This is quaternion.

Package for the manipulation of Quaternion's used for frame transformation.

2009-08-23T16:07:48+00:00 archivers/packddir Utilities to unpack and create PackdDir archives
PackdDir creates and unpacks PackdDir archives,
which are used in Quake (I and II) and others.

2009-08-23T10:40:59+00:00 converters/rcctools Charset conversion utility with language and encoding autodetection
Command line interface to devel/librcc library. It is a highly
configurable tool (supports almost all library functionality) which
allows to recode standard input on the per-line basis. Additionally,
there is a special mode providing a way to bring the names of all
files in the specified directory to appropriate form (to the specified
encoding, transliterate all names to english, translate all names
to english, etc.)

2009-08-22T22:23:22+00:00 textproc/p5-Sphinx-Search Sphinx search engine API Perl client
Sphinx search engine API Perl client.

2009-08-22T22:20:26+00:00 converters/p5-MIME-Base64-URLSafe Perl version of Python's URL-safe base64 codec
Perl version of Python's URL-safe base64 codec

2009-08-22T22:10:52+00:00 textproc/py-xlwt Writing data and formatting information from Excel files
Library to create spreadsheet files compatible with
MS Excel 97/2000/XP/2003 XLS files, on any platform, with Python 2.3
to 2.6

xlwt is a library for generating spreadsheet files that are compatible
with Excel 97/2000/XP/2003, Calc, and Gnumeric. xlwt
has full support for Unicode. Excel spreadsheets can be generated on
any platform without needing Excel or a COM server. The only
requirement is Python 2.3 to 2.6. xlwt is a fork of pyExcelerator.

2009-08-22T22:09:37+00:00 textproc/py-xlrd Reading data and formatting information from Excel files
Library for developers to extract data from Microsoft Excel (tm)
spreadsheet files

Extract data from Excel spreadsheets (.xls and .xlsx, versions 2.0
onwards) on any platform. Pure Python (2.6, 2.7, 3.2+). Strong support
for Excel dates. Unicode-aware.

2009-08-22T22:08:15+00:00 textproc/py-errorhandler Logging framework handler that tracks when messages above a certain level have been logged
A logging framework handler that tracks when messages above a certain
level have been logged.

This is a handler for the python standard logging framework that can
be used to tell whether messages have been logged at or above a certain

This can be useful when wanting to ensure that no errors have been
logged before committing data back to a database.

2009-08-22T20:43:27+00:00 www/mod_antiloris Protect Apache 2.x against the Slowloris HTTP DoS attack
This module protects Apache 2.x from the Slowloris HTTP DoS attack by
limiting the number of allowed connections.

2009-08-22T20:39:51+00:00 biology/p5-Bio-NEXUS Object-oriented Perl API for the NEXUS file format
Bio::NEXUS package provides an object-oriented, Perl-based
applications programming interface (API) to the NEXUS file
format of Maddison, et al., 1997 (Syst. Biol. 46:590-621).
NEXUS is a powerful and extensible format designed for use
in evolutionary analysis, including the analysis of molecular
sequence data as well as classical morphological and life-history
data. NEXUS is the input or output format for software such as
PAUP*, MacClade, Mesquite, SIMMAP, MrBayes, Nexplorer, and
so on. This package also contains the demonstration applications (plot character data with a tree) and
(allowing programmatic editing, e.g., selecting particular
clades or subsets of data).

2009-08-22T19:08:45+00:00 devel/p5-DateTime-Format-RFC3339 Parse and format RFC3339 times
Parse and format RFC3339 datetime strings

2009-08-22T19:06:03+00:00 www/repos-style Stylesheet for the Subversion index web page
A free open source stylesheet for the Subversion index web page.
The XSLT and CSS is fully customizable. There is icons for folders
and many different filetypes. Install Repos Style as it is or use
is as a sample XSLT to design your own. A simple log viewer is also

2009-08-22T03:56:38+00:00 databases/akonadi-googledata Akonadi Resources for Google Contacts and Calendar
Google contacts and calendar akonadi resource. It allows syncing your calendar
and contacts with your google account.

2009-08-22T03:55:25+00:00 deskutils/libgcal Library allowing communication with Google calendar and contacts
An ANSI C library allowing communication with google calendar and contacts,
useful if you need to support this in a C or C++ application.

2009-08-21T22:49:16+00:00 deskutils/opengoo An open source web office
It is a complete solution for every organization to create, collaborate, share
and publish all its internal and external documents.

You and your team can create and collaborate on:

- Text documents
- Spreadsheets (coming soon)
- Presentations
- Task Lists
- E-mails
- Calendars
- Web Links
- Contacts

2009-08-21T22:49:16+00:00 deskutils/fengoffice Open source web-based collaboration software
It is a complete solution for every organization to create, collaborate, share
and publish all its internal and external documents.

You and your team can create and collaborate on:

- Text documents
- Spreadsheets (coming soon)
- Presentations
- Task Lists
- E-mails
- Calendars
- Web Links
- Contacts

2009-08-21T22:41:04+00:00 net/freeswitch Multi-protocol soft switch for telephony applications
FreeSWITCH is a scalable open source cross-platform telephony
platform designed to route and interconnect popular communication
protocols using audio, video, text or any other form of media. It
was created in 2006 to fill the void left by proprietary commercial
solutions. FreeSWITCH also provides a stable telephony platform
on which many applications can be developed using a wide range of
free tools.

2009-08-21T14:49:50+00:00 net-im/qutim-plugin-jabber Jabber protocol plugin for qutIM
Jabber protocol plugin for qutIM
2009-08-21T14:48:59+00:00 net-im/qutim-plugin-icq ICQ protocol plugin for qutIM
ICQ protocol plugin for qutIM
2009-08-21T00:54:33+00:00 devel/psptoolchain PlayStation Portable development toolchain meta port
The PlayStation Portable Toolchain is a collection of tools and utilities
for homebrew PSP development.

2009-08-21T00:54:33+00:00 devel/psptoolchain-pspsdk-stage2 PlayStation Portable development toolchain ${PORTNAME}
2009-08-21T00:54:33+00:00 devel/psptoolchain-pspsdk-stage1 PlayStation Portable development toolchain ${PORTNAME}
The PlayStation Portable Toolchain is a collection of tools and utilities
for homebrew PSP development.

2009-08-21T00:54:33+00:00 devel/psptoolchain-newlib PlayStation Portable development toolchain ${PORTNAME}
The PlayStation Portable Toolchain is a collection of tools and utilities
for homebrew PSP development.

2009-08-21T00:54:33+00:00 devel/psptoolchain-gdb PlayStation Portable development toolchain ${PORTNAME}
The PlayStation Portable Toolchain is a collection of tools and utilities
for homebrew PSP development.

2009-08-21T00:54:33+00:00 devel/psptoolchain-gcc-stage2
2009-08-21T00:54:33+00:00 devel/psptoolchain-gcc-stage1 PlayStation Portable development toolchain ${PORTNAME}
The PlayStation Portable Toolchain is a collection of tools and utilities
for homebrew PSP development.

2009-08-21T00:54:33+00:00 devel/psptoolchain-binutils PlayStation Portable development toolchain ${PORTNAME}
The PlayStation Portable Toolchain is a collection of tools and utilities
for homebrew PSP development.

2009-08-19T22:10:15+00:00 audio/wxguitar Simple guitar tuning assistant
A simple program to help novice guitarist faster (and better) to
tune your guitar.

2009-08-19T15:46:08+00:00 net-mgmt/dhcdrop Tool for searching and suppressing false DHCP servers
DHCDROP - utility for tracing and neutralizing(blocking) fake DHCP
servers in Ethernet. Supports various modes. Theres possibility
to set outgoing MAC addresses and optional settings in generated
DHCP requests. Supports legal DHCP servers list. One can run it
in interactive mode under users control or fully automatic mode for
start up from script.

2009-08-19T12:30:31+00:00 devel/qtcreator C++ and QML IDE for Qt development
Qt Creator is a cross-platform IDE (integrated development
environment) tailored to the needs of Qt developers.
It is part of the Qt Project.

It includes:
* code editor with C++, QML and ECMAscript support;
* rapid code navigation tools;
* static code checking and style hints as you type;
* context sensitive help;
* visual debugger;
* integrated GUI layout and forms designer.

2009-08-18T20:39:35+00:00 devel/py-zope.exceptions General Zope Exceptions
zope.exceptions contains exception interfaces and implementations
which are so general purpose that they don't belong in Zope
application-specific packages.

2009-08-18T16:59:14+00:00 audio/creox Realtime sound processor
Creox is a real-time sound processor. You can plug your electric guitar
or any other musical instrument directly to the PC's sound card and
start experimenting with various sound effects. Creox offers nice
user-friendly KDE-based GUI, a preset support, a low-latency DSP engine,
and each effect parameter can be altered "on the fly".

As Creox is a JACK application, the output sound can be routed to the
other JACK-aware applications, and the audio input can be taken as the
output from the other JACK client.

2009-08-18T13:03:50+00:00 www/gaeutilities Utility classes to make working with Google App Engine easier
gaeutilities is a collection of classes to aid in development
on Google Appengine.

The stable version includes the following classes:

Session: An http session class to preserve identity across http requests.
It uses both BigTable and Memcache for performance and reliability.
It also includes middleware to plug in with django.
Cache: A BigTable and Memcache caching class. Any object that can be pickled
can be stored in cache.
Event: A subscribe/fire event system that gives developers the ability to set
callback functions.
Flash: A cookie based messaging library. Using json, data structures can be
stored as a cookie in the browser and retrieved on the next request.
Useful for messages such as "Thank you for logging in."

2009-08-18T09:07:12+00:00 net-mgmt/noc Operation Support System (OSS) for the Telco, SP, and Enterprise NOC
NOC Project is an Operation Support System (OSS) for the Telco,
Service provider and Enterprise Network Operation Centers (NOC).

Areas covered by NOC:
* Fault Management
* Service Activation/Provisioning
* Knowledge Base
* Multi-VRF Address space management
* Virtual Circuits management (VLAN, DLCI, etc)
* Configuration Management
* DNS provisioning
* Peering management, RPSL and BGP filters generator, integrated
looking glass
* Reporting

NOC Project is distributed under the term of BSD-like LICENSE.

The NOC Project Team

2009-08-18T02:53:33+00:00 databases/pg_filedump Utility to format PostgreSQL heap, index, etc into human-readable form
pg_filedump is a utility to format PostgreSQL heap, index, and control
files into a human-readable form. You can format/dump the files
several ways as well as dumping straight binary. This utility is
intended to aid in the understanding of the internal contents of a
PostgreSQL block.

2009-08-17T23:08:02+00:00 astro/celestia-kde
2009-08-17T20:36:03+00:00 converters/py-pisa PDF generator using HTML and CSS
pisa is a html2pdf converter using the ReportLab Toolkit, the
HTML5lib and pyPdf. It supports HTML 5 and CSS 2.1 (and some
of CSS 3). It is completely written in pure Python so it is
platform independent. The main benefit of this tool that a user
with Web skills like HTML and CSS is able to generate PDF
templates very quickly without learning new technologies. Easy
integration into Python frameworks like CherryPy, KID Templating,
TurboGears, Django, Zope, Plone, Google AppEngine (GAE) etc.

2009-08-17T20:35:25+00:00 net-im/p5-AnyEvent-XMPP Implementation of the XMPP Protocol
AnyEvent::XMPP is an implementation of the XMPP Protocol.

2009-08-17T20:10:39+00:00 x11-wm/libwraster Window Maker raster graphics library
This is the libwraster library from x11-wm/windowmaker.

The purpose of this port is to allow dockapp ports the choice of
depending on the full Window Maker port, or just the library.

2009-08-17T19:17:17+00:00 devel/p5-MooseX-LazyRequire Required attributes which fail only when trying to use them
This module adds a "lazy_required" option to Moose attribute

The reader methods for all attributes with that option will throw an
exception unless a value for the attributes was provided earlier by a
constructor parameter or through a writer method.

2009-08-16T15:02:13+00:00 www/rekonq Lightweight KDE browser based on WebKit
rekonq is a lightweight WebKit-based web browser designed with the
aim of close integration into KDE.

2009-08-15T18:20:25+00:00 dns/bind94-geoip BIND with the Caraytech GeoIP patch
The most popular use of this patch is to send web site visitors to their
nearest web server. Suppose you have a site called with
two web servers: one in the US and one in England. You can use this patch
in order for visitors from Europe to connect to the server in England and
all other visitors to the server in the US. This is just one example of
its usage. There are probably many others.


- Doug Barton
2009-08-15T13:19:12+00:00 multimedia/minitube TV-like client for YouTube
Minitube is a native YouTube client. With it you can watch YouTube
videos in a new way: you type a keyword, Minitube gives you an
endless video stream. Minitube does not require the Flash Player.

2009-08-14T20:22:54+00:00 devel/pecl-gearman Gearman API
This extension uses libgearman library to provide API for
communicating with gearmand, and writing clients and workers.

2009-08-14T20:08:48+00:00 devel/p5-File-ChangeNotify Watch for changes to files
Watch for changes to files, cross-platform style

2009-08-14T20:08:17+00:00 devel/p5-MooseX-SemiAffordanceAccessor Name your accessors foo() and set_foo()
This module does not provide any methods. Simply loading it changes the default
naming policy for the loading class so that accessors are separated into get
and set methods. The get methods have the same name as the accessor, while set
methods are prefixed with "set_".

2009-08-14T20:02:07+00:00 science/libquantum C library for quantum computing and quantum simulation
libquantum is a C library for the simulation of quantum
mechanics, with a special focus laid to quantum computing.
It started as a pure quantum computer simulator, but
support for general quantum simulation has been recently

2009-08-14T19:54:33+00:00 security/mailzu Simple and intuitive web interface to manage amavisd-new quarantine
MailZu is a simple and intuitive web interface to manage Amavisd-new
quarantine. Users can view their own quarantine, release/delete messages
or request the release of messages. MailZu is written in PHP and requires
Amavisd-new version greater than 2.3.0.

2009-08-14T09:21:52+00:00 converters/igbinary Replacement for the standard PHP serializer
Igbinary is a drop in replacement for the standard PHP serializer.
Instead of time and space consuming textual representation, igbinary
stores PHP data structures in a compact binary form. Savings are
significant when using memcached or similar memory based storages for
serialized data.

2009-08-14T08:42:27+00:00 www/p5-WebService-Google-Sets Perl access to Google Labs Sets site
WebService::Google::Sets provides function-based access to the Sets
service hosted at Google Labs, .

2009-08-14T01:46:44+00:00 net/nss_ldapd Advanced fork of nss_ldap
nss_ldapd is a NSS module which provides an LDAP backend for C library
functions such as getpwnam(3), getgrnam(3), and gethostbyname(3). It
is compliant with RFC 2307, ``An Approach for Using LDAP as a Network
Information Service''.

Key differences from nss_ldap:
* lighter nss library (no ldap* dependings)
* server-side connection caching

2009-08-14T01:46:44+00:00 net/nss-pam-ldapd Advanced fork of nss_ldap
nss-pam-ldapd, a Name Service Switch (NSS) module and
Pluggable Authentication Module (PAM) that allows your
LDAP server to provide user account, group, host name,
alias, netgroup, and basically any other information that
you would normally get from /etc flat files or NIS. It also
allows you to do authentication to an LDAP server.

Key differences from nss_ldap:
* lighter NSS library
* lighter PAM library
* simpler internal semantics
* clear separation between NSS, PAM and LDAP code (the server
part could easily be implemented in another language)
* less connections to the LDAP server

2009-08-13T23:15:27+00:00 mail/roundcube-air Theme for RoundCube Web Mail
This is just another theme for Roundcube WebMail, based on the main theme with
lightweight air-like style.

2009-08-13T20:53:30+00:00 devel/py-repoze.what-pylons The repoze.what v1 plugin for Pylons/TG2 integration
py-repoze.what-pylons is an extras plugin for repoze.what
which provides optional and handy utilities for Pylons
applications using this authorization framework.

Some of the features of the plugin include:
* The utilities are ready to use: There's nothing
additional to be configured before using.
* 100% documented. Each component is documented along
with code samples.
* The test suite has a coverage of 100% and it will
never decrease -- if it ever does, report it as a bug!
* TurboGears 2 is officially supported as well.

2009-08-13T20:46:57+00:00 multimedia/jmref JM Reference Software
JM H.264/AVC reference software

2009-08-13T18:19:22+00:00 devel/p5-Stream-Reader Perl module for reading data from streams
Stream::Reader is perl module intended for reading data from streams.
It can be used for "on the fly" parsing big volumes data.

2009-08-13T16:41:48+00:00 textproc/p5-Text-ASCIIMathML Perl extension for parsing ASCIIMathML text into MathML
Text::ASCIIMathML is a parser for ASCIIMathML text which produces
MathML XML markup strings that are suitable for rendering by any
MathML-compliant browser.

2009-08-13T16:41:18+00:00 devel/py-repoze.tm2 Zope-like transaction manager via WSGI middleware
repoze.tm2 is a middleware which uses the ZODB transaction manager
to wrap a call to its pipeline children inside a transaction. This
is a fork of the package which depends only on the transaction
package rather than the entirety of ZODB (for users who don't rely on

2009-08-13T16:40:41+00:00 devel/py-transaction Transaction management for Python
py-transaction contains a generic transaction implementation
for Python. It is mainly used by the ZODB, though.

2009-08-13T16:39:54+00:00 mail/roundcube-mvision2 Theme for RoundCube Web Mail
MVision - theme for RoundCube Web Mail, the opensource PHP/MySQL web mail


- Three Pane Liquid Layout;
- Fully supports Horizontal and Vertical layout views;
- Additional configuration for either Horizontal or Vertical layout;
- End user support for dynamically switching between Horizontal and Vertical
- Friendly looking theme with nice graphics;

2009-08-13T16:38:56+00:00 mail/roundcube-groupvice Theme for RoundCube Web Mail
GroupVice - theme for RoundCube Web Mail, the opensource PHP/MySQL web mail

This theme is based on Novell Groupwise WebAccess v7 and is known to be
compatible with IE7, IE8, Safari, Opera, and Firefox.

2009-08-13T16:27:39+00:00 audio/waheela Fullscreen mode for Amarok 2.x
Waheela is a fullscreen interface for Amarok 2.x allowing for basic playback
and volume control. It supports themes and can be locked using a password.

2009-08-13T16:16:38+00:00 databases/cassandra Open source distributed database management system
Cassandra is a highly scalable, eventually consistent, distributed,
structured key-value store. Cassandra brings together the distributed
systems technologies from Dynamo and the data model from Google's
BigTable. Like Dynamo, Cassandra is eventually consistent. Like
BigTable, Cassandra provides a ColumnFamily-based data model richer
than typical key/value systems.

Cassandra was open sourced by Facebook in 2008, where it was designed
by one of the authors of Amazon's Dynamo. In a lot of ways you can
think of Cassandra as Dynamo 2.0. Cassandra is in production use at
Facebook but is still under heavy development.

2009-08-13T15:42:12+00:00 graphics/rubygem-imagesize RubyGem for finding the size of an image
This gem allows you to find the size of an image
using Ruby.

2009-08-13T15:07:24+00:00 devel/p5-common-sense Perl common defaults with lower memory usage
Perl common defaults with lower memory usage

2009-08-13T15:03:31+00:00 comms/rubygem-callsign Provides a Ruby-Frontend to ham Radio Callsign Lookup
This Gem provides a Ruby-Frontend to the
Amateur Radio Callsign Lookup service.

2009-08-13T15:02:06+00:00 comms/callsign Amateur radio callsign lookup command
An Amateur Radio callsign lookup command, made in Ruby,
to look up US Amateur Radio Operators.


2009-08-13T14:55:58+00:00 net/py-miniupnpc Python module for miniupnpc
2009-08-12T07:54:52+00:00 devel/p5-MooseX-Params-Validate Extension of Params::Validate for using Moose types
This module fills a gap in Moose by adding method parameter
validation to Moose. This is just one of many developing options,
it should not be considered the "official" one by any means though.

2009-08-12T00:27:07+00:00 games/pipewalker Clone of the NetWalk game
PipeWalker is a clone of the NetWalk game.

This is a puzzle game where pieces of a computer network are to be
turned in the right/left direction to make all computers connected
to the same network.

2009-08-11T21:54:55+00:00 multimedia/gstreamer-schroedinger GStreamer dirac plugin using libschroedinger
2009-08-11T15:22:36+00:00 multimedia/libquicktime-lame LAME plugin for libquicktime
LAME plugin for libquicktime

2009-08-10T21:47:32+00:00 www/foswiki Free and open source enterprise wiki
Foswiki is a flexible, powerful, secure, yet simple web-based
collaboration platform. Use Foswiki to run a project development
space, a document management system, a knowledge base or any other
groupware tool on either an intranet or on the Internet.

2009-08-10T18:17:55+00:00 deskutils/plasma-applet-cwp Weather plasma applet for KDE4
Customizable weather plasmoid for KDE.

2009-08-10T11:34:23+00:00 devel/py-construct Python module for parsing and building of data structures
Construct is a python library for parsing and building of data structures
(binary or textual). It is based on the concept of defining data structures in a
declarative manner, rather than procedural code: more complex constructs are
composed of a hierarchy of simpler ones.

2009-08-10T06:44:32+00:00 dns/libbind Standard C resolver library
The libbind functions have been separated from the BIND suite as of
BIND 9.6.0. Originally from older versions of BIND, they have been
continually maintained and improved but not installed by default with
BIND 9. This standard resolver library contains the same historical
functions and headers included with many Unix operating systems.
In fact, most implementations are based on the same original code.

ISC's libbind provides the standard resolver library, along with header
files and documentation, for communicating with domain name servers,
retrieving network host entries from /etc/hosts or via DNS, converting
CIDR network addresses, performing Hesiod information lookups, retrieving
network entries from /etc/networks, implementing TSIG transaction/request
security of DNS messages, performing name-to-address and address-to-name
translations, and utilizing /etc/resolv.conf for resolver configuration.

2009-08-09T18:38:17+00:00 multimedia/banshee-mirage Automatic Playlist Generation Extension for Banshee
Mirage analyzes your music collection and computes acoustic similarity models
for each song. After your music collection has been analyzed, Mirage is able to
automatically generate playlists of similar music.

2009-08-08T15:46:31+00:00 misc/kde4-l10n-hne Chhattisgarhi messages and documentation for KDE4
Localized messages and documentation for KDE4.

2009-08-08T09:21:17+00:00 devel/py-aspyct Python library including an aspect-oriented programming (AOP) engine
Aspyct AOP engine allows you to perform evolved aspect oriented
programming with Python, while remaining clear and simple.

2009-08-08T06:10:46+00:00 www/p5-WWW-Mechanize-Meta Adds HEAD tag parsing to WWW::Mechanize
Adds HEAD tag parsing to WWW::Mechanize

2009-08-08T06:09:19+00:00 x11-wm/wmname Prints/sets the window manager name property of the root window
A tool for printing/setting the window manager name
property of the root window.

2009-08-07T20:09:06+00:00 devel/py-repoze.what Authorization for WSGI applications
repoze.what is an authorization framework for WSGI applications,
based on repoze.who (which deals with authentication and

On the one hand, it enables an authorization system based on the
groups to which the `authenticated or anonymous` user belongs and
the permissions granted to such groups by loading these groups
and permissions into the request on the way in to the downstream
WSGI application.

And on the other hand, it enables you to manage your groups and
permissions from the application itself or another program, under
a backend-independent API. For example, it would be easy for you
to switch from one back-end to another, and even use this framework
to migrate the data.

2009-08-07T20:08:43+00:00 devel/py-repoze.who-testutil Test utilities for repoze.who-powered applications
repoze.who-testutil is a repoze.who plugin which modifies
repoze.who's original middleware to make it easier to forge
authentication, without bypassing identification (this is,
running the metadata providers).

It's been created to ease testing of repoze.who-powered
applications, in a way independent of the identifiers,
authenticators and challengers used originally by your
application, so that you won't have to update your test
suite as your application grows and the authentication
method changes.

2009-08-07T18:13:13+00:00 www/p5-REST-Google-Apps-Provisioning Perl library to Google's RESTful Apps API
REST::Google::Apps::Provisioning provides a Perl interface to Google's
RESTful Apps API.

2009-08-07T17:11:41+00:00 devel/qtscriptgenerator Tool that generates Qt bindings for Qt Script
Qt Script Generator is a tool that generates Qt bindings for Qt
Script. With the generated bindings you get access to substantial
portions of the Qt API from within Qt Script.

2009-08-07T17:04:34+00:00 audio/taglib-extras Extra taglib features for Amarok 2.2
This splits the taglib plugins that used to be in Amarok into a separate
package, for use by amarok-utils as well as Amarok itself (plus anyone
else that wants to use it).

2009-08-07T16:08:50+00:00 multimedia/xporthdmv The xport Transport Stream Demuxer
xport Transport Stream Demuxer, sometimes called xporthdmv

2009-08-07T16:01:56+00:00 textproc/p5-XML-CanonicalizeXML Extension for inclusive/exclusive canonicalization of XML
Perl extension for inclusive and exclusive canonicalization of XML using

2009-08-07T09:50:41+00:00 devel/p5-ExtUtils-Install Perl extension to install files from here to there
This module handles the installing and uninstalling of perl modules,
scripts, man pages, etc...

Both install() and uninstall() are specific to the way
ExtUtils::MakeMaker handles the installation and deinstallation of
perl modules. They are not designed as general purpose tools.

2009-08-06T11:11:09+00:00 textproc/p5-MARC-XML Extension to the MARC-Record distribution for working with XML data
MARC-XML is an extension to the MARC-Record distribution for working with
XML data encoded using the MARC21slim XML schema from the Library of Congress.

For more details see:

2009-08-06T03:38:13+00:00 math/qrupdate Fortran library for fast updates of QR and Cholesky decomposition
qrupdate is a Fortran library for fast updates of QR and Cholesky
decomposition. It was originally part of GNU-Octave.

2009-08-05T13:10:00+00:00 shells/lshell Shell environment to limited sets of commands to users
lshell lets you restrict a user's shell environment to limited sets of
commands, choose to enable or disable any command over SSH (e.g. SCP,
SFTP, rsync, etc.) log user's commands, implement timing restrictions,
and more.

2009-08-05T12:25:02+00:00 net/p5-Google-SAML-Request Create or parse Google SAML requests
Google::SAML::Request will parse (and, for the sake of completeness,
create) SAML requests as used by Google. Please note that
Google::SAML::Request is by no means a full implementation of the SAML
2.0 standard. But if you want to talk to Google to authenticate users,
you should be fine.

2009-08-05T12:24:31+00:00 net/p5-Google-SAML-Response SAML responses for Google SSO implementation
Google::SAML::Response can be used to generate a signed XML document
that is needed for logging your users into Google using SSO.

You have some sort of web application that can identify and
authenticate users. You want users to be able to use some sort of
Google service such as Google mail.

When using SSO with your Google partner account, your users will send
a request to a Google URL. If the user isn't already logged in to
Google, Google will redirect him to a URL that you can define. Behind
this URL, you need to have a script that authenticates users in your
original framework and generates a SAML response for Google that you
send back to the user whose browser will then submit it back to
Google. If everything works, users will then be logged into their
Google account and they don't even have to know their usernames or

2009-08-05T12:23:57+00:00 www/tinytinyhttpd Tiny tiny httpd
tinytinyhttpd is a very lightweight HTTP server written in C.
It supports multi threads, customization, directory listing and CGI.
It is confirmed to run the following software under tinytinyhttpd
with no hassle:

* MTOS(Movable Type Open Source) (perl)
* WordPress (php)
* blogn Plus (php)
* tDiary (ruby)
* PukiWiki (php)
* NucreusCMS (php)
* blosxom (perl)

2009-08-05T12:23:03+00:00 devel/py-repoze.who Identification and authentication framework for WSGI
repoze.who is an identification and authentication framework
for arbitrary WSGI applications. It acts as WSGI middleware.

2009-08-05T09:10:54+00:00 textproc/p5-MARC-Charset Convert MARC-8 encoded strings to UTF-8
MARC::Charset allows you to turn MARC-8 encoded strings into UTF-8
strings. MARC-8 is a single byte character encoding that predates
unicode, and allows you to put non-Roman scripts in MARC bibliographic

2009-08-05T08:29:58+00:00 devel/mercurialeclipse Mercurial plugin for the Eclipse IDE Framework
MercurialEclipse is an Eclipse plugin for the Mercurial version control system.

2009-08-05T07:52:22+00:00 www/jspacker JavaScript compressor/obfuscator (Perl version)
A Javascript compressor/obfuscator written in Perl

2009-08-05T02:37:00+00:00 devel/p5-MooseX-MultiInitArg Attributes with aliases for constructor arguments for MooseX
MooseX::MultiInitArg - Attributes with aliases for constructor

2009-08-05T00:39:35+00:00 textproc/p5-XML-DOMHandler Call-back interface to DOM
This module creates a layer on top of DOM that allows you to program
in a "push" style rather than "pull". Once the document has been parsed
and you have a DOM object, you can call on the DOMHandler's traverse()
method to apply a set of call-back routines to all the nodes in a tree.

2009-08-04T21:47:09+00:00 www/py-wikitools Python package for interacting with a MediaWiki wiki

A Python package for interacting with a MediaWiki wiki using
the MediaWiki API.
Designed for MediaWiki version 1.15 and higher, should work
on 1.13, older versions may have bugs.
The edit-API must be enabled on the site to use editing features.
2009-08-04T21:14:07+00:00 x11/kdelibs4-experimental Experimantal set of libraries needed by KDE programs
This is the base set of libraries needed by KDE programs.

2009-08-04T21:14:07+00:00 x11-themes/kde4-icons-oxygen The Oxygen icon theme for KDE
The Oxygen icon theme for KDE.

2009-08-04T21:14:07+00:00 sysutils/policykit-qt PolicyKit manager for Qt
Qt4 frontend to PolicyKit.

2009-08-04T21:14:07+00:00 deskutils/kdepim44-runtime Libraries for KDE-PIM applications
KDE4 is the K Desktop Environment for Unix, Windows, and Mac OS X.

These kde4 ports intend to provide early access to KDE4 for FreeBSD
developers, porters and beta testers. Use at your own risk!

This package provides PIM runtime libs for KDE4.

2009-08-04T21:14:07+00:00 deskutils/kdepim4-runtime KDE PIM tools and services
Tools and services that extends the functionality of KDE PIM.

2009-08-04T20:04:38+00:00 devel/qt4-scripttools Qt Script additional components
Qt is a C++ toolkit for application development. It lets application
developers target all major operating systems with a single application
source code.

Qt provides a platform-independent API to all central platform functionality:
GUI, database access, networking, file handling, etc. The Qt library
encapsulates the different APIs of different operating systems, providing
the application programmer with a single, common API for all operating systems.
The native C APIs are encapsulated in a set of well-designed, fully
object-oriented C++ classes.

2009-08-04T19:18:49+00:00 devel/py-qt4-scripttools Python bindings for the Qt4 toolkit, QtScriptTools module
PyQt4 is a set of Python bindings for Digia's Qt4 application framework.
This package provides the QtScript module.

2009-08-04T15:13:58+00:00 multimedia/flvmeta Manipulation tool for Adobe Flash Video files (FLV)
FLVmeta is a metadata injector for Adobe Flash Video files
(FLV). It is able to inject all known metadata tags into the
onMetaData event, as well as insert an onLastSecond event.

2009-08-04T12:19:43+00:00 net/p5-Net-Twitter-Lite Interface to the Twitter API
This module provides a perl interface to the Twitter APIs. It uses the
same API definitions as Net::Twitter, but without the extra bells and
whistles and without the additional dependencies. Same great taste,
less filling.

This module is related to, but is not part of the "Net::Twitter"
distribution. It's API methods and API method documentation are
generated from "Net::Twitter"'s internals. It exists for those who
cannot, or prefer not to install Moose and its dependencies.

2009-08-04T12:18:58+00:00 devel/p5-Async-MergePoint Perl modules that resynchronise diverged control flow
Often in program logic, multiple different steps need to be taken that
are independent of each other, but their total result is needed before
the next step can be taken. In synchronous code, the usual approach is
to perform them sequentially.

An asynchronous or event-based program could do this, but if each step
involves some I/O idle time, better overall performance can often be
gained by running the steps in parallel. Async::MergePoint object can
then be used to wait for all of the steps to complete, before passing
the combined result of each step on to the next stage.

This module was originally part of the IO::Async distribution, but was
removed under the inspiration of Pedro Melo's Async::Hooks distribution,
because it does not itself contain anything I/O-specific.

2009-08-04T11:36:50+00:00 lang/p5-signatures Subroutine signatures for Perl with no source filter
With this Perl module, you can specify subroutine signatures and have
variables automatically defined within the subroutine.

2009-08-04T11:23:43+00:00 devel/p5-B-Hooks-OP-PPAddr Hook into opcode execution
This module provides a C api for XS modules to hook into the execution
of perl opcodes.

2009-08-03T19:08:21+00:00 emulators/linux-systemsimcell System simulator for the Cell Broadband Processor
A full-system simulation infrastructure and tools
for the Cell Broadband Engine processor.

2009-08-02T19:36:34+00:00 devel/libtool24 Generic shared library support script
This is GNU Libtool, a generic library support script. Libtool hides
the complexity of using shared libraries behind a consistent, portable

To use libtool, add the new generic library building commands to your
Makefile,, or

2009-08-02T19:36:34+00:00 devel/libtool22 Generic shared library support script
This is GNU Libtool, a generic library support script. Libtool hides
the complexity of using shared libraries behind a consistent, portable

To use libtool, add the new generic library building commands to your
Makefile,, or

2009-08-02T19:36:34+00:00 devel/libltdl24 System independent dlopen wrapper
This is GNU libltdl, a system independent dlopen wrapper for GNU libtool.

It supports the following dlopen interfaces:
* dlopen (Solaris, Linux and various BSD flavors)
* shl_load (HP-UX)
* LoadLibrary (Win16 and Win32)
* load_add_on (BeOS)
* GNU DLD (emulates dynamic linking for static libraries)
* libtool's dlpreopen
2009-08-02T19:36:34+00:00 devel/libltdl22 System independent dlopen wrapper
This is GNU libltdl, a system independent dlopen wrapper for GNU libtool.

It supports the following dlopen interfaces:
* dlopen (Solaris, Linux and various BSD flavors)
* shl_load (HP-UX)
* LoadLibrary (Win16 and Win32)
* load_add_on (BeOS)
* GNU DLD (emulates dynamic linking for static libraries)
* libtool's dlpreopen
2009-08-01T21:49:30+00:00 devel/dklibs A set of libraries by Dirk Krause
The dklibs is a set of libraries by Dirk Krause.

The following libraries are included:
* dkport portability layer
* dkc general purpose C functions
* dknet portable client side TCP/IP networking
* dkappr access random number generators
* dkbif library to read bitmap images
* dklatsup support for applications creating LaTeX source files
* dksdbi simple interface to NDBM, GDBM and BDB databases
* dktrace produce debug output when linked to projects containing
*.c files generated by tracecc

The following programs are also included:
* stc string table compiler
* tracecc tracing preprocessor for C, C++, Objective-C and Java
* trana trace output analyzer

2009-07-30T15:26:01+00:00 devel/p5-self-init Invoke package init methods at compile time
Invoke package init methods at compile time

2009-07-29T14:13:43+00:00 textproc/py-creole Markup converter in pure Python
python-creole is an markup converter in pure Python:

* creole markup -> html
* html -> creole markup
* reStructuredText -> html
* html -> reStructuredText markup
* html -> textile markup

2009-07-29T14:12:44+00:00 net/py-netifaces Getting network addresses from Python 3
Getting network addresses from Python

It's been irritating me for ages that it isn't possible to
straightforwardly get the network address(es) of the machine
you're running on from a Python program.

2009-07-29T13:20:20+00:00 databases/py-south Intelligent schema migrations for Django apps
This is South, intelligent schema migrations for Django apps.

South is:

* Intelligent; it knows if you've missed out a migration or two
* Database independent, so there's no hassle if you need to move databases.
* Easy; it can write migrations for you, and it takes about a minute to
convert your app over to use South.
* Designed for a pluggable Django world; you can declare dependencies
between apps so they all migrate together correctly, and you can still
use syncdb for your non-migrated apps without it interfering.
* Useful for data too; you can write migrations to transform legacy data.
* Better (we think, anyway) than the alternatives.

2009-07-29T13:17:33+00:00 net/opentracker Free lightweight bittorrent tracker using libowfat
opentracker is a open and free bittorrent tracker project.
It aims for minimal resource usage and is intended to run
at your wlan router. Currently it is deployed as an open and
free tracker instance.

2009-07-29T10:45:16+00:00 audio/opencore-amr OpenCORE implementation of AMR Narrowband & Wideband speech codec
Library of OpenCORE Framework implementation of Adaptive Multi Rate
Narrowband and Wideband speech codec.

2009-07-29T10:12:51+00:00 converters/p5-Encoding-FixLatin Takes mixed encoding input and produces UTF-8 output
Most encoding conversion tools take input in one encoding and produce
output in another encoding. This module takes input which may contain
characters in more than one encoding and makes a best effort to convert
them all to UTF-8 output.

2009-07-29T08:37:28+00:00 databases/embedded_innodb Standalone version of the MySQL storage engine InnoDB
This is the standalone version of the MySQL storage engine InnoDB.

Made for application developers, device makers and ISVs, Embedded InnoDB
provides all the features of InnoDB in an embeddable form, without the
overhead of the MySQL server.

Embedded InnoDB is used independently of MySQL. It is designed to be linked
directly into application programs, and provides highly efficient, low-level
database management services, not using SQL.

Embedded InnoDB provides concurrency control, sophisticated indexing and crash
recovery. It is used via non-SQL, ISAM-like API for creating and querying
tables and executing other data management functions.

2009-07-29T07:23:32+00:00 www/twiki-LDAPPasswordChangerPlugin Change TWiki password at a pre-configured LDAP server
This plugin asks for and changes your password at a pre-configured LDAP server.
The users willing to change his/her password must be authenticated already.
This plugin makes no sense for the Guest user.

2009-07-28T18:49:41+00:00 net/dbeacon Distributed multicast beacon server
Dbeacon is a distributed multicast monitoring tool. The main purpose of a
beacon is to monitor other beacons' reachability and to collect statistics
such as loss, delay, and jitter between beacons. Dbeacon supports both
IPv4, and IPv6 multicast, and supports collecting information using both
Any Source Multicast (ASM) and Source-Specific Multicast (SSM).

2009-07-28T18:18:45+00:00 devel/p5-constant-def Declare only undeclared constants
Perl pragma to declare previously undeclared constants

2009-07-28T18:04:33+00:00 emulators/bsnes Super Nintendo/Super Famicom emulator
bsnes is an emulator that began development on 2004-10-14.
The purpose of this emulator is a bit different from others:
it focuses on accuracy, debugging functionality, and clean code.

The emulator does not focus on things that would hinder accuracy.
This includes speed and game-specific hacks for compatibility.
As a result, the minimum system requirements for bsnes are very high.

The emulator itself was not derived from any existing emulator source code,
such as SNES9x. It was written from scratch by myself.
Any similarities to other emulators are merely coincidental.

2009-07-28T17:54:27+00:00 security/p5-AuthCAS Perl API to Yale's Central Authentication System (CAS)
AuthCAS aims at providing a Perl API to Yale's Central Authentication
System (CAS). Only a basic Perl library is provided with CAS whereas
AuthCAS is a full object-oriented library.

2009-07-28T17:47:44+00:00 textproc/apertium Toolbox to build shallow-transfer machine translation systems
Apertium is an open-source machine translation platform, initially aimed
at related-language pairs but recently expanded to deal with more
divergent language pairs (such as English-Catalan). The platform

1. a language-independent machine translation engine
2. tools to manage the linguistic data necessary to build a machine
translation system for a given language pair and
3. linguistic data for a growing number of language pairs

2009-07-28T17:47:02+00:00 textproc/lttoolbox Tool for lexical, morphological analysis and generation of words
lttoolbox is a toolbox for lexical processing, morphological analysis
and generation of words. The analysis is the process of splitting of
words splitting a word (e.g. cats) into its lemma 'cat' and the
grammatical information <n><pl>. The generation is the opposite
The package is split into three programs, lt-comp, the compiler,
lt-proc, the processor, and lt-expand, which generates all possible
mappings between surface forms and lexical forms in the dictionary.

2009-07-28T17:14:16+00:00 www/p5-CatalystX-Component-Traits Automatic Trait Loading and Resolution for Catalyst Components
Adds a Catalyst::Component "COMPONENT" method to your Catalyst component base
class. This method reads the optional traits parameter from app and component
config and instantiates the component subclass with those traits using
"new_with_traits" in MooseX::Traits from MooseX::Traits::Pluggable.

2009-07-28T17:13:44+00:00 devel/p5-MooseX-Traits-Pluggable Trait loading and resolution for Moose
MooseX::Traits::Pluggable - an extension to MooseX::Traits. Adds support for
class precedence search for traits and some extra attributes.

2009-07-28T17:13:19+00:00 www/p5-Catalyst-Controller-RequestToken Generate and validate unique tokens across HTTP requests (anti-CSRF)
This controller automatically generates and validates unique tokens across
multiple HTTP requests (form submits). You can use it to prevent duplicate
submits, or to protect against CSRF attacks.

2009-07-28T17:13:03+00:00 devel/p5-Moose-Autobox Autoboxed wrappers for Native Perl datatypes
Moose::Autobox provides an implementation of SCALAR, ARRAY, HASH & CODE for use
with autobox. It does this using a hierarchy of roles in a manner similar to
what Perl 6 might do.

2009-07-28T17:11:33+00:00 devel/p5-autobox Call methods on native Perl types
The autobox pragma allows methods to be called on integers, floats, strings,
arrays, hashes, and code references in exactly the same manner as blessed

2009-07-28T17:10:48+00:00 www/p5-AnyEvent-HTTPD Simple lightweight event based web server
A simple lightweight event based web server

2009-07-28T17:10:23+00:00 devel/p5-Devel-LeakGuard-Object Scoped checks for object leaks
This module provides tracking of objects, for the purpose of detecting
memory leaks due to circular references or innappropriate caching schemes.

2009-07-28T17:08:50+00:00 graphics/libwpg01 Library for importing and converting Corel WordPerfect(tm) Graphics images
Library for importing and converting Corel WordPerfect(tm) Graphics images

2009-07-28T17:08:50+00:00 graphics/libwpg Library and tools to work with WordPerfect Graphics (WPG) files
Library for importing and converting Corel WordPerfect(tm) Graphics images

2009-07-28T13:36:18+00:00 textproc/p5-XML-Parser-Style-EasyTree Parse XML to a simple tree
This module provides an XML::Parser style for generating a simple tree
out of XML.

2009-07-28T12:25:41+00:00 math/p5-Statistics-Basic Collection of basic statistics modules
The Statistics::Basic Perl module provides a number of very basic
statistical parameters, including the mean, the median, the standard
deviation etc. It is reportedly faster than a similar module,

2009-07-28T11:45:08+00:00 devel/boost-python-libs Framework for interfacing Python and C++
The Boost Python Library is a framework for interfacing Python and
C++. It allows you to quickly and seamlessly expose C++ classes
functions and objects to Python, and vice-versa, using no special
tools -- just your C++ compiler.

2009-07-28T11:45:08+00:00 devel/boost-libs Free portable C++ libraries (without Boost.Python)
Boost provides free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries.

The emphasis is on libraries that work well with the C++ Standard
Library. Boost libraries are intended to be widely useful, and usable
across a broad spectrum of applications. The Boost license encourages
both commercial and non-commercial use.

The goal is to establish "existing practice" and provide reference
implementations so that Boost libraries are suitable for eventual
standardization. Ten Boost libraries are already included in the C++
Standards Committee's Library Technical Report (TR1) and will be in
the new C++0x Standard now being finalized. C++0x will also include
several more Boost libraries in addition to those from TR1. More Boost
libraries are proposed for TR2.

NOTE: This package does not contain Boost.Python, it's in

2009-07-28T11:45:08+00:00 devel/boost-jam Build tool from the
Boost.Jam (BJam) is a build tool based on FTJam, which in turn is
based on Perforce Jam. It contains significant improvements made to
facilitate its use in the Boost Build System, but should be backward
compatible with Perforce Jam.

2009-07-28T11:45:08+00:00 devel/boost-docs Documentation for libraries from
Boost provides free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries.

The emphasis is on libraries that work well with the C++ Standard
Library. Boost libraries are intended to be widely useful, and usable
across a broad spectrum of applications. The Boost license encourages
both commercial and non-commercial use.

The goal is to establish "existing practice" and provide reference
implementations so that Boost libraries are suitable for eventual
standardization. Ten Boost libraries are already included in the C++
Standards Committee's Library Technical Report (TR1) and will be in
the new C++0x Standard now being finalized. C++0x will also include
several more Boost libraries in addition to those from TR1. More Boost
libraries are proposed for TR2.

2009-07-28T11:45:08+00:00 devel/boost-all The "meta-port" for boost libraries
This is a meta-port for boost libraries, depends on all of them.

Boost provides free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries.

The emphasis is on libraries that work well with the C++ Standard
Library. Boost libraries are intended to be widely useful, and usable
across a broad spectrum of applications. The Boost license encourages
both commercial and non-commercial use.

The goal is to establish "existing practice" and provide reference
implementations so that Boost libraries are suitable for eventual
standardization. Ten Boost libraries are already included in the C++
Standards Committee's Library Technical Report (TR1) and will be in
the new C++0x Standard now being finalized. C++0x will also include
several more Boost libraries in addition to those from TR1. More Boost
libraries are proposed for TR2.

2009-07-28T09:18:40+00:00 textproc/p5-String-RewritePrefix Rewrite strings based on a set of known prefixes
String::RewritePrefix - rewrite strings based on a set of known prefixes.

2009-07-28T08:58:16+00:00 devel/linux-f10-dbus-glib GLib bindings for D-Bus (Linux Fedora 10)
2009-07-28T08:57:11+00:00 devel/linux-f10-dbus-libs Libraries for accessing D-BUS (Linux Fedora 10)
2009-07-28T07:12:50+00:00 devel/p5-lib-abs Relative use lib in absolute way
The same as lib, but makes relative path absolute

2009-07-27T22:37:28+00:00 mail/libspamtest Kaspersky Anti-Spam 3.x library
The Kaspersky Antispam 3.0 software is a efficient anti-spam solution. It uses
sophisticated methods to fight spam with very low false positive rate. Client
software for various MTA is provided.

This package installs hand compiled spamtest library.

2009-07-27T22:30:32+00:00 www/cntlm NTLM / NTLM Session Response / NTLMv2 authenticating HTTP proxy
Cntlm is an NTLM/NTLMv2 authenticating HTTP proxy. It takes the address of your
proxy or proxies (host1..N and port1..N) and opens a listening socket,
forwarding each request to the parent proxy (moving in a circular list if the
active parent stops working). Along the way, a connection to the parent is
created anew and authenticated or, if available, previously cached connection
is reused to achieve higher efficiency and faster responses. When the chain is
set up, cntlm should be used as a proxy in your applications. Cntlm also
integrates transparent TCP/IP port forwarding (tunneling) through the parent
(incl. authentication).

2009-07-27T16:53:25+00:00 databases/redis2 A persistent key-value database with built-in net interface
Redis is a key-value database. It is similar to memcached but the
dataset is not volatile, and values can be strings, exactly like in
memcached, but also lists and sets with atomic operations to push/pop

In order to be very fast but at the same time persistent the whole
dataset is taken in memory and from time to time and/or when a number of
changes to the dataset are performed it is written asynchronously on
disk. You may lost the last few queries that is acceptable in many
applications but it is as fast as an in memory DB (Redis supports
non-blocking master-slave replication in order to solve this problem by

2009-07-27T16:53:25+00:00 databases/redis1 A persistent key-value database with built-in net interface
Redis is a key-value database. It is similar to memcached but the
dataset is not volatile, and values can be strings, exactly like in
memcached, but also lists and sets with atomic operations to push/pop

In order to be very fast but at the same time persistent the whole
dataset is taken in memory and from time to time and/or when a number of
changes to the dataset are performed it is written asynchronously on
disk. You may lost the last few queries that is acceptable in many
applications but it is as fast as an in memory DB (Redis supports
non-blocking master-slave replication in order to solve this problem by

2009-07-27T16:53:25+00:00 databases/redis Persistent key-value database with built-in net interface
Redis is an open source, advanced key-value store. It is often referred
to as a data structure server since keys can contain strings, hashes,
lists, sets and sorted sets.

You can run atomic operations on these types, like appending to a string;
incrementing the value in a hash; pushing to a list; computing set
intersection, union and difference; or getting the member with highest
ranking in a sorted set.

In order to achieve its outstanding performance, Redis works with an
in-memory dataset. Depending on your use case, you can persist it either
by dumping the dataset to disk every once in a while, or by appending each
command to a log.

Redis also supports trivial-to-setup master-slave replication, with very
fast non-blocking first synchronization, auto-reconnection on net split
and so forth.

2009-07-27T16:53:25+00:00 databases/redis-devel Persistent key-value database with built-in net interface
Redis is an open source, advanced key-value store. It is often referred
to as a data structure server since keys can contain strings, hashes,
lists, sets and sorted sets.

You can run atomic operations on these types, like appending to a string;
incrementing the value in a hash; pushing to a list; computing set
intersection, union and difference; or getting the member with highest
ranking in a sorted set.

In order to achieve its outstanding performance, Redis works with an
in-memory dataset. Depending on your use case, you can persist it either
by dumping the dataset to disk every once in a while, or by appending each
command to a log.

Redis also supports trivial-to-setup master-slave replication, with very
fast non-blocking first synchronization, auto-reconnection on net split
and so forth.

2009-07-26T12:49:54+00:00 audio/linux-genpuid Application for generating MusicIP puids
This is an application for generating MusicIP puids.

2009-07-25T10:40:28+00:00 devel/ocfpcsc Open Card Framework to PC/SC bridge
A library to provide a means to use Open Card Framework to talk
to PC/SC supported smartcard readers.

2009-07-24T08:50:52+00:00 www/yii High-performance component-based PHP framework
Yii is a high-performance component-based PHP framework best for
developing large-scale Web applications. Yii comes with a full stack
of features, including MVC, DAO/ActiveRecord, I18N/L10N, caching,
jQuery-based AJAX support, authentication and role-based access control,
scaffolding, input validation, widgets, events, theming, Web services,
and so on. Written in strict OOP, Yii is easy to use and is extremely
flexible and extensible.

2009-07-24T06:30:56+00:00 devel/fossology License analysis tool for Open Source software
The FOSSology project started out as an internal development effort at Hewlett
Packard Company (HP). As part of HP's own internal IT governance process, we
needed a tool that would quickly and accurately describe how a given open
source project was licensed. Rather than simply collecting a project's
advertised license (as given at their website or in their documentation), this
tool needed to analyze all of the source code for a given project and
intelligently report all of the licenses being used, based on the license
declarations and tell-tale phrases that identify software licensing.

Thus was born FOSSology - "The study of FOSS." As development progressed, we
quickly realized that the analysis of open source licensing was only one
application of what was quickly becoming a valuable general-purpose software
data mining framework.

HP understands the broad value of these tools for helping IT organizations to
confidently adopt open source software, as well as to uncover what open source
software is being used within their environments. Furthermore, we believe this
tool will be helpful for open source developers and distributors to build a
thorough licensing picture of the projects and packages they produce. Thus it
is being provided to the broader FOSS community with the intent of building a
vibrant, open community of users and contributors who will help make the
framework and the agents as valuable as possible.

2009-07-21T14:51:55+00:00 graphics/p5-Image-Heatmap Convert geographic coordinates into a graphical heatmap
Effortlessly convert latitude/longitude coordinates into a graphical heatmap
of the geographical region relative the number of points outlined.

2009-07-21T13:47:09+00:00 devel/colorgcc Perl script to colorize the terminal output of GCC
colorgcc is a Perl script written by Jamie Moyers to colorize the terminal
output of GCC so error messages can be found within longer compiler outputs.

2009-07-21T07:59:55+00:00 databases/p5-DBD-mysql54 MySQL 5.4 driver for the Perl5 Database Interface (DBI)
2009-07-21T01:10:13+00:00 biology/phyml Simple, fast, and accurate algorithm to estimate large phylogenies
PhyML is a software that estimates maximum likelihood phylogenies from
alignments of nucleotide or amino acid sequences. It provides a wide
range of options that were designed to facilitate standard phylogenetic
analyses. The main strengths of PhyML lies in the large number of
substitution models coupled to various options to search the space of
phylogenetic tree topologies, going from very fast and efficient methods
to slower but generally more accurate approaches. It also implements two
methods to evaluate branch supports in a sound statistical framework
(the non-parametric bootstrap and the approximate likelihood ratio
test). PhyML was designed to process moderate to large data sets. In
theory, alignments with up to 4,000 sequences 2,000,000 character-long
can analyzed. In practice however, the amount of memory required to
process a data set is proportional of the product of the number of
sequences by their length. Hence, a large number of sequences can only
be processed provided that they are short. Also, PhyML can handle long
sequences provided that they are not numerous. With most standard
personal computers, the "comfort zone" for PhyML generally lies around 3
to 500 sequences less than 2,000 character long.

2009-07-21T00:23:32+00:00 devel/py-interface Python implementation of an Erlang node
The Py-Interface is a python-implementation of an Erlang node.

The py_interface provides the possibility to create a node that may be used
for communication with other Erlang nodes.

Some characteristics:

o The Python nodes are hidden, like the Java nodes

o The Python node supports
- registering the Python node in the epmd
- sending and receiving message
- executing remote procedure calls (the rpc:call(M,F,A) mechanism)

o The Python node does currently not do:
- linking
- tracing

o The Python node translates Erlang types to Python types as far as there is a
reasonable Python counterpart. If there is not, then a class is used.

o The Python node is a single threaded callback-driven process.

o The Python node runs on Python 2.5 and Erlang R12. It may well still work
with older version of both Python and Erlang. Development started on
Python 1.5 and Erlang R7.

2009-07-20T14:33:55+00:00 misc/usbrh-libusb Yet another reads temperatures and humidity from a Strawberry Linux USB-RH
Yet Another usbrh reads temperatures and humidity from sensors of a "USB-RH",
which is connected to a USB port of the computer.

This program use libusb library and 8.0-RELEASE later.

Strawberry Linux Co.,Ltd. USH-RH(Sensirion SHT-11)

2009-07-20T05:46:42+00:00 www/ruby-wgettsv Collect WWW resources and generate TSV data
Collect WWW resources and generate TSV data

2009-07-19T11:15:59+00:00 net/p5-Event-tcp Glue code to build client-server style TCP-based services
Event::tcp is a bunch of glue code to make it very easy to build
client-server style TCP-based services.

2009-07-19T11:09:21+00:00 audio/audex KDE4 audio CD ripping utility
Audex is an audio CD ripping tool for KDE4.

Features include:
- Extracting with CDDA Paranoia. So you have quite perfect audio quality.
- Extracting and encoding run parallel.
- Filename editing with local and remote CDDB/FreeDB database.
- Metadata correction tools like capitalization.
- Multi-profile extraction (with one commandline-encoder per profile).
- Fetch covers from the internet and store them in the database.
- Create playlists, cover and template-based-info files in target directory.
- Creates extraction and encoding protocols.
- Transfer files with KDE KIO-Slaves.

2009-07-18T16:50:55+00:00 www/mod_auth_pubtkt Apache module to provide public key ticket based authentication
mod_auth_pubtkt is a simple Web single sign-on (SSO) solution for Apache. It
validates authentication tickets provided by the client in a cookie using
public-key cryptography (DSA or RSA). Thus, only the login server that
generates the tickets needs to possess the private key, while Web servers
can verify tickets given only the public key. The implementation of the
login server is left to the user, but an example and a library in PHP are
provided with the distribution.

2009-07-17T23:08:44+00:00 games/rezerwar Puzzle game involving organizing blocks with pipes
rezerwar is a puzzle game that could be quickly described as the
illegitimate child of a known tetromino game and the average pipe
game. The goal of this game is basically to create networks of water
to make them disappear, a couple tricks and techniques will help
you achieve this goal faster.

2009-07-17T23:07:39+00:00 games/pink-pony Tron-like multiplayer racing game
Pink Pony is a Tron-like multiplayer racing game. You control
little ponies that leave a trail of flowers everywhere they step.
You have to evade these trails and force other ponies into them.
The last pony standing wins the game.

2009-07-17T23:06:47+00:00 games/legesmotus Team-based, networked, 2D shooter set in zero-gravity
Leges Motus is a networked, team-based, 2D shooter set in zero-gravity.
Using only the force from jumping off of walls and the recoil from
their guns, players must travel across the arena to lower their
opponent's gate

2009-07-17T18:57:31+00:00 sysutils/watchmen Watch and restart daemons
Watch and restart daemons

2009-07-17T17:13:13+00:00 astro/astrometry Astronomic calibration service
Astrometry engine aims to create correct, standards-compliant astrometric
meta data for every useful astronomical image ever taken, past and future,
in any state of archival disarray.

The engine will take any image and return the astrometry world coordinate
system (WCS) -- i.e., a standards-based description of the (usually
nonlinear) transformation between image coordinates and sky coordinates --
with absolutely no "false positives" (but maybe some "no answers"). It
will do its best, even when the input image has no -- or totally incorrect
-- meta-data.

2009-07-17T16:31:35+00:00 astro/wcslib Library for parsing/generating FITS headers
"WCSLIB is a C library, supplied with a full set of Fortran wrappers, that
implements the "World Coordinate System" (WCS) convention in FITS (Flexible
Image Transport System). It also includes a PGPLOT-based routine, PGSBOX,
for drawing general curvilinear coordinate graticules and a number of
utility programs." - from README file.

2009-07-17T15:02:31+00:00 www/ttf2eot Convert TTF font file to EOT web embeddable file
Very small utility that converts TTF fonts to EOT fonts
especially suited for Internet Explorer.
EOT fonts are used by Internet Explorer to support the
css @font-face declarations.

2009-07-17T07:49:03+00:00 irc/znc-extra ZNC-Extra package for ZNC Bouner
ZNC-Extra are some extra modules which are, for some reason,
not included in the ZNC package itself.

2009-07-16T21:45:08+00:00 devel/p5-Object-Event Class that provides an event callback interface
A class that provides an event callback interface

2009-07-16T21:44:07+00:00 net/p5-Net-Cassandra Interface to Cassandra
This module provides an interface the to Cassandra distributed database. It uses
the Thrift interface. This is changing rapidly and supports the development
version of Cassandra built from Subversion trunk.

2009-07-16T17:34:03+00:00 graphics/autopano-sift-c Automatic panorama control point generation tool, C port
This is autopano-sift-2.4 ported to plain "C"
The source is kept as close as possible to the original version.

It should have the same inputs and outputs as the original "C#" version
which is available in ports as graphics/autopano-sift

2009-07-16T17:33:06+00:00 textproc/scim-kmfl-sil-ezra SCIM KMFL IMEngine keyboard for Unicode Biblical Hebrew
This is a keyboard for input of the complex Biblical Hebrew (including
cantillation marks) with Unicode fonts. It is written in Keyman keyboard
language and developed by SIL Non-Roman Script Initiative (NRSI).

This port installs the keyboard so that it can be used through SCIM KMFL
IMEngine (textproc/scim-kmfl-imengine).

The keyboard is provided under the terms of MIT/X11 License.

2009-07-16T17:33:06+00:00 textproc/kmfl-sil-ezra KMFL keyboard for Unicode Biblical Hebrew
This is a keyboard for input of the complex Biblical Hebrew (including
cantillation marks) with Unicode fonts. It is written in Keyman keyboard
language and developed by SIL Non-Roman Script Initiative (NRSI).

This port installs the keyboard so that it can be used through SCIM or
IBus KMFL IMEngine (textproc/scim-kmfl-imengine, textproc/ibus-kmfl).

The keyboard is provided under the terms of MIT/X11 License.

2009-07-16T17:32:11+00:00 textproc/scim-kmfl-european-latin Paneuropean Latin KMFL SCIM IMEngine keyboard covering 42 languages
This keyboard is designed to enable simple input of most Latin script
languages, including all major European Latin-script languages. The
keyboard is written in KMN Keyboard Language by the KMN language
developer, Tavultesoft ( The keyboard
uses punctuation and letter keys in sequence to access diacritic and
other letters.

This port installs the keyboard so that it can be used through SCIM
KMFL IMEngine (textproc/scim-kmfl-imengine).

Some of the supported languages include: Afrikaans, Albanian,
Balearic, Basque, Breton, Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch,
Esperanto, Estonian, Faroese, Finnish, French, Gaelic, Galician,
German, Hungarian, Icelandic, Inuktitut, Italian, Kashubian, Ladin,
Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Norwegian, Nynorsk, Polish, Portugese,
Romansch, Saami, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Sorbian, Spanish,
Swedish, Tagalog, Turkish, Valencian, Vlaams, Walloon, Welsh and Zulu.

The keyboard is distributed under the terms of 3-clause BSD-licence.

2009-07-16T17:32:11+00:00 textproc/kmfl-european-latin Paneuropean Latin KMFL keyboard covering 120 languages
This keyboard is designed to enable simple input in all European
languages which use Latin-script, and in most Latin-script languages
from the rest of the world.

The keyboard is written in KMN Keyboard Language by the KMN language
developer, Tavultesoft ( The keyboard
uses punctuation and letter keys in sequence to access diacritic and
other letters.

This port installs the keyboard so that it can be used through SCIM or
IBus KMFL IMEngine (textproc/scim-kmfl-imengine, textproc/ibus-kmfl).

It currently covers 120 languages including: Afrikaans, Albanian,
Balearic, Basque, Breton, Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch,
Esperanto, Estonian, Faroese, Finnish, French, Gaelic, Galician,
German, Hungarian, Icelandic, Inuktitut, Italian, Kashubian, Ladin,
Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Norwegian, Nynorsk, Polish, Portugese,
Romansch, Saami, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Sorbian, Spanish,
Swedish, Tagalog, Turkish, Valencian, Vlaams, Walloon, Welsh and Zulu.

The keyboard is distributed under the terms of 3-clause BSD-licence.

2009-07-16T14:56:33+00:00 devel/sfml Simple and Fast Multimedia Library
SFML is a portable and easy to use multimedia API written in C++.
You can see it as a modern, object-oriented alternative to SDL.

SFML is composed of several packages to perfectly suit your needs.
You can use SFML as a minimal windowing system to interface with
OpenGL, or as a fully-featured multimedia library for building games
or interactive programs.

2009-07-16T10:49:39+00:00 devel/p5-Data-Path XPath-like access to complex data structures
This modules provides an XPath-like syntax to get values from complex
data structures.

2009-07-16T02:16:49+00:00 sysutils/duff Duplicate file finder
Duff is a Unix command-line utility written in C for quickly finding
duplicates in a given set of files.

2009-07-15T20:15:17+00:00 devel/rbtools Set of client tools to use with Review Board
rbtools is a collection of console utility scripts for use with
Review Board.

2009-07-15T15:01:15+00:00 misc/amfm THANKO USB AM/FM Radio controller
THANKO USB AM/FM Radio controller

commands usage:
-fm <freqeuncy> : set FM frequency, e.g. '-fm 77.4'
-stop : stop amfm radio

you need root authority.
currently AM Radio mode is not supported.


2009-07-15T13:47:55+00:00 textproc/p5-PPIx-EditorTools Utility methods and base class for manipulating Perl via PPI
Base class and utility methods for manipulating Perl via PPI. Pulled out from
the Padre::Task::PPI code.

2009-07-15T13:47:51+00:00 devel/p5-Locale-Msgfmt Compile .po files to .mo files
This module does the same thing as msgfmt from GNU gettext-tools,
except this is pure Perl.

2009-07-14T23:18:18+00:00 textproc/p5-Template-Plugin-HTML-SuperForm Interface Template Toolkit to Lingua::EN::Inflect module
This is an interface into HTML::SuperForm through the Template Toolkit. When
created without arguments (i.e. [% USE form = HTML.SuperForm %]), the
Template's stash is searched for an Apache object or a CGI object to pass to
HTML::SuperForm's constructor.

When created with arguments (i.e. [% USE form = HTML.SuperForm(arg) %]),
the arguments are passed to HTML::SuperForm's constructor.
2009-07-14T23:17:35+00:00 textproc/p5-HTML-SuperForm HTML form generator
Used in its basic form, this module provides an interface for generating
basic HTML form elements much like HTML::StickyForms does. The main
difference is HTML::SuperForm returns HTML::SuperForm::Field objects
rather than plain HTML. This allows for more flexibilty when generating
forms for a complex application.

To get the most out of this module, use it as a base (Super) class for
your own form object which generates your own custom fields. If you
don't use it this way, I guess there's really nothing Super about it.
Example are shown later in the document.

The interface was designed with mod_perl and the Template Toolkit in
mind, but it works equally well in any cgi environment.
2009-07-14T22:26:04+00:00 www/p5-Apache-Htpasswd A Perl module for managing Unix crypt-style password file
This module comes with a set of methods to use with htaccess password
files. These files (and htaccess) are used to do Basic Authentication
on a web server.

The passwords file is a flat-file with login name and their associated
crypted password. You can use this for non-Apache files if you wish,
but it was written specifically for .htaccess style files.

2009-07-14T21:55:19+00:00 www/rubygem-feed-normalizer Extensible wrapper for Atom and RSS parsers
Feed normalizer wraps various RSS and Atom parsers, and returns
a single unified object graph, regardless of the underlying feed format.

Feed normalizer attempts to parse a given feed using all available
configured parsers.

Feed normalizer is useful when the representation of the data of
an underlying RSS/Atom feed should be the same regardless of the underlying
format and its terminology.

2009-07-14T21:40:06+00:00 net-mgmt/nagios-check_ice Nagios plug-in to check a shoutcast or icecast server
check_ice is a Nagios plugin-in that checks if a stream is up or
down on a shoutcast or icecast server. The program will look at
the three digit error code (ie. 200, 404, etc.) to give the proper
result code that Nagios can use to know if the stream is up, in
warning or in critical.

2009-07-14T21:39:29+00:00 net-mgmt/nagios-check_nick Nagios plug-in to check if a nick is on IRC
check_nick is a Nagios plugin-in written in python that will
connect to an IRC server and check if a particular nick is
2009-07-14T21:39:07+00:00 net-mgmt/nagios-check_smartmon Nagios plug-in to get status from smartmontools
check_smartmon is a Nagios plug-in written in python that uses
smartmontools to check disk health status and temperature.
2009-07-14T21:25:40+00:00 net/pcbsd-netmanager PC-BSD Networking Utilities for KDE4
PC-BSD Networking Utilities

Includes GUI's for setting up and managing ethernet and wireless devices.

2009-07-14T21:14:00+00:00 sysutils/libpcbsd PC-BSD Support Library
PC-BSD Support Libraries

Set of functions used by various PC-BSD utilities

2009-07-14T17:40:13+00:00 devel/p5-MooseX-Types-DateTimeX Extensions to MooseX::Types::DateTime::ButMaintained
This module builds on MooseX::Types::DateTime to add additional
custom types and coercions. Since it builds on an existing type,
all coercions and constraints are inherited.

The package name is left as is for legacy reasons: this module is
really a Type with coercions for DateTimeX::Easy. DateTimeX is just
a namespace for non-core or less-official DateTime modules.

2009-07-14T17:39:36+00:00 devel/p5-DateTime-Format-Flexible Flexibly parse strings and turn them into DateTime objects
DateTime::Format::Flexible attempts to take any string you give it and parse it
into a DateTime object. The test file tests 2500+ variations of date/time

2009-07-14T17:38:32+00:00 devel/p5-DateTimeX-Easy Parse a date/time string using the best method available
DateTimeX::Easy makes DateTime object creation quick and easy. It uses a variety
of DateTime::Format packages to do the bulk of the parsing, with some custom
tweaks to smooth out the rough edges (mainly concerning timezone detection and

2009-07-14T17:38:01+00:00 devel/p5-MooseX-Types-DateTime-ButMaintained DateTime related constraints and coercions for Moose
This module packages several Moose::Util::TypeConstraints with
coercions, designed to work with the DateTime suite of objects.

This module is just the MooseX::Types::DateTime without the requirement
on DateTimeX::Easy (which requires DateTime::Manip). As of 0.05
this module supports globally unique Olson abbreviations, and dies
when they are not globally unique.

2009-07-14T17:37:12+00:00 devel/p5-Olson-Abbreviations Globally unique timezones abbreviation handling
This module should help you with converting commonly used and often
ambigious olson abbreviations into TZ offset notation.

2009-07-14T06:30:55+00:00 net-im/prosody Simple extensible XMPP server written in Lua
Prosody is a flexible communications server for Jabber/XMPP written in Lua. It
aims to be easy to use, and light on resources. For developers it aims to be
easy to extend and give a flexible system on which to rapidly develop added
functionality, or prototype new protocols.

2009-07-14T06:07:51+00:00 security/luasec Lua binding for the OpenSSL library to provide TLS/SSL communication
LuaSec is a binding for OpenSSL library to provide TLS/SSL communication. This
version delegates to LuaSocket the TCP connection establishment between the
client and server. Then LuaSec uses this connection to start a secure TLS/SSL

2009-07-14T06:02:55+00:00 textproc/luaexpat SAX XML parser based on Expat library
LuaExpat is a SAX XML parser based on the Expat library. SAX is the Simple API
for XML and allows programs to:

* process a XML document incrementally, thus being able to handle huge
documents without memory penalties;
* register handler functions which are called by the parser during the
processing of the document, handling the document elements or text.

With an event-based API like SAX the XML document can be fed to the parser in
chunks, and the parsing begins as soon as the parser receives the first
document chunk. LuaExpat reports parsing events (such as the start and end of
elements) directly to the application through callbacks. The parsing of huge
documents can benefit from this piecemeal operation.

2009-07-14T00:51:12+00:00 databases/mysql-workbench52 Visual database design tool
MySQL Workbench is a cross-platform, visual database design tool developed
by MySQL. It is the highly anticipated successor application of the
DBDesigner4 project.

5.2 branch still in Alpha stage

2009-07-13T23:14:24+00:00 databases/mysql-workbench51 The MySQL Workbench
MySQL Workbench is a cross-platform, visual database design tool developed
by MySQL. It is the highly anticipated successor application of the
DBDesigner4 project.

2009-07-13T22:44:24+00:00 www/wgetpaste Paste to several pastebin services via bash script
A Script that automates pasting to a number of pastebin services
relying only on bash, sed, coreutils (mktemp/sort/tr/wc/whoami/tee)
and wget.

2009-07-13T22:40:20+00:00 benchmarks/slowloris Low-bandwidth, yet greedy and poisonous HTTP client
Slowloris both helps identify the timeout windows of a HTTP server or Proxy
server, can bypass httpready protection and ultimately performs a fairly low
bandwidth denial of service. It has the added benefit of allowing the server
to come back at any time (once the program is killed), and not spamming the
logs excessively. It also keeps the load nice and low on the target server, so
other vital processes don't die unexpectedly, or cause alarm to anyone who is
logged into the server for other reasons.

The main audience using slowloris is of course a system administrators wanting
to measure their webserver's performance and vulnerability.

2009-07-13T22:20:03+00:00 math/p5-Math-Geometry-Voronoi Perl Module to compute Voronoi diagrams from sets of points
Math::Geometry::Voronoi computes Voronoi diagrams from a set of
input points.

2009-07-13T22:15:30+00:00 textproc/rubygem-opml Simple wrapper for parsing OPML files
A simple wrapper for parsing OPML files.

2009-07-13T22:14:58+00:00 www/rubygem-simple-rss Simple, flexible, extensible, and liberal RSS and Atom reader for Ruby
Simple RSS is a simple, flexible, extensible, and liberal RSS and Atom reader
for Ruby. It is designed to be backwards compatible with the standard RSS
parser, but will never do RSS generation.

2009-07-13T22:14:05+00:00 www/rubygem-rfeedfinder Ruby library to find the feed
rFeedFinder uses RSS autodiscovery, Atom autodiscovery, spidering,
URL correction, and Web service queries -- whatever it takes --
to find the feed.

2009-07-13T22:13:24+00:00 textproc/rubygem-htmlentities HTML entity encoding and decoding for Ruby
HTMLEntities is a simple library to facilitate encoding and decoding of
named (&yacute; and so on) or numerical (&#123; or &#x12a;) entities
in HTML and XHTML documents.

2009-07-13T14:35:36+00:00 devel/py-unittestplus Test utilities built on unittest
unittestplus is test utilities built on unittest.

It includes an augmented TestCase class with improved (stricter and more
informative) assert methods; test auto discovery; utility functions
for running test and combining TestCase classes into suites and prettier
verbose test output.

2009-07-13T14:07:16+00:00 science/py-h5py General-purpose Python interface to the HDF5 library
The h5py package provides both a high- and low-level interface to the HDF5
library from Python. The low-level interface is intended to be a complete
wrapping of the HDF5 API, while the high-level component supports access to HDF5
files, datasets and groups using established Python and NumPy concepts.

A strong emphasis on automatic conversion between Python (Numpy) datatypes and
data structures and their HDF5 equivalents vastly simplifies the process of
reading and writing data from Python.

2009-07-13T12:48:28+00:00 x11/ooxcb Python binding to the X server using xcb
ooxcb (the object oriented X C binding is a new Python binding to the X
server, developed for the samurai-x window manager. xpyb uses a wrapper
generator to create python modules out of the XML X protocol
descriptions of the xcb project. It aims to provide with an easy-to-use
object-oriented interface to the X server.

2009-07-13T07:41:02+00:00 net/p5-Net-Rendezvous-Publish Publish Rendezvous services
Net::Rendezvous::Publish - publish Rendezvous services

2009-07-13T06:22:03+00:00 x11-toolkits/py31-tkinter
2009-07-12T22:19:58+00:00 textproc/p5-LaTeX-Pod Transform LaTeX source files to POD
LaTeX::Pod converts LaTeX sources to Perl's POD (Plain old
documentation) format. Currently only a subset of the available
LaTeX language is supported.

2009-07-12T22:19:02+00:00 audio/p5-Audio-Scan Scanner for audio file metadata and tag information
Audio::Scan is a C-based scanner for audio file metadata and tag
information. It currently supports MP3 via an included version of
libid3tag, MP4, Ogg Vorbis, FLAC (if libFLAC is installed), ASF,
WAV, AIFF, Musepack, and Monkey's Audio.

2009-07-12T22:15:00+00:00 deskutils/plasma-applet-daisy Simple launcher plasma applet for KDE4
Daisy is a simple launcher plasma applet for KDE4. Features include:
- Three types of roles: circular dock, media controller and linear dock
- Can dock in any screen position and be used in Horizontal or Vertical mode
- Configuration tools to access all configurable options
- Launchers can be edited with a simple right-click
- Hybrid launchers to launch applications and control running tasks
- Plugins to provide information and execute several tasks
- Various backgrounds available

2009-07-12T22:14:27+00:00 x11-clocks/plasma-applet-geekclock KDE4 geeky analog clock plasma applet
Geek Clock is a plasma applet for KDE4 that displays an analog clock. Instead
of regular numerals, it display equivalent notations based on mathematics,
physics, and computer science.

2009-07-12T22:12:14+00:00 finance/trytond Tryton Application Platform (Server)
Tryton is a three-tiers high-level general purpose application platform
under the license GPL-3 written in Python and using PostgreSQL as
database engine. It is the core base of a complete business solution
providing modularity, scalability and security.

2009-07-12T21:40:50+00:00 devel/tevent Talloc based event loop library
tevent is a simple library that can handle the main event loop for an
application. It supports three kinds of events: timed events, file
descriptors becoming readable or writable and signals.

Talloc is used for memory management, both internally and for private
data provided by users of the library.

2009-07-12T21:40:50+00:00 devel/talloc Hierarchical pool based memory allocator
A hierarchical pool based memory allocator with destructors. It uses
reference counting to determine when memory should be freed.

2009-07-12T21:40:50+00:00 devel/p5-Parse-Pidl IDL compiler written in Perl
Pidl is an IDL compiler written in Perl that aims to be somewhat
compatible with the midl compiler. IDL stands for "Interface Definition

Pidl can generate stubs for DCE/RPC server code, DCE/RPC client code and
ethereal dissectors for DCE/RPC traffic.

IDL compilers like pidl take a description of an interface as their
input and use it to generate C (though support for other languages may
be added later) code that can use these interfaces, pretty print data
sent using these interfaces, or even generate ethereal dissectors that
can parse data sent over the wire by these interfaces.

Pidl takes IDL files in the same format as is used by midl, converts it
to a .pidl file (which contains pidl's internal representation of the
interface) and can then generate whatever output you need. .pidl files
should be used for debugging purposes only. Write your interface
definitions in .idl format.

The goal of pidl is to implement a IDL compiler that can be used while
developing the RPC subsystem in Samba (for both marshalling/unmarshalling
and debugging purposes).

2009-07-12T19:40:37+00:00 net/samba4-devel Free SMB/CIFS and AD/DC server and client for Unix
Samba4 is an attempt to implement an Active Directory compatible Domain

In short, you can join a WinNT, Win2000, WinXP or Win2003 member server
to a Samba4 domain, and it will behave much as it does in AD, including
Kerberos domain logins where applicable.

2009-07-12T14:22:54+00:00 net-im/rubygem-termtter Terminal based Twitter client
Termtter is a Terminal based Twitter client.

2009-07-12T14:05:06+00:00 textproc/rubygem-termcolor Library for ANSII color formatting like HTML for output in terminal
Termcolor is a library for ANSI color formatting like HTML for output in

2009-07-12T13:13:01+00:00 net/rubygem-rubytter Simple Twitter library
Rubytter is simple twitter library. Supports OAuth and Implemented with API

2009-07-09T09:01:35+00:00 graphics/py-pycha Library for making charts with Python
Pycha is a very simple Python package for drawing charts using the
great Cairo library. Its goals are:
* Lightweight
* Simple to use
* Nice looking with default values
* Customization
It won't try to draw any possible chart on earth but draw the most
common ones nicely.

2009-07-09T03:25:56+00:00 audio/smasher Cross platform audio loop slicer
Cross-platform audio loop slicer designed to create sliced loops
from WAV, MP3, FLAC or AIFF files in seconds without a sequencer.
Effects include filter sweeps, phasing, flanging, delay, and

2009-07-08T19:55:29+00:00 devel/binutils GNU binary tools
The GNU Binutils are a collection of binary tools. The main ones are:

* ld - the GNU linker.
* as - the GNU assembler.

Most of these programs use BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library, to do
low-level manipulation. Many of them also use the opcodes library to assemble
and disassemble machine instructions.

This port may be used as a replacement for the system binutils and support
features from the latest versions of GCC.

For cross-compilation, see the devel/cross-binutils port.

2009-07-08T06:44:34+00:00 databases/postgresql84-client PostgreSQL database (client)
2009-07-08T01:27:15+00:00 editors/diakonos Console editor for the masses
Diakonos, the console text editor with a key mapping you practically
already know. Easy to use and easy to configure, but potent in the
hands of power users.

2009-07-08T01:02:38+00:00 sysutils/devstat Utility to display device statistics
devstat is a small program that displays device statistics
available via kernel devstat(9) interface.

2009-07-07T23:52:40+00:00 www/nanoblogger-extra Extras for nanoblogger, a small weblog engine
NanoBlogger is a small weblog engine written in Bash for the command
line. It uses common UNIX tools such as cat, grep, and sed to create
static HTML content.

This port (www/nanoblogger-extra) contains additional language
definitions, plugins, and various other add-ons for www/nanoblogger.

2009-07-07T19:28:06+00:00 devel/p5-Gearman-XS Perl front end for the Gearman C library
This is a Perl front end for the Gearman C library. It aims to provide
a simple interface closely tied to the C library.

2009-07-07T19:25:14+00:00 www/py-WebFlash Library to display flash messages in python web applications
WebFlash is a library to display "flash" messages in python web
applications. These messages are usually used to provide feedback
to the user (eg: you changes have been saved, your credit card
number has been stolen, ...). One important characteristic they
must provide is the ability to survive a redirect (ie: display the
message in a page after being redirected from a form submission).

2009-07-07T18:43:54+00:00 www/woof Web Offer One File, an ad-hoc single file webserver
Woof (Web Offer One File) is a Python small webserver designed to serve one or
several times a file, then shutdown.

Woof serves autogenerated archives, when a directory is specified.

2009-07-07T18:30:40+00:00 net-p2p/ctcs CTorrent monitoring and managing interface
CTorrent Control Server (CTCS) is an interface for monitoring and managing
Enhanced CTorrent clients. It can manage allocation of bandwidth, provide
status information, and allow changes to the running configuration of each
client. Communication with CTorrent is via a TCP connection, and the user
interface is a web browser.

2009-07-07T13:27:38+00:00 textproc/p5-XML-TinyXML Little and efficient Perl module to manage xml data
Little and efficient Perl module to manage xml data.

2009-07-07T06:20:27+00:00 mail/claws-mail-fancy Webkit based HTML renderer plugin for Claws Mail
This plugin renders HTML e-mail using the WebKit library.

2009-07-06T13:21:52+00:00 games/jag 2D arcade-puzzle game like KDiamonds
JAG is an arcade-puzzle 2D game similar to KDiamonds, Cradle of
Rome, Big Kahuna Reef etc.

The aim of JAG is to break all of the target pieces on each level,
and to do this before the time runs out.

2009-07-05T22:27:02+00:00 devel/p5-Capture-Tiny Capture STDOUT and STDERR from Perl, XS, or external programs
Capture::Tiny provides a simple, portable way to capture anything sent to
STDOUT or STDERR, regardless of whether it comes from Perl, from XS code or
from an external program. Optionally, output can be teed so that it is captured
while being passed through to the original handles.

2009-07-05T22:26:35+00:00 devel/p5-JSON-RPC-Common Transport agnostic JSON RPC helper objects
p5::JSON::RPC-Common is a perl module provides abstractions for
JSON-RPC 1.0, 1.1 (both variations) and 2.0 (formerly 1.2)
Procedure Call and Procedure Return objects (formerly known as
request and result), along with error objects. It also provides
marshalling objects to convert the model objects into JSON text
and HTTP requests/responses.

2009-07-05T22:25:19+00:00 mail/p5-Email-Sender Library for sending email
Email::Sender replaces the old and sometimes problematic Email::Send library,
which did a decent job at handling very simple email sending tasks, but was not
suitable for serious use, for a variety of reasons.

Most users will be able to use Email::Sender::Simple to send mail. Users with
more specific needs should look at the available Email::Sender::Transport

Documentation may be found in Email::Sender::Manual, and new users should start
with Email::Sender::Manual::QuickStart.

This module provides a very simple, very clean, very specific interface
to multiple Email mailers. The goal of this software is to be small
and simple, easy to use, and easy to extend.

2009-07-05T20:34:22+00:00 net-mgmt/py-pyang Validator and code generator for YANG (RFC 4741)
YANG is a data modeling language for NETCONF (RFC4741), developed

pyang is a YANG validator, transformator and code generator, written
in python. It can be used to validate YANG modules for correctness,
to transform YANG modules into other formats, and to generate code
from the modules.

pyang is compatible with

2009-07-05T09:36:28+00:00 sysutils/tarsnap Online encrypted backup service (client)
Tarsnap is an online encrypted backup service. It presents a tar-like
command-line interface, but stores data online rather than locally;
using ideas taken from the author's FreeBSD Update and Portsnap
utilities, it maximizes performance by recognizing duplicate data and
only storing it once, and cryptographically encrypts and signs archives
using locally-held keys in order to guarantee that nobody without access
to the key file (including the author) can read or modify archives.

2009-07-05T00:31:30+00:00 net/amqp08 Vendor neutral AMQP 0.8 XML specification
This is a simple stub port which provides the AMQP 0.8 XML schema.

It is required by many AMQP applications, and installs it in a fairly
well defined central location on a FreeBSD host, that is,

Note that AMQP specifications are hard versioned.

2009-07-04T23:41:58+00:00 devel/erlang-thrift Erlang interface to Thrift
Erlang interface to Thrift.

2009-07-04T23:36:34+00:00 devel/py-setuptools_darcs Setuptools plugin for darcs
setuptools plugin for darcs.

2009-07-04T23:15:59+00:00 devel/py-ToscaWidgets Python framework for building reusable web components
ToscaWidgets is a framework for building reusable web components.
The system allows a web developer to use a complex widget in their
application with ease - the internal complexity of the widget is
hidden. This helps rapidly develop compelling web applications.

2009-07-04T19:17:11+00:00 net/py-txamqp Twisted Python library for the AMQP messaging protocol
This project contains all the necessary code to connect, send and receive
messages to/from an AMQP-compliant peer or broker (Qpid, OpenAMQ, RabbitMQ)
using Twisted. It also includes support for using Thrift RPC over AMQP in
Twisted applications.

2009-07-03T20:58:10+00:00 net/linux-f10-openldap Lightweight Directory Access Protocol libraries (Linux Fedora 10)
2009-07-03T20:56:24+00:00 security/linux-f10-cyrus-sasl2 RFC 2222 SASL (Simple Authentication and Security Layer) (Linux Fedora 10)
2009-07-02T23:16:55+00:00 multimedia/arista Easy to use multimedia transcoder for the GNOME Desktop
An easy to use multimedia transcoder for the GNOME Desktop.
Arista focuses on being easy to use by making the complex task of
encoding for various devices simple. Pick your input, pick your target
device, choose a file to save to and go.

2009-07-02T14:19:12+00:00 devel/p5-Devel-Ditto Identify where print output comes from
Sometimes it's hard to work out where some printed output is coming
from. This module ties STDOUT and STDERR such that each call to print or
warn will have its output prefixed with the package, file and line of
the print or warn statement.

2009-07-01T19:06:38+00:00 x11-wm/spectrwm Small, dynamic tiling window manager for X11
Spectrwm (previously known as scrotwm) is a small dynamic tiling window
manager for X11. It tries to stay out of the way so that valuable screen
real estate can be used for much more important stuff. It has sane
defaults and does not require one to learn a language to do any
configuration. It was written by hackers for hackers and it strives to be
small, compact and fast.

It was largely inspired by xmonad and dwm. Both are fine products but suffer
from things like: crazy-unportable-language-syndrome, silly defaults,
asymmetrical window layout, "how hard can it be?" and good old NIH.
Nevertheless dwm was a phenomenal resource and many good ideas and code was
borrowed from it. On the other hand xmonad has great defaults, key bindings
and xinerama support but is crippled by not being written in C.

2009-07-01T19:06:38+00:00 x11-wm/scrotwm A small, dynamic tiling window manager for X11
Scrotwm is a small dynamic tiling window manager for X11. It tries to stay out
of the way so that valuable screen real estate can be used for much more
important stuff. It has sane defaults and does not require one to learn a
language to do any configuration. It was written by hackers for hackers and it
strives to be small, compact and fast.

It was largely inspired by xmonad and dwm. Both are fine products but suffer
from things like: crazy-unportable-language-syndrome, silly defaults,
asymmetrical window layout, "how hard can it be?" and good old NIH.
Nevertheless dwm was a phenomenal resource and many good ideas and code was
borrowed from it. On the other hand xmonad has great defaults, key bindings
and xinerama support but is crippled by not being written in C.

2009-07-01T10:48:16+00:00 net-mgmt/yaf Yet Another Flowmeter
YAF is Yet Another Flowmeter. It processes packet data from pcap(3)
dumpfiles as generated by tcpdump(1) or via live capture from an
interface using pcap(3) into bidirectional flows, then exports those
flows to IPFIX Collecting Processes or in an IPFIX-based file format.
YAF's output can be used with the SiLK flow analysis tools and any
other IPFIX compliant toolchain.

2009-07-01T10:47:17+00:00 devel/py-prioritized_methods Extension to PEAK-Rules to prioritize methods
py-rioritized_methods is an extension to PEAK-Rules to prioritize
methods in order to avoid AmbiguousMethods situations.This module
provides four decorators:

These behave like their peak.rules counterparts except that they accept
an optional prio argument which can be used to provide a comparable
object (usually an integer) that will be used to disambiguate situations
in which more than rule applies to the given arguments and no rule is
more specific than another. That is, situations in which an
peak.rules.AmbiguousMethods would have been raised.

This is useful for libraries which want to be extensible via generic
functions but want their users to easily override a method without
figuring out how to write a more specific rule or when it is not

2009-07-01T09:03:28+00:00 biology/p5-Bio-MAGETAB Data model and utility API for the MAGE-TAB format
p5-Bio-MAGETAB contains the core MAGE-TAB Utilities Perl modules. This
is a beta release. All functions have now been implemented and most
have test suites; the exceptions include the modules involved in
export of MAGE-TAB documents, which are still a little experimental in
nature. The API is mostly finalised (and fully documented), but some
details may yet change where necessary to improve usability.

2009-07-01T09:02:52+00:00 devel/py-AddOns Dynamically extend other objects with AddOns
py-AddOn classes are like dynamic mixins, but with their own private attribute
and method namespaces. A concern implemented using add-ons can be added at
runtime to any object that either has a writable __dict__ attribute, or is

AddOn classes are also like adapters, but rather than creating a new instance
each time you ask for one, an existing instance is returned if possible. In
this way, add-ons can keep track of ongoing state. For example, a Persistence
add-on might keep track of whether its subject has been saved to disk.

2009-07-01T09:02:19+00:00 devel/py-PEAK-Rules Generic functions and business rules support systems
PEAK-Rules is a highly-extensible framework for creating and using
generic functions, from the very simple to the very complex. Out of
the box, it supports multiple-dispatch on positional arguments using
tuples of types, full predicate dispatch using strings containing
Python expressions, and CLOS-like method combining. (But the framework
allows you to mix and match dispatch engines and custom method
combinations, if you need or want to.)

2009-07-01T09:01:42+00:00 devel/py-BytecodeAssembler Generate Python code objects by "assembling" bytecode
py-BytecodeAssembler is a simple bytecode assembler module that handles
most low-level bytecode generation details like jump offsets, stack size
tracking, line number table generation, constant and variable name index
tracking, etc. That way, you can focus your attention on the desired
semantics of your bytecode instead of on these mechanical issues.

2009-07-01T09:01:05+00:00 devel/py-SymbolType Simple Symbol Type for Python
py-SymbolType is a Simple "symbol" type, useful for enumerations
or sentinels.

2009-06-30T13:15:42+00:00 devel/p5-Parse-ExuberantCTags Perl module to efficiently parse exuberant ctags files
This Perl module parses ctags files and handles both traditional
ctags as well as extended ctags files such as produced with Exuberant

The module is implemented as a wrapper around the readtags library
that normally ships with Exuberant ctags.

2009-06-29T14:39:55+00:00 games/qtv MVD demo data streaming proxy over TCP/IP for QuakeWorld servers
QTV is a QuakeWorld streaming proxy over TCP/IP. Its main purpose is to
stream MVD data from the QuakeWorld servers using low bandwidth and keeping
playback smooth. Pros also include low resource utilization regarding
memory and CPU time and the ability to support lots of observers without
stressing the QuakeWorld server(s) too much.

2009-06-29T07:36:39+00:00 java/eclipse-aptana-radrails IDE for Ruby and the Ruby on Rails framework (Eclipse plugin)
Aptana RadRails is an open source IDE for Ruby and the Ruby on Rails framework
featuring everything you need to get started fast and get even faster with
developing, testing, tuning, and deploying your Ruby and Rails apps.

Highlights include the following features:

* Code Assist on Ruby and RHTML files
* Outliner for code structure
* Debugging support
* Integrated server views
* Dynamic testing
* Integrated RoR deployment options

2009-06-29T07:33:26+00:00 devel/rubygem-authlogic Clean, simple, and unobtrusive Ruby authentication solution
Framework agnostic object based authentication solution that handles all of the
non sense for you. It's as easy as ActiveRecord is with a database.

2009-06-28T22:27:03+00:00 ftp/bareftp FTP client made in C sharp
bareFTP is a file transfer client written for Linux desktops, available
under the terms of the GPL license. It supports the FTP, FTPS and SSH (SFTP)
protocols. bareFTP is written in pure C# for the Mono framework, using Gtk#
for the user interface.

2009-06-28T13:45:25+00:00 databases/p5-DBICx-TxnInsert Wrap all inserts into transaction
Wrap all inserts into transactions.

2009-06-28T01:58:30+00:00 devel/p5-DateTime-Format-SQLite Parse and format SQLite dates and times
This module understands the formats used by SQLite for its DATE, DATETIME, TIME,
and TIMESTAMP data types. It can be used to parse these formats in order to
create DateTime objects, and it can take a DateTime object and produce a string
representing it in the SQLite format.

2009-06-26T12:31:27+00:00 sysutils/fusefs-mhddfs Multi HDD [FUSE] File System
mhddfs - Multi HDD [FUSE] File System

File system for unifying several mount points into one
This FUSE-based file system allows mount points (or directories) to be
combined, simulating a single big volume which can merge several hard
drives or remote file systems. It is like unionfs, but can choose the
drive with the most free space to create new files on, and can move
data transparently between drives.

2009-06-25T13:43:32+00:00 astro/prune Application for viewing, editing, and converting GPS coordinate data
Prune is an application for viewing, editing and converting coordinate
data from GPS systems. Basically it's a tool to let you play with
your GPS data after you get home from your trip.

It can load data from arbitrary text-based formats (for example,
any tab-separated or comma-separated file) or Xml, or directly from
a GPS receiver. It can display the data (as map view using openstreetmap
images and as altitude profile), edit this data (for example delete
points and ranges, sort waypoints, compress tracks), and save the
data (in various text-based formats). It can also export data as a
Gpx file, or as Kml/Kmz for import into Google Earth, or send it
to a GPS receiver.

2009-06-24T20:55:30+00:00 math/p5-Math-Evol Perl module implements the evolution search strategy
p5-Math-Evol implements the evolution search strategy. Derivatives of the
objective function are not required. Constraints can be incorporated. The
caller must supply initial values for the variables and for the initial
step sizes.

2009-06-24T08:25:55+00:00 security/pinentry-qt4 Qt 4 version of the GnuPG password dialog
2009-06-23T20:00:35+00:00 net-p2p/vhcp Verlihub control panel
Verlihub Contro Panel is a tool for the administration of your hubsoft
VerliHub 0.9.7 (or higher). It's written in PHP so you can use it on
every OS that runs Apache Web Server with PHP support.

2009-06-23T19:24:46+00:00 multimedia/gdialog Project X addon to read Siemens Gigaset M740AV video recordings
"GDialog" is an add-on for "Project X - DVB demux Tool".
It adds a dialog to it's GUI to retrieve and select the video recordings
of the Siemens Gigaset M740AV settop box.
For details refer to the wiki (german only):

Heiner (
2009-06-23T18:04:12+00:00 databases/pgdbf Convert XBase / FoxPro tables to PostgreSQL
PgDBF is a program for converting XBase databases - particularly FoxPro
tables with memo files - into a format that PostgreSQL can directly
import. It's a compact C project with no dependencies other than standard
Unix libraries. While the project is relatively tiny and simple, it's also
heavily optimized via profiling - routine benchmark were many times faster
than with other Open Source programs. In fact, even on slower systems,
conversions are typically limited by hard drive speed.

2009-06-23T17:17:50+00:00 ports-mgmt/symports Automatically generate symlinks for virtual categories
symports reads through your ports tree and generates a tree using
symlinks for all categories - not just the "real" ones.
2009-06-23T11:46:02+00:00 lang/mono-basic VisualBasic.NET support for Mono
Mono Basic: Visual Basic Compiler and Runtime.

2009-06-23T00:42:21+00:00 multimedia/mp3cd Perl script that burns MP3 to audio CDs
mp3cd is a perl script that normalizes and burns MP3,
OGG, and WAV files to audio CDs.

2009-06-22T21:21:42+00:00 deskutils/vboxgtk GTK frontend for VirtualBox
VBoxGtk is a simple GTK frontend for VirtualBox. Its objective is to
support only the basic features of VirtualBox and keep the interface
simple and clean.

2009-06-22T21:16:21+00:00 russian/rubygem-russian Russian language support for Ruby and Rails, based on I18n library
Russian language support for Ruby and Rails, based on I18n library.

2009-06-22T21:11:06+00:00 devel/rubygem-ruby-debug-ide IDE interface for ruby-debug
An interface which glues ruby-debug to IDEs like Eclipse (RDT) and NetBeans.

2009-06-22T20:34:50+00:00 net-im/freetalk GNU console based Jabber client
Freetalk is a console based Jabber client. It features a readline interface
with completion of buddy names, commands, and even ordinary English words.
Freetalk is extensible, configurable, and scriptable through a Guile interface.

2009-06-22T15:55:11+00:00 science/peekabot Distributed real-time 3D visualization tool for robotics researchers
peekabot is a distributed real-time 3D visualization tool for robotics
researchers and developers, written in C++.

Its purpose is to simplify the visualization needs faced by a roboticist
daily - using visualization as a debugging aid or making fancy slides for
a presentation, for example.

2009-06-22T12:55:36+00:00 sysutils/xfce4-power-manager Power manager for the Xfce Desktop
Xfce power manager manages the power sources on the computer and the
devices that can be controlled to reduce their power consumption.

2009-06-22T12:46:56+00:00 biology/pycogent Toolkit for statistical analysis of biological sequences
PyCogent is a software library for genomic biology. It is a fully integrated
and thoroughly tested framework for: controlling third-party applications;
devising workflows; querying databases; conducting novel probabilistic
analyses of biological sequence evolution; and generating publication quality
graphics. It is distinguished by many unique built-in capabilities (such as
true codon alignment) and the frequent addition of entirely new methods for
the analysis of genomic data.

2009-06-22T12:45:46+00:00 devel/rubygem-bioruby Integrated environment for Bioinformatics written in Ruby
BioRuby project aims to implement integrated environment for
Bioinformatics by using Ruby.

2009-06-22T07:55:50+00:00 www/xsp Mono based web server
The XSP is a Mono based web server that can be used to run ASP.NET

2009-06-22T07:55:50+00:00 www/mod_mono Apache module for serving ASP.NET applications
An Apache module that ties Mono's XSP and Apache together.

2009-06-22T02:18:58+00:00 devel/py-coverage Code coverage measurement for Python
Coverage measures code coverage, typically during test execution.
It uses the code analysis tools and tracing hooks provided in the
Python standard library to determine which lines are executable,
and which have been executed.

2009-06-21T20:44:56+00:00 archivers/lzip Lossless data compressor based on the LZMA algorithm
Lzip is a lossless data compressor with a user interface similar to the one
of gzip or bzip2. Lzip decompresses almost as fast as gzip and compresses
more than bzip2, which makes it well suited for software distribution and
data archiving. Lzip is a clean implementation of the LZMA algorithm.

The lzip file format is designed for long-term data archiving. It is
clean, provides very safe four factor integrity checking, and is backed
by the recovery capabilities of lziprecover.

2009-06-21T17:46:39+00:00 french/eficas_doc ASter Command FIle Editor - doc files
This port installs the documentation files of Eficas (See the port

2009-06-21T10:24:50+00:00 sysutils/moreutils Additional Unix utilities
This is a collection of the Unix tools that nobody thought to write long ago,
when Unix was young.

Currently it consists of these tools:
- chronic: runs a command quietly unless it fails
- combine: combine the lines in two files using boolean operations
- errno: look up errno names and descriptions
- ifdata: get network interface info without parsing ifconfig output
- ifne: run a command if the standard input is not empty
- isutf8: check if a file or standard input is utf-8
- lckdo: execute a program with a lock held (deprecated)
- mispipe: pipe two commands, returning the exit status of the first
- parallel: run multiple jobs at once
- pee: tee standard input to pipes
- sponge: soak up standard input and write to a file
- ts: timestamp standard input
- vidir: edit a directory in your text editor
- vipe: insert a text editor into a pipe
- zrun: automatically uncompress arguments to command

Note that parallel and ts utilities are installed with "moreutils-" prefix.

2009-06-21T10:20:37+00:00 lang/libhx C/C++ library with common data structures and functions
libHX is a C library (with some additional C++ bindings available)
that provides data structures and functions for tasks common in scripting
languages; autoresizing string manipulation, maps, deques, option parsing,
type-checking casts and more.

libHX aids in quickly writing up C/C++ data processing programs,
by consolidating tasks that often happen to be open-coded, such as
config file reading, option parsing, directory traversal, and others,
into a library. The focus is on reducing the amount of time (and
secondarily, the amount of code) a developer has to spend for otherwise
implementing such. Subsequently, proficient coders can use this to
code as fast as for a scripting language.

2009-06-20T19:32:49+00:00 devel/p5-Thread-Queue Perl5 thread-safe queues
This module provides thread-safe FIFO queues that can be accessed safely
by any number of threads.

Any data types supported by threads::shared can be passed via queues:
- Ordinary scalars
- Array refs
- Hash refs
- Scalar refs
- Objects based on the above

Ordinary scalars are added to queues as they are.

2009-06-20T19:06:24+00:00 textproc/p5-Pod-Abstract Abstract document tree for Perl POD documents
POD::Abstract provides a means to load a POD (or POD compatible)
document without direct reference to it's syntax, and perform
manipulations on the abstract syntax tree.

This can be used to support additional features for POD, to format
output, to compile into alternative formats, etc.

While Pod looks like a simple format, the specification calls for
a number of special cases to be handled, and that makes any software
that works on Pod as text more complex than it needs to be. In
addition to this, Pod does not lend itself to a natural structured
model. This makes it difficult to manipulate without damaging the
validity of the document.

Pod::Abstract solves these problems by loading the document into a
structured tree, and providing consistent traversal, searching,
manpulation and re-serialisation. Pod related utilities are easy
to write using Pod::Abstract.

2009-06-20T12:05:53+00:00 print/rubygem-prawn-core Core of Rubygem-prawn
Rubygem-prawn-core is the core of Rubygem-prawn.

2009-06-20T12:04:07+00:00 print/rubygem-prawn-format Extension of Prawn that allows inline formatting
rubygem-prawn-format is an extension of Prawn that allows
inline formatting.

2009-06-19T09:24:49+00:00 devel/rubygem-ruby_parser Ruby parser written in pure ruby
ruby_parser (RP) is a ruby parser written in pure ruby (utilizing
racc--which does by default use a C extension). RP's output is
the same as ParseTree's output: s-expressions using ruby's arrays and
base types.

2009-06-19T05:35:12+00:00 security/p5-Jifty-Plugin-OpenID Provides OpenID authentication for your Jifty App
Jifty::Plugin::OpenID is a perl module provides OpenID
authentication for your jifty app.

2009-06-19T05:34:14+00:00 net/p5-Jifty-Plugin-Authentication-Ldap LDAP Authentication Plugin for Jifty Apps
p5::Jifty::Plugin::Authentication::Ldap is a LDAP Authentication Plugin
for p5-Jifty.

2009-06-19T05:29:46+00:00 sysutils/rdup Tool to generate (incremental) backup file list
rdup is an utility inspired by rsync and the Plan9 way of doing backups.

rdup itself does not backup anything; it only prints a list of the names
of files that have changed since the last backup. It also handles files
that are removed, allowing for correct incremental backups.

An example script named rdup-simple is included to show how to implement
a simple snapshot-style backup strategy.

2009-06-19T05:28:46+00:00 security/ranpwd Tool to generate random passwords
ranpwd uses /dev/random or /dev/urandom to generate cryptographically secure

Generated passwords may consist of any specified length and any combination of
upper- or lower-case alphanumeric characters or punctuation. ranpwd can also
generate passwords consisting of hexadecimal, decimal, octal or binary numbers,
and format these as valid C constants for inclusion in source code.

2009-06-18T14:07:29+00:00 devel/p5-Class-C3-Adopt-NEXT Make NEXT suck less
Make NEXT suck less

2009-06-17T21:21:19+00:00 ports-mgmt/pver Show packages which are different version from ports using INDEX-*.db
A simple utility to show the package name and version
whose port version is different from it.

The utility uses /usr/ports/INDEX-{__FreeBSD__}.db
The file can be generated by using bundled pver_dbgen

2009-06-17T19:33:59+00:00 devel/avr-gcc-42 FSF GCC 4.2.x for Atmel AVR 8-bit RISC cross-development
FSF gcc-4.x for Atmel AVR cross-development

Included is the basic C++ compiler, although this is only of limited
use without a libstdc++, and it is little tested.

Supported debugging formats: -gdwarf-2 [default], -gstabs
Local patch added: recognizes 0bXXX binary constants
Local patch added: OS_main and OS_task attributes

Locally added support for the following AVR devices:


2009-06-17T19:29:52+00:00 math/fftw3-long-fortran Fast C routines (Long Double Precision) with fortran shim
2009-06-17T19:29:52+00:00 math/fftw3-fortran Fast C routines (Long Double Precision) with fortran shim
2009-06-17T19:29:52+00:00 math/fftw3-float-fortran Fast C routines (Single Precision) with fortran shim
2009-06-17T16:17:47+00:00 devel/rubygem-stomp Streaming Text Orientated Messaging Protocol gem
The Stomp project is the Streaming Text Orientated Messaging Protocol site (or
the Protocol Briefly Known as TTMP and Represented by the symbol :ttmp).

Stomp provides an interoperable wire format so that any of the available Stomp
Clients can communicate with any Stomp Message Broker to provide easy and
widespread messaging interop among languages, platforms and brokers.

This is a rubygem binding for stomp.

2009-06-17T14:03:46+00:00 graphics/rubygem-rmagick Ruby binding for ImageMagick
RMagick is an interface between the Ruby programming language and the
ImageMagick and GraphicsMagick image processing libraries.

2009-06-17T13:02:23+00:00 www/ephemera Blog server
Ephemera is an SCGI application server dedicated to serving-up a single
blog. Ephemera creates the simplest blog that is still useful in its
author's estimation.

2009-06-17T13:02:23+00:00 www/blogd Blog server
Blogd is an SCGI application server dedicated to serving-up a single blog,
implemented in 1000 lines of Munger(1). Blogd creates the simplest blog
that is still useful, in its author's estimation.

2009-06-17T12:50:27+00:00 devel/ri-emacs Emacs extension to work with RDoc ri documentation
Ri for (X)Emacs is a (X)Emacs extension that acts as a convenient wrapper
around ri. It has autocompletion, nice colored output, it will ask for a
class name if needed. It is indispensible when coding Ruby with Emacs!

2009-06-17T12:18:47+00:00 devel/ruby-fastri Fast RDoc documentation browser for ruby
FastRI improves on the aging RI documentation tool: much faster, needs less
RAM, "scoped" searches, e.g. get String extensions defined in a given RubyGems
package, fast full-text search, remote access via DRb (auto-discovered).

2009-06-16T19:50:05+00:00 www/drupal6-webform Drupal module to allow easy creation of forms
This module adds a webform nodetype to your Drupal site. Typical uses for
Webform are questionnaires, contact or request/register forms, surveys,
polls or a front end to issues tracking systems.

Submissions from a webform are saved in a database table and can optionally
be mailed to a nominated e-mail address upon submission. Past submissions
are viewable for users with the correct permissions.

Webform includes some simple statistical tools to help in form design and
evaluation and also allows the whole table to be downloaded as a csv file
for detailed statistical analysis.

2009-06-16T19:49:26+00:00 www/drupal6-pathauto Automatically generates URLs for Drupal content
Pathauto is a Drupal module which automatically generates path aliases for
various kinds of content (nodes, categories, users) without requiring the
user to manually specify the path alias.

2009-06-16T19:48:15+00:00 www/drupal6-seo_checklist Drupal module to provide checklist of actions for SEO
SEO_checklist is a Drupal module which provides a checklist of good "SEO"
(Search Engine Optimization) actions that you should take to maximize the
presence of your Drupal website in the major search engines like Google,
Yahoo, Live, etc. It provides a checklist that helps you keep track of what
needs to be done. First, it will look to see what modules you already have
installed. Then, all you have to do is go down the list of unchecked items
and do them.

2009-06-16T19:47:36+00:00 www/drupal7-wysiwyg Allows implementation of WYSIWYG editors for editing Drupal content
Wysiwyg API allows to use client-side editors (a.k.a. WYSIWYG editors) for
editing content in the Drupal CMS. It simplifies installation of editors
and allows you to define which editor to use depending on the input format.
This module replaces all existing editor integration modules and no other
Drupal module is required.

It is capable of supporting any kind of client-side editor as long as there
are support files for it that integrate the external library with Wysiwyg
API. A client-side editor can be a regular HTML-based editor, a
"pseudo-editor" (that just provides buttons to insert HTML markup into a
plain textarea), or even a Flash-based editor. Support for various editor
libraries is built-in.

The Wysiwyg API also allows Drupal modules to register plugins (or
"buttons") for editors.

2009-06-16T19:47:36+00:00 www/drupal6-wysiwyg Allows implementation of WYSIWYG editors for editing Drupal content
Wysiwyg API allows to use client-side editors (a.k.a. WYSIWYG editors) for
editing content in the Drupal CMS. It simplifies installation of editors
and allows you to define which editor to use depending on the input format.
This module replaces all existing editor integration modules and no other
Drupal module is required.

It is capable of supporting any kind of client-side editor as long as there
are support files for it that integrate the external library with Wysiwyg
API. A client-side editor can be a regular HTML-based editor, a
"pseudo-editor" (that just provides buttons to insert HTML markup into a
plain textarea), or even a Flash-based editor. Support for various editor
libraries is built-in.

The Wysiwyg API also allows Drupal modules to register plugins (or
"buttons") for editors.

2009-06-16T19:46:54+00:00 www/drupal6-page_title Drupal module to provide fine-grained control of page titles
A Drupal module which gives editors control over the page title.

It allows editors specify patterns for how the title should be structured,
and on content creation pages, gives you the chance to specify the page
title rather than defaulting to the content's title.

2009-06-16T19:46:32+00:00 www/drupal6-menu_block Drupal module to provide configurable menu tree blocks
menu_block is a drupal module which allows editors to display menu blocks,
starting with any level of any menu.

2009-06-16T03:53:40+00:00 ftp/vsftpd-ext FTP daemon that aims to be "very secure". Extended build
Extended build of vsftpd with additional features.

2009-06-15T21:46:41+00:00 security/netpgp PGP signing, verification, encryption, and decryption program
The netpgp command can digitally sign files and verify that the
signatures attached to files were signed by a given user identifier.
netpgp can also encrypt files using the public or private keys of
users and, in the same manner, decrypt files which were encrypted.

The netpgp utility can also be used to generate a new key-pair for a
user. This key is in two parts, the public key (which can be used by
other people) and a private key.

In addition to these primary uses, the third way of using netpgp is to
maintain keyrings. Keyrings are collections of public keys belonging
to other users. By using other means of identification, it is
possible to establish the bona fides of other users. Once trust has
been established, the public key of the other user will be signed.
The other user's public key can be added to our keyring. The other
user will add our public key to their keyring.

2009-06-15T21:13:58+00:00 graphics/rubygem-geokit Ruby gem for maps-based apps
The Geokit gem provides:
- Distance calculations between two points on the earth. Calculate the distance
in miles, kilometers, meters, or nautical miles, with all the trigonometry
abstracted away by Geokit.
- Geocoding from multiple providers. It supports Google, Yahoo,, and geocoders, and others. It provides a uniform response structure
from all of them. It also provides a fail-over mechanism, in case your input
fails to geocode in one service.
- Rectangular bounds calculations: is a point within a given rectangular bounds?
- Heading and midpoint calculations

2009-06-15T21:13:19+00:00 net-mgmt/nagios-snmp-plugins-extras Set of Nagios plugins written in Perl to check devices with SNMP
The general idea of these scripts is to check as many things as possible with
SNMP: disks, memory, load, network interfaces, running processes, etc...

The other idea is to select disks, interfaces, process using regular

- it is possible to test more than one disk/int/process in one Nagios check
(ex.: eth* instead of eth0,eth1,eth2,...)

- you only have to provide a unique part of the name to select a
disk/int/process (ex. : "C:" instead of "C:\ Label: Serial Number xxxxxxx"
makes it easy to use on multiple Windows hosts).

Most of these scripts can make performance outputs.

2009-06-15T20:50:44+00:00 devel/p5-ZConf-GUI GUI backend chooser
A ZConf backed method of choosing a backend for a Perl module that
has multiple backends.

zcgui-get Gets the current preferred backends for a module.
zcgui-gux Gets the value for useX.
zcgui-la Lists available GUI backends for a ZConf::GUI compliant module.
zcgui-lm Lists the modules that currently have preferences set.
zcgui-set Set the preferred backends for a module.
zcgui-sux Set the useX value for a module.
zcgui-which Prints a list of the available preferred modules for a module.

2009-06-15T20:47:57+00:00 net/rubygem-geoip Geoip implementation for rubygems
GeoIP searches a GeoIP database for a given host or IP address, and
returns information about the country where the IP address is allocated.

This is a GeoIP implementation for rubygems

2009-06-15T19:55:06+00:00 devel/rubygem-echoe Rake tasks for docs, extension compiling, testing, and deployment
A Rubygems packaging tool that provides Rake tasks for documentation, extension
compiling, testing, and deployment.

2009-06-15T18:17:42+00:00 deskutils/taskwarrior Feature-rich command-line todo list manager
Taskwarrior is an ambitious project to supercharge task (most excellent CLI
task manager by Paul Beckingham) with an interactive interface, a powerful
search tool, hotkeys, fast forms data entry and a host of new features.

2009-06-15T18:17:17+00:00 sysutils/bacula2-server The network backup solution (server)
Bacula is a set of computer programs that permit you (or the system
administrator) to manage backup, recovery, and verification of
computer data across a network of computers of different kinds.
In technical terms, it is a network Client/Server based backup program.
Bacula is relatively easy to use and efficient, while offering many
advanced storage management features that make it easy to find and
recover lost or damaged files. Due to its modular design, Bacula is
scalable from small single computer systems to systems consisting of
hundreds of computers located over a large network.

2009-06-15T18:17:17+00:00 sysutils/bacula2-client The network backup solution (client)
2009-06-15T18:01:41+00:00 emulators/virtualbox A general-purpose full virtualizer for x86 hardware
VirtualBox is a family of powerful x86 virtualization products for
enterprise as well as home use. Not only is VirtualBox an extremely
feature rich, high performance product for enterprise customers, it
is also the only professional solution that is freely available as
Open Source Software under the terms of the GNU General Public License.

2009-06-15T18:01:41+00:00 emulators/virtualbox-ose General-purpose full virtualizer for x86 hardware
VirtualBox is a family of powerful x86 virtualization products for
enterprise as well as home use. Not only is VirtualBox an extremely
feature rich, high performance product for enterprise customers, it
is also the only professional solution that is freely available as
Open Source Software under the terms of the GNU General Public License.

2009-06-15T18:01:41+00:00 emulators/virtualbox-ose-legacy General-purpose full virtualizer for x86 hardware
VirtualBox is a family of powerful x86 virtualization products for
enterprise as well as home use. Not only is VirtualBox an extremely
feature rich, high performance product for enterprise customers, it
is also the only professional solution that is freely available as
Open Source Software under the terms of the GNU General Public License.

2009-06-15T18:01:41+00:00 emulators/virtualbox-ose-kmod VirtualBox kernel module for FreeBSD
VirtualBox is a family of powerful x86 virtualization products for
enterprise as well as home use. Not only is VirtualBox an extremely
feature rich, high performance product for enterprise customers, it
is also the only professional solution that is freely available as
Open Source Software under the terms of the GNU General Public License.

2009-06-15T18:01:41+00:00 emulators/virtualbox-ose-kmod-legacy VirtualBox kernel module for FreeBSD
VirtualBox is a family of powerful x86 virtualization products for
enterprise as well as home use. Not only is VirtualBox an extremely
feature rich, high performance product for enterprise customers, it
is also the only professional solution that is freely available as
Open Source Software under the terms of the GNU General Public License.

2009-06-15T06:53:02+00:00 mail/batv-milter Milter for BATV (Bounce Address Tag Validation)
This package is an implementation of BATV (Bounce Address Tag Validation),
a draft proposal for detecting and messages making fraudulent use of a sender
address. The filter is written as a plugin to Sendmail or other filters using
the milter API.

2009-06-14T03:11:15+00:00 emulators/parallels-tools Parallels Desktop Tools for FreeBSD
This is a port of Parallels Desktop Tools for the FreeBSD.

2009-06-13T22:52:58+00:00 databases/mysqlbackup Creates MySQL backups on a periodic basis
mysqlbackup: create MySQL-database servers backup easy

Why mysqlbackup?

1. Requires minimum coding to create everyday MySQL-backups with some
additional functions.

2. Backups can be compressed on-the-fly and automatically rotated after
specified number of a days past.

3. "Slave mode" feature - stop slave, save it's status and then create backup.
Start slave afterwards.

4. Includes basic database maintenance: check, optimize tables before backup

5. It can be safely used on a large MySQL installations (1000+ databases).

6. It is written in sh - code interpreter available in a base system.

2009-06-13T22:36:29+00:00 devel/p5-SUPER Perl module control superclass method dispatch
p5-SUPER is a perl module provides three different ways
to control superclass method dispatch.

2009-06-13T22:32:42+00:00 devel/p5-Test-WWW-Selenium Perl driver and test library for Selenium Remote Control (SRC)
Test-WWW-Selenium is a perl driver and test library for Selenium
Remote Control (SRC).

2009-06-13T22:32:14+00:00 devel/p5-Test-WWW-Declare Declarative testing for your web app
Test-WWW-Declare is a perl module of declarative testing
for your web app.

2009-06-13T22:31:47+00:00 net-mgmt/nagios-check_clamav Nagios plugin that verifies ClamAV local signature database revision
This check plugin is a Perl script which compares your local signature database
(daily.cvd) version to the version advertised from the ClamAV site. It verifies
the latest ClamAV revision using a DNS TXT query against

2009-06-13T20:57:40+00:00 math/octave-forge-generate_html Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
The octave-forge package is the result of The GNU Octave Repositry project,
which is intended to be a central location for custom scripts, functions and
extensions for GNU Octave. contains the source for all the functions plus
build and install scripts.

This is generate_html.

This package provides functions for generating HTML pages that contain
the help texts for a set of functions. The package is designed to be as
general as possible, but also contains convenience functions for
generating a set of pages for entire packages.

2009-06-12T13:40:55+00:00 textproc/atom Converts text files to html with special attributes
This port takes plain text files like ASCII as input, and outputs
mark files such as HTML or (unsupported) LaTeX.

2009-06-12T02:12:14+00:00 audio/xmms-timidity XMMS input plugin to play midi files (via timidity)
xmms-timidity is another simple plugin that handles .mid files by running the
locally installed copy of Timidity, and piping the output back to XMMS.
2009-06-10T15:41:41+00:00 net/clamz Command-line program to download MP3 files from Amazon's music store
Clamz is a little command-line program to
download MP3 files from's music
store. It is intended to serve as a
substitute for Amazon's official MP3
Downloader, which is not free software
(and therefore is only available in binary
form for a limited set of platforms.)

Clamz can be used to download either individual
songs or complete albums that you have purchased
from Amazon.

Text from

2009-06-10T02:19:51+00:00 astro/qlandkartegt The ultimate outdoor aficionado's tool
QLandkarte GT is the ultimate outdoor aficionado's tool. It supports GPS maps in
GeoTiff format as well as Garmin's img vector map format. Additional it is the
PC side front end to QLandkarte M, a moving map application for mobile devices.
And it fills the gap Garmin leaves in refusing to support Linux. QLandkarte GT
is the proof that writing portable applications for Unix, Windows and OSX is
feasible with a minimum of overhead. No excuses!

QLandkarte GT does replace the original QLandkarte with a much more flexible
architecture. It's not limited to a map format or device. Thus if you think your
Magellan GPS or other should be supported, join the team.

Additionally it is a front end to the GDAL tools, to make georeferencing scanned
maps feasible for the normal user. Compared to similar tools like QGis, it's
target users are more on the consumer side than on the scientific one.
QLandkarte GT might not let you select every possible feature of the GDAL tools,
but it will simplify their use to the demands of most users.

2009-06-10T02:06:36+00:00 audio/liblastfm Qt C++ library for the webservices
liblastfm is a collection of libraries to help you integrate services
into your rich desktop software. It is officially supported software developed
by staff.

2009-06-09T16:04:31+00:00 multimedia/playd2 Very easy to use mplayer Perl wrapper script, with useful features
playd is an easy to use command line wrapper for mplayer.

With playd you don't need the mplayer gui to use it as a audio/video
player because playd supports playlists. It is easy to integrate
playd into a window manager menu (e.g. FVWM).


-- Aldis Berjoza
2009-06-09T16:04:31+00:00 multimedia/playd Very easy-to-use mplayer sh wrapper script (supports playlists)
Easy-to-use command-line wrapper for mplayer.

With playd you don't need mplayer GUI to listen to music, watch videos, stream
video/audio. It is easy to integrate playd into a window manager menu (e.g.

2009-06-09T04:54:39+00:00 www/p5-Ark Perl web application framework
Ark is a web application framework. It's heavily inspired by Catalyst

Most different point between Ark and Catalyst is that Ark has CGI
specific mode which can run applications less latency under CGI

2009-06-08T23:49:59+00:00 biology/crux Software toolkit for phylogenetic inference
Crux is a software toolkit for molecular phylogenetic inference. It is
structured as a set of Python modules, which makes it possible to quickly
develop Python scripts that perform unique, non-canned analyses. Features
* Tree log-likelihoods can be computed under a variety of models,
including all specializations of GTR+I+G and mixture models. Tree
likelihoods can be computed in parallel via pthreads.
* Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods (with Metropolis
coupling) can sample among non-nested models using reversible model
* Crux is capable of simulating character data under any model its
likelihood engine is capable of.
* The neighbor joining (NJ) and relaxed neighbor joining (RNJ)
implementations are among the fastest in existence.
* Pairwise distances between sequences can be computed based on percent
identity, or using methods that correct for multiple hits
(Jukes-Cantor, Kimura, and logDet).

2009-06-08T12:32:42+00:00 net-mgmt/jnettop Traffic visualizer, similar to nettop
Jnettop is a traffic visualiser, which captures traffic going through
the host it is running from and displays streams sorted by bandwidth
they use.

2009-06-07T23:24:33+00:00 games/powder Graphical dungeon crawling game
Graphical roguelike originally developed for Gameboy Advance.

2009-06-07T18:58:02+00:00 misc/rubygem-ohcount Ohcount is the source code line counter that powers Ohloh
Ohcount is the source code line counter that powers Ohloh. Ohcount supports
over 70 popular programming languages, and has been used to count over 3
billion lines of code by 200,000 developers!

Ohcount does more than just count lines of code. It can also detect popular
open source licenses such as GPL within a large directory of source code.
It can also detect code that targets a particular programming API, such as
Win32 or KDE.

2009-06-06T23:29:08+00:00 japanese/p5-Lingua-JA-Regular-Unicode Perl extension to convert Japanese chars
Convert Japanese characters.

2009-06-06T22:49:23+00:00 games/cuyo Nice, innovative, challenging Tetris-like game
Cuyo is a tetris-like game which is suprisingly innovative,
sometimes challenging, and has a very nice look.

2009-06-06T22:48:49+00:00 security/openconnect Client for Cisco's AnyConnect SSL VPN
OpenConnect is a client for Cisco's AnyConnect SSL VPN. Beyond
Cisco's official client, OpenConnect supports multiple platforms,
NetworkManager integration, and the ability to run as a user.

2009-06-06T22:46:15+00:00 devel/py-darcsver Generate a version number from darcs history
py-darcsver is a python module to generate a version
number from darcs history.

2009-06-06T22:37:43+00:00 multimedia/dplay Very easy to use mplayer sh wrapper script, with usefull features
playd is an easy to use command line wrapper for mplayer.

With playd you don't need the mplayer gui to use it as a audio/video
player because playd supports playlists. It is easy to integrate
playd into a window manager menu (e.g. FVWM).

-- Aldis Berjoza
2009-06-06T14:54:23+00:00 www/libecap Library for module based network content analysis
eCAP is a software interface that allows a network application, such as an HTTP
proxy or an ICAP server, to outsource content analysis and adaptation to a
loadable module.

2009-06-05T22:47:22+00:00 graphics/quesoglc Free implementation of the OpenGL Character Renderer
The OpenGL Character Renderer (GLC) is a state machine that provides
OpenGL programs with character rendering services via an application
programming interface (API).

The character rendering services provided by GLC has some significant
advantages over platform specific interface such as GLX or WGL:

1. The GLC API is platform independent. Since most nontrivial GL
applications render characters, GLC is an important step toward the
goal of truly portable GL applications.
2. The GLC is simpler to use. Only two lines of GLC commands are
required to prepare for rendering characters.
3. GLC provides more ways to exploit the rendering power of OpenGL.
For example, a glyph can be drawn as a bitmap, a set of lines, a
set of triangles, or a textured rectangle.
4. GLC provides better support for glyph transformations. For
example, GLC supports rotated text, which is unavailable in GLX.
5. GLC provides better support for the large coded character set
defined by the standards ISO/IEC 10646:2003 and Unicode 4.0.1

QuesoGLC is a free (as in free speech) implementation of the GLC.
QuesoGLC is based on the FreeType library, provides Unicode support
and is designed to be easily ported to any platform that supports
both FreeType and the OpenGL API.

2009-06-05T22:11:42+00:00 converters/p5-bsdconv Perl wrapper for bsdconv
BSD licensed charset/encoding converter library with more function than
libiconv. (Currently, only a few codecs are supported)
This port is a perl wrapper for bsdconv.

2009-06-05T22:11:08+00:00 converters/php5-bsdconv PHP wrapper for bsdconv
BSD licensed charset/encoding converter library with more function than
libiconv. (Currently, only a few codecs are supported)
This port is a php wrapper for bsdconv.

2009-06-05T22:10:00+00:00 converters/bsdconv BSD licensed charset/encoding converter library
BSD licensed charset/encoding converter library with more function than
libiconv. (Currently, only a few codecs are supported)

2009-06-05T22:09:07+00:00 deskutils/global-menu Global menu for gnome
Global Menu is the globally-shared menu bar of all applications
launched in your desktop session.

2009-06-05T22:07:41+00:00 textproc/p5-LaTeX-Table Perl extension for the automatic generation of LaTeX tables
This module supports multipage tables via the xtab and the longtable
package. For publication quality tables it utilizes the booktabs
package. It also supports the tabularx and tabulary packages for
nicer fixed-width tables. Furthermore, it supports the colortbl
package for colored tables optimized for presentations. The powerful
new ctable package is supported and especially recommended when
footnotes are needed. LaTeX::Table ships with some predefined, good
looking themes.

2009-06-05T22:07:10+00:00 textproc/p5-LaTeX-Driver Perl module of LaTeX Driver
The LaTeX::Driver module encapsulates the details of invoking the
Latex programs to format a LaTeX document. Formatting with LaTeX
is complicated; there are potentially many programs to run and the
output of those programs must be monitored to determine whether
further processing is required.

2009-06-05T22:05:50+00:00 textproc/p5-LaTeX-Encode Encode characters for LaTeX formatting
p5-LaTeX-Encode provides a function to encode text that is to
be formatted with LaTeX. It encodes characters that are special
to LaTeX or that are represented in LaTeX by LaTeX commands.

2009-06-05T22:03:53+00:00 textproc/p5-LaTeX-TOM Perl module for parsing, analyzing, and manipulating LaTeX documents
This module provides a parser which parses and interprets (though
not fully) LaTeX documents and returns a tree-based representation
of what it finds. This tree is a LaTeX::TOM::Tree. The tree contains
LaTeX::TOM::Node nodes.

This module should be especially useful to anyone who wants to do
processing of LaTeX documents that requires extraction of plain-text
information, or altering of the plain-text components (or
alternatively, the math-text components).

2009-06-05T22:03:09+00:00 math/p5-Math-BaseCnv Fast functions to convert between number Bases
BaseCnv provides a few simple functions for converting between
arbitrary number bases. It is as fast as I currently know how
to make it (of course relying only on the lovely Perl). If you
would rather utilize an object syntax for number-base conversion,
please see Ken Williams's <Ken@Forum.Swarthmore.Edu> fine
Math::BaseCalc module.

2009-06-05T17:19:43+00:00 textproc/p5-PDF-Table Utility class for building table layouts in a PDF::API2 object
PDF-Table is intended for table generation using PDF::API2.

2009-06-05T02:26:52+00:00 graphics/gimp-focusblur-plugin Gimp realistic focus blur plugin
This plug-in makes a out of focus with luminosity and depth, like a
sight or lenses. It can be used with depth map, depth fakes and
shining effect. Also it works as a simple and applicable blur.

2009-06-03T06:58:40+00:00 japanese/font-ipa-uigothic IPA Japanese fonts, UIGothic
Japanese TrueType fonts distributed by Infomation-technology Promotion
Agency (IPA) Japan.

2009-06-03T03:01:12+00:00 www/p5-CGI-Pager Perl extension to generate HTML pagination linkage easily
CGI::Pager performs the "dirty work" necessary to program paginated
data display in a web application.

Based on given resultset size, page size, and offset value sensed from
current URI, it constructs links for navigation between results pages.

It can be used conveniently from a templating system, has both OO and
functional interface, and can optionally generate necessary HTML

2009-06-02T15:59:49+00:00 devel/pecl-newt PHP language extension for RedHat Newt library
PHP language extension for RedHat Newt library, a terminal-based window and
widget library for writing applications with user friendly interface. Once this
extension is enabled in PHP it will provide the use of Newt widgets, such as
windows, buttons, checkboxes, radiobuttons, labels, editboxes, scrolls,
textareas, scales, etc. Use of this extension if very similar to the original
Newt API of C programming language.

2009-06-02T12:15:25+00:00 mail/phpmailer2 Full Featured Email Transfer Class for PHP4
PHP email transport class featuring multiple file attachments, SMTP servers,
CCs, BCCs, HTML messages, and word wrap, and more. It can send email via
sendmail, PHP mail(), or with SMTP. Methods are based on the popular AspEmail
active server component.

2009-06-02T11:19:09+00:00 misc/window Window environment on ASCII terminals
The window utility implements a window environment on ASCII terminals.
It was once distributed as part of the base system. This version includes
several code fixes such as removal of 'register' keyword.
2009-06-02T00:23:42+00:00 devel/openocd Open On-Chip Debugger
The Open On-Chip Debugger (OpenOCD) aims to provide debugging, in-system
programming and boundary-scan testing for embedded target devices. OpenOCD
uses a "hardware interface dongle" to communicate with the JTAG (IEEE 1149.1)
compliant taps on your target board. OpenOCD currently supports many types
of hardware dongles: USB based, parallel port based, and other standalone boxes
that run OpenOCD internally. It allows MIPS, ARM7, ARM9, XScale and Cortex
based cores to be debugged via the GDB protocol. Flash writing is supported
for external CFI compatible NOR flashes, NAND and several internal flashes.

2009-06-01T23:32:04+00:00 audio/julius Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition Engine
"Julius" is an open-source high-performance large vocabulary
continuous speech recognition (LVCSR) decoder software for
speech-related researchers and developers. Based on word N-gram and
triphone context-dependent HMM, it can perform almost real-time
decoding on most current PCs with small amount of memory.

2009-06-01T13:15:07+00:00 www/pylot Tool for testing performance and scalability of web services
Pylot is a free open source tool for testing performance and scalability of
web services. It runs HTTP load tests, which are useful for capacity planning,
benchmarking, analysis, and system tuning.

Pylot generates concurrent load (HTTP Requests), verifies server responses,
and produces reports with metrics. Tests suites are executed and monitored
from a GUI or shell/console.

2009-05-31T23:05:29+00:00 net/e169-stats Curses realtime statistics for the Huawei E169 modem
Curses based overview for the statistics generated by the Huawei
E169 3G USB modem. Please note that this requires at least FreeBSD
7.2 because it makes use of the u3g(4) driver.
2009-05-31T22:34:54+00:00 japanese/nhocr OCR engine for Japanese language
OCR engine for Japanese language

2009-05-31T22:34:51+00:00 graphics/O2-tools Huge image processing tools and libraries
Huge image processing tools and libraries.

Most of the programs in this package were designed carefully to
avoid slowing down even for huge images, e.g. 3300x4700. I hope
you will find them better.

This package contains following programs:
bmptopnm-O2 (bmptopnm in original distribution)
- convert a BMP(DIB) file into a portable anymap
breduce - read a portable bitmap and reduce it N times
makecr - create circumscribing rectangles (bounding box) in an
makepr - create Primitive Rectangles in an image
prlst2ps - produce PostScript data from rectangle/line-
segment data
lpsmooth - smooth an image preserving thin lines

2009-05-31T20:25:31+00:00 graphics/ocropus The OCRopus(tm) open source document analysis and OCR system
OCRopus(tm) is a state-of-the-art document analysis and OCR system,
featuring pluggable layout analysis, pluggable character recognition,
statistical natural language modeling, and multi-lingual capabilities.

2009-05-31T20:24:14+00:00 graphics/iulib Library of image understanding-related algorithms
A library of image understanding-related algorithms.
Provides basic image processing, mathematical morphology,
and machine learning algorithms.

2009-05-31T20:23:11+00:00 graphics/leptonlib C library for efficient image processing and image analysis operations
An open source C library for efficient image processing and
image analysis operations.

2009-05-31T20:23:11+00:00 graphics/leptonica C library for efficient image processing and image analysis operations
An open source C library for efficient image processing and
image analysis operations.

2009-05-31T12:59:01+00:00 x11-themes/gtk-nodoka-engine GTK nodoka engine and themes
Nodoka is the new Fedora default theme for Gnome. This port install the engine
and GTK themes.

2009-05-31T12:43:55+00:00 sysutils/filetype New file-type detection system
Actually, we're not trying to reinvent the wheel here,
rather adapt it to suit a slightly different purpose.

Below are a few main points and reasons as to why we've created filetype:

* file does not work so well for loosely defined filetypes ( ie, vCards )
* file uses a text-based type database which can impose unwanted delays
in frequently invoked processes
* file does not have a heirachial type tree (ie, executable->MSDOS->EXE )
* file is not designed to be incorporated at a source level into existing
* Simpler and broader type detection engine ( 'file' is very good at
pulling out every detail about a file, ie, the resolution of an image,
however we do not wish to seek out such fine details )

2009-05-31T10:10:44+00:00 www/e107 Content management system written in PHP
e107 is a content management system written in PHP and using the
popular open source MySQL database system for content storage.
It's completely free, totally customisable and in constant development.

2009-05-31T09:19:10+00:00 japanese/font-std Japanese Standard Fonts
This port installs standard fonts for Japanese used in the Ports
2009-05-31T09:19:10+00:00 chinese/font-std Chinese Standard Fonts
This port installs standard fonts for Chinese used in the Ports
2009-05-30T18:44:52+00:00 astro/p5-GPS-Babel Perl interface to gpsbabel
p5-GPS-Babel is a perl interface to gpsbabel.

2009-05-30T18:44:29+00:00 devel/lxr Source code indexer and cross-referencer
LXR -- Linux Cross-Reference

A general purpose source code indexer and cross-referencer that
provides web-based browsing of source code with links to the
definition and usage of any identifier.

2009-05-30T18:43:33+00:00 dns/dnsreflector Listens for DNS queries on a UDP port and change the answer
The dnsreflector daemon listens for DNS queries on a local UDP port
and answers with records pointing back to localhost. Combined with
packet filter pf(4) this works as a bandwidth efficient spamtrap.

2009-05-30T18:41:46+00:00 net/pear-Net_IDNA Pear Punycode encoding and decoding package
This package helps you to encode and decode punycode strings easily.

2009-05-29T19:47:21+00:00 net-mgmt/nagios-check_puppet Nagios plugin for checking Puppet daemon availability
check_puppet - is a very simple Nagios plugin to check Puppet daemon
availability with SNMP.

Why check_puppet?

1. It does check whether puppetd and puppetmasterd is alive.

2. It does check state.yaml freshness

3. It does not require the full net-mgmt/nagios-plugins package on the client

4. It is written in sh - code interpreter available in a base system

2009-05-29T19:32:49+00:00 devel/lpc21isp ISP programmer tool for flashing NXP and Analog Devices ARM7 CPUs
Lpc21isp is an in-circuit programming (ISP) tool for the NXP (Philips)
LPC1100/LPC1300/LPC1700/LPC2000 series ARM7/Cortex-M0/Cortex-M3 micro-
controllers flash on NXP & Analog Devices ARM7 CPUs over the serial

2009-05-29T11:56:22+00:00 security/scrypt Key Derivation Function
The scrypt key derivation function was originally developed for use in
the Tarsnap online backup system and is designed to be far more secure
against hardware brute-force attacks than alternative functions such as
PBKDF2 or bcrypt.

2009-05-29T11:54:49+00:00 irc/irc2dc Provides intercommunication between DC++ hub and IRC channel
irc2dc provides intercomunication between users of DC++ hub and IRC channel
For now it works just like simple bot, that transfers public messages from
one side to other.

2009-05-28T23:36:10+00:00 biology/libsbml API Library for Working with SBML File
LibSBML is an open-source programming library to help you read, write,
manipulate, translate, and validate SBML files and data streams. It is
not an application itself (though it does come with example programs),
but rather a library you can embed in your own applications.

LibSBML understands all Levels and Versions of SBML, as well as the
SBML Layout proposal by Gauges, Rost, Sahle and Wegner. It's written in
ISO C and C++ but can be used from all the languages listed in the
right-hand box.

2009-05-28T14:41:03+00:00 x11/avant-window-navigator Dock-like navigation bar
Avant Window Navigator (Awn) is a dock-like bar which sits at the
bottom of the screen. It has support for launchers, task lists, and
third party applets.

2009-05-28T14:41:03+00:00 x11/avant-window-navigator-xfce4
2009-05-28T14:41:03+00:00 x11/avant-window-navigator-gnome
2009-05-27T07:07:22+00:00 devel/py-protobuf Google protobuf Python Client Library
Protocol Buffers are a way of encoding structured data in an efficient yet
extensible format. Google uses Protocol Buffers for almost all of its internal
RPC protocols and file formats.

2009-05-26T21:42:34+00:00 math/octave-forge-spanish Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
The octave-forge package is the result of The GNU Octave Repositry project,
which is intended to be a central location for custom scripts, functions and
extensions for GNU Octave. contains the source for all the functions plus
build and install scripts.

This is spanish.

Spanish package for the construction of native language translations of
Octave functions.

2009-05-26T21:37:45+00:00 math/octave-forge-simp Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
The octave-forge package is the result of The GNU Octave Repositry project,
which is intended to be a central location for custom scripts, functions and
extensions for GNU Octave. contains the source for all the functions plus
build and install scripts.

This is simp.

This package define the basic operations on intervals. It is useful when
some values for a computation are incertain.

2009-05-26T21:34:12+00:00 math/octave-forge-oct2mat Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
The octave-forge package is the result of The GNU Octave Repositry project,
which is intended to be a central location for custom scripts, functions and
extensions for GNU Octave. contains the source for all the functions plus
build and install scripts.

This is oct2mat.

Convert m-file into matlab-compatible coding style.

2009-05-26T21:30:45+00:00 math/octave-forge-nurbs Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
The octave-forge package is the result of The GNU Octave Repositry project,
which is intended to be a central location for custom scripts, functions and
extensions for GNU Octave. contains the source for all the functions plus
build and install scripts.

This is nurbs.

Collection of routines for the creation, and manipulation of Non-Uniform
Rational B-Splines (NURBS).

2009-05-26T16:52:00+00:00 graphics/lensfun Library for fixing lens geometry distortions
The goal of the lensfun library is to provide an open source database of
photographic lenses and their characteristics. In the past there was an
effort in this direction (see, but then
author decided to take the commercial route and the database froze at the
last public stage. This database was used as the basement on which lensfun
database grew, thanks to PTLens author which gave his permission for this,
while the code was totally rewritten from scratch (and the database was
converted to a totally new, XML-based format).

The lensfun library not only provides a way to read the lens database and
search for specific things in it, but also offers a set of algorithms for
correcting images based on detailed knowledge of lens properties and
calibration data. Right now lensfun is designed to correct distortion,
transversal (also known as lateral) chromatic aberrations, vignetting, and
colour contribution of the lens (e.g. when sometimes people says one lens
gives "yellowish" images and another, say, "bluish").

2009-05-26T15:13:02+00:00 converters/p5-String-SetUTF8 Perl module to manipulate internal UTF-8 flag on strings
String::SetUTF8 lets you directly set or unset the UTF-8 flag
for your strings. Sometimes you get binary data that
Perl doesn't treat as UTF-8, so instead of doing a trick
with pack and unpack you can just use this module.


Andrei V. Shetuhin <>
2009-05-26T11:01:39+00:00 cad/p5-Verilog-Perl Building point for Verilog support in the Perl language
The Verilog-Perl library is a building point for Verilog support in the Perl
language. It includes:
* Verilog::Getopt which parses command line options similar to C++ and VCS.
* Verilog::Language which knows the language keywords and parses numbers.
* Verilog::Netlist which builds netlists out of Verilog files. This allows
easy scripts to determine things such as the hierarchy of modules.
* Verilog::Parser invokes callbacks for language tokens.
* Verilog::Preproc preprocesses the language, and allows reading
post-processed files right from Perl without temporary files.
* vpassert inserts PLIish warnings and assertions for any simulator.
* vppreproc preprocesses the complete Verilog 2001 and SystemVerilog language.
* vrename renames and cross-references Verilog symbols. Vrename creates Verilog
cross references and makes it easy to rename signal and module names across
multiple files. Vrename uses a simple and efficient three step process.
First, you run vrename to create a list of signals in the design. You then
edit this list, changing as many symbols as you wish. Vrename is then run a
second time to apply the changes.

2009-05-26T07:40:56+00:00 databases/luasql-sqlite3
2009-05-26T07:39:48+00:00 databases/luasql-postgres
2009-05-26T07:34:05+00:00 databases/luasql-mysql Lua interface to Firebird
LuaSQL is a simple interface from Lua to a DBMS. It enables a Lua program to:

* Connect to ODBC, ADO, Oracle, MySQL, SQLite and PostgreSQL databases;
* Execute arbitrary SQL statements;
* Retrieve results in a row-by-row cursor fashion.

2009-05-25T20:11:32+00:00 x11/wbarconf Configuration GUI for wbar
wbarconf is graphical configuration utility for wbar written in Python/GTK

2009-05-24T20:49:16+00:00 www/igal2 Simple CLI image gallery generator
igal2 (the successor of igal) is a quick and easy program for placing
your images online with just one command-line. It generates a pretty
good-looking set of W3-compliant static HTML slides even with its
default settings. The slide show preloads the next image with
JavaScript - ideal for slower links.

2009-05-24T15:03:47+00:00 net-p2p/transmisson-remote-gui Remote GUI for transmission daemon
Transmission Remote GUI is feature rich cross platform front-end to remotely
control Transmission daemon via its RPC protocol. It is faster and has more
functionality than build-in Transmission web interface.

2009-05-24T15:03:47+00:00 net-p2p/transmission-remote-gui Remote GUI for transmission daemon
Transmission Remote GUI is feature rich cross platform front-end to remotely
control Transmission daemon via its RPC protocol. It is faster and has more
functionality than build-in Transmission web interface.

2009-05-23T14:37:13+00:00 converters/pear-Services_JSON PHP implementation of json_encode/decode
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation, is a lightweight
data-interchange format. It is easy for humans to read and write. It is
easy for machines to parse and generate. It is based on a subset of the
JavaScript Programming Language, Standard ECMA-262 3rd Edition - December
1999.JSON is a text format that is completely language independent
but uses conventions that are familiar to programmers of the C-family of
languages, including C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, Perl, TCL, and many
others. These properties make JSON an ideal data-interchange language.

This package provides a simple encoder and decoder for JSON notation. It
is intended for use with client-side Javascript applications that make
use of HTTPRequest to perform server communication functions - data can
be encoded into JSON notation for use in a client-side javascript, or
decoded from incoming Javascript requests. JSON format is native to
Javascript,and can be directly eval()'ed with no further parsing overhead.

2009-05-23T14:36:24+00:00 math/py-svgmath MathML to SVG Converter in Python
SVGMath is a command-line utility to convert MathML expressions
to SVG, written entirely in Python.

2009-05-23T14:09:24+00:00 www/redmine Flexible project management web application
Redmine is a flexible project management web application
written using Ruby on Rails framework, it is cross-platform
and cross-database.

Feature Overview:
* Multiple projects support
* Flexible role based access control
* Flexible issue tracking system
* Gantt chart and calendar
* News, documents & files management
* Feeds & email notifications
* Per project wiki
* Per project forums
* Time tracking
* Custom fields for issues, time-entries, projects and users
* SCM integration (SVN, CVS, Git, Mercurial, Bazaar and Darcs)
* Issue creation via email
* Multiple LDAP authentication support
* User self-registration support
* Multilanguage support
* Multiple databases support

2009-05-23T14:08:35+00:00 security/prelude-pflogger Prelude-PFlogger Listens at OpenBSD PF
Prelude is a new innovative hybrid Intrusion Detection system designed
to be very modular, distributed, rock solid and fast.

Prelude-PFlogger Listens at OpenBSD PF redirect logged packet, and
send alerts to the Prelude Manager.

2009-05-23T14:07:57+00:00 databases/sqliteman Admin's GUI tool for Sqlite3
sqliteman is the best developer's and/or admin's GUI tool for
Sqlite3 in the world. No joking here (or just a bit only). It
contains the most complete feature set of all tools available.
And much more, it's available for all major platforms, and
it's free.

2009-05-23T06:41:11+00:00 japanese/jd 2ch browser
jd - a 2ch browser

2009-05-22T22:16:46+00:00 science/avogadro Advanced molecular editor and viewer
Avogadro is an advanced molecular editor designed for cross-platform use in
computational chemistry, molecular modeling, bioinformatics, materials science,
and related areas. It offers flexible rendering and a powerful plugin

2009-05-22T22:00:30+00:00 graphics/pygts Python binding for GNU Triangulated Surface(GTS) Library
PyGTS is a python package used to construct, manipulate, and perform
computations on 3D triangulated surfaces. It is a hand-crafted and
pythonic binding for the GNU Triangulated Surface (GTS) Library.

2009-05-22T21:58:11+00:00 astro/p5-Astro Collection of useful astronomical routines in Perl
p5-Astro is a set of assorted astronomical routines.

Astro::Time, Astro::Coord and Astro::Misc provide a collection of
useful astronomical routines written entirely in Perl (so no
hassling about installing external libraries is required).

2009-05-22T21:49:54+00:00 x11-fm/catseye-fm Clear, fast, powerful file browser using gtk+2.0
This is Cat'sEyE (catseye-fm), a filesystem browser using gtk+2.
Main goals: clear view, powerfull, no icons, fast.

Cat'sEyE gots its power by the configuration file where the user can
(but not has to) 'create' dialogs and build complicated commandlines
which Cat'sEyE calls to the Shell.
You can define how the items are called to some program: each item
(e.g. for viewing some pictures), all items (e.g. for listen to
some music) or processed in a list, calling one item after each
other waiting for the previouse item to finish.

FileShelfs help you to keep track of your data spread out
over the whole filesystem, but also belonging together such as

2009-05-22T21:47:02+00:00 x11-themes/slim-themes Theme pack for SLiM login app
Theme pack for the SLiM X login application.

2009-05-22T09:58:47+00:00 x11/i3lock Slightly improved screen locker based on slock
i3lock improves slock by making it fork() and therefore combinable with
commands to suspend your computer. Additionally, instead of turning off
your screen via DPMS and/or displaying a black screen, i3lock displays a
white screen so you can see if your computer failed to resume from suspend
or if your screen is just locked. Also, when entering a wrong password,
i3lock does not call XBell(). This is important because i3lock/slock think
you have entered a password when resuming from suspend, at least sometimes.

i3lock was forked from slock-0.9

2009-05-21T20:07:38+00:00 lang/petite-chez Free interpreter for Chez Scheme system
Petite Chez Scheme is a complete Scheme system that is fully compatible
with Chez Scheme but uses high-speed threaded interpreter technology in
place of Chez Scheme's incremental native-code compiler. Programs written
for Chez Scheme run unchanged in Petite Chez Scheme, as long as they do
not depend specifically on the compiler. In fact, Petite Chez Scheme is
built from the same sources as Chez Scheme, with all but the compiler
sources included.

Petite Chez Scheme was conceived as a freely distributable run-time
environment for compiled Chez Scheme applications. To serve this purpose,
it needed to have a complete run-time environment, including, for many
applications, a working evaluator. The result is a system that is useful
not only to our customers for the applications they distribute, but also
to people who want to use a top-quality Scheme system and can't justify
purchasing Chez Scheme.

2009-05-21T18:59:06+00:00 games/spellathon Word game to test your English vocabulary skills
Spellathon is a word game to test your English vocabulary skills.
You are given seven letters and you need to find words of length -
four letters or more that include a central letter.

2009-05-21T16:35:03+00:00 devel/p5-Class-Mix Perl module for dynamic class mixing
The "mix_class" function provided by this module dynamically generates
`anonymous' classes with specified inheritance.

2009-05-21T05:03:28+00:00 www/p5-HTML-Shakan Perl extension of form html generator/validator
HTML::Shakan is yet another form generator.

2009-05-20T11:49:12+00:00 sysutils/megacli SAS MegaRAID FreeBSD MegaCLI
Command Line Interface for the MegaRAID SAS family of RAID controllers,
used to configure and manage connected storage devices.
2009-05-19T13:47:30+00:00 www/p5-WWW-Shorten-isgd Abstract interface to, one of URL shortening sites
A Perl interface to, one of many URL shortening sites.

2009-05-19T13:14:17+00:00 devel/lmdbg Lightweight malloc debugger
LMDBG is a collection of small tools for collecting and analyzing
the logs of malloc/realloc/memalign/free function calls. Unlike many
others, LMDBG does not provide any way to detect overruns of the
boundaries of malloc() memory allocations, as this is not the goal.
Like most other malloc debuggers, LMDBG allows detecting memory leaks
and double frees. However, unlike others, LMDBG generates full
stacktraces and separates the logging process from analysis, thus
allowing you to analyze an application on a per-module basis.

2009-05-19T05:30:26+00:00 www/mod_h264_streaming Apache H264 streaming module
The H264 Streaming Module is a plugin for your existing Apache
webserver. Its features are as follows:

* Timeshifting seek
* Virtual video clips
* Network efficiency
* Encoding

2009-05-18T21:01:16+00:00 textproc/rubygem-nokogiri HTML, XML, SAX, and Reader parser
* XPath support for document searching
* CSS3 selector support for document searching
* XML/HTML builder
* Drop in replacement for Hpricot (though not bug for bug)

Nokogiri parses and searches XML/HTML very quickly, and also has
correctly implemented CSS3 selector support as well as XPath support.

2009-05-18T18:05:00+00:00 lang/pike78 Dynamic programming language with a syntax similar to C++
Pike is an interpreted, object-oriented programming language.
It looks a bit like C and C++, but it is much easier to learn and use.
It can be used for small scripts as well as for large programs.

Pike is :
- High-level and powerful, which means that even very complex
things are easy to do.
- Object-oriented, which means that you can use modern programming
techniques to divide a large program into small pieces, which are much
easier to write than it would be to write the entire program at once.
- Interpreted, which means that you don't have to wait for a program to
compile and link when you want to run it.
- One of the fastest "scripting" languages available.
- Garbage-collected, which makes programming much simpler, and removes
the risk for memory leaks and other memory-related bugs.
- Easy to extend, which means that you can create plug-ins, written in
Pike as well as in C or C++, and integrate them with the rest of Pike.

2009-05-17T14:58:43+00:00 net-im/pidgin-sipe Plugin for Pidgin to provide LCS/OCS connectivity
Pidgin Plug-in for OCS/LCS (Live Communication Server).
SIP/Simple protocol implementation for connect to LCS/OCS.

2009-05-17T14:22:51+00:00 www/p5-Catalyst-Authentication-Credential-HTTP HTTP plain and digest authentication plugin for Catalyst
2009-05-17T13:06:10+00:00 textproc/p5-String-Escape Registry of string functions, including backslash escapes
String::Escape - Registry of string functions, including backslash escapes

2009-05-17T13:00:50+00:00 science/p5-Chemistry-MacroMol Perl toolkit to describe macromolecules
Chemistry-MacroMol is a toolkit includes basic objects and methods to
describe macromolecules, a macromolecule is just a molecule that
consists of several "domains". For example, a protein consists
of aminoacid residues, or a nucleic acid consists of bases. Therefore
Chemistry::MacroMol is derived from Chemistry::Mol, with additional
methods to handle the domains.

2009-05-17T12:51:49+00:00 science/p5-Chemistry-File-PDB Perl module to read and write PDB files
p5-Chemistry-File-PDB reads and writes PDB files. The PDB file format
is commonly used to describe proteins, particularly those stored in the
Protein Data Bank(<>).

2009-05-17T12:33:31+00:00 devel/py-waf Python-based build system
Waf is a Python-based framework for configuring, compiling and
installing applications. It is a replacement for other tools such
as autotools, scons, cmake or Ant.

2009-05-17T10:14:08+00:00 databases/pgtune Postgresql.conf tuning tips based on hardware and load type
pgtune takes the wimpy default postgresql.conf and expands
the database server to be as powerful as the hardware it's
being deployed on.

2009-05-17T07:57:39+00:00 net-im/qq Tencent QQ for Linux
This is the official Tencent QQ client for Linux.

2009-05-17T00:23:40+00:00 dns/p5-pgeodns Geographic NameServer
pgeodns is a simple DNS server that can distribute load for a
hostname to the nearest mirrors (as defined by geography; on the
country / continent level).

It is used for and for; to provide nearby-ish
servers for the NTP Pool; and to balance to and

2009-05-16T23:29:15+00:00 science/p5-Chemistry-Mol Perl toolkit to describe molecules
Chemistr-Mol is a toolkit includes basic objects and methods to
describe molecules. It consists of several modules: Chemistry::Mol,
Chemistry::Atom, Chemistry::Bond, and Chemistry::File.

They are the core modules of the PerlMol toolkit, see:

2009-05-16T23:27:26+00:00 www/pear-Services_Amazon PHP interface to Amazon Product Advertising API
pear-Services_Amazon is a PHP interface to Amazon Product Advertising API.

2009-05-16T22:44:20+00:00 sysutils/luckybackup Qt frontend to the backup utility rsync
luckyBackup is a Qt application that backs-up and synchronizes directories
using the power of rsync. It is simple to use, fast (only transfers changes
made), safe, reliable, and fully customizable.

2009-05-16T22:35:20+00:00 www/trac-multirepos Multiple repositories Trac version
Multiple repositories Trac version

This branch adds support for accessing multiple repositories inside one Trac
project and based on 0.12 development version of Trac.

Trac uses a minimalistic approach to web-based software project management.
Our mission; to help developers write great software while staying out of
the way. Trac should impose as little as possible on a team's established
development process and policies.

What is Trac?

* An integrated system for managing software projects
* An enhanced wiki
* A flexible web-based issue tracker
* An interface to the Subversion revision control system

At the core of Trac lies an integrated wiki and issue/bug database. Using
wiki markup, all objects managed by Trac can directly link to other
issues/bug reports, code changesets, documentation and files.

2009-05-16T22:29:03+00:00 sysutils/rsyslog6-devel-rfc3195 RFC3195 input support for rsyslog
2009-05-16T22:29:03+00:00 sysutils/rsyslog55-rfc3195 RFC3195 input support for rsyslog
2009-05-16T22:29:03+00:00 sysutils/rsyslog5-rfc3195 RFC3195 input support for rsyslog
2009-05-16T22:29:03+00:00 sysutils/rsyslog5-devel-rfc3195 RFC3195 input support for rsyslog
2009-05-16T22:29:03+00:00 sysutils/rsyslog4-rfc3195 RFC3195 input support for rsyslog
2009-05-16T22:29:03+00:00 sysutils/rsyslog4-devel-rfc3195 RFC3195 input support for rsyslog
2009-05-16T08:54:14+00:00 print/cups-image
2009-05-15T17:43:14+00:00 lang/scala Scala Programming Language
Scala is a general purpose programming language designed to express
common programming patterns in a concise, elegant, and type-safe
way. It smoothly integrates features of object-oriented and functional
languages, enabling Java and other programmers to be more productive.
Code sizes are typically reduced by a factor of two to three when
compared to an equivalent Java application.

2009-05-15T11:36:56+00:00 print/cups-bjnp CUPS backend for Canon USB over IP protocol
CUPS backend for the canon proprietary USB over IP network printing
protocol, BJNP. This backend is based on reverse engineering using
TCP/IP. It can be used with CUPS 1.2 - 1.7 (verified). This backend allows Cups
to connect over the network to a Canon printers

2009-05-14T15:45:34+00:00 www/moonshine Windows Media playback through Moonlight and Firefox
Moonshine leverages the Windows Media capabilities from Silverlight,
provided by the Moonlight browser plugin, and the Firefox web
browser framework to enable the playback of embedded Windows Media
content on the web and local files on a user's desktop.

2009-05-14T12:31:19+00:00 devel/p5-Data-Remember Remember complex information without giving yourself a headache
The author got really tired of statements that looked like:

$heap->{job}{$job} = {
source => $source,
dest => $destination,
options => $options,

and later:

if ($heap->{job}{$job}{options}{wibble} eq $something_else) {
# do something...

This module is meant to simplify this sort of things, with
optional persistence as a bonus.

2009-05-13T10:42:12+00:00 devel/py-ydbf Yelded DBF reader/writer for Python
YDbf is a library for reading/writing DBF-files (aka XBase) in pythonic way.

2009-05-13T08:53:38+00:00 math/p5-Math-VectorReal Perl Module to handle 3D Vector Mathematics
The Math::VectorReal package defines a 3D mathematical "vector",
in a way that is compatible with the previous CPAN module
Math::MatrixReal. However it provides a more vector oriented set
of mathematical functions and overload operators, to the MatrixReal
package. For example the normal perl string functions "x" and "."
have been overloaded to allow vector cross and dot product
operations. Vector math formula thus looks like vector math formula
in perl programs using this package.

2009-05-13T08:52:09+00:00 print/biblio-py Package to manage bibliography written in python
Biblio-py is a package to manage bibliography written in python.
Currently it contains two subpackages:
* yapbib: Yet Another Python BIBliography manager tool,
mainly for Bibtex files.
* query_ads: A simple python tool that permits to query
Harvard Database

2009-05-13T06:06:41+00:00 devel/p5-MooseX-MethodAttributes Code attribute introspection
MooseX::MethodAttributes allows code attributes of methods to be
introspected using Moose meta method objects.

2009-05-13T06:01:55+00:00 devel/p5-MooseX-Emulate-Class-Accessor-Fast Emulate Class::Accessor::Fast behavior using Moose attributes
MooseX::Emulate::Class::Accessor::Fast attempts to emulate the behavior
of Class::Accessor::Fast as accurately as possible using the Moose
attribute system. The public API of Class::Accessor::Fast is wholly
supported, but the private methods are not. If you are only using the
public methods (as you should) migration should be a matter of switching
your "use base" line to a "with" line.

2009-05-13T05:54:53+00:00 devel/p5-MooseX-Declare Declarative syntax for Moose
MooseX::Declare provides syntactic sugar for Moose, the postmodern
object system for Perl 5. When used, it sets up the "class" and
"role" keywords.

2009-05-13T05:41:07+00:00 devel/p5-MooseX-Method-Signatures Method declarations with type constraints and no source filter
MooseX::Method::Signatures provides a proper "method" keyword, like
"sub" but specifically for making methods and validating their arguments
against Moose type constraints.

2009-05-13T05:36:29+00:00 devel/p5-MooseX-Meta-TypeConstraint-ForceCoercion Force coercion when validating type constraints
MooseX::Meta::TypeConstraint::ForceCoercion allows to wrap any
Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint in a way that will force coercion of the
value when checking or validating a value against it.

2009-05-13T05:27:35+00:00 devel/p5-namespace-autoclean Keep imports out of your namespace
When you import a function into a Perl package, it will naturally also
be available as a method.

The namespace::autoclean pragma will remove all imported symbols at the
end of the current package's compile cycle. Functions called in the
package itself will still be bound by their name, but they won't show up
as methods on your class or instances.

This module is very similar to namespace::clean, except it will clean
all imported functions, no matter if you imported them before or after
you used the pragma. It will also not touch anything that looks like a
method, according to Class::MOP::Class::get_method_list.

2009-05-12T15:56:33+00:00 devel/p5-Scope-Upper Act on upper scopes
This module lets you defer actions at run-time that will take place when
the control flow returns into an upper scope. Currently, you can:

* hook an upper scope end with "reap" ;

* localize variables, array/hash values or deletions of elements in
higher contexts with respectively "localize", "localize_elem" and
"localize_delete" ;

* return values immediately to an upper level with "unwind", and know
which context was in use then with "want_at".

2009-05-12T06:23:34+00:00 devel/p5-Context-Preserve Run code after a subroutine call, preserving the context the subroutine
Context::Preserve - run code after a subroutine call, preserving the
context the subroutine would have seen if it were the last statement in
the caller.

2009-05-11T19:59:20+00:00 devel/p5-Parse-Method-Signatures Perl6 like method signature parser
Parse::Method::Signatures is a Perl6 like method signature parser inspired by
Perl6::Signature but streamlined to just support the subset deemed useful for
TryCatch and MooseX::Method::Signatures.

2009-05-11T19:43:40+00:00 devel/p5-MooseX-Traits Moose eXtension to automatically apply roles at object creation time
Often you want to create components that can be added to a class
arbitrarily. This module makes it easy for the end user to use these
components. Instead of requiring the user to create a named class with
the desired roles applied, or applying roles to the instance one-by-one,
he can just pass a traits parameter to the class's new_with_traits
constructor. This role will then apply the roles in one go, cache the
resulting class (for efficiency), and return a new instance. Arguments
meant to initialize the applied roles' attributes can also be passed to
the constructor.

2009-05-11T19:37:18+00:00 devel/p5-MooseX-Types-Structured Moose Type Constraint classes for Structured Types
A structured type constraint is a standard container Moose type
constraint, such as an ArrayRef or HashRef, which has been enhanced to
allow you to explicitly name all the allowed type constraints inside the
structure. The generalized form is:

TypeConstraint[@TypeParameters or %TypeParameters]

Where 'TypeParameters' is an array reference or hash references of
Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint objects.

This type library enables structured type constraints. It is built on
top of the MooseX::Types library system, so you should review the
documentation for that if you are not familiar with it.

2009-05-11T19:26:25+00:00 devel/p5-Devel-PartialDump Partial dumping of data structures, optimized for argument printing
Devel::PartialDump is a data dumper optimized for logging of arbitrary

It attempts to truncate overly verbose data, in a way that is hopefully
more useful for diagnostics warnings than

warn Dumper(@stuff);

Unlike other data dumping modules there are no attempts at correctness
or cross referencing, this is only meant to provide a slightly deeper
look into the data in question.

2009-05-11T00:32:05+00:00 editors/gambas2-ide IDE for the gambas programming language
2009-05-10T22:40:06+00:00 deskutils/parcellite Lightweight GTK+ clipboard manager
Parcellite is a lightweight GTK+ clipboard manager. This is a stripped down,
basic-features-only clipboard manager with a small memory footprint for those
who like simplicity.

2009-05-10T22:39:25+00:00 www/p5-WWW-Shorten-Bitly Abstract interface to, one of URL shortening sites
A Perl API to, one of URL shortening sites.

2009-05-10T22:37:04+00:00 graphics/pngnq Tool for quantizing PNG images in RGBA format
Pngnq is a tool for quantizing PNG images in RGBA format.

Pngnq is an adaptation by Stuart Coyle of Greg Roelf's pnqquant using
Anthony Dekker's neuquant algorithm.

The neuquant algorithm uses a neural network to optimise the color map
selection. This is fast and quite accurate, giving good results on many
types of images.

2009-05-10T22:36:07+00:00 net-mgmt/netams-front PHP-based web interface for NeTAMS software
NetAms Front - is an alternative to builtin web interface for NeTAMS software.
One of the main advantages of this interface is use of PHP for generation of
dynamic page allowing highly configurable web statistic available for system
administrator with NeTAMS.


- View traffic for all the configured networks and peers

- Manage accounting policies with web interface

- Manage NeTAMS peers: clusters, networks, groups, hosts and users with web

- NeTAMS database service

2009-05-10T22:25:34+00:00 www/videocache Squid URL rewriter for bandwidth optimization
Videocache is a Squid URL rewriter plugin written in Python
for bandwidth optimization while browsing famous video
sharing portals/websites like Youtube, Metacafe etc.
It helps you save bandwidth when a particular video is
requested more than once from the same network/machine.

2009-05-10T18:34:58+00:00 devel/py-mwlib.rl Generate Pdfs from Mediawiki Markup
py-mwlib.rl provides a library for writing pdf documents from mediawiki
articles which were parsed by the mwlib library.

2009-05-10T18:30:28+00:00 math/R-cran-igraph Network Analysis and Visualization
Routines for simple graphs and network analysis. It can handle large
graphs very well and provides functions for generating random and
regular graphs, graph visualization, centrality methods and much

2009-05-10T18:22:25+00:00 graphics/openjump Open source GIS software written in Java
OpenJUMP is an open source GIS software written in Java. It is based on
JUMP GIS by Vivid Solutions. It's features include:

* It is a Vector GIS that can read rasters as well.
* OpenJUMP is known to work on Windows, Linux and Mac platforms, but
should work on any operating system that runs Java 1.5 or later.
* It is not just another free demo viewer, but you can edit, save,
analyze etc. with JUMP / OpenJUMP.
* It works, even with medium size datasets, and with professional
* It provides a GIS API with a flexible plugin structure, so that
new features are relatively easy to develope around the sound
mapping platform.
* It utilises standards like GML, WMS and WFS.
* It is already translated in English, Finnish, French, German,
Italian, Portugese and Spanish. The translation in other languages
is in progress.

Extensions and plugins can be found at

2009-05-10T18:16:23+00:00 www/p5-Net-Trac Interact with a remote Trac instance
Net::Trac is simple client library for a remote Trac instance. Because
Trac doesn't provide a web services API, this module currently "fakes"
an RPC interface around Trac's webforms and the feeds it exports.
Because of this, it's somewhat more brittle than a true RPC client
would be.

2009-05-10T18:14:25+00:00 www/p5-HTML-Perlinfo Display a lot of Perl information in HTML format
HTML-Perlinfo displays a lot of Perl information in HTML format,
similar to phpinfo.

2009-05-10T18:07:50+00:00 devel/rubygem-igraph Ruby extension for using the igraph library
rubygem-igraph is a Ruby extension for using the igraph library.
igraph is a library for creating and manipulating graphs with a
particular emphasis on network analysis functions.

2009-05-10T16:12:22+00:00 www/xpi-prism Create Prism applications directly from Firefox
Prism is designed to create a better environment for running
your favorite web-based applications. Much of what we used to
accomplish using an application running locally on our computers
is moving into the web browser. Thanks to advances in web technology,
these apps are increasingly powerful and usable. As a result,
applications like Gmail, Facebook and Google Docs are soaring
in popularity.

2009-05-10T10:46:38+00:00 lang/fsharp Functional and object-oriented language for the .NET platform
F# is an open-source, strongly typed, multi-paradigm programming
language encompassing functional, imperative and object-oriented
programming techniques. F# is most often used as a cross-platform CLI
language, but can also be used to generate JavaScript and GPU code.

F# is developed by The F# Software Foundation and Microsoft. An open
source, cross-platform edition of F# is available from the F# Software
Foundation. F# is also a fully supported language in Visual Studio.
Other tools supporting F# development include Mono, MonoDevelop,
SharpDevelop and the WebSharper tools for JavaScript and HTML5 web

F# originated as a variant of ML and has been influenced by OCaml, C#,
Python, Haskell, Scala and Erlang.

2009-05-09T23:34:44+00:00 mail/gml Mbox & Maildir to Gmail loader
Import your Mbox or Maildir files into GMail.

2009-05-09T21:43:48+00:00 devel/libgdata GLib-based implementation of the GData protocol
libgdata is a GLib-based library for accessing online service APIs using the
GData protocol - most notably, Google's services. It provides APIs to access
the common Google services, and has full asynchronous support.

A link with more information about the GData protocol is available on the

2009-05-09T21:41:50+00:00 net/bwi-firmware-kmod Broadcom AirForce IEEE 802.11 Firmware Kernel Module
Firmware kernel module for bwi(4)
2009-05-09T20:04:27+00:00 sysutils/b43-fwcutter Firmware extractor for Broadcom wireless adapters
b43-fwcutter is a firmware extractor for various BCM43xx drivers.

2009-05-09T19:38:16+00:00 print/system-config-printer-kde KDE4 frontend for system-config-printer
system-config-printer-kde is a port of Red Hat's Gnome
system-config-printer to KDE.

2009-05-09T19:38:16+00:00 print/kdeutils4-printer-applet Printer system tray utility for KDE4
printer-applet is a system tray utility. It shows current print jobs,
shows printer warnings and errors and shows when printers that have
been plugged in for the first time are being auto-configured by

It replaces kjobviewer in KDE 3.

2009-05-09T19:38:16+00:00 devel/kdebindings4 KDE bindings (meta port)
This is a meta port of KDE bindings for Python and Ruby.

2009-05-09T19:38:16+00:00 devel/kdebindings4-python Meta-port of Python bindings for KDE
Python bindings for KDE.

2009-05-09T19:38:16+00:00 devel/kdebindings4-python-pykde4 Python bindings for KDE
Python bindings for KDE.

2009-05-09T19:38:16+00:00 devel/kdebindings4-python-krosspython Kross Python scripting library
Python bindings for KDE.

2009-05-09T16:20:28+00:00 x11-wm/i3 Improved dynamic tiling window manager
i3 is an improved dynamic, tiling window manager.
Inspired by wmii that supported Xinerama.

2009-05-09T08:42:32+00:00 russian/p5-Convert-Cyrillic Routines for converting from one Cyrillic charset to another
Convert::Cyrillic is a Perl module. It implements routine for converting from
one cyrillic charset to another. It is intended to be used from cgi's which
need built-in support for translations. For example, you may wish to use it in
form processor to translate from user encoding to one used by your site.

2009-05-09T01:49:24+00:00 lang/gambas2-examples Example projects for gambas language
Gambas is a free development environment based on a Basic interpreter with
object extensions, a bit like Visual Basic (but it is NOT a clone !).

With Gambas, you can quickly design your program GUI with QT or GTK+, access
MySQL, PostgreSQL, Firebird, ODBC and SQLite databases, pilot KDE applications
with DCOP, translate your program into any language, create network applications
easily, make 3D OpenGL applications, make CGI web applications, and so on.

2009-05-09T01:47:55+00:00 lang/gambas2 A basic language with object extensions (meta port)
Gambas is a free development environment based on a Basic interpreter with
object extensions, a bit like Visual Basic (but it is NOT a clone !).

With Gambas, you can quickly design your program GUI with QT or GTK+, access
MySQL, PostgreSQL, Firebird, ODBC and SQLite databases, pilot KDE applications
with DCOP, translate your program into any language, create network applications
easily, make 3D OpenGL applications, make CGI web applications, and so on.

(meta port)

2009-05-09T01:43:43+00:00 x11-toolkits/gambas2-gb-gtk The gambas gtk2 GUI component
2009-05-09T01:41:50+00:00 x11/gambas2-gb-qt-kde The gambas KDE component
2009-05-09T01:35:57+00:00 textproc/gambas2-gb-xml The gambas XML component
2009-05-09T01:34:13+00:00 security/gambas2-gb-crypt The gambas crypt encription component
2009-05-09T01:32:46+00:00 mail/gambas2-gb-net-smtp The gambas component to use smtp protocol
2009-05-09T01:30:34+00:00 graphics/gambas2-gb-opengl The OpenGL component for gambas
2009-05-09T01:29:08+00:00 graphics/gambas2-gb-pdf The gambas pdf component
2009-05-09T01:27:27+00:00 graphics/gambas2-gb-image A gambas image effects component
2009-05-09T01:26:03+00:00 graphics/gambas2-gb-gtk-svg The gambas SVG importing component
2009-05-09T01:24:18+00:00 devel/gambas2-gb-sdl The gambas SDL component
2009-05-09T01:22:57+00:00 devel/gambas2-gb-pcre The gambas regexp component
2009-05-09T01:21:38+00:00 devel/gambas2-gb-corba The gambas corba component
2009-05-09T01:19:26+00:00 databases/gambas2-gb-db-postgresql The postgresql driver for the gambas database component
2009-05-09T01:17:54+00:00 databases/gambas2-gb-db-sqlite3 The sqlite3 driver for the gambas database component
2009-05-09T01:16:33+00:00 databases/gambas2-gb-db-sqlite2 The sqlite2 driver for the Gambas database component
2009-05-09T01:15:11+00:00 databases/gambas2-gb-db-odbc The odbc driver for the gambas database component
2009-05-09T01:13:41+00:00 databases/gambas2-gb-db-mysql The MySQL driver for the gambas database component
2009-05-09T01:12:23+00:00 databases/gambas2-gb-db-firebird The firebird driver for the Gambas database component
2009-05-09T01:10:15+00:00 audio/gambas2-gb-sdl-sound The gambas SDL sound component
2009-05-09T01:08:44+00:00 archivers/gambas2-gb-compress-zlib The gambas zlib compression component
2009-05-09T01:07:20+00:00 archivers/gambas2-gb-compress-bzlib2 The gambas bzlib2 compression component
2009-05-09T01:05:27+00:00 ftp/gambas2-gb-net-curl The gambas advanced networking component
2009-05-09T01:04:00+00:00 net/gambas2-gb-net The gambas networking component
2009-05-09T01:01:43+00:00 x11/gambas2-gb-desktop The gambas portland project compatibility component
2009-05-09T00:59:54+00:00 lang/gambas2-components Native components for gambas2
2009-05-09T00:56:49+00:00 x11-toolkits/gambas2-gb-qt The gambas Qt GUI component
2009-05-09T00:53:57+00:00 lang/gambas2-base A basic language with object extensions
Gambas is a free development environment based on a Basic interpreter with
object extensions, a bit like Visual Basic (but it is NOT a clone !).

With Gambas, you can quickly design your program GUI with QT or GTK+, access
MySQL, PostgreSQL, Firebird, ODBC and SQLite databases, pilot KDE applications
with DCOP, translate your program into any language, create network applications
easily, make 3D OpenGL applications, make CGI web applications, and so on.

2009-05-08T15:19:56+00:00 devel/lua-sysctl Small sysctl(3) interface for lua
A small sysctl(3) interface for lua

2009-05-08T12:35:48+00:00 graphics/linux-dri74 Mesa-based DRI libraries, drivers, and binaries (Linux Ubuntu 9.0.4)
Mesa-based runtime libraries, drivers and binaries from Ubuntu-9.0.4
which are needed to run X-based applications within linuxulator.

2009-05-08T07:22:56+00:00 polish/qfaktury Polish invoicing desktop program
QFaktury is a polish free invoincing system running on Windows,
Linux, BSD and Mac OS X. Supports invoice, pro forma invoice and
invoice correction printing. Stores database of invoices, goods and

2009-05-07T17:40:06+00:00 sysutils/confman Revision controlled configuration manager
confman is a configuration manager written in bash. confman uses Subversion to
provide a revision-controlled environment for editing and deploying
configuration files. With confman, you can easily manage configuration files
for all or any subset of your machines.

2009-05-07T10:17:42+00:00 print/cups-client
2009-05-07T02:23:55+00:00 net/simpleproxy Simple TCP proxy
Simpleproxy program acts as simple TCP proxy. It listens for local
socket, and any connection to this port will be forwarded to another
socket at remote host.

LICENSE: GPL2 or later

2009-05-06T23:25:15+00:00 sysutils/flashrom Utility for reading, writing, verifying, and erasing flash ROM chips
flashrom is a utility for detecting, reading, writing, verifying and erasing
flash chips. It is often used to flash BIOS/EFI/coreboot/firmware images
in-system using a supported mainboard, but it also supports flashing of network
cards (NICs), SATA controller cards, and other external devices which can
program flash chips.

It supports a wide range of DIP32, PLCC32, DIP8, SO8/SOIC8, TSOP32, and TSOP40
chips, which use various protocols such as LPC, FWH, parallel flash, or SPI.

2009-05-06T14:40:32+00:00 www/p5-HTML-TreeBuilder-LibXML HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath compatible interface with libxml
HTML::TreeBuilder is bit slow for some use case.
and, XML::LibXML is very fast! I want to use it.
But, some libraries uses HTML::TreeBuilder.

HTML::TreeBuilder::LibXML is drop-in-replacement
for HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath.

Currently, this module implements good enough methods
for work with Web::Scraper.

2009-05-05T00:21:12+00:00 databases/py-odbc ODBC connections for python
pyodbc is a Python module that allows you to use ODBC to connect to
almost any database from Windows, Linux, OS/X, and more.

It implements the Python Database API Specification v2.0, but
additional features have been added to simplify database
programming even more.

2009-05-05T00:15:40+00:00 devel/p5-ToolSet Load your commonly-used modules in a single import
Load your commonly-used modules in a single import

2009-05-04T15:21:21+00:00 converters/fpc-iconvenc Free Pascal unit to iconv library
2009-05-03T17:41:18+00:00 x11-themes/kde4-windeco-dekorator Transparent KDE4 window decoration
This is an unofficial port of the famous "deKorator" window decoration
engine to KDE 4.

2009-05-03T12:57:30+00:00 www/trac-wikigoodies Plugin for Trac which extends the Wiki with some goodies
This plugin extends the Trac Wiki in several ways:

- Support for displaying smileys;
- HTML 4.0 entities (named entities and numerical entities);
- Automatic replacement of common text idioms by their corresponding symbols
(e.g. arrows, fractions, etc.);
- Simplified markup for single words: *this* /is/ _important_;
- Replace <name@domain> with "mailto:" links (obfuscated if needed)
(0.11 only - though that's now in Trac core);
- Replace \\... UNC paths with "file:///" links (0.11 only);

Each feature can be disabled individually if needed.

2009-05-03T11:39:09+00:00 math/p5-Statistics-Benford Calculate the deviation from Benford's Law
This module calculates the deviation from Benford's law.

2009-05-02T17:33:29+00:00 math/R-cran-car Companion to Applied Regression
Functions to Accompany J. Fox and S. Weisberg, An R Companion to Applied
Regression, Third Edition, Sage, in press.

2009-05-01T21:44:10+00:00 databases/mysqlidxchk Checks MySQL databases/tables for unused indexes
mysqlidxchk (MySQL Index Checker) checks MySQL databases/tables for
unused indexes. Given one or more slow, general, or "raw" log files,
mysqlidxchk reports which indexes in the database schema are not used
by the queries in the log files.

2009-05-01T21:42:51+00:00 databases/p5-DBIx-Class-QueryLog Log queries for later analysis
DBIx::Class::QueryLog logs each transaction and query executed so you can
analyze what happened in the session.

2009-05-01T21:42:16+00:00 math/p5-Math-BigInt-Pari Use Math::Pari for Math::BigInt routines
This is Math::BigInt::Pari, a plugin module for Math::BigInt that
replaces Math::BigInt's core math routines with Math::Pari routines.

This package contains a replacement (drop-in) module for Math::BigInt's core, It needs the new versions of Math::BigInt and
Math::BigFloat as they are from Perl 5.7.x onwards.

2009-05-01T21:41:06+00:00 www/jspwiki Feature-rich and extensible Wiki engine built around J2EE
JSPWiki is a feature-rich and extensible WikiWiki engine built
around the standard J2EE components (Java, servlets, JSP).

It's features include: WikiMarkup/Structured Text, File attachments,
Templates support, Data storage, Security, Easy plugin interface for
writing your own additions,UTF-8 support, JavaServer Pages-based,
Easy-ish installation, Page locking to prevent editing conflicts,
Support for Multiple Wikis, etc.

2009-05-01T13:31:09+00:00 japanese/p5-HTML-MobileJp Generate mobile-jp html tags
HTML::MobileJp is html tag generator for Japanese mobile phone.

2009-05-01T11:17:54+00:00 databases/rubygem-do_mysql Ruby DataObjects driver for MySQL
Ruby DataObjects driver for MySQL
The purpose of DO.rb is to rewrite existing Ruby database drivers to conform to
a single interface.
At present, PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite adapters are available.

2009-05-01T11:09:10+00:00 textproc/p5-XML-Feed-Deduper Remove duplicated entries from feed
XML::Feed::Deduper is deduper for XML::Feed.
You can write the aggregator more easily :)

2009-05-01T11:07:02+00:00 databases/rubygem-do_postgres Ruby DataObjects driver for PostgreSQL
Ruby DataObjects driver for PostgreSQL
The purpose of DO.rb is to rewrite existing Ruby database drivers to conform to
a single interface.
At present, PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite adapters are available.

2009-05-01T02:17:35+00:00 devel/rubygem-mash Mocking Hash library for Ruby
Mash is an extended Hash that gives simple pseudo-object functionality that
can be built from hashes and easily extended. It is designed to be used in
RESTful API libraries to provide easy object-like access to JSON and XML
parsed hashes.

2009-04-30T22:47:20+00:00 ports-mgmt/p5-FreeBSD-Pkgs-FindUpdates Finds updates for FreeBSD pkgs by checking the ports index
Finds updates for FreeBSD pkgs by checking the ports index.

pkg_findupdates - Finds updated packages.
pkg_bupdate - Perform a binary packages update.

2009-04-30T20:55:57+00:00 ftp/net2ftp Web-based FTP client written in PHP
net2ftp is a web-based FTP client written in PHP.

- Navigate the FTP server
- Upload and download files
- Edit files (WYSIWYG and syntax highlighting)
- View code with syntax highlighting
- Copy, move, delete (also to 2nd FTP server)
- Rename and chmod (also recursive)
- Zip and unzip files
- Install software
- Search for words or phrases
- Calculate the size of directories and files

2009-04-30T17:51:57+00:00 security/p5-Apache-Htpasswd Manage Unix crypt-style password file
This module comes with a set of methods to use with htaccess password
files. These files (and htaccess) are used to do Basic Authentication
on a web server.

The password file is a flat-file with login names and their associated
crypted password. You can use this for non-Apache files if you wish,
but it was written specifically for .htaccess style files.

2009-04-30T15:31:00+00:00 sysutils/samesame Find duplicate files and optionally link them together
SameSame is a collection of tools that fall in to the category of file
management software. These tools will prevent that you need to delete
files or buy more disk space. Instead they solve low disk space problems
by linking identical files together and thus free up waisted disk space.

This collection was inspired by the application samefile written by Jens
Schweikhardt. The collection comes with its own version of samefile that
is noticeable faster and is able to process a much larger file list.

This port containt two set of application: the first are duplicate files
finder search for identical files and the second are duplicate file
removers perform some kind of action based on those results.

Typical usage would be: find / | samefile -i | sameln

This would search for identical files and clean up wasted disk space by
linking them together. If you prefer removing one of the identical file,
then you should replace sameln with samerm. You can add the option -vn
after both application for a verbose dry-run.

Please see the man page samesame for a introduction to all applications.

2009-04-30T03:03:37+00:00 japanese/ibus-anthy Anthy engine for IBus
Anthy engine for IBus.

2009-04-29T14:52:15+00:00 lang/ikarus Optimizing incremental native-code compiler for R6RS Scheme
Ikarus Scheme is a free optimizing incremental native-code compiler
for Scheme as specified in the Revised^6 Report on the Algorithmic
Language Scheme.

Ikarus Scheme is an optimizing compiler, so your Scheme code will
run fast without the need to port hot spots to C "for performance".
With an incremental compiler, you don't need a separate compilation
step to make your program run fast. The best part is that the
compiler itself is fast, capable of compiling thousands of lines
of code per second.

Finally, Ikarus Scheme is an R6RS compiler. R6RS libraries, scripts,
record types, condition system, exception handling, unicode strings,
bytevectors, hashtable, and enumerations are among the supported

2009-04-29T14:01:25+00:00 devel/p5-JIRA-Client Extended interface to JIRA's SOAP API
JIRA is a proprietary bug tracking system from Atlassian

This module implements an Object Oriented wrapper around JIRA's SOAP API.
Moreover, it implements some other methods to make it easier to do some common

NOTE: This module has been deprecated in favour of devel/p5-JIRA-REST; see WWW
below for details.

2009-04-29T13:06:31+00:00 textproc/p5-YAML-LibYAML Perl YAML Serialization using XS and libyaml
This module is a Perl XS binding to libyaml which offers
Perl the best YAML support to date.

2009-04-29T00:11:21+00:00 games/naev 2D action/RPG space game
Naev is a 2D space trading and combat game, in a similar vein to
Escape Velocity.

2009-04-29T00:11:21+00:00 games/naev-data Naev game data file
Naev is a 2D space trading and combat game, in a similar vein to
Escape Velocity (data files).

2009-04-28T19:32:57+00:00 textproc/ky-aspell Aspell Kirghiz dictionary
Aspell Kirghiz dictionary.

2009-04-28T12:30:43+00:00 databases/p5-DBIx-Class-TimeStamp DBIx::Class extension to handle date and time based fields
Works in conjunction with InflateColumn::DateTime to automatically set update
and create date and time based fields in a table.

2009-04-28T12:17:43+00:00 devel/p5-Time-Warp Control over the flow of time
Our external experience unfolds in 3 1/2 dimensions (time has a
dimensionality of 1/2). The Time::Warp module offers developers
control over the measurement of time.

2009-04-28T12:05:34+00:00 databases/p5-DBIx-Class-DynamicDefault Automatically set and update fields
Automatically set and update fields with values calculated at runtime.

2009-04-28T10:12:21+00:00 devel/p5-Guard Safe cleanup blocks
This module implements so-called "guards". A guard is something (usually
an object) that "guards" a resource, ensuring that it is cleaned up when

2009-04-26T23:47:58+00:00 japanese/p5-WWW-MobileCarrierJP Scrape Japanese mobile carrier information
Japanese Mobile Phone Carrier doesn't feed any information
by the machine readable format :(

This is good wrapper for this problem.

This module makes machine readable format from html :)

2009-04-26T23:46:43+00:00 textproc/discount C implementation of the Markdown markup language
This is an implementation of John Gruber's Markdown text to html language.
There's not much here that differentiates it from any of the existing Markdown
implementations except that it's written in C instead of one of the vast flock
of scripting languages that are fighting it out for the Perl crown.

Markdown provides a library that gives you formatting functions suitable for
marking down entire documents or lines of text, a command-line program that you
can use to mark down documents interactively or from a script,
and a tiny (1 program so far) suite of example programs that show how to fully
utilize the markdown library.

It also does, by default, various smartypants-style substitutions.

2009-04-26T23:45:54+00:00 print/py-relatorio Templating library able to output odt and pdf files
relatorio is a templating library which provides a way to easily output
all kind of different files (odt, ods, png, svg, ...). Adding support
for more filetype is easy: you just have to create a plugin for this.
relatorio also provides a report repository allowing you to link python
objects and report together, find reports by mimetypes/name/python

2009-04-26T23:45:29+00:00 net/remmina-applet A GNOME Desktop applet for Remmina
Remmina is a remote desktop client written in GTK+, aiming to be useful for
system administrators and travellers, who need to work with lots of remote
computers in front of either large monitors or tiny netbooks. Remmina supports
multiple network protocols in an integrated and consistant user interface.

The Remmina GNOME applet:

* A GNOME Desktop applet for easy-access of Remmina main features
* List all remote desktop files and make the connection easily
* Support remote desktop files grouping feature
* Automatic service discovery using Avahi

2009-04-26T23:45:29+00:00 net/grdc-applet A GNOME Desktop applet for GTK+/GNOME remote desktop client
Grdc is a remote desktop client based on GTK+ and GNOME.

The Grdc GNOME applet:

* A GNOME Desktop applet for easy-access of Grdc main features
* List all remote desktop files and make the connection easily
* Support remote desktop files grouping feature
* Automatic service discovery using Avahi

2009-04-26T23:34:53+00:00 www/gecko-mediaplayer Multimedia browser plugin for Gecko based browsers
Gecko Media Player is a browser plugin that uses GNOME MPlayer
to play media in a browser. It should work with all browsers
on Unix-ish systems (Linux, BSD, Solaris) and use the NS4 API
(Mozilla, Firefox, Opera, etc.).

2009-04-26T23:21:50+00:00 security/py-sslstrip Python program for SSL stripping
It will transparently hijack HTTP traffic on a network, watch for HTTPS links
and redirects, then map those links into either look-alike HTTP links or
homograph-similar HTTPS links. It also supports modes for supplying a
favicon which looks like a lock icon, selective logging, and session denial.

2009-04-26T08:55:34+00:00 www/xpi-table2clipboard Table to Clipboard extension with correct disposition
Mozilla applications allow to select rows and columns
from a table simply pressing Control key and picking
rows/columns with left mouse button.

The selection can be copied to clipboard but the original
table disposition is lost making ugly results when you
paste the text on datasheet applications (eg excel).

If you want to paste data in Microsoft Excel on OpenOffice
Calc with correct disposition simply use Table2Clipboard.

Pasting in plain text editors is also supported as CSV
file (but you can change rows and columns separators
from option dialog)

2009-04-26T08:38:12+00:00 www/xpi-it_s_all_text Edit textareas using an external editor
Ever started type into an edit box on some web page
(such as to post a comment or describe why your
scooter was defective and they should send you new

If so, then you need "It's All Text!"

This miracle extension provides an edit button for
any edit box[1] on any page or your money back[2]!

At the bottom right corner of any edit box, a little
edit button will appear. Click it. If this is the
first time you've used "It's All Text!" then you will
be asked to set your preferences, most importantly
the editor.

The web page will pop up in your selected editor.
When you save it, it'll refresh in the web page.
Wait for the magic yellow glow that means that the
radiation has taken effect!

2009-04-26T08:27:09+00:00 www/xpi-grab_and_drag Adobe Acrobat-style grab and drag scrolling
Enables Adobe Acrobat-style grab and drag scrolling,
Flick gestures, and Momentum scrolling in Firefox,
Thunderbird, and Flock. The extension is easily toggled
on and off for text selection and has a variety of
customization options suitable for both mouse- and
pen-based navigation.

2009-04-26T08:08:29+00:00 www/xpi-user_agent_switcher The User Agent Switcher extension
The User Agent Switcher extension adds a menu and
a toolbar button to switch the user agent of the
browser. It is designed for Firefox, Flock and
Seamonkey, and will run on any platform that these
browsers support including Windows, Mac OS X and

2009-04-26T07:15:27+00:00 www/xpi-jv Lightweight vim-like editor for textareas
This extension makes all html textareas into a very
stripped-down version of Vi[m]. It's modal, supports
infinite undo, has register support, search, visual
mode, and various movement and editing commands
There's a lot yet to implement, but I've tried to
cover all the basics that you'd use every day to type
an email, edit a wiki page, etc. That being said,
you'll note that the version number hasn't hit 1.0

If you like the power of ItsAllText, but want something
a bit lighter-weight, give it a try.

2009-04-26T06:44:43+00:00 www/xpi-live_pagerank Display PageRank for active URL
Display PageRank for active URL.

Live PR gives you a movable (DnD) widget which shows
you the Google Pagerank of the current URL.

Read more about Live PR at following URL.

2009-04-25T22:10:01+00:00 devel/qgit Graphical interface to git repositories
QGit is a git GUI viewer.

With qgit you will be able to browse revisions history, view patch content and
changed files, graphically following different development branches.

Features :
- View revisions, diffs, files history, files annotation, archive tree.
- Commit changes visually cherry picking modified files.
- Apply or format patch series from selected commits, drag and drop commits
between two instances of qgit.
- Associate commands sequences, scripts and anything else executable to a
custom action. Actions can be run from menu and corresponding output is
grabbed by a terminal window.
- qgit implements a GUI for the most common StGIT commands
like push/pop and apply/format patches. You can also create new patches or
refresh current top one using the same semantics of git commit,
i.e. cherry picking single modified files.

2009-04-24T20:33:38+00:00 databases/rubygem-do_sqlite3 Ruby DataObjects driver to the SQLite DB engine version 3
Ruby DataObjects driver to the SQLite DB engine version 3
The purpose of DO.rb is to rewrite existing Ruby database drivers to conform to
a single interface.
At present, PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite adapters are available.

2009-04-24T20:32:55+00:00 databases/rubygem-data_objects Unified Ruby API for popular databases
The purpose of DO.rb is to rewrite existing Ruby database drivers to conform to
a single interface.
At present, PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite adapters are available.

2009-04-24T18:58:50+00:00 textproc/lexxia A Multiformat Text Processor (XML, [X]HTML, LaTeX)
Lexxia is a text content processor, based on the high-performance Limpid
engine. The characteristics of Lexxia have evolved over three years, partly
in response to requests from users, but the underlying Limpid engine (based
on the W3C DOM) has been stable for over six years.

2009-04-24T18:51:01+00:00 games/freebsd-carddeck-kde4 FreeBSD themed deck for KDE card games
Provides a FreeBSD themed card deck for KDE Card Games
2009-04-24T14:31:14+00:00 www/xpi-firemobilesimulator Japanese Mobile Browser(NTT docomo/au/SoftBank) Simulator
FireMobileSimulator is a Firefox Addon which is a
Japanese Mobile Browser (NTT docomo/au/SoftBank)

WWW: (Japanese only)
2009-04-24T14:28:26+00:00 www/xpi-default_full_zoom_level Default Full Zoom Level extension
Set Default FullZoom Level,
Toolbar buttons for Page zoom and Text zoom.

2009-04-24T12:45:18+00:00 sysutils/geteltorito El Torito image extractor
geteltorito is a small Perl script which will extract
(and display information about) an El Torito boot image
from a real CD or a CD image. This helps you modify the boot
image when you want to burn a modified version of the CD in question.

2009-04-24T03:09:37+00:00 textproc/docbook2X Convert DocBook documents into UNIX man page and GNU Texinfo formats
docbook2X converts DocBook documents into man pages and Texinfo documents.

It aims to support DocBook version 4.2, excepting the features that cannot be
supported or are not useful in a man page or Texinfo document.

2009-04-23T21:21:34+00:00 net/rubygem-rightflexiscale Provides Ruby access to the Flexiscale API
The RightScale Flexiscale gem has been designed to provide a robust
interface to Flexiscale's existing API.

2009-04-23T21:21:16+00:00 net/rubygem-rightslicehost Provides Ruby access to the Slicehost API
The RightScale Slicehost gem has been designed to provide a robust
interface to Slicehost's existing API.

2009-04-23T21:11:32+00:00 net/rubygem-rightgogrid Provides Ruby access to the GoGrid API
The RightScale GoGrid gem has been designed to provide a robust
interface to GoGrid's existing API.

2009-04-23T17:44:40+00:00 devel/p5-IO-All-LWP IO::All interface to LWP
This module acts as glue between IO::All and LWP, so that files can be read and
written through the network using the convenient IO:All interface. Note that
this module is not used directly: you just use IO::All, which knows when to
autoload IO::All::HTTP, IO::All::HTTPS, IO::All::FTP, or IO::All::Gopher, which
implement the specific protocols based on IO::All::LWP.

2009-04-23T17:30:12+00:00 net/remmina GTK+ Remote Desktop Client
Remmina is a remote desktop client written in GTK+, aiming to be useful for
system administrators and travellers, who need to work with lots of remote
computers in front of either large monitors or tiny netbooks. Remmina supports
multiple network protocols in an integrated and consistant user interface.

Remmina includes support for the following network protocols:

This is the full-featured flavor of the Remmina package, compiled with support
for optional desktop features and network protocols, as shown by the package

2009-04-23T17:30:12+00:00 net/grdc GTK+/GNOME remote desktop client
Grdc is a remote desktop client based on GTK+ and GNOME.

The Grdc main program:

* A pure GTK+ 2.0 application!
* Maintain a list of remote desktop files for most frequently used servers
* Make quick connections by directly putting in the server name
* Remote desktops with higher resolutions are scrollable/scalable in both
window and fullscreen mode
* Viewport fullscreen mode: remote desktop automatically scrolls when the
mouse moves over the screen edge.
* Floating toolbar in fullscreen mode, allows you to switch between modes,
toggle keyboard grabbing, minimize, etc.
* Supported network protocols: RDP, VNC, SSH, Avahi

2009-04-23T17:30:10+00:00 sysutils/sysinfo Utility used to gather system configuration information
Sysinfo is a shell script, the purpose of which is to automatically
gather system information and document the hardware and software
configuration of the given host system. The goal is to provide a
system operator with descriptive information about an unknown FreeBSD

2009-04-23T17:16:04+00:00 x11/libxdg-basedir Implementation of the XDG Base Directory specification
An implementation of the XDG Base Directory specification.

2009-04-23T17:15:38+00:00 security/py-pylibacl Manipulate ACL with Python
py-pylibacl -- Manipulate the POSIX.1e Access Control Lists with python

2009-04-23T17:09:14+00:00 devel/p5-MouseX-ConfigFromFile Abstract Mouse role for setting attributes from a configfile
This is an abstract role which provides an alternate constructor
for creating objects using parameters passed in from a configuration file.
The actual implementation of reading the configuration file is
left to concrete subroles.

2009-04-23T17:08:50+00:00 devel/p5-MouseX-Types-Path-Class Path::Class type library for Mouse
MouseX::Types::Path::Class creates common Mouse types,
coercions and option specifications useful for dealing with Path::Class
objects as Mouse attributes.

2009-04-23T17:06:44+00:00 graphics/libdmtx Library for reading and writing Data Matrix barcodes
libdmtx - software for reading and writing Data Matrix barcodes

libdmtx is open source software for reading and writing Data Matrix
barcodes on Linux, Unix, OS X, Windows, and certain mobile devices. At
its core libdmtx is a shared library, allowing C/C++ programs to use its
capabilities without restrictions or overhead.

Data Matrix barcodes are two-dimensional symbols that hold a dense
pattern of data with built-in error correction. The Data Matrix
symbology (sometimes casually referred to as "DataMatrix") was invented
and released into the public domain by RVSI Acuity CiMatrix.

2009-04-23T17:06:40+00:00 www/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-CommandLine Catalyst plugin to make controllers or models available for scripts
Use this module if you need to have access to the Catalyst controllers or
models from command line script.

2009-04-23T17:02:20+00:00 science/py-mlpy High performance Python package for predictive modeling
Machine Learning PY (mlpy) is a high-performance Python package for
predictive modeling. It makes extensive use of numpy (
to provide fast N-dimensional array manipulation and easy integration of
C code. mlpy provides high level procedures that support, with few lines
of code, the design of rich Data Analysis Protocols (DAPs) for
preprocessing, clustering, predictive classification and feature
selection. Methods are available for feature weighting and ranking, data
resampling, error evaluation and experiment landscaping.The package
includes tools to measure stability in sets of ranked feature lists.

2009-04-23T13:20:02+00:00 security/scamp Download & Install additional definition files for Clamav
This Bash script will download and install definition files for Clamav from the
following sites:

2009-04-23T11:30:57+00:00 multimedia/libdc1394 1394-based DC Control Library
libdc1394 is a library that provides a complete high level
application programming interface (API) for developers who wish to
control IEEE 1394 based cameras that conform to the 1394-based Digital
Camera Specifications (also known as the IIDC or DCAM Specifications).

2009-04-23T09:23:23+00:00 graphics/deegree-wpvs Deegree Web Terrain Service(WTS)/Web Perspective View Service(WPVS)
A WPVS is a web service which is able to generate perspective terrain
views, e.g. images of a certain terrain/area (possibly containing three
dimensional objects, e.g. building or trees) rendered from a requested
viewpoint. For this purposes the WPVS needs to process and render
different kinds of geospatial data which is retrieved from different
pre-configured datasets. These datasets can be remote OGC web services
or locally installed deegree 2 web services.

2009-04-23T09:22:47+00:00 graphics/deegree-wps Deegree Web Processing Service(WPS)
Deegree's WPS is able to process Feature Collections based on arbitrary
processes. OGC's WPS (Schut & Whiteside 2005) specification describes
WPS as follows: "WPS defines a standardized interface that facilitates
the publishing of geospatial processes, and the discovery of and binding
to those processes by clients. "Processes" include any algorithm,
calculation or model that operates on spatially referenced data.
"Publishing" means making available machine-readable binding
information as well as human-readable metadata that allows service
discovery and use."

2009-04-23T09:21:23+00:00 graphics/deegree-wms Deegree Web Map Service(WMS)
Deegree's WMS is able to render vector data as well as raster data
from different storage formats and deliver it to any client that is
able to perform a HTTP GET or POST request.

2009-04-23T09:20:31+00:00 graphics/deegree-wfs Deegree Web Feature Service(WFS)
Deegree's WFS is able to serve vector and attribute data from different
data sources (backends) and deliver it to any client that is able to
perform WFS compliant HTTP-GET or POST requests.

2009-04-23T09:19:43+00:00 graphics/deegree-wcs Deegree Web Coverage Service(WCS)
deegree's Web Coverage Service (WCS) is able to read coverages from
different storage formats and deliver it to any client that is able to
perform an according HTTP GET or POST request. At the moment supported
formats are limited to several raster data formats; but in general a
coverage has not to be a raster dataset at all.

2009-04-23T09:18:57+00:00 graphics/deegree-igeoportal Browser based client handling WMS, WFS, and proxy service
Deegree iGeoPortal is the web-based portal framework of deegree. It
offers visualization of geodata through a standard web browser like
Mozilla, Firefox or MSIE.

2009-04-23T09:17:47+00:00 graphics/deegree-csw Deegree Catalogue Service(CSW)
Deegree is a Java Framework offering the main building blocks for
Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs). Its entire architecture is
developed using standards of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) and
ISO Technical Committee 211-Geographic information/Geoinformatics
(ISO/TC 211). deegree encompasses OGC Web Services as well as clients.
deegree is Free Software protected by the GNU Lesser General Public
License (GNU LGPL) and is accessible at

Deegree's Web Catalogue Service implementation (Catalogue Service - Web
profile, therefore CS-W) is able to serve different metadata formats in
parallel based on the same physical datastore. This is possible because
deegree CS-W uses XSLT processing to transform requests as well as
responses into the desired format. deegree CS-W does not contain its a
data access modul of its own. It uses an OGC WFS (at the moment limited
to deegree WFS) as datasource. So in future it will be possible to use
deegree CS-W on top of any other OGC compliant WFS to offer catalogue

2009-04-23T09:16:27+00:00 math/R-cran-RSvgDevice R SVG graphics device
A graphics device for R that uses the xml standard
for Scalable Vector Graphics.

2009-04-23T09:14:40+00:00 net/p5-Socket-Class Perl class to communicate with sockets
Socket::Class provides a simple, fast and efficient way to
communicate with sockets. It operates outside of the Perl
IO layer and can be used as a replacement to IO::Socket.
Little parts of Bluetooth technology has been integrated.

2009-04-23T09:04:15+00:00 net-im/pidgin-birthday_reminder The birthday reminder for Pidgin
Reminds you of your buddies birthday.

2009-04-23T09:04:15+00:00 net-im/pidgin-birthday-reminder Birthday reminder for Pidgin
Reminds you of your buddies birthday.

2009-04-23T09:02:29+00:00 textproc/p5-XML-LibXML-Simple XML::LibXML clone of XML::Simple::XMLin()
This module is a blunt rewrite of XML::Simple (by Grant McLean)
to use the XML::LibXML parser for XML structures, where the original
uses plain Perl or SAX parsers.

2009-04-22T09:16:47+00:00 net/p5-Net-GitHub Perl interface to
Net::GitHub - Perl Interface for is a popular git host.

2009-04-22T04:35:59+00:00 textproc/rubygem-xml-simple Ruby take off of p5-XML-Simple
Class XmlSimple offers an easy API to read and write XML. It is a Ruby
translation of Grant McLean's Perl module XML::Simple. Simply put,
it automatically converts XML documents into a Ruby Hash.

2009-04-22T02:53:16+00:00 www/p5-WWW-Mechanize-GZip Use WWW::Mechanize by requesting gzip-compression from the webserver
The WWW::Mechanize::GZip module tries to fetch a URL by requesting
gzip-compression from the webserver.

If the response contains a header with 'Content-Encoding: gzip',
it decompresses the response in order to get the original
(uncompressed) content.

This module will help to reduce bandwith fetching webpages, if
supported by the webeserver. If the webserver does not support
gzip-compression, no decompression will be made.

This modules is a direct subclass of WWW::Mechanize and will
therefore support any methods provided by WWW::Mechanize.

2009-04-21T17:51:14+00:00 devel/p5-SVN-Dumpfile Perl extension to access and manipulate Subversion dumpfiles
SVN::Dumpfile represents a Subversion dumpfile. It provides methods
to read existing and write modified or new dumpfiles. It supports
dumpfiles with the version number 1 - 3 but was written in a tolerant
way to also support newer versions as long no major changes are

This module is a OO redesign and generalisation of SVN::Dumpfilter
v0.21. Newer versions of SVN::Dumpfilter are using it to access the
input and output dumpfiles.

The ability to create new dumpfiles sets it apart from the similar
module SVN::Dump. The submodule SVN::Dumpfile::Node::Properties
also allows the processing of Subversion revision property files
(i.e. the files lying in the $REPOSITORY/db/revprops/ directory
holding the author, date and log entry of every revision).

2009-04-13T07:51:30+00:00 irc/iroffer-dinoex IRC "bot" that makes sharing files via DCC extremely easy
iroffer is a fileserver for irc (commonly referred to as a DCC bot). It
uses the DCC feature of irc to send files to other users. iroffer will
connect to an irc server and let people request files from it.

This is a major rewrite of Iroffer with extended features.
It does support mutiple IRC networks, SSL and IPv6.


2009-04-13T07:15:00+00:00 www/spawn-fcgi Spawns fastcgi applications
2009-04-12T17:47:48+00:00 security/libssh Library implementing the SSH2 protocol
The ssh library was designed to be used by programmers needing a working SSH
implementation by the mean of a library. The complete control of the client is
made by the programmer. With libssh, you can remotely execute programs, transfer
files, use a secure and transparent tunnel for your remote programs.
With its Secure FTP implementation, you can play with remote files easily,
without third-party programs others than libcrypto (from OpenSSL).

libssh features:
- Full C library functions for manipulating a client-side SSH connection
- SSH2 protocol compliant
- Fully configurable sessions
- Server support, SSH agent authentication support
- Support for AES-128, AES-192, AES-256, Blowfish, 3DES in CBC mode
- Use multiple SSH connections in a same process, at same time
- Use multiple channels in the same connection
- Thread safety when using different sessions at same time
- POSIX-like SFTP implementation with openssh extension support
- SCP implementation
- RSA and DSS server public key supported
- Compression support (with zlib)
- Public key (RSA and DSS), password and keyboard-interactive authentication

2009-04-12T17:09:35+00:00 graphics/p5-Color-Library Easy-to-use and comprehensive named-color library
Color::Library is an easy-to-use and comprehensive named-color dictionary.
Currently provides coverage for www (svg, html, css) colors, x11 colors, and

2009-04-11T22:35:42+00:00 textproc/p5-XML-DoubleEncodedEntities Unbreak XML with Doubly-Encoded Entities
This module is a tiny shim to unbreak XML files that have had their
entities doubly-encoded.

2009-04-11T22:34:53+00:00 astro/p5-Astro-SIMBAD-Client OO interface to SIMBAD4
p5-Astro-SIMBAD-Client provides an object-oriented interface to
SIMBAD4. The new SOAP queries are supported, with the object carrying
default output type and output format, as well as server name on the
assumption that mirrors will be forthcoming.

2009-04-11T22:34:29+00:00 astro/p5-Astro-satpass Classes and app to compute satellite visibility
Astro-satpass contains classes needed to predict satellite
visibility, and a demonstration application (satpass) that
makes use of these classes.

2009-04-11T22:27:51+00:00 devel/diffuse Graphical n-way diff and merge tool written in Python
Diffuse is a graphical tool for merging and comparing text files. Diffuse is
able to compare an arbitrary number of files side-by-side and gives users the
ability to manually adjust line matching and directly edit files. Diffuse can
also retrieve revisions of files from Bazaar, CVS, Darcs, Git, Mercurial,
Monotone, RCS, Subversion, and SVK repositories for comparison and merging.

Some key features of Diffuse:

- ability to compare and merge an arbitrary number of files side-by-side
(n-way merges)
- line matching can be manually corrected by the user
- ability to directly edit files
- syntax highlighting
- Bazaar, CVS, Darcs, Git, Mercurial, Monotone, RCS, Subversion, SVK support
- support for UTF-8 encoded unicode
- unlimited undo
- easy keyboard navigation

2009-04-11T22:26:32+00:00 sysutils/fusefs-s3fs FUSE-based file system backed by Amazon S3
FUSE-based file system backed by Amazon S3. Mount a bucket as a local
file system read/write. Store files/folders natively and transparently.

2009-04-11T11:46:17+00:00 math/p5-Math-MPC Perl interface to MPC Library
p5-Math-MPC is a module wraps the MPC library functions.

The MPC library is a C library for multiple-precision complex number
computations with exact rounding. It is based on the MPFR C library
which, in turn, is based on the GMP C library.

2009-04-11T08:20:46+00:00 www/p5-WWW-HatenaStar Perl interface to Hatena::Star
WWW::HatenaStar is perl interface to Hatena::Star.

2009-04-11T08:16:27+00:00 math/mpc Library of complex numbers with arbitrarily high precision
Mpc is a C library for the arithmetic of complex numbers with
arbitrarily high precision and correct rounding of the result.
It is built upon and follows the same principles as Mpfr. The
library is written by Andreas Enge, Philippe Theveny and Paul
Zimmermann and is distributed under the Gnu Lesser General Public
License, either version 2.1 of the license, or (at your option)
any later version. The Mpc library has been registered in France
by the Agence pour la Protection des Programmes on 2003-02-05
under the number IDDN FR 001 060029 000 R P 2003 000 10000.

2009-04-10T18:12:02+00:00 devel/p5-Class-Declare Perl module for declare classes
Class::Declare allows class authors to specify public, private and protected
attributes and methods for their classes, giving them control over how their
modules may be accessed. The standard object oriented programming concepts
of public, private and protected have been implemented for both class and
instance (or object) attributes and methods.

2009-04-10T09:03:33+00:00 devel/p5-TAP-Formatter-JUnit Perl extension for Harness output delegate for JUnit output
Harness output delegate for JUnit output.

2009-04-10T06:15:32+00:00 devel/p5-TAP-Harness-JUnit Perl extension to generate JUnit compatible output from TAP
Generate JUnit compatible output from TAP results.

The only difference between this module and TAP::Harness is that this
adds optional 'xmlfile' argument, that causes the output to be
formatted into XML in format similar to one that is produced by JUnit
testing framework.

2009-04-10T05:56:28+00:00 www/libxul Mozilla runtime package that can be used to bootstrap XUL+XPCOM apps
Mozilla runtime package that can be used to bootstrap XUL+XPCOM applications
that are as rich as Firefox and Thunderbird. It will provide mechanisms for
installing, upgrading, and uninstalling these applications. XULRunner will
also provide libxul, a solution which allows the embedding of Mozilla
technologies in other projects and products.

2009-04-09T22:16:47+00:00 games/rigsofrods Truck, car, airplane, and boat simulator with advanced physics
Rigs of Rods (also known as RoR), is a truck, car, airplane and
boat simulator. You can drive, fly or sail in total freedom in an
open environment. What makes RoR different to most simulators is
its unique soft-body physics: vehicles chassis and wheels are
simulated in real-time as flexible objects, giving the simulation
an extremely accurate behavior, while allowing the vehicles to be
simply specified by their structural composition, as a network of
interconnected nodes (forming the chassis and the wheels). Crashing
into walls or terrain can permanently deform a vehicle in a realistic
manner. In addition to its unique soft-body physics, RoR also
features an advanced flight model based on blade element theory,
allowing the accurate simulation of any airplane, base on their
physical dimensions and wing airfoils. It also features an accurate
buoyancy model based on elemental pressure gradients, enabling boats
with complex hulls to move realistically in the swell.

2009-04-09T21:54:55+00:00 games/hexalate Color matching game
Hexalate is a color matching game. The goal of the game is to rotate
and position the circles so that each touching line matches in
color. You rotate circles by right clicking, and you move circles
by dragging them. The game stores the positions and rotations of
the circles across runs.

2009-04-09T21:10:18+00:00 www/linux-f8-flashplugin10 Adobe Flash Player NPAPI Plugin
This is the official Flash Player from Adobe. This plugin enables
you to see .swf and .spl files on the 'net from your Opera, Mozilla or
Firefox sessions.

Please see the Adobe home page for more information.

FreeBSD Flash License Agreement:

2009-04-09T21:10:18+00:00 www/linux-f10-flashplugin11
This is the official Flash Player from Adobe. This plugin enables
you to see .swf and .spl files on the 'net from your Opera, Mozilla or
Firefox sessions.

Please see the Adobe home page for more information.

FreeBSD Flash License Agreement:

2009-04-09T21:10:18+00:00 www/linux-f10-flashplugin10 Adobe Flash Player NPAPI Plugin
This is the official Flash Player from Adobe. This plugin enables
you to see .swf and .spl files on the 'net from your Opera, Mozilla or
Firefox sessions.

Please see the Adobe home page for more information.

FreeBSD Flash License Agreement:

2009-04-09T16:34:51+00:00 graphics/linux-f8-dri Mesa libGL runtime libraries and DRI drivers (Linux Fedora 8)
The port installs Linux Fedora 8 Mesa libGL runtime libraries
and DRI drivers.
2009-04-09T16:34:51+00:00 graphics/linux-f10-dri Mesa libGL runtime libraries and DRI drivers (Linux Fedora 10)
The port installs Linux Fedora 10 Mesa libGL runtime libraries
and DRI drivers.
2009-04-09T10:42:15+00:00 www/p5-WWW-HatenaDiary CRUD interface to Hatena::Diary
WWW::HatenaDiary provides a CRUD interface to Hatena::Diary,
aiming to help you efficiently communicate with the service
with programmatic ways.

2009-04-09T10:41:46+00:00 www/p5-WWW-HatenaLogin Login/Logout interface to Hatena
Login and logout interface to Hatena.
This module is very simple.

2009-04-09T03:09:04+00:00 games/gondola Create and optimize a distribution network of gondolas
Gondola is the ultimate shipping, shape sorting, barge unloading
game of all time. Get the right shapes to the right places to score.
But be warned: there are only a limited number of islands to build
on and longer cables are expensive! Sort wisely to minimize loss.

2009-04-08T23:14:43+00:00 graphics/py-rabbyt Fast sprite library for Python
Rabbyt is a sprite library for Python with game development in mind.
It has two goals:

1. Be fast, without sacrificing ease of use.
2. Be easy to use, without sacrificing speed

2009-04-08T20:34:31+00:00 devel/rubygem-soap4r Ruby implementation of SOAP 1.1
SOAP4R is a Ruby library for accessing Web Services via SOAP

2009-04-08T20:29:17+00:00 www/rubygem-httpclient Yet another HTTP client implementation by NaHi
httpclient gives something like the functionality of libwww-perl (LWP) in Ruby. httpclient formerly known as http-access2.


* methods like GET/HEAD/POST/* via HTTP/1.1.
* HTTPS(SSL), Cookies, proxy, authentication(Digest, NTLM, Basic), etc.
* asynchronous HTTP request, streaming HTTP request.
* by contrast with net/http in standard distribution;
o Cookies support
o MT-safe
o streaming POST (POST with File/IO)
o Digest auth
o Negotiate/NTLM auth for WWW-Authenticate (requires net/htlm module)
o NTLM auth for Proxy-Authenticate (requires Win32/sspi module)
o extensible with filter interface
o you dont have to care HTTP/1.1 persistent connection (httpclient cares instead of you)
* Not supported now
o Cache
o Rather advanced HTTP/1.1 usage such as Range, deflate, etc. (of course you can set it in header by yourself)

For more detail, see API document at

2009-04-08T20:21:36+00:00 devel/rubygem-georuby Holder for data returned from PostGIS and the Spatial Extensions of MySql
It is intended as a holder for data returned from PostGIS and the Spatial
Extensions of MySql. The data model roughly follows the OGC "Simple i
Features for SQL" specification (see,
although without any kind of advanced functionalities (such as geometric
operators or reprojections). It also supports various output and
input formats (GeoRSS, KML, Shapefile).

2009-04-08T19:42:35+00:00 devel/rubygem-ruport Ruby Reports (Ruport) is an extensible reporting system
Ruby Reports (Ruport) is an extensible reporting system.

It aims to be as lightweight as possible while still providing core support
for data aggregation and manipulation as well as multi-format rendering
of reports.

Ruport provides tools for using a number of data sources, including CSV files,
ActiveRecord models, and raw SQL connections via RubyDBI (through ruport-util).

2009-04-08T19:41:30+00:00 devel/rubygem-streetaddress Parses one line street addresses into normalized address object
Parses one line street addresses and returns a normalized address object.

This is a near direct port of the of the perl module
Geo::StreetAddress::US originally written by Schuyler D. Erle.
For more information see

2009-04-08T19:40:13+00:00 devel/rubygem-deeptest Enable tests to run in parallel using multiple processes
DeepTest enables tests to run in parallel using multiple processes. Processes
may spawned locally to take advantage of multiple processors on a single
machine or distributed across many machines to take advantage of distributed

2009-04-08T19:39:26+00:00 devel/rubygem-icalendar Library for working with iCalendar files
iCalendar is a Ruby library for dealing with iCalendar files in the iCalendar
format defined by RFC-5545.

2009-04-08T19:37:28+00:00 devel/rubygem-chronic Natural language date/time parser written in pure Ruby
Chronic is a natural language date/time parser written in pure Ruby.

2009-04-08T19:36:04+00:00 devel/rubygem-runt Ruby implementation of select Martin Fowler patterns
RUNT -- Ruby Temporal Expressions

Runt is a Ruby implementation of select Martin Fowler patterns
[]. TemporalExpressions allow a developer
to define patterns of date recurrence using set expressions.

2009-04-07T16:02:44+00:00 net/p5-Net-INET6Glue Make common modules IPv6 ready by hotpatching
Net::INET6Glue is a collection of modules to make common modules IPv6
ready by hotpatching them.

Unfortunatly the current state of IPv6 support in perl is that no IPv6
support is in the core and that a lot of important modules (like
Net::FTP, Net::SMTP, LWP,...) do not support IPv6 even if the modules
for IPv6 sockets Socket6, IO::Socket::INET6 are available.

This module tries to mitigate this by hotpatching.

2009-04-06T19:55:09+00:00 audio/gervill Generic sound synthesizer for Java
Gervill is a software sound synthesize which was created for the
open source JDK Audio Synthesis Engine Project.

The goal of the JDK Audio Synthesis Engine Project is to create a
new open source JDK software midi synthesizer implementation.

2009-04-06T16:15:34+00:00 security/linux-f8-nss Network Security Services (Linux Fedora 8)
2009-04-06T16:15:34+00:00 security/linux-f10-nss Network Security Services (Linux Fedora 10)
2009-04-06T16:09:54+00:00 security/linux-f8-libssh2 The library implementing the SSH2 protocol (Linux Fedora 8)
2009-04-06T16:09:54+00:00 security/linux-f10-libssh2 Library implementing the SSH2 protocol (Linux Fedora 10)
2009-04-06T16:08:58+00:00 dns/linux-f8-libidn Internationalized Domain Name support library (Linux Fedora 8)
2009-04-06T16:08:08+00:00 devel/linux-f8-nspr Netscape Portable Runtime (Linux Fedora 8)
2009-04-06T16:08:08+00:00 devel/linux-f10-nspr Netscape Portable Runtime (Linux Fedora 10)
2009-04-06T16:06:50+00:00 databases/linux-f8-sqlite3 The library that implements an embeddable SQL database engine (Linux Fedora 8)
2009-04-06T16:06:50+00:00 databases/linux-f10-sqlite3 Library that implements an embeddable SQL database engine (Linux Fedora 10)
2009-04-06T14:21:09+00:00 x11-toolkits/linux-f8-tk84 Graphical toolkit for TCL (Linux Fedora 8)
2009-04-06T14:21:09+00:00 x11-toolkits/linux-f10-tk85 Graphical toolkit for TCL (Linux Fedora 10)
2009-04-06T14:19:16+00:00 lang/linux-f8-tcl84 Tool Command Language (Linux Fedora 8)
2009-04-06T14:19:16+00:00 lang/linux-f10-tcl85 Tool Command Language (Linux Fedora 10)
2009-04-05T20:28:33+00:00 devel/cx_Freeze Utilities for freezing Python scripts
cx_Freeze is a set of utilities for freezing Python scripts
into executables using many of techniques found in
Thomas Heller's py2exe, Godon McMillan's Installer and
the Freeze utility that ships with Python itself.

2009-04-04T17:41:40+00:00 devel/rubygem-crack Ruby Library of Simple JSON and XML Parsing
rubygem-crack is a Ruby library that really simple JSON
and XML parsing, ripped from ActiveSupport so it can be
used without all of ActiveSupport.

2009-04-04T01:25:24+00:00 multimedia/avbin FFmpeg wrapper
AVbin is a thin wrapper around FFmpeg, providing binary compatibility
for applications and languages that need it

2009-04-02T23:45:10+00:00 games/xorgramana Logic word puzzle game set inside a series of mazes
XorGramana is a maze based logical puzzle game where you must escape
each maze by arranging letters to form pre-defined words. XorGramana
is based upon the game Xor which appeared in the early 1990's on
8bit home computers. XorGramana implements a version of Xor too.

2009-04-02T18:26:51+00:00 databases/p5-Test-Database Database handles ready for testing
There's plenty of modules which need a database, and they all have
to be configured differently and they're always a PITA when you first
install and each and every time they upgrade.

Test::Database provides a simple way for test authors to request
a test database, without worrying about environment variables or the
test host configuration.

2009-04-02T18:24:59+00:00 biology/p5-Bio-Glite Perl Interface to G-language
Bio::Glite is an interface to G-language Genome Analysis Environment
through its REST web service ( This module
allows almost everything G-language GAE can do, without installing
all necessary tookits and modules.

Advantage of this module over the standard installation of
G-language GAE package is:
1. Easy installation from CPAN
2. Extremely light-weight (less than 1000 lines of code)
3. Does not require much CPU/RAM (all calculation is done on
the cloud)

Disadvantages includes:
1. Slower analysis speed
2. Internet connection is required
3. No other software interfaces such as the G-language Shell

2009-04-02T14:35:47+00:00 net/p5-Net-OAuth-Simple Simple wrapper around the OAuth protocol
Net::OAuth::Simple is a simple wrapper around the OAuth protocol.

OAuth is:

An open protocol to allow secure API authentication in a simple and standard
method from desktop and web applications.

2009-04-02T00:57:07+00:00 lang/tinypy Minimalist implementation of python in 64k of code
tinypy is a minimalist implementation of python in 64k of code

it includes a whole heap of features:

* parser and bytecode compiler written in tinypy
* fully bootstrapped
* luaesque virtual machine with garbage collection written in C
it's "stackless" sans any "stackless" features
* cross-platform :) it runs under Windows / Linux / OS X
* a fairly decent subset of python
o classes and single inheritance
o functions with variable or keyword arguments
o strings, lists, dicts, numbers
o modules, list comprehensions
o exceptions with full traceback
o some builtins
* batteries not included -- yet

2009-03-31T22:23:19+00:00 sysutils/memtest86+ Stand-alone memory test for x86 architecture computers
Memtest86+ is a stand-alone memory test for x86 architecture computers
based on the well-known original memtest86 written by Chris Brady.

2009-03-31T20:21:49+00:00 x11-wm/musca Simple dynamic window manager with tiling and stacking modes
Musca is a simple window manager for X11 allowing both tiling and stacking
modes. It's similar to ratpoison but more friendly to the mouse and using
a simpler keyboard navigation. There are no built in status bars, panels,
or window decorations save for thin window borders to indicate focus.

Window navigation can be mouse click to focus or entirely keyboard driven.
Window tiling is manual but simple, and there are no restrictions on how
you divide up the screen. It uses dwm's dmenu utility for launching apps
and running various built in commands not mapped to hot keys.

2009-03-31T18:23:45+00:00 emulators/fuse-utils Utilities from the Free Unix Spectrum Emulator
fuse-utils is an utility package for handling ZX Spectrum files. It can be
used to list and convert tape, hard disk, snapshot, and audio files.

2009-03-31T15:02:47+00:00 audio/tagutil Command line interface tool to manage tags in music files
Tagutil is a CLI tool to display and modify tags stored in music
files. It aims to provide both an easy-to-script and an interactive
interface. It fully supports Vorbis Comments (unlimited set of tags).

2009-03-31T11:56:52+00:00 devel/rubygem-piston Utility to manage local copies of Subversion repositories
Piston is a utility that eases vendor branch management. This is
similar to svn:externals, except you have a local copy of the files,
which you can modify at will. As long as the changes are mergeable,
you should have no problems.

Piston has a similar purpose than which you can find in
the contrib/client-side folder of the main Subversion. The main
difference is that Piston is designed to work with remote

2009-03-31T10:22:36+00:00 x11/lxde-meta "meta-port" of the LXDE desktop slimmed down for FreeBSD releases
LXDE is a small and lightweight X11 Desktop

2009-03-31T09:57:47+00:00 misc/lxde-common LXDE Common files
LXDE Common files including startup and logout scripts.

2009-03-31T09:41:49+00:00 www/rubygem-nicovideo Scraping NICONICO DOUGA utility for Ruby
Scraping NICONICO DOUGA utility for Ruby.
(NICONICO DOUGA is Video Sharing Service)

2009-03-31T09:39:12+00:00 security/pbc Library of pairing-based cryptosystems
Pairing-based cryptography is a relatively young area of cryptography
that revolves around a certain function with special properties.

The PBC (Pairing-Based Cryptography) library is a free C library
(released under the GNU Public License) built on the GMP library that
performs the mathematical operations underlying pairing-based

The PBC library is designed to be the backbone of implementations of
pairing-based cryptosystems, thus speed and portability are important
goals. It provides routines such as elliptic curve generation, elliptic
curve arithmetic and pairing computation. Thanks to the GMP library,
despite being written in C, pairings times are reasonable.

2009-03-29T19:24:20+00:00 textproc/p5-Unicode-Escape Escape and unescape Unicode characters other than ASCII
Unicode::Escape - escape and unescape Unicode characters
other than ASCII.

2009-03-29T19:07:50+00:00 devel/p5-JSON-RPC Perl implementation of JSON-RPC 1.1 protocol
JSON::RPC - Perl implementation of JSON-RPC 1.1 protocol.

2009-03-29T17:42:03+00:00 www/p5-MojoMojo Catalyst & DBIx::Class powered Wiki
Mojomojo is a sort of content managment system, borrowing many concepts
from wikis and blogs. It allows you to maintain a full tree-structure
of pages, and to interlink them in various ways. It has full version
support, so you can always go back to a previous version and see what's
changed with an easy AJAX- based diff system. There are also a bunch of
other features like bult-in fulltext search, live AJAX preview of editing,
and RSS feeds for every wiki page.

To find out more about how you can use MojoMojo, please visit or read the installation instructions in
MojoMojo::Installation to try it out yourself.

2009-03-29T16:44:44+00:00 databases/p5-DBIx-Class-HTML-FormFu Fill a HTML::FormFu form from the database and vice-versa
Fill a HTML::FormFu form from the database and vice-versa.

Deprecated in favour of HTML::FormFu::Model::DBIC, but still in use...

2009-03-29T16:43:29+00:00 databases/p5-DBIx-Class-EncodedColumn Automatically encode columns
This DBIx::Class component can be used to automatically encode a
column's contents whenever the value of that column is set.

2009-03-29T16:42:33+00:00 databases/p5-DBIx-Class-DateTime-Epoch Automatic inflation/deflation of epoch-based DateTime objects
This module automatically inflates/deflates DateTime objects
corresponding to applicable columns. Columns may also be
defined to specify their nature, such as columns representing a
creation time (set at time of insertion) or a modification time
(set at time of every update).

2009-03-29T16:31:02+00:00 devel/p5-Hash-Flatten Flatten, unflatten complex data hashes
Converts back and forth between a nested hash structure and a flat hash of
delimited key-value pairs. Useful for protocols that only support
key-value pairs (such as CGI and DBMs).

2009-03-29T15:21:16+00:00 devel/p5-Config-JFDI Catalyst::Plugin::ConfigLoader-style layer over Config::Any
Config::JFDI is an implementation of Catalyst::Plugin::ConfigLoader
that exists outside of Catalyst.

Essentially, Config::JFDI will scan a directory for files matching a
certain name. If such a file is found which also matches an extension
that Config::Any can read, then the configuration from that file will
be loaded.

2009-03-29T15:20:38+00:00 devel/p5-String-Diff Simple diff to String
Simple diff to String

2009-03-29T15:19:19+00:00 devel/p5-Algorithm-Merge Three-way merge and diff
This module complements Algorithm::Diff by providing three-way merge
and diff functions.

2009-03-29T15:18:27+00:00 devel/p5-Hash-Merge-Simple Recursively merge two or more hashes, simply
Hash::Merge::Simple will recursively merge two or more hashes and
return the result as a new hash reference. The merge function will
descend and merge hashes that exist under the same node in both the
left and right hash, but doesn't attempt to combine arrays, objects,
scalars, or anything else. The rightmost hash also takes precedence,
replacing whatever was in the left hash if a conflict occurs.

This code was pretty much taken straight from Catalyst::Utils, and
modified to handle more than 2 hashes at the same time.

2009-03-29T14:26:51+00:00 textproc/p5-Text-Context Handle highlighting search result context snippets
Given a piece of text and some search terms, produces an object
which locates the search terms in the message, extracts a reasonable-length
string containing all the search terms, and optionally dumps the string out
as HTML text with the search terms highlighted in bold.

2009-03-29T14:17:04+00:00 www/p5-HTML-GenToc Generate a Table of Contents for HTML documents
HTML::GenToc generates anchors and a table of contents for
HTML documents. Depending on the arguments, it will insert
the information it generates, or output to a string, a separate file

While it defaults to taking H1 and H2 elements as the significant
elements to put into the table of contents, any tag can be defined
as a significant element. Also, it doesn't matter if the input
HTML code is complete, pure HTML, one can input pseudo-html
or page-fragments, which makes it suitable for using on templates
and HTML meta-languages such as WML.

Also included in the distrubution is hypertoc, a script which uses the
module so that one can process files on the command-line in a
user-friendly manner.

2009-03-29T14:16:18+00:00 www/p5-HTML-LinkList Create a 'smart' list of HTML links
This module contains a number of functions for taking sets of URLs and
labels and creating suitably formatted HTML. These links are "smart"
because, if given the url of the current page, if any of the links in
the list equal it, that item in the list will be formatted as a special
label, not as a link; this is a Good Thing, since the user would be
confused by clicking on a link back to the current page.

2009-03-29T14:15:35+00:00 www/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Email Send emails with Catalyst
Send emails with Catalyst and Email::Send and Email::MIME::Creator.

2009-03-28T21:06:26+00:00 graphics/p5-URI-GoogleChart Generate Google Chart URIs
This module provide a constructor method for Google Chart URIs. Google
will serve back PNG images of charts controlled by the provided
parameters when these URI are dereferenced. Normally these URIs will be
embedded as <img src='$chart'> tags in HTML documents.

2009-03-28T18:11:44+00:00 print/acroread9 Adobe Reader for view, print, and search PDF documents (${ADOBE_LANG})
Adobe Reader is free software that allows everyone from business
professionals to home users to easily and reliably view, print,
and search PDF files using a variety of platforms and devices.

2009-03-28T18:11:44+00:00 japanese/acroread9
2009-03-28T18:11:44+00:00 german/acroread9
2009-03-28T18:11:44+00:00 french/acroread9
2009-03-28T00:07:08+00:00 devel/p5-Test-SharedFork Perl extension for fork test
Test::SharedFork is utility module for Test::Builder.

This module makes forking test!

This module merges test count with parent process & child process.

2009-03-27T22:07:19+00:00 math/R-cran-Zelig Everyone's Statistical Software
Zelig is an easy-to-use program that can estimate, and help interpret the
results of, an enormous range of statistical models. It literally is "everyone's
statistical software" because Zelig's simple unified framework incorporates
everyone else's (R) code. We also hope it will become "everyone's statistical
software" for applications and teaching, and so have designed Zelig so that
anyone can easily use it or add their programs to it. Zelig also comes with
infrastructure that facilitates the use of any existing method, such as by
allowing multiply imputed data for any model, and mimicking the program Clarify
(for Stata) that takes the raw output of existing statistical procedures and
translates them into quantities of direct interest.

2009-03-27T22:06:44+00:00 math/R-cran-gpclib General Polygon Clipping Library for R
R-cran-gpclib is a general polygon clipping routines for
R based on Alan Murta's C library.

2009-03-27T21:55:34+00:00 www/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Scheduler Schedule events to run in a cron-like manner
This plugin allows you to schedule events to run at recurring
intervals. Events will run during the first request which meets or
exceeds the specified time. Depending on the level of traffic to the
application, events may or may not run at exactly the correct time,
but it should be enough to satisfy many basic scheduling needs.

2009-03-27T21:53:43+00:00 sysutils/gsmartcontrol Graphical user interface for smartmontools
GSmartControl is a graphical user interface for smartctl (from
sysutils/smartmontools port), which is a tool for querying and
controlling SMART (Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting
Technology) data on modern hard disk drives. It allows you to
inspect the drive's SMART data to determine its health, as well
as run various tests on it.

2009-03-27T21:34:43+00:00 databases/tokyotyrant Network interface of Tokyo Cabinet
Tokyo Tyrant is a package of network interface to the DBM called
Tokyo Cabinet. Though the DBM has high performance, you might bother
in case that multiple processes share the same database, or remote
processes access the database. Thus, Tokyo Tyrant is provided for
concurrent and remote connections to Tokyo Cabinet. It is composed of
the server process managing a database and its access library for
client applications.

2009-03-27T13:56:23+00:00 audio/libmp3splt Library for splitting of various audio files
Mp3Splt-project is a utility to split mp3 and ogg files selecting a begin and an
end time position, without decoding. It's very useful to split large mp3/ogg to
make smaller files or to split entire albums to obtain original tracks. If you
want to split an album, you can select split points and filenames manually or
you can get them automatically from CDDB (internet or a local file) or from .cue
files. Supports also automatic silence split, that can be used also to adjust
cddb/cue splitpoints. You can extract tracks from Mp3Wrap or AlbumWrap files in
few seconds. For mp3 files, both ID3v1 & ID3v2 tags are supported.

Mp3splt-project is split in 3 parts : libmp3splt, mp3splt and mp3splt-gtk.

2009-03-27T12:47:38+00:00 math/primegen Small, fast library to generate prime numbers in order
primegen is a small, fast library to generate prime numbers in order.
It generates the 50847534 primes up to 1000000000 in just 8 seconds
on a Pentium II-350; it prints them in decimal in just 35 seconds.

primegen can generate primes up to 1000000000000000, although it
is not optimized for primes past 32 bits. It uses the Sieve of Atkin
instead of the traditional Sieve of Eratosthenes.

2009-03-26T14:14:15+00:00 astro/py-astLib Astronomy modules for Python
astLib is a set of Python modules that provides some tools for research
astronomers. It can be used for simple plots, statistics, common calculations,
coordinate conversions, and manipulating FITS images with World Coordinate
System (WCS) information through PyWCSTools - a simple wrapping of WCSTools by
Jessica Mink. PyWCSTools is distributed (and developed) as part of astLib.

2009-03-26T12:35:49+00:00 www/py-py-restclient Python REST Client
A simple REST client for Python, inspired by the microframework
(Camping, Sinatra) style of specifying actions: get, put, post,

2009-03-26T09:36:38+00:00 chinese/ibus-pinyin PinYin engine for IBus
PinYin engine for IBus.

2009-03-26T09:24:35+00:00 textproc/ibus Intelligent Input Bus for Linux / Unix OS
Intelligent Input Bus for Linux / Unix OS, iBus, is the next generation input
framework, developed by the developer of scim-python, includes all its
function, and much more.

This is the base port, you need input methods such as pinyin to input text.

2009-03-25T23:32:10+00:00 devel/statsvn Subversion repository activity report generator
StatSVN retrieves information from a Subversion repository and
generates various tables and charts describing the project development,
e.g. timeline for the lines of code, contribution of each developer
etc. The current version of StatSVN generates a static suite of
HTML or XDOC documents containing tables and chart images.

2009-03-25T23:31:40+00:00 devel/statcvs CVS repository activity report generator
StatCVS retrieves information from a CVS repository and generates
various tables and charts describing the project development, e.g.
timeline for the lines of code, contribution of each developer etc.
The current version of StatCVS generates a static suite of HTML or
XDOC documents containing tables and chart images.

2009-03-25T22:17:16+00:00 sysutils/busybox Set of common utilities built as single binary
busybox is a set of common utilities built as a single
crunched binary, and sometimes stripped down in features
to fit the needs of embedded systems.

2009-03-25T18:30:12+00:00 devel/p5-Scalar-String String aspects of scalars
This module is about the string part of plain Perl scalars. A scalar has a
string value, which is notionally a sequence of Unicode codepoints, but may be
internally encoded in either ISO-8859-1 or UTF-8. In places, and more so in
older versions of Perl, the internal encoding shows through. To fully understand
Perl strings it is necessary to understand these implementation details.

This module provides functions to classify a string by encoding and to encode a
string in a desired way.

This module is implemented in XS, with a pure Perl backup version for systems
that can't handle XS.

2009-03-25T18:28:35+00:00 devel/p5-Data-Integer Details of the native integer data type
This module is about the native integer numerical data type. A native integer is
one of the types of datum that can appear in the numeric part of a Perl scalar.
This module supplies constants describing the native integer type.

There are actually two native integer representations: signed and unsigned. Both
are handled by this module.

2009-03-25T17:48:31+00:00 textproc/mdocml mdoc macro compiler
mdocml is a suite of tools compiling mdoc, the roff macro package of
choice for BSD manual pages, and man, the predominant historical
package for UNIX manuals. The mission of mdocml is to deprecate groff,
the GNU troff implementation, for displaying mdoc pages whilst
providing token support for man.

mdocml consists of the libmandoc validating compiler and mandoc, which
interfaces with the compiler library to format output for UNIX
terminals (with support for wide-character locales), XHTML, HTML,
PostScript, and PDF.

Disambiguation: mdocml is often referred to by its installed binary,

2009-03-25T10:43:25+00:00 databases/p5-DBIx-Class-ResultSet-RecursiveUpdate Like update_or_create - but recursive
It is a base class for ResultSets providing just one method: recur-
sive_update which works just like update_or_create but can recursively
update or create data objects composed of multiple rows. All rows need
to be identified by primary keys - so you need to provide them in the
update structure (unless they can be deduced from the parent row - for
example when you have a belongs_to relationship). If not all colums
comprising the primary key are specified - then a new row will be cre-
ated, with the expectation that the missing columns will be filled by
it (as in the case of auto_increment primary keys).

2009-03-25T10:39:14+00:00 www/p5-POE-Filter-HTTP-Parser HTTP POE filter for HTTP clients or servers
POE::Filter::HTTP::Parser is a POE::Filter for HTTP which is based
on HTTP::Parser. It can be used to easily create POE based HTTP
servers or clients.

2009-03-25T08:58:53+00:00 devel/p5-Test-POE-Client-TCP POE Component providing TCP client services for test cases
Test::POE::Client::TCP is a POE component that provides a TCP client
framework for inclusion in client component test cases, instead of
having to roll your own.

2009-03-24T16:28:11+00:00 devel/p5-Sys-Sendfile-FreeBSD Wrapper for the FreeBSD sendfile(2) function
Uses the FreeBSD sendfile(2) function to send the contents of an open file
handle directly to an open socket.

2009-03-24T16:26:00+00:00 www/p5-HTTP-Daemon-SSL Simple http server class with SSL support
HTTP::Daemon::SSL - a simple http server class with SSL support.
Instances of the HTTP::Daemon::SSL class are HTTP/1.1 servers
that listen on a socket for incoming requests.

2009-03-24T15:24:09+00:00 mail/p5-Net-SenderBase Query the SenderBase service
This module is an interface to the SenderBase query service at

2009-03-24T00:50:48+00:00 multimedia/msdl Streaming multimedia files downloader
This program is to download multimedia streaming files.
Currently it supports following protocols.

* mmst (Microsoft Media Server over TCP)
* mmsh (MMS over HTTP)
* http (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol)
* real-rtsp (Real Time Streaming Protocol / Real/helix)
* wms-rtsp (Real Time Streaming Protocol / WMServer)
* ftp (File Transfer Protocol)

2009-03-23T22:14:15+00:00 devel/liblouisxml Library Provide Complete Braille Transcription Services
liblouisxml is a library intended to provide complete braille
transcription services for xml documents. It translates into
appropriate braille codes and formats according to its style
sheet and the specifications in the document. A command-line
program, xml2brl which uses this library is also included.
The latest version of liblouis is required.

2009-03-23T20:11:37+00:00 textproc/p5-Unicode-EastAsianWidth East Asian Width properties
Unicode::EastAsianWidth provide user-defined Unicode properties that deal with
width status of East Asian characters, as specified in

It exports the following functions to the caller's scope, to be used by Perl's
Unicode matching system: InEastAsianFullwidth, InEastAsianHalfwidth,
InEastAsianAmbiguous, InEastAsianNarrow InEastAsianWide, InEastAsianNeutral.

In accord to TR11 cited above, two additional context-sensitive properties are
exported: InFullwidth (union of Fullwidth and Wide) and InHalfwidth (union of
Halfwidth, Narrow and Neutral).

Ambiguous characters are treated by default as part of InHalfwidth, but you can
modify this behaviour by assigning a true value to
$Unicode::EastAsianWidth::EastAsian at compile time within a BEGIN block before
loading this module

2009-03-23T18:53:53+00:00 www/drupal6-geshifilter Drupal 6 module for syntax highlighting
The GeShi Filter module provides a filter for source code syntax
highlighting for a wide range of languages.

2009-03-23T18:53:00+00:00 devel/php5-geshi Native PHP syntax highlighting engine
GeSHi started as an idea to create a generic syntax highlighter
for the phpBB forum system, but has been generalised to this project.
GeSHi aims to be a simple but powerful highlighting class,
with the following goals:

* Support for a wide range of popular languages
* Easy to add a new language for highlighting
* Highly customisable output formats

2009-03-23T18:52:25+00:00 sysutils/fusefs-fur FUSE-based filesystem for Windows CE based devices
FUR is an application that let the user mount a Windows CE based device on your
file system: it uses the brilliant FUSE and the librapi2 of the Synce Project
to give you the illusion that the storage of your Pocket PC is mounted on
a directory on your local filesystem.

2009-03-22T22:09:27+00:00 science/netcdf-ftn NetCDF (network Common Data Form), with Fortran support
2009-03-22T15:27:36+00:00 devel/libdap SDK which contains an implementation of DAP 2.0 and 4.0
libdap is A C++ SDK which contains an implementation of DAP 2.0 and 3.1,
Client- and Server-side support classes and a prototype implementation
of the AIS.

2009-03-22T15:18:46+00:00 science/p5-Geo-ReadGRIB Perl module provides read access to GRIB files
Geo::ReadGRIB is an object Perl module that provides read
access to data distributed in GRIB files. Specifically,
it is wrote to access NOAA Wavewatch III marine weather
model forecasts which are packaged as GRIB.

2009-03-22T15:03:57+00:00 net-im/ttytter Command-line Twitter client in Perl
TTYtter is a multi-functional, fully 100% text, Perl command line
Twitter client. It has the following features:

* A fully interactive client with asynchronous background updates and
commands. Use it over telnet, ssh or even a dummy terminal.
Supports ANSI colour, hashtags and Twitter Search!
* Works within your favourite environment: modify prompt and input
methods for many popular window and session managers, or use a
compatible readline library. Or don't: basic editing and screen
management features built-in.
* From the command line, use it to update your Twitter in shell scripts,
from cron, and so on.
* Supports standard timelines and automatically fetches direct messages.
* Extensible using the -lib option.
* Run detached in -daemon mode, and make your own Twitter bot!

2009-03-22T13:47:54+00:00 textproc/apache-solr High performance search server built using Lucene Java
Solr is an open source enterprise search server based on the Lucene
Java search library, with XML/HTTP and JSON APIs, hit highlighting,
faceted search, caching, replication, a web administration interface
and many more features. It runs in a Java servlet container such as

2009-03-22T13:32:38+00:00 math/R-cran-sm Smoothing methods for nonparametric regression and density estimation
R-cran-sm is a R module for smoothing methods for nonparametric
regression and density estimation. It is software linked to the
book 'Applied Smoothing Techniques for Data Analysis: The Kernel
Approach with S-Plus Illustrations' Oxford University Press.

2009-03-22T12:56:16+00:00 graphics/rubygem-graphviz Ruby Interface to the GraphViz Graphing Tool
This modules provides an interface to layout and generate images
of directed graphs in a variety of formats (PostScript, PNG, etc.)
using GraphViz.

2009-03-22T11:27:38+00:00 www/xpi-dailymotiononwooztalk Meet your World Wide Web neighbors on Dailymotion
WoozTalk is a new innovative and free Internet service that let you see and
chat with anyone else visiting the same website, listening to the same music,
or watching the same video at the same time as you!

Thanks to this plugin, you can see and chat with people who are currently
watching the same video as you on Dailymotion.

Please install it thanks to the WoozTalk port in net-im/wooztalk

2009-03-22T11:26:26+00:00 www/xpi-youtubeonwooztalk Meet your World Wide Web neighbors on Youtube
WoozTalk is a new innovative and free Internet service that let you see and
chat with anyone else visiting the same website, listening to the same music,
or watching the same video at the same time as you!

Thanks to this plugin, you can see and chat with people who are currently
watching the same video as you on Youtube.

Please install it thanks to the WoozTalk port in net-im/wooztalk

2009-03-22T11:24:54+00:00 www/xpi-vimeoonwooztalk Meet your World Wide Web neighbors on Vimeo
WoozTalk is a new innovative and free Internet service that let you see and
chat with anyone else visiting the same website, listening to the same music,
or watching the same video at the same time as you!

Thanks to this plugin, you can see and chat with people who are currently
watching the same video as you on Vimeo.

Please install it thanks to the WoozTalk port in net-im/wooztalk

2009-03-22T11:23:08+00:00 multimedia/vlconwooztalk Meet your World Wide Web neighbors with VLC
WoozTalk is a new innovative and free Internet service that let you see and
chat with anyone else visiting the same website, listening to the same music,
or watching the same video at the same time as you!

Thanks to this plugin, you can see and chat with people who are currently
watching the same video when you use VLC.

2009-03-22T11:22:04+00:00 www/xpi-lastfmonwooztalk Meet your World Wide Web neighbors on
WoozTalk is a new innovative and free Internet service that let you see and
chat with anyone else visiting the same website, listening to the same music,
or watching the same video at the same time as you!

Thanks to this plugin, you can see and chat with people who are currently
listening to the same music as you on

Please install it thanks to the WoozTalk port in net-im/wooztalk

2009-03-22T11:21:01+00:00 www/xpi-jiwaonwooztalk Meet your World Wide Web neighbors on Jiwa
WoozTalk is a new innovative and free Internet service that let you see and
chat with anyone else visiting the same website, listening to the same music,
or watching the same video at the same time as you!

Thanks to this plugin, you can see and chat with people who are currently
listening to the same music as you on Jiwa.

Please install it thanks to the WoozTalk port in net-im/wooztalk

2009-03-22T11:20:05+00:00 www/xpi-imeemonwooztalk Meet your World Wide Web neighbors on Imeem
WoozTalk is a new innovative and free Internet service that let you see and
chat with anyone else visiting the same website, listening to the same music,
or watching the same video at the same time as you!

Thanks to this plugin, you can see and chat with people who are currently
listening to the same music as you on Imeem.

Please install it thanks to the WoozTalk port in net-im/wooztalk

2009-03-22T11:19:15+00:00 www/xpi-googlevideoonwooztalk Meet your World Wide Web neighbors on Google Video
WoozTalk is a new innovative and free Internet service that let you see and
chat with anyone else visiting the same website, listening to the same music,
or watching the same video at the same time as you!

Thanks to this plugin, you can see and chat with people who are currently
watching the same video as you on Google Video.

Please install it thanks to the WoozTalk port in net-im/wooztalk

2009-03-22T11:13:23+00:00 www/xpi-deezeronwooztalk Meet your World Wide Web neighbors on Deezer
WoozTalk is a new innovative and free Internet service that let you see and
chat with anyone else visiting the same website, listening to the same music,
or watching the same video at the same time as you!

Thanks to this plugin, you can see and chat with people who are currently
listening to the same music as you on Deezer.

Please install it thanks to the WoozTalk port in net-im/wooztalk

2009-03-22T01:52:52+00:00 devel/p5-MouseX-AttributeHelpers Perl extension to extend your attribute interfaces
Extend your attribute interfaces

2009-03-21T09:41:29+00:00 devel/liblouis Open-source Braille Translator And Back-translator
Liblouis is an open-source braille translator and back-translator.
It features support for computer and literary braille, supports
contracted and uncontracted translation for many, many languages
and has support for hyphenation. New languages can easily be added
through tables that support a rule- or dictionary based approach.
Included are also tools for testing and debugging tables. Liblouis
also supports math braille (Nemeth and Marburg). The formatting of
braille is provided by the companion project liblouisxml.

2009-03-20T23:30:32+00:00 deskutils/plasma-applet-playwolf Amarok 2.x plasma applet for KDE4
PlayWolf is a plasma applet for KDE4 that allows you to control Amarok 2.x from
your desktop and view the song that is currently playing.

2009-03-20T12:14:02+00:00 www/py-recaptcha Plugin for reCAPTCHA and reCAPTCHA Mailhide
Provides a CAPTCHA for Python using the reCAPTCHA service. Does not require
any imaging libraries because the CAPTCHA is served directly from reCAPTCHA.
Also allows you to securely obfuscate emails with Mailhide. This functionality
requires pycrypto. This library requires two types of API keys. If you'd like
to use the CAPTCHA, you'll need a key from
For Mailhide, you'll need a key from

2009-03-20T09:24:48+00:00 lang/etoile-lkplugins Etoile Project LnguageKit Plugins
Etoile Project LnguageKit Plugins

2009-03-20T08:54:35+00:00 www/webservices Classes for building web services
A collection of classes for implementing web services in Objective-C

A collection of classes for making and/or parsing XMLRPC and SOAP requests.
This is intended to provide a framework for implementing web services,
so this release also contains initial support for parsing/editing
web service definitions (WSDL).

LICENSE: LGPL2 or later

2009-03-19T21:36:13+00:00 textproc/p5-XML-Bare Minimal XML Parser
p5-XML-Bare is a minimal XML parser, schema checker and pretty-printer
using C internally.

2009-03-19T16:33:06+00:00 sysutils/dae List and control system daemon
The dae program is used to list all daemon control scripts installed
within the rc.d system. It may also be used to execute any of these
scripts with the parameters provided.
2009-03-19T14:50:11+00:00 graphics/p5-GD-Graph-histogram Histogram plotting module for perl5
GD::Graph::histogram extends the GD::Graph module to create histograms. The
module allow creation of count or percentage histograms.

2009-03-19T12:00:29+00:00 security/qca-gnupg QCA GnuPG plugin
QCA aims to provide a straightforward and cross-platform crypto API,
using Qt datatypes and conventions.

This port installs GnuPG plugin.

2009-03-19T12:00:09+00:00 security/qca-cyrus-sasl QCA Cyrus SASL plugin
QCA aims to provide a straightforward and cross-platform crypto API,
using Qt datatypes and conventions.

This port installs Cyrus SASL plugin.

2009-03-19T10:03:05+00:00 deskutils/plasma-applet-simpleweatherforecast Weather plasma applet for KDE4
One more weather plasmoid for KDE.

2009-03-19T00:22:01+00:00 audio/mumble Voice chat software primarily intended for use while gaming
Mumble is an open source, low-latency, high quality voice chat software
primarily intended for use while gaming.

2009-03-18T15:18:53+00:00 net/igmpproxy Multicast forwarding IGMP proxy
igmpproxy is a simple multicast routing daemon based on mrouted. It uses IGMP
forwarding to dynamically route multicast traffic.
Reqiures multicast forwarding enabled

2009-03-18T11:12:04+00:00 textproc/confget Read variables from INI-style configuration files
The confget utility examines a INI-style configuration file and retrieves
the value of the specified variables from the specified section.
Its intended use is to let shell scripts use the same INI-style
configuration files as other programs, to avoid duplication of data.

The confget utility may retrieve the values of one or more variables,
list all the variables in a specified section, list only those whose names
or values match a specified pattern (shell glob or regular expression), or
check if a variable is present in the file at all. It has a "shell-quoting"
output mode that quotes the variable values in a way suitable for passing
them directly to a Bourne-style shell.

2009-03-18T06:21:13+00:00 net-mgmt/check_multi Multi-purpose wrapper plugin for Nagios
check_multi is kind of a wrapper plugin which takes benefit of the
Nagios 3.x capability to display multiple lines of plugin output.
It calls multiple child plugins and displays their output in the
long_plugin_output. A summary is given in the standard plugin output.

Normally the child return code with the highest severity becomes the
parent (check_multi) plugin return code. But you can influence this
by specifying flexible state evaluation rules.

The configuration is very simple: a NRPE-stylish config file contains
a tag for each child plugin and then the check command line.

check_multi can cover complex Business Process Views - using a builtin
state evaluation mechanism. The second benefit is cluster monitoring
with no need for extra services. All you need is provided by check_multi.

2009-03-18T01:14:51+00:00 databases/p5-DBIx-Class-AsFdat Perl extension like CDBI::Plugin::AsFdat
DBIx::Class::AsFdat - like CDBI::Plugin::AsFdat.

2009-03-17T18:05:42+00:00 textproc/grc-aspell Aspell Ancient Greek dictionary
Aspell Ancient Greek dictionary.

2009-03-17T15:37:45+00:00 math/R-sp R Classes and Methods for Spatial Data
R-sp is a package that provides classes and methods for spatial
data. The classes document where the spatial location information
resides, for 2D or 3D data. Utility functions are provided, e.g.
for plotting data as maps, spatial selection, as well as methods
for retrieving coordinates, for subsetting, print, summary, etc.

2009-03-17T15:37:45+00:00 math/R-cran-sp R Classes and Methods for Spatial Data
R-sp is a package that provides classes and methods for spatial
data. The classes document where the spatial location information
resides, for 2D or 3D data. Utility functions are provided, e.g.
for plotting data as maps, spatial selection, as well as methods
for retrieving coordinates, for subsetting, print, summary, etc.

2009-03-17T14:53:05+00:00 devel/p5-Test-Declare Perl extension for declarative testing
Test::More and Test::Exception and Test::Deep wrapper module for
declarative testing.

2009-03-16T22:10:25+00:00 news/lottanzb pyGTK usenet frontend for hellanzb
LottaNZB is a graphical usenet frontend utilizing hellanzb
that simplifies the retrieval of binary news.

2009-03-16T21:50:13+00:00 devel/py-iniparse Accessing and Modifying INI files
iniparse is a INI parser for Python which is:
- Compatible with ConfigParser: Backward compatible implementations of
ConfigParser, RawConfigParser, and SafeConfigParser are included that are
API-compatible with the Python standard library.
- Preserves structure of INI files: Order of sections & options, indentation,
comments, and blank lines are preserved as far as possible when data is
- More convenient: Values can be accessed using dotted notation (,
or using container syntax (cfg['user']['name']).

It is very useful for config files that are updated both by users and by
programs, since it is very disorienting for a user to have her config file
completely rearranged whenever a program changes it. iniparse also allows making
the order of entries in a config file significant, which is desirable in
applications like image galleries.

2009-03-16T21:47:30+00:00 textproc/pystemmer Snowball Stemming Algorithms for Information Retrieval
PyStemmer provides access to efficient algorithms for calculating a
"stemmed" form of a word. This is a form with most of the common
morphological endings removed; hopefully representing a common
linguistic base form. This is most useful in building search engines
and information retrieval software; for example, a search with stemming
enabled should be able to find a document containing "cycling" given the
query "cycles".

PyStemmer provides algorithms for several (mainly european) languages,
by wrapping the libstemmer library from the Snowball project in a Python
module. It also provides access to the classic Porter stemming algorithm
for english: although this has been superceded by an improved algorithm,
the original algorithm may be of interest to information retrieval
researchers wishing to reproduce results of earlier experiments.

2009-03-16T21:46:57+00:00 databases/py-cmemcache Python API for memcached, a distributed memory cache daemon
Python extension for libmemcache, the C API to memcached. cmemcache API is the
same as python-memcache, so it is easy to replace python-memcache with
cmemcache, and vice versa.

2009-03-16T21:11:39+00:00 deskutils/gtg GTD organizer for the GNOME desktop environment
GTG is a personal organizer for the GNOME desktop environment,
it focuses on ease of use and flexibility, while keeping things

2009-03-16T20:43:17+00:00 emulators/gns3 Graphical Cisco network simulator
Graphical Cisco network simulator using Dynamips, Dynagen and Pemu.
Important notice: users have to provide their own Cisco IOS/IPS/PIX/ASA/JunOS
to use with GNS3.

2009-03-16T15:09:17+00:00 devel/pear-Date_Holidays_Japan Driver based class to calculate holidays in Japan
Date_Holidays helps you calculate the dates and titles of
holidays and other special celebrations. This is the
driver for calculating holidays in Japan.

2009-03-16T15:06:17+00:00 devel/pear-Date_Holidays_Italy Driver based class to calculate holidays in Italy
Date_Holidays helps you calculate the dates and titles of
holidays and other special celebrations. This is the
driver for calculating holidays in Italy.

2009-03-16T08:07:47+00:00 devel/py-fabric High level SSH command execution
Fabric is a high level Python library designed to execute shell commands
remotely over SSH, yielding useful Python objects in return.

It builds on top of Invoke (subprocess command execution and command-line
features) and Paramiko (SSH protocol implementation), extending their APIs
to complement one another and provide additional functionality.

2009-03-16T06:07:37+00:00 science/brian Clock-driven simulator for spiking neural networks
Brian is a simulator for spiking neural networks available on almost all
platforms. The motivation for this project is that a simulator should
not only save the time of processors, but also the time of scientists.

Brian is easy to learn and use, highly flexible and easily extensible.
The Brian package itself and simulations using it are all written in
the Python programming language, which is an easy, concise and highly
developed language with many advanced features and development tools,
excellent documentation and a large community of users providing support
and extension packages.

2009-03-15T20:54:04+00:00 databases/geoserver-mysql-plugin MySQL DataStore implementation for GeoServer
This port contains a MySQL DataStore implementation for GeoServer.

2009-03-15T19:52:04+00:00 devel/p5-FreeBSD-i386-Ptrace Perl module for ptrace on FreeBSD-i386
Perl module for ptrace(2). i386 arch only.

2009-03-15T19:41:56+00:00 textproc/p5-Solr Perl extension for interfacing with Solr
This module provides a set of methods for adding (updating) and deleting entries
in an existing solr server.

2009-03-15T19:11:43+00:00 www/p5-CGI-Session-ExpireSessions Perl module to delete expired CGI::Session-type sessions
CGI::Session::ExpireSessions is a pure Perl module.

It deletes CGI::Session-type sessions which have passed their use-by date.

It works with CGI::Session-type sessions in a database or in disk files,
but does not appear to work with CGI::Session::PureSQL-type sessions.

The recommended way to use this module is via method expire_sessions(),
which requires CGI::Session V 4 or later.

2009-03-15T17:17:59+00:00 editors/p5-Padre Perl Application Development and Refactoring Environment
Padre - Perl Application Development and Refactoring Environment

Padre is an Perl IDE that is simple to use for new Perl programmers
but also supports large multi-lingual and multi-technology projects.

Padre is written in Perl, runs on all three major desktop platforms (Windows,
Mac OS X and Unix/GTK), and is distributed under the perl license.

WARNING: Padre requires Perl with thread support built-in !

2009-03-15T17:17:33+00:00 devel/p5-Class-Unload Perl5 module for unloading classes
Unloads the given class by clearing out its symbol table and removing
it from %INC.


use Class::Unload;
use Class::Inspector;

use Some::Class;

Class::Unload->unload( 'Some::Class' );
Class::Inspector->loaded( 'Some::Class' ); # Returns false

require Some::Class; # Reloads the class

2009-03-15T17:17:04+00:00 textproc/p5-Text-FindIndent Perl5 module to heuristically determine the indent style of a file
This is an experimental distribution that attempts to intuit the underlying
indent "policy" for a text file (most likely a source code file).

2009-03-15T17:16:37+00:00 devel/p5-Class-XSAccessor-Array Perl5 module for unloading classes
The Class::XSAccessor::Array module implements fast XS accessors both
for getting at and setting an object attribute. Additionally, the module
supports mutators and simple predicates (has_foo() like tests
for definedness of an attributes). The module works only with objects that
are implemented as arrays.

A simple benchmark showed more than a factor of two performance advantage over
writing accessors in Perl.

2009-03-15T17:16:07+00:00 devel/p5-Devel-CheckOS Check currently running OS
Devel::CheckOS provides a more friendly interface to $^O, and also lets you
check for various OS "families" such as "Unix", which includes things like
Linux, Solaris, AIX etc.

2009-03-15T17:15:18+00:00 devel/p5-File-Find-Rule-VCS Exclude files and directories for Version Control Systems
Many tools need to be equally useful both on ordinary files, and on code that
has been checked out from revision control systems.

File::Find::Rule::VCS provides quick and convenient methods to exclude the
version control directories of several major Version Control Systems (currently
CVS, subversion, and Bazaar).

2009-03-15T17:14:59+00:00 devel/p5-File-ShareDir-PAR Perl5 File::ShareDir module with PAR support
File::ShareDir::PAR provides the same functionality as File::ShareDir but tries
hard to be compatible with PAR packaged applications.

The problem is, that the concept of having a distribution or module specific
share directory becomes a little hazy when you're loading everything from
a single file. PAR uses an @INC hook to intercept any attempt to load a module.
File::ShareDir uses the directory structure that is typically found in the
directories that are listed in @INC for storing the shared data. In a PAR
enviroment, this is not necessarily possible.

This module contains highly experimental code. If you want to load
modules from .par files using PAR and then access their shared directory
using File::ShareDir, you probably have no choice but to use it.

2009-03-15T17:14:30+00:00 devel/p5-Devel-Dumpvar Pure-OO reimplementation of
Devel::Dumpvar is a pure object-orientated reimplementation of the
script. This makes it much more versatile version to use for dumping information
to debug log files or other uses where is no need to reassemble the data.

2009-03-15T17:13:55+00:00 devel/p5-Module-Extract Base class for working with Perl distributions
Module::Extract is a convenience base class for creating module that work with
Perl distributions. Its purpose is to take care of the mechanisms of locating
and extracting a Perl distribution so that your module can do something specific
to the distribution.

This module was originally created to provide an abstraction for the extraction
logic for both Module::Inspector and Module::P4P and to allow additional
features to be added in the future without having to modify both of them,
because the general problem of "locate, download, and expand a distribution"
is one that is almost ideal for adding additional features down the line.

2009-03-15T17:13:27+00:00 devel/p5-Module-Manifest Parse and examine a Perl distribution MANIFEST file
Module::Manifest is a simple utility module created originally for use
in Module::Inspector. It allows you to load the MANIFEST file that comes
in a Perl distribution tarball, examine the contents, and perform some
simple tasks.

Granted, the functionality needed to do this is quite simple, but the Perl
distribution MANIFEST specification contains a couple of little idiosyncracies,
such as line comments and space-separated inline comments.

2009-03-15T17:13:00+00:00 devel/p5-Module-Inspector Integrated API for inspecting Perl distributions
Module::Inspector provides a wrapper around various modules used to read and
examine the different parts of a Perl module distribution tarball, and can
inspect a module unrolled on disk, in a repository checkout, or just look
directly inside a tarball. It also rovides a companion to the Class::Inspector
API for accessing information on class after installation.

2009-03-15T17:12:16+00:00 devel/p5-Module-Math-Depends Convenience object for manipulating module dependencies
This is a small convenience module created originally as part
of Module::Inspector but released separately, in the hope that people might
find it useful in other contexts.

2009-03-15T17:11:54+00:00 devel/p5-Test-Compile Check whether Perl module files compile correctly
Test::Compile lets you check the validity of a Perl module file or Perl script
file, and report its results in standard Test::Simple fashion.

2009-03-15T17:11:22+00:00 devel/p5-Parse-ErrorString-Perl Parse error messages from the Perl interpreter
Parse::ErrorString::Perl is a module for parsing Perl interpreter
error messages.

2009-03-15T17:11:18+00:00 databases/p5-ORLite Perl5 extremely light weight SQLite-specific ORM
ORLite is an object-relation system specifically tailored for SQLite that
follows many of the same principles as the ::Tiny series of modules and has
a design and feature set that aligns directly to the capabilities of SQLite.

2009-03-15T17:10:33+00:00 databases/p5-ORLite-Migrate Light weight SQLite-specific schema migration
ORLite::Migrate is a light weight single class Database Schema Migration
enhancement for ORLite. It provides a simple implementation of schema
versioning within the SQLite database using the built-in user_version pragma
(which is set to zero by default).

2009-03-15T17:10:00+00:00 x11-toolkits/p5-Wx Perl5 interface to the wxWidgets cross-platform GUI toolkit
wxPerl is an extension module allowing the creation of GUI (Graphical
User Interface) from Perl; it is built as a wrapper for the wxWidgets
C++ GUI toolkit.

2009-03-15T17:09:40+00:00 x11-toolkits/p5-Wx-Perl-ProcessStream Perl5 module to access IO of external processes via events
This module provides the STDOUT, STDERR and exit codes of asynchronously running
processes via events. It may be used for long running or blocking processes that
provide periodic updates on state via STDOUT. Simple IPC is possible via STDIN.

2009-03-15T17:09:14+00:00 x11-toolkits/p5-Alien-wxWidgets Perl5 module for building, finding and using wxWidgets binaries
Alien::wxWidgets can be used to detect and get configuration
settings from an installed wxWidgets.

2009-03-15T13:37:45+00:00 sysutils/fusefs-afuse File system automounting implemented in user-space using FUSE
Afuse is an automounting file system implemented in user-space
using FUSE. Afuse currently implements the most basic
functionality that can be expected by an automounter; that is it
manages a directory of virtual directories. If one of these virtual
directories is accessed and is not already automounted, afuse will
attempt to mount a filesystem onto that directory. If the mount
succeeds the requested access proceeds as normal, otherwise it will
fail with an error.

The advantage of using afuse over traditional automounters is that
afuse is designed to run entirely in user-space by individual users.
This way an automounting action can take advantage of the invoking
users environment, for example allowing access to an ssh-agent for
password-less sshfs mounts, or allowing access to a graphical
environment to get user input to complete a mount (i.e. popping up
a window asking for a password).

2009-03-14T22:49:42+00:00 multimedia/abby Front-end for c/clive
abby is a front-end for cclive and clive utilities that can
be used to download videos from Youtube and similar video

2009-03-14T18:29:23+00:00 devel/py-ctags Python bindings for ctags index file
Exuberant Ctags indexing python bindings

Exuberant Ctags supports indexing of many modern programming languages. Python
is a powerful scriptable dynamic language. Using Python to access Ctags index
file is a natural fit in extending an application's capability to examine
source code.

This project wrote a wrapper for readtags.c. I have been using the package in
a couple of projects and it has been shown that it could easily handle hundreds
source files.

2009-03-14T17:20:35+00:00 games/pysolfc Solitaire game, written in Python and the successor of PySol
PySolFC is a fork of PySol Solitaire containing more than 1000 solitaire card
games. Its features include modern look and feel, multiple cardsets and
tableau backgrounds, sound, unlimited undo, player statistics, a hint system,
demo games, a solitaire wizard, support for user written plug-ins, an
integrated HTML help browser, and lots of documentation.

2009-03-14T16:21:09+00:00 graphics/pdf2svg Convert PDF to SVG
Under Linux there aren't many freely available vector graphics editors and
as far as I know there are none that can edit EPS (encapsulated postscript)
and PDF (portable document format) files. I produce lots of these files in
my day-to-day work and I would like to be able to edit them. The best vector
graphics editor I have found so far is Inkscape but it only reads SVG
files... (Note: the upcoming v0.46 should be able to read PDFs!)

To overcome this problem I have written a very small utility to convert PDF
files to SVG files using Poppler and Cairo. Version 0.2.1 is available here
(with modifications by Matthew Flaschen and Ed Grace). This appears to work
on any PDF document that Poppler can read (try them in XPDF or Evince since
they both use Poppler).

So now it is possible to easily edit PDF documents with your favourite SVG
editor! One other alternative would be to use pstoedit but the commercial
SVG module costs (unsurprisingly!) and the free SVG module is not very good
at handling text...

2009-03-14T15:23:45+00:00 games/PySolFC Solitaire game, written in Python and the sucessor of PySol
PySolFC is a fork of PySol Solitaire containing more than 1000 solitaire card
games. Its features include modern look and feel, multiple cardsets and
tableau backgrounds, sound, unlimited undo, player statistics, a hint system,
demo games, a solitaire wizard, support for user written plug-ins, an
integrated HTML help browser, and lots of documentation.

2009-03-14T15:19:34+00:00 devel/hs-lazysmallcheck Library for demand-driven testing of Haskell programs
Lazy SmallCheck is a library for exhaustive, demand-driven testing of
Haskell programs. It is based on the idea that if a property holds for
a partially-defined input then it must also hold for all fully-defined
refinements of the that input. Compared to `eager' input generation as
in SmallCheck, Lazy SmallCheck may require significantly fewer
test-cases to verify a property for all inputs up to a given depth.

2009-03-14T15:19:34+00:00 devel/hs-lazysmallcheck-ghc A library for demand-driven testing of Haskell programs
Lazy SmallCheck is a library for exhaustive, demand-driven testing of
Haskell programs. It is based on the idea that if a property holds for
a partially-defined input then it must also hold for all fully-defined
refinements of the that input. Compared to `eager' input generation as
in SmallCheck, Lazy SmallCheck may require significantly fewer
test-cases to verify a property for all inputs up to a given depth.

2009-03-14T14:03:00+00:00 www/xpi-pencil Firefox addon to do GUI prototyping and simple sketching
Pencil is a free and opensource tool for making diagrams and GUI
prototyping that everyone can use.

Top features:

* Built-in stencils for diagraming and prototyping
* Multi-page document with background page
* On-screen text editing with rich-text supports
* PNG rasterizing
* Undo/redo supports
* Installing user-defined stencils
* Standard drawing operations: aligning, z-ordering, scaling, rotating...
* Cross-platforms
* Adding external objects
* And much more...

2009-03-14T13:58:38+00:00 net-im/qwit Qt4-based lightweight Twitter client
A Qt4-based lightweight Twitter client.

2009-03-14T13:58:38+00:00 net-im/qwit-devel Qt4-based lightweight Twitter client
A Qt4-based lightweight Twitter client.

2009-03-14T13:37:53+00:00 devel/p5-Test-Mock-LWP Easy mocking of LWP packages
Test::Mock::LWP provides easy mocking of LWP packages:
HTTP::Request, HTTP::Response, LWP and LWP::UserAgent.

2009-03-14T12:31:05+00:00 lang/s9fes Portable Scheme interpreter with a Unix interface
Scheme 9 from Empty Space is a portable R4RS Scheme interpreter with the
following features:

- Support for low-level Unix programming
- Cursor addressing with Curses
- Decimal-based floating point arithmetics
- Basic networking procedures
- Loads of useful library functions

2009-03-14T04:29:31+00:00 devel/p5-Test-TCP Perl extension for testing TCP program
Test::TCP is test utilities for TCP/IP program.

2009-03-13T23:29:48+00:00 devel/p5-local-lib Perl extension to create and use a local lib/ with PERL5LIB
This module provides a quick, convenient way of bootstrapping a
user-local Perl module library located within the user's home

It also constructs and prints out for the user the list of environment
variables using the syntax appropriate for the user's current shell
(as specified by the SHELL environment variable), suitable for
directly adding to one's shell configuration file.

2009-03-13T00:31:07+00:00 security/unhide Forensic tool to find hidden processes and TCP/UDP ports
Unhide is a forensic tool to find hidden processes and TCP/UDP ports by
rootkits / LKMs or by another hidden technique. It consists of two
programs: unhide and unhide-tcp.

unhide detects hidden processes through:
* Comparison of /proc vs /bin/ps output.
* Comparison of info gathered from /bin/ps with info gathered from.
* Syscalls (syscall scanning).
* Full PIDs space ocupation (PIDs bruteforcing).

unhide-tcp identifies TCP/UDP ports that are listening but not listed in
/bin/netstat by doing brute forcing of all TCP/UDP ports availables.

2009-03-12T19:21:04+00:00 databases/buzhug Pure-Python database engine
buzhug is a fast, pure-Python database engine, using a syntax that Python
programmers should find very intuitive.

The data is stored and accessed on disk (it is not an in-memory database);
the implementation has been designed to make all operations, and especially
selection, as fast as possible with an interpreted language.

The database is implemented as a Python iterator, yielding objects whose
attributes are the fields defined when the base is created ; therefore,
requests can be expressed as list comprehensions or generator expressions,
instead of SQL queries.

2009-03-12T16:52:33+00:00 devel/p5-Config-INI Simple .ini files emitter and parser for Perl
Simple .ini files emitter and parser for Perl.

2009-03-12T16:51:59+00:00 www/p5-App-Nopaste Easy access to any pastebin
This module aims to smooth out the differences between pastebins, and provides
redundancy: if one site doesn't work, it just tries a different one.

2009-03-12T16:51:02+00:00 devel/p5-Mixin-Linewise Write your linewise code for handles; this does the rest
With Mixin::Linewise::Readers and Mixin::Linewise::Writers, you can just write
a method to handle handles, and methods for handling strings and filenames are
added for you.

2009-03-12T16:49:15+00:00 graphics/p5-Geo-Gpx Perl Module to Create and Parse GPX Files
p5-Geo-Gpx is a perl module to Create and parse GPX files.

2009-03-12T16:45:48+00:00 www/p5-WWW-Nicovideo-Download Perl module of download FLV/MP4/SWF files from
Perl module of download FLV/MP4/SWF files from (Nico Nico Douga).

2009-03-12T16:45:48+00:00 www/p5-WWW-NicoVideo-Download Download FLV/MP4/SWF files from
Perl module of download FLV/MP4/SWF files from (Nico Nico Douga).

2009-03-12T16:41:31+00:00 textproc/pecl-wbxml PECL extension that provides WBXML conversion capabilities
This extension provides WBXML (Wireless Binary XML) conversion capabilities
using the libwbxml library, which can be found at

2009-03-12T04:03:16+00:00 net/pktanon Network trace anonymizer
PKtAnon performs network trace anonymization. It is highly configurable
and uses anonymization profiles. Anonymization profiles allow for
mapping of arbitrary anonymization primitives to protocol attributes,
thus providing high flexibility and easy usability. A huge number of
anonymization primitives and network protocols are supported and ready
to use for online and offline anonymization.

2009-03-11T16:53:57+00:00 devel/p5-B-Hooks-Parser Interface to perls parser variables
This module provides an API for parts of the perl parser. It can be
used to modify code while it's being parsed.

2009-03-11T16:53:26+00:00 devel/p5-B-OPCheck PL_check hacks using Perl callbacks
PL_check is an array indexed by opcode number (op_type) that contains
function pointers invoked as the last stage of optree compilation,
per op.

2009-03-11T16:43:37+00:00 textproc/p5-FormValidator-Lite Lightleight form validation library
FormValidator::Lite is a simple, fast implementation for form validation.

2009-03-11T16:43:11+00:00 www/p5-WWW-Pastebin-PastebinCom-Create Paste to from Perl
The module provides means of pasting large texts into
pastebin site.

2009-03-11T16:42:19+00:00 www/p5-WWW-Pastebin-RafbNet-Create Paste to from Perl
The module provides means of pasting large texts into
pastebin site.

2009-03-11T16:41:42+00:00 www/mahara Open source ePortfolio system
Mahara is an open source ePortfolio system with a flexible display framework.
Mahara, meaning 'think' or 'thought' in Te Reo M.ori, is user centred
environment with a permissions framework that enables different views of an
e-portfolio to be easily managed. Mahara also features a weblog, resume builder
and social networking system, connecting users and creating online learner

2009-03-11T16:40:48+00:00 net/p5-Net-Frame-Layer-IPv6 Perl encoding/decoding implementation of the IPv6 layer
This module implements the encoding and decoding of the IPv6 layer.

RFC: 2460

2009-03-11T16:40:07+00:00 net/p5-Net-Frame-Layer-ICMPv6 Perl encoding/decoding implementation of the ICMPv6 layer
These modules implement the encoding and decoding of the ICMPv6 layer.

RFCs: 2463, 2461, 2460

2009-03-11T10:31:49+00:00 devel/easygit Easy wrapper for git
Easy GIT is a single-file wrapper script for git, designed to make
git easy to learn and use.

2009-03-11T00:01:31+00:00 net/openistgt An iSCSI target for FreeBSD
This is an iSCSI target, it serves iSCSI protocol and provides
SCSI devices to the initiator (client).

2009-03-11T00:01:31+00:00 net/istgt iSCSI target for openSUSE/Debian/NetBSD/FreeBSD
This software (istgt) is the implementation of iSCSI target (refer to RFC3720
about iSCSI) for FreeBSD.

It includes iSCSI protocol processor and SPC-3 (SCSI Primary Commands - 3)
based logical unit emulation. You can easily create over 2TB storage for
iSCSI target. If necessary, you can configure to use multipath failover or
MCS failover.

2009-03-10T18:50:49+00:00 biology/p5-Bio-Graphics Generate GD Images of Bio::Seq Objects
p5-Bio-Graphics is a simple GD-based renderer (diagram drawer)
for DNA and protein sequences.

2009-03-10T15:21:08+00:00 databases/libgda4-jdbc Provides Java database Connector backend for the libgda4 library
2009-03-10T15:13:43+00:00 net-mgmt/p5-NetApp Perl interface to manage NetApp NAS devices
This package provides a suite of modules for managing NetApp's NAS
devices, commonly referred to as "filers".

This is the first public release of my NetApp Perl API, and although I
consider the code to be very stable, the API should be considered
experimental. The convention I will be following regarding
non-compatible API changes is as follows. I'm using a
major.minor.subminor release naming convention, and I will promise to
NOT make non-backwards compatible changes between subminor releases.

However, in order to allow the API to evolve, it is entirely possible
that non-backwards compatible changes will be made between minor
releases. IOW, the major.minor release numbers can be considered an
API version. Any changes to 1.1.0, 1.1.2, etc. must be backwards
compatible with the previous 1.1.* releases.

There is no guarantee that 1.2.0 will be 100% backwards compatible,
although such changes will be made only when justified. The author
does not believe in infinite backwards compatibility.

2009-03-10T07:45:27+00:00 security/monkeysphere Use the OpenPGP web of trust to verify ssh connections
SSH key-based authentication is tried-and-true, but it lacks a true
Public Key Infrastructure for key certification, revocation and
expiration. Monkeysphere is a framework that uses the OpenPGP web of
trust for these PKI functions. It can be used in both directions: for
users to get validated host keys, and for hosts to authenticate users.

2009-03-09T21:20:41+00:00 deskutils/plasma-applet-yawp KDE4 weather plasma applet
yaWP (Yet Another Weather Plasmoid) is a plasma applet for KDE4 that displays
weather information on your desktop.

2009-03-09T16:23:46+00:00 devel/bisoncpp LALR(1) parser generator that generates C++ classes
The program bisonc++ creates a C++ parser function and -class having a
cleaner setup than the code generated by Alain Coetmeur's bison++.
Furthermore, since bisonc++ more closely follows current-day ideas about
C++ programming its code is easier to read.

2009-03-09T16:22:04+00:00 devel/libbobcat Brokken's Own Base Classes And Templates
Bobcat is an acronym of `Brokken's Own Base Classes And Templates'. It
is a shared library implementing C++ classes that are frequently used in
software developed by Frank Brokken. Frank's existing programs will
depend on `bobcat' in the near future.

2009-03-09T16:15:06+00:00 devel/icmake Intelligent C-like Maker
Icmake is a hybrid between a 'make' utility and a 'shell script'
language. Originally, it was concocted to provide a useful tool for
automatic program maintenance and system administrative tasks on MS-DOS
platforms. Later on, Icmake was eventually ported to Unix platforms
(SCO and Linux). By now Icmake also runs on a HP-Unix platform.

2009-03-09T00:55:48+00:00 multimedia/phonon-xine The xine backend for Phonon
Phonon is multimedia framework for QT4/KDE4.
This port provides xine backend.

2009-03-09T00:55:48+00:00 multimedia/phonon-gstreamer GStreamer backend for Phonon
Phonon is the multimedia framework for KDE Software Compilation.
This port provides the GStreamer backend.

2009-03-08T23:28:40+00:00 devel/p5-Data-Localize Perl extension for alternate data localization API
Alternate Data Localization API.

2009-03-08T14:31:37+00:00 devel/rubygem-ditz Simple lightweight distributed issue tracker
Ditz is a simple, light-weight distributed issue tracker designed to
work with distributed version control systems like git, darcs,
Mercurial, and Bazaar.

It can also be used with centralized systems like SVN.

2009-03-08T13:57:27+00:00 net/torsocks Easy way to make any app work through Tor
This is new generation of TSOCKS.

Torsocks allows you to use most socks-friendly applications in
a safe way with Tor. It ensures that DNS requests are handled
safely and explicitly rejects UDP traffic from the application
you're using.

See also

2009-03-07T17:30:16+00:00 x11-wm/obpager Lightweight pager for netwm compatible window managers
OBPager is a lightweight pager designed
to be used with NetWM-compliant window
managers like OpenBox.

Unlike many other pagers out there,
OBPager has very few dependencies,
requiring only Xlib and glibc++
(no Gnome or KDE necessary).

2009-03-07T14:51:39+00:00 graphics/nvidia-texture-tools Texture Tools with support for DirectX 10 texture formats
The NVIDIA Texture Tools is a collection of image processing and
texture manipulation tools, designed to be integrated in game tools
and asset conditioning pipelines.

The primary features of the library are mipmap and normal map
generation, format conversion and DXT compression.

DXT compression is based on Simon Brown's squish library. The library
also contains an alternative GPU-accelerated compressor that uses
CUDA and is one order of magnitude faster.

2009-03-07T11:33:09+00:00 multimedia/libxspf XSPF parsing library
libxspf is a parser library for the XML Shareable Playlist Format
(XSPF). XSPF is an open format for playlists. The XSPF specification has
been written by Xiph.

2009-03-07T05:57:21+00:00 net/samba33 A free SMB and CIFS client and server for UNIX
Samba is an Open Source/Free Software suite that provides seamless file
and print services to SMB/CIFS clients.

Samba is freely available, unlike other SMB/CIFS implementations, and
allows for interoperability between Linux/Unix servers and Windows-based

2009-03-06T19:53:54+00:00 devel/cppcheck Static analysis of C/C++ code (GUI)
Cppcheck is a tool for static C/C++ code analysis, and it tries to
detect bugs that your compiler do not see. Checks for: memory leaks,
mismatching allocation-deallocation, buffer overrun, and many more.

Cppcheck is versatile. You can check non-standard code that includes
various compiler extensions, inline assembly code, etc.

The goal is no false positives.

2009-03-06T19:46:33+00:00 devel/hs-language-c Analysis and generation of C code
Language C is a Haskell library for the analysis and generation of C
code. It features a complete, well tested parser and pretty printer for
all of C99 and a large set of GNU extensions.

2009-03-06T19:46:33+00:00 devel/hs-language-c-ghc Analysis and generation of C code in Haskell
Language C is a Haskell library for the analysis and generation of C
code. It features a complete, well tested parser and pretty printer for
all of C99 and a large set of GNU extensions.

2009-03-06T19:43:59+00:00 sysutils/hidesvn Utility that uses LD_PRELOAD to hide .svn directories
hidesvn uses LD_PRELOAD to change readdir() and readdir_r() to hide .svn
entries from directories. This is useful when using tools like find(1)
and grep(1) to search through large source trees, like the FreeBSD SVN

2009-03-06T01:36:35+00:00 games/gnurobbo Reimplementation of LK Avalon's Robbo for the Atari XE/XL
GNU Robbo is a free open source reimplementation of LK Avalon's
Robbo for the Atari XE/XL from the late 1980s. The gameplay of the
original is faithfully reproduced with a few modifications :-

* Lives has been removed and suicide replaced with level restart
* Scoring has been removed: goal is level advancement
* Bear logic has been enhanced: fixed endlessly spinning bears

2009-03-05T22:55:11+00:00 www/p5-HTML-ExtractContent Perl extension for HTML content extractor with scoring heuristics
HTML::ExtractContent is a module for extracting content from HTML with
scoring heuristics.

It guesses which block of HTML looks like content according to scores
depending on the amount of punctuation marks and the lengths of non-tag

It also guesses whether content end in the block or continue to the next

2009-03-05T18:39:45+00:00 databases/mydumper MySQL Data Dumper
== What is mydumper? Why? ==

* Parallelism (hence, speed) and performance (avoids expensive character set
conversion routines, efficient code overall)
* Easier to manage output (separate files for tables, dump metadata, etc, easy
to view/parse data)
* Consistency - maintains snapshot across all threads, provides accurate master
and slave log positions, etc
* Manageability - supports PCRE for specifying database and tables inclusions
and exclusions

2009-03-04T22:19:16+00:00 astro/tangogps A comprehencive GPS mapping application
Tangogps is an easy to use, fast and lightweight mapping application for
use with or without GPS. By default tangoGPS uses map data from the
Openstreetmap project. Additionally a variety of other repositories
can be easily added.

The maps are automagically downloaded and cached for offline use while
you drag or zoom the map. Furthermore you can conveniently pre-cache
areas with tangoGPS.

Author: Marcus Bauer <>
2009-03-04T17:53:46+00:00 graphics/grafx2 Pixelart-oriented bitmap painting program
GrafX2 is a bitmap paint program inspired by the Amiga programs Deluxe Paint and
Brilliance. Specialized in 256-color drawing, it includes a very large number of
tools and effects that make it particularly suitable for pixel art, game
graphics, and generally any detailed graphics painted with a mouse.

2009-03-04T12:16:29+00:00 games/d2x-xl Community Unix port of Descent 2 Game
D2X-XL is a community modified version of Icculus's D2X port,
the original Unix port of Descent by Parallax software. It
contains many bug fixes and improvements since Icculus stopped
working on D2X.

You need to own the orignal game or download demo data

2009-03-03T05:44:51+00:00 www/p5-Gtk2-WebKit Web content engine library for Gtk2
WebKit is a web content engine, derived from KHTML and KJS from KDE, and used
primarily in Apple's Safari browser. It is made to be embedded in other
applications, such as mail readers, or web browsers.

It is able to display content such as HTML, SVG, XML, and others. It also
supports DOM, XMLHttpRequest, XSLT, CSS, Javascript/ECMAscript and more.

2009-03-02T23:50:32+00:00 lang/tcl-modules Tcl common modules
2009-03-02T16:31:59+00:00 sysutils/xfce4-settings Xfce 4 settings application
The settings manager allows you to configure every detail of your desktop

2009-03-02T16:29:48+00:00 x11/xfce4-conf D-Bus-based configuration storage system
D-Bus-based configuration storage system.

2009-03-02T16:28:30+00:00 x11/libxfce4menu Widgets library for the Xfce desktop environment
libxfce4ui is used to share commonly used Xfce widgets amoung the Xfce

2009-03-02T02:09:04+00:00 devel/p5-CHI Perl extension for unified cache interface
CHI provides a unified caching API, designed to assist a developer in
persisting data for a specified period of time.

The CHI interface is implemented by driver classes that support
fetching, storing and clearing of data. Driver classes exist or will
exist for the gamut of storage backends available to Perl, such as
memory, plain files, memory mapped files, memcached, and DBI.

CHI is intended as an evolution of DeWitt Clinton's Cache::Cache
package, adhering to the basic Cache API but adding new features and
addressing limitations in the Cache::Cache implementation.

2009-03-01T22:45:32+00:00 devel/p5-Hash-MoreUtils Perl extension to provide the stuff missing in Hash::Util
Provide the stuff missing in Hash::Util.

2009-03-01T16:47:57+00:00 www/p5-WordPress-XMLRPC Perl 5 API to WordPress XML-RPC services
Perl module to interract to a wordpress blog's xmlrpc.php file.

2009-03-01T15:29:50+00:00 devel/p5-SOAP-WSDL Perl module for SOAP with WSDL support
SOAP-WSDL provides a SOAP client with WSDL support.

2009-03-01T14:20:18+00:00 www/rubygem-addressable Replacement for the URI implementation
Addressable is a replacement for the URI implementation that is part of Ruby's
standard library. It more closely conforms to the relevant RFCs and adds support
for IRIs and URI templates.

2009-03-01T14:18:06+00:00 multimedia/gnome-mplayer GNOME frontend for MPlayer
GNOME MPlayer is a simple GUI for MPlayer. It is intended to be a nice tight
player and provide a simple and clean interface to MPlayer. GNOME MPlayer has
a rich API that is exposed via DBus. Using DBus you can control a single or
multiple instances of GNOME MPlayer from a single command.

The player can be used to play media on websites
when used with Gecko Mediaplayer

2009-03-01T12:56:04+00:00 x11-fonts/stix-fonts OpenType Unicode fonts for Scientific, Technical, and Math texts
The mission of the Scientific and Technical Information Exchange (STIX) font
project is the creation of a comprehensive set of fonts that serve the
scientific and engineering communities.

2009-02-28T20:52:06+00:00 databases/libgda4-bdb Provides Berkeley DB backend for the libgda4 library
2009-02-28T20:01:17+00:00 finance/openerp Open source application ERP & CRM in Python using Postgresql
OpenERP is a complete ERP and CRM. The main features are accounting
(analytic and financial), stock management, sales and purchases
management, tasks automation, marketing campaigns, help desk, POS, etc.
Technical features include a distributed server, flexible workflows, an
object database, a dynamic GUI, customizable reports, and XML-RPC

2009-02-28T20:01:17+00:00 finance/openerp-server Open source application ERP & CRM in Python using Postgresql
OpenERP is a complete ERP and CRM. The main features are accounting
(analytic and financial), stock management, sales and purchases
management, tasks automation, marketing campaigns, help desk, POS, etc.
Technical features include a distributed server, flexible workflows, an
object database, a dynamic GUI, customizable reports, and XML-RPC

2009-02-28T19:58:19+00:00 science/psychopy Psychophysics toolkit for Python
PsychoPy is an open-source package for creating psychology stimuli in
Python (A real and free alternative to Matlab). PsychoPy combines the
graphical strengths of OpenGL with the easy Python syntax to give
psychophysics a free and simple stimulus presentation and control

The goal is to provide, for the busy scientist, tools to control timing
and windowing and a simple set of pre-packaged stimuli and methods. The
code is platform independent, using Python and C libraries that are
widely available.

2009-02-28T19:57:35+00:00 databases/openark-kit Common utilities for MySQL
The openark kit is a set of utilities for MySQL. They solve everyday
maintenance tasks, which may be complicated or time consuming to work
by hand.

2009-02-28T19:47:30+00:00 devel/p5-Class-Std-Fast Faster but less secure than Class::Std
This module provides a faster but less secure version of Class::Std.

2009-02-28T05:13:58+00:00 net-im/telepathy-farsight Farsight Connection Manager for Telepathy Framework
Farsight is a video conferencing connection manager for the Telepathy
framework. Install this package to use Telepathy instant messaging clients
with Farsight/Nice servers.

2009-02-28T05:12:56+00:00 net-im/farsight2 Collection of GStreamer modules and libraries for videoconferencing
Farsight 2 is a collection of GStreamer modules and libraries for

2009-02-28T05:11:32+00:00 net-im/libnice Library and transmitter that implements ICE-19
Libnice is a library and a transmitter that does ICE (as defined in the ICE-19
draft), as well as Google Talk and MSN compatible ICE-like protocols.

2009-02-27T22:21:26+00:00 www/mod_dnssd Apache module that provides DNS-SD capabilities
mod_dnssd is an Apache HTTPD module which adds Zeroconf support via DNS-SD
using Avahi.

2009-02-27T15:37:21+00:00 www/py-WebTest Helper to test WSGI applications
py-WebTest is a helper to test WSGI applications, it wraps any WSGI application
and makes it easy to send test requests to that application, without starting up
an HTTP server. It provides convenient full-stack testing of applications
written with any WSGI-compatible framework.

2009-02-27T15:33:28+00:00 textproc/py-Tempita Small templating language for text substitutions
Tempita is a small templating language for text substitution.
This isn't meant to be the Next Big Thing in templating; it's
just a handy little templating language for when your project
outgrows string.Template or % substitution. It's small, it
embeds Python in strings, and it doesn't do much else.

2009-02-27T15:28:38+00:00 www/py-WebError Web Error handling and exception catching
py-WebError is a python module for web error handling and
exception catching.

2009-02-27T15:27:31+00:00 www/py-Tempita A very small text templating language
Tempita is a small templating language for text substitution.
This isn't meant to be the Next Big Thing in templating; it's
just a handy little templating language for when your project
outgrows string.Template or % substitution. It's small, it
embeds Python in strings, and it doesn't do much else.

2009-02-27T10:24:48+00:00 devel/py-pytemplate Pytemplate gives python developers a starting framework
Pytemplate is a small project intending to give python developpers a starting
framework. It permits to create properly scripts without struggling with
configuration files, logging properties development. They are already available
through a main class that the new script will inherit.

2009-02-27T07:20:38+00:00 devel/p5-Test-LoadAllModules Perl extension to do use_ok for modules in search path
Do use_ok for modules in search path.

2009-02-27T05:31:08+00:00 net/libproxy-webkit WebKit JavaScript plug-in for libproxy
Libproxy exists to answer the question: Given a network resource, how do I
reach it? It handles all the details, enabling you to get back to

This plug-in allows the WebKit web browser to make use of libproxy.

2009-02-27T05:30:08+00:00 net/libproxy-mozjs Mozilla JavaScript plug-in for libproxy
Libproxy exists to answer the question: Given a network resource, how do I
reach it? It handles all the details, enabling you to get back to

This plug-in allows Mozilla-based browsers to make use of libproxy.

2009-02-27T05:29:07+00:00 net/libproxy-kde KDE plug-in for libproxy
Libproxy exists to answer the question: Given a network resource, how do I
reach it? It handles all the details, enabling you to get back to

This plug-in allows the KDE Desktop to make use of libproxy.

2009-02-27T05:28:08+00:00 net/libproxy-gnome GConf-based plug-in for libproxy
Libproxy exists to answer the question: Given a network resource, how do I
reach it? It handles all the details, enabling you to get back to

This plug-in allows libproxy to obtain proxy settings from a GNOME2 desktop
by using GConf.

2009-02-27T05:26:27+00:00 net/libproxy Library that provides automatic proxy configuration management
Libproxy exists to answer the question: Given a network resource, how do I
reach it? It handles all the details, enabling you to get back to

GNOME? KDE? Command line? WPAD? PAC? Network changed? It doesn't matter!
Just ask libproxy what proxy to use: you get simple code and your users
get correct, consistant behavior and broad infrastructure compatibility.

2009-02-27T02:17:54+00:00 devel/rubygem-gdata Assist Ruby developers in working with Google Data APIs
Motivated by the ferocious appetite of our developers and the
enduring popularity of Ruby on Rails (RoR).
It's not a full-blown client library, but it does handle the
fundamentals like authentication and basic XML manipulation.
It also requires you to work directly with the Atom feed using
the REXML module and XPath.

2009-02-26T22:02:03+00:00 comms/esmska Program for sending SMS over the Internet
Esmska is a cross-platform application for sending GSM SMS over the Internet.
It uses publicly available web gateways and sends messages through them. This
way it can be much more comfortable than using a web browser or a mobile phone.

* Send SMS through various gateways (local or international, free or paid)
* Supports all common operating systems (Linux, Windows, Mac OS, etc.)
* Free, under open-source licence GNU AGPL3+
* Import contacts from vCard files or third-party programs (DreamCom)
* Send SMS to multiple recipients at once
* History of sent messages
* Pluggable gateway system - easy to provide support for more gateways
directly by users
* Extensive possibilities of changing appearance
* Many other planned features

2009-02-26T16:05:39+00:00 devel/p5-Parse-CPAN-Meta Parse META.yml and other similar CPAN metadata files
Parse::CPAN::Meta is a parser for META.yml files, based on the
parser half of YAML::Tiny. It supports a basic subset of the full
YAML specification, enough to implement parsing of typical META.yml
files, and other similarly simple YAML files.

2009-02-26T15:05:58+00:00 sysutils/DTraceToolkit Collection of useful scripts for DTrace
The DTraceToolkit is a collection of useful documented scripts developed
by the DTrace community and maintained as part of Open DTrace.

2009-02-26T12:10:14+00:00 devel/nemiver C/C++ Debugger for GNOME
Nemiver is an on-going effort to write a standalone graphical debugger that
integrates well in the GNOME desktop environment. It currently features a
backend which uses the well known GNU Debugger gdb to debug C / C++ programs.

2009-02-26T11:10:15+00:00 net/p5-POE-Component-Server-Twirc Twitter/IRC gateway
POE::Component::Server::Twirc provides an IRC/Twitter gateway.
Twitter friends are added to a channel and messages they post on
twitter appear as channel messages in IRC. The IRC interface supports
several Twitter features, including posting status updates, following
and un-following Twitter feeds, enabling and disabling device
notifications, sending direct messages, and querying information
about specific Twitter users.

2009-02-25T14:43:45+00:00 archivers/ocaml-bz2 OCaml library to manipulate bz2 files
CamlBZ2 provides OCaml bindings for libbz2 (AKA bzip2), a popular compression
library which typically compresses better (i.e., smaller resulting files) than

Using CamlBZ2 you can read and write compressed "files", where files can be
anything offering an in_channel/out_channel abstraction (files, sockets, ...).

Also, with CamlBZ2 you can compress and decompress strings in memory using the
bzip2 compression algorithm.

2009-02-25T12:55:16+00:00 devel/p5-MooseX-Log-Log4perl Logging role for Moose based on Log::Log4perl
A logging role building a very lightweight wrapper to Log::Log4perl
for use with your Moose classes.

2009-02-25T12:13:30+00:00 devel/p5-MooseX-SimpleConfig Moose role for setting attributes from a simple configfile
This role loads simple configfiles to set object attributes. It is
based on the abstract role MooseX::ConfigFromFile, and uses Config::Any
to load your configfile. Config::Any will in turn support any of a
variety of different config formats, detected by the file extension.
See Config::Any for more details about supported formats.

2009-02-25T09:53:20+00:00 textproc/p5-Text-Truncate Perl module with simple string truncating routine
This is a simple, no-brainer subroutine to truncate a string and
add an optional cutoff marker (defaults to ``...'').

2009-02-25T09:44:46+00:00 www/p5-LWP-UserAgent-POE Drop-in LWP::UserAgent replacement in POE environments
LWP::UserAgent::POE is a subclass of LWP::UserAgent and works well
in a POE environment. It is a drop-in replacement for LWP::UserAgent
in systems that are already using LWP::UserAgent synchronously and
want to play nicely with POE.

2009-02-24T20:56:43+00:00 astro/josm Comprehensive editor for database
JOSM is the "Java OpenStreetMap Editor". It is a feature-rich editor for the
experienced OSM mapper. It requires some configuration efforts. But if you
intend to become a great OSM mapper, it's worth the time you need to get
used to it.

2009-02-24T17:26:48+00:00 multimedia/moonlight OpenSource Implementation of Silverlight
Moonlight is a free and open-source implementation of the Silverlight
web application framework which was originally developed by Microsoft.
Moonlight is currently being developed by the Mono Project

2009-02-24T14:22:01+00:00 hebrew/geresh A Hebrew console based text edtior
Geresh is a multi lingual text editor, but there are a few features
for the benefit of users of Hebrew and Arabic, such as: the ability
to display the signs point the Hebrew / Arabic (dash Hebrew) as an
alternative, convenient editing of characters in the format of the
BiDi (such as RLM, LRM), an alternative algorithm Greek paragraphs
to set the emulation of the Hebrew keyboard.
2009-02-23T21:39:59+00:00 devel/p5-Test-POE-Server-TCP POE Component providing TCP server services for test cases
Test::POE::Server::TCP is a POE component that provides a TCP server
framework for inclusion in client component test cases, instead of
having to roll your own.

2009-02-23T20:58:38+00:00 textproc/p5-EBook-Tools Object class for manipulating and generating E-books
EBook-Tools contains a library and a command-line tool for unpacking,
creating, correcting, and repacking electronic books.

Current unpacking support is limited to PalmDoc and Mobipocket and
generation is limited to EPub. The metadata correction tools are
quite extensive, however. For more details, see the POD information
on EBook::Tools and EBook::Tools::Unpack.

2009-02-23T20:18:45+00:00 science/py-netCDF4 Python Interface to the NetCDF Library (versions 3 and 4)
netCDF version 4 has many features not found in earlier versions of the
library and is implemented on top of HDF5. This module can read and
write files in both the new netCDF 4 and the old netCDF 3 format, and
can create files that are readable by HDF5 clients. The API modelled
after Scientific.IO.NetCDF, and should be familiar to users of that

Many new features of netCDF 4 are implemented, such as multiple
unlimited dimensions, groups and zlib data compression. All the new
primitive data types (such as 64 bit and unsigned integer types) are
implemented, except variable-length strings (NC_STRING). User defined
data types (compound, vlen, enum etc.) are not supported.

2009-02-23T13:04:18+00:00 misc/freebsd-doc-zh_tw Traditional Chinese translation of the FreeBSD Documentation Project
2009-02-23T13:04:18+00:00 misc/freebsd-doc-zh_cn Simplified Chinese translation of the FreeBSD Documentation Project
2009-02-23T13:04:18+00:00 misc/freebsd-doc-tr Turkish translation of the FreeBSD Documentation Project
2009-02-23T13:04:18+00:00 misc/freebsd-doc-sr Serbian translation of the FreeBSD Documentation Project
2009-02-23T13:04:18+00:00 misc/freebsd-doc-ru Russian translation of the FreeBSD Documentation Project
2009-02-23T13:04:18+00:00 misc/freebsd-doc-pt Portuguese translation of the FreeBSD Documentation Project
2009-02-23T13:04:18+00:00 misc/freebsd-doc-pl Polish translation of the FreeBSD Documentation Project
2009-02-23T13:04:18+00:00 misc/freebsd-doc-nl Dutch translation of the FreeBSD Documentation Project
2009-02-23T13:04:18+00:00 misc/freebsd-doc-mn Mongolian translation of the FreeBSD Documentation Project
2009-02-23T13:04:18+00:00 misc/freebsd-doc-ja Japanese translation of the FreeBSD Documentation Project
2009-02-23T13:04:18+00:00 misc/freebsd-doc-it Italian translation of the FreeBSD Documentation Project
2009-02-23T13:04:18+00:00 misc/freebsd-doc-hu Hungarian translation of the FreeBSD Documentation Project
2009-02-23T13:04:18+00:00 misc/freebsd-doc-fr French translation of the FreeBSD Documentation Project
2009-02-23T13:04:18+00:00 misc/freebsd-doc-es Spanish translation of the FreeBSD Documentation Project
2009-02-23T13:04:18+00:00 misc/freebsd-doc-en Documentation from the FreeBSD Documentation Project
The whole documentation set from the FreeBSD Documentation Project:
Handbook, FAQ, articles and more.
2009-02-23T13:04:18+00:00 misc/freebsd-doc-el Greek translation of the FreeBSD Documentation Project
2009-02-23T13:04:18+00:00 misc/freebsd-doc-de German translation of the FreeBSD Documentation Project
2009-02-23T13:04:18+00:00 misc/freebsd-doc-da Danish translation of the FreeBSD Documentation Project
2009-02-23T13:04:18+00:00 misc/freebsd-doc-bn Bengali translation of the FreeBSD Documentation Project
2009-02-23T13:04:18+00:00 misc/freebsd-doc-all Documentation from the FreeBSD Documentation Project
A meta-port to install all language versions of the whole documentation
set from the FreeBSD Documentation Project: Handbook, FAQ, articles and
2009-02-23T12:47:00+00:00 print/p5-PostScript Produce PostScript files from Perl
PostScript allows you to write PostScript files from Perl.
It has graphics primitives that allow lines, circles and boxes to be drawn.

2009-02-23T04:46:40+00:00 editors/texmakerx LaTeX IDE derived from Texmaker
TexmakerX is a plain fork of the Free LaTeX IDE Texmaker. The editor
itself has been replaced with the more powerful QCodeEdit library,
giving you a lot of extended ways to write your documents. TexmakerX
extends the Texmaker editor to add new features like interactive
spellchecking and code folding.

2009-02-23T03:15:29+00:00 java/openjdk6 Oracle's Java 6 virtual machine release under the GPL v2
OpenJDK is an open-source implementation of the Java Platform, Standard Edition.

Much of the OpenJDK code is licensed under the GPL version 2 with the
Classpath exception. The Java Hotspot virtual machine source code is
licensed under the GPL version 2 only.

2009-02-23T01:56:56+00:00 devel/p5-Any-Moose Perl extension for/to use Moose or Mouse modules
use Moose or Mouse modules

2009-02-23T00:56:23+00:00 java/icedtea6-stubs IcedTea6 binary plugs for openjdk
Icedtea is part of gnu classpath project and is an implementation
of the binary plugs, that Sun is unable to release under the GNUv2 license.
This in combination with openjdk6 or openjdk7 makes a completely legally
distributable version of Java

2009-02-22T22:41:40+00:00 x11-toolkits/unique Library for single instance applications
Unique is a library for writing single instance application. If you launch a
single instance application twice, the second instance will either just quit
or will send a message to the running instance.

Unique makes it easy to write this kind of applications, by providing a base
class, taking care of all the IPC machinery needed to send messages to a
running instance, and also handling the startup notification side.

Unique aims to replace the BaconMessageConnection code that has been copied
by many projects and the code using Bonobo and D-Bus.

2009-02-22T15:08:35+00:00 games/lander Lunar Lander clone
This is a Lunar Lander clone written in C++ and OpenGL. Use the
arrow keys to move the ship and avoid crashing into obstacles.
Collect all the spinning keys and then land the ship on one of the
landing pads. The levels are randomly generated and become
progressively harder.

2009-02-22T07:35:23+00:00 www/p5-HTML-StickyQuery-DoCoMoGUID Perl extension to add guid in query for DoCoMo imode
HTML::StickyQuery::DoCoMoGUID - add guid in query for DoCoMo imode.

2009-02-22T07:23:40+00:00 www/p5-HTTP-MobileAgent-Plugin-Charset Perl extension to plugin Encode::JP::Mobile for HTTP::MobileAgent
HTTP::MobileAgent::Plugin::Charset is a plugin of HTTP::MobileAgent.

You can detect encoding. The result can use with Encode::JP::Mobile.

2009-02-22T02:04:25+00:00 devel/p5-boolean Boolean support for Perl
Most programming languages have a native "Boolean" data type. Perl
does not.

Perl has a simple and well known Truth System. The following scalar
values are false:

@false = (undef, 0, 0.0, '', '0');

Every other scalar value is true.

This module provides basic Boolean support, by defining two special
objects: "true" and "false".

2009-02-21T19:01:07+00:00 devel/ptlib26 A cross platform C++ library, used by OPAL
PWLib is a multi-platform code library that can be used to write
applications that will compile and run on the BSD Unixes, Windows, Linux
and a few other Unix variants. It was developed by Equivalence Ltd Pty.

It is used by the OPAL library.

2009-02-21T19:01:07+00:00 devel/ptlib Cross platform C++ library, used by OPAL
PWLib is a multi-platform code library that can be used to write
applications that will compile and run on the BSD Unixes, Windows, Linux
and a few other Unix variants. It was developed by Equivalence Ltd Pty.

It is used by the OPAL library.

2009-02-21T02:08:17+00:00 x11-drivers/xf86-video-nouveau Free nouveau display driver for nvidia-based cards
nouveau is an X.Org Foundation and project which was
initially based on the obfuscated 2D-only free and open source "nv"
driver, aiming to develop free software drivers for NVIDIA graphics
cards, by reverse engineering NVIDIA's current proprietary drivers for

2009-02-20T02:46:17+00:00 www/p5-HTTP-Engine-Middleware Perl extension for official distribution of HTTP::Engine
HTTP::Engine::Middleware is official middlewares distribution of

2009-02-20T02:32:49+00:00 devel/p5-Test-Most Perl extension for most commonly needed test functions and features
Most commonly needed test functions and features.

2009-02-19T06:47:09+00:00 www/rubygem-httparty Ruby Library that Makes HTTP Fun Again
httparty is a Ruby library that makes HTTP fun again!

Its features:
* Easy get, post, put, delete requests
* Basic http authentication
* Default request query string parameters (i.e. for API keys that are needed on
each request)
* Automatic parsing of JSON and XML into ruby hashes based on response

2009-02-19T06:41:43+00:00 www/rubygem-activeresource Coherent wrapper object-relational mapping for REST web services
Active Resource

Active Resource attempts to provide a coherent wrapper object-relational
mapping for REST web services. It follows the same philosophy as
Active Record, in that one of its prime aims is to reduce the amount of
code needed to map to these resources. This is made possible by relying
on a number of code- and protocol-based conventions that make it easy for
Active Resource to infer complex relations and structures.

These conventions are outlined in detail in the documentation
for ActiveResource::Base.

2009-02-18T23:07:57+00:00 comms/dfu-util Device firmware update (DFU) USB programmer
dfu-util is a program that implements the host (PC) side of the USB DFU
(Universal Serial Bus Device Firmware Upgrade) protocol.

In the OpenMoko project (for example), this program is used to communicate
with the specially enhanced u-boot boot loader, which implements the DFU
device side.

2009-02-18T18:01:40+00:00 math/qtoctave Qt 4 frontend for Octave
QtOctave is a Qt4 based front-end for Octave.

2009-02-18T15:35:11+00:00 www/mod_authn_sasl Allows user authentication based on libsasl2 mechanisms on apache 2.2
This module provides the mod_auth_basic authentication front-end a way to
authenticate users by checking credentials via the Cyrus SASL library.
This may be interesting for setups where other daemons (e.g. for SMTP, IMAP or
LDAP) already running at a machine use SASL to authenticate users.

2009-02-18T01:40:24+00:00 databases/py-pytc Tokyo Cabinet Python bindings
Tokyo Cabinet Python bindings

2009-02-17T23:31:28+00:00 deskutils/q4wine QT4 front-end for WINE
Q4wine is an Qt4 ( GUI for wine (
It will help you to manage wine prefixes and installed applications.

General features:
- Exports QT color theme into wine colors settings
- Works with different wine versions at same time
- Creates, deletes and manages prefixes (WINEPREFIX)
- Easy controlling wine process
- Autostart icons support
- Easy CD image usage
- Supports extraction of icons from PE files (.exe, .dll)
- Easy backup and restore for managed prefixes
- Winetricks support
- More

2009-02-16T20:11:30+00:00 x11-toolkits/py-pyqwt Python Bindings for the Qwt Class Library
PyQwt is a set of Python bindings for the Qwt C++ class library which
extends the Qt framework with widgets for scientific and engineering
applications. It provides a widget to plot 2-dimensional data and
various widgets to display and control bounded or unbounded floating
point values.

PyQwt addresses the problem of integrating PyQt, Qt, Qwt, NumPy and
optionally SciPy. Look at the Command Line Interface (CLI) examples and
the Graphical User Interface (GUI) examples to get an idea of what you
can do with PyQwt.

2009-02-16T09:43:04+00:00 mail/rmilter Milter that performs rspamd, clamav, and other checks
Rmilter is a milter that makes greylisting, rate limiting,
clamav, spamd, spf, regexp and other checks for incoming e-mail.

2009-02-15T23:55:59+00:00 devel/py-itools Python library Provides Wide Range Of Capabilities
The itools library offers a collection of packages covering
a wide range of capabilities. Including support for many file
formats (XML, CSV, HTML, etc.), a virtual file system (itools.vfs),
the simple template language (STL), an index and search engine,
and much more.

2009-02-15T21:23:29+00:00 editors/tweak Efficient hex editor
Tweak is a hex editor. It allows you to edit a file at very low level,
letting you see the full and exact binary contents of the file. It can be
useful for modifying binary files such as executables, editing disk or
CD images, debugging programs that generate binary file formats incorrectly,
and many other things.

2009-02-15T21:05:50+00:00 databases/p5-Amazon-SimpleDB Low-level perlish interface for working with Amazon SimpleDB service
Amazon::SimpleDB provides a "low-level" perlish interface for working with
Amazon's SimpleDB (SMB) service.

2009-02-15T21:05:12+00:00 www/p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-ConfigAuto Plugin that adds Config::Auto support to CGI::Application
CGI::Application::Plugin::ConfigAuto adds easy access to config file
variables to your CGI::Application modules. Lazy loading is used to
prevent the config file from being parsed if no configuration variables
are accessed during the request.

The format is detected automatically using Config::Auto. It is known to
support the following formats: colon separated, space separated, equals
separated, XML, Perl code, and Windows INI. See that modules
documentation for complete details.

2009-02-15T20:24:21+00:00 net/p5-ZConf-BGSet Background management utitility and Perl module that uses ZConf
A versitile background setter supporting random backgrounds
that uses ZConf as the setting storage backend.

zbgset - Background setter.
zbgset-admin - Manages the settings.

2009-02-15T20:24:21+00:00 deskutils/p5-ZConf-BGSet Background management utility and Perl module that uses ZConf
A versitile background setter supporting random backgrounds
that uses ZConf as the setting storage backend.

zbgset - Background setter.
zbgset-admin - Manages the settings.
zbgset-pt - Automatically populate a path based on fill type
and average gray.

2009-02-15T20:09:41+00:00 archivers/py-liblzma Python binding for the LZMA compression library
Python module implementing LZMA Utils' liblzma API

PylibLZMA provides a python interface for the liblzma
library to read and write data that has been compressed
or can be decompressed by Lasse Collin's LZMA Utils.

2009-02-15T14:49:59+00:00 sysutils/p5-Unix-Lsof Perl wrapper for Unix lsof(8) utility
This is a port of Unix::Lsof, a perl wrapper around the UNIX lsof

2009-02-15T13:19:19+00:00 multimedia/clive-utils Passwords, RSS parsing, and link extraction for clive
clive-utils contains additional utilities that can be used together with
clive(1) (Historically, these utilities were part of clive(1) 1.x and were
written in Python/Newt; they have now been rewritten in Perl/Tk to replace
the features that were removed in clive 2.0):

-clivefeed(1), a utility that parses RSS feeds containing video page links
and uses clive(1) to extract them;

-clivescan(1), a utility that scans video pages for video links and uses
clive(1) to extract them; and

-clivepass(1), a utility that can be used to create and change passwords
for websites used by clive(1). The passwords are encrypted and
saved along with the username information. Access is restricted
by using a global passphrase.

2009-02-14T22:58:55+00:00 www/py-qt4-webkit Python bindings for the Qt4 toolkit, QtWebKit module
PyQt4 is a set of Python bindings for Digia's Qt4 application framework.
This package provides the QtWebKit module.

2009-02-14T22:58:55+00:00 textproc/py-qt4-xmlpatterns Python bindings for the Qt4 toolkit, QtXmlPatterns module
PyQt4 is a set of Python bindings for Digia's Qt4 application framework.
This package provides the QtXmlPatterns module.

2009-02-14T22:58:55+00:00 multimedia/py-qt4-phonon Python bindings for the Qt4 toolkit, Phonon module
PyQt4 is a set of Python bindings for Digia's Qt4 application framework.
This package provides the Phonon module.

2009-02-14T22:58:55+00:00 devel/py-qt4-help Python bindings for the Qt4 toolkit, QtHelp module
PyQt4 is a set of Python bindings for Digia's Qt4 application framework.
This package provides the QtHelp module.

2009-02-14T22:54:45+00:00 audio/celt The CELT ultra-low delay audio codec
The CELT codec is an experimental audio codec for use in low-delay
speech and audio communication. It's meant to close the gap between
Vorbis and Speex for applications where both high quality audio
and low delay are desired.

2009-02-14T19:32:30+00:00 sysutils/fio FIO - flexible IO tester
Fio is an I/O testing tool that will spawn a number of threads or
processes doing a particular type of I/O action as specified by
the user. Fio can be driven by a 'job file' describing the I/O
load one wants to simulate.

2009-02-14T19:25:53+00:00 emulators/dynagui GUI frontend to the dynamips router simulator
Dynagui is a GUI frontend to the dynamips Cisco 7200/36XX router
simulator. It uses the dyna-gen library in order to communicate
with the dynamips hypervisor.

2009-02-14T11:21:55+00:00 www/xpi-twitterfox twitterFox firefox plugin
TwitterFox is a Firefox extension that notifies you of your friends'
status on Twitter.

2009-02-13T23:36:51+00:00 security/hotssh HotSSH is an interface to Secure Shell, for GNOME and OpenSSH
HotSSH is an interface to Secure Shell, for GNOME and OpenSSH. It
intends to be a better experience than simply invoking "ssh" from an
existing terminal window.

* Fast search-based interface for new connections
* Also display and search of local (Avahi) SSH servers
* Tabbed display with automatic session saving (Firefox style)
* Status bar with information like latency to server and output of
remote uptime
* Close integration with OpenSSH features like connection sharing
(near-instant new tabs)
* NetworkManager integration to easily reconnect after a network
change, great for laptops

2009-02-13T09:38:05+00:00 devel/p5-MouseX-Types Perl extension to organize your Mouse types in libraries
MouseX::Types - Organize your Mouse types in libraries.

2009-02-12T00:41:34+00:00 mail/dma DragonFly Mail Agent, a small MTA for local/outbound mail
The DragonFly Mail Agent is a small Mail Transport Agent (MTA),
designed for home and office use. It accepts e-mail messages
from locally installed Mail User Agents (MUA) and delivers the
messages either locally or to a remote destination. Remote
delivery includes several features like TLS/SSL support and
SMTP authentication, but not MX record lookups. Therefore,
dma is currently not suitable for direct remote delivery.
However, it works very well for handling local mail plus
secure mail submission to a remote smarthost (e.g. for
travelling mobile computers).

Since dma is not intended as a replacement for real, big MTAs
like sendmail(8) or postfix(1), it does not listen on port 25
for incoming connections.

2009-02-12T00:28:14+00:00 www/p5-HTTP-Headers-Fast Perl extension for faster implementation of HTTP::Headers
HTTP::Headers::Fast is a perl class for parsing/writing HTTP headers.

The interface is same as HTTP::Headers.

2009-02-11T23:55:50+00:00 www/py-webob WSGI request and response Python object
WebOb provides wrappers around the WSGI request environment, and an
object to help create WSGI responses.

The objects map much of the specified behavior of HTTP, including
header parsing and accessors for other standard parts of the

2009-02-11T21:20:03+00:00 sysutils/zetaback Zetaback ZFS backup and recovery management system
Zetaback ZFS backup and recovery management system.

Zetaback is a thin-agent based ZFS backup tool. It is designed to:

* run from a central host
* scan clients for new ZFS filesystems
* manage varying desired backup intervals (per host) for
o full backups
o incremental backups
* maintain varying retention policies (per host)
* summarize existing backups
* restore any host:fs backup at any point in time to any target host
2009-02-11T20:14:56+00:00 devel/ruby-locale2 Pure ruby library which provides basic APIs for localization
Ruby-Locale is the pure ruby library which provides basic APIs for

2009-02-11T19:09:52+00:00 sysutils/philesight Shows a graphics representation of the filesystem usage
Philesight is a tool to browse your filesystem and see where the diskspace
is being used at a glance. Philesight is implemented as a simple command
line program that generates PNG files; a wrapper CGI script is supplied to
allow navigating through the filesystem.

Philesight is actually a clone of the filelight program. Wheres filelight
is ment as an interactive, user friendly application for the X-windows
desktop, philesight is designed to run on a remote server without
graphical user interface.

Author: Ico Doornekamp <>
2009-02-10T23:15:03+00:00 sysutils/scprotect Protect process from killing when the swap space is exhausted
scprotect is implementation of system call for setting or unsetting
P_PROTECTED flag. It's similar to madvise(2) behaviour MADV_PROTECT,
but may be used for already running processes. Also rc.d/scprotect
scripts allow you to set protection flag even if process was
restarted by user.

2009-02-10T14:01:31+00:00 devel/p5-Hash-Union Smart hashes merging
Smart hashes merging

2009-02-10T12:11:31+00:00 textproc/p5-String-BufferStack Nested buffers for templating systems
String::BufferStack provides a framework for storing nested buffers. By
default, all of the buffers flow directly to the output method, but
individual levels of the stack can apply filters, or store their output
in a scalar reference.

2009-02-10T11:27:57+00:00 security/openpgpsdk OpenPGP SDK
The OpenPGP SDK project provides an open source library, written in C,
which implements the OpenPGP specification.

2009-02-09T22:33:07+00:00 devel/py-RPyC Remote Python Call
RPyC(pronounced like 'are-pie-see'), or Remote Python Call, is a
transparent and symmetrical python library for remote procedure
calls, clustering and distributed-computing. RPyC makes use of
object-proxying, a technique that employs python's dynamic nature,
to overcome the physical boundaries between processes and computers,
so that remote objects can be manipulated as if they were local.

2009-02-09T21:25:26+00:00 security/py-PF Pure-Python module for managing OpenBSD Packet Filter
py-pf is a pure-Python module for managing OpenBSD's Packet Filter. It aims
to combine the flexibility of PF's C API and the power of Python, making it
easier to manage PF data and to integrate firewalling capabilities in more
complex applications.

2009-02-09T20:21:08+00:00 archivers/lbzip2 Multi-threaded bzip2/bunzip2 filter
bzip2 is a free, multi-threaded compression utility with support for bzip2
compressed file format.

lbzip2 can process standard bz2 files in parallel. It uses POSIX threading
model (pthreads), which allows it to take full advantage of the symmetric
multiprocessing (SMP) systems. It has been proven to scale linearly, even
to over one hundred processor cores.

lbzip2 is fully compatible with bzip2 -- both at file format and command
line level. Files created by lbzip2 can be decompressed by all versions
of bzip2 and other software supporting bz2 format. lbzip2 can decompress
any bz2 files in parallel. All bzip2 command-line options are also
accepted by lbzip2. This makes lbzip2 a drop-in replacement for bzip2.

2009-02-09T20:12:58+00:00 math/p5-Math-MPFR Perl interface to MPFR Library
p5-Math-MPFR is a module wraps the MPFR library functions.

The MPFR library is a C library for multiple-precision floating-point
computations with exact rounding (also called correct rounding). It
is based on the GMP multiple-precision C library.

2009-02-09T20:11:02+00:00 graphics/p5-Google-Chart Perl Interface to Google Charts API
p5-Google-Chart is a Perl interface to Google Charts API.

2009-02-09T20:10:15+00:00 audio/py-pyliblo Python wrapper for the Liblo OSC Library
pyliblo is a Python wrapper for the liblo OSC library. It supports almost the
complete functionality of liblo, allowing you to send and receive OSC messages
using a nice and simple Python API.

Also included are the command line utilities send_osc and dump_osc.

2009-02-09T17:48:17+00:00 textproc/rss2html RSS to HTML converter
Minimalistic cmdline tool to fetch RSS news from HTTP or local files and
convert them into plain text, formatted html, or token-separated strings.
This tool can be easily integrated into shellscripts, cron tasks, motd's,

2009-02-09T17:21:25+00:00 multimedia/cclive Lightweight command line video extraction tool
cclive is a lightweight command line video extraction tool for YouTube and
other similar video websites. It is a rewrite of the clive software in C++
with lower system footprint and fewer dependencies. It works closely with
the quvi project to workaround the Flash technology that is being utilized
by different media hosts to deliver the content.

While being primarily a video download tool, it can also be used alongside
with some video players, e.g. mplayer, for viewing streamed videos instead
of the Adobe flash player.

2009-02-09T16:55:05+00:00 www/drupal6-mimedetect API for Consistent Server Side Mime Detection
MimeDetect provides an API for consistent server side mime detection
using the PHP FileInfo extension, the UNIX 'file' command, user supplied
mime data, or file extension lookups. It is distributed with it's own
magic library for use with the PHP FileInfo extension to make mime
detection more consistent in different environments.

2009-02-09T16:54:34+00:00 databases/py-simplecouchdb Simple Library to Allow Python Applications to Use CouchDB
py-simplecouchdb is a simple library to allow your python
application to use CouchDB.

With simplecouchdb, you can manage documents like you do
directly with CouchDB, schema-free. So document instance
(see :ref:schema-ref) are completely dynamic, you could
add/delete properties in your documents, retrieve them
without any schema, etc.

2009-02-09T16:52:15+00:00 security/rubygem-nmap-parser Ruby interface to Nmap scan data
The Nmap::Parser library provides a Ruby interface to
Nmap's scan data. It can run Nmap and parse its XML
output directly from the scan, parse a file containing
the XML data from a separate scan, parse a String of
XML data from a scan, or parse XML data from an object
via its read() method. This information is presented
in an easy-to-use and intuitive fashion for storage
and manipulation.

2009-02-09T13:10:09+00:00 devel/rubygem-lockfile Ruby library for creating NFS safe lockfiles
rlock creates NFS safe lockfiles. it can optionally run a program while holding
the lock, ensuring lockfile removal on program exit. if a program is specified
to be run rlock will spawn a background thread to kept the lockfile 'fresh' by
touching it at a regular interval. in this way a lease is maintained on the
lockfile and other processes attempting to obtain the lock can determine that it
is in use.

2009-02-09T12:59:00+00:00 x11-wm/antiwm Minimalist window manager inspired by Ratpoison
AntiWM is a small and simple window manager with a focus on
productivity and utility. Inspired by ratpoison, AntiWM is
keyboard driven and handles all windows fullscreen.

2009-02-09T09:00:01+00:00 x11-toolkits/gnome-desktop-sharp20 GNOME desktop interfaces for the .NET runtime
Gnome# provides C# bindings for Gnome libraries to the .NET runtime.

2009-02-09T09:00:01+00:00 www/webkit-sharp Mono bindings for Webkit
WebKit# is a .NET language binding for the WebKit rendering engine.

2009-02-09T09:00:01+00:00 mail/gmime24 Library (written in C) for parsing and creating messages using MIME
GMime is a set of utilities for parsing and creating messages using
the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME) as defined by the
following RFCs:

* 0822: Standard for the Format of Arpa Internet Text Messages
* 2045: Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part One:
Format of Internet Message Bodies
* 2046: Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part Two:
Media Types
* 2047: Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part Three:
Message Header Extensions for Non-ASCII Text
* 2048: Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part Four:
Registration Procedures
* 2049: Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part Five:
Conformance Criteria and Examples
* 2183: Communicating Presentation Information in Internet Messages:
The Content-Disposition Header Field

2009-02-09T09:00:01+00:00 mail/gmime24-sharp Mono bindings for gmime
C# assemblies for gmime

2009-02-08T23:45:39+00:00 print/rubygem-prawn-layout Prawn Extension to Provides Table Support and Other Layout
rubygem-prawn-layout is an extension to Prawn that provides
table support and other layout.

2009-02-08T21:49:42+00:00 comms/py-gammu Python bindings for Gammu library
Python bindings for Gammu library.

2009-02-08T21:45:53+00:00 databases/pecl-memcached PHP extension for interfacing with memcached via libmemcached library
memcached is a high-performance, distributed memory object caching
system, generic in nature, but intended for use in speeding up dynamic
web applications by alleviating database load.

This extension uses libmemcached library to provide API for
communicating with memcached servers.

2009-02-08T21:43:08+00:00 databases/rubygem-pg Ruby interface to PostgreSQL library
rubygem-pg provides the module "pg", a Ruby interface to the
PostgreSQL Relational Database Management System, which
supersedes the old "postgres" module.

2009-02-08T20:23:45+00:00 sysutils/policykit-kde PolicyKit manager for KDE
KDE frontend to PolicyKit.

2009-02-08T20:23:45+00:00 misc/kde4-l10n-mr Marathi messages and documentation for KDE SC 4
Localized messages and documentation for KDE4.

2009-02-08T20:23:45+00:00 misc/kde4-l10n-mai Maithili messages and documentation for KDE SC 4
Localized messages and documentation for KDE4.

2009-02-08T20:23:45+00:00 misc/kde4-l10n-kn Kannada messages and documentation for KDE SC 4
Localized messages and documentation for KDE4.

2009-02-08T20:23:45+00:00 misc/kde4-l10n-gu Gujarati messages and documentation for KDE SC 4
Localized messages and documentation for KDE4.

2009-02-08T20:23:45+00:00 misc/kde4-l10n-bn_IN Bengali (India) messages and documentation for KDE4
Localized messages and documentation for KDE4.

2009-02-08T15:48:14+00:00 devel/php-libawl Andrew.s Web Libraries - PHP Utility Libraries
Andrew's Web Libraries are a set of hopefully lightweight libraries for
handling a variety of useful things for web programming, including:

- Session management
- User management
- DB Records
- Simple reporting
- DB Schema Updating
- iCalendar parsing

2009-02-07T21:44:51+00:00 sysutils/kgrubeditor GRUB configuration utility for KDE
KGRUBEditor is a KDE utility, that edits GRUB's configuration
files through an inituitive user interface. It combines both
ease of use with flexibility and is the perfect solution for
those who want to configure GRUB, without messing with its files.

2009-02-07T03:12:50+00:00 games/linux-hdb-demo Hyperspace Delivery Boy Demo - deliver mail and packages
Guy Carrington works as a courier for the Hyperspace Delivery Service. He has
to get mail and packages to those who need them, no matter where they are.
Fight evil enemies, solve unique puzzles and try to save your big love.

2009-02-07T02:56:28+00:00 games/linux-coldwar-demo Coldwar Demo - a third-person sneaker like Splinter Cell
A third-person sneaker similiar to Splinter Cell.
You are a freelance journalist finding yourself in the midst of an
international conspiracy. Just after arriving in Moscow you are thrown into
the KGB political prison. Try to evade the Soviet forces and defeat the

2009-02-07T02:01:21+00:00 games/linux-ningpo-demo NingPo Mahjong Demo - a feature rich Mahjong game
The classic Mahjong game with hundreds of play variations, various board
styles and nine tile sets.

2009-02-07T01:30:05+00:00 games/linux-candycruncher-demo Candy Cruncher Demo - a fast puzzle game with lots of candies
Candy Cruncher is a fast puzzle game with a lot of candy inside. Move candies
around the board to complete rows and columns, so they crunch away and do
not exceed the time limit!

2009-02-06T23:20:36+00:00 games/linux-majesty-demo Majesty Gold Demo
Majesty is a unique real-time strategy and fantasy simulation, where you
have to create and control your own kingdom, control your people with
rewards and spells and try to solve the epic quest before you.

2009-02-06T21:43:27+00:00 games/linux-gorky17-demo Tactical shooter similar to Jagged Alliance
A tactical shooter similiar to Jagged Alliance.
You command a small force of NATO soldiers trying to solve the mysteries
behind the missing of an earlier team in the small city of Lubin. Once
arrived you find the team dead and yoursell surrounded by monsters.

2009-02-06T15:34:44+00:00 devel/p5-Badger Perl Application Programming Toolkit
The Badger toolkit is a collection of Perl modules designed to simplify
the process of building object-oriented Perl applications. It provides a
set of foundation classes upon which you can quickly build robust and
reliable systems that are simple, sexy and scalable.

2009-02-06T13:55:50+00:00 www/pebble Lightweight, open source, Java EE blogging tool
Pebble is a lightweight, open source, Java EE blogging tool. It's small, fast
and feature-rich with unrivalled ease of installation and use. Blog content is
stored as XML files on disk and served up dynamically, so there's no need to
install a database. All maintenance and administration can be performed through
your web browser, making Pebble ideal for anybody who is constantly on the move
or doesn't have direct access to their host.

2009-02-05T08:46:25+00:00 converters/p5-Storable-AMF Perl extension for serialize/deserialize AMF0/AMF3 data
Perl extension for serialize/deserialize AMF0/AMF3 data

2009-02-04T14:10:32+00:00 textproc/tokyodystopia Full-text search system based on Tokyo Cabinet
Tokyo Dystopia is a full-text search system. You can search lots of records
for some records including specified patterns. The characteristic of
Tokyo Dystopia is the following.

* High performance of search
* High scalability of target documents
* Perfect recall ratio by character N-gram method
* Phrase matching, prefix matching, suffix matching, and token matching
* Multilingualism with Unicode
* Layered Architecture of APIs

Tokyo Dystopia is available on platforms which have API conforming to C99 and
POSIX. Tokyo Dystopia is a free software licensed under the GNU Lesser General
Public License.

2009-02-04T14:04:17+00:00 www/p5-LWP-ConnCache-MaxKeepAliveRequests Connection cache that enforces a max keep alive limit
LWP::UserAgent is the default module for issuing HTTP requests from
Perl. It has a keep_alive setting which by default allows unlimited
requests to the same server. Some servers will disconnect you after
a limited number of requests (in Apache 2 this is achieved with the
MaxKeepAliveRequests directive). This module allows you to limit
the maximum number of keep alive requests to a server.

2009-02-04T12:46:38+00:00 security/p5-Crypt-Juniper Encrypt and decrypt Juniper $9$ secrets
Crypt::Juniper - Encrypt/decrypt Juniper $9$ secrets

2009-02-04T12:45:02+00:00 security/p5-Mcrypt Perl extension for the Mcrypt cryptography library
The Mcrypt modules provides and simple and inuitive perl abstraction of the
libmcrypt cryptography library. It provide mechanisms for encoding and
decoding perl scalars.

2009-02-04T09:55:27+00:00 devel/py-aspects Lightweight aspect oriented programming library for Python
aspects is a lightweight approach to aspect oriented programming (AOP) in
Python.The library provides means to intercept function calls.
Functions and methods (also in Python standard library and third party code)
can be wrapped so that when they are called, the wrap is invoked first.

2009-02-04T02:13:40+00:00 devel/rubygem-templater Ruby code generation framework
Templater is a powerful code generation framework. It declarative
rules for generators, supports generators discovery in gems, has idea
of actions other than template rendering and is open for extension.

2009-02-03T05:34:06+00:00 devel/rubygem-sexp_processor Generic sexp processing tools
sexp_processor branches from ParseTree bringing all the generic sexp
processing tools with it. Sexp, SexpProcessor, Environment, etc... all
for your language processing pleasure

2009-02-02T17:24:11+00:00 devel/p5-Data-Dumper-Perltidy Stringify and pretty print Perl data structures
Data::Dumper::Perltidy encapsulates both Data::Dumper and
Perl::Tidy to provide a function that stringifies a Perl
data structure in a pretty printed format.

2009-02-02T17:22:57+00:00 devel/p5-Config-IniRegEx Ini workaround, regex search for parameters and sections
Using this module it does the ini configuration file parsing,
with an addon facility of regex kind of search. This module
aims out doing a regex search for Sections, and Parameters
of the Ini configuration file. It does the Perl regex matching,
nothing external. So whoever knows the Perl basic regex can
use this feature.

2009-02-02T09:31:47+00:00 audio/openal-soft Software implementation of the OpenAL specification
OpenAL Soft is a software implementation of the OpenAL 3D audio
API. OpenAL provides capabilities for playing audio in a virtual
3D environment. Distance attenuation, doppler shift, and directional
sound emitters are among the features handled by the API. More
advanced effects, including air absorption, low-pass filters, and
reverb, are available through the EFX extension. It also facilitates
streaming audio, multi-channel buffers, and audio capture.

2009-02-01T18:10:25+00:00 mail/osbf-lua Email classifier, primarily for anti-spam
OSBF-Lua (Orthogonal Sparse Bigrams with confidence Factor) is a Lua C module
for text classification. It is a port of the OSBF classifier implemented in the
CRM114 project. This implementation attempts to put focus on the classification
task itself by using Lua as the scripting language, a powerful yet light-weight
and fast language, which makes it easier to build and test more elaborated
filters and training methods.

2009-01-31T12:30:07+00:00 multimedia/py-kaa-metadata Kaa Media Repository - media file metadata parser
The Kaa Media Repository is a set of python modules related to

Kaa modules are based on parts from Freevo and modules created for
MeBox. Kaa exists to encourage code sharing between these projects,
and to serve as an umbrella for several previously disparate
media-related modules in order to make them available from one
(unique) namespace.

Kaa provides a base module that implements the common features
needed for application development, such as mainloop management,
timers, signals, callbacks, file descriptor monitors, etc. Kaa's
other modules provide specific media-related functionality, such
as retrieving metadata on arbitrary media files (kaa.metadata,
previously called mmpython), Python wrappers for Imlib2, Xine, and
Evas, and many other high level APIs for easily creating applications
that deal with video and audio.

Kaa is named after the python character in the Jungle Book by Rudyard

2009-01-31T11:58:20+00:00 multimedia/py-kaa-imlib2 Kaa Media Repository - imlib2 wrapper for python
The Kaa Media Repository is a set of python modules related to

Kaa modules are based on parts from Freevo and modules created for
MeBox. Kaa exists to encourage code sharing between these projects,
and to serve as an umbrella for several previously disparate
media-related modules in order to make them available from one
(unique) namespace.

Kaa provides a base module that implements the common features
needed for application development, such as mainloop management,
timers, signals, callbacks, file descriptor monitors, etc. Kaa's
other modules provide specific media-related functionality, such
as retrieving metadata on arbitrary media files (kaa.metadata,
previously called mmpython), Python wrappers for Imlib2, Xine, and
Evas, and many other high level APIs for easily creating applications
that deal with video and audio.

Kaa is named after the python character in the Jungle Book by Rudyard

2009-01-31T09:39:12+00:00 multimedia/py-kaa-base Kaa Media Repository
The Kaa Media Repository is a set of python modules related to

Kaa modules are based on parts from Freevo and modules created for
MeBox. Kaa exists to encourage code sharing between these projects,
and to serve as an umbrella for several previously disparate
media-related modules in order to make them available from one
(unique) namespace.

Kaa provides a base module that implements the common features
needed for application development, such as mainloop management,
timers, signals, callbacks, file descriptor monitors, etc. Kaa's
other modules provide specific media-related functionality, such
as retrieving metadata on arbitrary media files (kaa.metadata,
previously called mmpython), Python wrappers for Imlib2, Xine, and
Evas, and many other high level APIs for easily creating applications
that deal with video and audio.

Kaa is named after the python character in the Jungle Book by Rudyard

2009-01-30T18:46:33+00:00 games/peg-e Peg elimination game
Peg-E is a peg solitaire game in which you jump over pieces in order
to remove them from the board, ultimately trying to eliminate all
but one. The boards are randomly generated, with 100 levels of
difficulty. The game auto-saves, and has undo-redo capability.
Pieces can move horizontally, vertically, and diagonally.

2009-01-29T20:15:11+00:00 www/trac-batchmodify Enables users to modify several tickets together at once
This plugin enables users to modify several tickets together at once.

2009-01-29T19:04:07+00:00 multimedia/kdenlive KDE professional quality non-linear video editing suite
Kdenlive is a non-linear video editor for GNU/Linux, OS X and FreeBSD,
which supports DV, AVCHD and HDV editing. Kdenlive relies on several
other open source projects, such as FFmpeg, the MLT video framework
and Frei0r effects. It was designed to answer all needs, from basic
video editing to semi-professional work.

2009-01-29T19:01:29+00:00 multimedia/mlt++ C++ wrapping for the MLT library
The MLT++ wrapper is a C++ wrapper for the MLT C library. As such, it
provides clean C++ access to the underlying library.

2009-01-29T18:58:44+00:00 multimedia/mlt ${LANGUAGE} bindings for the MLT multimedia framework
MLT is an open source multimedia framework, designed and developed for
television broadcasting. It provides a toolkit for broadcasters, video
editors, media players, transcoders, web streamers and many more types
of applications. The functionality of the system is provided via an
assortment of ready to use tools, XML authoring components, and an
extensible plug-in based API.

2009-01-29T06:58:29+00:00 devel/gearmand Gearman C Server and Library
Gearman provides a generic framework to farm out work to other
machines or dispatch function calls to machines that are better suited
to do the work. It allows you to do work in parallel, to load balance
processing, and to call functions between languages. It can be used in
a variety of applications, from high-availability web sites to the
transport for database replication.

2009-01-28T09:20:09+00:00 www/p5-WWW-TinySong Get free music links from is a web app that can be queried for a song and returns a tiny URL,
allowing you to listen to the song for free online and share it with friends.
TinySong is a Perl interface to this service, allowing you to programmatically
search its underlying database.

2009-01-27T19:52:01+00:00 sysutils/rsyslog6-devel-snmp SNMP trap sender for rsyslog
2009-01-27T19:52:01+00:00 sysutils/rsyslog55-snmp SNMP trap sender for rsyslog
2009-01-27T19:52:01+00:00 sysutils/rsyslog5-snmp SNMP trap sender for rsyslog
2009-01-27T19:52:01+00:00 sysutils/rsyslog5-devel-snmp SNMP trap sender for rsyslog
2009-01-27T19:52:01+00:00 sysutils/rsyslog4-snmp SNMP trap sender for rsyslog
2009-01-27T19:52:01+00:00 sysutils/rsyslog4-devel-snmp SNMP trap sender for rsyslog
2009-01-27T19:50:24+00:00 sysutils/rsyslog6-devel-relp RELP input/output module for rsyslog
2009-01-27T19:50:24+00:00 sysutils/rsyslog55-relp RELP input/output module for rsyslog
2009-01-27T19:50:24+00:00 sysutils/rsyslog5-relp RELP input/output module for rsyslog
2009-01-27T19:50:24+00:00 sysutils/rsyslog5-devel-relp RELP input/output module for rsyslog
2009-01-27T19:50:24+00:00 sysutils/rsyslog4-relp RELP input/output module for rsyslog
2009-01-27T19:50:24+00:00 sysutils/rsyslog4-devel-relp RELP input/output module for rsyslog
2009-01-27T19:49:26+00:00 sysutils/rsyslog6-devel-pgsql PostgreSQL output module for rsyslog
2009-01-27T19:49:26+00:00 sysutils/rsyslog55-pgsql PostgreSQL output module for rsyslog
2009-01-27T19:49:26+00:00 sysutils/rsyslog5-pgsql PostgreSQL output module for rsyslog
2009-01-27T19:49:26+00:00 sysutils/rsyslog5-devel-pgsql PostgreSQL output module for rsyslog
2009-01-27T19:49:26+00:00 sysutils/rsyslog4-pgsql PostgreSQL output module for rsyslog
2009-01-27T19:49:26+00:00 sysutils/rsyslog4-devel-pgsql PostgreSQL output module for rsyslog
2009-01-27T19:48:39+00:00 sysutils/rsyslog6-devel-mysql MySQL output module for rsyslog
2009-01-27T19:48:39+00:00 sysutils/rsyslog55-mysql MySQL output module for rsyslog
2009-01-27T19:48:39+00:00 sysutils/rsyslog5-mysql MySQL output module for rsyslog
2009-01-27T19:48:39+00:00 sysutils/rsyslog5-devel-mysql MySQL output module for rsyslog
2009-01-27T19:48:39+00:00 sysutils/rsyslog4-mysql MySQL output module for rsyslog
2009-01-27T19:48:39+00:00 sysutils/rsyslog4-devel-mysql MySQL output module for rsyslog
2009-01-27T19:48:08+00:00 sysutils/rsyslog6-devel-gssapi GSS API input/output module for rsyslog
2009-01-27T19:48:08+00:00 sysutils/rsyslog55-gssapi GSS API input/output module for rsyslog
2009-01-27T19:48:08+00:00 sysutils/rsyslog5-gssapi GSS API input/output module for rsyslog
2009-01-27T19:48:08+00:00 sysutils/rsyslog5-devel-gssapi GSS API input/output module for rsyslog
2009-01-27T19:48:08+00:00 sysutils/rsyslog4-gssapi GSS API input/output module for rsyslog
2009-01-27T19:48:08+00:00 sysutils/rsyslog4-devel-gssapi GSS API input/output module for rsyslog
2009-01-27T19:47:25+00:00 sysutils/rsyslog6-devel-gnutls GNUTLS module for rsyslog
2009-01-27T19:47:25+00:00 sysutils/rsyslog55-gnutls GNUTLS module for rsyslog
2009-01-27T19:47:25+00:00 sysutils/rsyslog5-gnutls GNUTLS module for rsyslog
2009-01-27T19:47:25+00:00 sysutils/rsyslog5-devel-gnutls GNUTLS module for rsyslog
2009-01-27T19:47:25+00:00 sysutils/rsyslog4-gnutls GNUTLS module for rsyslog
2009-01-27T19:47:25+00:00 sysutils/rsyslog4-devel-gnutls GNUTLS module for rsyslog
2009-01-27T19:46:33+00:00 sysutils/rsyslog6-devel-dbi LibDBI output module for rsyslog
2009-01-27T19:46:33+00:00 sysutils/rsyslog55-dbi LibDBI output module for rsyslog
2009-01-27T19:46:33+00:00 sysutils/rsyslog5-devel-dbi LibDBI output module for rsyslog
2009-01-27T19:46:33+00:00 sysutils/rsyslog5-dbi LibDBI output module for rsyslog
2009-01-27T19:46:33+00:00 sysutils/rsyslog4-devel-dbi LibDBI output module for rsyslog
2009-01-27T19:46:33+00:00 sysutils/rsyslog4-dbi LibDBI output module for rsyslog
2009-01-27T19:40:41+00:00 sysutils/rsyslog6-devel Syslogd supporting SQL, TCP, and TLS
Rsyslog is an enhanced multi-threaded syslogd with a focus on
security and reliability.

Among others, it offers support for on-demand disk buffering,
reliable syslog over TCP, SSL, TLS and RELP, writing to databases
(MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, and many more), email alerting, fully
configurable output formats (including high-precision timestamps),
the ability to filter on any part of the syslog message, on-the-wire
message compression, and the ability to convert text files to syslog.

It is a drop-in replacement for stock syslogd and able to work with
the same configuration file syntax. Its advanced features make it
suitable for enterprise-class, encryption protected syslog relay
chains while at the same time being very easy to setup for the
novice user.

Tracking v6-devel

2009-01-27T19:40:41+00:00 sysutils/rsyslog55 Syslogd supporting SQL, TCP and TLS
Rsyslog is an enhanced multi-threaded syslogd with a focus on
security and reliability.

Among others, it offers support for on-demand disk buffering,
reliable syslog over TCP, SSL, TLS and RELP, writing to databases
(MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, and many more), email alerting, fully
configurable output formats (including high-precision timestamps),
the ability to filter on any part of the syslog message, on-the-wire
message compression, and the ability to convert text files to syslog.

It is a drop-in replacement for stock syslogd and able to work with
the same configuration file syntax. Its advanced features make it
suitable for enterprise-class, encryption protected syslog relay
chains while at the same time being very easy to setup for the
novice user.

2009-01-27T19:40:41+00:00 sysutils/rsyslog5 Syslogd supporting SQL, TCP and TLS
Rsyslog is an enhanced multi-threaded syslogd with a focus on
security and reliability.

Among others, it offers support for on-demand disk buffering,
reliable syslog over TCP, SSL, TLS and RELP, writing to databases
(MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, and many more), email alerting, fully
configurable output formats (including high-precision timestamps),
the ability to filter on any part of the syslog message, on-the-wire
message compression, and the ability to convert text files to syslog.

It is a drop-in replacement for stock syslogd and able to work with
the same configuration file syntax. Its advanced features make it
suitable for enterprise-class, encryption protected syslog relay
chains while at the same time being very easy to setup for the
novice user.

Tracking v5-stable

Rsyslog v5 is deprecated and is no longer supported. Consider using
Rsyslog v6.

2009-01-27T19:40:41+00:00 sysutils/rsyslog5-devel Syslogd supporting SQL, TCP and TLS
Rsyslog is an enhanced multi-threaded syslogd with a focus on
security and reliability.

Among others, it offers support for on-demand disk buffering,
reliable syslog over TCP, SSL, TLS and RELP, writing to databases
(MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, and many more), email alerting, fully
configurable output formats (including high-precision timestamps),
the ability to filter on any part of the syslog message, on-the-wire
message compression, and the ability to convert text files to syslog.

It is a drop-in replacement for stock syslogd and able to work with
the same configuration file syntax. Its advanced features make it
suitable for enterprise-class, encryption protected syslog relay
chains while at the same time being very easy to setup for the
novice user.

Tracking v5-devel

2009-01-27T19:40:41+00:00 sysutils/rsyslog4 Syslogd supporting SQL, TCP and TLS
Rsyslog is an enhanced multi-threaded syslogd with a focus on security and

Among others, it offers support for on-demand disk buffering, reliable syslog
over TCP, SSL, TLS and RELP, writing to databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle,
and many more), email alerting, fully configurable output formats (including
high-precision timestamps),the ability to filter on any part of the syslog
message, on-the-wire message compression, and the ability to convert text
files to syslog.

It is a drop-in replacement for stock syslogd and able to work with the same
configuration file syntax. Its advanced features make it suitable for
enterprise-class, encryption protected syslog relay chains while at the same
time being very easy to setup for the novice user.

Tracking v4-stable

2009-01-27T19:40:41+00:00 sysutils/rsyslog4-devel Syslogd supporting SQL, TCP and TLS
Rsyslog is an enhanced multi-threaded syslogd with a focus on security and

Among others, it offers support for on-demand disk buffering, reliable syslog
over TCP, SSL, TLS and RELP, writing to databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle,
and many more), email alerting, fully configurable output formats (including
high-precision timestamps),the ability to filter on any part of the syslog
message, on-the-wire message compression, and the ability to convert text
files to syslog.

It is a drop-in replacement for stock syslogd and able to work with the same
configuration file syntax. Its advanced features make it suitable for
enterprise-class, encryption protected syslog relay chains while at the same
time being very easy to setup for the novice user.

Tracking v4-devel

2009-01-27T19:28:04+00:00 www/xpi-modify_headers Firefox extension to manipulate HTTP headers
Allows the filtering and modification of HTTP headers.

2009-01-27T19:27:09+00:00 games/simutrans Transportation simulator
Simutrans is a freeware and open-source transportation simulator.
Your goal is to establish a successful transport company. Transport
passengers, mail and goods by rail, road, ship, and even air.
Interconnect districts, cities, public buildings, industries and
tourist attractions by building a transport network you always
dreamed of.

2009-01-27T19:22:44+00:00 devel/p5-ex-lib Relative use lib in absolute way
The same as lib, but makes relative path absolute (Obsoleted by lib-abs)

2009-01-27T16:54:43+00:00 www/py-pyquery Jquery-like library for python
pyquery allows you to make jquery queries on XML documents.
The API is as much as possible the similar to jquery (
pyquery uses lxml for fast XML and HTML manipulation.

2009-01-27T16:26:17+00:00 devel/p5-SVN-Hooks Framework for implementing Subversion hooks
SVN-Hooks is a Perl framework for creating Subversion hooks.

It comes with a bunch of plugins (actually, sub-modules of SVN::Hooks)
that implement some of the most used standalone Subversion hooks
available, such as pre-commit hooks for enforcing:

- the log message format
- property settings
- the repository structure
- restrictions on the modification of repository areas (e.g., /tags)
- restrictions on filenames
- the integration with ticketing systems

It also comes with post-commit hooks for:

- sending commit emails
- updating configuration files in the server from changes made in
the repository

But as a framework, it can be extended to implement all types of

2009-01-27T14:48:01+00:00 devel/p5-SVN-Look Caching wrapper around the svnlook command
SVN-Look is a caching wrapper aroung the svnlook command.

The svnlook command is the workhorse of Subversion hook scripts,
being used to gather all sorts of information about a repository,
its revisions, and its transactions.

This script provides a simple object oriented interface to a specific
svnlook invocation, to make it easier to hook writers to get and
use the information they need. Moreover, all the information
gathered buy calling the svnlook command is cached in the object,
avoiding repetitious calls.

2009-01-27T08:10:57+00:00 graphics/p5-Captcha-reCAPTCHA-Mailhide Perl implementation of the reCAPTCHA Mailhide API
Captcha::reCAPTCHA::Mailhide - A Perl implementation of
the reCAPTCHA Mailhide API

reCAPTCHA is a hybrid mechanical turk and captcha that allows visitors who
complete the captcha to assist in the digitization of books.

reCAPTCHA improves the process of digitizing books by sending words that
cannot be read by computers to the Web in the form of CAPTCHAs for
humans to decipher. More specifically, each word that cannot be read
correctly by OCR is placed on an image and used as a CAPTCHA. This is
possible because most OCR programs alert you when a word cannot be read

2009-01-27T05:39:46+00:00 mail/postfix-policyd-spf-perl SPF policy service for Postfix written in Perl
postfix-policyd-spf-perl is an RFC-4408-compliant SPF policy service for
postfix written in Perl.

2009-01-26T22:48:20+00:00 devel/p5-IO-MultiPipe Check for errors when running a command through multiple pipes
Normally if a part of a pipe fails, depending on the location, it won't
be detected. This breaks down a command involving pipes and runs each
command separately.

It uses open3 to run each chunk of the pipe.

use IO::MultiPipe;

my $pipes = IO::MultiPipe->new();

#This sets the pipe that will be run.
$pipes->set('sed s/-// | sed s/123/abc/ | sed s/ABC/abc/');
if ($pipes->{error}){
print "Error!\n";

#'123-ABCxyz' through the command set above.
my $returned=$pipes->run('123-ABCxyz');

2009-01-26T21:24:56+00:00 www/pear-Services_GeoNames PHP5 Interface to the GeoNames Public API
Services_GeoNames is a PHP5 interface to the various webservices
offered by the GeoNames project.

The GeoNames database contains over 8,000,000 geographical names
corresponding to over 6,500,000 unique features. All features are
categorized into one out of nine feature classes and further
subcategorized into one out of 645 feature codes. Beyond names of
places in various languages, data stored include latitude, longitude,
elevation, population, administrative subdivision and postal codes.
All coordinates use the WGS84 system (World Geodetic System 1984).

Those data are accessible free of charge through a number of Web
services and a daily database export. The Web services include
direct and reverse geocoding,finding places through postal codes,
finding places next to a given place, and finding Wikipedia articles
about neighbouring places.

2009-01-26T19:32:43+00:00 www/pear-HTTP_Request2 PEAR classes providing an easy way to perform HTTP requests
PHP5 rewrite of HTTP_Request package. Provides cleaner API and pluggable
Adapters. Currently available are:
* Socket adapter, based on old HTTP_Request code,
* Curl adapter, wraps around PHP's cURL extension,
* Mock adapter, to use for testing packages dependent on HTTP_Request2.

Supports POST requests with data and file uploads, authentication,
cookies, proxies, gzip and deflate encodings, monitoring the request
progress with Observers.

2009-01-26T18:57:56+00:00 www/p5-WebService-MusicBrainz Perl interface to MusicBrainz
This is a Perl interface to the MusicBrainz API.

2009-01-26T18:40:18+00:00 graphics/Captcha-reCAPTCHA-Mailhide A Perl implementation of the reCAPTCHA Mailhide API
Captcha::reCAPTCHA::Mailhide - A Perl implementation of
the reCAPTCHA Mailhide API

reCAPTCHA is a hybrid mechanical turk and captcha that allows visitors who
complete the captcha to assist in the digitization of books.

reCAPTCHA improves the process of digitizing books by sending words that
cannot be read by computers to the Web in the form of CAPTCHAs for
humans to decipher. More specifically, each word that cannot be read
correctly by OCR is placed on an image and used as a CAPTCHA. This is
possible because most OCR programs alert you when a word cannot be read

2009-01-26T17:45:24+00:00 deskutils/p5-ZConf-Runner Run a file using a chosen method, desktop entry, or mimetype
A configuration system allowing for either file or LDAP backed storage. A
utility is included as well, 'zcrunner'. It can be used to configure
actions and run files using them.

2009-01-26T17:44:55+00:00 net/p5-ZConf-Mail Misc mail client functions backed by ZConf
This module implements various functions needed for making a ZConf backed mail
cleint. It also currently includes two small utilities, listed below.

zcmailcompose - Composes a mail message and sends it using the specified
zcgetmail - A getmail replacement using ZConf::Mail.

2009-01-26T17:44:55+00:00 mail/p5-ZConf-Mail Misc mail client functions backed by ZConf
This module implements various functions needed for making a ZConf backed mail
cleint. It also currently includes two small utilities, listed below.

zcgetmail - A getmail replacement using ZConf::Mail.
zcmailaccount - Manages the accounts.

2009-01-26T17:44:14+00:00 net/p5-IO-MultiPipe Check for errors when running a command through multiple pipes
Normally if a part of a pipe fails, depending on the location, it won't
be detected. This breaks down a command involving pipes and runs each
command seperately.

It uses open3 to run each chunk of the pipe.

use IO::MultiPipe;

my $pipes = IO::MultiPipe->new();

#This sets the pipe that will be run.
$pipes->set('sed s/-// | sed s/123/abc/ | sed s/ABC/abc/');
if ($pipes->{error}){
print "Error!\n";

#'123-ABCxyz' through the command set above.
my $returned=$pipes->run('123-ABCxyz');

2009-01-26T17:41:45+00:00 sysutils/jx Wrapper to jexec with more feature in interpreting jail id
This is a perl wrapper to "jexec" with more feature.

Script takes system jail id, rc.conf order id, full hostname of jail or
rc.conf name of jail. If no command for jail is given - run default
('bash' or other).

No additional software or tools like "jailer" are needed.

2009-01-26T16:50:45+00:00 textproc/liblinebreak Implementation of the line breaking algorithm for Unicode
Liblinebreak is an implementation of the line breaking algorithm as
described in Unicode 5.1.0 Standard Annex 14, Revision 22. It breaks
lines that contain Unicode characters. It is designed to be used in a
generic text renderer. FBReader is one real-world example.

2009-01-26T15:31:24+00:00 math/p5-Algorithm-Munkres Perl Extension for Munkres' Solution to Classical Assignment Problem
Algorithm-Munkres is a perl extension for Munkres' solution to
classical Assignment problem for square and rectangular matrices
This module extends the solution of Assignment problem for square
matrices to rectangular matrices by padding zeros. Thus a rectangular
matrix is converted to square matrix by padding necessary zeros.

2009-01-26T12:45:28+00:00 graphics/p5-Geo-EOP Perl Module to Process Earth Observation Products Meta-data
p5-Geo-EOP is a perl module to process earth bservation
products meta-data.

2009-01-25T03:51:23+00:00 www/p5-RT-Authen-ExternalAuth RT42 extension to authenticate users against an external source
RT::Authen::ExternalAuth RT Authentication using External Sources

A complete package for adding external authentication mechanisms to
RT. It currently supports LDAP via Net::LDAP and External Database
authentication for any database with an installed DBI driver.

It also allows for authenticating cookie information against an
external database through the use of the RT-Authen-CookieAuth

2009-01-23T23:53:56+00:00 textproc/hs-polyparse Variety of alternative parser combinator libraries
A variety of alternative parser combinator libraries, including the original
HuttonMeijer set. The Poly sets have features like good error reporting,
arbitrary token type, running state, lazy parsing, and so on. Finally,
Text.Parse is a proposed replacement for the standard Read class, for
better deserialisation of Haskell values from Strings.

2009-01-23T23:53:56+00:00 textproc/hs-polyparse-ghc Alternative parser combinator libraries for Haskell
A variety of alternative parser combinator libraries for the functional
programming language Haskell, including the original HuttonMeijer set.
The Poly sets have features like good error reporting, arbitrary token
type, running state, lazy parsing, and so on. Finally, Text.Parse is a
proposed replacement for the standard Read class, for better
deserialisation of Haskell values from Strings.

2009-01-23T23:47:58+00:00 security/hs-digest Various cryptographic hashes for Bytestrings
This package provides efficient cryptographic hash implementations for
strict and lazy bytestrings. For now, CRC32 and Adler32 are supported;
they are implemented as FFI bindings to efficient code from zlib.

2009-01-23T23:47:58+00:00 security/hs-digest-ghc Efficient cryptographic hash implementations in Haskell
This package provides efficient cryptographic hash implementations for
strict and lazy bytestrings for the functional programming language


2009-01-23T23:27:08+00:00 www/trac-mercurial Plugin to use Mercurial instead of Subversion in Trac
This a plugin for Trac which enables Mercurial to be used instead of Subversion
as the VersioningSystemBackend for Trac.

2009-01-23T23:04:15+00:00 www/trac-navadd Plugin for adding navigation items into Trac navigation bars
This plugin allows you to add custom items ("buttons") to both the main
and the meta navigation bar. Item name, title and URL can be specified
in trac.ini, as well as an optional permission the user is required to
have to see the item.

The plugin was inspired by and derived from NavMoverPlugin. In contrast
to NavMoverPlugin this plugin does not hide navigation bars.

2009-01-23T16:28:36+00:00 x11/dri2proto DRI2 prototype headers
This package contains X.Org DRI2 prototype headers.

2009-01-23T16:28:36+00:00 x11-drivers/xf86-input-synaptics X.Org synaptics input driver
This package contains the X.Org xf86-input-synaptics driver.

2009-01-23T16:28:36+00:00 devel/libpciaccess Generic PCI access library
This package contains the pciaccess library.

2009-01-23T15:34:47+00:00 shells/bash-static
2009-01-23T14:23:27+00:00 devel/p5-Data-Visitor-Encode Perl extension to encode/decode values in a structure
Data::Visitor::Encode visits each node of a structure, and returns a
new structure with each node's encoding (or similar action). If you
ever wished to do a bulk encode/decode of the contents of a structure,
then this module may help you.

2009-01-23T14:21:33+00:00 japanese/p5-Encode-JP-Mobile Perl extension for encoding for mobile phones in Japan
Perl extension for encoding for mobile phones in Japan.

2009-01-23T13:52:19+00:00 devel/p5-Data-Util Perl extension for utilities for data and data types
This module provides utilities for data and data types.

2009-01-22T13:05:09+00:00 textproc/uml2svg XSL stylesheets to convert UML to SVG
uml2svg is an XSLT-based tool for converting UML Diagrams to SVG.

2009-01-22T06:42:28+00:00 devel/p5-Module-Setup Perl extension for a simple module maker
Module::Setup is very simply module start kit.

When the module-setup command is executed first, a necessary template
for ~/.module-setup directory is copied.

2009-01-22T03:10:03+00:00 devel/p5-MouseX-Getopt Perl extension for a Mouse role to process command line options
This is a role which provides an alternate constructor for creating
objects using parameters passed in from the command line.

2009-01-22T03:05:14+00:00 devel/p5-Module-Collect Perl extension to collect module files from some directories
Module::Collect collects module files from some directories.

2009-01-22T02:24:40+00:00 devel/p5-Log-Dispatch-Colorful Perl extension for logging to screen
Log::Dispatch::Colorful provides an object for logging to the screen.

2009-01-22T02:23:43+00:00 x11-toolkits/qt4pas Qt4 binding for FreePascal
Provide a Qt4 binding for FreePascal that may be of use to provide the Lazarus
LCL library with a Qt interface

This binding does not aim to cover the whole Qt4 framework, but only just
enough to satisfy the LCL needs. If any LCL/Qt developer needs an extra class,
just ask and it will be added promptly. Some of the methods that have parameters
based upon templates have been omitted.

If however you need any of those, just ask.

2009-01-22T02:23:00+00:00 devel/p5-Module-Install-AuthorTests Perl extension to designate tests only run by module authors
Module::Install::AuthorTests designate tests only run by module

2009-01-22T02:21:04+00:00 devel/p5-IPC-System-Simple Perl extension to run commands simply with detailed diagnostics
Calling Perl's in-built system() function is easy, determining if it
was successful is hard. Let's face it, $? isn't the nicest variable
in the world to play with, and even if you do check it, producing a
well-formatted error string takes a lot of work.

IPC::System::Simple takes the hard work out of calling external

2009-01-22T00:59:20+00:00 www/p5-HTTP-Session Perl extension of yet another session manager
Yet another session manager.

Easy to integrate with HTTP::Engine.

2009-01-22T00:57:32+00:00 www/p5-HTTP-Router Perl extension of Yet Another Path Router for HTTP
HTTP::Router provides a Merb-like way of constructing routing tables.

2009-01-22T00:54:02+00:00 net/p5-URI-Template-Restrict Perl extension for restricted URI Templates handler
This is a restricted URI Templates handler. URI Templates is described

This module supports draft-gregorio-uritemplate-03 except -opt and
-neg operators.

2009-01-21T13:32:22+00:00 devel/p5-Class-Method-Modifiers-Fast Perl extension to provide Moose-like method modifiers
Class::Method::Modifiers::Fast provides three modifiers: before,
around, and after. before and after are run just before and after the
method they modify, but cannot really affect that original method.
around is run in place of the original method, with a hook to easily
call that original method. See the MODIFIERS section for more details
on how the particular modifiers work.

2009-01-21T13:28:49+00:00 devel/p5-Carp-Always Perl extension to warn and die noisily with stack backtraces
This module is meant as a debugging aid. It can be used to make a
script complain loudly with stack backtraces when warn()ing or

2009-01-21T13:23:19+00:00 textproc/p5-XML-OPML-LibXML Perl extension to parse OPML document with LibXML parser
XML::OPML::LibXML is an OPML parser written using XML::LibXML. This
module is part of spin-off CPANization of Plagger plugins.

2009-01-21T09:13:13+00:00 audio/ruby-taglib Ruby library wrapping the Taglib library
Ruby-taglib is a ruby library wrapping the Taglib library,
simple dl-based wrapper of Taglib's C library.
It's short and sweet, because the C API is written by someone who knows
how to use OO programming, and Ruby with dl just makes it all too easy
to wrap such a library.

2009-01-20T22:43:12+00:00 devel/p5-MooseX-ConfigFromFile Perl extension to abstract Moose role attribute setting from file
An abstract Moose role for setting attributes from a configfile.

2009-01-20T22:40:09+00:00 www/p5-Path-Class-URI Perl extension for serialize Path::Class objects as file:// URI
Serializes and deserializes Path::Class objects as file:// URI.

2009-01-20T12:52:04+00:00 www/p5-HTTP-Engine Perl extension for HTTP Server Engine Drivers
Web Server Gateway Interface and HTTP Server Engine Drivers (Yet
Another Catalyst::Engine).

2009-01-20T11:57:59+00:00 net-mgmt/coovachilli Access controller for wired & wireless clients
CoovaChilli is an access controller
It provides a captive portal / walled garden environment.
Coova builds on the popular features of the now defunct Chillispot.

2009-01-20T04:36:01+00:00 devel/p5-FindBin-libs Perl extension to locate and use lib directories
Locate and 'use lib' directories along the path of $FindBin::Bin to
automate locating modules.

Uses File::Spec and Cwd's abs_path to accomodate multiple O/S and
redundant symlinks.

2009-01-19T22:02:58+00:00 devel/py-pip Tool for installing and managing Python packages
The PyPA recommended tool for installing and managing Python packages.

pip is a replacement for easy_install. It uses mostly the same techniques
for finding packages, so packages that were made easy_installable should
be pip-installable as well.

pip is meant to improve on easy_install. Some of the improvements:

* All packages are downloaded before installation. Partially-completed
installation doesn't occur as a result.
* Care is taken to present useful output on the console.
* The reasons for actions are kept track of. For instance, if a package
is being installed, pip keeps track of why that package was required.
* Error messages should be useful.
* Packages don't have to be installed as egg archives, they can be
installed flat (while keeping the egg metadata).

2009-01-19T18:42:25+00:00 games/kartofel Connect the dots in order without crossing over yourself
Kartofel is a game of skill and logic. The objective is to connect
the numbered dots in order, without crossing over yourself.

2009-01-19T13:52:42+00:00 print/pkipplib Create and parse IPP requests
pkipplib is a Python library which can prepare IPP requests with the
help of a somewhat high level API. These requests can then be sent to
an IPP printer or print server (e.g. CUPS). This library can also parse
IPP answers received, and create high level Python objects from them.

2009-01-19T12:50:11+00:00 devel/p5-Unix-Uptime Determine the current uptime in seconds
This is a rather simple module that abstracts the task of figuring out
the current system uptime, in seconds. It was born out of a desire to do
this on non-Linux systems, without SNMP. If you want to use SNMP,
there are pleanty of modules on CPAN already.

2009-01-18T23:11:07+00:00 net/wpa_gui Qt-based frontend for wpa_supplicant
wpa_gui is a nice GUI frontend for wpa_supplicant tool.

2009-01-18T22:23:41+00:00 devel/ocaml-lwt Cooperative threading library for OCaml
Lwt (the abbreviation stands for Light-Weight Threading) is a cooperative
threading library for Ocaml.
2009-01-17T15:42:57+00:00 graphics/p5-Sane Perl extension for the SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy) Project
Perl bindings for the SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy) Project. This module
allows you to access SANE-compatible scanners in a Perlish and
object-oriented way, freeing you from the casting and memory management in
C, yet remaining very close in spirit to original API.

The Sane module allows a Perl developer to use SANE-compatible scanners.
Find out more about SANE at

2009-01-17T10:54:57+00:00 german/dtaus Belegloser DatenTraegerAUStausch
This package contains a library that is able to read and write German DTAUS
files, DTAUS is an abbreviation for DatenTraegerAUStausch and refers to a
special file format used by German credit institutes in order to manage money
exchanges between accounts and institutes.

Dieses Paket enthaelt ein Programm zur Verwaltung und Erstellung von DTA- bzw.
DTAUS-Dateien. Damit wird belegloser Datentraegeraustausch fuer Ueberweisungen,
Lastschriften, Lohnzahlungen in Euro mit Deutschen Banken automatisiert
realisiert. Als Grundlage dient eine leicht verstaendliche ASCII-Datei,
die in das DTA-Format uebersetzt wird.

LICENSE: GPL2 or later

2009-01-16T14:06:07+00:00 deskutils/libopensync-plugin-synce-legacy SynCE legacy plugin for the OpenSync framework
This plugin allows applications using OpenSync to synchronise to and from
Windows Mobile 2003 based devices.

2009-01-16T13:25:22+00:00 deskutils/simpleagenda Simple calendar and agenda application
SimpleAgenda is a simple calendar and agenda application.
Based on libical, SimpleAgenda handles multiple local and distant
(through webcal) calendars.

* multiples agendas
* monthly calendar, day view and summary
* create, resize and move appointments easily
* export individual appointments as files and to pasteboard
* changing rapidly
* open to suggestions and friendly with contributors !

LICENSE: GPL2 or later

2009-01-16T10:16:39+00:00 www/contenido Web Content Management System
Contenido sperates layout, functionality and content.


2009-01-16T09:42:53+00:00 multimedia/tstools MPEG transport, program, and elementary stream tools
MPEG TS/PS/ES Transport, Program and Elementary Stream tools

This is a set of cross-platform command line tools for working with
MPEG data. The emphasis is on relatively simple tools which
concentrate on MPEG (H.264 and H.262) data packaged according to
H.222 (i.e., TS or PS), with a particular interest in checking for
conformance. Transport Stream (TS) is typically used for distribution
of cable and satellite data. Program Stream (PS) is typically used
to store data on DVDs.

The tools are focussed on:

* Quick reporting of useful data (tsinfo, stream_type)
* Giving a quick overview of the entities in the stream
(esdots, psdots)
* Reporting on TS packets (tsreport) or ES units/frames/
fields (esreport)
* Simple manipulation of stream data (es2ts, esfilter,
esreverse, esmerge, ts2es)
* Streaming of data, possibly with introduced errors

2009-01-16T09:42:21+00:00 multimedia/dvbsnoop DVB stream analyzer / MPEG analyzer
DVBsnoop is an analyzer for DVB broadcast streams / MPEG transport

DVBsnoop is a program to monitor, analyze, debug, dump or view
dvb/mpeg/dsm-cc/mhp stream information (TS, PES, SECTION) (e.g.
digital television) send via satellite, cable or terrestrial.

2009-01-16T00:41:58+00:00 games/numptyphysics-npcomplete Level pack for Numpty Physics
NP-complete - a pack of user-submitted levels for Numpty Physics

2009-01-16T00:09:20+00:00 science/py-pydicom Read, modify, and write DICOM files with Python code
pydicom is a pure python package for working with DICOM files. It was
made for inspecting and modifying DICOM files in an easy "pythonic"
way. The modifications can be written again to a new file. As a pure
python package, it should run anywhere python runs without any other

2009-01-15T21:26:21+00:00 multimedia/mythtv-themes The official MythTV Themes for your PVR
These are the official MythTV Themes for your PVR.

2009-01-15T21:24:56+00:00 multimedia/mythtv-frontend Homebrew PVR project (frontend only)
MythTV is a "Personal Video Recorder", i.e. a computer-based video
recorder. It supports pausing and rewinding live TV, multiple tuner
cards, hardware or software video compression, onscreen program guides
and a distributed architecture.

2009-01-15T03:26:08+00:00 textproc/p5-DocSet Documentation projects builder in HTML, PS, and PDF formats
This package builds a docset from sources in different formats. The
generated documents can be all nicely interlinked and to have the same
look and feel.

Currently it knows to handle input formats:


and knows to generate:


2009-01-15T02:07:02+00:00 www/trac-graphviz Graphviz plugin for Trac's wiki
The GraphvizPlugin allows for the inline creation of diagrams for abstract
graphs and networks using the Graphviz programs.

2009-01-15T01:44:35+00:00 astro/merkaartor Openstreetmap mapping program
Merkaartor is an openstreetmap mapping program. Merkaartor focuses on
providing a visually pleasing but performant editing environment for
free geographical data.

It is based on Qt5.

2009-01-14T12:48:36+00:00 www/openbravoerp Openbravo ERP is a Web based ERP
Openbravo ERP is a Web based ERP for SME, built on proven MVC & MDD framework
that facilitate its customization. Already in production, Openbravo ERP
encompasses a broad range of functionalities such as finance, supply chain,
manufacturing & much more.

2009-01-14T09:17:17+00:00 textproc/p5-Template-Plugin-XML-Escape Escape variables to suit being placed into XML
Escapes XML entities from text, so that you don't fall prey to people putting
quotes, less-than/greater-than, and ampersands, into variables that end up in
TT templates.

2009-01-14T04:38:42+00:00 devel/fpc-fcl-process Free Pascal unit to start and manipulate other programs
2009-01-14T03:53:14+00:00 sysutils/fpc-users Free Pascal interface to manipulate system users
2009-01-14T02:56:44+00:00 databases/fpc-pxlib Free Pascal unit to read various Paradox files
2009-01-14T02:51:26+00:00 math/fpc-numlib Free Pascal unit to numerical methods
2009-01-14T02:46:22+00:00 graphics/fpc-imagemagick Free Pascal interface to ImageMagick
2009-01-14T02:41:00+00:00 textproc/fpc-aspell Interface to aspell spelling checker
2009-01-14T02:36:46+00:00 misc/fpc-chm Free Pascal unit to manipulate chm files
2009-01-14T02:31:53+00:00 devel/fpc-symbolic FreePascal unit for simple expression parsing and evaluating
2009-01-14T02:25:58+00:00 devel/fpc-sdl Free Pascal interface to SDL library
2009-01-14T02:21:14+00:00 devel/fpc-fcl-json Free Pascal JavaScript Object Notation implementation (FCL)
2009-01-14T01:50:42+00:00 emulators/mupen64plus-dummyvideo Dummy video plugin for Mupen64plus
2009-01-13T20:34:49+00:00 misc/qt4-l10n Qt localized messages
Qt is a C++ toolkit for application development. It lets application
developers target all major operating systems with a single application
source code.

Qt provides a platform-independent API to all central platform functionality:
GUI, database access, networking, file handling, etc. The Qt library
encapsulates the different APIs of different operating systems, providing
the application programmer with a single, common API for all operating systems.
The native C APIs are encapsulated in a set of well-designed, fully
object-oriented C++ classes.

2009-01-13T18:22:19+00:00 security/py-fail2ban Scans log files and bans IP that makes too many password failures
Fail2ban scans log files like /var/log/pwdfail or /var/log/apache/error_log
and bans IP that makes too many password failures. It updates firewall rules
to reject the IP address.

2009-01-13T15:42:55+00:00 sysutils/dupmerge Searches for files with equal content
Dupmerge reads a list of files from standard input (eg., as produced by
"find . -print") and looks securely for identical files. When it finds
two or more identical files, all but one are unlinked to reclaim the
disk space and recreated as hard links to the remaining copy.

2009-01-13T15:40:58+00:00 sysutils/ua Finds sets of identical files
ua is a simple command-line tool that finds sets of identical files.
The name ua is derived from the Hungarian word ugyanaz meaning the same.

The development of ua was motivated by the disturbingly often recurring
event of waiting too long for a shell script using sorts, md5sums, diffs
and the like to finish finding identical files. While there are many tools
out there, we needed a tool that can ignore white spaces and runs quite fast.

LICENSE: GPL2 or later

2009-01-13T11:52:21+00:00 graphics/jpg2pdf Plain C converter of jpeg images to PDF or PostScript
jpg2pdf is a program to convert one or more JPG images into a
single PDF or PostScript file.

Compared to other similar programs, the main advantage of jpg2pdf
is that it is very small, fast and entirely written in C.

It works by simply wrapping the JPG data with appropriate PDF or PS
glue so there is no image conversion involved.

2009-01-13T09:42:06+00:00 net/p5-Net-OpenSSH Perl SSH client package implemented on top of OpenSSH
Net::OpenSSH is a secure shell client package implemented on top of OpenSSH
binary client (ssh).

2009-01-13T02:21:28+00:00 www/jawstats JAWStats is a Free Web Site Statistics tool
JAWStats is a free site statistics and analytics package.
It runs in conjunction with AWStats and produces clear and informative charts,
graphs and tables about your website visitors.

2009-01-12T23:27:20+00:00 japanese/icanna Canna connector for yc.el via unix domain socket
icanna is a connector program between yc.el and Canna server
via Unix domain socket. Since emacs21 or former version does
not support Unix domain socket in elisp itself, icanna helps
the elisp application to interact with Canna server by relaying
data between standard input/output and Unix domain socket.

2009-01-12T22:56:28+00:00 sysutils/kldpatch Utility to patch modules and kernel
The kldpatch utility can print or alter the content of device/quirk tables
in kernel modules. These tables are generally used to identify devices,
and possibly apply specific quirks to enable/disable certain features.

Kldpatch is especially useful to let the kernel recognise a new device
without rebooting and rebuilding/reinstalling kernel or modules.

2009-01-12T19:54:46+00:00 devel/p5-Thread-Suspend Suspend and resume operations for threads
This module adds suspend and resume operations for threads.

Suspensions are cumulative, and need to be matched by an equal number of resume

2009-01-12T19:52:07+00:00 devel/p5-Thread-Cancel Cancel (i.e., kill) threads
This module adds cancellation capabilities for threads. Cancelled threads are
terminated using threads->exit(). The thread is then detached, and hence
automatically cleaned up.

Threads that are suspended using Thread::Suspend do not need to be resumed in
order to be cancelled.

It is possible for a thread to cancel itself.

2009-01-12T15:38:21+00:00 audio/xmms-wavpack XMMS input plugin to play WavPack files
xmms-wavpack is a plugin for the multimedia player XMMS that plays
audio files in the WavPack format, which supports lossless and lossy

2009-01-12T12:53:00+00:00 x11-themes/claws-mail-themes Claws Mail icon themes
Claws Mail icon themes.

2009-01-12T09:44:37+00:00 cad/verilog-mode.el Emacs lisp modules for the Verilog language
Verilog-mode.el is a Verilog mode for Emacs which provides context-sensitive
highlighting, auto indenting, and provides macro expansion capabilities to
greatly reduce Verilog coding time.

Recent versions allow you to insert AUTOS in non-AUTO designs, so IP
interconnect can be easily modified. You can also expand Verilog-2001 ".*"
instantiations, to see what ports will be connected by simulators.

2009-01-11T14:26:01+00:00 graphics/p5-Geo-GML Perl Module to Process Geography Markup Language
p5-Geo-KML is a perl module to process GML(Geography
Markup Language) file.

2009-01-11T14:04:41+00:00 graphics/p5-Geo-KML Perl Module to Create Google Earth KML/KMZ
p5-Geo-KML is a perl module to create Google Earth
KML/KMZ file.

2009-01-11T14:03:26+00:00 graphics/p5-Geo-Point Perl Module Tries To Abstract Coordinate Systems
Geo::Point tries to abstract coordinate systems. It does not
try to solve all the problems itself, but will call-out for
helper modules when computation has to be done.

The module is heavily resting on Math::Polygon.

2009-01-11T14:02:04+00:00 textproc/p5-XML-Compile-Cache Cache Compiled XML Translators
p5-XML-Compile-Cache is a perl module to cache compiled
XML translators.

2009-01-11T14:01:36+00:00 devel/p5-XML-Compile-Tester Support XML::Compile Related Regression Testing
XML-Compile-Tester support XML::Compile related regression

2009-01-11T11:14:22+00:00 textproc/m17n-im-config GUI for per-user configuration of m17n-lib input methods
The program m17n-im-config provides a GUI for per-user configuration of
input methods of the m17n library (devel/m17n-lib and textproc/m17n-contrib).

The following methods are customisable at the moment: Unicode, Vietnamese,
Malayalam, Tibetan, Thai, Tamil, Japanese and Chinese.

2009-01-11T11:13:34+00:00 textproc/m17n-contrib User-contributed input methods for the m17n library
This port installs the user-contributed input methods for the m17n library
(the official ones are installed through devel/m17n-lib). It currently
supports Assamese, Eastern and Western Cree syllabics, Bengali, Belarusian,
Czech, Esperanto, Gujarati, Hindi, Yi, Inuktitut, Kannada, Kashmiri, Malayalam,
Marathi, Nepali, Ojibwe syllabics, Oriya, Punjabi, Pashto, Russian, Sindhi,
Sinhala, Tamil, Tai Viet, Telugu, Urdu, Han Viet, Yiddish and Chinese Pinyin
layouts with various sub-variants.

The port also provides the tbl2mim.awk script for conversion of keyboard
files used by textproc/scim-table-imengine into SCIM-independent .mim format
(usable by m17n library).

2009-01-10T15:09:27+00:00 www/piwik Open Source Web Analytics Software Program
Piwik is a downloadable, open source (GPL licensed) web analytics
software package. It provides detailed reports on your website and
its visitors, including the search engines and keywords they used,
the language they speak, which pages they like, the files they
download, and so much more.

Piwik aims to be an open source alternative to Google Analytics.

2009-01-10T15:05:56+00:00 www/squidstats Collection of simple statistical analysis bits for Squid
This is a series of scripts for gathering and presenting statistical
information about a running Squid or Cacheboy application.

2009-01-10T15:02:48+00:00 www/mod_memcache Apache 2.2.x module to manage apr_memcache connections
mod_memcache manages the parsing of memcached server configuration and
exports a single function for use by other modules to access a
configured apr_memcache object.

2009-01-10T05:22:13+00:00 x11/gegl Generic Graphics Library: graph based image processing framework
GEGL (Generic Graphics Library) is a graph based image processing

GEGL's original design was made to scratch GIMP's itches for a new
compositing and processing core. This core is being designed to have
minimal dependencies. and a simple well defined API.

2009-01-10T05:22:13+00:00 x11-toolkits/pangomm C++ wrapper for Pango
C++ wrapper for Pango.

2009-01-10T05:22:13+00:00 security/seahorse-plugins Plug-ins for the Seahorse key and password management application
These are various plug-ins for the Seahorse security management application.
They serve to extend Seahorse, and to integrate Seahorse into other
applications such as Nautilus, GEdit, etc.

2009-01-10T05:22:13+00:00 devel/goffice06 GLib/GTK+ set of document centric objects and utilities
Goffice is a set of document centric components for GLib and GTK+.

There are common operations for document centric applications that are
conceptually simple, but complex to implement fully.
- plugins
- load/save documents
- undo/redo

Goffice provides a single library for performing such operations.

2009-01-10T05:22:13+00:00 deskutils/hamster-applet Time management applet for the GNOME Desktop
Hamster Applet allows you to keep track on where are you spending your time.

2009-01-10T05:22:13+00:00 databases/libgda4 Provides uniform access to different kinds of data sources
GNU Data Access (GDA) is an attempt to provide uniform access to
different kinds of data sources (databases, information servers,
mail spools, etc).

It is a complete architecture that provides all you need to access
your data, defined by a set of CORBA interfaces as generic as possible
(but very powerful at the same time) so that any kind of data source
can be accessed through them.

libgda is an interface to the GDA architecture, providing a nice
wrapper around the CORBA interfaces, for both the client and the server
parts. It also provides a bunch of tools to help you both in the
development and management of your data sources, all done through
the GDA model's set of CORBA interfaces.

libgda was part of the GNOME-DB project, but has been separated from it
to allow non-GNOME applications to be developed based on it.

2009-01-10T05:22:13+00:00 databases/libgda4-reference
This port contains the programming reference for databases/libgda4.

2009-01-10T05:22:13+00:00 databases/libgda4-postgresql Provides PostgreSQL access for the libgda4 library
2009-01-10T05:22:13+00:00 databases/libgda4-mysql Provides MySQL backend for the libgda4 library
2009-01-10T05:22:13+00:00 databases/libgda4-mdb Provides mdb backend for the libgda4 library
2009-01-10T05:22:13+00:00 audio/freedesktop-sound-theme Sound theme based on the FreeDesktop specification
This is a sound theme based on the FreeDesktop sound theme specification.

2009-01-09T23:57:07+00:00 www/trac-wikitopdf Plugin to generate PDF documents from the Wiki
WikiToPdf combines the functionality of CombineWikiPlugin and
PageToPdfPlugin on only one plugin and allows one to setup a template
file used to generate the PDF file with a cover and a licence page, for

At the end of each wiki page there is a link named WikiToPdf and
works like athomas PageToPdfPlugin plugin but takes into account the
parameters on trac.ini (see below) and passes them to htmldoc.

Alternatively, it's possible to select one or more wiki pages and
generate one single PDF file just like coderanger work with a cover and
a licence from a template file. This feature also takes into account the
parameters on trac.ini.

2009-01-09T23:55:14+00:00 www/trac-pydotorgtheme Theme that emulates the look of
This is a theme that emulates the look of

2009-01-09T23:53:48+00:00 www/trac-themeengine Plugin to simplify distributing and deploying themes and styles
This plugin simplifies the process of distributing and deploying
themes and styles.

2009-01-09T23:52:26+00:00 www/trac-fullblog Plugin that provides a project Blog
This plugin provides a project Blog, but unlike TracBlogPlugin and
SimpleBlogPlugin it does not use Wiki pages to store the content.
It has no dependencies on other plugins.

2009-01-09T23:24:06+00:00 security/py-pyclamd Python ClamD interface module
pyClamd is a python interface to Clamd (Clamav daemon).
By using pyClamd, you can add virus detection capabilities
to your python software in an efficient and easy way.

2009-01-09T23:24:06+00:00 mail/py-pyclamd Python ClamD interface module
pyClamd is a python interface to Clamd (Clamav daemon).
By using pyClamd, you can add virus detection capabilities
to your python software in an efficient and easy way.
2009-01-09T23:11:40+00:00 math/p5-Math-Polygon Class for Maintaining Polygon Data
p5-Math-Polygon is a perl class provides an OO interface around
Math::Polygon::Calc and Math::Polygon::Clip.

2009-01-09T20:07:53+00:00 www/twiki-GluePlugin Allow to format tags and arguments on multiple lines
This plugin will help you to write readable markup (TWikiMarkup, HMTL,
...) within TWiki by allowing tags and arguments to be formatted on
multiple lines. This is done by removing whitespaces surrounding tilde
characters at the beginning of a line and recombine consecutive lines

2009-01-09T19:57:57+00:00 www/twiki-NewUserPlugin Create user's topic for externally authenticated users
This plugin is of use in those cases where TWiki users are registered
and authenticated externally, for example using LDAP. So users are not
registered to TWiki using its own registration workflow and therefore
don't have a user topic in the Main web. This plugin fills that gap and
creates a user's topic if it does not yet exist.

2009-01-09T17:53:24+00:00 graphics/py-pygooglechart Complete Python wrapper for the Google Chart API
A complete Python wrapper for the Google Chart API

2009-01-09T17:51:24+00:00 graphics/py-gchartwrapper Python Google Chart Wrapper
Python wrapper for the Google Chart API.

The wrapper can render the URL of the Google chart, based on your parameters,
or it can render an HTML img tag to insert into webpages on the fly.
Made for dynamic python websites (Django,Zope,CGI,etc.) that need on the fly
chart generation without any extra modules. Can also grab the PIL Image
instance of the chart for manipulation

2009-01-09T14:12:19+00:00 devel/p5-List-Uniq Extract the unique elements of a list
List::Uniq extracts the unique elements of a list.
This is a commonly re-written (or at least re-looked-up)
idiom in Perl programs.

2009-01-09T00:38:45+00:00 archivers/kzip PKZIP-compatible compressor focusing on space over speed
Linux ports of KZIP and ZIPMIX by Ken Silverman.

A PKZIP-compatible compressor focusing on space over speed. KZIP
creates smaller .ZIP files than PKZIP with maximum compression
enabled and even beats 7-Zip most of the time.

2009-01-09T00:36:38+00:00 archivers/zipmix Produce .ZIP file from two other ones with the best compressed files
Sometimes, when you run 2 different .ZIP programs on the same data
(PKZIP & KZIP for example), some files get compressed better in one
program, while other files get compressed better in the other.

ZIPMIX will take the best files from each one and create a new
output file, which is guaranteed to be equal to or smaller in size
to both of the input files.

ZIPMIX can also be used to perform boolean operations on ZIP files,
such as merging 2 ZIP files together, or updating a new file (with
some tricks).

2009-01-08T17:52:53+00:00 devel/rubygem-trollop Commandline option parser for Ruby that gets out of your way
Trollop is a commandline option parser for Ruby that gets out of your way. One
line of code per option is all you need to write. For that, you get a nice
automatically-generated help page (fit to your screen size!), robust option
parsing, command subcompletion, and sensible defaults for everything you don't

2009-01-08T17:01:58+00:00 databases/rubygem-kirbybase A Small and Plain-text DBMS Written in Ruby
KirbyBase is a small, plain-text, DBMS written in Ruby.
It can be used either embedded or client/server. It aims
to be as "Ruby-ish" as possible. For example, queries
are specified using Ruby code blocks, rather than SQL strings.

2009-01-08T15:59:04+00:00 mail/bogofilter-tc
2009-01-08T11:53:23+00:00 devel/p5-Template-Provider-Encode Encode templates for Template Toolkit
Encode templates for Template::Toolkit.

2009-01-07T23:04:40+00:00 databases/py-pg_pqueue PostgreSQL PQ Protocol Modules
PQueue is a package providing low-level PQ protocol classes for
interacting with a PostgreSQL database. It supports version 3.0
of the protocol--the current primary version of protocol. The
package also provides a basic protocol transaction class. This
class keeps the state of the protocol in an interrupt safe manner,
and validates the integrity of the communication as messages are

In general, you probably will never use this package directly,
unless you are writing a driver.

2009-01-07T22:12:42+00:00 deskutils/gbirthday Birthday reminder for GNOME2
GBirthday is a birthday reminder application that helps you to remember
your Evolution, Thunderbird, Sunbird contacts' birthdays or from a MySQL
Server or a CSV File.
It puts an icon on notification area which will blink when there is any
of your contacts' birthday today. You can also check if there is any of
your contacs' birthday on next days.

2009-01-07T19:14:37+00:00 mail/p5-Data-Validate-Email Common email validation written in Perl
This module collects common email validation routines to
make input validation, and untainting easier and more readable.

2009-01-07T18:40:06+00:00 sysutils/p5-Sys-HostIP Perl module to get IP address related info
Sys::HostIP does what it can to determine the IP address
of your machine. This module was tested on Irix, OpenBSD,
FreeBSD, NetBSD, Solaris, Linux, OSX, Win32, and Cygwin.

2009-01-07T15:14:41+00:00 www/p5-CGI-Utils Utilities for retrieving information through the CGI
This module can be used almost as a drop-in replacement for
for those of you who do not use the HTML generating features of
This module provides an object-oriented interface for retrieving information
provided by the Common Gateway Interface, as well as url-encoding and
decoding values, and parsing CGI parameters.

2009-01-07T03:50:01+00:00 archivers/ruby-libarchive Ruby bindings for libarchive
Ruby bindings for Libarchive.

Libarchive is a programming library that can create and read several
different streaming archive formats, including most popular tar
variants, several cpio formats, and both BSD and GNU ar variants.

Author: SUGAWARA Genki <>
2009-01-07T03:05:09+00:00 archivers/rubygem-libarchive Ruby bindings for libarchive
Ruby bindings for Libarchive.

Libarchive is a programming library that can create and read several
different streaming archive formats, including most popular tar
variants, several cpio formats, and both BSD and GNU ar variants.

2009-01-05T11:36:25+00:00 net-mgmt/sblim-wbemcli CLI for Web Based Enterprise Management by SBLIM
SBLIM (pronounced "sublime"), the Standards Based Linux
Instrumentation for Manageability is an IBM-initiated Open Source
project, intended to enhance the manageability of GNU/Linux
systems. It does so by enabling WBEM, Web Based Enterprise Management.

2009-01-04T23:02:42+00:00 games/numptyphysics Drawing physics-based puzzle game
Harness gravity with your crayon and set about creating blocks,
ramps, levers, pulleys and whatever else you fancy to get the little
red thing to the little yellow thing.

Numpty Physics is a drawing puzzle game in the spirit (and style?)
of Crayon Physics using the same excellent Box2D engine.

2009-01-03T09:45:08+00:00 chinese/CNS11643-font Combine of Kai and Sung with CNS11643 TrueType Fonts
These fonts are Chinese Unicode fonts which include the CNS 11643 character set.

2009-01-01T13:11:55+00:00 audio/libopenspc Library for playing SPC (SNES audio) files
libopenspc provides a library that allows for the emulated playback of SPC
files, which are SNES audio files. It uses the SNEeSe emulator sound core for
accurate playback.
2009-01-01T00:18:11+00:00 www/anyremote2html Web interface for anyRemote
anyremote2html package is a WEB interface for anyRemote.
It acts as HTTP server and translates anyRemote commands to HTML.

The overall goal of this project is to provide remote control service on Linux
through Bluetooth, InfraRed, Wi-Fi or just TCP/IP connection.

anyRemote supports wide range of modern cell phones like Nokia, SonyEricsson,
Motorola and others.

It was developed as thin communication layer between Bluetooth (or IR, Wi-Fi)
capabled phone and UNIX, and in principle could be configured to manage almost
any software.