FreeBSD New Ports Index

This page is a slightly modified version of the following one-liner output. created_at: 2021-05-14T03:45:22+09:00

# git -C /usr/ports log --diff-filter=A --name-status --pretty="format:%aI %H" origin/master | perl -nlE '/^\d/ ? $d=$_ : print "$d\t$_"' | ack "\t[0-9a-z-]+/[^/ ]+/Makefile$"
timestamp origin comment / pkg-descr
2016-12-31T19:42:42+00:00 shells/sparforte Shell and scripting language for mission-critical, scalable projects
SPARforte is an open source programming language for high-integrity tasks,
efficient development over the project lifecycle and assuming best practices.

Language characteristics:
* Paradigm: imperative/ procedural, scripting, shell, limited reflexive
* Typing Disciplines: strong typing, type safety, nominative static with
optional limited weak and duck typing
* Appeared: 2001 (Ken O. Burtch)
* Source Code: GCC Ada, GCC C, Bourne-Again Shell, GCC Make
* Influenced by: Ada 95, Bourne Shell, SQL, and minorly BASIC, PHP, Python
* Usual File Extensions: .sp, .bush

The computer language that the SparForte shell understands is called
AdaScript. Unlike JavaScript, which has no relation to Java, AdaScript is a
small subset of the Ada programming language, with additional features
related to shell commands and databases.

AdaScript is intended to be "upward compatible" with Ada. AdaScript scripts
should run with little difficulty under Ada, but Ada programs may require
large changes run under SparForte.

2016-12-31T18:34:18+00:00 archivers/libunrar5 RAR archive extraction library
The UnRAR library is a minor part of the RAR archiver and contains
the RAR uncompression algorithm. UnRAR requires a very small amount
of memory to operate. It can be used by other programs to extract
RAR archives.

2016-12-31T13:34:16+00:00 www/p5-ParallelUserAgent Extension for LWP to allow parallel HTTP and FTP access
ParallelUserAgent (or PUA for short) is an extension of the existing libwww-5.x
distribution. It allows you to connect to download several Web pages in
_parallel_, without having to request each page one after the other.

Instead of retrieving each single page using LWP::UserAgent::request or
::simple_request methods, you first "register" all pages that you wish to
download in parallel and then call PUA's "wait" method, which will then make all
the necessary connections and download the pages.

You can define callback routines which will be called whenever a connection is
established, is cut off, new data comes in or a request finishes. The
subroutines can be global for all requests you registered, or different for
every single request.

Callbacks for example allow you to print status updates as the responses come
in, or even immediately post follow-up requests based on the responses, all
within the same single "wait" cycle.

2016-12-30T19:02:35+00:00 graphics/rawtherapee-devel Powerful RAW image processing application
RawTherapee is a powerful RAW image processing appliction. It features:

High Image Quality
- Various demosaicing algorithms: AMaZE, DCB, fast, AHD, EAHD, HPHD & VNG4.
- Advanced color handling, including color management.
- Enhanced exposure and tonality tools
- Multiple denoising methods and several tools to enhance details.

- Multi-threaded algorithms for high performance
- Batch processing: convert all the developed images at once without not
loading the processor while you work.
- Basic tools immediately at your hands.
- Parallel editing of multiple images.
- An optional secondary display can be used.

- Wide variety of supported cameras
- Advanced control over the algorithms with many fine-tuning parameters.
- Command line usage besides the normal graphical interface.
- Various layouts: single/multiple/vertical tab, with/without filmstrip.

2016-12-30T16:31:09+00:00 sysutils/smenu Terminal utility to interactively filter text
smenu is a selection filter like sed is an editing filter.

This simple terminal utility reads words from standard input, presents them
in a cool interactive window and writes the selected word, if any, to
standard output.

2016-12-30T10:19:09+00:00 editors/web-mode Autonomous Emacs major-mode for editing web templates
web-mode.el is an emacs major mode for editing web templates aka HTML
files embedding parts (CSS/JavaScript) and blocks (pre rendered by
client/server side engines).

web-mode.el is compatible with many template engines: PHP, JSP, ASP,
Django, Twig, Jinja, Mustache, ERB, FreeMarker, Velocity, Cheetah,
Smarty, CTemplate, Mustache, Blade, ErlyDTL, Go Template, Dust.js,
Google Closure (soy), React/JSX, Angularjs, ejs, Nunjucks, etc.

2016-12-29T23:50:43+00:00 databases/rubygem-redis-actionpack4 Redis session store for ActionPack
Redis session store for ActionPack

2016-12-29T17:49:55+00:00 devel/py-podcastparser Simplified, fast RSS parser
The podcast parser project is a library from the gPodder project to provide
an easy and reliable way of parsing RSS- and Atom-based podcast feeds in Python.

2016-12-29T15:20:17+00:00 multimedia/shotcut Free, open source, cross-platform video editor
Shotcut is a free, open source, cross-platform video editor for
Windows, Mac and Linux. Major features include support for a wide
range of formats; no import required meaning native timeline editing;
Blackmagic Design support for input and preview monitoring; and
resolution support to 4k.

2016-12-29T12:59:31+00:00 textproc/splitpatch Utility to split a diff patch into separate sections
A utility to split a diff patch into separate sections. It also features
splitting a patch file by hunks instead of the default by file. This is very
useful for merging patches that fail to apply by only some hunks.

2016-12-29T07:11:50+00:00 sysutils/cfengine310 Systems administration tool for networks
Cfengine is an automated suite of programs for configuring and
maintaining Unix-like computers. It has been used on computing arrays
of between 1 and 20,000 computers since 1993 by a wide range of
organizations. Cfengine is supported by active research and was the
first autonomic, hands-free management system for Unix-like operating
systems. Cfengine is an autonomic maintenance system not merely a
change management roll-out tool. Cfengine has a history of security
and adaptability.

2016-12-29T07:11:50+00:00 sysutils/cfengine-masterfiles310 cfengine sample policies for installations and upgrades
CFEngine 3 is a popular open source configuration management system.
Its primary function is to provide automated configuration and
maintenance of large-scale computer systems.

The repository is intended to provide a stable base policy for
installations and upgrades, and is used by CFEngine 3.6 and newer.
The port installs the repository as examples which should be copied by
the user to the masterfiles directory (usually /var/cfengine/masterfiles).

2016-12-29T01:47:00+00:00 multimedia/webvfx-qt5 Video effects library based on HTML/QML
WebVfx is a video effects framework that allows video effects
(filters, transitions, etc.) to be authored using web technologies
(HTML, CSS, JavaScript, WebGL, etc.) or with Qt Quick QML (a
declarative CSS and JavaScript like language).

WebVfx includes plugins for the MLT open source multimedia framework.

2016-12-28T21:00:27+00:00 devel/hs-setlocale Haskell setlocale package
Haskell setlocale package

2016-12-28T18:07:58+00:00 devel/erlang-cl OpenCL binding for Erlang
OpenCL binding for Erlang.

2016-12-28T11:07:35+00:00 databases/py-agate-sql Add SQL read/write support to agate
agate-sql adds SQL read/write support to agate.

2016-12-28T07:25:34+00:00 x11-wm/subtle Grid-based manual tiling window manager
subtle is a manual tiling window manager with a rather uncommon approach
of tiling: instead of relying on predefined layouts, subtle divides the
screen into a grid with customizeable slots (called gravities). For better
understanding, the default config uses a 3x3 grid and maps each gravity to
one key of the numpad. With those keys, windows can be moved directly to
the desired gravity -- the same can be done with tagging rules in the

Another unique concept is the strict tagging: unlike other tiling window
managers, subtle does not allow weak tagging and always maps windows to
virtual desktops (called views) with matching tags, regardless of the
current active view.

2016-12-28T05:05:46+00:00 multimedia/mlt-qt5
2016-12-28T05:05:46+00:00 multimedia/mlt-qt4
2016-12-27T23:16:57+00:00 security/openvpn23 Secure IP/Ethernet tunnel daemon
OpenVPN is a robust, scalable and highly configurable VPN (Virtual Private
Network) daemon which can be used to securely link two or more private networks
using an encrypted tunnel over the internet. It can operate over UDP or TCP,
can use SSL or a pre-shared secret to authenticate peers, and in SSL mode, one
server can handle many clients.

2016-12-27T23:16:57+00:00 security/openvpn23-polarssl Secure IP/Ethernet tunnel daemon, PolarSSL-based build
2016-12-27T23:16:57+00:00 security/openvpn-mbedtls Secure IP/Ethernet tunnel daemon, mbedTLS-based build
2016-12-27T21:20:44+00:00 math/rubygem-algebra Library for mathematical computations
This is a library for mathematical computations. Our purpose is to express the
mathematical object naturally in Ruby. Though it is not operated fast, we can
see the algorithm of the mathematical processing not in black box but in
scripts. This library is in development stage.

2016-12-27T06:35:22+00:00 math/py-yt Analysis and visualization toolkit for volumetric data
yt supports structured, variable-resolution meshes, unstructured meshes,
and discrete or sampled data such as particles. Focused on driving
physically-meaningful inquiry, yt has been applied in domains such as
astrophysics, seismology, nuclear engineering, molecular dynamics, and

2016-12-26T19:00:05+00:00 lang/ruby24 Object-oriented interpreted scripting language
Ruby is the interpreted scripting language for quick and
easy object-oriented programming. It has many features to
process text files and to do system management tasks (as in
Perl). It is simple, straight-forward, and extensible.

Features of Ruby are shown below.

+ Simple Syntax
+ *Normal* Object-Oriented features(ex. class, method calls)
+ *Advanced* Object-Oriented features(ex. Mix-in, Singleton-method)
+ Operator Overloading
+ Exception Handling
+ Iterators and Closures
+ Garbage Collection
+ Dynamic Loading of Object files(on some architecture)
+ Highly Portable(works on many UNIX machines, and on DOS,
Windows, Mac, BeOS etc.)

2016-12-26T18:14:23+00:00 net-p2p/couchpotato Automatic NZB and torrent downloader
CouchPotato (CP) is an automatic NZB and torrent downloader.

2016-12-26T15:18:08+00:00 misc/py-fuzzy Fast Python phonetic algorithms
Fuzzy is a python library implementing common phonetic algorithms quickly.
Typically this is in string similarity exercises, but they're pretty versatile.
The algorithms are:
* Soundex
* Double Metaphone Based on Maurice Aubrey's C code from his perl

2016-12-26T14:56:02+00:00 net-mgmt/seafile-client Open Source Cloud Storage (Client)
Seafile is a next-generation open source cloud storage system with
advanced support for file syncing, privacy protection and teamwork.
Collections of files are called libraries, and each library can be synced
separately. A library can be encrypted with a user chosen password. This
password is not stored on the server, so even the server admin cannot
view a file's contents.

Seafile allows users to create groups with file syncing, wiki, and
discussion to enable easy collaboration around documents within a team.

2016-12-26T14:29:06+00:00 cad/libopencad Library which provides a way to read/write CAD (DWG/DXF/DXFB) files
Libopencad is a library written in C++11, which provides a way to
read/write CAD (DWG/DXF/DXFB) files. It was designed to have a
uniformal API to work with any CAD files.

It has a base class - CADFile.

Inheriting this class it's possible to create a driver for any CAD
format, all you need to do - is to overwrite interface functions
like GetGeometry(index), and others.

Now it has an implementation for DWG2000 (R15), but only for read.

Library comes with cadinfo utility, which prints out everything
library can get from file - header variables, CAD custom classes,
presented layers and geometries with their attributes.

2016-12-26T14:26:47+00:00 net-mgmt/ccnet-client Framework for writing networked applications
Ccnet is a framework for writing networked applications in C. It provides
the services of peer identification, connection management, service
invocation, and message sending. Server has the management of user, group,
and cluster.

2016-12-26T12:55:09+00:00 net-mgmt/seafile-server Open Source Cloud Storage (Server)
Seafile is an open source cloud storage system with features on privacy
protection and teamwork. Collections of files are called libraries, and
each library can be synced separately. A library can also be encrypted
with a user chosen password. Seafile also allows users to create groups
and easily sharing files into groups.

This is the core component of Seafile server. It provides RPC to the web
front-end (Seahub) to access files, and provides HTTP APIs to the desktop
clients for syncing files.

2016-12-26T11:47:37+00:00 www/py3-requests
2016-12-26T07:22:13+00:00 devel/py-dill Serialize all of python
Dill extends python's 'pickle' module for serializing and de-serializing
python objects to the majority of the built-in python types. Serialization
is the process of converting an object to a byte stream, and the inverse
of which is converting a byte stream back to on python object hierarchy.

2016-12-26T06:53:37+00:00 x11/lightdm Lightweight Display Manager
Lightdm is a display manager that:
* Is cross-desktop - supports different desktops
* Supports different display technologies
* Is lightweight - low memory usage and fast performance
* Has a comprehensive test suite

2016-12-26T06:53:37+00:00 x11/lightdm-gtk-greeter GTK+ greeter for LightDM
Reference GTK+ greeter for LightDM.

2016-12-25T19:23:52+00:00 x11-toolkits/py36-tkinter
2016-12-25T19:23:24+00:00 databases/py36-sqlite3
2016-12-25T19:22:26+00:00 databases/py36-gdbm
2016-12-25T19:21:51+00:00 devel/py-setuptools36
2016-12-25T18:27:11+00:00 audio/spectrogram Audio visualization for sndio
Small audio visualizer for sndiod's monitor mode.

2016-12-25T15:59:28+00:00 textproc/py3-hunspell
2016-12-25T15:59:28+00:00 textproc/py-hunspell Python module for the Hunspell spellchecker engine
pyhunspell is a set of Python bindings for the Hunspell spellchecker engine. It
lets developers load Hunspell dictionaries, check words, get suggestions, add
new words, etc. It also provides some basic morphological analysis related

2016-12-25T15:08:35+00:00 lang/python36 Interpreted object-oriented programming language
Python is an interpreted object-oriented programming language, and is
often compared to Tcl, Perl or Scheme.

2016-12-25T14:38:34+00:00 net-mgmt/ccnet-server Internal communication framework for Seafile server
Ccnet is a framework for writing networked applications in C. It provides
the services of peer identification, connection management, service
invocation, and message sending. In ccnet network, there are two types of
nodes, i.e., client and server. Server has the following functions, User
management, Group management.

2016-12-24T13:10:46+00:00 www/py3-cssutils
2016-12-24T13:04:07+00:00 x11-toolkits/py-kiwi-gtk Framework and a set of enhanced widgets based on PyGTK
kiwi offers a set of enhanced widgets for Python based on PyGTK.
It also includes a framework designed to make creating Python
applications using PyGTK and libglade much simpler.

2016-12-23T17:35:50+00:00 deskutils/p5-Data-ICal-DateTime Convenience methods for using Data::ICal with DateTime
Data::ICal::DateTime - convenience methods for using Data::ICal with

2016-12-23T10:50:57+00:00 devel/pecl-request Provides server-side request and response objects for PHP 7
This extension provides server-side request and response objects for PHP 7.
These are *not* HTTP message objects proper. They are more like wrappers
for existing global PHP variables and functions, with some limited
additional convenience functionality.

This extension defines two classes in the global namespace:

- ServerRequest, composed of read-only copies of PHP superglobals and some
other commonly-used values, with methods for adding application-specific
request information in immutable fashion.

- ServerResponse, essentially a wrapper around (and buffer for) response-
related PHP functions, with some additional convenience methods, and self-
sending capability.


A PHP 5 userland implementation that tracks this extension is available at .

2016-12-23T02:35:32+00:00 graphics/movit High-performance video filters for the GPU
Movit is the Modern Video Toolkit, notwithstanding that anything
that's called "modern" usually isn't, and it's really not a toolkit.

Movit aims to be a _high-quality_, _high-performance_, _open-source_
library for video filters.

2016-12-22T22:56:27+00:00 devel/py-linecache2 New features in linecache backported to Python 2
A backport of linecache to older supported Pythons.

2016-12-22T22:55:15+00:00 devel/py-traceback2 New features in traceback backported to Python 2
A backport of traceback to older supported Pythons.

2016-12-22T20:52:04+00:00 x11/lxqt-l10n Translations of LXQt components
Translations ("localization") in terms of the Qt TS files of all
components maintained by the LXQt project.

2016-12-22T15:14:04+00:00 devel/oniguruma6 BSDL Regular Expressions library compatible with POSIX/GNU/Perl
Oniguruma is a regular expressions library. The characteristics of this
library is that different character encoding for every regular
expression object can be specified.

2016-12-22T00:59:21+00:00 devel/qjson-qt5
2016-12-21T20:46:21+00:00 devel/p5-Term-Table Format a header and rows into a table
Term::Table is used by some failing tests to provide diagnostics about what has
gone wrong. This module is able to generic format rows of data into tables.

2016-12-21T15:40:12+00:00 net/gdrive Google Drive CLI Client
Command line utility for interacting with Google Drive, featuring:

- Individual file or directory upload/download
- Directory synchronization (similar to rsync)
- Google Documents support
- Statically linked, dependency free binary

2016-12-21T05:53:30+00:00 emulators/qemu-riscv QEMU with RISC-V (RV64GC, RV32GC) emulation support
QEMU with RISC-V (RV64G, RV32G) emulation support

2016-12-20T09:30:25+00:00 lang/julia Meta port for the different versions of Julia compiler
Julia is a high-level, high-performance dynamic programming language for
technical computing, with syntax that is familiar to users of other technical
computing environments. It provides a sophisticated compiler, distributed
parallel execution, numerical accuracy, and an extensive mathematical function
library. The library, largely written in Julia itself, also integrates mature,
best-of-breed C and Fortran libraries for linear algebra, random number
generation, signal processing, and string processing.

2016-12-19T23:07:25+00:00 emulators/py-unicorn Python bindings for Unicorn CPU emulator framework
Python bindings for Unicorn CPU emulator framework.

2016-12-19T16:39:06+00:00 www/py-horizon OpenStack Dashboard (Horizon)
Horizon is a Django-based project aimed at providing a complete OpenStack
Dashboard along with an extensible framework for building new dashboards from
reusable components. The openstack_dashboard module is a reference
implementation of a Django site that uses the horizon app to provide web-based
interactions with the various OpenStack projects.

2016-12-19T15:56:24+00:00 textproc/kf5-syntax-highlighting KF5 syntax highlighting engine for structured text and code
Syntax highlighting Engine for Structured Text and Code.

2016-12-19T15:56:24+00:00 graphics/kf5-prison API to produce barcodes
Prison is a barcode API currently offering a nice Qt API to produce QR
code and Data Matrix barcodes, and can easily be made support more.

2016-12-19T15:54:39+00:00 biology/p5-Bio-Coordinate Modules for working with biological coordinates
Bio::Coordinate classes are used for working with various biological coordinate
systems. See Bio::Coordinate::Collection and Bio::Collection::Pair for examples.

2016-12-19T01:18:40+00:00 databases/py-sqlparse01 Non-validating SQL parser for Python
sqlparse is a non-validating SQL parser module. It provides support for
parsing, splitting and formatting SQL statements.

2016-12-18T17:28:08+00:00 dns/dq Recursive DNS/DNSCurve server
Recursive DNS/DNSCurve server and comandline tool to debug DNS/DNSCurve

2016-12-18T15:44:45+00:00 databases/py-python-swiftclient Python client library for OpenStack Object Storage (Swift)
This is a python client for the Swift API. There's a Python API (the
``swiftclient`` module), and a command-line script (``swift``).

This code is based on the original client previously included with
OpenStack's swift -- a highly available, distributed, eventually
consistent object/blob store.

2016-12-18T15:25:44+00:00 biology/p5-BioPerl-Run Wrapper modules for common bioinformatics tools
Bioperl-run contain modules that provides a PERL interface to various
bioinformatics applications. This allows various applications to be used
with common Bioperl objects.

2016-12-18T15:25:04+00:00 biology/p5-BioPerl Collection of Perl modules for bioinformatics
The BioPerl Project is an international association of developers of open
source Perl tools for bioinformatics, genomics and life science research.

BioPerl is a collection of object-oriented Perl modules created by the
BioPerl Project. It forms the basis of a large number of bioinformatics and
genomics applications.

(For an interesting aside on "How Perl saved the Human Genome Project", see

2016-12-18T15:20:33+00:00 www/libnghttp2 HTTP/2.0 C Library
nghttp2 is an implementation of HTTP/2 and its header compression algorithm

2016-12-18T15:03:04+00:00 www/linux-flashplayer Adobe Flash Player NPAPI Plugin
Adobe Flash Player is a lightweight browser plug-in and rich internet
application runtime that delivers consistent and engaging user experiences,
stunning audio/video playback, and exciting gameplay.

2016-12-18T15:03:04+00:00 www/flashplayer Native wrapper around Linux Flash Player
Wrapper around Linux Flash Player that allows native browsers to display
Flash content.

2016-12-18T11:36:26+00:00 devel/py-XStatic XStatic base package with minimal support code
The goal of XStatic family of packages is to provide static file packages with
minimal overhead - without selling you some dependencies you don't want.

2016-12-18T11:36:26+00:00 devel/py-XStatic-tv4 JSON Schema validator for JavaScript (tv4)
This port is the static file package for tv4 JavaScript library
that provides a JSON Schema validator for JavaScript.

It uses the XStatic packaging standard, aimed to bring an ability to
install javascript libraries via easy_install or pip utility.

2016-12-18T11:36:26+00:00 devel/py-XStatic-term.js Terminal written in javascript (term.js)
This port is the static file package for term.js JavaScript library
that provides a terminal written in javascript

It uses the XStatic packaging standard, aimed to bring an ability to
install javascript libraries via easy_install or pip utility.

2016-12-18T11:36:26+00:00 devel/py-XStatic-smart-table Table module for angular js (angular-smart-table)
This port is the static file package for angular-smart-table JavaScript library
that provides a table module for angular js.

It uses the XStatic packaging standard, aimed to bring an ability to
install javascript libraries via easy_install or pip utility.

2016-12-18T11:36:26+00:00 devel/py-XStatic-roboto-fontface Simple package providing the Roboto fontface (roboto-fontface)
This port is the static file package for roboto-fontface JavaScript library
that provides a Simple package providing the Roboto fontface.

It uses the XStatic packaging standard, aimed to bring an ability to
install javascript libraries via easy_install or pip utility.

2016-12-18T11:36:26+00:00 devel/py-XStatic-objectpath Parser for js object paths (objectpath)
This port is the static file package for objectpath JavaScript library
that provides a Parser for js object paths.

It uses the XStatic packaging standard, aimed to bring an ability to
install javascript libraries via easy_install or pip utility.

2016-12-18T11:36:26+00:00 devel/py-XStatic-mdi Material Design Webfont (mdi)
This port is the static file package for mdi JavaScript library
that provides a Material Design Webfont.

It uses the XStatic packaging standard, aimed to bring an ability to
install javascript libraries via easy_install or pip utility.

2016-12-18T11:36:26+00:00 devel/py-XStatic-jquery-ui JQuery library for building user interfaces (jquery-ui)
This port is the static file package for jquery-ui JavaScript library
that provides a JQuery library for building user interfaces.

It uses the XStatic packaging standard, aimed to bring an ability to
install javascript libraries via easy_install or pip utility.

2016-12-18T11:36:26+00:00 devel/py-XStatic-jQuery JavaScript library for DOM operations (jquery)
This port is the static file package for jquery JavaScript library
that provides a JavaScript library for DOM operations.

It uses the XStatic packaging standard, aimed to bring an ability to
install javascript libraries via easy_install or pip utility.

2016-12-18T11:36:26+00:00 devel/py-XStatic-bootswatch Collection of themes for Bootstrap (bootswatch)
This port is the static file package for bootswatch JavaScript library
that provides a Bootswatch collection of themes for Bootstrap.

It uses the XStatic packaging standard, aimed to bring an ability to
install javascript libraries via easy_install or pip utility.

2016-12-18T11:36:26+00:00 devel/py-XStatic-Spin Spinner component (spin)
This port is the static file package for spin JavaScript library
that provides a Spinner component.

It uses the XStatic packaging standard, aimed to bring an ability to
install javascript libraries via easy_install or pip utility.

2016-12-18T11:36:26+00:00 devel/py-XStatic-Rickshaw Rickshaw 1.5.0 (xstatic packaging standard)
This port is the static file package for rickshaw JavaScript library
that provides a JavaScript toolkit for interactive time series graphs.

It uses the XStatic packaging standard, aimed to bring an ability to
install javascript libraries via easy_install or pip utility.

2016-12-18T11:36:26+00:00 devel/py-XStatic-Jasmine Jasmine (XStatic packaging standard)
Jasmine JavaScript library packaged for setuptools (easy_install) / pip.

This package is intended to be used by **any** project that needs these files.

It intentionally does **not** provide any extra code except some metadata
**nor** has any extra requirements. You MAY use some minimal support code from
the XStatic base package, if you like.

2016-12-18T11:36:26+00:00 devel/py-XStatic-JSEncrypt Javascript library to perform OpenSSL RSA (jsencrypt)
This port is the static file package for jsencrypt JavaScript library
that provides a Javascript library to perform OpenSSL RSA.

It uses the XStatic packaging standard, aimed to bring an ability to
install javascript libraries via easy_install or pip utility.

2016-12-18T11:36:26+00:00 devel/py-XStatic-JQuery.quicksearch JQuery plugin for searching through tables (jquery-quicksearch)
This port is the static file package for jquery-quicksearch JavaScript library
that provides a JQuery plugin for searching through tables.

It uses the XStatic packaging standard, aimed to bring an ability to
install javascript libraries via easy_install or pip utility.

2016-12-18T11:36:26+00:00 devel/py-XStatic-JQuery.TableSorter JQuery plugin for creating sortable tables (jquery-tablesort)
This port is the static file package for jquery-tablesort JavaScript library
that provides a lightweight jQuery plugin for creating sortable tables.

It uses the XStatic packaging standard, aimed to bring an ability to
install javascript libraries via easy_install or pip utility.

2016-12-18T11:36:26+00:00 devel/py-XStatic-JQuery-Migrate JQuery migration kit (jquery-migrate)
This port is the static file package for jquery-migrate JavaScript library
that provides a JQuery migration kit.

It uses the XStatic packaging standard, aimed to bring an ability to
install javascript libraries via easy_install or pip utility.

2016-12-18T11:36:26+00:00 devel/py-XStatic-Hogan JavaScript templating framework (hogan.js)
This port is the static file package for hoganjs JavaScript library
that provides a JavaScript templating framework.

It uses the XStatic packaging standard, aimed to bring an ability to
install javascript libraries via easy_install or pip utility.

2016-12-18T11:36:26+00:00 devel/py-XStatic-Font-Awesome Iconic font and CSS framework (font-awesome)
This port is the static file package for font-awesome JavaScript library
that provides the iconic font and CSS framework.

It uses the XStatic packaging standard, aimed to bring an ability to
install javascript libraries via easy_install or pip utility.

2016-12-18T11:36:26+00:00 devel/py-XStatic-D3 Data-Driven Documents framework (d3)
This port is the static file package for d3 JavaScript library
that provides a Data-Driven Documents framework.

It uses the XStatic packaging standard, aimed to bring an ability to
install javascript libraries via easy_install or pip utility.

2016-12-18T11:36:26+00:00 devel/py-XStatic-Bootstrap-SCSS Bootstrap SCSS stylesheets (bootstrap-scss)
This port is the static file package for bootstrap-scss JavaScript library
that provides a Bootstrap SCSS stylesheets.

It uses the XStatic packaging standard, aimed to bring an ability to
install javascript libraries via easy_install or pip utility.

2016-12-18T11:36:26+00:00 devel/py-XStatic-Bootstrap-Datepicker Datepicker for Bootstrap (bootstrap-datepicker)
This port is the static file package for bootstrap-datepicker JavaScript library
that provides a datepicker for Bootstrap.

It uses the XStatic packaging standard, aimed to bring an ability to
install javascript libraries via easy_install or pip utility.

2016-12-18T11:36:26+00:00 devel/py-XStatic-Angular JavaScript MVW Framework (angular)
This port is the static file package for angular JavaScript library
that provides a JavaScript MVW Framework.

It uses the XStatic packaging standard, aimed to bring an ability to
install javascript libraries via easy_install or pip utility.

2016-12-18T11:36:26+00:00 devel/py-XStatic-Angular-lrdragndrop HTML5 Drag and Drop AngularJS module (angular-dragndrop)
This port is the static file package for angular-dragndrop JavaScript library
that provides a HTML5 Drag and Drop AngularJS module.

It uses the XStatic packaging standard, aimed to bring an ability to
install javascript libraries via easy_install or pip utility.

2016-12-18T11:36:26+00:00 devel/py-XStatic-Angular-Schema-Form Forms from a JSON schema (angular-schema-form)
This port is the static file package for (angular-schema-form) JavaScript
library that provides a complex forms from a JSON schema with Angular.

It uses the XStatic packaging standard, aimed to bring an ability to
install javascript libraries via easy_install or pip utility.

2016-12-18T11:36:26+00:00 devel/py-XStatic-Angular-Gettext Gettext support for Angular.js (angular-gettext)
This port is the static file package for angular-gettext JavaScript library
that provides a Gettext support for Angular.js.

It uses the XStatic packaging standard, aimed to bring an ability to
install javascript libraries via easy_install or pip utility.

2016-12-18T11:36:26+00:00 devel/py-XStatic-Angular-FileUpload File Upload module for the AngularJS (angular-file-upload)
This port is the static file package for angular-file-upload JavaScript library
that provides a Angular File Upload support for the AngularJS framework.

It uses the XStatic packaging standard, aimed to bring an ability to
install javascript libraries via easy_install or pip utility.

2016-12-18T11:36:26+00:00 devel/py-XStatic-Angular-Bootstrap Bootstrap widgets for Angular (angular-bootstrap)
This port is the static file package for angular-bootstrap JavaScript library
that provides a Bootstrap widgets for Angular framework.

It uses the XStatic packaging standard, aimed to bring an ability to
install javascript libraries via easy_install or pip utility.

2016-12-18T08:07:58+00:00 www/py-django_openstack_auth Django authentication backend for use with OpenStack Identity
Pluggable Django authentication backend for use with OpenStack Identity, that
works with Django's contrib.auth framework to authenticate a user against
OpenStack's Keystone Identity API.

2016-12-18T06:30:58+00:00 emulators/py-nova OpenStack compute service
OpenStack Nova provides a cloud computing fabric controller, supporting a wide
variety of compute technologies, including: libvirt (KVM, Xen, LXC and more),
Hyper-V, VMware, XenServer and OpenStack Ironic.

2016-12-17T18:02:09+00:00 textproc/zxing-cpp ZXing C++ Library for QR code recognition
This project is a C++ port of ZXing Library.

* In pure C++14, no third-party dependencies
* Stateless, thread-safe readers/generators
* Wrapper to create WinRT component
* Wrapper for Android
* Wrapper for WebAssembly
* Python binding

2016-12-17T17:13:27+00:00 net/py-python-heatclient OpenStack Orchestration API Client Library
This is a client library for Heat built on the Heat orchestration API. It
provides a Python API (the heatclient module) and a command-line tool (heat).

2016-12-17T16:38:26+00:00 net/py-python-barbicanclient Client Library for OpenStack Barbican Key Management API
This is a client for the Barbican Key Management API. There is a Python library
for accessing the API (barbicanclient module), and a command-line script

2016-12-17T15:31:09+00:00 net/py-python-openstackclient OpenStack Command-line Client
OpenStackClient (aka OSC) is a command-line client for OpenStack that brings the
command set for Compute, Identity, Image, Network, Object Store and Block
Storage APIs together in a single shell with a uniform command structure.

The primary goal is to provide a unified shell command structure and a common
language to describe operations in OpenStack.

2016-12-17T15:31:09+00:00 net/py-python-novaclient Client for the OpenStack Nova API
This is a client for OpenStack Nova API. There's a Python API (the novaclient
module), and a command-line script (installed as nova). Each implements the
entire OpenStack Nova API.

You'll need credentials for an OpenStack cloud that implements the Compute API,
such as TryStack, HP, or Rackspace, in order to use the nova client.

2016-12-17T15:31:09+00:00 net/py-python-neutronclient CLI and Client Library for OpenStack Networking
This is a client library for Neutron built on the Neutron API. It provides a
Python API (the neutronclient module) and a command-line tool (neutron).

2016-12-17T15:31:09+00:00 net/py-python-keystoneclient Client Library for OpenStack Identity
This is a client for the OpenStack Identity API, implemented by the Keystone
team; it contains a Python API (the keystoneclient module) for OpenStack's
Identity Service. For command line interface support, use OpenStackClient.

2016-12-17T15:31:09+00:00 net/py-python-glanceclient OpenStack Image API Client Library
This is a client library for Glance built on the OpenStack Images API. It
provides a Python API (the glanceclient module) and a command-line tool
(glance). This library fully supports the v1 Images API, while support for the
v2 API is in progress.

2016-12-17T15:31:09+00:00 net/py-python-designateclient OpenStack DNS-as-a-Service - Client
This is a client library for Designate built on the Designate API. It provides a
Python API (the designateclient module) and a command-line tool (designate).

2016-12-17T15:31:09+00:00 net/py-python-cinderclient OpenStack Block Storage API Client Library
This is a client for the OpenStack Cinder API. There's a Python API (the
cinderclient module), and a command-line script (cinder). Each implements 100%
of the OpenStack Cinder API.

See the OpenStack CLI Reference for information on how to use the cinder
command-line tool. You may also want to look at the OpenStack API documentation.

2016-12-17T15:31:09+00:00 net/py-python-ceilometerclient OpenStack Telemetry API Client Library
This is a client library for Ceilometer built on the Ceilometer API. It
provides a Python API (the ceilometerclient module) and a command-line tool

2016-12-17T12:53:14+00:00 chinese/php-opencc OpenCC shared extension for php
Open Chinese Convert is an opensource project for conversion between Traditional
Chinese and Simplified Chinese, supporting character-level conversion,
phrase-level conversion, variant conversion and regional idioms among Mainland
China, Taiwan and Hong kong.

2016-12-17T12:49:40+00:00 databases/php70-memcache Memcached extension for PHP 7.0
Memcached is a caching daemon designed especially for dynamic web applications
to decrease database load by storing objects in memory. This extension allows
you to work with memcached through handy OO and procedural interfaces.

Note that this port uses unofficial development from (NON_BLOCKING_IO_php7 branch).

2016-12-17T10:54:56+00:00 devel/R-cran-rprojroot Finding Files in Project Subdirectories
Robust, reliable and flexible paths to files below a project root.
The 'root' of a project is defined as a directory that matches a
certain criterion, e.g., it contains a certain regular file.

2016-12-17T06:52:40+00:00 math/R-cran-backports Reimplementations of Functions Introduced Since R-3.0.0
Implementations of functions which have been introduced in R since
version 3.0.0. The backports are conditionally exported which results
in R resolving the function names to the version shipped with R (if
available) and uses the implemented backports as fallback. This way
package developers can make use of the new functions without worrying
about the minimum required R version.

2016-12-16T20:30:31+00:00 security/putty-nogtk
2016-12-16T20:21:16+00:00 sysutils/iocell Feature rich Jail containers manager (iocage fork)
iocell is a zero dependency drop in jail/container manager
amalgamating some of the best features and technologies
FreeBSD operating system has to offer.

It is geared for ease of use with a simple and easy to
understand command syntax.

iocell has been forked from iocage with the goal of keeping
original iocage experience available, providing bugfixes
and new features.

2016-12-16T18:02:02+00:00 textproc/p5-String-LCSS Find The Longest Common Substring of Two Strings
String::LCSS provides the function "lcss" to ferret out the longest common
substring shared by two strings passed as arguments. undef is returned if
the susbstring length is one char or less.

When used in an array context, lcss will returns the indexi of the match root
in the two args.

2016-12-16T15:35:55+00:00 graphics/photivo Free and open source photo processor
Photivo is a multi-platform photo processor for raw and bitmap images with
16-bit precision.

Photivo tries to give the user as much control as possible to express their
creativity and to allow flexible adjustments for the various needs in

2016-12-16T13:07:26+00:00 deskutils/go-for-it Stylish to-do list with built-in productivity timer
Go For It! is a simple and stylish productivity app, featuring a to-do list,
merged with a timer that keeps your focus on the current task.

2016-12-16T09:48:54+00:00 editors/hexer Multi buffer editor for binary files
Hexer is a multi buffer editor for binary files for UN*X that displays its
buffer(s) as hex dump. The user interface is kept similar to vi/ex. All
POSIX-compatible environments should be supported.

2016-12-16T06:43:52+00:00 emulators/unicorn Unicorn CPU emulator framework
Unicorn is a lightweight, multi-platform, multi-architecture CPU emulator
framework based on QEMU.

Unicorn offers some unparalleled features:
- Multi-architecture: ARM, ARM64 (ARMv8), M68K, MIPS, SPARC, and X86 (16, 32,
- Clean/simple/lightweight/intuitive architecture-neutral API
- Implemented in pure C language, with bindings for Perl, Rust, Ruby, Python,
Java, MSVC, .NET, Go, Delphi/Free Pascal and Haskell.
- Native support for Windows & *nix (with Mac OSX, Linux, *BSD & Solaris
- High performance via Just-In-Time compilation
- Support for fine-grained instrumentation at various levels
- Thread-safety by design
- Distributed under free software license GPLv2

2016-12-15T22:01:45+00:00 devel/go-gocode Autocompletion daemon for golang
Gocode is a helper tool which is intended to be integrated with your source
code editor, like vim, neovim and emacs.

2016-12-15T21:45:07+00:00 devel/go-glide Package Management for Golang
Glide is a package manager for Go that is conceptually similar to package
managers for other languages such as Cargo for Rust, NPM for Node.js, Pip for
Python, Bundler for Ruby, and so forth.

2016-12-14T16:04:43+00:00 irc/hexchat-fish Encryption plugin for Hexchat
FiSHLiM is a HexChat plugin for FiSH IRC encryption.

* Sending/receiving messages
* Topic decryption
* Using unecrypted keys / keys without a password from blow.ini
* Pure protocol-level filtering (works with highlighting, nick coloring etc)
* Partially encrypted messages (i.e. prefixed with nickname by a bouncer)
* CBC mode

2016-12-13T16:50:01+00:00 x11-fonts/emojione-color-font-ttf Color emoji font using EmojiOne Unicode 9.0
A color and B&W emoji SVGinOT font built from EmojiOne artwork with support for
ZWJ, skin tone diversity and country flags.

The font works in all operating systems, but will currently only show color
emoji in Firefox, Thunderbird and other Mozilla Gecko-based applications. This
is not a limitation of the font, but of the operating systems and applications.
Regular B&W outline emoji are included for backwards/fallback compatibility.

2016-12-13T13:59:13+00:00 devel/py3-pytest
2016-12-13T13:59:13+00:00 devel/py3-py
2016-12-12T20:57:31+00:00 math/p5-Math-BigInt-Lite What Math::BigInts are before they become big
Math::BigInt is not very good suited to work with small (read: typical less than
10 digits) numbers, since it has a quite high per-operation overhead and is thus
much slower than normal Perl for operations.

But for some applications, you want fast speed for small numbers without the
risk of overflowing. This is were Math::BigInt::Lite comes into play.

Math::BigInt::Lite objects should behave in every way like Math::BigInt objects,
that is apart from the different label, you should not be able to tell the
difference. Since Math::BigInt::Lite is designed with speed in mind, there are
certain limitations build-in. In praxis, however, you will not feel them,
because everytime something gets to big to pass as Lite (literally), it will
upgrade the objects and operation in question to Math::BigInt.

2016-12-12T17:45:01+00:00 devel/lxqt-build-tools Helpers CMake modules for LXQt
Several helpers CMake modules needed to build LXQt itself as well as other

2016-12-12T16:09:52+00:00 www/py-django-openstack-auth Django authentication backend for use with OpenStack Identity
Django authentication backend for use with OpenStack Identity

2016-12-12T16:07:34+00:00 www/py-django-pyscss Makes it easier to use PySCSS in Django
django-pyscss provides a collection of tools for making it easier to use pyScss
within Django.

2016-12-12T16:05:45+00:00 www/py-django-babel Utilities for using Babel in django
Utilities for using Babel in Django

2016-12-12T10:03:34+00:00 games/ascii-invaders ASCII-art game like Space Invaders using Curses
An ASCII-art game like Space Invaders using Curses.

2016-12-12T06:06:45+00:00 devel/py-crank Generalization of dispatch mechanism for use across frameworks
Generalized Object based Dispatch mechanism for use across frameworks.

2016-12-11T08:13:11+00:00 net/py-ceilometerclient OpenStack Telemetry API Client Library
This is a client library for Ceilometer built on the Ceilometer API. It
provides a Python API (the ceilometerclient module) and a command-line tool

2016-12-11T08:11:54+00:00 net/py-heatclient OpenStack Orchestration API Client Library
This is a client library for Heat built on the Heat orchestration API. It
provides a Python API (the heatclient module) and a command-line tool (heat).

2016-12-11T08:10:49+00:00 net/py-designateclient OpenStack DNS-as-a-Service - Client
This is a client library for Designate built on the Designate API. It provides
a Python API (the designateclient module) and a command-line tool (designate).

2016-12-11T08:06:13+00:00 devel/py-Pint Physical quantities module
Pint is a Python package to define, operate and manipulate physical
quantities: the product of a numerical value and a unit of measurement. It
allows arithmetic operations between them and conversions from and to
different units.

It is distributed with a comprehensive list of physical units, prefixes and
constants. Due to its modular design, you can extend (or even rewrite!) the
complete list without changing the source code. It supports a lot of numpy
mathematical operations without monkey patching or wrapping numpy.

2016-12-11T04:36:57+00:00 net/freerdp1 Free implementation of Remote Desktop Protocol
FreeRDP is a free implementation of the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP),
released under the Apache license. Enjoy the freedom of using your
software wherever you want, the way you want it, in a world where
interoperability can finally liberate your computing experience.

2016-12-10T17:05:29+00:00 net-mgmt/nagnu Nagios dashboard
Nagnu is a curses/terminal based dashboard for nagios showing current
status of hosts and services.

2016-12-10T16:55:23+00:00 security/p5-Dancer2-Plugin-Auth-Extensible-Provider-Database Extensible authentication for D2 apps using Dancer2-Plugin-Database
This class is an authentication provider designed to authenticate users
against a database, using Dancer2::Plugin::Database to access a database.

See Dancer2::Plugin::Auth::Extensible for details on how to use
the authentication framework.

2016-12-10T13:39:21+00:00 databases/py3-psycopg2
2016-12-10T13:39:21+00:00 databases/py3-mysqlclient
2016-12-10T03:22:40+00:00 devel/py-pytest-asyncio Py.test plugin providing fixtures and markers for asyncio
asyncio code is usually written in the form of coroutines, which makes it
slightly more difficult to test using normal testing tools. pytest-asyncio
provides useful fixtures and markers to make testing easier.

2016-12-10T03:22:27+00:00 devel/py-pytest-tornado Py.test plugin providing fixtures and markers for tornado
A py.test plugin providing fixtures and markers to simplify testing of
asynchronous tornado applications.

2016-12-09T19:30:19+00:00 devel/p5-Sub-Quote Efficient generation of subroutines via string eval
This package provides performant ways to generate subroutines from strings.

2016-12-09T14:48:26+00:00 games/libgnome-games-support Small library intended for internal use by GNOME Games
libgnome-games-support is a small library intended for internal use by
GNOME Games, but it may be used by others.

2016-12-09T12:56:06+00:00 net/rubygem-qiniu Qiniu Resource (Cloud) Storage SDK for Ruby
Qiniu Resource (Cloud) Storage SDK for Ruby

2016-12-09T05:35:23+00:00 devel/py-pyvalid Python validation tool
pyvalid is a Python validation tool for checking of input function
parameters and return values.

2016-12-09T01:09:50+00:00 net/bluemix-cli Bluemix command line interface
Bluemix CLI provides a unified way for you to interact with your
applications, virtual servers, containers, and other components in
Bluemix through a command line interface. It also leverages command
line tools from Cloud Foundry, Docker, and the OpenStack community
when you interact with specific compute types. Bluemix CLI helps you
handle the environment settings when these community tools are used.

2016-12-08T22:01:03+00:00 devel/libfmt Formatting library for C++
fmt is an open-source formatting library providing a fast and safe alternative
to C stdio and C++ iostreams.

2016-12-08T18:14:54+00:00 sysutils/metricbeat Collect metrics from your systems and services
Beats is the platform for building lightweight, open source data
shippers for many types of operational data you want to enrich with
Logstash, search and analyze in Elasticsearch, and visualize in Kibana.
Whether you're interested in log files, infrastructure metrics, network
packets, or any other type of data, Beats serves as the foundation for
keeping a beat on your data.

Metricbeat collects metrics from your systems and services. From CPU to
memory, Redis to Nginx, and much more, Metricbeat is a lightweight way to
send system statistics.

2016-12-08T14:33:51+00:00 textproc/qrcodegen GUI to generate QR codes
The 'Portable QR-Code Generator' is a free Java program which generates QR
Codes from

- WLAN credentials: SSID, network key and and network type
(WEP, WPA/WPA2, not encrypted)
- VCard-Import
o Inlined images can optionally be removed to reduce the size of the
generated QR Code
o VCards up to version 3 (inclusive) are supported
o You can import the cards via drag&drop or by selecting them in a file
chooser dialog
o Supports a broad range of character encodings (ISO-8859-1, UTF-8, UTF-16,)
the actual number depends on the Java Virtual Machine you are using.
- VCard generator
- e-mail addresses
- URLs
- free text
- geographic coordinates

The QR Code can be printed, saved as BMP, GIF or PNG, or copied to clipboard to
use in other applications.

2016-12-08T06:28:33+00:00 multimedia/zoneminder-h264 Complete security camera solution, fully web based with image analysis, experimental h264 version
Zoneminder is an all-in-one GPL'd security and surveillance camera solution.
Fully web-based system for viewing and analyzing security camera feeds.
This is an experimental version which has H.264 support.

2016-12-08T03:35:53+00:00 databases/php70-memcached PHP extension for interfacing with memcached via libmemcached library
memcached is a high-performance, distributed memory object caching
system, generic in nature, but intended for use in speeding up dynamic
web applications by alleviating database load.

This extension uses the libmemcached library to provide the API for
communicating with memcached servers.

2016-12-08T03:25:54+00:00 graphics/colmap Structure from motion and multi-view stereo
COLMAP is a general-purpose Structure-from-Motion (SfM) and Multi-View
Stereo (MVS) pipeline with a graphical and command-line interface. It
offers a wide range of features for reconstruction of ordered and
unordered image collections.

2016-12-07T21:29:35+00:00 security/dotdotpwn Fuzzer to discover traversal directory vulnerabilities
DotDotPwn - The Directory Traversal Fuzzer

It is a very flexible intelligent fuzzer to discover traversal
directory vulnerabilities in software such as HTTP/FTP/TFTP servers,
Web platforms such as CMSs, ERPs, Blogs, etc.

It has a protocol-independent module to send the desired payload
to the host and port specified. On the other hand, it also could
be used in a scripting way using the STDOUT module.

It is written in Perl.

2016-12-06T19:25:23+00:00 devel/bazel Fast and correct build system
Bazel is Google's own build tool, now publicly available in Beta.
Bazel has built-in support for building both client and server
software, including client applications for both Android and iOS
platforms. It also provides an extensible framework that you can
use to develop your own build rules.

2016-12-06T17:49:20+00:00 databases/py35-psycopg2
2016-12-06T16:57:13+00:00 x11/qterminal-l10n Translations of Qterminal
Translations of qterminal

2016-12-05T20:26:36+00:00 net-im/qxmpp-qt5 XMPP client library based on Qt and C++
QXmpp is pretty intuitive and easy to use. It uses Qt extensively.
Qt is the only third party library it is dependent on. Users need
to a have working knowledge of C++ and Qt basics (Signals and Slots
and Qt data types). The underlying TCP socket and the XMPP RFCs
(RFC3920 and RFC3921) have been encapsulated into classes and
functions. Therefore the user would not be bothered with these
details. But it is always recommended to the advanced users to read
and enjoy the low level details.

2016-12-05T19:00:41+00:00 devel/rubygem-aws-sigv4 Amazon Web Services Signature Version 4 signing library
rubygem-aws-sigv4 is Amazon Web Services Signature Version 4 signing library
which generates sigv4 signature for HTTP requests.

2016-12-05T17:45:08+00:00 devel/R-cran-ModelMetrics Rapid Calculation of Model Metrics
Collection of metrics for evaluating models written in C++ using

2016-12-05T16:28:43+00:00 databases/py35-mysqlclient
2016-12-05T13:45:05+00:00 devel/erlang-katana Erlang grab bag of useful functions
Erlang grab bag of useful functions.

2016-12-05T07:24:10+00:00 www/rubygem-rack14 Rack, a Ruby Webserver Interface
Rack provides an minimal interface between webservers supporting Ruby
and Ruby frameworks.

2016-12-05T06:25:35+00:00 www/moodle32 Course management system based on social constructionism
Moodle is a course management system (CMS) - a free, Open Source software
package designed using sound pedagogical principles, to help educators
create effective online learning communities. You can use it on any
computer you have handy (including webhosts), yet it can scale from a
single-teacher site to a 40,000-student University.

2016-12-04T00:39:38+00:00 www/mediawiki128 Wiki engine used by Wikipedia
MediaWiki is the collaborative editing software that runs Wikipedia,
the free encyclopedia, and other projects.
It's designed to handle a large number of users and pages without imposing
too rigid a structure or workflow.

2016-12-03T18:28:21+00:00 www/rubygem-url_mount Glue to allow mounted rack applications to know where they're mounted
UrlMount is a universal mount point designed for use in rack applications.
It provides a simple way to pass a url mounting point to the mounted application.

This means that when you mount an application in the url space, it's a simple call to url to get the mount point of where
the application is.

2016-12-03T15:35:53+00:00 devel/rubygem-mustermann-grape Adds Grape style patterns to Mustermman
This gem implements the grape pattern type for Mustermann.

2016-12-03T15:34:55+00:00 devel/rubygem-mustermann Library implementing patterns that behave like regular expressions
Mustermann is your personal string matching expert. As an expert in the field of
strings and patterns, Mustermann keeps its runtime dependencies to a minimum and
is fully covered with specs and documentation.

Given a string pattern, Mustermann will turn it into an object that behaves like
a regular expression and has comparable performance characteristics.

2016-12-03T15:32:53+00:00 devel/rubygem-tool Ruby library used by Sinatra 2.0, Mustermann and related projects
Welcome to Tool, the general purpose Ruby library used by Sinatra 2.0,
Mustermann and related projects.

2016-12-03T10:31:37+00:00 graphics/py-leather Charting library for those who need charts now
Leather is the Python charting library for those who need charts now
and don't care if they're perfect.

Leather isn't picky. It's rough. It gets dirty. It looks sexy just
hanging on the back of a chair. Leather doesn't need your
accessories. Leather is how Snake Plissken would make charts.

2016-12-03T00:54:22+00:00 security/krb5-115 MIT implementation of RFC 4120 network authentication service
Kerberos V5 is an authentication system developed at MIT.

Abridged from the User Guide:
Under Kerberos, a client sends a request for a ticket to the
Key Distribution Center (KDC). The KDC creates a ticket-granting
ticket (TGT) for the client, encrypts it using the client's
password as the key, and sends the encrypted TGT back to the
client. The client then attempts to decrypt the TGT, using
its password. If the client successfully decrypts the TGT, it
keeps the decrypted TGT, which indicates proof of the client's
identity. The TGT permits the client to obtain additional tickets,
which give permission for specific services.
Since Kerberos negotiates authenticated, and optionally encrypted,
communications between two points anywhere on the internet, it
provides a layer of security that is not dependent on which side of a
firewall either client is on.
The Kerberos V5 package is designed to be easy to use. Most of the
commands are nearly identical to UNIX network programs you are already
used to. Kerberos V5 is a single-sign-on system, which means that you
have to type your password only once per session, and Kerberos does
the authenticating and encrypting transparently.

Jacques Vidrine <>
2016-12-02T14:58:56+00:00 textproc/p5-Search-Elasticsearch-Client-2_0 ElasticSearch API for 2.0 servers
Search::Elasticsearch::Client::2_0 - Thin client with full support for
Elasticsearch 2.x APIs

2016-12-02T14:58:56+00:00 textproc/p5-Search-Elasticsearch-Client-1_0 ElasticSearch API for 1.0 servers
Search::Elasticsearch::Client::1_0 - Thin client with full support for
Elasticsearch 1.x APIs

2016-12-02T14:58:56+00:00 textproc/p5-Search-Elasticsearch-Client-0_90 ElasticSearch API for 0.90 servers
Search::Elasticsearch::Client::0_90 - Thin client with full support for
Elasticsearch 0.90 APIs

2016-12-01T22:24:27+00:00 sysutils/cmocka Unit testing framework for C with support for mock objects
cmocka is a fork for Google's cmockery unit testing framework to fix bugs and
support it in future.

2016-12-01T21:37:41+00:00 www/nginx-naxsi Robust and small WWW server (plus NAXSI)
2016-12-01T21:37:41+00:00 www/nginx-lite Robust and small WWW server (lite package)
2016-12-01T21:37:41+00:00 www/nginx-full Robust and small WWW server (full package)
2016-12-01T13:44:34+00:00 graphics/ssocr CLI to recognize digits of a seven segment display
Seven Segment Optical Character Recognition or ssocr for short is a program to
recognize digits of a seven segment display. An image of one row of digits is
used for input and the recognized number is written to the standard output. The
program runs on GNU/Linux, Mac OS X (using Homebrew to install Imlib2), and even
on Windows (using Cygwin). It uses Imlib2 to access image data.

2016-11-30T16:50:19+00:00 audio/sayonara Small, clear, and fast Qt-based audio player
Sayonara is a small, clear, and fast audio player for Unix-like systems,
written in C++ on Qt 5.x framework and using GStreamer as audio backend.

Although Sayonara is considered as a lightweight player, it holds a lot
of features to organize even big music collections.

Most of them are known from the bigger and well known audio players. But
in contrast to most of the other players the main focus during developing
has been performance, low CPU usage, and low memory consumption.

So Sayonara is a good alternative to players like Rhythmbox, Clementine,
or Amarok. Those who miss Winamp for Unix should give Sayonara a try.
One of Sayonara's goals is intuitive and easy usability.

2016-11-30T16:17:58+00:00 net-im/pecl-stomp2 PECL extension of stomp client
pecl-stomp allows php applications to communicate with any
Stomp compliant Message Brokers through easy object oriented
and procedural interfaces.

2016-11-28T17:03:39+00:00 x11-toolkits/qt5-charts Qt 5 charts module
2016-11-28T16:41:04+00:00 x11/p5-X11-Protocol-Other Module for window manager related functions for use by client programs
Perl module for window manager related functions for use by client programs.

2016-11-28T01:12:32+00:00 devel/py3-lxml
2016-11-27T17:00:08+00:00 audio/libgpod-sharp .Net bindings for the libgpod library
2016-11-27T12:26:41+00:00 devel/py-os-vif Library for plugging and unplugging virtual interfaces in OpenStack
os-vif is a library for plugging and unplugging virtual interfaces (VIFs) in
OpenStack. It provides:
- Versioned objects that represent various types of virtual interfaces and their
- Base VIF plugin class that supplies a plug() and unplug() interface
- Plugins for two networking backends - Open vSwitch and Linux Bridge

os-vif is intended to define a common model for representing VIF types in
OpenStack. With the exception of the two included plugins, all plugins for other
networking backends are maintained in separate code repositories.

2016-11-27T12:23:36+00:00 devel/py-os-brick OpenStack Cinder brick library for managing local volume attaches
OpenStack Cinder brick library for managing local volume attaches

- Discovery of volumes being attached to a host for many transport protocols.
- Removal of volumes from a host.

2016-11-27T12:04:48+00:00 devel/py-os-win Windows / Hyper-V library for OpenStack projects
os-win is a Windows / Hyper-V library for OpenStack projects.

This library contains Windows / Hyper-V specific code commonly used in OpenStack
projects. The library can be used in any other OpenStack projects where it is

2016-11-27T11:48:50+00:00 devel/py-wsgi_intercept WSGI application in place of a real URI for testing
Testing a WSGI application sometimes involves starting a server at a local host
and port, then pointing your test code to that address. Instead, this library
lets you intercept calls to any specific host/port combination and redirect them
into a WSGI application importable by your test program. Thus, you can avoid
spawning multiple processes or threads to test your Web app.

wsgi_intercept works with a variety of HTTP clients in Python 2.7, 3.5 and
beyond, and in pypy.
- urllib2
- urllib.request
- httplib
- http.client
- httplib2
- requests
- urllib3

wsgi_intercept works by replacing httplib.HTTPConnection with a subclass,
wsgi_intercept.WSGI_HTTPConnection. This class then redirects specific
server/port combinations into a WSGI application by emulating a socket. If no
intercept is registered for the host and port requested, those requests are
passed on to the standard handler.

2016-11-27T11:47:50+00:00 devel/py-websockify WebSockets support for any application/server
websockify was formerly named wsproxy and was part of the noVNC project.

At the most basic level, websockify just translates WebSockets traffic to normal
socket traffic. Websockify accepts the WebSockets handshake, parses it, and then
begins forwarding traffic between the client and the target in both directions.

2016-11-27T11:43:27+00:00 devel/py-oslo.versionedobjects Oslo versioned objects library
Oslo Versioned Objects library

2016-11-27T11:42:15+00:00 devel/py-oslo.rootwrap Oslo rootwrap
Oslo Rootwrap

2016-11-27T11:41:10+00:00 devel/py-oslo.reports Oslo.reports library
oslo.reports library

2016-11-27T11:40:09+00:00 devel/py-oslo.privsep Openstack library for privilege separation
OpenStack library for privilege separation

2016-11-27T11:37:00+00:00 devel/py-microversion-parse OpenStack microversion header parser
microversion_parse is a small set of functions to manage OpenStack microversion
headers that can be used in middleware, application handlers and decorators to
effectively manage microversions.

Also included, in the middleware module, is a MicroversionMiddleware that will
process incoming microversion headers.

2016-11-26T21:48:54+00:00 textproc/UCD Unicode Character Database
The Unicode Character Database (UCD) consists of a number of data files listing
Unicode character properties and related data. It also includes data files
containing test data for conformance to several important Unicode algorithms.

2016-11-26T10:34:31+00:00 x11-fonts/sourceserifpro-ttf Set of fonts by Adobe designed for UI
Source Serif Pro is a set of OpenType fonts to complement the Source Sans Pro

2016-11-25T19:18:39+00:00 devel/py-tinyrpc Small, modular, transport and protocol neutral RPC library
tinyrpc is a library for making and handling RPC calls in python. Its initial
scope is handling jsonrpc, although it aims to be very well-documented and
modular to make it easy to add support for further protocols.

2016-11-25T18:31:53+00:00 dns/void-zones-tools Prepare a list of void zones that can be readily fed into Unbound
Tool to prepare a list of void zones that can be readily fed into Unbound.

Void zones are the most straightforward way of blocking ad, tracking and other
malware domains.

2016-11-25T10:04:53+00:00 textproc/p5-Pod-MinimumVersion Report minimum Perl version for given POD
Pod::MinimumVersion parses the POD in a Perl script, module, or document, and
reports what version of Perl is required to process the directives in it with
pod2man etc.

2016-11-24T15:34:11+00:00 archivers/py-brotli Generic-purpose lossless compression algorithm
Brotli is a generic-purpose lossless compression algorithm that compresses data
using a combination of a modern variant of the LZ77 algorithm, Huffman coding
and 2nd order context modeling, with a compression ratio comparable to the best
currently available general-purpose compression methods. It is similar in speed
with deflate but offers more dense compression.

The specification of the Brotli Compressed Data Format is defined in RFC 7932.

2016-11-24T15:33:57+00:00 databases/py-sqlalchemy11 Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper 1.1.x
The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper

SQLAlchemy is the Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper that gives
application developers the full power and flexibility of SQL.

It provides a full suite of well known enterprise-level persistence patterns,
designed for efficient and high-performing database access, adapted into a
simple and Pythonic domain language.

2016-11-24T06:14:01+00:00 x11-toolkits/py-qt5-quick Python bindings for the Qt5 toolkit, QtQuick module
PyQt5 is a set of Python bindings for Digia's Qt5 application framework.
This package provides the QtQuick module.

2016-11-23T16:43:27+00:00 astro/libosmium Fast and flexible C++ library for working with OpenStreetMap data
The Osmium Library has extensive support for all types of OSM
entities: nodes, ways, relations, and changesets. It allows reading
from and writing to OSM files in XML and PBF formats, including
change files and full history files. Osmium can store OSM data in
memory and on disk in various formats and using various indexes.
Its easy to use handler interface allows you to quickly write data
filtering and conversion functions. Osmium can create WKT, WKB,
OGR, GEOS and GeoJSON geometries for easy conversion into many GIS
formats and it can assemble multipolygons from ways and relations.

2016-11-23T14:32:53+00:00 textproc/rubygem-gitlab-markup Render any fancy GitLab markup
This gem is used by GitLab to render any fancy markup such as Markdown,
Textile, Org-Mode, etc. Fork it and add your own!

2016-11-23T12:44:38+00:00 sysutils/ttyd Program to share your terminal over the web
ttyd is a simple command-line tool for sharing terminal over the web, inspired
by GoTTY.

2016-11-22T22:23:22+00:00 www/drupal8 Database driven web content management system (CMS)
Drupal is a free web Content Management System (CMS) that allows an
individual or a community of users to easily publish, manage and organize a
wide variety of content on a website.

Drupal is ready to go from the moment you download it. It even has an
easy-to-use web installer! The built-in functionality, combined with dozens
of freely available add-on modules, will enable features such as: Content
Management Systems, Blogs, Collaborative authoring environments, Forums,
Peer-to-peer networking, Newsletters, Podcasting, Picture galleries, File
uploads/downloads and much more.

2016-11-22T18:44:25+00:00 textproc/cs-hyphen Czech hyphenation rules
Czech hyphenation rules

2016-11-22T18:43:27+00:00 textproc/cs-hunspell Czech hunspell dictionaries
Czech hunspell dictionaries

2016-11-22T18:40:14+00:00 www/npm3 Node package manager
npm is a package manager for node. You can use it to install and publish your
node programs. It manages dependencies and does other cool stuff.

2016-11-22T00:12:09+00:00 net/bnxt-kmod Driver for Broadcom NetXtreme-C/NetXtreme-E devices
This is the Broadcom bnxt driver for the NetXtreme-C and NetXtreme-E iflib
driver from -CURRENT.

Is only supported for FreeBSD versions which have iflib, but do not already
include the driver (currently 11.0-STABLE and 12-CURRENT before r308696).
2016-11-21T15:24:34+00:00 games/asylum Surreal platform shooting game
SDL Asylum is a C port of the computer game Asylum, which was
written by Andy Southgate in 1994 for the Acorn Archimedes and is
now public domain.

"Young Sigmund has a few problems. To help him resolve his mental
instability you must enter the surreal world of his inner mind and
shut down the malfunctioning brain cells which are causing him these
problems." -- Instructions file from original game

2016-11-21T14:36:51+00:00 lang/pocl POrtable Computing Language (POCL)
Portable OpenCL (pocl)

Portable OpenCL aims to be an efficient open source (MIT-licensed)
implementation of the OpenCL 1.2 standard.

In addition to producing an easily portable open source OpenCL
implementation, another major goal of the project is improving
performance portability of OpenCL programs with compiler
optimizations, reducing the need for target-dependent manual
optimizations. At the core of pocl is a set of LLVM passes
used to statically parallelize multiple work-items with the kernel
compiler, even in the presence of work-group barriers. This enables
parallelization of the fine-grained static concurrency in the work
groups in multiple ways (SIMD, VLIW, superscalar,...).

The code base is modularized to allow easy adding of new "device drivers"
in the host-device layer. A generic multithreaded "target driver" is
included. It allows running OpenCL applications on a host that supports
the pthread library with multithreading at the work group granularity.

2016-11-21T14:04:24+00:00 dns/libnspsl NetSurf public suffix list handling
Library to generate static code representation of the Public suffix list.
The public suffix list is a database of top level domain names. The database
allows an application to determine if if a domain name requires an additional
label to be valid.

The principle use in a web browser is to restrict supercookies being set
although it can also serve secondary purposes in the UI such as domain

2016-11-21T06:42:03+00:00 graphics/polyclipping Polygon and line clipping and offsetting library
polyclipping - Polygon and line clipping and offsetting library.

The Clipper library performs clipping and offsetting for both
lines and polygons. All four boolean clipping operations are
supported - intersection, union, difference and exclusive-or.
Polygons can be of any shape including self-intersecting polygons.

2016-11-20T23:53:54+00:00 graphics/php-geos PHP bindings for GEOS
PHP bindings for GEOS

2016-11-20T17:34:39+00:00 www/gitea Compact self-hosted Git service
A self-hosted Git service.

Gitea is a community managed fork of Gogs, lightweight code hosting solution
written in Go and published under the MIT license.

2016-11-20T17:32:49+00:00 audio/shairport-sync AirPlay audio player with multi-room audio synchronisation capability
Shairport Sync is an AirPlay audio player - it plays audio streamed from iTunes,
iOS devices and other AirPlay sources such as Quicktime Player and ForkedDaapd,
among others. Audio played by a Shairport Sync-powered device stays synchronised
with the source and hence with similar devices playing the same source. In this
way, synchronised multi-room audio is possible without difficulty.

2016-11-19T22:03:39+00:00 www/node7 V8 JavaScript for client and server (7.x)
Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript
engine. Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that
makes it lightweight and efficient. Node.js' package ecosystem,
npm, is the largest ecosystem of open source libraries in the world.

2016-11-19T18:22:09+00:00 devel/icu-lx ICU Paragraph Layout API
The ParagraphLayout object will analyze the text into runs of text in
the same font, script and direction, and will create a LayoutEngine
object for each run. The LayoutEngine will transform the characters into
glyph codes in visual order.

Clients can use this to break a paragraph into lines, and to display the
glyphs in each line.

2016-11-19T18:21:44+00:00 devel/icu-le-hb ICU Layout Engine API on top of HarfBuzz shaping library
icu-le-hb is a library implementing the ICU Layout Engine (icu-le) API
using external HarfBuzz library for implementation. This is useful as
a compatibility layer to make applications using ICU Layout Engine to
use HarfBuzz without porting them to use the HarfBuzz API.

The code is mostly a trimmed down version of icu/source/layout, with
all shapers stripped out, and HarfBuzz integrated.

2016-11-19T17:02:21+00:00 www/p5-WWW-Form-UrlEncoded Parser and builder for application/x-www-form-urlencoded
WWW::Form::UrlEncoded provides application/x-www-form-urlencoded parser and
builder. This module aims to have compatibility with other CPAN modules like
HTTP::Body's urlencoded parser.

This module try to use WWW::Form::UrlEncoded::XS by default and fail to it, use
WWW::Form::UrlEncoded::PP instead

2016-11-19T17:02:16+00:00 devel/p5-Ref-Util Utility functions for checking references
Ref::Util introduces several functions to help identify references in a faster
and smarter way.

2016-11-19T15:11:28+00:00 x11-fm/pcmanfmqt-l10n Translations of pcmanfm-qt
Translations of pcmanfm-qt

2016-11-19T15:11:28+00:00 x11-fm/pcmanfm-qt LXQt file manager
PCMan File Manager Qt is an extremly fast, lightweight, yet feature-rich
file manager with tabbed browsing. It is the default file manager for the
lightweight desktop environment LXQt.

2016-11-19T14:58:22+00:00 graphics/lximageqt-l10n Translations of lximage-qt
Translations of lximage-qt

2016-11-19T14:58:22+00:00 graphics/lximage-qt Image viewer
It is the Qt port of LXImage, a simple and fast image viewer.

2016-11-19T14:19:07+00:00 x11/libfmqt-l10n Translations of libfm-qt
Translations of libfm-qt

2016-11-19T14:19:07+00:00 x11/libfm-qt Qt port of libfm
A Qt port of the libfm - a library providing components to build
desktop file managers.

2016-11-19T14:19:07+00:00 devel/libqtxdg Qt implementation of xdg specs
libqtxdg is an Qt implementation of xdg specifications.

2016-11-19T14:19:07+00:00 devel/liblxqt Shared library for LXQt applications
Core utility library for all LXQt components.

2016-11-19T14:19:07+00:00 devel/liblxqt-l10n Translations of liblxqt
Translations of core utility library for all LXQt components.

2016-11-19T12:21:22+00:00 www/node6 V8 JavaScript for client and server (6.x LTS)
node - evented I/O for V8 javascript

2016-11-19T11:45:14+00:00 net/softethervpn Cross-platform Multi-protocol VPN Software
SoftEther VPN ("SoftEther" means "Software Ethernet") is one of the
world's most powerful and easy-to-use multi-protocol VPN software.

SoftEther VPN runs on Windows, Linux, Mac, FreeBSD and Solaris.

SoftEther VPN supports most of widely-used VPN protocols
including SSL-VPN, OpenVPN, IPsec, L2TP, MS-SSTP, L2TPv3 and EtherIP
by the single SoftEther VPN Server program.

2016-11-18T13:15:58+00:00 net/openmpi2 High Performance Message Passing Library
Open MPI is a project combining technologies and resources from several
other projects (FT-MPI, LA-MPI, LAM/MPI, and PACX-MPI) in order to
build the best MPI library available. A completely new MPI-2 compliant
implementation, Open MPI offers advantages for system and software
vendors, application developers and computer science researchers.

Open MPI is based on an open component architecture allowing modular
replacement of many system components without recompilation.

2016-11-16T13:19:06+00:00 games/linux-dwarffortress Dwarven fortress building game with ASCII graphics (Linux version)
Dwarf Fortress is a single-player fantasy game. You can control a dwarven
outpost or an adventurer in a randomly generated, persistent world.

2016-11-16T07:13:27+00:00 sysutils/bareos-traymonitor Backup archiving recovery open sourced (traymonitor)
traymonitor inteface for Bareos.

Bareos (BackupArchivingRecoveryOpenSourced) is a reliable network open source
software to backup, archive and restore files from all major operating systems.
The fork was founded 2010 out of the project. The fork has been
actively developed and many new features have been added.

2016-11-16T00:43:30+00:00 japanese/p5-2chproxy Proxy server for, an HTTP proxy for to convert the contents into
old .dat format.

2016-11-14T16:26:27+00:00 databases/postgis23 Geographic objects support for PostgreSQL databases
PostGIS adds support for geographic objects to the PostgreSQL
object-relational database. In effect, PostGIS "spatially enables"
the PostgreSQL server, allowing it to be used as a backend spatial
database for geographic information systems (GIS), much like ESRI's
SDE or Oracle's Spatial extension. PostGIS follows the OpenGIS
"Simple Features Specification for SQL" and has been certified as
compliant with the "Types and Functions" profile.

PostGIS development was started by Refractions Research as a project
in open source spatial database technology. PostGIS is released
under the GNU General Public License. PostGIS continues to be
developed by a group of contributors led by a Project Steering
Committee and new features continue to be added.

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 x11/kf5-plasma-framework KF5 plugin based UI runtime used to write user interfaces
The plasma framework provides the foundations that can be used to build a
primary user interface, from graphical to logical components.

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 x11/kf5-kwindowsystem KF5 library for access to the windowing system
KWindowSystem provides information about the windowing system and allows
interaction with the windowing system. It provides an high level API which
is windowing system independent and has platform specific implementations.

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 x11/kf5-krunner KF5 parallelized query system
The Plasma workspace provides an application called KRunner which, among other
things, allows one to type into a text area which causes various actions and
information that match the text appear as the text is being typed.

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 x11/kf5-kinit KF5 process launcher to speed up launching KDE applications
kdeinit is a process launcher somewhat similar to the famous init used for
booting UNIX.

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 x11/kf5-kglobalaccel KF5 library to add support for global workspace shortcuts
KGlobalAccel allows you to have global accelerators that are independent of the
focused window. Unlike regular shortcuts, the application's window does not need
focus for them to be activated.

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 x11/kf5-kdelibs4support KF5 porting aid from KDELibs4
This framework provides code and utilities to ease the transition from kdelibs 4
to KDE Frameworks 5.

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 x11/kf5-kded KF5 extensible daemon for providing system level services
KDED stands for KDE Daemon which isn't very descriptive. KDED runs in the
background and performs a number of small tasks. Some of these tasks are
built in, others are started on demand.

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 x11/kf5-kactivities KF5 runtime and library to organize work in separate activities
KActivities provides the infrastructure needed to manage a user's activites,
allowing them to switch between tasks, and for applications to update their
state to match the user's current activity. This includes a daemon, a library
for interacting with that daemon, and plugins for integration with other

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 x11/kf5-frameworks KF5 frameworks meta port
The KDE Frameworks build on the Qt framework, providing everything from simple
utility classes (such as those in KCoreAddons) to integrated solutions for
common requirements of desktop applications (such as KNewStuff, for fetching
downloadable add-on content in an application, or the powerful KIO
multi-protocol file access framework).

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 x11/kf5-frameworkintegration KF5 workspace and cross-framework integration plugins
Framework Integration is a set of plugins responsible for better integration
of Qt applications when running on a KDE Plasma workspace.

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 x11-toolkits/kirigami QtQuick based components set
A QtQuick based components set

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 x11-toolkits/kf5-kxmlgui KF5 user configurable main windows
KXMLGUI provides a framework for managing menu and toolbar actions in an
abstract way. The actions are configured through a XML description and
hooks in the application code.

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 x11-toolkits/kf5-kwidgetsaddons KF5 addons to QtWidgets
This repository contains add-on widgets and classes for applications that use
the Qt Widgets module.

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 x11-toolkits/kf5-ktextwidgets KF5 advanced text editing widgets
KTextWidgets provides widgets for displaying and editing text.
It supports rich text as well as plain text.

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 x11-toolkits/kf5-kjobwidgets KF5 widgets for tracking KJob instance
KJobWIdgets provides widgets for showing progress of asynchronous jobs.

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 x11-toolkits/kf5-kitemviews KF5 widget addons for Qt Model/View
KItemViews includes a set of views, which can be used with item models.
It includes views for categorizing lists and to add search filters to
flat and hierarchical lists.

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 x11-toolkits/kf5-kguiaddons KF5 addons to QtGui
The KDE GUI addons provide utilities for graphical user interfaces in the areas
of colors, fonts, text, images, keyboard input.

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 x11-toolkits/kf5-kdesignerplugin KF5 integration of Frameworks widgets in Qt Designer/Creator
This framework provides plugins for Qt Designer that allow it to display the
widgets provided by various KDE frameworks, as well as a utility that can be
used to generate other such plugins from ini-style description files.

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 x11-toolkits/kf5-kconfigwidgets KF5 widgets for configuration dialogs
KConfigWidgets provides easy-to-use classes to create configuration dialogs,
as well as a set of widgets which uses KConfig to store their settings.

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 x11-toolkits/kf5-kcompletion KF5 text completion helpers and widgets
When typing filenames, email addresses and other text where the user often wants
to select from existing data (including what they previously typed) rather than
enter anything wholly original, users often find it helpful if they only need to
type the first few characters, and then have the application offer them a set of
choices or attempt to finish off what they were typing. Email clients, shells
and "open file" dialogs often provide this functionality.

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 x11-toolkits/kf5-attica Open Collaboration Services API library KDE5 version
Attica is a Qt library that implements the Open Collaboration
Services API version 1.6. The REST API is defined here:

It grants easy access to the services such as querying information
about persons and contents. The library is used in KNewStuff3 as
content provider. In order to integrate with KDE's Plasma Desktop,
a platform plugin exists in kdebase.

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 x11-themes/kf5-oxygen-icons5 The Oxygen icon theme for KDE
The Oxygen icon theme for KDE.

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 x11-themes/kf5-kiconthemes KF5 library for handling icons in applications
This library contains classes to improve the handling
of icons in applications using the KDE Frameworks

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 x11-themes/kf5-kemoticons KF5 library to convert emoticons
KEmoticons converts emoticons from text to a graphical representation
with images in HTML. It supports setting different themes for
emoticons coming from different providers.

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 x11-themes/kf5-breeze-icons Breeze icon theme for KDE
The Breeze icon theme for KDE.

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 www/kf5-kjsembed KF5 library for binding JavaScript objects to QObjects
KSJEmbed provides a method of binding JavaScript objects to QObjects.

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 www/kf5-kjs KF5 library providing an ECMAScript interpreter
This library provides an ECMAScript compatible interpreter.
The ECMA standard is based on well known scripting languages
such as Netscape's JavaScript and Microsoft's JScript.

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 www/kf5-khtml KF5 KTHML rendering engine
KHTML is a web rendering engine, based on the KParts technology and using KJS
for JavaScript support.

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 www/kf5-kdewebkit KF5 library providing integration of QtWebKit
This library provides KDE integration of the QtWebKit library.

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 textproc/kf5-sonnet KF5 plugin-based spell checking library
Sonnet is a plugin-based spell checking library for Qt-based applications.
It supports several different plugins, including HSpell, Enchant, ASpell

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 textproc/kf5-kcodecs KF5 library for string manipulation
KCodecs provide a collection of methods to
manipulate strings using various encodings.

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 sysutils/kf5-kwallet KF5 secure and unified container for user passwords
This framework contains two main components:
* Interface to KWallet, the safe desktop-wide storage for passwords
on KDE work spaces.
* The kwalletd used to safely store the passwords on KDE work spaces.

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 sysutils/kf5-baloo KF5 Framework for searching and managing user metadata
Baloo is the next generation of the Nepomuk project. It's responsible
for handling user metadata such as tags, rating and comments. It
also handles indexing and searching for files, emails, contacts, etc.

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 security/kf5-kdesu KF5 integration with su for elevated privileges
Integration with su for elevated privileges

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 net/kf5-kxmlrpcclient KF5 interaction with XMLRPC services
kxmlrpclient provides client-side support for the XML-RPC protocol.

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 multimedia/kf5-kmediaplayer KF5 plugin interface for media player features
KMediaPlayer builds on the KParts framework to provide a common interface for
KParts that can play media files.

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 lang/kf5-kross KF5 multi-language application scripting
Kross is a scripting bridge to embed scripting functionality into an
application. It supports QtScript as a scripting interpreter backend.

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 graphics/kf5-kplotting KF5 lightweight plotting framework
KPlotWidget is a QWidget-derived class that provides a virtual base class for
easy data-plotting. The idea behind KPlotWidget is that you only have to specify
information in "data units"; i.e., the natural units of the data being plotted.
KPlotWidget automatically converts everything to screen pixel units.

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 graphics/kf5-kimageformats KF5 library providing support for additional image formats
This framework provides additional image format plugins for QtGui.
Read-only support for dds, xcf, exr, psd and ras
Read-write suport for eps, jp2, pcx, rgb, rgba, sgi, bw, pic, tga, xv

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 dns/kf5-kdnssd KF5 abstraction to system DNSSD features
KDNSSD is a library for handling the DNS-based Service Discovery Protocol,
the layer of Zeroconf that allows network services, such as printers, to be
discovered without any user intervention or centralized infrastructure.

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 devel/kf5-threadweaver KF5 helper for multithreaded programming
ThreadWeaver is a helper for multithreaded programming. It uses a job-based
interface to queue tasks and execute them in an efficient way.

You simply divide the workload into jobs, state the dependencies between the
jobs and ThreadWeaver will work out the most efficient way of dividing the work
between threads within a set of resource limits.

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 devel/kf5-solid KF5 hardware integration and detection
Solid is a device integration framework. It provides a way of querying and
interacting with hardware independently of the underlying operating system.

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 devel/kf5-kunitconversion KF5 library for unit conversion
KUnitConversion provides functions to convert values in different physical
units. It supports converting different prefixes (e.g. kilo, mega, giga) as
well as converting between different unit systems (e.g. liters, gallons).

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 devel/kf5-ktexteditor KF5 advanced embeddable text editor
KTextEditor provides a powerful text editor component that you can
embed in your application.

The text editor component contains many useful features, from syntax
highlighting and automatic indentation to advanced scripting support,
making it suitable for everything from a simple embedded text-file
editor to an advanced IDE.

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 devel/kf5-kservice KF5 advanced plugin and service introspection
KService provides a plugin framework for handling desktop services. Services can
be applications or libraries. They can be bound to MIME types or handled by
application specific code.

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 devel/kf5-kpty KF5 pty abstraction
This library provides primitives to interface with pseudo terminal devices as
well as a KProcess derived class for running child processes and communicating
with them using a pty.

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 devel/kf5-kpeople KF5 library providing access to contacts
A library that provides access to all contacts and the people who hold them.

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 devel/kf5-kparts KF5 document centric plugin system
This library implements the framework for KDE parts, which are elaborate widgets
with a user-interface defined in terms of actions (menu items, toolbar icons).

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 devel/kf5-kpackage KF5 library to load and install packages
The Package framework lets the user to install and load packages of non binary
content such as scripted extensions or graphic assets, as they were traditional

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 devel/kf5-knotifyconfig KF5 configuration system for KNotify
KNotifyConfig provides a configuration dialog for desktop notifications which
can be embedded in your application.

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 devel/kf5-knotifications KF5 abstraction for system notifications
KNotification is used to notify the user of an event.
It covers feedback and persistent events.

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 devel/kf5-knewstuff KF5 library for downloading application assets from the network
The KNewStuff library implements collaborative data sharing for applications.
It uses libattica to support the Open Collaboration Services specification.

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 devel/kf5-kitemmodels KF5 models for Qt Model/View system
Set of item models extending the Qt model-view framework

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 devel/kf5-kio KF5 resource and network access abstraction
This framework implements almost all the file management functions you will ever
need. In fact, the KDE file manager (Dolphin) and the KDE file dialog also uses
this to provide its network-enabled file management.

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 devel/kf5-kidletime KF5 library for monitoring user activity
KIdleTime is a singleton reporting information on idle time. It is useful not
only for finding out about the current idle time of the PC, but also for getting
notified upon idle time events, such as custom timeouts, or user activity.

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 devel/kf5-ki18n KF5 advanced internationalization framework
KI18n provides functionality for internationalizing user interface text in
applications, based on the GNU Gettext translation system. It wraps the
standard Gettext functionality, so that the programmers and translators can
use the familiar Gettext tools and workflows.

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 devel/kf5-kfilemetadata KF5 library for extracting file metadata
A library for extracting file metadata.

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 devel/kf5-kdoctools KF5 documentation generation from docbook
Provides tools to generate documentation in various format from DocBook files.

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 devel/kf5-kdeclarative KF5 library providing integration of QML and KDE Frameworks
KDeclarative provides integration of QML and KDE work spaces.
It's comprises two parts:
* a library used by the C++ part of your application to intergrate QML
with KDE Frameworks specific features, and
* a series of QML imports that offer bindings to some of the Frameworks.

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 devel/kf5-kdbusaddons KF5 addons to QtDBus
KDBusAddons provides convenience classes on top of QtDBus,
as well as an API to create KDED modules.

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 devel/kf5-kcrash KF5 library to handle crash analysis and bug report from apps
KCrash provides support for intercepting and handling application crashes.

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 devel/kf5-kcoreaddons KF5 addons to QtCore
KCoreAddons provides classes built on top of QtCore to perform various tasks
such as manipulating mime types, autosaving files, creating backup files,
generating random sequences, performing text manipulations such as macro
replacement, accessing user information and many more.

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 devel/kf5-kconfig KF5 widgets for configuration dialogs
KConfigWidgets provides easy-to-use classes to create configuration dialogs,
as well as a set of widgets which uses KConfig to store their settings.

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 devel/kf5-kcmutils KF5 utilities for working with KCModules
KCMUtils provides various classes to work with KCModules.
KCModules can be created with the KConfigWidgets framework.

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 devel/kf5-kbookmarks KF5 library for bookmarks and the XBEL format
KBookmarks lets you access and manipulate bookmarks stored
using the XBEL format.

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 devel/kf5-kauth KF5 abstraction to system policy and authentication features
KAuth provides a convenient, system-integrated way to offload actions that need
to be performed as a privileged user to small helper utilities.

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 devel/kf5-kapidox KF5 API Documentation Tools
Frameworks API Documentation Tools

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 devel/kf5-extra-cmake-modules Extra modules and scripts for CMake
The Extra CMake Modules package, or ECM, adds to the modules provided
by CMake, including ones used by find_package() to find common
software, ones that can be used directly in CMakeLists.txt files
to perform common tasks and toolchain files that must be specified
on the commandline by the user.

2016-11-14T16:12:56+00:00 archivers/kf5-karchive KF5 library that provides classes for handling archive formats
KArchive provides classes for easy reading, creation and manipulation of
"archive" formats like ZIP and TAR.

It also provides transparent compression and decompression of data, like
the GZip format, via a subclass of QIODevice.

2016-11-14T15:11:24+00:00 games/brickout Ball-and-paddle game
"Brickout" is a ball-and-paddle game where it's your objective to
destroy bricks on the screen. It's available for Agenda, Zaurus and
iPAQ PDAs running Linux, and for Linux desktop systems.

2016-11-14T15:10:20+00:00 games/crashtest Educational crash simulator
Crashtest simulates car crashes. This is an educational tool that
can be used to acquire much insight into this complex process. The
user can learn about the relation between speed, reaction-time and
stopping distance. Also, many physical properties can be studied.

2016-11-14T15:07:24+00:00 games/brumbrumrally Racing game with randomized tracks
Brum Brum Rally is a 2D racing game with a new track each time you
play and support for up to 8 players.

The cars can be controlled using keyboard, mouse or game controllers.
The tracks are autogenerated on the fly which means you never have
to be bored playing the same tracks over and over again.

There are three game modes to choose from:

- Single Race and Tournament can be played against the computer or
with other human players, on the same computer or over the network
(LAN or Internet).

- The Time Trial mode on the other hand is played by one player at
a time. The task is to finish the race as fast as possible in order
to beat your own best time or end up on the overall top list.

2016-11-14T09:59:25+00:00 devel/rubygem-sprockets-es6 Converts ES6 code into vanilla ES5 with Babel JS
A Sprockets transformer that converts ES6 code into vanilla ES5 with Babel JS.

2016-11-14T09:56:00+00:00 textproc/rubygem-babel-transpiler Ruby Babel is a bridge to the JS Babel transpiler
Ruby Babel is a bridge to the JS Babel transpiler.

2016-11-14T09:52:59+00:00 textproc/rubygem-babel-source Babel JS source
Babel JS source

2016-11-14T06:24:05+00:00 devel/p5-Test-MockDateTime Mock DateTime->now calls during tests
Getting the current time sometimes is not very helpful
for testing scenarios.
Instead, if you could obtain a known value during the runtime
of a testcase will make your results predictable.

Why another Date Mocker?
I wanted something simple with a very concise usage pattern
and a mocked date should only exist and stay constant inside a scope.
After leaving the scope the current time should be back.
This lead to this tiny module.

This simple module allows faking a given date and time
for the runtime of a subsequent code block.
By default the on keyword is exported into the namespace
of the test file.
The date to get mocked must be in a format that is recognized
by DateTime::Format::DateParse.

2016-11-14T02:05:29+00:00 sysutils/cpu-x Gathers information about CPU, motherboard, and more
CPU-X is a free software that gathers information about CPU, motherboard, and
more on one's system. It is similar to well-known CPU-Z program for Windows.

It can be used in graphic mode by using GTK+3, or in text-based mode by using
ncurses. Non-interactive dump mode is also available.

2016-11-13T13:06:00+00:00 devel/meson High performance build system
Meson is a cross-platform build system designed to be both as fast and as
user friendly as possible. It supports many languages and compilers, including
GCC, Clang and Visual Studio. Its build definitions are written in a simple
non-turing complete DSL. The main design point of Meson is that every moment
a developer spends writing or debugging build definitions is a second wasted.
So is every second spent waiting for the build system to actually start
compiling code.

2016-11-13T10:31:26+00:00 security/p5-Dancer2-Plugin-Auth-Extensible-Provider-IMAP Extensible authentication for D2 apps using Net::IMAP::Simple
IMAP authentication provider for Dancer2::Plugin::Auth::Extensible

See Dancer2::Plugin::Auth::Extensible for details on how to use
the authentication framework.

2016-11-13T06:43:42+00:00 sysutils/osinfo-db-tools Tools for managing the osinfo database
This package provides tools for managing the osinfo database of
information about operating systems for use with virtualization.

2016-11-13T06:43:42+00:00 misc/osinfo-db Osinfo database files
The osinfo database provides information about operating systems
and hypervisor platforms to facilitate the automated configuration
and provisioning of new virtual machines.

2016-11-13T01:39:02+00:00 devel/py-pycapsicum Python interface to capsicum security
Pycapsicum is a python interface to Capsicum (sandboxing for FreeBSD).

2016-11-12T20:35:55+00:00 devel/py-constantly Provides symbolic constant support to Python projects
A library that provides symbolic constant support. It includes collections
and constants with text, numeric, and bit flag values. Originally
twisted.python.constants from the Twisted project.

2016-11-12T20:31:40+00:00 devel/py-incremental Library that versions your Python projects
A small library that versions your Python projects.

2016-11-12T17:50:32+00:00 devel/py-backports.functools_lru_cache Backport of functools.lru_cache from Python 3.3
backports.functools_lru_cache is a backport of functools.lru_cache from Python
3.3 as published at ActiveState.

2016-11-12T15:31:13+00:00 devel/nexus2-oss Maven (and others) artifacts repository manager
Nexus Repository Manager OSS provides you with an essential level of control
over the external repositories you use and the internal repositories you create.
It provides infrastructure and services for organizations that use repository
managers to obtain and deliver software. If you create software libraries or
applications for your end users, you can use Nexus Repository Manager OSS to
distribute your software. If your software depends on open source software
components, you can cache software components from remote repositories.

Nexus Repository Manager OSS features:
- Hosting repositories
- Proxy remote repositories
- Repository groups
- Numerous repository formats
- Hosting project websites
- Fine-grained security model
- Flexible LDAP integration
- Component search
- Scheduled rasks
- REST services
- Integration with m2eclipse

2016-11-12T05:48:55+00:00 security/erlang-fast_tls TLS / SSL OpenSSL-based native driver for Erlang / Elixir
Fast TSL is a native TLS / SSL driver for Erlang / Elixir.
It is based on OpenSSL, a proven and efficient TLS implementation.
It is designed for efficiency, speed and compliance.

2016-11-11T16:49:21+00:00 science/tfel Code generation tool dedicated to material knowledge
Remark: if you plan to use this port with Code_Aster, you need science/tfel-edf.

`MFront` is a code generator which translates a set of closely related
domain specific languages into plain C++ on top of the `TFEL`
library. Those languages covers three kind of material knowledge:

- material properties (for instance the
Young modulus, the thermal conductivity, etc.)
- mechanical behaviours. Numerical performances of
generated mechanical behaviours was given a particular
attention. Various benchmarks shows that `MFront`
implementations are competitive with native implementations
available in the `Cast3M`, `Code-Aster` and `Cyrano3` solvers.
- simple point-wise models, such as material swelling
used in fuel performance codes.

`MFront` comes with an handy easy-to-use tool called `MTest` that can
test the local behaviour of a material, by imposing independent
constraints on each component of the strain or the stress. This tool
has been much faster (from ten to several hundred times depending on
the test case) than using a full-fledged finite element solver.

2016-11-10T19:38:43+00:00 cad/python-gdsii GDSII manipulation library
python-gdsii is a library that can be used to read, create, modify and save
GDSII files. It supports both low-level record I/O and high level interface to
GDSII libraries (databases), structures, and elements.

2016-11-10T16:14:03+00:00 security/openiked IKEv2 daemon
OpenIKED is a lean Internet Key Exchange (IKEv2) daemon which performs
mutual authentication and which establishes and maintains IPsec VPN
flows and security associations (SAs) between the two peers.

This version of OpenIKED is derived from OpenIKED's iked, but changed
to support transport mode IPSec and lazy creation of associations,
among many other improvements.

2016-11-10T01:08:44+00:00 cad/solvespace Parametric 2d/3d CAD
SOLVESPACE is a parametric 3d CAD program. Applications include modeling 2d and
3d parts, 3d-printed parts, preparing CAM data, mechanism design and plane and
solid geometry.

2016-11-08T23:59:19+00:00 www/pear-Horde_Service_Gravatar Horde API accessor for
Horde library for accessing the Avatar services at

2016-11-08T16:32:59+00:00 misc/bsod Experience the authentic Microsoft Windows experience
This program will let you UNIX user experience the authentic Microsoft
Windows experience. Bsod displays the famous windows xp blue screen
of death on the console. Errors and drivers causing the error are
selected randomly from a large set of examples.

2016-11-08T10:25:19+00:00 textproc/py3-pager Terminal/console pager module
Python module that pages output to the screen, reads keys and console
dimensions without executing external utils.

2016-11-08T05:46:16+00:00 security/py-paramiko1 Python SSH2 protocol library
This is a library for making SSH2 connections (client or server).
Emphasis is on using SSH2 as an alternative to SSL for making secure
connections between python scripts. All major ciphers and hash methods
are supported. SFTP client and server mode are both supported too.

2016-11-07T23:59:14+00:00 devel/py-zkpython Python bindings to Apache Zookeeper
ZooKeeper Python bindings

2016-11-07T13:02:18+00:00 security/py-mixbox Utility library for cybox, maec, and stix
A library of common code leveraged by python-cybox, python-maec, and

2016-11-07T10:16:55+00:00 devel/elixir-gen_state_machine Idiomatic Elixir wrapper for gen_statem in OTP 19
An idiomatic Elixir wrapper for gen_statem in OTP 19 (and above).

2016-11-07T10:12:59+00:00 emulators/winetricks Easy way to work around problems in Wine
Winetricks is an easy way to work around problems in Wine.

It has a menu of supported games/apps for which it can do
all the workarounds automatically. It also lets you install
missing DLLs or tweak various Wine settings individually.

2016-11-07T06:18:47+00:00 chinese/fandol CTAN Fandol: Four GNU GPLv3-licensed Chinese OpenType fonts
fandol - Four basic fonts for Chinese typesetting

Fandol fonts designed for Chinese typesetting. The current version contains
four styles: Song, Hei, Kai, Fang. All fonts are in OpenType format.

2016-11-06T16:51:24+00:00 textproc/p5-Text-Table-Manifold Render tables in manifold formats
Text::Table::Manifold outputs tables in any one of several supported types.

2016-11-06T16:46:25+00:00 devel/p5-Const-Exporter Declare constants for export
Const::Exporter allows you to declare constants that can be exported to other

2016-11-05T18:52:36+00:00 cad/sp2sp Processor of waveform data generated by SPICE-type simulators
sp2sp ("spice to spice") is a processor of waveform data generated by
SPICE-type simulators. It uses libspicefile library in Gwave which
provides SpiceStream and WaveFile avstraction levels. sp2sp uses
SpiceStream to convert any file format supported by the SpiceStream
layer into one of several ASCII printable formats, and it is useful
for converting files any of the binary formats into a printable form,
where they can easily be processed by awk, perl, or some other scripting

2016-11-05T17:03:21+00:00 textproc/minixmlto Minimalistic alternative to xmlto
Minimalistic alternative to xmlto

2016-11-05T13:25:50+00:00 print/linux-c7-harfbuzz OpenType text shaping engine (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
2016-11-05T13:25:50+00:00 graphics/linux-c7-graphite2 Rendering capabilities for complex non-Roman writing systems (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
2016-11-04T19:44:26+00:00 cad/py-gdsii GDSII manipulation libaray
python-gdsii is a library that can be used to read, create, modify and save
GDSII files. It supports both low-level record I/O and high level interface to
GDSII libraries (databases), structures, and elements.

2016-11-04T17:38:19+00:00 devel/linux-c7-libelf ELF file handling library (CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
ELF file handling library from elfutils.

2016-11-04T17:13:22+00:00 devel/linux-c6-libelf ELF file handling library (CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
ELF file handling library from elfutils.

2016-11-04T07:38:09+00:00 sysutils/logstash5 Server-side data ingestion and transformation tool
Logstash is an open source, server-side data processing pipeline that ingests
data from a multitude of sources simultaneously, transforms it, and then sends
it to your favorite “stash.”

2016-11-04T07:33:38+00:00 textproc/kibana50-x-pack Kibana 5.0 X-Pack plugins
X-Pack is an Elastic Stack extension that bundles security, alerting,
monitoring, reporting, and graph capabilities into one easy-to-install package.
While the X-Pack components are designed to work together seamlessly, you can
easily enable or disable the features you want to use.

2016-11-04T07:32:20+00:00 textproc/elasticsearch5-x-pack Elasticsearch X-Pack plugins
X-Pack is an Elastic Stack extension that bundles security, alerting,
monitoring, reporting, and graph capabilities into one easy-to-install package.
While the X-Pack components are designed to work together seamlessly, you can
easily enable or disable the features you want to use.

2016-11-04T07:30:26+00:00 textproc/kibana50 Browser based analytics and search interface to ElasticSearch
Kibana is an open source (Apache Licensed), browser based analytics and search
dashboard for Elasticsearch. Kibana is a snap to setup and start using. Kibana
strives to be easy to get started with, while also being flexible and powerful,
just like Elasticsearch.

Kibana 4.5 is compatible with Elasticsearch 2.3.x.

2016-11-04T07:28:35+00:00 textproc/elasticsearch5 Full-text search engine for Java
Elasticsearch aims to be a Distributed, RESTful, Search Engine built on top of
Apache Lucene.

2016-11-03T15:55:46+00:00 security/bearssl Implementation of TLS/SSL in C
BearSSL is an implementation of the SSL/TLS protocol (RFC 5246) written
in C. It aims at offering the following features:

- Be correct and secure. In particular, insecure protocol versions and
choices of algorithms are not supported, by design; cryptographic
algorithm implementations are constant-time by default.

- Be small, both in RAM and code footprint. For instance, a minimal server
implementation may fit in about 20 kilobytes of compiled code and 25
kilobytes of RAM.

- Be highly portable. BearSSL targets not only "big" operating systems
like Linux and Windows, but also small embedded systems and even special
contexts like bootstrap code.

- Be feature-rich and extensible. SSL/TLS has many defined cipher suites
and extensions; BearSSL should implement most of them, and allow extra
algorithm implementations to be added afterwards, possibly from third

2016-11-03T14:54:39+00:00 www/linux-c7-flashplugin24
2016-11-03T14:54:39+00:00 www/linux-c6-flashplugin24 Adobe Flash Player NPAPI Plugin (beta)
This is the official Flash Player from Adobe. Together with nspluginwrapper
this plugin allows you to see .swf and .spl files in Firefox.

FreeBSD Flash License Agreement:

2016-11-03T00:56:02+00:00 devel/py-ruamel.ordereddict Python dict that keeps keys in insertion sorted order
This is an implementation of an ordered dictionary for Python, in C, with Key
Insertion Order (KIO: updates of values do not affect the position of the key),
Key Value Insertion Order (KVIO, an existing key's position is removed and put
at the back).

Sorted dictionaries are also provided. Currently only with Key Sorted Order
(KSO, no sorting function can be specified, but you can specify a transform to
apply on the key before comparison (e.g. string.lower)).

The functionality is equivalent to the excellent pure-Python Larosa/Foord
implementation of ordereddict. It is a superset of the collections.OrderedDict
in the standard library (which was added a few years after this ordereddict was
orginally implemented).

2016-11-03T00:51:37+00:00 devel/py-invoke Python task execution tool and library
Invoke is a Python (2.7 and 3.4+) library for managing shell-oriented
subprocesses and organizing executable Python code into CLI-invokable tasks. It
draws inspiration from various sources (make/rake, Fabric 1.x, etc) to arrive at
a powerful & clean feature set.

2016-11-03T00:25:34+00:00 devel/py-pystorm Battle-tested Apache Storm Multi-Lang implementation for Python
Pystorm lets you run Python code against real-time streams of data via
Apache Storm. With pystorm you can create Storm bolts and spouts in
Python without having to write a single line of Java. It is meant to be
used under-the-hood by Storm Python libraries that will provide the
command-line tools for actually building/submitting the topologies
(e.g., streamparse and pyleus).

2016-11-03T00:18:13+00:00 devel/py-fabric3 Python tool for remote execution and deployment
Fabric3 is a fork of Fabric to provide compatibility with Python 3.4+.
The port still works with Python 2.7.

2016-11-03T00:04:13+00:00 devel/py-ruamel.yaml YAML 1.2 loader/dumper package for Python
ruamel.yaml is a YAML parser/emitter that supports roundtrip
preservation of comments, seq/map flow style, and map key order

2016-11-02T23:47:15+00:00 devel/py-streamparse Python analysis of Apache Storm streams
Streamparse lets you run Python code against real-time streams of data
via Apache Storm. With streamparse you can create Storm bolts and spouts
in Python without having to write a single line of Java. It also
provides handy CLI utilities for managing Storm clusters and projects.

2016-11-02T22:10:25+00:00 devel/py-thriftpy Pure python implementation of Apache Thrift
ThriftPy is a pure python implementation of Apache Thrift in a pythonic

2016-11-02T16:14:42+00:00 misc/py-glance OpenStack Image Service
The Glance project provides services for discovering, registering, and
retrieving virtual machine images. Glance has a RESTful API that allows
querying of VM image metadata as well as retrieval of the actual image.

2016-11-02T06:25:39+00:00 games/emptyepsilon Spaceship bridge simulator game
EmptyEpsilon places you in the roles of a spaceship's bridge officers, like
those seen in Star Trek. While you can play EmptyEpsilon alone or with friends,
the best experience involves 6 players working together on each ship.

Each officer fills a unique role: Captain, Helms, Weapons, Relay, Science, and
Engineering. Except for the Captain, each officer operates part of the ship
through a specialized screen. The Captain relies on their trusty crew to report
information and follow orders.

2016-11-02T05:43:53+00:00 ports-mgmt/create-rb-port Script to ease creation of rubygem- ports
This port provides a simple script meant to ease creation of rubygem- ports.

2016-11-01T20:45:19+00:00 devel/rubygem-gem-compare RubyGems plugin for comparing gem versions
gem-compare is a RubyGems plugin that helps to compare versions of the given
gem. It searches for differences in metadata as well as in files.

2016-11-01T20:29:16+00:00 devel/rubygem-gemnasium-parser Safely parse Gemfiles and gemspecs
Safely parse Gemfiles and gemspecs

2016-11-01T20:26:49+00:00 math/amath Simple command line calculator
Features a case sensitive command line interface, internal IEEE 754
calculations with 15 significant digits, calculations with real and
complex numbers, variables and user defined functions, logarithmic
and exponential functions, trigonometric and hyperbolic function
and selected mathematical constants and rounding functions.

2016-11-01T20:18:14+00:00 sysutils/zfs-snap-diff View ZFS snapshot differences via a web browser
With zfs-snap-diff you can explore file differences and restore changes from
older file versions in different zfs snapshots. You can restore the whole file
from an older version, or select single changes to revert in the 'diff' view.

zfs-snap-diff has a web frontend, so it can run on your local work machine or
on your remote file / backup server (no Xserver necessary).

2016-11-01T20:10:10+00:00 games/goldencheetah Training software for cyclists
Golden Cheetah is a cycling performance software. It imports ride data
downloaded from various devices or exported from other programs,
including TrainingPeaks WKO+ and the manufacturers' software for the
Ergomo, Garmin, Polar, PowerTap, and SRM devices. It provides a rich
set of analysis tools, including a critical power graph, BikeScore
calculation, histogram analysis, a best interval finder, and a pedal
force versus pedal velocity chart, to name just a few.

KML file support will be missing until libkml 1.3 becomes available.

Connecting with Strava has been made impossible by Strava's own API

2016-11-01T20:02:22+00:00 games/voxelands Fun-Focused voxel world game
Voxelands is a sandbox construction game based on Minetest, which was
inspired by earlier "voxel world" games such as Infiniminer. Gameplay puts
players in a fully destructible 3D game world where they can place and dig
numerous types of blocks, items and creatures using a variety of tools.
2016-11-01T20:02:22+00:00 games/voxelands-server Server component for Voxelands
Server component for Voxelands.

Voxelands is a sandbox construction game based on Minetest, which was
inspired by earlier "voxel world" games such as Infiniminer. Gameplay puts
players in a fully destructible 3D game world where they can place and dig
numerous types of blocks, items and creatures using a variety of tools.
2016-11-01T17:46:52+00:00 devel/libtuntap Configuring TUN or TAP devices API in a portable manner
libtuntap is a library for configuring TUN or TAP devices in a portable manner.

TUN and TAP are virtual networking devices which allow
userland applications to receive packets sent to it.

The userland applications can also send their own packets to the devices
and they will be forwarded to the kernel.

2016-11-01T17:37:54+00:00 sysutils/rubygem-vagrant-mutate Convert vagrant boxes to work with different providers
Convert vagrant boxes to work with different providers

2016-11-01T17:06:59+00:00 sysutils/rubygem-vagrant-vbguest Vagrant plugin to install the VirtualBoxAdditions into the guest VM
A Vagrant plugin which automatically installs the host's VirtualBox Guest
Additions on the guest system.

2016-11-01T16:48:14+00:00 devel/rubygem-micromachine Minimal Finite State Machine
There are many finite state machine implementations for Ruby, and they all
provide a nice DSL for declaring events, exceptions, callbacks, and all kinds
of niceties in general.

But if all you want is a finite state machine, look no further: this has less
than 50 lines of code and provides everything a finite state machine must have,
and nothing more.

2016-11-01T14:23:13+00:00 sysutils/rubygem-vagrant-bhyve Vagrant provider plugin to support bhyve
Vagrant provider plugin to support bhyve

2016-11-01T14:09:13+00:00 textproc/rubygem-ruby_expect Simple expect implementation
Ruby implementation for send/expect interaction

2016-10-31T20:40:43+00:00 audio/lv2 Open standard for audio plugins (successor to LADSPA)
LV2 is an open standard for audio plugins, used by hundreds of plugins
and other projects. At its core, LV2 is a simple stable interface,
accompanied by extensions which add functionality to support the needs
of increasingly powerful audio software.

2016-10-30T23:42:36+00:00 www/xpi-u2f4moz U2F support extension for Firefox
With this Firefox extension you would be able to use your Yubico device as
2nd factor in authentication on pages that are using U2F standard.

2016-10-30T10:24:09+00:00 net/concourse-fly CLI for Concourse
The `fly` tool is a command line interface to Concourse. It is used for
a number of tasks from connecting to a shell in one of your build's
containers to uploading new pipeline configuration into a running
Concourse. Learning how to use `fly` will make using Concourse faster
and more useful.

2016-10-29T17:01:30+00:00 irc/quassel-core Qt 5 based distributed IRC client (core/server only)
2016-10-29T12:07:44+00:00 devel/py-taskflow Taskflow structured state management library
TaskFlow is a library to do [jobs, tasks, flows] in a highly available, easy to
understand and declarative manner (and more!) to be used with OpenStack and
other projects.

2016-10-29T12:07:03+00:00 devel/py-cursive Cursive implements OpenStack-specific validation of digital signatures
Cursive implements OpenStack-specific validation of digital signatures.

The cursive project contains code extracted from various OpenStack projects for
verifying digital signatures. Additional capabilities will be added to this
project in support of various security features.

2016-10-29T12:06:25+00:00 devel/py-glance-store OpenStack Image Service Store Library
OpenStack Image Service Store Library.

The glance_store library supports the creation, deletion and gather of data
assets from/to a set of several, different, storage technologies.

This library has been extracted from the Glance source code for the specific use
of the Glance and Glare projects.

2016-10-29T12:05:15+00:00 devel/py-wsme Simplify the writing of REST APIs
Web Services Made Easy (WSME) simplifies the writing of REST web services by
providing simple yet powerful typing, removing the need to directly manipulate
the request and the response objects.

WSME can work standalone or on top of your favorite Python web (micro)framework,
so you can use both your preferred way of routing your REST requests and most of
the features of WSME that rely on the typing system like:
- Alternate protocols, including those supporting batch-calls
- Easy documentation through a Sphinx extension

WSME is originally a rewrite of TGWebServices with a focus on extensibility,
framework-independence and better type handling.

2016-10-29T12:04:36+00:00 devel/py-castellan Generic Key Manager interface for OpenStack
Generic Key Manager interface for OpenStack.

2016-10-29T12:01:54+00:00 devel/py-automaton Friendly state machines for python
Automaton provides friendly state machines for python. The goal of this library
is to provide well documented state machine classes and associated utilities.
The state machine pattern (or the implemented variation there-of) is a commonly
used pattern and has a multitude of various usages. Some of the usages for this
library include providing state & transition validation and
running/scheduling/analyzing the execution of tasks.

2016-10-29T11:38:35+00:00 devel/gwenhywfar-qt5 Gwenhywfar Qt5 support library
2016-10-29T08:43:43+00:00 devel/p5-Importer Alternative but compatible interface to modules that export symbols
Importer acts as a layer between Exporter and modules which consume exports. It
is feature-compatible with Exporter, plus some much needed extras. You can use
this to import symbols from any exporter that follows Exporters specification.
The exporter modules themselves do not need to use or inherit from the Exporter
module, they just need to set @EXPORT and/or other variables.

2016-10-28T13:03:39+00:00 audio/virtual_oss_ctl Graphical control panel for the virtual OSS daemon
A graphical control panel for the virtual OSS daemon.

2016-10-28T13:03:39+00:00 audio/virtual_oss Virtual OSS multi device mixer application
Virtual OSS is an audio mixing application that multiplexes and
demultiplexes a single OSS device into multiple customizable OSS
compatible devices using character devices in userspace. These devices
can be used to record played back audio and mix the individual
channels in multiple ways.

Virtual OSS also supports playback and recording through bluetooth
audio devices.

2016-10-28T11:42:35+00:00 devel/libfaketime Modifies the system time for a single application
libfaketime intercepts various system calls which programs use to
retrieve the current date and time. It can then report faked dates and
times (as specified by you, the user) to these programs. This means you
can modify the system time a program sees without having to change the
time system-wide.

libfaketime allows you to specify both absolute dates (e.g., 01/01/2004)
and relative dates (e.g., 10 days ago).

libfaketime might be used for various purposes, for example

- Running legacy software with y2k bugs
- Testing software for year-2038 compliance
- Debugging time-related issues, such as expired SSL certificates
- Running software which ceases to run outside a certain timeframe
- Using different system-wide date and time settings, e.g., on OpenVZ-
based virtual machines running on the same host
- Deterministic build processes.

2016-10-28T09:41:05+00:00 net/py-rabbitpy RabbitMQ client library for Python
A pure python, thread-safe, minimalistic and Pythonic BSD Licensed
AMQP/RabbitMQ library that supports Python 2.6+ and Python 3.2+.
rabbitpy aims to provide a simple and easy to use API for interfacing
with RabbitMQ, minimizing the programming overhead often found in
other libraries.

2016-10-28T08:59:37+00:00 net/py-pamqp Low level AMQP framing library for Python
pamqp is a pure-Python AMQP 0-9-1 frame encoder and decoder. The
aim is to create a client agnostic Python encoder and decoder for
general purpose use.

2016-10-28T03:27:30+00:00 www/varnish-libvmod-awsrest Varnish Module (vmod) for generating headers for AWS REST API
Varnish Module (vmod) for generating Authorization header for AWS REST API.

2016-10-27T21:21:12+00:00 sysutils/fusefs-gitfs Version controlled file system
gitfs is a FUSE file system that fully integrates with git. You can
mount a remote repository's branch locally, and any subsequent changes
made to the files will be automatically committed to the remote.

2016-10-27T21:18:50+00:00 devel/py-fusepy Simple ctypes bindings for FUSE
fusepy is a Python module that provides a simple interface to FUSE and
MacFUSE. It's just one file and is implemented using ctypes.

2016-10-27T21:18:32+00:00 devel/py-atomiclong AtomicLong type using CFFI
AtomicLong was born out of the need for fast thread-safe counters in Python.
Its value is a C long which can be incremented, decremented, and set atomically.

2016-10-27T14:21:19+00:00 www/minio Amazon S3 compatible object storage server
Minio is an object storage server built for cloud application developers and

2016-10-27T05:49:09+00:00 ftp/php70-fastdfs PHP 7 module for accessing a FastDFS cluster
PHP module for accessing a FastDFS cluster

2016-10-27T05:49:09+00:00 ftp/php56-fastdfs PHP 5.6 module for accessing a FastDFS cluster
PHP module for accessing a FastDFS cluster

2016-10-27T05:49:09+00:00 ftp/fastdfs High performance distributed file system (DFS)
FastDFS is an open source high performance distributed file system (DFS).
It's major functions include: file storing, file syncing and
file accessing, and design for high capacity and load balance.

2016-10-27T05:49:09+00:00 devel/libfastcommon C common functions library used mainly by FastDFS and FastDHT
c common functions library for FastDFS and FastDHT

2016-10-26T21:09:18+00:00 sysutils/u-boot-master Cross-build das u-boot for model ${MODEL}
Das U-Boot master port.

2016-10-26T19:43:41+00:00 converters/py-bcode Another bencode implementation
Another bencode implementation.

2016-10-26T19:17:17+00:00 textproc/libgepub GObject based library for handling and rendering epub documents
libgepub is a GObject based library for handling and rendering epub
2016-10-26T16:52:22+00:00 net-p2p/deluge-cli CLI part of bittorrent client using Python and libtorrent-rasterbar
Deluge is a Bittorrent client written in Python and GTK+. Deluge is intended
to bring a native, full-featured client to Linux, BSD, and other *nix GTK
desktop environments such as Gnome and Xfce.

Deluge uses Rasterbar's version of libtorrent as the main ingredient in its
bittorrent protocol backend.

2016-10-26T15:59:50+00:00 textproc/py-terminaltables Generate simple tables in terminals from a nested list of strings
Easily draw tables in terminal/console applications from a list of
lists of strings. Supports multi-line rows.

2016-10-26T15:59:39+00:00 textproc/py-colorclass Colorful worry-free console applications
Yet another ANSI color text library for Python. Provides "auto colors" for
dark/light terminals. Works on Linux, OS X, and Windows.

2016-10-26T02:43:32+00:00 dns/openmdns Multicast DNS and Service Discovery daemon
OpenMDNS is a full implementation of MDNS/DNS-SD, it aims to be a light
replacement for Avahi/Bonjour. Currently, OpenMDNS is about 10% of the size
of Avahi.

2016-10-26T02:40:32+00:00 devel/libopenbsd imsg and ohash routines from OpenBSD libutil
libopenbsd is a thin compatibility layer intended to allow a limited set of
OpenBSD software to compile on other BSDs with little or no modification.
2016-10-25T20:44:49+00:00 devel/py-ordered-set MutableSet that remembers its order, so that every entry has an index
An OrderedSet is a custom MutableSet that remembers its order, so that every
entry has an index that can be looked up.

2016-10-25T20:33:00+00:00 devel/py-weakrefmethod WeakMethod class for storing bound methods using weak references
A WeakMethod class for storing bound methods using weak references.

2016-10-25T19:37:33+00:00 comms/java-simple-serial-connector Library for working with serial ports from Java
Library for working with serial ports in Java.

2016-10-25T18:31:54+00:00 games/gnubik 3D Rubik's cube game
The GNUbik program is an interactive, graphical, single player
puzzle. Yes, this is another implementation of the classic game
like that invented by Erno Rubik. You have to manipulate the cube
using the mouse. When each face shows only one colour, the game is

2016-10-24T15:16:51+00:00 www/varnish5 High-performance HTTP accelerator
This is the Varnish high-performance HTTP accelerator.

Documentation and additional information about Varnish is available on

Technical questions about Varnish and this release should be addressed
to <>

Questions about commercial support and services related to Varnish
can be directed here:

2016-10-24T12:37:41+00:00 net/multicat Simple and efficient multicast and transport stream manipulation
multicat is a 1 input/1 output application. Inputs and outputs can
be network streams (unicast and multicast), files, directories,
character devices or FIFOs. It is thought to be a multicast equivalent
of the popular netcat tool. Typical applications are recording live
transport streams, or playing out TS files without modification.
Also it is able to record a continuous stream into a directory,
rotate the files periodically, and make seamless extracts from it.

Multicat tries to rebuild the internal clock of the input stream;
but it wants to remain agnostic of what is transported, so in case
of files the said clock is stored to an auxiliary file (example.aux
accompanies example.ts) while recording. Other inputs are considered
"live", and the input clock is simply derived from the reception
time of the packets.

2016-10-24T12:34:35+00:00 multimedia/multicat Simple and efficient multicast and transport stream manipulation
multicat is a 1 input/1 output application. Inputs and outputs can
be network streams (unicast and multicast), files, directories,
character devices or FIFOs. It is thought to be a multicast equivalent
of the popular netcat tool. Typical applications are recording live
transport streams, or playing out TS files without modification.
Also it is able to record a continuous stream into a directory,
rotate the files periodically, and make seamless extracts from it.

Multicat tries to rebuild the internal clock of the input stream;
but it wants to remain agnostic of what is transported, so in case
of files the said clock is stored to an auxiliary file (example.aux
accompanies example.ts) while recording. Other inputs are considered
"live", and the input clock is simply derived from the reception
time of the packets.

2016-10-23T11:49:22+00:00 devel/py-isort Python utility/library to sort Python imports
isort is a Python utility/library to sort imports alphabetically, and
automatically separated into sections. It provides a command line utility,
Python library and plugins for various editors to quickly sort all your imports.

2016-10-23T09:51:34+00:00 textproc/elasticsearch2-plugin-migration ElasticSearch Migration Plugin
This plugin will help you to check whether you can upgrade directly to
Elasticsearch version 5.x, or whether you need to make changes to your data
before doing so. It will run on Elasticsearch version 2.3.x.

2016-10-23T09:21:53+00:00 security/py-maec Python library for parsing, manipulating, and generating MAEC content
A Python library for parsing, manipulating, and generating MAEC content

2016-10-22T20:34:06+00:00 devel/arduino16 Open-source electronics prototyping platform
Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on
flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. It's intended for artists,
designers, hobbyists, and anyone interested in creating interactive
objects or environments.

The Arduino software consists of a development environment (IDE) and the
core libraries.

2016-10-21T22:41:40+00:00 devel/libastylej-arduino
2016-10-20T19:14:45+00:00 www/py-octoprint Web interface for controlling a 3D printer
Snappy web interface for your 3D printer. OctoPrint allows full remote
control and monitoring, it's compatible and extendable, and it's 100%
open source.

2016-10-20T17:00:18+00:00 security/py-keystone OpenStack Identity
Keystone provides authentication, authorization and service discovery
mechanisms via HTTP primarily for use by projects in the OpenStack family.

It is most commonly deployed as an HTTP interface to existing identity systems,
such as LDAP.

2016-10-20T15:50:12+00:00 devel/py-voluptuous Python data validation library
Voluptuous, despite the name, is a Python data validation library. It is
primarily intended for validating data coming into Python as JSON, YAML, etc.

It has three goals:

1. Simplicity.
2. Support for complex data structures.
3. Provide useful error messages.

2016-10-20T15:19:37+00:00 devel/py-osprofiler OpenStack Profiler Library
OSProfiler provides a tiny but powerful library that is used by most (soon to be
all) OpenStack projects and their python clients. It provides functionality to
generate 1 trace per request, that goes through all involved services. This
trace can then be extracted and used to build a tree of calls which can be quite
handy for a variety of reasons (for example in isolating cross-project
performance issues).

2016-10-20T15:18:57+00:00 devel/py-oslo.messaging Oslo Messaging API
The Oslo messaging API supports RPC and notifications over a number of
different messaging transports.

2016-10-20T15:18:18+00:00 devel/py-keystonemiddleware Middleware for OpenStack Identity
This package contains middleware modules designed to provide authentication and
authorization features to web services other than Keystone. The most prominent
module is keystonemiddleware.auth_token. This package does not expose any CLI or
Python API features.

2016-10-20T15:17:33+00:00 devel/py-oslo.service Oslo.service library
oslo.service provides a framework for defining new long-running services using
the patterns established by other OpenStack applications. It also includes
utilities long-running applications might need for working with SSL or WSGI,
performing periodic operations, interacting with systemd, etc.

2016-10-20T15:16:44+00:00 devel/py-oslo.cache Cache storage for OpenStack projects
oslo.cache aims to provide a generic caching mechanism for OpenStack projects
by wrapping the dogpile.cache library. The dogpile.cache library provides
support memoization, key value storage and interfaces to common caching
backends such as Memcached.

2016-10-20T01:45:25+00:00 www/py-bokeh Interactive Web Plotting for Python
Bokeh is a Python interactive visualization library that targets modern web
browsers for presentation. Its goal is to provide elegant, concise construction
of novel graphics in the style of D3.js, and to extend this capability with
high-performance interactivity over very large or streaming datasets. Bokeh can
help anyone who would like to quickly and easily create interactive plots,
dashboards, and data applications.

2016-10-20T01:03:20+00:00 security/keepassx-devel Cross Platform Password Manager
KeePassX is a free/open-source password manager or safe which helps you
to manage your passwords in a secure way. You can put all your
passwords in one database, which is locked with one master key or a
key-disk. So you only have to remember one single master password or
insert the key-disk to unlock the whole database. The databases are
encrypted using the best and most secure encryption algorithms currently
known (AES and Twofish).

2016-10-19T20:53:14+00:00 devel/arduino-tools Brings together all of the tool dependencies used for Arduino 1.6+
arduino-tools is mostly a meta-port to ensure installation of the tools
required by Arduino 1.6. It does some installation to properly structure
the arduino/tools-builder/ structure in such a way that we may use
all of the tools available from ports while not requiring modifications
to devel/arduino-builder to auto-detect the tools.
2016-10-19T18:39:55+00:00 devel/py-oslo.concurrency Oslo Concurrency library
The oslo.concurrency library has utilities for safely running multi-thread,
multi-process applications using locking mechanisms and for running external

2016-10-19T18:07:40+00:00 devel/py-oslo.middleware Oslo Middleware library
Oslo middleware library includes components that can be injected into wsgi
pipelines to intercept request/response flows. The base class can be enhanced
with functionality like add/delete/modification of http headers and support
for limiting size/connection etc.

2016-10-19T18:06:06+00:00 devel/py-oslo.log Oslo Log library
The oslo.log (logging) configuration library provides standardized
configuration for all openstack projects. It also provides custom formatters,
handlers and support for context specific logging.

2016-10-19T18:05:00+00:00 devel/py-oslo.db Oslo Database library
The oslo db (database) handling library, provides database connectivity to
different database backends and various other helper utils.

2016-10-19T18:03:34+00:00 devel/py-pycadf CADF Library
This library provides an auditing data model based on the Cloud Auditing Data
Federation specification, primarily for use by OpenStack. The goal is to
establish strict expectations about what auditors can expect from audit

2016-10-19T18:02:35+00:00 devel/py-oslo.policy Oslo Policy library
The Oslo Policy library provides support for RBAC policy enforcement across
all OpenStack services.

2016-10-19T15:28:46+00:00 databases/percona-pam-for-mysql PAM plugin for MySQL
Percona PAM authentication plugin for MySQL.

2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 x11/linux-c7-xorg-libs Xorg libraries (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
This package contains X.Org shared libraries.

2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 x11/linux-c7-pixman Low-level pixel manipulation library (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 x11-toolkits/linux-c7-tk85 Graphical toolkit for TCL (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 x11-toolkits/linux-c7-qt-x11 Cross-platform application and UI framework (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
Qt is a cross-platform application and UI framework for developers
using C++ or QML, a CSS/JavaScript-like language.

With Qt, code can be reused efficiently to target multiple platforms
with one code base. The modular C++ class library and developer tools
easily enables developers to create applications for one platform and
easily build and run to deploy on another platform.

2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 x11-toolkits/linux-c7-pango Pango library (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 x11-toolkits/linux-c7-openmotif Motif toolkit libraries (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
Open Motif runtime libraries for the Linux emulation environment.
2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 x11-toolkits/linux-c7-gtk2 GTK+ library, version 2.X (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 x11-themes/linux-c7-hicolor-icon-theme High-color icon theme shell from the FreeDesktop project
The project provides a shared high-color desktop
icon theme shell for use under both KDE and GNOME desktops. This
is a glue port providing a symlink so that Linux apps find their
way around.

2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 x11-fonts/linux-c7-fontconfig XML-based font configuration API for X Windows (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 www/linux-c7-qtwebkit Qt WebKit implementation (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
Qt is a cross-platform application and UI framework for developers
using C++ or QML, a CSS/JavaScript-like language.

With Qt, code can be reused efficiently to target multiple platforms
with one code base. The modular C++ class library and developer tools
easily enables developers to create applications for one platform and
easily build and run to deploy on another platform.

2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 www/linux-c7-flashplugin11
2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 textproc/linux-c7-libxml2 Library providing XML and HTML support (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 textproc/linux-c7-expat XML 1.0 parser written in C (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 textproc/linux-c7-aspell Spelling checker with better logic than ispell (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 security/linux-c7-openssl OpenSSL libraries (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 security/linux-c7-openssl-compat OpenSSL toolkit (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 security/linux-c7-nss Network Security Services (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 security/linux-c7-libtasn1 ASN.1 structure parser library (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 security/linux-c7-libssh2 Library implementing the SSH2 protocol (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 security/linux-c7-libgpg-error Common error values for all GnuPG components (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 security/linux-c7-libgcrypt Crypto library based on code used in GnuPG (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 security/linux-c7-gnutls GNU Transport Layer Security library (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 security/linux-c7-cyrus-sasl2 RFC 2222 SASL (Simple Authentication and Security Layer) (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 print/linux-c7-cups-libs Common UNIX Printing System libraries
2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 net/linux-c7-tcp_wrappers-libs Libraries tcp wrappers (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
TCP wrappers library.

2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 net/linux-c7-openldap LDAP libraries (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 net/linux-c7-avahi-libs Libraries for Avahi (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 multimedia/linux-c7-libv4l Video4Linux library (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
libv4l is a collection of libraries which adds a thin abstraction layer on
top of video4linux2 devices. The purpose of this (thin) layer is to make it
easy for application writers to support a wide variety of devices without
having to write separate code for different devices in the same class. libv4l
consists of 3 different libraries: libv4lconvert, libv4l1 and libv4l2.

libv4lconvert offers functions to convert from any (known) pixel-format
to V4l2_PIX_FMT_BGR24 or V4l2_PIX_FMT_YUV420.

libv4l1 offers the (deprecated) v4l1 API on top of v4l2 devices, independent
of the drivers for those devices supporting v4l1 compatibility (which many
v4l2 drivers do not).

libv4l2 offers the v4l2 API on top of v4l2 devices, while adding for the
application transparent libv4lconvert conversion where necessary.

2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 multimedia/linux-c7-libtheora Theora Video Compression Codec (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 lang/linux-c7-tcl85 Tool Command Language (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 graphics/linux-c7-tiff Library routines for working with TIFF images (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 graphics/linux-c7-sdl_ttf Simple library to load True Type Fonts as SDL interfaces (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 graphics/linux-c7-sdl_image Simple library to load images as SDL interfaces (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 graphics/linux-c7-png Library for manipulating PNG images (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 graphics/linux-c7-libGLU Mesa libGLU runtime libraries (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 graphics/linux-c7-jpeg SIMD-accelerated JPEG codec (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 graphics/linux-c7-jbigkit Lossless compression for bi-level images (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 graphics/linux-c7-jasper JPEG-2000 reference implementation (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 graphics/linux-c7-glx-utils Mesa GLX utilities (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
This package contains among others glxinfo and glxgears.

2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 graphics/linux-c7-gdk-pixbuf2 Graphic library for GTK+ (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 graphics/linux-c7-dri Mesa libGL runtime libraries (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
The port installs Linux Mesa libGL runtime libraries and DRI drivers.
2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 graphics/linux-c7-cairo Vector graphics library Cairo (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
This is a Linux binary port of Cairo.

Cairo is a vector graphics library with cross-device output
support. Currently supported output targets include the X Window
System and in-memory image buffers. PostScript and PDF file output is
planned. Cairo is designed to produce identical output on all output
media while taking advantage of display hardware acceleration when
available (eg. through the X Render Extension).

Cairo provides a stateful user-level API with capabilities similar to
the PDF 1.4 imaging model. Cairo provides operations including stroking
and filling Bezier cubic splines, transforming and compositing translucent
images, and antialiased text rendering.

2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 ftp/linux-c7-curl Tool for transferring files with URL syntax (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 emulators/linux-c7 Meta-port for all things CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER}
Linux CentOS 7 meta port.

2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 dns/linux-c7-libasyncns Library for executing DNS queries (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
libasyncns is a C library for Linux/Unix for executing name service queries
asynchronously. It is an asynchronous wrapper around getaddrinfo(3),
getnameinfo(3), res_query(3) and res_search(3) from libc and libresolv.

In contrast to GNU's asynchronous name resolving API getaddrinfo_a(),
libasyncns does not make use of UNIX signals for reporting completion of name
queries. Instead, the API exports a standard UNIX file descriptor which may be
integerated cleanly into custom main loops.

In contrast to asynchronous DNS resolving libraries like libdenise, skadns,
adns, libasyncns is just an asynchronous wrapper around the libc's synchronous
getaddrinfo() API, which has the advantage of allowing name resolution using
techniques like Multicast DNS, LDAP or NIS using standard libc NSS (Name
Service Switch) modules. libasyncns is compatible with IPv6 if the underlying
libc is.

libasyncns is very tiny, consisting of just one header and one source file. It
has no dependencies besides libc.

2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 devel/linux-c7-sdl20 Cross-platform multi-media development API (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 devel/linux-c7-sdl12 Cross-platform multi-media development API (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 devel/linux-c7-qt RPM of QT4 (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
Qt is a cross-platform application and UI framework for developers
using C++ or QML, a CSS/JavaScript-like language.

With Qt, code can be reused efficiently to target multiple platforms
with one code base. The modular C++ class library and developer tools
easily enables developers to create applications for one platform and
easily build and run to deploy on another platform.

2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 devel/linux-c7-nspr Netscape Portable Runtime (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 devel/linux-c7-ncurses-base Terminfo database required by Linux ncurses programs
2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 devel/linux-c7-libthai Thai language support library (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 devel/linux-c7-libsigc++20 Callback Framework for C++ (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 devel/linux-c7-libpciaccess Generic PCI access library (CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 devel/linux-c7-libglade2 GNOME glade library (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 devel/linux-c7-libgfortran Runtime libraries for gfortran (Linux Centos ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
Necessary gfortran libs for Linux.

2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 devel/linux-c7-devtools Linux compilers and base libraries (CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
Development tools and base libraries for linux_base-c7. Required by
some Linux applications such as Matlab, which allows the user to integrate
custom C, C++, and Fortran code via the MEX compiler.

2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 devel/linux-c7-dbus-libs Libraries for accessing D-BUS (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 devel/linux-c7-dbus-glib GLib bindings for D-Bus (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 databases/linux-c7-sqlite3 Library that implements an embeddable SQL database engine (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 audio/linux-c7-sdl_mixer Sample multi-channel audio mixer library (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 audio/linux-c7-pulseaudio-utils Utils for PulseAudio clients (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 audio/linux-c7-pulseaudio-libs Libraries for PulseAudio clients (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 audio/linux-c7-openal-soft 3D positional spatialized sound library (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 audio/linux-c7-libvorbis Audio compression codec library (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 audio/linux-c7-libsndfile Reading and writing files containing sampled sound (like WAV or AIFF) (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 audio/linux-c7-libogg Ogg bitstream library (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 audio/linux-c7-flac Free lossless audio codec (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 audio/linux-c7-esound RPM of esound (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 audio/linux-c7-audiofile Implementation of the Audio File Library (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 audio/linux-c7-alsa-utils Advanced Linux Sound Architecture utilities (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
The Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) provides audio and MIDI
functionality to the Linux operating system.

2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 audio/linux-c7-alsa-plugins-pulseaudio PulseAudio plugin for ALSA (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
The Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) provides audio and MIDI
functionality to the Linux operating system.

2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 audio/linux-c7-alsa-plugins-oss OSS plugin for ALSA (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
The Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) provides audio and MIDI
functionality to the Linux operating system.

2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 audio/linux-c7-alsa-lib Advanced Linux Sound Architecture libraries (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
The Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) provides audio and MIDI
functionality to the Linux operating system.

2016-10-19T14:50:26+00:00 accessibility/linux-c7-atk Accessibility Toolkit (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
2016-10-18T21:19:02+00:00 devel/py-chainmap Backport/clone of chainmap for py26, py32, and pypy3
This module is a polyfill, implementing ChainMap for reasonably-recent versions
of Python that do not have collections.ChainMap--namely, Python 2.6, Python 3.2,
and PyPy3 releases based on Python 3.2. (It will also work as expected on Python
2.7, PyPy, and Python 3.3 and higher, but it is not needed there since those
verions' collections modules contains a ChainMap implementation.)

The code for this package is closely derived from the Python 3.5 source code at, (especially the collections and reprlib modules). Several changes
have been made to ensure Python 2.6 compatibility, and tests and packaging have
been added.

2016-10-18T21:09:58+00:00 devel/py-pylru Least recently used (lru) cache implementation
Pylru implements a true LRU cache along with several support classes. The cache
is efficient and written in pure Python. It works with Python 2.6+ including the
3.x series. Basic operations (lookup, insert, delete) all run in a constant
amount of time. Pylru provides a cache class with a simple dict interface. It
also provides classes to wrap any object that has a dict interface with a cache.
Both write-through and write-back semantics are supported. Pylru also provides
classes to wrap functions in a similar way, including a function decorator.

2016-10-18T20:59:40+00:00 devel/py-sarge Wrapper for subprocess which provides command pipeline functionality
The sarge package provides a wrapper for subprocess which provides command
pipeline functionality.

This package leverages subprocess to provide easy-to-use cross-platform command
pipelines with a Posix flavour: you can have chains of commands using ;, &,
pipes using | and |&, and redirection.

The latest version of sarge can be found on BitBucket:

The latest documentation (kept updated between releases) is on Read The Docs:

Please report any problems or suggestions for improvement either via the mailing
list or the issue tracker.

2016-10-18T20:56:50+00:00 www/py-flask-assets Asset management for flask
Integrates the webassets library with Flask, adding support for merging,
minifying and compiling CSS and Javascript files.

2016-10-18T20:53:13+00:00 www/py-flask-principal Identity management for flask
Identity management for Flask.

2016-10-18T19:45:23+00:00 security/py-gpgme Gpgme Python bindings
2016-10-18T19:45:23+00:00 security/gpgme-qt5 Gpgme Qt5 bindings
2016-10-18T19:45:23+00:00 security/gpgme-cpp Gpgme C++ bindings
2016-10-18T17:00:27+00:00 www/googler Google Search, Google Site Search, Google News from the terminal
googler is a power tool to Google (Web & News) and Google Site Search
from the command-line. It shows the title, URL and abstract for each result,
which can be directly opened in a browser from the terminal. Results are
fetched in pages (with page navigation). Supports sequential searches
in a single googler instance.

2016-10-18T15:02:39+00:00 devel/py-oslo.context Oslo Context library
The Oslo context library has helpers to maintain useful information about a
request context. The request context is usually populated in the WSGI pipeline
and used by various modules such as logging.

2016-10-18T15:02:06+00:00 devel/py-cachetools Extensible memoizing collections and decorators
This module provides various memoizing collections and decorators, including
variants of the Python Standard Library's @lru_cache function decorator.

2016-10-18T15:01:21+00:00 devel/py-pika-pool Pika connection pooling
Pools for pikas. Pika connection pooling library.

2016-10-18T14:23:50+00:00 sysutils/u-boot-rpi3
U-Boot loader and related files for the RPi3

For general information about U-Boot see WWW:
2016-10-17T18:18:23+00:00 devel/py-futurist Useful additions to futures, from the future
Code from the future, delivered to you in the now. The goal of this library
would be to provide a well documented futures classes/utilities/additions that
allows for providing a level of transparency in how asynchronous work gets
executed. This library currently adds statistics gathering, an eventlet
executor, a synchronous executor etc.

2016-10-17T18:15:48+00:00 devel/py-retrying General-purpose retrying library, written in Python
Retrying is an Apache 2.0 licensed general-purpose retrying library, written
in Python, to simplify the task of adding retry behavior to just about

2016-10-17T18:12:52+00:00 devel/py-python-editor Programmatically open an editor, capture the result
python-editor is a library that provides the editor module for programmatically
interfacing with your system’s $EDITOR.

2016-10-17T18:10:15+00:00 devel/py-fasteners Python package that provides useful locks
A python package that provides useful locks.

2016-10-17T14:28:01+00:00 security/bzrtp ZRTP support library (RFC 6189)
This library provides support for ZRTP (RFC 6189), a media path key
agreement protocol for unicast secure RTP.

2016-10-17T14:28:01+00:00 net/bctoolbox Belledonne Communications utility library
Belledonne Communications utility library.

2016-10-16T22:01:22+00:00 devel/arm-none-eabi-newlib Newlib distribution for ${NEWLIB_TARGET} targets
Newlib is a C library intended for use on embedded systems. It is
a conglomeration of several library parts, all under free software
licenses, that make them easily usable on embedded products.

2016-10-16T10:00:03+00:00 net/p5-Net-Frame-Device Get network device and gateway information
Get network device and gateway information

It is especially useful when you want to do low-level network programming.

2016-10-15T23:53:45+00:00 math/ceres-solver Nonlinear least squares minimizer
Ceres Solver is an open source C++ library for modeling and solving
large, complicated optimization problems. It is a feature rich, mature
and performant library which has been used in production at Google
since 2010. Ceres Solver can solve two kinds of problems.

1. Non-linear Least Squares problems with bounds constraints.
2. General unconstrained optimization problems.

2016-10-15T21:30:37+00:00 net/p5-Net-Libdnet6 Add IPv6 support to Net::Libdnet
Add IPv6 support to Net::Libdnet

2016-10-15T20:40:36+00:00 net/p5-Net-Frame-Simple Base framework for frame crafting
Frame crafting made easy

This module is part of Net::Frame frame crafting framework. It is
totally optional, but can make playing with the network far easier.

Basically, it hides the complexity of frame forging, sending, and
receiving, by providing helper methods, which will analyze internally
how to assemble frames and find responses to probes.

For example, it will take care of computing lengths and checksums,
and matching a response frame to the requesting frame.

2016-10-15T07:28:38+00:00 www/py-puppetboard02 Web interface to PuppetDB
Puppetboard is a web interface to PuppetDB aiming to replace the reporting
functionality of Puppet Dashboard.

2016-10-15T07:28:38+00:00 databases/py-pypuppetdb03 Library to work with PuppetDB's REST API
This library is a thin wrapper around the PuppetDB REST API providing some
convinience functions and objects to request and hold data from PuppetDB.

2016-10-15T07:18:19+00:00 textproc/icdiff Improved colored diff
Your terminal can display color, but most diff tools don't make good use of it.
By highlighting changes, icdiff can show you the differences between similar
files without getting in the way. This is especially helpful for identifying
and understanding small changes within existing lines.

Instead of trying to be a diff replacement for all circumstances, the goal of
icdiff is to be a tool you can reach for to get a better picture of what
changed when it's not immediately obvious from diff.

2016-10-15T05:24:29+00:00 sysutils/node_exporter Prometheus exporter for machine metrics
Node exporter is a Prometheus exporter for hardware and OS metrics, written in
Go with pluggable metric collectors.

2016-10-15T05:09:11+00:00 net-mgmt/prometheus Systems monitoring and alerting toolkit
Prometheus is a systems and service monitoring system. It collects metrics
from configured targets at given intervals, evaluates rule expressions,
displays the results, and can trigger alerts if some condition is observed
to be true.

Prometheus' main distinguishing features as compared to other monitoring
systems are:

- a multi-dimensional data model (timeseries defined by metric name and
set of key/value dimensions)
- a flexible query language to leverage this dimensionality
- no dependency on distributed storage; single server nodes are autonomous
- timeseries collection happens via a pull model over HTTP
- pushing timeseries is supported via an intermediary gateway
- targets are discovered via service discovery or static configuration
- multiple modes of graphing and dashboarding support
- support for hierarchical and horizontal federation

2016-10-14T21:07:02+00:00 java/intellij-ultimate IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Edition
IntelliJ IDEA is an advanced IDE developed by JetBrains and focused on
developer productivity. The community edition features:
* An intelligent code editor that understands Java code; provides
refactorings, code inspections and intentions, and allows for
fast code navigation.
* Integration with such tools as JUnit and TestNG, Ant and Maven,
and popular version control systems including: CVS, Subversion
and git.
* XML-Java interoperability and comprehensive Groovy programming
language support.
* The Swing UI designer complements the suite of tools for
developing Java desktop applications.

The difference between intellij and intellij-ultimate can be found at

2016-10-14T20:34:26+00:00 emulators/qemu-utils QEMU userland utilities
Miscellaneous tools that can be used without the rest of QEMU

* qemu-img: QEMU disk image utility
* qemu-io: QEMU disk exerciser
* qemu-nbd: QEMU disk network block device server

2016-10-14T19:03:59+00:00 devel/arduino-core Core board support for Arduino devices
Core board support used in Arduino 1.6

2016-10-14T15:30:38+00:00 lang/referenceassemblies-pcl Microsoft .Net Portable Class Library Reference Assemblies
You can build .NET apps across a wide variety of platforms, and the
Portable Class Library (PCL) helps you share your code and libraries across
.NET platforms. Specifically, the PCL provides a set of common reference
assemblies that enable .NET libraries and binaries to be used on any .NET
based runtime - from phones, to clients, to servers and clouds.

2016-10-13T14:31:38+00:00 security/ngrok Secure tunnels to localhost
Expose local servers behind NATs and firewalls to the public internet over
secure tunnels.

2016-10-13T09:59:08+00:00 www/rubygem-turbolinks-classic Turbolinks makes following links in your web application faster
Turbolinks makes following links in your web application faster (use with Rails
Asset Pipeline)

2016-10-13T00:36:39+00:00 www/varnish-libvmod-digest Varnish Module (vmod) for computing message digests and HMAC
Varnish Module (vmod) for computing HMAC, message digests and working
with base64.

All HMAC- and hash-functionality is provided by libmhash, while
base64 is implemented locally.

2016-10-12T18:18:24+00:00 devel/arduino-ctags Feature-filled tagfile generator used by Arduino 1.6
Exuberant ctags mixed with anjuta-tags with patches applied by the
Arduino team.

2016-10-12T10:25:50+00:00 net/py-openstackclient Client for the OpenStack
OpenStackClient (aka OSC) is a command-line client for OpenStack
that brings the command set for Compute, Identity, Image,
Object Store and Block Storage APIs together in a single shell
with a uniform command structure.

2016-10-12T10:25:14+00:00 net/py-neutronclient Client for the OpenStack Neutron API
This is a client for the OpenStack Neutron API. There's a Python
API (the neutronclient module), and a command-line script (neutron).
Each implements 100% of the OpenStack Neutron API.

2016-10-12T10:24:37+00:00 net/py-keystoneclient Client for the OpenStack Keystone API
A client for the OpenStack Identity API, implemented by the Keystone team.
It contains a Python API (the keystoneclient module) for
OpenStack's Identity Service.

2016-10-12T10:23:58+00:00 net/py-glanceclient Client for the OpenStack Glance API
This is a client for the OpenStack Glance API. There's a Python
API (the glanceclient module), and a command-line script (glance).
Each implements 100% of the OpenStack Glance API.

2016-10-12T10:23:05+00:00 net/py-cinderclient Client for the OpenStack Cinder API
This is a client for the OpenStack Cinder API. There's a Python
API (the cinderclient module), and a command-line script (cinder).
Each implements 100% of the OpenStack Cinder API.

2016-10-12T10:22:12+00:00 devel/py-warlock Python object model built on JSON schema and JSON patch
Warlock creates self-validating Python objects using JSON schema.

2016-10-12T10:21:17+00:00 devel/py-unicodecsv Drop-in replacement for Python 2 csv module with Unicode support
The unicodecsv is a drop-in replacement for Python 2.7's csv module which
supports unicode strings without a hassle.

2016-10-12T10:20:37+00:00 devel/py-requestsexceptions Library to find the correct path to exceptions in the requests library
Import exceptions from potentially bundled packages in requests.

2016-10-12T10:19:44+00:00 devel/py-oslo.config Oslo Configuration library
The Oslo configuration API supports parsing command
line arguments and .ini style configuration files.

2016-10-12T10:18:25+00:00 devel/py-osc-lib OpenStackClient Library
OpenStackClient (aka OSC) is a command-line client for OpenStack. osc-lib is a
package of common support modules for writing OSC plugins.

2016-10-12T10:17:16+00:00 devel/py-os-client-config OpenStack client configuration library
os-client-config is a library for collecting client configuration for using an
OpenStack cloud in a consistent and comprehensive manner. It will find cloud
config for as few as 1 cloud and as many as you want to put in a config file. It
will read environment variables and config files, and it also contains some
vendor specific default values so that you don't have to know extra info to use

2016-10-12T10:15:57+00:00 devel/py-openstacksdk SDK for building applications to work with OpenStack
openstacksdk is a client library for building applications to work with
OpenStack clouds. The project aims to provide a consistent and complete set of
interactions with OpenStack's many services, along with complete documentation,
examples, and tools.

It also contains an abstraction interface layer. Clouds can do many things, but
there are probably only about 10 of them that most people care about with any
regularity. If you want to do complicated things, the per-service oriented
portions of the SDK are for you. However, if what you want is to be able to
write an application that talks to clouds no matter what crazy choices the
deployer has made in an attempt to be more hipster than their self-entitled
narcissist peers, then the Cloud Abstraction layer is for you.

2016-10-12T10:15:12+00:00 devel/py-cmd2 Build interactive command line applications in Python
cmd2 is a tool for building interactive command line applications in Python. Its
goal is to make it quick and easy for developers to build feature-rich and
user-friendly interactive command line applications. It provides a simple API
which is an extension of Python's built-in cmd module. cmd2 provides a wealth of
features on top of cmd to make your life easier and eliminates much of the
boilerplate code which would be necessary when using cmd.

2016-10-12T10:13:21+00:00 devel/py-cliff Command Line Interface Formulation Framework
cliff is a framework for building command line programs. It uses setuptools
entry points to provide subcommands, output formatters, and other extensions.

2016-10-11T22:03:26+00:00 devel/listserialc Simple multiplatform program to list serial ports with vid/pid/iserial
Simple multi-platform program to list serial ports with vid/pid/iserial fields.

2016-10-11T21:19:35+00:00 devel/arduino-sevseg Arduino seven segment display library
Arduino seven segment display library

This library turns your Arduino into a seven segment display
controller! Use it to easily display numbers on your seven segment
display without any additional controllers.

It supports common cathode and common anode displays, and the use
of switching transistors. Displays with 1 to 9 digits can be used,
and decimal places are supported. Characters and strings are not

2016-10-11T15:02:05+00:00 devel/arduino-builder Command line tool for building Arduino sketches
arduino-builder is a command line tool for compiling Arduino sketches.
It is used by newer versions of the Arduino IDE, and may also be used
standalone if provided hardware definitions and a tools directory.

2016-10-11T00:57:39+00:00 games/wordwarvi Side-scrolling shoot'em up '80s style arcade game
Word War vi is your basic side-scrolling shoot 'em up '80s style
arcade game. You pilot your "vi"per craft through core memory,
rescuing lost .swp files, avoiding OS defenses, and wiping out those
memory hogging emacs processes. When all the lost .swp files are
rescued, head for the socket which will take you to the next node
in the cluster.

2016-10-10T23:37:42+00:00 ports-mgmt/port-index-uniquifier Dummy port to ensure major versions have different INDEX files
This is a dummy port which takes its version number from ${OSVERSION}, in
order to work around a bug in portsnap triggered by having identical INDEX
files on different major versions.
2016-10-10T20:15:36+00:00 emulators/citra Nintendo 3DS emulator/debugger
Citra is an experimental open-source Nintendo 3DS emulator/debugger
written in C++. It is written with portability in mind, with builds
actively maintained for Windows, Linux and OS X. Citra only emulates a
subset of 3DS hardware, and therefore is generally only useful for
running/debugging homebrew applications. At this time, Citra is even
able to boot several commercial games! Most of these do not run to a
playable state, but we are working every day to advance the project

2016-10-10T20:15:36+00:00 emulators/citra-qt5
2016-10-10T20:13:18+00:00 textproc/pecl-xdiff2 PECL extension to create/apply binary and text patches
pecl-xdiff is a php extension that creates and applies
patches to both text and binary files.

2016-10-10T20:12:31+00:00 net/pecl-oauth2 Php interface to the OAuth Protocol
pecl-oauth is a php interface to the oauth protocol.
Oauth is an authorization protocol built on top of
HTTP which allows applications to securely access
data without having to store usernames and passwords.

2016-10-10T20:11:28+00:00 math/pecl-stats2 PECL extension with routines for statistical computation
Extension for PHP that provides few dozens routines for statistical

2016-10-10T12:52:00+00:00 devel/R-cran-data.table Extension of Data.frame
Fast aggregation of large data (e.g. 100GB in RAM), fast ordered
joins, fast add/modify/delete of columns by group using no copies
at all, list columns and a fast file reader (fread). Offers a natural
and flexible syntax, for faster development.

2016-10-10T12:49:50+00:00 math/R-cran-numDeriv Accurate Numerical Derivatives
Methods for calculating (usually) accurate numerical first and
second order derivatives. Accurate calculations are done using
'Richardson"s' extrapolation or, when applicable, a complex step
derivative is available. A simple difference method is also provided.
Simple difference is (usually) less accurate but is much quicker
than 'Richardson"s' extrapolation and provides a useful cross-check.
Methods are provided for real scalar and vector valued functions.

2016-10-10T11:40:56+00:00 games/gnujump Platform game where you have to jump up to survive
GNUjump is a clone of the simple yet addictive game Xjump, adding
new features like multiplaying, unlimited FPS, smooth floor falling,
themable graphics, sounds, replays, ...

The goal in this game is to jump to the next floor trying not to
fall down. As you go upper in the Falling Tower the floors will
fall faster. Try to survive longer get upper than anyone. It might
seem too simple but once you've tried you'll realize how addictive
this is.

2016-10-10T05:13:54+00:00 net/py-sshuttle Full-featured VPN over an SSH tunnel
As far as I (the author) knows, sshuttle is the only program that solves
the following common case:

* Your client machine (or router) is Linux, FreeBSD, or MacOS.
* You have access to a remote network via ssh.
* You don't necessarily have admin access on the remote network.
* The remote network has no VPN, or only stupid/complex VPN protocols
(IPsec, PPTP, etc). Or maybe you are the admin and you just got
frustrated with the awful state of VPN tools.
* You don't want to create an ssh port forward for every single host/port
on the remote network.
* You hate openssh's port forwarding because it's randomly slow and/or
* You can't use openssh's PermitTunnel feature because it's disabled by
default on openssh servers; plus it does TCP-over-TCP, which has
terrible performance

2016-10-10T04:40:10+00:00 sysutils/amazon-ssm-agent Amazon Simple Systems Manager Agent
Amazon SSM (Simple Systems Manager) is a service for remotely controlling
(executing code on) EC2 instances. This port provides the SSM "Agent",
which polls an Amazon Web Services API for commands, spawns them, and
sends their output back.

2016-10-09T08:57:49+00:00 security/rubygem-rex-exploitation Ruby Exploitation(Rex) library for various exploitation helpers
This gem contains various helper mechanisms for creating exploits. This
includes SEH Overwrite helpers, egghunters, command stagers and more.

2016-10-09T01:22:59+00:00 astro/opencpn Concise ChartPlotter/Navigator
OpenCPN is a free software project to create a concise chart plotter and
navigation software, for use underway or as a planning tool. OpenCPN is
developed by a team of active sailors using real world conditions for
program testing and refinement.

2016-10-07T15:01:12+00:00 net/tcptestsuite Network stack test suite
# TCP Testsuite for FreeBSD based on Packetdrill

This TCP testsuite focuses on testing FreeBSD's TCP stack.
2016-10-06T20:20:54+00:00 net/intel-em-kmod Gigabit FreeBSD Base Drivers for Intel(R) Ethernet
This release includes the gigabit FreeBSD base Drivers for Intel(R)

NOTE: The Intel(R) 82562v 10/100 Network Connection only provides 10/100

2016-10-06T13:07:12+00:00 editors/ecce Edinburgh Compatible Context Editor
This is a port of ECCE (the Edinburgh Compatible Context Editor). Now
really quite ancient, it is still a favourite among many graduates of
Edinburgh University.

2016-10-06T09:23:37+00:00 devel/py-gitless Version control system built on top of Git
Gitless is an experimental version control system built on top of Git. Many
people complain that Git is hard to use. We think the problem lies deeper
than the user interface, in the concepts underlying Git. Gitless is an
experiment to see what happens if you put a simple veneer on an app that
changes the underlying concepts. Because Gitless is implemented on top of Git
(could be considered what Git pros call a "porcelain" of Git), you can always
fall back on Git. And of course your coworkers you share a repository with
need never know that you're not a Git aficionado.

2016-10-05T22:50:25+00:00 audio/logitechmediaserver Audio streaming server that powers Squeezebox players from Logitech
An audio streaming server with many features including:

- Web Interface--control the player and manage MP3 Internet radio
- MP3 Internet radio
- Alarm clock
- Automatically imports ID3 tags
- Browse and search by title, artist, album or genre
- Shuffle and repeat albums or songs
- Create, save, and import .pls, .cue and .m3u playlist files
- Displays current date and time when not playing
- Open protocol and command line API--easy to control from other
- Expandable through 3rd party plug-ins and skins
- Supports multiple synchronized players
- Cross platform Open Source software, written in Perl (GPL)
- Listen from any computer using an MP3 software player (Winamp or iTunes)

Logitech acquired Slim Devices in 2006, prior to which Logitech Media Server
was known as Squeezebox Server (version 7.4 to 7.6) and SlimServer (before 7.4).

2016-10-05T22:50:25+00:00 audio/logitechmediaserver-trackstat Logitech Media Server plugin to store song ratings and statistics
This is a statistic plugin for Logitech Media Server. Logitech Media Server
normally stores statistics about the last time a track was played,
when a specific track was added to the library and how many times a
track has been played. The problem is that all of these statistics are
cleared every time you perform a full rescan of Logitech Media Server.

The TrackStat plugin solves this problem by making sure that the
statistics survive a rescan. Besides this TrackStat also extends the
statistics a bit, one example is that it doesn't count a track as
played just because you listen to the first 2 seconds of it, you will
have to play a certain amount of the track until it is played.
TrackStat also makes it possible to put a rating on all your tracks by
holding a number between 1-5 down on the now playing screen.

The other main functionality the TrackStat plugins provides is various
ways to browse your music based on the statistic information. The
standard Logitech Media Server only makes it possible to show most played
tracks. The TrackStat plugin makes it possible to show the statistics
in a lot more ways. The purpose is simply to give you another way to
select which music you like to play, for example like:

* Find tracks you haven't played for a long time
* Find tracks you have recently added to the library
* Find top rated tracks
* Find least played tracks
* And a lot more...

2016-10-05T22:50:25+00:00 audio/logitechmediaserver-superdatetime Logitech Media Server plugin to display weather conditions & forecasts
This is a Logitech Media Server plugin screensaver datetime replacement.
Graphically displays current weather conditions and forecasts. Will
also optionally display stock quotes and upcoming/active game
information for MLB, NBA, NHL, NFL, and college football and
basketball teams at user-configurable intervals.

2016-10-05T22:50:25+00:00 audio/logitechmediaserver-sqlplaylist Logitech Media Server plugin to create playlists based on SQL queries
This plugin for Logitech Media Server makes it possible to create smart
playlists. Although the standard Logitech Media Server doesn't support
smart playlists by itself, together with iTunes and the standard
Logitech Media Server iTunes integration, it is possible to use smart
playlists defined in iTunes. The problem though is that the integrated
iTunes smart playlists will not be recalculated until the next time
you perform a rescan in Logitech Media Server. The SQL Playlist plugin
takes care of this problem and implements native smart playlist in
Logitech Media Server without any need to use iTunes. The smart playlists
implemented in SQL Playlist will also be automatically re-calculated
after each track played so they will be based on the latest statistic

A smart playlist in SQL Playlist are continous and will run forever in
the same way as the standard Random Mix plugin, you can optionally
also choose that a smart playlist shouldn't repeat already played
tracks and in that case the music will stop when all songs matching
the playlist has been played.

2016-10-05T22:50:25+00:00 audio/logitechmediaserver-lazysearch Logitech Media Server plugin for performing lazy searches
This is a Logitech Media Server plugin to add lazy search capabilities.
Lazy searching allows for much faster entry of search text by allowing
you to forget about multi-tapping and instead just press each of the
remote control buttons once for each of the letters in the text,
whatever position the letter appears in above the button.

2016-10-05T22:50:25+00:00 audio/logitechmediaserver-dynamicplaylist Logitech Media Server plugin to create dynamic playlists
The Dynamic Playlist plugin is a Logitech Media Server plugin that makes
it easier for other plugins to implement different types of playlists.
It shows all supported playlists below the same menu and has the
advantage that the user doesn't have to know which plugin implements a
specific interface.

2016-10-05T19:55:24+00:00 emulators/virtualbox-ose-nox11
2016-10-05T17:34:01+00:00 multimedia/bitstream Binary MPEG, DVB, IETF, etc. structures access library
biTStream is a set of C headers allowing a simpler access to binary
structures such as specified by MPEG, DVB, IETF, SMPTE, IEEE, SCTE,

2016-10-05T12:49:48+00:00 devel/erlang-hut Helper library for logging in Erlang
Hut is a header-only library for Erlang libraries and small
applications to stay agnostic to the logging framework in use.

2016-10-05T06:54:47+00:00 devel/libastylej Source code indenter, formatter, and beautifier (JNI library)
JNI of the Artistic Style source code indenter, formatter, and beautifier.

Artistic Style is a source code indenter, formatter, and beautifier for the C,
C++, C# and Java programming languages. It automatically re-indents and
re-formats source files and can be used from a command line.

2016-10-05T01:03:04+00:00 emulators/virtualbox-ose-additions-nox11
2016-10-04T20:05:14+00:00 textproc/py-ucl UCL parser and emmitter
UCL parser and emmitter.

2016-10-04T14:32:16+00:00 security/kdbx-viewer ncurses GUI and command-line tool for KeePass2 Database files
Command-line tool written in C for KeePass2 Database files (kdbx).
It works completely read-only at the moment.

- ncurses GUI to browse and view password database
- Dump raw, decrypted XML content with obscured passwords
- Display tree structure with de-obscured (=readable) passwords
- Get tab-separated (TSV/CSV) password list

2016-10-03T19:06:31+00:00 devel/py-ipython_genutils Vestigial utilities from IPython
Vestigial utilities from IPython.

2016-10-03T17:47:08+00:00 graphics/py-opencv2 OpenCV Python library
2016-10-03T17:47:08+00:00 graphics/opencv2 Open Source Computer Vision library
OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision Library) is an open source
computer vision and machine learning software library. OpenCV was
built to provide a common infrastructure for computer vision
applications and to accelerate the use of machine perception in the
commercial products. Being a BSD-licensed product, OpenCV makes it
easy for businesses to utilize and modify the code.

The library has more than 2500 optimized algorithms, which includes
a comprehensive set of both classic and state-of-the-art computer
vision and machine learning algorithms. These algorithms can be
used to detect and recognize faces, identify objects, classify human
actions in videos, track camera movements, track moving objects,
extract 3D models of objects, produce 3D point clouds from stereo
cameras, stitch images together to produce a high resolution image
of an entire scene, find similar images from an image database,
remove red eyes from images taken using flash, follow eye movements,
recognize scenery and establish markers to overlay it with augmented
reality, etc.

2016-10-03T17:47:08+00:00 graphics/opencv2-java OpenCV Java library
2016-10-03T17:47:08+00:00 graphics/opencv2-core OpenCV core libraries
2016-10-03T15:40:32+00:00 japanese/boiled-mozc Wrapper to mozc.el that offers modeless ("boil"ed) input style
boiled-mozc.el wraps("boil"s) mozc.el to offer modeless input style,
where you can type a Romaji sequence without activating the Mozc input
method and then just hit \M-o or \C-o to obtain its Hiragana and
Kana-Kanji conversion, respectively.

To use `boiled-mozc.el`, just add the following code into your `.emacs`:

(autoload 'boiled-mozc-rK-conv "boiled-mozc"
"Romaji to Kana-Kanji conversion" t)
(autoload 'boiled-mozc-rhkR-conv "boiled-mozc"
"Romaji to Hiragana conversion" t)
(global-set-key "\C-o" 'boiled-mozc-rK-conv)
(global-set-key "\M-o" 'boiled-mozc-rhkR-conv)

2016-10-03T03:52:35+00:00 sysutils/scct Simple Cluster_SSH Clone using Tmux
scct - Simple Cluster_SSH Clone using Tmux

- Quickly create multiple tmux panes, each with an ssh connection to a specified
host and optionally synchronize input
- Written in POSIX sh
- Only depends on tmux

2016-10-02T15:38:05+00:00 devel/elixir-libring Fast consistent hash ring implementation in Elixir
This library implements a stateful consistent hash ring. It's
extremely fast (in benchmarks it's faster than all other implementations
I've tested against, namely voicelayer/hash-ring and sile/hash_ring),
it has no external dependencies, and is written in Elixir.

2016-10-01T23:34:12+00:00 net-mgmt/riemann-c-client C library and command-line tool for Riemann
Riemann-C-client is a C client library for the Riemann monitoring system,
providing a convenient and simple API, high test coverage and a copyleft
license, along with API and ABI stability.

2016-09-30T16:23:59+00:00 net-mgmt/py-snmp_passpersist Python client library for Net-SNMP pass persist backend
SNMP passpersist backend for Net-SNMP

2016-09-30T10:03:16+00:00 x11-fonts/oldschool-pc-fonts Ultimate Oldschool PC Font Pack
The Ultimate Oldschool PC Font Pack started out with the idea of paying tribute
to ancient PCs and their bitmapped, pre-GUI typography (if you can call it
that). It was inspired by similar efforts that cover other vintage machines:
classic system fonts from the Amiga, C64, Apple II, Mac, ZX Spectrum,
Atari 8-bit/ST etc. are all celebrated. On the other hand, the IBM PC and its
clones seem to get little love... except for that one VGA text mode font
(which has been remade numerous times, to varying degrees of success).

This collection is here to remedy that, and to bring you pixel-perfect remakes
of various type styles from text-mode era PCs - in modern, multi-platform,
Unicode-compatible TrueType form (plus straight bitmap versions).

Although the goal is to make it a complete resource, the main focus is on
hardware/firmware character sets: the kind that's located in a ROM chip on
the system board or graphics card, which is what you'd see by default when
working in text (or graphics) mode. Software-loadable fonts are also within
the scope of this collection (if associated with a particular machine or
display system), so some of these have also made it in.

2016-09-30T08:46:29+00:00 devel/sparsehash Extremely memory-efficient hash_map implementation
An extremely memory-efficient hash_map implementation. 2 bits/entry overhead!
The Google SparseHash project contains several hash-map implementations in use
at Google, with different performance characteristics, including an
implementation that optimizes for space and one that optimizes for speed.

2016-09-30T07:08:56+00:00 math/R-cran-nortest Tests for Normality
Five omnibus tests for testing the composite hypothesis of normality.

2016-09-30T06:44:33+00:00 devel/R-cran-crayon Colored Terminal Output
Colored terminal output on terminals that support 'ANSI' color and
highlight codes. It also works in 'Emacs' 'ESS'. 'ANSI' color support is
automatically detected. Colors and highlighting can be combined and
nested. New styles can also be created easily. This package was inspired
by the 'chalk' 'JavaScript' project.

2016-09-30T06:24:27+00:00 math/R-cran-truncnorm Truncated normal distribution
Density, distribution function, quantile function, random generation
and expected value function for the truncated normal distribution
with mean equal to 'mean' and standard deviation equal to 'sd'.

2016-09-29T22:42:19+00:00 databases/powa-web PostgreSQL Workload Analyzer is a performance tool for PostgreSQL
The PostgreSQL Workload Analyzer is performance tool for PostgreSQL 9.4 and
later versions, allowing to collect, aggregate and purge statistics on a
PostgreSQL instance from various sources. It is implemented as a background

Install databases/powa-archivist on your database servers, and this port
on any achine with psql access to the databases.

2016-09-29T22:42:19+00:00 databases/powa-archivist PostgreSQL workload analyzer background worker
This project is the core extension of the PoWA project, a PostgreSQL Workload
Analyzer that gathers performance stats and provides real-time charts and
graphs to help monitor and tune your PostgreSQL servers.

2016-09-29T22:42:19+00:00 databases/pg_qualstats PostgreSQL extension for collecting statistics about predicates
pg_qualstats is a PostgreSQL extension keeping statistics on predicates found
in WHERE statements and JOIN clauses.

2016-09-29T14:06:45+00:00 www/rubygem-turbolinks-source Turbolinks JavaScript assets
Turbolinks JavaScript assets

2016-09-28T23:55:44+00:00 multimedia/mpc-qt Qt 5 clone of Media Player Classic based on libmpv
Media Player Classic Home Cinema is considered by many to be the
quintessential media player for the Windows desktop. Media Player
Classic Qute Theater (mpc-qt) aims to reproduce most of the interface
and functionality of mpc-hc while using libmpv to play video instead
of DirectShow.

2016-09-28T20:27:55+00:00 security/rubygem-rex-encoder Ruby Exploitation(Rex) library for various polymorphic encoders
This library provides the basis for all of the polymorphic encoders that
Metasploit uses for payload encoding. Encoders are used to try and create a
version of a payload that is free of bad characters as defined by the exploit.

2016-09-28T20:02:16+00:00 devel/py-pathlib2 Object-oriented filesystem paths
Backport of standard pathlib module which tracks the standard library module,
so all the newest features of the standard pathlib can be used also on older
Python versions.

2016-09-28T02:13:33+00:00 multimedia/kvazaar H.265/HEVC encoder implemented in C
The purpose of this academic open-source project is to develop a video
encoder for the emerging High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) standard.
This Kvazaar HEVC encoder is being developed towards the following goals:

1. Coding efficiency close to HEVC reference encoder (HM)
2. Modular encoder structure to simplify its data flow modeling
3. Efficient support for different parallelization approaches
4. Easy portability to different platforms
5. Optimized encoding speed without sacrificing its coding efficiency,
modularity, or portability
6. Reduced computation and memory resources without sacrificing its
coding efficiency, modularity, or portability
7. Excellent software readability and implementation documentation

Achieving these objectives requires encoder with design decisions that
make this open-source encoder unique:

1. The encoder is developed from the scratch (HM used as a reference)
2. The implementation language is platform-independent C

2016-09-28T02:13:33+00:00 multimedia/kvazaar-devel
2016-09-28T00:37:53+00:00 devel/p5-Params-ValidationCompiler Build an optimized subroutine parameter validator once, use it forever
Create a customized, optimized, non-lobotomized, uncompromised, and
thoroughly specialized parameter checking subroutine.

2016-09-27T23:46:04+00:00 graphics/ansilove ANSI / ASCII art to PNG converter
ANSi / ASCII art to PNG converter

The following formats are supported:
- .ANS - ANSi (ANSI escape sequences: ANSI X3.64 standard)
- .PCB - PCBoard Bulletin Board System (BBS) own file format
- .BIN - Binary format (raw memory copy of text mode video memory)
- .ADF - Artworx format, supporting custom character sets and palettes
- .IDF - iCE Draw format, supporting custom character sets and palettes
- .TND - TundraDraw format, supporting 24-bit color mode
- .XB - The eXtended Binary XBin format, supporting custom character
sets and palettes

AnsiLove/C is capabable of processing:
- SAUCE records
- DOS and Amiga fonts (embedded binary dump)
- iCE colors

Even more:
- Output files are highly optimized 4-bit PNGs.
- Optionally generates additional (and proper) Retina @2x PNG.
- You can use custom options for adjusting output results.
- Built-in support for rendering Amiga ASCII.

2016-09-27T18:25:34+00:00 emulators/ppsspp-qt5
2016-09-27T18:25:34+00:00 emulators/ppsspp-qt4
2016-09-27T18:25:17+00:00 sysutils/android-file-transfer-qt5
2016-09-27T18:25:17+00:00 sysutils/android-file-transfer-qt4
2016-09-27T17:49:37+00:00 devel/py3-yaml
2016-09-27T09:01:23+00:00 net/go-nats Go client for NATS
Golang client for NATS, the cloud native messaging system.

2016-09-27T08:58:23+00:00 devel/go-nuid NATS unique identifier generator library
A highly performant unique identifier generator written in Go.

2016-09-27T06:47:11+00:00 devel/p5-Test2-Plugin-NoWarnings Fail if tests warn
Loading this plugin causes your tests to fail if there any
warnings while they run. Each warning generates a new failing
test and the warning content is outputted via diag.

This module uses $SIG{__WARN__}, so if the code you're testing
sets this, then this module will stop working.

2016-09-26T18:18:56+00:00 devel/py3-threema-msgapi Threema Gateway Message SDK for Python
Threema Gateway Message SDK for Python

2016-09-26T17:34:19+00:00 devel/py3-click
2016-09-26T06:44:23+00:00 sysutils/android-file-transfer Android MTP client with minimalistic UI
Android File Transfer for Linux - reliable MTP client with
minimalistic UI similar to Android File Transfer for Mac.

* Simple Qt UI with progress dialogs.
* FUSE wrapper (If you'd prefer mounting your device), supporting
partial read/writes, allowing instant access to your files.
* No file size limits.
* Automatically renames album cover to make it visible from media player.
* No extra dependencies (e.g., libptp/libmtp).
* Available as static/shared library.
* Command line tool (aft-mtp-cli)

2016-09-25T17:13:42+00:00 net-mgmt/zabbix32-server Enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring (${PKGNAMESUFFIX:S/^-//})
Zabbix is an enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring solution.

Zabbix is software that monitors numerous parameters of a network and the
health and integrity of servers. Zabbix uses a flexible notification
mechanism that allows users to configure e-mail based alerts for virtually
any event. This allows a fast reaction to server problems. Zabbix offers
excellent reporting and data visualisation features based on the stored
data. This makes Zabbix ideal for capacity planning.

2016-09-25T17:13:42+00:00 net-mgmt/zabbix32-proxy
2016-09-25T17:13:42+00:00 net-mgmt/zabbix32-frontend
2016-09-25T17:13:42+00:00 net-mgmt/zabbix32-agent
2016-09-25T09:22:19+00:00 sysutils/py-dirsync Advanced directory tree synchronisation tool
Advanced directory tree synchronisation tool based on Python robocopier.

2016-09-24T16:46:14+00:00 sysutils/py-scandir Fast and featureful directory iterator
scandir, a better directory iterator and faster os.walk()

scandir() is a generator version of os.listdir() that returns an iterator
over files in a directory, and also exposes the extra information most
operating systems provide while iterating files in a directory (such as
type and stat information).

This module also includes a version of os.walk() that uses scandir()
to speed it up significantly.

NOTE: If you're using Python version 3.5+, os.scandir() and the speed
improvements to os.walk() are already available in the standard library.

2016-09-24T13:31:01+00:00 net/gnatsd Messaging system written in Go
NATS is an open-source, cloud-native messaging system.

2016-09-23T20:29:58+00:00 net/rclone Sync files to and from various cloud services
Sync files to and from Google Drive, S3, Swift, Cloudfiles, Dropbox and
Google Cloud Storage

2016-09-23T20:08:33+00:00 devel/py-twilio Python module for communicating with the Twilio API
The twilio-python helper library lets you write Python code to make
HTTP requests to the Twilio API.

2016-09-23T18:37:47+00:00 devel/bossa Flash programmer for Atmel SAM microcontrollers
BOSSA is a flash programming utility for Atmel's SAM family of flash-based ARM
microcontrollers designed as a replacement for Atmel's SAM-BA software.
This version is a fork of the original project with some Arduino-specific
patches applied that are unlikely to be accepted upstream.

2016-09-23T11:21:28+00:00 devel/elixir-nats NATS client for Elixir
NATS client for Elixir.

2016-09-23T06:08:42+00:00 www/libjwt JSON Web Token implementation in C
The C implementation of JSON Web Tokens.

2016-09-22T16:08:53+00:00 dns/py3-dnspython
2016-09-22T12:46:36+00:00 multimedia/audacious-plugins-gtk3 Plugins needed for audacious-gtk3
2016-09-22T12:38:57+00:00 multimedia/audacious-gtk3 Gtk+3 port of lightweight and versatile audio player
2016-09-22T11:15:28+00:00 devel/libgrading Simple library for grading C- and C++-language assignments
This is a simple library for grading C- and C++-language assignments. It runs
each test case in a child process in order to capture common programming errors
such as infinite loops and segmentation faults.

2016-09-21T20:11:09+00:00 databases/pgmodeler PostgreSQL Database Modeler
pgModeler - PostgreSQL Database Modeler - is an open source data modeling
tool designed for PostgreSQL. No more DDL commands written by hand: let
pgModeler do the job for you! This software reunites the concepts of
entity-relationship diagrams and the features that PostgreSQL implements as
extensions of SQL standards.

2016-09-21T12:25:28+00:00 security/py3-libnacl
2016-09-21T11:13:50+00:00 www/py-rollbar Easy and powerful exception tracking with Rollbar
Send messages and exceptions with arbitrary context, get back aggregates, and
debug production issues quickly.

2016-09-20T18:10:54+00:00 audio/asterisk-espeak Espeak dialplan application for Asterisk
eSpeak For Asterisk provides the "Espeak" dialplan application,
which allows you to use the Espeak speech synthesizer with Asterisk.
This module invokes the Espeak TTS engine locally, and uses it to
render text to speech.

2016-09-20T18:10:18+00:00 audio/asterisk-flite Flite dialplan application for Asterisk
Flite For Asterisk provides the "Flite" dialplan application, which
allows you to use the Flite TTS Engine with Asterisk.

2016-09-20T17:00:58+00:00 devel/libvslvm Library and tools to access the LVM volume system format
libvslvm is a library to access the Linux Logical Volume Manager (LVM) volume
system format.

2016-09-20T16:53:00+00:00 security/py-dfwinreg Digital Forensics Windows Registry
dfWinReg, or Digital Forensics Windows Registry, is a Python module that
provides read-only access to Windows Registry objects.

2016-09-20T16:47:29+00:00 security/py-dfdatetime Digital Forensics Date and Time
dfDateTime, or Digital Forensics date and time, provides date and time
objects to preserve accuracy and precision.

2016-09-20T15:29:54+00:00 devel/py3-pylru-cache
2016-09-20T15:25:28+00:00 devel/py-pylru-cache LRU cache for Python
LRU cache for python. Provides a dictionary-like object as well
as a method decorator.

2016-09-20T11:09:05+00:00 x11-fm/sunflower Twin-panel file manager
Small and highly customizable twin-panel file manager with support for plugins.

2016-09-19T11:28:15+00:00 games/tyrian-data Data files for opentyrian
Tyrian game data files, released as freeware, to be used with

2016-09-19T11:26:26+00:00 games/opentyrian Arcade-style vertical scrolling shooter
OpenTyrian is a port of the DOS shoot-em-up Tyrian. Jason Emery
generously gave the OpenTyrian developers a copy of the Tyrian 2.1
source code, which has since been ported from Turbo Pascal to C.
The port uses SDL, making it easily cross-platform.

Tyrian is an arcade-style vertical scrolling shooter. The story is
set in 20,031 where you play as Trent Hawkins, a skilled fighter-pilot
employed to fight Microsol and save the galaxy.

2016-09-19T11:24:49+00:00 games/garden-of-coloured-lights Old school 2D vertical shoot-em-up with some innovative elements
Garden of coloured lights is an old school 2D vertical shoot-em-up
with some innovative elements. Innovative graphics, soundtrack and
game concept. The game itself is very challenging and as you progress,
you will understand that you are dealing with a true piece of art...

2016-09-18T20:29:51+00:00 multimedia/gstreamer1-qt5
2016-09-17T12:24:39+00:00 security/rubygem-rex-sslscan Ruby Exploitation(Rex) library for scanning SSL/TLS capabilities
This library is a pure ruby implementation of the SSLScan tool originally
written by Ian Ventura-Whiting.

2016-09-17T12:21:06+00:00 security/rubygem-rex-socket Ruby Exploitation(Rex) socket abstraction library
The Ruby Exploitation(Rex) Socket Abstraction Library includes all of the code
needed to turn sockets into Rex::Sockets with the functionality for things like
L3 pivoting used by Metasploit.

2016-09-17T12:13:44+00:00 security/rubygem-rex-rop_builder Ruby Exploitation(Rex) library for building ROP chains
This is the Ruby Exploitation(Rex) Library for building ROP chains. It also
comes with the msfrop command line tool.

2016-09-17T12:08:09+00:00 security/rubygem-rex-nop Ruby Exploitation(Rex) library for NOP generation
This library contains the opty2 library for dynamic generation of x86 multi-byte
NOPs. This is useful in writing exploits and encoders. It allows you to dynamic
generate variable length instruction sets that are equivalent to a No Operation
(NOP) without using the actual 0x90 bytecode. The original code was written by
Optyx and spoonm.

2016-09-17T12:04:46+00:00 security/rubygem-rex-bin_tools Ruby Exploitation(Rex) Library for Binary Manipulation
Ruby Exploitation(Rex) Library for Binary Manipulation. This suite of tools
contains ElfScan, MachScan, PEScan, and BinScan. These tools are designed to
help you analyze an executable binary and search for particular instruction
sets. This is particularly useful for things like building ROP chains or SEH

2016-09-17T11:41:58+00:00 security/rubygem-rex-core Core libraries required for the Ruby Exploitation (Rex) Suite
The Ruby Exploitation (rex) Core Gem contains the odds and ends of code that so
many other pieces of Rex rely upon, but that are too small to be put into their
own seperate gems. This include some of the ruby cross-platform compatibility
and file utility code.

2016-09-17T09:46:54+00:00 x11-toolkits/qt5-quickcontrols2 Set of controls for building complete interfaces in Qt Quick
Qt is a cross-platform application and UI framework for developers
using C++ or QML, a CSS/JavaScript-like language.

The Qt Quick Controls module provides a set of controls that can be
used to build complete interfaces in Qt Quick.

2016-09-17T09:46:54+00:00 devel/qt5-qdoc-data QDoc configuration files
2016-09-17T09:46:54+00:00 comms/qt5-serialbus Qt functions to access industrial bus systems
2016-09-15T20:49:13+00:00 www/p5-RT-Extension-Gravatar RT Extension to change ticket metadata via email
RT's extension that displays gravatar images within RT

2016-09-15T20:48:02+00:00 www/p5-RT-Extension-QuickAssign RT Extension to add owner change links on ticket display page
RT's extension that adds owner change links on ticket display page.

2016-09-15T20:46:57+00:00 www/p5-RT-Extension-CommandByMail RT Extension to change ticket metadata via email
RT's extension that allows you to change ticket metadata via email.

2016-09-15T18:12:44+00:00 korean/imhangul-gtk3 Hangul input module for GTK+ 3.0
Hangul Input Module for GTK+ 3.0

Input method of GTK+ 3.0 widget. To select this modules, click
right button in gtk30 text widget and select "Input Methods" -
"Hangul" (not KSC5601).

2016-09-15T18:12:44+00:00 korean/imhangul-gtk2 Hangul input module for GTK+ 2.0
Hangul Input Module for GTK+ 2.0

Input method of GTK+ 2.0 widget. To select this modules, click
right button in gtk20 text widget and select "Input Methods" -
"Hangul" (not KSC5601).

2016-09-15T15:39:55+00:00 textproc/pear-Validate_ISPN Validation class for ISPN (International Standard Product Numbers)
This class provides methods to validate:
- ISBN (International Standard Book Number)
- ISSN (International Standard Serial Number)
- ISMN (International Standard Music Number)
- ISRC (International Standard Recording Code)
- EAN/UCC-8 number
- EAN/UCC-13 number
- EAN/UCC-14 number
- UCC-12 (U.P.C.) ID number
- SSCC (Serial Shipping Container Code)

2016-09-15T12:46:49+00:00 net/nats-streaming-server Streaming system server for NATS
NATS is an open-source, cloud-native messaging system. NATS Streaming
is an extremely performant, lightweight reliable streaming platform
built on NATS.

2016-09-15T12:41:02+00:00 archivers/pecl-snappy PHP extension for the snappy compression algorithm
Provides the API to PHP for the snappy compression algorithm by

2016-09-14T04:24:22+00:00 devel/R-cran-sourcetools Tools for the Reading and Tokenization of R Code
Tools for the reading and tokenization of R code. The 'sourcetools'
package provides both an R and C++ interface for the tokenization
of R code, and helpers for interacting with the tokenized representation
of R code.

2016-09-14T04:06:59+00:00 www/fabio Zero-conf load balancing HTTP(S) router managed by Consul
A fast, modern, zero-conf load balancing HTTP(S) router for deploying
microservices managed by consul.

2016-09-14T01:17:27+00:00 games/endless-sky-high-dpi High-DPI graphics for Endless Sky
This is a collection of double-resolution sprites for Endless Sky.
These sprites will only be used if:

- you have set the "zoom factor" to higher than 100% in the preferences, or
- you have a high-DPI monitor.

2016-09-13T20:58:26+00:00 misc/fortune_strfile Duplicate of strfile(8)
This is a duplicate of strfile(8).

It exists to make it possible to have fortune ports without first having
to install the games distribution.
2016-09-13T20:09:17+00:00 security/dehydrated Pure BASH/ZSH Lets Encrypt client
dehydrated is a pure BASH implementation of the ACME
protocol used by Lets Encrypt.

2016-09-13T20:06:28+00:00 databases/sqlitebrowser-qt5
2016-09-13T18:58:40+00:00 comms/uhd Ettus Research UHD driver framework
UHD is the "Universal Software Radio Peripheral" (USRP) Hardware Driver. It
works on all major platforms (Linux, Windows, and Mac); and can be built with
GCC, Clang, and MSVC compilers.

The goal of UHD is to provide a host driver and API for current and
future Ettus Research products. Users will be able to use the UHD driver
standalone or with third-party applications such as:

GNU Radio

2016-09-12T19:44:03+00:00 converters/p5-Bencode BitTorrent bencode serialisation format
This module implements the BitTorrent *bencode* serialisation format, as
described in <>.

2016-09-12T12:01:36+00:00 sysutils/chyves bhyve front-end manager
chyves is a bhyve front-end manager. chyves manages type-2 virtualized guests by
utilizing hardware virtualization on a base FreeBSD 10.3+ installation. On a
base install, only FreeBSD guests can run. However, with the installation of
sysutils/grub2-bhyve and sysutils/bhyve-firmware from ports or pkg, most other
OSes can run as a guest, including Windows. See DEPENDENCIES section in the man
page for more information.

chyves is targeted for beginners as well as power users. Beginners should find
chyves relatively easy to use with lots of documentation and demonstrations.
While power users should find utility with features such as true ZFS clones,
PCI passthrough, rapid execution against many guests, disk images, and snapshot
reverted states on boot/reboot to name a few of the advanced features.

The name 'chyves' is the pluralized, big endian alphabetic increment of bhyve.
'chyves' is pronounced like 'chives', part of the Allium genus. The onion is
also in the Allium genus.

2016-09-12T05:50:03+00:00 lang/cilkplus Intel Cilk Runtime
Intel Cilk Plus is an extension to the C and C++ languages to support data
and task parallelism.

Primary Features

High Performance:
* An efficient work-stealing scheduler provides nearly optimal
scheduling of parallel tasks
* Vector support unlocks the performance that's been hiding in your
* Powerful hyperobjects allow for lock-free programming
Easy to Learn:
* Only 3 new keywords to implement task parallelism
* Serial semantics make understanding and debugging the parallel
program easier
*Array Notations provide a natural way to express data parallelism
Easy to Use:
* Automatic load balancing provides good behavior in multi-programmed
* Existing algorithms easily adapted for parallelism with minimal
* Supports both C and C++ programmers

2016-09-11T15:45:03+00:00 games/easyrpg-player RPG Maker 2000/2003 and EasyRPG games interpreter
EasyRPG Player is a game interpreter to play RPG Maker 2000, 2003
and EasyRPG games. It uses the LCF parser library (liblcf) to read
RPG Maker game data.

EasyRPG Player is part of the EasyRPG Project.

2016-09-11T15:44:29+00:00 games/liblcf Library to handle RPG Maker 2000/2003 and EasyRPG projects
liblcf is a library to handle RPG Maker 2000 and 2003 game data.
It can read and write LCF and XML files.

liblcf is part of the EasyRPG Project.

2016-09-10T19:50:35+00:00 devel/govendor Go vendor tool that works with the standard vendor file
Govendor is a tool that fetches dependencies for Go projects and records them
in the standard vendor.json file.

2016-09-10T19:10:08+00:00 www/mod_auth_gssapi Apache module for authenticating users with GSSAPI
This module adds support for single-sign-on authentication via GSSAPI
to the Apache httpd. It is intended as a successor to mod_auth_kerb.

2016-09-09T15:58:43+00:00 net-mgmt/gnu-ipcalc Modern network address calculation tool for IPv4 and IPv6
This is a modern tool to assist in network address calculations for IPv4 and
IPv6. It acts both as a tool to output human readable information about a
network or address, as well as a tool suitable to be used by scripts or other

It supports printing a summary about the provided network address, multiple
command line options per information to be printed, transparent IPv6 support,
and in addition it will use libGeoIP if available to provide geographic

2016-09-08T23:51:57+00:00 net/grive2 Open source client for Google Drive
Grive2 is the fork of original "Grive" Google Drive client with the
support for the new Drive REST API and partial sync.

2016-09-08T20:55:19+00:00 base/gcc GNU Compiler Collection
GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection, support C and C++ suitable for
the FreeBSD base system.

2016-09-08T18:11:46+00:00 benchmarks/glmark2 Benchmark for OpenGL (ES) 2.0
glmark2 is a benchmark for OpenGL (ES) 2.0. It uses only the subset of the
OpenGL 2.0 API that is compatible with OpenGL ES 2.0.

2016-09-08T01:42:43+00:00 www/py-django110 High-level Python Web Framework
Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development
and clean, pragmatic design.

Developed and used over the past two years by a fast-moving online-news
operation, Django was designed from scratch to handle two challenges: the
intensive deadlines of a newsroom and the stringent requirements of experienced
Web developers. It has convenient niceties for developing content-management
systems, but it's an excellent tool for building any Web site.

2016-09-07T21:45:30+00:00 games/bunnysay Bunny Sign for terminals with UTF-8 support
Bunny Sign for terminals with UTF-8 support

2016-09-07T16:18:56+00:00 security/cardpeek Tool for reading the contents of ISO 7816 smart cards
Cardpeek is a graphical tool to read the contents of ISO 7816 smart cards.
It features a GTK+ v3.0 GUI to represent card data is a tree view, and is
extensible with a scripting language (Lua).

The goal of the project is to allow smart card owners to be better informed
about what type of personal information is stored in these devices.

2016-09-06T23:44:58+00:00 devel/renpy6
2016-09-06T17:53:30+00:00 archivers/py-python-lhafile LHA(.lzh) file extract interface
Lhafile is python C extension to extract lha file(.lzh). The interface
is like zipfile extension included in regular python distribution. It
does not need external program for extract. It has only extract function,
not archive function.

2016-09-06T17:40:00+00:00 devel/kore Web application framework for writing web APIs in C
Kore is an easy to use web application framework for writing scalable
web APIs in C. Its main goals are security, scalability and allowing
rapid development and deployment of such APIs.

Because of this Kore is an ideal candidate for building robust,
scalable and secure web things.

2016-09-05T20:10:30+00:00 emulators/linux_base-c7 Base set of packages needed in Linux mode (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
This port contains packages from a near-minimal installation of CentOS 7
Linux. These packages, in conjunction with the Linux kernel module,
form the basis of the Linux compatibility environment. It is designed to
provide a nice user experience by using the FreeBSD configuration for
corresponding Linux stuff where possible. Because of this any work which
needs to chroot into the Linux base may not work as expected (no fallthrough
to the FreeBSD config possible).
2016-09-05T17:19:21+00:00 devel/py-numba Optimizing compiler for Python using LLVM
Numba gives you the power to speed up your applications with high performance
functions written directly in Python. With a few annotations, array-oriented
and math-heavy Python code can be just-in-time compiled to native machine
instructions, similar in performance to C, C++ and Fortran, without having to
switch languages or Python interpreters.

2016-09-05T11:15:29+00:00 databases/postgresql96-server
PostgreSQL is a sophisticated Object-Relational DBMS, supporting
almost all SQL constructs, including subselects, transactions, and
user-defined types and functions. It is the most advanced open-source
database available anywhere. Commercial Support is also available.

The original Postgres code was the effort of many graduate students,
undergraduate students, and staff programmers working under the direction of
Professor Michael Stonebraker at the University of California, Berkeley. In
1995, Andrew Yu and Jolly Chen took on the task of converting the DBMS query
language to SQL and created a new database system which came to known as
Postgres95. Many others contributed to the porting, testing, debugging and
enhancement of the Postgres95 code. As the code improved, and 1995 faded into
memory, PostgreSQL was born.

PostgreSQL development is presently being performed by a team of Internet
developers who are now responsible for all current and future development. The
development team coordinator is Marc G. Fournier (scrappy@PostgreSQL.ORG).
Support is available from the PostgreSQL developer/user community through the
support mailing list (questions@PostgreSQL.ORG).

PostgreSQL is free and the complete source is available.

2016-09-05T11:15:29+00:00 databases/postgresql96-pltcl
2016-09-05T11:15:29+00:00 databases/postgresql96-plpython
2016-09-05T11:15:29+00:00 databases/postgresql96-plperl
2016-09-05T11:15:29+00:00 databases/postgresql96-pgtcl
2016-09-05T11:15:29+00:00 databases/postgresql96-docs
2016-09-05T11:15:29+00:00 databases/postgresql96-contrib The contrib utilities from the PostgreSQL distribution
This is the port for all stuff that comes in the contrib subtree of
the postgresql distribution. This subtree contains porting tools,
analysis utilities, and plug-in features that are not part of the core
PostgreSQL system, mainly because they address a limited audience or
are too experimental to be part of the main source tree. This does
not preclude their usefulness.

Each subdirectory contains a README file with information about the
module. Some directories supply new user-defined functions, operators,
or types. After you have installed the files you need to register the
new entities in the database system by running the commands in the
supplied .sql file. For example,

$ psql -d dbname -f module.sql

The .sql files are installed into /usr/local/share/postgresql/contrib

For more information, please see

This software is part of the standard PostgreSQL distribution.

2016-09-05T11:15:29+00:00 databases/postgresql96-client PostgreSQL database (client)
2016-09-04T18:56:53+00:00 dns/knot-resolver Caching full resolver implementation
Knot Resolver is a caching DNS resolver scalable from huge resolver
farms down to home network routers.
Knot Resolver is a modern resolver implementation designed for
scalability, resiliency, and flexibility. Its design is
different from other resolvers: The core architecture is tiny and
efficient, and most of the rich features are implemented as
optional modules, which limits attack surface and improves

2016-09-04T08:28:45+00:00 security/rubygem-rex-mime Ruby Exploitation(Rex) methods for creating and parsing MIME messages
This Gem contains all of the Ruby Exploitation(Rex) methods for creating and/or
parsing MIME messages.

2016-09-04T08:27:08+00:00 security/rubygem-nessus_rest Communicate with Nessus Scanner over REST/JSON interface
Ruby library for Nessus JSON/REST interface. This library is used for
communication with Nessus over REST interface. You can start, stop, pause and
resume scan. Watch progress and status of scan, download report, etc.

2016-09-04T07:53:15+00:00 devel/libscca Library and tools to access the Windows Prefetch File (SCCA) format
Library and tools to access the Windows Prefetch File (SCCA) format

2016-09-03T19:56:55+00:00 devel/py-llvmlite Lightweight LLVM python binding for writing JIT compilers
A lightweight LLVM python binding for writing JIT compilers

The old llvmpy binding exposes a lot of LLVM APIs but the mapping
of C++-style memory management to Python is error prone. Numba and
many JIT compilers do not need a full LLVM API. Only the IR builder,
optimizer, and JIT compiler APIs are necessary.

llvmlite is a project originally tailored for Numba's needs, using
the following approach:

- A small C wrapper around the parts of the LLVM C++ API we need
that are not already exposed by the LLVM C API.
- A ctypes Python wrapper around the C API.
- A pure Python implementation of the subset of the LLVM IR builder
that we need for Numba.

2016-09-03T06:24:27+00:00 databases/libcouchbase Multithreaded noSQL database (client and library)
This is the C client library for Couchbase. It communicates with the cluster
and speaks the relevant protocols necessary to connect to the cluster and
execute data operations.

2016-09-02T10:14:38+00:00 devel/etcd3 Highly-available key value store and service discovery
A highly-available key value store for shared
configuration and service discovery. etcd is
inspired by zookeeper and doozer, with a focus on:

* Simple: curl'able user facing API (HTTP+JSON)
* Secure: optional SSL client cert authentication
* Fast: benchmarked 1000s of writes/s per instance
* Reliable: Properly distributed using Raft

Etcd is written in Go and uses the raft consensus
algorithm to manage a highly-available replicated log.

2016-09-02T09:09:42+00:00 security/acme-client Native C client for Let's Encrypt, designed for security
acme-client is a client for Let's Encrypt users, but one designed for
security. No Python. No Ruby. No Bash. A straightforward, open source
implementation in C that isolates each step of the sequence.

2016-09-02T08:11:10+00:00 devel/cjose C library implementing JavaScript Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE)
cjose is a C library implementing the Javascript Object Signing and
Encryption (JOSE) framework.

2016-09-01T14:03:28+00:00 devel/erlang-gen_rpc Scalable RPC library for Erlang
gen_rpc uses a mailbox-per-node architecture and gen_tcp processes
to parallelize data reception from multiple nodes without blocking
the VM's distributed port.

2016-09-01T13:36:05+00:00 misc/timediff Showing time pairs between target timezone and localtime
timediff is a simple command line tool to show time pairs
between target timezone and localtime.

2016-09-01T12:42:19+00:00 www/varnish-modules Collection of Varnish Cache modules by Varnish Software
This is a collection of modules ("vmods") extending Varnish VCL used for
describing HTTP request/response policies with additional capabilities.

2016-08-31T17:46:00+00:00 graphics/piglit Automated OpenGL and OpenCL testsuite
Piglit is a collection of automated tests for OpenGL and OpenCL

The goal of Piglit is to help improve the quality of open source
OpenGL and OpenCL drivers by providing developers with a simple means to
perform regression tests.

The original tests have been taken from
- Glean ( ) and
- Mesa ( )

2016-08-30T23:37:47+00:00 security/snort2pfcd Snort alert to pf blocker
Analyzes snort alert output and blocks ip addresses using pf for a specified
period of time. A passlist is specified in CIDR format to exclude local and
trusted ip address from being blocked.

2016-08-30T19:49:27+00:00 devel/apache-rat Release audit tool
Apache Rat.

Apache Rat is a release audit tool, focused on licenses. Use Rat to improve
accuracy and efficiency when checking releases for licenses.

2016-08-30T15:06:18+00:00 x11/xfce4-goodies Meta-port for software and artwork from the Xfce4 Goodies Project
The Xfce Goodies Project includes additional software and artwork that are
related to the Xfce desktop, but not part of the official release.

The Xfce Project itself provides a lightweight desktop environment, which
includes only the core compoments required for a desktop environment, like a
window manager, a file manager, a session manager, a panel and a few utilities.
Additional software packages and plugins to existing software, like the panel
or the file manager, are provided by the Xfce Goodies Project.

This meta-port does not install any software itself - it simply depends on other
ports which are part of the Xfce Goodies Project, and a few additional ports
which are not officially part of Goodies, but highly recommended for an Xfce
desktop environment.

2016-08-29T15:54:30+00:00 net-im/py-fbmq Python library for using the Facebook Messenger API
Python library for using the Facebook Messenger API.

2016-08-29T15:45:18+00:00 security/rubygem-openvas-omp Communicate with OpenVAS manager through OMP
This Ruby gem is used for communication with OpenVAS manager over OMP. You can
start, stop, pause and resume scan. Watch progress and status of scan, download
report, etc.

2016-08-29T15:44:34+00:00 devel/rubygem-windows_error Provides a way to look up Windows NTSTATUS and Win32 Error Codes
The WindowsError gem provides an easily accessible reference for standard
Windows API Error Codes. It allows you to do comparisons as well as direct
lookups of error codes to translate the numerical value returned by the API,
into a meaningful and human readable message.

2016-08-29T14:53:01+00:00 sysutils/qjail4 Utility to quickly deploy and manage jails
This qjail version only supports the RELEASE-10.x series of releases.

Qjail [ q = quick ] is a 4th generation wrapper for the basic chroot jail
system that includes security and performance enhancements. Plus a new level
of "user friendliness" enhancements dealing with deploying just a few jails or
large scale jail environments consisting of 100's of jails.

Qjail uses the jail(8) jail.conf method. This provides the ability to enable
the following options on a per-jail basis. exec.fib, securelevel, allow.sysvipc,
devfs_rulesets, allow.raw_sockets, allow.quotas, allow.mount.nullfs,
allow.mount.tmpfs, allow.mount.zfs, vnet.interface, and vnet. The vnet option
gives a jail its own network stack using the experimental vimage kernel module.
The vnet option has only been tested on i386 and amd64 equipment.

Qjail requires no knowledge of the jail command usage. It uses "nullfs" for
read-only system executables, sharing one copy of them with all the jails.

Uses "mdconfig" to create sparse image jails. Sparse image jails provide a
method to limit the total disk space a jail can consume, while only occupying
the physical disk space of the sum size of the files in the image jail.

Ability to assign ip address with their network device name,
so aliases are auto created on jail start and auto removed on jail stop.

Ability to create "ZONE"s of identical qjail systems, each with their own
group of jails.

Ability to designate a portion of the jail name as a group prefix so the
command being executed will apply to only those jail names matching that prefix.

Qjail has been incorporated into the Finch open source project,
see for details.

2016-08-29T10:22:21+00:00 sysutils/rubygem-vmstat Library to gather memory, cpu, network, load avg and disk information
A focused and fast library to gather memory, cpu, network, load avg and disk

2016-08-29T10:17:49+00:00 www/rubygem-hamlit High Performance Haml Implementation
Hamlit is a high performance Haml implementation.

2016-08-28T11:02:35+00:00 www/p5-CatalystX-VirtualComponents Setup virtual Catalyst components
Setup virtual Catalyst components

2016-08-28T10:55:55+00:00 www/p5-CatalystX-AppBuilder Programatically build your Catalyst app
Programatically build your Catalyst app

2016-08-28T08:05:47+00:00 www/p5-Catalyst-View-TT-Alloy Template::Alloy views for Catalyst
Template::Alloy views for Catalyst

2016-08-28T07:02:47+00:00 devel/p5-Devel-InheritNamespace Inherit an entire namespace
Inherit an entire namespace

2016-08-27T18:11:18+00:00 net/sbm Simple bandwidth monitor
sbm is a simple bandwidth monitor.

Besides the basic bandwith monitor it comes with two scripts.
sbm-rt-plot can be used for realtime bandwidth graphs and sbm-plot can
be used to generate static graphs for bandwith usage over a period of

2016-08-27T00:14:11+00:00 base/binutils GNU binary tools for base
The GNU Binutils are a collection of binary tools. The main ones are:

* ld - the GNU linker.
* as - the GNU assembler.

Most of these programs use BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library, to do
low-level manipulation. Many of them also use the opcodes library to assemble
and disassemble machine instructions.

This port may be used as a replacement for the system binutils and support
features from the latest versions of GCC.

For cross-compilation, see the devel/cross-binutils port.

2016-08-26T20:41:29+00:00 x11-fonts/exo Geometric sans serif font with a technological feel
Exo 2 is a complete redrawing of Exo, a contemporary geometric sans serif
typeface that tries to convey a technological/futuristic feeling while keeping
an elegant design. Exo is a very versatile font, so it has 9 weights
(the maximum on the web) and each with a true italic version. Exo 2 has a more
organic look that will perform much better at small text sizes and in long texts.

2016-08-25T15:07:03+00:00 www/p5-HTTP-ProxyPAC Use a proxy auto config file to get proxy info
Use a proxy auto config file to get proxy info.

2016-08-25T13:15:28+00:00 www/p5-LWP-Protocol-socks Adds support for the socks protocol and proxy facility in LWP
Adds support for the socks protocol and proxy facility in LWP.

2016-08-25T13:15:02+00:00 net/p5-IO-Socket-Socks Provides a way to create socks client or server both 4 and 5 version
Provides a way to create socks client or server both 4 and 5 version.

2016-08-25T02:19:15+00:00 databases/neo4j High performance graph store and database
Neo4j is the world's leading Graph Database. It is a high performance graph
store with all the features expected of a mature and robust database, like a
friendly query language and ACID transactions. The programmer works with a
flexible network structure of nodes and relationships rather than static
tables yet enjoys all the benefits of enterprise-quality database. For many
applications, Neo4j offers orders of magnitude performance benefits compared
to relational DBs.

2016-08-24T19:21:11+00:00 devel/godot-tools Game integrated development environment
2016-08-24T15:13:39+00:00 net/nats-top Top like program monitor for NATS
nats-top is a top-like tool for monitoring NATS servers.

2016-08-24T14:00:34+00:00 net/py-nnpy Python bindings for nanomsg (cffi-based)
CFFI-based Python bindings for nanomsg.

2016-08-24T09:49:04+00:00 devel/elixir-stemmer English stemming implementation in Elixir
An English (Porter2) stemming implementation in Elixir.

2016-08-24T09:39:45+00:00 devel/elixir-simple_bayes Naive Bayes machine learning implementation in Elixir
A Naive Bayes machine learning implementation in Elixir.

2016-08-24T09:31:08+00:00 devel/elixir-math Math module for Elixir
The missing Math module for Elixir.

2016-08-24T08:59:46+00:00 devel/elixir-swarm Clustering, registration, and distribution for Elixir
Swarm is both a global distributed registry, like gproc, and a
clustering utility. It was designed for the use case where large
numbers of persistent processes are created for things like devices,
and are unique across a cluster of Erlang nodes, and messages must
be routed to those processes, both individually, and in groups.
Additionally, Swarm is designed to distribute these processes evenly
across the cluster based on a consistent hashing algorithm, and
automatically move processes in response to cluster topology changes,
or node crashes.

2016-08-24T08:59:01+00:00 www/py-Tenjin Fast and full-featured template engine based on embedded Python
Tenjin is a very fast and full-featured template engine. You can embed
Python statements and expressions into your template file.
Tenjin converts it into Python script and evaluate it.

2016-08-24T06:17:24+00:00 devel/py-opster Command line parsing speedster
A command line options parser, intended to make writing command line
applications easy and painless. It uses built-in Python types (lists,
dictionaries, etc) to define options, which makes configuration clear
and concise. Additionally it contains possibility to handle subcommands
(i.e. hg commit or svn update).

2016-08-24T04:09:45+00:00 www/ufdbguard URL filter for the Squid web proxy
ufdbGuard is a URL filter for the Squid web proxy. Besides blocking
access from PCs and smartphones to undesired websites, ufdbGuard
has safety features to make browsing safer and to block remote
access. ufdbGuard supports configuration of groups with different
web access policies, SafeSearch enforcement, SSH tunnel detection,
safer HTTPS traffic, time-based access rules and much more.

2016-08-23T17:44:52+00:00 print/fig2dev Tools to convert Xfig .fig files
Fig2dev is a set of tools for creating TeX documents with graphics
which are portable, in the sense that they can be printed in a wide
variety of environments.

Drivers currently exist for the following graphics languages:
AutoCad slide, BOX, (E)EPIC macros, LaTeX picture environment,
PIC, PiCTeX, PNG, PostScript, Encapsulated Postscript, GIF,
Bitmap), XPM (X11 Pixmap), and TK (tcl/tk). Fig2dev can be
configured with a subset of these drivers.

2016-08-23T15:18:26+00:00 x11/qterminal Lightweight Qt-based terminal emulator
Lightweight Qt-based terminal emulator.

2016-08-23T15:11:50+00:00 x11-toolkits/qtermwidget Terminal widget for QTerminal
QTermWidget is an opensource project originally based on KDE4 Konsole
application. The main goal of this project is to provide unicode-enabled,
embeddable Qt widget for using as a built-in console (or terminal emulation

2016-08-23T11:10:11+00:00 textproc/erlang-fast_xml Erlang XML parsing and manipulation library
Fast Expat based Erlang XML parsing library, with a strong focus
on XML stream parsing from network.

2016-08-23T10:56:48+00:00 textproc/erlang-p1_utils Erlang utility modules from ProcessOne
p1_utils is an application containing ProcessOne modules and tools
that are leveraged in other development projects.

2016-08-23T10:54:49+00:00 textproc/php70-enchant
2016-08-23T10:54:49+00:00 textproc/php56-enchant
2016-08-23T10:54:49+00:00 textproc/php55-enchant
2016-08-21T19:39:52+00:00 graphics/nplot Charting library for .NET
NPlot is a free charting library for .NET. It boasts an elegant,
flexible API and includes controls for Windows.Forms, ASP.NET
and a class for creating Bitmaps.

2016-08-21T13:50:16+00:00 devel/py-selectors34 Backport of the selectors module from Python 3.4
selectors34 is a backport of the selectors module from Python 3.4. The selectors
module written by Charles-François Natali. This port is based on Victor
Stinner’s trollius/ port.

2016-08-20T18:43:29+00:00 sysutils/read-edid Tools for reading the EDID from a monitor
read-edid is a pair of tools (originally by John Fremlin) for reading the
EDID from a monitor. It should work with most monitors made since 1996,
assuming the video card supports the standard read commands (most do).

Two tools are provided: get-edid, which gets the raw EDID information from
the monitor, and parse-edid, which turns the raw binary information into a
xorg.conf-compatible monitor section (or xrandr-compatible modelines).

2016-08-19T21:56:17+00:00 x11-themes/gtk-arc-themes Arc-themes for GTK-2.0 and GTK-3.0 based desktop environments
Arc is a flat theme with transparent elements for GTK 3, GTK 2 and
Gnome-Shell which supports GTK 3 and GTK 2 based desktop environments like
Gnome, Unity, Budgie, Pantheon, XFCE, Mate, etc.

2016-08-19T19:26:26+00:00 www/kohana Elegant HMVC PHP5 framework
Kohana is an elegant, open source, and object oriented HMVC framework
built using PHP5, by a team of volunteers. It aims to be swift,
secure, and small.

2016-08-18T20:14:55+00:00 audio/pulseaudio-module-sndio Sndio module for PulseAudio
A module for PulseAudio to support playing to sndio servers.

2016-08-18T17:46:06+00:00 sysutils/u-boot-a13-olinuxino
U-Boot loader for A13 Olinuxino.

To install this bootloader on an sdcard just do :
dd if=$LOCALBASE/share/u-boot/u-boot-a13-olinuxino/u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin of=/path/to/sdcarddevice bs=1k seek=8 conv=sync

This version is patched so that:
* API features are enabled.
* A boot.scr (U-Boot script) that loads ubldr.bin and execute it is included

For information about running FreeBSD on Allwinner boards, see

2016-08-18T17:23:00+00:00 sysutils/u-boot-olinuxino-lime
U-Boot loader for Olinuxino Lime.

To install this bootloader on an sdcard just do :
dd if=$LOCALBASE/share/u-boot/u-boot-olinuxino-lime/u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin of=/path/to/sdcarddevice bs=1k seek=8 conv=sync

This version is patched so that:
* API features are enabled.
* A boot.scr (U-Boot script) that loads ubldr.bin and execute it is included

For information about running FreeBSD on Allwinner boards, see

2016-08-18T17:03:01+00:00 audio/aucatctl Control sndiod and/or aucat volumes
The aucatctl utility sends MIDI messages to control sndiod and/or
aucat volumes.

2016-08-18T02:21:07+00:00 sysutils/libcpuid Small x86 CPU identification library
libcpuid is a small C library for x86 CPU detection and feature extraction.
Using it, you can:

- Get the processor vendor, model, brand string, code name, etc.
- Get information about CPU features such as: number of cores or logical
CPUs, cache sizes, CPU clock, etc.
- Check if the processor implements a specific instruction set such as
SSE2 or 3DNow!
- Execute the CPUID and RDTSC instructions in a portable way
- And have this all in your commercial application, without getting into
trouble, due to permissive license

Reference utility (rather advanced and useful on its own) is also provided.

2016-08-17T21:19:42+00:00 www/wt Widget-centric C++ library for developing web applications
Wt (pronounced as witty) is a C++ library for developing web applications.

The API is widget-centric and uses well-tested patterns of desktop GUI
development tailored to the web. To the developer, it offers abstraction of
many web-specific implementation details, including client-server protocols
(HTTP, Ajax, WebSockets), and frees the developer from tedious JavaScript
manipulations of HTML and dealing with cross-browser issues. Instead, with Wt,
you can focus on actual functionality with a rich set of feature-complete
widgets. Unlike old-school page-based frameworks or current-day single-page
JavaScript "frameworks", Wt allows you to create stateful applications that are
at the same time highly interactive (using WebSockets and Ajax for everything)
but still support plain HTML browsers or web crawlers using automatic graceful
degradation or progressive enhancement. Things that are natural and simple
with Wt would require an impractical amount of development effort otherwise:
switching widgets using animations, while retaining clean URLs and browser
navigation functions, or having a persistent chat widget open throughout the
entire application, that even works in legacy browsers like Microsoft Internet
Explorer 6.

The library comes with an application server that acts as a stand-alone
Http(s)/WebSocket server or integrates through FastCGI with other web servers.

2016-08-17T18:33:24+00:00 devel/py-qt5-help Python bindings for the Qt5 toolkit, QtHelp module
PyQt5 is a set of Python bindings for Digia's Qt5 application framework.
This package provides the QtHelp module.

2016-08-17T18:10:01+00:00 net-p2p/libswift IETF Peer-to-Peer Streaming Peer Protocol implementation
LibSwift is the reference UDP-based implementation of IETF RFC7574,
a multi-peer transport layer protocol. Its mission is to disseminate
content among a swarm of peers.

Given a root hash, the data is received from whatever source available
and data integrity is checked cryptographically with Merkle hash

2016-08-17T00:45:17+00:00 games/iortcw Game engine for Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Return to Castle Wolfenstein is a military- and occult-themed
first-person shooter game in a Second World War setting, originally
released in 2001. It is a sequel to Wolfenstein 3D.

This port contains the iortcw game engines for the single-player
campaign and multiplayer, based on ioquake3 and the GPL source
releases of RtCW.

Return to Castle Wolfenstein requires non-distributable game data
files, which you have to install manually (see pkg-message).

2016-08-16T07:57:21+00:00 databases/libzbxpgsql Zabbix agent module for comprehensive monitoring of PostgreSQL servers
This project provides comprehensive monitoring of PostgreSQL servers using a
natively compiled Zabbix agent module, written in C.

The module enables discovery and monitoring of tablespaces, databases,
namespaces, tables, indexes, etc.

A preconfigured Zabbix Template is also included for your convenience.

2016-08-15T16:34:41+00:00 audio/py3-mutagen
2016-08-15T15:36:19+00:00 devel/grantlee5 String template engine for Qt 5
Grantlee is a string template engine based on the Django template
system and written using the Qt framework.

2016-08-15T05:29:11+00:00 sysutils/nfcutils Listing NFC devices and in-field tags or targets
Near Field Communication (NFC) utilities

This package contains one utility for listing NFC devices and
in-field tags or targets.

2016-08-14T15:30:26+00:00 net-p2p/torrentcheck Command-line torrent viewer and hash checker
This program is a command-line utility to catalog and verify torrent files.
Run with only the -t option, it displays the metadata, name, and size of
each file in the torrent. Run with the -t and -p options, it computes the
hashes of all files in the torrent, compares them against the hashes stored
in the metadata, and warns of any errors.

Torrentcheck also verifies the length of each file, and flags an error if
the length is wrong even if the hash codes match. It is designed to handle
files over 4GB on a 32-bit machine.

If torrentcheck returns "torrent is good" at the end of its output, every
byte of every file in the torrent is present and correct, to a high degree
of certainty (as explained in the README file).

2016-08-14T09:20:22+00:00 devel/linux-kernel Linux kernel
The Linux kernel.

This port is a building block for creating custom Linux appliances in
FreeBSD as part of your regular package build without a Linux VM or

Provide your own Linux kernel configuration file via the LINUX_KCONFIG
make variable, or create your own via support of Linux' config tools.

The default configuration comes with QEMU/KVM guest support.

2016-08-13T22:44:06+00:00 devel/rubygem-ruby_dep Creates a version constraint of supported Rubies
Creates a version constraint of supported Rubies,suitable for a gemspec file

2016-08-12T19:27:36+00:00 www/py-django_polymorphic Seamless Polymorphic Inheritance for Django Models
Django-polymorphic simplifies using inherited models in Django projects.
When a query is made at the base model, the inherited model classes are

2016-08-12T19:16:13+00:00 security/pecl-libsodium PHP wrapper for the Sodium cryptographic library
A simple, low-level PHP extension for libsodium.

2016-08-12T16:41:49+00:00 textproc/fzf Blazing fast command-line fuzzy finder
FZF is a general-purpose command-line fuzzy finder.

2016-08-12T16:20:36+00:00 devel/go-shellwords Go library to parse line as shell words
Parse line as shell words.

2016-08-12T11:40:38+00:00 security/py-tuf Framework for securing software update systems
TUF (The Update Framework) helps developers secure their new or existing
software update systems.

Software update systems are vulnerable to many known attacks, including
those that can result in clients being compromised or crashed. TUF helps
solve this problem by providing a flexible security framework that can
be added to software updaters.

2016-08-11T16:39:29+00:00 cad/NASTRAN-95 NASA Structural Analysis System

NASTRAN is the NASA Structural Analysis System, a finite element analysis
(FEA) program completed in the early 1970's. It was the first of its kind
and opened the door to computer-aided engineering. Subsections of a design
can be modeled and then larger groupings of these elements can again be
modeled. NASTRAN can handle elastic stability analysis, complex
eigenvalues for vibration and dynamic stability analysis, dynamic response
for transient and steady state loads, and random excitation, and static
response to concentrated and distributed loads, thermal expansion, and
enforced deformations.

NOTE: There is no technical support available for this software.

2016-08-11T16:22:55+00:00 cad/NASTRAN NASA Structural Analysis System

NASTRAN is the NASA Structural Analysis System, a finite element analysis
(FEA) program completed in the early 1970's. It was the first of its kind
and opened the door to computer-aided engineering. Subsections of a design
can be modeled and then larger groupings of these elements can again be
modeled. NASTRAN can handle elastic stability analysis, complex
eigenvalues for vibration and dynamic stability analysis, dynamic response
for transient and steady state loads, and random excitation, and static
response to concentrated and distributed loads, thermal expansion, and
enforced deformations.

NOTE: There is no technical support available for this software.

2016-08-11T15:57:37+00:00 net/pear-Net_Growl Send notifications to Growl
Growl is a MACOSX application that listen to notifications sent by
applications and displays them on the desktop using different display
styles. Net_Growl offers the possibility to send notifications to Growl
from your PHP application through network communication using UDP.

2016-08-11T15:13:34+00:00 multimedia/py-cec Python bindings for libcec
python-cec allows you to control your TV, reciever and other CEC-compliant HDMI
devices from a python script on a computer. Most computer graphics cards don't
support CEC; you'll need a Pulse-Eight USB-CEC adapter or a Raspberry Pi

2016-08-11T11:12:22+00:00 sysutils/ipdbtools Tools for IP based Geo-blocking and Geo-routing
Tools for generating IP based Geo-block-ing and Geo-routing tables in
order to configure the system's firewall and/or routing facilities

In general, routing is determined by destination IP addresses, and access
control by the firewall is established by selectors that can be attrib-
uted to incoming and outgoing IP packets, like physical interfaces on
which the packets are going, source and target IP addresses, protocol
types, port numbers, content types and content, etc. The Geo-location
would be just another selector, but this information is not carried
explicitly with IP packets, however, it can be obtained using an IP
address as a key for looking-up the location in an IP database.

Online databases do exist, but these are usually limited to single queries
and in addition the look-up in an online database is by far too slow for
even thinking about being utilized at the firewall level, where IP packets
need to be processed in a microsecond time scale. Therefore, a locally
maintained Geo-location database is indispensable in the given respect.
The System's own routing and filtering tables can be configured to do
these tasks if there is a source of the appropriate data. The ipdbtools(1)
are designed to provide this data and to assist managing and using it.

2016-08-11T05:26:42+00:00 sysutils/u-boot-pcduino3
U-Boot loader for pcDuino3

To install this bootloader on an sdcard just do :
dd if=$LOCALBASE/share/u-boot/u-boot-pcduino3/u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin of=/path/to/sdcarddevice bs=1k seek=8 conv=sync

This version is patched so that:
* API features are enabled.
* A boot.scr (U-Boot script) that loads ubldr.bin and execute it is included

For information about running FreeBSD on Allwinner boards, see

2016-08-10T20:00:35+00:00 devel/babeltrace Tool and library to read, write and convert execution traces
babeltrace provides trace read and write libraries, as well as a trace
converter. A plugin can be created for any trace format to allow its conversion
to/from another trace format.
The main format expected to be converted to/from is the Common Trace
Format (CTF). The latest version of the CTF specification can be found at
The CE Workgroup of the Linux Foundation, Ericsson, and EfficiOS have
sponsored this work.

2016-08-10T09:39:00+00:00 misc/elixir-mime MIME type module for Elixir
A library that maps mime types to extensions and vice-versa.

2016-08-09T19:36:46+00:00 devel/py-mailcap-fix Mailcap module that correctly handles windcard entries
This package patches the python standard library's mailcap module in order to
correctly handle wildcard entries.

The bug is documented on the bug tracker here: issue 14977

2016-08-08T08:07:15+00:00 lang/erlang-runtime19 Functional programming language from Ericsson
Erlang is a programming language used to build massively scalable soft
real-time systems with requirements on high availability. Some of its
uses are in telecoms, banking, e-commerce, computer telephony and
instant messaging. Erlang's runtime system has built-in support for
concurrency, distribution and fault tolerance.

This port contains a standalone runtime environment of Erlang 19
to be used during the development of OTP applications.

2016-08-07T16:50:01+00:00 devel/llvm39 LLVM and Clang
The LLVM Project is a collection of modular and reusable compiler and
toolchain technologies.

This port includes Clang (a C/C++/Objective-C compiler), LLD (a linker),
LLDB (a debugger), an OpenMP runtime library, and the LLVM infrastructure
these are built on.

2016-08-06T13:21:16+00:00 www/py-boto3 AWS SDK for Python
Boto3 is the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Software Development Kit (SDK)
for Python, which allows Python developers to write software that makes
use of services like Amazon S3 and Amazon EC2. You can find the latest,
most up to date, documentation at Read the Docs, including a list of
services that are supported.

2016-08-06T12:43:50+00:00 x11-fonts/hack-font Typeface designed for source code
Hack is monospaced font designed to be a workhorse typeface for code. It has
deep roots in the libre, open source typeface community and expands upon the
contributions of the Bitstream Vera & DejaVu projects. The project is in active
development. We welcome your input and contributions.

2016-08-06T07:04:36+00:00 graphics/py-mayavi Application and library for 3D visualization and plotting in Python
3D Scientific Data Visualization and Plotting.

The Mayavi project includes two related packages for 3-dimensional
Mayavi: A tool for easy and interactive visualization of data, with
seamless integration with Python scientific libraries.
TVTK: A Traits-based wrapper for the Visualization Toolkit, a popular
open-source visualization library.

These libraries operate at different levels of abstraction. TVTK
manipulates visualization objects, while Mayavi lets you operate
on your data, and then see the results. Most users either use the
Mayavi user interface or program to its scripting interface; you
probably don't need to interact with TVTK unless you want to create
a new Mayavi module.

2016-08-05T23:08:37+00:00 games/zdoom Source port for Doom-engine games
ZDoom is an enhanced source port of ID Software's DOOM engine. It is based on
the source code of id Software's DOOM. ZDoom boasts enhanced modding support,
as well as support for the following games:

* Ultimate Doom
* Doom II
* Final Doom
* Heretic
* Hexen
* Strife
* Chex Quest (1 & 3)
* Action Doom II
* Harmony v1.1
* Hacx
* The Adventures of Square

2016-08-05T16:20:14+00:00 net-mgmt/pnp-icinga2 Icinga2 performance data collector and grapher
2016-08-05T13:31:28+00:00 security/p5-Net-SSH-AuthorizedKeysFile Read and modify SSH authorized_keys files
Net::SSH::AuthorizedKeysFile reads and modifies "authorized_keys"
files. "authorized_keys" files contain public keys and meta
information to be used by "ssh" on the remote host to let users in
without having to type their password.

2016-08-05T09:09:56+00:00 devel/shedskin Experimental (restricted) Python-to-C++ compiler
Shed Skin is an experimental compiler, that can translate pure, but implicitly
statically typed Python (2.4-2.6) programs into optimized C++. It can generate
stand-alone programs or extension modules that can be imported and used in
larger Python programs.

Besides the typing restriction, programs cannot freely use the Python standard
library (although about 25 common modules, such as `random' and `re', are
currently supported). Also, not all Python features, such as nested functions
and variable numbers of arguments, are supported.

2016-08-05T07:55:33+00:00 astro/py-horoscopegenerator Generate horoscopes using context-free grammar
The HoroscopeGenerator produces horoscopes on demand using context-free

2016-08-05T06:39:13+00:00 graphics/py-imgurpython Python client for the Imgur API
Imgurpython is a Python client for the Imgur API. It can be used to
interact with the Imgur API in your projects.

2016-08-05T04:52:01+00:00 net-im/py-telepot Python framework for Telegram Bot API
Telepot helps you build applications for Telegram Bot API.

2016-08-04T20:29:13+00:00 x11/linux-c6-pixman Low-level pixel manipulation library (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
2016-08-04T18:25:04+00:00 graphics/py-traitsui Enthought traits-capable user interfaces
The traitsui project contains a toolkit-independent GUI abstraction
layer, which is used to support the "visualization" features of the
Traits package. Thus, you can write code in terms of the Traits
API (views, items, editors, etc.), and let traitsui and your selected
toolkit and back-end take care of the details of displaying them.

The following GUI backends are supported:
* wxPython
* PyQt
* PySide

2016-08-04T18:02:46+00:00 devel/py-pyface Enthought traits-capable windowing framework
The pyface project contains a toolkit-independent GUI abstraction
layer, which is used to support the "visualization" features of the
Traits package. Thus, you can write code in terms of the Traits API
(views, items, editors, etc.), and let pyface and your selected
toolkit and back-end take care of the details
of displaying them.

The following GUI backends are supported:
* wxPython
* PyQt
* PySide

2016-08-04T17:48:00+00:00 devel/py-apptools Enthought application tools
The apptools project includes a set of packages that Enthought has
found useful in creating a number of applications.

- apptools.appscripting: Framework for scripting applications.
- Provides a plugin for displaying documents and examples.
- Provides an abstraction for files and folders in a file system.
- apptools.logger: Convenience functions for creating logging handlers
- apptools.naming: Manages naming contexts, supporting non-string data
types and scoped preferences
- apptools.permissions: Supports limiting access to parts of an application
unless the user is appropriately authorised (not full-blown security).
- apptools.persistence: Supports pickling and restoring the state of an object.
- apptools.preferences: Manages application preferences.
- apptools.selection: Manages the communication between providers and
listener of selected items in an application.
- apptools.scripting: A framework for automatic recording of Python scripts.
- apptools.sweet_pickle: Handles class-level versioning, to support loading of
saved data that exist over several generations of internal class structures.
- apptools.template: Supports creating templatizable object hierarchies.
- apptools.type_manager: Manages type extensions, including factories to
generate adapters, and hooks for methods and functions.
- apptools.undo: Supports undoing and scripting application commands.

2016-08-04T17:30:18+00:00 graphics/linux-c6-jasper JPEG-2000 reference implementation (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
2016-08-04T15:21:41+00:00 astro/py-pywapi Python wrapper around different weather APIs
The pywapi module provides a python wrapper around the Yahoo! Weather, and NOAA APIs.

2016-08-04T12:04:32+00:00 sysutils/py-uptime Cross-platform uptime library
This module provides a cross-platform way to retrieve system uptime and boot
time. See documentation for a full list of supported platforms (yours is likely
one of them).

2016-08-04T10:24:57+00:00 www/p5-Dancer2-Plugin-Interchange6 Dancer2 Plugin for Interchange6 Open Source Shop Machine
Interchange6, the Open Source Shop Machine,
is the Modern Perl ecosystem for online business.

This plugin turns your Dancer2 site into a shop.

2016-08-04T09:52:51+00:00 net/py-rainbowstream Smart and nice Twitter client on terminal
Terminal-based Twitter Client. Realtime tweetstream, compose, search,
favorite ... and much more fun directly from terminal

2016-08-04T08:58:17+00:00 misc/py-pyfiglet Pure-python FIGlet implementation
pyfiglet is a full port of FIGlet (WWW: into
pure python. It takes ASCII text and renders it in ASCII art fonts.

2016-08-04T08:43:36+00:00 lang/pypy3
PyPy3 is a fast, compliant alternative implementation of the Python
language (3.5.3). It has several advantages and distinct features:

- Speed: thanks to its Just-in-Time compiler, Python programs often run faster
on PyPy3.
- Memory usage: large, memory-hungry Python programs might end up taking less
space than they do in CPython.
- Compatibility: PyPy3 is highly compatible with existing python code. It
supports ctypes and can run popular python libraries like
twisted and django.
- Sandboxing: PyPy3 provides the ability to run untrusted code in a fully
secure way.
- Stackless: PyPy3 can be configured to run in stackless mode, providing
micro-threads for massive concurrency.
- As well as other features.

2016-08-04T07:31:25+00:00 audio/py-speechrecognition Python Library for performing speech recognition
SpeechRecognition is a Python library for performing speech recognition,
with support for several engines and APIs, online and offline.

2016-08-03T20:40:40+00:00 x11/simplestroke Detect mouse gestures
Simplestroke is a simple utility that detects mouse gestures. It
currently detects sixteen pre-defined mouse gestures and prints the
name of the detected gesture to stdout, if any. The output can then
e.g. be used in a simple shell script to execute commands.

Example usages could include closing windows in i3 by drawing a Z over
them or other window manipulations, or pausing your music player by
drawing a left-to-right line.

2016-08-03T19:46:33+00:00 devel/go-bayesian Naive Bayesian classification for Go
Perform naive Bayesian classification into an arbitrary number of classes on
sets of strings.

2016-08-03T06:15:41+00:00 audio/sndio Small audio and MIDI framework from the OpenBSD project
Sndio is a small audio and MIDI framework part of the OpenBSD project.

It provides an lightweight audio & MIDI server and a fully documented
user-space API to access either the server or directly the hardware in
a uniform way. Sndio is designed to work for desktop applications,
but pays special attention to synchronization mechanisms and
reliability required by music applications. Reliability through
simplicity are part of the project goals.

2016-08-02T20:50:24+00:00 net/py-cjdns Library to interact with the cjdns admin interface
A library to interact with the cjdns Admin Interface.

2016-08-02T12:58:18+00:00 devel/erlang-cf Colored output for io and io_lib
A helper library for terminal color printing extending the io:format
syntax to add colors.

2016-08-02T12:26:36+00:00 devel/linux-c6-libthai Thai language support library (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
2016-08-01T22:26:57+00:00 www/py35-requests
2016-08-01T22:26:57+00:00 www/py34-requests
2016-08-01T22:26:57+00:00 www/py33-requests
2016-08-01T22:26:57+00:00 textproc/py3-asciinema Tool for recording and sharing terminal sessions
Record and share your terminal sesions, the right way.

2016-08-01T20:11:19+00:00 www/p5-Interchange6 Open Source Shop Machine
Interchange6, the Open Source Shop Machine,
is the Modern Perl ecosystem for online business.
It uses the DBIx::Class database schema Interchange6::Schema.

This is a small module, implementing an API, used in Dancer plugins.

2016-08-01T19:34:23+00:00 databases/p5-Interchange6-Schema Database Schema for Interchange 6
Database schema classes for Interchange6
Open Source eCommerce software.

2016-08-01T18:23:34+00:00 devel/p5-MooseX-CoverableModifiers Make Moose method modifiers Devel::Cover friendly
Make Moose method modifiers Devel::Cover friendly

2016-08-01T16:31:46+00:00 devel/php70-APCu APC User Caching
APCu - APC User Cache

2016-07-31T19:19:49+00:00 x11/xbanish Banish the mouse cursor when typing
xbanish hides the mouse cursor when you start typing, and shows it
again when the mouse cursor moves or a mouse button is pressed. This
is similar to xterm's pointerMode setting, but xbanish works globally
in the X11 session.

2016-07-31T19:10:54+00:00 sysutils/lr List files, recursively
lr is a tool for generating file listings, which includes the best
features of ls(1), find(1), stat(1) and du(1).

2016-07-31T18:31:07+00:00 sysutils/xe Simple xargs and apply replacement
xe is a tool for constructing command lines from file listings or
arguments, which includes the best features of xargs(1) and apply(1).

Benefits over xargs:
- Sane defaults (behaves like xargs -d'\n' -I{} -n1 -r).
- No weird parsing, arguments are separated linewise or by NUL byte.
- Can also take arguments from command-line.
- No shell involved unless -s is used.
- {} replacing possible with multiple arguments.

2016-07-31T14:26:30+00:00 net/cjdns Routing engine designed for security, scalability, speed
Cjdns implements an encrypted IPv6 network using public-key cryptography for
address allocation and a distributed hash table for routing. This provides
near-zero-configuration networking, and prevents many of the security and
scalability issues that plague existing networks.

2016-07-31T10:35:02+00:00 security/rubygem-rex-arch Ruby Exploitation(Rex) library with architecture specific information
This Ruby Exploitation(Rex) library contains architecture specific information
such as registers, opcodes, and stack manipulation routines.

2016-07-31T10:33:31+00:00 security/rubygem-rex-ole Ruby Exploitation(Rex) library for working with OLE files and streams
This Gem contains all of the Ruby Exploitation(Rex) library for reading/writing
Object-Linking-and-Embedding (OLE) files and streams.

2016-07-31T07:15:14+00:00 mail/py-fuglu Mail scanning daemon for Postfix written in Python
A mail scanning daemon for Postfix written in Python. It acts as the
glue application between the MTA and spam checkers and antivirus
software and focuses on being solid, easy to manage, debug and monitor.

2016-07-30T23:51:50+00:00 archivers/zstd Fast real-time compression algorithm
Zstd, short for Zstandard, is a real-time compression algorithm providing
high compression ratios. It offers a very wide range of compression vs.
speed trade-offs while being backed by a very fast decoder. It offers
a special mode for small data called "dictionary compression" and it can
create dictionaries from any sample set. Zstd is BSD-licensed.

Using Izbench on the Silesia compression corpus, zstd ranked at the
top with a compression ratio of 2.877, a compression rate of 325 Mb/s,
and a decompression rate of 325. Zlib followed at 2.730, 95 Mb/s (C)
and 360 Mb/s (D). See WWW page for the full benchmark results.

2016-07-30T20:29:57+00:00 textproc/fcitx-qt5 Fcitx support for Qt5
Fcitx support for Qt5

2016-07-29T23:28:13+00:00 audio/libg722 Software G.722 decoding/encoding library
The G.722 module is a bit exact implementation of the ITU G.722 specification
for all three specified bit rates - 64000bps, 56000bps and 48000bps. It passes
the ITU tests.

To allow fast and flexible interworking with narrow band telephony, the encoder
and decoder support an option for the linear audio to be an 8k samples/second
stream. In this mode the codec is considerably faster, and still fully
compatible with wideband terminals using G.722.
2016-07-29T14:05:26+00:00 databases/tsearch_extras Functions for getting lower-level data about full text search
The package provides a few PostgreSQL functions that allow you to get at
lower-level data about full text search.

2016-07-29T12:10:31+00:00 www/py-sockjs-tornado SockJS python server implementation on top of Tornado framework
SockJS-tornado is a Python server side counterpart of SockJS-client browser
library running on top of Tornado framework.

2016-07-29T12:09:58+00:00 devel/py-sourcemap Parse JavaScript source maps
Parse JavaScript source maps.

2016-07-29T12:09:19+00:00 devel/py-typing Type Hints for Python
This is a backport of the standard library typing module to Python
versions older than 3.5.
Typing defines a standard notation for Python function and variable type
annotations. The notation can be used for documenting code in a concise,
standard format, and it has been designed to also be used by static and
runtime type checkers, static analyzers, IDEs and other tools.

2016-07-29T12:03:19+00:00 www/py-django-guardian Implementation of per object permissions for Django
django-guardian is an implementation of object permissions for Django
providing extra authentication backend.

2016-07-29T11:23:55+00:00 java/bouncycastle15 Cleanroom build of Java Cryptography Extensions
The Bouncy Castle Crypto APIs consist of the following:

. A lightweight cryptography API in Java.
. A provider for the JCE and JCA.
. A clean room implementation of the JCE 1.2.1.
. A library for reading and writing encoded ASN.1 objects.
. Lightweight APIs for TLS (RFC 2246, RFC 4346) and DTLS (RFC 4347).
. Generators for Version 1 and Version 3 X.509 certificates, Version 2 CRLs,
and PKCS12 files.
. Generators for Version 2 X.509 attribute certificates.
. Generators/Processors for S/MIME and CMS (PKCS7/RFC 3852).
. Generators/Processors for OCSP (RFC 2560).
. Generators/Processors for TSP (RFC 3161 & RFC 5544).
. Generators/Processors for CMP and CRMF (RFC 4210 & RFC 4211).
. Generators/Processors for OpenPGP (RFC 2440).
. Generators/Processors for Extended Access Control (EAC).
. Generators/Processors for Data Validation and Certification Server (DVCS) -
RFC 3029.
. Generators/Processors for DNS-based Authentication of Named Entities (DANE).
. A signed jar version suitable for JDK 1.4-1.8 and the Sun JCE.

It's distributed under a modified X license.

2016-07-27T15:43:11+00:00 net/rubygem-fog-azure Module for the 'fog' gem to support Microsoft Azure
This library can be used as a module for `fog` or as standalone provider to use
the Azure cloud services in applications.

2016-07-27T15:41:25+00:00 net/rubygem-azure Microsoft Azure Client Library for Ruby
Microsoft Azure Client Library for Ruby

2016-07-27T15:38:01+00:00 net/rubygem-azure-core Microsoft Azure Client Core Library for Ruby SDK
Microsoft Azure Client Core Library for Ruby SDK

2016-07-27T15:10:09+00:00 japanese/font-aozoramincho Aozora Mincho Japanese TrueType fonts
Aozora Mincho Japanese TrueType fonts

2016-07-27T15:05:03+00:00 japanese/font-rounded-mgenplus Rounded Mgen+ Japanese TrueType fonts
Rounded Mgen+ Japanese TrueType fonts

2016-07-27T10:57:18+00:00 devel/rubygem-numerizer Parse numbers in natural language from strings
Numerizer is a gem to help with parsing numbers in natural language from strings
(ex forty two).

2016-07-27T10:55:43+00:00 devel/rubygem-chronic_duration Natural language parser for elapsed time
A simple Ruby natural language parser for elapsed time. (For example, 4 hours
and 30 minutes, 6 minutes 4 seconds, 3 days, etc.) Returns all results in

2016-07-26T16:56:05+00:00 sysutils/moosefs3-netdump MooseFS network packet dump utility
MooseFS is a Fault tolerant, High Available, Highly Performing, Scale-Out,
network distributed file system. It spreads data over several physical commodity
servers, which are visible to the user as one resource.

For standard file operations MooseFS acts like any other Unix-like file system.

This port provides: MooseFS network packet dump utility

2016-07-26T16:56:05+00:00 sysutils/moosefs3-metalogger MooseFS metadata backup server
MooseFS is a Fault tolerant, High Available, Highly Performing, Scale-Out,
network distributed file system. It spreads data over several physical commodity
servers, which are visible to the user as one resource.

For standard file operations MooseFS acts like any other Unix-like file system.

This port provides: MooseFS metalogger (metadata replication) server.

2016-07-26T16:56:05+00:00 sysutils/moosefs3-master Fault-tolerant distributed filesystem
MooseFS is a Fault tolerant, High Available, Highly Performing, Scale-Out,
network distributed file system. It spreads data over several physical commodity
servers, which are visible to the user as one resource.

For standard file operations MooseFS acts like any other Unix-like file system.

This port provides: MooseFS master (metadata) server.

2016-07-26T16:56:05+00:00 sysutils/moosefs3-client MooseFS client tools
MooseFS is a Fault tolerant, High Available, Highly Performing, Scale-Out,
network distributed file system. It spreads data over several physical commodity
servers, which are visible to the user as one resource.

For standard file operations MooseFS acts like any other Unix-like file system.

This port provides: MooseFS clients: mfsmount and mfstools.

2016-07-26T16:56:05+00:00 sysutils/moosefs3-cli MooseFS command line interface
MooseFS is a Fault tolerant, High Available, Highly Performing, Scale-Out,
network distributed file system. It spreads data over several physical commodity
servers, which are visible to the user as one resource.

For standard file operations MooseFS acts like any other Unix-like file system.

This port provides: MooseFS CLI utilities.

2016-07-26T16:56:05+00:00 sysutils/moosefs3-chunkserver MooseFS data storage and synchronization component
MooseFS is a Fault tolerant, High Available, Highly Performing, Scale-Out,
network distributed file system. It spreads data over several physical commodity
servers, which are visible to the user as one resource.

For standard file operations MooseFS acts like any other Unix-like file system.

This port provides: MooseFS data server.

2016-07-26T16:56:05+00:00 sysutils/moosefs3-cgiserv MooseFS CGI webserver
MooseFS is a Fault tolerant, High Available, Highly Performing, Scale-Out,
network distributed file system. It spreads data over several physical commodity
servers, which are visible to the user as one resource.

For standard file operations MooseFS acts like any other Unix-like file system.

This port provides: Simple CGI-capable HTTP server to run MooseFS CGI monitor.

2016-07-26T16:50:55+00:00 sysutils/moosefs3-cgi MooseFS CGI interface
MooseFS is a Fault tolerant, High Available, Highly Performing, Scale-Out,
network distributed file system. It spreads data over several physical commodity
servers, which are visible to the user as one resource.

For standard file operations MooseFS acts like any other Unix-like file system.

This port provides: MooseFS CGI monitor.

2016-07-25T18:04:07+00:00 net-im/py-python-telegram-bot Not just a Python wrapper around the Telegram Bot API
This library provides a pure Python interface for the Telegram Bot API.
In addition to the pure API implementation, this library features a number of
high-level classes to make the development of bots easy and straightforward.
These classes are contained in the telegram.ext submodule.

2016-07-25T14:52:19+00:00 net/rubygem-u2f Library for handling registration and authentication of U2F devices
U2F is an open 2-factor authentication standard that enables keychain devices,
mobile phones and other devices to securely access any number of web-based
services - instantly and with no drivers or client software needed

2016-07-24T16:53:31+00:00 devel/p5-Test-Roo Composable, reusable tests with roles and Moo
This module allows you to compose Test::More tests from roles.
It is inspired by the excellent Test::Routine module,
but uses Moo instead of Moose.
This gives most of the benefits
without the need for Moose as a test dependency.

2016-07-24T16:19:02+00:00 databases/p5-Dancer2-Session-DBIC DBIx::Class based session engine for Dancer2
This module implements a session engine for Dancer2 by serializing
the session, and storing it in a database via DBIx::Class.

JSON was chosen as the default serialization format,
as it is fast, terse, and portable.

2016-07-24T03:37:00+00:00 sysutils/bhyve-firmware Collection of Firmware for bhyve
A collection of firmware for bhyve.

2016-07-23T09:28:56+00:00 security/rubygem-rex-struct2 Ruby Exploitation(Rex) library for creating and using C-like structs
This Gem contains all of the Ruby Exploitation(Rex) library for
generating/manipulating C-Style structs.

2016-07-23T09:27:12+00:00 security/rubygem-metasploit_payloads-mettle Compiled binaries for Metasploit's next-gen Meterpreter
This gem contains the compiled binaries required to make Mettle function, and
eventually their stages and stagers.

2016-07-23T06:33:10+00:00 japanese/font-mgenplus Mgen+ Japanese TrueType fonts
Mgen+ Japanese TrueType fonts

2016-07-23T06:13:47+00:00 japanese/font-genjyuugothic GenJyuuGothic Japanese TrueType fonts
GenJyuuGothic Japanese TrueType fonts

2016-07-22T23:42:49+00:00 math/R-cran-influenceR Software Tools to Quantify Structural Importance of Nodes in a Network
influenceR: Software Tools to Quantify Structural Importance of
Nodes in a Network

Provides functionality to compute various node centrality measures
on networks. Included are functions to compute betweenness centrality
(by utilizing Madduri and Bader's SNAP library), implementations
of Burt's constraint and effective network size (ENS) metrics,
Borgatti's algorithm to identify key players, and Valente's bridging
metric. On Unix systems, the betweenness, Key Players, and bridging
implementations are parallelized with OpenMP, which may run faster
on systems which have OpenMP configured.

2016-07-22T17:09:51+00:00 devel/adaid Simple Ada library for generating UUIDs
AdaID is a simple Ada library for generating UUIDs.

Supported operations include:
* Generating random UUIDs
* Generating name-based UUIDs
* Restoring UUIDs from a string representation.
* Converting a UUID to a string

2016-07-21T18:47:55+00:00 deskutils/copyq Qt5 based clipboard manager
CopyQ is an advanced clipboard manager with editing and scripting
features. It monitors the system clipboard and saves its content
in customized tabs. Saved clipboard snippets can be later copied
and pasted directly into any application.

- Store text, HTML, images or any other custom formats
- Quickly browse and filter items in clipboard history
- Sort, create, edit, remove, copy/paste, drag'n'drop items in tabs
- Add notes or tags to items
- System-wide shortcuts with customizable commands
- Paste items with shortcut or from tray or main window
- Fully customizable appearance
- Advanced command-line interface and scripting
- Ignore clipboard copied from some windows or containing some text
- Support for simple Vim-like editor and shortcuts

2016-07-21T15:55:20+00:00 games/openomf Rewritten engine for One Must Fall 2097
OpenOMF is a Open Source remake of "One Must Fall 2097" by Diversions

2016-07-21T14:06:28+00:00 devel/elixir-tirexs ElasticSearch client library for Elixir
An Elixir flavored HTTP client and DSL library for ElasticSearch.

2016-07-21T13:58:57+00:00 japanese/font-genshingothic GenShinGothic Japanese TrueType fonts
GenShinGothic Japanese TrueType fonts

2016-07-21T12:38:10+00:00 converters/R-cran-base64enc Tools for base64 encoding
This package provides tools for handling base64 encoding. It is
more flexible than the orphaned base64 package.

2016-07-20T23:14:26+00:00 www/py-kallithea Fast and powerful management tool for Mercurial and Git
Kallithea is a fast and powerful management tool for Mercurial and Git with a
built-in push/pull server, full text search and code-review. It works on
http/https and has a built in permission/authentication system with the ability
to authenticate via LDAP or ActiveDirectory. Kallithea also provides simple API
so it's easy to integrate with existing external systems.

Kallithea is similar in some respects to GitHub or Bitbucket, however Kallithea
can be run as standalone hosted application on your own server. It is
open-source donationware and focuses more on providing a customised,
self-administered interface for Mercurial and Git repositories. Kallithea works
on Unix-like systems and Windows, and is powered by the vcs library created by
Lukasz Balcerzak and Marcin Kuzminski to uniformly handle multiple version
control systems.

Kallithea was forked from RhodeCode in July 2014 and has been heavily modified.

2016-07-20T19:56:26+00:00 archivers/lhasa Command line tool and library for parsing LHA archives
Lhasa is a command line tool and library for parsing LHA archives.

Currently it is only possible to decompress archives. Compressing
LHA archives may be an enhancement for future versions. The aim is
to be compatible with as many different variants of the LHA file
format as possible, including LArc (.lzs) and PMarc (.pma).

The command line tool aims to be interface-compatible with Unix LHA
tool (command line syntax and output), for backwards compatibility
with tools that expect particular output.

2016-07-20T19:53:14+00:00 sysutils/consul-alerts Simple daemon to send notifications based on Consul health checks
A highly available daemon to send notifications and reminders based on
Consul health checks. Including profile selection based on service,
check, or host that enables specific handlers and reminder intervals.
consul-alerts makes use of consul services to provide leader election
and automatic failover amongst multiple instances.

2016-07-20T11:09:09+00:00 devel/elixir-nimble_csv CSV parsing and dumping library for Elixir
A simple and fast CSV parsing and dumping library for Elixir.

2016-07-20T09:04:50+00:00 net/libwebsockets C library for lightweight websocket clients and servers
Libwebsockets is a lightweight pure C library built to use minimal CPU and
memory resources, and provide fast throughput in both directions as client
or server.

2016-07-20T08:33:24+00:00 misc/erlang-mimetypes Erlang MIME types library
Erlang library to fetch MIME extension/name mappings.

2016-07-18T19:06:27+00:00 www/py-flask-restplus08 Extension for Flask that adds support for quickly building REST APIs
Extension for Flask that adds support for quickly building REST APIs.
Flask-RESTPlus encourages best practices with minimal setup.
If you are familiar with Flask, Flask-RESTPlus should be easy to pick up.
It provides a coherent collection of decorators and tools to describe your
API and expose its documentation properly using Swagger.

2016-07-18T18:46:27+00:00 sysutils/fusefs-squashfuse Mount a squashfs archive and treat it like a local file system
Squashfuse is a command line utility for mounting SquashFS archives
in user-space. It supports almost all features of the SquashFS format.

2016-07-17T18:53:40+00:00 net/py-upnp-inspector UPnP Device and Service analyzer
The Inspector is an UPnP Device and Service analyzer, and a debugging tool,
based on the Coherence DLNA/UPnP framework.
Modeled loosely after the Intel UPnP Device Spy and Device Validator.

2016-07-17T16:48:19+00:00 net-im/telepathy-qt5
This is a library for Qt-based Telepathy clients.

Telepathy is a D-Bus framework for unifying real time communication,
including instant messaging, voice calls and video calls. It abstracts
differences between protocols to provide a unified interface for

2016-07-17T15:12:55+00:00 net/py-coherence DLNA/UPnP media server and framework for the digital living
Coherence is a framework written in Python, providing a variety of UPnP
MediaServer and UPnP MediaRenderer implementations for instant use.

2016-07-17T14:43:03+00:00 devel/py-louie Signal dispatching mechanism
Louie provides Python programmers with a straightforward way to dispatch
signals between objects in a wide variety of contexts. It is based on
PyDispatcher, which in turn was based on a highly-rated recipe in the
Python Cookbook.

2016-07-16T18:03:26+00:00 www/py-flask-restplus Extension for Flask that adds support for quickly building REST APIs
Extension for Flask that adds support for quickly building REST APIs.
Flask-RESTPlus encourages best practices with minimal setup.
If you are familiar with Flask, Flask-RESTPlus should be easy to pick up.
It provides a coherent collection of decorators and tools to describe your
API and expose its documentation properly using Swagger.

2016-07-16T17:21:15+00:00 www/py-flask-login User session management for Flask
Provides user session management for Flask.
It handles tasks of logging in, logging out, and remembering your user's
sessions over extended periods of time.
It is not bound to any particular database system or permissions model.

2016-07-16T17:12:56+00:00 www/stagit Static Git page generator
stagit is a static Git web page generator with the following features:

- Log of all commits from HEAD.
- Log and diffstat per commit.
- Show file tree with linkable line numbers.
- Show references: local branches and tags.
- Detect README and LICENSE file from HEAD and link it as a webpage.
- Detect submodules (.gitmodules file) from HEAD and link it as a
- Atom feed log (atom.xml).
- Make index page for multiple repositories with stagit-index.
- After generating the pages (relatively slow) serving the files is
very fast, simple and requires little resources (because the content
is static), only a HTTP file server is required.

2016-07-16T17:05:03+00:00 www/py-flask-compress Extension for Flask that compresses responses with gzip
Flask-Compress both adds the various headers required for a compressed
response and gzips the response data. This makes serving gzip compressed
static files extremely easy.

Internally, every time a request is made the extension will check if
it matches one of the compressible MIME types and will automatically
attach the appropriate headers.

2016-07-16T15:40:34+00:00 devel/stack Cross-platform program for developing Haskell programs
Stack is a cross-platform program for developing Haskell projects.
It is aimed at Haskellers both new and experienced.

2016-07-16T15:13:46+00:00 devel/p5-ReadonlyX Faster facility for creating read-only scalars, arrays, hashes
ReadonlyX combines the best features of p5-Readonly and p5-Readonly-XS,
and is a drop-in replacement. It creates read-only scalars, arrays, and
hashes. It was created by maintainer of Readonly itself.

The author says: "ReadonlyX is the best of recent versions of Readonly
without the old API and without the speed penalty of tie(...). It's what
I'd like to do with Readonly if resolving bugs in it wouldn't break 16
years of code out there in Darkpan."

2016-07-15T17:52:12+00:00 devel/rubygem-bit-struct Library for packed binary data stored in ruby Strings
Library for packed binary data stored in ruby Strings. Useful for accessing
fields in network packets and binary files.

2016-07-15T17:50:17+00:00 security/rubygem-rex-zip Ruby Exploitation(Rex) library for working with zip and related files
This Gem contains all of the Ruby Exploitation(Rex) library for working with zip
and related files.

2016-07-15T17:49:11+00:00 security/rubygem-rex-registry Ruby Exploitation(Rex) library for parsing offline registry files
This Gem contains all of the Ruby Exploitation(Rex) library for parsing offline
registry files from a Windows machine.

2016-07-15T17:47:49+00:00 security/rubygem-rex-powershell Ruby Exploitation(Rex) library for generating Powershell scripts
This Gem contains all of the Ruby Exploitation(Rex) library for
generating/manipulating Powershell scripts.

2016-07-15T17:46:28+00:00 security/rubygem-rex-java Ruby Exploitation(Rex) library for parsing Java serialized streams
This Gem contains all of the Ruby Exploitation(Rex) library for parsing Java
serialized streams.

2016-07-15T17:44:49+00:00 security/rubygem-rex-random_identifier Ruby Exploitation(Rex) library for generating Random identifier
This Gem contains all of the Ruby Exploitation(Rex) library for generating
Random identifier strings.

2016-07-15T17:42:54+00:00 security/rubygem-rex-text Ruby Exploitation(Rex) methods for text manipulation and generation
This Gem contains all of the Ruby Exploitation(Rex) methods for text
manipulation and generation.

2016-07-15T17:36:50+00:00 x11/py-xdot Interactive viewer for Graphviz dot files is an interactive viewer for graphs written in Graphviz's dot
language. It uses internally the Graphviz's xdot output format as an
intermediate format, and PyGTK and Cairo for rendering. can be used either as a standalone application from command
line, or as a library embedded in your python application.

2016-07-15T17:29:26+00:00 textproc/py-guess-language Guess the natural language of a text in Python
Attempts to determine the natural language of a selection of Unicode
(utf-8) text. Based on guesslanguage.cpp by Jacob R Rideout for KDE
which itself is based on Language::Guess by Maciej Ceglowski. Detects
over 60 languages, all languages listed in the trigrams directory
plus Japanese, Chinese, Korean and Greek.

2016-07-15T17:15:19+00:00 textproc/py-esmre Regular expression accelerator in Python
Modules used to accelerate execution of a large collection
of regular expressions using the Aho-Corasick algorithms.

2016-07-15T15:01:39+00:00 www/gohugo Fast and Flexible Static Site Generator built with love in GoLang
Hugo is a general-purpose website framework. Technically speaking, Hugo is a
static site generator. Unlike other systems which dynamically build a page
every time a visitor requests one, Hugo does the building when you create your
content. Since websites are viewed far more often than they are edited, Hugo is
optimized for website viewing while providing a great writing experience.

Sites built with Hugo are extremely fast and very secure. Hugo sites can be
hosted anywhere and run without dependencies on expensive runtimes like Ruby,
Python or PHP and without dependencies on any databases.

2016-07-15T01:27:43+00:00 graphics/lepton Tool for manipulating files in LEP image format
A tool for creating and manipulating images in Lepton format.

Developed by Dropbox it is currently available under Apache-2.0

Compared to JPEG, the format averages 22% lower file-sizes without
any (additional) loss of quality.

2016-07-14T22:25:27+00:00 devel/libflatarray Struct of arrays library with object oriented interface for C++
LibFlatArray acts as a highly efficient multi-dimensional array of
arbitrary objects (array of structs, AoS), but really uses a struct of
arrays (SoA) memory layout. It's great for writing vectorized code and
its lightning-fast iterators give you access to neighboring elements
with zero address generation overhead.

2016-07-14T18:53:10+00:00 www/py-html Simple, elegant HTML, XHTML and XML generation
Simple, elegant HTML, XHTML and XML generation.

2016-07-14T18:25:21+00:00 devel/py-python-gist Command line interface for working with github gists
gist is a command line interface for working with GitHub gists. It provides
several methods for inspecting a users gists, and the ability to easily
create them.

2016-07-14T16:52:08+00:00 security/py-vulndb Provides access to the vulndb information in Python
Python SDK to access the vulnerability database:

2016-07-14T16:49:26+00:00 security/py-halberd HTTP load balancer detector written in Python
Halberd discovers HTTP load balancers. It is useful for web
application security auditing and for load balancer configuration

2016-07-14T16:47:07+00:00 net/py-python-ntlm Python library that provides NTLM support
Python library that provides NTLM support, including an authentication
handler for urllib2. Works with pass-the-hash in additon to password

2016-07-14T16:37:39+00:00 editors/focuswriter-qt4
2016-07-14T16:34:41+00:00 editors/focuswriter Simple, distraction-free writing environment
FocusWriter is a simple, distraction-free writing environment. It utilizes a
hide-away interface, that you access by moving your mouse to the edges of the
screen, allowing the program to have a familiar look and feel to it, while still
getting out of the way, so that you can immerse yourself in your work.

- TXT, basic RTF, and basic ODT file support
- Timers and alarms
- Daily goals
- Fully customizable themes
- Typewriter sound effects (optional)
- Auto-save (optional)
- Live statistics (optional)
- Spell-checking (optional)
- Multi-document support
- Sessions
- Portable mode (optional)
- Translated into over 20 languages

2016-07-14T09:29:04+00:00 sysutils/abduco Session management in a clean and simple way
abduco provides session management i.e., it allows programs to be run
independently from their controlling terminal. That is programs can be
detached - run in the background - and then later reattached. Together
with dvtm it provides a simpler and cleaner alternative to tmux or

abduco is in many ways very similar to dtach but is a completely
independent implementation which is actively maintained, contains no
legacy code, provides a few additional features, has a cleaner, more
robust implementation and is distributed under the ISC license.

2016-07-14T09:26:42+00:00 math/R-cran-mcmc Markov Chain Monte Carlo
Simulates continuous distributions of random vectors using Markov
chain Monte Carlo (MCMC). Users specify the distribution by an R
function that evaluates the log unnormalized density. Algorithms
are random walk Metropolis algorithm (function metrop), simulated
tempering (function temper), and morphometric random walk Metropolis
(Johnson and Geyer, Annals of Statistics, 2012, function morph.metrop),
which achieves geometric ergodicity by change of variable.

2016-07-14T05:31:46+00:00 devel/dwarves Debugging Information Manipulation Tools (pahole & friends)
Pahole and the dwarves is a collection of libraries and tools for manipulating
DWARF debuginfo in ELF binaries, as well as BTF and CTF compressed type
metadata for tracing (i.e., Dtrace, eBPF).

2016-07-13T21:02:10+00:00 net-mgmt/onionlauncher Launcher for Tor
OnionLauncher is a launcher for Tor written in Python and PyQt5.

2016-07-13T19:25:41+00:00 devel/go-cobra Commander for modern Go CLI interactions
Cobra is both a library for creating powerful modern CLI applications as well
as a program to generate applications and command files.

2016-07-13T19:21:52+00:00 devel/go-logrus Structured, pluggable logging for Go
Logrus is a structured logger for Go (golang), completely API compatible with
the standard library logger.

2016-07-13T19:19:15+00:00 devel/go-protobuf Protocol Buffers for Go with Gadgets
Protocol Buffers for Go with Gadgets

2016-07-13T17:48:54+00:00 devel/elfutils Library for manipulating ELF files and partial implementation of binutils
Elfutils provides a set of binutils-replacement tools,
prefixed with eu-, as well as a set of libraries for
manipulating ELF and DWARF data.

2016-07-13T16:57:14+00:00 devel/py-cluster Create several groups (clusters) of objects from a list in Python
Python-cluster is a simple package that allows to create several
groups (clusters) of objects from a list. It's meant to be flexible
and able to cluster any object. To ensure this kind of flexibility,
you need not only to supply the list of objects, but also a function
that calculates the similarity between two of those objects.
For simple datatypes, like integers, this can be as simple as a
subtraction, but more complex calculations are possible.

2016-07-13T16:39:49+00:00 devel/py-tblib Traceback serialization library in Python
Pickle tracebacks and raise exceptions with pickled tracebacks in
different processes. This allows better error handling when running
code over multiple processes (imagine multiprocessing, billiard,
futures, celery etc).
Parse traceback strings and raise with the parsed tracebacks.

2016-07-13T16:34:47+00:00 devel/py-stopit Timeout control decorator and context managers in Python
Raise asynchronous exceptions in other threads, control the timeout
of blocks or callables with two context managers and two decorators.

2016-07-13T16:18:29+00:00 devel/py-phply PHP lexer and parser in Python
phply is a parser for the PHP programming language written using PLY,
a Lex/YACC-style parser generator toolkit for Python.

2016-07-13T13:29:18+00:00 dns/opendnssec2 Tool suite for maintaining DNSSEC
OpenDNSSEC was created as an open-source turn-key solution for
DNSSEC. It secures zone data just before it is published in an
authoritative name server.

2016-07-13T12:47:51+00:00 devel/py-jenkins-job-builder Manage Jenkins jobs with YAML
Jenkins Job Builder takes simple descriptions of Jenkins jobs in YAML or JSON
format and uses them to configure Jenkins. You can keep your job descriptions
in human readable text format in a version control system to make changes and
auditing easier. It also has a flexible template system, so creating many
similarly configured jobs is easy.

2016-07-13T12:24:55+00:00 devel/py-multi_key_dict Multi key dictionary implementation
Implementation of a multi-key dictionary, i.e.:

(key1[,key2, ..]) => value

This dictionary has a similar interface to the standard dictionary => but is
extended to support multiple keys referring to the same element.

2016-07-13T09:18:47+00:00 cad/linuxcnc-devel Open Source CNC machine controller
LinuxCNC controls CNC machines. It can drive milling machines,
lathes, 3d printers, laser cutters, plasma cutters, robot arms,
hexapods, and more.

- Accepts G-code input, drives CNC machines in response.
- Active user community.
- Several different GUIs available.
- Compatible with many popular machine control hardware interfaces.
- Supports rigid tapping, cutter compensation, and many other advanced
control features.

WARNING: This port is simulation-only for now.

2016-07-13T05:26:30+00:00 devel/py-darts.util.lru Simple dictionary with LRU behaviour in Python
A LRUDict is basically a simple dictionary, which has a defined
maximum capacity, that may be supplied at construction time, or
modified at run-time via the capacity property:
>>> cache = LRUDict(1)
>>> cache.capacity

2016-07-13T02:58:28+00:00 multimedia/py-moviepy Video editing with Python
MoviePy is a Python library for video editing: cutting, concatenations, title
insertions, video compositing (a.k.a. non-linear editing), video processing, and
creation of custom effects.

MoviePy can read and write all the most common audio and video formats,
including GIF.

2016-07-13T02:56:49+00:00 graphics/py-imageio Python library for reading and writing image, video formats
Imageio is a Python library that provides an easy interface to read and
write a wide range of image data, including animated images, volumetric data,
and scientific formats.

2016-07-12T20:22:16+00:00 sysutils/u-boot-orangepi-one
U-Boot loader for OrangePi One.

To install this bootloader on an sdcard just do :
dd if=$LOCALBASE/share/u-boot/u-boot-orangepi-one/u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin of=/path/to/sdcarddevice bs=1k seek=8 conv=sync

This version is patched so that:
* API features are enabled.
* A boot.scr (U-Boot script) that loads ubldr.bin and execute it is included

For information about running FreeBSD on Allwinner boards, see

2016-07-12T17:04:18+00:00 sysutils/u-boot-sinovoip-bpi-m3
U-Boot loader for Banana Pi M3.

To install this bootloader on an sdcard just do :
dd if=$LOCALBASE/share/u-boot/u-boot-sinovoip-bpi-m3/u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin of=/path/to/sdcarddevice bs=1k seek=8 conv=sync

This version is patched so that:
* API features are enabled.
* A boot.scr (U-Boot script) that loads ubldr.bin and execute it is included

For information about running FreeBSD on Allwinner boards, see

2016-07-12T15:13:23+00:00 www/gotty Command line tool that turns your CLI tools into web applications
GoTTY is a simple command line tool that turns your CLI tools into web

GoTTY starts a new process with the given command when a new client connects
to the server. This means users cannot share a single terminal with others by
default. However, you can use terminal multiplexers for sharing a single
process with multiple clients.

For additional security, SSL/TLS client certificate authentication and
session encryption should be used.

2016-07-12T08:46:21+00:00 security/libargon2 Memory hard password hashing program and library
Argon2 is a password-hashing function that summarizes the state of the
art in the design of memory-hard functions and can be used to hash
passwords for credential storage, key derivation, or other

2016-07-11T21:27:18+00:00 security/hashcat-legacy Advanced CPU-based password recovery utility
Hashcat is an advanced CPU-based password recovery utility for FreeBSD,
Windows 7/8/10, Apple OS X, and GNU/Linux, supporting seven unique modes
of attack for over 100 optimized hashing algorithms.

2016-07-11T20:18:29+00:00 graphics/imv Simple image viewer
imv is a command line image viewer intended for use with tiling window
managers. It supports over 30 different image file formats including:
Photoshop PSD files, animated GIFS, and various RAW formats.

2016-07-11T20:14:30+00:00 mail/jwsmtp C++ library for sending email
jwSMTP is a GPL-licensed C++ library to facilitate sending email
programmatically. All you need to worry about is who the mail is from, who to
send it to and the message itself, no network coding necessary. It is able to
send mail in html or plain format. jwSMTP can send attachments, send to
multiple recipients including Cc/Bcc recipients. LOGIN and PLAIN SMTP
authentication. Do an MX lookup or send direct via an smtp server.

Supported platforms are BSD, Linux and Windows.

2016-07-11T20:04:27+00:00 devel/go-goregen randexp for Go
A Golang library for generating random strings from regular expressions.

2016-07-11T20:01:51+00:00 devel/go-form Form Encoding & Decoding Package for Go
This library is designed to allow seamless, high-fidelity encoding and
decoding of arbitrary data in application/x-www-form-urlencoded format and as
url.Values. It is intended to be useful primarily in dealing with web forms
and URI query strings, both of which natively employ said format.

2016-07-11T19:59:54+00:00 devel/go-codec Idiomatic codec and rpc lib
High Performance and Feature-Rich Idiomatic encode/decode and rpc library for

- msgpack:
- binc:
- cbor:
- json:

2016-07-11T19:58:05+00:00 devel/go-tools Go Tools
This port holds the source for various packages and tools that support the Go
programming language.

2016-07-11T19:54:56+00:00 devel/go-faker Generate fake data in go
Generate fake data in go.

2016-07-11T19:53:19+00:00 devel/go-pflag Drop-in replacement for Go's flag package
pflag is a drop-in replacement for Go's flag package, implementing
POSIX/GNU-style --flags.
pflag is compatible with the GNU extensions to the POSIX recommendations for
command-line options. For a more precise description, see the "Command-line
flag syntax" section below.

2016-07-11T19:50:28+00:00 devel/go-yaml YAML support for the Go language
The yaml package enables Go programs to comfortably encode and decode YAML
values. It was developed within Canonical as part of the juju project, and is
based on a pure Go port of the well-known libyaml C library to parse and
generate YAML data quickly and reliably.

2016-07-11T14:06:44+00:00 databases/erlang-couchbeam Apache CouchDB client in Erlang
Simple Barrel and Apache CouchDB client library for Erlang applications.

2016-07-11T08:38:10+00:00 www/elixir-phoenix_pubsub Distributed PubSub for Phoenix
Distributed PubSub and Presence platform for the Phoenix Framework.

2016-07-11T04:29:56+00:00 security/py-safe Python library to test password strength
Is your password safe?
Safe will check the password strength for you.

2016-07-10T20:42:11+00:00 databases/radix.v2 Redis client for Go
Radix is a minimalistic Redis client for Go. It is broken up into small,
single-purpose packages for ease of use.

2016-07-10T15:35:23+00:00 devel/liteide Simple, open source, cross-platform Go IDE
LiteIDE is a simple, open source, cross-platform Go IDE.

Main features:
- System environment management
- Configurable build commands
- Simple and open debug system
- Kate format for auto-completion and theming
- Configurable auto-completion with WordApi
- MIME type based system
- Plugin support
- Package browser
- Class view and outline
- Document browser
- Gocode support
- GOPATH API index
- Code Navigation
- Find Usages
- Code Refactor
- Go playground
- Markdown
- Json
- Golang Present

2016-07-10T15:22:01+00:00 sysutils/u-boot-bananapim2
U-Boot loader for Banana Pi M2.

To install this bootloader on an sdcard just do :
dd if=$LOCALBASE/share/u-boot/u-boot-bananapim2/u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin of=/path/to/sdcarddevice bs=1k seek=8 conv=sync

This version is patched so that:
* API features are enabled.
* A boot.scr (U-Boot script) that loads ubldr.bin and execute it is included

For information about running FreeBSD on Allwinner boards, see

2016-07-10T15:06:14+00:00 sysutils/u-boot-olimex-a20-som-evb
U-Boot loader for Olimex A20 SOM EVB.

To install this bootloader on an sdcard just do :
dd if=$LOCALBASE/share/u-boot/u-boot-olimex-a20-som-evb/u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin of=/path/to/sdcarddevice bs=1k seek=8 conv=sync

This version is patched so that:
* API features are enabled.
* A boot.scr (U-Boot script) that loads ubldr.bin and execute it is included

For information about running FreeBSD on Allwinner boards, see

2016-07-10T13:56:01+00:00 archivers/lua-lzlib Lua bindings to the ZLib compression library
Lua bindings to the ZLib compression library.

2016-07-10T12:57:26+00:00 devel/capstone4 Multi-platform, multi-architecture disassembly framework
Capstone is a lightweight multi-platform, multi-architecture disassembly

* Supported architectures: ARM, ARM64 (aka ARMv8), Mips, PowerPC & X86
* Clean/simple/lightweight/intuitive architecture-neutral API
* Provide details on disassembled instruction (called "decomposer")
* Provide some semantics of the disassembled instruction, such as list of
implicit registers read & written.
* Implemented in pure C language, with bindings for Python, Ruby, C#, Java,
GO, OCaml & Vala available.
* Native support for Windows & *nix (including MacOSX, Linux, *BSD & Solaris)
* Thread-safe by design
* Distributed under the open source BSD license

2016-07-10T12:57:26+00:00 devel/capstone3 Multi-platform, multi-architecture disassembly framework
Capstone is a lightweight multi-platform, multi-architecture disassembly

* Supported architectures: ARM, ARM64 (aka ARMv8), Mips, PowerPC & X86
* Clean/simple/lightweight/intuitive architecture-neutral API
* Provide details on disassembled instruction (called "decomposer")
* Provide some semantics of the disassembled instruction, such as list of
implicit registers read & written.
* Implemented in pure C language, with bindings for Python, Ruby, C#, Java,
GO, OCaml & Vala available.
* Native support for Windows & *nix (including MacOSX, Linux, *BSD & Solaris)
* Thread-safe by design
* Distributed under the open source BSD license

2016-07-10T10:04:51+00:00 www/rubygem-rdf Pure-Ruby library for working with RDF data
RDF.rb is a pure-Ruby library for working with Resource Description
Framework (RDF) data.

* 100% pure Ruby with minimal dependencies and no bloat.
* Fully compatible with RDF 1.1 specifications.
* 100% free and unencumbered public domain software.
* Provides a clean, well-designed RDF object model and related APIs.
* Supports parsing and serializing N-Triples and N-Quads out of the box, with
more serialization format support available through add-on extensions.
* Includes in-memory graph and repository implementations, with more storage
adapter support available through add-on extensions.
* Implements basic graph pattern (BGP) query evaluation.
* Plays nice with others: entirely contained in the RDF module, and does not
modify any of Ruby's core classes or standard library.
* Based entirely on Ruby's autoloading, meaning that you can generally make use
of any one part of the library without needing to load up the rest.
* Compatible with Ruby Ruby 2.x, Rubinius and JRuby 1.7+ (in Ruby 2.0 mode).
* Performs auto-detection of input to select appropriate Reader class if one can
not be determined from file characteristics.

2016-07-10T07:42:55+00:00 math/cadabra2 Computer algebra system for solving field theory problems
Cadabra is a symbolic computer algebra system (CAS) designed
specifically for the solution of problems encountered in field
theory. It has extensive functionality for tensor computer algebra,
tensor polynomial simplification including multi-term symmetries,
fermions and anti-commuting variables, Clifford algebras and Fierz
transformations, component computations, implicit coordinate
dependence, multiple index types and many more. The input format
is a subset of TeX.

2016-07-10T03:10:19+00:00 www/mediawiki127 Wiki engine used by Wikipedia
MediaWiki is the collaborative editing software that runs Wikipedia,
the free encyclopedia, and other projects.
It's designed to handle a large number of users and pages without imposing
too rigid a structure or workflow.

2016-07-09T17:11:52+00:00 math/py-pysparse Fast sparse matrix library for Python
PySparse extends the Python interpreter by a set of sparse matrix
types holding double precision values. PySparse also includes modules
that implement:

- iterative methods for solving linear systems of equations
- a set of standard preconditioners
- an interface to a direct solver for sparse linear systems of
equations (SuperLU)
- a Jacobi-Davidson eigenvalue solver for the symmetric, generalised
matrix eigenvalue problem (JDSYM)

2016-07-09T16:10:08+00:00 sysutils/uefi-edk2-bhyve-csm UEFI EDK2 firmware for bhyve with CSM (16-bit BIOS)
UEFI EDK2 firmware for bhyve with CSM (16-bit BIOS) support.

From :
"The Unified Extensible Firmware Interface, or UEFI, specifies the
firmware layer between an operating system and platform hardware. UEFI
replaces the legacy Basic Input Output System (BIOS)."

EDK2 is the project from TianoCore ( that provides
"a modern, feature-rich, cross-platform development environment for the
UEFI and UEFI Platform Initialization (PI) specifications."

It's open source under the BSD-2-Clause-Patent license.

This port provides an EDK2 firmware build for x86_64 with 'CSM' support.
CSM is the Compatibility Support Module, compatibility code to allow
operating systems which expect a 16-bit BIOS, and which don't know
about UEFI, to boot.

This CSM port provides an older version of EDK2 for use with VMs
running operating systems which don't have UEFI support.

2016-07-09T11:47:43+00:00 devel/py-rebulk Python library that performs advanced searches in strings
ReBulk is a python library that performs advanced searches in strings
that would be hard to implement using re module or String methods only.
It includes some features like Patterns, Match, Rule that allows
developers to build a custom and complex string matcher using a readable
and extendable API.

2016-07-09T00:10:54+00:00 devel/rubygem-hamster Efficient, immutable, thread-safe collection classes for Ruby
Efficient, immutable, and thread-safe collection classes for Ruby.

Hamster provides 6 Persistent Data Structures: Hash, Vector, Set,
SortedSet, List, and Deque (which works as an immutable queue or

2016-07-08T23:40:24+00:00 www/rubygem-link_header Parse and format HTTP link headers
Parse and format HTTP link headers as described in the draft spec, also
the equivalent HTML link elements.

Converts conforming link headers to and from text, LinkHeader objects
and corresponding (JSON-friendly) Array representations, also HTML
link elements.

2016-07-08T21:52:45+00:00 net/go-httptreemux High-speed, flexible, tree-based HTTP router for Go
This is inspired by Julien Schmidt's httprouter, in that it uses a patricia
tree, but the implementation is rather different. Specifically, the routing
rules are relaxed so that a single path segment may be a wildcard in one route
and a static token in another. This gives a nice combination of high
performance with a lot of convenience in designing the routing patterns. In
benchmarks, httptreemux is close to, but slightly slower than, httprouter.

2016-07-08T21:45:49+00:00 net/go-httppath Utilities for HTTP Path manipulation
Utilities for HTTP Path manipulation. Currently, this just contains the
CleanPath function, renamed to Clean, from Julien Schmidt's httprouter.

2016-07-08T21:25:46+00:00 devel/go-metrics Golang library for exporting performance and runtime metrics
This library provides a metrics package which can be used to instrument code,
expose application metrics, and profile runtime performance in a flexible

2016-07-08T21:04:03+00:00 devel/go-go.uuid UUID package for Go
This package provides pure Go implementation of Universally Unique Identifier
(UUID). Supported both creation and parsing of UUIDs.

2016-07-08T17:23:19+00:00 devel/marisa-trie MARISA: Matching Algorithm with Recursively Implemented StorAge
Matching Algorithm with Recursively Implemented StorAge (MARISA)
is a static and space-efficient trie data structure. And libmarisa
is a C++ library to provide an implementation of MARISA. Also, the
package of libmarisa contains a set of command line tools for
building and operating a MARISA-based dictionary.

2016-07-08T01:04:00+00:00 net/tigervnc-devel High-performance, platform-neutral implementation of VNC
TigerVNC is a high-performance, platform-neutral implementation of VNC,
a client/server application that allows users to launch and interact with
graphical applications on remote machines.

2016-07-07T22:15:35+00:00 security/otpw One-time password login package by Markus Kuhn
OTPW is a one-time password system which is robust against the password
list being stolen and race for the last digit attacks.

2016-07-07T20:58:23+00:00 sysutils/moosefs2-netdump MooseFS network packet dump utility
MooseFS is a Fault tolerant, High Available, Highly Performing, Scale-Out,
network distributed file system. It spreads data over several physical commodity
servers, which are visible to the user as one resource.

For standard file operations MooseFS acts like any other Unix-like file system.

This port provides: MooseFS network packet dump utility

2016-07-07T20:58:23+00:00 sysutils/moosefs2-metalogger MooseFS metadata backup server
MooseFS is a Fault tolerant, High Available, Highly Performing, Scale-Out,
network distributed file system. It spreads data over several physical commodity
servers, which are visible to the user as one resource.

For standard file operations MooseFS acts like any other Unix-like file system.

This port provides: MooseFS metalogger (metadata replication) server.

2016-07-07T20:58:23+00:00 sysutils/moosefs2-master Fault-tolerant distributed filesystem
MooseFS is a Fault tolerant, High Available, Highly Performing, Scale-Out,
network distributed file system. It spreads data over several physical commodity
servers, which are visible to the user as one resource.

For standard file operations MooseFS acts like any other Unix-like file system.

This port provides: MooseFS master (metadata) server.

2016-07-07T20:58:23+00:00 sysutils/moosefs2-client MooseFS client tools
MooseFS is a Fault tolerant, High Available, Highly Performing, Scale-Out,
network distributed file system. It spreads data over several physical commodity
servers, which are visible to the user as one resource.

For standard file operations MooseFS acts like any other Unix-like file system.

This port provides: MooseFS clients: mfsmount and mfstools.

2016-07-07T20:58:23+00:00 sysutils/moosefs2-cli MooseFS command line interface
MooseFS is a Fault tolerant, High Available, Highly Performing, Scale-Out,
network distributed file system. It spreads data over several physical commodity
servers, which are visible to the user as one resource.

For standard file operations MooseFS acts like any other Unix-like file system.

This port provides: MooseFS CLI utilities.

2016-07-07T20:58:23+00:00 sysutils/moosefs2-chunkserver MooseFS data storage and synchronization component
MooseFS is a Fault tolerant, High Available, Highly Performing, Scale-Out,
network distributed file system. It spreads data over several physical commodity
servers, which are visible to the user as one resource.

For standard file operations MooseFS acts like any other Unix-like file system.

This port provides: MooseFS data server.

2016-07-07T20:58:23+00:00 sysutils/moosefs2-cgiserv MooseFS CGI webserver
MooseFS is a Fault tolerant, High Available, Highly Performing, Scale-Out,
network distributed file system. It spreads data over several physical commodity
servers, which are visible to the user as one resource.

For standard file operations MooseFS acts like any other Unix-like file system.

This port provides: Simple CGI-capable HTTP server to run MooseFS CGI monitor.

2016-07-07T20:58:23+00:00 sysutils/moosefs2-cgi MooseFS CGI interface
MooseFS is a Fault tolerant, High Available, Highly Performing, Scale-Out,
network distributed file system. It spreads data over several physical commodity
servers, which are visible to the user as one resource.

For standard file operations MooseFS acts like any other Unix-like file system.

This port provides: MooseFS CGI monitor.

2016-07-07T13:55:20+00:00 archivers/lzfse Lempel-Ziv style data compression algorithm
This is a reference C implementation of the LZFSE compressor introduced in the
Compression library with OS X 10.11 and iOS 9.

LZFSE is a Lempel-Ziv style data compression algorithm using Finite State
Entropy coding. It targets similar compression rates at higher compression and
decompression speed compared to deflate using zlib.

2016-07-07T05:06:00+00:00 sysutils/rubygem-itamae Simple and lightweight configuration management tool
Simple and lightweight configuration management tool inspired by Chef.
(Itamae means a chef in Japanese.)

2016-07-07T05:04:18+00:00 sysutils/rubygem-specinfra Test suite for server configuration
A test suit for server configuration.

2016-07-07T05:01:33+00:00 devel/rubygem-schash Ruby hash validator
Ruby hash validator

2016-07-06T21:40:04+00:00 x11/xcb-util-xrm XCB utility functions for the X resource manager
XCB utility functions for the X resource manager

2016-07-05T23:26:52+00:00 sysutils/uefi-edk2-bhyve UEFI EDK2 firmware for bhyve
UEFI EDK2 firmware for bhyve.

From :
"The Unified Extensible Firmware Interface, or UEFI, specifies the
firmware layer between an operating system and platform hardware. UEFI
replaces the legacy Basic Input Output System (BIOS)."

EDK2 is the project from TianoCore ( that provides
"a modern, feature-rich, cross-platform development environment for the
UEFI and UEFI Platform Initialization (PI) specifications."

It's open source under the BSD-2-Clause-Patent license.

This port provides a version of EDK2 for use with VMs running
operating systems which have UEFI support.

2016-07-05T16:38:53+00:00 www/redmine-ldap_sync LDAP user/group synchronization for Redmine
This redmine plugin extends the ldap authentication with user/group

2016-07-05T15:02:56+00:00 net/ Simple python library to deal with URI Templates
Simple python library to deal with URI Templates.

2016-07-05T08:06:10+00:00 emulators/virtualbox-ose-lite Small install of virtualbox without graphics
2016-07-05T00:31:48+00:00 devel/git-cinnabar Git remote helper to interact with Mercurial repositories
git-cinnabar is a git remote helper to interact with mercurial
repositories. Contrary to other such helpers, it doesn't use a local
mercurial clone under the hood, although it currently does require
mercurial to be installed for some of its libraries.

2016-07-04T16:48:15+00:00 textproc/py-csvkit Command line tools for working with CSV
csvkit is a suite of command-line tools for converting to and working
with CSV, the king of tabular file formats.

2016-07-04T15:59:46+00:00 textproc/py-agate-excel Support reading Excel files for agate
agate-excel adds read support for Excel files (xls and xlsx) to agate.

2016-07-04T15:49:16+00:00 textproc/py-agate-dbf Support reading dbf files for agate
agate-dbf adds read support for dbf files to agate

2016-07-04T15:38:40+00:00 textproc/py-dbf Read and write DBF files
Pure python package for reading/writing dBase, FoxPro, and Visual
FoxPro .dbf files (including memos)

Currently supports dBase III, Clipper, FoxPro, and Visual FoxPro
tables. Text is returned as unicode, and codepage settings in tables
are honored. Memos and Null fields are supported.

2016-07-04T15:25:16+00:00 textproc/py-agate Data analysis library optimized for humans
agate is a Python data analysis library that is optimized for humans
instead of machines. It is an alternative to numpy and pandas that
solves real-world problems with readable code.

agate was previously known as journalism.

2016-07-04T14:42:07+00:00 textproc/py-awesome-slugify Flexible slugify function
Python flexible slugify function

2016-07-04T09:47:25+00:00 dns/bind911 BIND DNS suite with updated DNSSEC and DNS64
BIND version 9 is a major rewrite of nearly all aspects of the underlying BIND
architecture. Some of the important features of BIND 9 are:

DNS Security: DNSSEC (signed zones), TSIG (signed DNS requests)
IP version 6: Answers DNS queries on IPv6 sockets, IPv6 resource records (AAAA)
Experimental IPv6 Resolver Library
DNS Protocol Enhancements: IXFR, DDNS, Notify, EDNS0
Improved standards conformance
Views: One server process can provide multiple "views" of the DNS namespace,
e.g. an "inside" view to certain clients, and an "outside" view to others.
Multiprocessor Support

See the CHANGES file for more information on new features.

2016-07-03T18:05:08+00:00 x11/xkb-switch Switch your X keyboard layouts from the command line
Small program that allows to query and change the XKB layout state from
command line.

2016-07-03T11:29:57+00:00 x11-fonts/montserrat Sans-serif font inspired by the street signs of Montserrat
The old posters and signs in the traditional neighborhood of Buenos Aires
called Montserrat inspired the design of a typeface that rescues the beauty of
urban typography from the first half of the twentieth century. The goal is to
rescue what is in Montserrat and set it free, under a free, libre and open
source license, the SIL Open Font License.

2016-07-03T04:12:55+00:00 net/py-magic-wormhole Get things from one computer to another, safely
Get things from one computer to another, safely.

2016-07-03T01:53:35+00:00 security/py-spake2 SPAKE2 password-authenticated key exchange (pure python)
SPAKE2 password-authenticated key exchange (pure python)

2016-07-03T01:47:38+00:00 security/py-hkdf HMAC-based Extract-and-Expand Key Derivation Function (HKDF)
HKDF - HMAC Key Derivation Function

This module implements the HMAC Key Derivation function

2016-07-02T19:31:16+00:00 astro/py-astropy Community-developed python astronomy tools
Astropy is a package intended to contain core functionality and some common
tools needed for performing astronomy and astrophysics research with Python. It
also provides an index for other astronomy packages and tools for managing

2016-07-02T11:27:30+00:00 audio/fluid-soundfont Fluid R3 sound fonts (GM/GS)
This is a Fluid (R3) General MIDI soundfonts, for use with any modern MIDI
synthesizer: hardware (like the EMU10K1 sound card), or software (like e.g.

This package provides both the larger GM sound set and smaller GS sound set
of Roland Sound Canvas extensions.

2016-06-30T19:22:21+00:00 www/uchiwa Simple dashboard for Sensu
Uchiwa is a simple dashboard for the Sensu monitoring framework.

2016-06-30T09:13:59+00:00 misc/py-pyprind Python Progress Bar and Percent Indicator Utility
The PyPrind (Python Progress Indicator) module provides a progress bar and a
percentage indicator object that let you track the progress of a loop structure
or other iterative computation. Typical applications include the processing of
large data sets to provide an intuitive estimate at runtime about the progress
of the computation.

2016-06-30T09:00:05+00:00 sysutils/zfsnap2 Portable performant script to make rolling ZFS snapshots easy
zfsnap makes rolling ZFS snapshots easy and - with cron - automatic.

The main advantages of zfsnap are its portability, simplicity, and performance.
It is written purely in /bin/sh and does not require any additional software -
other than a few core *nix utilies.

zfsnap stores all the information it needs about a snapshot directly in its
name; no database or special ZFS properties are needed. The information is
stored in a way that is human readable, making it much easier for a sysadmin to
manage and audit backup schedules.

Snapshot names are in the format of pool/fs@[prefix]Timestamp--TimeToLive
(e.g. pool/fs@weekly-2014-04-07_05.30.00--6m). The prefix is optional but can
be quite useful for filtering, Timestamp is the date and time when the snapshot
was created, and TimeToLive (TTL) is the amount of time the snapshot will be
kept until it can be deleted.

2016-06-30T08:48:00+00:00 sysutils/zfsnap-devel Portable performant script to make rolling ZFS snapshots easy
zfsnap makes rolling ZFS snapshots easy and - with cron - automatic.

The main advantages of zfsnap are its portability, simplicity, and performance.
It is written purely in /bin/sh and does not require any additional software -
other than a few core *nix utilies.

zfsnap stores all the information it needs about a snapshot directly in its
name; no database or special ZFS properties are needed. The information is
stored in a way that is human readable, making it much easier for a sysadmin to
manage and audit backup schedules.

Snapshot names are in the format of pool/fs@[prefix]Timestamp--TimeToLive
(e.g. pool/fs@weekly-2014-04-07_05.30.00--6m). The prefix is optional but can
be quite useful for filtering, Timestamp is the date and time when the snapshot
was created, and TimeToLive (TTL) is the amount of time the snapshot will be
kept until it can be deleted.
2016-06-30T07:42:20+00:00 java/jxgrabkey JNI library for easy use of global X11 hotkeys from Java
JXGrabKey is a jni library for easy use of global X11 hotkeys on
from Java.

2016-06-29T23:37:51+00:00 misc/freebsd-release-manifests FreeBSD release manifests
MANIFEST files from the FreeBSD release images.

2016-06-28T18:45:41+00:00 security/p5-Crypt-OpenSSL-PKCS10 Perl extension for OpenSSL PKCS10 API
Perl extension to OpenSSL's PKCS10 API.

2016-06-28T18:03:24+00:00 security/p5-Crypt-LE Let's Encrypt API interfacing module
Crypt::LE provides the functionality necessary to use Let's Encrypt
API and generate free SSL certificates for your domains. It can
also be used to generate RSA keys and Certificate Signing Requests
or to revoke previously issued certificates. Crypt::LE is shipped
with a self-sufficient client for obtaining SSL certificates -

The client supports 'http' and 'dns' domain verification out of the box.

2016-06-27T22:19:53+00:00 sysutils/u-boot-pine64
U-Boot loader and related files for the Pine64.

To install this bootloader on an sdcard just do:
dd if=/usr/local/share/u-boot/u-boot-pine64/u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin of=/path/to/sdcarddevice bs=128k seek=1 conv=sync

For information about running FreeBSD on Allwinner boards, see

For general information about U-Boot see WWW:
2016-06-27T13:56:05+00:00 misc/rubygem-mime-types29 Ruby gem which provides a mailcap-like MIME Content-Type lookup
MIME::Types for Ruby originally based on and synchronized with MIME::Types
for Perl by Mark Overmeer, copyright 2001 - 2005.

2016-06-27T10:56:14+00:00 benchmarks/clpeak Benchmarking tool to measure peak capabilities of opencl devices
A synthetic benchmarking tool to measure peak capabilities of opencl devices.
It only measures the peak metrics that can be achieved using vector operations
and does not represent a real-world use case

2016-06-27T10:07:14+00:00 security/yubikey-piv-manager YubiKey PIV Manager
YubiKey PIV Manager

Tool for configuring your PIV-enabled YubiKey.

2016-06-27T01:52:14+00:00 www/py-urlobject Utility class for manipulating URLs
URLObject is a utility class for manipulating URLs. The latest incarnation of
this library builds upon the ideas of its predecessor, but aims for a clearer
API, focusing on proper method names over operator overrides. It's also being
developed from the ground up in a test-driven manner, and has full Sphinx

2016-06-26T17:12:51+00:00 devel/p5-Test-Needs Skip tests when modules not available
Skip test scripts if modules are not available. The requested modules will be
loaded, and optionally have their versions checked. If the module is missing,
the test script will be skipped. Modules that are found but fail to compile will
exit with an error rather than skip.

If used in a subtest, the remainder of the subtest will be skipped.

Skipping will work even if some tests have already been run, or if a plan has
been declared.

Versions are checked via a $module->VERSION($wanted_version) call. Versions must
be provided in a format that will be accepted. No extra processing is done on

If perl is used as a module, the version is checked against the running perl
version ($]). The version can be specified as a number, dotted-decimal string,
v-string, or version object.

If the RELEASE_TESTING environment variable is set, the tests will fail rather
than skip. Subtests will be aborted, but the test script will continue running
after that point.

2016-06-26T15:06:43+00:00 devel/py-twext Extensions to Twisted
twext is a Python module consisting of extensions to the Twisted Framework.

2016-06-26T13:55:00+00:00 devel/py-calendar Library for iCalendar/vCard data
calendar is a python library for parsing and generating iCalendar data.
See RFC 5545 and 6350.

2016-06-26T11:51:09+00:00 java/aparapi Open source API for expressing data parallel workflows in Java
aparapi is an open source API for expressing data parallel workflows in Java.

Originally an AMD product, Aparapi was released to open source on September
14, 2011. Aparapi is an API for expressing data parallel workloads in Java
and a runtime component capable of converting the Java# bytecode of compatible
workloads into OpenCL# so that it can be executed on a variety of GPU devices.

2016-06-25T22:48:41+00:00 devel/sonarqube Platform for continuous inspection of code quality
The SonarQube platform is an open source quality management platform,
dedicated to continuously analyzing and measuring the technical quality of
source code, from project portfolio down to the method level.

- Supports languages: Java, C/C++, Objective-C, C#, PHP, Flex, Groovy,
JavaScript, Python, PL/SQL, COBOL, etc.
- Can also be used in Android development.
- Offers reports on duplicated code, coding standards, unit tests, code
coverage, complex code, potential bugs, comments and design and
- Records metrics history and provides evolution graphs ("time machine")
and differential views.
- Provides fully automated analyses: integrates with Maven, Ant, Gradle and
continuous integration tools (Atlassian Bamboo, Jenkins, Hudson, etc.).
- Integrates with the Eclipse development environment.
- Integrates with external tools: JIRA, Mantis, LDAP, Fortify, etc.
- Is expandable with the use of plugins.
- Implements the SQALE methodology to compute technical debt.

2016-06-25T18:12:21+00:00 audio/libsoxr High quality, one-dimensional sample-rate conversion library
The SoX Resampler library `libsoxr'

It performs one-dimensional sample-rate conversion,
may be used, for example, to resample PCM-encoded audio.

This library aims to give fast and high quality results for any constant
(rational or irrational) resampling ratio. Phase-response, preserved
bandwidth, aliasing, and rejection level parameters are all configurable;
alternatively, simple `preset' configurations may be selected. An
experimental, variable-rate resampling mode of operation is also included.

2016-06-25T15:08:30+00:00 databases/php70-redis PHP7 extension for Redis
This extension provides an API for communicating with Redis database,
a persistent key-value database with built-in net interface written
in ANSI-C for Posix systems.

2016-06-25T11:11:13+00:00 security/yubico-piv-tool Yubico PIV tool
The Yubico PIV tool is used for interacting with the Privilege and
Identification Card (PIV) application on a YubiKey.

With it you may generate keys on the device, importing keys and
certificates, and create certificate requests, and other operations. A
shared library and a command-line tool is included.

2016-06-25T00:18:29+00:00 net-im/diligent Unofficial Qt Slack client
Diligent is unofficial cross-platform desktop client for Slack.

2016-06-24T23:04:24+00:00 misc/py-socli Stack overflow command line interface
Stack overflow command line client written in python. Using SoCLI you can
search and browse stack overflow without leaving the terminal.

2016-06-24T23:02:44+00:00 textproc/py-beautifulsoup4 Python screen-scraping library
Beautiful Soup is a Python library designed for quick turnaround projects like

Three features make it powerful:

1. Beautiful Soup provides a few simple methods and Pythonic idioms for
navigating, searching, and modifying a parse tree: a toolkit for dissecting
a document and extracting what you need. It doesn't take much code to write
an application.
2. Beautiful Soup automatically converts incoming documents to Unicode and
outgoing documents to UTF-8. You don't have to think about encodings, unless
the document doesn't specify an encoding and Beautiful Soup can't detect one.
Then you just have to specify the original encoding.
3. Beautiful Soup sits on top of popular Python parsers like lxml and html5lib,
allowing you to try out different parsing strategies or trade speed for

2016-06-24T21:27:50+00:00 www/redmine-single_auth SSO authentication method for Redmine
Plugin implements SSO authentication method in Redmine.

Plugin allows transparent authentication of the User using his domain
account through Web-server module (for ex. mod_ntlm in Apache).

2016-06-24T21:27:30+00:00 www/redmine-a_common_libs Common libraries for RedMine
This is a plugin for including common libraries into Redmine.

2016-06-24T19:06:49+00:00 net/iipsrv IIP (Internet Imaging Protocol) FastCGI server
IIPImage is an advanced high-performance feature-rich image
server system for web-based streamed viewing and zooming of
ultra high-resolution images with low processor and memory
requirements. The system can handle gigapixel size images as
well as advanced image features such as 8/16/32 bits per
channel, CIELAB colorimetric images and scientific imagery
such as multispectral images and digital elevation maps.

2016-06-24T14:31:39+00:00 graphics/dilay 3D sculpting application
Dilay is a 3D sculpting application that provides an intuitive workflow
using a number of powerful modeling tools. As each tool locally subdivides
the mesh where more details are required, Dilay allows artists to rapidly
create complex meshes.

2016-06-24T14:22:06+00:00 www/grafana3 Dashboard and graph editor for Graphite, InfluxDB & OpenTSDB
Grafana is an open source, feature rich metrics dashboard
and graph editor for Graphite, InfluxDB & OpenTSDB.

2016-06-24T00:07:13+00:00 security/doas Simple sudo alternative to run commands as another user
This is the FreeBSD port of the OpenBSD "doas" command. The doas program
allows a regular user to run commands as another user (usually root). The
doas command is a simplified (hopefully more secure) version of the "sudo"
command and offers an easier to read/modify configuration.

2016-06-23T23:16:03+00:00 databases/tile38 In-memory geolocation data store, spatial index, and realtime geofence
Tile38 is an open source (MIT licensed), in-memory geolocation data store,
spatial index, and realtime geofence. It supports a variety of object types
including lat/lon points, bounding boxes, XYZ tiles, Geohashes, and GeoJSON.


Spatial index with search methods such as NEARBY, WITHIN, and INTERSECTS.
Realtime geofencing through persistent sockets or webhooks.
Object types of lat/lon, bbox, Geohash, GeoJSON, QuadKey, and XYZ tile.
Support for lots of Clients Libraries written in many different languages.
Variety of client protocols, including http (curl), websockets, telnet,
and the Redis RESP.
Server responses are RESP or JSON.
Full command line interface.
Leader / follower replication.
In-memory database that persists on disk.

2016-06-23T22:51:07+00:00 devel/slibtool Skinny libtool implementation, written in C
`slibtool` is an independent reimplementation of the widely used libtool,
written in C. `slibtool` is designed to be a clean, fast, easy-to-use
libtool drop-in replacement, and is accordingly aimed at package authors,
distro developers, and system integrators. `slibtool` maintains compatibility
with libtool in nearly every aspect of the tool's functionality as well as
semantics, leaving out (or turning into a no-op) only a small number of
features that are no longer needed on modern systems.

Being a compiled binary, and although not primarily written for the sake of
performance, building a package with `slibtool` is often faster than with its
script-based counterpart. The resulting performance gain would normally vary
between packages, and is most noticeable in builds that invoke libtool a large
number of times, and which are characterized by the short compilation duration
of individual translation units.

2016-06-23T12:21:56+00:00 net/mobile-broadband-provider-info Service mobile broadband provider database
XML database with data from mobile service providers information

2016-06-23T11:45:40+00:00 sysutils/bsdisks UDisks2 service implementation for FreeBSD
UDisks2 service provides interfaces to enumerate
and perform operations on disks and storage devices
via D-Bus API. Bsdisks is an implementation of UDisks2
service for FreeBSD.

2016-06-23T10:22:35+00:00 security/py-certbot Let's Encrypt client #'
In short: getting and installing SSL/TLS certificates made easy.

Certbot is a tool to automatically receive and install
X.509 certificates to enable TLS on servers. The client will
interoperate with the Let's Encrypt CA which will be issuing
browser-trusted certificates for free.

It's all automated:

The tool will prove domain control to the CA and submit a CSR
(Certificate Signing Request).

If domain control has been proven, a certificate will get issued and
the tool will automatically install it.

2016-06-22T20:36:19+00:00 databases/py-mysqlclient MySQL database connector for Python
MySQL database connector for Python (with Python 3 support).

2016-06-22T20:12:08+00:00 sysutils/nomad Cluster manager and scheduler
Nomad is a cluster manager and scheduler that provides a common workflow
to deploy applications across an infrastructure. Deploy virtualized,
containerized, or standalone application workloads across a fleet of
servers to maximize resource utilization.

2016-06-22T17:23:19+00:00 converters/py-better-bencode Fast, standard compliant Bencode serialization
Fast, standard compliant Bencode serialization.

2016-06-22T17:14:44+00:00 math/py-keras Deep learning library for Python
Deep Learning library for Python. Convnets, recurrent neural networks, and
more. Runs on Theano and TensorFlow.

2016-06-22T15:21:50+00:00 devel/py-jaraco.logging Additional facilities to supplement Python stdlib logging module
Additional facilities to supplement Python's stdlib logging module.

2016-06-22T15:20:54+00:00 devel/py-jaraco.itertools Tools for working with iterables
jaraco.itertools Tools for working with iterables. Complements itertools and

2016-06-22T15:19:50+00:00 devel/py-jaraco.functools Additional functools for Python
Additional functools in the spirit of stdlib's functools.

2016-06-22T15:18:32+00:00 devel/py-jaraco.classes Python class routines
Routines for obtaining the class names of an object and its parent classes.

2016-06-22T15:16:37+00:00 devel/py-inflect Generate plurals, singular nouns, ordinals, indefinite articles correctly generates plurals, singular nouns, ordinals, indefinite
articles and converts numbers to words.

2016-06-22T15:02:01+00:00 security/eschalot Vanity onion address generator for Tor
Echalot is a TOR hidden service name generator, it allows one to produce
a (partially) customized vanity .onion address using a brute-force method.

2016-06-22T14:31:00+00:00 graphics/hiptext Tool for rendering images and videos inside terminals
hiptext is command line tool for rendering images and videos inside terminals.

2016-06-21T13:24:53+00:00 devel/p5-Term-ReadLine-TTYtter Perl5 module for Term::ReadLine allowing rich editing
ReadLine::TTYtter is a fork of the Term::ReadLine::Perl module, allowing
to edit a command line.

This module have UTF-8 support, let erase or repaint the prompt and
to hook a process to further line control.

2016-06-21T12:05:39+00:00 www/calamaris-devel Perl script to produce statistics out of Squid log files
Calamaris parses the Squid Native Log and generates reports
about Peak-usage, Request-Methods, Status-reports of incoming
and outgoing requests, second and Top-level destinations,
content-types and performance.

2016-06-20T08:18:29+00:00 sysutils/bstack Debug tool that shows the stack trace of a running process
bstack - gstack for FreeBSD

This is a port of gstack, a script build around gdb on RedHat and other
Linux distros, to FreeBSD.

bstack take a PID as only parameter and print out the back trace of that
running process. If the process is multithread, the backtrace of all
threads is printed.

It works with the last version of GDB

2016-06-18T14:49:52+00:00 games/alex4 Classic platformer with Alex the Allegator
In the latest installment of the series Alex travels through the jungle
in search of his kidnapped girlfriend. Plenty of classic platforming
in four nice colors guaranteed!

2016-06-17T19:15:44+00:00 sysutils/intel-qcu Intel(R) QSFP+ Configuration Utility
The Intel(R) QSFP+ Configuration Utility is a command line utility that allows
users to change the link type of the installed QSFP+ module. The supported
types are defined within the adapter's NVM. This utility displays only the
devices that potentially support QSFP+ reconfiguration. Only one port per
device is displayed, since changes affect the device as a whole, not individual

2016-06-17T19:10:35+00:00 net/py-pyshark Pyhon packet parsing using wireshark dissectors
pyshark is a Python wrapper for tshark, allowing python packet parsing using
wireshark dissectors.

There are quite a few python packet parsing modules, this one is different
because it doesn't actually parse any packets, it simply uses tshark's
(wireshark command-line utility) ability to export XMLs to use its parsing. This
package allows parsing from a capture file or a live capture, using all
wireshark dissectors you have installed.

2016-06-17T19:00:40+00:00 devel/py-logbook Logging replacement for Python
Logbook is a nice logging replacement.

It should be easy to setup, use and configure and support web
applications :)

2016-06-17T18:53:10+00:00 sysutils/py-logbook Logging replacement for Python
Logbook is a nice logging replacement.

It should be easy to setup, use and configure and support web
applications :)

2016-06-17T06:36:03+00:00 security/clamfs User-space fs with on-access antivirus scanning
ClamFS is a FUSE-based user-space file system for Linux with
on-access anti-virus file scanning through clamd daemon

- User-space file system
- Configuration stored in XML files
- FUSE used as file system back-end
- Scan files using ClamAV
- ScanCache speeds up file access
- Sends mail to administrator when detect virus

2016-06-16T15:35:31+00:00 net-mgmt/adcli Tool for performing actions on an Active Directory domain
adcli is a command line tool that can perform actions in an Active Directory

. "join" a computer (not necessarily the current one) into AD-domain
. output information about the domain -- in human- and computer-readable
. create user- and group-accounts in the domain
. delete and reset accounts

2016-06-16T12:07:26+00:00 devel/R-cran-tibble Simple Data Frames
tibble provides a 'tbl_df' class that offers better checking and
printing capabilities than traditional data frames.

2016-06-16T01:41:32+00:00 www/nextcloud Personal cloud which runs on your own server
Nextcloud is a system for the creation and management of personal
cloud resources. It is a fork of Owncloud.

2016-06-15T02:20:47+00:00 sysutils/cfengine39 Systems administration tool for networks
Cfengine is an automated suite of programs for configuring and
maintaining Unix-like computers. It has been used on computing arrays
of between 1 and 20,000 computers since 1993 by a wide range of
organizations. Cfengine is supported by active research and was the
first autonomic, hands-free management system for Unix-like operating
systems. Cfengine is an autonomic maintenance system not merely a
change management roll-out tool. Cfengine has a history of security
and adaptability.

2016-06-15T02:20:47+00:00 sysutils/cfengine-masterfiles39 cfengine sample policies for installations and upgrades
CFEngine 3 is a popular open source configuration management system.
Its primary function is to provide automated configuration and
maintenance of large-scale computer systems.

The repository is intended to provide a stable base policy for
installations and upgrades, and is used by CFEngine 3.6 and newer.
The port installs the repository as examples which should be copied by
the user to the masterfiles directory (usually /var/cfengine/masterfiles).

2016-06-14T19:22:46+00:00 x11-themes/cursor-ardoise-theme Ardoise X cursor theme
Simple, flat and dark Ardoise X cursor theme by obnosim.
It uses symbols instead of changing the shape of the cursor.

Available resolutions are 24, 32, 48 and 72 px.
Translucent and opaque variants.

2016-06-14T17:03:42+00:00 security/zeronet Decentralized websites using Bitcoin crypto and BitTorrent network
Open, free and uncensorable websites, using Bitcoin cryptography
and BitTorrent network.

* Real-time updated sites
* Namecoin .bit domains support
* Easy to setup: unpack & run
* Clone websites in one click
* Password-less BIP32 based authorization: Your account is protected
by the same cryptography as your Bitcoin wallet
* Built-in SQL server with P2P data synchronization: Allows easier site
development and faster page load times
* Anonymity: Full Tor network support with .onion hidden services instead
of IPv4 addresses
* TLS encrypted connections
* Automatic uPnP port opening
* Plugin for multiuser (openproxy) support
* Works with any browser/OS

2016-06-14T08:29:32+00:00 devel/py-cuisine Chef-like functionality for Fabric
Cuisine is a small set of functions that sit on top of Fabric, to
abstract common administration operations such as file/dir operations,
user/group creation, package install/upgrade, making it easier to
write portable administration and deployment scripts.

2016-06-14T08:21:12+00:00 math/py-gmpy2 GMP/MPIR, MPFR, and MPC interface to Python
C-coded Python extension module that supports multiple-precision arithmetic.
In addition to supporting GMP or MPIR for multiple-precision integer and
rational arithmetic, gmpy2 adds support for the MPFR (correctly rounded real
floating-point arithmetic) and MPC (correctly rounded complex floating-point
arithmetic) libraries.

2016-06-13T19:30:55+00:00 devel/pcc-libs Libraries for the Portable C Compiler
Libraries for the Portable C Compiler.

2016-06-12T21:48:14+00:00 www/py-django-otp-yubikey Plugin that verifies YubiKey OTP tokens
This is a django-otp plugin that handles YubiKey devices using the Yubico OTP
algorithm. This includes two device definitions: one to verify YubiKey tokens
locally and another to verify them against a web service.

2016-06-12T15:05:44+00:00 databases/luasql-firebird
2016-06-12T15:05:12+00:00 databases/luasql-odbc
2016-06-12T13:32:20+00:00 deskutils/puush Screen capture and Puush image-bin client
Use keyboard shortcuts gestures to quickly capture any portion
of your screen. These screenshots are near-instantly puush'd,
leaving behind a short URL in your clipboard, perfect for sharing.
Paste these easily into your Twitter, IRC or IM clients. Share
them with the world or make them private, for your eyes only.

2016-06-12T11:56:20+00:00 devel/libfastjson Fork of json-c (JSON implementation in C)
The aim of this project is not to provide a slightly modified clone of json-c.
It's aim is to provide

* a small library with essential json handling functions
* sufficiently good json support (not 100% standards compliant)
* be very fast in processing

In order to reach these goals, we reduce the features of json-c. For
similarities and differences, see the file DIFFERENCES.

2016-06-12T04:19:23+00:00 japanese/font-nasu Nasu Japanese TrueType fonts
NasuFont is a free Japanese TrueType fonts

2016-06-11T21:59:56+00:00 security/py-YubiOTP Library for verifying YubiKey OTP tokens
This is a library for verifying YubiKey OTP tokens. It includes both the
low-level implementation for verifying tokens locally and clients for multiple
versions of the Yubico validation web service. The primary audience is
developers who wish to verify YubiKey tokens in their applications, presumably
as part of a multi-factor authentication scheme.

2016-06-10T19:37:47+00:00 textproc/libfo XSL formatter library for xmlroff
libfo is library part of xmlroff XSL formatter.

2016-06-10T14:41:14+00:00 emulators/qemu-cheri128m QEMU emulator with CHERI CPU support (128-bit, magic compression)
2016-06-10T09:04:15+00:00 lang/gcc6 GNU Compiler Collection 6
GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection, supports a number of languages. This
port installs the C, C++, Fortran and Java front ends as gcc6, g++6,
gfortran6, and gcj6, respectively.


Gerald Pfeifer <>
2016-06-09T19:50:40+00:00 databases/postgresql-repmgr2 PostgreSQL replication manager
repmgr allows you to monitor and manage your replicated PostgreSQL
databases as a single cluster.

2016-06-09T11:06:28+00:00 databases/puppetdb3 PuppetDB storeconfigs backend
The PuppetDB storeconfigs backend

2016-06-09T11:06:28+00:00 databases/puppetdb-terminus3 PuppetDB storeconfigs backend terminus module
The PuppetDB storeconfigs backend terminus module.

2016-06-08T23:27:22+00:00 databases/pglogical Logical replication system as a PostgreSQL extension
pglogical is a logical replication system implemented entirely as a
PostgreSQL extension. Fully integrated, it requires no triggers or
external programs. This alternative to physical replication is a
highly efficient method of replicating data using a publish/subscribe
model for selective replication.

2016-06-08T23:23:46+00:00 databases/pglogical-output Logical replication system as a PostgreSQL extension
pglogical is a logical replication system implemented entirely as a
PostgreSQL extension. Fully integrated, it requires no triggers or
external programs. This alternative to physical replication is a
highly efficient method of replicating data using a publish/subscribe
model for selective replication.

2016-06-08T21:10:40+00:00 net-mgmt/kapacitor Time-series data collection
Kapacitor is InfluxDB's native data processing engine. It can process both
stream and batch data from InfluxDB. Kapacitor lets you plug in your own custom
logic or user defined functions to process alerts with dynamic thresholds,
match metrics for patterns or compute statistical anomalies.

2016-06-06T16:20:11+00:00 devel/geany-plugin-lineoperations Geany plugin: ${${GEANY_PLUGIN}_DESC}
Line Operations is an assortment of simple line functions that can
be applied to an open file.

2016-06-06T12:18:16+00:00 mail/opensmtpd-extras-tool-stats Statistics tool for OpenSMTPD
2016-06-06T12:18:16+00:00 mail/opensmtpd-extras-table-ldap LDAP table support for OpenSMTPD
2016-06-06T12:18:16+00:00 mail/opensmtpd-extras-scheduler-ram RAM scheduler support for OpenSMTPD
2016-06-06T12:18:16+00:00 mail/opensmtpd-extras-scheduler-python Python scheduler support for OpenSMTPD
2016-06-06T12:18:16+00:00 mail/opensmtpd-extras-queue-ram RAM queue support for OpenSMTPD
2016-06-06T12:18:16+00:00 mail/opensmtpd-extras-queue-python Python queue support for OpenSMTPD
2016-06-06T12:18:16+00:00 mail/opensmtpd-extras-filter-python Python-script filter support for OpenSMTPD
2016-06-06T12:18:16+00:00 mail/opensmtpd-extras-filter-perl Perl-script filter support for OpenSMTPD
2016-06-06T12:18:16+00:00 mail/opensmtpd-extras-filter-monkey Arbitrary delay or reject filter for OpenSMTPD
2016-06-06T12:18:16+00:00 mail/opensmtpd-extras-filter-lua LUA-script filter support for OpenSMTPD
2016-06-05T18:37:40+00:00 devel/rubygem-health_check Simple health check of Rails app for uptime monitoring
Simple health check of Rails app for uptime monitoring.

2016-06-05T18:16:59+00:00 converters/rubygem-base32 Ruby extension for base32 encoding and decoding
Ruby extension for base32 encoding and decoding

2016-06-05T16:59:53+00:00 sysutils/mcollective-nrpe-common MCollective common files to interact with the NRPE monitoring system
The mcollective package agent lets you install, uninstall, update, purge and
query the status of packages via MCollective.

2016-06-05T16:59:53+00:00 sysutils/mcollective-nrpe-client MCollective client to interact with the NRPE monitoring system
2016-06-05T16:55:50+00:00 databases/sqliteodbc-sqlite2 ODBC driver for SQLite 2
2016-06-05T16:21:55+00:00 databases/postgis22 Geographic objects support for PostgreSQL databases
PostGIS adds support for geographic objects to the PostgreSQL
object-relational database. In effect, PostGIS "spatially enables"
the PostgreSQL server, allowing it to be used as a backend spatial
database for geographic information systems (GIS), much like ESRI's
SDE or Oracle's Spatial extension. PostGIS follows the OpenGIS
"Simple Features Specification for SQL" and has been certified as
compliant with the "Types and Functions" profile.

PostGIS development was started by Refractions Research as a project
in open source spatial database technology. PostGIS is released
under the GNU General Public License. PostGIS continues to be
developed by a group of contributors led by a Project Steering
Committee and new features continue to be added.

2016-06-04T19:03:12+00:00 mail/neomutt Bringing together all the Mutt Code
What is NeoMutt?

* NeoMutt is a project of projects.
* A place to gather all the patches against Mutt.
* A place for all the developers to gather.

Hopefully this will build the community and reduce duplicated effort.

2016-06-03T09:37:36+00:00 www/caldavzap CalDAV web client implementation
CalDavZAP is an open source CalDAV web client implementation released under GNU
Affero General Public License (version 3.0).

Main features:

* 100% JavaScript+jQuery CalDAV web client/application - no special server
software required for standard setup (except the CalDAV server of course)
* server-based XML configuration generator (for special setup) with HTTP and
LDAP authentication plugins
* asynchronous read-only and read/write calendar collection detection
* asynchronous background synchronization
* support for delegated calendars
* support for subscribed calendars
* time-range filtering (server support required)
* support for RFC compliant vCalendars (version 2.0) and automatic correction
of most common errors in invalid vCalendars
* support for background calendars - if there is at least one event defined for
the given day in a background calendar, the background color for that day
will be pink/light-red

and much more ...

2016-06-03T00:01:36+00:00 net-mgmt/unifi5 UniFi Controller v5
The UniFi Controller allows you to manage Wireless, Routing & Switching,
VoIP and Video of Ubiquiti Networks.

2016-06-02T19:57:21+00:00 www/p5-Dancer-Plugin-RPC Configure endpoints for XMLRPC and JSONRPC procedures
This module contains two plugins for Dancer: Dancer::Plugin::RPC::XMLRPC
and Dancer::Plugin::RPC::JSONRPC. They are plugins rather than


This plugin exposes the new keyword "xmlrpc" that is followed by 2
arguments: the endpoint and the arguments to configure the xmlrpc-calls
at this endpoint.


This plugin exposes the new keyword "jsonrpc" that is followed by
2 arguments: the endpoint and the arguments to configure the
jsonrpc-calls at this endpoint.

See the /t dir for examples (until some tutorial exists)

2016-06-01T16:36:20+00:00 lang/tcl87 Tool Command Language
This is Tcl version 8.7, an embeddable tool command language.

Tcl (Tool Command Language) is a very powerful but easy to learn dynamic
programming language, suitable for a very wide range of uses, including web
and desktop applications, networking, administration, testing and many more.
Open source and business-friendly, Tcl is a mature yet evolving language that
is truly cross platform, easily deployed and highly extensible.

A full set of manual pages is also provided with this port.

2016-05-31T18:02:42+00:00 misc/qt5-doc Qt 5 documentation
2016-05-31T12:03:06+00:00 dns/py-pycares Python interface to c-ares
pycares is a Python module which provides an interface to c-ares.
c-ares is a C library that performs DNS requests and name
resolutions asynchronously.

2016-05-31T11:00:00+00:00 security/letskencrypt Native C client for Let's Encrypt, designed for security
letskencrypt is a client for Let's Encrypt users, but one designed for
security. No Python. No Ruby. No Bash. A straightforward, open source
implementation in C that isolates each step of the sequence.

2016-05-31T02:06:32+00:00 textproc/rubygem-ox Speed-optimized XML parser and object serializer for Ruby
Ox, standing for Optimized XML, is a XML parser and object serializer,
which is designed to be a speed-optimized alternative to Nokogiri and Marshal.

* Ox is self contained, and uses nothing other than standard C libraries.
* Ox writes/parses generic XML documents including HTML documents.
* Ox serializes Objects into human readable XML in contrast to Marshal
* Ox also supports SAX parsing.

2016-05-30T19:02:47+00:00 devel/py-http-prompt Interactive command-line HTTP client
HTTP Prompt is an interactive command-line HTTP client featuring autocomplete
and syntax highlighting, built on HTTPie and prompt_toolkit.

2016-05-30T16:28:20+00:00 databases/py-unqlite Fast Python bindings for the UnQLite embedded NoSQL database
Fast Python bindings for UnQLite, a lightweight, embedded NoSQL database and
JSON document store.

2016-05-30T13:43:39+00:00 net/py-haproxy-log-analysis Haproxy log analyzer that tries to gives an insight of what's going on
Haproxy log analyzer that tries to gives an insight of what's going on.

2016-05-30T03:09:50+00:00 net-im/ring-gnome Gnome client of the Ring VoIP SIP phone and IM
Ring is a secure and distributed voice, video and chat communication
platform that requires no centralized server and leaves the power
of privacy in the hands of the user.

2016-05-30T03:06:09+00:00 audio/simon Speech recognition system using sphinx, ALSA and KDE
Simon is an open source speech recognition program that can replace your
mouse and keyboard. The system is designed to be as flexible as possible
and will work with any language or dialect.

2016-05-29T18:08:19+00:00 textproc/py-elasticsearch-curator-py Python index manager for Elasticsearch
Have indices in Elasticsearch? This is the tool for you!

Like a museum curator manages the exhibits and collections on display,
Elasticsearch Curator helps you curate, or manage your indices.

2016-05-29T14:26:28+00:00 sysutils/qtpass Qt GUI for pass, the standard unix password manager
GUI for pass, the standard UNIX password manager.

2016-05-29T11:33:33+00:00 dns/dnsenum Enumerate DNS information and discover non-contiguous IP blocks
Multithreaded perl script to enumerate DNS information
of a domain and discover non-contiguous IP blocks.

Get the host's address (A record).
Get the nameservers (threaded).
Get the MX record (threaded).
Perform axfr queries on nameservers and
get BIND VERSION (threaded).
Get extra names and subdomains via google
scraping (google query = "allinurl: -www site:domain").
Brute force subdomains from file, can also
perform recursion on subdomain that have NS records (all threaded).
Calculate C class domain network ranges
and perform whois queries on them (threaded).
Perform reverse lookups on netranges
( C class or/and whois netranges) (threaded).
Write to domain_ips.txt file

2016-05-29T11:00:02+00:00 dns/dnsrecon DNS enumeration tool
DNSRecon provides the ability to perform:

Check all NS Records for Zone Transfers.
Enumerate General DNS Records for a given
Domain (MX, SOA, NS, A, AAAA, SPF and TXT).
Perform common SRV Record Enumeration.
Top Level Domain (TLD) Expansion.
Check for Wildcard Resolution.
Brute Force subdomain and host A
and AAAA records given a domain and a wordlist.
Perform a PTR Record lookup for a given IP Range or CIDR.
Check a DNS Server Cached records for A, AAAA and
CNAME Records provided a list of host records in a text file to check.
Enumerate Common mDNS records in the Local
Network Enumerate Hosts and Subdomains using Google.

2016-05-29T04:49:44+00:00 net-im/ring-libclient Client library for the Ring VoIP SIP phone and IM
Ring is a secure and distributed voice, video and chat communication
platform that requires no centralized server and leaves the power
of privacy in the hands of the user.

2016-05-29T03:50:56+00:00 net-im/ring-daemon Daemon part of the Ring VoIP SIP phone and IM
Ring is a secure and distributed voice, video and chat communication
platform that requires no centralized server and leaves the power
of privacy in the hands of the user.

2016-05-28T20:29:14+00:00 devel/dbus-c++ C++ API for D-BUS
dbus-c++ attempts to provide a C++ API for D-BUS. The library has a
glib/gtk and an Ecore mainloop integration. It also offers an optional
own main loop.

2016-05-28T18:26:33+00:00 databases/pg_stat_kcache Gather statistics about PostgreSQL I/O and CPU usage
Gathers statistics about real reads and writes done by the filesystem layer. It
is provided in the form of an extension for PostgreSQL >= 9.4.

2016-05-28T17:07:17+00:00 devel/rubygem-lazy_priority_queue Priority queue implemented using a lazy binomial heap
Lazy priority queue is a pure Ruby priority queue which implements a lazy
binomial heap. It supports the change priority operation, being suitable for
algorithms like Dijkstra's shortest path and Prim's minimum spanning tree. It
can be instantiated as a min-priority queue as well as a max-priority queue.

2016-05-28T14:46:43+00:00 net/ntpa NTP data collection and charting
NTP Analyzer is a tool dedicated to analyze the operation of time

NTP Analyzer collects data from ntp daemons and can be configured
to generate graphs and web pages to visualize the activities of
supervised hosts and peers.

2016-05-28T14:46:28+00:00 x11-themes/qt5-style-plugins Additional Styles for Qt 5 and KDE
Additional Qt5 styles formerly packaged with Qt:

- Cleanlooks
- Motif
- Plastique

2016-05-28T12:51:03+00:00 misc/qt5-examples Qt 5 examples sourcecode
A collection of code samples and tutorials for Qt to help new users
get started with Qt development. This is a support / add-on package for
qtcreator, which likes to showcase examples.

2016-05-28T06:10:10+00:00 devel/opendht Lightweight Distributed Hash Table implementation
A lightweight C++11 Distributed Hash Table implementation originally based on by Juliusz Chroboczek.

* Light and fast C++11 Kademlia DHT library.
* Distributed shared key->value data-store
* Clean and powerfull distributed map API with storage of arbitrary binary
values of up to 56 KB.
* Optional public key cryptography layer providing data signature and
encryption (using GnuTLS).
* IPv4 and IPv6 support.
* Python binding.

2016-05-27T19:58:42+00:00 sysutils/tmate-slave Instant terminal sharing server
Instant terminal sharing - server

2016-05-27T19:56:49+00:00 sysutils/tmate Instant terminal sharing
Instant terminal sharing

2016-05-27T18:16:40+00:00 sysutils/packetbeat Elasticsearch real-time network packet analytics
Beats is the platform for building lightweight, open source data
shippers for many types of operational data you want to enrich with
Logstash, search and analyze in Elasticsearch, and visualize in Kibana.
Whether you're interested in log files, infrastructure metrics, network
packets, or any other type of data, Beats serves as the foundation for
keeping a beat on your data.

Packetbeat is the open source data shipper that integrates with
Elasticsearch and Kibana to provide real-time analytics for web,
database, and other network protocols.

2016-05-27T18:16:40+00:00 sysutils/filebeat Collect logs locally and send to remote logstash
Beats is the platform for building lightweight, open source data
shippers for many types of operational data you want to enrich with
Logstash, search and analyze in Elasticsearch, and visualize in Kibana.
Whether you're interested in log files, infrastructure metrics, network
packets, or any other type of data, Beats serves as the foundation for
keeping a beat on your data.

Filebeat is a lightweight, open source shipper for log file data. As the
next-generation Logstash Forwarder, Filebeat tails logs and quickly
sends this information to Logstash for further parsing and enrichment or
to Elasticsearch for centralized storage and analysis.

2016-05-27T17:14:36+00:00 x11-themes/qt5-style-Kvantum SVG-based theme engine for Qt4/5, KDE and LXQT
Kvantum is an SVG-based theme engine for Qt4/Qt5, KDE and LXQT, with an
emphasis on elegance, usability and practicality.

Kvantum has a default dark theme, which is inspired by the default theme of
Enlightenment. Creation of realistic themes like that for KDE was my first
reason to make Kvantum but it goes far beyond its default theme: you could
make themes with very different looks and feels for it, whether they be
photorealistic or cartoonish, 3D or flat, embellished or minimalistic, or
something in between, and Kvantum will let you control almost every aspect
of Qt widgets.

2016-05-27T16:28:08+00:00 x11-themes/qt4-style-Kvantum SVG-based theme engine for Qt4/5, KDE and LXQT
Kvantum is an SVG-based theme engine for Qt4/Qt5, KDE and LXQT, with an
emphasis on elegance, usability and practicality.

Kvantum has a default dark theme, which is inspired by the default theme of
Enlightenment. Creation of realistic themes like that for KDE was my first
reason to make Kvantum but it goes far beyond its default theme: you could
make themes with very different looks and feels for it, whether they be
photorealistic or cartoonish, 3D or flat, embellished or minimalistic, or
something in between, and Kvantum will let you control almost every aspect
of Qt widgets.

2016-05-27T11:29:25+00:00 devel/cpputest Unit testing and mocking framework for C/C++
CppUTest is a C /C++ based unit xUnit test framework for unit testing and for
test-driving your code. It is written in C++ but is used in C and C++ projects
and frequently used in embedded systems.

CppUTest's core design principles:

* Simple to use and small
* Portable to old and new platforms
* Build with Test-driven Development in mind

2016-05-27T03:39:09+00:00 devel/py-pyqi Tools for developing and testing command line interfaces in Python
pyqi (canonically pronounced pie chee) is designed to support wrapping
general commands in multiple types of interfaces, including at the
command line, HTML, and API levels.

2016-05-26T15:20:36+00:00 textproc/py-parsimonious PEGs based parser in Python
Parsimonious aims to be the fastest arbitrary-lookahead parser written
in pure Python and the most usable. It's based on parsing expression
grammars (PEGs), which means you feed it a simplified sort of EBNF
notation. Parsimonious was designed to undergird a MediaWiki parser
that wouldn't take 5 seconds or a GB of RAM to do one page, but it's
applicable to all sorts of languages.

2016-05-26T03:24:23+00:00 security/pinentry-qt5 Qt 5 version of the GnuPG password dialog
2016-05-25T14:18:57+00:00 databases/ateam_mysql_ldap_auth A-Team MySQL LDAP authentication plugin
A-Team MySQL LDAP Authenticator (ateam_mysql_ldap_auth) is an authentication
plugin for MySQL 5.5.7 and up, and has been tested with 5.6 under FreeBSD.
This module allows you to create MySQL users that are then authenticated
against an LDAP server. This reduces administrative overhead and eliminates
your users having to remember a seperate username and password for MySQL.
Just like MySQL Enterprise's PAM module, for client side authentication
this plugin uses the clear_text password module as the LDAP server must
perform the password hasing and comparison. For command line clients this
is done by setting the following environment variable:


In MySQL Workbench this is acheived by going to go to the "Advanced" tab and
checking "Enable Cleartext Authentication Plugin" when editing a connction.

!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------
!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------
!!! By default MySQL does not use SSL so additional steps and network design
!!! are needed to ensure you're not exposing your credetials.

2016-05-25T13:59:07+00:00 devel/acsccid PC/SC driver for CS CCID smart card readers
acsccid is a PC/SC driver for Linux/Mac OS X and it supports ACS CCID
smart card readers. This library provides a PC/SC IFD handler
implementation and communicates with the readers through the PC/SC Lite
resource manager (pcscd).

2016-05-25T10:12:50+00:00 databases/pgreplay Replay SQL statements from a Postgresql Log
pgreplay reads a PostgreSQL log file (*not* a WAL file), extracts the
SQL statements and executes them in the same order and with the original
timing against a PostgreSQL database.

2016-05-24T19:43:59+00:00 devel/qbs Qbs Build Suite
Qbs is a tool that helps simplify the build process for developing projects
across multiple platforms. Qbs can be used for any software project,
regardless of programming language, toolkit, or libraries used.

Qbs is an all-in-one tool that generates a build graph from a high-level
project description (like qmake or CMake) and additionally undertakes
the task of executing the commands in the low-level build graph (like make).

2016-05-24T16:59:54+00:00 net/sock W. Richard Stevens' sock program plus IPv6 and SCTP
In TCP/IP Illustrated Vol. 1, Richard Stevens used a program called
"sock" to demonstrate the many properties of TCP/IP. This is a
standalone version, adapted and reworked by Christian Kreibich.

The program can be used to generate TCP or UDP packets for testing
various network features. It runs as either client or server.

This FreeBSD port is built on top of the original 0.3.2 tarball from
2010, above, downloaded from the webpage.

Version 0.4.2 of sock supports IPv6, SCTP and those socket options:
- IPv6:
o hop limit
o multicast hop limit
o disable/enable header flow label
o header traffic class
o don't fragment
- IPv4:
o don't fragment

2016-05-24T15:05:16+00:00 mail/msglint RFC 822/MIME/DSN/MDN/Tracking-Status message validator
RFC 822/MIME/DSN/MDN/Tracking-Status message validator

2016-05-24T08:33:27+00:00 www/moodle31 Course management system based on social constructionism
Moodle is a course management system (CMS) - a free, Open Source software
package designed using sound pedagogical principles, to help educators
create effective online learning communities. You can use it on any
computer you have handy (including webhosts), yet it can scale from a
single-teacher site to a 40,000-student University.

2016-05-24T02:56:56+00:00 x11-fonts/firacode Monospaced font with programming ligatures derived from Fira
Fira Code is a version of Mozilla's Fira Mono font with additional

It is an extension of the Fira Mono font containing a set of ligatures
for common programming multi-character combinations in languages
like erlang, elixir, haskell, ocaml, clojure, scala etc where these
symbols crop up frequently. This is just a font rendering feature:
underlying code remains ASCII-compatible. This helps to read and
understand code faster. For some frequent sequences like .. or //,
ligatures allow us to correct spacing.

2016-05-22T10:52:44+00:00 databases/py-sqlalchemy10 Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper 1.0.x
The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper

SQLAlchemy is the Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper that
gives application developers the full power and flexibility of SQL.

It provides a full suite of well known enterprise-level persistence
patterns, designed for efficient and high-performing database access,
adapted into a simple and Pythonic domain language.

2016-05-22T10:52:44+00:00 databases/py-sqlalchemy09 Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper 0.9.x
The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper

SQLAlchemy is the Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper that
gives application developers the full power and flexibility of SQL.

It provides a full suite of well known enterprise-level persistence
patterns, designed for efficient and high-performing database access,
adapted into a simple and Pythonic domain language.

2016-05-22T10:52:44+00:00 databases/py-sqlalchemy08 Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper 0.8.x
The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper

SQLAlchemy is the Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper that
gives application developers the full power and flexibility of SQL.

It provides a full suite of well known enterprise-level persistence
patterns, designed for efficient and high-performing database access,
adapted into a simple and Pythonic domain language.

2016-05-22T10:52:44+00:00 databases/py-sqlalchemy07 Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper 0.7.x
The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper

SQLAlchemy is the Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper that
gives application developers the full power and flexibility of SQL.

It provides a full suite of well known enterprise-level persistence
patterns, designed for efficient and high-performing database access,
adapted into a simple and Pythonic domain language.

2016-05-21T17:43:57+00:00 textproc/py-numpydoc Sphinx extension to support docstrings in Numpy format
Numpy's documentation uses several custom extensions to Sphinx. These
are shipped in this numpydoc package, in case you want to make use of
them in third-party projects.

2016-05-21T17:40:16+00:00 devel/py-codecov Hosted coverage reports for Github, Bitbucket and Gitlab
Python report uploader for Codecov.

2016-05-21T16:39:34+00:00 devel/p5-Data-URIEncode Allow complex data structures to be encoded using flat URIs
Data::URIEncode allows for encoding and decoding complex (multi level
datastructures) using native Query String manipulators (such as
It takes complex data and turns it into a flat hashref which can then be turned
into a URI query string using URL encoding. It also takes a flat hashref of
data passed in and translates it back to a complex structure.

2016-05-20T19:15:23+00:00 graphics/aseprite Animated sprite editor and pixel art tool
Aseprite is an open source program to create animated sprites.

Its main features are:
* Sprites are composed by layers & frames (as separated concepts).
* Supported color modes: RGBA, Indexed (palettes up to 256 colors),
and Grayscale.
* Load/save sequence of PNG files and GIF animations
* Export/import animations to/from Sprite Sheets.
* Tiled drawing mode, useful to draw patterns and textures.
* Undo/Redo for every operation.
* Real-time animation preview.
* Multiple editors support.
* Pixel-art specific tools like filled Contour, Polygon, Shading mode, etc.
* Onion skinning

2016-05-20T17:33:05+00:00 devel/rubygem-jasmine-core Test JavaScript without any framework dependencies
Test your JavaScript without any framework dependencies, in any environment,
and with a nice descriptive syntax.

2016-05-20T17:18:09+00:00 devel/rubygem-pqueue Priority queue class for Ruby
A priority queue is like a standard queue, except that each inserted
elements is given a certain priority, based on the result of the comparison
block given at instantiation time. Retrieving an element from the queue will
always return the one with the highest priority.

2016-05-20T16:57:33+00:00 sysutils/jobd Job management framework
jobd is a job management framework that allows daemons to be
launched in a controlled fashion using a JSON configuration
file for each job.

2016-05-19T18:40:34+00:00 www/rubygem-faye Simple pub/sub messaging for the web
A rubygem that provides simple pub/sub messaging for the web.

2016-05-19T18:38:49+00:00 www/rubygem-faye-websocket Standards-compliant WebSocket server and client
A rubygem providing a standards-compliant WebSocket server and client.

2016-05-19T18:36:38+00:00 www/rubygem-websocket-driver WebSocket protocol handler with pluggable I/O
A rubygem that provides a WebSocket protocol handler with pluggable I/O.

2016-05-19T18:33:31+00:00 www/rubygem-websocket-extensions Generic extension manager for WebSocket connections
A rubygem providing a generic extension manager for WebSocket connections.

2016-05-19T16:41:23+00:00 textproc/rubygem-pretty-xml Print well formatted XML
A rubygem to print well formatted XML.

2016-05-19T14:31:37+00:00 security/rubygem-digest-crc Adds support for CRC to the Digest module
Adds support for calculating Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) to the Digest module.
Pure Ruby implementation. Provides CRC Tables for optimized calculations.

2016-05-18T16:54:52+00:00 graphics/py3-pygraphviz
2016-05-18T16:50:21+00:00 devel/py3-nose
2016-05-18T16:23:35+00:00 graphics/py3-pillow
2016-05-17T22:27:36+00:00 databases/rubygem-activerecord-import Bulk import many records into an ActiveRecord DB
Extraction of the ActiveRecord::Base#import functionality from ar-extensions for
Rails 3 and beyond.

2016-05-17T20:30:57+00:00 www/py-django-otp Adding two-factor authentication to Django
This project makes it easy to add support for one-time passwords (OTPs) to
Django. It can be integrated at various levels, depending on how much
customization is required. It integrates with django.contrib.auth, although it
is not a Django authentication backend. The primary target is developers
wishing to incorporate OTPs into their Django projects as a form of two-factor

This project includes several simple OTP plugins and more are available
separately. This package also includes an implementation of OATH HOTP and TOTP
for convenience, as these are standard OTP algorithms used by multiple

2016-05-17T16:10:25+00:00 devel/p5-Mojolicious-Plugin-NYTProf Auto handling of Devel::NYTProf in your Mojolicious app
This plugin enables Mojolicious to automatically generate Devel::NYTProf
profiles and routes for your app, and sets up a route for viewing the
collected data.

2016-05-16T23:03:03+00:00 java/intellij-pycharm IntelliJ PyCharm Community Edition
IntelliJ PyCharm is an advanced IDE developed by JetBrains and
focused on developer productivity. PyCharm provides smart code
completion, code inspections, on-the-fly error highlighting and
quick-fixes, along with automated code refactorings and rich
navigation capabilities.

2016-05-16T19:48:57+00:00 cad/py-gdspy Python module for creating GDSII stream files
Gdspy is a Python module for creating GDSII stream files, usually CAD
layouts. It includes a layout viewer for the geometries created, and
it can also be used to import and merge GDSII files.

2016-05-16T18:08:23+00:00 mail/mu4e Emacs frontend for Mu
mu4e is an Emacs frontend for mu, a tool for dealing with e-mail
messages stored in the Maildir-format, on Unix-like systems.

2016-05-16T18:08:23+00:00 mail/mu4e-maildirs Maildirs extension for Mu4e
This is an mu4e extension to show a maildir summary in `mu4e-main-view`.

2016-05-16T17:43:22+00:00 devel/py-gyp Build System That Generates Other Build Systems
GYP is a Meta-Build system: a build system that generates other
build systems. It is intended to support large projects that need
to be built on multiple platforms (e.g., Mac, Windows, Linux), and
where it is important that the project can be built using the IDEs
that are popular on each platform as if the project is a "native" one.

2016-05-16T17:37:55+00:00 cad/rubygem-gdsii GDSII reader and writer
The GDSII Ruby Library provides an easy-to-use interface using
Ruby to reading and writing GDSII files.

2016-05-16T17:34:37+00:00 cad/py-lcapy Symbolic MDA Analysis Package for Linear Circuits
Lcapy is an experimental Python package for teaching linear circuit
analysis. It uses SymPy for symbolic mathematics.

Lcapy can analyse circuits described with netlists using modified
nodal analysis.

Alternatively, Lcapy can analyse networks and circuits formed by
combining one, two, and (some) three port networks.

2016-05-16T16:29:44+00:00 shells/zsh-navigation-tools Curses-based tools for Zshell, e.g. multi-word history searcher
Set of Zsh tools with features like incremental multi-word searching,
approximate matching, ANSI coloring, themes, unique mode, horizontal
scroll and advanced history management. Selected tools provided:
- n-history - full-screen history searcher and manager
- n-kill - browses process list, allows quick searching and
sending signal to selected process
- n-panelize - loads output of given command for browsing and
multi-word searching
- n-cd - browses dirstack and bookmarked directories, allows to
enter selected directory
- n-functions - browses functions, relegates editing to vared

Written in pure Zsh, with use of curses module. Can be configured from
zshrc. Binds n-history to Ctrl-R. Provides widgets for n-cd and n-kill.

2016-05-16T15:12:41+00:00 textproc/py-dbfread Read DBF files, returning data as native Python objects
Read DBF files with Python.

DBF is a file format used by databases such as dBase, Visual FoxPro
and FoxBase+. This library reads DBF files and returns the data as
native Python data types for further processing. It is primarily
intended for batch jobs and one-off scripts.

2016-05-16T11:52:36+00:00 lang/swift Swift programing language
The Swift Programming Language

2016-05-16T06:22:23+00:00 devel/extra-cmake-modules Extra modules and scripts for CMake
The Extra CMake Modules package, or ECM, adds to the modules provided
by CMake, including ones used by find_package() to find common
software, ones that can be used directly in CMakeLists.txt files
to perform common tasks and toolchain files that must be specified
on the commandline by the user.

2016-05-16T02:13:10+00:00 devel/py-pytvmaze Python interface to the TV Maze API
Python interface to the TV Maze API (

2016-05-16T02:07:15+00:00 www/py-pySmartDL Smart download manager for Python
pySmartDL strives to be a full-pleged smart download manager for Python.

2016-05-16T02:01:28+00:00 www/py-requests-futures HTTP library written in Python for human beings
Small add-on for the python requests http library. Makes use of python
3.2's concurrent.futures or the backport for prior versions of python.

2016-05-16T01:45:37+00:00 devel/py-pyhashxx Python wrapper for xxHash algorithm
Python wrapper of xxhash that supports concurrency

2016-05-16T01:40:50+00:00 math/py-intspan Finite element automatic tabulator
intspan is a set subclass that conveniently represents sets of integers. Sets
can be created from, and displayed as, integer spans such as 1-3,14,29,92-97
rather than exhaustive member listings.

2016-05-16T00:29:36+00:00 www/varnish-libvmod-maxminddb Varnish Module (vmod) for accessing maxminddb geoip data
Varnish Module (vmod) for accessing maxminddb geoip data

2016-05-15T18:07:11+00:00 misc/sent Simple plaintext presentation tool
Simple plaintext presentation tool.

2016-05-15T17:51:48+00:00 www/py-graphite-api Graphite-web, without the interface - just the rendering HTTP API

This is a minimalistic API server that replicates the behavior of Graphite-web,
pruned and simplified as much code as possible while keeping the basic
functionality. Optional caching is available using www/py-flask-cache.

2016-05-15T17:50:50+00:00 graphics/py-cairocffi CFFI-based Cairo bindings for Python

cairocffi is a CFFI-based drop-in replacement for Pycairo, a set of Python
bindings and object-oriented API for cairo. Cairo is a 2D vector graphics
library with support for multiple backends including image buffers, PNG,
PostScript, PDF, and SVG file output.

2016-05-15T17:49:55+00:00 devel/py-structlog Structured Logging for Python
Structured Logging for Python

Makes structured logging with key-value logging, incremental context building,
and arbitrary formatting easy.

2016-05-15T17:11:09+00:00 devel/rubygem-rice C++ interface to Rubys C API
Rice is a C++ interface to Ruby's C API. It provides a type-safe and
exception-safe interface in order to make embedding Ruby and writing Ruby
extensions with C++ easier. It is similar to Boost.Python in many ways, but
also attempts to provide an object-oriented interface to all of the Ruby C API.

2016-05-15T07:08:37+00:00 security/rubygem-openssl-ccm Implementation of RFC 3610 - Counter with CBC-MAC (CCM)
rubygem-openssl-ccm is an implementation of RFC 3610 - Counter with CBC-MAC

2016-05-15T07:04:12+00:00 devel/rubygem-patch_finder Generic Patch Finder
PatchFinder is a toolkit to find software patches.

2016-05-15T06:59:11+00:00 databases/rubygem-postgres_ext PostgreSQL data types extension for ActiveRecord
rubygem-postgres_ext adds missing native PostgreSQL data types to ActiveRecord
and convenient querying extensions to ActiveRecord and Arel for Rails 4.x

2016-05-15T06:54:15+00:00 databases/rubygem-pg_array_parser Fast PostreSQL array parsing
rubygem-pg_array_parser is a simple library to parse PostgreSQL arrays into an
array of strings.

2016-05-15T06:49:15+00:00 devel/rubygem-filesize Class for handling filesizes with both the SI and binary prefixes
rubygem-filesize is a small class for handling filesizes with both the SI and
binary prefixes, allowing conversion from any size to any other size.

2016-05-15T06:42:44+00:00 devel/rubygem-metasm Cross-architecture assembler, disassembler, linker, and debugger
Metasm is a cross-architecture assembler, disassembler, linker, and debugger.

2016-05-13T22:30:15+00:00 devel/openmp Open Multi-Processing runtime for LLVM/Clang
The OpenMP subproject of LLVM contains the components required to build an
executable OpenMP program that are outside the compiler itself.

Here you can find :

* the code for the runtime library against which code compiled by clang
-fopenmp must be linked before it can run.
* the library that supports offload to target devices (in "offload")
* the OpenUH test-suite used to validate the OpenMP runtime

2016-05-13T21:09:42+00:00 www/redmine-issue_templates Redmine project issue templates plugin
Redmine plugin to generate and use issue templates for each project to
assist issue creation.

2016-05-13T18:02:35+00:00 www/redmine-knowledgebase Knowledgebase functionality for Redmine
This plugin adds professional knowledgebase functionality to the Redmine
project management application.

2016-05-13T18:01:43+00:00 devel/rubygem-redmine_acts_as_taggable_on Redmine plugin support for acts-as-taggable-on
Allows multiple Redmine plugins to use tags safely

2016-05-13T18:00:48+00:00 devel/rubygem-acts-as-taggable-on Tag a single model on several contexts
With ActsAsTaggableOn, you can tag a single model on several contexts,
such as skills, interests, and awards. It also provides other advanced

2016-05-13T14:12:03+00:00 www/redmine-redcarpet_formatter Redmine plugin to support Markdown
This is a redmine plugin for supporting Markdown as a wiki format. This
plugin use Redcarpet which is GitHub's markdown wiki formatter.
Redcarpet is extreme fast and compatible GitHub's Wiki. They are
advantage from Redmine Markdown Formatter and Redmine Markdown Extra
Formatter. This code is originally Redmine Markdown Formatter and
Redmine reStructuredtext Formatter. I appreciate these guys.

2016-05-13T13:21:10+00:00 www/redmine-wiki_notes Redmine wiki notes plugin
Adds some macros to the wiki to display a note/info/warning/tip block

2016-05-13T12:56:02+00:00 www/redmine-stuff_to_do Redmine Stuff To Do plugin
The Stuff To Do plugin allows a user to order and prioritize the issues
they are doing into a specific order.

2016-05-13T12:19:47+00:00 www/redmine-qa_contact Redmine QA Contact plugin
A plugin to add QA Contact functionality (like in Bugzilla) to Redmine

2016-05-12T21:01:28+00:00 www/redmine-graphs Additional Redmine graphs
This plugin provides instances of Redmine a method with additional

2016-05-12T20:19:16+00:00 www/redmine-default_assign Assign Redmine tickets by default
Default assign is a Redmine plugin that allows you to define a default
person for new tickets to be assigned to.

2016-05-12T15:52:47+00:00 graphics/py-imagesize Get image size from png/jpeg/jpeg2000/gif file
This module analyzes JPEG/JPEG 2000/PNG/GIF/TIFF/SVG image headers and returns
image size.

2016-05-11T20:15:00+00:00 audio/forked-daapd DAAP (iTunes), MPD (Music Player Daemon) and RSP (Roku) media server
forked-daapd is a DAAP (iTunes), MPD (Music Player Daemon) and RSP (Roku) media
server. It is a complete rewrite of mt-daapd (Firefly Media Server).

It has support for AirPlay devices/speakers, Apple Remote (and compatibles),
MPD clients, Chromecast, network streaming, internet radio, Spotify and LastFM.

It does not support streaming video by AirPlay nor Chromecast.

DAAP stands for Digital Audio Access Protocol, and is the protocol used
by iTunes and friends to share/stream media libraries over the network.

RSP is Roku's own media sharing protocol. Roku are the makers of the
SoundBridge devices.

2016-05-11T19:37:27+00:00 devel/p5-Data-Sah-Normalize Normalize Sah schema
This often-needed functionality is split from the main Data::Sah to keep it in a
small and minimal-dependencies package.

2016-05-11T14:53:46+00:00 devel/cram Simple testing framework for command line applications
Cram is a functional testing framework for command line applications. Cram
tests look like snippets of interactive shell sessions. Cram runs each command
and compares the command output in the test with the command's actual output.

2016-05-11T14:44:06+00:00 lang/mosml Lightweight implementation of Standard ML
This is Moscow ML, a lightweight implementation of Standard ML:

The current version of Moscow ML
* implements the full Standard ML language, as revised 1997,
including Modules and some extensions
* yet is backwards compatible with versions prior to 2.00
* implements large parts of the new SML Basis Library
* implements separate compilation
* can produce compact stand-alone executables (a la Caml Light)
* supports quotations and antiquotations, useful for metaprogramming
* supports dynamic linking of external functions

2016-05-10T01:30:03+00:00 net/zmap Internet scanner
ZMap is a fast single packet network scanner designed for Internet-wide network
surveys. On a typical desktop computer with a gigabit Ethernet connection, ZMap
is capable scanning the entire public IPv4 address space in under 45 minutes.
With a 10gigE connection and PF_RING, ZMap can scan the IPv4 address space in
under 5 minutes.

2016-05-10T01:05:23+00:00 biology/seqan1 C++ Sequence Analysis Library
SeqAn is an open source C++ library of efficient algorithms
and data structures for the analysis of sequences with the
focus on biological data.

This port includes only the library, the apps have been
moved to biology/seqan-apps. This is the last release of
the version 1 API, it is highly recommended to upgrade to
biology/seqan (version 2).

2016-05-10T00:52:04+00:00 biology/seqan-apps Official bioinformatic applications based on the SeqAn library
SeqAn is an open source C++ library of efficient algorithms
and data structures for the analysis of sequences with the
focus on biological data.

This port contains applications built on SeqAn and developed
within the SeqAn project. Among them are famous read mappers
like RazerS and Yara, as well as many other tools. Some
applications are packaged separately and the library
can be found at biology/seqan.

2016-05-09T19:26:26+00:00 graphics/py-PyOpenGL OpenGL (and related library) interface for Python
PyOpenGL is an interface between the Python programming language and the OpenGL
library (and related libraries). The package provides interfaces to:

- The OpenGL library itself, which is a three-dimensional graphical
rendering interface. For more information, visit

- The GLU library which provides access to routines for doing
quadrics, tesselation etc.

- The GLUT (GL UTilitity) library from Mark Kilgard, which provides a
windowing environment.

- The Togl (Tk/OpenGL) widget from Brian Paul and Ben Benderson (an
alternative to GLUT which interfaces to Tk).

The Python bindings offer some value-added tools in addition to the
standard API, including support for fast processing of arrays of
coordinates, trackball support, etc.

2016-05-09T19:26:26+00:00 graphics/py-PyOpenGL-accelerate OpenGL acceleration code for PyOpenGL
This set of C (Cython) extensions provides acceleration of common
operations for slow points in PyOpenGL 3.x.

2016-05-09T16:37:44+00:00 biology/py-biom-format Biological Observation Matrix (BIOM) Format Project
The BIOM file format (canonically pronounced biome) is designed to be a
general-use format for representing biological sample by observation contingency
tables. BIOM is a recognized standard for the Earth Microbiome Project and is a
Genomics Standards Consortium supported project.

The BIOM format is designed for general use in broad areas of comparative
-omics. For example, in marker-gene surveys, the primary use of this format is
to represent OTU tables: the observations in this case are OTUs and the matrix
contains counts corresponding to the number of times each OTU is observed in
each sample. With respect to metagenome data, this format would be used to
represent metagenome tables: the observations in this case might correspond to
SEED subsystems, and the matrix would contain counts corresponding to the number
of times each subsystem is observed in each metagenome. Similarly, with respect
to genome data, this format may be used to represent a set of genomes: the
observations in this case again might correspond to SEED subsystems, and the
counts would correspond to the number of times each subsystem is observed in
each genome.

2016-05-09T12:50:38+00:00 lang/perl5.24 Practical Extraction and Report Language
Perl is a language that combines some of the features of C, sed, awk and
shell. See the manual page for more hype. There are also many books
published by O'Reilly & Assoc. See pod/perlbook.pod for more

2016-05-09T11:05:00+00:00 databases/adabase Thick database bindings for Ada
Thick database bindings for MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite written in Ada.

This is the third release of AdaBase, an abstraction library that provides
a consistent interface to multiple database servers. Currently three
drivers are provided, MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite. It's extensible, so
support for other databases such as Firebird, Oracle and MSSQL would be
easily possible.

AdaBase offers unique features over similar frameworks. For starters,
it's limited to database support rather than including many other unwanted
components in a "kitchen sink" fashion, and unneeded drivers can be
excluded from the library as desired. It's got a developer and commerce
friend license (ICS), it comes with good documentation and working
examples, and the bindings are thick enough where database server backends
can be interchangeable.

AdaBase may seem familiar to some users as it was partially inspired by
PHP's PDO database framework and is a sequel of sorts to an earlier
project by the same author, Pascal Data Objects.

2016-05-09T10:57:52+00:00 net/mlvpn Multi-link VPN
MLVPN allow to bond your internet links to increase bandwidth, secure your
internet connection by actively monitoring your links and removing the faulty
ones, without loosing your TCP connections and secure your internet connection
to the aggregation server using cryptography.

2016-05-08T16:42:17+00:00 devel/gitblit Open-source servlet for Git repositories
Gitblit is an open-source, pure Java stack for managing, viewing,
and serving Git repositories. It's designed primarily as a tool for
small workgroups who want to host centralized repositories.

Gitblit WAR is what you should download if you already have a servlet
container available that you wish to use. Jetty 6/7/8 and Tomcat 7
are known to work. Generally, any Servlet 2.5 or Servlet 3.0
container should work.

Gitblit can be used as a dumb repository viewer with no administrative
controls or user accounts. Gitblit can be used as a complete Git
stack for cloning, pushing, and repository access control. Gitblit
can be used without any other Git tooling (including actual Git)
or it can cooperate with your established tools.

2016-05-08T09:24:48+00:00 mail/p5-Email-Outlook-Message Read e-mail messages stored as .msg files
This module reads e-mail messages stored as .msg files (such as generated
by Outlook), and converts them to Email::MIME objects. It also includes a
command-line interface in the form of the msgconvert script.

Such files may be identified by file(1) as follows:
Composite Document File V2 Document

You do not need Outlook installed to use this module.

2016-05-07T19:24:41+00:00 devel/py3-pyicu
2016-05-07T00:38:27+00:00 net/samba44 Free SMB/CIFS and AD/DC server and client for Unix
Samba4 is an attempt to implement an Active Directory compatible Domain

In short, you can join a WinNT, Win2000, WinXP or Win2003 member server
to a Samba4 domain, and it will behave much as it does in AD, including
Kerberos domain logins where applicable.

2016-05-06T18:34:47+00:00 games/cockatrice Virtual tabletop client and server for multiplayer card games
Cockatrice is an open-source multiplatform supported program for playing
tabletop card games over a network. The program's server design prevents any
kind of client modifications to gain an unfair advantage in a game. The client
also has a built in single-player mode where you can brew without being
connected to a server. This project is written in C++/Qt with support for both
Qt4 and Qt5.

2016-05-06T15:02:46+00:00 databases/sqlite-ext-regexp Regular-expression matcher using NFA engine for SQLite
Regular-expression matcher for posix extended regular expressions
against UTF8 text.

Functions: regexp

2016-05-06T14:59:36+00:00 databases/sqlite-ext-spellfix Search large vocabulary for close matches for SQLite
This module implements the spellfix1 VIRTUAL TABLE that can be used
to search a large vocabulary for close matches using Levenshtein distance.

Virtual table:



editdist, editdist3, spellfix1_translit, spellfix1_phonehash,

2016-05-06T09:14:24+00:00 dns/gen6dns Tool to generate static DNS records for IPv6 hosts using SLAAC
gen6dns is a tool to generate static DNS records (AAAA and PTR) for hosts
using Stateless Address Autoconfig (SLAAC). If you have a list of hostnames,
mac addresses and ipv6 subnets gen6dns generates the appropriate AAAA and
PTR records for you. It supports different scopes and the generation of
view (split) specific files.

2016-05-06T08:45:02+00:00 biology/diamond BLAST-compatible local sequence aligner
DIAMOND is a BLAST-compatible local aligner for mapping protein and translated
DNA query sequences against a protein reference database (BLASTP and BLASTX
alignment mode). The speedup over BLAST is up to 20,000 on short reads at a
typical sensitivity of 90-99% relative to BLAST depending on the data and

2016-05-05T17:23:04+00:00 net/p5-TFTP TFTP client in Perl as described in RFC783
TFTP is a class implementing a simple
TFTP client in Perl as described in RFC783.

2016-05-05T13:44:59+00:00 www/node5 V8 JavaScript for client and server (5.x)
node - evented I/O for V8 javascript

2016-05-05T10:19:30+00:00 x11/altyo Drop-down terminal emulator, written in Vala
AltYo - Drop-down terminal emulator, written in Vala, depends only
on libvte and gtk3.

2016-05-02T23:06:21+00:00 www/sogo2-activesync
ActiveSync is an extension to SOGo that provides support
for the ActiveSync protocol to clients that supports

2016-05-02T23:04:58+00:00 www/sogo2 Groupware server with a focus on scalability and open standards
SOGo is a fully supported and trusted groupware server with a focus on
scalability and open standards. It provides a rich AJAX-based Web
interface and supports multiple native clients through the use of
standard protocols such as CalDAV, CardDAV and GroupDAV.

2016-05-02T23:03:07+00:00 devel/sope2 Extensive set of GNUstep web application frameworks
SOPE is an extensive set of frameworks which form a complete Web
application server environment. Besides the Apple WebObjects
compatible appserver extended with Zope concepts, it contains a large
set of reusable classes: XML processing (SAX, DOM, XML-RPC),
MIME/IMAP4 processing, LDAP connectivity, RDBMS connectivity, and
iCalendar parsing.

2016-05-01T20:27:56+00:00 www/squid-devel HTTP Caching Proxy
Squid is a fully-featured HTTP/1.0 proxy which is almost (but not quite)
HTTP/1.1 compliant. Squid offers a rich access control, authorization and
logging environment to develop web proxy and content serving applications.

2016-05-01T07:48:26+00:00 devel/libfwnt Library for Windows NT data types
libfwnt is a library for Windows NT data types.

2016-05-01T04:37:16+00:00 games/robocode-naval Game for learning Java[tm] programming language
Naval Robocode is a programming game, where the goal is to develop a robot
battle ship to battle against other ships in Java or .NET. The robot battles
are running in real-time and on-screen.
Naval Robocode is based on Robocode v1.9.2.1.

2016-04-30T18:37:51+00:00 net-p2p/go-ethereum Go implementation of the Ethereum y/w paper
Ethereum is a community-driven project aiming to decentralize the internet and
return it to its democratic roots. It is a platform for building and running
applications which do not need to rely on trust and cannot be controlled by
any central authority.

This is the Go implementation of Ethereum y/w paper

2016-04-30T01:08:02+00:00 misc/nms Recreate decrypting text effect from the Sneakers movie
"No More Secrets" is the name I've lovingly given to the infamous
"decrypting text" effect seen on screen in the 1992 hacker movie

This project provides tools to recreate this effect in your projects.

2016-04-29T22:28:18+00:00 devel/rubygem-pathutil Like Pathname but a little less insane
Pathutil tries to be a faster pure Ruby impelementation of Pathname. It arose
out of a need to fix basic problems with Pathname, such as suscepetibility to
join overrides, need for automatic encoding, and normalization (for stuff like
Jekyll) and the ability to do other safe-style operations in an encapsulated
format, like copying files and folders with symlinks but only if they originate
from the given root.

2016-04-29T22:27:40+00:00 devel/rubygem-extras Provides patches to stdlib that provide extra functions
Ruby Extras provides patches to stdlib that provide extra functions.

2016-04-29T22:27:16+00:00 devel/rubygem-forwardable-extended Forwardable with hash, and instance variable extensions
Forwardable Extended provides more Forwardable methods for your source as

2016-04-29T07:04:54+00:00 math/R-cran-Rmpfr R wrapper for the mpfr multiple precision library
Arithmetic (via S4 classes and methods) for arbitrary precision
floating point numbers, including transcendental ("special")
functions. To this end, Rmpfr interfaces to the LGPL'ed MPFR (Multiple
Precision Floating-Point Reliable) Library which itself is based
on the GMP (GNU Multiple Precision) Library.

2016-04-29T06:56:37+00:00 math/R-cran-gmp Multiple Precision Arithmetic
Multiple Precision Arithmetic (big integers and rationals, prime
number tests, matrix computation), "arithmetic without limitations"
using the C library GMP (GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic).

2016-04-29T02:04:01+00:00 games/Cockatrice Cross-platform virtual tabletop for multiplayer card games
Cockatrice is an open-source multiplatform supported program for playing
tabletop card games over a network. The program's server design prevents any
kind of client modifications to gain an unfair advantage in a game. The client
also has a built in single-player mode where you can brew without being
connected to a server. This project is written in C++/Qt with support for both
Qt4 and Qt5.

2016-04-28T19:03:30+00:00 sysutils/rubygem-capistrano-harrow Capistrano plugin for integration with
Capistrano::Harrow is a plugin for tighter integration with whilst
using Capistrano. is a continuous integration and deployment solution for people who
like software that works like Capistrano does.

2016-04-28T19:03:25+00:00 security/rubygem-airbrussh Replacement log formatter for SSHKit
Airbrussh is a concise log formatter for Capistrano and SSHKit. It displays
well-formatted, useful log output that is easy to read. Airbrussh also saves
Capistrano's verbose output to a separate log file just in case you need
additional details for troubleshooting.

2016-04-28T06:54:08+00:00 net/pecl-smbclient Smbclient wrapper extension
Smbclient is a PHP extension that uses Samba's libsmbclient library to
provide Samba related functions and 'smb' streams to PHP programs.

2016-04-27T18:16:26+00:00 textproc/py-sphinx-me Wrap README-only projects in a dynamic Sphinx shell
Do you have smaller Python projects that only need a README file for
documentation? Want to host your README on Read The Docs?

sphinx-me is a BSD licensed tool that will create a Sphinx documentation shell
for your project and include the README file as the documentation index. It
handles extracting the required meta data such as the project name, author and
version from your project for use in your Sphinx docs.

Once you use sphinx-me to build your Sphinx docs, you can then add your project
to the Read The Docs site and have your project's README hosted with an
attractive Sphinx documentation theme.

Your README file should be in a reStructuredText compatible format.

2016-04-27T11:15:42+00:00 sysutils/cronic Shell script that handles cron error detection
Cronic is a small shim shell script for wrapping cron jobs so that cron only
sends email when an error has occurred. Cronic defines an error as any
non-trace error output or a non-zero result code. Cronic filters Bash
execution traces (or anything matching PS4) from the error output, so jobs can
be run with execution tracing to aid forensic debugging.

2016-04-26T03:33:13+00:00 net-mgmt/resource-agents OCF Compliant Resource Agents
These resource agents are used by two cluster resource management

- Pacemaker
- rgmanager

More information about OCF resource agents is available in the OCF Resource
Agent Developer's guide, in the doc/dev-guides subdirectory.

2016-04-25T22:46:29+00:00 sysutils/powerdxx CPU clock speed/frequency daemon
The powerd++ daemon is a drop-in replacement for FreeBSD's native powerd(8).
It monitors the system load and adjusts the CPU clock accordingly

2016-04-25T15:52:26+00:00 mail/roundcube-carddav Roundcube CardDAV plugin
This is a plugin for the Roundcube webmailer to access CardDAV servers like
owncloud, davical, a Google addressbook or a davmail server. RCMCardDAV
supports autodiscovery of your addressbook url via well-known URLs so you can
just point it to your servers base url.

This port comes with Composer dependencies vendored in.

2016-04-25T09:07:06+00:00 security/p5-Crypt-Curve25519 Generate shared secret using elliptic-curve Diffie-Hellman function
Curve25519 is a state-of-the-art Diffie-Hellman function suitable for a wide
variety of applications.

Given a user's 32-byte secret key, Curve25519 computes the user's 32-byte public
key. Given the user's 32-byte secret key and another user's 32-byte public key,
Curve25519 computes a 32-byte secret shared by the two users. This secret can
then be used to authenticate and encrypt messages between the two users.

2016-04-24T10:19:31+00:00 net-im/oysttyer Interactive console text-based command-line Twitter client
An interactive console text-based command-line Twitter client written in Perl

2016-04-24T09:32:51+00:00 www/py-searx Privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine
Searx is a free internet metasearch engine which aggregates results
from more than 70 search services. Users are neither tracked nor profiled.
Additionally, searx can be used over Tor for online anonymity.

Get started with searx by using one of the public instances. If you don't
trust anyone, you can set up your own service.

* Self hosted
* No user tracking
* No user profiling
* About 70 supported search engines
* Easy integration with any search engine
* Cookies are not used by default
* Secure, encrypted connections (HTTPS/SSL)
* Hosted by organisations, such as La Quadrature du Net, which promote
digital rights

2016-04-24T07:14:53+00:00 devel/llvm-cheri128 LLVM and Clang with support for the CHERI architecture (128-bit)
2016-04-23T21:19:54+00:00 audio/py-soundcloud Friendly wrapper library for the Soundcloud API
py-soundcloud is a friendly wrapper around the `Soundcloud API`

2016-04-23T19:46:18+00:00 databases/py-psycopg2cffi Implementation of the psycopg2 module using cffi
psycopg2cffi is an implementation of the psycopg2 module using cffi, the C
Foreign Function Interface for Python. psycopg2 is a PostgreSQL database
adapter for the Python programming language.

2016-04-23T18:39:04+00:00 net/ipdecap Decapsulate traffic encapsulated within GRE, IPIP, 6in4, ESP protocols
Decapsulate traffic encapsulated within GRE, IPIP, 6in4 and ESP protocols
from a pcap file.

Can also remove IEEE 802.1Q (virtual lan - vlan) header.

2016-04-23T17:45:30+00:00 devel/py-simpleeval Simple, safe single expression evaluator python library
simpleeval is a single-file library for easily adding evaluatable expressions
into python projects. It can allow a user to, for example, set an alarm volume,
which could depend on the time of day, alarm level, how many previous alarms had
gone off, and if there is music playing at the time.

2016-04-23T16:46:38+00:00 devel/rubygem-arr-pm Read and write rpm packages
This library allows to you to read and write rpm packages. Written in pure ruby
because librpm is not available on all systems

2016-04-23T16:45:14+00:00 devel/rubygem-cabin Structured+contextual logging experiments in Ruby
Structured+contextual logging experiments in Ruby

2016-04-23T15:51:59+00:00 lang/gcc7-devel GNU Compiler Collection 7
GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection, supports a number of languages.
This port installs the C, C++, and Fortran front ends as gcc7, g++7,
and gfortran7, respectively.


Gerald Pfeifer <>
2016-04-23T15:08:18+00:00 archivers/rubygem-ruby-xz Ruby bindings for the liblzma library
These are simple Ruby bindings for the liblzma library
(, which is best known for the extreme compression
ratio. Since FFI is used to implement the bindings, no compilation is needed
and they should work with JRuby as well.

2016-04-23T12:46:57+00:00 devel/rubygem-corefines Refinements for extending Rubys built-in classes
Corefines is a collection of general purpose refinements for extending the core
capabilities of Ruby's built-in classes. It also provides a compatibility mode
for older Ruby versions and alternative Ruby implementations that don't support
refinements (yet).

2016-04-23T04:04:45+00:00 net/nats Messaging system written in Go
NATS is an open-source, cloud-native messaging system.

2016-04-22T13:46:21+00:00 devel/elixir-nadia Telegram Bot API Wrapper written in Elixir
Telegram Bot API Wrapper written in Elixir.

2016-04-22T13:03:41+00:00 multimedia/ffdec Flash decompiler
Opensource flash SWF decompiler and editor. Extract resources, convert
SWF to FLA, edit ActionScript, replace images, sounds, texts or fonts.
Various output formats available. Works with Java on Windows, Linux or

2016-04-22T10:50:27+00:00 devel/cloudabi Constants, types and data structures used by CloudABI
Nuxi CloudABI is an application binary interface for UNIX-like operating
systems built around the concept of capability-based security. In a
nutshell, it means that you can run processes directly on top of a UNIX
kernel while keeping complete control over the actions the process is
allowed to perform.

This port installs a set of header files that contain the definitions
that describe the ABI itself: all of the constants, types, structures
and system calls.

2016-04-20T18:46:49+00:00 www/py-django-annotations Django implementation of annotatorjs Storage
Django implementation of annotatorjs Storage.

2016-04-20T18:41:25+00:00 devel/py-django-rq-dashboard Monitor your RQ queues, jobs and workers from the Django admin
RQ is a simple task queue for queuing and processing jobs. django-rq-dashboard
is a web frontend to monitor your RQ queues, jobs and workers in realtime from
the Django admin.

2016-04-20T06:17:45+00:00 www/py-demjson encoder, decoder, and lint/validator for JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) compliant with RFC 7159
The "demjson" module, and the included "jsonlint" script, provide methods for
encoding and decoding JSON formatted data, as well as checking JSON data for
errors and/or portability issues. The jsonlint command/script can be used from
the command line without needing any programming. Although the standard Python
library now includes basic JSON support (which it did not when demjson was first
written), this module provides a much more comprehensive implementation with
many features not found elsewhere. It is especially useful for error checking
or for parsing JavaScript data which may not strictly be valid JSON data.

2016-04-19T15:19:05+00:00 sysutils/intel-nvmupdate NVM Update Utility for Intel(R) Ethernet Adapters
This package contains all the required files to update the NVM on the
Intel(R) Ethernet adapters in your system. It contains the NVMUpdate utility,
configuration file, updated NVM binaries, and required driver files.

2016-04-19T15:11:32+00:00 net/intel-ixl-kmod 40 gigabit FreeBSD Base Driver for Intel(R) Network Connections
This release includes the 40 gigabit FreeBSD Base Driver for Intel(R) Network

ixl driver supports all X710 and XL710-based 40 gigabit network connections.

2016-04-18T05:34:40+00:00 benchmarks/py-zopkio Functional and Performance Test Framework
Zopkio is a test framework built to support at scale performance and
functional testing.

2016-04-18T05:33:10+00:00 benchmarks/py-naarad Framework for performance analysis
Naarad is a framework for performance analysis & rating of sharded &
stateful services.

2016-04-18T05:31:57+00:00 math/py-luminol Light weight python library for time series data analysis
Luminol is a light weight python library for time series data analysis.
The two major functionalities it supports are anomaly detection and
correlation. It can be used to investigate possible causes of anomaly.

2016-04-18T01:12:27+00:00 x11-toolkits/p5-Gtk3 Perl module for Gtk+ 3.x graphical user interface library
Perl bindings to the 3.x series of the gtk+ toolkit. This module
allows you to write graphical user interfaces in a Perlish and
object-oriented way, freeing you from the casting and memory
management in C, yet remaining very close in spirit to original
API. Find out more about gtk+ at

The gtk+ reference manual is also a handy companion when writing
Gtk3 programs in Perl: The
Perl bindings follow the C API very closely, and the C reference
documentation should be considered the canonical source.

2016-04-16T23:01:43+00:00 mail/opensmtpd-extras-filter-dkim DKIM-signing filter for OpenSMTPD
2016-04-16T23:01:43+00:00 mail/opensmtpd-extras-filter-clamav Check messages with ClamAV in OpenSMTPD
2016-04-16T17:48:10+00:00 www/py-django-post_office Django app to monitor and send mail asynchronously
Django Post Office is a simple app to send and manage your emails in
Django. Some awesome features are:

* Allows you to send email asynchronously
* Multi backend support
* Supports HTML email
* Supports database based email templates
* Built in scheduling support
* Works well with task queues like RQ or Celery
* Uses multiprocessing to send a large number of emails in parallel
* Supports multilingual email templates (i18n)

2016-04-16T17:43:11+00:00 archivers/py-borgbackup Deduplicating backup program
[excerpt from borgbackup web site]

BorgBackup (short: Borg) is a deduplicating backup program. Optionally, it
supports compression and authenticated encryption.

The main goal of Borg is to provide an efficient and secure way to backup data.
The data deduplication technique used makes Borg suitable for daily backups
since only changes are stored. The authenticated encryption technique makes it
suitable for backups to not fully trusted targets.

2016-04-16T17:42:09+00:00 www/py-django-constance Dynamic Django settings
A Django app for storing dynamic settings in pluggable backends (Redis
and Django model backend built in) with an integration with the Django
admin app.

2016-04-16T17:31:35+00:00 archivers/py-rjsmin Fast javascript minifier for Python
rJSmin is a javascript minifier written in python. The minifier is based
on the semantics of jsmin.c by Douglas Crockford. The module is a
re-implementation aiming for speed, so it can be used at runtime
(rather than during a preprocessing step). Usually it produces the same
results as the original jsmin.c.

2016-04-16T17:27:05+00:00 archivers/py-rcssmin Fast CSS minifier for Python
This module is a re-implementation aiming for speed instead of maximum
compression, so it can be used at runtime (rather than during a
preprocessing step). RCSSmin does syntactical compression only (removing
spaces, comments and possibly semicolons). It does not provide semantic
compression (like removing empty blocks, collapsing redundant properties
etc). It does, however, support various CSS hacks (by keeping them
working as intended).

2016-04-16T16:49:21+00:00 mail/opensmtpd-extras-filter-regex Regular expression filter for OpenSMTPD
2016-04-16T16:49:21+00:00 mail/opensmtpd-extras-filter-pause Pause incoming OpenSMTPD messages to reduce spam
2016-04-16T16:49:21+00:00 mail/opensmtpd-extras-filter-dnsbl DNSBL-checking filter for OpenSMTPD
2016-04-16T10:03:49+00:00 devel/ File and Image -- Zope 3 Content Components
This package provides two basic Zope 3 content components, File and Image,
and their ZMI-compliant browser views.

2016-04-16T06:52:14+00:00 www/py-caldav CalDAV (RFC4791) client library
CalDAV (RFC4791) client library for Python.

Calendaring extensions to WebDAV, or CalDAV, is an Internet standard
allowing a client to access scheduling information on a remote
server. It extends WebDAV (HTTP-based protocol for data manipulation)
specification and uses iCalendar format for the data.

2016-04-16T01:55:24+00:00 mail/opensmtpd-extras-filter-spamassassin Spamassassin filter addon for OpenSMTPD
2016-04-16T01:37:52+00:00 mail/opensmtpd-extras-table-sqlite SQLite table support for OpenSMTPD
2016-04-16T01:37:52+00:00 mail/opensmtpd-extras-table-socketmap Socketmap table support for OpenSMTPD
2016-04-16T01:37:52+00:00 mail/opensmtpd-extras-table-redis Redis table support for OpenSMTPD
2016-04-16T01:37:52+00:00 mail/opensmtpd-extras-table-python Python table support for OpenSMTPD
2016-04-16T01:37:52+00:00 mail/opensmtpd-extras-table-postgresql PostgreSQL table support for OpenSMTPD
2016-04-16T01:37:52+00:00 mail/opensmtpd-extras-table-passwd passwd(5) table support for OpenSMTPD
2016-04-16T01:37:52+00:00 mail/opensmtpd-extras-table-mysql MySQL table support for OpenSMTPD
2016-04-14T21:45:57+00:00 devel/R-cran-gmodels Various R Programming Tools for Model Fitting
Various R Programming Tools for Model Fitting.

2016-04-14T19:06:55+00:00 www/rt44 Industrial-grade ticketing system written in Perl
RT is a battle-tested issue tracking system which thousands of
organizations use for bug tracking, help desk ticketing, customer
service, workflow processes, change management, network operations,
youth counselling and even more. Organizations around the world have
been running smoothly thanks to RT for over 10 years.

2016-04-14T19:06:40+00:00 graphics/kipi-plugin-googleservices ${${KIPI_PLUGIN}_DESC}
2016-04-14T17:48:51+00:00 devel/mdds0 Multi-dimensional data index algorithm
Multi-Dimensional Data Structure (mdds) is a collection of multi-dimensional
data structure and indexing algorithm.

2016-04-14T16:39:44+00:00 www/py-django-cors-headers Handles server headers required for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
A Django App that adds CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) headers to

2016-04-14T14:43:49+00:00 devel/uclcmd Command line tool for working with UCL config files
uclcmd is a command line tool for working with UCL config files.

Designed to be somewhat compatible with jq by implementing a very similar

2016-04-13T10:49:44+00:00 databases/tcl-lmdb Tcl interface to the Lightning Memory-Mapped Database
This is the Lightning Memory-Mapped Database (LMDB) extension for Tcl using the
Tcl Extension Architecture (TEA).

2016-04-13T10:47:14+00:00 net-mgmt/tornova Frontend for Tor
TorNova is a frontend to Tor written in Python, GTK 3, and Stem.

2016-04-12T13:36:39+00:00 databases/py-motor Non-blocking MongoDB driver for Tornado or asyncio
Motor presents a callback- or Future-based API for non-blocking access to
MongoDB from Tornado or asyncio.

2016-04-12T13:20:53+00:00 databases/pymongo28 Python driver for MongoDB
The PyMongo distribution contains tools for interacting with
the Mongo database from Python. The pymongo package is a native
Python driver for the Mongo database. The gridfs package is a
gridfs implementation on top of pymongo.

2016-04-11T22:53:21+00:00 net-mgmt/telegraf Time-series data collection
Telegraf is an open source agent written in Go for collecting metrics and data
on the system it's running on or from other services. Telegraf then writes the
data to InfluxDB in the correct format.

2016-04-11T19:06:05+00:00 devel/gvp Go Versioning Manager
Go Versioning Packager

gvp stands for Go Versioning Packager and is based on gst, a similar tool
that provides dependency isolation for Ruby gems.

The tool modifies your GOPATH to point to a local .godeps/ directory so
that you can keep the dependencies of your project isolated there,
it also modifies GOBIN and PATH to include the new GOPATH/bin directory.

gvp is a companion tool to gpm but both tools can be used independently
from each other.
2016-04-11T17:26:10+00:00 devel/p5-Test-Requires-Git Check your test requirements against the available version of Git
Test::Requires::Git checks if the version of Git available for testing meets the
given requirements.

The "current git" is obtained by running git --version (so the first git binary
found in the PATH will be tested).

If the checks fail, then all tests will be skipped.

2016-04-11T15:48:48+00:00 security/p5-Protocol-ACME Interface to the Let's Encrypt ACME API
Interface to the Let's Encrypt ACME API

2016-04-11T15:48:48+00:00 security/p5-Crypt-RSA-Parse Parse RSA keys
Parse RSA keys for useful information

2016-04-11T15:48:48+00:00 security/p5-Crypt-Format Conversion utilities for encryption applications
Conversion utilities for encryption applications

2016-04-11T12:19:48+00:00 devel/p5-Data-Page-Pageset Perl extension to simplify page number lists
Data::Page::Pageset is a generic pager object, so it's very
similar to Data::Page and Data::Pageset.

2016-04-11T06:31:44+00:00 devel/gpm Go Package Manager
gpm is a minimalist package manager for Go that leverages
the power of the go get command and the underlying version
control systems used by it to set your Go dependencies to
desired versions, thus allowing easily reproducible
builds in your Go projects.

Go Package Manager makes no assumptions about your
dependencies and supports Git, Bazaar and Mercurial
hosted Go packages, for a smoother workflow be sure to
check out gvp - the Go Versioning Packager which provides
dependency isolation for your projects.

2016-04-11T05:16:56+00:00 comms/yaac Platform-independent Java application for the APRS network
YAAC is a platform-independent Java application for monitoring and contributing
to the Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS) network.

2016-04-10T19:49:17+00:00 devel/vtable-dumper List content of virtual tables in a C++ shared library
List contents of virtual tables in a C++ shared library

It is intended for developers of software libraries and maintainers of Linux
distributions who are interested in ensuring backward binary compatibility.

2016-04-10T13:40:48+00:00 www/npm2 Node package manager
npm is a package manager for node. You can use it to install and publish your
node programs. It manages dependencies and does other cool stuff.

2016-04-10T12:27:48+00:00 net/libnss-pgsql NSS module using a PostgreSQL database for backend
libNSS-PostgreSQL allows you to authenticate UNIX groups and users
using a PostgreSQL database. It uses the NSS API which provides an
abstraction layer between the UNIX authentication API and the related
data. NSS-PostgreSQL currently supports the passwd and groups services.

2016-04-10T12:04:42+00:00 devel/zeal Offline documentation browser
Zeal is a simple offline documentation browser inspired by Dash.

- Save yourself from distractions, and keep all documentation you need
instantly available.
- Do not depend on your Internet connection or public Wi-Fi.
- Keep your documentation fresh with the built-in docset update system.
- Integrate Zeal with IDEA, Sublime Text, ViM, or your favourite IDE via
variety of plugins.

2016-04-10T10:37:36+00:00 databases/p5-App-Sqitch Sane database change management
Sqitch is a database change management application. What makes it
different from your typical migration-style approaches? A few things:

## No opinions

Sqitch is not integrated with any framework, ORM, or platform.
Rather, it is a standalone change management system with no opinions
about your database engine, application framework, or development

## Native scripting

Changes are implemented as scripts native to your selected database
engine. Writing a PostgreSQL application? Write SQL scripts for
psql. Writing a MySQL-backed app? Write SQL scripts for mysql.

## Dependency resolution

Database changes may declare dependencies on other changes -- even
on changes from other Sqitch projects. This ensures proper order
of execution, even when you've committed changes to your VCS

## No numbering

Change deployment is managed by maintaining a plan file. As such,
there is no need to number your changes, although you can if you
want. Sqitch doesn't much care how you name your changes.

## Iterative development

Up until you tag and release your application, you can modify your
change deployment scripts as often as you like. They're not locked
in just because they've been committed to your VCS. This allows you
to take an iterative approach to developing your database schema.
Or, better, you can do test-driven database development.

2016-04-10T01:12:58+00:00 graphics/vapoursynth-waifu2x-w2xc Waifu2x (waifu2x-converter-cpp) plugin for VapourSynth
Waifu2x plugin for VapourSynth, based on libw2xc from waifu2x-converter-cpp.

2016-04-10T01:12:26+00:00 multimedia/vapoursynth-l-smash-works L-SMASH source plugin for VapourSynth
L-SMASH source plugin for VapourSynth.

2016-04-10T01:10:59+00:00 multimedia/vapoursynth Video processing framework with simplicity in mind
VapourSynth is an application for video manipulation. Or a plugin. Or
a library. It's hard to tell because it has a core library written in
C++ and a Python module to allow video scripts to be created. It came
to be when I started thinking about alternative designs for Avisynth
and most of it was written over a 3 month period.

The software has been heavily inspired by Avisynth and aims to be a 21st
century rewrite, taking advantage of the advancements computers have
made since the late 90s. The main features compared to Avisynth are:

* Multithreaded - Frame level multithreading that scales well
* Generalized Colorspaces - New colorspaces can be specified at runtime
* Per Frame Properties - Additional metadata can be attached to frames
* Python Based - The scripting part is implemented as a Python module so you
don't have to learn a special language
* Support for video with format changes - Some video just can't stick to one
format or frame size. VapourSynth can handle any kind of change
* Compatible with a large number of already existing Avisynth plugins

2016-04-09T19:18:52+00:00 textproc/elasticsearch-plugin-migration ElasticSearch Migration Plugin
This plugin will help you to check whether you can upgrade directly to
Elasticsearch version 2.x, or whether you need to make changes to your data
before doing so. It will run on Elasticsearch versions 0.90.x to 1.x.

2016-04-08T18:09:51+00:00 databases/pecl-mongodb PECL classes for MongoDB
pecl-mongodb provides an interface for communicating with MongoDB in PHP.

2016-04-07T19:52:05+00:00 net/p5-AnyEvent-MQTT AnyEvent Perl module for MQTT client
AnyEvent::MQTT - AnyEvent module for an MQTT client

2016-04-07T19:51:27+00:00 net/p5-Net-MQTT Perl modules for MQTT protocol
Net::MQTT - Perl modules for MQTT Protocol (

Low level API for the MQTT protocol described at
IMPORTANT: This is an early release and the API is still subject to change.

2016-04-07T18:31:41+00:00 mail/rubygem-premailer-rails Improve the rendering of HTML emails
This gem brings you the power of the premailer gem to Rails
without any configuration needs. Create HTML emails, include
a CSS file as you do in a normal HTML document and premailer
will inline the included CSS.

2016-04-07T18:04:19+00:00 mail/rubygem-premailer Improve the rendering of HTML emails
Improve the rendering of HTML emails by making CSS inline,
converting links and warning about unsupported code.

2016-04-06T20:03:08+00:00 devel/p5-Time-ParseDate Date parsing, both relative and absolute
Flexible date and time handling via common-sense strings.

2016-04-06T18:36:20+00:00 www/rubygem-gollum-rugged_adapter Adapter for Gollum to use Rugged (libgit2) at the backend
Adapter for Gollum to use Rugged (libgit2) at the backend.

2016-04-06T18:32:39+00:00 net/rubygem-omniauth-auth0 Authentication broker supporting different identity providers
Auth0 is an authentication broker that supports social identity
providers as well as enterprise identity providers such as Active
Directory, LDAP, Google Apps, Salesforce. OmniAuth is a library
that standardizes multi-provider authentication for web applications.
It was created to be powerful, flexible, and do as little as possible.
omniauth-auth0 is the omniauth strategy for Auth0.

2016-04-06T17:59:34+00:00 net/sngrep SIP Packet display and capture
sngrep - SIP Messages flow viewer

sngrep is a terminal tool that groups SIP (Session Initiation Protocol)
Messages by Call-Id, and displays them in arrow flows similar to the used in
SIP RFCs. The aim of this tool is to make easier the process of learnig or
debugging SIP. It recognizes UDP, TCP and partially TLS SIP packets and
understands bpf filter logic in the same way ngrep and tcpdump does.

2016-04-06T16:09:05+00:00 devel/simavr Simulator for several Atmel AVR chips
This is a port of simavr, an AVR simulator using avr-gcc's register

2016-04-06T14:48:33+00:00 multimedia/l-smash MP4 muxer and other tools
L-SMASH is a cross-platform library for dealing with ISO Base Media
derived formats, including MP4.

2016-04-06T14:07:55+00:00 www/pecl-http2 Extended HTTP Support
pecl-http extension aims to provide a convenient and
powerful set of functionality for one of PHPs major
applications. It eases handling of HTTP URLs, dates,
redirects, headers and messages, provides means for
negotiation of clients preferred language and charset,
as well as a convenient way to send any arbitrary data
with caching and resuming capabilities. It provides
powerful request functionality too.

2016-04-06T13:04:40+00:00 devel/pecl-propro2 Facility to manage extension object properties
A facility to manage possibly persistent resources with a comprehensible API.
Provides simliar functionality like the zend_list API, but with more flexiblity
and freedom.

php70+ specific version only.

2016-04-06T03:23:41+00:00 textproc/zsh-syntax-highlighting Fish shell syntax highlighting for Zsh
Zsh-syntax-highlighting enables highlighting of commands whilst they
are typed at an interactive zsh prompt. This helps in reviewing
commands before running them, particularly in catching syntax errors.

2016-04-06T01:51:23+00:00 x11-fonts/noto-lite Google font family - lite version
Noto is Google's font family that aims to support all the world's languages.
Its design goal is to achieve visual harmonization across languages.
This is the light version.

2016-04-06T01:38:55+00:00 multimedia/ffms2 FFmpeg-based source library and VapourSynth plugin
FFmpegSource (usually known as FFMS or FFMS2) is a cross-platform
wrapper library around FFmpeg/libav. It gives you an easy, convenient
way to say "open and decompress this media file for me, I don't care
how you do it" and get frame- and sample-accurate access (usually),
without having to bother with the sometimes less than straightforward
and less than perfectly documented libav API.

2016-04-05T20:39:35+00:00 devel/pecl-raphf2 Resource and persistent handles factory
A facility to manage possibly persistent resources with a comprehensible API.
Provides simliar functionality like the zend_list API, but with more flexiblity
and freedom.

2016-04-05T18:00:09+00:00 sysutils/zap Maintain and replicate ZFS snapshots
Maintain and replicate ZFS snapshots

zap automates the management of zfs snapshots. With a few, simple
crontab entries, it can be used to create a comprehensive zfs backup
system. There are no configuration files. All parameters are supplied
on the command line or in zfs properties and all snapshot information
is stored in snapshot names.

zap plays nice with manually created snapshots or snapshots from other
tools. It will only operate on snapshots it creates.

2016-04-05T16:30:09+00:00 sysutils/mcollective-puppet-common MCollective common files to manage the Puppet Agent
The mcollective puppet agent manages the puppet agent via MCollective.

2016-04-05T16:30:09+00:00 sysutils/mcollective-puppet-client MCollective client to manage the Puppet Agent
2016-04-04T17:18:16+00:00 security/libadacrypt Crypto library for Ada with a nice API
This is a crypto library for Ada with a nice API and is written for the
i386 and x86_64 hardware architecture.

Symmetric cryptography supported:
* Blockciphers: AES, Twofish, 3DES, Serpent
* Hash functions: SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, Whirlpool
* Modes of operation: BPS, CFB, Ctr, OFB
* Authenticated Encryption Schemes: OCB, SIV, McOE

Assymmetric cryptography supported:
* DSA signature scheme

Unsigned big number library features:
* Primary cyclic group arithmetic (Z_p)
* Binary Field arithmetic support
* Elliptic Curve arithmetic

2016-04-04T05:43:14+00:00 devel/py-click-threading Multithreaded Click apps made easy
Utilities for multithreading in click.

2016-04-04T05:37:50+00:00 devel/py-click-log Logging integration for Click
Integrates logging with click.

2016-04-04T01:28:51+00:00 textproc/kibana45 Browser based analytics and search interface to ElasticSearch
Kibana is an open source (Apache Licensed), browser based analytics and search
dashboard for Elasticsearch. Kibana is a snap to setup and start using. Kibana
strives to be easy to get started with, while also being flexible and powerful,
just like Elasticsearch.

Kibana 4.5 is compatible with Elasticsearch 2.3.x.

2016-04-02T20:14:29+00:00 security/tls-check Scan a list of domains for TLS-related compliance stats
Scan a list of domains for TLS-related compliance stats.

2016-04-02T17:32:53+00:00 devel/p5-namespace-clean-xs Keep imports and functions out of your namespace, in XS
This module does the same thing as devel/p5-namespace-clean, but in
XS and with no dependencies.

2016-04-02T07:12:59+00:00 devel/p5-Test-HexDifferences Test binary as hexadecimal string
Test::HexDifferences tests binary as hexadecimal string.

2016-04-01T17:23:44+00:00 graphics/sekrit-twc-zimg Scaling, colorspace conversion, and dithering library
The "z" library implements the commonly required image processing
basics of scaling, colorspace conversion, and depth conversion. A
simple API enables conversion between any supported formats to operate
with minimal knowledge from the programmer. All library routines were
designed from the ground-up with flexibility, thread-safety, and
correctness as first priorities. Allocation, buffering, and I/O are
cleanly separated from processing, allowing the programmer to adapt
"z" to many scenarios.

2016-04-01T05:51:57+00:00 mail/py-email-reply-parser GitHubs Email Reply Parser library for python
A port of GitHub's Email Reply Parser library, by the fine folks at Zapier.

2016-04-01T05:38:48+00:00 devel/py-pytest-django Django plugin for py.test
pytest-django allows you to test your Django project/applications with the
pytest testing tool.

2016-04-01T05:15:01+00:00 devel/py-twine Collection of utilities for interacting with PyPI
Twine is a utility for interacting with PyPI.

2016-04-01T03:31:43+00:00 www/py-django-configurations Django project configuration using the composability of Python classes
django-configurations eases Django project configuration by relying on the
composability of Python classes. It extends the notion of Django's module based
settings loading with well established object oriented programming patterns.

2016-04-01T03:21:56+00:00 devel/py-exam Python toolkit for writing better tests
Exam is a Python toolkit for writing better tests. It aims to remove a lot of
the boiler plate testing code one often writes, while still following Python
conventions and adhering to the unit testing interface.

2016-04-01T03:15:27+00:00 devel/py-statsd Simple statsd client
statsd is a friendly front-end to Graphite. This is a Python client for the
statsd daemon.

2016-04-01T03:06:38+00:00 databases/py-rb Redis blaster
Rb is the fastest way to talk to many redis nodes. It can do routing as well as
blindly blasting commands to many nodes.

2016-04-01T02:57:28+00:00 www/py-ua-parser Tools for using a Web Server Gateway Interface stack
A python implementation of the UA Parser (,

2016-04-01T02:45:08+00:00 textproc/py-toronado Fast lxml-based CSS stylesheet inliner
Fast lxml-based CSS stylesheet inliner.

2016-03-31T20:49:13+00:00 devel/py-petname Generate human-readable, random object names
This utility will generate "pet names", consisting of a random combination of
an adverb, adjective, and proper name. These are useful for unique hostnames,
for instance.

2016-03-31T20:33:30+00:00 www/py-django-templatetag-sugar Library to make writing templatetags in Django sweet
A library to make writing templatetags in Django sweet.

2016-03-31T20:17:28+00:00 www/py-django-sudo Sudo mode is an extra layer of security for Django
django-sudo provides an extra layer of security for after a user is already
logged in. Views can be decorated with @sudo_required, and then a user must
re-enter their password to view that page. After verifying their password, that
user has elevated permissions for the duration of SUDO_COOKIE_AGE. This
duration is independent of the normal session duration allowing short elevated
permission durations, but retain long user sessions.

2016-03-31T19:49:07+00:00 www/py-django-social-auth Setup social authentication/authorization mechanism for Django
Django Social Auth is an easy way to setup social authentication/authorization
mechanism for Django projects.

2016-03-31T19:36:44+00:00 security/py-python-social-auth Python Social Auth is a social authentication/registration mechanism
Python Social Auth is an easy-to-setup social authentication/registration
mechanism with support for several frameworks and auth providers.

2016-03-31T19:18:58+00:00 www/py-django-recaptcha Django reCAPTCHA form field/widget integration app
Django reCAPTCHA form field/widget integration app.

2016-03-31T19:14:59+00:00 www/py-django-jsonfield Reusable JSONField model for Django to store ad-hoc data
django-jsonfield is a reusable Django field that allows you to store validated
JSON in your model.

2016-03-31T19:08:36+00:00 www/py-django-paging Paging module for Django
A simple and efficient paginator for django.

2016-03-31T18:01:42+00:00 www/gitlab Web GUI for managing git repositories
GitLab is version control for your server.
Upgrade manual:

Install manual:

2016-03-31T15:37:55+00:00 net/rubygem-fog-rackspace Module for the 'fog' gem to support Rackspace
Fog::Rackspace is a module for the 'fog' gem to support Rackspace.

2016-03-31T15:37:29+00:00 net/rubygem-fog-openstack Module for the 'fog' gem to support OpenStack clouds
Fog::Openstack is a module for the 'fog' gem to support OpenStack clouds.

2016-03-31T15:37:05+00:00 net/rubygem-fog-cloudatcost Module for the 'fog' gem to support CloudAtCost
Fog::CloudAtCost is a module for the 'fog' gem to support CloudAtCost services.

2016-03-31T15:32:49+00:00 misc/seabios Open source implementation of a 16bit X86 BIOS
Seabios is an open source implementation of a 16bit X86 BIOS. SeaBIOS can run in
an emulator or it can run natively on X86 hardware

2016-03-30T20:54:33+00:00 devel/p5-MooseX-Meta-TypeConstraint-Mooish Translate Moo-style constraints to Moose-style
Moose type constraints are expected to return true if the value
passes the constraint, and false otherwise; Moo "constraints", on
the other hand, die if validation fails.

This metaclass allows for Moo-style constraints; it will wrap them
and translate their Moo into a dialect Moose understands.

2016-03-30T20:00:27+00:00 databases/qt5-sqldrivers-tds
2016-03-30T18:29:27+00:00 www/sogo3-activesync
ActiveSync is an extension to SOGo that provides support
for the ActiveSync protocol to clients that supports

2016-03-30T18:27:28+00:00 www/sogo3 Groupware server with a focus on scalability and open standards
SOGo is a fully supported and trusted groupware server with a focus on
scalability and open standards. It provides a rich AJAX-based Web
interface and supports multiple native clients through the use of
standard protocols such as CalDAV, CardDAV and GroupDAV.

2016-03-30T18:24:42+00:00 devel/sope3 Extensive set of GNUstep web application frameworks
SOPE is an extensive set of frameworks which form a complete Web
application server environment. Besides the Apple WebObjects
compatible appserver extended with Zope concepts, it contains a large
set of reusable classes: XML processing (SAX, DOM, XML-RPC),
MIME/IMAP4 processing, LDAP connectivity, RDBMS connectivity, and
iCalendar parsing.

2016-03-30T06:41:55+00:00 games/zhlt Zoner's Half-Life compile tools
Zoner's Half-Life compile tools offer many improvements over the original
map compiling tools for Half-Life, such as better lighting quality, faster
vis times, switchable texture based lighting, support for brush entities
casting shadows, removal of "sticky" edges, support for 64-bit processors,
and much more.

Please note that these tools are for use with the Half-Life 1 engine (also
known as GoldSrc or GoldSource), not for the Source Engine used in Half-
Life 2. For the Source Engine, refer to Custom Source Tools (CST).

2016-03-29T14:49:53+00:00 devel/erlang-ssl_verify_fun Erlang library for certificate hostname validation
Erlang library for certificate hostname validation based on RFC 6125.

2016-03-29T13:19:56+00:00 devel/go-btree BTree implementation for Go
This package provides an in-memory B-Tree implementation for Go,
useful as a an ordered, mutable data structure.

2016-03-28T16:22:29+00:00 misc/binclock CLI binary clock
Binary clock to display time in binary format.

It supports showing the time with eight different colors,
and it can run a loop that prints the time every second.

2016-03-28T16:17:48+00:00 sysutils/dsbbatmon Qt battery monitor
DSBBatmon is a Qt battery monitor for FreeBSD. It displays the battery's
current status, capacity, and remaining time. It warns the user if the battery
capacity is low, and can automatically shut down or suspend the system if a
critical capacity is reached.

2016-03-28T12:19:21+00:00 net/rubygem-omniauth-cas3 CAS 3.0 Strategy for OmniAuth
CAS 3.0 Strategy for OmniAuth

2016-03-28T06:10:10+00:00 x11-toolkits/Xmt Motif Tools library
Xmt is a Motif Tools library, introduced in the book Motif Tools
(ISBN 1-56592-044-9). The Xmt Motif Tools library provides developers
of user interfaces tools that make Motif easier to use. Xmt consists
of the core library of additional widgets, utility programs, docs,
tutorials, and example code.

2016-03-28T02:51:39+00:00 www/plexwatchweb Web front-end for plexWatch
A web front-end for plexWatch

2016-03-28T02:22:56+00:00 textproc/rubygem-html-pipeline1 GitHub HTML processing filters and utilities
This library provides a handful of chainable HTML filters to
transform user content into markup. A filter takes an HTML
string or Nokogiri::HTML::DocumentFragment, optionally
manipulates it, and then outputs the result.

2016-03-27T19:11:06+00:00 multimedia/plexwatch Notify, Log Now Playing and Watched content from a Plex Media Server
Notify and log 'Now Playing', 'Watched' and 'Recently Added' content
from a Plex Media Server (...and more)

2016-03-27T15:31:06+00:00 devel/py-adb Pure-python implementation of ADB and Fastboot protocols
py-adb is mainly targeted to users that need to communicate with
Android devices in an automated fashion, such as in automated
testing. It does not have a daemon between the client and the device,
and therefore does not support multiple simultaneous commands to the
same device. It does support any number of devices and never
communicates with a device that it wasn't intended to, unlike the
Android project's ADB.

2016-03-27T15:30:29+00:00 devel/py-libusb1 Pure-python wrapper for libusb-1.0
Pure-python wrapper for libusb-1.0.

2016-03-27T15:11:14+00:00 devel/rubygem-sentry-raven Client interface for the Sentry error logger
The official Ruby-language client and integration layer for the Sentry error
reporting API.

2016-03-27T14:49:45+00:00 devel/rubygem-akismet Ruby client for the Akismet API
A Ruby client for the Akismet spam detection API

2016-03-26T18:51:21+00:00 multimedia/syncplay Synchronize video playback over networks
Syncplay synchronizes the playback of media files across several
remote machines. The Syncplay Client launches a media player on a
user's computer, connects to a Syncplay server and join a virtual
room on that server. Pauses, unpauses and seeks made within that
media player instance are relayed to fellow viewers via the server
to allow for these actions to be replicated by the media players
of everyone else in the same virtual room.

2016-03-26T18:19:26+00:00 net-mgmt/nagios-check_zpools Nagios plugin that checks zpool state
A Nagios/Icinga plugin to monitor ZFS Pools (zpools). It is based on "Check
Solaris ZFS Pools" but is completely rewritten.

2016-03-26T18:06:28+00:00 databases/puppetdb4 PuppetDB storeconfigs backend
The PuppetDB storeconfigs backend

2016-03-26T18:06:28+00:00 databases/puppetdb-terminus4 PuppetDB storeconfigs backend terminus module
The PuppetDB storeconfigs backend terminus module.

2016-03-26T16:53:33+00:00 databases/pg_citus Horizontally scale Postgresql using sharding and replication
What is Citus?

* Open-source PostgreSQL extension (not a fork)
* Scalable across multiple hosts through sharding and replication
* Distributed engine for query parallelization
* Highly available in the face of host failures

Citus horizontally scales PostgreSQL across commodity servers using
sharding and replication. Its query engine parallelizes incoming SQL
queries across these servers to enable real-time responses on large

2016-03-26T11:42:55+00:00 japanese/mecab-ipadic-utf8 Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab (UTF-8)
2016-03-26T11:42:55+00:00 japanese/mecab-ipadic-sjis Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab (Shift JIS)
2016-03-26T11:42:55+00:00 japanese/mecab-ipadic-eucjp Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab (EUC-JP)
2016-03-26T02:31:15+00:00 devel/libcppformat C++ Format is an open-source formatting library for C++
C++ Format is an open-source formatting library for C++. It can be used as a
safe alternative to printf or as a fast alternative to IOStreams.

2016-03-26T00:40:59+00:00 devel/rubygem-p4ruby Ruby bindings for the Perforce API
The Ruby bindings for the Perforce Client API provide convenient classes
within Ruby for communicating with Perforce SCM servers.

2016-03-25T12:42:44+00:00 devel/cmake-doc HTML and Qt Creator helpfiles for CMake
CMake is used to control the software compilation process using
simple platform and compiler independent configuration files. CMake
generates native makefiles and workspaces that can be used in the
compiler environment of your choice. CMake is quite sophisticated:
it is possible to support complex environments requiring system
configuration, pre-processor generation, code generation, and
template instantiation.

This port contains CMake's documentation in additional formats such as

2016-03-25T09:40:48+00:00 net/freediameter Open source Diameter protocol implementation
freeDiameter provides an extensible platform for deploying
a Diameter network for your Authentication, Authorization
and Accounting needs, whether you are involved in research
or a network operator.

2016-03-25T09:29:43+00:00 graphics/pdfpc Keynote-like multi-monitor presentation viewer
pdfpc is a GTK based presentation viewer application which uses Keynote
like multi-monitor output to provide meta information to the speaker
during the presentation. It is able to show a normal presentation window
on one screen, while showing a more sophisticated overview on the other
one providing information like a picture of the next slide, as well as
the left over time till the end of the presentation. The input files
processed by pdfpc are PDF documents, which can be created using nearly
any of today's presentation software.

2016-03-25T06:47:15+00:00 games/trenchbroom Cross-platform level editor for Quake-engine based games
TrenchBroom is a modern, cross platform level editor for Quake-engine based
games. It currently supports Quake, Quake 2, and Hexen 2, is easy to use,
and provides many simple and advanced tools to make complex and interesting
levels with ease. Some of its features:

- True 3D editing, no 2D views required
- High performance renderer with support for huge maps
- Vertex editing with edge and face splitting that will not create
invalid brushes
- Manipulation of multiple vertices at once (great for trisoup editing)
- Move, rotate, and flip brushes and entities
- Precise texture lock for all operations
- Smart entity property editors
- Graphical entity browser with drag and drop support
- Comprehensive texture application and manipulation tools
- Search and filter functions
- Unlimited undo and redo
- Point file support
- Support for FGD and DEF entity definition files, mods, and multiple
WAD files

2016-03-25T06:16:15+00:00 math/R-cran-survey Analysis of complex survey samples
Summary statistics, two-sample tests, rank tests, generalised linear models,
cumulative link models, Cox models, loglinear models, and general maximum
pseudolikelihood estimation for multistage stratified, cluster-sampled,
unequally weighted survey samples. Variances by Taylor series linearisation
or replicate weights. Post-stratification, calibration, and raking. Two-phase
subsampling designs. Graphics. PPS sampling without replacement. Principal
components, factor analysis.

2016-03-24T20:30:33+00:00 sysutils/mcollective-actionpolicy-auth MCollective Authorization plugin allowing fine grained ACLs
This is a plugin that provides fine grained action level authorization for
agents. Any MCollective agent plugins based on SimpleRPC can be restricted with
authorization plugins like this one.

2016-03-24T17:37:44+00:00 net-mgmt/crmsh Command-line interface for High-Availability cluster management
Configure, manage and troubleshoot clusters from the command line, with full
tab completion and extensive help. crmsh also provides advanced features like
low-level cluster configuration, cluster scripting, package management, and
history exploration tools giving you a complete insight into the state of your

2016-03-24T16:15:23+00:00 sysutils/cluster-glue High availability cluster libraries and utilities
Cluster Glue is a set of libraries, tools and utilities suitable for the
Heartbeat/Pacemaker cluster stack.

2016-03-24T16:14:27+00:00 devel/libcrossguid Minimal and cross platform C++ GUID library
CrossGuid is a minimal, cross platform, C++ GUID library.
It uses the best native GUID/UUID generator on the given platform
and had a generic class for parsing, stringifying, and comparing IDs.

2016-03-24T15:56:07+00:00 net/pacemaker Scalable High-Availability cluster resource manager
Pacemaker is an advanced, scalable High-Availability cluster resource manager
for Linux-HA (Heartbeat) and/or Corosync.

It supports "n-node" clusters with significant capabilities for managing
resources and dependencies.

It will run scripts at initialization, when machines go up or down, when
related resources fail and can be configured to periodically check resource
2016-03-24T15:34:42+00:00 net-mgmt/p5-Cisco-CopyConfig Cisco IOS running-config manipulation
Cisco::CopyConfig provides methods for manipulating the
running-config of devices running Cisco IOS via SNMP
directed TFTP. This module is essentially a wrapper for
Net::SNMP and the MIB schema.

2016-03-24T13:53:06+00:00 biology/jellyfish Fast, memory-efficient counting of k-mers in DNA
Jellyfish is a tool for fast, memory-efficient counting of k-mers in DNA.
A k-mer is a substring of length k, and counting the occurrences of all such
substrings is a central step in many analyses of DNA sequence. JELLYFISH can
count k-mers quickly by using an efficient encoding of a hash table and by
exploiting the "compare-and-swap" CPU instruction to increase parallelism.

2016-03-24T11:01:18+00:00 security/akmos Cryptographic library with low footprint
Akmos is a cryptographic library with CLI.

It supports:
- symmetric ciphering;
- computing message digests (hashes);
- calculating a message authentication code (MAC);

Depends only on the standard C library.
Primary develop for the x86_64 architecture.

2016-03-24T10:14:11+00:00 net/corosync Corosync Cluster Engine
The Corosync Cluster Engine is a Group Communication System with additional
features for implementing high availability within applications. The project
provides four C Application Programming Interface features:

* A closed process group communication model with virtual synchrony guarantees
for creating replicated state machines.
* A simple availability manager that restarts the application process when it
has failed.
* A configuration and statistics in-memory database that provide the ability
to set, retrieve, and receive change notifications of information.
* A quorum system that notifies applications when quorum is achieved or lost.

Corosync is used as a High Availability framework by projects such as Apache
Qpid and Pacemaker.

2016-03-24T05:55:32+00:00 sysutils/syslog-ng37 Powerful syslogd replacement
syslog-ng is an enhanced log daemon, supporting a wide range of input and
output methods: syslog, unstructured text, message queues, databases (SQL
and NoSQL alike) and more.

Key features:

* receive and send RFC3164 and RFC5424 style syslog messages
* work with any kind of unstructured data
* receive and send JSON formatted messages
* classify and structure logs with builtin parsers (csv-parser(),
db-parser(), ...)
* normalize, crunch and process logs as they flow through the system
* hand on messages for further processing using message queues (like
AMQP), files or databases (like PostgreSQL or MongoDB).

The official home page of syslog-ng is:
2016-03-24T05:55:32+00:00 sysutils/syslog-ng36 Powerful syslogd replacement
syslog-ng is an enhanced log daemon, supporting a wide range of input and
output methods: syslog, unstructured text, message queues, databases (SQL
and NoSQL alike) and more.

Key features:

* receive and send RFC3164 and RFC5424 style syslog messages
* work with any kind of unstructured data
* receive and send JSON formatted messages
* classify and structure logs with builtin parsers (csv-parser(),
db-parser(), ...)
* normalize, crunch and process logs as they flow through the system
* hand on messages for further processing using message queues (like
AMQP), files or databases (like PostgreSQL or MongoDB).

The official home page of syslog-ng is:
2016-03-23T18:52:07+00:00 devel/rubygem-deface Customize ERB, Haml and Slim views in a Rails application
Deface is a library that allows you to customize ERB, Haml and Slim
views in a Rails application without editing the underlying view.

2016-03-23T11:22:39+00:00 biology/bowtie2 Ultrafast, memory-efficient short read aligner
Bowtie is an ultrafast, memory-efficient short read aligner. It aligns short
DNA sequences (reads) to the human genome at a rate of over 25 million 35-bp
reads per hour.

2016-03-23T11:00:44+00:00 biology/slclust Single-linkage clustering with Jaccard similarity
Slclust is a utility that performs single-linkage clustering with the option of
applying a Jaccard similarity coefficient to break weakly bound clusters into
distinct clusters.

2016-03-23T10:49:17+00:00 devel/libqb High performance logging, tracing, ipc, and polling library
libqb is a library with the primary purpose of providing high performance
client server reusable features. It provides high performance logging, tracing,
ipc, and poll.

2016-03-22T05:13:29+00:00 devel/py-llfuse Python bindings for low-level FUSE API
Python-LLFUSE is a set of Python bindings for the low level FUSE API. It
requires at least FUSE 2.8.0 and supports both Python 2.x and 3.x. It runs
under Linux, OS-X, FreeBSD and NetBSD.

2016-03-21T21:14:05+00:00 sysutils/openhpi Hardware Platform Interface implementation
OpenHPI provides an open source implementation of the Service Availability
Forum (SAF) Hardware Platform Interface (HPI).

HPI is an abstracted interface for managing computer hardware, typically
chassis and rack based servers. HPI includes resource modeling; access to
and control over sensor, control, watchdog, and inventory data associated
with resources; abstracted System Event Log interfaces; hardware events and
alarms; and a managed hotswap interface.

2016-03-21T19:06:18+00:00 sysutils/epazote Automated HTTP (microservices) supervisor
Epazote automatically update/add services specified in a file call epazote.yml.
Periodically checks the defined endpoints and execute recovery commands in
case services responses are not behaving like expected helping with this to
automate actions in order to keep services/applications up and running.

2016-03-21T17:36:13+00:00 www/p5-WWW-Salesforce Simple abstraction layer between SOAP::Lite and
This class provides a simple abstraction layer between SOAP::Lite and Because SOAP::Lite does not support complexTypes, and
document/literal encoding is limited, this module works around those
limitations and provides a more intuitive interface a developer can
interact with.

2016-03-21T17:31:49+00:00 sysutils/mcollective-service-client MCollective client to manage the OS Services
2016-03-21T17:31:13+00:00 sysutils/mcollective-service-agent MCollective agent to manage the OS Services
2016-03-21T17:30:31+00:00 sysutils/mcollective-service-common MCollective common files to manage the OS Services
The mcollective service agent lets you stop, start, restart and query the
statuses of services via MCollective.

2016-03-21T17:29:07+00:00 sysutils/mcollective-nettest-client MCollective client to test ICMP and TCP connectivity
2016-03-21T17:28:28+00:00 sysutils/mcollective-nettest-agent MCollective agent to test ICMP and TCP connectivity
2016-03-21T17:27:45+00:00 sysutils/mcollective-nettest-common MCollective common files to test ICMP and TCP connectivity
The mcollective nettest agent lets you ping or test remote connections via

2016-03-21T17:17:42+00:00 net/rubygem-net-ping Collection of classes that provide different ways to ping computers
The net-ping library provides a ping interface for Ruby. It includes separate
TCP, HTTP, LDAP, ICMP, UDP, WMI (for Windows) and external ping classes.

2016-03-20T23:06:19+00:00 java/openjfx8-devel JavaFX SDK overlay for OpenJDK 8
OpenJFX is an open source, next generation client application platform for
desktop and embedded systems based on JavaSE. It is a collaborative effort by
many individuals and companies with the goal of producing a modern, efficient,
and fully featured toolkit for developing rich client applications.

2016-03-20T20:20:13+00:00 sysutils/hfm Run tests in parallel at high frequency
hfm is an application to run tests in parallel at a high frequency.
If the outcome of the test results in a state change, other commands
can be executed.

It is designed to be a general purpose, loosely-coupled tool, by
having both the tests and the state change commands be executed by
the operating system. For example, one could write the test in
shell or c, and have it called through the exec facility.

In practice, the overhead of spawning a new process per test limits
frequency that can be achieved by the tests, and their results.
Anecdotally, 5ms intervals have been seen to be achievable.

An example application is to poll other network services for health,
and to take actions based on their health status changes.

2016-03-20T19:38:08+00:00 graphics/s2tc Subset of a well-known texture compression scheme
S2TC's format specification is very easy to implement, so it is not hard to make
a working compressor or decompressor for it. It is based on Color Cell
Compression[1] from 1986, and decoding is done entirely using the methods from
there. Encoding is done using a search and refinement method that is derived
from the methods described in that paper.

This also makes this format a great platform for learning about texture
compression and how to tune a compressor for best quality.

S2TC is especially well suited for runtime (on-load) compression of textures, as
it is - in low quality settings - way faster than any other texture compressors
out there.

2016-03-20T16:47:39+00:00 devel/nsgenbind NetSurf Generator for JavaScript bindings
genjsbind is a tool to generate javascript to dom bindings from w3c webidl
files, and a binding configuration file.

2016-03-20T16:43:33+00:00 textproc/libcss Cascading Style Sheets library
LibCSS is a CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) parser and selection engine,
written in C.

2016-03-20T16:40:10+00:00 www/libdom Document Object Model library
LibDOM is an implementation of the W3C DOM, written in C.

2016-03-20T16:34:30+00:00 textproc/libutf8proc UTF8 Processing library
This is the Public software group utf8proc library repackaged as a
conveniance library for NetSurf.

This takes the unicode 5 capable version 1.1.6 of the library and
converts it to the NetSurf build system. additional API has been added
with a normalisation function but there are no data changes from

2016-03-20T16:30:37+00:00 textproc/libwapcaplet String internment library
LibWapcaplet is a string internment library, written in C.
It provides reference counted string interment and rapid string comparison

2016-03-20T16:26:14+00:00 www/libhubbub HTML5 parser library
Hubbub is an HTML5 compliant parsing library, written in C. It was developed
as part of the NetSurf project.

2016-03-20T16:22:42+00:00 graphics/libnsgif NetSurf GIF Decoder
Libnsgif is a decoding library for the GIF image file format, written in C.
It was developed as part of the NetSurf project.

2016-03-20T16:18:27+00:00 graphics/libnsbmp NetSurf BMP decoder
Libnsbmp is a decoding library for BMP and ICO image file formats, written
in C.
It was developed as part of the NetSurf project.

2016-03-20T16:14:36+00:00 devel/libnsutils NetSurf generalised utility library
NetSurf generalised utility library.

2016-03-20T15:58:24+00:00 devel/netsurf-buildsystem NetSurf project build system
This package privides the NetSurf shared buildsystem.

2016-03-20T13:33:02+00:00 devel/py-re2 Python wrapper for Google RE2 using Cython
pyre2 is a Python extension that wraps Google's RE2 regular expression
library. It implements many of the features of Python's built-in re
module with compatible interfaces.

2016-03-20T12:11:02+00:00 graphics/rigsofrods-pagedgeometry OGRE plugin for real-time dense forests
The PagedGeometry engine is an add-on to Ogre which provides highly
optimized methods for rendering massive amounts of small meshes,
covering a possibly infinite area. This is especially well suited for
dense forests and outdoor scenes, with millions of trees, bushes,
grass, rocks, etc.

2016-03-20T12:10:41+00:00 graphics/rigsofrods-caelum OGRE plugin for atmospheric effects
Caelum is a plug-in/library for Ogre targeted to help create
nice-looking (photorealistic if possible) atmospheric effects such as
sky colour, clouds and weather phenomena such as rain or snow.

2016-03-20T11:17:27+00:00 converters/py-bencoder Simple bencode decoder/encoder library in pure Python
A simple bencode decoder/encoder library in pure Python.

2016-03-19T19:53:02+00:00 comms/sdr-wspr WSPR receiver/decoder using libsdr
A WSPR receiver/decoder using libsdr. This implementation embeds the original
WSPR Fortran code into a libsdr processing node, allowing to assemble a WSPR
receiver for various sources easily.

2016-03-19T17:45:23+00:00 multimedia/libdcadec DTS Coherent Acoustics decoder with support for HD extensions
dcadec is a free DTS Coherent Acoustics decoder with support for HD extensions.

Supported features:
Decoding of standard DTS core streams with up to 5.1 channels
Decoding of DTS-ES streams with discrete back channel
Decoding of High Resolution streams with up to 7.1 channels and extended bitrate
Decoding of 96/24 core streams
Lossless decoding of Master Audio streams with up to 7.1 channels, 192 kHz
Downmixing to stereo and 5.1 using embedded coefficients

Features not implemented:
Decoding of DTS Express streams
Applying dynamic range compression and dialog normalization

2016-03-19T17:11:58+00:00 devel/py-pyicu Python extension wrapping IBM's ICU C++ API #'
PyICU is a python extension wrapping IBM's ICU C++ API.
PyICU is supported on Mac OS X, Linux (32- and 64-bit) and Windows.

2016-03-19T08:38:33+00:00 mail/p5-Mail-Box-IMAP4-SSL Missing part of Mail::Box::IMAP4
This is a thin subclass of Mail::Box::IMAP4 to provide IMAP
over SSL (aka IMAPS).
It hides the complexity of setting up Mail::Box::IMAP4
with IO::Socket::SSL, Mail::IMAPClient and Mail::Transport::IMAP4.

In all other respects, it resembles Mail::Box::IMAP4.
See that module for documentation.

2016-03-19T07:50:55+00:00 devel/p5-superclass Like parent, but with version checks
Allows you to both load one or more modules, while setting up
inheritance from those modules at the same time.

If a module in the import list is followed by something that
doesn't look like a legal module name,
the VERSION method will be called with it as an argument.

2016-03-18T14:14:41+00:00 sysutils/parafly Process multiple commands in parallel on a single server
Given a file containing a list of Unix commands, multithreading is used to
process the commands in parallel on a single server. Success/failure is
captured, and failed commands are retained and reported.

2016-03-17T17:45:45+00:00 security/greenbone-security-assistant Libraries module for the GVM solution
The Greenbone Security Assistant is the web interface developed for the
Greenbone Security Manager appliances.

It connects to the Greenbone Vulnerability Manager GVM to provide a
full-featured user interface for vulnerability management.

Greenbone Security Assistant consists of GSA - The webpage written in React
and GSAD - The HTTP server talking to the GVM daemon

2016-03-17T12:57:25+00:00 security/openvas-scanner OpenVAS scanner
The Open Vulnerability Assessment System (OpenVAS) is a framework of several
services and tools offering a comprehensive and powerful vulnerability
scanning and vulnerability management solution.

This package contains the OpenVAS Scanner which executes Network Vulnerability
Tests (NVTs) provided by the OpenVAS NVT Feed or a commercial feed service.

2016-03-17T12:57:25+00:00 security/openvas-manager OpenVAS manager
The Open Vulnerability Assessment System (OpenVAS) is a framework of several
services and tools offering a comprehensive and powerful vulnerability
scanning and vulnerability management solution.

This package contains the OpenVAS Manager which provides services on top of
the OpenVAS Scanner to manage scan results, configurations and user access

2016-03-17T12:57:25+00:00 security/openvas-cli OpenVAS command-line interface and Nagios plugin
The Open Vulnerability Assessment System (OpenVAS) is a framework of several
services and tools offering a comprehensive and powerful vulnerability
scanning and vulnerability management solution.

This package contains a command-line tool to control the OpenVAS Manager and
a Nagios plugin.

2016-03-17T08:21:14+00:00 biology/trimmomatic Flexible read trimming tool for Illumina NGS data
Trimmomatic performs a variety of useful trimming tasks for illumina
NGS paired-end and single ended data.

2016-03-16T20:12:32+00:00 biology/p5-transdecoder Identify candidate coding regions within transcript sequences
TransDecoder identifies candidate coding regions within transcript sequences,
such as those generated by de novo RNA-Seq transcript assembly using Trinity,
or constructed based on RNA-Seq alignments to the genome using Tophat and

2016-03-16T13:00:10+00:00 games/linux-unigine-valley Unigine Valley Benchmark, basic version, linux binaries
Valley Benchmark is a new GPU stress-testing tool from the developers
of the very popular and highly acclaimed Heaven Benchmark. The
forest-covered valley surrounded by vast mountains amazes with its
scale from a bird's-eye view and is extremely detailed down to every
leaf and flower petal. This non-synthetic benchmark powered by the
state-of-the art UNIGINE Engine showcases a comprehensive set of
cutting-edge graphics technologies with a dynamic environment and
fully interactive modes available to the end user.

This port includes the linux-binaries of the basic (free-to-use)
version of the benchmark.

2016-03-16T12:59:06+00:00 graphics/mapcache Server that implements tile caching to speed up access to WMS layers
MapCache is a server that implements tile caching to speed up access
to WMS layers. It's primary objectives are to be fast and easily
deployable, while offering the essential features (and more!) expected
from a tile caching solution.

2016-03-16T12:58:46+00:00 devel/p8-platform Platform support library used by libCEC and binary add-ons for Kodi
Platform support library used by libCEC and binary add-ons for Kodi

2016-03-16T01:50:50+00:00 devel/ Foreign function interface for bash is a bash plugin that provides a foreign function interface directly
in your shell. In other words, it allows you to call routines in shared
libraries from within bash.

2016-03-15T17:26:50+00:00 net/py-kafka-python Pure python client for Apache Kafka
This module provides low-level protocol support for Apache Kafka as well as
high-level consumer and producer classes. Request batching is supported by the
protocol as well as broker-aware request routing. Gzip and Snappy compression
is also supported for message sets.

2016-03-15T17:19:11+00:00 net/kafkacat Generic command line non-JVM Apache Kafka producer and consumer
kafkacat is a generic non-JVM producer and consumer
for Apache Kafka. Think of it as a netcat for

2016-03-15T16:27:41+00:00 games/tesseract Smooth FPS with map editing, instagib, DM and CTF
Tesseract is a first-person shooter game focused on instagib deathmatch
and capture-the-flag gameplay as well as cooperative in-game map editing.

Tesseract provides a unique open-source engine derived from Cube 2
Sauerbraten technology but with upgraded modern rendering techniques.
The new rendering features include fully dynamic omnidirectional
shadows, global illumination, HDR lighting, deferred shading,
morphological/temporal/multisample anti-aliasing, and much more.

2016-03-15T16:27:41+00:00 games/tesseract-data Data files for Tesseract first-person shooter
Data files for Tesseract first-person shooter.

2016-03-15T13:48:00+00:00 net-mgmt/zabbix3-server Enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring (${PKGNAMESUFFIX:S/^-//}) LTS
Zabbix is an enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring solution.

Zabbix is software that monitors numerous parameters of a network and the
health and integrity of servers. Zabbix uses a flexible notification
mechanism that allows users to configure e-mail based alerts for virtually
any event. This allows a fast reaction to server problems. Zabbix offers
excellent reporting and data visualisation features based on the stored
data. This makes Zabbix ideal for capacity planning.

2016-03-15T13:48:00+00:00 net-mgmt/zabbix3-proxy
2016-03-15T13:48:00+00:00 net-mgmt/zabbix3-frontend
2016-03-15T13:48:00+00:00 net-mgmt/zabbix3-agent
2016-03-15T12:49:11+00:00 net/socketw Cross platform C++ streaming socket library
SocketW is a cross platform (Linux/FreeBSD/Unix/Win32) streaming socket C++
library designed to be easy to use. It supports Unix sockets and TCP/IP sockets
with optional SSL/TLS (OpenSSL) support. SocketW allows you to write portable
and secure network applications quickly without needing to spend time learning
low-level system functions or reading OpenSSL manuals.

2016-03-15T10:46:20+00:00 devel/py-docker-py API client for docker written in Python
A Python library for the Docker Remote API. It does everything the docker
command does, but from within Python: run containers, manage them, pull/push
images, etc.

2016-03-15T09:41:30+00:00 www/rtv Commandline client for reddit
Reddit Terminal Viewer allows you to view and interact with reddit
from your terminal.

2016-03-15T09:34:55+00:00 devel/py-kitchen Kitchen contains a cornucopia of useful code
Kitchen aims to pull these small snippets of code into a few python modules
which you can import and use within your project.

2016-03-15T05:16:59+00:00 misc/teslams Node.js implementation of Tesla Model S API client
An implementation in Node.js of the client-side interface to the Tesla
Model S API, along with various utilities that exercise the API.

2016-03-15T01:27:20+00:00 textproc/p5-Perl-Critic-Tics Extra policies for Perl::Critic
The Perl-Critic-Tics distribution includes extra policies for Perl::Critic to
address a fairly random assortment of things that make me (rjbs) wince.

2016-03-15T01:27:20+00:00 textproc/p5-Perl-Critic-Swift Additional policies for Perl::Critic
Some Perl::Critic policies to make your code more clean.

2016-03-15T01:27:20+00:00 textproc/p5-Perl-Critic-Pulp Collection of add-on policies for Perl::Critic
This is a collection of add-on policies for Perl::Critic. They're under a
"pulp" theme plus other themes according to their purpose (see "POLICY THEMES"
in Perl::Critic).

2016-03-15T01:27:20+00:00 textproc/p5-Perl-Critic-More Supplemental policies for Perl::Critic
This is a collection of Perl::Critic policies that are not included in the
Perl::Critic core for a variety of reasons:


Some policies need some time to work out their kinks, test usability, or
gauge community interest. A subset of these will end up in the core
Perl::Critic someday.

Requires special dependencies

For example, some policies require development versions of PPI (or some
other CPAN module). These will likely end up in the Perl::Critic core when
their dependencies are fulfilled.

Peripheral to Perl

For example, the Editor::RequireEmacsFileVariables policy is metacode.
Also, the Miscellanea::RequireRcsKeywords policy pertains to the
development process, not the code itself. These are not part of
Perl::Critic's mission.

Special purpose

For example, policies like CodeLayout::RequireASCII designed to scratch
itches not felt by most of the community. These will always remain in a
Perl::Critic supplement instead of in the core.

2016-03-15T01:27:20+00:00 textproc/p5-Perl-Critic-Moose Policies for Perl::Critic concerned with using Moose
Some Perl::Critic policies that will help you keep your code in good shape with
regards to Moose.

2016-03-15T01:27:20+00:00 textproc/p5-Perl-Critic-Itch Collection of Perl::Critic Policies
Perl::Critic::Itch was created to fulfill some special requests when analyzing
Perl Code. This policies, may not be useful to everyone, and surely not
consensual, but they solve some little itches I had, and it makes me sleep
better at night!

2016-03-14T22:15:54+00:00 sysutils/dsbmc Qt client for DSBMD that lets you mount media, and more
DSBMC is a Qt client for DSBMD. It allows you to mount, unmount, open media
in a file manager, set the reading speed of a CD/DVD or play a CD/DVD.

2016-03-14T22:07:56+00:00 sysutils/dsbmd Media mounting daemon
DSBMD is a media/filesystem type detecting daemon that allows clients to mount
storage devices.

DSBMD watches the mount table for changes, monitors devd events for new storage
devices, polls CD/DVD drives and card readers for media change events, deter-
mines media types, volume names, and filesystem types. Mountable devices,
changes in the mount table as well as device add/remove events and altered
states of mountable devices are presented to clients. Clients can request DSBMD
to mount, unmount, and eject media, or set the CD/DVD reading speed.

2016-03-14T22:02:52+00:00 sysutils/dsbdriverd Hardware detecting, device driver loading daemon
DSBDriverd is a daemon that automatically tries to find and load the suitable
driver(s) for your PCI and USB hardware.

2016-03-14T21:56:05+00:00 security/cisco-torch Mass Cisco Vulnerability Scanner
Cisco-torch is a mass Cisco Vulnerability Scanner.

The main feature that makes Cisco-torch different from similar
tools is the extensive use of forking to launch multiple scanning
processes on the background for maximum scanning efficiency. Also,
it uses several methods of application layer fingerprinting simultaneously,
if needed. We wanted something fast to discover remote Cisco hosts running
Telnet, SSH, Web, NTP and SNMP services and launch dictionary attacks
against the services discovered.

2016-03-14T21:38:21+00:00 devel/libarea CAM-related software for profile and pocketing operations
libarea is a CAM-related software for profile and pocketing operation.

This project provides library and associated python-modules to compute
profile and pocket operations.

libarea is used by HeeksCNC and FreeCAD's Path workbench.

Written by Dan Heeks <danheeks @ gmail>

2016-03-14T19:50:34+00:00 sysutils/sample Examine periodic stack traces of all running processes
A program for examining periodic stack traces of all running processes.

2016-03-14T15:09:40+00:00 devel/p5-List-SomeUtils Provide the stuff missing in List::Util
List::SomeUtils provides some trivial but commonly needed functionality on lists
which is not going to go into List::Util.

All of the below functions are implementable in only a couple of lines of Perl
code. Using the functions from this module however should give slightly better
performance as everything is implemented in C. The pure-Perl implementation of
these functions only serves as a fallback in case the C portions of this module
couldn't be compiled on this machine.

2016-03-14T15:09:24+00:00 devel/p5-List-SomeUtils-XS XS implementation for List::SomeUtils
List::SomeUtils::XS is XS implementation for List::SomeUtils.

2016-03-14T14:45:32+00:00 sysutils/showbeastie Preview FreeBSD loader logos
Preview FreeBSD loader logos in your terminal
2016-03-14T13:15:51+00:00 net/py-s3transfer Amazon S3 Transfer Manager for Python
Amazon S3 Transfer Manager for Python.

2016-03-14T12:41:06+00:00 devel/py-pyte Simple VTXXX-compatible terminal emulator
Its an in memory VTXXX-compatible terminal emulator. XXX stands for a series
of video terminals, developed by DEC between 1970 and 1995.

2016-03-14T05:30:35+00:00 net/rubygem-omniauth-azure-oauth2 Azure OAuth2 Strategy for OmniAuth
An Windows Azure Active Directory OAuth2 strategy for OmniAuth

2016-03-13T14:55:35+00:00 devel/p5-Git-Version-Compare Functions to compare Git versions
Git::Version::Compare contains a selection of subroutines that make dealing with
Git-related things (like versions) a little bit easier.

The strings to compare can be version numbers, tags from git.git or the output
of git version or git describe.

These routines collect the knowledge about Git versions that was accumulated
while developing Git::Repository.

2016-03-13T14:41:44+00:00 audio/dsbmixer Tabbed Qt mixer for FreeBSD
DSBMixer is a tabbed Qt mixer for FreeBSD. For each installed mixer device
as well as for USB sound devices plugged in at runtime, DSBMixer opens a tab.
Furthermore, it allows you to configure several aspects of your sound card(s),
such as selecting recording sources, choosing your default audio device, and

2016-03-13T13:40:38+00:00 devel/gitlab-shell GitLab Shell handles git commands for GitLab
GitLab Shell handles git commands for GitLab
and modifies the list of authorized keys.

2016-03-13T13:06:26+00:00 mail/p5-Email-MIME-RFC2047 Correct handling of non-ASCII MIME headers
This set of modules tries to provide a correct and usable
implementation of RFC 2047
"MIME Part Three: Message Header Extensions for Non-ASCII Text"

- As a replacement of 'text' tokens, for example in a Subject header
- As a replacement for a 'word' entity within a 'phrase',
for example, one that precedes an address in a From,
To, or Cc header

2016-03-13T12:56:00+00:00 devel/gitlab-workhorse Smart reverse proxy for GitLab
Gitlab-workhorse is a smart reverse proxy for GitLab. It handles "large"
HTTP requests such as file downloads, file uploads,
Git push/pull and Git archive downloads.

2016-03-13T12:46:02+00:00 www/gitlab-workhorse Smart reverse proxy for GitLab
Gitlab-workhorse is a smart reverse proxy for GitLab. It handles "large"
HTTP requests such as file downloads, file uploads,
Git push/pull and Git archive downloads.

2016-03-13T07:08:42+00:00 dns/dnsviz Analysis and visualization of DNS/DNSSEC behavior
Tool suite for analysis and visualization of Domain Name System
(DNS) behavior, including its security extensions (DNSSEC). The
Web-based analysis is run from the same software.

2016-03-12T21:01:15+00:00 textproc/jo Small utility to create JSON objects
jo creates a JSON string on stdout from words given it as arguments or read
from stdin. Without option -a it generates an object whereby each word is a
key=value (or key@value) pair with key being the JSON object element and value
its value. jo attempts to guess the type of value in order to create number
(using strtod(3)), string, or null values in JSON.

2016-03-12T19:31:35+00:00 print/cups-connector Share CUPS printers via Google Cloud Print
Share printers from your computer with ChromeOS and Android devices, using the
Cloud Print Connector. The Connector is a purpose-built system process. It can
share hundreds of printers on a powerful server, or one printer on a Raspberry

2016-03-12T16:51:47+00:00 devel/erlang-metrics Generic interface to metrics systems in Erlang
A generic interface to folsom or exometer or any compliant interface.

2016-03-12T15:39:11+00:00 devel/jenkins2 Open-source continuous integration server
In a nutshell Jenkins CI is the leading open-source continuous integration
server. Built with Java, it provides over 300 plugins to support building
and testing virtually any project.

2016-03-12T15:00:42+00:00 audio/pd-cyclone Pd library of clones of Max/MSP 4.5 objects
Cyclone is a library of PureData classes, bringing some level of
compatibility between Max/MSP and Pd environments. The original
goal of cyclone was to create a collection of Max/MSP objects for
PureData. This was in the 2000s area, Max/MSP version 4.6. Since
then MAX evolved its architecture and file format to something that
is incompatible with PureData. Compatibility in patch file level
is limited to this very old version of Max/MSP.

2016-03-12T14:30:00+00:00 sysutils/puppetserver Puppet Server running in the JVM
Puppet master is a Ruby application that compiles configurations
for any number of Puppet agent nodes, using Puppet code and various
other data sources. (For more info, see Overview of Puppet's

Puppet Server is an application that runs on the Java Virtual Machine
(JVM) and provides the same services as the classic Puppet master
application. It mostly does this by running the existing Puppet
master code in several JRuby interpreters, but it replaces some
parts of the classic application with new services written in

2016-03-10T21:39:56+00:00 www/graylog-web-interface Web Interface for Graylog
Web Interface for Graylog
2016-03-10T21:38:43+00:00 sysutils/graylog Tool for centralized log collection
Graylog is a centralized log server that accepts various structured
and unstructred log data. Logs are stored in Elasticsearch. Graylog
let's you search and analyze logs using a REST HTTP API.

2016-03-10T16:40:46+00:00 textproc/elasticsearch2-plugin-marvel ElasticSearch Marvel Monitoring Plugin
Marvel is an Elasticsearch management tool. This tool is free for
development use but requires a license to be used in production.

2016-03-10T16:23:24+00:00 devel/py-attrs Python attributes without boilerplate
attrs is an MIT-licensed Python package with class decorators
that ease the chores of implementing the most common attribute-related
object protocols:

>>> import attr
>>> @attr.s
... class C(object):
... x = attr.ib(default=42)
... y = attr.ib(default=attr.Factory(list))
>>> i = C(x=1, y=2)

(If you don't like the playful attr.s and attr.ib, you can also use their
no-nonsense aliases attr.attributes and attr.attr).

You just specify the attributes to work with and attrs gives you:

a nice human-readable __repr__,
a complete set of comparison methods,
an initializer,
and much more

without writing dull boilerplate code again and again.

2016-03-09T17:03:10+00:00 textproc/elasticsearch-plugin-marvel2 ElasticSearch Marvel Monitoring Plugin
Marvel is an Elasticsearch management tool. This tool is free for
development use but requires a license to be used in production.

2016-03-09T02:21:21+00:00 sysutils/freefilesync Backup software to synchronize files and folders
FreeFileSync is a free Open Source software that helps you synchronize
files and synchronize folders for Windows, Linux, FreeBSD and Mac OS X.
It is designed to save your time setting up and running backup jobs while
having nice visual feedback along the way.

2016-03-08T17:49:44+00:00 ports-mgmt/portest Patch file automation for FreeBSD-ports
With portest, you can create, update, patch and revert a port tree with
svn, git and portsnap. Portest can also do portlint testing, test a port
with port test, or poudriere, and also generate a list of ports a
patchfile(s) will modify. Portest is written in shell with minimal
dependencies mostly using FreeBSD-base

2016-03-07T21:07:19+00:00 dns/py-tldextract Separate the TLD from the registered domain and subdomains of a URL
Python module for separating the TLD from the registered domain and subdomains
of a URL, using the Public Suffix List.

2016-03-07T20:12:06+00:00 math/pecl-bitset2 PECL extension for manipulating bitsets
This extension for PHP provides routines for manipulating bitsets.

2016-03-07T08:49:02+00:00 graphics/libyuv Library for freeswitch yuv graphics manipulation
libyuv is an open source project that includes YUV scaling and conversion

- Prepare content for compression, with point, bilinear or box filter.
- Convert to YUV from webcam formats.
- Convert from YUV to formats for rendering/effects.
- Rotate by 90/180/270 degrees to adjust for mobile devices in portrait mode.
- Optimized versions for SSE2/SSSE3/AVX2 on x86/x64,
Neon on Arm, DSP R2 Mips are possible.

2016-03-07T06:15:25+00:00 textproc/zenxml Simple XML processing using C++
Zenxml is an XML library serializing structured user data in a convenient
way. Using compile-time information gathered by techniques of template
metaprogramming it minimizes the manual overhead required and frees the
user from implementing fundamental type conversions by himself.

2016-03-07T05:23:22+00:00 devel/py-update_checker Python module that will check for package updates
A python module that will check for package updates.

2016-03-06T16:58:19+00:00 math/geogebra Dynamic software that joins geometry, algebra, and calculus
GeoGebra is a dynamic mathematics software that joins geometry,
algebra and calculus. It is developed for education in secondary
schools by Markus Hohenwarter at the University of Salzburg.

You can do constructions with points, vectors, segments, lines,
conic sections as well as functions and change them dynamically
afterwards. Equations and coordinates can be entered directly.
Thus, GeoGebra has the ability to deal with variables for numbers,
vectors and points, finds derivatives and integrals of functions
and offers commands like Root or Extremum.

GeoGebra received several international awards including the European
and German educational software award.

2016-03-06T06:17:12+00:00 devel/rubygem-unicode-display_width Get the display size of a string
An early draft of a way to determine the size of the characters using
EastAsianWidth.txt, based on the very early draft of a Ruby interface to
UnicodeData.txt by runpaint.

2016-03-06T06:16:28+00:00 devel/rubygem-kafo_wizards Create wizard like interfaces in terminal applications
With this gem it is possible to define form or wizard and display it to the user
using one of the defined backends. The form definition is independent on the
chosen backend so it can be changed freely. Currently only command line
(highline) backend is implemented, YAD or web based backend is planed.

2016-03-06T06:15:43+00:00 devel/p5-Test2-Suite Distribution with a rich set of tools built upon the Test2 framework
Rich set fo tools, plugins, bundles, etc built upon the Test2 testing library.

2016-03-06T06:15:22+00:00 devel/p5-Test2 Framework for writing test tools that all work together
Test2 is a new testing framework produced by forking Test::Builder, completely
refactoring it, adding many new features and capabilities.

2016-03-06T02:41:50+00:00 devel/py-pyinotify Python interface to (lib)inotify
Python library for (lib)inotify

2016-03-05T19:57:23+00:00 net-mgmt/bgpuma Searching BGP update files
bgpuma is a program for searching BGP update files created by MRT
or Zebra/Quagga for CIDR blocks and/or Autonomous Systems. Given
a list of CIDR blocks, it looks for those CIDR blocks which match
the list, are contained in the list, or are contained by the list.
For Autonomous Systems, it looks for routes that are announced by
the given system.

It is based on the library created by RIPE called bgpdump and SiLK,
created by CERT.

2016-03-05T19:05:32+00:00 sysutils/catfish GTK search utility
Catfish is a GTK based search utility.

2016-03-05T17:18:37+00:00 x11-fonts/terminus-ttf Terminus Font - a clean fixed width font (TTF version)
Terminus TTF is a TrueType version of the great Terminus Font, a
fixed-width bitmap font optimized for long work with computers.

It is useful for applications that don't support bitmap fonts
e.g. Java applications.

2016-03-05T16:56:02+00:00 sysutils/tarsnap-periodic Simple way of making tarsnap backups using the periodic system
Script that uses the periodic system to create and manage tarsnap
backups. Easily configured via /etc/periodic.conf

2016-03-05T15:02:58+00:00 x11/xcbautolock XCB base autolocker
XCB base user activity monitor. It fires up a progam if nothing happens during a
user configurabel period of time. It respects the screensaver settings

2016-03-05T13:21:26+00:00 biology/bowtie Ultrafast, memory-efficient short read aligner
Bowtie is an ultrafast, memory-efficient short read aligner. It aligns short
DNA sequences (reads) to the human genome at a rate of over 25 million 35-bp
reads per hour.

2016-03-04T22:54:36+00:00 math/mathmod Mathematical modeling software
MathMod is a mathematical modeling software that visualize and animate implicit
and parametric surfaces.

MathMod supports: 3D and 4D plotting and animation, OBJ output file format,
Texture and pigmentation support, Noise and Turbulence effects support, Large
set of scripted examples.

2016-03-04T16:34:48+00:00 devel/py-positional Library to enforce positional or key-word arguments
positional provides a decorator which enforces only some args may be passed
positionally. The idea and some of the code was taken from the oauth2 client
of the google-api client.

The decorator makes it easy to support Python 3 style key-word only

2016-03-04T14:57:38+00:00 devel/pragmarcs PragmAda Reusable Components
PragmAda Reusable Components (PragmARCs) from PragmAda S/W Engineering

Provides basic to high-level reusable components to reduce requirements
to write new code by 50%. An non-comprehensive component list:

* ANSI TTY control * Assertion handler * Assignment
* Unbounded bags * Binary searcher * Binary semaphores
* Regex matcher * Complex numbers * Date handler
* Card deck handler * Concurrent forwarder * Genetic algorithm
* New getline * fast string hashing * Extended num. images
* Signed int. images * Least squares fitting * Linear eq. solver
* Bounded lists * Unbounded lists * Extended maths
* GCD/LCM Int. functs * Generic math functs * Matrix maths
* Text menu handler * Min/Max functions * Mix case converter
* Concurrent monitor * Postfix calculator * Protected options
* Bounded queues * Blocking queues * Quick searcher
* Generic Regex * REM neural network * Safe pointers
* Safe suspension * Safe semaphores * Discrete operations
* Skip lists * Generic heap sort * Generic insert sort
* Quick in-place sort * Generic radix sort * General stacks
* 3-way comparisons * Random Num. generator * and more!

2016-03-04T06:19:25+00:00 mail/imapdedup Duplicate email message remover
IMAPdedup is a Python script ( that looks for duplicate
messages in a set of IMAP mailboxes and tidies up all but the first
copy of any duplicates found.

2016-03-03T21:31:40+00:00 x11-toolkits/gstreamer1-plugins-gtksink GStreamer gtksink plugin
2016-03-03T14:36:51+00:00 security/openssl-devel TLSv1.3 capable SSL and crypto library
The OpenSSL Project is a collaborative effort to develop a robust,
commercial-grade, full-featured, and Open Source toolkit implementing
the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL v3) and Transport Layer Security (TLS v1,
v1.1, v1.2, v1.3) protocols with full-strength cryptography world-wide.
The project is managed by a worldwide community of volunteers that use
the Internet to communicate, plan, and develop the OpenSSL tookit
and its related documentation.

OpenSSL is based on the excellent SSLeay library developed by Eric
A. Young and Tim J. Hudson. The OpenSSL toolkit is licensed under
an Apache-style licence, which basically means that you are free
to get and use it for commercial and non-commercial purposes subject
to some simple license conditions.

2016-03-03T10:21:30+00:00 devel/libconcurrent Tiny asymmetric-coroutine library
Tiny asymmetric-coroutine library:
- generator bidirectional communication with yield_value/resume_value
- native context switch
- C11

2016-03-03T10:11:10+00:00 devel/git-cvs Tool to incrementally import changesets from CVS into Git
Tool to incrementally import changesets from CVS into a Git repository with
stable commit hashes.

2016-03-03T05:30:43+00:00 audio/deadbeef-vu-meter-plugin VU meter plugin for DeaDBeeF audio player
This is a VU meter plugin for DeaDBeeF audio player.

2016-03-03T03:13:47+00:00 graphics/hugin-2016 GUI for Panorama Tools, to stitch panoramic images
A GUI for Panorama Tools, to stitch panoramic images.

With hugin you can assemble a mosaic of photographs into a complete
immersive panorama, stitch any series of overlapping pictures and much

The standard port for hugin is graphics/hugin. This version is the
release candidate (RC1) for the 2016.0.0 version. When it is
released, the graphics/hugin port will be updated to install it, and
this version will go away.

If you run into problems with this version, please report them on the!forum/hugin-ptx forum.

2016-03-02T09:22:59+00:00 mail/roundcube-markasjunk2 Roundcube mark-as-junk / mark-as-not-junk plugin
This plugin adds "mark as spam" or "mark as not spam" button to the message
menu. When not in the Junk mailbox, messages are moved into the Junk mailbox
and marked as read. When in the Junk mailbox, the buttons are changed to "mark
as not spam" or "this message is not spam" and the message is moved to the
Inbox. The learning driver allows you to perform additional processing on each
message marked as spam/ham.

2016-03-01T20:34:41+00:00 net/ipxe Open source network boot firmware
iPXE is the leading open source network boot firmware. It provides a
full PXE implementation enhanced with additional features such as:
* boot from a web server via HTTP
* boot from an iSCSI SAN
* boot from a Fibre Channel SAN via FCoE
* boot from an AoE SAN
* boot from a wireless network
* boot from a wide-area network
* boot from an Infiniband network
* control the boot process with a script

2016-03-01T16:39:31+00:00 devel/p5-Import-Base Import a set of modules into the calling module
This module makes it easier to build and manage a base set of imports. Rather
than importing a dozen modules in each of your project's modules, you simply
import one module and get all the other modules you want. This reduces your
module boilerplate from 12 lines to 1.

2016-03-01T14:29:34+00:00 www/py-django-htmlmin HTML minifier for Python
django-html is an HTML minifier for Python, with full support for HTML 5.
It supports Django, Flask and many other Python web frameworks. It also
provides a command line tool, that can be used for static websites or
deployment scripts.

2016-03-01T10:06:53+00:00 devel/cheritrace-devel Library and tool for interacting with CHERI streamtraces
Library and associated tool for reading streamtraces for the CHERI processor.

2016-03-01T03:45:23+00:00 devel/p5-MooX-TypeTiny Optimized type checks for Moo + Type::Tiny
This module optimizes Moo type checks when used with Type::Tiny to
perform better. It will automatically apply to isa checks and coercions
that use Type::Tiny. Non-Type::Tiny isa checks will work as normal.

This is done by inlining the type check in a more optimal manner that
is specific to Type::Tiny rather than the general mechanism Moo usually

With this module, setters with type checks should be as fast as an
equivalent check in Moose.

2016-03-01T03:42:23+00:00 comms/libsdr-gui GUI functions (e.g. waterfall) for libsdr library
GUI functions (e.g. waterfall) for libsdr, a simple software defined radio
(SDR) library.

2016-03-01T03:41:14+00:00 comms/libsdr Simple software defined radio (SDR) library
A simple software defined radio (SDR) library.
Although being simple, libsdr is sufficient to write a simple SDR receiver
application (, above). This RX application
supports several input sources (i.e. sound card, files, RTL2382 dongles etc.)
and modes (i.e. AM, FM, SSB, CW, etc.).

2016-02-29T22:43:04+00:00 www/mod_http2-devel Early experience HTTP/2 modules for Apache httpd
This Apache module supports the "h2" (HTTP2 over TLS) and "h2c" (HTTP2
over plain HTTP connections via Upgrade). You can enable it for the
whole server or for specific virtual hosts only. More on this below on
2016-02-29T17:11:11+00:00 security/py-acme-tiny Tiny script to issue and renew TLS certs from Let's Encrypt
This is a tiny, auditable script that you can throw on your server to issue and
renew Let's Encrypt certificates. Since it has to be run on your server and
have access to your private Let's Encrypt account key, I tried to make it as
tiny as possible (currently less than 200 lines). The only prerequisites are
python and openssl.

2016-02-29T12:06:32+00:00 mail/opensmtpd-extras Addons for OpenSMTPD
OpenSMTPD addons.

2016-02-29T11:00:06+00:00 databases/pguri URI datatype for PostgreSQL
URI datatype for PostgreSQL

2016-02-29T10:40:03+00:00 devel/py-rcsparse RCS file parsing library
A fast RCS file parsing library (needed for fromcvs)

2016-02-28T23:32:46+00:00 comms/libcodec2 Codec 2 speech codec
Codec 2 is an open source (LGPL licensed) speech codec for 3200 bit/s
and below.

2016-02-28T22:12:36+00:00 sysutils/dsbwrtsysctl Changes variable=value pairs in sysctl.conf, or adds them
DSBWrtSysctl is a FreeBSD command-line tool to add variable=value pairs to
/etc/sysctl.conf, or to change the values of existing variables.

2016-02-28T17:57:15+00:00 net-mgmt/super_mediator IPFIX mediator by CMU CERT generally used with YAF
super_mediator is an IPFIX mediator designed to split IPFIX sensing flows
and distribute the network telemetry information to multiple sources. It
can export the network telemetry data gathered into formats designed for
bulk loading into databases (e.g. MySQL) or as JSON outputs, as well as
directly loading MySQL tables. super_mediator is primarily designed to get
network telemetry data from YAF.

2016-02-28T14:53:05+00:00 graphics/farbfeld Lossless image format which is easy to parse, pipe and compress
Farbfeld is a lossless image format which is easy to parse, pipe and

2016-02-28T09:40:42+00:00 devel/objecthash Cross-language way to cryptographically hash JSON objects
Objecthash provides a way to cryptographically hash objects (in the
JSON-ish sense) that works cross-language and therefore cross-encoding.

2016-02-28T08:16:49+00:00 mail/postfix211 Secure alternative to widely-used Sendmail
Postfix attempts to be fast, easy to administer, and secure, while at the same
time being sendmail compatible enough to not upset existing users. Thus, the
outside has a sendmail-ish flavor, but the inside is completely different.

Some feautures:

Connection cache for SMTP, DSN status notifications, IP version 6, Plug-in
support for multiple SASL implementations (Cyrus, Dovecot), TLS encryption and
authentication, Configurable status notification message text, Access control
per client/sender/recipient/etc, Content filter (built-in, external before
queue, external after queue), Berkeley DB database, LDAP database, MySQL
database, PostgreSQL database, Maildir and mailbox format, Virtual domains,
VERP envelope return addresses and others.

2016-02-28T08:16:49+00:00 mail/postfix211-sasl Postfix with Cyrus SASL support
2016-02-28T05:59:43+00:00 net/norm NACK-Oriented Reliable Multicast (NORM)
This a port of NACK-Oriented Reliable Multicast (NORM) Transport Protocol
implementation, as specified in RFC 5740. This protocol can provide end-
to-end reliable transport of bulk data objects or streams over generic IP
multicast routing and forwarding services.

2016-02-27T23:39:12+00:00 math/octave-forge-zeromq Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
The octave-forge package is the result of The GNU Octave Repositry project,
which is intended to be a central location for custom scripts, functions and
extensions for GNU Octave. contains the source for all the functions plus
build and install scripts.

This is zeromq.

ZeroMQ bindings for GNU Octave.

2016-02-27T20:17:32+00:00 sysutils/u-boot-utilite Cross-build U-Boot loader for Utilite (and Utilite Pro)
U-Boot loader for Utilite and Utilite Pro

Install the cm-fx6-firmware file onto the boot disk using:

dd if=cm-fx6-firmware of=/dev/whatever bs=1k skip=1 seek=1 oflag=dsync

The U-Boot built by this port expects the first 1MB of the boot media to
be reserved for the U-Boot executable and saved environment. The firmware
file begins at an offset of 1K from the start of the boot disk. The U-Boot
environment area begins at an offset of 512K.

This version is patched so that:
* ELF and API features are enabled to support ubldr.
* A single U-Boot image supports Utilite and Utilite Pro.
* When the selected board has multiple SD or MMC devices available, the
mmc0 device in U-Boot (and thus the disk0 device in loader(8)) will be
whichever device U-Boot was loaded from by the ROM bootloader routines.

The sources for this port are based on stock U-Boot 2015.07 with patches
provided by CompuLab at:

For general information about U-Boot see WWW:
2016-02-27T19:54:46+00:00 java/intellij-pty4j Pty4J's native library
FreeBSD-compatible replacement for IntelliJ's bundled Pty4J

2016-02-27T19:54:46+00:00 java/intellij-fsnotifier Replacement for IntelliJ's fsnotifier
The fsnotifier is used by IntelliJ for detecting file changes. This
version supports FreeBSD and OpenBSD via libinotify and is a
replacement for the bundled Linux-only version coming with the
IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition.

2016-02-26T17:17:44+00:00 devel/qt-maybe Implementation of sum/option types using QVariant
A set of simple(ish) C++ templates which implement sum and option types.
They serve a similar purpose to boost::variant and boost::optional but
are implemented on top of Qt's QVariant container.

2016-02-26T17:07:59+00:00 biology/vcftools Tools for working with VCF genomics files
A set of tools written in Perl and C++ for working with VCF files, such as
those generated by the 1000 Genomes Project.

2016-02-26T16:20:17+00:00 devel/yaggo Generate command line parser using getopt_long
Generate command line parser using getopt_long.

2016-02-26T04:16:26+00:00 devel/py-vcrpy Automatically mock HTTP interactions to simplify and speed up testing simplifies and speeds up tests that make HTTP requests. The first
time you run code that is inside a context manager or decorated
function, records all HTTP interactions that take place through
the libraries it supports and serializes and writes them to a flat file
(in yaml format by default). This flat file is called a cassette.

When the relevant piece of code is executed again, will read the
serialized requests and responses from the aforementioned cassette file,
and intercept any HTTP requests that it recognizes from the original test
run and return the responses that corresponded to those requests. This
means that the requests will not actually result in HTTP traffic, which
confers several benefits including:

* The ability to work offline
* Completely deterministic tests
* Increased test execution speed

2016-02-26T03:43:18+00:00 devel/py-pytest-localserver Py.test Plugin to test server connections locally
pytest-localserver is a plugin for the pytest testing framework which
enables you to test server connections locally.

Sometimes monkeypatching urllib2.urlopen() just does not cut it, for
instance if you work with urllib2.Request, define your own
openers/handlers or work with httplib. In these cases it may come in
handy to have an HTTP server running locally which behaves just like
the real thing. Well, look no further!

2016-02-26T01:59:43+00:00 devel/py-tinyarray Arrays of numbers for Python, optimized for small sizes
Tinyarrays are similar to NumPy arrays, but optimized for small
sizes. Common operations on very small arrays are to 3-7 times
faster than with NumPy (with NumPy 1.6 it used to be up to 35
times), and 3 times less memory is used to store them. Tinyarrays
are useful if you need many small arrays of numbers, and cannot
combine them into a few large ones. (The resulting code is still
much slower than C, but it may now be fast enough.)

2016-02-25T20:33:43+00:00 mail/postfix-sasl Postfix with Cyrus SASL support
2016-02-25T20:33:43+00:00 mail/postfix-current-sasl Postfix with Cyrus SASL support
2016-02-24T19:44:45+00:00 net/glusterfs GlusterFS distributed file system
GlusterFS is an open source, distributed file system capable of
scaling to several petabytes and handling thousands of
clients. GlusterFS clusters together storage building blocks over
Infiniband RDMA or TCP/IP interconnect, aggregating disk and memory
resources and managing data in a single global namespace. GlusterFS
is based on a stackable user space design and can deliver exceptional
performance for diverse workloads.

2016-02-24T10:39:50+00:00 security/cyrus-sasl2-srp SASL SRP authentication plugin
SASL SRP authentication plugin

2016-02-23T11:11:12+00:00 textproc/p5-Search-QueryParser-SQL Turn free-text queries into SQL WHERE clauses
Search::QueryParser::SQL is a subclass of Search::QueryParser. Chiefly it
extends the unparse() method to stringify free-text search queries as valid SQL
WHERE clauses.

The idea is to allow you to treat your database like a free-text search index,
when it really isn't.

2016-02-23T11:09:30+00:00 textproc/p5-Search-QueryParser Parse a query into a structure suitable for external search engines
Search::QueryParser parses a query string into a data structure to be handled by
external search engines. For examples of such engines, see File::Tabular and

2016-02-22T19:40:59+00:00 emulators/qemu-cheri128 QEMU emulator with CHERI CPU support (128-bit)
2016-02-22T19:00:36+00:00 devel/py-arrow Better dates and times for Python
Arrow is a Python library that offers a sensible, human-friendly approach to
creating, manipulating, formatting and converting dates, times, and timestamps.
It implements and updates the datetime type, plugging gaps in functionality, and
provides an intelligent module API that supports many common creation scenarios.
Simply put, it helps you work with dates and times with fewer imports and a lot
less code.

Arrow is heavily inspired by moment.js and requests.

2016-02-22T08:12:44+00:00 math/sound-of-sorting Visualization and "Audibilization" of Sorting Algorithms
This program demonstrates the working principles of some 20 sorting
algorithms and is very easy to use. Select the algorithm, the speed
of the visualisation and whether you want to get sound output (that
reflects the values being moved and is characteristic for each kind
of algorithm).

2016-02-21T15:05:22+00:00 devel/include-what-you-use Tool for use with clang to analyze \#includes in C and C++ source files
"Include what you use" means this: for every symbol (type, function,
variable, or macro) that you use in (or foo.cpp), either
or foo.h should include a .h file that exports the declaration of that
symbol. (Similarly, for, either or foo.h should
do the including.) Obviously symbols defined in itself are
excluded from this requirement.

This puts us in a state where every file includes the headers it needs
to declare the symbols that it uses. When every file includes what it
uses, then it is possible to edit any file and remove unused headers,
without fear of accidentally breaking the upwards dependencies of
that file. It also becomes easy to automatically track and update
dependencies in the source code.

2016-02-21T14:55:24+00:00 devel/py-cloudpickle Extended pickling support for Python objects
cloudpickle makes it possible to serialize Python constructs not
supported by the default pickle module from the Python standard library.

cloudpickle is especially useful for cluster computing where Python
expressions are shipped over the network to execute on remote hosts,
possibly close to the data.

Among other things, cloudpickle supports pickling for lambda
expressions, functions and classes defined interactively in the
`__main__` module.

2016-02-21T00:39:11+00:00 sysutils/envconsul Populate values from Consul into a process environment
envconsul provides a convenient way to populate values from Consul into a child
process environment using the envconsul daemon.

2016-02-20T14:31:40+00:00 ports-mgmt/portal Front-end to pkg(8)
Portal is a front-end to FreeBSD's package manipulation tool pkg(8).

2016-02-20T14:06:25+00:00 www/py-django-markdownx Django Markdown editor with image uploads and live preview
Django Markdownx is a Markdown editor built for Django. It enables raw
editing, live preview and image uploads (stored locally in MEDIA folder) with
drag&drop functionality and auto tag insertion. Also, django-markdownx
supports multiple editors on one page.

2016-02-20T01:01:06+00:00 www/squidanalyzer Squid access log report generation tool
Squid Analyzer parses Squid proxy access log and reports general statistics
about hits, bytes, users, networks, top URLs, and top second level domains.
Statistic reports are oriented toward user and bandwidth control.

2016-02-19T22:51:22+00:00 databases/py3-bsddb3
This module provides a nearly complete wrapping of the Sleepycat C API
for the Database Environment, Database, Cursor, and Transaction
objects, and each of these is exposed as a Python Type in the
bsddb3.db module. The database objects can use different access
methods, btree, hash, recno, and queue. For the first time all of
these are fully supported in the Python wrappers. Please see the
document in developers' web site for more details on the types and
methods provided.

2016-02-19T21:38:23+00:00 security/honeybadger Quantum Insert detector and 0-day catcher
HoneyBadger is primarily a comprehensive TCP stream analysis tool for
detecting and recording TCP injection attacks. HoneyBadger will also
include a variety of prototype TCP stream injections attacks which
prove that the TCP attack detection is reliable.

2016-02-19T20:43:06+00:00 games/hs-scroll A roguelike game
In scroll, you're a bookworm that's stuck on a scroll. You have to dodge
between words and use spells to make your way down the page as the scroll
is read. Go too slow and you'll get wound up in the scroll and crushed.

2016-02-19T20:38:29+00:00 devel/hs-ncurses Modernised Haskell binding to GNU ncurses
GNU ncurses is a library for creating command-line application with
pseudo-graphical interfaces. This package is a nice, modern binding to GNU

2016-02-19T07:25:14+00:00 java/jd-gui Java Decompiler GUI
The Java Decompiler project aims to develop tools in order to
decompile and analyze Java 5 byte code and later versions.

JD-GUI is a standalone graphical utility that displays Java source
codes of .class files. You can browse the reconstructed source code
with the JD-GUI for instant access to methods and fields.

2016-02-18T13:24:14+00:00 emulators/playonbsd Easily install and run Windows software for use with Wine
This is a port of PlayOnLinux to FreeBSD. It allows you to easily install
and use numerous games and apps designed to run with Microsoft Windows.
The Windows emulation is provided by Wine.

2016-02-17T15:56:42+00:00 devel/py-sure Utility belt for automated testing in Python for Python
A testing library for python with powerful and flexible assertions.

Sure is heavily inspired by should.js

2016-02-17T14:28:12+00:00 www/py-txrequests Asynchronous Python HTTP for Humans
Small add-on for the python requests http library. Makes use twisted's
ThreadPool, so that the requests API returns deferred.

The additional API and changes are minimal and strives to avoid surprises.

2016-02-17T04:23:00+00:00 security/p5-Crypt-XTEA Implementation of the eXtended Tiny Encryption Algorithm
In cryptography, XTEA (eXtended TEA) is a block cipher designed to correct
weaknesses in TEA. The cipher's designers were David Wheeler and Roger Needham
of the Cambridge Computer Laboratory, and the algorithm was presented in an
unpublished technical report in 1997 (Needham and Wheeler, 1997). It is not
subject to any patents.

Like TEA, XTEA is a 64-bit block Feistel cipher with a 128-bit key and a
suggested 64 Feistel rounds (i.e 32 cycles). Crypt::XTEA uses the recommended
value of 32 cycles by default.

This module implements XTEA encryption. It supports the Crypt::CBC interface.

2016-02-17T04:23:00+00:00 lang/p5-Scalar-Util-Numeric Numeric tests for perl scalars
This module exports a number of wrappers around perl's builtin grok_number
function, which returns the numeric type of its argument, or 0 if it isn't

2016-02-15T15:03:13+00:00 games/bzflag-server Multiplayer 3D tank battle game (server only)
2016-02-15T14:34:26+00:00 www/php70-tidy
2016-02-15T14:34:26+00:00 www/php70-session
2016-02-15T14:34:26+00:00 www/php70-opcache
2016-02-15T14:34:26+00:00 www/mod_php70
2016-02-15T14:34:26+00:00 textproc/php70-xsl
2016-02-15T14:34:26+00:00 textproc/php70-xmlwriter
2016-02-15T14:34:26+00:00 textproc/php70-xmlreader
2016-02-15T14:34:26+00:00 textproc/php70-xml
2016-02-15T14:34:26+00:00 textproc/php70-wddx
2016-02-15T14:34:26+00:00 textproc/php70-simplexml
2016-02-15T14:34:26+00:00 textproc/php70-pspell
2016-02-15T14:34:26+00:00 textproc/php70-dom
2016-02-15T14:34:26+00:00 textproc/php70-ctype
2016-02-15T14:34:26+00:00 sysutils/php70-posix
2016-02-15T14:34:26+00:00 sysutils/php70-fileinfo
2016-02-15T14:34:26+00:00 security/php70-openssl
2016-02-15T14:34:26+00:00 security/php70-mcrypt
2016-02-15T14:34:26+00:00 security/php70-hash
2016-02-15T14:34:26+00:00 security/php70-filter
2016-02-15T14:34:26+00:00 net/php70-xmlrpc
2016-02-15T14:34:26+00:00 net/php70-sockets
2016-02-15T14:34:26+00:00 net/php70-soap
2016-02-15T14:34:26+00:00 net/php70-ldap
2016-02-15T14:34:26+00:00 net-mgmt/php70-snmp
2016-02-15T14:34:26+00:00 misc/php70-calendar
2016-02-15T14:34:26+00:00 math/php70-gmp
2016-02-15T14:34:26+00:00 math/php70-bcmath
2016-02-15T14:34:26+00:00 mail/php70-imap
2016-02-15T14:34:26+00:00 lang/php70 PHP Scripting Language
PHP, which stands for "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor" is a widely-used Open
Source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for
Web development and can be embedded into HTML. Its syntax draws upon C,
Java, and Perl, and is easy to learn. The main goal of the language is to
allow web developers to write dynamically generated webpages quickly, but
you can do much more with PHP.

2016-02-15T14:34:26+00:00 lang/php70-extensions "meta-port" to install PHP extensions
This is a "meta-port" to install the extensions for PHP 7.0.

Defaults to:
ctype, dom, filter, hash, iconv, json, pdo, pdo_sqlite, phar, posix,
session, simplexml, sqlite3, tokenizer, xml, xmlreader and xmlwriter.

2016-02-15T14:34:26+00:00 graphics/php70-gd
2016-02-15T14:34:26+00:00 graphics/php70-exif
2016-02-15T14:34:26+00:00 ftp/php70-ftp
2016-02-15T14:34:26+00:00 ftp/php70-curl
2016-02-15T14:34:26+00:00 devel/php70-tokenizer
2016-02-15T14:34:26+00:00 devel/php70-sysvshm
2016-02-15T14:34:26+00:00 devel/php70-sysvsem
2016-02-15T14:34:26+00:00 devel/php70-sysvmsg
2016-02-15T14:34:26+00:00 devel/php70-shmop
2016-02-15T14:34:26+00:00 devel/php70-readline
2016-02-15T14:34:26+00:00 devel/php70-pcntl
2016-02-15T14:34:26+00:00 devel/php70-json
2016-02-15T14:34:26+00:00 devel/php70-intl
2016-02-15T14:34:26+00:00 devel/php70-gettext
2016-02-15T14:34:26+00:00 databases/php70-sqlite3
2016-02-15T14:34:26+00:00 databases/php70-pgsql
2016-02-15T14:34:26+00:00 databases/php70-pdo_sqlite
2016-02-15T14:34:26+00:00 databases/php70-pdo_pgsql
2016-02-15T14:34:26+00:00 databases/php70-pdo_odbc
2016-02-15T14:34:26+00:00 databases/php70-pdo_mysql
2016-02-15T14:34:26+00:00 databases/php70-pdo_firebird
2016-02-15T14:34:26+00:00 databases/php70-pdo_dblib
2016-02-15T14:34:26+00:00 databases/php70-pdo
2016-02-15T14:34:26+00:00 databases/php70-odbc
2016-02-15T14:34:26+00:00 databases/php70-mysqli
2016-02-15T14:34:26+00:00 databases/php70-interbase
2016-02-15T14:34:26+00:00 databases/php70-dba
2016-02-15T14:34:26+00:00 converters/php70-recode
2016-02-15T14:34:26+00:00 converters/php70-mbstring
2016-02-15T14:34:26+00:00 converters/php70-iconv
2016-02-15T14:34:26+00:00 archivers/php70-zlib
2016-02-15T14:34:26+00:00 archivers/php70-zip
2016-02-15T14:34:26+00:00 archivers/php70-phar
2016-02-15T14:34:26+00:00 archivers/php70-bz2
2016-02-14T18:57:53+00:00 games/libgames-support Shared code between gnome games
libgames-support is a small library intended for internal use by GNOME Games,
but it may be used by others. The API will only break with the major version
number. The ABI is unstable.

2016-02-14T18:57:53+00:00 games/gnome-2048 Move the tiles until you obtain the 2048 tile
Move the tiles until you obtain the 2048 tile

2016-02-14T18:57:53+00:00 deskutils/gnome-todo Small application to manage your personal tasks
GNOME To Do is a small application to manage your personal tasks. It
uses GNOME technologies, and so it has complete integration with the
GNOME desktop environment.

2016-02-14T00:53:10+00:00 devel/R-cran-tidyr Easily tidy data with spread and gather functions
An evolution of 'reshape2'. It's designed specifically for data
tidying (not general reshaping or aggregating) and works well with
'dplyr' data pipelines.

2016-02-13T21:58:38+00:00 graphics/py-opencolorio OpenColorIO python bindings
2016-02-13T19:02:11+00:00 databases/mariadb101-server Multithreaded SQL database (server)
MariaDB is a database server that offers drop-in replacement functionality
for MySQL. MariaDB is built by some of the original authors of MySQL, with
assistance from the broader community of Free and open source software
developers. In addition to the core functionality of MySQL, MariaDB offers
a rich set of feature enhancements including alternate storage engines,
server optimizations, and patches.

MariaDB is primarily driven by developers at Monty Program, a company
founded by Michael "Monty" Widenius, the original author of MySQL, but
this is not the whole story about MariaDB. On the "About MariaDB" page you
will find more information about all participants in the MariaDB community,
including storage engines XtraDB and PBXT.

2016-02-13T19:02:11+00:00 databases/mariadb101-client Multithreaded SQL database (client)
2016-02-13T18:12:24+00:00 security/p5-Digest-SHA3 Perl extension for SHA-3
Digest::SHA3 is a complete implementation of the NIST SHA-3 cryptographic hash
function, as specified in Draft FIPS 202 (SHA-3 Standard: Permutation-Based
Hash and Extendable-Output Functions).

The module gives Perl programmers a convenient way to calculate SHA3-224,
SHA3-256, SHA3-384, and SHA3-512 message digests, as well as variable-length
hashes using SHAKE128 and SHAKE256. Digest::SHA3 can handle all types of input,
including partial-byte data.

2016-02-13T14:31:04+00:00 x11-toolkits/osm-gps-map Gtk+ 3.0 mapping widget
osm-gps-map is a Gtk mapping widget (and Python bindings) that when
given GPS co-ordinates, draws a GPS track, and points of interest on a
moving map display.

osm-gps-map downloads map data from a number of websites, including, and others and can be used to build
desktop mapping or geolocation applications.

2016-02-13T09:03:15+00:00 mail/libmilter Library providing Sendmail Mail Filter API
The sendmail Mail Filter API (Milter) is designed to allow third-party
programs access to mail messages as they are being processed in order to
filter meta-information and content.

2016-02-12T21:53:57+00:00 security/py-python-openid Python OpenID version
Python OpenID library implements recent changes to the OpenID
specification as well as making API changes that should make
integration with applications easier.

This library allows the use of XRI as OpenID identifiers, allowing users
to log in with their i-names. For full XRI compatibility,
relying parties integrating this library should take note of the user's
CanonicalID, as described in the "Identifying the End User" section of
the OpenID 2.0 specification.

2016-02-12T21:03:10+00:00 security/py-keyrings.alt Alternate Python keyring implementations
Alternate keyring backend implementations for use with the Python keyring

2016-02-12T13:22:53+00:00 www/py-django-happenings Event calendar app for Django
A Django application for managing and displaying a calendar and its events.


* Repeating and non-repeating events
* Events that start and end on different days
* Support for cancelled events
* Upcoming events and current happenings lists
* AJAX support
* Default CSS & Javascript to help you get started

2016-02-12T12:23:28+00:00 devel/libbrotli Library for generic-purpose lossless compression algorithm
Wrapper scripts and code around the brotli code base.
Builds libraries out of the brotli decode and encode sources.

2016-02-11T22:51:46+00:00 textproc/tagsoup SAX-compliant parser written in Java
TagSoup - Just Keep On Truckin'

TagSoup is a SAX-compliant parser written in Java that, instead of parsing
well-formed or valid XML, parses HTML as it is found in the wild: poor,
nasty and brutish, though quite often far from short. TagSoup is designed
for people who have to process this stuff using some semblance of a rational
application design. By providing a SAX interface, it allows standard XML
tools to be applied to even the worst HTML. TagSoup also includes
a command-line processor that reads HTML files and can generate either
clean HTML or well-formed XML that is a close approximation to XHTML.

2016-02-11T19:27:16+00:00 print/okc321 PPDs for the Oki C321dn, C331dn, and C531dn printers
PostScript Printer Descriptions for the Oki C321dn, C331dn, and C531dn
printers for use with CUPS.

2016-02-10T19:11:22+00:00 devel/py-terminable_thread Thread subclass / raise exceptions or terminate from another thread
Provides a subclass of Thread with facilities to raise an exception
in the thread or terminate the thread from another thread.

terminable_thread provides a subclass of threading.Thread, adding
the facility to raise exceptions in the context of the given thread.

This facility is incorporated in the terminable_thread.Thread methods
raise_exc, which raises an arbitrary exception, and terminate, which
raises SystemExit.

This is not done in an entirely robust manner, and there may be
unreported issues with it.

It uses the unexposed PyThreadState_SetAsyncExc function (via ctypes)
to raise an exception for the given thread.

2016-02-10T17:37:52+00:00 lang/clang38 C, Objective-C, and C++ compiler (use devel/llvm${LLVM_SUFFIX})
The goal of the Clang project is to create a new C, C++, Objective C and
Objective C++ front-end for the LLVM compiler.

This is a meta port. The Clang compiler is installed by the
devel/llvm38 port.

2016-02-10T17:37:52+00:00 devel/lldb38 LLVM Debugger (use devel/llvm${LLVM_SUFFIX})
LLDB is a next generation, high-performance debugger. It is built as a
set of reusable components which highly leverage existing libraries in
the larger LLVM Project, such as the Clang expression parser and LLVM

This is a meta port. The Clang compiler is installed by the
devel/llvm38 port.

2016-02-10T09:40:48+00:00 databases/rubygem-em-redis-unified Eventmachine-based implementation of the Redis protocol
An EventMachine based library for interacting with the very cool Redis data
store by Salvatore 'antirez' Sanfilippo. Modeled after eventmachine's
implementation of the memcached protocol, and influenced by Ezra Zygmuntowicz's
redis-rb library (distributed as part of Redis).

This library is only useful when used as part of an application that relies on
Event Machine's event loop. It implements an EM-based client protocol, which
leverages the non-blocking nature of the EM interface to achieve significant
parallelization without threads.

2016-02-09T22:53:53+00:00 devel/py-option_merge Code to deeply merge multiple python dictionaries
Code to deeply merge multiple python dictionaries

This provides the option_merge.MergedOptions class, which allows
you to treat multiple python dictionaries as one.

2016-02-09T22:05:19+00:00 devel/py-delfick_error Customized exception class
The point of this exception class is to be able to create an error
class that automatically combines keyword arguments given to the
exception instance

2016-02-09T09:50:28+00:00 devel/py-total-ordering Backport functools.total_ordering to Python 2.x
functools.total_ordering backport for Python 2.x

2016-02-09T09:11:40+00:00 devel/py-noseofyeti Nose plugin providing BDD dsl for Python
Nose plugin providing BDD dsl for python

Plugin for nose, inspired by, which
uses a codec style to provide an RSpec style BDD dsl for python

2016-02-09T03:53:52+00:00 games/linux-unigine-heaven Unigine Heaven Benchmark, basic version, linux binaries
Heaven Benchmark immerses a user into a magical steampunk world of
shiny brass, wood and gears. Nested on flying islands, a tiny village
with its cozy, sun-heated cobblestone streets, an elaborately crafted
dirigible above the expanse of fluffy clouds, and a majestic dragon
on the central square gives a true sense of adventure. An interactive
experience with fly-by and walk-through modes allows for exploring
all corners of this world powered by the cutting-edge UNIGINE Engine
that leverages the most advanced capabilities of graphics APIs and
turns this benchmark into a visual masterpiece.

This port includes the linux-binaries of the basic (free-to-use)
version of the benchmark.

2016-02-09T02:52:03+00:00 devel/py-pinocchio Pinocchio plugins for the nose testing framework
pinocchio plugins for the nose testing framework

Extra plugins for the nose testing framework. Provides tools for
flexibly assigning decorator tags to tests, choosing tests based
on their runtime, doing moderately sophisticated code coverage
analysis of your unit tests, and making your test descriptions look
like specifications.

2016-02-09T01:37:03+00:00 devel/py-should_dsl Should assertions in Python as clear and readable as possible
Should assertions in Python as clear and readable as possible

2016-02-07T16:22:50+00:00 www/py-djangorestframework Django REST framework
Django REST framework is a powerful and flexible toolkit that makes
it easy to build Web APIs.

2016-02-07T16:22:50+00:00 www/py-djangorestframework-xml Django REST framework
XML support for Django REST Framework

XML support extracted as a third party package directly from the
official Django REST Framework implementation. It requires the
defusedxml package only because it safeguards against some security
issues that were discovered.

2016-02-07T16:22:50+00:00 www/py-djangorestframework-filters Filtering extension to Django REST Framework
django-rest-framework-filters (formerly django-rest-framework-chain)
is an extension to Django REST Framework that makes working with
filtering much easier. In addition to fixing some underlying warts
and limitations of django-filter, we allow arbitrary chaining of
both relations and lookup filters.

2016-02-07T16:22:50+00:00 www/py-djangorestframework-csv Django REST framework
CSV Tools for Django REST Framework

2016-02-07T13:38:29+00:00 textproc/kibana44
Kibana is an open source (Apache Licensed), browser based analytics and search
dashboard for Elasticsearch. Kibana is a snap to setup and start using. Kibana
strives to be easy to get started with, while also being flexible and powerful,
just like Elasticsearch.

Kibana 4.4 is compatible with Elasticsearch 2.2.x.

2016-02-07T09:44:24+00:00 graphics/py-pygraphviz Python interface to GraphViz agraph
PyGraphviz is a Python interface to the Graphviz graph layout and
visualization package. With PyGraphviz you can create, edit, read,
write, and draw graphs using Python to access the Graphviz graph
data structure and layout algorithms.

2016-02-06T20:59:29+00:00 www/guacamole-client HTML5 Clientless Remote Desktop
guacamole-client is the superproject containing all Maven-based
projects that make Guacamole, an HTML5 web application that provides
access to your desktop using remote desktop protocols.

guacamole-client is used to build the subprojects that make up
Guacamole, and to provide a common central repository. Each project
contained here is completely independent of guacamole-client and
can be built separately, though the others may have to be built
first. If all projects are built using guacamole-client, Maven will
take care of the proper build order.

2016-02-06T18:09:51+00:00 textproc/miller Sed/awk/cut/join/sort for name-indexed data such as CSV, TSV and JSON
Miller is like sed, awk, cut, join, and sort for name-indexed data such
as CSV.

With Miller you get to use named fields without needing to count
positional indices.

2016-02-06T16:11:34+00:00 net/guacamole-server HTML5 Clientless Remote Desktop
The guacamole-server package is a set of software which forms the
basis of the Guacamole stack. It consists of guacd, libguac, and
several protocol support libraries.

guacd is the Guacamole proxy daemon used by the Guacamole web
application and framework. As JavaScript cannot handle binary
protocols (like VNC and remote desktop) efficiently, a new test-based
protocol was developed which would contain a common superset of the
operations needed for efficient remote desktop access, but would
be easy for JavaScript programs to process. guacd is the proxy which
translates between arbitrary protocols and the Guacamole protocol.

2016-02-06T04:53:37+00:00 devel/pecl-json_post JSON POST handler in PHP
This extension provides a PHP content type handler for "application/json" and
"text/json" to PHP's form data parser. If the `Content-Type` of an incoming
request is `text/json`, the JSON contents of the request body will by parsed
into `$_POST`.

2016-02-05T22:01:36+00:00 net-mgmt/cdpsnarf Tool to extract information from CDP packets
CDPSnarf is a network sniffer exclusively written to
extract information from CDP packets. It provides all
the information a "show cdp neighbors detail" command
would return on a Cisco router and even more.

A feature list follows:
Time intervals between CDP advertisements
Source MAC address
CDP Version
Device ID
Software version
Port ID
Save packets in PCAP dump file format
Read packets from PCAP dump files
Debugging information (using the "-d" flag)
Tested with IPv4 and IPv6

2016-02-05T17:37:29+00:00 ftp/libfilezilla C++ library for building platform-independent programs
libfilezilla is a small and modern C++ library, offering some basic
functionality to build high-performing, platform-independent programs.

Some of the highlights include:

* A typesafe, multi-threaded event system that's very simple to use yet
extremely efficient
* Timers for periodic events
* A datetime class that not only tracks timestamp but also their accuracy,
which simplifies dealing with timestamps originating from different sources
* Simple process handling for spawning child processes with redirected I/O

2016-02-05T02:08:09+00:00 sysutils/puppet38 Configuration management framework written in Ruby
Puppet lets you centrally manage every important aspect of your system using
a cross-platform specification language that manages all the separate
elements normally aggregated in different files, like users, cron jobs, and
hosts, along with obviously discrete elements like packages, services, and

2016-02-04T19:10:57+00:00 editors/with-editor Use the Emacsclient as the $$EDITOR of child processes
The library with-editor makes it easy to use the Emacsclient as the
$EDITOR of child processes, making sure they know how to call
home. For remote processes a substitute is provided, which
communicates with Emacs on standard output instead of using a socket
as the Emacsclient does.

2016-02-03T20:54:51+00:00 security/ Pure BASH/ZSH Lets Encrypt client is a pure BASH implementation of the ACME
protocol used by Lets Encrypt.

2016-02-03T14:19:38+00:00 devel/hyperscan High-performance multiple regex matching library
Hyperscan is a high-performance multiple regex matching library. It follows the
regular expression syntax of the commonly-used libpcre library, yet functions
as a standalone library with its own API written in C.

Hyperscan uses hybrid automata techniques to allow simultaneous matching of
large numbers (up to tens of thousands) of regular expressions, as well as
matching of regular expressions across streams of data.

2016-02-03T11:53:25+00:00 graphics/llpp PDF pager
llpp is a graphical PDF viewer which aims to superficially resemble

2016-02-02T23:35:54+00:00 net-im/cutegram Free and opensource telegram client
Cutegram is a free and opensource telegram clients for Linux, Windows, OS X and
OpenBSD, focusing on user friendly, compatibility with desktop environments.
Cutegram using Qt5, QML, libqtelegram, libappindication, AsemanQtTools
technologies and Faenza icons and Twitter emojies graphic sets. It's free and
released under GPLv3 license.

2016-02-02T23:34:54+00:00 net-im/telegramqml Telegram API tools for QtQML and Qml
Telegram API tools for QtQML and Qml, based on Cutegram-Core and libqtelegram.
It's free and released under the GPLv3 license.

2016-02-02T23:33:56+00:00 net-im/libqtelegram-ae Fork of libqtelegram by Aseman Team
libqtelegram-aseman-edition is a fork of libqtelegram by Aseman Team which is
porting to windows and mac alongside linux support. It's also build using qmake
instead of cmake.

2016-02-02T20:37:44+00:00 devel/php-maxminddb MaxMind DB Reader extension for PHP
This is the PHP API for reading MaxMind DB files. MaxMind DB is a binary
file format that stores data indexed by IP address subnets (IPv4 or

2016-02-02T17:51:52+00:00 x11-themes/gtk-E17-theme Dark GTK theme for Enlightenment
E17gtk is a dark GTK2/GTK3 theme with sharp corners, which is designed for
use in Enlightenment and gives the elegant look of Enlightenment to GTK widgets.
Of course, it can be used with any GTK based environment too, but it is not
tuned to Gnome or any of its apps.

2016-02-02T15:27:18+00:00 cad/py-pycam Toolpath generator for 3-axis CNC machining
PyCAM is a toolpath generator for 3-axis CNC machining. It loads
3D models in STL format or 2D contour models from DXF or SVG files.
The resulting GCode can be used with EMC2 or any other machine

PyCAM supports a wide range of toolpath strategies for 3D models
and 2D contour models.

2016-02-02T02:18:32+00:00 devel/py-json-sempai Pythonic argument parser, that will make you smile
Have you ever been kept awake at night, desperately feeling a burning desire to
do nothing else but directly import JSON files as if they were python modules?
Now you can!

2016-02-01T11:02:50+00:00 security/stud Scalable TLS Unwrapping Daemon
stud is a network proxy that terminates TLS/SSL connections
and forwards the unencrypted traffic to some backend. It's
designed to handle 10s of thousands of connections
efficiently on multicore machines.

2016-02-01T06:23:42+00:00 cad/fritzing CAD for printed circuit boards
Fritzing is an Electronic Design Automation software with a low
entry barrier, suited for the needs of designers and artists. It
uses the metaphor of the breadboard, so that it is easy to transfer
your hardware sketch to the software. From there it is possible to
create PCB layouts for turning it into a robust PCB yourself or by
help of a manufacturer.

2016-01-31T11:50:41+00:00 audio/deadbeef-playback-status-plugin Playback status widget for DeaDBeeF audio player
This is playback status plugin (widget) for DeaDBeeF audio player.

2016-01-31T08:38:33+00:00 sysutils/py-diffoscope In-depth comparison of files, archives, and directories
diffoscope will try to get to the bottom of what makes files or
directories different. It will recursively unpack archives of many kinds
and transform various binary formats into more human readable form to
compare them. It can compare two tarballs, ISO images, or PDF just as

It can be scripted through error codes, and a report can be produced
with the detected differences. The report can be text or HTML. When no
type of report has been selected, diffoscope defaults to write a text
report on the standard output.

diffoscope is developed as part of the 'reproducible builds' Debian
project. It is meant to be able to quickly understand why two builds
of the same package produce different outputs. diffoscope was previously
named debbindiff.

2016-01-31T08:21:49+00:00 archivers/py3-libarchive-c
2016-01-31T08:17:51+00:00 devel/py3-python-magic
2016-01-31T07:14:37+00:00 audio/deadbeef-quick-search-plugin Quick playlist search bar plugin for DeaDBeeF audio player
This is a quick playlist search bar plugin for DeaDBeeF audio player.

2016-01-31T06:55:49+00:00 shells/klish Kommand Line Interface Shell
The klish is a framework for implementing a CISCO-like CLI on a UNIX systems.

2016-01-31T06:53:07+00:00 www/rubygem-totoridipjp Ruby interface to Web API
A Ruby library that provides access to Web APIs.

2016-01-31T06:16:00+00:00 devel/py-python-magic File type identification using libmagic
This module uses ctypes to access the libmagic file type identification
library. It makes use of the local magic database and supports both
textual and MIME-type output.

2016-01-31T02:24:40+00:00 audio/deadbeef-waveform-seekbar-plugin Waveform seekbar plugin for DeaDBeeF audio player
This plugin implements waveform seeking bar for DeaDBeeF audio player.

2016-01-30T12:39:14+00:00 audio/deadbeef-musical-spectrum-plugin Musical spectrum plugin for DeaDBeeF audio player
This plugin is based on DeaDBeeF stock spectrum. It offers variable FFT
size (up to 32768), Blackmann-Harris and Hanning window functions, and
various eye candy options.

2016-01-30T11:24:29+00:00 archivers/py-libarchive-c Python interface to libarchive
A Python interface to libarchive. It uses the standard ctypes module to
dynamically load and access the C library.

2016-01-30T06:09:07+00:00 math/xfce4-calculator-plugin Simple calculator for the Xfce panel
It is a calculator plugin for the Xfce4 panel. The plugin supports common
mathematical operators, constants (pi) and functions.

2016-01-29T17:55:26+00:00 cad/pycam Toolpath generator for 3-axis CNC machining
PyCAM is a toolpath generator for 3-axis CNC machining. It loads
3D models in STL format or 2D contour models from DXF or SVG files.
The resulting GCode can be used with EMC2 or any other machine

PyCAM supports a wide range of toolpath strategies for 3D models
and 2D contour models.

2016-01-29T13:52:24+00:00 math/openlibm High quality system independent, portable, open source libm
OpenLibm is an effort to have a high quality, portable, standalone C
mathematical library (libm). It can be used standalone in applications and
programming language implementations.

The project was born out of a need to have a good libm for the Julia
programming langage that worked consistently across compilers and operating
systems, and in 32-bit and 64-bit environments.

2016-01-29T06:54:50+00:00 security/R-cran-openssl Toolkit for Encryption, Signatures and Certificates Based on OpenSSL
Bindings to OpenSSL libssl and libcrypto, plus custom SSH pubkey
parsers. Supports RSA, DSA and NIST curves P-256, P-384 and P-521.
Cryptographic signatures can either be created and verified manually
or via x509 certificates. AES block cipher is used in CBC mode for
symmetric encryption; RSA for asymmetric (public key) encryption.
High-level envelope functions combine RSA and AES for encrypting
arbitrary sized data. Other utilities include key generators, hash
functions (md5, sha1, sha256, etc), base64 encoder, a secure random
number generator, and 'bignum' math methods for manually performing
crypto calculations on large multibyte integers.

2016-01-29T03:34:33+00:00 devel/rubygem-pluggaloid Extensible plugin system for mikutter
Pluggaloid is extensible plugin system for mikutter.

2016-01-29T03:31:31+00:00 devel/rubygem-delayer-deferred Deferred for Delayer
Deferred for Delayer.

2016-01-28T20:04:51+00:00 games/slade Modern editor for Doom-engine based games and source ports
SLADE3 is a modern editor for Doom-engine based games and source ports.
It has the ability to view, modify, and write many different game-specific
formats, and even convert between some of them, or from/to other generic
formats such as PNG.

SLADE3 can be considered a successor to both SLumpEd and SLADE. Some of
its features:

- Basic archive/resource editing (create/open/save, import/export)
- Simple tabbed interface with copy/paste support
- Many supported game formats (ZIP/PK3, Quake PAK/WAD2, etc.)

2016-01-28T03:12:23+00:00 devel/py-msgpack-python MessagePack (de)serializer for Python
MessagePack is a binary-based efficient data interchange format that is focused
on high performance. It is like JSON, but very fast and small.

2016-01-27T09:04:48+00:00 devel/rubygem-memoist Memoize methods invocation
Memoist is an extraction of ActiveSupport::Memoizable.

Since June 2011 ActiveSupport::Memoizable has been deprecated. But
I love it, and so I plan to keep it alive.

2016-01-27T04:46:23+00:00 devel/llvm38 LLVM and Clang
The LLVM Project is a collection of modular and reusable compiler and
toolchain technologies.

This port includes Clang (a C/C++/Objective-C compiler), LLD (a linker),
LLDB (a debugger), an OpenMP runtime library, and the LLVM infrastructure
these are built on.

2016-01-26T22:48:49+00:00 emulators/qemu-cheri QEMU emulator with CHERI CPU support
The QEMU emulator with CHERI CPU support.

2016-01-26T15:15:15+00:00 www/domoticz Home Automation System
Domoticz is a Home Automation System that lets you monitor and configure
various devices like: Lights, Switches, various sensors/meters like
Temperature, Rain, Wind, UV, Electra, Gas, Water and much more.
Notifications/Alerts can be sent to any mobile device

2016-01-25T20:41:05+00:00 www/py-django-bitfield BitField in Django
Provides a BitField like class (using a BigIntegerField) for your Django models.

2016-01-25T12:54:50+00:00 net/py-pyldap Fork of python-ldap with Python 3 support
Python modules for implementing LDAP clients

pyldap is a fork of python-ldap, and provides an object-oriented API to access
LDAP directory servers from Python programs. Mainly it wraps the OpenLDAP 2.x
libs for that purpose. Additionally the package contains modules for other
LDAP-related stuff (e.g. processing LDIF, LDAPURLs, LDAPv3 schema, LDAPv3
extended operations and controls, etc.).

2016-01-25T09:58:06+00:00 devel/rubygem-instance_storage Manage class instances with dictionary
Manage class instances with dictionary.

2016-01-25T08:49:28+00:00 japanese/bugzilla50 Japanese localization for Bugzilla
Japanese localization for Bugzilla bug tracking system.

2016-01-24T21:35:03+00:00 games/hoverboard-sdl Standalone version of xkcd 1608 "Hoverboard" game
Standalone version of xkcd 1608 "Hoverboard" game originally available

2016-01-24T18:10:14+00:00 x11-toolkits/qt5-uiplugin Custom Qt widget plugin interface for Qt Designer
2016-01-24T18:10:14+00:00 x11-toolkits/qt5-canvas3d Qt canvas3d module
2016-01-24T18:10:14+00:00 net/qt5-enginio Qt Enginio module
2016-01-24T18:10:14+00:00 misc/qt5-l10n Qt localized messages
2016-01-24T18:10:14+00:00 graphics/qt5-3d Qt3D module
2016-01-24T18:10:14+00:00 devel/qt5-location Qt location module
2016-01-24T18:10:14+00:00 comms/qt5-sensors Qt sensors module
2016-01-24T18:10:14+00:00 comms/qt5-connectivity Qt connectivity (Bluetooth/NFC) module
2016-01-24T12:47:20+00:00 devel/py-txaio Compatibility API between asyncio/Twisted/Trollius
txaio is a helper library for writing code that runs unmodified
on both Twisted and asyncio / Trollius.

This is like six, but for wrapping over differences between
Twisted and asyncio so one can write code that runs unmodified
on both (aka source code compatibility). In other words: your
users can choose if they want asyncio or Twisted as a dependency.

2016-01-24T07:25:42+00:00 devel/libfsntfs Library and tools to access the New Technology File System (NTFS)
Library and tools to access the New Technology File System (NTFS)

2016-01-24T07:17:12+00:00 textproc/py-xlsxwriter Python module for creating Excel XLSX files
XlsxWriter is a Python module for writing files in the Excel 2007+ XLSX
file format.

2016-01-24T04:04:30+00:00 games/nethack36 Dungeon explorin', slashin', hackin' game
This is nethack, a classic hack'n'slash adventure game.
You and your faithful feline (or commited canine) are on a quest
to retrieve the lost Amulet of Yendor. Good luck!

2016-01-24T04:04:30+00:00 games/nethack36-nox11
2016-01-23T15:14:24+00:00 security/p5-Bytes-Random-Secure Generate cryptographically-secure random bytes
Bytes::Random::Secure provides two interfaces for obtaining crypto-quality
random bytes. The simple interface is built around plain functions. For greater
control over the Random Number Generator's seeding, there is an Object Oriented
interface that provides much more flexibility.

The "functions" interface provides functions that can be used any time you need
a string of a specific number of random bytes. The random bytes are available as
simple strings, or as hex-digits, Quoted Printable, or MIME Base64. There are
equivalent methods available from the OO interface, plus a few others.

This module can be a drop-in replacement for Bytes::Random, with the primary
enhancement of using a cryptographic-quality random number generator to create
the random data. The random_bytes function emulates the user interface of
Bytes::Random's function by the same name. But with Bytes::Random::Secure the
random number generator comes from Math::Random::ISAAC, and is suitable for
cryptographic purposes. The harder problem to solve is how to seed the
generator. This module uses Crypt::Random::Seed to generate the initial seeds
for Math::Random::ISAAC.

2016-01-23T15:13:55+00:00 security/p5-Crypt-Random-Seed Simple method to get strong randomness
Crypt::Random::Seed is a simple mechanism to get strong randomness. The main
purpose of this module is to provide a simple way to generate a seed for a PRNG
such as Math::Random::ISAAC, for use in cryptographic key generation, or as the
seed for an upstream module such as Bytes::Random::Secure. Flags for requiring
non-blocking sources are allowed, as well as a very simple method for plugging
in a source.

2016-01-23T15:13:17+00:00 security/p5-Crypt-Random-TESHA2 Random numbers using timer/schedule entropy
Crypt::Random::TESHA2 implements userspace voodoo entropy. You should use a
proper O/S supplied entropy source such as /dev/random or the Win32 Crypt API.

2016-01-23T15:12:54+00:00 security/p5-Dancer2-Plugin-Auth-Extensible-Provider-DBIC Extensible authentication framework for Dancer2 apps using DBIC
This class is an authentication provider designed to authenticate users
against a database, using Dancer2::Plugin::DBIC to access a database.

See Dancer2::Plugin::Auth::Extensible for details on how to use
the authentication framework.

2016-01-23T14:36:26+00:00 databases/mongodb32-tools Tools for MongoDB
Since MongoDB 3.2, the tools bsondump, mongoimport, mongoexport, mongodump,
mongorestore, mongostat, mongofiles, mongooplog and mongotop have been placed
in a separate package and rewritten in Go. These are useful utilities for
managing a MongoDB instance.

2016-01-23T13:13:15+00:00 security/i2pd C++ implementation of I2P client
C++ implementation of I2P client

2016-01-23T12:59:51+00:00 x11-fonts/fifteen Narrow monospaced fonts
Fifteen is a faux bitmap font. This font is designed to be used as a monotype
font for use in a terminal, or at a larger size, to look like an over scaled
bitmap. It works well in a 132 column terminal window. It is, of course,
monospaced and has clearly distinct 1I and l, and the zero is slashed.

Quinze is a narrow monospaced font, for programming and terminal emulators. It
is designed to be narrow, and allow 132 columns to be comfortably fitted on a
screen The 1, l and I are clearly distinguished, as are O and 0. The ascii
circumflex is presented as an arrow, consistent with its use as exponentiation

2016-01-23T12:46:58+00:00 databases/mongodb32 Distributed document-oriented "NoSQL" database
Mongo (from "humongous") is a high-performance, open source,
schema-free, document-oriented database. A common name in the
"NOSQL" community.

2016-01-23T09:12:04+00:00 sysutils/genisoimage Standalone genisoimage from cdrkit
2016-01-23T02:58:20+00:00 math/py-cdecimal Fast drop-in replacement for the Decimal module
The cdecimal is a fast drop-in replacement for the decimal module in Python's
standard library. Both modules provide complete implementations of the General
Decimal Arithmetic Specification.

Typical performance gains are between 30x for I/O heavy benchmarks and 80x for
numerical programs. In a database benchmark, cdecimal exhibits a speedup of
12x over

decimal cdecimal speedup
pi 42.75s 0.58s 74x
telco 172.19s 5.68s 30x
psycopg 3.57s 0.29s 12x

All Python versions from 2.5 up to 3.2 are supported. For the few remaining
differences, read the cdecimal documentation. cdecimal has been included in

2016-01-22T23:22:43+00:00 databases/elixir-db_connection Database connection behaviour for Elixir
Database connection behaviour and database connection pool designed
for handling transaction, prepare/execute and client process

2016-01-22T22:01:35+00:00 multimedia/plexpy Monitoring, analytics, and notifications for Plex Media Server
A python based web application for monitoring, analytics and
notifications for Plex Media Server (

2016-01-22T14:32:36+00:00 ports-mgmt/redports-node Redports building node
Redports is a fully hosted continuous integration platform for
testing FreeBSD Ports. redports-node is running on each building
machine which asks for new building jobs from the master and
builds them using poudriere.

2016-01-22T09:15:33+00:00 devel/erlang-backoff Simple exponential backoffs in Erlang
Backoff is an Erlang library to deal with exponential backoffs and
timers to be used within OTP processes when dealing with cyclical
events, such as reconnections, or generally retrying things.

2016-01-21T22:58:07+00:00 x11/libfakekey X virtual keyboard library
libfakekey is a simple library for converting UTF-8 characters into 'fake' X

2016-01-20T21:15:22+00:00 security/pam-modules Collection of modules for PAM
PAM-modules is a collection of useful PAM modules and command line
utilities for checking PAM authentication and other management groups.

2016-01-20T03:04:34+00:00 multimedia/libhdhomerun Library and command line utility for interfacing with HDHomeRun device
This package supports the Silicon Dust HDHomeRun,
a networked digital TV tuner compatible with VLC and Tvheadend.

This utility can be used for:

* Discovering your tuner location and name
* Gathering tuner settings
* Modifying tuner settings
* Performing scans
* Performing firmware upgrades

2016-01-19T14:40:05+00:00 databases/sql-workbench DBMS-independent, cross-platform SQL query tool
SQL Workbench/J is a free, DBMS-independent, cross-platform SQL
query tool. It is written in Java and should run on any operating
system that provides a Java Runtime Environment.

Its main focus is on running SQL scripts (either interactively or
as a batch) and export/import features. Graphical query building
or more advanced DBA tasks are not the focus and are not planned.

2016-01-19T10:00:25+00:00 net/libproxy-gnome3 GSettings-based configuration plug-in for libproxy
Libproxy exists to answer the question: Given a network resource, how do I
reach it? It handles all the details, enabling you to get back to

This plug-in allows libproxy to obtain proxy settings from a GNOME3 desktop
by using GSettings.

2016-01-19T08:56:34+00:00 biology/bedtools Toolset for genome set arithmetic such as intersect, union
The bedtools utilities are a suite of tools for performing a wide range of
genomics analysis tasks. The most widely-used of these tools enable genome
arithmetic, i.e., set theory on the genome. For example, with bedtools one can
intersect, merge, count, complement, and shuffle genomic intervals from
multiple files in common genomic formats such as BAM, BED, GFF/GTF, and VCF.

Although each individual utility is designed to do a relatively simple task,
e.g., intersect two interval files, more sophisticated analyses can be
conducted by stringing together multiple bedtools operations on the command
line or in shell scripts.

2016-01-19T08:12:59+00:00 net/libp0f Library of p0f-2.x for yaf as in the CERT NETSA confluence
libp0f is the autotools version of p0f-2.x with support for 3rd-party
linkage. libp0f splits the core p0f functionality from the p0f-2.x
application. The p0f library is installed as so
p0f2 and libp0f can co-exist independantly.

2016-01-19T05:52:58+00:00 emulators/nestopia Portable NES/Famicom emulator
Nestopia is a portable NES/Famicom emulator written in C++.

Nestopia UE (Undead Edition) is a fork of the original source code, with
enhancements from members of the emulation community. This includes
support for new platforms, and bug fixes in the emulator core.

2016-01-18T11:54:01+00:00 accessibility/py3-speech-dispatcher Python bindings for Speech Dispatcher
2016-01-18T09:43:54+00:00 www/slowcgi FastCGI interface for old CGI programs
slowcgi is a server which implements the FastCGI Protocol to execute CGI
scripts. FastCGI was designed to overcome the CGI protocol's scalability
and resource sharing limitations.

2016-01-17T13:30:47+00:00 x11-toolkits/rubygem-vte3 Ruby binding of VTE for GTK+ 3
Ruby/VTE is a Ruby binding of VTE.

2016-01-17T13:12:46+00:00 archivers/py-warctools Tools for debugging ISO28500/WARC files
Command line tools and libraries for handling and manipulating ISO 28500
WARC files and their HTTP contents.

2016-01-17T12:45:50+00:00 devel/rubygem-event-bus Notifies subscribers about event
Event Bus helps you to setup an event bus for your library.

2016-01-17T12:45:07+00:00 devel/rubygem-cucumber-wire Wire protocol plugin for Cucumber
Wire protocol plugin for Cucumber

2016-01-16T19:24:31+00:00 archivers/py-rarfile Python module for RAR archive reading
This is Python module for RAR archive reading. The interface is made
as zipfile like as possible.

2016-01-16T17:48:12+00:00 x11-toolkits/mygui-opengl OpenGL renderer for MyGUI
2016-01-16T17:48:12+00:00 x11-toolkits/mygui-ogre Ogre3d renderer for MyGUI
2016-01-16T17:48:12+00:00 x11-toolkits/mygui-dummy Dummy renderer for MyGUI
2016-01-16T13:23:40+00:00 textproc/py-python-gettext Python Gettext po to mo file compiler
This implementation of Gettext for Python includes a Msgfmt class
which can be used to generate compiled mo files from Gettext po
files and includes support for the newer msgctxt keyword.

2016-01-16T13:21:34+00:00 textproc/rubygem-emot Yet another emoji handler
Yet another emoji handler. It contains 870 emojis with its name and
codepoint(but not contains emoji fonts or images). All names of emojis
are from Emoji cheat sheet for Campfire and GitHub.

2016-01-16T10:01:57+00:00 www/py-django19 High-level Python Web Framework
Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development
and clean, pragmatic design.

Developed and used over the past two years by a fast-moving online-news
operation, Django was designed from scratch to handle two challenges: the
intensive deadlines of a newsroom and the stringent requirements of experienced
Web developers. It has convenient niceties for developing content-management
systems, but it's an excellent tool for building any Web site.

2016-01-16T09:16:24+00:00 audio/linux-c6-pulseaudio-libs-glib2 Libraries for PulseAudio clients with a GLib based application (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
2016-01-16T08:37:33+00:00 editors/fileobj Portable hex editor with vi like interface
fileobj is a portable hex editor with vi like interface.
This software provides basic vi commands for binary editing.
Features include insert, replace, delete data in hexadecimal or ascii,
cut and paste, undo and redo, visual select, partial buffer loading,
multiple buffers support, multiple windows support,
block device (raw disk) support, mapping binary data to C struct, etc.

2016-01-15T14:10:36+00:00 comms/libfap C port for Ham::APRS::FAP Finnish APRS Parser Perl module
libfap is a quick and dirty C port of the Ham::APRS::FAP
Finnish APRS Parser Perl module.

As the original Perl code, libfap parses normal,
mic-e and compressed location packets, NMEA location packets, objects,
items, messages, telemetry and most weather packets.
For more description, see the Perl module.

2016-01-15T00:49:20+00:00 devel/py-oslo.serialization Oslo Serialization library
The oslo.serialization library provides support for representing objects
in transmittable and storable formats, such as Base64, JSON and MessagePack.

2016-01-14T01:35:24+00:00 devel/py-oslo.utils Oslo Utility library
The oslo utils library provides support for common utility type functions, such
as encoding, exception handling, string manipulation, and time handling.

2016-01-14T01:16:52+00:00 devel/py-oslo.i18n Oslo i18n library
The oslo.i18n library contain utilities for working with internationalization
(i18n) features, especially translation for text strings in an application or

2016-01-14T00:06:55+00:00 devel/py-keystoneauth1 Authentication Library for OpenStack Identity
This package contains tools for authenticating to an OpenStack-based cloud.
These tools include:

- Authentication plugins (password, token, and federation based)
- Discovery mechanisms to determine API version support
- A session that is used to maintain client settings across requests
(based on the requests Python library)

2016-01-13T07:41:27+00:00 sysutils/ansible1
2016-01-13T03:47:11+00:00 math/octave-forge-tisean Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
The octave-forge package is the result of The GNU Octave Repositry project,
which is intended to be a central location for custom scripts, functions and
extensions for GNU Octave. contains the source for all the functions plus
build and install scripts.

This is tisean.

Port of TISEAN 3.0.1, which does nonlinear time series analysis. See

2016-01-13T03:24:32+00:00 math/octave-forge-sparsersb Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
The octave-forge package is the result of The GNU Octave Repositry project,
which is intended to be a central location for custom scripts, functions and
extensions for GNU Octave. contains the source for all the functions plus
build and install scripts.

This is sparsersb.

Interface to the librsb package implementing the RSB sparse matrix format.

2016-01-12T15:32:33+00:00 textproc/py-hypua2jamo Convert Hanyang-PUA code to unicode Hangul Jamo
Convert Hanyang-PUA code to unicode Hangul Jamo

2016-01-12T15:01:09+00:00 textproc/py-pyhwp HWP Document Format v5 parser & processor
Analyze and extract internal streams out from a HWP Document Format v5 file
Includes (experimental) Conversion to OpenDocument format (.odt) or plain
text (.txt)

2016-01-12T11:17:32+00:00 devel/rubygem-svn2git Ruby utilities for exporting SVN repo to git
svn2git is a tiny utility for migrating projects from Subversion to
Git while keeping the trunk, branches and tags where they should
be. It uses git-svn to clone an svn repository and does some clean-up
to make sure branches and tags are imported in a meaningful way, and
that the code checked into master ends up being what's currently in
your svn trunk rather than whichever svn branch your last commit was

2016-01-12T10:12:56+00:00 mail/p5-Mail-DMARC Perl5 module to process and/or create DKIM email
Mail::DMARC - Perl implementation of DMARC
DMARC: Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance

2016-01-12T02:35:42+00:00 sysutils/cfengine38 Systems administration tool for networks
Cfengine is an automated suite of programs for configuring and
maintaining Unix-like computers. It has been used on computing arrays
of between 1 and 20,000 computers since 1993 by a wide range of
organizations. Cfengine is supported by active research and was the
first autonomic, hands-free management system for Unix-like operating
systems. Cfengine is an autonomic maintenance system not merely a
change management roll-out tool. Cfengine has a history of security
and adaptability.

2016-01-12T02:35:42+00:00 sysutils/cfengine-masterfiles38 cfengine sample policies for installations and upgrades
CFEngine 3 is a popular open source configuration management system.
Its primary function is to provide automated configuration and
maintenance of large-scale computer systems.

The repository is intended to provide a stable base policy for
installations and upgrades, and is used by CFEngine 3.6 and newer.
The port installs the repository as examples which should be copied by
the user to the masterfiles directory (usually /var/cfengine/masterfiles).

2016-01-11T23:23:01+00:00 security/easy-rsa2 Small RSA key management package based on openssl
Easy-RSA is a small RSA key management package, based on the openssl
command line tool, that can be found in the easy-rsa subdirectory of the
OpenVPN distribution. While this tool is primary concerned with key
management for the SSL VPN application space, it can also be used for
building web certificates.

2016-01-11T21:29:26+00:00 devel/py-debtcollector Collection of Python deprecation patterns and strategies
A collection of Python deprecation patterns and strategies that help you
collect your technical debt in a non-destructive manner.

The goal of this library is to provide well documented developer facing
deprecation patterns that start of with a basic set and can expand into
a larger set of patterns as time goes on. The desired output of these
patterns is to apply the warnings module to emit DeprecationWarning or
PendingDeprecationWarning or similar derivative to developers using
libraries (or potentially applications) about future deprecations.

2016-01-11T07:29:16+00:00 security/py-scrypt Bindings for the scrypt key derivation function library
This is is a set of Python bindings for the scrypt key derivation function.

Scrypt is useful when encrypting password as it is possible to specify a
minimum amount of time to use when encrypting and decrypting. If, for example,
a password takes 0.05 seconds to verify, a user won't notice the slight delay
when signing in, but doing a brute force search of several billion passwords
will take a considerable amount of time. This is in contrast to more
traditional hash functions such as MD5 or the SHA family which can be
implemented extremely fast on cheap hardware.

2016-01-11T01:18:02+00:00 devel/py-monotonic Python 3 monotonic time module for Python 2
This module provides a monotonic() function which returns the value
(in fractional seconds) of a clock which never goes backwards. It
is compatible with Python 2 and Python 3.

On Python 3.3 or newer, monotonic will be an alias of time.monotonic
from the standard library. On older versions, it will fall back to
an equivalent implementation:

2016-01-10T21:51:11+00:00 textproc/elasticsearch2-plugin-sql ElasticSearch SQL plugin
Query ElasticSearch using familiar SQL syntax. You can also use ES
functions in SQL.

2016-01-10T21:39:58+00:00 textproc/elasticsearch2-plugin-hq ElasticSearch HQ Plugin
From monitoring individual cluster nodes, to viewing real-time
threads, ElasticHQ enables up-to-the-second insight in to ElasticSearch
cluster runtime metrics and configurations, using the ElasticSearch

2016-01-10T21:18:15+00:00 ports-mgmt/synth Custom package repository builder for FreeBSD and DragonFly
Synth is a custom packge repository builder for FreeBSD and DragonFly.

It is intended to replace Portmaster, portupgrade, and poudriere for
the average user. It is simple to learn (the powerful options are
limited in number) and user-friendly, but it is extremely fast due
to its parallel building capability. It will "drop-in" on any system
as it leverages the stock pkg(8) facilities. All ports are built
in a clean environment, so it is finally safe to build ports as
needed on a live system. The default profile is the system itself, not
a new jail, which can be a valuable feature for some environments.

To bring a system up-to-date only requires one command after the ports
tree is updated:

> synth upgrade-system

During the building process, a curses-based display will show the status
of all the builders and the entire bulk run process. A dynamic and
searchable web-based report is generated simultaneously. Synth is intended
to be grasped and utilized by novice users within minutes, but offers
most of the same powerful features as Poudriere for the power users.
Synth requires no preparation; it works immediately upon installation.

2016-01-10T20:33:01+00:00 java/intellij IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition
IntelliJ IDEA is an advanced IDE developed by JetBrains and focused on
developer productivity. The community edition features:
* An intelligent code editor that understands Java code; provides
refactorings, code inspections and intentions, and allows for
fast code navigation.
* Integration with such tools as JUnit and TestNG, Ant and Maven,
and popular version control systems including: CVS, Subversion
and git.
* XML-Java interoperability and comprehensive Groovy programming
language support.
* The Swing UI designer complements the suite of tools for
developing Java desktop applications.

2016-01-10T13:44:01+00:00 security/py-pycryptodome Cryptographic library for Python
PyCryptodome is a fork of PyCrypto. It brings the following
enhancements with respect to the last official version of
PyCrypto (2.6.1):

* Authenticated encryption modes (GCM, CCM, EAX, SIV, OCB)
* Accelerated AES on Intel platforms via AES-NI
* First class support for PyPy
* SHA-3 (including SHAKE XOFs) and BLAKE2 hash algorithms
* Salsa20 and ChaCha20 stream ciphers
* scrypt and HKDF
* Deterministic DSA
* Password-protected PKCS#8 key containers
* Shamir's Secret Sharing scheme
* Random numbers get sourced directly from the OS (and not from
a CSPRNG in userspace)
* Simplified install process, including better support for Windows
* Cleaner RSA and DSA key generation (largely based on FIPS 186-4)
* Major clean ups and simplification of the code base

2016-01-10T13:20:59+00:00 net-im/ricochet Anonymous peer-to-peer instant messenger
Anonymous peer-to-peer instant messenger working through the Tor network.

2016-01-10T10:47:50+00:00 net-mgmt/py-pyzabbix Zabbix API Python Library
PyZabbix is a Python module for working with the Zabbix API.

2016-01-10T10:20:51+00:00 security/certificate-transparency Open framework for monitoring and auditing SSL certificates
Google's Certificate Transparency project is an open framework for monitoring
and auditing SSL certificates in nearly real time. It makes it possible
to detect SSL certificates that have been mistakenly issued by a certificate
authority or maliciously acquired from an otherwise unimpeachable certificate
authority. It also makes it possible to identify certificate authorities
that have gone rogue and are maliciously issuing certificates.

2016-01-10T07:32:42+00:00 textproc/rubygem-babosa Ruby library for creating slugs
Babosa is a library for creating human-friendly identifiers, aka "slugs".
It can also be useful for normalizing and sanitizing data.

2016-01-10T06:16:31+00:00 misc/py-tqdm Fast, extensible progress bar for Python
Simple Python Progress Meter

2016-01-10T06:13:47+00:00 security/py-pyotp Python One Time Password Library
PyOTP is a Python library for generating and verifying one-time passwords. It
can be used to implement two-factor (2FA) or multi-factor (MFA) authentication
methods in web applications and in other systems that require users to log in.

2016-01-09T14:28:40+00:00 www/py-MechanicalSoup Python library for automating interaction with websites
MechanicalSoup is a Python library for automating interaction with websites. It
automatically stores and sends cookies, follows redirects, and can follow links
and submit forms. It doesn't do JavaScript.

2016-01-08T16:39:13+00:00 devel/elixir-apex Term printing library for Elixir
Awesome Print is an Elixir library that pretty prints Elixir data
structures in full color exposing their internal structure with
proper indentation.

2016-01-08T12:25:16+00:00 www/trac-ldapauthstore Trac AccountManager plugin using LDAP authentication store
This plugin is a password store for the AccountManagerPlugin that
provides authentication and group membership from an LDAP
service. Users are authenticated by performing an LDAP bind against a
directory using their credentials. The plugin will also pull the email
address and username from the directory and populate the
session_attribute table.


2016-01-08T11:45:27+00:00 mail/cleanup-maildir Script for cleaning up mails in Maildir folders based on arival date
This is a script for cleaning up and archiving mails in Maildir folders based on
the date the mail was received.

The script supports thread detection and can distinguish between read and
partially read threads.
2016-01-08T05:05:35+00:00 net/py-matrix-synapse Matrix protocol reference homeserver
Matrix is an ambitious new ecosystem for open federated Instant Messaging and
VoIP. The basics you need to know to get up and running are:

* Everything in Matrix happens in a room. Rooms are distributed and do not
exist on any single server. Rooms can be located using convenience
aliases like or #test:localhost:8448.
* Matrix user IDs look like (although in the future you
will normally refer to yourself and others using a 3PID: email address,
phone number, etc rather than manipulating Matrix user IDs)

Synapse is currently in rapid development, but as of version 0.5 we believe it
is sufficiently stable to be run as an internet-facing service for real usage!

2016-01-08T05:03:39+00:00 security/py-pymacaroons-pynacl Macaroon library for Python
Macaroons, like cookies, are a form of bearer credential. Unlike opaque tokens,
macaroons embed caveats that define specific authorization requirements for the
target service, the service that issued the root macaroon and which is capable
of verifying the integrity of macaroons it receives.

2016-01-08T05:00:11+00:00 devel/py-matrix-angular-sdk Matrix Angular SDK
An Angular SDK for the Matrix project.

2016-01-08T04:57:51+00:00 devel/py-blist Drop-in list replacement with better performance for large lists
The blist is a drop-in replacement for the Python list that provides better
performance when modifying large lists. The blist package also provides
sortedlist, sortedset, weaksortedlist, weaksortedset, sorteddict, and btuple

2016-01-08T04:56:01+00:00 devel/py-pydenticon Library for generating identicons - an enhanced port of Sigil
Pydenticon is a small utility library that can be used for deterministically
generating identicons based on the hash of provided data.

2016-01-08T04:51:15+00:00 devel/py-daemonize Enables code to run as a daemon process on Unix-like systems
daemonize is a library for writing system daemons in Python.

2016-01-08T04:48:19+00:00 devel/py-frozendict Immutable dictionary implementation for Python
frozendict is an immutable wrapper around dictionaries that implements the
complete mapping interface. It can be used as a drop-in replacement for
dictionaries where immutability is desired.

Of course, this is python, and you can still poke around the object's internals
if you want.

The frozendict constructor mimics dict, and all of the expected interfaces
(iter, len, repr, hash, getitem) are provided. Note that a frozendict does not
guarantee the immutability of its values, so the utility of hash method is
restricted by usage.

The only difference is that the copy() method of frozendict takes variable
keyword arguments, which will be present as key/value pairs in the new,
immutable copy.

2016-01-08T04:46:37+00:00 devel/py-hypothesis Library for property based testing
Hypothesis is an advanced testing library for Python. It lets you write tests
which are parametrized by a source of examples, and then generates simple and
comprehensible examples that make your tests fail. This lets you find more bugs
in your code with less work.

2016-01-08T04:44:16+00:00 security/py-pysaml2 Python implementation of SAML Version 2
PySAML2 is a pure python implementation of SAML2. It contains all necessary
pieces for building a SAML2 service provider or an identity provider. The
distribution contains examples of both. Originally written to work in a WSGI
environment there are extensions that allow you to use it with other frameworks.

2016-01-08T04:41:40+00:00 devel/py-responses Utility library for mocking out the requests Python library
A utility library for mocking out the requests Python library.

2016-01-08T04:37:09+00:00 security/py-signedjson Sign JSON with Ed25519 signatures
python-signedjson allows more than one entity to sign an object, can sign with
more than one key and replace ED25519 with a different algorithm.

2016-01-08T04:34:34+00:00 devel/py-unpaddedbase64 Unpadded Base64
Encode and decode Base64 without "=" padding.

RFC 4648 specifies that Base64 should be padded to a multiple of 4 bytes using
"=" characters. However this conveys no benefit so many protocols choose to use
Base64 without the "=" padding.

2016-01-08T04:31:43+00:00 devel/py-canonicaljson Canonical JSON
Canonical JSON is a JSON library for Python that provides features such as
sorted keys, no insignificant whitespace, minimal escaping where necessary and
supports frozendict immutable dictionaries.

2016-01-08T04:26:45+00:00 www/py-cookies Friendlier RFC 6265-compliant cookie parser/renderer is a Python module for working with HTTP cookies: parsing and
rendering 'Cookie:' request headers and 'Set-Cookie:' response headers, and
exposing a convenient API for creating and modifying cookies. It can be used
as a replacement of Python's (aka http.cookies).

2016-01-07T19:58:47+00:00 databases/postgresql95-server
PostgreSQL is a sophisticated Object-Relational DBMS, supporting
almost all SQL constructs, including subselects, transactions, and
user-defined types and functions. It is the most advanced open-source
database available anywhere. Commercial Support is also available.

The original Postgres code was the effort of many graduate students,
undergraduate students, and staff programmers working under the direction of
Professor Michael Stonebraker at the University of California, Berkeley. In
1995, Andrew Yu and Jolly Chen took on the task of converting the DBMS query
language to SQL and created a new database system which came to known as
Postgres95. Many others contributed to the porting, testing, debugging and
enhancement of the Postgres95 code. As the code improved, and 1995 faded into
memory, PostgreSQL was born.

PostgreSQL development is presently being performed by a team of Internet
developers who are now responsible for all current and future development. The
development team coordinator is Marc G. Fournier (scrappy@PostgreSQL.ORG).
Support is available from the PostgreSQL developer/user community through the
support mailing list (questions@PostgreSQL.ORG).

PostgreSQL is free and the complete source is available.

2016-01-07T19:58:47+00:00 databases/postgresql95-pltcl
2016-01-07T19:58:47+00:00 databases/postgresql95-plpython
PL/Python allows one to write PostgeSQL stored functions and
procedures in Python (

This software is part of the standard PostgreSQL distribution.

2016-01-07T19:58:47+00:00 databases/postgresql95-plperl
2016-01-07T19:58:47+00:00 databases/postgresql95-pgtcl
2016-01-07T19:58:47+00:00 databases/postgresql95-docs
2016-01-07T19:58:47+00:00 databases/postgresql95-contrib The contrib utilities from the PostgreSQL distribution
This is the port for all stuff that comes in the contrib subtree of
the postgresql distribution. This subtree contains porting tools,
analysis utilities, and plug-in features that are not part of the core
PostgreSQL system, mainly because they address a limited audience or
are too experimental to be part of the main source tree. This does
not preclude their usefulness.

Each subdirectory contains a README file with information about the
module. Some directories supply new user-defined functions, operators,
or types. After you have installed the files you need to register the
new entities in the database system by running the commands in the
supplied .sql file. For example,

$ psql -d dbname -f module.sql

The .sql files are installed into /usr/local/share/postgresql/contrib

For more information, please see

This software is part of the standard PostgreSQL distribution.

2016-01-07T19:58:47+00:00 databases/postgresql95-client PostgreSQL database (client)
2016-01-07T19:01:34+00:00 archivers/unarchiver Unarchiver for a vast variety of file formats
The Unarchiver is an archive unpacker program with support for the lots of
popular ZIP, RAR, 7z, tar, gzip, bzip2, LZMA, XZ, CAB, MSI, NSIS, EXE, ISO,
BIN, split file formats, as well as the old Stuffit, Stuffit X, DiskDouble,
Compact Pro, Packit, cpio, compress (.Z), ARJ, ARC, PAK, ACE, ZOO, LZH, ADF,
DMS, LZX, PowerPacker, LBR, Squeeze, Crunch, and other old/obscure formats.

It can also handle filenames in foreign character sets, created with non-
English versions of some operating systems, and is particularly useful for
processing CJK archives correctly.

2016-01-06T07:46:43+00:00 net/p5-URI-db Perl5 module representing database URIs
This class provides support for database URIs. They're inspired by
JDBC URIs and PostgreSQL URIs, though they're a bit more formal.

2016-01-06T07:43:27+00:00 net/p5-URI-Nested Perl5 interface for nested URIs
This library implements a Perl interface for nested URIs -- that is, URIs that
contain other URIs. The basic format is:


Some examples:

* `jdbc:oracle:scott/tiger@//myhost:1521/myservicename`
* `db:postgres://`

2016-01-05T21:50:35+00:00 games/supertux2 Side-scroller game similar to Super Mario Brothers
SuperTux is a 2D jump and run side-scroller game in a style similar
to the original Super Mario games.

2016-01-05T19:19:34+00:00 lang/ruby23 Object-oriented interpreted scripting language
Ruby is the interpreted scripting language for quick and
easy object-oriented programming. It has many features to
process text files and to do system management tasks (as in
Perl). It is simple, straight-forward, and extensible.

Features of Ruby are shown below.

+ Simple Syntax
+ *Normal* Object-Oriented features(ex. class, method calls)
+ *Advanced* Object-Oriented features(ex. Mix-in, Singleton-method)
+ Operator Overloading
+ Exception Handling
+ Iterators and Closures
+ Garbage Collection
+ Dynamic Loading of Object files(on some architecture)
+ Highly Portable(works on many UNIX machines, and on DOS,
Windows, Mac, BeOS etc.)

2016-01-04T18:30:53+00:00 devel/aarch64-none-elf-gcc GNU Compiler Collection for bare metal aarch64 cross-development
GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection supporting C and C++ for arm bare metal

2016-01-04T18:30:53+00:00 devel/aarch64-none-elf-binutils GNU binutils for bare metal AArch64 cross-development
2016-01-04T13:54:38+00:00 security/libressl-devel Free version of the SSL/TLS protocol forked from OpenSSL
LibreSSL is an open-source implementation of the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and
Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols. It was forked from the OpenSSL
cryptographic software library in April 2014 as a response by OpenBSD
developers to the Heartbleed security vulnerability in OpenSSL,
with the aim of refactoring the OpenSSL code so as to provide a more secure

LibreSSL was forked from the OpenSSL library starting with the 1.0.1g branch
and will follow the security guidelines used elsewhere in the OpenBSD project.

2016-01-04T13:51:02+00:00 devel/py-PyLD Implementation of the JSON Linked Data specification in Python
This library is an implementation of the JSON-LD specification in Python.

JSON-LD is designed as a light-weight syntax that can be used to
express Linked Data. It is primarily intended to be a way to express
Linked Data in JavaScript and other Web-based programming environments.
It is also useful when building interoperable Web Services and when
storing Linked Data in JSON-based document storage engines. It is
practical and designed to be as simple as possible, utilizing the
large number of JSON parsers and existing code that is in use today.
It is designed to be able to express key-value pairs, RDF data,
RDFa data, Microformats data, and Microdata. That is, it supports
every major Web-based structured data model in use today.

The syntax does not require many applications to change their JSON,
but easily add meaning by adding context in a way that is either
in-band or out-of-band. The syntax is designed to not disturb already
deployed systems running on JSON, but provide a smooth migration
path from JSON to JSON with added semantics. Finally, the format
is intended to be fast to parse, fast to generate, stream-based and
document-based processing compatible, and require a very small
memory footprint in order to operate.

2016-01-04T11:23:25+00:00 devel/py-tempora Objects and routines pertaining to date and time
Tempora is a objects and routines pertaining to date and time.

2016-01-04T09:04:29+00:00 chinese/gydict Command line tool of Yahoo! Dictionary
A command line tool to do EN <-> CH translation, utilized by Yahoo! Dictionary.

2016-01-04T07:55:31+00:00 security/py-pynacl Python binding to the Networking and Cryptography library
PyNaCl is a Python binding to the Networking and Cryptography library, a crypto
library with the stated goal of improving usability, security and speed.

2016-01-04T07:22:15+00:00 databases/py-pickleshare Tiny shelve-like database with concurrency support
PickleShare - a small 'shelve' like datastore with concurrency support

Like shelve, a PickleShareDB object acts like a normal dictionary.
Unlike shelve, many processes can access the database simultaneously.
Changing a value in database is immediately visible to other processes
accessing the same database.

2016-01-04T07:20:49+00:00 devel/py-traitlets Configuration system for Python applications
Traitlets is a framework that lets Python classes have attributes with type
checking, dynamically calculated default values, and 'on change' callbacks.
Keeps configuration in a variety of formats, including JSON.

2016-01-04T00:26:15+00:00 graphics/py-exifread Read Exif metadata from tiff and jpeg files
Easy to use Python module to extract Exif metadata from tiff and
jpeg files.

Originally written by Gene Cash & Thierry Bousch.

2016-01-03T20:40:50+00:00 devel/py-bandit Tool for finding common security issues in Python code
Bandit is a tool for finding common security issues in Python code.
To do this Bandit processes each file, builds an AST from it, and runs
appropriate plugins against the AST nodes. Once Bandit has finished scanning
all the files it generates a report.

2016-01-03T17:50:33+00:00 sysutils/p5-Schedule-Cron-Events Take a line from a crontab and find out when events will occur
Given a line from a crontab, tells you the time at which cron will
next run the line, or when the last event occurred, relative to any
date you choose. The object keeps that reference date internally,
and updates it when you call nextEvent() or previousEvent() - such
that successive calls will give you a sequence of events going
forward, or backwards, in time.

Use setCounterToNow() to reset this reference time to the current
date on your system, or use setCounterToDate() to set the reference
to any arbitrary time, or resetCounter() to take the object back
to the date you constructed it with.

This module uses Set::Crontab to understand the date specification,
so we should be able to handle all forms of cron entries.

2016-01-03T05:47:42+00:00 ports-mgmt/py-skog Generate visual dependency trees for FreeBSD ports
A tool to generate human-readable trees of dependencies of a FreeBSD port.

2016-01-02T15:54:07+00:00 audio/optimfrog-sse2 Best-ratio lossless audio codec (SSE2 required)
2016-01-02T07:01:52+00:00 devel/py-natsort Natural sorting for python
Normal python sort algorithm sorts lexicographically, so you might not get the
results that you expect. Natsort provides a function natsorted() that helps sort
lists "naturally", either as real numbers (i.e. signed/unsigned floats or ints),
or as versions.

2016-01-02T06:15:45+00:00 misc/py-spdx-lookup SPDX license list query tool
A tool to query the SPDX license list. Use the binary `spdx-lookup`.

2016-01-02T06:12:33+00:00 misc/py-spdx SPDX license list database
A Python module incorporating an interface to the SPDX license database.

This library serves purely as a holder for the database that can be found on the
SPDX website <>.

2016-01-01T16:14:28+00:00 multimedia/nordlicht Create moodbars from video files
nordlicht is a tool that converts video files into colorful barcodes.
nordlicht is free software, supports a large number of styles, and is
optimized for speed. It comes with a software library written in C
that allows for easy integration into other programs.