This page is a slightly modified version of the following one-liner output. created_at: 2021-05-14T03:52:53+09:00
# git -C /usr/ports log --diff-filter=A --name-status --pretty="format:%aI %H" origin/master | perl -nlE '/^\d/ ? $d=$_ : print "$d\t$_"' | ack "\t[0-9a-z-]+/[^/ ]+/Makefile$"
timestamp | origin | comment / pkg-descr |
2017-12-31T22:22:54+00:00 | textproc/rubygem-liquid-tag-parser |
Parse liquid tags easily Liquid Tag parser provides a robust interface to parsing your tag syntax in a way that makes sense, it uses Shellwords, along with escapes to allow users to do extremely robust arguments, giving you back a hash, that you get to play with. It also has the concept of argv1, deep hashes, and even defaults if you give them to us. WWW: |
2017-12-31T19:30:35+00:00 | net-im/purple-hangouts |
Hangouts plugin for libpurple Hangouts Plugin for libpurple is a replacement purple for hangouts in Pidgin/libpurple to support the proprietary protocol that Google uses for its Hangouts service. So far it supports all the fun things that aren't part of the XMPP interface, such as Group Chats, synchronised history between devices and SMS support via Google Voice. WWW: |
2017-12-31T19:15:49+00:00 | chinese/ibus-cangjie |
IBus engine for users of the Cangjie and Quick This is an IBus engine for users of the Cangjie and Quick input methods. It is primarily intended to Hong Kong people who want to input Traditional Chinese, as they are (by far) the majority of Cangjie and Quick users. WWW: |
2017-12-31T19:14:12+00:00 | chinese/libcangjie |
C library implementing the Cangjie input method This is a C library implementing the Cangjie input method. This library is based on Wan Leung Wong's original libcangjie with some updated API. WWW: |
2017-12-31T19:12:25+00:00 | chinese/pycangjie |
Python wrapper to libcangjie This is a Python wrapper to libcangjie, the library implementing the Cangjie input method. WWW: |
2017-12-31T18:59:36+00:00 | textproc/pdfsandwich |
Command line tool generating "sandwich" OCR pdf files pdfsandwich generates "sandwich" OCR pdf files, i.e. pdf files which contain only images (but no editable text) will be processed by optical character recognition (OCR) and the text will be added to each page invisibly "behind" the images. WWW: |
2017-12-31T17:57:55+00:00 | devel/rubygem-googleapis-common-protos-types |
Common protocol buffer types used by Google APIs Interface definitions for a small (but growing) set of Google APIs WWW: WWW: |
2017-12-31T16:20:42+00:00 | net/rubygem-mqtt |
Implementation of the MQTT protocol Pure Ruby gem that implements the MQTT protocol, a lightweight protocol for publish/subscribe messaging. WWW: |
2017-12-31T03:46:09+00:00 | sysutils/py-distro |
Linux OS platform information API distro (for: Linux Distribution) provides information about the Linux distribution it runs on, such as a reliable machine-readable ID, or version information. It is a renewed alternative implementation for Python's original platform.linux_distribution function, but it also provides much more functionality which isn't necessarily Python bound like a command-line interface. WWW: |
2017-12-30T20:23:12+00:00 | net-p2p/py-tremc |
Console client for the BitTorrent client Transmission Curses interface for transmission. Python3 fork of the no longer maintained transmission-remote-cli. Some extra modifications have been included and development will follow the original project as much as possible. WWW: |
2017-12-30T19:45:33+00:00 | math/flann |
Library for fast nearest neighbor searches in high dimensional spaces FLANN is a library for performing fast approximate nearest neighbor searches in high dimensional spaces. It contains a collection of algorithms we found to work best for nearest neighbor search and a system for automatically choosing the best algorithm and optimum parameters depending on the dataset. FLANN is written in C++ and contains bindings for the following languages: C, MATLAB and Python. WWW: |
2017-12-30T08:12:01+00:00 | www/py-lesscpy |
Python LESS compiler A compiler written in Python for the LESS language. For those of us not willing or able to have node.js installed in our environment. Not all features of LESS are supported (yet). WWW: |
2017-12-29T18:47:11+00:00 | misc/p5-asterisk-perl |
Asterisk perl library asterisk-perl is a collection of perl modules to be used with the Asterisk PBX, an open source pbx system developed by Mark Spencer. WWW: |
2017-12-29T18:46:49+00:00 | devel/py-ejson |
Extensible JSON serializers and deserializers ejson provides an API to extend the json library to make it easy to register new serializers and new deserializers. WWW: |
2017-12-28T13:41:23+00:00 | devel/p5-PkgConfig-LibPkgConf |
Interface to .pc file interface via libpkgconf Many libraries in compiled languages such as C or C++ provide ".pc" files to specify the flags required for compiling and linking against those libraries. Traditionally, the command line program "pkg-config" is used to query these files. PkgConfig::LibPkgConf provides a Perl level API using "libpkgconf" to these files. PkgConfig::LibPkgConf provides a simplified interface for getting the existence, version, cflags and library flags needed for compiling against a package, using the default compiled in configuration of "pkgconf". For a more powerful, but complicated interface see PkgConfig::LibPkgConf::Client. In addition, PkgConfig::LibPkgConf::Util provides some useful utility functions that are also provided by "pkgconf". WWW: |
2017-12-27T20:54:20+00:00 | mail/py-alot |
Terminal MUA using Notmuch mail Alot is a terminal-based mail user agent based on the Notmuch mail indexer. It is written in Python using the Urwid toolkit and features a modular and command prompt driven interface to provide a full MUA experience as an alternative to the Emacs mode shipped with Notmuch. WWW: |
2017-12-27T19:51:11+00:00 | lang/ruby25 |
Object-oriented interpreted scripting language Ruby is the interpreted scripting language for quick and easy object-oriented programming. It has many features to process text files and to do system management tasks (as in Perl). It is simple, straight-forward, and extensible. Features of Ruby are shown below. + Simple Syntax + *Normal* Object-Oriented features(ex. class, method calls) + *Advanced* Object-Oriented features(ex. Mix-in, Singleton-method) + Operator Overloading + Exception Handling + Iterators and Closures + Garbage Collection + Dynamic Loading of Object files(on some architecture) + Highly Portable(works on many UNIX machines, and on DOS, Windows, Mac, BeOS etc.) WWW: |
2017-12-27T17:47:29+00:00 | misc/nnn |
Missing terminal file browser for X nnn is a fast and resource-sensitive file browser which integrates well with your DE and favorite GUI utilities, works with the desktop opener, supports bookmarks, has smart navigation shortcuts, has navigate-as-you-type mode, disk usage analyzer mode, comprehensive file details and much more. nnn can: - open any file in the default desktop application or a custom one - navigate-as-you-type (search-as-you-type enabled even on directory switch) - check disk usage with number of files in current directory tree - run desktop search utility (gnome-search-tool or catfish) in any directory - copy absolute file path to clipboard, spawn a terminal and use the file path - navigate instantly using shortcuts like ~, -, & or handy bookmarks - use cd ..... at chdir prompt to go to a parent directory - show detailed file stats, media info, list and extract archives - pin a directory you may need to revisit and jump to it anytime - lock the current terminal after a specified idle time - change directory on exit WWW: |
2017-12-27T13:17:17+00:00 | archivers/py-acefile |
Read/test/extract ACE 1.0 and 2.0 archives in pure python acefile is an implementation of the ACE archive format. It is intended to be used as a library, but also provides a stand-alone unace utility. As mostly pure-python implementation, it is significantly slower than native implementations, but more robust against vulnerabilities. This implementation supports up to version 2.0 of the ACE archive format, including the EXE, DELTA, PIC and SOUND modes of ACE 2.0, password protected archives and multi-volume archives. It does not support writing to archives. It is an implementation from scratch, based on the 1998 document titled "Technical information of the archiver ACE v1.2" by Marcel Lemke, using unace 2.5 and WinAce 2.69 by Marcel Lemke as reference implementations. WWW: |
2017-12-27T07:47:30+00:00 | math/sundials |
SUite of Nonlinear and DIfferential/ALgebraic Equation Solvers SUNDIALS is a SUite of Nonlinear and DIfferential/ALgebraic equation Solvers. It consists of the following six solvers: CVODE, solves initial value problems for ordinary differential equation (ODE) systems; CVODES, solves ODE systems and includes sensitivity analysis capabilities (forward and adjoint); ARKODE, solves initial value ODE problems with additive Runge-Kutta methods, include support for IMEX methods; IDA, solves initial value problems for differential-algebraic equation (DAE) systems; IDAS, solves DAE systems and includes sensitivity analysis capabilities (forward and adjoint); KINSOL, solves nonlinear algebraic systems. WWW: |
2017-12-26T23:19:57+00:00 | textproc/p5-RDF-Query |
Complete SPARQL 1.1 Query and Update implementation for RDF::Trine RDF::Query allows SPARQL and RDQL queries to be run against an RDF model, returning rows of matching results. WWW: |
2017-12-26T20:52:14+00:00 | sysutils/snooze |
Run a command at a particular time Snooze waits until a particular time and then runs a command. Together with a service supervision system such as runsv(8) (from sysutils/runit), this can be used to replace cron(8). Benefits over cron(8): - mnemonic syntax - no overlapping job runs possible - filtering by ISO week and day of year - no centralized daemon required (no fuzzing with multiple users/permissions) - can easily disable jobs or force their execution instantly - have custom logs - very robust with respect to external time changes - can use a file timestamp to ensure minimum waiting time between two runs, even across reboots - randomized delays - variable slack - ad-hoc usage possible, just run the program from command line WWW: |
2017-12-26T18:33:18+00:00 | www/py-flup6 |
Random assortment of WSGI servers This Python package is a random collection of WSGI modules It is a fork of Allan Saddi's flup package, and is intended to support both python2 and python3 from a single code base. WWW: |
2017-12-26T18:26:08+00:00 | security/titan |
Command line password manager and file encryption program titan is designed based on the belief that password management belongs to the command line, deep into the Unix heartland, the shell. Titan is more than "just a password manager". It also supports encrypting individual files, so Titan can be used as a file encryption program as well as a password manager. WWW: |
2017-12-26T17:43:40+00:00 | math/adept |
Combined array and automatic differentiation library in C++ Adept (Automatic Differentiation using Expression Templates) is a free C++ software library that enables algorithms to be automatically differentiated, very useful for a wide range of applications that involve mathematical optimization. It uses an operator overloading approach, so very little code modification is required. Moreover, the way that expression templates have been used and several other important optimizations mean that reverse-mode differentiation is significantly faster than other C++ libraries that provide equivalent functionality. WWW: |
2017-12-26T14:09:13+00:00 | textproc/diff-so-fancy |
Fancier diff output formatter diff-so-fancy strives to make your diff's human readable instead of machine readable. This helps improve code quality and help you spot defects faster. WWW: |
2017-12-26T10:50:37+00:00 | devel/py-Faker |
Python package that generates fake data for you *Faker* is a Python package that generates fake data for you. Whether you need to bootstrap your database, create good-looking XML documents, fill-in your persistence to stress test it, or anonymize data taken from a production service, Faker is for you. Faker is heavily inspired by PHP's [Faker][php-faker], Perl's [Data::Faker][perl-faker], and by ruby's [Faker][ruby-faker]. WWW: |
2017-12-26T04:40:27+00:00 | x11-fonts/meslo |
Customized version of the Apple Menlo font Meslo LG is a customized version of Apple's Menlo-Regular font (which is a customized Bitstream Vera Sans Mono). WWW: |
2017-12-25T21:31:55+00:00 | math/zimpl |
Language to translate the LP models into .lp or .mps Zimpl is a little language to translate the mathematical model of a problem into a linear or nonlinear (mixed-) integer mathematical program expressed in .lp or .mps file format which can be read and (hopefully) solved by a LP or MIP solver. WWW: |
2017-12-25T19:03:30+00:00 | math/SCIP |
Solver for mixed integer, mixed integer nonlinear programming SCIP is currently one of the fastest non-commercial solvers for mixed integer programming (MIP) and mixed integer nonlinear programming (MINLP). It is also a framework for constraint integer programming and branch-cut-and-price. It allows for total control of the solution process and the access of detailed information down to the guts of the solver. Features: * very fast standalone solver for linear programming (LP), mixed integer programming (MIP), and mixed integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) * framework for branching, cutting plane separation, pricing, and propagation * large C-API, C++ wrapper classes for user plugins * interfaces to other applications and programming languages * open LP solver support * highly flexible through many possible user plugins WWW: |
2017-12-25T18:47:47+00:00 | math/SoPlex |
Optimization package for solving linear programming problems (LPs) SoPlex is an optimization package for solving linear programming problems (LPs) based on an advanced implementation of the primal and dual revised simplex algorithm. It provides special support for the exact solution of LPs with rational input data. It can be used as a standalone solver reading MPS or LP format files via a command line interface as well as embedded into other programs via a C++ class library. The main features of SoPlex are: * presolving, scaling, exploitation of sparsity, hot-starting from any regular basis * column- and row-oriented form of the simplex algorithm * an object-oriented software design written in C++ * a compile-time option to use 80bit extended ("quad") precision for numerically difficult LPs * an LP iterative refinement procedure to compute high-precision solution * routines for an exact rational LU factorization and continued fraction approximations in order to compute exact solutions. WWW: |
2017-12-25T17:05:22+00:00 | devel/py-vine |
Promise library for Python Promise library for Python. This library is used internally by the AMQP framework provided by the Celery project. WWW: |
2017-12-25T13:53:21+00:00 | devel/py-deprecation |
Library to handle automated deprecations The deprecation library provides a deprecated decorator and a fail_if_not_removed decorator for your tests. Together, the two enable the automation of several things: - The docstring of a deprecated method gets the deprecation details appended to the end of it. If you generate your API docs direct from your source, you don't need to worry about writing your own notification. You also don't need to worry about forgetting to write it. It's done for you. - Rather than having code live on forever because you only deprecated it but never actually moved on from it, you can have your tests tell you when it's time to remove the code. The @deprecated decorator can be told when it's time to entirely remove the code, which causes @fail_if_not_removed to raise an AssertionError, causing either your unittest or py.test tests to fail. WWW: WWW: |
2017-12-24T20:27:59+00:00 | sysutils/glogg |
GUI application to browse and search through long or complex log files glogg is a multi-platform GUI application to browse and search through long or complex log files. It is designed with programmers and system administrators in mind. glogg can be seen as a graphical, interactive combination of grep and less. WWW: |
2017-12-24T13:11:41+00:00 | security/snuffleupagus |
Security module for PHP 7+ Snuffleupagus is a PHP7+ module designed to drastically raise the cost of attacks against websites. This is achieved by killing entire bug classes and providing a powerful virtual-patching system, allowing the administrator to fix specific vulnerabilities without having to touch the PHP code. WWW: |
2017-12-23T10:14:10+00:00 | net-p2p/xmrig |
High performance Monero (XMR) CPU miner XMRig is a high performance Monero (XMR) CPU miner written in C++. WWW: |
2017-12-23T04:54:42+00:00 | www/py-cheroot |
Highly-optimized, pure-python HTTP server Cheroot is a highly-optimized, pure-Python HTTP server used by CherryPy. WWW: |
2017-12-23T04:44:29+00:00 | deskutils/showdown |
Simple markdown viewer, written in Vala and GTK 3 Showdown is a simple Markdown viewer written in Vala and GTK 3, featuring: - GitHub inspired default stylesheet. - Table of contents navigation. - Integrated search bar - User styles (~/.config/showdown/stylesheet.css) - User scripts (~/.config/showdown/script.js) WWW: |
2017-12-23T02:51:49+00:00 | net/py-libstorj |
Python bindings for libstorj Python bindings for libstorj WWW: |
2017-12-23T02:16:57+00:00 | net/libstorj |
C library and CLI for encrypted file transfer on the Storj network C library for encrypted file transfer on the Storj network WWW: |
2017-12-22T15:33:50+00:00 | security/obfs4proxy-tor |
Pluggable transport proxy for Tor (obfs4, The Obfuscator) obfs4 (a.k.a. The Obfuscator) is a transport with the same features as ScrambleSuit but utilizing Dan Bernstein's elligator2 technique for public key obfuscation, and the ntor protocol for one-way authentication. WWW: |
2017-12-22T13:51:41+00:00 | devel/py-apns2 |
Python client for Apple Push Notification service Python library for interacting with the Apple Push Notification service (APNs) via HTTP/2 protocol. WWW: |
2017-12-22T13:45:31+00:00 | devel/py-pyfcm |
Python client for Firebase Cloud Messaging Python client for FCM - Firebase Cloud Messaging (Android & iOS) WWW: |
2017-12-22T02:49:17+00:00 | audio/pc-mixer |
QT5 based audio mixer for FreeBSD TrueOS QT5 based audio mixer WWW: |
2017-12-22T02:16:50+00:00 | deskutils/lumina-pdf |
PDF viewer from the Lumina Desktop PDF viewing and presentation utility from the Lumina Desktop. WWW: |
2017-12-22T01:30:26+00:00 | biology/canu |
Single molecule sequence assembler Canu is a fork of the Celera Assembler, designed for high-noise single-molecule sequencing (such as the PacBio RS II/Sequel or Oxford Nanopore MinION). Canu is a hierarchical assembly pipeline which runs in four steps: Detect overlaps in high-noise sequences using MHAP Generate corrected sequence consensus Trim corrected sequences Assemble trimmed corrected sequences WWW: |
2017-12-21T18:12:11+00:00 | sysutils/twmn |
Notification system for tiling window managers twmn is a notification system for tiling window managers. It consists of the two programs: twmnc: command line tool to send notifications to twmnd. You can also use notify-send for a similar purpose, but twmnc is more powerful. See twmnc --help for more information. twmnd: daemon listening to notification requests and showing them one after another. Configure it at ~/.config/twmn/twmn.conf. The file is generated the first time twmnd is launched. Notifications are shown in a one-line bar called the notification slide. They can be navigated through and activated with shortcuts. WWW: |
2017-12-21T17:40:35+00:00 | textproc/py-elasticsearch |
Official Python low-level client for Elasticsearch Official low-level client for Elasticsearch. Its goal is to provide common ground for all Elasticsearch-related code in Python; because of this it tries to be opinion-free and very extendable. For a more high level client library with more limited scope, have a look at elasticsearch-dsl - a more pythonic library sitting on top of elasticsearch-py. It provides a more convenient and idiomatic way to write and manipulate queries. It stays close to the Elasticsearch JSON DSL, mirroring its terminology and structure while exposing the whole range of the DSL from Python either directly using defined classes or a queryset-like expressions. It also provides an optional persistence layer for working with documents as Python objects in an ORM-like fashion: defining mappings, retrieving and saving documents, wrapping the document data in user-defined classes. WWW: |
2017-12-20T21:07:40+00:00 | audio/faust |
Functional programming language for realtime audio signal processing FAUST (Functional Audio Stream) is a functional programming language specifically designed for real-time signal processing and synthesis. FAUST targets high-performance signal processing applications and audio plug-ins for a variety of platforms and standards. WWW: |
2017-12-20T20:36:19+00:00 | math/libmesh |
Numerical simulation of partial differential equations The libMesh library provides a framework for the numerical simulation of partial differential equations using arbitrary unstructured discretizations on serial and parallel platforms. A major goal of the library is to provide support for adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) computations in parallel while allowing a research scientist to focus on the physics they are modeling. libMesh is based on this publication: A C++ Library for Parallel Adaptive Mesh Refinement/Coarsening Simulations," Engineering with Computers, vol. 22, no. 3-4, pp. 237-254, 2006, WWW: |
2017-12-20T20:35:49+00:00 | sysutils/u-boot-a64-olinuxino |
U-Boot loader and related files for the A64-Olinuxino. To install this bootloader on an sdcard just do: dd if=/usr/local/share/u-boot/u-boot-a64-olinuxino/u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin of=/path/to/sdcarddevice bs=128k seek=1 conv=sync For information about running FreeBSD on Allwinner boards, see WWW: |
2017-12-19T21:42:36+00:00 | dns/powerdns-recursor40 |
Advanced DNS recursor PowerDNS recursor is a high performance, simple and secure recursing nameserver. It currently powers over two million internet connections. WWW: |
2017-12-19T19:49:17+00:00 | science/py-pymol |
OpenGL-based molecular visualization system PyMOL is a Python-enhanced molecular graphics tool. It excels at 3D visualization of proteins, small molecules, density, surfaces, and trajectories. It also includes molecular editing, ray tracing, and movies. Open Source PyMOL is free to everyone! This version represents the community-supported open source distribution of the closed source commercial product PyMOL. WWW: |
2017-12-19T16:04:34+00:00 | science/MOOSE-neural-simulator |
Multiphysics Object Oriented Simulation Environment MOOSE is designed to simulate neural systems ranging from biochemical signaling to complex models of single neurons, circuits, and large networks. A typical use case is to model neural activity-driven synaptic plasticity, in which network activity to synapses triggers biochemical reaction-diffusion events, which in turn modulate ion channels to give rise to synaptic plasticity. MOOSE can operate at many levels of detail, from stochastic chemical computations, to multicompartment single-neuron models, to spiking neuron network models. WWW: |
2017-12-19T15:53:19+00:00 | sysutils/usbtop |
Utility that shows an estimated instantaneous USB bandwidth usbtop is a top-like utility that shows an estimated instantaneous bandwidth on USB buses and devices. It uses pcap(3) to capture USB traffic data, which in turn relies on /dev/bpf*. WWW: |
2017-12-19T00:03:01+00:00 | science/PETSc |
Suite of data structures and routines from Argonne National Laboratory A suite of data structures and routines for the scalable (parallel) solution of scientific applications modeled by partial differential equations. It supports MPI, and GPUs through CUDA or OpenCL, as well as hybrid MPI-GPU parallelism. PETSc (sometimes called PETSc/Tao) also contains the Tao optimization software library. WWW: |
2017-12-18T23:35:45+00:00 | net-im/telegram-desktop |
Telegram Desktop messaging app Telegram Desktop is a messaging app. It is the fast and functional open source desktop app connected to the closed source Telegram server. Features: * accounts tied to telephone numbers * cloud-based messaging * bots for third party developers * channels * secret chats featuring with client-to-client encryption * stickers * voice calls WWW: |
2017-12-18T22:43:44+00:00 | misc/libpostal |
Library for parsing/normalizing street addresses around the world C library for parsing/normalizing street addresses around the world, powered by statistical NLP and open geo data. This library helps convert the free-form addresses that humans use into clean normalized forms suitable for machine comparison and full-text indexing. WWW: |
2017-12-18T22:39:38+00:00 | x11/hhpc |
Small X11 utility to hide the mouse pointer when unused hhpc is an utility that hides the mouse pointer in X11. It functions by grabbing your mouse pointer at startup and replacing its bitmap with an empty one (thus hiding it). Then, it waits for the X server to notify it when a user tries to move or click the pointer. At this point, hhpc relinquishes control, replays the action the user just tried to execute and waits for the specified number of seconds (flag -i) before trying to grab the pointer and hide it again. Should hhpc not work out for you, unclutter is a good alternative. hhpc was created because unclutter doesn't seem to interoperate properly with hardware accelerated surfaces like those of video players using VAAPI. WWW: |
2017-12-18T21:43:15+00:00 | graphics/libQGLViewer |
C++ library based on Qt5 that eases the creation of OpenGL 3D viewers libQGLViewer is a C++ library based on Qt that eases the creation of OpenGL 3D viewers. It provides some of the typical 3D viewer functionalities, such as the possibility to move the camera using the mouse, which lacks in most of the other APIs. Other features include mouse manipulated frames, interpolated keyFrames, object selection, stereo display, screenshot saving and much more. It can be used by OpenGL beginners as well as to create complex applications, being fully customizable and easy to extend. WWW: |
2017-12-18T19:20:08+00:00 | sysutils/u-boot-tools |
U-boot related tools U-Boot tools for creating and analyzing u-boot images. U-Boot images are used to embed kernels into a know format for u-boot. It can also be FIT (Flattened Image Tree) images when the source describing the image is written like a DTS (Device Tree Source). WWW: |
2017-12-18T19:12:34+00:00 | ftp/php72-fastdfs |
PHP 7.2 module for accessing a FastDFS cluster |
2017-12-18T12:31:46+00:00 | science/R-cran-fastICA |
FastICA Algorithms to Perform ICA and Projection Pursuit Implementation of FastICA algorithm to perform Independent Component Analysis (ICA) and Projection Pursuit. WWW: |
2017-12-17T21:42:29+00:00 | security/rubygem-openssl20 |
Ruby gem that wraps around the OpenSSL library OpenSSL provides SSL, TLS and general purpose cryptography. This gem wraps the OpenSSL library. WWW: |
2017-12-17T15:53:53+00:00 | net/rubygem-asset_sync |
Synchronizes Assets between Rails and S3 Asset Sync is built to run with the new Rails Asset Pipeline feature introduced in Rails 3.1. After you run bundle exec rake assets:precompile your assets will be synchronised to your S3 bucket, optionally deleting unused files and only uploading the files it needs to. This was initially built and is intended to work on Heroku but can work on any platform. WWW: |
2017-12-17T15:53:48+00:00 | databases/rubygem-arel8 |
Relational Algebra for Ruby A toolkit for building modeling frameworks like Active Record and Active Resource. Rich support for attributes, callbacks, validations, observers, serialization, internationalization, and testing. WWW: |
2017-12-17T11:25:13+00:00 | databases/postgis24 |
Geographic objects support for PostgreSQL databases PostGIS adds support for geographic objects to the PostgreSQL object-relational database. In effect, PostGIS "spatially enables" the PostgreSQL server, allowing it to be used as a backend spatial database for geographic information systems (GIS), much like ESRI's SDE or Oracle's Spatial extension. PostGIS follows the OpenGIS "Simple Features Specification for SQL" and has been certified as compliant with the "Types and Functions" profile. PostGIS development was started by Refractions Research as a project in open source spatial database technology. PostGIS is released under the GNU General Public License. PostGIS continues to be developed by a group of contributors led by a Project Steering Committee and new features continue to be added. WWW: |
2017-12-17T06:36:15+00:00 | net/samba47 |
Free SMB/CIFS and AD/DC server and client for Unix Samba4 is an attempt to implement an Active Directory compatible Domain Controller. In short, you can join a WinNT, Win2000, WinXP or Win2003 member server to a Samba4 domain, and it will behave much as it does in AD, including Kerberos domain logins where applicable. WWW: |
2017-12-16T20:54:23+00:00 | devel/rubygem-flipper-active_support_cache_store |
ActiveSupport::Cache store adapter for Flipper ActiveSupport::Cache store adapter for Flipper WWW: |
2017-12-15T01:04:48+00:00 | audio/GxSwitchlessWah-lv2 |
Analog wah emulation with switchless activation Analog wah emulator allowing to alter sound in a way to create a distinctive sound, mimicking the human voice saying the onomatopoeic name "wah-wah". See the corresponding article on Wikipedia: WWW: |
2017-12-14T20:42:56+00:00 | www/rubygem-jekyll-watch1 |
Handles rebuilding of Jekyll sites when a file changes Handles rebuilding of Jekyll sites when a file changes WWW: |
2017-12-14T20:16:06+00:00 | devel/py-PyODE |
Python bindings for The Open Dynamics Engine PyODE is a set of open-source Python bindings for The Open Dynamics Engine, an open-source physics engine. PyODE also includes an XODE parser. Like ODE, PyODE may be distributed under the terms of either the GNU Lesser General Public License or a BSD-style license. WWW: |
2017-12-14T18:41:43+00:00 | devel/youcompleteme |
Code-completion engine for Vim YouCompleteMe is a fast, as-you-type, fuzzy-search code completion engine for Vim. It has several completion engines: * an identifier-based engine that works with every programming language, * a Clang-based engine that provides native semantic code completion for C/C++/Objective-C/Objective-C++ (from now on referred to as "the C-family languages") * a Jedi-based completion engine for Python 2 and 3 (using the JediHTTP wrapper) * an OmniSharp-based completion engine for C# * a combination of Gocode and Godef semantic engines for Go * a TSServer-based completion engine for TypeScript * a Tern-based completion engine for JavaScript * a racer-based completion engine for Rust * an omnifunc-based completer that uses data from Vim's omnicomplete system to provide semantic completions for many other languages (Ruby, PHP etc.) WWW: |
2017-12-14T18:37:29+00:00 | devel/omnisharp-server |
HTTP wrapper around NRefactory for C\# editor plugins HTTP wrapper around [NRefactory] allowing C# editor plugins to be written for any editor in any language. This is the server component for the Vim OmniSharp plugin, YouCompleteMe, Sublime Text 2, Sublime Text 3, Emacs OmniSharp plugin and Atom plugin WWW: |
2017-12-14T17:08:01+00:00 | dns/dynip |
Dynamic IP Address Updater dynip is a daemon that monitors your host system ISP assigned dynamic IP address. If it changes, dynip automatically updates the dynamic DNS IP address at your dynamic DNS hosting provider then posts an informational message to the host system log followed by sending an informational email to user root. The dynip daemon and the daily script are very simple Bourne Shell type scripts containing self documenting embedded comments. They use the "fetch" command to issue the standard browser style URL format used by most dynamic DNS hosting providers for the purpose of actual updating the registered IP address with the new IP address. There are some small variations in the URL format depending on the dynamic DNS hosting provider being used. Mandatory requirements. The host that is running dynip "MUST" be cabled directly to the ISP modem and be using the public routable dynamic IP address assigned by the ISP. Includes templates for these dynamic DNS hosting providers and is simple to configure for other providers that use a variation of the URL format. WWW: |
2017-12-13T20:49:04+00:00 | devel/rubygem-rainbow2 |
Extends ruby String class enabling coloring text on ANSI terminals Rainbow extends ruby String class adding methods to wrap the string with ANSI escape codes. Rainbow adds following methods to String class: * foreground(color) (with color and colour aliases) * background(color) * reset * bright * italic (not well supported by terminal emulators). * underline * blink * inverse * hide. WWW: |
2017-12-13T20:32:39+00:00 | security/snort3 |
Lightweight network intrusion detection system Snort 3 is the next major release of the Snort utility: Here are some key features of Snort 3: Support multiple packet processing threads Use a shared configuration and attribute table Use a simple, scriptable configuration Make key components pluggable Autodetect services for portless configuration Support sticky buffers in rules Autogenerate reference documentation Provide better cross platform support Facilitate component testing Additional features on the roadmap include: Use a shared network map Support pipelining of packet processing Support hardware offload and data plane integration Support proxy mode Windows support WWW: |
2017-12-13T18:42:44+00:00 | x11/lilyterm |
Lightweight, but functional terminal emulator A lightweight, but functional terminal emulator. WWW: |
2017-12-13T17:44:38+00:00 | www/Stikked |
PHP-based Pastebin, with a simple and easy to use user interface Stikked is an Open-Source PHP Pastebin, with the aim of keeping a simple and easy to use user interface. Stikked allows you to easily share code with anyone you wish. Based on the original Stikked with lots of bugfixes and improvements. Prerequisites * Webservers: Apache, Lighttpd, Nginx, Cherokee * Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite * PHP version 5.6 or newer * PHP-GD for the creation of QR-codes Here are some features: * Easy setup * Syntax highlighting for many languages * Paste replies * Diff view between the original paste and the reply * An API * Search pastes * Encrypted pastes * Burn on reading * Anti-Spam features WWW: |
2017-12-13T16:00:37+00:00 | multimedia/kodi-devel |
Award winning media center application Kodi is a free and open source cross-platform media-player and entertainment hub. It allows users to play and view most videos, music, podcasts, and other digital media files from local and network storage media and the internet. This is a development snapshot of the upcoming Kodi v19 with Python 3 support. WWW: |
2017-12-13T07:23:10+00:00 | math/gnuplot-lite |
Command-line driven graphing utility (lite package) Gnuplot is a portable multi-platform command-line driven graphing utility. It was originally created to allow scientists and students to visualize mathematical functions and data interactively, but has grown to support many non-interactive uses such as web scripting. It is also used as a plotting engine by third-party applications like Octave. Gnuplot has been supported and under active development since 1986. Gnuplot supports many types of plots in either 2D or 3D. It can draw using lines, points, boxes, contours, vector fields, surfaces, and various associated text. It also supports various specialized plot types. Gnuplot supports many different types of output: interactive screen terminals (with mouse and hotkey input), direct output to pen plotters or modern printers, and output to many file formats (eps, emf, fig, jpeg, LaTeX, pdf, png, postscript, ...). Gnuplot is easily extensible to include new output modes. Recent additions include interactive terminals based on wxWidgets (usable on multiple platforms), and Qt. Mouseable plots embedded in web pages can be generated using the svg or HTML5 canvas terminal drivers. This is the lite version of the package, which doesn't support rendering directly on graphical terminals and other graphical feaures. WWW: |
2017-12-13T07:09:09+00:00 | www/mediawiki130 |
Wiki engine used by Wikipedia MediaWiki is the collaborative editing software that runs Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, and other projects. It's designed to handle a large number of users and pages without imposing too rigid a structure or workflow. WWW: |
2017-12-12T21:46:39+00:00 | devel/racerd |
Rust semantic analysis server powered by Racer JSON/HTTP Server based on racer for adding Rust support to editors and IDEs Features: * Find definition & list completions support via racer * Searches rust standard library and dependency crates * HMAC authentication * Usable as both library and executable * Library API offers direct calls to avoid HTTP overhead WWW: |
2017-12-12T20:20:34+00:00 | devel/go-godef |
Print where symbols are defined in Go source code Godef - find symbol information in Go source Godef, given an expression or a location in a source file, prints the location of the definition of the symbol referred to. Known limitations: - it does not understand about "." imports - it does not deal well with definitions in tests. WWW: |
2017-12-12T19:13:30+00:00 | devel/py-bullet3 |
Python version of 3D collision detection library Bullet The Python version of Bullet, a professional open source multi-threaded 3D Collision Detection and Rigid Body Dynamics Library. It is free for commercial use under the ZLib license. WWW: |
2017-12-12T18:06:35+00:00 | sysutils/u-boot-orangepi-pc2 |
U-Boot loader and related files for the OrangePi PC2 To install this bootloader on an sdcard just do: dd if=$LOCALBASE/share/u-boot/u-boot-orangepi-pc2/u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin of=/path/to/sdcarddevice bs=128k seek=1 conv=sync For information about running FreeBSD on Allwinner boards, see WWW: |
2017-12-12T13:32:48+00:00 | www/rubygem-http2 |
Simple Ruby DSL for making HTTP requests The HTTP Gem is an easy-to-use client library for making requests from Ruby. It uses a simple method chaining system for building requests, similar to Python's Requests Under the hood, The HTTP Gem uses http_parser.rb, a fast HTTP parsing native extension based on the Node.js parser and a Java port thereof. WWW: |
2017-12-12T13:32:09+00:00 | www/rubygem-http-form_data1 |
Build form data request bodies HTTP::FormData is utility-belt to build form data request bodies. It provides support for 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' and 'multipart/form-data' types. WWW: |
2017-12-12T06:33:58+00:00 | devel/py-IBMQuantumExperience |
Python library for the Quantum Experience API The official API Client to use IBM Quantum Experience in Python. It allows to explore the world of quantum computing, check out user guides and interactive demos to learn more about quantum principles. WWW: |
2017-12-11T20:08:13+00:00 | textproc/py-parso |
Python Parser Parso is a Python parser that supports error recovery and round-trip parsing for different Python versions (in multiple Python versions). Parso is also able to list multiple syntax errors in your python file. Parso has been battle-tested by jedi. It was pulled out of jedi to be useful for other projects as well. Parso consists of a small API to parse Python and analyse the syntax tree. WWW: |
2017-12-11T16:08:56+00:00 | databases/py-sqlparse020 |
Non-validating SQL parser for Python (version 0.2.0) sqlparse is a non-validating SQL parser module. It provides support for parsing, splitting and formatting SQL statements. This is version 0.2.0 which is needed by calendarserver. WWW: WWW: |
2017-12-10T19:55:16+00:00 | multimedia/libuvc |
Cross-platform library for USB video devices libuvc is a cross-platform library for USB video devices, built atop libusb. It enables fine-grained control over USB video devices exporting the standard USB Video Class (UVC) interface, enabling developers to write drivers for previously unsupported devices, or just access UVC devices in a generic fashion. WWW: |
2017-12-10T17:38:46+00:00 | graphics/drawpile |
Collaborative drawing program Drawpile is a Free/Libre networked drawing program that allows multiple people to sketch on the same image simultaneously. It supports the OpenRaster image file format and thus works well with applications such as MyPaint, Krita and GIMP. WWW: |
2017-12-10T16:00:12+00:00 | security/base-audit |
Daily periodic check of vulnerabilities in base system Audit base system against known vulnerabilities and generate reports including references to security advisories. It uses pkg audit and Vuxml database as is used for packages but this script checks base system. |
2017-12-10T13:39:34+00:00 | www/py-django20 |
High-level Python Web Framework Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. Developed and used over the past two years by a fast-moving online-news operation, Django was designed from scratch to handle two challenges: the intensive deadlines of a newsroom and the stringent requirements of experienced Web developers. It has convenient niceties for developing content-management systems, but it's an excellent tool for building any Web site. WWW: |
2017-12-10T13:22:00+00:00 | devel/rubygem-micromachine2 |
Minimal Finite State Machine There are many finite state machine implementations for Ruby, and they all provide a nice DSL for declaring events, exceptions, callbacks, and all kinds of niceties in general. But if all you want is a finite state machine, look no further: this has less than 50 lines of code and provides everything a finite state machine must have, and nothing more. WWW: |
2017-12-09T19:46:42+00:00 | www/unit-php72 |
2017-12-09T19:46:42+00:00 | www/unit-php71 |
2017-12-09T19:46:42+00:00 | www/unit-php70 |
2017-12-09T19:46:42+00:00 | www/unit-php56 |
PHP module for NGINX Unit |
2017-12-09T19:46:42+00:00 | www/unit-go |
Go module for NGINX Unit |
2017-12-09T19:46:42+00:00 | www/py-unit |
Python module for NGINX Unit |
2017-12-09T16:08:45+00:00 | www/py-flask-migrate |
Database schema migrations for Flask applications Flask-Migrate is an extension that handles SQLAlchemy database migrations for Flask applications using Alembic. The database operations are provided as command line arguments for Flask-Script. WWW: |
2017-12-09T13:23:32+00:00 | biology/p5-TrimGalore |
Wrapper around Cutadapt and FastQC for adapter and quality trimming Wrapper around Cutadapt and FastQC to consistently apply adapter and quality trimming to FastQ files, with extra functionality for RRBS data. WWW: |
2017-12-09T11:55:44+00:00 | security/u2f-devd |
Devd hotplug rules for Universal 2nd Factor (U2F) tokens Automatic device permission handling for Universal 2nd Factor (U2F) USB authentication tokens. |
2017-12-08T19:36:14+00:00 | www/p5-AnyEvent-WebSocket-Client |
WebSocket client for AnyEvent This class provides an interface to interact with a web server that provides services via the WebSocket protocol in an AnyEvent context. It uses Protocol::WebSocket rather than reinventing the wheel. You could use AnyEvent and Protocol::WebSocket directly if you wanted finer grain control, but if that is not necessary then this class may save you some time. WWW: |
2017-12-08T19:02:43+00:00 | net-mgmt/metronome |
Client-side java script to render graphs w/o depending on graphite Mini-graphite that uses client-side java script to render graphs w/o depending on graphite. metronome implements the carbon protocol, so anything that can feed Graphite can feed metronome. We also accept submissions via POST. WWW: |
2017-12-08T17:41:56+00:00 | sysutils/nq |
Unix command line queue utility These small utilities allow creating very lightweight job queue systems which require no setup, maintenance, supervision, or any long-running processes. The intended purpose is ad-hoc queuing of command lines (e.g. for building several targets of a Makefile, downloading multiple files one at a time, running benchmarks in several configurations, or simply as a glorified nohup), but as any good Unix tool, it can be abused for whatever you like. WWW: |
2017-12-08T07:00:12+00:00 | audio/fluidplug-lv2 |
SoundFonts as LV2 plugins via FluidSynth Several soundfonts represented as LV2 plugins via FluidSynth soft-midi conversion. WWW: |
2017-12-08T06:37:54+00:00 | misc/py-palettable |
Library of color palettes for Python Palettable (formerly brewer2mpl) is a library of color palettes for Python. It's written in pure Python with no dependencies, but it can supply color maps for matplotlib. You can use Palettable to customize matplotlib plots or supply colors for a web application. WWW: |
2017-12-07T18:23:15+00:00 | audio/padthv1-lv2 |
Old-school polyphonic additive synthesizer An old-school polyphonic additive synthesizer with stereo fx. Based on the PADsynth algorithm, by Paul Nasca, as a special variant of additive synthesis. Features: * pure stand-alone JACK client with JACK-session, NSM and both JACK MIDI and ALSA MIDI input support * LV2 instrument plugin. URI: WWW: |
2017-12-07T18:20:46+00:00 | audio/screcord-lv2 |
LV2 capture plugin A simple LV2 capture plugin that is able to capture mono and a stereo streams, saving them to files of any audio format supported by libsndfile. WWW: |
2017-12-07T17:17:44+00:00 | games/minilens |
Puzzle platformer for gravity-oblivious aliens A thousand years into post-apocalyptic Earth, many forms of life have gone extinct, including humans. An alien robot series, called Minilens, is cleaning up the Earth and collecting the surviving flora for research purposes. The robots' duty is to destroy all radioactive barrels and to collect all flora. Aliens forgot that Earth has gravity, therefore Minilens can't jump. WWW: |
2017-12-07T15:59:09+00:00 | databases/php72-memcache |
Memcached extension for PHP 7.2 Memcached is a caching daemon designed especially for dynamic web applications to decrease database load by storing objects in memory. This extension allows you to work with memcached through handy OO and procedural interfaces. Note that this port uses unofficial development from (NON_BLOCKING_IO_php7 branch). WWW: |
2017-12-06T20:42:13+00:00 | sysutils/syslog-ng313 |
Powerful syslogd replacement syslog-ng is an enhanced log daemon, supporting a wide range of input and output methods: syslog, unstructured text, message queues, databases (SQL and NoSQL alike) and more. Key features: * receive and send RFC3164 and RFC5424 style syslog messages * work with any kind of unstructured data * receive and send JSON formatted messages * classify and structure logs with builtin parsers (csv-parser(), db-parser(), ...) * normalize, crunch and process logs as they flow through the system * hand on messages for further processing using message queues (like AMQP), files or databases (like PostgreSQL or MongoDB). The official home page of syslog-ng is: WWW: |
2017-12-06T15:55:46+00:00 | devel/aphpbreakdown |
Code-Analyzer for PHP for Compatibility Check-UP This software analyzes all files of your project and collect all PHP classes, functions and constants found in your project. For the collection of classes, functions and constants it determined all modules of PHP needed to be installed on the webserver for your project. To display the result of the analysis you can choose different ways. One way is to display an output on your command line. But what do you do if you don't have a command line access on the server you want to test? Then you use the testfile generator of aPHPbreakdown! It generates a testfile you can upload to the webserver, or sent it to you customer to upload it, and run it very simple in the browser. WWW: |
2017-12-06T12:49:51+00:00 | www/nextcloud-tasks |
Tasks app for Nextcloud Tasks app for Nextcloud adds a Tasks menu to your Nextcloud. Add the task lists as remote calendar. WWW: |
2017-12-06T04:18:14+00:00 | security/krb5-116 |
MIT implementation of RFC 4120 network authentication service Kerberos V5 is an authentication system developed at MIT. WWW: Abridged from the User Guide: Under Kerberos, a client sends a request for a ticket to the Key Distribution Center (KDC). The KDC creates a ticket-granting ticket (TGT) for the client, encrypts it using the client's password as the key, and sends the encrypted TGT back to the client. The client then attempts to decrypt the TGT, using its password. If the client successfully decrypts the TGT, it keeps the decrypted TGT, which indicates proof of the client's identity. The TGT permits the client to obtain additional tickets, which give permission for specific services. Since Kerberos negotiates authenticated, and optionally encrypted, communications between two points anywhere on the internet, it provides a layer of security that is not dependent on which side of a firewall either client is on. The Kerberos V5 package is designed to be easy to use. Most of the commands are nearly identical to UNIX network programs you are already used to. Kerberos V5 is a single-sign-on system, which means that you have to type your password only once per session, and Kerberos does the authenticating and encrypting transparently. Jacques Vidrine <> |
2017-12-05T21:05:12+00:00 | www/nextcloud-notes |
Notes app for Nextcloud The Notes app is a distraction free notes taking app. It supports formatting using Markdown syntax. Notes are saved as files in your Nextcloud, so you can view and edit them with every Nextcloud client. Furthermore, a separate RESTful API allows for an easy integration into third-party apps (currently, there are notes apps for Android and iOS which allow convenient access to your Nextcloud notes). Further features include marking notes as favorites and future versions will provide categories for better organization. WWW: |
2017-12-05T19:15:49+00:00 | science/mcxtrace |
Monte Carlo X-ray tracing package McXtrace - Monte Carlo ray tracing simulations of X-ray experiments. McXtrace is a tool for simulating X-ray instrumentation and experiments using a ray-tracing formalism. Currently the main use of McXtrace is in the field of synchrotron beamline instrumentation design, but various other uses have been found, such as designing X-ray telescopes or for laboratory source-based equipment. WWW: |
2017-12-05T19:12:08+00:00 | security/libhijack |
Runtime process infection made easy Libhijack is a tool that enables easy injection of arbitrary code during runtime. Injection is done into newly-created anonymous memory mappings, providing stealth. An API is provided for hooking the PLT/GOT, hence the "hijack" part of libhijack. WWW: |
2017-12-05T18:53:42+00:00 | multimedia/chilitags |
Robust fiducial markers for augmented reality and robotics Chilitags are a C++ cross-platform software library for the detection and identification of 2D fiducial markers (a.k.a. tags). Their purpose is to be printed and placed on objects from the real world, to form the basis of Robotics or Augmented Reality (AR) applications. Using a camera, the position of the tagged objects can be acquired by a computer. Chilitags were developed by Pixar internally for projects of the CHILI lab (Computer-Human Interaction in Learning and Instruction, formerly CRAFT), such as Metroscope or TapaCarp. There are already many alternatives (e.g. ARToolKit, or reacTIVision, among many others), but we decided to release Chilitags anyway, as there seemed to be a demand for it. WWW: |
2017-12-05T15:00:03+00:00 | devel/py-backports |
Shared namespace shim for py-backports.* ports shared namespace shim for py-backports.* ports py-backports provides a common backports/, which is shared among all py-backports.* ports. |
2017-12-03T23:12:34+00:00 | math/nfft |
Nonequispaced fast Fourier transform NFFT is a software library, written in C, for computing non-equispaced fast Fourier transforms and related variations. It implements the following transforms: 1. Non-equispaced fast Fourier transform (NFFT) - forward transform (NFFT), i.e. frequency to time/space domain - adjoint transform (adjoint NFFT), i.e. time/space to frequency domain 2. Generalisations - to arbitrary nodes in time and frequency domain (NNFFT) - to real-valued data, i.e. (co)sine transforms, (NFCT, NFST) - to the sphere S^2 (NFSFT) - to the rotation group (NFSOFT) - to the hyperbolic cross (NSFFT) 3. Generalised inverse transformations based on iterative methods, e.g. CGNR/CGNE WWW: |
2017-12-03T21:26:18+00:00 | science/aircraft-datcom |
Modified USAF Aircraft Stability and Control Data Compendium This computer program calculates static stability, high lift and control, and dynamic derivative characteristics using the methods contained in the USAF Stability and Control Datcom (Data Compendium). Configuration geometry, attitude, and Mach range capabilities are consistent with those accommodated by the Datcom. The program contains a trim option that computes control deflections and aerodynamic increments for vehicle trim at subsonic Mach numbers. WWW: This project is a modified version of the publically released USAF aircraft datcom. The goal of the project is to update the code and make it more usable by the end user. WWW: |
2017-12-03T20:33:50+00:00 | net/rubygem-fog-aws1 |
Module for the 'fog' gem to support Amazon Web Services Fog::Aws is a module for the 'fog' gem to support Amazon Web Services. WWW: |
2017-12-03T20:33:44+00:00 | devel/rubygem-batch-loader |
Powerful tool to avoid N+1 DB or HTTP queries BatchLoader provides a generic lazy batching mechanism to avoid N+1 DB queries, HTTP queries, etc. WWW: |
2017-12-03T19:29:13+00:00 | science/ALPSCore |
Generic algorithms and utilities for condensed matter physics The open source ALPSCore project, which is based on ALPS (Algorithms and Libraries for Physics Simulations) project, provides a collection of physics libraries and applications, with a focus on simulations of lattice models and strongly correlated systems. This project strives to provide a convenient set of maintained, well-documented, and reusable components for developing condensed matter physics simulation code, to help application developers make commonly used and proven computational algorithms available to a non-expert community. WWW: |
2017-12-03T19:20:35+00:00 | cad/sumo |
Traffic simulation suite for road vehicles, public transportation, etc Simulation of Urban MObility (SUMO) is an open source, highly portable, microscopic and continuous road traffic simulation package designed to handle large road networks. WWW: |
2017-12-03T18:02:41+00:00 | devel/libtsm |
Terminal-emulator state machine TSM is a state machine for DEC VT100-VT520 compatible terminal emulators. It tries to support all common standards while keeping compatibility to existing emulators like xterm, gnome-terminal, konsole, etc. TSM itself does not provide any rendering nor window management. It is a simple plain state machine without any external dependencies. It can be used to implement terminal emulators, but also to implement other applications that need to interpret terminal escape sequences. This library is very similar to libvte of the gnome project. However, libvte is highly bound to GTK+, which makes it unsuitable for non-graphics projects that need to parse escape sequences. Instead, TSM tries to restrict its API to terminal emulation only. Furthermore, TSM does not try to establish a new terminal emulation standard, but instead keeps compatibility as close to xterm as possible. This is why the TERM variable can be set to xterm-color256 with any TSM based terminal emulator. WWW: |
2017-12-03T17:55:33+00:00 | multimedia/webcamoid |
Full featured webcam suite Webcamoid is a full featured and multiplatform webcam suite. Features: * Cross-platform (GNU/Linux, Mac, Windows) * Take pictures and record videos with the webcam. * Manages multiple webcams. * Written in C++ and Qt. * Custom controls for each webcam. * Add funny effects to the webcam. * +60 effects available. * Translated to many languages. * Use custom network and local files as capture devices. * Capture from desktop. * Many recording formats. * Virtual webcam support for feeding other programs. WWW: |
2017-12-03T17:38:09+00:00 | net/py-portend |
Monitors TCP ports for bound or unbound states Portend monitors TCP ports for bound or unbound states. It can wait with a timeout for a port to be occupied or free. WWW: |
2017-12-03T16:53:46+00:00 | graphics/py-photocollage |
Graphical tool to make photo collage posters PhotoCollage allows you to create photo collage posters. It assembles the input photographs it is given to generate a big poster. Photos are automatically arranged to fill the whole poster, then you can change the final layout, dimensions, border or swap photos in the generated grid. Eventually the final poster image can be saved in any size. WWW: |
2017-12-03T10:00:09+00:00 | audio/hts_engine-API |
HMM-based speech synthesis system (HTS) engine and API hts_engine is software to synthesize speech waveform from HMMs trained by the HMM-based speech synthesis system (HTS). WWW: |
2017-12-02T20:46:28+00:00 | biology/py-macs2 |
Identify transcription factor binding sites MACS is a tool for chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) sequence analysis. MACS empirically models the length of the sequenced ChIP fragments, which tend to be shorter than sonication or library construction size estimates, and uses it to improve the spatial resolution of predicted binding sites. WWW: |
2017-12-02T20:44:28+00:00 | biology/kallisto |
Quantify abundances of transcripts from RNA-Seq data Kallisto is a program for quantifying abundances of transcripts from RNA-Seq data, or more generally of target sequences using high-throughput sequencing reads. It is based on the novel idea of pseudoalignment for rapidly determining the compatibility of reads with targets, without the need for alignment. WWW: |
2017-12-02T03:32:16+00:00 | devel/RStudio |
Integrated development environment (IDE) for R RStudio is an integrated development environment (IDE) for R. It includes a console, syntax-highlighting editor that supports direct code execution, as well as tools for plotting, history, debugging and workspace management. WWW: |
2017-12-01T21:38:03+00:00 | devel/arduino-bsd-mk |
Build Arduino sketches from the command line on FreeBSD Arduino from the command line on FreeBSD This is a makefile written by Craig Leres that makes it possible to build Arduino sketches with FreeBSD make from the command line. It includes an example sketch and Makefile which is optionally installed in share/examples/arduino-bsd-mk WWW: |
2017-12-01T19:13:02+00:00 | games/lightyears |
Steampunk-themed strategy game: manage a steam supply network 20,000 Light Years Into Space is a steampunk-themed strategy game where you have to manage a steam supply network. WWW: |
2017-11-30T22:54:29+00:00 | biology/fastqc |
Quality control tool for high throughput sequence data FastQC aims to provide a simple way to do some quality control checks on raw sequence data coming from high throughput sequencing pipelines. It provides a modular set of analyses which you can use to give a quick impression of whether your data has any problems of which you should be aware before doing any further analysis. WWW: |
2017-11-30T15:50:30+00:00 | textproc/py-pager |
Terminal/console pager module Python module that pages output to the screen, reads keys and console dimensions without executing external utils. WWW: |
2017-11-30T15:50:30+00:00 | net-mgmt/py-dnsdiag |
DNS Diagnostics and measurement tools (ping, traceroute) DNSDiag provides a handful of tools to measure and diagnose your DNS performance and integrity. Using dnsping, dnstraceroute and dnseval tools you can measure your DNS response quality from delay and loss perspective as well as tracing the path your DNS query takes to get to DNS server. WWW: |
2017-11-30T15:50:30+00:00 | devel/py-threema-msgapi |
Threema Gateway Message SDK for Python Threema Gateway Message SDK for Python WWW: |
2017-11-30T15:50:30+00:00 | accessibility/py-speech-dispatcher |
Python bindings for Speech Dispatcher |
2017-11-30T15:32:44+00:00 | sysutils/ansible23 |
2017-11-30T11:36:55+00:00 | games/spacezero |
2D Real Time Strategy space combat game SpaceZero is a Real Time Strategy 2D space combat game for two players over a network. The objective is to conquer the universe, defeating all enemies. At starting point you have only one ship and one planet, but you have gold to buy more ships to conquer more planets. All ships can be controlled by the computer (automatic mode) or by the player (manual mode). You can easily change among your ships, controlling all of them independently. WWW: |
2017-11-30T06:53:07+00:00 | www/py-ddgr |
Command line tool for performing DuckDuckGo web searches ddgr is a cmdline utility to search DuckDuckGo from the terminal. Unlike the web interface, you can specify the number of search results you would like to see per page. It's more convenient than skimming through 30-odd search results per page. The default interface is carefully designed to use minimum space without sacrificing readability. WWW: |
2017-11-29T22:17:43+00:00 | biology/py-cutadapt |
Trim adapters from high-throughput sequencing reads Cutadapt finds and removes adapter sequences, primers, poly-A tails and other types of unwanted sequences from your high-throughput sequencing reads. WWW: |
2017-11-29T21:48:34+00:00 | audio/carla |
Audio LV2 plugin host for Jack and PulseAudio Carla is a fully-featured audio plugin host, with support for many audio drivers and plugin formats. Features: * LADSPA, DSSI, LV2 and VST plugin formats * GIG, SF2 and SFZ sound banks * Internal audio and midi file player * Automation of plugin parameters via MIDI CC * Full OSC control * Rack and Patchbay engine modes, plus Single and Multi-Client if using JACK * Native audio drivers (ALSA, DirectSound, CoreAudio) and low-latency (ASIO and JACK) * Transport sync with JACK or Ableton Link WWW: |
2017-11-29T21:25:30+00:00 | misc/crosti |
Convert custom image to cross stitch design, edit stitch designs This tool allows you to make your own unique cross stitch design from custom image. You can resize and rotate image, reduce the number of colors, change image palette, make cross stitch design, preview it, save and print. Cross stitch design edition available: colors and icons changing, new color addition, color fill, pixel draw, lines and half-stitches. Features: * Convert custom image to cross stitch design * Edit cross stitch design * Save and print the design that you created * Input pictures: BMP, GIF, ICO, JPEG, JPG, MNG, PBM, PGM, PNG, PPM, SVG, TIF, TIFF, XBM, XPM * Output cross stitch design: BMP, ICO, JPEG, JPG, PNG, PPM, TIF, TIFF, XBM, XPM, PDF, CST (crosti scheme text file) WWW: |
2017-11-29T21:22:14+00:00 | devel/py-backports.tempfile |
Backports of new features in the Python tempfile module Yet another general purpose Naive Bayesian classifier. (under heavy development) Naive Bayes Classifier is probably the most widely used text classifier, it's a supervised learning algorithm. It can be used to classify blog posts or news articles into different categories like sports, entertainment and so forth. Naive Bayes is a simple technique for constructing classifiers: models that assign class labels to problem instances, represented as vectors of feature values, where the class labels are drawn from some finite set. It is not a single algorithm for training such classifiers, but a family of algorithms This package provides backports of new features in Python???s tempfile module under the backports namespace. WWW: |
2017-11-29T21:14:02+00:00 | graphics/py-sk1 |
Professional quality illustration program sK1 2.0 is professional quality illustration program. sK1 2.0 is a powerful and mature application that makes users more productive and provides them professional and free solution even for exotic *nix OSes. Whether you are a newbie user or an experienced designer, sK1 2.0 makes it easy to get started. With its professional color-management engine and wide-range file format compatibility, sK1 2.0 provides color accuracy and drawing flexibility you need for all types of projects. WWW: |
2017-11-29T21:00:24+00:00 | devel/py-daemon-runner |
Simple command line runner on top of python-daemon Simple command line runner on top of python-daemon, a library which implements the well-behaved daemon specification of PEP 3143, ???Standard daemon process library. A well-behaved Unix daemon process is tricky to get right, but the required steps are much the same for every daemon program. A DaemonContext instance holds the behaviour and configured process environment for the program; use the instance as a context manager to enter a daemon state. Simple example of usage: import daemon from spam import do_main_program with daemon.DaemonContext(): do_main_program() Customisation of the steps to become a daemon is available by setting options on the DaemonContext instance; see the documentation for that class for each option. WWW: |
2017-11-29T20:15:20+00:00 | devel/py-fuzzywuzzy |
Fuzzy string matching using Levenshtein Distance Fuzzy string matching like a boss. It uses Levenshtein Distance to calculate the differences between sequences in a simple-to-use package. Simple Ratio >>> fuzz.ratio("this is a test", "this is a test!") 97 Partial Ratio >>> fuzz.partial_ratio("this is a test", "this is a test!") 100 Token Sort Ratio >>> fuzz.ratio("fuzzy wuzzy was a bear", "wuzzy fuzzy was a bear") 91 >>> fuzz.token_sort_ratio("fuzzy wuzzy was a bear", "wuzzy fuzzy was a bear") 100 WWW: |
2017-11-29T19:54:33+00:00 | devel/py-python-Levenshtein |
Fast computation of Levenshtein distance and string similarity The Levenshtein Python C extension module contains functions for fast computation of: * Levenshtein (edit) distance, and edit operations * string similarity * approximate median strings, and generally string averaging * string sequence and set similarity It supports both normal and Unicode strings. Python 2.2 or newer is required; Python 3 is supported. WWW: |
2017-11-29T16:17:57+00:00 | www/ddgr |
DuckDuckGo from the terminal ddgr is a cmdline utility to search DuckDuckGo from the terminal. Unlike the web interface, you can specify the number of search results you would like to see per page. It's more convenient than skimming through 30-odd search results per page. The default interface is carefully designed to use minimum space without sacrificing readability. ddgr isn't affiliated to DuckDuckGo in any way. WWW: |
2017-11-29T16:00:39+00:00 | archivers/py-xopen |
Open compressed files transparently This small Python module provides a xopen function that works like the built-in open function, but can also deal with compressed files. Supported compression formats are gzip, bzip2 and xz. They are automatically recognized by their file extensions .gz, .bz2 or .xz. WWW: |
2017-11-28T16:20:18+00:00 | net-mgmt/icingaweb2-module-elasticsearch |
Integrate Elasticsearch into Icinga Web 2 The Elasticsearch Module for Icinga Web 2 integrates your Elastic stack into Icinga Web 2. Based on Elasticsearch instances and event types you configure, the module allows you to display data collected by Beats, Logstash and any other source. After you've installed and configured the module, you can browse events via the host action Elasticsearch Events. WWW: |
2017-11-28T16:12:32+00:00 | devel/py-naiveBayesClassifier |
Yet another general purpose naive bayesian classifier Yet another general purpose Naive Bayesian classifier. (under heavy development) Naive Bayes Classifier is probably the most widely used text classifier, it's a supervised learning algorithm. It can be used to classify blog posts or news articles into different categories like sports, entertainment and so forth. Naive Bayes is a simple technique for constructing classifiers: models that assign class labels to problem instances, represented as vectors of feature values, where the class labels are drawn from some finite set. It is not a single algorithm for training such classifiers, but a family of algorithms based on a common principle: all naive Bayes classifiers assume that the value of a particular feature is independent of the value of any other feature, given the class variable. For example, a fruit may be considered to be an apple if it is red, round, and about 10 cm in diameter. A naive Bayes classifier considers each of these features to contribute independently to the probability that this fruit is an apple, regardless of any possible correlations between the color, roundness, and diameter features. WWW: |
2017-11-28T16:01:14+00:00 | net-mgmt/icingaweb2-module-graphite |
Graphite integration into Icinga Web 2 This module integrates an existing Graphite installation in your Icinga Web 2 frontend. It provides a new menu section with two general overviews for hosts and services as well as an extension to the host and service detail view of the monitoring module. WWW: |
2017-11-28T15:52:13+00:00 | security/rubygem-rbnacl-libsodium |
Port rbnacl with bundled libsodium rbnacl with bundled libsodium WWW: |
2017-11-28T15:41:22+00:00 | security/rubygem-bcrypt_pbkdf |
This gem implements bcrypt_pdkfd This gem implements bcrypt_pdkfd (a variant of PBKDF2 with bcrypt-based PRF) WWW: |
2017-11-28T15:16:38+00:00 | net/rubygem-omniauth-kerberos |
OmniAuth strategy for Kerberos An OmniAuth strategy for Kerberos. WWW: |
2017-11-28T10:15:46+00:00 | devel/py-buildbot |
Continuous Integration Framework The BuildBot is a system to automate the compile/test cycle required by most software projects to validate code changes. By automatically rebuilding and testing the tree each time something has changed, build problems are pinpointed quickly, before other developers are inconvenienced by the failure. The guilty developer can be identified and harassed without human intervention. By running the builds on a variety of platforms, developers who do not have the facilities to test their changes everywhere before checkin will at least know shortly afterwards whether they have broken the build or not. Warning counts, lint checks, image size, compile time, and other build parameters can be tracked over time, are more visible, and are therefore easier to improve. The overall goal is to reduce tree breakage and provide a platform to run tests or code-quality checks that are too annoying or pedantic for any human to waste their time with. Developers get immediate (and potentially public) feedback about their changes, encouraging them to be more careful about testing before checkin. For more information, please see: WWW: |
2017-11-28T10:15:46+00:00 | devel/py-buildbot-www |
Buildbot UI This port is the Web UI part of BuildBot. For the buildmaster, install the devel/buildbot port. For more information, please see: WWW: |
2017-11-28T10:15:46+00:00 | devel/py-buildbot-worker |
Buildbot Worker Daemon This port is the worker part of BuildBot. For the buildmaster, install the devel/py-buildbot port. For more information, please see: WWW: |
2017-11-28T10:15:46+00:00 | devel/py-buildbot-waterfall-view |
Buildbot Waterfall View plugin This port is the Waterfall View Plugin for BuildBot. For the buildmaster, install the devel/buildbot port. For more information, please see: WWW: |
2017-11-28T10:15:46+00:00 | devel/py-buildbot-pkg |
Buildbot packaging tools This port is the Web UI part of BuildBot. For the buildmaster, install the devel/buildbot port. For more information, please see: WWW: |
2017-11-28T10:15:46+00:00 | devel/py-buildbot-console-view |
Buildbot Console View plugin This port is the Console View Plugin for BuildBot. For the buildmaster, install the devel/buildbot port. For more information, please see: WWW: |
2017-11-28T03:09:27+00:00 | graphics/py-gizeh |
Simple vector graphics in Python Cairo graphics made easy for use from the Python language. You can draw beautiful vector graphics consisting of gradient-filled circles, ellipses, polygons. WWW: |
2017-11-28T03:06:58+00:00 | misc/py-colorbrewer |
Constants from Cynthia Brewer's ColorBrewer An easy way to get access to ColorBrewer schemes from within a Python program. WWW: |
2017-11-27T13:25:12+00:00 | www/waterfox |
Distilled fork of Firefox The Waterfox source code is a specialised modification of the Mozilla platform, designed for privacy and user choice in mind. You should be able to install it and compile Waterfox without any issues. Other modifications and patches that are more upstream have been implemented as well to fix any compatibility/security issues that Mozilla may lag behind in implementing (usually due to not being high priority). High request features removed by Mozilla but wanted by users are retained (if they aren't removed due to security). Features: o Disabled Encrypted Media Extensions (EME) o Disabled Web Runtime (deprecated as of 2015) o Removed Pocket o Removed Telemetry o Removed data collection o Removed startup profiling o Allow running of all 64-Bit NPAPI plugins o Allow running of unsigned extensions o Removal of Sponsored Tiles on New Tab Page o Addition of Duplicate Tab option (toggle with browser.tabs.duplicateTab) o Locale selector in about:preferences > General WWW: |
2017-11-27T11:28:54+00:00 | devel/py3-asttokens |
2017-11-27T11:28:54+00:00 | devel/py-asttokens |
Annotate AST trees with source code positions The asttokens module annotates Python abstract syntax trees (ASTs) with the positions of tokens and text in the source code that generated them. It makes it possible for tools that work with logical AST nodes to find the particular text that resulted in those nodes, for example for automated refactoring or highlighting. WWW: |
2017-11-27T06:49:04+00:00 | audio/sorcer-lv2 |
Wavetable LV2 plugin synth targeted at the electronic/dubstep genre Sorcer is a polyphonic wavetable synth LV2 plugin. Its sonic fingerprint is one of harsh modulated sub-bass driven walls of sound. Two morphing wavetable oscillators and one sine oscillator provide the generation routines. The LFO can be mapped to wavetable modulation as well as filter cutoff. An ADSR allows for shaping the resulting sound, while a master volume finishes the signal chain. Easily creating a variety of dubstep basslines and harsh pad sounds. WWW: |
2017-11-26T21:18:04+00:00 | lang/chez-scheme |
Chez Scheme system Chez Scheme is both a programming language and an implementation of that language, with supporting tools and documentation. As a superset of the language described in the [Revised<sup>6</sup> Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme] (, Chez Scheme supports all standard features of Scheme, including first-class procedures, proper treatment of tail calls, continuations, user-defined records, libraries, exceptions, and hygienic macro expansion. Chez Scheme also includes extensive support for interfacing with C and other languages, support for multiple threads possibly running on multiple cores, non-blocking I/O, and many other features. WWW: |
2017-11-25T20:34:37+00:00 | x11-themes/xfce-evolution |
Complete Xfce Evolution Gtk2, Gtk3, Qt5, wxWidgets, Xfce themes The Xfce Evolution theme attempts to rid the Xfce desktop of visual distractions by providing a more consistent look (buttons, scrollbars, menus, etc) across older and newer applications. Blends well with 'elementary Xfce darkER' icon set and 'Noto Sans 9' fonts. Based on Ambiance gtk2, Adwaita gtk3, and Greybird xfwm. WWW: |
2017-11-25T10:16:31+00:00 | misc/fortune-mod-freebsd-classic |
Classic FreeBSD fortunes (including offensives) fortune-mod-freebsd-classic contains of all the "classic" FreeBSD fortunes, including offensives. WWW: |
2017-11-25T03:05:46+00:00 | security/kbfs |
Keybase Filesystem (KBFS) kbfs is the official Keybase implementation of the client-side code for the Keybase filesystem (KBFS). This client allows you to mount KBFS as a proper filesystem at some mountpoint on your local device (by default, /keybase/). It communicates locally with the Keybase service, and remotely with three types of KBFS servers (block servers, metadata servers, and key servers). WWW: WWW: |
2017-11-24T23:45:17+00:00 | www/nextcloud-contacts |
Contacts app for Nextcloud The Nextcloud contacts app is a user interface for Nextcloud's CardDAV server. Easily sync contacts from various devices with your Nextcloud and edit them online. * Integration with other Nextcloud apps! Currently Mail and Calendar - more to come. * Never forget a birthday! You can sync birthdays and other recurring events with your Nextcloud Calendar. * Sharing of Adressbooks! You want to share your contacts with your friends or coworkers? No problem! * We're not reinventing the wheel! Based on the great and open SabreDAV library. WWW: |
2017-11-24T23:45:17+00:00 | www/nextcloud-calendar |
Calendar app for Nextcloud The Calendar app is a user interface for Nextcloud's CalDAV server. Easily sync events from various devices with your Nextcloud and edit them online. * Integration with other Nextcloud apps! Currently Contacts - more to come. * WebCal Support! Want to see your favorite team's matchdays in you calendar? No problem! * Attendees! Invite people to your events. * We're not reinventing the wheel! Based on the great davclient.js, ical.js and fullcalendar libraries. WWW: |
2017-11-24T23:45:17+00:00 | security/nextcloud-twofactor_u2f |
U2F multi-factor auth app for Nextcloud A two-factor provider for U2F devices WWW: |
2017-11-24T23:45:17+00:00 | security/nextcloud-twofactor_totp |
TOTP multi-factor auth app for Nextcloud A Two-Factor-Auth Provider for TOTP (RFC 6238) WWW: |
2017-11-24T23:45:17+00:00 | mail/nextcloud-mail |
Mail app for Nextcloud Easy to use email client which connects to your mail server via IMAP and SMTP. WWW: |
2017-11-24T22:12:52+00:00 | x11/xcape |
Configure modifier keys to act as other keys when pressed on their own xcape allows you to use a modifier key as another key when pressed and released on its own. The default behaviour is to generate the Escape key when Left Control is pressed and released on its own. WWW: |
2017-11-24T21:32:05+00:00 | security/py-ssh-audit |
SSH server auditing ssh-audit is a tool for ssh server & client configuration auditing. Features: * SSH1 and SSH2 protocol server support; * analyze SSH client configuration; * grab banner, recognize device or software and operating system, detect compression; * gather key-exchange, host-key, encryption and message authentication code algorithms; * output algorithm information (available since, removed/disabled, unsafe/weak/legacy, etc); * output algorithm recommendations (append or remove based on recognized software version); * output security information (related issues, assigned CVE list, etc); * analyze SSH version compatibility based on algorithm information; * historical information from OpenSSH, Dropbear SSH and libssh; * no dependencies, compatible with Python 2.6+, Python 3.x and PyPy. WWW: |
2017-11-24T20:32:43+00:00 | multimedia/py-pretty_midi |
Utility functions for handling MIDI data in a nice/intuitive way Functions and classes which make handling MIDI data easy in Python. Provides methods for parsing, modifying, and analyzing MIDI files. WWW: |
2017-11-24T20:07:45+00:00 | sysutils/hstr |
Bash and Zsh shell history suggest box HSTR is a command line utility that brings improved shell command completion based on command history. It aims to make completion easier and more efficient than Ctrl+R. WWW: |
2017-11-24T19:08:18+00:00 | multimedia/ccextractor |
Closed caption extractor for MPEG and H264 files CExtractor is a tool that produces subtitles from TV use. Global accessibility (all users, all content, all countries) is the goal. WWW: |
2017-11-24T19:02:50+00:00 | devel/blitz |
Blitz++ Multi-Dimensional Array Library for C++ Blitz++ is a C++ template class library that provides array objects for scientific computing. It is not a linear algebra or fft library. WWW: |
2017-11-24T18:59:04+00:00 | security/2fa |
Two-factor authentication on the command line 2fa is a command-line two-factor authentication agent. WWW: |
2017-11-24T18:31:18+00:00 | devel/pycanberra |
Very basic wrapper for libcanberra A very basic wrapper for libcanberra. Ensure all strings passed to libcanberra are byte strings. WWW: |
2017-11-24T16:02:29+00:00 | games/taisei |
Open source Touhou clone Taisei (lit. Occident) is a fan-made Open Source clone of the Touhou series, written in C using SDL/OpenGL. Basically, it is a shoot'em up game with lots of bullets (the genre is literally called bullet hell). The game is mostly done and very playable, so feel free to give it a try! WWW: |
2017-11-23T19:08:06+00:00 | www/rubygem-jekyll-sanity |
Patches to make Jekyll less insane and easier Jekyll Sanity provides surface patches for Jekyll that provide useful methods for plugin authors, and site authors as well. Moves some insane instance methods to the class so that they can be used without having to store the entire site. WWW: |
2017-11-23T16:51:13+00:00 | chinese/ibus-array |
Array 30 input method for IBus Implementation of fully functional Array 30 input method engine for iBus. Array 30 is a traditional Chinese input method used in Taiwan. WWW: |
2017-11-23T13:30:11+00:00 | graphics/largetifftools |
Process very large TIFF files This is a collection of software that can help managing (very) large TIFF files, especially files that are too large to fit entirely into your computer's memory. WWW: |
2017-11-23T05:58:51+00:00 | science/chemps2 |
Spin-adapted implementation of DMRG for ab initio quantum chemistry CheMPS2 is a scientific library which contains a spin-adapted implementation of the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) for ab initio quantum chemistry. This wavefunction method allows to obtain numerical accuracy in active spaces beyond the capabilities of full configuration interaction (FCI), and allows to extract the 2-, 3-, and 4-particle reduced density matrices (2-, 3- and 4-RDM) of the active space. For general active spaces up to 40 electrons in 40 orbitals can be handled with DMRG, and for one-dimensional active spaces up to 100 electrons in 100 orbitals. The 2-RDM of these active spaces can also be easily extracted, while the 3- and 4-RDM are limited to about 28 orbitals. WWW: |
2017-11-23T00:58:52+00:00 | www/palemoon |
Open-source web browser Pale Moon(TM) offers you a browsing experience in a browser completely built from its own, independently developed source that has been forked off from Firefox/Mozilla code a number of years ago, with carefully selected features and optimizations to improve the browser's stability and user experience, while offering full customization and a growing collection of extensions and themes to make the browser truly your own. Some of the main features: - Based on the Unified XUL Platform (UXP) containing our own optimized layout and rendering engine (Goanna). - Safe: Forked from mature Mozilla code and regularly updated with the latest security patches. - Secure: Additional security features and security-aware development - Zero ads; no telemetry, spyware or data gathering - Familiar, efficient, fully customizable interface WWW: |
2017-11-22T20:04:01+00:00 | games/openclaw |
Reimplementation of Captain Claw (1997) platformer A multiplatform C++ reimplementation of original Captain Claw (1997) platformer game using SDL2 and Box2D. WWW: |
2017-11-22T18:51:37+00:00 | databases/pspg |
Tabular data pager designed to be used with psql pspg is a small specialized pager designed to work with tables. Its primary purpose is to work as PostgreSQL pager, but MySQL is supported too. Main features include the ability to freeze first few rows/columns, possibility to sort data by specified numeric column and configurable color themes. WWW: |
2017-11-22T14:55:05+00:00 | devel/rubygem-flipper010 |
Act of enabling/disabling features in your application Feature flipping is the act of enabling or disabling features or parts of your application, ideally without re-deploying or changing anything in your code base. The goal of this gem is to make turning features on or off so easy that everyone does it. Whatever your data store, throughput, or experience, feature flipping should be easy and have minimal impact on your application. WWW: |
2017-11-22T14:55:05+00:00 | databases/rubygem-flipper-active_record010 |
ActiveRecord adapter for Flipper Flipper ActiveRecord is an ActiveRecord adapter for Flipper. WWW: |
2017-11-22T11:31:17+00:00 | games/xptools |
X-Plane Scenery Tools The X-Plane Scenery Tools (XPTools) code base is the source code tree for all of the Laminar Research scenery creation/editing tools. This code does not include X-Plane and the "X-Apps" (PlaneMaker, WorldMaker, AirfoilMaker, and Briefer). It does include source to the ac3d x-plane plugin, WED, the various tools, and our global scenery generator. WWW: |
2017-11-22T07:52:48+00:00 | devel/p5-Pthread-GetThreadId |
Access to kernel level POSIX thread id Pthread::GetThreadId is FreeBSD specific Perl module providing single non-portable function getthreadid_np() that returns kernel level POSIX thread id as integer value. It may be useful for Perl code running as hook/callback functions in embedded threaded Perl environment when code has no direct control on thread creation. For example, rlm_perl module of FreeRADIUS that may use multiple embedded Perl instances. WWW: |
2017-11-22T07:16:51+00:00 | www/py-buku |
Powerful command-line bookmark manager Powerful bookmark manager written in Python3 and SQLite3. A flexible cmdline solution with a private, portable, merge-able database along with browser integration. buku fetches the title of a bookmarked web page and stores it along with any additional comments and tags. You can use your favourite editor to compose and update bookmarks. With multiple search options, including regex and a deep scan mode (particularly for URLs), it can find any bookmark instantly. Multiple search results can be opened in the browser at once. WWW: |
2017-11-22T06:28:01+00:00 | devel/clthreads |
C++ wrapper library around the POSIX threads API A C++ threading library by Fons Adriaensen <>. WWW: |
2017-11-22T06:01:27+00:00 | misc/free42 |
Simulation of the HP-42S scientific calculator and HP-82240 printer Free42 is a re-implementation of the HP-42S Scientific Programmable Calculator and HP-82240 Printer. It is a complete rewrite, not using any HP code. It does not require an HP-42S ROM image. WWW: |
2017-11-21T22:16:42+00:00 | www/rubygem-rack_csrf |
Anti-CSRF Rack middleware This is just a small Rack middleware whose only goal is to lessen the hazards posed by CSRF attacks by trying to ensure that all requests of particular types come from the right client, not from a mischievous impersonator. Rack::Csrf is not tailored to any particular web framework, so it can be used with your preferred Rack-based framework. WWW: |
2017-11-21T17:59:25+00:00 | devel/geany-plugin-workbench |
Geany plugin: ${${GEANY_PLUGIN}_DESC} The Workbench plugin is an extension that makes it possible to manage multiple projects in geany. You can add geany projects to a workbench. From there you can add directories to the project to manage the files belonging to the project. WWW: |
2017-11-21T17:59:25+00:00 | devel/geany-plugin-utilslib |
Geany plugin: ${${GEANY_PLUGIN}_DESC} Utility library required by some Geany plugins. WWW: |
2017-11-21T15:47:53+00:00 | databases/arangodb32 |
Distributed NoSQL database with multiple data models ArangoDB is a native multi-model database with flexible data models for documents, graphs, and key-values. Build high performance applications using a convenient SQL-like query language or JavaScript extensions WWW: |
2017-11-21T15:13:31+00:00 | textproc/elasticsearch5-search-guard |
Elasticsearch Search Guard plugin Search Guard() is an Elasticsearch plugin that offers encryption, authentication, and authorization. It builds on Search Guard SSL and provides pluggable authentication and authorization modules in addition. Search Guard is fully compatible with Kibana, Logstash and Beats. As an alternative to other security solutions for Elasticsearch, Search Guard offers the following main features: TLS on transport- and REST-layer Fine-grained role- and index-based access control HTTP Basic Authentication LDAP / Active Directory Kerberos / SPNEGO JSON web token Document- and Field-level security Audit logging Kibana multi-tenancy REST management API Proxy support User impersonation WWW: |
2017-11-20T17:52:35+00:00 | devel/gogs |
Painless self-hosted Git service Gogs (Go Git Service) is a painless self-hosted Git service. WWW: |
2017-11-20T13:51:23+00:00 | databases/ldb13 |
LDAP-like embedded database ldb is a LDAP-like embedded database. ldb provides a fast database with an LDAP-like API designed to be used within an application. In some ways it can be seen as a intermediate solution between key-value pair databases and a real LDAP database. WWW: |
2017-11-20T06:40:28+00:00 | databases/ldb12 |
LDAP-like embedded database ldb is a LDAP-like embedded database. ldb provides a fast database with an LDAP-like API designed to be used within an application. In some ways it can be seen as a intermediate solution between key-value pair databases and a real LDAP database. WWW: |
2017-11-20T04:31:30+00:00 | www/npm-node8 |
2017-11-20T04:31:19+00:00 | www/npm-node6 |
2017-11-20T04:31:04+00:00 | www/npm-node4 |
2017-11-19T21:59:32+00:00 | math/eprover |
Theorem prover for full first-order logic with equality A saturating theorem prover for full first-order logic with equality. It accepts a problem specification, typically consisting of a number of first-order clauses or formulas, and a conjecture, again either in clausal or full first-order form. The system will then try to find a formal proof for the conjecture, assuming the axioms. WWW: |
2017-11-19T21:55:20+00:00 | graphics/goxel |
Free and Open Source 3D Voxel Editor A 3D program that lets you create voxel volumes, a bit similar to minecraft. WWW: |
2017-11-19T21:48:19+00:00 | mail/py-pyzmail |
Easy mail library to parse, compose and send emails pyzmail is a high level mail library for Python 2.x & 3.x. It provides functions and classes that help to parse, compose and send emails. pyzmail exists because their is no reasons that handling mails with Python would be more difficult than with Outlook or Thunderbird. pyzmail hides the difficulties of managing the MIME structure and of the encoding/decoding for internationalized emails. WWW: |
2017-11-18T23:35:22+00:00 | net/py-shodan |
Python library and command-line utility for Shodan Shodan is a search engine for Internet-connected devices. Google lets you search for websites, Shodan lets you search for devices. This library provides developers easy access to all of the data stored in Shodan in order to automate tasks and integrate into existing tools. WWW: |
2017-11-18T23:34:19+00:00 | devel/py-click-plugins |
Click extension to register CLI commands via setuptools An extension module for click to enable registering CLI commands via setuptools entry-points. WWW: |
2017-11-18T21:57:55+00:00 | math/ambit |
C++ library for tensor product calculations C++ library for the implementation of tensor product calculations through a clean, concise user interface. WWW: |
2017-11-18T16:45:49+00:00 | x11-fonts/google-fonts |
Collection of freely redistributable TrueType fonts from Google Collection of more than 2000 freely redistributable TrueType fonts from the Google Fonts project, installed locally and suitable for use in X.Org applications. WWW: |
2017-11-18T16:41:06+00:00 | devel/fuzzylite |
Fuzzy logic control library in C++ fuzzylite is a free and open-source fuzzy logic control library programmed in C++ for multiple platforms (e.g., Windows, Linux, Mac, iOS). jfuzzylite is the equivalent library for Java and Android platforms. Together, they are the FuzzyLite Libraries for Fuzzy Logic Control. WWW: |
2017-11-18T15:43:45+00:00 | audio/pms-devel |
Rewrite of pms, an ncurses-based client for the Music Player Daemon Practical Music Search (PMS) is an interactive console client for the Music Player Daemon, written in Go. Its interface is similar to Vim, and aims to be fast, configurable, and practical. PMS has many features that involve sorting, searching, and navigating. It is designed to let you navigate your music collection in an effective way. This is a complete rewrite of the previously existing pms which was written in C++. WWW: |
2017-11-18T09:41:18+00:00 | www/qutebrowser |
Keyboard-focused browser with a minimal GUI Qutebrowser is a keyboard-focused browser with a minimal GUI. It's based on Python and PyQt5 and free software, licensed under the GPL. It was inspired by other browsers/addons like dwb and Vimperator/Pentadactyl. WWW: |
2017-11-18T05:38:04+00:00 | devel/apitrace |
Tools for tracing OpenGL and other graphics APIs apitrace is a set of tools to: - trace OpenGL, OpenGL ES, Direct3D, and DirectDraw APIs calls to a file - replay OpenGL and OpenGL ES calls from a file - inspect OpenGL state at any call while retracing - visualize and edit trace files WWW: |
2017-11-18T05:12:35+00:00 | science/gdma |
Anthony Stone's Gaussian Distributed Multipole Analysis GDMA has been in the ab initio quantum chemistry package Psi4. It is written by Prof. Anthony J. Stone of Cambridge University in fortran. WWW: |
2017-11-18T00:10:32+00:00 | devel/p5-Clone-Choose |
Choose appropriate clone utility Clone::Choose checks several different modules which provides a clone() function and selects an appropriate one. The default preference is: - Clone - Storable - Clone::PP This list might evolve in future. Please see ["EXPORTS"](#exports) how to pick a particular one. WWW: |
2017-11-17T23:11:07+00:00 | deskutils/latte-dock |
Launcher for Qt and Plasma desktops Latte is a dock based on plasma frameworks that provides an elegant and intuitive experience for your tasks and plasmoids. It animates its contents by using parabolic zoom effect and trys to be there only when it is needed. WWW: |
2017-11-17T15:11:59+00:00 | www/moodle34 |
Course management system based on social constructionism Moodle is a course management system (CMS) - a free, Open Source software package designed using sound pedagogical principles, to help educators create effective online learning communities. You can use it on any computer you have handy (including webhosts), yet it can scale from a single-teacher site to a 40,000-student University. WWW: |
2017-11-17T05:30:33+00:00 | www/rubygem-roda |
Routing tree web toolkit Roda is a high-performance, minimalistic Ruby web framework. It's based on a routing-tree paradigm, and comes with a huge set of plugins (many of which will require installing other gems). WWW: |
2017-11-16T20:02:08+00:00 | databases/lua-resty-redis |
Redis client driver for the ngx_lua nginx module This Lua library is a Redis client driver for the ngx_lua nginx module: This Lua library takes advantage of ngx_lua's cosocket API, which ensures 100% nonblocking behavior. WWW: |
2017-11-16T18:41:01+00:00 | misc/owrep |
Weather reporting program using This is a basic weather reporting program. It uses data from, and uses a worldwide database. WWW: |
2017-11-16T18:27:47+00:00 | science/py-scoria |
Lightweight molecule manipulation codebase The scoria library is a lightweight python code base designed for importing, manipulating, and exporting molecular models. WWW: |
2017-11-16T16:27:30+00:00 | security/rubygem-rbnacl |
Networking and Cryptography (NaCl) library The Networking and Cryptography (NaCl) library provides a high-level toolkit for building cryptographic systems and protocols. WWW: |
2017-11-16T12:24:55+00:00 | devel/rubygem-rake-compiler-dock |
Cross compiler environment for building Windows binary gems Easy to use and reliable cross compiler environment for building Windows binary gems. Use rake-compiler-dock to enter an interactive shell session or add a task to your Rakefile to automate your cross build. WWW: |
2017-11-16T10:48:48+00:00 | www/php72-tidy |
2017-11-16T10:48:48+00:00 | www/php72-session |
2017-11-16T10:48:48+00:00 | www/php72-opcache |
2017-11-16T10:48:48+00:00 | www/mod_php72 |
2017-11-16T10:48:48+00:00 | textproc/php72-xsl |
2017-11-16T10:48:48+00:00 | textproc/php72-xmlwriter |
2017-11-16T10:48:48+00:00 | textproc/php72-xmlreader |
2017-11-16T10:48:48+00:00 | textproc/php72-xml |
2017-11-16T10:48:48+00:00 | textproc/php72-wddx |
2017-11-16T10:48:48+00:00 | textproc/php72-simplexml |
2017-11-16T10:48:48+00:00 | textproc/php72-pspell |
2017-11-16T10:48:48+00:00 | textproc/php72-enchant |
2017-11-16T10:48:48+00:00 | textproc/php72-dom |
2017-11-16T10:48:48+00:00 | textproc/php72-ctype |
2017-11-16T10:48:48+00:00 | sysutils/php72-posix |
2017-11-16T10:48:48+00:00 | sysutils/php72-fileinfo |
2017-11-16T10:48:48+00:00 | security/php72-sodium |
2017-11-16T10:48:48+00:00 | security/php72-openssl |
2017-11-16T10:48:48+00:00 | security/php72-hash |
2017-11-16T10:48:48+00:00 | security/php72-filter |
2017-11-16T10:48:48+00:00 | net/php72-xmlrpc |
2017-11-16T10:48:48+00:00 | net/php72-sockets |
2017-11-16T10:48:48+00:00 | net/php72-soap |
2017-11-16T10:48:48+00:00 | net/php72-ldap |
2017-11-16T10:48:48+00:00 | net-mgmt/php72-snmp |
2017-11-16T10:48:48+00:00 | misc/php72-calendar |
2017-11-16T10:48:48+00:00 | math/php72-gmp |
2017-11-16T10:48:48+00:00 | math/php72-bcmath |
2017-11-16T10:48:48+00:00 | mail/php72-imap |
2017-11-16T10:48:48+00:00 | lang/php72 |
PHP Scripting Language PHP, which stands for "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor" is a widely-used Open Source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for Web development and can be embedded into HTML. Its syntax draws upon C, Java, and Perl, and is easy to learn. The main goal of the language is to allow web developers to write dynamically generated webpages quickly, but you can do much more with PHP. WWW: |
2017-11-16T10:48:48+00:00 | lang/php72-extensions |
"meta-port" to install PHP extensions This is a "meta-port" to install the extensions for PHP 7.2. Defaults to: ctype, dom, filter, hash, iconv, json, pdo, pdo_sqlite, phar, posix, session, simplexml, sqlite3, tokenizer, xml, xmlreader and xmlwriter. WWW: |
2017-11-16T10:48:48+00:00 | graphics/php72-gd |
2017-11-16T10:48:48+00:00 | graphics/php72-exif |
2017-11-16T10:48:48+00:00 | ftp/php72-ftp |
2017-11-16T10:48:48+00:00 | ftp/php72-curl |
2017-11-16T10:48:48+00:00 | devel/php72-tokenizer |
2017-11-16T10:48:48+00:00 | devel/php72-sysvshm |
2017-11-16T10:48:48+00:00 | devel/php72-sysvsem |
2017-11-16T10:48:48+00:00 | devel/php72-sysvmsg |
2017-11-16T10:48:48+00:00 | devel/php72-shmop |
2017-11-16T10:48:48+00:00 | devel/php72-readline |
2017-11-16T10:48:48+00:00 | devel/php72-pcntl |
2017-11-16T10:48:48+00:00 | devel/php72-json |
2017-11-16T10:48:48+00:00 | devel/php72-intl |
2017-11-16T10:48:48+00:00 | devel/php72-gettext |
2017-11-16T10:48:48+00:00 | databases/php72-sqlite3 |
2017-11-16T10:48:48+00:00 | databases/php72-pgsql |
2017-11-16T10:48:48+00:00 | databases/php72-pdo_sqlite |
2017-11-16T10:48:48+00:00 | databases/php72-pdo_pgsql |
2017-11-16T10:48:48+00:00 | databases/php72-pdo_odbc |
2017-11-16T10:48:48+00:00 | databases/php72-pdo_mysql |
2017-11-16T10:48:48+00:00 | databases/php72-pdo_firebird |
2017-11-16T10:48:48+00:00 | databases/php72-pdo_dblib |
2017-11-16T10:48:48+00:00 | databases/php72-pdo |
2017-11-16T10:48:48+00:00 | databases/php72-odbc |
2017-11-16T10:48:48+00:00 | databases/php72-mysqli |
2017-11-16T10:48:48+00:00 | databases/php72-interbase |
2017-11-16T10:48:48+00:00 | databases/php72-dba |
2017-11-16T10:48:48+00:00 | converters/php72-recode |
2017-11-16T10:48:48+00:00 | converters/php72-mbstring |
2017-11-16T10:48:48+00:00 | converters/php72-iconv |
2017-11-16T10:48:48+00:00 | archivers/php72-zlib |
2017-11-16T10:48:48+00:00 | archivers/php72-zip |
2017-11-16T10:48:48+00:00 | archivers/php72-phar |
2017-11-16T10:48:48+00:00 | archivers/php72-bz2 |
2017-11-16T00:19:13+00:00 | www/unit |
Dynamic web application server NGINX Unit is a dynamic web application server, designed to run applications in multiple languages. Unit is lightweight, polyglot, and dynamically configured via API. The design of the server allows reconfiguration of specific application parameters as needed by the engineering or operations. WWW: |
2017-11-15T22:43:20+00:00 | net-mgmt/triton-guesttools |
FreeBSD guest tools for use with SmartOS FreeBSD guest tools to enabled compatibility with SmartOS and Triton. WWW: |
2017-11-15T19:31:55+00:00 | net-mgmt/mdata-client |
Metadata tools for use within guests of the SmartOS Metadata retrieval and manipulation tools for use within guests of the SmartOS (and SDC) hypervisor. These guests may be either SmartOS Zones or KVM virtual machines. WWW: |
2017-11-15T12:41:37+00:00 | sysutils/fd |
Simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to find fd is a simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to find. While it does not seek to mirror all of find's powerful functionality, it provides sensible (opinionated) defaults for 80% of the use cases. WWW: |
2017-11-15T08:08:12+00:00 | audio/eq10q-lv2 |
Parametric equalizer LV2 audio plugin EQ10Q is an audio plugin bundle over the LV2 standard, implementing a powerful and flexible parametric equalizer and more. All audio processing developed in this project is written in C language and highly optimized focusing on DSP load reduction yet keeping a superb audio quality, the audio engine is always working in 64 bits floating point maths but interfacing with LV2 ports using the standard 32 bits numbers. We believe that a good plugin is not completely useful without a full featured graphical user interface (GUI) that provides the correct way to set it up. For this reason, each plugin distributed in this bundle is supplied with a nice GUI. These GUI's are written in C++ and Gtkmm libraries to gain a great control over the graphics. The project is licensed under GPL so feel free to copy, redistribute and modify. Although, if your are really convinced of doing some possible interesting changes in the source code, please mail me and we can discuss about incorporating your awesome ideas in the main project. WWW: |
2017-11-14T23:11:11+00:00 | devel/rubygem-resque |
Redis-backed Ruby library for queuing jobs Redis-backed Ruby library for creating background jobs, placing them on multiple queues, and processing them later. WWW: |
2017-11-14T23:10:19+00:00 | www/rubygem-vegas |
Wraps Rack/Sinatra applications Vegas aims to solve the simple problem of creating executable versions of Sinatra/Rack apps. It includes a class Vegas::Runner that wraps Rack/Sinatra applications and provides a simple command line interface and launching mechanism. WWW: |
2017-11-14T22:57:25+00:00 | devel/rubygem-mono_logger |
Lock-free logger compatible with Ruby 2.0 Ruby's stdlib Logger wraps all IO in mutexes. Ruby 2.0 doesn't allow you to request a lock in a trap handler because that could deadlock. This gem fixes this issue by giving you a lock-free logger class. WWW: |
2017-11-14T18:44:05+00:00 | science/erd |
AcesIII electron repulsion integrals Efficient electronic integrals in quantum chemistry, and their generalized derivatives for object oriented implementations of electronic structure calculations. Based on the paper: * WWW: |
2017-11-14T18:29:22+00:00 | math/mumps-edf |
MUltifrontal Massively Parallel sparse direct Solver for Code_Aster MUMPS is a Distributed Multifrontal Solver (F90, MPI based) with Dynamic Distributed Scheduling to accomodate both numerical fill-in and multi-user environment. - Solution of large linear systems with symmetric positive definite matrices; general symmetric matrices; general unsymmetric matrices. - Version for complex arithmetic. - Parallel factorization and solve phases (uniprocessor version also available). - Iterative refinement and backward error analysis. - Various matrix input formats: assembled format; distributed assembled format; elemental format. - Partial factorization and Schur complement matrix. - Several orderings interfaced : AMD, AMF, PORD, METIS WWW: |
2017-11-14T18:05:42+00:00 | science/pcmsolver |
API for the Polarizable Continuum Model PCMSolver is a quantum chemistry library that aims to: * Provide a plug-and-play library for adding the Polarizable Continuum Model functionality to any quantum chemistry program * Create a playground for easily extending the implementation of the model WWW: |
2017-11-14T04:31:58+00:00 | science/libefp |
Effective fragment potential method in quantum chemistry LIBEFP is a full implementation of the Effective Fragment Potential (EFP) method (EFP can be viewed as an advanced first-principles-based force-field, see Kaliman et al., JCC, 2013). LIBEFP facilitates extension of unique electronic structure methodologies designed for accurate simulations in the gas phase to condensed phases via QM/EFP. LIBEFP is designed to give developers of quantum chemistry software an easy way to add EFP support to their favourite package. WWW: |
2017-11-13T13:10:51+00:00 | www/newsboat |
RSS feed reader for the text console Newsboat is a fork of Newsbeuter, an RSS/Atom feed reader for the text console. The only difference is that Newsboat is actively maintained while Newsbeuter isn't. WWW: |
2017-11-13T06:08:40+00:00 | science/dkh |
Wolf, Reiher, and Hess's Douglas-Kroll-Hess relativistic correction Computation of Wolf, Reiher, and Hess's Douglas-Kroll-Hess relativistic correction at 2nd-4th order wrapped in CMake for the Psi4 project. It is based on these publications: * A. Wolf, M. Reiher, B. A. Hess, J. Chem. Phys. 117, 9215 (2002); * M. Reiher, A. Wolf, J. Chem. Phys. 121, 10945 (2004); WWW: |
2017-11-13T02:03:34+00:00 | sysutils/incron |
Handle filesystem-events the way cron handles time ones This program is an "inotify cron" system. It consists of a daemon and a table manipulator. You can use it a similar way as the regular cron. The difference is that the inotify cron handles filesystem events rather than time periods. Written to use (and named after) Linux' "inotify", on BSD it uses the libinotify compatibility layer. WWW: |
2017-11-12T19:27:53+00:00 | lang/owl-lisp |
Functional dialect of Scheme Owl Lisp is a functional dialect of the Scheme programming language. It is mainly based on the applicative subset of the R7RS standard. WWW: |
2017-11-12T19:09:33+00:00 | devel/p5-Method-Signatures |
Method and function declarations with signatures and no source filter Method::Signatures provides two new keywords, func and method, so that you can write subroutines with signatures instead of having to spell out my $self = shift; my($thing) = @_ func is like sub but takes a signature where the prototype would normally go. This takes the place of my($foo, $bar) = @_ and does a whole lot more. method is like func but specifically for making methods. It will automatically provide the invocant as $self (by default). No more my $self = shift. It also allows signatures, very similar to Perl 6 signatures. It also does type checking, understanding all the types that Moose (or Mouse) would understand. And it does all this with no source filters. WWW: |
2017-11-12T09:35:29+00:00 | x11-fonts/font-awesome |
Suite of pictographic icons from Font Awesome (free version) Font Awesome is a suite of pictographic icons for easy scalable vector graphics. This package installs only free OTF fonts suitable for use in X.Org applications. The corresponding web fonts aren't installed. You can find them installed by a lot of other ports. WWW: |
2017-11-11T21:04:08+00:00 | audio/sc3-plugins |
Extension plugins for the SuperCollider3 audio synthesis server Extension plugins for the SuperCollider3 audio synthesis server. These third-party plugins provide additional synthesis, analysis, and other capabilities for the sound server. WWW: |
2017-11-11T20:01:20+00:00 | audio/vmpk |
Virtual MIDI Piano Keyboard Virtual MIDI Piano Keyboard is a MIDI events generator and receiver. It doesn't produce any sound by itself, but can be used to drive a MIDI synthesizer (either hardware or software, internal or external). You can use the computer's keyboard to play MIDI notes, and also the mouse. You can use the Virtual MIDI Piano Keyboard to display the played MIDI notes from another instrument or MIDI file player. To do so, connect the other MIDI port to the input port of VMPK. WWW: |
2017-11-11T19:57:17+00:00 | net/czmq4 |
High-level C Binding for ZeroMQ (Version 4) High-level C bindings for ZeroMQ, version 4. WWW: |
2017-11-11T18:32:46+00:00 | security/botan2 |
Portable, easy to use and efficient C++ crypto library Botan is a crypto library written in C++. It provides a variety of cryptographic algorithms, including common ones such as AES, MD5, SHA, HMAC, RSA, Diffie-Hellman, DSA, and ECDSA, as well as many others that are more obscure or specialized. It also offers X.509v3 certificates and CRLs, and PKCS #10 certificate requests. A message processing system that uses a filter/pipeline metaphor allows for many common cryptographic tasks to be completed with just a few lines of code. Assembly optimizations for common CPUs, including x86, x86-64, and PowerPC, offers further speedups for critical tasks such as SHA-1 hashing and multiple precision integer operations. Botan is licensed under the same permissive terms as FreeBSD itself. WWW: |
2017-11-11T18:26:15+00:00 | audio/abgate-lv2 |
Noise gate LV2 plugin abGate is LV2 noise gate plugin. WWW: |
2017-11-11T17:08:49+00:00 | sysutils/u-boot-sopine |
U-Boot loader and related files for the Sopine. To install this bootloader on an sdcard just do: dd if=/usr/local/share/u-boot/u-boot-sopine/u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin of=/path/to/sdcarddevice bs=128k seek=1 conv=sync For information about running FreeBSD on Allwinner boards, see WWW: |
2017-11-11T14:49:27+00:00 | audio/yoshimi |
Sophisticated software synthesizer Yoshimi is an algorithmic MIDI software synthesizer, originally forked from ZynAddSubFX. It synthesizes in real time, can run polyphonic or monophonic, with multiple simultaneous patches on one or more MIDI channels, and has broad microtonal capability. It includes extensive addititive, subtractive, and pad synth capabilities which can be run simultaneously within the same patch. It also has eight audio effects modules. WWW: |
2017-11-11T14:43:33+00:00 | audio/amsynth |
Analog modelling software synth Amsynth is an analog modelling (a.k.a virtual analog) software synthesizer. It mimics the operation of early analog subtractive synthesizers with classic oscillator waveforms, envelopes, filter, modulation and effects. WWW: |
2017-11-11T08:38:39+00:00 | audio/libmusicxml |
Library and tools for the MusicXML format The MusicXML format represents common Western musical notation from the 17th century onwards. It is an xml format that organizes the music into a header followed by the core music data. WWW: |
2017-11-11T08:35:55+00:00 | audio/gxplugins-lv2 |
Set of LV2 plugins from the guitarix project This repository contains several LV2 plugins. * GxBottleRocket.lv2 * GxGuvnor.lv2 * GxHotBox.lv2 * GxHyperion.lv2 * GxQuack.lv2 * GxSD1.lv2 * GxSD2Lead.lv2 * GxSVT.lv2 * GxSaturator.lv2 * GxSlowGear.lv2 * GxSuperFuzz.lv2 * GxSuppaToneBender.lv2 * GxToneMachine.lv2 * GxUVox720k.lv2 * GxVBassPreAmp.lv2 * GxVintageFuzzMaster.lv2 * GxVmk2.lv2 * GxVoodoFuzz.lv2 WWW: |
2017-11-11T08:32:25+00:00 | audio/polyphone |
Graphical user interface for editing soundfont (sf2 and sfz) files Polyphone is a free software for editing soundfonts in format sf2. These files contain a multitude of audio samples put together and configured so as to form musical instruments that can be used by synthesizers such as fluidsynth and played using a MIDI keyboard. WWW: |
2017-11-11T08:15:42+00:00 | multimedia/py-mido |
MIDI Objects for Python Mido is a library for working with MIDI messages and ports. It's designed to be as straightforward and Pythonic as possible. WWW: |
2017-11-11T08:11:36+00:00 | audio/invada-studio-plugins-lv2 |
Set of LV2 audio effect plugins, ported from VST The following plugins are included: * Delay Plugins - Delay Munge - Mono and Stereo * Distortion Plugins - Tube - Mono and Stereo * Dynamics Plugins - Compressor - Mono and Stereo * Filter Plugins - Low Pass Mono and Stereo - High Pass Mono and Stereo * Phaser Plugins - Stereo Phaser - Mono In / Stereo In / Sum L+R In * Reverb Plugins - ER Reverb - Mono In / Sum L+R In * Utility Plugins - Input Module - Meters - Test Tones WWW: |
2017-11-11T08:08:16+00:00 | multimedia/simplescreenrecorder |
Screen video recorder A program that can record programs and games. Features: * Graphical user interface (Qt-based). * Faster than VLC and ffmpeg/avconv. * Records the entire screen or part of it, or records OpenGL applications directly (similar to Fraps on Windows). * Synchronizes audio and video properly (a common issue with VLC and ffmpeg/avconv). * Reduces the video frame rate if your computer is too slow (rather than using up all your RAM like VLC does). * Fully multithreaded: small delays in any of the components will never block the other components, resulting is smoother video and better performance on computers with multiple processors. * Pause and resume recording at any time (either by clicking a button or by pressing a hotkey). * Shows statistics during recording (file size, bit rate, total recording time, actual frame rate, ...). * Can show a preview during recording, so you don't waste time recording something only to figure out afterwards that some setting was wrong. * Supports many different codecs and file formats (adding more is trivial). * Can also do live streaming (experimental). WWW: |
2017-11-11T08:01:16+00:00 | audio/drumstick |
MIDI libraries for Qt5/C++ Drumstick is a tool to play music. This is a set of C++ MIDI libraries using Qt5 objects, idioms and style. It contains a C++ wrapper around software support for MIDI. A complementary library provides classes for SMF (Standard MIDI files: .MID/.KAR), Cakewalk (.WRK), and Overture (.OVE) file formats processing. A multiplatform realtime MIDI I/O library is also provided. WWW: |
2017-11-11T07:31:58+00:00 | misc/unicode-emoji |
Unicode emoji data files The collection of emoji data files for UTR #51 Unicode Emoji. Emoji are pictographs (pictorial symbols) that are typically presented in a colorful form and used inline in text. They represent things such as faces, weather, vehicles and buildings, food and drink, animals and plants, or icons that represent emotions, feelings, or activities. WWW: |
2017-11-10T22:21:18+00:00 | audio/triceratops-lv2 |
Polyphonic synthesizer LV2 plugin Triceratops is an analogue style polyphonic subtractive synthesizer plugin, for use with the LV2 plug architecture, at this time there is no standalone version. An up to date version of the LV2 library is required along with a suitable host (e.g. Qtractor, Jalv, Ardour), I highly recommend either the KXstudio distro or the KXstudio ubuntu repositories! The intention is for this synth to be part of a suite including a drum machine (Stegosaurus) and a wavetable synth (Dracorex), watch this space. WWW: |
2017-11-10T22:16:48+00:00 | audio/jalv-select |
Little app to select lv2 plugins to run with jalv A little gtkmm GUI to select lv2 plugins from a list and run them with jalv. Features: * select jalv interpreter from combo box * select LV2 plugin from list * select preset to load from menu * search plugins by regex or plugin class * reload lilv world to catch new installed plugins or presets * load plugin with selected preset * minimize app to systray (global Hotkey SHIFT+ESCAPE) * wake up app from systray (global Hotkey SHIFT+ESCAPE) * left mouse click on systray to show or hide app * right mouse click to show quit menu item * command-line start-up options * command-line runtime options * keyboard shortcuts WWW: |
2017-11-10T21:55:26+00:00 | science/py-qspin |
Learn quantum spin and entanglement This is a little package that will help with learning how quantum spin and entanglement work. It is meant to complement some of the "theoretical minimum" lectures and other web resources. * * * * Book: Quantum Mechanics - The Theoretical Minimum, Leanoard Susskind and Art Friedman, Basic Books, 2014. (mostly chapters 6&7) * and lecture 7 WWW: |
2017-11-10T21:51:07+00:00 | audio/fomp-lv2 |
LV2 port of the MCP, VCO, FIL, and WAH plugins by Fons Adriaensen Fomp is an LV2 port of the MCP, VCO, FIL, and WAH plugins by Fons Adriaensen. There are 13 plugins in total: 1 auto-wah, 1 EQ, 3 chorus, 5 filters, and 3 oscillators. The plugin implementations are identical to their LADSPA forebears, except the primary frequency port of oscillators and filters has been converted to Hz to facilitate use in any host without assuming the hidden tuning frequency of AlsaModularSynth. All other frequency ports remain as they were, using octaves for faithful Moog-like modulation. Aside from that, the main benefit of these LV2 ports is improved metadata: CV ports are distinguishable from audio ports, controls have units where applicable, documentation is built-in for display in host UIs, and so on. The oscillators and filters are mainly useful in modular synthesizers, but since CV ports are distinct from audio ports, they should work fine in non-modular hosts as well. WWW: |
2017-11-10T18:57:07+00:00 | devel/pybind11 |
Seamless interoperability between C++11 and Python (cmake part) A lightweight header-only library to create Python bindings of existing C++ code. Its goals and syntax are similar to the excellent Boost.Python library by David Abrahams: to minimize boilerplate code in traditional extension modules by inferring type information using compile-time introspection. This is the cmake part of pybind11. WWW: |
2017-11-09T21:17:14+00:00 | www/libresonic-standalone |
Subsonic streaming media server, standalone version Libresonic is a web-based media streamer and jukebox fork of Subsonic. Libresonic instantly transports your media to any HTTP connected device regardless of bitrate. You can stream to multiple players simultaneously. Libresonic is designed to handle very large music collections. By using transcoder plug-ins, Libresonic supports on-the-fly conversion and streaming of virtually any audio format, including MP3, OGG, WMA, FLAC, APE and more. WWW: |
2017-11-09T07:21:44+00:00 | net-p2p/monero-cli |
Private, secure, untraceable, decentralised digital currency (CLI) Monero is a secure, private, and untraceable cryptocurrency. It is open-source and accessible to all. With Monero, you are your own bank. Only you control and are responsible for your funds. Your accounts and transactions are kept private from prying eyes. This is the command line interface from WWW: |
2017-11-09T05:49:40+00:00 | misc/cldr-emoji-annotation |
Emoji annotation files in CLDR This package contains copies of CLDR annotation files for the versioned tarball: WWW: |
2017-11-08T21:43:21+00:00 | finance/electrum2 |
Easy to use Bitcoin client (legacy version) Electrum is an easy to use Bitcoin client. It protects you from losing coins in a backup mistake or computer failure, because your wallet can be recovered from a secret phrase. There is no waiting time when you start the client, because it does not download the Bitcoin blockchain. WWW: |
2017-11-08T18:53:49+00:00 | www/py3-httplib2 |
2017-11-08T18:53:49+00:00 | textproc/py3-qrcode |
2017-11-08T18:53:49+00:00 | security/py3-pyaes |
2017-11-08T18:53:49+00:00 | security/py3-pbkdf2 |
2017-11-08T18:53:49+00:00 | devel/py3-protobuf |
2017-11-08T07:58:51+00:00 | sysutils/py-superlance |
Superlance plugins for supervisord Superlance is a package of plugin utilities for monitoring and controlling processes that run under supervisor. WWW: |
2017-11-07T22:42:40+00:00 | devel/libsimdpp |
Header-only zero-overhead C++ wrapper of SIMD instructions libsimdpp is a portable header-only zero-overhead C++ wrapper around single-instruction multiple-data (SIMD) intrinsics found in many compilers. The library presents a single interface over several instruction sets in such a way that the same source code may be compiled for different instruction sets. The resulting object files then may be hooked into internal dynamic dispatch mechanism. WWW: |
2017-11-07T22:38:01+00:00 | audio/eteroj-lv2 |
OSC injection/ejection from/to UDP/TCP/Serial for LV2 LV2 plugin bundle from OpenMusicKontrollers: * (De)Cloak Embed OSC in MIDI Sysex messages. Use this to smuggle arbitrary OSC packets via MIDI to a given destination. * Control This is an OSC learn plugin. It translates OSC messages directly to LV2 Control ports and features automatic range detection. * Disk Record/Playback of OSC to/from disk. Record all incoming OSC message with sample accuracy and play them back later from disk. * IO A plugin able to inject/eject OSC packets into/from the plugin graph to/from network and serial lines. * Ninja Embed Turtle RDF in OSC as string. Use this to smuggle arbitrary LV2 atom messages via OSC to a given destination. * (Un)Pack Embed arbitrary 1-3 byte MIDI commands (but Sysex) in OSC messages. Use this to send MIDI commands via OSC to a given destination. * Query This plugin implements our OSC Introspect specification. It thus exports any methods and parameters of a given OSC device transparently to LV2 properties. WWW: |
2017-11-07T22:22:11+00:00 | audio/luppp |
Live looping music creation tool Luppp is a music creation tool, intended for live use. The focus is on real time processing and a fast and intuitive workflow. With extensive MIDI mapping support, you can get looping just how you like! Luppp was formally announced at the Linux Audio Conference 2012 at CCRMA, Stanford University. WWW: |
2017-11-07T21:50:50+00:00 | security/nyx |
Command-line monitor for Tor Nyx is a command-line monitor for Tor. With this you can get detailed real-time information about your relay such as bandwidth usage, connections, logs, and much more. WWW: |
2017-11-07T20:34:37+00:00 | security/py-btchip-python |
Python communication library for Ledger Hardware Wallet Python communication library for Ledger Hardware Wallet. WWW: |
2017-11-07T19:07:07+00:00 | devel/py-jsonrpclib-pelix |
JSON-RPC over HTTP that mirrors xmlrpclib syntax This project is an implementation of the JSON-RPC v2.0 specification (backwards-compatible) as a client library. This version is a fork of jsonrpclib by Josh Marshall, usable with Pelix remote services. WWW: |
2017-11-07T11:11:48+00:00 | devel/aphpunit |
Testing framework for unit tests APHPUnit is a regression testing framework for PHP unit tests. It removes many limitations the standard literature about testing declares for years while making tests very fast. WWW: |
2017-11-06T18:51:08+00:00 | textproc/fzy |
Interactive fuzzy text selector for the terminal Fuzzy finder written on C. fzy is faster and shows better results than other fuzzy finders. Most other fuzzy matchers sort based on the length of a match. fzy tries to find the result the user intended. It does this by favouring matches on consecutive letters and starts of words. This allows matching using acronyms or different parts of the path. fzy is designed to be used both as an editor plugin and on the command line. Rather than clearing the screen, fzy displays its interface directly below the current cursor position, scrolling the screen if necessary. WWW: |
2017-11-06T14:17:56+00:00 | www/node8 |
V8 JavaScript for client and server (8.x LTS) Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient. Node.js' package ecosystem, npm, is the largest ecosystem of open source libraries in the world. WWW: |
2017-11-06T07:53:40+00:00 | x11/pcdm |
QT5 based display manager for FreeBSD QT5 based display manager for FreeBSD WWW: |
2017-11-06T07:51:57+00:00 | sysutils/trueos-libqt5 |
TrueOS QT5 Library TrueOS QT5 Library WWW: |
2017-11-06T07:50:18+00:00 | sysutils/qsudo |
Qt sudo front-end TrueOS Qt sudo front-end. WWW: |
2017-11-06T07:48:22+00:00 | sysutils/pc-networkmanager |
TrueOS Qt based network manager TrueOS Qt Network Manager WWW: |
2017-11-06T07:43:50+00:00 | x11-themes/lumina-themes |
Lumina desktop wallpapers/colors Collection of high-resolution wallpapers and Qt5 color schemes from the Lumina desktop project. WWW: |
2017-11-06T07:40:23+00:00 | net-im/gitterdone |
Gitter Client based on Qt5 GitterDone: A Qt5 front-end to the "Gitter" communications system WWW: |
2017-11-06T06:40:39+00:00 | devel/py-grpcio-tools |
Protobuf code generator for gRPC Protobuf code generator for gRPC. WWW: |
2017-11-05T11:40:37+00:00 | security/tinc-devel |
Virtual Private Network (VPN) daemon tinc is a Virtual Private Network (VPN) daemon that uses tunnelling and encryption to create a secure private network between hosts on the Internet. Because the tunnel appears to the IP level network code as a normal network device, there is no need to adapt any existing software. This tunnelling allows VPN sites to share information with each other over the Internet without exposing any information to others. A single tinc daemon can accept more than one connection at a time, thus making it possible to create larger virtual networks, because some limitations are circumvented. Instead of most other VPN implementations, tinc encapsulates each network packet in its own UDP packet, instead of encapsulating all into one TCP or even PPP over TCP stream. This results in lower latencies, less overhead, and in general better responsiveness and throughput. LICENSE: GPL3 or later with execption to link with OpenSSL WWW: |
2017-11-04T20:57:49+00:00 | audio/infamous-plugins-lv2 |
LV2 plugins for various sound effects Infamous Plugins is a collection of open-source LV2 plugins. It fills some holes, supplying non-existing plugins for linux audio. * Cellular Automaton Synth * Envelope Follower * Hip2B * Cheap Distortion * Stuck * Power Cut * Power Up * EWham * Duffer * Lush Life * Bent Delat WWW: |
2017-11-04T19:48:14+00:00 | x11-toolkits/ntk |
Fork of FLTK 1.3.0 which adds graphics rendering via Cairo, etc NTK is a fork of FLTK 1.3.0 which adds graphics rendering via Cairo, support for transparent/overlapping widgets, streamlining of internals, and some new/improved widgets. WWW: |
2017-11-04T13:53:23+00:00 | audio/rtaudio |
C++ classes that provide a common API for realtime audio input/output A set of C++ classes that provide a common API for realtime audio input/output across Linux (native ALSA, JACK, PulseAudio and OSS), Macintosh OS X (CoreAudio and JACK), and Windows (DirectSound, ASIO and WASAPI) operating systems. WWW: |
2017-11-04T13:49:06+00:00 | devel/py-fastnumbers |
Super-fast and clean conversions to numbers py-fastnumbers provides: * drop-in replacements for the Python built-in int and float that on average are up to 2x faster * a set of convenience functions that wrap the above int and float replacements and provides easy, concise, powerful, fast and flexible error handling * a set of functions that can be used to rapidly identify if an input could be converted to int or float WWW: |
2017-11-04T13:35:45+00:00 | devel/py-pybloomfiltermmap |
Fast Python Bloom Filter using Mmap The goal of pybloomfiltermmap is simple: to provide a fast, simple, scalable, correct library for Bloom Filters in Python. WWW: |
2017-11-03T17:09:20+00:00 | games/tty-solitaire |
Play solitaire in your terminal Ncurses-based klondike solitaire game WWW: |
2017-11-03T16:27:30+00:00 | www/privatebin |
Simple end-to-end encrypting zero-knowledge paste-bin server PrivateBin is a minimalist, open source online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data. Data is encrypted/decrypted in the browser using 256bit AES in Galois Counter mode. This is a fork of ZeroBin, originally developed by Sebastien Sauvage. It was refactored to allow easier and cleaner extensions and has now much more features than the original. It is however still fully compatible to the original ZeroBin 0.19 data storage scheme. Therefore such installations can be upgraded to this fork without losing any data. Since the Javascript code that performs the encryption must be protected during transmission, access to PrivateBin must only be possible over HTTPS (e.g. enforced by use of HSTS and/or HPKP). See for configuration options available in "cfg/conf.php". WWW: |
2017-11-02T16:28:06+00:00 | www/UniversalFeedCreator |
RSS and Atom feed generator by Kai Blankenhorn RSS and Atom feed generator by Kai Blankenhorn WWW: |
2017-11-02T06:09:42+00:00 | sysutils/py-filelock |
Platform independent file lock This package contains a single module, which implements a platform independent file lock in Python. The lock includes a lock counter and is thread safe. This means, when locking the same lock object twice, it will not block. WWW: |
2017-11-01T23:03:20+00:00 | deskutils/gpicker |
Program allowing to quickly pick a file in a large project gpicker is a program that allows you to quickly and conveniently pick file in a (possibly very large) project. You type significant letters of file name (typically from the start of words) and gpicker provides you with a list of files you most likely mean to pick. The program filters and orders project's list of files in real-time as you type. WWW: |
2017-11-01T22:59:24+00:00 | audio/foo-yc20 |
Faust implementation of a 1969-designed Yamaha combo organ, the YC-20 This is a Faust implementation of a 1969-designed Yamaha combo organ, the YC-20. In addition to the Faust code, it has a Gtkmm UI with Jack audio and midi support. Original YC-20 organs have a touch vibrato control, which is vibrato induced by horizontal movement of the keys. As there very few (almost none) midi keyboards which produce such information, this feature has been left out of the emulation. Instead of the touch vibrato control, the control panel hosts a "realism" switch. WWW: |
2017-11-01T20:20:45+00:00 | audio/py-pysndfile |
Cython wrapper class for reading/writing soundfiles using libsndfile pysndfile is a python package providing PySndfile, a Cython wrapper class around libsndfile. PySndfile provides methods for reading and writing a large variety of soundfile formats on a variety of plattforms. PySndfile provides a rather complete access to the different sound file manipulation options that are available in libsndfile. Due to the use of libsndfile nearly all sound file formats, (besides mp3 and derived formats) can be read and written with PySndfile. The interface has been designed such that a rather large subset of the functionality of libsndfile can be used, notably the reading and writing of strings into soundfile formats that support these, and a number of sf_commands that allow to control the way libsndfile reads and writes the samples. One of the most important ones is the use of the clipping command. WWW: |
2017-10-31T22:55:39+00:00 | sysutils/smart |
Output disk SMART values The format and location of SMART / health data varies across protocols. To simplify the output, this application uses a Dumb Unified Model of SMART Buffers. In this model, SMART data is located in one or more log pages. Each page contains one or more values ("attributes") differentiated by an ID. Note that ID's are only unique within a log page. Thus, the application outputs: <Log Page ID> <Attribute ID> <Attribute value> for each selected attribute. See the shell scripts atasmart, nvmesmart, and scsismart for examples of parsing the output. WWW: |
2017-10-31T20:30:15+00:00 | java/wildfly11 |
Replacement for JBoss Application Server WildFly is a flexible, lightweight, managed application runtime that helps you build amazing applications. WildFly - new name for JBoss Application Server Fast Startup Small Footprint Modular Design Unified Configuration and Management And of course Java EE! WWW: |
2017-10-31T15:45:59+00:00 | www/p5-WebService-MusicBrainz0 |
Perl interface to MusicBrainz This is a Perl interface to the MusicBrainz API. WWW: |
2017-10-30T09:44:12+00:00 | audio/cava |
Console-based Audio Visualizer for MPD, PulseAudio, and sndio C.A.V.A. is a bar spectrum audio visualizer for the terminal using PulseAudio, sndio or fifo buffer for input. This program is not intended for scientific use. It's written to look responsive and aesthetic when used to visualize music. WWW: |
2017-10-30T07:36:01+00:00 | sysutils/fusefs-ext2 |
FUSE module to mount ext2, ext3 and ext4 with read write support Fuse-ext2 is a multi OS FUSE module to mount ext2, ext3 and ext4 file system devices and/or images with read write support. WWW: |
2017-10-29T17:54:47+00:00 | net/p5-IPv6-Address |
IPv6 Address Manipulation Library IPv6 Address Manipulation Library WWW: |
2017-10-29T09:20:57+00:00 | graphics/gmic-qt |
Versatile Qt front-end to GMIC G'MIC-Qt is a versatile front-end to the image processing framework G'MIC. It is in fact a plugin for GIMP, as well as a standalone application. WWW: |
2017-10-28T12:17:49+00:00 | astro/sunwait |
Calculate sunrise and sunset Sunwait is a small C program for calculating sunrise and sunset, as well as civil, nautical, and astronomical twilights. It has features that make it useful for home automation tasks. WWW: |
2017-10-27T15:52:10+00:00 | java/jattach |
JVM dynamic attach utility The utility to send commands to remote JVM via Dynamic Attach mechanism. All-in-one jmap + jstack + jcmd + jinfo functionality in a single tiny program. No installed JDK required, works with just JRE. This is the lightweight native version of HotSpot Attach API WWW: |
2017-10-27T15:48:10+00:00 | x11-toolkits/qtermwidget-l10n |
Translations of Qtermwidget Translations of QTermWidget WWW: |
2017-10-27T15:31:57+00:00 | comms/tio |
Simple TTY terminal I/O application Simple TTY terminal application which features a straightforward commandline interface to easily connect to TTY devices for basic input/output. WWW: |
2017-10-27T11:58:20+00:00 | devel/hexd |
Colourful, human-friendly hexdump tool hexd prints a human-readable hexdump of the specified files, or standard input if omitted. Its main distinguishing feature is the use of colours to visually indicate which range of values an octet belongs to, aiding in spotting patterns in binary data. WWW: |
2017-10-27T10:15:27+00:00 | devel/codeblocks-devel |
Open source, cross-platform, free C/C++ IDE Code::Blocks is an open source, cross-platform and free C/C++ IDE. It is build using the wxWidgets GUI library. The WEB site states: "Code::Blocks is a free C++ IDE built specifically to meet the most demanding needs of its users. It was designed, right from the start, to be extensible and configurable." WWW: |
2017-10-26T22:34:30+00:00 | devel/llbuild |
Low-level build system, used by the Swift Package Manager llbuild is a set of libraries for building build systems. Unlike most build system projects which focus on the syntax for describing the build, llbuild is designed around a reusable, flexible, and scalable general purpose build engine capable of solving many "build system"-like problems. The project also includes additional libraries on top of that engine which provide support for constructing bespoke build systems (like swift build) or for building from Ninja manifests. WWW: |
2017-10-26T11:34:01+00:00 | www/py-requests-cache |
Persistent cache for requests library Requests-cache is a transparent persistent cache for requests (version >= 1.1.0) library. Features: * Transparent caching * Persistence (with support for SQLite, MongoDB or Redis) * Cached object expiration WWW: |
2017-10-25T16:12:04+00:00 | dns/bind912 |
BIND DNS suite with updated DNSSEC and DNS64 BIND version 9 is a major rewrite of nearly all aspects of the underlying BIND architecture. Some of the important features of BIND 9 are: DNS Security: DNSSEC (signed zones), TSIG (signed DNS requests) IP version 6: Answers DNS queries on IPv6 sockets, IPv6 resource records (AAAA) Experimental IPv6 Resolver Library DNS Protocol Enhancements: IXFR, DDNS, Notify, EDNS0 Improved standards conformance Views: One server process can provide multiple "views" of the DNS namespace, e.g. an "inside" view to certain clients, and an "outside" view to others. Multiprocessor Support See the CHANGES file for more information on new features. WWW: |
2017-10-25T15:08:50+00:00 | net/file2pcap |
Tool to make packet captures containing the content of specified file The File2pcap tool allows you to make various types of packet captures containing the content of any file that you specify. Supported protocols: HTTP, HTTP/2, SMTP, POP3, IMAP, FTP WWW: |
2017-10-25T03:01:56+00:00 | sysutils/mkdesktop |
Set up any desktop under FreeBSD with ease Easily set up a desktop under FreeBSD using ncurses. WWW: |
2017-10-23T20:46:08+00:00 | security/pwned-check |
Check whether password is known to have been exposed in a data breach Pwned Passwords are hundreds of millions of real world passwords exposed in data breaches. This exposure makes them unsuitable for ongoing use as they are at much greater risk of being used to take over other accounts. This script offers 2 methods to check whether a password has been exposed in an uncovered breach: 1) Online check implemented in such a way that the password to be checked does not need to be sent to the remote database server. 2) Local check against a copy of the pawned passwords database. Since the local copy of the database requires nearly 20 GB of disk space (and a download of more than 10 GB of compressed data) the access via the online check should be preferred, if the compatible with operational and security requirements. WWW: |
2017-10-23T06:49:03+00:00 | net/deviceatlas-enterprise-c |
DeviceAtlas Device Detection C API DeviceAtlas Device Detection C API DeviceAtlas provides industrial grade device identification using HTTP headers, and by adding device intelligence to HAProxy a richer configuration is possible, allowing administrators to make decisions based on device type amongst other properties. WWW: |
2017-10-22T15:35:25+00:00 | graphics/pixd |
Visualize binary data in terminal Pixd visualizes binary data by mapping each octet to a colour according to a palette, displaying the octet at a given number of columns per line. WWW: |
2017-10-22T01:34:21+00:00 | mail/spfmilter |
SPF milter for sendmail Spfmilter implements the Sender Policy Framework (SPF) as a sendmail milter, using either the libspf or libspf2 libraries. WWW: |
2017-10-21T21:12:03+00:00 | www/elixir-html_sanitize_ex |
HTML sanitizer for Elixir html_sanitize_ex provides a fast and straightforward HTML Sanitizer written in Elixir which lets you include HTML authored by third-parties in your web application while protecting against XSS. WWW: |
2017-10-21T20:22:31+00:00 | devel/elixir-trailing_format_plug |
Elixir plug to support rails-like trailing format in APIs An Elixir plug to support legacy APIs that use a rails-like trailing format. WWW: |
2017-10-21T19:59:00+00:00 | devel/elixir-cachex |
Caching library for Elixir A powerful caching library for Elixir with support for transactions, fallbacks, and expirations. WWW: |
2017-10-21T19:55:38+00:00 | devel/elixir-eternal |
Elixir supervisor for ETS tables Keep your ETS tables running forever using bouncing GenServers in Elixir. WWW: |
2017-10-21T19:53:08+00:00 | devel/elixir-deppie |
Deprecation logger for Elixir Deppie is a minimal deprecation logger for Elixir. The intent is to provide a very fast way to emit a deprecation message the first time a function is called. WWW: |
2017-10-21T16:57:53+00:00 | biology/iqtree |
Efficient phylogenomic software by maximum likelihood IQ-TREE is efficient and versatile phylogenomic software, created as the successor of IQPNNI and TREE-PUZZLE (thus the name IQ-TREE). Development was motivated by the rapid accumulation of phylogenomic data, leading to a need for efficient phylogenomic software that can handle a large amount of data and provide more complex models of sequence evolution. To this end, IQ-TREE can utilize multicore computers and distributed parallel computing to speed up the analysis. IQ-TREE automatically performs checkpointing to resume an interrupted analysis. As input IQ-TREE accepts all common sequence alignment formats including PHYLIP, FASTA, Nexus, Clustal and MSF. As output IQ-TREE will write a self-readable report file (name suffix .iqtree), a NEWICK tree file (.treefile) which can be visualized by tree viewer programs such as FigTree, Dendroscope or iTOL. WWW: |
2017-10-20T16:01:58+00:00 | net-im/pidgin-rocketchat |
Rocket.Chat Plugin for libpurple pidgin-rocketchar is libpurple plugin which adds support for Rocket.Char to the users who use pidgin WWW: |
2017-10-20T06:52:03+00:00 | games/open-adventure |
Modernized version of the original Colossal Cave Adventure game The original Colossal Cave Adventure from 1976 was the origin of all text adventures, dungeon-crawl (computer) games, and computer-hosted role-playing games. This is the last version released by Crowther & Woods, its original authors, in 1995. It has been known as "adventure 2.5" and "430-point adventure". WWW: |
2017-10-20T00:01:04+00:00 | devel/py-cdg |
Library for working with call- and data-flow graphs ``cdg`` is a library for working with call- and data-flow graphs. WWW: |
2017-10-19T20:35:31+00:00 | dns/p5-Net-DNS-Resolver-Mock |
Mock a DNS Resolver object for testing Net::DNS::Resolver::Mock is a subclass of Net::DNS::Resolver which parses a zonefile for it's data source. Primarily for use in testing. WWW: |
2017-10-19T17:41:39+00:00 | devel/rubygem-strong_migrations |
Catch unsafe migrations at dev time This gem catches the following unsafe migrations: - adding a column with a non-null default value to an existing table - changing the type of a column - renaming a table - renaming a column - removing a column - adding an index non-concurrently (Postgres only) - adding a json column to an existing table (Postgres only) WWW: |
2017-10-19T17:41:39+00:00 | devel/rubygem-statsd-ruby |
Ruby Statsd client that is not port of the Python implementation statsd-ruby is statsd client, written in, you guessed it, Ruby. Is is not a direct port of the Python example code. Statsd is a daemon for easy, but powerful stats aggregation. WWW: |
2017-10-19T17:41:39+00:00 | devel/rubygem-nsa-rails5 |
Deliver Rails ActiveSupport::Notifications to a Statsd backend Listen to Rails ActiveSupport::Notifications and deliver to a Statsd backend. This gem also supports writing your own custom collectors. WWW: |
2017-10-19T13:10:48+00:00 | graphics/ptex |
Per face texture library Ptex is a per-face texture mapping system developed by Walt Disney Animation Studios. Ptex applies a separate texture to each face of a polygon mesh. It's file format can efficiently store hundreds of thousands of texture images in a single file. WWW: |
2017-10-18T22:48:43+00:00 | mail/py-afew |
Initial tagging script for Notmuch mail This is an initial tagging script for notmuch mail. Its basic task is to provide automatic tagging each time new mail is registered with notmuch. In a classic setup, you might call it after 'notmuch new' in an offlineimap post sync hook. It can do basic thing such as adding tags based on email headers or maildir folders, handling killed threads and spam. In move mode, afew will move mails between maildir folders according to configurable rules that can contain arbitrary notmuch queries to match against any searchable attributes. WWW: |
2017-10-18T14:47:06+00:00 | deskutils/noti |
Trigger notifications when a process completes Trigger notifications when a process completes. Never sit and wait for some long-running process to finish! noti will alert you when it's done-on your computer or smartphone-so you can stop worrying about constantly checking the terminal. WWW: |
2017-10-17T09:12:06+00:00 | devel/tokei |
Display statistics about your code Tokei is a program that displays statistics about your code. Tokei will show number of files, total lines within those files and code, comments, and blanks grouped by language. It is fast, supports over 100 languages, and correctly handles multi line comments, nested comments, while ignoring comments that are in strings, providing accurate code statistics. WWW: |
2017-10-17T07:37:56+00:00 | sysutils/fusefs-libs3 |
FUSE library version 3 for filesystems implemented in userspace FUSE makes it possible to implement a filesystem in a userspace program. This version 3 of the fuse library is not compatible with file-systems developed for version 2. WWW: |
2017-10-14T18:43:15+00:00 | java/linux-oracle-jre9 |
Oracle Java ${JRE_VERSION} Runtime Environment for Linux The Oracle Java 9 Runtime Environment for Linux. WWW: |
2017-10-14T18:41:06+00:00 | java/linux-oracle-jdk9 |
Oracle Java ${JDK_VERSION} Development Kit for Linux The Oracle Java Development Kit 9 for Linux. WWW: |
2017-10-14T13:15:15+00:00 | dns/dns2blackhole |
Malware Prevention through Domain Blocking Malware Prevention through Domain Blocking (Black Hole) dns2blackhole is a set of Bourne Shell csh scripts that fetch host files from public host file providers that contain the FQDN [ Fully Qualified Domain Names ] of sites that fall into the following categories, adware, malware, exploit, hijackers, harvesters, tracking, phishing, fake news, fraud, spam, sex, porn, gambling, advertisements, misleading marketing, illegal pharmacy, warez/piracy and others. The output of the dns2blackhole scripts is fed directly into the ports/package versions of unbound, named, and dnsmask DNS servers to block those FQDN thus protecting user devices from being compromised or bothered seeing things of no interest. The base built-in version of unbound titled "local_unbound" can also be configured to work using the dns2blackhole method. This black hole method is another layer of protection that you can customize to your needs. WWW: |
2017-10-14T12:58:24+00:00 | net/traefik |
High availability reverse proxy and load balancer Traefik (pronounced like traffic) is a modern HTTP reverse proxy and load balancer made to deploy microservices with ease. It supports several backends (Docker, Swarm mode, Kubernetes, Marathon, Consul, Etcd, Rancher, Amazon ECS, and a lot more) to manage its configuration automatically and dynamically. WWW: |
2017-10-14T10:49:43+00:00 | devel/arduino-openglcd |
GLCD Graphical LCD Library A Graphical LCD library for Arduino openGLCD makes it easy to use Graphical LCDs (GLCD) with Arduino. The library supports several different Arduino platforms and is easy to integrate with different glcd panels. The configuration mechanism allows using a broad range of GLCD panels and Arduino controllers. WWW: |
2017-10-14T07:21:17+00:00 | mail/py-premailer |
Turns CSS blocks into style attributes Python module to support CSS and HTML-based email formatting. WWW: |
2017-10-14T07:09:11+00:00 | net-mgmt/py-pynsca |
Python NSCA (Nagios Service Check Acceptor) library Implements an NSCA (Nagios Service Check Acceptor) client in Python. WWW: |
2017-10-13T06:12:53+00:00 | net/cppzmq |
C++ bindings for 0MQ C++ bindings for 0MQ WWW: |
2017-10-13T00:37:31+00:00 | math/rexx-regmath |
Two mathematics libraries for Rexx RxMath duplicates the interface of IBM's RxMath library, as well as the library that comes with ARexx (known here as RexxMath). Note that any scripts which load RxMath or RexxMath must be run with the 'regina' command, rather than 'rexx'; the latter does not support the use of external function packages. WWW: |
2017-10-12T19:30:51+00:00 | comms/flcluster |
Management tool for accessing dxcluster nodes flcluster is a stand alone dx cluster client that will also connect to fldigi and act as the dx cluster client for fldigi. Multiple instances of flcluster can simultaneously connect to fldigi, and fldigi's internal dx cluster client can also be connected at the same time. Connectivity is via a socket interface, so flclient can reside on the same or a different computer on the LAN or WAN so long as it is possible to establish the socket (xmlrpc) connection. Join linuxham or NBEMSham at or win-fldigi at Yahoo group for support, news and updates on W1HKJ software: WWW: |
2017-10-12T19:00:13+00:00 | databases/py-zodbpickle |
Python pickling interface for ZODB zodbpickle presents a uniform pickling interface for ZODB: - Under Python2, this package forks both Python 2.7's pickle and cPickle modules, adding support for the protocol 3 opcodes. It also provides a new subclass of bytes, zodbpickle.binary, which Python2 applications can use to pickle binary values such that they will be unpickled as bytes under Py3k. - Under Py3k, this package forks the pickle module (and the supporting C extension) from both Python 3.2 and Python 3.3. The fork add support for the noload operations used by ZODB. WWW: |
2017-10-12T18:34:47+00:00 | www/py-requests-file |
Transport adapter for use with the Requests Python library Requests-File is a transport adapter for use with the Requests Python library to allow local filesystem access via file:// URLs. WWW: |
2017-10-12T17:53:12+00:00 | devel/py-pid |
Pidfile management for Python Pidfile featuring stale detection and file-locking, can also be used as context-manager or decorator. WWW: |
2017-10-12T17:41:24+00:00 | devel/py-dateutils |
Various utilities for working with date and datetime objects Various utilities for working with date and datetime objects WWW: |
2017-10-12T17:30:49+00:00 | archivers/py-czipfile |
Fast C-based zipfile decryption for Python czipfile is a replacement for Python's builtin "zipfile" module, and provides much faster, C-based zipfile decryption. The code is actually 95% identical to Python 2.6.5's Lib/, with some very minor modifications to allow it to compile in Cython, and the _ZipDecrypter class adapted to take advantage of native C datatypes. WWW: |
2017-10-12T14:02:39+00:00 | databases/zabbix34-libzbxpgsql |
Zabbix agent module for comprehensive monitoring of PostgreSQL servers This project provides comprehensive monitoring of PostgreSQL servers using a natively compiled Zabbix agent module, written in C. The module enables discovery and monitoring of tablespaces, databases, namespaces, tables, indexes, etc. WWW: |
2017-10-12T13:20:23+00:00 | textproc/xsv-rs |
Fast CSV toolkit xsv is a suite of command line utilities for indexing, slicing, analyzing, splitting and joining CSV files. WWW: |
2017-10-12T11:00:49+00:00 | security/cvechecker |
Check CVE database for vulnerabilities affecting installed packages ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The goal of cvechecker is to report about possible vulnerabilities on your system, by scanning a list of installed software and matching results with the CVE database. This is not a bullet-proof method and you may have many false positives (ie: vulnerability is fixed with a revision-release, but the tool isn't able to detect the revision itself), yet it is still better than nothing, especially if you are running a distribution with little security coverage. WWW: |
2017-10-12T08:12:13+00:00 | www/caddy |
Fast, cross-platform HTTP/2 web server with automatic HTTPS Caddy is a powerful, enterprise-ready, open source web server with automatic HTTPS written in Go. Features: - Easy configuration with the Caddyfile - Powerful configuration with JSON config - Dynamic configuration with a JSON API - Config adapters if you don't like JSON - Automatic HTTPS by default - ACME (Let's Encrypt) for public sites - Fully-managed local CA for internal names and IPs - Can coordinate with other Caddy instances in a cluster - HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2, and experimental HTTP/3 support - Actually fun to use WWW: |
2017-10-12T06:44:55+00:00 | security/py-btchip |
Python communication library for Ledger Hardware Wallet Python communication library for Ledger Hardware Wallet. WWW: |
2017-10-11T22:35:28+00:00 | security/py-trezor |
Client side implementation for TREZOR Bitcoin hardware wallets Client side implementation for TREZOR-compatible Bitcoin hardware wallets. WWW: |
2017-10-11T22:35:04+00:00 | security/py-mnemonic |
Implementation of Bitcoin BIP-0039 This BIP describes the implementation of a mnemonic code or mnemonic sentence (a group of easy to remember words) for the generation of deterministic wallets. It consists of two parts: generating the mnenomic, and converting it into a binary seed. This seed can be later used to generate deterministic wallets using BIP-0032 or similar methods. WWW: |
2017-10-11T22:34:31+00:00 | comms/py-hidapi |
Cython interface to comms/hidapi Cython interface to comms/hidapi. WWW: |
2017-10-10T11:47:19+00:00 | security/openssl-unsafe |
Unsafe SSL and crypto library The OpenSSL Project is a collaborative effort to develop a robust, commercial-grade, full-featured, and Open Source toolkit implementing the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL v2/v3) and Transport Layer Security (TLS v1) protocols with full-strength cryptography world-wide. The project is managed by a worldwide community of volunteers that use the Internet to communicate, plan, and develop the OpenSSL tookit and its related documentation. OpenSSL is based on the excellent SSLeay library developed by Eric A. Young and Tim J. Hudson. The OpenSSL toolkit is licensed under an Apache-style licence, which basically means that you are free to get and use it for commercial and non-commercial purposes subject to some simple license conditions. This version of OpenSSL enables all possible features of OpenSSL. The libraries and binaries in this port must be considered vulnerable with known exploits available. Use for testing/scanning only. WWW: WWW: WWW: |
2017-10-10T11:16:33+00:00 | textproc/p5-String-Tagged-Terminal |
Format terminal output using String::Tagged The subclass of String::Tagged provides a method, build_terminal, for outputting the formatting tags embedded in the string as terminal escape sequences, to render the the output in the appropriate style. WWW: |
2017-10-10T11:16:12+00:00 | textproc/p5-String-Tagged |
Sstring buffers with value tags on extents String::Tagged implements an object class, instances of which store a (mutable) string buffer that supports tags. A tag is a name/value pair that applies to some non-empty extent of the underlying string. The types of tag names ought to be strings, or at least values that are well-behaved as strings, as the names will often be used as the keys in hashes or applied to the eq operator. The types of tag values are not restricted - any scalar will do. This could be a simple integer or string, ARRAY or HASH reference, or even a CODE reference containing an event handler of some kind. Tags may be arbitrarily overlapped. Any given offset within the string has in effect, a set of uniquely named tags. Tags of different names are independent. For tags of the same name, only the latest, shortest tag takes effect. WWW: |
2017-10-10T11:16:07+00:00 | graphics/p5-Convert-Color-XTerm |
Indexed colors used by XTerm This subclass of Convert::Color::RGB8 provides lookup of the colors that xterm uses by default. Note that the module is not intelligent enough to actually parse the XTerm configuration on a machine, nor to query a running terminal for its actual colors. It simply implements the colors that are present as defaults in the XTerm source code. It implements the complete 256-color model in XTerm. WWW: |
2017-10-08T15:37:03+00:00 | security/git-remote-gcrypt |
PGP-encrypt git remotes git-remote-gcrypt is a git remote helper to push and pull from repositories encrypted with GnuPG. It works with the standard git transports, including repository hosting services like GitHub. WWW: |
2017-10-08T12:33:16+00:00 | devel/py-subprocess32 |
Backport of the subprocess module from Python 3 This is a backport of the Python 3 subprocess module for use on Python 2. This code has not been tested on Windows or other non-POSIX platforms. subprocess32 includes many important reliability bug fixes relevant on POSIX platforms. The most important of which is a C extension module used internally to handle the code path between fork() and exec(). This module is reliable when an application is using threads. WWW: |
2017-10-07T18:40:56+00:00 | converters/ |
Bencoding and bdecoding implementation This package simply re-packages the existing bencoding and bdecoding implementation from the 'official' BitTorrent client as a separate, light-weight package for re-using them without having the entire BitTorrent software as a dependency. WWW: |
2017-10-07T18:31:16+00:00 | x11/urxvt-font-size |
Perl extension for rxvt-unicode terminal emulator to change font size A perl extension for rxvt-unicode that allows changing the font size on the fly with keyboard shortcuts WWW: |
2017-10-05T18:35:51+00:00 | net-mgmt/pdagent-integrations |
PagerDuty integrations for monitoring monitoring tools This project contains integrations for various monitoring tools with the PagerDuty Agent. It currently includes support for: Nagios Sensu Zabbix WWW: |
2017-10-05T16:35:17+00:00 | emulators/mgba |
Game Boy Advance (GBA) emulator/debugger A modern open source Game Boy Advance emulator, with support for Game Boy and Game Boy Color games as well. The project started in April 2013 with the goal of being fast enough to run on lower end hardware than other emulators support, without sacrificing accuracy or portability. Other goals include accurate enough emulation to provide a development environment for homebrew software, a good workflow for tool-assist runners, and a modern feature set for emulators that older emulators may not support. WWW: |
2017-10-04T17:12:42+00:00 | java/openjfx8-scenebuilder |
JavaFX Scene Builder JavaFX Scene Builder provides a visual layout environment that lets you quickly design user interfaces for JavaFX applications without needing to write any code. It allows simple drag-and-drop positioning of GUI components onto a JavaFX scene. As you build the layout of your UI, the FXML code for the layout is automatically generated. It provides a simple yet intuitive interface that can help even non-programmers to quickly prototype interactive applications that connect GUI components to the application logic. WWW: |
2017-10-03T23:37:18+00:00 | sysutils/puppetserver5 |
Puppet Server running in the JVM Puppet master is a Ruby application that compiles configurations for any number of Puppet agent nodes, using Puppet code and various other data sources. (For more info, see Overview of Puppet's Architecture.) Puppet Server is an application that runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and provides the same services as the classic Puppet master application. It mostly does this by running the existing Puppet master code in several JRuby interpreters, but it replaces some parts of the classic application with new services written in Clojure. WWW: |
2017-10-03T17:33:35+00:00 | devel/p5-Util-Any |
Export any utilities and create your own utility module For the people like the man who cannot remember uniq function is in whether List::Util or List::MoreUtils. And for the newbie who don't know where useful utilities is. WWW: |
2017-10-03T17:21:17+00:00 | devel/p5-List-Pairwise |
Map/grep arrays and hashes pairwise List::Pairwise provides functions to map and grep lists two elements at a time, setting $a and $b to each pair instead of setting $_ to each element. WWW: |
2017-10-03T16:55:20+00:00 | devel/p5-ExportTo |
Export any function/method to any namespace This module allow you to export/override subroutine/method to one namespace. It can be used for mix-in, for extension of modules not using inheritance. WWW: |
2017-10-02T18:24:00+00:00 | www/py-requests-mock |
Mock out responses from the requests package requests-mock provides a building block to stub out the HTTP requests portions of your testing code. WWW: WWW: |
2017-10-02T17:47:28+00:00 | net/quagga-esr |
Free RIPv1, RIPv2, OSPFv2, BGP4, IS-IS route software Quagga is a routing software suite, providing implementations of OSPFv2, OSPFv3, RIP v1 and v2, RIPv3, BGPv4 and experemental ISIS for Unix platforms, particularly FreeBSD and Linux and also NetBSD, to mention a few. Quagga is a fork of GNU Zebra which was developed by KunihiroIshiguro. The Quagga tree aims to build a more involved community around Quagga than the current centralised model of GNU Zebra. WWW: |
2017-10-01T14:44:15+00:00 | sysutils/zrepl |
ZFS dataset replication tool Cross-platform ZFS replication tool written in Go that supports feature detection, bookmarks, and other new features. WWW: |
2017-10-01T09:15:53+00:00 | emulators/ppsspp-qt5-devel |
2017-09-30T15:37:11+00:00 | devel/py-testinfra |
Testinfra python module Serverspec-like for infrastructure testing Testinfra test your infrastructures. With Testinfra you can write unit tests in Python to test *actual state* of your servers configured by management tools like Salt, Ansible, Puppet, Chef and so on. Testinfra aims to be a Serverspec equivalent in python and is written as a plugin to the powerful Pytest test engine. WWW: |
2017-09-30T15:13:32+00:00 | security/sandsifter |
Processor fuzzer for x86 CPUs The sandsifter audits x86 processors for hidden instructions and hardware bugs, by systematically generating machine code to search through a processor's instruction set, and monitoring execution for anomalies. Sandsifter has uncovered secret processor instructions from every major vendor; ubiquitous software bugs in disassemblers, assemblers, and emulators; flaws in enterprise hypervisors; and both benign and security-critical hardware bugs in x86 chips. Run this program under sudo so that it will use the correct directories to store its data. WWW: |
2017-09-30T11:46:05+00:00 | net/rubygem-fog-ovirt |
Module for the 'fog' gem to support oVirt platform Fog::Ovirt is a module for the 'fog' gem to support oVirt virtualization management platform. WWW: |
2017-09-30T11:45:43+00:00 | www/rubygem-rbovirt |
Ruby client for oVirt REST API rubygem-rbovirt is a Ruby client for oVirt REST API. WWW: |
2017-09-30T11:09:19+00:00 | net-mgmt/py-msrestazure |
Azure-specific AutoRest swagger generator Python client runtime AutoRest swagger generator Python client runtime. Azure-specific module. WWW: |
2017-09-30T10:59:11+00:00 | net-mgmt/py-msrest |
AutoRest swagger generator Python client runtime The runtime library "msrest" for AutoRest generated Python clients. WWW: |
2017-09-30T10:50:14+00:00 | net-mgmt/py-adal |
Authentication to Azure Active Directory for Python applications Microsoft Azure Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL) for Python The ADAL for python library makes it easy for python applications to authenticate to AAD in order to access AAD protected web resources. WWW: |
2017-09-30T09:07:09+00:00 | devel/R-cran-sfsmisc |
Utilities from 'Seminar fuer Statistik' ETH Zurich Useful utilities ['goodies'] from Seminar fuer Statistik ETH Zurich, quite a few related to graphics; some were ported from S-plus. WWW: |
2017-09-29T11:52:28+00:00 | sysutils/lscpu |
Display information about the CPU architecture lscpu gathers CPU architecture information about the current CPU. The command output is optimized for parsing or for easy readability by humans. The information includes, for example, the number of CPUs, threads, cores, and sockets. There is also information about the CPU caches, family, model, byte order, and stepping. WWW: |
2017-09-29T09:07:40+00:00 | java/jakarta-commons-lang3 |
Jakarta library with helper utilities for the java.lang API The standard Java libraries fail to provide enough methods for manipulation of its core classes. The Lang Component provides these extra methods. The Lang Component provides a host of helper utilities for the java.lang API, notably String manipulation methods, basic numerical methods, object reflection, creation and serialization, and System properties. Additionally it contains an inheritable enum type, an exception structure that supports multiple types of nested-Exceptions and a series of utlities dedicated to help with building methods, such as hashCode, toString and equals. WWW: |
2017-09-28T20:12:51+00:00 | java/bootstrap-openjdk8 |
Java Development Kit 8 OpenJDK is an open-source implementation of the Java Platform, Standard Edition. Much of the OpenJDK code is licensed under the GPL version 2 with the Classpath exception. The Java Hotspot virtual machine source code is licensed under the GPL version 2 only. WWW: |
2017-09-28T10:39:37+00:00 | devel/rubygem-cucumber-expressions |
Cucumber Expressions for Ruby Cucumber Expressions are simple patterns for matching Step Definitions with Gherkin steps. Cucumber Expressions offer similar functionality to Regular Expressions, with the following improvements: - Improved readability - Custom parameter types - Expression generation WWW: |
2017-09-28T10:38:58+00:00 | devel/rubygem-cucumber-tag_expressions |
Cucumber tag expressions for Ruby Tag Expressions provide a simple query language for tags. The simplest tag expression is simply a single tag. WWW: |
2017-09-27T19:53:20+00:00 | www/py-google-cloud-storage |
Python Client for Google Cloud Storage Google Cloud Storage allows you to store data on Google infrastructure with very high reliability, performance and availability, and can be used to distribute large data objects to users via direct download. WWW: |
2017-09-27T19:48:32+00:00 | www/py-google-resumable-media |
Utilities for Google Media Downloads and Resumable Uploads Utilities for Google Media Downloads and Resumable Uploads. This package has some general purposes modules, e.g. common, but the majority of the public interface will be contained in subpackages. WWW: |
2017-09-27T19:37:31+00:00 | www/py-google-cloud-core |
API Client library for Google Cloud: Core Helpers This library is not meant to stand-alone. Instead it defines common helpers (e.g. base Client classes) used by all of the google-cloud-* packages. WWW: |
2017-09-27T19:21:52+00:00 | devel/py-googleapis-common-protos |
Common protobufs used in Google APIs googleapis-common-protos contains the python classes generated from the common protos in the googleapis repository. WWW: |
2017-09-27T18:58:58+00:00 | www/py-google-auth |
Google Authentication Library This library simplifies using Google's various server-to-server authentication mechanisms to access Google APIs. WWW: |
2017-09-27T16:00:42+00:00 | x11-themes/sddm-freebsd-black-theme |
Simple SDDM theme inspired on the FBSD SLiM theme Simple SDDM theme inspired on the FBSD SLiM theme. This theme was created to make available an option to have a branded x11/sddm. It is following the official FreeBSD logo and colors. The FBSD SLiM theme was used as inpiration. WWW: |
2017-09-27T05:02:16+00:00 | java/bootstrap-openjdk6 |
Java Development Kit 6 OpenJDK is an open-source implementation of the Java Platform, Standard Edition. Much of the OpenJDK code is licensed under the GPL version 2 with the Classpath exception. The Java Hotspot virtual machine source code is licensed under the GPL version 2 only. WWW: |
2017-09-26T19:16:02+00:00 | devel/libght |
GeoHashTree library for storing and accessing multi-dimensional point clouds A file format and library for storing and rapidly accessing point cloud data, in particular LIDAR data. GeoHashTree organizes points into a tree structure for fast spatial access. The tree structure itself encodes the significant bits of at each node, so child nod es can omit them. The result is a smaller file than if all the points were store d with full precision. Each node includes statistical information about the chil dren below (e.g. average/median Z value) permitting fast overview generation. Ad ditional attributes are attached to the tree at parent nodes, below which all ch ildren share the attribute value. This reduces duplicate data storage further. The advantage of a GeoHashTree file over a LAS file is fast access and filtering , since the tree encodes useful information at each node to speed searches over the full set of points in the file. LASZ zipped files can be smaller, but will b e less efficient at overviews, searching and sub-setting. GHT is a good working format for applications that will be filtering and querying large sets of LIDAR data. WWW: |
2017-09-26T19:13:49+00:00 | archivers/lazperf |
Alternative LAZ implementation for C++ and JavaScript Alternative LAZ implementation. It supports compilation and usage in JavaScript, usage in database contexts such as pgpointcloud and Oracle Point Cloud, and it executes faster than the LASzip codebase. WWW: |
2017-09-26T17:51:47+00:00 | databases/pointcloud |
LIDAR types for PostgreSQL A PostgreSQL extension for storing point cloud (LIDAR) data. WWW: |
2017-09-26T15:55:36+00:00 | dns/p5-Net-LibIDN2 |
Perl bindings for GNU Libidn2 Net::LibIDN2 provides bindings for GNU Libidn2, a C library for handling internationalized domain names based on IDNA 2008, Punycode and TR46. WWW: |
2017-09-26T04:56:04+00:00 | devel/py-buildbot-grid-view |
Buildbot Grid View plugin This port is the Grid View Plugin for BuildBot. For the buildmaster, install the devel/buildbot port. For more information, please see: WWW: |
2017-09-25T18:51:17+00:00 | sysutils/syslog-ng312 |
Powerful syslogd replacement syslog-ng is an enhanced log daemon, supporting a wide range of input and output methods: syslog, unstructured text, message queues, databases (SQL and NoSQL alike) and more. Key features: * receive and send RFC3164 and RFC5424 style syslog messages * work with any kind of unstructured data * receive and send JSON formatted messages * classify and structure logs with builtin parsers (csv-parser(), db-parser(), ...) * normalize, crunch and process logs as they flow through the system * hand on messages for further processing using message queues (like AMQP), files or databases (like PostgreSQL or MongoDB). The official home page of syslog-ng is: WWW: |
2017-09-24T19:04:33+00:00 | devel/rubygem-reentrant_flock |
Reentrant/recursive flock for Ruby ReentrantFlock is a reentrant/recursive flock. WWW: |
2017-09-24T19:03:53+00:00 | devel/p5-MooseX-Util |
Moose::Util extensions MooseX::Util is a utility module that handles all of the same functions that Moose::Util handles. In fact, most of the functions exported by this package are simply re-exports from Moose::Util, so you're recommended to read the documentation of that module for a comprehensive view. WWW: |
2017-09-24T19:03:25+00:00 | devel/p5-MooseX-TraitFor-Meta-Class-BetterAnonClassNames |
Metaclass trait to demystify generated anonymous class names MooseX::TraitFor::Meta::Class::BetterAnonClassNames is a metaclass trait to attempt to demystify generated anonymous class names. WWW: |
2017-09-23T14:29:58+00:00 | chinese/gcin-qt5 |
Traditional Chinese input utility in X gcin is a Gtk Chinese INput application in X, well support in Traditional Chinese(Big5) charsets. WWW: |
2017-09-23T14:29:14+00:00 | chinese/gcin-qt4 |
Traditional Chinese input utility in X gcin is a Gtk Chinese INput application in X, well support in Traditional Chinese(Big5) charsets. WWW: |
2017-09-23T14:26:43+00:00 | chinese/gcin-gtk3 |
Traditional Chinese input utility in X gcin is a Gtk Chinese INput application in X, well support in Traditional Chinese(Big5) charsets. WWW: |
2017-09-22T22:03:32+00:00 | devel/xtoolchain-llvm50 |
2017-09-22T15:49:40+00:00 | net/rubygem-gitaly-proto |
Protobuf specifications and client libraries for Gitaly Gitaly is part of GitLab. It is a server application that uses its own gRPC protocol to communicate with its clients. This repository contains the protocol definition and automatically generated wrapper code for Go and Ruby. The .proto files define the remote procedure calls for interacting with Gitaly. We keep auto-generated client libraries for Ruby and Go in their respective subdirectories. Use the make generate script from the root of the repository to regenerate the client libraries after updating .proto files. WWW: |
2017-09-22T15:49:35+00:00 | devel/rubygem-grape_logging |
Request logging for Grape This gem provides simple request logging for Grape with just few lines of code you have to put in your project! In return you will get response codes, paths, parameters and more! WWW: |
2017-09-22T14:57:41+00:00 | shells/xonsh |
Python-ish BASH-wards shell xonsh is a Python-ish, BASHwards-looking shell language and command prompt. The language is a superset of Python 3.4+ with additional shell primitives. xonsh (pronounced conch) is meant for the daily use of experts and novices alike. WWW: |
2017-09-21T14:33:48+00:00 | devel/rubygem-bootstrap_form |
Form builder using Twitter Bootstrap 3+ Rails Bootstrap Forms is a rails form builder that makes it super easy to integrate twitter bootstrap-style forms into your rails application. WWW: |
2017-09-21T14:30:35+00:00 | devel/rubygem-rails-i18n-4 |
Common locale data and translations for Rails i18n A set of common locale data and translations to internationalize and/or localize your Rails applications. WWW: |
2017-09-20T16:31:19+00:00 | devel/rubygem-xdg |
XDG Base Directory Standard Library for Ruby XDG provides an easy to use Ruby library for working with XDG standards. Presently, it only supports the XDG Base Directory Standard. If your program utilizes user or system-wide support files (e.g. configuration files), you owe it to yourself to checkout the XDG base directory standard. You can learn more about the standard at: WWW: |
2017-09-20T01:55:00+00:00 | net/py-wmi-query |
Python scripts to get wmi data classes in a dict Simple Python lib to get wmi data classes in a dict. The script wmi_query make a query and print on the screen the wmi class object. Both keys and values will be printed for each object returned by the query. WWW: |
2017-09-19T19:48:30+00:00 | databases/pgroonga |
Open-source fulltext search engine for PostGRESQL PGroonga is a PostgreSQL extension. PGroonga provides a new index access method that uses Groonga. Groonga is an embeddable super fast full text search engine. It can be embedded into MySQL. Mroonga is a storage engine that is based on Groonga. Groonga can also work as standalone search engine. PostgreSQL supports full text search against languages that use only alphabet and digit. It means that PostgreSQL doesn't support full text search against Japanese, Chinese and so on. You can use super fast full text search feature against all languages by installing PGroonga into your PostgreSQL! WWW: |
2017-09-19T16:49:12+00:00 | databases/mroonga |
Open-source fulltext search engine for MySQL Mroonga is a storage engine for MySQL. It provides fast fulltext search feature for all languages including Chinese, Japanese and Korean to all MySQL users. Mroonga was called Groonga storage engine. WWW: |
2017-09-18T17:45:33+00:00 | x11/lumina-coreutils |
Lumina Desktop Environment Core utilities for the Lumina Desktop. This includes the following utilities: * lumina-config (graphical interface for the desktop settings) * lumina-xconfig (graphical interface for monitor settings) * lumina-search (file/utility find and launch) WWW: |
2017-09-18T17:45:33+00:00 | x11/lumina-core |
Lumina Desktop Environment The Lumina Desktop Environment is a lightweight system interface that is designed for use on any Unix-like operating system. It takes a plugin-based approach, allowing the entire interface to be assembled or arranged by each individual user as desired, with a system-wide default layout which can be customized by the system administrator. This allows every system (or user session) to be designed to maximize the individual user's productivity. WWW: |
2017-09-18T17:45:33+00:00 | deskutils/lumina-xdg-entry |
XDG desktop entry creator from the Lumina Desktop XDG desktop entry creator from the Lumina Desktop. WWW: |
2017-09-18T17:45:33+00:00 | deskutils/lumina-textedit |
Plaintext editor from the Lumina Desktop Plaintext editor from the Lumina Desktop. Capabilities: * Syntax highlighting for various file formats * Multiple file support via tabs. * Find/replace support * Line numbers and line wrap support WWW: |
2017-09-18T17:45:33+00:00 | deskutils/lumina-screenshot |
Screenshot utility from the Lumina Desktop Screenshot utility from the Lumina Desktop. WWW: |
2017-09-18T17:45:33+00:00 | deskutils/lumina-notify |
Alarm/notification utility from the Lumina Desktop Notification utility from the Lumina Desktop WWW: |
2017-09-18T17:45:33+00:00 | deskutils/lumina-mediaplayer |
Streaming media player from the Lumina Desktop Streaming media player from the Lumina Desktop. Capabilities: * Stream music from the Pandora online radio service (requires "pianobar") * Find and play local audio/video file formats WWW: |
2017-09-18T17:45:33+00:00 | deskutils/lumina-fm |
Insight file manager from the Lumina Desktop The Insight file manager from the Lumina Desktop. Capabilities: * Standard File Manager Stuff (cut/copy/paste/move/rename files and directories) * Bookmarks for commonly used locations on your system (great for saving network shares accessed through /net) * ZFS snapshot browsing - view/restore files from the past via a "time-slider" * Multiple tab browser, with up to two side-by-side directories per tab * Image slideshow - click through all the image files in a directory * Multimedia Player - play multimedia files from a directory WWW: |
2017-09-18T17:45:33+00:00 | deskutils/lumina-fileinfo |
File properties utility from the Lumina Desktop The file information utility from the Lumina Desktop. This can be used to view details about individual files in addition to permitting the user to easily modify XDG *.desktop entries. NOTE: Installing this utility will enable more options within the insight file manager lumina-fm, as well as the Lumina desktop itself lumina-core. WWW: |
2017-09-18T17:45:33+00:00 | deskutils/lumina-calculator |
Scientific calculator from the Lumina Desktop Scientific calculator from the Lumina Desktop. WWW: |
2017-09-18T17:45:33+00:00 | deskutils/lumina-archiver |
Archive manager from the Lumina Desktop The archive manager from the Lumina desktop environment. This is a graphical front-end to a couple base OS utilities: * "tar" is used for all archive/file interactions * "dd" is used for burning IMG files to removable devices. WWW: |
2017-09-17T20:59:37+00:00 | devel/pijul |
Distributed version control system Pijul is a version control system based on patches, that can mimic the behaviour and workflows of both Git and Darcs, but contrarily to those systems, Pijul is based on a mathematically sound theory of patches. Pijul was started out of frustration that no version control system was at the same time fast and sound: - Git has non-associative merges, which might lead to security problems. Concretely, this means that the commits you merge might not be the same as the ones you review and test. - Handling of conflicts: Pijul has an explicit internal representation of conflicts, a rock-solid theory of how they behave, and super-fast data structures to handle them. - Speed! The complexity of Pijul is low in all cases, whereas previous attempts to build a mathematically sound distributed version control system had huge worst-case complexities. The use of Rust additionally yields a blazingly fast implementation. WWW: |
2017-09-17T18:38:38+00:00 | print/epson-inkjet-printer-201601w |
CUPS filter for Seiko Epson Color Ink Jet Printers This software is a filter program used with Common UNIX Printing System (CUPS) from the Linux. This can supply the high quality print with Seiko Epson Color Ink Jet Printers. This printer driver is supporting the following printers. L380 L382 WWW: |
2017-09-17T11:10:45+00:00 | devel/py-pytest-cov |
Pytest plugin for measuring coverage This plugin produces coverage reports. It supports centralised testing and distributed testing in both load and each modes. It also supports coverage of subprocesses. All features offered by the coverage package should be available, either through pytest-cov or through coverage's config file. WWW: |
2017-09-17T04:13:49+00:00 | www/py-treq |
Requests-like API built on top of twisted.web's Agent An HTTP library inspired by requests but written on top of Twisted's Agents. It provides a simple, higher level API for making HTTP requests when using Twisted. WWW: |
2017-09-15T19:17:17+00:00 | biology/p5-Bio-FeatureIO |
Handler for FeatureIO Bio::FeatureIO is an iterator subsystem for genomic sequence features. Bio::FeatureIO is a handler module for the formats in the FeatureIO set (eg, Bio::FeatureIO::GFF). It is the officially sanctioned way of getting at the format objects, which most people should use. The Bio::FeatureIO system can be thought of like biological file handles. They are attached to filehandles with smart formatting rules (eg, GFF format, or BED format) and can either read or write feature objects (Bio::SeqFeature objects, or more correctly, Bio::FeatureHolderI implementing objects, of which Bio::SeqFeature is one such object). If you want to know what to do with a Bio::SeqFeatureI object, read Bio::SeqFeatureI. The idea is that you request a stream object for a particular format. All the stream objects have a notion of an internal file that is read from or written to. A particular FeatureIO object instance is configured for either input or output. A specific example of a stream object is the Bio::FeatureIO::gff object. WWW: |
2017-09-15T17:36:01+00:00 | www/rubygem-rdf-normalize |
RDF Graph normalizer for Ruby This is a Ruby implementation of a RDF Normalize for RDF.rb. It is a Graph normalizer for the RDF.rb library suite. It generates normalized output for an RDF Dataset using the algorithm defined in RDF Normalize. It also implements an RDF Writer interface, which can be used to serialize normalized statements. WWW: |
2017-09-15T17:32:31+00:00 | textproc/rubygem-iso-639 |
ISO 639-1 and ISO 639-2 language code entries and convenience methods ISO-639A is a Ruby gem that provides the ISO 639-2 and ISO 639-1 data sets along with some convenience methods for accessing different entries and entry fields. The data comes from the LOC ISO 639-2 UTF-8 data set. The ISO 639-1 specification uses a two-letter code to identify a language and is often the recommended way to identify languages in computer applications. The ISO 639-1 specification covers most developed and widely used languages. The ISO 639-2 (Wikipedia) specification uses a three-letter code, is used primarily in bibliography and terminology and covers many more languages than the ISO 639-1 specification. WWW: |
2017-09-15T17:27:35+00:00 | converters/rubygem-json-ld |
JSON-LD reader/writer for Ruby This gem parses and serializes JSON-LD into RDF and implements expansion, compaction and framing API interfaces. It can now be used to create a context from an RDFS/OWL definition, and optionally include a JSON-LD representation of the ontology itself. WWW: |
2017-09-15T17:27:35+00:00 | converters/rubygem-json-ld-preloaded |
JSON-LD with preloaded contexts This gem uses the preloading capabilities in JSON::LD::Context to create ruby context definitions for common JSON-LD contexts to dramatically reduce processing time when any preloaded context is used in a JSON-LD document. As a consequence, changes made to these contexts after the gem release will not be loaded. WWW: |
2017-09-15T14:17:03+00:00 | net-mgmt/openbmp |
OpenBMP Server Collector OpenBMP is part of the Open BGP Monitoring Protocol collection framework. OpenBMP is an open source project that implements draft-ietf-grow-bmp-17. BMP protocol version 3 is defined in draft 08, while versions 1 and 2 are defined in the previous revisions of the draft. WWW: |
2017-09-15T00:20:37+00:00 | games/nxengine |
Engine-rewrite of the classic platformer Cave Story NXEngine is a complete open-source clone/rewrite of the masterpiece jump-and-run platformer Doukutsu Monogatari (also known as Cave Story). This is a somewhat upgraded/refactored version of nxengine. WWW: |
2017-09-14T23:49:31+00:00 | www/py-planet |
Python client library and CLI for Planet's public API #' This library provides a command-line-interface (CLI) and Python library to make access to Planet's public API easy to use. The command line interface is intended to be functional for many tasks but is just a thin layer on the lower level Python API. WWW: |
2017-09-14T21:13:19+00:00 | devel/libzim |
Reference implementation of the ZIM specification The openZIM project proposes offline storage solutions for content coming from the Web. WWW: |
2017-09-14T19:30:32+00:00 | devel/llvm50 |
LLVM and Clang The LLVM Project is a collection of modular and reusable compiler and toolchain technologies. This port includes Clang (a C/C++/Objective-C compiler), LLD (a linker), LLDB (a debugger), an OpenMP runtime library, and the LLVM infrastructure these are built on. WWW: |
2017-09-14T18:20:28+00:00 | net-mgmt/nstat |
Replacement for bw/netstat/vmstat/pcm-memory.x nstat is a replacement for the most frequently used parts of vmstat, netstat (bw), and pmc-memory.x The advantage of using nstat is that it can run all in a single session, rather than having to use 3 terminal sessions to monitor a machine. WWW: |
2017-09-14T17:37:53+00:00 | net-mgmt/py-pdagent |
PagerDuty Agent software The PagerDuty Agent is a program that lets you easily integrate your monitoring system with PagerDuty. WWW: |
2017-09-14T17:17:53+00:00 | games/gzdoom |
GL-enhanced source port for Doom-engine games GZDoom is a GL-enhanced fork of ZDoom, a source port of ID Software's DOOM engine. It is based on the source code of id Software's DOOM. GZDoom boasts enhanced modding support, as well as support for the following games: * Ultimate Doom * Doom II * Final Doom * Heretic * Hexen * Strife * Chex Quest (1 & 3) * Action Doom II * Harmony v1.1 * Hacx * The Adventures of Square WWW: |
2017-09-14T16:03:11+00:00 | games/sdlpop |
Open-source port of Prince of Persia An open-source port of Prince of Persia, based on the disassembly of the DOS version. WWW: |
2017-09-14T03:05:09+00:00 | net-im/py-unmessage |
Privacy enhanced instant messenger unMessage is a peer-to-peer instant messaging application designed to enhance privacy and anonymity. Features: * Transport makes use of Twisted, Tor Onion Services and txtorcon * Encryption is performed using the Double Ratchet Algorithm implemented in pyaxo (using PyNaCl) * Authentication makes use of the Socialist Millionaire Protocol implemented in Cryptully * Transport metadata is minimized by Tor and application metadata by the unMessage protocol * User interfaces are created with Tkinter (graphical) and curses (command-line) WWW: |
2017-09-14T03:01:52+00:00 | audio/py-opuslib |
Python bindings to the libopus, IETF low-delay audio codec Python bindings to the libopus, IETF low-delay audio codec. It allows python applications to use the Opus audio codec to encode and decode audio, usually in order to reduce the network bandwidth that is used by the application. WWW: |
2017-09-13T17:48:05+00:00 | sysutils/znapzend |
ZFS-centric backup tool ZnapZend is a ZFS centric backup tool. It relies on snapshot, send and recieve to do its work. It has the built-in ability to manage both local snapshots as well as remote copies by thinning them out as time progresses. The ZnapZend configuration is stored as properties in the ZFS filesystem itself. WWW: |
2017-09-13T02:04:45+00:00 | www/mod_auth_openidc |
OpenID Connect Relying Party and OAuth 2.0 Resource Server for Apache mod_auth_openidc is an authentication/authorization module for the Apache 2.x HTTP server that functions as an OpenID Connect Relying Party, authenticating users against an OpenID Connect Provider. It can also function as an OAuth 2.0 Resource Server, validating OAuth 2.0 access tokens presented by OAuth 2.0 Clients. WWW: |
2017-09-12T21:25:57+00:00 | www/p5-Mojo-IOLoop-ForkCall |
Run blocking functions asynchronously by forking Mojo::IOLoop::ForkCall - run blocking functions asynchronously by forking WWW: |
2017-09-12T19:22:01+00:00 | graphics/xpdf3 |
Display PDF files and convert them to other formats Xpdf is a viewer for Portable Document Format (PDF) files. These are also sometimes also called 'Acrobat' files, from the name of Adobe's PDF software. It can also convert PDF input to ps, text, and info formats; and split out fonts and images. WWW: |
2017-09-12T19:01:10+00:00 | graphics/xpdf4 |
Display PDF files and convert them to other formats Xpdf is a viewer for Portable Document Format (PDF) files. These are also sometimes also called 'Acrobat' files, from the name of Adobe's PDF software. It can also convert PDF input to ps, text, and info formats; and split out fonts and images. WWW: |
2017-09-11T21:13:54+00:00 | security/py-pyaxo |
Python implementation of the Axolotl ratchet protocol The Double Ratchet Algorithm is a protocol (similar to OTR) that provides for perfect forward secrecy in (a)synchronous communications. It uses triple Diffie-Hellman for authentication and ECDHE for perfect forward secrecy. The protocol is lighter and more robust than the OTR protocol - providing better forward and future secrecy, as well as deniability. The protocol was developed by Trevor Perrin and Moxie Marlinspike. Its chief use currently is in the Open Whisper Systems Signal package. WWW: |
2017-09-11T21:02:27+00:00 | security/py-txtorcon |
Twisted-based Tor controller client txtorcon is an implementation of the control-spec for Tor using the Twisted networking library for Python. This is useful for writing utilities to control or make use of Tor in event-based Python programs. If your Twisted program supports endpoints (like twistd does) your server or client can make use of Tor immediately, with no code changes. Start your own Tor or connect to one and get live stream, circuit, relay updates; read and change config; monitor events; build circuits; create onion services; etcetera (ReadTheDocs). WWW: |
2017-09-11T14:40:12+00:00 | sysutils/consul_exporter |
Exporter for Consul metrics Export Consul service health to Prometheus. WWW: |
2017-09-11T14:30:17+00:00 | databases/py-lmdb |
Python bindings for LMDB This is a port of py-lmdb, which provides bindings for OpenLDAP's Lightning Memory-mapped Database (LMDB). WWW: |
2017-09-11T09:00:01+00:00 | devel/elixir-gen_stage |
Producer and consumer pipelines with back-pressure for Elixir GenStage is a specification for exchanging events between producers and consumers. WWW: |
2017-09-11T06:30:53+00:00 | x11-toolkits/tk87 |
Graphical toolkit for Tcl This is Tk version 8.7, a GUI toolkit for Tcl. Tk is a graphical user interface toolkit that takes developing desktop applications to a higher level than conventional approaches. Tk is the standard GUI not only for Tcl, but for many other dynamic languages, and can produce rich, native applications that run unchanged across Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and more. A full set of manual pages is also provided with this port. WWW: |
2017-09-10T14:45:29+00:00 | devel/R-cran-withr |
Run Code 'With' Temporarily Modified Global State A set of functions to run code 'with' safely and temporarily modified global state. Many of these functions were originally a part of the 'devtools' package, this provides a simple package with limited dependencies to provide access to these functions. WWW: |
2017-09-10T14:19:58+00:00 | math/R-cran-recipes |
Preprocessing Tools to Create Design Matrices An extensible framework to create and preprocess design matrices. Recipes consist of one or more data manipulation and analysis "steps". Statistical parameters for the steps can be estimated from an initial data set and then applied to other data sets. The resulting design matrices can then be used as inputs into statistical or machine learning models. WWW: |
2017-09-10T12:56:19+00:00 | math/R-cran-gower |
Gower's Distance Compute Gower's distance (or similarity) coefficient between records. Compute the top-n matches between records. Core algorithms are executed in parallel on systems supporting OpenMP. WWW: |
2017-09-10T12:42:37+00:00 | math/R-cran-RcppRoll |
Efficient Rolling / Windowed Operations Provides fast and efficient routines for common rolling / windowed operations. Routines for the efficient computation of windowed mean, median, sum, product, minimum, maximum, standard deviation and variance are provided. WWW: |
2017-09-10T12:08:13+00:00 | math/R-cran-ddalpha |
Depth-Based Classification and Calculation of Data Depth Contains procedures for depth-based supervised learning, which are entirely non-parametric, in particular the DDalpha-procedure (Lange, Mosler and Mozharovskyi, 2014). The training data sample is transformed by a statistical depth function to a compact low-dimensional space, where the final classification is done. It also offers an extension to functional data and routines for calculating certain notions of statistical depth functions. 50 multivariate and 5 functional classification problems are included. WWW: |
2017-09-10T11:25:08+00:00 | math/R-cran-robustbase |
Basic Robust Statistics "Essential" Robust Statistics. Tools allowing to analyze data with robust methods. This includes regression methodology including model selections and multivariate statistics where we strive to cover the book "Robust Statistics, Theory and Methods" by 'Maronna, Martin and Yohai'; Wiley 2006. WWW: |
2017-09-10T10:58:13+00:00 | math/R-cran-DEoptimR |
Differential Evolution Optimization in Pure R Differential Evolution (DE) stochastic algorithms for global optimization of problems with and without constraints. The aim is to curate a collection of its state-of-the-art variants that (1) do not sacrifice simplicity of design, (2) are essentially tuning-free, and (3) can be efficiently implemented directly in the R language. Currently, it only provides an implementation of the 'jDE' algorithm by Brest et al. (2006) <doi:10.1109/TEVC.2006.872133>. WWW: |
2017-09-10T10:18:11+00:00 | devel/R-cran-lubridate |
Make Dealing with Dates a Little Easier Functions to work with date-times and time-spans: fast and user friendly parsing of date-time data, extraction and updating of components of a date-time (years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds), algebraic manipulation on date-time and time-span objects. The 'lubridate' package has a consistent and memorable syntax that makes working with dates easy and fun. WWW: |
2017-09-10T09:31:11+00:00 | math/R-cran-dimRed |
Framework for Dimensionality Reduction A collection of dimensionality reduction techniques from R packages and provides a common interface for calling the methods. WWW: |
2017-09-10T08:32:31+00:00 | math/R-cran-DRR |
Dimensionality Reduction via Regression An Implementation of Dimensionality Reduction via Regression using Kernel Ridge Regression. WWW: |
2017-09-10T07:56:14+00:00 | math/R-cran-CVST |
Fast Cross-Validation via Sequential Testing This package implements the fast cross-validation via sequential testing (CVST) procedure. CVST is an improved cross-validation procedure which uses non-parametric testing coupled with sequential analysis to determine the best parameter set on linearly increasing subsets of the data. By eliminating underperforming candidates quickly and keeping promising candidates as long as possible, the method speeds up the computation while preserving the capability of a full cross-validation. Additionally to the CVST the package contains an implementation of the ordinary k-fold cross-validation with a flexible and powerful set of helper objects and methods to handle the overall model selection process. The implementations of the Cochran's Q test with permutations and the sequential testing framework of Wald are generic and can therefore also be used in other contexts. WWW: |
2017-09-10T07:06:04+00:00 | science/R-cran-kernlab |
Kernel-Based Machine Learning Lab Kernel-based machine learning methods for classification, regression, clustering, novelty detection, quantile regression and dimensionality reduction. Among other methods 'kernlab' includes Support Vector Machines, Spectral Clustering, Kernel PCA, Gaussian Processes and a QP solver. WWW: |
2017-09-10T04:38:29+00:00 | math/R-cran-ipred |
Improved Predictors Improved predictive models by indirect classification and bagging for classification, regression and survival problems as well as resampling based estimators of prediction error. WWW: |
2017-09-10T02:04:26+00:00 | math/R-cran-prodlim |
Product-Limit Estimation for Censored Event History Analysis Fast and user friendly implementation of nonparametric estimators for censored event history (survival) analysis. Kaplan-Meier and Aalen-Johansen method. WWW: |
2017-09-10T00:45:51+00:00 | math/R-cran-lava |
Latent Variable Models A general implementation of Structural Equation Models with latent variables (MLE, 2SLS, and composite likelihood estimators) with both continuous, censored, and ordinal outcomes (Holst and Budtz-Joergensen (2013) <doi:10.1007/s00180-012-0344-y>). The package also provides methods for graph exploration (d-separation, back-door criterion), simulation of general non-linear latent variable models, and estimation of influence functions for a broad range of statistical models. WWW: |
2017-09-07T15:29:35+00:00 | net/kafka |
Distributed streaming platform Kafka is used for building real-time data pipelines and streaming apps. It is horizontally scalable, fault-tolerant, wicked fast, and runs in production in thousands of companies. WWW: |
2017-09-07T14:32:28+00:00 | databases/pecl-rrd1 |
PHP bindings to rrd tool system Procedural and simple OO wrapper for rrdtool - data logging and graphing system for time series data. WWW: |
2017-09-07T12:12:52+00:00 | net/flower |
Label-based networking daemon Flower is a label-based networking daemon. CloudABI applications are not permitted to call bind or connect on sockets directly, as that would conflict with CloudABI's security model. Instead, they can send RPCs to fulfill such requests to a separate daemon, called Flower. Like CloudABI, Flower makes use of a capability-based security model. This makes it easy to spawn applications in such a way that they can only have a limited view of the network, without requiring separate users or complex access control policies. WWW: |
2017-09-07T05:53:27+00:00 | devel/arpc |
GRPC-like RPC library that supports file descriptor passing ARPC is a GRPC-like library that supports file descriptor passing. ARPC ships with a script, aprotoc, that works similar to Protobuf/GRPC's protoc. It generates message and service bindings, taking a .proto file as an input. Where ARPC differs from GRPC is that messages may contain file descriptors. These file descriptors are passed on to the remote side transparently. This makes ARPC useful for implementing privilege separation between processes. WWW: |
2017-09-06T23:42:09+00:00 | textproc/R-cran-readr |
Read Rectangular Text Data The goal of 'readr' is to provide a fast and friendly way to read rectangular data (like 'csv', 'tsv', and 'fwf'). It is designed to flexibly parse many types of data found in the wild, while still cleanly failing when data unexpectedly changes. WWW: |
2017-09-06T22:50:07+00:00 | security/1password-client |
1Password CLI client This is a command-line interface to the 1Password password management service. WWW: |
2017-09-06T22:35:41+00:00 | devel/R-cran-hms |
Pretty Time of Day Implements an S3 class for storing and formatting time-of-day values, based on the 'difftime' class. WWW: |
2017-09-06T20:04:30+00:00 | textproc/py3-pyPEG2 |
2017-09-06T20:04:30+00:00 | devel/py3-toposort |
2017-09-06T19:32:40+00:00 | x11/sddm |
QML based login manager QML based X11 and Wayland display manager. WWW: |
2017-09-06T18:52:44+00:00 | textproc/py3-feedparser |
2017-09-06T12:00:27+00:00 | devel/yaml2argdata |
Helper classes for parsing YAML into Argdata Argdata is a binary serialisation format similar to FreeBSD's nvlists. It differs from nvlists in that it uses data types that are more similar to YAML. Argdata is used by CloudABI as a replacement for string command line arguments and environment variables. CloudABI processes can start new processes by passing them a YAML-like tree of arguments, having file descriptors of resources annotated to the tree. This package provides a series of helper classes that are used by utilities like cloudabi-run to parse and translate YAML to Argdata. These classes are useful when building custom utilities for launching CloudABI processes, such as CloudABI's Kubernetes daemon. WWW: |
2017-09-06T11:49:43+00:00 | www/novnc-websockify |
Websockify implementation for noVNC Websockify is a WebSocket to TCP proxy/bridge. This allows a browser to connect to any application/server/service. Implementations in Python, C, Node.js and Ruby. It also includes a wrap program that uses a LD_PRELOAD library to proxying from a source address to a target address. WWW: |
2017-09-06T06:29:52+00:00 | sysutils/syslog-ng311 |
Powerful syslogd replacement syslog-ng is an enhanced log daemon, supporting a wide range of input and output methods: syslog, unstructured text, message queues, databases (SQL and NoSQL alike) and more. Key features: * receive and send RFC3164 and RFC5424 style syslog messages * work with any kind of unstructured data * receive and send JSON formatted messages * classify and structure logs with builtin parsers (csv-parser(), db-parser(), ...) * normalize, crunch and process logs as they flow through the system * hand on messages for further processing using message queues (like AMQP), files or databases (like PostgreSQL or MongoDB). The official home page of syslog-ng is: WWW: |
2017-09-06T05:50:12+00:00 | www/novnc |
HTML5 VNC client noVNC is a HTML5 VNC client that runs well in any modern browser including mobile browsers (iOS and Android). WWW: |
2017-09-05T23:09:55+00:00 | devel/R-cran-tidyselect |
Select from a Set of Strings A backend for the selecting functions of the 'tidyverse'. It makes it easy to implement select-like functions in your own packages in a way that is consistent with other 'tidyverse' interfaces for selection. WWW: |
2017-09-05T17:15:34+00:00 | devel/R-cran-glue |
Interpreted String Literals An implementation of interpreted string literals, inspired by Python's Literal String Interpolation and Docstrings and Julia's Triple-Quoted String Literals. WWW: |
2017-09-05T15:36:09+00:00 | devel/R-cran-purrr |
Functional Programming Tools A complete and consistent functional programming toolkit for R. WWW: |
2017-09-05T14:48:17+00:00 | www/R-cran-downloader |
Download Files over HTTP and HTTPS Provides a wrapper for the download.file function, making it possible to download files over HTTPS on Windows, Mac OS X, and other Unix-like platforms. The 'RCurl' package provides this functionality (and much more) but can be difficult to install because it must be compiled with external dependencies. This package has no external dependencies, so it is much easier to install. WWW: |
2017-09-05T04:26:57+00:00 | devel/py-logfury |
Toolkit for logging of library method calls Logfury is for python library maintainers. It allows for responsible, low-boilerplate logging of method calls. WWW: |
2017-09-04T19:32:33+00:00 | misc/ptsort |
Prioritized topological sort The ptsort utility is a variant of the standard tsort (topological sort) utility which allows nodes to be prioritized, moving them and all their predecessors up in the final order. WWW: |
2017-09-03T08:29:57+00:00 | net/ceph |
Ceph delivers object, block, and file storage in a unified system Ceph is a distributed object store and file system designed to provide excellent performance, reliability and scalability. * Object Storage Ceph provides seamless access to objects using native language bindings or radosgw, a REST interface for applications written with S3 and Swift. * Block Storage Ceph's RADOS Block Device (RBD) provides access to block device images that are striped and replicated across the entire storage cluster. * File System Ceph provides a POSIX-compliant network file system aiming for large data storage, high performance, and maximum compatibility with legacy applications. This FreeBSD build will build most of the tools in Ceph: * Mon, OSD, rados, RadosGW, rbd * init-ceph, and etc/rc.d/ceph on top of that * ceph-disk {prepare, activate} With these tools one can build a multi server, multi osd cluster fully running on FreeBSD and do some testing... WWW: |
2017-09-02T12:57:20+00:00 | print/pdfstitch |
Crop and stitch pages from PDF to larger, single-page PDF Pdfstitcher can transform a regular multi-page PDF into a single-page PDF, which displays the pages in a grid. While there are other tools that do the same, pdfstitcher focuses on the following features: - Crop pages to a certain size - Adjust the crop position per page WWW: |
2017-09-01T18:23:06+00:00 | sysutils/unetbootin |
Bootable Live USB creator for various Linux distributions UNetbootin allows to create bootable Live USB drives for Ubuntu, Fedora, and other Linux distributions without burning a CD. This is useful when supplied ISO image cannot be directly written to USB drive or SD card to get a bootable media. WWW: |
2017-09-01T18:10:09+00:00 | devel/py-pydevd |
Debugger used in PyDev and PyCharm The sources for the PyDev.Debugger (used in PyDev & PyCharm) It is available so that it can be installed for doing remote debugging. WWW: |
2017-09-01T07:40:33+00:00 | devel/rubygem-prometheus-client-mmap |
Suite of instrumentation metric primitives This Prometheus library is fork of Prometheus Ruby Client that uses mmap'ed files to share metrics from multiple processes. This allows efficient metrics processing for Ruby web apps running in multiprocess setups like Unicorn. A suite of instrumentation metric primitives for Ruby that can be exposed through a HTTP interface. Intended to be used together with a Prometheus server. WWW: |
2017-09-01T07:38:45+00:00 | devel/rubygem-mmap2 |
Implement memory-mapped file objects for Ruby 2.x The Mmap class implement memory-mapped file objects for Ruby 2.x. WWW: |
2017-08-31T12:33:46+00:00 | games/epiphany-game |
Multiplatform clone of Boulderdash Epiphany is a multiplatform clone of Boulderdash. The player must collect all valuable minerals scattered in levels, avoiding being hit by a falling boulder, or (worst) by a bomb. WWW: |
2017-08-30T18:11:06+00:00 | sysutils/bacula9-server |
Network backup solution (server) Bacula is a set of computer programs that permit you (or the system administrator) to manage backup, recovery, and verification of computer data across a network of computers of different kinds. In technical terms, it is a network Client/Server based backup program. Bacula is relatively easy to use and efficient, while offering many advanced storage management features that make it easy to find and recover lost or damaged files. Due to its modular design, Bacula is scalable from small single computer systems to systems consisting of hundreds of computers located over a large network. WWW: |
2017-08-30T18:11:06+00:00 | sysutils/bacula9-docs |
Bacula document set Bacula is a set of computer programs that permit you (or the system administrator) to manage backup, recovery, and verification of computer data across a network of computers of different kinds. In technical terms, it is a network Client/Server based backup program. Bacula is relatively easy to use and efficient, while offering many advanced storage management features that make it easy to find and recover lost or damaged files. Due to its modular design, Bacula is scalable from small single computer systems to systems consisting of hundreds of computers located over a large network. This port installs the latest documentation for Bacula. WWW: |
2017-08-30T18:11:06+00:00 | sysutils/bacula9-client |
Network backup solution (client) |
2017-08-30T18:11:06+00:00 | sysutils/bacula9-client-static |
Network backup solution (static client) |
2017-08-30T18:11:06+00:00 | sysutils/bacula9-bat |
Network backup solution (GUI) bat is the GUI inteface for Bacula. Bacula is a set of computer programs that permit you (or the system administrator) to manage backup, recovery, and verification of computer data across a network of computers of different kinds. In technical terms, it is a network Client/Server based backup program. Bacula is relatively easy to use and efficient, while offering many advanced storage management features that make it easy to find and recover lost or damaged files. Due to its modular design, Bacula is scalable from small single computer systems to systems consisting of hundreds of computers located over a large network. WWW: |
2017-08-30T18:11:06+00:00 | net-mgmt/nagios-check_bacula9 |
Nagios plugin for Bacula check_bacula is a plugin intended for use with the Nagios network monitoring system to monitor Bacula. |
2017-08-30T03:40:04+00:00 | textproc/py-sphinxcontrib-websupport |
Sphinx API for Web Apps sphinxcontrib-webuspport provides a Python API to easily integrate Sphinx documentation into your Web application. WWW: |
2017-08-30T00:47:59+00:00 | devel/py-gtfslib |
Library for reading GTFS-based transit data in Python An open source library in python for reading GTFS files and computing various stats and indicators about Public Transport networks. WWW: |
2017-08-30T00:25:10+00:00 | devel/py-pyqtree |
Pure Python quad tree spatial index for GIS or rendering usage Pyqtree is a pure Python spatial index for GIS or rendering usage. It storesand quickly retrieves items from a 2x2 rectangular grid area, and grows in depth and detail as more items are added. The actual quad tree implementation is adapted from Matt Rasmussen's compbio library and extended for geospatial use. WWW: |
2017-08-30T00:17:03+00:00 | devel/py-lazr.config |
Create configuration schemas, and process and validate configurations The LAZR config system is typically used to manage process configuration. Process configuration is for saying how things change when we run systems on different machines, or under different circumstances. This system uses ini-like file format of section, keys, and values. The config file supports inheritance to minimize duplication of information across files. The format supports schema validation. WWW: |
2017-08-30T00:15:45+00:00 | devel/py-lazr.delegates |
Easily write objects that delegate behavior The lazr.delegates package makes it easy to write objects that delegate behavior to another object. The new object adds some property or behavior on to the other object, while still providing the underlying interface, and delegating behavior. WWW: |
2017-08-30T00:12:23+00:00 | devel/py-flufl.lock |
NFS-safe file locking with timeouts for POSIX systems This package is called flufl.lock. It is an NFS-safe file-based lock with timeouts for POSIX systems. WWW: |
2017-08-30T00:11:10+00:00 | devel/py-flufl.i18n |
High-level API for Python internationalization This package provides a high level, convenient API for managing internationalization translation contexts in Python application. There is a simple API for single-context applications, such as command line scripts which only need to translate into one language during the entire course of their execution. There is a more flexible, but still convenient API for multi-context applications, such as servers, which may need to switch language contexts for different tasks. WWW: |
2017-08-30T00:08:50+00:00 | devel/py-pyshp |
Pure Python read/write support for ESRI Shapefile format The Python Shapefile Library (pyshp) provides read and write support for the Esri Shapefile format. The Shapefile format is a popular Geographic Information System vector data format created by Esri. WWW: |
2017-08-30T00:06:39+00:00 | mail/py-flufl.bounce |
API for detecting the original bouncing email addresses from a bounce message The flufl.bounce library provides a set of heuristics and an API for detecting the original bouncing email addresses from a bounce message. Many formats found in the wild are supported, as are VERP and RFC 3464 (DSN). WWW: |
2017-08-30T00:02:43+00:00 | devel/py-atpublic |
Very simple decorator and function of module's all This is a very simple decorator and function which populates a module's __all__ and optionally the module globals. This provides both a pure-Python implementation and an optional C implementation. WWW: |
2017-08-29T23:59:25+00:00 | mail/py-aiosmtpd |
Asyncio based SMTP server This is a server for SMTP and related protocols, similar in utility to the standard library's module, but rewritten to be based on asyncio for Python 3. WWW: |
2017-08-29T16:32:19+00:00 | graphics/drm-next-kmod |
DRM modules for the linuxkpi-based KMS components amdgpu, i915, and radeon DRM modules for the linuxkpi-based KMS components. Currently corresponding to Linux 4.11 DRM. Experimental state. amdgpu and radeonkms are known to fail with EFI boot. WWW: |
2017-08-29T05:40:51+00:00 | x11-toolkits/kf5-kirigami2 |
QtQuick based components set A QtQuick based components set WWW: |
2017-08-28T21:28:17+00:00 | sysutils/aptly |
Debian repository management tool aptly is a swiss army knife for Debian repository management: it allows you to mirror remote repositories, manage local package repositories, take snapshots, pull new versions of packages along with dependencies, publish as Debian repository. WWW: |
2017-08-28T19:27:28+00:00 | games/aklabeth |
Remake of Richard Garriott's Ultima prequel Aklabeth is effectively Ultima 0. This is a port of original version, written in Basic for the Apple II. It's a RPG - sort of. You wander the top world, visit 3D (sort of) dungeons, beat up monsters and perform tasks for the legendary Lord British (AKA Richard Garriott). WWW: |
2017-08-28T13:02:24+00:00 | security/gnupg22 |
The GNU Privacy Guard (modern version) GnuPG is a complete and free replacement for PGP. This is the "stable" version. GnuPG allows encrypting and signing your data and communication, and features a versatile key management system as well as access modules for many public key directories. GnuPG, also known as GPG, is a command line tool with features for easy integration with other applications. WWW: |
2017-08-28T09:17:13+00:00 | devel/R-cran-repr |
Serializable Reprensentations String and binary representations of objects for several formats / mime types. WWW: |
2017-08-26T19:06:01+00:00 | databases/zabbix32-libzbxpgsql |
Zabbix agent module for comprehensive monitoring of PostgreSQL servers This project provides comprehensive monitoring of PostgreSQL servers using a natively compiled Zabbix agent module, written in C. The module enables discovery and monitoring of tablespaces, databases, namespaces, tables, indexes, etc. WWW: |
2017-08-26T18:39:50+00:00 | databases/zabbix22-libzbxpgsql |
Zabbix agent module for comprehensive monitoring of PostgreSQL servers This project provides comprehensive monitoring of PostgreSQL servers using a natively compiled Zabbix agent module, written in C. The module enables discovery and monitoring of tablespaces, databases, namespaces, tables, indexes, etc. WWW: |
2017-08-26T18:14:55+00:00 | databases/zabbix3-libzbxpgsql |
Zabbix agent module for comprehensive monitoring of PostgreSQL servers This project provides comprehensive monitoring of PostgreSQL servers using a natively compiled Zabbix agent module, written in C. The module enables discovery and monitoring of tablespaces, databases, namespaces, tables, indexes, etc. WWW: |
2017-08-26T07:39:53+00:00 | net/pkt-gen |
Packet sink/source using the netmap API Packet sink/source using the netmap API useful for perforamce testing networks. This is the upstream version of the program by the same name that lives in /usr/src/tools/tools/netmap, maintained by Luigi Rizzo. WWW: |
2017-08-26T01:18:16+00:00 | mail/smfsav-devel |
Sendmail Sender Address Validator It's a lightweight, fast and reliable Sendmail milter that implements a real-time Sender e-Mail Address Verification technology. This technology can stop some kinds of SPAM with a spoofed sender's e-Mail address. Also it implements a real-time Recipient e-Mail Address Verification technology. It can be useful if your machine is a backup MX for the recipient's domains or if your machine forwards all e-Mail messages as a relay host for your domains to another internal or external e-Mail servers. It's a lite alternative for the spamilter, milter-sender and milter-ahead milters. This is a fork of smf-sav which was originally written by Eugene Kurmanin. It is a "reloaded" version with heavy bugfixes maintained by Gabriele Maria Plutzar. WWW: |
2017-08-25T23:25:42+00:00 | net-mgmt/zabbix34-server |
Enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring (${PKGNAMESUFFIX:S/^-//}) Zabbix is an enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring solution. Zabbix is software that monitors numerous parameters of a network and the health and integrity of servers. Zabbix uses a flexible notification mechanism that allows users to configure e-mail based alerts for virtually any event. This allows a fast reaction to server problems. Zabbix offers excellent reporting and data visualisation features based on the stored data. This makes Zabbix ideal for capacity planning. WWW: |
2017-08-25T23:25:42+00:00 | net-mgmt/zabbix34-proxy |
2017-08-25T23:25:42+00:00 | net-mgmt/zabbix34-frontend |
2017-08-25T23:25:42+00:00 | net-mgmt/zabbix34-agent |
2017-08-25T17:56:42+00:00 | www/py-pyweblib |
Yet another web programming framework for Python PyWebLib is yet another web programming framework for Python. WWW: |
2017-08-24T19:22:07+00:00 | games/openrct2 |
Open source re-implementation of RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 An open-source re-implementation of RollerCoaster Tycoon 2. A construction and management simulation video game that simulates amusement park management. WWW: |
2017-08-24T15:04:51+00:00 | devel/breakpad |
Client/server based crash-reporting system Breakpad is a set of client and server components which implement a crash-reporting system. WWW: |
2017-08-24T13:05:43+00:00 | devel/rubygem-peek-rails4 |
Take a peek into your Rails application This is a profiling tool originally built at GitHub to help us get an insight into our application. Now, we have extracted this into Peek, so that other Rails application can experience the same benefit. Peek puts a little bar on top of your application to show you all sorts of helpful information about your application. From the screenshot above, you can see that Peek provides information about database queries, cache, Resque workers and more. However, this is only part of Peek's beauty. The true beauty of Peek lies in the fact that it is an extensible platform. If there are some performance metrics that you need but are not available on Peek, you can find it from the list of available Peek Views and integrate it into Peek. Even if you do not find what you want on Peek Views, you can always create your own. WWW: |
2017-08-24T09:40:36+00:00 | devel/rubygem-peek-rblineprof |
Peek into how much each line of your Rails application takes Peek into how much time each line of your Rails application takes throughout a request. Things this peek view provides: - Total time it takes to render individual lines within your codebase - Total network time spent waiting per line You can also drill down to only certain parts of your codebase like: - app, everything within Rails.root/(app|lib) - views, everything within Rails.root/app/view - gems, everything within Rails.root/vendor/gems - all, everything within Rails.root - stdlib WWW: |
2017-08-24T09:34:59+00:00 | devel/rubygem-rblineprof |
Shows you lines of code that are slow rblineprof shows you lines of code that are slow. WWW: |
2017-08-24T09:25:06+00:00 | devel/rubygem-debugger-ruby_core_source |
Provide Ruby core source files for C extensions that need them Provide Ruby core source files for C extensions that need them. Fork of ruby_core_source that uses included Ruby headers (*.h and *.inc) instead of downloading them. Used by debugger. WWW: |
2017-08-24T09:16:29+00:00 | devel/rubygem-peek-redis |
Provide a peek into the Redis calls made Take a peek into the Redis calls made within your Rails application. Things this peek view provides: - Total number of Redis commands called during the request - The duration of the calls made during the request WWW: |
2017-08-24T09:12:58+00:00 | devel/rubygem-peek-sidekiq |
Provide a peek into the Sidekiq calls made Provide a peek into the Sidekiq calls made within your Rails application. Things this peek view provides: - Duration spent in Sidekiq calls - Number of calls this page created WWW: |
2017-08-24T09:06:59+00:00 | databases/rubygem-peek-pg |
Take a peek into the MySQL queries made Take a peek into the Postgres queries made during your application's requests. Things this peek view provides: - Total number of Postgres queries called during the request - The duration of the queries made during the request WWW: |
2017-08-24T09:02:01+00:00 | databases/rubygem-peek-mysql2 |
Take a peek into the MySQL queries made Take a peek into the MySQL queries made during your application's requests. Things this peek view provides: - Total number of MySQL queries called during the request - The duration of the queries made during the request WWW: |
2017-08-23T19:40:53+00:00 | devel/gogland-eap |
JetBrains Gogland IDE (Preview Edition) Gogland is the codename for a new commercial IDE by JetBrains aimed at providing an ergonomic environment for Go development. The new IDE extends the IntelliJ platform with the coding assistance and tool integrations specific for the Go language. WWW: |
2017-08-23T18:42:19+00:00 | devel/pycharm-ce |
JetBrains PyCharm Community Edition IDE PyCharm is an advanced IDE developed by JetBrains and focused on developer productivity. PyCharm provides smart code completion, code inspections, on-the-fly error highlighting and quick-fixes, along with automated code refactorings and rich navigation capabilities. WWW: |
2017-08-23T16:54:08+00:00 | devel/rubygem-peek-performance_bar |
Take a peek into the window.performance timing behind your app Take a peek into the window.performance timing behind your app. Things this peek view provides: - Frontend - Latency / Receiving - Backend - TCP / SSL - Redirect - DNS Lookup WWW: |
2017-08-22T16:33:59+00:00 | misc/lazyread |
Lazyread can auto-scroll files on your screen in movie credit fashion Lazyread is a C program that auto-scrolls files on your screen in movie credit fashion. It allows the user to read without having to manually scroll down to see new pages. There are lots of features, such as being able to choose the speed at which it scrolls, pause, dynamic speed up, the ability to highlight lines that contain a specified string, and much more. WWW: |
2017-08-22T14:48:14+00:00 | textproc/kibana46 |
Browser based analytics and search interface to ElasticSearch Kibana is an open source (Apache Licensed), browser based analytics and search dashboard for Elasticsearch. Kibana is a snap to setup and start using. Kibana strives to be easy to get started with, while also being flexible and powerful, just like Elasticsearch. Kibana 4.6 is compatible with Elasticsearch 2.4.x. WWW: |
2017-08-21T20:43:57+00:00 | security/rubygem-gpgme |
Ruby interface to GnuPG Made Easy (GPGME) Ruby-GPGME is a Ruby language binding of GPGME (GnuPG Made Easy). GnuPG Made Easy (GPGME) is a library designed to make access to GnuPG easier for applications. It provides a High-Level Crypto API for encryption, decryption, signing, signature verification and key management. WWW: |
2017-08-21T20:43:52+00:00 | devel/rubygem-grape-route-helpers |
Route helpers for Grape grape-route-helpers provides named route helpers for Grape APIs, similar to Rails' route helpers. WWW: |
2017-08-21T14:11:33+00:00 | databases/cockroach |
Cloud-native SQL database that survive disasters CockroachDB is a distributed SQL database built on a transactional and strongly-consistent key-value store. It scales horizontally; survives disk, machine, rack, and even datacenter failures with minimal latency disruption and no manual intervention; supports strongly-consistent ACID transactions; and provides a familiar SQL API for structuring, manipulating, and querying data. CockroachDB is inspired by Google's Spanner and F1 technologies, and it's completely open source. WWW: |
2017-08-21T07:05:51+00:00 | audio/caps-lv2 |
LV2 version of the C* Audio Plugin Suite The C* Audio Plugin Suite, is a collection of highly refined LV2 units capable of (and intended for) realtime operation. The suite includes DSP units emulating instrument amplifiers, stomp-box classics, versatile 'virtual analogue' oscillators, fractal oscillation, reverb, equalization and others. WWW: |
2017-08-21T07:04:36+00:00 | audio/tap-plugins-lv2 |
LV2 port for the TAP (Tom's Audio Processing) plugins This is the LV2 porty of Tom's Audio Processing plugins. Tom's Audio Processing plugins is a selection of LADSPA plugins for audio engineering on the Linux platform. Intended for use in a professional DAW environment such as Ardour, it includes high quality reverberation, echo, eq, limiter & more. WWW: |
2017-08-21T07:02:57+00:00 | audio/synthpod-lv2 |
Lightweight Nonlinear LV2 Plugin Container Synthpod is an LV2 host. It can be run as a standalone app and be used as a tool for live performances or general audio and event filtering. It was conceptualized to fill the gap between pure textual (e.g. SuperCollider) and pure visual flow (e.g. Pure Data) audio programming paradigms. Potential fields of application may include: * Live audio synthesis * Real-time event scripting * Non-linear signal routing * Advanced control automation * Advanced event filtering * Live mixing * Live coding * Algorithmic composition * Interfacing to expressive controllers WWW: |
2017-08-21T02:27:27+00:00 | math/alglib |
Numerical analysis and data processing library A cross-platform numerical analysis and data processing library. It supports several programming languages (C++, C#, Pascal, VBA) and several operating systems. ALGLIB features include: * Data analysis (classification/regression, including neural networks) * Optimization and nonlinear solvers * Interpolation and linear/nonlinear least-squares fitting * Linear algebra (direct algorithms, EVD/SVD), direct and iterative linear solvers, Fast Fourier Transform and many other algorithms (numerical integration, ODEs, statistics, special functions) This is a free edition of alglib. WWW: |
2017-08-20T23:21:18+00:00 | x11/alttab |
Task switcher for minimalistic window managers X11 window switcher designed for minimalistic window managers (ratpoison, xmonad and others) or standalone X11 session. It is lightweight and depends only on basic X11 libs, conforming to the usage of lightweight WM. WWW: |
2017-08-20T23:00:26+00:00 | audio/vm-lv2 |
Virtual machine LV2 plugin bundle Currently the following plugins are contained in this plugin bundle: * Control VM Virtual machine for LV2 Control ports. Features 8 inputs and 8 outputs. * CV VM Virtual machine for LV2 Control Voltage ports. Features 8 inputs and 8 outputs. * Audio VM Virtual machine for LV2 Audio ports. Features 8 inputs and 8 outputs. * Atom VM Virtual machine for LV2 Atom event ports. Features 8 inputs and 8 outputs. WWW: |
2017-08-20T18:33:15+00:00 | audio/py-py-jack |
Python bindings for the Jack Audio Server PyJack is a module written in C which exposes the Jack API to Python. For information about Jack see This enables a Python program to connect to and interact with pro-audio applications which use the Jack Audio Server. WWW: |
2017-08-20T17:35:18+00:00 | mail/mailhog |
MailHog development mail server MailHog is an email testing tool for developers: Configure your application to use MailHog for SMTP delivery View messages in the web UI, or retrieve them with the JSON API Optionally release messages to real SMTP servers for delivery WWW: |
2017-08-20T15:23:11+00:00 | sysutils/rpi-firmware |
Firmware for RaspberryPi Single Board Computer Firmware files for RaspberryPi Single Board Computer WWW: |
2017-08-20T13:30:48+00:00 | devel/py-pysparklines |
Unicode sparkline generation library in Python pysparklines is a unicode sparkline generation library. Python clone of Takes series data via stdin, command line, or API and prints a sparkline representation. Output is always UTF-8 encoded. WWW: |
2017-08-20T11:49:06+00:00 | www/py-jsonfield |
Reusable JSONField model for Django to store validated JSON django-jsonfield is a reusable Django field that allows you to store validated JSON in your model. It silently takes care of serialization. To use, simply add the field to one of your models. This port is not a duplicate of www/py-django-jsonfield, both ports have distinct but upstreams. WWW: |
2017-08-20T11:01:21+00:00 | sysutils/neofetch |
Fast, highly customizable system info script This script gathers info about your system and prints it to the terminal next to an image, your distro's logo or any ascii art of your choice! WWW: |
2017-08-19T18:02:55+00:00 | sysutils/py-google-compute-engine |
Guest Environment for Google Compute Engine Google Compute Engine offers scripts and daemons which run in the background and provides the following services: - Accounts daemon to setup and manage user accounts, and to enable SSH key based authentication. - Clock skew daemon to keep the system clock in sync after VM start and stop events. - Instance setup scripts to execute VM configuration scripts during boot. - IP forwarding daemon that integrates network load balancing with forwarding rule changes into the guest. - Metadata scripts to run user provided scripts at VM startup and shutdown. - Network setup service to enable multiple network interfaces on boot. WWW: |
2017-08-19T17:52:59+00:00 | audio/rtmidi |
Set of C++ classes that provide a common API for realtime MIDI I/O RtMidi is a set of C++ classes (RtMidiIn, RtMidiOut, and API specific classes) that provide a common API (Application Programming Interface) for realtime MIDI input/output across Linux (ALSA, JACK), Macintosh OS X (CoreMIDI, JACK), and Windows (Multimedia Library) operating systems. RtMidi significantly simplifies the process of interacting with computer MIDI hardware and software. It was designed with the following goals: * object oriented C++ design * simple, common API across all supported platforms * only one header and one source file for easy inclusion in programming projects * MIDI device enumeration WWW: |
2017-08-19T17:51:20+00:00 | audio/py-jack |
PyJack is a Python bindings for the Jack Audio Server PyJack is a module written in C which exposes the Jack API to Python. For information about Jack see This enables a Python program to connect to and interact with pro-audio applications which use the Jack Audio Server. WWW: |
2017-08-19T17:49:43+00:00 | audio/sherlock-lv2 |
Investigative LV2 plugin bundle A set of utilities to inspect other plugins: * The Atom Inspector is meant as a monitor/debug tool for LV2 plugin and host authors. It captures all Atom events sent to its event input port and presents them on its user interface for convenient nested browsing. * The MIDI Inspector is meant as a monitor/debug tool for LV2 plugin and host authors. It captures all MIDI events sent to its event input port and presents them on its user interface for convenient nested browsing. * The OSC Inspector is meant as a monitor/debug tool for LV2 plugin and host authors. It captures all OSC events sent to its event input port and presents them on its user interface for convenient nested browsing. WWW: |
2017-08-19T17:48:03+00:00 | audio/swh-lv2 |
SWH Plugins in LV2 format Steve Harris' LV2 version of Plugin Collection. WWW: |
2017-08-19T14:22:28+00:00 | www/py-django-bulk-update |
Bulk update using a single query over Django ORM Simple bulk update over Django ORM or with helper function. This project aims to bulk update the given objects using a single query over Django ORM. WWW: |
2017-08-19T09:51:22+00:00 | devel/chromium-gn |
Gn meta build framework GN is a meta-build system that generates NinjaBuild files so that you can build Chromium with Ninja. WWW: |
2017-08-18T09:23:45+00:00 | devel/rubygem-peek-host |
Take a peek into the host which served your Rails request Take a peek into the host which serves your reuest. Things this peek view provides: - Hostname of the instance which served your request. Its an addition to the Peek profiling tool. WWW: |
2017-08-18T08:14:40+00:00 | devel/rubygem-peek-gc |
Take a peek into the GC info of your Rails application Take a peek into the GC info of your Rails application. Its an addition to the Peek profiling tool. WWW: |
2017-08-17T21:53:30+00:00 | audio/lv2file |
Simple program that apples LV2 effects to audio files lv2file is a simple program which you can use to apply effects to your audio files without much hassle. Possible use cases are: * When you want to apply an effect without having to open a GUI or start a project. * When you want to apply effects to a large number of files, or in an automated manner. * When you need a deterministic environment to debug a plugin. * You like everything to be on the command line. lv2file uses the LV2 plugin format ( for the effects it uses. WWW: |
2017-08-17T20:00:47+00:00 | audio/qmidiarp |
MIDI arpeggiator, sequencer and LFO for JACK QMidiArp is an advanced MIDI arpeggiator, programmable step sequencer and LFO. It can hold any number of arpeggiator, sequencer, or LFO modules running in parallel. Arpeggiator modules produce sequences depending on the notes sent to their input port, which is typically connected to a keyboard or another sequencer. Step sequencer modules allow you to create simple linear, monophonic and globally transposable sequences similar to the first analog sequencers. MIDI LFO modules independently produce MIDI controller data of adjustable waveform, time resolution, amplitude and duration. A Global Storage Tool can store different setups and switch between them at a given time. It allows you to dynamically combine patterns and LFO wave forms. WWW: |
2017-08-17T19:59:06+00:00 | audio/blop-lv2 |
Bandlimited oscillator plugins for LV2-aware audio applications Bandlimited oscillator plugins for LV2-aware audio applications. Sawtooth, Square, Variable Pulse and Slope- variable triangle waves. WWW: |
2017-08-17T19:56:46+00:00 | audio/jalv |
Simple but fully featured LV2 plugin host for Jack Jalv runs LV2 plugins and exposes their ports as Jack ports, essentially making any LV2 plugin function as a Jack application. Jalv is a small program which is useful, but also intended to be an appropriate test host for plugin development. It runs plugins from the command line with no user interaction, is light enough to run in valgrind, and is capable of dumping all plugin to/from UI communication in a human readable format. WWW: |
2017-08-17T19:53:52+00:00 | audio/ir-lv2 |
LV2 impulse response plugin for reverb and cabinet simulation LV2 Impulse response (convolution) plugin (for reverb and cabinet simulation). This fork adds LV2 State extenstion support for proper storing of internal plugin data. IR is a no-latency/low-latency, realtime, high performance signal convolver especially for creating reverb effects. Supports impulse responses with 1, 2 or 4 channels, in any soundfile format supported by libsndfile. WWW: |
2017-08-17T19:50:26+00:00 | audio/midi-matrix-lv2 |
LV2 'Midi Matrix' plugin bundle: 'Channel Filter' The Midi Matrix (Channel Filter) is a 3-in-1 filter plugin with a simple UI enabling you to easily accomplish: * MIDI channel filtering (e.g. blocking of specific channels) * MIDI channel multiplication (e.g. send events from channel X to channels X, Y and Z) * MIDI channel rerouting (e.g send events from channel X to channel Y) * And any possible combination thereof WWW: |
2017-08-17T19:47:34+00:00 | audio/moony-lv2 |
Realtime Lua as programmable glue in LV2 Moony is a collection of LV2 plugins to easily add realtime programmable logic glue in LV2 plugin graphs. WWW: |
2017-08-17T19:42:59+00:00 | audio/stk |
Synthesis ToolKit in C++ The Synthesis ToolKit in C++ (STK) is a set of open source audio signal processing and algorithmic synthesis classes written in the C++ programming language. WWW: |
2017-08-17T16:31:48+00:00 | devel/py-pyral |
Python toolkit for Agile Central (Rally) REST API The pyral package enables you to push, pull and otherwise wrangle the data in your Agile Central (formerly named Rally) subscription using the popular and productive Python language. The pyral package provides a smooth and easy to use veneer on top of the Agile Central (Rally) REST Web Services API using JSON. WWW: |
2017-08-17T15:56:11+00:00 | www/qt5-webengine |
Qt 5 library to render web content |
2017-08-17T09:45:13+00:00 | textproc/py-pyPEG2 |
Parsing Expression Grammar (PEG) parser for Python PyPEG2 is a parser-interpreter for Parsing Expression Grammars (PEGs). PEGs look similar to context-free grammars (CFGs), except that the choice operator always picks the first matching option. This allows for parsing in linear time. WWW: |
2017-08-16T18:55:15+00:00 | databases/postgres-xl |
Scalable open source PostgreSQL-based database cluster Postgres-XL is an open source project to provide both write-scalability and massively parallel processing transparently to PostgreSQL. It is a collection of tightly coupled database components which can be installed on more than one system or virtual machine. Write-scalable means Postgres-XL can be configured with as many database servers as you want and handle many more writes (updating SQL statements) than a single standalone database server could otherwise do. You can have more than one database server that provides a single database view. Any database update from any database server is immediately visible to any other transactions running on different servers. Transparent means you do not necessarily need to worry about how your data is stored in more than one database servers internally. WWW: |
2017-08-16T15:56:26+00:00 | devel/py-toposort |
Topological sorting algorithm for Python Implementation of a topological sorting algorithm for Python. WWW: |
2017-08-16T13:23:12+00:00 | net/sshping |
SSH-based ping to measure character echo latency and bandwidth Utility to test the performance of interactive ssh sessions or scp file transfers. It uses ssh to log into a remote system, then runs two tests: the first test sends one character at a time, waiting for each character to be returned while it records the latency time for each. The second test sends a dummy file over scp to /dev/null on the remote system. WWW: |
2017-08-15T21:21:47+00:00 | audio/mda-lv2 |
LV2 port of the MDA plugins by Paul Kellett MDA-LV2 is an LV2 port of the MDA plugins by Paul Kellett. It contains 36 high-quality plugins for a variety of tasks. This is a more or less faithful port of both the effects and instrument plugins. The only functional difference in code is to support LV2-style toggle ports (> 0.0 is on, rather than 0.5). All the plugins have been tested, and thanks to several bug fixes this collection should be more reliable than the original. WWW: |
2017-08-15T14:17:54+00:00 | sysutils/doctl |
Command line tool for DigitalOcean services doctl is a command line interface for the DigitalOcean API. It is able to interact with all of your DigitalOcean resources. To learn more about the features available, see the full tutorial on the DigitalOcean community site. WWW: |
2017-08-15T12:08:02+00:00 | science/py-tensorflow |
Computation using data flow graphs for scalable machine learning TensorFlow is an open source software library for numerical computation using data flow graphs. Nodes in the graph represent mathematical operations, while the graph edges represent the multidimensional data arrays (tensors) communicated between them. The flexible architecture allows you to deploy computation to one or more CPUs or GPUs in a desktop, server, or mobile device with a single API. TensorFlow was originally developed by researchers and engineers working on the Google Brain Team within Google's Machine Intelligence research organization for the purposes of conducting machine learning and deep neural networks research, but the system is general enough to be applicable in a wide variety of other domains as well. WWW: |
2017-08-15T00:18:22+00:00 | cad/calculix-ccx |
Three-Dimensional Structural Finite Element Program A Three-Dimensional Structural Finite Element Program CalculiX Finite Element Models can be built, calculated, and post-processed. Notice: The authors acknowledge that naming conventions and input style formats for CalculiX are based on those used by ABAQUS, a proprietary, general purpose finite element code developed and supported by Hibbitt, Karlsson & Sorensen, Inc (HKS) and are used with kind permission from HKS. Results obtained from CalculiX are in no way connected to ABAQUS. WWW: |
2017-08-15T00:13:32+00:00 | audio/orbit-lv2 |
LV2 plugin bundle from Open Music Kontrollers Several LV2 plugin bundled together: * Beatbox Creates MIDI events based on LV2 time position events, e.g. to drive a drum machine. Bars and beats can be disabled/enabled separately. * Cargoship Record/Playback of arbitrary LV2 atoms to/from disk. Record all incoming atom messages with sample accuracy and play them back later from disk. Stored atom event data is part of the plugin state and is preserved across instantiations. * Click Synthesizes click tracks based on LV2 time position events (bars and beats). Bars and beats can be disabled/enabled separately. * Looper Loops arbitrary LV2 atom events on a ping-pong buffer. E.g. loops MIDI, OSC or anything else that can be packed into LV2 atoms with sample accuracy. Needs to be driven by LV2 time position events. * Pacemaker Creates LV2 time position events from scratch to drive other plugins. * Quantum Quantizes incoming events to whole beats. * Subspace Subdivide or multiply incoming time signals by whole fractions, e.g. to speed up time x2, x3, ... or slow it down to x1/2, x1/3, ... WWW: |
2017-08-14T23:20:34+00:00 | lang/gcc7 |
GNU Compiler Collection 7 GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection, supports a number of languages. This port installs the C, C++, and Fortran front ends as gcc7, g++7, and gfortran7, respectively. WWW: Gerald Pfeifer <> |
2017-08-14T19:21:04+00:00 | net-p2p/transmission-qt5 |
Fast and lightweight Qt5 BitTorrent client A fast and lightweight Qt5 BitTorrent client, loosely based on the GTK+ client. This is the only Transmission client that can act as its own self-contained session (as the GTK+ and Mac clients do), and can also connect to a remote session (as the web client and transmission-remote terminal client do). Transmission has been built from the ground up to be a lightweight, yet powerful BitTorrent client. Its simple, intuitive interface is designed to integrate tightly with whatever computing environment you choose to use. Transmission strikes a balance between providing useful functionality without feature bloat. Furthermore, it is free for anyone to use or modify. WWW: |
2017-08-14T15:47:55+00:00 | devel/gitaly |
Smart reverse proxy for GitLab Gitaly is a Git RPC service for handling all the git calls made by GitLab. WWW: |
2017-08-14T02:46:31+00:00 | x11/screen-message |
Very simple tool to display some text as large as possible If you just want to disply a word or a short, possilby multi-line, text as large and as quickly as possible on your screen, then screen-message is the right tool for you. WWW: |
2017-08-13T22:35:18+00:00 | security/highwayhash |
Fast strong hash functions: SipHash/HighwayHash Strong (well-distributed and unpredictable) hashes: * Portable implementation of SipHash * HighwayHash, a 5x faster SIMD hash with security claims WWW: |
2017-08-13T22:34:00+00:00 | audio/lvtk |
Wraps the LV2 C API and extensions into easy to use C++ classes This toolkit contains libraries that wrap the LV2 C API and extensions into easy to use C++ classes. The original work for this was mostly done by Lars Luthman in lv2-c++-tools. WWW: |
2017-08-13T13:15:10+00:00 | www/mod_md-devel |
Early experience LetsEncrypt module for Apache httpd mod_md a module for Apache httpd that adds support for Let's Encrypt (and other ACME CAs) as an early experience version. This port is here to help people review and comment and test before it is put into the main Apache httpd repository. Issues you can raise on the project's website. General discussion is probably best at the apache httpd-dev mailing list. WWW: |
2017-08-12T15:56:09+00:00 | audio/py-gmusicproxy |
Proxy for streaming Google Play Music using any media-player This program permits the use of Google Play Music with All Access subscription with any music player that is able to stream MP3 files and to manage M3U playlists (e.g., MPD server, VLC, ...). It can work also with a free account without All Access extras. This project is based on the great Unofficial Google Play Music API (gmusicapi) of Simon Weber: it already permits to create URLs to stream the tracks as regular MP3 but they expire in 1 minute! Keeping this proxy running, it can generate persistent local URLs that never expire and that can be used in any media-player. This project is not supported nor endorsed by Google. Its aim is not the abuse of the service but the one to improve the access to it. I'm not responsible of its misuse. |
2017-08-12T14:19:04+00:00 | databases/puppetdb-terminus5 |
PuppetDB storeconfigs backend terminus module The PuppetDB storeconfigs backend terminus module. WWW: |
2017-08-12T14:14:12+00:00 | databases/puppetdb5 |
PuppetDB storeconfigs backend The PuppetDB storeconfigs backend WWW: |
2017-08-12T13:53:05+00:00 | sysutils/puppet5 |
Configuration management framework written in Ruby Puppet lets you centrally manage every important aspect of your system using a cross-platform specification language that manages all the separate elements normally aggregated in different files, like users, cron jobs, and hosts, along with obviously discrete elements like packages, services, and files. WWW: |
2017-08-12T13:20:51+00:00 | devel/rubygem-hocon |
Ruby port of the Typesafe Config library This is a port of the Typesafe Config library to Ruby. The library provides Ruby support for the HOCON configuration file format. WWW: |
2017-08-12T05:43:46+00:00 | print/py-stapler |
Manipulate PDF documents from the command line Stapler is a pure Python alternative to PDFtk, a tool for manipulating PDF documents from the command line. Like pdftk, stapler is a command-line tool. With the select command, you can cherry-pick pages from pdfs and concatenate them into a new pdf file. The delete command works almost exactly the same as select, but inverse. It uses the pages and ranges which you didn't specify. The split command splits the specified pdf files into their single pages and writes each page into it's own pdf file. With the zip command, you can cherry-pick pages from pdfs (like select). The pages from each pdf are merged together in an interleaving manner. This can be used to collate a pdf with odd pages and a pdf with even pages into a single file. The info command shows information on the metadata stored inside a PDF file. WWW: |
2017-08-11T18:47:20+00:00 | security/cyrus-sasl2-sql |
SASL SQL plugins SASL SQL database plugin support WWW: |
2017-08-11T17:07:11+00:00 | audio/x42-plugins-lv2 |
Collection of LV2 plugins (submodules) A collection of professional lv2 audio plugins written by Robin Gareus. WWW: |
2017-08-11T13:59:57+00:00 | sysutils/cfengine311 |
Systems administration tool for networks Cfengine is an automated suite of programs for configuring and maintaining Unix-like computers. It has been used on computing arrays of between 1 and 20,000 computers since 1993 by a wide range of organizations. Cfengine is supported by active research and was the first autonomic, hands-free management system for Unix-like operating systems. Cfengine is an autonomic maintenance system not merely a change management roll-out tool. Cfengine has a history of security and adaptability. WWW: |
2017-08-11T13:59:57+00:00 | sysutils/cfengine-masterfiles311 |
cfengine sample policies for installations and upgrades CFEngine 3 is a popular open source configuration management system. Its primary function is to provide automated configuration and maintenance of large-scale computer systems. The repository is intended to provide a stable base policy for installations and upgrades, and is used by CFEngine 3.6 and newer. The port installs the repository as examples which should be copied by the user to the masterfiles directory (usually /var/cfengine/masterfiles). WWW: |
2017-08-11T09:26:25+00:00 | databases/pg_partman |
PostgreSQL Partition Manager pg_partman is an extension to create and manage both time-based and serial-based table partition sets. Sub-partitoning is also supported. Child table & trigger function creation is all managed by the extension itself. Tables with existing data can also have their data partitioned in easily managed smaller batches. Optional retention policy can automatically drop partitions no longer needed. A background worker (BGW) process is included to automatically run partition maintenance without the need of an external scheduler (cron, etc) in most cases. WWW: |
2017-08-11T08:28:11+00:00 | audio/libltc |
Linear/Logitudinal Time Code (LTC) Library Linear (or Longitudinal) Timecode (LTC) is an encoding of SMPTE timecode data as a Manchester-Biphase encoded audio signal. The audio signal is commonly recorded on a VTR track or other storage media. libltc provides functionality to encode and decode LTC audio from/to SMPTE or EBU timecode, including SMPTE date support. WWW: |
2017-08-11T08:26:31+00:00 | audio/zita-convolver |
Fast, partitioned convolution engine library A C++ library implementing a real-time convolution matrix for up to 64 inputs and outputs. It uses multiple partition sizes to provide both low delay and efficient CPU use. WWW: |
2017-08-10T14:23:31+00:00 | databases/postgresql10-server |
PostgreSQL is a sophisticated Object-Relational DBMS, supporting almost all SQL constructs, including subselects, transactions, and user-defined types and functions. It is the most advanced open-source database available anywhere. Commercial Support is also available. The original Postgres code was the effort of many graduate students, undergraduate students, and staff programmers working under the direction of Professor Michael Stonebraker at the University of California, Berkeley. In 1995, Andrew Yu and Jolly Chen took on the task of converting the DBMS query language to SQL and created a new database system which came to known as Postgres95. Many others contributed to the porting, testing, debugging and enhancement of the Postgres95 code. As the code improved, and 1995 faded into memory, PostgreSQL was born. PostgreSQL development is presently being performed by a team of Internet developers who are now responsible for all current and future development. The development team coordinator is Marc G. Fournier (scrappy@PostgreSQL.ORG). Support is available from the PostgreSQL developer/user community through the support mailing list (questions@PostgreSQL.ORG). PostgreSQL is free and the complete source is available. WWW: |
2017-08-10T14:23:31+00:00 | databases/postgresql10-pltcl |
2017-08-10T14:23:31+00:00 | databases/postgresql10-plpython |
2017-08-10T14:23:31+00:00 | databases/postgresql10-plperl |
2017-08-10T14:23:31+00:00 | databases/postgresql10-pgtcl |
2017-08-10T14:23:31+00:00 | databases/postgresql10-docs |
2017-08-10T14:23:31+00:00 | databases/postgresql10-contrib |
The contrib utilities from the PostgreSQL distribution This is the port for all stuff that comes in the contrib subtree of the postgresql distribution. This subtree contains porting tools, analysis utilities, and plug-in features that are not part of the core PostgreSQL system, mainly because they address a limited audience or are too experimental to be part of the main source tree. This does not preclude their usefulness. Each subdirectory contains a README file with information about the module. Some directories supply new user-defined functions, operators, or types. After you have installed the files you need to register the new entities in the database system by running the commands in the supplied .sql file. For example, $ psql -d dbname -f module.sql The .sql files are installed into /usr/local/share/postgresql/contrib For more information, please see /usr/local/share/doc/postgresql/contrib/README* This software is part of the standard PostgreSQL distribution. WWW: |
2017-08-10T14:23:31+00:00 | databases/postgresql10-client |
PostgreSQL database (client) |
2017-08-09T21:00:12+00:00 | devel/evemu |
Records and replays EVDEV descriptions and events Tools and bindings for kernel input event device emulation and data capture and replay. Evemu provides a programmatic API to access the kernel input event devices. The original and intended purpose is for supporting multi-touch input, especially with regard to the Ubuntu touch and gesture stack. WWW: |
2017-08-09T18:58:59+00:00 | security/py3-ecdsa |
2017-08-09T15:21:42+00:00 | devel/universal-ctags |
Fork of Exuberant Ctags to generate index/tag files universal-ctags has the objective of continuing the development from what existed in the Sourceforge area. Github exuberant-ctags repository was started by Reza Jelveh and was later moved to the universal-ctags organization. The goal of the project is preparing and maintaining common/unified space where people interested in making ctags better can work together. WWW: |
2017-08-09T12:08:39+00:00 | sysutils/chvt |
Change foreground virtual terminal The command chvt N makes /dev/ttyv(N-1) the foreground terminal. The key combination Ctrl-Alt-FN (with N in the range 1-12) has a similar effect. WWW: |
2017-08-09T08:27:32+00:00 | devel/R-cran-bindrcpp |
Rcpp Interface to Active Bindings Provides an easy way to fill an environment with active bindings that call a C++ function. WWW: |
2017-08-09T07:45:02+00:00 | sysutils/dsblogoutmgr |
Graphical logout manager DSBLogoutmgr is a Qt utility that allows you to leave your current window manager-session, reboot, suspend or shutdown your system. Furthermore, it supports time-controlled shutdown. WWW: |
2017-08-09T06:30:49+00:00 | devel/R-cran-pkgconfig |
Private Configuration for 'R' Packages Set configuration options on a per-package basis. Options set by a given package only apply to that package, other packages are unaffected. WWW: |
2017-08-09T00:46:32+00:00 | x11/dsbautostart |
Manage commands to be executed at X session start DSBAutostart is a Qt program that allows you to manage commands to be executed at X session start. WWW: |
2017-08-09T00:44:05+00:00 | archivers/c-blosc |
Blocking, shuffling and loss-less compression library Blosc is a high performance compressor optimized for binary data. It has been designed to transmit data to the processor cache faster than the traditional, non-compressed, direct memory fetch approach via a memcpy() OS call. Blosc is the first compressor (that I'm aware of) that is meant not only to reduce the size of large datasets on-disk or in-memory, but also to accelerate memory-bound computations. WWW: |
2017-08-08T22:06:40+00:00 | net/ndproxy |
Implementation of IPv6 Neighbor Discovery proxy The ndproxy(4) kernel module implements IPv6 Neighbor Discovery proxying with many options to handle several use-cases. It replies to a neighbor solicitation with a specific neighbor advertisement, in order to let the PE uplink router send further packets to a CPE downlink router, that may or may not be the same node that the one which runs ndproxy. The main difference with the ndp(8) command-line tool is that, with ndproxy(4), the host running ndp can be used only to redirect packets to another IPv6 internal router, for instance a dedicated one with hardware support of IPv6 routing processes. WWW: |
2017-08-08T18:07:56+00:00 | x11/enventor |
Dynamic EDC Editor Enventor, which is also known as EDC (Edje Data Collections) Editor, is a EDC script editor tool that supports text editing and previewing functions for the EDC source code. WWW: |
2017-08-08T17:21:45+00:00 | www/hs-http-api-data |
Convert Haskell data types to and from HTTP API data This package defines typeclasses used for converting Haskell data types to and from HTTP API data. WWW: |
2017-08-08T17:21:45+00:00 | textproc/hs-uri-bytestring |
Haskell URI parsing as ByteStrings uri-bytestring aims to be an RFC3986 compliant URI parser that uses efficient ByteStrings for parsing and representing the URI data. WWW: |
2017-08-08T17:21:45+00:00 | textproc/hs-uri-bytestring-aeson |
The uri-bytestring-aeson package uri-bytestring aims to be an RFC3986 compliant URI parser that uses efficient ByteStrings for parsing and representing the URI data. WWW: |
2017-08-08T17:21:45+00:00 | textproc/hs-skylighting |
Syntax highlighting library with support for over one hundred languages Skylighting is a syntax highlighting library with support for over one hundred languages. It derives its tokenizers from XML syntax definitions used by KDE's KSyntaxHighlighting framework, so any syntax supported by that framework can be added. An optional command-line program is provided. Skylighting is intended to be the successor to highlighting-kate. WWW: |
2017-08-08T17:21:45+00:00 | textproc/hs-scanner |
Parser combinator library designed to be fast Parser combinator library designed to be fast. It doesn't support backtracking. WWW: |
2017-08-08T17:21:45+00:00 | textproc/hs-regex-pcre |
The PCRE backend to accompany regex-base The PCRE backend to accompany regex-base, see WWW: |
2017-08-08T17:21:45+00:00 | textproc/hs-pretty-show |
Library and an executable for working with derived Show instances We provide a library and an executable for working with derived Show instances. By using the library, we can parse derived Show instances into a generic data structure. The ppsh tool uses the library to produce human-readable versions of Show instances, which can be quite handy for debugging Haskell programs. We can also render complex generic values into an interactive Html page, for easier examination. WWW: |
2017-08-08T17:21:45+00:00 | textproc/hs-magic |
Interface to C file/magic library This package provides a Haskell interface to the C libmagic library. With it, you can determine the type of a file by examining its contents rather than its name. The Haskell interface provides a full-featured binding. WWW: |
2017-08-08T17:21:45+00:00 | textproc/hs-doctemplates |
The doctemplates package The doctemplates package WWW: |
2017-08-08T17:21:45+00:00 | textproc/hs-attoparsec-iso8601 |
Parsing of ISO 8601 dates Parsing of ISO 8601 dates, originally from aeson. WWW: |
2017-08-08T17:21:45+00:00 | sysutils/hs-mountpoints |
List mount points Lists currently mounted filesystems. WWW: |
2017-08-08T17:21:45+00:00 | sysutils/hs-disk-free-space |
Retrieve information about disk space usage A cross-platform library for retrieving information about disk space usage. WWW: |
2017-08-08T17:21:45+00:00 | security/hs-tls-session-manager |
TLS session manager with limitation, automatic pruning, energy saving and replay resistance TLS session manager with limitation, automatic pruning, energy saving and replay resistance WWW: |
2017-08-08T17:21:45+00:00 | security/hs-hackage-security |
The hackage security library provides both server and client utilities for securing the Hackage package server The hackage security library provides both server and client utilities for securing the Hackage package server ( It is based on The Update Framework (, a set of recommendations developed by security researchers at various universities in the US as well as developers on the Tor project ( The current implementation supports only index signing, thereby enabling untrusted mirrors. It does not yet provide facilities for author package signing. The library has two main entry points: Hackage.Security.Client is the main entry point for clients (the typical example being cabal), and Hackage.Security.Server is the main entry point for servers (the typical example being hackage-server). WWW: |
2017-08-08T17:21:45+00:00 | security/hs-ed25519 |
A simple, fast, self-contained copy of the Ed25519 public-key signature system This package provides a simple, fast, self-contained copy of the Ed25519 public-key signature system with a clean interface. It also includes support for detached signatures, and thorough documentation on the design and implementation, including usage guidelines. WWW: |
2017-08-08T17:21:45+00:00 | security/hs-cryptohash-sha256 |
A practical incremental and one-pass, pure API to the SHA-256 hash algorithm A practical incremental and one-pass, pure API to the SHA-256 hash algorithm (including HMAC support) with performance close to the fastest implementations available in other languages. The implementation is made in C with a haskell FFI wrapper that hides the C implementation. NOTE: This package has been forked off cryptohash-0.11.7 because the cryptohash package has been deprecated and so this package continues to satisfy the need for a lightweight package providing the SHA256 hash algorithm without any dependencies on packages other than base and bytestring. Consequently, this package can be used as a drop-in replacement for cryptohash's Crypto.Hash.SHA256 module, though with a clearly smaller footprint. WWW: |
2017-08-08T17:21:45+00:00 | security/hs-cryptohash-sha1 |
A practical incremental and one-pass, pure API to the SHA-1 hash algorithm A practical incremental and one-pass, pure API to the SHA-1 hash algorithm (including HMAC support) with performance close to the fastest implementations available in other languages. The implementation is made in C with a haskell FFI wrapper that hides the C implementation. NOTE: This package has been forked off cryptohash-0.11.7 because the cryptohash package has been deprecated and so this package continues to satisfy the need for a lightweight package providing the SHA1 hash algorithm without any dependencies on packages other than base and bytestring. Consequently, this package can be used as a drop-in replacement for cryptohash's Crypto.Hash.SHA1 module, though with a clearly smaller footprint. WWW: |
2017-08-08T17:21:45+00:00 | security/hs-cryptohash-md5 |
A practical incremental and one-pass, pure API to the MD5 hash algorithm A practical incremental and one-pass, pure API to the MD5 hash algorithm (including HMAC support) with performance close to the fastest implementations available in other languages. The implementation is made in C with a haskell FFI wrapper that hides the C implementation. NOTE: This package has been forked off cryptohash-0.11.7 because the cryptohash package has been deprecated and so this package continues to satisfy the need for a lightweight package providing the MD5 hash algorithm without any dependencies on packages other than base and bytestring. Consequently, this package can be used as a drop-in replacement for cryptohash's Crypto.Hash.MD5 module, though with a clearly smaller footprint. WWW: |
2017-08-08T17:21:45+00:00 | math/hs-integer-logarithms |
The integer-logarithms package Math.NumberTheory.Logarithms and Math.NumberTheory.Powers.Integer from the arithmoi package. Also provides GHC.Integer.Logarithms.Compat and Math.NumberTheory.Power.Natural modules, as well as some additional functions in migrated modules. WWW: |
2017-08-08T17:21:45+00:00 | math/hs-half |
Half-precision floating-point Half-precision floating-point WWW: |
2017-08-08T17:21:45+00:00 | math/hs-fixed |
Signed 15.16 precision fixed point arithmetic Signed 15.16 precision fixed point arithmetic WWW: |
2017-08-08T17:21:45+00:00 | graphics/hs-graphviz |
This library provides bindings for the Dot language used by the Graphviz This library provides bindings for the Dot language used by the Graphviz ( suite of programs for visualising graphs, as well as functions to call those programs. WWW: |
2017-08-08T17:21:45+00:00 | devel/hs-wl-pprint-text |
A clone of wl-pprint for use with the text library A clone of wl-pprint for use with the text library WWW: |
2017-08-08T17:21:45+00:00 | devel/hs-unexceptionalio |
IO without any non-error, synchronous exceptions When you've caught all the exceptions that can be handled safely, this is what you're left with. It is intended that you use qualified imports with this library. WWW: |
2017-08-08T17:21:45+00:00 | devel/hs-typed-process |
The typed-process package The typed-process package WWW: |
2017-08-08T17:21:45+00:00 | devel/hs-th-lift |
Derive Template Haskell's Lift class for datatypes. Derive Template Haskell's Lift class for datatypes. WWW: |
2017-08-08T17:21:45+00:00 | devel/hs-th-lift-instances |
Some more Lift instances for common haskell data types Most data types in haskell platform do not have Lift instances. This package provides orphan instances for containers, text, bytestring and vector. WWW: |
2017-08-08T17:21:45+00:00 | devel/hs-th-abstraction |
This package normalizes variations in the interface for inspecting datatype information via Template Haskell This package normalizes variations in the interface for inspecting datatype information via Template Haskell so that packages and support a single, easier to use informational datatype while supporting many versions of Template Haskell. WWW: |
2017-08-08T17:21:45+00:00 | devel/hs-text-short |
This package provides the ShortText type which is suitable for keeping many short strings in memory This package provides the ShortText type which is suitable for keeping many short strings in memory. This is similiar to how ShortByteString relates to ByteString. The main difference between Text and ShortText is that ShortText uses UTF-8 instead of UTF-16 internally and also doesn't support slicing (thereby saving 2 words). Consequently, the memory footprint of a (boxed) ShortText value is 4 words (2 words when unboxed) plus the length of the UTF-8 encoded payload. WWW: |
2017-08-08T17:21:45+00:00 | devel/hs-terminal-size |
Get terminal window height and width Get terminal window height and width without ncurses dependency. WWW: |
2017-08-08T17:21:45+00:00 | devel/hs-say |
The say packagae The say package WWW: |
2017-08-08T17:21:45+00:00 | devel/hs-safe-exceptions |
The safe-exceptions package The safe-exceptions package WWW: |
2017-08-08T17:21:45+00:00 | devel/hs-refact |
This library provides a datatype which can be interpreted by apply-refact This library provides a datatype which can be interpreted by apply-refact. It exists as a seperate library so that applications can specify refactorings without depending on GHC WWW: |
2017-08-08T17:21:45+00:00 | devel/hs-readable |
Reading data types from ByteString and Text Provides a Readable type class for reading data types from ByteString and Text. Also includes efficient implementations for common data types. WWW: |
2017-08-08T17:21:45+00:00 | devel/hs-psqueues |
Provides Priority Search Queues The psqueues package provides Priority Search Queues in three different flavors. * OrdPSQ k p v, which uses the Ord k instance to provide fast insertion, deletion and lookup. This implementation is based on Ralf Hinze's A Simple Implementation Technique for Priority Search Queues. Hence, it is similar to the PSQueue library, although it is considerably faster and provides a slightly different API. * IntPSQ p v is a far more efficient implementation. It fixes the key type to Int and uses a radix tree (like IntMap) with an additional min-heap property. * HashPSQ k p v is a fairly straightforward extension of IntPSQ: it simply uses the keys' hashes as indices in the IntPSQ. If there are any hash collisions, it uses an OrdPSQ to resolve those. The performance of this implementation is comparable to that of IntPSQ, but it is more widely applicable since the keys are not restricted to Int, but rather to any Hashable datatype. Each of the three implementations provides the same API, so they can be used interchangeably. The benchmarks show how they perform relative to one another, and also compared to the other Priority Search Queue implementations on Hackage: PSQueue and fingertree-psqueue. WWW: |
2017-08-08T17:21:45+00:00 | devel/hs-process-extras |
Read process input and output as ByteStrings or Text Extends Read process input and output as ByteStrings or Text, or write your own ProcessOutput instance. Lazy process input and output. ProcessMaker class for more flexibility in the process creation API. WWW: |
2017-08-08T17:21:45+00:00 | devel/hs-newtype-generics |
Full replacement for the original newtype package Per Conor McBride, the Newtype typeclass represents the packing and unpacking of a newtype, and allows you to operatate under that newtype with functions such as ala. Generics support was added in version 0.4, making this package a full replacement for the original newtype package, and a better alternative to newtype-th. WWW: |
2017-08-08T17:21:45+00:00 | devel/hs-mono-traversable-instances |
The mono-traversable-instances package The mono-traversable-instances package WWW: |
2017-08-08T17:21:45+00:00 | devel/hs-monadplus |
Haskell98 partial maps and filters over MonadPlus Filtering and folding over arbitrary MonadPlus instances. This package generalizes many common stream operations such as filter, catMaybes etc. WWW: |
2017-08-08T17:21:45+00:00 | devel/hs-monad-unlift |
The monad-unlift package The monad-unlift package WWW: |
2017-08-08T17:21:45+00:00 | devel/hs-microstache |
Mustache templates for Haskell Mustache templates for Haskell. Based on stache library, which uses megaparsec. This library uses parsec, thus the name: microstache. WWW: |
2017-08-08T17:21:45+00:00 | devel/hs-microlens |
The microlens package This library is an extract from lens (with no dependencies). It's not a toy lenses library, unsuitable for âreal worldâ, but merely a small one. It is compatible with lens, and should have same performance. It also has better documentation. WWW: |
2017-08-08T17:21:45+00:00 | devel/hs-microlens-th |
This package lets you automatically generate lenses for data types This package lets you automatically generate lenses for data types; code was extracted from the lens package, and therefore generated lenses are fully compatible with ones generated by lens (and can be used both from lens and microlens). WWW: |
2017-08-08T17:21:45+00:00 | devel/hs-io-streams |
Simple and easy-to-use primitives for I/O using streams The io-streams library contains simple and easy-to-use primitives for I/O using streams. WWW: |
2017-08-08T17:21:45+00:00 | devel/hs-io-streams-haproxy |
HAProxy protocol version 1.5 support for I/O using streams HAProxy protocol version 1.5 support (see for applications using io-streams. The proxy protocol allows information about a networked peer (like remote address and port) to be propagated through a forwarding proxy that is configured to speak this protocol. WWW: |
2017-08-08T17:21:45+00:00 | devel/hs-haskell-lexer |
A fully compliant Haskell 98 lexer A fully compliant Haskell 98 lexer. WWW: |
2017-08-08T17:21:45+00:00 | devel/hs-gitrev |
Compile git revision info into Haskell projects Some handy Template Haskell splices for including the current git hash and branch in the code of your project. Useful for including in panic messages, --version output, or diagnostic info for more informative bug reports. WWW: |
2017-08-08T17:21:45+00:00 | devel/hs-foundation |
A custom prelude with no dependencies apart from base This package has the following goals: * provide a base like sets of modules that provide a consistent set of features and bugfixes across multiple versions of GHC (unlike base). * provide a better and more efficient prelude than base's prelude. * be self-sufficient: no external dependencies apart from base. * provide better data-types: packed unicode string by default, arrays. * Better numerical classes that better represent mathematical thing (No more all-in-one Num). * Better I/O system with less Lazy IO * Usual partial functions distinguished through type system WWW: |
2017-08-08T17:21:45+00:00 | devel/hs-fmlist |
FoldMap lists are lists represented by their foldMap function FoldMap lists are lists represented by their foldMap function. FoldMap lists have O(1) cons, snoc and append, just like DLists, but other operations might have favorable performance characteristics as well. These wild claims are still completely unverified though. WWW: |
2017-08-08T17:21:45+00:00 | devel/hs-dbus |
A client library for the D-Bus IPC system D-Bus is a simple, message-based protocol for inter-process communication, which allows applications to interact with other parts of the machine and the user's session using remote procedure calls. D-Bus is a essential part of the modern Linux desktop, where it replaces earlier protocols such as CORBA and DCOP. This library is an implementation of the D-Bus protocol in Haskell. It can be used to add D-Bus support to Haskell applications, without the awkward interfaces common to foreign bindings. WWW: |
2017-08-08T17:21:45+00:00 | devel/hs-data-endian |
Endian-sensitive data This package provides helpers for converting endian-sensitive data. WWW: |
2017-08-08T17:21:45+00:00 | devel/hs-concurrent-output |
Ungarble output from several threads or commands Lets multiple threads and external processes concurrently output to the console, without it getting all garbled up. Built on top of that is a way of defining multiple output regions, which are automatically laid out on the screen and can be individually updated by concurrent threads. Can be used for progress displays etc. WWW: |
2017-08-08T17:21:45+00:00 | devel/hs-colour |
This package provides a data type for colours and transparency This package provides a data type for colours and transparency. Colours can be blended and composed. Various colour spaces are supported. A module of colour names (Data.Colour.Names) is provided. WWW: |
2017-08-08T17:21:45+00:00 | devel/hs-code-page |
A cross-platform module that exports functions which adjust code pages on Windows This library provides two modules: * System.IO.CodePage: a cross-platform module that exports functions which adjust code pages on Windows, and do nothing on other operating systems. * System.Win32.CodePage: On Windows, this exports functions for getting, setting, and analyzing code pages. On other operating systems, this module exports nothing. WWW: |
2017-08-08T17:21:45+00:00 | devel/hs-clock |
A package for convenient access to high-resolution clock and timer functions A package for convenient access to high-resolution clock and timer functions of different operating systems via a unified API. WWW: |
2017-08-08T17:21:45+00:00 | devel/hs-call-stack |
The call-stack package Use GHC call-stacks in a backward compatible way. WWW: |
2017-08-08T17:21:45+00:00 | devel/hs-base-compat |
Provides functions available in later versions of base to a wider range of compilers Provides functions available in later versions of base to a wider range of compilers, without requiring you to use CPP pragmas in your code. See the README for what is covered. Also see the changelog for recent changes. Note that base-compat does not add any orphan instances. There is a separate package, base-orphans, for that. In addition, base-compat does not backport any data types or type classes. See this section of the README for more info. WWW: |
2017-08-08T17:21:45+00:00 | devel/hs-Only |
This package provides a canonical anonymous 1-tuple type This package provides a canonical anonymous 1-tuple type missing from Haskell for attaching typeclass instances. NOTE: There is also the OneTuple package which by using a boxed data-type provides a 1-tuple type which has laziness properties which are more faithful to the ones of Haskell's native tuples; whereas the primary purpose of Only is to provide the traditionally so named type-wrapper for attaching typeclass instances. WWW: |
2017-08-08T17:21:45+00:00 | devel/hs-ListLike |
Generic support for list-like structures in Haskell Generic support for list-like structures in Haskell. The ListLike module provides a common interface to the various Haskell types that are list-like. Predefined interfaces include standard Haskell lists, Arrays, ByteStrings, and lazy ByteStrings. Custom types can easily be made ListLike instances as well. ListLike also provides for String-like types, such as String and ByteString, for types that support input and output, and for types that can handle infinite lists. WWW: |
2017-08-08T17:21:45+00:00 | devel/hs-EdisonCore |
A library of efficent, purely-functional data structures (Core Implementations) This package provides the core Edison data structure implementations, including multiple sequence, set, bag, and finite map concrete implementations with various performance characteristics. The implementations in this package have no dependencies other than those commonly bundled with Haskell compilers. WWW: |
2017-08-08T17:21:45+00:00 | devel/hs-EdisonAPI |
A library of efficient, purely-functional data structures (API) Edison is a library of purely functional data structures written by Chris Okasaki. It is named after Thomas Alva Edison and for the mnemonic value EDiSon (Efficient Data Structures). Edison provides several families of abstractions, each with multiple implementations. The main abstractions provided by Edison are: Sequences such as stacks, queues, and dequeues; Collections such as sets, bags and heaps; and Associative Collections such as finite maps and priority queues where the priority and element are distinct. WWW: |
2017-08-08T17:21:45+00:00 | deskutils/hs-fdo-notify |
Desktop Notifications client A library for issuing notifications using's Desktop Notifications protcol. This protocol is supported by services such as Ubuntu's NotifyOSD. WWW: |
2017-08-08T17:21:45+00:00 | converters/hs-aeson-compat |
Fast JSON parsing and encoding Compatibility layer for aeson WWW: |
2017-08-08T15:12:13+00:00 | security/rubygem-hashie-forbidden_attributes |
Hashie compatibility layer for forbidden attributes protection Hashie compatibility layer for forbidden attributes protection. WWW: |
2017-08-07T21:44:00+00:00 | mail/dovecot-pigeonhole |
Sieve plugin for the Dovecot 'deliver' LDA and LMTP Sieve language support by a plugin for the Dovecot deliver LDA&LMTP * Mail filtering * Mail forwarding * Vacation auto-reply WWW: |
2017-08-07T15:33:51+00:00 | audio/py-aubio |
Python bindings for aubio music analysis |
2017-08-07T13:46:50+00:00 | databases/pgloader3 |
Data loading and migration tool for PostgreSQL using the COPY command pgloader loads data from various sources into PostgreSQL. It can transform the data it reads on the fly and submit raw SQL before and after the loading. It uses the COPY PostgreSQL protocol to stream the data into the server, and manages errors by filling a pair of reject.dat and reject.log files. Thanks to being able to load data directly from a database source, pgloader also supports migrations from other productions to PostgreSQL. In this mode of operation, pgloader handles both the schema and data parts of the migration in a single unmanned command, allowing to implement Continuous Migration. WWW: |
2017-08-07T10:14:08+00:00 | devel/rubygem-hike1 |
Ruby library for finding files in a set of paths A Ruby library for finding files in a set of paths. WWW: |
2017-08-06T06:57:44+00:00 | security/openvas9 |
openvas 9 vulnerability scanner (metaport) This is the metaport to install OpenVAS 9 applications and libraries. WWW: |
2017-08-06T06:54:47+00:00 | security/openvas8 |
openvas 8 vulnerability scanner (metaport) This is the metaport to install OpenVAS 8 applications and libraries. WWW: |
2017-08-05T23:10:37+00:00 | dns/rubygem-public_suffix2 |
Ruby domain name parser based on the Public Suffix List PublicSuffix can parse and decompose a domain name into top level domain, domain and subdomains. WWW: |
2017-08-05T10:58:48+00:00 | sysutils/consolekit2 |
Framework for defining and tracking users ConsoleKit2 is a framework for defining and tracking users, login sessions, and seats. It allows multiple users to be logged in at the same time and share hardware for their graphical session. ConsoleKit2 will keep track of those resources and whichever session is active will have use of the hardware at that time. What is a seat? =============== A seat is a collection of sessions and a set of hardware (usually at least a keyboard and mouse). Only one session may be active on a seat at a time. What is a session? ================== A session is a collection of all processes that originate from a single common ancestor and retain knowledge of a secret. As an implementation detail, this secret may be stored in the process environment by the login manager under the name XDG_SESSION_COOKIE. WWW: |
2017-08-05T02:48:54+00:00 | mail/rubygem-mini_mime |
Lightweight mime type lookup toy MiniMime is a minimal mime type implementation for use with the mail and rest-client gem. It is optimised to minimize memory usage. It keeps a cache of 100 mime type lookups (and 100 misses). WWW: |
2017-08-04T16:01:40+00:00 | sysutils/u-boot-zedboard |
U-Boot loader for the Xilinx Zynq-based Zedboard. To install this bootloader, copy the files in the share/u-boot/u-boot-zedboard directory to the first partition, formatted as FAT16 or FAT32, on an SD card. This version is patched so that: * API features are enabled. For information about running FreeBSD on Xilinx Zynq SoCs, see WWW: |
2017-08-04T01:00:13+00:00 | sysutils/u-boot-zybo |
U-Boot loader for the Xilinx Zynq-based Zedboard. To install this bootloader, copy the files in the share/u-boot/u-boot-zedboard directory to the first partition, formatted as FAT16 or FAT32, on an SD card. This version is patched so that: * API features are enabled. For information about running FreeBSD on Xilinx Zynq SoCs, see WWW: |
2017-08-03T22:45:13+00:00 | security/greenbone-security-assistant9 |
OpenVAS 9 web interface The Open Vulnerability Assessment System (OpenVAS) is a framework of several services and tools offering a comprehensive and powerful vulnerability scanning and vulnerability management solution. This package contains the Greenbone Security Assistant, a web interface for the OpenVAS Manager. WWW: |
2017-08-03T22:43:53+00:00 | security/openvas9-manager |
OpenVAS 9 manager The Open Vulnerability Assessment System (OpenVAS) is a framework of several services and tools offering a comprehensive and powerful vulnerability scanning and vulnerability management solution. This package contains the OpenVAS Manager which provides services on top of the OpenVAS Scanner to manage scan results, configurations and user access control. WWW: |
2017-08-03T22:41:13+00:00 | security/openvas9-scanner |
OpenVAS 9 scanner The Open Vulnerability Assessment System (OpenVAS) is a framework of several services and tools offering a comprehensive and powerful vulnerability scanning and vulnerability management solution. This package contains the OpenVAS Scanner which executes Network Vulnerability Tests (NVTs) provided by the OpenVAS NVT Feed or a commercial feed service. WWW: |
2017-08-03T22:38:10+00:00 | security/openvas9-cli |
OpenVAS 9 command-line interface and Nagios plugin The Open Vulnerability Assessment System (OpenVAS) is a framework of several services and tools offering a comprehensive and powerful vulnerability scanning and vulnerability management solution. This package contains a command-line tool to control the OpenVAS Manager and a Nagios plugin. WWW: |
2017-08-03T22:36:54+00:00 | security/openvas9-libraries |
OpenVAS 9 libraries The Open Vulnerability Assessment System (OpenVAS) is a framework of several services and tools offering a comprehensive and powerful vulnerability scanning and vulnerability management solution. This package contains core libraries. WWW: |
2017-08-03T22:21:37+00:00 | security/openvas8-scanner |
OpenVAS 8 scanner The Open Vulnerability Assessment System (OpenVAS) is a framework of several services and tools offering a comprehensive and powerful vulnerability scanning and vulnerability management solution. This package contains the OpenVAS Scanner which executes Network Vulnerability Tests (NVTs) provided by the OpenVAS NVT Feed or a commercial feed service. WWW: |
2017-08-03T22:21:37+00:00 | security/openvas8-manager |
OpenVAS 8 manager The Open Vulnerability Assessment System (OpenVAS) is a framework of several services and tools offering a comprehensive and powerful vulnerability scanning and vulnerability management solution. This package contains the OpenVAS Manager which provides services on top of the OpenVAS Scanner to manage scan results, configurations and user access control. WWW: |
2017-08-03T22:21:37+00:00 | security/openvas8-libraries |
OpenVAS 8 libraries The Open Vulnerability Assessment System (OpenVAS) is a framework of several services and tools offering a comprehensive and powerful vulnerability scanning and vulnerability management solution. This package contains core libraries. WWW: |
2017-08-03T22:21:37+00:00 | security/openvas8-cli |
OpenVAS 8 command-line interface and Nagios plugin The Open Vulnerability Assessment System (OpenVAS) is a framework of several services and tools offering a comprehensive and powerful vulnerability scanning and vulnerability management solution. This package contains a command-line tool to control the OpenVAS Manager and a Nagios plugin. WWW: |
2017-08-03T22:21:37+00:00 | security/greenbone-security-assistant8 |
OpenVAS 8 web interface The Open Vulnerability Assessment System (OpenVAS) is a framework of several services and tools offering a comprehensive and powerful vulnerability scanning and vulnerability management solution. This package contains the Greenbone Security Assistant, a web interface for the OpenVAS Manager. WWW: |
2017-08-03T21:44:51+00:00 | games/moonlight-embedded |
Gamestream client Moonlight Embedded is an open source implementation of NVIDIA's GameStream, as used by the NVIDIA Shield. Moonlight Embedded allows you to stream your full collection of games from your powerful Windows desktop to your FreeBSD system. WWW: |
2017-08-03T16:47:31+00:00 | net-p2p/jackett |
Torznab proxy implementation of the Newznab API Jackett works as a proxy server: it translates queries from apps (Sonarr, Radarr, SickRage, CouchPotato, Mylar, etc) into tracker-site-specific http queries, parses the html response, then sends results back to the requesting software. This allows for getting recent uploads (like RSS) and performing searches. Jackett is a single repository of maintained indexer scraping & translation logic - removing the burden from other apps. WWW: |
2017-08-03T12:20:38+00:00 | math/form |
Symbolic Manipulation System FORM is a Symbolic Manipulation System. It reads symbolic expressions from files and executes symbolic/algebraic transformations upon them. The answers are returned in a textual mathematical representation. As its landmark feature, the size of the considered expressions in FORM is only limited by the available disk space and not by the available RAM. WWW: |
2017-08-02T19:24:54+00:00 | graphics/openicc-config |
Color configuration data base management The OpenICC configuration data base allows to store, share and manipulate colour management informations. Part of that is a file format based on JSON and a implementation of an according library for easy access. Features: * access to OpenICC device JSON DB WWW: |
2017-08-02T18:30:59+00:00 | net/rubygem-fog-joyent |
Module for the 'fog' gem to support Joyent Fog::Joyent is a module for the fog gem to support Joyent. WWW: |
2017-08-02T18:30:41+00:00 | net/rubygem-fog-internet-archive |
Module for the 'fog' gem to support Internet Archive Fog::InternetArchive is a module for the fog gem to support Internet Archive Storage. WWW: |
2017-08-02T18:16:52+00:00 | sysutils/u-boot-nanopi-neo-air |
U-Boot loader for NanoPi Neo Air. To install this bootloader on an sdcard just do : dd if=$LOCALBASE/share/u-boot/u-boot-nanopi-neo-air/u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin of=/path/to/sdcarddevice bs=1k seek=8 conv=sync This version is patched so that: * API features are enabled. * A boot.scr (U-Boot script) that loads ubldr.bin and execute it is included For information about running FreeBSD on Allwinner boards, see WWW: |
2017-08-02T18:16:52+00:00 | sysutils/u-boot-nanopi-m1plus |
U-Boot loader for NanoPi M1 Plus. To install this bootloader on an sdcard just do : dd if=$LOCALBASE/share/u-boot/u-boot-nanopi-m1plus/u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin of=/path/to/sdcarddevice bs=1k seek=8 conv=sync This version is patched so that: * API features are enabled. * A boot.scr (U-Boot script) that loads ubldr.bin and execute it is included For information about running FreeBSD on Allwinner boards, see WWW: |
2017-08-02T17:53:05+00:00 | devel/codequery |
Code understanding, browsing and search tool This is a tool to index, then query or search C, C++, Java, Python, Ruby, Go and Javascript source code. It builds upon the databases of cscope and Exuberant ctags. It can also work with Universal ctags, which is a drop-in replacement for Exuberant ctags. The databases of cscope and ctags would be processed by the cqmakedb tool to generate the CodeQuery database file. The CodeQuery database file can be viewed and queried using the codequery GUI tool. WWW: |
2017-08-02T17:47:11+00:00 | graphics/qt5-wayland |
Qt5 wrapper for Wayland |
2017-08-02T16:13:43+00:00 | devel/p5-Paranoid-Log-Syslog |
Syslog support for Paranoid::Log Paranoid::Log::Syslog provides syslog support from within the Paranoid::Log framework. WWW: |
2017-08-02T15:36:30+00:00 | sysutils/u-boot-nanopi-neo |
U-Boot loader for NanoPi Neo. To install this bootloader on an sdcard just do : dd if=$LOCALBASE/share/u-boot/u-boot-nanopi-neo/u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin of=/path/to/sdcarddevice bs=1k seek=8 conv=sync This version is patched so that: * API features are enabled. * A boot.scr (U-Boot script) that loads ubldr.bin and execute it is included For information about running FreeBSD on Allwinner boards, see WWW: |
2017-08-02T14:07:49+00:00 | devel/py-amalgamate |
Collapse Python packages into a single module A package-based, source code amalgamater for collapsing Python packages into a single module. The big idea here is to glue most of the source files in a package or subpackage together into a single module, called Combined with some hooks in the, this should dramatically reduce the number of files that are being searched for inside of the package. This is critical in larger projects where import times are the major startup time cost. WWW: |
2017-08-02T11:37:08+00:00 | devel/p5-Paranoid-Log-Email |
SMTP support for Paranoid::Log Paranoid::Log::Email provides SMTP support from within the Paranoid::Log framework. WWW: |
2017-08-01T18:22:02+00:00 | textproc/rubygem-sass34 |
Extension of CSS3 Sass is an extension of CSS3, adding nested rules, variables, mixins, selector inheritance, and more. It's translated to well-formatted, standard CSS using the command line tool or a web-framework plugin. WWW: |
2017-08-01T17:57:54+00:00 | textproc/rubygem-sass-listen |
Listens to file modifications The Listen gem listens for file modifications and notifies about changes. - OS-optimized adapters on MRI for Mac OS X 10.6+, Linux, *BSD and Windows - Detects file modification, addition and removal - You can watch multiple directories - Regexp-patterns for ignoring paths for more accuracy and speed - Increased change detection accuracy on OS X HFS and VFAT volumes WWW: |
2017-08-01T16:39:29+00:00 | x11-fonts/ohsnap |
Monospaced font based on Artwiz Snap Monospaced font based on Artwiz Snap with bold support and a version with status icons. There are ISO8859-1, a version with status icons, consolefonts and ISO10646-1. Available sizes are: 6x11, 7x12, 6x13 and 7x14. WWW: |
2017-08-01T05:09:51+00:00 | devel/py3-verboselogs |
2017-07-31T16:22:20+00:00 | www/py-html5-parser |
Fast implementation of the HTML 5 parsing spec for Python A fast implementation of the HTML 5 parsing spec for Python. Parsing is done in C using a variant of the gumbo parser. The gumbo parse tree is then transformed into an lxml tree, also in C, yielding parse times that can be a thirtieth of the html5lib parse times. That is a speedup of 30x. This differs, for instance, from the gumbo python bindings, where the initial parsing is done in C but the transformation into the final tree is done in python. WWW: |
2017-07-31T15:50:30+00:00 | sysutils/rubygem-chef-config |
Default configuration and config loading library for Chef ChefConfig is the default configuration and config loading library for Chef. WWW: |
2017-07-30T21:46:10+00:00 | devel/bazel-clang38 |
2017-07-30T14:18:29+00:00 | databases/grass7 |
Open source Geographical Information System (GIS) Geographic Resources Analysis Support System (GRASS GIS) An open source Geographical Information System (GIS) with raster, topological vector, image processing, and graphics production functionality that operates on various platforms through a graphical user interface and shell in X-Windows. It is released under GNU General Public License (GPL). WWW: |
2017-07-30T14:18:29+00:00 | databases/grass6 |
Open source Geographical Information System (GIS) Geographic Resources Analysis Support System (GRASS GIS) An open source Geographical Information System (GIS) with raster, topological vector, image processing, and graphics production functionality that operates on various platforms through a graphical user interface and shell in X-Windows. It is released under GNU General Public License (GPL). WWW: |
2017-07-28T18:58:24+00:00 | devel/libffcall |
Foreign function call libraries This is a collection of four libraries which can be used to build foreign function call interfaces in embedded interpreters. The four packages are: avcall - calling C functions with variable arguments vacall - C functions accepting variable argument prototypes trampoline - closures as first-class C functions callback - closures with variable arguments as first-class C functions (a reentrant combination of vacall and trampoline) WWW: |
2017-07-28T18:28:41+00:00 | security/vuls |
Agentless vulnerability scanner Vuls is an agentless vulnerability scanner written in golang. It can scan localhost or remote hosts via SSH. Vuls has a Terminal-Based User Interface(TUI) to display the scan results. Vuls' features include: - scan for vulnerabilitie in Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS, Amazon Linux, RHEL, Oracle Linux, FreeBSD and Raspbian; - scan middleware that are not included in OS package management; - nondestructive testing; - email and slack notification. WWW: |
2017-07-28T18:22:22+00:00 | security/go-cve-dictionary |
Build local copies of vulnerabilities from NVD and JVN go-cve-dictionary builds a a local copy of the National Vulnerabilities Database(NVD) and Japan Vulnerability Notes(JVN). NVD and JVN contain security vulnerabilities according to their CVE identifiers including exhaustive information and a risk score. The local copy is generated in sqlite format. A server is included for easy querying. WWW: |
2017-07-28T17:05:10+00:00 | www/mod_security-devel |
Intrusion detection and prevention engine ModSecurity is an embeddable web application firewall. It provides protection from a range of attacks against web applications and allows for HTTP traffic monitoring and real-time analysis with no changes to existing infrastructure. It is also an open source project that aims to make the web application firewall technology available to everyone. WWW: |
2017-07-27T19:52:03+00:00 | devel/mdb |
Solaris Modular Debugger This is a port of the Solaris Modular Debugger to FreeBSD. Currently it only supports debugging of FreeBSD/amd64 kernels via kernel crashes (vmcores) or live systems via /dev/mem. It does not include a port of the in-kernel kmdb debugger. WWW: |
2017-07-27T18:24:15+00:00 | net-mgmt/icingaweb2-module-vsphere |
Automated import of your VMs and Physical Host from VMware Sphere In case you want to have an automated import of your Virtual Machines and/or Physical Host from VMware Sphere (vCenter) into your Icinga monitoring system this module might be what you have been looking for. At the time of this writing, the main purpose of this module is being a Import Source provider for the Icinga Director. WWW: |
2017-07-27T18:21:21+00:00 | net-mgmt/icingaweb2-module-grafana |
Add Grafana graphs into Icinga Web 2 to display performance metrics Add Grafana graphs into Icinga Web 2 to display performance metrics. WWW: |
2017-07-27T18:21:15+00:00 | textproc/kibana5-search-guard |
Kibana 5.3 Search Guard plugin This plugin for Kibana adds session management and multi tenancy to a Search Guard secured cluster. WWW: |
2017-07-27T18:12:58+00:00 | sysutils/atf-allwinner |
Arm Trusted Framework for Allwinner SoCs Arm Trusted Framework for Allwinner 64 Bits SoCs Trusted Firmware-A (TF-A) provides a reference implementation of secure world software for Armv7-A and Armv8-A, including a Secure Monitor executing at Exception Level 3 (EL3). WWW: |
2017-07-27T17:39:35+00:00 | security/py-first-server |
Function Identification and Recovery Signature Tool The main idea behind FIRST is to preserve an engineer's analysis of certain functions (name, prototype, comment, etc) by using methods like opcode hashing, mnemonic hashing, locality sensitive hashing, etc. By collecting and storing these signatures centrally the framework can provide them later to the community via the API/Plugin. The goal is to provide quick lookups for similar functions (see Fig. A) to avoid losing time with analysing a function which was already analysed before in another sample or by another engineer. WWW: |
2017-07-27T16:37:21+00:00 | security/rubygem-hkdf |
HMAC-based Key Derivation Function A ruby implementation of RFC5869: HMAC-based Extract-and-Expand Key Derivation Function (HKDF). The goal of HKDF is to take some source key material and generate suitable cryptographic keys from it. WWW: |
2017-07-27T16:19:16+00:00 | audio/drumgizmo |
Multichannel drum sampler DrumGizmo is an open source, multichannel, multilayered, cross-platform drum plugin and stand-alone application. It enables you to compose drums in midi and mix them with a multichannel approach. It is comparable to that of mixing a real drumkit that has been recorded with a multimic setup. Features include: * Stand-alone, Lv2 and VSTi versions available * Open drumkit file format, allowing the community to create their own drumkits * Drum velocity, allowing for several different hit velocities for each drum * Multichannel output, making it possible to mix it just the way you would a real drumkit * Optional built-in humanizer, analyzing the midi notes, adjusting velocities on-the-fly * Stand-alone midi renderer, generating .wav files, 1 for each channel * Stand-alone midi input, making it possible to use DrumGizmo as a software sampler for an electronic drumkit WWW: |
2017-07-27T09:19:00+00:00 | databases/pg_dirtyread |
Read dead but unvacuumed tuples from a PostgreSQL relation The pg_dirtyread extension provides the ability to read dead but unvacuumed rows from a relation. WWW: |
2017-07-27T07:48:56+00:00 | devel/py-verboselogs |
Verbose logging level for Python logging module The verboselogs package extends Python logging module to add the log levels VERBOSE, NOTICE, and SPAM WWW: |
2017-07-27T06:56:08+00:00 | devel/libhyve-remote |
Library to abstract vnc, rdp and spice protocols The libhyve-remote aims to abstract functionalities from other third party libraries such like libvncserver, freerdp and spice to be used in hypervisor implementation. With a basic data structure it is easy to implement any remote desktop protocol without dig into the protocol specification or third part libraries, you can check some of our examples. WWW: |
2017-07-26T22:31:37+00:00 | net-mgmt/icingaweb2-module-map |
Display hosts on OpenStreetMap The Icinga Web 2 Module Map displays hosts and their status on OpenStreetMap using WWW: |
2017-07-26T20:55:14+00:00 | emulators/qemu-ppcnv |
Fork of QEMU with experimental PowerPCNV emulation support Fork of QEMU with experimental PowerPC NV emulation support. WWW: |
2017-07-26T18:19:38+00:00 | net/drive |
Tiny program to pull or push Google Drive files drive is a tiny program to pull or push Google Drive files. drive was originally developed by Burcu Dogan while working on the Google Drive team. Since she is very busy and no longer able to maintain it, I took over drive on Thursday, 1st January 2015. This repository contains the latest version of the code. WWW: |
2017-07-26T18:19:33+00:00 | mail/p5-Email-Address-XS |
Parse and format RFC 2822 email addresses and groups This module implements RFC 2822 parser and formatter of email addresses and groups. It parses an input string from email headers which contain a list of email addresses or a groups of email addresses (like From, To, Cc, Bcc, Reply-To, Sender, ...). Also it can generate a string value for those headers from a list of email addresses objects. Parser and formatter functionality is implemented in XS and uses shared code from Dovecot IMAP server. It is a drop-in replacement for the Email::Address module which has several security issues. Existing applications that use Email::Address module could be easily switched to Email::Address::XS module. In most cases only changing use Email::Address to use Email::Address::XS and replacing every Email::Address occurrence with Email::Address::XS is sufficient. So unlike Email::Address, this module does not use regular expressions for parsing but instead native XS implementation parses input string sequentially according to RFC 2822 grammar. Additionally it has support also for named groups and so can be use instead of the Email::Address::List module. WWW: |
2017-07-26T16:44:40+00:00 | dns/nsnotifyd |
Handle DNS NOTIFY messages by running a command The nsnotifyd daemon monitors a set of DNS zones and runs a command when any of them change. It listens for DNS NOTIFY messages so it can respond to changes promptly. It also uses each zone's SOA refresh and retry parameters to poll for updates if nsnotifyd does not receive NOTIFY messages more frequently. WWW: |
2017-07-26T08:44:49+00:00 | math/R-cran-combinat |
Routines for combinatorics Routines for combinatorics. WWW: |
2017-07-25T21:11:02+00:00 | databases/rubygem-active_model_serializers |
Conventions-based JSON generation for Rails This gem is an ActiveModel Serializer implementation with Rails hooks. It provides a means to generate JSON in an object-oriented and convention-driven manner. WWW: |
2017-07-25T20:42:02+00:00 | devel/rubygem-jsonapi-renderer |
Render JSONAPI documents This gem efficiently renders JSON API documents. Given a resource that implements a certain interface, a JSON-API-compliant hash representing the described document is returned. WWW: |
2017-07-25T20:25:35+00:00 | textproc/rubygem-case_transform |
Extraction of the key_transform abilities of ActiveModelSerializers This gem implements a simple extraction of the key_transform abilities of ActiveModelSerializers. For example, it will transform the key to camel case, dash, or underscore. WWW: |
2017-07-25T20:08:07+00:00 | security/rubygem-webpush |
Encryption utilities for Web Push payload This gem makes it possible to send push messages to web browsers from Ruby backends using the Web Push Protocol. It supports Message Encryption for Web Push to send messages securely from server to user agent. Payload is supported by Chrome50+, Firefox48+. WWW: |
2017-07-25T19:57:49+00:00 | databases/rubygem-mario-redis-lock |
Ruby distributed lock using Redis, with emphasis in transparency This is yet another Ruby distributed lock using Redis, with an emphasis on transparency. It requires Redis version 2.6.12 or later, because it uses the syntax for SET introduced in that version to easily implement the robust algorithm described in the SET command documentation. WWW: |
2017-07-25T19:46:46+00:00 | dns/rubygem-idn-ruby |
LibIDN Ruby Bindings Ruby Bindings for the GNU LibIDN library, an implementation of the Stringprep, Punycode and IDNA specifications defined by the IETF Internationalized Domain Names (IDN) working group. Included are the most important parts of the Stringprep, Punycode and IDNA APIs like performing Stringprep processings, encoding to and decoding from Punycode strings and converting entire domain names to and from the ACE encoded form. WWW: |
2017-07-25T17:41:46+00:00 | security/crackpkcs12 |
Multithreaded program to crack PKCS#12 files Multithreaded program to crack PKCS#12 files. WWW: |
2017-07-25T15:53:12+00:00 | comms/sunxi-tools |
Tools to help hacking Allwinner devices Tools to help hacking Allwinner A10 (aka sun4i) based devices and possibly it's successors, that's why the 'x' in the package name. WWW: |
2017-07-25T10:22:17+00:00 | games/stuntrally |
3D racing game based on VDrift and OGRE with track editor Stunt Rally is a racing game with rally style of driving, mostly on gravel. It features a rich variety of 172 tracks in 34 sceneries also on other planets. Track difficulty ranges from short and easy to very difficult stunt tracks including jumps, skewed loops, pipes winding in 3D, obstacles or all at once. There are 20 cars to choose, 1 motorbike, 3 hovering spaceships and 1 bouncing sphere. The latter provide a fast and easier gameplay on flat tracks. Game modes include: Single Race, Tutorials, Championships, Challenges, Multiplayer and Split Screen. Also Replays and Ghost drive are present. The Track Editor allows creating and modifying tracks. It uses a 3D spline generated road. WWW: |
2017-07-25T04:40:01+00:00 | devel/py-pyxb |
Python XML schema bindings PyXB is a pure Python package that generates Python code for classes that correspond to data structures defined by XMLSchema. In concept it is similar to JAXB for Java and CodeSynthesis XSD for C++. WWW: |
2017-07-25T02:16:05+00:00 | www/p5-Net-UPS |
Perl Client library for UPS XML Shipping API Implementation of UPS Online Tools API in Perl WWW: |
2017-07-24T15:26:58+00:00 | sysutils/goss |
Quick and Easy server validation Goss is a YAML based serverspec alternative tool for validating a server's configuration. It eases the process of writing tests by allowing the user to generate tests from the current system state. Once the test suite is written they can be executed, waited-on, or served as a health endpoint. WWW: |
2017-07-23T05:25:09+00:00 | lang/dlang-tools |
Ancillary tools for the D programming language compiler This repository hosts various tools redistributed with DMD or used internally during various build tasks. WWW: |
2017-07-23T05:14:10+00:00 | devel/dfmt |
Formatter for D source code dfmt is a formatter for D source code. dfmt is beta quality. Make backups of your files or use source control when using the --inplace option. WWW: |
2017-07-23T04:45:46+00:00 | www/mediawiki129 |
Wiki engine used by Wikipedia MediaWiki is the collaborative editing software that runs Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, and other projects. It's designed to handle a large number of users and pages without imposing too rigid a structure or workflow. WWW: |
2017-07-23T02:54:33+00:00 | editors/dlangide |
D language IDE based on DlangUI Cross platform D language IDE written using DlangUI library. - Uses DUB (dub.json or dub.sdl) project format - Shows tree with project source files - Can open and edit source files from project or file system in multi-tab editor - Build and run project with DUB - Build log highlight and navigation to place of error or warning by clicking on log line (contributed by Extrawurst) - DUB dependencies update - DUB package configuration selection (contributed by NCrashed) - Dependency projects are shown in workspace tree - New project wizard - Toolchain settings for DMD, LDC, GDC - Project specific settings - Basic debugger support using GDB (work in progress) - D language source code, json, dml syntax highlight - Indent / unindent text with Tab and Shift+Tab or Ctrl+[ and Ctrl+] - Toggle line or block comments by Ctrl+/ and Ctrl+Shift+/ - D source code autocompletion by Ctrl+Space or Ctrl+Shift+G (using DCD) - D source code Go To Definition by Ctrl+G or F12 (using DCD) - D source Doc comments display on mouse hover (using DCD) - D source code Smart Indents - Select word by mouse double click WWW: |
2017-07-23T02:47:41+00:00 | devel/dlangui |
Cross Platform GUI for D programming language Cross platform GUI for D. Widgets, layouts, styles, themes, unicode, i18n, OpenGL based acceleration - Crossplatform (Win32, OSX, Linux, FreeBSD and Android are supported in current version) - Mostly inspired by Android UI API (layouts, styles, two phase layout, ...) - Supports highly customizable UI themes and styles - Supports internationalization - Hardware acceleration using OpenGL (when built with version USE_OPENGL) - Fallback to pure Win32 API / SDL / X11 when OpenGL is not available (e.g. opengl dynamic library cannot be loaded) - Actually it's a port (with major refactoring) of GUI library for cross platform OpenGL based implementation of Cool Reader app project from C++. - Non thread safe - all UI operations should be preformed in single thread - Simple 3d engine - allows to embed 3D scenes within GUI WWW: |
2017-07-23T02:43:37+00:00 | print/derelict-ft |
Dynamic binding to the FreeType library for the D lang A dynamic binding to version 2.6 and 2.7 of the FreeType library for the D Programming Language WWW: |
2017-07-23T02:42:03+00:00 | graphics/derelict-gl3 |
Dynamic binding to OpenGL for the D Programming Language A dynamic binding to OpenGL for the D Programming Language WWW: |
2017-07-23T02:34:07+00:00 | devel/derelict-sdl2 |
Dynamic bindings to SDL2 and its libraries for the D lang Dynamic bindings to SDL 2 version 2.0.5, SDL2_image, SDL2_mixer, SDL2_ttf, and SDL2_net for the D Programming Language. WWW: |
2017-07-23T02:33:04+00:00 | devel/derelict-util |
The base library for all Derelict packages The base library for all Derelict packages WWW: |
2017-07-23T02:31:33+00:00 | devel/dlib |
Math, XML, I/O streams, image and audio processing for D dlib is a growing collection of native D language libraries useful for various higher-level projects - such as game engines, rendering pipelines and multimedia applications. It is written in D2 and has no external dependencies aside D's standard library, Phobos. WWW: |
2017-07-22T11:35:44+00:00 | x11-toolkits/gstreamer1-plugins-gtk |
GStreamer gtksink plugin |
2017-07-22T11:35:44+00:00 | net/gstreamer1-plugins-srtp |
GStreamer srtp plugin |
2017-07-22T11:35:44+00:00 | multimedia/gstreamer1-plugins-ttml |
GStreamer ttml subtitle plugin |
2017-07-22T11:35:44+00:00 | multimedia/gstreamer1-plugins-smoothstreaming |
GStreamer parse and demuliplex a Smooth Streaming manifest into audio/video streams plugin |
2017-07-22T11:35:44+00:00 | multimedia/gstreamer1-plugins-mplex |
GStreamer mplex plugin |
2017-07-22T11:35:44+00:00 | multimedia/gstreamer1-plugins-dash |
GStreamer Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP demuxer plugin |
2017-07-22T11:35:44+00:00 | graphics/gstreamer1-plugins-openexr |
GStreamer OpenExr codec plugin |
2017-07-22T11:35:44+00:00 | graphics/gstreamer1-plugins-kms |
GStreamer video sink via KMS plugin |
2017-07-22T11:35:44+00:00 | audio/gstreamer1-plugins-spc |
Gstreamer OpenSPC plugin |
2017-07-22T11:35:44+00:00 | audio/gstreamer1-plugins-sndfile |
Gstreamer sndfile plugin |
2017-07-22T11:35:44+00:00 | audio/gstreamer1-plugins-musepack |
Gstreamer musepack mpc encoder/decoder plugin |
2017-07-22T11:35:44+00:00 | audio/gstreamer1-plugins-ladspa |
Gstreamer ladspa (Linux Audio Developer's Simple Plugin API) plugin |
2017-07-22T03:38:18+00:00 | editors/coedit |
IDE for the D programming language Coedit is an IDE for the D programming language, its compilers, tools and libraries. - available for Windows, Linux and FreeBSD. - supports all the D compilers (DMD-GDC-LDC). - supports the DUB projects (JSON + SDL) and also Coedit own project format. - support the DUB scripts (aka single file packages) and Coedit own script format (aka runnable modules). - full D Completion Daemon integration (completion, ddoc display, call tips, jump to declaration, rename identifier). - Dynamic D-Scanner linting with results displayed in the editor gutter. - single click to compile and to unittest a module. - advanced editor with D2 syntax highlighter, folds, regions, identifier markup, macros, sync-edit, etc. - edition helpers: comment blocks, local identifier renaming, brace auto-closing, ddoc templates, etc. - Explorable list of symbols of the current module. - static libraries manager that supports auto-registration from local DUB projects, from online DUB packages or from Coedit custom project format. - todo list based on the todo comments located in a project or in the current source. - user-defined tools powered by a string interpolation system. - mini file browser, dfmt interface, search & replace and more WWW: |
2017-07-22T03:34:26+00:00 | devel/dcd-client |
Auto-complete program for the D programming language (client) |
2017-07-22T03:33:36+00:00 | devel/dcd-server |
Auto-complete program for the D programming language (server) DCD is not an IDE. DCD is designed to provide autocompletion for your favorite text editor. If you are looking for an IDE, try one of these. DCD consists of a client and a server. The client (dcd-client) is almost always used through a text editor script or plugin, though it can be used from the command line. The server (dcd-server) is responsible for caching imported files, calculating autocomplete information, and sending it back to the client. WWW: |
2017-07-22T03:31:33+00:00 | devel/d-scanner |
Swiss-army knife for D source code D-Scanner is a tool for analyzing D source code WWW: |
2017-07-22T03:29:52+00:00 | devel/msgpack-d |
Pure D implementation of MessagePack MessagePack is a binary-based JSON-like serialization library. MessagePack for D is a pure D implementation of MessagePack. WWW: |
2017-07-22T03:28:13+00:00 | devel/libdparse |
Library for lexing and parsing D source code Library for lexing and parsing D source code. WWW: |
2017-07-22T03:26:45+00:00 | devel/libddoc |
D implementation of the DDoc macro system D implementation of the DDoc macro system WWW: |
2017-07-22T03:25:14+00:00 | devel/iz |
General purpose library for the D programming language iz is a general purpose library for the D programming language. It includes streams, containers, a serializer, property binder, Pascal-like sets, Pascal-like properties and more WWW: |
2017-07-22T03:23:59+00:00 | devel/inifiled |
Compile-time .ini file parser and writer generator for D A compile time ini file parser and writter generator for D. inifile.d takes annotated structs and create ini file parser and writer. The ini file format always comments and section and to some degree nesting. WWW: |
2017-07-22T03:22:36+00:00 | devel/dsymbol |
Symbol lookup support for libdparse Basic symbol lookup/resolution for libdparse WWW: |
2017-07-22T03:19:47+00:00 | devel/containers |
Containers backed on dlang by std.experimental.allocator Containers backed on dlang by std.experimental.allocator WWW: |
2017-07-21T13:37:51+00:00 | x11-themes/adapta-gtk-theme |
Adaptive Gtk+ theme based on Material Design Guidelines Adaptive Gtk+ theme based on Material Design Guidelines. Supported Desktop Environments: * GNOME-Shell >= 3.20.0 * GNOME-Flashback >= 3.20 * Cinnamon >= 3.2.0 * XFce4 >= 4.12.2 * Mate >= 1.14.0 * LXDE >= 0.99.1 (Gtk+ 2.x only) WWW: |
2017-07-21T13:37:04+00:00 | x11-themes/adapta-backgrounds |
Wallpaper collection for adapta-project A wallpaper collection for adapta-project. WWW: |
2017-07-20T11:54:28+00:00 | www/fgallery |
Modern, static javascript photo gallery generator fgallery is a static photo gallery generator with no frills that has a stylish, minimalist look. fgallery shows your photos, and nothing else. There is no server-side processing, only static generation. The resulting gallery can be uploaded anywhere without additional requirements and works with any modern browser. Key features: * Automatically orients pictures without quality loss * Adapts to the current screen size and proportions, switching from horizontal/vertical layout and scaling thumbnails automatically * Supports face detection for improved thumbnail centering * Loads fast * Includes original (raw) pictures in a zip file for downloading * Panoramas can be seen full-size by default WWW: |
2017-07-20T11:53:59+00:00 | graphics/facedetect |
Simple face detector for batch processing facedetect is a simple face detector for batch processing. It answers the basic question: "Is there a face in this image?" and gives back either an exit code or the coordinates of each detected face in the standard output. The aim is to provide a basic command-line interface that's consistent and easy to use with software such as ImageMagick, while progressively improving the detection algorithm over time. WWW: |
2017-07-20T09:13:28+00:00 | devel/rubygem-re2 |
Ruby bindings to re2 Ruby bindings to re2, "an efficient, principled regular expression library". WWW: |
2017-07-20T04:15:24+00:00 | multimedia/gnome-mpv |
Simple GTK+ frontend for mpv GNOME MPV is a simple GTK+ frontend for mpv. GNOME MPV interacts with mpv via the client API exported by libmpv, allowing access to mpv's powerful playback capabilities. WWW: |
2017-07-19T17:20:36+00:00 | security/sha2wordlist |
Create SHA256 digests as PGP words This program takes data on stdin and outputs the SHA256 checksum of that data together with the PGP Wordlist representation of the checksum. This could be very useful when verifying checksums verbally. WWW: |
2017-07-19T05:40:13+00:00 | security/veracrypt |
Open-source disk encryption software based on Truecrypt VeraCrypt is a free open source disk encryption software for Windows, Mac OSX, FreeBSD and Linux. Brought to you by IDRIX ( and based on TrueCrypt 7.1a. VeraCrypt main features: - Creates a virtual encrypted disk within a file and mounts it as a real disk. - Encrypts an entire partition or storage device such as USB flash drive or hard drive. - Encrypts a partition or drive where Windows is installed (pre-boot authentication). - Encryption is automatic, real-time(on-the-fly) and transparent. - Parallelization and pipelining allow data to be read and written as fast as if the drive was not encrypted. - Encryption can be hardware-accelerated on modern processors. - Provides plausible deniability, in case an adversary forces you to reveal the password: Hidden volume (steganography) and hidden operating system. - More information about the features of VeraCrypt may be found in the documentation WWW: |
2017-07-18T23:40:21+00:00 | databases/py-pyodbc |
ODBC connections for python pyodbc is a Python module that allows you to use ODBC to connect to almost any database from Windows, Linux, OS/X, and more. It implements the Python Database API Specification v2.0, but additional features have been added to simplify database programming even more. WWW: |
2017-07-18T16:50:59+00:00 | devel/npm-minidump |
Node module to process minidump files Node.js module to process minidump files. WWW: |
2017-07-17T22:26:33+00:00 | net-mgmt/unbound_exporter |
Prometheus metrics exporter for the Unbound DNS resolver Unbound_exporter connects to Unbounds TLS control socket and sends the stats_noreset command, causing Unbound to return metrics as key-value pairs. The metrics exporter converts Unbound metric names to Prometheus metric names and labels by using a set of regular expressions. WWW: |
2017-07-17T22:10:38+00:00 | net-mgmt/mysqld_exporter |
Prometheus exporter for MySQL server metrics node_exporter is a prometheus exporter for MySQL server metrics WWW: |
2017-07-17T21:39:37+00:00 | net-mgmt/pushgateway |
Prometheus push acceptor for ephemeral and batch jobs The Prometheus Pushgateway exists to allow ephemeral and batch jobs to expose their metrics to Prometheus. Since these kinds of jobs may not exist long enough to be scraped, they can instead push their metrics to a Pushgateway. The Pushgateway then exposes these metrics to Prometheus. WWW: |
2017-07-17T21:12:41+00:00 | net-mgmt/alertmanager |
Alert routing for prometheus The Alertmanager handles alerts sent by client applications such as the Prometheus server. It takes care of deduplicating, grouping, and routing them to the correct receiver integrations such as email, PagerDuty, or OpsGenie. It also takes care of silencing and inhibition of alerts. WWW: |
2017-07-17T20:30:12+00:00 | net-mgmt/blackbox_exporter |
Prometheus exporter for endpoints over HTTP(S), DNS, TCP and ICMP blackbox_exporter is a prometheus exporter. The blackbox exporter allows blackbox probing of endpoints over HTTP, HTTPS, DNS, TCP and ICMP. WWW: |
2017-07-17T11:15:51+00:00 | databases/postgresql-orafce |
Oracle's compatibility functions and packages for PostgreSQL The "orafce" is a module of PostgreSQL. It implements of some functions from the Oracle database. The functionality was verified on Oracle 10g, and the module is useful for production work. This module contains some useful function which can help with porting Oracle application to PostgreSQL or can be useful generally. WWW: |
2017-07-17T10:20:42+00:00 | databases/postgresql-zhparser |
PostgreSQL extension for full-text search of Chinese Zhparser is a PostgreSQL extension for full-text search of Chinese. It use Simple Chinese Word Segmentation (SCWS) as driver and highly configurable and easy to use. The default dictionary of Zhparser is for Simplified Chinese. If you use Tranditional Chinese,you can download the dicionary from SCWS offical site. WWW: |
2017-07-17T10:16:04+00:00 | textproc/scws |
Simple Chinese word segmentation program and lib SCWS (Simple Chinese Word Segmentation) is a frequency dictionary based Chinese word segmentation engine, it can cut a whole section of the Chinese text into words. Word is the smallest unit of morpheme in Chinese, but in Chinese words are not separated by spaces,so word segmentation is an important step for Chinese language process.SCWS is written in C without other dependencies and accept GBK and UTF-8 encoding for both the Simple Chinese (zh_CN) and the Traditional Chinese (such as zh_TW). WWW: |
2017-07-16T16:09:41+00:00 | www/rubygem-rack-cors0 |
Middleware that will make Rack-based apps CORS compatible Rack::Cors provides support for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) for Rack compatible web applications. The CORS spec allows web applications to make cross domain AJAX calls without using workarounds such as JSONP. WWW: |
2017-07-16T00:47:40+00:00 | sysutils/rubygem-syslog-logger |
Improved Logger replacement that logs to syslog Logger::Syslog is a Logger replacement that logs to syslog. It is almost drop-in with a few caveats. You can add Logger::Syslog to your Rails production environment to aggregate logs between multiple machines. WWW: |
2017-07-16T00:46:34+00:00 | www/rubygem-fuzzyurl |
Non-strict parsing, composition, and wildcard-matching of URLs in Ruby Fuzzyurl provides two related functions: non-strict parsing of URLs or URL-like strings into their component pieces (protocol, username, password, hostname, port, path, query, and fragment), and fuzzy matching of URLs and URL patterns. Specifically, URLs that look like this: [protocol ://] [username [: password] @] [hostname] [: port] [/ path] [? query] [# fragment] Fuzzyurls can be constructed using some or all of the above fields, optionally replacing some or all of those fields with a * wildcard if you wish to use the Fuzzyurl as a URL mask. WWW: |
2017-07-16T00:46:18+00:00 | net/rubygem-proxifier |
Add HTTP or SOCKS proxies support and force TCPSocket to use This gem was created for 2 purposes. First is to enable ruby programmers to use HTTP or SOCKS proxies interchangeably when using TCPSockets. Either manually with Proxifier::Proxy#open or by require "proxifier/env". The second purpose is to use ruby code that doesn't use proxies for users that have to use proxies. The pruby and pirb executables are simple wrappers for their respective ruby executables that support proxies from environment variables. WWW: |
2017-07-16T00:45:56+00:00 | devel/rubygem-mixlib-archive |
Simple interface to various archive formats Mixlib::Archive is a simple interface to various archive formats. WWW: WWW: |
2017-07-16T00:45:21+00:00 | devel/rubygem-rspec_junit_formatter |
Formatter of RSpec results for Jenkins RSpec JUnit Formatter is a formatter of RSpec results for Jenkins and probably a few other CI services. WWW: |
2017-07-16T00:45:02+00:00 | devel/rubygem-iso8601 |
Simple implementation of the ISO 8601 standard ISO8601 is a simple implementation of the ISO 8601 (Data elements and interchange formats - Information interchange - Representation of dates and times) standard. WWW: |
2017-07-16T00:43:59+00:00 | devel/rubygem-iniparse |
Pure Ruby library for parsing INI documents IniParse is a pure Ruby library for parsing INI configuration and data files. WWW: |
2017-07-15T17:21:22+00:00 | devel/rubygem-hashie-forbidden_attributes |
Hashie compatibility layer for forbidden attributes protection If you're using Rails 4 strong parameters, you will get a ForbiddenAttributesProtection exceptions when mass-assigning attributes. This gem allows mass assignment. It prevents Mash from responding to :permitted? and therefore triggering this behavior in ForbiddenAttributesProtection. WWW: |
2017-07-15T17:20:26+00:00 | devel/rubygem-grape0 |
Framework for rapid API development with great conventions A Ruby framework for rapid API development with great conventions. WWW: |
2017-07-14T22:22:46+00:00 | sysutils/anvil |
Tools for distributing ssl certificates Tools for distributing ssl certificates Designed for FreeBSD (it uses fetch, not wget or curl [yet]). It also uses sudo, with the goal of this running as non-root and only allowing the cp & mv via sudo. These tools were designed with & Let's Encrypt in mind, but they should with with any certificates generated by any means. WWW: |
2017-07-14T14:15:11+00:00 | print/epson-inkjet-printer-201401w |
CUPS filter for Seiko Epson Color Ink Jet Printers This software is a filter program used with Common UNIX Printing System (CUPS) from the Linux. This can supply the high quality print with Seiko Epson Color Ink Jet Printers. This printer driver is supporting the following printers. L456 L455 L366 L365 L362 L360 L312 L310 L222 L220 L132 L130 WWW: |
2017-07-14T09:14:11+00:00 | databases/postgresql-tds_fdw |
PostgreSQL foreign data wrapper to connect to TDS databases Tds_fdw is a PostgreSQL foreign data wrapper that can connect to databases that use the Tabular Data Stream (TDS) protocol, such as Sybase databases and Microsoft SQL server. This foreign data wrapper requires a library that implements the DB-Library interface, such as FreeTDS. This has been tested with FreeTDS, but not the proprietary implementations of DB-Library. The current version does not yet support JOIN push-down, or write operations. It does support WHERE and column pushdowns when match_column_names is enabled. WWW: |
2017-07-13T18:55:27+00:00 | converters/rubygem-xdr |
XDR Helper Library XDR is an open data format, specified in RFC 4506. This library provides a way to read and write XDR data from ruby. It can read/write all of the primitive XDR types and also provides facilities to define readers for the compound XDR types (enums, structs and unions) WWW: |
2017-07-13T18:12:39+00:00 | devel/pecl-pthreads2 |
Compatible Threading API for PHP5.3+ A compatible Threading API for PHP5.3+ WWW: |
2017-07-13T18:07:04+00:00 | devel/py-cli-helpers |
Helpers for building command-line apps CLI Helpers is a Python package that makes it easy to perform common tasks when building command-line apps. Itâs a helper library for command-line interfaces. Libraries like Click and Python Prompt Toolkit are amazing tools that help you create quality apps. CLI Helpers complements these libraries by wrapping up common tasks in simple interfaces. CLI Helpers is not focused on your appâs design pattern or framework â you can use it on its own or in combination with other libraries. Itâs lightweight and easy to extend. Whatâs included in CLI Helpers? - Prettyprinting of tabular data with custom pre-processing - [in progress] config file reading/writing WWW: |
2017-07-13T18:06:28+00:00 | devel/py-backports.csv |
Backport of Python 3 csv module The API of the csv module in Python 2 is drastically different from the csv module in Python 3. This is due, for the most part, to the difference between str in Python 2 and Python 3. The semantics of Python 3's version are more useful because they support unicode natively, while Python 2's csv does not. WWW: WWW: |
2017-07-13T17:50:12+00:00 | devel/papilio-loader |
Load bit files to the Open Source Papilio FPGA boards Papilio Loader - Current Version 2.7 The Papilio Loader is a branch of xc3sprog ( that is used to load bit files to the Open Source Papilio FPGA boards ( made by Gadget Factory ( WWW: |
2017-07-12T23:59:59+00:00 | www/p5-HTTP-XSCookies |
Fast XS cookie mangling for Perl HTTP::XSCookies implements cookie creation (baking) and parsing (crushing) using XS, therefore improving the speed of a pure Perl implementation. WWW: |
2017-07-12T19:07:59+00:00 | databases/py-sispy |
Python client library for interacting with the SIS RESTful API Client library for interacting with the SIS RESTful API. WWW: |
2017-07-12T18:40:59+00:00 | x11/py-pyvirtualdisplay |
Python wrapper for Xvfb, Xephyr and Xvnc PyVirtualDisplay is a python wrapper for Xvfb, Xephyr and Xvnc. WWW: |
2017-07-12T17:10:20+00:00 | devel/py-easyprocess |
Easy to use python subprocess interface EasyProcess is an easy to use python subprocess interface. WWW: |
2017-07-12T15:55:52+00:00 | devel/py-backports.weakref |
Backport of the weakref module from Python 3.4 This package provides backports of new features in Python's weakref module under the backports namespace. WWW: |
2017-07-12T02:33:36+00:00 | devel/py-setuptools-pkg |
Plugin for setuptools to build FreeBSD pkg Plugin for setuptools that provides bdist_pkg command for building FreeBSD package artifact. WWW: |
2017-07-11T16:59:14+00:00 | devel/rubygem-ddplugin |
Plugin management for Ruby projects ddplugin is a library for managing plugins. Designing a library so that third parties can easily extend it greatly improves its usefulness. ddplugin helps solve this problem using plugins, which are classes of a certain type and with a given identifier (Ruby symbol). This code was extracted from Nanoc, where it has been in production for years. WWW: |
2017-07-11T16:50:03+00:00 | net-mgmt/nrpe3 |
Nagios Remote Plugin Executor nrpe is used to execute Nagios plugins on remote hosts and report the results to the main Nagios server. From the Nagios homepage: Allows you to execute "local" plugins (like check_disk, check_procs, etc.) on remote hosts. The check_nrpe plugin is called from Nagios and actually makes the plugin requests to the remote host. Requires that nrpe be running on the remote host (either as a standalone daemon or as a service under inetd). WWW: |
2017-07-11T10:10:14+00:00 | databases/mysqlwsrep57-server |
MySQL database enhanced with Galera replication (server package) MySQL is a very fast, multi-threaded, multi-user and robust SQL (Structured Query Language) database server. Modified to support replication using the Galera library. WWW: WWW: |
2017-07-11T04:13:11+00:00 | security/krb5-devel |
MIT implementation of RFC 4120 network authentication service Kerberos V5 is an authentication system developed at MIT. WWW: Abridged from the User Guide: Under Kerberos, a client sends a request for a ticket to the Key Distribution Center (KDC). The KDC creates a ticket-granting ticket (TGT) for the client, encrypts it using the client's password as the key, and sends the encrypted TGT back to the client. The client then attempts to decrypt the TGT, using its password. If the client successfully decrypts the TGT, it keeps the decrypted TGT, which indicates proof of the client's identity. The TGT permits the client to obtain additional tickets, which give permission for specific services. Since Kerberos negotiates authenticated, and optionally encrypted, communications between two points anywhere on the internet, it provides a layer of security that is not dependent on which side of a firewall either client is on. The Kerberos V5 package is designed to be easy to use. Most of the commands are nearly identical to UNIX network programs you are already used to. Kerberos V5 is a single-sign-on system, which means that you have to type your password only once per session, and Kerberos does the authenticating and encrypting transparently. Jacques Vidrine <> |
2017-07-10T11:45:10+00:00 | security/libu2f-host |
Yubico Universal 2nd Factor (U2F) Host C Library Libu2f-host provides a C library and command-line tool that implements the host-side of the U2F protocol. There are APIs to talk to a U2F device and perform the U2F Register and U2F Authenticate operations. WWW: |
2017-07-08T22:24:33+00:00 | sysutils/powermon |
Displays the CPUs current power consumption Powermon is a small utility that reads the CPU internal power counters, calculates the current power consumption and displays it together with some nice statistics on an interactive curses interface. All Intel CPUs starting with Sandy Bridge are supported. Older Intel CPUs and CPUs from other vendors don't expose the necessary performance counters. Additionally some server CPUs like those based on Haswell and Broadwell do not provide the necessary data. WWW: |
2017-07-08T17:04:28+00:00 | security/rubygem-metasploit-aggregator |
Proxy for Meterpreter sessions The Metasploit Aggregator is a proxy for Meterpreter sessions. WWW: |
2017-07-08T06:17:46+00:00 | x11-toolkits/qt5pas |
Qt5 binding for FreePascal Provide a Qt5 binding for FreePascal that may be of use to provide the Lazarus LCL library with a Qt interface This binding does not aim to cover the whole Qt5 framework, but only just enough to satisfy the LCL needs. If any LCL/Qt developer needs an extra class, just ask and it will be added promptly. Some of the methods that have parameters based upon templates have been omitted. If however you need any of those, just ask. WWW: |
2017-07-08T03:14:31+00:00 | games/rubygem-vimgolf |
CLI client for CLI client for WWW: |
2017-07-08T03:03:18+00:00 | devel/rubygem-baf |
Basic Application Framework baf is a toolkit for building command line programs. It also provides cucumber helpers and steps for writing user acceptance tests. WWW: |
2017-07-08T02:56:12+00:00 | sysutils/rubygem-serverspec |
Test suite for server configuration Serverspec tests your servers' actual state by executing command local, via SSH, via WinRM, via Docker API and so on. So you don't need to install any agent software on your serves and can use any configuration management tools, Puppet, Ansible, CFEngine, Itamae and so on. WWW: |
2017-07-08T02:44:05+00:00 | devel/rubygem-rspec-its |
RSpec extension gem for attribute matching RSpec::Its provides the `its` method as a short-hand to specify the expected value of an attribute. WWW: |
2017-07-08T00:49:52+00:00 | devel/rubygem-jenkins_api_client |
Jenkins JSON API Client This is a simple and easy-to-use Jenkins Api client with features focused on automating Job configuration programaticaly and so forth WWW: |
2017-07-08T00:24:05+00:00 | sysutils/rubygem-hiera-eyaml |
Backend for Hiera that provides encryption/decryption for properties hiera-eyaml is a backend for Hiera that provides per-value encryption of sensitive data within yaml files to be used by Puppet. The Hiera eyaml backend uses yaml formatted files with the .eyaml extension. The encrypted strings are prefixed with the encryption method, wrapped with ENC[] and placed in an eyaml file. You can mix your plain values in as well or separate them into different files. WWW: |
2017-07-08T00:12:53+00:00 | deskutils/timewarrior |
Track time from the command line Timewarrior is Free and Open Source Software that tracks time from the command line. WWW: |
2017-07-07T23:32:00+00:00 | deskutils/tasksh |
Shell command that wraps Taskwarrior commands Tasksh is a shell command that wraps Taskwarrior commands. It is intended to provide simpler Taskwarrior access, and add a few new features of its own. WWW: |
2017-07-07T13:29:08+00:00 | devel/etcd32 |
Highly-available key value store and service discovery A highly-available key value store for shared configuration and service discovery. etcd is inspired by zookeeper and doozer, with a focus on: * Simple: curl'able user facing API (HTTP+JSON) * Secure: optional SSL client cert authentication * Fast: benchmarked 1000s of writes/s per instance * Reliable: Properly distributed using Raft Etcd is written in Go and uses the raft consensus algorithm to manage a highly-available replicated log. WWW: |
2017-07-07T13:12:54+00:00 | devel/etcd31 |
Highly-available key value store and service discovery A highly-available key value store for shared configuration and service discovery. etcd is inspired by zookeeper and doozer, with a focus on: * Simple: curl'able user facing API (HTTP+JSON) * Secure: optional SSL client cert authentication * Fast: benchmarked 1000s of writes/s per instance * Reliable: Properly distributed using Raft Etcd is written in Go and uses the raft consensus algorithm to manage a highly-available replicated log. WWW: |
2017-07-07T12:30:45+00:00 | security/linux-c7-trousers |
Open-source TCG Software Stack (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER}) ${.CURDIR}/../${PORTNAME}/pkg-descr |
2017-07-07T12:22:31+00:00 | security/linux-c7-p11-kit |
Library for loading and enumerating of PKCS\#11 modules (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER}) ${.CURDIR}/../${PORTNAME}/pkg-descr |
2017-07-07T12:16:48+00:00 | devel/linux-c7-libffi |
Foreign Function Interface (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER}) ${.CURDIR}/../${PORTNAME}/pkg-descr |
2017-07-07T11:58:36+00:00 | security/linux-c7-nettle |
Low-level cryptographic library (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER}) ${.CURDIR}/../${PORTNAME}/pkg-descr |
2017-07-07T08:59:19+00:00 | games/mrboom |
8 players Bomberman clone Mr.Boom is an 8 players Bomberman clone. WWW: |
2017-07-07T07:51:52+00:00 | games/ballerburg |
Two players, two castles, and a hill in between Ballerburg SDL is a classical castle combat game. Two castles, separated by a mountain, try to defeat each other with their cannonballs, either by killing the opponent's king or by weakening the opponent enough so that the king capitulates. Ballerburg was originally written 1987, for the Atari ST machines. WWW: |
2017-07-06T20:40:51+00:00 | www/qt5-websockets-qml |
Qt implementation of WebSocket protocol (QML bindings) |
2017-07-06T15:18:01+00:00 | sysutils/signon-ui |
Component for handling accounts-sso user interactions Sign-on UI is the component responsible for handling the user interactions which can happen during the login process of an online account. It can show password dialogs and dialogs with embedded web pages. WWW: |
2017-07-06T15:18:01+00:00 | sysutils/signon-qt5 |
D-Bus service performing user authentication The SignOn daemon is a D-Bus service which performs user authentication on behalf of its clients. There are currently authentication plugins for OAuth 1.0 and 2.0, SASL, Digest-MD5, and plain username/password combination. WWW: |
2017-07-06T15:18:01+00:00 | net-im/telepathy-accounts-signon |
Telepathy libaccounts and libsignon plugin A mission control plugin for Telepathy, integrating with libaccounts and libsignon to provide IM accounts and authentication. This code is based on Nemo Mobile's fork of the plugin from Empathy's ubuntu-online-account support. WWW: |
2017-07-06T15:18:01+00:00 | net-im/libsignon-glib |
GLib-based client library for applications handling account authentication Single signon authentication library for GLib applications This project is a library for managing single signon credentials which can be used from GLib applications. It is effectively a GLib binding for the D-Bus API provided by signond. It is part of the accounts-sso project: WWW: |
2017-07-06T14:17:31+00:00 | devel/racer |
Rust code completion helper RACER = Rust Auto-Complete-er. A utility intended to provide Rust code completion for editors and IDEs. Maybe one day the 'er' bit will be exploring + refactoring or something. WWW: |
2017-07-06T13:59:02+00:00 | www/rubygem-toml-rb |
TOML parser using Citrus parsing library A TOML parser using Citrus parsing library. WWW: |
2017-07-06T13:49:54+00:00 | textproc/rubygem-citrus |
Parsing Expressions for Ruby Parsing Expressions for Ruby WWW: |
2017-07-06T13:47:14+00:00 | net/rubygem-grpc |
Ruby implementation of gRPC A Ruby implementation of gRPC. WWW: |
2017-07-06T10:10:08+00:00 | databases/pg_repack |
Reorganize tables in PostgreSQL databases with minimal locks Pg_repack is a PostgreSQL extension which lets you remove bloat from tables and indexes, and optionally restore the physical order of clustered indexes. Unlike CLUSTER and VACUUM FULL it works online, without holding an exclusive lock on the processed tables during processing. pg_repack is efficient to boot, with performance comparable to using CLUSTER directly. WWW: |
2017-07-05T23:55:05+00:00 | devel/rubygem-mize |
Memoziation for methods and functions for Ruby Mize provides memoize methods/functions in Ruby. WWW: |
2017-07-05T23:53:43+00:00 | devel/rubygem-protocol |
Method Protocols for Ruby Classes This library offers an implementation of protocols against which you can check the conformity of your classes or instances of your classes. They are a bit like Java Interfaces, but as mixin modules they can also contain already implemented methods. Additionally you can define preconditions/postconditions for methods specified in a protocol. WWW: WWW: |
2017-07-05T18:02:02+00:00 | security/hardening-check |
Check binaries for security hardening features Hardening-check is a perl script to verify that the resulting binary does, in fact, have hardening features enabled, you can use it to test each ELF binary and the output will show if the binary has position independent executable, stack protected, fortify source functions(not supported on FreeBSD now), read only relocations or immediate binding supported. WWW: |
2017-07-05T13:08:12+00:00 | databases/pgFormatter |
PostgreSQL SQL syntax beautifier This SQL formatter/beautifier supports keywords from SQL-92, SQL-99, SQL-2003, SQL-2008, SQL-2011 and PostgreSQL specifics keywords. May works with any other databases too. pgFormatter can work as a console program or as a CGI. It will automatically detect his environment and output as text or as HTML following the context. Keywords highlighting will only be available in CGI context. WWW: |
2017-07-05T10:45:42+00:00 | devel/cppcheck-gui |
2017-07-05T09:24:14+00:00 | databases/plpgsql_check |
PostgreSQL extension to check PL/pgSQL code plpgsql_check is next generation of plpgsql_lint. It allows to check source code by explicit call plpgsql_check_function. PostgreSQL 9.4, 9.5, 9.6, 10, 11 are supported (Develop 12 is supported too). The SQL statements inside PL/pgSQL functions are checked by validator for semantic errors. These errors can be found by plpgsql_check_function. Features: - check fields of referenced database objects and types inside embedded SQL - using correct types of function parameters - unused variables and function argumens, unmodified OUT argumens - partially detection of dead code (due RETURN command) - detection of missing RETURN command in function - try to identify unwanted hidden casts, that can be performance issue like unused indexes - possibility to collect relations and functions used by function - possibility to check EXECUTE stmt agaist SQL injection vulnerability WWW: |
2017-07-03T17:35:16+00:00 | devel/rubygem-bootsnap |
Boot large ruby/rails apps faster Bootsnap makes booting large ruby/rails apps faster. It is a library that plugs into a number of Ruby and (optionally) ActiveSupport and YAML methods to optimize and cache expensive computations. WWW: |
2017-07-03T17:31:02+00:00 | archivers/rubygem-snappy |
Snappy binding for Ruby This Gem provides a Ruby libsnappy binding. WWW: |
2017-07-01T18:30:30+00:00 | benchmarks/typometer |
Text/code editor typing latency analyzer Typometer is a tool to measure and analyze visual latency of text/code editors. Its features: - Cross-platform (Windows, Mac, Unix) - Native API calls for faster screen access - Synchronous and asynchronous modes - Import and export of CSV data - Summary statistics, frequency distribution - Line/bar charts (including comparative ones) - Chart image export (with legend) Editor latency is delay between an input event and a corresponding screen update, in particular -- delay between keystroke and character appearance. While there are many kinds of delays (caret movement, line editing, etc.), typing latency is a major predictor of editor usability. Java 8 or later is required to run the program. WWW: |
2017-07-01T09:07:19+00:00 | net/bsdrcmds |
FreeBSD rcmds (rcp/rlogin/rlogind/rsh/rshd) This is a port of the BSD "rcmds", which were formerly part of the FreeBSD base system. This port includes the following binaries: rcp(1) rlogin(1) rlogind(8) rsh(1) rshd(8) |
2017-06-30T22:32:50+00:00 | print/p5-XML-Handler-AxPoint |
XML Based Presentations AxPoint is a Perl module that uses the PDFLib module and the pdflib library to generate PDF based presentations from XML data sources. It has the following features: - Ability to create slideshows with your choice of background image - Slideshows break down into slidesets, or not at your choice. - Slides can show bullet points, source code (fixed font), or images. - Slides can have transition effects (dissolve, box, wipe, etc) - All elements of a slide can transition in too. - Text on slides supports bold, italics, and colours. Colours can be any one of the 16 HTML colours, or defined as hex RGB values. - Output uses the standard XML::SAX::Writer consumer classes, allowing you to output direct to a file, or to a string, or however you need to. Very useful for dynamic web based presentations. - PDF bookmarks allow direct navigation to any slide. - Using PDF allows you to go "Full Screen", even on Linux - Image formats supported include GIF, JPEG, PNG and TIFF WWW: |
2017-06-30T21:08:46+00:00 | databases/timescaledb |
Time-series database built on PostgreSQL An open-source time-series database optimized for fast ingest and complex queries built on PostgreSQL. WWW: |
2017-06-30T15:15:59+00:00 | security/ |
Analyze and report TLS/SSL configuration/misconfiguration is a command line tool which checks a server's service on any port for the support of TLS/SSL ciphers, protocols as well as some cryptographic flaws. Key features: - Clear output: you can tell easily whether anything is good or bad - Machine readable output (CSV, two JSON formats) - Flexibility: You can test any SSL/TLS enabled and STARTTLS service, not only webservers at port 443 - Toolbox: Several command line options help you to run your test and configure your output - Reliability: features are tested thoroughly - Privacy: It's only you who sees the result, not a third party WWW: |
2017-06-29T21:05:33+00:00 | net/frr |
IP routing protocol suite including BGP, IS-IS, OSPF and RIP FRRouting (FRR) is an IP routing protocol suite for Linux and Unix platforms which includes protocol daemons for BGP, IS-IS, OSPF and RIP. FRR has its roots in the Quagga project. WWW: |
2017-06-29T15:51:01+00:00 | security/boringssl |
Fork of OpenSSL Fork of OpenSSL that is designed to meet Google's needs WWW: |
2017-06-29T15:38:19+00:00 | devel/py-logutils |
Handlers for the Python standard library logging package The logutils package provides a set of handlers for the Python standard library's logging package. Some of these handlers are out-of-scope for the standard library, and so they are packaged here. Others are updated versions which have appeared in recent Python releases, but are usable with older versions of Python and so are packaged here. WWW: |
2017-06-29T10:06:12+00:00 | devel/py-asn1crypto |
ASN.1 library with a focus on performance and a pythonic API A fast, pure Python library for parsing and serializing ASN.1 structures. WWW: |
2017-06-29T01:11:52+00:00 | sysutils/syslog-ng310 |
Powerful syslogd replacement syslog-ng is an enhanced log daemon, supporting a wide range of input and output methods: syslog, unstructured text, message queues, databases (SQL and NoSQL alike) and more. Key features: * receive and send RFC3164 and RFC5424 style syslog messages * work with any kind of unstructured data * receive and send JSON formatted messages * classify and structure logs with builtin parsers (csv-parser(), db-parser(), ...) * normalize, crunch and process logs as they flow through the system * hand on messages for further processing using message queues (like AMQP), files or databases (like PostgreSQL or MongoDB). The official home page of syslog-ng is: WWW: |
2017-06-28T23:53:04+00:00 | sysutils/syslog-ng39 |
Powerful syslogd replacement syslog-ng is an enhanced log daemon, supporting a wide range of input and output methods: syslog, unstructured text, message queues, databases (SQL and NoSQL alike) and more. Key features: * receive and send RFC3164 and RFC5424 style syslog messages * work with any kind of unstructured data * receive and send JSON formatted messages * classify and structure logs with builtin parsers (csv-parser(), db-parser(), ...) * normalize, crunch and process logs as they flow through the system * hand on messages for further processing using message queues (like AMQP), files or databases (like PostgreSQL or MongoDB). The official home page of syslog-ng is: WWW: |
2017-06-28T08:59:02+00:00 | mail/p5-Net-LMTP |
Local Mail Transfer Protocol Client This module implements a client interface to the LMTP protocol, enabling a perl5 application to talk to LMTP servers. WWW: |
2017-06-28T08:54:10+00:00 | net/rubygem-gitaly |
Auto-generated gRPC client for gitaly Gitaly is a Git RPC service for handling all the git calls made by GitLab. WWW: |
2017-06-27T22:13:12+00:00 | devel/codesearch-py |
Python library for accessing Chromium CodeSearch The codesearch Python library provides an interface for talking to the Chromium CodeSearch backend. The primary entry point into the library is the codesearch class. Various message classes you are likely to encounter are defined in In addition, the library also includes facilities for maintaining an ephemeral or persistent cache in order to minimize generated network traffic. WWW: |
2017-06-27T08:03:09+00:00 | math/R-cran-sf |
Simple Features for R Support for simple features, a standardized way to encode spatial vector data. Binds to GDAL for reading and writing data, to GEOS for geometrical operations, and to Proj.4 for projection conversions and datum transformations. WWW: |
2017-06-27T06:31:26+00:00 | math/R-cran-units |
Measurement Units for R Vectors Support for measurement units in R vectors; automatic propagation, conversion, derivation and simplification of units; raising errors in case of unit incompatibility. Compatible with the difftime class. Uses the UNIDATA udunits library and unit database for unit conversion and compatibility checking. WWW: |
2017-06-27T03:36:03+00:00 | science/R-cran-udunits2 |
Udunits-2 Bindings for R Provides simple bindings to Unidata's udunits library. WWW: |
2017-06-26T10:32:24+00:00 | devel/py-pytest-mock |
Thin wrapper around the mock package for easier use with py.test Thin wrapper around the mock package for easier use with py.test. WWW: |
2017-06-25T23:47:24+00:00 | sysutils/u-boot-orangepi-plus-2e |
U-Boot loader for OrangePi Plus2E. To install this bootloader on an sdcard just do : dd if=$LOCALBASE/share/u-boot/u-boot-orangepi-plus-2e/u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin of=/path/to/sdcarddevice bs=1k seek=8 conv=sync This version is patched so that: * API features are enabled. * A boot.scr (U-Boot script) that loads ubldr.bin and execute it is included For information about running FreeBSD on Allwinner boards, see WWW: |
2017-06-25T23:16:44+00:00 | databases/pldebugger |
PostgreSQL pl/pgsql Debugger API This module is a set of shared libraries which implement an API for debugging pl/pgsql functions on PostgreSQL 8.4 and above. WWW:;a=summary |
2017-06-25T22:51:23+00:00 | sysutils/u-boot-chip |
U-Boot loader for NextThingCo CHIP. To install this bootloader on an sdcard just do : dd if=$LOCALBASE/share/u-boot/u-boot-chip/u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin of=/path/to/sdcarddevice bs=1k seek=8 conv=sync This version is patched so that: * API features are enabled. * A boot.scr (U-Boot script) that loads ubldr.bin and execute it is included For information about running FreeBSD on Allwinner boards, see WWW: |
2017-06-25T20:02:56+00:00 | sysutils/u-boot-imx-serial-loader |
Load u-boot via USB or UART on i.MX5, i.MX6, i.MX7, and Vybrid This program boots an i.MX or Vybrid system using a copy of U-Boot transferred to the system over an OTG or UART connection. It can be used to "unbrick" a system which has a corrupted or missing copy of U-Boot in nonvolatile media such as nand flash or eeprom. i.MX systems use the OTG port, Vybrid systems use the UART port. To use this, connect the OTG port of your i.MX board to a USB host port on your computer, power on the board, then run imx_usb <filename> where filename is the board-specific u-boot.imx file to boot with. WWW: |
2017-06-24T16:16:33+00:00 | sysutils/dsbmc-cli |
Command-line client for DSBMD dsbmc-cli is a command-line client for DSBMD that provides a simple interface to query information about storage devices, and to send requests to mount, unmount and eject these. Furthermore, it can be used as automounter and autounmounter. WWW: |
2017-06-23T21:18:42+00:00 | databases/rubygem-flipper-active_record |
ActiveRecord adapter for Flipper Flipper ActiveRecord is an ActiveRecord adapter for Flipper. WWW: |
2017-06-23T21:18:28+00:00 | devel/rubygem-flipper |
Act of enabling/disabling features in your application Feature flipping is the act of enabling or disabling features or parts of your application, ideally without re-deploying or changing anything in your code base. The goal of this gem is to make turning features on or off so easy that everyone does it. Whatever your data store, throughput, or experience, feature flipping should be easy and have minimal impact on your application. WWW: |
2017-06-23T21:17:52+00:00 | devel/rubygem-peek |
Take a peek into your Rails application This is a profiling tool originally built at GitHub to help us get an insight into our application. Now, we have extracted this into Peek, so that other Rails application can experience the same benefit. Peek puts a little bar on top of your application to show you all sorts of helpful information about your application. From the screenshot above, you can see that Peek provides information about database queries, cache, Resque workers and more. However, this is only part of Peek's beauty. The true beauty of Peek lies in the fact that it is an extensible platform. If there are some performance metrics that you need but are not available on Peek, you can find it from the list of available Peek Views and integrate it into Peek. Even if you do not find what you want on Peek Views, you can always create your own. WWW: |
2017-06-23T21:17:17+00:00 | devel/rubygem-concurrent-ruby-ext |
C extensions to optimize the concurrent-ruby Potential performance improvements may be achieved under MRI by installing optional C extensions. To minimize installation errors the C extensions are available in the concurrent-ruby-ext extension gem. concurrent-ruby and concurrent-ruby-ext are always released together with same version. The concurrent-ruby gem will automatically detect the presence of the concurrent-ruby-ext gem and load the appropriate C extensions. WWW: |
2017-06-23T09:02:17+00:00 | databases/postgresql-mysql_fdw |
PostgreSQL foreign data wrapper for MySQL This PostgreSQL extension implements a Foreign Data Wrapper (FDW) for MySQL. The following enhancements are added to the mysql_fdw: Write-able FDW Connection Pooling Where clause push-down Column push-down Prepared Statment Please note that this version of mysql_fdw works with PostgreSQL 9.3, 9.4, 9.5, 9.6, 10, and 11. WWW: |
2017-06-23T08:55:39+00:00 | lang/erlang-runtime20 |
Functional programming language from Ericsson Erlang is a programming language used to build massively scalable soft real-time systems with requirements on high availability. Some of its uses are in telecoms, banking, e-commerce, computer telephony and instant messaging. Erlang's runtime system has built-in support for concurrency, distribution and fault tolerance. This port contains a standalone runtime environment of Erlang 20 to be used during the development of OTP applications. WWW: |
2017-06-22T21:53:06+00:00 | math/octave-forge-bsltl |
Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME} The octave-forge package is the result of The GNU Octave Repositry project, which is intended to be a central location for custom scripts, functions and extensions for GNU Octave. contains the source for all the functions plus build and install scripts. This is bsltl. The BSLTL package is a free collection of OCTAVE/MATLAB routines for working with the biospeckle laser technique. WWW: |
2017-06-21T18:07:19+00:00 | sysutils/qt5-qtplugininfo |
Qt5 plugin metadata dumper |
2017-06-21T18:07:19+00:00 | sysutils/qt5-qtdiag |
Tool for reporting diagnostic information about Qt and its environment |
2017-06-21T16:39:39+00:00 | devel/bingrep |
Grep through binaries Greps through binaries from various OSs and architectures, and colors them. Current backends: - ELF 32/64, arm, x86, openrisc - all others will parse and color, but relocations won't show properly - Mach 32/64, arm, x86 - PE (debug only) WWW: |
2017-06-21T16:30:48+00:00 | editors/xi-core |
Modern editor backend written in Rust The xi editor project is an attempt to build a high quality text editor, using modern software engineering techniques. Goals include: - Incredibly high performance. All editing operations should commit and paint in under 16ms. The editor should never make you wait for anything. - Beauty. The editor should fit well on a modern desktop, and not look like a throwback from the '80s or '90s. Text drawing should be done with the best technology available (Core Text on Mac, DirectWrite on Windows, etc.), and support Unicode fully. - Reliability. Crashing, hanging, or losing work should never happen. - Developer friendliness. It should be easy to customize xi editor, whether by adding plug-ins or hacking on the core. WWW: |
2017-06-21T16:28:50+00:00 | x11/alacritty |
GPU-accelerated terminal emulator Alacritty is the fastest terminal emulator in existence. Using the GPU for rendering enables optimizations that simply aren't possible in other emulators. Alacritty is focused on simplicity and performance. The performance goal means it should be faster than any other terminal emulator available. The simplicity goal means that it doesn't have many features like tabs or scroll back as in other terminals. Instead, it is expected that users of Alacritty make use of a terminal multiplexer such as tmux. WWW: |
2017-06-21T16:26:30+00:00 | sysutils/flowgger |
Fast data collector Flowgger is a fast, simple and lightweight data collector. It reads log entries over a given protocol, extracts them, decodes them using a given format, re-encodes them into a different format, and asynchronously pushes the result into a remote data store. Flowgger is designed to be: - Paranoid: it carefully validates input data to prevent injection of malformed/incomplete records down the chain. - Safe: written in Rust, without any unsafe code. - Fast: even though messages are systematically parsed and validated, Flowgger is orders of magnitude faster than Logstash and Fluentd. - Standalone: it comes as a single executable file, and doesn't require a JVM. Flowgger supports common input types: stdin, UDP, TCP, TLS and Redis, as well as multiple input formats: JSON (GELF), LTSV, Cap'n Proto and RFC5424. Normalized messages can be sent to Kafka, Graylog, to downstream Flowgger servers, or to other log collectors for further processing. WWW: |
2017-06-21T16:25:07+00:00 | sysutils/exa |
Modern replacement for ls Exa is a modern replacement for ls. It uses colours for information by default, helping you distinguish between many types of files, such as whether you are the owner, or in the owning group. It also has extra features not present in the original ls, such as viewing the Git status for a directory, or recursing into directories with a tree view. Exa is written in Rust, so it's small, fast, and portable. WWW: |
2017-06-21T16:23:52+00:00 | textproc/ripgrep |
Command line search tool ripgrep is a command line search tool that combines the usability of The Silver Searcher (an ack clone) with the raw speed of GNU grep. ripgrep is fast, cross platform and written in Rust. WWW: |
2017-06-21T15:09:44+00:00 | misc/unclutter-xfixes |
Rewrite of unclutter using the x11-xfixes extension This is a rewrite of the popular tool unclutter, but using the x11-xfixes extension. This means that this rewrite doesn't use fake windows or pointer grabbing and hence causes less problems with window managers and/or applications. WWW: |
2017-06-20T13:05:41+00:00 | x11/pantheon-terminal |
Lightweight, beautiful, and simple terminal from Elementary OS A super lightweight, beautiful, and simple terminal. Comes with sane defaults, browser-class tabs, sudo paste protection, smart copy/paste, and little to no configuration. WWW: |
2017-06-20T10:15:28+00:00 | databases/pecl-cassandra |
Extension to access Cassandra A modern, feature-rich and highly tunable PHP client library for Apache Cassandra and DataStax Enterprise. Using exclusively Cassandra's binary protocol and Cassandra Query Language v3. WWW: |
2017-06-19T20:47:00+00:00 | emulators/rpcs3 |
PS3 emulator/debugger RPCS3 is an open-source Sony PlayStation 3 emulator and debugger written in C++ for Windows and Linux. The project began development on May 23rd, 2011 and currently sports modern Vulkan, Direct3D 12 and OpenGL graphic APIs. The emulator is capable of booting and playing hundreds of commercial games. With each and every contribution and donation, more and more games are becoming closer and closer to either booting or full playability. WWW: |
2017-06-19T14:08:34+00:00 | x11/flruler |
On-screen pixel ruler A program for measuring the pixel size of on-screen elements. Intended for GUI debugging to verify widget separations and sizes, though may also be used for general computer graphics debugging purposes, including measuring pixel distances of images, web applications, etc. You can easily make copies of the ruler and reoriented it via either the keyboard or mouse. WWW: |
2017-06-19T13:43:36+00:00 | devel/p5-List-Regexp |
Convert list of strings to a regular expression Returns a regular expression that will match any string from the input list @strings. First argument can be a reference to a hash, which controls how the regular expression is built. WWW: |
2017-06-18T19:28:40+00:00 | devel/py-bsd |
Python wrappers for various BSD libc and system calls Python wrappers for various BSD libc and system calls. WWW: |
2017-06-18T10:10:03+00:00 | sysutils/rex |
Remote EXecution utility REX is a remote execution utility that runs a supplied command or shell script on several hosts in succession. It is also able to copy a file (or files) to several hosts. Rex is written in Tcl and provides extensive scripting facilities. It provides a convenient way to administrate multiple servers. WWW: |
2017-06-18T05:51:14+00:00 | www/npm4 |
Node package manager npm is a package manager for node. You can use it to install and publish your node programs. It manages dependencies and does other cool stuff. WWW: WWW: |
2017-06-18T02:56:09+00:00 | www/py-hyperlink |
Featureful, correct URL for Python Hyperlink provides a pure-Python implementation of immutable URLs. Based on RFC 3986 and 3987, the Hyperlink URL makes working with both URIs and IRIs easy. WWW: |
2017-06-17T13:44:51+00:00 | x11-toolkits/kproperty |
Property editing framwork A property editing framework with editor widget similar to what is known from Qt Designer. It is useful in applications such as IDEs where large amounts of properties are available for the user to edit. WWW: |
2017-06-17T13:44:51+00:00 | textproc/kreport |
Framework for creation of reports in multiple formats The KReport framework implements reporting functionality for creation of reports in MS Access style. They are also similar to SAP Crystal Reports and FileMaker reports. Reports can be created interactively and programmatically. They can be previewed on screen, printed, and saved in a variety of formats such as HTML, PDF and OpenDocument. WWW: |
2017-06-17T13:44:51+00:00 | graphics/krita |
Sketching and painting program Krita is a FREE and open source painting tool designed for concept artists, illustrators, matte and texture artists, and the VFX industry. WWW: |
2017-06-17T13:44:51+00:00 | graphics/kdiagram |
Library to create business diagrams Powerful libraries (KChart, KGantt) for creating business diagrams. WWW: |
2017-06-17T13:44:51+00:00 | databases/kexi |
Visual database applications creator Kexi is an open source visual database applications creator, a long-awaited competitor for programs like MS Access or Filemaker. WWW: |
2017-06-17T13:44:51+00:00 | databases/kdb |
Database connectivity and creation framework KDb is a database connectivity and creation framework, consisted of a general-purpose C++ Qt library and set of plugins delivering support for various database vendors. It is a part of the Kexi project and the general Calligra Suite. WWW: |
2017-06-16T17:28:05+00:00 | devel/py3-voluptuous |
2017-06-16T16:45:43+00:00 | devel/py-async_timeout |
Timeout context manager for asyncio programs Timeout context manager for asyncio programs. WWW: |
2017-06-16T16:36:51+00:00 | www/py-yarl |
Yet another URL library Yet another URL library. WWW: |
2017-06-16T16:27:34+00:00 | www/py-multidict |
Multidict implementation Multidicts are useful for working with HTTP headers, URL query args etc. WWW: |
2017-06-16T15:33:49+00:00 | textproc/p5-Apache-Solr |
High level interface to the Solr server Apache::Solr provides an high level interface to access solr servers. WWW: |
2017-06-16T09:20:07+00:00 | games/pentobi |
Computer opponent for the board game Blokus Pentobi is a computer opponent for the board game Blokus. * Supported game variants: Classic, Duo, Trigon, Junior, Nexos, GembloQ, Callisto * Strong Blokus engine with 9 different playing levels * Player rating by playing rated games against the computer * Game analysis function * Save and load games in Smart Game Format including comments and move variations * Source code is available under the GNU General Public License * System requirements: 1 GB RAM, 1 GHz CPU (4 GB RAM, 2.5 GHz dual-core or faster CPU recommended for playing level 9) WWW: |
2017-06-16T04:11:43+00:00 | emulators/mupen64plus-qt |
Basic launcher for Mupen64Plus Mupen64Plus-Qt is a basic launcher for the mupen64plus-ui-console frontend. It was adapted from CEN64-Qt to work with Mupen64Plus. See the README at for a detailed description of its features and usage. WWW: |
2017-06-16T00:31:52+00:00 | graphics/vapoursynth-fmtconv |
Format conversion tools for Vapoursynth Fmtconv is a format-conversion plug-in for the Vapoursynth video processing engine. It does: * Resizing. * Bitdepth conversion with dithering. * Colorspace conversion (matrix, transfer characteristics and chromatic adaptation). It supports: * Pixel data types: 8--12-, 14- and 16-bit integer, 32-bit float. * Colorspaces: RGB, Y, YUV in 4:4:4, 4:2:2, 4:2:0, 4:1:1 and YCgCo with the same chroma subsampling factors. * Progressive and interlaced content. Fmtconv is focussed primarily on quality and exactness rather than execution speed. This does not mean it is slow or unoptimized, but fmtconv is clearly not on par with the fastest equivalent 8-bit filters. WWW: |
2017-06-15T21:52:06+00:00 | www/rubygem-dropzonejs-rails07 |
JS File upload by Matias Meno Adds Dropzone, a great JS File upload by Matias Meno, to the Rails Asset pipeline. WWW: |
2017-06-15T20:52:52+00:00 | benchmarks/hey |
Tiny program that sends some load to a web application hey is tool to to test HTTP/HTTP2 performance. WWW: |
2017-06-15T19:43:49+00:00 | devel/rubygem-webpacker1-rails5 |
Use Webpack to manage app-like JavaScript modules in Rails Webpacker makes it easy to use the JavaScript preprocessor and bundler Webpack to manage application-like JavaScript in Rails. It coexists with the asset pipeline, as the primary purpose for Webpack is app-like JavaScript, not images, css, or even JavaScript Sprinkles (that all continues to live in app/assets). It is, however, possible to use Webpacker for CSS and images assets as well, in which case you may not even need the asset pipeline. This is mostly relevant when exclusively using component-based JavaScript frameworks. WWW: |
2017-06-15T19:37:40+00:00 | devel/rubygem-sidekiq-bulk-rails5 |
Augment Sidekiq job classes with a push_bulk method Augments Sidekiq job classes with a push_bulk method for easier bulk pushing. WWW: |
2017-06-14T17:19:32+00:00 | www/py-aiohttp-wsgi |
WSGI adapter for aiohttp WSGI adapter for aiohttp. Features: * Run WSGI applications (e.g. Django, Flask) on aiohttp. * Handle thousands of client connections, using asyncio. * Add websockets to your existing Python web app! WWW: |
2017-06-14T01:34:17+00:00 | devel/R-cran-plogr |
Plog C++ Logging Library A simple header-only logging library for C++. Add 'LinkingTo: plogr' to 'DESCRIPTION', and '#include <plogr.h>' in your C++ modules to use it. WWW: |
2017-06-13T21:02:46+00:00 | textproc/py-stemming |
Algorithms for stemming Python implementations of the Porter, Porter2, Paice-Husk, and Lovins stemming algorithms for English. These implementations are straightforward and efficient, unlike some Python versions of the same algorithms available on the Web. This package is an extraction of the stemming code included in the Whoosh search engine. Note that these are *pure Python* implementations. Python wrappers for, e.g. the Snoball stemmers and the C implementation of the Porter stemmer are available on PyPI and will be faster if using compiled code is an option for you. Stemming algorithms attempt to automatically remove suffixes (and in some cases prefixes) in order to find the "root word" or stem of a given word. This is useful in various natural language processing scenarios, such as search. In general ``porter2`` is the best overall stemming algorithm, but not necessarily the fastest or most aggressive. WWW: |
2017-06-13T19:53:58+00:00 | www/py-vcrpy |
Automatically mock your HTTP interactions to simplify and speed up testing simplifies and speeds up tests that make HTTP requests. The first time you run code that is inside a context manager or decorated function, records all HTTP interactions that take place through the libraries it supports and serializes and writes them to a flat file (in yaml format by default). This flat file is called a cassette. When the relevant piece of code is executed again, will read the serialized requests and responses from the aforementioned cassette file, and intercept any HTTP requests that it recognizes from the original test run and return the responses that corresponded to those requests. This means that the requests will not actually result in HTTP traffic, which confers several benefits including: * The ability to work offline * Completely deterministic tests * Increased test execution speed If the server you are testing against ever changes its API, all you need to do is delete your existing cassette files, and run your tests again. will detect the absence of a cassette file and once again record all HTTP interactions, which will update them to correspond to the new API. WWW: |
2017-06-13T19:15:43+00:00 | net-im/linux-telegram-desktop |
Official desktop client for Telegram messenger (Linux version) This port provides Linux version of the official Telegram desktop client. Telegram is a messaging application with a focus on speed and security; it is super-fast, simple, and free. You can use Telegram on all your devices at the same time -- your messages synchronize seamlessly across any number of your phones, tablets, or computers. With Telegram, you can send messages, photos, videos, and files of any type, as well as create groups for up to 1000 people or channels for broadcasting to unlimited audiences. WWW: |
2017-06-13T16:39:43+00:00 | ftp/netdumpd |
UDP server capable of handling netdump transfers UDP server capable of handling netdump transfers This package contains a daemon which is used to receive kernel dumps over a network from a panicking kernel. The protocol uses UDP and is similar to TFTP. WWW: |
2017-06-13T16:29:40+00:00 | sysutils/modman |
Modularize extensions using symlinks Developing extensions for software that doesn't allow you to separate your files from core files, and keeping that extension under version control and making it easy to deploy is now much, much easier. Development of this script was inspired by Magento which forces you to mix your extension files all throughout the core code directories. With modman, you can specify in a text file where you want your directories and files to be mapped to, and it will maintain symlinks for you so that your code is easy to hack and deploy. WWW: |
2017-06-13T10:44:52+00:00 | devel/R-cran-bindr |
Parametrized Active Bindings Provides a simple interface for creating active bindings where the bound function accepts additional arguments. WWW: |
2017-06-13T10:28:30+00:00 | databases/postgresql-cstore_fdw |
Columnar store for analytics with PostgreSQL Cstore_fdw is a extension of PostgreSQL. This extension uses the Optimized Row Columnar (ORC) format for its data layout. ORC improves upon the RCFile format developed at Facebook, and brings the following benefits: - Compression: Reduces in-memory and on-disk data size by 2-4x. Can be extended to support different codecs. - Column projections: Only reads column data relevant to the query. Improves performance for I/O bound queries. - Skip indexes: Stores min/max statistics for row groups, and uses them to skip over unrelated rows. Further, cstore_fdw used the Postgres foreign data wrapper APIs and type representations with this extension. This brings: - Support for 40+ Postgres data types. The user can also create new types and use them. - Statistics collection. PostgreSQL's query optimizer uses these stats to evaluate different query plans and pick the best one. - Simple setup. Create foreign table and copy data. Run SQL. WWW: |
2017-06-13T03:30:51+00:00 | databases/ora2pg |
Oracle to PostgreSQL database schema converter Ora2Pg is a free tool used to migrate an Oracle database to a PostgreSQL compatible schema. It connects your Oracle database, scan it automatically and extracts its structure or data, it then generates SQL scripts that you can load into your PostgreSQL database. Ora2Pg can be used from reverse engineering Oracle database to huge enterprise database migration or simply to replicate some Oracle data into a PostgreSQL database. It is really easy to used and doesn't need any Oracle database knowledge than providing the parameters needed to connect to the Oracle database. WWW: |
2017-06-12T10:39:27+00:00 | devel/py3-tzlocal |
2017-06-12T10:39:07+00:00 | devel/py3-icalendar |
2017-06-12T10:30:09+00:00 | security/rubygem-doorkeeper-openid_connect |
OpenID Connect extension for Doorkeeper Implements an OpenID Connect authentication provider for Rails applications on top of the Doorkeeper OAuth 2.0 framework. OpenID Connect is a single-sign-on and identity layer with a growing list of server and client implementations. If you're looking for a client in Ruby check out omniauth-openid-connect. WWW: |
2017-06-12T10:24:33+00:00 | www/rubygem-json-jwt |
JSON Web Token implementation in Ruby JSON Web Token and its family (JSON Web Signature, JSON Web Encryption and JSON Web Key) in Ruby WWW: |
2017-06-12T10:20:17+00:00 | converters/rubygem-url_safe_base64 |
Converts strings to/from base64 that contains only url-safe characters Converts strings to/from a slightly modified base64 that contains only url-safe characters WWW: |
2017-06-12T10:14:08+00:00 | security/rubygem-securecompare |
Constant time string comparison securecompare borrows the secure_compare private method from ActiveSupport::MessageVerifier which lets you do safely compare strings without being vulnerable to timing attacks. Useful for Basic HTTP Authentication in your rack/rails application. WWW: |
2017-06-10T03:13:28+00:00 | devel/py3-enum34 |
2017-06-10T02:52:09+00:00 | devel/py3-mock |
2017-06-10T02:47:41+00:00 | devel/libtrue |
You can't handle the truth You can't handle the truth. libtrue is the definitive library for handling the truth. It is a quickly growing project with a lot of plans for the future. WWW: |
2017-06-10T02:43:14+00:00 | devel/py3-pbr |
2017-06-10T02:37:12+00:00 | devel/py3-tox |
2017-06-10T02:32:08+00:00 | devel/py3-pluggy |
2017-06-10T02:19:04+00:00 | devel/py3-pip |
2017-06-10T02:07:56+00:00 | devel/py3-freezegun |
2017-06-10T02:01:12+00:00 | devel/py3-pretend |
2017-06-10T01:56:43+00:00 | devel/py3-scripttest |
2017-06-10T01:50:05+00:00 | devel/py3-virtualenv |
2017-06-10T01:25:30+00:00 | devel/py3-pytest-timeout |
2017-06-09T20:08:54+00:00 | lang/spidermonkey38 |
Standalone JavaScript based from Mozilla 38-esr Spidermonkey is the JavaScript interpreter from the Mozilla project. WWW: |
2017-06-09T18:47:56+00:00 | news/py-sabyenc |
Python yEnc package optimized for use within SABnzbd Modified the original yenc module by Alessandro Duca for use within SABnzbd. The module was extended to do header parsing and full yEnc decoding from a Python list of chunks, the way in which data is retrieved from usenet. This is particularly beneficial when SSL is enabled, which limits the size of each chunk to 16K. Parsing these chunks in Python is much more costly. Additionally, this module releases Python's GIL during decoding, greatly increasing performance of the overall download process. WWW: |
2017-06-09T13:45:20+00:00 | games/OpenTomb |
Open-source Tomb Raider 1-5 engine remake OpenTomb is an open-source engine reimplementation project intended to play levels from all classic-era Tomb Raider games (TR 1-5) and custom TRLE levels. The project does not use any old Tomb Raider source code, because all attempts to retrieve sources from Eidos / Core were in vain. WWW: |
2017-06-09T07:04:06+00:00 | sysutils/ndmpd |
Network Data Management Protocol daemon The ndmpd daemon handles client Network Data Management Protocol (NDMP) requests. NDMP is an open, enterprise-wide, network-based data management protocol used for backup and recovery. The ndmpd daemon enables users to manage data backup and recovery using Data Management Application (DMA) clients. The NDMP protocol is used to coordinate data movement and control between a DMA and an NDMP server or between two NDMP servers. WWW: |
2017-06-09T00:04:38+00:00 | devel/py3-pytest-capturelog |
2017-06-08T17:25:47+00:00 | misc/compat11x |
Convenience package to install the compat11x libraries This package allows you to install the compat11x libraries on your system, so you can use legacy binaries that depend on them. Ports usage example: -- .include <> .if ${OSVERSION} >= 1100000 LIB_DEPENDS+= .endif -- |
2017-06-08T14:43:45+00:00 | textproc/py3-numpydoc |
2017-06-08T14:28:21+00:00 | devel/py3-dateutil |
2017-06-08T14:11:43+00:00 | textproc/py3-sphinx |
2017-06-08T14:07:31+00:00 | net/rubygem-gitlab_omniauth-ldap1 |
LDAP strategy for OmniAuth A LDAP strategy for OmniAuth. WWW: |
2017-06-08T13:21:39+00:00 | www/py-utidylib |
Python interface to tidy-lib This is fork of uTidylib with permission with original author. Originally it incorporated patches from Debian and other distributions, now it also brings compatibility with recent html-tidy versions and works with Python 3. This is uTidylib, the Python wrapper for the HTML cleaning library named TidyLib. It supports both original Tidy and new HTML5 enabled Tidy. WWW: |
2017-06-08T03:22:39+00:00 | science/hypre |
Scalable Linear Solvers and Multigrid Methods HYPRE: Scalable Linear Solvers and Multigrid Methods HYPRE is a library of high performance preconditioners and solvers featuring multigrid methods for the solution of large, sparse linear systems of equations on massively parallel computers. WWW: |
2017-06-07T17:11:30+00:00 | devel/boost-python3-libs |
Framework for interfacing Python 3 and C++ |
2017-06-07T15:51:07+00:00 | devel/py3-pytest-xdist |
2017-06-07T15:43:29+00:00 | misc/py3-pexpect |
2017-06-07T15:39:37+00:00 | sysutils/py3-ptyprocess |
2017-06-07T15:21:19+00:00 | sysutils/py3-execnet |
2017-06-07T15:14:00+00:00 | devel/py3-apipkg |
2017-06-07T14:47:29+00:00 | net/py3-urllib3 |
2017-06-07T14:32:40+00:00 | security/py3-openssl |
2017-06-07T14:22:58+00:00 | security/py3-cryptography |
2017-06-07T11:01:05+00:00 | net/py3-pysocks |
2017-06-07T10:56:40+00:00 | devel/py3-pyasn1 |
2017-06-07T10:49:23+00:00 | security/py3-certifi |
2017-06-07T10:34:30+00:00 | dns/py3-idna |
A library to support the Internationalised Domain Names in Applications (IDNA) protocol as specified in RFC 5891. This version of the protocol is often referred to as "IDNA2008" and can produce different res lts from the earlier standard from 2003. The library is also intended to act as a suitable drop-in replacement for the "encodings.idna" module that comes with the Python standard library but currently only supports the older 2003 specification. WWW: |
2017-06-06T17:15:36+00:00 | games/auralquiz |
Simple music quiz game using your own music files Auralquiz is a simple music quiz game for GNU/Linux, using your own music files. The game plays short pieces of music files from your folders (in Ogg Vorbis, FLAC, Opus or MP3 formats), and presents a question and several answers about the current song. The fastest the answer, the more points you receive. Up to 8 people can play in a turn-based mode. In the highest difficulty level there are no answer buttons, and instead, you have to type the answer yourself. WWW: |
2017-06-06T13:30:11+00:00 | devel/py-pydispatcher |
Multi-producer-multi-consumer signal dispatching mechanism Dispatcher mechanism for creating event models PyDispatcher is an enhanced version of Patrick K. O'Brien's original module. It provides the Python programmer with a robust mechanism for event routing within various application contexts. Included in the package are the robustapply and saferef modules, which provide the ability to selectively apply arguments to callable objects and to reference instance methods using weak-references. WWW: |
2017-06-06T01:10:34+00:00 | net-mgmt/cacti88-spine |
Multithreaded poller for Cacti written in C Spine, formerly Cactid, is a poller for Cacti that primarily strives to be as fast as possible. For this reason it is written in native C, makes use of POSIX threads, and is linked directly against the net-snmp library for minmumal SNMP polling overhead. Spine is a replacement for the default cmd.php poller so you must decide if using Spine makes sense for your installation. WWW: |
2017-06-06T00:47:24+00:00 | net-mgmt/cacti88 |
Web-driven graphing interface for RRDTool Cacti is a complete frontend to RRDTool, it stores all of the necessary information to create graphs and populate them with data in a MySQL database. The frontend is completely PHP driven. Along with being able to maintain Graphs, Data Sources, and Round Robin Archives in a database, cacti handles the data gathering. There is also SNMP support for those used to creating traffic graphs with MRTG. WWW: |
2017-06-05T14:55:47+00:00 | archivers/rubygem-minitar-cli |
Library and command-line utility for tar archives The minitar (previously called Archive::Tar::Minitar) library is a pure-Ruby library that provides the ability to deal with POSIX tar(1) archive files. This is release 0.6+, providing a number of bug fixes including a directory traversal vulnerability, CVE-2016-10173. This release starts the migration and modernization of the code: - the minitar command-line program has been separated into the minitar-cli gem; and - the archive-tar-minitar gem now points to the minitar and minitar-cli gems and discourages its installation. WWW: |
2017-06-05T13:58:48+00:00 | www/rubygem-jquery-ui-rails-rails5 |
Packaged JavaScript, CSS and image files of jQuery UI for Rails jQuery UI's JavaScript, CSS, and image files packaged for the Rails 3.1+ asset pipeline WWW: |
2017-06-05T13:00:21+00:00 | audio/py-soundscrape |
SoundCloud downloader in python SoundScrape makes it super easy to download artists from SoundCloud, Bandcamp and MixCloud. It automatically creates ID3 tags as well (including album art), which is handy. WWW: |
2017-06-04T16:49:20+00:00 | net/libmdf |
Millistream Data Feed API library libmdf is the Millistream Data Feed API library with which developers can connect to the Millistream Market Data system and subscribe to streaming realtime or delayed market data such as stocks, indices, currencies, bonds, derivatives and news services. WWW: |
2017-06-03T19:44:31+00:00 | textproc/py-yapf |
Formatter for Python code A formatter for Python code. WWW: |
2017-06-03T14:18:18+00:00 | math/viennacl |
Linear algebra and solver library using CUDA, OpenCL, and OpenMP ViennaCL is a free open-source linear algebra library for computations on many-core architectures (GPUs, MIC) and multi-core CPUs. The library is written in C++ and supports CUDA, OpenCL, and OpenMP (including switches at runtime). The highlights of the latest 1.7.x release family are: * Fast sparse matrix-matrix multiplications, outperforming CUBLAS and MKL. * Fine-grained parallel algebraic multigrid preconditioners for CPUs, Xeon Phis, and GPUs. * Fine-grained parallel incomplete LU factorization preconditioners for CPUs, Xeon Phis, and GPUs. WWW: |
2017-06-02T11:05:54+00:00 | textproc/py3-humanfriendly |
2017-06-02T11:03:31+00:00 | devel/py3-pygit2 |
2017-06-02T11:02:50+00:00 | devel/py3-pycparser |
2017-06-02T11:02:08+00:00 | devel/py3-cffi |
2017-06-02T11:01:16+00:00 | devel/py3-coloredlogs |
2017-06-02T00:18:06+00:00 | devel/cltune |
Library to tune OpenCL kernels CLTune is a C++ library which can be used to automatically tune your OpenCL and CUDA kernels. The only thing you'll need to provide is a tuneable kerne and a list of allowed parameters and values. WWW: |
2017-06-02T00:14:04+00:00 | math/clblast |
Modern, lightweight, performant and tunable OpenCL BLAS library Modern, lightweight, performant and tunable OpenCL BLAS library. Tuned for Intel, AMD, and NVIDIA accelerators. WWW: |
2017-05-31T19:25:55+00:00 | net-p2p/torrent-file-editor |
GUI tool for creating and editing .torrent files Cross-platform Qt-based GUI program intended to create and edit .torrent and uTorrent .dat files; replacement for BEncode Editor which has modern design and extra features: - Create .torrent file from scratch; add, remove, change file order in the existing .torrent file - Change main .torrent file information: name, comment, publisher, URL, creation date, tracker list, and author - Edit .torrent file in JSON format or as a binary tree - Support for different encodings - Translated to many languages; has command line mode WWW: |
2017-05-31T17:29:41+00:00 | devel/py-ddt |
Data-Driven Tests for Python Unittest DDT (Data-Driven Tests) allows you to multiply one test case by running it with different test data, and make it appear as multiple test cases. WWW: |
2017-05-31T15:20:16+00:00 | sysutils/py-gmailfs-fuse |
Use an IMAP server (like gmail) as normal storage FUSE-based filesystem for using an IMAP server (like gmail) as normal storage like a hard disk. WWW: |
2017-05-31T13:09:27+00:00 | net/py-python-swiftclient |
OpenStack Object Storage API Client Library This is a python client for the Swift API. There's a Python API (the swiftclient module), and a command-line script (swift). Development takes place via the usual OpenStack processes as outlined in the OpenStack wiki. This code is based on the original client previously included with OpenStack's Swift The python-swiftclient is licensed under the Apache License like the rest of OpenStack. WWW: WWW: |
2017-05-31T12:59:08+00:00 | misc/unicode-ucd |
Unicode Character Database The Unicode Character Database (UCD) consists of a number of data files listing Unicode character properties and related data. It also includes data files containing test data for conformance to several important Unicode algorithms. This package contains which contains the data files for the Unified Han database of Hanzi/Kanji/Hanja Chinese characters. WWW: |
2017-05-31T09:02:11+00:00 | lang/perl5.26 |
Practical Extraction and Report Language Perl is a language that combines some of the features of C, sed, awk and shell. See the manual page for more hype. There are also many books published by O'Reilly & Assoc. See pod/perlbook.pod for more information. WWW: |
2017-05-31T07:15:20+00:00 | mail/py-pymailq |
Postfix queue control python tool The pymailq module makes it easy to view and control Postfix mails queue. It provide several classes to store, view and interact with mail queue using Postfix command line tools. This module is provided for automation and monitoring developments. WWW: |
2017-05-30T18:21:35+00:00 | audio/gstreamer-plugins-sndio |
Sndio audio sink and source for GStreamer 0.10 The GStreamer sndio plugin allows applications that use GStreamer 0.10 to play and record through sndio. This includes several games, audio players like Exaile, and audio editors like Jokosher. WWW: |
2017-05-30T18:20:17+00:00 | editors/jucipp |
Lightweight C++-IDE with support for C++11, C++14 and C++17 juCI++, is a platform independent and lightweight C++ IDE designed towards libclang with speed, stability, and ease of use in mind. It supports syntax highlighting for more than 100 different file types. Furthermore, it supports CMake and Meson as build systems. juCI++ implements Git support through libgit2. It provides debug integration, both local and remote through lldb. Other supported featured are: fast C++ autocompletion, tooltips showing type information and doxygen documentation, rename refactoring across files, automated documentation search, find symbol through Ctags, spell checking depending on file context, runnig shell commands within JuCi++, regex search and replace, smart paste, keys and indentation, source minimap, split view, full UTF-8 support; just to name a few. WWW: |
2017-05-30T15:20:57+00:00 | net/py-python-cloudfiles |
Python language bindings for Cloud Files API Python language bindings for Cloud Files API WWW: WWW: |
2017-05-30T09:44:52+00:00 | x11/xkbind |
Minimal keyboard layout indicator program XkbInd program (X Keyboard Extension Indicator) is a minimal indicator of keyboard layout (XKB group) for the X Window System; it outputs information about current keyboard layout attached to each top-level window through their captions via prefixes to original title strings. It also allows to simulate an independent keyboard layout for each handled window and works with most of the window managers. WWW: |
2017-05-30T01:50:00+00:00 | security/rubygem-pundit |
Object oriented authorization for Rails applications Pundit provides a set of helpers which guide you in leveraging regular Ruby classes and object oriented design patterns to build a simple, robust and scaleable authorization system. WWW: |
2017-05-30T01:49:29+00:00 | devel/rubygem-gettext_i18n_rails_js |
Make gettext_i18n_rails .po files as JSON GettextI18nRailsJs extends gettext_i18n_rails, making your .PO files available to client side Javascript as JSON. It will find translations inside your .js, .coffee, .handlebars and .mustache files, then it will create JSON versions of your .PO files so you can serve them with the rest of your assets, thus letting you access all your translations offline from client side Javascript. WWW: |
2017-05-30T01:49:14+00:00 | devel/rubygem-gettext_i18n_rails |
Simple FastGettext Rails integration gettext_i18n_rails is simple FastGettext Rails integration. Translate via FastGettext, use any other I18n backend as extension/fallback. Rails does: I18n.t('syntax.with.lots.of.dots') with nested yml files. We do: _('Just translate my damn text!') with simple, flat mo/po/yml files or directly from db. To use I18n, calls add a syntax.with.lots.of.dots translation. WWW: |
2017-05-30T01:48:55+00:00 | converters/rubygem-po_to_json |
Convert gettext PO files to JSON objects PoToJson converts gettext PO files to JSON to use in your javascript app, based on by DuckDuckGo, Inc.. Ideally you'll use this on a Rake task that creates JSON versions of your PO files, which can later be used from javascript with Jed. WWW: |
2017-05-30T01:48:40+00:00 | devel/py3-urwid |
2017-05-29T20:05:21+00:00 | x11-wm/cde |
Common Desktop Environment CDE - The Common Desktop Environment is X Windows desktop environment that was commonly used on commercial UNIX variants such as Sun Solaris, HP-UX and IBM AIX. Developed between 1993 and 1999, it has now been released under an Open Source licence by The Open Group. WWW: |
2017-05-29T08:18:31+00:00 | devel/erlang-unicode_util_compat |
Compatibility library for unicode_util from Erlang R20 This library allows the usage of unicode_util from Erlang R20 in older erlang >= R18. WWW: |
2017-05-28T20:52:49+00:00 | databases/mariadb102-server |
Multithreaded SQL database (server) MariaDB is a database server that offers drop-in replacement functionality for MySQL. MariaDB is built by some of the original authors of MySQL, with assistance from the broader community of Free and open source software developers. In addition to the core functionality of MySQL, MariaDB offers a rich set of feature enhancements including alternate storage engines, server optimizations, and patches. MariaDB is primarily driven by developers at Monty Program, a company founded by Michael "Monty" Widenius, the original author of MySQL, but this is not the whole story about MariaDB. On the "About MariaDB" page you will find more information about all participants in the MariaDB community, including storage engines XtraDB and PBXT. WWW: |
2017-05-28T20:52:49+00:00 | databases/mariadb102-client |
Multithreaded SQL database (client) |
2017-05-27T19:30:39+00:00 | sysutils/py3-pkginfo |
2017-05-27T08:57:39+00:00 | dns/dnsforwarder |
Simple DNS forwarder Dnsforwarder is A simple DNS forwarder.Main fetures: 1.Forwarding queries to customized domains (and their subdomains) to specified servers over a specified protocol (UDP or TCP).non-standard ports are supported; 2.DNS cache and its controls(including modifying TTL for different domains); 3.Ignoring DNS responses from upstream servers containing particular IPs; 4.Loading hosts from file (including the support for wildcards, CName redirections and remote hosts files); 5.Refusing queries to specified domains (for ads blocking); 6.Cross-platform (Windows, Linux); WWW: |
2017-05-27T03:16:40+00:00 | x11/gxkb |
X11 keyboard layout indicator and switcher gxkb is a little indicator applet which allows one to quickly switch between different keyboard layouts in X11. A flag corresponding to the country of the active layout is shown in the system tray area. The applet is written in C and uses GTK+ 2.0 library (and therefore does not depend on any GNOME components) and can maintain separate per-window, per-application, or global layout states. WWW: |
2017-05-26T21:22:38+00:00 | net-im/mastodon |
GNU Social-compatible microblogging server Mastodon is an alternative implementation of GNU social, a free, open-source social network. It is a decentralized alternative to commercial platforms based on ActivityStreams, Webfinger, PubsubHubbub and Salmon. The project focuses on creating a clean REST API and a good user interface. Ruby on Rails is used for the back-end, while React.js and Redux are used for the dynamic front-end. WWW: |
2017-05-25T21:03:07+00:00 | dns/packetq |
Basic SQL-frontend to PCAP-files PacketQ is a command line tool to run SQL queries directly on PCAP files, the results can be outputted as JSON (default), formatted/compact CSV and XML. It also contain a very simplistic web-server in order to inspect PCAP files remotely. PacketQ was known as DNS2db but renamed in 2011. WWW: |
2017-05-25T13:25:35+00:00 | devel/aws-sdk-php |
PHP interface for Amazon Web Services (AWS) AWS SDK for PHP makes it easy for developers to access Amazon WebServices in their PHP code, and build robust applications and software using services like Amazon S3, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon Glacier, etc. WWW: |
2017-05-25T03:45:45+00:00 | databases/rubygem-redis-actionpack-rails50 |
Redis session store for ActionPack Redis session store for ActionPack WWW: |
2017-05-25T03:02:59+00:00 | devel/rubygem-spring-rails50 |
Rails application preloader Rails application preloader WWW: |
2017-05-25T02:41:52+00:00 | www/rubygem-turbolinks-rails50 |
Turbolinks makes following links in your web application faster Turbolinks makes following links in your web application faster (use with Rails Asset Pipeline) WWW: |
2017-05-25T02:39:56+00:00 | www/rubygem-redis-rails-rails50 |
Redis for Ruby on Rails Redis for Ruby on Rails WWW: |
2017-05-25T02:38:23+00:00 | www/rubygem-rails-settings-cached-rails50 |
Rails settings plugin for easily managing key-value pairs table Rails-settings-cached is a settings plugin that makes managing a table of global key-value pairs easy. Think of it like a global hash stored in your database that uses simple ActiveRecord-like methods for manipulation. You can keep track of any global setting that you do not want to hard code into your rails application. You can store any kind of object including strings, numbers, and arrays. WWW: |
2017-05-25T02:36:00+00:00 | www/rubygem-rails50 |
Full-stack web application framework Rails is a web-application framework for the MVC pattern that includes both a template engine, controller framework, and object-relational mapping package. Everything needed to develop web-apps that can run on CGI, FastCGI, and mod_ruby Being a full-stack framework means that all layers are built to work seamlessly together. That way you Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) and you can use a single language from top to bottom. Everything from templates to control flow to business logic is written in Ruby - The language of love for industry heavy-weights. WWW: |
2017-05-25T02:33:21+00:00 | www/rubygem-lograge-rails50 |
Tame Rails' multi-line logging into a single line per request #' Tame Rails' multi-line logging into a single line per request Lograge is an attempt to bring sanity to Rails' noisy and unusable, unparsable and, in the context of running multiple processes and servers, unreadable default logging output. Rails' default approach to log everything is great during development, it's terrible when running it in production. WWW: |
2017-05-25T02:32:08+00:00 | www/rubygem-kaminari-rails50 |
Sophisticated paginator for Rails 4+ Kaminari is a Scope & Engine based, clean, powerful, agnostic, customizable and sophisticated paginator for Rails 3 WWW: |
2017-05-25T02:30:26+00:00 | www/rubygem-kaminari-activerecord-rails50 |
Kaminari Active Record adapter kaminari-activerecord lets your Active Record models be paginatable. WWW: |
2017-05-25T02:29:08+00:00 | www/rubygem-kaminari-actionview-rails50 |
Kaminari Action View adapter kaminari-actionview provides pagination helpers for your Action View templates. WWW: |
2017-05-25T02:27:21+00:00 | www/rubygem-jquery-rails-rails50 |
Provides a Rails generator for jQuery This gem provides a Rails generator to install jQuery and the jQuery-ujs driver into your Rails 5 application, and then have them included automatically instead of Prototype. WWW: |
2017-05-25T02:25:10+00:00 | www/rubygem-hamlit-rails-rails50 |
Hamlit (haml) generators for Rails 5 hamlit-reails provides hamlit generators for Rails 4. It also enables hamlit as the templating engine and "hamlit:html2haml" rake task that converts erb files to haml. WWW: |
2017-05-25T02:23:01+00:00 | textproc/rubygem-sass-rails-rails50 |
Sass adapter for the Rails asset pipeline Sass adapter for the Rails asset pipeline. WWW: |
2017-05-25T02:20:07+00:00 | security/rubygem-doorkeeper-rails50 |
OAuth2 provider for Rails and Grape Doorkeeper is a Ruby gem that makes it easy to introduce OAuth 2 provider functionality to a Rails or Grape application. WWW: |
2017-05-25T02:18:03+00:00 | security/rubygem-devise-two-factor-rails50 |
Barebones two-factor authentication with Devise Barebones two-factor authentication with Devise WWW: |
2017-05-25T02:15:51+00:00 | multimedia/rubygem-paperclip-av-transcoder-rails50 |
Audio/Video transcoder for Paperclip using FFMPEG/Avconv Audio/Video Transcoder for Paperclip using FFMPEG/Avconv. With a few lines of code, your application can produce - a transcoded FLV file with the requested dimensions if they will match the aspect ratio of the original file, otherwise, width will be maintained and height will be recalculated to keep the original aspect ratio - a screenshot thumbnail with the requested dimensions regardless of the aspect ratio. WWW: |
2017-05-25T02:13:54+00:00 | misc/rubygem-dotenv-rails-rails50 |
Autoload dotenv in Rails Autoload dotenv in Rails. WWW: |
2017-05-25T02:11:02+00:00 | textproc/rubygem-rails-dom-testing-rails50 |
Analyse and compare DOMs using Nokogiri This gem is responsible for comparing HTML doms and asserting that DOM elements are present in Rails applications. Doms are compared via assert_dom_equal and assert_dom_not_equal. Elements are asserted via assert_select, assert_select_encoded, assert_select_email and a subset of the dom can be selected with css_select. The gem is developed for Rails 4.2 and above, and will not work on previous versions. WWW: |
2017-05-25T02:06:33+00:00 | devel/rubygem-webpacker-rails50 |
Use Webpack to manage app-like JavaScript modules in Rails Webpacker makes it easy to use the JavaScript preprocessor and bundler Webpack to manage application-like JavaScript in Rails. It coexists with the asset pipeline, as the primary purpose for Webpack is app-like JavaScript, not images, css, or even JavaScript Sprinkles (that all continues to live in app/assets). It is, however, possible to use Webpacker for CSS and images assets as well, in which case you may not even need the asset pipeline. This is mostly relevant when exclusively using component-based JavaScript frameworks. WWW: |
2017-05-25T02:05:17+00:00 | devel/rubygem-web-console-rails50 |
Debugging tool for your Ruby on Rails applications A debugging tool for your Ruby on Rails applications. WWW: |
2017-05-25T02:01:59+00:00 | devel/rubygem-sprockets-rails-rails50 |
Sprockets Rails integration Sprockets Rails integration WWW: |
2017-05-25T01:58:46+00:00 | devel/rubygem-simple_form-rails50 |
Forms made easy Forms made easy! WWW: |
2017-05-25T01:57:20+00:00 | devel/rubygem-simple-navigation-rails50 |
Create navigations for Rails, Sinatra or Padrino applications With the simple-navigation gem installed you can easily create multilevel navigations for your Rails, Sinatra or Padrino applications. The navigation is defined in a single configuration file. It supports automatic as well as explicit highlighting of the currently active navigation through regular expressions. WWW: |
2017-05-25T01:54:39+00:00 | devel/rubygem-redis-activesupport-rails50 |
Redis store for ActiveSupport::Cache Redis store for ActiveSupport::Cache WWW: |
2017-05-25T01:53:09+00:00 | devel/rubygem-rails-i18n-rails50 |
Common locale data and translations for Rails i18n A set of common locale data and translations to internationalize and/or localize your Rails applications. WWW: |
2017-05-25T01:51:49+00:00 | devel/rubygem-rails-deprecated_sanitizer-rails50 |
Deprecated sanitizer API extracted from Action View In Rails 4.2 HTML sanitization has been rewritten using a more secure library. This gem includes the old behavior shipping with Rails 4.2 and before. It is strictly provided to ease migration. It will be supported until Rails 5. WWW: |
2017-05-25T01:50:25+00:00 | devel/rubygem-rabl-rails50 |
General ruby templating with json, bson, xml and msgpack support RABL (Ruby API Builder Language) is a Rails and Padrino ruby templating system for generating JSON, XML, MessagePack, PList and BSON. It provides a more expressive and powerful solution for generating APIs than ActiveRecord's 'to_json' method. It is particularly helpful when the JSON representation is complex or doesn't match the exact schema defined within the database. With it, one can easily: - Create arbitrary nodes with names based on combining data in an object - Pass arguments to methods and store the result as a child node - Render partial templates and inherit to reduce code duplication - Rename or alias attributes to change the name from the model - Append attributes from a child into a parent node - Include nodes only if a certain condition has been met WWW: |
2017-05-25T01:47:40+00:00 | devel/rubygem-paperclip-rails50 |
Easy upload management for ActiveRecord Easy upload management for ActiveRecord WWW: |
2017-05-25T01:45:30+00:00 | devel/rubygem-jbuilder-rails50 |
Create JSON structures via a Builder-style DSL Create JSON structures via a Builder-style DSL WWW: |
2017-05-25T01:43:37+00:00 | devel/rubygem-devise-rails50 |
Flexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden Flexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden WWW: |
2017-05-25T01:41:34+00:00 | www/rubygem-responders-rails50 |
Simple Ruby DSL for making HTTP requests Responders provides a set of responders modules to dry up your Rails app. WWW: |
2017-05-25T01:36:28+00:00 | devel/rubygem-coffee-rails-rails50 |
Coffee Script adapter for the Rails asset pipeline Coffee Script adapter for the Rails asset pipeline. WWW: |
2017-05-25T01:32:24+00:00 | databases/rubygem-pghero-rails50 |
Performance dashboard for Postgres PgHere is a performance dashboard for Postgres. It includes health checks, suggested indexes, and more. WWW: |
2017-05-25T01:14:55+00:00 | databases/rubygem-globalid-rails50 |
URIs for your models makes it easy to pass references around URIs for your models makes it easy to pass references around. WWW: |
2017-05-24T15:01:17+00:00 | textproc/py-parsel |
Library to extract data from HTML and XML using XPath and CSS selectors Parsel is a library to extract data from HTML and XML using XPath and CSS selectors. Features - Extract text using CSS or XPath selectors - Regular expression helper methods WWW: |
2017-05-24T14:51:00+00:00 | devel/py-PyDispatcher |
Multi-producer-multi-consumer signal dispatching mechanism Dispatcher mechanism for creating event models PyDispatcher is an enhanced version of Patrick K. OâBrienâs original module. It provides the Python programmer with a robust mechanism for event routing within various application contexts. Included in the package are the robustapply and saferef modules, which provide the ability to selectively apply arguments to callable objects and to reference instance methods using weak-references. WWW: |
2017-05-23T18:52:24+00:00 | www/rubygem-acts-as-taggable-on5 |
Tag a single model on several contexts With ActsAsTaggableOn, you can tag a single model on several contexts, such as skills, interests, and awards. It also provides other advanced functionality. WWW: |
2017-05-21T15:32:53+00:00 | net/madonctl |
CLI client for the Mastodon social network API madonctl is a Golang command line interface for the Mastodon API. WWW: |
2017-05-21T14:56:44+00:00 | net/go-madonctl |
CLI client for the Mastodon social network API madonctl is a Golang command line interface for the Mastodon API. WWW: |
2017-05-20T23:09:23+00:00 | math/blis |
Software framework for high-performance BLAS-like libraries software framework for high-performance BLAS-like libraries BLIS is a portable software framework for instantiating high-performance BLAS-like dense linear algebra libraries. The framework was designed to isolate essential kernels of computation that, when optimized, immediately enable optimized implementations of most of its commonly used and computationally intensive operations. WWW: |
2017-05-20T21:50:46+00:00 | www/rubygem-deckar01-task_list1 |
Markdown TaskList components Provides various components necessary for integrating Task Lists into GitHub-flavored-Markdown user content. WWW: |
2017-05-20T21:50:21+00:00 | devel/rubygem-semantic_puppet0 |
Library for working with Semantic Versions and module dependencies Library of tools used by Puppet to parse, validate, and compare Semantic Versions and Version Ranges and to query and resolve module dependencies. WWW: |
2017-05-20T09:29:06+00:00 | net/grilo2 |
Grilo is a framework focused on making media discovery and browsing Grilo is a framework focused on making media discovery and browsing easy for application developers. WWW: |
2017-05-20T09:29:06+00:00 | net/grilo-plugins2 |
Plugins for net/grilo This port installs plugins for the net/grilo. WWW: |
2017-05-20T02:27:45+00:00 | security/ |
ACME protocol client written in shell ACME protocol client written in shell - Full ACME protocol implementation. - Support ACME v1 and ACME v2. - Support ACME v2 wildcard certs. - Simple, powerful and very easy to use. You only need 3 minutes to learn it. - Bash, dash and sh compatible. - Simplest shell script for Let's Encrypt free certificate client. - Purely written in Shell with no dependencies on python or the official Let's Encrypt client. - Just one script to issue, renew and install your certificates automatically. - DOES NOT require root/sudoer access. - Docker friendly. - IPv6 support. WWW: |
2017-05-19T15:56:44+00:00 | net/py-cloudflare-scrape |
Python module to bypass Cloudflare's anti-bot page A simple Python module to bypass Cloudflare's anti-bot page (also known as "I'm Under Attack Mode", or IUAM), implemented with Requests. Cloudflare changes their techniques periodically, so I will update this repo frequently. This can be useful if you wish to scrape or crawl a website protected with Cloudflare. Cloudflare's anti-bot page currently just checks if the client supports Javascript, though they may add additional techniques in the future. WWW: |
2017-05-19T15:55:35+00:00 | devel/py-PyExecJS |
Run JavaScript code from Python PyExecJS is a porting of ExecJS from Ruby. PyExecJS automatically picks the best runtime available to evaluate your JavaScript program. Supported runtimes * PyV8 - A python wrapper for Google V8 engine, * Node.js * Apple JavaScriptCore - Included with Mac OS X * Mozilla SpiderMonkey * Microsoft Windows Script Host (JScript) * SlimerJS * Nashorn - Included with Oracle Java 8 WWW: |
2017-05-19T14:47:44+00:00 | devel/rubygem-generator_spec-rails5 |
Test Rails generators with RSpec Test Rails generators with RSpec WWW: |
2017-05-19T02:01:51+00:00 | devel/flang |
Fortran compiler targeting LLVM Fortran compiler targeting LLVM (modified clang part) WWW: |
2017-05-19T02:01:51+00:00 | devel/flang-clang |
Fortran compiler targeting LLVM (modified clang part) Fortran compiler targeting LLVM (modified clang part) WWW: |
2017-05-19T01:34:59+00:00 | devel/R-cran-rlang |
Functions for Base Types and Core R and 'Tidyverse' Features A toolbox for working with base types, core R features like the condition system, and core 'Tidyverse' features like tidy evaluation. WWW: |
2017-05-18T21:19:31+00:00 | net/radcli |
Simple RADIUS client library The radcli library is a library for writing RADIUS Clients. The library's approach is to allow writing RADIUS-aware application in less than 50 lines of C code. The freeradius-client library was undocumented, had too much legacy code centered around radlogin, a tool which is of no significance today, was IPv4-only and had no releases for several years. This library addresses these shortcomings, adds package management via pkg-config, adds support for TCP, TLS and DTLS, provides documentation of the API, and will include any new features for the task. It is provided as a shared library in case it is useful to other projects as well, and is also made source compatible with radiusclient-ng and freeradius-client. WWW: |
2017-05-18T16:03:17+00:00 | devel/py-gitdb2 |
Git Object Database GitDB allows you to access bare git repositories for reading and writing. It aims at allowing full access to loose objects as well as packs with performance and scalability in mind. It operates exclusively on streams, allowing to handle large objects with a small memory footprint. WWW: WWW: |
2017-05-18T16:02:57+00:00 | devel/py-smmap2 |
Sliding-window memory map manager Smmap wraps an interface around mmap and tracks the mapped files as well as the amount of clients who use it. If the system runs out of resources, or if a memory limit is reached, it will automatically unload unused maps to allow continued operation. To allow processing large files even on 32 bit systems, it allows only portions of the file to be mapped. Once the user reads beyond the mapped region, smmap will automatically map the next required region, unloading unused regions using a LRU algorithm. WWW: WWW: |
2017-05-18T16:02:38+00:00 | devel/py-rwt |
RWT (Run With This) provides on-demand dependency resolution RWT (Run With This) provides on-demand dependency resolution. - Allows declaration of dependencies at runtime. - Downloads missing dependencies and makes their packages available for import. - Installs packages to a special staging location such that they're not installed after the process exits. - Relies on pip to cache downloads of such packages for reuse. - Supersedes installed packages when required. - Relies on packages already satisfied. - Re-uses the pip tool chain for package installation and pkg_resources for working set management. WWW: WWW: |
2017-05-18T13:38:12+00:00 | devel/rubygem-oj2 |
Fast JSON parser and serializer The fastest JSON parser and object serializer. WWW: |
2017-05-17T23:02:41+00:00 | security/pecl-ssh2-0 |
PECL extension to the libssh2 library PHP bindings to the libssh2 library which provide access to resources (shell, remote exec, tunneling, file transfer) on a remote machine using a secure cryptographic transport. WWW: |
2017-05-17T22:02:23+00:00 | textproc/libstaroffice |
Library to build a filter for old StarOffice's documents The purpose of libstaroffice is to build a filter for old StarOffice's documents (.sdc, .sdw, ...) based on librevenge. WWW: |
2017-05-17T21:03:28+00:00 | graphics/libzmf |
Library that parses the file format of Zoner Callisto/Draw documents Libzmf is a library that parses the file format of Zoner Callisto/Draw documents. WWW: |
2017-05-17T20:01:10+00:00 | net/cloud-init-azure |
Init scripts for use on cloud images Package provides configuration and customization of Azure instance. WWW: |
2017-05-17T09:24:24+00:00 | ports-mgmt/bsdadminscripts2 |
BSD Administration Scripts 2 This is a collection of scripts around the use of ports and packages. It allows you to: - check library dependencies without producing false positives (pkg_libchk) - lets you manage the autoremove flag for leaf packages (pkg_trim) - remove obsolete or damaged distfiles (distviper) - manage build flags (buildflags.conf) - auto-create pkg-plist files taking port options into account (makeplist) WWW: |
2017-05-17T09:24:24+00:00 | ports-mgmt/bsdadminscripts |
Collection of administration scripts This is a collection of administration scripts. At the moment it consists of a script to control rc.d scripts at runtime, a script that runs common make targets on batches of ports, scripts to set variables for make jobs (like portconf, but with more possibilities). And scripts to check for broken packages and missing libraries. WWW: |
2017-05-16T18:19:37+00:00 | devel/rubygem-sidekiq4 |
Simple, efficient background processing for Ruby Simple, efficient background processing for Ruby WWW: WWW: |
2017-05-16T18:19:27+00:00 | www/rubygem-sinatra1 |
Classy web development framework in ruby Sinatra is a DSL for quickly creating web-applications in Ruby with minimal effort. It sits on top of Rack, a minimal standard interface for Ruby web frameworks. For templating, the choices include erb, haml, sass and Builder. WWW: |
2017-05-16T18:19:22+00:00 | www/rubygem-rack-protection1 |
Collection of Rack middleware to protect against opportunistic attack Collection of Rack middleware to protect you against common, opportunistic attack. WWW: |
2017-05-16T13:09:26+00:00 | www/moodle33 |
Course management system based on social constructionism Moodle is a course management system (CMS) - a free, Open Source software package designed using sound pedagogical principles, to help educators create effective online learning communities. You can use it on any computer you have handy (including webhosts), yet it can scale from a single-teacher site to a 40,000-student University. WWW: |
2017-05-16T10:57:49+00:00 | databases/pgpool-II-36 |
Connection pool server for PostgreSQL pgpool is a connection pool server for PostgreSQL. pgpool runs between PostgreSQL's clients(front ends) and servers(back ends). A PostgreSQL client can connect to pgpool as if it were a standard PostgreSQL server. pgpool caches the connection to PostgreSQL server to reduce the overhead to establish the connection to it. WWW: |
2017-05-16T10:19:06+00:00 | databases/pgpool-II-35 |
Connection pool server for PostgreSQL pgpool is a connection pool server for PostgreSQL. pgpool runs between PostgreSQL's clients(front ends) and servers(back ends). A PostgreSQL client can connect to pgpool as if it were a standard PostgreSQL server. pgpool caches the connection to PostgreSQL server to reduce the overhead to establish the connection to it. WWW: |
2017-05-16T01:09:34+00:00 | net/py-python-twitter |
Python wrapper around the Twitter API This library provides a pure python interface for the Twitter API. Twitter provides a service that allows people to connect via the web, IM, and SMS. Twitter exposes a web services API and this library is intended to make it even easier for python programmers to use. WWW: |
2017-05-15T22:05:46+00:00 | www/npm-less-plugin-clean-css |
Compresses the css output from less using clean-css clean-css compresses the css output from less using clean-css. WWW: |
2017-05-15T22:05:46+00:00 | devel/npm-source-map |
Parse and consume source maps Parse and consume source maps. WWW: |
2017-05-15T22:05:46+00:00 | devel/npm-graceful-readlink |
Graceful fs.readlink A graceful fs.readlink WWW: |
2017-05-15T22:05:46+00:00 | devel/npm-commander |
node.js command-line interfaces made easy The complete solution for node.js command-line interfaces, inspired by Ruby's commander. WWW: |
2017-05-15T22:05:46+00:00 | devel/npm-clean-css |
Fast and efficient CSS optimizer for node.js and the Web Clean-css is a fast and efficient CSS optimizer for Node.js platform and any modern browser. WWW: |
2017-05-15T22:05:46+00:00 | devel/npm-amdefine |
Implementation of AMD's define() in Node Amdefine is a module that can be used to implement AMD's define() in Node. This allows you to code to the AMD API and have the module work in node programs without requiring those other programs to use AMD. WWW: |
2017-05-15T18:33:48+00:00 | devel/py3-click-threading |
2017-05-13T12:40:53+00:00 | sysutils/pxattr |
Portable utility to work with file extended attributes Extended attributes are arbitrarily named pieces of data associated with a file and managed by the file system. The names and the values for the attributes are freely chosen by applications and/or users, with very few restrictions. Many recent systems and filesystems support extended attributes, but the interfaces used to manage them are far from identical. Linux, FreeBSD, and Mac OS X all provide similar extended attributes functionality. The pxattr package aims at providing a single interface to extended attributes on all three systems. It consists in a single C++ module (one source and one include file), which is to be included in the application source code, or can be built as a reference command-line utility to manage user extended attributes in a uniform and cross- platform way. It includes an attributes archive/restore facility. WWW: |
2017-05-13T12:11:14+00:00 | www/rubygem-activeresource5 |
Coherent wrapper object-relational mapping for REST web services Active Resource Active Resource attempts to provide a coherent wrapper object-relational mapping for REST web services. It follows the same philosophy as Active Record, in that one of its prime aims is to reduce the amount of code needed to map to these resources. This is made possible by relying on a number of code- and protocol-based conventions that make it easy for Active Resource to infer complex relations and structures. These conventions are outlined in detail in the documentation for ActiveResource::Base. WWW: |
2017-05-13T12:11:08+00:00 | databases/rubygem-activemodel-serializers-xml |
XML serialization for Active Model objects and Active Record models ActiveModel::Serializers::Xml provides XML serialization for your Active Model objects and Active Record models. WWW: |
2017-05-12T22:58:51+00:00 | multimedia/rubygem-av-rails5 |
Programmable Ruby interface for FFMPEG/Libav This gem provides programmable interface for ffmpeg and avconv. The idea is to have a common API for both CLIs. WWW: |
2017-05-12T22:50:05+00:00 | devel/rubygem-webpacker-rails5 |
Use Webpack to manage app-like JavaScript modules in Rails Webpacker makes it easy to use the JavaScript preprocessor and bundler Webpack to manage application-like JavaScript in Rails. It coexists with the asset pipeline, as the primary purpose for Webpack is app-like JavaScript, not images, css, or even JavaScript Sprinkles (that all continues to live in app/assets). It is, however, possible to use Webpacker for CSS and images assets as well, in which case you may not even need the asset pipeline. This is mostly relevant when exclusively using component-based JavaScript frameworks. WWW: |
2017-05-12T21:50:42+00:00 | security/py-google-auth |
Google Authentication Library google-auth is the Google authentication library for Python. This library provides the ability to authenticate to Google APIs using various methods. It also provides integration with several HTTP libraries. - Support for Google Application Default Credentials. - Support for signing and verifying JWTs. - Support for Google Service Account credentials. - Support for Google Compute Engine credentials. - Support for Google App Engine standard credentials. - Support for various transports, including Requests, urllib3, and gRPC. WWW: |
2017-05-12T21:50:36+00:00 | devel/p5-Ref-Util-XS |
Utility functions for checking references (XS version) Ref::Util::XS is the XS implementation of Ref::Util (Utility functions for checking references). WWW: |
2017-05-12T20:25:45+00:00 | textproc/rubygem-cld3 |
Compact Language Detection for Ruby Compact Language Detector v3 (CLD3) is a neural network model for language identification. WWW: |
2017-05-12T19:39:06+00:00 | devel/rubygem-cocaine-rails5 |
Small library for doing (command) lines A small library for doing (command) lines WWW: |
2017-05-12T18:46:53+00:00 | graphics/mesa-libs |
OpenGL libraries that support GLX and EGL clients This package contains the Mesa OpenGL libraries for GLX and EGL clients. These include libEGL, libGL, and libglesv2 as well as utlity libraries libglapi and gbm. WWW: |
2017-05-12T18:46:53+00:00 | graphics/mesa-dri |
OpenGL hardware acceleration drivers for DRI2+ This package contains the current stable release of the client drivers for DRI2+ With a X Server configured for DRI, they allow direct rendering of hardware- accelerated OpenGL. This package also includes the software renderer, either llvmpipe or classic SWrast. WWW: |
2017-05-11T16:41:53+00:00 | security/py-gixy |
Tool to analyze Nginx configuration for security misconfiguration Gixy is a tool to analyze Nginx configuration. The main goal of Gixy is to prevent security misconfiguration and automate flaw detection. WWW: |
2017-05-11T15:24:57+00:00 | devel/py-robotframework-databaselibrary |
Utilities meant for Robot Frameworks usage Database Library utilities for use with Robot Framework. This can allow you to query your database after an action has been made to verify the results. This is compatible* with any Database API Specification 2.0 module. WWW: |
2017-05-10T10:37:26+00:00 | databases/retcl |
Tcl client library for Redis Retcl is an event-driven, object-oriented, Redis client library targetting the Tcl scripting language. The library consists of a single Tcl Module file, which makes it extremely easy to deploy or integrate into existing projects. WWW: |
2017-05-09T20:57:05+00:00 | games/openbor4432 |
2017-05-09T20:57:05+00:00 | games/openbor3979 |
2017-05-09T20:57:05+00:00 | games/openbor3711 |
2017-05-09T20:57:05+00:00 | games/openbor3482 |
2017-05-09T15:34:01+00:00 | databases/mongodb34-rocks |
Distributed document-oriented database with a RocksDB Storage Engine Mongo (from "humongous") is a high-performance, open source, schema-free, document-oriented database. A common name in the "NOSQL" community. This port can optionally use a RocksDB Storage Engine as a MongoDB backend. WWW: |
2017-05-09T12:55:59+00:00 | devel/rubygem-sidekiq-scheduler |
Lightweight job scheduler extension for Sidekiq sidekiq-scheduler is an extension to Sidekiq that pushes jobs in a scheduled way, mimicking cron utility. WWW: |
2017-05-09T12:55:22+00:00 | devel/py3-click-log |
2017-05-09T11:03:21+00:00 | x11-themes/xfce-icons-elementary |
Elementary icons, extended and maintained for Xfce An icon-theme maintained with Xfce in mind, but it supports other desktops like Gnome3 as well. It's a fork of the upstream elementary-project, which took place because the team decided to drop a lot of desktop-specific symlinks. This icon-theme is supposed to keep everything working, but still pull new icons from upstream and integrate them occasionally. WWW: |
2017-05-08T22:35:57+00:00 | devel/R-cran-rgexf |
Build, Import and Export GEXF Graph Files Create, read and write GEXF (Graph Exchange XML Format) graph files (used in Gephi and others). Using the XML package, it allows the user to easily build/read graph files including attributes, GEXF viz attributes (such as color, size, and position), network dynamics (for both edges and nodes) and edge weighting. Users can build/handle graphs element-by-element or massively through data-frames, visualize the graph on a web browser through "sigmajs" (a javascript library) and interact with the igraph package. WWW: |
2017-05-08T18:40:07+00:00 | misc/img2xterm |
Display images on 256 color xterms Display images in terminal WWW: |
2017-05-08T10:51:30+00:00 | www/R-cran-Rook |
Web server interface for R This package contains the Rook specification and convenience software for building and running Rook applications. WWW: |
2017-05-08T10:49:40+00:00 | net-mgmt/iprange |
Manage IP ranges This tool is capable of managing sets of IPs. Why to use iprange over any other aggregate ? * simpler * supports many input formats, all together in the same file * faster, actually a lot faster (thanks to the original design by Gabriel Somlo) * can compare files with IPs to find if they overlap and to what degree * can find the IPs common to a set of files * can exclude IPs (merge a set of files while excluding all IPs matched by another set of files) WWW: |
2017-05-08T10:45:04+00:00 | textproc/R-cran-brew |
Templating Framework for Report Generation brew implements a templating framework for mixing text and R code for report generation. brew template syntax is similar to PHP, Ruby's erb module, Java Server Pages, and Python's psp module. WWW: |
2017-05-08T09:07:23+00:00 | graphics/R-cran-viridis |
Default Color Maps from 'matplotlib' Implementation of the 'viridis' - the default -, 'magma', 'plasma', 'inferno', and 'cividis' color maps for 'R'. 'viridis', 'magma', 'plasma', and 'inferno' are ported from 'matplotlib' <>, a popular plotting library for 'python'. 'cividis', was developed by Jamie R. Nuñez and Sean M. Colby. These color maps are designed in such a way that they will analytically be perfectly perceptually-uniform, both in regular form and also when converted to black-and-white. They are also designed to be perceived by readers with the most common form of color blindness (all color maps in this package) and color vision deficiency ('cividis' only). WWW: |
2017-05-08T08:38:27+00:00 | graphics/R-cran-gridExtra |
Miscellaneous Functions for "Grid" Graphics Provides a number of user-level functions to work with "grid" graphics, notably to arrange multiple grid-based plots on a page, and draw tables. WWW: |
2017-05-08T07:59:41+00:00 | graphics/R-cran-viridisLite |
Default Color Maps from 'matplotlib' (Lite Version) Implementation of the 'viridis' - the default -, 'magma', 'plasma', 'inferno', and 'cividis' color maps for 'R'. 'viridis', 'magma', 'plasma', and 'inferno' are ported from 'matplotlib' <>, a popular plotting library for 'python'. 'cividis', was developed by Jamie R. Nuñez and Sean M. Colby. These color maps are designed in such a way that they will analytically be perfectly perceptually-uniform, both in regular form and also when converted to black-and-white. They are also designed to be perceived by readers with the most common form of color blindness (all color maps in this package) and color vision deficiency ('cividis' only). This is the 'lite' version of the more complete 'viridis' package that can be found at <>. WWW: |
2017-05-07T21:26:18+00:00 | www/p5-Web-Simple |
Quick and easy way to build simple web applications Web::Simple is a quick and easy way to build simple web applications. WWW: |
2017-05-07T21:26:12+00:00 | devel/p5-Syntax-Keyword-Gather |
Implements the Perl 6 'gather/take' control structure in Perl 5 Perl 6 provides a new control structure -- gather -- that allows lists to be constructed procedurally, without the need for a temporary variable. Within the block/closure controlled by a gather any call to take pushes that call's argument list to an implicitly created array. take returns the number of elements it took. Syntax::Keyword::Gather implements that control structure. WWW: |
2017-05-07T09:03:47+00:00 | math/R-cran-expm |
Matrix Exponential, Log, 'etc' Computation of the matrix exponential, logarithm, sqrt, and related quantities. WWW: |
2017-05-06T20:33:40+00:00 | games/gogrepo |
Batch downloader for (linux,mac,windows) games distributed by A Python-based tool for downloading your game collections and extras to your local computer for full offline enjoyment. It is a clean standalone python script that can be run from anywhere. It requires a typical Python 2.7 or 3.x installation and html5lib. By default, game folders are saved in the same location that the script is run in. You can also specify another directory. Run -h to see help or read more below. Each game has its own directories with all game/bonus files saved within. WWW: |
2017-05-06T15:25:03+00:00 | net-mgmt/librenms-agent |
Agents and plugins for librenms librenms-agent is an agent based on check_mk used with xinetd to provide monitoring informations of machine to librenms server. WWW: |
2017-05-06T15:23:41+00:00 | www/py-aws-requests-auth |
Authenticate to AWS with Amazon's signature v4 signing process This package allows you to authenticate to AWS with Amazon's signature version 4 signing process with the python requests library. WWW: |
2017-05-06T15:15:51+00:00 | devel/R-cran-praise |
Praise Users praise: Praise Users Build friendly R packages that praise their users if they have done something good, or they just need it to feel better. WWW: |
2017-05-06T15:15:00+00:00 | math/R-cran-Rsolnp |
General Non-Linear Optimization Rsolnp: General Non-Linear Optimization General Non-linear Optimization Using Augmented Lagrange Multiplier Method. WWW: |
2017-05-06T15:12:57+00:00 | math/R-cran-qualityTools |
Statistical Methods for Quality Science qualityTools: Statistical Methods for Quality Science Contains methods associated with the Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control (i.e. DMAIC) cycle of the Six Sigma Quality Management methodology.It covers distribution fitting, normal and non-normal process capability indices, techniques for Measurement Systems Analysis especially gage capability indices and Gage Repeatability (i.e Gage RR) and Reproducibility studies, factorial and fractional factorial designs as well as response surface methods including the use of desirability functions. WWW: |
2017-05-06T15:10:56+00:00 | graphics/R-cran-qcc |
Quality Control Charts qcc: Quality Control Charts Shewhart quality control charts for continuous, attribute and count data. Cusum and EWMA charts. Operating characteristic curves. Process capability analysis. Pareto chart and cause-and-effect chart. Multivariate control charts. WWW: |
2017-05-06T15:09:22+00:00 | sysutils/py-scriptine |
Python shell scripts made easy The primary goal of scriptine is to make it easy to write shell scripts with python. Features: * Easy command creation. Each command is just a function. * Automatic option parsing * Automatic help text (--help) * Log handling (with -v, --verbose and -q, --quiet handling) * Testing scripts in dry-mode. * Easy execution of other shell scripts. * Convenient working with files and directories. WWW: |
2017-05-06T14:45:13+00:00 | devel/elixir-smppex |
SMPP 3.4 library for Elixir SMPP 3.4 protocol and framework implemented in Elixir. WWW: |
2017-05-06T08:28:44+00:00 | devel/py-pydrive |
Google drive api made easy PyDrive PyDrive is a wrapper library of google-api-python-client that simplifies many common Google Drive API tasks. WWW: |
2017-05-06T08:24:42+00:00 | print/py-pdf2 |
Pure-Python PDF toolkit PyPdf isaA Pure-Python library built as a PDF toolkit. It is capable of: - extracting document information (title, author, ...), - splitting documents page by page, - merging documents page by page, - cropping pages, - merging multiple pages into a single page, - encrypting and decrypting PDF files. WWW: |
2017-05-06T07:46:12+00:00 | misc/py-python-geohash |
Fast, accurate python geohashing library python-geohash is a fast, accurate python geohashing library. WWW: |
2017-05-06T07:43:45+00:00 | graphics/py-pyembree |
Python wrapper for Embree Python wrapper for Embree. WWW: |
2017-05-06T07:40:39+00:00 | multimedia/py-flvlib |
Parsing, manipulating and indexing FLV files A library for manipulating, parsing and verifying FLV files. WWW: |
2017-05-06T07:39:30+00:00 | audio/py-hsaudiotag |
Read metdata (tags) of mp3, mp4, wma, ogg, flac and aiff files hsaudiotag is a pure Python library that lets you read metadata (bitrate, sample rate, duration and tags) from mp3, mp4, wma, ogg, flac and aiff files. It can only read tags, not write to them, but unlike more complete libraries (like Mutagen), it is BSD licensed, making it suitable for most projects. It is also backed by a nifty test suite. WWW: |
2017-05-06T07:38:46+00:00 | security/py-cryptlib_py |
Pythin binding for cryptlib The python binding of the cryptographic library cryptlib. WWW: |
2017-05-06T07:36:39+00:00 | www/py-django-hijack |
Allows Django superusers to login as other users Django superusers/admins can login and work on behalf of other users without having to know their credentials. WWW: |
2017-05-06T07:29:54+00:00 | www/py-django-star-ratings |
Django app to add star ratings to models Python 3 compatible star ratings for Django models. WWW: |
2017-05-06T07:28:37+00:00 | devel/py-pybind11 |
Seamless interoperability between C++11 and Python A lightweight header-only library to create Python bindings of existing C++ code. Its goals and syntax are similar to the excellent Boost.Python library by David Abrahams: to minimize boilerplate code in traditional extension modules by inferring type information using compile-time introspection. WWW: |
2017-05-06T06:08:03+00:00 | archivers/py-python-lzo |
Python bindings for the LZO data compression library This module provides Python bindings for the LZO data compression library. LZO is a portable lossless data compression library written in ANSI C. It offers pretty fast compression and very fast decompression. Decompression requires no memory. In addition there are slower compression levels achieving a quite competitive compression ratio while still decompressing at this very high speed. WWW: |
2017-05-06T06:07:03+00:00 | biology/py-bx-python |
Python module for reading, manipulating and writing genomic data sets bx-python is a python library and associated set of scripts to allow for rapid implementation of genome scale analyses. The library contains a variety of useful modules, but the particular strengths are: Classes for reading and working with genome-scale multiple local alignments (in MAF, AXT, and LAV formats). Generic data structure for indexing on disk files that contain blocks of data associated with intervals on various sequences (used, for example, to provide random access to individual alignments in huge files; optomized for use over network filesystems). Data structures for working with intervals on sequences: * "Binned bitsets" which act just like chromosome sized bit arrays, but lazily allocate regions and allow large blocks of all set or all unset bits to be stored compactly * "Intersecter" for performing fast intersection tests that preserve both query and target intervals and associated annotation WWW: |
2017-05-06T06:05:24+00:00 | biology/py-pysam |
Python module for reading, manipulating and writing genomic data sets pysam is a lightweight wrapper of the htslib C-API and provides facilities to read and write SAM/BAM/VCF/BCF/BED/GFF/GTF/FASTA/FASTQ files as well as access to the command line functionality of the samtools and bcftools packages. The module supports compression and random access through indexing. This module provides a low-level wrapper around the htslib C-API as using cython and a high-level API for convenient access to the data within standard genomic file formats. WWW: |
2017-05-06T06:03:58+00:00 | dns/py-dns-lexicon |
Manipulate DNS records on various DNS providers in a standardized way Lexicon provides a way to manipulate DNS records on multiple DNS providers in a standardized way. Lexicon has a CLI but it can also be used as a python library. Lexicon was designed to be used in automation, specifically letsencrypt. WWW: |
2017-05-06T04:03:36+00:00 | graphics/py-djvulibre |
Python support for the DjVu image format A set of Python bindings for the DjVuLibre library, an open source implementation of DjVu. WWW: |
2017-05-06T04:00:16+00:00 | devel/pecl-weakref2 |
PECL Weakref extension A weak reference provides a gateway to an object without preventing that object from being collected by the garbage collector (GC). WWW: |
2017-05-04T23:48:53+00:00 | devel/pecl-yaconf |
PHP Persistent Configurations Container Yaconf is a configurations container, it parses ini files, store the result in PHP when PHP is started, configurations live in the whole PHP lifecycle, which makes it very fast. WWW: |
2017-05-04T15:22:53+00:00 | sysutils/vchanger |
Disk-based virtual autochanger for Bacula Vchanger as a disk-based virtual autochanger may be used with the Bacula Open Source network backup system to emulate a magazine-based tape autoloader using disk partitions on fixed or removable disk drives as virtual magazines and files on those partitions as virtual tape volumes. WWW: |
2017-05-03T11:26:26+00:00 | net-mgmt/py3-dnsdiag |
DNS Diagnostics and measurement tools (ping, traceroute) DNSDiag provides a handful of tools to measure and diagnose your DNS performance and integrity. Using dnsping, dnstraceroute and dnseval tools you can measure your DNS response quality from delay and loss perspective as well as tracing the path your DNS query takes to get to DNS server. WWW: |
2017-05-02T18:50:35+00:00 | cad/zcad |
Simple CAD program ZCAD is simple CAD program with AutoCAD DXF 2000 file format support. It is developed with Free Pascal and Lazarus. |
2017-05-02T15:43:42+00:00 | devel/kore-notls |
2017-05-02T15:39:31+00:00 | net/py-cymruwhois |
Python client for the service cymruwhois is a python library for interfacing with the service and performs lookups by ip address and return ASN, Country Code, and Netblock Owner. WWW: |
2017-05-02T02:46:41+00:00 | science/iboview |
Program for analyzing molecular electronic structure Program for analyzing molecular electronic structure Iboview can visualize electronic structure from first-principles DFT, in terms of intuitive concepts (partial charges, bond orders, bond orbitals), even in systems with complex or unusual bonding. WWW: |
2017-05-01T19:25:50+00:00 | misc/rubygem-dotenv-rails-rails5 |
Autoload dotenv in Rails Autoload dotenv in Rails. WWW: |
2017-05-01T19:25:45+00:00 | devel/rubygem-local_time-rails5 |
Rails engine for cache-friendly, client-side local time Local Time is a Rails engine with helpers and JavaScript for displaying times and dates to users in their local time. The helpers render a <time> element and the JavaScript swoops in to convert and format. The helper output is ideal for caching since it's always in UTC time. WWW: |
2017-05-01T14:45:00+00:00 | security/ct-submit |
Submission utility for transparency logs Simple utility for submitting to transparency logs |
2017-05-01T13:42:41+00:00 | www/rubygem-redis-rails-rails5 |
Redis for Ruby on Rails Redis for Ruby on Rails WWW: |
2017-05-01T13:42:41+00:00 | www/rubygem-kaminari-rails5 |
Sophisticated paginator for Rails 4+ Kaminari is a Scope & Engine based, clean, powerful, agnostic, customizable and sophisticated paginator for Rails 3 WWW: |
2017-05-01T13:42:41+00:00 | www/rubygem-kaminari-activerecord-rails5 |
Kaminari Active Record adapter kaminari-activerecord lets your Active Record models be paginatable. WWW: |
2017-05-01T13:42:41+00:00 | www/rubygem-kaminari-actionview-rails5 |
Kaminari Action View adapter kaminari-actionview provides pagination helpers for your Action View templates. WWW: |
2017-05-01T13:42:41+00:00 | textproc/rubygem-rails-dom-testing-rails5 |
Analyse and compare DOMs using Nokogiri This gem is responsible for comparing HTML doms and asserting that DOM elements are present in Rails applications. Doms are compared via assert_dom_equal and assert_dom_not_equal. Elements are asserted via assert_select, assert_select_encoded, assert_select_email and a subset of the dom can be selected with css_select. The gem is developed for Rails 4.2 and above, and will not work on previous versions. WWW: |
2017-05-01T13:42:41+00:00 | devel/rubygem-sprockets-rails-rails5 |
Sprockets Rails integration Sprockets Rails integration WWW: |
2017-05-01T13:42:41+00:00 | devel/rubygem-spring-rails5 |
Rails application preloader Rails application preloader WWW: |
2017-05-01T13:42:41+00:00 | devel/rubygem-simple_form-rails5 |
Forms made easy Forms made easy! WWW: |
2017-05-01T13:42:41+00:00 | devel/rubygem-redis-activesupport-rails5 |
Redis store for ActiveSupport::Cache Redis store for ActiveSupport::Cache WWW: |
2017-05-01T13:42:41+00:00 | devel/rubygem-rails-deprecated_sanitizer-rails5 |
Deprecated sanitizer API extracted from Action View In Rails 4.2 HTML sanitization has been rewritten using a more secure library. This gem includes the old behavior shipping with Rails 4.2 and before. It is strictly provided to ease migration. It will be supported until Rails 5. WWW: |
2017-05-01T13:42:41+00:00 | devel/rubygem-paperclip-rails5 |
Easy upload management for ActiveRecord Easy upload management for ActiveRecord WWW: |
2017-05-01T13:42:41+00:00 | devel/rubygem-jbuilder-rails5 |
Create JSON structures via a Builder-style DSL Create JSON structures via a Builder-style DSL WWW: |
2017-05-01T13:42:41+00:00 | devel/rubygem-climate_control-rails5 |
Modify your ENV Modify your ENV WWW: |
2017-05-01T13:42:41+00:00 | databases/rubygem-redis-actionpack-rails5 |
Redis session store for ActionPack Redis session store for ActionPack WWW: |
2017-05-01T13:42:41+00:00 | databases/rubygem-pghero-rails5 |
Performance dashboard for Postgres PgHere is a performance dashboard for Postgres. It includes health checks, suggested indexes, and more. WWW: |
2017-05-01T13:42:41+00:00 | databases/rubygem-globalid-rails5 |
URIs for your models makes it easy to pass references around URIs for your models makes it easy to pass references around. WWW: |
2017-04-30T04:31:02+00:00 | sysutils/jdupes |
Powerful duplicate file finder and an enhanced fork of 'fdupes' jdupes is a program for identifying and taking actions upon duplicate files. It is a fork of fdupes, but not a drop-in replacement. See for a comparision to dupd. WWW: |
2017-04-30T04:21:06+00:00 | sysutils/dupd |
File duplicate detection CLI utility dupd is a file duplicate detection CLI utility, supporting iterative interactive use with a persistent file database. Despite the name, it doesn't run as a daemon. See for a comparison of such tools. WWW: |
2017-04-30T04:13:21+00:00 | net/open-isns |
Internet Storage Name Service (iSNS) This is a partial implementation of iSNS, the Internet Storage Name Service, according to RFC4171. iSNS facilitates scalable configuration and management of iSCSI and Fibre Channel (FCP) storage devices in an IP network by providing a set of services comparable to that available in Fibre Channel networks. WWW: |
2017-04-30T04:01:09+00:00 | security/softether-devel |
Softether VPN 4 (stable beta version) SoftEther VPN ("SoftEther" means "Software Ethernet") is a powerful, multi-OS and easy-to-use multi-protocol VPN software. It supports SSL-VPN (HTTPS), as well as OpenVPN, IPsec, L2TP, MS-SSTP, L2TPv3 and EtherIP tunneling protocols and has a clone function to support OpenVPN clients. WWW: |
2017-04-30T03:22:11+00:00 | dns/drool |
Replay DNS traffic from packet capture files DNS Replay Tool (drool) can replay DNS traffic from packet capture (PCAP) files and send it to a specified server, with options such as to manipulate the timing between packets, as well as loop packets infinitely or for a set number of iterations. This tool's goal is to be able to produce a high amount of UDP packets per second and TCP sessions per second on common hardware. WWW: |
2017-04-29T23:00:33+00:00 | www/iridium |
Iridium browser Iridium is a free, open, and libre browser modification of the Chromium code base, with privacy being enhanced in several key areas. Automatic transmission of partial queries, keywords, metrics to central services is inhibited and only occurs with consent. WWW: |
2017-04-29T16:34:15+00:00 | audio/goattracker |
Crossplatform music editor for creating Commodore 64 music GoatTracker is a crossplatform C64 music editor including powerful step-programming (wave/arpeggio, pulse and filter), 63 instruments, instrument parameters & pattern commands. WWW: |
2017-04-29T06:49:40+00:00 | net/rubygem-xmlrpc |
Ruby standard library package 'xmlrpc' The Ruby standard library package 'xmlrpc' enables you to create a server that implements remote procedures and a client that calls them. Very little code is required to achieve either of these. WWW: |
2017-04-28T22:48:40+00:00 | www/rubygem-railties50 |
Rails internals bootup, plugins, generators, and rake tasks Railties is responsible for gluing all frameworks together. Overall, it: - handles the bootstrapping process for a Rails application; - manages the rails command line interface; - and provides the Rails generators core. WWW: WWW: |
2017-04-28T22:48:27+00:00 | mail/rubygem-actionmailer50 |
Easy email delivery and testing for Ruby Action Mailer is a framework for designing email service layers. These layers are used to consolidate code for sending out forgotten passwords, welcome wishes on signup, invoices for billing, and any other use case that requires a written notification to either a person or another system. Action Mailer is in essence a wrapper around Action Controller and the Mail gem. It provides a way to make emails using templates in the same way that Action Controller renders views using templates. Additionally, an Action Mailer class can be used to process incoming email, such as allowing a blog to accept new posts from an email (which could even have been sent from a phone). WWW: WWW: |
2017-04-28T22:48:19+00:00 | www/rubygem-actioncable50 |
Integrated WebSockets for Rails Action Cable seamlessly integrates WebSockets with the rest of your Rails application. It allows for real-time features to be written in Ruby in the same style and form as the rest of your Rails application, while still being performant and scalable. It's a full-stack offering that provides both a client-side JavaScript framework and a server-side Ruby framework. You have access to your full domain model written with Active Record or your ORM of choice. WWW: WWW: |
2017-04-28T22:48:00+00:00 | www/rubygem-actionpack50 |
Action Controller and Action View of Rails MVC Framework Action Pack is a framework for handling and responding to web requests. It provides mechanisms for routing (mapping request URLs to actions), defining controllers that implement actions, and generating responses by rendering views, which are templates of various formats. In short, Action Pack provides the view and controller layers in the MVC paradigm. It consists of several modules: - Action Dispatch, which parses information about the web request, handles routing as defined by the user, and does advanced processing related to HTTP such as MIME-type negotiation, decoding parameters in POST, PATCH, or PUT bodies, handling HTTP caching logic, cookies and sessions. - Action Controller, which provides a base controller class that can be subclassed to implement filters and actions to handle requests. The result of an action is typically content generated from views. With the Ruby on Rails framework, users only directly interface with the Action Controller module. Necessary Action Dispatch functionality is activated by default and Action View rendering is implicitly triggered by Action Controller. However, these modules are designed to function on their own and can be used outside of Rails. WWW: WWW: |
2017-04-28T22:47:49+00:00 | devel/rubygem-activejob50 |
Job class declarations for a variety of queueing backends Active Job is a framework for declaring jobs and making them run on a variety of queuing backends. These jobs can be everything from regularly scheduled clean-ups, to billing charges, to mailings. Anything that can be chopped up into small units of work and run in parallel, really. It also serves as the backend for Action Mailer's #deliver_later functionality that makes it easy to turn any mailing into a job for running later. That's one of the most common jobs in a modern web application: sending emails outside of the request-response cycle, so the user doesn't have to wait on it. The main point is to ensure that all Rails apps will have a job infrastructure in place, even if it's in the form of an "immediate runner". We can then have framework features and other gems build on top of that, without having to worry about API differences between Delayed Job and Resque. Picking your queuing backend becomes more of an operational concern, then. And you'll be able to switch between them without having to rewrite your jobs. WWW: WWW: |
2017-04-28T22:47:33+00:00 | devel/rubygem-actionview50 |
Rendering framework putting the V in MVC (part of Rails) Action View is a framework for handling view template lookup and rendering, and provides view helpers that assist when building HTML forms, Atom feeds and more. Template formats that Action View handles are ERB (embedded Ruby, typically used to inline short Ruby snippets inside HTML), and XML Builder. WWW: WWW: |
2017-04-28T22:47:18+00:00 | databases/rubygem-activerecord50 |
Object-relational mapping layer for Rails MVC Framework Active Record connects classes to relational database tables to establish an almost zero-configuration persistence layer for applications. The library provides a base class that, when subclassed, sets up a mapping between the new class and an existing table in the database. In the context of an application, these classes are commonly referred to as models. Models can also be connected to other models; this is done by defining associations. Active Record relies heavily on naming in that it uses class and association names to establish mappings between respective database tables and foreign key columns. Although these mappings can be defined explicitly, it's recommended to follow naming conventions, especially when getting started with the library. WWW: WWW: |
2017-04-28T22:46:54+00:00 | devel/rubygem-activesupport50 |
Utility classes and extension that are required by Rails MVC Framework Active Support is a collection of utility classes and standard library extensions that were found useful for the Rails framework. These additions reside in this package so they can be loaded as needed in Ruby projects outside of Rails. WWW: WWW: |
2017-04-28T22:46:28+00:00 | databases/rubygem-activemodel50 |
Toolkit for building modeling frameworks Active Model provides a known set of interfaces for usage in model classes. They allow for Action Pack helpers to interact with non-Active Record models, for example. Active Model also helps with building custom ORMs for use outside of the Rails framework. Active Model provides a default module that implements the basic API required to integrate with Action Pack out of the box: ActiveModel::Model. WWW: WWW: |
2017-04-28T21:26:03+00:00 | www/rubygem-erubi |
ERB template engine for Ruby Erubi is a ERB template engine for Ruby. It is a simplified fork of Erubis, using the same basic algorithm, with the following differences: - Handles postfix conditionals when using escaping (e.g. <%= foo if bar %>) - Supports frozen_string_literal: true in templates via :freeze option - Works with Ruby's -enable-frozen-string-literal option - Automatically freezes strings for template text when Ruby optimizes it (on Ruby 2.1+) - Escapes ' (apostrophe) when escaping for better XSS protection - Has 6x faster escaping on Ruby 2.3+ by using cgi/escape - Has 86% smaller memory footprint - Does no monkey patching (Erubis adds a method to Kernel) - Uses an immutable design (all options passed to the constructor, which returns a frozen object) - Has simpler internals (1 file, <150 lines of code) - Has an open development model (Erubis doesn't have a public source control repository or bug tracker) - Is not dead (Erubis hasn't been updated since 2011) WWW: |
2017-04-28T20:43:50+00:00 | graphics/rubygem-clutter-gdk |
Ruby binding of GDK-specific API of Clutter Ruby/ClutterGDK is a Ruby binding of GDK specific API of Clutter. WWW: |
2017-04-28T20:24:54+00:00 | net/rubygem-oauth212 |
Ruby wrapper for the OAuth 2.0 protocol OAuth2 is a Ruby wrapper for the OAuth 2.0 specification. This is a work in progress, being built first to solve the pragmatic process of connecting to existing OAuth 2.0 endpoints (a.k.a. Facebook) with the goal of building it up to meet the entire specification over time. WWW: |
2017-04-28T20:24:38+00:00 | print/py3-pycups |
2017-04-28T19:40:28+00:00 | www/rubygem-responders-rails5 |
Simple Ruby DSL for making HTTP requests Responders provides a set of responders modules to dry up your Rails app. WWW: |
2017-04-28T19:40:28+00:00 | www/rubygem-rails-settings-cached-rails5 |
Rails settings plugin for easily managing key-value pairs table Rails-settings-cached is a settings plugin that makes managing a table of global key-value pairs easy. Think of it like a global hash stored in your database that uses simple ActiveRecord-like methods for manipulation. You can keep track of any global setting that you do not want to hard code into your rails application. You can store any kind of object including strings, numbers, and arrays. WWW: |
2017-04-28T19:40:28+00:00 | www/rubygem-lograge-rails5 |
Tame Rails' multi-line logging into a single line per request #' Tame Rails' multi-line logging into a single line per request Lograge is an attempt to bring sanity to Rails' noisy and unusable, unparsable and, in the context of running multiple processes and servers, unreadable default logging output. Rails' default approach to log everything is great during development, it's terrible when running it in production. WWW: |
2017-04-28T19:40:28+00:00 | www/rubygem-best_in_place-rails5 |
jQuery script to edit fields by clicking on them BestInPlace is a jQuery script and a Rails helper that provides the method best_in_place to display any object field easily editable for the user by just clicking on it. It supports input data, text data, boolean data and custom dropdown data. It works with RESTful controllers. WWW: |
2017-04-28T19:40:28+00:00 | security/rubygem-doorkeeper-rails5 |
OAuth2 provider for Rails and Grape Doorkeeper is a Ruby gem that makes it easy to introduce OAuth 2 provider functionality to a Rails or Grape application. WWW: |
2017-04-28T19:40:28+00:00 | security/rubygem-devise-two-factor-rails5 |
Barebones two-factor authentication with Devise Barebones two-factor authentication with Devise WWW: |
2017-04-28T19:40:28+00:00 | devel/rubygem-react-rails-rails5 |
React/JSX adapter for the Ruby on Rails asset pipeline react-rails makes it easy to use React and JSX in your Ruby on Rails application. It can - provide various react builds to your asset bundle - transform .jsx in the asset pipeline - render components into views and mount them via view helper and react_ujs - render components server-side with prerender: true - generate components with a Rails generator - be extended with custom renderers, transformers and view helpers WWW: |
2017-04-28T19:40:28+00:00 | devel/rubygem-font-awesome-rails-rails5 |
Provides the Font-Awesome web fonts and stylesheets as a Rails engine The font-awesome-rails provides the Font-Awesome web fonts and stylesheets as a Rails engine for use with the asset pipeline. WWW: |
2017-04-28T19:40:28+00:00 | devel/rubygem-devise-rails5 |
Flexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden Flexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden WWW: |
2017-04-28T17:17:42+00:00 | devel/py-construct28 |
Python module for parsing and building of data structures Construct is a python library for parsing and building of data structures (binary or textual). It is based on the concept of defining data structures in a declarative manner, rather than procedural code: more complex constructs are composed of a hierarchy of simpler ones. WWW: |
2017-04-28T12:24:13+00:00 | devel/py3-setuptools_scm |
2017-04-28T05:42:34+00:00 | devel/rubygem-native-package-installer |
Helper to install native packages on "gem install" Users need to install native packages to install an extension library that depends on native packages. It bores users because users need to install native packages and an extension library separately. native-package-installer helps to install native packages on "gem install". Users can install both native packages and an extension library by one action, "gem install". WWW: |
2017-04-27T21:31:09+00:00 | print/harfbuzz-icu |
Harfbuzz ICU support |
2017-04-27T11:39:10+00:00 | print/py3-fonttools |
2017-04-27T07:07:16+00:00 | www/rubygem-haml4 |
Markup language to describe HTML Haml is a markup language that's used to cleanly and simply describe the HTML of any web document without the use of inline code. Haml functions as a replacement for inline page templating systems such as PHP, ASP, and ERB, the templating language used in most Ruby on Rails applications. However, Haml avoids the need for explicitly coding HTML into the template, because it itself is a description of the HTML, with some code to generate dynamic content. WWW: |
2017-04-27T07:02:44+00:00 | www/rubygem-ruby-oembed |
oEmbed consumer library An oEmbed consumer library written in Ruby, letting you easily get embeddable HTML representations of supported web pages, based on their URLs. See for more about the protocol. WWW: |
2017-04-27T07:02:37+00:00 | misc/rubygem-dotenv-rails |
Autoload dotenv in Rails Autoload dotenv in Rails. WWW: |
2017-04-27T07:02:31+00:00 | devel/rubygem-local_time |
Rails engine for cache-friendly, client-side local time Local Time is a Rails engine with helpers and JavaScript for displaying times and dates to users in their local time. The helpers render a <time> element and the JavaScript swoops in to convert and format. The helper output is ideal for caching since it's always in UTC time. WWW: |
2017-04-27T06:28:12+00:00 | net-im/prosody-modules |
Prosody Community modules repository snapshot Prosody modules contains a repository snapshot of contributed modules needed to extend the Prosody XMPP server. WWW: |
2017-04-27T01:33:42+00:00 | www/rubygem-hamlit-rails-rails5 |
Hamlit (haml) generators for Rails 5 hamlit-reails provides hamlit generators for Rails 4. It also enables hamlit as the templating engine and "hamlit:html2haml" rake task that converts erb files to haml. WWW: |
2017-04-26T20:45:04+00:00 | devel/py-certsrv |
Python client for the Microsoft Certificate Authority A Python client for the Microsoft AD Certificate Services web page WWW: |
2017-04-26T19:33:45+00:00 | textproc/rubygem-whatlanguage |
Natural language detection for text samples WhatLanguage, written in pure-Ruby, detects the human language of supplied text. It uses Bloom filters, so it is fast and memory efficient. It works well on text of over 10 words in length (e.g. blog posts or comments) and very poorly on short or Twitter-esque text. It works with Arabic, Dutch, English, Farsi, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Korean, Norwegian, Pinyin, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Swedish out of the box. WWW: |
2017-04-26T19:12:16+00:00 | devel/rubygem-rails-i18n |
Common locale data and translations for Rails i18n A set of common locale data and translations to internationalize and/or localize your Rails applications. WWW: |
2017-04-26T17:29:59+00:00 | www/rubygem-turbolinks-rails5 |
Turbolinks makes following links in your web application faster Turbolinks makes following links in your web application faster (use with Rails Asset Pipeline) WWW: |
2017-04-26T17:29:59+00:00 | www/rubygem-rails5 |
Full-stack web application framework Rails is a web-application framework for the MVC pattern that includes both a template engine, controller framework, and object-relational mapping package. Everything needed to develop web-apps that can run on CGI, FastCGI, and mod_ruby Being a full-stack framework means that all layers are built to work seamlessly together. That way you Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) and you can use a single language from top to bottom. Everything from templates to control flow to business logic is written in Ruby - The language of love for industry heavy-weights. WWW: |
2017-04-26T17:29:59+00:00 | www/rubygem-jquery-rails-rails5 |
Provides a Rails generator for jQuery This gem provides a Rails generator to install jQuery and the jQuery-ujs driver into your Rails 5 application, and then have them included automatically instead of Prototype. WWW: |
2017-04-26T17:29:59+00:00 | textproc/rubygem-sass-rails-rails5 |
Sass adapter for the Rails asset pipeline Sass adapter for the Rails asset pipeline. WWW: |
2017-04-26T17:29:59+00:00 | devel/rubygem-coffee-rails-rails5 |
Coffee Script adapter for the Rails asset pipeline Coffee Script adapter for the Rails asset pipeline. WWW: |
2017-04-26T15:03:15+00:00 | databases/mongodb34-tools |
Tools for MongoDB Since MongoDB 3.2, the tools bsondump, mongoimport, mongoexport, mongodump, mongorestore, mongostat, mongofiles, mongooplog and mongotop have been placed in a separate package and rewritten in Go. These are useful utilities for managing a MongoDB instance. WWW: |
2017-04-26T13:53:17+00:00 | devel/libversion |
Advanced version string comparison library Need to compare software, package or whatever versions? Comparing 1.0 and 1.1 could be easy, but are you ready for more complex cases like 1.2-x.3~alpha4? libversion is, which is proven by using the library in Repology project which relies on comparing software version strings, even if they are written in different formats. WWW: |
2017-04-26T12:34:45+00:00 | databases/mongodb34 |
Distributed document-oriented "NoSQL" database Mongo (from "humongous") is a high-performance, open source, schema-free, document-oriented database. A common name in the "NOSQL" community. WWW: |
2017-04-26T09:10:00+00:00 | emulators/almostti |
Texas Instruments Z80 series calculator emulator AlmostTI is a program that emulates Z80-based graphing calculators made by Texas Instruments. Currently, it supports TI-82, TI-83, TI-83+, TI-83+SE, TI-84+, TI-84+SE, TI-85, and TI-86. It requires ROM image to operate, which must be obtained separately. RAM state is preserved across different runs, making complex usage scenarios possible. WWW: |
2017-04-26T03:31:33+00:00 | devel/grpc |
HTTP/2-based RPC framework gRPC is a modern, open source, high-performance remote procedure call (RPC) framework that can run anywhere, enables client and server applications to communicate transparently, and simplifies the building of connected systems. WWW: |
2017-04-26T03:27:47+00:00 | devel/py-grpcio |
HTTP/2-based RPC framework HTTP/2-based RPC framework. WWW: |
2017-04-25T19:04:59+00:00 | graphics/perceptualdiff |
Program that compares two images A program that compares two images using a perceptually based image metric. WWW: |
2017-04-25T15:58:50+00:00 | databases/py-varstack |
Create stacked configuration structures Varstack is a system that allows you to stack of layer a set of configuration variables and let definitions in the higher more specific levels of the stack override/extend the broader one in the lower levels. WWW: |
2017-04-25T12:47:53+00:00 | devel/py-coloredlogs |
Colored terminal output for Python logging module The coloredlogs package enables colored terminal output for Python's logging module. WWW: WWW: |
2017-04-25T12:43:39+00:00 | textproc/py-humanfriendly |
Human friendly output for text interfaces using Python The functions and classes in the humanfriendly package can be used to make text interfaces more user friendly. WWW: WWW: |
2017-04-25T07:12:31+00:00 | math/R-cran-Matching |
Multivariate and Propensity Score Matching with Balance Optimization Provides functions for multivariate and propensity score matching and for finding optimal balance based on a genetic search algorithm. A variety of univariate and multivariate metrics to determine if balance has been obtained are also provided. WWW: |
2017-04-25T07:10:04+00:00 | math/R-cran-rgenoud |
R Version of GENetic Optimization Using Derivatives A genetic algorithm plus derivative optimizer. WWW: |
2017-04-24T21:08:50+00:00 | graphics/gcolor3 |
Simple color chooser Gcolor3 enables you to pick the color from any pixel on your screen. It also offers a palette, so that you can easily mix and match a couple of colors together. When you have found the perfect combination of colors, naturally you want to save them. Gcolor3 allows you to conveniently save and retrieve colors. WWW: |
2017-04-24T18:37:37+00:00 | lang/gcc8-devel |
GNU Compiler Collection 8 GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection, supports a number of languages. This port installs the C, C++, and Fortran front ends as gcc8, g++8, and gfortran8, respectively. WWW: Gerald Pfeifer <> |
2017-04-24T16:24:13+00:00 | sysutils/backuppc4 |
Multi-platform backup to disk-based storage BackupPC is a fast, enterprise-grade backup system. It provides a web-based user interface. It supports several platforms (Unix-like, Windows, MacOSX) to backup to a disk-based storage. No client-side software is necessary, as the BackupPC server uses several protocols (smb, rsync, tar and ftp) native to the client OS. File-level deduplication combined with optional compression minimizes the disk space needed to store the backups and disk I/O and enables synthetic backups to reduce network traffic. BackupPC is not a block-level backup system but performs file-based backup and restore. Thus it is not suitable for backup of disk images or raw disk partitions. BackupPC supports laptop environments with clients on dynamic IP addresses (DHCP) not always connected to the network. WWW: |
2017-04-23T17:10:21+00:00 | net/rubygem-omniauth-github11 |
Official OmniAuth strategy for GitHub Official OmniAuth strategy for GitHub WWW: |
2017-04-23T17:10:11+00:00 | security/rubygem-omniauth13 |
Generalized Rack framework for multiple-provider authentication A generalized Rack framework for multiple-provider authentication. WWW: |
2017-04-22T22:36:49+00:00 | security/rubygem-openssl |
Ruby gem that wraps around the OpenSSL library OpenSSL provides SSL, TLS and general purpose cryptography. This gem wraps the OpenSSL library. WWW: |
2017-04-21T08:50:21+00:00 | french/wordpress |
State-of-the-art semantic personal publishing platform WordPress is a state-of-the-art semantic personal publishing platform with a focus on aesthetics, web standards, and usability. More simply, Wordpress is what you use when you want to work with your blogging software, not fight it. WWW: |
2017-04-20T12:01:10+00:00 | databases/rubygem-active_record_query_trace |
Print stack trace of all queries to the Rails log This gem logs the execution source of all queries to the Rails log. Tracking down the source is often useful for performance optimization. WWW: |
2017-04-20T09:16:41+00:00 | math/libxlsxwriter |
C library for creating Excel XLSX files libxlsxwriter is a C library that can be used to write text, numbers, formulas and hyperlinks to multiple worksheets in an Excel 2007+ XLSX file. It supports features such as: * 100% compatible Excel XLSX files. * Full Excel formatting. * Merged cells. * Defined names. * Autofilters. * Charts. * Worksheet PNG/JPEG images. * Memory optimization mode for writing large files. * Source code available on GitHub. * FreeBSD License. * ANSI C. * Compiles for 32 and 64 bit. * The only dependency is on zlib. WWW: |
2017-04-19T20:40:10+00:00 | devel/arduino18 |
Open-source electronics prototyping platform Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. It's intended for artists, designers, hobbyists, and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or environments. The Arduino software consists of a development environment (IDE) and the core libraries. WWW: |
2017-04-19T19:36:33+00:00 | devel/arduino-avrdude |
Program for programming the on-chip memory of Atmel AVR Arduino CPUs AVRDUDE - AVR Downloader/UploaDEr - is a program for updating the flash, eeprom, and fuse bit memories of Atmel AVR microcontrollers. It operates with several programmers including STK500 and most directly connect parallel port style programmers. WWW: |
2017-04-19T19:06:19+00:00 | textproc/py3-docutils |
2017-04-19T15:50:45+00:00 | deskutils/projectlibre |
Open source desktop alternative to Microsoft Project ProjectLibre is an open source project management software. It intends to be a complete desktop replacement for Microsoft Project. ProjectLibre is compatible with Microsoft Project 2003, 2007 and 2010 files. WWW: |
2017-04-19T15:37:04+00:00 | sysutils/docker-compose |
Define and run multi-container applications with Docker Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. With Compose, you use a Compose file to configure your application's services. Then, using a single command, you create and start all the services from your configuration. WWW: |
2017-04-19T09:20:57+00:00 | multimedia/librespot |
Open Source Spotify client library librespot is an open source client library for Spotify. It enables applications to use Spotify's service to control and play music via various backends, and to act as a Spotify Connect receiver. It is an alternative to the official and now deprecated closed-source libspotify. Additionally, it will provide extra features which are not available in the official library. WWW: |
2017-04-18T19:38:18+00:00 | databases/rocksdb-lite |
Persistent key-value store for fast storage environments (lite version) |
2017-04-18T12:58:16+00:00 | graphics/graphene |
Optimizations for speeding up vector operations Graphene contains optimizations for speeding up vector operations, those optimizations are optional, and used only if both Graphene was compiled with support for them and if the system you're running on has them. Currently, Graphene supports the following platform-specific fast paths: Streaming SIMD Extensions (SSE) 2 ARM NEON GCC vector extensions In the remote case in which none of these optimizations are available, Graphene will fall back to a naive scalar implementation Graphene can, optionally, provide types for integrating with GObject properties and signals, as well as introspection information for its use with other languages through introspection-based bindings. WWW: |
2017-04-17T13:19:59+00:00 | net-im/py-matrix-synapse |
Matrix protocol reference homeserver Matrix is an ambitious new ecosystem for open federated Instant Messaging and VoIP. The basics you need to know to get up and running are: * Everything in Matrix happens in a room. Rooms are distributed and do not exist on any single server. Rooms can be located using convenience aliases like or #test:localhost:8448. * Matrix user IDs look like (although in the future you will normally refer to yourself and others using a 3PID: email address, phone number, etc rather than manipulating Matrix user IDs) Synapse is currently in rapid development, but as of version 0.5 we believe it is sufficiently stable to be run as an internet-facing service for real usage! WWW: |
2017-04-17T09:46:04+00:00 | devel/libaravis |
Camera control and image acquisition library Aravis is a glib/gobject based library for video acquisition using Genicam cameras. It currently implements the gigabit ethernet and USB3 (Since Aravis 0.5.x) protocols used by industrial cameras. It also provides a basic ethernet camera simulator and a simple video viewer. WWW: |
2017-04-16T20:07:33+00:00 | www/payara |
Jakarta EE application server derived from GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Payara Server is a patched, enhanced and supported application server derived from GlassFish Server Open Source Edition. WWW: |
2017-04-16T13:45:28+00:00 | textproc/py3-pygments |
2017-04-16T11:06:31+00:00 | www/you-get |
Dumb downloader that scrapes the web You-Get is a tiny command-line utility to download media contents (videos, audios, images) from the Web, in case there is no other handy way to do it. WWW: WWW: |
2017-04-16T11:03:13+00:00 | devel/py-editdistance |
Fast implementation of the edit distance (Levenshtein distance) This library simply implements Levenshtein distance with C++ and Cython. WWW: WWW: |
2017-04-15T21:57:04+00:00 | irc/irssi-icb |
Irssi plugin for connecting to ICB network irssi-icb provides connectivity to Internet Citizen's Band (icb) networks for the irssi Internet Relay Chat (IRC) client. WWW: |
2017-04-15T20:16:47+00:00 | graphics/dspdfviewer |
Dual-screen PDF viewer for LaTeX-beamer dspdfviewer a simple viewer for latex-beamer presentations that are built with the show notes on second screen option of latex-beamer. It will take your PDF file, split it in a left and right half and render the two halves individually to the screens. In addition, your laptop screen will contain some counters and a wall-clock, which may help you time your presentation right. WWW: |
2017-04-15T12:35:41+00:00 | games/beret |
2D puzzle-platformer game Beret is a 2D puzzle-platformer game about a scientist named Beret who has gained telekinetic abilities through his research at the Evil Corporation. He decides that the Evil Corporation is too evil for his liking, and begins his solitary quest to overthrow the corporation and punish the evil deeds of his employers. Beret has: - 21 puzzle-filled levels - 120 collectable Medallions - Over 20 hours of gameplay - An unlockable level editor WWW: |
2017-04-15T05:39:51+00:00 | graphics/libjxr |
Library for JPEG XR, a.k.a. Windows MediaTM Photo JPEG XR is an approved ISO/IEC International standard (its official designation is ISO/IEC 29199-2). JPEG XR started its life in Microsoft Research. It publicly first appeared as the HD Photo format in Windows Vista. For web developers, JPEG XR has a large number of interesting features, see the table below. Some of these are big advantages over other image formats like JPEG, PNG, OpenEXR, and TIFF. - Better Compression (40% smaller than JPEG) - Lossless Mode (better compression than PNG) - Alpha Channel (compress color lossy and alpha losslessly) - Extended Bitdepth (supports 8-, 16-, and 32-bit/channel) - Progressive Decode - Advanced Decoding Features (tile-based layout, for efficient region-of-interest access.) WWW: |
2017-04-15T00:46:40+00:00 | devel/rubygem-sidekiq-cron04 |
Enables to set jobs to be run in specified time (using CRON notation) Sidekiq-Cron is a scheduling add-on for Sidekiq. It runs a thread alongside Sidekiq workers to schedule jobs at specified times (using cron notation * * * * * parsed by Rufus-Scheduler). It also checks for new jobs to schedule every 10 seconds and doesn't schedule the same job multiple times when more than one Sidekiq worker is running. Scheduling jobs are added only when at least one Sidekiq process is running. WWW: |
2017-04-14T20:47:47+00:00 | sysutils/rubygem-httplog |
Log outgoing HTTP requests Log outgoing HTTP requests made from your application. This gem is helpful for tracking API calls of third party gems that do not provide their own log output. WWW: |
2017-04-14T20:36:11+00:00 | devel/rubygem-simple-navigation |
Create navigations for Rails, Sinatra or Padrino applications With the simple-navigation gem installed you can easily create multilevel navigations for your Rails, Sinatra or Padrino applications. The navigation is defined in a single configuration file. It supports automatic as well as explicit highlighting of the currently active navigation through regular expressions. WWW: |
2017-04-14T19:03:23+00:00 | x11-fonts/averiagwf |
Average font The Averia GWF families of fonts are based on the average of all fonts in the Google Web Fonts project, released under the SIL Open Font License, as of 9 Nov 2011. Averia GWF exists in Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic, Light and Light Italic styles - as well as a "Gruesa" semi-italic variant made from an average of all 725 source fonts. WWW: |
2017-04-14T18:58:44+00:00 | net/s3ql |
File system that stores all its data in the cloud S3QL is a file system that stores all its data online using storage services like Google Storage, Amazon S3, or OpenStack. S3QL effectively provides a hard disk of dynamic, infinite capacity that can be accessed from any computer with internet access running Linux, FreeBSD or OS-X. S3QL is a standard conforming, full featured UNIX file system that is conceptually indistinguishable from any local file system. Furthermore, S3QL has additional features like compression, encryption, data de-duplication, immutable trees and snapshotting which make it especially suitable for online backup and archival. S3QL is designed to favor simplicity and elegance over performance and feature-creep. Care has been taken to make the source code as readable and serviceable as possible. Solid error detection and error handling have been included from the very first line, and S3QL comes with extensive automated test cases for all its components. WWW: |
2017-04-14T18:54:49+00:00 | devel/py3-llfuse |
2017-04-14T18:51:23+00:00 | security/py3-pycrypto |
2017-04-14T18:47:37+00:00 | devel/py3-defusedxml |
2017-04-14T18:40:24+00:00 | databases/py3-apsw |
2017-04-14T15:48:56+00:00 | www/rubygem-rails_12factor |
Run Rails the 12factor way Run Rails the 12factor way WWW: |
2017-04-14T15:41:39+00:00 | www/rubygem-rails_stdout_logging |
Overrides Rails' built in logger to send all logs to stdout This gem ensures that your logs will be sent to standard out. From there, Heroku sends them to logplex so you can access them from the command line like $ heroku logs --tail or from enabled addons like papertrail. By using Heroku's logplex, you can treat logs as event streams. WWW: |
2017-04-14T15:28:51+00:00 | www/rubygem-rails_serve_static_assets |
Enables serving assets in production This gem forces Rails to serve static assets. By default Rails4 will return a 404 if an asset is not handled via an external proxy such as Nginx. While this default behavior may help you debug your Nginx configuration, it makes a default Rails application with assets unusable on a 12factor platform. This gem fixes that. WWW: |
2017-04-14T15:07:29+00:00 | devel/rubygem-will_paginate |
Pagination plugin for web frameworks and other apps will_paginate provides a simple API for performing paginated queries with Active Record, DataMapper and Sequel, and includes helpers for rendering pagination links in Rails, Sinatra and Merb web apps. WWW: |
2017-04-14T14:54:56+00:00 | devel/rubygem-statsd-instrument |
StatsD client for Ruby applications This is a ruby client for statsd. It provides a lightweight way to track and measure metrics in your application. It calls out to statsd by sending data over a UDP socket. UDP sockets are fast, but unreliable. There is no guarantee that your data will ever arrive at its location. In other words, fire and forget. This is perfect for this use case because it means your code does not get bogged down trying to log statistics. WWW: |
2017-04-14T14:38:50+00:00 | devel/rubygem-sidekiq-unique-jobs |
Ensure only a single copy of a job is in Redis The goal of this gem is to ensure your Sidekiq jobs are unique. We do this by creating unique keys in Redis based on how you configure uniqueness. WWW: |
2017-04-14T14:26:55+00:00 | textproc/py-autopep8 |
Automatically formats Python code to conform to the PEP 8 style guide autopep8 automatically formats Python code to conform to the PEP 8 style guide. It uses the pycodestyle utility to determine what parts of the code needs to be formatted. autopep8 is capable of fixing most of the formatting issues that can be reported by pycodestyle. WWW: |
2017-04-14T13:22:04+00:00 | www/rubygem-oembed |
Slim library to work with oEmbed format oEmbed is a format for allowing an embedded representation of a URL on third party sites. The simple API allows a website to display embedded content (such as photos or videos) when a user posts a link to that resource, without having to parse the resource directly. This gem is a simple-to-use and slim library to work with oEmbed format. It has no external dependencies at runtime. All you need to have is Ruby itself. WWW: |
2017-04-14T13:14:03+00:00 | www/rubygem-rails-settings-cached |
Rails settings plugin for easily managing key-value pairs table Rails-settings-cached is a settings plugin that makes managing a table of global key-value pairs easy. Think of it like a global hash stored in your database that uses simple ActiveRecord-like methods for manipulation. You can keep track of any global setting that you do not want to hard code into your rails application. You can store any kind of object including strings, numbers, and arrays. WWW: |
2017-04-14T12:18:18+00:00 | www/rubygem-rack-timeout |
Abort requests that are taking too long Rack::Timeout is middleware, which aborts requests that have been running for longer than a specified timeout. Rack::Timeout is not a solution to the problem of long-running requests, it is a debug and remediation tool. Developers should track rack-timeout's data and address recurring instances of particular timeouts, for example, by refactoring code so it runs faster or offsetting lengthy work to happen asynchronously. WWW: |
2017-04-14T12:04:08+00:00 | devel/rubygem-rabl |
General ruby templating with json, bson, xml and msgpack support RABL (Ruby API Builder Language) is a Rails and Padrino ruby templating system for generating JSON, XML, MessagePack, PList and BSON. It provides a more expressive and powerful solution for generating APIs than ActiveRecord's 'to_json' method. It is particularly helpful when the JSON representation is complex or doesn't match the exact schema defined within the database. With it, one can easily: - Create arbitrary nodes with names based on combining data in an object - Pass arguments to methods and store the result as a child node - Render partial templates and inherit to reduce code duplication - Rename or alias attributes to change the name from the model - Append attributes from a child into a parent node - Include nodes only if a certain condition has been met WWW: |
2017-04-13T20:03:56+00:00 | games/billardgl |
OpenGL pool billiard simulation BillardGL is an OpenGL pool billiard simulation, which was developed within the scope of our course "Computergraphics" at the University of Freiburg (Germany). BillardGL is puplished under the GPL and is available for download for Windows and Linux. WWW: |
2017-04-13T19:31:58+00:00 | devel/rubygem-msgpack1 |
Gems for MessagePack MessagePack is an efficient binary serialization format. It lets you exchange data among multiple languages like JSON. But it's faster and smaller. Small integers are encoded into a single byte, and typical short strings require only one extra byte in addition to the strings themselves. WWW: |
2017-04-13T14:31:05+00:00 | net/py-matrix-synapse-ldap3 |
LDAP3 auth provider for Matrix Synapse matrix-synapse-ldap3 allows synapse to use LDAP as a password provider. WWW: |
2017-04-13T09:44:06+00:00 | www/yarn |
Package manager for node, alternative to npm Yarn is a new node package manager that replaces the existing workflow for the npm client or other package managers while remaining compatible with the npm registry. It has the same feature set as existing workflows while operating faster, more securely, and more reliably. WWW: |
2017-04-12T20:49:26+00:00 | devel/debugedit |
ELF file debug information extractor and editor An ELF file debug information editor and extractor based on debugedit tool in the rpm package. The intention of this project is to have some fun playing with ELF as well as DWARF for the image files. WWW: |
2017-04-12T18:15:32+00:00 | devel/py-ptvsd |
Visual Studio remote debugging server for Python Visual Studio remote debugging server for Python. WWW: |
2017-04-12T16:30:34+00:00 | audio/schismtracker |
Module tracker editor/player resembling impulse tracker Schism Tracker is a music editor that aims to match the look and feel of Impulse Tracker as closely as possible. The player code is based on Modplug, so it supports a wide variety of module formats. WWW: |
2017-04-12T14:07:16+00:00 | audio/protracker |
Amiga ProTracker clone Multi-platform clone of the classic music making software "ProTracker" from the Commodore Amiga days. Aims to work exactly like you remember it, with added features and fixes. WWW: |
2017-04-12T13:21:39+00:00 | net/ |
Python STOMP client, supporting >=1.0 and <=1.2 of the protocol is a Python client library for accessing messaging servers (such as Apollo or RabbitMQ) using the STOMP protocol (versions 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2). It can also be run as a standalone, command-line client for testing. WWW: |
2017-04-12T02:33:57+00:00 | devel/py-pyperclip |
Cross-platform clipboard module for Python Pyperclip is a cross-platform Python module for copy and paste clipboard functions. It works with Python 2 and 3. WWW: |
2017-04-12T02:33:07+00:00 | devel/py-kaitaistruct |
Kaitai Struct declarative parser generator for binary data This library implements Kaitai Struct API for Python. Kaitai Struct is a declarative language used for describe various binary data structures, laid out in files or in memory: i.e. binary file formats, network stream packet formats, etc. It is similar to Pythonâs [construct] and [Construct3], but it is language-agnostic. The format description is done in YAML-based .ksy format, which then can be compiled into a wide range of target languages. WWW: |
2017-04-12T02:32:08+00:00 | devel/py-jsbeautifier |
JavaScript unobfuscator and beautifier Beautify, unpack or deobfuscate JavaScript. Handles popular online obfuscators. WWW: |
2017-04-12T02:30:59+00:00 | www/py-hyperframe |
Python module that decodes binary streams into HTTP/2 frames This library contains the HTTP/2 framing code used in the hyper project. It provides a pure-Python codebase that is capable of decoding a binary stream into HTTP/2 frames. This library is used directly by hyper and a number of other projects to provide HTTP/2 frame decoding logic. WWW: |
2017-04-12T02:29:31+00:00 | www/py-hpack |
HTTP/2 header encoding (HPACK) logic implementation This module contains a pure-Python HTTP/2 header encoding (HPACK) logic for use in Python programs that implement HTTP/2. It also contains a compatibility layer that automatically enables the use of nghttp2 if it's available. WWW: |
2017-04-12T02:28:39+00:00 | www/py-h2 |
HTTP/2 State-Machine based protocol implementation This is a pure-Python implementation of a HTTP/2 protocol stack. It's written from the ground up to be embeddable in whatever program you choose to use, ensuring that you can speak HTTP/2 regardless of your programming paradigm. WWW: |
2017-04-12T02:27:26+00:00 | editors/py-editorconfig |
EditorConfig File Locator and Interpreter for Python EditorConfig makes it easy to maintain the correct coding style when switching between different text editors and between different projects. The EditorConfig project maintains a file format and plugins for various text editors which allow this file format to be read and used by those editors. WWW: |
2017-04-11T17:38:49+00:00 | x11-wm/awesome3 |
Highly configurable, next generation framework window manager awesome is a highly configurable, next generation framework window manager for X. It is very fast, small, dynamic, heavily extensible using the Lua programming language, and licensed under the GNU GPLv2 license. It is primarly targeted at power users, developers and any people dealing with every day computing tasks and who want to have fine-grained control on theirs graphical environment. WWW: |
2017-04-11T15:53:05+00:00 | graphics/p5-Alien-Gimp |
Encapsulate install info for GIMP Use in your Makefile.PL as above. Produces config info usable via ExtUtils::Depends. WWW: |
2017-04-11T14:17:45+00:00 | net/p5-Net-AMQP-RabbitMQ |
Interact with RabbitMQ over AMQP using librabbitmq Interact with RabbitMQ over AMQP using librabbitmq WWW: |
2017-04-11T09:11:26+00:00 | devel/rubygem-google-api-client010 |
Client for accessing Google APIs Client for accessing Google APIs. WWW: |
2017-04-10T22:50:14+00:00 | devel/py-cached-property |
Decorator for caching properties in classes cached-property is a decorator for caching properties in classes. It makes caching of time or computational expensive properties quick and easy. WWW: |
2017-04-10T22:44:02+00:00 | devel/py-dockerpty |
Python library to use the pseudo-tty of a docker container Python library to use the pseudo-tty of a docker container Provides the functionality needed to operate the pseudo-tty (PTY) allocated to a docker container, using the Python client. WWW: |
2017-04-10T21:23:44+00:00 | www/rubygem-ostatus2 |
Toolset for interacting with the OStatus2 suite of protocols OStatus2 is a toolset for interacting with the OStatus2 suite of protocols. It supports: - subscribing to and publishing feeds via PubSubHubbub - interacting with feeds via Salmon. WWW: |
2017-04-10T21:15:37+00:00 | sysutils/py-docker |
Python library for the Docker Engine API A Python library for the Docker Engine API WWW: |
2017-04-10T21:09:30+00:00 | devel/rubygem-http_accept_language |
Rails plugin to extract Accept-Language HTTP header into array HttpAcceptLanguage is a gem, which helps you detect the users preferred language, as sent by the "Accept-Language" HTTP header. The algorithm is based on RFC 2616, with one exception: when a user requests "en-US" and "en" is an available language, "en" is deemed compatible with "en-US". The RFC specifies that the requested language must either exactly match the available language or must exactly match a prefix of the available language. This means that when the user requests "en" and "en-US" is available, "en-US" would be compatible, but not the other way around. This is usually not what you're looking for. WWW: |
2017-04-10T20:58:24+00:00 | www/rubygem-goldfinger |
Webfinger utility for Ruby Goldfinger is a Webfinger client for Ruby. It supports application/xrd+xml and application/jrd+json responses. It raises Goldfinger::NotFoundError on failure to fetch the Webfinger or XRD data, or Goldfinger::SSLError if something is wrong with the HTTPS connection. WWW: |
2017-04-10T20:43:01+00:00 | devel/rubygem-fast_blank |
Fast String blank implementation fast_blank provides a C-optimized method for determining if a string is blank. According to the author, it is about 1.2 and 20 times faster than the Active Support implementation. WWW: |
2017-04-10T20:36:34+00:00 | security/py-docker-pycreds |
Python bindings for the docker credentials store API Python bindings for the docker credentials store API WWW: |
2017-04-10T20:24:11+00:00 | databases/rubygem-pghero |
Performance dashboard for Postgres PgHere is a performance dashboard for Postgres. It includes health checks, suggested indexes, and more. WWW: |
2017-04-10T19:42:55+00:00 | multimedia/rubygem-paperclip-av-transcoder |
Audio/Video transcoder for Paperclip using FFMPEG/Avconv Audio/Video Transcoder for Paperclip using FFMPEG/Avconv. With a few lines of code, your application can produce - a transcoded FLV file with the requested dimensions if they will match the aspect ratio of the original file, otherwise, width will be maintained and height will be recalculated to keep the original aspect ratio - a screenshot thumbnail with the requested dimensions regardless of the aspect ratio. WWW: |
2017-04-10T19:40:29+00:00 | multimedia/rubygem-av |
Programmable Ruby interface for FFMPEG/Libav This gem provides programmable interface for ffmpeg and avconv. The idea is to have a common API for both CLIs. WWW: |
2017-04-10T19:35:39+00:00 | www/rubygem-best_in_place |
jQuery script to edit fields by clicking on them BestInPlace is a jQuery script and a Rails helper that provides the method best_in_place to display any object field easily editable for the user by just clicking on it. It supports input data, text data, boolean data and custom dropdown data. It works with RESTful controllers. WWW: |
2017-04-10T19:32:29+00:00 | www/rubygem-hamlit-rails |
Hamlit (haml) generators for Rails 4 hamlit-reails provides hamlit generators for Rails 4. It also enables hamlit as the templating engine and "hamlit:html2haml" rake task that converts erb files to haml. WWW: |
2017-04-10T19:28:49+00:00 | devel/rubygem-react-rails |
React/JSX adapter for the Ruby on Rails asset pipeline react-rails makes it easy to use React and JSX in your Ruby on Rails application. It can - provide various react builds to your asset bundle - transform .jsx in the asset pipeline - render components into views and mount them via view helper and react_ujs - render components server-side with prerender: true - generate components with a Rails generator - be extended with custom renderers, transformers and view helpers WWW: |
2017-04-10T14:23:22+00:00 | www/rubygem-lograge |
Tame Rails' multi-line logging into a single line per request #' Tame Rails' multi-line logging into a single line per request Lograge is an attempt to bring sanity to Rails' noisy and unusable, unparsable and, in the context of running multiple processes and servers, unreadable default logging output. Rails' default approach to log everything is great during development, it's terrible when running it in production. WWW: |
2017-04-09T12:03:41+00:00 | devel/liberasurecode |
Unified Erasure Coding interface for common storage workloads liberasurecode is an Erasure Code API library written in C with pluggable Erasure Code backends. WWW: |
2017-04-08T10:37:42+00:00 | www/typo3-7 |
Typo3 content management system TYPO3 is a free Open Source content management system for enterprise purposes on the web and in intranets. It offers full flexibility and extendability while featuring an accomplished set of ready-made interfaces, functions and modules. The legacy stable LTS release. The legacy version with Long Term Support (LTS). It will have maintenance and security-related bugfixes until October 2018. WWW: |
2017-04-08T10:35:56+00:00 | www/typo3-8 |
Typo3 content management system TYPO3 is a free Open Source content management system for enterprise purposes on the web and in intranets. It offers full flexibility and extendability while featuring an accomplished set of ready-made interfaces, functions and modules. The old stable LTS release (for all new projects) The old version with Long Term Support (LTS). It will have maintenance and security-related bugfixes until March 2020. WWW: |
2017-04-08T09:19:27+00:00 | net/rubygem-ruby_smb |
Message creator and parser for the SMB protocol family A packet parsing and manipulation library for the SMB protocol family. WWW: |
2017-04-08T00:37:47+00:00 | graphics/gpu-firmware-kmod |
Firmware modules for the linuxkpi-based KMS components Firmware modules for the linuxkpi-based KMS components. Amdgpu and i915 firmware files encoded in uu format to generate loadable kernel modules. Firmware binaries originate from the linux-firmware repository. WWW: |
2017-04-08T00:29:44+00:00 | devel/aarch64-xtoolchain-gcc |
2017-04-08T00:29:44+00:00 | devel/aarch64-gcc |
2017-04-08T00:13:58+00:00 | devel/xtoolchain-llvm40 |
2017-04-08T00:13:58+00:00 | devel/xtoolchain-llvm-devel |
Pre seeded toolchain to cross build FreeBSD base Pre seeded cross toolchain definition to cross build FreeBSD base |
2017-04-07T22:32:01+00:00 | www/tomcat-devel |
Open-source Java web server by Apache, 10.0.x branch Apache Tomcat is a web server written in 100% Pure Java. Apache Tomcat 10.x is the current focus of development. It builds on Tomcat 9.0.x and implements the Servlet 5.0, JSP 3.0, EL 4.0, WebSocket 2.0 and Authentication 2.0 specifications (the versions required by Jakarta EE 9 platform). WWW: |
2017-04-07T19:57:04+00:00 | multimedia/QtAV |
Cross-platform multimedia framwork based on Qt and ffmpeg A cross-platform multimedia framework based on Qt and FFmpeg. High performance. User & developer friendly. Supports Android, iOS, Windows store and desktops. WWW: |
2017-04-07T07:44:32+00:00 | www/py-django111 |
High-level Python Web Framework Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. Developed and used over the past two years by a fast-moving online-news operation, Django was designed from scratch to handle two challenges: the intensive deadlines of a newsroom and the stringent requirements of experienced Web developers. It has convenient niceties for developing content-management systems, but it's an excellent tool for building any Web site. WWW: |
2017-04-06T01:33:55+00:00 | textproc/kibana5-x-pack |
Kibana 5.0 X-Pack plugins X-Pack is an Elastic Stack extension that bundles security, alerting, monitoring, reporting, and graph capabilities into one easy-to-install package. While the X-Pack components are designed to work together seamlessly, you can easily enable or disable the features you want to use. WWW: |
2017-04-06T00:42:13+00:00 | textproc/kibana5 |
Browser based analytics and search interface to ElasticSearch Kibana is an open source (Apache Licensed), browser based analytics and search dashboard for Elasticsearch. Kibana is a snap to setup and start using. Kibana strives to be easy to get started with, while also being flexible and powerful, just like Elasticsearch. Kibana 4.5 is compatible with Elasticsearch 2.3.x. WWW: |
2017-04-05T19:59:22+00:00 | devel/rubygem-appraisal |
Integrates with bundler and rake to test library dependencies Appraisal integrates with bundler and rake to test your library against different versions of dependencies in repeatable scenarios called "appraisals." Appraisal is designed to make it easy to check for regressions in your library without interfering with day-to-day development using Bundler. WWW: |
2017-04-05T19:55:28+00:00 | devel/p5-Hash-Objectify |
Create objects from hashes on the fly Hash::Objectify turns a hash reference into a simple object with accessors for each of the keys. One application of this module could be to create lightweight response objects without the extra work of setting up an entire response class with the framework of your choice. Using Hash::Objectify is slower than accessing the keys of the hash directly, but does provide "typo protection" since a misspelled method is an error. WWW: |
2017-04-05T18:03:24+00:00 | devel/gitlab-runner |
Official GitLab Runner written in Go GitLab Runner is the open source project that is used to run your jobs and send the results back to GitLab. It is used in conjunction with GitLab CI, the open-source continuous integration service included with GitLab that coordinates the jobs. WWW: |
2017-04-05T17:40:35+00:00 | games/90secondportraits |
Silly speed painting game 90 Second Portraits is a silly speed painting game developed for Ludum Dare 31 Jam competition. Time is money and you have neither! In 90 SECOND PORTRAITS you're paying the bills by speed painting portraits of bypassing customers! You have 90 seconds to paint the customer and his/her prefered background! Your work day ends after 5 customers! WWW: |
2017-04-05T13:00:02+00:00 | security/acmetool |
CLI tool for automatically acquiring certificates from ACME servers Acmetool is an easy-to-use command line tool for automatically acquiring certificates from ACME servers (such as Let's Encrypt). It is designed to flexibly integrate into your webserver setup to enable automatic verification, however, unlike the official Let's Encrypt client, it doesn't modify your web server configuration. WWW: |
2017-04-05T06:20:43+00:00 | devel/pecl-grpc |
High performance, general RPC framework Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs) provide a useful abstraction for building distributed applications and services. The libraries in this repository provide a concrete implementation of the gRPC protocol, layered over HTTP/2. These libraries enable communication between clients and servers using any combination of the supported languages. WWW: |
2017-04-05T02:16:34+00:00 | sysutils/p5-Giovanni |
PERL-based software deployment tool inspired by capistrano Giovanni is a Perl replacement for the idea behind Capistrano. It is a deployment system that can be used comfortably from the commandline to check out code, restart systems and notify. WWW: |
2017-04-04T22:52:24+00:00 | textproc/uncle |
Convert UCL config file to desired format Uncle is a tool, which can convert UCL config file to the following formats: - Human readable config - Fine formated JSON - Compacted JSON - Embedded YAML - Msgpack WWW: |
2017-04-04T20:01:16+00:00 | archivers/php-snappy |
PHP extension for the snappy compression algorithm Provides the API to PHP for the snappy compression algorithm by Google. WWW: |
2017-04-04T14:07:34+00:00 | devel/py-libtaxii |
Python library for handling TAXII Messages invoking TAXII Services libtaxii is a Python library for handling TAXII Messages invoking TAXII Services. A primary goal of libtaxii is to remain faithful to both the TAXII specifications and to customary Python practices. libtaxii is designed to be intuitive both to Python developers and XML developers. WWW: |
2017-04-04T09:38:15+00:00 | www/xapian-omega12 |
CGI search application built on Xapian This package contains two index building utilities (omindex and scriptindex) and a CGI search application (omega). These use the Xapian search library to provide a search over a collection of documents. WWW: |
2017-04-04T09:37:23+00:00 | databases/ruby-xapian |
Ruby binding for Xapian Ruby binding for Xapian WWW: |
2017-04-04T09:36:43+00:00 | databases/py-xapian |
Python binding for Xapian Python binding for Xapian WWW: |
2017-04-04T09:35:49+00:00 | databases/php-xapian |
PHP binding for Xapian PHP binding for Xapian WWW: |
2017-04-04T09:33:54+00:00 | databases/lua-xapian |
Lua binding for Xapian Lua binding for Xapian WWW: |
2017-04-04T09:32:41+00:00 | databases/xapian-bindings12 |
Bindings allowing Xapian to be used from various programming languages SWIG and JNI bindings allowing Xapian to be used from various other programming languages. WWW: |
2017-04-04T09:30:22+00:00 | databases/p5-Xapian |
Perl binding for Xapian This module wraps most methods of most Xapian classes. The missing classes and methods should be added in the future. It also provides a simplified, more 'perlish' interface - as demonstrated above. The Xapian library is evolving very quickly at the time of writing, hence any documentation placed here would be likely to become out of date quite rapidly, and I do not have the patience to write some which could rapidly become redundant. WWW: |
2017-04-04T09:29:37+00:00 | databases/p5-Search-Xapian12 |
Perl XS frontend to the Xapian C++ search library This module wraps most methods of most Xapian classes. The missing classes and methods should be added in the future. It also provides a simplified, more 'perlish' interface - as demonstrated above. The Xapian library is evolving very quickly at the time of writing, hence any documentation placed here would be likely to become out of date quite rapidly, and I do not have the patience to write some which could rapidly become redundant. Apologies to those of you considering using this module. For the time being, I would suggest garnering what you can from the tests and examples provided, or reading through the Xapian documentation on, notably the API documentation at If you encounter problems, email either me or preferably the Xapian-discuss mailing list (which I am on - subscription details can be found on the Xapian web site). WWW: |
2017-04-04T09:28:14+00:00 | databases/xapian-core12 |
Probabilistic text search database engine Xapian is an Open Source Probabilistic Information Retrieval library, released under the GPL. It's written in C++, with bindings to allow use from other languages. Xapian is designed to be a highly adaptable toolkit to allow developers to easily add advanced indexing and search facilities to their own applications. Xapian features include: - Ranked probabilistic search - word importance weighting - Relevance feedback - Phrase and proximity searching - Full range of structured boolean search operators - Term stemming - Database files > 2GB - Platform independent data formats - Allows simultaneous update and searching. WWW: |
2017-04-04T06:29:25+00:00 | devel/php-geshi |
Native PHP syntax highlighting engine GeSHi started as an idea to create a generic syntax highlighter for the phpBB forum system, but has been generalised to this project. GeSHi aims to be a simple but powerful highlighting class, with the following goals: * Support for a wide range of popular languages * Easy to add a new language for highlighting * Highly customisable output formats WWW: |
2017-04-03T14:14:04+00:00 | www/py-flask-api |
Browsable Web APIs for Flask Flask API is an implementation of the same web browsable APIs that Django REST framework provides. WWW: |
2017-04-03T13:20:36+00:00 | devel/py3-colorama |
2017-04-03T12:58:52+00:00 | www/rubygem-puma2 |
Fast, multithreaded and highly concurrent ruby web server Puma is a simple, fast, threaded, and highly concurrent HTTP 1.1 server for Ruby/Rack applications. Puma is intended for use in both development and production environments. In order to get the best throughput, it is highly recommended that you use a Ruby implementation with real threads like Rubinius or JRuby. WWW: |
2017-04-03T12:57:52+00:00 | devel/rubygem-newrelic_rpm3 |
Performance management system for Rails applications Performance management system which provides deep information about Ruby on Rails application performance while running in production. WWW: |
2017-04-03T08:40:33+00:00 | astro/p5-Astro-App-Satpass2 |
Forecast satellite visibility This class implements an application to predict satellite visibility and related phenomena. It is a mostly-compatible rewrite and eventual replacement of the satpass script in distribution Astro-satpass, aimed at making it easier to test, and removing some of the odder cruft that has accumulated in the satpass script. WWW: |
2017-04-02T16:21:07+00:00 | multimedia/libvdpau-va-gl |
VDPAU driver with OpenGL/VAAPI backend The package provides a generic VDPAU driver. It uses OpenGL under the hood to accelerate drawing, scaling, and (if available) VA-API to accelerate video decoding. WWW: |
2017-04-02T16:12:42+00:00 | multimedia/libva-utils |
Collection of tests and utilities for VAAPI libva-utils is a collection of utilities and examples to exercise VA-API in accordance with the libva project. WWW: |
2017-04-02T01:06:25+00:00 | benchmarks/flamegraph |
Stack trace visualizer a stack-trace visualizer Flame Graphs visualize profiled code. Flame graphs can be created in three steps: 1) Capture stacks, 2) Fold stacks, 3) Capturing stacks can be done with Linux perf_events, FreeBSD pmcstat (hwpmc), DTrace, SystemTap, and many other profilers. See stackcollapse-* converters. These stackcollapse scripts are used to fold the stacks. Flamegraph SVGs are created using the script. WWW: |
2017-04-01T17:58:59+00:00 | java/lightweight-java-profiler |
Lightweight Java profiler which can be used for flamegraphs lightweight-java-profiler a lightweight Java profiler which can be used for flamegraphs The lightweight Java profiler acts as an agent library and generates execution stacks. These can be fed into flamegraph utils to profile Java applications at minimal cost. WWW: |
2017-04-01T09:10:20+00:00 | textproc/sdif |
Side-by-side diff viewer for ANSI terminal sdif is inspired by System V sdiff(1) command. The basic feature of sdif is making a side-by-side listing of two different files. All contents of two files are listed on left and right sides. Center column is used to indicate how different those lines. No mark means no difference. Added, deleted and modified lines are marked with `-' and `+' character. It also reads and formats the output from diff command from standard input. Besides normal diff output, context diff -c and unified diff -u output will be handled properly. Combined diff format is also supported, but currently limited upto three files. WWW: |
2017-03-31T14:32:02+00:00 | net/p5-Net-NTP |
Perl extension for decoding NTP server responses All this module does is send a packet to an NTP server and then decode the packet received into it's respective parts - as outlined in RFC5905 (superseding RFC1305 and RFC2030). WWW: |
2017-03-31T09:11:09+00:00 | textproc/greple |
Grep with multiple keywords greple has almost the same function as Unix command egrep(1) but the search is done in the manner similar to search engine. greple also search the pattern across the line boundaries. This is especially useful to handle Asian multi-byte text. Japanese text can be separated by newline almost any place of the text. So the search pattern may spread out on multiple lines. WWW: |
2017-03-31T09:11:09+00:00 | devel/p5-Getopt-EX |
Getopt Extender Getopt::EX extends the basic function of Getopt family to support user-definable option aliases, and dynamic module which works together with the script through option interface. WWW: |
2017-03-31T07:18:57+00:00 | x11/controllermap |
Game controller mapping generator controllermap helps to map buttons on Xbox 360 style gamepad for use with SDL_GameController API. The output can be appended into an existing gamecontrollerdb.txt file or to SDL_GAMECONTROLLERCONFIG. |
2017-03-30T21:36:17+00:00 | lang/p5-List-MoreUtils-XS |
Provide compiled List::MoreUtils functions List::MoreUtils::XS provides compiled List::MoreUtils functions. WWW: |
2017-03-30T15:16:08+00:00 | devel/rubygem-bindex |
Bindings for your Ruby exceptions When Ruby raises an exception, it leaves you a backtrace to help you figure out where did the exception originated in. Bindex gives you the bindings as well. This can help you introspect the state of the Ruby program when at the point the exception occurred. WWW: |
2017-03-30T14:07:28+00:00 | devel/phpunit6 |
Testing framework for unit tests PHPUnit is a regression testing framework used by the developer who implements unit tests in PHP. WWW: |
2017-03-30T12:30:58+00:00 | devel/rubygem-health_check22 |
Simple health check of Rails app for uptime monitoring Simple health check of Rails app for uptime monitoring. WWW: |
2017-03-30T10:55:14+00:00 | net/ceph-devel |
Ceph delivers object, block, and file storage in a unified system Ceph is a distributed object store and file system designed to provide excellent performance, reliability and scalability. * Object Storage Ceph provides seamless access to objects using native language bindings or radosgw, a REST interface for applications written with S3 and Swift. * Block Storage Ceph's RADOS Block Device (RBD) provides access to block device images that are striped and replicated across the entire storage cluster. * File System Ceph provides a POSIX-compliant network file system aiming for large data storage, high performance, and maximum compatibility with legacy applications. This FreeBSD build will build most of the tools in Ceph: * Mon, OSD, rados, RadosGW, rbd * init-ceph, and etc/rc.d/ceph on top of that * ceph-disk {prepare, activate} With these tools one can build a multi server, multi osd cluster fully running on FreeBSD and do some testing... WWW: |
2017-03-30T10:22:36+00:00 | devel/py-libtmux |
Library for interfacing with tmux libtmux is the tool behind tmuxp, a tmux workspace manager in python. It builds upon tmux's target and formats to create an object mapping to traverse, inspect and interact with live tmux sessions. WWW: |
2017-03-29T21:05:42+00:00 | sysutils/rubygem-winrm-elevated |
Ruby library for running commands as elevated Ruby library for running commands via WinRM as elevated through a scheduled task WWW: |
2017-03-29T19:31:53+00:00 | www/tomcat85 |
Open-source Java web server by Apache, 8.5.x branch Apache Tomcat is a web server written in 100% Pure Java. Apache Tomcat version 8.5 implements the Servlet 3.1, JavaServer Pages 2.3, Java Unified Expression Language 3.0 and Java WebSocket 1.1 specifications from the Java Community Process, and includes many additional features that make it a useful platform for developing and deploying web applications and web services. Tomcat 8.5 is aligned with Java EE 7. WWW: |
2017-03-29T18:43:19+00:00 | devel/py3-meson |
High performance build system Meson is a cross-platform build system designed to be both as fast and as user friendly as possible. It supports many languages and compilers, including GCC, Clang and Visual Studio. Its build definitions are written in a simple non-turing complete DSL. WWW: |
2017-03-29T18:16:46+00:00 | net-mgmt/semaphore |
Open Source alternative to Ansible Tower Open Source alternative to Ansible Tower WWW: |
2017-03-29T00:28:19+00:00 | devel/nlohmann-json |
JSON library for Modern C++ JSON for Modern C++ is an open-source library consisting of a C++11-style header-only JSON class. WWW: |
2017-03-28T19:14:53+00:00 | x11-drivers/xorgxrdp |
X.Org driver enabling use through an RDP session with xrdp xorgxrdp is a set of drivers that enables Xorg to use RDP session with xrdp. WWW: |
2017-03-28T17:59:26+00:00 | devel/py3-jedi |
2017-03-28T17:23:28+00:00 | sysutils/rovclock |
Overclocking utility for ATI Radeon video cards Utility to control frequency rates of one's ATI Radeon video card. It is very helpful for underclocking the Radeon chip in order to save power when running on batteries. Also, by underclocking it is possible to prevent the fan from running. It can also be used to gain performance by overclocking. WWW: |
2017-03-28T13:49:55+00:00 | games/powder-toy |
'Falling sand' physics sandbox with air pressure and velocity support Have you ever wanted to blow something up? Or maybe you always dreamt of operating an atomic power plant? Do you have a will to develop your own CPU? The Powder Toy lets you to do all of these, and even more! The Powder Toy is a free physics sandbox game, which simulates air pressure and velocity, heat, gravity and a countless number of interactions between different substances! The game provides you with various building materials, liquids, gases and electronic components which can be used to construct complex machines, guns, bombs, realistic terrains and almost anything else. You can then mine them and watch cool explosions, add intricate wirings, play with little stickmen or operate your machine. You can browse and play thousands of different saves made by the community or upload your own - we welcome your creations! WWW: |
2017-03-28T12:00:09+00:00 | sysutils/solaar |
Device manager for the Logitech Unifying Receiver Solaar is a device manager for Logitech's Unifying Receiver. It is able to pair/unpair devices to the receiver, and for most devices read battery status. It comes in two flavors, command-line and GUI. Both are able to list the devices paired to a Unifying Receiver, show detailed info for each device, and also pair/unpair supported devices with the receiver. WWW: |
2017-03-28T10:49:48+00:00 | net/qoauth-qt5 |
Qt5 support for OAuth-powered network services QOAuth is an attempt to support interaction with OAuth-powered network services in a Qt way WWW: |
2017-03-27T22:35:20+00:00 | devel/hhdate |
Date and time library based on the C++11 (and beyond) <chrono> header A date and time library based on the C++11 (and beyond) <chrono> header. WWW: |
2017-03-27T19:16:00+00:00 | devel/rubygem-google-protobuf |
Ruby extension to Google Protocol Buffers rubygem-google-protobuf is a Ruby extension that implements Protocol Buffers functionality. It makes use of generated Ruby code that defines message and enum types in a Ruby DSL. You may write definitions in this DSL directly, but we recommend using protoc's Ruby generation support with .proto files. The build process in this directory only installs the extension; you need to install protoc as well to have Ruby code generation functionality. WWW: WWW: |
2017-03-27T18:18:27+00:00 | devel/buildbot-www |
Continuous Integration Framework (WWW) This port is the Web UI part of BuildBot. For the buildmaster, install the devel/buildbot port. For more information, please see: WWW: |
2017-03-27T18:17:43+00:00 | devel/buildbot-waterfall-view |
Continuous Integration Framework (Waterfall View) This port is the Waterfall View Plugin for BuildBot. For the buildmaster, install the devel/buildbot port. For more information, please see: WWW: |
2017-03-27T18:15:53+00:00 | devel/buildbot-console-view |
Continuous Integration Framework (Console View) This port is the Console View Plugin for BuildBot. For the buildmaster, install the devel/buildbot port. For more information, please see: WWW: |
2017-03-27T18:12:24+00:00 | devel/buildbot-pkg |
Continuous Integration Framework (packaging) This port is the Web UI part of BuildBot. For the buildmaster, install the devel/buildbot port. For more information, please see: WWW: |
2017-03-27T16:47:57+00:00 | devel/buildbot-worker |
Continuous Integration Framework (Worker) This port is the worker part of BuildBot. For the buildmaster, install the devel/buildbot port. For more information, please see: WWW: |
2017-03-26T21:24:06+00:00 | devel/rubygem-tzinfo-data |
IANA Time Zone database for TZInfo TZInfo::Data contains data from the IANA Time Zone database packaged as Ruby modules for use with TZInfo. WWW: |
2017-03-26T13:42:26+00:00 | www/p5-JSON-API |
Module to interact with a JSON API This module wraps JSON and LWP::UserAgent to create a flexible utility for accessing APIs that accept/provide JSON data. It supports all the options LWP supports, including authentication. WWW: |
2017-03-25T23:34:37+00:00 | devel/p5-Parse-Pidl44 |
IDL compiler written in Perl Pidl is an IDL compiler written in Perl that aims to be somewhat compatible with the midl compiler. IDL stands for "Interface Definition Language". Pidl can generate stubs for DCE/RPC server code, DCE/RPC client code and ethereal dissectors for DCE/RPC traffic. IDL compilers like pidl take a description of an interface as their input and use it to generate C (though support for other languages may be added later) code that can use these interfaces, pretty print data sent using these interfaces, or even generate ethereal dissectors that can parse data sent over the wire by these interfaces. Pidl takes IDL files in the same format as is used by midl, converts it to a .pidl file (which contains pidl's internal representation of the interface) and can then generate whatever output you need. .pidl files should be used for debugging purposes only. Write your interface definitions in .idl format. The goal of pidl is to implement a IDL compiler that can be used while developing the RPC subsystem in Samba (for both marshalling/unmarshalling and debugging purposes). WWW: |
2017-03-25T20:46:10+00:00 | net/samba46 |
Free SMB/CIFS and AD/DC server and client for Unix Samba4 is an attempt to implement an Active Directory compatible Domain Controller. In short, you can join a WinNT, Win2000, WinXP or Win2003 member server to a Samba4 domain, and it will behave much as it does in AD, including Kerberos domain logins where applicable. WWW: |
2017-03-25T18:08:50+00:00 | textproc/p5-Text-Unaccent-PurePerl |
Remove accents from characters Text::Unaccent::PurePerl is a module for âunaccentingâ characters, i.e., removing accents and other diacritic marks from characters. Here, the term unaccenting has a rather loose meaning, since this module does a lot more than just removing accents. WWW: |
2017-03-25T11:44:37+00:00 | security/kickpass |
Stupid simple password safe Kickpass is a stupid simple password safe. It keep each password in a specific safe, protected with modern cryptography. Its main user interface is command line. WWW: |
2017-03-24T23:44:02+00:00 | net/samba45 |
Free SMB/CIFS and AD/DC server and client for Unix Samba4 is an attempt to implement an Active Directory compatible Domain Controller. In short, you can join a WinNT, Win2000, WinXP or Win2003 member server to a Samba4 domain, and it will behave much as it does in AD, including Kerberos domain logins where applicable. WWW: |
2017-03-24T17:50:57+00:00 | www/rubygem-select2-rails3 |
Implement select2 jQuery library into Rails Select2 is a jQuery based replacement for select boxes. It supports searching, remote data sets, and infinite scrolling of results. This gem integrates Select2 with Rails asset pipeline for easy of use. WWW: |
2017-03-24T17:47:54+00:00 | security/rubygem-net-ssh-gateway1 |
Establish Net::SSH connections through firewalls Net::SSH::Gateway is a library for programmatically tunneling connections to servers via a single "gateway" host. It is useful for establishing Net::SSH connections to servers behind firewalls, but can also be used to forward ports and establish connections of other types, like HTTP, to servers with i restricted access. * Easily manage forwarded ports * Establish Net::SSH connections through firewalls WWW: |
2017-03-24T14:01:49+00:00 | comms/direwolf |
Software "soundcard" modem/TNC and APRS encoder/decoder Dire Wolf is a software "soundcard" modem/TNC and APRS encoder/decoder. It can be used stand-alone to observe APRS traffic, as a digipeater, APRStt gateway, or Internet Gateway (IGate). It can also be used as a virtual TNC for other applications such as APRSIS32, UI-View32, Xastir, APRS-TW, YAAC, UISS, Linux AX25, SARTrack, RMS Express, BPQ32, Outpost PM, and many others. |
2017-03-24T12:42:20+00:00 | security/py-yubioath-desktop |
GUI for displaying OATH codes with a Yubikey The Yubico Authenticator is a graphical desktop tool and command line tool for generating Open AuTHentication (OATH) event-based HOTP and time-based TOTP one-time password codes, with the help of a YubiKey that protects the shared secrets. WWW: |
2017-03-23T22:53:42+00:00 | devel/rubygem-et-orbi |
Time zones for fugit and rufus-scheduler Time zones for fugit and for rufus-scheduler. Urbi et Orbi. EtOrbi::EoTime instances quack like Ruby Time instances, but their #zone returns a TZInfo::TimeZone instance. WWW: |
2017-03-23T02:33:45+00:00 | security/py-pyaes |
Pure-Python implementation of AES block-cipher pyaes is a pure-Python implmentation of the AES block cipher algorithm and the common modes of operation (CBC, CFB, CTR, ECB and OFB). - Supports all AES key sizes - Supports all AES common modes - Pure-Python (no external dependancies) - BlockFeeder API allows streams to easily be encrypted and decrypted - Python 2.x and 3.x support WWW: |
2017-03-22T21:04:08+00:00 | www/rubygem-webpack-rails |
JavaScript-first tooling to use webpack within your Rails application webpack-rails gives you tools to integrate Webpack in to an existing Ruby on Rails application. WWW: |
2017-03-22T21:04:03+00:00 | textproc/rubygem-asciidoctor-plantuml |
Asciidoctor PlantUML extension Asciidoctor PlantUml is an extension that enables you to add PlantUML diagrams to your AsciiDoc documents. WWW: |
2017-03-22T21:03:58+00:00 | security/rubygem-omniauth-oauth2-generic |
Generic, Configurable OmniAuth Strategy for OAuth2 providers omniauth-oauth2-generic provides an OmniAuth strategy for authenticating with an OAuth2 service using the authorization grant flow. Most OmniAuth gems are written either as abstractions (omniauth-oauth2) or for a specific provider (omniauth-github), but this one is designed to be configurable enough to work with any basic OAuth2 provider. The primary differences between OAuth2 provider strategies in OmniAuth are: - The server's domain - The URL paths used to authorize, request tokens and get user info - The structure of the returned user information These are all configurable options in this gem. There my be certain requirements/features of some providers not covered by this gem's options, but it was designed primarily so that if you are implementing your own OAuth2 provider for your service, you don't need to write an OmniAuth strategy as long as it is compatible with the basic options provided by this gem. WWW: |
2017-03-22T21:03:53+00:00 | mail/rubygem-email_reply_trimmer |
Library to trim replies from plain text email EmailReplyTrimmer is a small library to trim replies from plain text email. WWW: |
2017-03-22T21:03:48+00:00 | dns/rubygem-validates_hostname |
Extension to ActiveRecord::Base for validating hostnames Extension to ActiveRecord::Base for validating hostnames and domain names. Features: - Adds validation for hostnames to ActiveModel - Supports i18n for the error messages WWW: |
2017-03-22T18:56:29+00:00 | sysutils/radeontop |
Program that shows AMD Radeon GPU resource utilization RadeonTop is a small utility which allows one to monitor the utilization of AMD Radeon GPUs starting from the r600 series and newer, using undocumented performance counters in the hardware. It displays the utilization of the graphics pipe, event engine, vertex cache, vertex group and tesselator, texture addresser and cache, the shader units, and more, both with a relative percent value as well as a colorful bar diagram (ncurses-based). Total GPU utilization is also valid for OpenCL loads; other values are only useful in GL loads. WWW: |
2017-03-22T16:07:53+00:00 | textproc/py-elasticsearch2-dsl-py |
High level Python client for Elasticsearch Elasticsearch DSL is a high-level library whose aim is to help with writing and running queries against Elasticsearch. It is built on top of the official low-level client (elasticsearch-py). It provides a more convenient and idiomatic way to write and manipulate queries. It stays close to the Elasticsearch JSON DSL, mirroring its terminology and structure. It exposes the whole range of the DSL from Python either directly using defined classes or a queryset-like expressions. It also provides an optional wrapper for working with documents as Python objects: defining mappings, retrieving and saving documents, wrapping the document data in user-defined classes. To use the other Elasticsearch APIs (eg. cluster health) just use the underlying client. WWW: |
2017-03-22T12:26:50+00:00 | devel/py3-libzfs |
2017-03-22T11:51:10+00:00 | lang/cython3 |
2017-03-22T10:16:50+00:00 | www/rubygem-kubeclient |
Client for Kubernetes REST API A Ruby client for Kubernetes REST API. The client supports GET, POST, PUT, DELETE on all the entities available in kubernetes in both the core and group apis. The client currently supports Kubernetes REST API version v1. WWW: |
2017-03-22T10:04:55+00:00 | devel/rubygem-recursive-open-struct |
Allows nested hashes to be treated in a recursive fashion OpenStruct subclass that returns nested hash attributes as RecursiveOpenStructs. WWW: |
2017-03-21T21:03:48+00:00 | graphics/guetzli |
Perceptual JPEG encoder Guetzli is a JPEG encoder that aims for excellent compression density at high visual quality. Guetzli-generated images are typically 20-30% smaller than images of equivalent quality generated by libjpeg. Guetzli generates only sequential (nonprogressive) JPEGs due to faster decompression speeds they offer. WWW: |
2017-03-21T21:00:32+00:00 | sysutils/lsop |
List all processes running with outdated binaries or shared libraries lsop is a FreeBSD utility to list all processes running with outdated binaries or shared libraries (that is, binaries or shared libraries that have been upgraded or simply deleted). lsop does not currently work when started in a FreeBSD jail! WWW: |
2017-03-21T16:53:41+00:00 | sysutils/docker-machine |
Tool to create Docker hosts Machine lets you create Docker hosts on your computer, on cloud providers, and inside your own data center. It creates servers, installs Docker on them, then configures the Docker client to talk to them. WWW: |
2017-03-21T14:27:07+00:00 | devel/py3-tabulate |
2017-03-21T14:17:16+00:00 | devel/py-fastentrypoints |
Makes entry_points specified in load more quickly Makes entry_points specified in load more quickly. WWW: |
2017-03-21T12:12:42+00:00 | devel/rubygem-google-api-client |
Client for accessing Google APIs Client for accessing Google APIs. WWW: |
2017-03-21T11:33:26+00:00 | textproc/rubygem-representable |
Maps Ruby objects to documents and back Renders and parses JSON/XML/YAML documents from and to Ruby objects. Includes plain properties, collections, nesting, coercion and more. WWW: |
2017-03-21T11:25:01+00:00 | www/rubygem-hurley |
Common interface for working with different HTTP adapters Hurley is a ruby gem with no runtime dependencies that provides a common interface for working with different HTTP adapters. It is an evolution of Faraday, with rethought internals. WWW: |
2017-03-21T11:04:39+00:00 | devel/rubygem-declarative-option |
Dynamic options to evaluate at runtime Dynamic options to evaluate at runtime. WWW: |
2017-03-21T11:00:00+00:00 | devel/rubygem-declarative |
DSL for nested schemas Declarative allows declaring nested schemas. WWW: |
2017-03-21T10:54:57+00:00 | devel/rubygem-uber |
Gem-authoring framework Gem-authoring tools like class method inheritance in modules, dynamic options and more. WWW: |
2017-03-21T02:12:49+00:00 | graphics/timg |
Terminal Image and Video Viewer timg - Terminal Image and Video Viewer A user-friendly viewer that uses 24-Bit color capabilities and unicode character blocks to display images, animations and videos in the terminal. Displays regular images, plays animated gifs, scrolls static images and plays videos. Very useful for if you want to have a quick visual check without starting a bulky image viewer or in an SSH session. WWW: |
2017-03-20T16:25:23+00:00 | audio/supercollider |
Programming language for real time audio synthesis SuperCollider is a programming language for real time audio synthesis and algorithmic composition. The language interpreter runs in a cross platform IDE and communicates via Open Sound Control with one or more synthesis servers. The SuperCollider synthesis server runs in a separate process or even on a separate machine so it is ideal for realtime networked music. SuperCollider was developed by James McCartney and originally released in 1996. He released it under the terms of the GNU General Public License in 2002 when he joined the Apple Core Audio team. It is now maintained and developed by an active and enthusiastic community. It is used by musicians, scientists, and artists working with sound. WWW: |
2017-03-20T16:19:52+00:00 | graphics/caffe |
Fast open framework for deep learning Caffe is a deep learning framework made with expression, speed, and modularity in mind. It is developed by the Berkeley Vision and Learning Center (BVLC) and by community contributors. Yangqing Jia created the project during his PhD at UC Berkeley. Caffe is released under the BSD 2-Clause license. WWW: |
2017-03-20T16:12:11+00:00 | graphics/py-scikit-image |
Image processing in Python scikit-image is a collection of algorithms for image processing. It is available free of charge and free of restriction. We pride ourselves on high-quality, peer-reviewed code, written by an active community of volunteers. WWW: |
2017-03-20T13:57:20+00:00 | net/rubygem-signet |
Signet is an OAuth 1.0 / OAuth 2.0 implementation Signet is an OAuth 1.0 / OAuth 2.0 implementation WWW: |
2017-03-20T13:03:28+00:00 | sysutils/immortal |
Unix cross-platform (OS agnostic) supervisor A *nix cross-platform (OS agnostic) supervisor immortal runs a command or script detached from the controlling terminal as a Unix daemon, it will supervise and restart the service if it has been terminated. The service can be controlled by querying a Unix socket "immortal.sock", this allows to remotely have full control over the service if required by exposing the socket using a web server like Nginx. immortal - Starts and monitor a service immortaldir - Directory to scan for services *.yml immortalctl - Control existing services WWW: |
2017-03-20T09:57:41+00:00 | net/rubygem-omniauth-authentiq |
Authentiq OAuth2 Strategy for OmniAuth Official OmniAuth strategy for authenticating with an Authentiq ID mobile app (iOS, Android). WWW: |
2017-03-20T09:43:51+00:00 | sysutils/UEFITool |
UEFI images parser UEFITool is a cross-platform C++/Qt program for parsing, extracting and modifying UEFI firmware images. It supports parsing of full BIOS images starting with the flash descriptor or any binary files containing UEFI volumes. WWW: |
2017-03-20T00:29:02+00:00 | textproc/rubygem-inifile |
Native Ruby package for reading and writing INI files IniFile is a native Ruby package for reading and writing INI files. WWW: |
2017-03-20T00:28:57+00:00 | dns/rubygem-simpleidn |
Easy conversion from IDNA strings to unicode strings and vice-versa SimpleIDN allows easy conversion from punycode ACE (IDNA) strings to unicode UTF-8 strings and visa versa. WWW: |
2017-03-20T00:28:52+00:00 | www/rubygem-adsf |
Web server that can be spawned in any directory adsf (A Dead Simple Fileserver) is a tiny static file server that you can launch instantly in any directory. WWW: |
2017-03-20T00:28:47+00:00 | graphics/rubygem-gemojione2 |
Gem containing EmojiOne unicode/image assets This gem contains the EmojiOne unicode/image assets and also APIs for lookup of emoji names, their unicode characters or image assets and conversion between emoji representations. WWW: |
2017-03-19T22:07:49+00:00 | devel/arduinoOTA |
OTA upload tool for Arduino/ESP8266 Tool for performing OTA updates on Arduino boards and the ESP8266. WWW: |
2017-03-19T09:21:01+00:00 | editors/encryptpad |
Minimalist secure text editor and binary encryptor EncryptPad is an application for viewing and editing symmetrically encrypted text. It also provides a tool for encrypting and decrypting binary files on disk. The application offers effective measures for protecting information with simple and convenient graphical and command line interface. The editor uses most widely chosen quality file format OpenPGP RFC 4880. Unlike other OpenPGP software which main purpose is asymmetric encryption, the primary focus of EncryptPad is symmetric encryption. WWW: |
2017-03-19T01:57:13+00:00 | net/rubygem-u2f0 |
Library for handling registration and authentication of U2F devices U2F is an open 2-factor authentication standard that enables keychain devices, mobile phones and other devices to securely access any number of web-based services - instantly and with no drivers or client software needed WWW: |
2017-03-19T00:33:23+00:00 | mail/pecl-mailparse2 |
PECL extension to create and decode MIME messages Mailparse is an extension for parsing and working with email messages. It can deal with rfc822 and rfc2045 (MIME) compliant messages. Mailparse is stream based, which means that it does not keep in-memory copies of the files it processes - so it is very resource efficient when dealing with large messages. WWW: |
2017-03-19T00:32:50+00:00 | textproc/pecl-yaml1 |
YAML-1.1 parser and emitter pecl-yaml is a YAML-1.1 parser and emitter, it Support for YAML 1.1 (YAML Ain't Markup Language) serialization using the LibYAML library. WWW: |
2017-03-19T00:32:25+00:00 | security/rubygem-googleauth |
Google Auth Library for Ruby This is Google's officially supported ruby client library for using OAuth 2.0 authorization and authentication with Google APIs. It allows simple authorization for accessing Google APIs and provides support for Application Default Credentials, as described at WWW: |
2017-03-19T00:31:56+00:00 | security/rubygem-signet |
OAuth 1.0 / OAuth 2.0 implementation Signet is an OAuth 1.0 / OAuth 2.0 implementation. WWW: |
2017-03-19T00:31:51+00:00 | devel/rubygem-os |
Allows for some useful and easy functions The OS gem allows for some easy telling if you're on windows or not, as well as some other helper utilities. WWW: |
2017-03-18T22:31:09+00:00 | devel/rubygem-retriable |
Simple DSL to retry failed code blocks Retriable is a simple DSL to retry failed code blocks with randomized exponential backoff time intervals. This is especially useful when interacting external api/services or file system calls. WWW: |
2017-03-18T22:31:03+00:00 | www/rubygem-rack-proxy |
Request/response rewriting proxy capabilities with streaming A request/response rewriting HTTP proxy. A Rack app. Subclass Rack::Proxy and provide your rewrite_env and rewrite_response methods. WWW: |
2017-03-18T17:17:16+00:00 | databases/pecl-couchbase |
Couchbase Server PHP extension The PHP client library provides fast access to documents stored in a Couchbase Server. WWW: |
2017-03-18T17:12:49+00:00 | devel/py-nose2 |
Next generations of nicer testing for Python nose2 is the next generation of nicer testing for Python, based on the plugins branch of unittest2. WWW: |
2017-03-18T15:42:22+00:00 | x11/dmenu2 |
Fork of dmenu with many enhancements and additional options dmenu2 is the fork of original dmenu -- an efficient dynamic menu for X11, patched to support features like flexible positioning, fuzzy matching, follow focus, tab navigation, background dimming, etc. WWW: |
2017-03-18T05:32:28+00:00 | security/enchive |
Tool to encrypt files to yourself for long-term archival Enchive is a tool to encrypt files to yourself for long-term archival. It's a focused, simple alternative to more complex solutions such as GnuPG or encrypted filesystems. Enchive has no external dependencies and is trivial to build for local use. Portability is emphasized over performance. WWW: |
2017-03-17T09:59:15+00:00 | sysutils/py3-iocage |
FreeBSD jail manager written in Python3 iocage is a jail/container manager amalgamating some of the best features and technologies the FreeBSD operating system has to offer. It is geared for ease of use with a simple and easy to understand command syntax. WWW: |
2017-03-17T08:00:58+00:00 | textproc/py3-texttable |
2017-03-17T07:41:25+00:00 | misc/py3-tqdm |
2017-03-16T22:36:04+00:00 | sysutils/mmc-utils |
Userspace tools for MMC/SD devices MMC tools introduction ====================== There is one MMC test tools called mmc-utils, which is maintained by Chris Ball, you can find it at the below public git repository: Functions ========= The mmc-utils tools can do the following: - Print and parse extcsd data. - Determine the eMMC writeprotect status. - Set the eMMC writeprotect status. - Set the eMMC data sector size to 4KB by disabling emulation. - Create general purpose partition. - Enable the enhanced user area. - Enable write reliability per partition. - Print the response to STATUS_SEND (CMD13). - Enable the boot partition. - Set Boot Bus Conditions. - Enable the eMMC BKOPS feature. - Permanently enable the eMMC H/W Reset feature. - Permanently disable the eMMC H/W Reset feature. - Send Sanitize command. - Program authentication key for the device. - Counter value for the rpmb device will be read to stdout. - Read from rpmb device to output. - Write to rpmb device from data file. - Enable the eMMC cache feature. - Disable the eMMC cache feature. - Print and parse CID data. - Print and parse CSD data. - Print and parse SCR data. WWW: |
2017-03-16T20:56:04+00:00 | www/rubygem-redis-rack1 |
Redis Store for Rack Redis Store for Rack WWW: WWW: |
2017-03-16T20:50:56+00:00 | devel/rubygem-slack-notifier1 |
Ruby wrapper for posting to slack webhooks A slim ruby wrapper for posting to slack webhooks WWW: |
2017-03-16T19:23:48+00:00 | devel/py36-setuptools |
2017-03-16T19:23:48+00:00 | devel/py35-setuptools |
2017-03-16T19:23:48+00:00 | devel/py34-setuptools |
2017-03-16T19:23:48+00:00 | devel/py33-setuptools |
2017-03-16T19:23:48+00:00 | devel/py27-setuptools |
Python packages installer Setuptools is a fully-featured, actively-maintained, and stable library designed to facilitate packaging Python projects, where packaging includes: - Python package and module definitions - Distribution package metadata - Test hooks - Project installation - Platform-specific details - Python 3 support WWW: |
2017-03-15T17:50:10+00:00 | www/rubygem-gollum |
Simple wiki system built on top of Git A simple, Git-powered wiki with a sweet API and local frontend. WWW: |
2017-03-15T13:13:09+00:00 | comms/multimon-ng |
Digital transmission decoder multimon-ng a fork of multimon. It decodes the following digital transmission modes: - POCSAG512 POCSAG1200 POCSAG2400 - FLEX - EAS - UFSK1200 CLIPFSK AFSK1200 AFSK2400 AFSK2400_2 AFSK2400_3 - HAPN4800 - FSK9600 - DTMF - ZVEI1 ZVEI2 ZVEI3 DZVEI PZVEI - EEA EIA CCIR - MORSE CW As an example it can be used with rtl_sdr to decode radio amateurs packets: rtl_fm -f 144.390M -s 22050 | multimon-ng -v 10 -t raw -A - WWW: |
2017-03-14T21:35:21+00:00 | net/rubygem-fog-dnsimple |
Module for the 'fog' gem to support DNSimple Fog::Dnsimple is a module for the fog gem to support DNSimple. WWW: |
2017-03-14T21:34:53+00:00 | net/rubygem-fog-digitalocean |
Module for the 'fog' gem to support DigitalOcean Fog::DigitalOcean is a module for the fog gem to support DigitalOcean. WWW: |
2017-03-14T20:40:35+00:00 | textproc/CLDR |
Unicode Common Locale Data Repository The Unicode CLDR provides key building blocks for software to support the world's languages, with the largest and most extensive standard repository of locale data available. This data is used by a wide spectrum of companies for their software internationalization and localization, adapting software to the conventions of different languages for such common software tasks. WWW: |
2017-03-14T14:17:31+00:00 | security/sha1collisiondetection |
Library and command line tool to detect SHA-1 collisions This library and command line tool were designed as near drop-in replacements for common SHA-1 libraries and sha1sum. They will compute the SHA-1 hash of any given file and additionally will detect cryptanalytic collision attacks against SHA-1 present in each file. It is very fast and takes less than twice the amount of time as regular SHA-1. There are two programs: sha1dcsum and sha1dcsum_partialcoll. The first program, sha1dcsum, will detect and warn for files that were generated with a cryptanalytic SHA-1 collision attack like the one documented at The second program, sha1dcsum_partialcoll, will detect and warn for files that were generated with a cryptanalytic collision attack against reduced- round SHA-1 (of which there are a few examples so far). WWW: |
2017-03-14T13:21:21+00:00 | security/keepassxc |
KeePass Cross-platform Community Edition KeePassXC is a community fork of KeePassX, a native cross-platform port of KeePass Password Safe, with the goal to extend and improve it with new features and bugfixes to provide a feature-rich, fully cross-platform and modern open-source password manager. Main Features * Secure storage with AES, Twofish or ChaCha20 encryption * File format compatibility with KeePass2, KeePassX, MacPass, KeeWeb and many others (KDBX 3.1 and 4.0) * SSH Agent integration * Passwords synchronization using KeeShare * Auto-Type for automagically filling in login forms * Key file and YubiKey challenge-response support for additional security * TOTP generation (including Steam Guard) * CSV import from other password managers (e.g., LastPass) * Command line interface * Custom icons for database entries and download of website favicons * Database merge functionality * Automatic reload when the database was changed externally * Browser integration with KeePassXC-Browser for Google Chrome, Chromium, Vivaldi, and Mozilla Firefox. WWW: |
2017-03-13T15:11:11+00:00 | lang/myrddin |
Myrddin Compiler Myrddin is a systems programming language that covers a similar niche as C including desktop, OS, and embedded development, but at the same time making it harder to shoot yourself in the foot. It is designed to be a simple language that runs close to the metal, giving the programmer predictable and transparent behavior and mental model. It also does strong type checking, generics, type inference, closures, and traits. Myrddin is not a language designed to explore the forefront of type theory or compiler technology. It is not a language that is focused on guaranteeing perfect safety. It is satisfied to be a practical, small, fairly well defined, and easy to understand language for code that needs to be close to the hardware. WWW: |
2017-03-13T10:27:27+00:00 | net/py-soap2py |
Python simple and lightweight SOAP Library PySimpleSOAP (Python Simple SOAP) library for client and server webservices interfaces, aimed to be as small and easy as possible, supporting most common functionality. Initially it was inspired by PHP Soap Extension (mimicking it functionality, simplicity and ease of use), with many advanced features added. Goals: - Simple: less than 200LOC client/server concrete implementation for easy maintainability and enhancments. - Flexible: adapted to several SOAP dialects (Java Axis, .Net, JBoss), with the posibility of fine-tuning XML request and responses - Pythonic: no artifacts, no class generation, no special types, RPC calls parameters and return values are simple python structures (dicts, list, etc.) - Dynamic: no definition (WSDL) required, dynamic generation and parsing supported (cached in a pickle file for performance, supporting fixing broken WSDL) - Easy: simple xml manipulation, including basic serialization and raw object-like access to SOAP messages - Extensible: supports several HTTP wrappers (httplib2, pycurl, urllib2) for special transport needs over SSL and proxy (ISA) WWW: |
2017-03-13T00:50:36+00:00 | security/py-onetime |
Encryption program that uses the one-time pad algorithm OneTime is an open source encryption program that uses the one-time pad algorithm to allow two parties to communicate privately. It has features to assist with pad management, and comes with built-in help. WWW: |
2017-03-12T21:35:52+00:00 | lang/opencoarrays |
Transport layer for coarray Fortran compilers OpenCoarrays is a BSD licensed open source project that produces an ABI for GCC Fortran front-end to build programs that leverage the parallel programming features of Fortran 2018. WWW: |
2017-03-12T20:25:29+00:00 | lang/OpenCoarrays |
Transport layer for coarray Fortran compilers OpenCoarrays is an open-source software project that supports the coarray Fortran (CAF) parallel programming features of the Fortran 2008 standard and several features proposed for Fortran 2015. WWW: |
2017-03-12T20:15:40+00:00 | devel/py-ramlfications |
Python parser for RAML ramlfications: RAML reference implementation in Python WWW: |
2017-03-12T20:10:50+00:00 | devel/py-jsonref |
Implementation of JSON Reference for Python An implementation of JSON Reference for Python WWW: |
2017-03-12T17:28:01+00:00 | print/rubygem-prawn_shapes |
Adds additional vector shapes to Prawn Shapes library for Prawn Available thus far: - star - half_star - arc - pie_slice - half_circle - quarter_circle WWW: |
2017-03-12T16:44:33+00:00 | databases/phpliteadmin |
Web-based database management tool for Sqlite phpLiteAdmin is a web-based SQLite database admin tool written in PHP with support for SQLite3 and SQLite2. Features - Lightweight - consists of a single 200KB source file for portability - Specify and manage an unlimited number of databases - Specify a directory and optionally its subdirectories to scan for databases - Create and delete databases - Add, delete, rename, empty, and drop tables - Browse, add, edit, and delete records - Add, delete, and edit table columns - Manage table indexes - Manage table triggers - Import and export tables, structure, indexes, and data (SQL, CSV) - View data as bar, pie, and line charts - And many other... WWW: |
2017-03-12T07:51:37+00:00 | sysutils/passwordsafe |
Popular secure and convenient password manager Password Safe is a password database utility. Users can keep their passwords securely encrypted on their computers. A single Safe Combination unlocks them all. WWW: |
2017-03-12T04:56:17+00:00 | devel/py3-ply |
2017-03-10T02:05:01+00:00 | mail/cyrus-imapd30 |
Cyrus mail server, supporting POP3 and IMAP4 protocols The Cyrus IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) server provides access to personal mail and system-wide bulletin boards through the IMAP protocol. The Cyrus IMAP server is a scaleable enterprise mail system designed for use from small to large enterprise environments using standards-based technologies. A full Cyrus IMAP implementation allows a seamless mail and bulletin board environment to be set up across multiple servers. It differs from other IMAP server implementations in that it is run on "sealed" servers, where users are not normally permitted to log in. The mailbox database is stored in parts of the filesystem that are private to the Cyrus IMAP system. All user access to mail is through software using the IMAP, POP3, or KPOP protocols. The private mailbox database design gives the server large advantages in efficiency, scalability, and administratability. Multiple concurrent read/write connections to the same mailbox are permitted. The server supports access control lists on mailboxes and storage quotas on mailbox hierarchies. WWW: |
2017-03-10T01:28:25+00:00 | math/py-PyWavelets |
Discrete Wavelet Transforms in Python PyWavelets is a free Open Source library for wavelet transforms in Python. Wavelets are mathematical basis functions that are localized in both time and frequency. Wavelet transforms are time-frequency transforms employing wavelets. They are similar to Fourier transforms, the difference being that Fourier transforms are localized only in frequency instead of in time and frequency. WWW: |
2017-03-10T00:48:35+00:00 | devel/ccache-static |
2017-03-10T00:48:35+00:00 | devel/ccache-memcached-static |
2017-03-09T23:38:36+00:00 | devel/py-stackexchange |
Python binding to the StackExchange website APIs Py-StackExchange is a simple Python binding for the StackExchange API. Py-StackExchange API coverage: - Access any StackExchange site, with just its URL. Even those that aren't online yet. - If you just can't decide which one to use, you can use StackAuth to look up the full list of sites. - Once you're online, you can view everything about users, questions, answers, badges, comments and tags. - You can even go back in time by playing with post revisions. - Help users by looking up every StackExchange account they have. Every single one. - See how well an SE site is doing; check its site statistics. - Search the questions of StackExchange sites. WWW: |
2017-03-09T21:53:19+00:00 | devel/rubygem-mustache0 |
Framework-agnostic way to render logic-free views Inspired by ctemplate, Mustache is a framework-agnostic way to render logic-free views. As ctemplates says, "It emphasizes separating logic from presentation: it is impossible to embed application logic in this template language. Think of Mustache as a replacement for your views. Instead of views consisting of ERB or HAML with random helpers and arbitrary logic, your views are broken into two parts: a Ruby class and an HTML template. WWW: |
2017-03-09T21:28:11+00:00 | sysutils/fluent-bit |
Fast and lightweight data forwarder Fluent Bit is a Fast and Lightweight Data Forwarder for Linux, OSX and BSD family operating systems. It has been made with a strong focus on performance to allow the collection of events from different sources without complexity. Fluent Bit is part of the Fluentd project ecosystem. WWW: |
2017-03-09T21:25:51+00:00 | sysutils/rubygem-fluent-plugin-graylog |
Gems for fluent plugin for graylog A Fluentd output plugin for Graylog. Send logging information in JSON format via TCP to an instance of GrayLog WWW: |
2017-03-09T19:16:30+00:00 | net/rubygem-fog-aws0 |
Module for the 'fog' gem to support Amazon Web Services Fog::Aws is a module for the 'fog' gem to support Amazon Web Services. WWW: |
2017-03-09T18:09:58+00:00 | devel/rubygem-useragent |
HTTP User Agent parser UserAgent is a Ruby library that parses and compares HTTP User Agents. WWW: |
2017-03-09T14:33:20+00:00 | devel/rubygem-jira-ruby |
API for JIRA This gem provides access to the Atlassian JIRA REST API. WWW: |
2017-03-09T14:25:12+00:00 | textproc/rubygem-html2text |
Convert HTML into a plain text format html2text is a very simple script that uses Ruby's DOM methods to load HTML from a string, and then iterates over the resulting DOM to correctly output plain text. WWW: |
2017-03-09T12:50:16+00:00 | devel/rubygem-sidekiq-limit_fetch |
Restrict number of sidekiq workers Sidekiq strategy to restrict number of workers which are able to run specified queues simultaneously. WWW: |
2017-03-08T12:48:41+00:00 | textproc/py3-snowballstemmer |
2017-03-08T12:48:28+00:00 | www/py-flask-socketio |
Socket.IO integration for Flask applications Flask-SocketIO gives Flask applications access to low latency bi-directional communications between the clients and the server. The client-side application can use any of the SocketIO official clients libraries in Javascript, C++, Java and Swift, or any compatible client to establish a permanent connection to the server. WWW: |
2017-03-08T12:48:28+00:00 | devel/py-python-socketio |
Python implementation of the Socket.IO realtime client and server This projects implements Socket.IO clients and servers that can run standalone or integrated with a variety of Python web frameworks. Socket.IO is a transport protocol that enables real-time bidirectional event-based communication between clients (typically, though not always, web browsers) and a server. The official implementations of the client and server components are written in JavaScript. This package provides Python implementations of both, each with standard and asyncio variants. WWW: |
2017-03-08T12:48:28+00:00 | devel/py-python-engineio |
Python implementation of the Engine.IO realtime client and server This project implements Python based Engine.IO client and server that can run standalone or integrated with a variety of Python web frameworks and applications. Engine.IO is a lightweight transport protocol that enables real-time bidirectional event-based communication between clients (typically, though not always, web browsers) and a server. The official implementations of the client and server components are written in JavaScript. This package provides Python implementations of both, each with standard and asyncio variants. The Engine.IO protocol is extremely simple. Once a connection between a client and a server is established, either side can send "messages" to the other side. Event handlers provided by the applications on both ends are invoked when a message is received, or when a connection is established or dropped. WWW: |
2017-03-08T12:48:28+00:00 | devel/py-pypugjs |
PugJS syntax adapter for Django, Jinja2 and Mako templates PyPugJS is a fork of PyJade with the name Jade changed to PugJS. Additional disclaimer: Since the original pypugjs died i took the liberty to keep it alive, because since starting to work with the jade compiler for node I hate writing HTML and want to continue using it in my Django projects. I will keep the existing non Django stuff inside the project, but I cannot support anything other since I'm not actively using it not will be in the foreseable future. Tornado, Mako etc. support will be welcome tho! PyPugJS is a high performance port of PugJS for python, that converts any .pug source into different Template-languages (Django, Jinja2, Mako or Tornado). WWW: |
2017-03-08T12:48:28+00:00 | devel/py-pygdbmi |
Parse gdb machine interface output with Python GDB/MI is a line based machine oriented text interface to GDB and is activated by specifying using the --interpreter command line option (see Mode Options). It is specifically intended to support the development of systems which use the debugger as just one small component of a larger system. WWW: |
2017-03-08T12:48:28+00:00 | devel/py-gdbgui |
Browser-based frontend/gui for GDB A modern, browser-based frontend to gdb (gnu debugger). Add breakpoints, view stack traces, and more in C, C++, Go, and Rust! Simply run gdbgui from the terminal and a new tab will open in your browser. Features Debug a different program in each tab (new instance is spawned for each tab). Set/remove breakpoints. View stack, threads. Switch frame on stack, switch between threads. Inspect memory in hex/character form. View all registers. Dropdown of all files used to compile binary, with autocomplete functionality. Source code explorer with ability to jump to line. Show assembly next to source code, highlighting current instruction. Can also step through instructions. WWW: |
2017-03-08T12:48:28+00:00 | devel/py-enum-compat |
Python 3.4 Enum dummy no-op package This is a virtual package, its whole purpose is to install enum34 on Python older than 3.4. On Python 3.4+ itâs a no-op. WWW: |
2017-03-08T12:00:21+00:00 | sysutils/sysadm-client |
SysAdm Qt5 Client The SysAdm client is a cross-platform, graphical utility written in pure Qt5 which provides multi-system management capabilities. The client connects via the websocket protocols to a SysAdm server and keeps the session alive to provide regular system health notifications, event updates, and much more. WWW: |
2017-03-08T11:57:04+00:00 | net-mgmt/icingaweb2-module-director |
Configuration frontend for Icinga 2, integrated automation Icinga Director has been designed to make Icinga 2 configuration handling easy. It tries to target two main audiences: - Users with the desire to completely automate their datacenter - Sysops willing to grant their "point & click" users a lot of flexibility What makes Icinga Director so special is the fact that it tries to target both of them at once. WWW: |
2017-03-08T11:56:50+00:00 | sysutils/sysadm |
SysAdm API server SysAdm is a FreeBSD-based service which provides a stable API for administrating FreeBSD and TrueOS systems. It is composed of a headless daemon that runs in the background on any system to be administrated, providing both web socket and REST network services. WWW: |
2017-03-08T11:54:54+00:00 | net-mgmt/icingaweb2-module-businessprocess |
Manage Business Processes in Icinga Web 2 If you want to visualize and monitor hierarchical business processes based on any or all objects monitored by Icinga, the Icinga Web 2 business process module is the way to go. Want to create custom process-based dashboards? Trigger notifications at process or sub-process level? Provide a quick top-level view for thousands of components on a single screen? That's what this module has been designed for! You're running a huge cloud, want to get rid of the monitoring noise triggered by your auto-scaling platform but still want to have detailed information just a couple of clicks away in case you need them? You will love this little module! WWW: |
2017-03-08T11:53:04+00:00 | net-mgmt/icingaweb2-module-cube |
Drill-down view for Icinga web 2 based on custom variables The Cube is a tiny but useful Icinga Web 2 module. It currently shows host statistics (total count, health) grouped by various custom variables in multiple dimensions. It will be your new best friend in case you are running a large environment and want to get a quick answers to questions like: - Which project uses how many servers per environment at which location/site? - Who occupies most servers? - How many of those are used in production? - Which project has only development and test boxes? - Which operating system is used for which project and in which environment? - Do we still have Debian Lenny? - Which projects are to blame for this? - Do we have applications where the operating systems used differ in staging and production? - Which project uses which operating system version for which application - Which projects have homogeneous environments? - Which projects are at a consistent patch level? - How many RHEL 6 variants (6.1, 6.2, 6.3...) do we use? - Who is running the oldest ones? In production? - Which projects are still using physical servers in which environment? WWW: |
2017-03-08T11:49:40+00:00 | net-mgmt/icingaweb2-module-generictts |
Generic ticket system integration into Icinga web 2 Generic TTS implements Icinga Web 2's ticket hook for replacing ticket patterns with links to your trouble ticket system (TTS). Icinga Web 2's core module monitoring for example uses the ticket hook for acknowledgements, downtimes and comments. Other modules may use the ticket hook for all kinds of text too. WWW: |
2017-03-08T06:24:14+00:00 | devel/cctz |
C++ library for handling dates, times, and time zones CCTZ contains two libraries that cooperate with <chrono> to give C++ programmers all the necessary tools for computing with dates, times, and time zones in a simple and correct manner. The libraries in CCTZ are: _ The Civil-Time Library - This is a header-only library that supports computing with human-scale time, such as dates (which are represented by the cctz::civil_day class). This library is declared in civil_time.h. _ The Time-Zone Library - This library uses the IANA time zone database that is installed on the system to convert between _absolute time_ and _civil time_. This library is declared in time_zone.h. WWW: |
2017-03-07T18:19:05+00:00 | databases/p5-Store-CouchDB |
Perl interface to Apache CouchDB Store::CouchDB provides a simple perlish interface for working with Apache CouchDB. WWW: |
2017-03-07T18:01:14+00:00 | sysutils/lava |
Keeps your CouchDB views molten hot Lava is a simple MIT-licensed shell script with 2 dependencies that ensures all DBs that are readable by a given user have the views of their corresponding design documents rebuilt. It is intended to be run regularly from cron. WWW: |
2017-03-07T12:56:36+00:00 | security/0d1n |
Open source web HTTP fuzzing tool and bruteforcer 0d1n is a tool for automating customized attacks against web applications. Some of its features: - Brute force login names and passwords in authentication forms - Directory disclosure (brute over PATH list and find HTTP status codes) - Tests to find SQL injection and XSS vulnerabilities - Options to load ANTI-CSRF token for each request - Options to use random proxy per request WWW: |
2017-03-06T19:38:56+00:00 | devel/dia2code+ |
Complete rewrite of dia2code in C++ Dia2Code is a small utility used to generate code from a Dia diagram. Dia is a program to make diagrams (ports/graphics/dia) - Reads UML diagrams. - Can handle UML - Generalization, UML - Realization and UML - Implements. - Selective code generation. - User-defined output directory. - Stereotype handling: interfaces, abstract classes. - "Import" and "include" based on the parent classes, the type of attributes and return type of methods if they're declared in the same diagram. - Support for JavaBeans(tm): will create automagically methods to access and modify each attribute. This is a complete rewrite of dia2code in C++ contributed by Vincent Le Garrec. WWW: |
2017-03-06T14:46:04+00:00 | textproc/py3-pystemmer |
2017-03-06T11:00:42+00:00 | textproc/rubygem-truncato |
Truncating HTML strings keeping a valid HTML markup Truncato is a tool for truncating HTML strings keeping a valid HTML markup WWW: |
2017-03-06T10:49:58+00:00 | devel/cpp-hocon |
C++ configuration library A C++ implementation of the HOCON configuration file format. WWW: |
2017-03-06T10:30:44+00:00 | www/rubygem-deckar01-task_list |
Markdown TaskList components Provides various components necessary for integrating Task Lists into GitHub-flavored-Markdown user content. WWW: |
2017-03-06T10:14:29+00:00 | www/rubygem-gitlab-turbolinks-classic |
Turbolinks makes following links in your web application faster Turbolinks makes following links in your web application faster (use with Rails Asset Pipeline) WWW: |
2017-03-05T20:08:45+00:00 | devel/ksql |
Lazy man's wrapper for the SQLite C API Ksql is a "lazy man's" wrapper for the SQLite C API. It is written to make sure sloppy programming won't cause your SQLite database to be inconsistent (transactions and statements open on exit and certain signals). Specifically, it exits on any database errors; and upon exit (or signal), cleans up open statements, transactions, and databases. WWW: |
2017-03-05T20:05:56+00:00 | databases/sqliteconvert |
Tools to convert SQLite3 schema files into documentation Sqliteconvert is a set of tools to convert SQLite3 schema files into documentation. It includes sqlite2dot(1), which converts into a graphviz file; sqlite2html(1), which converts into an HTML5 fragment; and sqliteconvert(1), which pulls these tools together with some sane default templates. WWW: |
2017-03-05T20:01:41+00:00 | net/nethogs |
Small net top tool NetHogs is a small 'net top' tool. Instead of breaking the traffic down per protocol or per subnet, like most tools do, it groups bandwidth by process. WWW: |
2017-03-05T10:14:03+00:00 | textproc/ibus-typing-booster |
Faster typing by context sensitive completion Ibus-typing-booster is a completion input method to speedup typing. The original purpose was to make typing of Indic languages easier and faster by providing completion and spell checking suggestions. Originally it was forked from ibus-table. Since then ibus-typing-booster has been improved to support many other languages as well (most languages except Chinese and Japanese are supported). Recently the capapility to type different languages at the same time without having to switch between languages has been added. Features - Context sensitive completions. - Learns from user input. - Can be trained by supplying files containing typical user input. - If available, hunspell and hunspell dictionaries will also be used to provide not only completion but also spellchecking suggestions (But it works also without hunspell by learning only from user input). - Can be used with any keyboard layout. - Almost all input methods supplied by libm17n are supported (including the inscript2 input methods). - Several input methods and languages can be used at the same time without switching. - Predicts Unicode symbols and emoji as well. WWW: |
2017-03-05T09:16:36+00:00 | textproc/py-sphinx-hieroglyph |
Sphinx extension which builds HTML presentations Hieroglyph is an extension for Sphinx which builds HTML presentations from ReStructuredText documents. WWW: |
2017-03-04T22:23:20+00:00 | graphics/py3-imagesize |
2017-03-04T22:19:25+00:00 | textproc/py3-alabaster |
2017-03-04T13:49:20+00:00 | www/pecl-yar1 |
Yar (Yet another RPC framework) is a light, concurrent RPC framework Yar (Yet another RPC framework) is a light, concurrent RPC framework, supports multi package protocols (json, msgpack) WWW: |
2017-03-03T19:30:10+00:00 | textproc/py3-sphinx_rtd_theme |
2017-03-03T17:25:20+00:00 | devel/leatherman |
Leatherman C++ Tool library A collection of C++ and CMake utility libraries. WWW: |
2017-03-03T17:24:41+00:00 | games/ace-of-penguins |
Set of Unix/X solitaire games The Ace of Penguins is a set of Unix/X solitaire games based on the ones available for Windows(tm) but with a number of enhancements. The latest version includes clones of freecell, golf, mastermind, merlin, minesweeper, pegged, solitaire, taipei (with editor!), and thornq (by Martin Thornquist). WWW: |
2017-03-03T10:27:18+00:00 | devel/py3-prompt_toolkit |
2017-03-03T06:29:30+00:00 | devel/awless |
Fast, powerful and easy-to-use CLI for AWS awless is a fast, powerful and easy-to-use command line interface (CLI) to manage Amazon Web Services. It will help you - Run frequent actions by using simple commands - Easily explore your infrastructure and cloud resources via CLI - Ensure smart defaults & security best practices - Manage resources through robust runnable & scriptable templates - Explore, analyse and query your infrastructure offline - Explore, analyse and query your infrastructure through time WWW: |
2017-03-03T06:28:14+00:00 | textproc/ie-hunspell |
Interlingue Hunspell dictionaries Interlingue spellchecking dictionary for use with Hunspell. WWW: |
2017-03-03T06:24:05+00:00 | databases/p5-DBIx-Lite |
Chained and minimal ORM DBIx::Lite was written with some goals in mind, that no other available module provides. Such goals/key features are: no need to define your database schema (most features work without one and some advanced features only require some bits, and still not the full table definitions) no need to connect to database: the module can just generate SQL for you chained methods with lazy SQL generation joins/relationships optional custom classes for results and resultsets with custom methods SQL::Abstract syntax paging features (with Data::Page) WWW: |
2017-03-03T01:51:58+00:00 | textproc/p5-PDF-Tiny |
Minimal Lightweight PDF Library This is a very lightweight (and limited) PDF parser. If you need to do some simple PDF processing on a web server with limited RAM and CPU, and if slurping the entire file into memory is not an option, this module may well be for you, at the cost of far less functionality than other solutions out there. WWW: |
2017-03-02T19:28:52+00:00 | security/rubygem-nexpose |
Ruby API to Rapid7 Nexpose vulnerability management Ruby API to Rapid7 Nexpose vulnerability management WWW: |
2017-03-02T19:07:44+00:00 | devel/py3-docopt |
2017-03-02T18:02:57+00:00 | devel/hs-directory |
Library for manipulating files and directories in a portable way This library provides a basic set of operations for manipulating files and directories in a portable way. WWW: |
2017-03-02T16:55:16+00:00 | devel/py3-six |
2017-03-02T16:00:21+00:00 | devel/lua51-cjson |
Fast JSON parsing and encoding support for Lua 5.1 Lua CJSON provides fast JSON parsing and encoding support for Lua. It has been tested under Linux, FreeBSD, OSX, Solaris and Windows. Features: - Fast, standards compliant encoding/parsing routines. - Full support for JSON with UTF-8, including decoding surrogate pairs. - Optional run-time support for common exceptions to the JSON specification (NaN, Infinity,..). - No external dependencies. WWW: |
2017-03-02T15:52:46+00:00 | devel/sonar-scanner-cli |
Scanner component of SonarQube SonarQube is the leading tool for continuously inspecting the Code Quality and Security of your codebases and guiding development teams during Code Reviews. Sonar-scanner-cli is a source code scanning component of SonarQube. WWW: |
2017-03-02T14:06:06+00:00 | devel/py3-wcwidth |
2017-03-02T12:31:17+00:00 | audio/deadbeef-spectrogram-plugin |
Spectrogram plugin for DeaDBeeF audio player This is a spectrogram plugin for DeaDBeeF audio player. WWW: |
2017-03-02T09:25:10+00:00 | sysutils/myrescue |
Rescue still-readable data from a damaged harddisk myrescue is a program to rescue the still-readable data from a damaged hard-disk. It is similar in purpose to dd_rescue, but it tries to quickly get out of damaged areas, handling the non-damaged areas and then returning to the damaged sections later. WWW: |
2017-03-02T08:56:14+00:00 | audio/sonic-visualiser |
Program for viewing and analysing the contents of music audio files Sonic Visualiser is a program for viewing and analysing the contents of music audio files. It supports serveral audio file formats and displays their waveforms and spectograms in a straightforward way. The audio data can be annotated and played back featuring time streching. Furthermore it can be extended by third-party vamp plugins for feature extraction. WWW: |
2017-03-01T18:57:31+00:00 | textproc/py-python-slugify |
Slugify application that handles unicode A Python slugify application that handles unicode WWW: |
2017-03-01T18:30:06+00:00 | databases/clickhouse |
Fast open-source OLAP database management system ClickHouse is an open-source column-oriented database management system that allows generating analytical data reports in real time. WWW: |
2017-03-01T17:47:45+00:00 | devel/py-ipyparallel |
Interactive Parallel Computing with IPython Use multiple instances of IPython in parallel, interactively. WWW: |
2017-03-01T14:02:25+00:00 | devel/py-qtconsole |
Qt-based console for Jupyter with support for rich media output Qt-based console for Jupyter with support for rich media output WWW: |
2017-03-01T13:35:49+00:00 | sysutils/mog |
Different take on the UNIX tool cat The man page for cat says that it can: concatenate files and print on the standard output. Often its main use is for the latter. mog tries to help you "print on the standard output" in a more intelligent way. For example, it can be configured to: * Syntax highlight scripts * Print a hex dump of binary files * Show details of image files * Perform objdump on executables * List a directory WWW: |
2017-03-01T13:35:26+00:00 | devel/py-mdv |
Terminal markdown viewer When you edit multiple md files remotely, like in a larger mkdocs project, context switches between editing terminal(s) and viewing browser may have some efficiency impact. Also sometimes there is just no browser, like via security gateways offering just a fixed set of applications on the hop in machine. Further, reading efficiency and convenience is often significantly improved by using colors. And lastly, using such a thing for cli applications might improve user output, e.g. for help texts. This is where mdv, a Python based Markdown viewer for the terminal might be a good option. WWW: |
2017-03-01T11:26:54+00:00 | devel/elixir-make |
Make compiler for Mix This project provides a Mix compiler that makes it straightforward to use makefiles in your Mix projects. WWW: |
2017-03-01T07:59:46+00:00 | devel/py-jupyter_console |
IPython-like terminal frontend for Jupyter kernels in any language The Jupyter console is a terminal frontend for kernels using the Jupyter protocol. WWW: |
2017-03-01T07:48:01+00:00 | devel/py-ipywidgets |
Interactive HTML widgets for Jupyter notebooks and the IPython kernel IPython widgets for the Jupyter Notebook WWW: |
2017-02-28T23:28:55+00:00 | textproc/kiss-templates |
Type safe "Keep it simple, stupid" text templates for C++ Type safe "Keep it simple, stupid" text templates for C++. WWW: |
2017-02-28T21:15:15+00:00 | devel/fifechan |
Small, efficient C++ GUI library designed for games Fifechan is a lightweight cross platform GUI library written in C++ specifically designed for games. It has a small yet powerful built-in set of extendable GUI Widgets allowing users to create virtually unlimited types of widgets. Fifechan supports rendering in SDL, OpenGL, or Allegro out of the box or it can be adapted to use any rendering engine the user requires. Events are pushed to Fifechan which allows users to use any input library they wish or they could use the built in input handling through either SDL input or Allegro input. The primary goal for Fifechan is to keep it extendable, lightweight and still be powerful enough to use in all types of games out of the box. WWW: |
2017-02-28T19:50:04+00:00 | devel/py-python-dtrace |
DTrace consumer for Python based on libdtrace DTrace consumer for Python based on libdtrace. Currently this package provides two modules: one wraps libdtrace using ctypes. The other one uses cython. WWW: |
2017-02-28T18:02:59+00:00 | devel/dub |
Package and build manager for D applications and libraries DUB emerged as a more general replacement for vibe.d's package manager. It does not imply a dependency to vibe.d for packages and was extended to not only directly build projects, but also to generate project files (currently VisualD). Mono-D also supports the use of dub.json (dub's package description) as the project file. The project's philosophy is to keep things as simple as possible. All that is needed to make a project a dub package is to write a short dub.json file and put the source code into a source subfolder. It can then be registered on the public package registry to be made available for everyone. Any dependencies specified in dub.json are automatically downloaded and made available to the project during the build process. WWW: |
2017-02-28T17:51:08+00:00 | benchmarks/bombardier |
Fast cross-platform HTTP benchmarking tool written in Go bombardier is a HTTP(S) benchmarking tool. It is written in Go programming language and uses excellent fasthttp instead of Go's default http library, because of its lightning fast performance. WWW: |
2017-02-28T16:45:42+00:00 | devel/py-widgetsnbextension |
IPython HTML widgets for Jupyter Interactive HTML widgets for Jupyter notebooks |
2017-02-28T14:58:33+00:00 | x11-toolkits/p5-Gtk-Perl |
The base module of Gtk-Perl Gtk-Perl is a set of modules that let you exploit the Gtk+ and Gnome libraries from Perl. The module maps the Gtk+ objects to Perl packages while trying to remain as close as possible to the C API, but not closer. This is the base module (Gtk and Gtk::Gdk namespaces). |
2017-02-28T14:52:45+00:00 | lang/ldc |
LLVM-based D compiler The LDC project aims to provide a portable D programming language compiler with modern optimization and code generation capabilities. The compiler uses the official DMD frontends to support the latest version of D2, and relies on the LLVM Core libraries for code generation. LDC is fully Open Source; the parts of the code not taken/adapted from other projects are BSD-licensed (see the LICENSE file for details). WWW: |
2017-02-28T12:06:09+00:00 | graphics/azpainter |
16-bit RGB full color painting application AzPainter is a full color painting application for Unix-like systems for illustration drawing. It is not suitable for "dot editing" or pixel-art. Since the color is handled internally with 16-bit precision (15-bit fixed point), color accuracy is increased at the expense of more memory usage. It provides considerable subset of functionality offered by GIMP and even Adobe Photoshop (particularly, has one of the best support for its native PSD format among FOSS) while being very lightweight and blazingly fast. WWW: |
2017-02-28T09:53:20+00:00 | devel/fossology-nomos-standalone |
Standalone Nomos license scanner from fossology project Standalone Nomos license scanner from fossology project WWW: |
2017-02-28T08:44:48+00:00 | math/acalc |
Simple and pretty Qt5-based expression calculator Acalc is simple and pretty expression calculator, based on Qt 5 toolkit. It offers standard functions (sin, asinh, etc.), pre-defined constants, variables, hex/octal/binary I/O, original and user-friendly interface. WWW: |
2017-02-27T22:23:16+00:00 | editors/micro |
Modern and intuitive terminal-based text editor Micro is a terminal-based text editor that aims to be easy to use and intuitive, while also taking advantage of the full capabilities of modern terminals. WWW: |
2017-02-27T21:24:53+00:00 | x11/pipeglade |
Graphical user interface driven by pipes or fifos Pipeglade is a helper program that displays graphical user interfaces for other programs. It renders the GUI definition found in a GtkBuilder file (created using the Glade Interface Designer), and communicates with the main program solely via pipes or fifos. To have its GUI rendered by pipeglade, a program must be able to - send plain text commands to standard output or a named pipe and/or - receive and parse simple plain text messages from standard input or a named pipe. Simple one-shot dialogs as well as more complex, long-running programs can be built. Pipeglade provides access to a subset of the features available in GTK+ 3. Widgets able to communicate via pipeglade include text labels and images, statusbars and progress indicators, various kinds of buttons, spinbuttons and scales/sliders, comboboxes and menus, various text and tabular inputs, various standard dialog windows, calendars, drawing areas. WWW: |
2017-02-27T17:10:16+00:00 | www/rubygem-net-http-persistent2 |
Manages persistent connections using Net::HTTP net-http-persistent manages persistent connections using Net::HTTP plus a speed fix for Ruby 1.8. It's thread-safe too! Using persistent HTTP connections can dramatically increase the speed of HTTP. Creating a new HTTP connection for every request involves an extra TCP round-trip and causes TCP congestion avoidance negotiation to start over. Net::HTTP supports persistent connections with some API methods but does not handle reconnection gracefully. Net::HTTP::Persistent supports reconnection and retry according to RFC 2616. WWW: |
2017-02-27T13:08:07+00:00 | games/hyperrogue |
Roguelike in a non-euclidean world You are a lone adventurer in a strange world, where geometry does not work in the expected way. Gather as much treasure as you can before the nasty monsters get you. Explore several different worlds, each with its own unique treasures, enemies, and terrain obstacles. Your quest is to find the legendary treasure, the Orbs of Yendor. Collect one of them to win! Or just ignore your quest and collect smaller treasures. The twist is the unique, unusual geometry of the world: it is one of just few games which takes place on the hyperbolic plane. Witness a grid composed of hexagons and heptagons, straight lines which seem to be parallel, but then they diverge and never cross, triangles whose angles add up to less than 180 degrees, how extremely unlikely is it to reach the same place twice, and how the world seems to be rotated when you do return. All this matters for the gameplay. The game is inspired by the roguelike genre (although in a very minimalist way), works of M. C. Escher, and by puzzle games such as Deadly Rooms of Death. WWW: |
2017-02-26T17:36:55+00:00 | www/fpc-googleapi |
Free Pascal googleapi unit |
2017-02-26T17:36:09+00:00 | devel/fpc-fcl-pdf |
Free Pascal pdf (FCL) |
2017-02-26T14:00:01+00:00 | databases/rubygem-arel7 |
Relational Algebra for Ruby A toolkit for building modeling frameworks like Active Record and Active Resource. Rich support for attributes, callbacks, validations, observers, serialization, internationalization, and testing. WWW: |
2017-02-26T13:56:46+00:00 | devel/p5-List-UtilsBy-XS |
XS implementation of List::UtilsBy List::UtilsBy::XS is XS implementation of List::UtilsBy. Functions are more fast than original ones. WWW: |
2017-02-25T14:02:33+00:00 | devel/argdata |
Binary serialisation format inspired by YAML, MessagePack and nvlists Argdata is a binary serialisation format similar to FreeBSD's nvlists. It differs from nvlists in that it uses data types that are more similar to YAML. Argdata is used by CloudABI as a replacement for string command line arguments and environment variables. CloudABI processes can start new processes by passing them a YAML-like tree of arguments, having file descriptors of resources annotated to the tree. This package provides a native port of the Argdata library, so that it can be used in native FreeBSD applications, but also to spawn CloudABI processes appropriately. WWW: |
2017-02-25T02:47:55+00:00 | sysutils/amdmsrtweaker |
Tool to reprogram the P-states on various AMD CPUs and APUs FreeBSD port of the AmdMsrTweaker program to adjust P-states for AMD 10h, 12h, and 15h family processors, originally written by Martin Kinkelin and extended by Marcus Pollice. It has been tested with a 14h (AMD E-350) and a 15h (AMD A10-5700) CPUs, but should work with all processors supported by AmdMsrTweaker. WWW: |
2017-02-24T17:18:00+00:00 | comms/rubygem-serialport |
Library for using RS-232 serial ports Ruby-SerialPort is a Ruby library that provides a class for using RS-232 serial ports. WWW: |
2017-02-24T17:16:31+00:00 | graphics/py-pycollada |
Python library for reading and writing collada documents Pycollada is a python module for creating, editing and loading COLLADA, which is a COLLAborative Design Activity for establishing an interchange file format for interactive 3D applications. WWW: |
2017-02-24T09:43:48+00:00 | www/rubygem-gollum-lib-gitlab |
2017-02-23T13:51:47+00:00 | graphics/cptutils |
Convert and manipulate colour gradients A collection of tools for manipulating colour gradients, in particular for converting between different formats. WWW: |
2017-02-22T20:18:10+00:00 | devel/memleax |
Debug memory leaks of running processes Memleax debugs memory leaks of running processes by attaching to them, without recompiling or restarting. It hooks the target process's invocation of memory allocation and free and reports the memory blocks which live long enough as memory leak, in real time. It is convenient to use, and suitable for production environments. There is no need to recompile the program or restart the target process. You can run memleax to monitor the target process, wait for the real-time memory leak report, and then kill it with ctrl-c to stop monitoring. WWW: |
2017-02-22T17:31:39+00:00 | databases/mysqlwsrep56-server |
MySQL database enhanced with Galera replication (server package) MySQL built with WSREP patch to support replication using the Galera library. WWW: |
2017-02-22T17:17:49+00:00 | benchmarks/gobench |
HTTP benchmarking tool written in Go goBench is a HTTP(S) benchmarking tool designed for high throughput to replace existing benchmarking/load tools which have concurrency issues. We are working so hard to optimize our servers - why shouldn't we do also it for our clients testers?! WWW: |
2017-02-22T16:50:42+00:00 | games/divide-and-succeed |
Divide polygons into the rigth number of equal parts Divide and succeed is a slicing cake game :-D You have to cut a Polygon in a specific number of equal parts using a specific number of lines. Levels consists of a list of Polygons, a number of parts and a number of slices. Maximum width allowed for a level is 600, Maximum height is 400. There is no level editor at the moment, so it's text-editor style. WWW: |
2017-02-22T15:01:08+00:00 | net-p2p/radarr |
Movie Library Manager for Usenet and BitTorrent users Radarr is a fork of Sonarr to work with movies à la Couchpotato. WWW: |
2017-02-22T14:16:30+00:00 | www/geckodriver |
Proxy for using WebDriver clients with Gecko-based browsers This program provides the HTTP API described by the WebDriver protocol to communicate with Gecko browsers, such as Firefox. It translates calls into the Marionette automation protocol by acting as a proxy between the local- and remote ends. WWW: |
2017-02-22T11:34:06+00:00 | games/ags |
Adventure Game Studio Engine Adventure Game Studio (AGS) is an open source development tool that is primarily used to create graphic adventure games like e.g. - Primordia - King's Quest I: Quest for the Crown Enhanced Edition - King's Quest II: Romancing the Stones - King's Quest III Redux: To Heir is Human This port provides the runtime only and can be used for running games created with AGS. WWW: |
2017-02-22T10:54:59+00:00 | textproc/crunch |
Charset-based wordlist generator Crunch is a wordlist generator where you can specify a standard character set or a character set you specify. crunch can generate all possible combinations and permutations. Features: - crunch generates wordlists in both combination and permutation ways - it can breakup output by number of lines or file size - now has resume support - pattern now supports number and symbols - pattern now supports upper and lower case characters separately - adds a status report when generating multiple files - new -l option for literal support of @,%^ - new -d option to limit duplicate characters see man file for details - now has unicode support WWW: |
2017-02-21T20:27:14+00:00 | devel/lua51-libevent |
Lua libevent binding This is a binding of libevent to Lua. It will serve as a drop-in replacement for copas, and eventually support more features (async DNS, HTTP, RPC...). WWW: |
2017-02-21T15:08:16+00:00 | devel/py3-setproctitle |
2017-02-21T14:36:59+00:00 | devel/nimble |
Package manager for the Nim programming language Nimble is Nim's package manager and build system. It's used to install and build libraries that you can use within your own Nim projects WWW: |
2017-02-21T07:41:47+00:00 | sysutils/py-nomad |
Python client for nomad Python client for nomad (WWW: Nomad is a tool for managing a cluster of machines and running applications on them. Nomad abstracts away machines and the location of applications, and instead enables users to declare what they want to run and Nomad handles where they should run and how to run them. WWW: |
2017-02-21T07:36:59+00:00 | sysutils/py-consul |
Python client for consul Python client for consul (WWW: WWW: |
2017-02-21T06:10:11+00:00 | devel/py-mypy |
Optional static typing for Python Mypy is an optional static type checker for Python that aims to combine the benefits of dynamic (or "duck") typing and static typing. Mypy combines the expressive power and convenience of Python with a powerful type system and compile-time type checking. Mypy type checks standard Python programs; run them using any Python VM with basically no runtime overhead. WWW: |
2017-02-21T01:27:07+00:00 | sysutils/beats |
Collect logs locally and send to remote logstash Beats is the platform for building lightweight, open source data shippers for many types of operational data you want to enrich with Logstash, search and analyze in Elasticsearch, and visualize in Kibana. Whether you're interested in log files, infrastructure metrics, network packets, or any other type of data, Beats serves as the foundation for keeping a beat on your data. Filebeat is a lightweight, open source shipper for log file data. As the next-generation Logstash Forwarder, Filebeat tails logs and quickly sends this information to Logstash for further parsing and enrichment or to Elasticsearch for centralized storage and analysis. Metricbeat Collect metrics from your systems and services. From CPU to memory, Redis to Nginx, and much more, Metricbeat is a lightweight way to send system and service statistics. Packetbeat is a lightweight network packet analyzer that sends data to Logstash or Elasticsearch. WWW: |
2017-02-20T16:39:05+00:00 | german/mediathekview |
Filme der oeff. rechtlichen Sender herunterladen und ansehen Mediathek searches the archives of several German speakingTV stations (ARD, ZDF, Arte, 3Sat, MDR, NDR, ORF, SF), downloads, manages and plays their archived video footage and podcasts. -- Das Programm durchsucht die Mediathek verschiedener Sender (ARD, ZDF, Arte, 3Sat, MDR, NDR, ORF, SF), laedt Beitraege mit einem Programm eigener Wahl und kann Themen als Abos anlegen und neue Beitraege automatisch downloaden. Es gibt auch eine Moeglichkeit, Podcast zu verwalten und zu downloaden. WWW: |
2017-02-20T15:16:06+00:00 | www/go-fasthttp |
Fast HTTP package for Go, tuned for high performance A fast HTTP implementation for Go. Currently fasthttp is successfully used by VertaMedia in a production serving up to 200K rps from more than 1.5M concurrent keep-alive connections per physical server. WWW: |
2017-02-20T15:15:48+00:00 | archivers/go-compress |
Go optimised compression packages This package is based on an optimized Deflate function, which is used by gzip/zip/zlib packages. It offers slightly better compression at lower compression settings, and up to 3x faster encoding at highest compression level. WWW: |
2017-02-20T15:15:08+00:00 | devel/go-crc32 |
CRC32 hash with x64 optimizations for go CRC32 hash with x64 optimizations This package is a drop-in replacement for the standard library hash/crc32 package, that features SSE 4.2 optimizations on x64 platforms, for a 10x speedup. WWW: |
2017-02-20T15:14:38+00:00 | devel/go-cpuid |
Cpuid provides information about the CPU running the current program The cpuid package provides information about the CPU running the current program. CPU features are detected on startup, and kept for fast access through the life of the application. Currently x86 / x64 (AMD64) is supported, and no external C (cgo) code is used, which should make the library very easy to use. You can access the CPU information by accessing the shared CPU variable of the cpuid library. WWW: |
2017-02-20T11:02:46+00:00 | security/ssh-vault |
Encrypt/decrypt using ssh keys Encrypt/decrypt using ssh keys A command line tool (cli) for creating encrypted files "vaults" using ssh rsa keys for encrypt/decrypt. WWW: |
2017-02-19T17:37:36+00:00 | devel/rubygem-progressbar09 |
Ruby/ProgressBar is a text progress bar library for Ruby Ruby/ProgressBar is a text progress bar library for Ruby. It can indicate progress with percentage, a progress bar, and estimated remaining time. WWW: |
2017-02-18T22:28:49+00:00 | textproc/luaexpat-51 |
2017-02-18T19:56:12+00:00 | x11-toolkits/kirigami2 |
QtQuick based components set A QtQuick based components set WWW: |
2017-02-18T19:48:05+00:00 | x11-toolkits/qt5-virtualkeyboard |
Qt 5 Virtual Keyboard Module |
2017-02-18T19:48:05+00:00 | x11-toolkits/qt5-gamepad |
Qt 5 Gamepad Module |
2017-02-18T19:48:05+00:00 | x11-toolkits/qt5-declarative-render2d |
Qt 5 Quick 2D Rendering Plugin Module |
2017-02-18T19:48:05+00:00 | x11-toolkits/qt5-datavis3d |
Qt 5 3D data visualization module |
2017-02-18T19:48:05+00:00 | www/qt5-webkit |
QtWebKit with a more modern WebKit code base Qt WebKit is the port of WebKit on top of Qt. This is a project aiming to upgrade QtWebKit to modern WebKit code base. WWW: |
2017-02-18T19:48:05+00:00 | misc/qtchooser |
Qt tool wrapper The Qt tool chooser wraps the execution of all Qt tools, to allow for different Qt versions coexistence. WWW: |
2017-02-18T19:48:05+00:00 | devel/qt5-scxml |
Qt5 SXCML module |
2017-02-18T19:48:05+00:00 | devel/qt5-qmake |
Qt Makefile generator |
2017-02-18T19:48:05+00:00 | devel/qt5-dbus |
Qt D-Bus inter-process communication module |
2017-02-18T19:48:05+00:00 | devel/qt4-qmake |
Qt Makefile generator |
2017-02-18T19:48:05+00:00 | devel/qt4-dbus |
Qt D-Bus inter-process communication module |
2017-02-18T10:30:52+00:00 | www/minio-client |
Replacement for ls, cp, mkdir, diff and rsync commands for filesystems Minio Client is a replacement for ls, cp, mkdir, diff and rsync commands for filesystems and object storage. WWW: |
2017-02-18T07:34:43+00:00 | devel/py-Automat |
Finite-state machines in Python Automat is a library for concise, idiomatic Python expression of finite-state automata (particularly deterministic finite-state transducers). WWW: |
2017-02-18T07:28:02+00:00 | textproc/py-m2r |
Convert markdown formatted file with reST markup to reST format M2R is a Python module and command line utility to convert documents formatted with markdown that include embedded reST markups to valid reST formatted documents. WWW: |
2017-02-17T23:23:47+00:00 | devel/ccache-memcached |
2017-02-17T20:49:22+00:00 | databases/p5-File-Locate |
Search the locate(1)-database from Perl File::Locate provides the locate() function that scans the locate database for a given substring or POSIX regular expression. The module can handle both plain old locate databases as well as the more hip slocate format. WWW: |
2017-02-17T18:54:19+00:00 | devel/linenoise-ng |
Small, portable readline replacement A small, portable GNU readline replacement for FreeBSD, Linux, Windows and macOS which is capable of handling UTF-8 characters. Unlike GNU readline, which is GPL, this library uses a BSD license and can be used in any kind of program. WWW: |
2017-02-16T16:45:13+00:00 | devel/p5-File-Share |
Extend File::ShareDir to Local Libraries File::Share is a dropin replacement for File::ShareDir. It supports the dist_dir and dist_file functions, except these functions have been enhanced to understand when the developer's local ./share/ directory should be used. WWW: |
2017-02-16T14:25:46+00:00 | deskutils/alarm-clock-applet |
Fully-featured alarm clock Alarm Clock is a fully-featured alarm clock for your GNOME panel or equivalent. It's easy to use yet powerful with support for multiple repeatable alarms, as well as snoozing and a flexible notification system. Alarm Clock will notify you of an alarm by either playing a sound or starting your favorite music player! WWW: |
2017-02-16T10:23:40+00:00 | audio/gstreamer1-plugins-sndio |
Sndio audio sink and source for GStreamer The GStreamer sndio plugin allows applications that use GStreamer to play and record to/from an sndio server. This includes WebKit-based browsers, video players like Totem, and audio players like Rhythmbox. WWW: |
2017-02-15T14:57:37+00:00 | databases/pecl-redis |
Extension to access Redis This extension provides an API for communicating with Redis database, a persistent key-value database with built-in net interface written in ANSI-C for Posix systems. WWW: |
2017-02-15T09:28:39+00:00 | devel/pecl-uv |
PHP wrapper for libuv This is a PHP binding for lib library. WWW: |
2017-02-15T00:12:17+00:00 | security/luasec-51 |
LuaSec for Lua 5.1 LuaSec is a binding for OpenSSL library to provide TLS/SSL communication. This version delegates to LuaSocket the TCP connection establishment between the client and server. Then LuaSec uses this connection to start a secure TLS/SSL session. WWW: |
2017-02-14T22:23:06+00:00 | net/luasocket-51 |
LuaSocket is a Lua extension library that provides support for the TCP and UDP transport layers. Extra Lua modules implementing SMTP, HTTP and FTP protocols are installed to /usr/local/lib/lua/luasocket. WWW: |
2017-02-13T19:03:01+00:00 | www/pecl-yaf2 |
MVC framework written as a C PHP extension Yaf is a PHP MVC framework, the difference being Yaf is a PHP Extension. WWW: |
2017-02-13T18:59:54+00:00 | www/rubygem-kaminari-actionview |
Kaminari Action View adapter kaminari-actionview provides pagination helpers for your Action View templates. WWW: |
2017-02-13T18:59:33+00:00 | www/rubygem-kaminari-activerecord |
Kaminari Active Record adapter kaminari-activerecord lets your Active Record models be paginatable. WWW: |
2017-02-13T18:59:02+00:00 | www/rubygem-kaminari-core |
Kaminari core libraries kaminari-core includes pagination logic independent from ORMs and view libraries. WWW: |
2017-02-13T18:58:57+00:00 | devel/p5-Devel-Confess |
Include stack traces on all warnings and errors This module is meant as a debugging aid. It can be used to make a script complain loudly with stack backtraces when warn()ing or die()ing. Unlike other similar modules (e.g. Carp::Always), stack traces will also be included when exception objects are thrown. WWW: |
2017-02-13T18:00:21+00:00 | www/butterfly |
Web terminal based on websocket and tornado Butterfly is a xterm compatible terminal that runs in your browser. Features * xterm compatible (support for a lot of unused features) * Native browser scroll and search * Theming in css/sass (18 preset themes) endless possibilities * HTML in your terminal, cat images and use <table> * Multiple sessions support * Secure authentication with X509 certificates * 16,777,216 colors support * Keyboard text selection * Desktop notifications on terminal output * Geolocation from browser * May work on firefox too WWW: |
2017-02-13T01:19:52+00:00 | sysutils/pcapfix |
Tool to repair damaged or corrupted pcap and pcapng files Pcapfix is a tool to repair your damaged or corrupted pcap and pcapng files. WWW: |
2017-02-12T13:50:25+00:00 | print/py-python-ly |
Python package to manipulate LilyPond files This package provides a Python library ly containing various Python modules to parse, manipulate or create documents in LilyPond format. A command line program ly is also provided that can be used to do various manipulations with LilyPond files. The LilyPond format is a plain text input format that is used by the GNU music typesetter LilyPond ( The python-ly package is Free Software, licensed under the GPL. This package is written by the Frescobaldi developers and is used extensively by the Frescobaldi project. The main author is Wilbert Berendsen. WWW: |
2017-02-12T08:23:45+00:00 | devel/pecl-APCu4 |
APC User Caching APCu - APC User Cache WWW: |
2017-02-11T18:31:47+00:00 | x11-servers/xwayland |
X Clients under Wayland XWayland is an X Server running as a Wayland client, thus capable of displaying native X11 client applications in a Wayland compositor environment. WWW: |
2017-02-11T17:55:45+00:00 | x11-drivers/xf86-input-libinput |
X.Org libinput input driver This package contains the X.Org xf86-input-libinput driver. It is a thin wrapper around libinput, so while it does provide all features that libinput supports it does little beyond. WWW: |
2017-02-11T16:29:35+00:00 | x11-toolkits/wlc |
Wayland compositor library Wayland compositor library WWW: |
2017-02-11T16:19:13+00:00 | x11-toolkits/wcl |
Wayland compositor library Wayland compositor library WWW: |
2017-02-11T16:00:33+00:00 | graphics/wayland-protocols |
Wayland protocols wayland-protocols contains Wayland protocols that adds functionality not available in the Wayland core protocol. Such protocols either adds completely new functionality, or extends the functionality of some other protocol either in Wayland core, or some other protocol in wayland-protocols. A protocol in wayland-protocols consists of a directory containing a set of XML files containing the protocol specification, and a README file containing detailed state and a list of maintainers. WWW: |
2017-02-11T15:36:17+00:00 | sysutils/lttng-ust |
Libraries to instrument and trace user applications LTTng-UST is the user space tracing component of the LTTng project. It is a port to user space of the low-overhead tracing capabilities of the LTTng Linux kernel tracer. The liblttng-ust library is used to trace user applications and libraries. WWW: |
2017-02-11T15:36:17+00:00 | sysutils/lttng-tools |
Set of tools to control LTTng tracing LTTng-tools is a set of tools to control LTTng tracing. The project includes the LTTng session daemon consumer daemon and relay daemon, as well as liblttng-ctl, a C library used to communicate with the session daemon and lttng, a command line interface to liblttng-ctl. WWW: |
2017-02-11T14:20:42+00:00 | devel/pecl-msgpack0 |
Provides API for communicating with MessagePack serialization This extension provides API for communicating with MessagePack serialization. WWW: |
2017-02-11T14:17:58+00:00 | x11-drivers/xf86-video-geode |
X.Org geode display driver This package contains the X.Org xf86-video-geode driver. WWW: |
2017-02-11T01:40:29+00:00 | x11-drivers/xf86-video-amdgpu |
X.Org amdgpu display driver This package contains the X.Org xf86-video-amdgpu driver. The amdgpu driver supports AMD Radeon chipsets: OLAND, HAINAN, TAHITI, PITCAIRN, VERDE, BONAIRE, KABINI, MULLINS, KAVERI, HAWAII, TOPAZ, TONGA, CARRIZO, FIJI, STONEY, POLARIS11, POLARIS10 On FreeBSD requires amdgpu KMS driver from graphics/drm-kmod. WWW: |
2017-02-10T19:44:49+00:00 | www/py-libsass |
Straightforward binding of libsass for Python A simple Python extension module sass which is binding Libsass (written in C/C++ by Hampton Catlin and Aaron Leung). WWW: |
2017-02-10T00:23:05+00:00 | devel/oclgrind |
SPIR interpreter and virtual OpenCL device simulator Oclgrind SPIR interpreter and virtual OpenCL device simulator Oclgrind implements a virtual OpenCL device simulator, including an OpenCL runtime with ICD support. The goal is to provide a platform for creating tools to aid OpenCL development. In particular, this project currently implements utilities for debugging memory access errors, detecting data-races and barrier divergence, collecting instruction histograms, and for interactive OpenCL kernel debugging. The simulator is built on an interpreter for LLVM IR. WWW: |
2017-02-09T18:22:28+00:00 | lang/py-hy |
Dialect of Lisp that is embedded in Python Hy is a wonderful dialect of Lisp that's embedded in Python. Since Hy transforms its Lisp code into the Python Abstract Syntax Tree, you have the whole beautiful world of Python at your fingertips, in Lisp form! WWW: |
2017-02-09T18:10:09+00:00 | devel/py-rply |
Pure python parser generator, that also works with RPython rply is a pure python parser generator, that also works with RPython. It is a more-or-less direct port of David Beazley's awesome PLY, with a new public API, and RPython support. WWW: |
2017-02-09T18:08:29+00:00 | devel/py-astor |
Astor allows easy manipulation of Python source via the AST Read/rewrite/write Python ASTs. astor is designed to allow easy manipulation of Python source via the AST. WWW: |
2017-02-09T15:00:42+00:00 | net-mgmt/intel-snap |
Intel's open telemetry framework Snap is an open telemetry framework designed to simplify the collection, processing and publishing of system data through a single API. The goals of this project are to: - Empower systems to expose a consistent set of telemetry data - Simplify telemetry ingestion across ubiquitous storage systems - Allow flexible processing of telemetry data on agent (e.g. filtering and decoration) - Provide powerful clustered control of telemetry workflows across small or large clusters WWW: |
2017-02-09T13:58:43+00:00 | textproc/py-sphinxcontrib-fulltoc |
Sphinx Fulltoc Extension This module contains the Fulltoc Sphinx extension which was created by Doug Hellmann. WWW: |
2017-02-09T02:48:43+00:00 | archivers/erlang-snappy |
Erlang interface to Google Snappy (de)compressor An Erlang NIF wrapper for Google's snappy compressor/decompressor. WWW: |
2017-02-08T23:45:41+00:00 | databases/pecl-memcached2 |
PHP extension for interfacing with memcached via libmemcached library memcached is a high-performance, distributed memory object caching system, generic in nature, but intended for use in speeding up dynamic web applications by alleviating database load. This extension uses libmemcached library to provide API for communicating with memcached servers. WWW: WWW: |
2017-02-08T20:39:14+00:00 | security/morphis |
Peer-to-peer high-performance distributed datastore and mail MORPHiS is a global encrypted distributed datastore intended to replace the cloud for storage and far more. This first release also includes DMAIL (distributed mail), inherently spam resistant, inherently encrypted, uncensorable, free distributed messaging. WWW: |
2017-02-08T17:59:29+00:00 | devel/py-xxhash |
Python bindings for the xxHash library xxhash is a Python binding for the xxHash library. WWW: |
2017-02-08T17:56:23+00:00 | devel/xxhash |
Extremely fast non-cryptographic hash algorithm xxHash is an extremely fast non-cryptographic hash algorithm, working at speeds close to RAM limits. It is proposed in two flavors, 32 and 64 bits. It successfully completes the SMHasher test suite which evaluates collision, dispersion and randomness qualities of hash functions. Code is highly portable, and hashes are identical on all platforms (little / big endian). WWW: |
2017-02-08T15:31:40+00:00 | textproc/rubygem-ronn |
Builds manuals Ronn builds manuals. It converts simple, human readable textfiles to roff for terminal display, and also to HTML for the web. WWW: |
2017-02-08T15:21:53+00:00 | textproc/rubygem-mustache |
Mustache is a framework-agnostic way to render logic-free views Inspired by ctemplate, Mustache is a framework-agnostic way to render logic-free views. As ctemplates says, "It emphasizes separating logic from presentation: it is impossible to embed application logic in this template language. Think of Mustache as a replacement for your views. Instead of views consisting of ERB or HAML with random helpers and arbitrary logic, your views are broken into two parts: a Ruby class and an HTML template. WWW: |
2017-02-08T09:50:33+00:00 | devel/elixir-crontab |
Crontab format parser in Elixir Parse cron format strings, write cron format strings and calculate execution dates in Elixir. WWW: |
2017-02-07T20:31:32+00:00 | sysutils/safecopy |
Safe copying of files and partition Safecopy is a data recovery tool which tries to extract as much data as possible from a problematic (i.e. damaged sectors) source - like floppy drives, hard disk partitions, CDs, tape devices etc, ... , where other tools like dd would fail due to I/O errors. Safecopy includes a low level IO layer to read CDROM disks in raw mode, and issue device resets and other helpful low level operations on a number of other device classes. The project also includes a device simulator which can be used to simulate bad media for testing and benchmarking safecopy as well as other data rescue tools. WWW: |
2017-02-07T17:43:59+00:00 | net-im/py-toxcore-c |
Python binding for Project-Tox PyTox provides a Pythonic binding, i.e Object-oriented instead of C style, raise exception instead of returning error code. WWW: |
2017-02-07T16:49:28+00:00 | security/py-virustotal-api |
Virus Total Public/Private/Intel API VirusTotal's Public API lets you upload and scan files, submit and scan URLs, access finished scan reports and make automatic comments on URLs and samples without the need of using the HTML website interface. In other words, it allows you to build simple scripts to access the information generated by VirusTotal. WWW: |
2017-02-07T15:33:04+00:00 | emulators/riscv-isa-sim |
Spike, a RISC-V ISA Simulator Spike, a RISC-V ISA Simulator The RISC-V ISA Simulator implements a functional model of one or more RISC-V processors. WWW: |
2017-02-07T15:33:04+00:00 | emulators/riscv-fesvr |
RISC-V Frontend Server RISC-V Frontend Server The RISC-V front-end server library, which facilitates communication between a host machine and a RISC-V target machine. It is usually not meant to be used as a standalone package. WWW: |
2017-02-07T13:13:39+00:00 | graphics/geos35 |
GEOS implements all the OpenGIS "Simple Features for SQL" (legacy) GEOS (Geometry Engine - Open Source) is a C++ port of the Java Topology Suite (JTS). As such, it aims to contain the complete functionality of JTS in C++. This includes all the OpenGIS "Simple Features for SQL" spatial predicate functions and spatial operators, as well as specific JTS topology functions such as IsValid(). WWW: |
2017-02-07T05:06:27+00:00 | net-mgmt/snap |
Intels open telemetry framework Snap is an open telemetry framework designed to simplify the collection, processing and publishing of system data through a single API. The goals of this project are to: - Empower systems to expose a consistent set of telemetry data - Simplify telemetry ingestion across ubiquitous storage systems - Allow flexible processing of telemetry data on agent (e.g. filtering and decoration) - Provide powerful clustered control of telemetry workflows across small or large clusters WWW: |
2017-02-06T21:12:38+00:00 | devel/py-cmdtest |
Black box testing of Unix programs cmdtest black box tests Unix command line tools. Roughly, it is given a command line and input files, and the expected output, and it verifies that the command line produces the expected output. If not, it reports a problem, and shows the differences. WWW: |
2017-02-06T21:10:09+00:00 | devel/py-ttystatus |
Python progress reporting to /dev/tty ttystatus is a Python library for showing progress reporting and status updates on terminals, for (Unix) command line programs. Output is automatically adapted to the width of the terminal: truncated if it does not fit, and re-sized if the terminal size changes. WWW: |
2017-02-06T21:08:31+00:00 | devel/py-cliapp |
Python framework for command line utilities cliapp is a Python framework for Unix-like command line programs. It contains the typical stuff such programs need to do, such as parsing the command line for options, and iterating over input files. WWW: |
2017-02-06T09:04:45+00:00 | net-mgmt/networkmgr |
FreeBSD/GhostBSD network connection manager NetworkMgr is an open source, Network Manager based on the look of the Linux Network Manager user interface. It use ifconfig and netif if make all work. WWW: |
2017-02-05T21:30:33+00:00 | net-im/libmesode |
Lightweight XMPP library libmesode is a fork of libstrophe, a minimal XMPP library written in C. WWW: |
2017-02-05T21:21:18+00:00 | security/git-crypt |
Transparent file encryption in git git-crypt enables transparent encryption and decryption of files in a git repository. Files which you choose to protect are encrypted when committed, and decrypted when checked out. git-crypt lets you freely share a repository containing a mix of public and private content. git-crypt gracefully degrades, so developers without the secret key can still clone and commit to a repository with encrypted files. This lets you store your secret material (such as keys or passwords) in the same repository as your code, without requiring you to lock down your entire repository. WWW: |
2017-02-05T20:12:49+00:00 | security/bdes |
Encrypt/decrypt using the Data Encryption Standard (DES) The DES cipher should no longer be considered secure. Please consider using a more modern alternative. The bdes utility implements all DES modes of operation described in FIPS PUB 81, including alternative cipher feedback mode and both authentica- tion modes. The bdes utility reads from the standard input and writes to the standard output. By default, the input is encrypted using cipher block chaining (CBC) mode. Using the same key for encryption and decryp- tion preserves plain text. |
2017-02-05T14:27:21+00:00 | devel/py3-flake8-docstrings |
2017-02-05T14:27:21+00:00 | devel/py-flake8-docstrings |
Extension for flake8 which uses pydocstyle to check docstrings Extension for flake8 which uses pydocstyle to check docstrings WWW: |
2017-02-05T14:25:02+00:00 | devel/py3-pydocstyle |
2017-02-05T14:25:02+00:00 | devel/py-pydocstyle |
Python docstring style checker Python docstring style checker (formerly pep257) pydocstyle is a static analysis tool for checking compliance with Python docstring conventions. pydocstyle supports most of PEP 257 out of the box, but it should not be considered a reference implementation. pydocstyle supports Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, pypy and pypy3. WWW: |
2017-02-05T14:13:01+00:00 | devel/py3-flake8-polyfill |
2017-02-05T14:13:01+00:00 | devel/py-flake8-polyfill |
Polyfill package for Flake8 plugins flake8-polyfill is a package that provides some compatibility helpers for Flake8 plugins that intend to support Flake8 2.x and 3.x simultaneously. WWW: |
2017-02-05T14:04:31+00:00 | devel/py3-flake8-builtins |
2017-02-05T14:04:31+00:00 | devel/py-flake8-builtins |
Check for python builtins being used as variables or parameters Check for python builtins being used as variables or parameters WWW: |
2017-02-05T13:59:26+00:00 | devel/py3-flake8-import-order |
2017-02-05T13:59:26+00:00 | devel/py-flake8-import-order |
Flake8 and pylama plugin that checks the ordering of import statements Flake8 and pylama plugin that checks the ordering of import statements WWW: |
2017-02-05T13:55:45+00:00 | devel/py3-flake8-quotes |
2017-02-05T13:55:45+00:00 | devel/py-flake8-quotes |
Flake8 lint for quotes Flake8 lint for quotes. WWW: |
2017-02-05T12:39:12+00:00 | www/go-www |
Web server for static content www is a static web server, useful for sharing and testing the contents of a directory via HTTP or HTTPS with a valid certificate. www will start a web server listening on port 8000 and use as document root the directory where the command was called. Different document root may be specified as also the port and use of TLS, more info using the -h option. WWW: |
2017-02-05T04:26:56+00:00 | biology/rubygem-bio |
Integrated environment for Bioinformatics written in Ruby BioRuby project aims to implement integrated environment for Bioinformatics by using Ruby. WWW: |
2017-02-04T07:41:56+00:00 | devel/py-libusb115 |
2017-02-03T21:08:59+00:00 | devel/grumpy |
Python to Go source code transcompiler and runtime Grumpy is a Python to Go source code transcompiler and runtime. WWW: |
2017-02-03T18:51:53+00:00 | archivers/rubygem-fpm |
Build packages for multiple platforms with great ease and sanity Convert directories, rpms, python eggs, rubygems, and more to rpms, debs, solaris packages and more. Win at package management without wasting pointless hours debugging bad rpm specs! WWW: |
2017-02-03T18:38:30+00:00 | devel/rubygem-pleaserun |
Tool to generate startup scripts Tool to generate startup scripts WWW: |
2017-02-03T18:29:31+00:00 | devel/rubygem-insist |
Simple block-driven assertion library A simple block-driven assertion library for both testing and for production code |
2017-02-03T18:23:14+00:00 | devel/rubygem-stud |
Common code techniques small reusable bits of code I'm tired of writing over and over. A library form of my software-patterns github repo. WWW: |
2017-02-03T12:37:54+00:00 | sysutils/fsearch |
Fast file search utility for Unix-like systems FSearch is a fast file search utility, inspired by Everything Search Engine. It is written in C and based on GTK+3. It features: - Instant (as you type) results - Wildcard support and regular expression support - Filter support (only search for files, folders or everything) - Include and exclude specific folders to be indexed - Fast sort by file name, path, size, or modification time - Customizable interface WWW: |
2017-02-03T05:50:24+00:00 | lang/gnatcross-sysroot-aarch64 |
FreeBSD sysroots for C/Ada cross-compiler (${ARCH}) This package is used by the lang/gnatcross-aarch64 Ada cross-compiler to install the system root of FreeBSD ARM64 (aarch64). WWW: |
2017-02-03T05:50:24+00:00 | lang/gnatcross-binutils-aarch64 |
Infrastructure for C/Ada FreeBSD cross-compiler (aarch64) This package is a dependency of lang/gnatdroid-x86. It provides the cross-tools required to build the GNAT FreeBSD->x86 cross-compiler that is gnatdroid, as well as any binaries that it produces. WWW: |
2017-02-03T05:50:24+00:00 | lang/gnatcross-aarch64 |
C/Ada cross-compiler, target: ${LABEL_TARGET} The gnatcross-aarch64 port builds a C/Ada cross-compiler based on GCC 6 that targets the FreeBSD/ARM64 operating system. WWW: |
2017-02-02T13:06:37+00:00 | devel/jfrog-cli |
CLI client for Artifactory JFrog CLI is a compact and smart client that provides a simple interface that automates access to JFrog Artifactory, JFrog Mission Control, JFrog Bintray and JFrog Xray (through their respective REST APIs). By using the JFrog CLI, you can greatly simplify your automation scripts making them more readable and easier to maintain. Several features of the JFrog CLI makes your scripts more efficient and reliable. WWW: |
2017-01-31T23:37:58+00:00 | science/libgeodecomp |
Auto-parallelizing library for computer simulations LibGeoDecomp (Library for Geometric Decomposition codes) is an auto-parallelizing library for computer simulations. It is specifically targeted computational science applications in the context of supercomputers and heterogeneous systems. The library eases development of such tightly coupled codes by essentially taking over the parallel programming: it handles both, the parallelization itself and parameter tuning. This enables scientists to focus on their simulation code, rather than the technical details of the parallel computer. WWW: |
2017-01-31T17:33:06+00:00 | audio/zita-resampler |
C++ library for resampling audio signals Zita-resampler is a C++ library for resampling audio signals. It is designed to be used within a real-time processing context, to be fast, and to provide high-quality sample rate conversion. The library operates on signals represented in single-precision floating point format. For multichannel operation both the input and output signals are assumed to be stored as interleaved samples. The API allows a trade-off between quality and CPU load. For the latter a range of approximately 1:6 is available. Even at the highest quality setting libzita-resampler will be faster than most similar libraries providing the same quality, e.g. libsamplerate. WWW: |
2017-01-31T16:29:42+00:00 | x11/hsetroot |
Wallpaper manipulation utility for X11 hsetroot is a tool which allows you to compose wallpapers ("root pixmaps") for X11. It has a lot of options like rendering gradients, solids, images but it also allows you to perform manipulations on those things, or chain them together. You could use one standard background image for instance, and using tint to make it fit your current theme. And yes, of course it is compatible with semi-translucent applications like aterm and xchat. At this time, hsetroot can render: gradients (multi-color with variable distance), solids (rectangles) and images (centered, tiled, fullscreen, or maximum aspect). It supports the following manipulations: tinting (overlaying a color mask), blurring, sharpening, flipping (horizontally, diagonally, vertically) it also allows you to adjust brightness, contrast and gamma-level. hsetroot also supports alpha-channels when rendering things. WWW: |
2017-01-31T13:03:00+00:00 | www/grafana4 |
Dashboard and graph editor for Graphite, InfluxDB & OpenTSDB Grafana is an open source, feature rich metrics dashboard and graph editor for Graphite, InfluxDB & OpenTSDB. WWW: |
2017-01-30T21:07:01+00:00 | ports-mgmt/ports-tools |
Collection of ports tree related scripts Collection of scripts making things easier when working with ports tree. WWW: |
2017-01-30T01:42:13+00:00 | x11-drivers/xf86-video-ast |
X.Org ASPEED display driver This package contains the X.Org xf86-video-ast driver. WWW: |
2017-01-29T23:48:20+00:00 | x11/libinput |
Generic input library libinput is a library to handle input devices in Wayland compositors and to provide a generic X.Org input driver. It provides device detection, device handling, input device event processing and abstraction so minimize the amount of custom input code compositors need to provide the common set of functionality that users expect. WWW: |
2017-01-29T23:40:31+00:00 | x11/libwacom |
Adds tablet support to libinput Libwacom is a new library to help implement Wacom tablet settings. It is intended to be used by client-programs that need model identification. WWW: |
2017-01-29T23:33:28+00:00 | devel/libgudev |
GObject bindings for libudev This library provides GObject bindings for libudev. WWW: |
2017-01-29T23:14:23+00:00 | devel/libudev-devd |
libudev-compatible interface for devd libudev-compatible interface for devd Intended to work with xorg-server and libinput WWW: |
2017-01-29T23:04:45+00:00 | graphics/wayland |
Wayland composite "server" Wayland is intended as a simpler replacement for X, easier to develop and maintain. GNOME and KDE are expected to be ported to it. Wayland is a protocol for a compositor to talk to its clients as well as a C library implementation of that protocol. The compositor can be a standalone display server running on Linux kernel modesetting and evdev input devices, an X application, or a wayland client itself. The clients can be traditional applications, X servers (rootless or fullscreen) or other display servers. Please report bugs to the FreeBSD bugtracker! WWW: |
2017-01-27T03:16:36+00:00 | net-mgmt/netdata |
Scalable distributed realtime performance and health monitoring Netdata is scalable distributed realtime performance & health monitoring system netdata collects and visualizes metrics. If it is a number and it can be collected somehow, netdata can visualize it. Out of the box, it comes with plugins that collect hundreds of system metrics and metrics of popular applications. Netdata is very resource efficient and you can control its resource consumption. It will use some spare CPU cycles, usually just 1-3% of a single core, the RAM you want it have, and no disk I/O at all, apart its logging. WWW: |
2017-01-27T00:16:51+00:00 | math/sc-im |
Ncurses spreadsheet program for terminal SC-IM is a spreadsheet program that is based on SC Some of the features of SC-IM * UNDO / REDO. * 65.536 rows and 702 columns supported. (The number of rows can be expanded to 1.048.576 if wished). * CSV / TAB delimited file import and export. * XLS / XLSX file import. * Key-mappings. * Sort of rows. * Filter of rows. * Cell shifting. * 256 color support - screen colors can be customized by user, even at runtime. * Colorize cells or give them format such as bold or underline. * Wide character support. The following alphabets are supported: English, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Portuguese, Russian, Ukrainian, Greek, Turkish, Czech, Japanese, Chinese. * Implement external functions in the language you prefer and use them in SC-IM * Use SC-IM as a non-interactive calculator, reading its input from a external script. * More movements commands implemented ! * Input and Output was completely rewritten WWW: |
2017-01-27T00:14:31+00:00 | math/libxls |
Extract Cell Data From Excel xls files Library for parsing Excel (XLS) files, with a sample program for converting Excel files into CSV. WWW: |
2017-01-26T18:37:04+00:00 | x11-wm/rubygem-uh-wm |
Minimalistic tiling and stacking window manager uhwm is a minimalistic tiling and stacking window manager for X. It shares some similarities with dwm and wmii, but is written in ruby so you can configure and extend features directly with ruby code. WWW: |
2017-01-26T18:19:47+00:00 | x11/kf5-kwayland |
KF5 Client and Server library wrapper for the Wayland libraries As the names suggest they implement a Client respectively a Server API for the Wayland protocol. The API is Qt-styled removing the needs to interact with a for a Qt developer uncomfortable low-level C-API. For example the callback mechanism from the Wayland API is replaced by signals; data types are adjusted to be what a Qt developer expects, e.g. two arguments of int are represented by a QPoint or a QSize. WWW: |
2017-01-26T17:38:13+00:00 | devel/llvm40 |
LLVM and Clang The LLVM Project is a collection of modular and reusable compiler and toolchain technologies. This port includes Clang (a C/C++/Objective-C compiler), LLD (a linker), LLDB (a debugger), an OpenMP runtime library, and the LLVM infrastructure these are built on. WWW: |
2017-01-26T14:38:41+00:00 | databases/php71-redis |
PHP 7.1 extension for Redis This extension provides an API for communicating with Redis database, a persistent key-value database with built-in net interface written in ANSI-C for Posix systems. WWW: |
2017-01-26T14:38:32+00:00 | ftp/php71-fastdfs |
PHP 7.1 module for accessing a FastDFS cluster PHP module for accessing a FastDFS cluster WWW: |
2017-01-26T06:18:29+00:00 | devel/py-typed-ast |
Fork of Python ast modules with type comment support Typed AST is a fork of the CPython 2.7 and 3.6 ast modules with the ability to parse PEP 484 type comments. The primary goals of Typed AST are correctness and speed. WWW: |
2017-01-25T16:32:10+00:00 | www/mod_php71 |
2017-01-25T00:34:08+00:00 | net/py-httpstat |
Curl statistics made simple httpstat visualizes curl(1) statistics in a way of beauty and clarity. WWW: |
2017-01-24T23:44:12+00:00 | x11-servers/wayland |
Wayland composite "server" Wayland is intended as a simpler replacement for X, easier to develop and maintain. GNOME and KDE are expected to be ported to it. Wayland is a protocol for a compositor to talk to its clients as well as a C library implementation of that protocol. The compositor can be a standalone display server running on Linux kernel modesetting and evdev input devices, an X application, or a wayland client itself. The clients can be traditional applications, X servers (rootless or fullscreen) or other display servers. Please report bugs to the FreeBSD bugtracker! WWW: |
2017-01-24T23:27:25+00:00 | devel/libepoll-shim |
Small epoll implementation using kqueue epoll-shim is a small library that implements epoll on top of kqueue. It has been successfully used to port libinput, libevdev, Wayland and more software to FreeBSD. WWW: |
2017-01-24T21:54:23+00:00 | x11-wm/lxappearance-obconf |
LXAppearance ObConf plugin LXAppearance is a theme switcher for the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment (LXDE). WWW: |
2017-01-24T21:49:05+00:00 | x11/lxhotkey |
Keyboard shortcuts settings LXHotkey is an universal application for the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment (LXDE) which allows view and change global keyboard shortcuts for Window Manager actions, including ones to start applications. WWW: |
2017-01-24T21:01:25+00:00 | math/opensolaris-libm |
C99 Math and vector libraries from OpenSolaris snv_33 In 2006, Sun Microsystems released math and vector math libraries as part of their effort to open-source Solaris: libmvec - vector math library This library contains function to evaluate common mathematical functions for several arguments at once. The argument values are specified by one or more vectors (arrays) of data, and the corresponding result values are stored in another vector. libm - C99 math library Functions in this library provide common elementary mathematical functions and floating point environment routines defined by System V, ANSI C, POSIX, and so on. Additional functions in this library provide extended support for handling floating point exceptions. The original source has been modified to build on FreeBSD and DragonFly using GCC or clang and the GNU assembler. All fixes introduced by Nexenta and Illumos projects have also been incorporated. Missing x86_64 variants of lrint and lround have added. The floating-point exception logging including address->symbol translation has also been implemented. WWW: |
2017-01-24T19:44:33+00:00 | net/librsync2 |
Library for delta compression of streams The librsync library implements network delta-compression of streams and files. The algorithm is similar to that used in the rsync(1) and xdelta(2) programs, but specialized for transfer of arbitrary-length octet streams. Unlike most diff programs, librsync does not require access to both of the files on the same machine, but rather only a short ``signature'' of the old file and the complete contents of the new file. WWW: |
2017-01-24T17:41:14+00:00 | databases/php71-memcache |
Memcached extension for PHP 7.1 Memcached is a caching daemon designed especially for dynamic web applications to decrease database load by storing objects in memory. This extension allows you to work with memcached through handy OO and procedural interfaces. Note that this port uses unofficial development from (NON_BLOCKING_IO_php7 branch). WWW: |
2017-01-24T16:25:15+00:00 | security/cyberchef |
Cyber operations within a web browser CyberChef is a simple, intuitive web app for carrying out all manner of "cyber" operations within a web browser. These operations include creating hexdumps, simple encoding like XOR or Base64, more complex encryption like AES, DES and Blowfish, data compression and decompression, calculating hashes and checksums, IPv6 and X.509 parsing, and much more. WWWW: |
2017-01-24T12:53:54+00:00 | sysutils/munin-contrib |
Contributed plugins and other for munin Contributed stuff for munin. It contains plugins, templates, tools, sample configuration and some other things. WWW: |
2017-01-24T12:32:49+00:00 | devel/py3-flake8 |
2017-01-24T12:31:07+00:00 | devel/py3-mccabe |
2017-01-24T11:54:20+00:00 | www/php71-tidy |
2017-01-24T11:54:20+00:00 | www/php71-session |
2017-01-24T11:54:20+00:00 | www/php71-opcache |
2017-01-24T11:54:20+00:00 | textproc/php71-xsl |
2017-01-24T11:54:20+00:00 | textproc/php71-xmlwriter |
2017-01-24T11:54:20+00:00 | textproc/php71-xmlreader |
2017-01-24T11:54:20+00:00 | textproc/php71-xml |
2017-01-24T11:54:20+00:00 | textproc/php71-wddx |
2017-01-24T11:54:20+00:00 | textproc/php71-simplexml |
2017-01-24T11:54:20+00:00 | textproc/php71-pspell |
2017-01-24T11:54:20+00:00 | textproc/php71-enchant |
2017-01-24T11:54:20+00:00 | textproc/php71-dom |
2017-01-24T11:54:20+00:00 | textproc/php71-ctype |
2017-01-24T11:54:20+00:00 | sysutils/php71-posix |
2017-01-24T11:54:20+00:00 | sysutils/php71-fileinfo |
2017-01-24T11:54:20+00:00 | security/php71-openssl |
2017-01-24T11:54:20+00:00 | security/php71-mcrypt |
2017-01-24T11:54:20+00:00 | security/php71-hash |
2017-01-24T11:54:20+00:00 | security/php71-filter |
2017-01-24T11:54:20+00:00 | net/php71-xmlrpc |
2017-01-24T11:54:20+00:00 | net/php71-sockets |
2017-01-24T11:54:20+00:00 | net/php71-soap |
2017-01-24T11:54:20+00:00 | net/php71-ldap |
2017-01-24T11:54:20+00:00 | net-mgmt/php71-snmp |
2017-01-24T11:54:20+00:00 | misc/php71-calendar |
2017-01-24T11:54:20+00:00 | math/php71-gmp |
2017-01-24T11:54:20+00:00 | math/php71-bcmath |
2017-01-24T11:54:20+00:00 | mail/php71-imap |
2017-01-24T11:54:20+00:00 | lang/php71 |
PHP Scripting Language PHP, which stands for "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor" is a widely-used Open Source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for Web development and can be embedded into HTML. Its syntax draws upon C, Java, and Perl, and is easy to learn. The main goal of the language is to allow web developers to write dynamically generated webpages quickly, but you can do much more with PHP. WWW: |
2017-01-24T11:54:20+00:00 | lang/php71-extensions |
"meta-port" to install PHP extensions This is a "meta-port" to install the extensions for PHP 7.1. Defaults to: ctype, dom, filter, hash, iconv, json, pdo, pdo_sqlite, phar, posix, session, simplexml, sqlite3, tokenizer, xml, xmlreader and xmlwriter. WWW: |
2017-01-24T11:54:20+00:00 | graphics/php71-gd |
2017-01-24T11:54:20+00:00 | graphics/php71-exif |
2017-01-24T11:54:20+00:00 | ftp/php71-ftp |
2017-01-24T11:54:20+00:00 | ftp/php71-curl |
2017-01-24T11:54:20+00:00 | devel/php71-tokenizer |
2017-01-24T11:54:20+00:00 | devel/php71-sysvshm |
2017-01-24T11:54:20+00:00 | devel/php71-sysvsem |
2017-01-24T11:54:20+00:00 | devel/php71-sysvmsg |
2017-01-24T11:54:20+00:00 | devel/php71-shmop |
2017-01-24T11:54:20+00:00 | devel/php71-readline |
2017-01-24T11:54:20+00:00 | devel/php71-pcntl |
2017-01-24T11:54:20+00:00 | devel/php71-json |
2017-01-24T11:54:20+00:00 | devel/php71-intl |
2017-01-24T11:54:20+00:00 | devel/php71-gettext |
2017-01-24T11:54:20+00:00 | databases/php71-sqlite3 |
2017-01-24T11:54:20+00:00 | databases/php71-pgsql |
2017-01-24T11:54:20+00:00 | databases/php71-pdo_sqlite |
2017-01-24T11:54:20+00:00 | databases/php71-pdo_pgsql |
2017-01-24T11:54:20+00:00 | databases/php71-pdo_odbc |
2017-01-24T11:54:20+00:00 | databases/php71-pdo_mysql |
2017-01-24T11:54:20+00:00 | databases/php71-pdo_firebird |
2017-01-24T11:54:20+00:00 | databases/php71-pdo_dblib |
2017-01-24T11:54:20+00:00 | databases/php71-pdo |
2017-01-24T11:54:20+00:00 | databases/php71-odbc |
2017-01-24T11:54:20+00:00 | databases/php71-mysqli |
2017-01-24T11:54:20+00:00 | databases/php71-interbase |
2017-01-24T11:54:20+00:00 | databases/php71-dba |
2017-01-24T11:54:20+00:00 | converters/php71-recode |
2017-01-24T11:54:20+00:00 | converters/php71-mbstring |
2017-01-24T11:54:20+00:00 | converters/php71-iconv |
2017-01-24T11:54:20+00:00 | archivers/php71-zlib |
2017-01-24T11:54:20+00:00 | archivers/php71-zip |
2017-01-24T11:54:20+00:00 | archivers/php71-phar |
2017-01-24T11:54:20+00:00 | archivers/php71-bz2 |
2017-01-24T00:08:33+00:00 | x11-wm/rubygem-uh-layout |
Tiling and stacking layout for uh-wm ruby gem Tiling and stacking layout for uh-wm ruby gem. WWW: |
2017-01-23T16:48:35+00:00 | math/pantheon-calculator |
Simple calculator written in Vala Pantheon-calculator is a tiny, simple calculator designed for the Pantheon desktop. WWW: |
2017-01-23T15:23:59+00:00 | devel/py3-pyflakes |
2017-01-23T14:25:59+00:00 | devel/py3-pytest-runner |
2017-01-23T14:20:49+00:00 | devel/py3-hgtools |
2017-01-23T13:41:35+00:00 | devel/py3-pycodestyle |
2017-01-23T13:41:35+00:00 | devel/py-pycodestyle |
Python style guide checker pycodestyle is a tool to check your Python code against some of the style conventions in PEP 8. This package used to be called pep8 but was renamed to pycodestyle to reduce confusion WWW: WWW: |
2017-01-21T18:56:58+00:00 | security/openconnect-gui |
Graphical OpenConnect client This is the GUI client for openconnect VPN. This client is in beta testing phase. It cannot be assumed to provide the required security. WWW: |
2017-01-21T18:48:35+00:00 | net/fb |
Client for Client for WWW: |
2017-01-21T17:19:26+00:00 | graphics/diffpdf |
Compare two PDF files-textually or visually DiffPDF is used to compare two PDF files-textually or visually. DiffPDF can compare two PDF files. It offers three comparison modes: Words, Characters, and Appearance. LICENSE: GPL2 or later WWW: |
2017-01-21T13:10:31+00:00 | security/pecl-krb5 |
PECL classes for PAM integration An interface for maintaining credential caches (KRB5CCache), that can be used for authenticating against a kerberos5 realm. Bindings for nearly the complete GSSAPI (RFC2744). The administrative interface (KADM5). Support for HTTP Negotiate authentication via GSSAPI. WWW: |
2017-01-20T22:35:57+00:00 | textproc/jid |
JSON Incremental Digger JSON Incremental Digger is a very simple tool. You can drill down JSON interactively by using filtering queries like jq. WWW: |
2017-01-20T19:37:06+00:00 | net/rubygem-rubyntlm05 |
Message creator and parser for the NTLM authentication Ruby/NTLM provides message creator and parser for the NTLM authentication. WWW: |
2017-01-20T13:31:05+00:00 | textproc/lowdown |
Simple Markdown translator lowdown is just another Markdown translator. It can output traditional HTML or a document for your troff type-setter of choice, such as groff(1), Heirloom troff, or even mandoc(1). lowdown doesn't require XSLT, Python, or even Perl - it's just clean, secure, open source C code with no dependencies. Its canonical documentation is the lowdown(1) manpage. WWW: |
2017-01-20T11:27:44+00:00 | devel/py3-rubymarshal |
2017-01-19T23:04:36+00:00 | devel/isa-l |
Intel(R) Intelligent Storage Acceleration Libray ISA-L is a collection of optimized low-level functions targeting storage applications. WWW: |
2017-01-19T16:24:13+00:00 | devel/linux-c6-libsoup |
Simple Object Access Protocol implementation in C (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER}) ${.CURDIR}/../${PORTNAME}/pkg-descr |
2017-01-19T15:50:48+00:00 | games/mari0 |
Nintendo\'s Super Mario Bros and Valve\'s Portal at same time Mari0 is a fan-made video game that combines the Super Mario Bros and Portal games. I introduces itself with these features: Complete recreation of SMB Elements from Portal Portal gun that shoots portals 4-player simultaneous coop Level Editor that was used to create the levels in the game 33 different hats Downloadable Mappacks Game modifiers for extra fun WWW: |
2017-01-19T13:47:27+00:00 | security/py-zxcvbn-python |
Realistic password strength estimator zxcvbn is a password strength estimator inspired by password crackers. Through pattern matching and conservative estimation, it recognizes and weighs 30k common passwords, common names and surnames according to US census data, popular English words from Wikipedia and US television and movies, and other common patterns like dates, repeats (aaa), sequences (abcd), keyboard patterns (qwertyuiop), and l33t speak. WWW: |
2017-01-19T11:37:44+00:00 | devel/ispc |
Intel's compiler for high-performance SIMD programming ispc is a compiler for a variant of the C programming language, with extensions for single program, multiple data programming. Under the SPMD model, the programmer writes a program that generally appears to be a regular serial program, though the execution model is actually that a number of program instances execute in parallel on the hardware. WWW: |
2017-01-18T20:35:09+00:00 | net/nsq |
Realtime distributed messaging platform NSQ is a realtime distributed messaging platform designed to operate at scale, handling billions of messages per day. WWW: |
2017-01-16T11:59:57+00:00 | devel/py3-simplejson |
2017-01-16T02:48:44+00:00 | devel/sonar-ant-task |
SonarQube Plugin for analysis projects with an Apache Ant The SonarQube Scanner for Ant is an Ant Task that is wrapper of SonarQube Scanner, which works by invoking SonarQube Scanner and passing to it all properties named following a sonar.* convention. This has the downside of not being very Ant-y, but the upside of providing instant availability of any new analysis parameter introduced by a new version of a plugin or of SonarQube itself. WWW: |
2017-01-15T23:49:13+00:00 | sysutils/tmux-mem-cpu-load |
CPU, RAM, and load monitor for use with tmux A simple, lightweight program provided for system monitoring in the status line of tmux. The memory monitor displays the used and available memory. The CPU usage monitor outputs a percent CPU usage over all processors. It also displays a textual bar graph of the current percent usage. The system load average is also displayed. WWW: |
2017-01-15T19:03:51+00:00 | databases/mariadb-connector-c |
MariaDB database connector for C The MariaDB Connector/C is used to connect applications developed in C/C++ to MariaDB and MySQL databases. MySQL Connector/C is LGPL licensed. Parts of MariaDB Connector/C are derived from PHP\'s mysqlnd extension and the original LGPL MySQL client library for MySQL 3.23. The rest of the code is written by developers at MariaDB Corporation Ab. WWW: |
2017-01-15T16:07:37+00:00 | sysutils/rubygem-tmuxinator |
Manage complex tmux sessions easily Tmuxinator allows complex tmux sessions to be defined using YAML and ERB, and handles launching and reattaching those session. WWW: |
2017-01-15T09:00:18+00:00 | net/dual-dhclient |
Spawns dhclients for a dual-stack network This port provides a script which spawns both /sbin/dhclient and /usr/local/sbin/dhclient -6; this simplifies the configuration needed to run DHCP on both protocols of a dual-stack network. |
2017-01-14T23:29:25+00:00 | sysutils/py-iocage |
FreeBSD jail manager written in Python iocage is a jail/container manager amalgamating some of the best features and technologies the FreeBSD operating system has to offer. It is geared for ease of use with a simple and easy to understand command syntax. WWW: |
2017-01-14T17:19:43+00:00 | textproc/rubygem-actionpack-xml_parser1 |
XML parameters parser for Action Pack actionpack-xml_parser is an XML parameters parser for Action Pack (removed from core in Rails 4.0). WWW: WWW: |
2017-01-14T16:25:23+00:00 | misc/py-cinder |
OpenStack Block Storage Cinder is a Block Storage service for OpenStack. It's designed to present storage resources to end users that can be consumed by the OpenStack Compute Project (Nova). This is done through the use of either a reference implementation (LVM) or plugin drivers for other storage. The short description of Cinder is that it virtualizes the management of block storage devices and provides end users with a self service API to request and consume those resources without requiring any knowledge of where their storage is actually deployed or on what type of device. WWW: |
2017-01-14T03:37:20+00:00 | devel/spdlog |
Super fast C++ logging library Super fast C++ logging library. WWW: |
2017-01-13T17:59:54+00:00 | sysutils/paladin |
Simple process supervisor Simple process supervisor. WWW: |
2017-01-13T11:34:03+00:00 | devel/rubygem-json_pure1 |
Parse JSON texts and generate them from ruby data structures in Ruby This library can parse JSON texts and generate them from ruby data structures. This port implemented in pure Ruby and comes with its own unicode conversion functions and a parser generated by the Ragel State Machine Compiler. WWW: |
2017-01-13T02:18:47+00:00 | archivers/py-backports.lzma |
Backport of the lzma function from Python 3.3 Backport of Python 3.3's standard library module lzma for LZMA/XY compressed files WWW: |
2017-01-12T21:34:38+00:00 | audio/ardour5 |
Multichannel digital audio workstation Ardour is a digital audio workstation. You can use it to record, edit, and mix multi-track audio. Produce your own CD's. Mix video soundtracks. Experiment with new ideas about music and sound. Generate sound installations for 12 speaker gallery shows. Ardour capabilities include: multichannel recording, non-linear, non- destructive region based editing with unlimited undo/redo, full automation support, a mixer whose capabilities rival high end hardware consoles, lots of plugins to warp, shift, and shape your music, and controllable from hardware control surfaces at the same time as it syncs to timecode. If you have been looking for a tool similar to ProTools, Nuendo, Cubase SX, Digital Performer, Samplitude, or Sequoia, you might have found it. WWW: |
2017-01-12T14:44:56+00:00 | devel/cpprestsdk |
Microsoft C++ REST SDK The C++ REST SDK is a Microsoft project for cloud-based client-server communication in native code using a modern asynchronous C++ API design. This project aims to help C++ developers connect to and interact with services. What's in the SDK: - Features HTTP client/server, JSON, URI, asynchronous streams, WebSockets client, oAuth - PPL Tasks A powerful model for composing asynchronous operations based on C++11 features - Platforms Windows desktop, Windows Store, Windows Phone, Ubuntu, OS X, iOS, and Android [and now also FreeBSD ;-)] WWW: |
2017-01-12T07:12:47+00:00 | mail/mailfromd |
Mail filtering daemon for Sendmail, Postfix, and MeTA1 Mailfromd is a general-purpose mail filtering daemon for Sendmail, Postfix, and MeTA1. It is able to filter both incoming and outgoing messages using criteria of arbitrary complexity, supplied by the administrator in the form of a script file. The daemon interacts with the MTA via Milter or PMilter protocols. Some of its features: - Feature-rich, detailed, configurable absolute control over each stage of SMTP session - Advanced sieve support (flexible programming language for writing MTA extensions) - Sender address verification (call-out) - Black/greylisting and whitelisting - Mail sending rate control - Local account verification - Native language support WWW: |
2017-01-11T19:53:54+00:00 | textproc/py-tabletext |
Python library to pretty-print tabular data tabletext is a Python library to format (pretty-print) tabular data as text tables. Its goal is to be as simple as possible, while allowing optional customization of the output. WWW: |
2017-01-11T19:22:29+00:00 | sysutils/siegfried |
File identification tool Siegfried is a signature-based file format identification tool, implementing the National Archives UK's PRONOM file format signatures and's MIME-info file format signatures. WWW: |
2017-01-11T15:45:03+00:00 | x11-toolkits/rubygem-uh |
Xlib ruby toolkit Xlib ruby toolkit WWW: |
2017-01-11T10:51:54+00:00 | devel/py-rubymarshal |
Read and write Ruby-marshalled data Read and write Ruby-marshalled data. Only basics Ruby data types can be read and written: * `float`, * `bool`, * `int`, * `str` (mapped to `unicode` in Python 2), * `nil` (mapped to `None` in Python), * `array` (mapped to `list`), * `hash` (mapped to `dict`), * symbols and other classes are mapped to specific Python classes. WWW: |
2017-01-11T06:35:50+00:00 | audio/suil |
C library for loading and wrapping LV2 plugin UIs Suil is a lightweight C library for loading and wrapping LV2 plugin UIs. Suil makes it possible to load a UI of any toolkit in a host using any other toolkit (assuming the toolkits are both supported by Suil). Hosts do not need to build against or link to foreign toolkit libraries to use UIs written with that toolkit; all the necessary magic is performed by dynamically loaded modules. The API is designed such that hosts do not need to explicitly support specific toolkits at all - if Suil supports a particular toolkit, then UIs in that toolkit will work in all hosts that use Suil automatically. Suil currently supports every combination of Gtk 2, Qt 4, and X11, e.g. with Suil a Gtk program can embed a Qt plugin UI without depending on Qt, and a Qt program can embed a Gtk plugin UI without depending on Gtk. On Windows, embedding native UIs in Gtk is also supported. I (David Robillard) would be happy to work with plugin authors to add support for new toolkits, please contact me if you're interested in writing a plugin UI using a toolkit that is not yet supported in the LV2 ecosystem. WWW: |
2017-01-11T03:04:41+00:00 | www/miniminiweb |
Minimal, Multithreaded web server in C MiniMiniWeb is a minimal, multithreaded web server in C. Features (and Misfeatures) Written in C Multithreaded (with pthread) Designed for Unix-like systems Supports GET and POST requests Only serves static files No SSL No CGI or anything "dynamic" No Virtual Hosts No Directory Listings (gotten pulled out) No IPv6 WWW: |
2017-01-10T22:59:58+00:00 | java/wildfly10 |
Replacement for JBoss Application Server WildFly is a flexible, lightweight, managed application runtime that helps you build amazing applications. WildFly - new name for JBoss Application Server Fast Startup Small Footprint Modular Design Unified Configuration and Management And of course Java EE! WWW: |
2017-01-10T22:46:06+00:00 | java/intellij-rubymine |
Ruby on Rails IDE by JetBrains RubyMine is a cross-platform IDE that supports Ruby, Ruby on Rails and web development. WWW: |
2017-01-10T19:48:09+00:00 | audio/lilv |
Make use of LV2 plugins as simple as possible Lilv is a C library to make the use of LV2 plugins as simple as possible for applications. Lilv is the successor to SLV2, rewritten to be significantly faster and have minimal dependencies. It is stable, well-tested software (the included test suite covers over 90% of the code) in use by several applications. WWW: |
2017-01-10T19:24:35+00:00 | devel/py-python-gflags |
Commandline flags module for Python The gflags package contains a library that implements commandline flags processing. As such it's a replacement for getopt(). It has increased flexibility, including built-in support for Python types, and the ability to define flags in the source file in which they're used. (This last is its major difference from OptParse.) WWW: |
2017-01-10T18:54:32+00:00 | databases/percona57-server |
Multithreaded SQL database (server) MySQL replacement : Percona ServerPercona Server is a drop-in alternative for MySQL with enhanced performance and enterprise-grade features. WWW: |
2017-01-10T18:54:32+00:00 | databases/percona57-pam-for-mysql |
PAM plugin for MySQL Percona PAM authentication plugin for MySQL. WWW: |
2017-01-10T18:54:32+00:00 | databases/percona57-client |
Multithreaded SQL database (client) |
2017-01-10T18:52:13+00:00 | audio/sratom |
Library for serialising LV2 atoms to/from RDF Sratom is a library for serialising LV2 atoms to/from RDF, particularly the Turtle syntax. WWW: |
2017-01-10T16:13:01+00:00 | devel/py-oslo.vmware |
Oslo VMware library The Oslo VMware library provides support for common VMware operations and APIs. WWW: WWW: |
2017-01-10T02:53:47+00:00 | games/redorblack |
Simple card game to test fortune and probability theory A simple card game to test fortune and probability theory. WWW: |
2017-01-09T22:46:50+00:00 | sysutils/fswatch-mon |
Cross-platform file change monitor fswatch is a file change monitor that receives notifications when the contents of the specified files or directories are modified. fswatch implements four kinds of monitors: * A monitor based on the File System Events API of Apple OS X. * A monitor based on kqueue, an event notification interface introduced in FreeBSD 4.1 and supported on most *BSD systems (including OS X). * A monitor based on inotify, a Linux kernel subsystem that reports file system changes to applications. * A monitor which periodically stats the file system, saves file modification times in memory and manually calculates file system changes, which can work on any operating system where stat (2) can be used. fswatch should build and work correctly on any system shipping either of the aforementioned APIs. WWW: |
2017-01-09T20:00:28+00:00 | devel/sord |
Lightweight C library for storing RDF data in memory Sord is a lightweight C library for storing RDF data in memory. WWW: |
2017-01-09T19:53:37+00:00 | devel/serd |
C library for RDF syntax Serd is a lightweight C library for RDF syntax which supports reading and writing Turtle and NTriples. Serd (and the included serdi tool) can be used to stream abbreviated Turtle. Serd can serialise an unbounded amount of abbreviated Turtle using a fixed amount of memory, and it does so very quickly. Serd is written to the Turtle, NTriples and URI specifications, and includes a comprehensive test suite which includes all the tests from the Turtle specification. WWW: |
2017-01-09T19:35:40+00:00 | www/py-notebook |
Web-based notebook environment for interactive computing The Jupyter Notebook is a web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations, and explanatory text. The Notebook has support for multiple programming languages, sharing, and interactive widgets. WWW: |
2017-01-09T19:13:28+00:00 | devel/py-nbconvert |
Converting Jupyter Notebooks Converting Jupyter Notebooks. WWW: |
2017-01-09T19:12:51+00:00 | textproc/py-pandocfilters |
Utilities for writing pandoc filters in python Utilities for writing pandoc filters in python. WWW: |
2017-01-09T19:08:56+00:00 | devel/py-nbformat |
Jupyter Notebook format This package contains the base implementation of the Jupyter Notebook format, and Python APIs for working with notebooks. WWW: |
2017-01-09T19:05:33+00:00 | devel/py-ipykernel |
IPython Kernel for Jupyter IPython Kernel for Jupyter. WWW: |
2017-01-09T19:01:02+00:00 | devel/py-jupyter_client |
Jupyter protocol implementation and client libraries Jupyter protocol implementation and client libraries. WWW: |
2017-01-09T18:58:54+00:00 | devel/py-jupyter_core |
Jupyter core package Jupyter core package. A base package on which Jupyter projects rely. WWW: |
2017-01-09T18:49:17+00:00 | devel/py-entrypoints |
Discover and load entry points from installed packages Discover and load entry points from installed packages. WWW: |
2017-01-09T18:46:00+00:00 | www/rubygem-railties5 |
Rails internals bootup, plugins, generators, and rake tasks Railties is responsible for gluing all frameworks together. Overall, it: - handles the bootstrapping process for a Rails application; - manages the rails command line interface; - and provides the Rails generators core. WWW: WWW: |
2017-01-09T18:45:28+00:00 | mail/rubygem-actionmailer5 |
Easy email delivery and testing for Ruby Action Mailer is a framework for designing email service layers. These layers are used to consolidate code for sending out forgotten passwords, welcome wishes on signup, invoices for billing, and any other use case that requires a written notification to either a person or another system. Action Mailer is in essence a wrapper around Action Controller and the Mail gem. It provides a way to make emails using templates in the same way that Action Controller renders views using templates. Additionally, an Action Mailer class can be used to process incoming email, such as allowing a blog to accept new posts from an email (which could even have been sent from a phone). WWW: WWW: |
2017-01-09T18:45:14+00:00 | devel/py-testpath |
Test utilities for Python code working with files and commands Test utilities for Python code working with files and commands. WWW: |
2017-01-09T18:36:48+00:00 | www/rubygem-actioncable5 |
Integrated WebSockets for Rails Action Cable seamlessly integrates WebSockets with the rest of your Rails application. It allows for real-time features to be written in Ruby in the same style and form as the rest of your Rails application, while still being performant and scalable. It's a full-stack offering that provides both a client-side JavaScript framework and a server-side Ruby framework. You have access to your full domain model written with Active Record or your ORM of choice. WWW: WWW: |
2017-01-09T18:34:43+00:00 | databases/rubygem-activerecord5 |
Object-relational mapping layer for Rails MVC Framework Active Record connects classes to relational database tables to establish an almost zero-configuration persistence layer for applications. The library provides a base class that, when subclassed, sets up a mapping between the new class and an existing table in the database. In the context of an application, these classes are commonly referred to as models. Models can also be connected to other models; this is done by defining associations. Active Record relies heavily on naming in that it uses class and association names to establish mappings between respective database tables and foreign key columns. Although these mappings can be defined explicitly, it's recommended to follow naming conventions, especially when getting started with the library. WWW: WWW: |
2017-01-09T18:32:54+00:00 | www/rubygem-actionpack5 |
Action Controller and Action View of Rails MVC Framework Action Pack is a framework for handling and responding to web requests. It provides mechanisms for routing (mapping request URLs to actions), defining controllers that implement actions, and generating responses by rendering views, which are templates of various formats. In short, Action Pack provides the view and controller layers in the MVC paradigm. It consists of several modules: - Action Dispatch, which parses information about the web request, handles routing as defined by the user, and does advanced processing related to HTTP such as MIME-type negotiation, decoding parameters in POST, PATCH, or PUT bodies, handling HTTP caching logic, cookies and sessions. - Action Controller, which provides a base controller class that can be subclassed to implement filters and actions to handle requests. The result of an action is typically content generated from views. With the Ruby on Rails framework, users only directly interface with the Action Controller module. Necessary Action Dispatch functionality is activated by default and Action View rendering is implicitly triggered by Action Controller. However, these modules are designed to function on their own and can be used outside of Rails. WWW: WWW: |
2017-01-09T18:32:09+00:00 | databases/rubygem-activemodel5 |
Toolkit for building modeling frameworks Active Model provides a known set of interfaces for usage in model classes. They allow for Action Pack helpers to interact with non-Active Record models, for example. Active Model also helps with building custom ORMs for use outside of the Rails framework. Active Model provides a default module that implements the basic API required to integrate with Action Pack out of the box: ActiveModel::Model. WWW: WWW: |
2017-01-09T18:31:37+00:00 | devel/rubygem-activejob5 |
Job class declarations for a variety of queueing backends Active Job is a framework for declaring jobs and making them run on a variety of queuing backends. These jobs can be everything from regularly scheduled clean-ups, to billing charges, to mailings. Anything that can be chopped up into small units of work and run in parallel, really. It also serves as the backend for Action Mailer's #deliver_later functionality that makes it easy to turn any mailing into a job for running later. That's one of the most common jobs in a modern web application: sending emails outside of the request-response cycle, so the user doesn't have to wait on it. The main point is to ensure that all Rails apps will have a job infrastructure in place, even if it's in the form of an "immediate runner". We can then have framework features and other gems build on top of that, without having to worry about API differences between Delayed Job and Resque. Picking your queuing backend becomes more of an operational concern, then. And you'll be able to switch between them without having to rewrite your jobs. WWW: WWW: |
2017-01-09T18:31:14+00:00 | devel/rubygem-actionview5 |
Rendering framework putting the V in MVC (part of Rails) Action View is a framework for handling view template lookup and rendering, and provides view helpers that assist when building HTML forms, Atom feeds and more. Template formats that Action View handles are ERB (embedded Ruby, typically used to inline short Ruby snippets inside HTML), and XML Builder. WWW: WWW: |
2017-01-09T18:30:51+00:00 | devel/rubygem-activesupport5 |
Utility classes and extension that are required by Rails MVC Framework Active Support is a collection of utility classes and standard library extensions that were found useful for the Rails framework. These additions reside in this package so they can be loaded as needed in Ruby projects outside of Rails. WWW: WWW: |
2017-01-09T16:59:43+00:00 | www/rubygem-socksify |
Redirects any TCP connection through a SOCKS5 proxy Redirects any TCP connection through a SOCKS5 proxy Redirect all TCPSockets through a SOCKS5 proxy WWW: |
2017-01-09T16:40:01+00:00 | sysutils/istatserver |
Daemon for iStat iPhone application istatserver is a daemon serving statistics to your iStat iPhone application from Linux, Solaris & FreeBSD. istatserver collects data such as CPU, memory, network and disk usage and keeps the history. Once connecting from the iPhone and entering the lock code this data will be sent to the iPhone and shown in fancy graphs. WWW: |
2017-01-09T14:19:18+00:00 | net/py-suds-jurko |
Lightweight SOAP client (Jurko's fork) Based on the original 'suds' project by Jeff Ortel (jortel at redhat dot com) hosted at ''. 'Suds' is a lightweight SOAP-based web service client for Python WWW: |
2017-01-09T02:53:05+00:00 | www/py-httpie |
Command line HTTP client HTTPie (pronounced aych-tee-tee-pie) is a command line HTTP client. Its goal is to make CLI interaction with web services as human-friendly as possible. It provides a simple http command that allows for sending arbitrary HTTP requests using a simple and natural syntax, and displays colorized responses. HTTPie can be used for testing, debugging, and generally interacting with HTTP servers. WWW: |
2017-01-08T20:43:39+00:00 | databases/p5-DBIx-Handler |
Fork-safe and easy transaction handling DBI handler DBIx::Handler is fork-safe and easy transaction handling DBI handler. It provides scope base transaction, fork safe dbh handling. WWW: |
2017-01-08T14:31:16+00:00 | devel/rubygem-activejob4 |
Job class declarations for a variety of queueing backends Active Job is a framework for declaring jobs and making them run on a variety of queuing backends. These jobs can be everything from regularly scheduled clean-ups, to billing charges, to mailings. Anything that can be chopped up into small units of work and run in parallel, really. It also serves as the backend for Action Mailer's #deliver_later functionality that makes it easy to turn any mailing into a job for running later. That's one of the most common jobs in a modern web application: sending emails outside of the request-response cycle, so the user doesn't have to wait on it. The main point is to ensure that all Rails apps will have a job infrastructure in place, even if it's in the form of an "immediate runner". We can then have framework features and other gems build on top of that, without having to worry about API differences between Delayed Job and Resque. Picking your queuing backend becomes more of an operational concern, then. And you'll be able to switch between them without having to rewrite your jobs. WWW: WWW: |
2017-01-08T14:16:36+00:00 | devel/rubygem-actionview4 |
Rendering framework putting the V in MVC (part of Rails) Action View is a framework for handling view template lookup and rendering, and provides view helpers that assist when building HTML forms, Atom feeds and more. Template formats that Action View handles are ERB (embedded Ruby, typically used to inline short Ruby snippets inside HTML), and XML Builder. WWW: WWW: |
2017-01-08T13:54:06+00:00 | devel/py-tooz |
Coordination library for distributed systems The Tooz project aims at centralizing the most common distributed primitives like group membership protocol, lock service and leader election by providing a coordination API helping developers to build distributed applications. WWW: WWW: |
2017-01-08T12:36:56+00:00 | devel/py-tenacity |
Retry code until it succeeds Tenacity is an Apache 2.0 licensed general-purpose retrying library, written in Python, to simplify the task of adding retry behavior to just about anything. It originates from a fork of retrying which is sadly no longer maintained. Tenacity isn't api compatible with retrying but adds significant new functionality and fixes a number of longstanding bugs. WWW: |
2017-01-08T12:35:46+00:00 | devel/py-rtslib-fb |
API for Linux kernel SCSI target (aka LIO) rtslib-fb is an object-based Python library for configuring the LIO generic SCSI target, present in 3.x Linux kernel versions. WWW: |
2017-01-08T12:31:06+00:00 | devel/rubygem-nio4r1 |
New IO for Ruby nio4r provides an abstract, cross-platform stateful I/O selector API for Ruby. I/O selectors are the heart of "reactor"-based event loops, and monitor multiple I/O objects for various types of readiness, e.g. ready for reading or writing. The most similar API provided by Ruby today is, however the select API requires you to pass in arrays of all of the I/O objects you're interested in every time. nio4r provides a more object-oriented API that lets you register I/O objects with a selector then handle them when they're selected for various types of events. nio4r is modeled after the Java NIO API, but simplified for ease-of-use. Its goals are: - Expose high-level interfaces for stateful IO selectors - Keep the API small to maximize both portability and performance across many different OSes and Ruby VMs - Provide inherently thread-safe facilities for working with IO objects WWW: |
2017-01-08T06:18:03+00:00 | misc/py-crudini |
Utility for manipulating ini files crudini is a utility to simplify reading and updating ini files from shell scripts, so named as it provides CRUD functionality. WWW: WWW: |
2017-01-07T20:34:46+00:00 | databases/mysql80-server |
Multithreaded SQL database (server) MySQL is a very fast, multi-threaded, multi-user and robust SQL (Structured Query Language) database server. The new features in MySQL 8.0. In addition to Data Dictionnary and CTEs are: Move to utf8(mb4) as MySQL's default character set Language specific case insensitive collation for 21 languages (utf8) Invisible index Descending indexes Improve usability of UUID and IPV6 manipulations SQL roles - SET PERSIST for global variable values Performance Schema, instrumenting data locks Performance Schema, instrumenting error messages Improved cost model with histograms WWW: |
2017-01-07T20:34:46+00:00 | databases/mysql80-client |
Multithreaded SQL database (client) |
2017-01-07T19:23:00+00:00 | math/proj.4 |
C language procedures related to cartographic processes The general purpose of this library is to provide C language procedures related to cartographic processes. Procedures for each of the processes will be strictly categorized and although they may share common subfunctions they will not intersect in scope. WWW: WWW: |
2017-01-07T12:27:45+00:00 | databases/py-fakeredis |
Fake version of databases/py-redis for unit testing fakeredis is a pure Python implementation of the redis-py python client that simulates talking to a redis server. This was created for a single purpose: to write unittests. Setting up redis is not hard, but many times you want to write unittests that do not talk to an external server (such as redis). This module now allows tests to simply use this module as a reasonable substitute for redis. WWW: |
2017-01-06T20:01:08+00:00 | sysutils/s6-rc | service manager s6-rc is a service manager for s6-based systems, i.e. a suite of programs that can start and stop services, both long-running daemons and one-time initialization scripts, in the proper order according to a dependency tree. It ensures that long-running daemons are supervised by the s6 infrastructure, and that one-time scripts are also run in a controlled environment. WWW: |
2017-01-06T19:56:11+00:00 | net-mgmt/dnsmap |
DNS domain name brute forcing tool dnsmap was originally released back in 2006 and was inspired by the fictional story "The Thief No One Saw" by Paul Craig, which can be found in the book "Stealing the Network - How to 0wn the Box". dnsmap is mainly meant to be used by pentesters during the information gathering/enumeration phase of infrastructure security assessments. During the enumeration stage, the security consultant would typically discover the target company's IP netblocks, domain names, phone numbers, etc ... Subdomain brute-forcing is another technique that should be used in the enumeration stage, as it's especially useful when other domain enumeration techniques such as zone transfers don't work. WWW: |
2017-01-06T18:38:06+00:00 | textproc/rubygem-rouge1 |
Simple, easy-to-extend drop-in replacement for pygments Rouge aims to a be a simple, easy-to-extend drop-in replacement for pygments. WWW: |
2017-01-06T18:29:52+00:00 | textproc/rubygem-liquid3 |
Library for rendering safe templates Ruby library for rendering safe templates which cannot affect the security of the server they are rendered on. WWW: |
2017-01-05T19:34:59+00:00 | devel/p5-Sub-Info |
Tool to inspect subroutines Sub::Info is a tool to inspect subroutines. WWW: |
2017-01-05T03:17:43+00:00 | www/rubygem-jquery-ui-rails5-rails4 |
Packaged JavaScript, CSS and image files of jQuery UI for Rails jQuery UI's JavaScript, CSS, and image files packaged for the Rails 3.1+ asset pipeline WWW: |
2017-01-04T22:48:27+00:00 | archivers/lua51-zlib |
Simple streaming interface to zlib for the Lua Programming Language lua-zlib is a simple streaming interface to zlib for the Lua Programming Language. It consists of two functions: inflate and deflate. Both functions return "stream functions" (takes a buffer of input and returns a buffer of output). WWW: |
2017-01-04T15:44:26+00:00 | devel/aws-sdk-cpp |
C++ interface for Amazon Web Services (AWS) AWS SDK for C++ provides a modern C++ (version C++ 11 or later) interface for Amazon Web Services (AWS). It is meant to be performant and fully functioning with low- and high-level SDKs, while minimizing dependencies. AWS SDK for C++ is in now in General Availability and recommended for production use. WWW: |
2017-01-04T15:02:28+00:00 | textproc/rubygem-sixarm_ruby_unaccent |
Replaces accented characters with unaccented characters Unaccent replaces a string's accented characters with unaccented characters. WWW: |
2017-01-04T12:52:54+00:00 | www/nuvolaplayer-youtube |
2017-01-04T12:52:54+00:00 | www/nuvolaplayer-yandex-music |
2017-01-04T12:52:54+00:00 | www/nuvolaplayer-tunein |
2017-01-04T12:52:54+00:00 | www/nuvolaplayer-spotify |
2017-01-04T12:52:54+00:00 | www/nuvolaplayer-soundcloud |
2017-01-04T12:52:54+00:00 | www/nuvolaplayer-plex |
2017-01-04T12:52:54+00:00 | www/nuvolaplayer-mixcloud |
2017-01-04T12:52:54+00:00 | www/nuvolaplayer-logitech-media-server |
2017-01-04T12:52:54+00:00 | www/nuvolaplayer-kexp |
2017-01-04T12:52:54+00:00 | www/nuvolaplayer-jango |
2017-01-04T12:52:54+00:00 | www/nuvolaplayer-groove |
2017-01-04T12:52:54+00:00 | www/nuvolaplayer-google-play-music |
2017-01-04T12:52:54+00:00 | www/nuvolaplayer-bandcamp |
2017-01-04T12:52:54+00:00 | www/nuvolaplayer-amazon-cloud-player |
2017-01-04T12:52:54+00:00 | www/nuvolaplayer-all-services |
Web app integrations for Nuvola Player Service integration for Nuvola Player. Nuvola Player is a runtime for web-based music streaming services providing more native user experience and integration with desktop environments than usual web browsers can offer. Nuvola Player handles multimedia keys, shows desktop notifications, integrates with various sound menus, applets and launchers and more. Additional features include scrobbling. WWW: |
2017-01-04T12:52:54+00:00 | www/nuvolaplayer-8tracks |
2017-01-04T12:52:54+00:00 | audio/nuvolaplayer |
Cloud music integration for your desktop Nuvola Player is a runtime for web-based music streaming services providing more native user experience and integration with desktop environments than usual web browsers can offer. Nuvola Player handles multimedia keys, shows desktop notifications, integrates with various sound menus, applets and launchers and more. Additional features include scrobbling. WWW: |
2017-01-04T12:30:30+00:00 | x11-toolkits/diorite |
Utility and widget library based on GLib and GTK+ 3 Diorite is a a grey to dark-grey intermediate intrusive igneous rock. Diorite library is a utility and widget library for Nuvola Player project based on GLib, GIO and GTK+ 3. WWW: |
2017-01-04T12:27:46+00:00 | textproc/py-scour |
Scour SVG Optimizer Scour is an SVG optimizer/cleaner that reduces the size of scalable vector graphics by optimizing structure and removing unnecessary data written in Python. It can be used to create streamlined vector graphics suitable for web deployment, publishing/sharing or further processing. The goal of Scour is to output a file that renderes identically at a fraction of the size by removing a lot of redundant information created by most SVG editors. Optimization options are typically lossless but can be tweaked for more agressive cleaning. WWW: |
2017-01-04T11:46:12+00:00 | devel/riscv64-xtoolchain-gcc |
2017-01-04T07:56:41+00:00 | graphics/frogr |
Flickr upload and management tool Frogr is a small application for the GNOME desktop that allows users to manage their accounts in the Flickr image hosting website. It supports all the basic Flickr features, including uploading pictures, adding descriptions, setting tags and managing sets and groups pools. WWW: |
2017-01-04T05:13:42+00:00 | devel/rubygem-web-console2 |
Debugging tool for your Ruby on Rails applications A debugging tool for your Ruby on Rails applications. WWW: |
2017-01-04T04:40:42+00:00 | net-mgmt/rubygem-oxidized-script |
CLI and Library to interface with network devices in rubygems-oxidized CLI and Library to interface with network devices in Oxidized, a RANCID replacement. WWW: |
2017-01-04T04:38:18+00:00 | net-mgmt/rubygem-oxidized-web |
Web user interface and RESTful API for rubygems-oxidized Web userinterface and RESTful API for Oxidized, a network device configuration backup tool. WWW: |
2017-01-04T04:36:53+00:00 | net-mgmt/rubygem-oxidized |
Network device configuration backup tool Oxidized is a network device configuration backup tool. It's a RANCID replacement. WWW: |
2017-01-04T04:18:53+00:00 | security/rubygem-net-telnet |
Provides telnet client functionality Provides telnet client functionality. WWW: |
2017-01-04T02:49:23+00:00 | devel/riscv64-gcc |
Cross GNU Compiler Collection for ${PKGNAMEPREFIX:C/-//g} GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection supporting C and C++ for targetting crossbuilding. WWW: |
2017-01-04T02:49:23+00:00 | devel/riscv64-binutils |
GNU binutils for RISC-V cross-development The GNU binutils for RISC-V cross-development. WWW: |
2017-01-04T01:45:07+00:00 | devel/p5-Module-Extract-Use |
Pull out the modules a module explicitly uses Extract the names of the modules used in a file using a static analysis. Since this module does not run code, it cannot find dynamic uses of modules, such as eval "require $class". It only reports modules that the file loads directly. Modules loaded with parent or base, for instance, will will be in the import list for those pragmas but won't have separate entries in the data this module returns. WWW: |
2017-01-04T01:22:40+00:00 | security/rubygem-timfel-krb5 |
KRB5 for Ruby timfel-krb5-auth - ruby wrapper for KRB5 WWW: |
2017-01-03T16:37:20+00:00 | comms/cwstudio |
Multichannel portable Morse code signals generator CWStudio is fast, computationally efficient and portable generator of various CW signals for telegraphy training purposes. Besides efficiency and portability, it is designed to simulate as much as possible a real air listening. |
2017-01-03T08:06:59+00:00 | lang/cling |
Interactive C++ Interpreter Based on LLVM and Clang Libs Cling is an interactive C++ interpreter, built on the top of LLVM and Clang libraries. Its advantages over the standard interpreters are that it has command prompt and uses just-in-time (JIT) compiler for compilation. One of Cling's main goals is to provide contemporary, high-performance alternative of the current C++ interpreter in the ROOT project "CINT". The backward-compatibility with CINT is major priority during the development. Its main advantages are: Production-grade parser. Just-in-time compiler (JIT). Modular C++ API from the ground up. Separate parser and execution engine. C++ 11 support through clang. WWW: |
2017-01-02T23:08:27+00:00 | textproc/rubygem-rails-dom-testing1 |
Analyse and compare DOMs using Nokogiri This gem is responsible for comparing HTML doms and asserting that DOM elements are present in Rails applications. Doms are compared via assert_dom_equal and assert_dom_not_equal. Elements are asserted via assert_select, assert_select_encoded, assert_select_email and a subset of the dom can be selected with css_select. The gem is developed for Rails 4.2 and above, and will not work on previous versions. WWW: |
2017-01-02T20:17:23+00:00 | net/go-bapu |
Virtual Machine Controller for Bapu allows you to manage your Gandi virtual machines. WWW: |
2017-01-02T17:53:48+00:00 | devel/rubygem-json1 |
Parse JSON texts and generate them from ruby data structures This library can parse JSON texts and generate them from ruby data structures. This port implemented in C and comes with its own unicode conversion functions and a parser generated by the Ragel State Machine Compiler. WWW: |
2017-01-02T15:04:02+00:00 | textproc/rubygem-docdiff |
Compares two text files by word, by character, or by line DocDiff compares two text files and shows the difference. It can compare files word by word, character by character, or line by line. It has several output formats such as HTML, tty, Manued, or user-defined markup. It supports several encodings and end-of-line characters, including ASCII (and other single byte encodings such as ISO-8859-*), UTF-8, EUC-JP, Shift_JIS, CR, LF, and CRLF. WWW: |
2017-01-02T10:13:33+00:00 | devel/rubygem-gettext-setup |
Set up i18n for Ruby projects gettext-setup is a simple gem to set up i18n for Ruby projects (including Sinatra web apps) using gettext and fast gettext. This project sets the default locale to English. If the user has set a different locale in their browser preferences, and we support the user's preferred locale, strings and data formatting will be customized for that locale. WWW: |
2017-01-02T09:45:03+00:00 | devel/unittest-cpp |
Lightweight unit testing framework for C++ UnitTest++ is a lightweight unit testing framework for C++. It was designed to do test-driven development on a wide variety of platforms. Simplicity, portability, speed, and small footprint are all very important aspects of UnitTest++. UnitTest++ is mostly standard C++ and makes minimal use of advanced library and language features, which means it should be easily portable to just about any platform. WWW: |
2017-01-01T19:33:50+00:00 | textproc/p5-TOML-Parser |
Simple toml parser TOML::Parser is a simple toml parser. This data structure complies with the tests [1] in v0.4.0 specification. [1] WWW: |
2017-01-01T19:30:37+00:00 | net/py-pysimplesoap |
Python Simple SOAP Library PySimpleSOAP (Python Simple SOAP) library for client and server webservices interfaces, aimed to be as small and easy as possible, supporting most common functionality. Initially it was inspired by PHP Soap Extension (mimicking it functionality, simplicity and ease of use), with many advanced features added. Goals: - Simple: less than 200LOC client/server concrete implementation for easy maintainability and enhancments. - Flexible: adapted to several SOAP dialects (Java Axis, .Net, JBoss), with the posibility of fine-tuning XML request and responses - Pythonic: no artifacts, no class generation, no special types, RPC calls parameters and return values are simple python structures (dicts, list, etc.) - Dynamic: no definition (WSDL) required, dynamic generation and parsing supported (cached in a pickle file for performance, supporting fixing broken WSDL) - Easy: simple xml manipulation, including basic serialization and raw object-like access to SOAP messages - Extensible: supports several HTTP wrappers (httplib2, pycurl, urllib2) for special transport needs over SSL and proxy (ISA) WWW: |
2017-01-01T18:48:22+00:00 | sysutils/gsh |
Program to run commands on multiple remote hosts gsh is a command line utility which is used to run the same command on multiple remote hosts in parallel. It is similar to dsh (distributed shell) but does not have any external dependencies other than Perl and OpenSSH. WWW: |
2017-01-01T18:42:04+00:00 | databases/mysqldump-secure |
Simple tool for dumping/backing up MySQL and MariaDB databases Mysqldump-secure is a POSIX compliant open-source backup tool for MySQL databases with strong security in mind. It will backup every available database (which is readable by the specified user) as a separate file with the possibility to opt out via blacklisting. WWW: |
2017-01-01T17:54:02+00:00 | editors/libreoffice-vec |
Localized messages and documentation for libreoffice WWW: |
2017-01-01T01:47:21+00:00 | science/libaec |
Adaptive entropy coding library Libaec provides fast lossless compression of 1 up to 32 bit wide signed or unsigned integers (samples). The library achieves best results for low entropy data as often encountered in space imaging instrument data or numerical model output from weather or climate simulations. While floating point representations are not directly supported, they can also be efficiently coded by grouping exponents and mantissa. Libaec implements Golomb-Rice coding as defined in the Space Data System Standard documents 121.0-B-2 and 120.0-G-2. Libaec includes a free drop-in replacement for the SZIP library. Just replace SZIP's shared library* with* and* from libaec. Code which is dynamically linked with SZIP such as HDF5 should continue to work with libaec. No re-compilation required. HDF5 files which contain SZIP encoded data can be decoded by HDF5 using libaec and vice versa. WWW: |
2017-01-01T01:47:16+00:00 | devel/rubygem-rake-contrib |
Additional libraries for Rake Additional libraries for Rake WWW: |