This page is a slightly modified version of the following one-liner output. created_at: 2021-05-14T04:11:50+09:00
# git -C /usr/ports log --diff-filter=A --name-status --pretty="format:%aI %H" origin/master | perl -nlE '/^\d/ ? $d=$_ : print "$d\t$_"' | ack "\t[0-9a-z-]+/[^/ ]+/Makefile$"
timestamp | origin | comment / pkg-descr |
2019-12-31T16:36:33+00:00 | net-p2p/c-lightning |
Lightning Network implementation in C c-lightning is a lighweight, highly customizable and standard compliant implementation of the Lightning Network protocol. WWW: |
2019-12-30T18:44:40+00:00 | java/wildfly18 |
Java Jakarta EE8 application server developed by Red Hat WildFly is a flexible, lightweight, managed application runtime that helps you build amazing applications. WildFly - new name for JBoss Application Server Fast Startup Small Footprint Modular Design Unified Configuration and Management And of course Java EE / Jakarta EE! WWW: |
2019-12-30T18:28:24+00:00 | java/wildfly17 |
Java Jakarta EE8 application server developed by Red Hat WildFly is a flexible, lightweight, managed application runtime that helps you build amazing applications. WildFly - new name for JBoss Application Server Fast Startup Small Footprint Modular Design Unified Configuration and Management And of course Java EE / Jakarta EE! WWW: |
2019-12-30T16:55:39+00:00 | devel/rubygem-ruby2_keywords |
Shim library for Module\#ruby2_keywords ruby2_keywords provides empty Module#ruby2_keywords method, for the forward source-level compatibility against ruby2.7 and ruby3. WWW: |
2019-12-30T16:55:33+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-ebs |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS). WWW: WWW: |
2019-12-30T16:55:27+00:00 | devel/py-graphql-core2 |
GraphQL implementation for Python GraphQL-core is a port of graphql-js to Python. WWW: |
2019-12-30T09:15:29+00:00 | java/apache-commons-httpclient |
Package implementing the client side of the HTTP standard The Jakarta Commons HttpClient component provides an efficient, up-to-date, and feature-rich package implementing the client side of the most recent HTTP standards and recommendations. Designed for extension while providing robust support for the base HTTP protocol, the HttpClient component may be of interest to anyone building HTTP-aware client applications such as web browsers, web service clients, or systems that leverage or extend the HTTP protocol for distributed communication. WWW: |
2019-12-30T09:15:29+00:00 | java/apache-commons-dbcp |
Apache Commons Database Connection Pool The DBCP Component Many Jakarta projects support interaction with a relational database. Creating a new connection for each user can be time consuming (often requiring multiple seconds of clock time), in order to perform a database transaction that might take milliseconds. Opening a connection per user can be unfeasible in a publicly-hosted Internet application where the number of simultaneous users can be very large. Accordingly, developers often wish to share a "pool" of open connections between all of the application's current users. The number of users actually performing a request at any given time is usually a very small percentage of the total number of active users, and during request processing is the only time that a database connection is required. The application itself logs into the DBMS, and handles any user account issues internally. There are several Database Connection Pools already available, both within Jakarta products and elsewhere. This Commons package provides an opportunity to coordinate the efforts required to create and maintain an efficient, feature-rich package under the ASF license. The commons-dbcp package relies on code in the commons-pool package to provide the underlying object pool mechanisms that it utilizes. WWW: |
2019-12-30T09:15:29+00:00 | java/apache-commons-codec |
Implementations of common encoders and decoders Commons Codec provides implementations of common encoders and decoders such as Base64, Hex, various phonetic encodings, and URLs. WWW: |
2019-12-29T18:52:47+00:00 | misc/mnn |
Lightweight deep neural network inference engine MNN is a lightweight deep neural network inference engine. It loads models and does inference on devices. WWW: |
2019-12-29T17:32:30+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-outposts |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Outposts (Outposts) Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Outposts (Outposts). WWW: WWW: |
2019-12-29T17:32:23+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-networkmanager |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Network Manager (NetworkManager) Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Network Manager (NetworkManager). WWW: WWW: |
2019-12-29T17:32:17+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-kendra |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Kendra Frontend Service (Kendra) Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Kendra Frontend Service (Kendra). WWW: WWW: |
2019-12-29T17:32:11+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-frauddetector |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Fraud Detector Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Fraud Detector. WWW: WWW: |
2019-12-29T17:32:05+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-computeoptimizer |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Compute Optimizer Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Compute Optimizer. WWW: WWW: |
2019-12-29T17:31:58+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-codegurureviewer |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer (CodeGuruReviewer) Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer (CodeGuruReviewer). WWW: WWW: |
2019-12-29T17:31:52+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-codeguruprofiler |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon CodeGuru Profiler Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon CodeGuru Profiler. WWW: WWW: |
2019-12-29T17:31:45+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-augmentedairuntime |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Augmented AI Runtime Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Augmented AI Runtime. WWW: WWW: |
2019-12-29T17:31:32+00:00 | textproc/py-tomlkit |
Style-preserving TOML library TOML Kit is a 0.5.0-compliant TOML library. It includes a parser that preserves all comments, indentations, whitespace and internal element ordering, and makes them accessible and editable via an intuitive API. You can also create new TOML documents from scratch using the provided helpers. WWW: |
2019-12-29T17:31:27+00:00 | devel/py-pylev |
Pure Python Levenshtein implementation pylev is a pure Python Levenshtein implementation that's not freaking GPL'd. It is based off the Wikipedia code samples at WWW: |
2019-12-29T17:31:21+00:00 | devel/py-pastel |
Bring colors to your terminal Pastel is a simple library to help you colorize strings in your terminal. It comes bundled with predefined styles: - info: green - comment: yellow - question: black on cyan - error: white on red WWW: |
2019-12-29T17:31:14+00:00 | devel/py-clikit |
Utilities to build beautiful and testable command line interfaces CliKit is a group of utilities to build beautiful and testable command line interfaces. WWW: |
2019-12-29T17:31:08+00:00 | devel/py-cleo |
Create beautiful and testable command-line interfaces Cleo creates beautiful and testable command-line interfaces. Cleo is mostly a higher level wrapper for CliKit, so a lot of the components and utilities comes from it. WWW: |
2019-12-29T17:31:01+00:00 | devel/py-cachy |
Simple yet effective caching library Cachy provides a simple yet effective caching library. WWW: |
2019-12-29T17:30:55+00:00 | devel/py-cachecontrol |
httplib2 caching for requests CacheControl is a port of the caching algorithms in httplib2 for use with requests session object. It was written because httplib2's better support for caching is often mitigated by its lack of thread safety. The same is true of requests in terms of caching. WWW: |
2019-12-29T12:51:38+00:00 | devel/rubygem-sidekiq5 |
Simple, efficient background processing for Ruby Simple, efficient background processing for Ruby WWW: WWW: |
2019-12-29T12:47:32+00:00 | www/rubygem-async-pool |
Redis client library Async::Pool provides support for connection pooling both singleplex and multiplex resources. WWW: |
2019-12-29T12:47:26+00:00 | devel/rubygem-timeliness |
Fast date/time parser with customisable formats, timezone and I18n support Date/time parser for Ruby with the following features: - Extensible with custom formats and tokens. - It's pretty fast. Up to 60% faster than Time/Date parse method. - Control the parser strictness. - Control behaviour of ambiguous date formats (US vs European e.g. mm/dd/yy, dd/mm/yy). - I18n support (for months), if I18n gem loaded. - Fewer WTFs than Time/Date parse method. - Has no dependencies. Extracted from the validates_timeliness gem, it has been rewritten cleaner and much faster. It's most suitable for when you need to control the parsing behaviour. It's faster than the Time/Date class parse methods, so it has general appeal. WWW: |
2019-12-29T12:47:12+00:00 | devel/rubygem-sentry-raven29 |
Client interface for the Sentry error logger The official Ruby-language client and integration layer for the Sentry error reporting API. WWW: |
2019-12-29T12:47:06+00:00 | devel/rubygem-ms_rest_azure |
Azure Client Library for Ruby MsRestAzure is a library which supports the Azure clients (SDKs) generated with Autorest tool. It contains core logic and helper classes for error handling and authentication. Also it includes azure specific logic like long polling functionality and Azure application authentication. Usually it is not supposed to be used as a standalone gem but only as a dependency for generated client gems. WWW: WWW: |
2019-12-29T12:47:00+00:00 | devel/rubygem-ms_rest |
Azure Client Library for Ruby MsRest is a library which supports the clients (SDKs) generated with Autorest tool. It contains core logic and helper classes for error handling and authentication. Usually it is not supposed to be used as a standalone gem but only as a dependency for generated client gems. WWW: WWW: |
2019-12-29T12:46:53+00:00 | devel/rubygem-logger |
Simple logging utility for outputting messages Logger is a simple but powerful logging utility to output messages in your Ruby program. Logger has the following features: - Print messages to different levels such as info and error - Auto-rolling of log files - Setting the format of log messages - Specifying a program name in conjunction with the message WWW: |
2019-12-29T12:46:47+00:00 | devel/rubygem-forwardable |
Provides delegation of specified methods to a designated object The Forwardable module provides delegation of specified methods to a designated object, using the methods #def_delegator and #def_delegators. WWW: |
2019-12-29T12:46:41+00:00 | devel/rubygem-faraday-cookie_jar |
Cookie jar middleware for Faraday Faraday::CookieJar is a faraday middleware to manage client-side cookies. WWW: |
2019-12-29T12:46:35+00:00 | devel/rubygem-did_you_mean |
Save people from typos The gem that has been saving people from typos since 2014. Ruby 2.3 and later will automatically require this gem when a Ruby process starts up. WWW: |
2019-12-29T12:46:29+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-accessanalyzer |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Access Analyzer Official AWS Ruby gem for Access Analyzer. WWW: WWW: |
2019-12-29T12:46:23+00:00 | www/py-flask-json |
Better JSON support for Flask Flask-JSON is a simple extension that adds better JSON support to Flask application. Features: - Works on python 2.6, 2.7, 3.3+ and Flask 0.10+. - More ways to generate JSON responses (comparing to plain Flask). - Extended JSON encoding support. WWW: |
2019-12-29T12:46:17+00:00 | science/py-geomet |
GeoJSON <-> WKT/WKB conversion utilities GeoMet converts GeoJSON to WKT/WKB (Well-Known Text/Binary), and vice versa. Extended WKB/WKT are also supported. Conversion functions are exposed through idiomatic load/loads/dump/dumps interfaces. GeoMet is intended to cover all common use cases for dealing with 2D, 3D, and 4D geometries (including 'Z', 'M', and 'ZM'). WWW: |
2019-12-29T12:46:11+00:00 | math/py-hdbscan |
Clustering based on density with variable density clusters HDBSCAN - Hierarchical Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise. Performs DBSCAN over varying epsilon values and integrates the result to find a clustering that gives the best stability over epsilon. This allows HDBSCAN to find clusters of varying densities (unlike DBSCAN), and be more robust to parameter selection. In practice this means that HDBSCAN returns a good clustering straight away with little or no parameter tuning -- and the primary parameter, minimum cluster size, is intuitive and easy to select. HDBSCAN is ideal for exploratory data analysis; it's a fast and robust algorithm that you can trust to return meaningful clusters (if there are any). WWW: |
2019-12-29T12:46:06+00:00 | finance/py-quantecon |
Support all forms of quantitative economic modelling QuantEcon is an organization run by economists for economists with the aim of coordinating distributed development of high quality open source code for all forms of quantitative economic modelling. WWW: |
2019-12-29T00:20:16+00:00 | databases/phpmyadmin5 |
Set of PHP-scripts to manage MySQL over the web Currently phpMyAdmin can: * browse and drop databases, tables, views, columns and indexes * display multiple results sets through stored procedures or queries * create, copy, drop, rename and alter databases, tables, columns and indexes * maintain server, databases and tables, with proposals on server configuration * execute, edit and bookmark any SQL-statement, even batch-queries * load text files into tables * create and read dumps of tables * export data to various formats: CSV, XML, PDF, ISO/IEC 26300 - OpenDocument Text and Spreadsheet, Microsoft Word 2000, and LATEX formats * import data and MySQL structures from OpenDocument spreadsheets, as well as XML, CSV, and SQL files * administer multiple servers * manage MySQL users and privileges * check referential integrity in MyISAM tables * using Query-by-example (QBE), create complex queries automatically connecting required tables * create PDF graphics of your database layout * search globally in a database or a subset of it * transform stored data into any format using a set of predefined functions, like displaying BLOB-data as image or download-link * track changes on databases, tables and views * support InnoDB tables and foreign keys * support mysqli, the improved MySQL extension * create, edit, call, export and drop stored procedures and functions * create, edit, export and drop events and triggers * communicate in 62 different languages WWW: |
2019-12-28T12:23:15+00:00 | security/age |
Simple, modern and secure file encryption tool age is a simple, modern and secure encryption tool with small explicit keys, no config options, and UNIX-style composability. WWW: |
2019-12-28T07:43:16+00:00 | devel/rubygem-io-console |
Add console capabilities to IO instances Add console capabilities to IO instances. WWW: |
2019-12-28T06:56:03+00:00 | devel/rubygem-sprockets2 |
Ruby library that preprocesses and concatenates JavaScript files Sprockets is a Ruby library that preprocesses and concatenates JavaScript source files. It takes any number of source files and preprocesses them line-by-line in order to build a single concatenation. WWW: |
2019-12-28T06:55:57+00:00 | devel/rubygem-json-canonicalization |
Generates canonical JSON output from Ruby objects JSON::Canonicalization is an implementation of the JSON Canonicalization Scheme for Ruby. Cryptographic operations like hashing and signing depend on that the target data does not change during serialization, transport, or parsing. By applying the rules defined by JCS (JSON Canonicalization Scheme), data provided in the JSON [RFC8259] format can be exchanged "as is", while still being subject to secure cryptographic operations. JCS achieves this by building on the serialization formats for JSON primitives as defined by ECMAScript [ES6], constraining JSON data to the I-JSON [RFC7493] subset, and through a platform independent property sorting scheme. WWW: |
2019-12-28T06:55:50+00:00 | devel/rubygem-csv |
Interface to CSV files and data This library provides a complete interface to CSV files and data. It offers tools to enable you to read and write to and from Strings or IO objects, as needed. WWW: |
2019-12-28T06:55:44+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-schemas |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Schemas Official AWS Ruby gem for Schemas. WWW: WWW: |
2019-12-28T06:55:38+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-imagebuilder |
Official AWS Ruby gem for EC2 Image Builder (imagebuilder) Official AWS Ruby gem for EC2 Image Builder (imagebuilder). WWW: WWW: |
2019-12-28T06:55:32+00:00 | sysutils/py-upt-rubygems |
RubyGems frontend for upt This is the RubyGems frontend for upt (Universal Packaging Tool). WWW: |
2019-12-28T06:55:26+00:00 | sysutils/py-upt-cpan |
CPAN frontend for upt This is the CPAN frontend for upt (Universal Packaging Tool). WWW: |
2019-12-28T06:55:21+00:00 | www/py-requests-futures097 |
HTTP library written in Python for human beings Small add-on for the python requests http library. Makes use of python 3.2's concurrent.futures or the backport for prior versions of python. WWW: |
2019-12-28T06:55:15+00:00 | www/py-dj22-django-redis |
Full featured Redis cache/session backend for Django Django-redis is a BSD Licensed, full featured Redis cache/session backend for Django. Why use django-redis? * Modular client system (pluggable clients). * Master-Slave support in the default client. * Used in production in several projects as cache and session storage. * Supports infinite timeouts. * Python 3 support in same code base. * Facilities for raw access to Redis client/connection pool. * Highly configurable (can emulate memcached exception behavior, for example). * Unix sockets supported by default. * Pluggable parsers. WWW: |
2019-12-28T06:55:10+00:00 | graphics/py-pyglet12 |
Cross-platform windowing and multimedia library pyglet provides an object-oriented programming interface for developing games and other visually-rich applications for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. WWW: WWW: |
2019-12-27T20:11:07+00:00 | base/gcc6 |
GNU Compiler Collection GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection, support C and C++ suitable for the FreeBSD base system. WWW: |
2019-12-27T15:27:26+00:00 | www/rubygem-gitlab-puma_worker_killer |
Automatically restart Puma cluster workers based on max RAM available Automatically restart Puma cluster workers based on max RAM available. WWW: |
2019-12-27T15:27:26+00:00 | www/rubygem-gitlab-puma |
Fast, multithreaded and highly concurrent ruby web server Puma is a simple, fast, threaded, and highly concurrent HTTP 1.1 server for Ruby/Rack applications. Puma is intended for use in both development and production environments. In order to get the best throughput, it is highly recommended that you use a Ruby implementation with real threads like Rubinius or JRuby. WWW: |
2019-12-27T15:27:26+00:00 | devel/rubygem-gitlab-chronic |
Natural language date/time parser written in pure Ruby Chronic is a natural language date/time parser written in pure Ruby. WWW: |
2019-12-27T15:27:26+00:00 | databases/rubygem-marginalia |
Attach comments to your ActiveRecord queries Attach comments to your ActiveRecord queries. By default, it adds the application, controller, and action names as a comment at the end of each query. WWW: |
2019-12-27T07:14:31+00:00 | sysutils/py-upt |
Package software from any package manager to any distribution A unified CLI tool that converts a package from a language-specific package manager (such as PyPI or NPM) to an almost ready-to-use package for Free Unix-based operating systems (such as a GNU/Linux distribution or *BSD). WWW: |
2019-12-27T07:14:31+00:00 | sysutils/py-upt-pypi |
PyPI frontend for upt Universal Packaging Tool: PyPI frontend This is a PyPI frontend for upt. WWW: |
2019-12-27T07:14:31+00:00 | sysutils/py-upt-freebsd |
FreeBSD backend for upt Universal Packaging Tool: FreeBSD Ports backend This is a FreeBSD backend for upt. WWW: |
2019-12-24T08:27:27+00:00 | devel/py-pytest-factoryboy |
Factory approach to testing with the dependency injection Pytest-factoryboy makes it easy to combine factory approach to the test setup with the dependency injection, heart of the pytest fixtures. WWW: |
2019-12-24T08:03:19+00:00 | www/py-flask-mongoengine |
Flask extension that provides integration with MongoEngine Flask extension that provides integration with MongoEngine. It handles connection management for your app. You can also use WTForms as model forms for your models. WWW: |
2019-12-24T05:56:58+00:00 | databases/py-pony |
Pony ORM is easy to use and powerful object-relational mapper Using Pony object-relational mapper you can concentrate on writing business logic of your application and use Python syntax for interacting with the database. Pony translates such queries into SQL and executes them in the database in the most efficient way. WWW: |
2019-12-24T05:48:42+00:00 | www/py-flask-peewee |
Integration between the flask web framework and the peewee orm Flask-Peewee provides a layer of integration between the flask web framework and the peewee orm. Batteries included: - admin interface - authentication - rest api WWW: |
2019-12-24T05:24:03+00:00 | devel/py-pytest-translations |
Test translation files with pytest A py.test plugin to check gettext po & mo files. Test check for: - Spelling (using enchant & aspell) - Consistency of mo files - Obsolete translations - Fuzzy translations WWW: |
2019-12-24T00:36:34+00:00 | java/apache-bcel |
Apache Commons Byte Code Engineering Library The Byte Code Engineering Library (Apache Commons BCEL) is intended to give users a convenient possibility to analyze, create, and manipulate (binary) Java class files (those ending with .class). Classes are represented by objects which contain all the symbolic information of the given class: methods, fields and byte code instructions, in particular. Such objects can be read from an existing file, be transformed by a program (e.g. a class loader at run-time) and dumped to a file again. An even more interesting application is the creation of classes from scratch at run-time. The Byte Code Engineering Library (BCEL) may be also useful if you want to learn about the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and the format of Java .class files. BCEL is already being used successfully in several projects such as compilers, optimizers, obsfuscators and analysis tools, the most popular probably being the Xalan XSLT processor at Apache. WWW: |
2019-12-23T23:04:53+00:00 | devel/py-factory-boy |
Create comlex objects for testing purposes As a fixtures replacement tool, it aims to replace static, hard to maintain fixtures with easy-to-use factories for complex object. Instead of building an exhaustive test setup with every possible combination of corner cases, factory_boy allows you to use objects customized for the current test, while only declaring the test-specific fields WWW: |
2019-12-23T23:00:55+00:00 | textproc/py-text-unidecode |
Most basic Text::Unidecode port Text-unidecode is the most basic port of the Text::Unidecode Perl library. WWW: |
2019-12-23T22:54:29+00:00 | textproc/py-wtf-peewee |
Bridge between peewee models and wtforms Flask-WTF-Peewee, based on the code found in wtforms.ext, provides a bridge between peewee models and wtforms, mapping model fields to form fields. WWW: |
2019-12-23T19:12:59+00:00 | sysutils/glow |
Render markdown on the CLI, with pizzazz! Render markdown files within the terminal, posing a depth of customization and styles to fit your needs. WWW: |
2019-12-23T17:23:22+00:00 | editors/vscode |
Visual Studio Code - Open Source ("Code - OSS") VS Code is a type of tool that combines the simplicity of a code editor with what developers need for their core edit-build-debug cycle. It provides comprehensive editing and debugging support, an extensibility model, and lightweight integration with existing tools. WWW: |
2019-12-23T13:16:23+00:00 | security/p5-App-Acmeman |
Automatic management of ACME (Let's Encrypt) SSL certificates Perl module and command line utility for issuing and maintaining the ACME (Let's Encrypt) SSL certificates. While most existing ACME tools take a list of domain names for which to issue certificates from their command line or configuration file, acmeman gathers domain names directly from the configuration of the HTTP server that serves them, so domain name obtains its certificate automatically, once the administrator configures the HTTP server to serve it via HTTPS. The utility is normally run as a cron(8) job. WWW: |
2019-12-22T20:18:37+00:00 | www/py-flask-collect |
Tool to collect static files in one command This tool will help you collect static files in one command. It checks application and blueprints for static files and copy them to specific folder. WWW: |
2019-12-22T20:13:45+00:00 | databases/py-peewee_migrate |
Simple migration engine for Peewee Simple migration engine for Peewee WWW: |
2019-12-22T19:54:23+00:00 | games/homura |
Wine-based Game Launcher for FreeBSD Homura is a launcher that makes it easy to run Windows games/launcher easily on FreeBSD by providing the required fixes and workarounds. The Windows emulation is provided by Wine. WWW: |
2019-12-22T19:21:45+00:00 | lang/voc |
Vishap Oberon Compiler for Oberon-2 Vishap Oberon Compiler is a free and open source (GPLv3) implementation of the Oberon-2 language and libraries for use on conventional operating systems such as Linux, BSD, Android, Mac and Windows. WWW: |
2019-12-22T17:43:24+00:00 | www/mediawiki134 |
Wiki engine used by Wikipedia MediaWiki is the collaborative editing software that runs Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, and other projects. It's designed to handle a large number of users and pages without imposing too rigid a structure or workflow. WWW: |
2019-12-22T12:13:16+00:00 | emulators/ukncbtl |
UKNC (Elektronika MS-0511) emulator UKNCBTL - UKNC Back to Life! - is a cross-platform UKNC emulator. UKNC, also known as Elektronika MS-0511, is a Soviet educational computer based on two PDP-11 compatible processors KM1801VM2. WWW: |
2019-12-22T12:01:03+00:00 | deskutils/ktimetracker |
Todo management and time tracker KTimeTracker tracks time spent on various tasks. It is useful for tracking hours to be billed to different clients or just to find out what percentage of your day is spent playing Doom or reading Slashdot. WWW: |
2019-12-22T00:55:53+00:00 | math/csdp |
Solver for semidefinite programming problems CSDP is a library of routines that implements a predictor corrector variant of the semidefinite programming algorithm of Helmberg, Rendl, Vanderbei, and Wolkowicz. The main advantages of this code are that it is written to be used as a callable subroutine, it is written in C for efficiency, the code runs in parallel on shared memory multi-processor systems, and it makes effective use of sparsity in the constraint matrices. CSDP has been compiled on many different systems. The code should work on any system with an ANSI C Compiler and BLAS/LAPACK libraries. WWW: |
2019-12-21T23:16:45+00:00 | math/rehearse |
Algebraic modeling library in C++ for linear optimization solvers Rehearse is a C++ library designed to describe linear optimization problems programmatically. You can describe linear objectives and constraints using native C++ algebraic expressions, in a similar way you write a mathematical model on a paper. WWW: |
2019-12-21T16:02:34+00:00 | print/shrinkpdf |
Simple wrapper around Ghostscript to reduce the file size of PDFs A simple wrapper around Ghostscript to shrink PDFs (as in reduce filesize). The script feeds a PDF through Ghostscript, which performs lossy recompression by such methods as downsampling the images to 72dpi. The result should be (but not always is) a much smaller file. WWW: |
2019-12-21T07:41:41+00:00 | www/p5-Apache-Defaults |
Get default settings for Apache httpd daemon This module provides a mechanism for detecting version, default settings, and preloaded modules of the Apache httpd server. It does so by locating the server binary, invoking it with appropriate options and analyzing the output it produces. WWW: |
2019-12-21T07:41:41+00:00 | www/p5-Apache-Config-Preproc |
Preprocess Apache server configuration files Apache::Config::Preproc reads and parses Apache server configuration file, expanding the syntactic constructs selected by the -expand option. In the simplest case, the argument to that option is a reference to the list of names. Each name in the list identifies a module responsible for processing specific Apache configuration keywords. For convenience, most modules are named after the keyword they process, so that, e.g. include is responsible for inclusion of the files listed with Include and IncludeOptional statements. WWW: |
2019-12-20T22:56:37+00:00 | security/palisade |
PALISADE lattice cryptography library for Fully Homomorphic Encryption PALISADE is a general lattice cryptography library that currently includes efficient implementations of the following lattice cryptography capabilities: * Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) * Brakerski/Fan-Vercauteren (BFV) scheme for integer arithmetic * Brakerski-Gentry-Vaikuntanathan (BGV) scheme for integer arithmetic * Cheon-Kim-Kim-Song (CKKS) scheme for real-number arithmetic * Ducas-Micciancio (FHEW) and Chillotti-Gama-Georgieva-Izabachene (TFHE) schemes for Boolean circuit evaluation * Stehle-Steinfeld scheme for limited integer arithmetic * Multi-Party Extensions of FHE (to support multi-key FHE) * Threshold FHE for BGV, BFV, and CKKS schemes * Proxy Re-Encryption for BGV, BFV, and CKKS schemes * Digital Signature * Identity-Based Encryption * Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption WWW: |
2019-12-20T14:23:34+00:00 | devel/p5-Shell-GetEnv |
Extract shell environment after executing commands Shell::GetEnv provides facility for obtaining changes made to environment variables as the result of running shell scripts. It does this by causing a shell to invoke a series of user provided shell commands (some of which might source scripts) and having the shell process store its environment (using a short Perl script) into a temporary file, which is parsed by the Shell::Getenv. Communications with the shell subprocess may be done via standard IPC (via a pipe), or may be done via the Perl Expect module (necessary if proper execution of the shell script requires the shell to be attached to a "real" terminal). WWW: |
2019-12-20T13:48:50+00:00 | sysutils/cfengine315 |
Systems administration tool for networks Cfengine is an automated suite of programs for configuring and maintaining Unix-like computers. It has been used on computing arrays of between 1 and 20,000 computers since 1993 by a wide range of organizations. Cfengine is supported by active research and was the first autonomic, hands-free management system for Unix-like operating systems. Cfengine is an autonomic maintenance system not merely a change management roll-out tool. Cfengine has a history of security and adaptability. WWW: |
2019-12-20T13:48:50+00:00 | sysutils/cfengine-masterfiles315 |
cfengine sample policies for installations and upgrades CFEngine 3 is a popular open source configuration management system. Its primary function is to provide automated configuration and maintenance of large-scale computer systems. The repository is intended to provide a stable base policy for installations and upgrades, and is used by CFEngine 3.6 and newer. The port installs the repository as examples which should be copied by the user to the masterfiles directory (usually /var/cfengine/masterfiles). WWW: |
2019-12-20T05:18:17+00:00 | sysutils/cpuid2cpuflags |
Tool to generate CPU_FLAGS_* for your CPU The program attempts to obtain the identification and capabilities of the currently used CPU, and print the matching set of CPU_FLAGS_* flags for Gentoo Linux, but it could be useful for FreeBSD as well. The output format is compatible both with Portage (package.use) and Paludis (use.conf/options.conf). On x86 platforms, the program issues the CPUID instruction to obtain processor capabilities. On ARM platforms, the userspace processes are not allowed to obtain processor information directly. Instead, the program is relying on kernel identification of the CPU provided via the system interfaces. WWW: |
2019-12-18T21:16:38+00:00 | devel/freebsd-gcc9 |
Cross GNU Compiler Collection for ${TARGETARCH} GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection, supporting C and C++ for building the FreeBSD base system. WWW: |
2019-12-18T16:26:16+00:00 | graphics/kf5-kquickcharts |
KF5 QtQuick plugin providing high-performance charts The Quick Charts module provides a set of charts that can be used from QtQuick applications. They are intended to be used for both simple display of data as well as continuous display of high-volume data (often referred to as plotters). The charts use a system called distance fields for their accelerated rendering, which provides ways of using the GPU for rendering 2D shapes without loss of quality. WWW: |
2019-12-18T09:04:34+00:00 | sysutils/vector |
High performance logs, metrics, and events router Vector is an open-source utility for collecting, transforming, and routing logs, metrics, and events. WWW: |
2019-12-18T06:13:52+00:00 | multimedia/intel-media-sdk |
Hardware video decoding/encoding/filtering on Intel GPUs Intel(R) Media SDK provides a plain C API to access hardware-accelerated video decode, encode and filtering on Intel(R) Gen graphics hardware platforms. Implementation written in C++ 11 with parts in C-for-Metal (CM). Supported video encoders: HEVC, AVC, MPEG-2, JPEG, VP9 Supported video decoders: HEVC, AVC, VP8, VP9, MPEG-2, VC1, JPEG Supported video pre-processing filters: Color Conversion, Deinterlace, Denoise, Resize, Rotate, Composition WWW: |
2019-12-18T06:13:52+00:00 | multimedia/gstreamer1-plugins-msdk |
GStreamer (Intel MediaSDK) plugin |
2019-12-17T11:16:11+00:00 | www/py-webargs |
Python library for parsing and validating HTTP request objects webargs is a Python library for parsing and validating HTTP request objects, with built-in support for popular web frameworks, including Flask, Django, Bottle, Tornado, Pyramid, webapp2, Falcon, and aiohttp WWW: |
2019-12-17T03:14:37+00:00 | www/py-pecan |
WSGI object-dispatching web framework A WSGI object-dispatching web framework. Designed to be lean and fast with few dependencies. WWW: |
2019-12-16T14:51:13+00:00 | databases/p5-SQL-NamedPlaceholder |
Extension of placeholder SQL::NamedPlaceholder is extension of placeholder. This enable more readable and robust code. WWW: |
2019-12-16T11:42:51+00:00 | www/phalcon4 |
Phalcon PHP Framework written in C-language PhalconPHP is a web framework delivered as a C extension providing high performance and lower resource consumption. WWW: |
2019-12-16T06:58:50+00:00 | misc/py-gluonnlp |
MXNet-based toolkit to enable easy text, datasets preprocessing GluonNLP is a toolkit that enables easy text preprocessing, datasets loading and neural models building to help you speed up your Natural Language Processing (NLP) research. WWW: |
2019-12-16T06:08:43+00:00 | www/pomerium |
Identity-aware access proxy Pomerium is an identity-aware proxy that enables secure access to internal applications. Pomerium provides a standardized interface to add access control to applications regardless of whether the application itself has authorization or authentication baked-in. Pomerium gateways both internal and external requests, and can be used in situations where you'd typically reach for a VPN. Pomerium can be used to: - provide a single-sign-on gateway to internal applications. - enforce dynamic access policy based on context, identity, and device state. - aggregate access logs and telemetry data. - a VPN alternative. WWW: |
2019-12-16T01:43:15+00:00 | misc/py-gluoncv |
Gluon CV toolkit for state-of-the-art deep learning in computer vision GluonCV provides implementations of state-of-the-art (SOTA) deep learning algorithms in computer vision. It aims to help engineers, researchers, and students quickly prototype products, validate new ideas and learn computer vision. GluonCV features: * training scripts that reproduce SOTA results reported in latest papers * a large set of pre-trained models * carefully designed APIs and easy to understand implementations * community support WWW: |
2019-12-15T19:55:14+00:00 | misc/py-mxnet |
Apache MXNet: Ultra-scalable deep learning framework Apache MXNet is a deep learning framework designed for both efficiency and flexibility. It allows you to mix symbolic and imperative programming to maximize efficiency and productivity. At its core, MXNet contains a dynamic dependency scheduler that automatically parallelizes both symbolic and imperative operations on the fly. A graph optimization layer on top of that makes symbolic execution fast and memory efficient. MXNet is portable and lightweight, scaling effectively to multiple GPUs and multiple machines. MXNet is more than a deep learning project. It is a collection of blue prints and guidelines for building deep learning systems, and interesting insights of DL systems for hackers. WWW: |
2019-12-15T18:53:50+00:00 | misc/mxnet |
Apache MXNet: Ultra-scalable deep learning framework Apache MXNet is a deep learning framework designed for both efficiency and flexibility. It allows you to mix symbolic and imperative programming to maximize efficiency and productivity. At its core, MXNet contains a dynamic dependency scheduler that automatically parallelizes both symbolic and imperative operations on the fly. A graph optimization layer on top of that makes symbolic execution fast and memory efficient. MXNet is portable and lightweight, scaling effectively to multiple GPUs and multiple machines. MXNet is more than a deep learning project. It is a collection of blue prints and guidelines for building deep learning systems, and interesting insights of DL systems for hackers. WWW: |
2019-12-15T10:57:38+00:00 | security/py-ctypescrypto |
CTypes-based interface for some OpenSSL libcrypto features Most of the existing OpenSSL extensions implement interfaces to particular set of cryptoalgorthms. This extension takes another approach - it uses algorithm-agnostic EVP layer whenever possible, and so it support any algorithms which are supported by the underlying library, even this algorithms are implemented in the loadable modules (engines). Algorithms which were just added to the library should be supported too. WWW: |
2019-12-15T10:48:39+00:00 | misc/py-fleep |
File format determination library for Python fleep is a library that determines file format by file signature (also known as "magic number"). WWW: |
2019-12-15T09:24:44+00:00 | astro/py-ephem |
Compute positions of the planets and stars PyEphem provides an ephem Python package for performing high-precision astronomy computations. The underlying numeric routines are coded in C and are the same ones that drive the popular XEphem astronomy application, whose author, Elwood Charles Downey, generously gave permission for their use in PyEphem. The name ephem is short for the word ephemeris, which is the traditional term for a table giving the position of a planet, asteroid, or comet for a series of dates. WWW: WWW: |
2019-12-15T08:24:50+00:00 | astro/py-pymeeus |
Python implementation of Jean Meeus astronomical routines PyMeeus is a Python implementation of the astronomical algorithms described in the classical book "Astronomical Algorithms, 2nd Edition, Willmann-Bell Inc. (1998)" by Jean Meeus. WWW: |
2019-12-14T22:12:32+00:00 | misc/py-xgboost |
Scalable, Portable and Distributed Gradient Boosting (GBDT, GBRT, GBM) Scalable, Portable and Distributed Gradient Boosting (GBDT, GBRT or GBM) Library, for Python, R, Java, Scala, C++ and more. Runs on single machine, Hadoop, Spark, Flink and DataFlow. WWW: |
2019-12-14T21:37:35+00:00 | misc/xgboost |
Scalable, Portable and Distributed Gradient Boosting (GBDT, GBRT, GBM) Scalable, Portable and Distributed Gradient Boosting (GBDT, GBRT or GBM) Library, for Python, R, Java, Scala, C++ and more. Runs on single machine, Hadoop, Spark, Flink and DataFlow. WWW: |
2019-12-14T11:09:28+00:00 | devel/libsysctlmibinfo2 |
Sysctl MIB-Tree API (improved version) The sysctlmibinfo2 library provides an API to explore the sysctl MIB-Tree and to get the properties of an object, therefore it is useful to handle an object correctly and to build a sysctl-like utility. It implements wrappers around the sysctlinfo(4) interface and sysctlbyname_improved to provide a more easy interface, moreover it defines a 'struct sysctlmif_object' and provides a convenient API to build data structures of sysctlmif_object. WWW: |
2019-12-14T11:06:43+00:00 | sysutils/sysctlbyname-improved-kmod |
Internal sysctl object to implement an improved sysctlbyname(3) Kernel module to add the sysctl.objidextended_byname sysctl object to implement an improved sysctlbyname(3) clone to handle: * a name without a level, e.g., "security.jail.param.allow.mount." * a CTLTYPE_NODE with a defined handler, e.g., "<pid>" The sysctlbyname_improved() function and an example are provided, too. WWW: |
2019-12-14T01:11:49+00:00 | devel/py-apispec |
Pluggable API specification generator A pluggable API specification generator. Currently supports the OpenAPI Specification (f.k.a. the Swagger specification). Features: - Supports the OpenAPI Specification (versions 2 and 3) - Framework-agnostic - Utilities for parsing docstrings WWW: |
2019-12-13T23:39:22+00:00 | games/simutrans-pak64 |
Low resolution graphics set for Simutrans Pak64 is the evolution of the original Simutrans pakset, which now we call pak.Classic. Many artists contributed to this pakset since the 8 bit age. WWW: |
2019-12-13T23:39:22+00:00 | games/simutrans-pak128 |
High resolution graphics set for Simutrans When Simutrans could only support 64px size graphics, pak128 already started. First pak to feature a complex economy and have a very wide variety of objects. It contains roughly 7 times more graphic data than pak64 and thus requires by far the largest amount of RAM and processing power of all Simutrans sets. WWW: |
2019-12-13T23:39:22+00:00 | games/simutrans-pak128.german |
German graphics set for Simutrans Brings the German transportation system embedded in typical German towns and industries according to the respective topographic region (coasts, the Alps, etc.). Trains and lorries are taller than they are in standard pak128. Every building and factory has four views and each type of factory has different aspects. WWW: |
2019-12-13T22:36:11+00:00 | multimedia/mpv-mpris |
MPRIS plugin for mpv mpv-mpris is a plugin for mpv which allows control of the player using standard media keys. This plugin implements the MPRIS D-Bus interface and can be controlled using tools such as playerctl or through many Linux DEs, such as Gnome and KDE. WWW: |
2019-12-13T06:41:27+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-elasticinference |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Elastic Inference (Amazon Elastic Inference) Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Elastic Inference (Amazon Elastic Inference). WWW: WWW: |
2019-12-13T06:40:29+00:00 | www/py-dj22-django-model-utils |
Django model mixins and utilities django-model-utils provides Django model mixins and utilities and supports Django 1.8 to 2.0. WWW: WWW: |
2019-12-13T06:40:23+00:00 | textproc/py-tinycss2 |
Low-level CSS parser for Python tinycss2 is a low-level CSS parser and generator: it can parse strings, return Python objects representing tokens and blocks, and generate CSS strings corresponding to these objects. Based on the CSS Syntax Level 3 specification, tinycss2 knows the grammar of CSS but doesn't know specific rules, properties or values supported in various CSS modules. WWW: |
2019-12-13T06:40:17+00:00 | textproc/py-cssselect2 |
CSS selectors for Python ElementTree cssselect2 is a straightforward implementation of CSS3 Selectors for markup documents (HTML, XML, etc.) that can be read by ElementTree-like parsers (including cElementTree, lxml, html5lib, etc.) Unlike cssselect, it does not translate selectors to XPath and therefore does not have all the correctness corner cases that are hard or impossible to fix in cssselect. WWW: |
2019-12-13T06:40:11+00:00 | graphics/py-cairosvg |
Simple SVG Converter based on Cairo CairoSVG is a SVG converter based on Cairo. It can export SVG files to PDF, PostScript and PNG files. WWW: WWW: |
2019-12-13T06:40:05+00:00 | devel/py-pytest-isort |
py.test plugin to check import ordering using isort pytest-isort is a py.test plugin to check import ordering using isort. WWW: |
2019-12-13T05:34:59+00:00 | lang/intel-compute-runtime |
OpenCL implementation for Intel HD 5000 (Gen8) or newer The Intel(R) Graphics Compute Runtime for oneAPI Level Zero and OpenCL(TM) Driver is an open source project providing compute API support (Level Zero, OpenCL) for Intel graphics hardware architectures (HD Graphics, Xe). WWW: |
2019-12-13T01:57:26+00:00 | math/wavelib |
Wavelet Transform (DWT, SWT and MODWT) C Implementation of Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT,SWT and MODWT), Continuous Wavelet transform (CWT) and Discrete Packet Transform (Full Tree Decomposition and Best Basis DWPT). WWW: |
2019-12-13T00:48:23+00:00 | devel/rubygem-reline |
Alternative GNU Readline or Editline implementation by pure Ruby Reline is compatible with the API of Ruby's stdlib 'readline', GNU Readline and Editline by pure Ruby implementation. WWW: |
2019-12-12T14:02:10+00:00 | sysutils/syslog-ng325 |
Powerful syslogd replacement syslog-ng is an enhanced log daemon, supporting a wide range of input and output methods: syslog, unstructured text, message queues, databases (SQL and NoSQL alike) and more. Key features: * receive and send RFC3164 and RFC5424 style syslog messages * work with any kind of unstructured data * receive and send JSON formatted messages * classify and structure logs with builtin parsers (csv-parser(), db-parser(), ...) * normalize, crunch and process logs as they flow through the system * hand on messages for further processing using message queues (like AMQP), files or databases (like PostgreSQL or MongoDB). The official home page of syslog-ng is: WWW: |
2019-12-12T13:43:09+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-wafv2 |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS WAFV2 (WAFV2) Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS WAFV2 (WAFV2). WWW: WWW: |
2019-12-12T13:43:03+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-iotsecuretunneling |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS IoT Secure Tunneling Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS IoT Secure Tunneling. WWW: WWW: |
2019-12-12T13:42:56+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-appconfig |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon AppConfig (AppConfig) Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon AppConfig (AppConfig). WWW: WWW: |
2019-12-12T13:42:50+00:00 | devel/p5-AWS-Signature4 |
Create a version4 signature for Amazon Web Services AWS::Signature4 implement's Amazon Web Service's Signature version 4. WWW: |
2019-12-12T09:52:10+00:00 | java/apache-commons-pool |
Apache Commons Object-pooling API The Pool Component Pool provides an Object-pooling API, with three major aspects: 1. A generic object pool interface that clients and implementors can use to provide easily interchangable pooling implementations. 2. A toolkit for creating modular object pools. 3. Several general purpose pool implementations. WWW: |
2019-12-11T19:38:04+00:00 | textproc/p5-Unicode-Tussle |
Tom's Unicode Scripts So Life is Easier Tom's Unicode Scripts So Life is Easier. This is a collection of separate programs. WWW: |
2019-12-11T19:35:25+00:00 | korean/p5-Lingua-KO-Romanize-Hangul |
Romanization of Korean language Romanization of Korean language. WWW: |
2019-12-11T19:33:01+00:00 | korean/p5-Lingua-KO-Hangul-Util |
Utility functions for Hangul in Unicode Utility functions for Hangul in Unicode. WWW: |
2019-12-11T19:28:29+00:00 | japanese/p5-Lingua-JA-Romanize-Japanese |
Romanization of Japanese language Romanization of Japanese language. WWW: |
2019-12-11T19:25:33+00:00 | chinese/p5-Lingua-ZH-Romanize-Pinyin |
Romanization of Standard Chinese language Romanization of Standard Chinese language. Pinyin is a phonemic notation for Chinese characters. WWW: |
2019-12-10T23:00:10+00:00 | ports-mgmt/portgrep |
Parallel port search utility portgrep is a fast parallel ports tree search utility, supporting both predefined queries (by MAINTAINER, USES, etc.) and custom regex searches. WWW: |
2019-12-10T18:07:14+00:00 | devel/axmldec |
Stand-alone binary AndroidManifest.xml decoder AndroidManifest.xml file in an APK file is binary encoded. This tool accepts either a binary or a text XML file and prints the decoded XML to the standard output or a file. It also allows you to extract the decoded AndroidManifest.xml directly from an APK file. Popular tools such as Apktool are designed to process the whole APK file including the resource files for reverse engineering purpose. They may also need a Java virtual machine to run. As a result, they are too slow for batch processing many APK files just to get the XML information. In contrast, axmldec is specialized for binary XML decoding and written in simple modern C++, so it runs nicely within a shell script. WWW: |
2019-12-10T17:09:00+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-connectparticipant |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Connect Participant Service (Amazon Connect Participant) Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Connect Participant Service (Amazon Connect Participant). WWW: WWW: |
2019-12-10T14:29:52+00:00 | security/kdbxviewer |
ncurses GUI and command-line tool for KeePass2 Database files Command-line tool written in C for KeePass2 Database files (kdbx). It works completely read-only at the moment. Features: - ncurses GUI to browse and view password database - Dump raw, decrypted XML content with obscured passwords - Display tree structure with de-obscured (=readable) passwords - Get tab-separated (TSV/CSV) password list WWW: |
2019-12-10T10:50:04+00:00 | sysutils/minipot |
Mono-server installation of pot, nomad and consul Minipot is a set of configuration files and dependency that makes easy to run a single-node nomad-pot cluster in a VM or on your laptop. WWW: |
2019-12-09T21:07:13+00:00 | graphics/osg34 |
C++ OpenGL scene graph library for real-time rendering The Open Scene Graph is a cross-platform C++ OpenGL library for the real-time, photo-realistic rendering of large 3D models. Uses range from visual simulation, to scientific modelling, to games, to whatever you can think of! WWW: |
2019-12-09T20:05:45+00:00 | devel/gocheese |
Python private package repository and caching proxy GoCheese is Python private package repository and caching proxy. It serves two purposes: * proxying and caching of missing packages from upstream PyPI, conforming to PEP-0503 (Simple Repository API) * hosting of private locally uploaded packages, conforming to Warehouse Legacy API WWW: |
2019-12-09T18:49:59+00:00 | devel/termcolor |
Header-only C++ library for printing colored messages to the terminal Termcolor is a header-only C++ library for printing colored messages to the terminal. Written just for fun with a help of the Force. Termcolor uses ANSI color formatting, so you can use it on every system that is used such terminals (most *nix systems, including Linux and Mac OS). On Windows, WinAPI is used instead but some limitations are applied. WWW: |
2019-12-09T15:34:48+00:00 | net/py-pyenet |
Python wrapper for the ENet library by Lee Salzman pyenet is a python wrapper for the ENet library by Lee Salzman, WWW: |
2019-12-09T14:45:11+00:00 | sysutils/virt-what |
Utility to determine whether it is being run in virtual environment virt-what is a shell script which can be used to detect if the program is running in a virtual machine. virt-what supports a very large number of different hypervisor types, including common open source hypervisors (KVM, Xen, QEMU, VirtualBox), mainframe systems like IBM Systemz, LPAR, z/VM, hardware partitioning schemes like Hitachi Virtage, proprietary hypervisors like VMWare, Microsoft Hyper-V and much more. WWW: |
2019-12-09T00:09:54+00:00 | databases/p5-Redis-JobQueue |
Job queue management implemented using Redis server The Redis::JobQueue package is a set of Perl modules which allows creation of a simple job queue based on Redis server capabilities. * Supports the automatic creation of job queues, job status monitoring, updating the job data set, obtaining a consistent job from the queue, removing jobs, and the classification of possible errors. * Contains various reusable components that can be used separately or together. * Provides an object oriented API. * Support of storing arbitrary job-related data structures. * Simple methods for organizing producer, worker, and consumer clients. WWW: |
2019-12-08T21:40:58+00:00 | net/kpeoplevcard |
Datasource plugin for KPeople to read vCard files kpeoplevcard provides a datasource plugin for KPeople that reads vCard files from the local filesystem. It is currently used for KDE Connect and plasma- phonebook. WWW: |
2019-12-08T17:18:46+00:00 | math/sisl |
Spline library SISL is a comprehensive NURBS library for the modeling and interrogation of curves and surfaces. It is implemented in C. This software was written by the Geometry Group at SINTEF ICT, Department of Applied Mathematics. WWW: |
2019-12-08T16:49:49+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-migrationhubconfig |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Migration Hub Config Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Migration Hub Config. WWW: WWW: |
2019-12-08T16:49:43+00:00 | print/py-ttfautohint-py |
Python wrapper for ttfautohint ttfautohint-py is a Python wrapper for ttfautohint, a free auto-hinter for TrueType fonts. It uses ctypes to load the libttfautohint shared library and call the TTF_autohint function. WWW: |
2019-12-08T16:49:37+00:00 | print/py-fontaine |
Font analysis tool for determining character/glyph support pyfontaine analyses fonts for their language and character/glyph-set support. It has a straightforward pythonic set definition format in the internals directory. Additional definitions are downloaded from the Extensis, font-config and Unicode websites during installation, and can be updated without reinstalling. Adding your own definitions is easy. All files in the internals directory are auto-detected, so just add definition files there. WWW: |
2019-12-08T16:49:31+00:00 | biology/p5-Bio-Variation |
BioPerl variation-related functionality Bio::Variation::* provides BioPerl variation-related functionality. WWW: |
2019-12-08T16:49:25+00:00 | biology/p5-Bio-DB-NCBIHelper |
Collection of routines useful for queries to NCBI databases Bio::DB::NCBIHelper provides a single place to setup some common methods for querying NCBI web databases. This module just centralizes the methods for constructing a URL for querying NCBI GenBank and NCBI GenPept and the common HTML stripping done in postprocess_data(). WWW: |
2019-12-08T16:49:19+00:00 | biology/p5-Bio-DB-EMBL |
Database object interface for EMBL entry retrieval Bio::DB::EMBL allows the dynamic retrieval of sequence objects Bio::Seq from the EMBL database using the dbfetch script at EBI. In order to make changes transparent we have host type (currently only ebi) and location (defaults to ebi) separated out. This allows later additions of more servers in different geographical locations. The functionality of this module is inherited from Bio::DB::DBFetch which implements Bio::DB::WebDBSeqI. WWW: |
2019-12-08T16:49:13+00:00 | print/ttfautohint |
Automatic font hinting library ttfautohint provides a 99% automated hinting process and a platform for finely hand-hinting the last 1%. It is ideal for web fonts and supports many scripts: Latin, Greek, Arabic, Devanagari, Hebrew, Khmer, Myanmar, Thai, and many more. WWW: |
2019-12-08T10:28:13+00:00 | www/nginx-vts-exporter |
Server that scraps NGINX vts stats and export them via HTTP Simple server that scrapes Nginx vts stats and exports them via HTTP for Prometheus consumption. WWW: |
2019-12-07T18:26:36+00:00 | net/py-cloudscraper |
Python module to bypass Cloudflare's anti-bot page #' A simple Python module to bypass Cloudflare's anti-bot page (also known as "I'm Under Attack Mode", or IUAM), implemented with Requests. Cloudflare changes their techniques periodically, so I will update this repo frequently. This can be useful if you wish to scrape or crawl a website protected with Cloudflare. Cloudflare's anti-bot page currently just checks if the client supports Javascript, though they may add additional techniques in the future. Due to Cloudflare continually changing and hardening their protection page, cloudscraper requires a JavaScript Engine/interpreter to solve Javascript challenges. This allows the script to easily impersonate a regular web browser without explicitly deobfuscating and parsing Cloudflare's Javascript. WWW: |
2019-12-07T17:31:44+00:00 | lang/compute-runtime |
OpenCL library for Intel HD 5000 (Gen8) or newer The Intel(R) Graphics Compute Runtime for OpenCL(TM) is an open source project to converge Intel's development efforts on OpenCL(TM) compute stacks supporting the GEN graphics hardware architecture. WWW: |
2019-12-07T17:31:44+00:00 | devel/spirv-llvm-translator |
Bi-directional translation between SPIR-V and LLVM IR LLVM/SPIR-V Bi-Directional Translator is a library and tool for translation between LLVM IR and SPIR-V. WWW: |
2019-12-07T17:31:44+00:00 | devel/opencl-clang |
Clang wrapper to compile OpenCL C kernels to SPIR-V modules Common clang is a thin wrapper library around clang. Common clang has OpenCL-oriented API and is capable to compile OpenCL C kernels to SPIR-V modules. WWW: |
2019-12-07T17:31:44+00:00 | devel/intel-graphics-compiler |
Intel Graphics Compiler for OpenCL The Intel(R) Graphics Compiler for OpenCL(TM) is an LLVM-based compiler for OpenCL(TM) targeting Intel Gen graphics hardware architecture. WWW: |
2019-12-07T08:12:48+00:00 | devel/R-cran-RcppProgress |
Interruptible Progress Bar with OpenMP Support for C++ in R Packages Allows to display a progress bar in the R console for long running computations taking place in c++ code, and support for interrupting those computations even in multithreaded code, typically using OpenMP. WWW: |
2019-12-06T15:28:54+00:00 | www/py-dj22-djangoql |
Advanced search language for Django, with auto-completion Advanced search language for Django, with auto-completion. Supports logical operators, parenthesis, table joins, works with any Django models WWW: |
2019-12-06T15:28:54+00:00 | www/py-dj22-django-extensions |
Global custom management extensions for the Django Framework Global custom management extensions for the Django Framework. WWW: |
2019-12-06T09:56:21+00:00 | security/kpmenu |
Dmenu/rofi interface for KeePass Kpmenu is a tool written in go used to view a KeePass database via a dmenu, or rofi, interface WWW: |
2019-12-06T09:47:57+00:00 | math/R-cran-acepack |
ACE and AVAS for selecting multiple regression transformations acepack provides Alternative Conditional Expectations (ACE) and Additivity Variance Stabilization (AVAS) nonparametric methods for multiple regression transformations in R. WWW: |
2019-12-05T16:28:04+00:00 | x11-fonts/blackout |
Stencil font inspired by filling in sans-serif newspaper headlines Blackout is a stencil sans-serif font. Its author describes it in the following words: "Eats holes for breakfast lunch and dinner. Inspired by filling in sans-serif newspaper headlines. Continually updated with coffee and music. Makes your work louder than the next person's." The font comes in three styles: Midnight (solid), 2AM (reversed), & Sunrise (stroked). WWW: |
2019-12-05T16:19:36+00:00 | games/rawgl |
Another World engine reimplementation rawgl is a re-implementation of the engine used in the game Another World. WWW: |
2019-12-05T04:12:20+00:00 | math/teyjus |
Higher-order logic programming language Lambda Prolog The Teyjus system is an efficient implementation of the higher-order logic programming language Lambda Prolog. The main strength of Lambda Prolog, a language developed by Dale Miller and Gopalan Nadathur, is the support it offers for what is known as lambda tree syntax, a new and effective way to view the structure of complex syntactic objects such as types, formulas, proofs and programs. Lambda Prolog provides this support by using lambda terms as data representation devices and by including primitives for probing such terms in logically meaningful ways. The new features present in the language raise several implementation challenges that have been addressed in collaborative work between Nadathur and his students and colleagues. The name "Teyjus" actually stands both for a project and for a class of compiler and virtual machine based realizations of Lambda Prolog arising from the research carried out within this project. Underlying the most recent version of the Teyjus system is a new and significantly improved virtual machine that has been designed by Xiaochu Qi as part of her doctoral dissertation work at the University of Minnesota. This virtual machine extensively exploits a special form of higher-order unification known as pattern unification. WWW: |
2019-12-04T05:50:51+00:00 | math/cadical |
Simple CDCL satisfiability solver The goal of CaDiCaL is to provide a clean and efficient state-of-the-art CDCL solver, which is also easy to understand and change. WWW: |
2019-12-04T02:21:29+00:00 | graphics/urho3d |
Cross-platform 2D and 3D game engine Urho3D is a free lightweight, cross-platform 2D and 3D game engine implemented in C++ and released under the MIT license. Greatly inspired by OGRE and Horde3D. WWW: |
2019-12-04T00:27:34+00:00 | devel/rubygem-rgen |
Ruby modeling and generator framework RGen is a framework for Model Driven Software Development (MDSD) in Ruby. This means that it helps you build Metamodels, instantiate Models, modify and transform Models and finally generate arbitrary textual content from it. WWW: |
2019-12-03T22:53:19+00:00 | textproc/rubygem-puppet-strings |
Puppet documentation extraction and presentation tool Puppet Strings generates HTML documentation for Puppet extensions written in Puppet and Ruby. WWW: |
2019-12-03T02:26:29+00:00 | math/R-cran-sets |
Sets, Generalized Sets, Customizable Sets and Intervals Data structures and basic operations for ordinary sets, generalizations such as fuzzy sets, multisets, and fuzzy multisets, customizable sets, and intervals. WWW: |
2019-12-03T00:03:16+00:00 | www/py-django30 |
High-level Python Web Framework Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. Developed and used over the past two years by a fast-moving online-news operation, Django was designed from scratch to handle two challenges: the intensive deadlines of a newsroom and the stringent requirements of experienced Web developers. It has convenient niceties for developing content-management systems, but it's an excellent tool for building any Web site. WWW: |
2019-12-02T21:33:33+00:00 | net/tcprtt |
Measures the TCP handshake RTT using the stats(9) statistics framework The tcprtt utility reliably measures the TCP handshake round trip time using the stats(9) statistics framework. |
2019-12-02T19:29:49+00:00 | audio/spotify-tui |
Spotify for the terminal written in Rust Spotify terminal client written in rust. Play music directly from your terminal, find new artists, search for your favourite music and more. WWW: |
2019-12-02T18:16:49+00:00 | games/veloren |
Multiplayer voxel RPG written in Rust Veloren is a multiplayer voxel RPG written in Rust. Veloren takes inspiration from games such as Cube World, Minecraft and Dwarf Fortress. The game is currently under heavy development, but is playable. WWW: |
2019-12-02T14:06:17+00:00 | net/mrtparse |
MRT format data parser Tool to read and analyze the MRT format data. The MRT format can be used to export routing protocol messages, state changes, and routing information base contents, and is defined in RFC6396. WWW: |
2019-12-02T03:40:49+00:00 | emulators/qemu-user-static-devel |
QEMU CPU Emulator (github bsd-user branch) QEMU is a FAST! processor emulator using dynamic translation to achieve good emulation speed. QEMU has two operating modes: * Full system emulation. In this mode, QEMU emulates a full system (for example a PC), including a processor and various peripherials. It can be used to launch different Operating Systems without rebooting the PC or to debug system code. * User mode emulation (Linux host only). In this mode, QEMU can launch Linux processes compiled for one CPU on another CPU. It can be used to launch the Wine Windows API emulator or to ease cross-compilation and cross-debugging. As QEMU requires no host kernel patches to run, it is very safe and easy to use. This port builds static bsd-user targets named like qemu-mips-static. While still being experimental, people have already built many armv6/mips/mips64 ports using these and, e.g., poudriere. Some notes are also here: WWW: |
2019-12-02T00:17:31+00:00 | math/octave-forge-matgeom |
Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME} The octave-forge package is the result of The GNU Octave Repositry project, which is intended to be a central location for custom scripts, functions and extensions for GNU Octave. contains the source for all the functions plus build and install scripts. This is matgeom. Geometry toolbox for 2D/3D geometric computing. WWW: |
2019-12-01T17:52:12+00:00 | math/py-arviz |
Package for exploratory analysis of Bayesian models ArviZ is a Python package for exploratory analysis of Bayesian models. Includes functions for posterior analysis, sample diagnostics, model checking, and comparison. The goal is to provide backend-agnostic tools for diagnostics and visualizations of Bayesian inference in Python, by first converting inference data into xarray objects. See here for more on xarray and ArviZ usage and here for more on InferenceData structure and specification. WWW: |
2019-12-01T15:50:28+00:00 | www/rss-bridge |
RSS feed generator for websites missing it RSS-Bridge is a PHP project capable of generating RSS and Atom feeds for websites which don't have one. It can be used on webservers or as stand alone application in CLI mode. WWW: |
2019-12-01T11:07:13+00:00 | audio/somafm-cli |
Listen to SomaFM in your terminal Stream your favorite music channels from within a terminal using mpv. WWW: |
2019-12-01T06:37:27+00:00 | x11/squeekboard |
On-screen keyboard for Wayland Squeekboard is a virtual keyboard supporting Wayland, built primarily for the Librem 5 phone. WWW: |
2019-11-30T21:37:41+00:00 | audio/bshapr-lv2 |
Beat/envelope shaper LV2 plugin B.Shapr is an envelope plugin for time or beat position-dependent effects. The user can define up to four different envelope shapes by drawing Bezier curves. Each of these envelope shapes can be connected to different target effects, such as amplification, balance, stereo width, filters, pitch shift, delay, and distortion effecs and can be combined together. WWW: |
2019-11-30T04:42:23+00:00 | graphics/tweeny |
Modern C++ tweening library Tweeny is an inbetweening library designed for the creation of complex animations for games and other beautiful interactive software. It leverages features of modern C++ to empower developers with an intuitive API for declaring tweenings of any type of value, as long as they support arithmetic operations. The goal of Tweeny is to provide means to create fluid interpolations when animating position, scale, rotation, frames or other values of screen objects, by setting their values as the tween starting point and then, after each tween step, plugging back the result. WWW: |
2019-11-30T04:26:54+00:00 | misc/perkeep |
Storage system: Storing, syncing, sharing, modelling, backing up files Perkeep (nee Camlistore) is a set of open source formats, protocols, and software for modeling, storing, searching, sharing and synchronizing data in the post-PC era. Data may be files or objects, tweets or 5TB videos, and you can access it via a phone, browser or FUSE filesystem. It's a way to store, sync, share, import, model, and back up content. WWW: |
2019-11-30T04:05:42+00:00 | devel/pegtl |
Parsing Expression Grammar Template Library The Parsing Expression Grammar Template Library (PEGTL) is a zero-dependency C++ header-only parser combinator library for creating parsers according to a Parsing Expression Grammar (PEG). WWW: |
2019-11-30T02:37:58+00:00 | net/dhcpcd-devel |
DHCP/IPv4LL/IPv6RS/DHCPv6 client dhcpcd is a DHCP/IPv4LL/IPv6RS/DHCPv6 client. It can also act as a network manager, responding to new interfaces, listening for carrier up/down events and managing routes. dhcpcd-9 introduces a number of security improvements: - privilege separation operations are performed across multiple processes, and those which do not require root privileges are run as the unprivileged _dhcp user - sanboxed with capsicum(4) processes run in capability mode, limiting their access and therefore the potential impact of security vulnerabilities This is an experimental version for testing purposes. WWW: |
2019-11-30T02:22:17+00:00 | net/grpcox |
Web based GUI client for gRPC Turn PCurl into web based UI, extremely easy to use. Features: * Recognize and provide list of services and methods inside it as an options. * Automatically recognize schema input and compose it into JSON based. (ensure your gRPC server supports server reflection). * Save established connection, and reuse it for next invoke/request (also can close/restart connection). WWW: |
2019-11-30T01:55:41+00:00 | net/grpcui |
Interactive web UI for gRPC, along the lines of postman grpcui is a command-line tool that lets you interact with gRPC servers via a browser. It's like Postman, but for gRPC APIs instead of REST. In some ways, this is like an extension to grpcurl. Whereas grpcurl is a command-line interface, grpcui provides a web/browser-based GUI. This lets you interactively construct requests to send to a gRPC server. With this tool you can also browse the schema for gRPC services, which is presented as a list of available endpoints. This is enabled either by querying a server that supports server reflection, by reading proto source files, or by loading in compiled "protoset" files (files that contain encoded file descriptor protos). In fact, the way the tool transforms JSON request data into a binary encoded protobuf is using that very same schema. So, if the server you interact with does not support reflection, you will either need the proto source files that define the service or need protoset files that grpcui can use. WWW: |
2019-11-29T19:40:18+00:00 | math/abella |
Interactive theorem prover Abella is an interactive theorem prover based on lambda-tree syntax. This means that Abella is well-suited for reasoning about the meta-theory of programming languages and other logical systems which manipulate objects with binding. For example, the following applications are included in the distribution of Abella. WWW: |
2019-11-29T01:58:05+00:00 | misc/opennn |
Open neural networks library OpenNN is a software library written in C++ for advanced analytics. It implements neural networks, the most successful machine learning method. The main advantage of OpenNN is its high performance. This library outstands in terms of execution speed and memory allocation. It is constantly optimized and parallelized in order to maximize its efficiency. Some typical applications of OpenNN are business intelligence (customer segmentation, churn prevention...), health care (early diagnosis, microarray analysis...) and engineering (performance optimization, predictive maitenance...). OpenNN does not deal with computer vision or natural language processing. WWW: |
2019-11-28T16:52:27+00:00 | www/thirtybees |
Mature e-commerce solution thirty bees is a matured e-commerce solution which once started as a fork of PrestaShop and is still compatible with (almost) all PS 1.6 modules. Its focus is on stability, correctness and reliability of the rich feature set, to allow merchants to focus on growing their business. WWW: |
2019-11-27T18:46:13+00:00 | cad/ktechlab |
IDE for microcontrollers and electronics KTechlab has been designed to be as easy to use and unintrusive as possible. All components and FlowParts have context sensitive help, and simulating electronics is as simple as dragging components onto the work area and creating connectors that autoroute themselves between their pins. FlowCode allows users new to PICs to instantly create their own programs, while the electronic simulation allows stepping through a PIC's assembly program inside a circuit. WWW: |
2019-11-27T18:08:43+00:00 | sysutils/logstash7 |
Server-side data ingestion and transformation tool Logstash is an open source, server-side data processing pipeline that ingests data from a multitude of sources simultaneously, transforms it, and then sends it to your favorite "stash." WWW: |
2019-11-27T10:19:30+00:00 | multimedia/kodi-addon-peripheral.joystick-devel |
Joystick support for Kodi This add-on provides joystick drivers and button mapping services for Kodi. It uses Kodi's Peripheral API. This port is for multimedia/kodi-devel only. WWW: |
2019-11-27T08:42:45+00:00 | audio/ncspot |
Ncurses Spotify client Ncspot is a Spotify client written in Rust. It is heavily inspired by ncurses MPD clients, such as ncmpc. It provides a simple and resource friendly alternative to the official client as well as support for platforms that currently do not have a Spotify client, such as the BSDs. Ncspot requires a Spotify Premium account. WWW: |
2019-11-26T22:11:11+00:00 | misc/mmdnn |
Tools to inter-operate among different deep learning frameworks MMdnn is a set of tools to help users inter-operate among different deep learning frameworks. E.g. model conversion and visualization. Convert models between Caffe, Keras, MXNet, Tensorflow, CNTK, PyTorch Onnx and CoreML. A comprehensive, cross-framework solution to convert, visualize and diagnose deep neural network models. The "MM" in MMdnn stands for model management and "dnn" is an acronym for the deep neural network. Major features: * Find model - We provide a model collection to help you find some popular models - We provide a model visualizer to display the network architecture more intuitively * Conversion - We implement a universal converter to convert DNN models between frameworks, which means you can train on one framework and deploy on another * Retrain - In the converter, we can generate some training/inference code snippet to simplify the retrain/evaluate work * Deployment WWW: |
2019-11-26T16:36:06+00:00 | graphics/yacreader |
Yet another comic reader YACReader is a free cross-platform comic reader with support for multiple comic files and image formats. YACReader comes with YACReaderLibrary an application for browsing and managing your comic collections with various smooth transition effects. WWW: |
2019-11-26T16:36:06+00:00 | archivers/unarr |
Decompression library for RAR, TAR, ZIP and 7z* archives It was forked from unarr, which originated as a port of the RAR extraction features from The Unarchiver project required for extracting images from comic book archives. Zeniko wrote unarr as an alternative to libarchive which didn't have support for parsing filters or solid compression at the time. While (lib)unarr was started with the intent of providing unarr with a proper cmake based build system suitable for packaging and cross-platform development, it's focus has now been extended to provide code maintenance and to continue the development of unarr, which no longer is maintained. WWW: |
2019-11-26T10:27:13+00:00 | net/haproxy21 |
Reliable, high performance TCP/HTTP load balancer HAProxy is a free, very fast and reliable solution offering high availability, load balancing, and proxying for TCP and HTTP-based applications. It is particularly suited for web sites crawling under very high loads while needing persistence or Layer7 processing. WWW: |
2019-11-25T22:14:50+00:00 | sysutils/k4dirstat |
KDE utility that sums up disk usage for directory trees KDirStat (for KDE Directory Statistics) is a small utility program that sums up disk usage for directory trees. Its functionality is similar to the Unix du command, but it provides more helpful diagnostic information. KDirStat also features some built-in cleanup facilities and the ability to include your own cleanup commands or scripts. WWW: |
2019-11-25T20:30:24+00:00 | devel/ros-catkin |
CMake-based build system that is used to build all packages in ROS Catkin is a collection of cmake macros and code to build ROS packages From the ROS Wiki: catkin is the official build system of ROS and the successor to the original ROS build system, rosbuild. catkin combines CMake macros and Python scripts to provide some functionality on top of CMake's normal workflow. catkin was designed to be more conventional than rosbuild, allowing for better distribution of packages, better cross-compiling support, and better portability. catkin's workflow is very similar to CMake's but adds support for automatic 'find package' infrastructure and building multiple, dependent projects at the same time. The name catkin comes from the tail-shaped flower cluster found on willow trees -- a reference to Willow Garage where catkin was created. WWW: |
2019-11-25T13:55:22+00:00 | devel/electron6 |
Build cross-platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS Build cross platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. It's easier than you think. If you can build a website, you can build a desktop app. Electron is a framework for creating native applications with web technologies like JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. It takes care of the hard parts so you can focus on the core of your application. WWW: |
2019-11-25T09:43:08+00:00 | emulators/qemu31 |
QEMU CPU Emulator - 3.1.X version QEMU is a FAST! processor emulator using dynamic translation to achieve good emulation speed. QEMU has two operating modes: * Full system emulation. In this mode, QEMU emulates a full system (for example a PC), including a processor and various peripherials. It can be used to launch different Operating Systems without rebooting the PC or to debug system code. * User mode emulation (Linux host only). In this mode, QEMU can launch Linux processes compiled for one CPU on another CPU. It can be used to launch the Wine Windows API emulator or to ease cross-compilation and cross-debugging. As QEMU requires no host kernel patches to run, it is very safe and easy to use. See also the preconfigured system images on Many live cd isos also work. WWW: |
2019-11-25T01:08:26+00:00 | devel/cppurses |
Terminal User Interface framework with NCurses CPPurses is a Terminal User Interface(TUI) Library built on top of ncurses. It defines a framework of Widgets, Layouts, and Events that let you focus on user interface design, while boilerplate common to ncurses applications is handled behind the scenes. CPPurses contains a collection of common Widgets that can be pieced together to create a composite application. It is also possible to expand and build on top of existing Widgets, or to create completely new Widget types, by overriding a few virtual functions. WWW: |
2019-11-24T18:52:56+00:00 | irc/eggdrop16 |
The most popular open source Internet Relay Chat bot Eggdrop is the world's most popular open source Internet Relay Chat (IRC) bot. Originally created by Robey Pointer in December 1993, it has spawned an almost cult like following of users. It is a feature rich program designed to be easily used and expanded upon (using Tcl scripting) by both novice and advanced IRC users on a variety of hardware and software platforms. WWW: |
2019-11-24T18:23:10+00:00 | misc/py-onnx-tf |
Tensorflow backend for ONNX (Open Neural Network Exchange) TensorFlow Backend and Frontend for ONNX allowing ONNX to inter-operate with TensofFlow. WWW: |
2019-11-24T18:23:10+00:00 | misc/onnx |
Open Neural Network eXchange Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX) is an open ecosystem that empowers AI developers to choose the right tools as their project evolves. ONNX provides an open source format for AI models, both deep learning and traditional ML. It defines an extensible computation graph model, as well as definitions of built-in operators and standard data types. Currently we focus on the capabilities needed for inferencing (scoring). ONNX is widely supported and can be found in many frameworks, tools, and hardware. Enabling interoperability between different frameworks and streamlining the path from research to production helps increase the speed of innovation in the AI community. We invite the community to join us and further evolve ONNX. WWW: |
2019-11-24T17:48:33+00:00 | misc/py-tflite |
Parse TensorFlow Lite models in Python Python package to parse TFLite models (*.tflite) easily. The tflite package is built to parse the TFLite models from the schema.fbs file supplied in the TensorFlow project. WWW: |
2019-11-24T17:19:12+00:00 | misc/py-tvm |
Deep learning compiler stack for cpu, gpu and specialized accelerators The Python bindings for TVM. TVM is a compiler stack for deep learning systems. It is designed to close the gap between the productivity-focused deep learning frameworks, and the performance- and efficiency-focused hardware backends. TVM works with deep learning frameworks to provide end to end compilation to different backends. WWW: |
2019-11-24T11:47:35+00:00 | chinese/taipeisanstc |
Taipei Sans TC Taipei Sans TC is re-edited based on the KR version of Source Han Sans. Most Han characters in daily life of the Traditional Chinese world have been applied unified print style and contemporary Han character characteristics. Taipei Sans TC retains all Han characters (including Chinese simplified Hanzi, Japanese Kanji and Korean Hanja) and Japanese Kana from Source Han Sans. Han characters not originally included in the KR version still retain their characteristics from the CN (SC), JP or TW (TC) version. WWW: |
2019-11-24T09:59:17+00:00 | misc/tvm |
Deep learning compiler stack for cpu, gpu and specialized accelerators TVM is a compiler stack for deep learning systems. It is designed to close the gap between the productivity-focused deep learning frameworks, and the performance- and efficiency-focused hardware backends. TVM works with deep learning frameworks to provide end to end compilation to different backends. WWW: |
2019-11-24T02:10:46+00:00 | x11/py-i3ipc |
Improved Python library to control i3wm and sway i3's interprocess communication (or ipc) is the interface i3wm uses to receive commands from client applications such as i3-msg. It also features a publish/subscribe mechanism for notifying interested parties of window manager events. i3ipc-python is a Python library for controlling the window manager. This project is intended to be useful for general scripting, and for applications that interact with the window manager like status line generators, notification daemons, and window pagers. WWW: |
2019-11-23T20:27:28+00:00 | misc/py-tflearn |
Modular and transparent deep learning library on top of TensorFlow TFlearn is a modular and transparent deep learning library built on top of Tensorflow. It was designed to provide a higher-level API to TensorFlow in order to facilitate and speed-up experimentations, while remaining fully transparent and compatible with it. WWW: |
2019-11-23T14:21:03+00:00 | sysutils/fusefs-httpdirfs |
FUSE filesystem to mount HTTP directory listings, with a permanent cache HTTPDirFS stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Directory Filesystem. It may be used to to mount HTTP directory listings as if it was a partition. HTTP connections are reused due to the use of cURL-multi interface. The FUSE component runs in multithreaded mode. There is a permanent cache system which can cache all the file segments that have been downloaded. The support for Airsonic / Subsonic server is also included. This allows the user to mount a remote music collection locally. WWW: |
2019-11-23T11:35:41+00:00 | net-mgmt/mysql-snmp |
Net-SNMP Perl agent for monitoring MySQL servers mysql-snmp is a MySQL Net-SNMP agent written in Perl, and using the Net-SNMP Perl bindings. It connects to a MySQL server and returns information to Net-SNMP when needed. It parses SHOW INNODB STATUS and other MySQL status variables. WWW: |
2019-11-23T10:33:23+00:00 | textproc/rubygem-rouge312 |
Simple, easy-to-extend drop-in replacement for pygments Rouge aims to a be a simple, easy-to-extend drop-in replacement for pygments. WWW: |
2019-11-23T05:11:09+00:00 | cad/librepcb |
Schematic and PCB editing software LibrePCB is a free EDA software to develop printed circuit boards. Key Features: * Cross-platform * All-in-one (project management, library/schematic/board editors) * Intuitive, modern and easy-to-use graphical user interface * Very powerful library design with some innovative concepts * Human-readable file formats WWW: |
2019-11-22T15:28:20+00:00 | textproc/rubygem-diff_match_patch |
Ruby implementation of Google diff_match_patch Ruby implementation of Google diff_match_patch. WWW: |
2019-11-22T15:28:20+00:00 | mail/rubygem-premailer-rails-rails52 |
Improve the rendering of HTML emails This gem brings you the power of the premailer gem to Rails without any configuration needs. Create HTML emails, include a CSS file as you do in a normal HTML document and premailer will inline the included CSS. WWW: |
2019-11-22T15:28:20+00:00 | devel/rubygem-google-protobuf38 |
Ruby extension to Google Protocol Buffers rubygem-google-protobuf is a Ruby extension that implements Protocol Buffers functionality. It makes use of generated Ruby code that defines message and enum types in a Ruby DSL. You may write definitions in this DSL directly, but we recommend using protoc's Ruby generation support with .proto files. The build process in this directory only installs the extension; you need to install protoc as well to have Ruby code generation functionality. WWW: WWW: |
2019-11-22T14:17:48+00:00 | net-p2p/parity-ethereum |
Fast and advanced Ethereum client Parity is the fastest and most advanced Ethereum client. Built for mission-critical use: miners, service providers, and exchanges need fast synchronisation and maximum uptime. Parity Ethereum provides the core infrastructure essential for speedy and reliable services. * Clean, modular codebase for easy customisation * Advanced CLI-based client * Minimal memory and storage footprint * Synchronise in hours, not days with Warp Sync * Modular for light integration into your service or product WWW: |
2019-11-22T12:15:37+00:00 | sysutils/toybox |
All-in-one command line Toybox combines common command line utilities together into a single BSD-licensed executable that's simple, small, fast, reasonably standards-compliant, and powerful. WWW: |
2019-11-22T00:50:06+00:00 | games/mancala |
Implementation of the simple board game called Mancala Implementation of the simple board game called Mancala. Contains both a user unfriendly character based interface, and a nice, user friendly X11 interface. Be warned: If you just bother to read the rules, you may get hooked on this! WWW: |
2019-11-21T19:27:39+00:00 | databases/redis4 |
Persistent key-value database with built-in net interface Redis is an open source, advanced key-value store. It is often referred to as a data structure server since keys can contain strings, hashes, lists, sets and sorted sets. You can run atomic operations on these types, like appending to a string; incrementing the value in a hash; pushing to a list; computing set intersection, union and difference; or getting the member with highest ranking in a sorted set. In order to achieve its outstanding performance, Redis works with an in-memory dataset. Depending on your use case, you can persist it either by dumping the dataset to disk every once in a while, or by appending each command to a log. Redis also supports trivial-to-setup master-slave replication, with very fast non-blocking first synchronization, auto-reconnection on net split and so forth. WWW: |
2019-11-21T07:56:02+00:00 | cad/caneda |
EDA software suite focused on ease of use and portability Caneda is an open source EDA software suite focused on ease of use and portability. Its main goal is to handle the complete design process: schematic capture, simulation and circuit layout or PCB. Caneda aims to support all kinds of circuit simulation types, e.g. DC, AC, S-parameter and harmonic balance analysis. WWW: |
2019-11-21T00:54:43+00:00 | multimedia/wlrobs |
Wayland screen capture plugin for obs-studio wlrobs is an obs-studio plugin that allows you to screen capture on wlroots-based Wayland compositors. WWW: |
2019-11-20T17:27:26+00:00 | www/yarn-node12 |
2019-11-20T16:20:14+00:00 | graphics/R-cran-farver |
High Performance Colour Space Manipulation The encoding of colour can be handled in many different ways, using different colour spaces. As different colour spaces have different uses, efficient conversion between these representations are important. The 'farver' package provides a set of functions that gives access to very fast colour space conversion and comparisons implemented in C++, and offers speed improvements over the 'convertColor' function in the 'grDevices' package. WWW: |
2019-11-20T09:51:43+00:00 | devel/gradle5 |
Project automation tool Gradle is build automation evolved. Gradle can automate the building, testing, publishing, deployment and more of software packages or other types of projects such as generated static websites, generated documentation or indeed anything else. Gradle combines the power and flexibility of Ant with the dependency management and conventions of Maven into a more effective way to build. Powered by a Groovy DSL and packed with innovation, Gradle provides a declarative way to describe all kinds of builds through sensible defaults. Gradle is quickly becoming the build system of choice for many open source projects, leading edge enterprises and legacy automation challenges. WWW: |
2019-11-20T06:09:23+00:00 | math/ensmallen |
Flexible C++ library for efficient mathematical optimization ensmallen provides a simple set of abstractions for writing an objective function to optimize. It also provides a large set of standard and cutting-edge optimizers that can be used for virtually any mathematical optimization task. These include full-batch gradient descent techniques, small-batch techniques, gradient-free optimizers, and constrained optimization. WWW: |
2019-11-19T18:53:22+00:00 | devel/freebsd-gcc6 |
Cross GNU Compiler Collection for ${TARGETARCH} GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection, supporting C and C++ for building the FreeBSD base system. WWW: |
2019-11-19T02:54:34+00:00 | www/moodle38 |
Course management system based on social constructionism Moodle is a course management system (CMS) - a free, Open Source software package designed using sound pedagogical principles, to help educators create effective online learning communities. You can use it on any computer you have handy (including webhosts), yet it can scale from a single-teacher site to a 40,000-student University. WWW: |
2019-11-19T00:34:16+00:00 | x11-wm/picom |
Lightweight X11 compositor Picom (formerly a Compton fork) is a standalone compositor for X11 for window managers without built-in compositing. Features: - Rendering with optional VSync via OpenGL or XRender - Transparent windows, menus, titlebars, borders - Shadows and colored shadows - Fading effects - Bluring of background - GLSL fragment shader for window contents - Conditional settings - Config, log and PID file support - Remote control via DBus WWW: |
2019-11-18T18:10:23+00:00 | lang/v |
V Programming Language The V programming language is a simple, fast, safe, compiled language for developing maintainable software. WWW: WWW: |
2019-11-18T15:10:27+00:00 | net/cloudflared |
Cloudflare's Argo Tunnel client cloudflared is the command-line client for Argo Tunnel, a tunneling daemon that proxies any local webserver through the cloudflare network. Argo Tunnel exposes applications running on your local web server, on any network with an Internet connection, without adding DNS records or configuring a firewall or router. It just works. WWW: |
2019-11-17T08:05:03+00:00 | japanese/font-hackgen |
HackGen is a composite font of Hack and GenJyuu-Gothic HackGen is a composite font of Hack and GenJyuu-Gothic. WWW: |
2019-11-17T07:05:23+00:00 | audio/stone-phaser-lv2 |
Classic analog phaser effect, made with DPF and Faust A classic analog phaser effect This is an analog phaser with similarity to the Small Stone. It has a color switch, which makes the phasing stronger when on, and adds some feedback controls. A stereo variant of the phaser is included. WWW: |
2019-11-17T06:15:39+00:00 | audio/midiomatic-lv2 |
Collection of MIDI filter, generator and processor plugins A collection of MIDI filter, generator and processor plugins. * MIDI CCRecorder * MIDI PBToCC * MIDI SysFilter WWW: |
2019-11-17T05:55:56+00:00 | audio/mclk-lv2 |
Midi clock generator LV2 plugin mclk.lv2 is MIDI Clock and MIDI realtime-message generator. It can run freely with dedicated BPM, start/stop/continue controls or generate MIDI Clock using host-provided musical time. mclk.lv2 supports Transport, Song-Position and MIDI Clock and allows to only generate a subset. WWW: |
2019-11-17T01:03:04+00:00 | security/zeek |
System for detecting network intruders in real-time Zeek (formerly known as Bro) is an open-source, Unix-based Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS) that passively monitors network traffic and looks for suspicious activity. Zeek detects intrusions by first parsing network traffic to extract its application-level semantics and then executing event-oriented analyzers that compare the activity with patterns deemed troublesome. Its analysis includes detection of specific attacks (including those defined by signatures, but also those defined in terms of events) and unusual activities (e.g., certain hosts connecting to certain services, or patterns of failed connection attempts). Zeek is documented in the USENIX 1998 Security Conference proceedings (as Bro). WWW: |
2019-11-16T21:56:11+00:00 | devel/R-cran-optparse |
Command line flag parser inspired by Python's optparse Command line parser inspired by Python's 'optparse' library to be used with Rscript to write "#!" shebang scripts that accept short and long flag/options. WWW: |
2019-11-16T20:08:55+00:00 | lang/spidermonkey60 |
Standalone JavaScript based from Mozilla 60-esr Spidermonkey is the JavaScript interpreter from the Mozilla project. WWW: |
2019-11-16T16:50:42+00:00 | devel/R-cran-getopt |
Accept short and long flags in Rscript Package designed to be used with Rscript to write "#!" shebang scripts that accept short and long flags/options. Many users will prefer using instead the packages optparse or argparse which add extra features like automatically generated help option and usage, support for default values, positional argument support, etc. WWW: |
2019-11-16T16:35:02+00:00 | devel/geany-themes |
Additional color schemes for the Geany IDE A collection of color schemes for the Geany lightweight IDE. WWW: |
2019-11-16T03:56:37+00:00 | math/clingo |
Grounder and solver for logic programs Answer Set Programming (ASP) offers a simple and powerful modeling language to solve combinatorial problems. With these tools users can concentrate on an actual problem, rather than a smart way of implementing it. WWW: |
2019-11-15T15:04:01+00:00 | x11/ly |
TUI (ncurses-like) display manager for X and Wayland Ly is a lightweight TUI (ncurses-like) display manager for Linux and BSD. It supports both X11 and Wayland sessions. WWW: |
2019-11-15T13:21:14+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-sesv2 |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES V2) Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES V2). WWW: WWW: |
2019-11-15T13:21:08+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-dataexchange |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Data Exchange Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Data Exchange. WWW: WWW: |
2019-11-15T01:23:03+00:00 | www/py-crossplane |
NGINX configurations converter into JSON and back Crossplane is reliable and fast NGINX configuration file parser and builder, it's quick and reliable way to convert NGINX configurations into JSON and back. WWW: |
2019-11-14T21:26:53+00:00 | databases/rubygem-mysql204 |
Simple, fast MySQL library for Ruby, binding to libmysql The Mysql2 gem is meant to serve the extremely common use-case of connecting, querying and iterating on results. Some database libraries out there serve as direct 1:1 mappings of the already complex C API's available. This one is not. WWW: |
2019-11-14T16:16:14+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-marketplacecatalog |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Marketplace Catalog Service (AWS Marketplace Catalog) Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Marketplace Catalog Service (AWS Marketplace Catalog). WWW: WWW: |
2019-11-14T00:43:21+00:00 | graphics/glew-wayland |
2019-11-13T23:47:27+00:00 | graphics/py-visvis |
Object oriented approach to visualization of 1D to 4D data Visvis is a pure Python library for visualization of 1D to 4D data in an object oriented way. Essentially, visvis is an object oriented layer of Python on top of OpenGL, thereby combining the power of OpenGL with the usability of Python. A Matlab-like interface in the form of a set of functions allows easy creation of objects (e.g. plot(), imshow(), volshow(), surf()). With visvis a range of different data can be visualized by simply adding world objects to a scene (or axes). These world objects can be anything from plots (lines with markers), to images, 3D rendered volumes, shaded meshes, or you can program your own world object class. If required, these data can also be moved in time. WWW: |
2019-11-13T23:47:20+00:00 | graphics/py-pyrsgis |
Processing satellite data directly from TAR files PyRSGIS is a powerful module to read, manipulate and export geo-rasters. The module is built on the GDAL library, and is very efficient for various geospatial analysis. WWW: |
2019-11-13T23:47:15+00:00 | math/py-matplotlib-scalebar |
Artist for matplotlib to display a scale bar Provides a new artist for matplotlib to display a scale bar, aka micron bar. It is particularly useful when displaying calibrated images plotted using plt.imshow(...). WWW: |
2019-11-13T23:24:38+00:00 | devel/rubygem-cucumber-tag_expressions1 |
Cucumber tag expressions for Ruby Tag Expressions provide a simple query language for tags. The simplest tag expression is simply a single tag. WWW: |
2019-11-13T23:24:32+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-ssooidc |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS SSO OIDC (SSO OIDC) Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS SSO OIDC (SSO OIDC). WWW: WWW: |
2019-11-13T23:24:26+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-sso |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Single Sign-On (SSO) Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Single Sign-On (SSO). WWW: WWW: |
2019-11-13T23:24:20+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-savingsplans |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Savings Plans (AWSSavingsPlans) Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Savings Plans (AWSSavingsPlans). WWW: WWW: |
2019-11-13T23:24:14+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-codestarnotifications |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS CodeStar Notifications Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS CodeStar Notifications. WWW: WWW: |
2019-11-13T23:24:08+00:00 | www/py-dj22-django-crispy-forms |
Best way to have Django DRY forms The best way to have Django DRY forms. Build programmatic reusable layouts out of components, having full control of the rendered HTML without writing HTML in templates. All this without breaking the standard way of doing things in Django, so it plays nice with any other form application. The application mainly provides: - A filter named |crispy that will render elegant div based forms. Think of it as the built-in methods: as_table, as_ul and as_p. You cannot tune up the output, but it is easy to start using it. - A tag named {% crispy %} that will render a form based on your configuration and specific layout setup. This gives you amazing power without much hassle, helping you save tons of time. WWW: WWW: |
2019-11-12T21:59:27+00:00 | deskutils/terminal-image-viewer |
Display images in terminals using RGB ANSI codes & unicode characters Small C++ program to display images in a (modern) terminal using RGB ANSI codes and unicode block graphic characters. There are various similar tools (such as timg) using the unicode half block character to display two 24bit pixels per character cell. This program enhances the resolution by mapping 4x8 pixel cells to different unicode characters, using the following algorithm: For each 4x8 pixel cell of the (potentially downscaled) image: * Find the color channel (R, G or B) that has the biggest range of values for the current cell. * Split this range in the middle and create a corresponding bitmap for the cell. * Compare the bitmap to the assumed bitmaps for various unicode block graphics characters. * Re-calculate the foreground and background colors for the chosen character. WWW: |
2019-11-12T21:21:48+00:00 | graphics/py-pyvips |
Binding for the libvips image processing library This module wraps the libvips image processing library. WWW: |
2019-11-12T10:54:59+00:00 | www/httpdirfs |
FUSE filesystem to mount HTTP directory listings, with a permanent cache Have you ever wanted to mount those HTTP directory listings as if it was a partition? Look no further, this is your solution. HTTPDirFS stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Directory Filesystem. The performance of the program is excellent. HTTP connections are reused due to the use of curl-multi interface. The FUSE component runs in multithreaded mode. There is a permanent cache system which can cache all the file segments you have downloaded, so you don't need to these segments again if you access them later. This feature is triggered by the --cache flag. This makes this filesystem much faster than rclone mount. The support for Airsonic / Subsonic server has also been added. This allows you to mount a remote music collection locally. WWW: |
2019-11-12T03:24:56+00:00 | misc/cheat |
Create and view interactive cheatsheets on the command-line cheat allows you to create and view interactive cheatsheets on the command-line. It was designed to help remind *nix system administrators of options for commands that they use frequently, but not frequently enough to remember. WWW: |
2019-11-11T17:57:53+00:00 | www/redmine4 |
Flexible project management web application Redmine is a flexible project management web application written using Ruby on Rails framework, it is cross-platform and cross-database. Feature Overview: * Multiple projects support * Flexible role based access control * Flexible issue tracking system * Gantt chart and calendar * News, documents & files management * Feeds & email notifications * Per project wiki * Per project forums * Time tracking * Custom fields for issues, time-entries, projects and users * SCM integration (SVN, CVS, Git, Mercurial, Bazaar and Darcs) * Issue creation via email * Multiple LDAP authentication support * User self-registration support * Multilanguage support * Multiple databases support WWW: |
2019-11-11T17:46:26+00:00 | textproc/rubygem-actionpack-xml_parser52 |
XML parameters parser for Action Pack actionpack-xml_parser is an XML parameters parser for Action Pack (removed from core in Rails 4.0). WWW: WWW: |
2019-11-11T17:46:26+00:00 | mail/rubygem-roadie-rails52 |
Helper for generating HTML mails in Rails applications Hooks Roadie into Rails applications to help with HTML email generation. WWW: |
2019-11-11T12:36:02+00:00 | multimedia/librav1e |
2019-11-11T12:35:45+00:00 | devel/cargo-c |
Cargo C-ABI helpers cargo applet to build and install C-ABI compatibile dynamic and static libraries. It produces and installs a correct pkg-config file, a static library and a dynamic library, and a C header to be used by any C (and C-compatible) software. WWW: |
2019-11-10T15:37:37+00:00 | x11-wm/chamfer |
Tiling X11 window manager with Vulkan compositor Chamferwm is a dynamic tiling window manager with a built-in Vulkan based compositor. Besides aiming to be a fully featured and highly configurable window manager, significant effort is put to provide a complete control over the appearance of the desktop. With its shader based customization system, Chamferwm enables rendering of arbitrary window decorations, borders and effects, maximizing the potential for visual personalization. Window manager: - Dynamic horizontal and vertical tiling with gaps and stacking - Specify container size restrictions, overlap when necessary - Resize and translate individual containers in their place while keeping the surrounding layout - Floating containers and automatic dialog, dock, widget etc. handling - Yank and paste containers to move them within the tree hierarchy along with typical move operations - Configuration with python, scriptable behaviour with client and container specific callbacks - Fully keyboard controllable Compositor: - Vulkan renderer - Arbitrary window decorations and borders with user supplied shaders - Per-client materials - Optional, alternatively use any other external compositor WWW: |
2019-11-10T07:01:04+00:00 | misc/openhantek |
Digital Software Oscilloscope (DSO) software for Hantek oscilloscopes OpenHantek is a free software for Hantek and compatible (Voltcraft/Darkwire/Protek/Acetech) USB digital signal oscilloscopes. It has started as an alternative to the official Hantek DSO software for Linux users. Nowadays it works under Microsoft Windows and Apple Mac OS as well. It supported devices: DSO2xxx Series, DSO52xx Series. WWW: |
2019-11-10T06:16:24+00:00 | net/pichi |
Flexible rule-based proxy Pichi is an application layer proxy, which can be fully controlled via RESTful APIs. It supports HTTP/SOCKS5/Shadowsocks. The core feature of pichi is the dynamic, flexible route controlling. WWW: |
2019-11-09T23:23:10+00:00 | graphics/py-vips |
Binding for the libvips image processing library This module wraps the libvips image processing library. WWW: |
2019-11-09T21:26:08+00:00 | x11/mere-about |
About me, mere! About me, mere! It's a very simple and tiny application that provides its' user information about the mere software suite, and the system it is running on. WWW: |
2019-11-09T21:20:40+00:00 | security/mere-auth |
Auth library to be used for mere system interface Auth library for mere system interface A library to expose simple api for the auth-aware application to check an user. Current it support PAM authentication only. WWW: |
2019-11-09T21:12:58+00:00 | x11/mere-utils |
Utility bundle for mere system interface Utility bundle for mere system interface Mere system interface utility contains all the helper functions required for applications of mere system interface. Currently it has following helpers and will grow over time: - AppUtils - FileUtils - i18nUtils - StringUtils - ProcessUtils - SignalUtils etc... Note: mere system interface is an interface to your system, it will work like your traditional desktop environment with easy to modify and configurable. WWW: |
2019-11-09T15:54:15+00:00 | devel/py-jail |
Native Python wrapper for FreeBSD jails using libc Native Python wrapper for FreeBSD jails using libc WWW: |
2019-11-09T15:53:39+00:00 | devel/py-freebsd-sysctl |
Native Python wrapper for FreeBSD sysctls using libc Native Python wrapper for FreeBSD sysctls using libc. WWW: |
2019-11-09T10:18:34+00:00 | sysutils/alfio |
Services manager to choose which services start at boot time Alfio is a service that lets you choose which services start at boot time by using profiles. For example, if you have a laptop, you might be interested in creating a profile for when you have access to an internet connection and one for when you don't. You also might need less services when you boot your laptop on battery, then decide to save power. In some situation you might like to connect through DHCP while in others you need a static IP. Or you might want to test on your machine how different services interact with each other without messing with your safe configuration. Read the man page (man alfio) to learn how to use it. WWW: |
2019-11-09T08:11:09+00:00 | devel/git-delta |
Syntax-highlighting pager for git/diff Delta brings language syntax highlighting, within-line insertion/deletion detection, and restructured diff output to git on the command line. WWW: |
2019-11-09T03:05:54+00:00 | devel/rubygem-oci |
Ruby client for the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure API The Ruby SDK enables one to write code to manage Oracle Cloud Infrastructure resources. All OCI services and regions are supported. WWW: |
2019-11-09T02:52:00+00:00 | sysutils/pass-update |
Pass extension that provides an easy flow for updating passwords A pass extension that provides an easy flow for updating passwords. WWW: |
2019-11-08T20:40:03+00:00 | net-im/beebeep |
Secure office (Local-area-network) chat BeeBEEP is a secure (encryption based on Rijndael Algorithm, AES) peer to peer office messenger. You can talk and send files with all your colleagues inside a local area network such of an office, home or internet cafe without a server. BeeBEEP works also with VPNs. This serverless application is indispensable in all those places where privacy and security an essential requirement. WWW: |
2019-11-08T08:48:50+00:00 | sysutils/u-boot-rpi4 |
U-Boot loader and related files for the RPi4 For general information about U-Boot see WWW: |
2019-11-08T04:59:14+00:00 | math/mpfrc++ |
High-performance C++ interface for MPFR library MPFR library allows user to conduct floating-point calculations with virtually any (restricted by available memory only) precision with correct rounding. Besides simple arithmetic operations like "+" and "/" the whole set of mathematical functions is supported: sin, sqrt, pow, log, etc. MPFR defines custom C-language type to represent floating-point number mpfr_t. Mathematical manipulations with mpfr_t - variables are done through assembler-look-like functions. For instance, to add two numbers x and y with result in z special function mpfr_add(z,x,y,GMP_RNDN) should be called. WWW: |
2019-11-07T20:29:42+00:00 | devel/py-pyjq |
Python binding for jq pyjq is a Python bindings for jq ( jq is like sed for JSON data - you can use it to slice and filter and map and transform structured data with the same ease that sed, awk, grep and friends let you play with text. You can seamlessly call jq script (like regular expression) and process a plain python data structure. For your information, is a also jq bindings but different and incompatible with pyjq. WWW: |
2019-11-04T23:43:45+00:00 | lang/ponyc-static |
Pony language compiler (statically linked with LLVM) |
2019-11-04T20:21:00+00:00 | sysutils/ansible-sysrc |
Ansible module to set sysvars in rc.conf Ansible module to manipulate rc.conf on a FreeBSD system via sysrc. The current states available are: append, absent, present and subtract. WWW: |
2019-11-04T15:57:26+00:00 | www/npm-node12 |
2019-11-04T15:57:21+00:00 | textproc/rubygem-asciidoctor-plantuml009 |
Asciidoctor PlantUML extension Asciidoctor PlantUml is an extension that enables you to add PlantUML diagrams to your AsciiDoc documents. WWW: |
2019-11-04T15:57:15+00:00 | devel/rubygem-flipper-ui |
Rack middleware that provides a fully featured web interface Rack middleware that provides a fully featured web interface for the flipper gem. WWW: |
2019-11-04T15:57:09+00:00 | devel/py-rx1 |
Reactive Extensions (Rx) for Python Reactive Extensions for Python (RxPY) is library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable collections and query operator functions in Python. WWW: |
2019-11-04T15:57:03+00:00 | devel/py-graphene-sqlalchemy |
Graphene SQLAlchemy integration A SQLAlchemy integration for Graphene. WWW: |
2019-11-04T15:56:56+00:00 | devel/py-graphene-django |
Graphene Django integration A Django integration for Graphene. WWW: |
2019-11-03T22:32:02+00:00 | www/node12 |
V8 JavaScript for client and server Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient. Node.js' package ecosystem, npm, is the largest ecosystem of open source libraries in the world. WWW: |
2019-11-03T18:02:20+00:00 | net/endlessh |
SSH tarpit Endlessh is an SSH tarpit that very slowly sends an endless, random SSH banner. It keeps SSH clients locked up for hours or even days at a time. The purpose is to put your real SSH server on another port and then let the script kiddies get stuck in this tarpit instead of bothering a real server. WWW: |
2019-11-03T15:53:14+00:00 | multimedia/vapoursynth-vmaf |
Video Multi-Method Assessment Fusion plugin for VapourSynth VMAF filter for VapourSynth. VMAF is a perceptual video quality assessment algorithm developed by Netflix. WWW: |
2019-11-03T07:49:16+00:00 | games/dreamchess |
OpenGL chess game DreamChess is an open source chess game. It features 3D OpenGL graphics and provides various chess board sets, ranging from classic wooden to flat figurine. Other features include music, sound effects, on-screen move lists using SAN notation, undo functionality, and savegames in PGN format. It comes with its own engine called Dreamer. DreamChess can be controlled with the mouse and/or the keyboard. WWW: |
2019-11-03T01:43:50+00:00 | devel/asyncplusplus |
Async++ concurrency framework for C++11 sync++ is a lightweight concurrency framework for C++11. The concept was inspired by the Microsoft PPL library and the N3428 C++ standard proposal. WWW: |
2019-11-03T01:27:45+00:00 | science/highfive |
Header-only C++ HDF5 interface HighFive is a modern C++/C++11 friendly interface for libhdf5. HighFive supports STL vector/string, Boost::UBLAS and Boost::Multi-array. It handles C++ from/to HDF5 automatic type mapping. HighFive does not require an additional library and supports both HDF5 thread safety and Parallel HDF5 (contrary to the official hdf5 cpp). WWW: |
2019-11-02T23:40:39+00:00 | lang/python38 |
Interpreted object-oriented programming language Python is an interpreted object-oriented programming language, and is often compared to Tcl, Perl or Scheme. WWW: |
2019-11-02T16:51:40+00:00 | games/iqpuzzle |
Diverting I.Q. challenging pentomino puzzle iQPuzzle is a diverting I.Q. challenging pentomino puzzle. Pentominos are used as puzzle pieces and more than 300 different board shapes are available, which have to be filled with them. WWW: |
2019-11-02T15:24:38+00:00 | security/farmhash |
Hash functions for strings and other data FarmHash, a family of hash functions. WWW: |
2019-11-02T13:54:50+00:00 | databases/postgis30 |
Geographic objects support for PostgreSQL databases PostGIS adds support for geographic objects to the PostgreSQL object-relational database. In effect, PostGIS "spatially enables" the PostgreSQL server, allowing it to be used as a backend spatial database for geographic information systems (GIS), much like ESRI's SDE or Oracle's Spatial extension. PostGIS follows the OpenGIS "Simple Features Specification for SQL" and has been certified as compliant with the "Types and Functions" profile. PostGIS development was started by Refractions Research as a project in open source spatial database technology. PostGIS is released under the GNU General Public License. PostGIS continues to be developed by a group of contributors led by a Project Steering Committee and new features continue to be added. WWW: |
2019-11-02T13:29:34+00:00 | www/nift |
Cross-platform open source website generator Nift (aka nsm) is a cross-platform open-source framework for managing and generating websites. It's lightning-fast, developed from the ground up in C++. WWW: |
2019-11-02T05:33:48+00:00 | devel/prototool |
Swiss army knife for protocol buffers (ProtoBuf) Protobuf is one of the best interface description languages out there - it's widely adopted, and after over 15 years of use, it's practically bulletproof. However, working with Protobuf and maintaining consistency across your Protobuf files can be a pain - protoc, while being a tool that has stood the test of time, is non-trivial to use, and the Protobuf community has not developed common standards with regards to stub generation. Prototool aims to solve this by making working with Protobuf much simpler. WWW: |
2019-11-02T01:42:08+00:00 | sysutils/fusefs-jmtpfs |
MTP device filesystem jmtpfs is a FUSE and libmtp based filesystem for accessing MTP (Media Transfer Protocol) devices. It was specifically designed for exchaning files between Linux (and Mac OS X) systems and newer Android devices that support MTP but not USB Mass Storage. The goal is to create a well behaved filesystem, allowing tools like find and rsync to work as expected. MTP file types are set automatically based on file type detection using libmagic. Setting the file appears to be necessary for some Android apps, like Gallery, to be able to find and use the files. Since it is meant as an Android file transfer utility, and I don't have any non-Android MTP devices to test with, playlists and other non-file based data are not supported. WWW: |
2019-11-01T20:55:13+00:00 | misc/locale-en_DK |
Wonderful en_DK.UTF-8 locale This is a FreeBSD port of the en_DK.UTF-8 locale. See the blog post by Ivan Voras to learn more about this special locale: WWW: |
2019-11-01T16:39:27+00:00 | devel/py-remote-pdb |
Remote vanilla PDB over TCP sockets Remote vanilla PDB (over TCP sockets) done right. No extras, proper handling around connection failures and CI. Based on pdbx. WWW: |
2019-11-01T15:36:45+00:00 | sysutils/hcloud |
Official Hetzner Cloud command-line interface A command-line interface for interacting with Hetzner Cloud. WWW: |
2019-10-31T23:43:55+00:00 | sysutils/apcctrl |
Fork of apcupsd 3.14.x with support for Brazilian APC nobreaks ApcCtrl is an unofficial branch from apcupsd 3.14.x. It can be used for controlling Brazilian APC UPS models (herited from Microsol). Models supported or in tests: - BACK-UPS BR 1200VA (BZ1200BI-BR) - BACK-UPS BR 1500VA (BZ1500PBI-BR) - BACK-UPS BR 2200VA (BZ2200BI-BR and BZ2200I-BR) - SMART-UPS BR 1000VA (SUA1000BI-BR and SOLIS1000BI) - SMART-UPS BR 1500VA (SUA1500BI-BR and SOLIS1500BI) - SMART-UPS BR 2000VA (SUA2000BI-BR) - SMART-UPS BR 3000VA (SUA3000BI-BR) - STAY 800 (PS800) - STAY 700 (PS700) WWW: |
2019-10-31T18:01:10+00:00 | x11/linux-nvidia-libs-390 |
2019-10-31T16:49:35+00:00 | www/riot-web |
Glossy Matrix collaboration client for the web Riot (formerly known as Vector) is a Matrix web client built using the Matrix React SDK. Riot is officially supported on the web in modern versions of Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. Other browsers may work, however official support is not provided. For accessing Riot on an Android or iOS device, check out riot-android and riot-ios - riot-web does not support mobile devices. WWW: |
2019-10-31T16:30:52+00:00 | x11/run_scaled |
Run an X application scaled via Xpra (useful on HiDPI screens) run_scaled is a Bash script that simplifies scaling graphical X applications on HiDPI displays (using Xpra). WWW: |
2019-10-31T15:10:46+00:00 | devel/bazel029 |
Fast and correct build system Bazel is Google's own build tool, now publicly available in Beta. Bazel has built-in support for building both client and server software, including client applications for both Android and iOS platforms. It also provides an extensible framework that you can use to develop your own build rules. WWW: |
2019-10-30T13:29:54+00:00 | x11-wm/compton-yshui |
Lightweight X11 compositor Compton is a standalone compositor for X11 for window managers without built-in compositing. This is an actively maintained fork of Compton. Features: - Rendering with optional VSync via OpenGL or XRender - Transparent windows, menus, titlebars, borders - Shadows and colored shadows - Fading effects - Bluring of background - GLSL fragment shader for window contents - Conditional settings - Config, log and PID file support - Remote control via DBus WWW: |
2019-10-29T22:57:49+00:00 | net-im/6cord |
Terminal-driven Discord client Fast, lightweight opensource terminal-driven client for Discord written in go. WWW: |
2019-10-29T13:44:57+00:00 | x11/nvidia-driver-390 |
2019-10-29T05:22:47+00:00 | misc/netron |
Visualizer for neural network, deep learning, machine learning models Netron is a viewer for neural network, deep learning and machine learning models. Netron supports: * ONNX (.onnx, .pb, .pbtxt), * Keras (.h5, .keras), * Core ML (.mlmodel), * Caffe (.caffemodel, .prototxt), * Caffe2 (predict_net.pb, predict_net.pbtxt), * MXNet (.model, -symbol.json), * TorchScript (.pt, .pth), * NCNN (.param), * TensorFlow Lite (.tflite). Netron has experimental support for: * PyTorch (.pt, .pth), * Torch (.t7), * CNTK (.model, .cntk), * Deeplearning4j (.zip), * PaddlePaddle (.zip, __model__), * Darknet (.cfg), * MNN (.mnn), * scikit-learn (.pkl), * ML.NET (.zip), * TensorFlow.js (model.json, .pb) and TensorFlow (.pb, .meta, .pbtxt). WWW: |
2019-10-29T01:10:32+00:00 | sysutils/opensbi |
RISC-V SBI bootloader and firmware The RISC-V Supervisor Binary Interface (SBI) is the recommended interface between: 1. A platform-specific firmware running in M-mode and a bootloader, a hypervisor or a general-purpose OS executing in S-mode or HS-mode. 2. A hypervisor running in HS-mode and a bootloader or a general-purpose OS executing in VS-mode. The RISC-V SBI specification is maintained as an independent project by the RISC-V Foundation at The goal of the OpenSBI project is to provide an open-source reference implementation of the RISC-V SBI specifications for platform-specific firmwares executing in M-mode (case 1 mentioned above). An OpenSBI implementation can be easily extended by RISC-V platform and system-on-chip vendors to fit a particular hardware configuration. WWW: |
2019-10-28T00:34:10+00:00 | misc/mc-nox11 |
2019-10-27T20:19:29+00:00 | math/ideep |
Chainer module for numpy-like API and DNN acceleration using MKL-DNN Intel Optimization for Chainer, a Chainer module providing numpy like API and DNN acceleration using MKL-DNN. WWW: |
2019-10-27T19:10:05+00:00 | devel/py-pyhcl |
HCL configuration parser for Python Implements a parser for HCL (HashiCorp Configuration Language) in Python. This implementation aims to be compatible with the original golang version of the parser. The grammar and many of the tests/fixtures were copied/ported from the golang parser into pyhcl. All releases are tested with a variety of Python versions from Python 2.7 onward. WWW: |
2019-10-27T18:01:59+00:00 | sysutils/apache-mesos |
Cluster manager providing resource isolation and sharing Apache Mesos abstracts CPU, memory, storage, and other compute resources away from machines (physical or virtual), enabling fault-tolerant and elastic distributed systems to easily be built and run effectively. WWW: |
2019-10-27T17:48:52+00:00 | devel/rapidcheck |
QuickCheck clone for C++ QuickCheck clone for C++ with the goal of being simple to use with as little boilerplate as possible. RapidCheck is a C++ framework for property based testing inspired by QuickCheck and other similar frameworks. In property based testing, you state facts about your code that given certain precondition should always be true. RapidCheck then generates random test data to try and find a case for which the property doesn't hold. If such a case is found, RapidCheck tries to find the smallest case (for some definition of smallest) for which the property is still false and then displays this as a counterexample. For example, if the input is an integer, RapidCheck tries to find the smallest integer for which the property is false. WWW: |
2019-10-27T11:30:45+00:00 | devel/rubygem-tzinfo1 |
Daylight-savings aware timezone support for Ruby TZInfo is a Ruby library that provides daylight savings aware transformations between times in different timezones. TZInfo requires a source of timezone data. There are two built-in options: - The separate TZInfo::Data library (the tzinfo-data gem). TZInfo::Data contains a set of Ruby modules that are generated from the IANA Time Zone Database. - A zoneinfo directory. Most Unix-like systems include a zoneinfo directory containing timezone definitions. These are also generated from the IANA Time Zone Database. By default, TZInfo::Data will be used. If TZInfo::Data is not available, then TZInfo will search for a zoneinfo directory instead. WWW: |
2019-10-27T11:29:42+00:00 | net/rubygem-google-cloud-spanner |
Official library for Google Cloud Spanner API Google Cloud Spanner API (docs) provides a fully managed, mission-critical, relational database service that offers transactional consistency at global scale, schemas, SQL (ANSI 2011 with extensions), and automatic, synchronous replication for high availability. WWW: |
2019-10-27T11:29:37+00:00 | net/rubygem-google-cloud-pubsub |
Official library for Google Cloud Pub/Sub Google Cloud Pub/Sub (docs) is designed to provide reliable, many-to-many, asynchronous messaging between applications. Publisher applications can send messages to a "topic" and other applications can subscribe to that topic to receive the messages. By decoupling senders and receivers, Google Cloud Pub/Sub allows developers to communicate between independently written applications. WWW: |
2019-10-27T11:29:31+00:00 | net/rubygem-google-cloud-bigtable |
Official library for Cloud Bigtable API Cloud Bigtable API provides API for reading and writing the contents of Bigtables associated with a cloud project. WWW: |
2019-10-27T11:29:25+00:00 | devel/rubygem-grpc-google-iam-v1 |
Google IAM gRPC client library Google IAM gRPC client library WWW: WWW: |
2019-10-27T11:28:57+00:00 | www/py-dj22-django-jsonfield2 |
Reusable Django field to store validated JSON in your model jsonfield2 is a reusable model field that allows you to store validated JSON, automatically handling serialization to and from the database. To use, add jsonfield.JSONField to one of your models. WWW: WWW: |
2019-10-27T11:28:51+00:00 | devel/py-google-cloud-iam |
IAM Service Account Credentials API client library Python Client for Cloud Identity and Access Management (IAM) WWW: |
2019-10-27T01:00:18+00:00 | cad/fasm |
FPGA assembly (FASM) parser and generator FPGA Assembly is a file format designed by the SymbiFlow Project developers to provide a plain text file format for configuring the internals of an FPGA. It is designed to allow FPGA place and route to not care about the actual bitstream format used on an FPGA. WWW: |
2019-10-27T00:36:03+00:00 | lang/py-textX |
Meta-language for DSL implementation inspired by Xtext textX is a meta-language for building Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs) in Python. It is inspired by Xtext. In a nutshell, textX will help you build your textual language in an easy way. You can invent your own language or build a support for already existing textual language or file format. From a single language description (grammar), textX will build a parser and a meta-model (a.k.a. abstract syntax) for the language. See the docs for the details. textX follows the syntax and semantics of Xtext but differs in some places and is implemented 100% in Python using Arpeggio PEG parser - no grammar ambiguities, unlimited lookahead, interpreter style of work. WWW: |
2019-10-26T15:15:25+00:00 | x11-fonts/monoid |
Coding font with alternates, ligatures and contextual positioning Monoid is customizable and optimized for coding with bitmap-like sharpness at 12px/9pt even on low res displays. Semi-condensed and distinguishable glyphs with short ascenders + descenders, big apertures and supersized operators + punctuation. Monoid comes in regular, bold, oblique and retina versions with >750 latin, greek, cyrillic, ligature, alternate and Powerline glyphs. The port includes the Monoisome font (Monoid + Font Awesome). WWW: |
2019-10-26T14:30:35+00:00 | net/rubygem-grpc124 |
Ruby implementation of gRPC A Ruby implementation of gRPC. WWW: |
2019-10-26T13:21:20+00:00 | x11-fonts/sudo-font |
Font for programmers and command line users Sudo is a font for programmers and command line users, which is monospaced, legible, space-efficient, and unique. WWW: |
2019-10-26T06:15:23+00:00 | devel/xbyak |
Header-only JIT assembler for x86/x64 SIMD This is a header-only library which enables to dynamically assemble x86(IA32), x64(AMD64, x86-64) mnemonic. Features: * header file library * Intel/MASM like syntax * Full suppor of AVX-512 WWW: |
2019-10-25T16:58:00+00:00 | math/py-onnx-tf |
Tensorflow backend for ONNX (Open Neural Network Exchange) TensorFlow Backend and Frontend for ONNX allowing ONNX to inter-operate with TensofFlow. WWW: |
2019-10-25T08:03:52+00:00 | deskutils/fff |
Simple file manager written in Bash A simple file manager written in Bash. - It's ******* Fast - Minimal (only requires bash and coreutils) - Smooth Scrolling (using vim keybindings) - Works on Linux, BSD, macOS, Haiku etc. - Supports LS_COLORS! - File operations (copy, paste, cut, ranger style bulk rename, etc) - Instant as you type search - Tab completion for all commands! - Automatic CD on exit (see setup) - Works as a file picker in vim/neovim! - Display images with w3m-img! - Supports $CDPATH. WWW: |
2019-10-25T08:00:21+00:00 | x11/linux-nvidia-libs |
NVidia graphics libraries and programs (Linux version) These are the Linux versions of common NVidia OpenGL/GLX/EGL/GLES/GLVND libraries and Vulkan ICD. WWW: |
2019-10-25T08:00:21+00:00 | x11/linux-nvidia-libs-340 |
2019-10-25T08:00:21+00:00 | x11/linux-nvidia-libs-304 |
2019-10-25T06:21:03+00:00 | misc/gpsim |
Software simulator for Microchip PIC microcontrollers gpsim is a full-featured software simulator for Microchip PIC microcontrollers distributed under the GNU General Public License. WWW: |
2019-10-24T16:58:32+00:00 | dns/rubygem-gitlab-net-dns |
Pure Ruby DNS library Net::DNS is a pure Ruby DNS library, with a clean OO interface and an extensible API WWW: |
2019-10-24T16:43:36+00:00 | archivers/rubygem-rubyzip12 |
Ruby module for reading and writing zip files Ruby module for reading and writing zip files WWW: |
2019-10-24T14:17:09+00:00 | www/eden |
Interact with any Open Service Broker API Interact with any Open Service Broker API to discover, provision, bind, unbind, deprovision services. WWW: |
2019-10-24T10:28:03+00:00 | net-im/matterhorn |
Feature-rich Unix terminal client for the Mattermost chat system Matterhorn is a terminal client for the Mattermost chat system. WWW: |
2019-10-23T17:44:38+00:00 | net/rubygem-http-parser |
Super fast http parser for Ruby http-parser gem is a Ruby FFI bindings to http-parser (http request/response parser for c). WWW: |
2019-10-23T15:34:25+00:00 | net/ceph14 |
Ceph delivers object, block, and file storage in a unified system Ceph is a distributed object store and file system designed to provide excellent performance, reliability and scalability. * Object Storage Ceph provides seamless access to objects using native language bindings or radosgw, a REST interface for applications written with S3 and Swift. * Block Storage Ceph's RADOS Block Device (RBD) provides access to block device images that are striped and replicated across the entire storage cluster. * File System Ceph provides a POSIX-compliant network file system aiming for large data storage, high performance, and maximum compatibility with legacy applications. This FreeBSD build will build most of the tools in Ceph: * Mon, OSD, rados, RadosGW, rbd * init-ceph, and etc/rc.d/ceph on top of that * ceph-disk {prepare, activate} With these tools one can build a multi server, multi osd cluster fully running on FreeBSD and do some testing... WWW: |
2019-10-23T15:08:43+00:00 | cad/nvc |
VHDL compiler and simulator NVC is a GPLv3 VHDL compiler and simulator aiming for IEEE 1076-2002 compliance. See these blog posts for background information. NVC has been successfully used to simulate several real-world designs. WWW: |
2019-10-23T11:58:12+00:00 | x11-fonts/apl385 |
APL385 Unicode monospaced code font This is a port of APL385 Unicode, a monospaced code font. Developed with all APL software vendors in the late 1980s and enhanced as required with new characters to meet interpreter updates. WWW: |
2019-10-22T08:22:38+00:00 | devel/etcd34 |
Highly-available key value store and service discovery A highly-available key value store for shared configuration and service discovery. etcd is inspired by zookeeper and doozer, with a focus on: * Simple: curl'able user facing API (HTTP+JSON) * Secure: optional SSL client cert authentication * Fast: benchmarked 1000s of writes/s per instance * Reliable: Properly distributed using Raft Etcd is written in Go and uses the raft consensus algorithm to manage a highly-available replicated log. WWW: |
2019-10-22T02:41:00+00:00 | devel/py-jitterentropy |
Use libjitterentropy to get random bytes Python wrapper for libjitterentropy WWW: |
2019-10-21T17:54:03+00:00 | databases/postgresql-ogr_fdw |
PostgreSQL foreign data wrapper for OGR This PostgreSQL extension implements a Foreign Data Wrapper (FDW) for OGR. Please note that this version of ogr_fdw works with PostgreSQL 9.3+, and have some limitations: Only non-spatial query restrictions are pushed down to the OGR driver. Spatial restrictions are not pushed down. OGR connections every time. All columns are retrieved every time. WWW: |
2019-10-21T02:43:59+00:00 | www/glassfish4 |
Reference implementation of the Java EE application server The Glassfish Java Application Server is the reference implementation for a Java EE Application server. WWW: |
2019-10-20T17:07:21+00:00 | graphics/py-willow11 |
Wrapper that combines multiple Python image libraries into one API Willow is a simple image library that combines the APIs of Pillow, Wand and OpenCV. It converts the image between the libraries when necessary. Willow currently has basic resize and crop operations, face and feature detection and animated GIF support. New operations and library integrations can also be easily implemented. It is written in pure-Python. WWW: |
2019-10-20T17:07:16+00:00 | devel/py-pytest-azurepipelines |
Formatting PyTest output for Azure Pipelines UI Make pytest easier to use with Microsoft Azure Pipelines. Just run pytest with this plugin and see your test results in the Azure Pipelines UI! Features: - Formats the PyTest output to show test docstrings and module names instead of just test case names in the Azure Pipelines UI. - Uploads test results automatically, no need for a separate test results upload command - Displays the number of failed tests if there were failures as an error message in the UI - Automatically formats code coverage and uploads coverage data if pytest-cov is installed - Supports running inside a Docker container and automatically uploads test results WWW: |
2019-10-17T18:37:57+00:00 | net-mgmt/ping_exporter |
Prometheus exporter for ICMP echo requests Prometheus exporter for ICMP echo requests. This is a simple server that scrapes go-ping stats and exports them via HTTP for Prometheus consumption. The go-ping library is build and maintained by Digineo GmbH. WWW: |
2019-10-17T18:06:42+00:00 | net/kf5-kcontacts |
KDE api to manage contact information ${.CURDIR:H:H}/deskutils/kdepim/pkg-descr |
2019-10-17T18:06:42+00:00 | net/kf5-kcalendarcore |
KDE calendar access library ${.CURDIR:H:H}/deskutils/kdepim/pkg-descr |
2019-10-17T08:48:09+00:00 | x11/plank |
Elegant, simple, and clean dock Plank is an elegant, simple and clean dock. WWW: |
2019-10-16T21:46:10+00:00 | sysutils/opencorsairlink |
Support for CorsairLink Devices OpenCorsairLink is a status & control utility that interacts with CorsairLink products. WWW: |
2019-10-16T14:31:28+00:00 | net/dhcpcd-ui |
GTK+ / Curses interface to dhcpcd dhcpcd-ui is the graphical interface to dhcpcd(8). The are front ends for: - GTK+-3 - Qt (not currently included in this port) - Curses (work in progress - only informative at this stage) The dhcpcd-online command line utility is also included, which can be used to work out if dhcpcd(8) is in the connected state - useful in startup scripts or monitoring applications. WWW: |
2019-10-15T15:04:13+00:00 | deskutils/foliate |
Simple and modern GTK eBook viewer Foliate is a simple and modern GTK eBook viewer, built with GJS and Epub.js. WWW: |
2019-10-15T11:08:51+00:00 | net-mgmt/zabbix44-server |
Enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring (${PKGNAMESUFFIX:S/^-//}) Zabbix is an enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring solution. Zabbix is software that monitors numerous parameters of a network and the health and integrity of servers. Zabbix uses a flexible notification mechanism that allows users to configure e-mail based alerts for virtually any event. This allows a fast reaction to server problems. Zabbix offers excellent reporting and data visualisation features based on the stored data. This makes Zabbix ideal for capacity planning. WWW: |
2019-10-15T11:08:51+00:00 | net-mgmt/zabbix44-proxy |
2019-10-15T11:08:51+00:00 | net-mgmt/zabbix44-java |
2019-10-15T11:08:51+00:00 | net-mgmt/zabbix44-frontend |
2019-10-15T11:08:51+00:00 | net-mgmt/zabbix44-agent |
2019-10-15T09:03:39+00:00 | devel/rubygem-numerizer01 |
Parse numbers in natural language from strings Numerizer is a gem to help with parsing numbers in natural language from strings (ex forty two). WWW: |
2019-10-14T18:17:08+00:00 | french/py-grammalecte-fr |
French grammar and typographic corrector Grammalecte is an Open Source grammar and typographic corrector dedicated to the French language. It attempts to help writing French without spoiling users' attention with false alarms. WWW: |
2019-10-14T02:14:11+00:00 | french/py-grammalecte |
French grammar and typographic corrector Grammalecte is an Open Source grammar and typographic corrector dedicated to the French language. It attempts to help writing French without spoiling users' attention with false alarms. WWW: |
2019-10-13T20:32:49+00:00 | editors/o |
Small, fast and limited text editor in Go Small, fast and limited text editor Features and limitations: * Has syntax highlighting for Go code. * Never asks before saving or quitting. Be careful. * Home and End are not detected by the key handler. * Can format Go code using gofmt (press ctrl-f). * Expects utilities like gofmt to be in /usr/bin. * Will strip trailing whitespace whenever it can. * Must be given a filename at start. * Requires that /dev/tty is available. * Copy, cut and paste is only for one line at a time. * Some letters can not be typed in. Like the "ash" grapheme formed from the letters a and e. WWW: |
2019-10-13T16:02:00+00:00 | security/p5-Crypt-LibSCEP |
Easy-to-use interface between LibSCEP and Perl programs Crypt::LibSCEP implements an easy-to-use interface between LibSCEP and Perl programs. Its goal is to provide Perl programs with the capability of generating and reading messages for the Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol (SCEP). WWW: |
2019-10-13T16:02:00+00:00 | security/libscep |
Client side SCEP library w/o clients A Client Side Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol (SCEP) Library. libscep implements the SCEP protocol as a C library. The library gets initialized, then one or multiple operations can be executed and then it gets destroyed again. WWW: |
2019-10-12T21:25:23+00:00 | shells/elvish |
Elvish = Expressive Programming Language + Versatile Interactive Shell Elvish is an expressive programming language and a versatile interactive shell, combined into one seamless package. It runs on Linux, BSDs, macOS and Windows. WWW: |
2019-10-12T18:55:49+00:00 | sysutils/libudisks |
Library to manipulate storage devices, from udisks Udisks provides interfaces to enumerate and perform operations on disks and storage devices. Any application (including unprivileged ones) can access the udisks(8) daemon via the name org.freedesktop.Udisks2 on the system message bus. In addition to the D-bus API, a library, libudisks2, is also provided. This library can be used from C/C++ and any high-level language with GObjectIntrospection support such as Javascript and Python. This port provides the libudisks library only and is meant for use with sysutils/bsdisks. WWW: |
2019-10-12T18:12:36+00:00 | sysutils/sanoid |
Policy-driven snapshot management and replication tools Sanoid is a policy-driven snapshot management tool for ZFS filesystems. More prosaically, you can use Sanoid to create, automatically thin, and monitor snapshots and pool health from a single eminently human-readable TOML config file. WWW: |
2019-10-12T18:12:36+00:00 | sysutils/sanoid-devel |
Policy-driven snapshot management and replication tools Sanoid is a policy-driven snapshot management tool for ZFS filesystems. More prosaically, you can use Sanoid to create, automatically thin, and monitor snapshots and pool health from a single eminently human-readable TOML config file. WWW: |
2019-10-12T08:19:18+00:00 | graphics/avir |
High-quality image resizing/scaling C++ library High-quality pro image resizing / scaling C++ library, image resize. This library features routines for both down- and upsizing of 8- and 16-bit, 1 to 4-channel images. Image resizing routines were implemented in multi-platform C++ code, and have a high level of optimality. Beside resizing, this library offers a sub-pixel shift operation. Built-in sRGB gamma correction is available. WWW: |
2019-10-12T07:14:59+00:00 | multimedia/zart |
GMIC GUI for video streams ZArt is a computer program whose purpose is to demonstrate the possibilities of the G'MIC image processing language by offering the choice of several manipulations on a video stream acquired from a webcam. In other words, ZArt is a GUI for G'MIC real-time manipulations on the output of a webcam. WWW: |
2019-10-11T13:23:18+00:00 | devel/py-crc32c |
Python package exposing the intel sse4.2 crc32c instruction This package exposes to Python the crc32c algorithm implemented in the SSE 4.2 instruction set of Intel CPUs. By default, if your CPU doesn't support this instruction, the package will fail to load with an ImportError. If you still need to use the crc32c checksum algorithm this package comes with a software implementation that can be loaded instead. |
2019-10-11T10:45:43+00:00 | databases/R-cran-fastmap |
Fast Implementation of a Key-Value Store Fast implementation of a key-value store. Environments are commonly used as key-value stores, but every time a new key is used, it is added to R's global symbol table, causing a small amount of memory leakage. This can be problematic in cases where many different keys are used. Fastmap avoids this memory leak issue by implementing the map using data structures in C++. WWW: |
2019-10-11T09:52:47+00:00 | graphics/ebsynth |
Example-based Image Synthesis and Style Transfer ebsynth is a tool for by-example synthesis of images. It can be used for a variety of image synthesis tasks, including guided texture synthesis, artistic style transfer, content-aware inpainting and super-resolution. WWW: |
2019-10-11T07:23:17+00:00 | textproc/pageedit |
WYSIWYG visual XHTML editor PageEdit is an ePub visual XHTML editor based on Sigil's deprecated BookView. It uses WebEngine instead of WebKit. WWW: |
2019-10-11T03:38:09+00:00 | security/tfhe |
Fast Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) library over the Torus TFHE is open-source software. The scheme is described in the paper "Faster fully homomorphic encryption: Bootstrapping in less than 0.1 seconds" presented at the IACR conference Asiacrypt 2016 by Ilaria Chillotti, Nicolas Gama, Mariya Georgieva, Malika Izabachene. The Fully Homomorphic Encryption is a cryptosystem that supports arbitrary computation on ciphertexts. It may be used by banks to perform computations on fully encrypted client information. WWW: |
2019-10-10T13:49:07+00:00 | net/leproxy |
HTTP/SOCKS proxy server for everybody LeProxy is designed for anonymous surfing, improved security and privacy plus circumventing geoblocking. It allows you to enjoy the web like it was meant to work and access your favorite online video platform without annoying country blocks while traveling. LeProxy is a powerful, lightweight, fast and simple to use proxy server that you can host on your own server or PC at home and then access from anywhere. It supports optional authentication so you can share a server instance with your family and friends without having to worry about third parties. It provides compatibility with a large number of clients and services by accepting both common HTTP and SOCKS proxy protocols on a single listening port. WWW: |
2019-10-09T19:29:47+00:00 | textproc/p5-BigIP-ParseConfig |
F5 BigIP configuration parser This module provides an interface to reading, writing, and manipulating configuration files used on F5 (BigIP) LTM network devices. WWW: |
2019-10-09T19:17:17+00:00 | sysutils/syslog-ng324 |
Powerful syslogd replacement syslog-ng is an enhanced log daemon, supporting a wide range of input and output methods: syslog, unstructured text, message queues, databases (SQL and NoSQL alike) and more. Key features: * receive and send RFC3164 and RFC5424 style syslog messages * work with any kind of unstructured data * receive and send JSON formatted messages * classify and structure logs with builtin parsers (csv-parser(), db-parser(), ...) * normalize, crunch and process logs as they flow through the system * hand on messages for further processing using message queues (like AMQP), files or databases (like PostgreSQL or MongoDB). The official home page of syslog-ng is: WWW: |
2019-10-09T16:06:07+00:00 | security/aws-vault |
Vault for securely storing and accessing AWS credentials AWS Vault is a tool to securely store and access AWS credentials in a development environment. AWS Vault stores IAM credentials in your operating system's secure keystore and then generates temporary credentials from those to expose to your shell and applications. It's designed to be complementary to the AWS CLI tools, and is aware of your profiles and configuration in ~/.aws/config. WWW: |
2019-10-09T09:53:21+00:00 | x11-clocks/xfce4-time-out-plugin |
Time out plugin for Xfce This plugin makes it possible to take periodical breaks from the computer every X minutes. During breaks it locks your screen. It optionally allows you to postpone breaks for a certain time. WWW: |
2019-10-08T14:19:44+00:00 | games/openfodder |
Open source port of Cannon Fodder Cannon Fodder is an action-strategy shoot 'em up game developed by Sensible Software and published by Virgin Interactive. Open Fodder is a modern open source engine for it. The game is military-themed and based on shooting action but with a strategy game-style control system. The player directs troops through numerous missions, battling enemy infantry, vehicles and installations. WWW: |
2019-10-08T04:48:28+00:00 | multimedia/vmaf |
Perceptual video quality assessment based on multi-method fusion VMAF is a perceptual video quality assessment algorithm developed by Netflix. VMAF Development Kit (VDK) is a software package that contains the VMAF algorithm implementation, as well as a set of tools that allows a user to train and test a custom VMAF model. WWW: |
2019-10-08T01:02:48+00:00 | sysutils/lsblk |
Lists information about block devices in the system Lists information about block devices in the FreeBSD system in a similar way that lsblk(8) from Linux systems does. An example is shown below. WWW: |
2019-10-07T22:37:41+00:00 | java/apache-commons-lang3 |
Apache library with helper utilities for the java.lang API The standard Java libraries fail to provide enough methods for manipulation of its core classes. Apache Commons Lang provides these extra methods. Lang provides a host of helper utilities for the java.lang API, notably String manipulation methods, basic numerical methods, object reflection, concurrency, creation and serialization and System properties. Additionally it contains basic enhancements to java.util.Date and a series of utilities dedicated to help with building methods, such as hashCode, toString and equals. WWW: |
2019-10-07T15:39:52+00:00 | devel/luv |
libuv bindings for lua libuv bindings for luajit and lua 5.1/ 5.2/ 5.3. This library makes libuv available to lua scripts. It was made for the luvit project but should usable from nearly any lua project. WWW: |
2019-10-07T12:58:04+00:00 | graphics/waifu2x-ncnn-vulkan |
Scale and denoise images using convolutional neural networks ncnn implementation of waifu2x converter. Runs fast on Intel / AMD / Nvidia with Vulkan API. WWW: |
2019-10-07T08:19:49+00:00 | devel/apache-commons-daemon |
Wrapper code to start/stop a Java application as a daemon Wrapper code to start/stop a Java application as a daemon. Daemon is made of 2 parts. One written in C that makes the interface to the operating system and the other in Java that provides the Daemon API. WWW: |
2019-10-07T08:06:49+00:00 | sysutils/rshim-user-space |
Userspace daemon for the Mellanox BlueField SoC rshim-user-space is a daemon for accessing the Mellanox BlueField SoC either via PCI or USB. The daemon provide virtual character and network devices for accessing the console of the Mellanox Bluefield device. Refer to for more information. WWW: |
2019-10-06T19:08:14+00:00 | textproc/apache-commons-digester/jakarta-commons-digester |
XML-to-Java-object mapping utility package The Digester package lets you configure an XML -> Java object mapping module, which triggers certain actions called rules whenever a particular pattern of nested XML elements is recognized. A rich set of predefined rules is available for your use, or you can also create your own. Advanced features of Digester include: - Ability to plug in your own pattern matching engine, if the standard one is not sufficient for your requirements. - Optional namespace-aware processing, so that you can define rules that are relevant only to a particular XML namespace. - Encapsulation of Rules into RuleSets that can be easily and conveniently reused in more than one application that requires the same type of processing WWW: |
2019-10-06T19:08:14+00:00 | textproc/apache-commons-digester |
XML-to-Java-object mapping utility package The Digester package lets you configure an XML -> Java object mapping module, which triggers certain actions called rules whenever a particular pattern of nested XML elements is recognized. A rich set of predefined rules is available for your use, or you can also create your own. Advanced features of Digester include: - Ability to plug in your own pattern matching engine, if the standard one is not sufficient for your requirements. - Optional namespace-aware processing, so that you can define rules that are relevant only to a particular XML namespace. - Encapsulation of Rules into RuleSets that can be easily and conveniently reused in more than one application that requires the same type of processing WWW: |
2019-10-06T19:08:14+00:00 | net/apache-commons-net |
Collection of network protocol implementations for Java Apache Commons Net implements the client side of many basic Internet protocols. The purpose of the library is to provide fundamental protocol access. Supported protocols are: * FTP/FTPS * FTP over HTTP (experimental) * NNTP * SMTP(S) * POP3(S) * IMAP(S) * Telnet * TFTP * Finger * Whois * rexec/rcmd/rlogin * Time (rdate) and Daytime * Echo * Discard * NTP/SNTP WWW: |
2019-10-06T19:08:14+00:00 | lang/apache-commons-jelly |
XML based scripting engine Jelly is an XML based scripting engine. The basic idea is that XML elements can be bound to a Java Tag which is a Java bean that performs some function. Jelly is totally extendable via custom actions (in a similar way to JSP custom tags) as well as cleanly integrating with scripting languages such as Jexl, Velocity, pnuts, beanshell and via BSF (Bean Scripting Framework) languages like JavaScript & JPython. Jelly uses an XMLOutput class which extends SAX ContentHandler to output XML events. This makes Jelly ideal for XML content generation, SOAP scripting or dynamic web site generation. A single Jelly tag can produce, consume, filter or transform XML events. This leads to a powerful XML pipeline engine similar in some ways to Cocoon. WWW: |
2019-10-06T19:08:14+00:00 | java/apache-commons-primitives |
Library supporting Java primitive types Apache Commons Primitives provides a collection of types and utilities optimized for working with Java primitives (boolean, byte, char, double, float, int, long, short). Generally, the Commons-Primitives classes are faster, smaller and easier to work with than their purely Object based alternatives. Currently Commons Primitives is primarily composed of implementations of the java.util collections adapted for the primitive types. WWW: |
2019-10-06T19:08:14+00:00 | java/apache-commons-logging |
Generic logging wrapper library Apache Commons Logging library. There is a great need for debugging and logging information inside of Commons components such as HTTPClient and DBCP. However, there are many logging APIs out there and it is difficult to choose among them. The Logging package is an ultra-thin bridge between different logging libraries. Commons components may use the Logging API to remove compile-time and run-time dependencies on any particular logging package, and contributors may write Log implementations for the library of their choice. WWW: |
2019-10-06T19:08:14+00:00 | java/apache-commons-lang |
Apache library with helper utilities for the java.lang API The standard Java libraries fail to provide enough methods for manipulation of its core classes. The Lang Component provides these extra methods. The Lang Component provides a host of helper utilities for the java.lang API, notably String manipulation methods, basic numerical methods, object reflection, creation and serialization, and System properties. Additionally it contains an inheritable enum type, an exception structure that supports multiple types of nested-Exceptions and a series of utlities dedicated to help with building methods, such as hashCode, toString and equals. WWW: |
2019-10-06T19:08:14+00:00 | java/apache-commons-collections |
Classes that extend/augment the Java Collections Framework A suite of classes that extend or augment the Java Collections Framework. Commons-Collections seek to build upon the JDK classes by providing new interfaces, implementations and utilities. WWW: |
2019-10-06T19:08:14+00:00 | java/apache-commons-cli |
Java library for command line arguments and options The Apache Commons CLI library provides a simple and easy to use API for working with the command line arguments and options. WWW: |
2019-10-06T19:08:14+00:00 | devel/apache-commons-modeler |
Mechanisms to create Model MBeans compatible with JMX specification java Management Extensions (JMX) is an API that facilitates building management applications that can configure, and perform operations on, a server applica -tion. In general, each manageable component of the server application is re -presented by a Management Bean (or MBean, for short). JMX defines three types of MBeans, of which Model MBeans are the most flexible. Model MBeans provide a way to define MBeans for many different components, without having to write a specific MBean implementation class for each one. However, this power comes at a price. It is necessary to set up a substantial amount of metadata about each MBean, including the attributes it should expose (similar to JavaBeans properties), the operations it should make available (si -milar to calling methods of a Java object via reflection), and other related information. The Modeler component is designed to make this process fairly pain -less -- the required metadata is configured from an XML description of each Model MBean to be supported. In addition, Modeler provides a factory mechanism to create the actual Model MBean instances themselves. WWW: |
2019-10-06T19:08:14+00:00 | devel/apache-commons-jxpath |
Utilities for manipulating Java Beans using the XPath syntax The org.apache.commons.jxpath package defines a simple interpreter of an expression language called XPath. JXPath applies XPath expressions to graphs of objects of all kinds: JavaBeans, Maps, Servlet contexts, DOM etc, including mixtures thereof. WWW: |
2019-10-06T19:08:14+00:00 | devel/apache-commons-io |
Collection of I/O utilities for Java Commons IO is a library of utilities to assist with developing IO functionality. There are three main areas included: * Utility classes - with static methods to perform common tasks * Filters - various implementations of file filters * Streams - useful stream, reader and writer implementations WWW: |
2019-10-06T19:08:14+00:00 | devel/apache-commons-configuration |
Java package for the reading of configuration/preferences files Commons Configuration provides a generic configuration interface which enables an application to read configuration data from a variety of sources. Commons Configuration provides typed access to single, and multi-valued configuration parameters. Configuration parameters may be loaded from the following sources: * Properties files * XML documents * Windows INI files * Property list files (plist) * JNDI * JDBC Datasource * System properties * Applet parameters * Servlet parameters Different configuration sources can be mixed using a ConfigurationFactory and CompositeConfiguration. Additional sources of configuration parameters can be created by using custom configuration objects. This customization can be achieved by extending AbstractConfiguration. WWW: |
2019-10-06T19:08:14+00:00 | databases/apache-commons-dbutils |
JDBC helper library DbUtils is a small set of classes designed to make working with JDBC easier. JDBC resource cleanup code is mundane, error prone work so these classes abstract out all of the cleanup tasks from your code leaving you with what you really wanted to do with JDBC in the first place: query and update data. WWW: |
2019-10-06T18:25:19+00:00 | math/darknet |
Open source neural networks in C Darknet is an open source neural network framework written in C and CUDA. It is fast, easy to install, and supports CPU and GPU computation. WWW: |
2019-10-06T04:28:11+00:00 | x11/wcm |
Wayfire Config Manager Wayfire Config Manager WWW: |
2019-10-06T04:24:49+00:00 | x11-toolkits/gtk-layer-shell |
GTK+ library for the Wayland layer-shell protocol A library to write GTK applications that use Layer Shell. Layer Shell is a Wayland protocol for desktop shell components, such as panels, notifications and wallpapers. You can use it to anchor your windows to a corner or edge of the output, or stretch them across the entire output. This library only makes sense on Wayland compositors that support Layer Shell, and will not work on X11. It supports all Layer Shell features including popups and popovers (GTK popups Just Work). WWW: |
2019-10-05T09:49:39+00:00 | math/gemmlowp |
Low-precision matrix multiplication library Small, self-contained, headers-only low-precision GEMM (general matrix multiplication) library. WWW: |
2019-10-04T11:29:33+00:00 | x11/wdisplays |
GUI display configurator for wlroots compositors wdisplays is a graphical application for configuring displays in Wayland compositors. It borrows some code from kanshi. It should work in any compositor that implements wlr-output-management-unstable-v1. Compositors known to support the protocol are Sway and Wayfire. wdisplays' goal is to allow precise adjustment of display settings in kiosks, digital signage, and other elaborate multi-monitor setups. WWW: |
2019-10-03T18:33:13+00:00 | devel/py-pipreqs |
Generate requirements.txt file for any project based on imports Generate requirements.txt file for any project based on imports. Why not pip freeze? - pip freeze only saves the packages that are installed with pip install in your environment. - pip freeze saves all packages in the environment including those that you don't use in your current project. (if you don't have virtualenv) - and sometimes you just need to create requirements.txt for a new project without installing modules. WWW: |
2019-10-03T18:32:57+00:00 | devel/py-yarg |
Easy to use PyPI client A semi hard Cornish cheese, also queries PyPI (PyPI client). WWW: |
2019-10-03T15:26:00+00:00 | sysutils/direvent |
Per-directory file system event monitor GNU Direvent is a daemon that monitors file system directories for events, such as creating, deleting or modifying files. It can be configured to monitor different sets of directories for different events. When an event is detected, direvent(8) calls an external program associated with it, supplying it with the information about the event and the location within the file system where it occurred. GNU Direvent provides an easy way to configure the system to react immediately if certain files undergo changes. This may be helpful, for example, to track changes in important configuration files. The program aims to provide a uniform and system-independent command-level interface for file system events. The current version is known to work on GNU/Linux and BSD systems (FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, Darwin). WWW: |
2019-10-03T09:24:29+00:00 | security/protonvpn-cli |
ProtonVPN Command line tool protonvpn-cli is an user-friendly command-line tool for accessing the swiss-based privacy-focused ProtonVPN VPN service. You need a ProtonVPN account to use it: you can create one at Free accounts are available, although with limited features: only 3 countries (Netherlands, USA, Japan) are available with the free plan. It can also easily add an extra layer of privacy by activating Tor (needs payed plan). No manual page is provided with protonvpn-cli, but you can get help on usage by running protonvpn-cli -h. Warning: although user is asked about enabling a killswitch or not, no killswitch is available at the moment. WWW: |
2019-10-03T08:52:08+00:00 | math/mcsim |
Monte Carlo stochastic simulations and Bayesian inference GNU MCSim is a simulation package, written in C, which allows you to: * design and run your own statistical or simulation models * perform Monte Carlo stochastic simulations * do Bayesian inference through Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulations * formally optimize experimental designs WWW: |
2019-10-03T07:28:39+00:00 | devel/mimalloc |
General-purpose allocator with excellent performance characteristics mimalloc (pronounced "me-malloc") is a general purpose allocator with excellent performance characteristics. Initially developed for the run-time systems of the Koka and Lean languages. It is a drop-in replacement for malloc and can be used in other programs without code changes. WWW: |
2019-10-02T21:31:35+00:00 | net/dual-dhclient-daemon |
Spawns dhclients for a dual-stack network This port provides a daemon which spawns both /sbin/dhclient and /usr/local/sbin/dhclient -6; this simplifies the configuration needed to run DHCP on both protocols of a dual-stack network. |
2019-10-01T20:22:40+00:00 | devel/libjitterentropy |
Hardware RNG based on CPU timing jitter The CPU Jitter Random Number Generator provides a non-physical true random number generator that works equally in kernel and user land. The only prerequisite is the availability of a high-resolution timer that is available in modern CPUs. WWW: |
2019-10-01T19:15:24+00:00 | devel/rubygem-tty-logger |
Readable, structured and beautiful terminal logging TTY::Logger provides independent logging component for TTY toolkit. WWW: WWW: |
2019-10-01T17:05:27+00:00 | print/py-fonttools-woff |
Dependencies for woff functionality of FontTools This port is the extra dependencies for woff functionality of FontTools. Add both print/py-fonttools and print/py-fonttools-woff to RUN_DEPENDS if you need "fonttools[woff]". WWW: |
2019-10-01T17:05:22+00:00 | print/py-fonttools-unicode |
Dependencies for unicode functionality of FontTools This port is the extra dependencies for unicode functionality of FontTools. Add both print/py-fonttools and print/py-fonttools-unicode to RUN_DEPENDS if you need "fonttools[unicode]". WWW: |
2019-10-01T17:05:17+00:00 | print/py-fonttools-ufo |
Dependencies for ufo functionality of FontTools This port is the extra dependencies for ufo functionality of FontTools. Add both print/py-fonttools and print/py-fonttools-ufo to RUN_DEPENDS if you need "fonttools[ufo]". WWW: |
2019-10-01T17:05:12+00:00 | print/py-fonttools-symfont |
Dependencies for symfont functionality of FontTools This port is the extra dependencies for symfont functionality of FontTools. Add both print/py-fonttools and print/py-fonttools-symfont to RUN_DEPENDS if you need "fonttools[symfont]". WWW: |
2019-10-01T17:05:06+00:00 | print/py-fonttools-plot |
Dependencies for plot functionality of FontTools This port is the extra dependencies for plot functionality of FontTools. Add both print/py-fonttools and print/py-fonttools-plot to RUN_DEPENDS if you need "fonttools[plot]". WWW: |
2019-10-01T17:05:01+00:00 | print/py-fonttools-lxml |
Dependencies for lxml functionality of FontTools This port is the extra dependencies for lxml functionality of FontTools. Add both print/py-fonttools and print/py-fonttools-lxml to RUN_DEPENDS if you need "fonttools[lxml]". WWW: |
2019-10-01T17:04:56+00:00 | print/py-fonttools-interpolatable |
Dependencies for interpolatable functionality of FontTools This port is the extra dependencies for interpolatable functionality of FontTools. Add both print/py-fonttools and print/py-fonttools-interpolatable to RUN_DEPENDS if you need "fonttools[interpolatable]". WWW: |
2019-10-01T17:04:51+00:00 | print/py-fonttools-graphite |
Dependencies for graphite functionality of FontTools This port is the extra dependencies for graphite functionality of FontTools. Add both print/py-fonttools and print/py-fonttools-graphite to RUN_DEPENDS if you need "fonttools[graphite]". WWW: |
2019-10-01T04:13:31+00:00 | www/qt5-webglplugin |
Qt QPA plugin for running an application via a browser using streamed WebGL commands |
2019-09-30T22:20:30+00:00 | textproc/rubygem-elasticsearch503 |
Ruby integrations for Elasticsearch Ruby integrations for Elasticsearch that feature: * a client for connecting to an Elasticsearch cluster * a Ruby API for the Elasticsearch's REST API * various extensions and utilities WWW: |
2019-09-30T22:20:30+00:00 | textproc/rubygem-elasticsearch-transport503 |
Ruby client for Elasticsearch Ruby client for Elasticsearch. See textproc/rubygem-elasticsearch for more details. WWW: |
2019-09-30T22:20:30+00:00 | textproc/rubygem-elasticsearch-rails019 |
Ruby on Rails integrations for Elasticsearch The Elasticsearch::Rails library is a companion for the the elasticsearch-model library, providing features suitable for Ruby on Rails applications. WWW: |
2019-09-30T22:20:30+00:00 | textproc/rubygem-elasticsearch-model019 |
ActiveModel/Record integrations for Elasticsearch The Elasticsearch::Model library builds on top of the elasticsearch library. It aims to simplify integration of Ruby classes ("models"), commonly found e.g. in Ruby on Rails applications, with the Elasticsearch search and analytics engine. WWW: |
2019-09-30T22:20:30+00:00 | textproc/rubygem-elasticsearch-api503 |
Ruby API for Elasticsearch Ruby API for Elasticsearch. See textproc/rubygem-elasticsearch for more details. WWW: |
2019-09-30T22:20:30+00:00 | net/rubygem-net-ntp |
Implementation of the NTP protocol Began as a 'Rubyfied' version of perl's Net::NTP module, (C) 2004 by James G. Willmore. Refactored and re-released in 2010 by Zencoder. WWW: |
2019-09-30T22:20:30+00:00 | devel/rubygem-unleash |
Ruby client for Unleash This is the ruby client for Unleash, a powerful feature toggle system that gives you a great overview over all feature toggles across all your applications and services. WWW: |
2019-09-30T22:20:30+00:00 | devel/rubygem-i18n_data |
Country/Language names in 2-letter code pairs Country/language names and 2-letter-code pairs, in 85 languages. WWW: |
2019-09-30T22:20:30+00:00 | devel/rubygem-gitlab_chronic_duration |
Natural language parser for elapsed time A simple Ruby natural language parser for elapsed time. (For example, 4 hours and 30 minutes, 6 minutes 4 seconds, 3 days, etc.) Returns all results in seconds. WWW: |
2019-09-30T22:20:30+00:00 | devel/rubygem-gitlab-peek-rails52 |
Take a peek into your Rails application This is a profiling tool originally built at GitHub to help us get an insight into our application. Now, we have extracted this into Peek, so that other Rails application can experience the same benefit. Peek puts a little bar on top of your application to show you all sorts of helpful information about your application. From the screenshot above, you can see that Peek provides information about database queries, cache, Resque workers and more. However, this is only part of Peek's beauty. The true beauty of Peek lies in the fact that it is an extensible platform. If there are some performance metrics that you need but are not available on Peek, you can find it from the list of available Peek Views and integrate it into Peek. Even if you do not find what you want on Peek Views, you can always create your own. WWW: |
2019-09-30T22:20:30+00:00 | devel/rubygem-gitlab-license |
Generate, verify and enforce software licenses A simple Ruby natural language parser for elapsed time. (For example, 4 hours and 30 minutes, 6 minutes 4 seconds, 3 days, etc.) Returns all results in seconds. WWW: |
2019-09-30T22:20:30+00:00 | devel/rubygem-faraday_middleware-aws-signers-v4 |
Faraday middleware for AWS Signature Version 4 Faraday middleware for AWS Signature Version 4. WWW: |
2019-09-30T22:20:30+00:00 | devel/rubygem-countries |
All sorts of useful information about every country All sorts of useful information about every country packaged as pretty little country objects. It includes data from ISO 3166. WWW: |
2019-09-30T22:09:34+00:00 | www/wpebackend-fdo | backend for WPE WebKit A WPE backend designed for (Linux) desktop systems. WWW: |
2019-09-30T22:03:28+00:00 | www/libwpe |
General-purpose library for WPE WebKit A WebKit port optimized for embedded devices WPE WebKit allows embedders to create simple and performant systems based on Web platform technologies. It is designed with hardware acceleration in mind, leveraging common 3D graphics APIs for best performance. WWW: |
2019-09-30T20:38:30+00:00 | security/pam_script |
PAM script module allows to hook user space scripts on PAM events PAM-script allows you to execute scripts during authorization, passwd changes, or session opening or closing. So if you need extra work done after login you can use this pam module to execute a session script. WWW: |
2019-09-30T12:22:11+00:00 | devel/py-dj22-django-rq |
Provides Django integration for RQ (Redis Queue) Django integration with RQ, a Redis based Python queuing library. Django-RQ is a simple app that allows you to configure your queues in django's and easily use them in your project. WWW: |
2019-09-30T11:30:05+00:00 | www/p5-Test-HTTP-LocalServer |
Spawn a local HTTP server for testing Test::HTTP::LocalServer implements a tiny web server suitable for running "live" tests of HTTP clients against it. It also takes care of cleaning %ENV from settings that influence the use of a local proxy etc. Use this web server if you write an HTTP client and want to exercise its behaviour in your test suite without talking to the outside world. WWW: |
2019-09-30T11:15:39+00:00 | textproc/rubygem-sassc-rails-rails52 |
Integrate SassC-Ruby into Rails We all love working with Sass, but compilation can take quite a long time for larger codebases. This gem integrates the C implementation of Sass, LibSass, into the asset pipeline. WWW: |
2019-09-30T11:15:33+00:00 | textproc/rubygem-sassc-rails-rails50 |
Integrate SassC-Ruby into Rails We all love working with Sass, but compilation can take quite a long time for larger codebases. This gem integrates the C implementation of Sass, LibSass, into the asset pipeline. WWW: |
2019-09-30T11:15:28+00:00 | textproc/rubygem-sassc-rails-rails5 |
Integrate SassC-Ruby into Rails We all love working with Sass, but compilation can take quite a long time for larger codebases. This gem integrates the C implementation of Sass, LibSass, into the asset pipeline. WWW: |
2019-09-30T11:15:22+00:00 | textproc/rubygem-sassc-rails-rails4 |
Integrate SassC-Ruby into Rails We all love working with Sass, but compilation can take quite a long time for larger codebases. This gem integrates the C implementation of Sass, LibSass, into the asset pipeline. WWW: |
2019-09-30T11:15:17+00:00 | devel/rubygem-sprockets-rails-rails4 |
Sprockets Rails integration Sprockets Rails integration WWW: |
2019-09-30T09:36:11+00:00 | databases/py-redis2 |
Python client for Redis key-value store This is the Python interface to the Redis key-value store. WWW: |
2019-09-30T08:29:57+00:00 | www/py-openbrokerapi |
Package for the V2 CF Service Broker API and Open Broker API A Python package for building Service Brokers supporting API version 2.13+. WWW: |
2019-09-30T01:02:30+00:00 | sysutils/pfetch |
Pretty system information tool written in POSIX sh Pretty system information tool written in POSIX sh, supporting: Linux; MacOS; OpenBSD; FreeBSD; NetBSD; Haiku and more. WWW: |
2019-09-29T07:25:55+00:00 | devel/py-yamlordereddictloader |
Loader and a dumper for PyYAML allowing to keep items order This module provide a loader and a dumper for PyYAML allowing to keep items order when loading a file (by putting them in OrderedDict objects) and to manage OrderedDict objects when dumping to a file. WWW: |
2019-09-29T07:24:03+00:00 | devel/py-transitions |
Lightweight, object-oriented Python state machine implementation A lightweight, object-oriented state machine implementation in Python. Compatible with Python 2.7+ and 3.0+. WWW: |
2019-09-29T01:09:57+00:00 | security/ktls_isa-l_crypto-kmod |
KTLS module using Intel(R) ISA-L crypto ISA-L crypto is a collection of optimized low-level functions targeting cryptography applications. This port provides a software encryption module for in-kernel TLS (KTLS) that uses routines in the ISA-L crypto library to encrypt TLS records. WWW: |
2019-09-28T20:02:28+00:00 | x11/rubygem-gnome |
Meta port for gems of Ruby-GNOME2 project Meta port for all Ruby Gnome2 Gems WWW: |
2019-09-28T20:02:22+00:00 | devel/rubygem-childprocess2 |
External background process controller This gem aims at being a simple and reliable solution for controlling external programs running in the background on any Ruby / OS combination. The code originated in the selenium-webdriver gem, but should prove useful as a standalone library. WWW: |
2019-09-28T16:01:15+00:00 | devel/p5-Config-Parser |
Base class for configuration file parsers Config::Parser provides a framework for writing configuration file parsers. It is an intermediate layer between the abstract syntax tree (Config::AST) and implementation of a parser for a particular configuration file format. Config::Parser::Ini is a configuration file parser for ini-style files. WWW: |
2019-09-28T16:01:15+00:00 | devel/p5-Config-Parser-ldap |
Configuration file parser for ldap.conf A parser for ldap.conf and similar files. WWW: |
2019-09-28T16:01:15+00:00 | devel/p5-Config-AST |
Abstract syntax tree for configuration files This module aims to provide a generalized syntax tree implementation for various configuration files. It does not implement parser for any existing configuration file format. Instead, it provides an API that can be used by parsers to build internal representation for the particular configuration file format. WWW: |
2019-09-28T07:25:30+00:00 | devel/R-cran-lifecycle |
Manage the Life Cycle of your Package Functions Manage the life cycle of your exported functions with shared conventions, documentation badges, and non-invasive deprecation warnings. The 'lifecycle' package defines four development stages (experimental, maturing, stable, and questioning) and three deprecation stages (soft-deprecated, deprecated, and defunct). It makes it easy to insert badges corresponding to these stages in your documentation. Usage of deprecated functions are signalled with increasing levels of non-invasive verbosity. WWW: |
2019-09-27T17:55:47+00:00 | emulators/qemu40 |
QEMU CPU Emulator - 4.0.X version QEMU is a FAST! processor emulator using dynamic translation to achieve good emulation speed. QEMU has two operating modes: * Full system emulation. In this mode, QEMU emulates a full system (for example a PC), including a processor and various peripherials. It can be used to launch different Operating Systems without rebooting the PC or to debug system code. * User mode emulation (Linux host only). In this mode, QEMU can launch Linux processes compiled for one CPU on another CPU. It can be used to launch the Wine Windows API emulator or to ease cross-compilation and cross-debugging. As QEMU requires no host kernel patches to run, it is very safe and easy to use. See also the preconfigured system images on Many live cd isos also work. WWW: |
2019-09-27T17:41:16+00:00 | textproc/p5-Text-Locus |
Class for representing locations in text files Text::Locus provides a class for representing locations in text files. A simple location consists of file name and line number, e.g. file:10. In its more complex form, the location represents a text fragment spanning several lines, such as file:10-45. Such a fragment need not be contiguous, a valid location can also look like this: file:10-35,40-48. Moreover, it can span multiple files as well: foo:10-35,40-48;bar:15,18. WWW: |
2019-09-27T14:34:05+00:00 | sysutils/pies |
Program Invocation and Execution Supervisor GNU Pies (pronounced "p-yes") stands for the Program Invocation and Execution Supervisor. This utility starts and controls execution of external programs, called "components". Each component is a stand-alone program, designed to be executed in the foreground. Upon startup pies reads the list of components from its configuration file, starts them, and remains in the background, controlling their execution. When a component terminates, pies tries to restarts it. Its configuration allows to specify actions other than simple restart, depending on the exit code of the component. GNU Pies supports a wide variety of component types and gives the user complete control over the execution environment of each component. This includes modifying shell environment, running components with the given user privileges, etc. The standard error and/or output of any component may be redirected either to a disk file or to syslog. WWW: |
2019-09-27T00:49:48+00:00 | biology/tophat |
Fast splice junction mapper for RNA-Seq reads TopHat is a fast splice junction mapper for RNA-Seq reads. It aligns RNA-Seq reads to mammalian-sized genomes using the ultra high-throughput short read aligner Bowtie, and then analyzes the mapping results to identify splice junctions between exons. Note: TopHat has been Superseded by HISAT2 and is no longer maintained upstream. This port is provided mainly for revisiting old studies where TopHat was used. WWW: |
2019-09-27T00:38:02+00:00 | comms/ebusd |
Daemon for communication with eBUS heating systems ebusd is a daemon for handling communication with eBUS devices connected to a 2-wire bus system ("energy bus" used by numerous heating systems). It is known to run fine on regular PC hardware as well as on smaller devices like Fritzbox and Raspberry Pi. In order to use it, a hardware interface is necessary. WWW: |
2019-09-26T18:12:10+00:00 | devel/py-semantic_version26 |
Python library provides a few tools to handle SemVer in Python This small python library provides a few tools to handle SemVer in Python. It follows strictly the 2.0.0 version of the SemVer scheme. WWW: |
2019-09-25T17:04:10+00:00 | lang/purescript |
Functional language that compiles to JavaScript PureScript is a small strongly typed programming language with expressive types that compiles to JavaScript, written in and inspired by Haskell. WWW: |
2019-09-25T17:01:22+00:00 | devel/hs-spago |
PureScript package manager and build tool Spago is a PureScript package manager and build tool powered by Dhall and package-sets, a curated list of PureScript packages. Spago focuses on great UX, assuring minimal dependencies and reproducible builds. WWW: |
2019-09-25T06:36:57+00:00 | security/R-cran-askpass |
Safe Password Entry for R, Git, and SSH Cross-platform utilities for prompting the user for credentials or a passphrase, for example to authenticate with a server or read a protected key. Includes native programs for MacOS and Windows, hence no 'tcltk' is required. Password entry can be invoked in two different ways: directly from R via the askpass() function, or indirectly as password-entry back-end for 'ssh-agent' or 'git-credential' via the SSH_ASKPASS and GIT_ASKPASS environment variables. Thereby the user can be prompted for credentials or a passphrase if needed when R calls out to git or ssh. WWW: |
2019-09-25T05:21:52+00:00 | devel/ros-urdfdom |
Unified Robot Description Format (URDF) parsers The URDF (U-Robot Description Format) library provides core data structures and a simple XML parsers for populating the class data structures from an URDF file. WWW: |
2019-09-25T04:38:18+00:00 | devel/ros-urdfdom_headers |
Headers for Unified Robot Description Format (URDF) parsers This package contains a the headers for the C++ parser for the Unified Robot Description Format (URDF), which is an XML format for representing a robot model in ROS. WWW: |
2019-09-25T04:25:43+00:00 | devel/ros-console_bridge |
ROS-independent logging that pipes into ROS packages ros-console_bridge provides a Robot Operating System (ROS) mechanism for logging that seamlessly pipes into rosconsole/rosout for ROS-dependent packages. This package is independent of ROS. That is, it doesn't require any other parts of ROS. WWW: |
2019-09-24T22:15:08+00:00 | www/tusd |
Reference server implementation in Go of tus tusd is the official reference implementation of the tus resumable upload protocol. The protocol specifies a flexible method to upload files to remote servers using HTTP. The special feature is the ability to pause and resume uploads at any moment allowing to continue seamlessly after e.g. network interruptions. WWW: |
2019-09-24T21:43:34+00:00 | devel/gllvm |
Whole Program LLVM: wllvm ported to Go gllvm provides tools for building whole-program (or whole-library) LLVM bitcode files from an unmodified C or C++ source package. It is a drop-in replacement for wllvm, that builds the bitcode in parallel, and is faster. WWW: |
2019-09-24T16:40:59+00:00 | deskutils/lumina-photo |
Image viewer utility from the Lumina Desktop Image viewer utility from the Lumina Desktop. WWW: |
2019-09-24T16:08:21+00:00 | net-im/ruqola |
Rocketchat client RocketChat client written in QML. WWW: |
2019-09-24T09:41:22+00:00 | sysutils/sysctlinfo-kmod |
Kernel sysctl MIB-Tree interface Kernel module to implement the sysctlinfo interface, it explores the sysctl tree to pass the info of the nodes to the userland; a header file with constants and helper macros is provided, too. WWW: |
2019-09-24T08:43:18+00:00 | devel/R-cran-sys |
Powerful and Reliable Tools for Running System Commands in R Drop-in replacements for the base system2() function with fine control and consistent behavior across platforms. Supports clean interruption, timeout, background tasks, and streaming STDIN / STDOUT / STDERR over binary or text connections. Arguments on Windows automatically get encoded and quoted to work on different locales. WWW: |
2019-09-23T21:32:44+00:00 | sysutils/nomad-pot-driver |
Nomad driver to support pot jails This is a driver for nomad to interact with the pot framework in order to be able to manage and schedule jails over a cluster of FreeBSD server. WWW: WWW: WWW: |
2019-09-23T16:09:30+00:00 | biology/py-multiqc |
Aggregate bioinformatics analysis reports across samples and tools MultiQC searches a given directory for analysis logs and compiles an HTML report. It's a general use tool, perfect for summarising the output from numerous bioinformatics tools. WWW: |
2019-09-22T20:58:12+00:00 | lang/quickjs |
Embeddable Javascript interpreter in C QuickJS is a small and embeddable Javascript engine. It supports the ES2020 specification including modules, asynchronous generators and proxies. It optionally supports mathematical extensions such as big integers (BigInt), big floating point numbers (BigFloat) and operator overloading. WWW: |
2019-09-22T19:06:43+00:00 | science/packmol |
Pack molecules in defined regions of space PACKMOL creates an initial point for molecular dynamics simulations by packing molecules in defined regions of space. The packing guarantees that short range repulsive interactions do not disrupt the simulations. WWW: |
2019-09-22T16:15:06+00:00 | archivers/py-lzstring |
LZ-based in-memory string compression LZ-based, in-memory string compression module, based on the LZ-String javascript module. WWW: |
2019-09-22T15:54:33+00:00 | graphics/py-spectra |
Color scales and color conversion made easy for Python Spectra is a Python library that makes color math, color scales, and color-space conversion easy. Support for: Color scales Color ranges Color blending Brightening/darkening colors Saturating/desaturating colors Conversion to/from multiple color spaces Spectra is built on colormath and grapefruit. Spectra is enormously inspired by chroma.js and d3's scales. WWW: |
2019-09-22T10:50:43+00:00 | devel/ros-rosinstall |
ROS command-line tools for maintaining a workspace from VCS Rosinstall is an SCM abstracton tool for holding ROS workspaces in sync. From the rosinstall documentation: Using rosinstall you can update several folders using a variety of SCMs (SVN, Mercurial, git, Bazaar) with just one command. That way you can more effectively manage source code workspaces. The rosinstall package provides a Python API for interacting with a source code workspace as well as a group of command line tools. Rosinstall leverages the vcstools package for source control and stores its state in .rosinstall files. rosinstall was developed to help with the ROS software, but it has no install dependencies to ROS. It offers support for ROS environments and thus makes some assumptions about ROS being present at runtime, but those can be easily removed and rosws provides all services even when there is no ROS installed. The vision is for the bulk of rosinstall to be a ROS agnostic tool one day. WWW: |
2019-09-22T10:48:02+00:00 | devel/ros-rosdep |
Multi-package manager system dependency tool for ROS rosdep is a command-line tool for installing system dependencies rosdep uses the backend of operating system for installing packages. For end-users, rosdep helps you install system dependencies for software that you are building from source. For developers, rosdep simplifies the problem of installing system dependencies on different platforms. On FreeBSD, the pkg system is used. WWW: |
2019-09-22T10:46:21+00:00 | devel/ros-rosdistro |
Tools to work with catkinized rosdistro files Python library for working with catkinized rosdistro files for ROS. rosdistro is part of the package management system for ROS. WWW: |
2019-09-22T10:44:35+00:00 | devel/ros-rospkg |
Python library for ROS packaging system Rospkg is a standalone Python library for working with the ROS packaging system The ROS packaging system simplifies development and distribution of code libraries. It enable you to easily specify dependencies between code libraries, easily interact with those libraries from the command-line, and release your code for others to use. ROS packages are designed to support building and running code in local code trees. This is useful for developing software on multi-developer systems, such as robots, where there may be multiple versions of a library in use, and code is being contributed from multiple sources. It is also design to support modular code that is easily shared with other developers. WWW: |
2019-09-22T10:42:03+00:00 | devel/ros-catkin_pkg |
Standard Python library for the catkin build system This is a Python library for working with the Catkin package system for ROS. Catkin is the main build system for the Robot Operating System. WWW: |
2019-09-22T10:16:13+00:00 | devel/ros-wstool |
Tool for managing a workspace of heterogenous SCM repositories Command-line tools for maintaining a workspace from multiple version-control systems. This is primarily used as a tool for build a workspace for the Robot Operating System (ROS). WWW: |
2019-09-22T10:02:09+00:00 | devel/ros-vcstools |
Python library for interacting with various VCS systems The vcstools module provides a Python API for interacting with different version control systems (VCS/SCMs). WWW: |
2019-09-22T08:36:51+00:00 | devel/ros-rosinstall_generator |
Generator tool for a ROS install distro rosinstall_generator generates the information for a distribution of the Robot Operating System (ROS). WWW: |
2019-09-22T08:30:26+00:00 | devel/collada-dom |
COLLADA Document Object Model (DOM) C++ Library A C++ library that provides an API to the COLLADA Document Object Model The COLLADA Document Object Model (DOM) is an application programming interface (API) that provides a C++ object representation of a COLLADA XML instance document. This project is a library for loading and saving COLLADA documents that can contain 2D, 3D, physics and other types of content. It allows developers to create applications that can exchange COLLADA documents with commercial content creation tools such as Maya, Max or Softimage. This project is a very lightweight version of the Sourceforce Collada Repository. It maintains only the base collada parser with minimal dependencies. WWW: |
2019-09-22T08:05:00+00:00 | sysutils/py-hcloud |
Official Hetzner Cloud python library Official Hetzner Cloud python library WWW: |
2019-09-21T19:49:53+00:00 | games/tome4-beta |
2019-09-21T18:45:22+00:00 | graphics/rapid-photo-downloader |
Import photos and videos efficiently and reliably Rapid Photo Downloader imports photos and videos from cameras, phones, memory cards and other devices at high speed. It can be configured to rename photos and videos with meaningful filenames you specify. It can also back up photos and videos as they are downloaded. It downloads from and backs up to multiple devices simultaneously. WWW: |
2019-09-21T18:42:40+00:00 | sysutils/p5-File-Rename |
Rename multiple files rename renames the filenames supplied according to the rule specified as the first argument. The perlexpr argument is a Perl expression which is expected to modify the $_ string in Perl for at least some of the filenames specified. If a given filename is not modified by the expression, it will not be renamed. If no filenames are given on the command line, filenames will be read via standard input. WWW: |
2019-09-21T16:21:33+00:00 | graphics/py-colour |
Python colour representations manipulation library Converts and manipulates common colour representation (RGB, HSL, web, ...) WWW: |
2019-09-21T14:44:42+00:00 | graphics/nanosvg |
Simple C++ header-only SVG parser NanoSVG is a simple stupid single-header-file SVG parse. The output of the parser is a list of cubic bezier shapes. The library suits well for anything from rendering scalable icons in your editor application to prototyping a game. NanoSVG supports a wide range of SVG features, but something may be missing, feel free to create a pull request! The shapes in the SVG images are transformed by the viewBox and converted to specified units. That is, you should get the same looking data as your designed in your favorite app. NanoSVG can return the paths in few different units. For example if you want to render an image, you may choose to get the paths in pixels, or if you are feeding the data into a CNC-cutter, you may want to use millimeters. The units passed to NanoSVG should be one of: 'px', 'pt', 'pc' 'mm', 'cm', or 'in'. DPI (dots-per-inch) controls how the unit conversion is done. If you don't know or care about the units stuff, "px" and 96 should get you going. WWW: |
2019-09-21T14:21:44+00:00 | editors/mle |
Small, flexible, terminal-based text editor mle is a small, flexible, terminal-based text editor written in C. Notable features include: full Unicode support, syntax highlighting, scriptable rc file, macros, search and replace (PCRE), window splitting, multiple cursors, and integration with various shell commands. WWW: |
2019-09-21T13:57:29+00:00 | multimedia/py-pymediainfo |
Python wrapper for the mediainfo library This small package is a wrapper around the MediaInfo library. It works on Linux, Mac OS X and Windows and is tested with Python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, PyPy and PyPy3. See for more information. WWW: |
2019-09-21T13:54:23+00:00 | graphics/py-rawkit |
Ctypes based libraw bindings rawkit (pronounced rocket) is a ctypes-based LibRaw binding for Python inspired by the Wand API. WWW: |
2019-09-21T12:10:06+00:00 | lang/zig |
Language designed for robustness, optimality, and maintainability Zig is a general purpose programming language designed for robustness, optimality, and maintainability. WWW: |
2019-09-21T08:56:20+00:00 | graphics/linux-c7-libdrm |
Interface to kernel Direct Rendering Module (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER}) ${.CURDIR}/../${PORTNAME}/pkg-descr |
2019-09-20T19:31:41+00:00 | devel/php74-ffi |
2019-09-20T12:21:11+00:00 | www/php74-tidy |
2019-09-20T12:21:11+00:00 | www/php74-session |
2019-09-20T12:21:11+00:00 | www/php74-opcache |
2019-09-20T12:21:11+00:00 | www/mod_php74 |
2019-09-20T12:21:11+00:00 | textproc/php74-xsl |
2019-09-20T12:21:11+00:00 | textproc/php74-xmlwriter |
2019-09-20T12:21:11+00:00 | textproc/php74-xmlreader |
2019-09-20T12:21:11+00:00 | textproc/php74-xml |
2019-09-20T12:21:11+00:00 | textproc/php74-simplexml |
2019-09-20T12:21:11+00:00 | textproc/php74-pspell |
2019-09-20T12:21:11+00:00 | textproc/php74-enchant |
2019-09-20T12:21:11+00:00 | textproc/php74-dom |
2019-09-20T12:21:11+00:00 | textproc/php74-ctype |
2019-09-20T12:21:11+00:00 | sysutils/php74-posix |
2019-09-20T12:21:11+00:00 | sysutils/php74-fileinfo |
2019-09-20T12:21:11+00:00 | security/php74-sodium |
2019-09-20T12:21:11+00:00 | security/php74-openssl |
2019-09-20T12:21:11+00:00 | security/php74-hash |
2019-09-20T12:21:11+00:00 | security/php74-filter |
2019-09-20T12:21:11+00:00 | net/php74-xmlrpc |
2019-09-20T12:21:11+00:00 | net/php74-sockets |
2019-09-20T12:21:11+00:00 | net/php74-soap |
2019-09-20T12:21:11+00:00 | net/php74-ldap |
2019-09-20T12:21:11+00:00 | net-mgmt/php74-snmp |
2019-09-20T12:21:11+00:00 | misc/php74-calendar |
2019-09-20T12:21:11+00:00 | math/php74-gmp |
2019-09-20T12:21:11+00:00 | math/php74-bcmath |
2019-09-20T12:21:11+00:00 | mail/php74-imap |
2019-09-20T12:21:11+00:00 | lang/php74 |
PHP Scripting Language PHP, which stands for "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor" is a widely-used Open Source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for Web development and can be embedded into HTML. Its syntax draws upon C, Java, and Perl, and is easy to learn. The main goal of the language is to allow web developers to write dynamically generated webpages quickly, but you can do much more with PHP. WWW: |
2019-09-20T12:21:11+00:00 | lang/php74-extensions |
"meta-port" to install PHP extensions This is a "meta-port" to install the extensions for PHP 7.4. Defaults to: ctype, dom, filter, iconv, json, opcache, pdo, pdo_sqlite, phar, posix, session, simplexml, sqlite3, tokenizer, xml, xmlreader and xmlwriter. WWW: |
2019-09-20T12:21:11+00:00 | graphics/php74-gd |
2019-09-20T12:21:11+00:00 | graphics/php74-exif |
2019-09-20T12:21:11+00:00 | ftp/php74-ftp |
2019-09-20T12:21:11+00:00 | ftp/php74-curl |
2019-09-20T12:21:11+00:00 | devel/php74-tokenizer |
2019-09-20T12:21:11+00:00 | devel/php74-sysvshm |
2019-09-20T12:21:11+00:00 | devel/php74-sysvsem |
2019-09-20T12:21:11+00:00 | devel/php74-sysvmsg |
2019-09-20T12:21:11+00:00 | devel/php74-shmop |
2019-09-20T12:21:11+00:00 | devel/php74-readline |
2019-09-20T12:21:11+00:00 | devel/php74-pcntl |
2019-09-20T12:21:11+00:00 | devel/php74-json |
2019-09-20T12:21:11+00:00 | devel/php74-intl |
2019-09-20T12:21:11+00:00 | devel/php74-gettext |
2019-09-20T12:21:11+00:00 | databases/php74-sqlite3 |
2019-09-20T12:21:11+00:00 | databases/php74-pgsql |
2019-09-20T12:21:11+00:00 | databases/php74-pdo_sqlite |
2019-09-20T12:21:11+00:00 | databases/php74-pdo_pgsql |
2019-09-20T12:21:11+00:00 | databases/php74-pdo_odbc |
2019-09-20T12:21:11+00:00 | databases/php74-pdo_mysql |
2019-09-20T12:21:11+00:00 | databases/php74-pdo_firebird |
2019-09-20T12:21:11+00:00 | databases/php74-pdo_dblib |
2019-09-20T12:21:11+00:00 | databases/php74-pdo |
2019-09-20T12:21:11+00:00 | databases/php74-odbc |
2019-09-20T12:21:11+00:00 | databases/php74-mysqli |
2019-09-20T12:21:11+00:00 | databases/php74-dba |
2019-09-20T12:21:11+00:00 | converters/php74-mbstring |
2019-09-20T12:21:11+00:00 | converters/php74-iconv |
2019-09-20T12:21:11+00:00 | archivers/php74-zlib |
2019-09-20T12:21:11+00:00 | archivers/php74-zip |
2019-09-20T12:21:11+00:00 | archivers/php74-phar |
2019-09-20T12:21:11+00:00 | archivers/php74-bz2 |
2019-09-20T10:28:32+00:00 | textproc/py-towncrier |
Building newsfiles for your project towncrier is a utility to produce useful, summarised news files for your project. Rather than reading the Git history as some newer tools to produce it, or having one single file which developers all write to, towncrier reads "news fragments" which contain information useful to end users. WWW: |
2019-09-20T05:46:58+00:00 | devel/flatcc |
FlatBuffers compiler and library in C for C A compiler that generates FlatBuffers code for C given a FlatBuffer schema file. This introduction also creates a separate test project with the traditional monster example, here in a C version. WWW: |
2019-09-20T00:56:43+00:00 | devel/py-dialog3 |
Python 3 interface to dialog(3) pythondialog 3 is a Python 3 wrapper for the dialog utility originally written by Savio Lam, and later rewritten by Thomas E. Dickey. Its purpose is to provide an easy to use, pythonic and comprehensive Python 3 interface to dialog. This allows one to make simple text-mode user interfaces on Unix-like systems. WWW: |
2019-09-19T23:46:33+00:00 | x11-clocks/xfce4-stopwatch-plugin |
XFCE panel plugin to keep track of elapsed time This plugin keeps track of elapsed time - right on your panel. WWW: |
2019-09-19T18:43:45+00:00 | x11-fonts/cascadia-code |
Monospaced font with programming ligatures Cascadia Code is a fun, new monospaced font that includes programming ligatures and is designed to enhance the modern look and feel of the Windows Terminal. WWW: |
2019-09-18T22:50:09+00:00 | net-p2p/sonarr-devel |
PVR for Usenet and BitTorrent users Sonarr is a PVR for Usenet and BitTorrent users. WWW: |
2019-09-18T19:21:47+00:00 | databases/phpmyadmin-devel |
Set of PHP-scripts to manage MySQL over the web Currently phpMyAdmin can: * browse and drop databases, tables, views, columns and indexes * display multiple results sets through stored procedures or queries * create, copy, drop, rename and alter databases, tables, columns and indexes * maintain server, databases and tables, with proposals on server configuration * execute, edit and bookmark any SQL-statement, even batch-queries * load text files into tables * create and read dumps of tables * export data to various formats: CSV, XML, PDF, ISO/IEC 26300 - OpenDocument Text and Spreadsheet, Microsoft Word 2000, and LATEX formats * import data and MySQL structures from OpenDocument spreadsheets, as well as XML, CSV, and SQL files * administer multiple servers * manage MySQL users and privileges * check referential integrity in MyISAM tables * using Query-by-example (QBE), create complex queries automatically connecting required tables * create PDF graphics of your database layout * search globally in a database or a subset of it * transform stored data into any format using a set of predefined functions, like displaying BLOB-data as image or download-link * track changes on databases, tables and views * support InnoDB tables and foreign keys * support mysqli, the improved MySQL extension * create, edit, call, export and drop stored procedures and functions * create, edit, export and drop events and triggers * communicate in 62 different languages WWW: |
2019-09-18T17:14:34+00:00 | devel/py-oci |
Python interface to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure The Python SDK enables one to write code to manage Oracle Cloud Infrastructure resources. All OCI services and regions are supported. WWW: |
2019-09-18T07:23:47+00:00 | x11/conlecterm |
Multi tabbed terminal for rxvt/xterm/emacs This is a multi tabbed terminal that uses embedded windows and a gtk notebook. Any program that has an option to be embedded can be used with it. Possible programs include: * rxvt-unicode * xterm * emacs * vim WWW: |
2019-09-18T00:16:40+00:00 | java/openjdk13 |
Java Development Kit ${JDK_MAJOR_VERSION} An open-source implementation of the Java Platform, Standard Edition, WWW: |
2019-09-17T19:57:41+00:00 | security/tpm2-abrmd |
TPM2 Access Broker & Resource Manager Deamon TPM2 Access Broker & Resource Management Daemon implementing the TCG spec. WWW: |
2019-09-17T19:52:16+00:00 | security/tpm2-tools |
TPM2 tools This port contains the code for the TPM (Trusted Platform Module) 2.0 tools based on tpm2-tss. WWW: |
2019-09-17T19:46:10+00:00 | security/tpm2-tss |
TPM2 Software Stack core library OSS implementation of the TCG TPM2 Software Stack (TSS2) * libtss2-fapi - Feature API (FAPI) as described in the TSS 2.0 Feature API Specification and TSS 2.0 JSON Data Types and Policy Language Specification. * libtss2-esys - Enhanced System API (ESAPI) as described in the TSS 2.0 This API is a 1-to-1 mapping of the TPM2 commands documented in Part 3 of the TPM2 specification. Additionally there are asynchronous versions of each command. In addition to SAPI, the ESAPI performs tracking of meta data for TPM object and automatic calculation of session authorization and encryption. * libtss2-sys - System API (SAPI) as described in the system level API and TPM command transmission interface specification. This API is a 1-to-1 mapping of the TPM2 commands documented in Part 3 of the TPM2 specification. * libtss2-mu - Marshaling/Unmarshaling (MU) as described in the TCG TSS 2.0 Marshaling/Unmarshaling API Specification. This API provides a set of marshaling and unmarshaling functions for all data types define by the TPM2 library specification. * TPM Command Transmission Interface (TCTI) that is described in the same specification. This API provides a standard interface to transmit/receive TPM command/response buffers. WWW: |
2019-09-17T15:56:16+00:00 | www/jwt-cli |
Super fast CLI tool to decode and encode JWTs Command line tool to help you work with JSON Web Tokens (JWTs). Like most JWT command line tools out there, you can decode almost any JWT header and claims body. Unlike any that I've found, however, jwt-cli allows you to encode a new JWT with nearly any piece of data you can think of. Custom header values (some), custom claim bodies (as long as it's JSON, it's game), and using any secret you need. WWW: |
2019-09-16T19:15:21+00:00 | dns/rdap |
CLI for the Registration Data Access Protocol, RDAP OpenRDAP is a command line client for the Registration Data Access Protocol, written in Go. RDAP is a replacement for WHOIS, which provides domain name & IP address registration information in JSON format over HTTP. WWW: |
2019-09-16T10:48:31+00:00 | devel/termbox |
Legacy-free alternative to ncurses termbox is a minimal, legacy-free alternative to ncurses, suitable for building text-based user interfaces. WWW: |
2019-09-16T10:03:43+00:00 | devel/lua-resty-string |
String utilities and common hash functions for ngx_lua and LuaJIT String utilities and common hash functions for ngx_lua and LuaJIT WWW: |
2019-09-16T01:07:31+00:00 | biology/haplohseq |
Identify regions of allelic imbalance Haplohseq identifies regions of allelic imbalance (AI) in sequencing data obtained from impure samples where AI events exist in a potentially low proportion of cells in the sample. Input to the software includes a VCF file of genotypes and estimated phased genotypes. WWW: |
2019-09-15T23:18:47+00:00 | www/lua-resty-core |
New FFI-based Lua API for OpenResty NGINX Lua modules New FFI-based Lua API for ngx_http_lua_module and/or ngx_stream_lua_module WWW: |
2019-09-15T23:12:13+00:00 | www/lua-resty-lrucache |
Lua-land LRU cache based on the LuaJIT FFI Lua-land LRU cache based on the LuaJIT FFI WWW: |
2019-09-15T21:43:23+00:00 | devel/py-wlc |
Command line utility for Weblate Command line utility for Weblate, translation tool with tight version control integration. It uses the Weblate's REST API. WWW: WWW: |
2019-09-14T21:09:21+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-workmailmessageflow |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon WorkMail Message Flow Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon WorkMail Message Flow. WWW: WWW: |
2019-09-14T14:26:31+00:00 | net-p2p/zetacoin-utils |
Peer-to-Peer crypto currency with quick transactions (CLI and Utilities) |
2019-09-14T14:26:31+00:00 | net-p2p/zetacoin-daemon |
Peer-to-Peer crypto currency with quick transactions (Daemon) |
2019-09-13T18:38:11+00:00 | textproc/docbookrx |
DocBook to AsciiDoc converter DocBookRx is the prescription you need to get rid of your DocBook pain. This tool converts DocBook XML to AsciiDoc. DocBookRx is the start of a DocBook to AsciiDoc converter written in Ruby. This converter is far from perfect at the moment and some of the conversion is done hastily. The plan is to evolve it into a robust library for performing this conversion in a reliable way. WWW: |
2019-09-13T18:37:58+00:00 | deskutils/syncthingtray |
Qt 5-based Syncthing tray application Syncthing Tray Qt 5-based tray application Dolphin/Plasma integration command-line interface Qt-ish C++ interface to control Syncthing WWW: |
2019-09-13T09:15:12+00:00 | x11-fonts/open-sans |
Clean and modern sans-serif typeface Open Sans is a clean and modern sans-serif typeface designed by Steve Matteson and commissioned by Google. It is especially designed for legibility across print, web, and mobile interfaces. WWW: |
2019-09-13T07:45:37+00:00 | security/wazuh-agent |
Security tool to monitor and check logs and intrusions The Wazuh agent runs on the hosts that you want to monitor. It is multi-platform and provides the following capabilities: - Log and data collection - File integrity monitoring - Rootkit and malware detection - Security policy monitoring. - Configuration assessments - Software inventory In addition, it communicates with the Wazuh manager, sending data in near real-time through an encrypted and authenticated channel. WWW: |
2019-09-12T14:32:12+00:00 | mail/dovecot-fts-xapian |
Dovecot FTS plugin based on Xapian This project intends to provide a straightforward and simple way to configure FTS plugin for Dovecot, leveraging the efforts by the team. This effort came after Dovecot team decided to deprecate "fts_squat" included in the dovecot core, and due to the complexity of the Solr plugin capabilitles, un-needed for most users. WWW: |
2019-09-12T02:36:26+00:00 | www/py-asgiref |
ASGI specs, helper code, and adapters ASGI is a standard for Python asynchronous web apps and servers to communicate with each other, and positioned as an asynchronous successor to WSGI. WWW: |
2019-09-11T19:29:40+00:00 | databases/galera26 |
Synchronous multi-master replication engine Galera v26 wsrep provider library for Galera Cluster for MySQL, an easy-to-use high-availability solution with high system up-time, no data loss, and scalability for future growth. WWW: |
2019-09-11T16:51:55+00:00 | x11/wallutils |
Utilities for handling monitors, resolutions, wallpapers and timed wallpapers * Detect monitor resolutions and set the desktop wallpaper, for any window manager (please file an issue if your window manager is not supported yet). * Supports GNOME timed wallpapers, and includes a utility that can run an event loop for changing them (also supports cross fading). * Introduces a new file format for timed wallpapers WWW: |
2019-09-11T15:37:34+00:00 | www/glassfish5 |
Eclipse Jakarta EE Platform Eclipse Enterprise for Java Eclipse GlassFish is a complete application server that implements the Jakarta EE specification. GlassFish includes implementations of all required and optional Jakarta EE APIs, and passes all Jakarta EE TCKs. GlassFish also includes a complete administration console, clustering support, and other developer and production focused tools and features. WWW: |
2019-09-10T21:49:57+00:00 | net/ip2proxy |
C library to lookup proxies This library is the C programming language library to support all IP2Proxy⢠BIN database products to query proxy IP address and its country, region, city, ISP name and proxy types. It has been optimized for speed and memory utilization. WWW: |
2019-09-10T19:30:09+00:00 | x11/linux-c7-libxkbcommon |
Keymap handling library (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER}) ${.CURDIR}/../${PORTNAME}/pkg-descr |
2019-09-10T19:30:09+00:00 | x11-toolkits/linux-c7-gtk3 |
GTK+ library, version 3.X (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER}) ${.CURDIR}/../${PORTNAME}0/pkg-descr |
2019-09-10T19:30:09+00:00 | graphics/linux-c7-libepoxy |
Library to handle OpenGL function pointer management (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER}) ${.CURDIR}/../${PORTNAME}/pkg-descr |
2019-09-10T19:30:09+00:00 | graphics/linux-c7-cairo-gobject |
Vector graphics library Cairo (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER}) ${.CURDIR}/../${PORTNAME}/pkg-descr |
2019-09-10T19:30:09+00:00 | accessibility/linux-c7-at-spi2-core |
Assistive technology service provider interface (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER}) ${.CURDIR}/../${PORTNAME}/pkg-descr |
2019-09-10T19:30:09+00:00 | accessibility/linux-c7-at-spi2-atk |
Assistive technology ATK bridge (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER}) ${.CURDIR}/../${PORTNAME}/pkg-descr |
2019-09-10T17:56:25+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-qldbsession |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon QLDB Session (QLDB Session) Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon QLDB Session (QLDB Session). WWW: WWW: |
2019-09-10T17:56:19+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-qldb |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon QLDB (QLDB) Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon QLDB (QLDB). WWW: WWW: |
2019-09-10T17:41:57+00:00 | devel/py-cabby |
Python TAXII client implementation from EclecticIQ Python TAXII client implementation from EclecticIQ. A simple Python library for interacting with TAXII servers. WWW: |
2019-09-10T17:36:51+00:00 | devel/py-pymisp |
Python library to access MISP platforms via their REST API PyMISP allows you to fetch events, add or update events/attributes, add or update samples or search for attributes. WWW: |
2019-09-10T17:13:02+00:00 | devel/py-furl |
Small Python library that makes parsing and manipulating URLs easy furl is a small Python library that makes parsing and manipulating URLs easy. Python's standard urllib and urlparse modules provide a number of URL related functions, but using these functions to perform common URL operations proves tedious. Furl makes parsing and manipulating URLs easy. Furl is well tested, Unlicensed in the public domain, and supports Python 2, Python 3, PyPy2, and PyPy3. WWW: |
2019-09-10T13:29:34+00:00 | devel/py-uhid-freebsd |
Python library to retrieve information on uhid devices uhid-freebsd is a Python library to retrieve information on USB HID devices on FreeBSD (/dev/uhid*). WWW: |
2019-09-10T11:44:39+00:00 | x11/mons |
POSIX shell script to quickly manage displays using XRandR Mons is a shell script to quickly manage 2-monitors display using XRandR. Perks: - No requirement: POSIX-compliant (minimal: xorg-xrandr) - Useful: Perfectly fit for laptops, quick and daily use - Well known: Laptop mode, projector mode, duplicate, mirror and extend - More: Select one or two monitors over several others - Extra: Cycle through every mode with only one shortcut - Auto: Daemon mode to automatically reset display WWW: |
2019-09-10T07:10:56+00:00 | x11/libXpresent |
X Present Extension library Xlib-based library for the X Present Extension. WWW: |
2019-09-09T21:50:57+00:00 | net/courier-sox |
Courier Socks 5 Proxy client library and wrapper The Courier Socks 5 package contains: 1. Courier Socks 5 Proxy client Library 2. Courier Socks 5 server 3. Courier Socks 5 wrapper WWW: |
2019-09-09T20:37:45+00:00 | misc/utouch-kmod |
Kernel driver for absolute USB HID mouses utouch - Kernel driver for absolute USB HID mouses emulated by some virtualization systems like Virtual Box, BHyve, etc. It uses evdev protocol to communicate with userland applications like libinput and xf86-input-evdev. The driver should be installed in to the guest FreeBSD system. Host system should be configured to emulate mouse as a single-touch USB tablet. WWW: |
2019-09-09T19:32:28+00:00 | security/totp-cli |
Authy/Google Authenticator like TOTP CLI tool This is a simple TOTP (Time-based One-time Password) CLI tool. TOTP is the most common mechanism for 2FA (Two-Factor-Authentication). You can manage and organize your accounts with namespaces and protect your data with a password. WWW: |
2019-09-09T14:58:48+00:00 | security/py-exscript |
Automating Telnet and SSH Exscript is a Python module and a template processor for automating network connections over protocols such as Telnet or SSH. We attempt to create the best possible set of tools for working with Telnet and SSH. WWW: |
2019-09-09T08:57:54+00:00 | lang/luajit-openresty |
Just-In-Time Compiler for Lua (OpenResty branch) OpenResty's Branch of LuaJIT 2 WWW: |
2019-09-08T21:46:13+00:00 | mail/bogofilter-lmdb |
${PKGDIR}/pkg-descr |
2019-09-08T21:46:13+00:00 | mail/bogofilter-kc |
${PKGDIR}/pkg-descr |
2019-09-08T20:32:18+00:00 | audio/linux-c7-alsa-lib-devel |
Advanced Linux Sound Architecture headers (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER}) ${.CURDIR}/../${PORTNAME}/pkg-descr |
2019-09-08T20:24:35+00:00 | devel/linux-c7-make |
GNU make utility (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER}) ${.CURDIR}/../gmake/pkg-descr |
2019-09-07T22:56:32+00:00 | devel/py-azure-functions-devops-build |
Azure Devops Build Manager For Azure Functions This project provides the class AzureDevopsBuildManager and supporting classes. This manager class allows the caller to manage Azure Devops pipelines that are maintained within an Azure Devops account. This project was created to be able to support command line tooling for the AZ Cli. WWW: |
2019-09-07T22:55:02+00:00 | devel/py-vsts |
Python wrapper around the VSTS APIs This repository contains Python APIs for interacting with and managing Azure DevOps. These APIs power the Visual Studio Team Services CLI. WWW: |
2019-09-07T22:53:25+00:00 | devel/py-azure-mgmt-apimanagement |
Microsoft Azure API Management Client Library for Python This is the Microsoft Azure API Management Client Library. Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the next generation of management APIs that replace the old Azure Service Management (ASM). WWW: |
2019-09-07T22:50:30+00:00 | devel/py-azure-mgmt-privatedns |
Microsoft Azure DNS Private Zones Client Library for Python This is the Microsoft Azure DNS Private Zones Client Library. Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the next generation of management APIs that replace the old Azure Service Management (ASM). WWW: |
2019-09-07T22:49:27+00:00 | devel/py-azure-mgmt-netapp |
Microsoft Azure NetApp Files Management Client Library for Python This is the Microsoft Azure NetApp Files Management Client Library. Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the next generation of management APIs that replace the old Azure Service Management (ASM). WWW: |
2019-09-07T22:48:21+00:00 | devel/py-azure-mgmt-managedservices |
Microsoft Azure Managed Services Client Library for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Managed Services Client Library. Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the next generation of management APIs that replace the old Azure Service Management (ASM). WWW: |
2019-09-07T22:47:10+00:00 | devel/py-azure-mgmt-imagebuilder |
Microsoft Azure Image Builder Client Library for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Image Builder Client Library. Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the next generation of management APIs that replace the old Azure Service Management (ASM). WWW: |
2019-09-07T22:46:06+00:00 | devel/py-azure-mgmt-deploymentmanager |
Microsoft Azure Deployment Manager Client Library for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Deployment Manager Client Library. Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the next generation of management APIs that replace the old Azure Service Management (ASM). WWW: |
2019-09-07T22:44:44+00:00 | devel/py-azure-mgmt-appconfiguration |
Microsoft Azure App Configuration Client Library for Python This is the Microsoft Azure App Configuration Client Library. Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the next generation of management APIs that replace the old Azure Service Management (ASM). WWW: |
2019-09-07T22:43:34+00:00 | www/rubygem-jekyll3 |
Simple, blog aware, static site generator Jekyll is a simple, blog aware, static site generator. It takes a template directory (representing the raw form of a website), runs it through Textile or Markdown and Liquid converters, and spits out a complete, static website suitable for serving with Apache or your favorite web server. This is also the engine behind GitHub Pages, which you can use to host your project's page or blog on GitHub. WWW: |
2019-09-07T22:43:20+00:00 | textproc/rubygem-kramdown1 |
Yet-another-markdown-parser but fast, pure Ruby kramdown is yet-another-markdown-parser but fast, pure Ruby, using a strict syntax definition and supporting several common extensions. WWW: |
2019-09-07T22:43:00+00:00 | textproc/rubygem-kramdown-parser-gfm |
Kramdown parser for the GFM dialect of Markdown This is a parser for kramdown that converts Markdown documents in the GFM dialect to HTML. WWW: |
2019-09-07T22:42:42+00:00 | textproc/rubygem-jekyll-sass-converter1 |
Basic Sass converter for Jekyll rubygem-jekyll-sass-converter is a basic Sass converter for Jekyll. WWW: |
2019-09-07T14:54:32+00:00 | devel/rubygem-grape_logging181 |
Request logging for Grape This gem provides simple request logging for Grape with just few lines of code you have to put in your project! In return you will get response codes, paths, parameters and more! WWW: |
2019-09-07T06:40:50+00:00 | japanese/font-myricam |
Myrica free TrueType fonts for programming Myrica is a free TrueType fonts for programming WWW: |
2019-09-07T06:40:50+00:00 | japanese/font-myrica |
Myrica free TrueType fonts for programming Myrica is a free TrueType fonts for programming WWW: |
2019-09-06T23:23:09+00:00 | devel/py-fabric1 |
High level SSH command execution Fabric is a high level Python library designed to execute shell commands remotely over SSH, yielding useful Python objects in return. It builds on top of Invoke (subprocess command execution and command-line features) and Paramiko (SSH protocol implementation), extending their APIs to complement one another and provide additional functionality. WWW: |
2019-09-06T12:58:25+00:00 | converters/bmfdec |
Decompile binary MOF file (BMF) from WMI buffer Binary MOF buffer in WMI tools: * Decompile binary MOF file (BMF) to UTF-8 plain text MOF file. * Decompress binary MOF file (BMF) * Parse binary MOF file (BMF) EXAMPLES: sysctl -b dev.acpi_wmi.0.bmof | bmf2mof SEE ALSO: acpi_wmi(4) WWW: |
2019-09-06T11:55:56+00:00 | textproc/py-misaka |
CFFI binding for Hoedown, a markdown parsing library Misaka is a CFFI-based binding for Hoedown, a fast markdown processing library written in C. It features a fast HTML renderer and functionality to make custom renderers (e.g. man pages or LaTeX). WWW: |
2019-09-06T11:54:16+00:00 | security/suricata5 |
High Performance Network IDS, IPS and Security Monitoring engine(v5) The Suricata Engine is an Open Source Next Generation Intrusion Detection and Prevention Engine developed by the Open Information Security Foundation (OISF). This engine is not intended to just replace or emulate the existing tools in the industry, but will bring new ideas and technologies to the field. OISF is part of and funded by the Department of Homeland Security's Directorate for Science and Technology HOST program (Homeland Open Security Technology), by the Navy's Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR), as well as through the very generous support of the members of the OISF Consortium. More information about the Consortium is available, as well as a list of our current Consortium Members. This is upcoming version 5. WWW: |
2019-09-06T11:15:04+00:00 | www/py-django-bakery |
Set of helpers for baking your Django site out as flat files Provides a set of helper for baking your Django site out as flat files. Features: - Models, views and management commands that will build your site as flat files. - Management commands to sync your flat files with a bucket on Amazon S3. - Optional integration of a Celery job queue to automatically build and publish model objects when they are saved WWW: |
2019-09-06T10:02:14+00:00 | textproc/py-jsx-lexer |
JSX lexer for Pygments A JSX lexer for Pygments. Supports: * Sphinx * mkdocs WWW: |
2019-09-06T07:39:45+00:00 | www/py-django-staticinline |
Django template tag to load static files inline with your template Similiar to Django's native static templatetag, but this includes the file directly in the template, rather than a link to it. WWW: |
2019-09-05T20:55:22+00:00 | editors/libreoffice-szl |
2019-09-03T19:30:29+00:00 | devel/py-fbprophet |
Forecasting time series data based on an additive model Implements a procedure for forecasting time series data based on an additive model where non-linear trends are fit with yearly, weekly, and daily seasonality, plus holiday effects. It works best with time series that have strong seasonal effects and several seasons of historical data. Prophet is robust to missing data and shifts in the trend, and typically handles outliers well. WWW: |
2019-09-03T16:02:44+00:00 | math/py-pystan |
Python interface for Stan PyStan provides a Python interface to Stan, a package for Bayesian inference using the No-U-Turn sampler, a variant of Hamiltonian Monte Carlo. For more information on Stan and its modeling language, see the Stan User's Guide and Reference Manual at WWW: |
2019-09-03T16:00:44+00:00 | devel/py-convertdate |
Converts between Gregorian dates and other calendar systems Converts between Gregorian dates and other calendar systems. Calendars include: * Baha'i * French Republican * Hebrew * Indian Civil * Islamic * ISO * Julian * Mayan * Persian. The holidays module also provides some useful holiday-calculation, with a focus on North American and Jewish holidays. Note that in some calendar systems, the day begins at sundown. Convertdate uses noon of the day in question. from convertdate import french_republican from convertdate import hebrew french_republican.from_gregorian(2014, 10, 31) # (223, 2, 1, 9) hebrew.from_gregorian(2014, 10, 31) # (5775, 8, 7) WWW: |
2019-09-03T15:45:09+00:00 | devel/py-holidays |
Generate country, province, and state specific holiday sets on the fly A fast, efficient Python library for generating country, province and state specific sets of holidays on the fly. It aims to make determining whether a specific date is a holiday as fast and flexible as possible. from datetime import date import holidays date(2015, 1, 1) in us_holidays # True date(2015, 1, 2) in us_holidays # False WWW: |
2019-09-03T15:39:57+00:00 | devel/py-lunardate |
Chinese Calendar Library in Pure Python Chinese Calendar Library in Pure Python >>> from lunardate import LunarDate >>> LunarDate.fromSolarDate(1976, 10, 1) LunarDate(1976, 8, 8, 1) >>> LunarDate(1976, 8, 8, 1).toSolarDate(), 10, 1) >>> LunarDate(1976, 8, 8, 1).year 1976 >>> LunarDate(1976, 8, 8, 1).month 8 >>> LunarDate(1976, 8, 8, 1).day 8 >>> LunarDate(1976, 8, 8, 1).isLeapMonth True WWW: |
2019-09-03T14:42:17+00:00 | textproc/py-dparse |
Parser for Python dependency files Parses and updates Python dependency files. Following files are supported: * requirements.txt * conda.yml * tox.ini * Pipfile * Pifile.lock WWW: |
2019-09-03T03:31:56+00:00 | sysutils/syslog-ng323 |
Powerful syslogd replacement syslog-ng is an enhanced log daemon, supporting a wide range of input and output methods: syslog, unstructured text, message queues, databases (SQL and NoSQL alike) and more. Key features: * receive and send RFC3164 and RFC5424 style syslog messages * work with any kind of unstructured data * receive and send JSON formatted messages * classify and structure logs with builtin parsers (csv-parser(), db-parser(), ...) * normalize, crunch and process logs as they flow through the system * hand on messages for further processing using message queues (like AMQP), files or databases (like PostgreSQL or MongoDB). The official home page of syslog-ng is: WWW: |
2019-09-02T22:43:18+00:00 | textproc/py-elasticsearch6 |
Official Python low-level client for Elasticsearch Official low-level client for Elasticsearch. Its goal is to provide common ground for all Elasticsearch-related code in Python; because of this it tries to be opinion-free and very extendable. For a more high level client library with more limited scope, have a look at elasticsearch-dsl - a more pythonic library sitting on top of elasticsearch-py. It provides a more convenient and idiomatic way to write and manipulate queries. It stays close to the Elasticsearch JSON DSL, mirroring its terminology and structure while exposing the whole range of the DSL from Python either directly using defined classes or a queryset-like expressions. It also provides an optional persistence layer for working with documents as Python objects in an ORM-like fashion: defining mappings, retrieving and saving documents, wrapping the document data in user-defined classes. WWW: |
2019-09-02T15:00:56+00:00 | sysutils/ioc |
Jail management CLI using libioc Jail management CLI using libioc (compatible with iocage/iocell) WWW: |
2019-09-02T14:57:05+00:00 | devel/py-libioc |
Library to manage jails with iocage and iocell Python 3 module to access to ioc{age,ell} jails and features WWW: |
2019-09-02T12:48:45+00:00 | textproc/rubygem-extended-markdown-filter |
Custom markdown processor GitHubs HTML Pipeline This is a custom Markdown processor to be used with GitHub's HTML::Pipeline. WWW: |
2019-09-02T12:48:45+00:00 | devel/rubygem-graphql-docs |
Generate beautiful documentation from your GraphQL schema Easily generate beautiful documentation from your GraphQL schema. WWW: |
2019-09-02T11:52:44+00:00 | security/spass-qt5 |
Secure password generator with a true RNG (Qt5 GUI) |
2019-09-02T06:27:37+00:00 | net/aquantia-atlantic-kmod |
Aquantia AQtion (Atlantic) Network Driver (Development Preview) Aquantia AQC multigigabit NIC FreeBSD Driver Supports: * Aquantia AQtion 10Gbit Network Adapter * Aquantia AQtion 5Gbit Network Adapter * Aquantia AQtion 2.5Gbit Network Adapter WWW: |
2019-09-02T05:11:37+00:00 | graphics/png++ |
C++ wrapper for libpng library PNG++ aims to provide simple yet powerful C++ interface to libpng, the PNG reference implementation library. WWW: |
2019-09-02T04:20:01+00:00 | misc/iio-oscilloscope |
Oscilloscope application for interfacing with various IIO devices The ADI IIO Oscilloscope is a example application, which demonstrates how to interface different evaluation boards from within a Linux system. The application supports plotting of the captured data in four different modes (time domain, frequency domain, constellation and cross-correlation). The application also allows to view and modify several settings of the evaluation board's devices. WWW: |
2019-09-02T03:59:14+00:00 | misc/libad9361-iio |
IIO AD9361 library for filter design, handling, multi-chip sync, etc This is a simple library used for userspace management control and configuration of AD936X transceivers, * which manages multi-chip sync (on platforms (FMCOMMS5) where multiple AD9361 devices are use) * can create AD9361 specific FIR filters on the fly WWW: |
2019-09-01T19:25:47+00:00 | emulators/anese |
NES Emulator written for fun and learning ANESE (Another NES Emulator) is a Nintendo Entertainment System Emulator written for fun and learning. Accuracy and performance are long-term goals, but the primary focus is getting popular titles up and running. There are still a lot of bugs, but many games are working quite well already. WWW: |
2019-09-01T19:22:53+00:00 | sysutils/ufetch |
Tiny system info for Unix-like operating systems Tiny system info for Unix-like operating systems. It's a command line tool written in sh, it already supports more than thirty operating systems. WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:47:14+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-xray |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS X-Ray Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS X-Ray. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:47:08+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-workspaces |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon WorkSpaces Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon WorkSpaces. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:47:02+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-workmail |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon WorkMail Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon WorkMail. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:46:56+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-worklink |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon WorkLink (WorkLink) Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon WorkLink (WorkLink). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:46:50+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-workdocs |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon WorkDocs Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon WorkDocs. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:46:44+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-wafregional |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS WAF Regional (WAF Regional) Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS WAF Regional (WAF Regional). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:46:38+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-waf |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS WAF (WAF) Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS WAF (WAF). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:46:32+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-translate |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Translate Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Translate. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:46:25+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-transfer |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Transfer for SFTP (AWS Transfer) Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Transfer for SFTP (AWS Transfer). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:46:19+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-transcribestreamingservice |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Transcribe Streaming Service Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Transcribe Streaming Service. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:46:13+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-transcribeservice |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Transcribe Service Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Transcribe Service. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:46:07+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-textract |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Textract Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Textract. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:46:01+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-swf |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Simple Workflow Service (Amazon SWF) Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Simple Workflow Service (Amazon SWF). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:45:55+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-support |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Support Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Support. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:45:36+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-storagegateway |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Storage Gateway Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Storage Gateway. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:45:30+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-states |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Step Functions (AWS SFN) Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Step Functions (AWS SFN). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:45:24+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-ssm |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM) (Amazon SSM) Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM) (Amazon SSM). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:45:18+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-sqs |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:45:12+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-sns |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:45:05+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-snowball |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Import/Export Snowball (Amazon Snowball) Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Import/Export Snowball (Amazon Snowball). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:44:59+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-sms |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Server Migration Service (SMS) Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Server Migration Service (SMS). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:44:53+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-simpledb |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon SimpleDB Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon SimpleDB. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:44:47+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-signer |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Signer (signer) Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Signer (signer). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:44:41+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-shield |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Shield Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Shield. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:44:35+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-ses |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:44:29+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-servicequotas |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Service Quotas Official AWS Ruby gem for Service Quotas. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:44:22+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-servicediscovery |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Cloud Map (ServiceDiscovery) Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Cloud Map (ServiceDiscovery). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:44:16+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-servicecatalog |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Service Catalog Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Service Catalog. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:44:10+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-serverlessapplicationrepository |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWSServerlessApplicationRepository Official AWS Ruby gem for AWSServerlessApplicationRepository. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:44:04+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-securityhub |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS SecurityHub Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS SecurityHub. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:43:58+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-secretsmanager |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Secrets Manager Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Secrets Manager. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:43:52+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-sagemakerruntime |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon SageMaker Runtime Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon SageMaker Runtime. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:43:46+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-sagemaker |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon SageMaker Service (SageMaker) Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon SageMaker Service (SageMaker). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:43:39+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-s3control |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS S3 Control Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS S3 Control. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:43:33+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-s3 |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:43:27+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-route53resolver |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Route 53 Resolver (Route53Resolver) Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Route 53 Resolver (Route53Resolver). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:43:21+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-route53domains |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Route 53 Domains Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Route 53 Domains. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:43:15+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-route53 |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Route 53 (Route 53) Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Route 53 (Route 53). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:43:08+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-robomaker |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS RoboMaker (RoboMaker) Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS RoboMaker (RoboMaker). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:42:47+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-resourcegroupstaggingapi |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Resource Groups Tagging API Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Resource Groups Tagging API. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:42:41+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-resourcegroups |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Resource Groups (Resource Groups) Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Resource Groups (Resource Groups). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:42:35+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-rekognition |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Rekognition Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Rekognition. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:42:29+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-redshift |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Redshift Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Redshift. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:42:23+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-rdsdataservice |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS RDS DataService Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS RDS DataService. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:42:17+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-rds |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:42:10+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-ram |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Resource Access Manager (RAM) Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Resource Access Manager (RAM). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:42:04+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-quicksight |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon QuickSight Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon QuickSight. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:41:58+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-pricing |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Price List Service (AWS Pricing) Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Price List Service (AWS Pricing). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:41:52+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-polly |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Polly Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Polly. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:41:46+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-pinpointsmsvoice |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Pinpoint SMS and Voice Service (Pinpoint SMS Voice) Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Pinpoint SMS and Voice Service (Pinpoint SMS Voice). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:41:40+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-pinpointemail |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Pinpoint Email Service (Pinpoint Email) Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Pinpoint Email Service (Pinpoint Email). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:41:33+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-pinpoint |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Pinpoint Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Pinpoint. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:41:27+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-pi |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Performance Insights (AWS PI) Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Performance Insights (AWS PI). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:41:21+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-personalizeruntime |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Personalize Runtime Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Personalize Runtime. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:41:15+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-personalizeevents |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Personalize Events Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Personalize Events. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:41:09+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-personalize |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Personalize Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Personalize. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:41:03+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-organizations |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Organizations (Organizations) Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Organizations (Organizations). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:40:56+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-opsworkscm |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS OpsWorks CM (OpsWorksCM) Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS OpsWorks CM (OpsWorksCM). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:40:50+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-opsworks |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS OpsWorks Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS OpsWorks. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:40:44+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-neptune |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Neptune Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Neptune. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:40:38+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-mturk |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Mechanical Turk (Amazon MTurk) Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Mechanical Turk (Amazon MTurk). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:40:32+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-mq |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AmazonMQ Official AWS Ruby gem for AmazonMQ. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:40:26+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-mobile |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Mobile Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Mobile. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:40:19+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-migrationhub |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Migration Hub Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Migration Hub. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:38:41+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-mediatailor |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS MediaTailor (MediaTailor) Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS MediaTailor (MediaTailor). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:38:35+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-mediastoredata |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Elemental MediaStore Data Plane (MediaStore Data) Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Elemental MediaStore Data Plane (MediaStore Data). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:38:29+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-mediastore |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Elemental MediaStore (MediaStore) Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Elemental MediaStore (MediaStore). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:38:23+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-mediapackagevod |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Elemental MediaPackage VOD (MediaPackage Vod) Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Elemental MediaPackage VOD (MediaPackage Vod). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:38:17+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-mediapackage |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Elemental MediaPackage (MediaPackage) Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Elemental MediaPackage (MediaPackage). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:38:11+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-medialive |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Elemental MediaLive (MediaLive) Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Elemental MediaLive (MediaLive). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:38:05+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-mediaconvert |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Elemental MediaConvert (MediaConvert) Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Elemental MediaConvert (MediaConvert). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:37:58+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-mediaconnect |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS MediaConnect Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS MediaConnect. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:37:52+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-marketplacemetering |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWSMarketplace Metering Official AWS Ruby gem for AWSMarketplace Metering. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:37:46+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-marketplaceentitlementservice |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Marketplace Entitlement Service Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Marketplace Entitlement Service. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:37:40+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-marketplacecommerceanalytics |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Marketplace Commerce Analytics Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Marketplace Commerce Analytics. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:37:34+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-managedblockchain |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Managed Blockchain (ManagedBlockchain) Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Managed Blockchain (ManagedBlockchain). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:37:28+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-macie |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Macie Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Macie. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:37:22+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-machinelearning |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Machine Learning Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Machine Learning. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:37:15+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-lightsail |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Lightsail Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Lightsail. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:37:09+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-licensemanager |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS License Manager Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS License Manager. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:37:03+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-lexmodelbuildingservice |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Lex Model Building Service Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Lex Model Building Service. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:36:57+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-lex |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Lex Runtime Service Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Lex Runtime Service. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:36:51+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-lambdapreview |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Lambda Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Lambda. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:36:45+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-lambda |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Lambda Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Lambda. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:36:39+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-lakeformation |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Lake Formation Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Lake Formation. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:36:33+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-kms |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Key Management Service (KMS) Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Key Management Service (KMS). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:36:26+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-kinesisvideomedia |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Kinesis Video Streams Media (Kinesis Video Media) Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Kinesis Video Streams Media (Kinesis Video Media). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:36:20+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-kinesisvideoarchivedmedia |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Kinesis Video Streams Archived Media (Kinesis Video Archived Media) Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Kinesis Video Streams Archived Media (Kinesis Video Archived Media). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:36:14+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-kinesisvideo |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Kinesis Video Streams (Kinesis Video) Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Kinesis Video Streams (Kinesis Video). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:35:02+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-kinesisanalyticsv2 |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Kinesis Analytics (Kinesis Analytics V2) Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Kinesis Analytics (Kinesis Analytics V2). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:34:56+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-kinesisanalytics |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Kinesis Analytics (Kinesis Analytics) Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Kinesis Analytics (Kinesis Analytics). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:34:50+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-kinesis |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Kinesis (Kinesis) Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Kinesis (Kinesis). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:34:44+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-kafka |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Managed Streaming for Kafka (Kafka) Official AWS Ruby gem for Managed Streaming for Kafka (Kafka). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:34:37+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-iotthingsgraph |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS IoT Things Graph Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS IoT Things Graph. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:34:31+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-iotjobsdataplane |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS IoT Jobs Data Plane Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS IoT Jobs Data Plane. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:34:25+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-ioteventsdata |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS IoT Events Data Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS IoT Events Data. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:34:19+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-iotevents |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS IoT Events Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS IoT Events. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:34:13+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-iotdataplane |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS IoT Data Plane Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS IoT Data Plane. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:34:07+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-iotanalytics |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS IoT Analytics Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS IoT Analytics. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:34:01+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-iot1clickprojects |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS IoT 1-Click Projects Service (AWS IoT 1-Click Projects) Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS IoT 1-Click Projects Service (AWS IoT 1-Click Projects). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:33:54+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-iot1clickdevicesservice |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS IoT 1-Click Devices Service Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS IoT 1-Click Devices Service. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:33:48+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-iot |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS IoT Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS IoT. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:33:42+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-inspector |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Inspector Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Inspector. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:33:36+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-importexport |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Import/Export Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Import/Export. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:33:30+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-iam |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:33:24+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-health |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Health APIs and Notifications (AWSHealth) Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Health APIs and Notifications (AWSHealth). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:33:18+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-guardduty |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon GuardDuty Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon GuardDuty. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:33:12+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-groundstation |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Ground Station Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Ground Station. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:33:06+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-greengrass |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Greengrass Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Greengrass. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:33:00+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-glue |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Glue Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Glue. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:32:54+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-globalaccelerator |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Global Accelerator Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Global Accelerator. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:32:47+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-glacier |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Glacier Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Glacier. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:32:41+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-gamelift |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon GameLift Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon GameLift. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:32:35+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-fsx |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon FSx Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon FSx. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:29:47+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-forecastservice |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Forecast Service Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Forecast Service. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:29:41+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-forecastqueryservice |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Forecast Query Service Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Forecast Query Service. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:29:35+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-fms |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Firewall Management Service (FMS) Official AWS Ruby gem for Firewall Management Service (FMS). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:29:29+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-firehose |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Kinesis Firehose (Firehose) Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Kinesis Firehose (Firehose). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:29:23+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-eventbridge |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon EventBridge Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon EventBridge. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:29:17+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-emr |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Elastic MapReduce (Amazon EMR) Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Elastic MapReduce (Amazon EMR). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:29:11+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-elastictranscoder |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Elastic Transcoder Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Elastic Transcoder. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:29:05+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-elasticsearchservice |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Elasticsearch Service Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Elasticsearch Service. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:28:59+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-elasticloadbalancingv2 |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Elastic Load Balancing (Elastic Load Balancing v2) Official AWS Ruby gem for Elastic Load Balancing (Elastic Load Balancing v2). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:28:53+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-elasticloadbalancing |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Elastic Load Balancing Official AWS Ruby gem for Elastic Load Balancing. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:28:46+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-elasticbeanstalk |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Elastic Beanstalk (Elastic Beanstalk) Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Elastic Beanstalk (Elastic Beanstalk). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:28:40+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-elasticache |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon ElastiCache Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon ElastiCache. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:28:34+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-eks |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:28:28+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-efs |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Elastic File System (EFS). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:28:22+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-ecs |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon EC2 Container Service (Amazon ECS) Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon EC2 Container Service (Amazon ECS). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:28:16+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-ecr |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon EC2 Container Registry (Amazon ECR) Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon EC2 Container Registry (Amazon ECR). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:28:10+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-ec2instanceconnect |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS EC2 Instance Connect (EC2 Instance Connect) Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS EC2 Instance Connect (EC2 Instance Connect). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:28:04+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-ec2 |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:27:58+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-dynamodbstreams |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon DynamoDB Streams Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon DynamoDB Streams. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:27:51+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-dynamodb |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon DynamoDB (DynamoDB) Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon DynamoDB (DynamoDB). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:27:45+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-docdb |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon DocumentDB with MongoDB compatibility (Amazon DocDB) Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon DocumentDB with MongoDB compatibility (Amazon DocDB). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:27:39+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-dlm |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager (Amazon DLM) Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager (Amazon DLM). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:27:33+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-directoryservice |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Directory Service (Directory Service) Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Directory Service (Directory Service). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:27:27+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-directconnect |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Direct Connect Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Direct Connect. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:27:21+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-devicefarm |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Device Farm Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Device Farm. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:26:35+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-dax |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX) (Amazon DAX) Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX) (Amazon DAX). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:26:29+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-datasync |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS DataSync (DataSync) Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS DataSync (DataSync). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:26:23+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-datapipeline |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Data Pipeline Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Data Pipeline. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:26:17+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-databasemigrationservice |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Database Migration Service Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Database Migration Service. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:26:11+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-costexplorer |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Cost Explorer Service (AWS Cost Explorer) Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Cost Explorer Service (AWS Cost Explorer). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:26:04+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-costandusagereportservice |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Cost and Usage Report Service Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Cost and Usage Report Service. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:25:58+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-connect |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Connect Service (Amazon Connect) Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Connect Service (Amazon Connect). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:25:52+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-configservice |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Config (Config Service) Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Config (Config Service). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:25:46+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-comprehendmedical |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Comprehend Medical (ComprehendMedical) Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Comprehend Medical (ComprehendMedical). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:25:40+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-comprehend |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Comprehend Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Comprehend. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:25:34+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-cognitosync |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Cognito Sync Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Cognito Sync. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:25:27+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-cognitoidentityprovider |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Cognito Identity Provider Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Cognito Identity Provider. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:25:21+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-cognitoidentity |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Cognito Identity Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Cognito Identity. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:25:15+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-codestar |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS CodeStar (CodeStar) Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS CodeStar (CodeStar). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:25:08+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-codepipeline |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS CodePipeline (CodePipeline) Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS CodePipeline (CodePipeline). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:25:02+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-codedeploy |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS CodeDeploy (CodeDeploy) Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS CodeDeploy (CodeDeploy). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:24:56+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-codecommit |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS CodeCommit (CodeCommit) Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS CodeCommit (CodeCommit). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:24:50+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-codebuild |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS CodeBuild Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS CodeBuild. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:24:44+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-cloudwatchlogs |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon CloudWatch Logs Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon CloudWatch Logs. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:24:38+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-cloudwatchevents |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon CloudWatch Events Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon CloudWatch Events. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:24:32+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-cloudwatch |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon CloudWatch (CloudWatch) Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon CloudWatch (CloudWatch). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:24:26+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-cloudtrail |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS CloudTrail (CloudTrail) Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS CloudTrail (CloudTrail). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:24:20+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-cloudsearchdomain |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon CloudSearch Domain Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon CloudSearch Domain. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:24:13+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-cloudsearch |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon CloudSearch Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon CloudSearch. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:24:07+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-cloudhsmv2 |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS CloudHSM V2 (CloudHSM V2) Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS CloudHSM V2 (CloudHSM V2). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:23:42+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-cloudhsm |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon CloudHSM (CloudHSM) Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon CloudHSM (CloudHSM). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:23:36+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-cloudfront |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon CloudFront (CloudFront) Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon CloudFront (CloudFront). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:23:29+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-cloudformation |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS CloudFormation Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS CloudFormation. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:23:23+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-clouddirectory |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon CloudDirectory Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon CloudDirectory. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:23:17+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-cloud9 |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Cloud9 Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Cloud9. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:23:11+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-chime |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Chime Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Chime. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:23:05+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-budgets |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Budgets (AWSBudgets) Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Budgets (AWSBudgets). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:22:59+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-batch |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Batch Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Batch. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:22:53+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-backup |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Backup Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Backup. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:22:47+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-autoscalingplans |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Auto Scaling Plans Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Auto Scaling Plans. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:22:41+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-autoscaling |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Auto Scaling Official AWS Ruby gem for Auto Scaling. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:22:35+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-athena |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Athena Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Athena. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:22:28+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-appsync |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS AppSync (AWSAppSync) Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS AppSync (AWSAppSync). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:22:22+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-appstream |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon AppStream Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon AppStream. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:22:16+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-appmesh |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS App Mesh Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS App Mesh. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:22:10+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-applicationinsights |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon CloudWatch Application Insights (Application Insights) Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon CloudWatch Application Insights (Application Insights). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:22:04+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-applicationdiscoveryservice |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Application Discovery Service Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Application Discovery Service. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:21:58+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-applicationautoscaling |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Application Auto Scaling Official AWS Ruby gem for Application Auto Scaling. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:21:51+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-apigatewayv2 |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AmazonApiGatewayV2 Official AWS Ruby gem for AmazonApiGatewayV2. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:21:45+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-apigatewaymanagementapi |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AmazonApiGatewayManagementApi Official AWS Ruby gem for AmazonApiGatewayManagementApi. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:21:39+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-apigateway |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon API Gateway Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon API Gateway. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:21:32+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-amplify |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Amplify (Amplify) Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Amplify (Amplify). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:21:26+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-alexaforbusiness |
Official AWS Ruby gem for Alexa For Business Official AWS Ruby gem for Alexa For Business. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:21:20+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-acmpca |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Certificate Manager Private Certificate Authority (ACM-PCA) Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Certificate Manager Private Certificate Authority (ACM-PCA). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:21:03+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-acm |
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Certificate Manager (ACM). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:19:37+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk2 |
AWS SDK for Ruby The official AWS SDK for Ruby. Provides both resource oriented interfaces and API clients for AWS services. WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:19:00+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-resources2 |
AWS SDK for Ruby Resources Provides resource oriented interfaces and other higher-level abstractions for many AWS services. This gem is part of the official AWS SDK for Ruby. WWW: |
2019-08-31T22:18:07+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-core2 |
AWS SDK for Ruby - Core Provides API clients for AWS. This gem is part of the official AWS SDK for Ruby. WWW: |
2019-08-31T07:55:52+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-partitions |
Provide interfaces to enumerate AWS partitions, regions, and services Provides interfaces to enumerate AWS partitions, regions, and services. WWW: |
2019-08-30T14:31:27+00:00 | archivers/p5-IO-Compress-Brotli |
Perl implementation of Brotli IO::Compress::Brotli is a module that compresses/decompresses Brotli buffers and streams. WWW: |
2019-08-29T18:43:20+00:00 | graphics/rubygem-invisible_captcha |
Unobtrusive CAPTCHA for ruby Unobtrusive, flexible and simple spam protection for Rails applications using honeypot strategy for better user experience. WWW: |
2019-08-29T18:43:20+00:00 | devel/rubygem-snowplow-tracker |
Tracker to collect ruby data A tracker that can collect event data from your Ruby applications, Ruby on Rails web applications and Ruby gems. WWW: |
2019-08-29T18:43:20+00:00 | devel/rubygem-contracts |
Contracts for ruby This library provides contracts for Ruby. Contracts let you clearly express how your code behaves, and free you from writing tons of boilerplate, defensive code. WWW: |
2019-08-29T18:36:23+00:00 | net-mgmt/thanos |
Highly available Prometheus setup with long term storage capabilities Thanos is a set of components that can be composed into a highly available metric system with unlimited storage capacity, which can be added seamlessly on top of existing Prometheus deployments. Thanos leverages the Prometheus 2.0 storage format to cost-efficiently store historical metric data in any object storage while retaining fast query latencies. Additionally, it provides a global query view across all Prometheus installations and can merge data from Prometheus HA pairs on the fly. WWW: |
2019-08-29T05:30:57+00:00 | math/vampire |
Automatic theorem prover Automatic theorem proving has a number of important applications, such as software verification, hardware verification, hardware design, knowledge representation and reasoning, the Semantic Web, algebra, and proving theorems in mathematics. Over 50 years of research in theorem proving have resulted in one of the most advanced and elegant theories in computer science. This area is an ideal target for scientific engineering: implementation techniques have to be developed to realise an advanced theory in practically valuable tools. WWW: |
2019-08-28T23:51:27+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-sigv2 |
Amazon Web Services Signature Version 2 signing library rubygem-aws-sigv2 is Amazon Web Services Signature Version 2 signing library which generates sigv2 signature for HTTP requests. WWW: |
2019-08-28T09:55:57+00:00 | devel/rubygem-ffi110 |
Extension for dynamic libraries and binding functions Ruby-FFI is a ruby extension for programmatically loading dynamic libraries, binding functions within them, and calling those functions from Ruby code. WWW: |
2019-08-28T05:35:59+00:00 | net-p2p/lidarr |
Music collection manager for Usenet and BitTorrent users Lidarr is a music collection manager for Usenet and BitTorrent users. It can monitor multiple RSS feeds for new tracks from your favorite artists and will grab, sort and rename them. It can also be configured to automatically upgrade the quality of files already downloaded when a better quality format becomes available. It looks and smells like Sonarr but made for music. WWW: |
2019-08-27T13:00:38+00:00 | comms/openzwave-devel |
Open-source interface to Z-Wave networks Open-zwave - An open-source interface to Z-Wave networks. WWW: |
2019-08-27T07:48:54+00:00 | math/tvm |
Deep learning compiler stack for cpu, gpu and specialized accelerators TVM is a compiler stack for deep learning systems. It is designed to close the gap between the productivity-focused deep learning frameworks, and the performance- and efficiency-focused hardware backends. TVM works with deep learning frameworks to provide end to end compilation to different backends. WWW: |
2019-08-27T07:01:48+00:00 | devel/dmlc-core |
Common library for scalable and portable distributed machine learning DMLC-Core is the backbone library to support all DMLC projects, offers the bricks to build efficient and scalable distributed machine learning libraries. WWW: |
2019-08-27T06:20:42+00:00 | sysutils/go-wtf |
Personal information dashboard for your terminal A personal terminal-based dashboard utility, designed for displaying infrequently-needed, but very important, daily data. WWW: |
2019-08-27T05:50:40+00:00 | devel/skypat |
C++ unit and performance testing framework SkyPat is a C++ performance analysis toolkit. SkyPat combines unit tests and perf_event to give programmers the power of accomplishing reliability and performance test simultaneously. Unlike traditional tools that manipulate entire program as a black-box, SkyPat works on a region of code like a white-box. It is used as a normal unit test library. It provides macros and assertions, into which perf_events are embedded, to ensure correctness and to evaluate performance of a region of code. With perf_events, SkyPat can evaluate running time precisely without interference to scheduler. Moreover, perf_event also gives SkyPat accurate cycle counts that are useful for tools that are sensitive to variance of timing, such as compilers. WWW: |
2019-08-27T04:08:33+00:00 | math/py-onnx |
Open Neural Network eXchange Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX) is an open ecosystem that empowers AI developers to choose the right tools as their project evolves. ONNX provides an open source format for AI models, both deep learning and traditional ML. It defines an extensible computation graph model, as well as definitions of built-in operators and standard data types. Currently we focus on the capabilities needed for inferencing (scoring). ONNX is widely supported and can be found in many frameworks, tools, and hardware. Enabling interoperability between different frameworks and streamlining the path from research to production helps increase the speed of innovation in the AI community. We invite the community to join us and further evolve ONNX. WWW: |
2019-08-27T03:24:31+00:00 | math/onnx |
Open Neural Network eXchange Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX) is an open ecosystem that empowers AI developers to choose the right tools as their project evolves. ONNX provides an open source format for AI models, both deep learning and traditional ML. It defines an extensible computation graph model, as well as definitions of built-in operators and standard data types. Currently we focus on the capabilities needed for inferencing (scoring). ONNX is widely supported and can be found in many frameworks, tools, and hardware. Enabling interoperability between different frameworks and streamlining the path from research to production helps increase the speed of innovation in the AI community. We invite the community to join us and further evolve ONNX. WWW: |
2019-08-27T03:15:35+00:00 | net/sems |
SIP Express Media Server SEMS is an open-source SIP media server, implementing a B2BUA, voicemail, IVRs, announcements, etc. It is designed to be complementary to SIP proxy-only tools like Kamailio, OpenSIPS, etc. WWW: |
2019-08-26T11:51:37+00:00 | devel/rubygem-zeitwerk |
Efficient and thread-safe code loader Zeitwerk is an efficient and thread-safe code loader for Ruby. Given a conventional file structure, Zeitwerk is able to load your project's classes and modules on demand (autoloading), or upfront (eager loading). You don't need to write require calls for your own files, rather, you can streamline your programming knowing that your classes and modules are available everywhere. This feature is efficient, thread-safe, and matches Ruby's semantics for constants. Zeitwerk is also able to reload code, which may be handy while developing web applications. Coordination is needed to reload in a thread-safe manner. The documentation below explains how to do this. The gem is designed so that any project, gem dependency, application, etc. can have their own independent loader, coexisting in the same process, managing their own project trees, and independent of each other. Each loader has its own configuration, inflector, and optional logger. Internally, Zeitwerk issues require calls exclusively using absolute file names, so there are no costly file system lookups in $LOAD_PATH. Technically, the directories managed by Zeitwerk do not even need to be in $LOAD_PATH. Furthermore, Zeitwerk does only one single scan of the project tree, and it descends into subdirectories lazily, only if their namespaces are used. WWW: |
2019-08-26T11:06:21+00:00 | devel/rubygem-default_value_for32 |
Define default values for ActiveRecord models in a declarative manner The default_value_for plugin allows one to define default values for ActiveRecord models in a declarative manner WWW: |
2019-08-26T08:00:04+00:00 | devel/rubygem-redis-activesupport-rails52 |
Redis store for ActiveSupport::Cache Redis store for ActiveSupport::Cache WWW: |
2019-08-26T07:58:32+00:00 | databases/rubygem-redis-actionpack-rails52 |
Redis session store for ActionPack Redis session store for ActionPack WWW: |
2019-08-26T07:56:28+00:00 | www/rubygem-kaminari-activerecord-rails52 |
Kaminari Active Record adapter kaminari-activerecord lets your Active Record models be paginatable. WWW: |
2019-08-26T07:54:31+00:00 | www/rubygem-kaminari-actionview-rails52 |
Kaminari Action View adapter kaminari-actionview provides pagination helpers for your Action View templates. WWW: |
2019-08-26T07:52:31+00:00 | databases/rubygem-peek-pg-rails52 |
Take a peek into the MySQL queries made Take a peek into the Postgres queries made during your application's requests. Things this peek view provides: - Total number of Postgres queries called during the request - The duration of the queries made during the request WWW: |
2019-08-26T07:50:27+00:00 | www/rubygem-lograge-rails52 |
Tame Rails' multi-line logging into a single line per request #' Tame Rails' multi-line logging into a single line per request Lograge is an attempt to bring sanity to Rails' noisy and unusable, unparsable and, in the context of running multiple processes and servers, unreadable default logging output. Rails' default approach to log everything is great during development, it's terrible when running it in production. WWW: |
2019-08-26T07:48:27+00:00 | devel/rubygem-health_check26-rails52 |
Simple health check of Rails app for uptime monitoring Simple health check of Rails app for uptime monitoring. WWW: |
2019-08-26T07:46:35+00:00 | devel/rubygem-peek-redis-rails52 |
Provide a peek into the Redis calls made Take a peek into the Redis calls made within your Rails application. Things this peek view provides: - Total number of Redis commands called during the request - The duration of the calls made during the request WWW: |
2019-08-26T07:44:18+00:00 | devel/rubygem-peek-rblineprof-rails52 |
Peek into how much each line of your Rails application takes Peek into how much time each line of your Rails application takes throughout a request. Things this peek view provides: - Total time it takes to render individual lines within your codebase - Total network time spent waiting per line You can also drill down to only certain parts of your codebase like: - app, everything within Rails.root/(app|lib) - views, everything within Rails.root/app/view - gems, everything within Rails.root/vendor/gems - all, everything within Rails.root - stdlib WWW: |
2019-08-26T07:36:55+00:00 | devel/rubygem-peek-gc-rails52 |
Take a peek into the GC info of your Rails application Take a peek into the GC info of your Rails application. Its an addition to the Peek profiling tool. WWW: |
2019-08-26T07:30:29+00:00 | devel/rubygem-peek-rails52 |
Take a peek into your Rails application This is a profiling tool originally built at GitHub to help us get an insight into our application. Now, we have extracted this into Peek, so that other Rails application can experience the same benefit. Peek puts a little bar on top of your application to show you all sorts of helpful information about your application. From the screenshot above, you can see that Peek provides information about database queries, cache, Resque workers and more. However, this is only part of Peek's beauty. The true beauty of Peek lies in the fact that it is an extensible platform. If there are some performance metrics that you need but are not available on Peek, you can find it from the list of available Peek Views and integrate it into Peek. Even if you do not find what you want on Peek Views, you can always create your own. WWW: |
2019-08-26T07:28:11+00:00 | devel/rubygem-rails-i18n-rails52 |
Common locale data and translations for Rails i18n A set of common locale data and translations to internationalize and/or localize your Rails applications. WWW: |
2019-08-26T07:26:14+00:00 | mail/rubygem-premailer-rails19-rails52 |
Improve the rendering of HTML emails This gem brings you the power of the premailer gem to Rails without any configuration needs. Create HTML emails, include a CSS file as you do in a normal HTML document and premailer will inline the included CSS. WWW: |
2019-08-26T07:24:01+00:00 | www/rubygem-gon-rails52 |
Framework to pass data to JS easily If you need to send some data to your js files and you don't want to do this with long way trough views and parsing - use this force! WWW: |
2019-08-26T07:22:03+00:00 | devel/rubygem-font-awesome-rails-rails52 |
Provides the Font-Awesome web fonts and stylesheets as a Rails engine The font-awesome-rails provides the Font-Awesome web fonts and stylesheets as a Rails engine for use with the asset pipeline. WWW: |
2019-08-26T07:19:46+00:00 | www/rubygem-webpack-rails-rails52 |
JavaScript-first tooling to use webpack within your Rails application webpack-rails gives you tools to integrate Webpack in to an existing Ruby on Rails application. WWW: |
2019-08-26T07:16:15+00:00 | www/rubygem-redis-rails-rails52 |
Redis for Ruby on Rails Redis for Ruby on Rails WWW: |
2019-08-26T07:13:44+00:00 | www/rubygem-kaminari-rails52 |
Sophisticated paginator for Rails 4+ Kaminari is a Scope & Engine based, clean, powerful, agnostic, customizable and sophisticated paginator for Rails 3 WWW: |
2019-08-26T07:11:17+00:00 | www/rubygem-responders2-rails52 |
Simple Ruby DSL for making HTTP requests Responders provides a set of responders modules to dry up your Rails app. WWW: |
2019-08-25T18:51:58+00:00 | www/py-whitenoise |
Radically simplified static file serving for wsgi applications Radically simplified static file serving for Python web apps With a couple of lines of config WhiteNoise allows your web app to serve its own static files, making it a self-contained unit that can be deployed anywhere without relying on nginx, Amazon S3 or any other external service. (Especially useful on Heroku, OpenShift and other PaaS providers.) It's designed to work nicely with a CDN for high-traffic sites so you don't have to sacrifice performance to benefit from simplicity. WhiteNoise works with any WSGI-compatible app but has some special auto- configuration features for Django. WWW: |
2019-08-25T18:51:34+00:00 | www/py-urlman |
Nicer way to do URLs for Django models Replaces things like get_absolute_url with a .urls attribute that can reference other URLs and build sensible trees of things, and can then be accessed using WWW: |
2019-08-25T18:51:09+00:00 | www/py-rules |
Awesome Django authorization, without the database rules is a tiny but powerful app providing object-level permissions to Django, without requiring a database. At its core, it is a generic framework for building rule-based systems, similar to decision trees. It can also be used as a standalone library in other contexts and frameworks. WWW: |
2019-08-25T18:50:34+00:00 | www/py-inlinestyler |
Inlines external css into html elements inlinestyler is an easy way to locally inline CSS into an HTML email message. Styling HTML email is a black art. CSS works, but only when it's been placed inline on the individual elements (and event then, not always) - which makes development frustrating, and iteration slow. The general solution is to use an inlining service, which takes a message with the CSS placed externally, and rewrites it so that all CSS is applied to the individual elements. The most widely used of these services - and as far as I can tell, the one that powers CampaignMonitor - is Premailer. It's a great service, and the guys behind it put a lot of work into keeping it up to date with the most recent discoveries in what works and what doesn't. inlinestyler takes (most) of the functionality of Premailer, and makes it available locally, accessible without having call a remote service. WWW: |
2019-08-25T18:49:47+00:00 | www/py-django-libsass |
Filter to compile SASS files using libsass django-libsass builds on libsass-python to make @import paths aware of Django's staticfiles mechanism, and provides a filter module for django-compressor which uses the libsass-python API directly, avoiding the overheads of calling an external executable to do the compilation. WWW: |
2019-08-25T18:49:28+00:00 | www/py-django-i18nfield |
Store internationalized strings in django models This is yet another way to store multi-lingual content in Django. In contrast to other options like django-hvad, django-modeltranslation or django-parler it does not require additonal database tables and you can reconfigure the available languages without any changes to the database schema. In constrast to nece, it is not specific to PostgreSQL. WWW: |
2019-08-25T18:48:40+00:00 | www/py-django-hierarkey |
Hierarchical key-value store for django django-hierarkey -- Hierarchical key-value store This package allows you to attach a key-value store to a model, e.g. to store preferences of an user or a customer. The package supports arbitrary datatypes, defaults and model hierarchies, i.e. you can define a different model instance as your instance's parent and the values of the parent instance will be used as default values for the child instances. This approach has been in use in pretix for quite a while, so it has been tested in production. This project is maintained by Raphael Michel <>. See the AUTHORS file for a list of all the awesome folks who contributed to this project. WWW: |
2019-08-25T18:48:17+00:00 | www/py-dj22-django-formset-js-improved |
Fork of django-formset-js that adds support for reordering and nested formsets This is a fork of django-formset-js that adds support for reordering and nested formsets. A wrapper for a JavaScript formset helper. WWW: |
2019-08-25T18:47:56+00:00 | www/py-dj22-django-jquery-js |
jQuery, bundled up so apps can depend upon it jQuery, bundled up so apps can depend upon it WWW: |
2019-08-25T18:47:30+00:00 | www/py-django-context-decorator |
Remove the need to call super().get_context_data(**kwargs) in nearly every view Python package for Django removing the need to call super().get_context_data(**kwargs) in nearly every Django view. WWW: |
2019-08-25T18:47:01+00:00 | www/py-dj22-django_csp |
Adds Content-Security-Policy headers to Django Django-CSP adds Content-Security-Policy headers to Django. WWW: |
2019-08-25T18:31:12+00:00 | security/rubygem-devise-two-factor30-rails52 |
Barebones two-factor authentication with Devise Barebones two-factor authentication with Devise WWW: |
2019-08-25T18:28:42+00:00 | devel/rubygem-gettext_i18n_rails_js-rails52 |
Make gettext_i18n_rails .po files as JSON GettextI18nRailsJs extends gettext_i18n_rails, making your .PO files available to client side Javascript as JSON. It will find translations inside your .js, .coffee, .handlebars and .mustache files, then it will create JSON versions of your .PO files so you can serve them with the rest of your assets, thus letting you access all your translations offline from client side Javascript. WWW: |
2019-08-25T18:28:23+00:00 | www/rubygem-rails52 |
Full-stack web application framework Rails is a web-application framework for the MVC pattern that includes both a template engine, controller framework, and object-relational mapping package. Everything needed to develop web-apps that can run on CGI, FastCGI, and mod_ruby Being a full-stack framework means that all layers are built to work seamlessly together. That way you Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) and you can use a single language from top to bottom. Everything from templates to control flow to business logic is written in Ruby - The language of love for industry heavy-weights. WWW: |
2019-08-25T18:24:59+00:00 | devel/rubygem-devise-rails52 |
Flexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden Flexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden WWW: |
2019-08-25T18:23:41+00:00 | textproc/rubygem-sass-rails-rails52 |
Sass adapter for the Rails asset pipeline Sass adapter for the Rails asset pipeline. WWW: |
2019-08-25T18:20:28+00:00 | www/rubygem-responders-rails52 |
Simple Ruby DSL for making HTTP requests Responders provides a set of responders modules to dry up your Rails app. WWW: |
2019-08-25T18:19:38+00:00 | devel/rubygem-web-console-rails52 |
Debugging tool for your Ruby on Rails applications A debugging tool for your Ruby on Rails applications. WWW: |
2019-08-25T18:19:18+00:00 | devel/rubygem-coffee-rails-rails52 |
Coffee Script adapter for the Rails asset pipeline Coffee Script adapter for the Rails asset pipeline. WWW: |
2019-08-25T18:19:01+00:00 | www/rubygem-railties52 |
Rails internals bootup, plugins, generators, and rake tasks Railties is responsible for gluing all frameworks together. Overall, it: - handles the bootstrapping process for a Rails application; - manages the rails command line interface; - and provides the Rails generators core. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-25T18:18:48+00:00 | www/rubygem-actioncable52 |
Integrated WebSockets for Rails Action Cable seamlessly integrates WebSockets with the rest of your Rails application. It allows for real-time features to be written in Ruby in the same style and form as the rest of your Rails application, while still being performant and scalable. It's a full-stack offering that provides both a client-side JavaScript framework and a server-side Ruby framework. You have access to your full domain model written with Active Record or your ORM of choice. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-25T18:18:30+00:00 | net/rubygem-activestorage52 |
Attach cloud and local files in Rails applications Active Storage makes it simple to upload and reference files in cloud services like Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, or Microsoft Azure Storage, and attach those files to Active Records. Supports having one main service and mirrors in other services for redundancy. It also provides a disk service for testing or local deployments, but the focus is on cloud storage. Files can be uploaded from the server to the cloud or directly from the client to the cloud. Image files can furthermore be transformed using on-demand variants for quality, aspect ratio, size, or any other MiniMagick or Vips supported transformation. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-25T18:17:56+00:00 | mail/rubygem-actionmailer52 |
Easy email delivery and testing for Ruby Action Mailer is a framework for designing email service layers. These layers are used to consolidate code for sending out forgotten passwords, welcome wishes on signup, invoices for billing, and any other use case that requires a written notification to either a person or another system. Action Mailer is in essence a wrapper around Action Controller and the Mail gem. It provides a way to make emails using templates in the same way that Action Controller renders views using templates. Additionally, an Action Mailer class can be used to process incoming email, such as allowing a blog to accept new posts from an email (which could even have been sent from a phone). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-25T18:17:43+00:00 | devel/rubygem-sprockets-rails-rails52 |
Sprockets Rails integration Sprockets Rails integration WWW: |
2019-08-25T18:17:26+00:00 | www/rubygem-actionpack52 |
Action Controller and Action View of Rails MVC Framework Action Pack is a framework for handling and responding to web requests. It provides mechanisms for routing (mapping request URLs to actions), defining controllers that implement actions, and generating responses by rendering views, which are templates of various formats. In short, Action Pack provides the view and controller layers in the MVC paradigm. It consists of several modules: - Action Dispatch, which parses information about the web request, handles routing as defined by the user, and does advanced processing related to HTTP such as MIME-type negotiation, decoding parameters in POST, PATCH, or PUT bodies, handling HTTP caching logic, cookies and sessions. - Action Controller, which provides a base controller class that can be subclassed to implement filters and actions to handle requests. The result of an action is typically content generated from views. With the Ruby on Rails framework, users only directly interface with the Action Controller module. Necessary Action Dispatch functionality is activated by default and Action View rendering is implicitly triggered by Action Controller. However, these modules are designed to function on their own and can be used outside of Rails. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-25T18:17:04+00:00 | databases/rubygem-activerecord52 |
Object-relational mapping layer for Rails MVC Framework Active Record connects classes to relational database tables to establish an almost zero-configuration persistence layer for applications. The library provides a base class that, when subclassed, sets up a mapping between the new class and an existing table in the database. In the context of an application, these classes are commonly referred to as models. Models can also be connected to other models; this is done by defining associations. Active Record relies heavily on naming in that it uses class and association names to establish mappings between respective database tables and foreign key columns. Although these mappings can be defined explicitly, it's recommended to follow naming conventions, especially when getting started with the library. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-25T18:16:44+00:00 | devel/rubygem-activejob52 |
Job class declarations for a variety of queueing backends Active Job is a framework for declaring jobs and making them run on a variety of queuing backends. These jobs can be everything from regularly scheduled clean-ups, to billing charges, to mailings. Anything that can be chopped up into small units of work and run in parallel, really. It also serves as the backend for Action Mailer's #deliver_later functionality that makes it easy to turn any mailing into a job for running later. That's one of the most common jobs in a modern web application: sending emails outside of the request-response cycle, so the user doesn't have to wait on it. The main point is to ensure that all Rails apps will have a job infrastructure in place, even if it's in the form of an "immediate runner". We can then have framework features and other gems build on top of that, without having to worry about API differences between Delayed Job and Resque. Picking your queuing backend becomes more of an operational concern, then. And you'll be able to switch between them without having to rewrite your jobs. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-25T18:16:16+00:00 | devel/rubygem-actionview52 |
Rendering framework putting the V in MVC (part of Rails) Action View is a framework for handling view template lookup and rendering, and provides view helpers that assist when building HTML forms, Atom feeds and more. Template formats that Action View handles are ERB (embedded Ruby, typically used to inline short Ruby snippets inside HTML), and XML Builder. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-25T18:05:07+00:00 | textproc/rubygem-rails-dom-testing-rails52 |
Analyse and compare DOMs using Nokogiri This gem is responsible for comparing HTML doms and asserting that DOM elements are present in Rails applications. Doms are compared via assert_dom_equal and assert_dom_not_equal. Elements are asserted via assert_select, assert_select_encoded, assert_select_email and a subset of the dom can be selected with css_select. The gem is developed for Rails 4.2 and above, and will not work on previous versions. WWW: |
2019-08-25T18:04:50+00:00 | devel/rubygem-jbuilder-rails52 |
Create JSON structures via a Builder-style DSL Create JSON structures via a Builder-style DSL WWW: |
2019-08-25T18:04:31+00:00 | databases/rubygem-globalid-rails52 |
URIs for your models makes it easy to pass references around URIs for your models makes it easy to pass references around. WWW: |
2019-08-25T18:04:11+00:00 | databases/rubygem-activemodel52 |
Toolkit for building modeling frameworks Active Model provides a known set of interfaces for usage in model classes. They allow for Action Pack helpers to interact with non-Active Record models, for example. Active Model also helps with building custom ORMs for use outside of the Rails framework. Active Model provides a default module that implements the basic API required to integrate with Action Pack out of the box: ActiveModel::Model. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-25T18:03:38+00:00 | devel/rubygem-activesupport52 |
Utility classes and extension that are required by Rails MVC Framework Active Support is a collection of utility classes and standard library extensions that were found useful for the Rails framework. These additions reside in this package so they can be loaded as needed in Ruby projects outside of Rails. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-25T12:20:16+00:00 | devel/linux-c7-systemd-libs |
Libraries for accessing systemd (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER}) Support libraries for the Linux systemd system and service manager. WWW: |
2019-08-25T11:02:47+00:00 | archivers/linux-c7-lz4 |
LZ4 compression library and utilities (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER}) ${.CURDIR}/../liblz4/pkg-descr |
2019-08-25T10:29:36+00:00 | devel/linux-c7-elfutils-libs |
ELF file handling libraries (CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER}) ELF file handling libraries from elfutils. WWW: |
2019-08-25T10:18:02+00:00 | devel/linux-c7-elfutils-libelf |
ELF file handling library (CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER}) ELF file handling library from elfutils. WWW: |
2019-08-25T10:18:02+00:00 | devel/linux-c6-elfutils-libelf |
ELF file handling library (CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER}) ELF file handling library from elfutils. WWW: |
2019-08-25T07:18:44+00:00 | math/cppad |
C++ Algorithmic Differentiation package CppAD (C++ algorithmic differentiation package) computes derivative values from an algorithm that computes function values. WWW: |
2019-08-25T04:19:02+00:00 | math/casadi |
Symbolic framework for numeric optimization CasADi is an open-source tool for nonlinear optimization and algorithmic differentiation. It facilitates rapid, yet efficient, implementation of different methods for numerical optimal control, both in an offline context and for nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC). WWW: |
2019-08-25T01:24:42+00:00 | math/symphony |
Solver and development framework for mixed-integer linear programs SYMPHONY is an open-source solver for mixed-integer linear programs (MILPs) written in C. It can be used in four different main modes: * As a callable library through either the native C interface or through the Osi. * As an interactive solver using a command-line interface. * As a framework to build customized solvers for specific problem classes. * Through a number of different modeling languages: AMPL, GMPL, GAMS, PuLP. WWW: |
2019-08-25T01:15:04+00:00 | math/couenne |
Convex Over and Under Envelopes for NonliNear Estimation Couenne (Convex Over and Under ENvelopes for Nonlinear Estimation) is a branch&bound algorithm to solve Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming (MINLP) problems. WWW: |
2019-08-25T01:00:02+00:00 | math/bonmin |
Basic Open-source Nonlinear Mixed INteger programming Bonmin (Basic Open-source Nonlinear Mixed INteger programming) is an experimental open-source C++ code for solving general MINLP (Mixed Integer NonLinear Programming) problems. WWW: |
2019-08-25T00:00:54+00:00 | math/hpipm |
High-performance interior-point-method QP solvers This is HPIPM, a high-performance interior-point method solver for dense, optimal control- and tree-structured convex quadratic programs. It provides efficient implementations of dense and structure-exploiting algorithms to solve small to medium scale problems arising in model predictive control and embedded optimization in general and it relies on the high-performance linear algebra package BLASFEO. WWW: |
2019-08-24T23:41:05+00:00 | math/blasfeo |
Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines For Embedded Optimization BLASFEO provides a set of basic linear algebra routines, performance-optimized for matrices fitting in cache (i.e. generally up to a couple hundreds size in each dimension), as typically encountered in embedded optimization application. WWW: |
2019-08-24T20:37:18+00:00 | print/harfbuzz-hb-view |
Harfbuzz hb-view utility |
2019-08-24T09:20:46+00:00 | print/harfbuzz-bh-view |
Harfbuzz hb-view utility |
2019-08-24T02:28:43+00:00 | sysutils/terraform-provider-vultr |
Terraform provider for Vultr A community developed provider to support the Vultr cloud with Terraform. Terraform is used to create, manage, and update infrastructure resources such as physical machines, VMs, network switches, containers, and more. Almost any infrastructure type can be represented as a resource in Terraform. A provider is responsible for understanding API interactions and exposing resources. Providers generally are an IaaS, PaaS, or SaaS services. WWW: |
2019-08-23T12:50:32+00:00 | security/dsvpn |
Dead Simple VPN DSVPN is a Dead Simple VPN, designed to address the most common use case for using a VPN with a shared key. It works in 'server' or 'client' mode using TCP. WWW: |
2019-08-22T17:48:51+00:00 | www/varnish-libvmod-dynamic |
Varnish Module (vmod) for dynamic backends This module provides a varnish director for dynamic creation of backends based on calls to the system's network address resolution service which, in turn, typically use information from the /etc/hosts file and the Domain Name Service (DNS), but can be configured to use other sources like LDAP or more advanced DNS resolution where getdns is available. While standard varnish backends defined in VCL may also be defined in terms of host names, changes of the name service information will only be picked up with a VCL reload. WWW: |
2019-08-21T20:52:23+00:00 | devel/goswagger |
Swagger 2.0 implementation for Go Swagger is a simple yet powerful representation of your RESTful API and go-swagger brings to the Go community a complete suite of fully-featured, high-performance, API components to work with a Swagger API: server, client and data model. This port provides a Go implementation of Swagger 2.0 (aka OpenAPI 2.0). WWW: |
2019-08-21T16:29:26+00:00 | benchmarks/hipercontracer |
High-Performance Connectivity Tracer (HiPerConTracer) High-Performance Connectivity Tracer (HiPerConTracer) is a ping/traceroute service. It performs regular ping and traceroute runs among sites and can export the results into an SQL database. WWW: |
2019-08-21T15:51:15+00:00 | graphics/libspng |
Simple PNG decoding and encoding library Libspng is a C library for reading and writing Portable Network Graphics (PNG) format files with a focus on security and ease of use. The goal is to provide a fast PNG library with a simpler API than libpng. WWW: |
2019-08-21T13:04:39+00:00 | net/rubygem-google-cloud-bigquery |
Official Ruby library for Google BigQuery This is the official Ruby library for Google BigQuery. WWW: |
2019-08-21T03:48:44+00:00 | security/acmed |
ACME (RFC 8555) client daemon written in Rust ACMEd is one of the many clients for the Automatic Certificate Management Environment (ACME), an internet standard (RFC 8555) which allows to automate X.509 certificates signing by a Certification Authority (CA). WWW: |
2019-08-20T19:10:24+00:00 | comms/jpilot-picsnvideos |
JPilot plugin to download photos and videos Plugin for JPilot ( to download pictures, photos and videos from Palm smartphones. Supports: Centro, Treo 600, Treo 650, Treo 680, Treo 700p, Treo 755p & xplor m68. WWW: |
2019-08-20T19:05:49+00:00 | databases/palm-db-tools |
Utilities for the PalmOS flat-file database programs This package includes several utilities that let you convert text files in CSV (comma-separated value) format to several flat-file database formats used on PalmOS PDAs and back again. WWW: |
2019-08-20T18:56:33+00:00 | databases/mdbconv |
Converts CSV to MobileDB database MobileDB converter - mdbconv converts CSV to MobileDB database. WWW: |
2019-08-20T18:52:11+00:00 | sysutils/makeztxt |
Command line utility to create GutenPalm's zTXT format databases makeztxt is a simple command line program that takes a plain ASCII text file and compresses it into a zTXT database. makeztxt will remove newline characters at the end of lines that contain text so that the paragraphs flow better on the Palm screen. WWW: |
2019-08-20T18:41:48+00:00 | devel/libmal |
Library encapsulating malsync This is a copy of malsync that produces a library instead of an executable. It is based on malsync 2.1. WWW: |
2019-08-20T17:47:53+00:00 | graphics/imgvtopgm |
Palm Pilot Image Viewer to PGM Converter Palm Pilot Image Viewer to PGM Converter, which for converting Pilot Image and from Portable Graymaps and Portable Bitmaps. The tools support grayscale and monochrome images with or without compression and with or without notes. Palette fixing and other image manipulation tasks are left to other programs. |
2019-08-20T17:35:26+00:00 | sysutils/bibelot |
Formats and converts text documents into compressed PalmDoc .pdb files is a Perl script that formats and converts text documents into compressed PalmDoc .pdb files, suitable for reading on a Palm or Handspring device with any standard PalmDoc reader (AportisDoc, CSpotRun, RichReader, TealDoc, etc.) WWW: |
2019-08-20T12:33:44+00:00 | audio/fossmixer |
Graphical mixer application for OSS FOSS Mixer is a graphical mixer application for FreeBSD to control OSS audio backend. Mixer can be use to control audio levels, set recording source, and it includes white noise generator for testing the audio output. It is pretty much what mixer(1) does. FOSS Mixer does not need third party user interface library, it runs on plain X11/OpenGL. WWW: |
2019-08-20T11:48:20+00:00 | graphics/fractgen |
Fractal Generator FractGen is a simple Qt-based fractal generator program for Mandelbrot fractals. The image size is only limited by virtual memory. It is possible to zoom into images. Image parameters can be saved in XML files and loaded from XML files. Calculated images can be exported as PNG files. The intention of this program is to generate graphics to be post-processed by other image tools, e.g. in order to generate nice screen backgrounds or book covers. WWW: |
2019-08-20T06:31:46+00:00 | multimedia/termplay |
Tool that converts images to ANSI sequences, plays videos in terminals termplay is the tool to convert images to ANSI sequences. It also supports playing videos. Features: * Multiple modes * Sixels: Only supported by a few terminals, like xterm. * Unicode halfblock: This is the same as TrueColor below, but uses unicode half-blocks for smaller pixels. * TrueColor: Any RGB color, supported by most terminals. * 256 color: The closest representation of a color that can be fit within 1 byte. Use this if nothing else works. * Flexible * Change framerate, size and more using command line switches. * Adapting size * Automatically scales the image to fit your terminal. WWW: |
2019-08-20T01:46:28+00:00 | devel/gperf31 |
Generates perfect hash functions for sets of keywords While teaching a data structures course at University of California, Irvine, I developed a program called GPERF that generates perfect hash functions for sets of key words. A perfect hash function is simply: A hash function and a data structure that allows recognition of a key word in a set of words using exactly 1 probe into the data structure. The gperf.texinfo file explains how the program works, the form of the input, what options are available, and hints on choosing the best options for particular key word sets. The texinfo file is readable both via the GNU emacs `info' command, and is also suitable for typesetting with TeX. The enclosed Makefile creates the executable program ``gperf'' and also runs some tests. Output from the GPERF program is used to recognize reserved words in the GNU C, GNU C++, and GNU Pascal compilers, as well as with the GNU indent program. LICENSE: GPL2 or later WWW: |
2019-08-19T22:01:56+00:00 | mail/fetchmail64 |
Batch mail retrieval utility for IMAP/POP3/ETRN/ODMR - release candidate Fetchmail is a full-featured IMAP/POP2/POP3/APOP/KPOP/ETRN/ODMR client with easy configuration, daemon mode, forwarding via SMTP or local MDA, and superior reply handling. It is used to handle intermittent email connections by acting as a coupling that seamlessly batch forwards fetched mail from your mail server to your local delivery system, allowing you to read it with your favourite mail user agent. Fetchmail also includes useful spam filtering and multi-user functions. A typical use of fetchmail is to connect to your ISP's POP3 server, downloading your mail into the INBOX on your local computer. You may then read the mail, offline if you want, using pine, mutt, or any standard mail user agent. WWW: |
2019-08-19T20:50:44+00:00 | net/rubygem-cloudflare |
Ruby wrapper for the Cloudflare API Cloudflare is a Ruby wrapper for the Cloudflare V4 API. It provides a light weight wrapper using RestClient::Resource. The wrapper functionality is limited to zones and DNS records at this time. WWW: |
2019-08-19T20:50:13+00:00 | www/rubygem-async-rest |
RESTful clients (and hopefully servers) Roy Thomas Fielding's thesis Architectural Styles and the Design of Network-based Software Architectures describes Representational State Transfer which comprises several core concepts: - Resource: A conceptual mapping to one or more entities. - Representation: An instance of a resource at a given point in time. Async::REST models these abstractions as closely and practically as possible and serves as a basis for building asynchronous web clients. WWW: |
2019-08-19T20:50:00+00:00 | www/rubygem-async-http |
HTTP client and server library Async::HTTP is an asynchronous client and server implementation of HTTP/1.0, HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 including TLS. It supports streaming requests and responses. WWW: |
2019-08-19T20:49:30+00:00 | www/rubygem-protocol-http2 |
Low level implementation of the HTTP/2 protocol Protocol::HTTP2 provides a low-level implementation of the HTTP/2 protocol. WWW: |
2019-08-19T20:49:14+00:00 | www/rubygem-protocol-http1 |
Low level implementation of the HTTP/1 protocol Protocol::HTTP1 provides a low-level implementation of the HTTP/1 protocol. WWW: |
2019-08-19T20:49:01+00:00 | www/rubygem-protocol-http |
Provides abstractions to handle HTTP protocols Protocol::HTTP provides abstractions for working with the HTTP protocol. WWW: |
2019-08-19T20:48:44+00:00 | www/rubygem-protocol-hpack |
Compresssor and decompressor for HTTP 2.0 HPACK Protocol::HPACK provides a compressor and decompressor for HTTP 2.0 headers, HPACK, as defined by RFC7541. WWW: |
2019-08-19T20:48:35+00:00 | net/rubygem-google-cloud-logging |
Official library for Stackdriver Logging google-cloud-logging is the official library for Stackdriver Logging. Stackdriver Logging allows you to store, search, analyze, monitor, and alert on log data and events from Google Cloud Platform and Amazon Web Services (AWS). It supports ingestion of any custom log data from any source. Stackdriver Logging is a fully-managed service that performs at scale and can ingest application and system log data from thousands of VMs. Even better, you can analyze all that log data in real-time. WWW: |
2019-08-19T20:48:08+00:00 | net/rubygem-stackdriver-core |
Internal shared library for the Ruby Stackdriver integration libraries This library contains shared types and utilities for Stackdriver-related libraries. WWW: |
2019-08-19T20:47:42+00:00 | devel/rubygem-async-io |
Provides support for asynchronous TCP, UDP, Unix, and SSL sockets Async::IO provides builds on async and provides asynchronous wrappers for IO, Socket, and related classes. WWW: |
2019-08-19T20:46:56+00:00 | devel/rubygem-async |
Modern asynchronous I/O framework for Ruby Async is a composable asynchronous I/O framework for Ruby based on nio4r and timers. WWW: |
2019-08-19T20:46:17+00:00 | devel/rubygem-console |
Beautiful logging for Ruby Console provides beautiful console logging for Ruby applications. Implements fast, buffered log output. WWW: |
2019-08-19T20:45:50+00:00 | devel/rubygem-google-gax |
Google API Extensions Google API Extensions for Ruby (gax-ruby) is a set of modules which aids the development of APIs for clients and servers based on gRPC and Google API conventions. Application code will rarely need to use most of the classes within this library directly, but code generated automatically from the API definition files in Google APIs can use services such as page streaming and request bundling to provide a more convenient and idiomatic API surface to callers. WWW: |
2019-08-19T20:45:05+00:00 | devel/py-mypy-protobuf |
Generate mypy stub files from protobuf specs mypy-protobuf generates mypy stub files from protobuf specs. protoc-gen-mypy is a python implementation of the plugin. WWW: |
2019-08-19T20:44:33+00:00 | devel/p5-Test2-Plugin-UUID |
Use REAL UUIDs in Test2 Test2 normally uses unique IDs generated by appending pid, thread-id, and an incrementing integer. These work fine most of the time, but are not sufficient if you want to keep a database of events, in that case a real UUID is much more useful. WWW: |
2019-08-19T20:44:16+00:00 | devel/p5-Test2-Plugin-MemUsage |
Collect and display memory usage information Currently Test2::Plugin::MemUsage only works on unix systems that provide /proc/PID/status access. For all other systems this plugin is essentially a no-op. WWW: |
2019-08-19T20:43:56+00:00 | devel/p5-Test2-Plugin-DBIProfile |
Plugin to enable and display DBI profiling Test2::Plugin::DBIProfile will enable DBI::Profile globally so that DBI profiling data is collected. Once testing is complete an event will be produced which contains and displays the profiling data. WWW: |
2019-08-19T19:31:40+00:00 | shells/starship |
Cross-shell prompt for astronauts Starship is the minimal, blazing fast, and extremely customizable prompt for any shell. The prompt shows information you need while you're working, while staying sleek and out of the way. To use it in bash, add the line 'eval "$(starship init bash)"' to your ~/.bashrc WWW: |
2019-08-19T17:10:57+00:00 | devel/cargo-tree |
Rust's cargo subcommand to visualize dependency graph as a tree #' cargo tree is a Cargo subcommand that visualizes a crate's dependency graph in a tree-like format. WWW: |
2019-08-18T22:05:37+00:00 | comms/iwmbt-firmware |
Intel Wireless 8260 bluetooth adaptor firmwares used by iwmbtfw(8) Firmware for the Intel Wireless 8260/8265 chip based Bluetooth USB devices. To be downloaded with iwmbtfw(8). WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-18T18:43:56+00:00 | www/wt3 |
Widget-centric C++ library for developing web applications Wt (pronounced as witty) is a C++ library for developing web applications. The API is widget-centric and uses well-tested patterns of desktop GUI development tailored to the web. To the developer, it offers abstraction of many web-specific implementation details, including client-server protocols (HTTP, Ajax, WebSockets), and frees the developer from tedious JavaScript manipulations of HTML and dealing with cross-browser issues. Instead, with Wt, you can focus on actual functionality with a rich set of feature-complete widgets. Unlike old-school page-based frameworks or current-day single-page JavaScript "frameworks", Wt allows you to create stateful applications that are at the same time highly interactive (using WebSockets and Ajax for everything) but still support plain HTML browsers or web crawlers using automatic graceful degradation or progressive enhancement. Things that are natural and simple with Wt would require an impractical amount of development effort otherwise: switching widgets using animations, while retaining clean URLs and browser navigation functions, or having a persistent chat widget open throughout the entire application, that even works in legacy browsers like Microsoft Internet Explorer 6. The library comes with an application server that acts as a stand-alone Http(s)/WebSocket server or integrates through FastCGI with other web servers. WWW: |
2019-08-18T11:31:10+00:00 | net/socketapi |
Socket API library for the SCTPLIB user-space SCTP implementation SocketAPI is the socket API library for the SCTPLIB user-space SCTP implementation. WWW: |
2019-08-18T11:11:21+00:00 | net/sctplib |
User-space implementation of the SCTP protocol RFC 4960 The SCTPLIB library is a prototype implementation of the Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP), a message-oriented reliable transport protocol that supports multi-homing, and multiple message streams multiplexed within an SCTP connection (also named association). SCTP is described in RFC 4960. See for details. The API of the library is modeled after Section 10 of RFC 4960, and most parameters and functions should be self-explanatory to the user familiar with this document. In addition to these interface functions between an Upper Layer Protocol (ULP) and an SCTP instance, the library also provides a number of helper functions that can be used to manage callbacks and timers, as well as UDP sockets for simple IPC. Furthermore, SCTPLIB provides support for UDP encapsulation, making it possible to co-exist with kernel SCTP implementations. WWW: |
2019-08-18T10:50:13+00:00 | net/tsctp |
SCTP Test Tool TSCTP is an SCTP test tool. Its purpose is to perform basic SCTP functionality tests to check implementations interoperability and to verify that the SCTP stack is working. WWW: |
2019-08-18T10:34:06+00:00 | sysutils/frand |
Selects a random file using reservoir sampling algorithm Selects a random file from given directory using reservoir sampling algorithm. This means directory contents doesn't need to be read in memory and then sorted and so will perform much better than find+sort for big directories. WWW: |
2019-08-18T10:34:04+00:00 | net/remmina-plugin-www |
Remmina plugin to open an authenticated web-browser |
2019-08-18T10:34:04+00:00 | net/remmina-plugin-st |
Remmina plugin for (Simple) Terminal use cases |
2019-08-18T10:34:04+00:00 | net/remmina-plugin-spice |
Remmina plugin to execute a command |
2019-08-17T21:46:37+00:00 | devel/py-pylama |
Code audit tool for Python Code audit tool for Python and JavaScript. Pylama wraps these tools: - pycodestyle (formerly pep8) (c) 2012-2013, Florent Xicluna; - pydocstyle (formerly pep257 by Vladimir Keleshev) (c) 2014, Amir Rachum; - PyFlakes (c) 2005-2013, Kevin Watters; - Mccabe (c) Ned Batchelder; - Pylint (c) 2013, Logilab (should be installed 'pylama_pylint' module); - Radon (c) Michele Lacchia - gjslint (c) The Closure Linter Authors (should be installed 'pylama_gjslint' module); - eradicate (c) Steven Myint; - Mypy (c) Jukka Lehtosalo and contributors; WWW: |
2019-08-17T20:42:03+00:00 | devel/py-PeachPy |
Portable efficient assembly codegen in higher-level Python The goal of this project is to document instruction sets in a format convenient for tools development. An instruction set is represented by three files: * An XML file that describes instructions * An XSD file that describes the structure of the XML file * A Python module that reads the XML file and represents it as a set of Python objects WWW: |
2019-08-17T20:24:09+00:00 | devel/py-opcodes |
Database of processor instructions/opcodes The goal of this project is to document instruction sets in a format convenient for tools development. An instruction set is represented by three files: * An XML file that describes instructions * An XSD file that describes the structure of the XML file * A Python module that reads the XML file and represents it as a set of Python objects WWW: |
2019-08-17T20:14:16+00:00 | devel/fp16 |
Conversion to/from half-precision floating point formats Header-only library for conversion to/from half-precision floating point formats. Features: * Supports IEEE and ARM alternative half-precision floating-point format o Property converts infinities and NaNs o Properly converts denormal numbers, even on systems without denormal support * Header-only library, no installation or build required * Compatible with C99 and C++11 * Fully covered with unit tests and microbenchmarks WWW: |
2019-08-17T19:24:47+00:00 | devel/pthreadpool |
Pthread-based thread pool for C/C++ for arrays parallelization pthreadpool is a pthread-based thread pool implementation. It is intended to provide functionality of #pragma omp parallel for for POSIX systems where OpenMP is not available. Features: * C interface (C++-compatible) * Run on user-specified or auto-detected number of threads * Work-stealing scheduling for efficient work balancing * Compatible with Linux, macOS, and Native Client environments * Covered with unit tests and microbenchmarks WWW: |
2019-08-17T19:13:04+00:00 | devel/fxdiv |
C/C++ header-only library for division via FP inverse multiplication Header-only library for division via fixed-point multiplication by inverse. On modern CPUs and GPUs integer division is several times slower than multiplication. FXdiv implements an algorithm to replace an integer division with a multiplication and two shifts. This algorithm improves performance when an application performs repeated divisions by the same divisor. Features: * Integer division for uint32_t, uint64_t, and size_t * Header-only library, no installation or build required * Compatible with C99, C++, OpenCL, and CUDA * Uses platform-specific compiler intrinsics for optimal performance * Covered with unit tests and microbenchmarks WWW: |
2019-08-17T18:26:14+00:00 | devel/psimd |
Portable 128-bit SIMD intrinsics psimd is a portable header-only zero-overhead C++ wrapper around single-instruction multiple-data (SIMD) 128-bit intrinsics. WWW: |
2019-08-16T15:42:25+00:00 | sysutils/screenfetch-nox11 |
2019-08-16T15:26:02+00:00 | ftp/curlie |
Frontend to cURL that adds the ease of use of HTTPie If you like the interface of HTTPie but miss the features of curl, curlie is what you are searching for. Curlie is a frontend to curl that adds the ease of use of httpie, without compromising on features and performance. All curl options are exposed with syntax sugar and output formatting inspired from httpie. WWW: |
2019-08-15T18:11:46+00:00 | textproc/p5-XString |
Isolated String helpers from B XString provides the B string helpers in one isolated package. Right now only cstring and perlstring are available. WWW: |
2019-08-15T18:11:40+00:00 | devel/p5-Test2-Tools-Explain |
Explain tools for Perl Test2 framework Test2::Suite dropped the explain() function that had been part of Test::More. For those who miss it in Test2, you can use Test2::Tools::Explain. WWW: |
2019-08-15T16:14:22+00:00 | lang/fpc-source |
Free Pascal compiler with Turbo and Delphi (source) Originally named FPK-Pascal, the Free Pascal compiler is a 32 bit and 64 bit Turbo Pascal compatible Pascal compiler for DOS, Linux, Win32, OS/2, (based on an older version) the AmigaOS, FreeBSD/ELF, BeOS, Darwin(OSX) and others (source code). WWW: |
2019-08-15T12:02:18+00:00 | devel/py-yattag |
Generate HTML or XML in a pythonic way Generate HTML or XML in a pythonic way. Pure python alternative to web template engines. Can fill HTML forms with default values and error messages. WWW: |
2019-08-15T10:10:22+00:00 | shells/poshinit |
Portable shell setup for Bash/Zsh across FreeBSD/Linux/Cygwin You want your shell stuff to work the same way even when you use a different shell, or even a different box. Right? If you use poshinit (Portable Shell Initialization), you can attain at least most of what you desire, perhaps even all. You can log out of Bash and log in with Zsh (or vice versa) - and your aliases/exports/functions will continue to work as before. It gets better - if someday you need to use a different box with a different OS, you can get your shell to work your 'normal' way in a jiffy. Just save your $HOME/.shell directory on your primary box, and paste it over your second box's $HOME/.shell (after running poshinit setup script on the second box). The second box need not be the same operating system - poshinit works across FreeBSD / Linux / Cygwin. WWW: |
2019-08-14T20:36:31+00:00 | security/bastillion |
Web-based SSH console Bastillion is an open-source web-based SSH console that centrally manages administrative access to systems. A bastion host for administrators with features that promote infrastructure security, including key management and auditing. WWW: |
2019-08-14T16:32:22+00:00 | sysutils/sensu-go |
Ephemeral infrastructure and distributed applications monitoring Sensu is an open source monitoring tool for ephemeral infrastructure and distributed applications. It is an agent based monitoring system with built-in auto-discovery, making it very well-suited for cloud environments. Sensu uses service checks to monitor service health and collect telemetry data. It also has a number of well defined APIs for configuration, external data input, and to provide access to Sensu's data. Sensu is extremely extensible and is commonly referred to as "the monitoring router". WWW: |
2019-08-13T18:49:10+00:00 | net/tacacs |
TACACS+ daemon from pro-bono tac_plus is a TACACS+ daemon. It provides Cisco Systems routers and access servers with authentication, authorisation and accounting services. This version is a major rewrite of the original Cisco source code. Key features include: - NAS specific host keys, prompts, enable passwords - NAS- and ACL-dependent group memberships - Flexible external backends for user profiles (e.g. via PERL scripts or C; LDAP (including ActiveDirectory), RADIUS and others are included ) - Connection multiplexing (multiple concurrent NAS clients per process) - Session multiplexing - Scalable, no limit on users, clients or servers - CLI context aware. At the time of writing this, no other TACACS+ daemon is. - Both IPv4 and IPv6 are fully supported. - Compliant to latest TACACS+ protocol specification (draft 1.78) WWW: |
2019-08-12T19:39:53+00:00 | www/rubygem-chromedriver-helper |
Easy installation and use of chromedriver chromedriver-helper installs an executable, chromedriver-helper, in your gem path, and configures Selenium to invoke it as the web driver. This script will, if necessary, download the appropriate binary for your platform and install it into ~/.chromedriver-helper, then exec it. Easy peasy! Individual projects can even select which version of chromedriver they want to run. WWW: |
2019-08-12T19:15:11+00:00 | x11/wev |
Wayland event viewer This is a tool for debugging events on a Wayland window, analagous to the X11 tool xev. WWW: |
2019-08-12T19:15:04+00:00 | x11/virtboard |
Basic keyboard, blazing the path of modern Wayland keyboards Virtboard is an on screen keyboard based on wayland-keyboard, and serving as a test bed for new input method protocols. WWW: |
2019-08-12T16:44:39+00:00 | science/py-tensorflow-estimator |
TensorFlow Estimator, an API to simplify machine learning programming TensorFlow Estimator is a high-level TensorFlow API that greatly simplifies machine learning programming. Estimators encapsulate training, evaluation, prediction, and exporting for your model. WWW: |
2019-08-12T13:14:47+00:00 | devel/robin-map |
Fast hash map and hash set A C++ implementation of a fast hash map and hash set using open-addressing and linear robin hood hashing with backward shift deletion to resolve collisions. WWW: |
2019-08-12T08:15:05+00:00 | devel/go-bindata-assetfs |
Serves embedded files from go-bindata with Go's net/http support go-bindata-assetfs serves embedded files from go-bindata with Go's net/http support, allowing packages to serve static content. WWW: |
2019-08-11T19:09:36+00:00 | net/savvycan |
CAN bus reverse engineering and capture tool CSavvyCAN is a CAN bus reverse engineering and capture tool. It supports EVTV hardware, socketCAN compatible devices, and other hardware. WWW: |
2019-08-11T16:47:27+00:00 | devel/rubygem-web-console-rails5 |
Debugging tool for your Ruby on Rails applications A debugging tool for your Ruby on Rails applications. WWW: |
2019-08-11T16:46:15+00:00 | devel/rubygem-spring-watcher-listen |
Makes spring watch files using the listen gem Listen watcher for Spring This gem makes Spring watch the filesystem for changes using Listen rather than by polling the filesystem. On larger projects this means spring will be more responsive, more accurate and use less cpu on local filesystems. WWW: |
2019-08-11T16:46:08+00:00 | databases/rubygem-dalli |
High performance memcached client for Ruby Dalli is a high performance pure Ruby client for accessing memcached servers. It works with memcached 1.4+ only as it uses the newer binary protocol. It should be considered a replacement for the memcache-client gem. The name is a variant of Salvador Dali for his famous painting The Persistence of Memory. WWW: |
2019-08-11T16:05:23+00:00 | x11/waybar |
Highly customizable Wayland bar for Sway and wlroots-based compositors Waybar is highly customizable Wayland bar for Sway and wlroots-based compositors providing the following features: - Sway (Workspaces, Binding mode, Focused window name) - Tray [#21]( - Local time - Battery (Linux-only) - Network (Linux-only) - Pulseaudio - Memory - Cpu load average - Temperature (Linux-only) - MPD - Custom scripts - Multiple output configuration - And much more customizations WWW: |
2019-08-11T11:27:26+00:00 | net/rubygem-google-cloud-storage |
Official library for Google Cloud Storage Google Cloud Storage (docs) allows you to store data on Google infrastructure with very high reliability, performance and availability, and can be used to distribute large data objects to users via direct download. WWW: |
2019-08-11T11:27:21+00:00 | devel/py-python-mimeparse |
Basic functions for handling mime-types in Python This module provides basic functions for parsing mime-type names and matching them against a list of media-ranges. WWW: |
2019-08-11T06:40:40+00:00 | x11/kanshi |
Dynamic display configuration for Wayland kanshi allows you to define output profiles that are automatically enabled and disabled on hotplug. For instance, this can be used to turn a laptop's internal screen off when docked. This is a Wayland equivalent for tools like autorandr. kanshi can be used on Wayland compositors supporting wlr-output-management protocol. WWW: |
2019-08-11T05:34:39+00:00 | graphics/drm_info |
Small utility to dump info about DRM devices Small utility to dump info about DRM devices. Suports JSON output. WWW: |
2019-08-10T22:48:16+00:00 | www/rubygem-webdrivers |
Run Selenium tests more easily with install and updates for all supported webdrivers Run Selenium tests more easily with automatic installation and updates for all supported webdrivers. WWW: |
2019-08-10T22:48:10+00:00 | security/rubygem-devise-two-factor30-rails5 |
Barebones two-factor authentication with Devise Barebones two-factor authentication with Devise WWW: |
2019-08-10T22:23:41+00:00 | audio/geonkick-lv2 |
Software percussion synthesizer Geonkick is a free software percussion synthesizer. Geonkick is a synthesizer that can synthesize elements of percussion. The most basic examples are: kicks, snares, hit-hats, shakers, claps, sticks. WWW: |
2019-08-09T20:00:54+00:00 | www/py-django-modelcluster4 |
Django extension for working with clusters of models as a single unit django-modelcluster extends Django's foreign key relations to make this possible. It introduces a new type of relation, ParentalKey, where the related models are stored locally to the 'parent' model until the parent is explicitly saved. Up to that point, the related models can still be accessed through a subset of the QuerySet API. WWW: |
2019-08-09T20:00:48+00:00 | devel/py-pebble |
Threading and multiprocessing eye-candy Pebble provides a neat API to manage threads and processes within an application. WWW: |
2019-08-09T10:32:54+00:00 | lang/kotlin |
Kotlin Programming Language Kotlin Programming Language WWW: |
2019-08-08T21:15:49+00:00 | devel/xtoolchain-llvm90 |
2019-08-08T21:05:43+00:00 | science/py-chainer-chemistry |
Library for deep learning in biology and chemistry Chainer Chemistry is a deep learning framework (based on Chainer) with applications in Biology and Chemistry. It supports various state-of-the-art models (especially GCNN - Graph Convolutional Neural Network) for chemical property prediction. WWW: |
2019-08-08T20:07:04+00:00 | science/py-chainer |
Deep learning framework Chainer is a powerful, flexible and intuitive deep learning framework. * Chainer supports CUDA computation. It only requires a few lines of code to leverage a GPU. It also runs on multiple GPUs with little effort. * Chainer supports various network architectures including feed-forward nets, convnets, recurrent nets and recursive nets. It also supports per-batch architectures. * Forward computation can include any control flow statements of Python without lacking the ability of backpropagation. It makes code intuitive and easy to debug. WWW: |
2019-08-08T17:53:24+00:00 | science/py-onnx |
Open Neural Network eXchange Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX) is an open ecosystem that empowers AI developers to choose the right tools as their project evolves. ONNX provides an open source format for AI models, both deep learning and traditional ML. It defines an extensible computation graph model, as well as definitions of built-in operators and standard data types. Currently we focus on the capabilities needed for inferencing (scoring). ONNX is widely supported and can be found in many frameworks, tools, and hardware. Enabling interoperability between different frameworks and streamlining the path from research to production helps increase the speed of innovation in the AI community. We invite the community to join us and further evolve ONNX. WWW: |
2019-08-08T16:48:41+00:00 | multimedia/celluloid |
Simple GTK+ frontend for mpv Celluloid (formerly GNOME MPV) is a simple GTK+ frontend for mpv. Celluloid interacts with mpv via the client API exported by libmpv, allowing access to mpv's powerful playback capabilities. WWW: |
2019-08-08T15:33:02+00:00 | databases/postgresql12-server |
PostgreSQL is a sophisticated Object-Relational DBMS, supporting almost all SQL constructs, including subselects, transactions, and user-defined types and functions. It is the most advanced open-source database available anywhere. Commercial Support is also available. The original Postgres code was the effort of many graduate students, undergraduate students, and staff programmers working under the direction of Professor Michael Stonebraker at the University of California, Berkeley. In 1995, Andrew Yu and Jolly Chen took on the task of converting the DBMS query language to SQL and created a new database system which came to known as Postgres95. Many others contributed to the porting, testing, debugging and enhancement of the Postgres95 code. As the code improved, and 1995 faded into memory, PostgreSQL was born. PostgreSQL development is presently being performed by a team of Internet developers who are now responsible for all current and future development. The development team coordinator is Marc G. Fournier (scrappy@PostgreSQL.ORG). Support is available from the PostgreSQL developer/user community through the support mailing list (questions@PostgreSQL.ORG). PostgreSQL is free and the complete source is available. WWW: |
2019-08-08T15:33:02+00:00 | databases/postgresql12-pltcl |
Module for using Tcl to write SQL functions |
2019-08-08T15:33:02+00:00 | databases/postgresql12-plpython |
Module for using Python to write SQL functions PL/Python allows one to write PostgeSQL stored functions and procedures in Python ( This software is part of the standard PostgreSQL distribution. WWW: |
2019-08-08T15:33:02+00:00 | databases/postgresql12-plperl |
Write SQL functions for PostgreSQL using Perl5 |
2019-08-08T15:33:02+00:00 | databases/postgresql12-pgtcl |
2019-08-08T15:33:02+00:00 | databases/postgresql12-docs |
The PostgreSQL documentation set |
2019-08-08T15:33:02+00:00 | databases/postgresql12-contrib |
The contrib utilities from the PostgreSQL distribution This is the port for all stuff that comes in the contrib subtree of the postgresql distribution. This subtree contains porting tools, analysis utilities, and plug-in features that are not part of the core PostgreSQL system, mainly because they address a limited audience or are too experimental to be part of the main source tree. This does not preclude their usefulness. Each subdirectory contains a README file with information about the module. Some directories supply new user-defined functions, operators, or types. After you have installed the files you need to register the new entities in the database system by running the commands in the supplied .sql file. For example, $ psql -d dbname -f module.sql The .sql files are installed into /usr/local/share/postgresql/contrib For more information, please see /usr/local/share/doc/postgresql/contrib/README* This software is part of the standard PostgreSQL distribution. WWW: |
2019-08-08T15:33:02+00:00 | databases/postgresql12-client |
PostgreSQL database (client) |
2019-08-08T09:57:32+00:00 | graphics/jp |
Terminal charts, plots, histograms and maps from JSON and CSV jp is a dead simple terminal plots from JSON (or CSV) data. Bar charts, line charts, scatter plots, histograms and heatmaps are supported. It reads data on stdin and prints plots to stdout. WWW: |
2019-08-08T07:59:02+00:00 | mail/astroid |
Graphical email client for notmuch, inspired by sup and others Astroid is a lightweight and fast Mail User Agent that provides a graphical interface to searching, display and composing email, organized in thread and tags. Astroid uses the notmuch backend for blazingly fast searches through tons of email. Astroid searches, displays and composes emails - and relies on other programs for fetching, syncing and sending email. WWW: |
2019-08-07T21:47:04+00:00 | devel/s390x-binutils |
GNU binutils for s390x cross-development |
2019-08-07T12:48:57+00:00 | x11/slick-greeter |
Slick-looking LightDM greeter A slick-looking LightDM greeter. WWW: |
2019-08-07T05:02:38+00:00 | audio/mkcue |
Generates CUE sheets from a CD TOC (Table Of Contents) mkcue generates CUE sheets from a CD TOC (Table Of Contents). It is a perfect companion for abcde to generate backups of your audio CDs using the FLAC codec and the single track option. WWW: |
2019-08-07T01:35:26+00:00 | x11-toolkits/redkite |
GUI toolkit Redkite is a small free software and cross-platform GUI toolkit. It is inspired from other well known GUI toolkits. WWW: |
2019-08-06T17:41:59+00:00 | textproc/py-xmldiff |
Creates diffs of XML files xmldiff is a library and a command-line utility for making diffs out of XML. This may seem like something that doesn't need a dedicated utility, but change detection in hierarchical data is very different from change detection in flat data. XML type formats are also not only used for computer readable0 data, it is also often used as a format for hierarchical data that can be rendered into human readable formats. A traditional diff on such a format would tell you line by line the differences, but this would not be be readable by a human. xmldiff provides tools to make human readable diffs in those situations. WWW: |
2019-08-06T09:31:00+00:00 | emulators/qemu30 |
QEMU CPU Emulator QEMU is a FAST! processor emulator using dynamic translation to achieve good emulation speed. QEMU has two operating modes: * Full system emulation. In this mode, QEMU emulates a full system (for example a PC), including a processor and various peripherials. It can be used to launch different Operating Systems without rebooting the PC or to debug system code. * User mode emulation (Linux host only). In this mode, QEMU can launch Linux processes compiled for one CPU on another CPU. It can be used to launch the Wine Windows API emulator or to ease cross-compilation and cross-debugging. As QEMU requires no host kernel patches to run, it is very safe and easy to use. See also the preconfigured system images on Many live cd isos also work. WWW: |
2019-08-05T16:10:05+00:00 | devel/llvm90 |
LLVM and Clang The LLVM Project is a collection of modular and reusable compiler and toolchain technologies. This port includes Clang (a C/C++/Objective-C compiler), LLD (a linker), LLDB (a debugger), an OpenMP runtime library, and the LLVM infrastructure these are built on. WWW: |
2019-08-04T21:34:56+00:00 | devel/py-flaky |
Plugin for nose or pytest that automatically reruns flaky tests Ideally, tests reliably pass or fail, but sometimes test fixtures must rely on components that aren't 100% reliable. With flaky, instead of removing those tests or marking them to skip, they can be automatically retried. WWW: |
2019-08-04T16:08:47+00:00 | net/p5-URI-Fast |
Fast(er) URI parser URI::Fast is a faster alternative to URI. It is written in C and provides basic parsing and modification of a URI. URI is an excellent module; it is battle-tested, robust, and handles many edge cases. As a result, it is rather slower than it would otherwise be for more trivial cases, such as inspecting the path or updating a single query parameter. WWW: |
2019-08-04T16:08:27+00:00 | net/p5-URI-Encode-XS |
Perl URI encoder/decoder using C URI::Encode::XS is a Perl URI encoder/decoder written in XS based on RFC3986. This module always encodes characters that are not unreserved. When decoding, invalid escape sequences are preserved. WWW: |
2019-08-04T13:10:24+00:00 | sysutils/evhz |
Tool for measuring evdev event rate (mouse polling rate) A tool for measuring evdev event rate (mouse polling rate, touchpad event rate, etc.) Reported average is for the last 64 samples, or as many as we have so far. WWW: |
2019-08-04T07:21:36+00:00 | sysutils/crate |
Containerizer for FreeBSD (alpha-software, expect bugs) crate is a FreeBSD containerizer utilizing FreeBSD jails. crate can create the application container based on the description provided by the user, and then runs this container any number of times as a monolithic process, with all dependencies included in the container. Containers can be useful in these scenarios: * You can keep any version of your application, and it will always run later the same way, regardless of what packages will be installed on your system. * You can run a web browser from the crate container, and every time it will run in the clean environment not allowing any tracking. * You can run closed source applications, they will be isolated from the rest of your system, and there will be no chance for them seeing your disks. crate is in its alpha stage. Things might not work as expected! WWW: |
2019-08-03T23:54:22+00:00 | net/google-cloud-sdk-app-engine-go |
Google Cloud SDK App Engine Go Extensions Google Cloud SDK contains tools and libraries that enable you to easily create and manage resources on Google Cloud Platform, including App Engine, Compute Engine, Cloud Storage, BigQuery, Cloud SQL, and Cloud DNS. This port installs Google Cloud SDK "App Engine Go Extensions" component. WWW: |
2019-08-03T23:38:03+00:00 | net/yggdrasil |
Experimental end-to-end encrypted self-arranging IPv6 network Yggdrasil is an early-stage implementation of a fully end-to-end encrypted IPv6 network. It is lightweight, self-arranging, supported on multiple platforms and allows pretty much any IPv6-capable application to communicate securely with other Yggdrasil nodes. Yggdrasil does not require you to have IPv6 Internet connectivity - it also works over IPv4. WWW: |
2019-08-03T20:55:14+00:00 | devel/py-importlab |
Calculate python dependency graphs Importlab is a library for Python that automatically infers dependencies and calculates a dependency graph. It can perform dependency ordering of a set of files, including cycle detection. Importlab's main use case is to work with static analysis tools that process one file at a time, ensuring that a file's dependencies are analysed before it is. Importlab is primarily intended to be used as a library. It takes one or more python files as arguments, and generates an import graph, typically used to process files in dependency order. This is not an official Google product. WWW: |
2019-08-03T12:42:32+00:00 | devel/py-pip-tools3 |
Keep your pinned dependencies fresh pip-tools = pip-compile + pip-sync It is a set of command line tools to help you keep your pip-based packages fresh, even when you've pinned them. WWW: WWW: |
2019-08-02T18:41:10+00:00 | deskutils/dfshow |
Directory file editor dfshow is a set of applications which display files and directories. The following programs are included: * sf The Show File application displays a text file on screen and allows for easy navigation. The program can be invoked by the sf command for a specific file or from the show application. * show The Show Directory application displays all or some of the names of the files on a system with information about the files. From this program, files can be copied, deleted, displayed, edited (in your favorite editor), or renamed by simply positioning the cursor to the desired file name and using a single command character. The application is invoked by the show command similar to the standard ls command. WWW: |
2019-08-02T17:26:27+00:00 | science/openkim-models |
Open Knowledgebase of Interatomic Models OpenKIM is an online framework for making molecular simulations reliable, reproducible, and portable. Models conforming to the KIM application programming interface work seamlessly with major simulation codes that have adopted the KIM-API standard. This package contains the models from WWW: |
2019-08-01T16:39:45+00:00 | www/py-dj22-swapper |
Unofficial Django swappable models API Swapper is an unofficial API for the undocumented but very powerful Django feature: swappable models. Swapper facilitates implementing arbitrary swappable models in your own reusable apps. WWW: WWW: |
2019-07-31T11:02:19+00:00 | net/libdaq |
Data Acquisition abstraction library for snort 3.0+ Snort 2.9 introduces the DAQ, or Data Acquisition library, for packet I/O. The DAQ replaces direct calls to PCAP functions with an abstraction layer that facilitates operation on a variety of hardware and software interfaces without requiring changes to Snort. It is possible to select the DAQ type and mode when invoking Snort to perform PCAP readback or inline operation, etc. The DAQ library may be useful for other packet processing applications and the modular nature allows you to build new modules for other platforms. This version is not compatible with Snort 2.X. WWW: |
2019-07-31T01:16:27+00:00 | www/ot-recorder |
Store and access data published by OwnTracks apps The OwnTracks Recorder is a lightweight program for storing and accessing location data published via MQTT (or HTTP) by the OwnTracks apps. It is a compiled program which is easy to install and operate even on low-end hardware, and it doesn't require an external database. There are two main components: the Recorder obtains data via MQTT subscribes or HTTP POST, stores the data in plain files and serve it via its built-in REST API, and the ocat command-line utility reads stored data in a variety of formats. WWW: |
2019-07-29T07:03:10+00:00 | devel/py-google-pasta |
Library to refactor python code through AST manipulation Google pasta aims to provide python source code refactoring through AST modifications. With the goal to be able to safely migrate code from one api to another. Refectory code to enfore a certain style and to facilitate moving or renaming python modules by rewriting import statements. WWW: |
2019-07-28T23:39:38+00:00 | devel/rubygem-cucumber-rails |
Cucumber generator and runtime for Rails Cucumber-Rails is a Rails generators for Cucumber with special support for Capybara and DatabaseCleaner. It brings Cucumber to Rails 4.2 and Rails 5.x. This gem is also compatible with Rails 6.0+ but this is currently in a beta phase, so there may be issues. WWW: |
2019-07-28T15:15:04+00:00 | net/hping3 |
Network auditing tool hping is a command-line oriented TCP/IP packet assembler/analyzer. The interface is inspired to the ping(8) Unix command, but hping isn't only able to send ICMP echo requests. It supports TCP, UDP, ICMP and RAW-IP protocols, has a traceroute mode, the ability to send files between a covered channel, and many other features. While hping was mainly used as a security tool in the past, it can be used in many ways by people that don't care about security to test networks and hosts. A subset of the stuff you can do using hping: - Test firewall rules - [spoofed] port scanning - Test net performance using different protocols, packet size, TOS (type of service) and fragmentation. - Path MTU discovery - Files transfering even between really fascist firewall rules. - Traceroute like under different protocols. - Firewalk like usage. - Remote OS fingerprint. - TCP/IP stack auditing. WWW: |
2019-07-28T10:26:50+00:00 | misc/adios2 |
Next generation of ADIOS developed in the Exascale Computing Program The Adaptable Input/Output (I/O) System, ADIOS 2 is developed as part of the United States Department of Energy's Exascale Computing Program. ADIOS 2 is a framework designed for scientific data I/O to publish and subscribe (put/get) data when and where required. ADIOS 2 transports data as groups of self-describing variables and attributes across different media types (such as files, wide-area-networks, and remote direct memory access) using a common application programming interface for all transport modes. ADIOS 2 can be used on supercomputers, commercial clouds, and personal computers. ADIOS 2 focuses on: * Performance I/O scalability in high performance computing (HPC) applications. * Adaptability unified interfaces to allow for several modes of transport (files, memory-to-memory) * Ease of Use two-level application programming interface (APIs) * Full APIs for HPC applications: C++11, Fortran 90, C 99, Python 2 and 3 * Simplified High-Level APIs for data analysis: Python 2 and 3, C++11, Matlab WWW: |
2019-07-28T00:48:48+00:00 | x11/wf-shell |
GTK3-based panel for wayfire wf-shell is a repository which contains the various components needed to built a fully functional DE based around wayfire. Currently it has only a GTK-based panel and background client. WWW: |
2019-07-28T00:48:48+00:00 | x11-wm/wayfire |
3D Wayland compositor Wayfire is a Wayland compositor based on wlroots. It aims to create a customizable, extendable and lightweight environment without sacrificing its appearance. WWW: |
2019-07-28T00:48:48+00:00 | devel/wf-config |
Library for managing configuration files, written for wayfire A library for managing configuration files, written for wayfire. WWW: |
2019-07-27T17:44:40+00:00 | devel/rubygem-heapy |
CLI for analyzing Ruby Heap dumps A CLI for analyzing Ruby Heap dumps. WWW: |
2019-07-27T17:44:40+00:00 | benchmarks/rubygem-derailed_benchmarks |
Benchmarks for your whole Rails app Go faster, off the Rails - Benchmarks for your whole Rails app. WWW: |
2019-07-27T14:55:59+00:00 | sysutils/u-boot-rockpro64 |
U-Boot loader and related files for the Pine64 RockPro64. To install this bootloader on an sdcard just do: dd if=/usr/local/share/u-boot/u-boot-rockpro64/idbloader.img of=/path/to/sdcarddevice seek=64 bs=512 conv=sync dd if=/usr/local/share/u-boot/u-boot-rockpro64/u-boot.itb of=/path/to/sdcarddevice seek=16384 bs=512 conv=sync WWW: |
2019-07-27T14:54:09+00:00 | sysutils/u-boot-rock64 |
U-Boot loader and related files for the Pine64 Rock64. To install this bootloader on an sdcard just do: dd if=/usr/local/share/u-boot/u-boot-rock64/idbloader.img of=/path/to/sdcarddevice seek=64 bs=512 conv=sync dd if=/usr/local/share/u-boot/u-boot-rock64/u-boot.itb of=/path/to/sdcarddevice seek=16384 bs=512 conv=sync WWW: |
2019-07-27T14:51:48+00:00 | sysutils/linux-rkbin |
Firmware and tools for RockChip SoCs Firmware files and tools for RockChip SoC This package contain the tools and firmware files needed for booting on a rockchip SoC board using their miniloader. WWW: |
2019-07-27T14:49:46+00:00 | sysutils/atf-rk3328 |
Arm Trusted Framework for RockChip RK3328 SoC Trusted Firmware-A (TF-A) provides a reference implementation of secure world software for Armv7-A and Armv8-A, including a Secure Monitor executing at Exception Level 3 (EL3). WWW: |
2019-07-27T14:01:31+00:00 | misc/p5-Geo-Address-Formatter |
Take structured address data and format it according to the various global/country rules Geo::Address::Formatter takes structured address data and formats it according to the various global/country rules. If you have a structured postal address (hash) and need to convert it into a readable address based on the format of the address country, it gets more complicated with 200+ countries and territories and dozens more address components to consider. WWW: |
2019-07-27T14:01:25+00:00 | textproc/p5-Text-Hogan |
Mustache templating engine statement-for-statement cloned from hogan.js Text::Hogan is a statement-for-statement rewrite of hogan.js in Perl. It is a mustache templating engine which supports pre-compilation of your templates into pure Perl code, which then renders very quickly. It passes the full mustache spec. WWW: |
2019-07-27T11:52:47+00:00 | devel/py-jupyterlab |
JupyterLab server extension JupyterLab is an extensible environment for interactive and reproducible computing, based on the Jupyter Notebook and Architecture. JupyterLab is the next-generation user interface for Project Jupyter offering all the familiar building blocks of the classic Jupyter Notebook (notebook, terminal, text editor, file browser, rich outputs, etc.) in a flexible and powerful user interface. JupyterLab will eventually replace the classic Jupyter Notebook. The current JupyterLab releases are suitable for general usage, and the extension APIs will continue to evolve for JupyterLab extension developers. WWW: WWW: |
2019-07-27T11:52:18+00:00 | devel/py-jupyterlab_server |
JupyterLab Server The application author creates a JupyterLab build on their machine using the core JupyterLab application. They can then serve their files by subclassing the LabServerApp with the appropriate configuration and creating a Python entry point that launches the app. WWW: WWW: |
2019-07-27T11:51:50+00:00 | devel/py-json5 |
Python implementation of the JSON5 data format pyjson5 is a Python implementation of the JSON5 data format. JSON5 extends the JSON data interchange format to make it slightly more usable as a configuration language: - JavaScript-style comments (both single and multi-line) are legal. - Object keys may be unquoted if they are legal ECMAScript identifiers - Objects and arrays may end with trailing commas. - Strings can be single-quoted, and multi-line string literals are allowed. This project implements a reader and writer implementation for Python; where possible, it mirrors the standard Python JSON API package for ease of use. There is one notable difference from the JSON api: the load() and loads() methods support optionally checking for (and rejecting) duplicate object keys; pass allow_duplicate_keys=False to do so (duplicates are allowed by default). WWW: |
2019-07-26T19:35:49+00:00 | graphics/py-pyepsg |
Easy access to the EPSG database pyepsg is a simple interface to WWW: |
2019-07-26T16:58:02+00:00 | devel/hs-ghcprofview |
Graphical viewer for GHC profile files ghcprofview is a GHC .prof files viewer, implemented in Haskell + Gtk3. Unlike profiterole and profiteur, ghcprofview uses a traditional approach to profiling. It allows you to view cost centres tree as it is and browse it interactively, and allows you to do some actions that you may be used to in, for example, Java's visualvm. WWW: |
2019-07-26T12:01:54+00:00 | sysutils/rest-server |
Performant HTTP server for sysutils/restic backend API Rest Server is a high performance HTTP server that implements restic's REST backend API. It provides secure and efficient way to backup data remotely, using restic backup client via the rest: URI over the network. WWW: |
2019-07-24T07:50:14+00:00 | security/lego |
Let's Encrypt client and ACME library written in Go lego is a client for Let's Encrypt users, written in Go. It has support for a number of ACME challenges, and no external dependencies. WWW: |
2019-07-23T22:14:20+00:00 | databases/ldb15 |
LDAP-like embedded database ldb is a LDAP-like embedded database. ldb provides a fast database with an LDAP-like API designed to be used within an application. In some ways it can be seen as a intermediate solution between key-value pair databases and a real LDAP database. WWW: |
2019-07-23T21:36:15+00:00 | net/arpoison |
UNIX arp cache update utility arpoison sends out a custom ARP REPLY packet with the hardware and protocol address information of your choosing. Since ARP is a stateless protocol, most operating systems will gladly update their ARP cache with whatever information you send them in your hand-crafted packet. WWW: |
2019-07-23T17:43:24+00:00 | textproc/p5-Search-Elasticsearch-Client-5_0 |
ElasticSearch API for 5.0 servers Search::Elasticsearch::Client::5_0 - Thin client with full support for Elasticsearch 5.x APIs WWW: |
2019-07-23T14:27:14+00:00 | devel/hs-hpack |
Modern format for Haskell packages Hpack is a format for Haskell packages. It is a modern alternative to the Cabal package format and follows different design principles. WWW: |
2019-07-23T05:28:46+00:00 | devel/gradle46 |
Project automation tool Gradle is build automation evolved. Gradle can automate the building, testing, publishing, deployment and more of software packages or other types of projects such as generated static websites, generated documentation or indeed anything else. Gradle combines the power and flexibility of Ant with the dependency management and conventions of Maven into a more effective way to build. Powered by a Groovy DSL and packed with innovation, Gradle provides a declarative way to describe all kinds of builds through sensible defaults. Gradle is quickly becoming the build system of choice for many open source projects, leading edge enterprises and legacy automation challenges. WWW: |
2019-07-23T00:53:33+00:00 | games/armagetronad |
Tron clone in 3D Armagetron is a multiplayer game in 3d that attempts to emulate and expand on the lightcycle sequence from the movie Tron. It's an old school arcade game slung into the 21st century. Highlights include a customizable playing arena, HUD, unique graphics, and AI bots. For the more advanced player there are new game modes and a wide variety of physics settings to tweak as well. WWW: |
2019-07-22T19:03:04+00:00 | devel/rubygem-fugit12 |
Time tools for flor and the floraison project Fugit is a time tools for flor and the floraison group. It uses et-orbi to represent time instances and raabro as a basis for its parsers. Fugit will probably become the foundation for rufus-scheduler 4.x WWW: |
2019-07-22T17:58:39+00:00 | games/voadi |
Vegan on a Desert Island, 2D top-down adventure game Humorous 2D adventure game for PC, Mac, and Linux, a hypothetical question is taken to the extreme. Our heroine Rachel is challenged by the brutality of nature, the politics of species, and the struggle to persevere. Rachel's vegan ethos is useful, as the island is brimming with animals that can help her, but winning their support is no easy task. Rachel must use her communication skills and problem-solving abilities-rather than coercion-to get what she wants. WWW: |
2019-07-22T16:31:16+00:00 | cad/digital |
Digital logic designer and circuit simulator Features: * Visualization of signal states with measurement graphs. * Single gate mode to analyze oscillations. * Analysis and synthesis of combinatorial and sequential circuits. * Simple testing of circuits: You can create test cases and execute them to verify your design. * Includes a simple editor for finite state machines (FSM). A FSM can then be converted to a state transition table and a circuit implementing the FSM. * Contains a library with the most commonly used 74xx series integrated circuits * Supports generic circuits. This allows the creation of circuits that can be parameterized when used. In this way, it is possible, for e.g., to create a barrel shifter with a selectable bit width. * Supports large circuits: The "Conway's Game of Life" example consists of about 2400 active components and works just fine. * It is possible to use custom components which are implemented in Java and packed in a jar file. See this example for details. * Simple remote TCP interface which e.g. allows an assembler IDE to control the simulator. * Components can be described using VHDL or Verilog. The open source VHDL simulator ghdl needs to be installed to simulate a VHDL defined component, and the open source Verilog simulator Icarus Verilog is required to simulate a Verilog defined component. WWW: |
2019-07-21T20:27:23+00:00 | irc/oragono |
Modern IRC server (daemon/ircd) written in Go Oragono is a modern, experimental IRC server written in Go. It's designed to be simple to setup and use, and it includes features such as UTF-8 nicks/channel names, client accounts with SASL, and other assorted IRCv3 support. Oragono is a fork of the Ergonomadic IRC daemon. WWW: |
2019-07-21T19:28:10+00:00 | sysutils/boot-extract |
Android Boot image extraction tool Utility to extract kernel and ramdisk from an Android boot or recovery image file WWW: |
2019-07-21T16:21:41+00:00 | math/bitwise |
Terminal-based bit manipulator in curses bitwise can be used both interactivly and in command line mode. In command line mode, passing a number in any base (Decimal, Hexedical & Octal) will output the number in all bases including binary representation. WWW: |
2019-07-20T21:57:30+00:00 | science/ncnn |
High-performance neural network inference framework ncnn is a high-performance neural network inference computing framework optimized for mobile platforms. ncnn is deeply concerned about its deployment and use on mobile phones from the beginning of its design. ncnn does not have third party dependencies. It is cross-platform, and runs faster than all known open-source frameworks on mobile phone CPUs. Developers can easily deploy deep learning algorithm models to mobile platforms by using the efficient ncnn implementation. They can create intelligent apps, and bring the artificial intelligence to your fingertips. ncnn is currently being used in many Tencent applications, such as QQ, Qzone, WeChat, Pitu and so on. WWW: |
2019-07-20T16:51:13+00:00 | science/wwplot |
Plotting tool for experimental physics classes A simple plotting tool for experimental physics classes. Features: * XY plot with error bars * Linear and nonlinear fit * Import and export table in TSV format (tab separated values) WWW: |
2019-07-19T17:51:08+00:00 | science/kim-api |
Framework for reliable, reproducible, portable molecular simulations OpenKIM is an online framework for making molecular simulations reliable, reproducible, and portable. Computer implementations of interatomic models are archived in OpenKIM, verified for coding integrity, and tested by computing their predictions for a variety of material properties. Models conforming to the KIM application programming interface (API) work seamlessly with major simulation codes that have adopted the KIM API standard. You may also want to install the OpenKIM models package: openkim-models. WWW: |
2019-07-19T09:26:40+00:00 | www/slowhttptest |
Application Layer DoS attack simulator for pentesting SlowHTTPTest is a highly configurable tool that simulates some Application Layer Denial of Service attacks by prolonging HTTP connections in different ways. Use it to test your web server for DoS vulnerabilites, or just to figure out how many concurrent connections it can handle. SlowHTTPTest works on majority of Linux platforms, OS X and Cygwin - a Unix-like environment and command-line interface for Microsoft Windows, and comes with a Dockerfile to make things even easier. WWW: |
2019-07-18T17:53:02+00:00 | audio/qaudiosonar |
Quick Audio Sonar Quick Audio Sonar Advanced audio analysis tool using triangular waves for frequency detection. WWW: |
2019-07-18T16:28:45+00:00 | security/py-muacrypt |
Support tool and API for Autocrypt mail agents muacrypt is a support tool for implementing Autocrypt Level 1 compliant mail agents. Autocrypt state is kept in one or more accounts which process and produce autocrypt headers from respective incoming and outgoing e-mail. Each account is tied to a set of e-mail addresses, specified as a regular expression. Functionality is exposed through a command line tool muacrypt and a Python API obtained through import muacrypt. WWW: |
2019-07-18T15:01:00+00:00 | graphics/svgbob |
Convert ASCII diagrams to SVG Convert ASCII diagrams to SVG. These can be - Basic shapes - Quick logo scribbles - Sequence Diagrams - Statistical charts - Flow charts - Block diagrams - Mindmaps - Circuit diagrams WWW: |
2019-07-18T10:42:43+00:00 | net/rubygem-fog-gridscale |
Module for the 'fog' gem to support gridscale Fog::Gridscale is a library that can be used as a module for fog or as standalone gridscale provider. WWW: |
2019-07-18T06:29:52+00:00 | security/cloak |
Command line OTP Authenticator application A command line OTP (One Time Password) Authenticator application written in Rust that generates time-based and counter-based OTP codes. WWW: |
2019-07-17T20:36:56+00:00 | devel/google-cloud-cpp |
C++ Idiomatic Clients for Google Cloud Platform services Google cloud C++ libraries are C++ libraries for use with the Google Cloud platform. Google Cloud Platform provides infrastructure as a service, platform as a service, and serverless computing environments. WWW: |
2019-07-17T19:13:02+00:00 | devel/elm-format |
Elm source code formatter based on the official Elm Style Guide elm-format is an Elm source code formatter according to a standard set of rules based on the official Elm Style Guide. It is inspired by the popular gofmt. WWW: |
2019-07-17T18:46:15+00:00 | www/chrome-gnome-shell |
GNOME Shell integration for Chrome Native host messaging connector that provides integration with GNOME Shell and the corresponding extensions repository WWW: |
2019-07-17T17:32:15+00:00 | x11-fm/nautilus-python |
Python nautilus bindings Nautilus-python is a set of python bindings for the Nautilus Extension Framework. With these bindings, you can write extensions for the Nautilus File Manager in python. WWW: |
2019-07-17T16:30:35+00:00 | security/modsecurity3-nginx |
Instruction detection and prevention engine / nginx Wrapper The ModSecurity-nginx connector is the connection point between Nginx and libmodsecurity (ModSecurity v3). Said another way, this project provides a communication channel between Nginx and libmodsecurity. This connector is required to use LibModSecurity with Nginx. The ModSecurity-nginx connector takes the form of an Nginx module. The module simply serves as a layer of communication between Nginx and ModSecurity. Notice that this project depends on libmodsecurity rather than ModSecurity (version 2.9 or less). WWW: |
2019-07-17T06:36:25+00:00 | deskutils/cfiles |
Ncurses file manager written in C with vim-like keybindings cfiles is a terminal file manager with vim like keybindings, written in C using the ncurses library. It aims to provide an interface like ranger while being lightweight, fast and minimal. Due to a missing libexec/w3m/w3mimgdisplay, not installed by www/w3m by default, the image display feature is broken. WWW: |
2019-07-17T01:11:19+00:00 | devel/buildstream |
Free software tool for integrating software stacks BuildStream is a Free Software tool for integrating software stacks. It takes inspiration, lessons and use-cases from various projects including Bazel, OBS, Reproducible Builds, Yocto, Baserock, Buildroot, Aboriginal, GNOME Continuous, JHBuild, Flatpak Builder and Android repo. BuildStream supports multiple build-systems (e.g. autotools, cmake, cpan, distutils, make, meson, qmake, pip) through its core plugins. External plugins allow the creation of a range of output formats (e.g. debian packages, flatpak runtimes, system images) for multiple platforms and chipsets. BuildStream's core users are application developers and system integrators who create production-ready software systems that need to be maintained efficiently and reliably in the long term. WWW: |
2019-07-16T23:47:06+00:00 | audio/string-machine-lv2 |
Digital model of electronic string ensemble instrument String-machine is a virtual-analog string ensemble synthesizer. This implementation is based on a digital model designed by Peter Whiting. WWW: |
2019-07-16T19:11:30+00:00 | devel/py-prance |
Resolving Swagger/OpenAPI 2.0 and 3.0.0 parser Prance provides parsers for Swagger/OpenAPI 2.0 and 3.0 API specifications in Python. It uses flex, swagger_spec_validator or openapi_spec_validator to validate specifications, but additionally resolves JSON references in accordance with the OpenAPI spec. Mostly the latter involves handling non-URI references; OpenAPI is fine with providing relative file paths, whereas JSON references require URIs at this point in time. WWW: |
2019-07-16T08:17:27+00:00 | www/rubygem-addressable25 |
Replacement for the URI implementation Addressable is a replacement for the URI implementation that is part of Ruby's standard library. It more closely conforms to the relevant RFCs and adds support for IRIs and URI templates. WWW: |
2019-07-16T07:48:42+00:00 | misc/dive |
Tool for exploring each layer in a docker image Dive is a tool for exploring a docker image, layer contents, and discovering ways to shrink your Docker image size. Basic features: * Show Docker image contents broken down by layer * Indicate what's changed in each layer * Estimate "image efficiency" * Quick build/analysis cycles WWW: |
2019-07-15T20:15:45+00:00 | devel/jetbrains-webstorm |
JetBrains JavaScript IDE WebStorm - a JavaScript IDE from JetBrains Use the full power of the modern JavaScript ecosystem - WebStorm's got you covered! Enjoy the intelligent code completion, on-the-fly error detection, powerful navigation and refactoring for JavaScript, TypeScript, stylesheet languages, and all the most popular frameworks. While this is trial software, there are commercial and academic licenses available. WWW: |
2019-07-15T18:58:08+00:00 | lang/elm |
Delightful language for reliable webapps Elm is a functional language that compiles to JavaScript. It competes with projects like React as a tool for creating websites and web apps. Elm has a very strong emphasis on simplicity, ease-of-use, and quality tooling. WWW: |
2019-07-15T17:44:06+00:00 | www/rubygem-atlassian-jwt |
Authenticate with the Atlassian Connect REST APIs In order to access the Atlassian Connect REST APIs, an app authenticates using a JSON Web Token (JWT). The token is generated using the app's secret key and contains a claim which includes the app's key and a hashed version of the API URL the app is accessing. This gem simplifies generating the claim. This gem provides helpers for generating Atlassian specific JWT claims. It also exposes the ruby-jwt gem's encode and decode methods. |
2019-07-15T12:13:33+00:00 | sysutils/hs-cputype |
Find out your CPUTYPE This small utility can help figuring out proper value for CPUTYPE variable used by FreeBSD build machinery in src and ports Makefiles. It uses clang for this and checks its output against file. It also allows you to list CPU features, and compare between several CPUs to find out which one is most featured. WWW: |
2019-07-14T14:04:35+00:00 | www/py-lektor |
Static content management system written in Python Lektor is a static website generator. It builds out an entire project from static files into many individual HTML pages and has a built-in admin UI and minimal desktop app. WWW: |
2019-07-14T14:02:28+00:00 | devel/py-inifile |
Small INI library for Python Small INI library for Python. Unlike a regular INI serializer it only overwrites the lines that were modified. WWW: |
2019-07-14T05:32:16+00:00 | devel/crc32c |
CRC32C implementation supporting CPU-specific acceleration This project collects a few CRC32C implementations under an umbrella that dispatches to a suitable implementation based on the host computer's hardware capabilities. CRC32C is specified as the CRC that uses the iSCSI polynomial in RFC 3720. The polynomial was introduced by G. Castagnoli, S. Braeuer and M. Herrmann. CRC32C is used in software such as Btrfs, ext4, Ceph and leveldb. WWW: |
2019-07-14T05:22:44+00:00 | devel/nsync |
C library that exports various synchronization primitives like mutexes Nsync is a C library that exports various synchronization primitives. The library is intended to be portable, and to be compilable on a system with only a C90 compiler, assuming atomic operations are available from the compiler, operating system, or assembler routines. It is able to use C11 or C++11 atomic operations if they are available. WWW: |
2019-07-14T03:24:54+00:00 | devel/R-cran-clipr |
Read and Write from the System Clipboard Simple utility functions to read from and write to the Windows, OS X, and X11 clipboards. WWW: |
2019-07-13T20:46:13+00:00 | www/rubygem-http3 |
Simple Ruby DSL for making HTTP requests The HTTP Gem is an easy-to-use client library for making requests from Ruby. It uses a simple method chaining system for building requests, similar to Python's Requests Under the hood, The HTTP Gem uses http_parser.rb, a fast HTTP parsing native extension based on the Node.js parser and a Java port thereof. WWW: |
2019-07-12T16:47:25+00:00 | devel/rubygem-skiptrace |
Bindings for your Ruby exceptions When Ruby raises an exception, it leaves you a backtrace to help you figure out where did the exception originated in. Skiptrace gives you the bindings as well. This can help you introspect the state of the Ruby program when at the point the exception occurred. WWW: |
2019-07-12T15:08:03+00:00 | textproc/py-ocrmypdf |
Adds an OCR text layer to scanned PDF files OCRmyPDF adds an OCR text layer to scanned PDF files, allowing them to be searched or copy-pasted. Main features: * Generates a searchable PDF/A file from a regular PDF * Places OCR text accurately below the image to ease copy / paste * Keeps the exact resolution of the original embedded images * When possible, inserts OCR information as a "lossless" operation without disrupting any other content * Optimizes PDF images, often producing files smaller than the input file * If requested deskews and/or cleans the image before performing OCR * Validates input and output files * Distributes work across all available CPU cores * Uses Tesseract OCR engine to recognize more than 100 languages * Scales properly to handle files with thousands of pages * Battle-tested on millions of PDFs WWW: |
2019-07-12T11:01:53+00:00 | devel/pecl-ds |
Data Structures for PHP Data Structures (DS) is an extension providing specialized data structures as efficient alternatives to the PHP array. You can read about it in more detail in this blog post which highlights the API, performance and other benefits of using the extension. WWW: WWW: |
2019-07-11T21:39:32+00:00 | ports-mgmt/py-FreeBSD-ports |
Parse FreeBSD Ports INDEX, provide search API Parse FreeBSD Ports INDEX, provide search API WWW: |
2019-07-11T17:05:22+00:00 | biology/libbigwig |
C library for handling bigWig files (containing genomic data) A C library for reading/parsing local and remote bigWig and bigBed files. WWW: |
2019-07-11T16:50:44+00:00 | science/py-ruffus |
Lightweight library for computational pipelines The Ruffus module is a lightweight way to add support for running computational pipelines. Computational pipelines are often conceptually quite simple, especially if we breakdown the process into simple stages, or separate tasks. Each stage or task in a computational pipeline is represented by a Python function. Each Python function can be called in parallel to run multiple jobs. Ruffus was originally designed for use in bioinformatics to analyse multiple genome data sets. WWW: |
2019-07-11T16:21:00+00:00 | textproc/py-pikepdf |
Read and write PDFs with Python, powered by qpdf pikepdf is a Python library for reading and writing PDF files. It's based on QPDF, a powerful PDF manipulation and repair library. pikepdf is similar to PyPDF2 and pdfrw - it provides low level access to PDF features and allows editing and content transformation of existing PDFs. Some knowledge of the PDF specification may be helpful. It does not have the capability to render a PDF to image. WWW: |
2019-07-11T16:04:59+00:00 | textproc/py-python-xmp-toolkit |
XMP Toolkit for working with metadata Python XMP Toolkit is a library for working with XMP (= Extensible Metadata Platform) metadata, as well as reading/writing XMP metadata stored in many different file formats. Python XMP Toolkit is wrapping Exempi (using ctypes), a C/C++ XMP library based on Adobe XMP Toolkit, ensuring that future updates to the XMP standard are easily incorporated into the library with a minimum amount of work. Python XMP Toolkit has been developed by: * ESA/Hubble - European Space Agency * ESO - European Southern Observatory * CRS4 - Centre for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia WWW: |
2019-07-11T10:29:24+00:00 | devel/systemc |
C++ classes and macros for describing complex hardware systems Set of C++ classes and macros which provide an event-driven simulation interface for modeling and describing complex hardware systems. WWW: |
2019-07-10T19:01:03+00:00 | www/zola |
Fast static site generator Zola is your one-stop static site engine. It comes as a single executable with Sass compilation, syntax highlighting, table of contents, and many other features that traditionally require setting up a dev environment or adding some JavaScript libraries to your site. The average site will be generated in less than a second, including Sass compilation and syntax highlighting. Zola renders your whole site as static files, making it trivial to handle any kind of traffic you will throw at it at no cost without having to worry about managing a server or a database. Zola supports augmented Markdown which comes with shortcodes and internal links to make it easier to write your content. WWW: |
2019-07-10T15:46:14+00:00 | sysutils/mstflint |
Firmware Burning and Diagnostics Tools for Mellanox devices Mellanox Technologies - **************************************** MSTFLINT Package - Firmware Burning and Diagnostics Tools Overview This package contains a burning tool and diagnostic tools for Mellanox manufactured HCA/NIC cards. It also provides access to the relevant source code. This package is based on a subset of the Mellanox Firmware Tools (MFT) package. For a full documentation of the MFT package, please refer to the downloads page in Mellanox web site. WWW: WWW: |
2019-07-10T09:38:32+00:00 | www/envoy |
Edge and service proxy for cloud-native applications Originally built at Lyft, Envoy is a high performance C++ distributed proxy designed for single services and applications, as well as a communication bus and "universal data plane" designed for large microservice "service mesh" architectures. Built on the learnings of solutions such as NGINX, HAProxy, hardware load balancers, and cloud load balancers, Envoy runs alongside every application and abstracts the network by providing common features in a platform-agnostic manner. When all service traffic in an infrastructure flows via an Envoy mesh, it becomes easy to visualize problem areas via consistent observability, tune overall performance, and add substrate features in a single place. WWW: |
2019-07-10T07:44:31+00:00 | www/bugzilla2atom |
Convert Bugzilla bugs into Atom feeds A small filter program to convert Bugzilla bugs into Atom feeds to be able to subscribe to individual bugs in your RSS reader. WWW: |
2019-07-10T06:36:23+00:00 | audio/bsequencer-lv2 |
Multi channel MIDI step sequencer LV2 plugin Multi channel MIDI step sequencer LV2 plugin. Key features: * Step sequencer with a selectable pattern matrix size (8x16, 16x16, 24x16, or 32x16) * Autoplay or host / MIDI controlled playing * Handles multiple MIDI inputs signals (keys) in one sequencer instance * Use musical scales and / or drumkits * Scale editor * Controls for playing direction, jump, skip, and stop options placeable to any position within the matrix * Notes can be associated with four different, configurable output channels * Output channels connectable with individual MIDI channels WWW: |
2019-07-10T00:29:32+00:00 | devel/py-gast |
AST that abstracts the underlying Python version A generic AST to represent Python2 and Python3's Abstract Syntax Tree (AST). GAST provides a compatibility layer between the AST of various Python versions, as produced by ast.parse from the standard ast module. WWW: |
2019-07-10T00:14:40+00:00 | devel/py-absl |
Abseil Python Common Libraries Abseil is an open source collection of libraries drawn from the most fundamental pieces of Google internal codebase. These libraries are the nuts-and-bolts that underpin almost everything Google runs. Bits and pieces of these APIs are embedded in most of our open source projects, and Abseil aims to bring them together into one comprehensive project. Abseil encompasses the most basic building blocks of Googles codebase: code that is production-tested and will be fully maintained for years to come. WWW: |
2019-07-09T22:28:24+00:00 | www/py-django-bootstrap4 |
Bootstrap 4 support for Django projects Library with the goal to seamlessly blend Django and Bootstrap 4. WWW: |
2019-07-07T19:16:20+00:00 | www/py-csscompressor |
Python port of YUI CSS Compressor Almost exact port of YUI CSS Compressor. Passes all original unittests. WWW: |
2019-07-07T19:12:47+00:00 | devel/p5-MCE-Shared |
MCE extension for sharing data supporting threads and processes MCE::Shared provides data sharing capabilities for MCE supporting threads and processes. MCE::Hobo, included with the distribution, provides threads-like parallelization for running code asynchronously. Unlike threads, Hobo workers are spawned as processes having unique PIDs. WWW: |
2019-07-07T09:45:05+00:00 | textproc/rubygem-asciidoctor-include-ext |
Reimplementation of the Asciidoctor's built-in (pre)processor This is a reimplementation of the Asciidoctor's built-in (pre)processor for the include::[] directive in extensible and more clean way. It provides the same features, but you can easily adjust it or extend for your needs. For example, you can change how it loads included files or add another ways how to select portions of the document to include. WWW: |
2019-07-07T09:45:05+00:00 | devel/rubygem-memory_profiler |
Memory profiling routines for Ruby 2.3+ Memory profiling routines for Ruby 2.3+. WWW: |
2019-07-07T09:35:47+00:00 | databases/rubygem-activerecord-explain-analyze |
Extends ActiveRecord#explain with additional features Extends ActiveRecord#explain with support for EXPLAIN ANALYZE and output formats of JSON, XML, and YAML. It currently supports ActiveRecord 4 and 5, and PostgreSQL only. WWW: |
2019-07-07T09:35:47+00:00 | benchmarks/rubygem-benchmark-memory |
Benchmark-style memory profiling for Ruby 2.1+ Benchmark-style memory profiling for Ruby 2.1+. WWW: |
2019-07-06T23:04:14+00:00 | sysutils/ansible27 |
2019-07-06T21:41:02+00:00 | www/rubygem-responders2-rails5 |
Simple Ruby DSL for making HTTP requests Responders provides a set of responders modules to dry up your Rails app. WWW: |
2019-07-06T18:55:17+00:00 | emulators/cannonball |
Enhanced OutRun Engine Cannonball is a program which allows you to play an enhanced version of Yu Suzuki's seminal arcade racer, OutRun, on a variety of systems. WWW: |
2019-07-06T17:14:04+00:00 | devel/hs-profiteur |
Treemap visualiser for GHC .prof files Profiteur is a visualiser for GHC .prof files. WWW: |
2019-07-06T14:27:52+00:00 | multimedia/butt |
Broadcast SHOUTcast and Icecast streams An easy to use, multi OS streaming tool. It supports SHOUTcast and Icecast. The main purpose of butt is to stream live audio data from your computers Mic or Line input to an Shoutcast or Icecast server. Recording is also possible. It is NOT intended to be a server by itself or automatically stream a set of audio files. WWW: |
2019-07-06T09:15:47+00:00 | devel/R-cran-ellipsis |
Powerful tool for extending functions The ellipsis is a powerful tool for extending functions. Unfortunately this power comes at a cost: misspelled arguments will be silently ignored. The ellipsis package provides a collection of functions to catch problems and alert the user. WWW: |
2019-07-06T00:34:14+00:00 | www/mediawiki133 |
Wiki engine used by Wikipedia MediaWiki is the collaborative editing software that runs Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, and other projects. It's designed to handle a large number of users and pages without imposing too rigid a structure or workflow. WWW: |
2019-07-05T19:08:08+00:00 | sysutils/netevent |
Tool for sharing uinput devices with other machines Netevent is a tool which can be used to share linux event devices with other machines (either via /dev/uinput or by implementing a client for the same protocol with other means). WWW: |
2019-07-05T16:01:36+00:00 | www/http-parser |
HTTP request/response parser written in C This is a parser for HTTP messages written in C. It parses both requests and responses. The parser is designed to be used in performance HTTP applications. It does not make any system calls nor allocations, it does not buffer data, it can be interrupted at anytime. Depending on the architecture, it only requires about 40 bytes of data per message stream (in a web server that is per connection). WWW: |
2019-07-05T12:24:49+00:00 | devel/libcircllhist |
Circonus log-linear histogram C implementation This package includes Circonus log-linear histogram C implementation (simple program, header, and library) and Lua v5.1 bindings to it. WWW: |
2019-07-05T11:10:55+00:00 | devel/abseil |
Abseil Common Libraries (C++) Abseil is an open source collection of C++ libraries drawn from the most fundamental pieces of Google's internal codebase. These libraries are the nuts-and-bolts that underpin almost everything Google runs. Bits and pieces of these APIs are embedded in most of our open source projects, and Abseil aims to bring them together into one comprehensive project. Abseil encompasses the most basic building blocks of Google's codebase: code that is production-tested and will be fully maintained for years to come. WWW: |
2019-07-05T06:25:12+00:00 | converters/base91 |
Utility to encode and decode base91 files basE91 is an advanced method for encoding binary data as ASCII characters. It is similar to UUencode or base64, but is more efficient. The overhead produced by basE91 depends on the input data. It amounts at most to 23% (versus 33% for base64) and can range down to 14%, which typically occurs on 0-byte blocks. This makes basE91 very useful for transferring larger files over binary unsafe connections like e-mail or terminal lines. WWW: |
2019-07-04T17:26:30+00:00 | mail/spamassassin-dqs |
Real-Time DNSBL's that catch a bunch of additional spam This port allows use of SpamHaus Technologies Data Query Service (DQS) DNSBL's to help spamassassin detect more spam. Data Feed License: WWW: |
2019-07-03T18:52:19+00:00 | print/py-fonttools-lxml-ufo |
Open source library for manipulating fonts, written in Python, with LXML and UFO options |
2019-07-03T02:05:07+00:00 | emulators/mesen |
Cross-platform Nintendo Entertainment System (NES/Famicom) emulator Mesen is a high-accuracy NES and Famicom emulator and NSF player. WWW: |
2019-07-02T13:32:37+00:00 | sysutils/cfengine314 |
Systems administration tool for networks Cfengine is an automated suite of programs for configuring and maintaining Unix-like computers. It has been used on computing arrays of between 1 and 20,000 computers since 1993 by a wide range of organizations. Cfengine is supported by active research and was the first autonomic, hands-free management system for Unix-like operating systems. Cfengine is an autonomic maintenance system not merely a change management roll-out tool. Cfengine has a history of security and adaptability. WWW: |
2019-07-02T13:32:37+00:00 | sysutils/cfengine-masterfiles314 |
cfengine sample policies for installations and upgrades CFEngine 3 is a popular open source configuration management system. Its primary function is to provide automated configuration and maintenance of large-scale computer systems. The repository is intended to provide a stable base policy for installations and upgrades, and is used by CFEngine 3.6 and newer. The port installs the repository as examples which should be copied by the user to the masterfiles directory (usually /var/cfengine/masterfiles). WWW: |
2019-07-02T07:19:56+00:00 | graphics/py-img2pdf |
Convert images to PDF via direct JPEG inclusion This Python package provides lossless conversion of raster images to PDF. You should use img2pdf if your priorities are (in this order): 1. "always lossless": The image embedded in the PDF will always have the exact same color information for every pixel as the input. 2. "small": If possible, the difference in filesize between the input image and the output PDF will only be the overhead of the PDF container itself. 3. "fast": If possible, the input image is just pasted into the PDF document as-is without any CPU hungry re-encoding of the pixel data. Conventional conversion software (like ImageMagick) would either: 1. Not be lossless because lossy re-encoding to JPEG. 2. Not be small because using wasteful flate encoding of raw pixel data. 3. Not be fast because input data gets re-encoded. Another advantage of not having to re-encode the input (in most common situations) is, that img2pdf is able to handle much larger input than other software, because the raw pixel data never has to be loaded into memory. WWW: |
2019-07-02T00:42:58+00:00 | net/waypipe |
Network transparency with Wayland waypipe is a proxy for Wayland clients. It forwards Wayland messages and serializes changes to shared memory buffers over a single socket. This makes application forwarding similar to ssh -X feasible. WWW: |
2019-07-01T07:41:59+00:00 | sysutils/jest |
ReST api for creating and managing FreeBSD jails written in Go Jest is a ReST api for creating and managing FreeBSD jails written in Go. WWW: |
2019-06-30T19:19:45+00:00 | net/samba410 |
Free SMB/CIFS and AD/DC server and client for Unix Samba4 is an attempt to implement an Active Directory compatible Domain Controller. In short, you can join a WinNT, Win2000, WinXP or Win 2003 - 2016 member server to a Samba4 domain, and it will behave much as it does in AD, including Kerberos domain logins where applicable. WWW: |
2019-06-30T18:25:03+00:00 | databases/mariadb104-server |
Multithreaded SQL database (server) MariaDB is a database server that offers drop-in replacement functionality for MySQL. MariaDB is built by some of the original authors of MySQL, with assistance from the broader community of Free and open source software developers. In addition to the core functionality of MySQL, MariaDB offers a rich set of feature enhancements including alternate storage engines, server optimizations, and patches. MariaDB is primarily driven by developers at Monty Program, a company founded by Michael "Monty" Widenius, the original author of MySQL, but this is not the whole story about MariaDB. On the "About MariaDB" page you will find more information about all participants in the MariaDB community, including storage engines XtraDB and PBXT. WWW: |
2019-06-30T18:25:03+00:00 | databases/mariadb104-client |
Multithreaded SQL database (client) |
2019-06-30T16:07:45+00:00 | devel/p5-JSON-Parse |
Read JSON into a Perl variable JSON::Parse is a module for parsing JSON. (JSON means "JavaScript Object Notation" and it is specified in "RFC 7159".) JSON::Parse offers the function "parse_json", which takes a string containing JSON, and returns an equivalent Perl structure. It also offers validation of JSON via "valid_json", which returns true or false depending on whether the JSON is correct or not, and "assert_valid_json", which produces a descriptive fatal error if the JSON is invalid. A function "json_file_to_perl" reads JSON from a file, and there is a safer version of "parse_json" called "parse_json_safe" which doesn't throw exceptions. For special cases of parsing, there are also methods "new" and "run", which create a JSON parsing object and run it on text. See "METHODS". JSON::Parse accepts only UTF-8 as input. See "UTF-8 only" and "Handling of Unicode". WWW: |
2019-06-30T00:26:16+00:00 | emulators/yuzu |
Nintendo Switch emulator/debugger yuzu is an experimental open-source emulator for the Nintendo Switch from the creators of Citra. It is written in C++ with portability in mind, with builds actively maintained for Windows and Linux. The emulator is capable of running several commercial games. yuzu only emulates a subset of Switch hardware and therefore most commercial games do not run at full speed or are not fully functional. WWW: |
2019-06-30T00:26:16+00:00 | emulators/yuzu-qt5 |
2019-06-29T20:52:19+00:00 | security/py-pysodium |
Wrapper for libsodium providing high level crypto primitives This is a very simple wrapper around libsodium masquerading as NaCl. WWW: |
2019-06-29T09:28:24+00:00 | devel/py-pipdeptree |
Command line utility to show dependency tree of packages pipdeptree is a command line utility for displaying the installed python packages in form of a dependency tree. It works for packages installed globally on a machine as well as in a virtualenv. WWW: |
2019-06-29T09:27:57+00:00 | devel/py-pytest-virtualenv |
Virtualenv fixture for py.test Create a Python virtual environment in your test that cleans up on teardown. The fixture has utility methods to install packages and list what's installed. WWW: |
2019-06-29T09:27:37+00:00 | devel/py-pytest-shutil |
Collection of unix shell and environment tools for py.test This library is a goodie-bag of Unix shell and environment management tools for automated tests. WWW: |
2019-06-29T09:27:24+00:00 | devel/py-pytest-rerunfailures |
Re-run tests to eliminate flaky failures a py.test plugin that re-runs failed tests up to -n times to eliminate flakey failures WWW: |
2019-06-29T09:26:38+00:00 | devel/py-pytest-fixture-config |
Fixture configuration utils for py.test Simple configuration objects for Py.test fixtures. Allows you to skip tests when their required config variables aren't set. WWW: |
2019-06-29T06:40:45+00:00 | deskutils/pet |
Simple command-line snippet manager, written in Go pet is a simple command-line snippet manager (inspired by memo). Users often forget commands that they rarely use. Moreover, it is difficult to search for them in shell history. There are many similar commands, but they are all different. pet makes it possible to register snippets with description and search them easily. WWW: |
2019-06-29T03:35:37+00:00 | net/ntpsec |
Network Time Protocol suite, refactored A reimplementation of the NTP protocol daemon and tools in a secure way. A major new feature is that it implements IETF's Network Time Security standard for strong cryptographic authentication of time service. Security improvements: * Network Time Security is implemented. * The deprecated ntpdc utility, long a chronic locus of security vulnerabilities, has been removed * Autokey is not supported; that code has been removed, as it was chronically prone to security vulnerabilities. * Peer mode has been removed. The keyword peer in ntp.conf is now just an alias for keyword server. * Broadcast- and multicast modes, which are impossible to secure, have been removed. * The authentication requirement for remote configuration commands (e.g., via ntpq) can no longer be disabled. * The deprecated and vulnerability-prone ntpdate program has been replaced with a shell wrapper around ntpdig. WWW: |
2019-06-29T00:26:01+00:00 | devel/snorenotify |
Multi platform Qt notification framework Snorenotify is a multi platform Qt notification framework. Using a plugin system it is possible to create notifications with many different notification systems on Windows, Mac OS and Unix and mobile Devices. WWW: |
2019-06-29T00:17:47+00:00 | devel/ghidra |
Software reverse engineering (SRE) framework Ghidra is a software reverse engineering (SRE) framework created and maintained by the National Security Agency Research Directorate of the United States of America. This framework includes a suite of full-featured, high-end software analysis tools that enable users to analyze compiled code on a variety of platforms including Windows, macOS, and Linux. Capabilities include disassembly, assembly, decompilation, graphing, and scripting, along with hundreds of other features. Ghidra supports a wide variety of processor instruction sets and executable formats and can be run in both user-interactive and automated modes. Users may also develop their own Ghidra plug-in components and/or scripts using Java or Python. WWW: |
2019-06-28T21:16:34+00:00 | devel/py-deprecated |
@deprecated decorator to deprecate old python classes, functions or methods @deprecated decorator to deprecate old python classes, functions or methods. WWW: |
2019-06-28T15:49:00+00:00 | multimedia/libopenshot |
OpenShot Video Library OpenShot Video Library (libopenshot) is a free, open-source project dedicated to delivering high quality video editing, animation, and playback solutions to the world. API currently supports C++, Python, and Ruby. WWW: |
2019-06-28T15:06:19+00:00 | www/grafana6 |
Dashboard and graph editor for multiple data stores Grafana is an open source, feature rich metrics dashboard and graph editor for Graphite, ElasticSearch, OpenTSDB, Prometheus and InfluxDB. WWW: |
2019-06-28T05:38:28+00:00 | textproc/yq |
Command-line YAML and XML processor, jq wrapper for YAML/XML documents yq is a command line processor for Yaml/Xml documents, similar to jq for Json. WWW: |
2019-06-28T03:51:26+00:00 | science/molden |
Program for molecular and electronic structure visualization Molden is a package for displaying Molecular Density from the Ab Initio packages GAMESS-UK, GAMESS-US and GAUSSIAN and the Semi-Empirical packages Mopac/Ampac, it also supports a number of other programs via the Molden Format. Molden reads all the required information from the GAMESS / GAUSSIAN outputfile. Molden is capable of displaying Molecular Orbitals, the electron density and the Molecular minus Atomic density. Either the spherically averaged atomic density or the oriented ground state atomic density can be subtracted for a number of standard basis sets. Molden supports contour plots, 3-d grid plots with hidden lines and a combination of both. It can write a variety of graphics instructions; postscript, XWindows, VRML, povray, OpenGL, tekronix4014, hpgl, hp2392 and Figure. Both Xwindows and OpenGL versions of Molden are also capable of importing and displaying of chemx, PDB, and a variety of mopac/ampac files and lots of other formats. Molden also can animate reaction paths and molecular vibrations. It can calculate and display the true or Multipole Derived Electrostatic Potential and atomic charges can be fitted to the Electrostatic Potential calculated on a Connolly surface. Molden also features an stand alone forcefield program ambfor, which can optimise geometries with the combined Amber (protein) and GAFF (small molecules) force fields. Atom typing can be done automatically and interactively from within Molden, as well as firing optimisation jobs. Molden has a powerful Z-matrix editor which give full control over the geometry and allows you to build molecules from scratch, including polypeptides. WWW: |
2019-06-27T05:34:30+00:00 | sysutils/syslog-ng322 |
Powerful syslogd replacement syslog-ng is an enhanced log daemon, supporting a wide range of input and output methods: syslog, unstructured text, message queues, databases (SQL and NoSQL alike) and more. Key features: * receive and send RFC3164 and RFC5424 style syslog messages * work with any kind of unstructured data * receive and send JSON formatted messages * classify and structure logs with builtin parsers (csv-parser(), db-parser(), ...) * normalize, crunch and process logs as they flow through the system * hand on messages for further processing using message queues (like AMQP), files or databases (like PostgreSQL or MongoDB). The official home page of syslog-ng is: WWW: |
2019-06-27T00:32:52+00:00 | graphics/proj5 |
Cartographic Projections library Cartographic Projections library that performs projections to and from various cartographic coordinate systems. WWW: |
2019-06-26T14:24:39+00:00 | devel/nextpnr |
Portable FPGA place and route tool nextpnr aims to be a vendor neutral, timing driven, FOSS FPGA place and route tool. Currently nextpnr supports: Lattice iCE40 devices supported by Project IceStorm (experimental) Lattice ECP5 devices supported by Project Trellis (experimental) a "generic" back-end for user-defined architectures WWW: |
2019-06-26T14:23:46+00:00 | devel/trellis |
Documenting the Lattice ECP5 bit-stream format Project Trellis enables a fully open-source flow for ECP5 FPGAs using Yosys for Verilog synthesis and nextpnr for place and route. Project Trellis itself provides the device database and tools for bitstream creation. WWW: |
2019-06-25T20:51:37+00:00 | devel/py-openapi-spec-validator |
Validator for OpenAPI 2.0 and 3.0.0 specification OpenAPI Spec Validator is a Python library that validates OpenAPI Specs against the OpenAPI 2.0 (aka Swagger) and OpenAPI 3.0.0 specification. The validator aims to check for full compliance with the Specification. WWW: |
2019-06-25T20:50:17+00:00 | devel/py-semver |
Python helper for Semantic Versioning Semver is a Python module for semantic versioning. It simplifies comparing versions. WWW: |
2019-06-25T19:42:23+00:00 | devel/py-robotframework-seleniumlibrary |
Web testing library for Robot Framework SeleniumLibrary is a web testing library for Robot Framework that utilizes the Selenium tool internally. SeleniumLibrary is based on the old SeleniumLibrary that was forked to Selenium2Library and then later renamed back to SeleniumLibrary. WWW: |
2019-06-25T15:55:22+00:00 | lang/gnu-apl |
Free interpreter for APL programming language GNU APL is a free interpreter for the programming language APL. The APL interpreter is an (almost) complete implementation of ISO standard 13751 aka Programming Language APL, Extended. The APL interpreter has implemented: - nested arrays and related functions - complex numbers, and - a shared variable interface In addition, GNU APL can be scripted. WWW: |
2019-06-25T00:38:25+00:00 | devel/args |
Header-only C++ argument parser library A simple header-only C++ argument parser library. Supposed to be flexible and powerful, and attempts to be compatible with the functionality of the Python standard argparse library (though not necessarily the API). WWW: |
2019-06-24T09:29:05+00:00 | biology/viennarna |
Alignment tools for the structural analysis of RNA LocARNA is a collection of alignment tools for the structural analysis of RNA. Given a set of RNA sequences, LocARNA simultaneously aligns and predicts common structures for your RNAs. In this way, LocARNA performs Sankoff-like alignment and is in particular suited for analyzing sets of related RNAs without known common structure. LocARNA distinguishes itself from many other Sankoff-style multiple alignment programs by its performance and low memory complexity, high accuracy, and richness of features. As unique features, it offers structure-local alignment, flexible structure and anchor constraints, and provides efficient computation of reliabilities in sequence-structure alignment. The package offers a robust core of features and is used as experimental platform for the incorporation of new features in RNA sequence-structure alignment. WWW: |
2019-06-24T06:59:27+00:00 | security/afl++ |
Fast instrumented fuzzer American fuzzy lop is a fuzzer that employs a novel type of compile-time instrumentation and genetic algorithms to automatically discover clean, interesting test cases that trigger new internal states in the targeted binary. This substantially improves the functional coverage for the fuzzed code. afl++ is a fork of afl that incorporates all community patches into a single source distribution. WWW: |
2019-06-24T03:17:03+00:00 | finance/py-backtrader |
Python Backtesting library for trading strategies A feature-rich Python framework for backtesting and trading. backtrader allows you to focus on writing reusable trading strategies, indicators and analyzers instead of having to spend time building infrastructure. WWW: WWW: |
2019-06-24T00:14:25+00:00 | sysutils/daggy |
Data Aggregation Utility: runs commands on remote hosts simultaneously Daggy is an IT automation tool. It can run terminal commands on local or remote serveres and aggregate their output locally. Daggy main goals are simplicity and ease-of-use. If you know about yaml/json, bash/powershell and ssh you know how to use Daggy. Daggy can be helpful for developers, QA, DevOps and engenieers for debug, analyze and control distributed network systems, for example, based on microservice architecture. Daggy is serverless, cross-platform solution and don't require installation on remote servers. Commands execution work under SSH transport protocol or via local terminal. WWW: |
2019-06-23T19:20:02+00:00 | news/py-sabyenc3 |
Python yEnc package optimized for use within SABnzbd Modified the original yenc module by Alessandro Duca for use within SABnzbd. The module was extended to do header parsing and full yEnc decoding from a Python list of chunks, the way in which data is retrieved from usenet. This is particularly beneficial when SSL is enabled, which limits the size of each chunk to 16K. Parsing these chunks in Python is much more costly. Additionally, this module releases Python's GIL during decoding, greatly increasing performance of the overall download process. WWW: |
2019-06-23T15:32:40+00:00 | devel/R-cran-Rdpack |
Update and Manipulate Rd Documentation Objects Functions for manipulation of R documentation objects, including functions reprompt() and ereprompt() for updating 'Rd' documentation for functions, methods and classes; 'Rd' macros for citations and import of references from 'bibtex' files for use in 'Rd' files and 'roxygen2' comments; 'Rd' macros for evaluating and inserting snippets of 'R' code and the results of its evaluation or creating graphics on the fly; and many functions for manipulation of references and Rd files. WWW: |
2019-06-23T15:28:18+00:00 | devel/R-cran-gbRd |
Utilities for processing Rd objects and files Provides utilities for processing Rd objects and files. Extract argument descriptions and other parts of the help pages of functions. WWW: |
2019-06-23T11:38:44+00:00 | lang/go-devel |
Go programming language (development version) Go is an open source programming environment that makes it easy to build simple, reliable, and efficient software. This ports tracks Go development (master) branch. WWW: |
2019-06-23T04:52:03+00:00 | editors/quilter |
Editor allowing you to focus on your writing Focus on your writing and write beautiful solid stories with the Focus Mode in tow in this Markdown editor. WWW: |
2019-06-23T04:39:30+00:00 | math/mandelbulber2 |
Three-dimensional fractals generator Mandelbulber creatively generates three-dimensional fractals. Explore trigonometric, hyper-complex, Mandelbox, IFS, and many other 3D fractals. Render with a great palette of customizable materials to create stunning images and videos. Features: * Enlightening Documentation * Renders trigonometric, hyper-complex, Mandelbox, IFS, and many other 3D fractals * Complex 3D ray-marching: hard shadows, ambient occlusion, depth of field, translucency & refraction, etc. * Rich GUI in Qt 5 environment * Unlimited image resolution on 64-bit systems * Program compiled for x86 and x64 CPUs (Linux, Windows, OSX) * Simple 3D navigator * Distributed Network Rendering * Rendering using OpenCL * Key-frame animation for all parameters with different interpolations * Material management * Texture mapping (color, luminosity, diffusion, normal maps, displacement) WWW: |
2019-06-22T22:53:57+00:00 | devel/bazel-buildtools |
Bazel BUILD file formatter and editor This project provides developer tools for working with Google's bazel buildtool: * buildifier For formatting BUILD, BUILD.bazel and BUCK files in a standard way * buildozer For doing command-line operations on these files. * unused_deps For finding unneeded dependencies in java_library rules. WWW: |
2019-06-22T17:06:35+00:00 | devel/cli11 |
Command line parser for C++11 and beyond CLI11 is a command line parser for C++11 and beyond that provides a rich feature set with a simple and intuitive interface. WWW: |
2019-06-22T08:48:20+00:00 | net/coturn |
TURN server The TURN Server is a VoIP media traffic NAT traversal server and gateway. It can be used as a general-purpose network traffic TURN server and gateway, too. On-line management interface (over telnet or over HTTPS) for the TURN server is available. The implementation also includes some extra experimental features. WWW: |
2019-06-22T04:33:53+00:00 | www/colly |
Elegant scraper and crawler framework for Golang With Colly you can easily extract structured data from websites, which can be used for a wide range of applications, like data mining, data processing or archiving. Features: * Clean API * Fast (>1k request/sec on a single core) * Manages request delays and maximum concurrency per domain * Automatic cookie and session handling * Sync/async/parallel scraping * Distributed scraping * Caching * Automatic encoding of non-unicode responses * Robots.txt support * Google App Engine support WWW: |
2019-06-22T03:36:50+00:00 | www/filtron |
Filtering reverse HTTP proxy Reverse HTTP proxy to filter requests by different rules. Can be used between production webserver and the application server to prevent abuse of the application backend. The original purpose of this program was to defend searx, but it can be used to guard any web application. WWW: |
2019-06-22T03:13:17+00:00 | www/morty |
Privacy-aware web content sanitizer proxy as a service Web content sanitizer proxy as a service. Morty rewrites web pages to exclude malicious HTML tags and attributes. It also replaces external resource references to prevent third party information leaks. The main goal of morty is to provide a result proxy for searx, but it can be used as a standalone sanitizer service too. Features: * HTML sanitization * Rewrites HTML/CSS external references to locals * JavaScript blocking * No cookies forwarded * No referrers * No caching/etag * Supports GET/POST forms and IFrames * Optional HMAC URL verifier key to prevent service abuse WWW: |
2019-06-21T23:08:45+00:00 | math/py-gym |
OpenAI toolkit for developing and comparing your reinforcement learning agents OpenAI Gym is a toolkit for developing and comparing reinforcement learning algorithms. This is the gym open-source library, which gives you access to a standardized set of environments. gym makes no assumptions about the structure of your agent, and is compatible with any numerical computation library, such as TensorFlow or Theano. You can use it from Python code, and soon from other languages. There are two basic concepts in reinforcement learning: the environment (namely, the outside world) and the agent (namely, the algorithm you are writing). The agent sends actions to the environment, and the environment replies with observations and rewards (that is, a score). The core gym interface is Env, which is the unified environment interface. There is no interface for agents; that part is left to you. The following are the Env methods you should know: - reset(self): Reset the environment's state. Returns observation. - step(self, action): Step the environment by one timestep. Returns observation, reward, done, info. - render(self, mode='human'): Render one frame of the environment. The default mode will do something human friendly, such as pop up a window. WWW: WWW: |
2019-06-21T23:08:38+00:00 | audio/py-audioread |
Multi-library, cross-platform audio decoding audioread decodes audio files using whichever backend is available. The library currently supports: - Gstreamer via PyGObject. - MAD via the pymad bindings. - FFmpeg or Libav via its command-line interface. - The standard library wave, aifc, and sunau modules (for uncompressed audio formats). WWW: |
2019-06-21T22:24:29+00:00 | devel/kms-cmake-utils |
CMake common files used to build all Kurento C/C++ projects Common CMake utilities for Kurento projects. Kurento is an open source software project providing a platform suitable for creating modular applications with advanced real-time communication capabilities. WWW: |
2019-06-21T19:25:38+00:00 | www/py-dj22-django-prometheus |
Export Django monitoring metrics for This library exports Django monitoring metrics for It provides support to monitor the following databases types: * SQLite (via Django) * PostgreSQL * MySQL In addition, caches can also be monitored: * memcached * Redis It's even possible to export metrics of Django models and migrations. WWW: |
2019-06-21T19:10:50+00:00 | www/py-dj22-django-cacheops |
Slick ORM cache with automatic granular event-driven invalidation A slick app that supports automatic or manual queryset caching and automatic granular event-driven invalidation. It uses redis as backend for ORM cache and redis or filesystem for simple time-invalidated one. And there is more to it: * Decorators to cache any user function or view as a queryset or by time * Extensions for django and jinja2 templates * Transparent transaction support * Dog-pile prevention mechanism * A couple of hacks to make django faster WWW: |
2019-06-21T13:52:01+00:00 | cad/kicad-doc |
KiCad Documentation and Help Files This port installs the KiCad help and documentation files. WWW: |
2019-06-20T19:08:35+00:00 | net/rubygem-fog-cloudstack |
Module for the 'fog' gem to support CloudStack Fog::Cloudstack is a module for the fog gem to support CloudStack. WWW: |
2019-06-20T17:36:58+00:00 | devel/py-azure-cosmos |
Azure Cosmos Python SDK This is the Microsoft Azure Cosmos Python SDK. Azure Cosmos DB is Microsoft's globally distributed, multi-model database service. With the click of a button, Azure Cosmos DB enables you to elastically and independently scale throughput and storage across any number of Azure's geographic regions. You can elastically scale throughput and storage, and take advantage of fast, single-digit-millisecond data access using your favorite API among SQL, MongoDB, Cassandra, Tables, or Gremlin. Cosmos DB provides comprehensive service level agreements (SLAs) for throughput, latency, availability, and consistency guarantees, something no other database service can offer. WWW: |
2019-06-20T16:46:03+00:00 | textproc/rubygem-asciidoctor-plantuml008 |
Asciidoctor PlantUML extension Asciidoctor PlantUml is an extension that enables you to add PlantUML diagrams to your AsciiDoc documents. WWW: |
2019-06-18T15:57:10+00:00 | sysutils/eclat |
Amazon EC2 command line administration tool Eclat stands for EC2 Command Line Administrator Tool. It allows you to manage Amazon EC2 services from the command line, fast and easy. It does not require resource-consuming libraries. It is written in plain C, depends only on libraries which are always installed on any decent system, and has low resource requirements. WWW: |
2019-06-18T15:26:00+00:00 | security/openfortivpn |
Client for PPP+SSL VPN tunnel services Openfortivpn is a client for PPP+SSL VPN tunnel services. It spawns a pppd process and operates the communication between the gateway and the process. It is compatible with Fortinet VPNs. WWW: |
2019-06-18T13:20:03+00:00 | devel/py-pytest-relaxed |
Relaxed test discovery/organization for pytest This pytest plugin takes a page from the rest of Python, where you don't have to explicitly note public module/class members, but only need to hint as to which ones are private. By default, all files and objects pytest is told to scan will be considered tests; to mark something as not-a-test, simply prefix it with an underscore. WWW: |
2019-06-18T12:03:04+00:00 | www/p5-Catalyst-View-vCard |
vCard view class for Catalyst Catalyst::View::vCard is a Catalyst View handler that returns stash data in vCard format. WWW: |
2019-06-18T00:29:51+00:00 | www/p5-Template-Plugin-Gettext |
Gettext support for the Template Toolkit version 2 Template::Plugin::Gettext offers an end-to-end localization and internationalization solution for the Template Toolkit 2. It consists of a plugin that offers translation functions inside templates and a string extractor xgettext-tt2 that extracts translatable strings from templates and writes them to PO files (or rather a .pot file in PO format). The string extractor xgettext-tt2 is fully customizable and also usable for other i18n plugins or frameworks for the Template Toolkit. WWW: |
2019-06-18T00:29:45+00:00 | devel/p5-Locale-XGettext |
Create PO files from text files When using GNU gettext you often find yourself extracting translatable strings from more or less exotic file formats that cannot be handled by xgettext from the GNU gettext suite directly. This package simplifies the task of writing a string extractor in Perl, Python, Java, Ruby or other languages by providing a common base needed for such scripts. Locale::XGettext is the base class for various string extractors. These string extractors can be used as standalone programs on the command-line or as a module as a part of other software. |
2019-06-17T22:46:23+00:00 | textproc/itstool22 |
Make XML documents translatable through po files ITS Tool allows you to translate your XML documents with PO files, using rules from the W3C Internationalization Tag Set (ITS) to determine what to translate and how to separate it into PO file messages. PO files are the standard translation format for GNU and other Unix-like systems. They present translatable information as discrete messages, allowing each message to be translated independently. In contrast to whole-page translation, translating with a message-based format like PO means you can easily track changes to the source document down to the paragraph. When new strings are added or existing strings are modified, you only need to update the corresponding messages. ITS Tool is designed to make XML documents translatable through PO files by applying standard ITS rules, as well as extension rules specific to ITS Tool. ITS also provides an industry standard way for authors to override translation information in their documents, such as whether a particular element should be translated. WWW: |
2019-06-17T15:09:45+00:00 | graphics/libxatracker |
Mesa XA state tracker Mesa is a 3-D graphics library with an API which is very similar to that of OpenGL*. To the extent that Mesa utilizes the OpenGL command syntax or state machine, it is being used with authorization from Silicon Graphics, Inc. However, the author makes no claim that Mesa is in any way a compatible replacement for OpenGL or associated with Silicon Graphics, Inc. XA is a new state tracker designed by VMWare for their virtual GPU driver "vmwgfx". WWW: |
2019-06-17T10:45:21+00:00 | net/haproxy19 |
Reliable, high performance TCP/HTTP load balancer HAProxy is a free, very fast and reliable solution offering high availability, load balancing, and proxying for TCP and HTTP-based applications. It is particularly suited for web sites crawling under very high loads while needing persistence or Layer7 processing. WWW: |
2019-06-17T05:51:24+00:00 | security/py-zkg |
Zeek NSM package manager The Zeek Package Manager makes it easy for Zeek users to install and manage third party scripts as well as plugins for Zeek and ZeekControl. The command-line tool is preconfigured to download packages from the Zeek package source, a GitHub repository that has been setup such that any developer can request their Zeek package be included. See the README file of that repository for information regarding the package submission process. NOTE: It's left up to users to decide for themselves via code review, GitHub comments/stars, or other metrics whether any given package is trustworthy as there is no implied guarantees that it's secure just because it's been accepted into the default package source. See the package manager documentation for further usage information, how-to guides, and walkthroughs. WWW: |
2019-06-17T05:51:18+00:00 | net/knxd |
Advanced router/gateway for KNX KNX is a very common building automation protocol which runs on dedicated 9600-baud wire as well as IP multicast. knxd is an advanced router/gateway which runs on any Linux computer; it can talk to all known KNX interfaces. WWW: |
2019-06-17T04:55:11+00:00 | textproc/py-patiencediff |
Implementation of the "Patience Diff" algorithm This package contains the Python implementation of the "Patience Diff" algorithm, as first described by Bram Cohen. "Patience Diff" provides a good balance of performance, nice output for humans, and implementation simplicity. The code in this package was extracted from the Bazaar code base. WWW: |
2019-06-17T03:00:19+00:00 | net/rsocket-cpp |
C++ implementation of RSocket RSocket is a binary protocol for use on byte stream transports such as TCP, WebSockets, and Aeron. It enables the following symmetric interaction models via async message passing over a single connection: * request/response (stream of 1) * request/stream (finite stream of many) * fire-and-forget (no response) * channel (bi-directional streams) WWW: |
2019-06-17T00:10:22+00:00 | devel/mstch |
Complete implementation of {{mustache}} templates using modern C++ mstch is a complete implementation of {{mustache}} templates using modern C++. It's compliant with specifications v1.1.3, including the lambda module. WWW: |
2019-06-16T15:40:08+00:00 | shells/yash |
POSIX-compliant command line shell Yash, yet another shell, is a POSIX-compliant command line shell. Yash is intended to be the most POSIX-compliant shell in the world while supporting features for daily interactive and scripting use. Notable features are: * Global aliases * Arrays * Socket redirection, pipeline redirection, and process redirection * Brace expansion and extended globbing * Fractional numbers in arithmetic expansion * Prompt command and command-not-found handler * Command line completion with predefined completion scripts for more than 100 commands * Command line prediction based on command history WWW: |
2019-06-16T13:14:08+00:00 | graphics/pecl-vips |
PHP bindings for libvips Low-level PHP binding for libvips This extension lets you use the libvips image processing library from PHP 7. It is intentionally very low-level: modules such as try to layer a nice API on top of this. WWW: |
2019-06-16T08:43:22+00:00 | devel/folly |
C++ library developed and used at Facebook Folly (acronymed loosely after Facebook Open Source Library) is a library of C++14 components designed with practicality and efficiency in mind. Folly contains a variety of core library components used extensively at Facebook. In particular, it's often a dependency of Facebook's other open source C++ efforts and place where those projects can share code. It complements (as opposed to competing against) offerings such as Boost and of course std. In fact, we embark on defining our own component only when something we need is either not available, or does not meet the needed performance profile. We endeavor to remove things from folly if or when std or Boost obsoletes them. Performance concerns permeate much of Folly, sometimes leading to designs that are more idiosyncratic than they would otherwise be (see e.g. PackedSyncPtr.h, SmallLocks.h). Good performance at large scale is a unifying theme in all of Folly. WWW: |
2019-06-16T03:55:26+00:00 | devel/py-cytoolz |
Cython implementation of Toolz: High performance functional utilities Cython implementation of the toolz package, which provides high performance utility functions for iterables, functions, and dictionaries. WWW: |
2019-06-16T03:45:20+00:00 | devel/py-murmurhash |
Cython bindings for MurmurHash2 Cython bindings for MurmurHash2. WWW: |
2019-06-16T03:31:37+00:00 | devel/py-plac |
Command line arguments parser for python Allegedly, the smartest command line arguments parser in the world. WWW: |
2019-06-16T03:15:47+00:00 | devel/py-preshed |
Cython hash table Cython hash tables that assume keys are pre-hashed. WWW: |
2019-06-16T03:04:20+00:00 | devel/py-cymem |
Cython memory helper Cython memory pool for RAII-style memory management. WWW: |
2019-06-15T20:37:06+00:00 | biology/treekin |
Efficient computation of RNA folding dynamics treekin computes folding dynamics on coarse grained version of an energy landscape, where all conformations belonging to the same local minimum have been contracted into a single macro-state. WWW: |
2019-06-15T13:36:54+00:00 | devel/py-cfn-lint |
AWS CloudFormation Linter Validate CloudFormation yaml/json templates against the CloudFormation spec and additional checks. Includes checking valid values for resource properties and best practices. WWW: |
2019-06-15T13:33:27+00:00 | devel/py-aws-sam-translator |
Library that transform SAM templates into AWS CloudFormation templates AWS SAM Translator is a library that transform SAM templates into AWS CloudFormation templates. You can use SAM to define serverless applications in simple and clean syntax. WWW: |
2019-06-15T04:49:15+00:00 | devel/modd |
Developer tool that runs processes and responds to filesystem changes Modd is a developer tool that triggers commands and manages daemons in response to filesystem changes. If you use modd, you should also look at devd, a compact HTTP daemon for developers. Devd integrates with modd, allowing you to trigger in-browser live-reload with modd. devd (www/devd) is a sister-project of modd. WWW: |
2019-06-15T04:40:50+00:00 | www/devd |
Local webserver for developers Devd is a single statically compiled binary with no external dependencies. No need to install gigantic frameworks like Node JS, just copy over the devd binary and be done with it. No config file, no daemonization, and logs that are designed to be read in the terminal by a developer. Logs are colorized and log entries span multiple lines. Devd's logs are detailed, warn about corner cases that other daemons ignore, and can optionally include things like detailed timing information and full headers. modd (devel/modd) is a sister-project of devd. WWW: |
2019-06-14T17:03:48+00:00 | devel/genie |
GENie Project generator tool GENie (pronounced as Jenny) is project generator tool. It automagically generates project from Lua script, making applying the same settings for multiple projects easy. WWW: |
2019-06-14T13:11:02+00:00 | devel/ocaml-result |
Compatibility result module for OCaml Projects that want to use the new result type defined in OCaml >= 4.03 while staying compatible with older versions of OCaml should use the `Result' module defined in this library. WWW: |
2019-06-14T07:37:00+00:00 | math/boolector |
Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) solver Boolector is a Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) solver for the theories of fixed-size bit-vectors, arrays and uninterpreted functions. It supports the SMT-LIB logics BV, QF_ABV, QF_AUFBV, QF_BV and QF_UFBV. Boolector provides a rich C and Python API and supports incremental solving, both with the SMT-LIB commands push and pop, and as solving under assumptions. The documentation of its API can be found here. WWW: |
2019-06-14T05:59:57+00:00 | math/btor2tools |
Generic parser and tool package for the BTOR2 format The Btor2Tools package provides a generic parser and tools for the BTOR2 format. Btor2 is a word-level model checking format for capturing models of hardware and potentially software in a bit-precise manner. WWW: |
2019-06-14T03:43:43+00:00 | misc/veles |
Tool for binary data visualization and analysis Veles is an open source tool for binary data analysis. Features: * Binary data visualization It is a very difficult task for a human to notice subtle patterns in large amounts of binary data, however, us humans are very good at finding patterns in images. Statistical visualizations let you find the important bits in a sea of binary data - all at a glance. * Binary data analysis Veles combines advanced hex explorer and data visualization features with an extensible framework for binary data analysis. Reverse engineering binaries? Veles can support your work in these fields: reverse engineering binaries, exploring file system images, steganography. * Easy extendibility With the number of different architectures, file formats and encodings you can't always expect to find the tool you need online. Veles uses client-server architecture, where each analyser can run in a separate process. All you need to do is get the data from the server, implement a Python function to parse it and return the results. WWW: |
2019-06-13T18:20:29+00:00 | textproc/p5-Test-Regexp |
Test your regular expressions This module is intended to test your regular expressions. Given a subject string and a regular expression (aka pattern), the module not only tests whether the regular expression complete matches the subject string, it performs a utf8::upgrade or utf8::downgrade on the subject string and performs the tests again, if necessary. Furthermore, given a pattern with capturing parenthesis, it checks whether all captures are present, and in the right order. Both named and unnamed captures are checked. WWW: |
2019-06-13T15:15:46+00:00 | archivers/lziprecover |
Recovery tool for Lzip compressed data files Lziprecover is a data recovery tool and decompressor for files in the Lzip compressed data format (.lz). Lziprecover is able to repair slightly damaged files, produce a correct file by merging the good parts of two or more damaged copies, extract data from damaged files, and test integrity of files. Lziprecover can remove the damaged members from multimember files, for example multimember .tar.lz archives. Lziprecover provides random access to the data in multimember files; it only decompresses the members containing the desired data. WWW: |
2019-06-11T21:40:08+00:00 | devel/tevent1 |
Talloc based event loop library tevent is a simple library that can handle the main event loop for an application. It supports three kinds of events: timed events, file descriptors becoming readable or writable and signals. Talloc is used for memory management, both internally and for private data provided by users of the library. WWW: |
2019-06-11T21:40:08+00:00 | devel/talloc1 |
Hierarchical pool based memory allocator A hierarchical pool based memory allocator with destructors. It uses reference counting to determine when memory should be freed. WWW: |
2019-06-11T21:37:05+00:00 | databases/tdb1 |
Trivial Database TDB is a Trivial Database. In concept, it is very much like GDBM, and BSD's DB except that it allows multiple simultaneous writers and uses locking internally to keep writers from trampling on each other. TDB is also extremely small. WWW: |
2019-06-11T19:51:54+00:00 | sysutils/openzfs |
OpenZFS userland for FreeBSD Port of the OpenZFS project to FreeBSD WWW: |
2019-06-11T19:51:54+00:00 | sysutils/openzfs-kmod |
OpenZFS kernel module for FreeBSD Kernel module for OpenZFS on FreeBSD WWW: |
2019-06-11T12:42:24+00:00 | textproc/ydiff |
Diff readability enhancer for color terminals Term based tool to view colored, incremental diff in a Git/Mercurial/Svn workspace or from stdin, with side by side and auto pager support. Requires python (>= 2.5.0) and less. WWW: |
2019-06-11T03:59:19+00:00 | devel/py-scikit-build |
Build system generator for Python C/C++/Fortran/Cython extensions scikit-build is an improved build system generator for CPython C/C++/Fortran/Cython extensions. It provides better support for additional compilers, build systems, cross compilation, and locating dependencies and their associated build requirements. The scikit-build package is fundamentally just glue between the setuptools Python module and CMake. WWW: |
2019-06-11T01:45:18+00:00 | lang/qmasm |
Quantum macro assembler for D-Wave systems QMASM fills a gap in the software ecosystem for D-Wave's adiabatic quantum computers by shielding the programmer from having to know system-specific hardware details while still enabling programs to be expressed at a fairly low level of abstraction. It is therefore analogous to a conventional macro assembler and can be used in much the same way: as a target either for programmers who want a great deal of control over the hardware or for compilers that implement higher-level languages. WWW: |
2019-06-10T17:00:26+00:00 | mail/aerc |
Email client for your terminal Aerc is an email client that runs in your terminal. It is highly efficient and extensible, perfect for the discerning hacker. Some of its more interesting features include: - Editing emails in an embedded terminal tmux-style, allowing you to check on incoming emails and reference other threads while you compose your replies - Render HTML emails with an interactive terminal web browser, highlight patches with diffs, and browse with an embedded less session - Vim-style keybindings and ex-command system, allowing for powerful automation at a single keystroke - First-class support for working with git & email - Open a new tab with a terminal emulator and a shell running for easy access to nearby git repos for parallel work - Support for multiple accounts, with support for IMAP, Maildir, SMTP, and sendmail transfer protocols - CalDAV and CardDAV support for synchronizing contacts & calendar events - Asynchronous IMAP support ensures the UI never gets locked up by a flaky network, as mutt often does - Efficient network usage - aerc only downloads the information which is necessary to present the UI, making for a snappy and bandwidth-efficient experience WWW: |
2019-06-10T15:28:57+00:00 | devel/py-prettyprinter |
Syntax-highlighting, declarative and composable pretty printer PrettyPrinter is a Syntax-highlighting, declarative and composable pretty printer. Key Features: * Drop in replacement for the standard library pprint: just rename pprint to prettyprinter in your imports. * Uses a modified Wadler-Leijen layout algorithm for optimal formatting. * Write pretty printers for your own types with a dead simple, declarative interface. WWW: |
2019-06-10T14:12:43+00:00 | devel/py-colorful |
Terminal string styling done right in Python Colorizes and styles the text of terminals in the right way. Key Features: * Expressive and consistent API * Support for different color modes (8 ANSI, 256 ANSI, true colors) * Support for predefined awesome styles (solarized, ...) * Support for custom color palettes * Support nesting styles * Support for different platforms * Context managers for clean color mode, color palette or style switch * Support len() on colored strings * Support color names from X11 rgb.txt * No dependencies WWW: |
2019-06-10T13:55:02+00:00 | graphics/py-descartes |
Use geometric objects as matplotlib paths and patches Process Shapely (devel/py-shapely) or GeoJSON-like objects as matplotlib paths and patches. WWW: |
2019-06-10T01:50:10+00:00 | devel/ocaml-dune |
Composable build system for OCaml (formerly jbuilder) Dune is a build system designed for OCaml/Reason projects only. It focuses on providing the user with a consistent experience and takes care of most of the low-level details of OCaml compilation. All you have to do is provide a description of your project and dune will do the rest. The scheme it implements is inspired from the one used inside Jane Street and adapted to the open source world. It has matured over a long time and is used daily by hundreds of developers, which means that it is highly tested and productive. WWW: |
2019-06-10T01:43:06+00:00 | games/lizzie |
Leela Zero Interface: GUI for the Go game Lizzie is a graphical interface allowing the user to analyze Go games in real time using Leela Zero. WWW: |
2019-06-10T01:34:59+00:00 | games/leela-zero |
Go engine without human-provided knowledge based on AlphaGo Zero paper A Go program with no human provided knowledge. Using MCTS (but without Monte Carlo playouts) and a deep residual convolutional neural network stack. This is a fairly faithful reimplementation of the system described in the Alpha Go Zero paper "Mastering the Game of Go without Human Knowledge". For all intents and purposes, it is an open source AlphaGo Zero. WWW: |
2019-06-10T00:44:24+00:00 | security/py-social-auth-core |
Social authentication/registration mechanism for several frameworks This is the core component of the python-social-auth ecosystem, it implements the common interface to define new authentication backends to third parties services, implement integrations with web frameworks and storage solutions. WWW: |
2019-06-09T20:26:23+00:00 | games/gogui |
GUI for programs that play Go through Go Text Protocol (GTP) GoGui is a graphical interface to programs that play the game of Go. This is a GitHib fork of a long-abandoned SourceForge project GoGui. WWW: |
2019-06-09T19:38:37+00:00 | games/pachi-game-engine |
Fairly strong Go/Baduk/Weiqi playing program Pachi can refer to: a simple modular framework for programs playing the game of Go/Weiqi/Baduk, and a reasonably strong engine built within this framework. The default engine plays by Chinese rules and should be about 7d KGS strength on 9x9. On 19x19, it can hold a KGS 2d rank on modest hardware (Raspberry Pi, dcnn) or faster machine (e.g. six-way Intel i7) without dcnn. When using a large cluster (64 machines, 20 cores each), it maintains KGS 4d and has won e.g. a 7-stone handicap game against Zhou Junxun 9p. WWW: |
2019-06-09T17:01:54+00:00 | graphics/glad |
Multi-Language Vulkan/GL/GLES/EGL/GLX/WGL loader-generator Multi-Language Vulkan/GL/GLES/EGL/GLX/WGL Loader-Generator based on the official specs. WWW: |
2019-06-09T16:52:08+00:00 | devel/py-pip-tools2 |
Keep your pinned dependencies fresh pip-tools = pip-compile + pip-sync It is a set of command line tools to help you keep your pip-based packages fresh, even when you've pinned them. WWW: WWW: |
2019-06-09T16:44:15+00:00 | devel/mutagen |
Continuous multidirectional synchronization for remote development Mutagen is a fast, continuous, multidirectional file synchronization tool. It can safely, scalably, and efficiently synchronize filesystem contents between arbitrary pairs of locations in near real-time. Support is currently implemented for locations on local filesystems, SSH-accessible filesystems, and Docker container filesystems. Mutagen is designed specifically to support remote development scenarios, with configurable behaviors specifically designed to help developers edit code locally while building, running, or packaging it in a remote environment. WWW: |
2019-06-09T14:02:22+00:00 | devel/R-cran-vctrs |
Vector Helpers Defines new notions of prototype and size that are used to provide tools for consistent and well-founded type-coercion and size-recycling, and are in turn connected to ideas of type- and size-stability useful for analyzing function interfaces. WWW: |
2019-06-09T13:27:29+00:00 | devel/R-cran-zeallot |
Multiple, Unpacking, and Destructuring Assignment Provides a %<-% operator to perform multiple, unpacking, and destructuring assignment in R. The operator unpacks the right-hand side of an assignment into multiple values and assigns these values to variables on the left-hand side of the assignment. WWW: |
2019-06-09T08:56:25+00:00 | multimedia/kodi-addon-vfs.libarchive-devel |
VFS addon for Kodi to access archives directly This VFS addon for Kodi adds support for accessing files, music, pictures, videos, etc. in (compressed) archives directly via libarchive. This port is for multimedia/kodi-devel only. WWW: |
2019-06-09T08:11:39+00:00 | graphics/photoflow |
Non-destructive photo retouching program The aim of the project is to provide a fully non-destructive photo retouching program with a complete workflow including RAW image development. Here is the general feature/wish list: * Fully non-destructive, layer-based photo editing workflow with realtime preview of the final image * Support for 8-bits and 16-bits integer as well as 32-bits and 64-bits floating point precision, selectable at runtime and on a per-image basis * Allows to load and edit images of arbitrary size, thanks to the underlying rendering engine based on the VIPS library * Fully color managed workflow: user-defined input, work and output profiles, soft-proofing, etc... * Support for layer grouping and layer masks * Support for common photo editing tools: levels, curves, brightness-contrast control, blurring, sharpening, cropping, resizing, colorspace conversions, etc..., all implemented in the form of image layers WWW: |
2019-06-09T06:05:09+00:00 | net/inlets |
Expose your local endpoints to the Internet inlets combines a reverse proxy and websocket tunnels to expose your internal and development endpoints to the public Internet via an exit-node. An exit-node may be a 5-10 USD VPS or any other computer with an IPv4 IP address. WWW: |
2019-06-09T05:09:33+00:00 | graphics/flif |
Free Lossless Image Format FLIF is a lossless image format based on MANIAC compression. MANIAC (Meta-Adaptive Near-zero Integer Arithmetic Coding) is a variant of CABAC (context-adaptive binary arithmetic coding), where the contexts are nodes of decision trees which are dynamically learned at encode time. FLIF outperforms PNG, FFV1, lossless WebP, lossless BPG and lossless JPEG2000 in terms of compression ratio. Moreover, FLIF supports a form of progressive interlacing (essentially a generalization/improvement of PNG's Adam7) which means that any prefix (e.g. partial download) of a compressed file can be used as a reasonable lossy encoding of the entire image. WWW: |
2019-06-09T03:26:15+00:00 | science/smoldyn |
Biochemical simulator for molecular diffusion, surface interactions Smoldyn is a computer program for cell-scale biochemical simulations. It simulates each molecule of interest individually to capture natural stochasticity and to yield nanometer-scale spatial resolution. It treats other molecules implicitly, enabling it to simulate hundreds of thousands of molecules over several minutes of real time. Simulated molecules diffuse, react, are confined by surfaces, and bind to membranes much as they would in a real biological system. Smoldyn is easy to use and easy to install. It is more accurate and faster than other particle-based simulators. Smoldyn's unique features include: a "virtual experimenter" who can manipulate or measure the simulated system, support for spatial compartments, molecules with excluded volume, and simulations in 1, 2, or 3 dimensions. WWW: |
2019-06-08T12:13:46+00:00 | print/linux-c7-freetype |
Font rendering engine (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER}) ${.CURDIR}/../${PORTNAME}2/pkg-descr |
2019-06-08T12:13:46+00:00 | graphics/linux-c7-wayland |
Wayland compositor libraries (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER}) ${.CURDIR}/../wayland/pkg-descr |
2019-06-08T12:13:46+00:00 | graphics/linux-c7-libglvnd |
GL Vendor-Neutral Dispatch library (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER}) libglvnd is a vendor-neutral dispatch layer for arbitrating OpenGL API calls between multiple vendors. It allows multiple drivers from different vendors to coexist on the same filesystem, and determines which vendor to dispatch each API call to at runtime. Both GLX and EGL are supported, in any combination with OpenGL and OpenGL ES. WWW: |
2019-06-08T12:13:46+00:00 | converters/linux-c7-fribidi |
Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER}) ${.CURDIR}/../${PORTNAME}/pkg-descr |
2019-06-06T21:37:35+00:00 | lang/plexil |
PLan EXecution Interchange Language from NASA for robot control PLEXIL (Plan Execution Interchange Language) is a language for representing plans for automation, as well a technology for executing these plans on real or simulated systems. PLEXIL has been used in robotics, control of unmanned vehicles, automation of operations in human habitats, and systems and simulations involving intelligent software agents. PLEXIL was designed initially to meet the requirements of flexible, efficient and reliable plan execution in space mission operations. It is compact, semantically clear, and deterministic given the same sequence of events from the external world. At the same time, the language is quite expressive and can represent branches, loops, time- and event- driven activities, concurrent activities, sequences, and temporal constraints. The core syntax of the language is simple and uniform, making plan interpretation simple and efficient, while enabling the application of validation and testing techniques. WWW: |
2019-06-04T17:45:06+00:00 | net/openbgpd6 |
Free implementation of the Border Gateway Protocol, Version 4 OpenBGPD is a FREE implementation of the Border Gateway Protocol, Version 4. It allows ordinary machines to be used as routers exchanging routes with other systems speaking the BGP protocol. This is the portable version and it does not have the means to influence kernel routing tables. It is only suitable for route servers/collectors. WWW: |
2019-06-03T23:47:32+00:00 | net/rclone-browser |
Simple cross platform GUI for rclone Simple cross platfrom GUI for rclone command line tool. Features: * Allows to browse and modify any rclone remote, including encrypted ones * Uses same configuration file as rclone, no extra configuration required * Supports custom location and encryption for rclone.conf configuration file * Simultaneously navigate multiple repositories in separate tabs * Lists files hierarchically with file name, size and modify date * All rclone commands are executed asynchronously, no freezing GUI * File hierarchy is lazily cached in memory, for faster traversal of folders * Allows to upload, download, create new folders, rename or delete files and folders * Allows to calculate size of folder, export list of files and copy rclone command to clipboard * Can process multiple upload or download jobs in background * Drag & drop support for dragging files from local file explorer for uploading * Streaming media files for playback in player like vlc or similar * Mount and unmount folders on macOS, GNU/Linux and Windows (for Windows requires winfsp and for mac fuse for macOS) * Optionally minimizes to tray, with notifications when upload/download finishes * Supports portable mode (create .ini file next to executable with same name), rclone and rclone.conf path now can be relative to executable * Supports drive-shared-with-me (Google Drive specific) * For remotes supporting public link sharing has an option (right-click menu) to fetch it * Supports tasks. Created jobs can be saved and run or edited later. * Configurable dark mode for all systems WWW: |
2019-06-03T05:23:26+00:00 | security/py-argon2-cffi |
Secure Argon2 password hashing algorithm Argon2 won the Password Hashing Competition and argon2_cffi is the simplest way to use it in Python and PyPy: passlib 1.7.0 and later offers Argon2 support using this library too. WWW: |
2019-06-03T05:01:36+00:00 | games/libtmcg |
C++ library for creating secure and fair online card games LibTMCG is a C++ library for creating secure and fair online card games. The library provides a sort of useful classes, algorithms, and high-level protocols to support an application programmer in writing such software. The most remarkable feature is the absence of a trusted third party (TTP), i.e. neither a central game server nor trusted hardware components are necessary. Thus, with the present library there is no need for an independent referee, because the applied protocols provide a basic level of confidentiality and fairness by itself. Consequently, the library is well-suited for peer-to-peer (P2P) environments where no TTP is available. Of course, we cannot avoid that malicious players share information about their private cards, but the protocols ensure that the shuffle of the deck is performed randomly (presumed that at least one player is honest) and thus the cards will be distributed uniformly among the players. Further, no coalition can learn the private cards of a player against his will (except for trivial conclusions). The corresponding cryptographic problem, actually called Mental Poker, has been studied since 1979 (Shamir, Rivest, and Adleman) by many authors. LibTMCG provides the first practical implementation of such protocols. WWW: |
2019-06-03T03:13:13+00:00 | graphics/py-pyqrcode |
Pure Python QR code generator with SVG, EPS, PNG and terminal output The pyqrcode module is a QR code generator that is simple to use and written in pure python. The module can automates most of the building process for creating QR codes. Most codes can be created using only two lines of code! Unlike other generators, all of the helpers can be controlled manually. You are free to set any or all of the properties of your QR code. QR codes can be saved as SVG, XBM, EPS, PNG (by using the pypng module), or plain text. They can also be displayed directly in most terminal emulators and Tkinter. PIL is not used to render the image files. The pyqrcode module attempts to follow the QR code standard as closely as possible. The terminology and the encodings used in pyqrcode come directly from the standard. This module also follows the algorithm laid out in the standard. WWW: |
2019-06-03T02:59:10+00:00 | devel/py-flatbuffers |
FlatBuffers serialization format for Python Python runtime library for use with the Flatbuffers serialization format. WWW: |
2019-06-03T01:48:19+00:00 | math/rumur |
Model checker, a formal verification tool for state machines Rumur is a model checker, a formal verification tool for proving safety and security properties of systems represented as state machines. It is based on a previous tool, CMurphi, and intended to be close to a drop-in replacement. Rumur takes the same input format as CMurphi, the Murphi modelling language, with some extensions and generates a C program that implements a verifier. WWW: |
2019-06-02T18:37:50+00:00 | devel/rubygem-xdg2 |
XDG Base Directory Standard Library for Ruby XDG provides an easy to use Ruby library for working with XDG standards. Presently, it only supports the XDG Base Directory Standard. If your program utilizes user or system-wide support files (e.g. configuration files), you owe it to yourself to checkout the XDG base directory standard. You can learn more about the standard at: WWW: |
2019-06-01T22:31:15+00:00 | www/rubygem-platform-api |
Ruby HTTP client for the Heroku API Ruby HTTP client for the Heroku API. WWW: |
2019-06-01T22:30:29+00:00 | www/rubygem-heroics |
Ruby HTTP client generator for APIs represented with JSON schema Ruby HTTP client generator for APIs represented with JSON schema. WWW: |
2019-06-01T22:30:24+00:00 | security/rubygem-acme-client |
Client for the ACME protocol acme-client is a client implementation of the ACMEv2 protocol in Ruby. WWW: |
2019-06-01T22:30:18+00:00 | devel/libtextstyle |
Text styling library GNU libtextstyle provides an easy way to add styling to programs that produce output to a console or terminal emulator window. It does this in a way that allows the end user to customize the styling using the industry standard, namely Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). WWW: |
2019-06-01T18:32:40+00:00 | shells/ast-ksh |
KornShell 93 KSH-93 is the most recent version of the KornShell Language described in "The KornShell Command and Programming Language," by Morris Bolsky and David Korn of AT&T Bell Laboratories. The KornShell is a shell programming language, which is upward compatible with "sh" (the Bourne Shell), and is intended to conform to the IEEE P1003.2/ISO 9945.2 Shell and Utilities standard. KSH-93 provides an enhanced programming environment in addition to the major command-entry features of the BSD shell "csh". With KSH-93, medium-sized programming tasks can be performed at shell-level without a significant loss in performance. In addition, "sh" scripts can be run on KSH-93 without modification. WWW: |
2019-06-01T18:06:12+00:00 | lang/gcc9 |
GNU Compiler Collection 9 GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection, supports a number of languages. This port installs the C, C++, and Fortran front ends as gcc9, g++9, and gfortran9, respectively. WWW: Gerald Pfeifer <> |
2019-06-01T16:06:30+00:00 | net-mgmt/check_nwc_health |
Nagios plugin to monitor network equipment via SNMP check_nwc_health is a plugin for Nagios, Shinken and Icinga, which is used to monitor network components. It is capable of interrogating interface statistics, hardware (CPU, memory, fans, power modules, etc.), firewall policies, HSRP, load balancer pools, processor and memory usage. WWW: |
2019-06-01T10:07:10+00:00 | textproc/lua-lyaml |
LibYAML binding for Lua Lua binding for the fast libYAML C library for converting between %YAML 1.1 and Lua tables, with a flexible Lua language API to load and save YAML documents. Works with Lua 5.1 (including LuaJIT), 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4. WWW: |
2019-06-01T08:34:27+00:00 | databases/lua-lsqlite3 |
Lua 5.1 to 5.3 wrapper for SQLite3 library LuaSQLite3 is a thin wrapper around the public domain SQLite3 database engine. LuaSQLite3 provides a means to manipulate SQLite3 databases directly from Lua using Lua 5. There are two modules, identical except that one links SQLite3 dynamically, the other statically. The module `lsqlite3` links SQLite3 dynamically. The module `lsqlite3complete` links SQLite3 statically. WWW: |
2019-06-01T07:40:23+00:00 | graphics/mirtk |
Medical Image Registration ToolKit (MIRTK) The MIRTK is a research-focused image processing toolkit, developed at the BioMedIA research group. It provides a collection of libraries and command-line tools to assist in processing and analyzing imaging data. The main application of the MIRTK is in adult and neonatal brain MR image registration as well as the reconstruction of cortical surface meshes. The modular project organization of the MIRTK enables the installation of selected modules. WWW: |
2019-05-31T10:07:08+00:00 | devel/rubygem-google-protobuf371 |
Ruby extension to Google Protocol Buffers rubygem-google-protobuf is a Ruby extension that implements Protocol Buffers functionality. It makes use of generated Ruby code that defines message and enum types in a Ruby DSL. You may write definitions in this DSL directly, but we recommend using protoc's Ruby generation support with .proto files. The build process in this directory only installs the extension; you need to install protoc as well to have Ruby code generation functionality. WWW: WWW: |
2019-05-30T18:12:06+00:00 | www/yarn-node8 |
2019-05-30T18:11:24+00:00 | www/yarn-node10 |
2019-05-30T03:20:04+00:00 | x11/rofi-calc |
Do live calculations in rofi rofi plugin that uses libqalculate's qalc to parse natural language input and provide results. Since this uses libqalculate's amazing qalc you can try natural language queries such 500 + 25% or 5000 EUR to USD or 150 to hex. It can also solve linear equations on the fly. Try 60x + 30 = 50, for instance. WWW: |
2019-05-30T03:06:47+00:00 | devel/jetbrains-goland |
JetBrains GoLand IDE GoLand is cross-platform IDE built specially for Go developers. While this is trial software, there are commercial and academic licenses available. WWW: |
2019-05-30T03:03:07+00:00 | comms/dsd |
Decode several digital voice formats DSD is able to decode several digital voice formats from discriminator tap audio and synthesize the decoded speech. WWW: |
2019-05-30T02:00:42+00:00 | security/p5-Unix-setuid |
Get/set real/effective UID/username via (localizeable) variable This module is inspired by File::chdir and File::umask, using a tied scalar variable to get/set stuffs. One benefit of this is being able to use Perl's "local" with it, effectively setting something locally. WWW: |
2019-05-30T01:55:11+00:00 | devel/py-zeep |
Modern/fast python SOAP client based on lxml / requests A fast and modern Python SOAP client. * Compatible with Python 2.7, 3,3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 and PyPy. * Supports Soap 1.1, Soap 1.2, and HTTP bindings. * Support for tornado async transport via gen.coroute (Python 2.7+). * Support for asyncio vi aiohttp (Python 3.5+). Please see for more information the documentation at WWW: |
2019-05-28T20:02:03+00:00 | databases/postgresql-rum |
Inverted index with additional information in posting lists The rum module provides access method to work with RUM index. It is based on the GIN access methods code. WWW: |
2019-05-28T10:27:05+00:00 | www/rubygem-webpack-rails-rails5 |
JavaScript-first tooling to use webpack within your Rails application webpack-rails gives you tools to integrate Webpack in to an existing Ruby on Rails application. WWW: |
2019-05-28T10:27:05+00:00 | www/rubygem-gon-rails5 |
Framework to pass data to JS easily If you need to send some data to your js files and you don't want to do this with long way trough views and parsing - use this force! WWW: |
2019-05-28T10:27:05+00:00 | mail/rubygem-premailer-rails19-rails5 |
Improve the rendering of HTML emails This gem brings you the power of the premailer gem to Rails without any configuration needs. Create HTML emails, include a CSS file as you do in a normal HTML document and premailer will inline the included CSS. WWW: |
2019-05-28T10:27:05+00:00 | devel/rubygem-rails-i18n-rails5 |
Common locale data and translations for Rails i18n A set of common locale data and translations to internationalize and/or localize your Rails applications. WWW: |
2019-05-28T10:27:05+00:00 | devel/rubygem-peek-redis-rails5 |
Provide a peek into the Redis calls made Take a peek into the Redis calls made within your Rails application. Things this peek view provides: - Total number of Redis commands called during the request - The duration of the calls made during the request WWW: |
2019-05-28T10:27:05+00:00 | devel/rubygem-peek-rblineprof-rails5 |
Peek into how much each line of your Rails application takes Peek into how much time each line of your Rails application takes throughout a request. Things this peek view provides: - Total time it takes to render individual lines within your codebase - Total network time spent waiting per line You can also drill down to only certain parts of your codebase like: - app, everything within Rails.root/(app|lib) - views, everything within Rails.root/app/view - gems, everything within Rails.root/vendor/gems - all, everything within Rails.root - stdlib WWW: |
2019-05-28T10:27:05+00:00 | devel/rubygem-peek-rails5 |
Take a peek into your Rails application This is a profiling tool originally built at GitHub to help us get an insight into our application. Now, we have extracted this into Peek, so that other Rails application can experience the same benefit. Peek puts a little bar on top of your application to show you all sorts of helpful information about your application. From the screenshot above, you can see that Peek provides information about database queries, cache, Resque workers and more. However, this is only part of Peek's beauty. The true beauty of Peek lies in the fact that it is an extensible platform. If there are some performance metrics that you need but are not available on Peek, you can find it from the list of available Peek Views and integrate it into Peek. Even if you do not find what you want on Peek Views, you can always create your own. WWW: |
2019-05-28T10:27:05+00:00 | devel/rubygem-peek-gc-rails5 |
Take a peek into the GC info of your Rails application Take a peek into the GC info of your Rails application. Its an addition to the Peek profiling tool. WWW: |
2019-05-28T10:27:05+00:00 | devel/rubygem-health_check26-rails5 |
Simple health check of Rails app for uptime monitoring Simple health check of Rails app for uptime monitoring. WWW: |
2019-05-28T10:27:05+00:00 | devel/rubygem-gettext_i18n_rails_js-rails5 |
Make gettext_i18n_rails .po files as JSON GettextI18nRailsJs extends gettext_i18n_rails, making your .PO files available to client side Javascript as JSON. It will find translations inside your .js, .coffee, .handlebars and .mustache files, then it will create JSON versions of your .PO files so you can serve them with the rest of your assets, thus letting you access all your translations offline from client side Javascript. WWW: |
2019-05-28T10:27:05+00:00 | databases/rubygem-peek-pg-rails5 |
Take a peek into the MySQL queries made Take a peek into the Postgres queries made during your application's requests. Things this peek view provides: - Total number of Postgres queries called during the request - The duration of the queries made during the request WWW: |
2019-05-28T10:27:05+00:00 | databases/rubygem-peek-mysql2-rails5 |
Take a peek into the MySQL queries made Take a peek into the MySQL queries made during your application's requests. Things this peek view provides: - Total number of MySQL queries called during the request - The duration of the queries made during the request WWW: |
2019-05-28T09:12:02+00:00 | devel/electron4 |
Build cross-platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS Build cross platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. It's easier than you think. If you can build a website, you can build a desktop app. Electron is a framework for creating native applications with web technologies like JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. It takes care of the hard parts so you can focus on the core of your application. WWW: |
2019-05-28T08:08:11+00:00 | sysutils/py-mitogen |
Ansible accelerator & python library for writing distributed programs Python library for writing distributed, self-replicating programs. Its main feature is a pythonic "remote fork", enabling your program to bootstrap and communicate with remote copies of itself, requiring only an existing installed python, and a suitable ssh client. Mitogen also includes a highly efficient re-implementation of Ansible's RPC layer, providing a staggering and massive speed-up compared to stock ansible. Installation is trivial, and the results are impressive. WWW: |
2019-05-28T06:00:59+00:00 | lang/julia11 |
Julia Language: A fresh approach to technical computing Julia is a high-level, high-performance dynamic programming language for technical computing, with syntax that is familiar to users of other technical computing environments. It provides a sophisticated compiler, distributed parallel execution, numerical accuracy, and an extensive mathematical function library. The library, largely written in Julia itself, also integrates mature, best-of-breed C and Fortran libraries for linear algebra, random number generation, signal processing, and string processing. WWW: |
2019-05-28T05:59:00+00:00 | lang/julia10 |
Julia Language: A fresh approach to technical computing Julia is a high-level, high-performance dynamic programming language for technical computing, with syntax that is familiar to users of other technical computing environments. It provides a sophisticated compiler, distributed parallel execution, numerical accuracy, and an extensive mathematical function library. The library, largely written in Julia itself, also integrates mature, best-of-breed C and Fortran libraries for linear algebra, random number generation, signal processing, and string processing. WWW: |
2019-05-28T02:49:49+00:00 | security/picosha2 |
C++ header-only SHA256 hash generator PicoSHA2 is a tiny SHA256 hash generator for C++ with following properties: * header-file only * no external dependencies (only uses standard C++ libraries) * STL-friendly WWW: |
2019-05-27T20:14:29+00:00 | devel/py-zipp |
Backport of pathlib-compatible object wrapper for zip files A pathlib-compatible Zipfile object wrapper. WWW: |
2019-05-27T20:14:29+00:00 | devel/py-pre-commit |
Framework for managing and maintaining multi-language pre-commit hooks A framework for managing and maintaining multi-language pre-commit hooks. WWW: |
2019-05-27T20:14:29+00:00 | devel/py-nodeenv |
Node.js virtual environment builder Virtual environment for Node.js & integrator with virtualenv WWW: |
2019-05-27T20:14:29+00:00 | devel/py-importlib-resources |
Read resources from Python packages Read resources from Python packages WWW: |
2019-05-27T20:14:29+00:00 | devel/py-importlib-metadata |
Read metadata from Python packages Read metadata from Python packages WWW: |
2019-05-27T20:14:29+00:00 | devel/py-identify |
File identification library for Python File identifcation library for Python WWW: |
2019-05-27T20:14:29+00:00 | devel/py-cfgv |
Validate configuration and produce human readable error messages Validate configuration and produce human readable error messages WWW: |
2019-05-27T20:14:29+00:00 | devel/py-aspy.yaml |
Extensions to pyyaml Some extensions to pyyaml WWW: |
2019-05-27T18:12:25+00:00 | graphics/bitmap |
Minimalistic library manipulating 24-bit per pixel bitmap images The C++ Bitmap Library consists of simple, robust, optimized and portable processing routines for the 24-bit per pixel bitmap image format. The library has the following capabilities: * Read/Write 24-bit Bitmap Images * Pixel, row or column level batch editing * Colour conversions (RGB,YCbCr) in byte and floating values * Highly optimized subsample and upsample (resizing) * Various colour maps (1000 levels - autumn, copper, gray, hot, hsv, jet, prism, vga, yarg) * Texture generation (checkered pattern, plasma) * Graphics drawing interface (line, line-segment, rectangle, triangle, quadix, horizontal and vertical line-segments, ellipse, circle, plot pixel, pen width, pen colour) * Cartesian canvas and associated drawing interface * PSNR and Image comparisons * Simple nearest colour match from set of colours * Wavelength to RGB approximations * Single header file solution requires no installation or building WWW: |
2019-05-27T07:24:05+00:00 | math/exprtk |
C++ mathematical expression library The C++ Mathematical Expression Toolkit Library (ExprTk) is a simple to use, easy to integrate and extremely efficient run-time mathematical expression parser and evaluation engine. ExprTk supports numerous forms of functional, logical and vector processing semantics and is very easily extendible. WWW: |
2019-05-27T04:10:15+00:00 | sysutils/py-leviathan |
Application to control and monitor NZXT (Asetek) liquid coolers CLI application to control and monitor NZXT (and possibly other USB connected) liquid coolers. NZXT is NOT involved in this project, do NOT contact them if your device is damaged while using this software. WWW: |
2019-05-27T03:34:31+00:00 | math/openturns |
Uncertainty treatment library OpenTURNS is a scientific C++ and Python library including an internal data model and algorithms dedicated to the treatment of uncertainties. The main goal of this library is giving to specific applications all the functionalities needed to treat uncertainties in studies. Targeted users are all engineers who want to introduce the probabilistic dimension in their so far deterministic studies. WWW: |
2019-05-27T01:44:18+00:00 | dns/coredns |
DNS server that chains plugins CoreDNS is a DNS server. It is written in Go. It can be used in a multitude of environments because of its flexibility. CoreDNS chains plugins. Each plugin performs a DNS function, such as Kubernetes service discovery, Prometheus metrics or rewriting queries. WWW: |
2019-05-26T21:59:58+00:00 | security/ismtp |
Test for SMTP user enumeration,internal spoofing, and relay SMTP user enumeration (RCPT TO and VRFY), internal spoofing, and open relay. A tool that tested for all three and with great flexibility. iSMTP does just that, making it much easier to knock that process out of the way. WWW: |
2019-05-26T19:56:45+00:00 | sysutils/minipro |
CLI for MiniPRO TL866xx chip programmers Open source program for controlling the MiniPRO TL866xx series of chip programmers WWW: |
2019-05-26T19:32:08+00:00 | sysutils/swapusage |
Get swap usage on a FreeBSD system Very small utility that reports the percentage of swap space that is used. Report can be piped to a Prometheus textfile without processing. WWW: |
2019-05-26T19:23:56+00:00 | games/dMagnetic |
Magnetic Scrolls Interpreter dMagnetic is a Magnetic Scrolls Interpreter. It allows to play classic text adventures such as "The Pawn", "The Guild of Thieves", "Fish!", "Jinxter", "Myth", "Corruption" and "Wonderland" in a terminal window. The beautiful graphics are being rendered in glorious ANSI art. WWW: |
2019-05-26T18:59:14+00:00 | devel/jetbrains-clion |
JetBrains CLion IDE CLion - A cross-platform IDE for C and C++. While this is trial software, there are commercial and academic licenses available. WWW: |
2019-05-26T18:34:42+00:00 | games/devilutionX |
Diablo I engine for modern operating systems Open-Source implementation of the Diablo(TM) game engine for X. This port requires a file from the original game to work. WWW: |
2019-05-26T04:08:09+00:00 | science/opensph |
Library and graphical tools for running SPH and N-body simulations OpenSPH is an integrator of hydrodynamic equations using SPH discretization in space, currently specialized on simulations of asteroid impacts. The code is being developed on Astronomical Institute of Charles University in Prague. It aims to provide a fast, versatile and easily extensible SPH solver utilizing modern CPU features (SSE/AVX instruction sets). WWW: |
2019-05-26T03:36:49+00:00 | biology/bolt-lmm |
Mixed model association testing and variance component analysis The BOLT-LMM software package currently consists of two main algorithms, the BOLT-LMM algorithm for mixed model association testing, and the BOLT-REML algorithm for variance components analysis (i.e., partitioning of SNP-heritability and estimation of genetic correlations). WWW: |
2019-05-26T01:23:15+00:00 | deskutils/goesimage |
Wallpapers from NOAA Geostationary Operational Environment Satellite goesimage downloads beautiful images of the planet Earth from the NOAA Geostationary Operational Environment Satellite ( and makes them your wallpaper. WWW: |
2019-05-25T22:28:12+00:00 | biology/cufflinks |
Cufflinks assembles transcripts, estimates their abundance, etc Cufflinks assembles transcripts, estimates their abundances, and tests for differential expression and regulation in RNA-Seq samples. It accepts aligned RNA-Seq reads and assembles the alignments into a parsimonious set of transcripts. Cufflinks then estimates the relative abundances of these transcripts based on how many reads support each one, taking into account biases in library preparation protocols. Cufflinks was originally developed as part of a collaborative effort between the Laboratory for Mathematical and Computational Biology, led by Lior Pachter at UC Berkeley, Steven Salzberg's computational genomics group at the Institute of Genetic Medicine at Johns Hopkins University, and Barbara Wold's lab at Caltech. The project is now maintained by Cole Trapnell's lab at the University of Washington. WWW: |
2019-05-25T22:02:27+00:00 | science/py-eccodes-python |
Python interface to the ecCodes BUFR and GRIB de/encoder Python 3 interface to encode and decode GRIB and BUFR files via the ECMWF ecCodes library. Features: - reads and writes GRIB 1 and 2 files, - reads and writes BUFR 3 and 4 files, - supports all modern versions of Python 3.7, 3.6, 3.5 and PyPy3, - works on most Linux distributions and MacOS, the ecCodes C-library is the only system dependency, - PyPI package with no install time build (binds with CFFI ABI level, in-line mode), - supports writing the index of a GRIB file to disk, to save a full-file scan on open. WWW: |
2019-05-25T20:24:27+00:00 | graphics/kxstitch |
Cross stitch pattern editor KXStitch is a cross stitch pattern editor by KDE. Features * Importing images * Multiple floss palettes * Multiple stitch types * Pattern libraries * Reads PCStitch files * Flexible printing options WWW: |
2019-05-25T20:16:30+00:00 | graphics/peruse |
Comic book viewer A comic book reader app This is an application for reading comic books distributed in various digital formats. It is based on KDE's Frameworks 5, and the UI is built using Qt Quick2. File discovery is done using Baloo when available and enabled, and otherwise through a simple file system digger. The Baloo method is both faster and more featureful, and you should be using that whenever possible. WWW: |
2019-05-25T17:44:14+00:00 | devel/heaptrack |
Heap memory profiler Heaptrack traces all memory allocations and annotates these events with stack traces. Dedicated analysis tools then allow you to interpret the heap memory profile to: * find hotspots that need to be optimized to reduce the memory footprint of your application * find memory leaks, i.e. locations that allocate memory which is never deallocated * find allocation hotspots, i.e. code locations that trigger a lot of memory allocation calls * find temporary allocations, which are allocations that are directly followed by their deallocation WWW: |
2019-05-25T16:08:52+00:00 | devel/clazy |
Qt oriented code checker based on clang clazy is a compiler plugin which allows clang to understand Qt semantics. You get more than 50 Qt related compiler warnings, ranging from unneeded memory allocations to misusage of API, including fix-its for automatic refactoring. WWW: |
2019-05-25T14:20:49+00:00 | www/py-dj22-django-auth-ldap |
LDAP integration for django.contrib.auth This is a Django authentication backend that authenticates against an LDAP service. Configuration can be as simple as a single distinguished name template, but there are many rich configuration options for working with users, groups, and permissions. WWW: |
2019-05-25T10:10:01+00:00 | www/py-dj22-drf-yasg |
Yet Another Swagger Generator Generate real Swagger/OpenAPI 2.0 specifications from a Django Rest Framework API. Features: - full support for nested serializers and schemas - response schemas and descriptions - model definitions compatible with codegen tools - customization hooks at all points in the spec generation process - JSON and YAML format for spec - bundles latest version of swagger-ui and redoc for viewing the generated documentation - schema view is cacheable out of the box - generated Swagger schema can be automatically validated by swagger-spec-validator or flex - supports Django REST Framework API versioning with URLPathVersioning and NamespaceVersioning (other DRF or custom versioning schemes are not currently supported) WWW: |
2019-05-25T10:10:01+00:00 | www/py-dj22-django-timezone-field |
Provides database and form fields for pytz timezone objects for Django Provides database and form fields for pytz timezone objects for Django. WWW: |
2019-05-25T10:10:01+00:00 | www/py-dj22-django-taggit-serializer |
Django Taggit serializer for the Django REST Framework This package makes it possible to serialize tags generated by the django-taggit package. Because the tags in the django-taggit package need to be added into a TaggableManager() one cannot use the usual Serializer that is retrieved from the Django REST Framework. WWW: |
2019-05-25T10:10:01+00:00 | www/py-dj22-django-tables2 |
Table/data-grid framework for Django django-tables2 simplifies the task of turning sets of data into HTML tables. It has native support for pagination and sorting, does for HTML tables what django.forms does for HTML forms. WWW: |
2019-05-25T10:10:01+00:00 | www/py-dj22-django-mptt |
Utilities for implementing Modified Preorder Tree Traversal in Django Utilities for implementing Modified Preorder Tree Traversal with your Django Models and working with trees of Model instances. WWW: |
2019-05-25T10:10:01+00:00 | www/py-dj22-django-js-asset |
Insert script tags with additional attributes for django.forms.Media Insert script tags with additional attributes (such as "id" and "data" for CSP-compatible data injection) for the django.forms.Media package. WWW: |
2019-05-25T10:10:01+00:00 | www/py-dj22-django-filter |
Dynamic filtering for querysets with Django A generic system for filtering Django QuerySets based on user selections. WWW: |
2019-05-25T10:10:01+00:00 | www/py-dj22-django-debug-toolbar |
Configurable set of panels to display debug information The Django Debug Toolbar is a configurable set of panels that display various debug information about the current request/response and when clicked, display more details about the panel's content. WWW: WWW: |
2019-05-25T10:10:01+00:00 | www/py-dj22-django-cors-headers |
Handles server headers required for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing A Django App that adds CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) headers to responses. WWW: |
2019-05-25T09:59:40+00:00 | www/rubygem-jwt21 |
JSON Web Token implementation in Ruby JWT is a Ruby implementation of JSON Web Token draft 06 [1]. [1] WWW: |
2019-05-25T01:42:04+00:00 | security/ylva |
Command line password manager and file encryption program titan is designed based on the belief that password management belongs to the command line, deep into the Unix heartland, the shell. Titan is more than "just a password manager". It also supports encrypting individual files, so Titan can be used as a file encryption program as well as a password manager. WWW: |
2019-05-24T14:49:35+00:00 | devel/libbpfjit |
Just-in-Time compilation of bpf Just-in-Time Compilation for Berkeley Packet Filter WWW: |
2019-05-24T14:49:28+00:00 | devel/libcdb |
Constant database library The NetBSD's constant database (cdb) library provides a space efficient key-value database based on perfect hashing, thus guaranteeing the O(1) lookup time. The database preserves the key order. WWW: |
2019-05-24T14:48:43+00:00 | devel/liblpm |
Longest Prefix Match library Longest Prefix Match (LPM) library supporting IPv4 and IPv6. WWW: |
2019-05-24T14:46:57+00:00 | devel/libqsbr |
QSBR and EBR library Epoch-Based Reclamation (EBR) and Quiescent-State-Based Reclamation (QSBR) are synchronisation mechanisms which can be used for efficient memory/object reclamation (garbage collection) in concurrent environment. Conceptually they are very similar to the read-copy-update (RCU) mechanism. WWW: |
2019-05-24T14:45:42+00:00 | devel/libthmap |
Concurrent trie-hash map library Concurrent trie-hash map library -- a general purpose associative array, combining the elements of hashing and radix trie. Highlights: * Very competitive performance, with logarithmic time complexity on average. * Lookups are lock-free and inserts/deletes are using fine-grained locking. * Incremental growth of the data structure (no large resizing/rehashing). * Optional support for use with shared memory, e.g. memory-mapped file. The implementation is written in C11 and distributed under the 2-clause BSD license. WWW: |
2019-05-24T07:18:19+00:00 | net-mgmt/rubygem-riemann-tools |
Collection of utilities which submit events to Riemann Collection of utilities which submit events to Riemann, the real-time streaming event monitoring system for your distributed infrastructure. Includes comprehensive support out-of-the-box for Apache, Memcache, Haproxy, Varnish, CouchDB, Nginx, Zookeeper, Consul, as well as various OS-level statistics such as CPU, memory, disk, load, network interfaces, and open TCP ports. WWW: |
2019-05-24T07:18:19+00:00 | net-mgmt/rubygem-riemann-tail |
Tail Riemann event streams from the console Allow streaming in real-time monitoring events from your distributed systems, using the Riemann streaming event monitoring system, to your terminal console. WWW: |
2019-05-24T07:18:19+00:00 | net-mgmt/rubygem-riemann-rabbitmq |
Send your RabbitMQ metrics to Riemann Submit detailed metrics from your RabbitMQ server or cluster, to the Riemann streaming event monitoring system, to allow monitoring and alerting of many rabbitmq internals from a central point. WWW: |
2019-05-24T07:18:19+00:00 | net-mgmt/rubygem-riemann-dash |
Configurable websocket/javascript based dashboard for net-mgmt/riemann Wraps a pretty HTTP console around the Riemann real-time streaming event system, enabling dashboards from any web browser. Uses javascripts and websockets under the hood, and can be served from any static file HTTP server, or via ruby to allow users to edit and save the configuration. WWW: |
2019-05-24T07:18:19+00:00 | net-mgmt/rubygem-riemann-client |
Client for the distributed event system Riemann Submit custom events and query aggregated events across all your infrastructure, using Riemann, a powerful real-time event stream processor for monitoring all your distributed systems. Only plain UDP and TCP connections are provided, TLS is not available. Thus, either use a TLS proxy (haproxy or nginx), or a tool such as spiped, to add encryption to your Riemann servers. WWW: |
2019-05-24T06:50:00+00:00 | net/rubygem-beefcake |
Protocol Buffers library in pure Ruby Straightfoward pure-ruby first-class Protocol Buffers library. Supports optional and required fields, repeated and packed repeated fields, varints, 32 and 64 bit fields, length-delimited fields, embedded messages and enums, and defaults. Per spec, unknown fields are ignored. WWW: |
2019-05-24T06:47:10+00:00 | math/rubygem-mtrc |
Minimal metric aggregation library Mtrc (short for metric) is a small library to accumulate metrics and extract basic statistics, such as histograms and percentiles, from them. It takes samples, and provides tick counters, percentiles, and sorted datasets. This can be used for profiling repeated events such as application requests or message queue arrival rates. WWW: |
2019-05-23T19:19:46+00:00 | lang/janet |
Functional embeddable lisp with C interop, & performant data types Janet is a functional and imperative programming language and bytecode interpreter. It is a modern lisp, but lists are replaced by other data structures with better utility and performance (arrays, tables, structs, tuples). The language also supports bridging to native code written in C, meta-programming with macros, and bytecode assembly. WWW: |
2019-05-23T18:36:21+00:00 | security/lua-bcrypt |
Library providing OpenBSD's bcrypt hash function for Lua Lua-bcrypt is a library providing OpenBSD's bcrypt hash function for the Lua programming language. WWW: |
2019-05-23T06:18:25+00:00 | security/ridl |
Tool to check whether the system is affected by various attacks A tool to check whether your system is affected by Micro-architectural Data Sampling and other attacks. WWW: |
2019-05-22T21:23:36+00:00 | dns/py-ns1-python |
Python SDK for accessing NS1, the Data Driven DNS platform Python SDK for accessing the NS1 DNS platform, including a simple NS1 REST API wrapper, as well as a higher level interface for managing zones, records, data feeds, and more. It supports synchronous and asynchronous transports. WWW: |
2019-05-22T21:09:07+00:00 | devel/py-q |
Quick-and-dirty debugging output for tired programmers Quick and dirty debugging output for tired programmers. Simply tail -f /tmp/q in your shell, and then: import q q(foo) in your script. More information in the README and also WWW: |
2019-05-22T04:42:30+00:00 | devel/py-pyupgrade |
Tool to automatically upgrade Python syntax for newer versions A tool (and pre-commit hook) to automatically upgrade syntax for newer versions of the language. WWW: |
2019-05-22T04:41:22+00:00 | devel/py-tokenize-rt |
Wrapper around the stdlib `tokenize` which roundtrips A wrapper around the stdlib `tokenize` which roundtrips. WWW: |
2019-05-22T01:08:43+00:00 | x11/py-pyscreenshot |
Python module for taking screenshots The pyscreenshot module can be used to copy the contents of the screen to a PIL or Pillow image memory using various back-ends. Features: * Capturing the whole desktop * Capturing an area * saving to PIL or Pillow image memory WWW: |
2019-05-21T09:22:09+00:00 | misc/gobuster |
Directory/file & DNS busting tool written in Go Gobuster is a tool used to brute-force: * URIs (directories and files) in web sites. * DNS subdomains (with wildcard support). WWW: |
2019-05-21T09:04:56+00:00 | dns/knock |
Tool designed to enumerate subdomains on a target domain Knockpy is a python tool designed to enumerate subdomains on a target domain through a wordlist. It is designed to scan for DNS zone transfer and to try to bypass the wildcard DNS record automatically if it is enabled. Now knockpy supports queries to VirusTotal subdomains, you can setting the API_KEY within the config.json file. WWW: |
2019-05-21T08:56:26+00:00 | multimedia/kodi-addon-inputstream.adaptive-devel |
Adaptive stream support for Kodi Adaptive stream support for Kodi This addon adds support for multiple manifest types and is used by other addons to dynamically select the best audio/video quality/resolution according to available bandwith. For example, it is required by the MPEG-DASH functionality of Kodi's YouTube addon to support video playback in higher resolutions than 720p. This port is for multimedia/kodi-devel only. WWW: |
2019-05-21T08:47:56+00:00 | dns/subfinder |
Subdomain discovery tool that discovers valid subdomains for websites SubFinder is a subdomain discovery tool that discovers valid subdomains for websites by using passive online sources. It has a simple modular architecture and has been aimed as a successor to sublist3r project. SubFinder uses Passive Sources, Search Engines, Pastebins, Internet Archives, etc to find subdomains and then it uses a permutation module inspired by altdns to generate permutations and resolve them quickly using a powerful bruteforcing engine. It can also perform plain bruteforce if needed. The tool is highly customizable, and the code is built with a modular approach in mind making it easy to add functionalities and remove errors. WWW: |
2019-05-21T08:03:23+00:00 | www/aquatone |
Tool for domain flyovers that checks open ports and takes screenshots Aquatone is a tool for visual inspection of websites across a large amount of hosts and is convenient for quickly gaining an overview of HTTP-based attack surface. WWW: |
2019-05-20T21:20:45+00:00 | www/py-urlwatch |
Monitors webpages and sends notifications about changes With urlwatch you can watch changes in webpages and get notified (via e-mail, in your terminal or through various third party services) of any changes. The change notification will include the URL that has changed and a unified diff of what has changed. WWW: |
2019-05-20T21:15:04+00:00 | databases/py-minidb |
Simple SQLite3-based store for Python objects Provides easy storaging of Python objects in a SQLite 3 database and working with the data in an easy way with concise syntax. WWW: |
2019-05-20T21:04:01+00:00 | devel/git-subrepo |
Git command for managing subrepositories This git command "clones" an external git repo into a subdirectory of your repo. Later on, upstream changes can be pulled in, and local changes can be pushed back. WWW: |
2019-05-20T17:59:17+00:00 | biology/mothur |
Software for bioinformatics of the microbial ecology community This project seeks to develop a single piece of open-source, expandable software to fill the bioinformatics needs of the microbial ecology community. WWW: |
2019-05-20T17:12:23+00:00 | games/avp |
Open source re-implementation of Alien versus Predator An open source re-implementation of Alien versus Predator. You need a copy of Alien versus Predator to play this. One can be acquired e.g. at GoG. WWW: |
2019-05-20T14:56:08+00:00 | sysutils/barrier |
Mouse and keyboard sharing utility Barrier is a community maintained fork of the Symless Synergy 1.9 codebase which aims to maintain its simplicity. Barrier will let you use your keyboard and mouse from machine A to control machine B (or more). Barrier supports Windows, OS X, Linux, and FreeBSD. WWW: |
2019-05-20T13:59:01+00:00 | print/py-weasyprint |
Converts HTML/CSS documents to PDF WeasyPrint helps web developers to create PDF documents. It turns simple HTML pages into gorgeous PDF. WWW: |
2019-05-20T13:39:10+00:00 | x11-wm/hikari |
Stacking Wayland compositor with tiling capabilities Hikari is a stacking Wayland compositor with additional tiling capabilities, it is heavily inspired by the Calm Window manager (cwm(1)). Its core concepts are views, groups, sheets and the workspace. WWW: |
2019-05-20T06:26:12+00:00 | misc/lf |
Terminal file manager lf (as in "list files") is a terminal file manager written in Go. It is heavily inspired by ranger with some missing and extra features. Some of the missing features are deliberately omitted since they are better handled by external tools. See faq for more information and tutorial for a gentle introduction with screencasts. WWW: |
2019-05-20T06:15:42+00:00 | lang/gomacro |
Interactive Go interpreter and debugger with REPL, generics and macros gomacro is an interactive Go interpreter and debugger with REPL, Eval, generics and Lisp-like macros, implemented in pure Go. It offers both an interactive and a scripting mode, and does not require a Go toolchain at runtime. WWW: |
2019-05-20T01:16:59+00:00 | www/moodle37 |
Course management system based on social constructionism Moodle is a course management system (CMS) - a free, Open Source software package designed using sound pedagogical principles, to help educators create effective online learning communities. You can use it on any computer you have handy (including webhosts), yet it can scale from a single-teacher site to a 40,000-student University. WWW: |
2019-05-19T15:31:35+00:00 | accessibility/libqaccessibilityclient |
Helper to make writing accessibility tools easier This library is used when writing accessibility clients such as screen readers. It comes with some examples demonstrating the API. These small helpers may be useful when testing accessibility. One of them writes all accessibiliy interfaces an application provides as text output. The other, more advanced application shows a tree of objects and allows some interaction and exploration. WWW: |
2019-05-19T06:52:38+00:00 | biology/hhsuite |
Remote protein homology detection suite SIMD-vectorized implementation of the Viterbi algorithm for profile HMM alignment and introduced various other speed-ups. This accelerated HHsearch by a factor 4 and HHblits by a factor 2 over the previous version 2.0.16. HHblits3 is ~10x faster than PSI-BLAST and ~20x faster than HMMER3. Jobs to perform HHsearch and HHblits searches with many query profile HMMs can be parallelized over cores and over servers in a cluster using OpenMP and message passing interface (MPI). WWW: |
2019-05-19T06:08:58+00:00 | audio/mio2jack |
Expose Sndio MIDI ports to JACK Mio2jack is a tool to expose Sndio MIDI ports to JACK. For now it only handles one-way communication, that is MIDI events flowing in the Sndio to JACK direction. WWW: |
2019-05-19T01:25:32+00:00 | devel/dupl |
Tool for code clone detection dupl is a tool written in Go for finding code clones. So far it can find clones only in the Go source files. The method uses suffix tree for serialized ASTs. It ignores values of AST nodes. It just operates with their types (e.g. if a == 13 {} and if x == 100 {} are considered the same provided it exceeds the minimal token sequence size). Due to the used method dupl can report so called "false positives" on the output. These are the ones we do not consider clones (whether they are too small, or the values of the matched tokens are completely different). WWW: |
2019-05-18T21:43:45+00:00 | misc/hashdb |
Block hash database tool and API hashdb is used for finding blacklist data in raw media by using cryptographic hashes calculated from hash blocks. The hashdb tool provides commands for creating hash databases of MD5 hashes on files aligned along hash block boundaries as well as querying hash databases, merging hash databases, and performing hash lookups. hashdb provides C++ and Python interfaces for working with and scanning hashdb databases. WWW: |
2019-05-18T20:16:34+00:00 | devel/rabs |
Generic imperative build system Rabs is an imperative build system implemented in C, supporting an imperative paradigm with functional components. WWW: |
2019-05-18T19:02:55+00:00 | net/p5-Mojo-RabbitMQ-Client |
Mojo::IOLoop based RabbitMQ client Mojo::RabbitMQ::Client - Mojo::IOLoop based RabbitMQ client WWW: |
2019-05-18T09:48:20+00:00 | devel/rubygem-avro |
Ruby library for Apache Avro This is the Ruby library of Apache Avro (devel/avro). Apache Avro is a data serialization system which provides: - Rich data structures. - A compact, fast, binary data format. - A container file, to store persistent data. - Remote procedure call (RPC). - Simple integration with dynamic languages. Code generation is not required to read or write data files nor to use or implement RPC protocols. Code generation as an optional optimization, only worth implementing for statically typed languages. WWW: |
2019-05-18T09:42:48+00:00 | www/rubygem-swd |
Simple Web Discovery Client Library SWD (Simple Web Discovery) Client Library. WWW: |
2019-05-18T09:42:48+00:00 | net/rubygem-openid_connect |
OpenID Connect Server & Client Library OpenID Connect Server & Client Library. WWW: |
2019-05-18T09:42:48+00:00 | net/rubygem-omniauth_openid_connect |
OpenID Connect Strategy for OmniAuth OpenID Connect Strategy for OmniAuth. WWW: |
2019-05-18T09:42:48+00:00 | net/rubygem-omniauth-ultraauth |
Passwordless authentication plugin Eliminate customer phishing / hijacking and increase user satisfaction with password-less authentication. WWW: |
2019-05-18T09:42:48+00:00 | net/rubygem-omniauth-salesforce |
OmniAuth strategy for OmniAuth strategy for WWW: |
2019-05-18T09:42:48+00:00 | net/rubygem-apollo_upload_server |
Apollo-upload-server middleware for rails Apollo-upload-server implementation for Ruby on Rails as middleware. WWW: |
2019-05-18T09:42:48+00:00 | devel/rubygem-webfinger |
WebFinger client library Ruby WebFinger client library. WWW: |
2019-05-18T09:42:48+00:00 | devel/rubygem-validate_url |
Validating urls in Rails Library for validating urls in Rails. WWW: |
2019-05-18T09:42:48+00:00 | devel/rubygem-validate_email |
Validating email addresses in Rails 3 models Library for validating email addresses in Rails 3 models. WWW: |
2019-05-18T09:42:48+00:00 | devel/rubygem-gitlab-labkit |
Instrumentation for GitLab Instrumentation for GitLab. WWW: |
2019-05-18T05:40:31+00:00 | science/libvdwxc |
Van der Waals density functional (DFT) library libvdwxc is a library of density functionals, which can be linked by density functional theory (DFT) codes, to enable the calculation of exchange and correlation energies for van der Waals density functionals (vdW-DF). libvdwxc evaluates correlation energy and potential using a convolution in Fourier space using the method by Roman-Perez and Soler. WWW: |
2019-05-18T04:05:00+00:00 | www/silicon |
High performance, middleware oriented C++14 http web framework Silicon is a C++ abstraction built on top of high-performance networking libraries. Its goal is to ease the writing of web APIs without compromising on performance. WWW: |
2019-05-17T23:28:50+00:00 | devel/date |
Date and time library based on the C++11/14/17 <chrono> header This is actually several separate C++11/C++14/C++17 libraries: * "date.h" is a header-only library which builds upon <chrono>. It adds some new duration types, and new time_point types. It also adds "field" types such as year_month_day which is a struct {year, month, day}. And it provides convenient means to convert between the "field" types and the time_point types. * "tz.h" / "tz.cpp" are a timezone library built on top of the "date.h" library. This timezone library is a complete parser of the IANA timezone database. It provides for an easy way to access all of the data in this database, using the types from "date.h" and <chrono>. The IANA database also includes data on leap seconds, and this library provides utilities to compute with that information as well. * "iso_week.h" is a header-only library built on top of the "date.h" library which implements the ISO week date calendar. * "julian.h" is a header-only library built on top of the "date.h" library which implements a proleptic Julian calendar which is fully interoperable with everything above. * "islamic.h" is a header-only library built on top of the "date.h" library which implements a proleptic Islamic calendar which is fully interoperable with everything above. WWW: |
2019-05-17T18:43:13+00:00 | devel/estd |
Header-only C++ utilities in the style of the standard library estd is a header-only C++ library providing some additional utilities in the style of the standard library. The include files are ordered hierarchically in the style of Boost. You can include a whole sublibrary with a single header, or pick only the bits you want to use. WWW: |
2019-05-17T18:29:56+00:00 | devel/entt |
Fast and reliable entity-component system (ECS) and much more EnTT is a header-only, tiny and easy to use library for game programming and much more written in modern C++, mainly known for its innovative entity-component-system (ECS) model. Among others, it's used in Minecraft by Mojang, the ArcGIS Runtime SDKs by Esri and The Forge by Confetti. WWW: |
2019-05-17T14:45:19+00:00 | biology/gemma |
Genome-wide Efficient Mixed Model Association GEMMA is a software toolkit for fast application of linear mixed models (LMMs) and related models to genome-wide association studies (GWAS) and other large-scale data sets. WWW: |
2019-05-17T12:50:41+00:00 | net-mgmt/icingaweb2-module-idoreports |
Host and service availability reports for Icinga Icinga IDO Reports provides host and service availability reports for Icinga 1.x and Icinga 2.x based on the monitoring database (IDO). WWW: |
2019-05-17T12:49:49+00:00 | net-mgmt/icingaweb2-module-pdfexport |
Icinga PDF Export PDF export functionality for Icinga Web 2 using Google Chrome/Chromium for rendering. WWW: |
2019-05-17T12:48:36+00:00 | net-mgmt/icingaweb2-module-reporting |
Reporting module for Icinga Web 2 Icinga Reporting is the central component for reporting related functionality in the monitoring web frontend and framework Icinga Web 2. The engine allows you to create reports over a specified time period for ad-hoc and scheduled generation of reports. Other modules use the provided functionality in order to provide concrete reports. WWW: |
2019-05-17T12:47:10+00:00 | net-mgmt/icingaweb2-module-reactbundle |
Icinga Web 2 ReactPHP-based 3rd party libraries ReactPHP-based 3rd party libraries This repository is an attempt to ship 3rd party libraries that might be useful for asynchronous PHP-based Icinga Web 2 modules. WWW: |
2019-05-17T12:34:14+00:00 | archivers/py-brotlipy |
Python binding to the Brotli library Brotlipy is a collection of CFFI-based bindings to the Brotli compression reference implementation as written by Google. This enables Python software to easily and quickly work with the Brotli compression algorithm, regardless of what interpreter is being used. WWW: |
2019-05-17T04:13:09+00:00 | www/py-prawcore |
Low-level communication layer for PRAW 4+ prawcore is a low-level communication layer for Python Reddit API Wrapper (PRAW) 4+. See: www/py-praw Features: * Dynamic rate limiting based on reddit's response headers. * Authorization URL generation * Retrieval of access and refresh tokens from authorization grants * Access and refresh token revocation WWW: |
2019-05-16T16:00:15+00:00 | science/simgrid |
Simulator of the behavior of large-scale distributed systems SimGrid is a scientific instrument to study the behavior of large-scale distributed systems such as Grids, Clouds, HPC or P2P systems. It can be used to evaluate heuristics, prototype applications or even assess legacy MPI applications. All this as a free software. WWW: |
2019-05-16T13:02:04+00:00 | sysutils/syslog-ng321 |
Powerful syslogd replacement syslog-ng is an enhanced log daemon, supporting a wide range of input and output methods: syslog, unstructured text, message queues, databases (SQL and NoSQL alike) and more. Key features: * receive and send RFC3164 and RFC5424 style syslog messages * work with any kind of unstructured data * receive and send JSON formatted messages * classify and structure logs with builtin parsers (csv-parser(), db-parser(), ...) * normalize, crunch and process logs as they flow through the system * hand on messages for further processing using message queues (like AMQP), files or databases (like PostgreSQL or MongoDB). The official home page of syslog-ng is: WWW: |
2019-05-16T09:26:03+00:00 | audio/traverso |
Digital audio workstation (DAW) with an innovative user interface Traverso-DAW is a digital audio workstation designed to be an extension of your creativity and workflow. Compose, record and edit your audio with an unprecedented speed and ease as you've never experienced before. WWW: |
2019-05-16T03:31:55+00:00 | audio/muse-sequencer |
Digital audio workstation (DAW) with support for both Audio and MIDI MusE is a MIDI/Audio sequencer with recording and editing capabilities written originally by Werner Schweer now developed and maintained by the MusE development team. MusE aims to be a complete multitrack virtual studio for Linux, it is published under the GNU General Public License. WWW: |
2019-05-15T21:11:43+00:00 | shells/zsh-syntax-highlighting |
Fish shell syntax highlighting for Zsh Zsh-syntax-highlighting enables highlighting of commands whilst they are typed at an interactive zsh prompt. This helps in reviewing commands before running them, particularly in catching syntax errors. WWW: |
2019-05-15T21:11:43+00:00 | shells/zsh-autosuggestions |
Fish-like autosuggestions for Zsh zsh-autosuggestions enables fast and unobtrusive fish-like autosuggestions for Zsh. It suggests commands as you type, based on command history. WWW: |
2019-05-15T21:00:39+00:00 | shells/git-prompt.zsh |
Fast, customizable, pure-shell, asynchronous Git prompt for Zsh git-prompt.zsh is a fast, customizable, pure-shell, asynchronous Git prompt for Zsh. It is heavily inspired by Olivier Verdier's zsh-git-prompt and very similar to the "Informative VCS" prompt of fish shell. WWW: |
2019-05-15T20:53:15+00:00 | devel/arcanist-lib |
Libraries for the command line interface for Phabricator Arcanist is the command-line tool for Phabricator. It allows you to interact with Phabricator installs to send code for review, download patches, transfer files, view status, make API calls, and various other things. You can find a complete library reference here: WWW: |
2019-05-15T19:46:48+00:00 | net-im/kaidan |
User-friendly XMPP client for every device Kaidan is a simple, user-friendly Jabber/XMPP client providing a modern user interface using Kirigami and QtQuick. The back-end of Kaidan is written in C++ using the QXmpp XMPP client library and Qt 5. WWW: |
2019-05-15T12:55:28+00:00 | ports-mgmt/modules2tuple |
Generate GH_TUPLE from modules.txt modules2tuple is a helper tool for generating GH_TUPLE from vendor/modules.txt WWW: |
2019-05-15T09:30:09+00:00 | textproc/markdownfmt |
Tool for linting and formatting Markdown in-place (similar to gofmt) markdownfmt is a linter similar to gofmt but for the Markdown language. It is capable of autoformatting Markdown files in-place or generating diffs with linting applied. Also, it is used in many plugins for formatting Markdown files written for text editors like Vim or Emacs. WWW: |
2019-05-15T07:25:22+00:00 | devel/R-cran-progress |
Terminal Progress Bars Configurable Progress bars, they may include percentage, elapsed time, and/or the estimated completion time. They work in terminals, in 'Emacs' 'ESS', 'RStudio', 'Windows' 'Rgui' and the 'macOS' ''. The package also provides a 'C++' 'API', that works with or without 'Rcpp'. WWW: |
2019-05-15T07:11:15+00:00 | devel/R-cran-prettyunits |
Pretty, Human Readable Formatting of Quantities Pretty, human readable formatting of quantities. WWW: |
2019-05-15T06:29:37+00:00 | databases/rubygem-puppetdb_cli |
PuppetDB CLI Tooling The PuppetDB CLI project provide Puppet subcommands for querying PuppetDB data, via `puppet query <query>`, and PuppetDB administrative tasks, `puppet db <import|export|status>`. The query subcommand will allow you to query PuppetDB using either the upcoming PQL syntax of the traditional PuppetDB query syntax (also known as AST). The db subcommand is a replacement for the older puppetdb <export|import> commands with faster startup times and much friendlier error messages. WWW: |
2019-05-15T06:22:31+00:00 | databases/rubygem-pl-puppetdb-ruby |
Simple Ruby client library for PuppetDB API Simple Ruby client library for PuppetDB API WWW: |
2019-05-14T13:38:20+00:00 | devel/py-pytest-forked |
Run tests in isolated forked subprocesses pytest plugin to run each test in a forked subprocess. This is an extraction of the xdist --forked module. WWW: |
2019-05-14T09:25:30+00:00 | security/py-securesystemslib |
Cryptographic and general-purpose routines securesystemslib supports public-key and general-purpose cryptography, such as ECDSA, Ed25519, RSA, SHA256, SHA512, etc. Most of the cryptographic operations are performed by the cryptography and PyNaCl libraries, but verification of Ed25519 signatures can be done in pure Python. WWW: |
2019-05-14T01:42:48+00:00 | devel/rubygem-irb |
Interactive Ruby IRB stands for "interactive Ruby" and is a tool to interactively execute Ruby expressions read from the standard input. WWW: |
2019-05-13T20:19:20+00:00 | print/libraqm |
Library that encapsulates complex text layout logic Raqm is a small library that encapsulates the logic for complex text layout and provide a convenient API. It currently provides bidirectional text support (using FriBiDi), shaping (using HarfBuzz), and proper script itemization. As a result, Raqm can support most writing systems covered by Unicode. WWW: |
2019-05-13T07:36:38+00:00 | lang/perl5.30 |
Practical Extraction and Report Language Perl is a language that combines some of the features of C, sed, awk and shell. See the manual page for more hype. There are also many books published by O'Reilly & Assoc. See pod/perlbook.pod for more information. WWW: |
2019-05-12T20:06:58+00:00 | textproc/rubygem-sassc-rails |
Integrate SassC-Ruby into Rails We all love working with Sass, but compilation can take quite a long time for larger codebases. This gem integrates the C implementation of Sass, LibSass, into the asset pipeline. WWW: |
2019-05-12T20:04:14+00:00 | textproc/rubygem-sassc |
Use libsass with Ruby SassC combines the speed of libsass, the Sass C implementation, with the ease of use of the original Ruby Sass library. WWW: |
2019-05-12T20:04:08+00:00 | devel/py-pip-api |
Importable pip API Since pip is a command-line-tool, it does not have an official, supported, importable API. However, this does not mean that people haven't tried to import pip, usually to end up with much headache when pip's maintainers do routine refactoring. This project attempts to provide an importable pip API, which is fully compliant with the recommended method of using pip from your program. WWW: |
2019-05-12T16:29:52+00:00 | databases/py-tiledb |
Python interface to the TileDB array storage manager TileDB is an efficient multi-dimensional array management system which introduces a novel format that can effectively store dense and sparse array data with support for fast updates and reads. It features excellent compression, an efficient parallel I/O system for high scalability, and high-level APIs including Python, R, Golang and more. TileDB-Py is the official Python interface to TileDB. WWW: |
2019-05-12T16:29:08+00:00 | databases/tiledb |
TileDB array data management TileDB is an efficient multi-dimensional array management system which introduces a novel format that can effectively store dense and sparse array data with support for fast updates and reads. It features excellent compression, an efficient parallel I/O system for high scalability, and high-level APIs including Python, R, Golang and more. TileDB stores your array data on persistent storage locally or in the cloud, with built-in support for S3 and HDFS storage backends. Features: - Novel Format. - Multiple Backends. - Compression. - Parallelism. - Portability. - Language Bindings. - Key-value Store. - Virtual Filesystem. WWW: |
2019-05-12T16:28:59+00:00 | devel/clipp |
Command line interfaces for modern C++ Clipp is an easy to use, powerful and expressive command line argument handling for C++11/14/17 contained in a single header file. WWW: |
2019-05-12T11:11:55+00:00 | games/fs2open |
Open source video engine of FreeSpace 2 FS2Open is an open source port for Windows, OS X and Linux. It features improved graphics, mod support, mutli-platform support, improved mission scripting, lua scripting, optimizations, and various bug fixes. WWW: |
2019-05-12T06:36:01+00:00 | multimedia/gstreamer1-plugins-svt-vp9 |
GStreamer (svt-vp9) plugin This plugin provides svtav1enc element to GStreamer in order to use the Scalable Video Technology for VP9 Encoder. WWW: |
2019-05-12T06:36:01+00:00 | multimedia/gstreamer1-plugins-svt-hevc |
GStreamer (svt-hevc) plugin This plugin provides svtav1enc element to GStreamer in order to use the Scalable Video Technology for HEVC Encoder. WWW: |
2019-05-12T06:36:01+00:00 | multimedia/gstreamer1-plugins-svt-av1 |
GStreamer (svt-av1) plugin This plugin provides svtav1enc element to GStreamer in order to use the Scalable Video Technology for AV1 Encoder. WWW: |
2019-05-11T20:29:56+00:00 | science/nest |
Simulator for spiking neural network models NEST is a simulator for spiking neural network models that focuses on the dynamics, size and structure of neural systems rather than on the exact morphology of individual neurons. The development of NEST is coordinated by the NEST Initiative. NEST is ideal for networks of spiking neurons of any size, for example: * Models of information processing e.g. in the visual or auditory cortex of mammals, * Models of network activity dynamics, e.g. laminar cortical networks or balanced random networks, * Models of learning and plasticity. WWW: |
2019-05-11T18:54:34+00:00 | x11-toolkits/py-easygui |
Easy GUI programming in python EasyGUI is a module for very simple, very easy GUI programming in Python. EasyGUI is different from other GUI generators in that EasyGUI is NOT event-driven. Instead, all GUI interactions are invoked by simple function calls. WWW: |
2019-05-11T18:19:39+00:00 | devel/py-websockets |
Implementation of the WebSocket Protocol (RFC 6455 and 7692) websockets is a library for building WebSocket servers and clients in Python with a focus on correctness and simplicity. Built on top of asyncio, Python's standard asynchronous I/O framework, it provides an elegant coroutine-based API. WWW: |
2019-05-11T17:53:10+00:00 | devel/zanata-platform |
Web-based translation platform Zanata is a web-based translation platform for managing localization projects. Localization (L10n) is the process of translating software or documentation into different languages. Zanata platform is designed for translators, content creators and developers to manage localization projects. WWW: |
2019-05-11T17:44:23+00:00 | misc/mate-user-guide |
MATE users guide User documentation for the MATE desktop. |
2019-05-11T17:32:54+00:00 | math/curv |
Language for making art using mathematics Curv is a programming language for creating art using mathematics. It's a 2D and 3D geometric modelling tool that supports full colour, animation and 3D printing. Features: * Curv is a simple, powerful, dynamically typed, pure functional programming language. * Curv is easy to use for beginners. It has a standard library of predefined geometric shapes, plus operators for transforming and combining shapes. These can be plugged together like Lego to make 2D and 3D models. * Coloured shapes are represented using Function Representation (F-Rep). They can be infinitely detailed, infinitely large, and any shape or colour pattern that can be described using mathematics can be represented exactly. * Curv exposes the full power of F-Rep programming to experts. The standard geometry library is written entirely in Curv. Many of the demos seen on can be reproduced in Curv, using shorter, simpler programs. Experts can package techniques used on shadertoy as high level operations for use by beginners. * Curv can export meshes to STL, OBJ and X3D files for 3D printing. The X3D format supports full colour 3D printing (on, at least). These meshes are defect free: watertight, manifold, with no self intersections, degenerate triangles, or flipped triangles. WWW: |
2019-05-11T06:04:11+00:00 | misc/openvdb |
Tools for storage and manipulation of sparse volumetric data OpenVDB is an Academy Award-winning open-source C++ library comprising a novel hierarchical data structure and a suite of tools for the efficient storage and manipulation of sparse volumetric data discretized on three-dimensional grids. It was developed by DreamWorks Animation for use in volumetric applications typically encountered in feature film production and is now maintained by the Academy Software Foundation (ASWF). WWW: |
2019-05-11T05:58:42+00:00 | www/miniserve |
Ad-hoc HTTP server for file sharing Miniserve is a small self-contained ad-hoc HTTP server that allows you to quickly serve some files over HTTP. Features: - Easy to use - Just works: Correct MIME types handling out of the box - Single binary drop-in with no extra dependencies required - Authentication support with username and password - Fast and highly parallel (thanks to Rust and Actix) It is an interesting alternative to some popular solutions: - Python's built-in webserver: Needs to have Python installed, is low performance, and also does not handle MIME type correctly in some cases. - netcat: Not as convenient to use and sending directories is nontrivial. WWW: |
2019-05-10T07:56:51+00:00 | devel/linux-c7-strace |
System call tracer (CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER}) strace is a system call tracer, i.e. a debugging tool which prints out a trace of all the system calls made by a another process/program. strace is similar to the native BSD ``truss'' utility, but it's output style is more convenient in most cases. For strace to work, linprocfs has to be mounted. FreeBSD does not mount it by default. For more information, man linprocfs. WWW: |
2019-05-10T06:29:57+00:00 | devel/emscripten |
LLVM-to-Web Compiler Emscripten is a toolchain for compiling to asm.js and WebAssembly, built using LLVM, that lets you run C and C++ on the web at near-native speed without plugins. WWW: |
2019-05-09T21:28:49+00:00 | biology/vsearch |
Versatile open-source tool for metagenomics VSEARCH supports de novo and reference based chimera detection, clustering, full-length and prefix dereplication, rereplication, reverse complementation, masking, all-vs-all pairwise global alignment, exact and global alignment searching, shuffling, subsampling and sorting. It also supports FASTQ file analysis, filtering, conversion and merging of paired-end reads. The aim of this project is to create an alternative to the USEARCH tool developed by Robert C. Edgar (2010). WWW: |
2019-05-09T19:11:44+00:00 | www/bareos17-webui |
PHP-Frontend to manage Bareos over the web The bareos-webui is a free software tool written in PHP, intended to monitor and manage Bareos over the web. The webui is based on Zend Framework 2, an open source framework for developing web applications and services using PHP 5.3+ and makes extensive use of the Twitter Bootstrap front-end framework. The bareos-webui is licensed under AGPL Version 3. WWW: |
2019-05-09T19:08:48+00:00 | archivers/py-zopfli |
Zopfli module for python pyzopfli is a straightforward Python wrapper around zopfli's ZlibCompress method. It also wraps GzipCompress, but the API point does not try to mimic the gzip module. WWW: |
2019-05-09T18:17:13+00:00 | sysutils/bareos17-client-static |
Backup archiving recovery open sourced (static client) |
2019-05-09T18:04:39+00:00 | sysutils/bareos17-server |
Backup archiving recovery open sourced (server) Bareos (BackupArchivingRecoveryOpenSourced) is a reliable network open source software to backup, archive and restore files from all major operating systems. The fork was founded 2010 out of the project. The fork has been actively developed and many new features have been added. WWW: |
2019-05-09T18:04:39+00:00 | sysutils/bareos17-client |
Backup archiving recovery open sourced (client) |
2019-05-09T15:23:44+00:00 | net/luasocket-53 |
2019-05-09T14:39:30+00:00 | games/hedgewars-server |
Server part of free Worms-like turn based strategy game Each player controls a team of several hedgehogs. During the course of the game, players take turns with one of their hedgehogs. They then use whatever tools and weapons are available to attack and kill the opponents' hedgehogs, thereby winning the game. Hedgehogs may move around the terrain in a variety of ways, normally by walking and jumping but also by using particular tools such as the "Rope" or "Parachute", to move to otherwise inaccessible areas. Each turn is time-limited to ensure that players do not hold up the game with excessive thinking or moving. A large variety of tools and weapons are available for players during the game: Grenade, Cluster Bomb, Bazooka, UFO, Shotgun, Desert Eagle, Fire Punch, Baseball Bat, Dynamite, Mine, Rope, Pneumatic pick, Parachute. Most weapons, when used, cause explosions that deform the terrain, removing circular chunks. The landscape is an island floating on a body of water, or a restricted cave with water at the bottom. A hedgehog dies when it enters the water (either by falling off the island, or through a hole in the bottom of it), it is thrown off either side of the arena or when its health is reduced, typically from contact with explosions, to zero (the damage dealt to the attacked hedgehog or hedgehogs after a player's or CPU turn is shown only when all movement on the battlefield has ceased). WWW: |
2019-05-09T07:42:56+00:00 | shells/rush |
Restricted User SHell, providing limited remote access to resources GNU Rush is a Restricted User Shell, designed for sites providing limited remote access to their resources, such as, for example, Its main program, rush, is configured as a user login shell for users that are allowed only remote access to the machine. Using a flexible configuration file, GNU Rush gives administrator complete control over the command lines that users execute, and allows to tune the usage of system resources, such as virtual memory, CPU time, etc. on a per-user basis. WWW: |
2019-05-09T01:28:38+00:00 | lang/ruby26 |
Object-oriented interpreted scripting language Ruby is the interpreted scripting language for quick and easy object-oriented programming. It has many features to process text files and to do system management tasks (as in Perl). It is simple, straight-forward, and extensible. Features of Ruby are shown below. + Simple Syntax + *Normal* Object-Oriented features(ex. class, method calls) + *Advanced* Object-Oriented features(ex. Mix-in, Singleton-method) + Operator Overloading + Exception Handling + Iterators and Closures + Garbage Collection + Dynamic Loading of Object files(on some architecture) + Highly Portable(works on many UNIX machines, and on DOS, Windows, Mac, BeOS etc.) WWW: |
2019-05-08T18:41:06+00:00 | devel/linux-ltp |
Linux Test Project (SUSE Linux Enterprise 15) The LTP testsuite contains a collection of tools for testing the Linux kernel and related features. This package is intended for testing the Linux kernel ABI provided by linux(4). WWW: |
2019-05-08T16:29:07+00:00 | multimedia/subsync |
Synchronize your subtitles using machine learning Language-agnostic automatic synchronization of subtitles with video, so that subtitles are aligned to the correct starting point within the video. WWW: |
2019-05-08T13:29:22+00:00 | audio/libopenshot-audio |
OpenShot Audio Library OpenShot Audio Library (libopenshot-audio) is a free, open-source project that enables high-quality editing and playback of audio, and is based on the amazing JUCE library. WWW: |
2019-05-08T09:35:16+00:00 | sysutils/py-borgmatic |
Wrapper script for Borg backup software Borgmatic is a simple Python wrapper script for the Borg backup software that initiates a backup, prunes any old backups according to a retention policy, and validates backups for consistency. The script supports specifying your settings in a declarative configuration file rather than having to put them all on the command-line, and handles common errors. WWW: |
2019-05-08T05:50:41+00:00 | math/primesieve |
Fast prime number generator primesieve is a program and C/C++ library that generates primes using a highly optimized sieve of Eratosthenes implementation. It counts the primes below 10^10 in just 0.4 seconds on an Intel Core i7-6700 CPU (4 x 3.4 GHz). primesieve can generate primes and prime k-tuplets up to 2^64. WWW: |
2019-05-08T03:23:29+00:00 | net/v2ray |
Platform for building proxies to bypass network restrictions Project V is a set of network tools that help you to build your own computer network. It secures your network connections and thus protects your privacy. WWW: |
2019-05-06T21:15:22+00:00 | lang/gcc10-devel |
GNU Compiler Collection 10 GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection, supports a number of languages. This port installs the C, C++, and Fortran front ends as gcc10, g++10, and gfortran10, respectively. WWW: Gerald Pfeifer <> |
2019-05-06T18:55:19+00:00 | security/modsecurity3-apache |
Intrusion detection and prevention engine / Apache Wrapper The ModSecurity-apache connector is the connection point between Apache and libmodsecurity (ModSecurity v3). Said another way, this project provides a communication channel between Apache and libmodsecurity. This connector is required to use LibModSecurity with Apache. The ModSecurity-apache connector takes the form of an Apache module. The module simply serves as a layer of communication between Apache and ModSecurity. Notice that this project depends on libmodsecurity rather than ModSecurity (version 2.9 or less). WWW: |
2019-05-06T05:19:49+00:00 | multimedia/py-ffmpeg-python |
Python bindings for FFmpeg - with complex filtering support ffmpeg-python works well for simple as well as complex signal graphs, this differentiates it from other python ffmpeg wrappers. WWW: |
2019-05-06T05:05:23+00:00 | audio/py-webrtcvad |
Interface to the Google WebRTC Voice Activity Detector (VAD) A python interface to the WebRTC Voice Activity Detector (VAD). A VAD classifies a piece of audio data as being voiced or unvoiced. It can be useful for telephony and speech recognition. The VAD that Google developed for the WebRTC project is reportedly one of the best available, being fast, modern and free. WWW: |
2019-05-06T03:14:08+00:00 | comms/xdemorse |
X/GTK+-3 application for decoding Morse code signals into text xdemorse is a X/GTK+-3 application for decoding Morse code signals into text. xdemorse detects the "dihs" and "dahs" that make a Morse code character via the computer's sound card, which can be connected to a radio receiver tuned to a CW Morse code transmission or to a tone generator. The input signal is processed by a Goertzel tone detector algorithm which produces "mark" or "space" (signal/no signal) outputs and the resulting stream of Morse code "elements" is decoded into an ASCII character for printing to the Text viewer. WWW: |
2019-05-06T03:13:22+00:00 | emulators/pcem |
PC/PC-Compatible low-level emulator striving for accuracy A very accurate (and not very fast) PC and PC-compatible emulator. Support currently ranges from the original IBM PC to Socket 7 motherboards. It also supports a wide range of peripherals, including Voodoo Graphics! WWW: |
2019-05-05T13:15:55+00:00 | editors/xi-term |
Terminal frontend for xi-editor Formely known as xi-tui, xi-term is a terminal frontend for the xi editor. The xi editor project is an attempt to build a high quality text editor, using modern software engineering techniques. Goals include: - Incredibly high performance. All editing operations should commit and paint in under 16ms. The editor should never make you wait for anything. - Reliability. Crashing, hanging, or losing work should never happen. - Developer friendliness. It should be easy to customize xi editor, whether by adding plug-ins or hacking on the core. WWW: |
2019-05-05T11:25:01+00:00 | emulators/edumips64 |
Free, cross-platform, educational, visual MIPS64 CPU simulator EduMIPS64 is a free (as in free speech) visual and cross-platform MIPS64 CPU Simulator. The simulator was written in order to support Computer Architecture students with a free and cross-platform tool that allows them to run programs written in the MIPS64 assembly dialect and see how the CPU behaves during the execution, experimenting with various aspects of low-level programming that they learn throughout the course. EduMIPS64 started as a GPL Java port of WinMIPS64, a Windows-only MIPS64 simulator, but independently evolved soon after into a stand-alone open source application. WWW: |
2019-05-05T00:39:24+00:00 | devel/thrust |
C++ parallel programming library which resembles the C++ STL Thrust is a parallel algorithms library which resembles the C++ Standard Template Library (STL). Thrust's high-level interface greatly enhances programmer productivity while enabling performance portability between GPUs and multicore CPUs. Interoperability with established technologies (such as CUDA, TBB, and OpenMP) facilitates integration with existing software. WWW: |
2019-05-04T20:26:11+00:00 | audio/espressivo-lv2 |
LV2 plugin bundle to handle expressive events LV2 plugin bundle to handle expressive events. WWW: |
2019-05-04T20:19:35+00:00 | audio/timely-lv2 |
Utility header for time-based LV2 plugins A utility LV2 plugin to be used with other, time-based plugins. WWW: |
2019-05-04T20:03:30+00:00 | audio/lv2lint |
Check whether a given LV2 plugin is up to the specification lv2lint can optionally test your plugin URIs for existence. If you want that, you need to enable it at compile time (-Donline-tests=true) and link to libcurl. lv2lint can optionally test your plugin symbol visibility and link dependencies. If you want that, you need to enable it at compile time (-Delf-tests=true) and link to libelf. WWW: |
2019-05-04T06:25:34+00:00 | devel/vc |
SIMD Vector Classes for C++ Vc is a free software library to ease explicit vectorization of C++ code. It has an intuitive API and provides portability between different compilers and compiler versions as well as portability between different vector instruction sets. Thus an application written with Vc can be compiled for: * AVX and AVX2 * SSE2 up to SSE4.2 or SSE4a * Scalar * AVX-512 (Vc 2 development) * NEON (in development) * NVIDIA GPUs / CUDA (research) WWW: |
2019-05-03T17:58:32+00:00 | math/py-rpy |
Python interface to the R Programming Language RPy is a very simple, yet robust, Python interface to the R Programming Language. It can manage all kinds of R objects and can execute arbitrary R functions (including the graphic functions). All the errors from the R language are converted to Python exceptions. Any module that later were installed on the R system, can easily be used from within Python, without introducing any changes. WWW: |
2019-05-03T17:42:38+00:00 | x11/swaybg |
Wallpaper tool for Wayland compositors swaybg is a wallpaper utility for Wayland compositors. It is compatible with any Wayland compositor which implements the following Wayland protocols: - wlr-layer-shell - xdg-output - xdg-shell WWW: |
2019-05-03T14:41:57+00:00 | biology/fastp |
Ultra-fast all-in-one FASTQ preprocessor fastp is a tool designed to provide fast all-in-one preprocessing for FastQ files. This tool is developed in C++ with multithreading supported to afford high performance. WWW: |
2019-05-03T06:14:57+00:00 | science/apbs |
Electrostatic and solvation properties for complex molecules APBS and PDB2PQR: electrostatic and solvation properties for complex molecules. APBS solves the equations of continuum electrostatics for large biomolecular assemblages. This software was designed "from the ground up" using modern design principles to ensure its ability to interface with other computational packages and evolve as methods and applications change over time. WWW: |
2019-05-02T16:06:35+00:00 | www/ffsend |
Easily and securely share files from the command line via Firefox Send Easily and securely share files and directories from the command line through a safe, private and encrypted link using a single simple command. Files are shared using the Send service and may be up to 2GB. Others are able to download these files with this tool, or through their web browser. WWW: |
2019-05-02T13:00:53+00:00 | sysutils/u-boot-nanopi-neo2 |
U-Boot loader and related files for the NanoPi NEO2 To install this bootloader on an sdcard just do: dd if=$LOCALBASE/share/u-boot/u-boot-nanopi-neo2/u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin of=/path/to/sdcarddevice bs=128k seek=1 conv=sync For information about running FreeBSD on Allwinner boards, see WWW: |
2019-05-01T07:16:57+00:00 | science/pagmo2 |
Platform to perform parallel computations of optimization tasks pagmo (C++) is a scientific library for massively parallel optimization. It is built around the idea of providing a unified interface to optimization algorithms and to optimization problems and to make their deployment in massively parallel environments easy. WWW: |
2019-04-30T21:19:31+00:00 | devel/rang |
Minimal header-only modern C++ library for terminal goodies C++ library for terminal goodies. It allows to print colored and styled text on the terminals that support it, avoiding the need to explicitly hardcode terminal sequences which is commonly done by software authors at the expense of code elegance. It also avoids printing terminal sequences when the program output is redirected to the file, a common problem in such situations. WWW: |
2019-04-30T19:06:14+00:00 | textproc/rubygem-elasticsearch-xpack6 |
Ruby integrations for the X-Pack extensions for Elasticsearch Elasticsearch::XPack is a Ruby integration for the X-Pack extension for Elasticsearch. X-Pack is an Elastic Stack extension that bundles security, alerting, monitoring, reporting, and graph capabilities into one easy-to-install package. While the X-Pack components are designed to work together seamlessly, you can easily enable or disable the features you want to use. WWW: |
2019-04-30T19:05:50+00:00 | textproc/rubygem-elasticsearch-transport6 |
Ruby client for Elasticsearch Ruby client for Elasticsearch. See textproc/rubygem-elasticsearch for more details. WWW: |
2019-04-30T19:05:32+00:00 | textproc/rubygem-elasticsearch-api6 |
Ruby API for Elasticsearch Ruby API for Elasticsearch. See textproc/rubygem-elasticsearch for more details. WWW: |
2019-04-30T19:05:16+00:00 | textproc/rubygem-elasticsearch6 |
Ruby integrations for Elasticsearch Ruby integrations for Elasticsearch that feature: * a client for connecting to an Elasticsearch cluster * a Ruby API for the Elasticsearch's REST API * various extensions and utilities WWW: |
2019-04-30T18:51:53+00:00 | games/openjk |
Community effort to maintain Jedi Academy + Jedi Outcast OpenJK is an effort by the JACoders group to maintain and improve the game engines on which the Jedi Academy (JA) and Jedi Outcast (JO) games run on, while maintaining full backwards compatibility with the existing games. This project does not attempt to rebalance or otherwise modify core gameplay. WWW: |
2019-04-30T16:25:03+00:00 | sysutils/uefi-edk2-qemu |
OVMF package providing UEFI system firmware for QEMU Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) compliant firmware can be developed using the EFI Development Kit II (EDK2). UEFI provides a specification for modern system (boot) firmware for x86, x86_64, arm and arm64 machines. This system firmware was previously called a 'BIOS'. This package contains the Open Virtual Machine Firmware (OVMF) package from the TianoCore EDK II project configured to run under QEMU. More information about OVMF can be found at . WWW: |
2019-04-30T15:45:34+00:00 | devel/py-fs2 |
Python Filesystem abstraction layer, version 2.x Filesystem Abstraction for Python. Work with files and directories in archives, memory, the cloud etc. as easily as your local drive. Write code now, decide later where the data will be stored; unit test without writing real files; upload files to the cloud without learning a new API; sandbox your file writing code; etc. WWW: |
2019-04-30T11:22:58+00:00 | databases/rubygem-dbm |
Wrapper for the UNIX-style Database Manager Library The DBM class provides a wrapper to a Unix-style Database Manager library. Dbm databases do not have tables or columns; they are simple key-value data stores, like a Ruby Hash except not resident in RAM. Keys and values must be strings. The exact library used depends on how Ruby was compiled. It could be any of the following: * The original ndbm library is released in 4.3BSD. It is based on dbm library in Unix Version 7 but has different API to support multiple databases in a process. * Berkeley DB versions 1 thru 6, also known as BDB and Sleepycat DB, now owned by Oracle Corporation. * Berkeley DB 1.x, still found in 4.4BSD derivatives (FreeBSD, OpenBSD, etc). * GDBM, the GNU implementation of dbm. * QDBM, another open source reimplementation of dbm. All of these dbm implementations have their own Ruby interfaces available, which provide richer (but varying) APIs. WWW: |
2019-04-30T07:23:15+00:00 | math/R-cran-mitools |
Tools for Multiple Imputation of Missing Data Tools to perform analyses and combine results from multiple-imputation datasets. WWW: |
2019-04-30T06:14:41+00:00 | math/optpp |
Object-oriented nonlinear optimization library OPT++ is a library of nonlinear optimization algorithms written in C++. The motivation for this package is to build an environment for the rapid prototyping and development of new optimization algorithms. In particular, the focus is on robust and efficient algorithms for problems in which the function and constraint evaluations require the execution of an expensive computer simulation. Currently, OPT++ includes the classic Newton methods, a nonlinear interior-point method, parallel direct search, generating set search, a trust region - parallel direct search hybrid, and a wrapper to NPSOL. Between these methods, a wide range of problems can be solved, e.g. with or without constraints, with or without analytic gradients, simulation based, etc. WWW: |
2019-04-30T01:25:36+00:00 | sysutils/rubygem-bolt |
Execute commands remotely over SSH and WinRM Bolt is a Ruby command-line tool for executing commands, scripts, and tasks on remote systems using SSH and WinRM. - Executes commands on remote *nix and Windows systems. - Distributes and execute scripts, such as Bash, PowerShell, Python. - Scales to more than 1000 concurrent connections. - Supports industry standard protocols (SSH/SCP, WinRM/PSRP) and authentication methods (password, publickey). WWW: |
2019-04-29T23:19:18+00:00 | www/py-django-prometheus |
Export Django monitoring metrics for This library exports Django monitoring metrics for It provides support to monitor the following databases types: * SQLite (via Django) * PostgreSQL * MySQL In addition, caches can also be monitored: * memcached * Redis It's even possible to export metrics of Django models and migrations. WWW: |
2019-04-29T19:07:06+00:00 | math/hmat-oss |
Hierarchical matrix C/C++ library A hierarchical matrix C/C++ library including a LU solver. Hierarchical matrices are semi-sparse matrices that have a hierarchical block structure with dense blocks hierarchically embedded into other blocks, and the elements not covered by blocks are zero. For a more detailed definition please see the wikipedia article "Hierarchical matrix". WWW: |
2019-04-29T18:18:42+00:00 | devel/py-purl |
Immutable URL class for easy URL-building and manipulation purl is a simple, immutable URL class with a clean API for interrogation and manipulation. It supports template URLs as per RFC 6570. WWW: |
2019-04-29T05:30:52+00:00 | devel/protobuf-java |
Core Protocol Buffers library Core Protocol Buffers library. Protocol Buffers are a way of encoding structured data in an efficient yet extensible format WWW: |
2019-04-28T20:23:59+00:00 | devel/golint |
Linter for Go source code A linter for Go source code. Invoke golint with one or more filenames, directories, or packages named by its import path. Golint uses the same import path syntax as the go command and therefore also supports relative import paths like ./.... Additionally the ... wildcard can be used as suffix on relative and absolute file paths to recurse into them. The output of this tool is a list of suggestions in Vim quickfix format, which is accepted by lots of different editors. WWW: |
2019-04-28T19:22:21+00:00 | sysutils/etc_os-release |
Operating system identification file This package installs /usr/local/etc/os-release file which contains version and other information about installed operating system. WWW: |
2019-04-28T19:03:15+00:00 | net/py-pytradfri |
Python IKEA Tradfri API controller Python package to communicate with the IKEA Tradfri ZigBee Gateway compatible with ZigBee Light Link products. By using this library you can communicate with the gateway and control IKEA's lights and wall plugs. Some of the features include: * Get information on the gateway * Observe lights, groups and other resources and get notified when they change * Control wall plugs * List all devices connected to gateway * List all lights and get attributes of lights (name, state, color temp, dimmer level etc) Change attribute values of lights (name, state, color temp, dimmer level etc) * Restart and reset the gateway * List smart tasks (wake up, on/off and not home) and their attributes * Alter values in smart tasks (some of these features not available in app yet) WWW: |
2019-04-28T19:01:42+00:00 | net/py-DTLSSocket |
Python IKEA Tradfri API controller This is a cython wrapper for tinydtls. It currently implements a socket like Interface with sendmsg and readmsg. All other calls are passt to the underlying socket. For more info of tinydtls see WWW: |
2019-04-28T19:00:01+00:00 | net/py-aiocoap |
Python CoAP library The aiocoap package is an implementation of CoAP, the Constrained Application Protocol. It is written in Python 3 using its native asyncio methods to facilitate concurrent operations while maintaining an easy to use interface. aiocoap is originally based on txThings. If you want to use CoAP in your existing Twisted application, or can not migrate to Python 3 yet, that is probably more useful to you than aiocoap. WWW: |
2019-04-28T18:04:01+00:00 | audio/noson-app |
Fast and smart SONOS controller Noson is a SONOS controller for Linux platforms The fast and smart controller for your SONOS devices. You can browse your music library and play track or radio on any zones. You can manage grouping zones, queue, and playlists, and fully control the playback. Written with QML/C++ for maximal performance WWW: |
2019-04-28T06:25:50+00:00 | audio/pianod2 |
Free, multi-source, network-controlled music player daemon pianod2 is a free, multi-source, network-controlled music player daemon for use as central music server or scriptable backend. WWW: |
2019-04-27T07:18:03+00:00 | multimedia/peek |
Simple animated GIF screen recorder with an easy to use interface Peek makes it easy to create short screencasts of a screen area. It was built for the specific use case of recording screen areas, e.g. for easily showing UI features of your own apps or for showing a bug in bug reports. With Peek, you simply place the Peek window over the area you want to record and press "Record". Peek is optimized for generating animated GIFs, but you can also directly record to WebM or MP4 if you prefer. Peek is not a general purpose screencast app with extended features but rather focuses on the single task of creating small, silent screencasts of an area of the screen for creating GIF animations or silent WebM or MP4 videos. Peek runs on X11 or inside a GNOME Shell Wayland session using XWayland. Support for more Wayland desktops might be added in the future (see FAQs below). WWW: |
2019-04-27T06:24:18+00:00 | multimedia/ustreamer |
Lightweight and fast MJPG-HTTP streamer muStreamer is a lightweight and very quick server to broadcast MJPG video from any V4L2 device to the net. All new browsers have native support of this video format, as well as most video players such as mplayer, VLC etc. muStreamer is a part of the Pi-KVM project designed to stream VGA and HDMI screencast hardware data with the highest resolution and FPS possible. WWW: |
2019-04-26T23:39:31+00:00 | graphics/ogre3d19 |
Scene-oriented, flexible 3D engine written in C++ (legacy version 1.9) OGRE (Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) is a scene-oriented, flexible 3D engine written in C++ designed to make it easier and more intuitive for developers to produce games and demos utilising 3D hardware. The class library abstracts all the details of using the underlying system libraries like Direct3D and OpenGL and provides an interface based on world objects and other intuitive classes. WWW: |
2019-04-26T20:57:57+00:00 | devel/py-sexpdata |
S-expression parser for Python sexpdata is a simple S-expression parser/serializer. It has simple load and dump functions like pickle, json or PyYAML module. WWW: |
2019-04-26T20:45:13+00:00 | www/py-dj22-djangorestframework |
Django REST framework Django REST framework is a powerful and flexible toolkit that makes it easy to build Web APIs. Note: This is the 3.9.x branch which supports Django 1.11 and later WWW: |
2019-04-26T20:44:38+00:00 | www/py-dj22-django-treebeard |
Efficient tree implementations for Django django-treebeard is a library that implements efficient tree implementations for the Django Web Framework 1.8 and later. Features: - Flexible: Includes 3 different tree implementations with the same API: * Adjacency List * Materialized Path * Nested Sets - Fast: Optimized non-naive tree operations - Easy: Uses Django Model Inheritance with abstract classes to define your own models. - Clean: Testable and well tested code base. Code/branch test coverage is above 96%. WWW: |
2019-04-26T20:44:02+00:00 | www/py-dj22-django-taggit |
Reusable Django application for simple tagging django-taggit a simpler approach to tagging with Django. WWW: |
2019-04-26T20:43:34+00:00 | www/py-beautifulsoup460 |
HTML/XML Parser for Python Beautiful Soup parses arbitrarily invalid XML- or HTML-like substance into a tree representation. It provides methods and Pythonic idioms that make it easy to search and modify the tree. A well-formed XML/HTML document will yield a well-formed data structure. An ill-formed XML/HTML document will yield a correspondingly ill-formed data structure. If your document is only locally well-formed, you can use this library to find and process the well-formed part of it. The BeautifulSoup class has heuristics for obtaining a sensible parse tree in the face of common HTML errors. WWW: |
2019-04-26T20:06:56+00:00 | graphics/photoflare |
Quick, simple but powerful cross-platform image editor PhotoFlare is a multi-platform image editor with an aim to balance between powerful features and a simple easy to graphical user interface. PhotoFlare suits a wide variety of different tasks and users who value a more nimble workflow. PhotoFlare includes features such as simple painting brushes, basic image editing capabilities, image filters, colour adjustments and more advanced features such as Batch image processing. WWW: |
2019-04-26T17:36:19+00:00 | x11-wm/cage |
Wayland kiosk Cage is a kiosk compositor for Wayland. A kiosk is a window manager (in the X11 world) or compositor (in the Wayland world) that is designed for a user experience wherein user interaction and activities outside the scope of the running application are prevented. That is, a kiosk compositor displays a single maximized application at a time and prevents the user from interacting with anything but this application. WWW: |
2019-04-26T14:21:02+00:00 | devel/f18 |
Fortran compiler targeting LLVM F18 is a ground-up implementation of a Fortran front end written in modern C++. F18, when combined with LLVM, is intended to replace the Flang compiler. WWW: |
2019-04-26T11:12:43+00:00 | net-im/coyim |
Safe and secure by default chat client CoyIM is a chat client that is safe and secure by default: no settings to change, no plugins to install, no computer configuration to change. WWW: |
2019-04-25T16:56:11+00:00 | www/py-google-cloud-logging |
Stackdriver Logging API client library Cloud Logging API: Writes log entries and manages your Cloud Logging configuration. WWW: |
2019-04-25T16:28:46+00:00 | devel/subversion-lts |
Version control system, long-time-support version Subversion is a version control system designed to be as similar to cvs(1) as possible, while fixing many outstanding problems with cvs(1). This port contains LTS release. WWW: |
2019-04-25T16:10:13+00:00 | games/orthorobot |
Perspective puzzle game Literally bridging the gap between 2D and 3D games, Ortho Robot is a perspective based puzzle game, where you flatten the view to move across gaps. Your objective is to reach the ending green block (either by standing directly on it or standing on it in relative space). For some extra challenge, try to collect all coins and perfect your time, steps and number of warps. WWW: |
2019-04-25T14:23:09+00:00 | databases/rubygem-influxdb |
Ruby library for InfluxDB This is the official Ruby library for InfluxDB. WWW: |
2019-04-25T11:56:06+00:00 | net-mgmt/zabbix42-server |
Enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring (${PKGNAMESUFFIX:S/^-//}) Zabbix is an enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring solution. Zabbix is software that monitors numerous parameters of a network and the health and integrity of servers. Zabbix uses a flexible notification mechanism that allows users to configure e-mail based alerts for virtually any event. This allows a fast reaction to server problems. Zabbix offers excellent reporting and data visualisation features based on the stored data. This makes Zabbix ideal for capacity planning. WWW: |
2019-04-25T11:56:06+00:00 | net-mgmt/zabbix42-proxy |
2019-04-25T11:56:06+00:00 | net-mgmt/zabbix42-java |
2019-04-25T11:56:06+00:00 | net-mgmt/zabbix42-frontend |
2019-04-25T11:56:06+00:00 | net-mgmt/zabbix42-agent |
2019-04-24T20:21:42+00:00 | net/rubygem-docker-api |
Simple REST client for the Docker Remote API This gem provides an object-oriented interface to the Docker Engine API. WWW: |
2019-04-24T20:16:39+00:00 | net/rubygem-orchestrator_client |
Client library for Puppet orchestration services A simple client for interacting with the Orchestration Services API in Puppet Enterprise Puppet orchestration API. WWW: |
2019-04-24T18:03:49+00:00 | biology/minimap2 |
Pairwise aligner for genomic and spliced nucleotide sequences Minimap2 is a versatile sequence alignment program that aligns DNA or mRNA sequences against a large reference database. Typical use cases include: (1) mapping PacBio or Oxford Nanopore genomic reads to the human genome (2) finding overlaps between long reads with error rate up to ~15% (3) splice-aware alignment of PacBio Iso-Seq or Nanopore cDNA or Direct RNA readsagainst a reference genome (4) aligning Illumina single- or paired-end reads (5) assembly-to-assembly alignment (6) full-genome alignment between two closely related species with divergence below ~15% WWW: |
2019-04-24T17:57:43+00:00 | devel/rubygem-puppet-resource_api |
Simple way to write new native resources for puppet This is an implementation of the Resource API specification. It provides a simple way to write new native resources for Puppet. WWW: |
2019-04-24T17:41:56+00:00 | devel/py-progress |
Easy to use progress bars It provides easy to use progress bars for Python. There are 7 progress bars to choose from: - Bar - ChargingBar - FillingSquaresBar - FillingCirclesBar - IncrementalBar - PixelBar - ShadyBar WWW: |
2019-04-24T17:38:54+00:00 | sysutils/u-boot-olinuxino-lime2-emmc |
U-Boot loader for Olinuxino Lime2. To install this bootloader on an sdcard just do : dd if=$LOCALBASE/share/u-boot/u-boot-olinuxino-lime/u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin of=/path/to/sdcarddevice bs=1k seek=8 conv=sync This version is patched so that: * API features are enabled. * A boot.scr (U-Boot script) that loads ubldr.bin and execute it is included For information about running FreeBSD on Allwinner boards, see WWW: |
2019-04-24T17:18:35+00:00 | sysutils/u-boot-olinuxino-lime2 |
U-Boot loader for Olinuxino Lime2. To install this bootloader on an sdcard just do : dd if=$LOCALBASE/share/u-boot/u-boot-olinuxino-lime/u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin of=/path/to/sdcarddevice bs=1k seek=8 conv=sync This version is patched so that: * API features are enabled. * A boot.scr (U-Boot script) that loads ubldr.bin and execute it is included For information about running FreeBSD on Allwinner boards, see WWW: |
2019-04-24T14:49:26+00:00 | sysutils/uefi-edk2-bhyve-devel |
UEFI-EDK2 firmware for bhyve UEFI-EDK2 firmware for bhyve. WWW: |
2019-04-24T09:25:47+00:00 | devel/amqp-cpp |
C++ library for asynchronous non-blocking communication with RabbitMQ AMQP-CPP is a C++ library for communicating with a RabbitMQ message broker. WWW: |
2019-04-23T17:52:36+00:00 | www/p5-HTTP-Simple |
Simple procedural interface to HTTP::Tiny HTTP::Simple is a wrapper of HTTP::Tiny that provides simplified functions for performing HTTP requests in a similar manner to LWP::Simple, but with slightly more useful error handling. For full control of the request process and response handling, use HTTP::Tiny directly. IO::Socket::SSL is required for HTTPS requests with HTTP::Tiny. Request methods that return the body content of the response will return a byte string suitable for directly printing, but that may need to be decoded for text operations. The HTTP::Tiny object used by these functions to make requests can be accessed as $HTTP::Simple::UA (for example, to configure the timeout, or replace it with a compatible object like HTTP::Tinyish). The JSON encoder used by the JSON functions defaults to a JSON::PP instance, and can be accessed as $HTTP::Simple::JSON. WWW: |
2019-04-23T17:18:13+00:00 | devel/picojson |
Header file only JSON parser/serializer in C++ PicoJSON is a tiny JSON parser / serializer for C++ with the following properties: * Header-file only * No external dependencies (only uses standard C++ libraries) * STL-friendly (arrays are represented using std::vector, objects are std::map) * Provides both pull interface and streaming (event-based) interface WWW: |
2019-04-23T15:08:11+00:00 | net/termshark |
Terminal UI for tshark, inspired by Wireshark Termshark is a simple terminal user-interface for tshark with the ability to: * Read pcap files or sniff live interfaces. * Use Wireshark's display filters. * Copy packet data to your clipboard. WWW: |
2019-04-22T09:26:37+00:00 | security/gost-engine |
Implementation of the Russian GOST crypto algorithms for OpenSSL OPENSSL GOST ENGINE An implementation of Russian cryptography standards for OpenSSL. This engine provides an implementation of various Russian cryptographic algorithms, known generally as GOST cryptographic algorithms. These algorithms can be used both via OpenSSL command line tools and via high-level libopenssl calls. WWW: |
2019-04-22T06:25:22+00:00 | multimedia/ffaudioconverter |
Graphical audio covert and filter tool FFaudioConverter is a GUI for converting music or videos to audio files with FFmpeg. Features: * DnD support * Multithreading (use the full power of your cpu) * Convert many files or whole directories very fast * Audio filters possible (bass boost your music or do fade-ins/outs...) * Change of samplerate possible * High quality resampling with SoX possible * Quick mode for copying files in same format and skip already converted files Currently supported output formats are: * mp3 * aac * ogg * opus * flac * wav WWW: |
2019-04-21T21:54:39+00:00 | misc/bitwise |
Terminal-based bitwise manipulator in curses bitwise can be used both interactivly and in command line mode. In command line mode, passing a number in any base (Decimal, Hexedical & Octal) will output the number in all bases including binary representation. WWW: |
2019-04-21T20:30:55+00:00 | biology/star |
Spliced Transcripts Alignment to a Reference STAR (Spliced Transcripts Alignment to a Reference) aims to achieve accurate alignment of high-throughput RNA-seq data. STAR is based on a previously undescribed RNA-seq alignment algorithm that uses sequential maximum mappable seed search in uncompressed suffix arrays followed by seed clustering and stitching procedure. STAR outperforms other aligners by a factor of >50 in mapping speed, aligning to the human genome 550 million 2 x 76 bp paired-end reads per hour on a modest 12-core server, while at the same time improving alignment sensitivity and precision WWW: |
2019-04-21T00:26:32+00:00 | devel/p5-Term-Form |
Read lines from STDIN Term::Form reads a line from STDIN. It is intended to cope with Unicode (multibyte character/grapheme cluster). WWW: |
2019-04-21T00:26:09+00:00 | textproc/p5-Text-ANSITable |
Create nice formatted tables using extended ASCII and ANSI colors Text::ANSITable is yet another text table formatter module like Text::ASCIITable or Text::SimpleTable, with the following differences: - Colors and color themes: ANSI color codes will be used by default (even 256 and 24bit colors), but will degrade to lower color depth and black/white according to terminal support. - Box-drawing characters: Box-drawing characters will be used by default, but will degrade to using normal ASCII characters if terminal does not support them. - Unicode and wide character support: Border styles using Unicode characters (double lines, bold/heavy lines, brick style, etc). Columns containing wide characters stay aligned. (Note: support for wide characters requires Text::ANSI::WideUtil which is currently set as an optional prereq, so you'll need to install it explicitly or set your CPAN client to install 'recommends' prereq). Compared to Text::ASCIITable, it uses lower_case method/attr names instead of CamelCase, and it uses arrayref for columns and add_row. When specifying border styles, the order of characters are slightly different. More fine-grained options to customize appearance. WWW: |
2019-04-21T00:25:45+00:00 | textproc/p5-Text-Table-TinyColorWide |
Text::Table::Tiny with support for colored text and wide character Text::Table::TinyColorWide is like Text::Table::Tiny with added support for colored text (text containing ANSI color codes) and wide characters. With this module, text with ANSI color codes and/or wide characters will still line up. WWW: |
2019-04-21T00:25:21+00:00 | devel/p5-Color-Theme-Role |
Role for class wanting to support color themes Color::Theme::Role is for class that wants to support color themes. Color theme is represented as a structure according to the specification described in Color::Theme. Color themes are put in modules under Color::Theme::Themes:: (configurable using color_theme_module_prefix attribute). Each color theme modules can contain one or more color themes. The module must define a package global variable named %color_themes that contain color themes keyed by their names. WWW: |
2019-04-21T00:24:50+00:00 | devel/p5-Border-Style |
Border style structure Border::Style specifies a structure for border styles. The distribution also comes with utility routines and roles for managing border styles in applications. WWW: |
2019-04-21T00:24:13+00:00 | textproc/p5-Text-ANSI-WideUtil |
Routines for text containing ANSI color codes (wide-character functions only) Text::ANSI::WideUtil contains the wide-character variant (ta_mb*()) for some functions in Text::ANSI::Util. It is split so only this module requires Text::WideChar::Util and Text::ANSI::Util can be kept slim. WWW: |
2019-04-21T00:23:44+00:00 | textproc/p5-Text-Table-TinyWide |
Text::Table::Tiny with support for wide character Text::Table::TinyWide is like Text::Table::Tiny with added support for wide characters. With this module, text with wide characters will still line up. Interface, options, and format variables are the same as in Text::Table::Tiny. WWW: |
2019-04-21T00:23:25+00:00 | textproc/p5-Text-Table-TinyColor |
Text::Table::Tiny with support for colored text Text::Table::TinyColor is like Text::Table::Tiny with added support for colored text (text that contains ANSI color codes). With this module, the colored text will still line up. WWW: |
2019-04-21T00:23:04+00:00 | devel/p5-Term-App-Roles |
Collection of roles for terminal-based application Term::App::Roles provides collection of roles for terminal-based application. This role gives several options to turn on/off terminal-oriented features like whether to use UTF8 characters, whether to use colors, and color depth. Defaults are set from environment variables or by detecting terminal software/capabilities. WWW: |
2019-04-21T00:22:29+00:00 | textproc/p5-Text-WideChar-Util |
Routines for text containing wide characters Text::WideChar::Util provides routines for dealing with text containing wide characters (wide meaning occupying more than 1 column width in terminal). WWW: |
2019-04-21T00:22:04+00:00 | textproc/p5-Text-Table-TSV |
Generate TSV Text::Table::TSV provides a single function, table, which formats a two-dimensional array of data as TSV. WWW: |
2019-04-21T00:21:47+00:00 | textproc/p5-Text-Table-Paragraph |
Format table data as paragraphs of rows Text::Table::Paragraph provides a single function, table, which formats a two-dimensional array of data as paragraphs. Each paragraph shows a row of data and columns are shown as name: value lines. Long values by default are wrapped and shown indented in the subsequent lines. WWW: |
2019-04-21T00:21:32+00:00 | textproc/p5-Text-Table-Org |
Generate Org tables Text::Table::Org provides a single function, table, which formats a two-dimensional array of data as an Org text table. WWW: |
2019-04-21T00:21:18+00:00 | textproc/p5-Text-Table-LTSV |
Generate LTSV Text::Table::LTSV provides a single function, table, which formats a two-dimensional array of data as LTSV. WWW: |
2019-04-21T00:20:53+00:00 | textproc/p5-Text-Table-HTML-DataTables |
Generate HTML table with jQuery and DataTables plugin Text::Table::HTML::DataTables is just like Text::Table::HTML, except the HTML code will also load jQuery and the DataTables plugin from the local filesystem (distribution shared directory), so you can filter and sort the table in the browser. WWW: |
2019-04-21T00:20:36+00:00 | textproc/p5-Text-Table-HTML |
Generate HTML table Text::Table::HTML provides a single function, table, which formats a two-dimensional array of data as HTML table. WWW: |
2019-04-21T00:20:18+00:00 | textproc/p5-Text-Table-CSV |
Generate CSV Text::Table::CSV provides a single function, table, which formats a two-dimensional array of data as CSV. WWW: |
2019-04-21T00:19:52+00:00 | textproc/p5-Text-MarkdownTable |
Write Markdown syntax tables from data Text::MarkdownTable can be used to write data in tabular form, formatted in MultiMarkdown syntax. The resulting format can be used for instance to display CSV data or to include data tables in Markdown files. Newlines and vertical bars in table cells are replaced by a space character and cell values can be truncated. WWW: |
2019-04-21T00:19:20+00:00 | textproc/p5-Text-ANSI-Util |
Routines for text containing ANSI color codes Text::ANSI::Util provides routines for dealing with text that contains ANSI color codes, e.g. for determining its length/width (excluding the color codes), stripping the color codes, extracting the color codes, and so on. WWW: |
2019-04-21T00:18:05+00:00 | devel/p5-Term-Detect-Software |
Detect terminal (emulator) software and its capabilities Term::Detect::Software uses several heuristics to find out what terminal (emulator) software the current process is running in, and its capabilities/settings. This module complements other modules such as Term::Terminfo and Term::Encoding. WWW: |
2019-04-21T00:17:43+00:00 | devel/p5-Parse-VarName |
Routines to parse variable name Parse::VarName provides routines to parse variable name. WWW: |
2019-04-21T00:17:06+00:00 | devel/p5-Package-MoreUtil |
Package-related utilities Package::MoreUtil provides package-related utilities. WWW: |
2019-04-21T00:16:38+00:00 | devel/p5-Log-ger |
Lightweight, flexible logging framework Log::ger is yet another logging framework with the following features: - Separation of producers and consumers/listeners - Lightweight and fast - Flexible WWW: |
2019-04-21T00:15:55+00:00 | devel/p5-Function-Fallback-CoreOrPP |
Functions that use non-core XS module but provide pure-Perl/core fallback Function::Fallback::CoreOrPP provides functions that use non-core XS modules (for best speed, reliability, feature, etc) but falls back to those that use core XS or pure-Perl modules when the non-core XS module is not available. This module helps when you want to bootstrap your Perl application with a portable, dependency-free Perl script. In a vanilla Perl installation (having only core modules), you can use App::FatPacker to include non-core pure-Perl dependencies to your script. WWW: |
2019-04-21T00:15:32+00:00 | devel/p5-Color-RGB-Util |
Utilities related to RGB colors Color::RGB::Util provides utilities related to RGB colors. WWW: |
2019-04-20T23:08:05+00:00 | devel/py-pysdl2 |
Python bindings to the SDL2 libraries PySDL2 is a wrapper around the SDL2 library and as such similar to the discontinued PySDL project. In contrast to PySDL, it has no licensing restrictions, nor does it rely on C code, but uses ctypes instead. WWW: |
2019-04-20T14:51:53+00:00 | sysutils/z |
Takes you to your most used directories, based on "frecency" z tracks your most used directories, based on 'frecency'. After a short learning phase, z will take you to the most 'frecent' directory that matches ALL of the regexes given on the command line, in order. For example, z foo bar would match /foo/bar but not /bar/foo. Because they're regexes, z f b would take you to /foo/bar as well. z is designed for use only with zsh and bash. WWW: |
2019-04-19T08:37:44+00:00 | net/py-cloudflare-scrape-js2py |
Python module to bypass Cloudflare's anti-bot page using js2py #' A simple Python module to bypass Cloudflare's anti-bot page (also known as "I'm Under Attack Mode", or IUAM), implemented with Requests. Cloudflare changes their techniques periodically, so I will update this repo frequently. This can be useful if you wish to scrape or crawl a website protected with Cloudflare. Cloudflare's anti-bot page currently just checks if the client supports Javascript, though they may add additional techniques in the future. Due to Cloudflare continually changing and hardening their protection page, cloudflare-scrape requires js2py to solve Javascript challenges. This allows the script to easily impersonate a regular web browser without explicitly deobfuscating and parsing Cloudflare's Javascript. WWW: |
2019-04-19T08:35:51+00:00 | devel/py-Js2Py |
JavaScript to Python translator and interpreter Translates JavaScript to Python code. Js2Py is able to translate and execute virtually any JavaScript code. Js2Py is written in pure python and does not have any dependencies. Basically an implementation of JavaScript core in pure python. WWW: |
2019-04-19T08:33:47+00:00 | devel/py-pyjsparser |
Fast javascript parser Fast JavaScript parser - manual translation of esprima.js to python. Takes 1 second to parse whole angular.js library so parsing speed is about 100k characters per second which makes it the fastest and most comprehensible JavaScript parser for python out there. WWW: |
2019-04-19T07:34:53+00:00 | sysutils/rubygem-bundler1 |
Tool that manages gem dependencies for Ruby applications Bundler is a tool that manages gem dependencies for your ruby application. It takes a gem manifest file and is able to fetch, download, and install the gems and all child dependencies specified in this manifest. It can manage any update to the gem manifest file and update the bundled gems accordingly. It also letsyou run any ruby code in context of the bundled gem environment. WWW: |
2019-04-19T07:34:43+00:00 | databases/mongodb40-tools |
Tools for MongoDB Useful utilities for managing a MongoDB instance written in Go. - bsondump - display BSON files in a human-readable format - mongoimport - Convert data from JSON, TSV or CSV and insert them into a collection - mongoexport - Write an existing collection to CSV or JSON format - mongodump/mongorestore - Dump MongoDB backups to disk in .BSON format, or restore them to a live database - mongostat - Monitor live MongoDB servers, replica sets, or sharded clusters - mongofiles - Read, write, delete, or update files in GridFS - mongotop - Monitor read/write activity on a mongo server - mongoreplay - Capture, observe, and replay traffic for MongoDB WWW: |
2019-04-18T23:06:43+00:00 | emulators/qemu2 |
QEMU CPU Emulator QEMU is a FAST! processor emulator using dynamic translation to achieve good emulation speed. QEMU has two operating modes: * Full system emulation. In this mode, QEMU emulates a full system (for example a PC), including a processor and various peripherials. It can be used to launch different Operating Systems without rebooting the PC or to debug system code. * User mode emulation (Linux host only). In this mode, QEMU can launch Linux processes compiled for one CPU on another CPU. It can be used to launch the Wine Windows API emulator or to ease cross-compilation and cross-debugging. As QEMU requires no host kernel patches to run, it is very safe and easy to use. See also the preconfigured system images on Many live cd isos also work. WWW: |
2019-04-18T19:42:39+00:00 | www/py-django-cacheops |
Slick ORM cache with automatic granular event-driven invalidation A slick app that supports automatic or manual queryset caching and automatic granular event-driven invalidation. It uses redis as backend for ORM cache and redis or filesystem for simple time-invalidated one. And there is more to it: * Decorators to cache any user function or view as a queryset or by time * Extensions for django and jinja2 templates * Transparent transaction support * Dog-pile prevention mechanism * A couple of hacks to make django faster WWW: |
2019-04-18T19:37:00+00:00 | devel/py-funcy |
Fancy and practical functional tools A collection of fancy functional tools focused on practicality. It was designed to be a layer of functional tools over Python. It was inspired by Clojure and Underscore (JS library). WWW: |
2019-04-18T17:05:53+00:00 | devel/py-google-i18n-address |
Build and validate addresses in localized formats Contents of this package will allow you to programatically build address forms that adhere to rules of a particular region or country, validate local addresses and format them to produce a valid address label for delivery. WWW: |
2019-04-18T15:02:22+00:00 | www/p5-Dancer-Plugin-Swagger |
Dancer plugin to create Swagger documentation for app REST This plugin provides tools to create and access a Swagger specification file for a Dancer REST web service. Overview of Dancer::Plugin::Swagger's features: * Can create a /swagger.json REST specification file. * Can auto-discover routes and add them to the swagger file. * Can provide a Swagger UI version of the swagger documentation. WWW: |
2019-04-18T14:55:40+00:00 | archivers/lizard |
Efficient compressor with very fast decompression Lizard (formerly LZ5) is an efficient compressor with very fast decompression. It achieves compression ratio that is comparable to zip/zlib and zstd/brotli (at low and medium compression levels) at decompression speed of 1000 MB/s and faster. WWW: |
2019-04-17T18:50:17+00:00 | devel/py-more-itertools5 |
More routines for operating on iterables, beyond itertools Python's itertools library is a gem - you can compose elegant solutions for a variety of problems with the functions it provides. In more-itertools one collect additional building blocks, recipes, and routines for working with Python iterables. WWW: |
2019-04-17T10:47:14+00:00 | devel/cfr |
Class File Reader (CFR) Java decompiler CFR will decompile modern Java features - up to and including much of Java 9, 10, 12 and beyond, but is written entirely in Java 6, so will work anywhere! It'll even make a decent go of turning class files from other JVM langauges (like Kotlin) back into Java! To use, simply run the specific version jar, with the class name(s) you want to decompile (either as a path to a class file, or as a fully qualified classname on your classpath). (Use --help to list arguments). Alternately, to decompile an entire jar, simply provide the jar path, and if you want to emit files (which you probably do!) add --outputdir /tmp/putithere. WWW: |
2019-04-17T08:17:11+00:00 | devel/phpunit8 |
Testing framework for unit tests PHPUnit is a regression testing framework used by the developer who implements unit tests in PHP. WWW: |
2019-04-16T23:49:54+00:00 | devel/py-prompt_toolkit1 |
Library for building powerful interactive command lines in Python prompt_toolkit is a library for building powerful interactive command lines in Python. It ships with a nice interactive Python shell (called ptpython) built on top of the library. prompt_toolkit could be a replacement for readline, but it can be much more than that. WWW: |
2019-04-16T15:41:29+00:00 | audio/vimpc |
Ncurses client for musicpd with vi-like key bindings vimpc is a client for mpd with vi-like key bindings, written in C++. It provides an alternative to other ncurses-based mpd clients (such as ncmpc and ncmpcpp) in the sense that it features an interface similar to that of the vim text editor. WWW: |
2019-04-16T10:32:50+00:00 | x11-fonts/oxygen-fonts |
Plasma5 Oxygen font family Oxygen Font is a project to design a desktop/gui font for integrated use with the KDE Plasma desktop. The basic concept for Oxygen Font is to design a clear, legible, sans serif font which would be rendered with Freetype on Linux-based devices. In addition a bold weight, plus regular and bold italics, and a monospace version will be made. WWW: |
2019-04-15T21:34:22+00:00 | net/frr7 |
IP routing protocol suite including BGP, IS-IS, OSPF and RIP FRRouting (FRR) is an IP routing protocol suite for Linux and Unix platforms which includes protocol daemons for BGP, IS-IS, OSPF and RIP. FRR has its roots in the Quagga project. WWW: |
2019-04-15T21:15:28+00:00 | databases/py-tableschema |
Utility library for working with Table Schema Table Schema is a simple language- and implementation-agnostic way to declare a schema for tabular data. Table Schema is well suited for use cases around handling and validating tabular data in text formats such as CSV, but its utility extends well beyond this core usage, towards a range of applications where data benefits from a portable schema format. Features: - Table to work with data tables described by Table Schema - Schema representing Table Schema - Field representing Table Schema field - validate to validate Table Schema - infer to infer Table Schema from data - built-in command-line interface to validate and infer schemas - storage/plugins system to connect tables to different storage backends like SQL Database WWW: |
2019-04-15T21:15:22+00:00 | devel/py-tabulator |
Consistent interface for stream reading and writing tabular data (csv/xls/json/etc) tabulator-py is a library for reading and writing tabular data (csv/xls/json/etc). Features: - Supports most common tabular formats: CSV, XLS, ODS, JSON, Google Sheets, SQL, and others. See complete list below. - Loads local and remote data: Supports HTTP and FTP. - Low memory usage: Only the current row is kept in memory, so you can large datasets. - Supports compressed files: Using ZIP or GZIP algorithms. - Extensible: You can add support for custom file formats and loaders (e.g. FTP). WWW: |
2019-04-15T21:15:16+00:00 | textproc/py-openpyxl24 |
Python library to read/write Excel 2007 xlsx/xlsm files OpenPyxl is a Python library to read/write Excel 2007 xlsx/xlsm files. WWW: |
2019-04-15T21:14:28+00:00 | textproc/py-cchardet |
High speed universal character encoding detector cChardet is high speed universal character encoding detector - binding to uchardet. WWW: |
2019-04-15T21:14:23+00:00 | devel/py-jsonschema2 |
JSON Schema validation for Python jsonschema is an implementation of JSON Schema for Python - Full support for Draft 3 and Draft 4 of the schema. - Lazy validation that can iteratively report all validation errors. - Small and extensible - Programmatic querying of which properties or items failed validation. WWW: |
2019-04-15T20:35:01+00:00 | devel/py-ijson |
Iterative JSON parser with a standard Python iterator interface Ijson is an iterative JSON parser with a standard Python iterator interface. Ijson provides several implementations of the actual parsing in the form of backends located in ijson/backends: - yajl2_cffi: wrapper around YAJL 2.x using CFFI, this is the fastest. - yajl2: wrapper around YAJL 2.x using ctypes, for when you can't use CFFI for some reason. - yajl: deprecated YAJL 1.x + ctypes wrapper, for even older systems. - python: pure Python parser, good to use with PyPy WWW: |
2019-04-15T09:13:40+00:00 | devel/p5-MooseX-MungeHas |
Munge your "has" (works with Moo, Moose and Mouse) MooseX::MungeHas alters the behaviour of the attributes of your Moo, Moose or Mouse based class. It manages to support all three because it doesn't attempt to do anything smart with metathingies; it simply installs a wrapper for has that munges the attribute specification hash before passing it on to the original has function. WWW: |
2019-04-15T09:07:19+00:00 | devel/p5-MooX-Singleton |
Turn your Moo class into singleton Role::Tiny role that provides "instance" method turning your object into singleton. NOTE: Subsequent calls to "instance" will return the singleton instance ignoring any arguments. This is different from MooseX::Singleton which does not allow any arguments. WWW: |
2019-04-15T08:59:45+00:00 | devel/p5-File-ShareDir-Tarball |
Deal transparently with shared files distributed as tarballs If the shared files of a distribution are contained in a tarball (see Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ShareDir::Tarball for why you would want to do that) automatically extract the archive in a temporary directory and return the path to that directory. If called for a regular distribution without a bundle file (shared-files.tar.gz), it'll return the original shared dir. In other words, from the consumer point of view, it'll behave just like File::ShareDir. WWW: |
2019-04-15T04:21:32+00:00 | multimedia/olive |
NLE (nonlinear) video editor Olive is a free non-linear video editor aiming to provide a fully-featured alternative to high-end professional video editing software. WWW: |
2019-04-15T03:02:59+00:00 | www/p5-Mojo-Weixin |
Weixin Client Framework base on Mojolicious Mojo::Weixin is a Weixin Client Framework base on Mojolicious. WWW: |
2019-04-14T13:48:04+00:00 | x11-themes/plata-theme |
Gtk theme based on Material Design Refresh Plata is a Gtk theme based on Material Design Refresh. Supported Desktop Environments: * GNOME-Shell >= 3.20.0 * GNOME-Flashback >= 3.20 * Budgie-Desktop >= 10.4 * Cinnamon >= 3.2.0 * XFce4 >= 4.12.2 * Mate >= 1.22 (Marco >= 1.22.2) * LXDE >= 0.99.1 (Gtk 2.x only) WWW: |
2019-04-13T23:31:50+00:00 | textproc/rubygem-elasticsearch-rails |
Ruby on Rails integrations for Elasticsearch The Elasticsearch::Rails library is a companion for the the elasticsearch-model library, providing features suitable for Ruby on Rails applications. WWW: |
2019-04-13T23:31:33+00:00 | textproc/rubygem-elasticsearch-persistence |
Persistence layer for Ruby models and Elasticsearch Elasticsearch::Persistence is the persistence layer for Ruby domain objects in Elasticsearch, using the Repository pattern. WWW: |
2019-04-13T23:29:24+00:00 | textproc/rubygem-elasticsearch-model |
ActiveModel/Record integrations for Elasticsearch The Elasticsearch::Model library builds on top of the elasticsearch library. It aims to simplify integration of Ruby classes ("models"), commonly found e.g. in Ruby on Rails applications, with the Elasticsearch search and analytics engine. WWW: |
2019-04-13T23:29:18+00:00 | mail/p5-Mail-AuthenticationResults |
Object Oriented Authentication-Results Headers Mail::AuthenticationResults provides object-oriented authentication-results email headers. This parser copes with most styles of Authentication-Results header seen in the wild, but is not yet fully RFC7601 compliant. Differences from RFC7601: - key/value pairs are parsed when present in the authserv-id section, this is against RFC but has been seen in headers added by Yahoo!. - Comments added between key/value pairs will be added after them in the data structures and when stringified. WWW: |
2019-04-13T18:27:17+00:00 | graphics/kamerka |
Take photos using your webcam and shiny animated QML interface Take photos using your webcam and shiny animated QML interface. It provides a very nice user interface to use your webcam to take photos. WWW: |
2019-04-13T09:39:18+00:00 | lang/erlang-man |
Manual pages for Erlang/OTP Erlang is a programming language used to build massively scalable soft real-time systems with requirements on high availability. Some of its uses are in telecoms, banking, e-commerce, computer telephony and instant messaging. Erlang's runtime system has built-in support for concurrency, distribution and fault tolerance. This port contains the man pages for Erlang/OTP. WWW: |
2019-04-12T22:00:10+00:00 | net/py-zeep |
Modern/fast Python SOAP client based on lxml / requests A fast and modern Python SOAP client - Compatible with Python 2.7, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7 and PyPy - Build on top of lxml and requests - Support for Soap 1.1, Soap 1.2 and HTTP bindings - Support for WS-Addressing headers - Support for WSSE (UserNameToken / x.509 signing) - Support for tornado async transport via gen.coroutine (Python 2.7+) - Support for asyncio via aiohttp (Python 3.5+) - Experimental support for XOP messages WWW: |
2019-04-12T20:58:02+00:00 | databases/rubygem-state_machines-activerecord05 |
Support for creating state machines for attributes on ActiveRecord The StateMachines Active Record 4.1+ integration adds support for database transactions, automatically saving the record, named scopes, validation errors. WWW: |
2019-04-12T17:01:10+00:00 | biology/py-xenaPython |
API for Xena Hub to access genetic information shared through the hub Python API for Xena Hub. Xena Hub is a Java-based server software installed on the clients' servers that hosts their genomic data in order to share it with others. Using this Python API and other browsers that are part of the UC Santa Cruz Xena project, it is possible to easily access a wide variety of genomic information shared by a large number of researchers. WWW: |
2019-04-12T06:30:30+00:00 | misc/orion |
QML/C++-written desktop client for QML/C++-written desktop client for Features: * Login by twitch credentials * Desktop notifications * Integrated player * Chat support * Support for live streams and vods WWW: |
2019-04-12T03:21:56+00:00 | misc/py-eemeter |
Package implementing methods to calculate metered energy consumption An open source python package for implementing and developing standard methods for calculating normalized metered energy consumption and avoided energy use. WWW: |
2019-04-10T14:41:49+00:00 | lang/erlang-runtime22 |
Functional programming language from Ericsson Erlang is a programming language used to build massively scalable soft real-time systems with requirements on high availability. Some of its uses are in telecoms, banking, e-commerce, computer telephony and instant messaging. Erlang's runtime system has built-in support for concurrency, distribution and fault tolerance. This port contains a standalone runtime environment of Erlang 22 to be used during the development of OTP applications. WWW: |
2019-04-10T08:21:43+00:00 | finance/bitcoinnodestats |
Basic Bitcoin node status and statistics web application Bitcoin node status and statistics web interface based on Django. Features: * Current node status overview * Charts of peer count, upload and download history WWW: |
2019-04-08T19:21:19+00:00 | x11-fonts/orbitron |
Geometric sans-serif typeface intended for display purposes Orbitron is a geometric sans-serif typeface intended for display purposes. It features four weights (light, medium, bold, and black), a stylistic alternative, small caps, and a ton of alternate glyphs. WWW: |
2019-04-08T18:25:46+00:00 | devel/lab |
Lab makes it simple to work with repositories on GitLab Lab wraps Git or Hub, making it simple to clone, fork, and interact with repositories on GitLab WWW: |
2019-04-08T07:07:42+00:00 | security/cowrie |
Cowrie SSH/Telnet honeypot Cowrie is a medium interaction SSH and Telnet honeypot designed to log brute force attacks and the shell interaction performed by the attacker. WWW: |
2019-04-08T06:39:24+00:00 | deskutils/cherrytree |
Hierarchical note taking application A hierarchical note taking application, featuring rich text and syntax highlighting, storing data in a single xml or sqlite file. WWW: |
2019-04-07T16:50:29+00:00 | devel/py-javaproperties |
Read and write Java .properties files This package provides support for reading & writing Java .properties files (both the simple line-oriented format and XML) with a simple API based on the json module - though, for recovering Java addicts, it also includes a Properties class intended to match the behavior of Java 8's java.util.Properties as much as is Pythonically possible. WWW: |
2019-04-07T16:36:20+00:00 | devel/py-saneyaml |
Dump readable YAML and load safely any YAML data Dump readable YAML and load safely any YAML preserving ordering and avoiding surprises of type conversions. This library is a PyYaml wrapper with sane behaviour to read and write readable YAML safely, typically when used for configuration. WWW: |
2019-04-07T11:59:46+00:00 | net/p5-Text-Authinfo |
Read, query and write authinfo files Text::Authinfo provides methods to read, query and write authinfo files. WWW: |
2019-04-06T21:56:34+00:00 | graphics/py-geomdl |
Object-oriented pure Python B-Spline and NURBS library NURBS-Python (geomdl) is a pure Python, self-contained, object-oriented B-Spline and NURBS spline library for Python versions 2.7.x, 3.4.x and later. NURBS-Python (geomdl) provides convenient data structures and highly customizable API for rational and non-rational splines along with the efficient and extensible implementations of the following algorithms: - Spline evaluation - Derivative evaluation - Knot insertion - Knot removal - Knot vector refinement - Degree elevation - Degree reduction - Curve and surface fitting via interpolation and least squares approximation NURBS-Python (geomdl) also provides customizable visualization and animation options via Matplotlib, Plotly and VTK libraries. WWW: |
2019-04-06T16:27:13+00:00 | science/cp2k-data |
Data for cp2k quantum chemistry package Data files used by the cp2k quantum chemistry package. They include pseudopotentials and other data needed for computations. WWW: |
2019-04-06T13:46:48+00:00 | japanese/spoqahansans-ttf |
Japanese custom font based on Noto Sans and Lato Spoqa Han Sans: A custom font based on Noto Sans and Lato This is Spoqa Han Sans JP, which supports both Korean and Japanese but prioritizes Japanese Kanji above the other. "Spoqa Han Sans is a custom font based on Noto Sans and Lato to fit multilingual UI of Spoqa's products. We now unveil the new version which has evolved in many ways." --- Spoqa WWW: |
2019-04-06T13:36:10+00:00 | korean/spoqahansans-ttf |
Korean custom font based on Noto Sans and Lato Spoqa Han Sans: A custom font based on Noto Sans and Lato This is Spoqa Han Sans, which supports both Korean and Japanese but prioritizes Korean Hanja above the other. "Spoqa Han Sans is a custom font based on Noto Sans and Lato to fit multilingual UI of Spoqa's products. We now unveil the new version which has evolved in many ways." --- Spoqa WWW: |
2019-04-06T08:15:37+00:00 | www/py-soupsieve |
CSS4 selector implementation for BeautifulSoup SoupSieve is a CSS selector library designed to be used with BeautifulSoup4. It aims to provide selecting, matching, and filtering using modern CSS selectors. SoupSieve currently provides selectors from the CSS level 1 specifications up through the latest CSS level 4 drafts (though some are not yet implemented). WWW: |
2019-04-05T23:54:58+00:00 | devel/rttr |
Run Time Type Reflection RTTR stands for Run Time Type Reflection. It describes the ability of a computer program to introspect and modify an object at runtime. It is also the name of the library itself, which is written in C++ and released as open source library. You can find more information on: WWW: |
2019-04-04T18:28:35+00:00 | devel/modules2tuple |
Generate GH_TUPLE from modules.txt modules2tuple is a helper tool for generating GH_TUPLE from vendor/modules.txt WWW: |
2019-04-04T08:33:27+00:00 | mail/sendmail-devel |
Reliable, highly configurable mail transfer agent with utilities Sendmail implements a general purpose internetwork mail routing facility under the UNIX operating system. It is not tied to any one transport protocol - its function may be likened to a crossbar switch, relaying messages from one domain into another. In the process, it can do a limited amount of message header editing to put the message into a format that is appropriate for the receiving domain. All of this is done under the control of a configuration file. Sendmail is a trademark of Sendmail, Inc. WWW: |
2019-04-03T18:05:21+00:00 | textproc/py-asonic |
Async Python client for the Sonic search backend Async Python client for the Sonic search backend. Asonic implements all Sonic APIs. WWW: |
2019-04-03T17:43:12+00:00 | textproc/sonic |
Fast, lightweight, and schema-less search backend Sonic is a fast, lightweight, and schema-less search backend. It ingests search texts and identifier tuples that can then be queried against in a microsecond's time. Sonic can be used as a simple alternative to super-heavy and full-featured search backends such as Elasticsearch in some use-cases. It is capable of normalizing natural language search queries, auto-completing a search query and providing the most relevant results for a query. Sonic is an identifier index, rather than a document index; when queried, it returns IDs that can then be used to refer to the matched documents in an external database. A strong attention to performance and code cleanliness has been given when designing Sonic. It aims at being crash-free, super-fast and puts minimum strain on server resources. WWW: |
2019-04-03T16:33:24+00:00 | math/lis |
Library of Iterative Solvers for linear systems Lis (pronounced [lis]) is a parallel software library for solving linear equations and eigenvalue problems that arise in the numerical solution of partial differential equations using iterative methods. WWW: |
2019-04-02T22:00:55+00:00 | archivers/php-zstd |
Zstandard extension for PHP This is the PHP extension for zstandard, or zstd a fast lossless compression algorithm. WWW: |
2019-04-02T22:00:55+00:00 | archivers/php-lz4 |
LZ4 extension for PHP This is the extension PHP extension for lz4 a lossless compression algorithm, providing hi compression speed and multi-core scalability. WWW: |
2019-04-02T13:54:00+00:00 | misc/p5-Array-Utils |
Collection of list manipulation routines A small pure-perl module containing list manipulation routines. The module emerged because I was tired to include same utility routines in numerous projects. WWW: |
2019-04-02T08:02:30+00:00 | databases/rubygem-gdbm |
Ruby extension to GDBM library Ruby extension for GNU dbm (gdbm) -- a simple database engine for storing key-value pairs on disk. GNU dbm is a library for simple databases. A database is a file that stores key-value pairs. Gdbm allows the user to store, retrieve, and delete data by key. It furthermore allows a non-sorted traversal of all key-value pairs. A gdbm database thus provides the same functionality as a hash. As with objects of the Hash class, elements can be accessed with []. Furthermore, GDBM mixes in the Enumerable module, thus providing convenient methods such as #find, #collect, #map, etc. A process is allowed to open several different databases at the same time. A process can open a database as a "reader" or a "writer". Whereas a reader has only read-access to the database, a writer has read- and write-access. A database can be accessed either by any number of readers or by exactly one writer at the same time. WWW: |
2019-04-02T07:21:22+00:00 | devel/go-git |
Highly extensible git implementation in pure Go go-git aims to reach the completeness of libgit2 or jgit, nowadays covers the majority of the plumbing read operations and some of the main write operations, but lacks the main porcelain operations such as merges. It is highly extensible, we have been following the open/close principle in its design to facilitate extensions, mainly focusing the efforts on the persistence of the objects. WWW: |
2019-04-01T23:45:05+00:00 | www/py-django22 |
High-level Python Web Framework Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. Developed and used over the past two years by a fast-moving online-news operation, Django was designed from scratch to handle two challenges: the intensive deadlines of a newsroom and the stringent requirements of experienced Web developers. It has convenient niceties for developing content-management systems, but it's an excellent tool for building any Web site. WWW: |
2019-04-01T15:13:05+00:00 | astro/gnuastro |
GNU astronomy utilities and library The GNU Astronomy Utilities (Gnuastro) is an official GNU software package consisting of various programs and library functions for the manipulation and analysis of astronomical data. All the programs share the same basic command-line user interface enabling easy and efficient operation combined with other installed programs in shell scripts or Makefiles; the libraries are also usable in C and C++ programs. WWW: |
2019-03-31T13:10:03+00:00 | net/tigervnc-viewer |
TigerVNC Viewer This port provides client(viewer) compornents of TigerVNC. TigerVNC is a high-performance, platform-neutral implementation of VNC, a client/server application that allows users to launch and interact with graphical applications on remote machines. WWW: |
2019-03-31T13:10:03+00:00 | net/tigervnc-server |
TigerVNC Server This port provides server components of TigerVNC. TigerVNC is a high-performance, platform-neutral implementation of VNC, a client/server application that allows users to launch and interact with graphical applications on remote machines. WWW: |
2019-03-31T08:24:32+00:00 | science/py-qcengine |
Quantum chemistry program executor and IO standardizer (QCSchema) Quantum chemistry program executor and IO standardizer (QCSchema) for quantum chemistry. Currently available compute backends for single results are: * Quantum Chemistry: * Psi4 * AI Evaluation: * TorchANI * Molecular Mechanics: * RDKit WWW: |
2019-03-31T08:12:37+00:00 | science/py-qcelemental |
Essentials for quantum chemistry QCElemental is a resource module for quantum chemistry containing physical constants and periodic table data from NIST and molecule handlers. Periodic Table and Physical Constants data are pulled from NIST srd144 and srd121, respectively (details) in a renewable manner (class around NIST-published JSON file). This project also contains a generator, validator, and translator for Molecule QCSchema. WWW: |
2019-03-31T07:33:02+00:00 | devel/py-pydantic |
Data validation and settings management using python 3.6 type hinting Data validation and settings management using python type hinting. Define how data should be in pure, canonical python; validate it with pydantic. WWW: |
2019-03-31T06:08:08+00:00 | devel/py-dataclasses |
Backport of the dataclasses module for Python 3.6 This is an implementation of PEP 557, Data Classes. It is a backport for Python 3.6. Because dataclasses will be included in Python 3.7, any discussion of dataclass features should occur on the python-dev mailing list at At this point this repo should only be used for historical purposes (it's where the original dataclasses discussions took place) and for discussion of the actual backport to Python 3.6. WWW: |
2019-03-30T22:16:43+00:00 | devel/py-addict |
Dictionary whose items can be set using both attribute and item syntax addict is a Python module that gives you dictionaries whose values are both gettable and settable using attributes, in addition to standard item-syntax. WWW: |
2019-03-30T12:27:52+00:00 | deskutils/py-paperless |
Index and archive scanned paper documents Index and archive all of your scanned paper documents. Paperless is a simple Django application running in two parts: The consumer, which does the indexing and a web interface, which let's you you search and download already-indexed documents. WWW: WWW: |
2019-03-30T04:19:57+00:00 | textproc/py-sphinxcontrib-jsmath |
Sphinx extension which renders display math in HTML via JavaScript Sphinxcontrib-jsmath is a sphinx extension which renders display math in HTML via JavaScript. WWW: |
2019-03-30T04:11:51+00:00 | textproc/py-sphinxcontrib-devhelp |
Sphinx extension which outputs Devhelp document Sphinxcontrib-devhelp is a sphinx extension which outputs Devhelp document. WWW: |
2019-03-30T04:04:35+00:00 | textproc/py-sphinxcontrib-applehelp |
Extension which outputs Apple help books Sphinxcontrib-applehelp is a sphinx extension which outputs Apple help books. WWW: |
2019-03-29T19:44:11+00:00 | shells/antibody |
High-performance zsh plugin manager Antibody is a shell plugin manager made from the ground up thinking about performance. It is faster because it can do things concurrently, while Antigen does it sequentially. It also has the advantage of using a compiled language (go) instead of a scripting one. WWW: |
2019-03-29T16:33:33+00:00 | textproc/py-pykwalify |
Python library and CLI for JSON/YAML schema validation pyKwalify is a YAML/JSON validation library. This framework is a port with a lot of added functionality of the Java version of the framework kwalify that can be found at The schema this library is based on and extended from: WWW: |
2019-03-29T12:40:41+00:00 | net/boringtun |
CloudFlares Userspace WireGuard implementation in Rust BoringTun is an implementation of the WireGuard protocol designed for portability and speed. The project consists of two parts: * The executable boringtun, a userspace WireGuard implementation for Linux and macOS. * The library boringtun that can be used to implement fast and efficient WireGuard client apps on various platforms, including iOS and Android. It implements the underlying WireGuard protocol, without the network or tunnel stacks, those can be implemented in a platform idiomatic way. NOTE: This crate is still undergoing review for security concerns. Therefore, we recommend that you take caution before using it in a production application. WWW: |
2019-03-28T16:46:51+00:00 | textproc/up |
Ultimate plumber, a tool for writing pipes with instant live preview up is the Ultimate Plumber, a tool for writing Linux pipes in a terminal-based UI interactively, with instant live preview of command results. The main goal of the Ultimate Plumber is to help interactively and incrementally explore textual data in Linux, by making it easier to quickly build complex pipelines, thanks to a fast feedback loop. This is achieved by boosting any typical Linux text-processing utils such as grep, sort, cut, paste, awk, wc, perl, etc., etc., by providing a quick, interactive, scrollable preview of their results. WWW: |
2019-03-28T16:44:37+00:00 | devel/py-testfixtures |
Collection of helpers and mock objects for unit tests and doc tests TestFixtures is a collection of helpers and mock objects that are useful when writing unit tests or doc tests. If you're wondering why "yet another mock object library", testing is often described as an art form and as such some styles of library will suit some people while others will suit other styles. This library contains common test fixtures the author found himself repeating from package to package and so decided to extract them into their own library and give them some tests of their own! WWW: |
2019-03-28T14:04:14+00:00 | ftp/py-aioftp |
FTP client/server for asyncio ftp client/server for asyncio WWW: |
2019-03-28T14:03:14+00:00 | security/py-trustme |
Top quality TLS certs while you wait, for the discerning tester You wrote a cool network client or server. It encrypts connections using TLS. Your test suite needs to make TLS connections to itself. Uh oh. Your test suite probably doesn't have a valid TLS certificate. Now what? trustme is a tiny Python package that does one thing: it gives you a fake certificate authority (CA) that you can use to generate fake TLS certs to use in your tests. Well, technically they're real certs, they're just signed by your CA, which nobody trusts. But you can trust it. Trust me. WWW: |
2019-03-27T17:10:54+00:00 | databases/automysqlbackup |
Automatic MySQL Backup Tool AutoMySQLBackup with a basic configuration will create Daily, Weekly and Monthly backups of one or more of your MySQL databases from one or more of your MySQL servers. Other Features include: - Email notification of backups - Backup Compression and Encryption - Configurable backup rotation - Incremental database backups WWW: |
2019-03-27T09:39:13+00:00 | devel/py-snakeviz |
Web-based viewer for Python profiler output SnakeViz is a viewer for Python profiling data that runs as a web application in your browser. It is inspired by the wxPython profile viewer RunSnakeRun. WWW: |
2019-03-27T08:36:30+00:00 | devel/py-cftime |
Time-handling functionality from netcdf4-python Python library for decoding time units and variable values in a netCDF file conforming to the Climate and Forecasting (CF) netCDF conventions. WWW: |
2019-03-27T06:00:11+00:00 | comms/openzwave |
Open-source interface to Z-Wave networks Free software library that interfaces with selected Z-Wave PC controllers, allowing anyone to create applications that manipulate and respond to devices on a Z-Wave network, without requiring in-depth knowledge of the Z-Wave protocol. WWW: |
2019-03-26T10:43:15+00:00 | net/haproxy18 |
Reliable, high performance TCP/HTTP load balancer HAProxy is a free, very fast and reliable solution offering high availability, load balancing, and proxying for TCP and HTTP-based applications. It is particularly suited for web sites crawling under very high loads while needing persistence or Layer7 processing. WWW: |
2019-03-25T22:04:55+00:00 | net-im/nheko |
Matrix IM client based on Qt technologies The motivation behind the project is to provide a native desktop app for Matrix that feels more like a mainstream chat app (Riot, Telegram) and less like an IRC client. WWW: |
2019-03-25T20:37:59+00:00 | audio/pulseaudio-qt |
Pulseaudio bindings for Qt Pulseaudio bindings for Qt. PulseAudio is a sound system for POSIX OSes, meaning that it is a proxy for your sound applications. It allows you to do advanced operations on your sound data as it passes between your application and your hardware. Things like transferring the audio to a different machine, changing the sample format or channel count and mixing several sounds into one are easily achieved using a sound server. WWW: |
2019-03-25T16:32:18+00:00 | deskutils/meteo |
Weather forecast application using OpenWeatherMap API Know the forecast of the next hours & days. Meteo is a forecast application developed with Vala & Gtk, using OpenWeatherMap API. WWW: |
2019-03-25T15:55:31+00:00 | www/py-dj21-django-auth-ldap |
LDAP integration for django.contrib.auth This is a Django authentication backend that authenticates against an LDAP service. Configuration can be as simple as a single distinguished name template, but there are many rich configuration options for working with users, groups, and permissions. WWW: |
2019-03-25T14:03:16+00:00 | devel/deployer |
Deployment tool for PHP A deployment tool written in PHP with support for popular frameworks out of the box. WWW: |
2019-03-25T12:49:25+00:00 | shells/ion |
Modern system shell written in Rust Ion is a modern system shell that features a simple, yet powerful, syntax. It is written entirely in Rust, which greatly increases the overall quality and security of the shell, eliminating the possibilities of a ShellShock-like vulnerability, and making development easier. It also offers a level of performance that exceeds that of Dash, when taking advantage of Ion's features. While it is developed alongside, and primarily for, RedoxOS, it is a fully capable on other *nix platforms. WWW: |
2019-03-25T10:40:41+00:00 | security/olm |
Double Ratchet cryptographic ratchet in C++ An implementation of the Double Ratchet cryptographic ratchet described by, written in C and C++11 and exposed as a C API. WWW: |
2019-03-25T10:40:41+00:00 | net-im/mtxclient |
Client API library for the Matrix protocol Client API library for the Matrix protocol, built on top of Boost.Asio. This library is a C++-based API used by some C++-based Matrix clients, like Nheko. WWW: |
2019-03-25T02:33:51+00:00 | devel/p5-MooX-Role-Parameterized |
Roles with composition parameters It is an experimental port of MooseX::Role::Parameterized to Moo. WWW: |
2019-03-25T01:45:38+00:00 | devel/p5-MooX-Attribute-ENV |
Allow Moo attributes to get their values from %ENV This is a Moo extension. It allows other attributes for "has" in Moo. If any of these are given, then instead of the normal value-setting "chain" for attributes of given, default; the chain will be given, environment, default. WWW: |
2019-03-24T19:40:26+00:00 | biology/py-dnaio |
Read and write FASTQ and FASTA dnaio is a Python 3 library for fast input and output of FASTQ and FASTA files. It supports paired-end data in separate files, interleaved paired-end in a single file and compression using gzip, bzip, and xz. WWW: |
2019-03-24T14:31:16+00:00 | net/rubygem-fog-brightbox0 |
Module for the 'fog' gem to support Brightbox Cloud Brightbox Cloud module for fog (The Ruby cloud services library) This gem is a modular for the `fog` gem that allows you to manage resources in the Brightbox Cloud. It is included by the main `fog` metagem but can used as an independent library in other applications. This includes support for the following services: - Compute - Images - Load Balancers - SQL Cloud instances WWW: |
2019-03-24T14:31:11+00:00 | devel/rubygem-fast_gettext1 |
Fast, memory-efficient and threadsafe GetText for Ruby A simple, fast, memory-efficient and threadsafe implementation of GetText for Ruby that supports multiple backends and can easily be extended. WWW: |
2019-03-23T23:30:47+00:00 | textproc/py-pdftotext |
Simple PDF text extraction Simple PDF text extraction WWW: |
2019-03-23T23:23:03+00:00 | textproc/py-langdetect |
Language detection library ported from Google\'s language-detection Port of Google's language-detection library (version from 03/03/2014) to Python. WWW: |
2019-03-23T23:12:14+00:00 | devel/py-dateparser |
Provides modules to easily parse localized dates dateparser provides modules to easily parse localized dates in almost any string formats commonly found on web pages. WWW: |
2019-03-23T22:57:52+00:00 | www/py-dj21-djangoql |
Advanced search language for Django, with auto-completion Advanced search language for Django, with auto-completion. Supports logical operators, parenthesis, table joins, works with any Django models WWW: |
2019-03-23T22:34:10+00:00 | www/py-dj21-django-extensions |
Global custom management extensions for the Django Framework Global custom management extensions for the Django Framework. WWW: |
2019-03-23T17:51:59+00:00 | www/py-dj21-django-crispy-forms |
Best way to have Django DRY forms The best way to have Django DRY forms. Build programmatic reusable layouts out of components, having full control of the rendered HTML without writing HTML in templates. All this without breaking the standard way of doing things in Django, so it plays nice with any other form application. The application mainly provides: - A filter named |crispy that will render elegant div based forms. Think of it as the built-in methods: as_table, as_ul and as_p. You cannot tune up the output, but it is easy to start using it. - A tag named {% crispy %} that will render a form based on your configuration and specific layout setup. This gives you amazing power without much hassle, helping you save tons of time. WWW: WWW: |
2019-03-23T12:39:41+00:00 | devel/rubygem-cucumber-expressions6 |
Cucumber Expressions for Ruby Cucumber Expressions are simple patterns for matching Step Definitions with Gherkin steps. Cucumber Expressions offer similar functionality to Regular Expressions, with the following improvements: - Improved readability - Custom parameter types - Expression generation WWW: |
2019-03-23T01:43:30+00:00 | editors/libreoffice-kab |
2019-03-23T01:43:30+00:00 | editors/libreoffice-dsb |
2019-03-22T22:09:44+00:00 | sysutils/burp-devel |
Network backup and restore program (development) Burp is a network backup and restore program. It attempts to reduce network traffic and the amount of space that is used by each backup. There are two independent backup protocols to choose from: - Protocol 1: Optionally uses librsync. Available in all burp versions and is stable. - Protocol 2: Uses variable length chunking for inline deduplication, and sparse indexing on the server side. Available from burp version 2.0.x, but is experimental and should not be used in production. WWW: WWW: |
2019-03-22T21:22:37+00:00 | math/py-kiwisolver |
Fast implementation of the Cassowary constraint solver Kiwi is an efficient C++ implementation of the Cassowary constraint solving algorithm. Kiwi is an implementation of the algorithm based on the seminal Cassowary paper. It is *not* a refactoring of the original C++ solver. Kiwi has been designed from the ground up to be lightweight and fast. Kiwi ranges from 10x to 500x faster than the original Cassowary solver with typical use cases gaining a 40x improvement. Memory savings are consistently > 5x. In addition to the C++ solver, Kiwi ships with hand-rolled Python bindings. WWW: |
2019-03-22T15:08:50+00:00 | textproc/datamash |
Numeric, textual, and statistical operations on text files GNU Datamash is a command-line program which performs basic numeric, textual, and statistical operations on input textual data files. It is designed to be portable, reliable, and aid researchers to easily automate analysis pipelines, without writing code or even short scripts. WWW: |
2019-03-22T13:22:40+00:00 | net-mgmt/cnagios4 |
Curses-based interface for nagios Cnagios is a full-screen terminal interface for viewing Nagios HOST and SERVICE objects, and the durations of their current states. It's lightning fast because it's written in C using the curses library. And it's super flexible because it uses the perl C library to shorten and alter host, service and plugin output and filter the displayed HOSTs or SERVICEs. WWW: |
2019-03-21T19:40:05+00:00 | math/py-nevergrad |
Python toolbox for performing gradient-free optimization Nevergrad is a gradient-free optimization platform. The goals of this package are to provide: - gradient/derivative-free optimization algorithms, including algorithms able to handle noise. - tools to instrument any code, making it painless to optimize your parameters/hyperparameters, whether they are continuous, discrete or a mixture of continuous and discrete variables. - functions on which to test the optimization algorithms. - benchmark routines in order to compare algorithms easily. WWW: |
2019-03-21T06:42:16+00:00 | sysutils/py-cpuinfo |
Module for getting CPU info with pure Python Py-cpuinfo gets CPU info with pure Python. Py-cpuinfo should work without any extra programs or libraries, beyond what your OS provides. It does not require any compilation(C/C++, assembly, et cetera) to use. It works with Python 2 and 3. WWW: |
2019-03-21T04:38:51+00:00 | java/openjdk12 |
Java Development Kit ${JDK_MAJOR_VERSION} An open-source implementation of the Java Platform, Standard Edition, WWW: |
2019-03-20T21:42:59+00:00 | devel/libsysctlmibinfo |
Sysctl MIB-Tree API The sysctlmibinfo library provides an API to explore the sysctl MIB-Tree and to get the properties of an object, therefore it is useful to handle an object correctly and to build a sysctl-like utility. It implements wrappers around an undocumented kernel interface to provide a more easy interface, moreover it defines a 'struct sysctlmif_object' and provides a convenient API to build data structures of sysctlmif_object. WWW: |
2019-03-20T18:01:54+00:00 | net/rubygem-fog-google17 |
Module for the 'fog' gem to support Google Cloud Fog currently supports two Google Cloud services (Google Compute Engine and Google Cloud Storage) via Fog::Google. WWW: |
2019-03-20T18:01:48+00:00 | devel/rubygem-fog-core210 |
Shared classes and tests for fog providers and services rubygem-fog-core (Fog::Core) provides shared classes and tests for fog providers and services. WWW: |
2019-03-20T16:31:32+00:00 | math/libnormaliz |
Compute Hilbert bases and enumerative data of rational polyhedra Normaliz is an open source tool for computations in affine monoids, vector configurations, lattice polytopes, and rational cones. WWW: |
2019-03-20T16:31:19+00:00 | comms/mbelib |
P25 Phase 1 and ProVoice vocoder mbelib supports the 7200x4400 bit/s codec used in P25 Phase 1, the 7100x4400 bit/s codec used in ProVoice and the "Half Rate" 3600x2250 bit/s vocoder used in various radio systems. WWW: |
2019-03-20T11:15:57+00:00 | math/cocoalib |
C++ library for doing Computations in Commutative Algebra CoCoALib is a C++ library for Computations in Commutative Algebra, focused mainly on polynomial rings, ideals, Groebner basis and similar topics. You might like to install CoCoA-5 too, a shell that lets you interact with most of CoCoALib without the need to learn C++. WWW: |
2019-03-20T09:35:39+00:00 | graphics/pecl-imagick-im7 |
PHP wrapper to the ImageMagick/GraphicsMagick library version 7 |
2019-03-19T18:42:59+00:00 | graphics/milton |
Infinite-canvas paint program Milton is an open source application that lets you Just Paint. There are no pixels, you can paint with (almost) infinite detail. It feels raster-based but it works with vectors. It is not an image editor. It is not a vector graphics editor. It is a program that lets you draw, sketch, and paint. There is no save button, your work is persistent with unlimited undo. WWW: |
2019-03-19T16:04:10+00:00 | math/frobby |
Software system and project for computations with monomial ideals Frobby is a software system and project for computations with monomial ideals. Frobby is free software and it is intended as a vehicle for computational and mathematical research on monomial ideals. The current functionality includes Euler characteristic, Hilbert series, maximal standard monomials, combinatorial optimization on monomial ideals, primary decomposition, irreducible decomposition, Alexander dual, associated primes, minimization and intersection of monomial ideals as well as the computation of Frobenius problems (using 4ti2) with very large numbers. Frobby is also able to translate between formats that can be used with several different computer systems, such as Macaulay 2, Monos, 4ti2, CoCoA4 and Singular. Thus Frobby can be used with any of those systems. WWW: |
2019-03-19T15:26:00+00:00 | games/ecwolf |
Source port for Wolfenstein 3D, Spear of Destiny ECWolf is an advanced source port for Wolfenstein 3D, Spear of Destiny, and Super 3D Noah's Ark based off of the Wolf4SDL code base. ECWolf pulls a substantial amount of code from ZDoom and aims to provide a wide array of mod editing capabilities without the need to modify the source code. Most importantly you will no longer need to replace entire data sets. With ECWolf you could for example add a weapon without needing to distribute every sprite in the game along with it. Mods will be neatly packaged into a single file just like they are for Doom. WWW: |
2019-03-18T23:32:45+00:00 | ftp/proftpd-mod_vroot |
Virtual Chroot ProFTPD module A virtual chroot capability that does not require root privileges for ProFTPD. WWW: |
2019-03-18T20:24:57+00:00 | archivers/php-brotli |
Brotli extension for PHP Brotli is a generic-purpose lossless compression algorithm that compresses data using a combination of a modern variant of the LZ77 algorithm, Huffman coding and 2nd order context modeling, with a compression ratio comparable to the best currently available general-purpose compression methods. It is similar in speed with deflate but offers more dense compression. This is the Brotli Extension for PHP WWW: |
2019-03-18T13:23:02+00:00 | editors/py-pynvim |
Python client and plugin host for Neovim Pynvim implements support for python plugins in Nvim. It also works as a library for connecting to and scripting Nvim processes through its msgpack-rpc API. WWW: |
2019-03-17T19:31:25+00:00 | www/py-tornado6 |
Python Web Server from FriendFeed Tornado is an open source version of the scalable, non-blocking web server and tools that power FriendFeed. The FriendFeed application is written using a web framework that looks a bit like or Google's webapp, but with additional tools and optimizations to take advantage of the underlying non-blocking infrastructure. The framework is distinct from most mainstream web server frameworks (and certainly most Python frameworks) because it is non-blocking and reasonably fast. Because it is non-blocking and uses epoll or kqueue, it can handle thousands of simultaneous standing connections, which means it is ideal for real-time web services. We built the web server specifically to handle FriendFeed's real-time features - every active user of FriendFeed maintains an open connection to the FriendFeed servers. WWW: |
2019-03-17T18:57:57+00:00 | devel/py-xarray011 |
N-D labeled arrays and datasets in Python xarray (formerly xray) is an open source project and Python package that aims to bring the labeled data power of pandas to the physical sciences, by providing N-dimensional variants of the core pandas data structures. Our goal is to provide a pandas-like and pandas-compatible toolkit for analytics on multi-dimensional arrays, rather than the tabular data for which pandas excels. Our approach adopts the Common Data Model for self- describing scientific data in widespread use in the Earth sciences: xarray.Dataset is an in-memory representation of a netCDF file. WWW: WWW: |
2019-03-17T18:21:46+00:00 | security/py-cryptography-vectors |
Test vectors for the cryptography package cryptography-vectors provides test vectors for the cryptography package. WWW: |
2019-03-17T18:21:39+00:00 | science/py-geometer |
Python geometry package based on projective geometry and numpy Geometer is a geometry library for Python 3 that uses projective geometry and numpy for fast geometric computation. In projective geometry every point in 2D is represented by a three-dimensional vector and every point in 3D is represented by a four-dimensional vector. This has the following advantages: There are points at infinity that can be treated just like normal points. - Projective transformations are described by matrices but they can also represent affine transformations i.e. also translations. - Every two lines have a unique point of intersection if they lie in the same plane. Parallel lines have a point of intersection at infinity. - Points of intersection, planes or lines through given points can be calculated using simple cross products or tensor diagrams. - Special complex points at infinity and cross ratios can be used to calculate angles and to construct perpendicular geometric structures. - Most of the computation in the library done via tensor diagrams (using numpy.einsum). WWW: |
2019-03-17T18:21:33+00:00 | www/p5-HTTP-AnyUA |
HTTP user agent programming interface unification layer HTTP::AnyUA provides a small wrapper for unifying the programming interfaces of several different actual user agents (HTTP clients) under one familiar interface. Rather than providing yet another programming interface for you to learn, HTTP::AnyUA follows the HTTP::Tiny interface. This also means that you can plug in any supported HTTP client (LWP::UserAgent, Furl, etc.) and use it as if it were HTTP::Tiny. Unfortunately, many modules on CPAN are hardcoded to work with specific HTTP clients, leaving the end user unable to use the HTTP client that would be best for them. Although the end user won't -- or at least doesn't need to -- use HTTP::AnyUA directly, they will benefit from client choice if their third-party modules use HTTP::AnyUA or something like it. The primary goal of HTTP::AnyUA is to make it easy for module developers to write HTTP code once that can work with any HTTP client the end user may decide to plug in. A secondary goal is to make it easy for anyone to add support for new or yet-unsupported user agents. WWW: |
2019-03-17T18:21:27+00:00 | devel/p5-Module-Loader |
Finding and loading modules in a given namespace Module::Loader provides methods for finding modules in a given namespace, and then loading them. It is intended for use in situations where you're looking for plugins, and then loading one or more of them. This module was inspired by Mojo::Loader, which I have used in a number of projects. But some people were wary of requiring Mojolicious just to get a module loader, which prompted me to create Module::Loader. WWW: |
2019-03-17T17:48:43+00:00 | japanese/cp5022x-el |
CP50220 and CP51932 coding system support for Emacsen cp5022x.el adds supprot for encodings with platform dependent characters used in Microsoft Windows. It defines CP50220, CP50221, CP50222, and CP51932. Specifications on Emacsen are as follows: CP51932 (Microsoft euc-jp) Type: iso-2022 (variant of ISO-2022) Initial designations: G0 -- ascii:ASCII (ISO646 IRV) G1 -- japanese-jisx0208:JISX0208.1983/1990 Japanese Kanji: ISO-IR-87 G2 -- katakana-jisx0201:Katakana Part of JISX0201.1976 G3 -- never used CP50220 (Microsoft iso-2022-jp for mail) Type: iso-2022 (variant of ISO-2022) Initial designations: G0 -- ascii:ASCII (ISO646 IRV), and also used by the following: japanese-jisx0208-1978:JISX0208.1978 Japanese Kanji (so called "old JIS"): ISO-IR-42 japanese-jisx0208:JISX0208.1983/1990 Japanese Kanji: ISO-IR-87 latin-jisx0201:Roman Part of JISX0201.1976 katakana-jisx0201:Katakana Part of JISX0201.1976 G1 -- never used G2 -- never used G3 -- never used |
2019-03-17T15:34:49+00:00 | devel/kerl |
Virtualenv-like tool for Erlang/OTP Easy building and installing of Erlang/OTP instances. Kerl aims to be shell agnostic and its only dependencies, excluding what's required to actually build Erlang/OTP, are curl and git. All is done so that, once a specific release has been built, creating a new installation is as fast as possible. WWW: |
2019-03-17T14:48:51+00:00 | www/py-django-cron |
Running Python crons in a Django project Django-cron lets you run Django/Python code on a recurring basis providing basic plumbing to track and execute tasks. The two most common ways in which most people go about this is either writing custom python scripts or a management command per cron (leads to too many management commands). Along with that some mechanism to track success, failure etc. is also usually necessary. This app solves both issues to a reasonable extent. This is by no means a replacement for queues like Celery etc. WWW: |
2019-03-17T13:28:57+00:00 | net/onedrive |
OneDrive Free client A free Microsoft OneDrive Client which supports OneDrive Personal, OneDrive for Business, OneDrive for Office365 and Sharepoint. This Powerful and highly configurable client can run on all major Linux distributions, as a Docker container and on FreeBSD. This client is a 'fork' of skilion client which was abandoned in 2018. Features: * State caching * Real-Time file monitoring with Inotify * File uploat / download validation to ensure data integrity * Resumable uploads * Support OneDrive for Business (part of Office 365) * Sharepoint / Office365 Shared libraries (refer to docs/ to configure) What's missing: * While local changes are uploaded right away, remote changes are delayed until next sync when using --monitor * No GUI WWW: |
2019-03-15T21:40:36+00:00 | graphics/py-mapclassify |
Classification schemes for choropleth maps Classification Schemes for Choropleth Maps mapclassify implements a family of classification schemes for choropleth maps. Its focus is on the determination of the number of classes, and the assignment of observations to those classes. It is intended for use with upstream mapping and geovisualization packages (see geopandas and geoplot) that handle the rendering of the maps. WWW: WWW: |
2019-03-15T15:27:31+00:00 | multimedia/libva-glx |
VAAPI wrapper for GLX |
2019-03-15T14:14:55+00:00 | ports-mgmt/caronade |
Small and light tool to help with FreeBSD Ports CI Caronade will automatically create build jobs using poudriere and portlint whenever you push changes to your Git based ports repository. WWW: |
2019-03-15T13:58:32+00:00 | cad/py-phidl |
GDS-based CAD tool for photonic and superconducting circuits PHIDL is an open-source GDS-based CAD tool for Python 2 and 3 which extends and simplifies the excellent gdspy. It strives to simplify GDSII geometry creation by making the design process layout-driven, rather than coordinate-driven. The base installation includes a large library of simple shapes (e.g. rectangles, circles), photonic structures (e.g. sine curve waveguides), and superconducting nanowire shapes (e.g. single photon detectors) which are fully parameterized. It also has a built-in quick-plotting function based on Qt (or matplotlib) which allows you view the state of any GDS object, useful when scripting geometry-making functions. It also has a very thorough tutorial as well which will walk you through the process of getting acquainted with PHIDL. WWW: |
2019-03-15T09:28:56+00:00 | sysutils/nsysctl |
Utility to get and set kernel state at runtime Utility to get and set the kernel state at runtime, features: * get or set the system state at runtime, * handle an object up to CTL_MAXNAME levels, * print the right object also with an empty level name, * options to show the properties of a parameter, * output explicitly indicated by the options, * options not mutually exclusive, * output via libxo in human and machine readable formats, * isolated code to manage opaque values, * some string value is parsed to show structured output, * avoid non-primitive data types hardcode via libnv, * debug without recompiling the kernel with SYSCTL_DEBUG. WWW: |
2019-03-15T06:05:43+00:00 | security/mkp224o |
Vanity address generator for tor onion v3 (ed25519) hidden services mkp224o is a vanity address generator for ed25519 onion services. This tool generates vanity ed25519 (hidden service version 3, formely known as proposal 224) onion addresses. WWW: |
2019-03-15T00:47:02+00:00 | databases/postgis25 |
Geographic objects support for PostgreSQL databases PostGIS adds support for geographic objects to the PostgreSQL object-relational database. In effect, PostGIS "spatially enables" the PostgreSQL server, allowing it to be used as a backend spatial database for geographic information systems (GIS), much like ESRI's SDE or Oracle's Spatial extension. PostGIS follows the OpenGIS "Simple Features Specification for SQL" and has been certified as compliant with the "Types and Functions" profile. PostGIS development was started by Refractions Research as a project in open source spatial database technology. PostGIS is released under the GNU General Public License. PostGIS continues to be developed by a group of contributors led by a Project Steering Committee and new features continue to be added. WWW: |
2019-03-14T20:21:27+00:00 | www/py-django-common-helpers |
Common things every Django app needs py-django-common-helpers consists of the following things: - Middleware that makes sure a web-app runs either on or without "www" in the domain. - "SessionManagerBase" base class, that helps in keeping session related code object-oriented and clean. - "EmailBackend" for authenticating users based on their email, apart from username. - Custom db fields that can be used in models including a "UniqueHashField" and "RandomHashField". - Bunch of helpful functions in - "render_form_field" template tag that makes rendering form fields easy and DRY. - Couple of dry response classes: "JsonResponse" and "XMLResponse" in the django_common.http that can be used in views that give json/xml responses. WWW: |
2019-03-14T15:19:47+00:00 | devel/rubygem-aws-eventstream |
Amazon Web Services event stream library rubygem-aws-eventstream is Amazon Web Services event stream library which decodes and encodes binary stream under '' content-type. WWW: |
2019-03-14T05:02:59+00:00 | graphics/ossim |
Powerful suite of geospatial libraries and applications OSSIM is an open source, C++ (mostly), geospatial image processing library used by government, commercial, educational, and private entities throughout the solar system. It has been in active development since the last millenium. This repository contains the full OSSIM package including core library, applications, tests, and build system. It does not contain the OSSIM plugins and other OSSIM-related code such as java-bindings (ossim-oms), and GUI. Those are available for individually cloning. Refer to the root github page for ossimlabs. WWW: |
2019-03-13T23:36:21+00:00 | graphics/qgis-ltr |
Free and Open Source Geographic Information System Quantum GIS (QGIS) is a user friendly Open Source Geographic Information System. QGIS supports vector, raster, and database formats. QGIS is licensed under the GNU GPL. Some of the major features include: - Support for spatially enabled PostGIS tables - Support for shapefiles, ArcInfo coverages, Mapinfo and other formats - Raster support for a large number of formats - Identify features - Display attribute tables - Select features - GRASS Digitizing - Feature labeling WWW: |
2019-03-13T16:45:42+00:00 | www/py-django-bootstrap3 |
Bootstrap 3 support for Django projects Library with the goal to seamlessly blend Django and Bootstrap 3. WWW: |
2019-03-13T16:40:39+00:00 | finance/py-python-bitcoinlib |
Swiss Army Knife of the Bitcoin protocol Provides an easy interface to the bitcoin data structures and protocol. The approach is low-level and "ground up", with a focus on providing tools to manipulate the internals of how Bitcoin works. WWW: |
2019-03-13T16:31:30+00:00 | chinese/sourcehansans-tc-otf |
Traditional Chinese font by Adobe designed for user interfaces Source Han Sans: A new open source Pan-CJK typeface family from Adobe This is Source Han Sans TC/TW, which supports all four variants in this family but prioritizes Traditional Chinese Hanzi over other three. "Source Han Sans, available in seven weights, is a typeface family which provides full support for Japanese, Korean, Traditional Chinese, and Simplified Chinese, all in one font. It also includes Latin, Greek, and Cyrillic glyphs from our popular Source Sans family. All told, each font weight in the family has a total of 65,535 glyphs (the maximum supported in the OpenType format), and the entire family rounds out at just under half a million total glyphs." --- The Typekit Blog, Adobe WWW: |
2019-03-13T16:27:39+00:00 | chinese/sourcehansans-sc-otf |
Simplified Chinese font by Adobe designed for user interfaces Source Han Sans: A new open source Pan-CJK typeface family from Adobe This is Source Han Sans SC/CN, which supports all four variants in this family but prioritizes Simplified Chinese Hanzi over other three. "Source Han Sans, available in seven weights, is a typeface family which provides full support for Japanese, Korean, Traditional Chinese, and Simplified Chinese, all in one font. It also includes Latin, Greek, and Cyrillic glyphs from our popular Source Sans family. All told, each font weight in the family has a total of 65,535 glyphs (the maximum supported in the OpenType format), and the entire family rounds out at just under half a million total glyphs." --- The Typekit Blog, Adobe WWW: |
2019-03-13T16:22:10+00:00 | japanese/sourcehansans-otf |
Japanese font by Adobe designed for user interfaces Source Han Sans: A new open source Pan-CJK typeface family from Adobe This is Source Han Sans (JP), which supports all four variants in this family but prioritizes Japanese Kanji over other three. "Source Han Sans, available in seven weights, is a typeface family which provides full support for Japanese, Korean, Traditional Chinese, and Simplified Chinese, all in one font. It also includes Latin, Greek, and Cyrillic glyphs from our popular Source Sans family. All told, each font weight in the family has a total of 65,535 glyphs (the maximum supported in the OpenType format), and the entire family rounds out at just under half a million total glyphs." --- The Typekit Blog, Adobe WWW: |
2019-03-13T16:17:25+00:00 | korean/sourcehansans-otf |
Korean font by Adobe designed for user interfaces Source Han Sans: A new open source Pan-CJK typeface family from Adobe This is Source Han Sans K/KR, which supports all four variants in this family but prioritizes Korean Hanja over other three. "Source Han Sans, available in seven weights, is a typeface family which provides full support for Japanese, Korean, Traditional Chinese, and Simplified Chinese, all in one font. It also includes Latin, Greek, and Cyrillic glyphs from our popular Source Sans family. All told, each font weight in the family has a total of 65,535 glyphs (the maximum supported in the OpenType format), and the entire family rounds out at just under half a million total glyphs." --- The Typekit Blog, Adobe WWW: |
2019-03-13T16:06:25+00:00 | astro/p5-Net-GPSD3 |
Interface to the gpsd server daemon protocol version 3 (JSON) Net::GPSD3 provides an object client interface to the gpsd server daemon utilizing the version 3 protocol. WWW: |
2019-03-13T15:10:06+00:00 | java/openjdk11 |
Java Development Kit ${JDK_MAJOR_VERSION} An open-source implementation of the Java Platform, Standard Edition, WWW: |
2019-03-13T14:58:04+00:00 | net/p5-ip2location-perl |
Perl module to find user\'s location IP2Location is a perl module that enables the user to find the country, region, city, latitude, longitude, zip code, time zone, ISP, domain name, connection type, area code, weather, mobile network, elevation, usage type by IP address or hostname originates from. WWW: |
2019-03-12T14:28:41+00:00 | java/bootstrap-openjdk11 |
Java Development Kit 11 OpenJDK is an open-source implementation of the Java Platform, Standard Edition. Much of the OpenJDK code is licensed under the GPL version 2 with the Classpath exception. The Java Hotspot virtual machine source code is licensed under the GPL version 2 only. WWW: |
2019-03-12T05:35:08+00:00 | ports-mgmt/portfmt |
Format FreeBSD Ports Makefiles Portfmt is a collection of tools for editing, formatting, and linting FreeBSD Ports Collection Makefiles. It comes with several tools: - portfmt formats Makefiles - portclippy is a linter that checks if variables are in the correct order in a more comprehensive way than portlint - portedit edits Makefiles. It comes with several commands that can be used as a basis for your own port update scripts: - bump-epoch: bumps PORTEPOCH or inserts it at the right place - bump-revision: bumps PORTREVISION or inserts it at the right place - get: lookup unevaluated variable values - merge: Generic command to set/update variables while also formatting the updated variables properly and inserting them in the right places if necessary. Useful for merging output of other tools like make cargo-crates, modules2tuple, or make stage-qa. For example to mark a port deprecated: printf "DEPRECATED=%s\nEXPIRATION_DATE=%s" \ Abandonware 2019-08-15 | portedit merge -i Makefile - set-version: resets PORTREVISION, sets DISTVERSION or PORTVERSION WWW: |
2019-03-11T19:43:37+00:00 | java/wildfly16 |
Replacement for JBoss Application Server WildFly is a flexible, lightweight, managed application runtime that helps you build amazing applications. WildFly - new name for JBoss Application Server Fast Startup Small Footprint Modular Design Unified Configuration and Management And of course Java EE! WWW: |
2019-03-11T15:40:53+00:00 | astro/p5-GPS-Point |
Provides an object interface for a GPS point Provides an object interface for a GPS point (e.g. Position, Velocity and Time). This is a re-write of Net::GPSD::Point with the goal of being more re-usable. WWW: |
2019-03-11T13:54:02+00:00 | devel/redasm |
Interactive, multiarchitecture disassembler REDasm is an interactive, multiarchitecture disassembler written in modern C++11 using Qt5 as UI Framework. Its core is modular and it can be easily extended in order to support new file formats and instruction sets. WWW: |
2019-03-10T19:16:20+00:00 | devel/brz |
Distributed version control system based on bzr Breezy is a version control system implemented in Python with multi-format support and an emphasis on hackability. Currently, Breezy has built-in support for the Git and Bazaar file formats and network protocols. WWW: |
2019-03-10T18:22:01+00:00 | devel/py-launchpadlib |
Python API for Launchpad launchpadlib is an open-source Python library that lets you treat the HTTP resources published by Launchpad's web service as Python objects responding to a standard set of commands. With launchpadlib you can integrate your applications into Launchpad without knowing a lot about HTTP client programming. WWW: |
2019-03-10T18:14:15+00:00 | devel/py-lazr.restfulclient |
Additional Launchpad web services using wadllib A programmable client library that takes advantage of the commonalities among lazr.restful web services to provide added functionality on top of wadllib. This project is also part of WWW: |
2019-03-10T17:59:52+00:00 | devel/py-wadllib |
Navigate HTTP resources using WADL files as guides The Web Application Description Language is an XML vocabulary for describing the capabilities of HTTP resources. wadllib can be used in conjunction with an HTTP library to navigate and manipulate those resources. This project is also part of WWW: |
2019-03-10T17:52:49+00:00 | devel/py-lazr.uri |
Library for parsing, manipulating, and generating URIs A self-contained, easily reusable library for parsing, manipulating, and generating URIs. This project is also part of WWW: |
2019-03-10T17:39:16+00:00 | sysutils/dsbsu |
Qt frontend to su(1) DSBSu is a simple Qt frontend to FreeBSD's su(1). It allows you to execute a command as root. WWW: |
2019-03-10T17:23:27+00:00 | math/mumps4 |
MUltifrontal Massively Parallel sparse direct Solver MUMPS is a Distributed Multifrontal Solver (F90, MPI based) with Dynamic Distributed Scheduling to accomodate both numerical fill-in and multi-user environment. - Solution of large linear systems with symmetric positive definite matrices; general symmetric matrices; general unsymmetric matrices. - Version for complex arithmetic. - Parallel factorization and solve phases (uniprocessor version also available). - Iterative refinement and backward error analysis. - Various matrix input formats: assembled format; distributed assembled format; elemental format. - Partial factorization and Schur complement matrix. - Several orderings interfaced : AMD, AMF, PORD Note: This is the last version released under Public Domain. WWW: |
2019-03-10T13:07:06+00:00 | security/ruby-bitwarden |
Ruby implementation of the BitWarden API A small, self-contained API server written in Ruby and Sinatra to provide a private backend for the open-source Bitwarden apps. WWW: |
2019-03-10T11:46:06+00:00 | devel/p5-Alien-Base-ModuleBuild |
Module::Build subclass for building Alien:: modules and libraries Module::Build subclass for building Alien:: modules and their libraries For new development use Alien::Build and alienfile instead. WWW: |
2019-03-10T11:41:58+00:00 | devel/p5-Alien-Build |
Build external dependencies for use in CPAN Build external dependencies for use in CPAN WWW: |
2019-03-10T11:39:39+00:00 | devel/p5-Shell-Config-Generate |
Portably generate config for any shell Portably generate config for any shell WWW: |
2019-03-10T10:57:36+00:00 | devel/py-flake8-bugbear |
Plugin for flake8 finding likely bugs and design problems flake8-bugbear is a plugin for Flake8 finding likely bugs and design problems in your program. It contains warnings that don't belong in pyflakes and pycodestyle. WWW: |
2019-03-10T10:57:30+00:00 | databases/py-sqlalchemy13 |
Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper 1.3.x The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper SQLAlchemy is the Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper that gives application developers the full power and flexibility of SQL. It provides a full suite of well known enterprise-level persistence patterns, designed for efficient and high-performing database access, adapted into a simple and Pythonic domain language. WWW: |
2019-03-10T09:15:57+00:00 | devel/p5-Shell-Guess |
Make an educated guess about the shell in use Make an educated guess about the shell in use WWW: |
2019-03-10T07:07:06+00:00 | multimedia/wf-recorder |
Screen recorder for wlroots-based compositors wf-recorder is a utility program for screen recording of wlroots-based compositors (more specifically, those that support wlr-screencopy-v1 and xdg-output). WWW: |
2019-03-10T01:38:10+00:00 | net-mgmt/py-snmpclitools |
Command-line SNMP utilities in Python This is the collection of command-line SNMP tools written in pure-Python and tightly aligned with the de-facto standard SNMP tools that come with Net-SNMP e.g. snmpget, snmpwalk and many others. WWW: |
2019-03-09T17:59:01+00:00 | games/colobot |
Educational game aiming to teach programming to kids Colobot is an educational real-time strategy video game featuring 3D graphics. The objective of the game is to find a planet for colonization by the human race by establishing a basic infrastructure on the surface and eliminating any alien life forms endangering the expedition You can program your units (bots) in a language called CBOT, which is similar to C++ and Java. Your mission is to find a new planet to live and survive. You can save the humanity and get programming skills! WWW: |
2019-03-09T07:34:26+00:00 | x11/py-caffeine-ng |
Tray bar app to temporarily inhibit screensaver and sleep mode Caffeine is a little daemon that sits in your systray, and prevents the screensaver from showing up, or the system from going to sleep. It does so when an application is fullscreened (eg: youtube), or when you click on the systray icon (which you can do, when, eg: reading). WWW: |
2019-03-09T07:20:00+00:00 | devel/py-ewmh |
Python implementation of Extended Window Manager Hints, based on Xlib An implementation of EWMH (Extended Window Manager Hints) for python 2 and 3, based on Xlib. It allows EWMH-compliant window managers (most modern WMs) to be queried and controlled. WWW: |
2019-03-08T17:19:15+00:00 | net-im/spectral |
Glossy Matrix IM client based on Qt technologies Spectral is a glossy cross-platform client for Matrix, the decentralized communication protocol for instant messaging. Spectral is a Matrix client with the maximum features available while keeping a simple, clean and modern design. It is a Qt-based client as beautiful as Electron apps (e.g. Web) while using far less resources and still being considered as "native". WWW: |
2019-03-07T12:39:45+00:00 | net/p5-ZMQ-FFI |
Version agnostic Perl bindings for zeromq using FFI ZMQ::FFI exposes a high level, transparent, OO interface to zeromq independent of the underlying libzmq version. WWW: |
2019-03-07T11:33:20+00:00 | x11/bemenu |
Dynamic menu library and client program inspired by dmenu Dynamic menu library and client program inspired by dmenu, a minimalistic menu that reads a newline separated list of items from stdin and shows them as a menu on the top of the screen. When the user selects one item or types any text and presses Enter, their choice is printed to stdout. Bemenu comes with Ncurses, Wayland, and X11 backends. WWW: |
2019-03-07T06:41:56+00:00 | editors/cudatext |
Cross-platform text editor, written in Lazarus CudaText is a cross-platform text editor, written in Lazarus. It is fully open source. Features include: - Syntax highlight for many languages: C, C++, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, PHP, Python, XML etc. 200+ syntax lexers exist. - Code tree (tree structure of functions/classes/etc in source). - Code folding. - Multi-carets and multi-selections. - Find/Replace with reg. ex. - Plugins in Python language. Plugins can do lot of things. - Configs in JSON. Supports lexer-specific configs. - Tabbed UI. - Split each tab. - Split view for 2/3/4/6 files. - Simple auto-completion (fixed list) for some lexers. - Command palette (ST3 style). - Minimap. - Micromap. - Show unprinted whitespace. - Support for many encodings. - Customizable hotkeys. - Binary/Hex viewer for files of unlimited size. WWW: |
2019-03-06T13:37:31+00:00 | net/measurement-kit |
Portable C++14 network measurement library Measurement Kit is a C++14 library that implements open network measurement methodologies (performance, censorship, etc.) on Unix-like operating systems such as Android, iOS, Linux, and macOS. It is meant to be embedded by third party applications with specific network measurement needs and/or to be used by researchers to implement novel network measurement tools. It started as a common engine to implement the mobile versions of OONI and Neubot, and since then has grown to include also the implementation of Portolan traceroute and NDT tests. WWW: |
2019-03-05T17:29:18+00:00 | devel/py-typed-ast12 |
Fast version of Python's ast module with support for PEP484 typed comments #' Typed AST is a fork of the CPython 2.7 and 3.6 ast modules with the ability to parse PEP 484 type comments. The primary goals of Typed AST are correctness and speed. WWW: |
2019-03-05T10:06:37+00:00 | net-mgmt/icingaweb2-module-ipl |
Icinga PHP library This module ships the new Icinga PHP library and is used by some Icinga Web 2 modules. WWW: |
2019-03-04T21:39:09+00:00 | x11-themes/materia-gtk-theme |
Material Design theme for GNOME/GTK+ based desktop environments Materia (formerly Flat-Plat) is a Material Design theme for GNOME/GTK+ based desktop environments. It supports GTK+ 3, GTK+ 2, GNOME Shell, Budgie, Cinnamon, MATE, Unity, Xfce, LightDM, GDM, Chrome theme, etc. WWW: |
2019-03-04T17:57:22+00:00 | www/py-requests-aws4auth |
AWS4 authentication for Requests requests-aws4auth is Amazon Web Services version 4 authentication for the Python Requests library. Features: - Requests authentication for all AWS services that support AWS auth v4 - Independent signing key objects - Automatic regeneration of keys when scope date boundary is passed - Support for STS temporary credentials Implements header-based authentication, GET URL parameter and POST parameter authentication are not supported. WWW: |
2019-03-04T17:57:05+00:00 | devel/py-click6 |
Python package for creating command line interfaces Click is a Python package for creating beautiful command line interfaces in a composable way with as little code as necessary. It's the "Command Line Interface Creation Kit". It's highly configurable but comes with sensible defaults out of the box. WWW: |
2019-03-04T17:47:07+00:00 | devel/p5-Keyword-Pluggable |
Define new keywords in pure Perl Keyword::Pluggable lets you implement new keywords in pure Perl. To do this, you need to write a module and call Keyword::Pluggable::define in your import method. Any keywords defined this way will be available in the scope that's currently being compiled. The scope can be lexical, packaged, and global. WWW: |
2019-03-04T15:59:12+00:00 | sysutils/zol |
ZFS on Linux userland for FreeBSD Port of the ZFS on Linux project to FreeBSD WWW: |
2019-03-04T15:59:12+00:00 | sysutils/zol-kmod |
ZFS on Linux kernel module for FreeBSD ZFS on FreeBSD WWW: |
2019-03-04T15:39:16+00:00 | x11/find-cursor |
Simple XLib program to highlight the cursor position Simple XLib program to highlight the cursor position. This is similar to the feature found in Windows XP (and possibly later?). WWW: |
2019-03-04T10:43:39+00:00 | sysutils/pass-otp |
Pass extension for managing one-time-password (OTP) tokens A pass extension for managing one-time-password (OTP) tokens. Features: - managing and generating OTP tokens - inserting new OTP key URI - validating OTP URI - appending OTP URI to existing password files WWW: |
2019-03-03T22:21:32+00:00 | x11-fonts/noto-tc |
Google Noto Fonts family (Traditional Chinese) Noto Sans CJK and Noto Serif CJK comprehensively cover Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Japanese, and Korean in a unified font family. This includes the full coverage of CJK Ideographs with variation support for 4 regions, Kangxi radicals, Japanese Kana, Korean Hangul, and other CJK symbols and letters in the Basic Multilingual Plane of Unicode. It also provides limited coverage of CJK Ideographs in Plane 2 of Unicode as necessary to support standards from China and Japan. This port is the set of Traditional Chinese fonts which supports BIG5. Traditional Chinese glyphs comply with the glyph standard of the Taiwan Ministry of Education. WWW: WWW: |
2019-03-03T22:21:11+00:00 | x11-fonts/noto-sc |
Google Noto Fonts family (Simplified Chinese) Noto Sans CJK and Noto Serif CJK comprehensively cover Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Japanese, and Korean in a unified font family. This includes the full coverage of CJK Ideographs with variation support for 4 regions, Kangxi radicals, Japanese Kana, Korean Hangul, and other CJK symbols and letters in the Basic Multilingual Plane of Unicode. It also provides limited coverage of CJK Ideographs in Plane 2 of Unicode as necessary to support standards from China and Japan. This port is the set of Simplified Chinese fonts which supports GB 18030 and China's latest standard Table of General Chinese Characters published in 2013. WWW: WWW: |
2019-03-03T22:20:45+00:00 | x11-fonts/noto-kr |
Google Noto Fonts family (Korean) Noto Sans CJK and Noto Serif CJK comprehensively cover Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Japanese, and Korean in a unified font family. This includes the full coverage of CJK Ideographs with variation support for 4 regions, Kangxi radicals, Japanese Kana, Korean Hangul, and other CJK symbols and letters in the Basic Multilingual Plane of Unicode. It also provides limited coverage of CJK Ideographs in Plane 2 of Unicode as necessary to support standards from China and Japan. This port is the set of Korean fonts which supports over 1.5 million archaic Hangul syllables and 11,172 modern syllables as well as all CJK ideographs in KS X 1001 and KS X 1002. WWW: WWW: |
2019-03-03T22:20:18+00:00 | x11-fonts/noto-jp |
Google Noto Fonts family (Japanese) Noto Sans CJK and Noto Serif CJK comprehensively cover Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Japanese, and Korean in a unified font family. This includes the full coverage of CJK Ideographs with variation support for 4 regions, Kangxi radicals, Japanese Kana, Korean Hangul, and other CJK symbols and letters in the Basic Multilingual Plane of Unicode. It also provides limited coverage of CJK Ideographs in Plane 2 of Unicode as necessary to support standards from China and Japan. This port is the set of Japanese fonts which supports all of the kanji in JIS X 0208, JIS X 0213, and JIS X 0212 to include all kanji in Adobe-Japan1-6. WWW: WWW: |
2019-03-03T22:19:54+00:00 | x11-fonts/noto-extra |
Google Noto Fonts family (Extra) When text is rendered by a computer, sometimes characters are displayed as "tofu". They are little boxes to indicate your device doesn't have a font to display the text. Google has been developing a font family called Noto, which aims to support all languages with a harmonious look and feel. Noto is Google's answer to tofu. The name noto is to convey the idea that Google's goal is to see no more "tofu". Noto has multiple styles and weights, and is freely available to all. The comprehensive set of fonts and tools used in our development is available in our GitHub repositories. This port provides the extra fonts set. WWW: |
2019-03-03T22:19:30+00:00 | x11-fonts/noto-basic |
Google Noto Fonts family (Basic) When text is rendered by a computer, sometimes characters are displayed as "tofu". They are little boxes to indicate your device doesn't have a font to display the text. Google has been developing a font family called Noto, which aims to support all languages with a harmonious look and feel. Noto is Google's answer to tofu. The name noto is to convey the idea that Google's goal is to see no more "tofu". Noto has multiple styles and weights, and is freely available to all. The comprehensive set of fonts and tools used in our development is available in our GitHub repositories. This port provides the basic fonts set. WWW: |
2019-03-03T16:19:04+00:00 | net-mgmt/py-nxapi-plumbing |
Manage Cisco devices through NX-API using XML/JSON-RPC Low-level library for managing Cisco devices through NX-API using JSON-RPC and XML. It's the successor of net-mgmt/py-pynxos with a more open license. WWW: |
2019-03-03T11:58:46+00:00 | x11/j4-dmenu-desktop |
Fast desktop menu (i3-dmenu-desktop replacement) j4-dmenu-desktop is a replacement for i3-dmenu-desktop. It's purpose is to find .desktop files and offer you a menu to start an application using dmenu. Since r2.7 j4-dmenu-desktop doesn't require i3wm anymore and should work just fine on about any desktop environment. You can also execute shell commands using it. WWW: |
2019-03-02T17:44:46+00:00 | textproc/rubygem-nokogiri18 |
HTML, XML, SAX, and Reader parser * XPath support for document searching * CSS3 selector support for document searching * XML/HTML builder * Drop in replacement for Hpricot (though not bug for bug) Nokogiri parses and searches XML/HTML very quickly, and also has correctly implemented CSS3 selector support as well as XPath support. WWW: |
2019-03-02T13:10:50+00:00 | databases/mongodb40 |
Distributed document-oriented "NoSQL" database (4.0.x Branch) Mongo (from "humongous") is a high-performance, open source, schema-free, document-oriented database. A common name in the "NOSQL" community. WWW: |
2019-03-02T11:26:01+00:00 | textproc/rubygem-regexp_property_values |
Display which property value regexp support This small library lets you see which property values are supported by the regular expression engine of the Ruby version you are running, and what they match. WWW: |
2019-03-02T11:26:01+00:00 | textproc/rubygem-character_set |
Build, read, write and compare sets of Unicode codepoints Build, read, write and compare sets of Unicode codepoints. WWW: |
2019-03-02T11:26:01+00:00 | devel/rubygem-opentracing04 |
OpenTracing Ruby Platform API This package is a Ruby platform API for OpenTracing. WWW: |
2019-03-02T11:26:01+00:00 | devel/rubygem-jaeger-client |
OpenTracing Tracer implementation for Jaeger in Ruby OpenTracing Tracer implementation for Jaeger in Ruby. WWW: |
2019-03-02T00:30:44+00:00 | textproc/gron |
Transforms JSON into discrete assignments that are easier to grep Make JSON greppable! gron transforms JSON into discrete assignments to make it easier to grep for what you want and see the absolute 'path' to it. It eases the exploration of APIs that return large blobs of JSON but have terrible documentation. WWW: |
2019-03-01T22:16:09+00:00 | sysutils/py-azure-cli-kusto |
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools KUSTO Command Module Microsoft Azure CLI 'KUSTO' Command Module Provides management capabilities for Kusto (Azure Data Explorer) clusters. The Azure CLI is a command-line tool providing a great experience for managing Azure resources. The CLI is designed to make scripting easy, query data, support long-running operations, and more. Try it today and find out what the CLI has to offer! WWW: |
2019-03-01T22:14:19+00:00 | devel/py-azure-mgmt-kusto |
Microsoft Azure Kusto Management Client Library for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Kusto Management Client Library. Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the next generation of management APIs that replace the old Azure Service Management (ASM). WWW: |
2019-03-01T22:11:15+00:00 | sysutils/py-azure-cli-security |
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Azure Security Center Microsoft Azure CLI 'Security' Command Module The Azure CLI is a command-line tool providing a great experience for managing Azure resources. The CLI is designed to make scripting easy, query data, support long-running operations, and more. Try it today and find out what the CLI has to offer! WWW: |
2019-03-01T22:09:09+00:00 | devel/py-azure-mgmt-security |
Microsoft Azure Secutiry Center Management Client Library for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Secutiry Center Management Client Library. Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the next generation of management APIs that replace the old Azure Service Management (ASM). WWW: |
2019-03-01T13:16:16+00:00 | sysutils/syslog-ng320 |
Powerful syslogd replacement syslog-ng is an enhanced log daemon, supporting a wide range of input and output methods: syslog, unstructured text, message queues, databases (SQL and NoSQL alike) and more. Key features: * receive and send RFC3164 and RFC5424 style syslog messages * work with any kind of unstructured data * receive and send JSON formatted messages * classify and structure logs with builtin parsers (csv-parser(), db-parser(), ...) * normalize, crunch and process logs as they flow through the system * hand on messages for further processing using message queues (like AMQP), files or databases (like PostgreSQL or MongoDB). The official home page of syslog-ng is: WWW: |
2019-03-01T11:18:20+00:00 | security/libfido2 |
Provides library functionality for FIDO 2.0 libfido2 provides library functionality and command-line tools to communicate with a FIDO device over USB, and to verify attestation and assertion signatures. libfido2 supports the FIDO U2F (CTAP 1) and FIDO 2.0 (CTAP 2) protocols. WWW: WWW: |
2019-03-01T10:10:03+00:00 | dns/bind914 |
BIND DNS suite with updated DNSSEC and DNS64 BIND version 9 is a major rewrite of nearly all aspects of the underlying BIND architecture. Some of the important features of BIND 9 are: DNS Security: DNSSEC (signed zones), TSIG (signed DNS requests) IP version 6: Answers DNS queries on IPv6 sockets, IPv6 resource records (AAAA) Experimental IPv6 Resolver Library DNS Protocol Enhancements: IXFR, DDNS, Notify, EDNS0 Improved standards conformance Views: One server process can provide multiple "views" of the DNS namespace, e.g. an "inside" view to certain clients, and an "outside" view to others. Multiprocessor Support See the CHANGES file for more information on new features. WWW: |
2019-02-28T21:34:51+00:00 | www/py-instabot |
Instagram bot scripts and API wrapper Instabot is a Python module, which not only implements the wrapper over the Instagram API, but also various useful functions. WWW: |
2019-02-28T21:34:45+00:00 | devel/py-schedule |
Python job scheduling for humans An in-process scheduler for periodic jobs that uses the builder pattern for configuration. Schedule lets you run Python functions (or any other callable) periodically at pre-determined intervals using a simple, human-friendly syntax. WWW: |
2019-02-28T21:31:20+00:00 | math/py-quadprog |
Quadratic programming package Solve a strictly convex quadratic program: Minimize 1/2 x^T G x - a^T x Subject to C.T x >= b WWW: |
2019-02-28T18:22:18+00:00 | chinese/sourcehanserif-sc-otf |
Simplified Chinese font by Adobe designed for user interfaces Source Han Serif: The second Pan-CJK typeface family from Adobe This is Source Han Serif SC/CN, which supports all four variants in this family but prioritizes Simplified Chinese Hanzi over other three. "Source Han Serif supports four different East Asian languages---Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Japanese, and Korean---and the 65,535 glyphs in each of its seven weights are designed to work together with a consistent design that emphasizes shared elements between the languages while honoring the diversity of each. Also included is a rich set of Western glyphs supporting the Latin, Greek, and Cyrillic scripts, which were derived from Source Serif." --- The Typekit, Adobe WWW: |
2019-02-28T18:15:22+00:00 | chinese/sourcehanserif-tc-otf |
Traditional Chinese font by Adobe designed for user interfaces Source Han Serif: The second Pan-CJK typeface family from Adobe This is Source Han Serif TC/TW, which supports all four variants in this family but prioritizes Traditional Chinese Hanzi over other three. "Source Han Serif supports four different East Asian languages---Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Japanese, and Korean---and the 65,535 glyphs in each of its seven weights are designed to work together with a consistent design that emphasizes shared elements between the languages while honoring the diversity of each. Also included is a rich set of Western glyphs supporting the Latin, Greek, and Cyrillic scripts, which were derived from Source Serif." --- The Typekit, Adobe WWW: |
2019-02-28T17:30:37+00:00 | japanese/sourcehanserif-otf |
Japanese font by Adobe designed for user interfaces Source Han Serif: The second Pan-CJK typeface family from Adobe This is Source Han Serif (JP), which supports all four variants in this family but prioritizes Japanese Kanji over other three. "Source Han Serif supports four different East Asian languages---Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Japanese, and Korean---and the 65,535 glyphs in each of its seven weights are designed to work together with a consistent design that emphasizes shared elements between the languages while honoring the diversity of each. Also included is a rich set of Western glyphs supporting the Latin, Greek, and Cyrillic scripts, which were derived from Source Serif." --- The Typekit, Adobe WWW: |
2019-02-28T17:12:47+00:00 | korean/sourcehanserif-otf |
Korean font by Adobe designed for user interfaces Source Han Serif: The second Pan-CJK typeface family from Adobe This is Source Han Serif K/KR, which supports all four variants in this family but prioritizes Korean Hanja over other three. "Source Han Serif supports four different East Asian languages---Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Japanese, and Korean---and the 65,535 glyphs in each of its seven weights are designed to work together with a consistent design that emphasizes shared elements between the languages while honoring the diversity of each. Also included is a rich set of Western glyphs supporting the Latin, Greek, and Cyrillic scripts, which were derived from Source Serif." --- The Typekit, Adobe WWW: |
2019-02-28T16:51:52+00:00 | x11-clocks/p5-Tk-Clock |
Clock widget with analog and digital display This module implements a Canvas-based clock widget for perl-Tk with lots of options to change the appearance. Both analog and digital clocks are implemented. WWW: |
2019-02-28T09:32:51+00:00 | textproc/pup |
Command-line jq-like HTML parser using CSS selectors pup is a command line tool for processing HTML. It reads from stdin, prints to stdout, and allows the user to filter parts of the page using CSS selectors. Inspired by jq, pup aims to be a fast and flexible way of exploring HTML from the terminal. WWW: |
2019-02-27T22:11:15+00:00 | math/py-autograd |
Efficiently computes derivatives of numpy code Autograd can automatically differentiate native Python and Numpy code. It can handle a large subset of Python's features, including loops, ifs, recursion and closures, and it can even take derivatives of derivatives of derivatives. It supports reverse-mode differentiation (a.k.a. backpropagation), which means it can efficiently take gradients of scalar-valued functions with respect to array-valued arguments, as well as forward-mode differentiation, and the two can be composed arbitrarily. The main intended application of Autograd is gradient-based optimization. WWW: |
2019-02-27T18:57:12+00:00 | net/ceph12 |
Ceph delivers object, block, and file storage in a unified system Ceph is a distributed object store and file system designed to provide excellent performance, reliability and scalability. * Object Storage Ceph provides seamless access to objects using native language bindings or radosgw, a REST interface for applications written with S3 and Swift. * Block Storage Ceph's RADOS Block Device (RBD) provides access to block device images that are striped and replicated across the entire storage cluster. * File System Ceph provides a POSIX-compliant network file system aiming for large data storage, high performance, and maximum compatibility with legacy applications. This FreeBSD build will build most of the tools in Ceph: * Mon, OSD, rados, RadosGW, rbd * init-ceph, and etc/rc.d/ceph on top of that * ceph-disk {prepare, activate} With these tools one can build a multi server, multi osd cluster fully running on FreeBSD and do some testing... WWW: |
2019-02-27T14:34:57+00:00 | net-mgmt/nsd_exporter |
Prometheus exporter for nsd metrics nsd_exporter is a prometheus exporter for nsd metrics WWW: |
2019-02-27T04:07:11+00:00 | x11/rofi-pass |
Rofi frontend for pass A bash script to handle Simple Password Store in a convenient way using rofi. Features: - Open URLs of entries with hotkey - Add new Entries to Password Storage - Edit existing Entries - Generate new passwords for entries - Inline view, which can copy/type individual entries - Move/Delete existing entries - Type any field from entry - Auto-typing of user and/or password fields - Generating OTPs WWW: |
2019-02-27T02:46:56+00:00 | devel/radian |
21st century R console radian is an improved console for the R program with multiline editing and rich syntax highlight and more... Under the hood, radian is built on top of the python library prompt-toolkit. One would consider radian as a ipython clone for R, though its layout and keybinds are actually more similar to those of julia. radian is still under active developement, users should use it at their own risks. WWW: |
2019-02-27T02:43:28+00:00 | textproc/sd |
Intuitive find and replace tool sd is an intuitive find & replace tool. Features: - Painless regular expressions. sd uses regex syntax that you already know from JavaScript and Python. Forget about dealing with quirks of sed or awk - get productive immediately. - String-literal mode. Non-regex find & replace. No more backslashes or remembering which characters are special and need to be escaped. - Easy to read, easy to write. Find & replace expressions are split up, which makes them easy to read and write. No more messing with unclosed and escaped slashes. - Smart, common-sense defaults. Smart-cased regular expressions also come with a sane syntax that's not opt-in. Defaults follow common sense and are tailored for typical daily use. WWW: |
2019-02-27T02:40:17+00:00 | devel/py-rchitect |
Interoperate R with Python An alternate R console that differs from rpy2 in that it doesn't require too many dependencies and a toolchain. WWW: |
2019-02-27T01:35:32+00:00 | x11-themes/papirus-icon-theme |
Papirus icon theme Papirus is a free and open source SVG icon theme, based on Paper Icon Set with a lot of new icons and a few extras, like Hardcode-Tray support, KDE colorscheme support, Folder Color support, and others. WWW: |
2019-02-26T22:24:15+00:00 | audio/faudio |
Accuracy-focused XAudio reimplementation FAudio is an XAudio reimplementation that focuses solely on developing fully accurate DirectX Audio runtime libraries for the FNA project, including XAudio2, X3DAudio, XAPO, and XACT3. WWW: |
2019-02-26T13:28:23+00:00 | comms/cubicsdr |
SDR receiver using liquidsdr What is CubicSDR ? CubicSDR is the software portion of Software Defined Radio. By Using hardware that converts RF spectrum into a digital stream we are able to build complex radios to do many types of functions in software instead of traditional hardware. What can I do with CubicSDR ? Paired with a supported hardware receiver, you can use CubicSDR to explore the RF world around you. Discover Satellite transmissions, Amateur Radio, Rail, Areonautical, Shortwave, or any number of possible signals floating through the air. WWW: |
2019-02-25T15:40:29+00:00 | www/p5-LWP-Authen-OAuth2 |
Perl extension to generate signed OAuth2 requests This module provides a sub-class of LWP::UserAgent that generates OAuth 2.0 signed requests. You should familiarise yourself with OAuth at WWW: |
2019-02-25T14:39:01+00:00 | security/ssllabs-scan |
Command-line tool to use the SSL Labs API A command-line reference-implementation client for SSL Labs API, designed for automated and/or bulk testing. SSL Labs API expose the complete SSL/TLS server testing functionality in a programmatic fashion, allowing for scheduled and bulk assessment. They are making their API available to encourage site operators to regularly test servers configurations. WWW: |
2019-02-25T07:56:45+00:00 | biology/abyss |
Assembly By Short Sequences: parallel, paired-end sequence assembler ABySS is a de novo, parallel, paired-end sequence assembler that is designed for short reads. The single-processor version is useful for assembling genomes up to 100 Mbases in size. The parallel version is implemented using MPI and is capable of assembling larger genomes. WWW: |
2019-02-25T05:07:08+00:00 | security/softether5 |
SoftEther VPN 5 (Developer Edition) SoftEther VPN ("SoftEther" means "Software Ethernet") is an open-source cross-platform multi-protocol VPN program, created as an academic project in the University of Tsukuba. Its protocol is very fast and it can be used in very restricted environments, as it's able to transfer packets over DNS and ICMP. A NAT-Traversal function is also available, very useful in case the required ports cannot be opened on the firewall. The supported third party protocols are OpenVPN, L2TP/IPSec and SSTP. This port is a bleeding-edge developer version of SoftEther, not for production use. If you're looking for a solid and stable version, use security/softether (RTM version) or security/softether-devel (stable version) instead. This version is available also on other other than i386/amd64 processors. Users who want to use SoftEther on single board computers such as Raspberry Pi, BeagleBoard or other embedded devices, try this port. WWW: |
2019-02-24T22:18:32+00:00 | net-im/dino |
Modern XMPP Chat Client using GTK+/Vala Dino is a modern open-source chat client for the desktop. It focuses on providing a clean and reliable Jabber/XMPP experience while having your privacy in mind. WWW: |
2019-02-24T19:02:37+00:00 | devel/hpx |
C++ Standard Library for Parallelism and Concurrency HPX (High Performance ParalleX) is a general purpose C++ runtime system for parallel and distributed applications of any scale. It strives to provide a unified programming model which transparently utilizes the available resources to achieve unprecedented levels of scalability. This library strictly adheres to the C++11 Standard and leverages the Boost C++ Libraries which makes HPX easy to use, highly optimized, and very portable. HPX is developed for conventional architectures including Linux-based systems, Windows, Mac, and the BlueGene/Q, as well as accelerators such as the Xeon Phi. WWW: |
2019-02-24T17:55:57+00:00 | www/py-starlette |
Lightweight ASGI framework/toolkit Starlette is a lightweight ASGI framework/toolkit, which is ideal for building high performance asyncio services. It is production-ready, and gives you the following: - Seriously impressive performance. - WebSocket support. - GraphQL support. - In-process background tasks. - Startup and shutdown events. - Test client built on requests. - CORS, GZip, Static Files, Streaming responses. - Session and Cookie support. - 100% test coverage. - 100% type annotated codebase. - Zero hard dependencies. WWW: |
2019-02-24T17:55:51+00:00 | misc/py-huepy |
Print awesomely in terminals Hue provides a minimal and powerful interface to print colored text and labels in the terminal. WWW: |
2019-02-24T16:50:03+00:00 | security/hockeypuck |
Synchronizing Key Server, a fast OpenPGP keyserver Hockeypuck implements the HKP draft protocol specification, as well as several extensions to the protocol supported by SKS. Public key material conforming to RFC 4880 is supported by the keyserver, as are RFC 6637 ECC keys. As-of-yet unsupported key material, such as recent Ed25519 signing keys, may be distributed by Hockeypuck, however Hockeypuck is not able to validate them yet. WWW: |
2019-02-24T06:31:47+00:00 | devel/loccount |
Count source lines of code in a project loccount is a re-implementation of David A. Wheeler's sloccount tool in Go. It is faster, handles more different languages, can report LLOC as well as SLOC, and can do COCOMO II as well as COCOMO I estimates. Because it's one source file in Go, it is easier to maintain and extend than the multi-file, multi-language implementation of the original. The algorithms are largely unchanged and can be expected to produce identical numbers for languages supported by both tools. Python is an exception; loccount corrects buggy counting of single-quote multiline literals in sloccount 2.26. WWW: |
2019-02-23T17:36:07+00:00 | net/libcoap |
C implementation of the Constrained Application Protocol libcoap is a C implementation of a lightweight application-protocol for devices that are constrained their resources such as computing power, RF range, memory, bandwidth, or network packet sizes. This protocol, CoAP, is standardized by the IETF as RFC 7252. For further information related to CoAP, see You might want to check out libcoap-minimal for usage examples. WWW: |
2019-02-23T14:30:06+00:00 | devel/mill |
Java/Scala build tool Mill is your shiny new Java/Scala build tool! Scared of SBT? Melancholy over Maven? Grumbling about Gradle? Baffled by Bazel? Give Mill a try! Mill aims for simplicity by re-using concepts you are already familiar with, borrowing ideas from modern tools like Bazel, to let you build your projects in a way that's simple, fast, and predictable. Mill has built in support for the Scala programming language, and can serve as a replacement for SBT, but can also be extended to support any other language or platform via modules (written in Java or Scala) or through external subprocesses. WWW: |
2019-02-23T13:49:27+00:00 | cad/lepton-eda |
Lepton Electronic Design Automation Lepton EDA is a suite of free software tools for designing electronics. It provides schematic capture, netlisting into over 30 netlist formats, and many other features. It was forked from the gEDA/gaf suite in late 2016 by most of its active developers at that time. It's in active development and well supported. WWW: |
2019-02-23T01:51:58+00:00 | dns/gdnsd3 |
Authoritative-only GeoIP-aware DNS server gdnsd is an Authoritative-only DNS server. The initial g stands for Geographic, as gdnsd offers a plugin system for geographic (or other sorts of) balancing, redirection, and service-state-conscious failover. If you don't care about that feature, it's still quite good at being a very fast, lean, and resilient authoritative-only server for static DNS data. gdnsd is written in C using libev and pthreads with a focus on high performance, low latency service. It does not offer any form of caching or recursive service, and does not support DNSSEC. WWW: |
2019-02-22T19:58:40+00:00 | misc/py-colored |
Very simple Python library for color and formatting in terminal Very simple Python library for color and formatting in terminal. Collection of color codes and names for 256 color terminal setups. The following is a list of 256 colors for Xterm, containing an example of the displayed color, Xterm Name, Xterm Number and HEX. WWW: |
2019-02-22T19:54:01+00:00 | devel/py-lark-parser |
Modern parsing library for Python Lark can parse any context-free grammar, FAST and EASY! For beginners, Lark is not just another parser. It can parse any grammar you throw at it, no matter how complicated or ambiguous, and do so efficiently. It also constructs a parse-tree for you, without additional code on your part. For Experts, Lark lets you choose between Earley and LALR(1), to trade-off power and speed. It also contains a CYK parser and unique features such as a contextual-lexer. Lark can: - Parse all context-free grammars, and handle any ambiguity - Build a parse-tree automagically, no construction code required - Outperform all other Python libraries when using LALR(1) (Yes, including PLY) - Run on every Python interpreter (it's pure-python) - Generate a stand-alone parser (for LALR(1) grammars) - And many more features. Read ahead and find out. Most importantly, Lark will save you time and prevent you from getting parsing headaches. WWW: |
2019-02-22T14:46:50+00:00 | games/xray_re-tools |
X-Ray engine game asset converter (unofficial) Portable (POSIX) subset of the X-Ray unofficial toolset used for modding the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. game series by GSC Game World. Currently includes standalone converter utility which is useful for casual gamers to unpack game resources in order to adjust various game parameters. Usage examples, the first for Russian release version of Shadow of Chernobyl and the second for Clear Sky and Call of Pripyat: $ xr_converter -unpack /path/to/gamedata.db0 -2947ru -dir ./put_it_here $ xr_converter -unpack /path/to/resources.db0 -xdb -dir ./put_it_here WWW: |
2019-02-21T13:44:45+00:00 | net-im/quaternion |
Matrix IM client based on Qt technologies Quaternion is a cross-platform desktop IM client for the Matrix protocol. WWW: |
2019-02-21T13:44:45+00:00 | net-im/libqmatrixclient |
Matrix IM support library using Qt technologies libQMatrixClient is a Qt5-based library to make IM clients for the Matrix protocol. It is the backbone of Quaternion, Spectral and some other projects. WWW: |
2019-02-20T21:49:09+00:00 | comms/redsea |
Lightweight command-line FM-RDS decoder redsea is a lightweight command-line decoder for broadcast FM-RDS data, such as that provided from a software-defined radio (SDR). It can also decode raw ASCII bitstreams, the hex format provided by RDS Spy, and audio files containing multiplex signals. Decoded RDS groups are printed to the terminal as line-delimited JSON objects; optionally, undecoded hex blocks can be output instead. This program is intended to be used in combination with a separate source of demodulated FM multiplex signals, such as rtl-sdr. WWW: |
2019-02-20T20:46:37+00:00 | biology/p5-Bio-Cluster |
BioPerl cluster modules Bio::Cluster is the BioPerl cluster modules. Classes and modules here describe the basic structure for a cluster of BioPerl objects. WWW: |
2019-02-20T12:22:42+00:00 | security/py-taxii2-client |
Minimal client implementation for the TAXII 2.0 server This port provides a minimal client implementation for the TAXII 2.0 server. It supports the following TAXII 2.0 API services: - Server Discovery - Get API Root Information - Get Status - Get Collections - Get a Collection - Get Objects - Add Objects - Get an Object - Get Object Manifests WWW: |
2019-02-19T19:46:44+00:00 | net/libusipp |
Unix socket interface for C++ raw IP/IP6/UDP/TCP, layer 2 framework usi++ (UNIX Socket Interface) is a low-level network-library for sending/receiving IP, IP6, ARP etc. packets directly on RAW or PACKET sockets. It can also be used for network-monitoring and rapid development of pentesting tools. It requires libpcap and libdnet if you want the Layer2 DNET provider. WWW: |
2019-02-19T08:18:07+00:00 | sysutils/py-bitrot |
Utility to detect data corruption and bit rot Detects bit rotten files on the hard drive to save your precious photo and music collection from slow decay. It reports on files whose contents have changed without their modification times being updated. This may be an indication of bitrot. WWW: |
2019-02-19T04:47:14+00:00 | graphics/magnum-examples |
Examples for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine Various examples for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine, demonstrating its features, usage and capabilities. WWW: |
2019-02-19T04:24:35+00:00 | misc/box2d |
2D physics engine for games Box2D is a 2D physics engine for games. Collision: * Continuous collision detection * Contact callbacks: begin, end, pre-solve, post-solve * Convex polygons and circles * Multiple shapes per body * One-shot contact manifolds * Dynamic tree broadphase * Efficient pair management * Fast broadphase AABB queries * Collision groups and categories Physics: * Continuous physics with time of impact solver * Persistent body-joint-contact graph * Island solution and sleep management * Contact, friction, and restitution * Stable stacking with a linear-time solver * Revolute, prismatic, distance, pulley, gear, mouse joint, other joint types * Joint limits, motors, and friction * Momentum decoupled position correction WWW: |
2019-02-19T03:52:24+00:00 | graphics/magnum-extras |
Extras for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine Extra functionality for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine - playground for testing new APIs, specialized stuff that doesn't necessarily need to be a part of main Magnum repository or mutually exclusive functionality. WWW: |
2019-02-19T03:25:37+00:00 | graphics/magnum-plugins |
Plugins for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine Various plugins for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine - asset import and conversion, text rendering and more. WWW: |
2019-02-18T22:19:31+00:00 | graphics/magnum |
Lightweight, modular graphics middleware for games, data visualization Lightweight and modular C++11/C++14 graphics middleware for games and data visualization. Features: * UTF-8-aware OS, filesystem and console abstraction * versatile vector math library * slim C++11 wrapper of Vulkan and OpenGL API families * shaders and primitives for fast prototyping * algorithms * debugging and automatic testing * always more than one way to do things * plugins WWW: |
2019-02-18T22:01:50+00:00 | devel/corrade |
C++11/C++14 multiplatform utility library Corrade is a multiplatform utility library written in C++11/C++14. It's used as a base for the Magnum graphics engine, among other things. Features: * Low-level utilities to bridge platform differences when accessing OS functionality, filesystem, console and environment * Lightweight container implementations, complementing STL features with focus on compilation speed, ease of use and performance * Test framework emphasizing flexibility, extensibility, minimal use of macros and clarity of diagnostic output * Plugin management library with static and dynamic plugins, dependency handling and hot code reload * Signal/slot connection library with full type safety WWW: |
2019-02-18T21:05:13+00:00 | devel/py-jsondiff |
Diff JSON and JSON-like structures in Python jsondiff is an MIT-licensed Python library which lets you compare, diff and patch JSON and JSON-like structures in Python. It has special support for: - multiple and custom-defined diff syntaxes - Python sets - similarity-based list comparison WWW: |
2019-02-18T19:37:36+00:00 | science/dvc |
Git for data scientists: manage code and data together Data Science Version Control or DVC is an open-source tool for data science and machine learning projects. With a simple and flexible Git-like architecture and interface it helps data scientists: * manage machine learning models - versioning, including data sets and transformations (scripts) that were used to generate models; * make projects reproducible; * make projects shareable; * manage experiments with branching and metrics tracking. It aims to replace tools like Excel and Docs that are being commonly used as a knowledge repo and a ledger for the team, ad-hoc scripts to track and move deploy different model versions, ad-hoc data file suffixes and prefixes. WWW: |
2019-02-18T19:22:28+00:00 | sysutils/bastille |
Jail automation framework Bastille helps you quickly create and manage FreeBSD Jails. The project focuses on secure defaults, automation and repeatable templates. WWW: |
2019-02-18T19:00:53+00:00 | devel/py-asciimatics |
Mouse/keyboard input, text color/positioning, and ASCII animations Asciimatics is a package to help people create full-screen text UIs (from interactive forms to ASCII animations) on any platform. Features: * Coloured/styled text - including 256 colour terminals and unicode characters (even CJK languages) * Cursor positioning * Keyboard input (without blocking or echoing) including unicode support * Mouse input (terminal permitting) * Detecting and handling when the console resizes * Screen scraping WWW: |
2019-02-18T18:46:34+00:00 | math/py-grandalf |
Graph experimentation and drawing algorithms framework Grandalf is a python package made for experimentations with graphs and drawing algorithms. It is written in pure python, and implements two layouts: the Sugiyama hierarchical layout and the force-driven or energy minimization approach. While not as fast or featured as _graphviz_ or other libraries like _OGDF_ (C++), _GDToolkit_ (C), _tulip_ (Java), it provides a way to draw and navigate graphs no larger than thousands of nodes, while keeping the source code simple enough to make it possible to easily tweak and hack any part of it for experimental purpose. With a total of about 1500 lines of python, the code involved in drawing the Sugiyama (dot) layout fits in less than 600 lines. The energy minimization approach is comprised of only 250 lines! Grandalf does only two not-so-simple things: * computing the nodes (x,y) coordinates (based on provided nodes dimensions, and a chosen layout) * routing the edges with lines or nurbs WWW: |
2019-02-18T18:35:21+00:00 | devel/py-jsonpath-rw |
Implementation of JSONPath for Python This library provides a robust and significantly extended implementation of JSONPath for Python. This library differs from other JSONPath implementations in that it is a full language implementation, meaning the JSONPath expressions are first class objects, easy to analyze, transform, parse, print, and extend. WWW: |
2019-02-18T18:18:36+00:00 | devel/py-nanotime |
Nanotime python implementation The nanotime module provides a time object that keeps time as the number of nanoseconds since the UNIX epoch. In other words, it is a 64bit UNIX timestamp with nanosecond precision. WWW: |
2019-02-18T17:01:53+00:00 | shells/ammonite |
Provides a system shell in the high-level Scala language A modern replacement for the Bash system shell. Provides a systems shell in the high-level Scala language, letting you seamlessly mix system operations with real code without the hassle or the frustration of trying to write complex code in Bash. Ammonite lets you use the Scala language for scripting purposes: in a Read-Evaluate-Print-Loop (REPL), as scripts, as a library to use in existing projects, or as a standalone systems shell. WWW: |
2019-02-18T15:01:50+00:00 | sysutils/u-boot-clearfog |
U-Boot loader for the SolidRun ClearFog Pro. Install the u-boot-spl.kwb file onto the boot disk using: dd if=u-boot-spl.kwb of=/dev/whatever bs=512 seek=1 The BootROM searches for U-Boot after the first 512 bytes. WWW: |
2019-02-18T13:46:21+00:00 | benchmarks/hyperfine |
Command-line benchmarking tool A command-line benchmarking tool (inspired by bench). Features: * Statistical analysis across multiple runs. * Support for arbitrary shell commands. * Constant feedback about the benchmark progress and current estimates. * Warmup runs can be executed before the actual benchmark. * Cache-clearing commands can be set up before each timing run. * Statistical outlier detection. * Export results to various formats: CSV, JSON, Markdown. * Parameterized benchmarks. * Cross-platform WWW: |
2019-02-18T07:12:38+00:00 | graphics/oidn |
Intel(R) Open Image Denoise library Intel Open Image Denoise is an open source library of high-performance, high-quality denoising filters for images rendered with ray tracing. Open Image Denoise is part of the Intel Rendering Framework and is released under the permissive Apache 2.0 license. The purpose of Open Image Denoise is to provide an open, high-quality, efficient, and easy-to-use denoising library that allows one to significantly reduce rendering times in ray tracing based rendering applications. It filters out the Monte Carlo noise inherent to stochastic ray tracing methods like path tracing, reducing the amount of necessary samples per pixel by even multiple orders of magnitude (depending on the desired closeness to the ground truth). A simple but flexible C/C++ API ensures that the library can be easily integrated into most existing or new rendering solutions. WWW: |
2019-02-18T06:11:17+00:00 | math/R-cran-FrF2 |
Statistical Methods for Quality Science FrF2: Fractional Factorial Designs with 2-Level Factors Regular and non-regular Fractional Factorial 2-level designs can be created. Furthermore, analysis tools for Fractional Factorial designs with 2-level factors are offered (main effects and interaction plots for all factors simultaneously, cube plot for looking at the simultaneous effects of three factors, full or half normal plot, alias structure in a more readable format than with the built-in function alias). WWW: |
2019-02-18T04:35:01+00:00 | misc/dartsim |
Dynamic Animation and Robotics Toolkit DART (Dynamic Animation and Robotics Toolkit) is a collaborative, cross-platform, open source library created by the Graphics Lab and Humanoid Robotics Lab at Georgia Institute of Technology with ongoing contributions from the Personal Robotics Lab at University of Washington and Open Source Robotics Foundation. The library provides data structures and algorithms for kinematic and dynamic applications in robotics and computer animation. DART is distinguished by its accuracy and stability due to its use of generalized coordinates to represent articulated rigid body systems and Featherstone's Articulated Body Algorithm to compute the dynamics of motion. WWW: |
2019-02-18T03:09:50+00:00 | math/R-cran-BsMD |
Bayes Screening and Model Discrimination BsMD: Bayes Screening and Model Discrimination. Bayes screening and model discrimination follow-up designs. WWW: |
2019-02-18T02:28:52+00:00 | math/R-cran-scatterplot3d |
3D Scatter Plot scatterplot3d: 3D Scatter Plot. Plots a three dimensional (3D) point cloud. WWW: |
2019-02-17T19:38:39+00:00 | security/rubygem-sshkey1 |
Generate private/public SSH keypairs using pure Ruby SSHKey generates private and public SSH keys (RSA and DSA supported) using pure Ruby. WWW: |
2019-02-17T19:36:51+00:00 | devel/p5-Term-TablePrint |
Print a table to the terminal and browse it interactively Term::TablePrint shows a table and lets the user interactively browse it. It provides a cursor which highlights the row on which it is located. The user can scroll through the table with the different cursor keys. If the table has more rows than the terminal, the table is divided up on as many pages as needed automatically. If the cursor reaches the end of a page, the next page is shown automatically until the last page is reached. Also if the cursor reaches the topmost line, the previous page is shown automatically if it is not already the first one. If the terminal is too narrow to print the table, the columns are adjusted to the available width automatically. If the option table_expand is enabled and a row is selected with Return, each column of that row is output in its own line preceded by the column name. This might be useful if the columns were cut due to the too low terminal width. WWW: |
2019-02-17T19:36:26+00:00 | devel/p5-Term-Choose-Util |
CLI related functions Term::Choose::Util provides some CLI related functions required by App::DBBrowser, App::YTDL and Term::TablePrint. WWW: |
2019-02-17T19:35:54+00:00 | devel/p5-Term-Choose |
Choose items from a list interactively Term::Choose supports to choose interactively from a list of items. It provides a functional interface ("SUBROUTINES") and an object-oriented interface ("METHODS"). WWW: |
2019-02-17T17:05:49+00:00 | multimedia/svt-hevc |
Scalable HEVC encoder The Scalable Video Technology for HEVC Encoder (SVT-HEVC Encoder) is an HEVC-compliant encoder library core that achieves excellent density-quality tradeoffs, and is highly optimized for Intel Xeon Scalable Processor and Xeon D processors. WWW: |
2019-02-17T07:46:40+00:00 | multimedia/svt-vp9 |
Scalable VP9 encoder The Scalable Video Technology for VP9 Encoder (SVT-VP9 Encoder) is a VP9-compliant encoder library core. The SVT-VP9 Encoder development is a work-in-progress targeting performance levels applicable to both VOD and Live encoding/transcoding video applications. WWW: |
2019-02-16T23:30:01+00:00 | devel/double-conversion |
Binary-decimal and decimal-binary routines for IEEE doubles This project (double-conversion) provides binary-decimal and decimal-binary routines for IEEE doubles. The library consists of efficient conversion routines that have been extracted from the V8 JavaScript engine. The code has been refactored and improved so that it can be used more easily in other projects. WWW: |
2019-02-16T22:53:30+00:00 | www/py-python-multipart |
Streaming multipart parser for Python python-multipart is an Apache 2.0 licensed streaming multipart parser for Python. WWW: |
2019-02-16T22:52:51+00:00 | math/py-munkres10 |
Munkres implementation for Python The Munkres module provides an implementation of the Munkres algorithm (also called the Hungarian algorithm or the Kuhn-Munkres algorithm). The algorithm models an assignment problem as an NxM cost matrix, where each element represents the cost of assigning the ith worker to the jth job, and it figures out the least-cost solution, choosing a single item from each row and column in the matrix, such that no row and no column are used more than once. WWW: |
2019-02-16T22:52:45+00:00 | graphics/py-imageio24 |
Python library for reading and writing image, video formats Imageio is a Python library that provides an easy interface to read and write a wide range of image data, including animated images, volumetric data, and scientific formats. WWW: |
2019-02-16T22:52:23+00:00 | devel/py-graphene |
GraphQL Framework for Python Graphene is a Python library for building GraphQL schemas/types fast and easily. - Easy to use: Graphene helps you use GraphQL in Python without effort. - Relay: Graphene has builtin support for Relay. - Data agnostic: Graphene supports any kind of data source: SQL (Django, SQLAlchemy), NoSQL, custom Python objects, etc. We believe that by providing a complete API you could plug Graphene anywhere your data lives and make your data available through GraphQL. WWW: |
2019-02-16T22:51:58+00:00 | devel/py-graphql-relay |
Relay implementation for Python Relay Library for GraphQL Python is a library to allow the easy creation of Relay-compliant servers using the GraphQL Python reference implementation of a GraphQL server. Note: The code is a exact port of the original graphql-relay js implementation from Facebook WWW: |
2019-02-16T22:51:43+00:00 | devel/py-graphql-core |
GraphQL implementation for Python GraphQL-core is a port of graphql-js to Python. WWW: |
2019-02-16T22:51:15+00:00 | devel/py-rx |
Reactive Extensions (Rx) for Python Reactive Extensions for Python (RxPY) is library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable collections and query operator functions in Python. WWW: |
2019-02-16T22:50:50+00:00 | devel/py-promise |
Promises/A+ implementation for Python Promise is a implementation of Promises in Python. It is a super set of Promises/A+ designed to have readable, performant code and to provide just the extensions that are absolutely necessary for using promises in Python. WWW: |
2019-02-16T22:50:29+00:00 | devel/py-proglog |
Log and progress bar manager for console, notebooks and web Proglog is a progress logging system for Python. It allows to build complex libraries while giving your users control over logs, callbacks and progress bars. WWW: |
2019-02-16T22:50:08+00:00 | devel/py-aiofiles |
File support for asyncio aiofiles is an Apache2 licensed library, written in Python, for handling local disk files in asyncio applications. Ordinary local file IO is blocking, and cannot easily and portably made asynchronous. This means doing file IO may interfere with asyncio applications, which shouldn't block the executing thread. aiofiles helps with this by introducing asynchronous versions of files that support delegating operations to a separate thread pool. Features: - a file API very similar to Python's standard, blocking API - support for buffered and unbuffered binary files, and buffered text files - support for async/await (PEP 492) constructs WWW: |
2019-02-16T20:03:24+00:00 | irc/bitlbee-mastodon |
Bitlbee plugin to communicate with Mastodon instances This plugin allows Bitlbee to communicate with Mastodon instances. Mastodon is a free, open-source, decentralized microblogging network. Bitlbee is an IRC server connecting to various other text messaging services. You run Bitlbee and connect to it using an IRC client, then configure Bitlbee to connect to other services, such as a Mastodon instance where you already have an account. The benefit is that you can now use any IRC client you want to connect to Mastodon. WWW: |
2019-02-16T19:50:38+00:00 | devel/remotery |
Single file, realtime CPU/GPU profiler library with remote web viewer Remotery is a realtime CPU/GPU profiler hosted in a single C file with a viewer that runs in a web browser. Features: - Lightweight instrumentation of multiple threads running on the CPU. - Web viewer that runs in Chrome, Firefox and Safari. Custom WebSockets server transmits sample data to the browser on a latent thread. - Profiles itself and shows how it's performing in the viewer. - Console output for logging text. - Console input for sending commands to your game. WWW: |
2019-02-16T19:48:34+00:00 | sysutils/py-azure-cli-sqlvm |
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools SQL virtual machine Command Module Microsoft Azure CLI 'sql vm' Command Module The Azure CLI is a command-line tool providing a great experience for managing Azure resources. The CLI is designed to make scripting easy, query data, support long-running operations, and more. Try it today and find out what the CLI has to offer! WWW: |
2019-02-16T19:45:36+00:00 | devel/py-azure-mgmt-sqlvirtualmachine |
Microsoft Azure SQL Virtual Machine Management Client Library for Python This is the Microsoft Azure SQL Virtual Machine Management Client Library. Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the next generation of management APIs that replace the old Azure Service Management (ASM). WWW: |
2019-02-16T19:36:29+00:00 | audio/zrythm |
Modern music production system, also known as DAW Zrythm is built using C and the GTK+3 toolkit and borrows ideas, concepts and code from other projects such as Ardour and Jalv. It is built with the intention to provide GNU/Linux and BSD users a full-featured alternative to proprietary DAWs and offers a unique approach to workflow that other GNU/Linux DAWs lack. WWW: |
2019-02-16T18:52:37+00:00 | devel/gn |
Gn meta build framework - standalone version GN is a meta-build system that generates build files for Ninja. WWW: |
2019-02-16T18:03:08+00:00 | x11-toolkits/libhandy |
Library with GTK+ widgets for mobile phones The aim of The handy library is to help with developing UI for mobile devices using GTK+/GNOME. WWW: |
2019-02-16T08:02:02+00:00 | science/mmtf-cpp |
C++ MMTF format API, decoder and encoder, for molecular structures mmtf is a C++ headers-only decoder/encoder library for the MMTF format. The macromolecular transmission format (MMTF) is a binary encoding of chemical and biological structures. WWW: |
2019-02-16T07:40:02+00:00 | sysutils/xfce4-kbdleds-plugin |
Xfce keyboard LEDs panel plugin This plugin shows the state of your keyboard LEDs: Caps, Scroll and Num Lock in Xfce panel. WWW: |
2019-02-16T00:42:45+00:00 | multimedia/svt-av1 |
Scalable AV1 encoder The Scalable Video Technology for AV1 Encoder (SVT-AV1 Encoder) is an AV1-compliant encoder library core. The SVT-AV1 development is a work-in-progress targeting performance levels applicable to both VOD and Live encoding / transcoding video applications. WWW: |
2019-02-15T23:25:09+00:00 | devel/libcbor |
CBOR protocol implementation for C and others libcbor is a C library for parsing and generating CBOR, the general-purpose schema-less binary data format. Main features: - Complete RFC conformance - Robust C99 implementation - Layered architecture offers both control and convenience - Flexible memory management - No shared global state - threading friendly - Proper handling of UTF-8 - Full support for streams & incremental processing - Extensive documentation and test suite - No runtime dependencies, small footprint WWW: |
2019-02-15T21:31:33+00:00 | comms/ath3k-firmware |
Atheros AR3011/AR3012 bluetooth adaptor firmwares used by ath3kfw(8) Firmware for the Atheros AR3011/AR3012 chip based Bluetooth USB devices. To be downloaded with ath3kfw(8). WWW: |
2019-02-15T05:02:44+00:00 | textproc/libcyaml |
C library for reading and writing YAML LibCYAML is a C library for reading and writing structured YAML documents. It is written in ISO C11 and licensed under the ISC licence. WWW: |
2019-02-14T17:42:19+00:00 | textproc/re-flex |
Regex-centric, fast and flexible scanner generator for C++ RE/flex is a free and open-source alternative to the fast lexical analyzer Flex. RE/flex generates fast lexical analyzers for C++, also known as "scanners", "lexers", or "tokenizers". RE/flex offers many new useful features including Unicode support, indent/nodent/dedent anchors, word boundaries, lazy quantifiers (non-greedy, lazy repeats), and performance tuning options. The RE/flex software also includes a very fast stand-alone regex library for C++. WWW: |
2019-02-14T11:51:25+00:00 | x11-fonts/3270font |
IBM 3270 font for the nostalgic This font is derived from the x3270 font, which, in turn, was translated from the one in Georgia Tech's 3270tool, which was itself hand-copied from a 3270 series terminal. This font was built because the author felt that terminals deserve to be pretty. The .sfd font file contains a x3270 bitmap font that was used for guidance. WWW: |
2019-02-14T07:36:54+00:00 | databases/py-pg8000-112 |
Pure-Python Interface to the PostgreSQL Database pg8000 is a Pure-Python interface to the PostgreSQL database engine. It is one of many PostgreSQL interfaces for the Python programming language. pg8000 is somewhat distinctive in that it is written entirely in Python and does not rely on any external libraries (such as a compiled python module, or PostgreSQL's libpq library). pg8000 supports the standard Python DB-API version 2.0. WWW: |
2019-02-14T00:54:56+00:00 | science/opsin |
Open Parser for Systematic IUPAC Nomenclature of chemical names OPSIN is a Java library for IUPAC name-to-structure conversion offering high recall and precision on organic chemical nomenclature. Supported outputs are SMILES, CML (Chemical Markup Language) and InChI (IUPAC International Chemical Identifier). WWW: |
2019-02-14T00:29:04+00:00 | net/py-wsproto |
Sans-IO WebSocket protocol implementation A pure-Python implementation of a WebSocket protocol stack. It's written from the ground up to be embeddable in whatever program you choose to use, ensuring that you can communicate via WebSockets, as defined in RFC6455, regardless of your programming paradigm. This does not provide a parsing layer, a network layer, or any rules about concurrency. Instead, it's a purely in-memory solution, defined in terms of data actions and WebSocket frames. RFC6455 and Compression Extensions for WebSocket via RFC7692 are fully supported. WWW: WWW: |
2019-02-14T00:02:09+00:00 | net/py-h11 |
Pure-Python, bring-your-own-I/O implementation of HTTP/1.1 This is a little HTTP/1.1 library written from scratch in Python, heavily inspired by hyper-h2. WWW: |
2019-02-13T13:52:53+00:00 | editors/wxhexeditor |
Graphical hex editor for big files with x86 disassembly support Advanced graphical (wxWidgets) hex editor focused on editing of very large files and with x86 disassembly support. WWW: |
2019-02-13T07:00:58+00:00 | science/molscript |
Display 3D molecules in schematic and detailed representations MolScript is a program for displaying molecular 3D structures, such as proteins, in both schematic and detailed representations. Output formats: PostScript, Raster3D, VRML 2.0, interactive OpenGL, SGI (aka RGB), JPEG, EPS, PNG, GIF. WWW: |
2019-02-12T19:36:52+00:00 | deskutils/sysctlview |
Graphical sysctl MIB explorer The sysctlview utility is a graphical sysctl MIB explorer, each object represents a parameter of the kernel. The sysctlview explorer shows the properties of an object and can get or set its value. WWW: |
2019-02-12T05:21:56+00:00 | audio/gsequencer |
Advanced Gtk+ sequencer Advanced Gtk+ Sequencer is capable of doing multi-channel editing, it contains an automation editor and you might want live export to audio files. There are sequencer machines as well a fully featured notation editor. Supporting copy & paste, resizing audio channels or align in-/output pads. WWW: |
2019-02-11T18:45:47+00:00 | audio/qmidictl |
MIDI remote control application sending MIDI over UDP/IP multicast QmidiCtl is a MIDI remote controller application that sends MIDI data over the network, using UDP/IP multicast. Inspired by multimidicast and designed to be compatible with ipMIDI for Windows. WWW: |
2019-02-11T12:00:30+00:00 | www/py-dj21-drf-yasg |
Yet Another Swagger Generator Generate real Swagger/OpenAPI 2.0 specifications from a Django Rest Framework API. Features: - full support for nested serializers and schemas - response schemas and descriptions - model definitions compatible with codegen tools - customization hooks at all points in the spec generation process - JSON and YAML format for spec - bundles latest version of swagger-ui and redoc for viewing the generated documentation - schema view is cacheable out of the box - generated Swagger schema can be automatically validated by swagger-spec-validator or flex - supports Django REST Framework API versioning with URLPathVersioning and NamespaceVersioning (other DRF or custom versioning schemes are not currently supported) WWW: |
2019-02-11T12:00:30+00:00 | www/py-dj21-djangorestframework |
Django REST framework Django REST framework is a powerful and flexible toolkit that makes it easy to build Web APIs. Note: This is the 3.9.x branch which supports Django 1.11 and later WWW: |
2019-02-11T12:00:30+00:00 | www/py-dj21-django-timezone-field |
Provides database and form fields for pytz timezone objects for Django Provides database and form fields for pytz timezone objects for Django. WWW: |
2019-02-11T12:00:30+00:00 | www/py-dj21-django-taggit |
Reusable Django application for simple tagging django-taggit a simpler approach to tagging with Django. WWW: |
2019-02-11T12:00:30+00:00 | www/py-dj21-django-taggit-serializer |
Django Taggit serializer for the Django REST Framework This package makes it possible to serialize tags generated by the django-taggit package. Because the tags in the django-taggit package need to be added into a TaggableManager() one cannot use the usual Serializer that is retrieved from the Django REST Framework. WWW: |
2019-02-11T12:00:30+00:00 | www/py-dj21-django-tables2 |
Table/data-grid framework for Django django-tables2 simplifies the task of turning sets of data into HTML tables. It has native support for pagination and sorting, does for HTML tables what django.forms does for HTML forms. WWW: |
2019-02-11T12:00:30+00:00 | www/py-dj21-django-mptt |
Utilities for implementing Modified Preorder Tree Traversal in Django Utilities for implementing Modified Preorder Tree Traversal with your Django Models and working with trees of Model instances. WWW: |
2019-02-11T12:00:30+00:00 | www/py-dj21-django-js-asset |
Insert script tags with additional attributes for django.forms.Media Insert script tags with additional attributes (such as "id" and "data" for CSP-compatible data injection) for the django.forms.Media package. WWW: |
2019-02-11T12:00:30+00:00 | www/py-dj21-django-filter |
Dynamic filtering for querysets with Django A generic system for filtering Django QuerySets based on user selections. WWW: |
2019-02-11T12:00:30+00:00 | www/py-dj21-django-debug-toolbar |
Configurable set of panels to display debug information The Django Debug Toolbar is a configurable set of panels that display various debug information about the current request/response and when clicked, display more details about the panel's content. WWW: WWW: |
2019-02-11T12:00:30+00:00 | www/py-dj21-django-cors-headers |
Handles server headers required for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing A Django App that adds CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) headers to responses. WWW: |
2019-02-11T10:44:04+00:00 | www/py-fake-useragent |
Up to date simple useragent faker with real world database Up to date simple useragent faker with real world database. Features: * grabs up to date useragent from * randomize with real world statistic via WWW: |
2019-02-11T10:24:45+00:00 | net-mgmt/py-pysnmp |
SNMP framework for Python PySNMP is fully functional SNMP v1, v2c and v3 engine (agent and manager) written entirely in Python. WWW: |
2019-02-11T10:24:45+00:00 | net-mgmt/py-pysnmp-mibs |
Additional python MIB files for pysnmp and friends PySNMP is fully functional SNMP v1, v2c and v3 engine (agent and manager) written entirely in Python. The -mibs distribution contains MIB modules built from publicly available MIBs compiled to work with the pysnmp tools. WWW: |
2019-02-11T10:24:45+00:00 | net-mgmt/py-pysnmp-apps |
Command line utilities for pysnmp PySNMP is fully functional SNMP v1, v2c and v3 engine (agent and manager) written entirely in Python. The -apps distribution contains command-line workalikes for snmpwalk, snmpget, etc. written using the PySNMP module. WWW: |
2019-02-11T08:09:09+00:00 | sysutils/mapdir |
Tool to map directory trees mapdir is a shell script utility, that can be used to map the structure of directory trees. It is mainly used to verify the consistency between different directory hierachies, which contain the same files, as the report files generated by mapdir can subsequently be passed to the diff utility. WWW: |
2019-02-10T11:26:24+00:00 | math/wxmaxima |
WxWidgets GUI for the computer algebra system maxima wxMaxima is a wxWidgets GUI for the computer algebra system maxima. Most of maxima functions are accessible through menus, some have dialogs. The input line has command history (up-key, down-key) and completion based on previous input (tab-key). wxMaxima provides 2d formated display of maxima output. WWW: |
2019-02-09T22:51:25+00:00 | science/py-oddt |
Open Drug Discovery Toolkit Open Drug Discovery Toolkit (ODDT) is modular and comprehensive toolkit for use in cheminformatics, molecular modeling etc. ODDT is written in Python, and make extensive use of numpy/scipy. WWW: |
2019-02-09T20:53:33+00:00 | graphics/py-pivy-devel |
Python binding for Coin A Python binding for Coin Pivy is a Coin binding for Python. Coin is a high-level 3D graphics library with a C++ Application Programming Interface. Coin uses scene-graph data structures to render real-time graphics suitable for mostly all kinds of scientific and engineering visualization applications. This is a forked version provided by the FreeCAD project. WWW: |
2019-02-09T20:48:10+00:00 | x11-toolkits/soqt-devel |
Qt5-fork of the SoQt toolkit library for Coin SoQt is a Qt GUI component toolkit library for Coin. It is also compatible with SGI and TGS Open Inventor, and the API is based on the API of the InventorXt GUI component toolkit. This is a fork of the original project provided by the FreeCAD project, it uses Qt5. WWW: |
2019-02-09T20:36:10+00:00 | comms/soapyredpitaya |
SoapySDR Red Pitaya module The Soapy Red Pitaya project provides a plugin module to use the Red Pitaya device within the SoapySDR API and software that supports SoapySDR. WWW: |
2019-02-09T20:35:14+00:00 | devel/shiboken2 |
Python binding generator for C++ libraries Shiboken2 is generator to build Python bindings for any C++ library. It is part of the PySide2 Python Qt bindings project. WWW: |
2019-02-09T20:35:14+00:00 | devel/pyside2 |
Python Qt bindings for Qt 5.12+ PySide is the Python Qt bindings project, providing access to the complete Qt 5.12+ framework as well as to generator tools for rapidly generating Python bindings for any C++ libraries. WWW: |
2019-02-09T20:35:14+00:00 | devel/pyside2-tools |
Pyside2 development tools PySide2 is the Python Qt 5 bindings project. This package contains the PySide2 development tools. WWW: |
2019-02-09T20:27:49+00:00 | comms/soapybladerf |
Soapy SDR plugin for the Blade RF The Soapy Blade RF project provides a plugin module to use the Blade RF device within the SoapySDR API and software that supports SoapySDR. WWW: |
2019-02-09T20:22:00+00:00 | comms/bladerf |
BladeRF USB 3.0 Superspeed software defined radio Library and utilities required to program and interact with a bladeRF platform, including firmware for the Cypress FX3 USB controller, HDL for the Altera Cyclone IV FPGA, and C code for the host side libraries, drivers, and utilities. WWW: |
2019-02-09T20:06:26+00:00 | comms/soapysdrhackrf |
Soapy SDR module for Hack RF This is the Soapy SDR module for Hack RF, an open source software defined radio (SDR) platform. SoapySDR is an open-source generalized C/C++ API and runtime library for interfacing with SDR devices. WWW: |
2019-02-09T19:59:53+00:00 | comms/soapyplutosdr |
Soapy SDR plugin for PlutoSDR The Soapy Pluto SDR project provides a plugin module to use the Pluto SDR device within the SoapySDR API and software that supports SoapySDR. WWW: |
2019-02-09T19:54:43+00:00 | misc/libiio |
Library for interfacing with local and remote IIO devices libiio is used to interface to the Linux Industrial Input/Output (IIO) Subsystem. The Linux IIO subsystem is intended to provide support for devices that in some sense are analog to digital or digital to analog converters (ADCs, DACs). This includes, but is not limited to ADCs, Accelerometers, Gyros, IMUs, Capacitance to Digital Converters (CDCs), Pressure Sensors, Color, Light and Proximity Sensors, Temperature Sensors, Magnetometers, DACs, DDS (Direct Digital Synthesis), PLLs (Phase Locked Loops), Variable/Programmable Gain Amplifiers (VGA, PGA), and RF transceivers. You can use libiio natively on an embedded Linux target (local mode), or use libiio to communicate remotely to that same target from a host Linux, Windows or MAC over USB or Ethernet or Serial. WWW: |
2019-02-09T19:37:41+00:00 | comms/soapyremote |
SoapySDR module to use any Soapy SDR remotely Use any SoapySDR supported device transparently over a local network link. The remote support feature can turn any SDR into a network peripheral. Potential use-cases for Soapy Remote: * share the SDR device over a network * use the device in multiple processes * or use the device on multiple hosts * a multi-threaded abstraction layer * aid in embedded-device development * or a work-around for software issues * adapt an IPv4 SDR for an IPv6 network WWW: |
2019-02-09T19:24:19+00:00 | comms/soapyuhd |
Soapy SDR plugin for the Airspy The Soapy UHD project provides a plugin module to use UHD devices within the SoapySDR API and software that supports SoapySDR. In addition, the project provides a UHD module to use any SoapySDR device within the UHD API and UHD supported software. WWW: |
2019-02-09T18:52:02+00:00 | comms/soapyairspy |
Soapy SDR plugin for the Airspy The Soapy Airspy project provides a plugin module to use the Airspy device within the SoapySDR API and software that supports SoapySDR. WWW: |
2019-02-09T11:54:12+00:00 | math/py-keras-preprocessing |
Easy data preprocessing and data augmentation for DL models Keras Preprocessing is the data preprocessing and data augmentation module of the Keras deep learning library. It provides utilities for working with image data, text data, and sequence data. WWW: |
2019-02-09T11:53:43+00:00 | math/py-keras-applications |
Reference implementations of popular deep learning models This is a Keras Applications module of the Keras deep learning library. It provides model definitions and pre-trained weights for a number of popular archictures, such as VGG16, ResNet50, Xception, MobileNet, and more. WWW: |
2019-02-09T09:20:26+00:00 | devel/git-absorb |
Git command for automating fixup/autosquash commits This is a port of the hg absorb plugin to git. git absorb will automatically identify which commits are safe to modify, and which indexed changes belong to each of those commits. It will then write fixup! commits for each of those changes. You can check its output manually if you don't trust it, and then fold the fixups into your feature branch with git's built-in autosquash functionality. WWW: |
2019-02-08T15:07:58+00:00 | misc/soapysdr-rtlsdr |
Soapy SDR module for RTLSDR This is the SoapySDR module for RTLSDR, an open source software defined radio (SDR) platform. SoapySDR is an open-source generalized C/C++ API and runtime library for interfacing with SDR devices. WWW: |
2019-02-08T09:27:32+00:00 | math/gfanlib |
Static library for computing Groebner fans and tropical varieties Gfan is a software package for computing Groebner fans and tropical varieties. This port provides only the static library libgfan.a. You can get the rest of the software package from math/gfan. WWW: |
2019-02-08T09:27:32+00:00 | math/gfan |
Software for computing Groebner fans and tropical varieties Gfan is a software package for computing Groebner fans and tropical varieties. WWW: |
2019-02-08T07:44:45+00:00 | emulators/teo |
Thomson TO8 emulator Teo is an emulator of the Thomson TO8 microcomputer for PC, running on MSDOS, Windows, Linux, and FreeBSD. The compatibility is close to 100% for softwares which don't use non emulated peripherals and don't hold physical protections. WWW: |
2019-02-08T03:43:06+00:00 | sysutils/ctop |
Top-like interface for Docker container metrics ctop provides a top-like overview of real-time metrics for multiple Docker containers as well as a single container view for inspecting a specific container. WWW: |
2019-02-08T02:50:09+00:00 | misc/soapysdr-hackrf |
Soapy SDR module for Hack RF This is the Soapy SDR module for Hack RF, an open source software defined radio (SDR) platform. SoapySDR is an open-source generalized C/C++ API and runtime library for interfacing with SDR devices. WWW: |
2019-02-08T02:44:42+00:00 | graphics/xournalpp |
Handwriting notetaking software with PDF annotation support Xournal++ is a handwriting Notetaking software with PDF annotation support. It is written in C++ with platform-independent GTK. Supports pen input like Wacom Tablets. Xournal++ is an evolution, and a rewrite of the pdf annotating program Xournal that is also available as a port: graphics/xournal Features: * Support for Pen preassure, e.g. Wacom Tablet * Support for annotating PDFs * Fill shape functionality * PDF Export, PNG Export * Allows to map different tools/colors etc. to stylus buttons/mouse buttons * Sidebar with Page Previews with advanced page sorting, PDF Bookmarks, Layers * Enhanced support for image insertion * Eraser with multiple configurations * LaTeX support * Customizeable toolbar, with multiple configurations * Page template definitions * Shape drawing (line, arrow, circle, rect), resizing and rotation * Rotation snapping every 45 degrees, rect snapping to grid * Audio recording and playback alongside with handwritten notes WWW: |
2019-02-07T23:13:39+00:00 | graphics/py-imageio-ffmpeg |
FFMPEG wrapper for Python The purpose of this project is to provide a simple and reliable ffmpeg wrapper for working with video files. It implements two simple generator functions for reading and writing data from/to ffmpeg, which reliably terminate the ffmpeg process when done. It also takes care of publishing platform-specific wheels that include the binary ffmpeg executables. This library is used as the basis for the imageio ffmpeg plugin, but it can also be used by itself. Imageio provides a higher level API, and adds support for e.g. cameras and seeking. WWW: |
2019-02-07T09:43:16+00:00 | net/mod_amd |
Asterisk app_amd for FreeSWITCH Asterisk app_amd for FreeSWITCH This is an implementation of Asterisk's answering machine detection (voice activity detection) for FreeSWITCH. WWW: |
2019-02-07T09:21:51+00:00 | x11-wm/aphelia |
Light, single-file, minimalist window manager for X11 A light, single-file, minimalist window manager for X11. This window manager is single-file and a super small binary with low resource consumption. Personally, I find it's useful for focused work where you aren't moving around too much and don't need multiple workspaces (it doesn't support them, obviously). WWW: |
2019-02-06T10:27:27+00:00 | sysutils/fusefs-sandboxfs |
Virtual file system for sandboxing Sandboxfs is a FUSE file system that exposes a combination of multiple files and directories from the host's file system in the form of a virtual tree with an arbitrary layout. You can think of a sandbox as an arbitrary view into the host's file system with different access privileges per directory. Sandboxfs is designed to allow running commands with limited access to the file system by using the virtual tree as their new root, and to do so consistently across a variety of platforms. WWW: |
2019-02-05T18:24:07+00:00 | dns/flamethrower |
DNS performance and functional testing utility Flamethrower is a small, fast, configurable tool for functional testing, benchmarking, and stress testing DNS servers and networks. It supports IPv4, IPv6, UDP and TCP, and has a modular system for generating queries used in the tests. It was built as an alternative to dnsperf, and many of the command line options are compatible. WWW: |
2019-02-05T18:01:36+00:00 | net/ceph13 |
Ceph delivers object, block, and file storage in a unified system Ceph is a distributed object store and file system designed to provide excellent performance, reliability and scalability. * Object Storage Ceph provides seamless access to objects using native language bindings or radosgw, a REST interface for applications written with S3 and Swift. * Block Storage Ceph's RADOS Block Device (RBD) provides access to block device images that are striped and replicated across the entire storage cluster. * File System Ceph provides a POSIX-compliant network file system aiming for large data storage, high performance, and maximum compatibility with legacy applications. This FreeBSD build will build most of the tools in Ceph: * Mon, OSD, rados, RadosGW, rbd * init-ceph, and etc/rc.d/ceph on top of that * ceph-disk {prepare, activate} With these tools one can build a multi server, multi osd cluster fully running on FreeBSD and do some testing... WWW: |
2019-02-05T15:58:29+00:00 | sysutils/u-boot-firefly-rk3399 |
U-Boot loader and related files for the Firefly RK3399. To install this bootloader on an sdcard just do: dd if=/usr/local/share/u-boot/u-boot-firefly-rk3399/idbloader.img of=/path/to/sdcarddevice seek=64 bs=512 conv=sync dd if=/usr/local/share/u-boot/u-boot-firefly-rk3399/u-boot.itb of=/path/to/sdcarddevice seek=16384 bs=512 conv=sync WWW: |
2019-02-05T15:45:52+00:00 | sysutils/atf-rk3399 |
Arm Trusted Framework for RockChip RK3399 SoC Trusted Firmware-A (TF-A) provides a reference implementation of secure world software for Armv7-A and Armv8-A, including a Secure Monitor executing at Exception Level 3 (EL3). WWW: |
2019-02-05T15:30:29+00:00 | sysutils/atf-sun50i_a64 |
Arm Trusted Framework for Allwinner A64/H5 SoCs Trusted Firmware-A (TF-A) provides a reference implementation of secure world software for Armv7-A and Armv8-A, including a Secure Monitor executing at Exception Level 3 (EL3). WWW: |
2019-02-05T15:30:29+00:00 | sysutils/atf-master |
ARM TF-A for platform ${PLAT} ARM TF-A (ATF) master port. |
2019-02-05T14:26:41+00:00 | textproc/py-pyjade |
Jade syntax template adapter for Django, Jinja2, Mako and Tornado templates PyJade is a high performance port of Jade-lang for python, that converts any .jade source to the each Template-language (Django, Jinja2, Mako or Tornado). WWW: |
2019-02-05T14:26:35+00:00 | devel/py-datatest |
Testing tools for data validation and analysis Datatest provides testing tools for data validation and analysis. It supports both pytest and unittest style testing. You can use datatest for validation, test driven data-wrangling, auditing, logging discrepancies, and checklists for measuring progress. It encourages a structured approach for checking and tidying data. WWW: |
2019-02-05T13:48:10+00:00 | devel/p5-Perl-PrereqScanner-NotQuiteLite |
Tool to scan your Perl code for its prerequisites Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite is yet another prerequisites scanner. It passes almost all the scanning tests for Perl::PrereqScanner and Module::ExtractUse (ie. except for a few dubious ones), and runs slightly faster than PPI-based Perl::PrereqScanner. However, it doesn't run as fast as Perl::PrereqScanner::Lite (which uses an XS lexer). Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite also recognizes eval. Prerequisites in eval are not considered as requirements, but you can collect them as suggestions. Conditional requirements or requirements loaded in a block are treated as recommends. Noed modules are stored separately (since 0.94). You may or may not need to merge them into requires. WWW: |
2019-02-05T13:47:43+00:00 | devel/p5-Regexp-Trie |
Builds trie-ized regexp Regexp::Trie is a faster but simpler version of Regexp::Assemble or Regexp::Optimizer. It builds a trie-ized regexp as above. This module is faster than Regexp::Assemble but you can only add literals. a+b is treated as a\+b, not "more than one a's followed by b". WWW: |
2019-02-05T12:57:58+00:00 | graphics/py-glfw |
Ctypes-based wrapper for GLFW3 pyGLFW provides Python bindings for GLFW. It is a ctypes wrapper which aims to be very close to the original GLFW API. WWW: |
2019-02-05T02:02:55+00:00 | textproc/libnumbertext |
Number to number name and money text conversion libraries Number to number name and money text conversion libraries in C++, Java, JavaScript and Python & LibreOffice Calc Extension WWW: |
2019-02-04T22:32:09+00:00 | devel/py-msgpack05 |
MessagePack (de)serializer for Python MessagePack is an efficient binary serialization format. It lets you exchange data among multiple languages like JSON. But it's faster and smaller. Small integers are encoded into a single byte, and typical short strings require only one extra byte in addition to the strings themselves. WWW: |
2019-02-04T18:25:40+00:00 | sysutils/u-boot-pine64-lts |
U-Boot loader and related files for the Pine64-LTS. To install this bootloader on an sdcard just do: dd if=/usr/local/share/u-boot/u-boot-pine64-lts/u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin of=/path/to/sdcarddevice bs=128k seek=1 conv=sync For information about running FreeBSD on Allwinner boards, see WWW: |
2019-02-04T13:12:35+00:00 | graphics/bsd-plotutils |
Traditional plotting utilities Traditional plotting utilities and libraries with some improvements. WWW: |
2019-02-04T12:59:23+00:00 | audio/pulseeffects |
Audio effects for Pulseaudio applications Limiter, compressor, reverberation, equalizer and auto volume effects for Pulseaudio applications WWW: |
2019-02-04T12:27:41+00:00 | sysutils/mmve |
Mass MV Editor: move files with your text editor Mass MV Editor: move files with your editor WWW: |
2019-02-04T00:36:41+00:00 | sysutils/ntfy |
Utility for sending notifications on-demand, and when commands finish ntfy brings notification to your shell. It can automatically provide desktop notifications when long running commands finish or it can send push notifications to your phone when a specific command finishes. WWW: |
2019-02-04T00:06:11+00:00 | textproc/py-sphinx-tabs |
Tabbed views for Sphinx sphinx-tabs creates tabbed content in Sphinx documentation when building HTML. WWW: |
2019-02-04T00:01:11+00:00 | mail/py-mail-parser |
Wrapper for email standard library mail-parser is not only a wrapper for email Python Standard Library. It give you an easy way to pass from raw mail to Python object that you can use in your code. It's the key module of SpamScope. mail-parser can parse Outlook email format (.msg) with msgconvert from mail/p5-Email-Outlook-Message. mail-parser takes as input a raw email and generates a parsed object. The properties of this object are the same name of RFC headers: bcc, cc, date, delivered_to, from_ (not from because is a keyword of Python), message_id, received, reply_to, subject, to. There are other properties to get: body, body html, body plain, headers, attachments, sender IP address, to domains, timezone. WWW: |
2019-02-03T23:58:37+00:00 | devel/py-aws-xray-sdk |
AWS X-Ray SDK for Python The AWS X-Ray SDK for Python (the SDK) enables Python developers to record and emit information from within their applications to the AWS X-Ray service. WWW: |
2019-02-03T21:14:38+00:00 | biology/figtree |
Graphical viewer of phylogenetic trees FigTree is designed as a graphical viewer of phylogenetic trees and as a program for producing publication-ready figures. As with most of my programs, it was written for my own needs so may not be as polished and feature-complete as a commercial program. In particular it is designed to display summarized and annotated trees produced by BEAST. WWW: |
2019-02-03T20:13:26+00:00 | biology/graphlan |
High-quality circular representations of taxonomic, phylogenetic trees GraPhlAn is a software tool for producing high-quality circular representations of taxonomic and phylogenetic trees. GraPhlAn focuses on concise, integrative, informative, and publication-ready representations of phylogenetically- and taxonomically-driven investigation. WWW: |
2019-02-03T19:04:22+00:00 | graphics/shaderc |
GLSL/HLSL to SPIR-V shader compiler A library and command line tool for compiling GLSL/HLSL to SPIR-V, Vulkan's shader language. Based on the reference glslang compiler, Shaderc aims to provide a more convenient command-line compiler with GCC/clang-like usage and a library with a more stable API. WWW: |
2019-02-03T18:49:23+00:00 | biology/prodigy-lig |
Prediction of protein-small molecule binding affinities PRODIGY-LIG (PROtein binDIng enerGY prediction - LIGands) is a structure-based method for the prediction of binding affinity in protein-small ligand (such as drugs or metabolites) complexes. WWW: |
2019-02-03T18:08:14+00:00 | biology/prodigal |
Protein-coding gene prediction for prokaryotic genomes Fast, reliable protein-coding gene prediction for prokaryotic genomes. Features: * Predicts protein-coding genes: Prodigal provides fast, accurate protein-coding gene predictions in GFF3, Genbank, or Sequin table format. * Handles draft genomes and metagenomes: Prodigal runs smoothly on finished genomes, draft genomes, and metagenomes. * Runs quickly: Prodigal analyzes the E. coli K-12 genome in 10 seconds on a modern MacBook Pro. * Runs unsupervised: Prodigal is an unsupervised machine learning algorithm. It does not need to be provided with any training data, and instead automatically learns the properties of the genome from the sequence itself, including RBS motif usage, start codon usage, and coding statistics. * Handles gaps and partial genes: The user can specify if Prodigal should build genes across runs of N's as well as how to handle genes at the edges of contigs. * Identifies translation initiation sites: Prodigal predicts the correct translation initiation site for most genes, and can output information about every potential start site in the genome, including confidence score, RBS motif, and much more. WWW: |
2019-02-03T17:28:37+00:00 | graphics/libplacebo |
Reusable library for GPU-accelerated video/image rendering libplacebo is essentially the core rendering algorithms and ideas of mpv turned into a library. This grew out of an interest to accomplish the following goals: - Clean up mpv's internal rendering abstraction API and make it reusable for other projects. - Provide a standard library of useful GPU-accelerated image processing primitives based on GLSL, so projects like VLC or Firefox can use them without incurring a heavy dependency on libmpv. - Rewrite core parts of mpv's GPU-accelerated video renderer on top of redesigned abstractions. (Basically, I wanted to eliminate stateful APIs like shader_cache.c and totally redesign gpu/video.c) WWW: |
2019-02-03T14:59:54+00:00 | textproc/nuspell |
Free and open source C++ spell checking library Nuspell is a free and open source spell checker library and command-line program designed for languages with rich morphology and complex word compounding. Nuspell is a pure C++ re-implementation of Hunspell. Main features of Nuspell spell checker: - Full unicode support backed by ICU - Backward compatibility with Hunspell dictionary file format - Twofold affix stripping (for agglutinative languages, like Azeri, Basque, Estonian, Finnish, Hungarian, Turkish, etc.) - Support complex compounds (for example, Hungarian, German and Dutch) - Support language specific features (for example, special casing of Azeri and Turkish dotted i, or German sharp s) - Handle conditional affixes, circumfixes, fogemorphemes, forbidden words, pseudoroots and homonyms. - Free software. Licensed under GNU LGPL v3 or later. WWW: |
2019-02-03T11:15:42+00:00 | security/py-pass-audit |
Extension to audit your password-store password repository pass audit is a password-store extension for auditing your password repository. Passwords will be checked against the Python implementation of Dropbox' zxcvbn algorithm and Troy Hunt's Have I Been Pwned Service. It supports safe breached password detection from using a K-anonymity method. Using this method, you do not need to (fully) trust the server that stores the breached password. You should read the security consideration section for more information. WWW: |
2019-02-03T01:38:47+00:00 | devel/pear-geshi |
Generic syntax highlighter written in PHP GeSHi is a generic syntax highlighter written in PHP. WWW: |
2019-02-02T21:54:48+00:00 | devel/rubygem-batch-loader12 |
Powerful tool to avoid N+1 DB or HTTP queries BatchLoader provides a generic lazy batching mechanism to avoid N+1 DB queries, HTTP queries, etc. WWW: |
2019-02-02T21:30:48+00:00 | audio/nekobi-lv2 |
Simple single-oscillator synth based on the Roland TB-303 Simple single-oscillator synth based on the Roland TB-303. This is a DPF'ied build of nekobee, allowing LV2 and VST builds of the plugin, plus a nicer UI with a simple cat animation. Please see also the port audio/nekobee which is a corresponding DSSI plugin. WWW: |
2019-02-02T20:52:31+00:00 | audio/stegosaurus-lv2 |
Drum synth LV2 plugin lv2 drum synthersizer without sampling. WWW: |
2019-02-02T20:33:15+00:00 | audio/so-synth-lv2 |
Unofficial LV2 ports of 50m30n3's synthesizers SO-666 is a feedback based drone synthesizer building upon the SO-KL5 synth. It creates haunting cacophonic howls and drones. It's a bit hard to play but making good use of the modwheel will help keep the sound in control. SO-KL5 is a string based "piano" synthezizer. The strings are modeled using the Karplus-Strong String simulation method. SO-404 is a simple bass synthesizer using 1 oscillator and 1 filter. The oscillator is a simple saw wave oscillator and the filter is a simple resonant lowpass filter. You know, like that other very good and famous synth with a similar name. Just not as good and famous. WWW: |
2019-02-02T13:54:05+00:00 | x11-fonts/hermit |
Monospaced font for programmers by a programmer Hermit is a monospace font designed to be clear, pragmatic and very readable. Its creation has been focused on programming. Every glyph was carefully planned and calculated, according to defined principles and rules. For this reason, Hermit is coherent and regular. Symbols stand out from common text. Dots and commas are easily seen, and operators are clear even when not surrounded by spaces. Similar characters have been designed to be very distinguishable from each other. WWW: |
2019-02-02T11:59:05+00:00 | security/py-keepkey |
Library for communicating with KeepKey Hardware Wallet Python library for communicating with KeepKey Hardware Wallet. WWW: |
2019-02-02T11:58:39+00:00 | security/py-ckcc-protocol |
Coldcard CLI and python interface library Python library and command-line utilities to communciate with coldcard hardware wallets. WWW: |
2019-02-02T11:58:13+00:00 | finance/py-pycoin |
Utilities for Bitcoin and altcoin addresses/transaction manipulation Utilities for Bitcoin and altcoin addresses and transaction manipulation. WWW: |
2019-02-02T11:46:04+00:00 | devel/ghq |
Repository management tool (Git, Hg, SVN, Fossil, Bazaar, Darcs) ghq provides a way to organize remote repository clones, like go get does. When you clone a remote repository with ghq, it creates a directory under a specific root directory using the remote repository URL's host and path. You can also list local repositories, jump into local repositories, and bulk get repositories by list of URLs. It supports many contemporary VCS like Git, Mercurial, Fossil, SVN, Bazaar, Darcs. WWW: |
2019-02-01T17:12:54+00:00 | sysutils/lizardfs |
Open Source Distributed Filesystem LizardFS is a highly reliable, scalable and efficient distributed file system. It spreads data over a number of physical servers, making it visible to an end user as a single file system. WWW: |
2019-02-01T14:42:16+00:00 | net/kube-scheduler |
Kubernetes scheduler daemon Kubernetes scheduler daemon WWW: |
2019-01-31T22:13:14+00:00 | devel/py-azure-mgmt-applicationinsights |
Microsoft Azure Application Insights Management Cli Library for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Application Insights Management Client Library. Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the next generation of management APIs that replace the old Azure Service Management (ASM). WWW: |
2019-01-31T15:29:58+00:00 | textproc/py-QDarkStyle |
Dark stylesheet for Python and Qt applications A dark stylesheet for Python and Qt applications. WWW: |
2019-01-31T05:03:36+00:00 | sysutils/py-python-consul |
Python client for consul Python client for consul (WWW: WWW: |
2019-01-31T04:55:59+00:00 | sysutils/conman |
Serial Console Management Program ConMan is a serial console management program designed to support a large number of console devices and simultaneous users. Supported console types: - Local serial devices - Remote terminal servers (via the telnet protocol) - IPMI Serial-Over-LAN (via FreeIPMI's libipmiconsole) - External processes (e.g., Expect) - Unix domain sockets WWW: |
2019-01-31T00:33:41+00:00 | www/varnish_exporter |
Prometheus metrics exporter for the Varnish WWW cache Varnish exporter for Prometheus. Scrapes the varnishstat -j JSON output on each Prometheus collect and exposes all reported metrics. WWW: |
2019-01-30T23:18:51+00:00 | www/mod_maxminddb |
MaxMind DB Apache Module mod_maxminddb allows you to query MaxMind DB files from Apache using the libmaxminddb library. WWW: |
2019-01-30T19:21:46+00:00 | www/py-wagtail |
Django content management system Wagtail is an open source content management system built on Django, with a strong community and commercial support. It's focused on user experience, and offers precise control for designers and developers. WWW: WWW: |
2019-01-30T19:06:55+00:00 | security/py-python-pam |
Python PAM module Python PAM module WWW: |
2019-01-30T18:52:12+00:00 | devel/interactive_rebase_tool |
Improved sequence editor for Git Improved sequence editor for Git interactive rebase. WWW: |
2019-01-30T16:34:36+00:00 | net/kube-controller-manager |
Kubernetes controller manager daemon Kubernetes controller manager daemon WWW: |
2019-01-30T10:46:24+00:00 | net/timed |
Old time synchronisation service superseded by more modern protocols This port preserves the timed time synchronisation daemon and the timedc control command, which have been declared deprecated in FreeBSD-12.1 and removed from the FreeBSD sources in version 13. WWW: |
2019-01-30T10:10:50+00:00 | devel/bingo |
Go language server Bingo is a Go language server that speaks the Language Server Protocol. It supports editor features such as go-to-definition, hover, and find-references for Go projects. This project was largely inspired by go-langserver, but bingo is simpler, faster, and smarter. WWW: |
2019-01-29T20:14:34+00:00 | news/nzbhydra2 |
Usenet meta search NZBHydra 2 is a meta search for NZB indexers. It provides easy access to a number of raw and newznab based indexers. You can search all your indexers from one place and use it as an indexer source for tools like Sonarr, Radarr or CouchPotato. WWW: |
2019-01-29T15:12:52+00:00 | x11-wm/lxqt |
Meta-port for the LXQt Desktop LXQt is an advanced, easy-to-use, and fast desktop environment based on Qt technologies. It has been tailored for users who value simplicity, speed, and an intuitive interface. Unlike most desktop environments, LXQt also works fine with less powerful machines. WWW: |
2019-01-29T15:04:18+00:00 | dns/py-pybonjour |
Pure-Python interface to Apple Bonjour pybonjour provides a pure-Python interface (via ctypes) to Apple Bonjour and compatible DNS-SD libraries (such as Avahi). It allows Python scripts to take advantage of Zero Configuration Networking (Zeroconf) to register, discover, and resolve services on both local and wide-area networks. WWW: |
2019-01-29T14:52:08+00:00 | net/py-ifaddr |
Python Library to enumerate all network interfaces ifaddr is a small Python library that allows you to find all the IP addresses of the computer. WWW: |
2019-01-29T07:56:30+00:00 | biology/dsr-pdb |
Simple C++ PDB reader (reads the protein description format) dsr-pdb is a simple C++ PDB reader along with a couple of programs which use it to manipulate pdb files (applying a rigid transform or splitting/merging). The are aimed at people interested in proteins from a geometric viewpoint as they allow easy access to the geometry and bond structure in addition of the biological information. The reader has two modes for reading/writing a pdb file. The simplest one, through the Protein class just reads and writes a single protein from/to a pdb file (which must have only one chain, but can have multiple models). The second, through the PDB class can handle pdb files with multiple models and herogens (although these are just passed through and not currently interpreted). WWW: |
2019-01-29T04:21:01+00:00 | www/ytdl |
YouTube downloader written in Go YouTube downloader written in Go. WWW: |
2019-01-29T03:50:17+00:00 | sysutils/py-python-nomad |
Python client for nomad Python client for nomad (WWW: Nomad is a tool for managing a cluster of machines and running applications on them. Nomad abstracts away machines and the location of applications, and instead enables users to declare what they want to run and Nomad handles where they should run and how to run them. WWW: |
2019-01-28T21:59:41+00:00 | math/gh-bc |
GNU compatible bc/dc calculator This is an implementation of POSIX bc that implements GNU bc extensions, as well as the period (".") extension for the BSD flavor of bc. bc is an arbitrary precision numeric processing language. Its syntax is similar to C but differs in many substantial areas. It supports interactive execution of statements. The bc utility is included in the POSIX 1003.1-2008 standard. This bc also includes an implementation of dc in the same binary, accessible via a symbolic link, which implements all FreeBSD and GNU extensions. If a single dc binary is desired, bc can be copied and renamed to dc. The "!" command is omitted; I believe that it poses security concerns and that such functionality is unnecessary. WWW: |
2019-01-28T19:09:37+00:00 | net/py-confluent-kafka |
Confluent Apache Kafka Python client Confluent-kafka-python is a lightweight wrapper around librdkafka, a finely tuned C client. The Python bindings provides a high-level Producer and Consumer with support for the balanced consumer groups of Apache Kafka. WWW: |
2019-01-28T14:29:11+00:00 | devel/py-python-easyconfig |
Library for loading configurations easily in Python A simple library for loading configurations easily in Python, inspired by `flask.config`. WWW: |
2019-01-28T13:48:10+00:00 | net-mgmt/nvidia_gpu_prometheus_exporter |
NVIDIA GPU Prometheus exporter This is a Prometheus Exporter for exporting NVIDIA GPU metrics. It uses the Go bindings for NVIDIA Management Library (NVML) which is a C-based API that can be used for monitoring NVIDIA GPU devices. Unlike some other similar exporters, it does not call the nvidia-smi binary. WWW: |
2019-01-28T11:37:00+00:00 | java/wildfly15 |
Replacement for JBoss Application Server WildFly is a flexible, lightweight, managed application runtime that helps you build amazing applications. WildFly - new name for JBoss Application Server Fast Startup Small Footprint Modular Design Unified Configuration and Management And of course Java EE! WWW: |
2019-01-28T10:16:31+00:00 | www/kiwix-tools |
Command-line Kiwix tools Kiwix is an offline reader for web content archived in ZIM format. It is particularly tailored towards Wikipedia and other wikis. This package contains command-line Kiwix tools: a local HTTP server to serve content, and a set of tools to manage ZIM files. WWW: |
2019-01-28T10:13:49+00:00 | devel/kiwix-lib |
Common code base for all Kiwix ports Kiwix is an offline reader for web content archived in ZIM format. It is particularly tailored towards Wikipedia and other wikis. The Kiwix library contains the code shared by Kiwix ports on all supported platforms. WWW: |
2019-01-28T09:33:12+00:00 | science/healpix |
Software for pixelization, visualization, etc of data on the sphere HEALPix is an acronym for Hierarchical Equal Area isoLatitude Pixelization of a sphere. As suggested in the name, this pixelization produces a subdivision of a spherical surface in which each pixel covers the same surface area as every other pixel. WWW: |
2019-01-28T07:39:37+00:00 | x11-themes/gnome-icons-luv |
Flat but complex icon theme for freedesktop environments Luv is the spiritual successor to Flattr, a flat but complex icon theme for freedesktop environments. Flattr was an icon theme for desktops, the set is inspired by the latest flat design trend. WWW: |
2019-01-28T06:12:18+00:00 | databases/cassandra3 |
Highly scalable distributed database Apache Cassandra is a free and open-source distributed database. It is a Java-based, highly scalable, eventually consistent, wide column store. Cassandra database clusters are masterless with no single point of failure. Replication can be configured across multiple data centers. Originally influenced by Dynamo and BigTable, Cassandra was initially developed at and open sourced by Facebook before becoming a top-level Apache project. The CQL query language offers SQL-like data access and management. Drivers are available for a number of languages. WWW: |
2019-01-27T19:57:25+00:00 | x11-fonts/b612 |
Highly legible font family for aircraft cockpit screens B612 is an highly legible open source font family designed and tested to be used on aircraft cockpit screens. Main characteristics are: - Maximize the distance between the forms of the characters - Respect the primitives of the different letters - Harmonize the forms and their spacing WWW: |
2019-01-27T19:57:19+00:00 | www/py-draftjs_exporter |
Library to convert rich text from Draft.js raw ContentState to HTML Draft.js exporter is a library to convert rich text from Draft.js raw ContentState to HTML. It is developed alongside the Draftail rich text editor, for Wagtail. Draft.js is a rich text editor framework for React. Its approach is different from most rich text editors because it does not store data as HTML, but rather in its own representation called ContentState. This exporter is useful when the ContentState to HTML conversion has to be done in a Python ecosystem. WWW: |
2019-01-27T19:56:17+00:00 | www/py-django-modelcluster |
Django extension for working with clusters of models as a single unit django-modelcluster extends Django's foreign key relations to make this possible. It introduces a new type of relation, ParentalKey, where the related models are stored locally to the 'parent' model until the parent is explicitly saved. Up to that point, the related models can still be accessed through a subset of the QuerySet API. WWW: |
2019-01-27T19:56:10+00:00 | shells/zsh-completions |
Additional completion definitions for Zsh zsh-completions is the additional completion definitions for Zsh. This projects aims at gathering/developing new completion scripts that are not available in Zsh yet. The scripts may be contributed to the Zsh project when stable enough. WWW: |
2019-01-27T19:56:04+00:00 | graphics/py-willow |
Wrapper that combines multiple Python image libraries into one API Willow is a simple image library that combines the APIs of Pillow, Wand and OpenCV. It converts the image between the libraries when necessary. Willow currently has basic resize and crop operations, face and feature detection and animated GIF support. New operations and library integrations can also be easily implemented. It is written in pure-Python. WWW: |
2019-01-27T19:32:27+00:00 | x11-fonts/courier-prime |
It\'s Courier, just better Since the beginning, screenplays have been written in Courier. Its uniformity allows filmmakers to make handy comparisons and estimates, such as 1 page = 1 minute of screen time. But there's no reason Courier has to look terrible. We set out to make the best damn Courier ever. We call it Courier Prime. WWW: |
2019-01-27T19:25:05+00:00 | x11-fonts/material-icons-ttf |
Material Design icon set from Google Official Material Design icon set from Google. The icons are designed according to the official Material Design guidelines at WWW: |
2019-01-27T19:15:31+00:00 | x11-fonts/lato |
Sans-serif type family Lato is a sans-serif typeface family designed in the summer 2010 by Warsaw- based designer Lukasz Dziedzic ("Lato" means "Summer" in Polish). In December 2010 the Lato family was published under the open-source Open Font License by his foundry tyPoland, with support from Google. WWW: |
2019-01-27T19:08:39+00:00 | x11-fonts/fanwood |
Serif based on the work of a famous Czech-American type designer A serif based on the work of a famous Czech-American type designer of yesteryear. WWW: |
2019-01-27T18:30:27+00:00 | x11-fonts/firago |
Expanded version of Fira Sans with support for additional languages FiraGO is a typeface that builds on Fira Sans and adds additional language support. From bBoxType's website: Based on the Fira Sans 4.3 glyph set, FiraGO now supports Arabic, Devanagari, Georgian, Hebrew and Thai. With this script support, FiraGO catches up with other global Open Source typefaces such as Noto. We [bBoxType] decided to introduce FiraGO as a new product. That way, users of Fira Sans can also install FiraGO. WWW: |
2019-01-27T16:27:13+00:00 | textproc/zsh-autosuggestions |
Fish-like autosuggestions for Zsh zsh-autosuggestions enables fast and unobtrusive fish-like autosuggestions for Zsh. It suggests commands as you type, based on command history. WWW: |
2019-01-27T16:04:22+00:00 | devel/py-opengrok-tools |
OpenGrok tools for synchronization and mirroring OpenGrok is a fast and usable source code search and cross reference engine, written in Java WWW: |
2019-01-27T15:57:29+00:00 | devel/py-resource |
Library concentrated on the Resource layer of RESTful APIs A Python library concentrated on the Resource layer of RESTful APIs. WWW: |
2019-01-27T15:50:41+00:00 | devel/py-jsonsir |
Serializer for JSON-like data in Python A serializer for JSON-like data in Python. WWW: |
2019-01-27T15:44:14+00:00 | devel/py-easyconfig |
Library for loading configurations easily in Python A simple library for loading configurations easily in Python, inspired by `flask.config`. WWW: |
2019-01-27T13:31:26+00:00 | x11/wl-clipboard |
Command-line copy/paste utilities for Wayland This project implements two command-line Wayland clipboard utilities wl-copy and wl-paste that let you easily copy data between the clipboard and Unix pipes, sockets, files and so on. WWW: |
2019-01-27T13:09:48+00:00 | textproc/pict |
Pairwise Independent Combinatorial Testing tool A tool for generating test cases using the PICT (Pairwise Independent Combinatorial Testing) method, based on a simple plain text format. WWW: |
2019-01-27T09:32:14+00:00 | comms/scrcpy |
Display and control your Android device Scrcpy provides display and control of Android devices connected on USB (or over TCP/IP). It does not require any root access. WWW: |
2019-01-27T05:55:04+00:00 | emulators/emulationstation |
Graphical front-end for emulators (RetroPie fork) EmulationStation is a cross-platform graphical front-end for emulators, with controller navigation. Originally written by Alec "Aloshi" Lofquist, this is a fork by RetroPie. WWW: |
2019-01-26T22:00:10+00:00 | science/nwchem-data |
Data for NWChem, the computational chemistry software The data package for NWChem, the quantum chemistry software. Data contains basis sets descriptions, pseudopotentials, various related data libraries needed for NWChem operation. WWW: |
2019-01-26T17:03:48+00:00 | editors/parinfer-rust |
Infer parentheses for Clojure, Lisp, and Scheme A full-featured, super fast implementation of Shaun Lebron's parinfer. Parinfer is a proof-of-concept editor mode for Lisp programming languages. It simplifies the way we write Lisp by auto-adjusting parens when indentation changes and vice versa. The hope is to make basic Lisp-editing easier for newcomers and experts alike, while still allowing existing plugins like Paredit to satisfy the need for more advanced operations. Parinfer-rust comes with plugins for Kakoune, Vim8, and Neovim. The Rust library can be called from other editors that can load dynamic libraries. This plugin implements "smart" mode. Rather than switching between "paren" mode and "indent" mode, parinfer uses information about how the user is changing the file to decide what to do. WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | sysutils/py-azure-cli |
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools The Azure CLI is a command-line tool providing a great experience for managing Azure resources. The CLI is designed to make scripting easy, query data, support long-running operations, and more. Try it today and find out what the CLI has to offer! WWW: WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | sysutils/py-azure-cli-vm |
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools VM Command Module This package is for the 'vm' module. i.e. 'az vm'. The Azure CLI is a command-line tool providing a great experience for managing Azure resources. The CLI is designed to make scripting easy, query data, support long-running operations, and more. Try it today and find out what the CLI has to offer! WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | sysutils/py-azure-cli-telemetry |
Microsoft Azure CLI Telemetry Package This is the Microsoft Azure CLI Telemetry package. It is not intended to be installed directly by the end user. This package includes: 1. Support API for Azure CLI to gather telemetry. 2. Telemetry upload process. WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | sysutils/py-azure-cli-storage |
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Storage Command Module Microsoft Azure CLI 'storage' Command Module The Azure CLI is a command-line tool providing a great experience for managing Azure resources. The CLI is designed to make scripting easy, query data, support long-running operations, and more. Try it today and find out what the CLI has to offer! WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | sysutils/py-azure-cli-sql |
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools SQL Command Module Microsoft Azure CLI 'SQL' Command Module The Azure CLI is a command-line tool providing a great experience for managing Azure resources. The CLI is designed to make scripting easy, query data, support long-running operations, and more. Try it today and find out what the CLI has to offer! WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | sysutils/py-azure-cli-signalr |
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools SignalR Command Module Microsoft Azure CLI 'signalr' Command Module The Azure CLI is a command-line tool providing a great experience for managing Azure resources. The CLI is designed to make scripting easy, query data, support long-running operations, and more. Try it today and find out what the CLI has to offer! WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | sysutils/py-azure-cli-servicefabric |
Microsoft Azure Service Fabric Command-Line Tools Microsoft Azure CLI 'sf' Command Module The Azure CLI is a command-line tool providing a great experience for managing Azure resources. The CLI is designed to make scripting easy, query data, support long-running operations, and more. Try it today and find out what the CLI has to offer! WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | sysutils/py-azure-cli-servicebus |
Microsoft Azure Service Bus Command-Line Tools Microsoft Azure CLI 'servicebus' Command Module The Azure CLI is a command-line tool providing a great experience for managing Azure resources. The CLI is designed to make scripting easy, query data, support long-running operations, and more. Try it today and find out what the CLI has to offer! WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | sysutils/py-azure-cli-search |
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Search Command Module Microsoft Azure CLI 'search' Command Module The Azure CLI is a command-line tool providing a great experience for managing Azure resources. The CLI is designed to make scripting easy, query data, support long-running operations, and more. Try it today and find out what the CLI has to offer! WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | sysutils/py-azure-cli-role |
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Role Command Module Microsoft Azure CLI 'role' Command Module The Azure CLI is a command-line tool providing a great experience for managing Azure resources. The CLI is designed to make scripting easy, query data, support long-running operations, and more. Try it today and find out what the CLI has to offer! WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | sysutils/py-azure-cli-resource |
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Resource Command Module This package is for the 'resource' module. i.e. 'az resource' The Azure CLI is a command-line tool providing a great experience for managing Azure resources. The CLI is designed to make scripting easy, query data, support long-running operations, and more. Try it today and find out what the CLI has to offer! WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | sysutils/py-azure-cli-reservations |
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Reservations Command Module Microsoft Azure CLI 'reservations' Command Module The Azure CLI is a command-line tool providing a great experience for managing Azure resources. The CLI is designed to make scripting easy, query data, support long-running operations, and more. Try it today and find out what the CLI has to offer! WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | sysutils/py-azure-cli-relay |
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Relay Command Module Microsoft Azure CLI 'relay' Command Module The Azure CLI is a command-line tool providing a great experience for managing Azure resources. The CLI is designed to make scripting easy, query data, support long-running operations, and more. Try it today and find out what the CLI has to offer! WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | sysutils/py-azure-cli-redis |
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Redis Command Module Microsoft Azure CLI 'redis' Command Module The Azure CLI is a command-line tool providing a great experience for managing Azure resources. The CLI is designed to make scripting easy, query data, support long-running operations, and more. Try it today and find out what the CLI has to offer! WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | sysutils/py-azure-cli-rdbms |
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools MySQL and PostgreSQL Command Module Microsoft Azure CLI 'MySQL and PostgreSQL' Command Module The Azure CLI is a command-line tool providing a great experience for managing Azure resources. The CLI is designed to make scripting easy, query data, support long-running operations, and more. Try it today and find out what the CLI has to offer! WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | sysutils/py-azure-cli-profile |
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Profile Command Module This package is for the 'profile' module. e.g. 'az account' e.g. 'az login' e.g. 'az logout' The Azure CLI is a command-line tool providing a great experience for managing Azure resources. The CLI is designed to make scripting easy, query data, support long-running operations, and more. Try it today and find out what the CLI has to offer! WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | sysutils/py-azure-cli-policyinsights |
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Policy Insights Command Module Microsoft Azure CLI 'policyinsights' Command Module The Azure CLI is a command-line tool providing a great experience for managing Azure resources. The CLI is designed to make scripting easy, query data, support long-running operations, and more. Try it today and find out what the CLI has to offer! WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | sysutils/py-azure-cli-network |
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Network Command Module Microsoft Azure CLI 'network' Command Module The Azure CLI is a command-line tool providing a great experience for managing Azure resources. The CLI is designed to make scripting easy, query data, support long-running operations, and more. Try it today and find out what the CLI has to offer! WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | sysutils/py-azure-cli-monitor |
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Monitor Command Module Microsoft Azure CLI 'Monitor' Command Module. The Azure CLI is a command-line tool providing a great experience for managing Azure resources. The CLI is designed to make scripting easy, query data, support long-running operations, and more. Try it today and find out what the CLI has to offer! WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | sysutils/py-azure-cli-maps |
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Maps Command Module Microsoft Azure CLI 'maps' Command Module The Azure CLI is a command-line tool providing a great experience for managing Azure resources. The CLI is designed to make scripting easy, query data, support long-running operations, and more. Try it today and find out what the CLI has to offer! WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | sysutils/py-azure-cli-lab |
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools DevTestLabs Command Module Microsoft Azure CLI 'DevTestLabs' Command Module The Azure CLI is a command-line tool providing a great experience for managing Azure resources. The CLI is designed to make scripting easy, query data, support long-running operations, and more. Try it today and find out what the CLI has to offer! WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | sysutils/py-azure-cli-keyvault |
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Keyvault Command Module Microsoft Azure CLI 'keyvault' Command Module The Azure CLI is a command-line tool providing a great experience for managing Azure resources. The CLI is designed to make scripting easy, query data, support long-running operations, and more. Try it today and find out what the CLI has to offer! WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | sysutils/py-azure-cli-iotcentral |
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools IoT Central Command Module Microsoft Azure CLI 'iotcentral' Command Module The Azure CLI is a command-line tool providing a great experience for managing Azure resources. The CLI is designed to make scripting easy, query data, support long-running operations, and more. Try it today and find out what the CLI has to offer! WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | sysutils/py-azure-cli-iot |
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools IoT Command Module Microsoft Azure CLI 'iot' Command Module The Azure CLI is a command-line tool providing a great experience for managing Azure resources. The CLI is designed to make scripting easy, query data, support long-running operations, and more. Try it today and find out what the CLI has to offer! WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | sysutils/py-azure-cli-interactive |
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Interactive Shell The interactive shell for Microsoft Azure CLI (Command Line Interface) - Interactive Tutorials - Lightweight Drop Down Completions - Auto Cached Suggestions - Dynamic parameter completion - Defaulting scopes of commands - On the fly descriptions of the commands AND parameters - On the fly examples of how to utilize each command - Optional 'az' component - Query the previous command - Navigation of example pane - Optional layout configurations - Fun Colors WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | sysutils/py-azure-cli-hdinsight |
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools HDInsight Command Module Microsoft Azure CLI 'hdinsight' Command Module The Azure CLI is a command-line tool providing a great experience for managing Azure resources. The CLI is designed to make scripting easy, query data, support long-running operations, and more. Try it today and find out what the CLI has to offer! WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | sysutils/py-azure-cli-find |
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Find Command Module Microsoft Azure CLI 'find' Command Module The Azure CLI is a command-line tool providing a great experience for managing Azure resources. The CLI is designed to make scripting easy, query data, support long-running operations, and more. Try it today and find out what the CLI has to offer! WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | sysutils/py-azure-cli-feedback |
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Feedback Command Module Microsoft Azure CLI 'feedback' Command Module The Azure CLI is a command-line tool providing a great experience for managing Azure resources. The CLI is designed to make scripting easy, query data, support long-running operations, and more. Try it today and find out what the CLI has to offer! WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | sysutils/py-azure-cli-extension |
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Extension Command Module Microsoft Azure CLI 'extension' Command Module The Azure CLI is a command-line tool providing a great experience for managing Azure resources. The CLI is designed to make scripting easy, query data, support long-running operations, and more. Try it today and find out what the CLI has to offer! WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | sysutils/py-azure-cli-eventhubs |
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Event Hubs Command Module Microsoft Azure CLI 'eventhubs' Command Module The Azure CLI is a command-line tool providing a great experience for managing Azure resources. The CLI is designed to make scripting easy, query data, support long-running operations, and more. Try it today and find out what the CLI has to offer! WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | sysutils/py-azure-cli-eventgrid |
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools EventGrid Command Module Microsoft Azure CLI 'eventgrid' Command Module The Azure CLI is a command-line tool providing a great experience for managing Azure resources. The CLI is designed to make scripting easy, query data, support long-running operations, and more. Try it today and find out what the CLI has to offer! WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | sysutils/py-azure-cli-dms |
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools for the Data Migration Service (DMS) Command Module Microsoft Azure CLI 'Database Migration Service' Command Module The Azure CLI is a command-line tool providing a great experience for managing Azure resources. The CLI is designed to make scripting easy, query data, support long-running operations, and more. Try it today and find out what the CLI has to offer! WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | sysutils/py-azure-cli-dls |
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Data Lake Store Command Module Microsoft Azure CLI 'data lake store' Command Module The Azure CLI is a command-line tool providing a great experience for managing Azure resources. The CLI is designed to make scripting easy, query data, support long-running operations, and more. Try it today and find out what the CLI has to offer! WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | sysutils/py-azure-cli-dla |
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Data Lake Analytics Command Module Microsoft Azure CLI 'data lake analytics' Command Module The Azure CLI is a command-line tool providing a great experience for managing Azure resources. The CLI is designed to make scripting easy, query data, support long-running operations, and more. Try it today and find out what the CLI has to offer! WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | sysutils/py-azure-cli-cosmosdb |
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Cosmos DB Command Module Microsoft Azure CLI 'cosmosdb' Command Module The Azure CLI is a command-line tool providing a great experience for managing Azure resources. The CLI is designed to make scripting easy, query data, support long-running operations, and more. Try it today and find out what the CLI has to offer! WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | sysutils/py-azure-cli-core |
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Core Module The Azure CLI is a command-line tool providing a great experience for managing Azure resources. The CLI is designed to make scripting easy, query data, support long-running operations, and more. Try it today and find out what the CLI has to offer! WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | sysutils/py-azure-cli-container |
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools container Command Module Microsoft Azure CLI 'container' Command Module The Azure CLI is a command-line tool providing a great experience for managing Azure resources. The CLI is designed to make scripting easy, query data, support long-running operations, and more. Try it today and find out what the CLI has to offer! WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | sysutils/py-azure-cli-consumption |
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Consumption Command Module Microsoft Azure CLI 'consumption' Command Module The Azure CLI is a command-line tool providing a great experience for managing Azure resources. The CLI is designed to make scripting easy, query data, support long-running operations, and more. Try it today and find out what the CLI has to offer! WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | sysutils/py-azure-cli-configure |
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Configure Command Module Microsoft Azure CLI 'configure' Command Module The Azure CLI is a command-line tool providing a great experience for managing Azure resources. The CLI is designed to make scripting easy, query data, support long-running operations, and more. Try it today and find out what the CLI has to offer! WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | sysutils/py-azure-cli-cognitiveservices |
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Cognitive Services Command Module Microsoft Azure CLI 'cognitive services' Command Module The Azure CLI is a command-line tool providing a great experience for managing Azure resources. The CLI is designed to make scripting easy, query data, support long-running operations, and more. Try it today and find out what the CLI has to offer! WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | sysutils/py-azure-cli-cloud |
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Cloud Command Module Microsoft Azure CLI 'cloud' Command Module The Azure CLI is a command-line tool providing a great experience for managing Azure resources. The CLI is designed to make scripting easy, query data, support long-running operations, and more. Try it today and find out what the CLI has to offer! WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | sysutils/py-azure-cli-cdn |
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools CDN Command Module Microsoft Azure CLI 'Content Delivery Network (CDN)' Command Module The Azure CLI is a command-line tool providing a great experience for managing Azure resources. The CLI is designed to make scripting easy, query data, support long-running operations, and more. Try it today and find out what the CLI has to offer! WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | sysutils/py-azure-cli-botservice |
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Bot Services Command Module Microsoft Azure CLI 'bot service' Command Module The Azure CLI is a command-line tool providing a great experience for managing Azure resources. The CLI is designed to make scripting easy, query data, support long-running operations, and more. Try it today and find out what the CLI has to offer! WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | sysutils/py-azure-cli-billing |
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Billing Command Module Microsoft Azure CLI 'billing' Command Module The Azure CLI is a command-line tool providing a great experience for managing Azure resources. The CLI is designed to make scripting easy, query data, support long-running operations, and more. Try it today and find out what the CLI has to offer! WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | sysutils/py-azure-cli-batchai |
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Batch AI Command Module Microsoft Azure CLI 'Batch AI' Command Module The Azure CLI is a command-line tool providing a great experience for managing Azure resources. The CLI is designed to make scripting easy, query data, support long-running operations, and more. Try it today and find out what the CLI has to offer! WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | sysutils/py-azure-cli-batch |
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Batch Command Module Microsoft Azure CLI 'batch' Command Module The Azure CLI is a command-line tool providing a great experience for managing Azure resources. The CLI is designed to make scripting easy, query data, support long-running operations, and more. Try it today and find out what the CLI has to offer! WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | sysutils/py-azure-cli-backup |
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Recovery Services Command Module Microsoft Azure CLI 'backup' Command Module The Azure CLI is a command-line tool providing a great experience for managing Azure resources. The CLI is designed to make scripting easy, query data, support long-running operations, and more. Try it today and find out what the CLI has to offer! WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | sysutils/py-azure-cli-appservice |
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools AppService Command Module Microsoft Azure CLI 'appservice' Command Module The Azure CLI is a command-line tool providing a great experience for managing Azure resources. The CLI is designed to make scripting easy, query data, support long-running operations, and more. Try it today and find out what the CLI has to offer! WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | sysutils/py-azure-cli-ams |
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools AMS Command Module Microsoft Azure CLI 'ams' Command Module The Azure CLI is a command-line tool providing a great experience for managing Azure resources. The CLI is designed to make scripting easy, query data, support long-running operations, and more. Try it today and find out what the CLI has to offer! WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | sysutils/py-azure-cli-advisor |
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Advisor Command Module Microsoft Azure CLI 'advisor' Command Module The Azure CLI is a command-line tool providing a great experience for managing Azure resources. The CLI is designed to make scripting easy, query data, support long-running operations, and more. Try it today and find out what the CLI has to offer! WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | sysutils/py-azure-cli-acs |
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools ACS Command Module Microsoft Azure CLI 'acs' Command Module The Azure CLI is a command-line tool providing a great experience for managing Azure resources. The CLI is designed to make scripting easy, query data, support long-running operations, and more. Try it today and find out what the CLI has to offer! WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | sysutils/py-azure-cli-acr |
Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools ACR Command Module Microsoft Azure CLI 'acr' Command Module The Azure CLI is a command-line tool providing a great experience for managing Azure resources. The CLI is designed to make scripting easy, query data, support long-running operations, and more. Try it today and find out what the CLI has to offer! WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | devel/py-pydocumentdb |
Azure DocumentDB Python SDK This is the Microsoft Azure Cosmos Python SDK. Azure Cosmos DB is Microsoft's globally distributed, multi-model database service. With the click of a button, Azure Cosmos DB enables you to elastically and independently scale throughput and storage across any number of Azure's geographic regions. You can elastically scale throughput and storage, and take advantage of fast, single-digit-millisecond data access using your favorite API among SQL, MongoDB, Cassandra, Tables, or Gremlin. Cosmos DB provides comprehensive service level agreements (SLAs) for throughput, latency, availability, and consistency guarantees, something no other database service can offer. WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | devel/py-azure-storage-common |
Microsoft Azure Storage Common Client Library for Python Microsoft Azure Storage Common Client Library for Python This project provides a client library in Python that makes it easy to consume Microsoft Azure Storage services. WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | devel/py-azure-storage-blob |
Microsoft Azure Storage Blob Client Library for Python Microsoft Azure Storage Blob Client Library for Python This project provides a client library in Python that makes it easy to consume Microsoft Azure Storage services. WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | devel/py-azure-multiapi-storage |
Microsoft Azure Storage Client Library with multi API version support Microsoft Azure Storage Client Library for Python with multi API version support. Handles multi-API versions of Azure Storage Data Plane originally from WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | devel/py-azure-mgmt-web |
Microsoft Azure Web Apps Management Client Library for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Web Apps Management Client Library. Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the next generation of management APIs that replace the old Azure Service Management (ASM). WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | devel/py-azure-mgmt-trafficmanager |
Microsoft Azure Traffic Manager Client Library for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Traffic Manager Client Library. Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the next generation of management APIs that replace the old Azure Service Management (ASM). WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | devel/py-azure-mgmt-storage |
Microsoft Azure Storage Management Client Library for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Storage Management Client Library. Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the next generation of management APIs that replace the old Azure Service Management (ASM). WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | devel/py-azure-mgmt-sql |
Microsoft Azure SQL Management Client Library for Python This is the Microsoft Azure SQL Management Client Library. Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the next generation of management APIs that replace the old Azure Service Management (ASM). WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | devel/py-azure-mgmt-signalr |
Microsoft Azure SignalR Management Client Library for Python This is the Microsoft Azure SignalR Client Library. Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the next generation of management APIs that replace the old Azure Service Management (ASM). WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | devel/py-azure-mgmt-servicefabric |
Microsoft Azure Service Fabric Management Client Library for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Service Fabric Management Client Library. Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the next generation of management APIs that replace the old Azure Service Management (ASM). WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | devel/py-azure-mgmt-servicebus |
Microsoft Azure Service Bus Management Client Library for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Service Bus Management Client Library. Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the next generation of management APIs that replace the old Azure Service Management (ASM). WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | devel/py-azure-mgmt-search |
Microsoft Azure Search Management Client Library for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Search Management Client Library. Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the next generation of management APIs that replace the old Azure Service Management (ASM). WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | devel/py-azure-mgmt-resource |
Microsoft Azure Resource Management Client Library for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Resource Management Client Library. Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the next generation of management APIs that replace the old Azure Service Management (ASM). WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | devel/py-azure-mgmt-reservations |
Microsoft Azure Reservations Management Client Library for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Reservations Management Client Library. Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the next generation of management APIs that replace the old Azure Service Management (ASM). WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | devel/py-azure-mgmt-relay |
Microsoft Azure Relay Management Client Library for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Relay Management Client Library. Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the next generation of management APIs that replace the old Azure Service Management (ASM). WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | devel/py-azure-mgmt-redis |
Microsoft Azure Redis Cache Management Client Library for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Redis Cache Management Client Library. Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the next generation of management APIs that replace the old Azure Service Management (ASM). WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | devel/py-azure-mgmt-recoveryservicesbackup |
Microsoft Azure Recovery Services Backup Management Client Library for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Recovery Services Backup Management Client Library. Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the next generation of management APIs that replace the old Azure Service Management (ASM). WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | devel/py-azure-mgmt-recoveryservices |
Microsoft Azure Recovery Services Client Library for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Recovery Services Client Library. Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the next generation of management APIs that replace the old Azure Service Management (ASM). WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | devel/py-azure-mgmt-rdbms |
Microsoft Azure RDBMS Management Client Library for Python This is the Microsoft Azure RDBMS Management Client Library. Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the next generation of management APIs that replace the old Azure Service Management (ASM). WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | devel/py-azure-mgmt-policyinsights |
Microsoft Azure Policy Insights Client Library for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Policy Insights Management Client Library. Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the next generation of management APIs that replace the old Azure Service Management (ASM). WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | devel/py-azure-mgmt-network |
Microsoft Azure Network Management Client Library for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Network Management Client Library. Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the next generation of management APIs that replace the old Azure Service Management (ASM). WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | devel/py-azure-mgmt-msi |
Microsoft Azure MSI Management Client Library for Python This is the Microsoft Azure MSI Management Client Library. Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the next generation of management APIs that replace the old Azure Service Management (ASM). WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | devel/py-azure-mgmt-monitor |
Microsoft Azure Monitor Client Library for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Monitor Client Library. Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the next generation of management APIs that replace the old Azure Service Management (ASM). WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | devel/py-azure-mgmt-media |
Microsoft Azure Media Services Client Library for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Media Services Client Library. Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the next generation of management APIs that replace the old Azure Service Management (ASM). WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | devel/py-azure-mgmt-marketplaceordering |
Microsoft Azure Market Place Ordering Client Library for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Market Place Ordering Client Library. Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the next generation of management APIs that replace the old Azure Service Management (ASM). WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | devel/py-azure-mgmt-maps |
Microsoft Azure Maps Client Library for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Maps Client Library. Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the next generation of management APIs that replace the old Azure Service Management (ASM). WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | devel/py-azure-mgmt-managementgroups |
Microsoft Azure Management Groups Client Library for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Management Groups Client Library. Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the next generation of management APIs that replace the old Azure Service Management (ASM). WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | devel/py-azure-mgmt-loganalytics |
Microsoft Azure Analytics Management Client Library for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Analytics Management Client Library. Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the next generation of management APIs that replace the old Azure Service Management (ASM). WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | devel/py-azure-mgmt-keyvault |
Microsoft Azure Key Vault Management Client Library for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Key Vault Management Client Library. Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the next generation of management APIs that replace the old Azure Service Management (ASM). WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | devel/py-azure-mgmt-iothubprovisioningservices |
Microsoft Azure IoTHub Provisioning Services Client Library for Python This is the Microsoft Azure IoTHub Provisioning Services Client Library. Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the next generation of management APIs that replace the old Azure Service Management (ASM). WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | devel/py-azure-mgmt-iothub |
Microsoft Azure IoTHub Management Client Library for Python This is the Microsoft Azure IoTHub Management Client Library. Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the next generation of management APIs that replace the old Azure Service Management (ASM). WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | devel/py-azure-mgmt-iotcentral |
Microsoft Azure IoTCentral Management Client Library for Python This is the Microsoft Azure IoTCentral Management Client Library. Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the next generation of management APIs that replace the old Azure Service Management (ASM). WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | devel/py-azure-mgmt-hdinsight |
Microsoft Azure HDInsight Management Client Library for Python This is the Microsoft Azure HDInsight Management Client Library. Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the next generation of management APIs that replace the old Azure Service Management (ASM). WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | devel/py-azure-mgmt-eventhub |
Microsoft Azure EventHub Management Client Library for Python This is the Microsoft Azure EventHub Management Client Library. Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the next generation of management APIs that replace the old Azure Service Management (ASM). WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | devel/py-azure-mgmt-eventgrid |
Microsoft Azure EventGrid Management Client Library for Python This is the Microsoft Azure EventGrid Management Client Library. Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the next generation of management APIs that replace the old Azure Service Management (ASM). WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | devel/py-azure-mgmt-dns |
Microsoft Azure DNS Management Client Library for Python This is the Microsoft Azure DNS Management Client Library. Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the next generation of management APIs that replace the old Azure Service Management (ASM). WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | devel/py-azure-mgmt-devtestlabs |
Microsoft Azure DevTestLabs Management Client Library for Python This is the Microsoft Azure DevTestLabs Management Client Library. Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the next generation of management APIs that replace the old Azure Service Management (ASM). WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | devel/py-azure-mgmt-datamigration |
Microsoft Azure Data Migration Client Library for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Data Migration Client Library. Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the next generation of management APIs that replace the old Azure Service Management (ASM). WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | devel/py-azure-mgmt-datalake-store |
Microsoft Azure Data Lake Store Management Client Library for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Data Lake Store Management Client Library. Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the next generation of management APIs that replace the old Azure Service Management (ASM). WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | devel/py-azure-mgmt-datalake-analytics |
Microsoft Azure Data Lake Analytics Management Client Library for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Data Lake Analytics Management Client Library. Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the next generation of management APIs that replace the old Azure Service Management (ASM). WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | devel/py-azure-mgmt-cosmosdb |
Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB Management Client Library for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB Management Client Library. Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the next generation of management APIs that replace the old Azure Service Management (ASM). WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | devel/py-azure-mgmt-containerservice |
Microsoft Azure Container Service Management Client Library for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Container Service Management Client Library. Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the next generation of management APIs that replace the old Azure Service Management (ASM). WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | devel/py-azure-mgmt-containerregistry |
Microsoft Azure Container Registry Client Library for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Container Registry Client Library. Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the next generation of management APIs that replace the old Azure Service Management (ASM). WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | devel/py-azure-mgmt-containerinstance |
Microsoft Azure Container Instance Client Library for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Container Instance Client Library. Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the next generation of management APIs that replace the old Azure Service Management (ASM). WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | devel/py-azure-mgmt-consumption |
Microsoft Azure Consumption Management Client Library for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Consumption Management Client Library. Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the next generation of management APIs that replace the old Azure Service Management (ASM). WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | devel/py-azure-mgmt-compute |
Microsoft Azure Compute Management Client Library for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Compute Management Client Library. Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the next generation of management APIs that replace the old Azure Service Management (ASM). WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | devel/py-azure-mgmt-cognitiveservices |
Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services Management Client Library for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services Management Client Library. Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the next generation of management APIs that replace the old Azure Service Management (ASM). WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | devel/py-azure-mgmt-cdn |
Microsoft Azure CDN Management Client Library for Python This is the Microsoft Azure CDN Management Client Library. Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the next generation of management APIs that replace the old Azure Service Management (ASM). WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | devel/py-azure-mgmt-botservice |
Microsoft Azure Bot Service Client Library for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Bot Service Client Library. Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the next generation of management APIs that replace the old Azure Service Management (ASM). WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | devel/py-azure-mgmt-billing |
Microsoft Azure Billing Client Library for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Billing Client Library. Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the next generation of management APIs that replace the old Azure Service Management (ASM). WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | devel/py-azure-mgmt-batchai |
Microsoft Azure Batch AI Management Client Library for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Batch AI Management Client Library. Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the next generation of management APIs that replace the old Azure Service Management (ASM). WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | devel/py-azure-mgmt-batch |
Microsoft Azure Batch Management Client Library for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Batch Management Client Library. Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the next generation of management APIs that replace the old Azure Service Management (ASM). WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | devel/py-azure-mgmt-authorization |
Microsoft Azure Authorization Management Client Library for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Authorization Management Client Library. Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the next generation of management APIs that replace the old Azure Service Management (ASM). WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | devel/py-azure-mgmt-advisor |
Microsoft Azure Advisor Client Client Library for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Advisor Client Library. Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the next generation of management APIs that replace the old Azure Service Management (ASM). WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | devel/py-azure-keyvault |
Microsoft Azure Key Vault Client Library for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Key Vault Client Library. Use the Azure Key Vault management libraries to create key vaults, authorize applications, and manage permissions. WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | devel/py-azure-graphrbac |
Microsoft Azure Graph RBAC Client Library for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Graph RBAC Client Library. WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | devel/py-azure-datalake-store |
Microsoft Azure Data Lake Store Filesystem Client Library for Python This project is the Python filesystem library for Azure Data Lake Store. Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 is a highly scalable and cost-effective data lake solution for big data analytics. It combines the power of a high-performance file system with massive scale and economy to help you speed your time to insight. Data Lake Storage Gen2 extends Azure Blob Storage capabilities and is optimized for analytics workloads. Store data once and access it via existing Blob Storage and HDFS-compliant file system interfaces with no programming changes or data copying. Data Lake Storage Gen2 is the most comprehensive data lake available. WWW: |
2019-01-26T13:28:29+00:00 | devel/py-azure-batch |
Microsoft Azure Batch Client Library for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Batch Client Library. Batch processing began with mainframe computers and punch cards. Today, it still plays a central role in business, engineering, science, and other areas that require running lots of automated tasksâprocessing bills and payroll, calculating portfolio risk, designing new products, rendering animated films, testing software, searching for energy, predicting the weather, and finding new cures for disease. Previously, few people had access to the computing power for these scenarios. With Azure Batch, that power is available to you when you need it, without any capital investment. WWW: |
2019-01-26T12:52:06+00:00 | sysutils/py-azure-cli-base |
Shared namespace for py-azure-* ports Shared namespace for py-azure-* ports py-azure-cli-base provides common files that are shared among all py-azure-* ports: azure/ azure/cli/ azure/cli/command_modules/ azure/mgmt/ azure/mgmt/datalake/ |
2019-01-26T11:37:22+00:00 | security/gonepass |
GTK+ 1Password reader A GTK+ reader for 1Password password management vault files. WWW: |
2019-01-26T11:02:05+00:00 | textproc/py-precis_i18n |
Internationalized usernames and passwords The PRECIS framework makes internationalized user names and passwords safer for use by applications. PRECIS profiles transform unicode strings into a canonical form, suitable for comparison. WWW: |
2019-01-26T10:54:37+00:00 | security/py-python-axolotl |
Python port of libaxolotl-android Python port of libaxolotl-android WWW: |
2019-01-26T10:52:11+00:00 | security/py-python-axolotl-curve25519 |
Python wrapper for curve25519 with ed25519 signatures Python wrapper for curve25519 library with ed25519 signatures. WWW: |
2019-01-26T10:48:48+00:00 | multimedia/gnome-twitch |
GTK+ Twitch livestream player GTK based player for online live video streams. WWW: |
2019-01-26T10:44:39+00:00 | www/p5-Net-Curl |
Perl interface for libcurl Perl interface to libcurl created with object-oriented implementations in mind. This documentation contains Perl-specific details and quirks. For more information consult libcurl man pages and documentation at WWW: |
2019-01-26T08:25:09+00:00 | sysutils/intel-undervolt |
Intel CPU undervolting tool intel-undervolt is a tool for undervolting Haswell and newer Intel CPUs using MSR. Also allows to alter power limits and temperature limit using MSR and MCHBAR registers. Use at your own risk. WWW: |
2019-01-26T08:03:06+00:00 | x11/xsettingsd |
Daemon that implements the XSETTINGS specification xsettingsd is a daemon that implements the XSETTINGS specification. It is intended to be small, fast, and minimally dependent on other libraries. It can serve as an alternative to gnome-settings-daemon for users who are not using the GNOME desktop environment but who still run GTK+ applications and want to configure things such as themes, font antialiasing/hinting, and UI sound effects. WWW: |
2019-01-25T19:58:13+00:00 | devel/pecl-protobuf |
PHP binding for Protocol buffers Protocol buffers are Google's language-neutral, platform-neutral, extensible mechanism for serializing structured data -- think XML, but smaller, faster, and simpler. You define how you want your data to be structured once, then you can use special generated source code to easily write and read your structured data to and from a variety of data streams and using a variety of languages. WWW: |
2019-01-25T15:04:06+00:00 | x11-fonts/iosevka |
Slender monospace sans-serif and slab-serif typeface for programming Iosevka is an open-source, sans-serif + slab-serif, monospace + quasiâproportional typeface family, designed for writing code, using in terminals, and preparing technical documents. WWW: |
2019-01-25T09:50:15+00:00 | net-mgmt/check_mk_agent |
Nagios-compatible agent for the Checkmk monitoring Checkmk is a software for effective IT monitoring. Easy installation, best-in-class scalability and a broad range of features are just some of the reasons why more and more users become Checkmk fans. WWW: |
2019-01-25T08:53:06+00:00 | security/caesarcipher |
Caesar cipher cryptography tool caesarcipher is an implementation of the traditional Caesar cipher encryption algorithm with an extension to all printable ASCII characters. It can be run as an interactive tool on the command line or process input- and outputfiles that are passed to the ultility. WWW: |
2019-01-25T08:44:22+00:00 | sysutils/backupuser |
User Backup Utility backupuser is a command line utility, which automates the creation of backups of a user's home directory. An accompanying utility lets a user verify the integrity of files on another storage device. Special backup options exist for the root user. WWW: |
2019-01-25T08:22:47+00:00 | net/parpd |
Proxy-ARP daemon The parpd daemon provide the missing IPV4-ARP and IPv6-ND packets in non-broadcast multiple-access networks with overly strict first-hop security filters. WWW: |
2019-01-25T08:04:01+00:00 | irc/bitlbee-discord |
Discord plugin for bitlbee Bitlbee plugin to allow connections to the discord chat service. A more lightweight alternative to using bitlbee compiled with libpurple support. WWW: |
2019-01-25T07:34:18+00:00 | x11-fonts/league-spartan |
Revival of ATF\'s classic Spartan A fantastic new revival of ATF's classic Spartan, a geometric sans-serif that has no problem kicking its enemies in the chest. WWW: |
2019-01-25T07:30:31+00:00 | x11-fonts/linden-hill |
Digital version of Frederic Goudy's Deepdene Linden Hill is a digital version of Frederic Goudy's Deepdene. The package includes roman and italic. WWW: |
2019-01-25T07:25:10+00:00 | x11-fonts/league-gothic |
Revival of an old classic, Alternate Gothic \#1 League Gothic is a revival of an old classic, Alternate Gothic #1. It was originally designed by Morris Fuller Benton for the American Type Founders Company in 1903. The company went bankrupt in 1993, and since the original typeface was created before 1923, the typeface is in the public domain. WWW: |
2019-01-25T07:21:20+00:00 | x11-fonts/prociono |
Roman serif with blackletter elements "Prociono" (pro-tsee-O-no) is an Esperanto word meaning either the star Procyon or the animal species known as the raccoon. It is a roman serif with blackletter elements. WWW: |
2019-01-25T07:08:09+00:00 | net/microsocks |
Multithreaded, small, efficient SOCKS5 server MicroSocks is a SOCKS5 service that you can run on your remote boxes to tunnel connections through them, if for some reason SSH doesn't cut it for you. WWW: |
2019-01-24T21:55:18+00:00 | devel/xtoolchain-llvm80 |
2019-01-24T21:55:18+00:00 | devel/llvm80 |
LLVM and Clang The LLVM Project is a collection of modular and reusable compiler and toolchain technologies. This port includes Clang (a C/C++/Objective-C compiler), LLD (a linker), LLDB (a debugger), an OpenMP runtime library, and the LLVM infrastructure these are built on. WWW: |
2019-01-24T20:47:39+00:00 | sysutils/py-scarab |
CLI interface for FreeBSD Bugzilla scarab is a CLI tool to automate some of the Bugzilla-related workflows in the FreeBSD project. Common commands are fetching, attaching and creating PR's from the command line. WWW: |
2019-01-24T19:37:25+00:00 | x11-wm/lxqt-session |
Session manager component for LXQt LXQt session handling and configuration. Contains the startlxqt script and lxqt-leave binary to respectively start and stop a LXQt DE session. WWW: |
2019-01-24T17:10:32+00:00 | net/rubygem-serverengine |
Framework to implement robust multiprocess servers ServerEngine is a framework to implement robust multiprocess servers like Unicorn. ServerEngine also provides useful options and utilities such as logging, signal handlers, changing process names shown by ps command, chuser, stacktrace and heap dump on signal. WWW: |
2019-01-23T22:53:45+00:00 | devel/rubygem-strptime |
Fast strptime engine A fast strptime engine. WWW: |
2019-01-23T22:53:45+00:00 | devel/rubygem-dig_rb |
"Array/Hash/Struct#dig backfill for ruby" Ruby 2.3.0 introduced #dig on Hash, Array, and Struct. With this gem, you can have dig on ruby pre 2.3.0, or any ruby lacking dig. WWW: |
2019-01-23T09:31:55+00:00 | misc/elki |
Data mining toolkit ELKI is an open source (AGPLv3) data mining software written in Java. The focus of ELKI is research in algorithms, with an emphasis on unsupervised methods in cluster analysis and outlier detection. In order to achieve high performance and scalability, ELKI offers data index structures such as the R*-tree that can provide major performance gains. ELKI is designed to be easy to extend for researchers and students in this domain, and welcomes contributions of additional methods. ELKI aims at providing a large collection of highly parameterizable algorithms, in order to allow easy and fair evaluation and benchmarking of algorithms. WWW: |
2019-01-22T23:59:57+00:00 | net/rubygem-maxmind-db |
MaxMind DB Reader Ruby API This is the Ruby API for reading MaxMind DB files. MaxMind DB is a binary file format that stores data indexed by IP address subnets (IPv4 or IPv6). WWW: |
2019-01-22T23:59:49+00:00 | textproc/p5-CSS-Sass |
Compile .scss and .sass files using LibSass CSS::Sass provides a perl interface to LibSass, a nearly complete Sass compiler written in C++. It is currently at ruby sass 3.4 feature parity and heading towards 3.5 compatibility. It can compile .scss and .sass files. WWW: |
2019-01-22T23:59:22+00:00 | textproc/minify |
Go minifiers for web formats Minify is a minifier package written in Go. It provides HTML5, CSS3, JS, JSON, SVG and XML minifiers and an interface to implement any other minifier. Minification is the process of removing bytes from a file (such as whitespace) without changing its output and therefore shrinking its size and speeding up transmission over the internet and possibly parsing. The implemented minifiers are designed for high performance. The core functionality associates mimetypes with minification functions, allowing embedded resources (like CSS or JS within HTML files) to be minified as well. Users can add new implementations that are triggered based on a mimetype (or pattern), or redirect to an external command (like ClosureCompiler, UglifyCSS, ...). WWW: |
2019-01-22T18:02:49+00:00 | graphics/libansilove |
Library for converting ANSI, ASCII, and other formats to PNG libansilove is a library to convert ANSi and artscene related file formats into PNG images. The following formats are supported: - .ANS - ANSi (ANSI escape sequences: ANSI X3.64 standard) - .PCB - PCBoard Bulletin Board System (BBS) own file format - .BIN - Binary format (raw memory copy of text mode video memory) - .ADF - Artworx format, supporting custom character sets and palettes - .IDF - iCE Draw format, supporting custom character sets and palettes - .TND - TundraDraw format, supporting 24-bit color mode - .XB - The eXtended Binary XBin format, supporting custom character sets and palettes WWW: |
2019-01-22T15:58:23+00:00 | textproc/py-jsonslicer |
Stream JSON parser for Python JsonSlicer performs a stream or iterative, pull JSON parsing, which means it does not load whole JSON into memory and is able to parse very large JSON files or streams. The module is written in C and uses YAJL JSON parsing library, so it's also quite fast. JsonSlicer takes a path of JSON map keys or array indexes, and provides iterator interface which yields JSON data matching given path as complete Python objects. WWW: |
2019-01-22T10:24:51+00:00 | misc/kookbook |
Recipes database with Markdown support Write and manage your kitchen recipes. Kookbook is a simple application viewer based on markdown formatted recipes. It supports import from KRecipes databases, and keeps its own database as a folder full of markdown-formatted documents, which makes it easy to script and to build tools around. WWW: |
2019-01-21T20:30:49+00:00 | graphics/py-mpl-scatter-density |
Matplotlib helpers to make density scatter plots The mpl-scatter-density mini-package provides functionality to make it easy to make your own scatter density maps, both for interactive and non-interactive use. Fast. The following animation shows real-time interactive use with 10 million points, but interactive performance is still good even with 100 million points (and more if you have enough RAM). WWW: |
2019-01-21T20:19:57+00:00 | misc/py-fast-histogram |
Fast simple 1D and 2D histograms The fast-histogram mini-package aims to provide simple and fast histogram functions for regular bins that don't compromise on performance. It doesn't do anything complicated - it just implements a simple histogram algorithm in C and keeps it simple. The aim is to have functions that are fast but also robust and reliable. The result is a 1D histogram function here that is 7-15x faster than numpy.histogram, and a 2D histogram function that is 20-25x faster than numpy.histogram2d. WWW: |
2019-01-21T07:36:44+00:00 | graphics/electricsheep |
Infinite evolving crowdsourced artwork Electricsheep is a distributed screensaver. It realizes the collective dream of sleeping computers from all over the internet. When the screen-saver is activated, the screen goes black and an animated 'sheep' appears. Behind the scenes, the screen-saver contacts an internet server and joins the parallel computation of new sheep. WWW: |
2019-01-21T07:30:55+00:00 | graphics/glee |
Cross-platform extension loading library for OpenGL GLee facilitates OpenGL extension loading, and can be used by any code using OpenGL. WWW: |
2019-01-20T12:54:30+00:00 | benchmarks/py-locust |
Python utility for doing easy, distributed load testing Locust is an easy-to-use, distributed, user load testing tool. It is intended for load-testing web sites (or other systems) and figuring out how many concurrent users a system can handle. The behavior of each locust (or test user if you will) is defined by you and the swarming process is monitored from a web UI in real-time. This will help you battle test and identify bottlenecks in your code before letting real users in. WWW: |
2019-01-20T11:25:07+00:00 | mail/fetchmailconf |
Python-based GUI to configure fetchmail Fetchmail is a full-featured IMAP/POP2/POP3/APOP/KPOP/ETRN/ODMR client with easy configuration, daemon mode, forwarding via SMTP or local MDA, and superior reply handling. It is used to handle intermittent email connections by acting as a coupling that seamlessly batch forwards fetched mail from your mail server to your local delivery system, allowing you to read it with your favourite mail user agent. Fetchmail also includes useful spam filtering and multi-user functions. A typical use of fetchmail is to connect to your ISP's POP3 server, downloading your mail into the INBOX on your local computer. You may then read the mail, offline if you want, using pine, mutt, or any standard mail user agent. WWW: |
2019-01-20T05:11:48+00:00 | x11-fm/fsv2 |
3D filesystem visualizer fsv2 is a file system visualizer in cyberspace. It lays out files and directories in three dimensions, geometrically representing the file system hierarchy to allow visual overview and analysis. WWW: |
2019-01-20T00:07:28+00:00 | audio/spotifyd |
Spotify daemon An open source Spotify client running as a UNIX daemon. Spotifyd streams music just like the official client, but is more lightweight and supports more platforms. Spotifyd also supports the Spotify Connect protocol which makes it show up as a device that can be controlled from the official clients. Spotifyd requires a Spotify Premium account. WWW: |
2019-01-19T03:01:19+00:00 | security/git-secret |
Bash tool to store your private data inside a git repository git-secret is a bash tool which stores private data inside a git repo. git-secret encrypts tracked files with public keys for users whom you trust using gpg, allowing permitted users to access encrypted data using their secret keys. With git-secret, changes to access rights are made easy and private-public key issues are handled for you. Passwords do not need to be changed with git-secret when someone's permission is revoked - just remove their key from the keychain using git secret killperson, and re-encrypt the files, and they won't be able to decrypt secrets anymore. WWW: |
2019-01-19T02:15:19+00:00 | sysutils/ltfs |
Reference implementation of LTFS for stand-alone tape drive Linear Tape File System (LTFS) is a filesystem to mount a LTFS formatted tape in a tape drive. Once LTFS mounts a LTFS formatted tape as filesystem, users can access to the tape via filesystem API. WWW: |
2019-01-19T02:05:38+00:00 | x11-fonts/vtfontcvt-ng |
Improved version of vtfontcvt(8) An improved version of vtfontcvt(8) with support for all font widths and improved parsing of BDFs (FONT, FONTBOUNDINGBOX, BBX, etc.) based on patches from WWW: |
2019-01-18T18:43:13+00:00 | devel/rubygem-ddtrace |
Tracking client of Datadog for Ruby ddtrace is Datadog's tracing client for Ruby. It is used to trace requests as they flow across web servers, databases and microservices so that developers have great visiblity into bottlenecks and troublesome requests. WWW: |
2019-01-18T18:42:40+00:00 | devel/rubygem-opentracing |
OpenTracing Ruby Platform API This package is a Ruby platform API for OpenTracing. WWW: |
2019-01-18T18:42:09+00:00 | devel/py-ddtrace |
Datadog tracing code ddtrace is Datadog's tracing library for Python. It is used to trace requests as they flow across web servers, databases and microservices so that developers have great visiblity into bottlenecks and troublesome requests. WWW: |
2019-01-18T18:41:45+00:00 | devel/py-opentracing |
OpenTracing API for Python This library is a Python platform API for OpenTracing. WWW: |
2019-01-18T18:41:05+00:00 | devel/py-nose-timer |
Timer plugin for nosetests nose-timer is a timer plugin for nosetests that answers the question: how much time does every test take? WWW: |
2019-01-18T18:40:29+00:00 | devel/py-genty |
Allows you to run a test with multiple data sets Genty, pronounced "gen-tee", stands for "generate tests". It promotes generative testing, where a single test can execute over a variety of input. Genty makes this a breeze. WWW: |
2019-01-18T02:03:39+00:00 | science/py-rmsd |
Calculate root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) between coordinate sets Calculate Root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) of Two Molecules Using Rotation. The root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) is calculated, using Kabsch algorithm (1976) or Quaternion algorithm (1991) for rotation, between two Cartesian coordinates in either .xyz or .pdb format, resulting in the minimal RMSD. WWW: |
2019-01-17T23:27:11+00:00 | cad/verilator |
Synthesizable Verilog to C++ compiler Verilator is the fastest free Verilog HDL simulator, and beats most commercial simulators. It compiles synthesizable Verilog (not test-bench code!), plus some PSL, SystemVerilog and Synthesis assertions into C++ or SystemC code. It is designed for large projects where fast simulation performance is of primary concern, and is especially well suited to generate executable models of CPUs for embedded software design teams. WWW: |
2019-01-17T19:21:25+00:00 | science/py-asdf |
Python tools to handle ASDF files The Advanced Scientific Data Format (ASDF) is a next-generation interchange format for scientific data. This package contains the Python implementation of the ASDF Standard. The ASDF format has the following features: - A hierarchical, human-readable metadata format (implemented using YAML) - Numerical arrays are stored as binary data blocks which can be memory mapped. Data blocks can optionally be compressed. - The structure of the data can be automatically validated using schemas (implemented using JSON Schema) - Native Python data types (numerical types, strings, dicts, lists) are serialized automatically - ASDF can be extended to serialize custom data types WWW: |
2019-01-17T19:21:19+00:00 | math/py-cma |
CMA-ES for non-linear numerical optimization in Python pycma is a Python implementation of CMA-ES and a few related numerical optimization tools. The Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy (CMA-ES) is a stochastic derivative-free numerical optimization algorithm for difficult (non-convex, ill-conditioned, multi-modal, rugged, noisy) optimization problems in continuous search spaces. WWW: |
2019-01-17T19:20:56+00:00 | math/py-bayesian-optimization |
Bayesian Optimization package Bayesian Optimization is a pure Python implementation of bayesian global optimization with gaussian processes. This is a constrained global optimization package built upon bayesian inference and gaussian process, that attempts to find the maximum value of an unknown function in as few iterations as possible. This technique is particularly suited for optimization of high cost functions, situations where the balance between exploration and exploitation is important. WWW: |
2019-01-17T19:20:50+00:00 | devel/py-typing-extensions |
Backported and Experimental Type Hints for Python 3.5+ The typing module was added to the standard library in Python 3.5 on a provisional basis and will no longer be provisional in Python 3.7. However, this means users of Python 3.5 - 3.6 who are unable to upgrade will not be able to take advantage of new types added to the typing module, such as typing.Text or typing.Coroutine. The typing_extensions module contains both backports of these changes as well as experimental types that will eventually be added to the typing module, such as Protocol. WWW: |
2019-01-17T18:54:29+00:00 | devel/git-remote-hg |
Transparent bidirectional bridge between Git and Mercurial for Git Transparent bidirectional bridge between Git and Mercurial for Git. WWW: |
2019-01-17T17:48:19+00:00 | devel/redo |
Incremental build system Daniel J. Bernstein's redo idea is a system for building target files from source files. Its purpose is to provide a build system for software packages that does incremental builds, i.e. if the package is built and then some of its source files are changed, the build system will only rerun that part of the build procedure that is necessary to rebuild the changed parts of the package. This is the redo implementation by Jonathan de Boyne Pollard written in C++. It comprises: - redo - the main utility for rebuilding - redo-ifchange - a secondary utility for rebuilding targets if existing sources change - redo-ifcreate - a secondary utility for rebuilding targets if non-existent sources manifest - cubehash - a utility program that generates hashes of file contents using the same parameterization of Bernstein CubeHash as is used by the redo tools to check for changes to source and target files WWW: |
2019-01-17T17:34:17+00:00 | net-im/matterbridge |
Chat network bridge Bridge between mattermost, IRC, gitter, xmpp, slack, discord, telegram,,hipchat (via xmpp), steam, twitch, ssh-chat, zulip and matrix with REST API (mattermost not required!) WWW: |
2019-01-17T12:59:08+00:00 | net/p5-IO-Socket-Socks-Wrapper |
Add SOCKS support for any perl object, package or program Add SOCKS support for any perl object / package / program WWW: |
2019-01-17T12:45:34+00:00 | audio/vgmplay |
Command-line player for VGM (video game music) files The official and always up-to-date player for all VGM (Video Game Music) files. VGM is an audio file format for multiple video game platforms, such as Sega Master System, Game Gear, Mega Drive/Genesis, MSX, Neo Geo, IBM PC AT (Adlib/SoundBlaster), and has expanded to a variety of arcade system boards since its release. WWW: |
2019-01-17T12:37:56+00:00 | devel/py-jsonform |
Form validation for JSON-like data Form validation for JSON-like data (i.e. document) in Python. WWW: |
2019-01-17T12:13:38+00:00 | devel/py-aenum |
Advanced Enumerations compatible with stdlib Enum Advanced Enumerations (compatible with Python's stdlib Enum), NamedTuples, and NamedConstants aenum includes a Python stdlib Enum-compatible data type, as well as a metaclass-based NamedTuple implementation and a NamedConstant class. An Enum is a set of symbolic names (members) bound to unique, constant values. Within an enumeration, the members can be compared by identity, and the enumeration itself can be iterated over. If using Python 3 there is built-in support for unique values, multiple values, auto-numbering, and suspension of aliasing (members with the same value are not identical), plus the ability to have values automatically bound to attributes. A NamedTuple is a class-based, fixed-length tuple with a name for each possible position accessible using attribute-access notation as well as the standard index notation. A NamedConstant is a class whose members cannot be rebound; it lacks all other Enum capabilities, however; consequently, it can have duplicate values. WWW: |
2019-01-17T09:54:40+00:00 | math/ascent |
C++ simulation engine and differential equation solver An extremely fast and flexible C++ simulation engine and differential equation solver. Ascent's integration algorithms are designed for speed, and outperform boost's odeint in both Debug and Release. Features: * Header Only * Automatic Vectorization: Ascent conforms to vectorization standards (such as Intel's) * Modular (Optional): solve systems in an object-oriented manner * Variable Tracking: Optimized recording of variable time history * Asynchronous Sampling and Event Scheduling * Multiple Integration Algorithms (In Progress): adaptive steppers, predictor-correctors, etc. * Use boost's odeint library as the numerical integration engine * Scripting Interface: Optional ChaiScript interface to easily script simulations WWW: |
2019-01-17T09:42:53+00:00 | science/erkale-pseudopotentials |
Pseudopotentials for Erkale, the quantum chemistry program Pseudopotentials for ERKALE, a quantum chemistry program used to solve the electronic structure of atoms, molecules and molecular clusters. WWW: |
2019-01-16T10:28:27+00:00 | textproc/rubygem-compass-blueprint |
Compass extension for blueprint css framework Compass extension for blueprint css framework. WWW: |
2019-01-16T01:11:59+00:00 | graphics/librsvg2-rust |
Library for parsing and rendering SVG vector-graphic files The librsvg library is a lightweight library for parsing and rendering vector-graphic files in SVG format (like the ones made by sodipodi). It also includes functions that render anti-aliased fonts using freetype, including caching of glyphs. It is used by Nautilus for drawing vector icons and anti-aliased text. This is a rustified version of LibRsvg. WWW: |
2019-01-15T21:18:30+00:00 | textproc/py-cmarkgfm |
Minimal bindings to GitHub fork of cmark Minimalist Python bindings to GitHub's fork of cmark. WWW: |
2019-01-15T21:18:24+00:00 | devel/p5-Data-Binary |
Simple detection of binary versus text in strings Data::Binary provides string equivalents to the -T / -B operators. Since these only work on file names and file handles, this module provides the same functions but on strings. Note that the actual implementation is currently different, basically because the -T / -B functions are in C/XS, and this module is written in pure Perl. For now, anyway. WWW: |
2019-01-15T16:44:30+00:00 | net-mgmt/p5-Monitoring-Livestatus |
Perl API for check_mk livestatus Perl API for check_mk livestatus to access runtime data from Nagios and Icinga This module connects via socket/tcp to the livestatus addon for Naemon, Nagios, Icinga and Shinken. You first have to install and activate the livestatus addon in your monitoring installation. WWW: |
2019-01-15T00:52:45+00:00 | x11/swaylock |
Screen locker for Wayland swaylock is a screen locking utility for Wayland compositors. It is compatible with any Wayland compositor which implements the following Wayland protocols: - wlr-layer-shell - wlr-input-inhibitor - xdg-output - xdg-shell WWW: |
2019-01-15T00:52:45+00:00 | x11/swayidle |
Idle management daemon for Wayland swayidle is an idle management daemon, compatible with any Wayland compositor which implements the KDE idle protocol. WWW: |
2019-01-14T17:12:23+00:00 | devel/rubygem-pdk |
CLI for development of Puppet modules The Puppet Development Kit (PDK) includes key Puppet code development and testing tools for Linux, Windows, and OS X workstations, so you can install one package with the tools you need to create and validate new modules. PDK includes testing tools, a complete module skeleton, and command line tools to help you create, validate, and run tests on Puppet modules. PDK also includes all dependencies needed for its use. WWW: |
2019-01-14T16:27:39+00:00 | devel/libvirt-dbus |
Libvirt D-Bus API binding libvirt-dbus wraps libvirt API to provide a high-level object-oriented API better suited for dbus-based applications. WWW: |
2019-01-14T03:07:20+00:00 | www/mediawiki132 |
Wiki engine used by Wikipedia MediaWiki is the collaborative editing software that runs Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, and other projects. It's designed to handle a large number of users and pages without imposing too rigid a structure or workflow. WWW: |
2019-01-13T20:13:20+00:00 | x11/slurp |
Select a region in a Wayland compositor Select a region in a Wayland compositor and print it to the standard output. Works well with grim on sway >= 1.0. WWW: |
2019-01-13T20:13:20+00:00 | x11/grim |
Grab images from a Wayland compositor Grab images from a Wayland compositor. Works great with slurp and sway >= 1.0. WWW: |
2019-01-13T20:10:28+00:00 | databases/py-pglast |
PostgreSQL Languages AST and statements prettifier PostgreSQL Languages AST and statements prettifier Exposes the parse tree of a PostgreSQL statement (extracted by the almost standard PG parser repackaged as a standalone static library by libpg_query) as set of interconnected nodes, usually called an abstract syntax tree. WWW: |
2019-01-13T20:07:39+00:00 | devel/py-jaraco.context |
Context managers by jaraco jaraco.context provides context managers. WWW: |
2019-01-13T17:36:49+00:00 | math/py-networkx1 |
Tools for complex networks / Backported version NetworkX (NX) is a Python package for the creation, manipulation, and study of the structure, dynamics, and functions of complex networks. Features: * Includes standard graph-theoretic and statistical physics functions * Easy exchange of network algorithms between applications, disciplines, and platforms * Includes many classic graphs and synthetic networks * Nodes and edges can be "anything" (e.g. time-series, text, images, XML records) * Exploits existing code from high-quality legacy software in C, C++, Fortran, etc. * Open source (encourages community input) * Unit-tested Additional benefits due to Python: * Allows fast prototyping of new algorithms * Easy to teach * Multi-platform * Allows easy access to almost any database Note: This is a backported version of the 1.x branch. WWW: |
2019-01-13T10:34:07+00:00 | cad/xtrkcad |
CAD program for designing model railroad layouts XTrackCAD is a CAD program for designing model railroad layouts. WWW: |
2019-01-13T10:25:31+00:00 | devel/qt5-remoteobjects |
Qt5 SXCML module |
2019-01-13T10:14:23+00:00 | www/qt5-webview |
Qt component for displaying web content |
2019-01-13T09:53:41+00:00 | devel/rpclib |
Modern C++ msgpack-RPC server and client library Modern C++ msgpack-RPC server and client library. WWW: |
2019-01-13T03:23:46+00:00 | deskutils/py-py3status |
Extensible i3status wrapper written in python py3status is an extensible i3status wrapper written in python. Using py3status, you can take control of your i3bar easily by: - using one of the available modules shipped with py3status - grouping multiple modules and automatically or manually cycle their display - writing your own modules and have their output displayed on your bar - handling click events on your i3bar and play with them in no time - seeing your clock tick every second whatever your i3status interval WWW: |
2019-01-12T16:53:40+00:00 | devel/py-macholib |
Used to analyze and edit Mach-O headers Macholib can be used to analyze and edit Mach-O headers, the executable format used by Mac OS X. It is typically used as a dependency analysis tool, and also to rewrite dylib references in Mach-O headers to be @executable_path relative. Though this tool targets a platform specific file format, it is pure python code that is platform and endian independent. WWW: |
2019-01-11T22:00:44+00:00 | devel/rubygem-pathspec |
Match path specifications, such as .gitignore The pathspec gem is a utility library for pattern matching of file paths. WWW: |
2019-01-11T18:27:26+00:00 | devel/jetbrains-phpstorm |
JetBrains PhpStorm IDE PhpStorm is The Lightning-Smart PHP IDE PhpStorm is perfect for working with Symfony, Drupal, WordPress, Zend Framework, Laravel, Magento, Joomla!, CakePHP, Yii, and other frameworks. While this is trial software, there are commercial and academic licenses available. WWW: |
2019-01-11T16:02:05+00:00 | biology/hisat2 |
Alignment program for mapping next-generation sequencing reads HISAT2 is a fast and sensitive alignment program for mapping next-generation sequencing reads (both DNA and RNA) to a population of human genomes (as well as to a single reference genome). WWW: |
2019-01-11T12:41:06+00:00 | deskutils/py-todoman |
Simple CalDAV-based todo manager Todoman is a simple, standards-based, cli todo (aka: task) manager. Todos are stored into icalendar files, which means you can sync them via CalDAV using, for example, vdirsyncer. WWW: |
2019-01-10T22:43:28+00:00 | net-mgmt/midpoint |
Identity management and identity governance system Midpoint is a comprehensive identity management and identity governance system. It is basically an complex integration tool that can replicate and transform user records between numerous user databases, management of the records, reporting, auditing and so on. It allows very complex transformation and replication rules including support for advanced RBAC and scripting. Its internal mechanisms are based on state-of-the art concepts that are still not yet widely used in the fieldof Identity Management. WWW: |
2019-01-10T21:21:57+00:00 | devel/py-jaraco |
Shared namespace shim for py-jaraco.* ports This port is the shared namespace shim for py-jaraco.* ports. py-jaraco provides a common jaraco/, which is shared among all py-jaraco.* ports. |
2019-01-10T19:43:44+00:00 | sysutils/jruls |
Display and update FreeBSD jails resource usage A top-alike utility to display and update FreeBSD jails resource usage, given RACCT/RCTL is enabled with kern.racct.enable=1 loader tunable. WWW: |
2019-01-09T20:22:42+00:00 | sysutils/hexyl |
Command-line hex viewer Hexyl is a simple hex viewer for the terminal. It uses a colored output to distinguish different categories of bytes (NULL bytes, printable ASCII characters, ASCII whitespace characters, other ASCII characters and non-ASCII). WWW: |
2019-01-09T08:32:15+00:00 | mail/smtprelay |
Simple Go SMTP relay/proxy server Simple Golang SMTP relay/proxy server that accepts mail via SMTP and forwards it directly to another SMTP server. It supports TLS, STARTTLS, plain SMTP, can do authentication and various sender and receiver checks. WWW: |
2019-01-08T20:36:03+00:00 | databases/mysql-connector-java51 |
MySQL Connector/J: JDBC interface for MySQL MySQL Connector/J is a native Java driver that converts JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) calls into the network protocol used by the MySQL database. It lets developers working with the Java programming language easily build programs and applets that interact with MySQL and connect all corporate data, even in a heterogeneous environment. MySQL Connector/J is a Type IV JDBC driver and has a complete JDBC feature set that supports the capabilities of MySQL. This port is derived from the original databases/mysql-jdbc-mm port of the mm.mysql JDBC connector by WWW: |
2019-01-08T20:29:34+00:00 | security/krb5-117 |
MIT implementation of RFC 4120 network authentication service Kerberos V5 is an authentication system developed at MIT. WWW: Abridged from the User Guide: Under Kerberos, a client sends a request for a ticket to the Key Distribution Center (KDC). The KDC creates a ticket-granting ticket (TGT) for the client, encrypts it using the client's password as the key, and sends the encrypted TGT back to the client. The client then attempts to decrypt the TGT, using its password. If the client successfully decrypts the TGT, it keeps the decrypted TGT, which indicates proof of the client's identity. The TGT permits the client to obtain additional tickets, which give permission for specific services. Since Kerberos negotiates authenticated, and optionally encrypted, communications between two points anywhere on the internet, it provides a layer of security that is not dependent on which side of a firewall either client is on. The Kerberos V5 package is designed to be easy to use. Most of the commands are nearly identical to UNIX network programs you are already used to. Kerberos V5 is a single-sign-on system, which means that you have to type your password only once per session, and Kerberos does the authenticating and encrypting transparently. Jacques Vidrine <> |
2019-01-08T17:17:48+00:00 | devel/rubygem-cms_scanner |
Framework to provide an easy way to implement CMS Scanners Framework to provide an easy way to implement CMS Scanners WWW: |
2019-01-08T14:53:56+00:00 | databases/py-mongoengine |
Object-Document-Mapper for working with MongoDB MongoEngine is an ORM-like layer on top of PyMongo. It allows you to define schemas for documents and query collections using syntax inspired by the Django ORM. WWW: |
2019-01-08T08:29:44+00:00 | multimedia/musikcube |
Terminal-based music player, audio engine, metadata indexer, server musikcube is a fully functional terminal-based music player, library, and streaming audio server that runs natively on Windows, macOS, and Linux. It also runs well on a Raspberry Pi with a custom DAC (e.g. IQaudIO DAC+, HiFiBerry DAC+ and others), and can output 24bit/192k audio comfortably. WWW: |
2019-01-08T07:47:10+00:00 | devel/libdill |
Structured concurrency library in C Libdill is a C library that makes writing structured concurrent programs easy. Concurrency allows multiple functions to run independent of one another. Structured concurrency means that lifetimes of concurrent functions are cleanly nested. If coroutine foo launches coroutine bar, then bar must finish before foo finishes. Please note that concurrency isn't the same as parallelism. libdill provides concurrency, but not parallelism. WWW: |
2019-01-08T03:15:41+00:00 | textproc/py-custom_inherit |
Package providing tools for inheriting docstrings in customizable ways The Python package custom_inherit provides convenient, light-weight tools for inheriting docstrings in customizeable ways. Features: * Metaclass that instructs children to inherit docstrings for their attributes from their parents, using custom docstring inheritance styles. * Decorator that merges a string/docstring with the docstring of the decorated object using custom styles. * Built-in docstring merging styles for popular docstring specifications: * NumPy docstring specification * Napoleon docstring specifications (for both Google and NumPy styles) * Merging based on reST sections * Simple inheritance from a parent, if the docstring is not overwritten * Simple interface for using your own docstring inheritance style. WWW: |
2019-01-07T06:41:41+00:00 | x11/xcb-util-errors |
Pretty-print XCB codes xcb-util-errors is a utility library that gives human readable names to error codes and event codes and also to major and minor numbers. The necessary information is drawn from xcb-proto's protocol descriptions. This library is especially useful when working with extensions and is mostly useful for debugging. WWW: |
2019-01-06T17:29:59+00:00 | dns/nsec3walker |
Walk NSEC3 secured DNSSEC zones Installing current DNSSEC (NSEC3) exposes private DNS data to low-cost DNS database espionage. The nsec3walker tool allows administrators and users to see how much private information is being given away by DNSSEC. WWW: |
2019-01-06T13:33:31+00:00 | comms/snap7 |
Multi-platform Ethernet S7 PLC communication suite Snap7, through three specialized components: Client and the inedited Server and Partner, allows you to definitively integrate your PC based systems into a PLC automation chain. Designed to transfer large amounts of hi-speed data in industrial facilities, it scales easily, down to small Linux Arm boards such as Raspberry PI. Hi level object oriented wrappers are provided, currently C/C++, .NET/Mono, Pascal, LabVIEW, Python with many source code examples. Very detailed documentation provided. WWW: |
2019-01-06T13:28:24+00:00 | x11-wm/sway |
i3-compatible Wayland compositor Sway is a tiling Wayland compositor and a drop-in replacement for the i3 window manager for X11. It works with your existing i3 configuration and supports most of i3's features, plus a few extras. WWW: |
2019-01-06T13:28:24+00:00 | x11-toolkits/wlroots |
Modular Wayland compositor library Pluggable, composable, unopinionated modules for building a Wayland compositor; or about 50,000 lines of code you were going to write anyway. - wlroots provides backends that abstract the underlying display and input hardware, including KMS/DRM, libinput, Wayland, X11, and headless backends, plus any custom backends you choose to write, which can all be created or destroyed at runtime and used in concert with each other. - wlroots provides unopinionated, mostly standalone implementations of many Wayland interfaces, both from wayland.xml and various protocol extensions. We also promote the standardization of portable extensions across many compositors. - wlroots provides several powerful, standalone, and optional tools that implement components common to many compositors, such as the arrangement of outputs in physical space. - wlroots provides an Xwayland abstraction that allows you to have excellent Xwayland support without worrying about writing your own X11 window manager on top of writing your compositor. - wlroots provides a renderer abstraction that simple compositors can use to avoid writing GL code directly, but which steps out of the way when your needs demand custom rendering code. wlroots implements a huge variety of Wayland compositor features and implements them *right*, so you can focus on the features that make your compositor unique. By using wlroots, you get high performance, excellent hardware compatibility, broad support for many wayland interfaces, and comfortable development tools - or any subset of these features you like, because all of them work independently of one another and freely compose with anything you want to implement yourself. WWW: |
2019-01-06T13:28:24+00:00 | textproc/scdoc |
Small man page generator scdoc is a simple man page generator for POSIX systems written in C99. WWW: |
2019-01-06T13:08:39+00:00 | devel/p5-MooX-Locale-Passthrough |
Provide API used in translator modules without translating MooX::Locale::Passthrough is made to allow CPAN modules use translator API without adding heavy dependencies (external software) or requirements (operating resulting solution). WWW: |
2019-01-06T12:18:06+00:00 | textproc/hs-unicode-transforms |
Unicode normalization Fast Unicode 9.0 normalization in Haskell (NFC, NFKC, NFD, NFKD). WWW: |
2019-01-06T12:18:06+00:00 | textproc/hs-libyaml |
Low-level, streaming YAML interface This package provides a haskell wrapper over the libyaml C library version 0.2.1 by Kirill Simonov. It contains the C source so you donât need to worry about any non-Haskell dependencies. WWW: |
2019-01-06T12:18:06+00:00 | textproc/hs-HsYAML |
Pure Haskell YAML 1.2 parser HsYAML is a YAML 1.2 parser implementation for Haskell. Features of HsYAML include pure Haskell implementation with small dependency footprint and emphasis on strict compliance with the YAML 1.2 specification; direct decoding to native Haskell types via (aeson-inspired) typeclass-based API. WWW: |
2019-01-06T12:18:06+00:00 | math/hs-dense-linear-algebra |
Simple and incomplete pure haskell implementation of linear algebra This library is simply collection of linear-algebra related modules split from statistics library. WWW: |
2019-01-06T12:18:06+00:00 | devel/hs-bitarray |
Mutable and immutable bit arrays Mutable and immutable bit arrays. WWW: |
2019-01-06T12:18:06+00:00 | benchmarks/hs-criterion-measurement |
Criterion measurement functionality and associated types Measurement-related functionality extracted from Criterion, with minimal dependencies. The rationale for this is to enable alternative analysis front-ends. WWW: |
2019-01-05T23:11:54+00:00 | devel/agar |
Cross-platform GUI toolkit Agar is a cross-platform GUI toolkit. Agar provides a base framework and a collection of GUI widgets from which GUI applications can be built. Agar applications function seamlessly under X11 (with OpenGL), Windows, MacOS X and SDL 1.2. Agar can also attach an existing OpenGL or SDL context and operate as window manager for the application. Agar is compact, efficient, and fully thread-safe. Agar's functionality can be extended using simple C/C++ class registration interfaces. Separate libraries which also extend Agar's capabilities include FreeSG ( and Edacious ( WWW: |
2019-01-05T22:45:26+00:00 | devel/py-orderedmultidict |
Ordered multivalue dictionary A multivalue dictionary is a dictionary that can store multiple values per key. An ordered multivalue dictionary is a multivalue dictionary that retains the order of insertions and deletions. WWW: |
2019-01-05T21:30:53+00:00 | textproc/scancode-toolkit |
Scans code for license, copyright, package and documented dependencies ScanCode scans code and detects licenses, copyrights, package manifests, dependencies and more. It can be also used to discover and inventory open source and third-party packages used in your code. WWW: |
2019-01-05T20:10:47+00:00 | devel/p5-Time-Moment-Role-TimeZone |
Adjust Time::Moment with time zone objects This role provides convenience methods to return a new Time::Moment object adjusted according to a DateTime::TimeZone/DateTime::TimeZone::Tzfile compatible time zone object, as in "TIME ZONES" in Time::Moment. WWW: |
2019-01-05T20:09:50+00:00 | graphics/pnglite |
Lightweight PNG C library Lightweight C library for loading PNG images. WWW: |
2019-01-05T20:04:29+00:00 | www/p5-Woothee |
Multi-language user-agent strings parsers (perl implementation) 'Woothee' is user-agent string parser, returns just same result over multi-language by sharing same datasets and testsets over implementations of each languages. This is the Perl implementation version. WWW: |
2019-01-05T19:56:01+00:00 | www/p5-Gazelle |
Preforked Plack Handler for performance freaks A Preforked Plack Handler for performance freaks WWW: |
2019-01-05T19:22:01+00:00 | databases/p5-DBIx-Class-Storage-TxnEndHook |
Transaction hook provider for DBIx::Class DBIx::Class::Storage::TxnEndHook is transaction hook provider for DBIx::Class. WWW: |
2019-01-05T19:16:14+00:00 | databases/p5-DBIx-Class-InflateColumn-Serializer |
Inflators to serialize data structures for DBIx::Class These modules help you store and access serialized data structures in the columns of your DB from your DBIx::Classes. WWW: |
2019-01-05T19:09:13+00:00 | databases/p5-DBIx-Class-AuditLog |
Simple activity audit logging for DBIx::Class Simple activity audit logging for DBIx::Class. Save the update contents in another tables. WWW: |
2019-01-05T19:01:33+00:00 | databases/p5-CHI-Driver-TokyoTyrant |
TokyoTyrant Driver to use with the Cache Handling Interface CHI This implements a driver for the generic cache handling interface (CHI) that uses TokyoTyrant to store data in the specified memcached server(s). WWW: |
2019-01-05T18:51:59+00:00 | www/p5-WWW-Telegram-BotAPI |
Perl implementation of the Telegram Bot API This module provides an easy to use interface for the Telegram Bot API. It also supports async requests out of the box using Mojo::UserAgent, which makes this module easy to integrate with an existing Mojolicious application. WWW: |
2019-01-05T18:39:46+00:00 | textproc/p5-Text-Distill |
Quick texts compare, plagiarism and common parts detection Quick texts compare, plagiarism and common parts detection. WWW: |
2019-01-05T18:21:50+00:00 | textproc/p5-Spreadsheet-ParseXLSX |
Perl module for parsing XLSX files Spreadsheet::ParseXLSX - parse XLSX files This module is an adaptor for Spreadsheet::ParseExcel that reads XLSX files. For documentation about the various data that you can retrieve from these classes, please see Spreadsheet::ParseExcel, Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Workbook, Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Worksheet, and Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Cell. WWW: |
2019-01-05T18:11:22+00:00 | graphics/p5-Graphics-ColorUtils |
Easy-to-use color space conversions and more Graphics::ColorUtils - Easy-to-use color space conversions and more. WWW: |
2019-01-05T18:05:38+00:00 | textproc/p5-docx2txt |
Utility to convert Docx documents to equivalent Text documents docx2txt is a perl based command line utility to convert Microsoft Office(Tm) Docx documents to equivalent Text documents. Latest version supports following features during text extraction. * Character conversions (" ' < & > - ... fraction and some mathematical symbols etc.); currency characters are converted to respective names like Euro. * Capitalisation of text blocks. * Center and right justification of text fitting in a line of (configurable) 80 columns. * Horizontal ruler, line breaks, paragraphs separation, tabs * Indicating hyperlinked text along with the hyperlink. (configurable) * Handling (bullet, decimal, letter, roman) lists along with (attempt at) indentation. WWW: |
2019-01-05T17:49:15+00:00 | sysutils/p5-Proc-ProcessTable-Colorizer |
Colorized and enhanced version of ps This colorizes the output from Proc::ProcessTable. This is largely meant to be used from the command line instead of as a module via the included bin script. Among other fun things, it allows searching of the process table. Searching is currently possible against the following criteria. zombie swapped out regex command line matching CPU seconds used by a process percent of memory usage percent of CPU usage wait channel in use bin/cps - A colorized version of ps with various extra useful options WWW: |
2019-01-05T17:01:37+00:00 | sysutils/p5-Log-Colorize-Helper |
Makes searching and colorizing logs trivial without piping Interfaces with colorize, head, tail, less, grep, bunzip2, and gunzip. The purpose of this is to make it easy to colorize and view log files by drastically reducing the amount of typing involved. bin/clog - Searches, displays, and colorizes log files. WWW: |
2019-01-05T16:52:54+00:00 | www/p5-Dancer-Plugin-CORS |
Dancer plugin for using cross origin resource sharing Cross origin resource sharing is a feature used by modern web browser to bypass cross site scripting restrictions. A webservice can provide those rules from which origin a client is allowed to make cross-site requests. This module helps you to setup such rules. WWW: |
2019-01-05T16:43:40+00:00 | textproc/p5-PDF-Reuse |
Another perl module to reuse and mass produce PDF documents PDF::Reuse - Reuse and mass produce PDF documents This module could be used when you want to mass produce similar (but not identical) PDF documents and reuse templates, JavaScripts and some other components. It is functional to be fast, and to give your programs capacity to produce many pages per second and very big PDF documents if necessary. WWW: |
2019-01-05T13:35:00+00:00 | www/onionbalance |
Load-balancing and Redundancy for Onion Services The OnionBalance software allows for Tor onion service requests to be distributed across multiple backend Tor instances. OnionBalance provides load-balancing while also making onion services more resilient and reliable by eliminating single points-of-failure. WWW: |
2019-01-05T10:07:40+00:00 | lang/ghc844 |
Compiler for the functional language Haskell The Glasgow Haskell Compiler is a state-of-the-art, open source, compiler and interactive environment for the functional language Haskell. Highlights: * Supports the entire Haskell 2010 language plus a wide variety of extensions. * Has particularly good support for concurrency and parallelism, including support for Software Transactional Memory (STM). * Generates fast code, particularly for concurrent programs. * Works on several platforms including FreeBSD, Windows, Mac, Linux, most varieties of Unix, and several different processor architectures. * Has extensive optimisation capabilities, including inter-module optimisation. * Compiles Haskell code either directly to native code or using LLVM as a back-end. It can also generate C code as an intermediate target for porting to new platforms. The interactive environment compiles Haskell to bytecode, and supports execution of mixed bytecode/compiled programs. * Profiling is supported, both by time/allocation and various kinds of heap profiling. * Comes with several libraries, and thousands more are available on Hackage. WWW: |
2019-01-05T08:23:44+00:00 | www/py-css-parser |
CSS related utilities (parsing, serialization, etc) for python A fork of the cssutils project based on version 1.0.2. This fork includes general bug fixes and extensions specific to editing and working with ebooks. WWW: |
2019-01-05T01:14:07+00:00 | devel/bloaty |
Size profiler for binaries Ever wondered what's making your binary big? Bloaty McBloatface will show you a size profile of the binary so you can understand what's taking up space inside. WWW: |
2019-01-05T01:13:55+00:00 | devel/jiri |
Tool for multi-repo development Jiri is a tool for multi-repo development. WWW: |
2019-01-04T19:02:36+00:00 | mail/p5-Email-Address-UseXS |
Ensure that any code uses Email::Address::XS instead of Email::Address To use, simply add use Email::Address::UseXS; in your code before anything that tries to load in Email::Address. use Email::Address::UseXS; print Email::Address->parse(''); Email::Address is dangerous, badly-formed input can cause very slow regex expressions (taking minutes or more to run). See for details. WWW: |
2019-01-03T19:57:21+00:00 | databases/php-tarantool |
PECL PHP driver for Tarantool PECL PHP driver for Tarantool WWW: |
2019-01-03T19:25:10+00:00 | sysutils/zsm |
ZFS Snapshot Manager A console program that manages ZFS snapshots. - Manage multiple sets of rolling snapshots. - Configure a custom schedule via the config file. - Run in background by adding it to crontab. Technically, most of the functionality is in zsm-lib, and zsm is just a thin console interface. WWW: |
2019-01-03T19:23:39+00:00 | devel/py-zsm-lib |
ZFS Snapshot Manager Library A python library that manages ZFS snapshots. - Manage multiple sets of rolling snapshots. - Configure a custom schedule via the config file. See also zsm, which provides a console interface to zsm-lib. WWW: |
2019-01-03T17:18:18+00:00 | audio/bambootracker |
Music tracker for the Yamaha YM2608 (OPNA) sound chip BambooTracker is a music tracker for the Yamaha YM2608 (OPNA) sound chip which was used in NEC PC-8801/9801 series computers. WWW: |
2019-01-01T20:29:36+00:00 | devel/rubygem-tty-pie |
Draw pie charts in your terminal window TTY::Pie provides pie chart drawing component for TTY toolkit. It draws pie charts in your terminal window. WWW: WWW: |
2019-01-01T20:29:08+00:00 | devel/rubygem-tty-box |
Draw various frames and boxes in your terminal interface TTY::Box provides box drawing component for TTY toolkit. It draws various frames and boxes in your terminal interface. WWW: WWW: |
2019-01-01T20:29:02+00:00 | www/py-aiohttp2 |
HTTP client/server for asyncio HTTP client/server for Python asyncio (PEP-3156) Features: * Compression (deflate) * HTTP Basic Authenntication * Chunked Transfer Encoding * Connection Pooling * Session Cookies * Custom Request/Response classes WWW: |
2019-01-01T20:28:56+00:00 | textproc/p5-Text-Template-Simple |
Simple text template engine Text::Template::Simple is a simple template module. There is no extra template/mini language. Instead, it uses Perl as the template language. Templates can be cached on disk or inside the memory via the internal cache manager. It is also possible to use static/dynamic includes, pass parameters to includes and apply filters on them. Also see Text::Template::Simple::API for the full API reference. WWW: |
2019-01-01T13:14:02+00:00 | x11-themes/wallpapers-freebsd-kde |
FreeBSD wallpapers designed by KDE artwork team FreeBSD wallpapers designed by KDE artwork team. WWW: |