FreeBSD New Ports Index

This page is a slightly modified version of the following one-liner output. created_at: 2021-05-14T01:32:22+09:00

# git -C /usr/ports log --diff-filter=A --name-status --pretty="format:%aI %H" origin/master | perl -nlE '/^\d/ ? $d=$_ : print "$d\t$_"' | ack "\t[0-9a-z-]+/[^/ ]+/Makefile$"
timestamp origin comment / pkg-descr
1996-12-30T09:16:56+00:00 sysutils/pib GUI Ports Collection management tool
The Ports Index Browser provides a quick and powerful means for browsing the
FreeBSD Ports Collection INDEX file and performing related functions.

It provides an intuitive GUI interface, online help and useful distfile
management functions.
1996-12-30T09:16:56+00:00 ports-mgmt/pib GUI Ports Collection management tool
The Ports Index Browser provides a quick and powerful means for browsing the
FreeBSD Ports Collection INDEX file and performing related functions.

It provides an intuitive GUI interface, online help and useful distfile
management functions.
1996-12-30T07:13:51+00:00 x11-toolkits/tix Extension to the Tk toolkit

The Tix library is an extension to the Tk toolkit that contains over
40 new widgets for Tk. Features include:

A LOT of new widgets
Rapid Prototyping New Widgets
XPM image suport
Compound images
Display Items and Display Styles
Form geometry manager
Mwm window manager support

1996-12-29T04:44:14+00:00 misc/estic Controller for ISDN TK-Anlage (PBX) made by Istec
ESTIC is an Enhanced Supervisor Tool for ISTEC Configuration.
The German manufacturer Emmerich makes Istec 1003 & 1008 TK-Anlagen.
The TK-Anlage is an ISDN PBX ( Private Branch Exchange ).

Julian Stacey <>
1996-12-28T03:07:51+00:00 misc/xless X11-based viewer for text files
This is a port of xless (version 1.7), a handy text file viewer for X.
Useful as a viewer tool for other apps (e.g., xfm, the X file manager),
or as a standalone viewer. Presents a scrollable text window (both
vertical and horizontal scrolling), with a number of clickable buttons.

From the README file:

Display either the file(s) specified on the command line or input from
standard input, supplied by a pipe. File/pipe may be optionally
monitored so that the display is continuously updated as new text is
Display new files in the current window or by creating a new window.
Reload or print the displayed file.
Search the displayed file using either exact, case-insensitive, or
regular expression patterns.
Edit the displayed file with your favorite editor (as specified in
the VISUAL or EDITOR environment variable)
1996-12-27T11:09:49+00:00 lang/lcc
lcc is the retargetable ANSI C compiler described in the book
`A Retargetable C Compiler: Design and Implementation'
(Addison-Wesley, 1995, ISBN 0-8053-1670-1).

lcc is a production compiler with a hand crafted lexical analyzer and a
hand-coded recursive decent parser. The lexer and parser code is well
written and very easy to read (and learn from :-)).

lcc compiles much faster than FreeBSD's stock [gcc] compiler. However, it
does not under stand FreeBSD's "long long" data type.

See for updates,
patches, and more information.

1996-12-25T12:42:42+00:00 vietnamese/vnroff Converts Vietnamese VIQR text into troff format
VNroff converts VIQR format (RFC 1456) Vietnamese characters into troff
format so groff/troff can print it out.

To use this program:

vnroff file | groff | ... or
vnroff file | whater_program_that_print_out_a_troff_file

1996-12-25T12:13:02+00:00 lang/mixal Assembler and interpreter for Donald Knuth's mythical MIX computer
Mixal is a version the assembler and interpreter for Donald Knuth's
mythical MIX computer, defined in:

Donald E. Knuth, _The Art of Computer Programming, Vol. 1: Fundamental
Algorithms_. Addison-Wesley, 1973 (2nd ed.)

This preliminary release doesn't do floating point and has little
documentation as yet, but it works well enough to be used in conjunction
with the book.

1996-12-23T17:37:41+00:00 graphics/pgperl A perl5 extension which makes available the pgplot library
'pgperl' is a version of the Perl language which has available
the PGPLOT FORTRAN library, a very popular package for plotting
astronomical data. (As a glance through any issue of ApJ or MNRAS will
confirm.) The details of this involve some complicated C glue routines
but are transparent to the user.

See the file LICENSE in /usr/local/share/doc/pgperl for copyright/licensing
information and the file pgperl.doc on how to use pgplot from perl.

1996-12-23T17:37:41+00:00 graphics/p5-PGPLOT Perl5 extension which makes available the pgplot library
'pgperl' is a version of the Perl language which has available
the PGPLOT FORTRAN library, a very popular package for plotting
astronomical data. (As a glance through any issue of ApJ or MNRAS will
confirm.) The details of this involve some complicated C glue routines
but are transparent to the user.

See the file LICENSE in /usr/local/share/doc/pgperl for copyright/licensing
information and the file pgperl.doc on how to use pgplot from perl.

1996-12-23T07:12:29+00:00 graphics/jbigkit Lossless compression for bi-level images such as scanned pages, faxes
JBIG-KIT implements a highly effective data compression algorithm for
bi-level high-resolution images such as fax pages or scanned documents.

This is a portable library of compression and decompression functions
with a documented interface that can be included into your image or
document processing software. Also provided are ready-to-use compression
and decompression programs with a simple command line interface (similar
to the converters found in Jef Poskanzer's PBM conversion package).

JBIG-KIT implements the specification

International Standard ISO/IEC 11544:1993 and ITU-T Recommendation
T.82(1993), "Information technology - Coded representation of picture
and audio information - progressive bi-level image compression",

which is commonly referred to as the "JBIG standard". JBIG (Joint
Bi-level Image experts Group) is the committee which developed this
international standard for the lossless compression of images using
arithmetic coding. Like the well-known compression algorithms JPEG and
MPEG, also JBIG has been developed and published by the International
Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International
Telecommunication Union (ITU) (see also <> and

1996-12-22T04:36:43+00:00 graphics/pgplot C/FORTRAN library for drawing graphs on a variety of display devices
PGPLOT is a Fortran subroutine package for drawing graphs on a variety
of display devices. For more details, see the manual ``PGPLOT Graphics
Subroutine Library'', available from T. J. Pearson.

The CPGPLOT library adds an intermediate level of wrapper functions
between C programs and the PGPLOT library. These functions hide the
system dependencies of calling PGPLOT behind a system independent

Documentation and demo programs are included.

1996-12-19T19:41:57+00:00 graphics/geomview Interactive viewer for 3- and 4-D geometric objects
Geomview and OOGL are part of an ongoing effort at the Geometry Center
to provide interactive 3D graphics software which is particularly
appropriate for displaying the kinds of objects and doing the kinds of
operations of interest in mathematics research and education. You can
compute an OOGL data file of a mathematical object that would be
difficult or impossible to build a model of in the real world. In
geomview, besides examining an object in ordinary Euclidean 3-space,
you can look at objects in hyperbolic 3-space and Euclidean 4-space.
The hyperbolic model is the projective one, where geodesics are
straight lines and isometries are represented as 4x4 projective
matrices. While geomview is tailored for mathematical visualization,
it is written to be extensible and can serve as a general-purpose
tool. Its functionality can be extended in an almost unlimited fashion
by external modules.

1996-12-19T12:10:06+00:00 sysutils/su2 Enhanced su, allows users to su with own password + more
From the README:

su2 is a great program for anyone that has anything to do with
system administration. su2 gives you the ability to masquerade with
the UID of other users. You use own password to switch. Probably the
biggest benefit of su2 is that you retain your own customized shell

For the most part, this program is used by system administrators to
become root, but su2 has been written to enable much more flexibility
than this. Regular users can put a .su2rc file in their home
directory to enable other users to become them. While this may sound
odd, it is sometimes useful to allow a number of users to masquerade
around with the uid of restricted accounts. One such example of this
is a 'www' account which is a common occurrence with the proliferation
of the web. While the www user's password may be starred out to
disable direct logins, root could put a set of usernames into
~www/.su2rc to enable these users to 'become' www and do Web
administration. [This feature can be disabled if you are worried
about 'account sharing.']
1996-12-19T03:36:14+00:00 japanese/lipsf Text to LIPS filter
lipsf is a text filter which converts plain text file
to LIPS (LIPSIII is default).
EUC and JIS KANJI codes are detected automatically.

pols is an interactive tool for printing through lipsf.
see /usr/local/share/doc/lipsf/ for details.

An example for startup:
Put lipsf entry to /etc/printcap file:

lipsf|lipsf printer:\

1996-12-19T03:33:10+00:00 japanese/escpf Text filters for ESC/P, ESC/Page and ESC/PS printers
escpf, escpagef, escpsf, and escpagesf are text filters for Epson compatible

escpf: text to ESC/P code.
escpagef: text to ESC/Page code.
escpsf: text to ESC/P code trough ESC/PS mode.
escpagesf: text to ESC/Page code trough ESC/PS mode.

JIS, and EUC KANJI code are detected and converted automatically.

Read /usr/local/share/doc/escpf/escpf.doc (in English), or escpf.euc
(in Japanese) for details.

1996-12-18T16:40:16+00:00 lang/pgcc
The Pentium Compiler GROUP's PGCC

The Pentium Compiler Group was formed to create a version of GCC supporting
x86 specific optimizations. Their work is based off of Cygnus's EGCS
compiler suite.


Beware: This port installs new versions of "gcc", "g++", "c++", "egcc",
"eg++" and so forth into the "${PREFIX}/bin" directory.
Mind your PATHs if you don't want to use this compiler by default.

- David O'Brien <>
1996-12-18T05:26:57+00:00 japanese/w3 WWW browser based on emacs/mule
w3-2.2.26 package is WWW browser package for emacs.

Info path and elisp load path would be set as follows :

Info path - /usr/local/info
load path - /usr/local/lib/mule/site-lisp/w3

You may be happy by adding following lines to your .emacs file:

(setq url-keep-history t)
(setq url-be-asynchronous t)
(setq w3-default-homepage

and copying .mosaic-hotlist-default file from /usr/local/share/examples/w3
directory to your home directory.

Setting above user environment would be only executed by
/usr/local/share/examples/w3/user-install on your home directory.

If you want to get an typesetting manual, copy Makefile and w3.texi from
/usr/local/share/doc/w3 and 'make w3.dvi'.

If you have installed correctly, type "M-x w3". Enjoy!

- Kiriyama Kazuhiko
1996-12-18T05:26:32+00:00 www/w3 WWW browser based on emacs/mule
w3-2.2.26 package is WWW browser package for emacs.

Info path and elisp load path would be set as follows :

Info path - /usr/local/info
load path - /usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/w3

You may be happy by adding following lines to your .emacs file:

(setq url-keep-history t)
(setq url-be-asynchronous t)
(setq w3-default-homepage

and copying .mosaic-hotlist-default file from /usr/local/share/examples/w3
directory to your home directory.

Setting above user environment would be only executed by
/usr/local/share/examples/w3/user-install on your home directory.

If you want to get an typesetting manual, copy Makefile and w3.texi from
/usr/local/share/doc/w3 and 'make w3.dvi'.

If you have installed correctly, type "M-x w3". Enjoy!

- Kiriyama Kazuhiko
1996-12-18T05:26:32+00:00 www/w3-4 WWW browser based on emacs/mule
Emacs/W3 is a full-featured web browser, written entirely in Emacs-Lisp,
that supports all the bells and whistles you will find in use on the web
today, including frames, tables, stylesheets, and much more. Emacs/W3
runs on most major operating systems, including almost any flavor of Unix,
Windows NT/95, AmigaDOS, OS/2, and VMS.

Emacs/W3 4.0 is the first major release of Emacs/W3 in almost a year, and
is a major upgrade. Please read the documentation carefully if you are
upgrading. If you run into any problems, please read the FAQ to see if
you have run into a common problem.

1996-12-18T05:09:26+00:00 mail/mew Messaging in the Emacs World for emacs
Mew is a user interface for text messages, multimedia messages(MIME),
news articles and security functionality including PGP, SSH and SSL.

1996-12-14T22:33:03+00:00 mail/xfaces Display shaped icons for mail spool contents
A program for monitoring mailspools (and other things) that can display
shaped icons.

1996-12-14T22:27:51+00:00 mail/faces Visual mail, user, and print face server
Faces is a Gtk+ program for monitoring a list visually. Typically this is
a list of incoming mail messages. IMAP and POP mailbox formats are

Faces has three different modes of operation:
* The default will monitor for new mail.
* You can monitor the whole of a mail file.
* Custom monitoring. You can specify a program or shell script to run.

Lots of good examples can be downloaded from:

Audio capabilities are also provided as a conditional compilation option.

1996-12-12T03:46:31+00:00 math/calctool Multi-GUI (terminal, X, XView) calculator program
From the README:

calctool - README - November 1989.

This is V2.4 of a simple desktop calculator.
This version works under X11, XView and dumb tty terminals.

It is almost visually identical to V2.1 which was released in August
1988, but internally most of the code has been reworked to include a
level of graphics abstraction, to make porting this code to other
window systems a trivial task.

V2.4 includes display in scientific notation, color icons, a correct
factorial function and fixes for a few minor bugs. It introduces the
new versions for XView, X11, MGR and dumb terminals. New functions
include hyperbolic and inverse hyperbolic trigonometrical functions,
register exchange, constants and the input of numbers in exponential
notation. You can also have a .calctoolrc file in your home directory,
which can define upto ten new values for constants, and ten function
definitions which are used in conjunction with the FUN key.

(port maintained by
1996-12-12T02:41:11+00:00 databases/typhoon Relational database library
Typhoon is a freely available relational database management system for
the UNIX and OS/2 environments.

The system works fine and is currently used in a number of professional
applications in Denmark, some of them mission critical.

The system was originally inspired by Raima's db_VISTA (today Raima Data
Manager) but is relational rather than network based. Typhoon lacks some of
db_VISTA's features, but also contains a number of nice features not found in
1996-12-11T22:51:22+00:00 devel/splint Tool for statically checking sourcecode for security vulnerabilities
Splint is a tool for statically checking C programs for security
vulnerabilities and coding mistakes. With minimal effort, Splint
can be used as a better lint. If additional effort is invested
adding annotations to programs, Splint can perform stronger checking
than can be done by any standard lint.

1996-12-11T22:51:22+00:00 devel/lclint
LCLint is a tool for statically checking C programs. With minimal
effort, LCLint can be used as a better lint. If additional effort is
invested adding annotations to programs, LCLint can perform stronger
checks than can be done by any standard lint.

1996-12-11T20:54:58+00:00 games/linuxdoom
This package contains all of the items you'll need to play DOOM
under Linux/FreeBSD, except for an X server if you want to use the X
version. These files are for Linux DOOM version 1.8.

doom1.wad is the shareware DOOM wad for version 1.8. If you have
DOOM or DOOM II for MS-DOS, then you can use those files instead.

1996-12-11T20:54:58+00:00 games/doom DOOM: the game and the sound server
Here it is, at long last. The DOOM source code is released for your
non-profit use. You still need real DOOM data to work with this code.
If you don't actually own a real copy of one of the DOOMs, you should
still be able to find them at software stores.
1996-12-09T02:07:06+00:00 vietnamese/vnpstext Converts 8-bit VISCII Vietnamese text into PostScript
Tha^n cha`o ca'c ba.n,

Vnpstext converts your 8-bit Vietnamese text to a PostScript
file suitable for printing to a PostScript printer. To use it
you need to have an 8-bit Vietnamese text file (VISCII, RFC 1456),
which may be created with an editor like Vnelvis, or converted from
Viet-Std 7-bit (VIQR, quoted-readable) format using vn7to8.

David O'Brien
1996-12-09T02:02:49+00:00 vietnamese/vnlpr Shell script and set of fonts to print Vietnamese text on PostScript printer
vnlpr is a shell script that utilizes the vnpstext and vn7to8
utilities to print vietnames text on PostScript printer on Unix machines
using various Type-1 fonts supplied by TriChlor and the Courier fonts
from the vnpstext package.

The Type-1 font files are converted from the pfb files.

am_11.gsf A'nh Minh font (Optima)
hm_11.gsf Heo May font (Helvetica)
hy_11.gsf Hoa`ng Ye^'n font (Present Script)
mq_11.gsf Minh Qua^n font (Courier)
pt_11.gsf Phu+o+ng Tha?o font (Brush Script)
th_11.gsf Tha Hu+o+ng font (Chancery)
uh_11.gsf U Hoa`i font (Utopia)

These fonts can also be used with the ghostscript package for
conversion of PostScript file into other printer formats.

The .gsf files should be placed at the same place as the initialization
files for the vnpstext package.,,,,, and are PostScript files that show the above font types.

Instruction for using the vnlpr script is in the begining of the
script, and also by typing 'vnlpr -h' will show a description of the
usage also.
You'll need to edit the VNLIB environment variable in vnlpr so it point
to this directory that contains the .gsf files. You must also install
vnpstext first.

For example:

vnlpr -mq -s 8 emtoi
This print emtoi using MinhQua^n size 8

vnlpr -uh -s 10 -i emtoi
This print emtoi using U Hoa`i Italic size 10

Read the INSTALL file for installation procedure.

- Happy printing -

Written by Phu`ng Gia Cu+ (
1996-12-08T23:39:32+00:00 comms/zmtx-zmrx Send and receive files via ZMODEM protocol (unrestrictive)
zmtx and zmrz implement the ZMODEM error correcting protocol used to
send/receive files over a dial-in serial port. And they do one thing
and only one thing -- transmit files. They don't do file conversions,
they don't do remote commands, or any of that other stuff.

Note, zmtx-zmrx is not derived from Chuck Forsberg's rzsz package.
The only restriction is that you will not use this software for
commercial purposes. (Commercial licenses are available; contact the
author for info.)
1996-12-08T22:26:14+00:00 devel/cutils Miscellaneous C programmer's utilities
cutils is a collection of miscellaneous utilities useful
for C programmers. It is composed by the following utilities:

cinfo, cinfoc and cinfodc - C language documentation tools
cdecl and cundecl - decode and encode C type declarations
cobfusc - make a C source file unreadable but compilable
chilight - highlight C source files with colors
cunloop - unloop C loops
yyextract - extract grammar rules from yacc grammar
yyref - yacc grammar reference program

1996-12-07T13:24:42+00:00 japanese/man-doc Japanese translation of FreeBSD manual pages
This is a Japanese translation of FreeBSD manual pages.
Note that to build it, you need the CVS repository in
${CVSROOT} (/home/ncvs by default) on your machine.
1996-12-07T13:24:00+00:00 japanese/man Manual display command for Japanese (EUC)
Jman formats and displays the on-line Japanese manual pages. Original
man command only displays English, whreas this man command displays
pages including Japanese code correctly. And page controlling is more
intellegent than original one with Japanese less (jless).
1996-12-06T12:38:53+00:00 vietnamese/vnless Pager utility that speaks Vietnamese
A paginator similar to "more" or "pg", but much more powerful and speaks

VNless is a port of a very old version of GNU's less that suports the display
of files written in the Vietnamese language using the VISCII (VIetnamese
Standard Code for Information Interchange) encoding, RFC 1456.

VNless should be run w/in a VNterm or simular terminal emulator supporting
Vietnamese language encodings.

David O'Brien
1996-12-06T12:37:38+00:00 vietnamese/vnelvis A vi clone that speaks Vietnamese
Tha^n cha`o ca'c ba.n,

VNElvis is a clone of vi/ex (the standard UNIX editor) that allows the
displaying and editing of documents in the Vietnamese 8-bit VISCII (VIetnamese
Standard Code for Information Interchange) (RFC 1456) data format using the
7-bit VIQR (VIetnamese Quoted Readable) input method.

It is expected that you will run vnelvis w/in a vnterm. Because of the way
vi utilizes various key strokes, it may be better to turn off vnterm's VIQR
processing and allow vnelvis to handle the VIQR input itself. You do this
by "set vnkeys".
Because "dd" --> "-d" in VIQR, "qq" has been added as a means of
deleting a line. Otherwise vnelvis behaives as expected.

David O'Brien
1996-12-06T12:33:53+00:00 vietnamese/vnterm An xterm that speaks Vietnamese
Tha^n cha`o ca'c ba.n,

vnxterm is a xterm replacement with Vietnamese VIQR 1.1 (7-bit VIetnamese
Quoted Readable/Viet-Net, RFC 1456) support. This version of vnterm is
derived from the X11R6.5.1 xterm, and thus has simular capabilities.

Please see the README file in the share/doc/vnterm directory.

Note, if you are a new user, or not quite understand X resources or
X font paths, etc., simply use the command "VNterm".

David O'Brien
1996-12-06T12:32:14+00:00 vietnamese/vn7to8 Converts between 7-bit Vietnamese VIQR and 8-bit VISCII formats
The two programs "vn7to8" and "vn8to7" convert between the 7-bit
VIQR format for Vietnamese (Viet-Net like) and the 8-bit VISCII
data formats (RFC 1456).

The current supported version is VISCII 1.1.

The program "vn80to81" converts files from VISCII 1.0 to VISCII 1.1.

For complete details, please see the Viet-Std documents published elsewhere.
Contact "viet-std@haydn.Stanford.EDU" if you would like a copy.

David O'Brien
1996-12-06T11:27:34+00:00 japanese/vfghostscript55 GNU Postscript and PDF interpreter with Japanese vector font library
This is GNU Ghostscript 5.50a.

Ghostscript is the well-known PostScript interpreter which is
available for all common and most esoteric platforms and supports
many different printers, some displays, and some other formats.

The official ghostscript Web page:

Thomas Merz has written a Ghostscript manual which is available in
PDF from this site and also from Thomas Merz's site in Germany.

On the german site the manual is also available in German language.
1996-12-06T11:27:34+00:00 japanese/vfghostscript5 GNU Postscript and PDF interpreter with Japanese vector font library
This is GNU Ghostscript 5.10.

Ghostscript is the well-known PostScript interpreter which is
available for all common and most esoteric platforms and supports
many different printers, some displays, and some other formats.

The official ghostscript Web page:

Thomas Merz has written a Ghostscript manual which is available in
PDF from this site and also from Thomas Merz's site in Germany.

On the german site the manual is also available in German language.
1996-12-04T20:05:12+00:00 math/wingz3 Commercial Spreadsheet
Wingz is an easy-to-use, graphical spreadsheet for business and
technical professionals, that allows users to create sophisticated
presentations and reports, as well as user interfaces and end-user

Wingz was originally developed by Informix(R) but effective from January
30th, 1995 Informix granted exclusive distribution rights to IISC.

It is currently available for many different Unixes and Windowz together
with other applications by IISG.
1996-12-04T20:05:12+00:00 math/wingz A Commercial Spreadsheet
From the README:
About Wingz

Wingz is an easy-to-use, graphical spreadsheet for business and technical
professionals, that allows users to create sophisticated presentations
and reports, as well as user interfaces and end-user applications.

The product is available today on UNIX(R) operating systems under
OSF/Motif(TM) and OPEN LOOK(R) graphical interfaces, in addition to
Microsoft Windows(TM), Apple(R) Macintosh(R), OS/2(R) Presentation
Manager(TM), and NeXTstep(R).

Wingz was originally developed by Informix(R) but effective from
January 30th, 1995 Informix granted exclusive distribution rights to IISC.

This port uses the linux-compat system, but hopefully that'll be
invisible to the end user.
1996-12-04T08:01:30+00:00 lang/cim Compiler for the SIMULA programming language
The SIMULA programming language was designed and built by Ole-Johan Dahl
and Kristen Nygaard at the Norwegian Computing Centre (NCC) in Oslo
between 1962 and 1967.1 It was originally designed and implemented as a
language for discrete event simulation, but was later expanded and
reimplemented as a full scale general purpose programming language.

Although SIMULA never became widely used, the language has been highly
influential on modern programming methodology. Among other things SIMULA
introduced important object-oriented programming concepts like classes and
objects, inheritance, and dynamic binding.

1996-12-04T02:04:58+00:00 sysutils/xloadface Network load monitor for X11
`xloadface' is a network load monitor for X11. This program use the rwhod
database for display `user' and `CPU load'.

See README and man page for details. The man page and README are only in
Japanese for now, but it is easy to use none the less..

Orignal xloadface written by .
This port is done by .
1996-12-03T15:31:22+00:00 russian/pine.language Tune Pine for Russian (KOI8-R) defaults
Tune Pine for Russian (KOI8-R) defaults
1996-12-01T12:08:47+00:00 net/cap Columbia AppleTalk Package for UNIX
CAP - The Columbia AppleTalk Package for UNIX

CAP implements the AppleTalk protocol stack on a variety of UNIX
machines. The main applications provide an AppleShare 2.0 compatible
server (aufs), a LaserWriter Spooler (lwsrv) and a program to print to
LaserWriters (papif). The latter can be used to talk to EtherTalk
LaserWriters, LocalTalk LaserWriters used on Dayna EtherPrint cards or
on a LocalTalk/EtherTalk gateway. There are also a number of
contributed packages bundled with CAP.

Note: Files are installed into following locations:
/usr/local/sbin: Commands for system manager.
aarpd afpidlist afpidsrvr afpidtool atis aufs aufsmkkey
aufsmkusr lwrename lwsrv lwsrv8 lwsrvconfig papif papof
printqueue sizeserver snitch
/usr/local/bin: User commands.
ash atistest atlook atlooklws atpinger cvt2apple cvt2cap
getzones instappl isrv iwpr lwpr papstatus tlw
/usr/local/etc/cap: Sample configuration files.
/usr/local/lib/cap: More sample configuration files.
/usr/local/share/doc/cap: Relevant documentation.

1996-11-29T07:20:58+00:00 japanese/xshodo A paint tool for Shodo, the Japanese traditional writing character
xshodo, a tool for the Japanese traditional writing called Shodo.

You can write a Japanese or Chinese letter under the traditional method
with traditional pen simulator. Additionally, you can write some traditional
picture called 'Sumie'. Load and save features are implemented at the bitmap

1996-11-29T07:08:22+00:00 misc/tkcron Frontend to crontab
Tkcron is a frontend to crontab which allows the user to conviniently
add/modify/install/remove cron jobs.

This is crontab version 2.12

1996-11-26T23:15:07+00:00 devel/linux_devtools Packages needed for doing development in Linux mode
The linux_devtools port contains a selection of packages necessary
for doing development in Linux mode.

- Marcel
1996-11-26T23:15:07+00:00 devel/linux_devtools-7 Packages needed for doing development in Linux mode
The linux_devtools port contains a selection of packages necessary
for doing development in Linux mode.

- Marcel
1996-11-26T23:15:07+00:00 devel/linux_devtools-6 Packages needed for doing development in Linux mode
The linux_devtools port contains a selection of packages necessary
for doing development in Linux mode.

- Marcel
1996-11-25T10:00:33+00:00 x11/bricons Quick start up utility for applications on an X display
Bricons program allows the user to quickly start up applications by
selecting the appropriate button from the display and pressing the left
mouse button. A maximum of up to sixteen main menu buttons can be
displayed. Each main menu button can launch an application or pop-up a
sub menu containing more buttons. The buttons can be represented as a
bitmap, text or a colour icon (i.e Pixmap).
1996-11-25T09:53:06+00:00 news/xvnews An OPEN LOOK news reader
xvnews 2.3.2 is an OpenLook interface for reading Usenet
news. It provides a menu-driven facility for reading,
storing and sending news articles. It also provides mail
functionality to reply to or forward news articles. Scrol-
lable windows allow easy access to newsgroups and arti-

1996-11-25T09:47:24+00:00 misc/xtar View and manipulate contents of a tar file
XTar is a Motif program for viewing and manipulating tar archives (which
may be compressed). The contents of the archive are displayed in the main
window and various options are available from pulldown and popup menus.
1996-11-25T09:36:11+00:00 deskutils/xmaddressbook X11/Motif-based addressbook program
XmAddressbook is a X11/Motif based address book program.
It allows the user to enter addressbook type information.
It saves its data in a text file. It can output the
addressbook in Postscript. It also has a Curses interface
for searching and viewing the address book.
1996-11-25T01:07:59+00:00 cad/mars Maryland Routing Simulator
The Maryland Routing Simulator (MaRS) is a discrete-event simulator
providing a flexible platform for the evaluation and comparison of
network routing algorithms.
1996-11-25T01:04:58+00:00 print/lprps-letter PostScript printer filter package supporting a bidirectional serial channel
lprps is a collection of programs for using lpr with a PostScript
printer connected by a bidirectional serial channel.

It contains the following programs:

lprps handles communication with the printer
psif allows separate filters to be used for text and PostScript
textps simple text to PostScript filter
psrev PostScript page reversal filter
psof banner filter

Some features are:

* Deals intelligently with output generated by the printer: printer
errors (such as ``out of paper'') are logged using syslog.
* Updates status file (displayed by lpq) with printer's current status.
* Performs printer accounting.
* Ensures that the printer is ready to receive the job.
* Determines whether file is PostScript or text and prints it appropriately
* Can automatically perform page reversal for the benefit of printers
that stack face-up.
1996-11-22T08:16:51+00:00 net/netcat Simple utility which reads and writes data across network connections
Netcat is a simple Unix utility which reads and writes data across
network connections using TCP or UDP protocol. It is designed to be a
reliable "back-end" tool that can be used directly or easily driven by
other programs and scripts. At the same time it is a feature-rich
network debugging and exploration tool, since it can create almost any
kind of connection you would need and has several interesting built-in

1996-11-20T07:29:45+00:00 print/acroread5 View, distribute and print PDF documents
Acrobat Reader is part of the Adobe Acrobat family of software, which lets
you view, distribute, and print documents in Portable Document Format
(PDF)--regardless of the computer, operating system, fonts, or application
used to create the original file. PDF files retain all the formatting,
fonts, and graphics of the original document, and virtually any
PostScript(TM) document can be converted into a PDF file.
1996-11-20T07:29:45+00:00 print/acroread4 View, distribute and print PDF documents
Acrobat Reader is part of the Adobe Acrobat family of software, which lets
you view, distribute, and print documents in Portable Document Format
(PDF)--regardless of the computer, operating system, fonts, or application
used to create the original file. PDF files retain all the formatting,
fonts, and graphics of the original document, and virtually any
PostScript(TM) document can be converted into a PDF file.
1996-11-20T07:29:45+00:00 print/acroread View, distribute and print PDF documents
Acrobat Reader is part of the Adobe Acrobat family of software, which lets
you view, distribute, and print documents in Portable Document Format
(PDF)--regardless of the computer, operating system, fonts, or application
used to create the original file. PDF files retain all the formatting,
fonts, and graphics of the original document, and virtually any
PostScript(TM) document can be converted into a PDF file.
1996-11-20T07:06:59+00:00 games/xsokoban Puzzle of pushing objects to the goals
XSokoban is a puzzle of pushing objects. This is the X-Window version of
'Sokoban', developed in Japan.

1996-11-19T12:32:03+00:00 graphics/gifmerge Tool for making a GIF Animation
GifMerge is a tool for making GIF animations.
1996-11-19T12:23:51+00:00 x11/xmascot Moving mascot on your X11 screen
XMascot displays a moving mascot on your X11 screen. XMascot has the
following options:

- Moving pretty mascot moving
- Stretch stretch it as you like
- Talking mascot talks with extract command and data
- Alarm mascot may make some actions at defined time
- BIFF mascot may let you know arriving a mail

XMascot supports these image formats:

- MAG (*.mag) 16 colors and 256 colors
- TIFF (*.tif) 16 colors and 256 colors, in raw or lzw
- PPM (*.ppm) 256 level color, in raw
- PGM (*.pgm) 256 level gray scale, in raw
- PBM (*.pbm) 2 level monochrome, in raw
- PNM (*.pnm) PPM, PGM, or PBM

XMascot distinguishes images from their suffix and can load other image
formats when corresponding *topnm, *topgm, or *topbm commands are found
in your system.

1996-11-19T03:36:29+00:00 graphics/gimpshop GIMP fork resembling Adobe Photoshop
GIMPshop is a fork of GIMP which changes the layout of the user interface
to resemble Adobe Photoshop.

The Gimp's menu structure and naming conventions are a constant source
of frustration for those who are familiar with Photoshop.
The main purpose for GIMPshop is to make the Gimp accessible to the
many Adobe Photoshop users out there.
GIMP's tools, options, windows, and menus have been renamed and
reorganized to closely resemble Adobe Photoshop's menu structure and
naming conventions. Many of the menu options and even whole menus were
recreated to faithfully reproduce a Photoshop-like experience. After
running GIMPshop, you'll find that Photoshop and the GIMP are strikingly
Longtime Photoshop users should feel very comfortable using GIMPshop.

1996-11-19T03:36:29+00:00 graphics/gimp1 The GNU Image Manipulation Program
The GIMP is designed to provide an intuitive graphical interface to a
variety of image editing operations. Here is a list of the GIMP's
major features:

Image editing

* Selection tools including rectangle, ellipse, free, fuzzy, bezier
and intelligent.
* Transformation tools including rotate, scale, shear and flip.
* Painting tools including bucket, brush, airbrush, clone, convolve,
blend and text.
* Effects filters (such as blur, edge detect).
* Channel & color operations (such as add, composite, decompose).
* Plug-ins which allow for the easy addition of new file formats and
new effect filters.
* Multiple undo/redo.

To enable I18N extensions, execute "gimp.setfont" before you use GIMP.

1996-11-19T03:36:29+00:00 graphics/gimp The "meta-port" for The Gimp
The GIMP is designed to provide an intuitive graphical interface to a
variety of image editing operations. Here is a list of the GIMP's
major features:

Image editing

* Selection tools including rectangle, ellipse, free, fuzzy, bezier
and intelligent.
* Transformation tools including rotate, scale, shear and flip.
* Painting tools including bucket, brush, airbrush, clone, convolve,
blend and text.
* Effects filters (such as blur, edge detect).
* Channel & color operations (such as add, composite, decompose).
* Plug-ins which allow for the easy addition of new file formats and
new effect filters.
* Multiple undo/redo.

This is "The Gimp" meta-port, see ports/graphics/gimp-app for more details

1996-11-19T03:36:29+00:00 graphics/gimp-devel The "meta-port" for The Gimp
The GIMP is designed to provide an intuitive graphical interface to a
variety of image editing operations. Here is a list of the GIMP's
major features:

Image editing

* Selection tools including rectangle, ellipse, free, fuzzy, bezier
and intelligent.
* Transformation tools including rotate, scale, shear and flip.
* Painting tools including bucket, brush, airbrush, clone, convolve,
blend and text.
* Effects filters (such as blur, edge detect).
* Channel & color operations (such as add, composite, decompose).
* Plug-ins which allow for the easy addition of new file formats and
new effect filters.
* Multiple undo/redo.

This is "The Gimp" meta-port, see ports/graphics/gimp-app for more details

1996-11-19T03:36:29+00:00 graphics/gimp-app GNU Image Manipulation Program
The GIMP is designed to provide an intuitive graphical interface to a
variety of image editing operations. Here is a list of the GIMP's
major features:

Image editing

* Selection tools including rectangle, ellipse, free, fuzzy, bezier
and intelligent.
* Transformation tools including rotate, scale, shear and flip.
* Painting tools including bucket, brush, airbrush, clone, convolve,
blend and text.
* Effects filters (such as blur, edge detect).
* Channel & color operations (such as add, composite, decompose).
* Plug-ins which allow for the easy addition of new file formats and
new effect filters.
* Multiple undo/redo.

1996-11-19T03:36:29+00:00 graphics/gimp-app-devel A GNU Image Manipulation Program development version
The GIMP is designed to provide an intuitive graphical interface to a
variety of image editing operations. Here is a list of the GIMP's
major features:

Image editing

* Selection tools including rectangle, ellipse, free, fuzzy, bezier
and intelligent.
* Transformation tools including rotate, scale, shear and flip.
* Painting tools including bucket, brush, airbrush, clone, convolve,
blend and text.
* Effects filters (such as blur, edge detect).
* Channel & color operations (such as add, composite, decompose).
* Plug-ins which allow for the easy addition of new file formats and
new effect filters.
* Multiple undo/redo.

1996-11-18T05:27:32+00:00 japanese/hex A hexadecimal dump tool which handles Japanese
Hex is a hexadecimal dump tool which handles
Japanese Kanji code (euc, sjis, jis).

1996-11-17T20:02:13+00:00 net/bb
*** Web-based Monitoring & Notification for Systems and Networks ***

Big Brother is a combination of monitoring methods.
Unlike SNMP where information is just collected and devices polled,
Big Brother is designed in such a way that each local system broadcasts it's
own information to a central location. Simultaneously, Big Brother also polls
all networked systems from a central location. This creates a highly efficient
and redundant method for proactive network monitoring.
Features: Monitors:
- Web-based status display - dns nntp ftp smtp and pop3 testing
- Configurable warning and panic levels - connectivity via ping
- Notification via Pager or email - http servers up and running
- Support for grouping of machines - disk space usage
- Support for modem monitoring - uptime and cpu usage
- Selectable paging delays - essential processes are still running
- Heterogeneous Network Support - messages and warnings
Mailing list: / in body: subscribe bb
Mailing list archive:

1996-11-17T18:29:57+00:00 security/cops System secureness checker
Cops is a set of programs to check how secure your system is. It
checks file and directory privileges, SUID programs, etc. It has
support for checking passwords, but this port doesn't include it
as it is DES based. This port installs cops in a single directory
area. The directory has no non-user privileges and cops is meant
to be run locally to that directory. The perl version of cops is
also included in a subdirectory.

1996-11-17T17:56:52+00:00 x11-wm/qvwm Windows 95/98/NT like window manager for X11
Qvwm, the most Windows 95/98/NT like window manager for X11.
q for qvwm means number 9, v means 5 in roman.

This is a standalone window manager, not patched ontop of another.
Qvwm requires the Imlib library and shape extension.

1996-11-17T11:53:34+00:00 games/xshogi Japanese chess-like game for X Window System
The Japanese chess-like game for X Window System.
1996-11-17T11:44:57+00:00 games/gnushogi GNU version of Shogi
GNU version of Shogi, a game of Japanese chess.

Gnushogi is an updated version of the gnuchess program.
It has a simple alpha-numeric board display, or it can be
compiled for use with the chesstool program on a SUN work-
station or with the xshogi program under X-windows. The
program gets its opening moves from the file
which is located in a directory specified in the makefile.

To invoke the program type:

1996-11-17T11:10:21+00:00 graphics/txtmerge Tool for making GIF Animations
txtmerge is a quick program that reads the GIFs listed in a txt91
file(see xanim.doc) and produces a single gif file comprised of
those images.

Read /usr/local/share/doc/txtmerge/txtmerge.doc for usage.
1996-11-17T11:10:09+00:00 audio/timidity MIDI to PCM software synthesizer
TiMidity is a software synthesizer. It can play MIDI files by converting them
into PCM waveform data; give it a MIDI data along with digital instrument data
files, then it synthesizes them in real-time, and plays. It can not only play
sounds, but also can save the generated waveforms into hard disks as various
audio file formats.

TiMidity 0.2i was written by Tuukka Toivonen <> in 1995. No new version
of this project has been released since then. Development has been continued by
Masanao Izumo et al. in the new project named TiMidity++ (audio/timidity++).

1996-11-17T11:10:09+00:00 audio/timidity++ Software MIDI player
TiMidity++ is a MIDI player without external MIDI instruments.
This can also convert MIDI files to various formatted audio files
(ex. wav, au, etc..).
In addition to this port, "Gravis Ultra Sound" compatible patch files
(or SF2 format SoundFont) are required to play files.

Formerly, the original version of this program was written by Tuuka
Toivonen(until version 0.2i).
Now, Masanao Izumo and many hackers are developing "TiMidity++".

1996-11-17T10:53:02+00:00 games/xcubes Cube puzzle for X11
XCubes is a puzzle for X Window System.

Your goal is to exchange the numbered panels to be in order.

1996-11-16T12:49:19+00:00 games/xdino Dino puzzle game for X11
XDino, dino puzzle game for X11.

XDino is the puzzle game like as a rubik's cube, not 9 but 4 pieces
on a surface.

1996-11-16T12:38:32+00:00 games/xtriangles Triangles puzzle
XTriangles, triangle puzzle for X-Window

Your goal is to exchange the triangle panels to be in order.

1996-11-16T12:24:29+00:00 games/xpuyo Puyo-puyo, tetris like puzzle game for X11
Puyo-Puyo, a tetris-like puzzle game for X11.

What is 'Puyo-Puyo':
The word 'puyo' is the Japanese word that means the state of meterial
with some bounce, like a pudding, very soft ball, or very thick fat.
The game 'Puyo-Puyo' is one of the most popular and famous video game
in Japan.

Puyo falls down from upper line in pair. You can rotate the puyo
pair and fall it where you like. The puyo disapear when four
puyo with their color same are connected into one piece.

Type 'xpuyo' to start xpuyo, but now man vs man mode is only available.
'-single' option let you start xpuyo in single mode, but it's debug
mode, so 'Jama-Puyo' fall on yourself.
('Jama' means 'disturb' in Japanese.)
You start xpuyo, and the other person start xpuyo on other machine
such an X terminal, or other host, and push connect button.
(Play on defferent machine architechture is not supported.)

See more information read /usr/X11R6/share/doc/xpuyo/README.

Yukihiro Nakai<>

1996-11-16T01:51:39+00:00 devel/boehm-gc Garbage collection and memory leak detection for C and C++
The Boehm-Weiser garbage collection package, for C and C++ -
garbage collection and memory leak detection libraries.

A garbage collector is something which automatically frees malloc'd
memory for you by working out what parts of memory your program
no longer has pointers to. As a result, garbage collectors can also
inform you of memory leaks (if they find memory they can free, it means
you have lost all of your pointers to it, but you didn't free it).

C programs may be linked against either of these, and should run (with
GC or leak detection) without change. C++ programs must include a header
to use garbage collection, though leak detection should work without
such source code modifications. See the man page and header files.

ps: garbage collection is addictive.

1996-11-15T16:53:46+00:00 emulators/ines Nintendo Entertainment System emulator for X11
iNES is the Nintendo Entertainment System emulator for X Window System.

You must buy cartridges and get raw images from them to use this emulator.
When ines make core and die, try -noshm option.

1996-11-15T16:42:55+00:00 emulators/mastergear SEGA Master System and Game Gear emulator for X
MasterGear is SEGA Master System and Game Gear emulator

You must buy cartridges of SMS or Game Gear and get raw images of them to
use this emulator.

1996-11-15T16:35:35+00:00 emulators/vgb Nintendo GameBoy(tm) emulator
Virtual Game Boy is the Nintendo GameBoy(tm) emulator on X-Window.

Test your VGB installation with the command(default):

vgb /usr/X11R6/share/VGB/CART.GB

You buy the cartridges. GameBoy software is copyrighted and still sold.
Therefore, its distribution is an act of piracy. Nothing prohibits you
from backing up a cartridge you own and playing it on the emulator though.

1996-11-15T16:25:40+00:00 x11/xmold Mold spreading over your X11 screen
XMold, mold spreading over your X11 screen.




1996-11-15T14:54:41+00:00 audio/cam Cpu's Audio Mixer [curses based]
CAM - Cpu's Audio Mixer

This is an audio mixer with an interface or
command line support.
1996-11-15T11:01:32+00:00 textproc/mgdiff Graphical front end to the UNIX diff command
This is mgdiff, a graphical front end to the UNIX diff command based
upon X11R[456] and the Motif widget set. It allows the user to select
two files for comparison, runs the diff command, parses the output, and
presents the results graphically. This presentation can also be used
to generate a user-specified merge of the two files into a third file.

This program's appearance is based upon a program called gdiff, which
runs only on Silicon Graphics workstations and for which source code
is not provided.

1996-11-15T10:22:06+00:00 graphics/xmandel Window based interface to Mandelbrot sets and Julia sets
Xmandel is a user friendly interface for generating Mandelbrot sets and
Julia sets. It initially comes up with several command buttons,
which are described in the man page, for controlling the execution. A
Mandelbrot set is drawn in the window of the initial form when the
mandel button is selected. Other buttons are provided for zooming,
clearing, etc. A separate window is created for drawing the Julia sets.
1996-11-15T09:55:46+00:00 misc/xgas The animated simulation of an ideal gas
Xgas, animated simulation of an ideal gas

Xgas is a physical simulation of an ideal gas in a heated box. Gas molecules
move around the box with velocities dependent on their temperature. A chamber
consisting of two boxes contains the gas molecules collide with the walls, their
temperature approaches that of the box.

Use mouse button 1 to create molecules one at a time at the cursor position.
Use mouse button 2 to create the maximum number of molecules at the cursor

Usage: xgas [ -options ]

-as Sets the autoStart resource.
-ts Sets the timeStepSize resource.
-d Sets the delay resource.
-rb Sets the randomBounce resource.
-eq Sets the equilibrium resource.
-mm Sets the maxMolecules resource.
-fg Sets the foreground.
-bg Sets the background.
1996-11-14T20:03:50+00:00 x11-wm/gwm Generic Window Manager
The GWM (Generic Window Manager) is an extensible Window Manager for the X
Window System Version 11. It is based upon a WOOL (Window Object Oriented
Langage) kernel, which is an interpreted dialect of Lisp with specific window
management primitives. The user builds a window manager by writing WOOL files
to describe objects on the screen, including a Finite State Machine triggering
WOOL actions on response to X events (e.g. mouse buttons) on that object. These
objects can be used as decorations around X applications windows, as pop-up
menus or as independent windows. GWM should be able to emulate efficiently
other window managers, and play the same role for window managers as EMACS does
for text editors.

GWM comes with already defined profiles (standard, vtwm-like, twm-like,
mwm-like). Some screenshots are avialable on the W3 page. Or you can design
exactly what you want.

1996-11-13T12:53:31+00:00 chinese/FreeWnn-server Japanese/Chinese/Korean input method (Chinese server)
FreeWnn is a Japanese/Chinese/Korean input method.

This port has only the server and dictionaries used for the Chinese
input method.

1996-11-13T12:53:31+00:00 chinese/FreeWnn-lib Japanese/Chinese/Korean input method (Chinese client libraries)
FreeWnn is a Japanese/Chinese/Korean input method.

This port has only libraries for a Chinese imput method. The libraries
containes a archive file (libcwnn.a), header files and files which are
used to a client.

Note that you must set a environment variable CSERVER or TSERVER if
you use a client of Wnn.

1996-11-11T23:17:44+00:00 mbone/speak_freely Voice communication over data networks
Speak Freely allows users of a variety of Unix and Unix-
like workstations equipped with audio hardware connected
by a network to converse, using the audio input and output
facilities of the workstation to digitise and later recon-
struct the sound and the network to relay sound packets.
Optional compression is provided, allowing conversations
over relatively low-bandwidth Internet links as well as
local area networks.

1996-11-11T23:17:44+00:00 audio/speak_freely Voice communication over data networks
Speak Freely allows users of a variety of Unix and Unix-
like workstations equipped with audio hardware connected
by a network to converse, using the audio input and output
facilities of the workstation to digitise and later recon-
struct the sound and the network to relay sound packets.
Optional compression is provided, allowing conversations
over relatively low-bandwidth Internet links as well as
local area networks.

1996-11-11T19:42:45+00:00 sysutils/lsof Lists information about open files (similar to fstat(1))
Lsof (LiSt Open Files) lists information about files that are open by the
running processes. An open file may be a regular file, a directory, a block
special file, a character special file, an executing text reference, a
library, a stream or a network file (Internet socket, NFS file or Unix domain

See also fstat(1) in the base system.

1996-11-11T08:46:34+00:00 japanese/jtex209-ntt NTT Japanese TeX based on LaTeX-209
ja-jlatex209--n152 is the last version of NTT JTeX based on LaTeX 209.

Both NTT jtex-1.52 is available by this package.
Names of commads are shown below:
'njtex', 'jtex' -> ntt jtex
'njlatex', 'jlatex' -> ntt jlatex

EUC & JIS kanji code is available by default.
SJIS & JIS code will be available after recompiling with ports.
1996-11-11T08:44:35+00:00 japanese/jtex209-ascii ASCII Japanese pTeX based on LaTeX-209
ja-jlatex209-a17- is the last version of ASCII JTeX based on LaTeX 209.

ASCII jtex-1.7-p1.0.9F is available by this package.
Names of commads are shown below:
'ajtex', 'jtex' -> ascii ptex
'ajlatex', 'jlatex' -> ascii platex

EUC & JIS kanji code is available by default.
SJIS & JIS code will be available after recompiling with ports.
1996-11-11T08:42:48+00:00 japanese/jtex209-both Japanese TeX based on LaTeX-209 with both NTT and ASCII
ja-jlatex209-a17-n152 is the last version of NTT and ASCII JTeX based on
LaTeX 209.

Both NTT jtex-1.52 and ASCII jtex-1.7-p1.0.9F are available by this package.
Names of commads are shown below:
'ajtex' -> ascii ptex
'ajlatex' -> ascii platex
'njtex' -> ntt jtex
'njlatex' -> ntt jlatex
You can select which latex to run by 'jlatex' command by using
/usr/local/share/tex/ .

EUC & JIS kanji code is available by default.
SJIS & JIS code will be available after recompiling with ports.
1996-11-10T21:16:48+00:00 net/sdr Multicast Session Directory
Sdr is a session directory tool designed to allow the advertisement
and joining of multicast conferences. It was originally based on
sd written by Van Jacobson at LBNL, but implements a later version
of the session description protocol than sd does.

1996-11-10T21:16:48+00:00 mbone/sdr Multicast Session Directory
Sdr is a session directory tool designed to allow the advertisement
and joining of multicast conferences. It was originally based on
sd written by Van Jacobson at LBNL, but implements a later version
of the session description protocol than sd does.

1996-11-10T21:14:52+00:00 mbone/nte Multicast Network Text Editor
NTE is a shared text editor designed for use on the Mbone. It is
not a word processor and it is not a whiteboard - if you want a
whiteboard, wb from LBL is a much better whiteboard.

Using NTE can be very interactive - unless you lock a block of
text, anyone else in your session can edit that text or delete it.
This is intentional. Many people can (if they wish) edit the same
document simultaneously. Many people can even edit the same block
of text simultaneously, but if more than one person tries to edit
the same line at one time, a conflict will occur, which results in
only one of the changes being preserved.

In general, it is up to you how you use NTE. You must develop
human protocols to be able to collaborate, even in face-to-face
meetings, and NTE is no exception. It will work well if you
cooperate, and not if you don't.
1996-11-10T21:13:06+00:00 net/wb A shared drawing (whiteboard) tool using multicast
This is a beta-release of the LBL 'whiteboard'.

Before using wb, read the file NOTES from the distribution (note
especially the .sd.tcl change needed if you are running sd v1.14
or earlier) and print and read the postscript file

If you simply want a shared "whiteboard" drawing surface, you
don't need to do anything but install wb. But wb can also be
used to export, view and annotate arbitrary PostScript files.
If you want to include PostScript images in your wb conference,
either your X server has to support Display PostScript (the DEC
& SGI X servers do) or wb has to be able to exec the public
domain postscript renderer `GhostScript'. If you want to
render postscript with Ghostscript, it has to be installed on
your machine and has to be in your shell search path with the
name "gs".
1996-11-10T21:13:06+00:00 mbone/wb A shared drawing (whiteboard) tool using multicast
This is a beta-release of the LBL 'whiteboard'.

Before using wb, read the file NOTES from the distribution (note
especially the .sd.tcl change needed if you are running sd v1.14
or earlier) and print and read the postscript file

If you simply want a shared "whiteboard" drawing surface, you
don't need to do anything but install wb. But wb can also be
used to export, view and annotate arbitrary PostScript files.
If you want to include PostScript images in your wb conference,
either your X server has to support Display PostScript (the DEC
& SGI X servers do) or wb has to be able to exec the public
domain postscript renderer `GhostScript'. If you want to
render postscript with Ghostscript, it has to be installed on
your machine and has to be in your shell search path with the
name "gs".
1996-11-10T21:11:48+00:00 mbone/vat The Visual Audio Tool - multicast audioconferencing
Vat allows users to conduct host-to-host or multihost audio
teleconferences over an internet.

1996-11-10T21:11:48+00:00 audio/vat The Visual Audio Tool - multicast audioconferencing
Vat allows users to conduct host-to-host or multihost audio
teleconferences over an internet.

1996-11-10T21:10:47+00:00 mbone/rtpmon A program to monitor loss in multicast sessions
Rtpmon is a third-party RTCP monitor. It can be used to monitor
the control information exchanged between applications that implement
RTP, the Real-Time Transport Protocol. Feedback from receivers,
including the loss rate and jitter, are displayed in a table that
can be sorted in various ways to help isolate and diagnose multicast
distribution problems.
1996-11-10T09:37:26+00:00 mail/mutt14 The Mongrel of Mailers (part Elm, Pine, Mush, mh, etc.)
Mutt -- "The Mongrel of Mail User Agents" (part Elm, part Pine, part mh,
part slrn, part everything else) is an interactive screen-oriented mailer
program that supersedes Elm, Pine, mail and mailx.

Features include color support, message threading, MIME support (including
RFC1522 support for encoded headers), customizable key bindings, POP3,
Delivery Status Notification (DSN) support, and PGP/MIME.

Mutt User Information:

-- David (
1996-11-10T09:37:26+00:00 mail/mutt Small but powerful text based program for read/writing e-mail
Mutt -- "The Mongrel of Mail User Agents" (part Elm, part Pine, part mh,
part slrn, part everything else) is an interactive screen-oriented mailer
program that supersedes Elm, Pine, mail and mailx.

Features include color support, message threading, MIME support (including
RFC1522 support for encoded headers), customizable key bindings, POP3,
Delivery Status Notification (DSN) support, and PGP/MIME.

Mutt FAQ:

1996-11-10T09:37:26+00:00 mail/mutt-devel The Mongrel of Mail User Agents (development version)
Mutt -- "The Mongrel of Mail User Agents" (part Elm, part Pine, part mh,
part slrn, part everything else) is an interactive screen-oriented mailer
program that supersedes Elm, Pine, mail and mailx.

Features include color support, message threading, MIME support (including
RFC1522 support for encoded headers), customizable key bindings, POP3,
Delivery Status Notification (DSN) support, and PGP/MIME.

Mutt User Information:

-- David (
1996-11-09T12:59:11+00:00 japanese/vfxdvi300 DVI Previewer for X. + Japanese patch + vector font support
This is xdvi-17 + miyupath + markpage + toc + printdvi + VFlib patch.

ja-vflib package is need to be installed in advance.
This package can compile in 118dpi, 240dpi, 300dpi , 360dpi, 400dpi
or 600dpi fonts.
MITA Yoshio <>
1996-11-09T12:55:12+00:00 japanese/dvi2ps DVI to PostScript converter Japanese version
DVI to PostScript converter.

A sample font description file `/usr/local/lib/dvi2ps/fontdesc' is installed.
Those who want to print out English fonts by pkfont and Japanese by
printer builtin font can use it directly.

- Remember to add pkfont package of appropreate resolution such as
pkfonts300-1.0, pkfonts600-1.0

- Default resolution is set to 300dpi in fontdesc file. You can
modify it according to your site, or override it by command line option:
dvi2ps -D RESOLUTION=(your resolution).

See /usr/local/lib/dvi2ps/doc/* files for customization.
1996-11-09T02:04:57+00:00 x11/XFree86-contrib XFree86 contrib programs
These are the "contrib" programs in the X11R6.1/XFree86 distribution.
1996-11-09T00:01:32+00:00 games/xripple X program to make bottom of screen ripple like a pool of water
This is a port of xripple, written by the Rasterman, aka. Carsten Haitzler.

XRipple is a program that causes the bottom of the screen to ripple, like
a pool of water. Not much else to say, really.

Carsten's ultra-cool homepage is at
with more cool stuff.

Note that xripple has no "official" version number.
1996-11-08T23:00:22+00:00 print/lout LaTeX like document creation system with PostScript/PDF output
Lout is a document formatting system similar in style to LaTeX. It
offers a very full range of features, including PostScript, PDF, and
plain text output, optimal paragraph and page breaking, automatic
hyphenation, PostScript EPS file inclusion and generation, equation
formatting, tables, diagrams, rotation and scaling, sorted indexes,
bibliographic databases, running headers and odd-even pages, automatic
cross referencing, multilingual documents including hyphenation (most
European languages are supported, including Russian), formatting of
computer programs, and more. Lout may be extended by writing definitions
which are much simpler than the equivalent troff of TeX macros.

1996-11-03T21:11:09+00:00 games/xshisen Shisen-sho puzzle game for X11
xshisen - Shisen-sho puzzle game for X11

xshisen is a puzzle game for X11.Similar to the famous
"Shang-hai", your objective is to remove all the pieces on
the board.
1996-11-03T20:50:28+00:00 x11-fm/filerunner Tcl/Tk-based filemanager with FTP capabilities
Filemanager with FTP capabilities. Uses Tcl/Tk.

1996-11-03T20:45:24+00:00 mail/poppassd Server to allow users to change their password from within Eudora
This is a port of poppassd, a program which allows users to change their
password using the "Change Password" menu item in Eudora. poppassd connections
use TCP port 106 by default.
1996-11-03T08:42:02+00:00 misc/splitvt Run two shells in a split window/terminal
Splitvt splits the screen into two windows, each running a shell, so you
can do and see two things at once.

Using special keys, the focus may be changed from one window to another.
Other features include cut & pasting between windows, and the ability to
the terminal.

Note: users may want to take a look at /usr/bin/window (see ``man window'')
for a FreeBSD native version this type of program.

1996-11-03T06:44:21+00:00 mail/xlbiff The X Literate Biff - displays the from and subject from incoming mails
Xlbiff lets you preview new mail to decide if you want to read it
immediately. Regular xbiff lets you know when you have mail but not what
it is.

Xlbiff lurks in the background, monitoring your mailbox file. When
something shows up there, it invokes the scanCommand (MH's scan by
default), and displays the output in a window. If more mail comes in, it
scans again and resizes accordingly.

If you're a Berkeley mail person, you can set scanCommand to:

echo x | mail | grep "^.[NU]"

Or use the ``frm'' utility that is part of the Elm port as your
scanCommand. A simular utility is the ``fromwho'' package, posted to
comp.sources.unix volume 25.
1996-11-03T03:20:24+00:00 comms/lrzsz Receive/Send files via X/Y/ZMODEM protocol (unrestrictive)
This program uses error correcting protocols to send/receive
files over a dial-in serial port from a variety of programs
running under PC-DOS, CP/M, Unix, and other operating systems.

lrzsz is derived from the last unrestricted version of Chuck Forsberg's
rzsz package. lrzsz is covered under the GNU copyleft.

1996-11-02T13:53:37+00:00 games/crossfire
This is a multiplayer graphical arcade and adventure game made for
the X11 environment.

It has certain flavours from other games, especially Gauntlet (TM)
and Nethack/Moria.

Any number of players can move around in their own window, finding
and using items and battle monsters. They can choose to cooperate
or compete in the same "world".

1996-11-02T13:53:37+00:00 games/crossfire-server Server for multiplayer graphical arcade and adventure game
This is the server part of a multiplayer graphical arcade and
adventure game made for the X11 environment.

It has certain flavours from other games, especially Gauntlet (TM)
and Nethack/Moria.

Any number of players can move around in their own window, finding
and using items and battling monsters, solving quests, etc.
They can choose to cooperate or compete in the same "world".

1996-11-02T13:53:37+00:00 games/crossfire-client Cooperative multiplayer graphical RPG and adventure game
Crossfire is an open-source, cooperative multi-player graphical RPG and
adventure game. Since its initial release, Crossfire has grown to encompass
over 150 monsters, about 3000 maps to explore, an elaborate magic system, 13
races, 15 character classes, a system of skills, and many artifacts and
treasures. Crossfire is based in a medieval fantasy world and is similar to
other games of this genre.

1996-11-02T12:12:52+00:00 japanese/vfghostscript GNU Postscript interpreter + Japanese VFontlib patch
This is ghostscript 2.6.2 with Japanese & VFlib-2.x patch.
With this package you can see PostScript file on X11 Window System and
print out by your printer.

Check before using Ghostscript:

Make sure that your vfontcap is well configured.
This package expects by default that 'vfontcap' file contains KANJI entry for:
min - Entry for Mincho
goth - Entry for Gothic .

You can verify that font name min and goth are available by typing:
/usr/local/lib/VFlib/ktest -f min
/usr/local/lib/VFlib/ktest -f goth

Note: These KANJI entry can be changed to another name by changing
/usr/local/lib/ghostscript/kanji/ (kanji/ is the original),
but the name must be consistent in both 'vfontcap' file and '' file.
See /usr/local/lib/ghostscript/doc/gs261j.jis for details.

Many printers are available with this package:
1. Canon BJ-10V
2. Canon BJC-600J
3. HP DeskJet 500C
4. HP DeskJet 550C
5. HP DeskJet 505J
6. generic dot impact printer
7. Epson LP-1700, LP-8200 (ESC/PS 300/600 dpi)
8. ESC/Page 300dpi generic
9. Star JJ-100
10. LIPS III generic
11. LIPS IV , IVc generic
12. MAG format
13. MJC720, 800, 900, 5000 (ESC/P at 180/360/720 dpi)
14. MJ-500C
15. NEC PC-PR150
16. NEC PC-PR201
17. NEC PC-PR1000 /4
See /usr/local/lib/ghostscript/doc/printers.doc for using these printers.
1996-11-02T12:09:43+00:00 japanese/vflib Japanese Vector font library
VFlib is a Japanese vector font library which supports TrueType, Zeit,
JG, BDF fonts.

Sazanami TrueType font is used by default for mincho(min) and gothic(goth).
You can use your own font by modifying ${PREFIX}/etc/vflib/vfontcap file.
For details, see ${PREFIX}/doc/vflib/ (in Japanese).

1996-11-01T08:08:55+00:00 news/slnr Simplistic reader for SOUP (HDPF) mail and news packets
This is a port of slnr (Simple Local News Reader). Slnr is intended
as a SOUP reader for non-UNIX machines so the port includes a few
modifications to make it more consistant with the UNIX paradigm. No
advanced features, such as kill-files, are available and you should,
if possible, use news-readers such as `trn' to read your news.
1996-11-01T02:37:35+00:00 lang/modula-3-socks
This provides SOCKS support for Modula-3 network applications. It is
based on the H-P SOCKS library, with modifications developed by Darryl
Okahata to support Modula-3's thread package. It uses version 4 of the
SOCKS protocol, which is compatible with both version 4 and version 5
SOCKS servers.
1996-10-31T19:53:40+00:00 misc/dejagnu Automated program/system tester
DejaGnu is a framework for testing other programs. Its purpose is to
provide a single front end for all tests. Think of it as a custom library
of Tcl procedures crafted to support writing a test harness. A Test
Harness is the testing infrastructure that is created to support a
specific program or tool. Each program can have multiple testsuites, all
supported by a single test harness. DejaGnu is written in Expect, which
in turn uses Tcl -- Tool command language.

1996-10-30T13:44:05+00:00 graphics/giftool Tool for GIF89a transparent option and interlace mode
GIFTool is a tool for GIF89a transparent option and interlace mode. For
instance 'giftool -B -i *.gif' converts all images to interlaced GIF files.

GIFTool is shareware. Use the -info option to read the licensing information.
1996-10-30T11:12:29+00:00 graphics/giftrans A tool for GIF89a transparent option and interlace mode
GIFtrans, a tool for GIF89a transparent option and interlace mode.

Usage: giftrans [-t color|-T] [-B color] [-b color] [-g oldcolor=newcolor] \
[-c comment|-C] [-l|-L|-V] [-o filename] [-e filename] [filename]
Convert any GIF file into a GIF89a, with the folloing changes possible:
-t Specify the transparent color
-T Index of the transparent color is the background color index
-B Specify the transparent color's new value
-b Specify the background color
-g Change a color in the global color table
-c Add a comment
-C Remove old comment
-l Only list the color table
-L Verbose output of GIFs contents
-V Verbose output while converting
-o Redirect stdout to a file
-e Redirect stderr to a file
Colors may be specified as index, as rgb.txt entry or in the #rrggbb form.


giftrans -t #ffffff original.gif > whitetrans.gif
1996-10-30T01:58:56+00:00 emulators/spim MIPS32 Simulator
MIPS32 Simulator -- "1/25th the performance at none of the cost"

Spim/Xspim simulates MIPS32 assembly code, providing a gdb and xgdb
like interface to the classical MIPS RISC CPU. The virtual machine
it provides can be either the one presented by the MIPS assembler or the
one of the bare hardware. The simulator can also be built to simulate the
pipeline architecture of the MIPS machine (both the control and floating
point pipelines). When built for this, it also simulates and displays
an instruction and data cache.

This simulator is useful in CS and EE classes, including providing a
target machine for compilers courses, lower division assembly language
programming, microprocessor design courses, etc...

1996-10-29T23:01:55+00:00 lang/modula-3-lib
This is a subset of the Modula-3 port, consisting of the shared
libraries only. People who don't wish to install the entire Modula-3
system just so they can execute Modula-3 programs can install this
package instead.

Please read "${PREFIX}/share/modula-3-lib/COPYRIGHT" for the DEC
copyright notice.

John Polstra <jdp@FreeBSD.ORG>
1996-10-28T10:49:53+00:00 games/quakeserver A server to host Quake network games under FreeBSD
Ok, this one definitely falls into the "I had some time one Sunday
afternoon..." category.
This port allows you to host Quake network games on a FreeBSD machine.
This installs the v1.01 shareware version of Quake, and the required
files to automate a server. If you have purchased the registered version of
Quake and wish to host a registered server, take the files from the ID1/
subdirectory of your installed version of Quake, and put them into
/usr/local/quakeserver/id1. Be sure to make the filenames lowercase.
Note: I'm not sure how this will work with the v1.06 version of
registered quake. Currently, I can't get the intel loader to work with the 1.06
game files, so I'm not optimistic. YMMV.
Credits to iD for creating a great game, and to Dan Nelson
<> for creating the expect script that wraps around the
server in case it crashes.
Note that this port can technically be used to play Quake under X, but I
don't recommend it. It's slow, small, and prone to crashing. If you want to
host a very fast and responsive Quake game, use this. If you want to play it,
run DOS.
Shameless plug: I've also ported qcc, the QuakeC compiler to let server
ops make their own quake games. You do need registered Quake to do this, but
it's well worth it. Look for qcc in the games collection of FreeBSD's ports
1996-10-27T10:08:48+00:00 security/vscan Evaluation version of a DOS/Windows/Linux file virus scanner
uvscan is an evaluation VirusScan running on FreeBSD in native mode.

You may use this software for only thirty (30)
days, after which period you must either buy
the software from Network Associates, Inc. or
stop using it and remove it from your computer.

Please see ${PREFIX}/share/doc/uvscan/license.txt for more

1996-10-27T05:18:55+00:00 games/qcc QuakeC compiler, for building custom games of Quake
QCC is the original QuakeC compiler created by John Carmack of id Software,
used to generate `progs.dat' file that essentially holds game logic behind
the graphic engine. It is used primarily to create modifications for Quake
and QuakeWorld.

Note that more feature-rich, optimizing QuakeC compilers are available in
the Ports Collection.

1996-10-26T23:20:37+00:00 chinese/cless Better pager utility (and it speaks Chinese)
A paginator similar to "more" or "pg", but much more powerful and
speaks Chinese.

Cless is a port of GNU's less version 290 that suports the display of files
written in the Chinese language using the GB (simple) or Big5 (complex)
encodings. You can switch to reading of normal ASCII text by setting the
environment LESSCHARSET to 'ascii'.

Also, the help can be displayed in either Simple Chinese, Complex Chinese,
or English by setting the LESSHELP environmental variable to the correct
helpfile. Cless should be run w/in a CXterm or simular terminal emulator
supporting Chinese language encodings.
1996-10-25T10:18:26+00:00 lang/swi-pl Edinburgh-style Prolog compiler
Edinburgh-style Prolog compiler including modules, autoload,
libraries, Garbage-collector, stack-expandor, C-interface,
GNU-readline and GNU-Emacs interface, very fast compiler.

1996-10-24T20:41:38+00:00 emulators/x48 HP48 SX/GX graphic calculator emulator
This emulator is capable of providing a faithful replication of the HP48
SX/GX graphic calculators.

Around mid 2000, Hewlett Packard has graciously made available the ROMs
required to run the package (included).

1996-10-24T13:46:37+00:00 devel/p5-Religion Perl5 module to install die() and warn() handlers
This is a second go at a module to simplify installing die() and warn()
handlers, and to make such handlers easier to write and control.

For most people, this just means that if use Religion; then you'll get
noticeably better error reporting from warn() and die(). This is especially
useful if you are using eval().

Religion provides four classes, WarnHandler, DieHandler, WarnPreHandler, and
DiePreHandler, that when you construct them return closures that can be
stored in variables that in turn get invoked by $SIG{__DIE__} and
$SIG{__WARN__}. Note that if Religion is in use, you should not modify
$SIG{__DIE__} or $SIG{__WARN__}, unless you are careful about invoking
chaining to the old handler.

Religion also provides a TraceBack function, which is used by a DieHandler
after you die() to give a better handle on the current scope of your
situation, and provide information about where you were, which might
influence where you want to go next, either returning back to where

1996-10-24T13:45:44+00:00 devel/p5-Resources Perl5 module handling application defaults in Perl
Resources are a way to specify information of interest to program or

Applications use resource files to specify and document the values of
quantities or attributes of interest.

Resources can be loaded from or saved to resource files. Methods are
provided to search, modify and create resources. Packages use resources to
hardwire in their code the default values for their attributes, along with
documentation for the attributes themselves.

Packages inherit resources when subclassed, and the resource names are
updated dynamically to reflect a class hierarchy.

Methods are provided for interactive resource inspection and editing.
1996-10-24T13:44:51+00:00 mail/p5-Mail-POP3Client Perl5 module to talk to a POP3 (RFC1939) server
This module implements an Object-Oriented interface to a POP3 server. It is
based on RFC1939.

1996-10-24T13:43:47+00:00 mail/p5-Mail-Tools Perl5 modules for dealing with Internet e-mail messages
MailTools is a collection of Perl modules for dealing with Internet
e-mail messages.

The modules included can perform a wide range of tasks, including
parsing e-mail addresses, parsing mailcap files, manipulating
message header fields and bodies, sending messages via SMTP or the
Unix mail and sendmail commands, reading mbox mail boxes, and
message filtering through Perl subroutines.

1996-10-24T13:43:04+00:00 mail/p5-Mail-Folder Perl module for a folder-independant interface to email folders
WARNING: This code is in alpha release. Expect the interface to


use Mail::Folder;


This base class, and it's subclasses provide an object- oriented interface
to email folders independant of the underlying folder implementation. There
are currently two folder interfaces provided with this package:

1996-10-24T08:54:34+00:00 x11-toolkits/p5-Tk Re-port of a perl5 interface to Tk8.4
This a re-port of a perl interface to Tk8.4 (John Ousterhout's production

Perl API is essentially the same as Tk800.025 but has not
been verified as compliant.

It also includes all the C code parts of Tix8.1.4 from SourceForge.
The perl code corresponding to Tix's Tcl code is not fully implemented.

This version (Tk804.025) is only likely to work with perl5.8+.
1996-10-24T08:53:53+00:00 astro/luna Display the moon's phase
This is a trivial program that displays the phase of the moon. It
may help when you play a game that depends on the phase of the moon
(nethack, nlith, etc.).

It can also be used to calculate, you figure this one out. ;)

1996-10-24T08:51:23+00:00 www/p5-libwww Perl5 library for WWW access
Libwww-perl is a collection of Perl modules which provides a simple and
consistent programming interface (API) to the World-Wide Web. The main
focus of the library is to provide classes and functions that allow you
to write WWW clients, thus libwww-perl said to be a WWW client library.
The library also contain modules that are of more general use.

The main architecture of the library is object oriented. The user
agent, requests sent and responses received from the WWW server are all
represented by objects. This makes a simple and powerful interface to
these services. The interface should be easy to extend and customize
for your needs.

1996-10-24T08:47:13+00:00 www/p5-HTTPD-User-Manage Perl modules for managing access control with the web server
HTTPD-User-Manage is set of Perl modules for managing access control
with the Apache, NCSA httpd, CERN and Netscape servers (and maybe some

You can install this program as a CGI script to allow remote users to
change their Web access passwords. Web administrators can use it to
remotely add, edit and delete users and their groups. You can also use
it from the command line as a nice all-in-one interface to access
control databases based on text files, DBM files, and SQL databases.

1996-10-24T08:47:13+00:00 www/p5-HTTPD-Tools Perl5 module for a HTTP server authentication class
This module provides methods for authenticating a user.
It uses HTTPD::UserAdmin to lookup passwords in a
database. Subclasses provide methods specific to the
authentication mechanism.

Currently, under HTTP/1.0 the only supported
authentication mechanism is Basic Authentication. NCSA
Mosaic and NCSA HTTPd understand the proposed Message
Digest Authentication, which should make it into the HTTP
spec someday. This module supports both.
1996-10-24T08:46:17+00:00 www/p5-HTML-Stream Perl5 HTML output stream class, and some markup utilities
HTML::Stream provides an object-oriented and
subclassable way of outputting HTML.

1996-10-24T08:44:47+00:00 www/p5-HTML-QuickCheck Simple and fast HTML syntax checking package for perl 4 and perl 5
The objective of the package is to provide a fast and essential HTML check (esp.
for CGI scripts where response time is important) to prevent a piece of user
input HTML code from messing up the rest of a file, i.e., to minimize and
localize any possible damage created by including a piece of user input HTML
text in a dynamic document.

HTMLQuickCheck checks for unmatched < and >, unmatched tags and improper
nesting, which could ruin the rest of the document. Attributes and elements
with optional end tags are not checked, as they should not cause disasters with
any decent browsers (they should ignore any unrecognized tags and attributes
according to the standard). A piece of HTML that passes HTMLQuickCheck may not
necessarily be valid HTML, but it would be very unlikely to screw others but
itself. A valid piece of HTML that doesn't pass the HTMLQuickCheck is however
very likely to screw many browsers(which are obviously broken in terms of strict

HTMLQuickCheck currently supports HTML 1.0, 2.x (draft), 3.0 (draft) and
netscape extensions (1.1).

1996-10-24T08:42:51+00:00 www/p5-HTML Perl5 module for writing HTML documents
HTML::Base is an expansion module for PERL version 5 which
provides an object-oriented way to build pages of HTML.
It's purpose is to create HTML tags at the lowest level of
functionality, that is to say, it creates HTML and doesn't
do much else. Specifically, it does not provide any
CGI-like services (see the CGI modules for that!).

Currently, the module supports all of the standard HTML
2.0 tags, plus some selected tags from the proposed HTML
3.0 standard, and some NetScapeisms.
1996-10-24T08:41:39+00:00 www/p5-CGI_Lite Process and decode WWW forms and cookies
You can use this module to decode form and query information, including file
uploads, as well as cookies in a very simple manner; you need not concern
yourself with the actual details behind the decoding process.

1996-10-24T08:40:29+00:00 www/p5-CGI Handle Common Gateway Interface requests and responses is a stable, complete and mature solution for processing and preparing
HTTP requests and responses. Major features including processing form
submissions, file uploads, reading and writing cookies, query string generation
and manipulation, and processing and preparing HTTP headers. performs very well in a vanilla environment and also comes with
built-in support for mod_perl and mod_perl2 as well as FastCGI.

It has the benefit of having developed and refined over 20 years with input from
dozens of contributors and being deployed on thousands of websites. was
included in the perl distribution from perl v5.4 to v5.20, however is has now
been removed from the perl core.

1996-10-24T08:40:29+00:00 www/p5-CGI-modules Modules for perl5, for use in writing CGI scripts
These are the CGI:: modules for perl5, for use in writing CGI scripts.

Online documentation of these modules as well as related modules (such
as the earlier module) can be found at:


Many examples of CGI scripts of various degrees of complexity can be
found at:
1996-10-24T08:38:37+00:00 security/p5-PGP Perl5 module to work with PGP messages
This is an alpha release of a PGP module for Perl5.This module will allow
for an easy interface to both Phil Zimmermann'sPGP (v2.6.2) program and the
international version of PGP (v2.6.2i). will allow you to sign, encrypt (w/signature), decrypt and perform
key management. The only requirement being that you alreadyhave PGP
installed on your system to utilize this module.There are sure to be many
changes in the structure of this module overthe next couple of months--at
least until a standard interface is acheived.

If you find this module useful and wish to see future developments of it,
the contribute to Phil Zimmermann's legal defense fund. Ifyou don't know
anything about the government's attempt to wrongfully prosecute Phil, then
go to Yahoo and search for "Zimmermann." After reading for a little while,
you will be wondering how the governmentis getting away with it's criminal

1996-10-24T08:37:23+00:00 security/p5-MD5 Wrapper to the Digest::MD5 module
The current MD5 module is just a wrapper around the Digest::MD5
module. It is provided so that legacy code that rely on the old
interface still work and get the speed benefit of the new module.

1996-10-24T08:35:48+00:00 security/p5-Crypt-IDEA Perl5 interface to IDEA block cipher
This perl extension is an implementation of the IDEA block
cipher algorithm. The module implements the
Crypt::BlockCipher interface, which has the following

blocksize =item keysize =item encrypt =item decrypt

1996-10-24T08:33:54+00:00 security/p5-Crypt-DES Perl5 interface to DES block cipher
This perl extension is an implementation of the DES block
cipher algorithm. The module implements the
Crypt::BlockCipher interface, which has the following

blocksize, keysize, encrypt, decrypt

1996-10-24T08:32:22+00:00 net/p5-Net Perl5 modules to access and use network protocols
libnet is a collection of Perl modules which provides a simple
and consistent programming interface (API) to the client side
of various protocols used in the internet community.

For details of each protocol please refer to the RFC. RFC's
can be found a various places on the WEB, for a starting
point look at:

The RFC implemented in this distribution are

Net::FTP RFC959 File Transfer Protocol
Net::SMTP RFC821 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
Net::Time RFC867 Daytime Protocol
Net::Time RFC868 Time Protocol
Net::NNTP RFC977 Network News Transfer Protocol
Net::POP3 RFC1939 Post Office Protocol 3

1996-10-24T08:28:52+00:00 net/p5-Archie Perl5 module to make Archie queries via Prospero requests
The Archie module finds files available via anonymous ftp
by making requests to an Archie server. The package
communicates with the Archie server via the Prospero
protocol, which is layered on the Asynchronous Reliable
Delivery Protocol, which is layered on UDP.

The usual entry point is Archie::archie_request, which
takes arguments similar to the Unix archie command-line
client, and returns an array of hash references which
point to the returned data.

The routine Archie::archie_cancel cancels the request on
the server; this stops the server from sending packets to
a canceled client process.

This release is $Revision: 1.5 $.
1996-10-24T08:25:25+00:00 converters/p5-Convert-UU Perl5 module for uuencode and uudecode
use Convert::UU qw(uudecode uuencode);
$encoded_string = uuencode($string,[$filename],[$mode]);
($string,$filename,$mode) = uudecode($string);
$string = uudecode($string); # in scalar context

uuencode() takes as the first argument a scalar that is to
be uuencoded. Alternatively a filehandle may be passed
that must be opened for reading. It returns the uuencoded
string including begin and end. Second and third argument
are optional and specify filename and mode. If unspecified
these default to "uuencode.uu" and 644.

uudecode() takes a string as argument which will be
uudecoded. If the argument is a filehandle this will be
read instead. Leading and trailing garbage will be
ignored. The function returns the uudecoded string for the
first begin/end pair. In array context it returns an array
whose first element is the uudecoded string, the second is
the filename and the third is the mode.

1996-10-24T08:23:45+00:00 misc/p5-Business-CreditCard Perl5 module to validate/generate credit card checksums/names
These subroutines tell you whether a credit card number is
self-consistent -- whether the last digit of the number is a valid
checksum for the preceding digits.

The validate() subroutine returns 1 if the card number provided passes
the checksum test, and 0 otherwise.

The cardtype() subroutine returns a string containing the type of card:
"MasterCard", "VISA", and so on. My list is not complete; I welcome

The generate_last_digit() subroutine computes and returns the last digit
of the card given the preceding digits. With a 16-digit card, you
provide the first 15 digits; the subroutine returns the sixteenth.

1996-10-24T08:23:45+00:00 finance/p5-Business-CreditCard Perl5 module to validate/generate credit card checksums/names
These subroutines tell you whether a credit card number is
self-consistent -- whether the last digit of the number is a valid
checksum for the preceding digits.

The validate() subroutine returns 1 if the card number provided passes
the checksum test, and 0 otherwise.

The cardtype() subroutine returns a string containing the type of card:
"MasterCard", "VISA", and so on. My list is not complete; I welcome

The generate_last_digit() subroutine computes and returns the last digit
of the card given the preceding digits. With a 16-digit card, you
provide the first 15 digits; the subroutine returns the sixteenth.

1996-10-24T08:21:54+00:00 misc/p5-Array-PrintCols Perl5 module to print arrays of elements in sorted columns
Array::PrintCols is a Perl 5 module which defines a subroutine to print arrays
of elements in alphabetically, vertically sorted columns. Optional arguments
can be given to control either the width or number of the columns, the total
width of the output, and the amount of indentation.

1996-10-24T08:20:04+00:00 graphics/p5-Image-Size Perl5 module to determine the size of images in several common formats
Image::Size is a library based on the image-sizing code in the wwwimagesize
script, a tool that analyzes HTML files and adds HEIGHT and WIDTH tags to
IMG directives. Image::Size has generalized that code to return a raw (X, Y)
pair, and included wrappers to pre-format that output into either HTML or a
set of attribute pairs suitable for the library by Lincoln Stein.
Currently, Image::Size can size images in XPM, XBM, GIF, JPEG and PNG

I did this because my WWW server generates a lot of documents on demand
rather than keeping them in static files. These documents not only use
directional icons and buttons, but other graphics to annotate and highlight
sections of the text. Without size attributes, browsers cannot render the
text of a page until the image data is loaded and the size known for layout.
This library enables scripts to size their images at run-time and include
that as part of the generated HTML. Or for any other utility that uses and
manipulates graphics. The idea of the basic interface + wrappers is to not
limit the programmer to a certain data format.

1996-10-24T08:17:03+00:00 devel/p5-Time A collection of functions to convert and use time variables in perl5
This package contains the following perl5 modules: ctime, strftime, and asctime Julian Day conversions Reverses strftime and also understands relative times miscellaneous timezone manipulations routines simply report the number of days in a month
1996-10-24T08:15:36+00:00 devel/p5-Ioctl Perl module that provides a way to get the value of C ioctl constants
The Perl Ioctl module provides an easily extensible way of getting
the value of the C ioctl constants.

1996-10-24T08:11:12+00:00 devel/p5-IniConf
IniConf provides a way to have readable configuration files outside your
Perl script. The configuration can be safely reloaded upon receipt of a


Get a new IniConf object with the new method:

$cfg = IniConf->new( -file => "/path/configfile.ini" );
$cfg = new IniConf -file => "/path/configfile.ini";

Optional named parameters may be specified after the configuration file
name. See the new in the METHODS section, below. INI files consist of a
number of sections, each preceeded with the section name in square brackets.
Parameters are specified in each section as Name=Value. Any spaces around
the equals sign will be ignored, and the value extends to the end of the
1996-10-24T08:11:12+00:00 devel/p5-Config-IniFiles Read .ini-style configuration files
Config::IniFiles provides a way to have readable configuration files
outside your Perl script. The configuration can be safely reloaded upon
receipt of a signal. Configurations can be imported (inherited,
stacked,...), sections can be grouped, and settings can be accessed from
a tied hash.


Get a new Config::IniFiles object with the *new* method:

$cfg = Config::IniFiles->new( -file => "/path/configfile.ini" );
$cfg = new Config::IniFiles -file => "/path/configfile.ini";

Optional named parameters may be specified after the configuration file
name. See the *new* in the METHODS section, below.

INI files consist of a number of sections, each preceded with the
section name in square brackets. Parameters are specified in each section
as Name=Value. Any spaces around the equals sign will be ignored, and the
value extends to the end of the line.

1996-10-24T08:08:23+00:00 devel/p5-Include Perl5 package which allows use of macros defined in 'C' header files
The Include module implements a method of using #define constants from C header
files. It does this by putting an extra level of indirection on the use
operator. To enhance performance a cache scheme is used. When a new module is
required the cache is checked first, if the package is not found then it will be
generated from the C header files. Include can be configured to place any
generated packages into the cache automatically, for security reasons this is
turned off by default.

1996-10-24T08:06:31+00:00 devel/p5-File-Tools Perl5 module for several file operations: Copy, Recurse and Tools
This package implements several file operations under the umbrella of
File::Tools. It replaces the old File::Copy package and impliments new
functionality as well.
1996-10-24T08:04:19+00:00 devel/p5-File-Slurp Perl module for single call read and write file routines
These are quickie routines that are meant to save a couple
of lines of code over and over again. They do not do
anything fancy.

1996-10-24T08:02:45+00:00 devel/p5-File-Lock Perl5 module for file locking (flock,fcntl)
This is my first alpha release of File::Lock, my version of the code
greatfully provided by Jarrko. I've mucked about with it quite a bit,
and there are a few policy decisions you might not agree with:

All of the locking functions (see t/* for full details),
File::lock::(lockf/flock/fcntl) are not exported from File::Lock. They all
take the same set of arguments: FileHandle, mode, pos, whence, length.
(Except for lockf, which doesn't take the position arguments.) Mode is two
characters, and can be "wb" for write-lock/non-blocking, or "rn", for
read-lock/blocking. Most other characters will work fine. (Look in typemap)
pos, whence, and length default to "the whole file". Use "u" to unlock a

The only OO interface is via "new File::Lock()" which uses
File::Lock::fcntl. If it were working properly, then the lock would be
unlocked on destruction. But it isn't.

File::Lock::lockfile isn't written yet, but will be.

You can use a mode of "t" or "i" to get info/test a lock. fcntl in array
context will return an array consisting of all the usual fcntl data.
In any other case, a single letter is returned, "u", "w", or "r",
for the detected locking mode. (or unlocked.)

All calls return true if successful. Currently no mucking about with errno
is done, so it might not be the same for the same condition on all systems.

If you need real fcntl() and it's constants, use Fcntl. File::Lock does
optionally export SEEK_*, and LOCK_EX|UN|SH, though. (I don't remember why,
though, on the latter.)

Any comments, complaints, or bug patches would be greatly appreciated.
1996-10-24T08:01:28+00:00 devel/p5-File-BasicFlock Perl5 module for file locking with flock
File::Flock is a wrapper around the flock() call. The only thing it
does that is special is that it creates the lock file if the lock file
does not already exist.

It will also try to remove the lock file. This makes it a bit

1996-10-24T07:59:56+00:00 devel/cxref C program cross-referencing and documentation tool
A program that takes as input a series of C source files and produces a
LaTeX or HTML document containing a cross reference of the
files/functions/variables in the program, including documentation taken
from suitably formatted source code comments.

The documentation is stored in the C source file in specially formatted
comments, making it simple to maintain. The cross referencing includes
lists of functions called, callers of each function, usage of global
variables, header file inclusion, macro definitions and type
definitions. Works for ANSI C, including a few gcc extensions.

1996-10-24T07:59:27+00:00 devel/p5-Data-Flow Perl extension for simple-minded recipe-controlled build of data
The module Data::Flow provides its services via objects. The objects
may be obtained by the usual

$request = new Data::Flow $recipes;

paradigm. The argument $recipes is a hash reference, which provides the
rules for request processing. The objects support two methods, set() and
get(). The first one is used to provide input data for processing, the
second one to obtain the output.

The unit of requested information is a field. The method set() takes a
pair field => value, the method get() takes one argument: the field.

Every object is created without any fields filled, but it knows how to
construct fields basing on other fields or some global into. This
knowledge is provided in the argument $recipe of the new() function.
This is a reference to a hash, keyed by fields. The values of this hash
are hash references themselves, which describe how to acquire the field
which is the corresponding key of the initial hash.

1996-10-24T07:57:07+00:00 devel/p5-Curses Perl5 module for terminal screen handling and optimization
Curses is the interface between Perl and your system's curses(3) library.
For descriptions on the usage of a given function, variable, or constant,
consult your system's documentation, as such information invariably varies
(:-) between different curses(3) libraries and operating systems. This
document describes the interface itself, and assumes that you already know
how your system's curses(3) library works.

1996-10-24T07:56:23+00:00 devel/p5-ConfigReader Perl5 module to read directives from a configuration file
The ConfigReader library is a set of classes which reads
directives from a configuration file. The library is
completely object oriented, and it is envisioned that
parsers for new styles of configuration files can be
easily added.

ConfigReader::Spec encapsulates a specification for
configuration directives. You can specify which
directives can be in the configuration file, aliases for
the directive, whether the directive is required or has a
default value, and how to parse the directive value.

Here's an example of how one directive might be specified:

required $spec 'HomePage', 'new URI::URL';

This defines a required directive called 'HomePage'. To
parse the value from the configuration file, the
URI::URL::new() method will be called with the string
value as its argument.

use 'perldoc ConfigReader' for more information.
1996-10-24T07:55:29+00:00 devel/p5-C-Scan Perl5 module to scan C language files for easily recognized constructs
C-Scan is a Perl module to scan C language files for easily recognized
constructs such as included header files, macros and their arguments,
declarations of functions, extern declarations, and typedefs. It uses the
Data::Flow interface.

1996-10-23T23:59:20+00:00 databases/p5-Pg Interface for using perl5 to access PostgreSQL databases
This is an API for using Perl5 to access PostgreSQL databases.

This software is part of the standard PostgreSQL distribution.

1996-10-23T23:56:55+00:00 devel/p5-BSD-Resource Perl module to access BSD resource limit and priority functions
This Perl extension implements the BSD process resource limit functions

getrusage() getrlimit() setrlimit()

and the BSD process priority functions. These are available also via
core Perl but here we do more tricks so that the PRIO_* are available.

getpriority() setpriority()

Also is provided


which provides the same functionality as the one in core Perl, only with
better time resolution.

1996-10-23T23:53:26+00:00 databases/p5-Msql Perl5 modules for accessing MiniSQL (mSQL) databases and DBD::mSQL implement two different approaches to
communicate with an mSQL server. DBD::mSQL is built upon the DBI, the
generic Perl Database Interface. It brings you an identical interface
to a broad variety of databases and is in this regard comparable to
ODBC. The advantage of the DBI approach is portability and
interoperability. is the elder species. It was written before
DBI was available but it was inspired by an early draft of the DBI
specification. As it has been circulating longer it is more mature and
pretty stable. It's also more complete than DBD::mSQL.

Some day in the future DBD::mSQL will probably be the clearly superior
competitor in this package. Today you have to decide on your own about
the trade-offs.
1996-10-23T23:52:52+00:00 databases/p5-DBI Perl5 Database Interface, required for DBD::* modules
The DBI interface allows perl programs to use DBD (Database Definition)
drivers with a common set of routines. A program can then (theoretically)
change from using mSQL to Oracle (for example) without changing the entire
program around.

This DBI interface is not yet fully specified. The current development
work is focused on writing drivers, such as DBD::Oracle, which also
implement emulations of old perl4 database interfaces, e.g., oraperl.
This strategy enables the DBI and drivers to serve a useful purpose
whilst allowing the real interface to evolve with experience behind the
emulation interface.

1996-10-23T23:52:52+00:00 databases/p5-DBI-137 The perl5 Database Interface. Required for DBD::* modules
The DBI interface allows perl programs to use DBD (Database Definition)
drivers with a common set of routines. A program can then (theoretically)
change from using mSQL to Oracle (for example) without changing the entire
program around.

This DBI interface is not yet fully specified. The current development
work is focused on writing drivers, such as DBD::Oracle, which also
implement emulations of old perl4 database interfaces, e.g., oraperl.
This strategy enables the DBI and drivers to serve a useful purpose
whilst allowing the real interface to evolve with experience behind the
emulation interface.

1996-10-23T23:51:37+00:00 archivers/p5-Compress-Zlib Perl5 interface to zlib compression library
The Compress::Zlib module provides a Perl interface to the
zlib compression library (see the AUTHORS entry elsewhere
in this document for details about where to get zlib). Most
of the functionality provided by zlib is available in

The module can be split into two general areas of
functionality, namely in-memory compression/decompression
and read/write access to gzip files. Each of these areas
will be discussed separately below.

WARNING: The interface defined in this document is alpha
and is liable to change.

1996-10-18T15:04:50+00:00 japanese/today Tells you what day today is
This port "today" tells you what day today is.

For example
Feb. 14 is St. Valentine's Day
Dec. 31 is New Year's Eve

Of course, it may not know about all the important dates. Also, it
will also display your birthday, assuming you registered it. This
version also has a simple scheduler.

1996-10-15T20:49:27+00:00 print/lyx16 Document processor interfaced with LaTeX (nearly WYSIWYG) (stable)
LyX is a document processor that encourages an approach to writing
based on the structure of your documents (WYSIWYM) and not simply
their appearance (WYSIWYG).

LyX combines the power and flexibility of TeX/LaTeX with the ease
of use of a graphical interface. This results in world-class support
for creation of mathematical content (via a fully integrated equation
editor) and structured documents like academic articles, theses,
and books. In addition, staples of scientific authoring such as
reference list and index creation come standard. But you can also
use LyX to create a letter or a novel or a theatre play or film
script. A broad array of ready, well-designed document layouts are
built in.

LyX is for people who want their writing to look great, right out
of the box. No more endless tinkering with formatting details,
"finger painting" font attributes or futzing around with page
boundaries. You just write. On screen, LyX looks like any word
processor; its printed output - or richly cross-referenced PDF,
just as readily produced - looks like nothing else.

LyX is released under a Free Software/Open Source license, runs on
Linux/Unix, Windows, and Mac OS X, and is available in several

1996-10-15T20:49:27+00:00 print/lyx15 Document processor interfaced with LaTeX (nearly WYSIWYG) (stable)
LyX is a document processor interfaced with LaTeX, which gives both the
ease-of-use of a wordprocessor, and the flexibility and power of

Quasi-WYSIWYG interface, many LaTeX styles and layouts automatically
generated. Speeds up learning LaTeX and makes complicated layouts
easy and intuitive. New features include spell-checking, international
character support, WYSIWYG graphics, tables, and equations.

Although LyX-1.5 is the most recent version, LyX-1.4.x remains the
default "lyx", because LyX-1.5 requries Qt4.

1996-10-15T20:49:27+00:00 print/lyx14 Document processor interfaced with LaTeX (nearly WYSIWYG)
LyX is a document processor interfaced with LaTeX, which gives both the
ease-of-use of a wordprocessor, and the flexibility and power of

Quasi-WYSIWYG interface, many LaTeX styles and layouts automatically
generated. Speeds up learning LaTeX and makes complicated layouts
easy and intuitive. New features include spell-checking, international
character support, WYSIWYG graphics, tables, and equations.

1996-10-15T20:49:27+00:00 print/lyx Document processor interfaced with LaTeX (nearly WYSIWYG)
LyX is a document processor that encourages an approach to writing
based on the structure of your documents (WYSIWYM) and not simply
their appearance (WYSIWYG).

LyX combines the power and flexibility of TeX/LaTeX with the ease
of use of a graphical interface. This results in world-class support
for creation of mathematical content (via a fully integrated equation
editor) and structured documents like academic articles, theses,
and books. In addition, staples of scientific authoring such as
reference list and index creation come standard. But you can also
use LyX to create a letter or a novel or a theatre play or film
script. A broad array of ready, well-designed document layouts are
built in.

LyX is for people who want their writing to look great, right out
of the box. No more endless tinkering with formatting details,
"finger painting" font attributes or futzing around with page
boundaries. You just write. On screen, LyX looks like any word
processor; its printed output - or richly cross-referenced PDF,
just as readily produced - looks like nothing else.

1996-10-15T20:49:27+00:00 print/lyx-devel Document processor interfaced with LaTeX (nearly WYSIWYG) (stable)
LyX is a document processor that encourages an approach to writing
based on the structure of your documents (WYSIWYM) and not simply
their appearance (WYSIWYG).

LyX combines the power and flexibility of TeX/LaTeX with the ease
of use of a graphical interface. This results in world-class support
for creation of mathematical content (via a fully integrated equation
editor) and structured documents like academic articles, theses,
and books. In addition, staples of scientific authoring such as
reference list and index creation come standard. But you can also
use LyX to create a letter or a novel or a theatre play or film
script. A broad array of ready, well-designed document layouts are
built in.

LyX is for people who want their writing to look great, right out
of the box. No more endless tinkering with formatting details,
"finger painting" font attributes or futzing around with page
boundaries. You just write. On screen, LyX looks like any word
processor; its printed output - or richly cross-referenced PDF,
just as readily produced - looks like nothing else.

LyX is released under a Free Software/Open Source license, runs on
Linux/Unix, Windows, and Mac OS X, and is available in several

1996-10-15T04:52:41+00:00 mail/fetchmail Batch mail retrieval utility for IMAP/POP3/ETRN/ODMR
Fetchmail is a full-featured IMAP/POP2/POP3/APOP/KPOP/ETRN/ODMR client with
easy configuration, daemon mode, forwarding via SMTP or local MDA, and
superior reply handling. It is used to handle intermittent email connections
by acting as a coupling that seamlessly batch forwards fetched mail from your
mail server to your local delivery system, allowing you to read it with your
favourite mail user agent. Fetchmail also includes useful spam filtering and
multi-user functions.

A typical use of fetchmail is to connect to your ISP's POP3 server,
downloading your mail into the INBOX on your local computer. You may then
read the mail, offline if you want, using pine, mutt, or any standard mail
user agent.

1996-10-12T00:11:34+00:00 games/xrubik X-based rubik's cube(tm)
Xrubik, X-based rubik's cube(tm)

Rubik's cube is a puzzle that you put same color pieces to
the same faces on a cube.

LICENSE: Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute

1996-10-10T15:00:53+00:00 mail/exmh2 X11/TK based mail reader front end to MH
exmh is a TCL/TK based interface to the MH mail system. It provides
the usual layer on top of MH commands, as well as many other features:

MIME support! Displays richtext and enriched directly.
Color feedback in the scan listing.
A colour coded folder display with one label per folder.
Smart scan caching. News read/post. koi8-r support.
Facesaver bitmap display. Ispell support.
Background inc. You can set exmh to run inc periodically.
Searching over folder listing and message body.
A dialog-box interface to MH pick.
An editor with emacs-like bindings and MIME support.
Glimpse interface. You can index all your mail with glimpse
and search for messages by content.
User preferences. You can tune exmh through a dialog box.
User hacking support. A user library of TCL routines is supported.

IMPORTANT: exmh depends on the TK send facility for its background
processing. With TK 3.3, send now uses xauthority mechanisms by default,
unless you compile TK with -DTK_NO_SECURITY. Generally, this means that
you **MUST** must run xdm to start your Xserver.

1996-10-10T05:12:01+00:00 games/xeyesplus Horrible eyes looking at your mouse cursor
Xeyes+, horrible eyes looking at your mouse cursor.

xeyes+ [-root] [-wm] [-speed n] [-smooth] [-display <display>]

Draw on the root window directly.

Not allow window managers to redirect

How fast the eyes move from 1 to 100 in 10 micro seconds.

Eyes move more smooth.
1996-10-08T04:45:57+00:00 x11/tkgoodstuff TkGoodstuff module for fvwm2 window manager - requires XPM and fvwm2
README for TkGoodStuff version 8.0-final, 1 Oct, 1997

TkGoodStuff for the X Window System is an alarm clock, biff, file
watcher, modem dialer/network status indicator, note-taker,
web-browser launch tool, system load monitor, application/utility
menu, Win95-like task bar, and whatever else you want.

TkGoodStuff produces a button bar. It is easily configured and
modified with the on-line GUI preferences manager (*no* rc-file
hacking). There is a "screen-edge" mode, in which the bar occupies an
edge of the screen, can be dragged to other edges, and can
auto-minimize (shrink to a line at the screen-edge). For users of the
fvwm window manager (though tkgoodstuff works without fvwm),
tkgoodstuff serves all the functions of the Windows95 taskbar, and
then some.
1996-09-29T03:26:48+00:00 mail/mailagent Sophisticated automatic mail-processing tool
Mailagent allows you to process your mail automatically. Given a set
of lex-like rules, you are able to fill mails to specific folders,
forward messages to a third person, pipe a message to a command or
even post the message to a newsgroup. It is also possible to process
messages containing some commands. The mailagent is not usually
invoked manually but is rather called via the filter program, which is
in turn invoked by sendmail.

1996-09-27T11:47:06+00:00 archivers/bzip Block-sorting file compressor
Use of bzip2, which is intended to replace bzip, is recommended.
The algorithms used in bzip2 are different and incompatible with
those used in bzip. To open .bz archives, you must use bzip, and
to open .bz2 archives you must use bzip2. Although bzip2 sometimes
yields slightly larger output, it is faster, more reliable, maintained,
much more widely used and is believed to be patent-free.

Julian Seward, the author of bzip, gives this warning:

This program may or may not infringe certain US patents
pertaining to arithmetic coding and to the block-sorting
transformation itself. Opinions differ as to the precise
legal status of some of the algorithms used. Nevertheless,
you should be aware that commercial use of this program
could render you liable to unfriendly legal action.

1996-09-25T20:36:33+00:00 net/telnetx Telnet client with binary transfer protocols support
Telnetx was developed by WIDE/WPNC Working Group. Telnetx supports
several binary file transfer protocols which are provided by some of
major commercial online services. Zmodem, B plus, transit and kermit
are supported by telnetx. Telnetx calls external transfer programs to
do the transfer and thus transfer functions are independent from
telnetx itself. The user can also specify other external programs to
perform file transfer.

- Masafumi
1996-09-25T20:28:45+00:00 comms/bpl+ B Plus file transfer protocol
This is an implementation of B Plus binary file transfer protocol. B
Plus is used on several online services to let their users download
files from the system.

In conjunction with telnetx package, you can use this program to
download files from those systems connected to the Internet.
1996-09-24T17:03:37+00:00 japanese/mnews
Mnews, Mini News Reader, is a small size news reader to handle news
and electronic mail messages.

Goals of mnews' development are small size, fast operation and easy to
use interface.

As far as the size is concerned, both the program itself and the
memory usage are much smaller than those of emacs+gnus or vin.

We believe the speed of the program is also one of the fastest among
other news readers. (Though, we added various functions and they are
making the program a bit slower.)

Most effort was put on making mnews easy to operate. Most of the
message from the program is in Japanese, the operation is easy to
learn for both former gnus users and former vin users (basically, it's
Gnus compatible), and discarded multi-keystroke operations.

MH, UCB mail and rmail style e-mail files can be handled with mnews.
Optionally, you can build a electronic bulletin board system.
(FreeBSD's package does not include the support for this function by
default, so you need to rebuild mnews using the files in the port
collection if you wish to use the feature.)

Also, MIME encoded headers using ISO-2022-JP can be handled.

- Masafumi
1996-09-24T15:12:01+00:00 net/ascend-radius
The Ascend modified Radius Daemon.
1996-09-23T22:40:15+00:00 databases/postgresql92-server
PostgreSQL is a sophisticated Object-Relational DBMS, supporting
almost all SQL constructs, including subselects, transactions, and
user-defined types and functions. It is the most advanced open-source
database available anywhere. Commercial Support is also available.

The original Postgres code was the effort of many graduate students,
undergraduate students, and staff programmers working under the direction of
Professor Michael Stonebraker at the University of California, Berkeley. In
1995, Andrew Yu and Jolly Chen took on the task of converting the DBMS query
language to SQL and created a new database system which came to known as
Postgres95. Many others contributed to the porting, testing, debugging and
enhancement of the Postgres95 code. As the code improved, and 1995 faded into
memory, PostgreSQL was born.

PostgreSQL development is presently being performed by a team of Internet
developers who are now responsible for all current and future development. The
development team coordinator is Marc G. Fournier (scrappy@PostgreSQL.ORG).
Support is available from the PostgreSQL developer/user community through the
support mailing list (questions@PostgreSQL.ORG).

PostgreSQL is free and the complete source is available.

1996-09-23T22:40:15+00:00 databases/postgresql91-server The most advanced open-source database available anywhere
PostgreSQL is a sophisticated Object-Relational DBMS, supporting
almost all SQL constructs, including subselects, transactions, and
user-defined types and functions. It is the most advanced open-source
database available anywhere. Commercial Support is also available.

The original Postgres code was the effort of many graduate students,
undergraduate students, and staff programmers working under the direction of
Professor Michael Stonebraker at the University of California, Berkeley. In
1995, Andrew Yu and Jolly Chen took on the task of converting the DBMS query
language to SQL and created a new database system which came to known as
Postgres95. Many others contributed to the porting, testing, debugging and
enhancement of the Postgres95 code. As the code improved, and 1995 faded into
memory, PostgreSQL was born.

PostgreSQL development is presently being performed by a team of Internet
developers who are now responsible for all current and future development. The
development team coordinator is Marc G. Fournier (scrappy@PostgreSQL.ORG).
Support is available from the PostgreSQL developer/user community through the
support mailing list (questions@PostgreSQL.ORG).

PostgreSQL is free and the complete source is available.

1996-09-23T22:40:15+00:00 databases/postgresql90-server
PostgreSQL is a sophisticated Object-Relational DBMS, supporting
almost all SQL constructs, including subselects, transactions, and
user-defined types and functions. It is the most advanced open-source
database available anywhere. Commercial Support is also available.

The original Postgres code was the effort of many graduate students,
undergraduate students, and staff programmers working under the direction of
Professor Michael Stonebraker at the University of California, Berkeley. In
1995, Andrew Yu and Jolly Chen took on the task of converting the DBMS query
language to SQL and created a new database system which came to known as
Postgres95. Many others contributed to the porting, testing, debugging and
enhancement of the Postgres95 code. As the code improved, and 1995 faded into
memory, PostgreSQL was born.

PostgreSQL development is presently being performed by a team of Internet
developers who are now responsible for all current and future development. The
development team coordinator is Marc G. Fournier (scrappy@PostgreSQL.ORG).
Support is available from the PostgreSQL developer/user community through the
support mailing list (questions@PostgreSQL.ORG).

PostgreSQL is free and the complete source is available.

1996-09-23T22:40:15+00:00 databases/postgresql84-server The most advanced open-source database available anywhere
PostgreSQL is a sophisticated Object-Relational DBMS, supporting
almost all SQL constructs, including subselects, transactions, and
user-defined types and functions. It is the most advanced open-source
database available anywhere. Commercial Support is also available.

The original Postgres code was the effort of many graduate students,
undergraduate students, and staff programmers working under the direction of
Professor Michael Stonebraker at the University of California, Berkeley. In
1995, Andrew Yu and Jolly Chen took on the task of converting the DBMS query
language to SQL and created a new database system which came to known as
Postgres95. Many others contributed to the porting, testing, debugging and
enhancement of the Postgres95 code. As the code improved, and 1995 faded into
memory, PostgreSQL was born.

PostgreSQL development is presently being performed by a team of Internet
developers who are now responsible for all current and future development. The
development team coordinator is Marc G. Fournier (scrappy@PostgreSQL.ORG).
Support is available from the PostgreSQL developer/user community through the
support mailing list (questions@PostgreSQL.ORG).

PostgreSQL is free and the complete source is available.

1996-09-23T22:40:15+00:00 databases/postgresql83-server
PostgreSQL is a sophisticated Object-Relational DBMS, supporting
almost all SQL constructs, including subselects, transactions, and
user-defined types and functions. It is the most advanced open-source
database available anywhere. Commercial Support is also available.

The original Postgres code was the effort of many graduate students,
undergraduate students, and staff programmers working under the direction of
Professor Michael Stonebraker at the University of California, Berkeley. In
1995, Andrew Yu and Jolly Chen took on the task of converting the DBMS query
language to SQL and created a new database system which came to known as
Postgres95. Many others contributed to the porting, testing, debugging and
enhancement of the Postgres95 code. As the code improved, and 1995 faded into
memory, PostgreSQL was born.

PostgreSQL development is presently being performed by a team of Internet
developers who are now responsible for all current and future development. The
development team coordinator is Marc G. Fournier (scrappy@PostgreSQL.ORG).
Support is available from the PostgreSQL developer/user community through the
support mailing list (questions@PostgreSQL.ORG).

PostgreSQL is free and the complete source is available.

1996-09-23T22:40:15+00:00 databases/postgresql82-server
PostgreSQL is a sophisticated Object-Relational DBMS, supporting
almost all SQL constructs, including subselects, transactions, and
user-defined types and functions. It is the most advanced open-source
database available anywhere. Commercial Support is also available.

The original Postgres code was the effort of many graduate students,
undergraduate students, and staff programmers working under the direction of
Professor Michael Stonebraker at the University of California, Berkeley. In
1995, Andrew Yu and Jolly Chen took on the task of converting the DBMS query
language to SQL and created a new database system which came to known as
Postgres95. Many others contributed to the porting, testing, debugging and
enhancement of the Postgres95 code. As the code improved, and 1995 faded into
memory, PostgreSQL was born.

PostgreSQL development is presently being performed by a team of Internet
developers who are now responsible for all current and future development. The
development team coordinator is Marc G. Fournier (scrappy@PostgreSQL.ORG).
Support is available from the PostgreSQL developer/user community through the
support mailing list (questions@PostgreSQL.ORG).

PostgreSQL is free and the complete source is available.

1996-09-23T22:40:15+00:00 databases/postgresql81-server The most advanced open-source database available anywhere
PostgreSQL is a sophisticated Object-Relational DBMS, supporting
almost all SQL constructs, including subselects, transactions, and
user-defined types and functions. It is the most advanced open-source
database available anywhere. Commercial Support is also available.

The original Postgres code was the effort of many graduate students,
undergraduate students, and staff programmers working under the direction of
Professor Michael Stonebraker at the University of California, Berkeley. In
1995, Andrew Yu and Jolly Chen took on the task of converting the DBMS query
language to SQL and created a new database system which came to known as
Postgres95. Many others contributed to the porting, testing, debugging and
enhancement of the Postgres95 code. As the code improved, and 1995 faded into
memory, PostgreSQL was born.

PostgreSQL development is presently being performed by a team of Internet
developers who are now responsible for all current and future development. The
development team coordinator is Marc G. Fournier (scrappy@PostgreSQL.ORG).
Support is available from the PostgreSQL developer/user community through the
support mailing list (questions@PostgreSQL.ORG).

PostgreSQL is free and the complete source is available.

1996-09-23T22:40:15+00:00 databases/postgresql80-server The most advanced open-source database available anywhere
PostgreSQL is a sophisticated Object-Relational DBMS, supporting
almost all SQL constructs, including subselects, transactions, and
user-defined types and functions. It is the most advanced open-source
database available anywhere. Commercial Support is also available.

The original Postgres code was the effort of many graduate students,
undergraduate students, and staff programmers working under the direction of
Professor Michael Stonebraker at the University of California, Berkeley. In
1995, Andrew Yu and Jolly Chen took on the task of converting the DBMS query
language to SQL and created a new database system which came to known as
Postgres95. Many others contributed to the porting, testing, debugging and
enhancement of the Postgres95 code. As the code improved, and 1995 faded into
memory, PostgreSQL was born.

PostgreSQL development is presently being performed by a team of Internet
developers who are now responsible for all current and future development. The
development team coordinator is Marc G. Fournier (scrappy@PostgreSQL.ORG).
Support is available from the PostgreSQL developer/user community through the
support mailing list (questions@PostgreSQL.ORG).

PostgreSQL is free and the complete source is available.

1996-09-23T22:40:15+00:00 databases/postgresql74-server The most advanced open-source database available anywhere
PostgreSQL is a sophisticated Object-Relational DBMS, supporting
almost all SQL constructs, including subselects, transactions, and
user-defined types and functions. It is the most advanced open-source
database available anywhere. Commercial Support is also available.

The original Postgres code was the effort of many graduate students,
undergraduate students, and staff programmers working under the direction of
Professor Michael Stonebraker at the University of California, Berkeley. In
1995, Andrew Yu and Jolly Chen took on the task of converting the DBMS query
language to SQL and created a new database system which came to known as
Postgres95. Many others contributed to the porting, testing, debugging and
enhancement of the Postgres95 code. As the code improved, and 1995 faded into
memory, PostgreSQL was born.

PostgreSQL development is presently being performed by a team of Internet
developers who are now responsible for all current and future development. The
development team coordinator is Marc G. Fournier (scrappy@PostgreSQL.ORG).
Support is available from the PostgreSQL developer/user community through the
support mailing list (questions@PostgreSQL.ORG).

PostgreSQL is free and the complete source is available.

1996-09-23T22:40:15+00:00 databases/postgresql73 The most advanced open-source database available anywhere
PostgreSQL is a sophisticated Object-Relational DBMS, supporting
almost all SQL constructs, including subselects, transactions, and
user-defined types and functions. It is the most advanced open-source
database available anywhere. Commercial Support is also available.

The original Postgres code was the effort of many graduate students,
undergraduate students, and staff programmers working under the direction of
Professor Michael Stonebraker at the University of California, Berkeley. In
1995, Andrew Yu and Jolly Chen took on the task of converting the DBMS query
language to SQL and created a new database system which came to known as
Postgres95. Many others contributed to the porting, testing, debugging and
enhancement of the Postgres95 code. As the code improved, and 1995 faded into
memory, PostgreSQL was born.

PostgreSQL development is presently being performed by a team of Internet
developers who are now responsible for all current and future development. The
development team coordinator is Marc G. Fournier (scrappy@PostgreSQL.ORG).
Support is available from the PostgreSQL developer/user community through the
support mailing list (questions@PostgreSQL.ORG).

PostgreSQL is free and the complete source is available.

1996-09-23T22:40:15+00:00 databases/postgresql73-server The most advanced open-source database available anywhere
PostgreSQL is a sophisticated Object-Relational DBMS, supporting
almost all SQL constructs, including subselects, transactions, and
user-defined types and functions. It is the most advanced open-source
database available anywhere. Commercial Support is also available.

The original Postgres code was the effort of many graduate students,
undergraduate students, and staff programmers working under the direction of
Professor Michael Stonebraker at the University of California, Berkeley. In
1995, Andrew Yu and Jolly Chen took on the task of converting the DBMS query
language to SQL and created a new database system which came to known as
Postgres95. Many others contributed to the porting, testing, debugging and
enhancement of the Postgres95 code. As the code improved, and 1995 faded into
memory, PostgreSQL was born.

PostgreSQL development is presently being performed by a team of Internet
developers who are now responsible for all current and future development. The
development team coordinator is Marc G. Fournier (scrappy@PostgreSQL.ORG).
Support is available from the PostgreSQL developer/user community through the
support mailing list (questions@PostgreSQL.ORG).

PostgreSQL is free and the complete source is available.

1996-09-23T22:40:15+00:00 databases/postgresql7 The most advanced open-source database available anywhere
PostgreSQL is a sophisticated Object-Relational DBMS, supporting
almost all SQL constructs, including subselects, transactions, and
user-defined types and functions. It is the most advanced open-source
database available anywhere. Commercial Support is also available.

The original Postgres code was the effort of many graduate students,
undergraduate students, and staff programmers working under the direction of
Professor Michael Stonebraker at the University of California, Berkeley. In
1995, Andrew Yu and Jolly Chen took on the task of converting the DBMS query
language to SQL and created a new database system which came to known as
Postgres95. Many others contributed to the porting, testing, debugging and
enhancement of the Postgres95 code. As the code improved, and 1995 faded into
memory, PostgreSQL was born.

PostgreSQL development is presently being performed by a team of Internet
developers who are now responsible for all current and future development. The
development team coordinator is Marc G. Fournier (scrappy@PostgreSQL.ORG).
Support is available from the PostgreSQL developer/user community through the
support mailing list (questions@PostgreSQL.ORG).

PostgreSQL is free and the complete source is available.

1996-09-23T22:40:15+00:00 databases/postgresql-devel Development snapshots of PostgreSQL's latest features
PostgreSQL is a sophisticated Object-Relational DBMS, supporting
almost all SQL constructs, including sub-selects, transactions,
schemas, and user-defined types and functions. It is the most advanced
open-source database available anywhere. PostgreSQL is developed
under the BSD license and has many commercial support offerings.

The postgresql-devel is intended for developer use and contains the
latest features in the PostgreSQL tree. This version is not intended
for production use. System catalogs may change requiring a reinitdb
and full dump/restore of your database. Use of the -devel port
implies a fair degree of knowledge of the PostgreSQL development cycle
and that the administrator is tracking changes made to the PostgreSQL

This port's source tarballs are taken directly from CVS so code may
contain bugs. Use with extreme discretion.

1996-09-23T22:40:15+00:00 databases/postgresql-devel-server The most advanced open-source database available anywhere
PostgreSQL is a sophisticated Object-Relational DBMS, supporting
almost all SQL constructs, including subselects, transactions, and
user-defined types and functions. It is the most advanced open-source
database available anywhere. Commercial Support is also available.

The original Postgres code was the effort of many graduate students,
undergraduate students, and staff programmers working under the direction of
Professor Michael Stonebraker at the University of California, Berkeley. In
1995, Andrew Yu and Jolly Chen took on the task of converting the DBMS query
language to SQL and created a new database system which came to known as
Postgres95. Many others contributed to the porting, testing, debugging and
enhancement of the Postgres95 code. As the code improved, and 1995 faded into
memory, PostgreSQL was born.

PostgreSQL development is presently being performed by a team of Internet
developers who are now responsible for all current and future development. The
development team coordinator is Marc G. Fournier (scrappy@PostgreSQL.ORG).
Support is available from the PostgreSQL developer/user community through the
support mailing list (questions@PostgreSQL.ORG).

PostgreSQL is free and the complete source is available.

1996-09-23T15:50:11+00:00 lang/rexx-imc Procedural programming language designed by IBM's UK Laboratories
REXX/imc is a Rexx interpreter for Unix. It supports all the standard
instructions and built-in functions, plus a small number of extensions,
and has a partial implementation of the SAA API allowing applications
to call Rexx programs and to register addressing environments, Rexx
functions, and exit handlers.

1996-09-23T01:50:33+00:00 chinese/celvis Vi/ex clone that speaks Chinese
CElvis is a clone of vi/ex, the standard UNIX editor. CElvis supports
nearly all of the vi/ex commands, in both visual mode and colon mode.
It also allows displaying and editing of documents using the
Chinese GB (simple) and Big-5 (complex) encodings.

Celvis is based on Elvis version 1.3 by Steve Kirkendall.
1996-09-21T16:56:47+00:00 games/yamsweeper Yet Another Mine Sweeper
Yamsweeper is a game to clear the field filled with bombs (mines). On the left
top corner of the main window, the number of mines left is displayed. You can
mark hidden mines underneath the panels, then the number is decreased. The
number can be minus, but that means you have over-marked. On the right top
corner, the time passed is displayed. The time counts up to 999 seconds. On
center top, there's the symbol of yamsweeper. You can start a new game by
clicking the symbol. A panel is opened with the left mouse button. If unopened
panels are around the panel, and if they don't have mines underneath and around
them, panels are also opened. This can happen like a chain reaction. Be
careful; the game is over when you open a mine. If the panel opened has mines
around, you will see a number varies from 1 to 8, which means the number of
mines. For example, `1' tells you one of the panels around has a mine. `2' says
that two mines are hidden next to. You can mark suspicious panels by the right
button, which toggles the state of the panel between "Bomb" or "?" (in which it
cannot be opened) and Normal. The middle button is assigned a special
functionality. You can use the middle button to open the unmarked panels
around, under certain conditions:
- the panel you clicked is opened
- the panel is not null, a number is displayed
- the number of marked panels is equal to the number displayed on the
clicked panel.
Click the middle button on a opened panel.
1996-09-19T11:33:49+00:00 security/donkey An alternative for S/KEY's key command
---- From 00readme (slightly modified) ----

<What's Donkey?>

Donkey is an alternative for S/KEY's "key" command. The new feature that
the original key doesn't have is print an entry for skeykeys as

kazu 0099 al02004 115d83956f1089b6 Apr 26,1995 22:13:27

This means that donkey is also an alternative for "keyinit". Since the
entry is printed to stdout (not to /etc/skeykeys), you can easily send
it to remote operator by e-mail (with PGP signature or something). So,
it is possible to initiate S/KEY without logging in from the console of the

The name "Donkey" is an acronym of "Don't Key".

<How to use Donkey>

(1) Calculate a One-Time-Password.

Execute Donkey with sequence and seed, then input your passphrase.

The -f option allows you to choose hash function from MD2, MD4, and MD5.

The default hash function is MD4 due to the historical reason.

(2) Calculate multiple One-Time-Passwords at once.

Use -n option.

Note that although "Enter passphrase" is printed out to stderr,
One-Time-Passwords go to stdout. So, you can redirect the output

(3) Print skeykeys entry.

Use -i option without argments. Then, enter login name, sequence and
seed. If you like default value, just type RET. Input your passphrase
twice to get the entry.


Donkey conforms GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2 and is
Copyright (C) 1995 Kazuhiko Yamamoto
1996-09-17T23:43:20+00:00 devel/prcs The Project Revision Control System

PRCS's purpose is similar to that of SCCS, RCS, and CVS, but (according
to its authors, at least), it is much simpler than any of those


PRCS is released under the GNU public license, see the file COPYING
for details.

Bug reports can be addressed to the following address:

1996-09-17T22:51:49+00:00 chinese/cxterm An xterm that speaks Chinese
cxterm is a xterm replacement with Chinese (Simple/GB and Complex/Big5)
support. This version of cxterm is derived from the X11R6 xterm, and thus
has similar capabilities.

Note, if you are a new user, or do not quite understand X resources or X font
paths, etc., simply use the command "CXterm".

David O'Brien
1996-09-14T23:43:02+00:00 astro/sunclock Shows which portion of the Earth's surface is illuminated by the Sun
Sunclock is an X11 application that displays a map of the Earth and
shows the illuminated portion of the globe. In addition to providing
local time for the default timezone, it also displays GMT time,
legal and solar time of major cities, their latitude and longitude,
the mutual distances of arbitrary locations on Earth, the position
at zenith of Sun and Moon. Sunclock can display meridians, parallels,
tropics and arctic circles. It has builtin functions that accelerate
the speed of time and show the evolution of seasons. Sunclock can
be internationalized for various western languages. It is possible
to customize the app-default file and enter additional city entries.

Sunclock can commute between two states, the "clock window" and the
"map window". The clock window displays a small map of the Earth
and therefore occupies little space on the screen, while the "map
window" displays a large map and offers more advanced functions.
The Sunclock package includes a resizable and zoomable vector map.
External Earth maps can also be loaded.

1996-09-14T00:59:32+00:00 www/webcopy Web Mirroring Program
WebCopy is a perl program that retrieves the URL specified in a Unix-like
command line. It can also retrieve recursively any file that a HTML file
references, i.e. inlined images and/or anchors, if specified with an option.

It can be used as a "mirror" program to retrieve a tree of documents from a
remote site, and put them on-line immediately through the local server.

1996-09-03T01:33:08+00:00 x11/xfedor A .bdf fonts/.xbm bitmaps/.xpm colored pixmaps/mouse cursor editor
It not work in > 256 colors modes, please fix it, if you can.
--------------------------- Original README -------------------------------
Xfedor is a bdf/xbm/xpm/mouse editor.
It has been achieved before Xt or Motif were available, so it is only
based on Xlib :-|

Known problems:
- very very old proprietary/personal:-) look&feelsick
- C comments in french
- filer.c module (BDF reader/writer) has to be reviewed for new BDF
stuff and some bugs (COMMENT lines lost, unexpected changes in
read/write only actions...)
- non Xt based => icccm problems, fixed geometry, lack of resources...
- not even X based originally, so don't expect something great.
(visual problem I would say on weird X server).
Otherwise, it can still help to create mouse cursors, colored pixmaps and
possibly fonts (if you don't care about XLFD compliance...).
Xfedor needs the Xpm library to link.

Daniel Dardailler <>
Last updated: May 26 1994

PS: I do *not* support this code anylonger. Nobody does.
1996-09-01T14:14:14+00:00 comms/xcept A decoder for the CEPT (Btx) protocol
XCept provides a decoder for the CEPT protocol as it is in use for
example by the Btx service of the Deutsche Telekom. In particular,
electronic banking and other commercial services are being handled
this way. The CEPT protocol itself is supposed to be a European Telco
protocol, though I don't know whether any other Telco is actually
using it.

The program consists of two parts, ceptd acting as a server on the
host with the modem to use, and xcept as the client which interacts
with the user, using an X11 frontend if desired. Xcept also provides
basic scripting facilities.

The package has been developed by Arno Augustin and Frank Hoering at
the University of Nürnberg-Erlangen, Germany. XCept version 2 has
been the last version distributed under a BSD-style copyright; the
package went commercial in later versions. The authors no longer
distribute or support version 2.

After installing the package, you must add

xcept 20005/tcp #XCEPT

to /etc/services, and

xcept stream tcp nowait root /usr/local/libexec/ceptd ceptd

to /etc/inetd.conf on your server host.

Jörg Wunsch <>
1996-08-30T20:14:00+00:00 x11-fonts/getbdf Convert any X server font to .bdf format
getbdf will convert anything your X server understands into the bdf format.
Hence snftobdf, pcftobdf are not necessary. It is useful to convert a Latin
font that you work with into bdf so that you may compare and edi.
1996-08-27T20:16:32+00:00 games/xmahjongg Chinese game of Mahjongg for X11
Mah jongg is an ancient chinese game usually played by four players
with tiles similar to dominos. This is an X windows version for
the solitaire game originally seen on the PC and later ported to
SunView, and later on completely rewritten by Eddie Kohler.

The object of the game is to remove all the tiles from the board.
Tiles are removed in by matching two identical tiles which have
either an open left edge or open right edge. The only exception
to this rule is that any open "flower" tile (bamboo, orchid, plum,
or chrysanthemum) matches any other open "flower" tile and any open
"season" tile (spring, summer, autumn, or winter) matches any other
open "season" tile.

1996-08-24T20:37:49+00:00 sysutils/socket Create TCP socket and connect to stdin/out
The program Socket implements access to TCP sockets from shell level.
First written for the need to open a server socket and read and write
to the socket interactively for testing purposes, it quickly evolved
into a generic tool providing the socket interface for shell script
and interactive use.

Please send any comments, suggestions, bug reports etc. to me:

Juergen Nickelsen <>
1996-08-24T18:46:57+00:00 sysutils/rtty Multiuser "tip"/"cu" replacement with logging
Rtty is "remote tty" (not radioteletype). You run a server per port
and then connect to that server from any number of "tip"/"cu"-like
clients. I wrote it for our console concentrator, but there's no
reason other than performance why you couldn't use it to drive modems,
printers, prom programmers, and so on.
1996-08-24T03:44:12+00:00 misc/unclutter Remove idle cursor image from screen
unclutter removes the cursor image from the screen so that it does not
obstruct the area you are looking at after it has not moved for a
given time. It does not do this if the cursor is in the root window or
a button is down. It tries to ignore jitter (small movements due to
noise) if you have a mouse that twitches.
1996-08-23T06:45:09+00:00 converters/uudeview Program for uu/xx/Base64/BinHex/yEnc de-/encoding
This is a powerful program at which you can throw a mess of
unordered files in any of BinHex, uuencoded, xxencoded,
Base64, or yEnc formats and expect them all to be properly
decoded. These formats are frequently encountered when sending
binary files via news or mail.

1996-08-23T06:39:38+00:00 converters/uulib Library for uu/xx/Base64/BinHex/yEnc de-/encoding
This library is able to encode/decode files in the following formats:


1996-08-22T23:57:56+00:00 devel/idutils The classic Berkeley gid/lid tools for looking up variables in code
`mkid' is a simple, fast, high-capacity, language-independent
identifier database tool. Actually, the term `identifier' is too
limiting--`mkid' stores tokens, be they program identifiers of any
form, literal numbers, or words of human-readable text. Database
queries can be issued from the command-line, or from within emacs,
serving as an augmented tags facility.

1996-08-22T23:57:56+00:00 devel/id-utils The classic Berkeley gid/lid tools for looking up variables in code
`mkid' is a simple, fast, high-capacity, language-independent
identifier database tool. Actually, the term `identifier' is too
limiting--`mkid' stores tokens, be they program identifiers of any
form, literal numbers, or words of human-readable text. Database
queries can be issued from the command-line, or from within emacs,
serving as an augmented tags facility.

`mkid' was originally written by Greg McGary
and posted to comp.sources.unix in September 1987. It was then
maintained and enhanced by a loose knit group of programmers on the
Internet led by Tom Horsley. Tom released
`mkid2' on comp.sources.unix in March, 1991. Since then, Greg McGary
has resumed maintenance and is releasing an improved version 3 under GPL.

Version 3 is an interim release. Version 4 will follow in the coming
months and include a cscope clone plus other improvements. This
version is an improved version of version 3 (which hasn't been updated
since 1996!), it now understands C++.
1996-08-21T09:06:55+00:00 mail/youbin Mail arrival notification service package
---- From README (slightly modified) ---

youbin is a kind of biff in the network age. When youbin is used, the
mail spool of a certain, specific machine (mail server) is observed to
inform the arrival of mail to a user at an arbitrary machine through
the network. On the other hands, the conventional "biff" informs only
the user who logs in at the machine on which the mail spool
resides. Combining with POP, youbin eliminates a lot of NFS mount of
mail spool directory caused by checking mail arrival.

Since youbin is designed with event driven, the user is promptly
informed of status change of mail spool caused by arrival of new
message and/or reading messages.

- Max
1996-08-20T10:27:39+00:00 japanese/kinput2-canna+sj3 Input server of Japanese text (Canna+SJ3)
Kinput2 is an Japanese text input server for X11 applications.

A client that require kana-kanji conversion service for Japanese text
sends a request to kinput2. Kinput2 receives the request, does
kana-kanji conversion, and sends the converted text back to the

The port supports Canna and SJ3.

-- S. Taoka
1996-08-20T10:25:51+00:00 japanese/kinput2-sj3 Input server of Japanese text (SJ3)
Kinput2 is an Japanese text input server for X11 applications.

A client that require kana-kanji conversion service for Japanese text
sends a request to kinput2. Kinput2 receives the request, does
kana-kanji conversion, and sends the converted text back to the

The port supports SJ3.

-- S. Taoka
1996-08-19T11:56:51+00:00 japanese/mule-sj3 A multilingual emacs, with SJ3 support built in (Only the executables)
This package contains only the executables for mule-2.3, a multilingual
editor based on emacs-19.34.

You should install the mule-common-2.3 package containing emacs lisp
files, info pages, and so on (except executables) for mule-2.3.

This package is built with Japanese support, using sj3.
It supports the following input methods: jeonkak, hangul for
Korean (Hanja), and quanjiao, zhuyin, erpin for Chinese (check out

This package and the package, mule-common-2.3, *will* clobber any
existing emacs installation. In particular, the executables and man
pages of etags/ctags are installed, and the info pages that come with
the original emacs get installed too.

Although this shouldn't cause any problems to run both mule and emacs,
it may cause some confusion when one of them is pkg_delete'd. If
someone has a solution to this, please tell me.

A info "dir" file is supplied in the ${PORTSDIR}/editors/mule-common/files/
subdirectory of the ports package. Copy it into your /usr/local/info
to read mule info pages, but also make sure you also add everything
that may have been added to that file!

Mr. Yoshio KATAYAMA <> fixed many bugs for mule-2.3.
Patches for those are in 'mule-2.3-19.34.patch-YYMMDD.tar.gz' and are
applied in this port.

- S. Taoka
1996-08-19T11:50:34+00:00 japanese/skk The "meta-port" for the SKK Japanese-input software
SKK (Simple Kana Kanji Convertor) is a very fast and efficient Japanese input
method system, written in emacs-lisp. SKK runs on NEmacs (Japanized Emacs18),
Mule (MULtilingual Emacs), and Demacs (DOS version of Emacs18/NEmacs).

This package does not contain anything by itself -- it is a "meta-port"
that depends on other SKK packages (skkserv, skk-elisp, skk-jisyo,
and skk-tools). Its sole purpose is to require dependencies so users can
install this package only and have all the SKK stuff pulled in by the
port/package dependency mechanism.

1996-08-19T11:40:50+00:00 japanese/sjxa A X11 frontend of Japanese input method SJ3
This is SJ3 1.5.11, a X11 frontend for a Japanese input method SJ3.
This system developed by Sony Corporation.
SJ3 is composed of Kana-Kanji conversion server(sj3serv),
Kana-Kanji conversion client for terminal(sj3) and Kana-Kanji
conversion library(sj3lib).
To use SJXA, it is necessary to install SJ3.

This also include many patches for FreeBSD ports on SJ3.
If there are any problem in this patches, please know me via E-mail.

Hidekazu Kuroki
1996-08-19T11:37:29+00:00 japanese/sj3 A Japanese input method
This is SJ3, a Japanese input method.
This system developed by Sony Corporation.
SJ3 is composed of Kana-Kanji conversion server(sj3serv),
Kana-Kanji conversion client for terminal(sj3) and Kana-Kanji
conversion library(sj3lib).

If you start up sj3serv, you must add a following entry into
/etc/services file or NIS/YP services map.

sj3 3086/tcp

This port number may be changed by the setup file(See manpages).

This also include many patches for FreeBSD or others.
(Remove warning, support pseudo-terminal of FreeBSD,
some bug fix and change make rules.) If there are any problem
in this patches, please know me via E-mail.

Hidekazu Kuroki
1996-08-19T11:37:29+00:00 japanese/sj3-server Japanese input method, binary part
This is SJ3, a Japanese input method developed by Sony Corporation.
SJ3 is composed of Kana-Kanji conversion server(sj3serv), Kana-Kanji
conversion client for terminal(sj3) and Kana-Kanji conversion library(sj3lib).
1996-08-19T11:37:29+00:00 japanese/sj3-lib Japanese input method, library part
This is SJ3, a Japanese input method developed by Sony Corporation.
SJ3 is composed of Kana-Kanji conversion server(sj3serv), Kana-Kanji
conversion client for terminal(sj3) and Kana-Kanji conversion library(sj3lib).
1996-08-16T17:04:26+00:00 astro/xephem Interactive astronomical ephemeris program
Xephem is an interactive astronomical ephemeris program for X Windows
systems. It ...

computes heliocentric, geocentric and topocentric information for fixed
celestial objects and objects in heliocentric and geocentric orbits;

has built-in support for all planet positions; the moons of Jupiter, Saturn
and Earth; Mars' and Jupiter's central meridian longitude; Saturn's rings;
and Jupiter's Great Red Spot

Elwood Downey
August 1995

1996-08-16T13:40:49+00:00 multimedia/mpeg_stat MPEG-I statistics gatherer
From the README:
MPEG Video Software Statistics Gatherer
(Version 2.2; Feb 1, 1995)

Lawrence A. Rowe, Steve Smoot, Ketan Patel, and Brian Smith
Computer Science Division-EECS, Univ. of Calif. at Berkeley

This directory contains a public domain MPEG video statistics gatherer.
The decoder implements the standard described in the Committee
Draft ISO/IEC CD 11172 dated December 6, 1991 which is
sometimes referred to as "Paris Format."

1996-08-16T13:40:49+00:00 graphics/mpeg_stat An MPEG-I statistics gatherer
From the README:
MPEG Video Software Statistics Gatherer
(Version 2.2; Feb 1, 1995)

Lawrence A. Rowe, Steve Smoot, Ketan Patel, and Brian Smith
Computer Science Division-EECS, Univ. of Calif. at Berkeley

This directory contains a public domain MPEG video statistics gatherer.
The decoder implements the standard described in the Committee
Draft ISO/IEC CD 11172 dated December 6, 1991 which is
sometimes referred to as "Paris Format."

1996-08-16T13:38:34+00:00 x11-fonts/freefonts Collection of ATM fonts (not all free) from the CICA archives
This is a collection of ATM fonts from the CICA Windows
archives. They are particularly useful with gimp.

Some of these fonts are shareware, and some have restrictions on
redistribution. Please consult the accompanying .license files
after installation.

1996-08-16T13:28:47+00:00 games/xblackjack X11/Motif blackjack game
From The README:

Xblackjack is a MOTIF/OLIT based tool constructed to get you ready for the
casino. It was inspired by a book called "Beat the Dealer" by Edward O.
Thorp, Ph.D. of UCLA. A number of important statistics are maintained for
display, and used by the program to implement Thorp's "Complete Point System"
(high-low system).

Beginners can learn a basic strategy which doesn't require counting. The
best strategy employs a simple card counting technique which can be used to
distinguish favorable situations. Avid players can learn to compute Thorp's
high-low index, which takes the number of unseen cards into account.

The index is used by the program to suggest a bet, indicate when you should
buy insurance, and whether you should stand or hit, etc. You can test the
strategy using a slider to control "autoplay mode". Pressing the message
button below the playing area provides hints; the current count, index
and strategy table are revealed.
1996-08-16T13:26:30+00:00 audio/xmmix Motif-based audio mixer
Xmmix is a sound mixer utility for the X Window System using the OSF/Motif

1996-08-16T07:54:28+00:00 x11/xautolock Activate xlock after a user defined time of inactivity
Xautolock monitors console activity under the X window system, and
fires up a program of your choice if nothing happens during a
user configurable period of time. You can use this to automatically
start up a screen locker in case you tend to forget to do so manually
before having a coffee break.
1996-08-16T07:39:57+00:00 x11-clocks/dclock 7-segment digital clock with some optional features
Dclock is a classic, simple, 7-segment X11 clock with some optional
features such as military time and alarm. The original version is
written by Dan Heller. Tim Edwards heavily modified it and released as
version 2.0. This port uses Debian porting as upstream, which is based
on Tim's version and also includes some additional features and fixes.

1996-08-16T07:23:01+00:00 net/rsync Network file distribution/synchronization utility
rsync is a replacement for rcp that has many more features.

rsync uses the "rsync algorithm" which provides a very fast method for
bringing remote files into sync. It does this by sending just the
differences in the files across the link, without requiring that both
sets of files are present at one of the ends of the link beforehand.
This makes rsync a good remote file distribution/synchronization utility
in a dialup PPP/SLIP environment.

Note, requires rsync on the destination machine.

There is a Computer Science Technical Report on the rsync algorithm is
included in the distribution, and is available as

1996-08-16T07:08:42+00:00 print/mp-letter PostScript printing util for ASCII files
MP will pretty print files to stdout/PostScript printer. It has special
processing for mail, USENET news articles, digests, and several personal
organisers. Printouts can be portrait, landscape or 2-up, and include
pretty headers with useful information (page number, printing date, file
name or supplied header). Mp is very useful for making archive listings of

Includes mp.el an Emacs interface to mp.
1996-08-09T21:25:54+00:00 games/flying Pool/snooker/billiards/carrom/etc game
Flying is pool, snooker, carrom, hockey + curling with nice animated spinning
balls for pool.
1996-08-09T08:16:17+00:00 archivers/freeze Compression program - often used in QNX

This version is tested under SunOS 4.1.2, Xenix 2.3.2, MS-DOS.

The format of frozen (2.X) file is incompatible with that of frozen (1.0),
but if this package is compiled with -DCOMPAT switch, you will able to
unpack frozen (1.0) files, if you have them.
1996-08-09T04:17:17+00:00 misc/figlet SysV banner-like program prints strings in large fancy ASCII art
Figlet is a program that creates large ASCII art characters out of ordinary
screen characters

_ _ _ _ _ _
| (_) | _____ | |_| |__ (_)___
| | | |/ / _ \ | __| '_ \| / __|
| | | < __/ | |_| | | | \__ \_
|_|_|_|\_\___| \__|_| |_|_|___(_)

Figlet can print in a variety of fonts, both left-to-right and right-to-left.
Figlet comes with several fonts. Also, many other fonts are avaiable,
including Hebrew, Cyrillic (Russian), and Greek.

There is also a "Figlet Home Page" on the Worldwide Web.

1996-08-08T15:01:57+00:00 editors/asedit Text editor for X/Motif
asedit is an easy to use text editor for X Window System
built around Motif Text widget. Version 1.3, international
free Release, includes the following language versions:
English, Dutch, French, German, Polish, Portuguese and
Swedish. All commands and messages are localized for each
language. The on-line help is available only in English.

This port requires Motif to build.
1996-08-08T09:25:56+00:00 net/cvsup File distribution system optimized for CVS
CVSup is a software package for distributing and updating collections
of files across a network. It can efficiently and accurately mirror
all types of files, including sources, binaries, hard links, symbolic
links, and even device nodes. CVSup's streaming communication
protocol and multithreaded architecture make it most likely the
fastest mirroring tool in existence today. In addition to being
a great general-purpose mirroring tool, CVSup includes special
features and optimizations specifically tailored to CVS repositories.

This port of CVSup includes the GUI and requires X11. For a version
that does not include the GUI, use the "net/cvsup-without-gui" port.

1996-08-08T01:56:41+00:00 sysutils/mkisofs Create iso9660/Rock Ridge/Joliet filesystems
mkisofs is effectively a pre-mastering program to generate the iso9660
filesystem - it takes a snapshot of a given directory tree, and generates
a binary image which will correspond to an iso9660 filesystem when written
to a block device.

1996-08-08T01:56:41+00:00 sysutils/mkisofs-devel Create iso9660/Rock Ridge/Joliet filesystems
mkisofs is effectively a pre-mastering program to generate the iso9660
filesystem - it takes a snapshot of a given directory tree, and generates
a binary image which will correspond to an iso9660 filesystem when written
to a block device.

1996-08-06T17:37:34+00:00 audio/rosegarden General purpose music editor and sequencer suite
Rosegarden is a free integrated musical notation editor and MIDI
sequencer for Unix/X platforms, with specific support for FreeBSD,
Linux PCs and SGI IRIX workstations.

1996-08-05T07:38:11+00:00 deskutils/plan X/Motif schedule planner with calendar
Plan is a schedule planner based on X/Motif. It displays a month calendar
similar to xcal, but every day box is large enough to show appointments in
small print. By pressing on a day box, the appointments for that day can be
listed and edited.

This port requires Motif or equivalent to build.

1996-08-04T00:22:21+00:00 deskutils/zorro Simple to-do list manager
The program allows you to set up a tree of actions starting
from an (invisible) root and going down to as many levels as you
specify. Associated with each action is a descriptive note, a done/
not done flag, an optional priority and an optional completion date
(more to come). Zorro stores your to-do list in the file ~/.zorrodb
and it reads the file ~/.zorrorc on startup. There are quite a lot of
configurable items - look at the file DOTzorrorc for further details.
1996-08-03T22:42:46+00:00 astro/stars Star field demo
* Cursor keys move the view around.
* +/- Speed the stars up and down.
* Space resets the speed and the view.
* Q quits.

Have fun and don't get too dizzy!
1996-08-03T19:51:05+00:00 benchmarks/netperf Network performance benchmarking package
Netperf is a serious networking performance evaluation tool being
distributed under GPL by HP's Information Networks Division.
Testing is done using a pair of programs: `netserver' (the server) and
`netperf' (the measurement tool).

Netperf allows control over a large number of test `variables'.
Some of these are:
* specification of desired confidence levels for the tests
Netperf will warn the user if these levels were not achieved.
* filling send buffers with specified data (to beat compression schemes)
* specification of send/receive buffer alignments and data offsets
* requesting CPU utilization and service demand calculations
* specification of sizes of data to send
Netperf can be used for measuring stream performance as well as
round-trip performance.

1996-08-02T19:57:32+00:00 x11-fm/tkdesk A graphical, highly configurable and powerful file manager
TkDesk is a graphical, highly configurable and powerful file manager for
Unix and the X Window System.

1996-08-01T20:31:17+00:00 graphics/xmorph A digital image warping program
Xmorph is a digital image warping program, also known as a "morphing"

Xmorph loads, saves, warps, and dissolves images, and loads, saves,
creates, and manipulates control meshes which determine the warping.
Xmorph has help pages built into it, so no external documentation
is necessary.

Gtkmorph is another graphical interface for the warping engine in

1996-08-01T20:27:52+00:00 graphics/xmfract Popular DOS fractal drawing program with X11/Motif frontend
This is X11/Motif program based upon a popular DOS freeware program named
Fractint. It is a true graphic user interface quite different from that

The program will calculate, display and manipulate over 90 discrete fractal
types with very fast algorithms. Other features include zooming, animation
(color cycling), color editing, spherical projection, and an amazing wealth
of parameters. There are too many features to list here.

Also included are dozens of ancillary files such as color map files,
parameter files, formula files, and an extensive on-line help system.
1996-08-01T20:22:29+00:00 multimedia/splitmpg Splits an ISO 11172-1 into its components
From readme.txt:
This program splits an ISO 11172-1 System layer stream into its
component elemental streams.

Comments and suggestions are welcome.
For the present (22 of June 1994) I can be contacted via
Post: P.O. Box 506, NEDLANDS WA 6009, AUSTRALIA

Updates to this source will first appear on in the /users/michael directory
This machine may change name within the next 6 months.

1996-08-01T20:22:29+00:00 graphics/splitmpg Splits an ISO 11172-1 into its components
From readme.txt:
This program splits an ISO 11172-1 System layer stream into its
component elemental streams.

Comments and suggestions are welcome.
For the present (22 of June 1994) I can be contacted via
Post: P.O. Box 506, NEDLANDS WA 6009, AUSTRALIA

Updates to this source will first appear on in the /users/michael directory
This machine may change name within the next 6 months.

1996-08-01T20:18:18+00:00 multimedia/mplex Multiplexes MPEG component streams into system layers
The mplex multiplexes MPEG audio and video streams into system layers.

From INSTRUCT (in the mplex source):
> Please note that I do not have a comprehensive instruction manual for this
> release. I suggest you try the program out with some default values and
> learn something more about ISO/IEC 11172-1 (aka MPEG1/Systems).
> Christoph.
> +---------------------------------------+--------------------------------+
> | | Christoph Moar |
> | cgi-bin/nph-gateway/hphalle6/~moar/ | Kaulbachstr.29a |
> | index.html | 80539 Munich |
> | | voice: ++49 - 89 - 23862874 |
> +---------------------------------------+--------------------------------+
1996-08-01T20:18:18+00:00 graphics/mplex Multiplexes MPEG component streams into system layers
The mplex multiplexes MPEG audio and video streams into system layers.

From INSTRUCT (in the mplex source):
> Please note that I do not have a comprehensive instruction manual for this
> release. I suggest you try the program out with some default values and
> learn something more about ISO/IEC 11172-1 (aka MPEG1/Systems).
> Christoph.
> +---------------------------------------+--------------------------------+
> | | Christoph Moar |
> | cgi-bin/nph-gateway/hphalle6/~moar/ | Kaulbachstr.29a |
> | index.html | 80539 Munich |
> | | voice: ++49 - 89 - 23862874 |
> +---------------------------------------+--------------------------------+

1996-08-01T20:11:57+00:00 multimedia/mpegedit A program to edit encoded mpeg streams
mpeg_edit will edit and apply some effects to an already
encoded mpeg video stream.

The program has several bugs, but I've been able to use it. Expect
core-dumps. It has problems with displays >8 bits too.

1996-08-01T20:11:57+00:00 graphics/mpegedit A program to edit encoded mpeg streams
mpeg_edit will edit and apply some effects to an already
encoded mpeg video stream.

The program has several bugs, but I've been able to use it. Expect
core-dumps. It has problems with displays >8 bits too.

1996-08-01T20:04:37+00:00 multimedia/mpeg_encode UCB's MPEG-I video stream encoder
From the README:

MPEG-1 Video Software Encoder
(Version 1.5; February 1, 1995)

Lawrence A. Rowe, Kevin Gong, Eugene Hung, Ketan Patel, Steve Smoot
and Dan Wallach
Computer Science Division-EECS, Univ. of Calif. at Berkeley

This directory contains the freely distributed Berkeley MPEG-1 Video
Encoder. The encoder implements the standard described in the ISO/IEC
International Standard 11172-2. The code has been compiled and tested
on the following platforms:

DECstation 5000 and Alpha
HP PA-RISC (HP/UX 9.X) (i.e., HP 9000/7XX and 9000/3XX)
SGI Indigo running IRIX 5.0.1
Sun Sparc (SunOS 4.X)

This is *not* bug-free software. In particular, I've had problems using
odd-sized input frames. Other than that, it works OK.

1996-08-01T20:04:37+00:00 graphics/mpeg_encode UCB's MPEG-I video stream encoder
From the README:

MPEG-1 Video Software Encoder
(Version 1.5; February 1, 1995)

Lawrence A. Rowe, Kevin Gong, Eugene Hung, Ketan Patel, Steve Smoot
and Dan Wallach
Computer Science Division-EECS, Univ. of Calif. at Berkeley

This directory contains the freely distributed Berkeley MPEG-1 Video
Encoder. The encoder implements the standard described in the ISO/IEC
International Standard 11172-2. The code has been compiled and tested
on the following platforms:

DECstation 5000 and Alpha
HP PA-RISC (HP/UX 9.X) (i.e., HP 9000/7XX and 9000/3XX)
SGI Indigo running IRIX 5.0.1
Sun Sparc (SunOS 4.X)

This is *not* bug-free software. In particular, I've had problems using
odd-sized input frames. Other than that, it works OK.

1996-08-01T19:54:21+00:00 devel/m6811-gcc The gcc-2.95.2 cross-compiler for the 6811
This is a 6811 cross compiler for FreeBSD.

The C, C++ compiler is based on the GCC 2.95.2 release. The M68HC1x port is
based on an old port of GCC for 68HC11 made by Otto Lind. However, it was
intensively modified to generate smaller and faster code. It was enhanced
to support 32-bits and 64-bits integers. The support for IEEE floating point
numbers (32 and 64-bits) is also provided. Source level debugging is available
with DWARF-2 debugging format.

1996-08-01T19:54:21+00:00 devel/gcc-6811
This is a 6811 cross compiler for FreeBSD.
From the original README...

The following are some comments and instructions on the 6811 port of the
gnu gcc compiler done by Coactive Aesthetics.

The port was written using the GCB11 Network Microcontroller board that
is manufactured by Coactive Aesthetics. It was hosted on a NeXT system.
However, there is no assumptions and/or hardcode values within the
compiler which would prevent the compiler from working on any 6811 board
or on any host system.

Any questions, bug reports, or porting comments/questions should be sent


You'll probably have to edit ${PREFIX}/lib/gcc-lib/m6811-local/2.6.3/crt0.s
to suit your hardware.
1996-07-31T22:07:52+00:00 x11/blast Blast blows holes through windows
Blast blows holes in windows - you can see what's behind it through them. It
uses the X Shape Extension.
1996-07-31T00:20:49+00:00 x11-toolkits/qt33 Multiplatform C++ application framework
Qt is a C++ toolkit for application development. It lets application
developers target all major operating systems with a single application
source code.

Qt provides a platform-independent API to all central platform functionality:
GUI, database access, networking, file handling, etc. The Qt library
encapsulates the different APIs of different operating systems, providing
the application programmer with a single, common API for all operating systems.
The native C APIs are encapsulated in a set of well-designed, fully
object-oriented C++ classes.
1996-07-31T00:20:49+00:00 x11-toolkits/qt32 A C++ X GUI toolkit
Qt is a C++ toolkit for application development. It lets application
developers target all major operating systems with a single application
source code.

Qt provides a platform-independent API to all central platform functionality:
GUI, database access, networking, file handling, etc. The Qt library
encapsulates the different APIs of different operating systems, providing
the application programmer with a single, common API for all operating systems.
The native C APIs are encapsulated in a set of well-designed, fully
object-oriented C++ classes.

1996-07-31T00:20:49+00:00 x11-toolkits/qt31 A C++ X GUI toolkit
Qt is a C++ toolkit for application development. It lets application
developers target all major operating systems with a single application
source code.

Qt provides a platform-independent API to all central platform functionality:
GUI, database access, networking, file handling, etc. The Qt library
encapsulates the different APIs of different operating systems, providing
the application programmer with a single, common API for all operating systems.
The native C APIs are encapsulated in a set of well-designed, fully
object-oriented C++ classes.

1996-07-31T00:20:49+00:00 x11-toolkits/qt30
Qt is a toolkit for building a GUI for X in C++. The main
documentation is in share/doc/qt and is also available on
the web.

1996-07-31T00:20:49+00:00 x11-toolkits/qt23 A C++ X GUI toolkit
Qt is a toolkit for building a GUI for X in C++. The main
documentation is in share/doc/qt2 and is also available on
the web.

1996-07-31T00:20:49+00:00 x11-toolkits/qt22
Qt is a toolkit for building a GUI for X in C++. The main
documentation is in share/doc/qt2 and is also available on
the web.

1996-07-31T00:20:49+00:00 x11-toolkits/qt145 A C++ X GUI toolkit
Qt is a toolkit for building a GUI for X in C++. The main
documentation is in /usr/X11R6/share/doc/qt and is also available
on the homepage.


- Michael Searle
1996-07-30T10:56:42+00:00 devel/tkcvs Tcl/Tk frontends to CVS and Subversion
TkCVS is a Tcl/Tk-based graphical interface to the CVS, and Subversion
configuration management systems. It will also help with RCS. The user
interface is consistent across Unix/Linux, Windows, and MacOS X. TkDiff
is included for browsing and merging your changes.

It shows the status of the files in the current working directory, and
has tools for tagging, merging, importing, exporting, checking in/out,
and other user operations. TkCVS also aids in browsing the repository.
For Subversion, the repository tree is browsed like an ordinary file
tree. For CVS, the CVSROOT/modules file is read. TkCVS extends CVS with
a method to produce a "user friendly" listing of modules by using special
comments in the CVSROOT/modules file.

1996-07-30T02:15:26+00:00 misc/logsurfer Process logfiles and conditionally perform certain actions
Logsurfer is a program for monitoring system logs in real-time,
and reporting on the occurrence of events. It is similar to the
well-known swatch program on which it is based, but offers a
number of advanced features which swatch does not support.

Logsurfer is capable of grouping related log entries
together - for instance, when a system boots it usually creates
a high number of log messages. In this case, logsurfer can be
setup to group boot-time messages together and forward them in
a single Email message to the system administrator under the
subject line "Host xxx has just booted".
Swatch just couldn't do this properly.

1996-07-30T02:15:26+00:00 misc/logsurfer+ Process logfiles and conditionally perform certain actions
Logsurfer is a program for monitoring system logs in real-time,
and reporting on the occurrence of events. It is similar to the
well-known swatch program on which it is based, but offers a
number of advanced features which swatch does not support.

Logsurfer is capable of grouping related log entries
together - for instance, when a system boots it usually creates
a high number of log messages. In this case, logsurfer can be
setup to group boot-time messages together and forward them in
a single Email message to the system administrator under the
subject line "Host xxx has just booted".
Swatch just couldn't do this properly.

1996-07-29T00:38:24+00:00 editors/xed Small but powerful graphical text editor
xed is a small and lightweight text editor, which supports most standard
editing features, plus several not typically found in one's average text
editor (plugins being the most notable of these).

Although new features are always under development, currently xed has:

* Complete support for UTF-8 text
* Syntax highlighting for many languages
* Support for editing remote files
* Search and replace
* Printing and print previewing support
* File revert
* Complete preferences interface
* Configurable Python-based plugin system

1996-07-28T02:44:11+00:00 lang/moscow_ml Lightweight implementation of Standard ML
This is Moscow ML, a lightweight implementation of Standard ML:

The current version (v2.01) of Moscow ML
* implements Standard ML, as revised 1997 (value polymorphism,
default overloading resolution, new types)
* implements most of the new Standard ML Basis Library, including
the most common input/output facilities in TextIO and BinIO.
* implements separate compilation
* can produce compact stand-alone executables (a la Caml Light)
* supports quotations and antiquotations, useful for metaprogramming
* includes several new libraries
* includes several new libraries (sockets, regex, unix)
* offers an easy-to-use foreign-function interface

1996-07-27T21:54:12+00:00 news/slurp Passive NNTP client to retrieve Usenet articles from a remote server
Slurp is an advanced passive NNTP client for UNIX. It will connect to a
remote NNTP server and retrieve articles in a specified set of Usenet
newsgroups that have arrived after a particular date (typically the
last time it was invoked) for processing by your local news system or
forwarding on via UUCP to another news system. It replaces nntpxfer
from the NNTP 1.5.12 reference implementation and nntpget from the INN

Patches from Peter Fox ( have been added to
avoid downloading articles from certain sites. To make use of this
facility, create a file ${PREFIX}/news/lib/excludesites and list the
sites in it, eg
1996-07-25T19:02:59+00:00 x11/xtacy X11 trippy color-cycling toy
Xtacy, a Graphics Hack for X11 windows

"Wow! This is better than snorting caffeine!" --Neil Braun

Xtacy is a graphics hack which I've been, well, hacking on, for 2 or 3
years now. It's been compiled on DECstations 3100, SGI running IRIX 5.3,
and Linux boxen. I think someone got it running on a Sun once, but it
had problems with the circle draw function, so a couple of the modes
looked quite odd. Not that odd is bad. Just odd.

So what does it do? Xtacy displays bouncing shapes, rotating palettes,
a couple fractals, a kaleidascope, and lots of more stuff.

1996-07-23T08:05:12+00:00 news/nntpbtr NNTP bulk transfer
nntpbtr is high-throughput, well-buffered, crash-reliable, all-terrains
NNTP Bulk TRanfer program, written by Leonid Yegoshin <>, LY22.
1996-07-23T07:36:32+00:00 x11-wm/afterstep Window manager originally based on the Bowman NeXTstep clone
AfterStep is a continuation of the BowMan window manager which was
originally put together by Bo Yang. BowMan was based on the fvwm window
manager, written by Robert Nation. Fvwm was based on code from twm. And so
on... It is designed to emulate some of the look and feel of the NeXTstep
user interface, while adding useful, requested, and neat features. The
changes which comprise AfterStep's personality were originally part of
BowMan development, but due to a desire to move past simple emulation and
into a niche as its own valuable window manager, the current designers
decided to change the project name and move on. BowMan development may
continue, but we will no longer be a part of it.

Major changes from fvwm are:

- NeXTstep-like title bar, title buttons, borders and corners. BowMan's
Wharf is a much worked-out version of GoodStuff. To avoid copyright
complications it is not called a "dock."
- NeXTstep style menu. However, the menus are not controlled by
applications; they are more of pop-up service lists on the root window.
- NeXTstep style icons. These styles are hard-coded in the program, which is
good for the consistent look of the NeXTstep interface.

1996-07-23T07:36:32+00:00 x11-wm/afterstep-stable Stable version of the AfterStep window manager
This is a stable version of AfterStep. AfterStep is a NeXTstep style
window manager and features quick easy configuration of the look and
feel of your setup without the use of a .steprc file. Configuration in
most cases is far easier than it used to be. There are a few small bugs,
but this release is fairly stable. Included are a number of AfterStep
applications including asclock, ascd, and xiterm. There are a number of
other very Linux specific applications which are not at present included.

1996-07-20T01:39:22+00:00 mail/majordomo Mailing list manager
Majordomo is a program which automates the management of Internet
mailing lists. Commands are sent to Majordomo via electronic mail to
handle all aspects of list maintainance. Once a list is set up,
virtually all operations can be performed remotely, requiring no
intervention upon the postmaster of the list site.

_majordomo - n: a person who speaks, makes arrangements, or takes
charge for another. From latin "major domus" - "master of the
house". _

Be sure to read /usr/local/majordomo/doc/post-install-notes for important
configuration details after installation.

1996-07-11T17:31:18+00:00 devel/libslang Routines for rapid alpha-numeric terminal applications development
S-Lang is a C programmer's library that includes routines for the rapid
development of sophisticated, user friendly, multi-platform applications.
The S-Lang library includes the following:

- Low level tty input routines for reading single characters at a time.
- Keymap routines for defining keys and manipulating multiple keymaps.
- High level screen management routines for manipulating both
monochrome and color terminals. These routines are very
- Low level terminal-independent routines for manipulating the display
of a terminal.
- Routines for reading single line input with line editing and recall
- Searching functions: both ordinary searches and regular expression
- An embedded stack-based language interpreter with a C-like syntax.
- A malloc debugging package

1996-07-10T22:33:14+00:00 net/gnu-finger GNU version of finger
* GNU finger for FreeBSD *

This ports collection is install some daemon programs,
to /usr/local/libexec, *NOT* to /usr/local/etc.

1) Please rewrite collectory serverhost,clients,mailhost for your site.
Sample file is in /usr/local/etc/fingerdir.
2) Add below lines to /etc/inetd.conf

cfingerd stream tcp nowait nobody /usr/local/libexec/in.cfingerd in.cfingerd
finger stream tcp nowait nobody /usr/local/libexec/in.fingerd in.fingerd

3) Comment out old finger line in /etc/inetd.conf
#finger stream tcp nowait nobody /usr/libexec/fingerd fingerd -s
4) Restart inetd
% kill -HUP `cat /var/run/`
5) If this host is GNU finger server host,
rename to in /usr/local/etc/rc.d directory.
And exec

- Yoshiro MIHIRA
1996-07-10T22:18:38+00:00 security/xinetd Replacement for inetd with better control and logging
Xinetd is a replacement for inetd, the internet services daemon.

Xinetd is not just an inetd replacement. Anybody can use it to
start servers that don't require privileged ports because xinetd
does not require that the services in its configuration file be
listed in /etc/services.

Its configuration file has a different format than inetd's one
and it understands different signals. However the signal-to-action
assignment can be changed.

1996-07-10T10:25:14+00:00 deskutils/cal Enhanced color version of standard calendar utility
CAL is a nicely-enhanced version of the Unix `cal' command.

* Hilights today's date when displaying a monthly calendar.
* Displays an optional user-definable list of `special day'
descriptions (like appointments) to the right of the monthly
calendar display. Cal can be set optionally to ignore appointments
older than the current day. Next month's appointments are shown if
there is room to do so. Multiple appointment data files may also
be specified on the commandline.
* You can specify your own appointment and color definition files on the
commandline, or use the defaults.
* Date descriptions can display "years since" a given year, useful for
birthdays and anniversaries.
* Completely configurable colors -- eight separate color attributes.
* No ANSI driver needed for colors, and the output may be redirected
anywhere, just like the Unix version. However, ANSI color control may
be enabled (e.g. for Unix) with a #define in the source code.
* Commandline-compatible with Unix `cal' command, but with several
enhanced switch settings.

1996-07-10T05:38:41+00:00 multimedia/mpeg2play Program to play mpeg-2 movies on X displays
mpeg2play is a player for MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 video bitstreams. It is based on
mpeg2decode by the MPEG Software Simulation Group.
1996-07-10T05:38:41+00:00 graphics/mpeg2play A program to play mpeg-2 movies on X displays
mpeg2play is a player for MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 video bitstreams. It is based on
mpeg2decode by the MPEG Software Simulation Group.
1996-07-10T05:32:54+00:00 multimedia/mpeg2codec MPEG-2 Encoder and Decoder
It converts uncompressed video frames into MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 video
coded bitstream sequences, and vice versa.

1996-07-10T05:32:54+00:00 graphics/mpeg2codec An MPEG-2 Encoder and Decoder
It converts uncompressed video frames into MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 video
coded bitstream sequences, and vice versa.
1996-07-06T11:13:58+00:00 mail/exim High performance MTA for Unix systems on the Internet
Exim is a mail transfer agent for Unix systems connected to the Internet.
It is a monolithic MTA designed to be a command line compatible drop-in
replacement for Sendmail.

Exim is an excellent mailer for an ISP, as its control and flexibility
are very good and its requeueing and retry algorithms are very powerful.
Exim's configuration syntax is well documented.

1996-07-06T11:13:58+00:00 mail/exim-old High performance MTA for Unix systems on the Internet
Exim is a mail transfer agent for Unix systems connected to the Internet.
It is a monolithic MTA designed to be a command line compatible drop-in
replacement for Sendmail.

Exim is an excellent mailer for an ISP, as its control and flexibility
are very good and its requeing and retry algorithms are very powerful.
Exim's configuration syntax is simple and well documented.

1996-07-06T11:13:58+00:00 mail/exim-devel
Exim is a mail transfer agent for Unix systems connected to the Internet.
It is a monolithic MTA designed to be a command line compatible drop-in
replacement for Sendmail.

Exim is an excellent mailer for an ISP, as its control and flexibility
are very good and its requeing and retry algorithms are very powerful.
Exim's configuration syntax is simple and well documented.

1996-07-06T09:27:11+00:00 audio/mpegaudio An MPEG/audio Layer 1 and Layer 2 encoder/decoder package
mpegaudio is an MPEG/audio Layer 1 and Layer 2 software package.
1996-07-06T08:14:49+00:00 net/ucd-snmp
This is UCD SNMP, a derivative of CMU's SNMP package.

From the README:

This package contains a port and modified code of the CMU
snmp agent. It has been modified to allow extensibility quickly
and easily. It is far from the best and most configurable systems;
but hey: its free.

We use this agent here to monitor known system problems before they
take the machine over. The agent can be easily configured to
monitor the number of a given process running, run external scripts
to check and report functional status. Examples: mountd(s) under
Ultrix 4.3 which tend to fork themselves crazy and eventually fill
up the process table; On our hp700s, "amd" sometimes stops working,
HP VUE hangs and fails to start X, etc.

1996-07-06T08:14:49+00:00 net/net-snmp4 An extendable SNMP implementation
This is UCD SNMP, a derivative of CMU's SNMP package.

Various tools relating to the Simple Network Management Protocol including:

An extensible agent
An SNMP library
tools to request or set information from SNMP agents
tools to generate and handle SNMP traps
a version of the unix 'netstat' command using SNMP
a Tk/perl mib browser

1996-07-06T08:14:49+00:00 net/net-snmp An extendable SNMP implementation
This is Net-SNMP (previously known as "ucd-snmp").

Various tools relating to the Simple Network Management Protocol including:

An extensible agent
An SNMP library
tools to request or set information from SNMP agents
tools to generate and handle SNMP traps
a version of the unix 'netstat' command using SNMP
a Tk/perl mib browser

1996-07-06T08:14:49+00:00 net-mgmt/net-snmp53 An extendable SNMP implementation
This is Net-SNMP (previously known as "ucd-snmp").

Various tools relating to the Simple Network Management Protocol including:

An extensible agent
An SNMP library
tools to request or set information from SNMP agents
tools to generate and handle SNMP traps
a version of the unix 'netstat' command using SNMP
a graphical Perl/Tk/SNMP based mib browser

1996-07-06T08:14:49+00:00 net-mgmt/net-snmp4 An extendable SNMP implementation
This is UCD SNMP, a derivative of CMU's SNMP package.

Various tools relating to the Simple Network Management Protocol including:

An extensible agent
An SNMP library
tools to request or set information from SNMP agents
tools to generate and handle SNMP traps
a version of the unix 'netstat' command using SNMP
a Tk/perl mib browser

1996-07-06T08:14:49+00:00 net-mgmt/net-snmp Extendable SNMP implementation
This is Net-SNMP (previously known as "ucd-snmp").

Various tools relating to the Simple Network Management Protocol including:

An extensible agent
An SNMP library
tools to request or set information from SNMP agents
tools to generate and handle SNMP traps
a version of the Unix 'netstat' command using SNMP
a graphical Perl/Tk/SNMP based mib browser

1996-07-06T08:14:49+00:00 net-mgmt/net-snmp-devel An extendable SNMP implementation
This is Net-SNMP (previously known as "ucd-snmp").

Various tools relating to the Simple Network Management Protocol including:

An extensible agent
An SNMP library
tools to request or set information from SNMP agents
tools to generate and handle SNMP traps
a version of the unix 'netstat' command using SNMP
a graphical Perl/Tk/SNMP based mib browser

1996-07-05T23:47:29+00:00 net/radius
radiusd is a server that handles access-requests for user authentication
from radius clients. These clients may be terminal servers, Network
Access Servers or other RADIUS servers.
1996-06-20T18:54:08+00:00 x11-clocks/swisswatch Swiss railway clock emulation, and a fancy default appearance
Swisswatch is a fancy Swiss railway clock emulator.

This program support color display, you must add belong lines to ~/.Xdefaults.

swisswatch*customization: -color

and exec `xrdb $HOME/.Xdefaults'.
1996-06-20T15:17:28+00:00 ftp/ncftp1 FTP replacement with advanced user interface
NcFTP is a user interface to the Internet standard File
Transfer Protocol. This program allows a user to transfer
files to and from a remote network site, and offers addi-
tional features that are not found in the standard inter-
face, ftp.
1996-06-20T15:17:28+00:00 ftp/ncftp FTP replacement with advanced user interface
NcFTP is a user interface to the Internet standard File
Transfer Protocol. This program allows a user to transfer
files to and from a remote network site, and offers addi-
tional features that are not found in the standard inter-
face, ftp.
1996-06-18T11:15:44+00:00 net/dgd-net Dworkin's Generic Driver + extra networking support + regexps
This is Dworkin's Generic Driver, a versatile general purpose server program
for building MUDs and other network server applications.
The language implementation is an improved and simplified dialect of LPC,
it is suitable for simulating existing Gamedriver models, or inventing new
ones. Its usefulness is not limited to the world of MUDs and MUDding.

Please send all reports, comments and suggestions to:

Additional networking support provides for initiating network connections
and includes udp functionality. Please send any correspondence about this

1996-06-15T06:55:51+00:00 security/fwtk Toolkit used for building firewalls based on proxy services
The TIS Firewall Toolkit is a set of programs and configuration
practices designed to facilitate the building of network
firewalls. Components of the toolkit, while designed to work together,
can be used in isolation or can be combined with other firewall

1996-06-14T08:00:15+00:00 print/virtualpaper Virtual Paper document storage and viewing software
The goal of the Virtual Paper project is to make on-line reading
an attractive alternative to reading printed documents (such as
books, manuals, or reports). We're talking about actual reading
here, not just browsing or finding documents (though we have support
for that too, as you'll see). And we're talking about documents
that can be as large as full-length books, not just short reports,
and not brief articles such as most electronic mail or WWW pages.

For more information, please see:


Please see the file "${PREFIX}/share/virtualpaper/COPYRIGHT" for
the DEC copyright notice.

John Polstra <jdp@FreeBSD.ORG>
1996-06-10T01:49:45+00:00 converters/uudx Extractor from uuencoded files
uudx decodes files containing uuencoded text. It can handle split
and out-of-order pieces.

1996-06-09T23:24:54+00:00 www/analog Fast program for analysing WWW logfiles
This program analyses logfiles in both the common log format and NCSA
old format from WWW servers. It is designed to be fast on long
logfiles and to produce attractive statistics.

It was written by Stephen Turner ( For more details,
see the Readme.html in ${PREFIX}/share/doc/analog or the website.

1996-06-07T15:39:54+00:00 math/lapack Library of Fortran 77 subroutines for linear algebra
LAPACK is a library of Fortran 77 subroutines for solving
the most commonly occurring problems in numerical linear algebra.
It is freely-available software, and is copyrighted.
We recommend that you run the testing and timing programs.

To view an HTML version of the Users' Guide please refer to the URL:

1996-06-03T02:21:13+00:00 www/squid31 HTTP Caching Proxy
Squid is a high-performance proxy caching server for web clients,
supporting FTP, gopher, and HTTP data objects. Unlike traditional
caching software, Squid handles all requests in a single, non-blocking,
I/O-driven process.

Squid supports SSL, extensive access controls, and full request logging.
By using the lightweight Internet Cache Protocol, Squid caches can be
arranged in a hierarchy or mesh for additional bandwidth savings.

1996-06-03T02:21:13+00:00 www/squid30 HTTP Caching Proxy
Squid is a high-performance proxy caching server for web clients,
supporting FTP, gopher, and HTTP data objects. Unlike traditional
caching software, Squid handles all requests in a single, non-blocking,
I/O-driven process.

Squid supports SSL, extensive access controls, and full request logging.
By using the lightweight Internet Cache Protocol, Squid caches can be
arranged in a hierarchy or mesh for additional bandwidth savings.

1996-06-03T02:21:13+00:00 www/squid27 HTTP Caching Proxy
Squid is a high-performance proxy caching server for web clients,
supporting FTP, gopher, and HTTP data objects. Unlike traditional
caching software, Squid handles all requests in a single, non-blocking,
I/O-driven process.

Squid supports SSL, extensive access controls, and full request logging.
By using the lightweight Internet Cache Protocol, Squid caches can be
arranged in a hierarchy or mesh for additional bandwidth savings.

1996-06-03T02:21:13+00:00 www/squid26 HTTP Caching Proxy
Squid is a high-performance proxy caching server for web clients,
supporting FTP, gopher, and HTTP data objects. Unlike traditional
caching software, Squid handles all requests in a single, non-blocking,
I/O-driven process.

Squid supports SSL, extensive access controls, and full request logging.
By using the lightweight Internet Cache Protocol, Squid caches can be
arranged in a hierarchy or mesh for additional bandwidth savings.

1996-06-03T02:21:13+00:00 www/squid25 HTTP Caching Proxy
Squid is a high-performance proxy caching server for web clients,
supporting FTP, gopher, and HTTP data objects. Unlike traditional
caching software, Squid handles all requests in a single, non-blocking,
I/O-driven process.

Squid supports SSL, extensive access controls, and full request logging.
By using the lightweight Internet Cache Protocol, Squid caches can be
arranged in a hierarchy or mesh for additional bandwidth savings.

1996-06-03T02:21:13+00:00 www/squid24 The successful WWW proxy cache and accelerator
This is the Squid Internet Object Cache developed by the National
Laboratory for Applied Networking Research (NLANR) and Internet
volunteers. This software is freely available for anyone to use.

This software is based on the Harvest Object Cache developed by
the University of Colorado and the University of Southern California.
The Harvest home page is

ARPA funding for the Harvest project has ended, the squid project has
continued development of the cache where Harvest finished.

* This version of squid is no longer officially supported. *

Please see this port's Makefile for a list of compilation options.

Starting with Version 2.4.7_11 the default user:group changed from
nobody:nogroup to squid:squid. You can restore the old behavior
of this port by specifying SQUID_UID=nobody SQUID_GID=nogroup in
your make environment. Helper applications are now installed to
$PREFIX/libexec/squid instead of $PREFIX/libexec, too.

You can find further information on the project's website at
1996-06-03T02:21:13+00:00 www/squid23
This is the Squid Internet Object Cache developed by the National
Laboratory for Applied Networking Research (NLANR) and Internet
volunteers. This software is freely available for anyone to use.

This software is based on the Harvest Object Cache developed by
the University of Colorado and the University of Southern California.
The Harvest home page is

ARPA funding for the Harvest project has ended, the squid project has
continued development of the cache where Harvest finished.

FreeBSD PORTER'S NOTES. To this moment, Squid is not well documented.
But you aren't lost in space: there is a mailing list,
<>, where you will find some support and help.
We also _strongly_ suggest you to examine Web pages noted above.

1996-06-03T02:21:13+00:00 www/squid22
This is the Squid Internet Object Cache developed by the National
Laboratory for Applied Networking Research (NLANR) and Internet
volunteers. This software is freely available for anyone to use.

This software is based on the Harvest Object Cache developed by
the University of Colorado and the University of Southern California.
The Harvest home page is

ARPA funding for the Harvest project has ended, the squid project has
continued development of the cache where Harvest finished.

FreeBSD PORTER'S NOTES. To this moment, Squid is not well documented.
But you aren't lost in space: there is a mailing list,
<>, where you will find some support and help.
We also _strongly_ suggest you to examine Web pages noted above.

1996-06-03T02:21:13+00:00 www/squid HTTP Caching Proxy
Squid is a fully-featured HTTP/1.0 proxy which is almost (but not quite)
HTTP/1.1 compliant. Squid offers a rich access control, authorization and
logging environment to develop web proxy and content serving applications.

1996-05-23T08:17:41+00:00 cad/spice General-purpose circuit simulation program
SPICE is a general-purpose circuit simulation program for nonlinear DC,
nonlinear transient, and linear AC analyses. Circuits may contain resistors,
capacitors, inductors, mutual inductors, independent voltage and current
sources, four types of dependent sources, lossless and lossy transmission
lines (two separate implementations), switches, uniform distributed RC
lines, and the five most common semiconductor devices: diodes, BJTs, JFETs,

Patch Levels I and II (including a new spec command for spectral analysis)
and the level 2 JFET model are courtesy from the Macquarie University.

Online documentation at:

1996-05-16T20:43:59+00:00 www/wwwcount Access counter, clock and date for WWW pages
The counter, clock and date all in one program. This is a CGI
program to record the number of raw hits on a web page. It generates
a GIF image of the number of hits and returns to the browser as an
in-lined image. The program also has a run-time option not to show
the digit images, this way the hits can be kept without being displayed.
The hits can be monitored without incrementing from a separate page
as well. The program can also display the time and date of any timezone.
It has a option to countdown to a specific date (past or future). Almost
all of the features are run-time options. The single program can be used
for any number of web pages, for any number of users.

For digit images look at:

1996-05-15T19:19:40+00:00 archivers/rar File archiver (binary port)
RAR archiver:

- RAR introduces an original compression algorithm. It provides high compression
ratios on executable files, object libraries, large text files, etc.

- RAR provides functionality for creating a 'solid' archive, which can raise the
compression ratio by 10% - 50% over more common methods, particularly when
packing large numbers of small files.

- RAR offers the ability to create and change SFX archives using default and
external SFX modules.

- RAR offers the ability to create a multi-volume archive as SFX.

- RAR offers a number of service functions, such as encrypting files, adding
archive comments and repairing physically damaged archives.

1996-05-14T12:13:07+00:00 games/xskat Play the card game Skat
XSkat lets you play the card game Skat as defined by the official
Skat Order. Features:

* Single- and multiplayer mode.
* Playing over LAN or IRC.
* Game lists and logs.
* Three types of scoring.
* English or German text.
* German or French suited cards.
* Selectable computer playing strength.
* Pre-definable card distributions.
* Variations: Ramsch, Bock, Kontra & Re, ...

1996-05-06T13:33:38+00:00 converters/trans Character encoding converter generator
This is a character encoding converter generator package.

Currently there are 72 different character encoding description files
supplied with this package, not counting the 13 *.net files, which are
modified character encoding description files. All but 13 of the above
mentioned files describe 8-bit character encodings/sets.

It covers ISO 646, many IBM codepages for MS-DOS, Microsoft Windows
codepages, ISO 8859-x, HP, Adobe, Apple Macintosh, Atari, NeXTSTEP
character encodings, a few EBCDIC encodings, KOI8-R, and a few more.
1996-05-06T11:45:42+00:00 deskutils/xpostit PostIt (R) messages onto your X11 screen
Copyright 1991 by David A. Curry

Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright
notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. The
author makes no representations about the suitability of this software for
any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.


This is XPostIt Version 3.3.1 for X11 Releases 4 and 5. XPostIt allows
you to create small notes to yourself in windows on the screen, and save
them in disk files. This is generally neater than having numerous real
Post-it notes stuck all around the edges of your monitor.


Dave Curry
Purdue University
Engineering Computer Network
West Lafayette, IN 47907
1996-05-04T08:56:57+00:00 japanese/qkc Quick Kanji Code Converter (C version)
Qkc is a kanji code converter capable of SHIFT-JIS, EUC and JIS.
Unlike nkf, qkc can handle multiple files at a time. Qkc also has
functionality to change end-of-line characters, ie, from CR+LF to LF,
or to CR, and vice versa.

1996-05-04T08:36:15+00:00 japanese/ircII The 'Internet Relay Chat' Client
The ircII program is a full screen, termcap based interface to Internet Relay
Chat. It gives full access to all of the normal IRC functions, plus a variety
of additional options.
1996-05-04T02:43:35+00:00 net/wide-dhcp Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, WIDE Implementation
<< DHCP WIDE-Implementation, version 1.3.6 >>

April, 1997.

This package is a distribution kit of DHCP WIDE-Implementation
version 1.3.6. DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) is a
protocol which provides informations to computer when it boots.
This release includes DHCP server, relay agent, and client.


See "Copyright" included in this directory.

Also, portions of this software may fall under the copyrights which
are included the end of this file. These are included corresponded
source code files.


You can get the latest version from;


** Attention for this ports file **

To use DHCP, your kernel must be rebuilt with the following
line added to your kernel config file (/sys/i386/conf/<YourMachine>):

pseudo-device bpfilter 4 #Berkeley packet filter

and make bpf devices in your /dev directory: /dev/bpf[1-3].

cd /dev
./MAKEDEV bpf1
./MAKEDEV bpf2
./MAKEDEV bpf3

** dhcpdb.relay file is need without relay agent **

Please read more information in
/usr/local/share/doc/dhcp/intro.dhcp or intro.dhcp.jis.

** additional function **

DHCP client(dhcpc) in this port is supported "dynamic change
/etc/resolv.conf and hostname via DHCP infomation".

o `-r' is recreate /etc/resolv.conf
(resolv.conf file is overwritten.)
o `-n' is reset HOSTNAME

** Acknowledgements to this ports file **
Special thanks to:
Hirotaka TAKETA<>
Hajimu UMEMOTO<>
Tamotsu KANOH<>
Junichi SATOH<>
Hisashi HIRAMOTO<>
Takeshi TAGUCHI<>
Keisuke INOUE<>

- Yoshiro MIHIRA
1996-05-04T02:43:35+00:00 net-mgmt/wide-dhcp Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, WIDE Implementation
This is the WIDE implementation of DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)
server, relay agent, and client. DHCP, which is defined by RFCs 1534, 1542,
2131, and 2132, provides information to a computer over a network about the
configuration of that network.
To use DHCP, configure your kernel with the following line added to your kernel
configuration file (/usr/src/sys/i386/conf/<YourMachine>):
pseudo-device bpfilter 4 #Berkeley packet filter
and make bpf devices in your /dev directory: /dev/bpf[1-3]:
cd /dev && ./MAKEDEV bpf1 bpf2 bpf3
Without the relay agent, the dhcpdb.relay file is needed. The DHCP
client(dhcpc) in this port supports dynamically changing /etc/resolv.conf and
hostname via DHCP infomation.
o `-r' is recreate /etc/resolv.conf
(resolv.conf file is overwritten.)
o `-n' is reset HOSTNAME
Please read more information in /usr/local/share/doc/dhcp/intro.dhcp or

Thanks to: Hirotaka TAKETA, Hajimu UMEMOTO, Tamotsu KANOH, Junichi SATOH,
Hisashi HIRAMOTO, Takeshi TAGUCHI, Keisuke INOUE, and Yoshiro MIHIRA.

1996-05-01T07:52:09+00:00 net/trafshow4 Full screen visualization of network traffic
TrafShow continuously displays the information regarding packet
traffic on the configured network interface that matches the boolean
expression. It periodically sorts and updates this information. It
may be useful for locating suspicious network traffic on the net.


- Ryan Thompson <>
1996-05-01T07:52:09+00:00 net/trafshow3 Full screen visualization of network traffic (an ancient version)
TrafShow continuously displays the information regarding packet
traffic on the configured network interface that matches the boolean
expression. It periodically sorts and updates this information. It
may be useful for locating suspicious network traffic on the net.

This version is old but it's known as showed the most true results.

1996-05-01T07:52:09+00:00 net/trafshow Full screen visualization of network traffic
TrafShow continuously displays information regarding the packet
traffic on the configured network interface that matches the boolean
expression. It periodically sorts and updates this information. It
may be useful for locating suspicious network traffic on the net.

1996-04-30T05:59:29+00:00 japanese/pine
Pine for FreeBSD 2.x is a tool for reading, sending, and managing
electronic messages. It was designed specifically with novice
computer users in mind, but can be tailored to accommodate the needs
of "power users" as well. Pine uses Internet message protocols (e.g.
RFC-822, SMTP, MIME, IMAP, NNTP) and runs on Unix and PCs. This
package also includes the Pico editor, the IMAP daemon, a POP2 server,
and a POP3 server.

This version supports kanji input using Canna. Canna can be started
by ^@ (or ctrl-space) in the Pico editor.

Note: Users are strongly encouraged to install pine4 package instead,
since pine 3 is known to contain security problems, as well as pine
4.x supports Japanese. However, pine3 with Japanese support provides
help files in Japanese and the pico editor supports input using Canna.

- Max
1996-04-30T05:13:45+00:00 japanese/mimekit Library to handle messages with MIME-encoded headers
This library contains functions to encode/decode MIME header.

It provides functions ``MIME_strHeaderEncode'' and

- Masafumi
1996-04-27T18:37:41+00:00 games/imaze Multi-player network action game for TCP/IP with 3D graphics
iMaze is a multi-player network action game for TCP/IP with 3D graphics
under X11 (XView, Motif or Athena). You run through a labyrinth and shoot
everything that is round without being hit by other round anythings.

Of course anything round is one of the following:
* other players playing over the net
* computer controlled ninjas
* deadly shots (except your own)

* sophisticated, reliable network protocol, works even with SLIP connections
via modem; modular, portable source code
* windows can be freely scaled to avoid speed drawbacks due to poor display
* sound and joystick support
* scores; camera mode; labyrinth generator and interactive labyrinth editor

Audio support is somewhat flaky on FreeBSD (synchronization problems).
It works better with the old Voxware driver than with the current pcm driver.

1996-04-26T08:29:49+00:00 japanese/dvi2tty Character-based DVI file previewer
Dvi2tty is intended for previewing dvi-files on text-only devices
(terminals and lineprinters). The output is not very pretty many
times, but it still saves quite a lot of work, especially if you
have a little ways to walk to a laserprinter, for example.

This package is capable of showing dvi-files created with ASCII-jTeX.
1996-04-24T05:09:41+00:00 net/socks5 SOCKS v5 application layer gateway and clients
This is NWSL (previously CSTC) version 5.0 of SOCKS, a package that allows Unix
hosts behind a firewall to gain full access to the internet without requiring
direct IP reachability. It does require a SOCKS server program being run on a
host that can communicate directly to hosts behind the firewall as well as hosts
on the Internet at large. It is based on the original SOCKS written by David
Koblas <> and the work of the AFT working group of the IETF.

NOTE: The shared library features in socks5 require a dynamic linker that
understands the LD_PRELOAD environment variable. FreeBSD
2.1.5-RELEASE supports this; so do versions of -current and
-stable later than May 2, 1996. All other features will work
with FreeBSD 2.0 and later.

WARNING: Export of SOCKS from the US without a proper license is a violation
of ITAR rules.

WARNING: Commercial use and distribution of this software requires a license
from NEC corporation.

See the README files for more information.
1996-04-19T18:44:04+00:00 devel/swig20 Generate wrappers for calling C/C++ code from other languages
SWIG is a tool for automatically generating the wrapper code needed
to link collections of functions written in C/C++ with other
programming languages.

Using SWIG, it is possible to greatly simplify interface development
and to put interesting interfaces on existing applications with
little effort.

1996-04-19T18:44:04+00:00 devel/swig13 Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator
SWIG is a tool for automatically generating the wrapper code needed
to link collections of functions written in C/C++ with interpreted
scripting languages. Currently, SWIG supports :

- Tcl
- Python
- Perl5
- Java
- Guile
- MzScheme
- Ruby
- CSharp
- Modula-3
- Allegro CL
- Chicken

Using SWIG, it is possible to greatly simplify interface development
and to put interesting interfaces on existing applications with
little effort.

1996-04-19T18:44:04+00:00 devel/swig11 Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator
SWIG is a tool for automatically generating the wrapper code needed
to link collections of functions written in C/C++ with interpreted
scripting languages. Currently, SWIG supports :

- Tcl
- Perl4
- Perl5
- Guile-iii
- Python

Using SWIG, it is possible to greatly simplify interface development
and to put interesting interfaces on existing applications with
little effort.

1996-04-19T18:44:04+00:00 devel/SWIG
SWIG is a tool for automatically generating the wrapper code needed
to link collections of functions written in C/C++ with interpreted
scripting languages. Currently, SWIG supports :

- Tcl
- Perl4
- Perl5
- Guile-iii
- Python

Using SWIG, it is possible to greatly simplify interface development
and to put interesting interfaces on existing applications with
little effort.

1996-04-19T18:44:04+00:00 devel/SWIG-devel
SWIG is a tool for automatically generating the wrapper code needed
to link collections of functions written in C/C++ with interpreted
scripting languages. Currently, SWIG supports :

- Tcl
- Python
- Perl5
- Java
- Guile
- MzScheme
- Ruby

Using SWIG, it is possible to greatly simplify interface development
and to put interesting interfaces on existing applications with
little effort.

1996-04-17T07:01:09+00:00 print/gv PostScript and PDF previewer
GNU gv allows to view and navigate through PostScript and PDF documents on
an X display by providing a user interface for the ghostscript interpreter.

1996-04-12T22:30:50+00:00 print/html2latex Convert HTML document into LaTeX
This is an HTML to LaTeX translator.

Nathan Torkington adapted the HTML parser from NCSA's Xmosaic package
(file:// and wrote the conversion
code. The HTML parser code is subject to the NCSA restrictions. The
conversion code is subject to the VUW restrictions. Enquiries should
be sent via e-mail to
1996-04-12T07:41:59+00:00 x11-wm/fvwm95 Win95 lookalike version of the fvwm2 window manager
Fvwm95 is a hack based on fvwm2.x. It tries to emulate the good
features of a well known product without bloating the regular
fvwm code. The main aspects are:

A familiar look and feel. It can be interesting for users moving
from the MS-World to Unix, or for those who have to switch
regularly between the two.

Or for those that simply would like to have the same MS look and feel
in Unix, or for those that just want to have another window manager...

But before all, it's meant to be useful, simple and efficient:
o same flexible and easy configuration as the native fvwm
o functionality extensible via loadable modules;
o a taskbar: find quickly an application window and don't
take space with icon windows;

1996-04-12T07:41:59+00:00 x11-wm/fvwm95-i18n Win95 lookalike fvwm2 window manager with an I18N patch
Fvwm95 is a hack based on fvwm2.x. It tries to emulate the good
features of a well known product without bloating the regular
fvwm code. Additional internationalized patch supports various
languages. The main aspects are:

A familiar look and feel. It can be interesting for users moving
from the MS-World to Unix, or for those who have to switch
regularly between the two.

Or for those that simply would like to have the same MS look and feel
in Unix, or for those that just want to have another window manager...

But before all, it's meant to be useful, simple and efficient:
o same flexible and easy configuration as the native fvwm
o functionality extensible via loadable modules;
o a taskbar: find quickly an application window and don't
take space with icon windows;

1996-04-12T06:44:16+00:00 databases/gdbm GNU database manager
The GNU dbm is a library of database functions that use extensible hashing
and works similar to the standard UNIX dbm functions. These routines are
provided to a programmer needing to create and manipulate a hashed database.

This library exists in the FreeBSD base collection, but the GNU version has
added functionality that is sometimes useful.

1996-04-10T06:38:59+00:00 textproc/unroff Programmable troff translator with backend for HTML
Unroff is a Scheme-based, programmable, extensible troff translator
with a back-end for the Hypertext Markup Language.

Unroff reads and parses UNIX troff documents and translates the embedded
markup into a different format. Neither the actual output format nor
any knowledge about particular troff macro sets (-man, -ms, etc.) are
hard-wired into unroff. Instead, the translation process is controlled
by a set of user-supplied procedures written in the Scheme programming

Translation rules for new output formats and troff macro packages can
be added easily by providing a corresponding set of Scheme procedures
(a `back-end'). Version 1.0 of unroff includes back-ends for translating
documents using the `man' and `ms' macros into the Hypertext Markup
Language (HTML) version 2.0. Additional requests facilitate use of
arbitrary hypertext links in troff documents.

1996-04-09T11:03:13+00:00 editors/nedit X11/Motif GUI text editor for programs and plain text files
NEdit is a GUI (Graphical User Interface) style text editor for
programs and plain-text files. Users of Macintosh and MS Windows
based text editors will find NEdit a familiar and comfortable
environment. NEdit provides all of the standard menu, dialog,
editing, and mouse support, as well as all of the standard shortcuts
to which the users of modern GUI based environments are accustomed.
For users of older style Unix editors, welcome to the world of
mouse-based editing!

This port requires a Motif library to build and run. It is
recommended that you use OpenMotif as Nedit has font aliasing
issues when using LessTif.

1996-04-09T09:02:07+00:00 sysutils/xsysinfo A system information display tool
xsysinfo - display FreeBSD system states (cpu, load, memory, swap,
disk I/O, network packets, NFS client/server) statistics.
1996-04-09T06:03:52+00:00 astro/sattrack Real-time satellite tracking and orbit propagation program
This is a port of SatTrack version 3.1, which is
Copyright (c) 1992-1997 Bester Tracking Systems. All Rights Reserved.

SatTrack is a real-time satellite tracking and orbit propagation
program with an X11 color world map tracking chart. It provides
two different live displays, for single or multiple satellites,
and two different orbit prediction modes. The program can be run
from almost any VT100 compatible terminal. If the program is run
from an X Window terminal, the realtime graphics display can be
started up. It will show the location of any number of specified
satellites like the Space Shuttle or the Russian Space Station Mir,
featuring the circle of visibility for any selected spacecraft and
for the primary and a number of secondary ground stations. Also
shown are the ground track for the next three orbits, the black-out
zones for communication through the TDRSS network, Mission Elapsed
Time (MET), the terminator, spacecraft lighting conditions and
other details. The world maps are provided in two different styles
with four different sizes each. Program SatTrack is particularly
interesting for the upcoming Shuttle - Mir rendezvous missions.

The much advanced commercial off-the-shelf version of SatTrack
(V4.0) can be obtained from Bester Tracking Systems.

1996-04-09T03:58:13+00:00 converters/btoa Encode/decode binary to printable ASCII
This is a port of btoa version 5.2, written by Paul Rutter, Joe
Orost & Stefan Parmark. btoa converts 4 binary characters to 5
ascii ones, causing a 25% expansion. (btoa is thus more efficient
than uuencode, which causes a 33% expansion.) Spaces will not be
used, which should make it safe to send files over e-mail or Usenet
without risking that blanks become tabs. Each resulting row of
text has a single-byte checksum for error detection. A diagnosis
file provides a list of errors found this way, which could then be
used to retransmit only the failing lines.

Patch 1 is an unofficial, non-platform-specific patch to version
5.2 of btoa. It allows for automatic decoding of btoa files if
the program is invoked as "atob" (no -a argument necessary). It
also outfits the Makefile to do clean and install.
1996-04-08T20:49:13+00:00 java/jdk11 Java Development Kit 1.1
Binaries of Sun's Java Developers Kit. Include bytecode machine,
compiler, demos and sources for most Java runtime classes.

Executables are installed into /usr/local/jdk1.1.8/bin. You may want to
put this into your PATH or symlink them to /usr/local/bin in case you
don't have kaffe installed (which shared many of the binarie's

You may want to build a kernel with
options SYSVSEM

For more information about the JDK for FreeBSD see

1996-04-08T20:49:13+00:00 java/jdk
Binaries of Sun's Java Developers Kit. Include bytecode machine,
compiler, demos and sources for most Java runtime classes.

Executables are installed into /usr/local/jdk1.1.8/bin. You may want to
put this into your PATH or symlink them to /usr/local/bin in case you
don't have kaffe installed (which shared many of the binarie's

You may want to build a kernel with
options SYSVSEM

For more information about the JDK for FreeBSD see

1996-04-08T01:09:43+00:00 russian/netscape4.language
Tune netscape4 to work with russian (koi8-r) fonts in menus, subjects, etc.

1996-03-31T23:19:18+00:00 news/suck Receives/sends news to/from localhost via NNTP
suck feeds news to local INN or CNEWS server without the remote NNTP feeding.
This is useful, if you get news from NNTP server with dialup connection.

Suck is a program used to grab news from a remote NNTP news server and
bring it to your local machine, without the remote server doing
anything special. If you have read permission on the server, you can
use suck. Suck does NOT use the NEWNEWS command, hated by many

1996-03-29T18:51:16+00:00 www/netscape3
This is the netscape web-surfboard. Please read the file
"/usr/local/lib/netscape/LICENSE" for the licensing terms.

Note: If Java applets fail to display. Type this as root:
cd /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc
chmod 444 fonts.dir
And then exit and restart your X server.
1996-03-29T05:05:18+00:00 japanese/kakasi Kanji-Kana Simple Inverter, language filter for Japanese
KAKASI is language processing filter to convert Kanji characters to
Hiragana, Katakana or Roman alphabetic Japanese and may be helpful to
read Japanese documents. By converting documents written in kanji to
Roman alphabetic Japanese, those documents can be viewed on systems
without Japanese language capability.

1996-03-25T10:12:10+00:00 net/tinyfugue Popular programmable MUD client, with macro support and more
TinyFugue is a powerful, programmable MUD client with macro support
and multi-worlding support and much more.

1996-03-25T08:58:59+00:00 ftp/ftptool Graphic ftp shell based on xview
The source for ftptool is, as far as I'm concerned freely distributable as
long as I recieve credit for it (my bosses agree, though Sun hasn't spoken).

Ported to 386 SVR4 by Jerry Whelan
Ported to Ultrix by Robert Evans
Ported to FreeBSD by Janusz Kokot
1996-03-21T17:25:02+00:00 print/pkfonts300 English PK fonts, for ghostscripts, xdvi, and so on
This is English PK fonts package.

This package can install 118, 240, 300(default) or 400 dpi fonts.
1996-03-20T22:10:19+00:00 lang/modula-3
This is a port of Modula-3 release 3.6, from DEC Systems Research
Center. Modula-3 is a modern compiled programming language designed
for systems programming as well as large applications. A wealth
of information about Modula-3 can be found at:


This port includes patches for a number of bugs found since the
release of DEC SRC's version 3.6. To save space and time, only
the most commonly-used subset of the DEC distribution is built and
installed by this port. That includes the compiler, the standard
libraries, and the graphics packages, but not the (huge) separate
projects such as netobj, zeus, obliq, and visual obliq. Specifically,
the following packages are included:

X11R4 m3browser mtex showthread
coverage m3build parseparams src
digraph m3bundle pp table-list
formsedit m3core quake tcp
formsvbt m3front realgeometry tcpextras
formsvbtpixmaps m3linker recordheap tempfiles
images m3middle replayheap ui
jvideo m3tohtml set vbtkit
libm3 m3tools showheap videovbt
m3 m3totex shownew web

To reduce download times, this port uses custom distfiles containing
only the packages listed above. Also, I have updated the code
generator so that it is based on gcc- If the gcc sources
are found on the system, the port will use the system sources
instead of downloading them. Altogether, these changes reduce the
size of the necessary distfiles from about 16 MB down to 2.7-4.5
MB, depending on what is already installed on the system.

If desired, the packages not included here can be built directly
from the DEC distribution, in:

Please see "${PREFIX}/share/modula-3/COPYRIGHT" for the DEC copyright

John Polstra <>
1996-03-20T07:53:43+00:00 shells/fd CUI-based file and directory management tool
`FD' (FDclone) is a CUI-based file and directory management tool which
allows you to browse and manipulate directories and files with an easy
and intuitive user interface. It also has a built-in Bourne-shell
compatible shell which can be run stand-alone by the name of `fdsh'.

This version is a clone of FD for DOS (AT and PC9801) designed and
written by A. Idei (

1996-03-20T07:53:43+00:00 misc/fd
`FD' is a file and directory management tool for text terminal.
Browsing file list, viewing, editing, archiving/extracting management
with a few touch.

FD for unix by, and it is a clone of
FD for DOS (AT and PC9801) designed by A. Idei (

Currently, the man page is available only in Japanese, but it's
easy to use. Setting `FD_LANGUAGE' environment to 'english' you can
use English help.
1996-03-18T18:54:46+00:00 editors/bpatch Hex editor that doesn't load the whole file at once
Original code written by Garry M. Johnson and Steven Lisk.

This is a neat program that contains some neat code. It allows you
to dump or edit files (binary or ascii), displayed by 256-byte records
in side-by-side hex and ascii formats. Other features (eg. toggled
swap within byte pairs) are included.

The most interesting feature of this editor is that it doesn't load the
entire file at once, unlike all other hex editors. Thus, you can browse
and edit very large files or even raw disks.

The program does not include a redistribution notice, but it was posted
to comp.sources.unix ages ago, and the README mentions the word "public
1996-03-18T11:56:34+00:00 misc/fep A general purpose front end for command line editing
Fep is a general purpose front end processor applicable to
most UNIX commands that features vi(1)- or emacs(1)-like
line editing and a command history mechanism like that of
1996-03-17T22:45:48+00:00 www/mapedit A WWW authoring tool to create clickable maps
Credits and license terms

Copyright 1994 by Thomas Boutell. THIS IS NOT PUBLIC DOMAIN SOFTWARE.
Commercial users must pay for it to continue using it after 30 days.
You need not register again when new versions are released.

Please remit $25 to: Thomas Boutell
426 Bellevue Ave. E Apt. 1
Seattle, WA 98102 USA

Nonprofit and educational users are required to send me a postcard!

What is mapedit: mapedit is a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get)
editor for imagemap files.

1996-03-16T05:01:43+00:00 lang/tclX82 Extended TCL
Extended Tcl (TclX), is a set of extensions to Tcl, the Tool
Command Language invented by Dr. John Ousterhout of the University
of California at Berkeley. Tcl is a powerful, yet simple embeddable
programming language. Extended Tcl is oriented towards Unix system
programming tasks, with many additional interfaces to the Unix
operating system, It is upwardly compatible with Tcl. You take
the Extended Tcl package, add it to Tcl, and from that you get
Extended Tcl.
1996-03-16T05:01:43+00:00 lang/tclX80 Extended TCL
Extended Tcl (TclX), is a set of extensions to Tcl, the Tool
Command Language invented by Dr. John Ousterhout of the University
of California at Berkeley. Tcl is a powerful, yet simple embeddable
programming language. Extended Tcl is oriented towards Unix system
programming tasks, with many additional interfaces to the Unix
operating system, It is upwardly compatible with Tcl. You take
the Extended Tcl package, add it to Tcl, and from that you get
Extended Tcl.
1996-03-16T05:01:43+00:00 lang/tclX Extended TCL
Extended Tcl (TclX), is a set of extensions to Tcl, the Tool
Command Language invented by Dr. John Ousterhout of the University
of California at Berkeley. Tcl is a powerful, yet simple embeddable
programming language. Extended Tcl is oriented towards Unix system
programming tasks, with many additional interfaces to the Unix
operating system, It is upwardly compatible with Tcl. You take
the Extended Tcl package, add it to Tcl, and from that you get
Extended Tcl.

1996-03-13T22:53:32+00:00 devel/mkmf Creates program and library makefiles for the make(1) command
mkmf makefile editor (revision 4.11)
1996-03-09T14:42:57+00:00 x11-wm/fvwm24 Popular virtual window manager for X
Fvwm is a very famous window manager for X, which provides a
virtual/multiple disjoint desktop, a 3-D look for windows decorations,
shaped/color icons. It gives a very good emulation of mwm. A nice
button-bar can be used to provide convenient access to frequently used
functions or programs.


- Pete
1996-03-09T14:42:57+00:00 x11-wm/fvwm2 Popular virtual window manager for X
Fvwm is a very famous window manager for X, which provides a
virtual/multiple disjoint desktop, a 3-D look for windows decorations,
shaped/color icons. It gives a very good emulation of mwm. A nice
button-bar can be used to provide convenient access to frequently used
functions or programs.


Jason C. Wells
1996-03-09T14:42:57+00:00 x11-wm/fvwm2-i18n Internationalized fvwm version 2, a window manager for X
Fvwm is a very famous window manager for X, which provides a
virtual/multiple disjoint desktop, a 3-D look for windows decorations,
shaped/color icons. It gives a very good emulation of mwm. A nice
button-bar can be used to provide convenient access to frequently used
functions or programs.

This package also enables multibyte support to add internationalized
features; use multibyte characters in titlebar, icon name, etc.

1996-03-09T14:42:57+00:00 x11-wm/fvwm2-devel Popular virtual window manager for X
Fvwm is a very famous window manager for X, which provides a
virtual/multiple disjoint desktop, a 3-D look for windows decorations,
shaped/color icons. It gives a very good emulation of mwm. A nice
button-bar can be used to provide convenient access to frequently used
functions or programs.


Jason C. Wells
1996-03-09T14:42:57+00:00 x11-wm/fvwm2-beta
Fvwm is a very famous window manager for X, which provides a
virtual/multiple disjoint desktop, a 3-D look for windows decorations,
shaped/color icons. It gives a very good emulation of mwm. A nice
button-bar can be used to provide convenient access to frequently used
functions or programs.


Jason C. Wells
1996-03-08T11:45:10+00:00 net/isc-dhcp40-server The ISC Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol server
The ISC Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Distribution provides a
freely redistributable reference implementation of all aspects of the
DHCP protocol, through a suite of DHCP tools:

* A DHCP server (this port)
* A DHCP client
* A DHCP relay agent

Version 3 of the ISC DHCP Distribution includes the following features
that are new since version 2.0:

* DHCP Failover Protocol support
* OMAPI, an API for accessing and modifying the DHCP server and client state
* Conditional behaviour
* Storing arbitrary information on leases
* Address pools with access control
* Client classing
* Address allocation restriction by class
* Relay agent information option support
* Dynamic DNS updates
* Many bug fixes, performance enhancements, and minor new DHCP protocol

1996-03-08T11:45:10+00:00 net/isc-dhcp31-server The ISC Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol server
The ISC Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Distribution provides a
freely redistributable reference implementation of all aspects of the
DHCP protocol, through a suite of DHCP tools:

* A DHCP server (this port)
* A DHCP client
* A DHCP relay agent

Version 3 of the ISC DHCP Distribution includes the following features
that are new since version 2.0:

* DHCP Failover Protocol support
* OMAPI, an API for accessing and modifying the DHCP server and client state
* Conditional behaviour
* Storing arbitrary information on leases
* Address pools with access control
* Client classing
* Address allocation restriction by class
* Relay agent information option support
* Dynamic DNS updates
* Many bug fixes, performance enhancements, and minor new DHCP protocol

1996-03-08T11:45:10+00:00 net/isc-dhcp30-server The ISC Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol server
The ISC Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Distribution provides a
freely redistributable reference implementation of all aspects of the
DHCP protocol, through a suite of DHCP tools:

* A DHCP server (this port)
* A DHCP client
* A DHCP relay agent

Version 3 of the ISC DHCP Distribution includes the following features
that are new since version 2.0:

* DHCP Failover Protocol support
* OMAPI, an API for accessing and modifying the DHCP server and client state
* Conditional behaviour
* Storing arbitrary information on leases
* Address pools with access control
* Client classing
* Address allocation restriction by class
* Relay agent information option support
* Dynamic DNS updates
* Many bug fixes, performance enhancements, and minor new DHCP protocol

1996-03-08T11:45:10+00:00 net/isc-dhcp3 ISC Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol client and server code
The ISC Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Distribution provides a
freely redistributable reference implementation of all aspects of the
DHCP protocol, through a suite of DHCP tools:

* A DHCP server
* A DHCP client
* A DHCP relay agent

Version 3 of the ISC DHCP Distribution includes the following features
that are new since version 2.0:

* DHCP Failover Protocol support
* OMAPI, an API for accessing and modifying the DHCP server and client state
* Conditional behaviour
* Storing arbitrary information on leases
* Address pools with access control
* Client classing
* Address allocation restriction by class
* Relay agent information option support
* Dynamic DNS updates
* Many bug fixes, performance enhancements, and minor new DHCP protocol

1996-03-08T11:45:10+00:00 net/isc-dhcp3-server The ISC Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol server
The ISC Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Distribution provides a
freely redistributable reference implementation of all aspects of the
DHCP protocol, through a suite of DHCP tools:

* A DHCP server (this port)
* A DHCP client
* A DHCP relay agent

Version 3 of the ISC DHCP Distribution includes the following features
that are new since version 2.0:

* DHCP Failover Protocol support
* OMAPI, an API for accessing and modifying the DHCP server and client state
* Conditional behaviour
* Storing arbitrary information on leases
* Address pools with access control
* Client classing
* Address allocation restriction by class
* Relay agent information option support
* Dynamic DNS updates
* Many bug fixes, performance enhancements, and minor new DHCP protocol

1996-03-08T11:45:10+00:00 net/isc-dhcp2
ISC-DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol server

This is a release of the Internet Software Consortium
DHCP Server (ISC dhcpd). In this release, support for the core
DHCP protocol is provided. BOOTP support is also provided for
backwards compatibility.
1996-03-07T03:53:57+00:00 java/kaffe Multi-platform Java virtual machine with JIT compiler and AWT package
Kaffe is multi-platform Java virtual machine. It includes its own
implementation of the Java JDK 1.2 standard classes, including the
AWT classes. Kaffe also does "just-in-time" compilation of Java
bytecode into machine code for increased execution speed.


* Java and Javasoft are registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
1996-03-06T18:50:27+00:00 www/libwww W3C Reference Library
The W3C Reference Library is a general code base that can be used to build
clients and servers. It contains code for accessing HTTP, FTP, Gopher, News,
WAIS, Telnet servers, and the local file system. Furthermore it provides
modules for parsing, managing and presenting hypertext objects to the user
and a wide spectra of generic programming utilities. The Library is the
basis for many World-Wide Web applications and all the W3C software is build
on top of it. The Library is a required part of all other W3C applications
in this distribution.

1996-03-06T09:29:37+00:00 www/harvest Collect information from all over the Internet
Harvest is a system to collect information and make it searchable
using a Web interface. It can collect information using HTTP, FTP,
NNTP, and local files. Supported formats include HTML, DVI, PS,
fulltext, mail, man pages, news, troff, WordPerfect, C sources, and
many more. Adding support for new formats is easy due to Harvest's
modular design.

1996-03-05T07:46:58+00:00 comms/minicom MS-DOS Telix serial communication program "workalike"
Minicom is a serial communication program. It is a un*x clone of the
well-known MS-DOS Telix program. It has ANSI color, dialing directory,
dial-a-list, script language, file up/download support, screen capture,
scroll-back, etc.

1996-03-03T21:32:35+00:00 security/openssl TLSv1.3 capable SSL and crypto library
The OpenSSL Project is a collaborative effort to develop a robust,
commercial-grade, full-featured, and Open Source toolkit implementing
the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL v3) and Transport Layer Security (TLS v1,
v1.1, v1.2, v1.3) protocols with full-strength cryptography world-wide.
The project is managed by a worldwide community of volunteers that use
the Internet to communicate, plan, and develop the OpenSSL tookit
and its related documentation.

OpenSSL is based on the excellent SSLeay library developed by Eric
A. Young and Tim J. Hudson. The OpenSSL toolkit is licensed under
an Apache-style licence, which basically means that you are free
to get and use it for commercial and non-commercial purposes subject
to some simple license conditions.

1996-03-03T21:32:35+00:00 security/openssl-beta
The OpenSSL Project is a collaborative effort to develop a robust,
commercial-grade, full-featured, and Open Source toolkit implementing
the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL v2/v3) and Transport Layer Security
(TLS v1) protocols with full-strength cryptography world-wide. The
project is managed by a worldwide community of volunteers that use
the Internet to communicate, plan, and develop the OpenSSL tookit
and its related documentation.

OpenSSL is based on the excellent SSLeay library developed by Eric
A. Young and Tim J. Hudson. The OpenSSL toolkit is licensed under
an Apache-style licence, which basically means that you are free
to get and use it for commercial and non-commercial purposes subject
to some simple license conditions.

OpenSSL homepage:

1996-02-29T01:57:44+00:00 sysutils/xcpustate System monitoring utility graphically showing cpu load and status
XCPUSTATE is a system monitor tool. It displays user-, system-,
idle-cputime in the form of a bar chart. On some systems it also
monitors disk performance.

It can also display information about remote hosts using the RSTAT RPC
protocol, as perfmeter does.

1996-02-22T10:21:53+00:00 print/teTeX meta port for teTeX suite
This package does not contain anything by itself. It is a
"meta-port" that depends on other teTeX related packages.
Its sole purpose is to require dependencies so users can install
this package only and have teTeX + dvipsk + xdvik pulled in
by the port/package dependency mechanism.
1996-02-22T10:21:53+00:00 print/teTeX-base Thomas Esser's distribution of TeX & friends (binaries)
teTeX is _the_ TeX distribution for UNIX compatible systems. It
contains the latest versions of TeX & friends and nearly everything
you need for happy TeX'ing. For more information have a look at
the lengthy FEATURES file of the distribution.

teTeX-base contains various utilities including TeX and dviware themselves.

1996-02-10T20:33:09+00:00 graphics/xpdf
Xpdf is a viewer for Portable Document Format (PDF) files. These are
also sometimes also called 'Acrobat' files, from the name of Adobe's
PDF software.

It can also convert PDF input to ps, text, and info formats; and
split out fonts and images.

1996-02-08T04:54:18+00:00 japanese/okphone Conference-calling phone with Japanese support
This is okphone, a conference-calling phone with Japanese support.
Please read /usr/local/share/okphone/Readme.kana on how to read and
write Japanese.
1996-02-01T06:47:42+00:00 japanese/tgif Japanese Resource and Configuration for TGIF
Japanese resource and configuration for TGIF.
1996-01-31T11:12:48+00:00 graphics/tgif Xlib-based two-dimensional drawing tool and hyper-object browser
Tgif is an interactive drawing tool that allows the user to draw and
manipulate objects in the X Window System. It's also a hyper-graphics (or
hyper-structured-graphics) browser on the World-Wide-Web. Its hyper-text
home page is and its hyper-graphics
home page is

Tgif drawings can be converted to a variety of formats, including GIF,
encapsulated PostScript and XBM.

Version 4 has a completely revamped 3-D user interface, as well as a host
of new features.

1996-01-15T10:37:18+00:00 misc/gnuls GNU colorized 'ls'
`gnuls' is a port of the GNU colorized `ls' program--the one most Linux
users are familiar with.

The port installs four programs in `/usr/local/bin': `gnuls', `dir', `vdir'
and `dircolors'. It also installs man pages for all four programs. See the
individual man pages for details on each program.


1. This port modifies the GNU `coreutils' make procedure so that it
installs only programs and man pages listed above. In particular, it
does not install the various GNU info files associated with the

2. This port installs GNU's `ls' as `gnuls' so it won't conflict with the
normal BSD `ls' program or the BSD `colorls' program (the latter
available from the ports collection).

3. This colorized `ls' program is not the same as the `colorls' program
available from the ports collection.
1996-01-15T10:12:32+00:00 textproc/glimpse Text search engine
Glimpse (which stands for GLobal IMPlicit SEarch) is an indexing
and query system that allows you to search through all your
files very quickly. For example, finding 296 lines containing
'whitehouse' in 8750 files occupying 104MB took 6 seconds on a
SUN Sparc 5. Glimpse supports most of agrep's options (agrep is our
powerful version of grep) including approximate matching (e.g.,
finding mis- spelled words), Boolean queries, and even some limited
forms of regular expressions. It is used in the same way, except that
you don't have to specify file names. So, if you are looking for a
needle anywhere in your file system, all you have to do is say
glimpse needle and all lines containing needle will appear preceded
by the file name.

1996-01-12T20:58:39+00:00 graphics/hpscan
This is a HP SCSI scanner driver which uses the FreeBSD 'pt' (Processor
Type) driver. It has been tested on the HP ScanJet 3C and 4A, and was
written for the HP ScanJet IIcx, so I suspect it will work with all newer
HP scanners without modifications.

To install the driver you must add a line to your kernel config file
like the following:
# HP Scanner
device pt0 at scbus?

Next, you'll want to make a link from /dev/pt0 to /dev/scanner for the
driver software.

# cd /dev
# ln -s pto0 scanner

At this point, you should be able to run the scanner program and see

This software is copyright Richard Tobin 1994. It may be freely
redistributed provided the copyright notices are not removed.
1996-01-01T22:57:36+00:00 benchmarks/unixbench BYTE magazine's Public Domain benchmark for UNIX
UnixBench based on the BYTE UNIX Benchmarks v3.

1996-01-01T22:57:36+00:00 benchmarks/bytebench The BYTE magazine benchmark suite
The BYTE benchmark suite tests several aspects of system performance.

An article which describes the concepts and helps understand the results
can be found in the doc directory (/usr/local/lib/bytebench/doc usually.)

This benchmark is quite prominent among Linux users, and there is a patched
version available from some web suite from where results are made available,
Since they offer some results of non-Linux systems for comparison, they might
be interested in FreeBSD reports, too ;-)

Quoting from "README.submittal" of the Linux version of this benchmark suite:
% Please e-mail test results along with platform info to:
% Included CPU info, speed, RAM, and host adapter and bus
% info as well as any special compilation flags.
% See TEMPLATE Below....
% results will be included in the URL:
% Thanks,
% Tim Bass (