FreeBSD New Ports Index

This page is a slightly modified version of the following one-liner output. created_at: 2021-05-14T02:10:18+09:00

# git -C /usr/ports log --diff-filter=A --name-status --pretty="format:%aI %H" origin/master | perl -nlE '/^\d/ ? $d=$_ : print "$d\t$_"' | ack "\t[0-9a-z-]+/[^/ ]+/Makefile$"
timestamp origin comment / pkg-descr
2003-12-31T19:29:54+00:00 databases/qt-odbc-plugin A plugin for QT to connect to ODBC-compatible databases
The ODBC Plugin from Qt 3, which provides an easy access method from
within Qt applications.
2003-12-31T18:29:44+00:00 net/widentd RFC1413 auth/identd daemon providing a fixed fake reply
widentd is a small ident/RFC1413 daemon which provides a fixed (and fake)
auth reply, regardless of the IP/port pair quoted.

It's intended use is on firewalls, and NAT machines - where you may
want to simply syphon off auth-requests from, for example, IRC servers.

Author: Dirk-Willem van Gulik /

2003-12-31T17:58:45+00:00 games/gweled GNOME version of the game called "Bejeweled" or "Diamond Mine"
Gweled is a Gnome version of a popular PalmOS/Windows/Java game called
"Bejeweled" or "Diamond Mine". The aim of the game is to make alignment
of 3 or more gems, both vertically or horizontally by swapping adjacent
gems. The game ends when there are no possible moves left.

2003-12-31T03:14:57+00:00 devel/codeworker Versatile parsing tool and source code generator
CodeWorker is a parsing tool and a source code generator, available in
Open Source (distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License)
devoted to cover many aspects of the generative programming. Generative
programming is a software engineering approach for producing reusable,
tailor-made, evolvable and reliable IT systems with a high level of

The tool interprets a scripting language that drives the processing of
parsing and source code generation in a quite familiar syntax for
developers. It insists on adapting the syntax of the language to the
particularities of tasks to resolve (parse, code generation, procedural)
and on offering powerful functionalities to do intensive source code

2003-12-31T01:20:50+00:00 devel/py-rlcompleter2 Python module for readline interactive completion
rlcompleter2 is an interactive readline completion handler, featuring:
* completion on any python expression/statement
* interactive introspection into function signatures and docstrings
* convenient completions on module, instance and function objects
* ultra simple user interface: <tab> (try hit it multiple times!)

2003-12-31T00:45:42+00:00 audio/boodler Programmable soundscape tool
Boodler is a tool for creating soundscapes -- continuous, infinitely
varying streams of sound. Boodler is designed to run in the background on a
computer, maintaining whatever sound environment you desire.

2003-12-30T15:16:51+00:00 sysutils/dc42wrap Wrap a \"raw\" floppy image as an Apple DiskCopy 4.2 file
Several years ago, dc42wrap was created to produce open-source operating
system boot floppies for a PC that could not boot from CD-ROM, in an environment
where the only physically accessible machines with floppy disk drives were Apple

"raw" disk image -> FTP -> dc42wrap
FTP -> [Macintosh OS 7/8/9] -> physical floppy

When Apple stopped including floppy drives in their hardware, this
software fell into disuse, until someone needed to copy the contents of an
ancient pile of HFS-formatted floppies onto a floppy drive-less Macintosh
running OS X, and the only physically accessible machines with floppy disk
drives were PCs running an open-source operating system.
Even though Apple now uses NDIF as their preferred disk image format,
modern software still understands DiskCopy 4.2 files, and OS X will happily
mount those old HFS images on the desktop.

physical floppy -> dd -> dc42wrap
SSH -> [Macintosh OS X] -> mounted filesystem

2003-12-30T15:05:05+00:00 misc/sonytv Sony-compatible TV remote
This is a Sony-compatible TV remote control implemented in Tcl/Tk.
It should work on laptops/notebooks with a built-in serial IR port.
The range isn't as good as a "real" remote; 2m, if you're lucky.


2003-12-30T14:53:14+00:00 www/web-traceroute WWW Traceroute CGI script written in C
This is a modified BSD traceroute command which outputs customized HTML
and can be used as a cgi program directly.

The advantage of using a compiled C program directly instead of a shell,
tcl or perl scipt:

More Secure (tastes better) - There is no possibility that strange
characters or environment passed to the CGI program can be used to break
into the server, etc.

Less Overhead (less filling) - The whole CGI program runs as one very
small process instead of multiple script processes and/or a large perl
program which must be interpreted each time it is run.

You can customise the HTML presented, by creating the template file
"template.html", and entering it's full path when prompted. Insert the
text "TRACEROUTE-OUTPUT" into your template file at the point where you
require the traceroute results displayed. This makes web-traceroute
integrate seamlessly with existing website layouts.

2003-12-30T13:24:29+00:00 mail/sympa-elixus An electronic mailing list manager with patches
SYMPA -- Systeme de Multi-Postage Automatique

SYMPA is an electronic mailing list manager. It is used to automate list
management functions such as subscription, moderation and management of
archives. SYMPA also manages sending of messages to the lists, and
makes it possible to reduce the load on the system. Provided that you
have enough memory on your system, Sympa is especially well adapted for big
lists. For a list with 20 000 subscribers, it takes 5 minutes to send a
message to 90% of subscribers, of course considering that the network is

Developed by and supported by OurInternet, Inc, sympa-elixus is
a beefed-up branch based on the latest release of SYMPA. It features a
Template Toolkit based UI framework, PO-file based localization, and is
generally much more internationalized.

2003-12-30T12:43:23+00:00 audio/cuetools Utilities for working with CUE and TOC files
Cuetools is a set of utilities for working with cue files and toc files.
It contains:
- cueconvert: convert between the cue and toc formats
- cuebreakpoints: print the breakpoints from a cue or toc file
- cueprint: print disc and track information for a cue or toc file

2003-12-30T09:03:05+00:00 textproc/skribe A highly programmable document processing system
Skribe is a text processor. Even if it is a general purpose tool, it
best suits the writing of technical documents such as web pages or
technical reports, API documentations, etc. At first glance, Skribe
looks like a mark-up language ala HTML. So, there is no need to be
provided with computer programming skills in order to use Skribe.

A second look reveals that Skribe is actually a true programming
language, provided with high level features (such as objects, higher
order functions, regular and syntactic parsing, etc.). Skribe is
based on the Scheme programming language.

2003-12-30T08:58:41+00:00 java/java3d Provides API for creating and manipulation of 3D geometry
The Java 3D API enables the creation of three-dimensional graphics
applications and Internet-based 3D applets. It provides high-level
constructs for creating and manipulation 3D geometry and building the
structures used in rendering that geometry. With this sof tware, you
can efficiently define and render very large virtual worlds.

2003-12-30T08:26:41+00:00 print/texpower Creating dynamic online presentations with LaTeX
TeXPower is a bundle of style and class files for creating dynamic online
presentations with LaTeX.

2003-12-30T07:47:48+00:00 x11/grabc Grab a color from screen
grabc is s simple but very useful program to determine the color string in hex
(or RGB components) by clicking on a pixel on the screen. While web browsing,
lots of time you find a nice color and wonder what color is that! Well just
use grabc!

When this program is run, the mouse pointer is grabbed and changed to a cross
hair and when the mouse is clicked, the color of the clicked pixel is written
to stdout in hex prefixed with #. It will the R, G, B component also in the

2003-12-30T04:20:00+00:00 www/goose Command line Google search utility
Goose (GOOge SEarch) allows you to search Google's index of the Internet from
the command line. You run Goose, giving it your list of search terms, and it
presents a list of search results using an easy to navigate Curses display in
your terminal. You can then select a search result to open in your web browser.

2003-12-29T18:30:13+00:00 sysutils/luma A graphical tool for accessing and managing LDAP servers
Luma - a graphical tool for accessing and managing LDAP server.
It is written in Python, using PyQt and python-ldap.
Plugin-support is included and useful widgets with
LDAP-functionality for easy creation of plugins are delivered.

2003-12-29T17:25:57+00:00 textproc/p5-Lingua-Stem Provides word stemming algorithms localized by language
Lingua::Stem - Stemming of words

This routine applies stemming algorithms to its parameters, returning the
stemmed words as appropriate to the selected locale.

Currently supported locales are:

EN - English (also EN-US and EN-UK)
DA - Danish
DE - German
GL - Galician
IT - Italian
NO - Norwegian
PT - Portuguese
SV - Swedish

2003-12-29T17:01:42+00:00 textproc/p5-XML-Atom Perl5 modules for Atom feed and API implementation
Atom is a syndication, API, and archiving format for weblogs and other data.
XML::Atom implements the feed format as well as a client for the API.

2003-12-29T16:33:02+00:00 palm/uppc-kmod USB device driver for Windows CE handhelds
UPPC is a USB device driver that presents a tty style serial interface to
Windows CE devices like Pocket PCs. This lets programs like those from the
SynCE project access your device much faster than the standard serial
2003-12-29T16:00:52+00:00 deskutils/kickpim Panel applet for editing and accessing the KDE addressbook
KickPIM is a panel applet for quickly editing and accessing the
KDE addressbook or sending emails to your contacts. It also shows
a list of upcoming birthdays and waiting emails of multiple

2003-12-29T15:19:45+00:00 net/nbd-server Server for the Linux network block device (nbd)
This is a server for the Linux network block device (nbd). It allows Linux to
use a partition or a file over the network as a regular block device.

2003-12-29T14:47:51+00:00 games/hlstats A real-time statistics generator for Half-Life and its mods
HLStats consists of a Perl script (the HLStats logging daemon) and a set of
PHP scripts (which generate statistics Web pages). HLStats provides player
and clan rankings for Half-Life servers. Its features include:

* Real-time statistics
* Track players from multiple servers and multiple Half-Life mods using
one installation of HLStats
* Players can be tracked by their WON ID (recommended), by IP address,
or by name
* Clan rankings and statistics
* No need for extended periods of lag while parsing a day's worth of log
* Fully supports the Half-Life Standard Log Format
* A full history of remote console commands
* Detailed host statistics allows HLStats administrator see which ISPs
players are using
* Customizable style

2003-12-29T13:27:06+00:00 net/jabberd Online presence and instant messaging server
The Jabber server (jabberd) is a daemon for Jabber clients to connect
and communicate with.

2003-12-29T13:27:06+00:00 net-im/jabberd Online presence and instant messaging server
jabberd 2.x series is the next generation of the Jabber/XMPP server.
It has been rewritten from the ground up to be scalable, architecturally
sound and to support the latest protocol extensions coming out of the XSF.

2003-12-29T09:54:25+00:00 print/kover WYSIWYG CD cover printer
Kover is an easy to use WYSIWYG CD cover printer with CDDB support.

Some features:
o CDDB support via
o supports proxies with authentification (basic)
o image embedding in inlet and booklet
o should read files saved with Easy CD Pro 2.0
o saves CDDB queries locally
o do CDDB query without the CD
o files created with K3B can be imported

2003-12-29T09:54:25+00:00 print/kcdlabel Create covers, labels, and booklets for your CD cases
KCDLabel is a KDE program used to create covers, labels and
booklets for your CD cases.

Author: Pascal Panneels <>
2003-12-29T08:04:10+00:00 editors/texmaker LaTeX Development Environment
Texmaker is a program, that integrates many tools needed to develop documents
with LaTeX, in just one application.

Features :
* an editor to write your LaTeX source files
* the principal LaTex tags can be inserted directly
* 370 mathematical symbols can be inserted in just one click
* wizards to generate code
* LaTeX-related programs can be launched via the "Tools" menu
* the standard Bibtex entry types can be inserted in the ".bib" file
* a "structure view" of the document for easier navigation of a document
* extensive LaTeX documentation
* in the "Messages / Log File" frame, you can see information about
processes and the logfile after a LaTeX compilation
* the "Next Latex Error" and "Previous Latex Error" commands let you reach
the LaTeX errors detected by Kile in the log file
* by clicking on the number of a line in the log file, the cursor jumps to
the corresponding line in the editor

2003-12-29T07:42:41+00:00 lang/huc PC Engine C compiler which can create ROMs (hucard) or CD images
HuC is a PC Engine C compiler. It can create ROMs (hucard) or CD images
and is bundled with an assembler and all kinds of libraries. You can ouput
text, scrolls, make sound, control CD, handle sprites and tiles, and more.

2003-12-29T07:07:37+00:00 devel/epydoc Python API documentation generation tool
Epydoc is a tool for generating API documentation for Python modules, based on
their docstrings. For an example of epydoc's output, see the API documentation
for epydoc itself. A lightweight markup language called epytext can be used to
format docstrings, and to add information about specific fields, such as
parameters and instance variables. Epydoc also understands docstrings written in
ReStructuredText, Javadoc and plaintext.

2003-12-29T06:35:09+00:00 french/geonext Interactive (dynamic) elementary Geometry Software
Le logiciel de géométrie dynamique GEONEXT ouvre de nouvelles voies pour
l'enseignement et l'apprentissage des mathématiques. Il offre des
possibilités de visualisation qui ne sont pas réalisables avec un papier,
un crayon et des outils de construction traditionnels, ni même au tableau.

GEONExT est un outil de travail pour l'enseignement. Il permet aux élèves de
travailler de façon responsable, autonome et coopérative, et permet ainsi une
découverte active des notions mathématiques. GEONExT peut être
employé en géométrie à l'école primaire, en analyse dans l'enseignement
secondaire, de manière variée et flexible comme illustration de
cours à l'Université, comme un programme indépendant mais aussi dans le cadre
d'un environnement de travail internet du type "cartable électronique".

En tant qu'application indépendante, GEONExT est un outil pour la réalisation
de constructions géométriques. Pour cela, GEONExT propose une feuille de
dessin et une multitude d'outils de construction. A la différence des dessins
sur papier, les constructions peuvent être changées à posteriori et modifiées
de façon dynamique.


-Andreas Fehlner
2003-12-29T06:13:32+00:00 www/drupal7 Database driven web content management system (CMS)
Drupal is a free web Content Management System (CMS) that allows an
individual or a community of users to easily publish, manage and organize a
wide variety of content on a website.

Drupal is ready to go from the moment you download it. It even has an
easy-to-use web installer! The built-in functionality, combined with dozens
of freely available add-on modules, will enable features such as: Content
Management Systems, Blogs, Collaborative authoring environments, Forums,
Peer-to-peer networking, Newsletters, Podcasting, Picture galleries, File
uploads/downloads and much more.

2003-12-29T06:13:32+00:00 www/drupal6 Database driven web content management system (CMS)
Drupal is a free software package that allows an individual or a community
of users to easily publish, manage and organize a wide variety of content on
a website.

Drupal is ready to go from the moment you download it. It even has an
easy-to-use web installer! The built-in functionality, combined with dozens
of freely available add-on modules, will enable features such as: Content
Management Systems, Blogs, Collaborative authoring environments, Forums,
Peer-to-peer networking, Newsletters, Podcasting, Picture galleries, File
uploads/downloads and much more.

2003-12-29T06:13:32+00:00 www/drupal5 A database driven web content management system (CMS)
Drupal is a free software package that allows an individual or a community
of users to easily publish, manage and organize a wide variety of content on
a website.

Drupal is ready to go from the moment you download it. It even has an
easy-to-use web installer! The built-in functionality, combined with dozens
of freely available add-on modules, will enable features such as: Content
Management Systems, Blogs, Collaborative authoring environments, Forums,
Peer-to-peer networking, Newsletters, Podcasting, Picture galleries, File
uploads/downloads and much more.

2003-12-29T06:13:32+00:00 www/drupal4 CMS that supports pgsql and mysql
Drupal is an open-source platform and content management system
for building dynamic web sites offering a broad range of features
and services.
Drupal can support a diverse range of web projects ranging from
personal weblogs to large community-driven sites.

2003-12-29T06:13:32+00:00 www/drupal CMS that supports pgsql and mysql
Drupal is an open-source platform and content management system
for building dynamic web sites offering a broad range of features
and services.
Drupal can support a diverse range of web projects ranging from
personal weblogs to large community-driven sites.

2003-12-29T06:09:53+00:00 japanese/wikicker Wiki like system by perl5
WiKicker is WikiEngine implemented by a Perl language.

WiKicker policy:
- Not losing being integrated
- The certification be unnecessary in writing
- Do reading / editing in a spread Web browser
- Safety
(It works only in Japanese)


Copyright (C) 2003 WATANABE Yoshimasa <>

2003-12-29T05:59:06+00:00 sysutils/mtxorbd Control Daemon for Matrix Orbital LCD screens
This is a port of mtxorbd, a control daemon for the Matrix Orbital LCD Screens.

2003-12-29T05:53:37+00:00 japanese/xlockmore
2003-12-29T05:50:13+00:00 chinese/mingunittf Chinese Big5HKSCS TrueType fonts
This port installs Chinese Big5HKSCS TrueType Mingti fonts.

2003-12-29T05:20:14+00:00 databases/pgbash SQL Bash Shell for PostgreSQL
pgBash is a bash shell with builtin SQL features
for PostgreSQL

2003-12-29T05:08:54+00:00 www/zope-archetypes Framework for the development of new Content Types in Zope/CMF/Plone
Framework for the development of new Content Types in Zope/CMF/Plone.
Schema driven automatic form generation, simple integration with rich
content types, and a lower entry bar to the complex requirements Zope
places on new content objects.

2003-12-29T05:05:40+00:00 www/zope-FileSystemSite Enable file system based sites within Zope
This is a repackaging of the CMF's FileSystem Directory Views such that it is
independent of the CMF.

The major use of this is to develop view code on the file system such that it
can be edited with normal development utilties and checked into a source
control management system.

2003-12-29T05:01:56+00:00 www/zope-xmlwidgets XMLWidgets - dynamic translations of ParsedXML to HTML pages
XMLWidgets is a Zope Product/Framework to create dynamic translations of
ParsedXML documents to HTML pages. Each XML node is represented by a widget.
A widget can display itself (to HTML), and handle user events (clicks, form
submits) in the same HTML page.

2003-12-29T04:45:57+00:00 www/zope-exuserfolder Extensible User Folder - Custom & database authenticatoin for Zope
Extensible User Folder is a user folder that provides custom
authentication methods, including support for many database backends.

2003-12-29T04:37:34+00:00 www/zope-formulator HTML form generatation and validation system for Zope
Formulator is a flexible, extensible framework for the creation and
validation of web forms in Zope. Web forms can optionally be created
with a web-based management interface. When a form is submitted, many
common validations, such as testing for required fields or certain
types of input, can be automated.

2003-12-29T04:32:36+00:00 www/zope-parsedxml Access and manipulate XML documents within Zope
Parsed XML allows you to use XML objects in the Zope environment. You
can create XML documents in Zope and leverage Zope to format, query,
and manipulate XML, using the standard W3C DOM.

2003-12-29T04:17:02+00:00 textproc/iiimf-x Internet/Intranet Input Method X Client Framework
IIIMF stands for Internet/Intranet Input Method Framework.
IIIMF is designed to be the next generation of input method framework
which provides the following capabilities;

* Multiplatform, platform independent.
* Multlingual and Full UNICODE support, but satisfactory for native speakers.
* Windowing System Independent.
* Multiple language engines concurrently run.
* Multiuser.
* Distributed, lightweight clients and scalable server.
* Extensible in multiple means.
* Input method protocol efficient enough to be used over low-speed modem
* Easy input method engine development with plugin API.
* Easy input method enabling with libiiimcf, even on console apps.
* Small core part to start from.


- Kuang-che Wu
2003-12-29T01:11:14+00:00 textproc/silvercity Lexing package for over 20 programming and markup languages
SilverCity is a lexing package, based on Scintilla, that can provide lexical
analysis for over 20 programming and markup languages.

Scripting language bindings currently exist for Python.

2003-12-28T13:34:01+00:00 net/giftoxic GTK2 client for giFT
giFToxic is a GTK2 based client for giFT which allows you to search and
download from Gnutella, FastTrack and OpenFT networks.


- Joel
2003-12-28T13:34:01+00:00 net-p2p/giftoxic GTK2 client for giFT
giFToxic is a GTK2 based client for giFT which allows you to search and
download from Gnutella, FastTrack and OpenFT networks.


- Joel
2003-12-28T12:51:52+00:00 deskutils/howm Write fragmentarily and read collectively
howm: Write fragmentarily and read collectively.

Howm is a note-taking tool on Emacs. It is similar to emacs-wiki;
you can enjoy hyperlinks and full-text search easily. It is not
similar to emacs-wiki; it can be combined with any format.

2003-12-28T12:18:20+00:00 textproc/iiimf-gtk Internet/Intranet Input Method Server Framework
IIIMF stands for Internet/Intranet Input Method Framework.
IIIMF is designed to be the next generation of input method framework
which provides the following capabilities;

* Multiplatform, platform independent.
* Multlingual and Full UNICODE support, but satisfactory for native speakers.
* Windowing System Independent.
* Multiple language engines concurrently run.
* Multiuser.
* Distributed, lightweight clients and scalable server.
* Extensible in multiple means.
* Input method protocol efficient enough to be used over low-speed modem
* Easy input method engine development with plugin API.
* Easy input method enabling with libiiimcf, even on console apps.
* Small core part to start from.


- Kuang-che Wu
2003-12-28T11:43:36+00:00 textproc/iiimf-le-unit IIIMF UNIcode Table based generic composition engine
IIIMF stands for Internet/Intranet Input Method Framework.
IIIMF is designed to be the next generation of input method framework

UNIcode Table based generic composition engine with lookup-choice capability,
originally shipped with Solaris 9 update. Since the Unit started as hile,
the HIndi LE, this engine comes with Indic scripts tables, but it does not
mean this engine only supports Indic, it can be enhanced to wider scripts


- Kuang-che Wu
2003-12-28T11:43:36+00:00 textproc/iiimf-csconv Internet/Intranet Input Method Framework encoding convert library
IIIMF stands for Internet/Intranet Input Method Framework.
IIIMF is designed to be the next generation of input method framework
which provides the following capabilities;

* Multiplatform, platform independent.
* Multlingual and Full UNICODE support, but satisfactory for native speakers.
* Windowing System Independent.
* Multiple language engines concurrently run.
* Multiuser.
* Distributed, lightweight clients and scalable server.
* Extensible in multiple means.
* Input method protocol efficient enough to be used over low-speed modem
* Easy input method engine development with plugin API.
* Easy input method enabling with libiiimcf, even on console apps.
* Small core part to start from.


- Kuang-che Wu
2003-12-28T11:43:36+00:00 chinese/iiimf-le-newpy IIIMF New PinYin input method engine
IIIMF stands for Internet/Intranet Input Method Framework.
IIIMF is designed to be the next generation of input method framework
which provides the following capabilities;

* Multiplatform, platform independent.
* Multlingual and Full UNICODE support, but satisfactory for native speakers.
* Windowing System Independent.
* Multiple language engines concurrently run.
* Multiuser.
* Distributed, lightweight clients and scalable server.
* Extensible in multiple means.
* Input method protocol efficient enough to be used over low-speed modem
* Easy input method engine development with plugin API.
* Easy input method enabling with libiiimcf, even on console apps.
* Small core part to start from.

2003-12-28T11:30:39+00:00 textproc/iiimf-client-lib Internet/Intranet Input Method Client Framework
IIIMF stands for Internet/Intranet Input Method Framework.
IIIMF is designed to be the next generation of input method framework
which provides the following capabilities;

* Multiplatform, platform independent.
* Multlingual and Full UNICODE support, but satisfactory for native speakers.
* Windowing System Independent.
* Multiple language engines concurrently run.
* Multiuser.
* Distributed, lightweight clients and scalable server.
* Extensible in multiple means.
* Input method protocol efficient enough to be used over low-speed modem
* Easy input method engine development with plugin API.
* Easy input method enabling with libiiimcf, even on console apps.
* Small core part to start from.


- Kuang-che Wu
2003-12-28T11:18:18+00:00 textproc/iiimf-server Internet/Intranet Input Method Server Framework
IIIMF stands for Internet/Intranet Input Method Framework.
IIIMF is designed to be the next generation of input method framework
which provides the following capabilities;

* Multiplatform, platform independent.
* Multlingual and Full UNICODE support, but satisfactory for native speakers.
* Windowing System Independent.
* Multiple language engines concurrently run.
* Multiuser.
* Distributed, lightweight clients and scalable server.
* Extensible in multiple means.
* Input method protocol efficient enough to be used over low-speed modem
* Easy input method engine development with plugin API.
* Easy input method enabling with libiiimcf, even on console apps.
* Small core part to start from.


- Kuang-che Wu
2003-12-28T11:05:09+00:00 textproc/iiimf-headers Header files for Internet/Intranet Input Method Framework
IIIMF stands for Internet/Intranet Input Method Framework.
IIIMF is designed to be the next generation of input method framework
which provides the following capabilities;

* Multiplatform, platform independent.
* Multlingual and Full UNICODE support, but satisfactory for native speakers.
* Windowing System Independent.
* Multiple language engines concurrently run.
* Multiuser.
* Distributed, lightweight clients and scalable server.
* Extensible in multiple means.
* Input method protocol efficient enough to be used over low-speed modem
* Easy input method engine development with plugin API.
* Easy input method enabling with libiiimcf, even on console apps.
* Small core part to start from.


- Kuang-che Wu
2003-12-28T11:00:27+00:00 textproc/iiimf-protocol-lib Internet/Intranet Input Method Framework protocol library
IIIMF stands for Internet/Intranet Input Method Framework.
IIIMF is designed to be the next generation of input method framework
which provides the following capabilities;

* Multiplatform, platform independent.
* Multlingual and Full UNICODE support, but satisfactory for native speakers.
* Windowing System Independent.
* Multiple language engines concurrently run.
* Multiuser.
* Distributed, lightweight clients and scalable server.
* Extensible in multiple means.
* Input method protocol efficient enough to be used over low-speed modem
* Easy input method engine development with plugin API.
* Easy input method enabling with libiiimcf, even on console apps.
* Small core part to start from.


- Kuang-che Wu
2003-12-28T10:42:48+00:00 ftp/quftp Scriptable FTP client
A scriptable FTP client that allows multiple simultaneous connections
and file queueing, as well as transger directly between servers.

2003-12-28T10:32:48+00:00 devel/readline Library for editing command lines as they are typed
The GNU Readline library provides a set of functions for use by applications
that allow users to edit command lines as they are typed in. Both Emacs and vi
editing modes are available. The Readline library includes additional functions
to maintain a list of previously-entered command lines, to recall and perhaps
reedit those lines, and perform csh-like history expansion on previous commands.

2003-12-28T09:32:33+00:00 irc/irssi+perl A modular IRC client with many features (with perl)
2003-12-28T09:29:20+00:00 games/ssamtse Serious Sam - The Second Encounter
Sam is back in the all new Second Episode of his
battles with his arch-enemy Mental! After finding
the Sirian spacecraft in ancient Egypt, Sam
"Serious" Stonr hijacked it and headed for Mental

Warning: You still need original game data files
to play.
2003-12-28T09:29:20+00:00 games/linux-ssamtse Serious Sam: The Second Encounter for Linux
Serious Sam: Second Encounter introduces three worlds where cyberpunk
once again meets fantasy fiction, and features frantic action in
12 massive single player levels. The Second Encounter includes three
new episodes based in beautifully detailed ancient civilizations: South America,
Babylon, and The Medieval Age. With fourteen total weapons at his disposal,
three brand new, Sam is more serious than ever. He battles against hordes of
old enemies and seven adversarial species in an effort to reach the Mental
once and for all.

Having successfully defeated the Mental forces in ancient Egypt,
Sam "Serious" Stone seizes an abandoned spacecraft. On course in his crusade
to finally assassinate the great evil Mental, our hero's spaceship suddenly
tumbles into the South American Mountains - Sam seems destined to stay on Earth.
He must fight the tougher, now more experienced members of Mental's destructive
forces and find a new way to reach the notorious Mental himself.

You need an original game CD to use this port.

2003-12-28T08:56:37+00:00 www/pear-HTTP_Upload Easy and secure management of files submitted via HTML Forms
This class provides an advanced file uploader system for file uploads made
from html forms. Features:
* Can handle from one file to multiple files.
* Safe file copying from tmp dir.
* Easy detecting mechanism of valid upload, missing upload or error.
* Gives extensive information about the uploaded file.
* Rename uploaded files in different ways: as it is, safe or unique.
* Validate allowed file extensions.
* Multiple languages error messages support (es, en, de, fr, nl).

2003-12-28T08:54:32+00:00 www/pear-HTTP_Session2 PHP5 Session Handler
PHP5 Object-oriented interface to the session_* family functions
it provides extra features such as database storage for session
data using DB/MDB2 packages.

2003-12-28T08:54:32+00:00 www/pear-HTTP_Session PEAR Object-oriented interface to the session_* family functions
Object-oriented interface to the session_* family functions
it provides extra features such as database storage for
session data using DB package. It introduces new methods
like isNew(), useCookies(), setExpire(), setIdle(),
isExpired(), isIdled() and others.

2003-12-28T08:52:55+00:00 www/pear-HTTP_Header PEAR OO interface to modify and handle HTTP headers and status codes
This class provides methods to set/modify HTTP headers
and status codes including an HTTP caching facility.
It also provides methods for checking Status types.

2003-12-28T08:47:44+00:00 www/pear-HTTP PEAR miscellaneous HTTP utilities
The HTTP class is a class with static methods for doing
miscellaneous HTTP related stuff like date formatting,
language negotiation or HTTP redirection.

2003-12-28T02:43:36+00:00 irc/insub Some scripts for expressing how you feel on IRC and the web
Some scripts and files for insubordination for IRC and HTML.
Comes with scripts for irssi. Enter "/script load insub"
within the irssi client. Or, use the handy command-line
"insub" program.

2003-12-28T00:19:45+00:00 math/p5-AI-DecisionTree Perl module for Automatically Learning Decision Trees
The AI::DecisionTree module automatically creates so-called "decision trees"
to explain a set of training data. A decision tree is a kind of categorizer
that use a flowchart-like process for categorizing new instances.

A decision tree like this one can be learned from training data, and
then applied to previously unseen data to obtain results that are consistent
with the training data.

2003-12-28T00:12:31+00:00 textproc/p5-Text-Ngrams Perl5 modules for Flexible Ngram analysis
Text::Ngrams - Flexible Ngram analysis (for characters, words, and more)

This module implement text n-gram analysis, supporting several types of
analysis, including character and word n-grams.

The module can be used from the command line through the script
provided with the package.

2003-12-28T00:08:32+00:00 devel/p5-Algorithm-SVM Perl bindings for the libsvm Support Vector Machine library
Algorithm::SVM implements a Support Vector Machine for Perl.
Support Vector Machines provide a method for creating classification
functions from a set of labeled training data, from which predictions
can be made for subsequent data sets.

2003-12-27T23:47:14+00:00 devel/ace+tao The Adaptive Communication Environment (ACE) with The ACE ORB (TAO)
The ADAPTIVE Communication Environment (ACE) is an object-oriented
(OO) toolkit that implements fundamental design patterns for
communication software. ACE provides a rich set of reusable C++
wrappers and frameworks that perform common communication software
tasks across a range of OS platforms.

TAO is a freely available, open-source implementation of a
CORBA 2.x-compliant ORB that supports real-time extensions.

2003-12-27T13:50:26+00:00 www/rnews Server-side RSS aggregator written in PHP with MySQL
Rnews is a server-side rss aggregator written in php with mysql.

2003-12-27T01:34:43+00:00 x11/libXcomposite X Composite extension library
This package contains the X Composite extension library.

2003-12-27T01:34:05+00:00 x11/libXdamage X Damage extension library
This package contains the X Damage extension library.

2003-12-27T01:33:09+00:00 x11/libXfixes X Fixes extension library
This package contains the X Fixes extension library.

2003-12-27T01:32:08+00:00 x11/compositeext X Composite extension headers and specification
This package contains the X Composite extension headers and specification


- Eric Anholt
2003-12-27T01:31:16+00:00 x11/damageext X Damage extension headers and specification
This package contains the X Damage extension headers and specification


- Eric Anholt
2003-12-26T23:54:19+00:00 emulators/linux-geepee32 The only GP32 emulator for i386
What is it ?
GeePee32 is a GP32 emulator that emulates the Korean GP32 handheld

The emulator needs a GP32 firmware dump in order to work. I do not
have permission from Gamepark Inc. to distrubute this file :(

2003-12-26T22:50:25+00:00 emulators/linux-mupen64 A Nintendo 64 emulator (Linux version)
Mupen 64 is a Nintendo 64 emulator.

This is the Linux version.


- Travis Poppe
2003-12-26T21:33:24+00:00 devel/agide A-A-P GUI IDE: a framework for software development
The A-A-P GUI IDE is a framework in which separate tools can work
together. Like any other Integrated Development Environment it

* Creating a project
* Building and executing a program
* Browsing files
* Debugging a program while displaying source code

Instead of forming a monolithic application Agide provides
interfaces to plugin existing tools. Currently plugins for Vim
and gdb are operational. You can add your own plugins.

2003-12-26T20:03:41+00:00 math/vtk43-headers The Visualization Toolkit C++ headers, CMake includes, Doxygen
2003-12-26T20:03:41+00:00 math/vtk-tcl The Visualization Toolkit Tcl libs
2003-12-26T20:03:41+00:00 math/vtk-python The Visualization Toolkit Python libs
2003-12-26T20:03:41+00:00 math/vtk-java VTK Java classes and shared libs
2003-12-26T20:03:41+00:00 math/vtk-headers The Visualization Toolkit C++ headers, CMake includes, Doxygen
2003-12-26T20:03:41+00:00 math/vtk-examples Visualization Toolkit: Examples in the C++, Tcl, Python, and Java
2003-12-26T20:03:41+00:00 math/vtk-data The Visualization Toolkit examples data
2003-12-26T17:08:26+00:00 databases/p5-DBD-mysql41 MySQL 4.1 driver for the Perl5 Database Interface (DBI)
2003-12-26T17:07:11+00:00 databases/p5-DBD-mysql40 MySQL 4.0 driver for the Perl5 Database Interface (DBI)
2003-12-26T07:39:00+00:00 devel/ustl Codespace-frugal STL implementation
uSTL (micro-STL) is a partial implementation of the STL specification intended
to reduce code size of the derivative programs.

2003-12-26T06:18:14+00:00 www/bk_edit Bookmark Editor
bk_edit is an easy to use bookmark manager and editor. The program can read,
write, edit, create, manage and convert the bookmarks of the most popular
browsers. There is also a simple Drag & Drop interface for adding new
bookmarks from a running browser in a very comfortable way. At the moment
there are plugins for the following browsers and tools:
* SiteBar
* Links 2.1
* XBEL 1.0
* Opera 6, 7
* Galeon 1.2.5
* WikiLinks Export
* Netscape Navigator 3, 4. 6
* Mozilla 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4
* Phoenix 0.5+ (Drag & Drop only)
* Konqueror 3+ (Drag & Drop only)

2003-12-26T02:07:55+00:00 net/py-msnp MSN messaging in Python is an implementation of the MSN instant messaging protocol; a library,
packaged as a Python module, with a smooth object-oriented API.

Features :
* Login; logout
* Presence states (online, away, etc.)
* Full-fledged API-supported friend list management
* Privacy settings
* Chat conversations (start, join, leave)
* Instant messages
* Typing notifications
* HTTP proxy (tunnelling) support

2003-12-26T02:07:55+00:00 net-im/py-msnp MSN messaging in Python is an implementation of the MSN instant messaging protocol; a library,
packaged as a Python module, with a smooth object-oriented API.

Features :
* Login; logout
* Presence states (online, away, etc.)
* Full-fledged API-supported friend list management
* Privacy settings
* Chat conversations (start, join, leave)
* Instant messages
* Typing notifications
* HTTP proxy (tunnelling) support

2003-12-26T01:00:25+00:00 www/emp CGI program to deliver hierarchy of web links
EMP (Easy Maintenance Pages) is a heirarchical web delivery system.
It is written in C++. It is small, fast and has a clean appearance.
It makes a web site of categorized links that is easy to maintain.

2003-12-26T00:39:09+00:00 www/chpasswd Allow users to change their Squid or Web password using the browser
This utility allow your users to change their Squid or Web password using
the browser.

2003-12-26T00:30:44+00:00 www/admuser Handle your Squid or Web users and passwords using your browser
With admuser you can handle your Squid or Web users and passwords using your
browser. Admuser allow you to create, change, remove, disable and enable users

2003-12-26T00:01:50+00:00 net/gyach Gyach is a GTK+ based Yahoo! Chat client
Gyach is a Yahoo! chat program with a GTK+ interface. It was originally
based upon the yahmini program (see AUTHORS file). All yahmini code
has since been replaced. Gyach was written for a few reasons:

1 - I run Linux at home and I couldn't stand the yahoo java interface.
2 - I didn't want to run qt unless absolutely necessary.
3 - I wanted to occasionally have something a little more fancy than
the text-based interface that a few others are working on.
4 - I'm impatient and didn't want to wait for someone else to write a
simple GTK-based interface.

So, I got the source to yahmini and created a GTK+ interface for it using
Glade. Functionality was limited in the early stages, but I continue to
add new features. Yahmini code has now been totally replaced as well as
conversion from Yahoo's older YCHT protocol to their newer YMSG protocol.


- Aaron Landwehr
2003-12-26T00:01:50+00:00 net-im/gyach Gyach is a GTK+ based Yahoo! Chat client
Gyach is a Yahoo! chat program with a GTK+ interface. It was originally
based upon the yahmini program (see AUTHORS file). All yahmini code
has since been replaced. Gyach was written for a few reasons:

1 - I run Linux at home and I couldn't stand the yahoo java interface.
2 - I didn't want to run qt unless absolutely necessary.
3 - I wanted to occasionally have something a little more fancy than
the text-based interface that a few others are working on.
4 - I'm impatient and didn't want to wait for someone else to write a
simple GTK-based interface.

So, I got the source to yahmini and created a GTK+ interface for it using
Glade. Functionality was limited in the early stages, but I continue to
add new features. Yahmini code has now been totally replaced as well as
conversion from Yahoo's older YCHT protocol to their newer YMSG protocol.

2003-12-25T20:41:29+00:00 net/linux-ymessenger An RPM of Yahoo! Messenger instant messaging client
An RPM of Yahoo! Messenger instant messaging client.
2003-12-25T20:41:29+00:00 net-im/linux-ymessenger RPM of Yahoo! Messenger instant messaging client
An RPM of Yahoo! Messenger instant messaging client.
2003-12-25T20:39:05+00:00 graphics/linux-gdk-pixbuf Linux version of the graphic library for GTK+
An RPM of the graphic library for GTK+.
2003-12-25T20:39:05+00:00 graphics/linux-f8-gdk-pixbuf Image loading library for GTK+ (Linux Fedora 8)
An RPM of the graphic library for GTK+.
2003-12-25T20:39:05+00:00 graphics/linux-f10-gdk-pixbuf Image loading library for GTK+ (Linux Fedora 10)
An RPM of the graphic library for GTK+.
2003-12-25T19:45:11+00:00 mail/mail-notification Mail notification for system trays
Mail Notification is a status icon (aka tray icon) that informs you if you
have new mail.

It works with system trays implementing the System Tray
Specification, such as the GNOME Panel Notification Area, the Xfce
Notification Area and the KDE System Tray.

Mail Notification features include:

* multiple mailbox support
* mbox, MH, Maildir, POP3, IMAP, Gmail, Evolution, Mozilla products
(Mozilla, SeaMonkey, Thunderbird, ...) and Sylpheed support
* SASL authentication support
* APOP authentication support
* SSL/TLS support
* automatic detection of mailbox format
* immediate notification (the status icon is updated immediately or
within seconds after a mailbox changes)
* message popups
* HIG 2.0 compliance

2003-12-25T17:32:38+00:00 net/mute-net-text Peer-to-peer text client with privacy protection and easy search/download
2003-12-25T17:32:38+00:00 net-p2p/mute-net-text Peer-to-peer text client with privacy protection and easy search/download
2003-12-25T17:24:08+00:00 net/mute-net-gui Peer-to-peer GUI client with privacy protection and easy search/download
2003-12-25T17:24:08+00:00 net-p2p/mute-net-gui Peer-to-peer GUI client with privacy protection and easy search/download
2003-12-25T17:18:34+00:00 net/mute-net Peer-to-peer client with privacy protection and easy search/download
[ excerpt with modifications from developer's web site ]

MUTE File Sharing is a new peer-to-peer network that provides easy
search-and-download functionality while also protecting your privacy:

o MUTE protects your privacy
o Routing mechanism is inspired by ant behavior
o Based on research

2003-12-25T17:18:34+00:00 net-p2p/mute-net Peer-to-peer client with privacy protection and easy search/download
[ excerpt with modifications from developer's web site ]

MUTE File Sharing is a new peer-to-peer network that provides easy
search-and-download functionality while also protecting your privacy:

o MUTE protects your privacy
o Routing mechanism is inspired by ant behavior
o Based on research

2003-12-25T08:28:12+00:00 devel/libassa C++ networking library and application framework
ASSA is a UNIX/Linux Object-Oriented C++ networking (BSD sockets) library
and application framework based on Adaptive Communication Patterns. ASSA is
designed to improve productivity of writing network-oriented client/server

2003-12-25T02:57:27+00:00 x11/xrestop X11 server side resource usage statistics monitor
Xrestop uses X-Resource extension to provide 'top' like statistics
of each connected X11 client's server side resource usage. It is
intendent as a developer tool aid more efficient server resource
usage and debug server side leakage.

2003-12-25T01:43:50+00:00 audio/gdesklets-cornerxmms A fancy desklet that allows you to control XMMS from the desktop
A fancy desklet that allows you to control XMMS from the desktop.

2003-12-24T14:16:19+00:00 java/linux-sun-jdk16 Sun Java Development Kit 1.6 for Linux
The Sun Java Development Kit 1.6 for Linux.

2003-12-24T14:16:19+00:00 java/linux-sun-jdk15 Sun Java Development Kit 1.5 for Linux
The Sun Java Development Kit 1.5 for Linux.

2003-12-24T13:53:01+00:00 security/cvm Credential Validation Modules
Credential Validation Modules:
- The reference source for the CVM interface
- Diagnostic and benchmark CVM clients
- A checkpassword interface CVM client
- A UNIX/POSIX system module (uses getpwnam)
- A flat-file module
- A library for client writers
- A set of libraries for module writers

2003-12-24T10:42:36+00:00 mail/relay-ctrl SMTP Relaying Control for qmail & tcpserver
This set of programs controls access to relaying for users that
authenticate using either POP3 using the qmail-popup/qmail-pop3d
or pop3front servers, or IMAP using Courier IMAP.

2003-12-24T07:17:34+00:00 astro/pp3 Creates celestial charts
PP3 creates celestial charts. It generates resolution independent maps of very
high graphical quality. They can be used for example as illustrations in books
or on web pages. You may use own databases or free ones from the Internet.

2003-12-24T06:17:31+00:00 archivers/ WinZip like program written in Java is a WinZip like program written in java. Project aims to provide
ultimate zip tool free of proprietary code and portable to virtually any modern
operating system.

2003-12-24T06:13:15+00:00 sysutils/xfce4-fsguard-plugin Panel plugin which displays free space of mountpoint
The FSGuard panel plugin checks free space on a chosen mount point and displays
a message when a limit is reached. There are two limits:
- a warning limit where only the icon changes
- an urgent limit that advise the user with a message

2003-12-24T02:49:02+00:00 print/pfbtopfa Convert PFB files to the PFA format
Convert PFB files to the PFA format.

2003-12-23T22:43:07+00:00 net/latd Linux-DECnet project LAT protocol suite
The linux-decnet project is an effort to bring full DECnet
support to Linux; however, they also separately offer the latd
package, a collection of programs that speak Digital's old Local
Area Terminal (LAT) protocol. These programs enable network
clients to reach serial devices connected to old LAT-only
terminal servers, such as the DECserver 200/MC.

This is a redistribution of the linux-decnet project's software,
with FreeBSD compatibility added. It is based very closely on the
NetBSD port by Matt Fredette and has benefited from the
wonderful assistance of Patrick Caulfield (the original author).

2003-12-23T22:20:16+00:00 games/wesnoth Fantasy turn-based strategy game
Battle for Wesnoth is a fantasy turn-based strategy game. Battle for control of
villages, using variety of units which have advantages and disadvantages in
different types of terrains and against different types of attacks. Units gain
experience and advance levels, and are carried over from one scenario to the
next campaign.

2003-12-23T22:20:16+00:00 games/wesnoth-devel A fantasy turn-based strategy game
Battle for Wesnoth is a fantasy turn-based strategy game. Battle for control of
villages, using variety of units which have advantages and disadvantages in
different types of terrains and against different types of attacks. Units gain
experience and advance levels, and are carried over from one scenario to the
next campaign.

2003-12-23T12:34:51+00:00 editors/nxml Major mode for editing XML documents for ${EMACS_PORT_NAME}
This is a new major mode for GNU Emacs for editing XML documents. It
supports editing well-formed XML documents and also provides
schema-sensitive editing of XML documents using RELAX NG Compact

To use this, you need GNU Emacs version 21.x, preferably 21.3. GNU
Emacs version 20 will not work properly, nor will XEmacs.
2003-12-23T12:34:51+00:00 editors/nxml-emacs21
This is a new major mode for GNU Emacs for editing XML documents. It
supports editing well-formed XML documents and also provides
schema-sensitive editing of XML documents using RELAX NG Compact

To use this, you need GNU Emacs version 21.x, preferably 21.3. GNU
Emacs version 20 will not work properly, nor will XEmacs.

-- port by Fritz Heinrichmeyer <>
2003-12-22T17:04:59+00:00 devel/safestr A string handling library for C
Safe C String Library v0.9.6 (June 11, 2003)

The goal of the SafeStr library is to provide a rich string-handling library
for C that has safe semantics yet interoperates with legacy library code in
a straightforward manner. Additionally, porting code that uses standard C
string handling should be straightforward. The library should work on all
modern Unix-like platforms, as well as any 32-bit Microsoft Windows OS.

The overt security goals of the library are as follows:

1. Buffer overflows should not be possible when using the API.
2. Format string problems should be impossible when using the API.
3. The API should be capable of tracking whether strings are "trusted",
a la Perl's taint mode.

The API is meant to provide rich functionality and be easy to use, all the while
improving security.

2003-12-22T15:08:03+00:00 security/starttls Simple wrapper program for STARTTLS on ${EMACS_PORT_NAME}
Simple wrapper program for STARTTLS on emacsen.
2003-12-22T14:33:10+00:00 graphics/nip2 Graphical user interface for VIPS
nip2 is a graphical user interface for VIPS

2003-12-22T14:33:10+00:00 graphics/nip Graphical user interface for VIPS
nip is a graphical user interface for VIPS

2003-12-22T14:06:05+00:00 graphics/vips Free image processing system
VIPS's a free image processing system. It aims to be about half way between
Excel and Photoshop. It's obviously much smaller than these two, but it's
not a toy either (about 200k lines of code). It's very bad at photo
retouching, but it's great (much better than programs like Photoshop, I
think) at all the other things you use photoshop for. It's particularly
good with large images (ie. images larger than the amount of RAM in your
machine), and for working with colour.

2003-12-22T12:46:04+00:00 devel/p5-Test-Reporter Sends test results to
Test::Reporter reports the test results of any given distribution
to the CPAN testing service. See for

Test::Reporter has wide support for various perl5's and platforms.

2003-12-22T02:13:59+00:00 x11/libXrandr X Resize and Rotate extension library
This package contains the X Resize and Rotate extension library.

2003-12-22T01:41:43+00:00 x11/libXcursor X client-side cursor loading library
This package contains the X client-side cursor loading library.

2003-12-22T01:02:26+00:00 x11/libXext X11 Extension library

This package contains the X Extension library.

2003-12-22T00:54:18+00:00 x11/libXi X Input extension library
This package contains the X Input extension library.

2003-12-22T00:39:02+00:00 x11/libXv X Video Extension library
This package contains the X Video Extension library.

2003-12-22T00:30:35+00:00 x11/fixesext X Fixes extension headers and specification
This package contains the X Fixes extension headers and specification


- Eric Anholt
2003-12-22T00:25:51+00:00 x11/libXdmcp X Display Manager Control Protocol library
This package contains the X Display Manager Control Protocol library.

2003-12-22T00:23:26+00:00 x11/libXres X Resource usage library
This package contains the X Resource usage library.

2003-12-22T00:21:55+00:00 x11/resourceext X Resource usage extension headers
This package contains the X Resource extension headers


- Eric Anholt
2003-12-21T23:52:44+00:00 x11/randrext Header files and documentation for the X Resize and Rotate extension
This package contains header files and documentation for the X Resize and
Rotate extension.


- Eric Anholt
2003-12-21T23:38:30+00:00 x11/libXfont X font libary
This package contains the X font libary


- Eric Anholt
2003-12-21T23:38:30+00:00 x11-fonts/libXfont X font library
This package contains the X font libary

2003-12-21T23:37:10+00:00 x11/libSM Session Management library for X11
This package contains the X11 Session Management library.

2003-12-21T23:35:55+00:00 x11/libICE Inter Client Exchange library for X11
This package contains the Inter Client Exchange library for X11.

2003-12-21T23:12:25+00:00 net/rude Real-time UDP data emitter and collector
RUDE stands for Real-time UDP Data Emitter and CRUDE for Collector for RUDE.
RUDE is a small and flexible program that generates traffic to the network,
which can be received and logged on the other side of the network with the
CRUDE. Currently these programs can generate and measure only UDP traffic.
Actually these tools were designed and coded bacause of the accuracy
limitations in the MGEN program.

2003-12-21T19:49:54+00:00 x11/libX11 X11 library
This package contains the X11 library.

2003-12-21T19:48:18+00:00 x11/libXau Authentication Protocol library for X11
This package contains a library for the Authorization Protocol for X11.

2003-12-21T19:46:37+00:00 x11/libXtrans Network API translation layer for X applications and libraries
This package contains the code for a network API translation layer to insulate X
applications and libraries from OS network vagaries

2003-12-21T19:44:04+00:00 x11/xextensions X11 extension headers
This package contains X11 extension headers and pkgconfig file.


- Eric Anholt
2003-12-21T19:42:47+00:00 x11/xproto X11 protocol headers
This package contains X protocol and ancillary headers.

2003-12-21T17:01:41+00:00 net/cacti Web-driven graphing interface for RRDTool
Cacti is a complete frontend to RRDTool, it stores all of the necessary
information to create graphs and populate them with data in a MySQL database.
The frontend is completely PHP driven. Along with being able to maintain
Graphs, Data Sources, and Round Robin Archives in a database, cacti handles
the data gathering. There is also SNMP support for those used to creating
traffic graphs with MRTG.

2003-12-21T17:01:41+00:00 net-mgmt/cacti Web-driven graphing interface for RRDTool
Cacti is a complete frontend to RRDTool, it stores all of the necessary
information to create graphs and populate them with data in a MySQL database.
The frontend is completely PHP driven. Along with being able to maintain
Graphs, Data Sources, and Round Robin Archives in a database, cacti handles
the data gathering. There is also SNMP support for those used to creating
traffic graphs with MRTG.

2003-12-21T16:04:40+00:00 games/crack-attack OpenGL game based on Super Nintendo classic Tetris Attack
A free OpenGL game for Windows and UNIX, based on the Super Nintendo
classic Tetris Attack. Stack of blocks grows from the bottom, and you
have got to make sure it will never reaches the top. To add
to the excitement, chunks of red garbage will fall from above.

For single player game use

crack-attack --solo

2003-12-21T01:09:41+00:00 sysutils/eroaster GNOME2 frontend to mkisofs/cdrecord
Eroaster is a GNOME2/Python based mkisofs/cdrecord front-end.
You can burn Audio and Data CD-ROMS, ISO and BIN/CUE image files.
You can use it to extract data and audio tracks, format CD-RW an other.
2003-12-19T22:02:41+00:00 audio/mp3burn Command line tool to burn audio CDs from MP3, Ogg, Vorbis, FLAC files
mp3burn is a simple command line tool for making audio CDs from encoded audio
files without filling up your disk with .wav files.

It uses Perl(1), ogg123(1), mpg321(1) or mpg123(1), cdrecord(1), flac(1), and
the MP3::Info Perl module.

2003-12-19T19:28:19+00:00 graphics/kphotoalbum Image viewer and organizer for KDE
KPhotoAlbum is a tool for annotating, searching and viewing images
and videos. The annotation is done by telling KPhotoAlbum who is
on the images, where the images were taken and (optionally) adding

KPhotoAlbum is highly optimized for easy annotation of images, so
that it is possible to use it with thousands of images. When the
images have been annotated, you may browse them based on the
annotations (person, location, keywords).

2003-12-19T19:28:19+00:00 graphics/kphotoalbum-kde4 Image viewer and organizer for KDE
KPhotoAlbum is a tool for annotating, searching and viewing images
and videos. The annotation is done by telling KPhotoAlbum who is
on the images, where the images were taken and (optionally) adding

KPhotoAlbum is highly optimized for easy annotation of images, so
that it is possible to use it with thousands of images. When the
images have been annotated, you may browse them based on the
annotations (person, location, keywords).

2003-12-19T19:28:19+00:00 graphics/kimdaba Image database for KDE
KDE Image Database (KimDaBa) is a tool for annotating, searching, and viewing
images. The annotation is done by telling KimDaBa who is on the images, where
the images were taken, and (optionally) adding descriptions.

KimDaBa is highly optimized for easy annotating of images, so that it is
possible to use it with thousands of images. When the images have been
annotated you may browse them based on the annotations (person, location,

Author: Jesper Kjaer Pedersen <>
2003-12-19T09:11:33+00:00 devel/cpan-upload Script for uploading distributions to CPAN
This is a script for uploading one or more distributions to CPAN
using PAUSE, the Perl Authors Upload SErver.
2003-12-19T08:57:20+00:00 sysutils/p5-Filesys-DiskFree Perl equivalent of df(2)
Filesys::DiskFree does about what the Unix command df(1) does, listing
the mounted disks, and the amount of free space used & available.
2003-12-19T03:41:34+00:00 devel/py-tables Hierarchical database for Python
The goal of PyTables is to enable the end user to manipulate easily scientific
data tables and Numerical Python objects in a persistent, disk-based
hierarchical structure.

2003-12-19T00:01:56+00:00 sysutils/makefs Builds FFS images
This is a port of NetBSD's makefs utility. Given a directory tree,
makefs will generate a file system image, without requiring any
special devices, kernel support, or privileges.

2003-12-18T16:31:09+00:00 ftp/wzdftpd Modular FTP server configurable online using SITE commands
wzdftpd is a ftp server designed to be modular and entirely configurable online
using SITE commands.

wzdftpd offers the following features:
- Simple configuration file, supporting inclusions
- Online administration, using SITE commands
- Backends to store users/groups in different structures
- Modules: internal, using shared librairies, or external
- Users are virtual: you do not need to create users in system
- SSL/TLS support
- Server is designed to run as a non-privileged user to enforce security
- Server can detect ip changes (dynamic ips) and set ip and passive ip
- Cross devices operations (copy/move) (though can be slow)
- Logging support (compatible with the wu-ftpd standard)
- Designed for high performances: coded with C, multithreaded

2003-12-18T13:59:48+00:00 dns/updatedd Dynamic DNS Update Client supporting multiple services
Updatedd is a program for Unix like operating systems to
update dynamic DNS records. It supports multiple services,

Each service is represented by a plugin, therefore it is
very simple to add support for additional services.

Furthermore the package includes a wrapper for updatedd
called `updatedd-wrapper'. It provides support for
configuration files and IP adddress caching.

2003-12-18T13:35:47+00:00 net/sipsak Small command line tool for SIP testing
Sipsak is a small command line tool for developers and administrators of
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) applications.
It can be used for some simple tests on SIP applications and services.

2003-12-18T08:55:25+00:00 games/chromium An arcade-style, top-scrolling space shooter
Chromium B.S.U. is a fast paced, arcade-style, top-scrolling space shooter.


- Eric Anholt
2003-12-18T08:55:25+00:00 games/chromium-bsu Arcade-style, top-scrolling space shooter
Chromium B.S.U. is a fast paced, arcade-style, top-scrolling space shooter.

2003-12-17T22:29:08+00:00 x11-fm/xplore Yet another Motif file manager
Xplore is a powerful and highly configurable Motif file manager with an
Explorer-like user interface. Besides the usual tree and file views, xplore
also has a "shelf", a kind of clipboard inspired by the NeXT file manager, and
a "log" pane for capturing output from launched programs. The builtin
automounter allows you to access special devices in a transparent manner. Files
can be moved and copied using simple mouse operations, and you can execute
type-specific shell commands when a file is opened, used as the target of a
drag and drop operation, or manipulated using popup menus. File types can be
defined in terms of arbitrary filename and MIME type patterns. Full keyboard
navigation is also supported, including an incremental filename search
facility. Last not least, xplore speaks all standard X11 session management
protocols and thus integrates nicely with most popular desktop environments.

2003-12-17T21:19:58+00:00 deskutils/gdesklets-psi_displaypackage The Psi Display Package
Displays :
borders, clock, diskinfo, fortune, info, meminfo, memo,
networkinfo, popmail, ping, variable-borders, info-altuptime.

2003-12-17T21:10:21+00:00 sysutils/gdesklets-sensor-psi_cpu CPU sensor form the Psi Sensor Package
CPU sensor form the Psi Sensor Package

2003-12-17T21:04:55+00:00 sysutils/gdesklets-sensor-psi_disk Disk Sensor from the Psi Sensor Package
Disk Sensor from the Psi Sensor Package.

2003-12-17T21:03:04+00:00 deskutils/gdesklets-sensor-psi_externalinterval ExternalInterval sensor from the Psi Sensor Package
ExternalInterval from the Psi Sensor Package.

This sensor is similar to the 'External' sensor but allows the
user to choose the update frequency thanks to the configuraton.

2003-12-17T20:58:15+00:00 deskutils/gdesklets-sensor-psi_memoover MemoOver Sensor from the Psi Sensor Package
MemoOver Sensor from the Psi Sensor Package.

2003-12-17T20:54:32+00:00 deskutils/gdesklets-sensor-psi_memo Memo Sensor from the Psi Sensor Package
Memo Sensor from the Psi Sensor Package.

2003-12-17T20:52:43+00:00 sysutils/gdesklets-sensor-psi_memory Memory Sensor from the Psi Sensor Package
Memory Sensor from the Psi Sensor Package.

2003-12-17T20:50:39+00:00 net/gdesklets-sensor-psi_network Network Sensor from the Psi Sensor Package
Network Sensor from the Psi Sensor Package.

2003-12-17T20:47:46+00:00 net/gdesklets-sensor-psi_ping Ping Sensor from the Psi Sensor Package
Ping Sensor from the Psi Sensor Package.

2003-12-17T20:47:38+00:00 sysutils/growspd Quick utility to check files growth rate
This is a small utility that displays the growth rate of a file (in kilobytes).

2003-12-17T20:45:54+00:00 mail/gdesklets-sensor-psi_popmail Popmail Sensor from the Psi Sensor Package
popmail Sensor from the Psi Sensor Package.

2003-12-17T20:43:47+00:00 deskutils/gdesklets-sensor-psi_theme Theme Sensor from the Psi Sensor Package
Theme Sensor from the Psi Sensor Package.

2003-12-17T20:40:42+00:00 deskutils/gdesklets-psi_themes Themes from the Psi Display Package
Themes for the the Psi Display Package.

2003-12-17T20:37:23+00:00 deskutils/gdesklets-sensor-psi_variableborder VariableBorder Sensor from the Psi Sensor Package
VariableBorder Sensor from the Psi Sensor Package.

2003-12-17T20:26:47+00:00 archivers/par2cmdline Tools for using Parity v2 Archive files
Parity v2 Archive create/verify/recover

par2cmdline is a program for creating and using PAR2 files to detect damage in
data files and repair them if necessary. It can be used with any kind of file.
Par files are especially popular on Usenet.

OpenMP multithreading was originally developed by Jussi Kansanen:
The original development was done on Sourceforge but stalled. For more
information from the original authors see:

2003-12-17T19:33:31+00:00 sysutils/zidrav File corruption detection and repair program
ZIDRAV is a file corruption detection and repair program. It's designed
to provide a way to fix file damage without having to redownload the
entire (potentially large) file over a (potentially slow) connection.

LICENSE: GPL2 or later

2003-12-17T17:26:41+00:00 x11/multi-aterm Multi terminal based on aterm
A multi terminal based on aterm.

2003-12-17T17:26:41+00:00 x11/mrxvt Tabbed version of rxvt
Mrxvt (previously named as materm) is a lightweight and powerful
multi-tabbed X terminal emulator based on the popular rxvt and
aterm. It implements many useful features seen in some modern X
terminal emulators, like gnome-terminal and konsole, but keep to
be lightweight and independent from the GNOME and KDE desktop
environment. The following are the major features of mrxvt (* are
new features compared with rxvt, + are enhanced features compared
with rxvt):

2003-12-17T17:24:58+00:00 net/tcping Do a TCP connect to the given IP/port combination
tcping does a TCP connect to the given ip/port combination. The user can specify
a timeout in seconds. This is useful in shell scripts running in firewalled
environments. Often SYNs are just being dropped by firewalls, thus connection
establishment will be retried several times (for minutes) until a TCP timeout is
reached. With tcping it is possible to check first if the desired port is
reachable and then start connection establishment.

2003-12-17T17:15:22+00:00 sysutils/pipemeter Tool for displaying pipe status information
pipemeter - measure speed of data going through a pipe/redirection

- Shows speed of data moving from input to output
- Shows percentage complete if regular file specified
- Allows tuning of block size and display interval
- Support for dd style block size specification

2003-12-17T15:19:51+00:00 security/vpnc Client for Cisco 3000 VPN Concentrator
VPNC - Client for Cisco 3000 VPN Concentrator, IOS and PIX

Vpnc is a VPN client for the Cisco 3000 VPN Concentrator, creating a
IPSec-like connection as a tunneling network device for the local
system. The created connection is presented as a tunneling network
device to the local system. The daemon runs entirely in userspace.

2003-12-17T13:14:27+00:00 lang/slib-gauche SLIB installation for Gauche
To use the features offered by the SLIB library, add the following
construct to your programs:

(use slib)
2003-12-17T10:18:32+00:00 finance/ktoblzcheck Check bank codes of German banks
KtoBLZCheck is a library to check account numbers and bank codes of
German banks.

2003-12-17T04:15:52+00:00 graphics/ale Anti-Lamenessing Engine
ALE is a free software program that renders high-fidelity images of real scenes
by aligning and combining many similar images from a camera or scanner. The
correct similarity between images is roughly that achieved by a somewhat
unsteady hand holding a camera.

2003-12-17T03:27:46+00:00 databases/mtop MySQL Monitoring Tool
mtop (MySQL top) monitors a MySQL server showing the queries which are taking
the most amount of time to complete. Features include 'zooming' in on a process
to show the complete query, 'explaining' the query optimizer information for a
query and 'killing' queries. In addition, server performance statistics,
configuration information, and tuning tips are provided.

mkill (MySQL kill) monitors a MySQL server for long running queries and kills
them after a specified time interval. Queries can be selected based on regexes
on the user, host, command, database, state and query.

2003-12-17T02:53:52+00:00 devel/argtable ANSI C library for parsing GNU style command line arguments
Parsing a program's command line arguments has always been a distraction from
the main programming task at hand. The argtable library simplifies the job by
enabling the programmer to define the command line options directly in the
source code as a static array of structs and then pass that array to argtable
library functions which parse the command line accordingly. The values
extracted from the command line are deposited directly into user-defined program
variables where they can be accessed by the main program. Argtable can also
generate descriptions of the command line syntax from that same array for
display as on-line help.

2003-12-17T02:32:34+00:00 sysutils/mcron 100% compatible replacement for Vixie cron
The mcron program represents a complete re-think of the cron concept originally
found in the Berkeley and AT&T unices, and subsequently rationalized by Paul
Vixie. The original idea was to have a daemon that wakes up every minute, scans
a set of files under a special directory, and determines from those files if
any shell commands should be executed in this minute.

The new idea is to read the required command instructions, work out which
command needs to be executed next, and then sleep until the inferred time has
arrived. On waking the commands are run, and the time of the next command is
computed. Furthermore, the specifications are written in scheme, allowing at
the same time simple command execution instructions and very much more flexible
ones to be composed than the original Vixie format. This has several useful
advantages over the original idea.

2003-12-17T01:30:15+00:00 sysutils/coreutils Free Software Foundation core utilities
The Free Software Foundation's core utilities:

basename, cat, chgrp, chmod, chown, chroot, cksum, comm, cp, csplit,
cut, date, dd, df, dir, dircolors, dirname, du, echo, env, expand, expr,
factor, false, fmt, fold, groups, head, hostid, hostname, id, install,
join, kill, link, ln, logname, ls, md5sum, mkdir, mkfifo, mknod, mv, nice,
nl, nohup, od, paste, pathchk, pinky, pr, printenv, printf, ptx, pwd,
readlink, rm, rmdir, seq, sha1sum, shred, sleep, sort, split, stat, stty,
su, sum, sync, tac, tail, tee, test, touch, tr, true, tsort, tty, uname,
unexpand, uniq, unlink, uptime, users, vdir, wc, who, whoami, yes

Similar utilities to most of these exist in the FreeBSD base system,
but many of the GNU versions have added functionality that is

Note that this port will install these utilities with a `g' prefix,
for example gdate, gexpr, and gtest, but the texinfo documentation
will refer to them without the `g' prefix.

GNU su does not support a wheel group. This port installs it
without the suid bit, unless you define WITH_SUID while building.

2003-12-16T21:18:14+00:00 palm/synce-trayicon GNOME system tray app for monitoring connected WinCE based devices
SynCE is a project for connecting to devices running Windows CE or Pocket PC.
The trayicon sits in the notification area displays information about a
connected Windows CE device such as battery charge and storage space.

2003-12-16T19:59:49+00:00 palm/synce-gvfs GVFS module for access Windows Mobile devices
This is an implementation of a gvfs backend for SynCE. Gvfs is a
replacement for gnome-vfs, allowing applications to access a
variety of filesystems in userspace, in this case a Windows
Mobile device via SynCE.

2003-12-16T19:59:49+00:00 palm/synce-gnomevfs Gnome VFS module for WinCE devices
SynCE is a project for connecting to devices running Windows CE or Pocket PC.
Gnomevfs gives Gnome applications like Nautilus the ability to access the file
system on a Windows CE device via gnomevfs.

2003-12-16T14:07:22+00:00 security/rng_82802 RNG driver for the Intel 82802
The IntelR 82802 Firmware Hub (FWH) discrete component is compatible
with several Intel chipset platforms and a variety of applications. The
device operates under the LPC/FWH interface/protocol. The hardware
features of this device include a Random Number Generator (RNG), five
General-Purpose Inputs (GPIs), register-based block locking, and
hardware-based locking.

This port is a driver for the Intel 82802, implemented as kernel
loadable module. The driver currently supports reading directly via
/dev/rng, or indirectly via kern_random (/dev/random).

Author: Stacy L. Millions <>

-- Sergey Skvortsov
2003-12-15T16:49:25+00:00 java/jaxen Java XPath Engine
The Jaxen project is a Java XPath Engine. jaxen is a universal object model
walker, capable of evaluating XPath expressions across multiple models.
Currently supported are dom4j and JDOM .

Jaxen provides a single point for XPath expression evaluation, regardless of
the target object model, whether its dom4j, JDOM, DOM, JavaBeans, or whatnot.

2003-12-15T14:51:57+00:00 x11-clocks/xfce4-datetime-plugin Datetime panel plugin for the Xfce desktop
This plugin shows the date and time in the Xfce panel, and a calendar
appears (left-click).

2003-12-15T14:01:16+00:00 textproc/xhtml-modularization W3C's Modularization of XHTML DTDs and docs
From the abstract:
This Recommendation specifies an abstract modularization of XHTML
and an implementation of the abstraction using XML Document Type
Definitions (DTDs). This modularization provides a means for
subsetting and extending XHTML, a feature needed for extending
XHTML's reach onto emerging platforms.
2003-12-15T14:01:16+00:00 textproc/xhtml-basic W3C's XHTML Basic DTD
From the abstract:
The XHTML Basic document type includes the minimal set of modules
required to be an XHTML host language document type, and in addition
it includes images, forms, basic tables, and object support. It
is designed for Web clients that do not support the full set of
XHTML features; for example, Web clients such as mobile phones,
PDAs, pagers, and settop boxes. The document type is rich enough for
content authoring.

XHTML Basic is designed as a common base that may be extended. For
example, an event module that is more generic than the traditional
HTML 4 event system could be added or it could be extended by
additional modules from XHTML Modularization such as the Scripting
Module. The goal of XHTML Basic is to serve as a common language
supported by various kinds of user agents.

The document type definition is implemented using XHTML
modules as defined in "Modularization of XHTML", found in
2003-12-15T10:53:04+00:00 finance/p5-Business-OnlinePayment-OCV Business::OnlinePayment backend module for OCV
This is Business::OnlinePayment::OCV, an Business::OnlinePayment
backend module for OCV. It is only useful if you have a merchant
account with OCV:

2003-12-15T10:51:54+00:00 finance/p5-Business-OnlinePayment-iAuthorizer Business::OnlinePayment backend module for iAuthorizer
This is Business::OnlinePayment::iAuthorizer, an Business::OnlinePayment
backend module for iAuthorizer. It is only useful if you have a merchant
account with iAuthorizer:

2003-12-15T10:37:29+00:00 finance/p5-Business-OCV Interface to the Ingenico OCV Server
This module provides an interface to the Ingenico Online Credit Verification
Server (OCV) (see The OCV server provides an
interface into the bank network and allows credit card transactions to be
processed in real-time.

2003-12-15T09:01:23+00:00 games/fargoal Remake of classic roguelike game "Sword of Fargoal"
This game is a remake of the classic roguelike game "Sword of
Fargoal", created by Jeff McCord for the Commodore 64 in 1983.
This remake was written for the 2003 competition.


2003-12-15T08:44:31+00:00 games/fgkicker Launcher frontend for FlightGear
Fgkicker is an easy GUI frontend to launch the Flightgear simulator. Just pick
your options, then click "Kick!" and you can roam the skies...

2003-12-15T08:30:40+00:00 russian/ircd-hybrid Russian version of well known hybrid IRC server
ircd-hybrid-ru is russian version of well known hybrid IRC server
with plently number of features

russian version can handle russian channel names, nicknames and
charset recoding

2003-12-15T08:30:40+00:00 russian/ircd-hybrid-ru Russian version of well known hybrid IRC server
ircd-hybrid-ru is russian version of well known hybrid IRC server
with plently number of features

russian version can handle russian channel names, nicknames and
charset recoding

2003-12-15T08:30:40+00:00 irc/ircd-hybrid-ru Russian version of well known hybrid IRC server
ircd-hybrid-ru is russian version of well known hybrid IRC server
with plently number of features

russian version can handle russian channel names, nicknames and
charset recoding

2003-12-15T07:47:03+00:00 ftp/dmachine Non interactive, non graphical, batch download manager
Download machine is non interactive, non graphical, batch download manager.
Tired of GUI Download managers and mouse clicking? Then Download Machine is
just for YOU! Download Machine is written in portable Java 1.1 code and
supports HTTP, FTP and FSP protocols.

2003-12-14T21:50:44+00:00 lang/freetxl The TXL Programming Language (transformation by example)
TXL is a unique programming language specifically designed to support computer
software analysis and source transformation tasks. It is the evolving result
of more than fifteen years of concentrated research on rule-based structural
transformation as a paradigm for the rapid solution of complex computing

The TXL programming language is a hybrid functional / rule-based language with
unification, implied iteration and deep pattern match.

Each TXL program has two components:

* A Description of the Structures to be Transformed
Specified as an EBNF grammar, in context-free ambiguous form.

* A Set of Structural Transformation Rules
Specified by example, using pattern/replacement pairs.

2003-12-14T20:18:35+00:00 lang/slib-guile SLIB installation for Guile
To use the features offered by the SLIB library, add the following
construct to your programs:

(use-modules (ice-9 slib))
2003-12-14T16:09:19+00:00 graphics/potrace Transforms bitmaps into vector graphics
potrace is a Peter Selinger's GPLed utility for tracing
bitmaps - converting them into smooth, scalable images.

It accepts as input a bitmap B/W images (PBM, PGM, PPM
and BMP formats), and returns encapsulated PostScript
(EPS) as the default output. Other output format are
available: PS, SVG, Xfig, PGM, PDF and experimental

You can create scalable images from scans, such as
logos, hand taken notes, etc. The resulting smooth
images can then be rendered at any resolution.

2003-12-14T15:23:22+00:00 math/linux-dislin A scientific data plotting package
DISLIN is a high-level library of subroutines and functions that display
data graphically. It is intended to be a powerful and easy to use software
package for programmers and scientists that does not require knowledge of
hardware features. The software is available for the programming languages
C, Fortran 77, Fortran 90, Perl, Python and Java.

DISLIN can display graphic information directly on graphic terminals or
store them in metafiles. The supported display types are VGA, X Windows,
Windows API and Tektronix. The supported file formats are GKSLIN, CGM,
HPGL, PostScript, Prescribe, WMF, PNG, BMP and TIFF. DISLIN metafiles can
either be printed on various devices using the DISLIN driver program DIS-
DRV or imported into third party products such as TeX and MS Word.

2003-12-14T15:23:22+00:00 math/dislin A scientific data plotting package
DISLIN is a high-level library of subroutines and functions that display
data graphically. It is intended to be a powerful and easy to use software
package for programmers and scientists that does not require knowledge of
hardware features. The software is available for the programming languages
C, Fortran 77, Fortran 90, Perl, Python and Java.

DISLIN can display graphic information directly on graphic terminals or
store them in metafiles. The supported display types are VGA, X Windows,
Windows API and Tektronix. The supported file formats are GKSLIN, CGM,
HPGL, PostScript, Prescribe, WMF, PNG, BMP and TIFF. DISLIN metafiles can
either be printed on various devices using the DISLIN driver program DIS-
DRV or imported into third party products such as TeX and MS Word.

2003-12-14T04:20:32+00:00 devel/tavrasm Tom's AVR Assembler
tavarsm is Toms (Linux) AVR Assembler. It compiles source code
developed for the Atmel-provided DOS assembler. It is a compatible
superset of the Atmel assembler.


This port also fetches the DOS AVR assembler from Atmel and installs
the include files and assembler documentation (in HTML) for reference.
2003-12-14T00:17:15+00:00 graphics/robot Graph plotting and data analysis program using OpenLook
Robot is a general purpose open-source plotting and data analysis program.
The main documentation is contained in the file Docs/

If you publish a paper in a journal which includes a graph produced by
Robot I'd be grateful if you could send me a reprint.
If you wish to cite this program you may reference: Corbet, R.H.D.,
Larkin, C. & Nousek, J.A. Proceedings of "Astronomical Data Analysis and
Software Systems", Tucson, November, 1991. Astronomical Society of the
Pacific Conference Series, 1992, Vol. 25, 106. (ISBN 0-937707-44-9)

Robin Corbet

2003-12-13T22:47:09+00:00 net/nsca Nagios Service Check Acceptor
The Nagios Service Check Acceptor (NSCA) is used to send service check
results to a central Nagios server. This consists of the "nsca" daemon
which runs on the main Nagios server and accepts results and the
"check_nsca" plugin which is used to send results to the server.

Author: Ethan Galstad
2003-12-13T22:47:09+00:00 net-mgmt/nsca Nagios Service Check Acceptor
The Nagios Service Check Acceptor (NSCA) is used to send service check
results to a central Nagios server. This consists of the "nsca" daemon
which runs on the main Nagios server and accepts results and the
"send_nsca" client which is used to send results to the server.

2003-12-13T22:26:40+00:00 graphics/dvipng DVI to PNG Converter
This program makes PNG graphics from DVI files as obtained from TeX
and its relatives.

2003-12-13T21:53:50+00:00 sysutils/nagios-statd Daemon/client to check remote host information for Nagios
Nagios-statd is an addon to the Nagios (formerly netsaint) program.
It is a Python daemon and scripts that plug-in to Nagios
and allow you to check remote host information
(such as load, users, filesystems, etc.)
Released under the BSD license.

2003-12-13T20:39:49+00:00 comms/gammu GNU All Mobile Management Utilities
Gammu is the name of the project as well as name of command line
utility, which you can use to control mobile phone. It is written in
C and built on top of libGammu.

Gammu command line utility provides access to wide range of phone
features, however support level differs from phone to phone and you
might want to check Gammu Phone Database for user experiences with
various phones. Generally following features are supported:

* Call listing, initiating and handling;
* SMS retrieval, backup and sending;
* MMS retrieval;
* Phonebook listing, export and import (also from standard
formats such as vCard);
* Calendar and tasks listing, export and import (also from
standard formats such as vCalendar or iCalendar);
* Retrieval of phone and network information;
* Access to phone file system (note that some phones work also
as USB storage devices and those are not accessible through

2003-12-13T20:39:49+00:00 comms/gammu-devel GNU All Mobile Management Utilities - Development version
Gammu (Gnu All Mobile Management Utilities) (development release)

Gammu allows you to manage your mobile phone directly from
your PC. It has many features, such as SMS handling, Calendar,
Java support, ringtones, pictures, and many, many other good

2003-12-13T15:11:35+00:00 audio/gspeakers Gnome-based loudspeaker design program
Gspeakers is a loudspeaker enclosure and crossovernetwork designer
for the GNOME2 desktop.

2003-12-13T01:22:09+00:00 devel/smv Symbolic Model Verifier System for checking finite state systems
The SMV (Symbolic Model Verifier) system is a tool for
checking finite state systems against specifications
in the temporal logic CTL (Computational Tree Logic).

One specifies the finite state system (finite automaton,
Mealy machine, full adder circuit, ..) as a Kripke
structure in the SMV language and provides specifications
in CTL. The model checking algorithm allows to determine
if the Kripke structure fulfills the specifications.

2003-12-13T01:06:05+00:00 graphics/glean Suite of OpenGL conformance tests
glean is a suite of tools for evaluating the quality of an OpenGL implementation
and diagnosing any problems that are discovered. glean also has the ability to
compare two OpenGL implementations and highlight the differences between them.

2003-12-13T00:42:15+00:00 mail/p5-Email-Filter Library for creating easy email filters
This is another module produced by the "Perl Email Project", a reaction
against the complexity and increasing bugginess of the "Mail::*"
modules. It replaces Mail::Audit, and allows you to write programs
describing how your mail should be filtered.

2003-12-12T23:15:31+00:00 x11-wm/xfce4-session Xfce's session manager
The Xfce session manager controls the loading of applications when
Xfce is started. It also handles logging out, shutting down, and

2003-12-12T17:03:08+00:00 mbone/xspeakfree Tcl/Tk (wish) frontend to Speak Freely
xspeakfree is a Tcl/Tk (wish) frontend to Speak Freely.

2003-12-12T17:03:08+00:00 audio/xspeakfree Tcl/Tk (wish) frontend to Speak Freely
xspeakfree is a Tcl/Tk (wish) frontend to Speak Freely.

2003-12-12T14:23:53+00:00 mail/vqregister Admin-configurable email user signup CGI
vQregister is a CGI which allows new email users to signup on your system.
It is extremely configurable, and has many methods of operation.
* Configurable to allow random generation of passwords, which are
emailed to users.
* Redirect your users (ie, SqWebmail) after the signup process is
* Fully templacized HTML, and email output.
2003-12-12T05:22:45+00:00 comms/qtpcr Software that controls the ICOM PCR-1000 Receiver
Software that controls the ICOM PCR-1000 Receiver.

- GUI Controls
- Bandscope
- Hierachy Channels Database
- Graphical Scan
- Monitor and run script files

2003-12-11T17:25:34+00:00 mail/anomy-sanitizer Sanitize and clean incoming/outgoing mail
The Anomy sanitizer is what most people would call
"an email virus scanner". The most important jobs that the sanitizer
can do for you - it can scan email attachments for viruses.

Other things it can do:
- Disable potentially dangerous HTML code, such as javascript,
within incoming email.
- Protect you from email-based break-in attempts which exploit
bugs in common email programs (Outlook, Eudora, Pine, ...).
- Block or "mangle" attachments based on their file names.
This way if you don't need to recieve e.g. visual basic scripts,
then you don't have to worry about the security risk they imply
(the ILOVEYOU virus was a visual basic program).
This lets you protect yourself and your users from whole
classes of attacks, instead of blocking individual exploits.

2003-12-11T17:14:05+00:00 polish/ispell
2003-12-11T11:40:35+00:00 mail/qmail-scanner1 Content/Anti-virus Scanner for qmail
Qmail-Scanner is e-mail content scanner that enables a qmail server to
scan all messages it receives for certain characteristics (normally viruses),
and react accordingly.

If you have a commercial virus scanner (eg, Sophos sweep, McAfee
uvscan, etc) installed when you build qmail-scanner, qmail-scanner
will configure itself to use that. Otherwise, it will only use its
internal content filter which only allows you to block mail based
on text in the subject/body, general types of attachments, etc.

2003-12-11T11:40:35+00:00 mail/qmail-scanner Content/Anti-virus Scanner for qmail
Qmail-Scanner is an add-on that enables a Qmail email server to scan gatewayed
email for certain characteristics (i.e. a content scanner). It is typically used
for its anti-virus and anti-spam protection functions, in which case it is used
in conjunction with external scanners.

It also enables a site (at a server/site level) to create "Policy blocks":
i.e. react to email that contains specific strings in particular headers, or
particular attachment filenames or types (e.g. *.VBS attachments).

2003-12-11T09:28:42+00:00 www/oscommerce Full-featured open source e-commerce system
This is a port of osCommerce which is a PHP-based e-commerce system.
It includes support for credit card payment gateways,
gateways for major shipping companies to gather rates, customer
tracking, shopping carts, and many other features.

2003-12-11T01:00:37+00:00 graphics/cinepaint Editing tool used for painting and retouching of movies
CinePaint is a free open source painting and image retouching program
designed to work best with 35mm film and other high resolution high
dynamic range images. It is the most popular open source tool in
the motion picture industry -- used in 2 Fast 2 Furious, Scooby-Doo,
Harry Potter, Stuart Little and other feature films. CinePaint is
used for painting of background mattes and for frame-by-frame
retouching of movies.

2003-12-10T20:22:02+00:00 x11-fm/velocity GNOME file and desktop manager
This is a port of velocity. A file and desktop manager for GNOME designed to
replace Nautilus. It is designed to be fast, efficient, and very powerful.
It supports advanced features such as:

* View Profiles - Allowing you to customize the way you view files.
* Context menu image preview - allowing you a clearer view of thumbnailed
* Add-ons - Scripts to help do odd or complex tasks and Templates to make
creating new documents simpler.


- Ryan
2003-12-10T19:14:20+00:00 net/tcpdump Ubiquitous network traffic analysis tool
tcpdump is a ubiquitous network traffic capture tool available in a wide
variety of BSD, Linux and UN*X distributions.

Whilst FreeBSD has a vendor branch import of tcpdump in its source tree,
the purpose of the port is to provide a means of offering additional,
bleeding-edge features which might not make it into the tree.
2003-12-10T18:32:12+00:00 net/libpcap Ubiquitous network traffic capture library
libpcap is a ubiquitous network traffic capture library used by a wide
variety of BSD, Linux and UN*X applications.

Whilst FreeBSD has a vendor branch import of libpcap in its source tree,
the purpose of the port is to provide a means of offering additional,
bleeding-edge features which might not make it into the tree.
2003-12-10T10:32:18+00:00 devel/p5-File-chdir More sensible way to change directories
Perl's chdir() has the unfortunate problem of being very, very, very
global. If any part of your program calls chdir() or if any library you
use calls chdir(), it changes the current working directory for the
whole program.

File::chdir gives you an alternative, $CWD and @CWD. These two
variables combine all the power of chdir(), File::Spec and Cwd.

2003-12-10T04:04:08+00:00 net/ulxmlrpcpp Ultra lightweight xml-rpc library written in C++
XML-RPC is an extensible mechanism allowing a computer to offer a limited set
of services which can be accessed from anywhere in the net.

XML-RPC uses common and easy to learn internet standards like XML. and HTTP.

ulxmlrpcpp is a library to perform such calls in an object oriented approach
implemented in C++. It is intended to have simple interfaces and to be easy to
learn. But it shall still be fully compliant to the standards and safe in it's

2003-12-09T09:07:37+00:00 mail/sympa Electronic mailing list manager
SYMPA -- Systeme de Multi-Postage Automatique

SYMPA is an electronic mailing list manager. It is used to automate list
management functions such as subscription, moderation and management of
archives. SYMPA also manages sending of messages to the lists, and
makes it possible to reduce the load on the system. Provided that you
have enough memory on your system, Sympa is especially well adapted for big
lists. For a list with 20 000 subscribers, it takes 5 minutes to send a
message to 90% of subscribers, of course considering that the network is

2003-12-09T08:34:26+00:00 sysutils/stalepid Check for stale pid files and remove them
The stalepid utility was developed to facilitate the startup of servers
that write their process ID to a file and refuse to start if that file
exists (e.g. when the process was last terminated by an unclean shutdown,
or simply killed without given the chance to clean up the process ID
file). The stalepid utility is used to check for and possibly remove
those stale process ID files. Upon its invocation, stalepid checks for
the following conditions:
- the file specified by the pidfile argument exists;
- it contains a single line, and the line contains a single number;
- there is no process with the process ID specified in the file, or if
there is one, it is not named processname.

If all those conditions are met, the stalepid utility will remove the
file specified by the pidfile argument, thus allowing the next invocation
of the server to proceed normally.

2003-12-09T00:55:23+00:00 x11-fonts/code2000 Shareware demo Unicode TrueType font
This famous TrueType font contains a lot of Unicode glyphs (over 60000 in
version 1.16).

With Unicode-aware applications you'll be able to display and use special
characters and a lot of languages.

2003-12-09T00:05:55+00:00 x11/ggiterm A terminal emulator for GGI
GGIterm is an ANSI-compatible terminal emulator (like xterm, rxvt,
gnome-terminal, konsole, etc.), but directed at LibGGI rather than
X11. This means that, unlike most terminal emulators, it can run on a
KGGI, SVGAlib, or other non-X target just as well as under X11.

GGIterm uses freetype (by default) to render fonts, which means that
you can use TT, Type 1, etc. fonts on your terminal.

At present, it's not complete--you probably don't want to replace
gnome-terminal or konsole yet under X, and it's only barely been
tested on other targets. But it works.

2003-12-08T22:44:21+00:00 net/NoCatAuth-Server Open 802.11 Authentication Server
This is the authorization server component of the NoCat system. Please note
that the gpg target is not currently used or installed, and the message
regarding 'make pgpkeys' should be disregarded for the time being.

2003-12-08T22:43:41+00:00 net/NoCatAuth-Gateway Open 802.11 Authentication Gateway
This is the gateway portion of the NoCat open wireless authentication
system. It is typically installed on a wireless edge router.

2003-12-08T22:42:45+00:00 net/NoCatSplash Open 802.11 Splash Screen
NoCatSplash is a Open Public Network Gateway Daemon. It performs as a
[captive/open/active] portal. When run on a gateway/router on a network,
all web requests are redirected until the client either logs in or clicks
"I Accept" to an AUP. The gateway daemon then changes the firewall rules
on the gateway to pass traffic for that client (based on IP address and
MAC address).

2003-12-08T22:26:29+00:00 java/jakarta-commons-primitives Library supporting Java primitive types
Apache Jakarta Commons Primitives provides a collection of types and utilities
optimized for working with Java primitives (boolean, byte, char, double, float,
int, long, short). Generally, the Commons-Primitives classes are faster,
smaller and easier to work with than their purely Object based alternatives.

Currently Commons Primitives is primarily composed of implementations of the
java.util collections adapted for the primitive types.

2003-12-08T20:51:57+00:00 net/ifgraph Simple grapher of SNMP data with RRD
ifGraph is a set of Perl scripts created to help network administrators
to visualize network flow on a daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly basis.
The graphics are created with RRDTool, and it shows bytes (in/out) and
errors for each interface. It also shows the current/average/max use and
the respective link/interface usage in percentages. The program also
outputs HTML files to make the visualization of the PNG/GIF/GD images
more friendly and easy.


- Lars Thegler
2003-12-08T20:51:57+00:00 net-mgmt/ifgraph Simple grapher of SNMP data with RRD
ifGraph is a set of Perl scripts created to help network administrators
to visualize network flow on a daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly basis.
The graphics are created with RRDTool, and it shows bytes (in/out) and
errors for each interface. It also shows the current/average/max use and
the respective link/interface usage in percentages. The program also
outputs HTML files to make the visualization of the PNG/GIF/GD images
more friendly and easy.

2003-12-08T20:01:56+00:00 graphics/flphoto Basic image management and display program
flPhoto is a basic image management and display program based on the FLTK
toolkit and is provided under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
It can read, write, and display digital camera EXIF information and supports
the following image file formats:

flPhoto organizes image files into albums which can be:
Printed, Viewed as a slideshow, Exported to web pages

Images can be imported individually, by directory, or from digital cameras
using the gPhoto library.

Image files can be transformed and touched-up; the following image operations
are available:
Crop, Rotate, Scale, Auto-Correct, Adjust Brightness and Contrast,
Remove Red Eye, Sharpen, Blur

2003-12-08T19:47:25+00:00 java/avalon-logkit Java toolkit designed for secure performance oriented logging
LogKit is a logging toolkit designed for secure performance oriented logging in

The LogKit provides the following features:
- Decouples LogEvent generation from LogEvent handling.
- Is simple to use and simple to configure.
- Designed with security in mind.
- Allow users fine control of logging based on priority and/or category.
- Has hierarchical logging namespace to enable inheritance of LogTargets and
- Lightweight.
- Designed to be integrated into existing products.
- Performance oriented.
- Enables users to plug in filters to filter out or modify LogEvents before
they are written out.
- Allow users to specify the serialization format of LogEvents via
- Comes with a number of existing LogTargets to ease integration.
- The LogKit has existed for a number years and been used in a number of
different environments which demonstrates it's reliability and stability.

2003-12-08T19:00:36+00:00 lang/ficl Forth Inspired Command Language
FICL is an extremely lightweight, fast, portable implementation of FORTH
which can be bound to C functions or even embedded within C/assembler
programs. This is a port for the current version of FICL. Older versions
can typically be found in /usr/src/sys/boot/ficl on FreeBSD with the
bindings needed by the OS loader.

2003-12-08T19:00:36+00:00 lang/ficl-devel Forth Inspired Command Language
FICL is an extremely lightweight, fast, portable implementation of FORTH
which can be bound to C functions or even embedded within C/assembler
programs. This is a port for the current version of FICL. Older versions
can typically be found in /usr/src/sys/boot/ficl on FreeBSD with the
bindings needed by the OS loader.


2003-12-08T18:16:36+00:00 net/ldapbrowser Java/Swing-based LDAP browser and editor
The LDAP Browser/Editor provides a user-friendly Windows Explorer-like
interface to LDAP directories with tightly integrated browsing and
editing capabilities. It is entirely written in Java with the help
of the JFC (SwingSet) and JNDI class libraries. It connects to LDAP
v2 and v3 servers.

2003-12-08T16:23:46+00:00 textproc/Ebnf2ps Generate EPS/FIG diagrams from EBNF/yacc/bison grammars
Ebnf2ps generates nice looking syntax diagrams in EPS and FIG format from
EBNF specifications and from yacc, bison, and Happy input grammars. The
diagrams can be immediately included in TeX/LaTeX documents and in texts
created with other popular document preparation systems.

Ebnf2ps is written in Haskell98, a lazy functional programming language.


2003-12-08T16:22:05+00:00 print/epsmerge Merge multiple EPS files into one EPS or PS file
epsmerge is a perl program for merging EPS (Encapsulated Postscript)
files into one bigger EPS file. It does this by reading the files
and arranging them in rows (or columns), squeezing them together
so that they all fit. It can squeeze in several ways: uniformly,
preserving aspect ratios, preserving the relative sizes of the
images, etc. It can also be used to format a single EPS file on a
paper which can then be sent to a printer. There are options to put
labels over or under the images.

2003-12-08T13:24:46+00:00 converters/shftool Converter for the Standard Hex Format (SHF)
Shftool is the reference implementation for the new,
XML-based Standard Hex Format (SHF).
Shftool is also a working converter/generator/extractor
between/to/of SHF-files and other hex formats.

SHF is specified in the following Internet Draft:

2003-12-08T10:13:10+00:00 ftp/wput Upload files or directories to FTP server with resume support
wput is a tiny program that looks like wget and does as the name suggests
exactly the opposite: it uploads files or recursively whole directories to
a ftp-server and supports resuming.

2003-12-08T09:03:23+00:00 russian/xmms RusXMMS - X Multimedia System with Russian encoding patch
2003-12-08T05:39:35+00:00 www/py-mt Python module which provides Movable Type XML-RPC connectivity
PyMT is a simple Python module which allows you to easily connect to a Movable
Type weblog, using it's built in XML-RPC API. PyMT is capable of handling every
MT call available.

This interface allows you to access most of the core functionality of Movable
Type, including the ability to view, post, delete and edit weblog entries,
fetch user information, apply categories to your posts and get information
about trackback pings. Every XML-RPC method is accessed using a PyMT method
with exactly the same name. PyMT is basically just a light wrapper, which
hides the xml-rpc part of the work.

2003-12-08T01:59:53+00:00 french/gibi GIBI est la partie mailleur et post de CASTEM
GIBI est la partie mailleur et post de CAST3M.

Code_Aster sait relire les fichiers de maillage issus de GIBI, et produit
des résultats pour un post-traitement dans GIBI.

2003-12-07T22:11:23+00:00 sysutils/zisofs-tools User utilities for zisofs
The zisofs filesystem is an extension to the ISO9660 filesystem that allows
files, on a file-by-file basis, to be stored compressed and decompressed in
real time. The zisofs filesystem is supported by recent versions of Linux
(2.4.14 or later).

mkzftree - creates a zisofs/RockRidge compressed file tree
2003-12-07T21:36:42+00:00 graphics/mingplot Tool to generate a flash-based chart
Mingplot is a tool to generate a flash-based chart using ming.

For more information, see
2003-12-07T21:24:08+00:00 net/vnc2swf VNC Session Recorder to SWF Flash (Movie) format
Vnc2swf is a recording tool for VNC. It records VNC sessions and generates a
Flash movie file (SWF). It can be used as an X11 recorder or a Windows desktop

2003-12-07T18:31:48+00:00 x11-fm/emelfm2 Gtk2+ port of emelfm, a fast graphical filemanager
This is a port of emelFM2. emelFM2 is a file manager that
implements the popular two-pane design. It features a
simple GTK+ interface, a flexible file typing scheme,
and a built-in command line for executing commands
without opening a xterm.

2003-12-07T14:14:21+00:00 audio/mpiosh Digit@lway MPIO MP3 player tool
Digit@lway MPIO MP3 player tools

This is a project for using Digitalway/Adtec
digital audio player MPIO (DMG, DMK, DME, ...)
under FreeBSD. It provides a userspace library
and at the moment one tool to access the MPIO

2003-12-07T05:34:23+00:00 net/nvnet Driver for NVIDIA MCP Ethernet adapter
This port contains a driver for the NVIDIA nForce MCP Ethernet adapter.
It contains a wrapper that replaces the Linux nvnet.c, and links against
the Linux binary only object file (nvenetlib.o) included from the NVIDIA
driver source distribution.

This should work on all nForce and nForce2 based motherboards that have
the onboard MCP MAC enabled.
2003-12-07T03:13:41+00:00 math/freefem++ Partial differential equation solver
FreeFem++ is an implementation of a language dedicated to the finite element

It provides you a way to solve Partial Differential Equations (PDE) simply.
Problems involving partial differential equations (pde) of several branches
of physics such as fluid-structure interactions require interpolations of
data on several meshes and their manipulation within one program. In this
report we build on a fast quadtree-based interpolation algorithm, propose
a language for the manipulation of data on multiple meshes (generated with
bamg) and test by designing an extension of freefem and of freefem+.

Suggested add-ons: the ports graphics/xd3d, science/medit and math/gnuplot
(medit and gnuplot are requested to run some examples).

2003-12-07T02:47:24+00:00 math/arpack++ Object-oriented version of the ARPACK package
ARPACK++ is a collection of classes that offers c++ programmers an interface
to ARPACK. It preserves the full capability, performance, accuracy and low
memory requirements of the FORTRAN package, but takes advantage of the C++
object-oriented programming environment.

2003-12-07T01:05:38+00:00 audio/madplay Madplay MP3 player (part of MAD project)
MAD is a high-quality MPEG audio decoder. It currently supports MPEG-1
as well as the MPEG-2 extension to Lower Sampling Frequencies. All
three audio layers (Layer I, Layer II, and Layer III a.k.a. MP3) are
fully implemented.

This is madplay (MP3-player) which is part of the project

2003-12-07T01:03:15+00:00 math/p5-NetCDF Perl5 module to read and write netCDF files
A perl extension module for scientific data access via the netCDF API

2003-12-07T00:56:43+00:00 audio/libid3tag ID3 tags library (part of MAD project)
MAD is a high-quality MPEG audio decoder. It currently supports MPEG-1
as well as the MPEG-2 extension to Lower Sampling Frequencies. All
three audio layers (Layer I, Layer II, and Layer III a.k.a. MP3) are
fully implemented.

MAD does not yet support MPEG-2 multichannel audio (although it should
be backward compatible with such streams) or AAC, nor does it support
the so-called MPEG 2.5 format.

This is ID3 tag library, which is part of the project.

LICENSE: GPL2 or later

2003-12-07T00:50:00+00:00 audio/libmad Libmad library (part of MAD project)
MAD is a high-quality MPEG audio decoder. It currently supports MPEG-1 and the
MPEG-2 extension to lower sampling frequencies, as well as the de facto MPEG 2.5
format. All three audio layers -- Layer I, Layer II, and Layer III (i.e. MP3) --
are fully implemented.

MAD does not yet support MPEG-2 multichannel audio (although it should be
backward compatible with such streams) nor does it currently support AAC.

MAD has the following special features:
- 24-bit PCM output
- 100% fixed-point (integer) computation
- completely new implementation based on the ISO/IEC standards
- available under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL)

The software is distributed as a library (libmad) and command-line front-end
(madplay). Also included is an ID3 tag manipulation library (libid3tag).

2003-12-06T20:04:24+00:00 editors/mlview Tree oriented XML editor for Gnome
A tree oriented xml editor for gnome. It is an attempt to ease editing
xml documents with or without validation by focusing on their tree view.

2003-12-06T18:15:28+00:00 devel/ipython Enhanced Interactive Python shell
IPython is a free software project which tries to:

1. Provide an interactive shell superior to Python's
default. IPython has many features for object introspection,
system shell access, and its own special command system for
adding functionality when working interactively. It tries to be
a very efficient environment both for Python code development
and for exploration of problems using Python objects (in
situations like data analysis).

2. Serve as an embeddable, ready to use interpreter for your own
programs. IPython can be started with a single call from inside
another program, providing access to the current namespace. This
can be very useful both for debugging purposes and for
situations where a blend of batch-processing and interactive
exploration are needed.

3. Offer a flexible framework which can be used as the base
environment for other systems with Python as the underlying
language. Specifically scientific environments like Mathematica,
IDL and Mathcad inspired its design, but similar ideas can be
useful in many fields.

2003-12-06T17:59:43+00:00 games/ninix-aya Desktop mascot program compatible with "Ukagaka"
Ninix-aya is a branch of ninix.
Ninix-aya and ninix are compatible with Windows desktop mascot
program "Ukagaka".

For more information, see
2003-12-06T13:26:11+00:00 devel/as31 Free 8051 assembler
AS31 is a free 8051 assembler originally written by Ken Stauffer. Versions
of AS31 found here include important bug fixes and added features, such as
standard intel-hex output format for use with PAULMON2 and EPROM programmers.
AS31 is a good tool for building small 8051-based projects that are written
in 100% 8051 assembly language.

2003-12-06T13:07:52+00:00 x11/apwal Simple and powerful application launcher
Apwal is a simple and powerful application launcher.
It is composed in 2 parts: the application launcher itself and
a good looking easy to use editor.

Apwal is developed under GPL. It is written in C and is using the
GTK+ toolkit for the Editor interface and XML format to save the

To be able to launch the editor from inside apwal you need a
mounted procfs.

2003-12-06T12:37:43+00:00 comms/py-bulksms Python client for the HTTP API
This is an implementation of a client for's HTTP API.
It includes an object-oriented Python module which can be used in
other python code, and an 'sms' program which can be used directly
from the command line.

2003-12-05T23:42:12+00:00 x11/xfce4-clipman-plugin Clipboard manager for the Xfce panel
Clipboard Manager for the Xfce Panel and as a standalone application. It keep
the clipboard contents around (even after an application quits), it is able
to handle text and images, and has a feature to execute actions on specific
text selection by matching them against regexes.

2003-12-05T23:19:05+00:00 security/xca Graphical certification authority
Graphical certification authority is an interface for managing RSA keys
and certificates, and the creation and signing of PKCS#10 requests. It
uses the OpenSSL library and a Berkeley DB for key and certificate
storage. It supports importing and exporting keys and PEM DER PKCS8
certificates, signing and revoking of PEM DER PKCS12, and selection of
x509v3 extensions. A tree view of certificates is presented.

2003-12-05T21:13:31+00:00 devel/opentop A cross-platform C++ framework library
OpenTop contains framework classes that provide the features you need
to write network-centric, web-enabled and internationalized applications
in C++. It enables you to:

* create network clients and servers using either raw socket facilities
or higher-level protocols such as HTTP and FTP.
* create multi-threaded applications and manage synchronization between
threads using simple but effective threading abstractions which are
common to all platforms.
* use the full Unicode character range, using built-in character types
and standard string classes.
* use byte and character streams and manipulate files using an API
inspired by the excellent package.
* take advantage of its open architecture by registering your own
(or third-party) classes to perform custom processing.
* write portable applications and extension libraries. OpenTop is
an ideal base on which to deliver cross-platform solutions, benefitting
independent software vendors and corporate IT departments.
* integrate XML into your C++ applications with the C++ XML Toolkit
extension library.

2003-12-05T21:01:40+00:00 devel/p5-Algorithm-Interval2Prefix Generate prefixes from intervals
Taking an interval as input, this module will construct the smallest
set of prefixes, such that all numbers in the interval will match
exactly one of the prefixes, and no prefix will match a number not
in the interval.

2003-12-05T20:48:42+00:00 www/monkey A small, powerful, and fast Web server written in C
Monkey HTTP Daemon is a small, powerful, and fast Web server written in C. Its
features include language support, GET, POST, and HEAD methods, CGI, PHP4 , a
config file (optional for every user), a mime.types file, virtual hosts, the
ability to deny URLs and IPs, to run as a different user (such as nobody),
serve users home directories, resume, and more.

2003-12-05T19:07:33+00:00 comms/hamfax QT application for sending and receiving facsimiles over radio
HamFax is a Qt/X11 application for sending and receiving facsimiles. It is
licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL), see the file COPYING for
the complete text.

If you have questions or comments please send them to me
( I would like to have some feedback.

2003-12-05T18:41:48+00:00 sysutils/gkrellmwho2 Displays logged in users
This plugin displays currently logged in users in a scrolling line.
It also shows number of logins for each username and may show idle status.

Author: Alexander Shishckin <>
2003-12-05T15:44:18+00:00 print/typetools Tools for manipulating fonts
The LCDF Typetools package contains several programs for manipulating
PostScript Type 1, Type 1 multiple master, and PostScript-flavored OpenType

2003-12-05T15:08:56+00:00 graphics/graphopt Graph layout optimizer
A graph layout optimizer based on the iterative application of laws of physics
instead of using finite-pass algorithms.

2003-12-05T08:52:56+00:00 graphics/hsetroot Wallpaper manipulation utility for X11
hsetroot is a tool which allows you to compose wallpapers ("root pixmaps")
for X11. It has a lot of options like rendering gradients, solids, images
but it also allows you to perform manipulations on those things, or chain
them together. You could use one standard background image for instance,
and using tint to make it fit your current theme. And yes, of course it is
compatible with semi-translucent applications like aterm and xchat.

At this time, hsetroot can render: gradients (multi-color with variable
distance), solids (rectangles) and images (centered, tiled, fullscreen, or
maximum aspect). It supports the following manipulations: tinting
(overlaying a color mask), blurring, sharpening, flipping (horizontally,
diagonally, vertically) it also allows you to adjust brightness, contrast
and gamma-level. hsetroot also supports alpha-channels when rendering

2003-12-05T01:01:58+00:00 ftp/curlpp C++ wrapper for libcurl
curlpp is a C++ wrapper for libcurl.

2003-12-05T00:57:49+00:00 print/libpdf++ A C++ library to generate PDF files
libpdf++ is a C++ library to generate PDF files. It is for programs like word
processor to write PDF export filters.

2003-12-05T00:56:32+00:00 lang/qc-- The Quick C-- Compiler
C-- is intended as a "portable assembly language" that can replace C as a
target language used by compiler writers. The goal of the Quick C-- project is
to test those ideas in an implementation. Quick C-- is intended to be a simple,
nonoptimizing compiler that supports the run-time interface. Our primary goal
is to to validate our design experimentally. A secondary, but still significant
goal is to provide a vehicle for experimenting with new techniques for building
retargetable compilers. We want the compiler to be
1. Easy to retarget to the platform of choice
2. Easy to specialize, say for a new calling convention
3. Fast

2003-12-05T00:54:49+00:00 print/tipograf GUI for a2ps
Tipograf is a frontend for the powerful anything to PostScript converter a2ps.
By principle, the command line is more powerful than any graphical user
interface, but for the average user memorization of all the program specific
options is too time consuming. I think that's the reason why some people prefer
less functional GUI programs over sophisticated command line tools. Tipograf
solves this problem in the case of a2ps.

2003-12-05T00:46:02+00:00 devel/libcheck Unit test framework for C
Check is a unit test framework for C. It features a simple interface for
defining unit tests, putting little in the way of the developer. Tests are run
in a separate address space, so Check can catch both assertion failures and code
errors that cause segmentation faults or other signals.

2003-12-04T21:48:00+00:00 deskutils/multisync-syncml Multisync plugin for SyncML targets
This MultiSync plugin is:

SyncML support (supported by e.g. SonyEricsson P800/P900 and many other phones
and devices, for example the SyncML server Sync4j). SyncML also allows you to
do remote connection of two MultiSync programs via an encrypted connection over
the net.

2003-12-04T21:46:21+00:00 deskutils/multisync-evolution Evolution synchronization plugin for Multisync
This MultiSync plugin is:

Ximian Evolution synchronization, supporting calendar, ToDos and contacts.

2003-12-04T21:45:04+00:00 deskutils/multisync-backup Multisync backup plugin
This MultiSync plugin is:

Ximian Evolution synchronization, supporting calendar, ToDos and contacts.

2003-12-04T21:43:55+00:00 deskutils/multisync Synchronize calendars, addressbooks, and other PIM data
MultiSync is a free modular program to synchronize calendars, addressbooks and
other PIM data between programs on your computer and other computers, mobile
devices, PDAs or cell phones. MultiSync works on Gnome platform.

Be sure to also install desired plugins.

2003-12-04T21:38:01+00:00 games/trackballs SDL-based Marble Madness clone
Trackballs is a simple game similar to the classical game Marble Madness on the
Amiga in the 80's. By steering a marble ball through a labyrinth filled with
vicious hammers, pools of acid and other obstacles the player collects points.
When the ball reaches the destination it continues at the next, more difficult
level - unless the time runs out.

2003-12-04T19:32:27+00:00 devel/py-cheetah HTML template engine for Python
Cheetah is a Python-powered template engine and code generator. It
can be used as a standalone utility or it can be combined with other
tools. Cheetah has many potential uses, but web developers looking
for a viable alternative to ASP, JSP, PHP and PSP are expected to
be its principle user group.

2003-12-04T17:23:28+00:00 mail/p5-Mail-ClamAV Perl extension for the clamav virus scanner
Clam AntiVirus is an anti-virus toolkit for UNIX. This module provide a simple
interface to it's C API.

2003-12-04T16:27:16+00:00 textproc/p5-Text-RecordParser Read record-oriented files
This module is for reading record-oriented data. The most common example have
records separated by newlines and fields separated by commas or tabs, but this
module aims to provide a consistent interface for handling sequential records
in a file however they may be delimited.

2003-12-04T16:00:52+00:00 devel/p5-Class-Base Useful base class for deriving other modules
This module implements a simple base class from which other modules can be
derived, thereby inheriting a number of useful methods such as "new()",
"init()", "params()", "clone()", "error()" and "debug()".

2003-12-04T15:38:13+00:00 www/p5-HTTP-Lite Perl5 modules for Lightweight HTTP implementation
HTTP::Lite is a stand-alone lightweight HTTP/1.1 implementation for perl. It
is not intended as a replacement for the fully-features LWP module. Instead,
it is intended for use in situations where it is desirable to install the
minimal number of modules to achieve HTTP support, or where LWP is not a good
candidate due to CPU overhead, such as slower processors. HTTP::Lite is also
significantly faster than LWP.

HTTP::Lite is ideal for CGI (or mod_perl) programs or for bundling for
redistribution with larger packages where only HTTP GET and POST functionality
are necessary.

If you require more functionality, such as FTP or HTTPS, please see libwwwperl
(LWP). LWP is a significantly better and more comprehensive package than
HTTP::Lite, and should be used instead of HTTP::Lite whenever possible.

2003-12-04T15:24:13+00:00 www/p5-IMDB-Movie Perl module to fetch movie info from
This is a module that uses LWP and HTML::TokeParser to parse the
web page for the requested movie. You can use an IMDB identification
number or the name of the movie. will try to return the
best match.

Author: Jeffrey Hayes Anderson <>
2003-12-04T14:44:14+00:00 textproc/p5-Filter-Simple Simplified source filtering
Filter::Simple - Simplified source filtering

Source filtering is an immensely powerful feature of recent versions of Perl.
It allows one to extend the language itself (e.g. the Switch module), to
simplify the language (e.g. Language::Pythonesque), or to completely recast the
language (e.g. Lingua::Romana::Perligata). Effec- tively, it allows one to use
the full power of Perl as its own, recur- sively applied, macro language.

2003-12-04T11:51:39+00:00 audio/fluidsynth Real-time software synthesizer based on the SoundFont 2 specifications
FluidSynth is a real-time software synthesizer based on the SoundFont 2
specifications. It is a "software synthesizer". FluidSynth can read MIDI
events from the MIDI input device and render them to the audio device.
It can also play MIDI files.

Note: FluidSynth was previously called IIWU Synth.

2003-12-04T11:48:32+00:00 games/robotfindskitten Yet another zen simulation
You are robot. Your job is to find kitten.
This task is complicated by the existence of things which are not kitten.
Robot must touch items to determine if they are kitten or not.
The game ends when robotfindskitten.

2003-12-04T11:39:37+00:00 audio/eawpats Eric A. Welsh's collection of Gravis Ultrasound MIDI patches
This is Eric A. Welsh's collection of Gravis UltraSound MIDI patches,
configured for use with the TiMidity++ MIDI player. A configuration file
for TiMidity++ to use these patches is also included.
2003-12-04T11:32:32+00:00 audio/prokyon3 Multithreaded music manager and tag editor
prokyon3 is a multithreaded music manager and tag editor for Unix
(developed on Linux). It was written in C++ using the Qt3 widget set
and the MySQL database. prokyon3 can access MP3, Ogg and FLAC files on
hard disk, CDROM or network. Files can be played using XMMS (default)
or other players. The file view is customizable and favorite artists
are supported. prokyon3 also offers an editor for ID3 and Ogg tags and
has been designed to support tagging for large quantities of files.

Beside it's own features prokyon3 is able to interact with a lot of
other programms. Thanks to it's configurable interfaces you can combine
prokyon3 with cd burners, media players and data aggregators of your

2003-12-04T07:48:08+00:00 x11-toolkits/libpanelappletmm C++ wrapper for libpanelapplet library
This is a set of thin C++ wrappers for libpanelapplet (part of gnomepanel).

2003-12-04T07:30:36+00:00 x11-toolkits/bakery_gnomeui A Bakery C++ Application Framework extention for GNOME
This is a Bakery C++ Application Framework extension for creating
GNOME applications. A set of libgnomeuimm based implementations.

2003-12-04T06:46:36+00:00 multimedia/avidemux2 Simple GUI based video editor
A video editor that allows editing of AVI, OGM, and MPEG videos. The MPEG
support provides the ability to convert to DVD compliat PS streams. It
contains various filters for deinterlacing, cropping, resizing, etc. Allows
for cutting without re-encoding. Has the ability to re-encode and re-sample.
Utilizes ECMAScript (aka. Javascript) to provide batch scripting and
processing support.

2003-12-04T06:42:39+00:00 databases/kinterbasdb Python extension for Firebird/Interbase(R) relational databases
KinterbasDB Python module is a client part for the Interbase
(Firebird) SQL Server. It enables you to store, retrieve and handle
relational data in Interbase within Python program. It provides the
functionality to execute SQL statements, control transactions, to use
special data types and supports Python DB API 2.0 specifications.

2003-12-04T06:37:09+00:00 sysutils/portdowngrade Sets a port back to a previous version
Portdowngrade helps to downgrade FreeBSD ports by analyzing the history
of commits to the port and presenting the user the list of changes. By
selecting one, the port can be set back to a previous version easily.


2003-12-04T06:37:09+00:00 ports-mgmt/portdowngrade Sets a port back to a previous version
Portdowngrade helps to downgrade FreeBSD ports by analyzing the history
of commits to the port and presenting the user the list of changes. By
selecting one, the port can be set back to a previous version easily.
2003-12-01T05:42:38+00:00 x11/kde-lite The FreeBSD release "meta-port" for (a subset of) KDE
KDE provides an integrated X11 based environment, much like CDE.

This package does not contain anything by itself -- it is a
"meta-port" that depends on other KDE packages. This
particular meta-port is adjusted as necessary for release
engineering purposes.

2003-12-01T05:26:38+00:00 x11/gnome2-lite The "meta-port" of the GNOME desktop slimmed down for FreeBSD releases
GNU Network Object Model Environment

This metaport installs the pieces of the GNOME 2 desktop that
are needed to provide a functional desktop. x11/gnome2
contains the full version of the GNOME 2 desktop environment.

Other popular GNOME applications can be installed from the other
GNOME 2 metaports:

* x11/gnome2-fifth-toe
* x11/gnome2-power-tools
* editors/gnome2-office
* devel/gnome2-hacker-tools

2003-11-22T23:00:50+00:00 games/dsnake Deluxe Snake - snake clone with frogs and mushrooms
Deluxe Snake is a clone of the classic arcade games Nibbles and Snake,
with improved gameplay, including power-ups, mushrooms, walls, tail-bite,
and other fun stuff. Play on multiple arena sizes, with borders on/off,
in 4 different gamemodes. There's a top 20 high-scores list for each
combination of settings, which also stores gamelengths and dates, and
can be merged with friends' lists.

2003-11-22T22:56:48+00:00 devel/linux-f8-allegro Cross-platform game programming library (Linux Fedora 8)
Allegro is a cross-platform library intended for use in computer games and
other types of multimedia programming.

2003-11-22T22:56:48+00:00 devel/linux-f10-allegro Cross-platform game programming library (Linux Fedora 10)
Allegro is a cross-platform library intended for use in computer games and
other types of multimedia programming.

2003-11-22T22:56:48+00:00 devel/linux-allegro Cross-platform game programming library (linux version)
Allegro is a cross-platform library intended for use in computer games and
other types of multimedia programming.

2003-11-22T22:32:00+00:00 audio/squash Learning console-based MP3/OGG player
Squash is a C/Ncurses based music player. It supports mp3 and ogg through
libraries (and planned flac support). Squash uses statistics to determine songs
to play automatically. It garners this information through whether or not a song
is skipped. Squash also avoids picking the same song twice. Thus Squash is
like a radio station that plays the songs you like -- and you don't even have to
call in requests!

2003-11-22T00:47:54+00:00 graphics/imgseek A photo manager and viewer with content-based search
imgSeek is a photo collection manager and viewer with content-based search
and many other features. The query is expressed either as a rough sketch
painted by the user or as another image you supply (or an image in your
collection). The searching algorithm makes use of multiresolution wavelet
decomposition of the query and database images.

2003-11-21T02:56:07+00:00 japanese/squirrelmail A webmail system which accesses mail over IMAP with Japanese patch
2003-11-21T01:48:46+00:00 www/MT-PM Movable Type Plugin Manager
The MT Plugin Manager is a tool to install and manage your plugins. You'll have
access to install, uninstall, upgrade, and check requirements all in one place,
as well as easy links to get more information. The MT Plugin Manager uses
information from the MT Plugin Directory to let you easily manage your plugins.

2003-11-20T22:10:10+00:00 x11-wm/aquaosk An Acqua-like native window decoration for KDE 3
A native Acqua-like window decoration for KDE 3, by David Sansome.


* Mac OS X style drop shadows for windows.
* Rounded title bar corners.
* Application icon in title bar.
* Configurable window borders.

2003-11-20T22:10:10+00:00 x11-themes/aquaosk An Acqua-like native window decoration for KDE 3
A native Acqua-like window decoration for KDE 3, by David Sansome.


* Mac OS X style drop shadows for windows.
* Rounded title bar corners.
* Application icon in title bar.
* Configurable window borders.

2003-11-20T21:30:40+00:00 graphics/ocrad OCR program implemented as filter
GNU Ocrad is an OCR (Optical Character Recognition) program implemented
as a filter and based on a feature extraction method. It reads a bitmap
image in pbm format and outputs text in ISO-8859-1 (Latin-1) charset.
Also includes a layout analyser able to separate the columns or blocks
of text normally found on printed pages.
It can be used as a stand-alone console application, or as a backend to
other programs.

2003-11-20T20:15:42+00:00 print/lilypond-devel GNU music typesetter
LilyPond is a music typesetter. It produces sheet music using a
high-level description file, which is plain text, as input. You
can use your favorite text editor to enter the description files.
The font and the layout were inspired by engraved music, but can
be modified. The program also has limited MIDI functionality: you
can write MIDI files, and there is a MIDI to lilypond conversion
tool, midi2ly. Conversion tools for PMX, MUP, ABC, Finale and
Musedata are also included.

2003-11-20T16:12:04+00:00 mail/gdesklets-imapmail Displays new/total mail count from IMAP mailbox
This desklet shows new/total mailcount from an IMAP INBOX.
Display and sensor (imapmail sensor) adapted from code by Psi.

2003-11-20T16:07:52+00:00 deskutils/gdesklets-sensor-psi_iconbutton A sensor based on the starterbar

This sensor is based on the starter bar and part of the Psi Sensor Package.

It allows to have a button that executes a command (it is possible to i
change the command in the configurator) when it is clicked and that scales
on mouse over.

2003-11-20T15:44:13+00:00 games/pydance Dancing simulation game similar to the kind in arcades
pydance is a dancing simulator, in which you must step on particular arrows
on the floor in time with music playing in the background. pydance supports
multiple difficulty levels for each song, background images and movies,
lyrics, freeze arrows, BPM changes and stops, and many common modifiers like
2x, drop, stealth, and so on.

pydance is interoperable with other dancing games, and can play the
popular DWI, SM, and KSF formats. It is capable of playing games similar
to Dance Dance Revolution, Pump It Up, ParaParaParadise, Dance ManiaX,
and Technomotion. It also implements several unique modes. You can also
make your own steps for songs in the .dance format.

2003-11-20T14:33:42+00:00 www/mozilla-bonobo A Netscape/Mozilla plugin using Bonobo controls to display files
mozilla-bonobo is a netscape-compatible browser plugin which allows
your browser to use bonobo controls to display supported mime types.


- Jean-Yves Lefort
2003-11-20T14:26:26+00:00 print/gribouy Gribouy is a Type1 font editor
Gribouy comes from the french word "Gribouille". It is a font editor
released under the GNU General Public License (GPL) and a program
that requires GNOME to work.

2003-11-20T13:03:02+00:00 sysutils/k3b KDE CD/DVD writing suite
K3b is a GUI frontend to the CD recording programs cdrdao and cdrecord.
It's aim is to provide a very user friendly interface to all the tasks that
come with CD and DVD recording.

Features so far:
* Creating data CDs (on-the-fly, rockridge, joliet, El-Torito)
* Creating audio CDs (WAV, MP3, OGG, CD-TEXT; normalization and on-the fly)
* Creating Video CDs (VCD 1.1, 2.0, SVCD, CD-i support (Version 4))
* Creating mixed-mode CDs (CD-Extra (CD-Plus, Enhanced Audio CD))
* Creating eMovix CDs
* CD Copy (single + multi session, audio, enhanced audio, cloning)
* DVD burning (DVD-R(W), DVD+R(W), eMovix, Formatting DVD-RWs and DVD+RWs)
* CD Ripping (CDDB support, CD-TEXT reading, several formats)
* DVD Ripping and DivX/XviD encoding
* Blanking of CDRWs.
* Retrieving Table of contents and cdr information.
* Writing existing iso images to CD and DVD.
* Writing cue/bin files created for CDRWIN
* DVD copy (no video transcoding yet)
* Enhanced cd device handling (burnfree and justlink support)
* KParts plugin

2003-11-20T13:03:02+00:00 sysutils/k3b-kde4 KDE CD/DVD writing suite
K3b is a GUI frontend to the CD recording programs cdrdao and cdrecord.
It's aim is to provide a very user friendly interface to all the tasks that
come with CD and DVD recording.

Features so far:
* Creating data CDs (on-the-fly, rockridge, joliet, El-Torito)
* Creating audio CDs (WAV, MP3, OGG, CD-TEXT; normalization and on-the fly)
* Creating Video CDs (VCD 1.1, 2.0, SVCD, CD-i support (Version 4))
* Creating mixed-mode CDs (CD-Extra (CD-Plus, Enhanced Audio CD))
* Creating eMovix CDs
* CD Copy (single + multi session, audio, enhanced audio, cloning)
* DVD burning (DVD-R(W), DVD+R(W), eMovix, Formatting DVD-RWs and DVD+RWs)
* CD Ripping (CDDB support, CD-TEXT reading, several formats)
* DVD Ripping and DivX/XviD encoding
* Blanking of CDRWs.
* Retrieving Table of contents and cdr information.
* Writing existing iso images to CD and DVD.
* Writing cue/bin files created for CDRWIN
* DVD copy (no video transcoding yet)
* Enhanced cd device handling (burnfree and justlink support)
* KParts plugin

2003-11-20T05:11:07+00:00 www/mod_macro Apache module for use macros in config files
mod_macro is a third-party module to the Apache Http Server, distributed with
a BSD-style license like Apache. It allows the definition and use of macros
within apache runtime configuration files. The syntax is a natural extension
to apache html-like configuration style.

2003-11-20T03:23:09+00:00 russian/linux-mozillafirebird Firebird Web browser: Russian Linux/i386 version
Mozilla Firebird is a Web, FTP and gopher browser branched from Mozilla. It
does not include an HTML editor, e-mail user agent, IRC client, or news reader.

This is a pre-compiled Linux/i386 version, able to run plugins from that
platform. This port is compatible with the Flash plugin from
ports/www/linux-flashplugin6/ and with the Java plugin from

2003-11-20T03:18:25+00:00 x11-fonts/linux-urw-fonts Truetype fonts for use with Linux programs
This port provides these Truetype fonts for use with Linux programs:

URW-Avantgarde-book and -demibold
URW-Bookman L-demi bold and -light
URW-Bookman-demibold and -light
URW-Century Schoolbook L-bold and -medium
URW-New Century Schoolbook-bold and -medium
URW-Chancery L-medium
URW-Courier-bold and -medium
URW-Gothic L-book and -demi bold
URW-Helvetica-bold and -medium
URW-New Century Schoolbook-bold and -medium
URW-Nimbus Mono L-bold and -medium
URW-Nimbus Roman No9
URW-Nimbus Sans L-bold and -medium
URW-Palatino-bold and -medium
URW-Palladio L-bold and -medium
URW-Standard Symbols L-medium
URW-Times-bold and -medium
URW-Zapf Chancery-medium
URW-Zapf Dingbats-medium
2003-11-19T22:01:13+00:00 japanese/linux-mozillafirebird-gtk2 Firebird Web browser: Japanese, Linux/i386, GTK+ 2.X, with Xft
Mozilla Firebird is a Web, FTP and gopher browser branched from Mozilla. It
does not include an HTML editor, e-mail user agent, IRC client, or news reader.

This is a pre-compiled Linux/i386 version, able to run plugins from that
platform. This port is compatible with the Flash plugin from
ports/www/linux-flashplugin6/ and with the Java plugin from

2003-11-19T21:23:26+00:00 sysutils/dmidecode Tool for dumping DMI (SMBIOS) contents in human-readable format
Dmidecode reports information about your system's hardware as described in your
system BIOS according to the SMBIOS/DMI standard. This information typically
includes system manufacturer, model name, serial number, BIOS version, asset tag
as well as a lot of other details of varying level of interest and reliability
depending on the manufacturer. This will often include usage status for the CPU
sockets, expansion slots (e.g. AGP, PCI, ISA) and memory module slots, and the
list of I/O ports (e.g. serial, parallel, USB).

2003-11-19T16:08:33+00:00 x11/linux-XFree86-libs XFree86 libraries, Linux binary
This is a Linux/i386 binary port of the libraries from XFree86, "a freely
redistributable open-source implementation of X11."

2003-11-19T15:41:11+00:00 x11-toolkits/linux-pango Linux pango binary
This is a Linux/i386 binary port of Pango.

from the home page:

The goal of the Pango project is to provide an open-source
framework for the layout and rendering of internationalized
text. Pango is an offshoot of the GTK+ and GNOME projects,
and the initial focus is operation in those environments,
however there is nothing fundamentally GTK+- or GNOME-specific
about Pango. Pango uses Unicode for all of its encoding,
and will eventually support output in all the world's major

2003-11-19T15:41:11+00:00 x11-toolkits/linux-f8-pango The pango library (Linux Fedora 8)
This is a Linux/i386 binary port of Pango.

from the home page:

The goal of the Pango project is to provide an open-source
framework for the layout and rendering of internationalized
text. Pango is an offshoot of the GTK+ and GNOME projects,
and the initial focus is operation in those environments,
however there is nothing fundamentally GTK+- or GNOME-specific
about Pango. Pango uses Unicode for all of its encoding,
and will eventually support output in all the world's major

2003-11-19T15:41:11+00:00 x11-toolkits/linux-f10-pango Pango library (Linux Fedora 10)
This is a Linux/i386 binary port of Pango.

from the home page:

The goal of the Pango project is to provide an open-source
framework for the layout and rendering of internationalized
text. Pango is an offshoot of the GTK+ and GNOME projects,
and the initial focus is operation in those environments,
however there is nothing fundamentally GTK+- or GNOME-specific
about Pango. Pango uses Unicode for all of its encoding,
and will eventually support output in all the world's major

2003-11-19T14:32:11+00:00 devel/linux-glib2 Version 2.X Linux/i386 binary port of GLib
This is a Linux/i386 binary port of GLib, version 2.X.

from the home page:

GLib is the low-level core library that forms the basis of
GTK+ and GNOME. It provides data structure handling for C,
portability wrappers, and interfaces for such runtime
functionality as an event loop, threads, dynamic loading,
and an object system.

2003-11-19T14:11:11+00:00 textproc/linux-f8-expat Linux/i386 binary port of Expat XML-parsing library (Linux Fedora 8)
This is a Linux/i386 binary port of Expat.

from the README:

This is Expat, a C library for parsing XML, written by James
Clark. Expat is a stream-oriented XML parser. This means
that you register handlers with the parser before starting
the parse. These handlers are called when the parser
discovers the associated structures in the document being
parsed. A start tag is an example of the kind of structures
for which you may register handlers.

2003-11-19T14:11:11+00:00 textproc/linux-f10-expat Linux/i386 binary port of Expat XML-parsing library (Linux Fedora 10)
This is a Linux/i386 binary port of Expat.

from the README:

This is Expat, a C library for parsing XML, written by James
Clark. Expat is a stream-oriented XML parser. This means
that you register handlers with the parser before starting
the parse. These handlers are called when the parser
discovers the associated structures in the document being
parsed. A start tag is an example of the kind of structures
for which you may register handlers.

2003-11-19T14:11:11+00:00 textproc/linux-expat Linux/i386 binary port of Expat XML-parsing library
This is a Linux/i386 binary port of Expat.

from the README:

This is Expat, a C library for parsing XML, written by James
Clark. Expat is a stream-oriented XML parser. This means
that you register handlers with the parser before starting
the parse. These handlers are called when the parser
discovers the associated structures in the document being
parsed. A start tag is an example of the kind of structures
for which you may register handlers.

2003-11-19T13:56:38+00:00 x11-fonts/linux-fontconfig Linux/i386 binary of Fontconfig
This is a Linux/i386 binary port of the Fontconfig library and utilities.

In the words of its author, Keith Packard:

Fontconfig can:
* discover new fonts when installed automatically, removing a common
source of configuration problems.
* perform font name substitution, so that appropriate alternative
fonts can be selected if fonts are missing.
* identify the set of fonts required to completely cover a set of
* have GUI configuration tools built as it uses an XML-based
configuration file (though with autodiscovery, we believe this need
is minimized).
* efficiently and quickly find the fonts you need among the set of
fonts you have installed, even if you have installed thousands of
fonts, while minimzing memory usage.
* be used in concert with the X Render Extension and FreeType to
implement high quality, anti-aliased and subpixel rendered text on a

2003-11-19T13:56:38+00:00 x11-fonts/linux-f8-fontconfig An XML-based font configuration API for X Windows (Linux Fedora 8)
This is a Linux/i386 binary port of the Fontconfig library and utilities.

In the words of its author, Keith Packard:

Fontconfig can:
* discover new fonts when installed automatically, removing a common
source of configuration problems.
* perform font name substitution, so that appropriate alternative
fonts can be selected if fonts are missing.
* identify the set of fonts required to completely cover a set of
* have GUI configuration tools built as it uses an XML-based
configuration file (though with autodiscovery, we believe this need
is minimized).
* efficiently and quickly find the fonts you need among the set of
fonts you have installed, even if you have installed thousands of
fonts, while minimzing memory usage.
* be used in concert with the X Render Extension and FreeType to
implement high quality, anti-aliased and subpixel rendered text on a

2003-11-19T13:56:38+00:00 x11-fonts/linux-f10-fontconfig XML-based font configuration API for X Windows (Linux Fedora 10)
This is a Linux/i386 binary port of the Fontconfig library and utilities.

In the words of its author, Keith Packard:

Fontconfig can:
* discover new fonts when installed automatically, removing a common
source of configuration problems.
* perform font name substitution, so that appropriate alternative
fonts can be selected if fonts are missing.
* identify the set of fonts required to completely cover a set of
* have GUI configuration tools built as it uses an XML-based
configuration file (though with autodiscovery, we believe this need
is minimized).
* efficiently and quickly find the fonts you need among the set of
fonts you have installed, even if you have installed thousands of
fonts, while minimzing memory usage.
* be used in concert with the X Render Extension and FreeType to
implement high quality, anti-aliased and subpixel rendered text on a

2003-11-19T13:40:59+00:00 devel/linux-atk Accessibility Toolkit, Linux/i386 binary
Accessibility Toolkit, Linux/i386 binary

from the Web page:

The ATK library provides a set of interfaces for accessibility. By
supporting the ATK interfaces, an application or toolkit can be
used with such tools as screen readers, magnifiers, and
alternative input devices.

2003-11-19T13:40:59+00:00 accessibility/linux-f8-atk Accessibility Toolkit, Linux/i386 binary (Linux Fedora 8)
Accessibility Toolkit, Linux/i386 binary

from the Web page:

The ATK library provides a set of interfaces for accessibility. By
supporting the ATK interfaces, an application or toolkit can be
used with such tools as screen readers, magnifiers, and
alternative input devices.

2003-11-19T13:40:59+00:00 accessibility/linux-f10-atk Accessibility Toolkit, Linux/i386 binary (Linux Fedora 10)
Accessibility Toolkit, Linux/i386 binary.

The ATK library provides a set of interfaces for accessibility. By
supporting the ATK interfaces, an application or toolkit can be used
with such tools as screen readers, magnifiers, and alternative input

2003-11-19T13:40:59+00:00 accessibility/linux-atk Accessibility Toolkit, Linux/i386 binary
Accessibility Toolkit, Linux/i386 binary

from the Web page:

The ATK library provides a set of interfaces for accessibility. By
supporting the ATK interfaces, an application or toolkit can be
used with such tools as screen readers, magnifiers, and
alternative input devices.

2003-11-19T13:15:52+00:00 japanese/linux-ttfonts Japanese Truetype fonts for use with Linux emulation
Japanese Truetype fonts for use with Linux emulation:

2003-11-19T11:07:48+00:00 www/linux-mozillafirebird-el Firebird Web browser: Greek Linux/i386 version
Mozilla Firebird is a Web, FTP and gopher browser branched from Mozilla. It
does not include an HTML editor, e-mail user agent, IRC client, or news reader.

This is a pre-compiled Linux/i386 version, able to run plugins from that
platform. This port is compatible with the Flash plugin from
ports/www/linux-flashplugin6/ and with the Java plugin from

2003-11-19T10:51:49+00:00 german/linux-mozillafirebird Firebird Web browser: German Linux/i386 version
Mozilla Firebird is a Web, FTP and gopher browser branched from Mozilla. It
does not include an HTML editor, e-mail user agent, IRC client, or news reader.

This is a pre-compiled Linux/i386 version, able to run plugins from that
platform. This port is compatible with the Flash plugin from
ports/www/linux-flashplugin6/ and with the Java plugin from

2003-11-19T07:22:25+00:00 chinese/linux-mozillafirebird-zh_CN Firebird browser in Simplified Chinese for Linux/i386
Mozilla Firebird is a Web, FTP and gopher browser branched from Mozilla. It
does not include an HTML editor, e-mail user agent, IRC client, or news reader.

This is a pre-compiled Linux/i386 version, able to run plugins from that
platform. This port is compatible with the Flash plugin from
ports/www/linux-flashplugin6/ and with the Java plugin from

2003-11-19T07:11:54+00:00 chinese/linux-mozillafirebird-zh_TW Firebird browser in Traditional Chinese for Linux/i386
Mozilla Firebird is a Web, FTP and gopher browser branched from Mozilla. It
does not include an HTML editor, e-mail user agent, IRC client, or news reader.

This is a pre-compiled Linux/i386 version, able to run plugins from that
platform. This port is compatible with the Flash plugin from
ports/www/linux-flashplugin6/ and with the Java plugin from

2003-11-19T05:59:07+00:00 astro/gdesklets-weather A weather monitoring Sensor and Display for gdesklets
A weather monitoring Sensor and Display for gdesklets.

2003-11-19T05:54:40+00:00 sysutils/gdesklets-multitail Displays multiple log files in one gDesklets display
Displays multiple log files in one gDesklets display

2003-11-19T03:56:52+00:00 japanese/linux-mozillafirebird-gtk1 Firebird Web browser: Japanese, Linux, GTK 1.X version
Mozilla Firebird is a Web, FTP and gopher browser branched from Mozilla. It
does not include an HTML editor, e-mail user agent, IRC client, or news reader.

This is a pre-compiled Linux/i386 version, able to run plugins from that
platform. This port is compatible with the Flash plugin from
ports/www/linux-flashplugin6/ and with the Java plugin from

2003-11-19T02:40:47+00:00 x11-toolkits/linux-gtk2 GTK+ library, version 2.X, Linux binary
This is a Linux/i386 binary port of the GTK+ 2.X library.

2003-11-19T02:40:47+00:00 x11-toolkits/linux-f8-gtk2 GTK+ library, version 2.X (Linux Fedora 8)
This is a Linux/i386 binary port of the GTK+ 2.X library.

2003-11-19T02:40:47+00:00 x11-toolkits/linux-f10-gtk2 GTK+ library, version 2.X (Linux Fedora 10)
This is a Linux/i386 binary port of the GTK+ 2.X library.

2003-11-18T21:56:41+00:00 mail/spamguard MTA spam prevention program for qmail/postfix/sendmail
Nearly all of today's mail system administrators face spam as their
first threat. Because of this, EnderUNIX team has written this small
application to automagically monitor malicious spammer activity in
your mail server logs.

spamGuard is written purely in C, to stop spammers hanging around.
The program supports nearly all mostly used MTAs; qmail (both
multilog and splogger), sendmail and Postfix.

2003-11-18T20:13:12+00:00 astro/gdesklets-seti Simple but useful setidesklet with less CPU-usage
Simple but useful setidesklet with less CPU-usage.

2003-11-18T17:39:47+00:00 sysutils/gdesklets-sysinfo Desklet shows various information about your system
SysInfo shows various information about your system.

2003-11-18T16:00:54+00:00 textproc/p5-Pod-Stripper Strip all pod, and output what's left
This be Pod::Stripper, a subclass of Pod::Parser. It parses perl files,
stripping out the pod, and dumping the rest (presumably code) to
wherever you point it to (like you do with Pod::Parser).

2003-11-18T11:53:35+00:00 sysutils/radmind Utility for administering filesystem changes
radmind is a set of tools for creating filesystem diffs which can be
loaded over the network. This is useful for administering a large number
of hosts at the filesystem level. It can also act as an intelligent

This port contains security and functionality patches through May 22, 2014.

2003-11-18T10:51:56+00:00 net/scand Flood scan detection and blocking daemon
This program provides a TCP SYN, UDP and ICMP flood detection and blocking
facility for use with divert(4) sockets under FreeBSD.

2003-11-18T07:30:13+00:00 astro/gdesklets-goodweather A desklet that displays current weather condition and forecast
This desklet (sensor/display) shows the current temperature, humidity, sky,
windchill temperature and a forecast of the next 4 days on your desktop.

The data is retrieved from Weather XML Data Feed project at

The desklet is a hack based on the code of the original weather desklet, the
Liquid Weather++ module for Karamba and some very nice artwork.

2003-11-18T05:39:01+00:00 databases/postgresql7-client
2003-11-18T04:23:36+00:00 textproc/liblingoteach Library for parsing lesson files based on the LingoTeach DTD
This is a port of liblingoteach, a library for special translation
lesson interaction. It uses the LingoTeach DTD format for general

2003-11-17T23:30:24+00:00 net/ginsu A client for the gale secure instant messaging system
ginsu is a client for the gale chat system. It is designed to be powerful
and above all stable, as well as having a quick learning curve. If you are
comortable with 'vi' you should find it particularly easy.

2003-11-17T23:30:24+00:00 net-im/ginsu A client for the gale secure instant messaging system
ginsu is a client for the gale chat system. It is designed to be powerful
and above all stable, as well as having a quick learning curve. If you are
comortable with 'vi' you should find it particularly easy.

2003-11-17T21:18:53+00:00 audio/mp3riot Mp3riot creates mp3 playlists, HTML files, etc
mp3riot (formerly known as is a command line utility
that searches recursively through directories, builds a file list
(with additional file information), and generates HTML files,
playlists, etc. The output can be controlled, links can be corrected,
and more. The script is mainly designed to create Web pages,
playlists, and databases for MP3 and Ogg files, but can also used for
other purposes.

2003-11-17T19:08:11+00:00 deskutils/ktagebuch A diary program for KDE 3
KTagebuch is a diary program for KDE 3.

o Word processor like functions
o A toolbar to easily access the entries
o Entries are searchable
o Mood Plugin

2003-11-17T12:29:06+00:00 devel/ecos-tools Configuration tools for the eCos embedded OS
eCos is an open source, configurable, portable, and royalty-free
embedded real-time operating system.

This port installs the configuration tools to manage the eCos build
environment, ecosconfig and configtool.

2003-11-17T10:08:45+00:00 devel/cxxtest Simple and powerful JUnit/CppUnit/xUnit-like framework for C++
CxxTest is a JUnit/CppUnit/xUnit-like framework for C++.

Its advantages over existing alternatives are that it:
- Doesn't require RTTI
- Doesn't require member template functions
- Doesn't require exception handling
- Doesn't require any external libraries (including memory management,
file/console I/O, graphics libraries)

This makes it extremely portable and usable.

2003-11-17T04:03:39+00:00 graphics/inkscape Full featured open source SVG editor
Inkscape seeks to become a full featured open source SVG editor.
Derived from the highly popular Sodipodi codebase, Inkscape strives
to build full XML, SVG, and CSS2 compliance.

Features include alpha blending, node editing, svg-to-png export,
and more. Project aims for capabilities similar to Illustrator,
CorelDraw, Visio, etc.

2003-11-17T03:06:06+00:00 games/pathological Enriched clone of the game "Logical"
Pathological is an enriched clone of the game "Logical" by Rainbow Arts.
To solve a level, fill each wheel with four marbles of matching color.
Various board elements such as teleporters, switches, filters, etc., make
the game interesting and challenging. New levels can be created using your
favorite text editor.


* Sharp 800x600 graphics
* 50 diverse and challenging levels (more to come...)
* A cool 6-minute ambient soundtrack by an award-winning musician

2003-11-17T02:55:38+00:00 print/gnomephotoprinter Gnome Photo Printer is intended for printing photos in an easy way
Gnome Photo Printer is intended for printing photos in an easy way.
Just drag your Photos from Nautilus to the Gnome Photo Printer window
and drop it. Make some selections like Photo or Paper size, hit
Preview or Print, and see your pictures printed.

2003-11-16T19:10:44+00:00 print/libpaper Library providing routines for paper size management
The paper library and accompanying files are intended to provide a simple
way for applications to take actions based on a system- or user-specified
paper size.

This release is quite minimal, its purpose being to provide really basic
functions (obtaining the system paper name and getting the height and
width of a given kind of paper) that applications can immediately
A more complete library, using a capabilities file for papers (giving,
in addition to the size, informations like paper weigth, color, etc)
will be released later.

See the sources for paperconf(1) in src/paper.c for how to use the library.

Copyright (C) Yves Arrouye <>, 1996
Adrian Bunk <> , 2000

2003-11-16T00:50:19+00:00 games/bass Beneath a Steel Sky: a post-apocalyptic futuristic graphical adventure
"Beneath a Steel Sky is a 2D point-and-click science fiction thriller set in a
bleak vision of the future, originally published for DOS and the Amiga. ..."

Now playable on FreeBSD, thanks to the help of Tony Warriner at Revolution
Software Ltd and the developers of scummvm. This game is distributed by the
scummvm project.

2003-11-15T23:49:12+00:00 mail/mboxcheck-applet Mailbox checking applet for GNOME 2
Mboxcheck is a GNOME2 applet which check mails arrive in your mboxes. It uses
python and its gnome binding.

2003-11-15T22:06:08+00:00 devel/activitymail Program for sending email messages for CVS repository commits
This program may be used for sending email messages for CVS repository
activity. There are a number of different modes supported. It can send
messages for every change to the repository (like syncmail), or it can be used
to send a single message for each commit. In the latter case, a list of all
the files affected by the commit will be assembled and listed in the single
message. This is similar to how commit_prep and log_accum work, but is more

An additional option allows for diffs to be calculated for the recent changes,
and either appended to the message (like syncmail) or added as an attachment
(neater). See the -d and -a options in the documentation.
2003-11-15T21:51:46+00:00 emulators/hfsplusutils Utilities for accessing HFS+ filesystems
This is a set of tools that allow access to HFS+ formatted
volumes. HFS+ is a modernized version of Apple Computers HFS
Filesystem. In addition in contains the library "libhfsp" which you
may use for your own experiments, all the tools are based on this
library. (A bit of understanding is still needed however).

Author: Klaus Halfmann <>
2003-11-15T20:17:59+00:00 sysutils/cpu Change Password Utility for LDAP
CPU is an LDAP user management tool written in C and loosely based
on FreeBSD's pw(8). The goal of CPU is to be a suitable replacement
of the useradd/usermod/userdel utilities for administrators using
an LDAP backend and wishing to have a suite of command line tools
for doing the administration.

2003-11-15T18:52:49+00:00 games/njam Fast paced multiplayer pac-man clone
Njam is fast-paced cross-platform pac-man-like game. In this arcade you
move through the maze eating cookies and collecting powerups while trying
to avoid ghosts who chase you.

* Single and multiplayer mode (local or network)
* Duel mode (players compete each other to get more points)
* Non-duel mode (players cooperate to finish as many levels as they can)
* Great music and sound effects
* Customizable level skins
* Many different levels
* Integrated level editor
* Open Source (GPL Licence)

2003-11-15T17:14:00+00:00 security/p5-OpenCA-CRL CRL Management module
This module contains functions to access CRLs infos. It, as the
OpenCA::X509 module, requires some parameters such as a reference to an
OpenCA::OpenSSL instance. This module provides a CRL->PERL Hashes
parsing, no specific crypto functions are performed.

2003-11-15T17:06:25+00:00 security/p5-OpenCA-REQ Perl extension to easily manage Cert REQUESTs
This module is intended for easily manage Cert REQUESTs.

2003-11-15T17:04:43+00:00 security/p5-OpenCA-PKCS7 Perl extension for basic handling PKCS\#7 Signatures
This module contains all functions needed for handling PKCS#7
signatures. It requires some parameters to be passed such as a
reference to a OpenCA::OpenSSL instance.

This module provides an interface to PKCS#7 structures, no specific
crypto functions are performed (see the OpenCA::OpenSSL module for

2003-11-15T09:32:22+00:00 net/p5-OAI-Harvester Perl module to harvest using the OAI protocol
Perl module query OAI-PMH repositories. The Open Archives Initiative - Protocol
for Metadata Harvesting allows repositories to share information about their

2003-11-15T09:31:16+00:00 textproc/p5-CSS-Tiny Read/Write .css files with as little code as possible
CSS::Tiny is a perl class to read and write .css stylesheets with as
little code as possible, reducing load time and memory overhead.

This module is primarily for reading and writing simple files, and
anything we write shouldn't need to have documentation/comments. If you
need something with more power, move up to


Hansjoerg Pehofer <>
2003-11-15T09:29:09+00:00 textproc/p5-Text-Striphigh Perl extension to strip the high bit off of ISO-8859-1 text
The Text::Striphigh module exports a single function: C<striphigh>. This
function takes one argument, a string possibly containing high ASCII
characters in the ISO-8859-1 character set, and transforms this into a
string containing only 7 bits ASCII characters, by substituting every
high bit character with a similar looking standard ASCII character, or
with a sequence of standard ASCII characters.

Because of precisely the deficiency this package tries to offer a workaround
for is present in some of the things that process pod, there are no
examples in this manpage. Look at the source or the test script if you
want examples.


Kai Storbeck
2003-11-15T05:02:21+00:00 x11/chameleon Application for putting pictures or colors onto the root window
Chameleon is an application which allows the user to put a picture
in any format or a solid color onto the root window. It can be
controlled through a GTK interface, or from the command line.
2003-11-14T22:49:14+00:00 net/torrentsniff Commandline tool for getting status of torrent
TorrentSniff is a command line Perl program that reads a BitTorrent .torrent
file from the local file system or from a URL and reports on the status of the

TorrentSniff is based on an early version of TorrentSpy. Reporting seed and
leech numbers works only with some tracker implementations.

2003-11-14T22:49:14+00:00 net-p2p/torrentsniff Command-line tool for getting status of torrent
TorrentSniff is a command line Perl program that reads a BitTorrent .torrent
file from the local file system or from a URL and reports on the status of the

TorrentSniff is based on an early version of TorrentSpy. Reporting seed and
leech numbers works only with some tracker implementations.

2003-11-14T19:25:02+00:00 net/straw A GNOME 2 desktop weblog aggregator written in Python
A feed aggregator for open source desktops

2003-11-14T18:00:25+00:00 databases/p5-DBD-RAM DBI driver for files and data structures
DBD::RAM allows you to import almost any type of Perl data
structure into an in-memory table and then use DBI and SQL
to access and modify it. It also allows direct access to
almost any kind of file, supporting SQL manipulation
of the file without converting the file out of its native

2003-11-14T17:55:57+00:00 databases/p5-DBD-File Base class for writing DBI drivers for plain files

This module is currently not directly usable, rather it is a base subclass
for modules like DBD::CSV and DBD::AnyData.
See documentation for those modules.

2003-11-14T16:33:33+00:00 net/mcl Implementation of the ALC and NORM Reliable Multicast Protocols
This is a port of MCLv3, an open source implementation of the ALC and
NORM Reliable Multicast Protocols.

The MCLv3 project is an Open-Source GNU/GPL, multi-platform
implementation of the two major reliable multicast protocols being
standardized by the RMT IETF working group: ALC/LCT and NORM. It is
composed of a C/C++ library and several applications built on top of it
and provides an easy-to-use and integrated solution for reliable and
highly scalable multicast delivery of data.

2003-11-14T16:33:33+00:00 mbone/mcl Implementation of the ALC and NORM Reliable Multicast Protocols
This is a port of MCLv3, an open source implementation of the ALC and
NORM Reliable Multicast Protocols.

The MCLv3 project is an Open-Source GNU/GPL, multi-platform
implementation of the two major reliable multicast protocols being
standardized by the RMT IETF working group: ALC/LCT and NORM. It is
composed of a C/C++ library and several applications built on top of it
and provides an easy-to-use and integrated solution for reliable and
highly scalable multicast delivery of data.

2003-11-14T15:10:05+00:00 net/tkabber Tcl/Tk based jabber client
Tkabber is a free client for an instant messaging system called
Jabber. It is written in Tcl/Tk and supports many features like
support of unicode, ssl support, http proxy, file transfers and
support of multi-user conference protocol.

2003-11-14T15:10:05+00:00 net/tkabber-devel Tcl/Tk based jabber client, development version
Tkabber is a free client for an instant messaging system called
Jabber. It is written in Tcl/Tk and supports many features like
support of unicode, ssl support, http proxy, file transfers and
support of multi-user conference protocol.

2003-11-14T15:10:05+00:00 net-im/tkabber Tcl/Tk based jabber client
Tkabber is a free client for an instant messaging system called
Jabber. It is written in Tcl/Tk and supports many features like
support of unicode, ssl support, http proxy, file transfers and
support of multi-user conference protocol.

2003-11-14T15:10:05+00:00 net-im/tkabber-devel Tcl/Tk based jabber client, development version
Tkabber is a free client for an instant messaging system called
Jabber. It is written in Tcl/Tk and supports many features like
support of unicode, ssl support, http proxy, file transfers and
support of multi-user conference protocol.

2003-11-14T13:50:46+00:00 sysutils/kkbswitch Keyboard layout switcher and indicator for KDE 3.x
KKBSwitch is a keyboard layout indicator for KDE. It is useful
when you have configured the XKeyboard extension of your X Server
to have more than one keyboard group, for example US/ASCII and
Russian. KKBSwitch displays an icon in the system tray that
indicates which layout is currently active. Note that KKBSwitch
does not help you configure XKeyboard, it merely serves as the
indicator of the current group. You still have to configure
XKeyboard by editing XF86Config file.

KKBSwitch features:
- displays an icon in the KDE's system tray indicating the active
keyboard group
- you can switch keyboard groups by clicking the icon or selecting the
desired group from the icon's menu
- icons corresponding to different groups are configurable (chosen
from country flag pixmaps that ship with KDE). Also you can set
your own icon or set "Windows-like" mode with locale letters.
- "Toggle mode" (keyboard layout memorized for each window separately).

2003-11-14T02:55:52+00:00 textproc/libuninameslist Library of Unicode annotation data
A library with a large (sparse) array mapping each unicode
code point to the annotation data for it provided in

2003-11-14T00:07:01+00:00 deskutils/autocutsel Synchronizes the two copy/paste buffers used by X applications
Autocutsel synchronizes the two copy/paste buffers mainly used by X
applications. It unifies "clipboards" between VNC servers and Windows.

The 'cutsel' binary performs the synchronization whenever it is run.
The 'autocutsel' binary performs the synchronization continuously. I
suggest running it from ~/.vnc/xstartup by adding a line like this at
the top:
exec autocutsel &

2003-11-13T19:54:51+00:00 multimedia/beep-media-player GTK2 multimedia player
BMP, or Beep Media Player, is a compact media player that was originally
forked from XMMS with the goal of porting XMMS to GTK2 and make use of
more modern desktop standards. The original XMMS is based on GTK 1.2,
which is now deprecated for roughly 4 years, and was deprecated at the
time of the fork for approximately 2 years. This, and the fact that the
developers were developing XMMS under a mostly cathedral-style model led
M. Derezynski to fork BMP from XMMS.

BMP was discontinued in October 2005 with version being
the last one. There is a fork off in multimedia/audacious
and a completely new version of BMP in multimedia/bmpx.

2003-11-13T18:49:23+00:00 net/gift-fasttrack A FastTrack plugin for giFT
giFT-FastTrack is a plugin for giFT which enables users of giFT to participate
in the FastTrack network. The required cryptographic algorithms have been
successfully reverse engineered and searching/downloading already work.

2003-11-13T18:49:23+00:00 net-p2p/gift-fasttrack A FastTrack plugin for giFT
giFT-FastTrack is a plugin for giFT which enables users of giFT to participate
in the FastTrack network. The required cryptographic algorithms have been
successfully reverse engineered and searching/downloading already work.

2003-11-13T18:43:53+00:00 net/gift-gnutella A gnutella plugin for giFT
gnutella plugin for gift

2003-11-13T18:43:53+00:00 net-p2p/gift-gnutella A gnutella plugin for giFT
gnutella plugin for gift

2003-11-13T18:24:52+00:00 editors/tpad Windows XP (TM) enhanced Notepad clone written in Tcl/Tk
Apart from all the features Notepad has, tpad adds
plugins to invoke some common text utilities without
leaving the editor, an Ascii table, a tip database
and support for regexps. It also is fully configurable.

The executable `tpad' is a wish(1) shell script.

2003-11-13T17:47:40+00:00 german/kheisereg KDE utility to search within the Heise Register
KHeiseReg is a utility to search offline within the
article database ("Heise Register") of the magazines
"c't" and "iX" from the german publisher Heinz Heise.
2003-11-13T08:55:43+00:00 x11/gtk2-theme-switch A command line tool for switching GTK themes
A command line and GUI tool for switching GTK2 themes.

2003-11-13T07:09:20+00:00 net/xmlrpc++ A C++ implementation of the XML-RPC protocol
XmlRpc++ is a C++ implementation of the XML-RPC protocol. The XmlRpc protocol
was designed to make remote procedure calls easy: it encodes data in a simple
XML format and uses HTTP for communication. XmlRpc++ is designed to make it
easy to incorporate XML-RPC client and server support into C++ applications.

* Easy - This library is easy to incorporate into C++ applications. No
other libraries are required, other than your system's socket
libraries. Simple XML parsing and HTTP support are built in.
* Fast - All IO is non-blocking, so a slow client or network will not
slow down the server.
* Portable - Written in standard C++ to the POSIX and Windows sockets
APIs. You do need a fairly recent compiler (g++ 3.1 or
MSVC++ .Net or MSVC++ 6 with the STL patches.)

* Free - This library is released under the GNU LGPL.

2003-11-13T05:00:36+00:00 www/mod_encoding Apache module for non-ASCII filename interoperability
mod_encoding - Apache module for non-ascii filename interoperability

This module improves non-ascii filename interoperability of apache
(and mod_dav).

It seems many WebDAV clients send filename in its platform-local
encoding. But since mod_dav expects everything, even HTTP request
line, to be in UTF-8, this causes an interoperability problem.

I believe this is a future issue for specification (RFC?) to
standardize encoding used in HTTP request-line and HTTP header, but
life would be much easier if mod_dav (and others) can handle various
encodings sent by clients, TODAY. This module does just that.

This module adds following directives: EncodingEngine, SetServerEncoding,
AddClientEncoding, DefaultClientEncoding, and NormalizeUsername.

Note by maintainer:
It also solves the problem with the "hostname\\username"
way of authentication that Windows machines do when they
attach to a DAV server. See the use of the NormalizeUsername

2003-11-13T04:59:49+00:00 chinese/chm2html CHM Tools package
A set of tools for working with the CHM files, consisting of a C language
library 'chmlib' and a program called 'chmdump' which dumps out the files in
a CHM file.

2003-11-13T04:58:31+00:00 chinese/oicq Implements OICQ messaging protocol
Perl-oicq provides Perl module Net::OICQ which implements OICQ messaging
protocol. It includes a concole-only OICQ client for you to chat with tens
of millons of OICQ users through servers operated by Tencent.

2003-11-12T22:11:12+00:00 deskutils/mdh GTK2-based toolbar, like a smaller GNOME panel
mdh (MailDooHicky) is a GTK2-based toolbar that can display the time,
email message count and various system (CPU, network, etc.) utilization.
It also features user-definable buttons, a run window and scratch-pad.

2003-11-12T17:22:23+00:00 japanese/ruby-ming Yet another Ming module for Ruby built with Japanese support
Ming/Ruby is yet another implementation of Ming embedding for Ruby
extension library without SWIG. Ming/Ruby also supports JaMing which
is an improvement of Ming to display Japanese characters and to play
sounds. To use Japanese fonts with JaMing, the letters must be
followed the UTF-8 formats. Uconv, which is an UTF-8 extension library
for Ruby, can be used to convert other Kanji encodings into Unicode.

Author: Daisuke Ikegami <>
2003-11-12T15:11:34+00:00 textproc/website Doctype and stylesheets for making websites
The Website doctype and stylesheets are for making websites.

2003-11-12T02:31:18+00:00 irc/hybserv Hybrid2 IRC Services
HybServ was specifically designed to run with hybrid ircd, although it
*should* work with CSr as well. These services (more or less same code)
are currently used by EFNet / DalNet / ICQ / WFNet / HybNet /
EFNow / Openprojects Network.

2003-11-12T02:01:27+00:00 cad/pythoncad Open-source CAD package built designed around Python
PythonCAD is a CAD package written, surprisingly enough, in Python. The
PythonCAD project aims to produce a scriptable, open-source, easy to use CAD
package for Linux, the various flavors of BSD Unix, commercial Unix, and
other platforms to which someone who is interested ports the program. Work
began on PythonCAD in July, 2002, and the first public release was on
December 21, 2002.The firs developer team stop to develop PythonCad In the
2007.In May 2009 A new developer team star to develop Pythoncad since now.

2003-11-12T00:53:03+00:00 java/jfreechart Free Java class library for generating charts
JFreeChart is a free Java class library for generating charts, including:
* pie charts;
* bar charts (regular and stacked, with an optional 3D effect);
* line and area charts;
* scatter plots and bubble charts;
* time series, high/low/open/close charts and candle stick charts;
* combination charts;
* Pareto charts;
* Gantt charts;
* wind plots, meter charts and symbol charts.

2003-11-12T00:47:19+00:00 java/jcommon Collection of useful classes used by JFreeChart and JFreeReport
JCommon is a collection of useful classes used by JFreeChart, JFreeReport and
other projects. The library includes:
* user interface classes for displaying information about applications
* custom layout managers
* a date chooser panel
* serialization utilities
* XML parser support classes

2003-11-12T00:14:40+00:00 audio/xmms-arts_output aRts output plugin for XMMS
aRts output plugin for XMMS (

Author: Håvard Kvålen <>
2003-11-11T23:26:45+00:00 audio/xmms-arts aRts output plugin for XMMS.
aRts output plugin for XMMS (

Author: Heath Robinson <>

2003-11-11T21:01:09+00:00 sysutils/clockspeed-conf Supervise scripts for clockspeed to use daemontools
The clockspeed-conf package provides configuration
scripts to set up a clockspeed client and/or a taiclockd
server using Dan Bernstein's daemontools for supervision
and his clockspeed package for time synchronisation.

Author: Patrick Atamaniuk <atamaniuk at>
2003-11-11T09:44:04+00:00 devel/dparser Simple but powerful tool for parsing
DParser is a simple but powerful tool for parsing. You can specify the form of
the text to be parsed using a combination of regular expressions and grammar
productions. Because of the parsing technique (technically a scannerless GLR
parser based on the Tomita algorithm) there are no restrictions. The grammar
can be ambiguous, right or left recursive, have any number of null productions,
and because there is no separate tokenizer, can include whitespace in terminals
and have terminals which are prefixes of other terminals. DParser handles not
just well formed computer languages and data files, but just about any wacky
situation that occurs in the real world.

2003-11-11T08:40:46+00:00 games/csmash 3D tabletennis game
CannonSmash is a 3D tabletennis game. The goal of this project is to
represent various strategy of tabletennis on computer game.

2003-11-10T19:54:12+00:00 textproc/foiltex Collection of LaTeX files for making foils
The FoilTeX is a collection of LaTeX files for making foils. A number
of features are built-in including large sans serif font as normal font,
options for setting normalsize at 20pt (default), 17pt, 25pt or 30pt,
new macros for starting new foils, for special environments like Theorem
and Proof, simple macros to control the headline and footline.

2003-11-10T19:40:17+00:00 textproc/ppower4 Post processor for PDF presentations made with (La)TeX
PPower4 is used to post process presentations in PDF format which were
prepared using (La)TeX to add dynamic effects. The PDF files can be
created with pdf(la)tex, v(la)tex or with standard LaTeX and then
converted to PDF with dvipdfm.

2003-11-10T14:57:37+00:00 graphics/py-magick Python bindings for ImageMagick

an object-oriented Python interface to ImageMagick

2003-11-10T09:49:38+00:00 misc/posixtestsuite Open POSIX Test Suite
The POSIX Test Suite is an open source test suite with the goal of
performing conformance, functional, and stress testing of the IEEE
1003.1-2001 System Interfaces specification in a manner that is
agnostic to any given implementation.

2003-11-10T08:29:22+00:00 devel/libcwd C++ Debugging Support Library
Libcwd is a thread-safe, full-featured debugging support library
for C++ developers. It includes ostream-based debug output with
custom debug channels and devices, powerful memory allocation
debugging support, as well as run-time support for printing source
file:line number information and demangled type names.

2003-11-10T03:17:13+00:00 x11-wm/genmenu Generating menus for Bbox, Fbox, Obox, WM and E
Genmenu is a script capable of generating menus for Blackbox, Fluxbox,
Openbox, WindowMaker and Enlightenment. It works by checking the current
user's $PATH for a predefined list of binaries and adding them to menu
if they are found.

The following options can be configured during runtime:
* Default font to use in all X terminals
* Default X terminal (will be used to launch all console apps in the menu)
* Default size of all web browser windows
* Include menu for starting other window managers (yes|no)

2003-11-10T03:12:22+00:00 www/p5-CGI-SSI Use SSI from CGI scripts
CGI::SSI is meant to be used as an easy way to filter shtml through CGI
scripts in a loose imitation of Apache's mod_include. If you're using
Apache, you may want to use either mod_include or the Apache::SSI module
instead of CGI::SSI. Limitations in a CGI script's knowledge of how the
server behaves make some SSI directives impossible to imitate from a CGI
2003-11-10T02:41:24+00:00 devel/glrparser Parser which works with the GLR(0) algorithm
The goal of The glrParser Project is to create generally usable programmers
tool for syntactical analysis of wide ambiguous grammars which works with the
GLR(0) algorithm. GLR is well known algorithm published by Marasu Tomita in
1985. It is based on generalization of the LR analysis.

2003-11-10T01:02:43+00:00 ftp/rexx-curl External function package providing an interface to the cURL package
Rexx/CURL is an external function package providing an interface to the cURL
package. cURL is a general purpose package that allows access to any
URL-addressable resource. With Rexx/CURL you can access resources such as web
pages, ftp sites, and telnet sessions under control of your Rexx program.

2003-11-10T00:53:10+00:00 net/rexx-sock Function package for Rexx programmers to create sockets
RxSock is an external function package for Rexx programmers to enable them to
connect to, and act as, TCP/IP socket servers.
2003-11-09T17:18:50+00:00 lang/rexx-wrapper Tool that wraps Rexx source or tokenised code into an executable
Rexx/Wrapper is a tool that wraps Rexx source or tokenised code into an
executable. The Rexx source code can be optionally compressed and encoded to
ensure that the original Rexx code cannot be viewed (unless you have the
original encryption key).

To use Rexx/Wrapper you need two extra bits of software:
1. A supported Rexx interpreter
2. A supported C compiler

2003-11-09T16:35:38+00:00 arabic/katoob Light-weight, bidirectional editor for arabic texts
Katoob is a light weight, multi lingual,
BIDI-aware text editor based on the Gtk+ 2
library. It supports opening and saving files
in multiple encodings. The main support was
for Arabic language but more languages are
currently supported.

2003-11-09T16:20:52+00:00 lang/rexx-regina Rexx interpreter
Regina is a Rexx interpreter that has been ported to most Unix platforms
(Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, etc.) and also to OS/2, eCS, DOS,
Win9x/Me/NT/2k/XP, Amiga, AROS, QNX, BeOS, MacOS X, EPOC32, AtheOS, OpenVMS
and OpenEdition. Rexx is a programming language that was designed to be easy
to use for inexperienced programmers yet powerful enough for experienced
users. It is also a language ideally suited as a macro language for other

There are two major goals for Regina:
* become 100% compliant with the ANSI Standard.
* be available on as many platforms as possible.

2003-11-09T12:12:42+00:00 chinese/wenju Collection of writing tools in Chinese
A collection of writing tools (wenju in Chinese pinyin) such as TIM (Table-
based Input Method), text file formatter, etc. All the tools are based on
Unicode. Default input tables include Wubi and Pinyin, among others.

This port also provides "wrap" utility which can be used to wrap input text
to specified width. It correctly takes into account punctuation marks when
breaking words, and that Latin and Chinese characters have different width.

2003-11-09T11:29:58+00:00 editors/openoffice-1.1-sk
2003-11-09T11:17:05+00:00 editors/openoffice-1.1-cs
2003-11-09T08:24:56+00:00 graphics/xfree86-dri OpenGL hardware acceleration drivers for XFree86
This package contains the client drivers for the DRI, included with XFree86.
With an X Server configured for the DRI they allow direct rendering of
hardware-accelerated OpenGL.


- Eric Anholt
2003-11-09T08:24:56+00:00 graphics/dri OpenGL hardware acceleration drivers for the DRI
This package contains the current stable release of the client drivers for the
DRI. With an X Server configured for the DRI they allow direct rendering of
hardware-accelerated OpenGL.

2003-11-09T07:40:29+00:00 deskutils/superkaramba Widget framework for KDE
SuperKaramba is a tool that allows you to easily create interactive
widgets on your KDE desktop.

2003-11-09T00:34:31+00:00 editors/openoffice-1.1-fi
2003-11-09T00:32:46+00:00 editors/openoffice-1.1-sl
2003-11-09T00:30:14+00:00 editors/openoffice-1.1-cz
2003-11-09T00:26:36+00:00 editors/openoffice-1.1-ca
2003-11-09T00:20:49+00:00 russian/openoffice-1.1
2003-11-09T00:18:18+00:00 polish/openoffice-1.1
2003-11-09T00:16:15+00:00 portuguese/openoffice-1.1-pt_PT Editor texto/gráfico, banco de dados/planilha/navegador integrado
2003-11-09T00:12:57+00:00 portuguese/openoffice-1.1-pt_BR Editor texto/gráfico, banco de dados/planilha/navegador integrado
2003-11-09T00:07:41+00:00 editors/openoffice-1.1-tr
2003-11-09T00:05:51+00:00 editors/openoffice-1.1-se
2003-11-09T00:03:22+00:00 editors/openoffice-1.1-nl
2003-11-08T23:58:25+00:00 editors/openoffice-1.1-gr
2003-11-08T23:56:14+00:00 editors/openoffice-1.1-es
2003-11-08T23:54:06+00:00 editors/openoffice-1.1-it
2003-11-08T23:51:51+00:00 french/openoffice-1.1
2003-11-08T23:48:44+00:00 editors/openoffice-1.1-dk
2003-11-08T23:42:47+00:00 korean/openoffice-1.1
2003-11-08T23:29:40+00:00 chinese/openoffice-1.1-zh_TW
2003-11-08T23:19:18+00:00 arabic/openoffice-1.1
2003-11-08T23:12:56+00:00 german/openoffice-1.1 Office-Suite mit Textverarbeitung, Tabellenkalkulation, Datenbank und Praesentationsprogramm
2003-11-08T23:09:14+00:00 chinese/openoffice-1.1-zh_CN
2003-11-07T21:31:18+00:00 deskutils/dlume GTK2 address book
Dlume is nice, gtk2-based addressbook. You can easily add, edit
and delete records to/from database (but Dlume doesn't rely on an outside
database - It stores your contacts in XML format). The Quick-search
feature allows you find required entry in comfortable way. Export to
CSV and HTML formats is also available. Interface design was borrowed
and improved from Paddress (
2003-11-07T20:34:04+00:00 graphics/mesa-demos OpenGL demos distributed with Mesa
Mesa demos is a collections of demos and test programs to demonstrate various
aspects of the mesa and OpenGL libraries.
It is part of the mesa software suite.

2003-11-07T09:31:04+00:00 graphics/pngwriter C++ library for creating PNG images
The PNGwriter library, which requires libpng, allows you to plot to a 48-bit
PNG file, saving it directly to disk. Plotting is as easy as specifying the
red, green, and blue values and the x, y coordinates of the pixel. It includes
functions for plotting simple geometric shapes (circle, rect, line), reading
the colour of a pixel, reading in a whole PNG file (great for image analysis),
plotting and reading in HSV colourspace, and many others that might come in

2003-11-07T05:20:57+00:00 net/partysip An implementation of a SIP proxy server
Partysip is an implementation of a SIP proxy server. SIP stands for the
Session Initiation Protocol and is described by the rfc2543 (soon to be
deprecated by latest revisions). SIP is a open standard replacement from
IETF for H323.

Partysip is a modular application where some capabilities are added and
removed through plugins. The program comes with several GPL plugins. At
this step, partysip and its plugins could be used as a 'SIP registrar',
a 'SIP redirect server' and a 'SIP statefull proxy server'. (stateless
capabilities have been removed)

2003-11-06T22:48:48+00:00 audio/gdam DJ mixing software suitable for live performances
GDAM - Geoff & Dave's Audio Mixer

Digital DJ mixing software suitable for live performances.

- Client/server architecture
- Mixing of multiple mp3 files
- Dynamic filter insertion and removal
- Multiple sound device support (speakers and monitor)
- Loops, queues, sampler, beat matching, sequencer
- Record your performance to a disk
- And it's blue!

gdam-server --config=/usr/X11R6/etc/gdam/server.config

2003-11-06T13:15:01+00:00 devel/openthreads A library which provides a C++ object-oriented thread interface
This library is intended to provide a minimal & complete Object-Oriented (OO)
thread interface for C++ programmers. It is loosely modeled on the Java thread
API, and the POSIX Threads standards. The architecture of the library is
designed around "swappable" thread models which are defined at compile-time in
a shared object library.

2003-11-06T09:49:26+00:00 sysutils/bbsmount Graphical disk mounter for the Blackbox slit
bbsmount is a disk mounter for Blackbox, designed to be a part of the
Blackbox Slit, although it will still function as a stand-alone


- Eric J. Christeson <>
2003-11-06T09:22:03+00:00 deskutils/dragstack Drop stack applet for KDE
DragStacK, inspired by the drop stack of the PathFinder file manager
for OS X, is a KDE panel applet which provides a stack of files / resources.
Files or other resources can be dropped onto the applet to add them to
the stack, or dragged from the applet to remove them from the stack.

Author: Dominik Seichter <>
2003-11-06T09:15:28+00:00 net/bandwidthd Tracks bandwidth usage by IP address
bandwidthd tracks usage of TCP/IP network subnets and builds HTML files with
graphs to display network utilization. Charts are built by individual IP. It
color codes HTTP, TCP,UDP, ICMP, VPN, and P2P traffic. Unlike MRTG, it tracks
each individual IP address, not the status of any particular link.

2003-11-06T09:15:28+00:00 net-mgmt/bandwidthd Tracks bandwidth usage by IP address
bandwidthd tracks usage of TCP/IP network subnets and builds HTML files with
graphs to display network utilization. Charts are built by individual IP. It
color codes HTTP, TCP,UDP, ICMP, VPN, and P2P traffic. Unlike MRTG, it tracks
each individual IP address, not the status of any particular link.

2003-11-06T09:03:04+00:00 audio/gogo-petit New variant of well-known GOGO-no-coda mp3 encoder
GOGO-no-coda-petit is a new variant of the well-known GOGO-no-coda
mp3 encoder, optimized for MMX, 3DNow!, Enhanced 3DNow! and SSE
capable CPUs.


2003-11-06T01:07:52+00:00 games/monster-masher Gnomemm puzzle game where you have to clean the caves of monsters
Monster Masher is an action game for the Gnome desktop environment.
The basic idea is that you, as levitation worker gnome, has to clean
the caves for monsters that want to roll over you. You do the cleaning
by mashing the monsters with stone blocks.

2003-11-05T14:05:51+00:00 audio/mbrolavox Voices for MBROLA voice synthesizer
This port installs diphone databases (voices) for the MBROLA speech

2003-11-05T14:05:51+00:00 audio/linux-mbrola MBROLA speech synthesizer for Linux
This is a binary port of the MBROLA speech synthesizer, which uses
"a time-domain algorithm with outstanding diphone smoothing
capabilities." It requires Linux compatibility.

2003-11-05T13:17:18+00:00 devel/p5-DateTime-Incomplete Incomplete DateTime, like January 5
DateTime::Incomplete is a class for representing partial dates and times.

These are actually encountered relatively frequently. For example, a birthday
is commonly given as a month and day, without a year.

2003-11-05T10:21:26+00:00 audio/mbrola MBROLA voice synthesizer
This is a binary port of the MBROLA speech synthesizer, which uses
"a time-domain algorithm with outstanding diphone smoothing
capabilities." The audio/mbrola port is for i386 only and requires
FreeBSD 3.x compatibility; the linux-mbrola port is for alpha, i386,
ppc or sparc64 and requires Linux compatibility.

2003-11-05T01:23:00+00:00 audio/festvox-aec American English male voice for Festival speech synthesis system
from the NetBSD maintainer:

This voice provides an American English male voice using a
residual excited LPC diphone synthesis module, both created
at OGI. It uses a lexicon compiled from MOBY and CMU
lexicons, and other trained modules used by CSTR voices.

This voice can be activated via (voice_aec_diphone) .

2003-11-04T20:51:32+00:00 x11-toolkits/wxgtk2 The wxWidgets GUI toolkit (GTK2 version)
2003-11-04T20:51:32+00:00 x11-toolkits/wxgtk2-unicode The wxWidgets GUI toolkit (Unicode version)
2003-11-04T20:51:32+00:00 x11-toolkits/wxgtk2-unicode-contrib The wxWidgets GUI toolkit contributed libraries (Unicode version)
2003-11-04T20:51:32+00:00 x11-toolkits/wxgtk2-contrib The wxWidgets GUI toolkit contributed libraries (GTK2 version)
2003-11-04T20:51:32+00:00 x11-toolkits/wxgtk-contrib-common The wxWidgets GUI toolkit contributed libraries (common files)
2003-11-04T20:51:32+00:00 x11-toolkits/wxgtk-common The wxWidgets GUI toolkit (common files)
2003-11-04T17:53:48+00:00 textproc/libpathan Validating XML parser from the Apache XML Project
The Pathan project grew out of DecisionSoft's work on XMLScript , an
XML transformation language.

XPath was adopted as a node selection language by XMLScript when the XPath
specification was ratified by the W3C. DecisionSoft's XMLScript processor
is based on Xerces-C, a Document Object Model compliant XML parser. Pathan
therefore was designed from the base up to be fully compatible with the
Xerces parser.

Pathan 1 represents the open sourcing of the XPath component of
DecisionSoft's XMLScript processor. Pathan 1 features a full implementation
of the XPath 1.0 Specification. Pathan 1 implements the W3C DOM Level 3
XPath Specification (Working Draft February 08 2002) providing a powerful
and coherent interface between XPath and DOM and hence a standardised
interface with Xerces.

Pathan is provided to the community as we feel that the Pathan module
increases the scope and usefulness of the Xerces-C library and will be
an aid to other XML developers in their projects.

For information on Pathan 1 please see their homepage
2003-11-04T16:42:44+00:00 security/p5-Crypt-OFB Encrypt Data using OFB Mode
This module is a Perl-only implementation of the OFB mode.
Where OFB stands for Output Feedback Block.

2003-11-04T16:36:53+00:00 mail/p5-Mail-Graph Perl module for drawing graphical stats for mails/spams
Mail::Graph - visualize mails via graphs (spams, bug reports etc)

In the directory samples/ is a short example. For a real-life example
please visit <>.

2003-11-04T16:30:35+00:00 textproc/p5-Text-ParagraphDiff Visual difference for paragraphed text
Text::ParagraphDiff - Visual Difference for paragraphed text

2003-11-04T09:27:09+00:00 devel/glademm C++ code generator backend for glade and glade2
glademm an extension to glade and glade-2 (Gtk GUI Builder) to create
C++ sources for gtk-- and gtkmm2 (any combination) or skeletons for
libglade(mm) based programs.

2003-11-04T08:53:03+00:00 textproc/p5-Lingua-EN-Numbers-Easy Perl module providing hash access to Lingua::EN::Numbers objects
Perl module Lingua::EN::Numbers::Easy provides hash access to
Lingua::EN::Numbers objects.

2003-11-04T08:50:56+00:00 audio/p5-Audio Audio manipulation routines for perl
This is the beginnings of Audio manipulation routines for perl.

Currently can load or save Sun/Next .au/.snd files and play them
via Network Audio Server (from or native /dev/audio
on Unices.

2003-11-04T08:48:58+00:00 math/p5-Math-GSL Perl interface to GNU Scientific Library
This is a very resticted perl interface to GNU Scientific Library.
The GSL is itself distributed under GPL and is available from:

Only the routines relating the solving of polynomials are exported.
It exists to provide that function to "tkscope" in Audio::Data.

2003-11-04T02:00:45+00:00 irc/xchat-systray-plugin Systray icon plugin for X-Chat
Plugin for IRC client X-Chat which adds an icon in your systray that flashes
when you got highlighted message. Configurable events and actions.
Integrates with KDE, GNOME and Xfce4.

2003-11-04T01:33:15+00:00 databases/pgadmin3 PostgreSQL database design and management system
pgAdmin III is a comprehensive PostgreSQL database design and management
system for *nix and Windows systems. It is freely available under the
terms of the Artistic Licence and may be redistributed provided the terms
of the licence are adhered to. The project is managed by the pgAdmin
Development Team.

2003-11-04T01:33:15+00:00 databases/pgadmin3-12 PostgreSQL database design and management system
pgAdmin III is a comprehensive PostgreSQL database design and management
system for *nix and Windows systems. It is freely available under the
terms of the Artistic Licence and may be redistributed provided the terms
of the licence are adhered to. The project is managed by the pgAdmin
Development Team.

2003-11-04T00:22:37+00:00 x11-toolkits/wxgtk24-contrib The wxWidgets GUI toolkit contributed libraries
2003-11-04T00:22:37+00:00 x11-toolkits/wxgtk-contrib The wxWidgets GUI toolkit contributed libraries
2003-11-03T21:47:55+00:00 games/cgoban2 Internet Go Server client and game editor
CGoban 2 has two parts:
* An editor for SGF go files.
* A client for the Kiseido Go Server.

Have fun.
2003-11-03T16:19:16+00:00 www/snownews Text mode RSS newsreader
Snownews is a text mode RSS/RDF newsreader. It supports RSS 1.0 feeds that
comply with the W3C RDF specification and also supports Radio Userland's
RSS 0.91 and 2.0 versions.


* Runs on Linux, *BSD, OS X (Darwin), Solaris and probably
many more Unices. Yes, even works under Cygwin.
* Fast and very resource friendly.
* Bultin HTTP client will follow server redirects and update feed
URLs that point to permanent redirects (301) automatically.
* Snownews understands "Not-Modified" (304) server replies and handles
gzip/deflate Content-Encoding.
* Local cache for minimal network traffic.
* HTTP proxy support.
* A help menu available throughout the program.
* Automatic update checking (can be deactivated).
* Few dependencies on external libraries; ncurses and libxml2.
* Import feature for OPML subscription lists.
* Fully customizable key bindings of all program functions.
* Type Ahead Find for quick and easy navigation.

2003-11-03T16:17:10+00:00 www/mod_musicindex Apache module that allows downloading and streaming of audio
mod_musicindex is an Apache module aimed at being a C implementation of
the Perl module Apache::MP3. It allows nice displaying of directories
containing several kinds of audio files, including sorting them on various
fields, streaming/downloading them, constructing playlists, and searching.

2003-11-03T15:42:33+00:00 textproc/nltk Natural language toolkit written in python
NLTK is a leading platform for building Python programs to work with human
language data. It provides easy-to-use interfaces to over 50 corpora and
lexical resources such as WordNet, along with a suite of text processing
libraries for classification, tokenization, stemming, tagging, parsing,
and semantic reasoning, and an active discussion forum.

Thanks to a hands-on guide introducing programming fundamentals alongside
topics in computational linguistics, NLTK is suitable for linguists,
engineers, students, educators, researchers, and industry users alike.
NLTK is available for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. Best of all, NLTK is
a free, open source, community-driven project.

NLTK has been called "a wonderful tool for teaching, and working in,
computational linguistics using Python" and "an amazing library to play
with natural language".

2003-11-03T12:08:14+00:00 net/hidentd Simple and secure ident (RFC1413) server
hidentd is a simple and secure GPLed ident (RFC1413) server. It
requires either inetd, xinetd or ucspi-tcp to run. Basic

* small and simple - around 300 lines of code
* secure - runs without root priviledges
* easy - no complicated configuration file syntax to learn.
* hidentd is entirely controlled with command line options.
* can be configured to provide fake usernames, protecting your privacy
* limited masqueraded/NAT connections support.

2003-11-02T17:37:15+00:00 net/AquaGatekeeper2 Aqua H323 Gatekeeper and proxy
Aqua Gatekeeper 2.0 is H.323 gatekeeper and proxy by Infinet Wireless LTD.
It is compatible with many hardware/software like Cisco H.323 gateways and
Microsoft NetMeeting 3.01 for Windows 2000 and later.

This port presents Aqua Gatekeeper Startup Edition.
It is not a free software but may be used free of charge.
The Aqua Gatekeeper Startup Edition 2.0 is limited to 7 concurrent calls.

!!! no updates, no bugfixes. This port is still provided to support
!!! old installations only. You should choose other software for new setups.


- Grosbein
2003-11-02T17:37:15+00:00 net/AquaGatekeeper Aqua H323 Gatekeeper and proxy
Aqua Gatekeeper is H.323 gatekeeper and proxy by Aqua Project Group.
It is compatible with many hardware/software like Cisco H.323 gateways and
Microsoft NetMeeting 3.01 for Windows 2000 and later.

This port presents Aqua Gatekeeper Startup Edition.
It is not a free software but may be used free of charge.
The Aqua Gatekeeper Startup Edition is limited to 30 concurrent calls.

!!! no updates, no bugfixes. This port is still provided to support
!!! old installations only. You should choose other software for new setups.

2003-11-01T20:50:36+00:00 sysutils/runwhen Tools for running commands at particular times
The biggest difference between runwhen and other schedulers is that
runwhen doesn't have a single daemon overseeing multiple jobs.
The runwhen tools essentially act as a glorified sleep command.
Perhaps runwhen does nothing that at(1) doesn't, and there are
lots of things at(1) does that runwhen doesn't:

- runwhen doesn't change user IDs - thus it will never run
anything as the wrong user.
- It doesn't keep a central daemon running at all times -
thus it won't break if that daemon dies.
- It doesn't require any modifications to the system boot procedure.
- It doesn't log through syslog(3) - thus it won't make a mess
on the console if syslogd(1) isn't running.
- It doesn't centralize storage of scheduled jobs (or any other
per-job information) - thus unprivileged users can install and use it
without cooperation from root, and without the use of a setuid program
to handle changes.
- It doesn't send output through mail - thus it doesn't break
if there is no mail system installed.
- It doesn't check access control files - thus it doesn't gratuitously
deny users.

2003-11-01T18:08:12+00:00 devel/p5-File-Path-Expand Expand filenames
File::Path::Expand expands user directories in filenames. For the
simple case it's no more complex than s{^~/}{$HOME/}, but for other
cases it consults C<getpwent> and does the right thing.

2003-10-31T15:13:09+00:00 databases/knoda Database frontend for KDE
knoda is a database frontend for KDE, based on hk_classes.

Knoda allows you to:

- define and delete databases;
- create, alter and delete tables and indices;
- add, change and delete data in tables;
- define, execute and store sql queries;
- define, execute and store queries with a "query by example" GUI;
- create, alter and delete views;
- import and export CSV data;
- define and use forms;
- define and print reports;
- write your own extensions using the integrated Python interpreter
as scripting language.

Its driver concept allows a uniform connection to different
database servers.

2003-10-31T14:51:08+00:00 misc/seq2 Clone of the UNIX(tm) program called seq
seq2 is a clone of the Unix program called "seq" with
some additional options, such as specifying a delay after
each number, or specifying your own text to prepend each
number. Features like for, while, and executing programs
are in development.
2003-10-31T12:46:33+00:00 textproc/dbacl Digramic Bayesian classifier
dbacl is a digramic Bayesian text classifier. Given some text,
it calculates the posterior probabilities that the input resembles
one of any number of previously learned document collections.
It can be used to sort incoming email into arbitrary categories
such as spam, work, and play, or simply to distinguish an English text
from a French text. It fully supports international character sets,
and uses sophisticated statistical models based on the
Maximum Entropy Principle.

2003-10-31T12:38:30+00:00 databases/hk_classes C++ Library for rapid development of database applications
hk_classes is C++ library which allows rapid development of database
applications with all features a modern database application should
have like forms an reports. hk_classes is database and GUI independent.
In combination with hk_kdeclasses (which is part of the knoda package)
it supports the rapid development of database applications for KDE.

hk_classes allows you to:
* connect to a database server ( Dbase/Xbase, Firebird,
MS Access/Mdbtools, Mysql, Paradox, Postgresql, SQLite or ODBC);
* create and delete databases;
* create, alter and delete tables and indices;
* add, change and delete data in tables;
* define, execute and store sql queries;
* create, alter and delete views;
* import and export CSV data;
* define and use forms; and
* define and print reports
* write your own scripts in Python
* use reports and queries in your own scripts with the command line tools

2003-10-31T10:38:11+00:00 net/ssltunnel-client PPP over SSL virtual private networking (client part)
ssltunnel is a client/server software to establish PPP links over
SSL/TLS sessions. Client and server are mutually authenticated using
X509 certificates, PPP packets are encrypted/decrypted realtime on
each side. The client has the ability to initiate the connection
through an HTTP/HTTPS relay, even if an authentification is needed.

This is the client part.

2003-10-31T10:36:43+00:00 net/ssltunnel-server PPP over SSL virtual private networking (server part)
ssltunnel is a client/server software to establish PPP links over
SSL/TLS sessions. Client and server are mutually authenticated using
X509 certificates, PPP packets are encrypted/decrypted realtime on
each side. The client has the ability to initiate the connection
through an HTTP/HTTPS relay, even if an authentification is needed.

This is the server part.

2003-10-31T10:29:56+00:00 mail/mboxstats Creates top-10 lists of the messages in a mailbox
mboxstats creates several top-10 lists from a file containing message
in mbox-format. List of top10 lists:

o Top writes
o Top receivers
o Top subjects
o Top cc'ers
o Top top-level-domain
o Top timezones
o Top organisations
o Top useragents (mailprograms)
o Top month/day-of-month/day-of-week/hour
o Average number of lines per message
o All kinds of per-user statistics

And much more!

2003-10-31T09:47:09+00:00 textproc/p5-XML-RSS-JavaScript Perl extension to serialize your RSS as JavaScript
Serialize your RSS as JavaScript.

Perhaps you use XML::RSS to generate RSS for consumption by RSS parsers.
Perhaps you also get requests for how to use the RSS feed by people who
have no idea how to parse XML, or write Perl programs for that matter.

Enter XML::RSS::JavaScript, a simle subclass of XML::RSS which writes your
RSS feed as a sequence of JavaScript print statements. This means you
can then write the JavaScript to disk, and a users HTML can simple
include it like so:

<script language="JavaScript" src="/myfeed.js"></script>

What's more the javascript emits HTML that can be fully styled with
CSS. See the CSS examples included with the distribution in the css directory.

2003-10-31T09:44:34+00:00 www/p5-HTML-Scrubber Perl extension for scrubbing/sanitizing html
HTML::Scrubber - Perl extension for scrubbing/sanitizing html. If you wanna
"scrub" or "sanitize" html input in a reliable an flexible fashion, then
this module is for you.

When a tag is encountered, HTML::Scrubber allows/denies the tag using the
explicit rule if one exists. If no explicit rule exists, Scrubber applies
the default rule. If an explicit rule exists, but it's a simple rule(1),
the default attribute rule is applied.

2003-10-31T09:41:09+00:00 security/p5-Crypt-Anubis Crypt::CBC-compliant block cipher
Anubis is a variable-length key, 128-bit block cipher designed by
Vincent Rijmen and Paulo S. L. M. Barreto. Anubis was submitted as
a NESSIE candidate. Key length can be 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 288,
or 320 bits.

The default key length in this implementation is 128 bits.

2003-10-31T01:47:04+00:00 math/rpy2 Python interface to the R Programming Language
RPy is a very simple, yet robust, Python interface to the R Programming
Language. It can manage all kinds of R objects and can execute arbitrary
R functions (including the graphic functions). All the errors from the
R language are converted to Python exceptions. Any module that later were
installed on the R system, can easily be used from within Python, without
introducing any changes.

rpy2 is a redesign and rewrite of rpy. It is providing a low-level interface
to R, a proposed high-level interface, including wrappers to graphical
libraries, as well as R-like structures and functions.

2003-10-31T01:47:04+00:00 math/rpy Python interface to the R Programming Language
RPy is a very simple, yet robust, Python interface to the R Programming
Language. It can manage all kinds of R objects and can execute arbitrary
R functions (including the graphic functions). All the errors from the
R language are converted to Python exceptions. Any module that later were
installed on the R system, can easily be used from within Python, without
introducing any changes.

2003-10-30T21:59:57+00:00 sysutils/minirsyslogd Minimal, fast and secure syslog receiver
minirsyslogd is a minimalistic, fast and secure (through lack of bloat)
remote-only syslog receiver suitable for hardened log receiver hosts
and/or central log receivers that receive several gigabyte of logs each day.

It will not deal with local syslog data. It does not have a multitude
of configuration, alerting or scripting options. It will however
automatically split inbound syslog data according to IP address,
date and current hour, and do so as rapidly and (I hope) securely as

2003-10-30T17:51:05+00:00 net/p5-Net-Ident Lookup the username on the remote end of a TCP/IP connection
Net::Ident is a module that looks up the username on the remote side of a
TCP/IP connection through the ident (auth/tap) protocol described in
RFC1413 (which supersedes RFC931). Note that this requires the remote
site to run a daemon (often called identd) to provide the requested
information, so it is not always available for all TCP/IP connections.

2003-10-30T17:48:29+00:00 mail/p5-Mail-Mbox-MessageParser Fast and simple mbox folder reader
Mail::Mbox::MessageParser is a very fast but very simple mbox parser. It uses
the best of three strategies for parsing a mailbox: either using cached folder
information, GNU grep, or highly optimized Perl.

2003-10-30T17:47:22+00:00 devel/p5-FileHandle-Unget FileHandle which supports ungetting of multiple bytes
FileHandle::Unget is a drop-in replacement for FileHandle which allows more
than one byte to be placed back on the input. It supports an ungetc(ORD) which
can be called more than once in a row, and an ungets(SCALAR) which places a
string of bytes back on the input.

2003-10-30T10:50:33+00:00 devel/p5-Class-MethodMapper Perl module for abstract Class wrapper for AutoLoader
Class::MethodMapper - Abstract Class wrapper for AutoLoader

2003-10-30T08:35:43+00:00 security/gsasl GNU SASL command-line utility
GNU SASL is an implementation of the Simple Authentication and Security Layer
framework and a few common SASL mechanisms.

GNU SASL consists of a library (libgsasl), a command-line utility (gsasl) to
access the library from the shell, and a manual. The library includes support
for the framework (with authentication functions and application data privacy
and integrity functions) and at least partial support for the ANONYMOUS,

The library is easily ported because it does not do network communication by
itself, but rather leaves it up to the calling application. The library is
flexible with regards to the authorization infrastructure used, as it utilizes a
callback into the application to decide whether a user is authorized or not.

GNU SASL has been split into 2 ports:
- security/gsasl: the command-line utility
- security/libgsasl: the library

2003-10-30T06:40:59+00:00 security/gss GNU Generic Security Service Library
GSS is an implementation of the Generic Security Service Application Program
Interface (GSS-API). GSS-API is used by network servers (e.g., IMAP, SMTP) to
provide security services, e.g., authenticate clients against servers.
GSS consists of a library and a manual.

2003-10-30T04:22:19+00:00 databases/libdbi-drivers Drivers for libdbi
The libdbi-drivers project maintains drivers for libdbi. Drivers are
distributed separately from the library itself.

2003-10-30T02:35:38+00:00 lang/quack Enhanced support for editing and running Scheme code
Quack enhances Emacs support for Scheme programming. Quack is layered
atop the standard packages `cmuscheme.el', by Olin Shivers, and
`scheme.el', by Bill Rozas and Dave Love.

2003-10-30T02:29:21+00:00 databases/qdbm Quick Database Manager
QDBM is a library of routines for managing a database. The database
is a simple data file containing records, each is a pair of a key and
a value. Every key and value is serial bytes with variable length.
Both binary data and character string can be used as a key and a
value. There is neither concept of data tables nor data types.
Records are organized in hash table or B+ tree.

2003-10-29T16:20:57+00:00 emulators/fuse Free Unix (Sinclair ZX-)Spectrum Emulator
fuse is a free version of a ZX Spectrum emulator. It emulates
the 48K/128K/+2/+2A/+3 Speccy and Timex TC2048 machine, supports
loading from .tzx files, has sound and kempston joystick emulation,
and emulates various printers you could attach to the Spectrum.
It supports the new RZX input recording file format.

2003-10-29T16:19:28+00:00 emulators/libspectrum Handling of ZX-Spectrum emulator files formats
libspectrum is a fairly simple library designed to make the handling
of various ZX Spectrum emulator-related file formats easy.
So far it handles:

* Snapshots: .z80, .szx, .sna (all read/write), .zxs, .sp.,
.snp and +D snapshots (read only)
* Tape images: .tzx, .tap (read/write) and Warajevo .tap (read only)
* Input recordings: .rzx (read/write)
* Timex cartridges: .dck (read only)

There are also some subsidiary functions which may be generally useful
for Spectrum-related utilities.

2003-10-29T16:17:00+00:00 emulators/lib765 Emulation of uPD765a Floppy Disc Controller
lib765 is an emulation of the uPD765a (AKA Intel 8272) Floppy Disc Controller
[FDC] as used in Amstrad computers such as the PCW, CPC and Spectrum +3. At
present it is not a "full" 765; features not used in the PCW BIOS (such as:
DMA; multisector reads/writes; multitrack mode) are either left unimplemented
or incomplete.

lib765 is released under the GNU Library GPL.

2003-10-29T09:01:47+00:00 devel/p5-Calendar-Simple Perl extension to create simple calendars
Perl extension to create simple calendars.

2003-10-29T03:38:10+00:00 x11-toolkits/p5-Gtk2 Perl module for Gtk+ 2.x graphical user interface library
Perl bindings to the 2.x series of the Gtk+ graphical user interface library.
This module allows you to write graphical user interfaces in a perlish and
object-oriented way, freeing you from the casting and memory management in C,
yet remaining very close in spirit to original API. Find out more about Gtk+

The GTK+ Reference Manual is also a handy companion when writing Gtk
programs in any language.
The perl bindings follow the C API very closely, and the C reference
documentation should be considered the canonical source.

To discuss gtk2-perl, ask questions and flame/praise the authors,
join at

2003-10-29T03:35:36+00:00 devel/p5-Glib2 This module provides access to Glib and GObject libraries
This module provides perl access to Glib and GLib's GObject libraries.
GLib is a portability and utility library; GObject provides a generic
type system with inheritance and a powerful signal system. Together
these libraries are used as the foundation for many of the libraries
that make up the Gnome environment, and are used in many unrelated

This wrapper attempts to provide a perlish interface while remaining
as true as possible to the underlying C API, so that any reference
materials you can find on using GLib may still apply to using the
libraries from perl. Where GLib's functionality overlaps perl's,
perl's is favored; for example, you will find perl lists and arrays in
place of GSList or GList objects. Some concepts have been eliminated;
you need never worry about reference-counting on GObjects or GBoxed
structures. Other concepts have been converted to a perlish analogy;
the GType id will never be seen in perl, as the package name serves
that purpose. [FIXME link to a document describing this stuff in detail.]

2003-10-29T01:51:07+00:00 graphics/diacanvas2 General drawing canvas from dia dialog editor
DiaCanvas is in its second incarnation: DiaCanvas2. Aiming towards future
computing needs on GNOME based desktop environments, DiaCanvas2 is providing
you with a full featured diagramming canvas:
- Model/View/Controller based design: The DiaCanvas class only holds
abstract data (using DiaShape objects), the data is rendered by one or
more DiaCanvasView's.
- Usage of the widely used GnomeCanvas for visualization. This makes it
easy to let DiaCanvas2 display anti-aliased diagrams with translucency
(alpha) support.
- Export facilities for GnomePrint and SVG.
- Objects can be rotated/sheared/resized/etc. without the need to
recalculate shapes. DiaCanvas relies heavily on the LibArt library
(which is a standard GNOME library).
- Objects can connect to each other with handles. The connection is
represented as a mathematical equation, which is solved using a real
linear constraint solver (see the reference documentation for more info).
Handles do not need predefined connection points, but can connect to each
other in a more generic way.
- Of course DiaCanvas2 has all the features a modern application needs,
including undo/redo and copy/paste functionality (copying is not
implemented yet).

2003-10-28T16:34:17+00:00 net/p5-Net-Amazon Framework for accessing via SOAP and XML/HTTP
Net::Amazon provides an object-oriented interface to's
SOAP and XML/HTTP interfaces. This way it's possible to create applications
using Amazon's vast amount of data via a functional interface, without
having to worry about the underlying communication mechanism.

2003-10-28T15:59:19+00:00 textproc/p5-Text-ExtractWords Perl extension for extract words from strings
Text::ExtractWords - Perl extension for extract words from strings

2003-10-28T15:30:46+00:00 devel/p5-Algorithm-Networksort Perl module that will create sorting networks
This module will create sorting networks, a sequence of comparisons
that do not depend upon the results of prior comparisons.

There are several algorithms to generate sorting networks. This
module has three of them: Bose and Nelson's, Hibbard's, and
Batcher's Merge Exchange. It also has networks that were found
to be superior in comparison count to those generated automatically
by these algorithms.

There is a flexible formatting function that will allow you to
print out your network in many ways (see documentation). There
is also a graphical output function that will return the network
in an encapsulated postscript, SVG, or text form.

2003-10-28T15:26:49+00:00 devel/p5-Algorithm-NaiveBayes Perl class performing Bayesian prediction of categories
This module implements the classic "Naive Bayes" machine learning algorithm.
It is a well-studied probabilistic algorithm often used in automatic text
categorization. Compared to other algorithms (kNN, SVM, Decision Trees),
it's pretty fast and reasonably competitive in the quality of its results.

A paper by Fabrizio Sebastiani provides a really good introduction to
text categorization:

2003-10-28T13:57:58+00:00 net/knowlan ARP-based LAN IP and MAC Address Extractor
Knowlan is ARP-based Local Area Network IP and MAC Address Extractor.
It sends ARP REQUEST packets to the LAN and waits for ARP REPLY packets
from network nodes that are up, producing a table of currently
active IP and MAC addresses.
Knowlan uses libpcap and libnet libraries for easy source code review
and maintenance.

2003-10-28T13:57:58+00:00 net-mgmt/knowlan ARP-based LAN IP and MAC Address Extractor
Knowlan is ARP-based Local Area Network IP and MAC Address Extractor.
It sends ARP REQUEST packets to the LAN and waits for ARP REPLY packets
from network nodes that are up, producing a table of currently
active IP and MAC addresses.
Knowlan uses libpcap and libnet libraries for easy source code review
and maintenance.

2003-10-28T10:07:02+00:00 math/gracetmpl Provide an easy way to use existing grace-files as a template
The GraceTMPL classes provide an easy way to use existing grace-files as a
template to format any number of graphs in a predefined way and save them as
grace-files. This way you can apply the same graphical appearance to all of
your data. In case your preferences change, you just alter the template and
reformat your complete set of data within the shortest amount of time.

The capabilities of GraceTMPL include:
* The application using the GraceTMPL classes can define environment
variables for the sheet, each graph and each dataset. The variables can
be used in the template for dynamic string replacement. Even output
filenames can be templated using variable substitution.
* Datasets in the template file can be marked to be included in the
destination files for easy reference.
* Datasets can be tagged with arbitrary information strings to be
interpreted by the application using GraceTMPL. This way information can
be passed to the application on how to create the datasets and what kind
of information is intended by the template author.
* In case no template file is loaded by the application, GraceTMPL::Save
will output plain sets of data tables which can easily be imported by
XmGrace or other applications.

2003-10-28T09:46:47+00:00 databases/gnatsweb4 Gnatsweb, a GNATS web interface
Gnatsweb is a web interface to GNATS, the GNU Problem Report
Management System. It is a Perl CGI script which runs on your
web server.

2003-10-28T08:05:26+00:00 devel/gaul Genetic Algorithm Utility Library
The Genetic Algorithm Utility Library (or, GAUL for short) is a flexible
programming library designed to aid in the development of applications that
use genetic, or evolutionary, algorithms. It provides data structures and
functions for handling and manipulation of the data required for a genetic
algorithm. Additional stochastic algorithms are provided for comparison to the
genetic algorithms. Much of the functionality is also available through a
simple S-Lang interface.

2003-10-28T03:03:54+00:00 games/neverputt 3D miniature golf for 1-4 players
Neverputt is a 3D mini golf game for 1-4 players based on the Neverball code.

2003-10-28T03:02:53+00:00 games/neverball Tilt the floor to guide a ball through an obstacle course
In 1.1.5 version, the Neverball and Neverputt source trees have been merged
into one. It includes 75 Neverball levels and 62 Neverputt levels.

Neverball, tilt the floor to roll a ball through an obstacle course within the
given time. It is part puzzle game, part action game, and entirely a test of
skill. If the ball falls or time expires, a ball is lost. Collect coins to
unlock the exit and earn extra balls. Red coins are worth 5. Blue coins are
worth 10. A free ball is awarded for 100 coins.

Neverputt, a hot-seat multiplayer miniature golf game using the physics and
graphics of Neverball.

Neverball and Neverputt are known to run under Linux, Win2K/XP, FreeBSD, and
OSX. Hardware accelerated OpenGL with multitexture (OpenGL 1.2.1 or greater)
is required. A 500MHz processor is recommended.

2003-10-27T03:13:58+00:00 print/mapagi Pagination utility that prints your images/comics in 'in folio' format
Mapagi is a pagination utility that prints your images/comics in
'in folio' format.

To produce a book printed in folio format, the sheet of paper is
folded once, producing 2 leaves. Each leaf has 2 sides, the recto
(front) and the verso (back).

Page size format is "Tankobon", probably well known to anime/manga

2003-10-25T10:21:20+00:00 sysutils/virtualmin Virtual hosting management system based on webmin
Virtualmin is a virtual hosting management system written by Jamie
Cameron, that integrates cleanly into the Webmin system administration

2003-10-25T09:51:05+00:00 chinese/unzip
2003-10-24T23:02:45+00:00 x11/mxico Rotating Object on the screen (Zalgaller polyhedra)
MxIco(Maho's eXtended ICO) is a simple demo for X, rotating polyhedra
in the window.

2003-10-24T21:41:31+00:00 lang/execline Lightweight non-interactive sh(1)-like scripting language
execline is a very light non-interactive scripting language,
which is similar to /bin/sh. Simple shell scripts can be
easily rewritten in the execline language, improving performance
and memory usage. execline was designed for use
in embedded systems, but works on most Unix flavors.

execline features conditional loops, getopt-style option handling,
filename globbing, and more. Meanwhile, its syntax
is far more logical and predictable than the shell's syntax,
and has no security issues.

2003-10-24T11:45:26+00:00 games/senken City simulation game
Senken is a city simulation game. Players buy the land, build the
infrastructure, balance the books, and convince people to move in. The
game has both goal-oriented and just play modes. There is multiplayer
support but it is not well tested.
2003-10-24T08:24:44+00:00 devel/p5-Algorithm-Evolutionary Library for doing evolutionary computation in Perl
It's a library for doing evolutionary computation in Perl.

Algorithm::Evolutionary was formerly called OPEAL, which is an acronym for
Obvious Pearl Evolutionary Algorithm Library.

The design principles of Algorithm::Evolutionary are:
* It should be easy to program any kind of evolutionary algorithm; all
chromosome representations and operators are possible.
* An XML dialect called EvoSpec is used as a language for description of
algorithms and for representation of the state of an algorithm. This
could make Algorithm::Evolutionary interoperable with other EA libraries,
such as EO or JEO.

2003-10-24T08:22:37+00:00 textproc/p5-XML-Parser-EasyTree Easier tree style for XML::Parser
XML::Parser::EasyTree adds a new "built-in" style called "EasyTree" to
XML::Parser. Like XML::Parser's "Tree" style, setting this style causes the
parser to build a lightweight tree structure representing the XML document.
This structure is, at least in this author's opinion, easier to work with than
the one created by the built-in style.

2003-10-24T07:45:38+00:00 sysutils/smartmontools S.M.A.R.T. disk monitoring tools
The smartmontools package contains two utility programs (smartctl and smartd)
to control and monitor storage systems using the Self-Monitoring, Analysis
and Reporting Technology System (S.M.A.R.T.) built into most modern ATA and
SCSI hard disks. It is derived from the smartsuite package, and includes
support for ATA/ATAPI/SATA disks and SCSI disks and tape devices.

2003-10-24T07:45:38+00:00 sysutils/smartmontools-devel S.M.A.R.T. disk monitoring tools (SVN snapshot)
The smartmontools package contains two utility programs (smartctl and smartd)
to control and monitor storage systems using the Self-Monitoring, Analysis
and Reporting Technology System (S.M.A.R.T.) built into most modern ATA and
SCSI hard disks. It is derived from the smartsuite package, and includes
support for ATA/ATAPI-5 disks.

Compared to version 5.38 this SVN snapshot brings more USB hardware support:
as well as other improvements.

2003-10-24T04:38:20+00:00 graphics/libglut OpenGL utility toolkit
libglut is a library provided with Mesa which provides an interface for creating
windows containing OpenGL contexts on a wide variety of platforms and handling
user interaction.

2003-10-24T04:28:48+00:00 databases/p5-Search-InvertedIndex Manager for inverted index maps
A general purpose inverted indexing system suitable for medium
scale searching.

2003-10-24T04:25:26+00:00 devel/p5-Tie-FileLRUCache Lightweight but robust filesystem based persistent LRU cache

Provides a lightweight Least Recently Used cache of data via
either an object or tied interface. Keys and data are both
allowed to be references and objects as well as scalars. Requires
'Digest::SHA1' to be installed.

2003-10-24T04:21:35+00:00 devel/p5-Tie-DB_File-SplitHash Wrapper around the DB_File Berkeley database system

Designed for support of file size limited OSes. Transparently splits
a DB_File database into as many distinct files as desired. Distributes
hash entries between the files using a randomization algorithm.
Has the effect of allowing DB_File hashes to grow to the full size
of the partition. Requires 'Digest::SHA1' and 'DB_File' to be installed.

2003-10-24T04:19:28+00:00 science/kmovisto A real 3-D molecule viewer
Molecule Viewer KMovisto for use with Gaussian, POVRay and VRML.

2003-10-24T04:18:59+00:00 devel/p5-Class-ParmList Module for processing named parameter lists for method calls

General named parameter list parser. Handles default values,
required vs allowed distinctions, optional name lexical checking,
multiple retrieval, and error reporting. Works well as a complement to

2003-10-24T04:16:25+00:00 devel/p5-Class-NamedParms Lightweight named parameter handling system

Provides standard get/set/clear accessors for a class via named
parameter with forced lexical checking of named parameters
for validity and initialization validation. Lightweight and simple
to use. Designed as a base class for inheritance by other modules.

2003-10-24T02:19:17+00:00 x11-wm/badwm Window manager based on evilwm
from the home page:

BadWM is
* a minimalistic window manager for the X Window System licensed
under the GNU General Public License.
* based on evilwm - less evil, but quite bad.
* kindly hosted at Sourceforge
* written by Robert Annessi

* No window decorations apart from a simple 1 pixel border.
* No icons.
* Good keyboard control including repositioning and maximising toggles.
* Virtual desktops.
* Small binary size.
* Intellegent window placement
* Intellegent window resizing
* Snap to edge.
* Snap to border.
* Multihead support.

2003-10-24T02:01:39+00:00 devel/jakelib2 A cross platform C++ class library with a Java-like API
Jakelib2 is a cross platform C++ class library with a Java-like API. An
automatic garbage collector is used to take care of unused objects. External
libraries like PCRE or GTK+ are being integrated to provide the programmer
with a homogeneous, easy to use programming environment that covers every
day's tasks like string handling, data storage, networking, or GUI

2003-10-24T01:18:37+00:00 converters/showkey Display cooked key sequences (keycap-to-keystrokes mappings)
This program puts your terminal in raw mode, eats keystrokes, and prints
them back it you in a recognizable printed form (using <>-surrounded
ASCII mnemonics for non-printables).

This may be useful, for example, if you're not certain what your keyboard
keys are sending.

2003-10-23T20:24:42+00:00 audio/daapd Server for Digital Audio Access Protocol
daapd scans a directory for music files and makes them available via
the Apple proprietary protocol DAAP. DAAP clients can browse the
directory and retrieve individual files, either by streaming or by
downloading them.

2003-10-23T20:21:55+00:00 www/libhttpd-persistent Library for embedded web servers
libHTTPD can be used to add basic web server capabilities to an
application or embedded device. The library handles both static and
dynamically generated content, has very low overheads, and provides many
features to simplify the creation of web based application interfaces.

This is a version modified for persistent connections by the author of

2003-10-23T12:00:57+00:00 audio/daaplib A C++ library for DAAP memory streams
daaplib is a very tiny and portable C++ library which helps to read and
write low-level DAAP stream s in memory. the code is fairly
straightforward and can mirror the structure of the data fairly well.

2003-10-22T21:53:51+00:00 net/gnome-btdownload A simple Gnome interface designed as a mime-sink for BitTorrent files
Gnome interface for 'executing' BitTorrent files. It is designed as a mime-sink
for BitTorrent files. Not a front-end, more-or-less just a session dialog. See
net/py-bittorrent for more information.

2003-10-22T21:53:51+00:00 net-p2p/gnome-btdownload A simple Gnome interface designed as a mime-sink for BitTorrent files
Gnome interface for 'executing' BitTorrent files. It is designed as a mime-sink
for BitTorrent files. Not a front-end, more-or-less just a session dialog. See
net-p2p/py-bittorrent for more information.

2003-10-22T21:28:40+00:00 net/py-bittorrent-core Client 'core' for the BitTorrent peer-to-peer network
2003-10-22T21:28:40+00:00 net/py-bittorrent-core-devel Client 'core' for the BitTorrent peer-to-peer network
2003-10-22T21:28:40+00:00 net-p2p/py-bittorrent-core Client 'core' for the BitTorrent peer-to-peer network
2003-10-22T21:28:40+00:00 net-p2p/py-bittorrent-core-devel Client 'core' for the BitTorrent peer-to-peer network
2003-10-22T14:58:32+00:00 irc/ctrlproxy Flexible IRC proxy
CtrlProxy runs on a computer with a 24/7 internet connection and allows you to
transparently connect to IRC from anywhere on the world to your nick. It
connects to one or more IRC servers and then allows you to connect to it with
any number of clients, providing access to these servers. This is very useful
if you don't want to leave IRC but still want to be able to use it from home,
school or work.

2003-10-22T10:39:34+00:00 security/p5-OpenCA-CRR Perl extension to handle CRR objects
This class handles CRR (Certificate Revoking Request) objects. Them can
be signed or not depending on the implementation.

2003-10-22T09:46:25+00:00 net/p5-X500-DN Handle X.500 DNs (Distinguished Names), parse, and format them
These modules handle X.500 DNs (Distinguished Names) and X.500 RDNs
(Relative Distinguished Names).

RFC: 2253
2003-10-22T08:03:39+00:00 mail/kshowmail POP3 mail checker for KDE
KShowmail is a POP3 mail checker for KDE.

Main features:
o load mail headers from pop3 servers
o display relevant header fields in a list view
o display headers of selected mails
o display complete mails
o delete selected mails on servers
o launch external programs like fetchmail or sendmail
via configurable menu entries
o support multiple accounts
o sound support
o send complain mails to postmaster

2003-10-22T03:08:51+00:00 security/f-prot F-Prot Antivirus for BSD Workstations
F-Prot Antivirus for BSD Workstations utilizes the renowned F-Prot
Antivirus scanning engine for primary scan but has in addition to
that a system of internal heuristics devised to search for unknown

This version of F-Prot is a command line on-demand scanner.

Please note that the license explicitly permits that F-Prot Antivirus
for BSD Workstations is free for personal users on personal
workstations. For any other use please consult their website for
licensing information.

2003-10-21T20:49:20+00:00 devel/maven Java project management tool
Apache Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. Based on
the concept of a project object model (POM), Maven can manage a project's
build, reporting and documentation from a central piece of information.

2003-10-21T20:23:27+00:00 security/libgpg-error Common error values for all GnuPG components
libgpg-error is a library that defines common error values
for all GnuPG components. Among these are GPG, GPGSM, GPGME,
GPG-Agent, libgcrypt, pinentry, SmartCard Daemon
and possibly more in the future.

2003-10-21T07:49:48+00:00 www/p5-HTML-MagicTemplate A Perl Module for using Text::MagicTemplate in a HTML env
HTML::MagicTemplate is a collection of handlers for Text::MagicTemplate useful
when used in a HTML environment. It adds a couple of magic HTML specific value
handlers to Text::MagicTemplate default value handlers. Just create and use the
MagicTemplate object as usual, to have a trasparent interface to
HTML::TableTiler and HTML::FillInForm too.


Author: Domizio Demichelis <>
2003-10-21T07:47:51+00:00 textproc/p5-Text-MagicTemplate A Perl Module with magic merger of runtime values with templates
MagicTemplate is a "magic" interface between programming and design. It makes
"magically" available all the runtime values - stored in your variables or
returned by your subroutines - inside a static template file. Usually no
need to assign values to the object.


Author: Domizio Demichelis <>
2003-10-21T07:26:21+00:00 net/p5-Net-MovableType Lightweight MovableType client Perl module
Using Net::MovableType you can post new entries, edit existing
entries, browse entries and users blogs, and perform most of the
features you can perform through accessing your MovableType account.

Since Net::MovableType uses MT's remote procedure call gateway, you
can do it from any computer with Internet connection.

Net::MovableType promises an intuitive, user friendly, Object Oriented
interface for managing your web sites published through MovableType.
Most of the method names correspond to those documented in MovableType's
Programming Interface Manual.

2003-10-21T07:11:59+00:00 www/p5-HTML-TableTiler Module generate a HTML table from bidimensional array data
HTML::TableTiler uses a minimum HTML table as a tile to generate a complete
HTML table from a bidimensional array of data. It can easily produce simple or
complex graphic styled tables with minimum effort and maximum speed.

Think about the table tile as a sort of tile that automatically expands itself
to contain the whole data. You can control the final look of a table by
choosing either the HORIZONTAL and the VERTICAL tiling mode among:

The main advantages to use it are:

* automatic table generation

* complex graphic patterns generation without coding

* simple to maintain

2003-10-20T18:55:11+00:00 chinese/MT Web-based personal publishing system like weblogs
It is a decentralized, web-based personal publishing system designed to ease
maintenance of regularly updated news or journal sites, like weblogs.

2003-10-20T16:46:17+00:00 benchmarks/autobench Automating the process of benchmarking a web server
Autobench is a simple Perl script for automating the process of benchmarking
a web server (or for conducting a comparative test of two different web
servers). The script is a wrapper around httperf. Autobench runs httperf a
number of times against each host, increasing the number of requested
connections per second on each iteration, and extracts the significant data
from the httperf output, delivering a CSV or TSV format file which can be
imported directly into a spreadsheet for analysis/graphing.

2003-10-20T13:04:37+00:00 net/ortp Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) library
oRTP - Real-time Transport Protocol library


* Written in C, works under Linux (and probably any Unix) and Windows
* Implement the RFC3550 (RTP) with a easy to use API with high and low level
* Includes support for multiples profiles, AV profile (RFC3551) being the
one by default
* Includes a packet scheduler for to send and recv packet "on time",
according to their timestamp. Scheduling is optionnal, rtp sessions can
remain not scheduled
* Supports mutiplexing IO, so that hundreds of RTP sessions can be scheduled
by a single thread
* Features an adaptive jitter algorithm for a receiver to adapt to the
clockrate of the sender
* Supports part of RFC2833 for telephone events over RTP
* The API is well documented using doxygen
* Licensed under the Lesser Gnu Public License
* RTCP messages sent periodically since 0.7.0 (compound packet including
sender report or receiver report + SDES)
* Includes an API to parse incoming RTCP packets

2003-10-20T10:47:25+00:00 news/golded+ GoldEd+ (FTN message editor)
GoldED+ (FTN message editor)

GoldED+ is a succesor of the well-known GoldED Fidonet Mail Reader.

2003-10-19T19:36:54+00:00 www/phpwiki13 A PHP WikiWikiWeb
A WikiWikiWeb is a web site where anyone can edit the pages through
an HTML form. Linking is done automatically on the server side; all
pages are stored in a database.

This may sound rather simplistic, but a Wiki is a very unique way
to collaborate on the Web.

The addictive quality of a Wiki is that making pages is as simple
as making a link to them. If they don't yet exist, the page link
will be followed by a hyperlinked question mark; follow that link
and you can define the new page.

With this setup, you can update and create pages from anywhere
there is a web browser handy.

2003-10-19T19:36:54+00:00 www/phpwiki A PHP WikiWikiWeb
A WikiWikiWeb is a web site where anyone can edit the pages through
an HTML form. Linking is done automatically on the server side; all
pages are stored in a database.

This may sound rather simplistic, but a Wiki is a very unique way
to collaborate on the Web.

The addictive quality of a Wiki is that making pages is as simple
as making a link to them. If they don't yet exist, the page link
will be followed by a hyperlinked question mark; follow that link
and you can define the new page.

With this setup, you can update and create pages from anywhere
there is a web browser handy.

2003-10-19T17:56:28+00:00 games/briquolo Breakout clone with an OpenGL 3D representation
Briquolo is a breakout with 3D representation based on OpenGL.

2003-10-19T17:25:34+00:00 security/shishi Free implementation of the Kerberos 5 network security system
Shishi is a free implementation of the Kerberos 5 network security system.

The goals of this project are:
* Full standards compliance.
* Thread safe library.
* Internationalization, both for client messages but also for non-ASCII
username and passwords.
* Integrate with existing password management systems (/etc/passwd, PAM,
* Clean room implementation with clear copyright and license.

2003-10-19T10:07:29+00:00 security/libntlm Library that implement Microsoft's NTLM authentication
Libntlm is a library that implement Microsoft's NTLM authentication.

2003-10-18T17:28:13+00:00 sysutils/gstopd GEOM stop daemon
gstopd(8) stops disks after an amount of inactivity.
The inactivity is measured using GEOM(4) statistics.

Limitations & features:
- stops only da(4) disks currently.
- uses camcontrol(8)
- logs disk-stops through logger(1)
2003-10-18T12:37:07+00:00 devel/p5-ExtUtils-PkgConfig Simplistic interface to pkg-config
The pkg-config program retrieves information about installed libraries,
usually for the purposes of compiling against and linking to them.

ExtUtils::PkgConfig is a very simplistic interface to this utility,
intended for use in the Makefile.PL of perl extensions which bind
libraries that pkg-config knows. It is really just boilerplate code
that you would've written yourself.

2003-10-18T12:28:24+00:00 devel/p5-ExtUtils-Depends Easily build XS extensions that depend on XS extensions
This module tries to make it easy to build Perl extensions that use
functions and typemaps provided by other perl extensions. This means
that a perl extension is treated like a shared library that provides
also a C and an XS interface besides the perl one. This works as long
as the base extension is loaded with the RTLD_GLOBAL flag (usually done
with a

sub dl_load_flags {0x01}

in the main .pm file) if you need to use functions defined in the

2003-10-18T07:49:32+00:00 finance/kexchange KDE currency converter
KExchange is a currency converter for over 150 currencies using up-to-date
exchange rates from the PACIFIC Exchange Rate Service.


* rates may be refreshed on command or automatically on startup;

* rates can be cached locally for offline use;

* may also be used as a Euro converter; and

* has an DCOP interface.

2003-10-17T20:18:11+00:00 dns/dnsflood DNS flood detector
DNS Flood Detector was developed to detect abusive usage levels
on high traffic nameservers and to enable quick response in
halting the use of one's nameserver to facilitate spam.

2003-10-17T19:00:49+00:00 net/nefu A network monitoring daemon
nefu monitors network services and reports outages. Working
from a discription of the network topography, nefu's algorithm
prevents "false alarms" in the event of a network outage due to
a dependency failure.

2003-10-17T19:00:49+00:00 net-mgmt/nefu Network monitoring daemon
nefu monitors network services and reports outages. Working
from a description of the network topography, nefu's algorithm
prevents "false alarms" in the event of a network outage due to
a dependency failure.

2003-10-17T17:01:02+00:00 www/linkchecker Check HTML documents for broken links
LinkChecker can check HTML documents for broken links.

Features :
* recursive checking
* multithreaded
* output can be colored or normal text, HTML, SQL, CSV or a sitemap
graph in XML or GML format.
* additionally reports download time for HTML pages
* HTTP/1.1 and 1.0, HTTPS, FTP, mailto:, news:, nntp:, Gopher,
Telnet and local file links are supported
Javascript links are currently ignored
* restrict link checking with regular expression filters for URLs
* proxy support
* give username/password for HTTP and FTP authorization
* robots.txt exclusion protocol support
* i18n support
* command line interface
* (Fast)CGI web interface

2003-10-17T11:22:54+00:00 chinese/xttmgr A Big5/GB enhanced TrueType Font Manager
A True Type Font Manager that handles true type font
installation, uninstallation, list, and default font
setting. It was originally in the CLE distribution.

The manager doesn't deal with applications using TTF
directly. Instead, it calls modules to handle the
details. There are only several predefined behaviours
of the modules, like add/remove/list.

Some modules are Big5/GB enhanced, for better font

2003-10-17T11:22:52+00:00 net/asterisk16 Open Source PBX and telephony toolkit
Asterisk is an Open Source PBX and telephony toolkit. It is, in a
sense, middleware between Internet and telephony channels on the bottom,
and Internet and telephony applications at the top.

2003-10-17T11:22:52+00:00 net/asterisk14 An Open Source PBX and telephony toolkit
Asterisk is an Open Source PBX and telephony toolkit. It is, in a
sense, middleware between Internet and telephony channels on the bottom,
and Internet and telephony applications at the top.

2003-10-17T11:22:52+00:00 net/asterisk12 An Open Source PBX and telephony toolkit
Asterisk is an Open Source PBX and telephony toolkit. It is, in a
sense, middleware between Internet and telephony channels on the bottom,
and Internet and telephony applications at the top.

2003-10-17T11:22:52+00:00 net/asterisk10 An Open Source PBX and telephony toolkit
Asterisk is an Open Source PBX and telephony toolkit. It is, in a
sense, middleware between Internet and telephony channels on the bottom,
and Internet and telephony applications at the top.

2003-10-17T11:22:52+00:00 net/asterisk Open Source PBX and telephony toolkit
Asterisk is an Open Source PBX and telephony toolkit. It is, in a
sense, middleware between Internet and telephony channels on the bottom,
and Internet and telephony applications at the top.

2003-10-17T11:22:52+00:00 net/asterisk-devel An Open Source PBX and telephony toolkit - head branch
This port is for the head branch of Asterisk, an open source PBX.
It is meant as a convenience to developers who want to test the
FreeBSD compliance of the main development branch and to support
FreeBSD-specific patches that may not find room in the original

2003-10-17T11:22:52+00:00 net/asterisk-bristuff An Open Source PBX and telephony toolkit
Asterisk is an Open Source PBX and telephony toolkit. It is, in a
sense, middleware between Internet and telephony channels on the bottom,
and Internet and telephony applications at the top.

2003-10-17T08:11:55+00:00 www/pserv Portable and small webserver written in C
pServ is a small, portable HTTP server. It is written in pure C for speed and
portability. It runs as a standalone program and does not require inetd.
It should be small enough to be used in a mobile computer or to be run on your
obsolete workstation you have somewhere.

This port contains a patched version to support the execution of php scripts.

2003-10-17T07:47:56+00:00 textproc/p5-RTF-Parser Perl module for parsing RTF files
The RTF package set is a minimal RTF processor. This set is provided
with an RTF to HTML converter. This converter is just an example, not
a full-fledged application.

You can try this converter the RTF specification (see the "Ressources"
section). For example:

% rtf2html RTF-Spec-1_5.rtf > RTF-Spec-1_5.htm

Philippe Verdret
2003-10-17T07:46:55+00:00 textproc/p5-RTF-Tokenizer Perl module for reading RTF files
RTF::Tokenizer is an object-orientated low-level RTF reader. If
you're looking to render RTF, or want a higher-level RTF processor,
this is not the module for you - you want RTF::Reader. This is the
sixth release of RTF::Tokenizer - it's faster, higher quality, and
implements the RTF standard better than any previous release.

It's also philosophically a better module, and conforms more
strictly to Object Orientated guidelines - it can be sub-classed
and the interface is cleaner.

2003-10-17T07:44:35+00:00 textproc/p5-RTF-Writer Perl module for generating documents in Rich Text Format
This module is for generating documents in Rich Text Format.

This module is a class; an object belonging to this class
acts like an output filehandle, and calling methods on it
causes RTF text to be written.

Incidentally, this module also exports a few useful functions,
upon request.

The following documentation assumes some familiarity with
the RTF Specification. Users not already intimately
familiar with RTF should look at RTF::Cookbook.
2003-10-17T07:42:57+00:00 textproc/p5-UML-Sequence Perl module that produce UML sequence diagrams
Simple Sequences

You can create a sequence from an outline. Type something like this:

At Home.Wash Car
Garage.retrieve bucket
Kitchen.prepare bucket
Kitchen.pour soap in bucket
Kitchen.fill bucket
Garage.get sponge door
Driveway.apply soapy water
Driveway.empty bucket
Garage.close door
Garage.replace bucket

Then do this: UML::Sequence::SimpleSeq inputfile | > output.svg

2003-10-17T07:41:47+00:00 textproc/p5-UML-State Perl module that produce simple UML state diagrams
See the samples directory and the script for details on
how to format input and what to expect for output.

2003-10-17T07:26:01+00:00 devel/p5-Sort-Tree Perl module for sorting a objects into a tree structure
Sort::Tree implements a mechanism for sorting a list of objects into a
tree structure and flattening it back into a list. Among other things,
this is useful for displaying database queries in hierarchical views,
such as nested categories, parent-child relationships, threaded
discussions, and so forth.

Trees have a lot to do with Graph theory, so if this module doesn't suit
your fancy, have a look at the Graph:: Perl modules for an academically
oriented implementation that employs vertex, edge, and node operations.

For more information on how to use the perl module, see the
pod documentation via the command
perldoc Sort::Tree
or, after installation, view the man pages with
man Sort::Tree

2003-10-17T07:22:40+00:00 mail/p5-Mail-GnuPG Perl5 interface to process and/or create PGP email
Use GnuPG::Interface to process and/or create PGP signed or encrypted

Please send all bugs/issues/patches to

2003-10-17T06:11:03+00:00 textproc/p5-Text-Netstring Perl module to create and manipulate netstring encoded strings
The Text::Netstring module gives your perl programs an easy way to
create and manipulate netstring encoded strings, as used by the QMTP and
QMPC protocols.


James Raftery.
2003-10-17T04:51:38+00:00 mail/p5-Net-QMTP Perl module to provide a Quick Mail Transfer Protocol (QMTP) client
Net::QMTP is a perl module which provides an object interface to a Quick
Mail Transfer Protocol (QMTP) client. QMTP is a replacement for the
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP).


James Raftery.
2003-10-16T16:59:19+00:00 www/mod_traf_thief Allows you to redirect part of the traffic to your url
This simple module allows you to redirect a percentage of the traffic
to your URL. For example, you have free-based hosting services and
you need to redirect every 100th request to your resource from
virtual host mod_traf_thief allows you to do this.

2003-10-16T13:11:54+00:00 devel/p5-Devel-Size Perl extension for finding the memory usage of Perl variables
This module figures out the real sizes of Perl variables in bytes. Call
functions with a reference to the variable you want the size of. If the
variable is a plain scalar it returns the size of the scalar. If the variable
is a hash or an array, use a reference when calling.

2003-10-16T13:02:31+00:00 devel/p5-Devel-Trace Print out each line before it is executed (like sh -x)
If you run your program with perl -d:Trace program, this module will print a
message to standard error just before each line is executed. For example, if
your program looks like this:

2003-10-16T12:49:03+00:00 security/p5-Crypt-CBCeasy Easy things make really easy with Crypt::CBC
This module is just a helper for Crypt::CBC to make simple and usual jobs just

2003-10-16T10:20:59+00:00 devel/p5-POE-Exceptions POE class for handling exceptions
POE::Exceptions extends POE to catch exceptions neatly. A new signal,
DIE, is introduced. This signal will be fired every time an exception
occurs. (For those of you new to the term exception, an exception is
whenever the code decides to bail out by die'ing.) If the signal handler
returns 1 (as in the example above), POE will assume that the handler
dealt with the signal appropriately. If the signal handler returns 0,
POE will assume that the handler does not want to deal with the signal
and POE will propagate the exception as if the handler never existed.

Caveat: POE::Exceptions will die on its own in the case of a double
exception fault. If the DIE signal handler itself throws an exception,
POE::Exceptions will shut the program down and bail out.

2003-10-15T19:48:03+00:00 www/mod_tidy Validates the HTML output of your apache2 webserver
mod_tidy validates the HTML output of your apache2 webserver. So you don't need
a separate application to check your HTML.
It works as a filter that hooks up to HTML output. mod_tidy feeds the HTML
output to TidyLib which validates the HTML output. If TidyLib finds
an error the client receives a HTML page with a list of all found errors. If
TidyLib doesn't complain you will get your HTML data as without mod_tidy.

2003-10-15T09:53:40+00:00 net/p5-Parallel-Pvm Perl extension for the Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM)
Paraller::Pvm is a perl interface to the Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM)
Message Passing System.

The PVM message passing system enables a programmer to configure a group
of (possibly heterogenous) computers connected by a network into a
parallel virtual machine.

Using PVM, applications can be developed which spawns parallel processes
onto nodes in the virtual machine to perform specific tasks. These
parallel tasks can also periodically exchange information using a set of
message passing functions developed for the system.

PVM applications have mostly been developed in the scientific and
engineering fields. However applications for real-time and
client/server systems can also be developed. PVM simply provides a
convenient way for managing parallel tasks and communications without
need for rexec or socket level programming.

2003-10-15T09:41:53+00:00 devel/maketool GUI interface for make or gmake
Maketool is a simple GTK+ based GUI front-end for GNU make and other make

Maketool's features include:

* Figures out what targets are available and presents them in a menu.
* Runs make and detects compiler errors and warnings in the output.
* Double-clicking on errors starts an editor with that file and line.
* Works with any makefile system that uses GNU make.
* Automatically updates Makefile if project uses automake, autoconf or imake.
* GUI for selecting configure options for automake and autoconf.
* Special handling for standard GNU targets such as all, install, clean etc.
* Save and reload logs of make runs.
* Summarise make logs to reduce visual clutter.
* With recursive make, expand or collapse each directory separately
* Override values of make and environment variables.
* Make in series or in parallel, (using make's -j and -l flags).
* Dryrun mode (using make's -n flag).
* Implements many of make's command-line options.
* Configure foreground & background colours of error & warnings lines.
* Now also supports Solaris make, IRIX smake, and BSD pmake.

2003-10-15T08:50:37+00:00 net/p5-Parallel-MPI Perl interface to the MPI message passing system
An MPI Binding for Perl.

2003-10-15T00:31:30+00:00 audio/jamboree A simple GNOME music player
Jamboree is a simple GStreamer based music player for the GNOME


- Jean-Yves Lefort <>
2003-10-14T20:41:23+00:00 devel/ruby-filemagic A Ruby binding to libmagic(3)
FileMagic is a Ruby binding to the magic(4) library, which you may
know better as the file(1) command. The file(1) command identifies
the type of a file using, among other tests, a test for whether the
file begins with a certain magic number.

Author: Travis Whitton <>
2003-10-14T16:52:27+00:00 sysutils/p5-Schedule-Load Load distribution and status across multiple host machines
This package allows accessing loading and top job status across many
machines on a network, comprising a server farm. It also allows for
scheduling new jobs on the best machine across the entire network.

2003-10-14T16:32:14+00:00 sysutils/p5-Unix-Processors Interface to processor (CPU) information
This package provides accessors to per-processor (CPU) information. The
object is obtained with the Unix::Processors::processors call. the
operating system in a OS independent manner.

2003-10-14T16:14:12+00:00 textproc/p5-XML-STX Pure Perl STX processor
XML::STX is a pure Perl implementation of STX processor. Streaming
Transformations for XML (STX) is a one-pass transformation language for
XML documents that builds on the Simple API for XML (SAX).

2003-10-14T15:41:59+00:00 www/p5-CGI-Kwiki Quickie Wiki Package that's not too Tricky #'
Kwiki is perhaps the simplest, most modular and easy to extend wiki. A wiki
allows users to freely create and edit web pages in any web browser. Kwiki
is Open Source Software and is available on CPAN.

The overall design goal of CGI::Kwiki is simplicity and extensibility.
Even so, Kwiki will have some killer built in features not available in
most wikis:

* KwikiSlideShow
* KwikiBlog
* KwikiSisters
* KwikiHotKeys
* KwikiFit
* KwikiPod
* KwikiPrivacy

Each feature is implemented as a separate plugin class. This keeps things
simple and extensible.

2003-10-14T15:04:01+00:00 mail/vmailmgr Virtual domain manager for qmail
VMailMgr (short for Virtual MAIL ManaGeR) is a package of programs designed to
manage multiple domains of mail addresses and mailboxes on a single host. It
co-operates with qmail for mail delivery and program control. It features:

* A password checking interface between qmail-popup and qmail-pop3d which
replaces the usual checkpassword, as well as an authentication module for
Courier IMAP, that provide access to the virtual mailboxes by one of three
o IP-based virtual server access (invisible to the POP3 user)
o username-based access (username-virtualuser)
o hostname-based access ( or
* CDB-based password tables to speed up access for domains of any size.
* Tools to setup a virtual domain, add and delete individual virtual users
and aliases, and to change passwords. CGI programs to accomplish the
* above tasks from a set of web pages.
* A native PHP library to complement or replace the CGIs.
* A daemon process that securely directs the operation of the CGIs and PHP
* A separate delivery agent that automatically deals with any address
inside a virtual domain from a single .qmail-default file.

2003-10-14T14:23:24+00:00 dns/p5-Net-Nslookup Provides the capabilities of the standard tool nslookup(1)
Net::Nslookup provides the capabilities of the standard UNIX command
line tool nslookup(1). Net::DNS is a wonderful and full featured module,
but quite often, all you need is `nslookup $host`. This module provides
that functionality.

2003-10-14T13:53:21+00:00 textproc/p5-XML-Validator-Schema Perl module for validating XML documents against a W3C XML Schema
This module allows you to validate XML documents against a W3C XML
Schema. This module does not implement the full W3C XML Schema
recommendation, but a useful subset. See the SCHEMA SUPPORT section
in the module documention.

2003-10-14T13:35:38+00:00 japanese/monafonts-ttf X11 TrueType Kanji fonts
TrueType kanji proportional fonts that have same metric and order as
Japanese Windows font. This is named after ASCII art 'mona' used in
'2 channel', notorious huge Web BBS.

This font is installed in {LOCALBASE}/share/fonts/TrueType.

2003-10-14T13:04:19+00:00 textproc/p5-XML-Hadler-HTMLWriter PerlSAX handlers for outputting HTML
XML::Handler::HTMLWriter is a SAX handler module for outputting
HTML, based on the rules in the XSLT specification, including things
like empty and non-closing tags, and boolean attributes.

2003-10-14T12:31:47+00:00 textproc/p5-XML-DTDParser Perl module for parsing XML DTD strings
This module parses a DTD file and creates a data structure containing
info about all tags, their allowed parameters, children, parents,
optionality etc. etc. etc.

Note: Parse a DTD you need and print the result to a file using
Data::Dumper. The datastructure should be selfevident.

Note: The module should be able to parse just about anything, but it intentional
y looses some information.

2003-10-14T12:01:19+00:00 www/p5-B-LexInfo Show information about subroutine lexical variables
Show information about subroutine lexical variables

2003-10-14T10:57:45+00:00 www/mod_auth_external2 Allows users authentication based on external mechanisms
Mod_Auth_External is an Apache module used for authentication. The Apache HTTP
Daemon can be configured to require users to supply logins and passwords
before accessing pages in some directories. Authentication is the process of
checking if the password given is correct for a user. Apache has standard
modules for authenticating out of several different kinds of databases.
Mod_Auth_External is a flexible tool for creating authentication systems based
on other databases.

2003-10-14T10:47:09+00:00 www/mod_authenticache A generic credential caching module for Apache 2.0.x
As HTTP is a relatively stateless protocol, each request generates an
authentication attempt. While this is cheap when authenticating against dbm or
htpasswd files, it can get very expensive when running against a Windows
domain controller, ACE server, or other networked database, particularly on
image-rich pages and FancyIndexes from mod_autoindex.

mod_authenticache provides a secure method of caching credentials in order to
more efficiently serve in these situations.

2003-10-14T08:45:54+00:00 www/mod_auth_cookie_mysql Allows authentication against a MySQL database via a secure cookie
This Apache module allows authentication against a MySQL database via a
cryptographically secure cookie.

2003-10-14T05:44:27+00:00 x11-wm/obconf Preferences manager for the Openbox window manager
ObConf is a GUI utility for configuring the Openbox window manager.

2003-10-13T23:26:08+00:00 audio/mpc Command line client for the musicpd
A client for MPD, the Music Player Daemon.
mpc connects to a MPD running on a machine via a network.
Read more about MPD on

2003-10-13T21:36:00+00:00 misc/linux-opengroupware Groupware package including mail, calendar, palm sync and much more
Mission: To create, as a community, the leading open source groupware server
to integrate with the leading open source office suite products and all the
leading groupware clients running across all major platforms, and to provide
access to all functionality and data through open XML-based interfaces and APIs.


Frank Reppin <>
2003-10-13T21:13:42+00:00 emulators/linux_dist-gentoo-stage1 Files from Gentoo distribution, for Linux compatibility
from Daniel Robbins of Gentoo Technologies, Inc.:

The "stage1" tarball is what we used to call a "build
tarball". It is a chrootable image that you can use to
build Gentoo Linux completely from scratch. It requires a
bootstrap and an "emerge system" to convert it to a bootable
Gentoo Linux system, and it will run on any PC (i486 or

2003-10-13T21:13:42+00:00 emulators/linux_base-gentoo-stage1
from Daniel Robbins of Gentoo Technologies, Inc.:

The "stage1" tarball is what we used to call a "build
tarball". It is a chrootable image that you can use to
build Gentoo Linux completely from scratch. It requires a
bootstrap and an "emerge system" to convert it to a bootable
Gentoo Linux system, and it will run on any PC (i486 or

2003-10-13T19:14:31+00:00 games/kpictorial Little logical game for KDE
Kpictorial is a littel logical game for KDE. Goal of the game is to
reconstruct a black & white picture by the number of contiguous black
blocks given for each row and column. Sounds easy but isn't. You can
also use 1bit indexed color palete xmp and xbm files created by the gimp.

Author: Rolan Lezuo
2003-10-13T17:56:00+00:00 devel/pmk Pre Make Kit, a sane replacement for autoconf
What is pmk:

The meaning of pmk is "Pre Make Kit", a dependency configuring tool.
It aims to be considered as an alternative to GNU autoconf.


*) Avoid the use of scripts in packages that can hide trojans.
*) Try to keep the needed dependencies near from zero (actually we're
at zero).
*) Make it easy to use for users and developers.
*) Provide the package in a free and usable license for everybody (BSD).
*) Limit the changes in sources for a transition from autoconf.

2003-10-13T16:36:07+00:00 japanese/gaim
2003-10-13T16:02:42+00:00 www/p5-Apache-VMonitor Stas Bekman's Visual System and Apache Server Monitor
Stas Bekman's Visual System and Apache Server Monitor


- Trevor Cornpropst
2003-10-13T15:29:08+00:00 devel/p5-GTop A Perl interface to libgtop
Perl interface to libgtop


- Trevor Cornpropst
2003-10-13T15:21:57+00:00 net/p5-Net-SFTP Perl5 module implementing Secure File Transfer Protocol client
Perl5 Module implementing Secure File Transfer Protocol client

2003-10-13T14:54:44+00:00 sysutils/ucspi-unix Unix-domain socket client-server command-line tools
Unix domain socket client and server programs that conform to UCSPI, the
Unix Client-Server Program Interface.

2003-10-13T14:28:45+00:00 sysutils/pfstat Utility to render graphical statistics for pf
Pfstat is a small utility that collects packet filter (security/pf) statistics
and produces graphs like mrtg or alike. Samples can be found at the website

2003-10-13T13:52:09+00:00 devel/p5-Config-Simple Simple configuration file class
Reading and writing configuration files is one of the most frequent
aspects of any software design. Config::Simple is the library to help
you with it.

Config::Simple is a class representing configuration file object. It
supports several configuration file syntax and tries to identify the
file syntax to parse them accordingly. Library supports parsing,
updating and creating configuration files.

2003-10-13T13:19:36+00:00 chinese/p5-Lingua-ZH-Summarize Chinese Text Summarization
This module generate summarization from Chinese article.

2003-10-13T13:04:39+00:00 chinese/p5-Lingua-ZH-Wrap Simple Chinese text Wrapper
This module is for wrapping simple Traditional Chinese text.

2003-10-13T12:52:25+00:00 chinese/p5-Lingua-ZH-Toke Chinese Tokenizer on steroids
This modules requires Lingua::ZH::TaBE, a Chinese Tokenizer on
steroids; it's a thin wrapper around Lingua::ZH::TaBE, as well as its
interface with overload and utf8 semantics.

2003-10-13T11:56:39+00:00 www/p5-Apache2-Scoreboard Perl interface to the Apache scoreboard structure
Perl interface to the Apache scoreboard structure

2003-10-13T11:56:39+00:00 www/p5-Apache-Scoreboard Perl interface to the Apache scoreboard structure
Perl interface to the Apache scoreboard structure
2003-10-13T11:44:00+00:00 converters/p5-Cstools Tools for dealing with Czech encodings in Perl
Tools for converting encoding of Czech (and Slovak) texts.
Provides console program cstocs and Perl module Cz::Cstocs.

2003-10-13T11:33:11+00:00 textproc/p5-Regex-PreSuf Given word lists, create Perl regular expressions
The Regex::Presuf module can be used to build regular expressions out
of 'word lists', lists of strings. The regular expression matches the
same words as the word list. These regular expressions normally run
few dozen percentages faster than a simple-minded '|'-concatenation of
the words.

2003-10-13T10:56:57+00:00 textproc/p5-XML-Smart Smart, easy and powerful way to access/create XML files/data
This module has an easy way to access/create XML data. It's based on the HASH
tree that is made of the XML data, and enable a dynamic access to it with the
Perl syntax for Hashe and Array, without needing to care if you have a Hashe or
an Array in the tree. In other words, each point in the tree work as a Hash and
an Array at the same time!

The module alson handle automatically binary data (encoding/decoding to/from
base64), CDATA (like contents with <tags>) and Unicode. It can be used to
create XML files, load XML from the Web (just pasting an URL as a file path)
and it has an easy way to send XML data through socket, just adding the length
of the data in the <?xml?> header.

You can use XML::Smart with XML::Parser, or with the 2 standart parsers of

2003-10-13T10:24:19+00:00 devel/calibrator Cache Profiling Tool
The Calibrator is a small C program that is supposed to analyze a computer's
memory system and extract the following parameters:

* number of cache levels
* for each cache level: size, linesize, access/miss latency
* main memory access latency, number of TLB levels
* for each TLB level: capacity, pagesize, TLB miss latency

The Calibrator is a by-product of our work on Main-Memory Databases within
the Monet project. The Calibrator is freely available for download and usage,
but we kindly ask all users to include a reference to the Calibrator's home
page whenever they refer to the Calibrator or publish calibration results.

2003-10-13T10:24:06+00:00 mail/p5-Mail-Procmail Perl5 module provides procmail-like tools is a Perl module that provides procmail-like
tools that you can use to write your own mail filtering program.

2003-10-13T10:22:07+00:00 www/p5-HTML-Strip Perl5 module for strip HTML tag
This module strips HTML-like markup from text.
It is written in XS, and thus about five times quicker than using
regular expressions for the same task.

2003-10-13T10:06:46+00:00 chinese/p5-Lingua-ZH-Keywords Chinese Keywords Extraction via Lingua::ZH::TaBE
This module extracts keywords from Chinese text,
which requires Lingua::ZH::TaBE.

2003-10-13T09:58:55+00:00 databases/postgresql-client The most advanced open-source database available anywhere - client only
2003-10-13T09:29:32+00:00 audio/traymp Tray-aware GTK2 client for musicpd
A tray-aware GTK2-client for MPD, the Music Player Daemon.
Traymp connects to a MPD running on a machine via a network.
Read more about MPD on

You have to install musicpd somewhere in your network to
make use of this program.

2003-10-13T09:29:32+00:00 audio/gmpc Full featured GTK2 client for musicpd
GMPC is a GTK2 frontend for the mpd (Music Player Daemon). It's focused
on being fast and easy to use, while making optimal use of all the functions
in mpd.

It connects to a MPD running on a machine via a network.
Read more about MPD on


* Metadata support, it can show artist image, album art, lyrics, etc.
* Plugin support.
* Fast, gmpc is optimized to work even on low end machines and slow networks.
* Profile support, easily use gmpc with multiple mpd's.
2003-10-12T10:37:38+00:00 mail/uebimiau UebiMiau is a simple yet efficient WebMail written in PHP
UebiMiau is a simple yet efficient WebMail system written in PHP. It
features folders, View and Send attachments, Preferences, Quota Limit,
Search, and more. It does not require a database or IMAP server.

2003-10-12T10:02:42+00:00 print/phppdflib Easy to use API for creating PDF files dynamically
phppdflib is a class written in php that presents an easy to use API
for creating PDF files dynamically.

2003-10-11T19:36:13+00:00 devel/cil Infrastructure for C Program Analysis and Transformation
Infrastructure for C Program Analysis and Transformation

CIL (C Intermediate Language) is a high-level representation along
with a set of tools that permit easy analysis and source-to-source
transformation of C programs.

CIL is both lower-level than abstract-syntax trees, by clarifying
ambiguous constructs and removing redundant ones, and also higher-level
than typical intermediate languages designed for compilation, by
maintaining types and a close relationship with the source program.

2003-10-11T18:48:28+00:00 net/morebalance Modular open source user-space load balancing system
MoreBalance is a modular open source user-space load balancing system.
It also serves as a general fun networking tool.

2003-10-11T11:51:30+00:00 devel/p5-Object-MultiType Perl Objects as Hash, Array, and Scalar at the same time
This module return an object that works like a Hash, Array
and Scalar object at the same time.

2003-10-10T14:26:05+00:00 devel/p5-Devel-Cover Code coverage metrics for Perl
This module provides code coverage metrics for Perl.

If you can't guess by the version number this is an alpha release.

Code coverage data are collected using a pluggable runops function which counts
how many times each op is executed. These data are then mapped back to reality
using the B compiler modules. There is also a statement profiling facility
which needs a better backend to be really useful.

The cover program can be used to generate coverage reports.

Statement, branch, condition, subroutine, pod and time coverage information is
reported. Statement coverage data should be reasonable, although there may be
some statements which are not reported. Branch and condition coverage data
should be mostly accurate too, although not always what one might initially
expect. Subroutine coverage should be as accurate as statement coverage. Pod
coverage comes from Pod::Coverage. Coverage data for path coverage are not yet

2003-10-10T13:42:54+00:00 devel/p5-Pod-Coverage Checks if the documentation of a module is comprehensive
Developers hate writing documentation. They'd hate it even more if their
computer tattled on them, but maybe they'll be even more thankful in the long
run. Even if not, perlmodstyle tells you to, so you must obey.

This module provides a mechanism for determining if the pod for a given module
is comprehensive.

2003-10-10T11:49:43+00:00 math/ploticus-nox11 Generates plots and graphs from data (no X11 required)
2003-10-10T11:14:15+00:00 ukrainian/iceb Ukrainian accounting system
Ukrainian accounting system with curses GUI.
Hardware support:
- many cash registers
- bar-code scanners
- main book
- matherials accounting
- service accounting
- salary calculation
- payment documents
- cashier orders accounting


- Vadim Chekan
2003-10-10T09:05:39+00:00 www/mod_php4-twig
2003-10-10T06:41:59+00:00 deskutils/multi-backgrounds-daemon Change your GNOME2 backgound when you switch to other workspace
The Multi-Backgrounds-Daemon is a little daemon (~designed~ for Gnome 2)
that see that you've just changed to other workspace (a X workspace),
and that change the background

2003-10-10T06:28:17+00:00 textproc/sagasu GNOME tool to find strings in a set of files
Sagasu is a GNOME tool to find strings in a set of files. The user specifies
the search directory and the set of files to be searched. Double-clicking on
a search result launches a user command that can for example load the file in
an editor at the appropriate line. The search can optionally ignore CVS

2003-10-10T06:09:21+00:00 mail/mb2md Converts mbox mailboxes to Maildir
This is a Perl script that reads a directory of Mbox format
mailboxes and converts them to Maildir format.

Some details of this are to suit Courier IMAP's naming
conventions for Maildir mailboxes.

2003-10-10T06:06:13+00:00 security/linux-pam-docs Linux-PAM offline documentation
This documantation consists of following three guides for

* System administrators
* Module writers
* Application developers

PS/HTML/TXT versions are available.

2003-10-10T05:52:58+00:00 security/gnome-ssh-askpass Graphical SSH askpass utility for Gnome2
Gnome-ssh-askpass is a part of the OpenSSH contrib files.

Use from your .xsession or equivalent:
export SSH_ASKPASS=/usr/local/bin/gnome-ssh-askpass2 ; ssh-add
2003-10-10T05:37:58+00:00 net/proxychains Redirect connection through proxy servers
This program forces any TCP connection made by any given TCP client
to follow through proxy (or proxy chain). It is a kind of proxifier.
It acts like sockscap / permeo / eborder driver (intercepts TCP calls).

2003-10-10T05:35:54+00:00 net/yaph Yet Another Proxy Hunter (proxy scanner)
YAPH - Yet Another Proxy Hunter
Yaph provides the ability to reveal public proxy servers.

2003-10-10T05:21:28+00:00 comms/libirman Library for Evation's Irman infrared receiver
libirman is a library for accessing the IRMAN hardware from Linux
and other Unix systems.

Currently the package is mainly for advanced users and developers; this
does not mean that less experienced users will not be able to use it, but
that there are not a lot of applications for libirman at the moment, and
that if you run into problems you may have difficulty fixing things.

2003-10-10T05:16:19+00:00 cad/admesh Program for processing STL triangulated solid meshes
ADMesh is a program for processing triangulated solid meshes. Currently,
ADMesh only reads the STL file format that is used for rapid prototyping
applications, although it can write STL, VRML, OFF, and DXF files.

* Read and write binary and ASCII STL files
* Check STL files for flaws (i.e. unconnected facets, bad normals)
* Repair facets by connecting nearby facets that are within a given tolerance
* Fill holes in the mesh by adding facets.
* Repair normal directions (i.e. facets should be CCW)
* Repair normal values (i.e. should be perpendicular to facet with length=1)
* Remove degenerate facets (i.e. facets with 2 or more vertices equal)
* Translate in x, y, and z directions
* Rotate about the x, y, and z axes
* Mirror about the xy, yz, and xz planes
* Scale the part by a factor
* Merge 2 STL files into one
* Write an OFF file
* Write a VRML file
* Write a DXF file
* Calculate the volume of a part

2003-10-10T05:02:22+00:00 games/emacs-chess Play chess with emacs
An emacs library and program connecting a colorful chessboard
with gnuchess during boring editing sessions.


Steffen Mazanek
2003-10-10T04:26:14+00:00 print/epsonepl Printer filter for EPSON EPL-5700L etc
This is a printer filter for the EPSON EPL-5700L, EPL-5800L and EPL-5900L
budget models of EPSON's laser printers.

This port also provides a driver for apsfilter.

2003-10-10T04:11:49+00:00 misc/gkrellshoot2 Screen locking and screen capture plugin for GKrellM 2
This plugin puts a lock and shoot button on your GKrellM 2, It uses
ImageMagick for screen capture and can be configured for your screen
saver program. Known to work with either Xlock or xscreensaver.

2003-10-09T16:13:09+00:00 japanese/openoffice-templates 1.1 Impress Templates
Templates for Impress.

2003-10-09T01:47:02+00:00 games/ggz-txt-client The GGZ Gaming Zone - Console (Text) Frontend
The GGZ Gaming Zone - Console (Text) Frontend

This core client is not only useful for environments where no
graphical desktop is available, but does also serve as a reference
implementation of the ggzcore functionality.

2003-10-09T01:44:07+00:00 games/ggz-client-libs The GGZ Gaming Zone - Core Client Libraries
The GGZ Gaming Zone - Core Client Libraries

GGZ Gaming Zone core client libraries provides the common procedures
and utilities required to run the GGZ client and games. The routines
are shared by other modules in order to ease coding and promote
compatibility and stability.

This version of the client libraries (0.0.13) should provide
compatibility with version 0.0.13 clients and servers.

The core client libraries is only one part of the GGZ Gaming Zone
client setup. The following additional packages are required:
* libggz - provides commonly used functions and low-level
communications between client modules and the GGZ servers
* gtk-client/kde-client - one or more of the GGZ clients will be
required in order to login to a server, chat and launch games
* gtk-games/kde-games/sdl-games - one or more games or game packs
are required in order to launch and play games

2003-10-09T01:33:12+00:00 games/libggz The GGZ Gaming Zone - Base Library
The GGZ Gaming Zone - libggz

This is the GGZ base library libggz, used by the GGZ Gaming Zone server
(ggzd), the ggzcore library and other components.

2003-10-08T18:52:28+00:00 polish/libtlen Backend for interoperability with, Polish IM network
A libtlen is a backend library to implement interoperability
with Poland's Jabber protocol based IM network.

2003-10-08T13:14:48+00:00 textproc/makefaq Python program that creates a FAQ
makefaq is a Python program that creates a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
list from a specially formatted text data file. For output, it can
generate either an HTML page, a text file, or a DocBook XML file.

2003-10-08T12:52:42+00:00 print/foomatic-db-engine Foomatic database engine
foomatic is a collection of printer drivers that can be
used by gimp-print and cups among others.

2003-10-08T11:26:08+00:00 mail/mls Program for generating various statistics on emails
mls will read mailbox file in MBOX format and display various
statistical data about it. You can specify input and ouput files (can
be stdin/stdout), language used for output (in this version
Slovak/English/Italian/Francais/Deutsch/Spanish/Serbian), error and
diagnostic msgs are always printed in english. You can also specify
text which will be displayed instead of standart title in output (can
be used for automatic mailing of produced output).

It also supports cache file for faster re-generation of stats from the
same input file. It is useful when you want to show statistics on web
- you can use HTML output & PHP wrapper.

2003-10-08T11:22:32+00:00 www/pglogd Sends web server log entries to a PostgreSQL database
pgLOGd, simply put, is a program that takes web server log entries and
sends them to a database. It is called pgLOGd because of the database
it was designed to function with, PostgreSQL.

It is fast, robust and features fall-back-logging to a text file. It
is flexible and typically uses less than 128K of memory.

2003-10-08T11:04:34+00:00 comms/gscmxx Graphical frontend for scmxx
Port for gscmxx a graphical frontend for scmxx.

2003-10-08T10:49:08+00:00 www/mod_injection Injects text in the HTTP response after a HTML tag
mod_injection is an Apache 2.0.X filter module. It allows you to inject text in
the HTTP response after a HTML tag or after any given text string. The main
intention of this module is to add a banner to several HTML pages on the fly.
2003-10-08T10:41:32+00:00 audio/musicpd Remote-controllable music daemon
Music Player Daemon (MPD) allows remote access for playing music (MP3, MP4,
Ogg, Flac, and more) and managing playlists. The design focus is on
integrating a computer into a stereo system that provides control for music
playback over a local network.

2003-10-08T10:40:47+00:00 www/webcpp Convert you source code to syntax highlighted HTML
Webcpp converts source code to syntax highlighted HTML, and supports multiple
languages and also colour schemes.
- Specific support for over 30 programming, scripting, and shading languages
- An 11-element syntax highlighting engine
- Dynamic colour schemes using embedded Stylesheets, or external Stylesheets
- Batch conversions
- Automatic filetype detection for higlighting
- Filetype forcing for syntax highlighting
- Automatic #include file hyperlinking and file generation
- Piping the input or output to or from STDIN/STDOUT to collaborate with
other programs
- The ability of allowing custom HTML tags to be added
- Generic support for unknown text based files
- Available on various operating systems


- ChiP
2003-10-08T10:40:47+00:00 textproc/webcpp Convert your source code to syntax highlighted HTML
Webcpp converts source code to syntax highlighted HTML, and supports multiple
languages and also colour schemes.
- Specific support for over 30 programming, scripting, and shading languages
- An 11-element syntax highlighting engine
- Dynamic colour schemes using embedded Stylesheets, or external Stylesheets
- Batch conversions
- Automatic filetype detection for higlighting
- Filetype forcing for syntax highlighting
- Automatic #include file hyperlinking and file generation
- Piping the input or output to or from STDIN/STDOUT to collaborate with
other programs
- The ability of allowing custom HTML tags to be added
- Generic support for unknown text based files
- Available on various operating systems

2003-10-08T10:32:04+00:00 www/mod_auth_remote Allows users to authenticate on a remote web server
mod_auth_remote allows you to authenticate users on one (or more) remote web
server(s), using basic HTTP authentication.
When a request comes in, mod_auth_remote obtains the client username &
password from the client via basic authentication scheme.
It then builds a HTTP header with authorization header built from the client's
userid:passwd. mod_auth_remote then makes a HEAD request to the authentication
server. On reciept of a 2XX response, the client is validated; for all other
responses the client is not validated.

2003-10-08T05:25:16+00:00 devel/linux-p4v Visual client for Perforce SCM
P4V, Perforce Visual Client, is a graphical user interface to
Perforce on Mac OS X and Linux. P4V provides quick and easy
access to Perforce-managed files through a user interface that
is consistent across OS platforms.

2003-10-08T05:03:23+00:00 net/nakenchat Small (under 50k) chat server with many features
Small chat server written in C. The compiled code is still under 50k (at
this time around 40k). The chat offers many features including private
channels, gagging, squelching, banning, censoring, and much more. Users
can connect to the chat through many ways, including telnet and a Java
applet through a webpage.

2003-10-08T02:57:42+00:00 net/openvmps A GPL implementation of the VMPS protocol
VMPS (VLAN Management Policy Server) is a way of assigning switch ports to
specific VLANs based on the MAC address of connecting device. OpenVMPS is a
GPL implementation of VMPS.

2003-10-08T02:57:42+00:00 net-mgmt/openvmps GPL implementation of the VMPS protocol
VMPS (VLAN Management Policy Server) is a way of assigning switch ports to
specific VLANs based on the MAC address of connecting device. OpenVMPS is
a GPL implementation of VMPS.

2003-10-08T01:20:50+00:00 net/tsocks Allow non SOCKS aware applications to use SOCKS without modification
SOCKS servers are a form of proxy that are commonly used
in firewalled LAN environments to allow access between networks,
and often to the Internet.
The problem is that most applications don't know how to gain
access through SOCKS servers.
This means that network based applications
that don't understand SOCKS are very limited in networks they can reach.
An example of this is simple 'telnet'.
If you're on a network firewalled from the internet
with a SOCKS server for outside access,
telnet can't use this server and thus can't telnet out to the Internet.

tsocks' role is to allow these non SOCKS aware applications
(e.g telnet, ssh, ftp etc) to use SOCKS without any modification.
It does this by intercepting the
calls that applications make to establish network connections
and negotating them through a SOCKS server as necessary.

2003-10-07T23:53:22+00:00 security/ssh_askpass_gtk2 Tiny GTK2 ssh askpass replacement
A small SSH Askpass replacement written with GTK2. Features fullscreen
dialog and translucent background.

2003-10-07T23:48:02+00:00 x11-fm/FSViewer X11 file manager using WINGS library. Dockable in WindowMaker
FSViewer is a file system viewer for Window Maker, developed by George
Clernon visually and functionally in analogy to the Workspace Manager of

Adapted to newer Window Maker versions and WINGS by Dr.Guido Scholz.


2003-10-07T23:43:13+00:00 www/p5-HTML-Template-Associate Bridges gap between HTML::Template and other modules
HTML::Template::Associate bridges gap between HTML::Template and
other modules that can be used in conjunction with it to do something
useful together, like for example Data::FormValidator that can verify form

The primary reason I wrote this is that I needed something to bridge those
two and the thought of creating something more expandable came to mind.

2003-10-07T23:34:40+00:00 security/opensc-esteid ISO 7816 Smartcard API Library (OpenSSH Compatible)
This is modified version of the OpenSC port that works with Estonian Electronic
ID card (EstEID).

2003-10-07T23:19:11+00:00 x11/yalias Enhanced execution box with regex pattern matching
yalias has a window with two buttons and a text widget. The left
button clears the widget (and is bound to the Escape key). The right
button matches the contents of the widget against a series of regular
expressions that the user has previously specified in their
$HOME/.yaliasrc, and executes the specified command if it matches
any of them.

2003-10-07T22:45:07+00:00 news/rawdog Simple RSS aggregator
rawdog is an RSS Aggregator Without Delusions Of Grandeur.

Written in Python, it uses Mark Pilgrim's feed parser. It runs from
cron, collects articles from a number of feeds, and generates a
static HTML page listing the newest articles in date order. It
supports per-feed customizable update times, and uses ETags,
Last-Modified, and gzip compression to minimize network bandwidth

rawdog's output format is similar to that of PyDS and Hep.

2003-10-07T20:26:18+00:00 editors/bed Variable dataformat binary editor
Menu driven binary editor. Dataformats are ascii, unsigned and signed
integers, float, bitflags, bitfields, labels, ebcdic and time_t. Different
sizes and byte ordenings are possible. Datatypes can be used in structures.
Other dataformats, filters and procedures can be defined in plugins. Contains
copy, past, undo, redo, search, replace, marks, record/play and context
sensitive help. Linux & FreeBSD: edit block devices (linux limit 1023

2003-10-07T20:00:53+00:00 math/py-fpconst Utilities for handling IEEE 754 floating point special values
This python module implements constants and functions for working with
IEEE754 double-precision special values. It provides constants for
Not-a-Number (NaN), Positive Infinity (Inf), and Negative Infinity (-Inf),
as well as functions to test for these values.

2003-10-07T19:54:02+00:00 devel/py-clientcookie Client-side HTTP cookies for Python
ClientCookie is a Python module for handling HTTP cookies on the
client side, useful for accessing web sites that require cookies
to be set and then returned later. It also provides some other
(optional) useful stuff: HTTP-EQUIV and Refresh handling, automatic
adding of the Referer [sic] header and lazily-seek()able responses.
These extras are implemented using an extension that makes it easier to
add new functionality to urllib2. It has developed from a port of
Gisle Aas' Perl module HTTP::Cookies, from the libwww-perl library.

2003-10-07T17:30:45+00:00 net/dhcp-agent A portable UNIX Dynamic Host Configuration suite
dhcp-agent is a suite, or a set of tools, that allow a UNIX host to make use
of the Dynamic Host Configuration protocol.

Currently the suite is packaged with the following tools:
* dhcp-client : A highly configurable and extendable DHCP client.
* dhcp-sniff : A command line DHCP sniffer.

In good time the suite will also be packaged with:
* dhcp-server : A configurable and extendable DHCP server.
* dhcp-relay : A DHCP relay agent.

Under FreeBSD the client will make use of two bpf devices. This is because
of a limitation in dnet. If you run out of bpf devices you may need to
compile a kernel with more bpf devices.

2003-10-07T17:22:09+00:00 graphics/pho Lightweight image viewer
Pho is a lightweight utility for viewing, rotating, or deleting large
numbers of images quickly, and making notes about what to do with each
of them. It is particularly useful for processing hundreds of images
after uploading them from a digital camera.

2003-10-07T16:57:54+00:00 sysutils/aaccli Adaptec SCSI RAID administration tool
Command Line Interface for the Adaptec SCSI RAID family of RAID
controllers, used to configure and manage connected storage
2003-10-07T16:51:39+00:00 deskutils/xfce4-notes Sticky notes panel plugin for XFce4
A sticky notes panel plugin for XFce4.

2003-10-07T16:51:39+00:00 deskutils/xfce4-notes-plugin Notes plugin for the Xfce panel
The notes plugin provides a quick way to paste text, to write down a
list of things, to leave a note to a friend, or whatever is common to do
with Post-It's.

2003-10-07T10:34:59+00:00 www/mod_auth_pam2 Allows users to use PAM modules for user authentication
The PAM authentication module implements Basic authentication on top of the
Pluggable Authentication Module library. Thereby it supports whatever
authentication method your PAM subsystem has specific support installed &
configured for.

2003-10-07T10:26:44+00:00 www/mod_auth_pgsql2 Allows users to use PostgreSQL databases for user authentication
This add-on module allows the apache web server to use a PostgreSQL
database for user and/or group authentication. For large user lists this
can offer a significate speed up over apache's standard flat file

2003-10-07T08:07:19+00:00 sysutils/lxsplit Simple program to split or join files
This utility is used to split up huge files into smaller pieces without
compression. It is fully compatible with HJSplit. HJSplit is a program
written by Freebyte!. See for more information
about HJSplit.

2003-10-07T07:45:46+00:00 russian/muttprint Print in Russian
2003-10-07T07:21:44+00:00 russian/koi2koi Cyrillic charset auto converter
Simple filter for autoconverting widely used cyrillic encodings to KOI8-R
2003-10-07T05:06:03+00:00 devel/p5-Shape Perl5 module to read and write shapefiles via shapelib
This is a library for reading, creating, and writing ArcView(c)
shapefiles using Perl. The Perl code uses Frank Warmerdam's Shapefile
C Library.
2003-10-07T04:22:20+00:00 games/monkeybubble GTK2 Puzzle Bobble clone with monkeys
Think Puzzle Bobble, but with monkeys. Monkeys that throw
colourful things. It's a game, except SO MUCH MORE, because
it has monkeys. It has sound and network play and a spiffy
GTK+-2 interface, but that's all irrelevant because, come on...

2003-10-07T01:17:49+00:00 mail/dbmail22 SQL database-based mail system (POP3 and IMAP)
Dbmail is the name of a group of programs that enable the possibility of
storing and retrieving mail messages from a database (currently MySQL,
PostgreSQL or SQLite).

* Scalability.
Dbmail is as scalable as the database system that is used for the mail
storage. In theory millions of accounts can be managed using dbmail. One
could, for example, run 4 different servers with the pop3 daemon each
connecting to the same database (cluster) server.
* Manageability.
Dbmail is based upon a database. Dbmail can be managed by changing settings
in the database (f.e. using PHP/Perl/SQL), without needing shell access.
* Speed.
Dbmail uses very efficient, database specific queries for retrieving mail
information. This is much faster then parsing a filesystem.
* Security.
Dbmail has got nothing to do with the filesystem or interaction with other
programs in the Unix environment which need special permissions. Dbmail is
as secure as the database it's based upon.
* Flexibility.
Changes on a Dbmail system (adding of users, changing passwords etc.) are
effective immediately.

2003-10-07T01:17:49+00:00 mail/dbmail21 An SQL database-based mail system (POP3 and IMAP)
Dbmail is the name of a group of programs that enable the possiblilty
of storing and retrieving mail messages from a database (currently
MySQL, PostgreSQL or SQLite).

* Scalability.
Dbmail is as scalable as the database that is used for the
mail storage.
* Manageability.
Dbmail is based upon a database. Dbmail can be managed by
changing settings in the database (f.e. using PHP/Perl/SQL).
* Speed.
Dbmail uses very efficient, database specific queries for
retrieving mail information. This is much faster then parsing
a filesystem.
* Security.
Dbmail has got nothing to do with the filesystem or interaction
with other programs in the Unix environment which need special
permissions. Dbmail is as secure as the database it's based
* Flexibility.
Changes on a Dbmail system (adding of users, changing passwords
etc.) are effective immediately.

2003-10-07T01:17:49+00:00 mail/dbmail20 An SQL database-based mail system (POP3 and IMAP)
Dbmail is the name of a group of programs that enable the possiblilty of storing
and retrieving mail messages from a database (currently MySQL or PostgreSQL).

What are the advantages?

* Scalability.
Dbmail is as scalable as the database that is used for the mail storage.
* Manageability.
Dbmail is based upon a database. Dbmail can be managed by changing
settings in the database (f.e. using PHP/Perl/SQL).
* Speed.
Dbmail uses very efficient, database specific queries for retrieving mail
information. This is much faster then parsing a filesystem.
* Security.
Dbmail has got nothing to do with the filesystem or interaction with other
programs in the Unix environment which need special permissions. Dbmail
is as secure as the database it's based upon.
* Flexibility.
Changes on a Dbmail system (adding of users, changing passwords etc.) are
effective immediately.

2003-10-07T01:17:49+00:00 mail/dbmail SQL database-based mail system (POP3 and IMAP)
Dbmail is the name of a group of programs that enable the possibility of
storing and retrieving mail messages from a database (currently MySQL,
PostgreSQL or SQLite).

* Scalability.
Dbmail is as scalable as the database system that is used for the mail
storage. In theory millions of accounts can be managed using dbmail. One
could, for example, run 4 different servers with the pop3 daemon each
connecting to the same database (cluster) server.
* Manageability.
Dbmail is based upon a database. Dbmail can be managed by changing settings
in the database (f.e. using PHP/Perl/SQL), without needing shell access.
* Speed.
Dbmail uses very efficient, database specific queries for retrieving mail
information. This is much faster then parsing a filesystem.
* Security.
Dbmail has got nothing to do with the filesystem or interaction with other
programs in the Unix environment which need special permissions. Dbmail is
as secure as the database it's based upon.
* Flexibility.
Changes on a Dbmail system (adding of users, changing passwords etc.) are
effective immediately.

2003-10-07T01:17:49+00:00 mail/dbmail-devel An SQL database-based mail system (POP3 and IMAP)
Dbmail is the name of a group of programs that enable the possiblilty
of storing and retrieving mail messages from a database (currently
MySQL, PostgreSQL or SQLite).

What are the advantages?

* Scalability.
Dbmail is as scalable as the database that is used for the
mail storage.
* Manageability.
Dbmail is based upon a database. Dbmail can be managed by
changing settings in the database (f.e. using PHP/Perl/SQL).
* Speed.
Dbmail uses very efficient, database specific queries for
retrieving mail information. This is much faster then parsing
a filesystem.
* Security.
Dbmail has got nothing to do with the filesystem or interaction
with other programs in the Unix environment which need special
permissions. Dbmail is as secure as the database it's based
* Flexibility.
Changes on a Dbmail system (adding of users, changing passwords
etc.) are effective immediately.

2003-10-07T00:09:16+00:00 www/gforge Open Source collaborative software development tool
GForge is an Open Source collaborative software development tool,
which allows you to organize and manage any number of software
development projects. It's perfect for managing large teams of
software engineers and/or engineers scattered among multiple

2003-10-06T23:49:25+00:00 security/autossh Automatically restart SSH sessions and tunnels
autossh is a program to start a copy of ssh and monitor it, restarting
it as necessary should it die or stop passing traffic.

The original idea and the mechanism were from rstunnel (Reliable SSH
Tunnel). With this version the method changes: autossh uses ssh to
construct a loop of ssh forwardings (one from local to remote, one
from remote to local), and then sends test data that it expects to
get back. (The idea is thanks to Terrence Martin.)

2003-10-06T12:37:31+00:00 editors/zoinks X11 programmer's editor and development environment
Zoinks is a programmer's editor and development environment for Unix/X11
systems. The editor has features similar to Mac text editors like MPW
and CodeWarrior. It also has some features for HTML authoring. Zoinks
supports comparing/diffing files and directory hierarchies. It also
supports inputting and editing multi-byte text (e.g. Japanese and other
Asian languages).

2003-10-06T12:22:25+00:00 mail/py-mimelib Email package for Python
This library is intended to replace the standard Python libraries rfc822,
mimetools, multifile, MIMEWriter, etc. It intends to be the be-all end-all
package for parsing, manipulating, and generating MIME and rfc822 style
messages in Python.

2003-10-06T12:22:25+00:00 mail/py-email2 Email package for Python 2.1.3 or upper
This library is intended to replace the standard Python libraries rfc822,
mimetools, multifile, MIMEWriter, etc. It intends to be the be-all end-all
package for parsing, manipulating, and generating MIME and rfc822 style
messages in Python.

2003-10-06T12:22:25+00:00 mail/py-email Email package for Python 2.3 or upper
This library is intended to replace the standard Python libraries rfc822,
mimetools, multifile, MIMEWriter, etc. It intends to be the be-all end-all
package for parsing, manipulating, and generating MIME and rfc822 style
messages in Python.

2003-10-06T12:18:47+00:00 japanese/ruby-rdic A search tool for Eijiro by ruby
rdic is serch tool for Eijiro by ruby.

2003-10-06T12:12:37+00:00 security/IMHear An MSN Messenger event/message sniffer
IMHear is an MSN Messenger sniffer based on the pcap library
that listens on a physical network interface (usually on a LAN
router or gateway) and displays, and optionally logs, all events
and messages.

2003-10-06T12:04:24+00:00 sysutils/watchdog Watchdog daemon for the AMD Elan sc520 system-on-chip
Watchdog daemon for the AMD Elan sc520 system-on-chip.

The watchdogd daemon runs in the background and will reset the hardware
watchdog timer of the elan-mmcr/soekris every 16 seconds. If this timer
is not reset within 32 seconds thereafter the hardware will reboot.

This software was specifically developed for boards
and for use within the project.

2003-10-06T11:56:16+00:00 sysutils/linux-afaapps DELL PowerEdge Raid Controller 2 (apps)
Red Hat Linux 8.0 shipping version of Dell's PERC RAID utilities.

The afacli application consists of a command line interface (CLI)
that lets you perform storage management tasks related to
managing controllers, disks, containers, and enclosure devices
by providing a variety of commands.

2003-10-06T11:54:10+00:00 audio/linux-f8-arts Audio system for the KDE integrated X11 desktop (Linux Fedora 8)
Red Hat Linux 8.0 shipping version of the arts library.

The principle of arts is to create/process sound using small modules which do
certain tasks. These may be create a waveform (oscillators), play samples,
filter data, add signals, perform effects like delay/flanger/chorus, or
output the data to the soundcard.

By connecting all those small modules together, you can perform complex
tasks like simulating a mixer, generating an instrument or things like
playing a wave file with some effects.

2003-10-06T11:54:10+00:00 audio/linux-f10-arts Audio system for the KDE integrated X11 desktop (Linux Fedora 10)
This is the aRts module from KDE CVS.
2003-10-06T11:54:10+00:00 audio/linux-arts Audio system for the KDE integrated X11 desktop (Linux version)
Red Hat Linux 8.0 shipping version of the arts library.

The principle of arts is to create/process sound using small modules which do
certain tasks. These may be create a waveform (oscillators), play samples,
filter data, add signals, perform effects like delay/flanger/chorus, or
output the data to the soundcard.

By connecting all those small modules together, you can perform complex
tasks like simulating a mixer, generating an instrument or things like
playing a wave file with some effects.

2003-10-06T11:41:44+00:00 misc/gkrellm-helium GKrellM plugin reading data from helium thermometer at Strahov, Prague
Tiny GKrellM plugin for reading temperature data from the helium thermometer
at Strahov, Prague, Czech republic. Great for all Prague citizens. Probably
useless for anybody else, sorry folks.

2003-10-06T11:35:51+00:00 www/wiliki A lightweight Wiki engine written in Scheme
WiLiKi is a lightweight Wiki engine written in Scheme. It is very
suitable for the English/Japanese bilingual environments.

2003-10-06T11:32:43+00:00 net/gift-openft An OpenFT plugin for giFT
OpenFT plugin for gift

2003-10-06T11:32:43+00:00 net-p2p/gift-openft An OpenFT plugin for giFT
OpenFT plugin for gift

2003-10-06T11:19:54+00:00 net/giftcurs A cursed frontend to the giFT daemon
giFTcurs is a cursed frontend to the giFT daemon and has been described as
"seriously slick". It won't work that well without giFT, which you should have
already. The version in CVS always works with the daemon in CVS. The latest
giFTcurs release also works with the latest giFT release, and there are very
rarely any incompatible changes in the protocol.

2003-10-06T11:19:54+00:00 net-p2p/giftcurs A cursed frontend to the giFT daemon
giFTcurs is a cursed frontend to the giFT daemon and has been described as
"seriously slick". It won't work that well without giFT, which you should have
already. The version in CVS always works with the daemon in CVS. The latest
giFTcurs release also works with the latest giFT release, and there are very
rarely any incompatible changes in the protocol.

2003-10-06T08:28:48+00:00 java/jakarta-commons-dbcp Apache Commons Database Connection Pool
The DBCP Component

Many Jakarta projects support interaction with a relational database.
Creating a new connection for each user can be time consuming (often
requiring multiple seconds of clock time), in order to perform a
database transaction that might take milliseconds. Opening a
connection per user can be unfeasible in a publicly-hosted Internet
application where the number of simultaneous users can be very large.
Accordingly, developers often wish to share a "pool" of open
connections between all of the application's current users. The number
of users actually performing a request at any given time is usually a
very small percentage of the total number of active users, and during
request processing is the only time that a database connection is
required. The application itself logs into the DBMS, and handles any
user account issues internally.
There are several Database Connection Pools already available, both
within Jakarta products and elsewhere. This Commons package provides
an opportunity to coordinate the efforts required to create and
maintain an efficient, feature-rich package under the ASF license.
The commons-dbcp package relies on code in the commons-pool package to
provide the underlying object pool mechanisms that it utilizes.

2003-10-06T08:27:58+00:00 java/jakarta-commons-pool Apache Commons Object-pooling API
The Pool Component

Pool provides an Object-pooling API, with three major aspects:
1. A generic object pool interface that clients and implementors can
use to provide easily interchangable pooling implementations.
2. A toolkit for creating modular object pools.
3. Several general purpose pool implementations.

2003-10-06T06:26:57+00:00 emulators/gxmame GXmame is a GTK frontend for xmame
GXMame is a GTK frontend for xmame. Its goal is to provide an interface
much like that of MAME32.

2003-10-06T05:47:28+00:00 x11-wm/fluxspace A window manager and workspace enhancer and integrator
Fluxspace provides a framework and modules for adding event-driven behavior
to Fluxbox as an external component. A variety of features and enhancements
can be introduced more easily without modifying Fluxbox's C++ code.

Existing modules that integrate with Rox Filer or Idesk can add effective
desktop management to a pure window manager, such as Fluxbox. It goes beyond
the normal desktop capabilities to allow you to customize each workspace with
its own panels, desktop icons and running applets.

2003-10-06T05:10:57+00:00 print/rubber Compilation of LaTeX files
This is a port of rubber, which purpose is to make the building of a
LaTeX document automated, from the source files to the final document
file, replacing the work of a Makefile.

2003-10-06T04:28:06+00:00 security/destroy Securely destroy files on the hard disk
A system utility that destroys files on the hard drive
by writing null and random bytes to the file over and over.

IRC: #freebsd

-Shane Kinney (mod6) <>
2003-10-06T04:23:25+00:00 sysutils/ Windowmaker application, Resembles wmmount with extra functionality - WindowMaker dock app

2003-10-06T04:09:46+00:00 net/gkrellmwireless2 GKrellM wireless plugin
A plugin for gkrellm2 that monitors the signal quality of a wireless card
(wi0 only).

2003-10-06T04:03:35+00:00 finance/myphpmoney PHP script for managing your accounts
MyPhpMoney is a set of scripts (Open Source)
which allows you to manage your accounts,
with the possibility to compare with your old currency:
Francs, Lire, etc (More than 230 currencies available)


- Courou <>
2003-10-06T03:39:43+00:00 graphics/Mesa5 A graphics library similar to SGI's OpenGL
Mesa is a 3-D graphics library with an API which is very similar to that
of OpenGL*. To the extent that Mesa utilizes the OpenGL command syntax
or state machine, it is being used with authorization from Silicon Graphics,
Inc. However, the author makes no claim that Mesa is in any way a
compatible replacement for OpenGL or associated with Silicon Graphics, Inc.
Those who want a licensed implementation of OpenGL should contact a licensed
vendor. This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Library
General Public License.

2003-10-06T03:25:48+00:00 mail/pop-before-smtp A log parser to identify valid POP/IMAP logins for later smtp
Spam prevention requires preventing open relaying through email
servers. However, legit users want to be able to relay. If legit users
always stayed in one spot, they'd be easy to describe to the
daemon. However, what with roving laptops, logins from home, etc.,
legit users refuse to stay in one spot.

pop-before-smtp watches the mail log, looking for successful pop/imap
logins, and posts the originating IP address into a database which can
be checked by the MTA, to allow relaying for people who have recently
downloaded their email.

2003-10-06T03:21:36+00:00 deskutils/xpad Virtual note-pad system for your X11 desktop
xpad is a sticky note application written using GTK+ 3.0 that strives to be
simple, fault-tolerant, and customizable. xpad consists of independent pad
windows; each is basically a text box in which notes can be written. Despite
being called xpad, all that is needed to run or compile it is the GTK+ 3.0
libraries. Here is a list of major features in the current xpad current

* GTK+ 3.0 powered text view.
* Fault tolerant. All information is kept on the hard drive, not memory.
* xpad is very customizable. The color scheme (text, background, and window
borders) and the font can be changed.
* A customizable toolbar puts the most frequently used commands at your
* Support for the X session management protocol.
* Support for the system tray proposal.

2003-10-06T02:46:08+00:00 devel/jrtplib Object-oriented RTP library written in C++
JRTPLIB is an object-oriented RTP library written in C++ by Jori Liesenborgs.
It was partly developed for his thesis at the School for Knowledge Technology
(or 'School voor Kennistechnologie' in Dutch), a cooperation between the
'Limburgs Universitair Centrum' (LUC) and the 'Universiteit Maastricht' (UM).

2003-10-06T02:43:46+00:00 math/mpexpr Multiple precision math for Tcl
Mpexpr adds two new commands to Tcl, 'mpexpr' and 'mpformat'. Mpexpr works
much like Tcl's native 'expr', but does all calculations using an arbitrary
precision math package. Mpexpr numbers can be any number of digits, with any
decimal precision. Final precision is controlled by a Tcl variable
'mp_precision', which can be any reasonable integer, limiting only the
number of digits to the right of the decimal point.

Mpformat works much like Tcl's 'format', except it formats multiple
precision numbers in a variety of formats.

Mpexpr also includes most math functions provided by 'expr', as well
as several new functions. Mpexpr also supports Tcl variables and
nested evaluation, just like 'expr':

2003-10-06T02:39:22+00:00 x11-toolkits/9libs Plan9 compatibility libraries
This is 9libs, a package of Plan 9 compatibility libraries derived from
the X11 version of Rob Pike's editor, sam.
This release differs from the Bell Labs release.
2003-10-06T02:35:26+00:00 graphics/orca Tool for plotting arbitrary data from text files onto a Web server
This is a port of Orca which is Blair Zajac's incredibly useful
tool for making web-viewable graphs of arbitrary data from text

Uses a configuration file which describes which text files to read,
what the columns in the files mean, and how that information should
be graphed.

Often run as a daemon, automatically updating as files change.
Often run with the script for Solaris machines and
corresponding configuration file (just because you collect the data
on a Solaris box doesn't mean you have to graph it on one too).

Written in Perl, uses RRDtool for data storage and graph generation.

Lots more information and examples at

2003-10-06T02:23:01+00:00 www/webstats Automated log file processing
This is a port of Webstats. A set of scripts to help automate analog
and reportmagic.

2003-10-06T02:14:02+00:00 devel/asm2html A small tool to display NASM assembly source code in nice-looking HTML
Asm2html is a small tool to display NASM assembly source code in
HTML. It looks for assembly keywords,register names,etc. and all
gives them seperate colors.

2003-10-06T01:50:23+00:00 multimedia/nxtvepg Viewer for Nextview Electronic TV Programme Guide (needs bktr driver)
nxtvepg - Decoder, Browser and Analyzer for the Nextview
Electronic Programme Guide

nxtvepg is an X11 application to decode, analyze and browse TV programme
schedules transmitted on analog TV channels as defined in ETS 300 707:
"Protocol for a TV Guide using electronic data transmission" by the European
Telecommunications Standards Institute.

nxtvepg enables you to obtain free TV programme listings for all of the major
networks in Germany, Austria, France and Switzerland.

Currently Nextview EPG is transmitted by the following TV networks (note that
each of these EPGs cover not only the provider's programme but also that of many
other networks): Kabel1, 3Sat, RTL-II (Germany and Austria), SF1, TSR1, TSI1,
EuroNews (Switzerland), Canal+, M6 (France), TRT-1 (Turkey).

You will need a bktr(4) compatible tv tuner card with teletext support in order
to use nxtvepg.

It is recommended to check the card's setup before using nxtvepg, e.g. with the
following applications from the ports collection:
multimedia/fxtv for tv tuner and misc/alevtv for Teletext support.

2003-10-06T01:31:49+00:00 comms/lirc Linux Infrared Remote Control
LIRC is a package that allows you to decode and send infra-red signals
of many (but not all) commonly used remote controls.

The most important part of LIRC is the lircd daemon that will decode
IR signals received by the device drivers and provide the information
on a socket. It will also accept commands for IR signals to be sent if
the hardware supports this. The second daemon program called lircmd
will connect to lircd and translate the decoded IR signals to mouse
movements. You can e.g. configure X to use your remote control as an
input device.

The user space applications will allow you to control your computer
with your remote control. You can send X events to applications, start
programs and much more on just one button press. The possible
applications are obvious: Infra-red mouse, remote control for your TV
tuner card or CD-ROM, shutdown by remote, program your VCR and/or
satellite tuner with your computer, etc.

2003-10-06T01:23:51+00:00 graphics/kix-kmod Graphical screensaver kernel module
A screen saver module which bounces a line around the screen.

I originally submitted this as a kernel module, but after
seeing George Reid's plasma-kmod port I realised that was
a better way to do it.

2003-10-06T01:16:05+00:00 devel/tkinspect Tk program browser
tkinspect, release 5.1.6p8
(04 Apr 2002)

Tkinspect is a Tk program browser originally written by Sam Shen and
now updated to work with Tcl/Tk 8+, incr Tcl 3+ and to cope with
systems such as MS Windows where the Tk 'send' command is not
available. Based upon the 5.1.6 release of tkinspect this version
contains numerous bug fixes and functionality patches. See the
ChangeLog file for details.

2003-10-06T01:07:31+00:00 databases/useracc Special purpose database application
The useracc utility is a special purpose database application to
store and retrieve data about users in a distributed environment.
It is usable in situations where a single numerical and/or a single
non-numerical field for each index (possibly a user name) are
2003-10-06T01:02:58+00:00 audio/ufmcontrol-i18n USB radio control utility
The ufmcontrol utility is a program to control a radio
attached to an USB port.
It has the same user interface of cdcontrol(1).

2003-10-06T00:58:59+00:00 print/mup Shareware program for typesetting music
The music publisher program called Mup takes a text file describing
music as input, and generates PostScript output for printing that music.
The input file can be created using your favorite text editor, or generated
from any other source, such as another program. The input must be written
in a special language designed especially for describing music. The majority
of the Mup User's Guide is the explanation of this language and how to use it.

2003-10-05T19:35:32+00:00 comms/garmin-utils Utilities for Garmin GPS receivers
garmin-utils is a set of programs to interact with Garmin GPS
receivers. I use it to download Geocaching waypoints.
2003-10-04T17:02:53+00:00 audio/xmms-real-random REAL shuffle mode for xmms
The shuffle mode of xmms is not as I expected it. So I created this plugin
-- Martin Oberzalek

2003-10-04T16:03:17+00:00 mail/milter-regex Milter plugin to sendmail for regular expression filtering
Milter-regex is a sendmail milter plugin that allows to reject mail
based on regular expressions matching SMTP envelope parameters and
mail headers and body.

This program is developed on OpenBSD by the author.

Copyright (c) 2003-2019 Daniel Hartmeier

2003-10-04T14:36:43+00:00 net/whois Marco d'Itri whois client
Why another whois client? Because the RIPE client is a mess of hacks and
#ifdefs and more complex programs lack features or are bloated.

2003-10-04T12:34:20+00:00 deskutils/xchm Windows HTML Help (.chm) viewer for UNIX
xCHM is a .chm viewer for UNIX. CHM is commonly used for a rich-text help
files on Windows platform, and for publishing eBooks.

xCHM can show the contents tree if one is available, print the displayed page,
change fonts faces and size, work with bookmarks, do the usual history stunts
(forward, back, home), and seach for text in the whole book.

2003-10-04T12:25:02+00:00 net/hf6to4 Enables 6to4 IPv6 automatic tunnels
The hf6to4 script can be used to setup IPv6 on your home machine and
network for exploring IPv6 without any registrations. 6to4 is a
mechanism by which your IPv6 address(es) are derived from an assigned
IPv4 address, and which involves automatic tunnelling to one or more
remote 6to4 hubs, which will then forward your v6 packets on the 6bone
etc. Replies are routed back to you over IPv4 via (possibly) other
6to4 capable remote gateways. As such, IPv6-in-IPv4-encapsulated
packets are accepted from all v4-hosts.

2003-10-04T10:01:07+00:00 games/typespeed Test your typing speed and get your fingers' CPS
Typespeed gives your fingers' cps (total and correct), typoratio and some
points to compare with your friends.

Typespeed's idea is ripped from ztspeed (a DOS game made by Zorlim). Idea
of the game should be clear to anyone, just type and type it fast, or be a

2003-10-04T08:40:05+00:00 net/raggle Console RSS aggregator written in Ruby
Raggle is a console RSS aggregator, written in Ruby. Features include
customizable keybindings, basic HTML rendering, HTTP proxy support, OPML
import/export, themes, support for various versions of RSS, Screen support,
browser auto-detection, and more. Raggle has been tested under Linux and
OpenBSD, and should work properly under other Unix variants as well.

2003-10-04T04:21:13+00:00 math/sdpa Very efficient SDP (semidefinite programming) solver
The SDPA (SemiDefinite Programming Algorithm) is a software package for
solving semidefinite program (SDP). It is based on a Mehrotra-type
predictor-corrector infeasible primal-dual interior-point method.
The SDPA handles the standard form SDP and its dual. It is implemented in C++
language utilizing the LAPACK for matrix computation. The SDPA incorporates
dynamic memory allocation and deallocation. So, the maximum size of an SDP
to be solved depends on the size of memory which users' computers install.
The SDPA enjoys the following features:

1. Callable library of the SDPA is available.
2. Efficient method for computing the search directions when an SDP
to be solved is large scale and sparse.
3. Block diagonal matrix structure and sparse matrix structure in
data matrices are available.
4. Some information on infeasibility of a semidefinite program to be solved
is provided.

2003-10-04T01:17:35+00:00 graphics/libemf Enhanced Metafile Library
libEMF is a C/C++ library which provides a drawing toolkit
based on ECMA-234. The general purpose of this library is
to create vector graphics files on POSIX systems which can
be imported into StarOffice/OpenOffice.

2003-10-04T01:07:14+00:00 devel/ruby-rbprof Flexible Ruby profiler
This package is a faster profiler than the builtin Ruby profiler and
allows Ruby developers to focus on the methods that are hand-written.

2003-10-04T00:37:43+00:00 sysutils/toshctl Command-line tool to access parts of the Toshiba hardware interface
Toshctl is a command-line tool to allow access to much of the
Toshiba hardware interface developed by Jonathan Buzzard and
Linux toshset by Charles D. Schwieters.

It can do things linke set the LCD brightness, set CPU speed and set
fan speed.

2003-10-04T00:29:47+00:00 sysutils/anacron Schedules periodic jobs on systems that are not permanently up
Anacron is a periodic command scheduler. It executes commands at
intervals specified in days. Unlike cron, it does not assume that the
system is running continuously. It can therefore be used to control
the execution of daily, weekly and monthly jobs (or anything with a
period of n days), on systems that don't run 24 hours a day.

Anacron is not an attempt to make cron redundant.

- A functioning syslog daemon.
- A functioning /usr/sbin/sendmail command. (all MTAs should have that).

2003-10-03T23:15:36+00:00 math/atlas-devel Development version of math/atlas
The ATLAS (Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software) project is
an ongoing research effort focusing on applying empirical techniques
in order to provide portable performance.

At present, it provides C and Fortran77 interfaces to a
portably efficient BLAS implementation, as well as a few routines from LAPACK.

If you use blas, you can simply change flags when linking,
from -lblas to -lf77blas -latlas (order is important).

A few routines from LAPACK are merged into one library as libalapack.
It requres both C and Fortran77 interfaces, and thus that link line would be:
-lalapack -lf77blas -lcblas -latlas -lg2c -lm .

Other choice of CC and CFLAGS are *NOT* recommended.
They are already optimized for this platform and automatically searched.

2003-10-03T21:59:24+00:00 devel/cxmon Interactive file manipulation tool and disassembler
Cxmon is an interactive command-driven file manipulation tool that is
inspired by the "Amiga Monitor".

Cxmon has commands and features similar to a machine code
monitor/debugger, built-in PowerPC, 680x0, 80x86, 6502 and Z80
disassemblers and special support for disassembling MacOS code.

You can also simply use it as an interactive workbench for manipulating
files, or even as a hex calculator.

2003-10-03T21:08:30+00:00 deskutils/basket Desktop organization tool
BasKet is a desktop organization tool. It uses baskets / drawers ("baskets")
to organize objects, such as text, URLs, images, sounds or other documents.
Objects in a basket can be edited, copied, moved, dragged, etc.

2003-10-03T17:24:48+00:00 polish/trf Billing software for traffic counting working with most Polish ISPs
Trf is a tarifficator for dial-up connections. It's designed to work with most
popular Polish ISP - TP S.A.. It supports lump sum (pol - ryczalt).

2003-10-03T17:18:04+00:00 devel/p5-DateTime-Fiscal-Year Calculate the day or week of the Fiscal Year with an arbitrary start date
This module allows you to calculate the day, week, period or quarter of a date
in a fiscal year, given a start date and either a target date or number of
periods and target date. This is often needed in business, where the fiscal
year begins and ends on different days than the calendar year. This module is
based on the Gregorian calendar. Using other DT calendar objects will return
results, but the behavior is unpredictable for calendars that have more than
365 or 366 days.

2003-10-03T17:02:55+00:00 devel/p5-DateTime-Format-IBeat Format times in .beat notation
No Time Zones
No Geographical Borders

How long is a Swatch .beat? In short, we have divided up the virtual and real
day into 1000 beats. One Swatch beat is the equivalent of 1 minute 26.4
seconds. That means that 12 noon in the old time system is the equivalent of
@500 Swatch .beats.

We are not just creating a new way of measuring time, we are also creating a
new meridian in Biel, Switzerland, home of Swatch.

Biel MeanTime (BMT) is the universal reference for Internet Time. A day in
Internet Time begins at midnight BMT (@000 Swatch .beats) (Central European
Wintertime). The meridian is marked for all to see on the facade of the Swatch
International Headquarters on Jakob-Staempfli Street, Biel, Switzerland. So,
it is the same time all over the world, be it night or day, the era of time
zones has disappeared.

2003-10-03T16:36:13+00:00 devel/p5-DateTime-Calendar-Hebrew Dates in the Hebrew calendar
DateTime::Calendar::Hebrew is the implementation of the Hebrew calendar. Read
on for more details on the Hebrew calendar.

The Hebrew/Jewish calendar is a Luni-Solar calendar. Torah Law mandates that
months are Lunar. The first day of a month coincides with the new moon in
Jerusalem. (In ancient times, this was determined by witnesses. Read the books
in the bibliography for more info). The Torah also mandates that certain
holidays must occur in certain seasons. Seasons are solar, so a calendar that
can work with lunar & solar events is needed.

2003-10-03T16:10:41+00:00 databases/p5-DBD-PgSPI Provides access to PostgreSQL db through DBI within pl/perl functions
DBD::PgSPI is a Perl module which works with the DBI module to provide
access to PostgreSQL database from within pl/perl functions inside the

2003-10-03T16:06:40+00:00 devel/p5-DateTime-HiRes Create DateTime objects with sub-second current time resolution
This module enables you to generate DateTime objects that represent the current
time with sub-second resolution.

2003-10-03T15:06:01+00:00 devel/skalibs General purpose C libraries used by software
skalibs is a package centralizing the public-domain C development files
used for building other software.

skalibs can also be used as a sound basic start for C development.
There are a lot of general-purpose libraries out there;
but if your main goal is to produce small and secure C code,
you will like skalibs.

skalibs contains exclusively public-domain code.
So you can redistribute it as you want, and it does not prevent you
from distributing any of your executables.

2003-10-03T13:28:40+00:00 emulators/extract-xiso Tool for extracting and creating optimised Xbox ISO images
Tool for extracting and creating optimised Xbox ISO images.

2003-10-03T13:17:17+00:00 databases/p5-Class-DBI-ToSax Extension to Class::DBI for sqlite

2003-10-03T13:07:59+00:00 emulators/vba Open source Gameboy Advance emulator
VisualBoyAdvance is an emulator for Nintendo's Gameboy Advance. It also
supports emulation of the Gameboy (classic), Gameboy Pocket, Gameboy Color
and Gameboy Advance SP.
Some of the main features are:

- option to use BIOS file
- zip/gzip file support
- graphic filters Normal, TV Mode, 2xSaI, Super 2xSaI and more
- interframe blending support
- built-in ARM/THUMB assembly debugger
- 10 save states accesible through keyboard
- automatic battery file load/save
- auto-fire support
- 16, 24 and 32 bit desktop support
- GDB remote debugging (see below for information)
- AGBPrint support for development
- RTC support

NOTICE: Thx go out to Wouter Groeneveld for helping me to test the port.

2003-10-03T12:48:15+00:00 devel/p5-NEXT Provide a pseudo-class NEXT (et al) that allows method redispatch adds a pseudoclass named NEXT to any program that uses it. If a method
m calls $self-NEXT::m()>, the call to m is redispatched as if the calling
method had not originally been found.

2003-10-03T12:45:32+00:00 x11-fonts/ppantsfonts A set of small angular fonts
Two small angular fonts, one suitable for terminals and another for
general x11 usage, created by PixelMoose.
2003-10-03T12:42:23+00:00 misc/py-osd Python wrapper for osd, for displaying text on your X display
PyOSD is a python module for displaying text on your X display,
much like the "On Screen Displays" used on TVs and some monitors.

2003-10-03T12:30:14+00:00 multimedia/mmpython Retrieves metadata from mp3, ogg, avi, jpg, and other formats
MMPython is a Media Meta Data retrieval framework. It retrieves
metadata from mp3, ogg, avi, jpg, tiff and other file formats.
Among others it thereby parses ID3v2, ID3v1, EXIF, IPTC and
Vorbis data into an object oriented struture.

2003-10-03T12:06:30+00:00 graphics/jpegoptim Utility to optimize jpeg files
Jpegoptim is an utility to optimize jpeg files.


* lossless optimization
* lossy optimization based on setting maximum quality factor
* selective strip of comments and Exif markers

2003-10-03T11:53:34+00:00 x11-fonts/khotot A meta-port of the most popular font packages
This port contains a collection of some of the most
popular Arabic fonts created and used by the Arabic
UNIX community.


- Samy Al Bahra
2003-10-03T11:53:34+00:00 arabic/khotot Meta-port for popular Arabic font packages
This port contains a collection of some of the most
popular Arabic fonts created and used by the Arabic
UNIX community.

2003-10-03T11:49:18+00:00 x11-fonts/kacst_fonts Truetype Arabic fonts created by KACST
This port contains a collection of TrueType Arabic
fonts created by the King Abdulaziz Scientific
organization in Saudi Arabia.


- Samy Al Bahra
2003-10-03T11:49:18+00:00 arabic/kacst_fonts Truetype Arabic fonts created by KACST
This port contains a collection of TrueType Arabic fonts created by the King
Abdulaziz Scientific organization in Saudi Arabia.
2003-10-03T11:47:23+00:00 x11-fonts/ae_fonts_ttf A collection of truetype Arabic fonts created by
This port contains a collection of some of the most
popular Arabic fonts created and used by the Arabic
UNIX community. This truetype font set was developed
at Arabeyes.


- Samy Al Bahra
2003-10-03T11:47:23+00:00 arabic/ae_fonts_ttf Collection of TrueType Arabic fonts
This port contains a collection of some of the most
popular Arabic fonts created and used by the Arabic
UNIX community. This truetype font set was developed
at Arabeyes.
2003-10-03T11:45:00+00:00 x11-fonts/ae_fonts_mono A collection of PCF fonts that include Arabic glyphs
Some popular PCF Arabic fonts created and used by
the Arabic UNIX community.


- Samy Al Bahra
2003-10-03T11:45:00+00:00 arabic/ae_fonts_mono Collection of PCF fonts that include Arabic glyphs
Some popular PCF Arabic fonts created and used by
the Arabic UNIX community.
2003-10-03T07:47:10+00:00 devel/cl-split-sequence-clisp Partitioning Common Lisp sequences
split-sequence is a small library to split sequences in to a list of
subsequences delimited by an object satisfying a test function. It is
a member of the Common Lisp Utilities family of programs, designed by
community consensus.

2003-10-03T07:37:12+00:00 textproc/cl-ppcre-clisp Portable Perl-Compatible Regular Expression for Common Lisp
CL-PPCRE is a fast, Perl compatible implementation of regular expressions
written in portable, ANSI-compliant Common Lisp.

This package installs binaries for CLISP.

2003-10-03T07:30:46+00:00 devel/cl-port-clisp Cross-Lisp portability package
CLOCC Port provides a portable interface to various features absent
from the ANSI Common Lisp standard, such as sockets, multiprocessing,
calling external programs, Gray streams etc.

This package contains binaries compiled for CLISP.

2003-10-03T07:27:06+00:00 textproc/cl-meta-clisp Parser generator for Common Lisp
META is builder for recursive descent parsers implemented as a domain
specific language on top of Common Lisp.

This package installs binaries for CLISP.

2003-10-02T17:57:55+00:00 textproc/p5-XML-GDOME Perl module that provides the DOM Level 2 Core API for XML documents
XML::GDOME is a perl module that provides the DOM Level 2 Core API
for accessing XML documents.

It uses a XS wrapper around the gdome2 library.

2003-10-02T07:14:17+00:00 net/p5-Jabber-Connection Jabber Perl library for client/component connectivity

Jabber::Connection is a new Perl library for Jabber that provides
the basic features for client and component connectivity, plus an
xmlnode-like library for flexibly manipulating Jabber elements.

2003-10-02T07:14:17+00:00 net-im/p5-Jabber-Connection Jabber Perl library for client/component connectivity

Jabber::Connection is a new Perl library for Jabber that provides
the basic features for client and component connectivity, plus an
xmlnode-like library for flexibly manipulating Jabber elements.

2003-10-01T20:52:11+00:00 multimedia/xmms-status-plugin XMMS control applet for GNOME 2 panel / KDE tray
xmms-status-plugin is a general plugin for xmms player. It provides
docklet for GNOME1, docker for KDE2, and standardized Notification
area icon for GNOME2 and KDE3. The visual appearance of icon
changes depending on state of player. Both graphics and actions
are configurable.

2003-10-01T16:36:52+00:00 textproc/p5-XML-LibXML-Iterator Iterator for XML::LibXML parsed documents
XML::LibXML::Iterator implements the iterator part of the DOM
Traversal and Range specification. This class allows to iterate
through a DOM as it is done through an ordinary array.

2003-10-01T16:24:46+00:00 textproc/p5-XML-NodeFilter XML::NodeFilter is an object that know how to "filter out" nodes
XML::NodeFilter is a generic node-filter class for DOM traversal as
specified in the DOM Level 2 Traversal and Range specification. It
extends that specification so this class is more easy to use for perl

2003-10-01T16:17:50+00:00 audio/yammi Qt-based music manager with fuzzy search feature
Yammi ("Yet Another Music Manager I...") is a tool to manage your song
collection (mp3, ogg, wav). For playing songs the program serves as a front-end
for either XMMS or Noatun.

- conveniently search for songs (fuzzy search)
- organize your songs into playlists/categories
- keep statistics (when/how many times was song x played?)
- support for id3 and ogg tag reading and writing (including id3v2)
- easily keep your song info (tags and filenames) consistent
- assist in burning your song collection to multiple CDs
- act as a jukebox, loading song files on demand from removable media
- prelisten to songs on headphone to DJ your own party (needs a second sound
- invoke other programs such as k3b, cdlabelgen or your own scripts to burn CDs,
generate CD labels or execute other commands using the information from
Yammi's song database

2003-10-01T15:38:20+00:00 textproc/p5-XML-LibXML-XPathContext Perl interface to libxml2's xmlXPathContext
This module augments XML::LibXML by providing a Perl
interface to libxml2's xmlXPathContext structure.

2003-10-01T14:57:16+00:00 databases/libgdamm C++ wrapper for libgda4 library
This is a set of thin C++ wrappers for libgda v4 library.

2003-10-01T14:07:03+00:00 www/p5-Apache-Compress Auto-compress web files with Gzip
This module lets you send the content of an HTTP response as gzip-
compressed data. Certain browsers (Netscape, IE) can request content
compression via the `Content-Encoding' header. This can speed things up
if you're sending large files to your users through slow connections.

Browsers that don't request gzipped data will receive regular
noncompressed data.

This module is compatibile with Apache::Filter, so you can compress the
output of other content-generators.
2003-10-01T11:20:42+00:00 www/resin2 Resin, a Java-based Application Server, 2.x branch
Resin is a fast servlet and JSP engine supporting load balancing for increased
reliability. Resin encourages separation of content from style with its XSL
support. Servlets can generate simple XML and use an XSL filter to format
results for each client's capability, from palm pilots to Mozilla. Resin
includes a full-featured HTTP/1.1 web server, provides a fast servlet runner
for Apache, and supports the latest Servlet 2.3 and JSP 1.2 specifications from

o You may use Resin for development, evaluation, and demos.
o You must contact us to purchase a deployment license if either:
* You are paid to use Resin.
* You are paying someone else to use Resin.

o If no one is paid to use Resin, you may use Resin for deployment:
* students
* private use
* tiny startups with neither funding nor income.

o Anyone falling in between should contact us for a waiver.
o Distributors must contact us.
o If you are allowed to use Resin, you may modify the source for that use.

2003-10-01T11:19:08+00:00 www/p5-Apache-Clean2 Mod_perl interface into HTML::Clean
Apache::Clean uses HTML::Clean to tidy up large, messy HTML, saving
bandwidth. It is particularly useful with Apache::Compress for
ultimate savings.
2003-10-01T11:19:08+00:00 www/p5-Apache-Clean A mod_perl interface into HTML::Clean
Apache::Clean uses HTML::Clean to tidy up large, messy HTML, saving
bandwidth. It is particularly useful with Apache::Compress for
ultimate savings.
2003-10-01T10:58:13+00:00 x11/numlockx Turns on numlock in X
This little thingy allows you to start X with NumLock turned on (which is
a feature that a lot of people seem to miss and nobody really knew how to
achieve this).

2003-10-01T10:26:23+00:00 security/checkpassword-pam Implementation of checkpassword authentication program
checkpassword-pam was written from scratch. There are several older
packages called checkpassword-pam, derived from DJB's checkpassword
code. This checkpassword-pam is more modern and administrator-friendly.

2003-10-01T01:11:02+00:00 x11/fluxbg Background changer for fluxbox/blackbox
The Fluxbox Background Tool gives you a nice GUI to make background
changing easier in fluxbox/blackbox. It lets you use pixmaps as well
as solid colours. It includes a daemon to change the background

2003-10-01T00:22:51+00:00 deskutils/gnomeblog GNOME app to post to blogs
gnome-blog lets you post to bloggerAPI and MetaWeblog compatible blogs
including,,, pyblosxom, moveable-type.


* Operates as a panel object ("applet") or a standalone application
* Clean interface doesn't get in the way of what you're writing
* WYSIWYG styled text support
* Entries can be written gradually over the course of a day, popping
gnome blog open and closed as you have thoughts to jot down and
then posting at the end of the day
* Supports many different kinds of blogs

2003-10-01T00:22:51+00:00 deskutils/gnome-blog GNOME app to post to blogs
gnome-blog lets you post to bloggerAPI and MetaWeblog compatible blogs
including,,, pyblosxom, moveable-type.


* Operates as a panel object ("applet") or a standalone application
* Clean interface doesn't get in the way of what you're writing
* WYSIWYG styled text support
* Entries can be written gradually over the course of a day, popping
gnome blog open and closed as you have thoughts to jot down and
then posting at the end of the day
* Supports many different kinds of blogs

2003-09-30T23:10:16+00:00 polish/webalizer2
2003-09-30T18:04:52+00:00 mail/lmtpd LMTP server compliant with RFC 2033 and Maildir++
LMTPD is a RFC2033 compliant LMTPD server.
Supported features :
o Maildir++ folder and soft quotas
o User defined filters
o Automatic Maildir creation
o Courier Shared folder
o User extensions
o Virtual domains via libhome
o MySQL and syslog logging
o Fully configurable
o Antivirus checks using external ClamAV, Sophie or Dr Web server
o Interface with SpamAssasin

2003-09-30T18:00:49+00:00 misc/libhome Library providing a getpwname() emulation
bhome is a library providing a getpwnam() emulation.
It support MySQL (3.23), Open LDAP 2 or system /etc/passwd

It's intended to replace getpwnam within a system daemons who needs
user authentification or identification when the users are listed on
foreign servers.

2003-09-30T14:47:16+00:00 graphics/xd3d Simple scientific visualization tool
xd3d is a simple scientific visualization tool designed to be easy to learn.

It can plot 2d and 3d meshes, with shadowing, contour plots, vector fields,
iso-contour (3d), as well as 3d surfaces z=f(x,y) defined by an algebraic
expression or a cloud of points. It generates high quality vector PostScript
files for scientific publications and still or animated bitmap images.

It includes the graph plotter xgraphic.

2003-09-30T14:29:30+00:00 audio/cue2toc Perl script that converts CUE files into TOC files for cdrdao
Cue2Toc is a perl script that will convert CUE file into a cdrdao TOC file.
The script can handle audio CUE files only.
2003-09-30T14:19:27+00:00 sysutils/pkg_cutleaves Interactive script for deinstalling 'leaf' packages
pkg_cutleaves finds installed 'leaf' packages, i.e. packages that are
not referenced by any other installed package, and lets you decide for
each one if you want to keep or deinstall it (via pkg_deinstall(1)).
2003-09-30T14:19:27+00:00 ports-mgmt/pkg_cutleaves Interactive script for deinstalling 'leaf' packages
pkg_cutleaves finds installed 'leaf' packages, i.e. packages that are
not referenced by any other installed package, and lets you decide for
each one if you want to keep or deinstall it (via pkg_deinstall(1) or
2003-09-30T12:10:05+00:00 sysutils/userneu Account management and creation tool
'userneu' is a Perl script that parses a list of usernames and additional
information (such as the real name or other information to be put in the
GECOS field in /etc/passwd) and creates Unix accounts and (if desired)
Samba accounts as well.


-Andreas Fehlner
2003-09-30T12:10:05+00:00 sysutils/userneu-devel Account management and creation tool
'userneu' is a Perl script that parses a list of usernames and additional
information (such as the real name or other information to be put in the
GECOS field in /etc/passwd) and creates Unix accounts and (if desired)
Samba accounts as well. If the script stumbles upon duplicate user names
it can append random characters to the username until it fits.


-Andreas Fehlner
2003-09-30T11:49:06+00:00 sysutils/ldap-account-manager Webfrontend for managing accounts stored in an OpenLDAP server
LDAP Account Manager (LAM) is a webfrontend for managing entries (e.g. users,
groups, DHCP settings) stored in an LDAP directory. LAM was designed to make
LDAP management as easy as possible for the user. It abstracts from the
technical details of LDAP and allows persons without technical background to
manage LDAP entries. If needed, power users may still directly edit LDAP entries
via the integrated LDAP browser.

- management of various account types: Unix, Samba 3, Kolab 2, Scalix,
phpGroupWare, Zarafa, DHCP, SSH keys, group of names and much more
- profiles for account creation
- account creation via file upload
- automatic creation/deletion of home directories
- setting file system quotas
- PDF output for all accounts
- editor for organizational units
- schema browser
- LDAP browser
- multiple configuration files
- multi-language support
- support for LDAP+SSL/TLS

2003-09-30T08:10:57+00:00 sysutils/apachetop Apache realtime log stats
ApacheTop watches a logfile generated by Apache (in standard common or
combined log format) and generates human-parsable output in realtime.

2003-09-30T00:31:57+00:00 sysutils/bubblemon2 A system CPU and memory load monitor for GNOME2
Bubblemon displays something that looks like a vial containing water. The water
level indicates how much memory is in use. The color of the liquid indicates
how much swap space is used (watery blue means none and angry red means all).
The system CPU load is indicated by bubbles floating up through the liquid;
lots of bubbles means high CPU load.

2003-09-29T23:56:30+00:00 sysutils/ucspi-ssl UCSPI tools for building SSL client-server applications
sslserver, sslclient, and sslhandle are command-line tools for building
SSL client-server applications. They conform to the UNIX Client-Server
Program Interface, UCSPI.

sslserver listens for IPv6 and/or IPv4 connections, and runs a program
for each connection it accepts. The program environment includes
variables that hold the local and remote host names, IP addresses,
and port numbers. sslserver offers a concurrency limit on acceptance
of new connections, and selective handling of connections based on
client identity supporting CIDR IP address notation. sslserver supports

sslclient requests a connection to either a IPv6 or IPv4 TCP sockets,
and runs a program. The program environment includes the same variables
as for sslserver.

2003-09-29T23:23:24+00:00 sysutils/clean_ Automatically remove unwanted files
The clean utility searches through the filesystem for "temporary files"
left behind by editors and the like which can be deleted safely.

WARNING: This program was written with the express purpose of deleting
(unwanted) files. Please be certain that you understand this program
and that you really want to use such an automatic deletion process
before you begin.

[ On the other hand, I've been using it for over ten years without
doing anything worse than not having a core.1 manpage. The normal
mode is interactive and prompts for confirmation. You are advised to
have backups before using the non-interactive batch mode. ]


-Chuck Swiger <>
2003-09-29T23:23:24+00:00 sysutils/clean Automatically remove unwanted files
The clean utility searches through the filesystem for "temporary files"
left behind by editors and the like which can be deleted safely.

WARNING: This program was written with the express purpose of deleting
(unwanted) files. Please be certain that you understand this program
and that you really want to use such an automatic deletion process
before you begin.

[ On the other hand, I've been using it for over ten years without
doing anything worse than not having a core.1 manpage. The normal
mode is interactive and prompts for confirmation. You are advised to
have backups before using the non-interactive batch mode. ]


-Chuck Swiger <>
2003-09-29T23:01:21+00:00 mail/spamd Traps spammers with a very slow smtp-login and return 4xx error
Spamd is a fake sendmail(8)-like daemon which rejects false mail. It is
designed to be very efficient so that it does not slow down the receiving

spamd considers sending hosts to be of three types:

blacklisted hosts are redirected to spamd and tarpitted i.e. they are
communicated with very slowly to consume the sender's resources. Mail is
rejected with either a 450 or 550 error message. A blacklisted host will not
be allowed to talk to a real mail server.

whitelisted hosts do not talk to spamd. Their connections are instead sent to
a real mail server, such as sendmail(8).

greylisted hosts are redirected to spamd, but spamd has not yet decided if
they are likely spammers. They are given a temporary failure message by spamd
when they try to deliver mail.

2003-09-29T22:53:20+00:00 sysutils/adtool Active Directory administration tool
adtool is a Unix command line utility for Active Directory administration.
Features include user and group creation, deletion, modification, password
setting and directory query and search capabilities.

2003-09-29T22:49:21+00:00 sysutils/reoback Simple but flexible FTP/NFS backup script
REOBack (pronounced as ray-o-back), is a backup solution designed for
Linux or FreeBSD users/system admins. It supports scheduled full/incremental
backups, remote transfers via NFS or FTP as well as auto-deletion of old

2003-09-29T14:32:13+00:00 sysutils/lineakd Daemon which enables special keys on internet keyboards
LinEAK is a utility designed to enable the use and configuration
of those special keys on Internet, Easy Access and Multimedia
keyboards in Linux (and other unices, like now FreeBSD).

2003-09-29T14:26:32+00:00 textproc/ruby-wordnet A Ruby interface to the WordNet(R) Lexical Database
Ruby-WordNet is a Ruby interface to the WordNet(R) Lexical Database.

Author: Michael Granger <>
2003-09-29T14:08:41+00:00 sysutils/ganglia-webfrontend Ganglia cluster monitor, web frontend
Ganglia provides a complete real-time monitoring and execution
environment that is in use by hundreds of universities, private and
government laboratories and commercial cluster implementors around the
world. Whether you want to monitor hundreds of computers in real-time
across a university campus or around the world, ganglia is for you.

The ganglia web frontend provides access to the data collected by the
monitoring core.

2003-09-29T13:33:12+00:00 textproc/ruby-rwv2 A Ruby extension that wraps around wv2
RWV2 Library is a wrapper around the wv2 library for Ruby: parses
Microsoft Word files.

Author: Hannes Wyss <>
2003-09-29T12:57:59+00:00 www/resin3 Java-based Application Server, 3.x branch
Resin is a fast servlet and JSP engine supporting load balancing for increased
reliability. Resin encourages separation of content from style with its XSL
support. Servlets can generate simple XML and use an XSL filter to format
results for each client's capability, from palm pilots to Mozilla. Resin
includes a full-featured HTTP/1.1 web server, provides a fast servlet runner
for Apache, and supports the latest Servlet 2.3 and JSP 1.2 specifications from

Resin 3.0 Open Source is available under the GNU Public License (GPL). It
contains all functional components of Resin, including EJB, but excludes
performance and clustering capabilities.

2003-09-29T12:44:15+00:00 shells/bash-completion Programmable completion library for Bash
This is a programmable completion convenience library for the Bash shell. It
features the ability to tab-complete arguments for many common programs.

Completion functions for FreeBSD-specific software are developed independently
as an extension to the official bash-completion library. The development takes
place on GitHub:

2003-09-29T12:44:15+00:00 shells/bash-completion-classic Programmable completion library for Bash 2.04 and up
This is a programmable completion library for bash users. It features the
ability to tab-complete arguments for many common programs.

This is the original project which became later shells/bash-completion. The new
version is developed by a new group and has some very nice new features.
Unfortunately, the new version currently causes problems on amd64 systems.
People with amd64 systems may use this classic version as an alternative.

2003-09-29T12:14:57+00:00 net/apache-soap The Apache SOAP implementation in Java
Apache SOAP is an open-source implementation of the SOAP v1.1 and SOAP
Messages with Attachments specifications in Java. Apache SOAP is developed
by the Apache SOAP community.

Apache SOAP can be used as a client library to invoke SOAP services
available elsewhere or as a server-side tool to implement SOAP accessible
services. As a client library it provides an API for invoking SOAP RPC
services as well as an API for sending and receiving SOAP messages. As a
mechanism to write new RPC accessible services or message accessible
services, it expects to be hosted by a servlet container (such as Apache
Tomcat, for example). While the codebase can be extended to support non-HTTP
transports, the provided code only has limited support for non-HTTP
transports (specifically, only for SMTP).


~brian skrab
2003-09-29T12:07:08+00:00 java/gj Extension of the Java programming language that supports generic types
GJ is an extension of the Java programming language that supports
generic types.

* Support for generics
* Superset of the Java programming language
* Compiles into the Java Virtual Machine
* Compatible with existing libraries

2003-09-29T12:07:08+00:00 java/gj-jdk11
2003-09-29T11:58:45+00:00 www/jetspeed Jetspeed is an Open Source Portal, written in Java and XML
Jetspeed is an Open Source implementation of an Enterprise
Information Portal, using Java and XML. A portal makes network
resources (applications, databases and so forth) available to
end-users. The user can access the portal via a web browser,
WAP-phone, pager or any other device. Jetspeed acts as the central
hub where information from multiple sources are made available in
an easy to use manner.

2003-09-29T11:39:22+00:00 java/linux-blackdown-jre11 Blackdown Linux Java Runtime Environment 1.1.8
Blackdown Linux Java Runtime Environment 1.1.8
2003-09-29T08:51:03+00:00 security/ruby-gpgme Ruby interface to GnuPG Made Easy (GPGME)
Ruby-GPGME is a ruby interface to GnuPG Made Easy (GPGME).

- Provides three levels of API.

- The low-level API allows direct access to about 94% of C functions
provided by GPGME.

- The mid-level API looks object-oriented (or rubyish).

- The high-level API provides a convenient class-based interface to
frequently used GPGME functions.

2003-09-29T07:34:39+00:00 deskutils/gtodo Gtk2 Todo list manager
gToDo is as the name suggests a todo list application. The goal of the program
is to be simple and easy to use. The program is made to fill up the gap of a
missing gtk+-2.0 standalone todo list.
2003-09-29T02:19:59+00:00 devel/p5-PCSC-Card Perl bindings for the PC/SC Lite Framework
From the website:-

This library allows to interface with a smart card and pcsc-lite using the
Perl language. The archive contains the Perl wrapper and sample code.


2003-09-29T00:46:56+00:00 net/ldap2dns Maintain DNS zones using an LDAP directory
From the website:

ldap2dns is a program to create DNS (Domain Name Service) records directly
from a LDAP directory. ldap2dns is designed to write ASCII data files used
by tinydns from the djbdns package, but also may be used to write .db-files
used by named as found in the BIND package.

2003-09-29T00:06:37+00:00 security/sectok ISO 7816 Smartcard Utility
This is the sectok tool from Originally targeted
for OpenBSD. This is a quick port of the basic application; it relies
upon the libsectok library for ISO 7816 Smart Card device communication.

2003-09-29T00:05:14+00:00 security/libsectok ISO 7816 Smartcard API Library
This is the libsectok library from Originally targeted
for OpenBSD. This is a quick port of the library itself; it contains an
API for working with ISO 7816 Smart Card devices.

2003-09-28T20:37:30+00:00 mail/qmail-remove Removes messages from your qmail queue based on a particular string
Qmail-Remove will remove messages containing a particular string from your
Qmail queue.

2003-09-28T20:36:34+00:00 mail/mailmgr Sendmail Analysis Report Generator
Mailmgr is a Sendmail Analisys Report Generator.

The html reports contain the following informations:
messages sent
messages received
bytes sent
bytes received
Messages from with date, time and bytes per user
Messages to with date, time and bytes per user

2003-09-28T15:39:46+00:00 sysutils/fetchlog Fetch and convert new messages of a logfile
The fetchlog utility displays the last new messages of a logfile.
It is similar like tail (1) but offers some extra functionality like
pattern matching with regular expressions or output formatting. To show
only the new messages appeared since the last call fetchlog uses a
bookmark to remember which messages have been fetched.

fetchlog works on syslog generated logfiles as well as other logfiles.

fetchlog can be used standalone or as a Nagios (TM) plugin. Together
with Net-SNMP one can look at/monitor new messages in remote logfiles.


-Alexander Haderer
2003-09-28T13:32:06+00:00 sysutils/pftop Utility for real-time display of statistics for pf
Pftop is a small, curses-based utility for real-time display of active
states and rule statistics for pf, the packet filter (for OpenBSD)

2003-09-28T13:13:38+00:00 games/eif Empire text client
eif - a Wolfpack Empire text-based client

Empire is a classic strategy wargame played by a number of people.
Eif is an improved version of the original text-based client.

This version works with Wolfpack Empire version 4.2.11 (+ipv6+highlight)

2003-09-28T13:12:08+00:00 games/gnmm A "nine mens' morris" implementation for the GNOME Desktop Environment
A "nine mens' morris" implementation for the GNOME Desktop Environment

* a strong computer player,
* move takeback,
* localization.

2003-09-28T12:51:30+00:00 games/linux_nwnclient Neverwinter Nights Linux (x86) Client
This is the Neverwinter Nights Linux based client. It runs
under FreeBSD using the Linux emulation mode.

2003-09-28T12:51:30+00:00 games/linux-nwnclient Neverwinter Nights Linux (x86) Client
This is the Neverwinter Nights Linux based client. It runs
under FreeBSD using the Linux emulation mode.

2003-09-28T12:49:38+00:00 games/nwndata Neverwinter Nights Data Files
This is the Neverwinter Nights data used by the Linux client. It runs
under FreeBSD using the Linux emulation mode. In order to play
this game, you will need the game resources, along with a license key
from the retail version of this game.

2003-09-28T12:49:38+00:00 games/linux_nwndata Neverwinter Nights Data Files
This is the Neverwinter Nights data used by the Linux client. It runs
under FreeBSD using the Linux emulation mode. In order to play
this game, you will need the game resources, along with a license key
from the retail version of this game.

2003-09-28T12:18:48+00:00 games/uqm Port of the original Star Control 2 for 3DO consoles
Ur-Quan Masters is a port of the original Star Control 2 for 3DO Consoles.

The project started in August 2002, when Toys For Bob released the partially
ported sources of Star Control 2 3DO version to the fan community. Our goal
is to port this wonderful game to current personal computers and operating
systems. It is and will remain 100% free of charge, and anyone can contribute
to the project and thus help make it even better.

2003-09-28T12:08:39+00:00 games/freedroid Clone of the Commodore game Paradroid
Freedroid is a clone of the game "Paradroid" which was released on Commodore
64 in 1985. In this game, you control a robot located within an interstellar
spaceship consisting of several decks connected by elevators.

The aim of the game is to destroy all enemy robots by either shooting them
or seizing control over them by creating connections in a short subgame
of electric circuits. The graphics are designed to be a fairly faithful
reproduction of the original game, but a modern set of tiles is also

2003-09-28T12:03:06+00:00 games/xpilot-ng An enhanced version of XPilot
XPilot is a multi-player tactical manouvring game for X and Unix workstations.
Players have a fighter which they move along in an artificial world
and shoot each other using various kinds of weapons like bullets, mines,
smart missiles, heat seekers and so on. It is a fast paced game with
a lot of tactics. There are also robots flying around shooting players
and other robots. Players can pickup special bonuses to improve the
possibilities of their ship like more engine power or special weapons.
The aim of the game is to score points and to have a lot of fun.

See for differences between
standard XPilot and this version.


- Jean-Yves Lefort
2003-09-28T12:03:06+00:00 games/xpilot-ng-server Enhanced version of XPilot (server program)
XPilot is a multi-player tactical manouvring game for X and Unix workstations.
Players have a fighter which they move along in an artificial world
and shoot each other using various kinds of weapons like bullets, mines,
smart missiles, heat seekers and so on. It is a fast paced game with
a lot of tactics. There are also robots flying around shooting players
and other robots. Players can pickup special bonuses to improve the
possibilities of their ship like more engine power or special weapons.
The aim of the game is to score points and to have a lot of fun.

See for differences between
standard XPilot and this version.


- Jean-Yves Lefort
2003-09-28T12:03:06+00:00 games/xpilot-ng-client Enhanced version of XPilot (client program)
XPilot is a multi-player tactical manouvring game for X and Unix workstations.
Players have a fighter which they move along in an artificial world
and shoot each other using various kinds of weapons like bullets, mines,
smart missiles, heat seekers and so on. It is a fast paced game with
a lot of tactics. There are also robots flying around shooting players
and other robots. Players can pickup special bonuses to improve the
possibilities of their ship like more engine power or special weapons.
The aim of the game is to score points and to have a lot of fun.

See for differences between
standard XPilot and this version.


- Jean-Yves Lefort
2003-09-28T10:57:21+00:00 lang/alisp Interpreter for purely symbolic LISP
ArrowLISP is an interpreter for a purely symbolic,
side effect-free, lexically scoped dialect of LISP.
It may be considered an implementation of pure LISP
plus global definitions.

2003-09-28T10:40:42+00:00 www/cl-lml-cmucl Lisp Markup Language
A Common Lisp package for generating HTML and XHTML documents.


-- Henrik Motakef
2003-09-28T10:39:32+00:00 www/cl-lml-sbcl Lisp Markup Language
A Common Lisp package for generating HTML and XHTML documents.

2003-09-28T10:35:56+00:00 devel/cl-split-sequence-cmucl Partitioning Common Lisp sequences
split-sequence is a small library to split sequences in to a list of
subsequences delimited by an object satisfying a test function. It is
a member of the Common Lisp Utilities family of programs, designed by
community consensus.


-- Henrik Motakef
2003-09-28T10:34:41+00:00 devel/cl-split-sequence-sbcl Partitioning Common Lisp sequences
split-sequence is a small library to split sequences in to a list of
subsequences delimited by an object satisfying a test function. It is
a member of the Common Lisp Utilities family of programs, designed by
community consensus.

2003-09-28T10:29:59+00:00 textproc/cl-ppcre-sbcl Portable Perl-Compatible Regular Expression for Common Lisp
CL-PPCRE is a fast, Perl compatible implementation of regular expressions
written in portable, ANSI-compliant Common Lisp.

This package installs binaries for SBCL.

2003-09-28T10:29:08+00:00 textproc/cl-ppcre-cmucl Portable Perl-Compatible Regular Expression for Common Lisp
CL-PPCRE is a fast, perl compatible implementation of regular expressions
written in portable, ANSI-compliant Common Lisp.

This package installs binaries for CMUCL.


-- Henrik Motakef
2003-09-28T10:24:46+00:00 devel/cl-port-cmucl Cross-Lisp portability package
CLOCC Port provides a portable interface to various features absent
from the ANSI Common Lisp standard, such as sockets, multiprocessing,
calling external programs, Gray streams etc.

This package contains binaries compiled for CMU CL.


-- Henrik Motakef
2003-09-28T10:23:41+00:00 devel/cl-port-sbcl Cross-Lisp portability package
CLOCC Port provides a portable interface to various features absent
from the ANSI Common Lisp standard, such as sockets, multiprocessing,
calling external programs, Gray streams etc.

This package contains binaries compiled for SBCL.

2003-09-28T10:21:23+00:00 textproc/cl-meta-sbcl Parser generator for Common Lisp
META is builder for recursive descent parsers implemented as a domain
specific language on top of Common Lisp.

This package installs binaries for SBCL.

2003-09-28T10:19:52+00:00 textproc/cl-meta-cmucl A parser generator for Common Lisp
META is builder for recursive descent parsers implemented as a domain
specific language on top of Common Lisp.

This package contains binaries for CMUCL.


-- Henrik Motakef
2003-09-28T09:53:36+00:00 devel/cl-split-sequence Partitioning Common Lisp sequences
split-sequence is a small library to split sequences in to a list of
subsequences delimited by an object satisfying a test function. It is
a member of the Common Lisp Utilities family of programs, designed by
community consensus.

2003-09-28T09:49:33+00:00 textproc/cl-ppcre Portable Perl-Compatible Regular Expression for Common Lisp
CL-PPCRE is a fast, Perl compatible implementation of regular expressions
written in portable, ANSI-compliant Common Lisp.

2003-09-28T09:44:07+00:00 devel/cl-port Cross-Lisp portability package
CLOCC Port provides a portable interface to various features absent
from the ANSI Common Lisp standard, such as sockets, multiprocessing,
calling external programs, Gray streams etc.

2003-09-28T09:16:06+00:00 textproc/cl-meta Parser generator for Common Lisp
META is builder for recursive descent parsers implemented as a domain
specific language on top of Common Lisp.

2003-09-28T09:13:43+00:00 devel/cl-asdf-cmucl A system definition facility for Common Lisp
asdf is Another System Definition Facility for Common Lisp. It intends
to solve the same class of problems as mk-defsystem - compiling and
installing Lisp libraries -, but internally it takes advantage of
modern CL features like pathname support etc., and uses CLOS for

This package installs binaries compiled for CMU Common Lisp.


- Henrik Motakef
2003-09-28T09:02:57+00:00 devel/cl-asdf-sbcl A system definition facility for Common Lisp
asdf is Another System Definition Facility for Common Lisp. It intends
to solve the same class of problems as mk-defsystem - compiling and
installing Lisp libraries -, but internally it takes advantage of
modern CL features like pathname support etc., and uses CLOS for

This package installs binaries compiled for Steel Bank Common Lisp.


- Henrik Motakef
2003-09-27T23:40:56+00:00 net/quagga Free RIPv1, RIPv2, OSPFv2, BGP4, IS-IS route software
Quagga is a routing software suite, providing implementations of
OSPFv2, OSPFv3, RIP v1 and v2, RIPv3, BGPv4 and experemental ISIS
for Unix platforms, particularly FreeBSD and Linux and also NetBSD,
to mention a few. Quagga is a fork of GNU Zebra which was developed
by Kunihiro Ishiguro. The Quagga tree aims to build a more involved
community around Quagga than the current centralised model of GNU Zebra.

2003-09-27T19:26:13+00:00 korean/unfonts-ttf GPL'd Korean TrueType Fonts by UN Koaunghi
Un-series fonts (GPL'd) are made by UN Koaunghi (who painstakingly
scanned, converted to outlines and hand-hinted them all) and PARK
Won-Kyu. They're originally made as PS fonts to use with Korean
TeX/LaTeX/OmegaLambda (HLaTeX [1]) by UN Koaunghi in the late 1990's.
Recently, PARK Won-kyu converted them to truetype fonts and added
GSUB tables to one of them (UnBatang) for the full support of
Korean script with Korean letters (Hangul Jamos : U+1100).

2003-09-27T17:53:02+00:00 mail/fetchyahoo Download e-mail from a Yahoo account to a Berkeley mailbox
This is a script for downloading e-mail from a Yahoo account into
a Berkeley-formatted mailbox file.

2003-09-27T16:14:30+00:00 mail/elmo Receive, filter, read, compose, and send mail at the text console
Elmo (ELectronic Mail Operator) is an ncurses-based program for
receiving, filtering, reading, composing, and sending mail from a
character terminal. It speaks POP3 and SMTP and can work with
maildir or Berkeley-formatted mailboxes.

Before running elmo, users should run to generate an
~/.elmorc file.

2003-09-27T16:14:30+00:00 mail/elmo-devel Receive, filter, read, compose, and send mail at the text console
Elmo (ELectronic Mail Operator) is an ncurses-based program for
receiving, filtering, reading, composing, and sending mail from a
character terminal. It speaks POP3 and SMTP and can work with
maildir or Berkeley-formatted mailboxes.

This version is a development version, but is rather stable, and
is known to work better than the stable version on FreeBSD 4.x.

Before running elmo, users should run to generate an
~/.elmorc file.

2003-09-27T13:38:33+00:00 devel/p5-ExtUtils-XSBuilder Autogenerating XS-glue Code
ExtUtils::XSBuilder is a set modules to parse C header files and create XS
glue code and documentation out of it. Ideally this allows to "write" an
interface to a C library without coding a line. Since no C-API is ideal,
some adjustments are necessary most of the time. So to use this module you
must still be familiar with C and XS programming, but it removes a lot of
stupid work and copy&paste from you. Also when the C API changes, most
of the time you only have to rerun XSBuilder to get your new Perl API.

2003-09-27T13:06:22+00:00 mail/sylpheed-gtk2 The GTK+ 2.0 port of a lightweight, featureful and fast e-mail client
Sylpheed is an e-mail client (and news reader) based on GTK+, running on
X Window System, and aiming for:
* Quick response
* Graceful, and sophisticated interface
* Easy configuration, intuitive operation
* Abundant features

Currently, many features are supported including POP3, IMAP, NNTP,
multiple accounts, threading, filtering, MIME attachments, APOP, SMTP
AUTH, SSL, IPv6, GnuPG, internalization, and more.

This is the GTK+ 2.0 branch of Sylpheed, authored by Takuro Ashie and
Botond Botyanszki.

2003-09-27T07:38:23+00:00 devel/gdb53-act GDB 5.3 modified by ACT for Ada programming language
GNU GDB 5.3 developmental snapshot.
2003-09-27T07:32:24+00:00 devel/adabindx An Ada-binding to the X Window System and *tif
This is a binding of Ada to the C-Libraries of the X Window system and the
Motif(tm) or Lesstif widget set.

Programmers used to write X Window programs will easily use this binding. Most
of the names for functions and procedures resemble the equivalent C interface
names, e.g.
XGetRGBColormaps (C interface) <-> X_Get_RGB_Colormaps (Ada binding).

"While retaining familiarity to the C interface, I tried to include the
security of Ada by controlling the creation and release of pointer types
wherever possible."

Patch supplied by Vadim Godunko

It adds support for OpenMotif 2.2 to configuration as well as support for
XmColumn, XmDataField and widgets from OpenMotif2.2.

2003-09-27T07:29:44+00:00 net/openradius RADIUS server with some actual documentation
This is a relatively simple port of OpenRADIUS. From the faq...

What is OpenRADIUS?

OpenRADIUS is a piece of software that links your network access
devices to your user-, service profile-, and usage databases.

As such, OpenRADIUS isn't unique; other servers that speak the
RADIUS protocol do the same. But it is unique in the flexibility
it offers you in building this link, because it puts you in full
control of the business rules used inside the server and the ways
it talks to your databases - without anybody having to hack the
source code.

2003-09-27T07:16:27+00:00 lang/bf2c Optimizing BrainF*ck to C compiler
BrainF*ck is a minimalistic, yet Turing-complete programming language with
only 8 instructions. bf2c compiles a BF file into a corresponding C file,
optimizing as much as possible for speed, size and readability.

It is written for fun, self-educating purposes and to beat existing
BF compilers.

2003-09-27T06:48:16+00:00 devel/sgl STL implementation for ADA95
The Ada "Standard Generic Library" (SGL)
The Ada SGL is a port of the C++ Standard Template Library (STL).
2003-09-27T06:46:04+00:00 devel/florist FSU implementation of POSIX.5, the POSIX Ada binding
FLORIST is a FSU implementation of POSIX.5, the POSIX Ada binding.

2003-09-27T06:33:07+00:00 devel/adabooch Ada 95 Booch Components
The Ada 95 Booch components are a port of Grady Booch's C++ components.
They contain the same key abstractions as the C++ form (Structs, Tools and
Support). However, the organization is slightly different, particularly in
the Support domain. This is because Ada 95 provides several special forms
of memory management that are quite different from C++.

The Structs category provides an array of structural abstractions (Bags,
Collections, Deques, Graphs, Lists, Maps, Queues, Rings, Sets, Stacks, and
Trees). The Tools category provides algorithmic abstractions (Searching,
Sorting, etc.). The Support category contains all the "concrete" forms,
plus structures to create the components.

Some of the structures permit structural sharing (graphs, lists, and trees).
Some structures may also be ordered (collections, dequeues, and queues). There
are also multiple forms for some structures: single and double linked lists,
directed and undirected graphs, and binary, multiway, and AVL trees.

2003-09-27T06:22:23+00:00 devel/adabooch-doc-html Manual for adabooch
This is the manual for adabooch in HTML.
2003-09-27T06:15:46+00:00 devel/adasdl Ada thin binding to SDL
daSDL is a set of Ada (programming language) bindings, ports,
and some original applications based on SDL (Simple DirectMedia
Library -

2003-09-27T03:53:32+00:00 sysutils/tct Analyzer for forensic data
The Coroner's Toolkit (TCT) is a collection of tools designed to
assist in a forensic examination of a computer. It is primarily
designed for Unix systems, but it can some small amount of data
collection & analysis from non-Unix disks/media.


- Francisco Gomez -
2003-09-26T18:01:34+00:00 textproc/wv2 Library providing routines to access Microsoft Word files
wv2 is a library which allows access to Microsoft Word files. It is a
rewrite of the wv library.

2003-09-26T11:14:37+00:00 deskutils/gdesklets-starterbar Icon bar for GNOME 2.x where you can put starters into
An icon bar for GNOME where you can put starters into. Yes, you can do the
same with the GNOME panel, but this one is pure eye candy!

2003-09-26T11:11:30+00:00 deskutils/gdesklets-recentlyused Toolbar for the most recently used items from ~/.recently-used
The Recently Used Toolbar displays icons for the most recently used items
according to your GNOME ~/.recently-used file. The Desklet displays a
configurable number of icons in the last used order. As you scroll over the
icons in the toolbar they expand similar to the starter bar desklet. If the
file has a thumbnail already created, then the thumbnail will be shown
instead of the MIME icon.

If you click on one of the icons in the toolbar it will launch the application
that GNOME has associated with that specific MIME type.

2003-09-26T11:07:42+00:00 x11-clocks/gdesklets-clock Various clock displays for Gnome 2.x
The Clock sensor with various clock displays.

2003-09-26T10:15:41+00:00 www/zope-cmf13 The Zope Content Management Framework (CMF)
The Zope Content Management Framework (CMF) - previously known as the Portal
Toolkit (PTK) - contains most of what you need to set up and maintain a web
portal using Zope.

2003-09-25T19:49:31+00:00 net/annextools BSD tools for the MicroAnnex-XL Terminal Server
This port will install the original management tools from Nortel
Networks (formerly Bay Networks, formerly Xylogics) for the popular
Annex range of terminal servers.


2003-09-25T19:49:31+00:00 net-mgmt/annextools BSD tools for the MicroAnnex-XL Terminal Server
This port will install the original management tools from Nortel
Networks (formerly Bay Networks, formerly Xylogics) for the popular
Annex range of terminal servers.

2003-09-25T15:20:36+00:00 graphics/passepartout DTP application for X
Passepartout is an Open Source Desktop Publishing application for the
X Windows environment. The main focus is on making it easy for the
user to create publications with a flexible layout, typical examples
being magazines, brochures and leaflets.

Questions, bug reports, etc. should be sent to

2003-09-25T11:20:15+00:00 security/doscan Tool to quickly scan your network for machines listening on a TCP port
Doscan is a tool to quickly scan your network for machines listening on a
TCP port, opening thousands of TCP connections in parallel.
High scanning rate: five to ten minutes per 100,000 addresses (which
are sparsely populated with hosts), with rather conservative timeouts.
Load distribution: doscan scans the addresses in a seemingly random
order. If your scan host is connected to a central router, this ensures
that the load is distributed across your network, and you are
stress-testing just a single router, and not your edge devices.
Low memory consumption: memory usage is proportional to the number
of hosts which have responded so far, and to the number of parallel
connections. The total number of addresses does not influence memory usage
in any way.
Can collect responses: doscan optionally records data which is sent
by the hosts which are being scanned. You can even specify a regular
expression to extract part of a server banner, and a message to send to
trigger a response (great for determining HTTP server versions).
Extensibility: It is possible to add special handlers for TCP-based
protocols, using a straightforward interface.
It supports scanning the vulnerable Microsoft DCOM implementation.

2003-09-25T05:33:20+00:00 sysutils/battfink Energy saving preferences app for GNOME
Battfink lets you configure energy saving options. It comes with an
associated battery notification icon.

2003-09-25T05:26:24+00:00 textproc/libcroco CSS2 parsing library
libcroco is a standalone css2 parsing library.
It provides a low level event driven SAC like api
and a css object model like api.

This library is being written to bring the css support
to the mlview xml editor project but it can be used
for other applications as well.

2003-09-25T03:07:43+00:00 editors/gedit-plugins Plugins for GEdit 3
Various additional plug-ins for GEdit 3.

2003-09-24T19:11:35+00:00 games/qwdtools Convert QuakeWorld demos from QWD format to MVD format
QWDtools is a powerful utility to convert regular uncompressed
QuakeWorld demo files (in QWD format) to new-era multi-view format.

No QWZ format support yet, but one can always convert them to QWD
manually with Qizmo and run them through QWDtools after that.

2003-09-24T18:14:21+00:00 games/tt Tetris for Terminals
tt is an implementation of the well-known game tetris. Quadominoes (groups
of four squares joined orthogonally together) slowly fall down the screen,
accumulating at the bottom, and when the pile reaches the top of the screen
the game is over.

The pieces may be moved to the left or right, and rotated as they fall, with
the aim of making them tessellate with the pieces already at the bottom of
the game area. The height of the stack of pieces can be reduced by filling
a complete row of ten squares, at which point that row will disappear, and
those above will fall down into its place. It is possible (and desirable)
to destroy multiple rows at once.

2003-09-24T13:59:43+00:00 sysutils/afbinit Sun AFB aka Sun Elite 3D microcode firmware loader
This port provides a program that loads the microcode firmware onto Sun
Microsystems AFB Graphics Accelerators aka Sun Microsystems Elite 3D
found in many UltraSPARC systems. The microcode is necessary if you want
to run X.Org with acceleration on these cards and is also included in this
2003-09-24T13:47:38+00:00 security/antivir-milter AntiVir Milter mail virusscanner for Sendmail
AntiVir Milter is a plug-in for sendmail versions 8.11 and up and communicates
via the libmilter interface of sendmail.
AntiVir Milter checks all incoming and outgoing emails. Infected emails are
blocked, depending on the presetting. A status message is written to "syslog".
The sender, receiver and administrator can be informed about infections.

- All sendmail functions can still be used
Example: SMTP authentication, anti-relaying, anti-spam
- Easy installation and integration into sendmail
- Hourly or daily update of the scan engine and the virus definition files
via the Internet
- Checking of incoming and outgoing mails
- Dependable detection of viruses and unwanted programs in real time
- Configurable response to a detected virus or unwanted program
- Isolation of infected and suspicious files in a quarantine directory
- LOG file can be used as a protocol via mail traffic
- Immediate activation, if new virus definition file (.VDF) is available
- Heuristic macro-virus detection
- Modifiable templates to create own alert messages
- Scanning in archives (28 formats are supported) (Support English/German) (German)
2003-09-24T11:03:02+00:00 mail/p5-Email-MIME-Encodings Unified interface to MIME encoding and decoding
This module simply wraps MIME::Base64 and MIME::QuotedPrint so that you
can throw the contents of a Content-Transfer-Encoding header at some
text and have the right thing happen.

2003-09-24T09:47:00+00:00 lang/php4-horde A default PHP configured for the Horde framework
2003-09-24T08:49:00+00:00 mail/p5-Email-LocalDelivery-Ezmlm Deliver mail into ezmlm archives
This module delivers RFC822 messages into ezmlm-style archive folders.

2003-09-24T07:51:36+00:00 graphics/p5-Image-Imlib2 Perl interface to the Imlib2 image library
Image::Imlib2 is a Perl port of Imlib2, a graphics library
that does image file loading and saving as well as manipulation,
arbitrary polygon support, etc. It does ALL of these operations
FAST. It allows you to create colour images using a large number
of graphics primitives, and output the images in a range of formats.

2003-09-20T13:16:46+00:00 databases/gnats4 GNATS, the GNU Problem Report Management System
GNU GNATS is a set of tools for tracking bugs reported by users to a
central site. It allows problem report management and communication
with users through various means, including e-mail, Web and a network
daemon. GNATS stores all the information about problem reports in its
databases, consisting of plain text files and it provides tools for
querying, editing and maintaining these databases.

2003-09-18T07:04:25+00:00 graphics/gpdf GNOME version of xpdf
The GNOME PDF Viewer is an open source viewer for Portable Document
Format (PDF) files, often called "Acrobat" files, from the name of
Adobe's PDF software. The GNOME PDF viewer is based upon xpdf, and
integrates directly into the GNOME 2 desktop.

2003-09-18T07:03:06+00:00 sysutils/nautilus-cd-burner CD burner view for Nautilus
Nautilus-cd-burner allows CDs to be created and burned directly from
within Nautilus (using the burn:/// URI).
2003-09-18T07:02:09+00:00 x11/gnopernicus Collection of accessibility apps for GNOME 2
Gnopernicus provides Assistive Technologies (AT) for blind and visually
impaired persons through modules for text-to-speech, braille, etc.

2003-09-18T07:02:09+00:00 accessibility/gnopernicus Collection of accessibility apps for GNOME 2
Gnopernicus provides Assistive Technologies (AT) for blind and visually
impaired persons through modules for text-to-speech, braille, etc.

2003-09-18T07:01:13+00:00 audio/gnomespeech GNOME text-to-speech API
GNOME Speech is a simple general API for producing text-to-speech output.
2003-09-18T07:01:13+00:00 accessibility/gnomespeech GNOME text-to-speech API
GNOME Speech is a simple general API for producing text-to-speech output.
2003-09-18T07:01:13+00:00 accessibility/gnome-speech GNOME text-to-speech API
GNOME Speech is a simple general API for producing text-to-speech output.

2003-09-14T16:51:56+00:00 net/ser Fast and configurable SIP proxy
ser or SIP Express Router is a very fast and flexible SIP (RFC3261)
proxy server. Written entirely in C, ser can handle thousands calls
per second even on low-budget hardware. C Shell like scripting language
provides full control over the server's behaviour. It's modular
architecture allows only required functionality to be loaded.
Currently the following modules are available: Digest Authentication,
CPL scripts, Instant Messaging, MySQL support, Presence Agent, Radius
Authentication, Record Routing, SMS Gateway, Jabber Gateway, Transaction
Module, Registrar and User Location.

2003-09-10T13:14:33+00:00 devel/buildtool-doc Buildtool User's and Developer's manuals
This package includes the Buildtool User's and Developer's manual.
You will need Buildtool itself to generate and install end user

2003-09-10T10:18:35+00:00 polish/kadu Internet communicator supporting Gadu-Gadu and Jabber/XMPP
Qt based internet communicator supporting Gadu-Gadu and Jabber/XMPP
protocols for Unix-like and Windows systems.
Gadu-Gadu is an ICQ-like messenger for polish language users.

2003-09-10T09:59:25+00:00 dns/c-ares Asynchronous DNS resolver library
This is c-ares, an asynchronous resolver library. It is intended for
applications which need to perform DNS queries without blocking, or
need to perform multiple DNS queries in parallel. The primary
examples of such applications are servers which communicate with
multiple clients and programs with graphical user interfaces.

2003-09-10T09:59:25+00:00 dns/ares Asynchronous DNS resolver library
This is ares, an asynchronous resolver library. It is intended for
applications which need to perform DNS queries without blocking, or
need to perform multiple DNS queries in parallel. The primary
examples of such applications are servers which communicate with
multiple clients and programs with graphical user interfaces.

2003-09-10T09:54:55+00:00 textproc/ruby-quixml A Fast XML API for Ruby written in C
QuiXML is an XML library for Ruby written in C, utilizing the expat
library for parsing XML string buffers. It uses only Ruby native data
structures to store its XML data internally, so how they are generated
is completely open. The library both parses and generates XML,
precisely or with pretty printing and automatic encoding/decoding
special characters (<, >, &, ', and "). Transmutations to/from
attribute string values and Ruby objects can occur when
reading/writing XML, allowing for a limited degree of object
marshalling. Element path addressing makes it easy to find one or
more nodes using literal strings, regular expressions or any other
object which supports Ruby case-equality to match against XML node
names and attributes.

Author: sdodell <>
2003-09-10T09:35:37+00:00 databases/ruby-criteria A Ruby module for SQL query abstraction, and others
Criteria is a module for abstracting queries to various data sets.
For instance, you might have a flat text file, or an array of Ruby
objects, or a SQL database, and wish to perform the same query on any
given source, without different versions of code for each. Here's a
quick example (more on the site):

idx1 ="orders")
q1 = (idx1.price > idx1.paid) & (idx1.duedate <


# => SELECT * FROM orders WHERE ((orders.price > orders.paid) AND
# (orders.duedate < 1062616643))

Author: Ryan Pavlik <>
2003-09-10T08:11:48+00:00 ftp/ftpd-tls Ftp server supporting FTP AUTH TLS
Ftp server based on the OpenBSD ftp server code, implements the
FTP AUTH TLS IETF draft plus a custom SSL/TLS client authentication.
2003-09-09T22:12:10+00:00 shells/tcshrc Set of configuration scripts for the TCSH shell
The .tcshrc project creates a set of configuration scripts for the
TCSH shell. These scripts exploit the most advanced features of tcsh.

2003-09-09T15:07:53+00:00 security/cmd5checkpw Checkpassword compatible authentication program that uses CRAM-MD5
cmd5checkpw is a checkpassword compatible authentication program that uses
CRAM-MD5 authentication mode. It was designed primary to work with qmail
but it can be used by any other program that knows how to use checkpassword
compatible authentication.

2003-09-09T12:35:47+00:00 net/coda6_client Client programs for a replicated high-performance network file system
Coda is a distributed file system. Among its features are disconnected
operation, good security model, server replication and persistent
client side caching.

This package builds the entire source tree but only installs(/packages)
the client side programs.

For more info, contact information available below.

2003-09-09T12:26:54+00:00 net/coda6_server Server programs for a replicated high-performance network file system
Coda is a distributed file system. Among its features are disconnected
operation, good security model, server replication and persistent
client side caching.

This package builds the entire source tree but only installs(/packages)
the server side programs.

For more info, contact information available below.

2003-09-08T12:45:59+00:00 science/at The Acoustic ToolBox includes four acoustic models
The Acoustic ToolBox includes four acoustic models:

BELLHOP: A beam/ray trace code

KRAKEN: A normal mode code

SCOOTER: A finite element FFP code

SPARC: A time domain FFP code

A common input structure has been used throughout so that only minor
modifications are needed to switch from one program to another.

All the models produce shade files which can be processed
using a common set of plotting routines to plot transmission loss
vs. range or vs. range and depth. These plotting routines
are contained in the GLOBAL directory.

2003-09-08T11:38:15+00:00 sysutils/autopsy Web-based (graphical) interface to The Sleuth Kit
The Autopsy Forensic Browser is a graphical interface to the command line
digital investigation analysis tools in The Sleuth Kit. Together, they can
analyze Windows and UNIX disks and file systems (NTFS, FAT, UFS1/2, Ext2/3).

As Autopsy is HTML-based, you can connect to the Autopsy server from any
platform using an HTML browser. Autopsy provides a "File Manager"-like
interface and shows details about deleted data and file system structures.

WARNING: The cross-platform version of Autopsy is no longer actively
developed. This port is retained mainly to allow users with
saved data to migrate to another forensic tool.

2003-09-08T11:24:01+00:00 sysutils/sleuthkit Tools and library for filesystem forensic analysis
The Sleuth Kit (TSK) is a library and collection of command line tools that
allow you to investigate volume and file system data. The library can be
incorporated into larger digital forensics tools and the command line tools
can be directly used to find evidence.

The media management tools allow you to examine the layout of disks and
other media. The Sleuth Kit supports DOS partitions, BSD partitions (disk
labels), Mac partitions, Sun slices (Volume Table of Contents), and GPT
disks. With these tools, you can identify where partitions are located and
extract them so that they can be analyzed with file system analysis tools.

2003-09-08T11:03:44+00:00 comms/tilp TI Linking Program
TiLP stands for 'Ti Linking Program' or 'Tilp is a Linking Program' (GNU
recursive acronyms). TiLP is a program allowing a computer or a workstation
to communicate with a Texas Instruments graphing calculator.


- Tijl Coosemans
2003-09-08T10:59:00+00:00 devel/libticalcs TI calculator library
The libTicalc library is a multi-platform library which handles all
Texas Instruments calculators through a set of functions.

2003-09-08T10:55:05+00:00 devel/libtifiles TI calculator file types library
The tifiles library is a library to handle the various TI calculator
file formats.

2003-09-08T10:49:58+00:00 comms/libticables TI calculator link cables library
The ticables library is a multi-platform library which handles all
Texas Instruments calculator link cables through a set of functions
which constitutes a common API.

2003-09-08T09:37:36+00:00 irc/ircproxy IRC proxy/bouncer daemon
ircproxy is an advanced multi-user IRC bouncer written in C with IPv6 and
SSL support. It can proxy simultaneous users at the same time to different
IRC servers. The IRC connection can stay connected to IRC when the IRC
client disconnects, the user can then later reattach to the same IRC

Private messages and channel activity can an be logged when no IRC clients
are attached. You can then see what you have been missing while you're
offline. It is also possible to attach multiple IRC clients on the same
IRC connection. This is useful if you want to be connected from home and
work at the same time without cloning.

2003-09-08T09:09:36+00:00 security/dropbear SSH 2 server, designed to be usable in small memory environments
Dropbear is an SSH 2 server, designed to be usable in small memory
environments. It supports:

* Main features of SSH 2 protocol
* Implements X11 forwarding, and authentication-agent forwarding
for OpenSSH clients
* Compatible with OpenSSH ~/.ssh/authorized_keys public key

2003-09-08T08:40:02+00:00 dns/bind9-sdb-mysql BIND DNS 9 server which supports a MySQL backend
bind9-sdb-mysql provides a MySQL Simplified Database Interface (sdb) to bind9.
So, zones can be stored in a MySQL database.

2003-09-08T08:06:26+00:00 irc/ircproxy-freebsd-port An IRC proxy server
This is a port of ircproxy, it is an Internet Relay Chat Proxy.


- Jonas Kvinge
2003-09-08T07:25:51+00:00 net/gkrellmmultiping2 GKrellM2 multiping plugin
This plugin pings several machines and shows the current
round-trip and status.

Author: Jindrich Makovicka
2003-09-08T07:12:22+00:00 databases/WWWdb Perl based generic WWW DB interface / frontend
A flexible web-enabled frontend and application-server for different
databases ... that is WWWdb

2003-09-08T07:08:14+00:00 x11/xnodecor Utility to set override_redirect in XWindowAttributes to True
This program sets attribute "override_redirect" to True for any window
you've specified (using window name). Window Managers should ignore
such windows; it's useful, for example, if you're using wmx Window Manager,
and want to have a clock on every virtual screen and without any
borders. Just add the following string to your X-startfile (after
starting watch app):

xnodecor -w watch

(assuming that your watch application has a window named "watch")
2003-09-08T06:58:00+00:00 games/traindirector Train controller simulation
Train Director is a clone of the popular Train Dispatcher simulation

With Train Director you can simulate the work of the Centralized
Traffic Control by controlling the movement of trains by throwing
switches and clearing signals. You can also create your own territories
with the included track layout editor.

2003-09-08T02:50:42+00:00 devel/pear-apd A full-featured engine-level PHP profiler/debugger
APD is a full-featured PHP profiler/debugger that is loaded as a

It aims to be an analog of C's gprof or Perl's Devel::DProf.

2003-09-08T02:39:57+00:00 devel/pear-XML_RSS PEAR RSS parser
Parser for Resource Description Framework (RDF) Site Summary (RSS)

2003-09-08T02:30:58+00:00 devel/pear-XML_Serializer PEAR Swiss-army knive for reading and writing XML files
PEAR::XML_Serializer serializes complex data structures like arrays
or object as XML documents.

This class helps you generating any XML document you require without
the need for DOM.

Furthermore this package can be used as a replacement to serialize()
and unserialize() as it comes with a matching XML_Unserializer that
is able to create PHP data structures (like arrays and objects)
from XML documents, if type hints are available.

If you use the XML_Unserializer on standard XML files, it will try
to guess how it has to be unserialized. In most cases it does exactly
what you expect it to do.

Try reading a RSS file with XML_Unserializer and you have the whole
RSS file in a structured array or even a collection of objects,
similar to XML_RSS.

Since version 0.8.0 the package is able to treat XML documents
similar to the simplexml extension of PHP 5.

2003-09-08T02:28:24+00:00 devel/pear-XML_XPath PEAR class provided an XPath/DOM XML manipulation
This is an XML parser based on PHP's built-in xml extension. It
supports two basic modes of operation: "func" and "event". In "func"
mode, it will look for a function named after each element
(xmltag_ELEMENT for start tags and xmltag_ELEMENT_ for end tags), and
in "event" mode it uses a set of generic callbacks.

2003-09-08T02:16:33+00:00 devel/pear-XML_Tree PEAR class for representing XML data in a tree structure
Represent XML data in a tree structure. Allows for the building
of XML data structures using a tree representation, without the
need for an extension like DOMXML.

2003-09-08T02:13:02+00:00 devel/pear-HTML_Template_PHPLIB PEAR template API ported from PHPLIB
The popular Template system from PHPLIB ported to PEAR. It has some
features that can't be found currently in the original version like
fallback paths. It has minor improvements and cleanup in the code as
well as some speed improvements.

2003-09-08T00:34:19+00:00 devel/pear-Config Your configurations swiss-army knife
The Config package provides methods for configuration manipulation.

* Creates configurations from scratch
* Parses and outputs different formats (XML, PHP, INI, Apache...)
* Edits existing configurations
* Converts configurations to other formats
* Allows manipulation of sections, comments, directives...
* Parses configurations into a tree structure
* Provides XPath like access to directives

2003-09-08T00:29:37+00:00 devel/pear-XML_Parser PEAR XML parsing class based on PHP's bundled expat
This is an XML parser based on PHPs built-in xml extension.

It supports two basic modes of operation: "func" and "event". In
"func" mode, it will look for a function named after each element
(xmltag_ELEMENT for start tags and xmltag_ELEMENT_ for end tags),
and in "event" mode it uses a set of generic callbacks.

Since version 1.2.0 there's a new XML_Parser_Simple class that makes
parsing of most XML documents easier, by automatically providing a
stack for the elements.

Furthermore its now possible to split the parser from the handler
object, so you do not have to extend XML_Parser anymore in order
to parse a document with it.

2003-09-08T00:21:11+00:00 devel/pear-XML_Util PEAR XML utility class
Selection of methods that are often needed when working with XML
documents. Functionality includes creating of attribute lists from
arrays, creation of tags, validation of XML names and more.

2003-09-07T12:06:27+00:00 java/kaffe-devel Multi-platform Java virtual machine with JIT compiler and AWT package
Kaffe is multi-platform Java virtual machine. It includes its own
implementation of the Java JDK 1.2 standard classes, including the
AWT classes. Kaffe also does "just-in-time" compilation of Java
bytecode into machine code for increased execution speed.


* Java and Javasoft are registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
2003-09-07T09:34:20+00:00 mail/milter-sender Real-time sender address verification, based on Milter API
SPAM is the black plague of the Internet world and this Sendmail milter
attempts to address a small subset of the problem by verifying that the
sender's email address is in good standing by performing an SMTP callback
to the MX server responsible for the sender's domain. This milter is not
intended to be a complete solution to the SPAM plague and so it should be
used in conjunction with other tools such as DNS blacklists and content
filters. Milter-sender also supports grey-listing.

2003-09-07T01:09:53+00:00 www/caudium-devel A free webserver which is based on the Roxen Challenger 1.3 code base (development branch)
Caudium is the name of a free webserver which is based on the Roxen Challenger
1.3 code base. It is an attractive alternative to servers like Apache, Netscape
and Zeus due to it's strength in dynamic page and data generation, like all the
titles on this site.

This current development branch so use at you own risk.

2003-09-07T00:56:10+00:00 databases/mysqlcc A platform-independent GUI administration client for the MySQL server
MySQL Control Center (also known as MySQLCC) is a
platform-independent GUI administration client for
the MySQL database server.

2003-09-07T00:14:04+00:00 misc/detachtty Run interactive programs non-interactively
detachtty is a Unix utility that lets you run interactive programs
non-interactively, and connect to them over the network when you do
need to interact with them. It's intended for use with long-running
server processes running in Common Lisp implementations.

2003-09-06T03:17:31+00:00 textproc/p5-XML-RSS-Parser Liberal object-oriented parser for RSS feeds
XML::RSS::Parser is a lightweight liberal parser of RSS feeds. This parser
is "liberal" in that it does not demand compliance of a specific RSS version
and will attempt to gracefully handle tags it does not expect or understand.
The parser's only requirements is that the file is well-formed XML and
remotely resembles RSS. Roughly speaking, well formed XML with a channel
element as a direct sibling or the root tag and item elements etc.

There are a number of advantages to using this module then just using
a standard parser-tree combination. There are a number of different RSS
formats in use today. In very subtle ways these formats are not entirely
compatible from one to another. XML::RSS::Parser makes a couple assumptions
to "normalize" the parse tree into a more consistent form. For instance,
it forces channel and item into a parent-child relationship.

2003-09-06T02:30:34+00:00 math/p5-Math-Round Perl extension for rounding numbers
Math::Round supplies functions that will round numbers in different ways. The
functions round and nearest are exported by default; others are available as
described below. "use ... qw(:all)" exports all functions.

2003-09-05T22:26:41+00:00 games/ldmud Modern version of the LPMud game driver
LDMud started as a project to clean up and modernize Amylaar's LPMud
gamedriver. Primary goals are full documentation, a commented source
body and out-of-the-box support for the major mudlibs, of which the
commented source body has been pretty much completed. During the
course of work a lot of bug fixes and improvements found their way
into the driver - much more than originally expected, and definitely
enough to make LDMud a driver in its own right.

2003-09-05T19:21:30+00:00 devel/qmake The build utility of the Qt 3 project
Qt 3 is a C++ toolkit for application development. It lets application
developers target all major operating systems with a single application
source code.

Qmake is a project and makefile creating utility, that is part of Qt 3.
For ease of maintenance it is split out into a port of its own.

2003-09-04T14:51:06+00:00 x11-toolkits/XawPlus A replacement for Xaw with a nicer 3-D look and some extensions
XawPlus is a clone of the original Xaw library, providing a more up to date
look and some extensions to the original Athena widget set. This library is
as compatible as possible to the original. It should be possible to compile
the source code of an Xaw client without any changes (except the include path
of the XawPlus header files) to get the new look of XawPlus to this client.

XawPlus makes it possible to use XPM pixmaps, tooltips, a truncate mechanism
for too long label strings and UTF8 coded UNICODE labels without changing the
code of your application.

XawPlus comes with a set of adapted applications using also the new
features of XawPlus.

2003-09-04T13:57:33+00:00 security/dcetest Utility to dump MSRPC endpoint information from Windows systems
This little utility dumps MSRPC endpoint information from Windows
systems. Similar to the rpcdump program from Microsoft, but does not
need a DCE stack and so runs on Unixes. dcetest can be very useful
once inside a DMZ to fingerprint Windows machines on the network.
dcetest operates over TCP port 135. (Think of it as rpcinfo -p against

2003-09-04T13:28:15+00:00 security/hmap Web server fingerprinting utility
"hmap" is a tool for fingerprinting web servers. Basically, it collects
a number of characteristics and compares them with known profiles to find
a closest match. The closest match is its best guess for the identity of
the server.

2003-09-04T10:58:00+00:00 security/p5-Crypt-OpenSSL-Bignum OpenSSL's multiprecision integer arithmetic #'
Crypt::OpenSSL::Bignum provides access to OpenSSL
multiprecision integer arithmetic libraries. Presently,
many though not all of the arithmetic operations that
OpenSSL provides are exposed to perl. In addition,
this module can be used to provide access to bignum
values produced by other OpenSSL modules, such as key
parameters from Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA.

2003-09-04T06:31:09+00:00 mail/thunderbird3 Mozilla Thunderbird is standalone mail and news that stands above
Mozilla Thunderbird is a redesign of the Mozilla mail component with the goal
of becoming a cross-platform stand alone mail application using the XUL
user interface language. See the Mozilla Thunderbird project page for
more details.

2003-09-04T06:31:09+00:00 mail/thunderbird Mozilla Thunderbird is standalone mail and news that stands above
Mozilla Thunderbird is a redesign of the Mozilla mail component with the goal
of becoming a cross-platform stand alone mail application using the XUL
user interface language. See the Mozilla Thunderbird project page for
more details.

2003-09-04T06:31:09+00:00 mail/thunderbird-esr Mozilla Thunderbird is standalone mail and news that stands above
Mozilla Thunderbird is a redesign of the Mozilla mail component with the goal
of becoming a cross-platform stand alone mail application using the XUL
user interface language. See the Mozilla Thunderbird project page for
more details.

2003-09-04T06:31:09+00:00 mail/thunderbird-devel Mozilla Thunderbird is standalone mail and news that stands above
Mozilla Thunderbird is a redesign of the Mozilla mail component with the goal
of becoming a cross-platform stand alone mail application using the XUL
user interface language. See the Mozilla Thunderbird project page for
more details.

2003-09-04T06:31:09+00:00 mail/mozilla-thunderbird Mozilla Thunderbird is standalone mail and news that stands above
Mozilla Thunderbird is a redesign of the Mozilla mail component with the goal
of becoming a cross-platform stand alone mail application using the XUL
user interface language. See the Mozilla Thunderbird project page for
more details.

2003-09-03T14:16:30+00:00 java/eclipse-langpack Eclipse Language Pack Feature
IBM has donated translations from their products to Eclipse. The
language packs group translations for several languages into a single
download which are distributed as a set of features which you can
install by extracting over your Eclipse directory and restarting
Eclipse. Specifically,

NLpackX contains the NL fragments and the NL features that contain
those fragments for the below languages with each X:

X=1: German, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean,
Portuguese (Brazil), Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese.
X=2: Czech, Hungarian, Polish and Russian.
X=2a: Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Greek, Norwegian, Portuguese,
Swedish and Turkish.
X=Bidi: Arabic and Hebrew.

These translations are based on the Eclipse 3.2 build but should work
with all subsequent 3.2.x maintenance releases. If new strings are
added to Eclipse after 3.2, they will not show up as translated in the
3.2.x stream when you install this language pack.

2003-09-03T14:10:01+00:00 sysutils/xfce4-netload-plugin Network Load plugin for Xfce4
Network Load plugin for the Xfce Desktop.

2003-09-03T05:25:37+00:00 lang/php4-nms
2003-09-03T02:23:23+00:00 biology/lsysexp A GTK based program for viewing and creating L-system fractals
L-system Explorer is a program used for viewing and creating L-system

The following features are supported:

- Over 500 builtin L-systems, arranged into about 20 groups.
- Ability to create and save custom L-systems and L-system groups.
- Abilty to save images of L-systems (in PNG or JPEG format).
- Multiple L-systems can be viewed at the same time.
- Able to use custom colors and gradients.
- Can also generate random gradients, or completely random colors.
- Able to draw using lines, points, or a random combination of both.

2003-09-03T01:07:27+00:00 devel/pear-HTML_Template_IT PEAR Integrated template API
HTML_Template_IT is a templating engine designed to allow easy separation of
concerns. It does this by clearly separating the presentational code from
the PHP code. The presentation code may be of any format, however generally
XML or HTML is used.

This engine works on the foundation of blocks and placeholders.
It uses the hierarchy of blocks to determine which presentational code is
instantiated when blocks are parsed. The placeholders allow the insertion
of "dynamic" information.

There are two classes to use for templating. HTML_Template_IT is used for basic
templating needs. HTML_Template_ITX gives you full power over the templating
engine, allowing blocks to be added, and function callbacks to be used.

2003-09-03T01:04:11+00:00 www/pecl-APC Alternative PHP Cache
APC is the Alternative PHP Cache.

It was conceived of to provide a free, open, and robust framework for
caching and optimizing PHP intermediate code.

2003-09-03T01:04:11+00:00 www/pecl-APC-devel Alternative PHP Cache
APC is the Alternative PHP Cache.

It was conceived of to provide a free, open, and robust framework for
caching and optimizing PHP intermediate code.

2003-09-03T01:04:11+00:00 www/pear-APC Alternative PHP Cache
APC is the Alternative PHP Cache.

It was conceived of to provide a free, open, and robust framework for
caching and optimizing PHP intermediate code.

2003-09-03T00:13:57+00:00 japanese/im-ja Japanese input module for GTK2
im-ja is a Japanese input module for GTK2.

Currently supported input modes are: hiragana, katakana, half-width
katakana, zenkaku, Canna, FreeWnn, and Kanji character recognition
(based on Kanjipad).

Conversion hotkeys, status window, preedit text colors, etc. can be
customized through a GUI. An optional applet is also included for the
gnome-panel which can be used to display and change the input method.

2003-09-02T15:11:00+00:00 www/p5-WWW-Curl Perl extension interface for libcurl
The Perl module WWW::Curl provides an interface to the cURL library "libcurl".

2003-09-02T14:40:30+00:00 mail/exim-doc-info
2003-09-02T14:33:48+00:00 devel/p5-Module-Reload Reload perl library files when updated on disk

Similar to Apache::Reload, this module allows a running perl program to reload
all its libraries. Very useful for developing perl servers.

When Perl pulls a file via require, it stores the filename in the global hash
%INC. The next time Perl tries to 'require' the same file, it sees the file in
%INC and does not reload from disk. This module's handler iterates over %INC
and reloads the file if it has changed on disk.

2003-09-02T12:52:46+00:00 textproc/p5-XML-SimpleObject-LibXML Simple(r) object representation of an XML::LibXML DOM object
This is a short and simple class allowing simple object access to a parsed
XML::LibXML tree, with methods for fetching children and attributes in as
clean a manner as possible. My apologies for further polluting the XML::
space; this is a small and quick module, with easy and compact usage.

2003-09-02T09:23:44+00:00 devel/p5-P4 P4 - Perl friendly OO interface to the Perforce SCM System
This module provides an easy to use and very powerful interface to the
Perforce SCM system. It's based on the P4::Client module which binds the
Perforce C++ API into Perl space, but is still very close to the C++
API. P4 is much more perl like.


2003-09-02T09:22:02+00:00 devel/p5-UNIVERSAL-moniker Moniker for classes
Class names in Perl often don't sound great when spoken, or look good
when written in prose. For this reason, we tend to say things like
"customer" or "basket" when we are referring to My::Site::User::Customer
or My::Site::Shop::Basket. We thought it would be nice if our classes
knew what we would prefer to call them.

This module will add a moniker (and plural_moniker) method to UNIVERSAL,
and so to every class or module.

So, if $ob->isa("Big::Scary::Animal"), moniker will return "animal";
$ob->isa("Cephalopod::Octopus"), plural_moniker will return "octopuses".

2003-09-02T08:55:46+00:00 devel/p5-P4-Client P4::Client - Perl extension for the Perforce API
This module provides a Perl interface to the Perforce API allowing you
to write Perl scripts which communicate directly with a Perforce server.

P4::Client is the main interface through which all commands are issued.
The Perforce API is callback based though, and all interaction with the
user interface takes place through callbacks to methods of the P4::UI
object passed to the Run() method.

To customise the behaviour of the Perforce client, you should derive
your own class from P4::UI and override the relevant methods therein.


2003-09-02T06:24:00+00:00 deskutils/gdesklets Framework for Gnome 2.x for desktop applets
gDesklets provides an advanced architecture for desktop applets -- tiny displays
sitting on your desktop in a symbiotic relationship of eye candy and usefulness.

Populate your desktop with status meters, icon bars, weather sensors, news
tickers... whatever you can imagine! Virtually anything is possible and maybe
even available some day.

2003-09-01T20:25:41+00:00 mail/p5-Email-LocalDelivery Deliver a piece of email - simply
This is the second module produced by the "Perl Email Project", a
reaction against the complexity and increasing bugginess of the Mail::*
modules. It delivers an email to a list of mailboxes.

2003-09-01T14:52:34+00:00 devel/p5-Test-Manifest Perl module to interact with a t/test_manifest file
Test::Manifest looks in the t/test_manifest file to find out which tests you
want to run and the order in which you want to run them. It constructs the
right value for MakeMaker to do the right thing.

2003-09-01T14:43:05+00:00 games/p5-Games-Bingo-Print Perl class for PDF generation
Games::Bingo::Print - PDF Generation Class

This is that actual printing class. It generates a PDF file with pages
containing bingo cards.

2003-09-01T14:07:24+00:00 games/p5-Games-Bingo-Bot Simple class holding IRC related methods for bingo
This module contains all the commands supported by the Games::Bingo::Bot
IRC bot (see the script in the bin directory). The Games::Bingo::Bot
class and the script mentioned above is a complete IRC setup for playing
Bingo, using the Games::Bingo module.

2003-09-01T13:34:31+00:00 games/p5-Games-Bingo Bingo game Perl implementation
Games::Bingo - a bingo game Perl implementation. This is a simple game
of bingo. The program can randomly call out the numbers.

2003-09-01T12:29:36+00:00 www/p5-WWW-Shorten Abstract interface to URL shortening sites
A Perl interface to URL shortening sites. These sites maintain databases
of long URLs, each of which has a unique identifier.

2003-09-01T11:59:09+00:00 devel/p5-Config-Auto Magical config file parser
Parse diverse config file formats 'magically'.

2003-09-01T11:28:17+00:00 sysutils/prune Prune a file set according to a given age distribution
Prune will delete files from the specified set targeting a given
distribution of the files within time as well as size, number, and
age constraints. Its main purpose is to keep a set of daily-created
backup files in manageable size, while still providing reasonable
access to older versions. Specifying a size, file number, or age
constraint will simply remove files starting from the oldest, until
the constraint is met. The distribution specification (exponential,
Gaussian (normal), or Fibonacci) provides finer control of the files
to delete, allowing the retention of recent copies and the increasingly
aggressive pruning of the older files. The retention schedule
specifies the age intervals for which files will be retained. As
an example, an exponential retention schedule for 10 files with a
base of 2 will be

1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024

The above schedule specifies that for the interval of 65 to 128
days there should be (at least) one retained file (unless constraints
and options override this setting).


- Diomidis Spinellis
2003-09-01T11:28:17+00:00 sysutils/fileprune Prune a file set according to a given age distribution
Fileprune will delete files from the specified set targeting a given
distribution of the files within time as well as size, number, and
age constraints. Its main purpose is to keep a set of daily-created
backup files in manageable size, while still providing reasonable
access to older versions. Specifying a size, file number, or age
constraint will simply remove files starting from the oldest, until
the constraint is met. The distribution specification (exponential,
Gaussian (normal), or Fibonacci) provides finer control of the files
to delete, allowing the retention of recent copies and the increasingly
aggressive pruning of the older files. The retention schedule
specifies the age intervals for which files will be retained. As
an example, an exponential retention schedule for 10 files with a
base of 2 will be

1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024

The above schedule specifies that for the interval of 65 to 128
days there should be (at least) one retained file (unless constraints
and options override this setting).

2003-09-01T11:07:58+00:00 net/socketpipe Zero overhead remote process plumbing
Socketpipe connects over a TCP/IP socket a remote command to a local
input generation command and/or a local output processing command.
The connection is made by redirecting the input/output file descriptors
to the socket. This saves the context switching and data copying
overhead associated with piping data through ssh(1) or rsh(1).
Socketpipe must be installed on both machines and user authentication
is still performed by a command like ssh(1) or rsh(1). The
confidentiality and integrity of the data in transit is not protected
against mallicious attacks; the command is designed for use in a
trusted LAN environment.

2003-09-01T11:02:52+00:00 databases/p5-Class-DBI-mysql Extensions to Class::DBI for MySQL
This is an extension to Class::DBI, containing several functions and
optimisations for the MySQL database. Instead of setting Class::DBI as
your base class, use this instead.

2003-09-01T07:16:11+00:00 databases/erserver Trigger-based asynchronous replication system for PostgreSQL
eRServer is a descendent from the rserv code. It is a
trigger-based single-master/multi-slave asynchronous
replication system.

2003-09-01T04:30:04+00:00 audio/mpio-driver Digit@lway MPIO MP3 player device driver KMOD
Digit@lway MPIO MP3 player device driver KMOD

It is actually a patch to FreeBSD standard urio
driver, which adds MPIO support to it, and
fixes some issues

This driver is designed to be used with MPIO
for Linux software, ported to FreeBSD as
2003-09-01T04:16:03+00:00 audio/streamtuner-python A streamtuner plugin providing a Python interpreter
streamtuner-python is a streamtuner plugin providing an embedded
Python interpreter.


- Jean-Yves Lefort
2003-09-01T04:07:32+00:00 audio/teamspeak_server Server side of the TeamSpeak group voice chat system
The server for Team Speak a voice chat program which supports multiple
channels with different rate codecs and several people on each channel.
Primarily aimed at team gamers but can be used as an IP phone as well.

2003-09-01T04:07:32+00:00 audio/teamspeak3-server Server side of the TeamSpeak group voice chat system
A proprietary software which allows groups of people to speak over
the Internet. This port contains the TeamSpeak 3 server part.

No tsdns support available (yet). If you need it, extract & install yourself.

2003-09-01T02:57:08+00:00 audio/gkrellmss2 GKrellM plugin with a VU meter showing left/right channel audio
GKrellMSS displays a VU meter showing left and right channel audio levels
and also has a chart that shows combined left and right audio channels as
an oscilloscope trace.

There are two buttons to the left of the VU Meter which select an oscope
horizontal sweep speed ranging from 100 microseconds (usec) per division
to 50 milliseconds (msec) per division. There are 5 horizontal divisions,
so a trace sweep time can range from 500 usec (1/2000 sec) to 250 msec
(1/4 sec). The oscope trace is triggered by a positive zero crossing of
audio signal to give nice stable displays.

There is also a sensitivity level adjustment for the VU Meter and oscope
chart. Use the mouse wheel to adjust, or left click and drag sensitivity

2003-08-31T22:32:14+00:00 audio/etktab Guitar tablature editor
Etktab let's you edit tablatures for guitar and other stringed
instruments. Notations for various playing techniques like muting and
vibrato are supported. It also has configurable keybindings, and lyrics
can be embedded into scores. Tablatures can be exported in plain ascii

2003-08-31T22:25:47+00:00 audio/asmixer Mixer control for AfterStep window manager
The asmixer utility is a mixer control for the X Windows environment. It
is designed to work with the AfterStep Window Manager, but it will
work with Window Maker or most any other Window Manager. It has
controls for three configurable channels which are master, pcm, and cd
volume by default.

2003-08-31T22:20:53+00:00 audio/asmix Volume control dock-app for the AfterStep Window Manager
The asmix utility is a volume control knob for X windows and for AfterStep
window manager especially. The knob can be used to adjust the master
volume of your sound card.

2003-08-31T22:03:48+00:00 devel/pear-Console_Table PHP class that makes it easy to build console style tables
PHP classes providing methods such as addRow(), insertRow(), addCol(), etc.
to build Console tables.

Can be with or without headers, and has various configurable options.

2003-08-31T21:58:07+00:00 net/pear-Net_URL2 PEAR Class for parsing and handling URL
Provides easy parsing of URLs and their constituent parts.

2003-08-31T21:58:07+00:00 net/pear-Net_URL Easy parsing of URLs
Provides easy parsing of URLs and their constituent parts.

2003-08-31T20:31:34+00:00 mail/p5-Email-Folder Read all the messages from a folder as Email::Simple objects
Read all the messages from a folder as Email::Simple objects.

2003-08-31T13:03:03+00:00 mail/p5-Email-FolderType Determine the type of a mail folder
Provides a utility subroutine for detecting the type of a given mail folder.

2003-08-31T12:24:07+00:00 textproc/uim Input method library
uim aims for multilingual input method library.
It works as an XIM server or an input module of GTK+ 2.x.
And currently it supports following input methods.

Chinese: New Pinyin (Simplified), Pinyin (Unicode), Pinyin (Traditional)
Japanese: Anthy, Canna, Prime, SKK, T-code, TUT-code
Korean: Byeoru, Hangul (2-beol), Hangul (3-beol), Hangul (Romaja)

2003-08-31T12:24:07+00:00 japanese/uim Input method library
uim aims for multilingual input method library.
It works as an XIM server or an input module of GTK+ 2.x.
And currently it supports following input methods.

Chinese: Pinyin
Japanese: Anthy, Prime, SKK, T-code, TUT-code
Korean: Hangul, Romaja
Vietnamese: VIQR
Other: IPA

2003-08-31T10:42:49+00:00 mail/p5-Email-Simple Simple parsing of RFC2822 message format and headers
Email::Simple is the first deliverable of the "Perl Email Project", a
reaction against the complexity and increasing bugginess of the Mail::*
modules. In contrast, Email::* modules are meant to be simple to use
and to maintain, pared to the bone, fast, minimal in their external
dependencies, and correct.

2003-08-31T08:49:28+00:00 security/tinyca Simple graphical interface to manage a small Certification Authority
TinyCA is a simple graphical userinterface written in Perl/Tk to manage a
small CA (Certification Authority).
Currently TinyCA supports the following features:

* unlimited number of CAs
* support for creating and managing SubCAs
* Creation and Revocation of x509 - S/MIME certificates
* PKCS#10 Requests can be imported and signed
* RSA and DSA keys can be generated and used
* Servercertificates
o Certificates can be exported as: PEM, DER, TXT and PKCS#12
o Certificates may be used with e.g. Apache, Postfix, OpenLDAP,
Cyrus and FreeS/WAN
* Clientcertificates
o Certificates can be exported as: PEM, DER, TXT and PKCS#12
o Certificates may be used with e.g. Netscape, Konqueror, Opera,
Internet Explorer, Outlook (Express) and FreeS/WAN
* Certificate Revocation List
o CRLs can be exported as: PEM, DER and TXT

WWW: (no longer available)
2003-08-31T07:46:38+00:00 devel/p5-base Set of modules to operate with inheritance and class fields at runtime
Set of modules:

* base - establish IS-A relationship with base class at compile time
* fields - compile-time class fields

2003-08-30T19:02:23+00:00 x11-toolkits/erlgtk GTK+ binding for Erlang/OTP
erlgtk is a GTK+ binding for Erlang/OTP.

erlgtk allows you to use the popular GTK+ GUI toolkit from the comfort
and safety of the Erlang programming language.

Mutually exclusive support for both GTK+ 1.2 and GTK+ 2.x is included
in this port. Support for GNOME is present in the binding, but is not
enabled in this port, due to simplicity and stability concerns. It
may be included in this port at some future date. Watch this space.

2003-08-30T18:46:21+00:00 devel/erlslang SLang binding for Erlang/OTP
erlslang is a SLang binding for Erlang/OTP.

2003-08-30T08:06:39+00:00 net/zabbix Very advanced network monitoring system
Zabbix is software for application and network monitoring.
Zabbix supports both polling and trapping techniques to
collect data from monitored hosts. Flexible notification
mechanism allows easy and quckly configure email notifications
for pre-defined events. Zabbix is freely available under the
terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).

2003-08-30T08:06:39+00:00 net/zabbix-agent Application and network monitoring solution
Zabbix is software for application and network monitoring.
Zabbix supports both polling and trapping techniques to
collect data from monitored hosts. Flexible notification
mechanism allows easy and quckly configure email notifications
for pre-defined events. Zabbix is freely available under the
terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).

2003-08-30T08:06:39+00:00 net-mgmt/zabbix2 Application and network monitoring solution
Zabbix is software for application and network monitoring.
Zabbix supports both polling and trapping techniques to
collect data from monitored hosts. Flexible notification
mechanism allows easy and quckly configure email notifications
for pre-defined events. Zabbix is freely available under the
terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).

2003-08-30T08:06:39+00:00 net-mgmt/zabbix Application and network monitoring solution
Zabbix is software for application and network monitoring.
Zabbix supports both polling and trapping techniques to
collect data from monitored hosts. Flexible notification
mechanism allows easy and quckly configure email notifications
for pre-defined events. Zabbix is freely available under the
terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).

2003-08-30T08:05:50+00:00 net-mgmt/zabbix2-agent
Zabbix is software for application and network monitoring.
Zabbix supports both polling and trapping techniques to
collect data from monitored hosts. Flexible notification
mechanism allows easy and quckly configure email notifications
for pre-defined events. Zabbix is freely available under the
terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).

2003-08-30T08:05:50+00:00 net-mgmt/zabbix-agent
Zabbix is software for application and network monitoring.
Zabbix supports both polling and trapping techniques to
collect data from monitored hosts. Flexible notification
mechanism allows easy and quckly configure email notifications
for pre-defined events. Zabbix is freely available under the
terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).

2003-08-30T06:48:11+00:00 net/libnss-mysql NSS module using a MySQL database for backend
libNSS-MySQL allows you to authenticate UNIX groups and users using a MySQL
database. It uses the NSS API which provides an abstraction layer between
the UNIX authentication API and the related data. NSS-MySQL currently supports
the passwd and groups services.

2003-08-30T06:25:10+00:00 dns/zonecheck Perform consistency checks on DNS zones
ZoneCheck is intended to help solving misconfigurations or inconsistencies
of DNS zone files.
* Powerful XML based configuration file (allowing changes in test severity,
order, zone of application, ...)
* Does not depend on policies
* Fine grained test selection (by test, by categories, by zones)
* Full IPv6 support (connectivity and AAAA records)
* Supports several input/output interfaces such as CLI, CGI
* Dedicated mode for use inside shell scripts
* Batch mode available (ideal when dealing with several domains)
* Use of stylesheets for easy integration and javascript for enhancement only
* Generates reports either by severity or by hosts
* I18N and L10N support (available: French, English)
* Multi-threaded application in order to cut down checking time
* Extensible: new tests, new interfaces, new reports, ...
* Exception and cache mechanisms to simplify test writting

2003-08-30T06:11:49+00:00 irc/bitlbee IRC to other chat networks gateway
An IRC to other chat networks gateway. This program can be used
as an IRC server which forwards everything you say to people on
other chat networks like MSN/ICQ/Jabber.

2003-08-30T06:11:49+00:00 irc/bitlbee-otr An IRC to other chat networks gateway with support for OTR
This is an otr-enabled branch of the mainline
BitlBee development version. This is not any
official bitlbee version.

2003-08-30T02:04:45+00:00 net/roadrunner A portable BEEP protocol implementation
RoadRunner is a complete application toolkit library implementing the BEEP
(Blocks Extensible Exchange Protocol) for use in developing network

* Portability - Runs unmodified on most major platforms.
* Object oriented design - RoadRunner is designed in an object oriented
fashion, making development of new BEEP profiles simple and straight-forward.
* Robustness and stability - The software contains extensive validation checks
and error reporting, allowing for quickly locating and fixing bugs. As a
result, RoadRunner is already at its first release a very stable library.
* High performance - Nonblocking design, constant message processing time and
intra-connection channel scheduling capability makes RoadRunner a suitable
framework for demanding network applications.
* Multithreaded - Using the threads abstraction layer in glib, RoadRunner runs
natively multithreaded on all supported platforms.
* Open Source - Permits royalty-free use, development and modification as part
of open source software.

2003-08-30T01:59:33+00:00 lang/fpl An interpreted script/macro language
FPL is a complete script programming language _very_ similar to C. If
you are a software developer and plans to add any kind of macro/script
control, consider the FPL alternative!

FPL library lets the software programmer define functions and variables
that FPL should accept. The library will call a function in the software
whenever any of these functions are used or variables are read in an FPL

2003-08-30T01:53:21+00:00 net/luasocket Socket support for the Lua language
LuaSocket is a Lua extension library that provides support for the TCP and UDP
transport layers.

Extra Lua modules implementing SMTP, HTTP and FTP protocols are installed
to /usr/local/lib/lua/luasocket.

2003-08-30T01:39:54+00:00 net/spread-j Java client library for the Spread Group Communication System
Copyright (c) 1993-2001 Spread Concepts LLC. All rights reserved.
This product uses software developed by Spread Concepts LLC for use in the
Spread toolkit. For more information about Spread see .

These are the Java client libraries for Spread.

2003-08-30T00:56:20+00:00 devel/poslib Posadis C++ DNS library
Poslib is a portable C++ DNS library, a part of Posadis project.
It consists of two parts: a client library and a server library.

Using the client library, you can simply develop applications that use
the Domain Name System (DNS). It includes many functions for resolving,
domain-name manipulation and Resource Record (RR) creation.

The server library, based on the client core, can be used to develop
DNS servers. By implementing a query entry-point function using the
Poslib library of functions, you can easily create DNS servers,
without worrying about low-level details such as DNS message compilation,
domain-name compression and UDP/TCP transmission.

2003-08-30T00:47:26+00:00 dns/weedns_sc Client to update dynamic DNS service
weedns_sc is the "Skeleton Client" to the whyI (WeedNS,
dynamic Domain Name Service (DNS). It allows updating your IP and maintenance
(add, change, remove) of other DNS records for your subdomain.

2003-08-30T00:45:27+00:00 dns/rbldnsd Small and fast DNS daemon especially for DNSBL zones
rbldnsd is a small and fast DNS daemon, made especially to serve DNSBL
zones. It was inspired by Dan J. Bernstein's rbldns program, found in
/usr/ports/net/djbdns, but is significantly faster.

rbldnsd was written by Michael Tokarev.

2003-08-30T00:39:09+00:00 net/weedns_sc Client to update dynamic DNS service

2003-08-29T23:43:48+00:00 sysutils/filelight Map of concentric segmented-rings representing file system
Filelight allows you to quickly understand exactly where your
diskspace is being used by graphically representing your file system
as a set of concentric segmented-rings. You can use it to locate
hotspots of disk usage and then manipulate those areas using a file

2003-08-29T23:43:48+00:00 sysutils/filelight-kde4 Map of concentric segmented-rings representing file system
Filelight allows you to quickly understand exactly where your
diskspace is being used by graphically representing your file system
as a set of concentric segmented-rings. You can use it to locate
hotspots of disk usage and then manipulate those areas using a file

2003-08-29T11:50:08+00:00 devel/xxl C/C++ library for exception handling and asset management
XXL is a library for C and C++ that provides exception handling and asset
management. Asset management is integrated with the exception handling
mechanism such that assets may be automatically cleaned up if an exception
is thrown, which allows for much simplified program structure with respect
to error handling.

By allowing XXL to track assets and using its exception handling features,
the programmer no longer has to check error conditions on every function
call and cleanup the assets on failure because XXL does the work.

2003-08-29T11:41:11+00:00 finance/grisbi Personal accounting application
Grisbi is a personnal accounting application, written with Gnome and Gtk,
and is released under the GPL licence.

Its aim is to provide you with the most simple and intuitive software for
basic use, although it can be very powerful if you spend a little time on the

Grisbi is an application written by french developpers, so it perfectly
respects french accounting rules. Grisbi can manage multiple accounts,
currencies and users. It manages third parties, expenditures and receipts
categories, and also budgetary lines, financial years, and other information
that make Grisbi adapted for associations (except those that require double
entry accounting).

2003-08-29T03:50:28+00:00 benchmarks/scimark2 Java benchmark for scientific and numerical computing
SciMark 2.0 is a Java benchmark for scientific and numerical computing.

It measures several computational kernels and reports a composite score
in approximate Mflops (Millions of floating point operations per second).

Results of this benchmark can be sent to and are listed at

2003-08-29T03:41:04+00:00 benchmarks/scimark2c ANSI C version of the SciMark2 benchmark
This is an ANSI C version of the SciMark2 benchmark, translated from the
original Java sources. The intent in making this benchmark available in
C is mainly for performance comparisons.

Results of this benchmark can be sent to

2003-08-28T22:03:42+00:00 net/echat LAN chat program over the TCP/IP networks
eChat is a LAN chat program designed for easy
chat and messages exchange over the TCP/IP networks

compatible with Vypress Chat and quickChat for Win32

Author SeaD <>
2003-08-28T22:03:42+00:00 net-im/echat LAN chat program over the TCP/IP networks
eChat is a LAN chat program designed for easy
chat and messages exchange over the TCP/IP networks

compatible with Vypress Chat and quickChat for Win32

2003-08-28T20:39:14+00:00 textproc/p5-XML-Filter-GenericChunk Base Class for SAX Filters parsing WellBallanced Chunks
XML::Filter::GenericChunk is a base class for SAX filters that are able to
parse wellballanced chunks from SAX events and transforms this chunk
into a sequence of SAX events.

2003-08-28T20:15:39+00:00 print/p5-Net-Printer Perl extension for direct-to-lpd printing

Perl module for directly printing to a print server/printer without
having to create a pipe to either lpr or lp. This essentially mimics
what the BSD LPR program does by connecting directly to the line
printer printer port (almost always 515), and transmitting the data
and control information to the print server.

Please note that this module only communicates with the BSD Line
Printer Daemon Protocol as described in RFC-1179. It does not
natively speak to remote print servers via SMB, Apple-Talk or
Netware. Remote print services running lpsched, such as Sun Solaris
or other Sys V-derived operating systems, will work so long as the
print spoolers are set up to understand the BSD protocol. Most modern
network-capable laser printers, such as those manufactured by HP and
LexMark, also "speak" BSD.

2003-08-28T19:56:31+00:00 devel/flyspray Simple, easy-to-use web based bug tracking system
Flyspray is an uncomplicated, web-based bug tracking system written in PHP
for assisting with software development.

Features include:

* Web-based, platform-independent
* Multiple database support, currently MySQL and PGSQL
* Easy installation
* Easy to use
* Multiple projects
* 'Watching' tasks, with notification of changes (email or Jabber)
* Comprehensive task history
* File attachments
* CSS themes
* Advanced search features (though easy to use)
* Atom/RSS feeds
* Two syntax options for task descriptions and more (Dokuwiki / plain text)
* Voting for tasks
* Dependency graphs

2003-08-28T12:08:55+00:00 net/diradmin A smart LDAP directory management tool
Directory administrator is a smart LDAP directory management tool. It
can be used to manage UNIX users and groups in a single sign-on setup,
corporate address book , information, host-based access control and
advanced mail routing. It's extremely easy to install and use, yet
powerful at the same time. Along with popular software, it's the
preferred solution for single sign-on maintenance.


lewiz <>
2003-08-28T11:41:55+00:00 net/yptransitd Replacement for nss_ldap
An alternative to nss_ldap using an ldap based NIS/YP server.

This is a UNIX daemon providing NIS services with a modular
backend interface. The current focus is the development of
an LDAP module for the backend data source.

This daemon was (and is being written) in order to migrate a
large install base of UNIX systems utilizing NIS to an LDAP
based solution, eventually facilitating a migration of all
corporate services that rely on similar data to LDAP.

This (and future) LDAP related tools are being released under
the BSD License (with advertising clause).

2003-08-28T11:19:38+00:00 irc/onis Script that converts IRC logfiles into an HTML statistics page
Onis is a perl script that converts IRC logfiles into an HTML statistics page.
It provides information about daily channel usage and user activity. It does
support a lot of log file formats like Xchat, eggdrop, irssi and many more.

2003-08-28T11:15:22+00:00 net/flow-extract Cisco NetFlow awk-like extracting tool
A copy of this package can be found at:

This package is a port of TAMU's extract program from NetLogger to look
at flow data instead of netlogger data. Blame Larry for its faults, not
TAMU. Blame me for the FreeBSD port, not Larry :-)

If you don't already have a good guess what this program does and what
data it is looking for, the odds are that it isn't going to be of much
help to you. This program only works on Cisco flow data as captured
with Mark Fullmer's flowtools package. If you don't have that, get that
first, then look at this program.

In order for this to compile you will need flowtools from Mark
Fullmer's (net/flow-tools port).

E. Larry Lidz,
Brought to FreeBSD by Marcin Cieslak, (email bounces now)
2003-08-28T11:15:22+00:00 net-mgmt/flow-extract Cisco NetFlow awk-like extracting tool
This package is a port of TAMU's extract program from NetLogger to look
at flow data instead of netlogger data. Blame Larry for it's faults, not
TAMU. Blame me for the FreeBSD port, not Larry :-)

If you don't already have a good guess what this program does and what
data it is looking for, the odds are that it isn't going to be of much
help to you. This program only works on Cisco flow data as captured
with Mark Fullmer's flowtools package. If you don't have that, get that
first, then look at this program.

In order for this to compile you will need flowtools from Mark
Fullmer's (net-mgmt/flow-tools port).

2003-08-28T10:06:13+00:00 x11/wmblob Shows moving blobs
wmblob is a pretty much useless program, that shows moving blobs. It's
a nice dockapp for Window Maker (, and it may well
run with other window mangers.

How to use it:

Just start it. There are no command line options. You can change the
colors with the three mouse buttons:

- Left button: changes the inner color of the blobs.
- Middle button: changes the border color of the blobs.
- Right button: changes the background color.

There are 16 colors available. But not every combination looks good.

2003-08-28T09:59:48+00:00 www/photo_gallery Simple web based photo gallery
Project, event or category(whatever you call) base photo gallery
with admin and frontend screen. Automatic thumbnail generation.

-Bob Bomar <>
2003-08-28T09:46:35+00:00 www/scoop A collaborative media application
Scoop is a "collaborative media application". It falls somewhere between a
content management system, a web bulletin board system, and a weblog. Scoop is
designed to enable your website to become a community. It empowers your
visitors to be the producers of the site, contributing news and discussion, and
making sure that the signal remains high.

A scoop site can be run almost entirely by the readers. The whole life-cycle of
content is reader-driven. They submit news, they choose what to post, and they
can discuss what they post. Readers can rate other readers comments, as well,
providing a collaborative filtering tool to let the best contributions float to
the top. Based on this rating, you can also reward consistently good
contributors with greater power to review potentially untrusted content. The
real power of Scoop is that it is almost totally collaborative.

2003-08-28T09:21:14+00:00 security/hunch Scan httpd log files for vulnerability probes, mail admins
Scan Apache log files for CodeRed, Nimda, FormMail, proxy scanners and
other malicious probes. For each one found, track down the contact email
from WHOIS data and send a notice. Built-in rate controls prevent flooding
an admin even when his machines are scanning at high rates. Runs as a
non-privileged cron job to not interfere with the HTTP daemon's operation.

2003-08-28T09:16:04+00:00 devel/libds ANSI Generic Data Structures Library
LibDS is a small but powerful and easy to use library containing a few
very useful data structures. Currently, the following data structures are
- a balanced binary tree (an AVL tree);
- a binary HEAP;
- a QUEUE;
- a HASH table;
- a SET and a BAG;
- a variable length array that can grows dynamically as new elements are
added or deleted (PARRAY).
- a STACK;

LibDS has been designed to be very easy to use, without sacrificing either
flexibility or speed. The API is small, and clean.

2003-08-28T07:58:51+00:00 devel/pwlib152 A cross platform C++ library, used by OpenH323
PWLib is a multi-platform code library that can be used to write
applications that will compile and run on the BSD Unixes, Windows, Linux
and a few other Unix variants. It was developed by Equivalence Ltd Pty.

It is used by the OpenH323 library.

NOTE: This port does not install anything.
The ports which use pwlib all look inside their local
pwlib port directory for the library and header files
and are compiled statically.

2003-08-28T07:58:51+00:00 devel/pwlib Cross platform C++ library, used by OpenH323
PWLib is a multi-platform code library that can be used to write
applications that will compile and run on the BSD Unixes, Windows, Linux
and a few other Unix variants. It was developed by Equivalence Ltd Pty.

It is used by the OpenH323 library.
2003-08-28T07:50:36+00:00 japanese/quit
2003-08-28T07:37:46+00:00 devel/p5-Module-CoreList See what modules shipped with versions of Perl
Module::CoreList contains the hash of hashes %Module::CoreList::version,
this is keyed on perl version as indicated in $]. The second level hash
is module => version pairs.

It also contains %Module::CoreList::released hash, which has ISO formatted
versions of the release dates, as gleaned from the perlhist man page.

2003-08-28T07:36:32+00:00 devel/p5-Module-ScanDeps Recursively scan Perl code for dependencies
This module scans potential modules used by perl programs, using line-by-line
analysis and elaborate heuristics.

2003-08-28T07:35:04+00:00 devel/p5-Locale-Maketext-Simple Simple interface to Locale::Maketext::Lexicon
This module is a simple wrapper around Locale::Maketext::Lexicon,
designed to alleviate the need of creating Language Classes for module

If Locale::Maketext::Lexicon is not present, it implements a minimal
localization function, so the program can function normally.

2003-08-28T07:34:13+00:00 www/p5-HTML-Breadcrumbs Module to produce HTML 'breadcrumb trails'
HTML::Breadcrumbs is a module used to create HTML 'breadcrumb trails'
i.e. an ordered set of html links locating the current page within
a hierarchy.

HTML::Breadcrumbs splits the given path up into a list of elements,
derives labels to use for each of these elements, and then renders
this list as N-1 links using the derived label, with the final
element being just a label.

Both procedural and object-oriented interfaces are provided. The OO
interface is useful if you want to separate object creation and
initialisation from rendering or display, or for subclassing.

Both interfaces allow you to munge the path in various ways, to set
labels either explicitly via a hashref or via a callback subroutine,
and to control the formatting of elements via sprintf patterns or a
callback subroutine.

2003-08-28T07:31:10+00:00 devel/p5-PAR Perl Archive Toolkit
The PAR Toolkit is a cross between Java's JAR and Perl2EXE; It makes
cross-platform packaging and deployment a breeze for Perl programmers.

Notable features include:

* Turn your Perl programs into ready-to-run executables
* Pack scripts and required libraries with a binary loader
* Put PAR files into @INC to avoid version conflicts
* Works with remote URL as well as local files
* Supports XS modules and DATA sections
* Turns CPAN module distributions into PAR distributions
* Install, uninstall, signs and verifies PAR distributions
* Runs scripts inside PAR files, generated by "pp -p"

2003-08-28T07:29:23+00:00 devel/p5-version Perl extension for Version Objects
This module implements overloaded version objects for all versions
of Perl, including all of the features of version objects which will
be part of Perl 5.10.0 except automatic v-string handling.

2003-08-28T07:27:15+00:00 security/p5-Module-Signature Module signature file manipulation
Module::Signature adds cryptographic authentications to CPAN
distributions, via the special SIGNATURE file.

If you are a module user, all you have to do is to remember
running "cpansign -v" (or just "cpansign") before issuing
"perl Makefile.PL" or "perl Build.PL"; that will ensure the
distribution has not been tampered with.

For module authors, you'd want to add the SIGNATURE file to
your MANIFEST, then type "cpansign -s" before making a distribution.

2003-08-28T07:25:19+00:00 devel/p5-PAR-Dist Create and manipulate PAR distributions
This module creates and manipulates PAR distributions. They are
architecture-specific PAR files, containing everything under blib/
of CPAN distributions after their "make" or "Build" stage, a META.yml
describing metadata of the original CPAN distribution, and a MANIFEST
detailing all files within it. Digitally signed PAR distributions
will also contain a SIGNATURE file.

The naming convention for such distributions is:


For example, "PAR-Dist-0.01-i386-freebsd-5.8.0.par" corresponds to the
0.01 release of "PAR-Dist" on CPAN, built for perl 5.8.0 running on

2003-08-28T05:44:59+00:00 net/liferea Simple RSS/RDF feed reader
Liferea is a simple FeedReader clone. It is a reader for RSS/RDF
feeds. The problem with FeedReader: for now its only available for
Windows. There are some projects for GNU/Linux or Unices, but no
satisfying solutions for GTK/GNOME. Therefore I started to write
this program. Liferea is an abbreviation for Linux Feed Reader.

2003-08-27T17:24:06+00:00 math/ruby-bitset A bit set library for Ruby
Ruby/BitSet is a bit set library for boolean operation.

Author: MoonWolf <>
2003-08-27T08:14:14+00:00 sysutils/worldtools Handy tools for living with make world
worldtools consists of 3 simple scripts:

- whereintheworld displays the great lines behind the build logs of a
buildworld. It shows at which step the build is at, and which module
is currently being built.

- buildit runs a command, time(1)s it, logs the output and optionally
sends a notification to the user by email when finished.

- upgrade is a wrapper for buildit, whereintheworld, cvsup and make
buildworld. It is a convenient series of shell commands that will
upgrade your FreeBSD system.

See the README file for more details.
2003-08-27T03:49:25+00:00 net/subcalc Advanced IP/IPv6 subnet calculation and discovery
The subcalc utility is used for subnet calculation and IPv6 DNS PTR
record generation. subcalc takes command line arguments in a similar
format to ifconfig(8) so the synopsis should be familiar to the user.
Given an address family, address and a netmask/prefix length, subcalc
will calculate the number of hosts and address ranges of the specific

2003-08-27T03:49:25+00:00 net-mgmt/subcalc Advanced IP/IPv6 subnet calculation and discovery
The subcalc utility is used for subnet calculation and IPv6 DNS PTR
record generation. subcalc takes command line arguments in a similar
format to ifconfig(8) so the synopsis should be familiar to the user.
Given an address family, address and a netmask/prefix length, subcalc
will calculate the number of hosts and address ranges of the specific

2003-08-25T20:12:53+00:00 graphics/show Fast, flexible, extensible, and bloat-free image viewer for X11
Show is a fast, flexible, extensible, and bloat-free image viewer for X11 that
can fade images in, display them, and fade them out according to user-specified
values of fade speed, fade type, and delay. It features an extremely small
executable footprint, support for well over a dozen image formats, variable
scaling, magnification, window positioning, clockwise and counterclockwise
image rotation, X/Y axis flipping, over 200 different color transition modes,
wildcard support, and logging abilities. It can also be easilly incorporated
into multimedia presentations, shell scripts, and other utilities.
2003-08-25T17:49:23+00:00 x11/p5-X11-IdleTime Perl module that reports number of seconds that X11 has been idle
X11::IdleTime has one sub routine, GetIdleTime() which returns the number of
seconds that X11 has been idle (no mouse or keyboard activity).

Copyright (C) 2003 Adam Wendt

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself.
2003-08-25T16:54:36+00:00 java/diablo-jdk13 Java Development Kit 1.3.1
The Java Development Kit (JDK) provides the Java Virtual Machine,
base classes, and development tools to permit developers to create
new Java applications, applets, and components on FreeBSD.

2003-08-25T16:53:03+00:00 java/diablo-jre13 Java Runtime Environment 1.3.1
The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) implements the Java Virtual
machine and base classes, and permits the execution of Java
applications on FreeBSD.

2003-08-25T09:03:18+00:00 games/quit Bicycle with trailers like "sl"
A bicycle with trailers like "sl".
This is a joke program.

2003-08-25T02:01:11+00:00 net/pear-Net_NNTP PEAR implementation of the NNTP protocol
Package for communicating with NNTP/Usenet servers.

2003-08-24T15:12:14+00:00 japanese/jmode-skk XIM server for SKK input method
XIM server for SKK input method

2003-08-24T12:17:02+00:00 databases/postgresql-contrib The contrib utilities from the PostgreSQL distribution
This is the port for all stuff that comes in the contrib subtree of
the postgresql distribution. This subtree contains porting tools,
analysis utilities, and plug-in features that are not part of the core
PostgreSQL system, mainly because they address a limited audience or
are too experimental to be part of the main source tree. This does
not preclude their usefulness.

Each subdirectory contains a README file with information about the
module. Some directories supply new user-defined functions, operators,
or types. After you have installed the files you need to register the
new entities in the database system by running the commands in the
supplied .sql file. For example,

$ psql -d dbname -f module.sql

The .sql files are installed into /usr/local/share/postgresql/contrib

For more information, please see

This software is part of the standard PostgreSQL distribution.

2003-08-24T11:45:09+00:00 security/ADMsmb Security scanner for Samba
ADM smb is a security scanner for Samba
/* based on the src of the smbclient from the samba team */
ADMsmb will perform a complete audit of samba for you on a host you
2003-08-24T07:34:45+00:00 audio/xmms-infopipe Create a named pipe to retrieve xmms info about currently playing song
Opens a named pipe to /tmp/xmms-info. When read from there, it just
returns plain text that has information about currently playing

2003-08-24T07:22:01+00:00 audio/xmms-kj This is a plugin that adds K-Joefol-Skinsupport to xmms
This is a plugin that adds K-Joefol-Skinsupport to
xmms. K-Joefol skins look significantly better than
the Winamp ones.At the moment, it can be compiled
as a stand alone program which functions as a
remote control.

2003-08-24T06:39:28+00:00 x11/xinput Very useful utility for configuring and testing XInput devices
xinput 1.x by Frederic Lepied

xinput is an utility I have built to configure and test my XInput
devices. The functionalities aren't complete but they fill my
needs. If you have some ideas or needs for improvement, feel free to
contact me. Any feedback welcome.

2003-08-24T06:24:58+00:00 databases/mysql_last_value Replaces NULL value of current column with value from top row
mysql_last_value() replace null value of column from row above the current row.
Its like "same as above".

-Aftab Jahan Subedar
2003-08-24T01:27:50+00:00 textproc/xalan-c XSLT processor from the Apache XML Project
Xalan-C++ is an XSLT processor from the Apache XML Project.
It provides a shared library to transform XML documents into HTML,
text or other XML document types from within your own application.

2003-08-22T23:48:12+00:00 www/ruby-asp An Active Server Pages port to Apache with Ruby scripting
Ruby-ASP provides an Active Server Pages port to the Apache Web Server
with Ruby scripting only, and enables developing of dynamic web
applications with session management and embedded Ruby code.

Author: Gregoire Lejeune <>

2003-08-22T23:27:47+00:00 math/ruby-gmp Ruby bindings to GNU Multiprecision Library
This is Ruby bindings to GNU Multiprecision Library.

Author: Tomasz Wegrzanowski <>
2003-08-22T19:27:55+00:00 mail/msmtp SMTP plugin for MUAs
msmtp -- An SMTP client

msmtp is an SMTP client that can be used as an "SMTP plugin" for Mutt and
probably other MUAs (mail user agents). It forwards mails to an SMTP server
(for example at a free mail provider) which does the delivery.
To use this program, create a configuration file with your mail account(s) and
tell your MUA to call msmtp instead of /usr/sbin/sendmail.

Features include:

(and DIGEST-MD5 and NTLM when compiled with GSASL support)
* TLS encrypted connections
(including server certificate verification and the possibility to send
a client certificate)
* DSN (Delivery Status Notification) support
* IPv6 support (on systems that support it)
* support for multiple accounts
* sendmail compatible exit codes (which most MUAs understand).

2003-08-22T14:11:09+00:00 net/ipacctd IP accounting using divert socket
The ipacctd is intended for IP accounting. divert(4) and corresponding
ipfw(8) rules are used for obtaining IP packets.

Author: Roman V. Palagin <>

-- Sergey Skvortsov
2003-08-22T14:11:09+00:00 net-mgmt/ipacctd IP accounting using divert socket
The ipacctd is intended for IP accounting. divert(4) and corresponding
ipfw(8) rules are used for obtaining IP packets.
2003-08-22T13:38:56+00:00 net/rate A traffic analysis command-line utility
Rate is a swiss-army-knife command-line traffic analysis tool, designed
to help a network administrator to see what is happening at a router at
the moment. Unlike tcpdump(1), rate uses statistical and stream-oriented
methods, and will never produce an output stream at a speed beyond human
perception. The output is less accurate, however. Rate features four
different operating modes, designed to perform the following tasks:
estimating overall traffic rates, determining nodes generating the
highest traffic, determining connections and flows generating the highest
traffic and extracting strings from packets.


- Michael L. Hostbaek
2003-08-22T13:38:56+00:00 net-mgmt/rate Traffic analysis command-line utility
Rate is a swiss-army-knife command-line traffic analysis tool, designed
to help a network administrator to see what is happening at a router at
the moment. Unlike tcpdump(1), rate uses statistical and stream-oriented
methods, and will never produce an output stream at a speed beyond human
perception. The output is less accurate, however. Rate features four
different operating modes, designed to perform the following tasks:
estimating overall traffic rates, determining nodes generating the
highest traffic, determining connections and flows generating the highest
traffic and extracting strings from packets.

2003-08-22T13:33:50+00:00 mail/sortmail Useful tool for sorting mbox style mailboxes after date
sortmail - sort email messages by date/time

sortmail is a front end for decomposemail(1) and recom-
posemail(1). Each mailbox argument is disassembled into
its component messages, then these messages are reassem-
bled into new mailboxes based on command line selection
criteria. Some additional functionality is provided, such
as backup copies, recursion, etc.

Software written by: Daniel E. Singer (a.k.a. Toolman)


Lasse L. Johnsen
2003-08-22T10:47:57+00:00 x11-wm/pawm The Puto Amo Window Manager
from the home page:

With Pawm you can minimize windows, that are placed on a
small auto-hide bar at the bottom, for a better access to
all apps. It also includes a small clock on the bar, that
can be easily disabled.

2003-08-22T05:13:49+00:00 audio/py-eyed3 Python module for processing ID3 tags
eyeD3 is a Python program/module for processing (reading and
writing) ID3 tags. Information about mp3 files (i.e bit rate,
sample frequency, play time, etc.) is also available. The formats
supported are ID3 v1.0/v1.1 and v2.3/v2.4.

2003-08-22T03:08:54+00:00 x11-wm/epiwm Another fast, small, configurable window manager
from the home page:

EPIwm is a window manager which is intended to be small,
fast and configurable while maintaining a large feature
set. It is a computer school project from EPITA under GPL.

Users must run the epiwm.inst script before starting epiwm.

2003-08-21T09:32:49+00:00 databases/wfb2sql CIA World Fact Book to SQL Conversion Utility
For those either needing a dummy PostgreSQL database full of real
facts and data, or those who make frequent use of the CIA's World Fact
Book, this is the port for you: wfb2sql converts the WFB into SQL
inserts. Act now and get your copy of the WFB for free now! The
WFB is a public domain document that may disappear as fast as you do
after the black helicopters lock in on your location!!!!

2003-08-20T21:57:26+00:00 x11-toolkits/gnocl GTK+ and Gnome extension for Tcl
Gnocl implements a Tcl binding to the Gtk+ programming libraries for the rapid
development of graphical user interfaces. Designed to work with Tcl in a manner
consistent with the general syntax and command naming conventions of Tcl, Gnocl
provides a robust alternative to Tk for those developers which wish to develop
applications that seamlessly integrated into the Gnome desktop environment
without having to first familiarize themselves with the intricacies of the Gtk+
libraries and its dependencies.

2003-08-20T13:50:26+00:00 net/nicotine GTK2 SoulSeek filesharing client
Nicotine is a GTK2 SoulSeek filesharing client, and is based upon the
PySoulSeek (net/pyslsk) code.

2003-08-20T13:50:26+00:00 net-p2p/nicotine GTK2 SoulSeek filesharing client
Nicotine is a GTK2 SoulSeek filesharing client, and is based upon the
PySoulSeek (net-p2p/pyslsk) code.

2003-08-20T13:50:26+00:00 net-p2p/nicotine-plus A fork of nicotine soulseek client
Nicotine-Plus is a fork of Hyriand's original Nicotine Soulseek client.

Nicotine+ is an attempt to keep Nicotine working with the latest libraries,
kill bugs, keep current with the Soulseek protocol and add some new features
that users want and/or need. The main developer now is daelstorm.

2003-08-20T11:22:45+00:00 databases/usogres Real-time backup utility for PostgreSQL
Usogres is Synchronizing Option for postGRESql.

2003-08-20T11:08:16+00:00 mail/ksig Tool for managing a collection of e-mail signatures
KSig is a tool for managing a collection of signatures in KDE 3.
It stores the signatures in an XML file and will when called
as ksig --random prints a random signature, or ksig --daily
a different signature each day to stdout.

This is easy to integrate into KMail's (or presumably other
mail clients') signature configuration to append these signatures
to outgoing mails.

Author: Scott Wheeler <>
2003-08-20T08:54:28+00:00 devel/p5-DateTime-Calendar-FrenchRevolutionary Dates in the French Revolutionary Calendar
DateTime::Calendar::FrenchRevolutionary implements the French Revolutionary
Calendar. This module implements most methods of DateTime; see the DateTime(3)
man page for all methods.

2003-08-20T08:47:10+00:00 databases/p5-Class-DBI-Loader Dynamic definition of Class::DBI sub classes
Class::DBI::Loader automate the definition of Class::DBI sub-classes. scan
table schemas and setup columns, primary key.

class names are defined by table names and namespace option.

| table | namespace | class |
| foo | Data | Data::Foo |
| foo_bar | | FooBar |

Class::DBI::Loader supports MySQL, Postgres and SQLite.

2003-08-20T08:46:04+00:00 korean/gdick English-Korean Dictionary Client for GNOME2
GDick is a GTK+-2.0 based Korean dictionary client. It can serve
as a simple GTK application as well as a GNOME applet.

2003-08-20T08:44:36+00:00 databases/p5-Class-DBI-FromCGI Update Class::DBI data using CGI::Untaint
Lots of times, Class::DBI is used in web-based applications. (In fact, coupled
with a templating system that allows you to pass objects, such as
Template::Toolkit, Class::DBI is very much your friend for these.)

And, as we all know, one of the most irritating things about writing web-based
applications is the monotony of writing much of the same stuff over and over
again. And, where there's monotony there's a tendency to skip over stuff that
we all know is really important, but is a pain to write - like Taint Checking
and sensible input validation. (Especially as we can still show a 'working'
application without it!). So, we now have CGI::Untaint to take care of a lot of
that for us.

It so happens that CGI::Untaint also plays well with Class::DBI. All you need
to do is to 'use Class::DBI::FromCGI' in your class (or in your local
Class::DBI subclass that all your other classes inherit from. You do do that,
don't you?).

2003-08-20T08:39:23+00:00 databases/p5-Class-DBI-BaseDSN DSN sensitive base class
Class::DBI::BaseDSN acts as a placeholder for a base class which will be
switched for a specific Class::DBI extension when you specify the dsn of the
database to connect to.

2003-08-20T08:34:27+00:00 databases/p5-Class-DBI-Oracle Extensions to Class::DBI for Oracle
This is an extension to Class::DBI that currently implements:

* A sequence fix for Oracle databases.
* Automatic column name discovery.
* Automatic primary key detection.
* Sequence name guessing.
* Proper aliasing of reserved words.

Instead of setting Class::DBI as your base class, use this.

2003-08-20T08:26:23+00:00 databases/p5-DBIx-Ease Less-code DBI interactions for all drivers
DBIx::Ease is intended to allow less-code DBI interactions.

Upon creation of a new DBIx::Ease object you should pass the portion of the DSN
(Data Source Name) common to all connections the object is supposed to store.
Replace the variable portions with '<databasename>'. Whenever you wish to make
only one connection you may enter the complete DSN, also when you want to make
connections with the same source but as different users, then call exec() with
different names of your choice as initial argument.
2003-08-20T07:01:29+00:00 security/p5-Crypt-GeneratePassword Generate secure random pronounceable passwords
Crypt/GeneratePassword version 0.02

This module lets you generate secure random passwords
with a reasonable amount of pronounceability. It avoids
the problems associated with the FIPS-181 NIST standard
as used by Crypt::RandPasswd. See perldoc for more
2003-08-20T06:56:11+00:00 devel/p5-Algorithm-Numerical-Shuffle Shuffle a list

Shuffle is a perl module which performs a one pass, fair shuffle on a
list. If the list is passed as a reference to an array, the shuffle
is done in situ.

The running time of the algorithm is linear in the size of the list.
For an in situ shuffle, the memory overhead is constant; otherwise,
linear extra memory is used.

The algorithm used is discussed by Knuth [3]. It was first published
by Fisher and Yates [2], and later by Durstenfeld [1].

2003-08-20T06:51:48+00:00 databases/p5-Mysql-Diff Perl module for comparing the table structure of two MySQL databases
MySQL::Diff is Perl module for comparing the table structure
of two MySQL databases

2003-08-20T06:51:48+00:00 databases/p5-MySQL-Diff Perl module for comparing the table structure of two MySQL databases
MySQL::Diff is Perl module for comparing the table structure
of two MySQL databases

2003-08-19T23:03:23+00:00 x11-wm/fluxter Desktop pager for the Fluxbox Slit
fluxter is a newer incarnation of bbpager, which is like the name suggests a
pager tool for Blackbox.
The major changes to bbpager are:
- Accesses fluxbox configuration files, e.g. in ~/.fluxbox, rather than in
blackbox directories.
- Default styles come from the fluxbox configuration. Without
customization it will track the look of the current theme.
- The configuration files have been renamed to (used in a
fluxbox environment) and fluxter.nobb (used in a non-fluxbox
environment). These files should go in fluxbox configuration
directories, such as ~/.fluxbox.
- The X resource entries in the configuration files use fluxter as a label,
rather than bbpager.
- Per-workspace wallpaper changing is supported by the addition of
per-workspace rootCommand configuration entries. For example:
fluxter.workspace0.rootCommand: Esetroot /usr/share/pixmaps/bg1.png
fluxter.workspace1.rootCommand: Esetroot /usr/share/pixmaps/bg2.png
fluxter.workspace2.rootCommand: Esetroot /usr/share/pixmaps/bg3.png

2003-08-19T16:54:13+00:00 x11-toolkits/gnome-industrial-theme Slick GNOME2 theme from Ximian
Ximian's Industrial theme for the GNOME2 Desktop Environment.

- Frank Ruell <>
2003-08-19T16:54:13+00:00 x11-themes/gnome-industrial-theme Slick GNOME2 theme from Ximian
Ximian's Industrial theme for the GNOME2 Desktop Environment.

- Frank Ruell <>
2003-08-19T10:57:34+00:00 devel/p5-DateTime-Format-HTTP HTTP date conversion routines
This module provides functions that deal the date formats used by the HTTP
protocol (and then some more).

2003-08-19T06:01:46+00:00 textproc/openfts Open Source Full Text Search engine
OpenFTS (Open Source Full Text Search engine) is an advanced
PostgreSQL-based search engine that provides online indexing of data
and relevance ranking for database searching.
Close integration with database allows use of metadata to restrict
search results.

2003-08-19T04:29:55+00:00 www/p5-Template-Plugin-Comma TT Plugin to commify numbers
Template::Plugin::Comma is a plugin for TT, which allows you to
commify your numbers in templates. This would be especially useful
for prices.

2003-08-18T19:40:56+00:00 devel/clisp-hyperspec Common Lisp reference in HTML format, from LispWorks Ltd
The Common Lisp HyperSpec (TM) from LispWorks Ltd.

This is an HTML document derived from the ANSI Common Lisp standard
(X3.226-1994), with permission from ANSI and NCITS (previously known
as X3).

The Common Lisp HyperSpec was prepared by Kent Pitman at Harlequin,
who as Project Editor of X3J13 managed the completion of the document
which became the ANSI Common Lisp Standard.

Copying, distribution, display, and/or transmission is by permission
of LispWorks Ltd.

2003-08-18T18:21:40+00:00 databases/p5-Time-Piece-MySQL MySQL-specific methods for Time::Piece Perl module
Using this module instead of, or in addition to Time::Piece adds a few
MySQL-specific date/time methods to Time::Piece objects.

2003-08-18T18:10:54+00:00 mail/p5-Email-Valid-Loose Variation of Email::Valid which allows dot before at mark
Email::Valid::Loose is a subclass of Email::Valid, which allows . (dot)
before @ (at-mark). It is invalid in RFC822, but is commonly used in some of
mobile phone addresses in Japan (like or

2003-08-18T15:15:00+00:00 mail/bogofilter-tdb
2003-08-17T22:01:07+00:00 devel/tla Original arch source control management CLI written in C
Arch is a really nifty revision control system. It's "whole-tree changeset
based" which means, roughly, that it can handle (with atomic commits) file
and directory adds, deletes, and renames cleanly, and that it does branching
simply and easily. Arch is also "distributed" which means, for example that
you can make arch branches of your own from remote projects, even if you do
not have write access to the revision control archives for those projects.

2003-08-17T13:37:53+00:00 sysutils/rc_subr Common startup and shutdown subroutines used by scripts
With the change to a new rc system in FreeBSD 5.x, common routines for
starting, stopping, and restarting daemons was placed into /etc/rc.subr.
this makes it easier to write new startup/shutdown scripts and to have
them ordered correctly with rcorder.

While FreeBSD < 5.x won't be able to take advantage of rcorder. We can
take advantage of the simplified startup/shutdown scripts by using rc.subr.
2003-08-17T10:00:34+00:00 audio/dekagen Frontend to rip, convert, and name MP3/Ogg
dekagen is a front-end to several tools for the ripping, converting, and
naming of MP3 and Ogg-Vorbis files. It automates the whole process of ripping
data from music compact discs (CD), the naming of the files, their converting
into MP3 or Ogg-Vorbis format and the labelling of the MP3 files with an ID3
tag. dekagen uses dialog for a user interface that is intended to be

Music data is read from CDs using cdda2wav, cdparanoia, dagrab, or tosha, and
stored on your hard disk in wav-format. Note that this will have an excessive
need of disk space. After this, the wav-data is converted into MP3 format
using 8hz-mp3, bladeenc, l3enc, lame, mp3enc, or notlame, or into Ogg-Vorbis
format using oggenc. This will take a while. To avoid manual naming and
tagging for all the files, cda is used for CDDB lookups. To label the MP3
files with ID3 tags, id3ed, id3tag, id3tool, or mp3info, or the built-in
capabilities of some encoders (lame, notlame) are used. Ogg-Vorbis files can
be labelled with oggenc.

2003-08-16T14:54:04+00:00 sysutils/xfce4-minicmd-plugin Displays a mini-command line on the xfce4-panel
Displays a mini-command line on the xfce4-panel. Uses the same history file as
xfrun4. Use <Up> and <Down> to scroll through history. <Enter> executes the
command and <Ctrl>-<Enter> executes the command in a terminal.

2003-08-15T18:40:47+00:00 devel/ruby-p4 Ruby interface to the Perforce API
P4Ruby: Ruby interface to the Perforce API

P4Ruby allows you to write beautiful Ruby code that interacts with a
Perforce server. The main features are:

* Get Perforce data and forms in hashes and arrays
* Edit Perforce forms by modifying hashes
* Exception based error handling
* Ignore warnings (like "File(s) up-to-date." on a sync)
* Run as many commands on a connection as you want to

Writing Ruby code is a joy for all programmers, and P4Ruby makes that
experience available to Perforce users. Enjoy it!

Note: P4Ruby is not supported by Perforce Software, but the author
below personally.

Author: Tony Smith <>
2003-08-15T02:49:45+00:00 mail/cone Console based mail client with POP3/IMAP/SMAP support
Cone is a text-based mail client. Cone seamlessly handles multiple POP3,
IMAP accounts, and local mail folders. Cone is also a simple newsreader.
Cone is designed to be foolproof enough to be used by inexperienced users,
but also offers advanced features for power users.

2003-08-14T03:55:21+00:00 net/openldap24-client
2003-08-14T03:55:21+00:00 net/openldap23-client
2003-08-14T03:55:21+00:00 net/openldap22-client
2003-08-14T03:55:21+00:00 net/openldap21-client Open source LDAP client implementation
2003-08-14T03:55:21+00:00 net/openldap20-client Open source LDAP client implementation
2003-08-13T17:35:21+00:00 astro/squeuer A queueing proxy for Seti@Home
SQueuer is a queueing proxy for Seti@Home with the following features:

* Keeps a configurable sized queue of work units so that
the client will always be able to get a new work unit
immediately upon finishing one.

* Queues results for uploading should the main Seti@Home
site be overloaded or down. Results are never lost and the
client is never delayed waiting to upload a result.

* Can handle multiple users running the Seti@Home client
on multiple machines all connecting to SQueuer.

* Platform independent. SQueuer has been tested and found
to work on different versions of Unix, MacOS and Windows.
All it requires is a Perl 5 interpreter.

2003-08-13T11:39:38+00:00 www/tomcat7 Open-source Java web server by Apache, 7.x branch
Apache Tomcat is a web server written in 100% Pure Java.

Apache Tomcat version 7.0 implements the Servlet 3.0 and JavaServer Pages 2.2
specifications from the Java Community Process, and includes many additional
features that make it a useful platform for developing and deploying web
applications and web services.

2003-08-13T11:39:38+00:00 www/tomcat6 Open-source Java web server by Apache, 6.x branch
Apache Tomcat is a web server written in 100% Pure Java.

Apache Tomcat version 6.0 implements the Servlet 2.5 and JavaServer Pages 2.1
specifications from the Java Community Process, and includes many additional
features that make it a useful platform for developing and deploying web
applications and web services.

2003-08-13T11:39:38+00:00 www/tomcat55 Open-source Java web server by Apache, 5.5.x branch
Apache Tomcat is a web server written in 100% Pure Java.

Tomcat 5.x is the current release of Tomcat,
and builds upon the Tomcat 3.3 and Tomcat 4.1 codebases.
The 5.x releases implement the Servlet 2.4 and JSP 2.0 specifications.

Apache Tomcat 5.5 is the current focus of development.
While it supports the same Servlet and JSP Specification versions
as Apache Tomcat 5.0.x, there are significant changes in many areas
under the hood, resulting in improved performance, stability,
and total cost of ownership.

2003-08-13T11:39:38+00:00 www/jakarta-tomcat55 Open-source Java web server by Apache, 5.5.x branch
Jakarta Tomcat is a web server written in 100% Pure Java.

Tomcat 5.x is the current release of Tomcat,
and builds upon the Tomcat 3.3 and Tomcat 4.1 codebases.
The 5.x releases implement the Servlet 2.4 and JSP 2.0 specifications.

Apache Tomcat 5.5 is the current focus of development.
While it supports the same Servlet and JSP Specification versions
as Apache Tomcat 5.0.x, there are significant changes in many areas
under the hood, resulting in improved performance, stability,
and total cost of ownership.

2003-08-13T11:39:38+00:00 www/jakarta-tomcat5 Open-source Java web server by Apache, 5.0.x branch
Jakarta Tomcat is a web server written in 100% Pure Java.

Tomcat 5.x is the current release of Tomcat,
and builds upon the Tomcat 3.3 and Tomcat 4.1 codebases.
The 5.x releases implement the Servlet 2.4 and JSP 2.0 specifications.

Tomcat 5.0.x. Tomcat 5.0 improves on Tomcat 4.1 in many ways, including:

o Performance optimizations and reduced garbage collection
o Refactored application deployer, with an optional standalone deployer
allowing validation and compilation of a web application before
putting it in production
o Complete server monitoring using JMX and the manager web application
o Scalability and reliability enhancements
o Improved Taglibs handling, including advanced pooling and tag plugins
o Improved platform integration, with native Windows and Unix wrappers
o Embedding of Tomcat using JMX
o Enhanced Security Manager support
o Integrated session clustering
o Expanded documentation

2003-08-12T18:52:10+00:00 devel/p5-DateTime-Format-ISO8601 Parse ISO8601 formats
Parses almost all ISO 8601:2000(E) date and time formats. ISO 8601:2000(E)
time-intervals will be supported in a later release.

2003-08-12T18:48:26+00:00 devel/p5-DateTime-Format-W3CDTF Parse and format W3CDTF datetime strings
This module understands the W3CDTF date/time format, an ISO 8601 profile,
defined at This format as the native date
format of RSS 1.0.

2003-08-12T17:48:32+00:00 www/p5-MasonX-Request-WithApacheSession Interface to Apache::Session for HTML::Mason
This module provides a interface between HTML::Mason and Apache::Session, in
effect, providing full session and cooking handling from within HTML::Mason.

When run under the ApacheHandler module, this module attempts to first use
Apache::Cookie for cookie-handling. Otherwise it uses CGI::Cookie as a

This module accepts quite a number of parameters, most of which are simply
passed through to Apache::Session. For this reason, you are advised to
familiarize yourself with the Apache::Session documentation before
attempting to configure this module.

Use 'perldoc MasonX::Request::WithApacheSession' for information on how to
use the module.

MasonX::Request::WithApacheSession was written by Dave Rolsky.
2003-08-11T20:39:31+00:00 sysutils/nvclock NVidia graphic card status and overclocking tool
NVClock is a small utility that allows users to overclock NVidia based
video cards running on *nix platforms. The original code used in building
this application was borrowed from the nvcs application. That code has
been extensively reworked in order to make the utility much more user
friendly and to make it play nice with current distributions and drivers.

2003-08-10T23:39:33+00:00 textproc/highlight Customizable syntax highlighter
highlight is a customizable source code highlighter. It supports a
myriad of output formats, and an even greater myriad of recognized
source code formats, and even supports themes.

highlight can output to HTML, XHTML, RTF, LaTeX and TeX, and can
markup many input formats, including:

Ada 95, Agda, AMPL, Aspect, Assembler, Amtrix, Avenue, (G)AWK, Bash,
BlitzBasic, BMS, C, C++, C#, ClearBasic, Clipper, COBOL, CSS, DOS-Batch,
Eiffel, Euphoria, Express, Fortran, Haskell, HTML, HTTPD, IDL, INI,
Jasmin, Java, JavaScript, LaTeX, LDIF, Lotus Script, Lua, Make, Maya,
Matlab, Modelica, Modula 3, (Object) Pascal, Paradox, PATROL, Perl, PHP,
Pike, PL/1, PL/SQL, POV Ray, Progress, Python, Rexx, Ruby, Small, Spin,
Sybase, VHDL, Visual Basic, and XML.

2003-08-10T22:29:22+00:00 net/howl Zeroconf/Bonjour(tm) implementation
Howl is a cross-platform implementation of the Zeroconf networking
standard. Zeroconf brings a new ease of use to IP networking.

Howl allows software developers to easily embed
Zeroconf/Bonjour(tm)-like functionality in their applications, making
cumbersome and error-prone network configuration tasks seem so five
minutes ago.

2003-08-10T16:50:48+00:00 mail/relaydb Spam relay database
relaydb is a mail header analyzer that builds a database of IP addresses either
known as legitimate senders or spammers.

relaydb doesn't itself classify mails as legitimate or spam, that decision needs
to be reached through other means. Neither does relaydb block spam itself. It
merely provides a list of IP addresses to block through other means.

2003-08-10T15:07:26+00:00 devel/libexecinfo Library for inspecting program's backtrace
This is a quick-n-dirty BSD licensed clone of backtrace facility found
in the GNU libc, mainly intended for porting Linuxish code to BSD
platforms, however it can be used at any platform which has a gcc

2003-08-10T10:36:27+00:00 audio/ruby-shout A Ruby binding to the libshout library
Ruby-shout is a binding to the libshout library, which sends streaming
MP3/Vorbis to an icecast server with libshout.

Author: jared jennings <>
2003-08-10T09:39:40+00:00 net/p5-Filesys-SmbClient Interface for access Samba filesystem with
Provide interface to access routine defined

If you want to use filehandle with this module,
you need Perl 5.6 or later.

2003-08-10T08:39:24+00:00 sysutils/bksh Backup-only shell
bksh is a simple (some would say trivial) program designed to be used
as a shell by ssh or rsh-like programs. All it does it to copy its
input to a restricted set of backup files.

It was made to allow administrators to create backup servers in
potentially hostile environments without allowing full shell access to
the server or the client.

- tape only or file & tape backups (compile-time config)
- automatic file rotation allows keeping a history of backups
- configurable number of files kept (static compile-time or dynamic)
- allows naming of backup files on command line
- works as a restricted shell to limit access to server
- very simple and short ANSI C code, easy to audit

2003-08-09T21:03:18+00:00 devel/ruby-gnomevfs Ruby binding for GnomeVFS
Ruby/GnomeVFS is a Ruby binding for GnomeVFS.

2003-08-09T13:17:54+00:00 devel/p5-IPC-MM Perl interface to Ralf Engelschall's mm library
IPC::MM provides an interface to Ralf Engelschall's mm library, allowing
memory to be shared between multiple processes in a relatively
convenient way.

IPC::MM provides methods to create and destroy shared memory segments and
to access data structures within those shared memory segments, as well
as miscellaneous methods. Additionally, it provides a tied interface
for scalars and hashes.

2003-08-09T12:10:22+00:00 www/pwebstats Analyse a web server log
pwebstats will analyse a web server log in Common Log Format, or proxy server
log, producing a variety of statistics. The output is a series of HTML pages
and graphs.
2003-08-08T20:44:49+00:00 deskutils/goats Yellow post-it note applet for GNOME 2
Goats is a yellow post-it note applet for the GNOME 2 desktop,
originally modelled after KNotes from KDE. Goats have alarms,
autosaving, calendar and fortune integration and more.

2003-08-08T14:37:53+00:00 textproc/p5-XML-Generator-PerlData Perl extension for generating SAX2 events from Perl data structures
XML::Generator::PerlData provides a simple way to generate SAX2 events from
nested Perl data structures, while providing finer-grained control over the
resulting document streams.

2003-08-08T14:21:02+00:00 databases/p5-DBIx-SQLEngine Extends DBI with high-level operations
The DBIx::SQLEngine class provides an extended interface for the DBI
database framework. Each SQLEngine object is a wrapper around a DBI
database handle, adding methods that support ad-hoc SQL generation and
query execution in a single call. Dynamic subclassing based on database
server type enables cross-platform portability.

2003-08-08T13:17:47+00:00 x11-fm/xfe Fast MS-Explorer like file manager for X
X File Explorer (Xfe) is an MS-Explorer like file manager for X.
It is based on the popular, but discontinued, X Win Commander,
which was developed by Maxim Baranov.

Xfe aims to be the file manager of choice for all the Unix addicts!

2003-08-08T08:48:56+00:00 mail/p5-Mail-Box-Parser-C Parsing folders for Mail::Box with C routines
The Mail::Box::Parser::C implements parsing of messages in ANSI C, using
Perl's XS extension facility.

This is an optional module for MailBox, and will (once installed)
automatically be used by MailBox to parse e-mail message content when
the message is supplied as file-handle. In all other cases, MailBox
will use Mail::Box::Parser::Perl.

2003-08-07T15:44:06+00:00 misc/nserver Nserver for the Nokia 9000 and 9110 Communicator
Nserver for the Nokia 9000 and 9110 Communicator

2003-08-07T14:09:04+00:00 x11-toolkits/qtpixmap Modifed GTK pixmap engine to obtain Theme information from Qt
This is a hacked/modifed version of the original GTK pixmap engine -
which has been modified to obtain widget colours and fonts from ~/.qt/qtrc.
This means that GTK apps should follow the KDE colour scheme.

2003-08-07T13:14:37+00:00 irc/ircd-ru IRC daemon with translation schemes and other useful features
ircd-RU is a modern and powerful IRC server which is based on Bahamut,
the DALnet IRC server software, and supports translation schemes, 8-bit
nicknames, 8-bit case-insensitive names processing, DNSBL support and lots
of other useful features.

2003-08-07T13:11:19+00:00 www/rt3-elixus An industrial-grade ticketing system with patches
RT is an industrial-grade ticketing system. It lets a group of people
intelligently and efficiently manage requests submitted by a community
of users. RT is used by systems administrators, customer support
staffs, NOCs, developers and even marketing departments at over a
thousand sites around the world.

RT3 significantly revamped the RT codebase, featuring standard-compliant
Web UI, approval-based workflow system, REST-powered RPC mail gateway,
recursive group membership with delegates, autoconf, custom field support,
I18N and L10N framework, web-editable scrips, better documentation and
regression test suite, and more.

Developed by and supported by OurInternet, Inc, rt3-elixus is
a beefed-up branch based on the latest -pre/-rc/-final release of RT3.
It features an alternate Tabbed UI, Workflow editor, many more custom field
types (including multiple-entry fields), Object Attributes, and has been
ported to Microsoft Windows.

2003-08-07T06:48:38+00:00 devel/p5-Sys-Mmap Map in a file as a Perl variable using mmap(2)
The Mmap module lets you use mmap to map in a file as a Perl variable
rather than reading the file into dynamically allocated memory.

The advantage of this is that several processes may share one copy of
the file or string, saving memory, and concurrently making changes to
portions of the file or string. When not used with a file, it is an
alternative to SysV shared memory that places no arbitrary size limits
on the shared memory area, and efficiently handles sparse memory usage.

2003-08-07T04:26:34+00:00 games/moria Dungeon exploration game
The game of moria is a single player dungeon simulation. A player
may choose from a number of races and classes when creating a
character, and then `run' that character over a period of days,
weeks, even months, attempting to win the game by defeating the
Balrog which lurks in the deeper levels.

The player will begin his adventure on the town level where he may
acquire supplies, weapons, armor, and magical devices by bartering
with various shop owners. After preparing for his adventure, the
player can descend into the dungeons of moria where fantastic
adventures await his coming!

2003-08-06T15:52:30+00:00 security/p5-Digest-SHA2 Perl interface to the SHA-2 algorithms
SHA-2 is the collective name of one-way hash functions developed by the
NIST. SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512 pertain to hashes whose outputs are
256 bits, 384 bits and 512 bits, respectively.

2003-08-06T15:45:56+00:00 devel/p5-Want Generalisation of wantarray
This module generalises the mechanism of the wantarray function,
allowing a function to determine in some detail how its return value is
going to be immediately used.

2003-08-06T14:28:09+00:00 sysutils/xfce4-showdesktop-plugin Xfce 4 Plugin to minimize/unminimize all windows
This is a little XFCE Plugin, to minimize and unminimize all windows on the
current workspace.

2003-08-06T12:00:35+00:00 databases/qt-pgsql-plugin A plugin for QT to connect to PostgreSQL-Databases
The PostgreSQL Plugin from Qt 3, which provides an easy access method from
within Qt applications.
2003-08-06T11:52:26+00:00 databases/qt-mysql-plugin A plugin for QT to connect to MySQL-Databases
The MySQL-Plugin from Qt 3, which provides an easy access
method from within Qt applications.
2003-08-05T21:06:25+00:00 www/p5-Apache-AxKit-Plugin-AddXSLParams-Request Provides a way to pass info from the Apache::Request to XSLT params
Apache::AxKit::Plugin::AddXSLParams::Request offers a way to make
information about the current client request (cookies, headers, uri
info) available as params within XSLT stylesheets.

2003-08-05T10:39:10+00:00 korean/nabi Hangul X Input Method for Everywhere
Nabi is a X Hangul Input Method based on GTK+2. But, it can be
docked into GNOME panel or even KDE panel and it's able to be
used in any X11-based applications.

2003-08-04T11:38:19+00:00 mail/dspam Bayesian spam filter
DSPAM (as in De-Spam) is an open-source project to create a new kind
of anti-spam mechanism, and is currently effective as both a
server-side agent for UNIX email servers and a developer's library
for mail clients, other anti-spam tools, and similar projects
requiring drop-in spam filtering.

2003-08-04T11:38:19+00:00 mail/dspam-devel Bayesian spam filter - development version
DSPAM (as in De-Spam) is an open-source project to create a new kind
of anti-spam mechanism, and is currently effective as both a
server-side agent for UNIX email servers and a developer's library
for mail clients, other anti-spam tools, and similar projects
requiring drop-in spam filtering.

2003-08-03T21:44:33+00:00 sysutils/pkg_install FreeBSD -CURRENT version of the pkg tools for older system releases
FreeBSD -CURRENT version of the pkg_install suite of tools for doing
maintainance of software packages.

This is mainly useful on FreeBSD systems <= 4.10.

2003-08-03T21:44:33+00:00 ports-mgmt/pkg_install FreeBSD -STABLE version of the package tools
FreeBSD -CURRENT version of the pkg_install suite of tools for doing
maintenance of software packages.

2003-08-03T20:47:26+00:00 deskutils/kluje A KDE client for the popular online journal site LiveJournal
KLuJe is a LiveJournal client for KDE.

Current features include:
- Posting with optional subject or mood
- Posting to multiple journals or communities
- Editing events in the past
- Systray icon, with menu of quick links
- Auto polling for friends' posts, w/animated systray icon alert
- Integrated spell checking
- Fast server support (for paid accounts)
- MD5 password storage/transmis

2003-08-03T10:29:00+00:00 x11-toolkits/qscintilla QT port of the Scintilla C++ editor class
QScintilla is a port to Qt of Neil Hodgson's Scintilla C++ editor class.

As well as features found in standard text editing components, QScintilla
includes features especially useful when editing and debugging source code.
These include support for syntax styling, error indicators, code completion
and call tips. The selection margin can contain markers like those used in
debuggers to indicate breakpoints and the current line. Styling choices are
more open than with many editors, allowing the use of proportional fonts,
bold and italics, multiple foreground and background colours and multiple
2003-08-03T08:12:36+00:00 misc/xfce4-artwork Additional artwork for the XFce4 desktop environment
Additional artwork for the XFce4 desktop environment.
2003-08-03T07:26:08+00:00 x11-toolkits/SoXt GUI binding for using Open Inventor with Xt/Motif
SoXt is an open source implementation of the SGI InventorXt library,
which is a GUI binding for using Open Inventor with Xt/Motif. While
SoXt has been developed for use with Coin, it is also possible to
compile it against Open Inventor from SGI or TGS. A goal is to
eventually become 100% source code compatible with the InventorXt
library, which is still way off, especially when it comes to creating
derived classes.

When using SoXt, bear in mind that SoXt is in its alpha release
phase, so expect the worst...

2003-08-03T06:56:12+00:00 graphics/inventor SGI's Open Inventor (TM)
Open Inventor(TM) is an object-oriented 3D toolkit offering a comprehensive
solution to interactive graphics programming problems. It presents a
programming model based on a 3D scene database that dramatically simplifies
graphics programming. It includes a rich set of objects such as cubes,
polygons, text, materials, cameras, lights, trackballs, handle boxes,
3D viewers, and editors that speed up your programming time and extend
your 3D programming capabilities.

Open Inventor:
- is built on top of OpenGL (R)
- defines a standard file format for 3D data interchange
- introduces a simple event model for 3D interaction
- provides animation objects called Engines
- provides high performance object picking
- is window system and platform independent
- is a cross-platform 3D graphics development system
- supports PostScript printing
- encourages programmers to create new customized objects
- is fun to use

2003-08-02T05:03:58+00:00 x11-toolkits/gtk-industrial-theme Slick theme for GTK1 from Ximian
Ximian's Industrial theme for GTK1.

Frank Ruell <>
2003-08-02T05:03:58+00:00 x11-themes/gtk-industrial-theme Slick theme for GTK1 from Ximian
Ximian's Industrial theme for GTK1.

Frank Ruell <>
2003-08-01T19:39:50+00:00 devel/gccxml XML output extension to GCC
The purpose of the GCC-XML extension is to generate an XML description
of a C++ program from GCC's internal representation. Since XML is easy
to parse, other development tools will be able to work with C++ programs
without the burden of a complicated C++ parser.

GCC-XML was developed by Brad King at Kitware to be used by CABLE, which
was developed as part of the NLM Insight Segmentation and Registration
Toolkit project.

2003-08-01T15:17:58+00:00 palm/synce-kde SynCE KDE Utilities
SynCE is a project for connecting to devices running Windows CE or Pocket PC.
Synce-KDE provides KDE users transparent access to the files and information
on their Windows CE device as if it were a local folder. It also provides
a system tray application and PDA connection manager.

2003-08-01T15:17:58+00:00 palm/rapip KIO-slave and trayapp for access to WinCE devices
SynCE is a project for connecting to devices running Windows CE or Pocket PC.
Rapip is a KIO-slave giving KDE users transparent access to the files and
information on their Windows CE device as if it were a local folder. Raki
is a tray application giving instant access to these functions.

2003-08-01T14:51:43+00:00 palm/synce-librapi2 Utilities/libraries to make RAPI calls on WinCE devices
SynCE is a project for connecting to devices running Windows CE or Pocket PC.
Librapi is an open-source implementation that works like RAPI.DLL. The library
makes it possible to make remote calls on a Windows CE device, including
installing applications and transferring files.

2003-08-01T14:35:59+00:00 sysutils/xfce4-systemload-plugin System Load plugin for Xfce4 panel
System Load plugin for XFce4.

Author: Riccardo Persichetti <>
2003-08-01T14:32:15+00:00 palm/synce-vdccm Listener daemon for connections from WinCE devices
SynCE is a project for connecting to devices running Windows CE or Pocket PC.
Dccm is a daemon that listens for connections from a Windows CE device.
Once connected, the synce-librapi tools are able to interact with the device.

2003-08-01T14:32:15+00:00 palm/synce-dccm Listener daemon for connections from WinCE devices
SynCE is a project for connecting to devices running Windows CE or Pocket PC.
Dccm is a daemon that listens for connections from a Windows CE device.
Once connected, the synce-librapi tools are able to interact with the device.

2003-08-01T14:32:00+00:00 sysutils/xfce4-battery-plugin Battery monitor panel plugin for Xfce4
Battery monitor panel plugin for Xfce4.

2003-08-01T13:58:54+00:00 palm/synce-serial Wrapper for pppd to initiate communications with Windows Mobile devices
The purpose of the SynCE project is to provide a means of communication with
a Windows Mobile device from a computer using USB or Bluetooth.
Synce-serial is a set of wrappers around pppd to initiate communications
with a Windows Mobile device. Once a connection is established, synce-vdccm is
able to accept connections.

2003-07-31T20:03:51+00:00 databases/py25-bsddb
Python bindings to the Berkeley DB library.
2003-07-31T20:03:51+00:00 databases/py-bsddb Standard Python bindings to the Berkeley DB library
Python bindings to the Berkeley DB library.
2003-07-31T12:23:31+00:00 devel/p5-DateTime-Locale Localization support for DateTime
DateTime::Locale is primarily a factory for the various locale subclasses. It
also provides some functions for getting information on all the available

If you want to know what methods are available for locale objects, then please
read the DateTime::Locale::FromData documentation.

2003-07-31T09:20:28+00:00 security/drweb-qmail Qmail message filter for virus processing through DrWeb daemon
Qmail message filter for virus processing through DrWeb daemon.

2003-07-31T00:20:33+00:00 games/xcheckers Checkers game for X11
Xcheckers is a checkers simulation for X11.

* Computer opponents with variable playing skills
* Matched against human opponents over the internet

2003-07-30T16:55:35+00:00 sysutils/etcmerge Automatic 3-way merge of /etc updates
etcmerge is a tool for keeping /etc up to date when updating,
or for management after installworld (instead of mergemester).
The primary difference from mergemaster, is that etcmerge
requires much less manual work than mergemaster, due to the
use of a three way merge.

2003-07-30T07:36:28+00:00 net/3proxy Proxy servers set (support HTTP(S), FTP, SOCKS, POP3, TCP & UDP)
3[APA3A] tiny proxy 3Proxy (pronounce it as "Zaraza tiny proxy") is really
tiny cross-platform (Win32&Unix) proxy servers set. It includes HTTP proxy
with HTTPS and FTP support, SOCKSv4/SOCKSv4.5/SOCKSv5 proxy, POP3 proxy,
TCP and UDP portmappers. You can use every proxy as a standalone program
(socks, proxy, tcppm, udppm, pop3p) or use combined program (3proxy).
Combined proxy additionally supports features like access control,
bandwidth limiting, limiting daily/weekly/monthly traffic amount, proxy
chaining, log rotation, sylog and ODBC logging, etc. It's created to be
small, simple (I'd like to say secure - but it's just a beta) and yet
functional. It may be compiled with Visual C or gcc. Native Win32 version
included in archive and supports installation as NT/2K/XP service.
Currently 3proxy is tested to work under Windows 98/NT/2000/2003/XP,
FreeBSD/i386, Linux/i386, Linux/Alpha. See Release Notes and Changes for
features list.
3proxy is FreeWare. It can be used under terms of GNU/GPL or under its own
license (please read License Agreement).

For licensing or commercial support please e-mail to

2003-07-30T07:09:01+00:00 multimedia/quark Audio player, for geeks, by geeks
Quark is an audio player, for geeks, by geeks. It runs in the background
with access provided via a FIFO in the filesystem. It uses Xine-lib
for playing music, and can therefore play any file format supported
by Xine.

Quark comes with a couple front-ends to make it more useful.

- charm-quark - a CLI interface
- strange-quark - a GTK System Tray interface

2003-07-30T06:53:22+00:00 www/p5-CGI-Untaint Process CGI input parameters
Dealing with large web based applications with multiple forms is a minefield.
It's often hard enough to ensure you validate all your input at all, without
having to worry about doing it in a consistent manner. If any of the validation
rules change, you often have to alter them in many different places. And, if
you want to operate taint-safe, then you're just adding even more headaches.

2003-07-30T02:43:29+00:00 graphics/dataplot Free software system for statistical visualization
Dataplot is a free, public-domain, multi-platform (Unix, Linux, PC-DOS,
Windows NT, etc.) software system for scientific visualization,
statistical analysis, and non-linear modeling. The target Dataplot user
is the researcher and analyst engaged in the characterization, modeling,
visualization, analysis, monitoring, and optimization of scientific and
engineering processes.

The original version was released by James J. Filliben in 1978 with
continual enhancements to present.

NOTE: This port only includes the command line tool, the website has an
experimental GUI tool that uses expect and extensive reference manuals.

2003-07-29T19:33:58+00:00 security/gcipher Simple encryption tool
This is a simple encryption tool to work with home-grown encryption
algorithms. It can run as either a GUI, a command-line application, or
a network proxy.

2003-07-29T16:19:04+00:00 net/imapproxy Caching IMAP proxy daemon to be used with Horde/IMP
The program forwards all IMAP traffic between the client and the server, but
keeps the connection to the server alive after the client logs out. When the
same user attempts to log in again, the proxy will use the cached
username/password pair to authenticate the client, and tie the new client to
the old server connection (which was kept alive).


Lasse L. Johnsen
2003-07-29T16:17:06+00:00 converters/cmios9 Ftp-like access to Fairlight image files and devices
This is a port of cmios9, which provides ftp-like access to
Fairlight OS9 + MDR-DOS + QDOS floppy/hard disk image files and devices.

Fairlight system Filesystem(s) Machine type
CMI Series I QDOS Sampler
CMI Series II QDOS Sampler
CMI Series IIx QDOS Sampler
CMI Series III OS9 Sampler
MFX1 OS9 Sampler + Hard disk recorder
MFX2 OS9 + MDR-DOS Sampler + Hard disk recorder
2003-07-29T13:59:35+00:00 mail/sccmilter Sendmail spam control and canceling filter, based on Milter API
This is a sendmail filter, based on Milter API, intedned to do spam
control and canceling it. This is multi-thread small filter, which
sits between sendmail and local mail agent, checks all mail by
selected rules and cancels spam-qualified messages.

Main features:
- Charset controlling. No more unreadable mails in your box!
You can selectively setup, which codepages for which users are
allowed, mail with other codepages will declined
- HTML isolating. You can setup filter to check all incoming, outgoing
or all (or none) mail to HTML mail and decline it.
IMHO, HTML mail is a headache only. You can separately setup on
per-user basis, which users can send HTML mail, which can receive
- Attachment control. You can allow or deny receiving mail with attachments,
sending mail with attachments and send and receive simultaneously
- 'Shadow watch'. You can silently keep copy of outgoing mail from local
users to further analysis. Watch incoming mail will be arrived shortly.

Any other features (content filtering, attachment checking) are
planned, but not imlemented this release.

Author: Rashid N. Achilov <>
2003-07-29T07:32:32+00:00 devel/file A tool to determine file types
File(1) tests each argument in an attempt to classify it. There are
three sets of tests, performed in this order: filesystem tests, magic
number tests, and language tests.

This package also includes libmagic(3), a library version of the
2003-07-29T06:14:18+00:00 misc/kde3-i18n-nso Northern Sotho messages and documentation for KDE3
Localized messages and documentation for KDE3.

2003-07-29T06:13:08+00:00 misc/kde4-l10n-mk Macedonian messages and documentation for KDE SC 4
Localized messages and documentation for KDE4.

2003-07-29T06:13:08+00:00 misc/kde3-i18n-mk Macedonian messages and documentation for KDE3
Localized messages and documentation for KDE3.

2003-07-29T06:11:16+00:00 misc/kde3-i18n-fa Persian messages and documentation for KDE3
Localized messages and documentation for KDE3.

2003-07-29T06:02:27+00:00 astro/accrete Physical simulation of solar system planet formation
Accrete is a physical simulation of solar system planet formation,
originally published to Usenet-- probably comp.sources.unix-- in 1991
by Joe Nowakowski. This software is in the public domain.

This simulation works by modelling a dust cloud around a Sun-like
star, injecting a series of masses which collect dust, and form
planets. The simulation then determines what the planetary
environments will be like in terms of temperature, atmospheric
composition, and other factors. The system description is saved to a
file named "New.System".

2003-07-28T19:45:46+00:00 devel/py-wsdllib A library for using and manipulating WSDL files using Python
A library for creating, reading and manipulating Web Service Definition
Language (WSDL) files using Python. Requires PyXML and 4Suite.

License: IBM Public License

-- Mikhail Teterin <>
2003-07-28T18:22:51+00:00 misc/xfce4-wm-themes Additional themes for xfwm4
Xfce 4 window decoration themes for xfwm4. Currently there are 55
themes included.

2003-07-28T18:22:23+00:00 sysutils/xfce4-utils Xfce 4 essential utilities and scripts
The utilities and scripts provides an about dialog for Xfce 4, an
application launcher, and several useful scripts that are also used
by other Xfce components such as the panel and the desktop menu.

2003-07-28T18:21:52+00:00 games/xfce4-toys Toys for the XFce 4 panel
Toys for the XFce 4 panel. Less serious utilities and additions for the
panel. Currently includes a tips dialog, and an xeyes implementation.

2003-07-28T18:21:09+00:00 x11-wm/xfce4-systray XFce 4 system tray module for xfce4-panel
XFce 4 system tray or notification area for xfce4-panel.

2003-07-28T18:20:20+00:00 print/xfce4-print Print system support for the Xfce Desktop
Xfprint contains a print dialog and a printer manager for the Xfce Desktop
Environment. It supports CUPS, BSD-LPR and file as printing destination.

2003-07-28T18:19:39+00:00 misc/xfce4-panel-themes Icon themes for the XFce 4 panel
Icon themes for the XFce 4 panel.

2003-07-28T18:18:23+00:00 x11-wm/xfce4-panel Xfce's panel
The panel supports multiple panels, with many options for their
position, appearance, transparency and behavior.

2003-07-28T18:17:43+00:00 audio/xfce4-mixer Volume control for the Xfce desktop
This is xfce4-mixer, a volume control application for the Xfce Desktop
Environment. This software package contains both a volume control
plugin for the Xfce Panel and a standalone mixer application.

2003-07-28T18:16:37+00:00 sysutils/xfce4-mcs-plugins XFce 4 settings manager plugins
XFce 4 settings manager plugins. The plugins provide settings dialogs
for general items that are not part of a package, e.g. GTK settings,
mouse settings and keyboard settings.

2003-07-28T18:16:04+00:00 sysutils/xfce4-mcs-manager XFce 4 settings manager
The settings manager provides the MCS (Multi-Channel Settings), a
modular, host independent, network transparent and centralized
configuration system. It runs in the background and provides global
settings information to other Xfce components. There is a main control
panel to access the configuration dialogs of all the components. The
MCS plugins provide settings dialogs for general items that are not
part of a package, e.g. GTK, mouse, fonts, keyboard, and display

2003-07-28T18:14:55+00:00 misc/xfce4-iconbox XFce 4 icon box, an alternative taskbar
XFce 4 icon box (Lil' Star - IconBox) is an alternative for the taskbar
provided in the xfce-utils module.

2003-07-28T18:14:03+00:00 x11-fm/xfce4-fm-icons XFce 4 icon themes for the xffm file manager
XFce 4 icon themes for the xffm file manager.

2003-07-28T18:13:22+00:00 x11-fm/xfce4-fm XFce 4 file manager
XFce 4 file manager. Features samba network share support.

2003-07-28T18:12:41+00:00 x11-wm/xfce4-desktop Xfce's desktop manager
The desktop manager sets the background image, and provides a root
window menu, desktop icons or minimized icons and windows list.

2003-07-28T18:11:36+00:00 x11/libxfce4util Extension library for the Xfce desktop environment
Xfce 4 library providing basic utilities.

2003-07-28T18:11:06+00:00 x11/libxfce4mcs XFce 4 settings management library used by most XFce 4 modules
XFce 4 settings management library used by most XFce 4 modules.

2003-07-28T18:10:40+00:00 x11-toolkits/libxfce4gui Various Gtk widgets for the Xfce Desktop
GUI-related extension widgets and libraries for the Xfce Desktop.

2003-07-28T10:28:59+00:00 games/gnubg GNU Backgammon
GNU Backgammon (gnubg) is for playing and analysing backgammon
positions, games and matches. It's based on a neural
network. Though it already plays on a very high level, it's still
work in progress. You may play GNU Backgammon using the command
line or a graphical interface (based on GTK+).

2003-07-28T10:00:18+00:00 palm/synce-libsynce Library to support communication with WinCE devices
SynCE is a project for connecting to devices running Windows CE or Pocket PC.
Libsynce provides common functions needed for communication with a Windows CE

2003-07-28T06:38:37+00:00 biology/garlic Molecular viewer, editor, and visualization program
Free, open source molecular viewer and editor for
protein structure, DNA structure, PDB, molecular rendering,
biological macromolecule.
Atoms may be drawn as spheres of different sizes.
Bonds may be drawn as cylindrical sticks, conical sticks or
as curved surfaces.
Five types of slab are available: planar, spherical,
semi-spherical, cylindrical and semi-cylindrical.
The slab position and thickness are visible in a small window.
Atomic bonds as well as atoms are treated as independent drawable objects.
and more.

2003-07-28T00:11:02+00:00 devel/hptools System RPL and assembly language tools for HP Calculators
HP Tools 3.0.x

This is the free System RPL and assembly language (HP syntax and MASD
[MetaKernel] syntax) development kit.

For more information on how to program in SystemRPL or ML check

2003-07-27T21:49:35+00:00 comms/kallers KDE Applet that displays Caller IDs
Kallers is KDE system tray applet that displays caller id information
sent by your local phone company using a caller id capable modem. It
is licensed under GPL v2 and currently has the following features:

- Unobtrusive display of call information using a popup
- An optional ring sound when a call is received
- An option to ignore anonymous calls
- Call logging using an XML format, with a configurable call history size
- A handy call browser for viewing the call history

Author: Nadeem Hasan <>
2003-07-27T21:23:48+00:00 astro/ksetisaver A KDE screensaver frontend for the Linux seti@home client
A KDE screensaver frontend for the Linux seti@home client.

Author: Sebastian Schildt <>
2003-07-27T15:22:31+00:00 graphics/megapov Unofficial extensions of POV-Ray
MegaPOV is a collection of unofficial extensions for the freeware
raytracer POV-Ray. It is maintained by a group of POV-Community
members - the MegaPOV Team. Up-to-date versions and information can
be obtained at the MegaPOV website:

2003-07-26T18:32:34+00:00 net/licq-osd OnScreenDisplay messages in licq
This is a small licq-plugin, which uses libxosd2 to display new arriving
messages as OSD (On Screen Display) text on your desktop. I wrote this, as I
saw this feature in sim and wanted to have the same functionality in licq.

Martin Maurer,

2003-07-26T18:32:34+00:00 net-im/licq-osd OnScreenDisplay messages in licq
This is a small licq-plugin, which uses libxosd2 to display new arriving
messages as OSD (On Screen Display) text on your desktop. I wrote this, as I
saw this feature in sim and wanted to have the same functionality in licq.

Martin Maurer,

LICENSE: GPL2 or later with execption to link with OpenSSL

2003-07-26T16:22:18+00:00 devel/physfs Library to provide abstract access to various archives
PhysicsFS is a library to provide abstract access to various archives.
It is intended for use in video games, and the design was somewhat
inspired by Quake 3's file subsystem. The programmer defines a "write
directory" on the physical filesystem. No file writing done through the
PhysicsFS API can leave that write directory, for security. For example,
an embedded scripting language cannot write outside of this path if it
uses PhysFS for all of its I/O, which means that untrusted scripts can
run more safely. Symbolic links can be disabled as well, for added
safety. For file reading, the programmer lists directories and archives
that form a "search path". Once the search path is defined, it becomes
a single, transparent hierarchical filesystem. This makes for easy
access to ZIP files in the same way as you access a file directly on the
disk, and it makes it easy to ship a new archive that will override a
previous archive on a per-file basis. Finally, PhysicsFS gives you
platform-abstracted means to determine if CD-ROMs are available, the
user's home directory, where in the real filesystem your program is
running, etc.

2003-07-26T16:22:18+00:00 devel/physfs-devel Library to provide abstract access to various archives
PhysicsFS is a library to provide abstract access to various archives.
It is intended for use in video games, and the design was somewhat
inspired by Quake 3's file subsystem. The programmer defines a "write
directory" on the physical filesystem. No file writing done through the
PhysicsFS API can leave that write directory, for security. For example,
an embedded scripting language cannot write outside of this path if it
uses PhysFS for all of its I/O, which means that untrusted scripts can
run more safely. Symbolic links can be disabled as well, for added
safety. For file reading, the programmer lists directories and archives
that form a "search path". Once the search path is defined, it becomes
a single, transparent hierarchical filesystem. This makes for easy
access to ZIP files in the same way as you access a file directly on the
disk, and it makes it easy to ship a new archive that will override a
previous archive on a per-file basis. Finally, PhysicsFS gives you
platform-abstracted means to determine if CD-ROMs are available, the
user's home directory, where in the real filesystem your program is
running, etc.

2003-07-26T08:58:40+00:00 sysutils/sec Simple event (logs) correlator
SEC is an event correlation tool that was designed to fill the gap between
commercial event correlation systems and homegrown solutions that usually
comprise of a few simple shell scripts.

SEC is highly customizable to accept events from many sources and build a
powerful correlation engine.

2003-07-25T23:35:08+00:00 graphics/openproducer A cross-platform C++/OpenGL library focused on camera control
From the 'overview' section of the official site:

Open Producer (or simply Producer) is a cross-platform C++/OpenGL library
that is focused on Camera control. Producer's Camera provides projection 1,
field of view, viewpoint control, and frame control. Further, Producer can
be used in a multi-tasking environment to allow multiple Camera's to run in
parallel supporting hardware configurations with multiple display subsystems.
Threading, Camera synchronization and frame rate control are simplified in
the Producer programming interface.

Producer provides a simple, yet powerfully scalable approach for real-time 3D
applications wishing to run within a single window to large, multidisplay

2003-07-25T22:08:27+00:00 net/sysmon A network tool designed for high performance and accurate monitoring
Sysmon is a network monitoring tool designed to provide high
performance and accurate network monitoring.

This tool is available in the public domain for anyone to use
it that is interested. It provides better performance and
checking capabilities than other tools such as Rover, Nocmon
(not this: Nocmonitor),Whatsup, Big Brother, and other such tools.

Currently supported protocols include SMTP, IMAP, HTTP,TCP,
UDP, NNTP, and PING tests.

2003-07-25T22:08:27+00:00 net-mgmt/sysmon Network tool designed for high performance and accurate monitoring
Sysmon is a network monitoring tool designed to provide high
performance and accurate network monitoring.

This tool is available in the public domain for anyone to use
it that is interested. It provides better performance and
checking capabilities than other tools such as Rover, Nocmon
(not this: Nocmonitor),Whatsup, Big Brother, and other such tools.

Currently supported protocols include SMTP, IMAP, HTTP,TCP,
UDP, NNTP, and PING tests.

2003-07-25T17:27:33+00:00 french/aster Code_Aster finite element method solver
Aster stands for "Analyse des structures et thermo-mécanique", i.e.
Structures analysis and thermo-mechanics.

Code_Aster est un outil de modélisations non linéaires en mécanique et
en thermique.

2003-07-25T04:42:08+00:00 net/samba-libsmbclient Shared lib from the samba package
This is the set of shared libraries from the Samba port. It lets other
programs to utilize various aspects of the SMB protocol.

2003-07-24T19:28:51+00:00 www/mod_accounting An Apache module that records traffic statistics into a database
mod_accounting is a simple Apache module that can record
traffic statistics (bytes in/out per http request) into
SQL database (MySQL or PostgreSQL)

2003-07-24T19:10:37+00:00 net/ncp Fast file copy tool for LANs
"ncp" is a utility for copying files in a LAN. It has absolutely no
security or integrity checking, no throttling, no features, except
one: you don't have to type the coordinates of your peer.

2003-07-24T19:06:34+00:00 japanese/xtr Japanese text formatting processor
XTR is text processor to format text document.
Easy to start, but this is powerful to write document in Japanese.

XTR syntax is just a little bit different from
other text formatters like *roff.
2003-07-24T12:32:35+00:00 net/libdjbdns The libraries from Prof. Daniel J. Bernstein's djbdns package
2003-07-24T09:50:24+00:00 science/2dhf Numerical Hartree-Fock Program for Diatomic Molecules
A Numerical Hartree-Fock Program for Diatomic Molecules

The program finds virtually exact solution of the Hartree-Fock
and Hartree-Fock-Slater equations for diatomic molecules. The
lowest eigenstates of a given irreducible representation and
spin can be obtained. Distributed under GPL.


2003-07-24T05:48:35+00:00 french/homard Refinement and de-refinement mesh tool
A refinement and de-refinement mesh tool, used by Code_Aster for its
adaptative mesh capability.

2003-07-23T22:21:44+00:00 news/papercut Papercut is a news server written in Python, using a MySQL backend
Papercut is a news server written in 100% pure Python. It designed
to be use as backend for PHP, or to be run on a small network.
Messages can be stored in a MySQL database.
It doesn't support feeding.

2003-07-23T22:04:26+00:00 graphics/optipng Optimizer for PNG files
OptiPNG is a PNG optimizer that recompresses image files to a smaller
size, without losing any information. This program also converts
external formats (BMP, GIF, PNM; TIFF support is coming up) to optimized
PNG, and performs PNG integrity checks and corrections.

The idea has been inspired from pngcrush, and is explained in detail in
the PNG-Tech article "A guide to PNG optimization". The implementation
is carried forward in OptiPNG, which offers a faster execution per
trial, and a wider search space.

2003-07-23T21:32:23+00:00 www/mod_layout22 Apache2.2 module to wrap served pages with a header and/or footer
mod_layout is a utility to wrap served webpages. This means it can
add a footer or header to a document. This allows you to create a
standard look and feel throughout a website without using SSI.
Some example uses are adding standard disclaimers to the bottom of
all pages, banner ads to the top of all pages, or even a menu at
the beginning of a page. There are many other per-document settings
you can modify with mod_layout.


2003-07-23T21:32:23+00:00 www/mod_layout2 Apache2 module to wrap served pages with a header and/or footer
mod_layout is a utility to wrap served webpages. This means it can
add a footer or header to a document. This allows you to create a
standard look and feel throughout a website without using SSI.
Some example uses are adding standard disclaimers to the bottom of
all pages, banner ads to the top of all pages, or even a menu at
the beginning of a page. There are many other per-document settings
you can modify with mod_layout; Currently this mod_layout version
is still an alpha version. But it can be used in production
environment for people who need Apache 2.0.x.
New mod_layout features won't be backported to mod_layout 3.x designed
for apache 1.3.x.

2003-07-23T19:45:43+00:00 x11/9box 9box can "pack" windows inside itself
9box aims to develop an application which can "pack" windows inside

This will allow to use applications as if they were put in tabs.
This behaviour is similar in spirit with konsole, but 9box will
allow to pack windows from different applications as well as
multiple instances from the same application.

2003-07-23T17:00:33+00:00 sysutils/disktool XView sysadmin tool for monitoring diskfull situations
`disktool' is an XView program to monitor up to 64 filesystems
simultaneously and alert you when a particular filesystem is low on
space. disktool is set-up to "un-iconify" when a filesystem it is
monitoring has reached its' user-definable "critical threshold". A
Unix command can also be initiated when this threshold is reached.
The command and un-iconifying can be repeated every so many polls,
configurable from the cmdline or from the Properties pop-up.
The properties pop-up is obtained by selecting any gauge with the
right mouse button. The middle mouse button has also been mapped to
force a filesystem poll to update the displayed data.

`disktool' is a good sysadmin tool for monitoring diskfull situations
to avoid datafile corruption.

2003-07-23T15:02:48+00:00 audio/xvmixer Open Look-based audio mixer
Open Look-based audio mixer

2003-07-23T14:54:39+00:00 databases/p5-Class-DBI-Replication Class::DBI for replicated database
Classs::DBI::Replication extends Class::DBI's persistence for replicated

The idea is very simple. SELECT from slaves, INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE to master.

2003-07-23T14:45:52+00:00 databases/p5-Class-DBI-Pg Extensions to Class::DBI for PostgreSQL
Class::DBI::Pg automate the setup of Class::DBI columns and primary key for

select Postgres system catalog and find out all columns, primary key and SERIAL
type column.

2003-07-23T14:35:27+00:00 french/med Modelisation et Echanges de Donnees
MED is the Data Echange Module used by Code_Aster and based on the HDF library.

MED/HDF can read and save data in a format which is portable between machines of
different architectures.

2003-07-23T14:21:51+00:00 cad/gmsh Automatic 3D finite element mesh generator
Gmsh is a free 3D finite element grid generator with a build-in CAD engine and
post-processor. Its design goal is to provide a fast, light and user-friendly
meshing tool with parametric input and advanced visualization capabilities. Gmsh
is built around four modules: geometry, mesh, solver and post-processing. The
specification of any input to these modules is done either interactively using
the graphical user interface or in ASCII text files using Gmsh's own scripting

2003-07-23T12:18:27+00:00 french/eficas ASter Command FIle Editor
ASter Command FIle Editor.

Éditeur des fichiers de commandes d'Aster.

2003-07-23T11:25:42+00:00 cad/astk-client Graphical interface for Code_Aster (client side)
2003-07-23T11:20:26+00:00 cad/astk-serveur Graphical interface for Code_Aster (server side)
Interface graphique de Code_Aster, en Tcl/Tk.

Tcl/Tk interface to run Code_Aster (prepare and start calculations using

See the port french/aster.

2003-07-23T10:36:01+00:00 x11-toolkits/tktable Table/matrix widget extension to Tk
TkTable is a full-featured 2D table widget (in the spreadsheet sense)
extension for Tk.

It supports images, embedded windows, varying colors and fonts, and more.

2003-07-23T10:28:57+00:00 net/netstrain Tool to measure practical TCP throughput between two machines
NetStrain is a tool to measure practical data throughput between two machines
over a TCP connection. It can be used for performance testing,
stress/stability testing and to demonstrate various network effects. It
supports both IPv4 and IPv6, provided the underlying system does.

2003-07-23T10:12:58+00:00 lang/klogoturtle LOGO Interpreter for the KDE Desktop
KLogo-Turtle is an interpreter of the LOGO language for KDE.

It is a useful tool for teaching geometry and the basics
of computer programming.

2003-07-23T08:49:01+00:00 net/ipaudit IP traffic summarizer
Would you like to summarize and/or log network activity down to the ip address
and port level of detail, but not record every packet?

Ipaudit provides that ability.

Ipaudit listens to a network device in promiscuous mode, and records of every
'connection', each conversation between two ip addresses. A unique connection
is determined by the ip addresses of the two machines, the protocol used
between them and the port numbers (if they are communicating via udp or tcp).

It uses a hash table to keep track of the number of bytes and packets in both
directions. When ipaudit receives a signal SIGTERM (kill) or SIGINT (kill -2,
usually the same as a Control-C), it stops collecting data and writes the
tabulated results.

Ipaudit is built using the pcap packet capture library to read the network port
from LBNL Network Research Group.


Maintainer: "Ying-Chieh Chen" <>
2003-07-23T08:49:01+00:00 net-mgmt/ipaudit IP traffic summarizer
Would you like to summarize and/or log network activity down to the ip address
and port level of detail, but not record every packet?

Ipaudit provides that ability.

Ipaudit listens to a network device in promiscuous mode, and records of every
'connection', each conversation between two ip addresses. A unique connection
is determined by the ip addresses of the two machines, the protocol used
between them and the port numbers (if they are communicating via UDP or TCP).

It uses a hash table to keep track of the number of bytes and packets in both
directions. When ipaudit receives a signal SIGTERM (kill) or SIGINT (kill -2,
usually the same as a Control-C), it stops collecting data and writes the
tabulated results.

Ipaudit is built using the pcap packet capture library to read the network port
from LBNL Network Research Group.

2003-07-23T08:37:16+00:00 math/metis-edf Meshes partitioning tool used by Code_Aster
METIS is a software package for partitioning unstructured graphs,
partitioning meshes, and computing fill-reducing orderings of sparse

Important note: this is not the original METIS, it has been specially
patched by EDF to be used by Code_Aster.

2003-07-23T08:37:16+00:00 cad/metis-edf Meshes partionning tool used by Code_Aster
METIS is a software package for partitioning unstructured graphs,
partitioning meshes, and computing fill-reducing orderings of sparse

Important note: this is not the original METIS, it has been specially
patched by EDF to be used by Code_Aster.

2003-07-22T22:41:09+00:00 comms/p5-Device-Modem Perl class to interface generic modems (AT-compliant)
Device::Modem is a perl extension to talk to AT compliant devices via
serial ports.

2003-07-22T14:40:11+00:00 databases/p5-Class-DBI-SQLite Extension to Class::DBI for sqlite
Class::DBI::SQLite is an extension to Class::DBI for DBD::SQLite, which allows
you to populate auto incremented row id after insert.

2003-07-22T14:31:57+00:00 databases/p5-Class-DBI-SAK Class::DBI Swiss Army Knife (SAK)
By taking the busy work out of using Class::DBI as you see fit, your code
becomes more useful by size. Most of us end up using at least a couple
Class::DBI extensions in our programs, and it's just a pain. Enter the Swiss
Army Knife.

2003-07-22T14:23:35+00:00 databases/p5-Class-DBI-Pager Pager utility for Class::DBI
Class::DBI::Pager is a plugin for Class::DBI, which glues Data::Page with
Class::DBI. This module reduces your work a lot, for example when you have to
do something like:

* retrieve objects from a database
* display objects with 20 items per page

In addition, your work will be reduced more, when you use Template-Toolkit as
your templating engine

2003-07-22T13:47:14+00:00 databases/p5-Data-Page Pager utility for Class::DBI
When searching through large amounts of data, it is often the case that a
result set is returned that is larger than we want to display on one page. This
results in wanting to page through various pages of data. The maths behind this
is unfortunately fiddly, hence this module.

The main concept is that you pass in the number of total entries, the number of
entries per page, and the current page number. You can then call methods to
find out how many pages of information there are, and what number the first and
last entries on the current page really are.

2003-07-22T13:31:10+00:00 chinese/miniChinput Tiny version of Chinput
miniChinput is a tiny version of Chinput, which is a GPLed Chinese
input method. miniChinput uses XIM protocol and provides several
input modules for both GB and BIG5 encodings.

2003-07-22T13:31:05+00:00 databases/p5-Class-DBI-AbstractSearch Abstract Class::DBI SQL with SQL::Abstract
Class::DBI::AbstractSearch is a Class::DBI plugin to glue SQL::Abstract into

2003-07-22T13:02:29+00:00 devel/p5-mixin Mix-in inheritance, an alternative to multiple inheritance
Mixin inheritance is an alternative to the usual multiple-inheritance and
solves the problem of knowing which parent will be called. It also solves a
number of tricky problems like diamond inheritance.

The idea is to solve the same sets of problems which MI solves without the
problems of MI.

2003-07-22T06:16:06+00:00 databases/memcached High-performance distributed memory object cache system
memcached is a high-performance, distributed memory object caching
system, generic in nature, but intended for use in speeding up dynamic
web applications by alleviating database load.

2003-07-21T14:28:03+00:00 www/ffproxy Filtering HTTP proxy server
ffproxy is a filtering HTTP proxy server. It is able to filter
by host, URL, and header. Custom header entries can be filtered
and added. It can even drop its privileges and optionally
chroot() to some directory. Logging to syslog() is supported,
as is using another auxiliary proxy server. Contacting IPv6
servers is supported and allows transparent IPv6 over IPv4

2003-07-21T12:47:08+00:00 polish/ekg Text-mode Gadu-Gadu client
Text-based Gadu-Gadu client for Unix-like systems.
Gadu-Gadu is an ICQ-like messenger for polish language users.

2003-07-21T12:47:08+00:00 net/ekg Text-mode Gadu-Gadu client
Text-based Gadu-Gadu client for Unix-like systems.
Gadu-Gadu is an ICQ-like messenger for polish language users.

2003-07-21T05:46:38+00:00 sysutils/pwd_unmkdb Recover a master.passwd from the hashed database
pwd_unmkdb is a program to do the opposite of pwd_mkdb(8). That is, to
give you a textual master.passwd file from a hashed spwd.db database.
Useful if you delete or corrupt master.passwd, and don't have an
up-to-date backup.

2003-07-20T13:27:47+00:00 graphics/wings Polygon mesh modeler written in Erlang
Wings3D is a OpenSource polygon mesh modeler inspired by Nendo.
It allows you to intuitively build a 3D mesh and even assign
materials to it.

2003-07-20T13:27:47+00:00 graphics/wings-devel A polygon mesh modeler written in Erlang
Wings3D is a OpenSource polygon mesh modeler inspired by Nendo.
It allows you to intuitively build a 3D mesh and even assign
materials to it.

2003-07-20T11:51:27+00:00 emulators/fceux Portable NES/Famicom emulator based on Bero's original FCE
FCE Ultra is an NTSC and PAL Famicom/NES emulator for various
platforms. It is based upon Bero's original FCE source code. Current
features include good PPU, CPU, pAPU, expansion chip, and joystick
emulation. Also a feature unique to this emulator (at the current time)
is authentic Game Genie emulation. Save states and snapshot features
also have been implemented. The VS Unisystem is emulated as well.

FCE Ultra supports iNES format ROM images, UNIF format ROM images,
headerless and FWNES style FDS disk images, and NSF files.

2003-07-20T11:51:27+00:00 emulators/fceu A portable NES/Famicom emulator based on Bero's original FCE
FCE Ultra is an NTSC and PAL Famicom/NES emulator for various
platforms. It is based upon Bero's original FCE source code. Current
features include good PPU, CPU, pAPU, expansion chip, and joystick
emulation. Also a feature unique to this emulator(at the current
time) is authentic Game Genie emulation. Save states and snapshot
features also have been implemented. The VS Unisystem is emulated
as well. FCE Ultra supports iNES format ROM images, UNIF format ROM
images, headerless and FWNES style FDS disk images, and NSF files.

FCE Ultra currently supports the following iNES mappers(many partially):

2003-07-19T19:37:20+00:00 devel/p5-DateTime-TimeZone-Alias Create aliases for DateTime timezones
Creates and destroys aliases for DateTime timezones. This module violates the
encapsulation of the DateTime internals. User _Beware_.

2003-07-19T19:24:50+00:00 devel/p5-DateTime-Format-Roman Roman day numbering for DateTime objects
DateTime::Format::Roman - Roman day numbering for DateTime objects

2003-07-19T05:34:45+00:00 converters/vda2fbd Add-on converter for CalculiX
This is a converter from VDA/FS format to fbd format.


vda2fbd vdainputfile > fbdoutputfile
2003-07-19T04:33:07+00:00 math/lp_solve Linear Programming Solver
This is the lp_solve, A free linear programming solver that can process
standard MPL format, LP format or be accessed directly from your code
via API calls from a library. This lp_solve version is released under
the LGPL license. See LGPL.txt.

2003-07-19T02:34:32+00:00 security/hostsentry A Login Anomaly Detector
HostSentry is a program to trace suspicious user's activity, unknown user
logins and suspicious login domains, taking measures against compromised
accounts and unethical user's behaviour.

2003-07-19T02:32:04+00:00 security/nikto Web and CGI vulnerability scanner with SSL support
Nikto is an Open Source (GPL) web server scanner which performs
comprehensive tests against web servers for multiple items, including
over 6100 potentially dangerous files/CGIs, checks for outdated
versions of over 950 servers, and version specific problems on over
260 servers. It also checks for server configuration items such as
the presence of multiple index files, HTTP server options, and will
attempt to identify installed web servers and software. Scan items
and plugins are frequently updated and can be automatically updated.

It uses Rain Forest Puppy's LibWhisker ( for HTTP
functionality, and can perform checks in HTTP or HTTPS. It also
supports basic port scanning and will determine if a web server is
running on any open ports.

Nikto is written by Chris Sullo and David Lodge.

2003-07-19T02:28:42+00:00 security/libwhisker Perl module to create HTTP test scripts
What is libwhisker:

Libwhisker is a Perl module geared specificly for HTTP testing.
Libwhisker has a few design principles:

- Portable: runs with 0 changes on Unix, Windows, etc.
- Flexible: designed with a 'no rules' approach
- Contained: designed to not require external modules when possible
- Localized: does not require installation to use

2003-07-19T00:48:26+00:00 devel/p5-B-Deobfuscate Extension to B::Deparse for use in de-obfuscating source code
B::Deobfuscate is a backend module for the Perl compiler that generates perl
source code, based on the internal compiled structure that perl itself creates
after parsing a program. It adds symbol renaming functions to the B::Deparse
module. An obfuscated program is already parsed and interpreted correctly by
the B::Deparse program. Unfortunately, if the obfuscation involved variable
renaming then the resulting program also has obfuscated symbols.

2003-07-19T00:40:39+00:00 devel/p5-B-Keywords Lists of reserved barewords and symbol names
B::Keywords supplies seven arrays of keywords: @Scalars, @Arrays, @Hashes,
@Filehandles, @Symbols, @Functions and @Barewords. The @Symbols array includes
the contents of each of @Scalars, @Arrays, @Hashes and @Filehandles. Similarly,
@Barewords adds a few non-function keywords (like __DATA__, NULL) to the
@Functions array.

All additions and modifications are welcome.

2003-07-18T13:49:36+00:00 games/atitd The Linux "A Tale in the Desert" (ATITD) client
The Linux "A Tale in the Desert" (ATITD) client.
A Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game (MMORPG) by eGenesis.

A free 24 hour demo period is provided for new users to evaluate this game.

System Requirements:

Pentium III 700
512 MB RAM
32MB 3D Accelerator Graphics Card

Pentium 4 1 GHz
768 MB RAM
GeForce FX/Radeon 9600+

- NVIDIA users may have to reinstall the nvidia-driver port as installing
this port may cause the linux_dri port to be installed. Alternately move
the /compat/linux/usr/X11R6/lib/* libraries out of the way.
- DRI users may experience problems whose solution may be a more up to date
version of MesaGL (ports/graphics/mesagl).

2003-07-18T11:47:18+00:00 devel/syntax_tools Erlang modules for code manipulation
Erlang modules for analysis and manipulation, flexible pretty
printing, and preservation of source-code comments.

2003-07-18T04:54:29+00:00 x11/workrave RSI prevention tool
Workrave is a program that assists in the recovery and prevention of
Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI). The program frequently alerts you to
take micro-pauses, rest breaks and restricts you to your daily limit.
These can be customized and it stops the counter when you stop.

2003-07-16T14:11:08+00:00 sysutils/runit Service supervision tools compatible with DJB daemontools
runit is daemontools replacement:
- service supervision
- clean process state
- reliable logging facility
- fast system bootup and shutdown
- packaging friendly
- small code size

It can optionally replace init(8) as process 1.

2003-07-16T06:39:25+00:00 devel/p5-Test-MockObject Tests remote URLs or local web files
Perl extension for emulating troublesome interfaces.

2003-07-16T04:44:15+00:00 print/gnome-cups-manager Administration tool for cups
The GNOME CUPS Manager is a tool for adding new CUPS printers and for
managing existing CUPS printers and queues.

2003-07-16T04:31:57+00:00 print/libgnomecups Support library for gnome cups administration
Support library for Cups adminstration through GNOME.

2003-07-15T08:50:52+00:00 mail/esmtp Relay-only Mail Transfer Agent with sendmail compatible syntax
esmtp is a user configurable relay-only Mail Transfer Agent
(MTA) with a sendmail compatible syntax. It's based on libESMTP
supporting the AUTH (including the CRAM-MD5 and NTLM SASL
mechanisms) and the StartTLS SMTP extensions.

These are the esmtp features:

* fully sendmail command line compatible,
* supports the AUTH SMTP extension, with the CRAM-MD5 and
* NTLM SASL mechanisms,
* support the StartTLS SMTP extension,
* requires no administration privileges,
* individual user configuration,
* does not receive mail, expand aliases or manage a queue.

2003-07-13T18:20:36+00:00 devel/mpatrol Dynamic memory debugging and profiling library
The mpatrol library is a powerful debugging tool that attempts to diagnose
run-time errors that are caused by the wrong use of dynamically allocated
memory. It acts as a malloc() debugger for debugging dynamic memory
allocations, although it can also trace and profile calls to malloc() and
free() too.

2003-07-13T11:54:22+00:00 x11-clocks/wmbinclock Binary clock in a windowmaker applet
wmBinClock is a windowmaker applet that displays the current system time
as a binary clock. You have to add up the bits to get the time. The clock
has a 24 hour format.

2003-07-13T05:29:48+00:00 cad/tochnog Free explicit/implicit Finite Element Program
TOCHNOG is a free finite element program with many features. TOCHNOG
accepts free format input. Boundary conditions can be imposed at
geometrical entities, as well as nodes and elements.

Among the FE models supported are: differential equations (materials),
convection-diffusion equations, Stokes and Navier-Stokes (fluids),
elasticity (isotropy and transverse isotropy), plasticity (Von-Mises,
Mohr-Coulomb, etc.; plastic surfaces can be arbitrarily
combined). Residues in equations and error estimates for all data can
be printed or plotted using gnuplot/plotmtv, CalculiX or gmsh.

TOCHNOG supports a choice of description frames including Lagrangian,
Eulerian and arbitrary Eulerian-Lagrangian (AEL).

2003-07-13T00:36:54+00:00 audio/crip Terminal-based ripper/encoder/tagger
crip is a terminal-based ripper/encoder/tagger tool for creating Ogg
Vorbis/FLAC files under UNIX/Linux. It is well-suited for anyone (especially
the perfectionist) who seeks to make a lot of files from CDs and have them all
properly labeled and professional-quality with a minimum of hassle and yet
still have flexibility and full control over everything.

2003-07-12T05:33:39+00:00 net/gnome-jabber GNOME 2 Jabber Client
Gnome-jabber is an Instant Message Client for Gnome using the Jabber Protocol
(which supports all major IM protocols, like ICQ, MSN, AIM, etc).

2003-07-12T05:33:39+00:00 net-im/gnome-jabber GNOME 2 Jabber Client
Gnome-jabber is an Instant Message Client for Gnome using the Jabber Protocol
(which supports all major IM protocols, like ICQ, MSN, AIM, etc).

2003-07-12T03:59:57+00:00 math/fbm Flexible Bayesian Modeling and Markov Chain Sampling
Software for Flexible Bayesian Modeling and Markov Chain Sampling

This software supports Bayesian regression and classification models
based on neural networks and Gaussian processes, and Bayesian mixture
models. It also supports a variety of Markov chain sampling methods,
which may be applied to distributions specified by simple formulas,
including simple Bayesian models defined by formulas for the prior
and likelihood.

Before trying to use the software, you may need to read various
references that describe the models and the Markov chain methods used.

Some of the programs in this package are designed for use with the xgraph
plot package for X-Windows, though the data can instead be plotted by
whatever plot program you have available.


Radford Neal
2003-07-12T03:11:47+00:00 math/superlu_mt Routines for performing multithreaded sparse factorization
SuperLU_MT (version 3.1)

SuperLU_MT contains a set of subroutines to solve a sparse linear system
A*X=B. It uses Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting (GEPP).
The columns of A may be preordered before factorization; the
preordering for sparsity is completely separate from the factorization.

SuperLU_MT is a parallel extension to the serial SuperLU library.
SuperLU_MT is implemented in ANSI C, with multithreading extension,
for example, using POSIX threads or OpenMP. Currently, only the LU
factorization routine, which is the most time-consuming part of the
solution process, is parallelized on machines with a shared address space.
The other routines, such as column preordering and the forward and
back substitutions are performed sequentially.
The library provides functionality for both real and complex
matrices, in both single and double precision.

Xiaoye S. Li, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab,
James Demmel, Univ. of California Berkeley,
John R. Gilbert, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center,
NOTE: This library has to be linked with BLAS or a thread safe replacement.

2003-07-11T20:11:11+00:00 security/osiris Shmoo client/server host integrity checker
Osiris is a Host Integrity Management System that periodically monitors
one or more hosts for change. It maintains detailed logs of changes to
the file system, user and group lists, resident kernel modules, and
more. Osiris can be configured to email these logs to the administrator.
Hosts are periodically scanned and, if desired, the records can be
maintained for forensic purposes. Osiris keeps an administrator apprised
of possible attacks and/or nasty little trojans. The purpose here is
to isolate changes that indicate a break-in or a compromised system.
Osiris makes use of OpenSSL for encryption and authentication in all

2003-07-11T19:12:07+00:00 mail/scmail A mail filter written in Scheme
scmail is a mail filter written in Scheme. scmail can filter an
incoming mail when it is received and filter mails in a mailbox.

* Written simply in Scheme.
* scmail supports MH and Maildir mailboxes.
* Simple filtering rules can be written in S-expressions.
* Advanced filtering rules can be written in Scheme programs.
* scmail can filter an incoming mail when it is received (like procmail).
* scmail can filter mails in a mailbox.
* spam filter (scbayes) is included. (now testing)

2003-07-11T19:09:30+00:00 textproc/xhtml-1.1 W3C's XHTML 1.1 DTD
This package includes DTDs for the XHTML 1.1.

2003-07-11T10:03:02+00:00 mail/mini_sendmail Tiny MTA with only smart relay capability
mini_sendmail reads its standard input up to an end-of-file and sends
a copy of the message found there to all of the addresses listed. The message
is sent by connecting to a local SMTP server. This means mini_sendmail
can be used to send email from inside a chroot(2) area.

2003-07-11T04:07:26+00:00 audio/bebocd GTK2 CD Player
Simple CD-player that requires only GTK 2 and libcdaudio.

2003-07-10T14:47:34+00:00 devel/cscout Source code analyzer and refactoring browser for C program collections
CScout is a source code analyzer and refactoring browser for
collections of C programs. It can process workspaces of multiple
projects (we define a project as a collection of C source files
that are linked together) mapping the complexity introduced by the
C preprocessor back into the original C source code files. CScout
takes advantage of modern hardware advances (fast processors and
large memory capacities) to analyze C source code beyond the level
of detail and accuracy provided by current compilers and linkers.
The analysis CScout performs takes into account the identifier
scopes introduced by the C preprocessor and the C language proper
scopes and namespaces. CScout has already been applied on projects
ranging from tens of thousands of lines, like the FreeBSD and
Linux kernels, and the Apache web server.

2003-07-10T02:00:43+00:00 security/sudoscript Audited shells in Perl with sudo(8) and script(1)
Sudoscript provides an audited shell using sudo(8) and script(1).
The front end script, sudoshell(1) contacts the daemon, sudoscriptd(8).
They agree on the location of a FIFO, which the daemon opens for read.
Sudoshell then runs script(1) with the FIFO as a typescript. The daemon
stamps each line of the script(1) output with a session id, then passes
the data over to another daemon. This daemon timestamps the data and stores
it in a log file which is /var/log/sudoscript. This daemon also keeps an eye
on the size of log files, and forks a rotator/compressor when it exceeds 2

2003-07-10T01:50:16+00:00 x11/libXrender X Render extension library
This package contains X render library and server implementations for XFree86.

2003-07-10T01:50:16+00:00 x11-toolkits/xrender XRender extension for XFree86
This package contains X render library and server implementations for XFree86.

2003-07-10T01:42:36+00:00 x11/renderext Header files and documentation for the X render extension
This package contains header files and documentation for the X render

2003-07-10T01:42:36+00:00 x11-toolkits/render Header files and documentation for the X render extension
This package contains header files and documentation for the X render

2003-07-08T16:32:45+00:00 comms/p5-Device-SerialPort Perl5 module for simple serial port control
Device::SerialPort is a perl module that provides a simple interface to
serial ports and their settings (baud rate, word length, etc).

2003-07-08T10:22:09+00:00 java/eclipse-gef-examples Graphical Editing Framework for the Eclipse IDE (examples)
Examples for the Eclipse Graphical Editing Framework (GEF).

2003-07-08T10:21:02+00:00 java/eclipse-gef Graphical Editing Framework for the Eclipse IDE
The Graphical Editing Framework (GEF) allows developers to take an
existing application model and easily create a rich graphical editor.

2003-07-08T09:07:54+00:00 net/gossip GTK2 Jabber Instant Messaging client
Gossip is a modern client for the Jabber Instant Messaging system.

2003-07-08T09:07:54+00:00 net-im/gossip GTK2 Jabber Instant Messaging client
Gossip is a modern client for the Jabber Instant Messaging system.

2003-07-08T09:07:10+00:00 net/loudmouth Lightweight Jabber client library
Loudmouth is a lightweight and easy-to-use C library for programming with the
Jabber protocol. It's designed to be easy to get started with and yet
extensible to let you do anything the Jabber protocol allows.

2003-07-08T09:07:10+00:00 net-im/loudmouth Lightweight Jabber client library
Loudmouth is a lightweight and easy-to-use C library for programming with the
Jabber protocol. It's designed to be easy to get started with and yet
extensible to let you do anything the Jabber protocol allows.

2003-07-08T08:47:40+00:00 devel/p5-DateTime-Format-ICal Parse and format ICal datetime and duration strings
This module understands the ICal date/time and duration formats, as defined in
RFC 2445. It can be used to parse these formats in order to create the
appropriate objects.

2003-07-08T01:16:27+00:00 textproc/p5-WordNet-Similarity Modules/CLI to determine semantic relatedness using the WordNet
This package consists of Perl modules along with supporting Perl programs
that implement the semantic relatedness measures described by Leacock
Chodorow (1998), Jiang Conrath (1997), Resnik (1995), Lin (1998), Hirst St
Onge (1998), Wu Palmer (1994), the adapted gloss overlap measure by
Banerjee and Pedersen (2002), and a measure based on context vectors
by Patwardhan (2003). The details of the Vector measure are described in the
Master's thesis work done by Patwardhan (2003) at the University of Minnesota
Duluth. The Perl modules are designed as objects with methods that take as
input two word senses. The semantic relatedness of these word senses is
returned by these methods. A quantitative measure of the degree to which two
word senses are related has wide ranging applications in numerous areas, such
as word sense disambiguation, information retrieval, etc. For example, in
order to determine which sense of a given word is being used in a particular
context, the sense having the highest relatedness with its context word
senses is most likely to be the sense being used. Similarly, in information
retrieval, retrieving documents containing highly related concepts are more
likely to have higher precision and recall values.

A command line interface to these modules is also present in the package. The
simple, user-friendly interface returns the relatedness measure of two given

2003-07-08T00:31:30+00:00 textproc/p5-WordNet-QueryData Perl interface to the WordNet database files
From the README:

WordNet::QueryData provides a direct interface to the WordNet database files.
It requires the WordNet package ( It
allows the user direct access to the full WordNet semantic lexicon. All parts
of speech are supported and access is generally very efficient because the
index and morphical exclusion tables are loaded at initialization. This
initialization step is slow (appx. 10-15 seconds), but queries are very fast
thereafter---thousands of queries can be completed every second.

2003-07-07T22:48:45+00:00 graphics/kalbum Create albums from a collection of images
kalbum is a KDE 3 application that allows you to create albums
from a collection of images.

main features:
o easy to use thumbnail interface
o export the albums as a complete web site, or .war web archive
o easy to edit html templates for creating a customized web site
o edit multiple images at once
o versatile gui
o original images remain unchanged
o drag'n'drop

Author: Graham Morrison <>
2003-07-07T09:27:25+00:00 devel/p5-DateTime-Calendar-Pataphysical Dates in the pataphysical calendar
DateTime::Calendar::Pataphysical is the implementation of the pataphysical
calendar. Each year in this calendar contains 13 months of 29 days. This
regularity makes this a convenient alternative for the irregular Gregorian

2003-07-07T09:25:23+00:00 devel/p5-DateTime-Format-Mail Convert between DateTime and RFC2822/822 formats
RFC2822 introduces a slightly different format of date than that used by
RFC822. The main correction is that the format is more limited, and thus easier
to parse.

2003-07-07T09:11:36+00:00 devel/p5-DateTime-Format-Epoch Convert DateTimes to/from epoch seconds
This module can convert a DateTime object (or any object that can be converted
to a DateTime object) to the number of seconds since a given epoch. It can also
do the reverse.

2003-07-07T08:34:12+00:00 devel/p5-DateTime-Format-DateManip Convert Date::Manip dates and durations to DateTimes and vice versa
DateTime::Format::DateManip is a class that knows how to convert between
Date::Manip dates and durations and DateTime and DateTime::Duration objects.
Recurrences are note yet supported.

2003-07-07T08:22:22+00:00 devel/p5-DateTime-Format-Excel Convert between DateTime and Excel dates
Excel uses a different system for its dates than most Unix programs. This
module allows you to convert between a few of the Excel raw formats and
DateTime objects, which can then be further converted via any of the other
DateTime::Format::* modules, or just with DateTime's methods.

2003-07-07T08:07:19+00:00 devel/p5-DateTime-Format-MySQL Parse and format MySQL dates and times
This module understands the formats used by MySQL for its DATE, DATETIME, TIME,
and TIMESTAMP data types. It can be used to parse these formats in order to
create DateTime objects, and it can take a DateTime object and produce a string
representing it in the MySQL format.

2003-07-07T08:02:45+00:00 devel/p5-DateTime-Format-Pg Parse and format PostgreSQL dates and times
This module understands the formats used by PostgreSQL for its DATE, TIME,
TIMESTAMP, and INTERVAL data types. It can be used to parse these formats in
order to create DateTime or DateTime::Duration objects, and it can take a
DateTime or DateTime::Duration object and produce a string representing it in a
format accepted by PostgreSQL.

2003-07-07T07:58:48+00:00 devel/p5-DateTime-Format-DBI Find a parser class for a database connection
This module finds a DateTime::Format::* class that is suitable for the use with
a given DBI connection (and DBD::* driver).

It currently supports the following drivers: MySQL, PostgreSQL (Pg).

2003-07-07T06:54:52+00:00 java/jakarta-struts Apache Struts framework
The core of the Struts framework is a flexible control layer based
on standard technologies like Java Servlets, JavaBeans,
ResourceBundles, and Extensible Markup Language (XML), as well as
various Jakarta Commons packages. Struts encourages application
architectures based on the Model 2 approach, a variation of the
classic Model-View-Controller (MVC) design paradigm.

Struts provides its own Controller component and integrates with
other technologies to provide the Model and the View. For the
Model, Struts can interact with any standard data access
technology, including Enterprise Java Beans, JDBC, and Object
Relational Bridge. For the View, Struts works well with JavaServer
Pages, including JSTL and JSF, as well as Velocity Templates, XSLT,
and other presentation systems.

The Struts framework provides the invisible underpinnings every
professional web application needs to survive. Struts helps you
create an extensible development environment for your application,
based on published standards and proven design patterns.

2003-07-07T04:35:05+00:00 devel/p5-Term-ANSIScreen Term::ANSIColor clone with screen mode support
Term::ANSIScreen is an Term::ANSIColor clone with support for screen mode,
cursor control and keyboard mapping sequences.

2003-07-06T18:09:13+00:00 games/ktritoc A Tic-tac-toe like boardgame
This is a one or two player boardgame for KDE.

One or two player try to occupy a game board of 9 fields containing 9 holes.
Each of the fields as well as the game itself is won by placing 3 pieces of
the same color into one row, coloumn or diagonal (ala Tic-Tac-Toe). However,
the places where to place your pieces is determined by dice adding a
random luck factor to the game.

2003-07-06T17:23:55+00:00 games/kwappen KDE board game
Kwappen is a KDE board game

The goal is the reduction of the 4 columns of stones in minimal time.
The rules of the game are very simple.
You can move symbols (stones) on top of a column or rotate columns.

2 or more equal stones upon the other will be removed
4 equal card symbols in a row (e.g. 4 spades) will be removed

The computer has his own symbol stack in the upper right corner.
This computer symbol will be put on the top of a column after your move.
The computer selects a column by random.

You win, if all columns have only 1 stone or empty. You lose, if one column
has 10 or more stones after the column shrink.

2003-07-06T13:06:43+00:00 devel/p5-DateTime-Format-Bork Formats datetimes for that guy from The Muppet Show
Bork debork, bork bork bork.

2003-07-06T12:59:25+00:00 devel/p5-DateTime-Format-Builder Create DateTime parser classes and objects
DateTime::Format::Builder creates DateTime parsers. Many string formats of
dates and times are simple and just require a basic regular expression to
extract the relevant information. Builder provides a simple way to do this
without writing reams of structural code.

Builder provides a number of methods, most of which you'll never need, or at
least rarely need. They're provided more for exposing of the module's innards
to any subclasses, or for when you need to do something slightly beyond what I

2003-07-06T12:44:21+00:00 devel/p5-DateTime-Format-Strptime Parse and format strp and strf time patterns
This module implements most of strptime(3), the POSIX function that is the
reverse of strftime(3), for DateTime. While strftime takes a DateTime and a
pattern and returns a string, strptime takes a string and a pattern and returns
the DateTime object associated.

2003-07-06T12:40:46+00:00 devel/p5-DateTime-Format-Baby Parse and format baby-style time
This module understands baby talk in a variety of languages.

2003-07-06T12:29:28+00:00 devel/p5-DateTime-Event-Sunrise DateTime Objects for sunrise and sunset for a given day
This module will return a DateTime recurrence set for sunrise or sunset.

2003-07-06T12:24:04+00:00 www/p5-Apache-Test wrapper with helpers for testing Apache
Apache::Test is a wrapper around the standard with helpers for
testing an Apache server.

Note that Apache::Test is already included in mod_perl2.

2003-07-06T11:17:43+00:00 devel/p5-DateTime-Event-NameDay Perl DateTime extension to work with namedays from various countries
DateTime::Event::NameDay is a class that knows the name days for various
countries. In some countries a person's nameday is more important than their
birthday and gifts may be exchanged.

2003-07-06T11:11:26+00:00 devel/p5-DateTime-Event-ICal Perl DateTime extension for computing RFC 2445 recurrences
This module provides convenience methods that let you easily create
DateTime::Set objects for rfc2445 style recurrences.

2003-07-06T10:32:37+00:00 devel/p5-DateTime-Event-Recurrence Perl DateTime extension for computing basic recurrences
This module provides convenience methods that let you easily create
DateTime::Set objects for common recurrences, such as "monthly" or "daily".

2003-07-06T10:14:33+00:00 devel/p5-Log-Dispatch-FileRotate Log::Dispatch plug-in for files that archive/rotate themselves
This module provides a simple object for logging to files under the
Log::Dispatch::* system, and automatically rotating them according to
different constraints. This is basically a Log::Dispatch::File wrapper
with additions.

2003-07-06T10:03:45+00:00 devel/p5-DateTime-Event-Easter Returns Easter events for DateTime objects
The DateTime::Event::Easter module returns Easter events for DateTime objects.
From a given datetime, it can tell you the previous, the following and the
closest Easter event. The 'is' method will tell you if the given DateTime is an
Easter Event.

Easter Events can be Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Black Saturday
and Easter Sunday. If that's not enough, the module will also accept an offset
so you can get the date for Pentecost (49 days after Easter Sunday) by passing

2003-07-06T09:54:05+00:00 devel/p5-DateTime-Event-Cron DateTime extension for generating recurrence sets from crontab
DateTime::Event::Cron generated DateTime events or DateTime::Set objects based
on crontab-style entries.

2003-07-06T09:41:30+00:00 devel/p5-Set-Crontab Expand crontab(5)-style integer lists
Set::Crontab parses crontab-style lists of integers and defines some utility
functions to make it easier to deal with them.

2003-07-06T09:38:07+00:00 devel/p5-DateTime-Calendar-Mayan Mayan Long Count, Haab, and Tzolkin calendars
An implementation of the Mayan Long Count, Haab, and Tzolkin calendars as
defined in "Calendrical Calculations The Millennium Edition". Supplemented by
"Frequently Asked Questions about Calendars".

2003-07-06T09:23:09+00:00 ftp/tftp-hpa Advanced TFTP server
tftp-hpa is portable, BSD derived tftp server. It supports advanced
options such as blksize, blksize2, tsize, timeout, and utimeout.
It also supported rulebased security options.
2003-07-06T09:14:46+00:00 devel/p5-Parse-PerlConfig Perl5 module to use perl scripts as config files
This perl module will eval another perl script and return a hash ref
of the final values of the global variables in the eval. This allows
you to write generic config files in Perl.

2003-07-04T14:04:45+00:00 security/p5-Nmap-Scanner Perform and manipulate nmap scans using perl
This set of modules provides perl class wrappers for the network mapper
(nmap) scanning tool (see Using these
modules, a developer, network administrator, or other techie can create
perl routines or classes which can be used to automate and integrate
nmap scans elegantly into new and existing perl scripts.

2003-07-04T03:17:37+00:00 misc/talkfilters Set of filters to convert English text to various stereotyped dialects
The GNU Talk Filters are filter programs that convert ordinary English text into
text that mimics a stereotyped or otherwise humorous dialect. Each program reads
from standard input and writes to standard output.

The filters include:

austro, b1ff, brooklyn, chef, cockney, drawl, dubya, fudd, funetak,
jethro, jive, kraut, pansy, pirate, postmodern, redneck, valspeak, and

2003-07-03T19:57:45+00:00 games/taxipilot A Spacetaxi clone
TaxiPilot is based on the Spacetaxi C64game.
The objective is to pick up passengers waiting on a number of platforms and
to drop them where they want to go.

2003-07-03T19:02:28+00:00 sysutils/wmupmon Uptime showing dockapp with a similar look to wmcpuload
WindowMaker dockapp that displays your system uptime

2003-07-03T16:21:31+00:00 java/eclipse-examples Examples for the Eclipse IDE
The Eclipse SDK examples, which are referenced by the Eclipse online

2003-07-03T15:13:09+00:00 www/mod_bandwidth Bandwidth management module for the Apache webserver
Bandwidth management module for the Apache webserver.
mod_bandwidth is a module for the Apache webserver that
enable the setting of server-wide or per connection
bandwidth limits, based on the directory, size of files
and remote IP/domain.

2003-07-03T14:47:16+00:00 converters/p5-Unicode-Lite Perl module for easy conversion between encodings
This module includes string converting function from one and to another
charset. Requires installed Unicode::String and Unicode::Map packages.

Supported unicode charsets: unicode, utf16, ucs2, utf8, utf7, ucs4,
uchr, uhex.

Supported Single-Byte Charsets (SBCS): latin1 and all installed maps in
Unicode::Map package.

2003-07-03T14:17:21+00:00 japanese/jadetex-ptex PTeX backend for Jade, for typesetting SGML documents
This is pJadeTeX, a localized TeX backend for Jade.

JadeTeX enables you to produce formatted output of documents written
with the Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML). JadeTeX uses
tex to produce Device Independent (DVI) output; from there, you can
produce high quality hardcopy. JadeTeX also uses pdftex to produce
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) versions of your documents,
complete with hyperlinks, and suitable for distribution on the World
Wide Web and other media.

pJadeTeX is for pTeX, a Japanese specific TeX variant.
2003-07-03T08:32:25+00:00 sysutils/rdiff-backup Local/remote mirroring+incremental backup
rdiff-backup backs up one directory to another, possibly over a network. The
target directory ends up a copy of the source directory, but extra reverse
diffs are stored in a special subdirectory of that target directory, so you
can still recover files lost some time ago. The idea is to combine the best
features of a mirror and an incremental backup. rdiff-backup also preserves
subdirectories, hard links, dev files, permissions, uid/gid ownership (if it
is running as root), and modification times. Finally, rdiff-backup can operate
in a bandwidth efficient manner over a pipe, like rsync. Thus you can use
rdiff-backup and ssh to securely back a hard drive up to a remote location,
and only the differences will be transmitted.

2003-07-03T06:57:30+00:00 sysutils/duplicity05 Untrusted backup using rsync algorithm
Duplicity backs directories by producing encrypted tar-format volumes and
uploading them to a remote or local file server. Because duplicity uses
librsync, the incremental archives are space efficient and only record the
parts of files that have changed since the last backup. Because duplicity
uses GnuPG to encrypt and/or sign these archives, they will be safe from
spying and/or modification by the server.

2003-07-03T06:57:30+00:00 sysutils/duplicity Backup tool that uses librsync and GnuPG
Duplicity backs directories by producing encrypted tar-format volumes and
uploading them to a remote or local file server. Because duplicity uses
librsync, the incremental archives are space efficient and only record the
parts of files that have changed since the last backup. Because duplicity
uses GnuPG to encrypt and/or sign these archives, they will be safe from
spying and/or modification by the server.

2003-07-03T06:57:30+00:00 sysutils/duplicity-devel Backup tool that uses librsync and GnuPG
Duplicity backs directories by producing encrypted tar-format volumes and
uploading them to a remote or local file server. Because duplicity uses
librsync, the incremental archives are space efficient and only record the
parts of files that have changed since the last backup. Because duplicity
uses GnuPG to encrypt and/or sign these archives, they will be safe from
spying and/or modification by the server.

2003-07-02T22:17:15+00:00 net/p5-IO-Socket-INET6 Perl module with object interface to AF_INET6 domain sockets
IO::Socket::INET6 provides an object interface to creating and using sockets
in the AF_INET6 domain. It is built upon the IO::Socket interface and
inherits all the methods defined by IO::Socket. As a consequence, this module
is protocol independent, it can run both IPv6 & IPv4, when DNS names are

2003-07-02T22:17:15+00:00 net/p5-IO-INET6 Perl module with object interface to AF_INET6 domain sockets
IO::Socket::INET6 provides an object interface to creating and using sockets
in the AF_INET6 domain. It is built upon the IO::Socket interface and
inherits all the methods defined by IO::Socket. As a consequence, this module
is protocol independent, it can run both IPv6 & IPv4, when DNS names are

2003-07-02T20:52:54+00:00 sysutils/apcpwr Control APC 9211 MasterSwitchs via snmp
Apcpwr is a utility to control the power outlets of an APC
Masterswitch 9211 via snmp.
2003-07-02T18:03:16+00:00 devel/p5-Test-Pod Check for POD errors in files
Check POD files for errors or warnings in a test file, using Pod::Simple to do
the heavy lifting.

2003-07-02T17:59:32+00:00 textproc/p5-Pod-Simple Framework for parsing Pod
Pod::Simple is a Perl library for parsing text in the Pod ("plain old
documentation") markup language that is typically used for writing
documentation for Perl and for Perl modules. The Pod format is explained in the
perlpod man page; the most common formatter is called "perldoc".

Pod formatters can use Pod::Simple to parse Pod documents into produce
renderings of them in plain ASCII, in HTML, or in any number of other formats.
Typically, such formatters will be subclasses of Pod::Simple, and so they will
inherit its methods, like parse_file.

2003-07-02T17:56:45+00:00 textproc/p5-Pod-Escapes For resolving Pod E<...> sequences
This module provides things that are useful in decoding Pod E<...> sequences.
Presumably, it should be used only by Pod parsers and/or formatters.

2003-07-02T17:37:17+00:00 misc/pointless Pointless is a presentation tool primarily targeted at the un*x world
Pointless is a presentation tool primarily targeted at the un*x
world. Presentations are made using a simple markup-language (best
described as a mix between TeX and Pod, and affectionately known as
"The Pointless Language"). The resulting slideshow is rendered using
FreeType and OpenGL for optimal visual quality. Hardware accelerated
OpenGL is highly recommended but not required in order to run


- Christian
2003-07-02T12:31:30+00:00 net/prtunnel Tunnel for TCP connections using an HTTP or SOCKS5 proxy
prtunnel tunnels a TCP connection through to a remote server
using an HTTP or SOCKS5 proxy. It is useful if you are behind a
proxy and want to use a program that doesn't have native proxy

2003-07-02T12:24:41+00:00 dns/libidn Internationalized Domain Names command line tool
GNU Libidn is an implementation of the Stringprep, Punycode,
and IDNA specifications defined by the IETF Internationalized
Domain Names (IDN) working group. It is used to prepare
internationalized strings (such as domain name labels,
usernames, and passwords) in order to increase the likelihood
that string input and string comparison work in ways that make
sense for typical users throughout the world. The library
contains a generic Stringprep implementation that does Unicode
3.2 NFKC normalization, mapping and prohibition of characters,
and bidirectional character handling. Profiles for iSCSI,
Kerberos 5, Nameprep, SASL, and XMPP are included. Punycode and
ASCII Compatible Encoding (ACE) via IDNA are supported.

2003-07-02T12:24:41+00:00 devel/libidn Internationalized Domain Names command line tool
GNU Libidn is an implementation of the Stringprep, Punycode,
and IDNA specifications defined by the IETF Internationalized
Domain Names (IDN) working group. It is used to prepare
internationalized strings (such as domain name labels,
usernames, and passwords) in order to increase the likelihood
that string input and string comparison work in ways that make
sense for typical users throughout the world. The library
contains a generic Stringprep implementation that does Unicode
3.2 NFKC normalization, mapping and prohibition of characters,
and bidirectional character handling. Profiles for iSCSI,
Kerberos 5, Nameprep, SASL, and XMPP are included. Punycode and
ASCII Compatible Encoding (ACE) via IDNA are supported.

2003-07-02T12:16:42+00:00 mail/smtpmail Tool to send e-mail via a remote smtp server
smtpmail is a little console-based tool for users who have no
local mailserver on her machine. it enables these users to send
their mail over a remote smtp server.


* Use of an remote smtp server
* Use of a user-defined sender address
* SMPT auth (type login)
* You can define unlimited recivers for the mail, the
* carbon copy and the blind carbon copy
* You can add an unlimited number of attachments to the
* mail

2003-07-02T12:09:22+00:00 news/noffle News server for low speed dial-up connections
Noffle is a Usenet news server optimized for few users and low
speed dial-up connections to the Internet. It acts as a server
to news clients running on the local host, but gets its news
feed by acting as a client to a remote server. Allows reading
news offline with many news clients, even if they do not
support offline reading by themselves.

2003-07-02T05:12:07+00:00 games/gnomeattacks GNOME 2 game featuring a bizarre flying GNOME logo
Oh no! The fair city is under attack by a GNOME logo that drops bombs! You
must destroy the city before the logo crashes into a building!

Wait, no, that's not right. Oh no! There is a city standing in the way of
the GNOME logo you're trying to fly around. You must destroy the buildings
before they crash into your flying logo.

Either way, the game is so simple to play that your cat could potentially
earn the high score just by walking across the keyboard. GNOME Attacks!

This game also features one of the coolest splash screens ever.

2003-07-01T18:10:29+00:00 devel/p5-Time-Local Efficiently compute time from local and GMT time
These routines are the inverse of built-in perl functions localtime() and
gmtime(). They accept a date as a six-element array, and return the
corresponding time(2) value in seconds since the system epoch (Midnight,
January 1, 1970 UTC on Unix, for example). This value can be positive or
negative, though POSIX only requires support for positive values, so dates
before the system's epoch may not work on all operating systems.

2003-07-01T16:59:45+00:00 graphics/gd-nox11
2003-06-30T17:18:48+00:00 comms/gmfsk The Gnome MFSK terminal program
gMFSK v0.5 - The Gnome MFSK terminal program

gMFSK is a multi-mode soundcard terminal program for HF amateur
communications. Originally the program was written for compatibility
with the IZ8BLY Stream program in MFSK16 mode. Currently the program
supports the following amateur digital communications modes: MFSK16,

2003-06-30T17:15:20+00:00 audio/alsaplayer Audio player with pitch control and a GNOME GUI
AlsaPlayer is a new type of PCM player that supports different output systems
including OSS, Esound, NAS (Network Audio Server), Sparc, and SGI.

AlsaPlayer is heavily multi-threaded and has some very interesting features
unique to Linux/Unix players such as full pitch control and the possibility
of playing music backwards.

Warning: AlsaPlayer consumes a lot of CPU cycles.

2003-06-30T13:32:18+00:00 textproc/xmlcatmgr SGML and XML catalog manager
XML Catalog Manager (xmlcatmgr in its short form) is a small utility used
to manipulate SGML and XML catalogs. It is extremely small and lightweight,
specially designed to be run from packaging systems. Basically, it allows
adding and removing entries from catalogs in a completely automated way.

A catalog is a lookup mechanism used to translate entities into other
different entities. They can, for example, map public identifiers to
local files or URIs. This allows you to tell the parser where to look
for entities without having to modify the original document source.

2003-06-30T07:41:04+00:00 security/hydra Brute force attack utility working on multiple network services
Hydra is a parallized login hacker utility. Hydra can brute force attack on
FTP, POP3, IMAP, Telnet, HTTP Auth, NNTP, VNC, ICQ, Socks5, PCNFS and more
services within SSL support.

2003-06-29T20:16:02+00:00 misc/gkrellm-xkb X keyboard layout plugin for GKrellM
gkrellm-xkb is a plugin for gkrellm which displays a small country
flag indicating currently active national keyboard layout.

2003-06-29T20:11:56+00:00 misc/gkrellm-gamma XFree86 gamma correction plugin for GKrellM
gkrellm-gamma is a plugin for GKrellM. It allows you to control
your monitor's gamma correction setting under XFree86.

2003-06-29T20:07:30+00:00 editors/conglomerate GNOME2 visual XML editor with emphasis on DocBook editing
Conglomerate is a free, user-friendly XML editor, aimed at providing
a comfortable DocBook editor for the masses that's nicely integrated
into GNOME.

Conglomerate is still fairly unstable when doing editing work,
and will crash from time to time. However, it is becoming usable
for viewing DocBook and other XML formats, for creating new documents,
and making simple changes to existing documents.

2003-06-29T12:59:30+00:00 multimedia/hayes A filesystem-based playlist for Noatun
Hayes is the playlist for Noatun 2 / KDE 3 that attempts to be
efficent for those users with large directories full of music,
especially directories futher organized by album. For these
users, Hayes should be more efficient in speed and memory
than the usual playlist. Plus, the playlist is updated in
realtime as the directories change on-disk, so playlist
maintenance is no longer an issue.

2003-06-29T12:38:58+00:00 devel/p5-DateTime-Calendar-Christian Dates in the Christian calendar
DateTime::Calendar::Christian is the implementation of the combined Julian and
Gregorian calendar.

See DateTime for information about most of the methods.

2003-06-29T12:35:54+00:00 devel/p5-DateTime-Calendar-Julian Dates in the Julian calendar
DateTime::Calendar::Julian implements the Julian Calendar. This module
implements all methods of DateTime; see the DateTime(3) man page for all

2003-06-29T12:31:24+00:00 devel/p5-DateTime-Precise Perform common time and date operations with additional GPS operations
The purpose of this library was to replace our dependence on Unix epoch time,
which, being limited to a range of about 1970 to 2030, is inadequate for our
purposes (we have data as old as 1870). This date library effectively handles
dates from A.D. 1000 to infinity, and would probably work all the way back to 0
(ignoring, of course, the switch-over to the Gregorian calendar). The useful
features of Unix epoch time (ease of date difference calculation and date
comparison, strict ordering) are preserved, and elements such as
human-legibility are added. The library handles fractional seconds and some
date/time manipulations used for the Global Positioning Satellite system.

2003-06-29T12:22:49+00:00 devel/p5-DateTime-Set Datetime sets and set math
DateTime::Set is a module for date/time sets. It can be used to handle two
different types of sets.

The first is a fixed set of predefined datetime objects. For example, if we
wanted to create a set of dates containing the birthdays of people in our

The second type of set that it can handle is one based on the idea of a
recurrence, such as "every Wednesday", or "noon on the 15th day of every
month". This type of set can have fixed starting and ending datetimes, but
neither is required. So our "every Wednesday set" could be "every Wednesday
from the beginning of time until the end of time", or "every Wednesday after
2003-03-05 until the end of time", or "every Wednesday between 2003-03-05 and

2003-06-29T12:19:00+00:00 devel/p5-Set-Infinite Sets of intervals
Set::Infinite is a Set Theory module for infinite sets.

It works with reals, integers, and objects.

When it is used dates, this module provides schedule checks (intersections),
unions, and infinite recurrences.

2003-06-29T09:30:08+00:00 devel/p5-Module-Build Build and install Perl modules
Module::Build is a system for building, testing, and installing Perl modules.
It is meant to be a replacement for ExtUtils::MakeMaker. Developers may alter
the behavior of the module through subclassing in a much more straightforward
way than with MakeMaker. It also does not require a make on your system - most
of the Module::Build code is pure-perl and written in a very cross-platform

2003-06-29T09:27:35+00:00 devel/p5-Module-Info Provides information about Perl modules
Module::Info gives you information about Perl modules without actually
loading the module. It actually isn't specific to modules and should
work on any perl code.
2003-06-29T09:17:39+00:00 devel/p5-ExtUtils-ParseXS Converts Perl XS code into C code
ExtUtils::ParseXS will compile XS code into C code by embedding the
constructs necessary to let C functions manipulate Perl values and creates
the glue necessary to let Perl access those functions. The compiler uses
typemaps to determine how to map C function parameters and variables to Perl

2003-06-29T00:46:42+00:00 lang/py-prolog Python extension embedding SWI-Prolog
A Python extension embedding SWI-Prolog

PyProlog is a Python extension that permits direct access to an
embedded PROLOG. The extension lends Python the efficient unification
and backtracking of PROLOG, and allows a programmer to instrument
Python classes with PROLOG code. Callbacks from PROLOG to Python are
also supported.

2003-06-28T22:36:00+00:00 devel/libpci PCI configuration space I/O made easy
libpci is a common portable library which offers access to the PCI configuration
space on a variety of operating systems.

2003-06-28T15:16:11+00:00 converters/ktnef TNEF viewer/extractor for KDE
KTnef is a TNEF (Transport Neutral Encapsulation Format)
viewer/extractor. TNEF is a proprietary format commonly
used by Microsoft Outlook clients when sending files.

Author: Michael Goffioul <>
2003-06-27T12:32:57+00:00 print/abcm2ps Converts ABC to music sheet in PostScript format
abcm2ps is a command line program which converts ABC to music sheet in
PostScript format. It is an extension of abc2ps which may handle many
voices per staff.

2003-06-27T09:31:51+00:00 java/j2sdkee13 Java 2 SDK Enterprise Edition
Version 1.3.1 of the Java 2 SDK, Enterprise Edition ("J2EE" SDK) is a
complete implementation of the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition
1.3. The J2EE SDK is intended as a proof of concept and example for
implementations in the application server marketplace. The J2EE SDK
includes a J2EE application server and various tools to help
developers prototype J2EE applications and learn about the J2EE
platform and technologies. It can be used as a J2EE development
enviroment for applications prior to their deployment and

2003-06-27T09:11:21+00:00 games/vectoroids Vector-based rock-shooting game similar to Asteroids
Vectoroids is a vector-based rock-shooting game similar to the
arcade classic "Asteroids". It is an SDL game based on the source for
"Agendaroids", an X-Window game written for the Agenda VR3 Linux-based PDA
written by the same author.

2003-06-27T08:37:10+00:00 games/moonlander Land a spacecraft on the moon
Moon Lander is a 2D game of gravity. Land your ship on the landing pad.
Don't go too fast, or you will crash.
2003-06-26T22:58:32+00:00 devel/libltdl15 System independent dlopen wrapper
This is GNU libltdl, a system independent dlopen wrapper for GNU libtool.

It supports the following dlopen interfaces:
* dlopen (Solaris, Linux and various BSD flavors)
* shl_load (HP-UX)
* LoadLibrary (Win16 and Win32)
* load_add_on (BeOS)
* GNU DLD (emulates dynamic linking for static libraries)
* libtool's dlpreopen
2003-06-26T22:58:32+00:00 devel/libltdl System independent dlopen wrapper
This is GNU libltdl, a system independent dlopen wrapper for GNU libtool.

It supports the following dlopen interfaces:
* dlopen (Solaris, Linux and various BSD flavors)
* shl_load (HP-UX)
* LoadLibrary (Win16 and Win32)
* load_add_on (BeOS)
* GNU DLD (emulates dynamic linking for static libraries)
* libtool's dlpreopen

2003-06-26T17:49:32+00:00 net/platero GUI to the P2P meta network client mldonkey for KDE
Platero is a graphical user interface to the P2P
meta network client MLDonkey for KDE.

Platero integrates nicely with KDE. It feature list
includes elinks for Konqueror, a tray icon, a unified
look and feel and much more.

2003-06-26T16:43:22+00:00 irc/kmyirc Easy to use IRC client for KDE
KMyIRC is an attempt to bring a good and easy,
IRC client to KDE. Of course, there are several other IRC clients
like ksirc or kvirc, but they're - not userfriendly - fully bloated,
with too much of stuff that the normal irc user doesn't need.

2003-06-26T16:23:29+00:00 x11-wm/kwin_flatcurve Bluecurve style window decoration for KDEs WM
"Bluecurve" style window decoration for KDE's WM
2003-06-26T16:23:29+00:00 x11-themes/kwin_flatcurve Bluecurve style window decoration for KDEs WM
"Bluecurve" style window decoration for KDE's WM
2003-06-26T15:53:21+00:00 mail/wmymail Check inbox using a WindowMaker DockApp
wmymail is a small program which uses the fetchmail port to determine how
many new messages are in your inbox.

2003-06-26T14:29:11+00:00 x11-toolkits/soqt Qt5-fork of the SoQt toolkit library for Coin
SoQt is a Qt GUI component toolkit library for Coin. It is also compatible
with SGI and TGS Open Inventor, and the API is based on the API of the
InventorXt GUI component toolkit.

2003-06-26T05:01:46+00:00 multimedia/ruby-gst Ruby bindings for the GStreamer framework
This is a set of Ruby bindings for the GStreamer multimedia framework.

2003-06-26T03:47:13+00:00 databases/rubygem-sqlite3 Ruby interface to the SQLite DB engine version 3
sqlite3-ruby provides an interface for the SQLite DB engine version 3.
This differs from the DBD::SQLite module in that it is more complete,
and from the ruby DBI version of SQLite in that it is SQLite specific,
so you can do things that would otherwise be more difficult via DBI.
If you want portability between backends, use DBI. If you want ease
of use with SQLite, use this.

2003-06-26T03:47:13+00:00 databases/rubygem-sqlite3-ruby Ruby interface to the SQLite DB engine version 3
sqlite3-ruby provides an interface for the SQLite DB engine version 3.
This differs from the DBD::SQLite module in that it is more complete,
and from the ruby DBI version of SQLite in that it is SQLite specific,
so you can do things that would otherwise be more difficult via DBI.
If you want portability between backends, use DBI. If you want ease
of use with SQLite, use this.

2003-06-26T03:47:13+00:00 databases/ruby-sqlite3 Ruby interface to the SQLite DB engine version 3
sqlite3-ruby provides an interface for the SQLite DB engine version 3.
This differs from the DBD::SQLite module in that it is more complete,
and from the ruby DBI version of SQLite in that it is SQLite specific,
so you can do things that would otherwise be more difficult via DBI.
If you want portability between backends, use DBI. If you want ease
of use with SQLite, use this.

Author: Jamis Buck (minam) <>
2003-06-26T03:47:13+00:00 databases/ruby-sqlite Ruby interface to the SQLite DB engine version 2
sqlite-ruby provides an interface for the SQLite DB engine version 2.
This differs from the DBD::SQLite module in that it is more complete,
and from the ruby DBI version of SQLite in that it is SQLite specific,
so you can do things that would otherwise be more difficult via DBI.
If you want portability between backends, use DBI. If you want ease
of use with SQLite, use this.

Author: Jamis Buck (minam) <>
2003-06-25T23:51:59+00:00 math/galculator GTK-based scientific calculator
galculator is a GTK2/GTK3 based calculator with ordinary notation/reverse polish
notation (RPN), a formula entry mode, different number bases (DEC, HEX, OCT,
BIN) and different units of angular measure (DEG, RAD, GRAD). It supports
quad-precision floating point and 112-bit binary arithmetic.

2003-06-25T17:21:09+00:00 sysutils/asr-utils Adaptec ASR RAID Management Software
This package includes a GUI based (dptmgr) and command line (dptutil) utility
used to manage Adaptec I2O controllers' (asr(4)) and their devices.

Documentation for the MS-Windows version of dptmgr (much applies to this
version also) can be found at
2003-06-25T13:18:25+00:00 multimedia/kaffeine Multimedia player based on KDE and VLC
Kaffeine is a multimedia player based on KDE and VLC.

* Full Drag and Drop support
* Import Noatun-playlists as well as M3U, ASX and PLS-Files
* Editable Playlist
* Export Playlist to HTML or PDF (KDE-Print)
* Support for saving screenshots as PNG, BMP or XBM
* The ability to prevent the screensaver from activating OSD Titles

2003-06-25T06:50:53+00:00 www/suphp Securely execute PHP scripts under Apache
suPHP is a combination of an Apache module (mod_suphp) and an
executable which provides a wrapper for PHP. With both
together, it is possible to execute PHP scripts with the
permissions of their owner without having to place a PHP
binary in each user's cgi-bin directory. suPHP doesn't need
Apache's suExec, provides a logging function and support for
different php.ini's.

2003-06-25T05:54:56+00:00 games/lgeneral-data A turn-based strategy engine inspired by Panzer General
LGeneral is a turn-based strategy engine heavily inspired by Panzer General.
You play single scenarios or whole campaigns turn by turn against a human
player or the AI. Entrenchment, rugged defense, defensive fire, surprise
contacts, surrender, unit supply, weather influence, reinforcements and other
implementations contribute to the tactical and strategic depth of the game.

2003-06-24T20:34:03+00:00 java/jode Java package containing a decompiler and an optimizer for Java
JODE is a java package containing a decompiler and an optimizer for
java. This package is freely available under the GNU GPL. The bytecode
package and the core decompiler is now under GNU Lesser General Public
License, so you can integrate it in your project.

Can be used from command line or through the Swing-based GUI.

The decompiler reads in class files and produces something similar to
the original java file. Jode has support for all constructs of JDK-1.3
including inner and anonymous classes.

The optimizer transforms class files in various ways with can be
controlled by a script file. It supports the following operations:

. Renaming class, method, field and local names to shorter,
obfuscated, or unique names or according to a given
translation table
. Removing debugging information
. Removing dead code (classes, fields, methods) and constant
. Optimizing local variable allocation

2003-06-24T11:33:32+00:00 www/cybercalendar CyberCalendar is a web based calendar program written in perl
CyberCalendar is a calendar of events program for the web and
WAP/PDA devices written entirely in Perl.


* Creation of an unlimited number of calendars.
* Receive scheduled event reminders via e-mail.
* Send events to friends as e-mail messages.
* Download events in vCalendar format to your personal
scheduling software or your handheld device.
* Supports multiple calendar administrators.
* Full WAP and Palm/AvantGo browser support.
* Support for public event submissions.
* Fully configurable -- including images and HTML colors.
* Runs on Unix or Windows.
* Runs as a CGI or as a mod_perl application.
* 100% Perl application.


- Janos Mohacsi
2003-06-23T21:03:26+00:00 devel/hs-crypto A Haskell Cryptographic Library
Haskell Cryptographic Library

This library collects together existing Haskell cryptographic functions and
augments them so that they:

* Have common type signatures.
* Can be used with the standard mode and padding algorithms (in the case of
block mode ciphers).

It contains: DES, Blowfish, Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode, PKCS#5 and nulls
padding, SHA-1, RSA, OAEP, ASN.1, and PKCS#8.


- Oliver Braun
2003-06-23T13:12:55+00:00 audio/liteamp Light-weight Music Player for GNOME2
A light-weight music player for GNOME

2003-06-23T05:10:36+00:00 www/axis Java SOAP implementation by Apache
Apache AXIS is an implementation of the SOAP ("Simple Object Access Protocol")
submission to W3C.

From the draft W3C specification:

SOAP is a lightweight protocol for exchange of information in a decentralized,
distributed environment. It is an XML based protocol that consists of three
parts: an envelope that defines a framework for describing what is in a message
and how to process it, a set of encoding rules for expressing instances of
application-defined datatypes, and a convention for representing remote
procedure calls and responses.

2003-06-21T20:32:55+00:00 devel/libhoard Fast, scalable, and memory-efficient allocator for MP
The Hoard memory allocator is a fast, scalable, and memory-efficient
memory allocator for shared-memory multiprocessors.

Multithreaded programs that perform dynamic memory allocation do not
scale because the heap is a bottleneck. When multiple threads
simultaneously allocate or deallocate memory from the heap, they will
be serialized while waiting for the heap lock. Programs making
intensive use of the heap actually slow down as the number of
processors increases. (Note: If you make a lot of use of the STL, you
may not know it, but you are making a lot of use of the heap.)

Hoard is a fast allocator that solves this problem. In addition, it
has very reasonable bounds on memory consumption.

2003-06-21T08:26:58+00:00 www/p5-CGI-Upload CGI class for handling browser file uploads
This module has been written to provide a simple and secure
manner by which to handle files uploaded in multipart/form-data
requests through a web browser. The primary advantage which this
module offers over existing modules is the single interface
which it provides for the most often required information
regarding files uploaded in this manner.

This module builds upon primarily the CGI and File::MMagic
modules and offers some tidy and succinct methods for the
handling of files uploaded via multipart/form-data requests.

2003-06-21T06:11:50+00:00 security/cryptlib Powerful security programming toolkit
cryptlib is a powerful security toolkit which allows even inexperienced
crypto programmers to easily add encryption and authentication services to
their software. The high-level interface provides anyone with the ability to
add strong security capabilities to an application in as little as half an
hour, without needing to know any of the low-level details which make the
encryption or authentication work. Because of this, cryptlib dramatically
reduces the cost involved in adding security to new or existing applications.

cryptlib provides a standardised interface to a number of popular encryption
algorithms, as well as providing a high-level interface which hides most of
the implementation details and provides an operating-system-independent
encoding method which makes it easy to transfer secured data from one operating
environment to another.

2003-06-20T16:27:08+00:00 textproc/xmlto Front-end to an XSL toolchain
xmlto is a front-end to an XSL toolchain. It chooses an appropriate
stylesheet for the conversion you want and applies it using an external
XSL-T processor. It also performs any necessary post-processing.

Supported conversions from DocBook XML: dvi, fo, html, html-nochunks,
htmlhelp, javahelp, man, pdf, ps, txt, xhtml, xhtml-nochunks.

Currently the only XSL-T processor supported is xsltproc (textproc/libxslt).
For DVI, PDF and PostScript output, PassiveTeX (print/passivetex) is required.

2003-06-20T13:24:36+00:00 graphics/rubyphoto program for creating web image galleries
RubyPhoto is a program for creating image galleries for the web. It
recurses through a directory tree creating album index files for each
sub-directory and image index files and thumbnails of specified sizes
for each image. The generated HTML is completely customisable via
templates. All configuration and image/album information is supplied
in XML files.

2003-06-20T11:34:36+00:00 net/portmon Daemon that monitor network services
Portmon is a network service monitoring daemon. Portmon
basically uses a list of hosts and port numbers, and tries to
connect to each host on the list at a regular time interval. It
is a lightweight program, and requires no software to be
installed on the machines one wishes to monitor.

2003-06-20T11:34:36+00:00 net-mgmt/portmon Daemon that monitor network services
Portmon is a network service monitoring daemon. Portmon
basically uses a list of hosts and port numbers, and tries to
connect to each host on the list at a regular time interval. It
is a lightweight program, and requires no software to be
installed on the machines one wishes to monitor.

2003-06-20T05:25:52+00:00 irc/dancer IRC bot written in C for UNIX, Windows, and AmigaOS
Dancer is an IRC bot. A bot is an automated client for Internet Relay Chat
networks, which stays online after its owner leaves. It was designed to
protect and serve. Your faithful, strong (but humble) servant. Yes,
ladies. This is one bot who will not cheat on you.

Dancer was developed in C, and is mostly POSIX compliant. It runs on
most of the UNIX flavors you have used, and a few you haven't heard of.
It also runs on Win32 and AmigaOS.

2003-06-19T14:30:46+00:00 databases/p5-SQL-Abstract Perl extension to generate SQL from Perl data structures
This module was inspired by the excellent DBIx::Abstract. However, in
using the module I found that what I wanted to do was generate SQL, but
still retain complete control over my statement handles and use the DBI
interface. So, I set out to create an abstract SQL generation module.

This module is based largely on DBIx::Abstract. However, there are
several important differences, especially when it comes to WHERE
clauses. I have modified the concepts used to make the SQL easier to
generate from Perl data structures and, IMO, more intuitive.

2003-06-19T14:11:40+00:00 devel/p5-enum Defines symbolic constants with ordered numeric values, like C enums
This module defines a set of symbolic constants with ordered numeric
values ala C enum types.

2003-06-19T13:47:23+00:00 ports-mgmt/porttools Tools for testing and submitting port updates and new ports
FreeBSD Port Tools includes the following commands:
- port create: create a new port from a template
- port diff: generate a diff against a previous version of the port
- port fetch: fetch distfile(s) of a new version of the port
- port help: display usage summary for port(1) commands
- port test: automate testing a new port or a port update

2003-06-19T13:47:23+00:00 devel/porttools Tools for testing and submitting port updates and new ports
FreeBSD Port Tools includes the following commands:
- port create: create a new port from a template
- port diff: generate a diff against a previous version of the port
- port fetch: fetch distfile(s) of a new version of the port
- port help: display usage summary for port(1) commands
- port submit: submit a PR with new port, or port change/update
- port test: automate testing a new port or a port update

2003-06-18T23:45:44+00:00 audio/gqradio GTK2 based FM tuner
GQradio interfaces with radio cards through the video4linux,
or the FreeBSD bktr APIs. Stations can be tuned manually,
set to presets, or auto seek can find the next available
frequency. The application supports theming (skins),
and includes a built-in skin editor.

2003-06-18T09:21:21+00:00 games/quake2lnx version of the original Quake II
Quake2-LNX project aims to further develop and bug fix original Quake II
code released by id Software in 1998, as well as support multiple
architectures (currently i386, alpha, sparc64, and powerpc are supported).
It also includes additional rendering drivers, eyecandy stuff from
Quake2Max project, and experimental IPv6 support.

2003-06-18T06:24:46+00:00 sysutils/linuxfdisk Fdisk, a partition tables manipulator, from util-linux
This is fdisk from util-linux package, common on Linux systems.
It allows interactive manipulation of partitions including logical ones
from MS-DOS partitioning scheme.
2003-06-18T06:06:04+00:00 www/caudium14 Free webserver based on the Roxen Challenger 1.3 code base
Caudium is the name of a free webserver which is based on the Roxen Challenger
1.3 code base. It is an attractive alternative to servers like Apache,
Netscape and Zeus due to its strength in dynamic page and data generation.

2003-06-18T06:06:04+00:00 www/caudium12 A free webserver which is based on the Roxen Challenger 1.3 code base
Caudium is the name of a free webserver which is based on the Roxen Challenger
1.3 code base. It is an attractive alternative to servers like Apache, Netscape
and Zeus due to its strength in dynamic page and data generation, like all the
titles on this site.

2003-06-18T03:11:13+00:00 mail/mailscanner Powerful virus/spam scanning framework for mail gateways
MailScanner is a complete e-mail security system designed for use on
e-mail gateways. It protects against viruses, and detects attacks against
e-mail client packages (such as Outlook, Outlook Express, Eudora). It can
also detect almost all unsolicited commercial e-mail (spam) passing through
it and respond to all incidents in a wide variety of ways.

Not only can it scan for known viruses, but it can also protect against unknown
viruses hidden inside e-mail attachments by refusing entry to attachments whose
filenames match any given pattern. This can include generic patterns that trap
filenames attempting to hide the true filename extension (e.g. ".txt.vbs").

It is superior to many commercial packages in its ability to handle attacks
against itself, such as Denial Of Service attacks caused by messages containing
the "Zip of Death". It is easy to install into an existing e-mail gateway,
requiring very little knowledge of sendmail and no change to an existing
sendmail configuration.

MailScanner itself is entirely open source, but it uses widely known commercial
virus scanning packages at its core. The other software it uses is all high
quality open source software, leading to a system that can be trusted for
performance and reliability.

2003-06-18T03:11:13+00:00 mail/mailscanner-devel Powerful virus/spam scanning framework for mail gateways
MailScanner is a complete e-mail security system designed for use on
e-mail gateways. It protects against viruses, and detects attacks against
e-mail client packages (such as Outlook, Outlook Express, Eudora). It can
also detect almost all unsolicited commercial e-mail (spam) passing through
it and respond to all incidents in a wide variety of ways.

Not only can it scan for known viruses, but it can also protect against unknown
viruses hidden inside e-mail attachments by refusing entry to attachments whose
filenames match any given pattern. This can include generic patterns that trap
filenames attempting to hide the true filename extension (e.g. ".txt.vbs").

It is superior to many commercial packages in its ability to handle attacks
against itself, such as Denial Of Service attacks caused by messages containing
the "Zip of Death". It is easy to install into an existing e-mail gateway,
requiring very little knowledge of sendmail and no change to an existing
sendmail configuration.

MailScanner itself is entirely open source, but it uses widely known commercial
virus scanning packages at its core. The other software it uses is all high
quality open source software, leading to a system that can be trusted for
performance and reliability.

2003-06-18T03:11:13+00:00 mail/MailScanner Powerful virus/spam scanning framework for Sendmail/Exim
MailScanner is a complete e-mail security system designed for use on
e-mail gateways. It protects against viruses, and detects attacks against
e-mail client packages (such as Outlook, Outlook Express, Eudora). It can
also detect almost all unsolicited commercial e-mail (spam) passing through
it and respond to all incidents in a wide variety of ways.

Not only can it scan for known viruses, but it can also protect against unknown
viruses hidden inside e-mail attachments by refusing entry to attachments whose
filenames match any given pattern. This can include generic patterns that trap
filenames attempting to hide the true filename extension (e.g. ".txt.vbs").

It is superior to many commercial packages in its ability to handle attacks
against itself, such as Denial Of Service attacks caused by messages containing
the "Zip of Death". It is easy to install into an existing e-mail gateway,
requiring very little knowledge of sendmail and no change to an existing
sendmail configuration.

MailScanner itself is entirely open source, but it uses widely known commercial
virus scanning packages at its core. The other software it uses is all high
quality open source software, leading to a system that can be trusted for
performance and reliability.

2003-06-18T03:11:13+00:00 mail/MailScanner-devel Powerful virus/spam scanning framework for Sendmail/Exim
MailScanner is a complete e-mail security system designed for use on
e-mail gateways. It protects against viruses, and detects attacks against
e-mail client packages (such as Outlook, Outlook Express, Eudora). It can
also detect almost all unsolicited commercial e-mail (spam) passing through
it and respond to all incidents in a wide variety of ways.

Not only can it scan for known viruses, but it can also protect against unknown
viruses hidden inside e-mail attachments by refusing entry to attachments whose
filenames match any given pattern. This can include generic patterns that trap
filenames attempting to hide the true filename extension (e.g. ".txt.vbs").

It is superior to many commercial packages in its ability to handle attacks
against itself, such as Denial Of Service attacks caused by messages containing
the "Zip of Death". It is easy to install into an existing e-mail gateway,
requiring very little knowledge of sendmail and no change to an existing
sendmail configuration.

MailScanner itself is entirely open source, but it uses widely known commercial
virus scanning packages at its core. The other software it uses is all high
quality open source software, leading to a system that can be trusted for
performance and reliability.

2003-06-18T02:52:48+00:00 security/prelude-manager Prelude Network Intrusion Detection System central logging point
Prelude is a new innovative hybrid Intrusion Detection system designed
to be very modular, distributed, rock solid and fast.

The manager is the central logging point. It receives alerts from
sensors and logs them using one or several plugins (the default logging
being to a text file, but logging to a database is also possible - and

2003-06-18T02:48:52+00:00 security/prelude-nids Prelude Network Intrusion Detection System sensor
Prelude is a new innovative hybrid Intrusion Detection system designed
to be very modular, distributed, rock solid and fast.

The Prelude Network Intrusion Detection System is a sensor, that may
be installed on the same machine as the manager or not, which watches
network traffic and looks for familiar patterns. This is functionally
equivalent to (Snort (

2003-06-18T02:45:20+00:00 security/prelude-lml Prelude Network Intrusion Detection System Log Monitoring Lackey
Prelude is a new innovative hybrid Intrusion Detection system designed
to be very modular, distributed, rock solid and fast.

The Prelude Log Monitoring Lackey monitors local logfiles and sends
alerts to the manager if something suspicious is found. It is also a sensor

2003-06-18T02:40:11+00:00 security/libprelude Sensor support library from Prelude SIEM
Prelude is a Universal "Security Information & Event Management" (SIEM)
system. Prelude collects, normalizes, sorts, aggregates, correlates and
reports all security-related events.

As well as being capable of recovering any type of log (system logs, syslog,
flat files, etc.), Prelude benefits from a native support with a number of
systems dedicated to enriching information even further (snort, samhain,
ossec, auditd, etc.).

This library provides functionality for sensors (connection with a manager,
handling sensor-exported options,...).

2003-06-18T02:23:58+00:00 devel/p5-Tie-File Access the lines of a disk file via a Perl array
Tie::File represents a regular text file as a Perl array. Each element in
the array corresponds to a record in the file. The first line of the file
is element 0 of the array; the second line is element 1, and so on.

The file is not loaded into memory, so this will work even for gigantic files.

Changes to the array are reflected in the file immediately.

2003-06-18T00:50:39+00:00 net/junipoll JUNIper router snmp POLLer for firewall filter counters
junipoll is an mrtg-like utility which polls the counter values from the
firewall filters configured on Juniper routers. It creates ".rrd" files
with names matching the router and its filter counter names, each
containing a bytes and a pkts data source suitable for graphing using
RRGrapher or RRDTOOL.


- Bill Fumerola
2003-06-18T00:50:39+00:00 net-mgmt/junipoll JUNIper router snmp POLLer for firewall filter counters
junipoll is an mrtg-like utility which polls the counter values from the
firewall filters configured on Juniper routers. It creates ".rrd" files
with names matching the router and its filter counter names, each
containing a bytes and a pkts data source suitable for graphing using
RRGrapher or RRDTOOL.

2003-06-17T22:27:51+00:00 net/p5-Altoids SNMP get/walk functionality with built-in name to OID translation
perl module that provides SNMP get/walk functionality with built-in name
to OID translation alternatively by using .oid files. It is implemented
as a derived class based upon p5-SNMP_Session.


- Bill Fumerola
2003-06-17T22:27:51+00:00 net-mgmt/p5-Altoids SNMP get/walk functionality with built-in name to OID translation
perl module that provides SNMP get/walk functionality with built-in name
to OID translation alternatively by using .oid files. It is implemented
as a derived class based upon p5-SNMP_Session.

2003-06-17T17:39:48+00:00 java/eclipse Eclipse IDE 2020-06
The Eclipse Platform is an open extensible IDE for anything and yet
nothing in particular. The Eclipse Platform provides building blocks
and a foundation for constructing and running integrated software-
development tools. The Eclipse Platform allows tool builders to
independently develop tools that integrate with other people's tools
so seamlessly you can't tell where one tool ends and another starts.

2003-06-17T16:10:58+00:00 devel/php-xdebug Xdebug extension for PHP
The Xdebug extension helps you debugging your script by providing a lot of
valuable debug information. The debug information that Xdebug can provide
includes the following:

* stack and function traces in error messages with:
o full parameter display for user defined functions
o function name, file name and line indications
o support for member functions
* memory allocation
* protection for infinite recursions

Xdebug also provides:

* profiling information for PHP scripts
* script execution analysis
* capabilities to debug your scripts interactively with a debug client

2003-06-17T15:49:22+00:00 sysutils/pear-File_Find PEAR class that facilitates the search of filesystems
PEAR::File_Find, created as a replacement for its Perl counterpart, also
named File_Find, is a directory searcher, which handles, globbing, recursive
directory searching, as well as a slew of other cool features.

2003-06-17T14:27:17+00:00 graphics/gqview-devel Another gtk2-based graphic file viewer
Another gtk2-based graphic file viewer.


2003-06-17T05:22:09+00:00 net/uplog UDP-based ping program
Uplog is an UDP-based ping program that gives an ASCII
graphical log of packet loss. Once per second, it sends a UDP
packet to the echo port of the target host and waits for a
reply. If it gets a reply an X is written, otherwise a dot is
written to the log file. If a packet with an incorrect sequence
number arrives, a colon is written to the log file. By
examining the log file, one can easily see when and how the
packet losses occur.

2003-06-17T05:03:22+00:00 sysutils/jdiskreport Java program to graphically display disk usage statistics
JDiskReport enables you to understand how much space the files
and directories consume on your disk drives, and it helps you
find obsolete files and folders.

2003-06-17T01:21:12+00:00 sysutils/dvd+rw-tools DVD burning software
DVD+RW Tools by Andy Polyakov. This software allows one to perform DVD
recording using a DVD burner, primarily via the "growisofs" utility.

growisofs was originally designed as a frontend to mkisofs to facilitate
appending of data to ISO9660 volumes residing on random-access media such as
DVD+RW, DVD-RAM, plain files, hard disk partitions. In the course of
development general purpose DVD recording support was implemented, and as of
now growisofs supports not only random-access media, but even mastering of
multi-session DVD media such as DVD+R and DVD-R/-RW. In addition growisofs
supports first-/single-session recording of arbitrary pre-mastered image
(formatted as UDF, ISO9660, or any other file system, if formatted at all)
to all supported DVD media types.

2003-06-17T00:03:58+00:00 security/smtpmap An SMTP software identifier
Smtpmap is able to identify the running smtp software on a given host.
It shows the probability of the server version, and uses three
different fingerprinting technologies to maximize the probabilities.
It can also be used to look if there is any smtp service running on
the given port.

Smtpmap is a program from Dennis Lubert <>.


- Hubert Tournier
2003-06-16T21:15:42+00:00 mail/kavmilter Sendmail antivirus filter, based on Kaspersky Antivirus and Milter API
This is a sendmail filter, based on Milter API, intedned to do
antiviral check through Kaspersky Antivirus. It doesn't checks mail
itself, but passes it to preliminary setuped Kaspersky Antivirus
to check, reads result, and, depending it, discards/rejects or
passes mail. This check issued 'in-place' delivery processing, so,
nor extracting, nor extra reinjecting in/out mail queue doesn't
issued. But this program is NOT mail transfer agent and NOT
antivirus itself. At first glance it is a set of hooks, which
executed when sendmail takes some appropriate actions - connecting
remote server, receiving MAIL FROM or RCPT TO,
transferring header or body of message, etc.

2003-06-16T13:37:04+00:00 java/simplicity Extremely powerful and extremely simple RAD IDE for Java
Simplicity for Java is a fully Java IDE for writing Java programs. It
has a very powerful Code Sourcerer that can walk you through creating
Java code even if you don't know anything about Java.

Marketing Blurb:

"Whether you've had plenty of experience with Java technology
or not much at all, you'll find that our 100% Pure Java Rapid
Application Development tool can serve your needs. For users with
minimal programming experience, the Code Sourcerer enables you to
create complete applications the intuitive way-- by interviewing
you in plain English. Our more experienced programmers will find
themselves turning to Simplicity for Java again and again for quick
and easy prototyping. And, of course, everyone will appreciate the
Execution-On-The-Fly code execution and cross-platform results."

2003-06-16T07:17:24+00:00 mail/aileron WINGs mail client
Aileron is an email client written for the WindowMaker window manager.
It is based on the WINGs widget library. The philosophy behind Aileron
is to be as similar to NeXTSTEP's as possible, right down to
the menu keybindings. Aileron will play nice with pine, elm, or whatever
other mbox mail reader you use. There will be a few deviations from the
original, most of which the average WindowMaker user will

2003-06-16T03:31:18+00:00 www/MT Web-based personal publishing system for weblogs
Movable Type is a web-based personal publishing system. It is designed to
ease maintenance of regularly-updated news, journal sites and weblogs.

2003-06-16T03:29:21+00:00 sysutils/disktype Disk formatting type autodetector
Disktype detects the content format of a disk, device, or disk image.
It knows about common file systems, partition tables, and boot codes.

2003-06-15T23:10:00+00:00 x11-toolkits/gnomemm The "meta-port" for the powerful C++ bindings to the GNOME2 libraries
Gnomemm (Previously known as Gnome--) is a set of powerful C++ bindings
for the GNOME libraries, which provide additional functionality
above GTK+/gtkmm.

2003-06-15T23:09:08+00:00 x11-toolkits/libgnomeuimm26 C++ wrapper for libgnomeui library
This is a set of thin C++ wrappers for libgnomeui library.

2003-06-15T23:09:08+00:00 x11-toolkits/libgnomeuimm C++ wrapper for libgnomeui library
This is a set of thin C++ wrappers for libgnomeui library.

2003-06-15T23:07:28+00:00 x11-toolkits/libbonobouimm C++ interfaces for libbonoboui
C++ interfaces for libbonoboui.
This code is in, in gnomemm/libbonobouimm.

2003-06-15T23:05:39+00:00 x11/libgnomemm26 C++ wrapper for libgnome library
This is a set of thin C++ wrappers for libgnome library.

2003-06-15T23:05:39+00:00 x11/libgnomemm C++ wrapper for libgnome library
This is a set of thin C++ wrappers for libglade v2 library.

2003-06-15T23:04:48+00:00 graphics/libgnomecanvasmm26 C++ wrapper for libgnomecanvas library
libgnomecanvasmm provides C++ wrappers for libgnomecanvas, for use with gtkmm.

2003-06-15T23:04:48+00:00 graphics/libgnomecanvasmm C++ wrapper for libgnomecanvas library
libgnomecanvasmm provides C++ wrappers for libgnomecanvas, for use with gtkmm.

2003-06-15T23:03:27+00:00 devel/libglademm24 C++ wrapper for libglade2 library
This is a set of thin C++ wrappers for libglade v2 library.

2003-06-15T23:03:27+00:00 devel/libglademm C++ wrapper for libglade2 library
This is a set of thin C++ wrappers for libglade v2 library.

2003-06-15T22:59:42+00:00 devel/gconfmm26 C++ wrapper for gconf2 API library
This is a set of thin C++ wrappers for GConf v2 API library.

2003-06-15T22:59:42+00:00 devel/gconfmm C++ wrapper for gconf2 API library
This is a set of thin C++ wrappers for GConf v2 API library.

2003-06-15T22:58:48+00:00 devel/gnome-vfsmm C++ wrapper for gnomevfs2 library
This is a set of thin C++ wrappers for GnomeVFS v2 library.

2003-06-15T22:57:27+00:00 devel/libbonobomm C++ interfaces for libbonobo
C++ interfaces for libbonobo.
This code is in, in gnomemm/libbonobomm.

2003-06-15T19:58:08+00:00 net/mldonkey-core Client 'core' for the MLDonkey peer-to-peer network
2003-06-15T19:58:08+00:00 net/mldonkey-core-devel Client 'core' for the MLDonkey peer-to-peer network
2003-06-15T19:58:08+00:00 net-p2p/mldonkey-core Client 'core' for the MLDonkey peer-to-peer network
2003-06-15T19:58:08+00:00 net-p2p/mldonkey-core-devel Client 'core' for the MLDonkey peer-to-peer network
2003-06-15T19:18:59+00:00 graphics/linux-ac3d Easy to use and powerful 3D graphics modeller (trial version)
AC3D is a 3D object/scene modeller available for Linux, Windows 95/NT, and
SGI. It is very easy to use, yet powerful - anyone can create good looking
3D objects in a few minutes. It outputs POV-Ray, VRML (1 and 2), RenderMan,
Dive, Massive and other formats.

2003-06-14T19:03:21+00:00 games/atr3d 3D asteroids-like multiplayer game
Avoid The Roid 3D is a 3D asteroids-like multiplayer game. The
player flies around in a three dimensional space, shooting
asteroids and other ships while trying to avoid running into
any of them or being shot.
2003-06-14T18:36:14+00:00 devel/privman Library that makes it easy for programs to use privilege separation
Privman is a library that makes it easy for programs to use privilege
separation, a technique that prevents the leak or misuse of privilege
from applications that must run with some elevated permissions. The
Privman library simplifies the otherwise complex task of separating
the application, protecting the system from compromise if an error in
the application logic is found.

Applications that use the Privman library split into two halves, the
half that performs valid privileged operations, and the half that
contains the application's logic. The library uses configuration files
to provide fine-grained access control for the privileged operations,
limiting exposure in even of an attack against the application. When
the application is compromised, the attacker gains only the privileges
of an unprivileged user and the specific privileges granted to the
application by the application's Privman configuration file.

2003-06-14T14:27:30+00:00 www/aswiki WikiWikiWeb clone written in Ruby
AsWiki is a WikiWikiWeb clone (Wiki Engine) written in Ruby. WikiWikiWeb
is a web-based collaboration tool. AsWiki provides a website on which anyone
can create and edit pages. It has features that allow you to easly customize
its HTML publishing and its RCS base version log.

2003-06-14T14:23:21+00:00 textproc/ruby-diff Ruby implementation of Perl's Algorithm::Diff
The diff algorithm computes the differences between two arrays of elements,
like the unix program "diff". diff.rb is a Ruby conversion of the Perl's
Algorithm::Diff. It can diff Arrays by each element or Strings by each
character, or your own class if you implement the interface. The algorithm
is complete, stable (TestUnit test available), but the interface may change
before a 1.0 release.
2003-06-14T08:17:35+00:00 audio/mp3wrap Merge mp3 files (and other formats)
Mp3Wrap is a command-line utility that wraps two or more mp3 files in one
single large playable mp3, without losing filenames and ID3 informations (and
without need of decoding/encoding). Also with the possibility of including
other non mp3 files, such as PlayLists, info files, cover images, inside the

2003-06-14T08:16:16+00:00 audio/mp3splt Utility to split MP3 and Ogg files (via CUE sheets)
Mp3Splt is a command line utility to split mp3 and ogg files selecting a begin
and an end time position, without decoding. It's very useful to split large
mp3/ogg to make smaller files or to split entire albums to obtain original
tracks. If you want to split an album, you can select split points and
filenames manually or you can get them automatically from CDDB (Internet or a
local file) or from .cue files. Otherwise if you have a file created either
with Mp3Wrap or AlbumWrap you can extract tracks just in few seconds. Supports
VBR mp3.

2003-06-13T23:56:42+00:00 misc/getopt Replacement for getopt(1) that supports GNU-style long options
Rewrite of getopt(1) with the following features:

* It can do anything that the GNU getopt(3) routines can do.
* It can cope with spaces and shell metacharacters within arguments.
* It can parse long parameters.
* It can shuffle parameters, so you can mix options and other parameters
on the command-line.
* It can be easily identified as an enhanced getopt(1) from within shell
* It can report parse errors as coming from the shell script.
* It compiles cleanly with both libc-5 and glibc-2.

2003-06-13T23:24:07+00:00 news/slrnconf Graphical configuration utility for the newsreader slrn
Slrnconf is a graphical configuation utility for the newsreader
slrn. It is intended to make the hairy configuration of SLRN a
bit easier. Slrnconf will try to read your ~/.slrnrc at
startup. If you're using a different file, just open it via
File -> Open. There are no command line switches.

2003-06-13T22:50:50+00:00 net/tacshell Shell authentication for TACACS+ protocol
tacshell is a drop-in replacement for the RSA ACE/Server
sdshell program, which allows Un*x shell authentication via a
SecurID token.

2003-06-13T18:56:34+00:00 ftp/jftp Java Network Browser
JFtp is a graphical network browser. It support various types of connections
like FTP, SMB, SFTP, NFS, HTTP and local ones, has a nice swing gui, lots of
features and can be started and (auto)updated using Java Web Start in any
browser (link on homepage).

2003-06-13T18:48:01+00:00 sysutils/pciutils PCI configuration utilities
The PCI Utilities are a collection of programs for inspecting and manipulating
configuration of PCI devices, all based on a common portable library libpci.

The utilities include:
- lspci: displays detailed information about all PCI buses and devices in the
- setpci: allows reading from and writing to PCI device configuration registers.
For example, you can adjust the latency timers with it.

2003-06-13T18:36:44+00:00 devel/argouml UML design tool with cognitive support
ArgoUML is a powerful yet easy-to-use interactive, graphical software
design environment that supports the design, development and
documentation of object-oriented software applications.

If you are familiar with a family of software applications called
Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) tools then you should find
ArgoUML instantly familiar.

The users of ArgoUML are software designers & architects, software
developers, business analysts, systems analysts and other
professionals involved in the analysis, design and development of
software applications. Main features:
* Open standards: XMI, SVG and PGML
* 100% Java
* Open Source allows to extend or customize it.
* Cognitive features like: reflection-in-action, opportunistic
design, comprehension and problem solving

2003-06-13T10:39:44+00:00 security/pxytest Test remote system for unsecured mail proxies
pxytest is a command line utility to test a host for open proxies
that are vulnerable to spammer abuse. It is written in perl.

Unsecured proxies currently are the most significant conduit of
junk email. This is a particularly vexing problem, because open
proxies, unlike open mail relays, hide the origin of the spam,
making it impossible to trace. This utility tests a host to
see if it is vulnerable to such abuse.

See for more information.

pxytest was written by Chip Rosenthal.

2003-06-13T08:41:25+00:00 security/proxycheck Check for open proxy servers
Proxycheck is a simple tool that may be used to check whether a given
host or set of hosts has open proxy server running.

Proxycheck comes ready to contribute results to It was
written by Michael Tokarev.

2003-06-13T01:19:12+00:00 security/authpf Authentification shell for pf gateways
This is an authentification shell that can change pf filterrules according
to the authentificated user. You will need a working installation of pf
and sshd as interconnect. For more information see


-Max <>
2003-06-13T01:09:29+00:00 security/pf OpenBSD pf as a kldmodule
Packet Filter (from here on referred to as PF) is OpenBSD's system for
filtering TCP/IP traffic and doing Network Address Translation. PF is also
capable of normalizing and conditioning TCP/IP traffic and providing bandwidth
control and packet prioritization.

Version 2.00 of this port has the same function set as found in OpenBSD 3.4

Information about pf can be found at the website of Daniel Hartmeier, the
original author of PF: and OpenBSD PF FAQ:


-Max <>
2003-06-13T00:18:47+00:00 x11-toolkits/gnome-themes-extras More themes for the GNOME 2 desktop environment
Commonly used GNOME 2 themes that are not a part of the
x11-toolkits/gnome-themes package.
2003-06-13T00:18:47+00:00 x11-themes/gnome-themes-extras More themes for the GNOME 2 desktop environment
Commonly used GNOME 2 themes that are not a part of the
x11-toolkits/gnome-themes package.
2003-06-12T14:06:21+00:00 www/mod_webapp Apache module mounts Tomcat web applications
Mod_webapp is an Apache module that allows Tomcat applications to be
mounted into an Apache server. Tomcat is a Java servlet and JSP engine.
Apache is the popular webserver.

2003-06-12T08:33:18+00:00 x11/3ddesktop 3D Virtual Desktop Switcher
3D-Desktop is an OpenGL program that lets you switch virtual desktops in
a seamless 3-Dimensional environment. Impress your friends, and slow down
your desktop... all at the same time!

2003-06-11T23:03:23+00:00 games/evilfinder Numerologically determine the evilness of things
Evilfinder shows you whether things are evil. By default, the port will
install a wrapper called "evilfinder," but you can define WITH_WRAPPER
to build the web-oriented default binary only.

**** THE PROOF THAT The FreeBSD Project IS EVIL ****
20 8 5 6 18 5 5 2 19 4 16 18 15 10 5 3 20 - as numbers
2 8 5 6 9 5 5 2 1 4 7 9 6 1 5 3 2 - digits added
\___________/ \________/ \__________/ \_________/ \_/
3 3 3 6 2 - digits added

Thus, "The FreeBSD Project" is 33362. Add 1947, the year Aleister Crowley paid
a longer visit to Hell. The result is 35309. Turn the number backwards, and
add 1945 - the year Mussolini was executed for the first time. The number is now
92298. Add 9981 to it - this is the year "Scrabble" was invented to promote
violence and anger, written backwards - you will get 102279. Subtract 23, the
symbol of death. The result will be 102256. Divide the number by 83 - this is
the symbol of slavery, backwards. It gives 1232. This number, read as octal,
gives 666 - the number of the Beast. This is truly evil. QED.

2003-06-11T10:57:35+00:00 archivers/hffzip File compressor based on Huffman coding
HFFzip is a file compressor based on Huffman coding. HFFzip is
right for embedded systems, because of its little size and the
simple algorithm used.

2003-06-11T08:51:26+00:00 textproc/p5-YAPE-Regex-Explain Explanation of a Regular Expression
This module merely sub-classes YAPE::Regex, and produces a rather verbose
explanation of a regex, suitable for demonstration and tutorial purposes.

2003-06-11T08:44:09+00:00 textproc/p5-YAPE-Regex Yet Another Parser/Extractor for Regular Expressions
This module is yet another (?) parser and tree-builder for Perl regular
expressions. It builds a tree out of a regex, but at the moment, the extent of
the extraction tool for the tree is quite limited. However, the tree can be
useful to extension modules.

2003-06-11T08:38:53+00:00 textproc/p5-YAPE-HTML Yet Another Parser/Extractor for HTML
This module is yet another parser and tree-builder for HTML documents. It is
designed to make extraction and modification of HTML documents simplistic. The
API allows for easy custom additions to the document being parsed, and allows
very specific tag, text, and comment extraction.

2003-06-11T08:13:49+00:00 devel/p5-Locale-Maketext-Gettext Joins gettext and Maketext frameworks
Locale::Maketext::Gettext brings GNU gettext and Maketext together. It is a
subclass of Locale::Maketext(3) that follows the way GNU gettext works. It
works seamlessly, both in the sense of GNU gettext and Maketext.

2003-06-11T05:32:50+00:00 irc/eggdrop Popular Internet Relay Chat (IRC) bot
Eggdrop is the world's most popular open source Internet Relay Chat (IRC) bot.
Originally created by Robey Pointer in December 1993, it has spawned an almost
cult like following of users. It is a feature rich program designed to be
easily used and expanded upon (using Tcl scripting) by both novice and
advanced IRC users on a variety of hardware and software platforms.

2003-06-10T15:43:13+00:00 audio/xmms-flac XMMS input plugin for playing FLAC files
FLAC is an Open Source lossless audio codec.

This is an XMMS input plugin for FLAC files.

2003-06-10T15:36:28+00:00 misc/c-hey Terminal based instant messaging utility
This is a port of c-hey, a terminal based instant
messaging utility based on write(1)

2003-06-10T14:57:12+00:00 audio/musiccontrol Advanced music player
MusicControl is designed to put YOU in control of the music that gets played
from your computer.

It supports MP3, OGG and various module formats.

2003-06-10T12:07:44+00:00 math/fung-calc Advanced graphic calculator
The Fung-Calc is an advanced 3D/2D, yet easy to use, graphing
calculator. It is an attempt to create a complete,
user-friendly grapher with all the features needed for easy
viewing of the graphical display of expressions in various

2003-06-10T09:27:41+00:00 devel/libzt Collection of utility code for C application/server development
LibZT is a collection of utility code for C application/server
development. It contains a ubiquitous logging subsystem,
configuration file parser, commandline option parser, and
numerous handy tools that need to be written for just about any
project (wrappers to malloc, etc).

2003-06-10T09:26:34+00:00 audio/aube System for sound generation and processing
AUBE is a system for sound generation and processing. You can
process audio on the fly by setting up arbitrary configurations
of sound generators, sequencers and effects modules, through
which sound is played, filtered, and recorded.

2003-06-10T07:26:11+00:00 audio/simplemod Minimalistic module player
simplemod is a minimalistic module player. It was designed to be used by a
frontend and thus it's output is easy to parse.

2003-06-10T05:02:10+00:00 textproc/asm2html Converts NASM syntax assembly code to HTML code
asm2html converts NASM syntax assembly code into HTML output,
suitable for display as web pages on your web site.
Soon it will produce XHTML output, with additional options.

2003-06-09T20:51:20+00:00 devel/hs-uni A tool integration framework for Haskell, including Htk
The UniForM workbench is an integration framework mainly geared towards
tools for formal methods. It uses a simple, powerful and flexible notion
of events to model all interactions between tools and users. In
particular, the workbench provides HTk, an encapsulation of Tcl/Tk based
on our event model (see HTk under Graphical User Interfaces).

2003-06-09T18:21:48+00:00 net/disco IP discovery and fingerprinting utility
Disco is a passive IP discovery and fingerprinting utility
designed to sit on segments distributed throughout a network to
discover unique IP's on the network. In addition to IP
discovery disco has the ability to passively fingerprint TCP
SYN packets. The intention is for disco to discover IP's on the
network, fingerprint the packet if necessary, and load into the
Gherkin Scan Manager database for targeted host scans.

2003-06-09T18:21:48+00:00 net-mgmt/disco IP discovery and fingerprinting utility
Disco is a passive IP discovery and fingerprinting utility
designed to sit on segments distributed throughout a network to
discover unique IP's on the network. In addition to IP
discovery disco has the ability to passively fingerprint TCP
SYN packets. The intention is for disco to discover IP's on the
network, fingerprint the packet if necessary, and load into the
Gherkin Scan Manager database for targeted host scans.

2003-06-08T08:02:10+00:00 devel/dcons Dumb CONSole device driver
For a replacement of the serial console, this framework exploits
physical access faculty of the IEEE1394 OHCI chip(fwochi(4)).
Please note dcons(4) is device(FireWire)-independent by itself
(And almost platform independent).

2003-06-08T06:54:25+00:00 mail/pear-Mail PEAR class that provides multiple interfaces for sending emails
The PEAR's Mail:: interface, defines the interface for implementing mailers
under the PEAR hierarchy, and provides supporting functions useful in multiple
mailer backends.

Currently supported are native PHP mail() function, sendmail and SMTP.
This package also provides a RFC 822 Email address list validation utility

2003-06-08T06:53:16+00:00 databases/pear-DB PEAR Database Abstraction Layer
PEAR::DB is a database abstraction layer providing:

* an OO-style query API
* portability features that make programs written for one DBMS work
with other DBMS's
* a DSN (data source name) format for specifying database servers
* prepare/execute (bind) emulation for databases that don't support
it natively
* a result object for each query response
* portable error codes
* sequence emulation
* sequential and non-sequential row fetching as well as bulk fetching
* formats fetched rows as associative arrays, ordered arrays or objects
* row limit support
* transactions support
* table information interface
* DocBook and phpDocumentor API documentation

Drivers for the following extensions pass the complete test suite and
provide interchangeability when all of DB's portability options are
enabled: fbsql, ibase, informix, msql, mssql, mysql, mysqli, oci8,
odbc, pgsql, sqlite and sybase.

2003-06-08T06:38:27+00:00 misc/bsdiff Generates and applies patches to binary files
This is a pair of tools for building (bsdiff) and applying (bspatch)
binary patches. When applied to two versions of the same executable
the patches produced are significantly smaller than those generated
by other binary diff tools (eg, xdelta).


- Colin Percival
2003-06-07T12:40:51+00:00 net/bind84 The Berkeley Internet Name Domain, an implementation of DNS
BIND 8 Features
-> DNS Dynamic Updates (RFC 2136)
-> DNS Change Notification (RFC 1996)
-> Completely new configuration syntax
-> Flexible, categorized logging system
-> IP-address-based access control for queries, zone transfers, and
updates that may be specified on a zone-by-zone basis
-> More efficient zone transfers
-> Improved performance for servers with thousands of zones
-> The server no longer forks for outbound zone transfers
-> Many bug fixes

BIND 8.4.0 Highlights
IPv6 transport support for named, named-xfer and ndc.

2003-06-07T12:40:51+00:00 dns/bind84 The Berkeley Internet Name Domain, an implementation of DNS
BIND 8 Features
-> DNS Dynamic Updates (RFC 2136)
-> DNS Change Notification (RFC 1996)
-> Completely new configuration syntax
-> Flexible, categorized logging system
-> IP-address-based access control for queries, zone transfers, and
updates that may be specified on a zone-by-zone basis
-> More efficient zone transfers
-> Improved performance for servers with thousands of zones
-> The server no longer forks for outbound zone transfers
-> Many bug fixes

BIND 8.4.0 Highlights
IPv6 transport support for named, named-xfer and ndc.

2003-06-07T10:08:40+00:00 devel/p5-DateTime Date and time object
DateTime is a class for the representation of date/time combinations, and is
part of the Perl DateTime project. For details on this project please see

2003-06-07T09:48:01+00:00 devel/p5-DateTime-TimeZone Time zone object base class and factory
This class is the base class for all time zone objects. A time zone is
represented internally as a set of observances, each of which describes the
offset from GMT for a given time period.

2003-06-07T01:25:41+00:00 converters/py-cjkcodecs Python Unicode Codecs for Chinese, Japanese and Korean encodings
The cjkcodecs is a unified unicode codec for Chinese, Japanese
and Korean encodings. And, supports the following features:

* PEP293 Error Callbacks (for Python 2.3 only)
* Reentrant-safe encoder and decoder
* Stateful/context-aware StreamReader and StreamWriter

2003-06-06T22:49:57+00:00 games/jools Addictive jewel-swapping puzzle game
jools is a clone of the PopCap! game Bejeweled, the gratuitously addictive
puzzle game where you swap adjacent jewels. This game is known by many
names, and is part of Yahoo! Games under "Diamond Mine."

2003-06-06T20:51:54+00:00 net/openreg Domain Registry software
OpenReg is an implementation of a domain registry, such as might be
used by top-level domain operators to manage the delegation of domains
in a "shared registry" environment. OpenReg:

*) supports the Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP), the IETF
standards-track protocol for interaction between registries and

*) is designed and debugged as a distributed multi-process system;

*) supports PostgreSQL and is designed to accommodate to very large registries;

*) publishes zone files to be served using BIND;

*) gathers comprehensive profiling and load statistics;

*) is published as free software, under a BSD-style licence.

2003-06-06T19:45:47+00:00 games/macopix Window sitter for X11
macopix - Mascot Constructive Pilot for X

a window sitter program for X11

2003-06-06T18:05:16+00:00 www/php5-cgi PHP Common Gateway Interface
2003-06-06T18:05:16+00:00 www/php4-cgi PHP Common Gateway Interface
2003-06-06T16:59:30+00:00 devel/cvsdiff2patch Turn cvs diff output into patch input
This is a text filter for turning "cvs diff" output into something that
patch(1) understands. This is needed when your version of cvs(1) makes
diffs that confuse patch(1).
2003-06-06T13:46:20+00:00 mail/libnewmail Generic mail checking library
libnewmail is a generic mail checking library for Unix/Linux
and other operating systems. It supports a simple API, an
extensible plugin architecture and asynchronous queries among
other features. Applications linking to libnewmail may enumerate
configured mailboxes, query mail box information and status and
request a mail spool auto-detection for users without any
libnewmail specific configuration. The library offers a clean
API to implement your own mail checking plugins.

2003-06-06T13:12:17+00:00 net/trickle Lightweight, portable bandwidth shaper
Trickle is a portable lightweight userspace bandwidth shaper.
It can run in collaborative mode (together with trickled) or in
stand alone mode.

2003-06-06T12:59:19+00:00 www/mod_jk2 Apache JK2 module for connecting to Tomcat using AJP1X
NOTE: mod_jk2 is deprecated, please use mod_jk instead. See
for more information.

2003-06-06T12:22:21+00:00 editors/puff Simple and efficient text editor
Puff is an editor that is named after "Puff the fractal dragon" (see fortune).
Primary features:
- Simple and lightweight
- Can open multiple files
- Clipboard is an open file
- Keys may be reassigned
- Source is easy to extend

2003-06-06T12:04:54+00:00 www/mod_security Intrusion detection and prevention engine
ModSecurity is an embeddable web application firewall. It provides
protection from a range of attacks against web applications and allows
for HTTP traffic monitoring and real-time analysis with no changes to
existing infrastructure.

It is also an open source project that aims to make the web application
firewall technology available to everyone.

2003-06-06T11:06:16+00:00 devel/p5-DateTime-LeapSecond Leap seconds table and utilities
This module is used to calculate leap seconds for a given Rata Die day. It is
mostly intended for use by the, rather than for external users.

2003-06-06T03:18:22+00:00 games/glmaze Multiplayer OpenGL Maze Game
glMaze is a multiplayer maze game based on the opengl 3d graphics engine.
If a command line argument is present, glmaze tries to interpret this as
the server name to connect to. If no argument was given, glmaze becomes
the master client and starts a local server. Up to six players can join
a session. Only the master client can start the session. Other players
can join a running game. The game stops when the first player reaches
ten kills. The player with the top score at this moment is the winner.

2003-06-05T21:48:20+00:00 x11-toolkits/hs-gtk2hs GTK2 Binding for Haskell
Gtk2Hs is a GUI library for Haskell based on Gtk+. Gtk+ is an extensive and
mature multi-platform toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces.

Gtk2Hs features:

* Automatic memory management.
* Nearly complete coverage of the Gtk+ API.
* Unicode support.
* Extensive reference documentation.
* Support for several related GtK+ and Gnome modules:
o the cairo vector graphics library.
o rendering of SVG images using cairo (via librsvg)
o GConf for storing application preferences.
o SourceView, an editor widget with syntax highlighting.
o the Mozilla browser rendering engine in a Gtk+ widget

2003-06-05T20:43:07+00:00 x11/docker Dockapp with support for GNOME2 and KDE3 tray icons
Docker is a docking application (WindowMaker dock app)
which acts as a system tray for KDE3 and GNOME2. It can
be used to replace the panel in either environment,
allowing you to have a system tray without running the
KDE/GNOME panel.

2003-06-04T22:08:13+00:00 audio/cantus Tool for tagging and renaming MP3 and OGG/Vorbis files
Cantus is an easy to use tool for tagging and renaming MP3 and OGG/Vorbis files.
It has many features including mass tagging and renaming of MP3s, the ability to
generate a tag out of the filename, filter definitions for renaming, recursive
actions, CDDB (Freedb) lookup (no CD needed), copy between ID3V1 and ID3V2 tags,
and a lot more.

2003-06-04T04:42:00+00:00 x11-toolkits/gnustep-art
2003-06-03T22:05:25+00:00 x11-wm/wmDeskGuide A pager for the WindowMaker dock
wmDeskGuide is a desktop pager that runs as a WindowMaker dockapp.


-Adam Weinberger <>
2003-06-03T21:47:49+00:00 sysutils/portsman An ncurses based front-end to manage the FreeBSD ports collection
Ports manager is a ncurses based, graphical front-end to manage
the FreeBSD ports collection. It behaves like a package manager
and comes with many features.

Anselm R. Garbe
2003-06-03T21:47:49+00:00 ports-mgmt/portsman An ncurses based front-end to manage the FreeBSD ports collection
Ports manager is a ncurses based, graphical front-end to manage
the FreeBSD ports collection. It behaves like a package manager
and comes with many features.

2003-06-03T19:36:13+00:00 games/mvdsv Enhanced QuakeWorld server with multi-view demos capability
MVDSV is popular QuakeWorld server with new amazing possibilities, most
notably, of course, being multi-view demos. MVD demos are probably the
biggest step in QuakeWorld since Qizmo release. MVDSV is also the best
server to use with KTeams Pro deathmatch mod, and in fact is required
for the latter's full functionality.

2003-06-03T19:03:16+00:00 audio/portaudio2 Portable cross-platform Audio API
PortAudio is a free, cross-platform, open-source, audio I/O library.
It lets you write simple audio programs in 'C' or C++ that will compile and run
on many platforms including Windows, Macintosh OS X, and Unix (OSS/ALSA).
It is intended to promote the exchange of audio software between developers
on different platforms. Many applications use PortAudio for Audio I/O.

PortAudio provides a very simple API for recording and/or playing sound using
a simple callback function or a blocking read/write interface.
Example programs are included that play sine waves, process audio input
(guitar fuzz), record and playback audio, list available audio devices, etc.

2003-06-03T19:03:16+00:00 audio/portaudio Portable cross-platform Audio API
PortAudio is a free, cross-platform, open-source, audio I/O library.
It lets you write simple audio programs in 'C' or C++ that will compile and run
on many platforms including Windows, Macintosh OS X, and Unix (OSS/ALSA).
It is intended to promote the exchange of audio software between developers
on different platforms. Many applications use PortAudio for Audio I/O.

PortAudio provides a very simple API for recording and/or playing sound using
a simple callback function or a blocking read/write interface.
Example programs are included that play sine waves, process audio input
(guitar fuzz), record and playback audio, list available audio devices, etc.

2003-06-03T18:56:39+00:00 net/fprobe Tool that collects network traffic data
fprobe: a NetFlow probe - libpcap-based tool that collects
network traffic data and emit it as NetFlow flows towards the
specified collector.

2003-06-03T18:56:39+00:00 net-mgmt/fprobe Tool that collects network traffic data
fprobe: a NetFlow probe - libpcap-based tool that collects
network traffic data and emit it as NetFlow flows towards the
specified collector.

2003-06-03T07:54:47+00:00 mail/pop3vscan Transparent POP3-Proxy with virus-scanning capabilities
POP3VScan is a transparent POP3-Proxy with virus-scanning capabilities.
This means that all your POP3-Clients in the Network can't fetch mails
from the internet without that POP3VScan have scanned it. If a virus has
been found the mail is replaced with a notification and the original
(infeceted) version is stored on the harddisc. Transparent means, that
neither the client nor any of the used POP3-servers has to be configured.

2003-06-03T05:40:15+00:00 math/jama Java-like Matrix C++ Templates
JAMA/C++ Linear Algebra Package (v. 1.2.1)

JAMA/C++: a translation of the Java Matrix Library, developed by the
Mathworks and NIST, into C++
* classical matrix linear algebra
* QR
* Cholesky
* Eigenvalue solver

Based on NIST's Template Numerical Toolkit.

2003-06-03T05:34:02+00:00 devel/tnt Template Numerical Toolkit
The Template Numerical Toolkit (TNT) is a collection of interfaces and
reference implementations of numerical objects useful for scientific
computing in C++. The toolkit defines interfaces for basic data
structures, such as multidimensional arrays and sparse matrices, commonly
used in numerical applications. The goal of this package is to provide
reusable software components that address many of the portability and
maintenance problems with C++ codes.
TNT provides a distinction between "interfaces" and "implementations" of
TNT components. For example, there is a TNT interface for two-dimensional
arrays which describes how individual elements are accessed and how
certain information, such as the array dimensions, can be used in
algorithms; however, there can be several implementations of such an
interface: one that uses expression templates, or one that uses BLAS
kernels, or another that is instrumented to provide debugging
information. By specifying only the interface, applications codes may
utilize such algorithms, while giving library developers the greatest
flexibility in employing optimization or portability strategies.

2003-06-03T05:25:09+00:00 net/pixilate Generates packets to match a list of Cisco PIX access lists
pixilate parses an input file containing Cisco PIX 6.2x (normal mask)
or Cisco IOS (inverted mask) access-list entries and generates
the appropriate packets. For further information on writing PIX access-lists,
look here, for information on writing IOS access-lists, look here.

pixilate - is currently capable of generating TCP/UDP/ICMP (various ICMP
types), and IGMP utilizing the Libnet 1.1.x library available from NOTE: Libnet 1.0.x is NOT compatible."

2003-06-03T05:25:09+00:00 net-mgmt/pixilate Generates packets to match a list of Cisco PIX access lists
pixilate parses an input file containing Cisco PIX 6.2x (normal mask)
or Cisco IOS (inverted mask) access-list entries and generates
the appropriate packets. For further information on writing PIX access-lists,
look here, for information on writing IOS access-lists, look here.

pixilate - is currently capable of generating TCP/UDP/ICMP (various ICMP
types), and IGMP utilizing the Libnet 1.1.x library available from NOTE: Libnet 1.0.x is NOT compatible."

2003-06-03T05:22:35+00:00 x11/wmxss Run xscreensaver modules inside a WindowMaker dock
wmxss is a small program to run xscreensaver modules (such as those
bundled with xlockmore) in a WindowMaker dock.
2003-06-03T05:20:23+00:00 net/haproxy Reliable, high performance TCP/HTTP load balancer
HAProxy is a free, very fast and reliable solution offering high
availability, load balancing, and proxying for TCP and HTTP-based
applications. It is particularly suited for web sites crawling under
very high loads while needing persistence or Layer7 processing.

2003-06-03T05:20:23+00:00 net/haproxy-devel Reliable, high performance TCP/HTTP load balancer
HAProxy is a free, very fast and reliable solution offering high
availability, load balancing, and proxying for TCP and HTTP-based
applications. It is particularly suited for web sites crawling under
very high loads while needing persistence or Layer7 processing.

This is the development branch of the software, which may contain
new features, but also possibly new bugs.

2003-06-03T05:14:48+00:00 devel/libukcprog Generally useful low level routines
The ukcprog library contains generally useful low level routines.
The ukcprog.h header file contains prototypes for the routines as
well as defining some useful macros and types.

2003-06-03T05:11:10+00:00 devel/libstatgrab Provides a useful interface to system statistics
The libstatgrab library provides an easy to use interface for
accessing system statistics and information. Available statistics
include CPU, Load, Memory, Swap, Disk I/O, and Network I/O.

Also part of the package are two tools; saidar provides a curses-based
interface to viewing live system statistics, and statgrab is a
sysctl-like interface to the statistics.

2003-06-03T05:05:46+00:00 games/zoom Z-Interpreter for X with full V6 support
Zoom is a Z-Machine, which means that it plays text adventure games written
in ZCode. It plays V3-V8 including V6 graphics (you need the blb-files from for
original Infocom V6 games).

2003-06-03T05:02:19+00:00 net/vls Broadcasts MPEG(1/2/4, PS/TS) video streams
vls -- the VideoLAN Server

VLS is part of the VideoLAN project, a full client/server video over IP
solution. The VideoLAN Server aims at broadcasting MPEG (1/2/4, PS/TS)
video streams over any IP network.

2003-06-03T05:01:12+00:00 devel/cvstrac Web-Based Bug And Patch-Set Tracking System For CVS
CVSTrac is a bug and patch-set tracking system for use with CVS
appropriate for use on projects with up to a few hundred developers.
CVSTrac is designed for low-ceremony development - it provides
mechanisms for tracking changes and bugs without unnecessary
restrictions. It has a built-in Wiki and ticketing system. Both
of these functions can be linked to the CVS tree.

2003-06-03T04:57:14+00:00 mail/dsbl-testers Testing software for DSBL/DSBL-compliant services
This package contains testing software configured to work with the
DSBL ( or DSBL-compliant services. It enables you
to send tests to servers based on spam that you receive. If those
tests succeed, the results will reach the DSBL host in question,
and the relay will be listed.

2003-06-03T04:52:55+00:00 misc/utftools UTF-aware wc, fmt, expand, and unexpand
This package contains implementations of UTF-aware wc, fmt,
expand, and unexpand.

2003-06-03T04:45:27+00:00 misc/libutf UTF-8 character set support library, including regular expressions
This software is a library which implements UTF-8 support routines,
and uses those routines and others to implement UTF-8aware regular
expresions. Language collation sequences are specified in a text
file, ${PREFIX}/share/examples/libutf/langcoll.utf, and feedback
as to their correctness is appreciated.

Alistair G. Crooks
2003-06-03T04:34:05+00:00 devel/elfsh Attractive toolkit for the analysis of ELF object files
The ELF shell 0.5 takes advantage of a hash based, lazy typed
object oriented architecture, a readline based interactive mode
(35+ builtin commands, with history, completion, regular
expression powered), a scripting mode (sample scripts and
session logs available on this page) and brings more
modification API (relocation tables, .interp, .dynamic,
.dynsym, PAX bits, and +), atomic operations with get/set and
add/sub/mul/div/mod commands, section injection by top (insert
unlimited amount of data in the executable PT_LOAD, even in
non-executable environments), a quiet output for tiny screens,
ELFsh modules support, sophisticated write/printf primitives,
SPARC PLT infection, experimental ET_EXEC relocation and
remapping features, ET_REL injection into ET_EXEC (with bss and
symtab merging support), disassembly (with good resolving) on
i386 binaries with libasm, and much more.

2003-06-03T04:33:58+00:00 graphics/gltt TrueType fonts rendering using OpenGL
Gltt is a library that allows you to read and draw TrueType fonts
in any OpenGL application. It supports bitmapped and anti-aliased
font drawing as well as vectorized and polygonized drawing.

2003-06-03T04:33:04+00:00 sysutils/utcount Users Traffic Count
Count traffic from users with dynamic ip addresses. Uses information from
application level (Samba, pppd, etc.) to operate on network level (modify
ipfw or another firewall rules for traffic counting).
2003-06-03T04:25:42+00:00 textproc/hgrep Nice Highlighting Hack for grep
Hgrep is a trivial, but cute, front-end for grep.
It takes the results of the grep and
highlights the word that was searched for.
Very nice for some fast text searches.

2003-06-03T04:25:13+00:00 www/http_get Dump http-contents to stdout
Get the contents of an http url and dumps
it to stdout. supports ipv6 and https (SSL).
A useful tool. :)

2003-06-03T04:22:11+00:00 net/aget Multithreaded HTTP download accelerator
Aget is a multithreaded HTTP download accelerator.
Pointed on the Win32 Project Flashget.

2003-06-03T04:19:26+00:00 x11-wm/weewm Fast and ultra light windowmanager with total keyboard control
WeeWM (Wee Enhanced Environment) is a fast and light window manager
for XFree86. Everything can be done with a keyboard. It is customizable,
and has dock management, smart window placement, virtual desktops,
and more.

2003-06-03T04:05:13+00:00 math/algae Programming language for numerical analysis
Algae is a programming language for numerical analysis. It was written in
the Boeing Company to fulfill their need for a fast and versatile tool,
capable of handling large systems. Algae has been applied to interesting
problems in aerospace and related fields for more than a decade.

2003-06-03T04:01:20+00:00 games/abridge Bridge game
Bridge is a bridge game that allows you to play bridge online with other
real people. It is currently available for UNIX (including linux),
Microsoft Windows and MacOS X. On all platforms, aBridge supports speech
synthesis, allowing you to choose listen to the bids and chat conversation
rather than simply gazing at the screen waiting for someone to play.
aBridge also has some rudimentary bots, for when other players aren't
online, but their AI is pretty pathetic, and they are in need of a
complete rewrite.

2003-06-03T03:45:35+00:00 devel/p5-Date-Simple Simple date object
From Date::Simple(3) man page:

Dates are complex enough without times and timezones. This module may be used to
create simple date objects. It handles:

Reject 1999-02-29 but accept 2000-02-29.
Interval arithmetic:
How many days were between two given dates? What date comes N days after
Day-of-week calculation:
What day of the week is a given date?

It does NOT deal with hours, minutes, seconds, and time zones.

2003-06-03T03:41:19+00:00 korean/imhangul_status_applet GNOME2 status applet of imhangul
GNOME2 status applet of imhangul.

It displays imhangul input method status as gnome2 panel applet.

2003-06-03T03:38:11+00:00 korean/imhangul GTK+ Hangul input module
GTK+-2.0 Hangul Input Module

Input method of gtk-2.0 widget. To select this modules, click
right button in gtk20 text widget and select "Input Methods" -
"Hangul" (not KSC5601).

2003-06-03T03:37:43+00:00 graphics/irit Solid modeling system
The IRIT solid modeling system is a simple environment that allows
one to model basic, primitive based, models using Boolean operations
as well as freeform surface's based models.

The system is designed for simplicity and is geared toward research.
As such, no graphical user interface (GUI) exists or is planned in
the near future. The modeling is performed using the main
module/executable of the system which is called (surprise!) IRIT.
A textual interface (or PUI for programmable user interface) is
available which provides the interaction interface. An interpreter
processes the user's command and executes them. This interpreter
includes general mechanisms that are common in high level programming
languages such as loops, conditional sentences, and functions. In
addition, features that can be found in modern languages such as
operator overloading and object oriented design are extensively

2003-06-03T03:33:46+00:00 www/cl-lml-clisp Lisp Markup Language
A Common Lisp package for generating HTML and XHTML documents.

2003-06-03T03:29:55+00:00 graphics/yafray Fast XML based raytracer
This is an advanced raytracer that uses XML.

2003-06-03T03:29:55+00:00 graphics/yafaray Montecarlo raytracing engine
YafaRay is a free open-source montecarlo raytracing engine released under the
LGPL 2.1 license. Raytracing is a rendering technique for generating realistic
images by tracing the path of light through a 3D scene. A render engine consists
of a specialised computer program that interacts with a host 3D application to
provide specific raytracing capabilities "on demand". The YafaRay engine can be
used in the following 3D applications: Blender, Edificius, pCon-planner and
Wings 3D.

2003-06-03T03:28:23+00:00 devel/cl-asdf-clisp System definition facility for Common Lisp
asdf is Another System Definition Facility for Common Lisp. It intends
to solve the same class of problems as mk-defsystem - compiling and
installing Lisp libraries -, but internally it takes advantage of
modern CL features like pathname support etc., and uses CLOS for

This package installs binaries compiled for CLISP.

2003-06-03T03:26:09+00:00 mail/p5-Mail-RFC822-Address Perl5 module to validate RFC822 conformance of email addresses
This perl module validates email addresses against the grammar described in
RFC 822 using regular expressions.

2003-06-03T03:16:23+00:00 textproc/libwpd08 Tools for importing and exporting WordPerfect(tm) documents
libwpd is a library for reading and writing WordPerfect(tm)

This package also includes utilities for converting to HTML
and plain text.

2003-06-03T03:16:23+00:00 textproc/libwpd Tools for importing and exporting WordPerfect(tm) documents
libwpd is a library for reading and writing WordPerfect(tm)

This package also includes utilities for converting to HTML
and plain text.

2003-06-03T03:01:57+00:00 www/cl-lml Lisp Markup Language
A Common Lisp package for generating HTML and XHTML documents.

2003-06-03T02:54:31+00:00 devel/cl-asdf System definition facility for Common Lisp
asdf is Another System Definition Facility for Common Lisp. It intends
to solve the same class of problems as mk-defsystem - compiling and
installing Lisp libraries -, but internally it takes advantage of
modern CL features like pathname support etc., and uses CLOS for

2003-06-03T02:42:39+00:00 misc/hotkeys Allows usage of special keys on internet/multimedia keyboards
This program sits at the back and listens for the "special" hotkeys that
you won't normally use on your internet/Multimedia keyboards.
The buttons perform their intended behaviors, such as volume up and down,
mute the speaker, launch applications, etc.

NOTE: CDROM & APM features have been disabled

2003-06-03T02:40:57+00:00 devel/bnf Generate C parser given a grammar in BNF notation
The BNF parser generator takes a syntax not unlike BNF and generates
a "C" parser for it, a parser that can parse either strings or files.

This is a flexible tool, meant for smaller parsing tasks where
bison+flex are just too big to use.

2003-06-03T02:39:28+00:00 mail/nohtml Strip HTML attachments from email
'nohtml' is a filter which strips HTML attachments from email messages.
It is primarily intended to be used with remailers like mailing lists
to suppress HTML from ever hitting those lists.

2003-06-03T02:31:10+00:00 net/nicmond Network interface monitor
This program watches the link status of a network interface. When a
change of state is detected, a script is launched. This is useful
for machines that need to configure themselves whenever they are
plugged into or out of the network, such as laptops.

-- Dan Pelleg
2003-06-03T02:21:53+00:00 sysutils/freedt Experimental reimplementation of Dan Bernstein's daemontools
A reimplementation of Dan Bernstein's daemontools under the GNU GPL,
sharing no code with the original implementation.

It currently includes feature-equivalent replacements for argv0, envdir,
envuidgid, setlock, setuidgid, softlimit, supervise, svc, svok, svscan,
svstat and recordio. It also includes dumblog (a simple multilog
replacement), mkservice (a script for automatically creating service
directories), anonidentd (an anonimising identd implementation) and
ratelimit (a bandwidth-limiting filter along the lines of recordio). All
the tools include usage messages; for instance, do "ratelimit -h" for a
brief rundown of the options.

Please note that this package is *not* a drop-in replacement for
daemontools; the internal state files in service directories are
different, and the error messages (and a few of the options) aren't
quite the same. It's also still somewhat experimental, so I'd recommend
sticking with daemontools on production systems until there's a stable
release of freedt.

2003-06-03T02:21:13+00:00 net/mdnsd Advertise a service via Rendezvous
mdnsd is a very lightweight, simple, portable, and easy to integrate open
source implementation of Multicast DNS (part of Zeroconf, also called
Rendezvous by Apple) for developers. It supports both acting as a Query and
a Responder, allowing any software to participate fully on the


-- Dan Pelleg
2003-06-03T02:21:13+00:00 dns/mdnsd Advertise a service via Rendezvous
mdnsd is a very lightweight, simple, portable, and easy to integrate open
source implementation of Multicast DNS (part of Zeroconf, also called
Rendezvous by Apple) for developers. It supports both acting as a Query and
a Responder, allowing any software to participate fully on the

2003-06-03T02:15:01+00:00 mail/exact Program that implements POP Before SMTP Relay Authentication
EXACT is a program that implements POP Before SMTP Relay Authentication.

It will work as is with UW-IMAPD, Cyrus, Courier (imapd and popd),
Perdition, Exim and Sendmail.

2003-06-03T02:03:40+00:00 net/dnsmasq A caching DNS forwarder
Dnsmasq is a caching DNS forwarder designed to provide DNS service on a
small network. It is targeted at home networks using NAT and connected to
the internet via a modem, cable-modem or ADSL connection but would be a
good choice for any small network where low resource use and ease of
configuration are important.


- Steven Honson
2003-06-03T02:03:40+00:00 dns/dnsmasq Lightweight DNS forwarder, DHCP, and TFTP server
Dnsmasq is a lightweight, easy to configure DNS forwarder and DHCP server. It
is designed to provide DNS and, optionally, DHCP, to a small network. It can
serve the names of local machines which are not in the global DNS. The DHCP
server integrates with the DNS server and allows machines with DHCP-allocated
addresses to appear in the DNS with names configured either in each host or in
a central configuration file. Dnsmasq supports static and dynamic DHCP leases
and BOOTP/TFTP/PXE for network booting of diskless machines.

Dnsmasq is targeted at home networks using NAT and connected to the internet
via a modem, cable-modem or ADSL connection but would be a good choice for any
smallish network (up to 1000 clients is known to work) where low resource use
and ease of configuration are important. -- Simon Kelley

2003-06-03T01:47:23+00:00 sysutils/ccze Fast log colorizer
Ccze is a fast, C port of the well known colorize log colorizer.
It uses ncurses for the output and PCRE for matching. It is also
extensible via plug-ins.
Plugins for apm, exim, fetchmail, httpd, postfix, procmail, squid,
syslog, ulogd, vsftpd, xferlog and more are provided.

2003-06-02T18:29:57+00:00 games/fuhquake Excellent and feature-rich QuakeWorld client
FuhQuake is a QuakeWorld client that aims to not only to have a plethora
of gameplay and console improvements, but to also incorporate stunning
visual effects and eyecandy.

2003-06-02T16:37:25+00:00 net/packit Network auditing tool
Packit is a network auditing tool. Its value is derived from
its ability to customize, inject, monitor, and manipulate IP
traffic. By allowing you to define (spoof) nearly all TCP, UDP,
ICMP, IP, ARP, RARP, and Ethernet header options, Packit can be
useful in testing firewalls, intrusion detection systems, port
scanning, simulating network traffic, and general TCP/IP
auditing. Packit is also an excellent tool for learning TCP/IP.

2003-06-02T16:37:25+00:00 net-mgmt/packit Network auditing tool
Packit is a network auditing tool. Its value is derived from
its ability to customize, inject, monitor, and manipulate IP
traffic. By allowing you to define (spoof) nearly all TCP, UDP,
ICMP, IP, ARP, RARP, and Ethernet header options, Packit can be
useful in testing firewalls, intrusion detection systems, port
scanning, simulating network traffic, and general TCP/IP
auditing. Packit is also an excellent tool for learning TCP/IP.

2003-06-02T16:14:30+00:00 net/braa Tool for making SNMP queries
Braa is a tool for making SNMP queries. It is able to query
hundreds or thousands of hosts simultaneously, while being
completely single-threaded. It does not need any SNMP
libraries, as it is equipped with its own SNMP engine. However,
it's good to have a complete SNMP package including
"snmptranslate" installed somewhere, because for speed reasons,
there is no ASN.1 parser in Braa, and all the SNMP OIDs need to
be specified numerically.

2003-06-02T16:14:30+00:00 net-mgmt/braa Tool for making SNMP queries
Braa is a tool for making SNMP queries. It is able to query
hundreds or thousands of hosts simultaneously, while being
completely single-threaded. It does not need any SNMP
libraries, as it is equipped with its own SNMP engine. However,
it's good to have a complete SNMP package including
"snmptranslate" installed somewhere, because for speed reasons,
there is no ASN.1 parser in Braa, and all the SNMP OIDs need to
be specified numerically.

2003-06-02T16:03:31+00:00 astro/mymoon Show latitude and longitude of the moon
Mymoon is an ncurses-based tool that presents for the given latitude
and longitude a continually updated display of:

- Percentage of Moon's surface illumination
- Distance between Moon and Earth
- Moon set and Moon rise
- Moon age
2003-06-02T15:17:41+00:00 security/ifd-gempc410 PC/SC Lite driver for the GemPC 410 serial smart card reader
This port provides a PC/SC IFD handler implementation for GemPLUS serial
card readers based on the GemCore chipset. Supported readers include the
GemPC 410, 413-SL and 415 serial smart card readers. The GemPC 410 is also
known as the IBM-410p which is part of the IBM Smart Card Security Kit.

Note that older readers such as the GCR400 and GCR410 are not supported.

2003-06-02T14:42:57+00:00 audio/wavbreaker GUI tool to split WAV and MP3 files
This application's purpose in life is to take a WAV file and break it
up into multiple WAV files. It makes a clean break at the correct
position to burn the files to an Audio CD without any dead air between
the tracks.

wavbreaker now also directly supports breaking up MP3s without
re-encoding meaning it's fast and there is no generational
loss. Decoding (using mpg123) is only done for playback and waveform

The GUI displays a waveform summary of the entire file at the top. The
middle portion displays a zoomed-in view that allows you to select
where to start playing and where it will make the break. The bottom
portion contains a list of track breaks. You may change file names and
uncheck parts that you do not want to have written out to disk when

There is also a command line tool wavmerge to merge WAV files
together. If you download a show and don't like how it was tracked,
you can merge them together with wavmerge and then break them back up
with wavbreaker. The wavmerge tool will only work on files that have
the same format (for example, 44.100 Hz sample rate, 16-bit sample
size, etc.).

2003-06-02T13:57:41+00:00 archivers/linux-unace Extract, view & test ACE archives
This is the official version of Unace for Linux from ACE Compression Software.
It can deal with more recent ace archives than those supported by the
open-source port of ace (un)archiver.

2003-06-02T13:48:22+00:00 archivers/nwreckdum Utility for manipulating of Quake packed data files
NWReckDum is Quake PACK file format (.pak) manipulator. It allows one to
list, extract, and create packed game data files easily from command line.

2003-06-02T12:18:17+00:00 java/netbeans61 A full-featured integrated environment for Java
The NetBeans IDE is a world-class development environment written
in Java. It can be used to develop code in Java, HTML, XML, JSP,
C/C++ and other languages. The IDE is modular, and there is a huge
variety of commercial and free extensions to it to support various

2003-06-02T12:18:17+00:00 java/netbeans55 A free and open-source IDE for Java
The NetBeans IDE is a world-class development environment written
in Java. It can be used to develop code in Java, HTML, XML, JSP,
C/C++ and other languages. The IDE is modular, and there is a huge
variety of commercial and free extensions to it to support various

2003-06-02T12:18:17+00:00 java/netbeans5 A free and open-source IDE for Java
The NetBeans IDE is a world-class development environment written
in Java. It can be used to develop code in Java, HTML, XML, JSP,
C/C++ and other languages. The IDE is modular, and there is a huge
variety of commercial and free extensions to it to support various

2003-06-02T12:18:17+00:00 java/netbeans4 A full-featured integrated environment for Java
The NetBeans IDE is a world-class development environment written
in Java. It can be used to develop code in Java, HTML, XML, JSP,
C/C++ and other languages. The IDE is modular, and there is a huge
variety of commercial and free extensions to it to support various

2003-06-02T12:18:17+00:00 java/netbeans3 A full-featured integrated environment for Java
The NetBeans IDE is a world-class development environment written
in Java. It can be used to develop code in Java, HTML, XML, JSP,
C/C++ and other languages. The IDE is modular, and there is a huge
variety of commercial and free extensions to it to support various

2003-06-02T12:18:17+00:00 java/netbeans Modular, standards-based integrated development environment
Apache NetBeans

The NetBeans IDE is a world-class development environment written
in Java. It can be used to develop code in Java, HTML, XML, JSP,
C/C++ and other languages. The IDE is modular, and there is a huge
variety of commercial and free extensions to it to support various

2003-06-02T10:27:48+00:00 mail/p5-POE-Component-SMTP SMTP Protocol Implementation
POE::Component::Server::TCP implements the SMTP protocol for the server.
To support any command other than HELO and QUIT, you'll have to
implement it yourself, and define it in your InlineStates,
PackageStates, or ObjectStates.

2003-06-02T10:15:12+00:00 devel/p5-POE-Session-MultiDispatch Callback dispatch for session events
POE::Session::MultiDispatch is a drop in replacement for POE::Session
that adds callback dispatch functionality to POE sessions. Each event
may have multiple handlers associated with it. Fine control over the
order of execution is available using helper methods that extend the
interface of a POE::Session.

POE::Session::MultiDispatch uses POE::Session as a base class. When
multiple callbacks are registered for an event, only the last callback
survives, all the others are clobbered. POE::Session::MultiDispatch is
much nicer to your registered callbacks, it keeps them all in the order
they were defined. When an event is triggered, all the callbacks are
then executed in that same order (unless you muck around with said

2003-06-02T05:40:03+00:00 www/ljdeps Meta-port to install all the perl modules used by LiveJournal
LiveJournal is an open source content management system, written
mainly in Perl and utilizing MySQL as a database backend. By itself,
it serves as a powerful content updating system. In other uses, it
is the framework application behind many successful online communities,
including and

ljdeps is a meta-port which installs all of the perl modules needed
by LiveJournal.

2003-06-02T05:24:46+00:00 graphics/animabob Interactive 3D volume renderer
This package contains programs and utilities that are useful for
viewing large 2D and 3D data sets. They are best used at the tail
end of the visualization process, after the data has been post-processed,
scaled, and rasterized.


- Igor Pokrovsky
2003-06-02T04:09:45+00:00 graphics/gocr OCR (Optical Character Recognition) program
GOCR/JOCR is an OCR (Optical Character Recognition) program, developed
under the GNU Public License.

GOCR can be used with different front-ends, which makes it very
easy to port to different OSes and architectures. It can open many
different image formats, and its quality have been improving in a
daily basis.

2003-06-02T01:42:36+00:00 games/scummvm-tools Tools for use with the SCUMMVM game emulator
This is a collection of various tools that may be useful to use in
conjunction with ScummVM. It includes tools that will allow you to
decompile and extract SCUMM scripts from various games, as well as
graphics and sound. Of special note is the extract utility, which
uses libmp3lame to compress a monster.sou file to about 25% its
original size.

2003-06-02T01:36:35+00:00 devel/devhelp Developer help browser for GNOME 3
devhelp is a developer's help browser for GNOME 3. It is a GUI
frontend to books about GNOME development, providing cross-referenced,
easily searchable information. Many books are available, and can
be found through the project's website.

2003-06-01T22:17:49+00:00 www/gurlchecker Gnome program to check a page/website for broken links
gURLChecker is a C/GNOME2 tool that can check links on a single web page
or on a whole web site in order to determine the validity of each page.

2003-06-01T13:59:06+00:00 www/tdiary Web-based diary system (like weblog) written in Ruby
tDiary is a Web-based interface system that works as a personal diary.
It is possible for diary readers to add comments to your diary.

- require Ruby 2.2 or later
- currently supported: Japanese and English

tDiary is developed on .
See URL for more information.

2003-06-01T13:59:06+00:00 www/tdiary-devel A Web-based diary system (like weblog) written in Ruby
tDiary is a Web-based interface system that works as a personal diary.
It is possible for diary readers to add comments to your diary.

- require Ruby 1.8.2 or later
- currently supported: Japanese, English, Traditional-Chinese

tDiary is developed on .
See URL for more information.

2003-06-01T13:59:06+00:00 japanese/tdiary
tDiary is a Web-based interface system that works as a personal diary.
It is possible for diary readers to add comments to your diary.

- require Ruby 1.6.3 or later
- currently supported: Japanese, English

tDiary is developed on .
See URL for more information.

2003-06-01T13:53:22+00:00 sysutils/gkleds2 GKrellM Leds for CapsLock, NumLock, and ScrollLock
gkleds is a GKrellM plugin which monitors the CapsLock, NumLock and
ScrollLock keys and reports their current status via on-screen LEDs.
This is useful for people who have keyboards without LEDs (typically
cordless keyboards).

2003-06-01T04:24:15+00:00 security/cyrus-sasl2-saslauthd SASL authentication server for cyrus-sasl2
saslauthd is a daemon process that handles plaintext authentication
requests on behalf of the SASL library.

The server fulfills two roles: it isolates all code requiring
superuser privileges into a single process, and it can be used to
provide proxy authentication services to clients that do not
understand SASL based authentication.

2003-06-01T01:53:14+00:00 net/iftop Network utility for real-time bandwidth usage information
iftop provides real-time bandwidth usage information on a
specified interface, listed by host pairs.

2003-06-01T01:53:14+00:00 net-mgmt/iftop Display bandwidth usage on an interface by host
iftop listens to network traffic on a named interface, or
on the first interface it can find which looks like an
external interface if none is specified, and displays a
table of current bandwidth usage by pairs of hosts. iftop
must be run with sufficient permissions to monitor all
network traffic on the interface; see pcap(3) for more
information, but on most systems this means that it must
be run as root.

2003-06-01T01:51:18+00:00 sysutils/tentakel Program for executing commands on many hosts in parallel
Tentakel is a program for executing the same command on many
hosts in parallel using various remote methods. It can make
use of several sets of hosts that are defined in a
configuration file as groups.

It also supports an interactive mode that can be used for
repeated commands.

2003-05-22T22:39:53+00:00 net/nitpicker IP flow Accounting tools
Nitpicker is a free IP Flow Accounter.
It started because the commercial accounting software was just not fast,
precise and reliable enough to fit a today's ISP / MSP requirements.

Here are some of the large benefits of nitpicker:
- It is 100% free
- It is Public Domain.
- It is designed for speed
- It is designed to run reliable under djb's daemontools
- It consumes minimal processor power
- It also runs with little memory

2003-05-22T22:39:53+00:00 net-mgmt/nitpicker IP flow accounting tools
Nitpicker is a free IP flow accounter. It started because the commercial
accounting software was just not fast, precise and reliable enough to fit
today's ISP/MSP requirements.

Here are some of the large benefits of nitpicker:

- 100% free, in public domain
- Designed for speed
- Designed to run reliably under djb's daemontools
- Consumes minimal processor power
- Runs within little memory
- Does not banally summarize the traffic
- Stores all relevant traffic data for comprehensible interaction

2003-05-22T18:30:36+00:00 lang/php5-cli PHP Command Line Interpreter
2003-05-22T18:30:36+00:00 lang/php4-cli PHP Command Line Interpreter
2003-05-22T06:27:33+00:00 misc/latex-mk Collection of makefile and scripts for LaTeX documents
LaTeX-Mk is a tool for managing small to large sized LaTeX projects. The
typical LaTeX-Mk input file is simply a series of variable definitions in a
Makefile for the project. After creating a simple Makefile the user can easily
perform all required steps to do such tasks as: preview the document, print
the document, or produce a PDF file. LaTeX-Mk will keep track of files that
have changed and how to run the various programs that are needed to produce
the output.

2003-05-22T03:55:03+00:00 sysutils/memgrep Utility to manipulate memory from running processes and core files
memgrep is an utility to search/replace/dump memory from running processes
and core files.
It also provides an API to write you own tools.

Author: community
2003-05-21T14:14:47+00:00 net/wmnetload Network load monitor dockapp
wmnetload is a network interface monitor dockapp. It is designed to
fit well with dockapps like wmcpuload and wmmemmon.

2003-05-21T13:56:45+00:00 korean/unzip ZIP archive extractor with localized patches
2003-05-20T23:03:37+00:00 cad/varkon Free CAD system and applications development tool
VARKON can be used as a traditional CAD-system with drafting, modelling
and visualization if you want to but the real power of VARKON is in
parametric modelling and CAD applications development. VARKON includes
interactive parametric modelling in 2D or 3D but also the unique MBS
programming language integrated in the graphical environment.

The system was originally developed by a group at the University of
Linkoping in Sweden during 1984-86 under the leadership of Dr. Johan
Kjellander who was then the president of Microform AB. From 1986 the
system was owned, marketed and further developed by Microform AB.

2003-05-20T22:37:55+00:00 multimedia/libmatroska Extensible Multimedia Container Format
[ excerpt from developer's site ]

matroska is a project aiming to become the standard of Multimedia
Container Formats one day. It was derived from a similar project
called MCF, but differentiates from that significantly because it
is based on EBML (Extensible Binary Meta Language ), a kind of
binary version of XML. This way the development team gains significant
advantages in terms of future format extensability, without breaking
file support in old parsers.

Advanced because it is based on EBML, a kind of XML equivalent,
that allow infinite extensibility of the format. And full featured
because it includes precise seeking, any audio/video/subtitle codec
support including VCM/ACM/DirectShow compatibility, timecode based
format, complex frame dependencies, chaptering, internationalisation,
error protection, tagging, file attachement, control track (to be
defined), menu (to be defined), etc.

All these features are not yet implemented but already defined in
the format.

2003-05-20T10:50:01+00:00 graphics/p5-SWF-File Manipulating Flash movie (SWF) files
SWF modules are manipulating Macromedia Flash movie (SWF) files.
This package contains:

SWF::Element - representing each SWF tag and other sub element
SWF::File - making SWF file
SWF::Parser - parsing and splitting SWF files into header and tags
SWF::BinStream - binary stream class for SWF

2003-05-20T10:24:24+00:00 devel/cvsmonitor Monitor activity on a CVS Repository
CVS Monitor is an CVS repository browser. It provides visibility of
activity in CVS to developers, management, and the general public.


* Look at any repository anywhere - CVS Monitor can act on any repository
that has at least a public read-only account, even if you don't own the

* Aggressive Caching - all statistics, and most pages, are generated purely
from the cached information

* ChangeSet Visibility - present changes to the repository in ChangeSets,
a single change involves new revisions on multiple files

* Tracker Integration - CVS Monitor can be easily integrated with your Bug
tracking or Request tracking systems

2003-05-20T10:17:32+00:00 www/p5-Flash-FLAP Flash Remoting in Perl
Flash Remoting is a way for Flash movies running in a web browser to
request structured data from the web server. The following data types
are supported - strings, numbers, dates, arrays, dictionaries/hashes,
objects, recordsets. Flash clients talk with the server using the AMF
protocol, which is proprietary to Macromedia. However, it's not that
hard to decode.

Using Flash::FLAP it is possible to send arbitrary data between client
and server using very few lines of code. There is no need to pack
complicated data structures into CGI form parameteres or XML strings.
The coding time can be spent on better things - data preparation and
graphical presentation, not data delivery.


-- Sergey Skvortsov
2003-05-20T10:17:32+00:00 www/p5-AMF-Perl Flash Remoting in Perl
Flash Remoting is a way for Flash movies running in a web browser to
request structured data from the web server. The following data types
are supported - strings, numbers, dates, arrays, dictionaries/hashes,
objects, recordsets. Flash clients talk with the server using the AMF
protocol, which is proprietary to Macromedia. However, it's not that
hard to decode.

Using Flash::FLAP it is possible to send arbitrary data between client
and server using very few lines of code. There is no need to pack
complicated data structures into CGI form parameteres or XML strings.
The coding time can be spent on better things - data preparation and
graphical presentation, not data delivery.

2003-05-20T08:29:06+00:00 japanese/postgresql82-man Japanese online manual pages for PostgreSQL
Japanese online manual for PostgreSQL 8.2.x.

Contributed by SRA (Software Research Associates, Inc.)
through JPUG (Japan PostgreSQL Users Group) subject to
"COPYRIGHT" included in the original PostgreSQL distribution.
Japanese translation copyright belongs to SRA and JPUG.

2003-05-20T08:29:06+00:00 japanese/postgresql81-man Japanese online manual pages for PostgreSQL
Japanese online manual for PostgreSQL 8.1.x.

Contributed by SRA (Software Research Associates, Inc.)
through JPUG (Japan PostgreSQL Users Group) subject to
"COPYRIGHT" included in the original PostgreSQL distribution.
Japanese translation copyright belongs to SRA and JPUG.

2003-05-20T08:29:06+00:00 japanese/postgresql80-man Japanese online manual pages for PostgreSQL
Japanese online manual for PostgreSQL 8.0.x.

Contributed by SRA (Software Research Associates, Inc.)
through JPUG (Japan PostgreSQL Users Group) subject to
"COPYRIGHT" included in the original PostgreSQL distribution.
Japanese translation copyright belongs to SRA and JPUG.

2003-05-20T08:29:06+00:00 japanese/postgresql74-man Japanese online manual pages for PostgreSQL
Japanese online manual for PostgreSQL 7.4.x.

Contributed by SRA (Software Research Associates, Inc.)
through JPUG (Japan PostgreSQL Users Group) subject to
"COPYRIGHT" included in the original PostgreSQL distribution.
Japanese translation copyright belongs to SRA and JPUG.

2003-05-20T08:29:06+00:00 japanese/postgresql73-man Japanese online manual pages for PostgreSQL
Japanese online manual for PostgreSQL 7.3.x.

Contributed by SRA (Software Research Associates, Inc.)
through JPUG (Japan PostgreSQL Users Group) subject to
"COPYRIGHT" included in the original PostgreSQL distribution.
Japanese translation copyright belongs to SRA and JPUG.

2003-05-20T08:29:06+00:00 japanese/postgresql7-man Japanese online manual pages for PostgreSQL
Japanese online manual for PostgreSQL 7.4.x.

Contributed by SRA (Software Research Associates, Inc.)
through JPUG (Japan PostgreSQL Users Group) subject to
"COPYRIGHT" included in the original PostgreSQL distribution.
Japanese translation copyright belongs to SRA and JPUG.

2003-05-20T08:29:06+00:00 japanese/postgresql-man Japanese online manual pages for PostgreSQL
Japanese online manual for PostgreSQL.

Contributed by SRA (Software Research Associates, Inc.)
through JPUG (Japan PostgreSQL Users Group) subject to
"COPYRIGHT" included in the original PostgreSQL distribution.
Japanese translation copyright belongs to SRA and JPUG.

2003-05-20T07:41:02+00:00 graphics/hpoj HP OfficeJet Linux driver; printing, scanning, and photo-card access
This is the FreeBSD port of the HP-sponsored project to
develop Linux support for most Hewlett-Packard OfficeJet,
PSC, LaserJet, and PhotoSmart printer multi-function
peripherals (MFPs), which depending on the model can print,
scan, copy, fax, and/or access digital camera memory cards.

Includes a xsane plugin.

2003-05-20T05:33:02+00:00 graphics/xtexcad Simple drawing program enforcing limited slopes and diameters
Simple drawing program enforcing limited slopes and diameters.
2003-05-19T18:01:33+00:00 misc/koffice-i18n-zu Zulu messages and documentation for koffice
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T18:01:33+00:00 misc/koffice-i18n-xh Xhosa messages and documentation for koffice
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T18:01:33+00:00 editors/koffice-i18n-zu Zulu messages and documentation for koffice
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:59:16+00:00 misc/koffice-i18n-ven Venda messages and documentation for koffice
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:59:16+00:00 editors/koffice-i18n-xh Xhosa messages and documentation for koffice
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:58:38+00:00 misc/koffice-i18n-tr Turkish messages and documentation for koffice
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:58:38+00:00 editors/koffice-i18n-ven Venda messages and documentation for koffice
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:57:38+00:00 misc/koffice-i18n-th Thai messages and documentation for koffice
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:57:38+00:00 editors/koffice-kde4-l10n-tr Turkish Bokmaal messages and documentation for KOffice2
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:57:38+00:00 editors/koffice-i18n-tr Turkish messages and documentation for koffice
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:56:47+00:00 misc/koffice-i18n-sv Swedish messages and documentation for koffice
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:56:47+00:00 editors/koffice-i18n-th Thai messages and documentation for koffice
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:56:05+00:00 misc/koffice-i18n-sl Slovenian messages and documentation for koffice
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:56:05+00:00 editors/koffice-kde4-l10n-sv Swedish messages and documentation for KOffice2
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:56:05+00:00 editors/koffice-i18n-sv Swedish messages and documentation for koffice
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:56:05+00:00 editors/calligra-l10n-sv Swedish messages and documentation for Calligra
Localized messages and documentation for Calligra.

2003-05-19T17:54:45+00:00 misc/koffice-i18n-sk Slovak messages and documentation for koffice
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:54:45+00:00 editors/koffice-i18n-sl Slovenian messages and documentation for koffice
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:54:08+00:00 polish/koffice-kde4-l10n Polish messages and documentation for KOffice2
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:54:08+00:00 polish/koffice-i18n Polish messages and documentation for koffice
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:54:08+00:00 polish/calligra-l10n Polish messages and documentation for Calligra
Localized messages and documentation for Calligra.

2003-05-19T17:54:08+00:00 editors/koffice-i18n-sk Slovak messages and documentation for koffice
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:52:44+00:00 misc/koffice-i18n-pl Localized messages and documentation for koffice
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:52:44+00:00 misc/koffice-i18n-nn Norwegian Nynorsk messages and documentation for koffice
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:50:01+00:00 misc/koffice-i18n-nl Dutch messages and documentation for koffice
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:50:01+00:00 editors/koffice-i18n-nn Norwegian Nynorsk messages and documentation for koffice
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:49:23+00:00 misc/koffice-i18n-nb Norwegian Bokmaal messages and documentation for koffice
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:49:23+00:00 editors/koffice-kde4-l10n-nl Dutch messages and documentation for KOffice2
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:49:23+00:00 editors/koffice-i18n-nl Dutch messages and documentation for koffice
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:49:23+00:00 editors/calligra-l10n-nl Dutch messages and documentation for Calligra
Localized messages and documentation for Calligra.

2003-05-19T17:48:35+00:00 misc/koffice-i18n-mt Maltese messages and documentation for koffice
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:48:35+00:00 editors/koffice-kde4-l10n-nb Norwegian Bokmaal messages and documentation for KOffice2
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:48:35+00:00 editors/koffice-i18n-nb Norwegian Bokmaal messages and documentation for koffice
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:48:35+00:00 editors/calligra-l10n-nb Norwegian Bokmaal messages and documentation for Calligra
Localized messages and documentation for Calligra.

2003-05-19T17:47:32+00:00 misc/koffice-i18n-lv Latvian messages and documentation for koffice
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:47:32+00:00 editors/koffice-i18n-mt Maltese messages and documentation for koffice
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:46:13+00:00 misc/koffice-i18n-lt Lithuanian messages and documentation for koffice
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:46:13+00:00 editors/koffice-i18n-lv Latvian messages and documentation for koffice
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:45:22+00:00 misc/koffice-i18n-it Italian messages and documentation for koffice
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:45:22+00:00 editors/koffice-kde4-l10n-it Italian messages and documentation for KOffice2
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:45:22+00:00 editors/koffice-i18n-lt Lithuanian messages and documentation for koffice
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:45:22+00:00 editors/koffice-i18n-it Italian messages and documentation for koffice
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:44:28+00:00 misc/koffice-i18n-et Estonian messages and documentation for koffice
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:44:28+00:00 editors/koffice-kde4-l10n-et Estonian messages and documentation for KOffice2
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:44:28+00:00 editors/koffice-i18n-et Estonian messages and documentation for koffice
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:44:28+00:00 editors/calligra-l10n-it Italian messages and documentation for Calligra
Localized messages and documentation for Calligra.

2003-05-19T17:43:52+00:00 misc/koffice-i18n-es Spanish messages and documentation for koffice
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:43:52+00:00 editors/koffice-kde4-l10n-es Spanish messages and documentation for KOffice2
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:43:52+00:00 editors/koffice-i18n-es Spanish messages and documentation for koffice
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:43:52+00:00 editors/calligra-l10n-et Estonian messages and documentation for Calligra
Localized messages and documentation for Calligra.

2003-05-19T17:43:15+00:00 misc/koffice-i18n-eo Esperanto messages and documentation for koffice
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:43:15+00:00 editors/calligra-l10n-es Spanish messages and documentation for Calligra
Localized messages and documentation for Calligra.

2003-05-19T17:42:30+00:00 misc/koffice-i18n-en_GB British messages and documentation for koffice
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:42:30+00:00 editors/koffice-i18n-eo Esperanto messages and documentation for koffice
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:41:39+00:00 misc/koffice-i18n-el (Modern) greek messages and documentation for koffice
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:41:39+00:00 editors/koffice-kde4-l10n-en_GB British messages and documentation for KOffice2
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:41:39+00:00 editors/koffice-kde4-l10n-el Modern Greek messages and documentation for KOffice2
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:41:39+00:00 editors/koffice-i18n-en_GB British messages and documentation for koffice
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:41:39+00:00 editors/koffice-i18n-el (Modern) greek messages and documentation for koffice
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:41:39+00:00 editors/calligra-l10n-en_GB British messages and documentation for Calligra
Localized messages and documentation for Calligra.

2003-05-19T17:41:01+00:00 misc/koffice-i18n-da Danish messages and documentation for koffice
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:41:01+00:00 editors/calligra-l10n-el Modern Greek messages and documentation for Calligra
Localized messages and documentation for Calligra.

2003-05-19T17:40:26+00:00 misc/koffice-i18n-cs Czech messages and documentation for koffice
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:40:26+00:00 editors/koffice-kde4-l10n-da Danish messages and documentation for KOffice2
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:40:26+00:00 editors/koffice-i18n-da Danish messages and documentation for koffice
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:40:26+00:00 editors/calligra-l10n-da Danish messages and documentation for Calligra
Localized messages and documentation for Calligra.

2003-05-19T17:39:28+00:00 editors/koffice-i18n-cs Czech messages and documentation for koffice
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:35:50+00:00 misc/telbook Simple telephone book
Telbook is a simple telephone book with which you can manage a
list of persons and their home and mobile telephone numbers.
Its purpose is not to provide you with a full-fletched address
book but to be a simple yet convenient tool.

2003-05-19T17:34:14+00:00 misc/koffice-i18n-bs Bosnian messages and documentation for koffice
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:34:14+00:00 misc/koffice-i18n-ar Localized messages and documentation for koffice
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:34:14+00:00 editors/koffice-i18n-bs Bosnian messages and documentation for koffice
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:32:57+00:00 misc/koffice-i18n-af Afrikaans messages and documentation for koffice
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:32:57+00:00 arabic/koffice-i18n Arabic messages and documentation for koffice
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:32:22+00:00 portuguese/koffice-kde4-l10n Portuguese messages and documentation for KOffice2
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:32:22+00:00 portuguese/koffice-kde4-l10n-pt_BR Brazilian messages and documentation for KOffice2
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:32:22+00:00 portuguese/koffice-i18n Portuguese messages and documentation for koffice
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:32:22+00:00 portuguese/koffice-i18n-pt_BR Brazilian messages and documentation for koffice
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:32:22+00:00 portuguese/calligra-l10n Portuguese messages and documentation for Calligra
Localized messages and documentation for Calligra.

2003-05-19T17:32:22+00:00 portuguese/calligra-l10n-pt_BR Brazilian messages and documentation for Calligra
Localized messages and documentation for Calligra.

2003-05-19T17:32:22+00:00 misc/kde3-i18n-se Northern Sami messages and documentation for KDE3
Localized messages and documentation for KDE3.

2003-05-19T17:32:22+00:00 editors/koffice-i18n-af Afrikaans messages and documentation for koffice
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:31:48+00:00 misc/kde3-i18n-ss Swati messages and documentation for KDE3
Localized messages and documentation for KDE3.

2003-05-19T17:26:15+00:00 ukrainian/koffice-kde4-l10n Ukrainian messages and documentation for KOffice2
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:26:15+00:00 ukrainian/koffice-i18n Ukrainian messages and documentation for koffice
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:26:15+00:00 ukrainian/calligra-l10n Ukrainian messages and documentation for Calligra
Localized messages and documentation for Calligra.

2003-05-19T17:26:15+00:00 hungarian/koffice-i18n Hungarian messages and documentation for koffice
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:26:15+00:00 hebrew/koffice-i18n Hebrew messages and documentation for koffice
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:19:19+00:00 games/tuxracer_golf A golf course theme for Tux Racer
This is a new theme for Tux Racer.

If you think that it seems ridiculous and far-fetched that a
penguin would slide up and down ice-covered hills to collect
floating blue herrings, then maybe the concept of a penguin
sliding down a golf course collecting golf balls is more
your style.
2003-05-19T17:16:58+00:00 chinese/koffice-kde4-l10n-zh_TW Traditional Chinese messages and documentation for KOffice2
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:16:58+00:00 chinese/koffice-i18n-zh_TW Traditional Chinese messages and documentation for koffice
Localized messages and documentation for koffice.

2003-05-19T17:16:58+00:00 chinese/calligra-l10n-zh_TW Traditional Chinese messages and documentation for Calligra
Localized messages and documentation for Calligra.

2003-05-19T15:46:13+00:00 devel/p5-File-Find-Rule Alternative interface to File::Find
File::Find::Rule is a friendlier interface to File::Find. It allows you
to build rules which specify the desired files and directories.

2003-05-19T15:41:35+00:00 textproc/p5-Text-Glob Match globbing patterns against text
Text::Glob implements glob(3) style matching that can be used to match
against text, rather than fetching names from a filesystem. If you want
to do full file globbing use the File::Glob module instead.

2003-05-19T15:31:58+00:00 math/p5-Number-Compare Numeric comparisons
Number::Compare compiles a simple comparison to an anonymous subroutine,
which you can call with a value to be tested again.

Now this would be very pointless, if Number::Compare didn't understand

The target value may use magnitudes of kilobytes (k, ki), megabytes (m,
mi), or gigabytes (g, gi). Those suffixed with an i use the appropriate
2**n version in accordance with the IEC standard:

2003-05-19T13:25:00+00:00 sysutils/pwg A small tool to generate secure, random passwords
PwG is a small tool to generate secure, random passwords. It's
based on the KDE-3.1 and QT-3.1 libs.

2003-05-19T10:09:10+00:00 graphics/kimagemapeditor KDE generator of HTML image maps
KImageMapEditor is an HTML imagemap editor by KDE. It allows you to create
and modify HTML imagemaps.

2003-05-19T08:43:57+00:00 textproc/libebml EBML (Extensible Binary Meta Language), sort of binary version of XML
[ excerpt from developer's site ]

Library for EBML (Extensible Binary Meta Language), sort of a binary
version of XML.

2003-05-19T08:32:37+00:00 textproc/csv2latex Converts a well formed csv file to a LaTeX document
csv2latex converts a well-formed csv file (such as made by to
a LaTeX document.

2003-05-19T06:54:10+00:00 devel/p5-App-Info Interface for providing metadata about installed software packages
App::Info provides a generalized interface for providing metadata about
software packages installed on a system. The idea is that App::Info subclasses
can be used in Perl application installers in order to determine whether
software dependencies have been fulfilled, and to get necessary metadata about
those software packages.

2003-05-19T03:39:58+00:00 devel/mingw32-bin-msvcrt Headers and Libraries for Windows cross-development
Headers and Libraries for Windows cross-development.

This port is needed by mingw-gcc/devel.

2003-05-18T17:20:19+00:00 audio/rhythmbox Audio player for GNOME
Rhythmbox is an integrated music management application, originally inspired by
Apple's iTunes. It is free software, designed to work well under the GNOME
Desktop, and based on the powerful GStreamer media framework.

2003-05-18T17:20:19+00:00 audio/rhythmbox-devel Audio player for GNOME
Rhythmbox is an integrated music management application, originally inspired by
Apple's iTunes. It is free software, designed to work well under the GNOME
Desktop, and based on the powerful GStreamer media framework.

2003-05-18T17:20:19+00:00 audio/net-rhythmbox Audio player for the Gnome 2 desktop environment
netRhythmbox is a branch of Rhythmbox focusing on feature completion and
stability. Most interesting features in addition to the features of the
main tree are:

- Internet radio
- Playlist file (.pls) support
- Real error handling
- X OnScreen Display support
- A dynamic progress statusbar

-- Hendrik Scholz <>
2003-05-18T14:53:42+00:00 devel/p5-Array-Window Calculate windows/subsets/pages of arrays
Many applications require that a large set of results be broken down
into a smaller set of 'windows', or 'pages' in web language.
Array::Window implements an algorithm specifically for dealing with
these windows. It is very flexible and permissive, making adjustments
to the window as needed.

2003-05-18T14:33:51+00:00 math/p5-Chart-Math-Axis Implements an algorithm to find good values for chart axis
Chart::Math::Axis implements in a generic way an algorithm for finding a
set of ideal values for an axis. That is, for any given set of data,
what should the top and bottom of the axis scale be, and what should the
interval between the ticks be.

The terms top and bottom are used throughout this module, as it's
primary use is for determining the Y axis. For calculating the X axis,
you should think of 'top' as 'right', and 'bottom' as 'left'.

2003-05-18T14:25:08+00:00 devel/p5-File-Flat Implements a flat filesystem
File::Flat implements a flat filesystem. A flat filesystem is a
filesystem in which directories do not exist. It provides an
abstraction over any normal filesystem which makes it appear as if
directories do not exist. In effect, it will automatically create
directories as needed. This is create for things like install scripts
and such, as you never need to worry about the existence of directories,
just write to a file, no matter where it is.

2003-05-18T14:17:52+00:00 devel/p5-File-NCopy Copy file(s) to directories/file
File::NCopy::copy copies files to directories, or a single file to
another file. You can also use a reference to a file handle if you wish
when doing a file to file copy. The functionality is very similar to
cp. If the argument is a directory to directory copy and the recursive
flag is set then it is done recursively like cp -R. In fact it behaves
like cp on Unix for the most part.

If called in array context, an array of successful copies is returned,
otherwise the number of successful copies is returned. If passed a file
handle, it's difficult to make sure the file we are copying isn't the
same that we are copying to, since by opening the file in write mode it
gets pooched. To avoid this use file names instead, if at all possible,
especially for the to file. If passed a file handle, it is not closed
when copy returns, files opened by copy are closed.

2003-05-18T13:54:21+00:00 devel/p5-Config-Tiny Read/Write .ini style files with as little code as possible
Config::Tiny is a perl class to read and write .ini style configuration
files with as little code as possible, reducing load time and memory
overhead. Memory usage is normally scoffed at in Perl, but in my
opinion should be at least kept in mind.

This module is primarily for reading human written files, and anything
we write shouldn't need to have documentation/comments. If you need
something with more power, move up to Config::Simple, Config::General or
one of the many other Config:: modules.

2003-05-18T13:47:43+00:00 net/p5-Validate-Net Format validation and more for Net:: related strings
Validate::Net is a class designed to assist with validation internet
related strings. It can be used to validate CGI forms, internally by
modules, and in any place where you want to check that an internet
related string is valid before handing it off to a Net::* class.

Whenever a test is false, you can access the reason through the reason

2003-05-18T00:48:04+00:00 games/egoboo 3D dungeon crawling adventure in the spirit of NetHack
The Egoboo Development team aims to create a fully free, 3D, Rogue
and Zelda-like in the spirit of Nethack. We continue to add new
features into the game, such as new levels, classes, items, monsters,
etc. The game is now in a stable and very playable state, but still
there are a lot of things to do before it reaches out of it's beta

The aim of the game is to build up your character in the World of
Bishopia and to find the five Sporks of Power. You have to vanquish
devious monsters, deadly traps, solve mindboggeling puzzles and
continuously build up a stronger and stronger character.

2003-05-18T00:21:36+00:00 games/oilwar Evil army wants to steal your oil
Evil army is attacking your country and tries to steal your oil.
Your mission is to waste the invaders, protect the oil and save your
mother land.
2003-05-17T22:07:35+00:00 sysutils/gpkgdep Shows package dependencies in tree views
gpkgdep shows the FreeBSD package dependencies
in three different views:
- a tree view shows all packages required by each package
- a tree view shows all packages which depend on each package
- a list view allows to play with the packages. By marking all
wanted packages all required are marked as well. This helps to
identify unused packages.

2003-05-17T21:29:17+00:00 x11-fm/krusader2 Twin panel file manager for KDE, like midnight or norton commander
Krusader is an advanced twin panel (commander style) file manager for KDE,
similar to Midnight or Total Commander, with many extras. It provides all
the file management features you could possibly want.

Plus: extensive archive handling, mounted filesystem support, FTP, advanced
search module, viewer/editor, directory synchronisation, file content
comparisons, powerful batch renaming and much much more.

It supports the following archive formats: tar, zip, bzip2, gzip, rar, ace,
arj and rpm and can handle other KIOSlaves such as smb or fish. It is
(almost) completely customizable, very user friendly, fast and looks great
on your desktop! :-)

2003-05-17T21:29:17+00:00 x11-fm/krusader A two window file-manager for KDE, like midnight or norton commander
Krusader is an advanced twin panel (commander style) file manager for KDE,
similar to Midnight or Total Commander, with many extras. It provides all
the file management features you could possibly want.

Plus: extensive archive handling, mounted filesystem support, FTP, advanced
search module, viewer/editor, directory synchronisation, file content
comparisons, powerful batch renaming and much much more.

It supports the following archive formats: tar, zip, bzip2, gzip, rar, ace,
arj and rpm and can handle other KIOSlaves such as smb or fish. It is
(almost) completely customizable, very user friendly, fast and looks great
on your desktop! :-)

Heiner (
2003-05-17T19:12:58+00:00 sysutils/gtk-send-pr GTK2 send-pr tool
This is a GTK2 based tool, similar to send-pr(1), but with some nice

- User friendly UI
- Uses libesmtp to deliver mail to any SMTP server
- Free software (BSD licensed)

2003-05-17T11:58:29+00:00 ftp/p5-Net-FTP-Common Perl module to provide simplify common usages of Net::FTP
This module is intended to make the common uses of Net::FTP a
one-line, no-argument affair. In other words, you have 100%
programming with Net::FTP. With Net::FTP::Common you will have 95%
configuration and 5% programming.

2003-05-16T15:16:47+00:00 games/kbilliards Funny billiards simulator game for KDE
A funny billiards simulator game for KDE

2003-05-16T14:11:15+00:00 games/easysok A sokoban game for KDE3
Easysok is a sokoban game for KDE3. In sokoban you are a
warehouse keeper which has to push gems on their goals.

2003-05-16T12:19:28+00:00 comms/hamlib Shared libraries for Amateur Radio Equipment Control Applications
The Ham Radio Control Libraries, Hamlib for short, is a development effort
to provide a consistent interface for programmers wanting to incorporate
radio control in their programs.
Hamlib will allow authors of software logging programs, digital communications
programs, or those wanting to develop the ultimate radio control software to
concentrate on the user interface and the basic function of the program rather
than radio control.

2003-05-16T11:23:12+00:00 irc/konversation User friendly IRC client for KDE
Konversation is a user friendly IRC (Internet Relay Chat) client for KDE.

o Standard IRC features
o SSL server support
o Bookmarking support
o Easy to use graphical user interface
o Multiple servers and channels in one single window
o DCC file transfer
o Multiple identities for different servers
o Text decorations and colors
o OnScreen Display for notifications
o Automatic UTF-8 detection
o Per channel encoding support
o Theme support for nick icons
o Highly configurable

2003-05-16T11:23:12+00:00 irc/konversation-kde4 User friendly IRC client for KDE
Konversation is a user friendly IRC (Internet Relay Chat) client for KDE.

o Standard IRC features
o SSL server support
o Bookmarking support
o Easy to use graphical user interface
o Multiple servers and channels in one single window
o DCC file transfer
o Multiple identities for different servers
o Text decorations and colors
o OnScreen Display for notifications
o Automatic UTF-8 detection
o Per channel encoding support
o Theme support for nick icons
o Highly configurable

2003-05-16T11:21:58+00:00 astro/phoon Displays the phase of the moon
Phoon displays the phase of the moon, either currently or at a
specified date / time. Unlike other such programs, which just
tell you how long since first quarter or something like that,
phoon shows you the phase with a cute little picture. You can
vary the size of the picture with the -l flag, but only some
sizes have pictures defined - other sizes use @'s.

2003-05-16T11:20:34+00:00 misc/katalog CD organizer for KDE
Katalog is a CD organizer for the K Desktop Environment.

If you have many Cds and tons of downloaded files, but you
aren't able to remember where you put a file when you need it,
then Katalog may help you.

This application scans a folder and stores infos about each
file, the results are put in tree called Catalog, you can add
as many catalogs as you like and search them all in seconds.

2003-05-16T02:20:32+00:00 devel/tclxml API for parsing XML documents using Tcl
TclXML is an API for parsing XML documents using the Tcl scripting
language. It is also a package with several parser implementations.
The goal of the TclXML package is to provide an API for Tcl scripts
that allows "Plug-and-Play" parser implementations; ie. an application
will be able to use different parser implementations without change
to the application code.

2003-05-15T16:34:36+00:00 java/jmp Java Memory Profiler
JMP is a profiler for java that can be used to trace objects usage and
method timings. JMP uses the JVMPI interface to gather statistics and
interact with the JVM. JMP uses a GTK+ interface to show the status.

java -Xrunjmp <your-class>

2003-05-15T14:08:03+00:00 devel/libzvbi Routines to access raw VBI capture devices
Routines to access raw VBI capture devices (currently the V4L and
V4L2 API, and the *BSD bktr driver are supported), a versatile VBI
bit slicer, decoders for various data services and basic search,
render and export functions for Closed Caption and Teletext pages.

2003-05-15T13:59:37+00:00 security/vida Vida is a multi-datapipe handler
Vida is a multi-datapipe handler, written in C with ncurses library,
for unix and unix-like OS.

- visual interface built with ncurses library
- multiple datapipes
- multiple connections for each datapipe
- password authentication over datapipes
- computes the total of sent and received bytes
- sniffing a routed connection (monodirectional, bidirectional and to
colors, packages matching a string)
- simple hijacking of a routed connection (in both directions)
- dns-hijacking of a dns-spoofed connection over switched LAN (todo)
- logging to text file

Author: <>
2003-05-15T13:39:13+00:00 net/ttlscan TCP based scanner, showing ttl responses
ttlscan is a libnet/libpcap based program that sends a TCP SYN packet to
each port of the host given via the command line. The answer is sniffed
of the wire. I use it to detect hosts that fake services by forwarding
packets to another host (behind a firewall). By reading header files
like the TTL, window size and IPID you might be able to see the OS
running on the host behind the firewall.

Author: Hendrik Scholz <>
2003-05-15T12:40:46+00:00 devel/doctorj Tool for analyzing Java code and documentation
Beyond the level of what Javadoc does, DoctorJ compares documentation against
code. Among what it detects:
* misspelled words
* parameter and exception names:
o missing
o misordered
o misspelled
* Javadoc tags:
o invalid
o misordered
o missing expected arguments
o invalid arguments
o missing descriptions
* undocumented classes, methods, fields, parameters

2003-05-15T11:49:10+00:00 net/wping Web-based graphical ping log
wping is a Web-based graphical ping log. It logs ping response times to a
user-defined list of hosts and produces a Web page that contains a current
ping graph and a historic ping graph over a specified time period. Ping
response times are averaged in order to give a smooth reading.

2003-05-15T11:31:35+00:00 net/remarp An SNMP-based ARP watcher
Remote Arpwatch collects ARP tables from remote devices using SNMP and
checks them for changes. It is very useful for detecting problems and
malicious users in networks with routers that don't support static
ARP tables.

AUTHOR: melnik <>

- Michael L. Hostbaek
2003-05-15T11:31:35+00:00 net-mgmt/remarp SNMP-based ARP watcher
Remote Arpwatch collects ARP tables from remote devices using SNMP and
checks them for changes. It is very useful for detecting problems and
malicious users in networks with routers that don't support static
ARP tables.

2003-05-14T16:56:42+00:00 games/kpacman Pacman Clone for KDE
Pacman is a legendary game with an enthusiastic following from around the
world. Since its introduction in 1980, Pacman's image has been splashed
across magazine covers, television screens, T-shirts, and bumper stickers.
Created by Japan's Namco, and distributed in the United States by Bally,
Pacman is an icon of 1980's popular culture.

2003-05-14T10:01:45+00:00 mail/mutt_vc_query vCard query utility for mutt
The mutt_vc_query program is a vCard query utility for mutt.
It was originally written for `rolo'.

2003-05-14T05:18:29+00:00 games/openglad SDL port of an old DOS game called Gladiator
Openglad is a port of the open-sourced DOS game known as
Gladiator ( It is a top-view gauntlet
style RPG that features fast paced multiplayer action, several
different classes, and a scenario editor.

2003-05-13T19:18:15+00:00 ukrainian/ooodict-uk_UA Ukrainian MySpell dictionary for
2003-05-13T18:38:45+00:00 russian/ooodict-ru_RU Russian MySpell dictionary for
2003-05-13T16:49:49+00:00 sysutils/krename Powerful batch file renamer for KDE
KRename is a powerful batch renamer for KDE. It allows you to easily
rename hundreds or even more files in one go. The filenames can be
created by parts of the original filename, numbering the files or
accessing hundreds of informations about the file, like creation
date or Exif informations of an image.

2003-05-13T16:49:49+00:00 sysutils/krename-kde4 Powerful batch file renamer for KDE
KRename is a powerful batch renamer for KDE. It allows you to easily
rename hundreds or even more files in one go. The filenames can be
created by parts of the original filename, numbering the files or
accessing hundreds of informations about the file, like creation
date or Exif informations of an image.

2003-05-13T16:48:24+00:00 net/bfilter Smart filtering HTTP proxy
BFilter is a smart filtering HTTP proxy. It removes ads,
webbugs, and popups. Unlike the majority of similar tools, it
doesn't rely on a list of blocked URLs, but instead parses HTML
on the fly, and detects ads using a set of heuristic rules.
BFilter has a built-in JavaScript engine which detects popups
and js-generated ads.

2003-05-13T16:44:04+00:00 mail/gmime2 Library (written in C) for parsing and creating messages using MIME
GMime is a set of utilities for parsing and creating messages using
the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME) as defined by the
following RFCs:

* 0822: Standard for the Format of Arpa Internet Text Messages
* 2045: Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part One:
Format of Internet Message Bodies
* 2046: Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part Two:
Media Types
* 2047: Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part Three:
Message Header Extensions for Non-ASCII Text
* 2048: Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part Four:
Registration Procedures
* 2049: Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part Five:
Conformance Criteria and Examples
* 2183: Communicating Presentation Information in Internet Messages:
The Content-Disposition Header Field

2003-05-13T16:43:11+00:00 misc/tellico Collection manager for KDE
Tellico is a KDE application for organizing your collections. It provides
default templates for books, bibliographies, videos, music, video games,
coins, stamps, trading cards, comic books, and wines.

2003-05-13T16:43:11+00:00 misc/tellico-kde4 Collection manager for KDE
Tellico is a KDE application for organizing your collections. It provides
default templates for books, bibliographies, videos, music, video games,
coins, stamps, trading cards, comic books, and wines.

2003-05-13T16:43:11+00:00 misc/bookcase Personal book collection manager for KDE
Bookcase is a personal book collection manager for KDE. It uses
an XML file storage format, and tracks 26 book properties by

2003-05-13T11:19:19+00:00 www/sarg Squid log analyzer and HTML report generator
SARG is a Squid Analysis Report Generator that allow you to view "where"
your users are going to on the Internet. It generates reports in html,
with many fields, like: users, IP Addresses, bytes, sites and times.

Formerly known as sqmgrlog.

2003-05-13T07:44:57+00:00 multimedia/xdvshow DV/RTP viewer
xdvshow is a DV/RTP viewer on X11.

2003-05-13T04:08:02+00:00 sysutils/fonteditfs Full screen syscons font editor
fnteditfs is a small, simple font editor, designed for editing FreeBSD's
syscons and Linux fonts (but may also work for other OSes). It's written
in C, using the ncurses library for its display library.

2003-05-13T02:08:00+00:00 games/adonthell Role playing game engine
Adonthell is the combined effort of like-minded people to create a free
role playing game for various operating systems.

The project's goals are the creation of an engine (currently going by
the codename adonthell), a set of tools and an actual, playable game
driven by that engine and built with those tools.

2003-05-13T01:34:31+00:00 chinese/ntuttf Seven Chinese Big5 TrueType fonts made by NTU
Date: Thu, 17 Mar 94 14:18:18 CST
From: Lin YawJen

I had written a program to convert fonts from large bitmap into TrueTypefor
MS-Windows. For Mac, see the bitmaps came
from DYNAFONT (Hua2 Kang1) and ETen..
This is the critical point of this product.

These fonts are created by Mr. Lin Yaw-JenAll Right reserved.
These fonts must not be used for any commercial activities.

Lab of OA Network
Home: 4F, No. 12-2 Alley 2 Lane 250 Sec 5 Nanking East Rd.
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
Taipei Taiwan R.O.C National Taiwan University
Tel: 886-2-7641236 Taipei Taiwan R.O.C
Fax: 886-2-760184
2003-05-13T01:23:45+00:00 textproc/stardict3 Dictionary lookup program written in Gtk2
StarDict is a Cross-Platform and international dictionary written in Gtk2.
It has powerful features such as "Glob-style pattern matching," "Scan
selection word," "Fuzzy query," etc.

2003-05-13T01:23:45+00:00 textproc/stardict2 Cross-platform and international dictionary written in Gtk2
StarDict is a Cross-Platform and international dictionary written in Gtk2.
It has powerful features such as "Glob-style pattern matching," "Scan
selection word," "Fuzzy query," etc.

2003-05-13T01:23:45+00:00 chinese/stardict2 English-Chinese dictionary
StarDict is a international dictionary that run in Gnome envornment.
It have powerful features such as "Glob-style pattern matching",
"Scan seletion word","Fuzzy search" and etc.

2003-05-13T01:19:36+00:00 chinese/kon2
2003-05-12T17:54:44+00:00 devel/libvc vCard library
Libvc is a vCard library. The library handles scanning a vCard file, parsing
the vCard file into a data storage structure, manipulating the data storage
structure, and writing back to file. It was originally written for `rolo', but
has been split-off as a generic library for general use.

2003-05-12T16:24:45+00:00 converters/ktextdecode The simple text conversion utility for KDE 3
KTextDecode - the simple text conversion utility for KDE 3
with support for the following decode types:

- Dos text file >> Unix text file
- Unix text file >> Dos text file
- Windows text file >> Unix text file
- Unix text file >> Windows text file
- ISO8859-5 text file >> Unix text file
- Unix text file >> ISO8859-5 text file

This program requires The K Desktop Environment 3.0 or higher.
2003-05-12T16:18:35+00:00 devel/kyra Simple Sprite engine written in C++
Kyra is a simple, fully featured Sprite engine written in C++.
The Kyra engine is suited to 2D, isometric, and quasi-3D games.
It is built on top of SDL for cross platform use. It supports
tiles, sprites, and user drawn surfaces. It has full support
for alpha blending, scaling, color transformation, pixel
perfect collision detection, OpenGL acceleration, and mouse
testing. It comes with tools to define sprites and import
images into the system.

2003-05-12T16:17:50+00:00 net/pmacct Network tool to gather IP traffic information
pmacct is a network tool to gather ip traffic informations
(bytes counter and number of packets); aggregation of
statistics is done using simple primitives (MAC addresses,
source host, destination host, ports and ip protocols) that can
be used alone or combined together to form complex aggregation
methods; counters are either global or historical (aggregated
and separated at fixed timeslots). Data is stored in a
in-memory table or using a SQL database (MySQL or PostgreSQL).
Gathering packets off the wire is done using pcap library and
promiscuous mode of network interfaces when specifically

2003-05-12T16:17:50+00:00 net-mgmt/pmacct Accounting and aggregation tool for IPv4 and IPv6 traffic
pmacct is a set of network tools to gather IP traffic
informations (bytes counter and number of packets); aggregation
of statistics is done using simple primitives (MAC addresses,
source host, destination host, ports and ip protocols) that can
be used alone or combined together to form complex aggregation
methods; counters are either global or historical (broken at
fixed timeslots). Data is either stored in a memory table,
pulled to stdout or in a SQL database (MySQL or PostgreSQL).
Gathering packets off the wire is done either using pcap
library (and promiscuous mode of the listening interface) or
reading Netflow packets coming from the network.

2003-05-12T13:30:46+00:00 archivers/squsq Compressor/decompressor for CP/M "Squeeze" compressed files
This package includes sq and usq, archivers for the CP/M "Squeeze" format
compressed files. This is also found on some older MS-DOS files.
2003-05-12T06:12:05+00:00 devel/py-ctypes Python module allowing to create and manipulate C data types
Ctypes is a Python module allowing to create and manipulate
C data types in Python. These can then be passed to C-functions
loaded from dynamic link libraries.

2003-05-12T02:16:09+00:00 security/sslsniffer SSLv3/TLS and SSLv2 sniffer
A SSLv3/TLS and SSLv2 proxy server that sniffs SSL/TLS packets and prints
out the contents of packets in stdout. It can also serve as a (not very
efficient) proxy server. Note that this tool does not decrypt or even
attempt to decrypt the traffic that is routed through it.

2003-05-12T01:39:37+00:00 devel/picp Driver for the Microchip Picstart Plus development programmer
This is a FreeBSD port of picp, a command line driver for the Microchip
Picstart Plus development programmer. It is compatible with a variety of
PICs including the 16F84.

2003-05-12T01:23:21+00:00 net/ipsvd Internet protocol service daemons
ipsvd is a set of internet protocol service daemons.
It currently includes a TCP/IP service daemon, and a UDP/IP service daemon.

An internet protocol service (ipsv) daemon waits for incoming connections
on a local socket. On incoming connections, the ipsv daemon conditionally
runs an arbitrary program with standard input reading from the socket, and
standard output writing to the socket, that handles the connection.
Standard error is used for logging.

ipsv daemons can be told to read and follow pre-defined instructions on
how to handle incoming connections. It's possible to run different
programs, or to set a different environment, or to deny a connection, or
to set a per host concurrency limit, depending on the client's address or

Normally the ipsv daemons are run by a supervisor process, such as runsv
from the runit package, or supervise from the daemontools package.

ipsvd can be used to run services normally run by inetd, xinetd, or tcpserver.

2003-05-12T01:19:08+00:00 dns/libdjbdns Public domain DNS client library
This port contains a subset of djbdns (net/djbdns) -
a DNS client library released to the public domain by its author.

The library was packaged by Gerrit Pape. The port contains both static
and shared versions of the DNS client library.

2003-05-12T01:19:08+00:00 devel/libdjbdns Public domain DNS client library
This port contains a subset of djbdns (net/djbdns) -
a DNS client library released to the public domain by its author.

The library was packaged by Gerrit Pape. The port contains both static
and shared versions of the DNS client library.

Author: D.J. Bernstein
2003-05-11T23:17:29+00:00 x11-wm/xfwm4 Gtk-2.0 based window manager part of the XFCE project
This is a port of xfwm4, a gtk-2.0 based window manager part of the
XFCE project. It is ideal for use with GNOME, KDE or XFCE as it does
not have a taskbar, icon support, or program launcher.

Features include the following:

- Based on gtk-2.0
- Themeable appearance (several themes included)
- Virtual desktops
- Full keyboard control
- Pango font rendering, and antialiased text support using GDK_USE_XFT
- Implements both GNOME and NET standards
- And it's stable

2003-05-11T23:17:29+00:00 x11-wm/xfce4-wm Xfce's window manager
The Xfce 4 window manager manages the placement of application windows
on the screen, provides window decorations, and manages work-
spaces or virtual desktops.

2003-05-11T22:54:54+00:00 x11/gnomemag GNOME screen magnifier
Gnome-mag is an accessibility tool that magnifies the screen for easier
reading. This package includes the magnifier Bonobo service as well as a
sample implementation.
2003-05-11T22:54:54+00:00 accessibility/gnomemag GNOME screen magnifier
Gnome-Mag magnifies the screen for easier reading. This package includes a
magnification Bonobo service.
2003-05-11T22:54:54+00:00 accessibility/gnome-mag GNOME screen magnifier
Gnome-Mag magnifies the screen for easier reading. This package includes a
magnification Bonobo service.
2003-05-11T16:40:38+00:00 www/igal A static html image gallery generator for *nix
iGal is a Perl-based program that can generate and publish an entire online
picture show (HTML slides, thumbnails and index page included) with just one
command line invocation in a Linux or Unix environment. If you've got a
directory (or several) full of image files that are waiting to be put online
and shared with friends, then iGal is for you.


* flexible, well-documented
* handles JPG and GIF images
* 99% configurable through command line options and two HTML template files
* generated slides use a javascript trick to preload the next image in the
slide show (great for those viewing your gallery over slow connections)

2003-05-11T15:01:13+00:00 mail/pflogstats Postfix Log Statistics Reporter
Extended version of the pflogsumm Postfix log reporting utility.

2003-05-11T03:02:14+00:00 audio/xmms-cdparanoia Cdparanoia plugin for XMMS
This plugin reads CDDA sectors and passes them to XMMS directly.


- David
2003-05-10T20:59:51+00:00 devel/wxGlade GUI builder for wxPython/wxWidgets written in Python
wxGlade is a GUI designer written in Python with the popular GUI toolkit
wxPython, that helps you create wxWidgets/wxPython user interfaces. At the
moment it can generate Python, C++ and XRC (wxWidgets' XML resources) code.

2003-05-10T18:54:53+00:00 audio/trm TRM generator to generate acoustic fingerprints
The TRM Generator is a small test application that generates Relatable
TRM acoustic fingerprints. This tool is mainly designed as a test/debugging
tool for software developers, and is both an application and a developer


- Frerich Raabe
2003-05-10T12:24:57+00:00 mail/qmail-autoresponder Rate-limited autoresponder for qmail
Rate-limited autoresponder for qmail:
- Limits rate of automatic responses (defaults to a maximum of one
message every hour).
- Will not respond to nearly every type of mailing list or bulk email.
- Will not respond to bounce messages or MAILER-DAEMON.
- Bounces looping messages.
- Can insert the original subject into the response.
- Can copy original message into response.
- Can use links in the rate-limiting data directory to limit inode usage
to a single inode.
- Optional support for MySQL

2003-05-10T03:14:56+00:00 net/java-beepcore Implementation of BEEP core and BEEP mapping for TCP in Java
This release includes a Java implementation of beep core RFC 3080 and
beep mapping for TCP RFC 3081.

2003-05-10T01:29:11+00:00 science/chemtool-devel Drawing organic molecules easily and store them (developer version)
Chemtool is a program for drawing organic molecules easily and store them as
a X bitmap file (develop version).

2003-05-09T19:04:41+00:00 archivers/bicom Data compressor in the PPM family
Bicom is a data compressor in the PPM family. It is freely available and
Open Source. Its most unique characteristic is that compression with
bicom is completely bijective -- any file is a possible bicom output that
can be decompressed, and then recompressed back to its original form. Of
course, any file is also a possible bicom input that can be compressed,
and then decompressed back to its original form. To support encryption
applications, bicom also includes a passphrase-protection option that
will automatically encrypt after compressing, or decrypt before

2003-05-09T19:03:17+00:00 archivers/xmill Efficient compressor for XML
XMill is a new tool for compressing XML data efficiently. It is based
on a regrouping strategy that leverages the effect of highly-efficient
compression techniques in compressors such as gzip. XMill groups XML
text strings with respect to their meaning and exploits similarities
between those text strings for compression. Hence, XMill typically
achieves much better compression rates than conventional compressors
such as gzip.

2003-05-09T17:38:52+00:00 multimedia/dvts Implementation of Digital Video Transport System
dvts (Digital Video Transport System) is a package of DV/RTP.
dvsend: Receive DV/IEEE1394 packets and send RTP/DV packets.
dvrecv: Receive DV/RTP packets and send DV/IEEE1394 packets.

2003-05-09T08:03:21+00:00 x11-toolkits/py-gtkextra GtkExtra Python Language Bindings
Python language bindings for the GtkExtra widget set. GtkExtra is a useful
set of widgets for the GIMP Toolkit, aka GTK+. It provides a spreadsheet-like
matrix widget and widgets for 2-D and 3-D graphing.

2003-05-09T00:11:21+00:00 games/spacehulk Science-fiction board game in the world of Warhammer 40000
Space Hulk is a great board game of Games Workshop in the world of Warhammer
40000. This is a two player game where one play the 'Marine', the other play
the alien called 'Genestealer'.

2003-05-08T23:11:35+00:00 games/bomberclone Reimplementation of Atomic Bomber Man
This game is a clone of the game Atomic Bomber Man.
Supports single user and network multiplayer mode.

2003-05-08T05:10:46+00:00 security/ike-scan VPN scanner and identifier
ike-scan discovers IKE hosts and can also fingerprint them using the
retransmission backoff pattern.
ike-scan does two things:
a) Discovery: Determine which hosts are running IKE.
This is done by displaying those hosts which respond to the IKE requests
sent by ike-scan.
b) Fingerprinting: Determine which IKE implementation the hosts are using.
This is done by recording the times of the IKE response packets from the
target hosts and comparing the observed retransmission backoff pattern
against known patterns.

2003-05-08T05:07:22+00:00 security/ADMsnmp SNMP audit scanner
ADMsnmp is an snmpd audit scanner.
ADMsnmp can brute force the snmp community name (with a wordfile) or
make a wordfile list derived the hostname.
ADMsnmp can report to you all valid community
names found and inform you if writable access to the MIB has been attained.

ADMsnmp is very easy to use and designed with speed in mind!
2003-05-08T00:34:09+00:00 x11-toolkits/gtksourceview Widget that adds syntax highlighting to GtkTextView
GtkSourceView is a text widget for Gtk+-2 that provides syntax highlighting
and other features typically expected in a source code editor.
2003-05-08T00:26:31+00:00 editors/gtksourceview A text widget that adds syntax highlighting to the GtkTextView widget
Gtksourceview is a text widget that extends the standard Gtk+ 2.x GtkTextView.
It improves it by implementing syntax highlighting and other features typical
of a source editor.
2003-05-07T17:16:12+00:00 devel/libmtrie Library to build an IP-netmask based mtrie
A library that builds up a specialized mtrie, a supposedly efficient data
structure for looking up IP addresses.

See the test program in the distribution for examples.
2003-05-07T13:06:05+00:00 devel/p4delta Summarizes and manages differences between local files and Perforce
p4delta works with a project that is in the Perforce configuration
management system. It lists the local files that have been added,
changed, or deleted. Content differences are summarized, i.e., the
number of lines of code that have been added, changed, and deleted.
It can also add, edit, and remove the appropriate files to/from

Requires ruby.

2003-05-06T08:18:54+00:00 net/iog Graphs Byte Counts for switches/routers/etc
IOG is a network I/O byte grapher made to graph cumulative KB/MB/GB
totals for hours/days and months. It is intended to be simple, fast
(support thousands of hosts) and integrate well with MRTG. Data for
each host is updated hourly and HTML graphs are created. It uses a
data consolidation algorithm which allows for a small, non-growing
database file for each host. No external graphing libs or
executables are required.

IOG has been used in several production ISP environments,
including at the authors company, Dynamic Internet (

-Larry Rosenman <>
2003-05-06T08:18:54+00:00 net-mgmt/iog Graphs Byte Counts for switches/routers/etc
IOG is a network I/O byte grapher made to graph cumulative KB/MB/GB
totals for hours/days and months. It is intended to be simple, fast
(support thousands of hosts) and integrate well with MRTG. Data for
each host is updated hourly and HTML graphs are created. It uses a
data consolidation algorithm which allows for a small, non-growing
database file for each host. No external graphing libs or
executables are required.

IOG has been used in several production ISP environments,
including at the authors company, Dynamic Internet (

-Larry Rosenman <>
2003-05-06T03:10:46+00:00 security/xmlsec1 XML Security Library
XML Security Library is the latest stable of a C library based on
LibXML2 and OpenSSL. The library was created with a goal to support
major XML security standards:
- XML Signature
- XML Encryption
- Canonical XML (was included in libxml2)
- Exclusive Canonical XML (was included in libxml2)

2003-05-05T22:31:28+00:00 games/torcs Free, open-source racing car simulator
TORCS is a car simulator, and also a racing robots game.

It requires a 3D accelerated card, with OpenGL support.

For the player driver, the car parameters are located in the files:


depending on the car used.

During the menus or the game hit the F1 key to get help.

2003-05-05T22:16:26+00:00 x11-toolkits/freeglut An alternative to the OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT) library
freeglut is a completely OpenSourced alternative to the OpenGL Utility
Toolkit (GLUT) library. GLUT was originally written by Mark Kilgard to
support the sample programs in the second edition OpenGL 'RedBook'.
Since then, GLUT has been used in a wide variety of practical applications
because it is simple, universally available and highly portable.

GLUT (and hence freeglut) allows the user to create and manage windows
containing OpenGL contexts on a wide range of platforms and also read the
mouse, keyboard and joystick functions.

freeglut is released under the X-Consortium license.

2003-05-05T22:16:26+00:00 graphics/freeglut Open source implementation of GLUT library
freeglut is a completely OpenSourced alternative to the OpenGL Utility
Toolkit (GLUT) library. GLUT was originally written by Mark Kilgard to
support the sample programs in the second edition OpenGL 'RedBook'.
Since then, GLUT has been used in a wide variety of practical applications
because it is simple, universally available and highly portable.

GLUT (and hence freeglut) allows the user to create and manage windows
containing OpenGL contexts on a wide range of platforms and also read the
mouse, keyboard and joystick functions.

freeglut is released under the X-Consortium license.

2003-05-05T13:06:37+00:00 cad/calculix Three-Dimensional Structural Finite Element Program
CalculiX GraphiX

CalculiX Finite Element Models can be built, calculated, and
post-processed. The pre- and post-processor is an interactive 3D-tool
using the OpenGL API.

Supported solvers

* CalculiX ccx, Abaqus FEM (pre, post)
* Nastran FEM (pre)
* Ansys FEM (pre)
* DUNS-CFD (pre, post)
* ISAAC-CFD (pre, post)
* OpenFOAM (pre, post)

2003-05-05T11:39:23+00:00 math/arpack Argand Library: large eigenvalue subroutines (serial version)
ARPACK software is capable of solving large symmetric, nonsymmetric, and
generalized eigenproblems. The software is designed to compute a few (k)
eigenvalues with user-specified features, such as those of largest real part
or largest magnitude. Storage requirements are on the order of n*k locations,
and no auxiliary storage is required. A set of numerically orthogonal Schur
basis vectors for the desired k-dimensional eigen-space is computed.
Numerically accurate eigenvectors are available on request.

2003-05-05T08:21:40+00:00 devel/icu2 International Components for Unicode
The International Components for Unicode (ICU) is a C and C++ library
providing Unicode support (p.ex. character set conversions, locales,
normalization, transliteration, etc.).

More information on ICU can be found on the homepage

2003-05-05T03:33:39+00:00 math/scalapack ScaLAPACK Scalable LAPACK library
The ScaLAPACK (or Scalable LAPACK) library includes a subset of LAPACK routines
redesigned for distributed memory MIMD parallel computers. It is currently
written in a Single-Program-Multiple-Data style using explicit message
passing for interprocessor communication. It assumes matrices are laid out
in a two-dimensional block cyclic decomposition.

Now the code for BLACS and PBLAS is included.

2003-05-05T02:06:21+00:00 math/blacs BLACS (Basic Linear Algebra Communication Subprograms)
The BLACS (Basic Linear Algebra Communication Subprograms)
project is an ongoing investigation whose purpose is to create
a linear algebra oriented message passing interface
that may be implemented efficiently and uniformly across
a large range of distributed memory platforms.

2003-05-05T01:38:17+00:00 math/spooles-mpich
2003-05-05T01:37:11+00:00 math/spooles SParse Object Oriented Linear Equations Solver
SPOOLES is a library for solving sparse real and complex linear
systems of equations, written in the C language using object oriented
design. At present, there is the following functionality:
1. Compute multiple minimum degree, generalized nested dissection and
multisection orderings of matrices with symmetric structure.
2. Factor and solve square linear systems of equations with symmetric
structure, with or without pivoting for stability. The
factorization can be symmetric LDLT, Hermitian LDLH, or
nonsymmetric LDU. A direct factorization or a drop tolerance
factorization can be computed. The factors and solve can be done
in serial mode, multithreaded with Solaris or POSIX threads, or
with MPI.
3. Factor and solve overdetermined full rank systems of equations
using a multifrontal QR factorization, in serial or using POSIX
4. Solve square linear systems using a variety of Krylov iterative
methods. The preconditioner is a drop tolerance factorization,
with or without pivoting for stability.

2003-05-05T00:22:57+00:00 deskutils/gdeskcal-skins Skins for gdeskcal
These are the skins for gdeskcal.

- Martin Klaffenboeck <>
2003-05-04T15:33:32+00:00 devel/sgb The Stanford GraphBase: A Platform for Combinatorial Computing
A workbench for combinatorial computing, and standard sets of data that
can be used for benchmark tests of competing methods by Donald Knuth.
Also includes demonstration programs and games that make use of the data.


Gerald Pfeifer <>
2003-05-04T08:11:04+00:00 irc/iip Secure and Anonymous Instant Messaging
[ excerpt from developer's www site ]

Invisible IRC Project (IIP) is a three-tier, peer distributed network
designed to be a secure and private transport medium for high speed,
low volume, dynamic content.

IIP is Internet Relay Chat privacy software designed for anonymity
and security. It acts as an advanced proxy between your IRC client
and servers by utilizing an encrypted mixnet with fake traffic and
three-layered (user, relay, and broadcast) protection.

IIP was originally created so that people interested in facilitating
privacy and free speech could work to these ends in an equally
secure and anonymous environment. It has now become a haven for
anyone seeking anonymous, encrypted Internet Relay Chat. The project's
inspiration arose primarily from a shared interest in the FreeNet
Project and a desire to provide the real-time communications
capabilities that FreeNet could not.

2003-05-04T02:33:52+00:00 science/ghemical Computational chemistry software package
Ghemical is a computational chemistry software package,

Ghemical relies on external code to provide the quantum-mechanical
calculations. Semi-empirical methods MNDO, MINDO/3, AM1 and PM3 come
from the MOPAC7 package, and are included in the source distribution.
The MPQC package (GNU GPL) is used to provide ab initio methods.

2003-05-03T22:12:03+00:00 security/kripp Lightweight network password sniffer
KRIPP is a very simple and extremely lightweight network passwords
sniffer written in Perl, which uses only the tcpdump utility as an
underlying traffic interceptor. Supported protocols are ICQ, POP3,

2003-05-03T22:03:10+00:00 misc/nut Nutrition software to record what you eat
nut is nutrition software to record what you eat and analyze
your meals for nutrient composition. The database included is
the USDA Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 15,
which contains 6,220 foods and 117 nutrients. This database
contains values for vitamins, minerals, fats, calories,
protein, carbohydrates, fiber, etc., and includes the essential
polyunsaturated fats, Omega-3 and Omega-6. Nutrient levels are
expressed as a percentage of the Daily Value, the familiar
standard of food labeling in the United States, but also can be
fully customized. Recipes can be added, and graphs drawn. The
program is completely menu-driven and there are no commands to

2003-05-03T21:42:35+00:00 irc/ngircd Free open source daemon for Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
ngIRCd is a free, portable and lightweight Internet Relay Chat server
for small or private networks, developed under the GNU General Public
License. It is simple to configure, can cope with dynamic IP addresses,
and supports IPv6 as well as SSL. It is written from scratch and not
based on the original IRCd.

2003-05-03T03:14:55+00:00 net/fcptools FreeNet client library and command-line tools for shell scripting
[ excerpt from distfile's README ]

The aim of FCPtools is to offer a truly multi-platform ANSI-C based
Freenet client library, as well as provide command-line tools for
convenience and potentially shell scripting.

2003-05-03T03:14:55+00:00 net-p2p/fcptools FreeNet client library and command-line tools for shell scripting
[ excerpt from distfile's README ]

The aim of FCPtools is to offer a truly multi-platform ANSI-C based
Freenet client library, as well as provide command-line tools for
convenience and potentially shell scripting.

2003-05-02T22:34:10+00:00 devel/p5-File-Flock Perl5 module for file locking with flock
File::Flock is a wrapper around the flock() call. The only thing it
does that is special is that it creates the lock file if the lock file
does not already exist.

It will also try to remove the lock file. This makes it a bit

2003-05-02T08:09:29+00:00 net/frost File-sharing tool for FreeNet with Usenet like forum support
[ excerpt from FreeNet website ]

Frost is a file-sharing tool for FreeNet. It also has chat forums
which allow people to chat anonymously over FreeNet. It now supports
FEC (which makes downloads more reliable)

2003-05-02T08:09:29+00:00 net-p2p/frost Freenet client that provides messenger and file services
Frost is a Freenet client that provides newsgroup-like messaging, private
encrypted messages, file upload and download functionality and a file sharing

If this is your first time trying Frost, you'll see its quite different from
other filesharing programs. Its anonymous, and yet has a very personal

If you know how to use newsgroups, you'll find Frost very easy to use and will
feel right at home. If you're used to other filesharing apps, you should know
that the best way to find what you're looking for is to ask for it. If you
can't find it in the search results, post a message to the relevant board and
someone will respond to you. Common questions are answered in the Support area.

2003-05-02T05:56:13+00:00 x11-toolkits/guile-gobject Guile bindings for core GNOME 2 libraries
GUILE bindings for core GNOME 2 libraries.

2003-05-02T05:07:33+00:00 net/liberator Command line client to FreeNet Network
Liberator is the unix guru's command line interface to the FreeNet
network, inserting and requesting easily and efficiently.

2003-05-02T05:07:33+00:00 net-p2p/liberator Command line client to FreeNet Network
Liberator is the Unix guru's command line interface to the FreeNet
network, inserting and requesting easily and efficiently.

2003-05-02T03:39:19+00:00 net/freenet Peer-to-peer network aiming at anonymity and freedom of speech
Freenet is a large-scale peer-to-peer network which pools the power
of member computers around the world to create a massive virtual
information store open to anyone to freely publish or view information
of all kinds. Freenet is:

Highly survivable: All internal processes are completely anonymized
and decentralized across the global network, making it virtually
impossible for an attacker to destroy information or take control
of the system.

Private: Freenet makes it extremely difficult for anyone to spy on
the information that you are viewing, publishing, or storing.

Secure: Information stored in Freenet is protected by strong
cryptography against malicious tampering or counterfeiting.

Efficient: Freenet dynamically replicates and relocates information
in response to demand to provide efficient service and minimal
bandwidth usage regardless of load. Significantly, Freenet generally
requires log(n) time to retrieve a piece of information in a network
of size n.

2003-05-02T03:39:19+00:00 net-p2p/freenet05 Peer-to-peer network aiming at anonymity and freedom of speech
Freenet is a large-scale peer-to-peer network which pools the power
of member computers around the world to create a massive virtual
information store open to anyone to freely publish or view information
of all kinds. Freenet is:

Highly survivable: All internal processes are completely anonymized
and decentralized across the global network, making it virtually
impossible for an attacker to destroy information or take control
of the system.

Private: Freenet makes it extremely difficult for anyone to spy on
the information that you are viewing, publishing, or storing.

Secure: Information stored in Freenet is protected by strong
cryptography against malicious tampering or counterfeiting.

Efficient: Freenet dynamically replicates and relocates information
in response to demand to provide efficient service and minimal
bandwidth usage regardless of load. Significantly, Freenet generally
requires log(n) time to retrieve a piece of information in a network
of size n.

2003-05-02T03:39:19+00:00 net-p2p/freenet Peer-to-peer network aiming at anonymity and freedom of speech
Freenet is a large-scale peer-to-peer network which pools the power
of member computers around the world to create a massive virtual
information store open to anyone to freely publish or view information
of all kinds. Freenet is:

Highly survivable: All internal processes are completely anonymized
and decentralized across the global network, making it virtually
impossible for an attacker to destroy information or take control
of the system.

Private: Freenet makes it extremely difficult for anyone to spy on
the information that you are viewing, publishing, or storing.

Secure: Information stored in Freenet is protected by strong
cryptography against malicious tampering or counterfeiting.

Efficient: Freenet dynamically replicates and relocates information
in response to demand to provide efficient service and minimal
bandwidth usage regardless of load. Significantly, Freenet generally
requires log(n) time to retrieve a piece of information in a network
of size n.

2003-05-01T22:19:27+00:00 emulators/dosbox Emulator of a PC with DOS
DOSBox is an emulator of a PC with DOS.
The main focus of this project is emulating old DOS games using the
local file system for files.

Currently emulated is:

o CPU:286/386 realmode/pmode
o SND:PC-Speaker/Tandy 3-Voice/Adlib/SoundBlaster
o MSC:Keyboard/Mouse
o DOS:Directory FileSystem/XMS/EMS

2003-05-01T18:36:00+00:00 textproc/p5-YAML YAML implementation in Perl
The module implements a YAML Loader and Dumper based on the YAML 1.0

YAML is a generic data serialization language that is optimized for human
readability. It can be used to express the data structures of most modern
programming languages, including Perl.

For information on the YAML syntax, please refer to the YAML specification.

2003-05-01T17:24:44+00:00 games/tictactoe3d This is a simple "3D" tic tac toe game
This is a simple "3D" tic tac toe game you can play
against the computer.

2003-05-01T15:37:58+00:00 mail/mail2sms Mail to SMS converter
mail2sms converts a single (large) mail to a tiny text with contents
from the mail. Perfectly suitable to send as an SMS message to a
GSM telephone.

2003-05-01T12:10:33+00:00 games/circuslinux "Circus Linux!" is a clone of the Atari 2600 game "Circus Atari"
"Circus Linux!" is a clone of the Atari 2600 game "Circus Atari",
produced by Atari, Inc. (which is itself a clone of an earlier
arcade game named, simply "Circus").

The object is to move a teeter-totter back and forth across the
screen to bounce clowns up into the air. When they reach the top,
they pop rows of balloons and then fall back down.

The gameplay is similar to the classics "Breakout" and "Arkanoid".

2003-05-01T10:38:53+00:00 www/ocaml-wdialog Advanced system to create dialog-centric web applications

WDialog is an advanced system to create dialog-centric web applications.

Feature list:

* Separation of the user interface (UI) definition from the backend
* The UI definition is contained in an XML file.
* The dialogs have built-in persistency for session state.
* A powerful template system manages the combination of individual
HTML fragments to whole pages.
* The dialogs behave like GUI widgets.
* The callbacks are written in a real programming language (Objective
Caml, or Perl).
* The application can run as CGI as well as application server.
* The WDialog toolkit itself does not require any database as backend
* WDialog preprocesses all web inputs, and ensures that minimum
security standards are fulfilled.


- Stephane Legrand
2003-04-30T21:40:16+00:00 russian/ksocrat KSocrat is the simple English/Russian Russian/English dictionary
KSocrat is the simple English/Russian and Russian/English dictionary.

2003-04-30T17:00:36+00:00 security/dirmngr Client for managing and downloading certificate revocation lists
Dirmngr is a client for managing and downloading certificate
revocation lists (CRLs) for X509 certificates and for downloading the
certificates themselves. Dirmngr is usually invoked by gpgsm and in
general not used directly.

2003-04-30T13:20:05+00:00 net/kpopup KDE program for sending and receiving MS Windows WinPopup messages
KDE program for sending and receiving MS Windows WinPopup messages.


- Frerich Raabe
2003-04-30T13:20:05+00:00 net-im/kpopup KDE program for sending and receiving MS Windows WinPopup messages
KDE program for sending and receiving MS Windows WinPopup messages.

2003-04-29T17:35:56+00:00 www/middleman Robust proxy server
Middleman is a robust proxy server with many features designed to remove
unwanted content, increase privacy, and to simply make surfing the Web a
more pleasant experience. Some of the highlights of Middleman include
banner and popup blocking, HTTP and FTP content caching, NTLM and Basic
authentication when forwarding through another proxy server, regular
expression substitution in downloaded files and HTTP headers, complete
support for HTTP/1.1 including persistent connections and gzip encoding,
and an intuitive Web interface for configuring the proxy.

2003-04-29T12:23:05+00:00 math/mprime Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search
This program is used to find Mersenne Prime numbers as part of Great
Internet Mersenne Prime Search initiative (GIMPS) since 1996. See for a description
of Mersenne primes.

Mersenne number can be proved composite (not prime) by either finding
a factor or by running a Lucas-Lehmer primality test.

To use this program you must agree to the terms and conditions, prize
rules, etc. at

2003-04-29T09:31:03+00:00 textproc/p5-Text-Shellwords Thin wrapper around the package
This is a thin wrapper around the package, which comes
preinstalled with Perl. This module imports a single subroutine,
shellwords(). The shellwords() routine parses lines of text and
returns a set of tokens using the same rules that the Unix shell does
for its command-line arguments. Tokens are separated by whitespace,
and can be delimited by single or double quotes. The module also
respects backslash escapes.

2003-04-29T07:29:44+00:00 net/p5-DNS-Zone DNS::Zone is set of perl modules for name service zone files
DNS::Zone is a collection of Perl modules which provide an
abstraction of name service zones as well as server specific
adaptors for concrete file representations.
The modules origin is the ZoneMaster project which make heavy
use of the module for comprehensive zone file management. Go to for further information.


Author: Andy Wolf <>
2003-04-29T07:29:44+00:00 dns/p5-DNS-Zone DNS::Zone is set of perl modules for name service zone files
DNS::Zone is a collection of Perl modules which provide an
abstraction of name service zones as well as server specific
adaptors for concrete file representations.
The modules origin is the ZoneMaster project which make heavy
use of the module for comprehensive zone file management. Go to for further information.

2003-04-29T07:25:58+00:00 net/p5-DNS-Config DNS::Config is set of perl modules for name service configurations
DNS::Config is a collection of Perl modules which provide an
abstraction of name service zones as well as server specific
adaptors for concrete file representations.
The modules origin is the ZoneMaster project which make heavy
use of the module for comprehensive zone file management. Go to for further information.


Author: Andy Wolf <>
2003-04-29T07:25:58+00:00 dns/p5-DNS-Config DNS::Config is set of perl modules for name service configurations
DNS::Config is a collection of Perl modules which provide an
abstraction of name service zones as well as server specific
adaptors for concrete file representations.
The modules origin is the ZoneMaster project which make heavy
use of the module for comprehensive zone file management. Go to for further information.

2003-04-29T07:21:11+00:00 sysutils/p5-UPS-Nut Perl module for accessing Network UPS Tools' upsd
Module UPS::Nut implements an object oriented interface to the Network
UPS Tools upsd.
2003-04-29T06:51:02+00:00 textproc/p5-String-ShowDiff Perl extension to help visualize differences between strings
This module is a wrapper around the diff algorithm from the module
Algorithm::Diff. It's job is to simplify a visualization of the differences of
each strings.

Compared to the many other Diff modules, the output is neither in diff-style
nor are the recognised differences on line or word boundaries, they are at
character level.

2003-04-29T02:54:24+00:00 devel/bicyclerepair Python refactoring tool
Bicycle Repair man is a tool for refactoring Python programs. It
integrates with the Python IDE in either IDLE or emacs.

2003-04-28T11:10:20+00:00 misc/phraze Converts telephone number to combinations of valid words
Phraze takes a telephone number and produces a list of combinations of
valid words that can be derived from it, using the keypad of a US phone.

Requires ruby.

2003-04-28T10:49:47+00:00 x11-clocks/wmblueclock Simple dockable clock application
WMBlueClock is a simple clock dockapp. It displays current date and time
in "blue" fashion.
2003-04-28T05:33:26+00:00 sysutils/knutclient A visual client for UPS system NUT
KNUTClient is visual client for UPS system NUT

2003-04-28T05:33:26+00:00 sysutils/knutclient-kde4 Visual client for UPS system NUT
KNUTClient is visual client for UPS system NUT

2003-04-27T16:41:53+00:00 net/nast Packet sniffer
Nast is a packet sniffer and a LAN analyzer based on Libnet and Libpcap.
As analyzer tool, it has many features like:

* Build LAN hosts list
* Follow a TCP-DATA stream
* Find LAN internet gateways
* Discorver promiscous nodes
* Reset an established connection
* Perform a single half-open portscanner
* Perform a multi half-open portscanner
* Find link type (hub or switch)
* Catch daemon banner of LAN nodes
* Control arp answers to discover possible arp-spoofings
* Byte couting with an optional filter
* Write reports logging

It also provides a ncurses menu.

2003-04-27T16:34:24+00:00 games/barrage Destroy as many targets as possible
Barrage is a rather violent action game with the objective to kill and destroy
as many targets as possible within 3 minutes.

2003-04-27T16:31:05+00:00 sysutils/lookat Program to view Un*x text files and manual pages
Lookat is a program to view Un*x text files and manual pages.

2003-04-27T15:17:10+00:00 games/wmqstat Dockapp for monitoring of various Internet game servers
wmQStat is a dockable front-end to qstat by Steve Jankowski, a popular
command-line monitor of lots of Internet game servers, i.e. Quake/W/2/3,
Hexen2/W, HL/CS/HL2, Tribes/2, RtCW, UT200x, DOOM III, FarCry, to name a
few (this list is by far not complete).

2003-04-27T14:46:30+00:00 net/gini Lightweight media streaming server
GINI is a lightweight, mostly Icecast/Shoutcast compatible streaming
server for broadcasting Ogg Vorbis, MP3, RIFF AVI, ASF/WMV, QuickTime
and RealMedia format files.

2003-04-27T14:27:54+00:00 textproc/liblrdf Library for manipulating RDF files describing LADSPA plugins
This is a library to make it easy to manipulate RDF files describing LADSPA
plugins. It can also be used for general RDF manipulation.

It can read RDF/XLM and N3 files and export N3 files, it also has a light
taxonomic inference capability.

2003-04-27T01:46:49+00:00 lang/spidermonkey A standalone JavaScript interpreter from the Mozilla project
Spidermonkey is the JavaScript interpreter from the Mozilla project.

2003-04-27T01:34:29+00:00 mail/bincimap Light-weight IMAP server for Maildir
Binc IMAP is a GPL licensed IMAP4rev1 server for Maildir, written in C++.
It strives to be stable, fast, flexible, and RFC compliant.

For those familiar with qmail-pop3d, this IMAP server will be the natural
choice. It is invoked similarly and uses checkpassword to authenticate.

2003-04-27T01:34:15+00:00 net/aspathtree Checks IPv6 routes' stability and correctness on IPv6 internet
ASpath-tree program

ASpath-tree is a tool designed to be used by an IPv6 site involved
in the experimentation of the BGP4+ protocol inside the 6Bone network.
It generates summary of:

* the number of route entries (valid/total/suppressed/damped/history)
* the number of AS in table (total, originating only, originating/transit,
transit only, private and reserved)
* the number of active AS paths
* the number of active BGP neighbours (i.e. announcing routing information)
* an analysis of the network size, in terms of AS distances
* the number of circulating prefixes (total, 6Bone pTLAs, sTLAs, 6to4,

The current version supports:
* 6Bone pTLAs
* RIR's assigned sTLAs
* Juniper/Cisco/Zebra routers

2003-04-27T01:34:15+00:00 net-mgmt/aspathtree Checks IPv6 routes' stability and correctness on IPv6 internet
ASpath-tree program

ASpath-tree is a tool designed to be used by an IPv6 site involved
in the experimentation of the BGP4+ protocol inside the 6Bone network.
It generates summary of:

* the number of route entries (valid/total/suppressed/damped/history)
* the number of AS in table (total, originating only, originating/transit,
transit only, private and reserved)
* the number of active AS paths
* the number of active BGP neighbours (i.e. announcing routing information)
* an analysis of the network size, in terms of AS distances
* the number of circulating prefixes (total, 6Bone pTLAs, sTLAs, 6to4,

The current version supports:
* 6Bone pTLAs
* RIR's assigned sTLAs
* Juniper/Cisco/Zebra routers

2003-04-27T01:12:01+00:00 chinese/oxford A English to Chinese(GB) dictionary
oxford is a English to Chinese dictionary, written in Perl.

2003-04-27T00:49:57+00:00 chinese/oto Show you font info and add new 'name' and 'cmap' tables
Have a TrueType font which is not recognized by X Window? Probably,
the font uses an encoding other than Unicode! Open Type Organizer (oTo)
can show you font info and add new 'name' and 'cmap' tables by
translating the original ones.

2003-04-27T00:33:09+00:00 chinese/cnprint Print CJK text (or convert to PostScript)
CNPRINT is a utility to print Chinese/Japanese/Korean (CJK) text
(or convert to PostScript) under DOS, VMS and UNIX systems. It
works just as a print command on your system. Currently GB, Hz,
zW, BIG5, CNS, JIS, EUC, Shift-JIS, KSC, UTF8, UTF7 and UTF16
formats are supported.

CNPRINT also has many other features, among them:

* print all CJK codes using a single Unicode CJK font
* print GB using Big5 fonts or print Big5 using GB fonts
* multiple columns, vertical printing, change font or character
size within document
* phrase-based GB<->BIG5 conversions
* built-in HZ<->GB conversion
* repair/re-format functions for CJK text
* envelope and address label printing
* decode MIME quoted printable (=20=3C=5E like text)
* true type fonts (TTF) support

With its full Unicode support, it should be able to print other
language (e.g. Thai, Vietnames, Arabic as well). For more information,
please read the help file.

2003-04-27T00:09:52+00:00 chinese/p5-Encode-HanConvert Traditional and Simplified Chinese mappings
This module is an attempt to solve most common problems occurred in
Traditional vs. Simplified Chinese conversion, in an efficient,
flexible way, without resorting to external tools or modules.

After installing this module, you'll have two additional encoding
formats: big5-simp maps Big5 into Unicode's Simplified Chinese
(and vice versa), and gbk-trad maps CP936 (better known as GBK)
into Unicode's Traditional Chinese and back.

The module exports various xxx_to_yyy functions by default, where
xxx and yyy are one of big5, gb (i.e. GBK/CP936), simp (simplified
Chinese unicode), or trad (traditional Chinese unicode).

2003-04-26T22:12:20+00:00 multimedia/gini A lightweight media streaming server
GINI is a lightweight, mostly Icecast/Shoutcast compatible streaming
server for broadcasting Ogg Vorbis, MP3, RIFF AVI, ASF/WMV, QuickTime
and RealMedia format files.

2003-04-26T21:51:56+00:00 mail/p5-IMAP-Sieve Perl module to edit Sieve scripts on an Cyrus IMAP server
A Perl module used by websieve for creating Sieve scripts on an Cyrus
IMAP mail server. Sometimes also referenced as 'perlsieve'.

2003-04-26T21:50:25+00:00 mail/websieve Web based Cyrus IMAP user admin client
A web based easy to use interface for creating Sieve scripts on an Cyrus
IMAP mail server as well as allowing users to set access controls, create
new mailboxes and view their mail quota. Also give administrators full
administrative capabilities.

2003-04-26T20:09:50+00:00 lang/chameleon A Haskell-style language
Chameleon is a Haskell-style language which allows for type programming via
Constraint Handling Rules (CHRs). Chameleon implements the ideas described in
``A Theory of Overloading''.


-- Oliver Braun
2003-04-25T08:03:50+00:00 korean/qt31 Korean-Localized Qt, the C++ GUI Toolkit
2003-04-24T12:04:15+00:00 misc/wmcalendar Dockable calendar with interface to iCalendar based calendars
A dockapp calendar with monthly view and interface to iCalendar based
calendars like Ximian Evolution or Mozilla calendar.

2003-04-24T06:31:41+00:00 www/epiphany Extremely lightweight and simple web browser for GNOME 3
Epiphany is a web browser designed to be as lightweight and fast as
possible, at the expense of many of the features found in other

2003-04-23T21:16:20+00:00 audio/mctoolame-encoder MPEG Layer II audio encoder with multi-channel support
A multi-channel MPEG encoder, using the ISO13818 standard and the dist10
source code. Multi-channel files may have up to 6 defined channels:
Left(L), Right(R), Center(C), Left Surround (LS), Right Surround (RS) and
a Low Frequency Enhancement channel (LFE).

ISO13818 defines 5 multi-channel modes (on top of the normal stereo mode),
each of these modes may have an optional LFE channel:

3/2: L, R, C, LS, RS
3/1: L, R, C, mono surround
2/2: L, R, LS, RS
2/1: L, R, mono surround
3/0: L, R, C

The "standard" surround sound encoding of "5.1 channels" is achieved by
using mode 3/2 plus an LFE channel.

A multi-channel MPEG file should decode OK on any MPEG decoder. If the
decoder doesn't recognize the multi-channel extensions, then you'll just
get a stereo file containing a down mix of the 5 channels.

2003-04-23T21:13:58+00:00 audio/mctoolame-decoder MPEG Layer II audio decoder with multi-channel support
A multi-channel MPEG encoder, using the ISO13818 standard and the dist10
source code. Multi-channel files may have up to 6 defined channels:
Left(L), Right(R), Center(C), Left Surround (LS), Right Surround (RS) and
a Low Frequency Enhancement channel (LFE).

ISO13818 defines 5 multi-channel modes (on top of the normal stereo mode),
each of these modes may have an optional LFE channel:

3/2: L, R, C, LS, RS
3/1: L, R, C, mono surround
2/2: L, R, LS, RS
2/1: L, R, mono surround
3/0: L, R, C

The "standard" surround sound encoding of "5.1 channels" is achieved by
using mode 3/2 plus an LFE channel.

A multi-channel MPEG file should decode OK on any MPEG decoder. If the
decoder doesn't recognize the multi-channel extensions, then you'll just
get a stereo file containing a down mix of the 5 channels.

2003-04-23T08:55:52+00:00 www/p5-Sledge-Plugin-CacheContent A Sledge plug-in that generates and serves cached content
Sledge::Plugin::CacheContent is a Sledge plug-in that generates and
serves cached content.

2003-04-23T08:27:36+00:00 japanese/ruby-mecab MeCab library module for Ruby
This is the MeCab library module for Ruby.

2003-04-23T08:19:23+00:00 japanese/p5-MeCab MeCab library module for Perl5
This is the MeCab library module for Perl5.

2003-04-23T07:13:38+00:00 misc/hulgalugha Very jerky text filter
A filter, makes text somewhat more jerky.
2003-04-23T06:54:09+00:00 devel/replay Program that helps you fix a build interactively
Best program ever.

This program is a wrapper, it will exec whatever arguments it's given and
if the program returns a non-zero exit status or terminates abnormally it
will prompt the user to run the program again.

It's best used when debugging a large build like so:

make CC="replay cc"

Then if cc bombs you don't have to restart make, you can just fix your
source file and resume your build.
2003-04-23T06:51:56+00:00 japanese/mecab Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
MeCab is open source Japanese dependency structure analyzer developed
through the joint research project between Graduate School of Informatics
Kyoto University and NTT (Nippon Telegraph and Telephone)
Communication Science Laboratories. It has following features:

* General-purpose design independent from language, dictionary and
* High precision of analysis based on Conditional Random Fields.
* Faster than ChaSen, Juman and KAKASI.
* Library is reentrant.
* Scripting language bindings such as Perl/Ruby/Python/Java/C#.

2003-04-22T21:52:30+00:00 converters/py-iconvcodec Universal unicode codec using iconv(3) for Python
The iconvcodec is an universal unicode codec module for Python
using POSIX iconv(3). And, supports the following features:

* PEP293 Error Callbacks (for Python 2.3 only)
* Reentrant-safe encoder and decoder
* Adaptive multiple unicode encodings: UCS, swapped UCS, UTF-8
* Stateful/context-aware StreamReader and StreamWriter

2003-04-21T06:46:00+00:00 audio/gtkpod GUI for Apple iPod using GTK2
gtkpod is a platform independent graphical user interface for Apple's iPod
using GTK2. It supports the first to fifth generation, including the iPod
mini, iPod photo, iPod shuffle, iPod nano, and iPod video. It allows you to:

* Read your existing iTunesDB (i.e. import the existing contents of
your iPod including playcounts, ratings, and on-the-go playlists)
* Add MP3, WAV, M4A (non-protected AAC), M4B (audio book), and podcast
files (single files, directories or existing playlists) to the iPod
* Browse the contents of your local hard disk by album/artist/genre
* Create and modify playlists, including smart playlists
* Choose the charset the ID3 tags are encoded in from within gtkpod
* Extract tag information (artist, album, title, etc.) from the filename
* Detect duplicates when adding songs (optional)
* Remove and export tracks from your iPod
* Modify/Refresh ID3 tags, optionally updating the original file
* Synchronize directories
* Normalize the volume of your tracks (via mp3gain or the replay-gain tag)
* Download and display of Album Art from the Internet
* Work offline and synchronize your new playlists/songs with the iPod later
* Export your korganizer/kaddressbook/thunderbird/evocalendar/evolution/
webcalendar/... data to the iPod (scripts for other programs can be
easily added)

2003-04-21T02:03:05+00:00 sysutils/chgrep Fast string substitution across multiple files
Chgrep searches the input files (or standard input if no files are named)
for oldstring and changes them to new string. If some file and file.lock
exist then chgrep leaves both files unchanged. This program can be very use-
full for mail servers. Chgrep is fast, much faster than grep or sed.

2003-04-20T20:38:08+00:00 x11-wm/windowlab Small window manager for X11
WindowLab is a small and simple window manager, based on aewm, of
novel design. WindowLab maintains the illusion of direct manipulation
by constraining the mouse pointer when appropriate, i.e. when a window
cannot be dragged any further in one direction.

It's click-to-focus, shares its window depth policy with the Amiga,
and has a window resizing/reshaping method similar to that of 8 1/2
from Plan 9.

2003-04-20T15:22:21+00:00 graphics/s3switch Enable TV-out on S3 graphics cards
This is a utility used to enable the TV output on S3 Savage based cards,
which I have ported to run under FreeBSD as well as Linux.

It must be run as root, though I leave you to do this at your discretion.
2003-04-20T15:04:00+00:00 mail/akpop3d POP3 daemon aimed to be small and secure
akpop3d is a POP3 daemon aimed to be small and secure. Despite its small size,
it offers a lot of features. It is completely RFC 1939 compliant.

2003-04-20T15:02:55+00:00 misc/opencyc General knowledge base and commonsense reasoning engine
OpenCyc is the open source version of the Cyc technology, the world's
largest and most complete general knowledge base and commonsense reasoning

2003-04-20T14:38:14+00:00 audio/trommler GTK+2 based drum machine
Trommler is a GTK+2 based drum machine with the following features:

- Use of 16 bit 44100 kHz mono drum samples
- Real-time (stereo) audio output using the OSS API
- Alternatively, audio output to file
- Complex rhythms (variable number of beats per pattern)
- Volume adjustment of drum samples
- Stereo panning of (mono) drum samples

2003-04-20T11:59:48+00:00 multimedia/dvdauthor Makes a DVD file structure from one or more MPEG2 streams
dvdauthor is a program that will generate a DVD movie from a valid
mpeg2 stream that should play when you put it in a DVD player.

2003-04-19T21:37:11+00:00 security/smtpscan Remote SMTP server version detector
smtpscan is a remote SMTP server version detector. It can be used to
guess which mail software is used on a remote server, that may hide its
SMTP banner.

2003-04-19T21:06:54+00:00 ftp/prozilla ProZilla is a fast download accelerator
ProZilla is a download accelerator for Linux which gives you a 200% to 300%
improvement in your file downloading speeds.

Its features:

* Supports FTP & HTTP including redirection.
* Resume Supported.
* Complete acceleration: The file will be downloaded as fast as possible as
your bandwidth allows if not otherwise specified.
* Unlike certain other download accelerators available for Linux, this really
* The number of connections that prozilla uses can be specified.
* FTPsearch support now permits fetching Mirror locations and pinging them and
selecting the fastest server is automatically done.

2003-04-19T18:34:23+00:00 multimedia/gxine Alternative GUI for the Xine media player
gxine is a simple but effective GUI for the Xine media player.
It uses the GTK toolkit, so it nicely fits in into a GNOME desktop.

2003-04-19T15:00:39+00:00 converters/konwert Modular converter between charsets and filter
Konwert is a package for conversion between various character encodings.

By encodings author imply not only different charsets like Windows-1252,
KOI8-R or UTF-8 but also the different representations of characters like
TeX escaping, quoted-printable and even RFC 1345 mnemonics.

There are also filter filterm which allow to make separate input and output
conversions of the encodings for the given command. It can help e.g. when
our terminal is unable to display non-ASCII characters or to enter them
from the keyboard.
2003-04-19T14:19:50+00:00 devel/libdict Library providing access to ``dictionary'' data structures
Libdict is a compact, ANSI C library which provides access to a set of
generic and flexible ``dictionary'' data structures. All algorithms
used in libdict have been optimized, and, with one very small exception,
are not recursive but iterative. It was written by Farooq Mela, and is
released under a BSD style licence.

Libdict implements the following data structures: AVL Tree, Red-Black
Tree, Splay Tree, Treap, Weight-balanced tree, Path-reduction tree,
Hashtable (Chained).

These structures can be used to efficiently store and retrieve key-data
pairs. Each of these structures can be accessed using its direct API, or
it can be accessed using a dictionary abstraction. Despite it's name,
libdict can be used to store any kind of data and any kind of key (provided
it fits into a 'void' pointer on your system).
2003-04-19T14:18:50+00:00 converters/chmview Extractor from .chm files
Chmview is a simple program to decompose .chm-file to the
components. Originally it was written for MS Windows to work
in conjunction with Far filemanager.

2003-04-19T14:16:42+00:00 java/proguard Java class file shrinker, optimizer, and obfuscator
ProGuard is a free Java class file shrinker, optimizer, and
obfuscator. It can detect and remove unused classes, fields,
methods, and attributes. It can then optimize bytecode and
remove unused instructions. Finally, it can rename the
remaining classes, fields, and methods using short
meaningless names. The resulting jars are smaller and harder
to reverse-engineer.

2003-04-19T14:14:33+00:00 ftp/ftp4all Advanced ftp-daemon
FTP4ALL is a free, open source FTP server implementation for the UNIX platform.
FTP4ALL was designed to require no superuser privileges. The advantages are
that FTP4ALL cannot be exploited to gain root access on a machine. And second,
any user on a UNIX box can run this server. It does not use the default user
database (/etc/passwd or NIS or whatever), or the UNIX file and directory
permissions. Instead, FTP4ALL sets up its own user and group database and
file and directory permission system.

Those and other features like user upload and download ratios, IP checks,
bandwidth limit, transfer statistics make FTP4ALL a good choice for running
a private, specialised FTP site.

2003-04-19T14:00:38+00:00 www/man2web Convert man pages to HTML
man2web is a program for converting man (manual) output to HTML on
the fly (as a CGI program) or on the command line.

2003-04-19T12:02:50+00:00 irc/dancer-services The IRC services (nickserv, chanserv, etc.) for dancer-ircd
This is the IRC services (nickserv, chanserv, etc.) for dancer-ircd,
based on hybserv.
2003-04-19T12:01:34+00:00 irc/dancer-ircd An irc daemon based on hybrid ircd
This is the ircd designed for use on, based on the hybrid
ircd used by efnet.

This port/package is configured for use on a small network or
standalone, and the escape code filter is disabled. To use it on a
large and/or Western language only network, please re-configure
config.h and rebuild.
2003-04-18T11:41:13+00:00 emulators/linux_base-debian Debian base set for the Linux mode
This port contains a base package set of Debian Linux.
These packages form your Linux base just like a real Debian box.

This port has not yet been tested on the Alpha--please tell the
maintainer about any success or failure.

2003-04-18T07:09:17+00:00 www/mod_blosxom Apache module to build the extremely lightweight Weblog environment
mod_blosxom.c is the Apache module which builds the extremely lightweight
Weblog environment. mod_blosxom.c has inherited the function of 'Blosxom'
and can share the same data and the same template.

2003-04-18T07:06:37+00:00 textproc/p5-Text-Reform Manual text wrapping and reformatting
Manual text wrapping and reformatting

2003-04-18T06:58:36+00:00 net/danamics Petri Net editor for correctness and performance analysis
The DaNAMiCS project is to build a Petri Net editor that allows for
both correctness and performance analysis. The performance analysis
will be performed by Steady State anaylsis and by simulation.

DaNAMiCS will also include support for Inhibitor Arcs. This will
allow for priorities to be modelled and will increase the modelling
power of Petri Nets to that of Turing Machines. DaNAMiCS will also
enable the user to model with Coloured Tokens, which greatly reduce
the complexity of the resultant nets.

2003-04-18T06:33:13+00:00 www/p5-Apache-Session-PHP Glue Apache::Session with PHP::Session
Apache::Session::PHP is an adapter of Apache::Session for PHP::Session

2003-04-18T06:29:59+00:00 www/p5-PHP-Session Read / write PHP session files
PHP::Session provides a way to read / write PHP4 session files, with which
you can make your Perl application session shared with PHP4.

2003-04-18T06:26:42+00:00 devel/p5-UNIVERSAL-exports Lightweight, universal exporting of variables
This is an alternative to Exporter intended to provide a universal,
lightweight subset of its functionality. It uses Exporter::Lite, so look
there for details

2003-04-18T06:21:06+00:00 misc/p5-Net-vCard Read and write vCard files (RFC 2426)
Net::vCard - Read and write vCard files (RFC 2426). vCard files hold
personal information that you would typically find on a business card.
Name, numbers, addresses, and even logos. This module can also serve as a
base class for other vFile readers.

2003-04-18T06:17:39+00:00 devel/p5-Devel-Profile Tell me why my perl program runs so slowly
The Devel::Profile package is a Perl code profiler. This will collect
information on the execution time of a Perl script and of the subs in that
script. This information can be used to determine which subroutines are using
the most time and which subroutines are being called most often.

2003-04-18T06:15:01+00:00 devel/p5-Exporter-Lite Lightweight exporting of functions and variables
This is an alternative to Exporter intended to provide a lightweight subset of
the most commonly-used functionality. It supports import(), @EXPORT and
@EXPORT_OK and not a whole lot else.

2003-04-18T04:39:45+00:00 x11-toolkits/py-gtkglext Python binding for GtkGLExt
PyGtkGLExt is Python language binding for GtkGLExt, OpenGL Extension
to GTK.

2003-04-17T17:56:26+00:00 net/netboot Netboot with Packet or NDIS-2 drivers
This code produces bootloaders for many cards that can be loaded
from a floppy disk or burnt into an EEPROM as raw or hex

Netboot uses standard DOS drivers (either Packet or NDIS-2), all
network cards can be used for which those drivers exist, even PCI
and 100MBps cards. In case no such driver has been delivered with
a network card it can usually be downloaded from an FTP server of
the manufacturer

2003-04-17T16:27:41+00:00 www/mod_limitipconn Limit the number of simultaneous connections from a single IP address
This is the distribution page for the Apache module mod_limitipconn.c, which
allows web server administrators to limit the number of simultaneous downloads
permitted from a single IP address.

Why did I write this module? Well, I run an mp3 server which since its
inception was being constantly hosed by people who were trying to download
dozens of files at once. For months I scoured the Internet looking for a code
snippet that would solve this problem. The closest thing I found was this patch
against an old version of Apache, and it didn't run properly on my Linux box
(that was back then; nowadays, the patch doesn't even apply cleanly to the
Apache source tree).

Finally I gave up and decided to write something to do the job myself, and
here's the result.

2003-04-17T16:03:35+00:00 graphics/evolvotron Generative software that evolves images/textures/patterns
Evolvotron is interactive "generative art" software to evolve
images/textures/patterns through an iterative process of random
mutation and user-selection driven evolution.

2003-04-17T14:26:46+00:00 net/nss_ldap RFC 2307 NSS module
nss_ldap is a NSS module which provides an LDAP backend for C library
functions such as getpwnam(3), getgrnam(3), and gethostbyname(3). It
is compliant with RFC 2307, ``An Approach for Using LDAP as a Network
Information Service''.

Currently this is an experimental port, with support only for the
`passwd' and `group' databases.

2003-04-17T11:37:32+00:00 japanese/openoffice-devel
2003-04-17T11:37:32+00:00 japanese/openoffice-1.1
2003-04-16T12:38:16+00:00 graphics/pixieplus A free, fast, and feature packed image browser and viewer for KDE
PixiePlus is a free, fast, and feature packed image browser, viewer, and
image/photo editor for Unix/Linux/X11 systems that run KDE.

- Fast, flexible thumbnail preview generation
- Embedded JPEG and TIFF thumbnail support
- Lossless JPEG transformations
- Supports many image formats
- Highly configurable HTML export
- Batch conversion and effects
- Animated slideshows
- Similiar image finding
- File management optimized for images

2003-04-16T12:06:10+00:00 deskutils/karamba Display various information right on your desktop
Hours of fun for the whole family!

See the example on the home page for configuration.

Karamba is a KDE program that can display a lot of various
information right on your desktop. Karamba uses the same
"fake" transparency effect that e.g., Konsole can use.

2003-04-16T11:44:55+00:00 sysutils/linneighborhood GTK+ gui for browsing and mounting SMB filesystems
LinNeighborhood is a Xwindow graphical port of Network Neighborhood,
running over Samba utilities and the smbfs.

It permits to browse an SMB (CIFS) network consisting of Samba,
Windows (WfWg, 95, 98, NT) and probably (not tested) OS/2, LanManager
for DOS and others. It also offers an interface to mount the found shares.


2003-04-16T11:44:55+00:00 net/linneighborhood GTK+ gui for browsing and mounting SMB filesystems
LinNeighborhood is a Xwindow graphical port of Network Neighborhood,
running over Samba utilities and the smbfs.

It permits to browse an SMB (CIFS) network consisting of Samba,
Windows (WfWg, 95, 98, NT) and probably (not tested) OS/2, LanManager
for DOS and others. It also offers an interface to mount the found shares.

2003-04-16T11:15:49+00:00 deskutils/kbirthday KDE kicker-applet that reminds you of birthdays and anniversaries
KBirthday is a kicker-applet that reminds you of birthdays and
anniversaries from your KDE addressbook. It uses the KDE
addressbook API to access the addressbook data. So you
can use your favourite addressbook frontend to manage your
friends addresses, birthdays and anniversaries.


* support for birthdays and anniversaries from kaddressbook
* configurable notification time (past and future events supported)
* highlighting of most urgent events with configurable color
* shows remaining days to every event
* shows age of a person having birthday or years of anniversary

2003-04-16T09:39:16+00:00 net/radiator Radiator Radius Server by Open System Consultants
Radiator is a highly configurable and flexible Radius server that supports
authentication by a huge range of authentication methods such as Flat files,
DBM files, Unix password files, SQL databases, remote Radius servers
(proxying), external programs, NT User Manager, Active Directory, LDAP, PAM,
iPASS, GRIC, NIS+, Tacacs+, a wide range of ISP billing packages such as
Emerald, Platypus, Rodopi, Hawk-i, Interbiller98, Freeside etc, your legacy
user database etc, etc.

Radiator now supports more 802.1x secure wireless and LAN authentication
methods than any other Radius server giving a wide choice of 802.1x network

Radiator also includes many features not found in other Radius servers such
as double-login prevention, username rewriting, full vendor-specific
attributes, time-of-day blocking and a GUI for running user tests. Full list
of technical features.

Runs on all Unix, Linux, Windows 95, 98, NT, 2000, Mac OS-9 and Mac OS-X, VMS.

Due to license restrictions, this package must be purchased and manually
downloaded from the Open System Consultants web site.

2003-04-16T08:58:32+00:00 finance/aqmoney Manage your credit institute accounts using openhbci
Aqmoney is a homebanking application.
Aqmoney is able to create both RDH mode ("security disc" mode called in
other programs) and DDV mode (chip card) customers. A customer is one who
has one or more account(s) at a credit institute. To manage accounts you must
first create a customer.

2003-04-16T07:18:26+00:00 x11/gnome-swallow Applet that swallows any X11 application into the GNOME 2 panel
Gnome-swallow is a pseudo-applet that allows one to swallow any X11
application into the GNOME 2 panel. This restores the functionality that
used to exist in GNOME 1.x.

2003-04-15T16:26:00+00:00 misc/asr-manpages alt.sysadmin.recovery man page distribution
You are in the presence of a System Administrator. Kneel.

"On Usenet, we vent in a group called alt.sysadmin.recovery. The
group has a FAQ. If you read the FAQ, you will find that you (the
users) subscribe to this group at your own peril. If you want to
be useful, why don't you run over to the supply cabinet and get a
new box of pixels for the monitor. As part of our venting, some
of us have written a series of man pages that we'd like to see."

Manpages you ever needed:
bosskill.8 c.1 chastise.3 ctluser.8 guru.8 knife.8 lart.1m luser.8
normality.5 nuke.8 people.2 pmsd.8 rtfm.1 slave.1 sysadmin.1 think.1

2003-04-15T02:23:37+00:00 sysutils/gok GNOME On-Screen Keyboard (GOK)
The GNOME On-Screen Keyboard (GOK) is an accessability interface
that gives you control of your system without needing a keyboard.
The GOK makes available a hierarchical button system that enables
keyboardless entry of common accelerators, and contains a
clickable keyboard that sports suggested autocompletion of many
common words, and even some commands. The GOK will provide an
alternative interface to common commands and functions within
applications that utilize the AT SPI.

The GOK is is designed to be usable by many alternative input
methods, i.e. not a common keyboard and mouse combination.

2003-04-15T02:23:37+00:00 accessibility/gok GNOME On-Screen Keyboard (GOK)
The GNOME On-Screen Keyboard (GOK) is an accessibility interface
that gives you control of your system without needing a keyboard.
The GOK makes available a hierarchical button system that enables
keyboardless entry of common accelerators, and contains a
clickable keyboard that sports suggested autocompletion of many
common words, and even some commands. The GOK will provide an
alternative interface to common commands and functions within
applications that utilize the AT SPI.

The GOK is designed to be usable by many alternative input
methods, i.e. not a common keyboard and mouse combination.

2003-04-14T12:21:31+00:00 textproc/p5-Text-Quoted Extract structure of quoted email message in Perl
Text::Quoted examines the structure of some text which
may contain multiple different levels of quoting, and
turns the text into a nested data structure.

2003-04-14T12:02:19+00:00 devel/p5-Locale-Maketext-Fuzzy Maketext from already interpolated strings
This module is a subclass of Locale::Maketext, with additional
support for localizing messages that already contains interpolated
variables. This is most useful when the messages are returned by
external modules -- for example, to match dir: command not found
against [_1]: command not found.

2003-04-14T07:00:45+00:00 devel/p5-Encode-compat Compatibility interfaces for on Perl < 5.7.1
This module provide a compatibility layer for users
on perl versions earlier than v5.7.1. It translates whatever
call it receives into Text::Iconv, or (in the future)
Unicode::MapUTF8 to perform the actual work.

Currently, this module only support 5.6.1, and merely provides
the three utility function above (encode(), decode() and from_to()),
with a very kludgy FB_HTMLCREF fallback against latin-1 in from_to().

2003-04-14T07:00:45+00:00 converters/p5-Encode-compat Compatibility interfaces for on Perl < 5.7.1
This module provide a compatibility layer for users
on perl versions earlier than v5.7.1. It translates whatever
call it receives into Text::Iconv, or (in the future)
Unicode::MapUTF8 to perform the actual work.

Currently, this module only support 5.6.1, and merely provides
the three utility function above (encode(), decode() and from_to()),
with a very kludgy FB_HTMLCREF fallback against latin-1 in from_to().

2003-04-14T01:09:58+00:00 net/hinfo Utility primarily designed to find the owner of an IP block
hinfo is a utility that will display information about a host. It is
primarily designed to find the owner of an IP block in order to direct
spam complaints to where they may do some good.

(maintainer's note: the DATAFILES are updated without the port version
necessarily being updated. Expect drift on distinfo. See hinfo-update.)

Although the home page of the software is at,
that page is not reachable from the domain.
2003-04-14T00:57:43+00:00 hebrew/culmus Free Hebrew Type1 fonts
Hebrew font families. ASCII glyphs borrowed from the URW and Bitstream
fonts. Those families provide a basic set of a serif (Frank Ruehl), sans
serif (Nachlieli) and monospaced (Miriam Mono) fonts. Also included
Drugulin, Ktav Yad, Aharoni, David, Hadasim, Shofar, Simple, Stam, Keter
and Ellinia.

2003-04-14T00:46:49+00:00 devel/avarice Atmel AVR JTAG programmer and debugging interface for avr-gdb
AVaRICE is a program which interfaces the GNU Debugger GDB with the
AVR JTAG ICE available from Atmel.

Use AVaRICE standalone as a programmer, or it can be run as an
intermediary between avr-gdb and the AVR JTAG hardware, allowing one
to use GDB to debug your AVR code as it runs in-system.

2003-04-13T23:36:10+00:00 textproc/meld GNOME visual diff and merge tool
Meld is a GNOME visual diff and merge tool. It integrates especially well
with CVS. The diff viewer lets you edit files in place (diffs update
dynamically), and a middle column shows detailed changes and allows merges.
The margins show location of changes for easy navigation, and it also
features a tabbed interface that allows you to open many diffs at once.

2003-04-13T22:51:13+00:00 devel/hs-darcs Distributed, interactive, smart revision control system
Darcs is a free, open source revision control system. It is:

* Distributed: Every user has access to the full command set, removing
boundaries between server and client or committer and non-committers.

* Interactive: Darcs is easy to learn and efficient to use because it
asks you questions in response to simple commands, giving you choices in
your work flow. You can choose to record one change in a file, while
ignoring another. As you update from upstream, you can review each patch
name, even the full "diff" for interesting patches.

* Smart: Originally developed by physicist David Roundy, darcs is based
on a unique algebra of patches.

This smartness lets you respond to changing demands in ways that would
otherwise not be possible. Learn more about spontaneous branches with

2003-04-13T22:51:13+00:00 devel/darcs A distributed, interactive, smart revision control system
Darcs is a free, open source revision control system. It is:

* Distributed: Every user has access to the full command set, removing
boundaries between server and client or committer and non-committers.

* Interactive: Darcs is easy to learn and efficient to use because it
asks you questions in response to simple commands, giving you choices in
your work flow. You can choose to record one change in a file, while
ignoring another. As you update from upstream, you can review each patch
name, even the full "diff" for interesting patches.

* Smart: Originally developed by physicist David Roundy, darcs is based
on a unique algebra of patches.

This smartness lets you respond to changing demands in ways that would
otherwise not be possible. Learn more about spontaneous branches with

2003-04-13T13:17:14+00:00 security/samhain Samhain Intrusion Detection System
Samhain is an open source file integrity and host-based intrusion
detection system for Linux and Unix. It can run as a daemon process,
and thus can remember file changes - contrary to a tool that runs
from cron, if a file is modified you will get only one report, while
subsequent checks of that file will ignore the modification as it is
already reported (unless the file is modified again).

Samhain can optionally be used as client/server system to provide
centralized monitoring for multiple host. Logging to a (MySQL or
PostgreSQL) database is supported.

2003-04-13T12:38:13+00:00 korean/mod_url Apache module for manipulating euc-kr encoded URL
mod_url -- an Apache module manipulating euc-kr encoded URL.

Author: Won Kyu Park <>
2003-04-13T08:12:48+00:00 x11-toolkits/gnustep-xdps
2003-04-13T06:17:36+00:00 sysutils/sb16config Configuration utility for Granch SBNI16-SHDSL PCI modems
Configuration utility for Granch SBNI16-SHDSL PCI modems.
2003-04-13T05:31:27+00:00 editors/beaver A programmer's text editor for GTK+ 2.0
Beaver is an Early AdVanced EditoR, for Linux and other Unix (and even
Windows); in other words, it's a text editor that is intended to be
lightweight, but full of useful features for programming, from
websites editing to C coding. It is based upon the GTK+ toolkit,
supports many languages through config files and offers functions such
as automatic indentation, completion and correction, or syntax
highlighting. In fact, it is 100% compatible with the Ultraedit's
wordfile.txt files, and has its own mini macro language.


- Jean-Yves Lefort
2003-04-12T19:35:30+00:00 sysutils/acidlaunch An application launcher with simple XML-based configuration syntax
Acidlaunch is a small, light-weight dockable app launcher with a simple
XML-based configuration syntax. It's written in C++ using gtk,
gdk-pixbuf and libxml2. It's great as a small, simple app launcher, and
it can optionally run in a withdrawn mode for embedding in the BlackBox

2003-04-12T17:57:27+00:00 japanese/gauche-kakasi KAKASI binding for Gauche
This is a Gauche extension module to use KAKASI.

2003-04-12T14:07:16+00:00 net/bittorrent "Peer to Peer file sharing/mirroring."
BitTorrent is a distributed Peer to Peer file distribution mechanism.
Seeded file sets are published via the web and the network grows as
more clients connect.

2003-04-12T08:50:34+00:00 deskutils/rolo Text-based contact management software
Rolo keeps track of your contacts and display them to you with a text-based
menu. Rolo strives to be a well-constructed tool for complementing text-based
email programs-such as mutt. It utilizes the vCard version 3.0 format for
storing its contacts and it interfaces with the end-user through a NCurses

2003-04-11T20:52:02+00:00 security/freebsd-update Fetches and installs binary updates to FreeBSD
This is the client half of the FreeBSD Update system; it fetches and
applies binary security updates.


- Colin Percival
2003-04-11T20:37:09+00:00 misc/wmweather+ Displays current conditions and forecasts with icons and text
wmweather+ will download the National Weather Serivce METAR bulletins;
AVN, ETA, and MRF forecasts; and any weather map for display in a
WindowMaker dockapp. Think wmweather with a smaller font, forecasts,
a weather map, and a sky condition display.

You will need to look up the METAR code for your city (a standard code
used in aviation).

2003-04-11T18:44:31+00:00 x11-toolkits/wxgtk24-docs wxWindows documentation in HTML
wxGTK documentation

2003-04-11T18:44:31+00:00 x11-toolkits/wxgtk-docs wxWindows documentation in HTML
wxGTK documentation

2003-04-11T17:53:43+00:00 devel/p5-Locale-Maketext-Lexicon Use other catalog formats in Locale::Maketext
This module provides lexicon-handling modules to read from other localization
formats, such as Gettext, Msgcat, and so on.

2003-04-11T15:38:01+00:00 multimedia/kplayer Movie player based on mplayer
KPlayer is a KDE media player based on MPlayer,

Features include video, audio and subtitle playback from file, URL, DVD, VCD,
audio CD, TV, etc.; volume, contrast, brightness, hue and saturation controls;
zooming, full screen and fixed aspect options; status and progress display
and seeking; user friendly interface.

Among planned enhancements are configuration dialog, global and per-file
options, playlist, further KDE integration, MPlayer config file handling,
support for media encoding.

2003-04-11T15:38:01+00:00 multimedia/kplayer-kde4 Movie player based on mplayer
KPlayer is a KDE media player based on MPlayer,

Features include video, audio and subtitle playback from file, URL, DVD, VCD,
audio CD, TV, etc.; volume, contrast, brightness, hue and saturation controls;
zooming, full screen and fixed aspect options; status and progress display
and seeking; user friendly interface.

Among planned enhancements are configuration dialog, global and per-file
options, playlist, further KDE integration, MPlayer config file handling,
support for media encoding.

2003-04-11T10:28:51+00:00 sysutils/wmmemfree Memory and swap monitoring dockapp
WMMemFree shows system memory usage. It runs as a dockapp for window
manager like WindowMaker or some other which supports dockapps. On
the top side you have your physical memory usage and on the bottom there
is your swap space usage.
2003-04-10T14:29:39+00:00 x11/cnslock A visual indicator of the states of the three "lock" buttons
Cnslock is a dock application (dockapp) which provides a visual
indication of the states of the three "lock" buttons (caps, num, and

It should be especially useful for people who own a wireless keyboard
with no leds on it, and thus have difficulty keeping track of "lock"

2003-04-10T14:24:00+00:00 multimedia/WMxmms A dockable XMMS interface
WMxmms is little dockapp in the style of wmusic and wmapmload/wmcpuload.
It represents a fairly complete interface to XMMS including reflecting
states set from the XMMS console.

Credits go to Thomas Nemeth who came up with the LCD type design and
Hades ( who wrote xmusic and thus provided the
inspiration for this one.

2003-04-10T07:51:34+00:00 misc/solfege Free eartraining software
When you study music on high school, college or music conservatory, you
usually have to do ear training. Some of the exercises, like sight singing
is easy to do alone. But often you have to be at least two people, one
making questions, the other answering.

GNU Solfege tries to help out with this. Solfege is a computer program written
to help you practise the more simple and mechanical exercises on your own.
These are the exercises written so far:
* Recognise melodic and harmonic intervals
* Compare interval sizes
* Sing the intervals the computer asks for
* Identify chords
* Sing chords
* Scales
* Dictation
* Remembering rhythmic patterns

2003-04-10T07:51:34+00:00 audio/solfege Free ear training software
When you study music on high school, college or music conservatory, you
usually have to do ear training. Some of the exercises, like sight singing
is easy to do alone. But often you have to be at least two people, one
making questions, the other answering.

GNU Solfege tries to help out with this. Solfege is a computer program written
to help you practise the more simple and mechanical exercises on your own.
These are the exercises written so far:
* Recognise melodic and harmonic intervals
* Compare interval sizes
* Sing the intervals the computer asks for
* Identify chords
* Sing chords
* Scales
* Dictation
* Remembering rhythmic patterns

2003-04-10T01:21:10+00:00 devel/p4api Perforce API (static libraries and header files)
The Perforce Client API is a simple beast which packages up the
command invocation, sends it to the server, and then acts on
instructions from the server to carry out the actual command.

2003-04-09T21:50:02+00:00 sysutils/multitail Tail multiple files on console with ncurses
MultiTail lets you view one or multiple files like the original tail program.
The difference is that it creates multiple windows on your console (with
ncurses). It can also monitor wildcards: if another file matching the wildcard
has a more recent modification date, it will automatically switch to that file.
That way you can, for example, monitor a complete directory of files. Merging
of 2 or even more logfiles is possible. It can also use colors while displaying
the logfiles (through regular expressions), for faster recognition of what is
important and what not. It can also filter lines (again with regular
expressions). It has interactive menus for editing given regular expressions
and deleting and adding windows. One can also have windows with the output of
shell scripts and other software. When viewing the output of external software,
MultiTail can mimic the functionality of tools like 'watch' and such.

2003-04-09T00:09:54+00:00 net/ifstat Network interface statistics monitoring tool
ifstat is a tool to report network interfaces bandwith just like vmstat/iostat
do for other system counters.

2003-04-08T21:59:14+00:00 devel/avrdude Program for programming the on-chip memory of Atmel AVR CPUs
AVRDUDE - AVR Downloader/UploaDEr - is a program for updating the
flash, eeprom, and fuse bit memories of Atmel AVR microcontrollers.
It operates with several programmers including STK500 and most
directly connect parallel port style programmers.

2003-04-08T16:06:38+00:00 japanese/kochi-cidfonts Free Japanese CID-keyed fonts named 'Kochi'
`Kochi-CID' is a trial to convert modification-free TrueType fonts
`Kochi Mincho' and `Kochi Gothic' designed by Yasuyuki Furukawa
to CID-keyed fonts which can be used on Ghostscript, FreeType or
other PostScript software/hardware.

2003-04-08T14:12:44+00:00 mail/qmail-conf Configure various qmail services to run under daemontools
This is a suite of helper programs which create daemontools service
directories for the various qmail utilities.

2003-04-08T00:09:55+00:00 science/gchempaint 2D chemical structures editor for GNOME 2
GChemPaint is a 2D chemical structures editor for GNOME 2.
It's also bonobo server so some chemistry could be embedded
in Gnome applications such as Gnumeric and Abiword.

2003-04-08T00:04:57+00:00 science/gchemutils C++ classes and Gtk3 widgets related to chemistry
Gnome Chemistry Utils provide C++ classes and Gtk+-2 widgets related
to chemistry. It also contains these programs:

* GChemPaint: a 2D chemical editor
* a chemical calculator
* a molecular structure viewer (GChem3D)
* a crystal structure viewer and editor (Gnome Crystal)
* a periodic table of the elements
* a Mozilla plugin (which displays only XYZ files at the moment)
* a simple spectrum viewer (GSpectrum)

2003-04-07T19:09:33+00:00 mail/rbl-milter Milter that adds mail header warnings on mail from open-relays
This is a simple sendmail milter which adds an X-RBL-Warning header to
any emails that are received that come from an open relay as
determined by your choice of RBL checking service (i.e.

This is useful if you'd rather have the mail user agent (MUA) deal with
potential spam rather than just blocking it in case you loose
legitimate messages. Note that the X-RBL-Warning header is only set if
the site was found to be an open-relay.

2003-04-07T15:56:21+00:00 news/straw A desktop news aggregator for the GNOME 2 desktop
Straw is a desktop news aggregator for the GNOME environment. Its aim is
to be a faster, easier and more accessible way to read news and blogs
than the traditional browser.

News aggregators read news, weblog or other feeds over the web and
aggregate them so the news items are readable from a single place,
regardless of their source. The data format aggregators utilize
to do their job is called RSS, standing either for Really Simple
Syndication or RDF Site Summary, depending on who you ask. At the
moment, there are two different, incompatible specifications, with
different objectives: RSS 0.9x/RSS 2.0 and RSS 1.0. Straw supports both
of them.

2003-04-07T08:34:20+00:00 java/java-getopt Java version of GNU getopt family functions
This is a Java port of GNU getopt, a class for parsing command line arguments
passed to programs. It is based on the C getopt() functions in glibc 2.0.6 and
should parse options in a 100% compatible manner.

2003-04-07T06:51:44+00:00 mail/spamstats Tool to generate statistics for spamd of Mail::SpamAssassin
A script that generates statistics about spam you receive at your site.

The script parses maillog file, generated by exim/postfix/sendmail and spamd.

The script will currently not work with other mailers than exim, postfix or
sendmail (contributions will be welcome) or if you do not use spamd.

2003-04-07T05:24:22+00:00 devel/yasm Complete rewrite of the NASM assembler
YASM is a complete rewrite of the NASM assembler under the "new" BSD License
(some portions are currently under the GNU Lesser General Public License
(LGPL)). Yasm currently supports the x86 and AMD64 instruction sets, accepts
NASM and GAS assembler syntaxes, outputs binary, ELF32, ELF64, COFF, Mach-O
(32 and 64), RDOFF2, Win32, and Win64 object formats, and generates source
debugging information in STABS, DWARF 2, and CodeView 8 formats.

2003-04-06T23:24:39+00:00 graphics/openrm Development environment used to build 2D/3D/stereo graphics
OpenRM Scene Graph is set of tools and utilities that implement a
high performance, flexible and extendible scene graph API. Underneath
OpenRM, OpenGL(tm) is used as the graphics platform for rendering,
so OpenRM is highly portable and can deliver blazing rendering speeds.
OpenRM can be used on any platform that has OpenGL, and has been
built and tested on:
x86 Linux (s/w via Mesa, h/w using vendor drivers, e.g., nVidia)
Win32 (95/98/NT/2K/ME).

OpenRM is a derivative work of RM Scene Graph (tm), a commercial
scene graph product from R3vis Corporation. Late in 1999, R3vis announced
the release of OpenRM into the Open Source community, with the
OpenRM debut occuring on 1 March 2000. R3vis continues to maintain
and develop RM Scene Graph, which contains additional features not
present in OpenRM.

2003-04-06T15:46:31+00:00 textproc/ocaml-pxp Validating XML parser for OCaml
PXP is a validating XML parser for OCaml. It strictly complies
to the XML-1.0 standard.

The parser is simple to call, usually only one statement (function
call) is sufficient to parse an XML document and to represent it
as object tree.

Once the document is parsed, it can be accessed using a class
interface. The interface allows arbitrary access including
transformations. One of the features of the document representation
is its polymorphic nature; it is simple to add custom methods to
the document classes. Furthermore, the parser can be configured
such that different XML elements are represented by objects created
from different classes. This is a very powerful feature, because
it simplifies the structure of programs processing XML documents.

2003-04-06T15:06:19+00:00 ftp/bsdftpd-ssl Secure FTP client/server with TLS/SSL support
BSDftpd-ssl is the secure FTP server that supports industry standard TLS/SSL
encryption and authentication for whole FTP sessions and data transfers. This
implementation is compatible with the original FTP protocol, which is described
in RFC 959, and the TLS/SSL enhancement allows RFC 2228-compliant TLS/SSL
protection for both control and data channels.

This package contains the secure FTP server, the command-line TLS/SSL-aware FTP
client utility, an essential documentation, and also script programs for a
basic X.509 certificate management.

2003-04-06T13:07:51+00:00 net/msntp A straightforward SNTP daemon/utility
MSNTP can be used as a SNTP client to query a NTP or SNTP server and
either display the time or set the local system's time (given suitable
privilege). It can be run as an interactive command, in a cron job or
as a daemon. It can be run as a daemon to provide a SNTP server for
other clients.

Author: N.M. Maclaren at the University of Cambridge
2003-04-06T07:45:30+00:00 graphics/swfdec Flash Rendering Library
Swfdec is a library for rendering Flash animations and games. It was
originally designed as a basis library for creating Flash plugins for
GStreamer, but it is a fully standalone library which only use the
libart library for drawing.

2003-04-06T07:16:01+00:00 devel/libsigcx Extension of libSigC++
libSigC++ Extras is a library consisting of new features built on top of
libSigC++ and features that formerly were in libSigC++ and were removed
from it.

2003-04-06T06:23:37+00:00 x11-toolkits/gtk-aqualightblue-theme A port of the GTK+ AquaLightBlue theme to GTK+ 2.0
This theme looks very much like the Aqua interface of MacOS X. It
sports some very nice blue colours and 'liquidy' scrollers. It's
easy on the eyes too!


- Philip

Philip Paeps
2003-04-06T06:23:37+00:00 x11-themes/gtk-aqualightblue-theme Port of the GTK+ AquaLightBlue theme to GTK+ 2.0
This theme looks very much like the Aqua interface of MacOS X. It
sports some very nice blue colours and 'liquidy' scrollers. It's
easy on the eyes too!

2003-04-06T06:08:11+00:00 x11-toolkits/gtk-cleanice-engine A simplistic GTK+ 2.x theme engine
CleanIce is a simplistic, semi-flat theme engine for GTK+ 2.x, based on the
ThinIce and Clean engines of old. The GTK+ 2.x engine has many benefits over
the original theme. The arrows are more consistent, the colors are slightly
revised to be more usable, etc.


- Philip

Philip Paeps
2003-04-06T06:08:11+00:00 x11-themes/gtk-cleanice-engine Simplistic GTK+ 2.x theme engine
CleanIce is a simplistic, semi-flat theme engine for GTK+ 2.x, based on the
ThinIce and Clean engines of old. The GTK+ 2.x engine has many benefits over
the original theme. The arrows are more consistent, the colors are slightly
revised to be more usable, etc.
2003-04-06T04:38:52+00:00 x11/wmdrawer Dockapp which provides a drawer to launch applications
wmDrawer is a dock application (dockapp) which provides a drawer (retractable
button bar) to launch applications.
* The drawer is retractable and animated.
* Several columns of buttons can be defined in the drawer.
* The configuration file is automaticaly reloaded if it changes.
* Multiple instances of the program can run at the same time.
* Button's highlight under mouse cursor.
* Drawer's transparency (need SHAPE extension).
* Ability to launch several apps at once from the drawer. By holding down
the key Shift or by using mouse buttons middle or right instead of left,
you can keep the drawer opened.

2003-04-06T04:19:24+00:00 net/libyahoo2 A C library that handles the new Yahoo! Messenger protocol
libyahoo2 is a C library interface to the new Yahoo! Messenger protocol.
It supports almost all current features of the protocol.

2003-04-06T04:19:24+00:00 net-im/libyahoo2 C library that handles the new Yahoo! Messenger protocol
libyahoo2 is a C library interface to the new Yahoo! Messenger protocol.
It supports almost all current features of the protocol.

2003-04-06T01:29:15+00:00 audio/beep Beeps a certain duration and pitch out of the PC Speaker
This program will beep, using a duration and pitch specified on the
command line or the program's defaults.
2003-04-06T01:10:47+00:00 audio/discid Identify audio cd in your drive
A C Program to Compute CDDB discids on Linux and FreeBSD.

2003-04-06T00:30:58+00:00 www/cherokee Fast and flexible web server
Cherokee is a very fast, flexible and easy to configure Web Server. It
supports the widespread technologies nowadays: FastCGI, SCGI, PHP, CGI,
TLS and SSL encrypted connections, Virtual hosts, Authentication, on the
fly encoding, Load balancing, Apache compatible log files, and much
more. A user friendly interface called cherokee-admin is provided for a
no-hassle configuration of the server.

2003-04-06T00:30:58+00:00 www/cherokee-devel Extremely fast and flexible web server
Cherokee is a very fast, flexible, and lightweight Web server. It is
implemented entirely in C, and has no dependencies beyond a standard C
library. It is embeddable and extensible with plug-ins. It supports on-the-fly
configuration by reading files or strings, TLS/SSL (via GNUTLS or OpenSSL),
virtual hosts, authentication, cache friendly features, PHP, custom error
management, and much more.

2003-04-05T23:01:09+00:00 print/pdflib-perl
2003-04-05T20:50:16+00:00 www/linux-flashplugin9 Adobe Flash Player NPAPI Plugin
This is the official Flash Player from Adobe. This plugin enables
you to see .swf and .spl files on the 'net from your Opera, Mozilla or
Firefox sessions.

Please see the Adobe home page for more information.

FreeBSD Flash License Agreement:

2003-04-05T20:50:16+00:00 www/linux-flashplugin7 Adobe Flash Player NPAPI Plugin
This is the official Flash Player from Adobe. This plugin enables
you to see .swf and .spl files on the 'net from your Opera, Mozilla or
Firefox sessions.

Please see the Adobe home page for more information.

FreeBSD Flash License Agreement:

Unoffical FreeBSD support:

2003-04-05T20:50:16+00:00 www/linux-flashplugin6 The official Macromedia Flash Player for Linux Mozilla and Netscape 6+
This is the official Flash Player from Macromedia. This plugin enables
you to see .swf and .spl files on the 'net from your Mozilla and
Netscape 6+ session.

Version 6 of the Macromedia Flash Player no longer works with Netscape
4.x or earlier. For Flash support in those browsers install the
linux-flashplugin port.

Please see the Macromedia home page for more information.

2003-04-05T18:37:18+00:00 misc/chmlib Library for dealing with Microsoft ITSS/CHM format files
CHMLIB is a library for dealing with Microsoft ITSS/CHM format files. Right
now, it is a very simple library, but sufficient for dealing with all of the
.chm files I've come across. Due to the fairly well-designed indexing built
into this particular file format, even a small library is able to gain
reasonably good performance indexing into ITSS archives.

2003-04-05T13:11:56+00:00 net/jabber-msn Jabber MSN-Transport module
The Jabber server (jabberd) is a daemon for Jabber clients to connect
and communicate with. The MSN-Transport allows clients to chat with MSN
users. This package contain a pre-release version supporting MSN protocol 8.
After 15 october 2003 all MSN clients are required to support this version of
the protocol or higher by the MSN servers.

You can learn more about Jabber at:
2003-04-05T13:11:56+00:00 net-im/jabber-msn Jabber MSN-Transport module
The Jabber server (jabberd) is a daemon for Jabber clients to connect
and communicate with. The MSN-Transport allows clients to chat with MSN
users. This package contain a pre-release version supporting MSN protocol 8.
After 15 october 2003 all MSN clients are required to support this version of
the protocol or higher by the MSN servers.

You can learn more about Jabber at:
2003-04-05T12:47:13+00:00 devel/ccmalloc C/C++ memory profiler and memory leak tracer
CCMalloc can help you track down memory related problems with C/C++

2003-04-05T09:40:55+00:00 security/avmailgate AntiVir MailGate mail virusscanner
AntiVir MailGate for FreeBSD protects your electronic post office
against viruses.
It is working with numerous common Mail Transport Agents (MTA),
like sendmail, postfix, qmail and exim. Operates at high speed,
is easy to configure and checks both incoming and outgoing emails.

AntiVir MailGate is a store-and-forward agent, in which the
workload is shared by the two programs avgated and avgatefwd.

Avgated receives the emails and stores them in a specified
directory. This program can be run as an independent server which
occupies port 25 (SMTP) or is started by the internet superdaemon

Avgatefwd reads the temporarily stored emails, decodes the attach-
ments and initiates the virus scan. If no viruses are found in the
emails, they are forwarded immediately.

If an email is found to be infected, it will not be forwarded. In
this case, the postmaster receives an e-mail with a detailed report,
and the sender and recipient are also notified of the infection.

For more information on AntiVir please visit our web site

AntiVir is a registered trademark of
H+BEDV Datentechnik GmbH

2003-04-05T09:22:40+00:00 graphics/compupic Digital content manager
CompuPic for Linux/Unix - Digital Content Manager

CompuPic gives you unmatched performance paired with a full set of
features for editing, sharing, and using your digital content.

Free for non-business use!

2003-04-05T08:20:27+00:00 net/netams Network Traffic Accounting and Monitoring Software
NeTAMS is a Network Traffic Accounting and Monitoring Software.
It runs as a daemon under FreeBSD and Linux operating systems.
Collects an IP traffic information flowing via your PC/UNIX or Cisco router,
filters it, aggregates, stores onto HASH/SQL database,
and makes SMTP/HTML reports to site administrator.
Anoter features are flexible policy targets, firewalling, access control,
quotas, scheduler and much much more.

2003-04-05T08:20:27+00:00 net-mgmt/netams Network Traffic Accounting and Monitoring Software
NeTAMS - Network Traffic Accounting and Monitoring Software.
It is built for UNIX and works for networks with Cisco routers or PC Unix
routers (Linux/FreeBSD/Solaris). Several methods of traffic gathering are
supported (tee/divert/ip_queue/libpcap/netflow v5), database storage
(BerkleyDB/MySQL/PostgresSQL), aggregation, visualization, notification etc.
It is possible to block traffic based on quotas, authorization ID, empty
balance (billing); manage bandwidth, create a flexible accounting and
filtration policies.

2003-04-05T05:56:44+00:00 net/py-shadowclient TheSHAD0W's experimental BitTorrent client
TheSHAD0W's experimental BitTorrent client extended from original
Bittorrent Core System

2003-04-05T05:56:44+00:00 net/py-kenosis-bittorrent A Kenosis enabled, distributed BitTorrent
[ excerpt from developer's web site ]

This is Kenosis-enabled BitTorrent. Using Kenosis, we've eliminated
the tracker as a central point of failure for BitTorrent downloads.
Kenosis-enabled BitTorrent is 100% backwards compatible with existing
BitTorrent clients.

Kenosis-BitTorrent uses torrent files which specify a tracker of
the form, where "hash" is the hash
of the original file.

Kenosis-BitTorrent downloaders will notice that this is a kenosis
url and use kenosis to find the tracker that is handling this torrent
file. Standard BitTorrent downloaders try to resolve
as normal. Our dns server will look up the hash in kenosis and
return to the client the ip address of the kenosis node that is
tracking that file. If that tracker becomes unreachable, subsequent
lookups for that hash will switch automatically to the next available
Kenosis-enabled tracker.


2003-04-05T05:56:44+00:00 net/py-bittorrent A peer-to-peer tool for distributing files written in Python
[ excerpt from distribution's README.txt ]

BitTorrent is a tool for distributing files. It's extremely easy
to use - downloads are started by clicking on hyperlinks. Whenever
more than one person is downloading at once they send pieces of the
file(s) to each other, thus relieving the central server's bandwidth
burden. Even with many simultaneous downloads, the upload burden
on the central server remains quite small, since each new downloader
introduces new upload capacity.

2003-04-05T05:56:44+00:00 net/py-bittorrent-devel A peer-to-peer tool for distributing files written in Python
[ excerpt from distribution's README.txt ]

BitTorrent is a tool for distributing files. It's extremely easy
to use - downloads are started by clicking on hyperlinks. Whenever
more than one person is downloading at once they send pieces of the
file(s) to each other, thus relieving the central server's bandwidth
burden. Even with many simultaneous downloads, the upload burden
on the central server remains quite small, since each new downloader
introduces new upload capacity.

2003-04-05T05:56:44+00:00 net-p2p/py-kenosis-bittorrent A Kenosis enabled, distributed BitTorrent
[ excerpt from developer's web site ]

This is Kenosis-enabled BitTorrent. Using Kenosis, we've eliminated
the tracker as a central point of failure for BitTorrent downloads.
Kenosis-enabled BitTorrent is 100% backwards compatible with existing
BitTorrent clients.

Kenosis-BitTorrent uses torrent files which specify a tracker of
the form, where "hash" is the hash
of the original file.

Kenosis-BitTorrent downloaders will notice that this is a kenosis
url and use kenosis to find the tracker that is handling this torrent
file. Standard BitTorrent downloaders try to resolve
as normal. Our dns server will look up the hash in kenosis and
return to the client the ip address of the kenosis node that is
tracking that file. If that tracker becomes unreachable, subsequent
lookups for that hash will switch automatically to the next available
Kenosis-enabled tracker.


2003-04-05T05:56:44+00:00 net-p2p/py-bittorrent A peer-to-peer tool for distributing files written in Python
[ excerpt from distribution's README.txt ]

BitTorrent is a tool for distributing files. It's extremely easy
to use - downloads are started by clicking on hyperlinks. Whenever
more than one person is downloading at once they send pieces of the
file(s) to each other, thus relieving the central server's bandwidth
burden. Even with many simultaneous downloads, the upload burden
on the central server remains quite small, since each new downloader
introduces new upload capacity.

2003-04-05T05:56:44+00:00 net-p2p/py-bittorrent-devel A peer-to-peer tool for distributing files written in Python
[ excerpt from distribution's README.txt ]

BitTorrent is a tool for distributing files. It's extremely easy
to use - downloads are started by clicking on hyperlinks. Whenever
more than one person is downloading at once they send pieces of the
file(s) to each other, thus relieving the central server's bandwidth
burden. Even with many simultaneous downloads, the upload burden
on the central server remains quite small, since each new downloader
introduces new upload capacity.

2003-04-04T21:40:54+00:00 lang/chicken Scheme-to-C compiler
CHICKEN is a compiler for the Scheme programming language. CHICKEN
produces portable, efficient C, supports almost all of the R5RS
Scheme language standard, and includes many enhancements and

2003-04-04T21:25:21+00:00 textproc/gauche-sxml A port of Oleg Kiselyov's (S)XML utilities to Gauche
This is a port of Oleg Kiselyov's SXML tool suite that parses and
manipulates XML.

2003-04-04T20:52:05+00:00 lang/sisc Extensible Java-based Scheme interpreter
SISC is an extensible Java based interpreter of the algorithmic
language Scheme. SISC uses modern interpretation techniques, and
handily outperforms all existing Java interpreters.

2003-04-04T20:33:47+00:00 x11-toolkits/gtkglextmm C++ wrapper for GtkGLExt
gtkglextmm is C++ wrapper for GtkGLExt, OpenGL Extension to GTK.

2003-04-04T20:26:07+00:00 lang/stklos The successor of the STk Scheme interpreter
STklos is a free Scheme System (nearly) conform to R5RS. The aim of
this implementation is to be fast as well as light. The
implementation is based on an ad-hoc Virtual Machine. STklos can also
be compiled as a library, so that one can easily embed it in an

2003-04-04T17:39:32+00:00 multimedia/subconv Converts DivX subtitles from one format to another
Subconv converts DivX subtitles from one format to another (currently only
from srt/tmplayer/microdvd to tmplayer). It can also adjust subtitle delay
and split subtitles in a given time position.

2003-04-04T12:46:59+00:00 mail/silkymail A webmail system which accesses mail over IMAP
SilkyMail is an Internet mail client that runs in your browser. It can be used
by itself, or in conjunction with an IMAP or POP-capable client as part of a
complete set of messaging tools. (It works very nicely in conjunction with

It was designed by internet mail client experts to work in high-scalability and
diverse environments. It's not just another webmail hack cut of rough cloth --
it's a real mail program, that can be used by novice users and advanced users
alike, but with the independence of browser access. SilkyMail is the smoothest
mail client in a browser around.

2003-04-04T12:25:41+00:00 sysutils/plconfig Tool for configuring HomePlug powerline bridges
plconfig is an experimental commandline tool for configuring HomePlug
(Ethernet over AC) powerline bridges powered by the Intellon INT5130
chipset. Again, this tool is considered "between an ugly hack and
simple use-once-and-throw-away" quality by the program's author.

2003-04-04T12:21:46+00:00 archivers/dpkg Debian package maintenance system
dpkg is the basis of the Debian package management system. It consists of low
level programs to build, install, remove, and perform other maintenance tasks
relating to Debian packages. Also included is the dselect front end to dpkg.

2003-04-04T12:18:23+00:00 audio/teamspeak_client Client side of a group voice chat system
The client for Team Speak a voice chat program which supports multiple
channels with different rate codecs and several people on each channel.
Primarily aimed at team gamers but can be used as an IP phone as well.

2003-04-04T10:22:55+00:00 science/mpb MIT Photonic-Bands
The MIT Photonic-Bands (MPB) package is a free program for computing the band
structures (dispersion relations) and electromagnetic modes of periodic
dielectric structures, on both serial and parallel computers. It was developed
by Steven G. Johnson at MIT in the Joannopoulos Ab Initio Physics group.

This program computes definite-frequency eigenstates of Maxwell's equations in
periodic dielectric structures for arbitrary wavevectors, using fully-vectorial
and three-dimensional methods. It is especially designed for the study of
photonic crystals (a.k.a. photonic band-gap materials), but is also applicable
to many other problems in optics, such as waveguides and resonator systems.
(For example, it can solve for the modes of waveguides with arbitrary cross-

2003-04-04T09:49:28+00:00 www/turck-mmcache An opcode cache for PHP with encoder and loader
Turck MMCache is a opcode cache for PHP. It increases
performance of PHP scripts by caching them in compiled state,
so that the overhead of compiling is almost completely eliminated.
Also it uses some optimizations for speed up of PHP scripts execution.
Turck MMCache typically reduces server load and increases
the speed of your PHP code by 1-10 times.

Turck MMCache contains PHP encoder and loader. You can encode any PHP
scripts with encoder to distribute them without sources. Encoded files
can be run on any site which runs PHP with Turck MMCache. The sources
of encoded script can't be restored because they are stored in a compiled
form and the encoded version doesn't contain the source.


- Alex Dupre
2003-04-04T09:49:28+00:00 www/eaccelerator Free open-source PHP accelerator & optimizer
eAccelerator is a free open-source PHP accelerator & optimizer. It increases
the performance of PHP scripts by caching them in their compiled state, so
that the overhead of compiling is almost completely eliminated. It also
optimizes scripts to speed up their execution. eAccelerator typically reduces
server load and increases the speed of your PHP code by 1-10 times.

2003-04-04T07:28:22+00:00 science/libctl Control Language Library
Scientific software for performing large computations is typically managed
using textual control files that specify the parameters of the computation.
Historically, these control files have typically consisted of long,
inflexible collections of numbers whose meaning and format is hard-coded
into the program. With libctl, we make it easy for programmers to support
a greatly superior control file structure, and with less effort than was
required for traditional input formats.

The "ctl" in "libctl" stands for Control Language (by convention, libctl
control files end with ".ctl" and are referred to as ctl files). Thus,
libctl is the Control Language Library (where the "lib" prefix follows the
Unix idiom).

2003-04-03T18:45:57+00:00 x11-toolkits/wmapp DockApp Graphics Library
WMApp is a C++ based library for writing WindowMaker-style dockapps. To write
a dockapp, it is generally necessary to perform some magic Xlib incantations,
supply a clipping mask, and set up X event checking. Like larger graphics
libraries such as GTK+ and Qt, WMApp automates this process by providing the
classes and functions necessary for widget creation and callbacks. The library
provides numerous widgets, all with the traditional dockapp appearance. Many
common dockapps could already be rewritten to use this library.

2003-04-03T18:17:29+00:00 databases/dbf Show and convert the content of dBASE III, IV, and 5.0 files
dbf is an easy-to-use command line tool to show and convert the content of
dBASE III, IV, and 5.0 files. It reads dBASE databases and prints the content
to the screen or converts it to comma-separated (*.csv) files which can be
opened in Excel, StarOffice, and most other spread sheets. It can also be
used to show some statistics about the content.

2003-04-03T15:16:47+00:00 www/ocaml-net OCaml modules for Internet applications
A collection of modules for the Objective Caml language which focus
on application-level Internet protocols and conventions.

Ocamlnet consists of a number of libraries:

* netstring is about processing strings that occur in network context
* netcgi1 and netcgi2 focus on portable web applications
* nethttpd is a web server component (HTTP server implementation)
* netplex is a generic server framework
* rpc implements OncRPC
* netclient implements clients for HTTP, FTP, and Telnet
* equeue is an event queue used for many protocol implementations
* shell is about calling external commands
* netshm provides shared memory for IPC purposes
* netsys contains bindings for system functions
* smtp and pop are two further client implementations

2003-04-03T14:55:37+00:00 devel/linux-understand_java Understand can parse a Java project helping reverse engineer it
Understand for Java is a reverse engineering, documentatin, code
exploration and metrics tool for Java source code. It offers code
navigation using a detailed cross reference, a syntax colorizing
"smart" editor, and a variety of graphical reverse engineering
views. Understand for Java is an interactive development environment
(IDE) designed to help maintain and understand large amounts of
Java code.

You need a limited time period license to run the product in
evaluation mode or a purchased permanent license. Both can be
obtained in the www site.

2003-04-03T13:20:58+00:00 math/it++ Mathematical, signal processing and communication library
IT++ is a C++ library of mathematical, signal processing and communication
system routines/functions. Its main use is in simulation of communication
systems or for performing research in the area of communications.

2003-04-03T06:30:56+00:00 graphics/xenomorph An image filter system based on volterra and morphologic filters
Xenomorph is OpenSource software running on Unix/X11 systems. It provides a
unified concept of polynomial and morphologic image filters. It is built for
precision, not for speed, that means it works in floating-point mode

It can read PNG, JPG and many other formats, and it writes PNG. A nice feature
of this software is it's upgradeability by adding new filters.

2003-04-03T05:32:58+00:00 games/jtans Ancient puzzle
The Tangram is a (not so) ancient puzzle. The object is to put seven
geometric shapes together so as to form a given outline. All the pieces
must be used and are laid next to one another.

2003-04-03T05:09:34+00:00 devel/p5-Curses-Application Curses application development framework
Curses::Application is designed to provide a flexible framework for rapid
application development of Curses-based console applications in Perl. Based
on Curses::Widgets and Curses::Forms, Curses::Application provides a flexible
OO framework to manage forms, widgets, and dialogs, without (hopefully) ever
having to deal directly with Curses calls.

2003-04-03T05:02:45+00:00 devel/p5-Curses-Forms Provide high level APIs for rapid UI design on the console
Curses::Forms is designed to provide high level APIs for rapid user interface
design on the console in Perl. Based on Curses::Widgets, Curses::Forms provide
a flexible OO framework to manage a collection of widgets on forms and dialogs.

While intended to be used in the Curses::Application framework, it can also be
used alone with Curses::Widgets for quick and dirty interfaces.

2003-04-02T22:05:45+00:00 net/p5-Geo-IPfree Look up country from an IP Address
Looks up country from an IP Address. This module makes this off-line and
the database of IPs is free.

2003-04-02T20:12:08+00:00 www/p5-WWW-Mechanize Handy web browsing in a Perl object
WWW::Mechanize is a fork of Kirrily Robert's excellent WWW::Automate
module. W::A works fine except for some memory-eating bugs that the
author of this module has fixed.

2003-04-02T14:18:06+00:00 www/hydra High performance multi-threaded web server
Hydra is a high performance multi-threaded web server. Unlike traditional
multi-threaded web servers, Hydra uses a constant, but configurable, pool
of threads and each thread can handle several connections by multiplexing
the connections. This may remind you of a non-blocking server, and this is
true, but Hydra does not have the killing limitation of a non-blocking
server, the confinement to one CPU. Hydra will take advantage of every
available CPU in a system.

2003-04-02T13:02:40+00:00 games/bsdtris BSD version of text-based Tetris game
The tetris command runs a display-based game. The object is to fit
shapes together to form complete rows, which then vanish. When the
shapes fill up to the top, the game ends. You can optionally select a
level of play or custom-select control keys.

This port is made of OpenBSD's tetris games. It got there from NetBSD...
2003-04-02T12:39:26+00:00 sysutils/webjob Download and execute a program over HTTP/HTTPS
WebJob downloads a program or script from a remote WebJob server
over HTTP/HTTPS and executes it in one unified operation. Any output
produced by the program/script is packaged up and sent to a remote,
possibly different, WebJob server. WebJob is useful because it
provides a mechanism for running known good programs on damaged or
potentially compromised systems. This makes it ideal for remote
diagnostics, incident response, and evidence collection. WebJob
also provides a framework that is conducive to centralized management.
Therefore, it can support and help automate a large number of common
administrative tasks and host-based monitoring scenarios such as
periodic system checks, file updates, integrity monitoring,
patch/package management, and so on.

2003-04-02T12:34:12+00:00 security/ftimes System baselining and evidence collection tool
FTimes is a system baselining and evidence collection tool. Its
primary purpose is to gather and/or develop topographical information
and attributes about specified directories and files in a manner
conducive to intrusion and forensic analysis. It was designed to
support the following initiatives: content integrity monitoring,
incident response, intrusion analysis, and computer forensics.

2003-04-02T12:03:44+00:00 devel/darts C++ template library that implements Double-Array
Darts: Double-ARray Trie System

This is a C++ template library that implements Double-Array [Aoe
1989]. Currently only Japanese documentation is provided.

* [Aoe1989] Aoe, J. An Efficient Digital Search Algorithm by Using a
Double-Array Structure. IEEE Transactions on Software
Engineering. Vol. 15, 9 (Sep 1989). pp. 1066-1077.

* [Datrie] Theppitak Karoonboonyanan An Implementation of Double-Array

* [Word and Dictionary] Yuji Matsumoto et al. Word and Dictionary Iwanami
Course Language Science Vol. 3 pp. 79-81.

2003-04-02T11:46:57+00:00 net/p5-ResourcePool-Resource-SOAP-Lite ResourcePool wrapper for SOAP::Lite
This factory can be used by ResourcePool to create
SOAP::Lite objects which use the specified proxy
for SOAP RPC invocations.

2003-04-02T11:26:45+00:00 mail/smtprc Scanner for open SMTP relays
SmtpRC is a fully configurable, multithreaded open mail relay scanner.
It supports scanning of IP blocks, and can print the results to a Web
page. It is intended for Systems Administrators to check IP blocks
under their control

2003-04-02T11:14:00+00:00 hebrew/hspell Hebrew spellchecker and morphology engine
Hspell is a fully working Hebrew spellchecker. On typical documents
it should recognize the majority of correct words.
Hspell was designed to be 100% and strictly compliant with the
official niqqud-less spelling rules ("Ha-ktiv Khasar Ha-niqqud",
colloquially known as "Ktiv Male") published by the Academy of
the Hebrew Language.

Hspell was written by Nadav Har'El and Dan Kenigsberg.

2003-04-02T11:04:08+00:00 security/finger_mysql Threaded MySQL scanner
This is a threaded C class IP MySQL scanner that will attempt to login
and extract the hashes from a vulnerable MySQL daemon. See for all the details.
2003-04-02T10:22:39+00:00 security/amap Application mapper
Amap is a next-generation scanning tool, it identifies applications
and services even if they are not listening to the default port
by creating a bogus-communication.

2003-04-02T10:18:19+00:00 games/tetris Text-based tetris game
The tetris command runs a display-based game. The object is to fit
shapes together to form complete rows, which then vanish. When the
shapes fill up to the top, the game ends. You can optionally select a
level of play or custom-select control keys.

This port is made of OpenBSD's tetris games. It got there from NetBSD...
2003-04-01T23:06:03+00:00 x11-toolkits/php-gtk2 An extension to use gtk2 in PHP-applications
PHP-GTK is a PHP extension that enables you to write client-side,
cross-platform GUI applications. This is the first extension for PHP of
its kind, and was written in part to prove that PHP is a capable
general-purpose language that is suited to more than just the web
application environment.


- Kris Moore
2003-04-01T23:06:03+00:00 x11-toolkits/php-gtk An extension to use gtk in PHP-applications
PHP-GTK is a PHP extension that enables you to write client-side,
cross-platform GUI applications. This is the first extension for PHP of
its kind, and was written in part to prove that PHP is a capable
general-purpose language that is suited to more than just the web
application environment.

2003-04-01T16:50:04+00:00 net/gofish GoFish Gopher Server
GoFish is a very simple gopher/web server. It is designed with security,
performance. and low resource usage in mind.

2003-04-01T12:32:57+00:00 mail/p5-Sendmail-Milter Module to write mail filters in Perl using sendmail's mail filter API
Sendmail::Milter provides users with the ability to write mail filters in Perl
that tightly integrate with sendmail's mail filter API.

With this module, you can define and register Perl callbacks with the Milter
engine. This module calls your perl callbacks using interpreters from a
threaded persistent interpreter pool. Milter contexts are presented using an
object-oriented style interface for performing operations on a Milter context.

2003-04-01T10:25:19+00:00 textproc/xmlindent XML stream reformatter
XML Indent is a XML stream reformatter written in ANSI C.

2003-04-01T10:08:02+00:00 textproc/doclifter Translates documents written in troff macros to DocBook
The doclifter program translates documents written in troff macros to DocBook.

Lifting documents from presentation level to semantic level is hard, and
a really good job requires human polishing. This tool aims to do everything
that can be mechanized, and to preserve any troff-level information that might
have structural implications in XML comments.

This tool does some of the hard parts, but not all. TBL tables are translated
into DocBook table markup, but EQN and PIC are not translated (yet).

2003-04-01T08:35:00+00:00 irc/darkbot IRC talking bot with a fast algorithm for its database
Originally created by Jason Hamilton as an aid for help
channels to answer repeated questions from its virtually
unlimited database, it has became a very popular talking
robot in a generic sense, being used all over IRC networks
for different purposes and in 18 languages. Data can be
added to it and managed dynamically online or edited in
its database files offline.

2003-04-01T08:07:44+00:00 www/twiki Flexible, powerful, and easy to use enterprise wiki
TWiki is a flexible, powerful, and easy to use Web-based collaboration
platform. Use TWiki to run a project development space, a document
management system, a knowledge base, or any other groupware tool, on
an intranet or on the internet. Web content can be created
collaboratively by using just a browser. Developers can create new web
applications based on a Plugin API.

2003-04-01T08:04:10+00:00 security/makepasswd Random password generator
Generates true random passwords using /dev/urandom, with the
emphasis on security over pronounceability. It can also encrypt
plaintext passwords given in a temporary file.

2003-04-01T07:55:40+00:00 net/libconnect Tell programs to which IP-address they should bind
This is the shared library which allows change IP-address from which
will be performing TCP-connection of network applications. This is
extremely useful when you need to control this but programs you are
using have no configuration options specifying to which IP-address they
should bind.

To use this library you need only to set up environment variable CONN_ADDR
to the IP-address to bind and then use LD_PRELOAD to pre-load this library
for the application.

Does not work with statically linked programs (there are not too much of
them hopefully).

2003-04-01T03:08:29+00:00 print/foomatic-db Database for integrating printer drivers with common spoolers
Foomatic is a database-driven system for integrating free software
printer drivers with common spoolers under Unix. It supports CUPS,
LPRng, LPD, GNUlpr, Solaris LP, PPR, PDQ, CPS, and direct printing
with every free software printer driver known to us and every printer
known to work with these drivers.

2003-04-01T02:41:34+00:00 security/ftpmap Identify remote FTP server software by fingerprinting
Ftpmap scans remote FTP servers to indentify what software and what versions
they are running. It uses program-specific fingerprints to discover the name
of the software even when banners have been changed or removed, or when some
features have been disabled. IPv6 is fully supported.

2003-04-01T02:38:25+00:00 net/posadis "Domain Name Server (DNS) implementation"
Posadis is a DNS server project with the goal to create a free,
reliable, portable, fast, lightweight, easy to use, standards compliant,
and functionally complete, Domain Name System server implementation.

The Top-10 of most important Posadis features:
- Support for the standard DNS master file format. Posadis supports
some BIND extensions as well.
- Support for zone transfers. Posadis is able to answer both AXFR and IXFR
queries (though it always sends the complete zone), and it is able to act as
a secondary using AXFR and IXFR as well.
- Support for DNS NOTIFY to ensure fast zone change propagation.
- Support for most standard RR types: A, NS, MD, MF, CNAME, SOA, NULL, WKS,
can also tunnel RR types it doesn't recognize.
- Support for many platforms: both Windows and Unix-like platforms such as
Linux, FreeBSD and Mac OS X.
- Support for IPv6: listning on IPv6 sockets for both Windows and Unix, and
support for AAAA and A6 resource records and bitstring labels.
- "Tunnel zones": forward queries to other nameservers.
- "Hint zones": hint to other nameservers. Posadis can automatically update the
nameserver list for hint zones.
- Support for both UDP and TCP: you can specify on which IP addresses and ports
you want Posadis to listen.
- A concise and up-to-date user manual describing all of Posadis' features in

2003-04-01T02:38:25+00:00 dns/posadis Domain Name Server (DNS) implementation
Posadis is a DNS server project with the goal to create a free,
reliable, portable, fast, lightweight, easy to use, standards compliant,
and functionally complete, Domain Name System server implementation.

The Top-10 of most important Posadis features:
- Support for the standard DNS master file format. Posadis supports
some BIND extensions as well.
- Support for zone transfers. Posadis is able to answer both AXFR and IXFR
queries (though it always sends the complete zone), and it is able to act as
a secondary using AXFR and IXFR as well.
- Support for DNS NOTIFY to ensure fast zone change propagation.
- Support for most standard RR types: A, NS, MD, MF, CNAME, SOA, NULL, WKS,
can also tunnel RR types it doesn't recognize.
- Support for many platforms: both Windows and Unix-like platforms such as
Linux, FreeBSD and Mac OS X.
- Support for IPv6: listning on IPv6 sockets for both Windows and Unix, and
support for AAAA and A6 resource records and bitstring labels.
- "Tunnel zones": forward queries to other nameservers.
- "Hint zones": hint to other nameservers. Posadis can automatically update the
nameserver list for hint zones.
- Support for both UDP and TCP: you can specify on which IP addresses and ports
you want Posadis to listen.
- A concise and up-to-date user manual describing all of Posadis' features in

2003-04-01T02:36:38+00:00 databases/puredb Set of libraries for creating and reading constant databases
PureDB is a portable and tiny set of libraries for creating and reading
constant databases. It manages data files that contains text or binary
key/data pairs of arbitrary sizes. Lookups are very fast (normally only one
disk access to match a hash value), overhead is low (a database is 1028
bytes plus only 16 extra bytes per record), multiple concurrent read access
are supported, and databases can be up to 4 Gb long, and they are portable
across architectures.

2003-04-01T02:34:47+00:00 x11/gromit GRaphics Over Miscellaneous Objects (Gromit)
Gromit (GRaphics Over MIscellaneous Things) is a small tool to make
annotations on the screen.

When making presentations of the Gimp I found myself often moving the
mousepointer around the point of interest until hopefully everybody
noticed it. This annoyed me, since it is a very vague way to highlight
something. I dreamt of a small programm which allows me to simply draw
on the screen, ignoring any window-borders.

2003-04-01T00:49:48+00:00 net/socketbind Library to bind applications on multihomed machines to specific IP address
This library allows you to bind any application which is dynamically linked
with libc. It provides convient way to bind socket's source IP to one of the
multiple IP's available on computer.

To use it first of all point LD_PRELOAD to installed library and set BINDTO
variable to desired IP address to bind.

Here is the wrapper to run any command binded to some IP address:
env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/local/lib/ BINDTO=$MY_IP_ADDRESS $*
2003-04-01T00:37:38+00:00 games/dungeoncrawl Old school roguelike game
Linley's Dungeon Crawl is a free and portable roguelike molded in the
tradition of the early greats of the genre: Rogue, Hack, and Moria.

The player guides a single character deep into a subterranean complex
to retrieve the Orb of Zot, fending off many horrible and hideous
creatures along the way. Once retrieved, the player must return both
character and Orb safely to the surface world. Easier said than done,
but fun all the same.

2003-04-01T00:24:53+00:00 audio/autocd Compact disc control utility
Compact disc control utility

WWW: (in Russian)
2003-04-01T00:19:33+00:00 net/pork Console-based AIM client
Pork is a UNIX console-based AIM client mostly fashioned after the
look-and-feel of ircII.

2003-04-01T00:19:33+00:00 net-im/pork Console-based AIM client
Pork is a UNIX console-based AIM client mostly fashioned after the
look-and-feel of ircII.

2003-04-01T00:01:43+00:00 audio/mppdec Command-line player/decoder for musepack audio
mppdec -- the MPEGplus compressed audio decoder

This is a speed and portability optimized version of Andree Buschmann's
MPEG-Plus decoder. Speed enhancement is about 1:4...1:5 relative to the
original source. Some of these optimizations flood back to the original
decoder, but especially on AMD K6-2/AMD K6-III/AMD Athlon/AMD Duron/Intel
Pentium III/Intel Pentium 4 there's still some hand written assembler code
so this decoder ist still much faster.


Frank Klemm <>
2003-03-31T23:29:51+00:00 games/moon-buggy Drive a buggy across the moons surface
Moon-buggy is a simple character graphics game, where you drive
some kind of car across the moon's surface.
Unfortunately there are dangerous craters there.
Fortunately your car can jump over them!

2003-03-31T23:09:25+00:00 games/tractorgen Generates ASCII tractors
From the tractorgen README:

Generates ASCII tractors.

This program generates ASCII tractors using the universal tractor
coefficient (TC). The intended audience is practical ASCII tractor
theorists and lay people interested in abstract tractor theory.

Before using this program, ensure that you understand the fundamental
theorem of ASCII tractor mechanics:

"ASCII Tractors must have at least four wheels." [1]

2003-03-31T22:55:54+00:00 mail/crashecho An FTN JAM and *.MSG tosser
CrashEcho is a successor of a CrashMail II tosser originally written
by Johan Billing.
2003-03-31T22:45:23+00:00 mail/jamlib JAM subroutine library
These are a collection of subroutines that encapsulate much of the
format-specific and tedious details of the JAM message base format.
The idea is that application programmers by using these routines can
concentrate on the more high-level issues of their programs instead
of worrying about their JAM routines.

2003-03-31T22:32:04+00:00 games/nwnusers A tool for monitoring Neverwinter Nights Server with mrtg
A tool for monitoring Neverwinter Nights Server with mrtg


- Andreas Heil
2003-03-31T22:22:40+00:00 graphics/xglurbules Burning particle system eye candy program thingy for X11
An eyecandy particle system for X that can make a nice desktop background

Requires X11 and shared memory helps.

There's a screenshot or four at :

2003-03-31T22:10:12+00:00 misc/spamcalc Calculates "DNS-spam"-values for hostnames
Spamcalc takes a hostname or a list of hostnames and determines a dns spam
score for each hostname. This value is an indication for the spam-ness of the
hostname. The higher the score, the higher the chance that the hostname is
actually a dns spam hostname.

Hostnames that are considered dns spam are hostnames with (a part of) a
sentence in them (, swearwords
( and other forms of unwanted textual data

2003-03-31T22:05:56+00:00 sysutils/dwatch Daemon Watcher
Dwatch (Daemon Watch) is a program that watches over other programs
and performs actions based on conditions specified in a configuration file.

2003-03-31T11:39:27+00:00 sysutils/userinfo Show information about local users
Userinfo displays information about a local user. The output is separated by a
field deliminator so it's easy to integrate into shell scripts.

2003-03-31T09:41:53+00:00 textproc/l2a LaTeX to ASCII converter
L2A is a simple filter to remove most LaTeX commands from marked-up
documents, leaving only the body of text.

2003-03-31T09:11:28+00:00 mail/mailfront Mail server network protocol front-ends
This is mailfront, a package containing customizeable network front-ends
for mail servers. It contains complete SMTP and POP3 front-ends as well
as an authentication module for IMAP.

Two SMTP back-ends are provided. One delivers mail to qmail-queue,
mimicking most of the behavior of qmail-smtpd, with the addition of
support for SMTP AUTH. The other rejects all SMTP commands if
$SMTPREJECT is set, and execs its command line otherwise (in order to
run the above program).

2003-03-31T08:55:48+00:00 devel/bglibs One stop library package by Bruce Guenter
This package contains a collection of libraries written by Bruce Guenter
and put in use in his various "bgware" packages.

2003-03-30T15:27:02+00:00 graphics/p5-VCG Interface to the VCG graphing tool
This module provides an interface to the vcg graphing tool. It supports a
limited selection of options and file formats. The vcg graphing tool homepage
is currently but is
being actively developed elsewhere.

2003-03-30T06:16:40+00:00 french/facturier Logiciel de facturation pour P.M.I. & P.M.E.
Le Facturier sert à établir les factures, à enregistrer les paiements
correspondants à ces factures, à préparer les factures à partir des
bons de commandes et à faire les relances.

Avec sa partie gestion des dépenses, il permet de savoir au jour le jour
où l'on en est dans la comptabilité.

[Le Facturier is a french invoicing application, for small enterprises.]

2003-03-29T17:53:59+00:00 sysutils/wmbluecpu CPU monitoring dockapp
WMBlueCPU is a CPU monitoring dockapp. It displays current CPU usage
with numbers and a graphical history list.

2003-03-28T09:10:08+00:00 mail/dcc-dccd Distributed Checksum Clearinghouse bulk email detector
This is the Distributed Checksum Clearinghouse (DCC) package, including
the command line (e.g. procmail) interface, dccproc; the SpamAssassin
and Postfix interface, dccifd; the Sendmail milter interface, dccm;
the DCC server, dccd; and the DCC greylisting server, dccd-grey.

Also included are utilities such as cdcc and all of the manual pages
and documentation.

2003-03-27T22:50:24+00:00 mail/mairix Indexing and searching in Maildir, MH, or mbox folders
Mairix is a program for indexing and searching email messages stored in
Maildir, MH or mbox folders.

* Indexing is fast. It runs incrementally on new messages - any particular
message only gets scanned once in the lifetime of the index file.
* The search mode populates a "virtual" folder with symlinks(*) which
point to the real messages. This folder can be opened as usual in your mail
* The search mode is very fast.
* Indexing and searching works on the basis of words. The index file tabulates
which words occur in which parts (particular headers + body) of which

2003-03-27T16:11:03+00:00 sysutils/dialog Utility to create curses-based menu in shell script
Dialog is a utility to create nice user interfaces
to shell scripts. It is non-graphical (it uses curses)
so it can be run in the console or an xterm.
2003-03-27T16:02:13+00:00 sysutils/freesbie Yet another cool answer to the system-on-cd question
The FreeSBIE port is a collection of scripts which
help a user to create CDs/DVDs containing a complete
operating system based on FreeBSD.
It is used as "live-cd" and boots straight from CD.
Consequent use of filesystem compressing techniques allow to
include a huge number of applications on a single disc.

Creation of the CDs/DVDs is completely dialog based as well as
building and installing of packages.

For further information, please visit the official homepage.

2003-03-27T15:12:39+00:00 java/trove4j High performance collections API for Java
GNU Trove: High performance collections for Java.

The GNU Trove library has two objectives:

1. Provide "free" (as in "free speech" and "free beer"), fast,
lightweight implementations of the java.util Collections API.
These implementations are designed to be pluggable replacements
for their JDK equivalents.

2. Whenever possible, provide the same collections support for
primitive types. This gap in the JDK is often addressed by using
the "wrapper" classes (java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Float, etc.)
with Object-based collections. For most applications, however,
collections which store primitives directly will require less
space and yield significant performance gains.

2003-03-27T09:19:34+00:00 textproc/rubber Wrapper for LaTeX and friends
Rubber is a program whose purpose is to handle all tasks related to the
compilation of LaTeX documents. This includes compiling the document
itself, of course, enough times so that all references are defined, and
running BibTeX to manage bibliographic references. Automatic execution
of dvips to produce PostScript documents is also included, as well as
usage of pdfLaTeX to produce PDF documents.

2003-03-27T02:37:36+00:00 misc/mime-support MIME Media Types list
MIME Media Types list for use in various programs.

2003-03-27T02:09:23+00:00 textproc/html2text Converts HTML documents into plain text
html2text is a command line utility, written in C++, that converts
HTML documents (HTML 3.2) into plain text (ISO 8859-1).

Each HTML document is loaded from a location indicated by an URI or
read from standard input, and formatted into a stream of plain text
characters that is written to standard output or into an output-file.
The input-URI may specify a remote site, from that the documents are
loaded with the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). The program is
even able to preserve the original positions of table fields and
accepts also syntactically incorrect input, attempting to interpret it
"reasonably". The rendering is largely customisable through an RC

2003-03-27T01:39:53+00:00 chinese/xsim Simple and fast GBK Chinese XIM server
Using XSIM(X Simple Input Method) u can input chinese with pinyin,
wubi and any input method added by you in X window.

2003-03-26T10:29:08+00:00 chinese/fcitx Flexible Input Method Framework
Fcitx (Free Chinese Input Toy for X) is an input method framework,
which aims to provide a flexible IM solution for the desktop environments.

2003-03-26T09:31:42+00:00 sysutils/synergy Mouse and keyboard sharing utility
Synergy lets you easily share a single mouse and keyboard between
multiple computers with different operating systems, each with its
own display, without special hardware. It's intended for users
with multiple computers on their desk since each system uses its
own display.

2003-03-26T08:56:21+00:00 net/cdonkey An open and free core client for the eDonkey protocol
cDonkey is an open and free core client for the eDonkey protocol.

2003-03-26T08:56:21+00:00 net-p2p/cdonkey Open and free core client for the eDonkey protocol
cDonkey is an open and free core client for the eDonkey protocol.

2003-03-26T08:29:43+00:00 misc/dvorakng Dvorak typing tutor
DvorakNG is a Dvorak typing tutor. It's heavily based on Dvorak7min, but adds
many improvements like a progress information database.
2003-03-25T13:04:56+00:00 security/libidea IDEA block cipher library
IDEA is a block cipher invented by Xuejia Lai and James Massey in
1991. A block cipher is an encryption algorithm that encrypts the
data in blocks. IDEA has a block size of 64 bits, and a keylength of
128 bits. IDEA is a symmetrical algorithm, which means that the same
key is used both for encryption and for decryption.

2003-03-25T12:32:43+00:00 security/libbf The Blowfish block cipher Library
The Blowfish Library

Blowfish is a block cipher that operates on 64bit (8 byte) quantities.
It uses variable size key, but 128bit (16 byte) key would normally be
considered good. It can be used in all the modes that DES can be
used. This library implements the ecb, cbc, cfb64, ofb64 modes.

Blowfish is quite a bit faster that DES, and much faster than IDEA
or RC2. It is one of the faster block ciphers.


-- Jim Geovedi
2003-03-24T20:25:47+00:00 x11-fm/rox-mime-editor MIME type editor for the ROX desktop
A MIME type editor for the ROX desktop.

2003-03-24T20:11:36+00:00 archivers/rox-archive Archive management tool for the ROX desktop
Archive management tool for the ROX desktop, supporting a variety
of file formats.

2003-03-24T17:25:05+00:00 www/roundup Issue-Tracking System for Knowledge Workers
Roundup is a simple-to-use and -install issue-tracking system with
command-line, web and e-mail interfaces. It is based on the winning
design from Ka-Ping Yee in the Software Carpentry "Track" design

2003-03-24T15:38:59+00:00 devel/hs-tclhaskell-ghc Tcl/Tk binding for Haskell
TclHaskell is a library for accessing Tk/Tcl through Haskell.

2003-03-24T15:32:44+00:00 devel/publib Library of C functions for various purposes
The library contains functions for memory allocation,
bit arrays, configuration files, comparing standard
C types for qsort and bsearch, error messages, expression
parsing and evaluation, filenames, hash tables, integer
sets, log files, the Linux Software Map, NNTP, priority
queues, normal queues, editor buffers, stacks, and strings.
2003-03-24T14:37:47+00:00 textproc/p5-Text-Tabs+Wrap Line wrapping to form simple paragraphs
Text::Wrap::wrap() is a very simple paragraph formatter. It formats a single
paragraph at a time by breaking lines at word boundaries. Indentation is
controlled for the first line ($initial_tab) and all subsequent lines
($subsequent_tab) independently.

This is a later version (from CPAN) than the one that comes with the base
system's perl 5.00503.

2003-03-24T09:43:02+00:00 audio/rubygem-ruby-mp3info Ruby library to access information on mp3 files
This library gives you access to low level informations on mp3 files
(bitrate, length, samplerate, etc...). It can read, write, remove
id3v1 tag and read id3v2. It is written in pure ruby.

2003-03-24T09:43:02+00:00 audio/rubygem-mp3info A Ruby library to access information on mp3 files
This library gives you access to low level informations on mp3 files
(bitrate, length, samplerate, etc...). It can read, write, remove
id3v1 tag and read id3v2. It is written in pure ruby.

Author: Guillaume Pierronnet <>
2003-03-24T09:43:02+00:00 audio/ruby-mp3info Ruby library to access to information on mp3 files
This library gives you access to low level informations on mp3 files
(bitrate, length, samplerate, etc...). It can read, write, remove
id3v1 tag and read id3v2. It is written in pure ruby.

2003-03-24T05:07:52+00:00 mail/bmf Fast Bayesian Mail Filter compatible with maildrop and procmail
bmf is an extremely efficient Bayesian mail filter based on
Paul Graham's article, "A Plan for Spam." It's fast, small,
efficient, and more versatile than other Bayesian filters.

2003-03-24T02:50:06+00:00 audio/ruby-musicbrainz MusicBrainz bindings for Ruby
This is MusicBrainz bindings for Ruby.

Author: Paul Duncan (pabs) <>
2003-03-24T02:47:16+00:00 audio/py-musicbrainz MusicBrainz bindings for Python
This is MusicBrainz bindings for Python.

2003-03-24T02:46:20+00:00 audio/p5-MusicBrainz-TRM A Perl module that provides access to the musicbrainz client TRM API
This module provides access to the musicbrainz client TRM API using a
perl-ish OO interface.

2003-03-24T02:36:05+00:00 audio/p5-MusicBrainz-Queries A Perl module that provides the musicbrainz query constants
This module is used to provide access to the RDF Query Constants used
by the MusicBrainz::Client module for querying the MusicBrainz server.

2003-03-24T02:35:03+00:00 audio/p5-MusicBrainz-Client A Perl module that provides access to the musicbrainz client API
This module provides access to the musicbrainz client API using a
perl-ish OO interface.

2003-03-23T20:25:28+00:00 mail/maildirsync Online synchronizer for Maildir-format mailboxes
maildirsync is a utility for online Maildir-synchronization.
It is designed to be used in online (live) maildir folders,
be fail-safe and optimized for minimal bandwidth.

2003-03-23T19:34:26+00:00 graphics/imageviewer GNUstep Image Viewer
ImageViewer is a small application which display images based on the
GNUstep API. In the future I will add image catalogue creation and
other goodies, right now it is what it is, an image viewer application.

LICENSE: GPL2 or later

2003-03-23T19:33:38+00:00 deskutils/gworkspace GNUstep workspace manager
GWorkspace is the official GNUstep workspace manager. It is a clone of
NeXT's workspace manager and already ready for daily usage. GWorkspace is
probably one of the most useful and usable workspace managers available on
any platform, owing to its well-designed interface and the natural,
consistent design that it inherits from the GNUstep framework.

LICENSE: GPL2 or later

2003-03-23T19:32:44+00:00 shells/gscommander GNUstep simple unix command monitor
GSCommander is a simple unix command monitor for GNUstep.

LICENSE: GPL2 or later

2003-03-23T19:29:15+00:00 devel/gorm Graphical Object Relationship Modeller
Gorm allows developers to quickly create graphical applications and to design
every little aspect of the application's user interface.

Using drag and drop all types of objects like menus, buttons, tables, lists
and browsers are easily added to the interface. With just the mouse you can
resize, move or convert the objects or connect them to functions as well as
edit nearly every aspect of them using Gorm's powerful inspectors.

With its intuitive interface Gorm makes creating, editing and testing complex
user interfaces a piece of cake.

2003-03-23T19:26:43+00:00 misc/gnustep-examples GNUstep example applications
The GNUstep example applications:

# Calculator
# CurrencyConverter
# Finger It is a simple front-end to finger, ping and traceroute.
# GFractal
# GSTest
# HostAddress
# Ink Text Editor
# NSBrowserTest
# NSImageTest
# NSPanelTest
# NSScreenTest
# md5Digest

2003-03-23T19:25:27+00:00 textproc/easydiff GNUstep graphical diff
EasyDiff is a GNUstep application that lets you easily see the
differences between two text files.
2003-03-23T18:41:44+00:00 net/cvsync Portable CVS repository synchronization utility
cvsync is a portable CVS repository synchronization utility,
written in C and POSIX pthread library, released under BSD license.
It is very similar to CVSup but not compatible with it.

2003-03-23T08:45:41+00:00 textproc/ruby-rss.alt Ruby library for handling RSS (alternative impl.)
This library can parse RSS (RDF Site Summary) 1.0 with validation (or
non validation).

This library can almost well parse RSS 0.9x/2.0 with non validation.

This library contains a sample that expand [RAA:RWiki].

* output recent changes as RSS 1.0.
* collect RSS 1.0s and display those items sorted by updating time.
* collect RSSs and display those items on each page.

2003-03-23T07:51:47+00:00 audio/xmms-cdread A XMMS input plugin for read AudioCD via IDE bus
Xmms-CdRead is a input plugin for XMMS ( that
read the CDDA (audio) discs as data via IDE bus, provides
more quality sound and allowing XMMS to use that for

Author: Willem Monsuwe <>
2003-03-23T07:24:20+00:00 textproc/2bsd-diff 2.11BSD diff utility
2.11BSD's original diff works significantly better with very large
files with default datasize limits.

GNU diff fails with out of memmory when operating on files at or
above the default limit to datasize.
2003-03-23T06:25:10+00:00 net/idnkit A library to handle internationalized domain names
The 'idnkit' is an open source, BSD-like licensed software that
provides functionalities about Internationalized Domain Name
processing standardized at IETF. Major features that idnkit provides
are as follows.

* libidnkit
Core library for IDN processing.
* libidnkitlite
Light Weight library for IDN processing. (UTF-8 only)
* idnconv
DNS zone / configuration file encoding converter.
* runidn / idn wrapper
Dynamic link resolver library for UNIX / Windows.
* BIND 9 patch
IDN enhancements for BIND 9 DNS lookup tools.

2003-03-23T06:25:10+00:00 dns/idnkit Library to handle internationalized domain names
The 'idnkit' is an open source, BSD-like licensed software that
provides functionalities about Internationalized Domain Name
processing standardized at IETF. Major features that idnkit provides
are as follows.

* libidnkit
Core library for IDN processing.
* libidnkitlite
Light Weight library for IDN processing. (UTF-8 only)
* idnconv
DNS zone / configuration file encoding converter.
* runidn / idn wrapper
Dynamic link resolver library for UNIX / Windows.
* BIND 9 patch
IDN enhancements for BIND 9 DNS lookup tools.

2003-03-23T04:46:03+00:00 net/xmule Port of eMule eDonkey P2P client using wxWindows class library
[ from author's website ]

Port of eMule eDonkey P2P client using wxWindows class library.


* Download/Upload works
* You can search and add ed2k-links
* Statistics
* Shared files tab works
* Messages tab is now implemented
* You can manage friends
* xMule can be minimized to systray
* You can set nearly all preferences

2003-03-23T04:46:03+00:00 net/lmule Port of eMule eDonkey P2P client using wxWindows class library
[ from author's website ]

Port of eMule eDonkey P2P client using wxWindows class library.


* Download/Upload works
* You can search and add ed2k-links
* Statistics
* Shared files tab works
* Messages tab is now implemented
* You can manage friends
* LMule can be minimized to systray
* You can set nearly all preferences

2003-03-23T04:46:03+00:00 net-p2p/xmule Port of eMule eDonkey P2P client using wxWindows class library
[ from author's website ]

Port of eMule eDonkey P2P client using wxWindows class library.


* Download/Upload works
* You can search and add ed2k-links
* Statistics
* Shared files tab works
* Messages tab is now implemented
* You can manage friends
* xMule can be minimized to systray
* You can set nearly all preferences

2003-03-23T02:51:16+00:00 multimedia/gstreamer-editor Provide View and Controller counterparts to GStreamer's Model
The goal of gst-editor is to provide View and Controller counterparts
to GStreamer's Model. It mirrors the state of GStreamer pipelines,
and can be used to modify pipeline topology, state, and properties.
Furthermore, it provides an interface to GStreamer's XML pipeline
(de)serialization code, and a few more goodies.

2003-03-06T05:46:12+00:00 net/dtcpclient Dynamic Tunnel Configuration Protocol client
Dynamic Tunnel Configuration Protocol client

dtcpclient implement Dynamic Tunnel Configuration Protocol (DTCP for
short) proposed by Trumpet:

2003-03-05T22:27:25+00:00 multimedia/nuppelvideo A very low CPU usage VCR/DVR application
NuppelVideo is a simple low consuming and fast capture program for
bktr. It is based on the RTjpeg2.0 test3* programs from Justin
Schoemann who wrote the both very fast and fine RTjpeg2.0 codec
(improved by Joerg Walter and Wim Taymans).

2003-03-05T21:32:15+00:00 devel/p5-Object-Realize-Later Delayed creation of objects
The Object::Realize::Later class helps with implementing transparent on
demand realization of object data. This is related to the tricks on
autoloading of data, the lesser known cousin of autoloading of

On demand realization is all about performance gain. Why should you
spent costly time on realizing an object, when the data on the object is
never (or not yet) used? In interactive programs, postponed realization
may boost start-up: the realization of objects is triggered by the use,
so spread over time.

2003-03-05T16:06:49+00:00 lang/ohugs Interpreter for Haskell with object-oriented features
OHugs is an approach to combine the features of functional programming
languages (Haskell) with object-oriented languages.


Steffen Mazanek
2003-03-05T14:24:10+00:00 net/lft Layer 4 Traceroute program
LFT, short for Layer Four Traceroute, is a sort of 'traceroute' that often
works much faster (than the commonly-used Van Jacobson method) and goes through
many configurations of packet-filter based firewalls. More importantly, LFT
implements numerous other features including AS number lookups, loose source
routing, netblock name lookups, et al. Though LFT has been around since 1998,
its development effort has just recently resumed.


Ported to FreeBSD by:
Marco P. Rodrigues
2003-03-05T13:26:13+00:00 net/erlang_xmlrpc Library for XMLRPC support in Erlang
This is an HTTP 1.1 compliant XML-RPC library for Erlang. It is
designed to make it easy to write XML-RPC Erlang clients and/or

2003-03-05T12:18:41+00:00 textproc/xmerl A library for XML processing in Erlang
This library implements a set of tools for processing XML documents,
as well as working with XML-like structures in Erlang. The main
attraction so far is a single-pass, highly customizable XML processor.
Other components are an export/translation facility and an XPATH
query engine.

2003-03-05T02:04:54+00:00 security/krb4 KTH Kerberos 4
The eBones-based Kerberos 4 distribution from Kungliga Tekniska
Hogskolan (KTH).

2003-03-04T19:34:58+00:00 graphics/blender-devel 3D modeling/rendering/animation/gaming package
Blender is a free and fully functional 3D
modeling/rendering/animation/gaming package.

2003-03-04T18:41:01+00:00 audio/xmms-faad XMMS plugin for MP4/M4A/AAC files
FAAD2 (Freeware Advanced Audio Decoder) is an MPEG-2, MPEG-4 AAC decoder.

FAAD2 is the fastest ISO AAC audio decoder available and can be used with
DRM (Digital Radio Mondiale), and supports HE (High Efficiency), Main,
LC, LD, LTP, PS (Parametric Stereo) AAC files.

This is an XMMS plugin for playing MPEG-4 AAC files.

2003-03-03T16:46:40+00:00 audio/juk Jukebox, tagger and music collection manager
JuK is an audio jukebox application, supporting collections of MP3,
Ogg Vorbis, and FLAC audio files. It allows you to edit the "tags" of
your audio files, and manage your collection and playlists. Its main
focus, in fact, is on music management.

2003-03-03T06:33:09+00:00 devel/regexxer Interactive tool for performing search and replace operations
regexxer is a nifty GUI search/replace tool featuring Perl-style regular

If you need project-wide substitution and you're tired of hacking sed
command lines together, then you should definitely give it a try.

2003-03-02T23:20:27+00:00 x11-fm/twander Better Filesystem Browser
"twander" is a Filesystem Browser which runs on both Unix-like systems
as well as Win32 systems. It embraces the best ideas of both similar
GUI-driven programs (Konqueror, Windows Explorer) as well as
text-based interfaces (Midnight Commander, List, Sweep).

While the "twander" interface is graphical, all the major navigation,
selection, and execution commands can be entered from the keyboard,
not just the mouse. This means Power Users who are strong typists can
minimize dependency on the mouse and materially speed up their
interactions with the system.

Moreover, unlike the other programs, "twander" does not have a
built-in set of commands (which typically cannot be changed).
Instead, "twander" supports a rich macro configuration language for
virtually limitless user-definition of commands. The configuration
language provides a simple mechanism for communicating the list of
items currently selected in the GUI to the user-defined commands.

Each user is thus free to configure a command set unique and
appropriate to their needs. As with the navigation commands,
user-defined commands can be invoked with either the keyboard (a
single keystroke) or the mouse (a menu selection).

2003-03-02T23:05:55+00:00 mail/mailfmt Remove leading quotations from mail/news and wrap lines to fixed width
'mailfmt' is a program to reformat mail and news to remove leading
quotation characters and wrap the lines to a reasonable width.

You need a reasonably current copy of Python to run the main script.
2003-03-02T22:34:48+00:00 net/onenetd Single-server inetd
A single-server inetd, similar to Dan Bernstein's tcpserver or
courier-tcpd from Courier-IMAP. This is small, and supports limiting
the number of concurrent connections and refusing further connections
with a configurable message.

2003-03-02T21:05:41+00:00 misc/gucharmap A Unicode/ISO10646 character map and font viewer
gucharmap is a Unicode/ISO10646 character map and font viewer. It uses GTK+
2. It supports anti-aliased, scalable fonts.

2003-03-02T21:05:41+00:00 deskutils/gucharmap Unicode/ISO10646 character map and font viewer
gucharmap is a Unicode/ISO10646 character map and font viewer. It uses
GTK+ 2, and supports anti-aliased, scalable fonts.

2003-03-02T20:43:53+00:00 net/aguri An Aggregation-based Traffic Profiler
Aguri is an aggregation-based traffic profiler targeted for near real-time,
long-term, and wide-area traffic monitoring. Aguri adapts itself to spatial
traffic distribution by aggregating small volume flows into aggregates, and
achieves temporal aggregation by creating a summary of summaries applying the
same algorithm to its outputs. A set of scripts are used for archiving and
visualizing summaries in different time scales. Aguri does not need a
predefined rule set and is capable of detecting an unexpected increase of
unknown protocols or DoS attacks, which considerably simplifies the task of
network monitoring.

Aguri produces four separate profiles for source addresses, destination
addresses, source protocols and destination protocols. IP addresses are
designed to be hierarchical and aggregatable so that it is natural to apply
aggregation. Both IPv4 and IPv6 are supported in address profiles. Although
protocol numbers are not hierarchical, the same technique can be used to
identify port ranges. We concatenate the IP version, the protocol number and
the TCP/UDP port number to create a 32-bit key for a protocol profile.


- Yann
2003-03-02T20:43:53+00:00 net-mgmt/aguri An Aggregation-based Traffic Profiler
Aguri is an aggregation-based traffic profiler targeted for near real-time,
long-term, and wide-area traffic monitoring. Aguri adapts itself to spatial
traffic distribution by aggregating small volume flows into aggregates, and
achieves temporal aggregation by creating a summary of summaries applying the
same algorithm to its outputs. A set of scripts are used for archiving and
visualizing summaries in different time scales. Aguri does not need a
predefined rule set and is capable of detecting an unexpected increase of
unknown protocols or DoS attacks, which considerably simplifies the task of
network monitoring.

Aguri produces four separate profiles for source addresses, destination
addresses, source protocols and destination protocols. IP addresses are
designed to be hierarchical and aggregatable so that it is natural to apply
aggregation. Both IPv4 and IPv6 are supported in address profiles. Although
protocol numbers are not hierarchical, the same technique can be used to
identify port ranges. We concatenate the IP version, the protocol number and
the TCP/UDP port number to create a 32-bit key for a protocol profile.

2003-03-02T20:04:30+00:00 deskutils/ljcharm Menu-driven python-based livejournal client
Charm is a command-line client written in Python for interacting with
LiveJournal servers.

2003-03-02T17:21:06+00:00 multimedia/kmplayer KDE frontend to Phonon / KDE5
KMPlayer, a simple frontend for MPlayer/FFMpeg/Phonon.

2003-03-02T17:21:06+00:00 multimedia/kmplayer-kde4 KDE frontend to Phonon / KDE4
KMPlayer, a simple frontend for MPlayer/FFMpeg/Phonon.

2003-03-02T05:03:15+00:00 net/tsclient GNOME 2 frontend for rdesktop and vncviewer
Tsclient is a GNOME 2 frontend for rdesktop, and also supports VNC clients,
Citrix ICA client (experimental) and X via Xnest (experimental).

2003-03-02T04:50:08+00:00 x11/zenity Display GNOME dialogs from the command line
Zenity allows dialog boxes to be created and displayed from the
commandline. This provides a simple way to create a GUI for
a shell script.
2003-03-02T00:24:16+00:00 sysutils/ganglia-monitor-core Ganglia cluster monitor, monitoring daemon
Ganglia provides a complete real-time monitoring and execution
environment that is in use by hundreds of universities, private and
government laboratories and commercial cluster implementors around the
world. Whether you want to monitor hundreds of computers in real-time
across a university campus or around the world, ganglia is for you.

2003-03-01T08:05:51+00:00 misc/quick-lounge-applet Applet to originize your preferred applications on the GNOME Panel
Quick Lounge Applet is a GNOME 2 panel applet that lets you organize all
your preferred applications in one place.

2003-03-01T07:24:45+00:00 deskutils/gnotime Time tracker for gnome2
Time (formerly GTT, the Gnome Time Tracker) is a desktop utility for
tracking the amount of time spent on projects, and generating
configurable invoices based on that time.

2003-03-01T07:07:58+00:00 deskutils/rubrica Addressbook for the GNOME 2 desktop
Rubrica is an addressbook manager for the GNOME Environment.
It allows you to add personal data (name, surname, address, etc.),
web links, irc and email addresses, telephone numbers, job information
(company where contact works, company infos, contact's assigment, etc.)
and notes.

2003-02-28T16:49:54+00:00 devel/meta-cvs More capable version control system than CVS, built around CVS
This is a port of Meta-CVS, a version control system built around CVS.
Although it retains most of the features of CVS, including all of the
networking support, it is more capable than CVS, and easier to use.

Its main features are:
* Directory structure versioning.
* Support for a promotion model.
* User-friendly file type handling.
* Sane corner cases.
* Simple branching and merging.
* Support for symbolic links and metadata.
* Tracking of third party code containing moves and renames.
* Ease of deployment.

2003-02-28T16:04:27+00:00 www/p5-Sledge-Plugin-XSLT A Sledge plug-in that adds XSLT::Dispatch::Config on
Sledge::Plugin::XSLT is a Sledge plug-in that adds
XSLT::Dispatch::Config on.

2003-02-28T07:46:44+00:00 deskutils/gdeskcal A calendar for the gnome2 desktop with smooth alpha-blending
gDeskCal is a cute little eye-candy calendar for your desktop.
It features transparency with smooth alpha-blending and its appearance
can be changed completely by using skins.

2003-02-27T21:55:55+00:00 x11/idesk Place launch icons and background directly on your desktop
iDesk lets you put launch icons and background directly on the
root window of your X.

2003-02-27T19:54:58+00:00 mail/mailsync Keeps collection of mailboxes synchronized
Mailsync is a way of keeping a collection of mailboxes synchronized. The
mailboxes may be on the local filesystem or on an IMAP server.

2003-02-27T19:16:10+00:00 graphics/filmgimp An editing tool used for painting and retouching of movies
Film Gimp is a motion picture editing tool primarily used for
painting and retouching of movies. With sixteen bits per component
instead of eight, Film Gimp has much more color depth capacity than
Gimp. Film Gimp extended Gimp to operate upon a series of images
and in 16-bit linear and floating point color depths. Film Gimp is
currently based upon the HOLLYWOOD 1.0.4 branch of Gimp.


- David
2003-02-27T16:12:21+00:00 textproc/ruby-html-template Ruby library to use HTML as a template file from CGI scripts
HTML/Template is a Ruby library to use HTML as a template file from
CGI scripts.

2003-02-27T15:09:15+00:00 textproc/ruby-html-fillinform Ruby library that automatically inserts form data into HTML
HTML/FillInForm is a Ruby library that automatically inserts form data
into HTML.

2003-02-27T09:52:24+00:00 net/pear-Net_SMTP PEAR class that provides an implementation of the SMTP protocol
This PEAR class provides an implementation of the SMTP protocol using PEAR's
Net_Socket:: class.

2003-02-27T06:02:23+00:00 www/p5-Sledge-Plugin-HTML2HDML A Sledge plug-in that invokes html2hdml for EZweb WAP/1.0 clients
Sledge::Plugin::HTML2HDML is a Sledge plug-in that invokes html2hdml
for EZweb WAP/1.0 clients.

2003-02-27T05:54:43+00:00 www/html2hdml I-mode HTML to EZweb HDML converter
html2hdml converts i-mode HTML to EZweb HDML.

2003-02-27T05:37:23+00:00 www/p5-HTTP-MobileAgent HTTP mobile user agent string parser for Perl
HTTP::MobileAgent is an HTTP mobile user agent string parser for Perl.

2003-02-27T04:59:50+00:00 textproc/p5-XML-LibXML-Common Routines and Constants common for XML::LibXML and XML::GDOME
XML::LibXML and XML::GDOME share some of the same functionality. This
package should bundle some shared constansts and functions, so both
modules may coexist within the same scripts.

Author: Christian Glahn <>
2003-02-26T22:09:41+00:00 www/p5-Sledge-Plugin-SaveUpload A Sledge plug-in that copes with cross-device link errors in uploading
Sledge::Plugin::SaveUpload is a Sledge plug-in that copes with
cross-device link errors in uploading.

2003-02-26T21:53:17+00:00 www/p5-Sledge-Template-Expr A Sledge extension that uses HTML::Template::Expr as template engine
Sledge::Template::Expr is a Sledge extension that uses
HTML::Template::Expr as template engine.

2003-02-26T21:51:50+00:00 www/p5-Sledge-SessionManager-CookieStore A Sledge extension that stores session data to HTTP cookies
Sledge::SessionManager::CookieStore is a Sledge extension that stores
session data to HTTP cookies.

2003-02-26T21:49:02+00:00 www/p5-Sledge-Plugin-SessionAutoCleanup A Sledge plug-in that automatically cleans up old sessions
Sledge::Plugin::SessionAutoCleanup is a Sledge plug-in that
automatically cleans up old sessions.

2003-02-26T21:47:45+00:00 www/p5-Sledge-Plugin-ScratchPad A Sledge plug-in that provides temporary data buffers
Sledge::Plugin::ScratchPad is a Sledge plug-in that provides temporary
data buffers.

2003-02-26T21:46:16+00:00 www/p5-Sledge-Plugin-NoCache A Sledge plug-in that outputs HTTP no-cache headers
Sledge::Plugin::NoCache is a Sledge plug-in that outputs HTTP no-cache

2003-02-26T21:44:28+00:00 www/p5-Sledge-Plugin-Log A Sledge plug-in that adds Log::Dispatch::Config on
Sledge::Plugin::Log is a Sledge plug-in that adds
Log::Dispatch::Config on.

2003-02-26T21:43:10+00:00 www/p5-Sledge-Plugin-Dumper A Sledge plug-in that automatically calls Data::Dumper
Sledge::Plugin::Dumper is a Sledge plug-in that automatically calls

2003-02-26T21:38:48+00:00 www/p5-Sledge-Plugin-Download A Sledge plug-in that works around browser bugs with file downloading
Sledge::Plugin::Download is a Sledge plug-in that works around browser
bugs with file downloading.

2003-02-26T21:17:36+00:00 net/plb A high-performance HTTP load balancer
Pure Load Balancer is a high-performance software load balancer for the
HTTP protocol.

It uses an asynchronous non-forking/non-blocking model, and provides
fail-over abilities. When a backend server goes down, it automatically
removes it from the server pool, and tries to bring it back to life later.

2003-02-26T20:58:20+00:00 devel/p5-Log-Dispatch-Config Log4j equivalent for Perl
Log::Dispatch::Config is a subclass of Log::Dispatch and provides a
way to configure Log::Dispatch object with configuration file
(default, in AppConfig format). This is almost a log4j equivalent for
Perl, not with all API compatibility though.

2003-02-26T18:01:37+00:00 x11-wm/wampager A mini pager for the waimea window manager
wampager is a pager tool for waimea, with support of RandR extension.

2003-02-26T18:00:56+00:00 www/p5-Sledge A pure perl, pluggable, lightweight web application framework
Sledge is a pure perl, pluggable, lightweight web application framework.

Currently pod documents are mostly written in Japanese.

2003-02-26T17:44:59+00:00 devel/tpasm Cross-assembler for variety of microprocessors and controllers
Tpasm is a command line based cross assembler for a vast variety of common
microprocessors and controllers, currently supporting:

* Rockwell 6502 (6502, 65c02)
* Motorola 6805 (6805, 68705), 6809, 68hc11
* Intel 8051 (8031, 8032, 8051, 8052, 80c390)
* Atmel AVR (avt, attiny, at90, atmega series)
* Core Technologies CTXP-1
* Microchip PIC (12xxx, 14xxx, 16xxx, 17xxx series)
* Sunplus SPCxxx series
* Zilog Z80 (z80, z180)

Its features include:

* True multi-pass assembly (will take as many passes as needed)
* Multiple segments
* Sophisticated expressions
* Macros, repeats, conditionals
* Arbitrary length labels, local labels
* Supporting new processors is reasonably straightforward
* Can switch between processors during assembly

2003-02-26T17:38:21+00:00 www/p5-Bundle-Sledge A bundle to install all modules used for Sledge
Sledge is a pure perl, pluggable, lightweight web application framework. This
bundle module helps to install all modules used for Sledge.

2003-02-26T17:35:02+00:00 devel/p5-Data-Properties Perl module for persistent properties
This class is a Perl version of Java's java.util.Properties and aims
to be format-compatible with that class.

2003-02-26T07:24:43+00:00 java/xdoclet Java attribute-oriented code generation engine
XDoclet is a Java code generation engine. It enables Attribute-Oriented
Programming for java. In short, this means that you can add more
significance to your code by adding meta data (attributes) to your java
sources. This is done in special JavaDoc tags.

XDoclet will parse your source files and generate many artifacts such as
XML descriptors and/or source code from it. These files are generated
from templates that use the information provided in the source code and
its JavaDoc tags.

XDoclet lets you apply Continuous Integration in component-oriented
development. Developers should concentrate their editing work on only
one Java source file per component.

2003-02-25T18:53:40+00:00 mail/gubby Program showing where new mail has been placed
Gubby is a small program that continually shows where Procmail has placed
new email. It runs both in commandline and in an ncurses environment with
colors, and will update the overview in real time, while using very low
resources. Users can launch a specified mailreader by selecting a folder
and pressing enter.

2003-02-25T06:21:09+00:00 lang/ruby-js A Ruby binding to NJS JavaScript Interpreter
Ruby/JS -- A Ruby binding to NJS JavaScript Interpreter

Author: TAMURA. Kenichi <>
2003-02-25T06:19:38+00:00 textproc/ruby-xmlconfigfile Ruby module for easy handling of XML configuration files
Ruby/xmlconfigfile is a Ruby module for easy handling of XML
configuration files.

2003-02-24T19:55:43+00:00 misc/p5-Business-OnlinePayment-MerchantCommerce A Business::OnlinePayment backend module for MerchantCommerce authorization service
This is Business::OnlinePayment::MerchantCommerce, an Business::OnlinePayment
backend module for MerchantCommerce authorization service.
2003-02-24T19:55:43+00:00 finance/p5-Business-OnlinePayment-MerchantCommerce Business::OnlinePayment backend module for MerchantCommerce authorization service
This is Business::OnlinePayment::MerchantCommerce, an Business::OnlinePayment
backend module for MerchantCommerce authorization service.

2003-02-24T19:55:24+00:00 net/mldonkey-serverspy MLDonkey Server Spy broadcasts your whereabouts on the eDonkey network
[ excerpt from developer's www site]
MLDonkey Server Spy is an application for MLDonkey that broadcasts
your whereabouts on the edonkey network.

It will detect the server that you are connected to, and place this
information on an image. The image is then uploaded to a Web server
using FTP. It can then be used on Web pages, message boards etc.

In this way others will be able to see where you are located and
will then be able to connect to the same edonkey server, making it
easier to get the files that you are sharing. The application updates
the image frequently so that the latest information is always shown.

Author: Rodrigo A. Diaz Leven <bruj0 at>
2003-02-24T19:55:24+00:00 net-p2p/mldonkey-serverspy MLDonkey Server Spy broadcasts your whereabouts on the eDonkey network
[ excerpt from developer's www site]
MLDonkey Server Spy is an application for MLDonkey that broadcasts
your whereabouts on the edonkey network.

It will detect the server that you are connected to, and place this
information on an image. The image is then uploaded to a Web server
using FTP. It can then be used on Web pages, message boards etc.

In this way others will be able to see where you are located and
will then be able to connect to the same edonkey server, making it
easier to get the files that you are sharing. The application updates
the image frequently so that the latest information is always shown.

Author: Rodrigo A. Diaz Leven <bruj0 at>
2003-02-24T12:11:05+00:00 sysutils/bacula The network backup solution
Bacula is a set of computer programs that permit you (or the system
administrator) to manage backup, recovery, and verification of
computer data across a network of computers of different kinds.
In technical terms, it is a network Client/Server based backup program.
Bacula is relatively easy to use and efficient, while offering many
advanced storage management features that make it easy to find and
recover lost or damaged files. Due to its modular design, Bacula is
scalable from small single computer systems to systems consisting of
hundreds of computers located over a large network.

2003-02-24T12:11:05+00:00 sysutils/bacula-server Network backup solution (server)
Bacula is a set of computer programs that permit you (or the system
administrator) to manage backup, recovery, and verification of
computer data across a network of computers of different kinds.
In technical terms, it is a network Client/Server based backup program.
Bacula is relatively easy to use and efficient, while offering many
advanced storage management features that make it easy to find and
recover lost or damaged files. Due to its modular design, Bacula is
scalable from small single computer systems to systems consisting of
hundreds of computers located over a large network.

2003-02-24T07:56:47+00:00 www/tidy-lib Utility to clean up and pretty print HTML/XHTML/XML (with shared lib)
This is tidy-devel, built with a shared lib.

When editing HTML it's easy to make mistakes. Wouldn't it be nice if
there was a simple way to fix these mistakes automatically and tidy up
sloppy editing into nicely layed out markup? Well now there is thanks
to Hewlett Packard's Dave Raggett. HTML TIDY is a free utility for
doing just that. It also works great on the attrociously hard to read
markup generated by specialized HTML editors and conversion tools, and
can help you identify where you need to pay further attention on
making your pages more accessible to people with disabilities.

Tidy is able to fix up a wide range of problems and to bring to your
attention things that you need to work on yourself. Each item found is
listed with the line number and column so that you can see where the
problem lies in your markup. Tidy won't generate a cleaned up version
when there are problems that it can't be sure of how to handle. These
are logged as "errors" rather than "warnings".

2003-02-24T05:59:41+00:00 security/pear-Auth PEAR class for creating an authentication system
The PEAR::Auth package provides methods for creating an authentication
system using PHP.

Currently it supports the following storage containers to read/write
the login data:

* All databases supported by the PEAR database layer
* All databases supported by the MDB database layer
* All databases supported by the MDB2 database layer
* Plaintext files
* LDAP servers
* POP3 servers
* IMAP servers
* vpopmail accounts
* SAMBA password files

2003-02-24T05:55:57+00:00 security/pear-Auth_SASL PEAR abstraction of various SASL mechanism responses
Provides PHP code to generate responses to common SASL mechanisms, including:
- Digest-MD5
- CramMD5
- Plain
- Anonymous
- Login (Pseudo mechanism).

2003-02-24T05:51:29+00:00 mail/pecl-mailparse PECL extension to create and decode MIME messages
Mailparse is an extension for parsing and working with email messages.
It can deal with rfc822 and rfc2045 (MIME) compliant messages.
Mailparse is stream based, which means that it does not keep in-memory
copies of the files it processes - so it is very resource efficient
when dealing with large messages.

2003-02-24T05:51:29+00:00 mail/pear-mailparse PEAR classes to create and decode MIME messages
Mailparse is an extension for parsing and working with email messages.
It can deal with rfc822 and rfc2045 (MIME) compliant messages.
Mailparse is stream based, which means that it does not keep in-memory
copies of the files it processes - so it is very resource efficient
when dealing with large messages.

2003-02-24T00:21:01+00:00 multimedia/dv2jpg Convert Type-2 DV codec-encoded AVI streams to mjpeg-encoded AVI
dv2jpg converts a Type-2 DV codec-encoded AVI stream (from dvgrab, for example)
to an mjpeg-encoded AVI stream that can be processed by the mjpeg tools
package. The mjpeg AVI can be converted to mpeg video/audio and burned onto a
VCD later.

2003-02-23T08:07:17+00:00 archivers/p5-Compress-Bzip2 Perl5 interface to bzip2 compression library
Bzip2 bindings for Perl5. That means you can access the
Bzip2 library from your Perl scripts there by compressing ordinary
Perl strings.

2003-02-22T20:33:17+00:00 audio/gtkgep A guitar effects processor for GTK
GtkGEP turns your computer into a realtime effects processor. You can plug
your guitar into the computer and play with cool distortion effects, for
example. It has a modular plugin structure, with standard plugins including
distortion, overdrive, delay, reverb, equalizers, and a flanger. It works
in 16-bit resolution, in mono mode, and with frequencies from 11khz to
44khz. The sound quality is very good.

2003-02-22T16:56:35+00:00 net/bmon Human-readable bandwidth monitor and rate estimator
bmon is a monitoring and debugging tool to capture networking related statistics
and prepare them visually in a human friendly way. It features various output
methods including an interactive curses user interface and a programmable text
output for scripting.

2003-02-21T16:34:36+00:00 net/mldonkey-perlreactor Automatically add links found in web pages to MLDonkey queue
[ excerpt from developer's www site]
PerlReactor is a Perl script that scans donkeypages like sharereactor
for new releases and puts them in your mldonkey queue. It was written
to stay up-to-date with episodes of TV series without looking at
sharereactor everyday.

2003-02-21T16:34:36+00:00 net-p2p/mldonkey-perlreactor Automatically add links found in web pages to MLDonkey queue
[ excerpt from developer's www site]
PerlReactor is a Perl script that scans donkeypages like sharereactor
for new releases and puts them in your mldonkey queue. It was written
to stay up-to-date with episodes of TV series without looking at
sharereactor everyday.

2003-02-21T14:32:44+00:00 net/mldonkey-urlslave GTK+ enabled Perl script for adding ed2k:// links to MLDonkey
ed2k://urlslave for mldonkey eases the process of adding files to
the mldonkey download queue using ed2k:// links. It was designed
for better ed2k:// URL handling within GNOME (especially Galeon),
but can be used for other purposes.

Author: Veit Wahlich <>
2003-02-21T14:32:44+00:00 net-p2p/mldonkey-urlslave GTK+ enabled Perl script for adding ed2k:// links to MLDonkey
ed2k://urlslave for mldonkey eases the process of adding files to
the mldonkey download queue using ed2k:// links. It was designed
for better ed2k:// URL handling within GNOME (especially Galeon),
but can be used for other purposes.

Author: Veit Wahlich <>
2003-02-21T01:07:12+00:00 net/tptest Software suite for testing network throughput and Internet services
The purpose with TPTEST is to allow users to measure the speed of
their Internet connection in a simple way. TPTEST measures the
throughput speed to and from various reference servers on the
Internet. The use of TPTEST may help increase the consumer/end user
knowledge of how Internet services work.

TPTEST was originally developed by the Swedish ICT-commission, then
later by the Foundation for Internet Infrastructure (, the
Swedish Consumer Agency (, and the Swedish National
Post- and Telecom Agency ( The latest development has been to
separate the platform-independent test method software (the test
engine) from the platform-dependent user interface software in order
to make it easier for anyone to write a test client or server that
uses the TPTEST testing method. The test engine code is to be regarded
as a library module and is released under the LGPL license while the
reference client/server applications is released under the GPL

2003-02-20T23:03:20+00:00 net/kmldonkey KDE integration for MLDonkey eDonkey P2P client
[ from author's website ]

KMLDonkey provides integration for the MLDonkey P2P software and
KDE 3, in the form of a Kicker applet, ed2k protocol handling for
Konqueror, and a control panel applet to bring it all together.

Author: Petter E. Stokke <>
2003-02-20T23:03:20+00:00 net-p2p/kmldonkey KDE integration for MLDonkey eDonkey P2P client
[ from author's website ]

KMLDonkey provides integration for the MLDonkey P2P software and
KDE 3, in the form of a Kicker applet, ed2k protocol handling for
Konqueror, and a control panel applet to bring it all together.

Author: Petter E. Stokke <>
2003-02-20T21:40:57+00:00 www/mplayer-plugin A Mozilla plugin for the MPlayer media player
A Mozilla plugin that uses MPlayer to play videos from websites.

2003-02-20T21:20:07+00:00 editors/qemacs Quick Emacs - a very small but powerful UNIX editor
QEmacs has features other big editors lack:
* Full screen editor with an Emacs look and feel with all Emacs common
features: multi-buffer, multi-window, command mode, universal argument,
keyboard macros, config file with C like syntax, minibuffer with
completion and history.
* Can edit files of hundreds of Megabytes without being slow by using a
highly optimized internal representation and by mmaping the file.
* Full UTF8 support, including bidirectional editing respecting the Unicode
bidi algorithm. Arabic and Indic scripts handling (in progress).
* C mode: coloring with immediate update. Emacs like auto-indent.
* Shell mode: colorized VT100 emulation so that your shell work exactly as
you expect. Compile mode with next/prev error.
* Input methods for most languages, including Chinese (input methods come
from the Yudit editor).
* Hexadecimal editing mode with insertion and block commands. Unicode hexa
editing of UTF8 files also supported.
* Works on any VT100 terminals without termcap. UTF8 VT100 support included
with double width glyphs.
* X11 support. Support multiple proportionnal fonts at the same time (as
XEmacs). X Input methods supported. Xft extension supported for anti
aliased font display.

2003-02-20T18:33:13+00:00 x11-toolkits/libgnomeprintui20 Gnome print support library
This is a prototype implementation of the Gnome Printing Architecture,
as described in:

2003-02-20T18:29:05+00:00 print/libgnomeprint20 Gnome print support library
This is a prototype implementation of the Gnome Printing Architecture,
as described in:

2003-02-20T16:07:53+00:00 comms/ruby-serialport A Ruby library to communicate via the RS232 port
Ruby/SerialPort is a Ruby library that allows you to communicate via
the RS232 port.

Author: Guillaume Pierronnet <>
2003-02-20T15:51:00+00:00 textproc/ruby-formvalidator A Ruby module to validate data coming in from HTML forms
FormValidator is a port of Perl's Data::FormValidator library. It
makes it easy to validate data coming in from HTML forms and provides
a robust set of methods to handle dependent fields, filtering data,
constraints, etc. It's modular design allows you to easily add your
own filters and constraints and also allows you to keep validation
profiles outside of your CGI scripts.

Author: Travis Whitton <>
2003-02-20T03:50:02+00:00 audio/sdl_sound SDL audio library and player for some popular sound file formats
SDL_sound is a library that handles the decoding of several popular
sound file formats, such as raw, wav, mp3, flac, ogg, voc, shn,
aiff, au, and some others.

It is meant to make the programmer's sound playback tasks simpler.
The programmer gives SDL_sound a filename, or feeds it data directly
from one of many sources, and then reads the decoded waveform data
back at her leisure.

If resource constraints are a concern, SDL_sound can process sound
data in programmer-specified blocks. Alternately, SDL_sound can
decode a whole sound file and hand back a single pointer to the
whole waveform.

SDL_sound can also handle sample rate, audio format, and channel
conversion on-the-fly and behind-the-scenes, if the programmer

2003-02-19T17:49:21+00:00 www/swiggle Command-line web image gallery generator
swiggle is a small command line tool that generates HTML pages,
including thumbnail indexes, for given images
(a so called "web gallery").
It's intended to be easy to use, and since it is written in C,
it's quite speedy.

It uses libjpeg for decompression and compression of images,
libexif for getting EXIF information contained in the images,
and it caches scaled images so that subsequent runs don't need to
scale images again and are faster.
Of course, the original images aren't changed.

Currently, it only processes JPEG images, and it's thought
to be used primarily with images taken with digital cameras.


Josef El-Rayes
2003-02-19T12:19:18+00:00 x11-fonts/urwfonts-ttf Unicode TrueType fonts from URW extended by Valek Filippov
Extended TrueType version of free URW fonts distributed under GPL license.
These fonts were made from the free URW fonts distributed with GhostScript.
Cyrillic glyphs as well as ones for several "Eastern" languages were added
by copying suitable Latin glyphs and painting outlines of unique new glyphs
in same style as the others.
2003-02-19T10:30:22+00:00 comms/bforce Simple ifcico like Fidonet technology mailer
BinkleyForce is a simple ifcico like FTN mailer. It can works via
TCP/IP as well as on modem links. Look sample configs for more
2003-02-19T04:19:32+00:00 x11-fonts/bitstream-vera Bitstream Vera TrueType font collection
This is the final version of the "Bitstream Vera" font family. It
consist of 10 high-quality TrueType fonts for use with X11.

2003-02-19T02:09:47+00:00 devel/libchipcard-kde KDE tools for LibChipCard
This package contains the KDE tools for LibChipCard. The most important tool
is KCardSetup, the graphical setup tool for LibChipCard.
2003-02-18T23:53:35+00:00 misc/ftdi-eeprom Tool to program the eeprom on FTDI usb devices
ftdi-eeprom writes the contents of the configuration eeproms for
FTDI usb chips.

2003-02-18T03:39:02+00:00 finance/gnucash-docs Documentation for gnucash
Snipped from the README.

This is the docs module for GnuCash. The docs can be accessed
with the GnuCash help browser and if you are running a GNOME2
desktop be accessible from Yelp (the GNOME2 help browser).

2003-02-18T03:25:26+00:00 chinese/cwtexttf Five Chinese Big5 TrueType fonts made by cwTeX
This port installs five Chinese Big5 TrueType fonts, includes

HeiTi bbttf.ttf
FSongTi fttf.ttf
KaiTi kttf.ttf
MingTi mttf.ttf
YuanTi rttf.ttf
2003-02-18T01:35:48+00:00 sysutils/linux-e2fsprogs Utilities and library to manipulate ext2/3 filesystems (Linux version)
A linux rpm port of a set of utilities and library to manipulate
an ext2 filesystem

2003-02-18T00:20:52+00:00 deskutils/libmrproject Library backend for MrProject project management application
MrProject is a project management program that can help build project plans,
and track the progress of a project.

This is the library backend needed for the application.

2003-02-17T23:56:56+00:00 devel/libchipcard Library for easy access to chipcards
Libchipcard allows easy access to smart cards. It provides basic access
to memory and processor cards and has special support for German medical
cards, German "Geldkarten" and HBCI (homebanking) cards (both type 0 and
type 1).
It accesses the readers via CTAPI or PC/SC interfaces and has successfully
been tested with Towitoko, Kobil and Reiner-SCT readers.
2003-02-17T23:25:42+00:00 misc/stickynotes_applet Applet that adds sticky notes to your desktop
Stickynotes_applet is a Gnome 2 applet that allows you to create, view, and
maintain sticky notes on your Gnome 2 Desktop. Each note is "sticky"
(appears on all workspaces), has a date stamp, and can be freely moved around
your desktop. The notes are automatically saved and will reappear in their
original locations (with their original dimensions) when the Gnome Desktop is

2003-02-17T21:23:41+00:00 sysutils/srmt Schily's enhanced rmt implementation
Schily's version of the remote tape server program, with Sun and
GNU enhancements.

2003-02-17T21:15:29+00:00 finance/libofx OpenSource implementation of the OFX (Open Financial eXchange)
LibOFX is a parser and an API designed to allow applications to
very easily support OFX command responses, usually provided by
financial institutions for statement downloads.

LibOFX was implemented directly from the full OFX 1.6 spec, and
currently supports:

- Banking transactions and statements
- Credit card and statements
- Investment transactions
- OFX 2.0

Future projects for LibOFX include:

- Header parsing
- DTD autodetection
- Currency conversion
- QIF import
- QIF export (integrated inside the library)
- OFX export

2003-02-17T20:08:55+00:00 graphics/digikam KDE digital photo management application
DigiKam is an advanced digital photo management application for KDE,
which makes importing and organizing digital photos a "snap".
The photos are organized in albums which can be sorted chronologically,
by folder layout or by custom collections.

An easy-to-use interface is provided that enables you to connect
to your camera and preview, download and/or delete your images.
Basic auto-transformations can be deployed on the fly during
image downloading.

Digikam also uses the very flexible Kipi plugin architecture.
Install the graphics/kipi-plugins port to extend Digikam's features.

2003-02-17T20:08:55+00:00 graphics/digikam-kde4 KDE4 digital photo management application
DigiKam is an advanced digital photo management application for KDE,
which makes importing and organizing digital photos a "snap".
The photos are organized in albums which can be sorted chronologically,
by folder layout or by custom collections.

An easy-to-use interface is provided that enables you to connect
to your camera and preview, download and/or delete your images.
Basic auto-transformations can be deployed on the fly during
image downloading.

Digikam also uses the very flexible Kipi plugin architecture.
Install the graphics/kipi-plugins-kde4 port to extend Digikam's features.

2003-02-17T15:33:30+00:00 german/ksteak KDE frontend for steak, an English - German dictionary
KSteak is a KDE frontend for steak, an english - german dictionary.
KSteak translates a given word or the lastest one in the X-Clipboard.
Since version 0.2 KSteak can be docked on the KDE-panel (kicker).


2003-02-17T12:28:32+00:00 textproc/bidiv A bidirectional text filter
bidiv is a filter for changing birectional text stored in
logical-order to 8-bit visual order text for viewing on terminals
which do not handle bidirectionality.

2003-02-17T09:19:01+00:00 security/mac-robber Tool for listing Modify, Access, Create timestamps from files
mac-robber is a Forensics & Incident Response tool used to collect
the Modified, Access, and Change (MAC) times from allocated files.
It recursively reads MAC times of files and directories and prints
them in 'time machine' format to STDOUT. This format is the same
that the mactime tool from The Coroners Toolkit (TCT) reads.

mac-robber is based on the grave-robber tool from The Coroners
Toolkit (TCT) when using the '-m' flag, except it does not require

2003-02-17T09:06:47+00:00 archivers/wzip Preprocessor for lossy data compression
The program wzip is a preprocessor for lossy data compression. A sequence of
ASCII floating-point numbers is transformed into a sequence of small integers
ready for effective compression with e.g. gzip. The program can also be used
for effective but time consuming denoising of measurement data. Wzip was
originally written for the processing of EDX-linescans.

2003-02-16T17:33:48+00:00 security/gsfv Create or verify Simple File Verification (SFV) checksum files
GSFV is a graphical interface written in GTK+ for manipulating .sfv
(Simple File Verification) files.

The Simple File Verification (SFV) system is a file integrity verification
system which is popular on some platforms. A software package may be
accompanied by an SFV file (usually with extension .sfv) which contains
CRC-32 checksums for all the files that comprise the package.
2003-02-16T17:25:57+00:00 editors/tetradraw Fully featured ANSI art editor/viewer with TCP/IP multidraw support
Tetradraw is a fully featured ANSI art editor for Unix operating systems.
ANSI art is only made up of the ASCII characters with 16 colours. ANSI art is
mainly used in text mode interfaces. Tetradraw is the first completly usable
ANSI art editor for Unix operating systems. Tetradraw does not just emulate
the ANSI editors for DOS: it also allows two artists to edit the same image
simultaneously over the Internet.

2003-02-16T06:27:25+00:00 databases/db42-nocrypto
2003-02-16T06:27:25+00:00 databases/db41-nocrypto
2003-02-16T01:18:45+00:00 x11-fonts/fontilus A font view for Nautilus
Fontilus is a set of extensions for Nautilus to help manage fonts on
your system. It consists of a number of components:

- libfont-method: a gnome-vfs method implementing the fonts:/// URI

- gnome-thumbnail-font: a program to render a small preview of a
font. Uses a custom stream implementation, so can render fonts
from arbitrary gnome-vfs URIs (provided the file can be openned in
random access mode). For example, it can render files in

- gnome-font-viewer: a simple program to display info about a font
and render some of the glyphs.

-- Fontilus README
2003-02-15T20:27:40+00:00 net/pyslsk Client for SoulSeek filesharing system
PySoulSeek is a client for SoulSeek filesharing system. To use it on
Linux/Unix and X11 you'll need all of the following:

* Gtk+ 1.2
* Python 2.1 or newer
* wxPython 2.3.4 or newer (Gtk port)

If you can run wxPython demos, you may be sure PySoulSeek will run too.

After installing pyslsk (see INSTALL for that), the executable
to run is named 'pyslsk'.

Right-clicking on an item in any list gives you the menu of what's available.
To search for files just enter your search string into the input box in
the search tab.

Good luck! As always, feedback is greatly appreciated, bugreports and
patches even more so.

2003-02-15T20:27:40+00:00 net-p2p/pyslsk Client for SoulSeek filesharing system
PySoulSeek is a client for SoulSeek filesharing system. To use it on
Linux/Unix and X11 you'll need all of the following:

* Gtk+ 1.2
* Python 2.1 or newer
* wxPython 2.3.4 or newer (Gtk port)

If you can run wxPython demos, you may be sure PySoulSeek will run too.

After installing pyslsk (see INSTALL for that), the executable
to run is named 'pyslsk'.

Right-clicking on an item in any list gives you the menu of what's available.
To search for files just enter your search string into the input box in
the search tab.

Good luck! As always, feedback is greatly appreciated, bugreports and
patches even more so.

2003-02-15T15:51:11+00:00 german/steak English <-> German dictionary under the GPL
Steak is a german <-> english translator under GPL.
A command line tool allows the translation of words in
both directions. Additionally steak can call ispell
to correct mistyped words.

If build with make -D xsteak ... a small xwindows
programm allows the translation of words interactively

2003-02-15T15:46:48+00:00 sysutils/di Disk Information Utility
'di' is a disk information utility, displaying everything
(and more) that your 'df' command does. It features the
ability to display your disk usage in whatever format you
desire/prefer/are used to. It is designed to be portable
across many platforms.

2003-02-15T15:12:59+00:00 games/amy A chess program for playing and analyzing games
A chess program for playing and analyzing games. Amy comes complete with
an opening book build from about 12000 master games. Please read the
README file to find out how build your own book or use endgame tablebases.

The user interface is command line based. For a graphical user interface
install xboard (xboard) and use the '-fcp Amy' switch to play
against Amy.

2003-02-15T14:03:35+00:00 games/afternoonstalker Clone of the 1981 Night Stalker video game
Afternoonstalker is a clone of the Intellivision game Night Stalker.
You are in a two-dimensional maze in which you are attacked by robots
that shoot at you and that you must shoot down. You must pick up a gun
somewhere in the maze in order to have a few bullets to shoot. Avoid
the spiders and the bats, which can paralyze you long enough for a
robot to come and shoot you. The bunker in the center is your only

2003-02-15T09:50:43+00:00 net/tcpdstat Tool for generating statistics from tcpdump (libpcap) files
Produces a per-protocol breakdown of traffic by bytes and packets,
with average and maximum transfer rates, for a given libpcap file
(e.g., from tcpdump, ethereal, snort, etc.) Useful for getting a
high-level view of traffic patterns.

2003-02-14T15:24:10+00:00 misc/dvorak7min Ncurses-based Dvorak typing tutor
Dvorak7min is an ncurses based dvorak typing tutor for those of you
trying to get fluent in this keyboard layout. It features well chosen
lessons, color for easy visual feedback, and a real time characters per
second display. It's called 7min because it originally was a personal
hack written in 7 min.

2003-02-14T12:19:07+00:00 security/xspy Utility for monitoring keystrokes on remote X servers
xspy is a utility for monitoring keypresses on remote X servers. It
takes advantage of an oversight in X Windows (R5 & R6) to find out
about keypresses even in "secure mode". It works by polling the
keyboard, by default every hundredth of a second.

2003-02-13T12:40:13+00:00 deskutils/babytrans GTK+/GNOME front-end for Babylon Translator .dic files
Babytrans is a graphical front-end for GTK+/Gnome that allows you to use the
dictionaries from Babylon Translator software available under Windows. It use
only the old dictionnary format (.dic) and do not handle (yet) the new
format (.bgl/.dat).

2003-02-13T12:13:39+00:00 devel/php-dbg2 Debugger for PHP
The DBG Php Debugger is a comprehensive software tool that helps you
debugging your php scripts.

2003-02-13T12:13:39+00:00 devel/php-dbg Debugger for PHP4
The DBG Php Debugger is a comprehensive software tool that helps you
debugging your php scripts.

2003-02-13T11:20:38+00:00 net/hawk Track uptime and DNS status for machines on your networks
Hawk is a web based utility for monitoring and comparing hosts
on your network with what's in DNS. Hosts that are answering
pings but are not in dns may be unauthorized, and hosts that are
in DNS, but are not answering may be able to be reclaimed. Hawk
monitors all hosts on the networks you specify and lets you view
them via a web page.

Hawk consists of a backend written in perl that monitors hosts by
icmp pings and writes the status to a mysql database. The frontend
is in php and lets you select which network to view, and how to view


- Doug Barton
2003-02-13T06:45:24+00:00 news/mmail Offline BBS mail packet reader supporting QWK/OMEN/SOUP/OPX/BLUEWAVE
MultiMail is an offline mail packet reader for UNIX and other systems. It
currently supports the Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN, and SOUP formats. It has a full
screen, color user interface, built with the curses library. Features include
auto-decompression of packets with external compress program, user-friendly
menus to select packet, area, letter, etc., save whole area or one letter in a
text file, enter mail in any area (using an external editor), insert tagline
from a tagline file, reply mail with quote, write netmail, and netmail

2003-02-13T00:25:25+00:00 sysutils/wmshutdown Window Maker dock application to shutdown or reboot
wmShutdown is a Window Maker dock application that allows you to shutdown
or reboot your machine just by clicking a button on your desktop.

2003-02-12T23:32:20+00:00 databases/p5-ResourcePool-Resource-DBI Resource pool wrapper for DBI Perl module
This class is used by the ResourcePool internally to create DBI
connections. Its called by the corresponding ResourcePool::Factory::DBI
object which passes the parameters needed to establish the DBI

2003-02-12T23:01:33+00:00 net/p5-ResourcePool-Resource-Net-LDAP ResourcePool wrapper for Net::LDAP
This class is used by the ResourcePool internally to create Net::LDAP
connections. Its called by the corresponding ResourcePool::Factory::Net::LDAP
object which passes the parameters needed to establish the Net::LDAP connection.

2003-02-12T16:20:35+00:00 x11-toolkits/gtkglext OpenGL extension to GTK+
GtkGLExt is an OpenGL extension to GTK. It provides the GDK objects
to support OpenGL rendering in GTK, and GtkWidget API add-ons to make
GTK+ widgets OpenGL-capable.

2003-02-12T09:31:06+00:00 net/unix2tcp Connection forwarder that converts Unix sockets into TCP sockets
- To listen on a local UNIX socket and tunnel any incoming connections and
traffic to a (remote) IP address/port

What it does:
- Tunnels all traffic between a (remote) address/port and a local UNIX socket
- Does NOT use fork() (single process model)
- Does use O_NONBLOCK , should be no case of blocking

What it doesn't do (yet):
- Doesn't limit number of concurrent connections

2003-02-12T09:17:41+00:00 lang/pexts Third party Pike 7.2 extensions
Third party Pike extensions to support bzip2 compression library, gzip
compression library, curses, mhash fast crypto lib, PCRE lib, mcrypt extentions.

2003-02-12T09:16:13+00:00 devel/ruby-jttui Textmode User Interface by Jakub Travnik
JTTui is a text-mode user interface toolkit for ruby that uses curses.

2003-02-12T06:06:13+00:00 archivers/pear-Archive_Tar PEAR tar file management class
This class provides handling of tar files in PHP.

It supports creating, listing, extracting and adding to tar files.
Gzip support is available if PHP has the zlib extension built-in or
loaded. Bz2 compression is also supported with the bz2 extension loaded.

2003-02-11T21:50:17+00:00 sysutils/vcp Copy files in curses interface
vcp copies files and directories in a curses interface,
and behaves much like cp.

2003-02-11T19:16:38+00:00 devel/gnomevfs-extras A plugin for gnomevfs2 to browse smb shares with nautilus2
[sniped from readme]

This lets you browse the "network neighbourhood" like in windows
by entering the location smb:// in Nautilus. This lists the
workgroups on your local network, and you can browse around servers
and shares.

You can also go directly to smb servers by entering the location
smb://server/, where server is the NMB (windows) name, the dns name
or the ip address. By using ip you can reach machines outside your
local subnet.

If the password popup doesn't appear you can use:
smb://user:password@server/share/ notation.
2003-02-11T16:37:45+00:00 audio/evilbar Minimalistic statusbar with XMMS control, APM status and clock
evilbar is a minimalistic ncurses-based statusbar
with XMMS control, APM status and a clock.


-- Jens Arnfast <>
2003-02-10T15:13:40+00:00 games/uhexen Yet another port of Hexen, popular game from Raven Software
U-Hexen is yet another port of Hexen, popular game from Raven Software to
Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL) library.

2003-02-09T18:05:27+00:00 www/ruby-div Web application server using dRuby and ERB2
Div is a web application server using dRuby and ERB2.
You can write web applications like GUI programming.

2003-02-09T17:11:07+00:00 cad/ziarc ZiaRC is a Resistor Calculator
ZiaRC (which is a recursive acronym for "ZiaRC is a Resistor Calculator")
facilitates the drawing of resistor nets and calculates overall resistivity
and particular currents through the resistors. It consists of a graphical
user interface which allows the easy creation of resistor nets and has many
functions such as undo/redo, delete, move and many more.

2003-02-09T12:58:26+00:00 x11-toolkits/ruby-pango Ruby binding for Pango
Ruby/Pango is a Ruby binding for Pango.

2003-02-09T05:35:18+00:00 security/p5-Digest-MD4 Perl5 interface to the MD4 message digest algorithm
The Digest::MD4 module allows you to use the RSA Data Security Inc. MD4
Message Digest algorithm from within Perl programs.

2003-02-09T05:23:06+00:00 math/gambit Library of tools for doing computation in game theory
Gambit is a library of game theory software and tools for the construction
and analysis of finite extensive and normal form games. Gambit is designed
to be portable across platforms.

Gambit includes:
- A graphical user interface, based upon the wxWindows library, providing
a common look-and-feel across platforms.
- The Gambit Command Language, a scripting language with built-in
primitives for constructing and analyzing games.
- A library of C++ source code for representing games, suitable for use
in other applications.

2003-02-09T05:03:05+00:00 net/netspeed_applet Applet that shows how much network traffic occurs on an interface
Netspeed_applet is just a little applet that shows how much traffic occurs on a
specified network device.

2003-02-09T03:22:17+00:00 misc/gambit
Gambit is a library of game theory software and tools for the construction
and analysis of finite extensive and normal form games. Gambit is designed
to be portable across platforms.

Gambit includes:
- A graphical user interface, based upon the wxWindows library, providing
a common look-and-feel across platforms.
- The Gambit Command Language, a scripting language with built-in
primitives for constructing and analyzing games.
- A library of C++ source code for representing games, suitable for use
in other applications.

2003-02-08T15:09:40+00:00 graphics/tulip System dedicated to the visualization of huge graphs
Tulip software is a system dedicated to the visualization of huge
graphs. It manages graphs with a number of elements(node and edges) up
to 500.000 on a personal computer(PIII 600, with 256mo). Its SuperGraph
technology architecture enables to do the following things :
* 3D visualizations
* 3D modifications
* Plug-in support for easy evolution
* Building of clusters and navigation into it
* Automatic drawing of graphs
* Automatic clustering of graphs
* Automatic selection of elements
* Automatic Metric coloration of graphs

2003-02-08T13:23:15+00:00 editors/MathPlanner A mathematical design and publishing application
MathPlanner is a mathematical design and publishing application. Basic math
features are supported including integers, function definitions, complex
numbers, vectors. HTML files, pictures, functions can be Drag'n'droped between
MathPlanner and other applications.

2003-02-08T11:47:58+00:00 misc/terraform Interactive height field generation and manipulation program
Terraform is an open source interactive height field generation and
manipulation program, giving you the ability to generate random terrain and
transform it. It uses the GNOME desktop platform and thus has a (more or less)
consistent graphical user interface which doesn't require use of the command

Terraform allows you to generate random terrain using a number of algorithms
and then selectiveley change the terrain using a variety of transformations.
Where possible, the transformations provide a real-time preview, giving you
instant feedback on the effect of any parameter changes.

2003-02-08T10:27:24+00:00 graphics/meshviewer Mesh viewer
The Mesh Viewer is an easy to use lightweight application to display
triangular meshes from a variety of file formats. It uses the OpenGL API
to render the models. The program was born under the need for quickly
displaying reconstructed triangulated meshes. The Mesh Viewer based on
an idea and an early elementary implementation from Craig Robertson. The
current version was developed by Helmut Cantzler. Triangular meshes can
be displayed texture mapped (optional with bilinear filtering), solid or
as a skeleton (full or just the front lines). The surface normals of the
triangles can be displayed optionally.

Features (from a different data file) like edges and points can be
displayed into the mesh. Loaded models can be rotated, translated and
scaled (all done with the mouse). The model is lighted by multiple light
sources. Viewpoints can be saved. Screenshots of the model can be taken (as
BMP, JPEG, PNG and so on).

2003-02-08T07:14:44+00:00 deskutils/ GNUstep workspace manager is, functionally, a clone of NeXTstep/OPENSTEP tool of
the same name. Just like the original program, it's a simple application
for setting preferences for the GNUstep system, with a friendly interface.
The program is simple, but powerful -- people can create new modules,
called "bundles", that add new things to the program that its original
developers did not think of or even intend -- that don't require
recompiling the main program. For more information on what bundles can do,
see StepWise. They are a very powerful tool.

LICENSE: LGPL2 or later (framework)
LICENSE: GPL2 or later (application)

2003-02-08T02:42:30+00:00 graphics/kbarcode A barcode and label printing application for KDE
KBarcode creates, handles, manages and prints barcodes

* a label designer with more than 1,000 predefined labels
and support for creating customized labels
* a barcode generator for creating single barcodes and
saving or printing them
* support for using an SQL database for storing data
* a configuration wizard for connecting to an SQL database
and creating database tables
* support for different barcode formats (like UPC, EAN, etc.)
for each article
* support for adding customer-related information and print
customized barcodes for each article
* batch control for importing a very large number of barcode
descriptions (quantity and number of articles) and printing
them using the specified barcode label
* a friendly GUI.

2003-02-08T01:29:50+00:00 multimedia/libdvbpsi Library for MPEG TS and DVB PSI tables decoding and generation
libdvbpsi is a set of tools which allows to decode and generate all the
Program specific Information (PSI) present in a MPEG2 TS or a DVB stream. The
two keywords are portability and simplicity.

Currently supported tables
- Program Association Table (PAT, MPEG2)
- Program Map Table (PMT, MPEG2)

2003-02-08T01:12:08+00:00 multimedia/libdvdplay Portable abstraction library for DVD navigation
[ excerpt from developers' README ]

libdvdplay is an attempt to make a library from ogle dvd navigation
code so that a simple API provides access to both DVD Video data
and DVD information to a reader application.

libdvdplay is a layer over libdvdread. As a consequence it provides
read, seek for DVD media. But it also provides the client application
with a set of access functions needed to create an interface for
the DVD reader (audio, subtitles, titles ...).

2003-02-08T00:34:36+00:00 multimedia/goggles A FOX frontend to the Ogle DVD player
This is a Graphical Interface for Ogle.

Goggles is a FOX frontend to the Ogle DVD player both visually and
functionally resembling the one from graphics/ogle-gui port.

2003-02-07T22:52:31+00:00 security/quintuple-agent Quintuple Agent is a program that stores secrets for you
Quintuple Agent is a program that stores secrets for you.

An example usage of Quintuple Agent would be for the storage of a
passphrase. This way you will have to enter the passphrase only once
in a while, not everytime it is needed.

2003-02-07T18:51:00+00:00 x11-toolkits/gtk-thinice-engine A simple, clean theme engine
gtk-thinice-engine is a simple, clean engine for GTK+-2.
2003-02-07T18:49:23+00:00 multimedia/nautilus-media GStreamer-based multimedia views for Nautilus
Nautilus-media provides GStreamer-based multimedia support within
Nautilus, including music previewing and video thumbnailing.
2003-02-07T18:48:09+00:00 multimedia/acme Tool to make multimedia keys work on laptops
This is ACME, a small tool for your laptops. It makes the small multimedia
buttons on these things actually do something. It currently only fully supports
Apple laptops (iBooks and Powerbooks), and should work on other systems as well.
2003-02-07T17:33:53+00:00 graphics/ocaml-images Objective Caml image processing library
This is an image processing library, which provides some basic functions of
image processing and loading/saving various image file formats. In addition
the library can handle huge images that cannot be (or can hardly be) stored
into the memory (the library automatically creates swap files and escapes
them to reduce the memory usage).

2003-02-07T11:00:47+00:00 databases/postgresql72 The most advanced open-source database available anywhere
PostgreSQL is a sophisticated Object-Relational DBMS, supporting
almost all SQL constructs, including subselects, transactions, and
user-defined types and functions. It is the most advanced open-source
database available anywhere. Commercial Support is also available.

The original Postgres code was the effort of many graduate students,
undergraduate students, and staff programmers working under the direction of
Professor Michael Stonebraker at the University of California, Berkeley. In
1995, Andrew Yu and Jolly Chen took on the task of converting the DBMS query
language to SQL and created a new database system which came to known as
Postgres95. Many others contributed to the porting, testing, debugging and
enhancement of the Postgres95 code. As the code improved, and 1995 faded into
memory, PostgreSQL was born.

PostgreSQL development is presently being performed by a team of Internet
developers who are now responsible for all current and future development. The
development team coordinator is Marc G. Fournier (scrappy@PostgreSQL.ORG).
Support is available from the PostgreSQL developer/user community through the
support mailing list (questions@PostgreSQL.ORG).

PostgreSQL is free and the complete source is available.

This port is for the old 7.2 branch, for those who cannot upgrade to
the newer versions.

2003-02-06T18:33:13+00:00 graphics/sam2p Converts raster (bitmap) image formats into PS or PDF files
sam2p is a UNIX command line utility written in ANSI C++ that converts many
raster (bitmap) image formats into Adobe PostScript or PDF files and several
other formats. The images are not vectorized. sam2p gives full control to the
user to specify standards-compliance, compression, and bit depths. In some
cases sam2p can compress an image 100 times smaller than the PostScript output
of many other common image converters. sam2p provides ZIP, RLE and LZW
(de)compression filters even on Level1 devices.

2003-02-06T17:57:35+00:00 multimedia/avinfo Utility for displaying AVI header information
AVInfo is a utility for displaying AVI header information. It returns the
length of a clip, FPS, resolution, codec, sound parametrs, and the number
and type of streams, including detailed information for each.
- resolution
- length
- fps
- type of using audio and video codecs
- sound params
- Number of streams, its types (audio/video)

2003-02-06T17:57:35+00:00 graphics/avinfo A utility for displaying AVI header information
AVInfo is a utility for displaying AVI header information. It returns the
length of a clip, FPS, resolution, codec, sound parametrs, and the number
and type of streams, including detailed information for each.
- resolution
- length
- fps
- type of using audio and video codecs
- sound params
- Number of streams, its types (audio/video)

2003-02-06T12:53:11+00:00 mail/ruby-rfilter Ruby library for filtering and delivering email to mailboxes
RubyFilter is a set of Ruby classes built on top of the RubyMail
library that make it easy to write programs that filter and deliver
email to mailboxes.

2003-02-06T12:51:57+00:00 textproc/ruby-xtemplate A lightweight XML template engine for Ruby
XTemplate is a lightweight XML template engine for Ruby. The idea of
XTemplate comes from Amrita and XSLT. This template engine requires
one of xmlscan and REXML as XML parser.

Author: Takaaki Tateishi <>
2003-02-06T10:42:09+00:00 audio/xmms-audiofile XMMS plugin to allow playing libaudiofile supported files
This plug-in for XMMS allows users to play any file which the Audio
File Library can read. Common formats such as AIFF, AIFF-C, WAVE,
and NeXT/ Sun .snd/.au are supported.

2003-02-06T01:53:07+00:00 irc/psybnc Powerful IRC bouncer
psyBNC is an extremely powerful IRC bouncer.

Features include:

. It stays connected when you disconnect
. It allows Full Online Administration
. It allows you to set Users who could get op from psyBNC
. It supports full logging of Messages and traffic
. It supports linking to other psyBNCs + PartyLine
. It allows multiple connections of one Client to different irc-servers
. It has a translation module
- english to italian,english to german,english to portugese,english to french,
french to english,german to english,portugese to english,french to english
. Modular
. IPv6 Support
. Much more (see README in package)

2003-02-06T01:45:10+00:00 x11/wmshutdown
wmShutdown is a Window Maker dock application that allows you to shutdown
or reboot your machine just by clicking a button on your desktop.


-- Nishida
2003-02-06T00:52:52+00:00 databases/zodb3 Z - Object Database for python
The ZODB package is a Python object persistence system.
It provides the Z Object Database separately from Zope so
it can be used in non-Zope related Python applications to
provide transparent object-oriented persistency.

2003-02-06T00:20:32+00:00 databases/py-pysqlite23 A DB-API v2 Python library for the SQLite 3 embedded SQL engine
The goal of the PySQLite project is to develop a Python extension for SQLite 3
that conforms to the Python Database API Specification 2.0. SQLite is a
powerful embedded relational database management system in a compact C library.
It offers support for a large subset of SQL92, multiple tables, indices,
transactions and triggers.

2003-02-06T00:20:32+00:00 databases/py-pysqlite22 A DB-API v2 Python library for the SQLite 3 embedded SQL engine
The goal of the PySQLite project is to develop a Python extension for SQLite 3
that conforms to the Python Database API Specification 2.0. SQLite is a
powerful embedded relational database management system in a compact C library.
It offers support for a large subset of SQL92, multiple tables, indices,
transactions and triggers.

2003-02-06T00:20:32+00:00 databases/py-pysqlite21 A DB-API v2 Python library for the SQLite 3 embedded SQL engine
The goal of the PySQLite project is to develop a Python extension for SQLite 3
that conforms to the Python Database API Specification 2.0. SQLite is a
powerful embedded relational database management system in a compact C library.
It offers support for a large subset of SQL92, multiple tables, indices,
transactions and triggers.

2003-02-06T00:20:32+00:00 databases/py-pysqlite20 A DB-API v2 Python library for the SQLite 3 embedded SQL engine
The goal of the PySQLite project is to develop a Python extension for SQLite 3
that conforms to the Python Database API Specification 2.0. SQLite is a
powerful embedded relational database management system in a compact C library.
It offers support for a large subset of SQL92, multiple tables, indices,
transactions and triggers.

2003-02-06T00:20:32+00:00 databases/py-PySQLite2 A DB-API v2 Python library for the SQLite 3 embedded SQL engine
The goal of the PySQLite project is to develop a Python extension for SQLite 3
that conforms to the Python Database API Specification 2.0. SQLite is a
powerful embedded relational database management system in a compact C library.
It offers support for a large subset of SQL92, multiple tables, indices,
transactions and triggers.


Marcus Alves Grando <>
2003-02-06T00:20:32+00:00 databases/py-PySQLite11 A DB-API v2 Python library for the SQLite 3 embedded SQL engine
The goal of the PySQLite project is to develop a Python extension for SQLite 3
that conforms to the Python Database API Specification 2.0. SQLite is a
powerful embedded relational database management system in a compact C library.
It offers support for a large subset of SQL92, multiple tables, indices,
transactions and triggers.

2003-02-06T00:20:32+00:00 databases/py-PySQLite10 A DB-API v2 Python library for the SQLite 2 embedded SQL engine
The goal of the PySQLite project is to develop a Python extension for SQLite 2
that conforms to the Python Database API Specification 2.0. SQLite is a
powerful embedded relational database management system in a compact C library.
It offers support for a large subset of SQL92, multiple tables, indices,
transactions and triggers.

2003-02-06T00:20:32+00:00 databases/py-PySQLite A DB-API v2 Python library for the SQLite embedded SQL engine
The goal of the PySQLite project is to develop a Python extension for SQLite
that conforms to the Python Database API Specification 2.0. SQLite is a
powerful embedded relational database management system in a compact C library.
It offers support for a large subset of SQL92, multiple tables, indices,
transactions and triggers.

developed by Gerhard Haering and Michael Owens

- Gerhard Haering <>
2003-02-06T00:05:43+00:00 net/linux-jigdo A tool designed to ease the distribution of very large files
Jigsaw Download, or short jigdo, is a tool designed to ease the distribution
of very large files over the internet, for example CD or DVD images. Its aim
is to make downloading the images as easy for users as a click on a direct
download link in a browser, while avoiding all the problems that server
administrators have with hosting such large files.

At the moment this port is only tested to work for building the iso images
of the Debian GNU/Linux distribution.


-- Udo (
2003-02-06T00:05:43+00:00 net-p2p/linux-jigdo Tool designed to ease the distribution of large files
Jigsaw Download, or short jigdo, is a tool designed to ease the distribution
of very large files over the internet, for example CD or DVD images. Its aim
is to make downloading the images as easy for users as a click on a direct
download link in a browser, while avoiding all the problems that server
administrators have with hosting such large files.

At the moment this port is only tested to work for building the iso images
of the Debian GNU/Linux distribution.


-- Udo (
2003-02-05T12:08:21+00:00 devel/p5-Class-Hook Add hooks on methods from other classes
Class::Hook enables you to trace methods calls from your code to other classes.

Instead of putting 'use Foo;' in your code, simply type 'use Class::Hook;'.
The class Foo is unknown in your code. It will be magically caught by
Class::Hook which will call Foo itself. You can see Class::Hook as a kind of

You can setup a subroutine to be called before any call to Foo->amethod and a
subroutine to be called after the call. Your subs will receive all the
information that Foo->amethod will receive, so you can trace everything
between your code and Foo.

2003-02-05T11:41:52+00:00 textproc/p5-XML-Quote XML quote/dequote functions
This module provides functions to quote/dequote strings in "xml"-way.

All functions are written in XS and are very fast; they correctly process
utf8, tied, overloaded variables and all the rest of perl "magic".

2003-02-05T11:36:13+00:00 sysutils/whatpix Perl console application which finds, moves, or deletes duplicate files
whatpix is a GPL Perl console application which finds and optionally moves or
deletes duplicate files.

whatpix was originally written by The original web site for
whatpix is You can find versions prior to 1.0

whatpix is currently being developed and maintained by 3Jane Tessier-Ashpool
and Gerard Lanois.

2003-02-05T09:45:20+00:00 devel/p5-Test-Class Easily create test classes in an xUnit style
Test::Class provides a simple way of creating classes and
objects to test your code in an xUnit style.

Built using Test::Builder it is designing to work with
other Test::Builder based modules (Test::More,
Test::Differences, Test::Exception, etc.)

Note: This module will make more sense if you are already
familiar with the "standard" mechanisms for testing perl code.
Those unfamiliar with Test::Harness, Test::Simple, Test::More
and friends should go take a look at them now.

Note: This is an early release. Things may change. Be warned.

2003-02-05T02:37:04+00:00 net/p5-Net-RawSock Net::RawSock provides a base function to send raw IP packets from Perl
Net::RawSock provides a base function to send raw IP datagrams
from Perl. The raw IP datagram is packed into a buffer and written
on the network layer with the write_ip() function.
2003-02-05T02:34:44+00:00 net/p5-Net-Divert Module to deal with divert(4) sockets
The Net::Divert module facilitates the use of divert
sockets for packet alteration on FreeBSD and MacOSX.

This module allows you to create a divert socket and then
just supply a function that will deal with the incoming packets.
2003-02-05T02:24:52+00:00 databases/p5-DBIx-Tree Perl module for generating a tree from a self-referential table
When you've got one of those nasty self-referential tables that you
want to bust out into a tree, this is the module to check out. Assum-
ing there are no horribly broken nodes in your tree and (heaven forbid)
any circular references


Philip M. Gollucci <>
2003-02-05T01:57:07+00:00 databases/p5-DBIx-Browse Perl extension to browse tables
The purpose of DBIx::Browse is to handle the browsing of relational

DBIx::Browse transparently translates SELECTs, UPDATEs, DELETEs and
INSERTs from the desired "human view" to the values needed for the ta-
ble. This is the case when you have related tables (1 to n) where the
detail table has a reference (FOREIGN KEY) to a generic table (i.e.
Customers and Bills) with some index (tipically an integer).


Philip M. Gollucci <>
2003-02-05T01:14:11+00:00 mail/msgconvert Convert .MSG files to multipart MIME messages (mbox)
Convert .MSG files to multipart MIME messages (mbox).

2003-02-05T00:35:15+00:00 devel/p5-Date-Roman Perl module to play with Roman dates
This Perl module deals with Roman dates. Very useful for generating custom
headers for e-mail messages, or just to dazzle and confuse friends, relatives
and complete strangers.

2003-02-05T00:33:47+00:00 math/p5-Roman Perl module to convert between Arabic and Roman numerals
A Perl package providing the functionality to convert between
Arabic and Roman numerals.

2003-02-05T00:22:18+00:00 sysutils/p5-Sys-CpuLoad Perl5 module to retrieve CPU load averages
This Perl5 module retrieves the 1 minute, 5 minute, and 15
minute load average of a machine.

2003-02-05T00:18:38+00:00 devel/p5-Log-Log4perl Log4j implementation for Perl
Log::Log4perl lets you remote-control and fine-tune the logging
behaviour of your system from the outside. It implements the widely
popular (Java-based) Log4j logging package in pure Perl.

2003-02-05T00:07:45+00:00 net/p5-Net-Services Provides a tied interface to the /etc/services file
Constructs a hash from the /etc/services file and provides a tied interface
to it that takes care of things like the protocol name.

2003-02-04T23:59:39+00:00 security/p5-SHA Perl5 interface to the SHA1 algorithm
The SHA module allows you to use the NIST SHA message digest algorithm
from within Perl programs.

The final message digest value is returned by the digest operation as
a 20-byte binary string. This operation delivers the result of
operations since the last new or reset operation. Once the operation
has been performed, the context must be reset before being used to
calculate another digest value.

2003-02-04T23:56:42+00:00 security/p5-Crypt-Blowfish_PP Blowfish encryption algorithm implemented purely in Perl
Blowfish is a published algorithm written by Bruce Schneier Unlike
IDEA or DES etc. there are no patent implications in using this

It uses anywhere between a 64 bit and a 448 bit key. The transform
itself is fast and operates on a 64 bit block, and most of the
calculation time is in initialising the context with the key data.

The _PP name comes from the fact that this implementation is Pure
Perl, and will not have any compatibility problems.

2003-02-04T18:50:31+00:00 graphics/hs-HOpenGL Binding for OpenGL and GLUT for the lazy functional language Haskell
HOpenGL is a Haskell binding for OpenGL (GL 1.2.1 / GLU 1.3) and GLUT
for the lazy functional language Haskell. It uses a foreign language
interface and complex instance heads, language extensions which are
not yet fully standardized. Because of this, HOpenGL works only with
recent versions of the Glasgow Haskell Compiler (GHC) and Hugs. With
a little work it can probably tweaked to work with NHC98, but this has
not been tested yet. Following the discussions in the relevant mailing
lists, the above extensions are likely to be included into the next
version of the Haskell language, so HOpenGL is simply a little bit
ahead of time... ;-) (From the README)


- Janni
2003-02-04T12:58:12+00:00 devel/p5-Log-Agent-Logger Logging interface for Perl
The Log::Agent::Logger class defines a generic interface for application
logging. It must not be confused with the interface provided by
Log::Agent, which is meant to be used by re-usable modules that do not
wish to commit on a particular logging method, so that they remain true
building blocks.

2003-02-04T12:45:51+00:00 misc/p5-Locale-Msgcat Perl module for systems to support the XPG4 message catalog functions
This is Msgcat, a small Perl modules for systems which support the XPG4
message catalog functions : catopen(3), catgets(3) and catclose(4).

You need perl 5.004 or later to use this library.

You install the library by running these commands:

perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install

Please report any bugs/suggestions to Christophe Wolfhugel <>.

All files contained in this installation are Copyright (C) 1997 C. Wolfhugel
unless otherwise specified. All rights reserved.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.

2003-02-04T11:28:31+00:00 www/p5-Apache-ConfigFile Parse Apache style httpd.conf configuration files
This module parses the Apache httpd.conf, or any compatible
config file, and provides methods for you to access the
values from the config file.

2003-02-04T11:26:04+00:00 devel/p5-Cache-Mmap Shared data cache using memory mapped files
This module provides a shared cache, using a memory mapped file. Very useful
for mod_perl applications. If routines are provided which interact with the
underlying data, access to the cache is completely transparent, and the module
handles all the details of refreshing cache contents, and updating underlying
data, if necessary.

2003-02-04T10:52:56+00:00 devel/p5-Test-Differences Test strings and data structures for differences
When the code you're testing returns multiple lines, records
or data structures and they're just plain wrong, an equivalent
to the Unix diff utility may be just what's needed.

2003-02-04T02:08:49+00:00 audio/streamtuner-local A streamtuner plugin for local music access
streamtuner-local is a streamtuner plugin providing access to your
local music collection. It can read and modify ID3 and Vorbis


- Jean-Yves Lefort
2003-02-04T01:16:39+00:00 audio/streamtuner-live365 A Live365 plugin for streamtuner
streamtuner-live365 is a Live365 plugin for streamtuner.


- Jean-Yves Lefort
2003-02-04T01:06:58+00:00 audio/streamtuner GTK+ stream directory browser
streamtuner is a stream directory browser. Through the use of a plugin
system, it offers an intuitive GTK+ 2.0 interface to Internet radio
directories such as SHOUTcast and Live365.

2003-02-03T20:25:03+00:00 devel/ossp-cfg Library for parsing arbitrary C/C++-style configuration files
OSSP cfg is a ISO-C library for parsing arbitrary C/C++-style configuration
files. A configuration is sequence of directives. Each directive consists of
zero or more tokens. Each token can be either a string or again a complete
sequence. This means the configuration syntax has a recursive structure and
this way allows to create configurations with arbitrarily nested sections.

2003-02-03T17:42:48+00:00 print/p5-PostScript-Simple Produce PostScript files from Perl
PostScript::Simple allows you to have a simple method of writing
PostScript files from Perl. It has graphics primitives that allow lines,
curves, circles, polygons and boxes to be drawn. Text can be added to
the page using standard PostScript fonts.

The images can be single page EPS files, or multipage PostScript files.
The image size can be set by using a recognised paper size ("A4", for
example) or by giving dimensions. The units used can be specified ("mm"
or "in", etc) and are the same as those used in TeX. The default unit is
a bp, or a PostScript point, unlike TeX.

2003-02-03T12:40:41+00:00 audio/libsamplerate Secret Rabbit Code: a Sample Rate Converter for audio
Secret Rabbit Code (aka libsamplerate) is a Sample Rate Converter for

SRC is capable of arbitrary and time varying conversions ; from
downsampling by a factor of 12 to upsampling by the same factor.
Arbitrary in this case means that the ratio of input and output sample
rates can be an irrational number. The conversion ratio can also vary
with time for speeding up and slowing down effects.

2003-02-03T10:03:40+00:00 graphics/renderpark System for physically based photo-realistic image synthesis
RenderPark is a system for physically based photo-realistic image synthesis.

It is providing a solid implementation of a wide variety of algorithms.
* reads models in MGF and new XRML (extended VRML'97) file format.
* images can be saved in PPM, TIFF and Radiance PIC format, for which numerous
convertors exist.
* supports high dynamic range TIFF and PIC image output, suitable for lighting
analysis purposes, e.g. using Radiance tools, or experimentation with tone
mapping techniques ...
* illuminated models after radiosity can be saved in VRML'97 format.
* X-Windows/Motif based user interface.
* interactive navigation using graphics hardware (OpenGL) with various
optimizations that make it suited for large models.
* wide range of tone mapping operators + calibrated monitor support.
* batch rendering with control through command line arguments or
Inter Process Communication.
* rendering into an external canvas window makes RenderPark behave as a
"plug-in" in other applications.


- Igor Pokrovsky
2003-02-03T10:01:32+00:00 graphics/xrml Extensible scene graph library based on VRML'97
This package contains a extensible scene graph library based
on VRML'97. It comes with a variety of import and export filters
to read/write a scene graph from/in a variety of 3D file format
and, of course, also a number of applications that make use
of it: a file format convertor and a VRML viewer. It is used
in RenderPark to read XRML input files.


- Igor Pokrovsky
2003-02-03T08:49:22+00:00 games/linux-nwserver Neverwinter Nights Linux Dedicated Server
This package contains Neverwinter Nights Linux Dedicated Server,
that could run under FreeBSD. Additionally you will need original
game data, which should be installed manually.

2003-02-03T08:42:41+00:00 graphics/gmt Generic Mapping Tools - data processing and display software package
GMT is a collection of public-domain Unix tools that allows you to
manipulate x,y and x,y,z data sets (filtering, trend fitting,
gridding, projecting, etc.) and produce PostScript illustrations
ranging from simple x-y plots, via contour maps, to artificially
illuminated surfaces and 3-d perspective views in black/white or
24bit color. Linear, log10, and power scaling is supported in
addition to 25 common map projections. The processing and display
routines within GMT are completely general and will handle any (x,y)
or (x,y,z) data as input.

This port installs only the GMT manpages, there is a tutorial and
documentation in .ps, .pdf and .html format on the ftp site, too.

In case you look for data to plot, there is topological data at
(140MB, covers nearly the whole earth)

2003-02-03T04:13:32+00:00 mail/py-spambayes Bayesian anti-spam filter written in Python
SpamBayes is a tool used to segregate unwanted mail (spam) from the mail you
want (ham). Before SpamBayes can be your spam filter of choice you need to
train it on representative samples of email you receive. After it's been
trained, you use SpamBayes to classify new mail according to its spamminess
and hamminess qualities.

2003-02-01T22:54:07+00:00 www/mod_bunzip2 Apache module for server-side decompression of bzip2 files
mod_bunzip2 -- an Apache module implementing server-side decompression of bzip2
compressed documents. Makes use of libbzip2 functionality.

Author: Helge Oldach <>
2003-02-01T18:07:27+00:00 net/amsn MSN Messenger
This is a modified and multilanguage version of Compu'S Messenger (CCMSN).
It has many new features:

- Sound for events
- Look and feel similar to original MSN Messenger
- Multilanguage
- File transfers
- Group support

2003-02-01T18:07:27+00:00 net-im/amsn Alvano\'s MSN Messenger
This is a modified and multilanguage version of Compu'S Messenger (CCMSN).
It has many new features:

- Sound for events
- Look and feel similar to original MSN Messenger
- Multilanguage
- File transfers
- Group support

2003-02-01T04:45:13+00:00 devel/ossp-val Flexible name to value mapping library for C variables
OSSP val is a flexible name to value mapping library for C variables. It is
a companion library to OSSP var. It allows one to access C variables through
name strings, although the C language does neither provide such a dedicated
facility nor an evaluation construct (which could be used to implement such
a facility easily).

2003-02-01T04:41:32+00:00 devel/ossp-al Defines an abstract type of buffer that can move data without copying
OSSP al defines an abstract data type of a data buffer that can assemble,
move and truncate chunks of data in a stream but avoids actual copying. It
was built to deal efficiently with communication streams between software
modules. It especially provides flexible semantical data attribution through
by-chunk labeling. It also has convenient chunk traversal methods and
optional OSSP ex based exception handling.

2003-02-01T04:39:40+00:00 devel/ossp-var Flexible, full-featured, and fast variable expansion library
OSSP var is a flexible, full-featured and fast variable construct expansion
library. It supports a configurable variable construct syntax very similar
to the style found in many scripting languages (like @name, ${name}, , etc.)
and provides both simple scalar (${name}) and array (${name[index]})
expansion, plus optionally one or more post-operations on the expanded value

2003-02-01T04:38:54+00:00 devel/ossp-l2 C library for a flexible and sophisticated Unix logging facility
OSSP l2 is a C library providing a very flexible and sophisticated Unix logging
facility. It is based on the model of arbitrary number of channels, stacked
together in a top-down data flow tree structure with filtering channels in
internal nodes and output channels on the leave nodes.

2003-01-31T22:24:58+00:00 devel/hs-alex Tool for generating lexical analysers in Haskell
Alex is a tool for generating lexical analysers in Haskell. It takes a
description of tokens based on regular expressions and generates a
Haskell module containing code for scanning text efficiently. It is
similar to the tool lex or flex for C/C++.

2003-01-31T20:21:24+00:00 devel/ossp-ex Small exception handling library for use in C
OSSP ex is a small ISO-C++ style exception handling library for use in the
ISO-C language. It allows you to use the paradigm of throwing and catching
exceptions in order to reduce the amount of error handling code without
making your program less robust.

2003-01-31T20:16:20+00:00 devel/ossp-mm
OSSP mm is a 2-layer abstraction library which simplifies the usage of
shared memory between forked (and this way strongly related) processes under
Unix platforms. On the first layer it hides all platform dependent
implementation details (allocation and locking) when dealing with shared
memory segments and on the second layer it provides a high-level
malloc(3)-style API for a convenient and well known way to work with data
structures inside those shared memory segments.


2003-01-31T20:06:42+00:00 net/ossp-sa Abstraction library for the Unix socket API
OSSP sa is an abstraction library for the Unix socket application
programming interface (API) featuring stream and datagram oriented
communication over Unix Domain and Internet Domain (TCP and UDP) sockets. It
provides the following key features: address abstraction (local, IPv4, and
IPv6), type abstraction, I/O timeouts, I/O stream buffering and convenience
I/O functions.

2003-01-31T13:03:50+00:00 devel/oniguruma5 BSDL Regular Expressions library compatible with POSIX/GNU/Perl
Oniguruma is a BSDL Regular Expression library written for ruby-m17n,
which implements all of Perl extensions, many of .NET extensions plus

It provides multiple APIs for ease of use; GNU regex compatible API,
POSIX regex compatible API and its own.

This library is multilingualized by design and can have one encoding
for each regex object. Currently supported character encodings are
ASCII, UTF-8, EUC-JP and Shift_JIS.

4.x supports Ruby1.9.

2003-01-31T13:03:50+00:00 devel/oniguruma4 BSDL Regular Expressions library compatible with POSIX/GNU/Perl
Oniguruma is a BSDL Regular Expression library written for ruby-m17n,
which implements all of Perl extensions, many of .NET extensions plus

It provides multiple APIs for ease of use; GNU regex compatible API,
POSIX regex compatible API and its own.

This library is multilingualized by design and can have one encoding
for each regex object. Currently supported character encodings are
ASCII, UTF-8, EUC-JP and Shift_JIS.

4.x supports Ruby1.9.

2003-01-31T13:03:50+00:00 devel/oniguruma Regular expressions library compatible with POSIX/GNU/Perl
Oniguruma is a modern and flexible regular expressions library. It
encompasses features from different regular expression implementations
that traditionally exist in different languages. It comes close to
being a complete superset of all regular expression features found
in other regular expression implementations.

Its features include:
* Character encoding can be specified per regular expression object.
* Several regular expression types are supported:
* Grep
* GNU Regex
* Perl
* Java
* Ruby
* Emacs

2003-01-31T11:14:03+00:00 textproc/py-ltxml Python bindings to the LT XML toolkit
Python bindings for the LT XML API and toolkit.

2003-01-31T09:55:59+00:00 games/quake2forge First Person Shooter with many addons available
This is a port of the GPL'd Quake 2 source maintained by the Quake Forge
team. They're patching it with an eye towards portability and bug fixes,
and in the future, feature enhancments.

Note that to actually USE this port you will need to obtain a copy of
the original Quake 2 from id Software.

2003-01-31T05:57:06+00:00 devel/rubygem-inline Inline::C allows you to embed C/Ruby directly in ruby scripts
Ruby Inline is an analog to Perl's Inline::C. Out of the box, it allows you to
embed C/++ external module code in your ruby script directly. By writing
simple builder classes, you can teach how to cope with new languages (fortran,
perl, whatever). The code is compiled and run on the fly when needed.

Using the package_inline tool Inline now allows you to package up your
inlined object code for distribution to systems without a compiler
(read: windows)!

* Quick and easy inlining of your C or C++ code embedded in your ruby
* Extendable to work with other languages.
* Automatic conversion between ruby and C basic types
o char, unsigned, unsigned int, char *, int, long, unsigned long
* inline_c_raw exists for when the automatic conversion isn't
* Only recompiles if the inlined code has changed.
* Pretends to be secure.
* Only requires standard ruby libraries, nothing extra to download.
* Can generate a basic Rakefile and package up built extensions for

2003-01-31T05:57:06+00:00 devel/ruby-inline Inline::C allows you to embed C/Ruby directly in ruby scripts
Inline::C allows for quick and use of inlined C code in Ruby scripts.
This library automatically:

* provides rudimentary automatic conversion between Ruby and C basic
types: (unsigned)? (char|int|long|char *)
* provides compilation of inline code
* only recompiles if the C code has changed
* can easily provide speedups in excess of 25x for tight loops when
objects are being recycled too quickly.

2003-01-30T22:40:59+00:00 security/cryptplug A collection of plug-ins to cryptographic engines
This is a collection of plug-ins to cryptographic engines, accessible
by the crypt-plug interface. Applications can make use of the crypto
operations provided by the CryptPlug interface, and the plug-ins
provided by this package implement the interface for various
cryptographic engines, like GnuPG.

2003-01-30T22:40:03+00:00 security/newpg Prerelease package of GnuPG extensions for GnuPG 2.0
NewPG is a temporary protect to work on GnuPG extensions. It will
be merged into the regular GnuPG sources for a GnuPG 2.0 release.

2003-01-30T22:40:03+00:00 security/gnupg-devel Prerelease package of GnuPG extensions for GnuPG 2.0
This version of gnupg is a temporary project to work on GnuPG extensions. It
will be merged into the regular GnuPG sources for a GnuPG 2.0 release.

2003-01-30T22:37:07+00:00 security/pinentry Collection of simple PIN or passphrase entry dialogs
This is a collection of simple PIN or passphrase entry dialogs which
utilize the Assuan protocol as described by the aegypten project.

2003-01-30T21:26:10+00:00 devel/newfile Tool for creating starter files in various languages
Newfile is a tool for creating starter files in various languages.
It uses a full-featured preprocessor (like the C preprocessor) to
transform templates into customized starter files. It can also generate
trees of files for a specific purpose, such as a project using automake
and autoconf, or a FreeBSD port.

2003-01-30T21:15:10+00:00 astro/roadmap Vector-based GPS moving map
RoadMap is a program for Linux that displays street maps. The maps are
provided by the US Census Bureau, and thus only cover the US.

RoadMap is at an early stage of development. At this time there are no
routing features implemented yet. RoadMap can only display the map around
a specified street address or follow a GPS device (using gpsd). The plan
for the future is to implement some navigation features similar to those
found in commercial street navigation systems.

RoadMap uses a binary file format for representing the maps that is compact
enough to allow the storage of many maps on a Compact Flash or MultiMedia
card. The map of Los Angeles county takes about 10 Mbytes of flash space.
RoadMap comes with a set of tools to convert the US Census bureau data
into its own map format.

2003-01-30T20:29:02+00:00 audio/spiralsynthmodular Object-oriented modular softsynth/sequencer/sampler
SSM is an object-oriented modular softsynth/sequencer/sampler.

You can use it in a fairly straight forward way to make tracks with,
or get very experimental. Audio or control data can be freely passed
between the plugins, there is no difference. Data can also be fed
back on itself for chaotic effects.

2003-01-30T19:27:51+00:00 x11-toolkits/gtk-qnxtheme QNX-inspired theme for GTK1 and GTK2
qnxtheme is a QNX-inspired theme for GTK1 and GTK2.

Miguel Mendez <>
2003-01-30T19:27:51+00:00 x11-themes/gtk-qnxtheme QNX-inspired theme for GTK2
qnxtheme is a QNX-inspired theme for GTK2.

2003-01-30T17:13:41+00:00 www/ruby-borges Web application framework for Ruby that allows linear programming
Borges is a web application framework based on Seaside 2.0
( that allows linear programming of
web applications.

2003-01-30T09:50:18+00:00 security/pear-Crypt_CBC PEAR class to emulate Perl's Crypt::CBC module
A PEAR class to emulate Perl's Crypt::CBC module.

2003-01-30T09:49:08+00:00 devel/pear-I18N PEAR internationalization package
This package supports you to localize your applications.

Multiple ways of supporting translation are implemented and methods to
determine the current users (browser-)language.

Localizing Numbers, DateTime and currency is also possible.

2003-01-30T09:47:35+00:00 devel/pear-HTML_Select_Common Some small PEAR classes to handle common <select> lists
Provides <select> lists for:
o Country
o UK counties
o US States
o FR Departments
o FR Departements
o NO Fylke
o NO Kommuner
o ptBR

2003-01-30T09:47:35+00:00 devel/pear-HTML_Select PEAR::HTML_Select is a class for generating HTML form select elements
The PEAR::HTML_Select package is a class for generating HTML form select

2003-01-30T09:46:26+00:00 devel/pear-HTML_Common PEAR::HTML_Common is a base class for other HTML classes
The PEAR::HTML_Common package provides methods for HTML code display and
attributes handling.

* Methods to set, remove, update HTML attributes.
* Handles comments in HTML code.
* Handles layout and tabs for nicer HTML code.

2003-01-30T09:39:28+00:00 devel/pear-Date PEAR Date and Time Zone Classes
PEAR generic classes for representation and manipulation of dates,
times and time zones without the need of timestamps, which is a
huge limitation for php programs. Includes time zone data, time
zone conversions and many date/time conversions.

It does not rely on 32-bit system date stamps, so you can display
calendars and compare dates that date pre 1970 and post 2038. This
package also provides a class to convert date strings between
Gregorian and Human calendar formats.

2003-01-29T11:06:05+00:00 devel/ruby-strongtyping A little Ruby module that adds strong typing facilities
StrongTyping is a little ruby module that provides a convenient way
for ruby methods to check parameter types, and also dynamically query
them. In addition to merely checking a single set of types, it allows
easy overloading based on a number of different templates.

Author: Ryan Pavlik <>
2003-01-29T04:17:37+00:00 net/gspoof Console/GTK+ TCP/IP Packets Forger
Gspoof is a GTK+ program written in C language which makes easier
and accurate the building and the sending of TCP packet with a
data-payload or not. It's possible to modify TCP/IP fields also
Ethernet header working to Link Level.

2003-01-29T03:45:13+00:00 cad/chipvault Project organizer for VHDL and Verilog RTL hardware designs
ChipVault is a VHDL and Verilog Chip Design Organization tool which improves
design efficiency by:
- Providing the ability to Navigate and Edit files Hierarchically.
- Automatically generating Schematic Component Port views of VHDL and
Verilog RTL files.
- Automating RTL instantiation and template generation.
- Providing Revision Control (designed for HW, not SW development).
- Supporting External Tool Hooks (bottom-up vcoms,etc).
- Providing an Issue Tracking Log with sorting.
- Providing Netlist sorting and hierarchy viewing.
- Supporting web-sharing of RTL files (both encrypted and clear).
- Fast and Nimble.

2003-01-28T22:05:22+00:00 devel/hs-buddha A declarative debugger for Haskell 98
Buddha is a debugger for Haskell 98 programs. To be more precise, it is a
declarative debugger. It presents the evaluation of a Haskell program as a
series of function applications, rather than the more traditional stepwise
presentation of debuggers for imperative languages.


-- Oliver Braun
2003-01-28T16:41:30+00:00 security/oinkmaster Help you update your snort rules after each update
Oinkmaster is simple Perl script released under the BSD license to help you
update your Snort 1.9+ rules and comment out the unwanted ones after each
update. It will tell you exactly what had changed since the last update,
hence giving you good control of your rules.

2003-01-28T14:34:38+00:00 devel/p5-Test-Exception Test functions for exception based code
This module provides a few convenience methods for testing
exception based code. It is built with Test::Builder and
plays happily with Test::Simple, Test::More and friends.

If you are not familiar with Test::Simple or Test::More
now would be the time to go take a look.

2003-01-28T14:20:01+00:00 devel/p5-Sub-Uplevel Appear to run a function in a higher stack frame
Like Tcl's uplevel() function, but not quite so dangerous. The idea is just to
fool caller(). All the really naughty bits of Tcl's uplevel() are avoided.

2003-01-28T09:57:00+00:00 lang/helium Functional programming compiler for a subset of Haskell
Helium --- For learning Haskell.

Helium is a functional programming language and a compiler designed especially
for teaching Haskell. Quality of the error messages has been the main concern
both in the choice of the language features and in the implementation of the


-- Oliver Braun
2003-01-27T21:08:42+00:00 devel/p5-Attribute-Handlers Simpler definition of attribute handlers
This module, when inherited by a package, allows that package's
class to define attribute handler subroutines for specific
attributes. Variables and subroutines subsequently defined in
that package, or in packages derived from that package may be
given attributes with the same names as the attribute handler
subroutines, which will then be called in one of the
compilation phases (i.e. in a BEGIN, CHECK, INIT, or END block).

2003-01-27T09:53:40+00:00 devel/p5-Coro Coroutine process abstraction for perl
Coro started as a simple module that implemented a specific form of first class
continuations called Coroutines. These basically allow you to capture the
current point execution and jump to another point, while allowing you to return
at any time, as kind of non-local jump, not unlike C's setjmp/longjmp. This is
nowadays known as a Coro::State.

One natural application for these is to include a scheduler, resulting in
cooperative threads, which is the main use case for Coro today. Still, much of
the documentation and custom refers to these threads as "coroutines" or often
just "coros".

A thread is very much like a stripped-down perl interpreter, or a process:
Unlike a full interpreter process, a thread doesn't have its own variable or
code namespaces - everything is shared. That means that when one thread modifies
a variable (or any value, e.g. through a reference), then other threads
immediately see this change when they look at the same variable or location.

2003-01-26T21:26:49+00:00 www/bluefish-devel Development release of port bluefish
Bluefish is a powerful editor for experienced web designers and programmers.
Bluefish supports many programming and markup languages, but it focuses on
editing dynamic and interactive websites

This port tracks the development release.

2003-01-26T12:39:22+00:00 graphics/OpenEXR High dynamic-range (HDR) image file format
OpenEXR is a high dynamic-range (HDR) image file format developed by
Industrial Light & Magic for use in computer imaging applications.

OpenEXR is used by ILM on all motion pictures currently in production.
The first movies to employ OpenEXR were Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone,
Men in Black II, Gangs of New York, and Signs. Since then, OpenEXR has become
ILM's main image file format.

OpenEXR's features include:
* Higher dynamic range and color precision than existing 8- and 10-bit
image file formats.
* Support for 16-bit floating-point, 32-bit floating-point, and 32-bit
integer pixels. The 16-bit floating-point format, called "half", is compatible
with the half data type in NVIDIA's Cg graphics language and is supported
natively on their new GeForce FX and Quadro FX 3D graphics solutions.
* Multiple lossless image compression algorithms. Some of the included codecs
can achieve 2:1 lossless compression ratios on images with film grain.
* Extensibility. New compression codecs and image types can easily be added
by extending the C++ classes included in the OpenEXR software distribution.
New image attributes (strings, vectors, integers, etc.) can be added to
OpenEXR image headers without affecting backward compatibility with existing
OpenEXR applications.

2003-01-26T02:01:58+00:00 devel/p5-Class-ReturnValue Return-value object that can be treated as a boolean, array, or object
Class::ReturnValue is a "clever" return value object that can allow
code calling your routine to expect:
a boolean value (did it fail)
or a list (what are the return values)

2003-01-25T21:16:01+00:00 x11-fonts/cyr-rfx Cyrillic X11 bitmap fonts from CYR-RFX project
CYR-RFX started as a collection of cyrillic fonts for X-Window
("CYR-RFX" stands for "CYRillic Raster Fonts for X"). Now it includes
several cyrillic encodings and two latin ones (both with Euro sign).

These fonts are modified (mainly with cyrillics added) versions of
standard X-Window fonts from misc/ and 75dpi/.

The fonts included are all *iso8859-1 from misc/, and most important
75dpi/ ones: lu (LucidaSans), lut (LucidaSansTypewriter), tim (Times),
helv (Helvetica) and cour (Courier).

Unlike the standard CYR-RFX' hierarchical install, this port installs
all fonts for the same encoding into a single directory, with combined
fonts.aliases and the new fonts.dir. The default encoding is KOI8-O --
seemingly the most complete of the Cyrillic encodings, compatible (for
most intents and purposes) with KOI8-R and KOI8-U.

2003-01-25T19:53:54+00:00 devel/tinyq Stripped down version of Qt 3 for use as a utility library
TinyQ is a stripped down version of Qt 3 that has been put together to use
as a backend library. It provides all the necessary library classes to
comfortably develop in a C++ environment. This includes UTF8 and ASCII
strings, type optimized collections (dictionary, map, cache, vector, list),
regular expressions, filesystem access, URL processing, threads, shared
library handling, user settings, date and time handling, DOM & SAX XML
parsers, optimized data and text streams and abstract IO devices.

2003-01-25T14:06:53+00:00 graphics/gauche-gl OpenGL binding for Gauche
This is a Gauche extension module to use OpenGL.

2003-01-24T21:32:22+00:00 devel/z80-asm Z80 assembly code assembler and disassembler
Z80-asm is a C-source code available package which contains a 2-pass
Z80 assembler and a sophisticated Z80 monitor. This monitor can be used
as debugger, disassembler, emulator and more for a Z80-CPU.

2003-01-24T21:18:30+00:00 devel/elf Commandline based ELF header analyzer
ELF is a command line based ELF header analyzer. This tool
allows you to easily parse the ehdr of ELF object files
into a human readable format (and various other formats).
This is a very good source of both source code (for people
learning the ELF) and information for developers that care
about the internals of object files that is generated for
2003-01-24T20:37:55+00:00 www/mod_geoip An Apache module that provides the country code of the client's IP
mod_geoip is an Apache module that looks up the country code for the
IP address making the request without using reverse DNS.

2003-01-24T19:42:48+00:00 devel/py-ui A user interface library written in Python
PyUI is a user interface library written entirely in the high-level language
python. It has a modular implementation that allows the drawing and event
input to be performed by pluggable "renderers". This makes PyUI very portable
and scalable. It can run in environments from hardware accelerated 3D surfaces
to regular desktop windows. PyUI was originally targeted as a User Interface
for games, but it has evolved into a more general UI toolkit with
applicability outside of games.

The goal of pyui is that is be very simple to use and that the implementation
be kept as simple as possible. Some lessons learned from Extreme Programming
are being applied to the development process. The current state of PyUI is no
longer exactly simple as it evolves towards being a fully features GUI
toolkit, but the development methodology has been successful in keeping the
code stable and usable throughout its life so far.

2003-01-24T06:44:37+00:00 graphics/osgedit An open editor for an open scenegraph
OSGEdit is an editor of scenes for the library OpenSceneGraph. It's only a
composer, not a modeller. You can use many programs to model your objects and
then import them into OSGEdit to compose a complex OSG scene to use in your

2003-01-23T05:50:00+00:00 editors/xmleditor XML editor
This is an editor for XML. It is based on a simplified DOM 1.0 specification
to interact with packed widgets.

2003-01-22T22:14:25+00:00 x11-wm/ahwm An X11 window manager
AHWM is an X11 window manager.

2003-01-22T15:21:51+00:00 mail/pine-pgp-filters Simple sh-based filters to use GnuPG with Alpine
Simple, fast, /bin/sh-based filters to use GnuPG with Alpine.

In addition to the standard functions of encrypt/decrypt and sign/verify
for inline messages, I added pseudo-filters to verify or decrypt messages
that were sent using MIME encoding.

See the INSTALL file for instructions on how to configure these filters.
2003-01-22T11:45:46+00:00 finance/khacc Simple KDE-based financial manager
KHacc is simple financial management program similar to QHacc.

In Difference to QHacc it does not have all command-line options
but is integrated into KDE, using its help and print system and
KDE i18n/l10n support.

2003-01-22T10:54:17+00:00 games/dmjava Dungeon Master Java is a remake of the classic Dungeon Master by FTL
Dungeon Master Java is a remake of the classic FTL game Dungeon Master.
It is written entirely in Java, and is designed to run as a stand-alone
application rather than an applet in a web browser. It has high-resolution
graphics that simulate a 3D environment. Most of the graphics are rendered
in the free ray-tracer Pov-Ray. Item graphics and character portraits are
done by hand with a paint program, though many are simply taken from the
original and its sequels and touched-up.

Gameplay is very similar to the original, with real-time action, 90-degree
turns, and step-by-step movement. One major change from the original is that
monsters are not "stuck" in groups: they are completely free to wander,
sometimes occupying a square with other monsters and sometimes not.

2003-01-22T06:02:13+00:00 chinese/p5-Lingua-ZH-Numbers Converts numeric values into their Chinese string equivalents
This module tries to convert a number into Chinese cardinal number. It
supports decimals number, and five representation systems (charsets):
traditional, simplified, big5, gb and pinyin. The first two are returned
as unicode strings; hence they are only available for Perl 5.6 and later

2003-01-22T04:43:33+00:00 chinese/p5-Lingua-ZH-TaBE Chinese processing via libtabe
This module is a Perl interface to the TaBE (Taiwan and Big5 Encoding)
library, an unified interface and library dealing with Chinese words,
phrases, sentences, and phonetic symbols; it is intended to be used as
the foundation of Chinese text processing.

2003-01-21T22:35:06+00:00 devel/simgear Toolkit for 3D games and simulations
SimGear is a set of open-source libraries designed to be used as building
blocks for quickly assembling 3d simulations, games, and visualization

SimGear is developed by the FlightGear project and also provides the base for
the FlightGear Flight Simulator.

2003-01-21T12:08:12+00:00 news/crashmail CrashMail II FTN mail tosser
CrashMail II FTN mail tosser

CrashMail is back! Once upon a time, there was a Fidonet tosser for
the Amiga called CrashMail. This is the new generation of that tosser!
This generation is more basic without the fancy GUI, but does what it
is supposed to do and is above all more portable.

2003-01-21T02:53:49+00:00 devel/antlr ANother Tool for Language Recognition
ANTLR, ANother Tool for Language Recognition, (formerly PCCTS) is a
language tool that provides a framework for constructing recognizers,
compilers, and translators from grammatical descriptions containing
C++ or Java actions.

2003-01-21T02:02:48+00:00 games/cube OpenGL 3D FPS (first person shooter) game
Cube is a 3D First Person Shooter that uses OpenGL and SDL. It features:

- Single- and multi-player gameplay
- In-engine editing of geometry in full 3D (you fly around the map, point
and drag stuff to select or modify it), which can even be done with
multiple people at once
- Simplistic, but effective fine grain vertex lighting that looks like
lightmapping and can do dynamic lights and shadows
- No need for any kind of map precompilation, even lighting is done on fly
- Very simplistic quad-tree world structure that can do slopes (height-
fields with caps) and slants, water
- Decent collision detection and physics
- Client/server networking that goes a long way in giving a lag-free game
- Doom/Quake-style singleplayer and multiplayer game with some
uncompromising brutal old-school gameplay

2003-01-21T01:22:23+00:00 games/gturing Simple Turing machine simulator for GNOME 2
gturing is a simple turing machine simulator with
graphical interface. A Turing machine is the simplest possible
computing device which can only perform very simple operations.
However, almost everything in programming languages can be
written as a program for the Turing machine.

Of course, no one uses the Turing machine for actual computing
work, but it is very useful in theoretical computer science and
mathematical logic.

It's a nice complement for students who likes to practice with
theory and a nice toy to play with.
2003-01-21T00:54:27+00:00 audio/ermixer Command-line, ncurses, and (optional) Qt-GUI OSS audio mixer
Ermixer is a command-line, ncurses, and Qt-GUI OSS audio mixer that looks
very nice in GUI mode, and can save and restore multiple named profiles. It
also has a command-line mode that makes it useful in scripts.

P.S. I have found the holy grail! Now I don't need to install kdemultimedia
just to get a bloody mixer! -- AlanE (KDE-FreeBSD Team)

2003-01-20T18:17:38+00:00 net/magictun An LD_PRELOAD module for transparent HTTPS proxy redirection
From the magictun README file:

This is simple LD_PRELOAD module let you transparently redirect
ANY tcp connections from ANY programs through https proxy (RFC2817) without
modifications to source code. This is done by substituting libc connect(2)
function with a special wrapper.

Author: Andrei Nigmatulin <>
2003-01-20T14:27:51+00:00 x11-fonts/pcf2bdf Convert X font from PCF to BDF
Pcf2bdf is a font de-compiler. It converts X fonts from Portable
Compiled Format (PCF) to Bitmap Distribution Format (BDF). It can
also accept a compressed/gzipped PCF file as input, but gzip must
be found in your PATH.

FONTBOUNDINGBOX in a BDF file is not used by bdftopcf, so pcf2bdf
generates irresponsible values.

2003-01-20T13:44:35+00:00 security/py-pycrypto Python Cryptography Toolkit
Python Cryptography Toolkit (pycrypto)

This is a collection of both secure hash functions (such as MD5 and
SHA), and various encryption algorithms (AES, DES, ElGamal, etc.) for

2003-01-20T13:24:39+00:00 games/rockdodger Addictive rock-dodging greeblie-killing platform game
Addictive rock-dodging greeblie-killing platform game.

Dodge the rocks for as long as possible until you die. Kill greeblies to
make the universe safe for non-greeblie life once again.

2003-01-20T12:39:29+00:00 www/zope-cmfforum A forum for ZOPE CMF with file attachments
CMFForum is a Forum for CMF with file attachments. It can be used to
replace the CMF DiscussionTool too.

2003-01-20T11:32:43+00:00 www/plone3 A user friendly implementation of the CMF written on top of ZOPE
Plone is a user friendly implementation of the Content Management
Framework written on top of ZOPE. Plone is a
GUI/Interface/Implementation of the CMF. It benefits from all features
of ZOPE/CMF such as: RDBMS integration, Python/Perl extensions, Object
Oriented Database, Web configurable workflow, pluggable membership and
authentication, Undos, Form validation, amongst many many other
features. Available protocols: FTP, XMLRPC, HTTP, WEBDAV and you can
hack it to enable SOAP. Turn it into a distributed application system
by installing ZEO.

Plone attempts to compete with Livelink, Interwoven and Documentum. It
aims to be *the* opensource out-of-the-box publishing system.

2003-01-20T11:32:43+00:00 www/plone Plone Content Management System
Plone is a user friendly Content Management System running on top of Python,
Zope and the CMF.
It benefits from all features of Zope/CMF such as: RDBMS integration, Python
extensions, Object Oriented Database, Web configurable workflow, pluggable
membership and authentication, Undos, Form validation, amongst many many other
features. Available protocols: FTP, XMLRPC, HTTP and WEBDAV.
Turn it into a distributed application system by installing ZEO.

Plone shares some of the qualities of Livelink, Interwoven and Documentum. It
aims to be *the* open source out-of-the-box publishing system.

2003-01-20T07:29:06+00:00 x11/nvidia-driver NVidia graphics card binary drivers for hardware OpenGL rendering
These are the official NVidia binary drivers for hardware OpenGL rendering
in X11, using the GLX extensions.

2003-01-20T07:13:20+00:00 security/fakeident Tool that replies with a standard answer to incoming identd requests
This program is standalone 'fake' ident daemon. This program does
not fork() but is configured to handle up to 20 concurrent connections.
Since one connection should not last long, if all 20 connections are
in use, the next connection will close the oldest connection data
has been read. This way this program is not very vulnerable to so
called `denial of service' attack, thus making this ideal "identd"
to be used in a firewall, IP masquerading hosts etc.

2003-01-20T07:08:27+00:00 audio/mp3gain Tool to normalize the gain of MP3 files
Tired of reaching for your volume knob every time your MP3 player changes to a
new song? MP3Gain analyzes and adjusts MP3 files so that they have the same

MP3Gain does not just do peak normalization, as many normalizers do. Instead,
it does some statistical analysis to determine how loud the file actually
sounds to the human ear. Also, the changes MP3Gain makes are completely
lossless. There is no quality lost in the change because the program adjusts
the MP3 file directly, without decoding and re-encoding.

LICENSE: LGPL2 or later

2003-01-20T07:00:02+00:00 security/ifd-gpr400 PC/SC Lite driver for Gemplus GPR400 PCMCIA Smart Card Readers

This is the IFD driver for the Gemplus GPR400 PCMCIA Smart Card Reader,
written by Joe Phillips <>. This particular
reader has been rebranded as part of the IBM SecureWay Smart Card Kit.

It requires the pcsc-lite library in order to build and be useful. Once you
have installed and configured this IFD driver on your system, you should
be able to access the device using CITI's libsectok library, if compiled
with pcsc-lite support.


2003-01-20T06:52:20+00:00 devel/ifd-test IFD Test Suite for PC/SC Lite
From the README:-

This program provides a driver validation sequence for validating drivers
on Unix OS's and PC/SC Lite.

To use this tester you must have a set of PC/SC test suite cards. This
test is nearly identical to that which is done by Microsoft's WHQL Group
and can be used to verify the quality of your driver for use with
pcsc-lite. For those familiar with IFDTEST.EXE this will be no different.

Feel free to contact me with questions:

2003-01-20T06:48:17+00:00 security/ifd-devkit IFD Handler Developer's Kit for MUSCLE PC/SC Lite
This is the developer's kit for a PC/SC driver for Unix and Mac OS X.
Please refer to the documentation in PDF format in the docs directory
for a complete guide to creating your own driver.


2003-01-20T06:30:28+00:00 sysutils/kdirstat KDE utility that sums up disk usage for directory trees
KDirStat (for KDE Directory Statistics) is a small utility program that
sums up disk usage for directory trees. Its functionality is similar to
the Unix du command, but it provides more helpful diagnostic
information. KDirStat also features some built-in cleanup facilities and
the ability to include your own cleanup commands or scripts.

2003-01-20T06:27:10+00:00 graphics/kpovmodeler KDE editor/frontend for Povray
KPovModeler is a modeling and composition program for creating POV-Ray(TM)
scenes in KDE.

2003-01-20T06:10:35+00:00 net/powerdns An advanced DNS server with SQL backend
PowerDNS is an advanced DNS server, which allows for several different
backends. Current backends include MySQL, PostgreSQL, bind, etc.

License: GPL V2

2003-01-20T06:10:35+00:00 dns/powerdns Advanced DNS server with multiple backends including SQL
The PowerDNS Authoritative Server is the only solution that enables
authoritative DNS service from all major databases, including but not limited
to MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite3, LDAP and plain text files.

DNS answers can also be fully scripted using a variety of (scripting) languages
such as Lua, Java, Perl, Python, Ruby, C and C++. Such scripting can be used
for dynamic redirection, (spam) filtering or real time intervention.

In addition, the PowerDNS Authoritative Server is the leading DNSSEC
implementation, hosting the majority of all DNSSEC domains worldwide. The
Authoritative Server hosts at least 30% of all domain names in Europe, and
around 90% of all DNSSEC domains in Europe.

* IPv6, UDP/TCP, 100% compliant
* Remotely pollable statistics for real time graphing
* MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Sybase, Microsoft SQL Server, LDAP, SQLite3
- Including replication
* Near instant start up time
* Plain BIND zone files
- Brief start up time
* Migration tools from legacy DNS platforms (zone2sql)
* Internal Lua-based scripted answer generation
* External high-performance Script-based answer generation
* Geographical load balancing
* Full DNSSEC support including all standardized algorithms
* TSIG for transaction signatures, AXFR authorization/requests
* Master/Slave support
* Built-in web server for statistics and limited direct control
* API for direct control (pdns_control, pdnssec)
- Local and remote access

2003-01-20T06:10:35+00:00 dns/powerdns-devel Advanced DNS server with multiple backends including SQL
PowerDNS is an advanced DNS server, which allows for several different
backends. Current backends include MySQL, PostgreSQL, bind, etc.

2003-01-20T05:50:00+00:00 archivers/untar Lists/Extracts files from a "*.tgz" or "*.gz" archive
A small (60 Kb when stripped) and unencumbered implementation of untar.
2003-01-20T05:42:15+00:00 textproc/spellutils Programs used to isolate some parts or texts before spell-checking
Spellutils is a suite of programs which are used to isolate some parts
or texts from various types of files and hand them over to another
program which may change the texts; it is typically a spell checker.
Afterwards the possibly changed text parts are copied back in place in
the original file.

1) The newsbody utility
The program newsbody is a utility to isolate the body part of a news or
email message in a separate file and then call some other program which
may change the body, and eventually merge the headers with the possibly
changed body. Optionally quotes and/or signature can be removed too, as
well as all or selected header lines can be kept.

2) The pospell utility
The program pospell is a utility to isolate the translations from a .po
file, then call some other program which may change the translations
(typically a spell checker), and eventually copy them back in place in
the .po file.

2003-01-20T05:17:16+00:00 korean/netdic A network English dictionary utility for Korean
This is a port of netdic,which is a dictionary
to fetch yahoo's dictionary data(

by BiStwo <>
WWW: information this project)
2003-01-20T05:06:33+00:00 lang/bigloo Scheme interpreter and native code compiler
This is a port of Bigloo, a Scheme system which includes a compiler
generating C code and Java classes and an interpreter. Bigloo is the
tool of choice for the construction of small autonomous applications
in Scheme. Bigloo is mostly conformant to the Revised5 Report on the
Algorithmic Language Scheme with many extensions:
Rgc, a lex facility.
Match, a pattern-matching compiler.
Foreign languages interface (connection to C and to Java).
Module language.
Extension package system.
An Lalr facility.
An Object system.
A thread library.
DSSSL support.
Unicode characters and strings.
Process, Pipe and Socket support.

2003-01-20T03:45:51+00:00 audio/rexima ncurses-based console mixer
A small and flexible console mixer using ncurses.

2003-01-20T03:41:52+00:00 security/clamav Command line virus scanner written entirely in C
This the stable version of Clam Antivirus.
Clam Antivirus is command line virus scanner written entirely in C
and its database is kept up to date. It also detects polymorphic
viruses, scans compressed files and supported by AMaViS.
Optionally you can use the clamav-milter interface to connect
clamav with sendmail.

2003-01-20T03:41:52+00:00 security/clamav-devel Command line virus scanner written entirely in C
This is a snapshot version of Clam Antivirus.
Clam Antivirus is command line virus scanner written entirely in C
and its database is kept up to date. It also detects polymorphic
viruses, scans compressed files and supported by AMaViS.
Optionally you can use the clamav-milter interface to connect
clamav with sendmail.

2003-01-20T03:32:55+00:00 www/postnuke An automated website package to distribute and manage content
PostNuke is a content management system
written in PHP with a database backend,
focusing on style, appearance, and functionality.

2003-01-20T01:29:20+00:00 net/imcom IMCom is a command-line Jabber client written in Python
IMCom is a command-line Jabber client written in Python.

Its original goal was to replace mICQ as my instant messenger. To that end it
looks very similar to mICQ, though the actual command interpreter is a bit
different. Commands are issued to IMCom in a style similar to IRC.

2003-01-20T01:29:20+00:00 net-im/imcom IMCom is a command-line Jabber client written in Python
IMCom is a command-line Jabber client written in Python.

Its original goal was to replace mICQ as my instant messenger. To that end it
looks very similar to mICQ, though the actual command interpreter is a bit
different. Commands are issued to IMCom in a style similar to IRC.

2003-01-19T23:44:42+00:00 x11/deskmenu X11 application launcher
DeskMenu is a root menu program which is activated by clicking the root
window. It is configured from a .deskmenurc file in user's home directory.
DeskMenu is useful for window managers which do not provide a menu such as

2003-01-19T21:01:51+00:00 net/linphone SIP client supporting voice/video calls and text messaging
Linphone is an internet phone or Voice Over IP phone (VoIP).

* With linphone you can communicate freely with people over the internet,
with voice, video, and text instant messaging
* Linphone makes use of the SIP protocol, an open standard for internet
telephony. You can use Linphone with any SIP VoIP operator, including
the free SIP audio/video service provided by
* Linphone is available for desktop computers: Linux, Windows, MacOSX, and
for mobile phones: Android, iPhone, Blackberry

2003-01-19T21:01:51+00:00 net/linphone-base Web phone that supports SIP protocol
Linphone is a web phone: it let you phone to your friends anywhere in the
whole world, freely, simply by using the internet. The cost of the phone call
is the cost that you spend connected to the internet.

This package includes libraries, headers and console frontend.

2003-01-19T20:43:32+00:00 net/b2bua A back-to-back (B2B) SIP user agent
B2bUa is basically two SIP UAs working back-to-back and thus controlling
the calls going through it.Unlike a sip-proxy, a B2bUa will take an
incoming call, modify it and present it in other form to final
destination.B2bUa is in the call-signalling-path all the times.
There are numerous applications in which b2bUa can be used either
as a media negotiator or simply supervising the calls between two

2003-01-19T19:49:00+00:00 devel/p5-Getopt-Mixed Perl module for processing of both short and long command line options
This module provides GNU-style option processing for Perl 5 scripts,
with both long and short options. Please see the documentation at the
end of the module for instructions on its use and licensing

2003-01-19T14:26:13+00:00 devel/directfb Graphic development lightweight API
DirectFB is a graphics library which was designed with embedded systems
in mind. It offers maximum hardware accelerated performance at a
minimum of resource usage and overhead.

2003-01-19T13:55:28+00:00 emulators/its Bootable ITS filesystem for KLH-10 PDP-10 emulator
This is an image of a PI (Public ITS) filesystem that can be booted on
the KLH10 PDP-10 emulator.

The emulator image is about 45MB compressed and 170MB uncompressed.
The installation needs to have a minimum of 45MB in ports/disfiles
plus 45MB in the installation directory which defaults to
/usr/local/share/klh10-ks-its. That's about 90MB total but "make
distclean" will delete 45MB leaving you with only 45MB. After "make
install" you must run the "its-user-install" script as a regular user
to install an uncompressed 170MB RP06 filesystem image and setup
emulator support files. Additional 170MB RP06 filesystem images
may also be installed.

2003-01-19T13:51:37+00:00 chinese/links Links WWW browser with Chinese language support
2003-01-19T13:28:24+00:00 emulators/klh10 Emulator for DEC PDP-10
This is a port of Kenneth L. Harrenstien's KLH10 DEC PDP-10 mainframe

This port currently only builds klh10 in the ksits configuration for
running MIT Incompatible Timesharing System (ITS.) Future release
will configure KLH10 for additional systems.

Warning: to make use of KLH10 over a LAN the network driver
subprocesses (currently only dpimp is built and installed
automatically) must run as root in order use the tun(4) network
interface and to insert proxy ARP table entries. If you do not want
dpimp to be setuid root you must run the emulator from the root
account to use networking. KLH10 may be run without networking and
only provide console access to a single user without using any root
privileges. We do not know if KLH10's network driver subprocesses
have been audited for buffer overflows, etc only that they accept
incoming TCP connections and require root privileges. You take your
chances running this in the default configuration. Consider using a
firewall to limit access to klh-10. See the pub-its/adm directory for
firewall documentation.

2003-01-19T13:22:15+00:00 math/maxima Symbolic mathematics program
Maxima is a Common Lisp implementation of MIT's Macsyma system for
computer based algebra.

2003-01-19T13:12:02+00:00 lang/screamer Extension of Common Lisp for nondeterministic programming
Screamer is an extension of Common Lisp that adds support for
nondeterministic programming. Screamer consists of two levels. The
basic nondeterministic level adds support for backtracking and
undoable side effects. On top of this nondeterministic substrate,
Screamer provides a comprehensive constraint programming language in
which one can formulate and solve mixed systems of numeric and
symbolic constraints.


Built to run with CMU Common Lisp.
Installed in CMUCL's subsystem directory.

/usr/local/share/screamer contains lisp source and documentation.

- Scott Flatman <>
2003-01-19T12:38:55+00:00 audio/mp3c CD to mp3c converter with a console frontend
MP3c is a cd to mp3c converter with a console frontend

2003-01-19T12:01:37+00:00 misc/susv3 Single UNIX Specification Version 3
The Single UNIX Specification Version 3 is a set of
numerous HTML pages describing this standard.

2003-01-19T06:02:46+00:00 net/p5-Net-AIM Perl extension for the AOL Instant Messenger TOC protocol
This module implements an OO interface to the Aol Instant Messenger
TOC protocol. This version contains not much more than hacked code
that merely connects to the aol TOC servers and acts on instant


- Pete
2003-01-19T06:02:46+00:00 net-im/p5-Net-AIM Perl extension for the AOL Instant Messenger TOC protocol
This module implements an OO interface to the Aol Instant Messenger
TOC protocol. This version contains not much more than hacked code
that merely connects to the aol TOC servers and acts on instant

2003-01-19T04:05:47+00:00 www/guile-www Guile modules for WWW interaction
Guile-WWW is a set of Guile Scheme modules providing support for
navigating HTTP connections, parsing URLs, handling CGI operations,
and fetching WWW resources.

2003-01-19T00:51:22+00:00 sysutils/dump9660 Create an ISO 9660 image, possibly incrementally
Dump9660 is a tool for creating ISO 9660 compliant CD images suitable
for use with tools such as FreeBSD's burncd. Dump9660 supports the El
Torrito bootable CD and Microsoft Joliet extensions as well as the
Rock Ridge and Plan 9 system use extensions. Mk9660 is a front end for
dump9660 that provides the traditional ability to create CD images
from a subtree of the file system. Dump9660 is similar in
specification, but creates and updates backup CD images in the style
of the Plan 9 dump file system. The dump is file-based rather than
block-based: if a file's contents have not changed since the last
backup, only its directory entry will be rewritten.
2003-01-19T00:41:34+00:00 mail/chk4mail Quickly check multiple folders for new email
chk4mail - a utility to quickly check multiple folders for new mail

This program lists the number of read and unread emails in the folders
in your maildirectory and your incoming mailfolder.
The chkimap program can be used to do the same on a remote IMAP server.

The source code is available from:
2003-01-19T00:35:38+00:00 cad/gwave Waveform viewer for analogue electronic simulation tools
Gwave is a waveform viewer. Its purpose is for viewing analog data,
such as the output from Spice-like simulations.

Gwave can read binary or ascii files written by HSpice from transient,
AC, or Sweep analyses, "raw" files written by Spice2, Spice3, or
ngspice, and transient analysis files from the CAzM simulator. It can
also read a generic tabular ASCII format suitable for use with ACS or
homegrown tools.

It supports multiple "panels" (graticlules) with multiple variables
displayed in each. Two vertical-bar cursors are available for
time-difference measurements. Multiple files can be loaded, for
comparing the results of several simulations.

Much of Gwave's user interface is written in the Guile extension
language and is therefore easily extensible for custom applications
without recompilation.

2003-01-18T23:49:38+00:00 x11/fbdesk Fluxbox utility to create and manage icons on the desktop
fbdesk is a small application designed for the Fluxbox windowmanager that
allows management of icons on the desktop.

current features:

o XPM and PNG image loading
o Antialias text
o UTF-8 and multibyte support
o Vertical text
o Grid snapping
o GUI for icon management
o Fluxbox menu style

2003-01-18T23:49:38+00:00 x11-wm/fbdesk A Fluxbox utility to create and manage icons on the desktop
fbdesk is a small application designed for the Fluxbox windowmanager that
allows management of icons on the desktop.

current features:

o XPM and PNG image loading
o Antialias text
o UTF-8 and multibyte support
o Vertical text
o Grid snapping
o GUI for icon management
o Fluxbox menu style


- Hendrik Scholz
2003-01-18T21:30:53+00:00 security/opencdk Open Crypto Development Kit
OpenCDK - Open Crypto Development Kit

This library provides basic parts of the OpenPGP message format.
The aim of the library is *not* to replace any available OpenPGP version.
There will be no real support for key management (sign, revoke,
alter preferences, ...) and some other parts are only rudimentary
available. The main purpose is to handle and understand OpenPGP
packets and to use basic operations. For example to encrypt/decrypt
or to sign/verify and packet routines.

Hint: Because of the fact that sentensive data is used, the library
doesn't contain any real cryptographic code. For all crypto
routines we referring to the Libgcrypt library!

2003-01-18T19:21:13+00:00 audio/faad MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 AAC audio decoder
FAAD2 (Freeware Advanced Audio Decoder) is a MPEG-2, MPEG-4 AAC decoder.

FAAD2 is the fastest ISO AAC audio decoder available and can be used with
DRM (Digital Radio Mondiale), and supports HE (High Efficiency), Main,
LC, LD, LTP, PS (Parametric Stereo) AAC files.

2003-01-18T16:56:25+00:00 audio/ices Vorbis streaming source client for icecast 2
IceS2 is a streaming source client for icecast 2 servers. It provides flexible
and powerful static and live streaming capabilities for Ogg Vorbis streams.

2003-01-18T10:12:08+00:00 lang/cocor Compiler generator that combines the functionality of lex and yacc
Coco/R combines the functionality of the well-known UNIX tools lex and yacc,
to form an extremely easy to use compiler generator that generates recursive
descent parsers, their associated scanners, and (in some versions) a driver
program, from attributed grammars (written using EBNF syntax with attributes
and semantic actions) which conform to the restrictions imposed by LL(1)
parsing (rather than LALR parsing, as allowed by yacc). The user has to add
modules for symbol table handling, optimization, and code generation in
order to get a running compiler. Coco/R can also be used to construct other
syntax-based applications that have less of a "compiler" flavour.

Coco/R is available in Oberon, Modula-2, Pascal, Delphi, C, Java and C#
versions. This port only builds the C/C++ version.

2003-01-18T09:40:12+00:00 net/gnewtellium A gnutella client
Port of the original Newtella client in Linux/GTK+.
Newtella is a P2P protocol based on Gnutella.
The main difference between Gnutella and Newtella
is that the latter allows only mp3 sharing.


- Haikal
2003-01-18T09:40:12+00:00 net-p2p/gnewtellium Gnutella client
Port of the original Newtella client in Linux/GTK+.
Newtella is a P2P protocol based on Gnutella.
The main difference between Gnutella and Newtella
is that the latter allows only mp3 sharing.

2003-01-18T09:18:21+00:00 net/poink Nosuid, secure ping like utility
This is nosuid, so absolutely secure, ping like utility.
It uses dirty trick - TCP linear syn/rst challenge instead of
ICMP echo/echo reply. It won't allow any flood-pings, security
compromises etc.
2003-01-18T09:01:34+00:00 databases/mysqlman MySQLMan is a web based MySQL database manager written in perl
MySQLMan is a web based database manager. It allows you to perform common
maintenance and administration tasks in Mysql. MySQLMan was based off of
PHPmyadmin, but written in Perl. It allows you to do common tasks like:

- browse/create/drop databases
- browse/search/create/drop/alter tables
- import/export data
- add/remove/alter table columns
- add/remove/alter table keys

2003-01-18T05:34:21+00:00 deskutils/mnemo Mnemo is the Horde notes and memos application
Mnemo is the Horde notes and memos application. It lets users keep
free-text notes and other bits of information which doesn't fit as a
contact, a todo item, an event, etc. It is very similar in
functionality to the Palm Memo application.

2003-01-18T05:34:21+00:00 deskutils/horde4-mnemo Horde web based notes manager
The Mnemo Note Manager is the Horde notes/memos application. It allows users
to keep web-based notes and freeform text. Notes may be shared with other
users via shared notepads. It requires the Horde Application Framework and
an SQL database or Kolab server for backend storage.

2003-01-18T05:34:21+00:00 deskutils/horde-mnemo Horde web based notes manager
The Mnemo Note Manager is the Horde notes/memos application. It allows users
to keep web-based notes and freeform text. Notes may be shared with other
users via shared notepads. It requires the Horde Application Framework and
an SQL database or Kolab server for backend storage.

2003-01-18T05:11:46+00:00 lang/cmucl-extra Optional extras for the CMU implementation of Common Lisp
Optional extras for the CMU implementation of Common Lisp.

Optional packages for graphical user interfaces and other Common Lisp
applications and libraries are on:

2003-01-18T04:51:01+00:00 sysutils/arson A KDE frontend for mkisofs and cdrecord
Arson is a feature-rich frontend to various CD burning
and ripping tools. It supports audio and data CD burning,
audio CD ripping, CD-to-CD copying and ISO/[S]VCD image


- Stefan Jahn
2003-01-18T03:17:18+00:00 benchmarks/pipebench Pipebench shows current throughput/amount of data through a pipe
Pipebench shows the current throughput and amount of data going through a
pipe. It can be used to show the progress of a large md5sum process:
cat bigfile | pipebench | md5sum.


- Michael L. Hostbaek
2003-01-18T02:14:32+00:00 mail/libpst Tool for converting Outlook .pst files to mbox and other formats
This version can now convert both 32 bit Outlook files (pre 2003), and the 64
bit Outlook 2003 pst files. Utilities are supplied to convert email messages to
both mbox and MH mailbox formats, and to DII load file format for use with many
of the CT Summation products. Contacts can be converted to a simple list, to
vcard format, or to ldif format for import to an LDAP server.

It includes:
- readpst: convert PST (MS Outlook Personal Folders) files to mbox and other
- lspst: list PST (MS Outlook Personal Folders) file data
- pst2ldif: extract contacts from a MS Outlook .pst file in .ldif format
- pst2dii: extract email messages from a MS Outlook .pst file in DII load format

2003-01-17T13:51:26+00:00 french/gfaim Gfaim est un logiciel de recherche de recettes de cuisine
Gfaim est un logiciel de recherche de recettes de cuisine.
Un grand merci à Alexandre PUKALL pour son autorisation d'utiliser
sa base de recettes, il faut préciser que si Gfaim est sous licence GPL,
la base de recettes est en freeware (lire legal.txt pour plus de details).

2003-01-17T13:47:59+00:00 net/nrpep A netsaint addon for running plugins on remote hosts
This addon was designed as a replacemnt for the netsaint_statd and
nrpe addons. Although this addon is similiar in function to nrpe, it
is written in Perl and implements TripleDES encryption for the data in
transit. It is also designed to run under inetd and make use of the
TCP Wrappers package for access control.


- Jon
2003-01-17T13:47:59+00:00 net-mgmt/nrpep A netsaint addon for running plugins on remote hosts
This addon was designed as a replacement for the netsaint_statd and
nrpe addons. Although this addon is similar in function to nrpe, it
is written in Perl and implements TripleDES encryption for the data in
transit. It is also designed to run under inetd and make use of the
TCP Wrappers package for access control.

2003-01-17T13:11:27+00:00 games/braincurses Clone of the Mastermind game
BrainCurses is a clone of the Mastermind game implemented in ncurses.

2003-01-17T12:58:11+00:00 misc/pipebench
Pipebench shows the current throughput and amount of data going through a
pipe. It can be used to show the progress of a large md5sum process:
cat bigfile | pipebench | md5sum.


- Michael L. Hostbaek
2003-01-17T12:53:47+00:00 security/hackbot Host exploration tool and bannergrabber
Hackbot is a host exploration tool and bannergrabber. It scans numerous
services and vulnerabilities.

2003-01-17T12:27:31+00:00 french/abispell-fr-FR French (France) ispell dictionary for AbiWord
It's the french dictionnary to use with AbiWord, it requieres ispell to work.
AbiWord will be able to underline your mistakes while typing text, and will
propose corrections.
2003-01-17T11:16:53+00:00 comms/bforce-kst Simple ifcico like Fidonet technology mailer
BinkleyForce is a simple ifcico like FTN mailer. It can works via
TCP/IP as well as on modem links. Look sample configs for more
2003-01-17T09:58:53+00:00 print/font2svg All fonts to svg-font converter
font2svg can convert any font GhostScript is capable of rendering into an
SVG-font. This includes all PostScript fonts, GhostScript's own format, and
almost all TrueType fonts. You may want to hand-edit the generated font to
add font-style information.

2003-01-17T08:50:23+00:00 games/tads TADS compiler/interpreter for interactive fiction
TADS is a set of programming tools specially designed for writing
adventure games. TADS consists of:
* A programming language, which resembles C and Java.
* A compiler, which reads a set of source files written in the
TADS programming language and produces a portable binary game
* A library, which provides a set of generic adventure game
* An interactive debugger, which lets you examine
your program's execution in order to find and fix programming
* An interpreter, which a player uses to run your game.

See for more
information about obtaining game files.

2003-01-17T07:52:32+00:00 www/mod_roaming2 An Apache module that works as a Netscape Roaming Access server
mod_roaming is an Apache module that works as a Netscape Roaming
Access server for Netscape Communicator 4.5 or later.

This allows you to store your Netscape Communicator 4.5 preferences,
bookmarks, address books, cookies etc. on the server so that you can
use (and update) the same settings from any Netscape Communicator 4.5
that can access the server.

2003-01-17T07:36:30+00:00 databases/fireprofile Library to help profiling where programs are using MySQL
From libfireprofile(3):

libfireprofile is a library to help profiling where programs
using MySQL are spending their time. It intercepts MySQL queries
and provides EXPLAIN data about each query, as well as total
time spent on each query.

2003-01-17T07:19:34+00:00 www/mod_v2h A mass virtual hosting module for Apache with support
mod_v2h is a mass virtual hosting module for Apache with support
for referencing translation paths from MySQL. mod_v2h also has
the ability to cache translation rules into a memory image for
faster performance.
2003-01-17T05:21:52+00:00 games/doomlegacy Improved and extended version of Doom
Doom Legacy is a source port of Doom available for various operating systems
which was originally written as a fork of DOSDoom introducing lots of useful
improvements yet retaining original feel of the game. It currently features:

* TCP/IP multiplayer networking (including a master server for Internet
game searches)
* Nearly complete Boom and Heretic support
* OpenGL rendering
* Higher resolutions
* Console with support for key bindings (Quake-style)
* FraggleScript for scripting
* 3D floors, water, and coloured lighting
* Mouse aim and crosshairs
* Jumping
* 32 players (including support for custom skins)

2003-01-17T05:07:29+00:00 www/geeklog Web content management system
GeekLog is a web content management system suitable for running
full-featured community sites. It supports article posting, threaded
comments, event scheduling, and link management and is built around a
design philosophy that emphasizes ease of use.

2003-01-17T04:09:01+00:00 www/jonah Jonah is a portal and content collection system
Jonah is the Horde content and display manager.

It has been designed to manage a portal-like site using RDF, RSS and
Syndicated XML backend content. It is still in the development stage.

2003-01-17T03:50:26+00:00 graphics/ophoto USB support for Kodak DC240 and DC280 cameras under FreeBSD
Ophoto is a utility to download pictures from Kodak DC240 and DC280
cameras using the fast USB interface. You can also use the tool for
generic camera control (i.e. change settings, take pictures, etc.).

The project title is ``oPhoto'' (Olli's Photo Tool).

2003-01-17T00:30:39+00:00 net/xbms Xbms, the unix streaming server for xbox mediaplayer
xbms, the unix streaming server for xbox mediaplayer.
With xbms, it is possible to 'share' movies, pictures
and audio on your unix box, so they are accessible from your xbox.

2003-01-16T15:07:14+00:00 misc/susv2 Single UNIX Specification Version 2
The Single UNIX Specification Version 2 is a set of
numerous HTML pages describing this standard.

2003-01-16T14:39:23+00:00 textproc/pocketreader Siemens PocketReader
The Siemens PocketReader is a handheld OCR scanner, this is the Linux
software which can download text from it.

2003-01-16T14:35:21+00:00 x11/settitle Program for setting the title of terminal emulator windows
settitle can set the icon and/or window titles of terminal emulator
windows such as those provided by xterm, eterm or

Useful for tracking your mail or irc windows among the crowd.
2003-01-16T14:22:59+00:00 biology/act A DNA sequence comparison viewer based on Artemis
ACT (Artemis Comparison Tool) is a DNA sequence comparison viewer based on
Artemis. In common with Artemis, ACT is written in Java and runs on UNIX,
GNU/Linux, Macintosh and MS Windows systems. It can read complete EMBL
and GENBANK entries or sequence in FASTA or raw format. Extra sequence
features can be in EMBL, GENBANK or GFF format. ACT is distributed under the
same license as Artemis.

The sequence comparison displayed by ACT is usually the result of a blastn or
tblastx search that has been processed by MSPcrunch. MSPcrunch must be run
with the -d flag for the output to be usable by ACT.

2003-01-16T14:14:47+00:00 devel/whups WHUPS is a web-based bug tracking system
WHUPS is the Web-based Horde Unified Project System, a PHP-based project
management system and a component of the Horde Project.

WHUPS will integrate a bug-tracking system and a FAQ manager.

WHUPS is still in development.

2003-01-16T14:03:11+00:00 misc/xdf A graphical disk space viewer for X
This is a port of xdf, a rather old program which shows
the usage of mounted filesystems. It makes use of a graphical
bar to show the percentage of use space, and values are displayed
in human-readable form (K, M, G, T,...)
See xdf -? for help.

- David Vidal-Rodriguez
2003-01-16T05:07:07+00:00 security/drweb-postfix Postfix message filter for virus processing through DrWeb daemon
Postfix message filter for virus processing through DrWeb daemon.

2003-01-16T05:00:09+00:00 sysutils/cmdwatch Watches the output from a command at specified intervals
This is the familiar Linux "watch" utility originally written by Tony
Rems <> with help from Francois Pinard and more recently
Mike Coleman <>. I found it useful, so here it is. Basically
"watches" the output of a given command at a specified interval in a nice,
ncurses-based format.
2003-01-16T04:55:24+00:00 mail/hotwayd A Hotmail -> POP3 gateway
NOTE: This port is deprecated as of 9/1/2009.
The Hotmail and Windows Live servers no longer support DAV, so hotwayd can
no longer work with those services. Fortunately the servers now support POP3
directly (via POP3+SSL at so hotwayd is not needed.

Hotwayd uses HTTPMail (the same protocol that Outlook Express used) to access
servers such as Hotmail. The software acts as a proxy mail server, allowing
you to access e-mail on Hotmail and similar servers using standard POP3 mail

2003-01-16T04:26:24+00:00 deskutils/logjam2 A GTK2 interface to livejournals, ie
" because you like to think other people care." LogJam is
a GTK2 client for the LiveJournal API. It sits unobtrusively in the corner
of your screen, waiting for you to have something worthwhile to tell the
world. It can read your current music from XMMS, spellcheck with gtkspell,
and offers preview capabilities using gtkhtml3. It will interface with any
site running LiveJournal, not just, and can create
offline copies of your journal.

(If you want a GTK version, see deskutils/logjam, but that
version receives no bugfixes.)

2003-01-16T03:12:21+00:00 www/p5-Apache-Gallery Apache::Gallery - mod_perl handler to create an image gallery
Apache::Gallery creates an thumbnail index of each directory and
allows viewing pictures in different resolutions. Pictures are
resized on the fly and cached.

2003-01-15T16:38:04+00:00 audio/gnupod Set of Perl scripts for using an Apple iPod
GNUpod is a collection of tools which allow you to use your iPod.

2003-01-15T11:25:05+00:00 lang/sbcl Common Lisp development system derived from the CMU CL system
Steel Bank Common Lisp (SBCL) is a Open Source development system for
ANSI Common Lisp. It provides an interactive environment including an
integrated native compiler, interpreter, and debugger.

2003-01-14T19:15:48+00:00 games/hlserver-esf Half-Life mod Earth Special Forces (DBZ) full server package for Linux
This package contains the files to run a FreeBSD Half-Life
Earth Special Forces server under Linux emulation.

Earth Special Forces is a DragonBall Z, a.k.a. DBZ, modification
for Half-Life.

You can fly, jump, concentrate your Ki, use melee/ranged/special
attacks, transform to other forms, teleport, and some more.

Visit these following web pages for more information:

2003-01-14T08:13:05+00:00 chinese/chinput3 Chinese GB2312,BIG5 code input server
Ported from Chinput3 on Linux platform .

Chinese GB,BIG5 code input server.

2003-01-13T18:02:50+00:00 devel/sedsed Python script that masters SED scripts
SEDSED is a Python script that masters SED scripts. It generates SED debug
files in SED, which lets you debug scripts with your own version of SED.
It's also a script beautifier, doing indentation and spaces/comments
formatting. It can also convert SED scripts to colorful HTML files.

2003-01-13T17:51:15+00:00 textproc/xmlwrapp Modern style C++ library for working with XML data
xmlwrapp is a modern style C++ library for working with XML data. It provides
a simple and easy to use interface for the very powerful libxml2 XML parser.

* Tree parsing. XML data is parsed and a tree of xml::node objects is
created. Similar to the DOM.
* Event parsing. XML data is parsed as protected member functions of an
event class are called. Similar to SAX.
* It is easy to construct an XML tree using xml::node objects. Any
xml::node may be inserted into an IOStream causing translation to XML
text data.
* Complete isolation from the backend parser due to the private
implementation (pimpl) idiom.

2003-01-13T17:33:04+00:00 x11/xsel Access X11 selection buffer from command line
xsel is a quick hack to give access to the X selection from the command line.
You can paste stuff from the X selection to stdout and copy stuff from stdin
to X selection.

2003-01-13T17:10:31+00:00 archivers/tardy Manipulate the file headers in tar archive files in various ways
The tardy program is a tar post-processor. It may be used to manipulate the
file headers in tar archive files in various ways.

The reason the tardy program was written was because the author wanted to
"spruce up" tar files before posting them to the net, mostly to remove
artifacts of the development environment, without introducing more.

The tardy program was designed to allow you to alter certain characteristics
of files after they have been included in the tar file. Among them are:
* change file owner (by number or name)
* change file group (by number or name)
* add directory prefix (e.g. dot)
* change file protections (e.g. from 600 to 644)

Note that all of these affect ALL files in the archive.

2003-01-13T14:50:12+00:00 japanese/mplusfonts 12x13 dots X11 kanji fonts with simple and readable design
M+ bitmap fonts is a bitmap font set aimed for simple and readable design.
This font set includes Japanese and Latin fonts, and they're 10 and 12 dots.


H.Miyamoto <>
2003-01-13T14:50:12+00:00 japanese/font-mplus M+ Bitmap and Outline Fonts
M+ bitmap fonts is a bitmap font set aimed for simple and readable design.
This font set includes Japanese and Latin fonts, and they're 10 and 12 dots.

2003-01-13T13:36:19+00:00 mail/p5-vpopmail Perl module to provide access to vpopmail API
A perl module which allow perl scripts to make use of the vpopmail API.


James Raftery.
2003-01-13T12:16:58+00:00 devel/qextmdi Qt extension for creating SDI/MDI user interfaces
QextMDI is a C++ GUI library extending Trolltech's Qt. It allows Qt
programmers to create applications that provide both: an SDI and an
MDI user interface.


2003-01-13T11:23:11+00:00 editors/rox-edit Text editor for the ROX desktop
A simple text editor for the ROX desktop.

2003-01-13T08:44:00+00:00 emulators/linux-pete-mesagpu PSEmu Pro GPU plugin using an OpenGL renderer (Linux version)
Pete's MesaGL GPU is a PSEmu Pro GPU plugin using a
hardware-accelerated OpenGL renderer.

This is the Linux version, tested with emulators/linux-ePSXe.

2003-01-13T06:03:42+00:00 mail/popa3d-before-sendmail
2003-01-12T14:20:58+00:00 x11/rox-wallpaper Wallpaper management tool for the ROX desktop
A wallpaper management tool for the ROX desktop, supporting both
random and command-generated wallpapers.

2003-01-12T14:11:14+00:00 deskutils/rox-memo Appointment/TODO management for the ROX desktop
Appointment/TODO management for the ROX desktop.

2003-01-12T13:49:30+00:00 devel/py-roxlib Python libraries for ROX
Python libraries required by some ROX desktop applications.

2003-01-12T03:59:22+00:00 www/p5-HTTP-WebTest Tests remote URLs or local web files
HTTP-WebTest tests remote URLs or local web files.

This module runs tests on remote URLs or local web files containing
Perl/JSP/HTML/JavaScript/etc. and generates a detailed test report.

2003-01-12T02:47:35+00:00 emulators/linux-ePSXe A Sony Playstation emulator (Linux version)
ePSXe is a Sony Playstation emulator. It takes advantage of the
popular PSEmu Pro plugin system.

This is the Linux version.

2003-01-12T00:44:37+00:00 devel/swig13-doc Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator - Documentation
This is the documentation and examples for SWIG.

2003-01-12T00:28:50+00:00 emulators/linux-peops-spu A PSEmu Pro SPU plugin using the OSS interface (Linux version)
P.E.Op.S. OSS SPU is a PSEmu Pro SPU plugin using the OSS interface.

This is the Linux version, tested with emulators/linux-ePSXe.

2003-01-12T00:16:49+00:00 emulators/linux-peops-softgpu PSEmu Pro GPU plugin using a software X11 renderer (Linux version)
P.E.Op.S. Soft GPU is a PSEmu Pro GPU plugin using a software X11 renderer.

This is the Linux version, tested with emulators/linux-ePSXe.

2003-01-12T00:09:16+00:00 sysutils/wtail Wtail does the equivalent of tail -f on several files at once
wtail does the equivalent of tail -f on several files at once. The screen
is split into as many parts as there are files to watch.

2003-01-11T21:50:17+00:00 games/tileworld Emulation of the game "Chip's Challenge"
Tile World is an emulation of the game "Chip's Challenge". "Chip's
Challenge" was originally written for the Atari Lynx by Chuck Sommerville,
and was later ported to MS Windows by Microsoft (among other ports).

"Chip's Challenge" is a game made up of both intellectually engaging
puzzles and situations demanding fast reflexes. As you might have guessed,
it is a tile-based game. The object of each level is simply to get out --
i.e., to find and achieve the exit tile. This simple task, however, can
sometimes be extremely challenging.

2003-01-11T16:07:44+00:00 misc/py-pexpect Python module for controlling interactive programs in pseudo-terminal
Pexpect is a pure Python module for spawning child applications; controlling
them; and responding to expected patterns in their output. Pexpect works like
Don Libes' Expect. Pexpect allows your script to spawn a child application and
control it as if a human were typing commands.

Pexpect can be used for automating interactive applications such as ssh, ftp,
passwd, telnet, etc. It can be used to a automate setup scripts for duplicating
software package installations on different servers. It can be used for
automated software testing. Pexpect is in the spirit of Don Libes' Expect, but
Pexpect is pure Python.

The main features of Pexpect require the pty module in the Python standard
library, which is only available on Unix-like systems. Some features -- waiting
for patterns from file descriptors or subprocesses -- waiting for patterns from
file descriptors or subprocesses.

2003-01-11T12:50:51+00:00 devel/cdialog Enhanced version of 'dialog' to work with ncurses
This is an enhanced version of the 'dialog' command. Quoting Thomas Dickey,
the ncurses developer, "DIALOG was written by Savio Lam <>
and modified by several people.

"Initially, I made fixes and reviewed the code to ensure that problems
reported were not related to ncurses. After that, I resumed development,
adding new widget types. See the changelog for details."

2003-01-11T08:35:25+00:00 math/drgeo GTK interactive geometry software
Dr. Geo is a GTK interactive geometry software. It allows one to create
geometric figure plus the interactive manipulation of such figure in respect
with their geometric constraints. It is useable in teaching situation with
students from primary or secondary level.

2003-01-11T08:35:25+00:00 math/drgenius The Gnome Interactive Geometry Sofware
Dr. Genius is the Gnome interactive geometry software. It allows one to create
geometric figure plus the interactive manipulation of such figure in respect
with their geometric constraints. It is useable in teaching situation with
students from primary or secondary level.

2003-01-10T06:37:02+00:00 security/p5-Authen-Smb Perl extension to authenticate against an SMB server
Authen::Smb allows you to authenticate users against an NT server. See POD documentation for details.

2003-01-10T06:22:51+00:00 textproc/kdiff3 KDE graphical frontend for diff
KDiff3 is a program that:

* compares or merges two or three text input files or directories,
* shows the differences line by line and character by character (!),
* provides an automatic merge-facility and
* an integrated editor for comfortable solving of merge-conflicts,
* supports KIO on KDE (allows accessing ftp, sftp, fish, smb etc.),
* Printing of differences,
* Manual alignment of lines,
* Automatic merging of version control history (cvs Log keyword),
* and has an intuitive graphical user interface.

2003-01-10T06:08:09+00:00 graphics/gwenview Image viewer and browser for KDE
Gwenview is a fast and easy to use image viewer for KDE.

- Supports simple image manipulations: rotate, mirror, flip, and resize.
- Supports basic file management actions such as copy, move, delete,
and others.
- Functions both as a standalone application and an embedded viewer
in the Konqueror web browser.
- Can be extended using KIPI plugins.

2003-01-10T06:08:09+00:00 graphics/gwenview-kde4 Image viewer and browser for KDE 4
Gwenview is a fast and easy to use image viewer for KDE.

- Supports simple image manipulations: rotate, mirror, flip, and resize.
- Supports basic file management actions such as copy, move, delete,
and others.
- Functions both as a standalone application and an embedded viewer
in the Konqueror web browser.
- Can be extended using KIPI plugins.

2003-01-10T05:39:57+00:00 security/kgpgapplet
Kgpg's kicker applet is a simple icon that integrates into your kicker for KDE.
Then, you can drop files on it to encrypt/decrypt/sign/verify.

A mouse right-click on it will bring a menu allowing encryption/decryption of
the clipboard, to manage keys & more. GnuPG has never been so easy!

2003-01-10T05:08:08+00:00 sysutils/kcpuload CPU meter for Kicker
A simple CPU meter for the KDE Kicker which displays percent usage,
with support for SMP and separate user/system loads. It will show
the CPU usage in form of one or two configurable diagrams. There are
settings for colors and some different styles. Note that it isn't
the real system load that's shown, but the percent used of the total
CPU power, which is calculated from the number of CPU ticks.
2003-01-10T01:06:33+00:00 audio/cdparanoia CDDA extraction tool (also known as ripper)
Cdparanoia is a Compact Disc Digital Audio (CDDA) Digital Audio Extraction
(DAE) tool, commonly known on the net as a 'ripper'. The application is
built on top of the Paranoia library, which is doing the real work (the
Paranoia source is included in the cdparanoia source distribution).
Cdparanoia reads audio from the CDROM directly as data, with no analog step
between, and writes the data to a file or pipe in WAV, AIFC, or raw 16 bit
linear PCM.

Cdparanoia is a bit different than most other CDDA extraction tools. It
contains few-to-no 'extra' features, concentrating only on the ripping
process and knowing as much as possible about the hardware performing it.
Cdparanoia will read correct, rock-solid audio data from inexpensive drives
prone to misalignment, frame jitter, and loss of streaming during atomic
reads. Cdparanoia will also read and repair data from CDs that have been
damaged in some way.

Cdparanoia is easy to use and administrate. It has no compile time
configuration, happily autodetecting the CDROM, its type, its interface and
other aspects of the ripping process at runtime. A single binary can serve
the diverse hardware of the do-it-yourself computer laboratory from Hell.

2003-01-09T18:34:40+00:00 net/v6eval IPv6 Conformance Test Platform
v6eval is platform of IPv6 Conformance Test kit.

2003-01-09T18:34:40+00:00 net/ct IPv6 Conformance Test Kit
ct is IPv6 Conformance Test Kit.

2003-01-09T14:47:36+00:00 ports-mgmt/portell Quick display of FreeBSD port descriptions
portell is a program that allows FreeBSD users to view the description as
given in its pkg-descr file for a specific port. If you want to know what
the program "Foo" is, then you can type "portell foo" and portell will
find its pkg-descr file and dump it on your display.

2003-01-09T14:47:36+00:00 misc/portell Quick display of FreeBSD port descriptions
portell is a program that allows FreeBSD users to view the description as
given in its pkg-descr file for a specific port. If you want to know what
the program "Foo" is, then you can type "portell foo" and portell will
find its pkg-descr file and dump it on your display.

AUTHOR: Ryan Kulla <>

- Michael L. Hostbaek
2003-01-09T11:05:26+00:00 graphics/visionegg Visual stimulus creation and control
The Vision Egg is a very powerful, flexible, and free way to produce stimuli
for vision research experiments.
- Perform experiments using an inexpensive PC and standard consumer
graphics card
- Perform experiments using a graphics workstation if special features
- Data acquisition and other realtime hardware control capabilities such
as fMRI
- Dynamically generated stimuli can be changed in realtime via software
or external hardware
- Produce traditional stimuli to replace legacy systems
- Produce stimuli not possible using other hardware
- Demo programs to get you started right away

2003-01-09T06:05:52+00:00 net/ocaml-jabbr XML Messaging and Presence Protocol a.k.a. Jabber for Objective Caml
[ excerpt from developer's www site ]

Jabbr is an OCaml library for the XML Messaging and Presence Protocol,
more commonly known as Jabber, based on my Yaxpo reentrant XML
parser. Jabbr provides basic XML stream and authentication services
based on a clean state machine abstraction which imposes minimal
constraints on the underlying I/O mechanisms used by the driver
program. It currently does not provide automated support for
higher-level XMPP abstractions like presence and roster management.

In addition to Yaxpo, Jabbr requires Xavier Leroy's Cryptokit
library, which provides SHA-1 hash support for authentication.

2003-01-09T06:05:52+00:00 net-im/ocaml-jabbr XML Messaging and Presence Protocol a.k.a. Jabber for Objective Caml
[ excerpt from developer's www site ]

Jabbr is an OCaml library for the XML Messaging and Presence Protocol,
more commonly known as Jabber, based on my Yaxpo reentrant XML
parser. Jabbr provides basic XML stream and authentication services
based on a clean state machine abstraction which imposes minimal
constraints on the underlying I/O mechanisms used by the driver
program. It currently does not provide automated support for
higher-level XMPP abstractions like presence and roster management.

In addition to Yaxpo, Jabbr requires Xavier Leroy's Cryptokit
library, which provides SHA-1 hash support for authentication.

2003-01-09T06:04:05+00:00 textproc/ocaml-yaxpo Non-validating XML 1.0 + XMLNS processing suite for Objective Caml
[ excerpt from developer's www site ]

Yaxpo is a hand-written nonvalidating XML 1.0 + XMLNS processing
suite for Objective Caml, designed for flexibility in new and unusual
applications of XML. The Yaxpo parser provides all three pull, push
(SAX-like), and accumulate (DOM-like) interfaces. The latter of
these provides a data model complete with DOM-like constructors,
accessors, mutators, and serializers, enabling you to manipulate
and emit XML as well as parse it.

2003-01-09T06:01:56+00:00 security/ocaml-cryptokit Variety of cryptographic primitives for Objective Caml
[ excerpt from developer's www site ]

The Cryptokit library for Objective Caml provides a variety of
cryptographic primitives that can be used to implement cryptographic
protocols in security-sensitive applications. The primitives provided

Symmetric-key cryptography: AES, DES, Triple-DES, ARCfour, in ECB,
CBC, CFB and OFB modes. Public-key cryptography: RSA encryption and
signature; Diffie-Hellman key agreement. Hash functions and MACs:
SHA-1, MD5, and MACs based on AES and DES. Random number generation.
Encodings and compression: base 64, hexadecimal, Zlib compression.

Additional ciphers and hashes can easily be used in conjunction
with the library. In particular, basic mechanisms such as chaining
modes, output buffering, and padding are provided by generic classes
that can easily be composed with user-provided ciphers. More
generally, the library promotes a "Lego"-like style of constructing
and composing transformations over character streams.

2003-01-09T03:26:16+00:00 devel/p5-Test-Builder-Tester Test testsuites that have been built with Test::Builder
Test testsuites that have been built with Test::Builder.

2003-01-09T00:11:15+00:00 www/flood Profile-driven HTTP load tester
Flood is a profile-driven HTTP load tester. It can be used to gather
important performance metrics for your website.

2003-01-08T21:23:07+00:00 net/py-rrdtool_lgpl Python interface to RRDTool, the graphing and logging utility
The python-rrdtool provides a interface to rrdtool, the
wonderful graphing and logging utility. This wrapper
implementation has worked from the scratch (without SWIG),
and it's under LGPL.

2003-01-08T21:23:07+00:00 databases/py-rrdtool_lgpl Python interface to RRDTool, the graphing and logging utility
The python-rrdtool provides a interface to rrdtool, the
wonderful graphing and logging utility. This wrapper
implementation has worked from the scratch (without SWIG),
and it's under LGPL.

2003-01-08T21:18:03+00:00 finance/openhbci HBCI is a bank-independent homebanking standard
OpenHBCI -- the first free client-side implementation of the HBCI

HBCI is a bank-independent homebanking standard used by many German
banks. This publicly available protocol describes communication,
authentification, encryption, and business transactions taking place
between a homebanking applications and a bank's server. OpenHBCI
provides an object oriented library implementing the current
client-side HBCI specification. The library is written in C++, with C
wrappers also available. OpenHBCI provides the application programmer
with a high-level abstraction of almost all business transactions, so
that all HBCI details are totally encapsulated and do not need to be
bothered with.

2003-01-08T20:32:37+00:00 multimedia/slideshow A slideshow presentation tool to write slides in Python or XML
Slideshow allows you to write slides in Python or XML. Some features it has to

- Use of TrueType fonts
- Showing stages in a slide
- Progressive show of text and images
- Scrolling of text and images
- Special effects:
* Spinner
* Fires
* Stars
* Plasma
* Darkness
- MPEG videos support


-- Stefan Farfeleder
2003-01-08T18:50:41+00:00 security/libksba Library to make X.509 certificates
KSBA = rot13(digit_to_letter(x509)) to be pronounced as Kasbah

KSBA is a library to make X.509 certificates as
well as the CMS easily accessible by other applications. Both
specifications are building blocks of S/MIME and TLS.

2003-01-08T12:02:38+00:00 security/opensc Libraries and utilities to access smart cards
OpenSC provides a set of libraries and utilities to
access smart cards. Its main focus is on cards that
support cryptographic operations, and facilitate their
use in security applications such as mail encryption,
authentication, and digital signature.

OpenSC implements the PKCS#11 API so applications
supporting this API such as Mozilla Firefox and
Thunderbird can use it.

OpenSC implements the PKCS#15 standard and aims to be
compatible with every software that does so, too.

2003-01-08T11:50:14+00:00 sysutils/spinner Keep ssh and telnet connections from dropping due to inactivity
Spinner is a small program that displays a little "spinning" ASCII
character in the top left corner of your terminal. To make this effect
it cycles through punctuation marks like this " - \ | / - \ | / ... "
(try it to see). By default the character is drawn in inverse video
(or your terminal's equivalent). But you can turn this off with the -i
switch. It supports any terminal capable of handling VT100 style escape codes.

Spinner is useful for keeping telnet and ssh links from dropping due to
inactivity. Many firewalls, and some ISPs drop connections when they are
perceived as idle. By having spinner running the server is constantly
sending a tiny amount of data over the link, preserving the connection.
Thus (for search engines) Spinner is an anti-dle, timeout preventing,
background daemon process for Unix variants including Linux.


- Michael L. Hostbaek
2003-01-07T20:50:07+00:00 net/libnet-devel A C library for creating IP packets (development version)
Libnet is a high-level API (toolkit) allowing the application programmer to
construct and inject network packets. It provides a portable and simplified
interface for low-level network packet shaping, handling and injection.

Libnet hides much of the tedium of packet creation from the application
programmer such as multiplexing, buffer management, arcane packet header
information, byte-ordering, OS-dependent issues, and much more.

Libnet features portable packet creation interfaces at the IP layer
and link layer, as well as a host of supplementary and complementary

Using libnet, quick and simple packet assembly applications can be whipped up
with little effort. With a bit more time, more complex programs can be written
(Traceroute and ping were easily rewritten using libnet and libpcap).

Libnet is distrubuted under the BSD license.

Author: Mike D. Schiffman <mike at infonexus dot com>
2003-01-07T14:02:30+00:00 security/gnutls GNU Transport Layer Security library
GnuTLS is a secure communications library implementing the SSL, TLS and DTLS
protocols and technologies around them. It provides a simple C language
application programming interface (API) to access the secure communications
protocols as well as APIs to parse and write X.509, PKCS #12, OpenPGP and
other required structures. It is aimed to be portable and efficient with
focus on security and interoperability.

2003-01-07T14:02:30+00:00 security/gnutls-devel GNU Transport Layer Security library
GnuTLS is a portable ANSI C based library which implements the TLS 1.0 and
SSL 3.0 protocols. The library does not include any patented algorithms and
is available under the GNU Lesser GPL license.

Important features of the GnuTLS library include:
- Thread safety
- Support for both TLS 1.0 and SSL 3.0 protocols
- Support for both X.509 and OpenPGP certificates
- Support for basic parsing and verification of certificates
- Support for SRP for TLS authentication
- Support for TLS Extension mechanism
- Support for TLS Compression Methods

Additionaly GnuTLS provides an emulation API for the widely used
OpenSSL library, to ease integration with existing applications.

2003-01-07T13:44:33+00:00 security/libtasn1 ASN.1 structure parser library
libtasn1 library was developed for ASN1 (Abstract Syntax Notation One)
structures management.

The main features of this library are:

- on-line ASN1 structure management that does not require any C code
file generation;
- off-line ASN1 structure management with C code file generation
containing an array;
- DER (Distinguish Encoding Rules) encoding;
- no limits for INTEGER and ENUMERATED values

2003-01-07T12:53:49+00:00 graphics/tif22pnm Converts TIFF-sampled images to PNM image
tif22pnm is a command line utility that converts between TIFF sampled images
and PNM images (both directions), using the libtiff library, but not using
NetPBM. tif22pnm is similar to tifftopnm utility in the NetPBM distribution,
but tif22pnm handles a wider range of TIFF files and it is able to output
the alpha channel as a PBM or PGM file. png22pnm, a converter from PNG to
PNM is also bundled into the distribution.

2003-01-07T03:14:23+00:00 math/glgraph OpenGL based function grapher
GLgraph visualize mathematical functions. It can handle 3 unknowns (x,z,t) and
can produce a 4D function with 3 space and 1 time dimension.

2003-01-06T20:48:31+00:00 math/p5-Math-Trig Inverse and hyperbolic trigonemetric Functions
This module exports the missing inverse and hyperbolic trigonometric functions
of real numbers. The inverse functions return values cooresponding to the
principal values. Specifying an argument outside of the domain of the function
will cause undef to be returned.
2003-01-06T20:27:42+00:00 graphics/p5-OpenGL Perl module to display 3D data using OpenGL, GLU, GLUT, and GLX
This module provides access to most of the OpenGL 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2 APIs.
Some amount of GLU is supported (I'm not quite sure what version it works
out to), and GLUT should be completely supported up to API version 3. A
small portion of GLX and X11 is supported, as an alternative to GLUT.

2003-01-06T09:08:19+00:00 textproc/opensp Collection of SGML/XML tools
This package is a collection of SGML/XML tools called OpenSP.
It is a fork from James Clark's SP suite. These tools are used
to parse, validate, and normalize SGML and XML files.

2003-01-05T19:44:55+00:00 x11-toolkits/geramik A Keramik KDE styled theme for GTK
Geramik is a combined GTK theme and engine that is intended
to make similar appearance as to the Keramik KDE theme.

The engine is a modified version of the GTK pixmap engine, in
order to obtain widget colors and to have GTK apps conform
to the KDE color scheme.


2003-01-05T19:44:55+00:00 x11-themes/geramik A Keramik KDE styled theme for GTK
Geramik is a combined GTK theme and engine that is intended
to make similar appearance as to the Keramik KDE theme.

The engine is a modified version of the GTK pixmap engine, in
order to obtain widget colors and to have GTK apps conform
to the KDE color scheme.

2003-01-05T19:34:27+00:00 news/husky-sqpack Husky FTN msgbase packer
sqpack purges squish and jam msgbases taken from fidoconfig

sqpack is a part of Husky Fidosoft Project.
Husky is complete freeware suite of Fidonet applications.

2003-01-05T19:34:27+00:00 news/husky-smapi Husky FTN MSGAPI library
MSGAPI for Husky Fidosoft Project.
Development version.

Husky is complete freeware suite of Fidonet applications.

2003-01-05T19:34:27+00:00 news/husky-nltools Nodelist tools
Nodelist tools

Nodelist tools are part of Husky Fidosoft Project.
Husky is complete freeware suite of Fidonet applications.

2003-01-05T19:34:27+00:00 news/husky-msged Msged/TE (full-featured FTN mail reader)
Msged/TE (full-featured FTN mail reader)

Msged/TE is a part of Husky Fidosoft Project.
Husky is complete freeware suite of FidoNet applications.

2003-01-05T19:34:27+00:00 news/husky-htick Husky FTN file ticker
FTN File ticker, development version.

htick is a part of Husky Fidosoft Project.
Husky is complete freeware suite of Fidonet applications.

2003-01-05T19:34:27+00:00 news/husky-htick-devel Husky FTN file ticker (development version)
FTN File ticker, development version.

htick is a part of Husky Fidosoft Project.
Husky is complete freeware suite of Fidonet applications.

2003-01-05T19:34:27+00:00 news/husky-hpucode Scan for UUE in message base
Scan for UUE in message base

hpucode is a part of Husky Fidosoft Project.
Husky is complete freeware suite of Fidonet applications.

2003-01-05T19:34:27+00:00 news/husky-hptsqfix Fix message base
Fix message base

hptsqfix is a part of Husky Fidosoft Project.
Husky is complete freeware suite of Fidonet applications.

2003-01-05T19:34:27+00:00 news/husky-hptkill Area killing utility
Area killing utility

hptkill is a part of Husky Fidosoft Project.
Husky is complete freeware suite of Fidonet applications.

2003-01-05T19:34:27+00:00 news/husky-hpt Husky FTN tosser
Highly Portable Tosser (full-featured FTN tosser)

HPT is a part of Husky Fidosoft Project.
Husky is complete freeware suite of Fidonet applications.

2003-01-05T19:34:27+00:00 news/husky-fidoconf Husky FTN configuration library
Configuration library for Husky Fidosoft Project.
Development version.

Husky is complete freeware suite of Fidonet applications.

2003-01-05T19:34:27+00:00 news/husky-bsopack Binkley-style outbound netmail packer
Binkley-style outbound netmail packer

bsopack is a part of Husky Fidosoft Project.
Husky is complete freeware suite of Fidonet applications.

2003-01-05T19:34:27+00:00 news/husky-base Common files for Husky Fidosoft Project
Common files for Husky Fidosoft Project.

Husky is complete freeware suite of Fidonet applications.

2003-01-05T18:16:23+00:00 mail/p5-Mail-SpamAssassin-snapshot A highly efficient mail filter for identifying spam
SpamAssassin is a mail filter which attempts to identify spam using text
analysis and several internet-based realtime blacklists.

Using its rule base, it uses a wide range of heuristic tests on mail
headers and body text to identify "spam", also known as unsolicited
commercial email.

Once identified, the mail can then be optionally tagged as spam for later
filtering using the user's own mail user-agent application.

2003-01-05T18:16:23+00:00 mail/p5-Mail-SpamAssassin-devel
SpamAssassin is a mail filter which attempts to identify spam using text
analysis and several internet-based realtime blacklists.

Using its rule base, it uses a wide range of heuristic tests on mail
headers and body text to identify "spam", also known as unsolicited
commercial email.

Once identified, the mail can then be optionally tagged as spam for later
filtering using the user's own mail user-agent application.

2003-01-05T17:21:56+00:00 devel/ruby-rbbr GTK+2-based Ruby module browser
rbbr (RuBy BRowser) is a GTK+2-based Ruby module browser.

2003-01-05T17:04:59+00:00 science/openbabel Chemical toolbox designed to speak the many languages of chemical data
Open Babel is a project designed to pick up where Babel left off, as a
cross-platform program and library designed to interconvert between many
file formats used in molecular modeling and computational chemistry.

Features currently include:
* A huge variety of common chemical file formats
* Recognition of file type based on filename extension
* SMARTS matcher
* Flexible atom typer
* Gasteiger partial charge calculation
* Hydrogen addition and deletion
* Automatic feature perception (rings, hybridization, aromaticity)
* Multiple conformer storage within molecules
* Command line interface development class
* Bitvector class
* Open-source/Free Software under the GNU General Public License
* Cross platform (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, SGI, Solaris, Dreamcast...)

2003-01-05T10:22:49+00:00 games/scorched3d 3D version of the classic DOS game Scorched Earth
Scorched3d is a cross-platform multiplayer modernisation of the classic
DOS game Scorched Earth "The Mother Of All Games".

Scorched3d incorporates lively, fully destructible 3D landscapes that
include animated jets, naval vessels, water and even birds, with
detailed tanks and projectiles and stunning visual effects.

You should have 3D hardware accelleration enabled to enjoy a playable
FPS rate.

2003-01-05T10:22:49+00:00 games/scorched3d-devel Scorched is a game based loosely on the classic DOS game
Scorched is a game based loosely on the classic DOS game Scorched
Earth "The Mother Of All Games".

"Scorched Earth is a simple, yet exciting artillery combat
game, based on an auspicious history of artillery games."

(Review of Scorched Earth at

In its simplest form Scorched is an artillery game. Tanks take turns
to earn money by destroying opponents in an arena. Scorched attempts
to recreate the simple yet addictive game play of the original game,
adding amongst other new features a 3D island environment and LAN and
internet play.

You should have 3D hardware accelleration enabled to enjoy a playable
FPS rate.


- Guy P.
2003-01-05T00:11:39+00:00 databases/postgresql-libpqxx30 A new C++ interface for PostgreSQL
Welcome to libpqxx, the official C++ API to the PostgreSQL database
management system.

There are many similar libraries for PostgreSQL and for other
databases, some of them database-independent. Most of these, however,
are fairly C-like in their programming style, and fail to take
advantage of the full power of the C++ language as it has matured
since the acceptance of the Standard in 1996. What libpqxx brings you
is effective use of templates to reduce the inconvenience of dealing
with type conversions; of standard C++ strings to keep you from having
to worry about buffer allocation and overflow attacks; of exceptions
to take the tedious and error-prone plumbing around error handling out
of your hands; of constructors and destructors to bring resource
management under control; and even basic object-orientation to give
you some extra reliability features that would be hard to get with
most other database interfaces.

2003-01-05T00:11:39+00:00 databases/postgresql-libpqxx3 New C++ interface for PostgreSQL
Welcome to libpqxx, the official C++ API to the PostgreSQL database
management system.

There are many similar libraries for PostgreSQL and for other
databases, some of them database-independent. Most of these, however,
are fairly C-like in their programming style, and fail to take
advantage of the full power of the C++ language as it has matured
since the acceptance of the Standard in 1996. What libpqxx brings you
is effective use of templates to reduce the inconvenience of dealing
with type conversions; of standard C++ strings to keep you from having
to worry about buffer allocation and overflow attacks; of exceptions
to take the tedious and error-prone plumbing around error handling out
of your hands; of constructors and destructors to bring resource
management under control; and even basic object-orientation to give
you some extra reliability features that would be hard to get with
most other database interfaces.

2003-01-05T00:11:39+00:00 databases/postgresql-libpqxx New C++ interface for PostgreSQL
Welcome to libpqxx, the official C++ API to the PostgreSQL database
management system.

There are many similar libraries for PostgreSQL and for other
databases, some of them database-independent. Most of these, however,
are fairly C-like in their programming style, and fail to take
advantage of the full power of the C++ language as it has matured
since the acceptance of the Standard in 1996. What libpqxx brings you
is effective use of templates to reduce the inconvenience of dealing
with type conversions; of standard C++ strings to keep you from having
to worry about buffer allocation and overflow attacks; of exceptions
to take the tedious and error-prone plumbing around error handling out
of your hands; of constructors and destructors to bring resource
management under control; and even basic object-orientation to give
you some extra reliability features that would be hard to get with
most other database interfaces.

2003-01-05T00:03:13+00:00 databases/postgresql-libpq++ C++ interface for PostgreSQL
This is the C++ interface that has been shipped as part of PostgreSQL for
many releases. There is a newer C++ interface called libpqxx, which is
in a separate port, postgresql-libpqxx.

2003-01-04T11:46:10+00:00 french/spip A web publication system
SPIP est le système de publication développé par le
minirézo pour la gestion du site uZine.


- S.
2003-01-04T07:04:38+00:00 security/p5-Authen-SASL Perl5 module for SASL authentication
SASL is a generic mechanism for authentication used by
several network protocols. Authen::SASL provides an
implementation framework that all protocols should be able
to share.

2003-01-03T23:28:46+00:00 textproc/tei-xsl-html XSLT Stylesheets to convert TEI to HTML
XSLT Stylesheets to convert TEI to HTML


-- Henrik Motakef
2003-01-03T23:26:03+00:00 textproc/tei-xsl-fo XSLT Stylesheets to convert TEI to XSL Formatting Objects
XSLT Stylesheets to convert TEI to XSL Formatting Objects


-- Henrik Motakef
2003-01-03T23:23:26+00:00 textproc/maketeidtd Generate customized TEI-DTDs
A perl-script to generate customized TEI-DTDs by chosing element and entity
sets or providing user-defined modifications. Can generate either SGML or XML


-- Henrik Motakef
2003-01-03T23:20:01+00:00 textproc/tei-p4 DTD of the Text Encoding Initiative
The DTD of the Text Encoding Initiative allows encoding of a wide range
of document types in the domain of humanities. If focuses on, but is not
restricted to, the needs of the scholarly research and education community.

This port contains the TEI P4 DTD. It can be used to create documents that
conform to either SGML or XML.

2003-01-03T20:27:22+00:00 graphics/libgphoto2 Universal digital camera control library
libgphoto2 is a library that can be used by applications to access
various digital cameras.

2003-01-03T12:29:44+00:00 textproc/tei-p3 DTD of the Text Encoding Initiative
The DTD of the Text Encoding Initiative allows encoding of a wide range
of document types in the domain of humanities. If focuses on, but is not
restricted to, the needs of the scholarly research and education community.

This port contains the TEI P3 DTD. It can be used to create documents that
conform to either SGML or XML.

2003-01-03T12:21:19+00:00 textproc/tei-lite SGML version of the TEI-Lite DTD
The DTD of the Text Encoding Initiative allows encoding of a wide range
of document types in the domain of humanities. If focuses on, but is not
restricted to, the needs of the scholarly research and education community.

This port contains the SGML version of the TEI Lite DTD, a small
customization of the TEI DTD that should meet 90% of the needs of 90%
of users.

2003-01-03T12:16:48+00:00 textproc/tei-xlite XML version of the TEI-Lite DTD
The DTD of the Text Encoding Initiative allows encoding of a wide range
of document types in the domain of humanities. If focuses on, but is not
restricted to, the needs of the scholarly research and education community.

This port contains the XML version of the TEI Lite DTD, a small
customization of the TEI DTD that should meet 90% of the needs of 90%
of users.


-- Henrik Motakef
2003-01-03T12:12:29+00:00 textproc/tei-guidelines-p3 TEI's Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange
The DTD of the Text Encoding Initiative allows encoding of a wide range
of document types in the domain of humanities. If focuses on, but is not
restricted to, the needs of the scholarly research and education community.

This port contains the TEI P3 Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding
and Interchange.

2003-01-03T12:04:30+00:00 textproc/tei-guidelines-p4 TEI's Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange
The DTD of the Text Encoding Initiative allows encoding of a wide range
of document types in the domain of humanities. If focuses on, but is not
restricted to, the needs of the scholarly research and education community.

This port contains the TEI P4 Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding
and Interchange.

2003-01-03T11:51:59+00:00 textproc/carthage A parser and clean-up tool for SGML DTDs
A parser and clean-up tool for SGML DTDs.


- Henrik Motakef
2003-01-03T11:28:49+00:00 devel/py-yaml Python YAML parser
PyYAML is a YAML parser and emitter for the Python programming language.

PyYAML features:
* a complete YAML 1.1 parser. In particular, PyYAML can parse all examples
from the specification. The parsing algorithm is simple enough to be a
reference for YAML parser implementors.
* Unicode support including UTF-8/UTF-16 input/output and \u escape
* low-level event-based parser and emitter API (like SAX).
* high-level API for serializing and deserializing native Python objects
(like DOM or pickle).
* support for all types from the YAML types repository. A simple extension
API is provided.
* relatively sensible error messages.

2003-01-03T11:09:45+00:00 audio/vorbisgain Calculates the perceived sound level of an Ogg Vorbis file
VorbisGain is a utility that uses a psychoacoustic method to correct
the volume of an Ogg Vorbis file to a predefined standardized

It is meant as a replacement for the normalization that is commonly
used before encoding. Although normalization will ensure that each
song has the same peak volume, this unfortunately does not say
anything about the apparent loudness of the music, with the end
result being that many normalized files still don't sound equally
loud. VorbisGain uses psychoacoustics to address this deficiency.
Moreover, unlike normalization, it's a lossless procedure which
works by adding tags to the file. Additionally, it will add hints
that can be used to prevent clipping on playback. It is based upon
the ReplayGain technology.

The end result is that the file ends up with superior playback
quality compared to a non-VorbisGain'ed file.

It needs player support to work. Non-supporting players will play
back the files without problems, but you'll miss out on the benefits.

2003-01-03T07:58:23+00:00 www/twhttpd Secure HTTP Proxy
twhttpd is a powerful secure HTTP proxy.
twhttpd protects your internal Web server by acting as an inbound proxy
(like a reserve Squid proxy). It can also work as a secure outbound proxy
to protect your browser client. It allows you to inspect almost every
detail of the HTTP protocol headers, including the URL request line, the
server version, user-agent, referrer, cookie, query, etc., in a
easy-to-use script-like configuration file.
This program is generally considered an "Expert Tool"; you will need
knowledge of the HTTP protocol to configure the proxy properly.

2003-01-03T03:56:28+00:00 mail/twhttpd
twhttpd is a powerful secure HTTP proxy.
twhttpd protects your internal Web server by acting as an inbound proxy
(like a reserve Squid proxy). It can also work as a secure outbound proxy
to protect your browser client. It allows you to inspect almost every
detail of the HTTP protocol headers, including the URL request line, the
server version, user-agent, referrer, cookie, query, etc., in a
easy-to-use script-like configuration file.
This program is generally considered an "Expert Tool"; you will need
knowledge of the HTTP protocol to configure the proxy properly.


- Pieter
2003-01-03T03:49:50+00:00 x11-toolkits/gtk-sharp20 GTK+ and GNOME interfaces for the .NET runtime
Gtk# provides C# bindings for Gtk+ libraries to the .NET runtime.

2003-01-03T03:49:50+00:00 x11-toolkits/gtk-sharp10 GTK+ and GNOME interfaces for the .NET runtime
Gtk# provides C# bindings for Gnome libraries to the .NET runtime. This is
a port for the older bindings which.

2003-01-03T03:49:50+00:00 x11-toolkits/gtk-sharp GTK+ and GNOME interfaces for the .NET runtime
GTK# is a port of Gtk+ 2 to the .NET runtime, written in C#. It provides
access to both basic parts of GTK+ and other parts of the GNOME development

2003-01-03T03:49:50+00:00 x11-toolkits/gtk-sharp-devel GTK+ and GNOME interfaces for the .NET runtime
GTK# is a port of Gtk+ 2 to the .NET runtime, written in C#. It provides
access to both basic parts of GTK+ and other parts of the GNOME development

2003-01-03T03:43:55+00:00 mail/messagewall Free SMTP PROXY with filtering
MessageWall is an SMTP proxy. It sits between the outside world and
your mail server and keeps out viruses, spam, and mail relaying.
It offers filtering via header and body checks, DNS-based blacklists
for IP addresses (DNSBL) and domains (RHSBL), DNS-based distributed
checksumming (DNS DCC) similar to Vipul's Razor, and Open AntiVirus
pattern scanning. ke many existing ISP-level filtering solutions,
it offers customization of filtering features on a per-address
basis. Unlike SpamAssassin, it communicates via SMTP, so it works
with any MTA. It also supports scoring based on rules with a rejection
threshold; this allows hybrid warning/rejection configurations based
on how many and which rules a message matches.
2003-01-03T02:49:08+00:00 net/nrpe Nagios Remote Plugin Executor
nrpe is used to execute Nagios plugins on remote hosts and report the results
to the main Nagios server. From the Nagios homepage:

Allows you to execute "local" plugins (like check_disk, check_procs, etc.) on
remote hosts. The check_nrpe plugin is called from Nagios and actually makes
the plugin requests to the remote host. Requires that nrpe be running on the
remote host (either as a standalone daemon or as a service under inetd).

2003-01-03T02:49:08+00:00 net-mgmt/nrpe2 Nagios Remote Plugin Executor
nrpe is used to execute Nagios plugins on remote hosts and report the results
to the main Nagios server. From the Nagios homepage:

Allows you to execute "local" plugins (like check_disk, check_procs, etc.) on
remote hosts. The check_nrpe plugin is called from Nagios and actually makes
the plugin requests to the remote host. Requires that nrpe be running on the
remote host (either as a standalone daemon or as a service under inetd).

nrpe2 is incompatible with nrpe version 1, if you are running this version
see net-mgmt/nrpe. Both ports can be installed in parallel but share the same
configuration file by default. This is easily changed in the nrpe startup

2003-01-03T02:49:08+00:00 net-mgmt/nrpe Nagios Remote Plugin Executor
nrpe is used to execute Nagios plugins on remote hosts and report the results
to the main Nagios server. From the Nagios homepage:

Allows you to execute "local" plugins (like check_disk, check_procs, etc.) on
remote hosts. The check_nrpe plugin is called from Nagios and actually makes
the plugin requests to the remote host. Requires that nrpe be running on the
remote host (either as a standalone daemon or as a service under inetd).

2003-01-03T01:17:45+00:00 french/daCode A web publication system used by
daCode est un moteur de dépèches écrit en PHP. Ce genre d'application est
également appelé "gestionnaire de contenu", ou "Content Management System"
(CMS). Il fonctionne avec PHP 3 et 4, et nécessite l'utilisation d'une base
de données (MySQL ou PostgreSQL). Il peut également étre utilisé, en plus
d'une base de données, avec LDAP ou NIS.


- S.
2003-01-03T00:46:24+00:00 textproc/jdictionary-int-eng JDictionary plugin: Interlingua-English dictionary
jDictionary plugin: Interlingua-English dictionary
Dictionary database: International Auxiliary Language Association Inc.

2003-01-03T00:42:26+00:00 french/jdictionary-fre-hun JDictionary plugin: French-Hungarian dictionary
jDictionary plugin: French-Hungarian dictionary
Dictionary database: Reuss András and Szabó Richárd

2003-01-03T00:34:51+00:00 hungarian/jdictionary-eng-hun-expr JDictionary plugin: English-Hungarian expression dictionary
JDictionary plugin: English-Hungarian expression dicitonary
This dictionary contains approximately 30000 expressions.
Dictionary database created: Gabor Mandy

2003-01-03T00:22:41+00:00 hungarian/jdictionary-eng-hun JDictionary plugin: Hungarian-English dictionary
JDictionary-hun-eng - jDictionary plugin: Hungarian-English
This dictionary is based on Vonyo & Drotos dictionary.

2003-01-02T23:51:57+00:00 hungarian/hu-zipcodes Postal codes in Hungary / Magyarorszagi iranyitoszamok
Postal codes in Hungary.

Magyarorszagi iranyitoszamok ekezetesen. ~800KB uncomressed.

2003-01-02T23:37:59+00:00 hungarian/hu-phone Phone codes in Hungary / Magyarorszagi korzetszamok
Phone codes in Hungary

Magyarorszagi korzetszamok ekezetes formaban. ~42 KB uncompressed.

2003-01-02T19:57:54+00:00 devel/esdl Library for accessing SDL and OpenGL through Erlang
Esdl is library for accessing SDL and OpenGL through Erlang.

2003-01-02T15:07:43+00:00 sysutils/sformat Allows formatting/partitioning/analysis/repairing of SCSI disks
The main advantages to the Sun format utility are:
- Working surface analyze that will detect defective blocks that are going
to get bad.
- Analyzing program that detects defective bearings in the disk (-randrw).
- Will repair nearly any defective disk, that has no firmware bug or electric
- Allows to clear the grown defect list if a disk.
- Disk geometry and label geometry are separated.
- Allows cheating in the label geometry to deal with the problems with the
limitation to 16 bit data types in the Sun disk label.
- Large database of disks including firmware specials.
- You need no desk calculator to generate a partition table.
Shorthands for:
- MBytes
- cylinders/head/sectors
- size partition to end on end of disk
- partition following another partition
- partition ending before another partition
- shifting partition on the disk (allows growing part 0 and shrinking part 1)
- Partition consistency checker with (ascii) graphical display.
- Mode page interpreter allows to set easily all mode pages you will ever find
in a manual, sformat needs not to know about them.

NOTE: Sformat has its full functionality on SunOS/Solaris on sparc
and Motorola systems, on all other systems sformat will create
Sun disk labels with wrong byte-order, but formatting/analysis/
repair will work.
2003-01-02T12:42:09+00:00 databases/pydbdesigner Graphical designer for relational databases
PyDBDesigner is a graphical designer for relational databases.

2003-01-02T11:17:04+00:00 misc/p5-Business-OnlinePayment-PaymentsGateway A Business::OnlinePayment backend module for ACH Direct
A Business::OnlinePayment backend module for ACH Direct.
It is only useful if you have a merchant account with
2003-01-02T11:17:04+00:00 finance/p5-Business-OnlinePayment-PaymentsGateway Business::OnlinePayment backend module for ACH Direct
A Business::OnlinePayment backend module for ACH Direct.
It is only useful if you have a merchant account with
2003-01-02T11:16:08+00:00 misc/p5-Business-OnlinePayment-PayConnect A Business::OnlinePayment backend module for PaymentOne PayConnect
A Business::OnlinePayment backend module for aymentOne (formerly eBillit)
PayConnect. It is only useful if you have a merchant account with PaymentOne
(formerly eBillit):
2003-01-02T11:16:08+00:00 finance/p5-Business-OnlinePayment-PayConnect Business::OnlinePayment backend module for PaymentOne PayConnect
A Business::OnlinePayment backend module for aymentOne (formerly eBillit)
PayConnect. It is only useful if you have a merchant account with PaymentOne
(formerly eBillit):

2003-01-02T11:15:01+00:00 misc/p5-Business-OnlinePayment-Network1Financial A Business::OnlinePayment backend module for Network1 Financial
A Business::OnlinePayment backend module for Network1 Financial. It
is only useful if you have a merchant account with Network1Financial:
2003-01-02T11:15:01+00:00 finance/p5-Business-OnlinePayment-Network1Financial Business::OnlinePayment backend module for Network1 Financial
A Business::OnlinePayment backend module for Network1 Financial. It
is only useful if you have a merchant account with Network1Financial:

2003-01-02T11:13:49+00:00 misc/p5-Business-OnlinePayment-Jettis A Business::OnlinePayment backend module for Jettis
A Business::OnlinePayment backend module for Jettis.
2003-01-02T11:13:49+00:00 finance/p5-Business-OnlinePayment-Jettis Business::OnlinePayment backend module for Jettis
A Business::OnlinePayment backend module for Jettis.

2003-01-02T06:07:56+00:00 security/py-posix1e Python module for manipulating POSIX.1e ACLs
This module provides support for manipulating POSIX.1e ACLs.

2003-01-02T04:29:13+00:00 net/licq-jons-gtk-gui Jons GTK plugin for licq
A gtk gui plugin for the popular icq clone licq.

2003-01-01T20:02:42+00:00 textproc/rubygem-spreadsheet Ruby module to generate Microsoft Excel compatible files
The Spreadsheet Library is designed to read and write Spreadsheet Documents.
As of version 0.6.0, only Microsoft Excel compatible spreadsheets are
supported. Spreadsheet is a combination/complete rewrite of the
Spreadsheet::Excel Library by Daniel J. Berger and the ParseExcel Library by
Hannes Wyss. Spreadsheet can read, write and modify Spreadsheet Documents.

2003-01-01T20:02:42+00:00 textproc/rubygem-spreadsheet-excel A Ruby module to generate Microsoft Excel compatible files
This is Spreadsheet/Excel for Ruby, a module that allows you to
generate Microsoft Excel compatible files on any platform (also
readable by Gnumeric). It's a port of John McNamara's
Spreadsheet::WriteExcel Perl module.

Author: Daniel J. Berger <>
2003-01-01T20:02:42+00:00 textproc/ruby-spreadsheet-excel A Ruby module to generate Microsoft Excel compatible files
This is Spreadsheet/Excel for Ruby, a module that allows you to
generate Microsoft Excel compatible files on any platform (also
readable by Gnumeric). It's a port of John McNamara's
Spreadsheet::WriteExcel Perl module.

Author: Daniel J. Berger <>
2003-01-01T19:55:55+00:00 www/ruby-nora A rich set of Ruby libraries for Web applications
Nora is a rich set of Ruby libraries for Web applications, which

* CGI/mod_ruby/FastCGI/Rinda/Mail interface
* Persistent Framework
* multipart/form-data support
* Cookie support

Author: MoonWolf <>
2003-01-01T19:53:42+00:00 www/ruby-fcgi FastCGI library for Ruby
Ruby/fcgi is the FastCGI library for Ruby.

2003-01-01T19:51:32+00:00 net/ruby-jabber4r A Ruby library to connect to an existing Jabber account
This library was created to allow a Ruby application to connect to an
existing Jabber account as an additional resource.

This is not meant to be a library to create a complete Ruby-based
Jabber IM client. It was written for ease of use, not completeness. It
does support:

* Account registration
* Connection to an account (plain-text/digest)
* Access to Roster (buddy list)
* Tracking of presence of resources in the Roster (including local
account resources)
* Sending and receiving messages
* Managing subscriptions
* Pluggable xml parsers (rexml/xmlparser)

Author: Richard Kilmer <>
2003-01-01T18:29:32+00:00 games/hlserver-ts Half-Life mod The Specialists full server package for Linux
This package contains the files to run a FreeBSD Half-Life
The Specialists server under Linux emulation.

Firefights, depending from the various gameplays that will be listed,
will be both spectacular due to our stunt moves as well as spectacular
for a new implemented particellar system, new muzzle flashes and
weapons' realistic power. Players can shot down an enemy just with
a burst of 9mm as well as a single shotgun shot.

Users will be able to choose if behave as an action man (use of
light equipment, small caliber guns) taking advantage of their
agility or behave as a specialist using large caliber weapons, which
affect agility but improve firepower. Its also possible to close
any encounter with an headshot, which is, almost in all cases,
lethal. But now dont stay here, take a look to all The Specialists
(TS from now on) new features!

Visit these following web pages for more information:

2003-01-01T17:38:27+00:00 deskutils/checkrdf Tool for RDF site summaries based news-check
CheckRDF is a tool, consisting of a shell script and a Haskell program, for
downloading RDF site summaries and showing news in a text file and in an HTML
file. It is highly configurable.

2003-01-01T16:05:01+00:00 devel/ncurses-dialog
This is an enhanced version of the 'dialog' command. Quoting Thomas Dickey,
the ncurses developer, "DIALOG was written by Savio Lam <>
and modified by several people.

"Initially, I made fixes and reviewed the code to ensure that problems
reported were not related to ncurses. After that, I resumed development,
adding new widget types. See the changelog for details."


AlanE <>
2003-01-01T16:03:43+00:00 textproc/txt2tags Convert simply formatted text into markup (e.g., HTML)
txt2tags is a utility to turn simply formatted text into markup (e.g., HTML).

2003-01-01T16:02:33+00:00 www/netrik Text web browser, ambitious, in active development
The ANTRIK internet Viewer -- just the best text-mode WWW browser
around :-) , and maybe a bit more...

2003-01-01T16:00:45+00:00 sysutils/xstow Enhanced replacement for GNU stow written in C++
XStow is a replacement of GNU Stow written in C++. It supports all features
of Stow with some extensions.

XStow as GNU Stow, are programs for managing the installation of software
packages, keeping them separate (/usr/local/stow/emacs
vs. /usr/local/stow/perl, for example) while making them appear to be
installed in the same place (/usr/local).

2003-01-01T15:58:57+00:00 graphics/mgp-gallery A collection of various templates for magicpoint
This port is a collection of various templates for magicpoint, called
the MagicPoint Gallery.


--AlanE <>
2003-01-01T15:55:58+00:00 devel/kaptain Tool for building/running Qt GUIs for command line programs
Kaptain is a tool that lets you build a GUI for a command line program
in the form of a script. The program interprets that script to present
the graphical interface. The built interfaces use the Qt library.

2003-01-01T15:47:53+00:00 devel/makeplus Advanced build system for GNU Make
Make+ is a set of scripts which enhance GNU make.

The scripts replace the functionality of autoconf, automake, rpm,
dpkg and more, allowing you to build, install, make RPMs,
make Debian packages and more, all from a single maintainable
'Makefile+' script.

2003-01-01T15:46:55+00:00 devel/cdoc Extracts documentation from C source code comments
cdoc is perldoc-like documentation tool for C programs and libraries.
It takes inline embedded comments and turns them into manual pages.

2003-01-01T15:06:38+00:00 deskutils/knowit A note manager with tree organization that uses RTF for storage
KnowIt is a simple KDE tool for managing notes in a manner similar to
TuxCards. Notes are organized in tree-like hierarchy and can store data in a
rich text format, so that bold, italics, and lists are supported, as well as
any character set.

2003-01-01T15:04:51+00:00 audio/lplayer Qt program to queue lots of MP3s for random XMMS play
Longplayer is a QT program to queue lots of MP3s for random XMMS play.
According to the web page, it's "a matter of outqueuing them...".